Federal Reserve Bulletin August 1925
FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN AUGUST, 1925 ISSUED BY THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD AT WASHINGTON Position of the Reserve Banks at Mid-Year Business Conditions in the United States Report of the Agent General for Reparation Payments WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1925 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD Ex officio members: D. R. CRISSINGER, Governor. EDMUND PLATT, Vice Governor. A. W. MELLON, Secretary of the Treasury, Chairman. ADOLPH G. MILLER. CHARLES S. HAMLIN. J. W. MCINTOSH, GEORGE R. JAMEB. Comptroller of the Currency. EDWARD H. CUNNINGHAM. WALTER L. EDDY, Secretary. WALTER WYATT, General Counsel. J. C. NOELL, Assistant Secretary. WALTER W. STEWART, Director, Division of Research W. M. IMLAY, Fiscal Agent. and Statistics, J. F. HERSON, E. A. GOLDENWEISER, Assistant Director, Division of Chief, Division of Examination, and Chief Federal Research and Statistics. Reserve Examiner. E. L. SMEAD, Chief, Division of BanVOperations. FEDERAL ADVISORY COUNCIL District No. 1 (BOSTON) CHAS. A. MORSS. District No. 2 (NEW YORK) PAUL M. WARBURG, President, District No. 3 (PHILADELPHIA) L. L. RUE. District No. 4 (CLEVELAND) GEORGE A. COULTON. District No. 5 (RICHMOND) JOHN M. MILLER, Jr. District No. 6 (ATLANTA) OSCAR WELLS. District No. 7 (CHICAGO) FRANK O. WETMORE. District No. 8 (ST. LOUIS) BRECKINRIDGE JONES. District No. 9 (MINNEAPOLIS) G. H. PRINCE. District No. 10 (KANSAS CITY) E. F. SWINNEY, Vice President, District No. 11 (DALLAS) W. M. MCGREGOR. District No. 12 (SAN FRANCISCO).-: HENRY S. MCKEE. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OFFICERS OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS Federal Reserve Bank of— Chairman Governor Deputy governor Cashier Boston.
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