Ly 125 Give Hi Sparta Blood. Drive
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- litisvie Rate Canis" President Speaks . JIM MO mire Modest epee* Dismission ef remittent =see- rate nude or avallohle hi the hower's message to Comgrres ea _Goulash, Mamma" ae- the crisis carserealser the Na- erillag to Deli Weiss. sales tieualist held Waage ell the Chi - chairman- Punkas. of the cards rta ly ma coast appears en page t. Dr. amble studeats le mos im to George G. Beasts, preerosse of t.t SAN JOSE STA tidiSitia4 50 rests ea movies at three of menial science sad eilocatioss.will the miaisr Sam Jose theaters. eameraost ea the speed in t.- VoL 42 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1955 No. 73 eserreres Spartaa Applicants For Offices ASB Check 125 Give hi Sparta Blood. Drive Hopefuls' San Jos State College students, faculty members arid on -campus Local Red Cross volunteer workers had to work one end a keit state employes culminated a two-week campus-wide blood drive, hours overtirne to handle the contributors, arid several would-be donors sponsored by the SJS Veterans Club, yesterday in the Student Union had to be turned away. Eligibility by contributing 125 pints of blood. The publicity chairman said that of the 331 pledges received by Don Campbell, Vets Club publicity ctairman, said the drive noon yesterday, 57 were rejected for colds, low blood prow*, anemia, Applicants for student govern- could be termed a "success," and repreplidefive of the Rnd Cross and other reasons. He said thet those who were unable to contriN merit positions now are being said the turn-out was one of the argestt recently encountered. byte yesterday may do so at the Santa Clara Valley Blood Center, or checked through the Registrar's at any one of the succeeding Office and the four classes to de- LITTLE SWAN.. THE HERO sv not aeon termine their eligibility to run in drives on campus. ASB elections Feb. 11. Of the approximately 530 fac- "If this follows the precident at ulty members and stets ernOlcefec previous elections. some of the on campus, I I donations were -re- candidates will be ineligible due ceived; the remaining 114 dona- to grades or lack of attendance tions came from members of the at class meetings," said Stan student body, Conspbell disclosed. Croonquist, Student Court chief The blood will go to the Santa justice. Clete Valley Blood Center, he The 44 applicants are Bruce Bas- said. sett, Al Behr, Dan Douglas, mph- omore president; Larry Conterno, Natalie Fancher, Denny Powers, Juniors Ask Jim Tommy, vice preakient; Eliz- abeth Heath, Barbara Morten. sec- $150 in Loan retary; Bruce Rush. Bob Setnichy, Laura Whitman, treasurer. Ernie Dutra, Bob Linsey, junior For Orchestra president; Don Abinante, Rose- Skits, Songs and Dances "s,y. buddy, can you spa re marie Magnasco. John Marken. Dr. Jay C. Elder, vice-president; Nancy Brueckner. This will he the Junior Class Carole Cardoza, secretary; Bob Dominate Greek Show Retired SJS Dean, plea before the Student Carnal Lush, Torn Rlmerman, treasurer. tomorrow to remedy a case Of Hurnerous skits, songs and dan- awarded first place in the show Disuse Martinses, Marcy Nei- low cash-on -hand. ces will dominate the Morris Dai- lest year for its collegiate styling man female Junior Student Court Dies at Age of 68 ley auditorium stage -Thursday of the song. "A, You're Ador- Since a $200 deposit is required Justice; Rea Dean, Al Fligiserlra, Flags are at half staff today in night as campus fraternities and able." Marilyn Reinstedt, soror- to reserve the Phil Bovero aggre- Hai Morrow, Paul Zimmerman, honor of Dr. Jay C. Elder. former sororities assemble for the sixth ity member, said her sorority gation for the Junior (lass Prom male Junior Student Court *o- dean of instruction at SJS, who annual All-Greek Show. Curtain "Is prepared" to gala another and the class treasui, now totals nce; Asiea Anieral, John Staf- died in his home Sunday at the time for the two and half hour victory in tbe show. a nominal $131.55. a loan of $150 ford, Lea Tayside, sealer Ste- agr.p(68. - arsirsewassi,t-cisist use sesiar Show is scheduled for & .'clock.. - Alike Tau Greeffs, Wet ,--yeerri Sent Comae TIM Dr. Elder. a member of the fac- over. Fourteen and 10 fraternity division winner, also is Jerry Saha:fee. Alder frsternities sor, ulty for 31 years, retired in June Foamy, planning to do it again, accord- *titles will enter skits in this of 1952. after nerving two years PRESHKEN CHOOSE - represeatatios. ing to Richard DeLarnbert, mem- Dick Arlington. George Brown, year's production. as dean of instruction. Jim Blackwell was .niiried over- Kitty Crain, Jeannette Furtado, ?tiny Tarnmer, president of ber. Alt) won in 1954 for its Funeral servittes will be held to- all chairman fbr the winter Pret.h- Merle Marchand, Al Stones, soph- Theta ('hi fraternity, who has movie based on Stephenson's morrow at 2:30 p.m in the Will- Soph mixer Mar. 3, anti six com- omore representative; Kay Collins, organized the drew dere IOW- "Treasure Island." iams Funeral Chapel, 325 E. San- mittee heads were chosen yester- airseuserd Judges ter the af- Barbara Dale, Patty Devitt, fresh- Tamper and Bob Custer, KLOK ta Clara. day by the Freshman Class execu- man half year representative; Jim fair yesterday. President Dr. John T, Wahiquist tive council. Joan Olson is co- disc jockey, will be masters of Blackwell. Karen Lewis, Ted Ter- They are: Dr. Gertrude Covina, ericourages fermulty members to chairman. ceremonies. zakis, freshman full year repre- professor of chemistry and science attend the services if they have SOPHOMORES VOTE NO sentative. education; Dr. Courtaney Brooks, Admission is free a free hour. , . assistant professor of speech; Dean A measure to appoint a tempor- Robert S. Martin, associate dean ary representative to the Student Leader Camp of students; and H. D. Winbigler, Council to replace Celia Cress, e dean of students at Stanford Un- resigned recently _because of con- iversity. APhi0 Receives flicting classes, was voted doe ti Remains Open yesterday in a 15 minute meeting The four minute skits will be by the Sophomore Clogs Council A few reservations are open for Judged on originality, presentation. Spartactunp because of last minute preparation, and adherence to the naN101411 APPOINT J. Bailey, publi- New Subpoena cancellations, B. time limit. Appointments to the senior or- city director for the conference. Trophies will be awarded to the New indictments have been The new subpoenas, issued from ientation committee, membership announced yesterday. first, second, and third place win- the indictments, state a violation committee. senior booklet conurtit- mutt be ners in both the fraternity and brought against Alpha Phi Omega Sign-Ws ate payments of the advertising code set up by tee. and March and June banquet completed in the Graduate Man- sorority divisions. Martin will an- and the sophomore clam for sup- , the Student Activities Board. committee were made by Presi- ager'. Mice by Wednesday un- nounce the victorious organiza- posed Ablations of the campus ad- The first subpoenas issued list dent Pat Spooner ta yesterdays less special arrangunents are tions immediately following the vertising code, according to Don' week in the case charged viola- meeting of the Stater Ohms Coun- made with Miss 'Bailey or Ray last skit. Atkinson. student court prosecu- tion of the ASS cil. Freeman, camp dirbeisr. Algae Cid Omega sorority was ting attorney. by-laws. The court ruled that was not the proper charge and, therefore, dismissed the cage, saying that it would en- Awards Catiiin. Colleges Must Protect Liberalism, tertain a new indictment. The section of the by-laws quot- J ies Keijuest ed in the first subpoena set rides Waldquist Tells Alumni Comic under which the4lAlietras to op- Members of the aimed, rewr- Dr. ote*. and stated smithies con- mittee yesterday ward 7-4 to turn the advertissni es& the Men's Physical Egurs - Aerismile scholars mint be free km Mat it is tereeinktg Swam. fame elf metals areas and de- (*ming down Both cases will be hemrd at to- tion Department request for' 33 to challenge orthodoi beliefs and Deft hdportimat ases am genie clare those sot ef beam& itse morrow's student court meeting at football awards for this years "it would be unfortunate if our fled people bars ma opportaility further exandosties. If w al- ais p.m. in the Student UNION. team. were not the is attend emigre. low She salsolar shortens free- =eaMpurses Reasons for the action. which Is id liberalism" Dr. Jotm "Another major prohleint" Dr. dom to eibelbage orersdesis must hi-approvedStudent T. Widellullit. president of San Wahlguist said, "Is to give the Sofa we awe *meet Mat be.. is Denney Council. were that this year's com- Jose &tato College, told those at- public more confidence in what Mee is time bemay ems. John mittee budget was set on the big terang the dinner of the district goes on in the university or col- with mime aeorthoios meets- _ xis of 30 awards instead of 33 and cossetting" of the American lege. Much of the cimpOt suspicion gloat Loneopme cat that last year tbe P. E. Ostabeil kiat night at Rkkey's and distrust of higher essorstion "These conclusions may not jibe DePorl- John Denny, ASH treasurer was ment. the Awards Committee and Studio Club In Palo Alto. is a new phenomenon, prahaidy a with those of the shMisti or the the Student Council wore agreed on "The Crisis in High- reflectionction of air times.t. board of regents or the cit1sses7 revealed last night on the Dick that 33 world be the limit ,- the president call- It is to be hoped that 'Mod- as a same.