Dimensions of Faith and Congregational Ministries with Persons with Developmental Disabilities and Their Families
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DIMENSIONS OF FAITH AND CONGREGATIONAL MINISTRIES WITH PERSONS WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES AND THEIR FAMILIES A Bibliography and Address Listing of Resources For Clergy, Laypersons, Families, and Service Providers 2009 Edition: Online PDF Publication Only Updated and Expanded A University Center For Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service DIMENSIONS OF FAITH DIMENSIONS OF FAITH AND CONGREGATIONAL MINISTRIES WITH PERSONS WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES AND THEIR FAMILIES. 2009 EDITION A Bibliography and Address Listing of Resources for Clergy, Laypersons, Families, and Service Providers. This resource guide is produced with the funding assistance of the Administration on Developmental Disabilities, Administration for Children and Families of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The opinions and recommendations expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Boggs Center or the funding sources. The 2009 Edition is partially supported a Faith Community Leadership Grant from the Pennsylvania Council on Developmental Disabilities. Dimensions of Faith is also produced in collaboration with the Religion and Spirituality Division of the AAIDD. This guide is available in PDF format only on The Boggs Center web site. Edited by: Bill Gaventa, Director, Community and Congregational Supports Editorial Assistants Robyn Carroll, Phil Helsel, Dorothy Chou, Virginia Thornburgh, Lorraine Thal, Tom Heuer, Anna Kate Shurley This guide was originally part of a series of resources produced by The Boggs Center through the Community Building Partners Project and its predecessor, Building Community Supports. Other resources include: ON THE ROAD TO COMMUNITY INCLUSION AND ON THE ROAD TO COMMUNITY INCLUSION: IT’S ABOUT TIME! Two collections of real life stories and experiences written by direct support staff working with, and walking with, people with developmental disabilities as they build community connections in New Jersey. 2002. Cost: $5.00 each. BRAIN INJURY: WHEN THE CALL COMES. A CONGREGATIONAL RESOURCE. Booklet developed in collaboration with the Brain Injury Association of New Jersey. 2001. Cost: $5.00 Also available in PDF format on The Boggs Center Web Site. AUTISM AND FAITH: A JOURNEY INTO COMMUNITY. 52 pp. booklet. Produced in collaboration with Autism, New Jersey (formerly COSAC) and The Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation. 2008. Cost: $5.00 Also available in PDF format on The Boggs Center Web Site. The Elizabeth M. Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Department of Pediatrics 335 George Street x P.O. Box 2688 x New Brunswick, NJ 08903-2688 Phone (732) 235-9300 x Fax (732) 235-9330 x E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://rwjms.umdnj.edu/boggscenter 2 DIMENSIONS OF FAITH TABLE OF CONTENTS THESE RESOURCES ARE DIVIDED BY AREAS OF INTEREST AND PROGRAM/MINISTRY. SOME WILL BE LISTED IN MORE THAN ONE AREA. Page I. Worship and Sacraments 5 II. The Arts: Music, Dance, Poetry, Posters, and Photography 14 III. Architectural and Attitudinal Accessibility 22 IV. Mission and Outreach-Inclusive Ministries 27 A. Community Building, Person-Centered Planning, Relationships 40 B. Caregiving and Respite Care 49 C. Residential Ministries and Services 52 D. Self-Advocacy 55 V. Scriptural, Theological, and Ethical Themes and Issues 60 A. Resources from and about the L'Arche Movement 71 B. History 75 VI. Pastoral Care and Counseling 78 A. Grief, Death and Dying 84 B. Sexuality 91 C. Spirituality and Spiritual Assessments 95 VII. Religious Education Guides and Curricula 99 VIII. Adult Education/Study Group Resources 119 IX. Youth Group/Young Adult Resources 125 X. Children’s Awareness Resources 127 XI. Resources and Guides for Families, Parents, and Siblings 136 Of Persons with Developmental Disabilities XII. Biographies, Autobiographies, Fiction, and Other Stories 151 XIII. Suggested Resources for Congregation and Seminary Libraries 168 XIV. Jewish Resources and Organizations 173 XV. Audio-Visual Resources: Videos and Movies 180 XVI. National Faith Group Resource and Consulting Offices 193 XVII. Interfaith Perspectives 199 XVIII. Journals, Magazines and Places to Publish and Present 200 APPENDICES Address Appendix 202 (All addresses of sources listed, except some major national publishing companies, and some where the address is printed with the resource.) Religion and Spirituality Division of the AAIDD Order Form 220 3 DIMENSIONS OF FAITH A GUIDE TO READERS AND USERS OF THIS RESOURCE LISTING 1. Most sections are not organized alphabetically by title or author. Each section is usually organized with the newer resources towards the beginning (the newest are italicized). This list does not include many materials published in the 60's and 70's, although it makes reference to some materials which are "Out-of-Print but Worth Looking For." 2. Prices and Shipping and Handling Fees (S/H) are listed if they were available to the editor but they may not be current. You are advised to check with the publisher or resource office before sending a check or invoice for a particular resource to confirm price and ensure current availability. Contact the Publisher or Resource Office for ordering. The Boggs Center is not a distributor of these resources, unless they are ones we have published. 3. Also, if you discover that any resources are no longer available, or if addresses and phone numbers are not correct, please send that information to [email protected]. 4. If you know of other resources that should be included, also send that information to the Editor. Information about new resources is also published in the Quarterly Newsletter of the Religion and Spirituality Division of the AAIDD. Organizations publishing new resources are also invited to include them in the annual Cooperative Resource Exhibit at the AAIDD National Conference. For more information on the Religion and Spirituality Division of the AAIDD, or to subscribe to the newsletter, see the Information and Order Form in the Appendices or go to: www.aaiddreligion.org. 5. The list attempts to be as ecumenical and interfaith as possible, but most of the resources are from the Christian and Jewish traditions. If you know of other resources which are not listed, please send us that information!! 6. The central focus of this resource listing is ministries with persons with developmental disabilities, but resources related to many other disabilities are included, especially mobility impairments. It is not meant to have comprehensive information related to hearing and visual impairments or psychiatric disability. For that information, contact many of the national faith group resource offices or programs listed in Section XV. 7. Finally, thanks to many colleagues who have provided information for this resource directory and for your newsletters from which much of the information comes. But thanks especially to everyone who has helped produce these resources, the work you put into them, and the stories and experiences from which they come, and the ways they will aid and empower all of us in strengthening inclusive ministries. To add resources, send title, author, two sentence description +ordering info. To Help Us Correct Mistakes To Update Contact the Editor: Bill Gaventa [email protected] 4 DIMENSIONS OF FAITH I. WORSHIP AND SACRAMENTS • Prayer for People Who Can’t Still. William Tenny Brittain. Ten types of kinesthetic prayer that involve the body and senses. Available from Chalice Press. • Bibles in Special Media. This website gives links for finding bibles and other sacred texts in special media- including Braille, audio, and large print. Website address: http://www.loc.gov/nls/reference/circulars/bibles.html • Dear Friend in Heaven: Prayers for Children and Adults. This prayer book contains prayers in various forms in 17 topical areas that can be used by both children and adults, including those with cognitive disabilities. Published by Northwestern Publishing House. To order, please visit http://online.nph.net/cgi-bin/site.pl?10418&productID=386918. • Worship and Devotional Resources in Braille, from Faith Alive Christian Resources. A number of different resources are available, including the Heidelberg Catechism, the Psalter Hymnal, and a number of devotional resources. For more information or to order, please visit www.faithaliveresources.org/disability. • Expressing Faith in Jesus: Church Membership for People with Cognitive Impairments, by Ronald C. Vredeveld. A newly revised book and new resource kit designed to help church leaders and friends with cognitive impairments as they journey through the process of church membership. Published by Friendship Ministries. For more information, please visit www.friendship.org or call 1- 888-866-8966. • Awakening Spiritual Dimensions: Prayer Services with Persons with Severe Disabilities. Fr. William Gillum. Provides tools and opportunities for persons with severe mental and physical disabilities and their caregivers to awaken the spirit of God within them. Available from Author House, 1663 Liberty Drive, Suite 200, Bloomington, IN 47043. 800-839-8640. www. AuthorHouse.com. Web Bookstore price: $23.80. • Noteworthy article on “Participation in Religious Services for People with Developmental Disabilities” by Carol Minton and Richard Dodder, in December 2003 issue of Mental Retardation, one of the journals published by the AAIDD. Vol. 41, No. 6, pp. 430-439. • Impact Newsletter.