Breaking Myths about Autism through Performance-ba- sed practices. An Exploratory Analysis of the Imagining Autism Approach* Sfatare alcuni miti sull'autismo attraverso le pratiche performative. Un’analisi esplorativa dell’approccio Ima- gining Autism Mabel Giraldo University of Bergamo,
[email protected] Since the Seventies, the encounter between drama/theater/performance and disability has attract- ed a growing interest from both the world of art and theatrical critics and from the sciences of ed- ucation and pedagogy, engendering a fertile research field. In recent years, autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have increasibily been the object and subject of these performative experimenta- tions, riding the wave of popularity that this epidemiology is experiencing at the international level. After a preliminary review of the main approaches using participatory perfomance practices with persons with autism, this work focuses on one of these methods: Imagining Autism. Providing an overview of its history and implementation, the paper explores the use of performance-based ac- tivities and their characteristics as a venue for autism research which might contribute to de-mythol- ogize this condition by challenging well-established stereotypes. KeywordS: Autism Spectrum Disorders, Special Education, Applied Theatre, Performance, Imagining abstract Autism. Revisione sistematica 237 a. meta-analisi; b. Evidence Based Education The present work comes from the participation of the author as practioner at “Imagining Autism” workshops at the “The Aktinson” Study Center in Southport (UK) from 6 to 16 March 2017, promo- ted by the School of Art of the University of Kent. Therefore, I would like to thank Nicola Shau- ghnessy and Melissa Trimingham for sharing materials, ideas and documents.