Humber River Hospital, ON 2015 Dan Schwalm/HDR Architecture, Inc.

We are Canada’s construction leaders. We look beyond your immediate needs to see the bigger picture, provide solutions, and ensure that we exceed your expectations. PCL is the proud builder of Canada’s landmark projects. Watch us build at Message from Vince Versace, National Managing Editor, ConstructConnect 4 East and West connected by rail 6 On the road: the Trans-Canada Highway – Canada’s main street 21 Chinese workers integral in building Canada’s first megaproject 24 Canada’s most transformational project, the building The CN Tower: Canada’s iconic tower 53 of the Canadian Pacific Railway. From the ground up: building Canada’s parliamentary precinct 56 CanaData Canada’s Economy on Mend, but Don’t Uncork the Champagne Just Yet 14 Fighting the Fiction that Prospects are Nothing but Rosy in Western Canada 26 In Eastern Canada, Quebec is Winning the Accolades 60 Canada’s Top 50 Leaders in Construction 5 Leaders in Construction – Western Canada 28 Leaders in Construction – Eastern Canada 62

Advertisers’ Index 90 Publishers of Daily Commercial News and Journal of Commerce

Construction Record 101-4299 Canada Way 3760 14th Avenue, 6th Floor Burnaby, British Columbia Markham, L3R 3T7 V5G 1H3 Phone: (905) 752-5408 Phone: (604) 433-8164 Fax: (905) 752-5450 Fax: (604) 433-9549 CanaData

Mark Casaletto, President John Richardson, Vice President of Customer Relations Peter Rigakos, Vice President of Sales Marg Edwards, Vice President of Content Alex Carrick, Chief Economist, CanaData Vince Versace, National Managing Editor Mary Kikic, Lead Designer Erich Falkenberg, National Production Manager Kristin Cooper, Manager, Data Operations Copyright © 2017 ConstructConnect™. International Standard Serial Number ISSN 1916-1611 Melinda Rideout, Research Supervisor Right of publication in whole or in part of original The Leaders, Volume 11 construction and engineering items appearing in this magazine is reserved. Vince Versace National Managing Editor, ConstructConnect

The catchphrase “True North strong and free” is synonymous with Canada and the foundation of its strength, coast to coast to coast, can be attributed in many ways to contributions from the construction industry. The year 2017 marks Canada’s 150th anniversary as a nation The CN Tower, standing at its majestic, sky-piercing 1,815 and to celebrate this sesquicentennial the Daily Commercial News feet, becomes commonplace when you are in downtown and the Journal of Commerce generated a special editorial feature Toronto long enough. We decided to look at it closely and con- series called Building Canada 150. This five-part, year-long series, sider the engineering and construction marvel it is. The tower looked at the integral role Canada’s construction industry has would cost roughly $325 million in today’s dollars (accounting played in building the country. From iconic projects to those that for only inflation) to build. The project cost when it opened transformed Canada’s massive landscape, linking communities, in 1976 was $63 million. It contains 40,500 cubic metres of cities and natural wonders, this series was a milestone initiative concrete, almost 5,100 tonnes of steel and employed more than created by ConstructConnect’s two premier heritage construction 1,500 workers during its construction. industry publications. ’s Parliament Buildings and surrounding government This year’s The Leaders 2017 is a commemorative edition precinct is an everlasting symbol of national pride. These build- packed with the most significant stories we generated during ings are a Victorian gothic revival gem that easily stand up against Building Canada 150. On this year’s cover you see a CP train other worldwide national capital buildings. Ground broke on this rolling along a track in a maple leaf. Our top story from the series project in late 1859 on a site situated at the top of a cliff in down- is about building the CPR railroad, Canada’s first true megapro- town Ottawa overlooking the Ottawa River. Today, through the ject, which not only physically linked a young nation but also skills of architects and trades workers, its’ elegant and powerful transformed its prospects for growth and success. beauty is maintained and revived for generations to come. The first of our western section stories in this year’s Leaders is Once again this year’s Leaders also delivers our national, about construction of the Trans-Canada Highway, another trans- eastern and western construction industry forecasts powered formational megaproject which linked communities and stretches by CanaData. These forecasts provide the pivotal intelligence across Canada’s varied and challenging landscape. The ‘Mile 0’ industry stakeholders need in order to operate in Canada’s marker for Canada’s great highway is in Victoria, B.C. The second evolving construction industry landscape. story in this section explores the sacrifice and hard work of thou- In closing, when you look at Canada from a strictly bricks sands of Chinese labourers in helping build the CPR railroad. The and mortar perspective, the vision, determination and skill story of these migrant workers during construction of this first to make this nation a reality is impressive. Our Leaders 2017 vital nationwide link is one well worth commemorating. stories are not just about the legacy these projects left for Cana- Our eastern section in this year’s Leaders is dominated by the dians to celebrate, they are also emblematic of determined con- two most iconic projects, according to our reader polls, that have struction, engineering excellence and nation building. We hope been built in Canada — the CN Tower in Toronto and Ottawa’s you enjoy reading them as much as we did creating them. Parliament Buildings. True North strong and free forever. Happy Birthday Canada. DE A R DE E S A R E S ADER L E S L L

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C NATIONAL ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 5 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N

1 PCL Construction Inc. 26 Maple Reinders Group Ltd. 2 EllisDon Corporation 27 R.W. Tomlinson Ltd. 3 Aecon Group Inc. 28 Dufferin Construction Company 4 Ledcor Group of Companies 29 Melloul-Blamey Construction Inc. 5 SNC-Lavalin Inc. 30 Kenaidan Contracting Ltd. 6 Mattamy Homes Ltd. 31 Nexrock Design Build 7 Carillion Canada Inc. 32 NorLand Limited 8 Graham Group Ltd. 33 Delnor Construction Ltd. 9 Graham Bros. Construction Ltd. 34 Traugott Building Contractors Inc. 10 Kiewit Canada Corp. 35 Polygon Construction Management Ltd. 11 Bird Construction 36 Dawson Wallace Construction Ltd. 12 Flatiron Constructors Canada Ltd. 37 Marco Group of Companies 13 Clark Builders 38 Manshield Construction Group of Companies 14 Stuart Olson Inc. 39 The Conservatory Group 15 Bondfield Construction Company Ltd. 40 Primont Homes 16 EBC Inc. 41 FRAM Building Group 17 Transelec / Common Inc. (TCI) 42 Tricar Developments Inc. 18 Pomerleau Inc. 43 Dexter Construction 19 Reliance Construction Group 44 Wright Construction Western Inc. 20 ITC Construction Group 45 LCL Builds Limited 21 ConDrain Group 46 Tucker HiRise Construction 22 Govan Brown & Associates Limited 47 TEQ Entreprise de Construction Inc. 23 Minto Developments Inc. 48 D. Grant Construction Limited 24 Chandos Construction Ltd. 49 The Daniels Corp. 25 Deltera Inc. 50 Heatherbrae Builders Co. Ltd.

Information was gathered through a comprehensive questionnaire sent to more than 300 construction firms across Canada. Participation in the process was voluntary. *Firms declining to provide revenue information were ranked based upon their associated projects in the ConstructConnect project news database. All other rankings are based on self-reported, 2016 gross revenues from Canadian operations, as verified by company officials. Totals include revenues from all branch operations as supplied to ConstructConnect. To be considered for 2018 rankings, please email [email protected] or call 1-800-387-0213. by DON WALL

t was the megaproject to end all megaprojects. University of Toronto historian Bob IBothwell calls construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) from Ontario to the Pacific Ocean from 1881 to 1885 — 3,100 kilometres of new rails to complete a national system 4,100 kilometres long — “the most important building project in Canada’s history, because it secured Canada’s destiny as a nation spanning the continent, Atlantic to Pacific. The CPR was the sine qua non for completing Canadian confederation.” >> WIKIMEDIA COMMONS (TOP) / HERITAGE SERVICES CPR (BOTTOM) Top Photo: Canadian Pacific Railway syndicate member Donald Smith drives the last spike to join the east and west sections of the railway at Craigellachie, B.C. on Nov. 7, 1885. Directly behind Smith, wearing a top hat, is Sandford Fleming, Canada’s engineer-in-chief, and on Fleming’s right is William Van Horne, CPR general manager. Bottom Photo: Construction crew at Rat Portage (Kenora), Ont., winter of 1881-1882. WE’LL MOVE MOUNTAINS TO EARN YOUR TRUST

LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES CANADA The Mountain Creek Bridge over Beaver Valley at the summit of the Selkirk Mountains in British Columbia was 1,084 feet long and 153 feet high.

Continued from page 6 Who can disagree? It’s also the most mind-boggling in terms “Imagine, when you see the picture of the last spike on the SERVING COMMUNITIES ACROSS ONTARIO of logistics, the most visionary and no doubt one of the greatest CPR, what would have been the feeling of these guys, who had to adventure tales in our nation’s history. go and borrow money in England to build a railway in this vast For over 45 years, the G&L Group has been a valuable part of the neighbourhoods where It’s a story that resonates today with Canadians such as Jim land of ours, where the utilization must have been quite low at the we live, work and play. Through the construction, landscaping and contracting industries, Bot, president of Ontario’s Teranorth Construction, Stephen beginning,” said Chretien in an interview with the Daily Com- the G&L Group proudly provides quality products and services that build communities from Cheasley, president of ’s Exporail, the Canadian Railway mercial News after the 2017 Ontario Roadbuilders’ Association Museum, and Jean Chretien, former prime minister of Canada. conference. the ground up. We’re honoured to be a part of the roads that take you to work, the playgrounds Each seemed to settle into an appreciative reverie in person or Most Canadians know the photograph Chretien is talking your children love and the places you call home. on the phone when asked to contemplate the accomplishment of about. Donald Smith of the CPR syndicate brings a sledge- the Canadian Pacific Railway syndicate and the tens of thousands hammer down on an iron spike at Craigellachie, B.C. on Nov. 7, of labourers, engineers, surveyors and suppliers who built the 1885, ceremonially connecting east with west. Standing behind Trust the G&L Group, Partners in Your Performance. railway. Smith is William Van Horne, the ebullient CPR general manager


SERVING COMMUNITIES ACROSS ONTARIO For over 45 years, the G&L Group has been a valuable part of the neighbourhoods where we live, work and play. Through the construction, landscaping and contracting industries, the G&L Group proudly provides quality products and services that build communities from the ground up. We’re honoured to be a part of the roads that take you to work, the playgrounds your children love and the places you call home.

Trust the G&L Group, Partners in Your Performance. A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T 10 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect NATIONAL C A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N Continued from page 8 hired at the end of 1881 and probably the most important player The group would eventually craft an all-Canadian plan driving the successful completion of the build within its five-year endorsed by Macdonald, deciding on a that would head Certifiably Canadian, time frame. To Van Horne’s left is Sandford Fleming, Canada’s northeast from Lake Nipissing in Ontario, north of Lake Supe- engineer-in-chief, a manager of surveying talent and meticulous rior, through Winnipeg, straight across the Prairies and then contractor approved. estimator who first determined that the cost of a national railway burrowing through the Rockies and Selkirks to Port Moody on would be in the $100-million range. the Pacific. That’s over $200 billion in 2017 dollars, a staggering amount. The federal government gave enormous subsidies of cash and Contract, Commercial, Bot, whose firm does a lot of roadbuilding in northern Ontario land — $25 million and over one-million acres of land in the Prai- where masses of hard Precambrian granite have to be blasted out ries — and other benefits including possession of other sections Developer Surety of the way, talked about crews using primitive hand tools to create already built or under construction. The federal offer ensured that holes where sticks of dynamite would be placed. for 20 years no line would be authorized to run south of the CPR, “The equipment they had to work with, I just imagine how nor within 15 miles of the 49th parallel. difficult that was,” said Bot. “They didn’t have the machines we Chretien knew his history — Stephen visited various European have today. They’ve got to drill all these holes to put the dyna- financial houses before securing essential backing from Paris, mite in, through this rock, maybe two feet in each direction. London and New York financiers in March 1881. And they did that by hand. Sledge- The goal was to complete the trans- hammers and bars. They would continental line within 10 years. It have a bar with a rock drill bit at the took half that. end, must have been some type of Four years after Confederation “The fact that this railway was hardened steel, they start a hole off in 1867, British Columbia joined designed and built in a five-year span by hammering a hole into the rock, is breathtaking,” said Cheasley. turning it as they go, and they keep the federation, with Prime The time frame is even more hammering away until they get a Minister John A. Macdonald remarkable given that 1881 was a hole. It could take days to get a hole. promising to unite B.C. to the washout, with only 160 kilometres “Their engineers, with the avail- of rail built. By the end of the year, it able materials, they built these rest of Canada with a pan- was determined a master railwayman bridges that trains still use today. It’s Canadian railway within a was needed to manage the project amazing.” and the American Van Horne was Cheasley sees it as a technology decade. The project was on. brought in. Tons of supplies began to story. The dawn of the 1800s intro- be stockpiled in Winnipeg. Steel rails duced steam engines that, it was poured in from England and Ger- realized, could be adapted to pull coal cars outside of a mining many along with ties from the spruce forests east of Winnipeg, setting. Soon trains were moving people and goods faster than stone from Stonewall and lumber from Minnesota and Rat Por- ever before. In Canada, the Grand Trunk connected Montreal and tage (Kenora). Toronto in 1859. Van Horne innovations helped push the pace. The goal “All of a sudden politicians now saw this technology could was to find a way, any way, to get track laid so that supply cars Canadian contractors and their brokers are choosing Trisura move people over long distances and basically made the concept could move forward, and often a second crew — called Van of a country from the Atlantic to the Pacific possible,” Cheasley Horne’s flying wing — would be called to improve upon the for their surety solutions. Why? Because it takes a Canadian explained. work as the lead crew moved on. Van Horne also imported a Four years after Confederation in 1867, British Columbia track-laying machine and when it was determined that it cost company to understand the Canadian construction industry. joined the federation, with Prime Minister John A. Macdonald a tenth as much to build trestles as to blast through rock, that promising to unite B.C. to the rest of Canada with a pan-Cana- became the preferred technique where possible. Because a focus on good relationships means a focus on dian railway within a decade. The project was on. Crews flew across the Prairies in 1882. Van Horne boasted Author Pierre Berton, who wrote two books on the CPR, and 500 miles (800 kilometres) would be built that year. At one point good results. Because you are passionately entrepreneurial, Van Horne biographer Walter offer comprehensive takes there were over 10,000 men working to fulfill the boss’s promise. on the build. The national dream foundered that first decade, they Locating parties would do preliminary work, then ploughs and and so are we. write, as Macdonald was tainted by the Pacific Scandal and voted scrapers would lay out swaths 66 feet wide, then came cars filled out of office in 1873. The new Liberal Prime Minister, Alexander with track layers and materials. The tracks were laid on berms Mackenzie, moved haltingly with only a few hundred kilometres four feet high to keep trains above snow level in winter. of tracks laid by the time Macdonald returned to power in 1878. Counting sidings and branch line work, that 1882 goal of 500 Contact your surety broker today. Macdonald and his railways minister Charles Tupper came to miles was met. realize the private sector had to take over the national rail project. The mountains of the west and the rocks of northern Ontario Visit a step above The CPR syndicate was formed including veteran railwaymen and presented challenges different from the Prairies. A pamphlet entrepreneurs James Hill, the aforementioned Donald Smith and issued by supporters of the rival Grand Trunk Railway called the George Stephen among others. region north of Lake Superior “a perfect blank, even on the maps Trisura Guarantee Insurance Company is a Canadian owned and operated Property and Casualty insurance company specializing in niche insurance and surety products. We are a proud supporter of the Insurance Broker’s Association of Canada. Continued on page 13 Certifiably Canadian, contractor approved.

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C A N N A I O C D 201 T C NATIONAL ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 13 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N

Continued from page 10

of Canada.” A sophisticated supply chain was set up with deliv- Biographer Vaughan wrote, the GM was “going like a whirlwind eries coming via ship across Lake Superior. The syndicate built and inspiring every man he met.” three dynamite factories north of Superior to enable constant The driving of the last spike marked the keeping of a promise. blasting. Van Horne’s speech consisted of these words: “All I can say is that Berton wrote that one Ontario rock cut was going to be 700 the work has been well done in every way.” feet long and 30 feet deep, 16 kilometres east of White River in Soon the CPR syndicate had paid back its debt to the federal Ontario. It would have taken a month to do it, so it was decided government and by 1889, earnings for the CPR were over $15 mil- to go over the rocks. The first locomotive slid back attempting lion with profits of $6 million. to ascend so crews had to sand the rails and smooth out track to Keith Creel, the current president and CEO of CP, issued this permit passage. By the time the section had been built to stan- comment when asked about the CPR: “We take pride in our past dard, the end of line had moved on 50 kilometres. and look to the future with the same boldness, ambition and Financing was forever a problem, and Van Horne and his allies innovation that drove the creation of the railway in the first place. reasoned that the sooner the build was complete, the quicker the Throughout 2017 we will join our employees, customers, stake-

enterprise could become profitable. An 1885 completion date holders and Athe country in celebrating CP’s role in connecting A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N O ’ U A 201 I T R became the goal. Van Horne relentlessly drove the crews onward. Canada, thenD andT now.” E N C T IN CO A’ U T R ET IN CO N

LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES CANADA Chinese labourers at work in the mountains of British Columbia on the CPR railroad project.

Author Pierre Berton wrote about the tremendous cost in lives lost due to construction hazards during the CPR build in his two books The National Dream and The Last Spike. One season, 15,000 men were on the job in the northern Ontario section alone with the author documenting numerous incidents of workers maimed and killed due to haphazard blasting practices and other perils. The pay was generally two dollars a day — but half that for Chinese workers imported by Andrew Onderdonk, the contractor building sections of track for the federal government through some of the most dangerous sections of B.C. The Chinese workers, said to be considered more dispensable than whites, were often given the most dangerous jobs and as the University of British Columbia’s Chung Collection website points out, they suffered a terrible price with deaths in rock slides, collapsing tunnels, falls from bridges and the like numbering over 600. A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T 14 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect NATIONAL C A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N

n the past ten years, there have been The contagion spread to Europe and expansion of ‘tight oil’ production in the two defining moments for Canada’s was exacerbated by a government debt U.S. Ieconomy. crisis in Greece that took years to sort Advances in hydraulic fracturing were The first, of course, was the Great out. It has still not been totally resolved, greatly expanding North American fossil Recession. While it had a devastating with civil unrest continuing in opposi- fuel production. (Hydraulic fracturing impact throughout much of the world, tion to belt tightening imposed by for- releases hydrocarbons by drilling hori- its duration and severity in Canada were eign lenders. zontally as well as vertically to break up considerably less than in the U.S. and Canada’s banking system held firm. shale rock through the high-pressure Europe. Canadian housing starts softened, but insertion of water and chemicals) The U.S. decline in gross domestic to nothing like the same degree as in The world price of oil swung from a product (GDP) extended through six America. The Canadian economy was high near $140 USD per barrel to a low quarters, lasting from early 2008 to the sustained by ongoing resource project close to $30. Canada’s oil sector, based mid-point of 2009. Canada’s pullback construction and by a massive infra- mostly in Alberta, but also important was a shorter three quarters, from Q4 structure building program initiated by in Newfoundland/Labrador and Sas- 2008 through Q2 2009. the federal government, in partnership katchewan, sank into a devastating funk. The downturn originated in the with the provinces and municipalities. Major capital spending was placed on financial sector. Debt instruments based The second watershed moment for hold or cancelled. on sub-prime mortgages crumbled. Canada occurred in the summer of 2014, At the same time, other commodity Foreclosures proliferated and a credit when Saudi Arabia abandoned its supply markets crucial for Canada also fell into crunch ensued. U.S. housing starts management role in the pricing of oil. decline. The drop in world trade and the plunged 80% from peak to trough. The Saudi goal was to halt the rapid weakening in prices for raw materials A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C NATIONAL ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 15 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N

undercut one of the chief pillars sup- over-year GDP growth in 2017 will lead The latter ties to an often talked about porting Canada’s growth, mega resource- all industrialized nations. The unem- demographic trend, the aging population. sector construction projects. ployment rate in Canada, currently The post-World War II baby boom gener- Moving into the back half of 2017, it 6.3%, is at its lowest level in nearly a ation, born from the mid-40s through the appears that a corner has finally been decade. mid-60s of last century, has spent a great turned. Not only is world trade begin- With respect to year-over-year net many years on life’s roller coaster. ning to firm up again, which is helping new jobs creation, Canada is presently Canada is fortunate, though, in to lift commodity prices (e.g., the price outpacing the U.S. +2.1% to +1.5%. In having a healthy rate of population of oil has moved up to between $45 and sub-sectors, Canada is leading in ser- increase. A +1.2% per year gain in resi- $50 USD), but the Canadian economy vices (+2.2% versus +1.7%) and manu- dent count is the equivalent of adding has also been embracing alternative facturing (+3.2% versus +0.5%), but is a new city the size of Halifax every 12 spurs to growth, particularly in the high- a stride behind in construction (+1.9% months. The positive implications for tech sphere. versus +2.8%). construction activity can readily be Whereas Canada versus U.S. GDP Worth noting are some other employ- imagined. growth fell far short in 2015 (i.e., +0.9% ment categories where year-over-year If the +1.2% figure can be main- versus +2.6%), then rose to almost par in jobs growth in Canada has been excep- tained, Canada’s total population will 2016 (+1.5% compared with +1.6%), it tional: ‘electronic shopping’ (+13.6%); climb above 40.0 million by 2025. The will bound ahead in 2017 (+2.6% relative ‘computer systems and design services’ country’s present population level is 36.6 to +2.2% if current estimates hold.) (+9.9%); ‘movies, videos and music pro- million. As calculated by the International duction’ (+6.8%); and ‘community care In any given year, between two- Monetary Fund (IMF), Canada’s year- for the elderly’ (+6.0%). thirds and three-quarters of the nation’s

Continued on page 16 A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T 16 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect NATIONAL C A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N Continued from page 15 population increase comes from immi- is +8.3%; Saskatchewan, +13.4%; and ership, particularly for first-time buyers, gration. History has shown that an B.C. +13.1%. There is, however, a way untenable in Vancouver and Toronto. influx of young people is a boon to GDP in which Canada is vulnerable on the And second, to dampen an increasingly growth. The more people there are, the resources trade front. speculative fever, given that interest rates more the consumer spending that occurs. Much of what happens in world are finally marching upwards again. (The U.S., on the other hand, is cur- commodity markets depends on a con- The Bank of Canada’s newly hawkish rently adopting numerous measures that tinuing strong growth performance by stance on interest rates is a double-edged diverge from economic orthodoxy. Plan- China’s economy. Presently, there is no sword. The fact the BOC has enough ning is afoot to cut legal immigration reason to mark down China’s ‘real’ (i.e., confidence in the strength of the Cana- south of the border from one million per adjusted for inflation) GDP growth fore- dian economy to lift yields is a good year to about half that level.) cast of +6.5%. sign. But it’s worrisome that as interest Canada’s economy is on the comeback rates, and especially mortgage rates, trail, but too many uncertainties warn climb again, meeting monthly financial against breaking out the ‘bubbly’ just yet. Canada’s economy is on commitments will become distressingly Most important, there are crucial foreign more difficult for many homeowners. trade issues (e.g., NAFTA; softwood the comeback trail, but Ontario’s housing starts year to date lumber; marketing boards in dairy and too many uncertainties in 2017 are +3.0%, with Toronto at poultry) to be resolved with the new and warn against breaking -2.0%. unpredictable administration in Wash- In non-residential construction, there ington. out the ‘bubbly’ just yet. The retail sector is a corner of the Most important, there are are office building and manufacturing Canadian economy that is doing remark- crucial foreign trade issues projects that will proceed in a normal cyclical manner, as vacancy rates con- ably well. Shopkeeper receipts of +7.3% (e.g., NAFTA; softwood year over year are above and beyond the tinue to tighten and capacity utilization +5.0% that is normally considered com- lumber; marketing boards rates firm up further. With respect to the mendable. Motor vehicle and parts sales in dairy and poultry) latter, the low-valued Canadian dollar are +9.6% year over year. Sales volumes to be resolved with the is providing a boost to production-line of Canadian motor vehicles in dollars and export sales. units have been setting new all-time highs. new and unpredictable Paramount, though, will be the push Several other Canadian retail sub-sec- administration in to upgrade and expand infrastructure. tors have been recording extraordinary Washington. A just-established Infrastructure Bank is year-over-year advances: ‘furniture and being stoked with $35 billion in public home furnishing’ stores, +7.0%; ‘elec- funds in the expectation that this will tronics and appliance’ stores, +11.5%; But a huge build-up in Chinese debt entice the private sector to contribute and ‘building material and garden equip- is a cause for concern longer-term. another $150 billion or so. ment’ suppliers, +17.4%. Rapid increases in indebtedness have, The danger is that the bank will be With Canada being so dependent on at various times, created vulnerabilities co-opted for inappropriate purposes foreign trade, it’s encouraging to see the in other nations that have necessitated (i.e., ‘pork barrel’ politics.) Construction improvement in year-to-date total export serious corrections. industry trade associations have got it sales, +12.6%. The rise is attributable Residential construction in Canada right when they vociferously argue that not only to volume increases, but also to continues to cruise along at a rate of infrastructure spending must go towards price hikes for some raw materials. about 200,000 units (annualized) each projects that will enhance Canadian pro- The boost has been stronger for some month. This is even after Ottawa and ductivity. the provincial governments in B.C. and provinces than for others. For example, Governments should keep in mind in energy product exports, Newfound- Ontario have taken steps to limit demand that having such an objective will carry land and Labrador is +49.5% through — through tighter restrictions on mort- them to a righteous pay-off. Promoting the first half of this year (i.e., relative to gage lending and by making it more growth in Canada’s national output will the first half of last year); Saskatchewan expensive for foreigners to purchase ultimately yield higher tax returns. is +56.3%; and Alberta, +61.1%. Those single-family and condo properties. three provinces are the nation’s head- There have been two intended goals. liners in oil and gas production. First, to put a halt to the kinds of double- Alex Carrick, In ‘metals and minerals’ exports, digit percentage-change price increases Chief Economist, ConstructConnect Quebec is +25.7% year to date; Ontario that were making the cost of home own- Business Development Manager Opportunity – Responsible and a must in securing new projects and clients in all sectors of development and construction, including design build and fi nance.

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© 2017 Viewpoint, Inc. All rights reserved. ON THE ROAD The Trans-Canada Highway: Canada’s main street


lmost 70 years after it was first conceived, the Trans- a modest final report issued by the Minister of Public Works. ACanada Highway remains a historically significant As David W. Monaghan notes in his 2002 book “Canada’s ‘New engineering and construction achievement. At 8,030 kilometres Main Street’: The Trans-Canada Highway as Idea and Reality” a in length, it’s one of the five longest highways on earth, stretching reluctance to celebrate the construction of the road at a national from Victoria, B.C. to St. John’s, N.L. level may simply reflect the recognition that, under Confedera- In typical Canadian fashion, the country seems to have down- tion, roads are a provincial responsibility. On project completion, played the achievement. With construction beginning in 1950, everyone returned to their familiar roles and took responsibility the road was officially completed in 1971, and was marked by for their own section of the road. >> A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T 22 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect THE WEST C A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N Continued from page 21

Although the highway was completed long before he earned The 256-kilometre section of highway along Lake Superior his degree, Donaldson MacLeod has driven its entire length and between Wawa and Sault Ste. Marie was among the most chal- worked on highway maintenance and improvement projects lenging, with 60 per cent of the project forging through new where the roadway passes through Canada’s national parks from ground. Muskeg was the greatest obstacle, with sections ranging 1984 to 2010. In 2014, he prepared a historical report on the high- to 15 metres deep and requiring 25 new bridges to be built. way’s history for the Transportation Association of Canada. “They had to bring in thousands of tonnes of blast rock to He notes that the Canadian Highway Association pushed for create a solid road base,” says MacLeod. “The depth of the muskeg the idea of a national highway as early as 1912, but that the project is misleading. If you have muskeg 10 feet deep, and fill it with didn’t gain real traction until the years following the Second rock, it depresses the bottom of the formation and you have to World War. find another seven feet worth of rock to crest the surface.” “It was a combination of the post-war economic boom and In Saskatchewan, gumbo clay can turn quickly to slippery mud a rapid increase in car ownership that helped to popularize the when soaked. Tonnes of gravel underlayment were required to idea,” he says. Cross-country commerce was also on the minds provide a stable road base. Despite that challenge, Saskatchewan of the Canadian business community, which relied on rail and was the first province to finish its 654-kilometre section of the shorter-run trucking to deliver goods. highway in 1957. The federal government passed “An Act to Encourage and to British Columbia provided the greatest challenges in terms of Assist in the Construction of a Trans-Canada Highway” or the blasting and moving rock, particularly through the Fraser and “Trans-Canada Highway Act” on Dec. 10, 1949, just a few months Kicking Horse Canyons. Completion of the 15-kilometre section after Newfoundland entered Confederation. Under the act, the between the communities of Golden and Field saw the removal federal government would work with the provinces on a cost- sharing agreement to build the highway system. The federal government offered $150 million to a maximum of 50 per cent of the shared costs. Because the national park system At 8,030 kilometres in length, it’s was federally maintained, the government of Canada would take one of the five longest highways on 100 per cent of the cost of building roads through the parks. Each section of the highway was covered under a separate agree- on earth, stretching from ment, with British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Victoria, B.C. to St. John’s, N.L. Ontario and Prince Edward Island signing up first on April 25, 1950, and Quebec the last, agreeing on Oct. 27, 1960. “It was significant that the federal government agreed to take on the cost burden of the sections running through the national of more than two million tonnes of rock and another two million parks,” says MacLeod. “Those sections were considered the most tonnes of soil. difficult of all the projects.” Two distinct projects represented the greatest construction Construction began under the auspices of the Department of challenges. Resources and Development but was picked up by the Depart- The first was the 45-kilometre section through Glacier ment of Public Works (DPW) in September 1953. National Park in B.C. The chosen path through Rogers Pass was “There was a bit of friction in that all of the design, tender the same one originally selected by the Canadian Pacific Railway, calls, contract awards and construction for the provincial sec- which built a rail line there in 1882. However, heavy snows and tions of roadway were the responsibility of the provinces, but avalanches convinced the railway to abandon the route in 1916 they were all subject to review by federal authorities and federal and divert the track through a tunnel. inspectors,” says MacLeod. “There was a lot of back-and-forth on “The Trans-Canada Highway was supposed to be an all-season lane widths, guardrail location, grades, pavement thickness and highway,” says MacLeod. “They couldn’t accept the idea of a funding. The inspectors weren’t so much inspecting the quality highway that might be closed as many as 75 days a year during of the work as inspecting the provinces to make sure that the winter.” money contributed by the federal government was being used in The Avalanche Research Group was formed in 1953 by DPW the right places.” to identify potential avalanche zones, and devise methods to Considering the difficulties of construction and varying condi- protect motorists. The group identified 825 metres of the route tions in each province, the federal government ultimately agreed that could be protected by concrete “avalanche sheds” built across to pick up 90 per cent of the construction tab. the road. It also identified emplacements for military personnel The road covered a wide variety of terrain from province to armed with Howitzers to fire shells into avalanche trigger zones to province, with each section presenting unique construction chal- prevent larger avalanches from occurring. lenges. Some of the highway followed the paths of existing road- “There was a tremendous amount of earthwork done, which ways while other sections involved forging through virgin territory. included the formation of earth diversion dams to divert ava- The three major physical challenges to construction were iden- lanches from the highway, and excavations into the mountainside tified as “muskeg, gumbo and rock.” to retain snow slides,” says MacLeod. Continued on page 23 A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C THE WEST ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 23 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N Continued from page 22

Weather didn’t help construction. In a typical year, the area the general public was its extended construction schedule. Like received 8.5 metres of snow. During the winter of 1953 it received the “last spike” driven into the CPR trans-continental railway, the almost 17. opening day ceremonies represented significant milestones in The other challenging project was the construction of the construction, but not completion. Louis-Hippolyte Lafontaine Bridge–Tunnel, which runs over and The federal government celebrated the opening of the highway under the St. Lawrence River, connecting the Island of Montreal at Rogers Pass, B.C. on Sept. 3, 1962. with the south shore of the river at Longueuil, Que. The 1,391- One of the first people on the new road was A.D. Booth, a metre tunnel section of the project was completed in 1967 and truck driver from Salmon Arm B.C., who transported 264 crates remains one of the largest pre-stressed concrete structures in the of fresh strawberries to . The day trip-would have required world. three days by rail. Seven pre-stressed sections of the tunnel were formed in dry But significant work remained to be done. By 1967, for dock at a casting basin on Ile Charron near the site. Each section example, most of the gravel sections of the highway had been weighed 32,000 tonnes and measured 110 metres long, 37 metres paved. Upon completion of the original project parameters in wide and eight metres high. 1971, the cost of the project stood at $1.4 billion—about $8.9 bil- “A trench had been pre-excavated in the river bed,” says lion in 2017 currency. MacLeod. “Each section was floated into place by barge. Then con- The evolution of the Trans-Canada highway continues as struction assembly teams would build the concrete roadway deck routes are twinned, roads are improved and the highway network and steel reinforcement bars inside each section, being careful is gradually extended. not to capsize that segment. When finished, the barge would float “But the original construction remains a major accomplish- out to the right location and sink that section of the tunnel until ment and a pretty impressive feat of engineering,” says MacLeod. it touched bottom, 24 metres below the surface of the water. This “That achievement often gets lost in the work of modern con- was long before the days of GPS, so positioning of each section was struction. What’s amazing to me is that, despite city bypasses and critical to the successful completion of the project.” extensions, the highway remains pretty much along the same

One of the reasons that the engineering achievement of the route as it was originally laidA out. The engineers and construction A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N O ’ U A 201 I T R Trans-Canada Highway may have slipped beneath the radars of teams built something of lastingD T value.” E N C T IN CO A’ U T R ET IN CO N

Building for Tomorrow

Darwin Construction (Canada) Ltd. 404 – 197 Forester Street, North Vancouver, B.C. V7H 0A6 T: 604.929.7944 F: 604.929.5475 E: [email protected] Chinese workers integral in building Canada’s first megaproject


he Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) is touted as one of At the same time, gold rushes both in Canada and the United Tthe preeminent engineering projects for the then young States brought immigrants from across the globe to the west coast, and developing nation of Canada. The political and economic particularly Chinese migrants, who also left China to escape benefit of linking the nation together by rail came at a heavy and internal strife, famine and natural disasters. But while manpower sometimes fatal price for the Chinese labourers who brought the meant the railway would be built across B.C., it came with a racist railway into being in British Columbia. backlash that in some ways persists to this day. One of the conditions of B.C.’s entry into the Dominion of According to the book “Blood and Sweat over the Railway Canada on July 20, 1871 was a guarantee that the CPR would be Tracks” by Lily Chow, even at the point of calls for tenders being built across it to link the province to the rest of Canada. Though issued, editorials appeared in the Victoria Daily Colonist warning B.C. entered Confederation in 1871, the route for the railroad was Asians would take work away from white labourers, and organi- not determined until 1879. zations such as the Anti-Chinese Association of Victoria met to Continued on page 25 A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C THE WEST ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 25 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N Continued from page 24 pass resolutions insisting no Chinese be allowed to work on the “At the time when the Chinese people were severely mistreated railway. and discriminated against, it was actually the First Peoples who Charles Tupper, then the Minister of Railways, refused to allow came to their aid, supported them, offered them food, shelter and restrictions of labour for the project because he wanted it com- friendship, and I think that relationship is part of history that pleted quickly and economically. people don’t know about,” Kwan said. In 1882, Prime Minister John A. Macdonald stated in Parlia- “This was at a time that indigenous people were also being ment, “It is simply a question of alternatives: Either you must have discriminated against and mistreated, but they found it within this (Chinese) labour or you can’t have the railway.” their heart to offer and extend a hand to help those who were also Though the federal government required the hiring of Chinese being mistreated,” she added. workers, work conditions for these labourers were significantly Chinese workers were also often required to pack up their shel- poorer than for workers with a European background. ters and belongings and mobilize to another worksite in a short “The Chinese-Canadian community building the railroad period of time. certainly were given the worst and most dangerous jobs, the least In her book, Chow notes that while a large number of Chinese amount of pay, and many lives were lost in that process,” Van- workers could move many miles over 24 hours, the same task with couver East MP Jenny Kwan said. Chinese-Canadians were also an equal number of white workers would take a week. discriminated against in other ways, Kwan said, including leprosy Recognition of the mistreatment of Chinese immigrants was a sufferers being put on Darcy Island against their will. drawn-out process, fighting both historical inertia and racist laws “There was wood delivered there once a month so the sick which charged a “head tax” on Chinese immigrants from 1885 to could bury the dead. That’s part of our Canadian history, and it’s 1923 and then restricted immigration from China altogether until pretty appalling if you ask me,” Kwan said. 1947. Chinese-Canadians were also not allowed to own property or In 1989, a monument to Chinese railway workers was erected enter certain professions, she added, and were segregated from in Toronto, but to date a similar monument does not exist in B.C., other communities. though there is a commemorative plaque on the Chinese Cultural “Chinatown was born largely because a lot of clan associations Centre in Vancouver. In 2005, the CPR named an interchange near started to fundraise and build a place where Chinese-Canadians Kamloops, B.C. as the Cheng Interchange in honour of Cheng could live together, socialize, and in some cases work together in Going Butt, one of the labourers who helped build the railroad. the same hub,” Kwan said. Margaret Mitchell, the former MP for Vancouver East, was the The railway work was dangerous and physically demanding, first to ask at the federal level for a redress of the Chinese head requiring drilling through towering mountains in order to build tax in 1984, Kwan said. The then Prime Minister Stephen Harper tunnels. Chinese workers were also not allowed to handle dyna- administration issued an apology and redress in 2006 for the mite and other explosives, but nonetheless fell victim to dynamite descendants of those discriminated against. explosions, rockfalls and landslides that took place without suffi- Kwan participated in writing a motion for a formal apology cient warning. Poor nutrition, crowded living conditions and cold which the B.C. provincial government supported and was unani- winter weather also contributed to sickness and disease, including mously accepted by the legislature. respiratory ailments and scurvy. “I think in that process we both exposed a lot of the discrimi- Chinese and First Nations workers did some of the most natory practices in our history, and also a recognition of war vet-

dangerous work, in the process forming a bond between the two erans, railwayA workers, all the people who really helped build A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N O ’ U A 201 I T R peoples. Canada,”D KwanT said.E N C T IN CO A’ U T R ET IN CO N

CANADIAN MUSEUM OF CIVILIZATION Chinese work gangs, like this one which was working on the Great Northern Railway, circa 1909, played an important role in the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway which ultimately connected Canada when it was completed. A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T 26 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect THE WEST C A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N

ince population growth these days Once in the U.S., it will touch on upper needs greater access to markets beyond is being largely driven by immigra- eastern North Dakota and move through Canada’s borders. The Trump Administra- Stion, it seems that Manitoba is finally Minnesota to Wisconsin. Regulators in tion’s go-ahead for the Keystone XL pipe- being ‘found’ by foreigners. At +1.6%, the Minnesota are examining the impacts of line expansion is highly encouraging, but province has experienced Canada’s fastest potential oil spills on native American there are still hurdles to be overcome with year-over-year increase in residents in the resources. state authorities. country. Saskatchewan’s well-respected Premier, And owners with pipeline proposals A positive pay-off has been the +61.0% Brad Wall, has announced his retirement. to ship oil to Asia and Europe, must first year-to-date climb in housing starts. Win- He’s been a feisty fixture on the Canadian stick handle their way through the opposi- nipeg’s residential groundbreakings are political scene for a decade. The past tion of some other provincial governments +50.0%. couple of years can’t have been fun for (Energy East has just been nixed). Winnipeg is also one of four Canadian him. The province has struggled due to Alberta’s population of 4.3 million cities cited by commercial real estate ana- depressed commodity prices. comprises 12% of Canada’s total. The lysts when they speak about office building Potash companies, which were once province’s share of total ‘architectural, markets around the world that are espe- the darlings of the investor set on the TSX, engineering and related services’ jobs cially buoyant. The other three metros in have thudded back to earth. Their rarefied in Canada — i.e., 41,500 out of a total Canada falling into this upbeat category valuations have crumbled. The hope now 196,000 — has been a considerably are Toronto, Vancouver and Ottawa. is that a newly-merged Potash Corp and higher 21%. A remarkable history of The numero uno signal of ‘buoyancy’ Agrium will be able to seize more market energy-related mega project construction in office markets is a vacancy rate that is control. in the Oil Sands has accounted for the falling. (Calgary and Edmonton have lost a Saskatchewan is, however, enjoying an large community of workers in the design lot of ground on this score.) improvement in its export sales year to professions. Manitoba’s unemployment rate of 5.0% date. Receipts from shipments of energy Alberta’s proportion (21%) of archi- is lowest in the land. Its year-over-year products have soared +56.3%. While not tectural and engineering services job in climb in employment, at +2.1%, is exactly showing improvement to the same stun- Canada is second only to Ontario’s (35%), keeping pace with total Canada. ning degree, ‘metals and minerals’ exports although its lead over Quebec (20%) is The Prairie provinces of Manitoba and are +13.4% and ‘farm products’, +4.2%. slight. It should also be noted that during Saskatchewan are paying close attention to Despite impediments imposed by its the most recent 12 months, the number how Enbridge Energy is faring in a bid to provincial government — i.e., in the form of design services jobs in Alberta has con- win U.S. approval for its $8 billion Line 3 of higher taxes, penalties for carbon emis- tracted by nearly 2,000 in nominal terms, project. This oil pipeline replacement work sions and a scheduled minimum wage hike or by -4.5%. will nearly double capacity from 390,000 — the Alberta economy has been clawing Alberta is finally emerging into the barrels per day to 760,000. its way out of a deep hole. The improve- light, but a string of legacy negatives is Crude will be pumped from Hardisty, ment in oil price, from a low near $30 USD having unfortunate consequences. To Alberta, all the way across Saskatchewan per barrel, to between $45 and $50, has combat the dire situation in hydrocarbon (staying south of Regina), then through been a big help. markets, Edmonton ramped up deficit southwest Manitoba, before it crosses the There’s no escaping the conclusion, spending. The marked increase in the debt border into America. however, that Alberta’s dominant oil patch load has caused S&P to lower the prov- A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C THE WEST ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 27 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N

ince’s credit rating by two rungs, from AA With respect to more conventional B.C. housing starts are currently -4% to A-. energy developments, the NDP cam- year to date, with Vancouver at -13%. There has been quite a turnaround in paigned on a pledge to do all in its power Reminiscent of the way in which Alberta housing starts this year. Year-to- to stop expansion of Kinder Morgan’s Toronto-area homebuying demand date and province-wide, they are +28%. In TransMountain oil pipeline. It is seeking has moved as far afield as Hamilton in Calgary, they are +35% and in Edmonton, ‘intervener’ status as environment-related Ontario, a similar situation has emerged in courtroom hearings proceed in B.C. The +22%. Victoria relative to Vancouver. project has already been green-lighted by In the past year, B.C. has led all prov- While average resale home prices in the federal cabinet. inces in year-over-year jobs creation Another ‘pending’ situation that is Vancouver are currently +2.7% year over (+3.6% versus Canada’s +2.1%), and it has fraught with meaning for B.C.’s construc- year, according the Canadian Real Estate recorded strong earnings growth, both tion industry concerns the Site C hydro- Association (CREA), in Victoria they are hourly (+3.5% versus Canada’s +3.1%) and electric power station and dam on the +14.8%. weekly (+2.5% versus Canada’s +2.0%). Peace River. There are forces working to In the high-tech realm, B.C.’s share It has also rung up a remarkable and derail this multi-billion-dollar investment of total ‘computer systems and design country-leading improvement in retail before it proceeds any further. services’ jobs in Canada is 12%, nearly sales, +9.9% year over year. Naysayers argue that there is no assur- matching the province’s slice of the nation- B.C.’s real GDP growth rate in 2016 was ance the huge additional power capacity wide population pie, at 13%. Over the past +3.7% and it is still expected to beat all will be needed — especially if refrigerating year, such employment in the region has others in 2017, but at a slower +3.0% pace liquefaction plants don’t proceed. Also, risen by 2,200 jobs, or +8.5%. conservation efforts in general are having of output advance. One field in which B.C. really does grab a dramatic effect with respect to electricity Nevertheless, the fact that there are the spotlight, though, is in ‘motion picture spreading pockets of fiction in the asser- demand. and sound recording’ jobs. Its share of tion that B.C.’s prospects are nothing but But much of the U.S. West Coast, which the national total is currently 18%. Only rosy is becoming more apparent. Too has become susceptible to drought, will Ontario, with a surprisingly expansive many speed bumps have been laid along remain an eager customer. Plus, there are 48%, and Quebec, 26%, are doing better. the expressway. the heightened demands on power that will arise as the transition from gas to elec- It should be broadcast, however, that Pro-business Christy Clark has recently tric vehicles intensifies. whereas Canada, Ontario and Quebec been unseated as Premier by the NDP’s There is also the softwood lumber have had year-over-year increases of John Horgan. The new minority govern- dispute to be resolved with a U.S. forestry +6.8%, +6.6% and +1.5% in entertainment ment is dependent on support from the sector that is ready to litigate with minimal jobs, B.C. has managed a bouquet-of- Green Party. provocation. U.S. logging and sawmill roses-worthy +14.8%. The decision by Petronas not to proceed firms can supply only about 70% of U.S. with a super-expensive LNG facility has housing demand. Nevertheless, duties in shattered Ms. Clark’s earlier dream of estab- a range of 20% to 25% have been imposed Alex Carrick, lishing a from-the-ground-up major new on Canadian imports, driving up costs for Chief Economist, ConstructConnect industry in the northwest of the province. U.S. new home buyers. A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T 28 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect THE WEST C A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N Leaders in Construction — Western Canada

Page Company Name Location Website 30 Abalone Construction Services Inc. Edmonton AB 30 Acciona Infrastructure Canada Inc. Vancouver BC 30 Allan Construction Saskatoon SK 30 Amacon Management Services Corp. Vancouver BC 30 AMAN Builders Inc. Sherwood Park AB 30 Arnason Industries Ltd. Winnipeg MB 30 ASL Paving Ltd. Saskatoon SK 31 Assured Developments Ltd. Calgary AB 31 Axiom Builders Inc. Vancouver BC 31 Bockstael Construction Ltd. Winnipeg MB 31 Border Paving Ltd. Red Deer AB 31 Bosa Construction Inc. Vancouver BC 31 Broda Group LP Prince Albert SK 31 CANA Construction Ltd. Calgary AB 32 Carmacks Enterprises Ltd. Nisku AB 32 Cavan Contractors Ltd. Edmonton AB

A 32 Centron Group of Companies Calgary AB A A

C C A A N N N N O A I O C  A D 201 TI C  D 201 T A C C A A’ U N T R T E 32N O E T I N CO N Chandos Construction Ltd. Edmonton AB A T O I N C C A 201 I O A D 201 T A N DA A C N O A’ U A 201 I O ’ T R A D T E T O N T A DA C T IN CO A’ R U T R ET IN CO N IN

C A N N A I O C  D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R E 32N O T I N CO N Clark Builders Edmonton AB C A I D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 33 Commonwealth Construction Company Ltd. Burnaby BC 33 Concord Projects Ltd. Winnipeg MB 33 Cressey Development Group Vancouver BC

A 33 Darwin Construction (Canada) Ltd. North Vancouver BC A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R N  E T O N 33 C Dawson Wallace Construction Ltd. Edmonton AB I N C A I O 201 T A N D C N A U 201 I O ’ R A T E T DA C T IN CO N ’ R U E N T T IN CO A 33 Degelder Group Vancouver BC A A

C A N N A I O C  D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R E 34N O T I N CO N Delnor Construction Ltd. Edmonton AB C A I D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 34 Devitt & Forand Contractors Inc. Calgary AB 34 Durwest Construction Management Ltd. Victoria BC 34 DW Builders Kamloops BC 34 E. Construction Ltd. Edmonton AB 34 Elan Construction Ltd. Calgary AB 35 Emcon Services Inc. Merritt BC 36 Farmer Construction Ltd. Victoria BC

A 36 Fillmore Construction Edmonton AB A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R E 36 N O T I N CO N Flatiron Constructors Canada Ltd. Richmond BC C A I D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 36 Fluor Canada Ltd. Calgary AB

A 36 FWS Group of Companies Winnipeg MB A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R 37N E N Graham Group Ltd. Calgary AB  T O I N C C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET CO N IN A 37 Greyback Construction Ltd. Penticton BC A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R 37 N E T I CO N Heatherbrae Builders Co. Ltd. Richmond BC N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 37 Hopewell Development Corp. Calgary AB

A 37 Intracorp Projects Ltd. Vancouver BC A A

C A N N A I O C  D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R 38N E T CO N ITC Construction Group Vancouver BC I N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 38 Jen-Col Construction Ltd. Stony Plain AB

A 38 JJM Construction Ltd. Delta BC A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R 38N E T N Kiewit Canada Corp. Calgary AB  O I N C C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 38 Kinetic Construction Ltd. Victoria BC 38 Knappett Projects Inc. Victoria BC 39 Krawford Construction (2011) Inc. Edmonton AB

A 39 Lark Group Surrey BC A A

C A N N A I O C  D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R E 39N O T I N CO N Ledcor Group of Companies Vancouver BC C A I 201 T A N D C N A U 201 I O ’ R A T E T DA C T IN CO N ’ R U E N T T IN CO A A A

Leaders in Construction — Western Canada is based on the most active general contractors, October 2016 to October 2017, as defined by information contained in ConstructConnect, Canada’s

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U Top 50 2017 List N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O 201 T A N D C N A U 201 O ’ A I T R database. Supplementary information was gathered through a comprehensive questionnaire sent to more than 300 construction firms across Canada. Participation in the survey processD C T was voluntary.E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N    Change from Gross revenues reported in questionnaire responses are included in the listings. In the absence of a response to the questionnaire, a profile was created using ConstructConnect, Canada’s project news 2016 list data. To be included in the distribution of the questionnaire for the 2018 edition of Leaders, please email [email protected] or call 1-800-387-0213. A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C THE WEST ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 29 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N Leaders in Construction — Western Canada

Page Company Name Location Website A 40 Ledingham McAllister Vancouver BC A A

C A N N A I O C  D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R 40N E N Manshield Construction Group of Companies Winnipeg MB T I N CO C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 40 Maple Leaf Construction Ltd. Winnipeg MB 40 Marcon Construction Ltd. Langley BC 40 Mark Ten Developments Ltd Vancouver BC 40 Marshall-Lee Construction Corp. Spruce Grove AB 41 Metro-Can Construction Surrey BC 41 Morsky Group of Companies Regina SK 42 NCV Industrial Inc. Yellowknife NT

A 42 Nelson River Construction Inc. Winnipeg MB A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R 42 N E NorLand Limited Burnaby BC T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 42 Norson Construction LLP North Vancouver BC 42 Onni Group Vancouver BC 42 Optimus Building Corp. Calgary AB 43 Panther Constructors Ltd. Vancouver BC

A 43 Parkwest Projects Ltd. Springfield MB A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A  ’ U N T R E 43 N O T I N CO N PCL Construction Edmonton AB C A I D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 43 Peak Construction Group of Companies Surrey BC

A 43 Penn-Co Construction Canada (2003) Ltd. Blumenort MB A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R 44 N E Polygon Construction Management Ltd. Vancouver BC  T O N I N C C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 44 Pre-Con Builders Oak Bluff MB 44 Preview Builders International Inc. Chilliwack BC 44 Procon Mining & Tunnelling Ltd. Burnaby BC 44 Quantum Properties Inc. Abbotsford BC 44 Quorex Construction Services Ltd. Saskatoon SK 44 RAM Construction Inc. Delta BC 45 Scott Builders Inc. Red Deer AB 45 Scott Construction Group Burnaby BC 45 Solterra Group of Companies Delta BC 45 Standard General Inc. (Edmonton) St. Albert AB 46 Standard General Inc. (Calgary) Calgary AB

A 46 Statesman Group of Companies Calgary AB A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A  ’ U N T R E 46 N O T I N CO N Stuart Olson Inc. Calgary AB C A I D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 46 Tiki International Inc. Calgary AB 46 Trotter & Morton Technical Services Ltd. Calgary AB 47 TTM Resources Inc. Vancouver BC 47 Unitech Construction Management Ltd. Delta BC 47 UPA Construction Group Burnaby BC 47 VanMar Constructors Inc. Abbotsford BC 47 VCM Construction Ltd. Saskatoon SK 47 Ventana Construction Corp. Burnaby BC 48 Voice Construction Ltd. Edmonton AB 48 Wales McLelland Construction Richmond BC 48 Ward Bros. Construction Ltd. Lethbridge AB 48 Westbank Projects Corp. Vancouver BC 48 Western Industrial Contractors Ltd. Prince George BC 48 Westridge Construction Ltd. Regina SK 49 WF Botkin Construction Ltd. Regina SK 49 Wilco Contractors Northwest Inc. Edmonton AB

A 49 WorleyParsons Canada Services Ltd. Calgary AB A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R 49 N E N Wright Construction Western Inc. Saskatoon SK  T O I N C C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 49 Yellowridge Construction Ltd. Port Moody BC


Leaders in Construction — Western Canada is based on the most active general contractors, October 2016 to October 2017, as defined by information contained in ConstructConnect, Canada’s

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U Top 50 2017 List N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O 201 T A N D C N A U 201 O ’ A I T R database. Supplementary information was gathered through a comprehensive questionnaire sent to more than 300 construction firms across Canada. Participation in the survey processD C T was voluntary.E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N    Change from Gross revenues reported in questionnaire responses are included in the listings. In the absence of a response to the questionnaire, a profile was created using ConstructConnect, Canada’s project news 2016 list data. To be included in the distribution of the questionnaire for the 2018 edition of Leaders, please email [email protected] or call 1-800-387-0213. A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T 30 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect THE WEST C A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R Business Development (Acciona Major Projects: Hwy 27 Roadwork, hospitals;ET IN CO N recreation centres; hotels; A Energy); Mark Mulvihill, VP, Business Aberdeen SK; Waskesiu Marina Dock, offices; residential condominiums; Development; Keyla Jimenez, Waskesiu Lake SK; Greenwater warehouses; commercial building ABALONE CONSTRUCTION Business Development Manager Lake Provincial Park Water System, and auto dealerships. Projects vary SERVICES INC. Area of Expertise: P3’s, construction Saskatoon SK; SSNPCBL Reach 3 in value from $2 million to $125 Head Office: of civil works and institutional Concrete Check Structure, Allan SK. million. Aman is currently a member 15531 131 Ave buildings. of Built Green and Canada Green Edmonton AB T5V 0A4 Corporate Profile: ACCIONA is a AMACON MANAGEMENT Building and has a LEED accredited Tel: 780-451-3681 global leader in sustainable solutions SERVICES CORP. professional on staff. Fax: 780-452-1406 for infrastructure and renewable Major Projects: St. Joseph Head Office: Email: admin@abalone-construction. energy projects. Its expertise covers Replacement School, Whitecourt AB. 500-856 Homer St com the entire value chain from research Vancouver BC V6B 2W5 Web: and development and design to Tel: 604-602-7700 ARNASON INDUSTRIES LTD. Date of Incorporation: 1983 the construction, operation and Fax: 604-602-7110 Nature of Ownership: Private maintenance of projects. Acciona is Head Office: Email: [email protected] Key Personnel: present in more than 30 countries, 9094E PTH 101 NSR, Rosser Web: Terry Chalupa, President and CEO; where its business activities seek Winnipeg MB R3C 2E6 Branch Office: Toronto, ON; Randy Chalupa, VP; Dennis Lawson, to contribute to the economic and Tel: 204-633-2567 Grandin, AB. VP, Industrial; Trevor Wiebe, Manager, social progress of the communities Fax: 204-694-5622 Date of Incorporation: 1959 HSE; Doug Goertz, Controller and in which it operates. ACCIONA aims Email: [email protected] Nature of Ownership: Private Office Manager Web: to lead the transition to a low- Key Personnel: Area of Expertise: Industrial, Date of Incorporation: 1976 carbon economy by investing in Donato De Cotiis, VP and Principal; commercial and civil construction. innovation and adopting processes Nature of Ownership: Private Teresa Sutherland, Principal; Lilliana Key Personnel: Corporate Profile: Abalone and quality standards that optimise De Cotiis, Principal; Luca De Cotiis, Construction is part of the Abalone the use of resources and protect Brett Arnason, President; Barry Principal; Marcello De Cotiis, Arnason, VP Construction Group of Companies, the environment in all its business President; Bob Cabral, COO which has the ability to work on activities. Area of Expertise: Sewers, Area of Expertise: High-rise watermains, water treatment plants union and non-union job sites as Major Projects: Lions Gate residential and commercial and related structures construction. required. The company has a wide Secondary Wastewater Treatment development. Corporate Profile: Arnason Industries scope of experience in all aspects of Plant Project, North Vancouver BC. Corporate Profile: Amacon is one Ltd. is a family-owned business that dirt moving, excavating and hauling, of Canada’s foremost real estate delivers engineering construction whether it is from the fine art to development, construction and ALLAN CONSTRUCTION services throughout Manitoba. landscaping and grading of a golf property management firms. The Head Office: Major Projects: Island Lake Airport course to industrial earth moving. firm controls all aspects of the 317 103 St E Equipment Storage Shed, Island Lake Abalone is an environmentally development process including; Saskatoon SK S7N 1Y9 MB; Melita Water Treatment Plant friendly company and is committed site acquisition; project design and Tel: 306-477-5520 Pump, Melita MB. to providing environmentally friendly development; construction; customer service. The firm does its own Fax: 306-477-5521 Email: [email protected] service and marketing and sales. estimating and bidding with its own Major Projects: The Dawson ASL PAVING LTD. personnel doing the pre-tender Web: Mixed-Use Development, Burnaby Head Office: site inspections, take-off from the Date of Incorporation: 1992 BC; Glenlyon Parkway Mixed-Use 1840 Ontario Ave engineered drawings and bidding Nature of Ownership: Private Development, Burnaby BC. Saskatoon SK S7K 1T4 proposals. Key Personnel: Monte Allan, President Tel: 306-652-5525 Major Projects: 56th Avenue Sewer Fax: 306-665-0087 Trestle, Edmonton AB. Area of Expertise: Commercial, AMAN BUILDERS INC. industrial and heavy civil. Head Office: Email: [email protected] Corporate Profile: Holding a 244-2301 Premier Way Web: ACCIONA INFRASTRUCTURE Certificate of Recognition (COR) from Sherwood Park AB T8H 2C1 Branch Office: Lloydminster, SK; CANADA INC. the Saskatchewan Construction Tel: 780-449-5825 Regina, SK. Head Office: Safety Association, Allan Construction Fax: 780-467-3513 Date of Incorporation: 1950 2000-595 Burrard St is a safety certified general contractor Email: [email protected] Nature of Ownership: Private Vancouver BC V7X 1J1 serving the Prairie provinces. Web: Key Personnel: Tel: 604-622-6550 The company is a leader in many Branch Office: Calgary, AB. David Paslawski, President; James Fax: 604-687-6088 different aspects of the industrial, Date of Incorporation: 1985 Fraser, VP; Bill Kruining, GM, Email: [email protected] commercial, institutional and Nature of Ownership: Private Lloydminster; Zenon Lysak, GM, Web: residential construction industries, Key Personnel: Regina; Drew Mitchell, GM, Saskatoon Branch Office: Vancouver, BC; including green construction. Its Shiraz Jiwani, Founder; Faizal Jiwani, Area of Expertise: Road construction, Calgary, AB; Toronto, ON; team of Gold Seal-accredited project President; Matthew Pike, Controller; commercial, industrial paving, Montreal, QC. managers, journeyman carpenters Tyson Hippe, VP refinery and heavy equipment. Date of Incorporation: 2003 and equipment operators handle all Area of Expertise: Institutional, Corporate Profile: ASL Paving Nature of Ownership: Public elements of design-build, project commercial and light industrial. Ltd. provides road building and Key Personnel: management, pre-engineered Corporate Profile: Aman commercial paving services to Darren Sokoloski, President and buildings, concrete forming Builders Inc is a local leader in cities, towns and government Country Director; Pablo Alvarez, and finishing, excavations and general contracting, construction agencies across Saskatchewan, Country Director (Acciona Service); earthmoving, pipeline installation, management and design-build with a focus on commercial paving Gonzalo Mengotti, Managing Director, electrical service corridors and services for a wide variety of projects, work. Its services include: urban Concessions; David Hermans, Director, municipal waterworks. including: educational projects; and rural municipality roads and A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C THE WEST ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 31 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N streets; commercial paving (housing Fax: 604-433-5717 Major Projects: Holy Family Personal Major Projects: The Creek Buildings subdivisions, parking lots, access Email: [email protected] Care Home, Winnipeg MB; Minnedosa 3 and 4, Vancouver BC; Voda roads, manufacturing plants, school Web: Regional Event Centre, Minnedosa Condominium, Vancouver BC; lots, etc.); concrete (curbs, sidewalks Branch Office: Calgary, AB. MB; Westgate Mennonite Collegiate, Safeway, Coquitlam BC. and islands); site preparation Date of Incorporation: 1995 Winnipeg MB; Brandon University (earthwork, sewers and utilities); Nature of Ownership: Private Student Family Housing, Brandon MB; BRODA GROUP LP inspections; maintenance; and Key Personnel: St Boniface Cathedral, Winnipeg MB. Head Office: repairs. ASL Paving also supplies Mike McDonough, VP 4271 5 Ave E asphalt hotmix, asphalt coldmix, Area of Expertise: Residential, Prince Albert SK S6V 7V6 recycled asphalt products and commercial and institutional BORDER PAVING LTD. Tel: 306-764-5337 specialty aggregate to its commercial construction. Head Office: Fax: 306-763-5788 and industrial customers. The firm Corporate Profile: Axiom Builders, a 6711-Golden West Ave Email: [email protected] has four hot mix asphalt plants general contractor and construction Red Deer AB T4P 1A7 Web: located throughout Saskatchewan. manager, provides large scale Tel: 403-343-1177 Date of Incorporation: 1967 Major Projects: Township Road residential and commercial Fax: 403-346-9690 Nature of Ownership: Private 494, Maidstone SK; 2016 West construction, as well as special Email: [email protected] Key Personnel: Resurfacing and UTO, Saskatoon SK; projects related services. To best Web: Gord Broda, President 2016 Street Improvement Program, serve their clients they have well Branch Office: Stony Plain, AB; Area of Expertise: Railroad ballast Lloydminster SK; 2016 Collector established offices in both Vancouver, Camrose, AB; Hinton, AB. production, drilling and blasting, Road Resurfacing, Saskatoon BC and Calgary, AB. Date of Incorporation: 1955 rock and gravel crushing, aggregate SK; Wanuskewin Road, 51 Street Major Projects: RiverSky Nature of Ownership: Private processing, quarry and open pit and Diefenbaker Drive, 22 Street Condominium West and East Towers, Key Personnel: mine work. Intersection, Saskatoon SK. New Westminster BC; Park Point Vic Walls, CEO Corporate Profile: The Broda Condominium, Phase One, Calgary Construction Group is a heavy ASSURED DEVELOPMENTS LTD. AB; Thurlow and Pendrell/Central Area of Expertise: Highways, commercial, industrial, recreational & construction company, holding Gold Head Office: Presbyterian Church, Vancouver BC. Seal certification achievements. residential. 2028-10 St NW It specializes in four main areas: Corporate Profile: Border Paving Calgary AB T2M 3M2 aggregate processing, earthwork, B Ltd., a family-owned and managed Tel: 403-282-7120 civil construction and concrete Fax: 403-282-4080 company, provides asphalt paving production. Its geographic markets Email: [email protected] BOCKSTAEL CONSTRUCTION LTD. services in Alberta. The company also currently range from British Web: Head Office: has a highway division, as well as a Columbia to Ontario. The major Date of Incorporation: 1987 200-100 Paquin Rd fleet of over 100 trucks. clients for the aggregate processing Nature of Ownership: Private Winnipeg MB R2J 3V4 Major Projects: Roadwork, Edmonton side consist of supply agreements Key Personnel: Tel: 204-233-7135 AB; Hwy 587, Sundre AB; Roadwork, for the production of ballast for major Eugene W Fabro, President and CEO; Fax: 204-231-0979 Innisfree AB; Roadwork, Camrose Canadian railways, CP Rail and CN Ashif Dhalla, VP and CFO Email: [email protected] AB; Lakeshore Drive Phase 5 and 6, Rail. In addition, Broda services Area of Expertise: Multi-family, Web: Sylvan Lake AB. both the private and public sector, single family and recreational Date of Incorporation: 1912 producing more than three million properties. Nature of Ownership: Private tonnes of aggregate per year. The Corporate Profile: Assured Key Personnel: BOSA CONSTRUCTION INC. earthwork operation operates in Developments focuses on three John Bockstael, President and Head Office: Saskatchewan and Alberta, and has key market segments in Alberta: CEO; Dan Bockstael, Director, Pre- 1001-838 W Hastings St the capacity to move more than single-family homes, multi-family construction; Nick Bockstael, Director, Vancouver BC V6C 0A6 five million cubic metres of material residences and recreational Project Delivery; Carmine Militano, Tel: 604-299-1363 per year. Its rock blasting division properties. Projects include single- Sr. VP Fax: 604-299-6460 blasts, excavates and hauls in family homes in some of Calgary’s Area of Expertise: Institutional, Email: [email protected] excess of three million cubic metres most prestigious new communities, commercial and industrial sectors. Web: of material per year. The concrete the revitalization of some of Corporate Profile: Bockstael division serves a local market in Calgary’s oldest communities with Date of Incorporation: 1988 Construction, a third-generation, Nature of Ownership: Private Saskatchewan, producing 5,000 to the development of in-fill houses family-owned business, provides 10,000 cubic metres per year. and townhomes, Three Sisters Key Personnel: general contracting, construction Robert Bosa, President Mountain Village and Blackstone management and design-build Mountain Lodge in Canmore. Assured Area of Expertise: Residential services to industrial, commercial, C Developments commits itself to towers, commercial complexes, office healthcare and institutional sectors developing exceptional living spaces towers, hotels and institutional. mainly in Manitoba. Its trained team CANA CONSTRUCTION LTD. and environmentally responsible Corporate Profile: Bosa Construction, in green building technology includes Head Office: design by using built green a general contracting and formwork LEED accredited professionals. The 5720-4th St SE technologies. technical expertise of the staff and its company, serves select clients with Calgary AB T2H 1K7 ability to provide self-performed field projects based in the Vancouver area. Tel: 403-255-5521 AXIOM BUILDERS INC. services in concrete work, carpentry Bosa Construction’s major projects Fax: 403-259-4004 Head Office: and selective demolition allow the include the completion of hotels, Email: [email protected] 1100-838 W Hastings company to deliver better control residential high-rises, theaters, Web: Vancouver BC V6C 0A6 of the schedule and higher quality mixed-use developments, and Date of Incorporation: 1942 Tel: 604-433-5711 standard to its clients. commercial buildings. Nature of Ownership: Private A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T 32 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect THE WEST C A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R Key Personnel: years has varied from small asphalt Corporate Profile: Centron Group VancouverET IN CO N and has worked all John Simpson, Chairman, Owner repairs in earlier times, to today’s of Companies is a leading western across Canada. and CEO; Fabrizio Carinelli, contracts of multi-million dollar value Canada contractor and developer Major Projects: Ross Sheppard President; Shawn Belecki, COO; with parallel degrees of complexity. of prime commercial, industrial and School; SAIT John Ware Building and Christie Simpson, VP; Kim Connell, Work undertaken varies from small, multi-family real estate. Interior Updates; WSP Re-Imagine VP, Construction Strategies; Roger short term jobs to P3 contract/ Major Projects: Place Ten Towers, Envelope; GEF Senior Housing Sakaw Boscher, VP, Finance maintenance projects which extend Calgary, AB; SAIT Crane Program Terrace; Yorkville Avenue Retail; Area of Expertise: Commercial and Building, Calgary, AB; Eagle Ridge over 30 years. College of the Rockies Trades Family industrial. Major Projects: Cold Milling, Asphalt Shopping Centre, Fort McMurray, Expansion; Destination HONDA; Corporate Profile: Family-owned Concrete Pavement and Other Works, AB; Comox Mall, Comox, BC; Village Century Mile Racetrack and Casino; and operated, the Cana Group Lamont AB; Highway 15 Surfacing, Centre Amenity Building, Calgary, AB; of Companies is comprised Regina SK; Highway 102, La Ronge Westman Village Senior’s Building, Strathcona-Tweedsmur School; The of Cana Construction, Cana SK; Precast Concrete Girder Bridge Calgary, AB; Chinook 58 Office Park, Botanica. Utilities (infrastructure and utility and Other Works, Edmonton AB; Calgary, AB; Accessibility Housing construction), Cana High Voltage and Roadwork, Bridges, Bienfait SK. Residences, Calgary, AB; Hull CLARK BUILDERS Shepard Development Corporation Services PTP Building, Calgary, AB; Head Office: (commercial, retail and industrial Catalyst Luxury Apartment Building, CAVAN CONTRACTORS LTD. 4703 52 Ave NW land development). In addition to Calgary, AB. construction management, Cana Head Office: Edmonton AB T6B 3R6 Construction has the versatility to 3722 91 St Tel: 780-395-3300 CHANDOS CONSTRUCTION LTD. provide services under stipulated Edmonton AB T6E 5M3 Fax: 780-395-3545 lump-sum contracts, fixed-fee Tel: 780-462-5311 Head Office: Email: [email protected] contracts, design-build services Fax: 780-461-3293 9604 - 20 Ave NW Web: and project management services. Email: [email protected] Edmonton AB T6N 1G1 Branch Office: Calgary, AB; Some of Alberta’s major construction Web: Tel: 780-436-8617 Yellowknife, NT; Saskatoon, SK. Fax: 780-436-1797 projects are part of the company’s Date of Incorporation: 1970 Date of Incorporation: 1974 Email: [email protected] portfolio including the Saddledome, Nature of Ownership: Private Nature of Ownership: Private Key Personnel: Web: the Rockyview Hospital and the Key Personnel: Cal Phare, President Branch Office: Calgary, AB; Red Deer, Calgary Court Centre. The Cana Group Paul Verhesen, President and CEO; Area of Expertise: Institutional and AB; Vancouver, BC. of Companies became a platinum Marc Timberman, CFO; Jamey Singh, commercial. Date of Incorporation: 1980 member of the 50 Best Managed COO Companies in Canada in 2008. Corporate Profile: Cavan Nature of Ownership: Private Contractors Ltd. is a general Key Personnel: Area of Expertise: Institutional, contractor performing in general Tom Redl, CEO; Roger Babichuk, CFO; industrial, commercial, light CARMACKS ENTERPRISES LTD. contracting, design-build and Tim Coldwell, Managing Director, industrial, multi-tenant residential, Head Office: construction management throughout Edmonton; Sean Penn, Managing recreational and metals. 701-25 Ave Alberta, Northwest Territories Director, Calgary; Denis Desmarais, Corporate Profile: Clark Builders Nisku AB T9E 0C1 and Saskatchewan. Key projects COO; Mike Coyne, EVP is one of Western Canada’s leading Tel: 780-955-5545 include the World Student Games Gross Revenue: $ 341 mil construction management firms Fax: 780-955-1768 facilities, the hospital replacement Area of Expertise: Lean/IPD providing construction management, Email: [email protected] program in Alberta and the School contracting, sustainable construction, design-build, stipulated price, collaborative projects, building Web: Modernizations and Upgrading in the construction advice, metal division Branch Office: Calgary, AB; information modelling, complex province of Alberta. and logistics services. The company Edmonton, AB; Fort McMurray, AB. projects, occupied spaces, design- builds commercial, high-rise Date of Incorporation: 1974 build, construction management and Nature of Ownership: Private CENTRON GROUP OF COMPANIES general contracting. residential, institutional, recreational, Key Personnel: Head Office: Corporate Profile: Chandos industrial and engineering structures Keith James, President 104 8826 Blackfoot Trail SE Construction Ltd. is a 100% primarily in Western and Northern Area of Expertise: Highway Calgary AB T2J 3J1 employee owned company which Canada, as well as China, Russia, construction and maintenance, Tel: 403-252-1120 provides construction management, Japan and the United States. Its industrial site construction, bridge Fax: 403-255-8525 IPD, design-build, and general operations range from $200,000 construction, repair and maintenance, Email: [email protected] contracting services. This Alberta- institutional, commercial or industrial municipal construction, aggregate Web: based contractor also offers renovations to projects up to and supply, heavy civil projects. Date of Incorporation: 1984 pre-construction services that beyond $200 million. The company Corporate Profile: Since 1974, Nature of Ownership: Private cover: due diligence, conceptual is recognized as one of the 50 Best the Carmacks organization has Key Personnel: budgeting, design procurement, Employers in Canada and ranked Bob Harris, CEO; Cole Harris, grown from a small municipal environmental assessments, cost among Canada’s 50 Best Managed road contractor to a multi-faceted President and COO; Wayne Benz, pro-formas, energy modeling, Companies. general, civil construction service and President, Centron Construction Group; site infrastructure and servicing, Major Projects: Stanton Territorial highway maintenance organization Don Avant, VP and CFO; Richard and tenant coordination. Chandos handling all aspects of heavy civil Heine, P. Eng., EVP; Michael Anderson, manages a wide range of projects: Hospital, Yellowknife NT; NAIT Centre construction, operating throughout Sr. VP, Development & Leasing public, commercial, institutional, for Applied Technologies, Edmonton Western Canada. Carmacks is a Area of Expertise: Industrial, recreational and entertainment AB; Red Deer College Centre for subsidiary of Eurovia Canada Inc., commercial, multi-family residential facilities, residential, healthcare, Health Wellness and Sport, Red Deer which is part of the VINCI Group (high rise and low rise), hotels, office light industrial, site development AB; NAIT Productivity and Innovation of France. The scope of projects buildings (high rise and low rise) and and pre-engineered metal buildings. Centre, Edmonton AB; Grand Villa undertaken by Carmacks over the industrial warehousing. Chandos has a new office in Casino, Edmonton AB. A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C THE WEST ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 33 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N COMMONWEALTH CONSTRUCTION Development; Will Slota, CET, GSC, region, Cressey’s activities currently include pre-construction (design COMPANY LTD. President and GM; Dan Gauthier, GSC, range from retail, office and hotel to and budget pricing), construction CEC, Sr. VP, Project Development; industrial and mixed-use projects and post construction. Its special Head Office: Harald Schulz, Sr. VP, Project in variety of geographic markets projects division specializes in tenant 2100-4720 Kingsway Development; Pierre Laurin, GSC, Sr. throughout British Columbia, Alberta improvement, tenant fit-up, minor Burnaby BC V5H 4N2 VP, Construction and Washington state. Cressey is also construction and renovation project, Tel: 604-684-3282 Area of Expertise: Multi-family an industry leader in the adoption Fax: 604-684-3292 with a capacity to manage green residential, high-tech pharmaceutical, of green home building techniques, Email: [email protected] projects. industrial, manufacturing, commercial producing energy efficient homes Web: and retail facilities. and in the use of environmentally worldwide/canada.asp DAWSON WALLACE Corporate Profile: Concord Projects progressive features and appliances Branch Office: Barrie, ON; Calgary, Ltd. is a respected contractor in their projects. CONSTRUCTION LTD. AB; Edmonton, AB; Kamloops, BC; with expertise in all areas of Major Projects: Sterling Mixed-Use Head Office: Kitchener, ON; Ottawa, ON; Toronto, general contracting, construction Development, Vancouver BC. 4611 Eleniak Rd ON; Winnipeg, MB. management, project co-ordination Edmonton AB T6B 2N1 Date of Incorporation: 1907 and engineering. Concord Projects Tel: 780-466-8700 Nature of Ownership: Private D Fax: 780-466-9613 Key Personnel: operates in Winnipeg, rural Manitoba, Email: [email protected] Lou Riccoboni, Director, Government & Northwestern Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta managing high- DARWIN CONSTRUCTION Web: Corporate Affairs (CANADA) LTD. Area of Expertise: Project tech pharmaceutical, industrial, Branch Office: Calgary, AB. management, construction manufacturing, commercial and Head Office: Date of Incorporation: 1987 management, specific trades retail facilities, as well as churches, 404-197 Forester St Nature of Ownership: Private contracting, general contracting and community arenas and apartment- North Vancouver BC V7H 0A6 Key Personnel: design-build contracting. condominium projects. This Tel: 604-929-7944 Peter Dawson, P. Eng., Principal; Corporate Profile: Commonwealth encompasses new facilities, building Fax: 604-929-5475 Myron Grunsky, Principal, Calgary; Construction Company Ltd. is a additions, retrofits and tenant Email: [email protected] Wayne Wallace, P. Eng., Principal; full-service industrial construction improvements. Web: Leroy Grunsky, Principal company committed to providing Major Projects: JMax Collision and Branch Office: Los Angeles, CA. Gross Revenue: $ 170 mil cost-effective, quality solutions Glass, Winnipeg MB; Brandon Avenue Date of Incorporation: 1987 Area of Expertise: Light industrial, for clients investing in greenfield Co-Operative Housing, Brandon MB; Nature of Ownership: Private office buildings, institutional, facilities, plant upgrades or New Audi Dealership, Winnipeg MB; Key Personnel: retail, shopping centres, financial turnarounds. Its services include Old Grace Affordable Housing, Phase David Webbe, Founder and CEO; institutions, grocery stores and project management, construction 1, Winnipeg MB. Oliver Webbe, President; David restaurants. Jacobson, EVP, Development; Rod management, trade specific Corporate Profile: Dawson Wallace Gabel, VP, Construction contracting, general contracting CRESSEY DEVELOPMENT GROUP Construction is a General Contractor Gross Revenue: $ 43 mil and design-build contracting. providing Construction Management Head Office: Area of Expertise: Office and Commonwealth performs civil, services throughout the western 200-555 West 8 Ave commercial development, shopping structural, mechanical, piping, Vancouver BC V5Z 1C6 provinces from offices in Edmonton, electrical, instrumentation and centres, retail centres, high-rise and Tel: 604-683-1256 low-rise residential, educational, Calgary and Lethbridge. process control projects. The Fax: 604-683-7690 Major Projects: Strachan Corner, company’s primary focus is the healthcare, community service and Email: [email protected] Medicine Hat AB; West Lethbridge resource development sector and recreational facilities. Web: Middle School, Lethbridge AB; the construction of oil and gas Corporate Profile: Darwin Date of Incorporation: 1969 Alberta Gaming & Liquor Commission facilities, chemical and petrochemical Construction (Canada) Ltd. is a Nature of Ownership: Private Warehouse, St. Albert AB; Plaza 167, facilities, power generation plants, division of the Darwin Group of Key Personnel: Companies operating in Western Edmonton AB; Griesbach Village, bulk material processing plants, pulp Norman Cressey, Chairman; Scott Phase 2, Edmonton AB; Railtown and paper mills, mineral processing Canada and the United States. Cressey, President; Hani Lammam, Lands, Grande Prairie AB. plants and general manufacturing Darwin is a diverse builder with EVP; Jason Turcotte, VP, Development; facilities. Commonwealth is part extensive experience in office and Chris Turcotte, VP, Construction of CH2M HILL, a global full-service commercial developments, shopping DEGELDER GROUP Area of Expertise: Residential and consulting, design, construction and centres, retail centres, high-rise and commercial. Head Office: operations firm. low-rise residential, educational, Corporate Profile: Cressey healthcare, community service and 100-1455 W Georgia St Development Corp. is a privately recreation facilities. The company Vancouver BC V6G 2T3 CONCORD PROJECTS LTD. owned, fully integrated project comprises three areas of expertise: Tel: 604-688-1515 Head Office: development, construction, general contracting, construction Fax: 604-688-8083 200-1277 Henderson Hwy marketing and property management management and special projects Email: [email protected] Winnipeg MB R2G 1M3 company with numerous awards for services for both the public and Web: Tel: 204-339-1651 achievements in design, construction private sectors. As one of the leading Branch Office: Burnaby, BC; New Fax: 204-339-0146 and marketing.The company is a general contracting companies in Westminster, BC. Email: [email protected] leader in the industry with more western Canada, Darwin offers a Date of Incorporation: 1982 Web: than 200 development projects wide range of in-house services Nature of Ownership: Private Date of Incorporation: 1978 completed, including many thousands including: conceptual estimating; Key Personnel: Nature of Ownership: Private of residential and commercial cost value analysis; scheduling and Michael Degelder, President; Patricia Key Personnel: spaces. Primarily focused in the all types of construction. Its team Degelder, VP, Administration and GM Ted Paetkau, P. Eng., CEO; Nolan area of multi-family residential provides construction management Area of Expertise: Commercial, Ploegman, MBA, President, Project development within Metro Vancouver and design-build services that industrial and residential. A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T 34 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect THE WEST C A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R Corporate Profile: Degelder School; Miserecordia Hospital Email: [email protected] renovationET IN CO N projects include Interior Construction Co. (2010) Ltd. is a Restoration; Louis St. Lauren Web: Allied Tribes Memorial Project in general contractor and property School Modernization; University of Date of Incorporation: 1983 Spence’s Bridge, A&W Re-Imaging, developer operating in British Alberta Chemistry and Biosciences Nature of Ownership: Private Arrow Transport, Kamloops Target Columbia and beyond. The firm Renovations; Chinese Alliance Key Personnel: and Shuswap Nation Tribal Council. provides a wide range of construction Church; Fort McMurray Comp High Darcy Kray, President; Carl Novak, VP; management and design-build School. Devon Kray, Business Development & services, overseeing complex PM; Taylor Holmes, PM; Rhys Holmes, E development projects from initial Superintendent DEVITT & FORAND concept through final completion. Gross Revenue: $ 26 mil E. CONSTRUCTION LTD. CONTRACTORS INC. Degelder manages the construction Area of Expertise: Project and Head Office: Head Office: and development of many buildings, construction management for 10130 21 St NW 5716 Burbank Cr SE including The Presidio in Stanley large commercial, residential and Edmonton AB T6P 1W7 Calgary AB T2H 1Z6 Park, Paloma in Richmond, Plaza 88 institutional buildings. Tel: 780-467-7701 Tel: 403-255-8565 Developments in New Westminster, Corporate Profile: Durwest Fax: 780-467-8384 Fax: 403-255-8501 and numerous buildings in Construction Management Ltd. Email: Email: [email protected] Seattle, Victoria and other cities. specializes in the management Web: The company’s portfolio includes of mid to large-scale multi-unit Web: Date of Incorporation: 1964 completion of more than five million residential, industrial and institutional Branch Office: Fort McMurray, AB; Nature of Ownership: Private square feet of high residential, projects from concept to completion. Peace River, AB; Slave Lake, AB; Key Personnel: commercial and institutional The firm provides project and Cold Lake, AB; Lloydminster, AB; Brenda Brunette, President, CFO; buildings. construction management services Yellowknife, NT. Blake Brunette, VP Major Projects: Plaza 88, Phase 4 primarily on Victoria Island, with some Date of Incorporation: 1954 Gross Revenue: $ 30 mil Vancouver BC. involvement in projects elsewhere in Nature of Ownership: Private Area of Expertise: Pre-construction, British Columbia. Key Personnel: construction management, Major Projects: Royal Roads DELNOR CONSTRUCTION LTD. D.K. (Douglas) Ellett, President and institutional, industrial, residential/ University, Centre for Environmental GM; Jeff Resnick, Controller; Daryl Head Office: multi-tenant, commercial/retail, Science and International Zaharichuck, VP, Operations; Dave 3609-74 Ave renovation/restoration, pre- Partnership; Trillium Westshore Manchakowski, VP, Finance Edmonton AB T6B 2T7 engineered buildings. Village; Nanaimo Airport Terminal Area of Expertise: Road construction Tel: 780-469-1304 Corporate Profile: Devitt & Forand Building Expansion; St. Andrew’s High and underground utilities Fax: 780-466-0798 Contractors Inc. is a southern School Expansion & Seismic Upgrade; construction. Email: [email protected] Alberta construction company. From Victoria International Airport, Lower Corporate Profile: E. Construction Web: concept to completion, Devitt & Holdroom Expansion. is one of Western Canada’s largest Calgary, AB Branch Office: Forand’s portfolio of services range paving contractors operating 1983 Date of Incorporation: from construction management throughout Alberta and the Northwest Private DW BUILDERS Nature of Ownership: and project management to lump Territories. The company specializes Key Personnel: Head Office: sum and design-build. Its team in providing the following services: Ed Cyrankiewicz, Principal; Ron Hinz, 102-925 Laval Cres is experienced in all processes highway paving and rehabilitation; Principal; Glenn Cyrankiewicz, CEO, Kamloops BC V2C 5P4 relating to new builds, additions airport and municipal paving, as well Principal; Joel Ramer, CFO 250-372-5516 or renovations. Devitt & Forand Tel: as base course; aggregate supply; Gross Revenue: $ 172 mil 250-372-5179 recognizes and embraces the move Fax: underground utilities construction; Area of Expertise: Commercial [email protected] to sustainable design utilizing Email: industrial and residential site construction and renovations, the LEED rating system. Thanks Web: development; warm mix asphalt; general contracting and construction to its LEED professionals, the Date of Incorporation: 1980 and design-build and design-build management. company delivers projects that Nature of Ownership: Private maintain services. The company Corporate Profile: Delnor Key Personnel: include innovative solutions, such performs base gravel, soil cement, Construction provides professional Doug Wittal, President; Glenn Matus, as incorporating green building lime stabilization, concrete sidewalks, commercial construction services, CA, Controller; Mark Poulsen, VP materials, lighting retrofits, employee curbs and gutters, and underground including general contracting, Area of Expertise: Renovations and energy awareness programs and risk services for the municipal road construction management and custom homes and commercial management. building and reconstruction markets. design-build services in a variety of construction. Major Projects: Science Lab In addition, E. Construction has five DW Builders is markets in Alberta. Through positive Renovation, Lester B Pearson High Corporate Profile: divisions: Highways, West, North, East a high-profile builder in the central relationships and a team-centered School, Calgary AB; Wastewater and Northwest, as well as a repair approach, Delnor works with clients Treatment Plant Roof Access Stairs; interior of British Columbia that shop and fabrication facility located to provide best value construction Calgary AB; Mobile Command specializes in all types of construction in Edmonton. solutions which results in the majority Vehicle (MCV) Temporary Structure, from light commercial and leasehold of work undertaken with repeat Calgary AB. improvements to custom homes. clients. In 2016 Delnor received the The company also performs home ELAN CONSTRUCTION LTD. Venture 2016 Contractor of the Year renovations. DW Builders is a certified Head Office: Award in the category of General DURWEST CONSTRUCTION R-2000 Builder, one of the first in 100-3639 27 St NE Contractor $50 to $250M. MANAGEMENT LTD. British Columbia, and is currently a Calgary AB T1Y 5E4 Major Projects: ATB Financial Head Office: registered Built Green BC Builder as Tel: 403-291-1165 Consolidation; Kaye Clinic 4400 Chatterton Way well as a Certified Registered Builder Fax: 403-291-5396 Northern Alberta Urology Centre; Victoria BC V8X 5J2 with the Canadian Home Builders Email: [email protected] Medical Examiners Expansion; Tel: 250-881-7878 Association of British Columbia (CHBA Web: Cranston School; East Wheatland Fax: 250-881-7333 BC). The company’s commercial Date of Incorporation: 1978 A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C THE WEST 35 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N Nature of Ownership: Private Key Personnel: Todd Poulsen CET, GSC, VP; Gregg W. Aicken CET, GSC, President; Trevor Poulsen, VP Area of Expertise: Commercial, institutional, light industrial and pre- engineered building systems. Corporate Profile: Elan Construction Ltd. offers general contracting, design-build contracting, project management, in-house preliminary planning and budgeting, turn- key services and construction scheduling. As one of Canada’s largest Butler dealers, Elan’s award-winning designs, product development and consistent performance are setting the pace for the industry. The company has great experience in the design and erection of Butler buildings and is one of the few general contractors who maintain its own steel crews. These buildings are ideally suited for distribution and warehouse facilities, aircraft hangers, recreational facilities, self-storage facilities and manufacturing plants with crane bearing requirements. In addition, Elan is one of Costco Wholesale’s busiest general and metal building contractors, with warehouses and remodel work completed on a 110-day construction schedule throughout Canada and the United States. Elan Construction is incorporated in Alberta with extra registrations in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario. Major Projects: Cooper’s Town Pomenade, Airdrie AB; Save-On- Foods Grocery Store, Winnipeg MB; Save-On-Foods, St James St, Winnipeg MB.

EMCON SERVICES INC. Head Office: 1121 McFarlane Way Merritt BC V1K 1B9 Tel: 250-378-4176 Fax: 250-378-4106 Email: [email protected] Web: Branch Office: Grand Forks, BC; Cumberland, BC; Parksville, BC; Quesnel, BC; Revelstoke, BC; Fort Nelson, BC; District of West Kelowna, BC; Dryden, ON. Date of Incorporation: 1988 Nature of Ownership: Private Key Personnel: Frank Rizzardo, President; Shane Jarvie, Comptroller; John Andrushko, Division Manager; Justin Burgers, A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T 36 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect THE WEST C A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R Division Manager; Derek Thur, Division Finance; Steve Small, VP, P3 Business modificationET IN CO N and asset integrity. FILLMORE CONSTRUCTION Manager; Ken Lawson, Division Development Canadian Division; Matt Corporate Profile: Fluor Corporation Manager; Dustin Khadikin, PM Head Office: Phelps, VP, Preconstruction Services is a global engineering, procurement, Gross Revenue: $ 112 mil 9114-34A Ave. Canada; Frank Daams, VP, Operations fabrication, construction and Area of Expertise: Highway Edmonton AB T6E 5P4 Canada Division maintenance company that designs, maintenance, bridge construction and Tel: 780-430-0005 Gross Revenue: $ 1,200 mil builds and maintains capital- equipment hauling. Fax: 780-437-3998 Area of Expertise: Airport, rail, efficient facilities for its clients on Corporate Profile: Emcon Services Email: [email protected] bridges, highways, transmission six continents. For more than a is a leading company engaged in Web: lines, tunnels, water, wastewater and century, Fluor has been delivering highway maintenance business and Branch Office: Edmonton, AB. pavement repair. innovative and integrated solutions operates in British Columbia and Date of Incorporation: 1991 Corporate Profile: Flatiron across the globe. With headquarters Ontario. Emcon provides consulting Nature of Ownership: Private Constructors Canada Limited is in Irving, Texas, Fluor ranks 155 on services to owners, as well as Key Personnel: the Canadian division of Flatiron the FORTUNE 500 list with revenue of consortiums in the 3P environment. Chris Fillmore, P. Eng, President; Construction Corporation (a $18.1 billion in 2015 and has more They have provided numerous peer Cindy Martel, Controller; Robert subsidiary of HOCHTIEF) created than 60,000 employees worldwide. reviews to RFP proposals as well Gomizelj, VP Estimating; Jeff Fillmore, in 1947 and headquartered in B.Com., PM & VP as participated in 3P submissions. Colorado. It operates across the FWS GROUP OF COMPANIES Their trained staff is experienced at Gross Revenue: $ 124 mil United States and Canada under six Head Office: planning and managing all aspects Area of Expertise: Commercial, divisions: Canadian Division, Western 275 Commerce Dr of highway asset. Emcon is one of a industrial and institutional. Division, Central Division, Southeast Winnipeg MB R3P 1B3 very few contractors with specialized Corporate Profile: Fillmore Division, Large Projects Division and Tel: 204-487-2500 equipment for under bridge Construction is a general construction E.E. Cruz for Northeast operations. Fax: 204-487-2900 inspection. They have successfully company providing a complete range Flatiron’s Canadian Division focuses Email: [email protected] extended this service to dam of project management, construction on operations in British Columbia, Web: structures in Metro Vancouver and management, design-build and Alberta, Quebec and Manitoba, as Branch Office: Calgary, AB; Burnaby, the Ontario Ministry of Transportation general contracting services to well as large projects across Canada. BC; Saskatoon, SK; Fargo, ND, USA. area maintenance. its commercial, industrial and Flatiron is the recipient of the 2015 institutional clients. The company First Place Safety Excellence Award Date of Incorporation: 1953 participates in LEED initiatives with by AGC San Diego and the Gold Nature of Ownership: Private Key Personnel: F accredited LEED professionals on Excellence in Partnering Award Brent Clegg, P. Eng., President & CEO; staff. In 2017, Fillmore Construction (projects greater than $50 million Troy Valgardson, VP, Finance and CFO; was recognized as one of Canada’s category) in 2015 for Arboleda FARMER CONSTRUCTION LTD. George Depres, VP & CSO; Naomi Best Managed Companies and as one Freeway Project, California. Head Office: Gregoire, Controller of Alberta’s 70 best employers. Major Projects: New Champlain 360 Harbour Rd Area of Expertise: Industrial Major Projects: Wetaskiwin High Bridge Corridor Project; Red Deer Victoria BC V9A 3S1 design-build, senior housing, multi- School Modernization; Grande Prairie Interchange; Ruskin Dam; Manitoba Tel: 250-388-5121 family housing and wastewater K-6 Public School; U-Store-It St. PTH 59N; Northeast Anthony Henday Fax: 250-388-9324 management. Albert Self Storage; Sherwood Park Drive; Athabaska River Bridge; Email: [email protected] Corporate Profile: FWS Group Toyota Renovation and Expansion; Northwest Anthony Henday Drive; Web: of Companies is one of Western Bezanson Regional Community Port Mann Hwy 1; Circle Drive; Date of Incorporation: 1951 Canada’s leading construction Center; Sobey’s Lawson Height Kicking Horse Canyon. Nature of Ownership: Private Mall New TI; The Shores Retail and companies. It specializes in the Key Personnel: Rental Apartment Complex; New design and construction of inland Gerrit Vink, President Horizon K-6 School Modernization; FLUOR CANADA LTD. grain terminals, industrial process Area of Expertise: Institutional, Roadway, Retail and Office Complex; Head Office: facilities, above-ground mining office buildings, industrial, hotels, Wetaskiwin Seniors Facility. 55 Sunpark Plaza SE infrastructure (including head tilt-up, interior finishing, schools and Calgary AB T2X 3R4 frames), malt plants and feed mills, universities, shopping centres, high- Tel: 403-537-4000 industrial warehouses, seniors’ rise residential and commercial. FLATIRON CONSTRUCTORS Fax: 403-537-4222 housing, office buildings, shopping CANADA LTD. Corporate Profile: Farmer Web: centres, restaurants, institutional Construction Ltd. is a general Head Office: Branch Office: Calgary, AB; facilities, real estate development and contractor and construction 4020 Viking Way Vancouver, BC. environmental projects across Canada management company. The family- Richmond BC V6V 2N2 Date of Incorporation: 1949 and internationally. Though design- owned business is active throughout Tel: 604-244-7343 Nature of Ownership: Public build construction is the company’s British Columbia and offers Fax: 604-244-7340 Key Personnel: core business, FWS’s evolution now general contracting, construction Email: [email protected] David Seaton, Chairman and CEO; involves pioneering a wide range of management and package Web: Biggs C. Porter, EVP and CFO; Peter project development approaches that design-build contracting. Farmer Branch Office: Calgary, AB; Hatcher, Executive Director, Project include various forms of construction Construction manages all types of Broomfield, CO; Benicia, CA; Chino, Operations; Vasee Navaratnam, management and real estate commercial, industrial, institutional CA; San Marcos, CA; New York, NY; VP, Mining & Metals Operations development agreements. Its growth and residential projects. Baltimore, MD; Morrisville, NC; South Vancouver; Nicole Davies, GM, over the year results in a group that Major Projects: 9591 Latoria Plainfield, NJ; Bothell, WA, Austin TX. Business Development & Sales includes four corporate entities: Condominium, Phase 2, Colwood BC; Date of Incorporation: 2004 – Energy & Chemicals; Simon commercial, industrial, technologies Pacific Forestry Centre, Victoria BC; Nature of Ownership: Private Nottingham, GM, Canada and resort communities. Coverdale Elementary School, Victoria Key Personnel: Area of Expertise: Oil and gas, Major Projects: Richardson BC; Cloverdale Traditional Elementary Javier Sevilla, COO; Rachel Mockler, mining and metals, industrial, Oilseed, Canola Processing Plant, School Demolition, Block 3, Victoria BC. VP, Legal; Andrew B. Phillips, VP, infrastructure, power, maintenance, Lethbridge AB. A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C THE WEST ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 37 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N Prairie AB; Saskatchewan Hospital Key Personnel: G H North Battleford, North Battelford SK; Kevin Pshebniski, CEO; Murray Southwest Stoney Trail, Calgary AB; DeGirolamo, President; Blair Rafoss, GRAHAM GROUP LTD. Children’s Hospital Saskatchewan, HEATHERBRAE BUILDERS CO. LTD. CFO Head Office: Saskatoon SK; Queen’s University Head Office: Area of Expertise: Commercial and 10840 27 St SE Residence Halls, Albert Street and 12371 Horseshoe Way, Ste 140 industrial. Calgary AB T2Z 3R6 Corporate Profile: Hopewell Stewart Street, Kingston ON; Emerald Richmond BC V7A 4X6 Tel: 403-570-5000 Tel: 604-277-2315 Development is the industrial and Hills Aquatic Facility, Edmonton AB. Fax: 403-570-5030 Fax: 604-277-2311 retail development division of the Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Hopewell Group of Companies, a Web: GREYBACK CONSTRUCTION LTD. Web: Calgary-based firm with a proven Vancouver, BC; Branch Office: Head Office: Branch Office: Nanaimo, BC. track record in all aspects of Kelowna, BC; Calgary, AB; Edmonton, 402 Warren Ave E Date of Incorporation: 2003 commercial and residential real AB; Fort McMurray, AB; Regina, estate development. For over 20 Penticton BC V2A 3M2 Nature of Ownership: Private SK; Saskatoon, SK; Winnipeg, MB; Key Personnel: years, businesses of all sizes and in Tel: 250-493-7972 Toronto, ON; Seattle, WA; Spokane, Mike Knight, President; Natasha all industries have trusted Hopewell Fax: 250-493-7255 WA; Omaha, NE; Minneapolis, MN. Dyadenko, Controller; David Knight, Development, one of Canada’s Date of Incorporation: 1985 Email: [email protected] VP and Principal; Tim Knight, PM and Developers, to deliver intelligent and Nature of Ownership: Private Web: Principal highly personalized commercial real Key Personnel: Date of Incorporation: 1983 Area of Expertise: Commercial, state solutions. From site selection, Grant Beck, President and CEO; Nature of Ownership: Private industrial and residential building, planning and design, to financing, Tim Heavenor, CFO and Sr. VP, Key Personnel: seismic upgrades, building envelope, construction management and Development and Strategic Investing; Larry Kenyon, President; Beverley restoration of heritage buildings and leasing, our team of experienced Jeff Schippmann, CPO & Sr. VP, HR; Mehrer, Controller; Matthew Kenyon, construction management services. associates delivers customized Mike Senger, Sr. VP, Industrial; Andy GM; Bobby Shauer, Safety Manager Corporate Profile: Heatherbrae solutions that meet the needs of Trewick, Sr. VP, Infrastructure; Kim is a Vancouver-based company tenants and owners through every Johnson, CSO and Sr. VP, Shared and HR; Craig Donoghue, Business Development and Marketing specializing in general contracting phase of the real estate development Services and Buildings process. To date, we have developed Area of Expertise: Commercial, and construction management that Gross Revenue: $ 2,195 mil and sold more than 15 million industrial, institutional, hospitality and has been adding to the architectural Area of Expertise: Buildings, square feet of industrial and retail industrial, infrastructure construction. tourism and residential. fabric of British Columbia for over 20 years. As the general contractor, space in the , Corporate Profile: Graham Group’s Corporate Profile: Greyback the company has a broad range of southwestern Ontario and all major breadth of experience is wide, and Construction Ltd. is a leading expertise in commercial, industrial, centres across Western Canada. Our their construction roots run deep – general contracting firm offering institutional and residential current land development portfolio as indicated by an impressive nine general contracting, construction, exceeds 8 million square feet in decades in the industry. Founded construction, as well as extensive management, design-build, concrete various stages of development. in 1926, Graham is an employee- experience in the requirements of formwork and other construction owned construction solutions partner LEED certification. They are proud to services, operating throughout British with revenues exceeding $2 billion be an early adopter of sustainable I annually. Graham provides general Columbia and remote northern building practices. The company has contracting, design-build, integrated locations. With over thirty years of established itself as the industry’s INTRACORP PROJECTS LTD. project delivery, construction experience, Greyback encompasses leader in a new construction, management and public-private a diverse portfolio of completed seismic upgrade, renovation and Head Office: partnership (P3) services to buildings, projects of varying size and building envelope remediation 900-666 Burrard Street industrial and infrastructure clients. complexity in industrial, commercial, projects. Vancouver BC V6C 2X8 Tel: 604-801-7000 With offices throughout North hospitality, tourism, residential Major Projects: UBC Diesel Bus Fax: 604-801-7001 America and over 1,200 professional and institutional market sectors. Terminal, Vancouver BC; Cherish at and office staff, Graham has the Central Park, Victoria BC; Douglas Email: [email protected] Providing high-performance service resources, capacity and expertise to College Alterations, New Westminster, Web: from project inception to completion, undertake projects of every scope, BC; Wesbrook Place Apartment, Branch Office: Toronto, ON; Newport Greyback meets the challenges in scale and complexity. Graham is Commercial, Lot E, Greater Vancouver Beach, CA; Seattle, WA; San recognized as one of Canada’s 50 today’s market with the in-house BC; UBC Lot E South Campus Francisco, CA. Best Managed Companies and one expertise to evaluate all aspects of Apartment, Commercial, Vancouver BC. Date of Incorporation: 1994 of Canada’s Top 100 Employers in the construction process including Nature of Ownership: Private 2016.Graham’s enduring legacy design, financing, construction Key Personnel: HOPEWELL DEVELOPMENT CORP. is a result of a steadfast belief in schedules, methodology and sub- Don Forsgren, President and CEO; commitment, integrity and reliability. contractor coordination. Greyback’s Head Office: Kevin Smith, CFO; Maurice Pez, Sr. 410-2020 4 St SW They also made innovation, safety team includes engineers, building VP, Development; Don Stratford, Calgary AB T2S 1W3 VP, Construction; Dana Samis, VP, and continuous improvement the technologists, Canadian Construction cornerstones of everything they do. Tel: 403-232-8821 Marketing; Barrett Sprowson, VP, Association Gold Seal Certified Major Projects: North Islands Fax: 403-232-8892 Sales Project Managers, Estimators and Hospital Project, Comox and Campbell Email: [email protected] Area of Expertise: Residential multi- River BC; Regina Bypass, Regina Superintendents. Web: www.hopewelldevelopment family and mixed-use real estate SK; North Commuter, Saskatoon Major Projects: Osoyoos Volunteer development. SK; Vancouver International Airport Fire Hall, Osoyoos BC; Similkameen Branch Office: Toronto, ON. Corporate Profile: Intracorp Projects Upgrades, Vancouver BC; Grand Elementary/Secondary School, Date of Incorporation: 1995 Ltd. operates as a real estate Prairie Regional Hospital, Grand Keremeos BC. Nature of Ownership: Private development company. Intracorp and A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T 38 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect THE WEST C A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R its sisters companies are privately Tel: 780-963-6523 Major Projects: Coastal Erosion Email:ET IN [email protected] held and develop high-rise and Fax: 780-963-0264 Protection, Metchosin BC; Five Web: low-rise residential and mixed-use Email: [email protected] Fingers Marine Outfall Replacement, Branch Office: Richmond, BC; buildings, including condominiums, Web: Nanaimo BC; Paramount Site Courtenay, BC. row homes and commercial spaces. Date of Incorporation: 1978 Redredging, Richmond BC; Vanier Date of Incorporation: 1984 Major Projects: Granville + 57th Nature of Ownership: Private Park West Float and Launch Nature of Ownership: Private Residential Development, Vancouver Key Personnel: Upgrade, Vancouver BC; Fraser River Key Personnel: BC; Granville Street Townhouse Cory Jodoin, President; Ron Jodoin, Ridgedale Erosion Arc F, Abbotsford Chris Chalecki, EVP, Operations Development, Vancouver BC. VP; Keith Golinsky, PM; Rene Dubeau, BC; Pacific Terminal Basin Dredging Manager; Katy Fairley, VP, Business PM; Shane Heintz, PM Phase 2B, Vancouver BC; South Development; Mark Liudzius, VP, ITC CONSTRUCTION GROUP Area of Expertise: Commercial, Delta Main No.1 Replacement Phase Victoria Branch Manager; Tom Plumb, institutional, recreational structures. 2, Tsawwassen BC; Skway Landfill President & CEO; Michaek Gareau, Head Office: Corporate Profile: Jen-Col Closure Phase 1, Chilliwack BC; Boat CFO; Mike Walz, VP & Vancouver 564 Beatty Street Construction Ltd. provides quality Ramp Replacement, Musqueam Branch Manager Vancouver BC V6B 2L3 design-build, pre-construction Foreshore, Vancouver BC; Colwood Gross Revenue: $ 88 mil Tel: 604-685-0111 consulting, general contracting, and Jetties Remediation Project, CFB Area of Expertise: Institutional, Fax: 604-685-0112 construction management services Esquimalt BC. commercial, industrial, and multi-unit Email: [email protected] primarily in Alberta. The company’s residential and light civil. Web: projects include schools, health Corporate Profile: Kinetic Branch Office: Calgary, AB; centers, lodges, civil structures and K Construction is an employee-owned Edmonton, AB. commercial buildings. construction firm with offices in 1983 Date of Incorporation: Major Projects: Foothills Composite KIEWIT CANADA CORP. Victoria, Vancouver and Courtenay. Nature of Ownership: Private High School, Okotoks AB; Jubilee The company provides general Key Personnel: Head Office: Park Development, Spruce Grove contracting, design-build, and Doug MacFarlane, P. Eng., President 10333 Southport Rd SW, Ste 200 AB; Muttart Conservatory Storage construction management services to and CEO; Mathias Graf, Director, Calgary AB T2W 3X6 Building, Edmonton AB; High Level a wide variety of private and public- Operations, AB; Brad Burnett, Tel: 403-693-8701 Public Skills Centre Addition, High sector clients. Its projects range from Director, Business Development, BC; Fax: 403-261-2339 Level AB. commercial, industrial, institutional, David Carlton, Director, Business Web: and multi-unit residential buildings Development, AB; Harold Barisoff, Branch Office: Vancouver, BC; to bridges, civil structures, utility, VP, Construction, BC; Rick McGill, JJM CONSTRUCTION LTD. Milton, ON, Calgary, AB; Boisbriand, QC, Montréal, QC; St. John’s, NL; and marine construction. Kinetic VP, Operations; Kris Hammar, Head Office: Richmond, BC; Trois-Rivière, QC; also manages a large number of Construction Manager, ED 8218 River Way Marystown, NL renovation, historic restoration, and Gross Revenue: $ 390 mil Delta BC V4G 1C4 Date of Incorporation: 2012 seismic upgrading projects, both Area of Expertise: High-rise Tel: 604-946-0978 Nature of Ownership: Private small and large. residential, commercial, institutional Fax: 604-946-9327 Key Personnel: Major Projects: Fleet Maintenance and tenant improvement. Web: Bruce Grewcock, President & CEO, Facilitiy, CFB Esquimalt; Yello on Corporate Profile: ITC Construction Branch Office: Victoria, BC. Kiewit Canada Corp. Yates Residential Tower, Victoria BC; Group is a group of companies Date of Incorporation: 1980 Gross Revenue: $ 1,600 mil UVIC Science Buildings Renovations, with specialized expertise in the Nature of Ownership: Private Area of Expertise: Highways, bridges, Victoria BC; UBC Buchanan Tower construction of concrete residential Key Personnel: mass transit systems, mine site Phase 1, Vancouver BC; Pacific high rises, mixed-use and diverse John Miller, President; Angela development, open pit operations, Christian Elementary School commercial projects. The company Therrien, Director, Finance, hydroelectric powerhouses, wind- Gymnasium, Saanich BC; Comox is a leader in high-rise construction Administration and IS; Peter Miller, power plants, dams and power and Waterfront Renewal, Comos BC; in Western Canada with completed VP, Equipment; N.J. (Dee) Miller, VP, industrial facilities. Kensington Square Retail Centre projects in Vancouver, Calgary and Finance and Corporate Services; Corporate Profile: By and through Renewal, Burnaby BC. Edmonton. ITC is a platinum club Craig Peddie, VP, Estimating and its subsidiaries, Kiewit has been an member of Canada’s Best Managed Construction Services; Matthew Miller, engineering, construction and mining Companies. VP, Construction KNAPPETT PROJECTS INC. industry leader in Canada since the Major Projects: 3 Civil Plaza, Surrey Gross Revenue: $ 50 mil early 1940s. Kiewit serves every Head Office: BC; Compass at Seylynn Village, Heavy civil and Area of Expertise: Canadian province and territory, 555 Pembroke St North Vancouver BC; One Burrard marine construction. delivering quality projects for its Victoria BC V8T 1H3 Place, Vancouver BC; Ellsworth, JJM Construction Corporate Profile: clients in six key markets: building, Tel: 250-475-6333 Vancouver BC; Connaught at Ltd. is a premier construction Fax: 250-475-6444 Edgemont Village, North Vancouver mining, oil, gas & chemical, power, company specializing in heavy transportation and water/wastewater. Email: [email protected] BC; 288 E Hastings, Vancouver BC; civil, highways, bridges, dams and Web: BCEHS, Burnaby Buller Ambulance Kiewit and its subsidiaries also marine construction, including provide a wide range of engineering, Date of Incorporation: 1983 Centre, Burnaby BC; The Underwood, environmental and navigational Nature of Ownership: Private Calgary BC; Symphony, Edmonton AB. procurement and construction dredging. JJM’s history and services throughout the nation. Key Personnel: experience are intertwined with that John Knappett, P. Eng., President; of Miller Contracting, which, from Roger Yager, P. Eng., VP; Daniel J modest beginnings in the mid-1940s, KINETIC CONSTRUCTION LTD. Behrens, P.Eng, VP, Contracts grew into one of B.C.’s largest civil Head Office: Gross Revenue: $ 50 mil JEN-COL CONSTRUCTION LTD. and marine contractors. Today, JJM 201-862 Cloverdale Ave Area of Expertise: Institutional, Head Office: continues the Miller tradition of Victoria BC V8X 2S8 commercial, industrial, building 8 Boulder Blvd quality and innovation in construction Tel: 250-381-6331 envelope repair, highways, bridges, Stony Plain AB T7Z 1V7 on both land and water. Fax: 250-386-2286 federal and municipal structures. A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C THE WEST ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 39 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N Corporate Profile: Knappett company whose scope embraces well as customized services such as President, The Ledcor Group of Projects Inc. is a construction the competitive tender, construction fast-track build-to-suit, speculative Companies; Peter Hrdlitschka, management and general contracting management and design-build developments, ongoing property President, Ledcor Construction; Tom firm operating within the British methods of delivery within the management and maintenance Lassu, President, Ledcor Industries Columbia marketplace. The company construction and real estate services. Gross Revenue: $ 3,000 mil constructs institutional projects; development field. The company Major Projects: Surrey Memorial Area of Expertise: Commerical, schools, social housing; seismic offers a wide range of services: Hospital Building A Alterations, multi-family residential, office upgrades; highway bridges; civil new buildings; renovations; Surrey BC. buildings, mixed-use high rise, projects such as water reservoirs concrete construction; restoration industrial, shopping centres and and waste water treatment plants projects; industrial projects; first LEDCOR GROUP OF COMPANIES retail, insitutional, airports, health and building envelope repairs. nation, schools and educational care. Head Office: Committed to quality and safety, institutions and seniors facilities. Ledcor is a 1200-1067 W Cordova St Corporate Profile: Knappett Projects holds a Certificate KCI strives to provide a safe working Vancouver BC V6C 1C7 privately owned group of companies. of Recognition program (COR) by the environment for all its employees Tel: 604-681-7500 The founding company was WorkSafeBC. Certified in their various and subcontractors and is an Fax: 604-681-4385 established in 1947. The principals trades or disciplines by the Industry active member of the Certificate of Email: [email protected] and key employees hold the Training Authority or the Canadian Recognition (COR) program. Web: ownership of the group. Ledcor Construction Association Gold Seal, Major Projects: Fish Creek Seniors Branch Office: Bellevue, WA; Calgary, employs over 6,000 staff in over its team of professionals are also Community Facility, Calgary AB; AB; Edmonton, AB; Elko, NV; Fort 20 offices across North America. familiar with all the requirements Vimy Ridge Academy Modernization, McMurray, AB; Henderson, NV; Ledcor’s philosophy is to lead in and methods to achieve LEED Edmonton AB; Calmar Secondary Honolulu, HI; Irvine, CA; Kalispell, Health, Safety & Environmental certification. School Addition, Calmar AB; Big Knife MT; Kelowna, BC; , ON; (HS&E) practices in a proactive Major Projects: The Amica Lodge and Villa Seniors Addition, manner because safety is good Independant Seniors Residential Murrieta, CA; Napa, CA; Oakbrook Forestburg AB; Health Services business. The Ledcor HS&E program Facilities, Saanich BC; The Azzuro Terrace, IL; Regina, SK; Reno, NV; San Facility Addition, Wainwright AB; Little promotes strong, positive safety Residential and Commercial Diego, CA; Saskatoon, SK; Selma, Red River Cree Nation Schools, John culture with focus on prevention Social Housing, Victoria BC; The TX; Vancouver, BC; Victoria, BC; D’Or Prairie AB; The Village at Walker through training, hazard assessment Aranza on Fourth Residential and Yellowknife, NT. Lakes, new Townhome Community, and planning. Ledcor is a member of Commercial Social Housing, Sidney Date of Incorporation: 1947 Edmonton AB; Saipoyi Community WSIB, OGCA and Gold Seal initiatives. BC; Union Club Exterior Renovation, Nature of Ownership: Private School Expansion, Standoff AB; Tsuu Ledcor Construction has achieved the Victoria BC; Pacific Centre Family Key Personnel: T’ina Cultural Museum, Calgary AB; Certificate of Recognition (COR™) in Services Building, Colwood BC; Dave Lede, Chairman, The Ledcor St. John Paul II School Addition and Group of Companies; Ron Stevenson, Ontario. Cowichan Tribes Administration Modernization, Stony Plain AB. and Lands Building Additions and Renovations, Duncan BC; CFB Comox Renovations, Comox BC; 443 L Helicopter Squadron Renovation, North Saanich BC; Victoria Airport LARK GROUP Authority Civil Works, Victoria Head Office: BC; Various Condominium Strata 1500-13737 96 Ave Buildings Envelope Repairs, BC. Surrey BC V3V 0C6 Tel: 604-576-2935 KRAWFORD CONSTRUCTION Fax: 604-576-2936 (2011) INC. Email: [email protected] Head Office: Web: 8055 Argyll Rd Date of Incorporation: 1972 Edmonton AB T6C 4A9 Nature of Ownership: Private Tel: 780-436-4381 Key Personnel: Fax: 780-437-2766 Larry Fisher, President; Ellen Retonel, Email: [email protected] Controller; Kirk Fisher, VP; Michael Does your company’s benefit Web: Kazda, CM Branch Office: Calgary, AB. Area of Expertise: Commercial, light plan attract the best of the best? Date of Incorporation: 1971 industrial and multi-family residential Nature of Ownership: Private buildings. Key Personnel: Corporate Profile: Lark Group is ICBA Benefits offers a full range of Terry Tanasiuk, President; Stuart a leader in its core businesses of employee benefit products to cover any Hawkeswood, VP, Construction; property development, construction size business. Employees are your greatest asset. Colleen Kerfoot, VP, Finance; Mike and management, targeting Let’s build the best plan to protect them. Kelly, Branch Manager, Calgary; Ed industrial and commercial real Gee, Chief Estimator estate space for a wide variety of Gross Revenue: $ 100 mil local and national companies and Area of Expertise: Institutional, commercial real estate investors. 604-298-7752 industrial and commercial. The company provides general Call us for a competitive quote. Corporate Profile: Krawford contracting, project management Construction (2011) Inc. is a and design-build services, including progressive general construction turn-key construction solutions as A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T 40 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect THE WEST C A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R Major Projects: Marine Gateway, Email: [email protected] Tel: 204-783-7091 real EestateT IN CO N development, construction Vancouver BC; BC Children’s Web: Fax: 204-786-3106 and project management, general Hospital and BC Women’s Hospital Branch Office: Edmonton, AB; Email: info@mapleleafconstruction. contracting, design-build contracting Redevelopment (Teck Acute Care Calgary, AB; Thunder Bay, ON. and cost consulting services in the Centre); Enbridge Centre, Edmonton Date of Incorporation: 1972 Web: www.mapleleafconstruction. multi-family residential, commercial AB; Tsawwassen Mills Mall, BC; Nature of Ownership: Private and industrial sectors. Air Canada Hangar 5, Toronto ON; Key Personnel: Branch Office: West St. Paul, MB. Major Projects: Steveston Highway Duncan House, Toronto ON; New Peter Belluz, President and CEO; Ted Date of Incorporation: 1943 Commercial Development, Horizons Mall, Calgary AB; Royal Nocita, President, Manshield MB; Nature of Ownership: Private Richmond BC; Main Street Mixed- Alberta Museum, Edmonton AB; Reno Molinari, CFO; Robert Ferraro, Key Personnel: Use Development, Vancouver BC; Versus Towers, Calgary AB. VP, Operations Manshield MB; Peter Blake Fitzpatrick, Principal; Barry Burquitlam Capital Mixed-Use Schwind, VP, Operations Manshield Brown, President Development, Coquitlam BC. AB; Tony Nocita, VP, Special Projects LEDINGHAM MCALLISTER Area of Expertise: Asphalt paving, Gross Revenue: $ 165 mil excavation and base work. MARK TEN DEVELOPMENTS LTD. Head Office: Area of Expertise: Industrial, Corporate Profile: Maple Leaf Head Office: 1285 West Pender St commercial, institutional, Construction is a leader in 204-640 W Broadway Vancouver BC V6E 4B1 recreational, and residential. environmental recycling (concrete Vancouver BC V5Z 1G4 Tel: 604-662-3700 Corporate Profile: The Manshield recycling) and the first company Tel: 604-724-2454 Fax: 604-684-9004 Group of Companies offers complete in Manitoba to be a recognized as Fax: 604-732-4472 Email: [email protected] building development, design and a Certificate of Recognition (COR) Email: warren@ Web: construction services. Manshield certified company. Its variety of work Date of Incorporation: 1905 can provide project and construction includes: commercial development; Web: Nature of Ownership: Private management, design-build, general paving and site services; residential Key Personnel: Branch Office: Kamloops, BC. contracting, stonework, masonry, developments; street reconstruction; Ward McAllister, President and Date of Incorporation: 2000 concrete or concrete restoration residential site services; parking CEO; Terry Yee, Acting Co-CFO and Nature of Ownership: Private services and land development lot repairs; maintenance, sewer Director, Taxation; Manuela Mirecki, Key Personnel: services. The company handles and water systems. Maple Leaf Sr. VP, Marketing; John O’Donnel, Warren Longpre, President and specialized construction solutions, Construction completes a wide Sr. VP, Residential Development; Director; Glenn Walsh, Director such as masonry and stone range of projects, from very Nadee Myers, Sr. VP, Sales and Area of Expertise: Residential, restoration, and pre-engineered large projects to small repair and Administration; Brian Leung, VP, commercial and industrial. metal buildings. Manshield believes maintenance jobs all over Manitoba, Operations Corporate Profile: Mark Ten their strength is their people Saskatchewan and Northwestern Area of Expertise: Commercial, mix Developments Ltd. is a residential and they are different than most Ontario. In addition, the company use and residential. and commercial land development construction companies, in that sells asphalt and gravel base. Corporate Profile: From beginnings company. The firm also has a project there is no top-to-bottom decision Major Projects: PTH 10 Roadwork, as a small excavation company management and design-build making. Manshield’s empowered MB; Bituminous Pavement, Woodlands to the largest road building and division focusing on residential, partnership group uses consensus and St Laurent MB; 2016 Regional underground utilities company, commercial and industrial projects and independent thinking, a process Street Renewal Program, Winnipeg Ledingham McAllister continues across western Canada, especially in that allows flexibility in the field MB; West St. Paul Water Supply its expansion into the multi-family the Fort McMurray area. based on site-specific conditions; Pipeline, West St. Paul MB; 2016 residential sector, by developing a with partners and senior personnel Pavement Contract, Morden MB. solid reputation for building high- as hands-on managers, cost- MARSHALL-LEE rise towers throughout the province. effectiveness is built into every CONSTRUCTION CORP. Its wide range of projects include MARCON CONSTRUCTION LTD. project. Head Office: many historic buildings, such as the Major Projects: Silver Birch Head Office: 110 Yellowhead Rd Hudson’s Bay store in downtown Retirement Residence, Edmonton 5645 199 St Spruce Grove AB T7X 3A5 Vancouver, as well as highways, AB; Timberstone Mews Retirement Langley BC V3A 1H9 Tel: 780-962-3515 bridges, underground utilities, Residence, Edmonton AB; Tel: 604-530-5646 Fax: 780-962-2952 industrial, office and commercial Prominence Way Retirement Fax: 604-530-0980 Email: [email protected] buildings. As a result, the British Residence, Edmonton AB; Maple Email: [email protected] Web: Columbia museum in Victoria Leaf Foods Expansion, Calgary AB; Web: Date of Incorporation: 1970 presents in its gallery several of Parmalat Foods Expansion, Winnipeg Date of Incorporation: 1985 Nature of Ownership: Private Ledingham’s construction projects. MB; St. Philip Church, Winnipeg Nature of Ownership: Private Key Personnel: Major Projects: Escala Residential MB; Harrow School, Winnipeg MB; Key Personnel: Jim Lee, Principal; Bill O’Callaghan, Development, Burnaby BC; Southgate Atikokan General Hospital, Atikokan Marco Paolella, President Sr. Estimator; Clinton Hogge, Sr. PM Tower Phase 4, Burnaby BC. ON; Kenora Courthouse Roof Area of Expertise: Development Gross Revenue: $ 43 mil Renewal, Kenora ON; Dryden Ministry and construction of residential, Area of Expertise: Commercial and commercial and industrial buildings. institutional. M of Natural Resources HVAC Renewal, Dryden ON; James Street Provincial Corporate Profile: Marcon Corporate Profile: Marshall-Lee Government Building Renovations, Construction Ltd. is a real estate Construction Corp. is a construction MANSHIELD CONSTRUCTION GROUP Thunder Bay ON. development and construction leader with over 160 structures OF COMPANIES company in business for over 30 built ranging from educational and Head Office: years. During this time the firm has healthcare facilities to commercial 205-698 Corydon Ave MAPLE LEAF CONSTRUCTION LTD. built over 8,600 homes in British buildings, police facilities, Winnipeg MB R3M 0X9 Head Office: Columbia, including the first high shopping malls and light industrial Tel: 204-453-9177 777 Erin St rise in Canada to achieve LEED warehousing. The company offers Fax: 204-475-4304 Winnipeg MB R3G 2W2 certification. Marcon’s team offers general contracting, construction A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C THE WEST ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 41 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N management and project METRO-CAN CONSTRUCTION rise residential and recreational Willfong, P.Eng., COO; Carole Morsky, management services. Current and projects, as well as light and heavy M. Ed., B.A., VP Head Office: recent projects include five schools, industrial projects. With a certified Area of Expertise: Heavy civil, 10470-152 St two located in Edmonton, one in St. LEED coordinator on Metro-Can’s commercial, industrial, design- Surrey BC V3R 0Y3 Albert and two located in Grimshaw. staff and the construction of two of build, soil stabilization and bridge Tel: 604-583-1174 Vancouver’s Olympic Village buildings maintenance/repair, Robertson Recent years have seen Marshall-Lee Fax: 604-583-3321 complete projects of larger scope meeting platinum-level LEED Building supplier and builder. Email: [email protected] Corporate Profile: The Morsky Group and value, including LEED projects, certification, Metro-Can is a premiere Web: www.metrocanconstruction. contracting firm for environmentally has a diverse base of expertise ranging from $14M to $43M and com friendly and green energy-focused in construction including heavy up to 9,000 m2 of floor space. Date of Incorporation: 1985 construction. civil earthworks, commercial and Marshall-Lee holds a Certificate of Nature of Ownership: Private Major Projects: Jubilee House, industrial construction, and short- Recognition (COR) from the ACSA Key Personnel: Vancouver BC; The Grand at span bridge maintenance, repair Carlos Rios, President; Mark that demonstrates its commitment Lansdowne, Richmond BC; The Ridge and construction. The Group is made Macaulay, VP; Don Voth, Consultant & to improving its health and safety at Bose Farms, Phases 3 and 4, up of the following companies: Founder program and providing a safe work Surrey BC. Morsky Management Group provides environment for all personnel. Area of Expertise: Preconstruction, administrative, legal, financial and Major Projects: School, value engineering, high-rise, operational support to the group’s MORSKY GROUP OF COMPANIES Lloydminster AB; Metis Replacement commercial and institutional operating companies. Morsky School and Northern Lakes College, contracting. Head Office: Industrial Services provides heavy Corporate Profile: Metro-Can 369 Sherwood Road Gift Lake AB; RCMP Detachment, civil construction and maintenance Construction Ltd. is a diversified, Regina SK S4P 3Y3 Lloydminster AB; École St. Thomas, services primarily to the potash well-established general contracting Tel: 306-924-1065 industry in SK. Morsky Development Lloydminster AB; City Centre Square, company in the negotiated and Fax: 306-924-1075 Corp. is a general contractor bringing Foth Saskatchewan AB; South Station design-build construction markets. Email: [email protected] design-build, project management (Fire Hall No. 5), Fort McMurray AB; With construction roots that date Web: and construction services to Memorial High School, Stony Plain back to 1964, this family-run Date of Incorporation: 1955 commercial and industrial clients AB; H.W. Pickup Junior High School, business offers a high level of Nature of Ownership: Private throughout southern SK. Morsky Drayton Valley AB; New Timberlea expertise. With more than 350 Key Personnel: Infrastructure works on maintenance, RCMP Detachment, Fort McMurry projects completed in all segments Wayne Morsky, CEO; Lorne Schnell, repair and construction of short- AB; Shaw Conference Centre Hall ‘D’ of the market, the company performs MBA, P. Eng., President; Wayne span bridges, Mortimer Brothers Expansion, Edmonton AB. commercial, high-rise and low- Pidskalny, Safety Officer; Marty Construction specializes in gravel DE A R DE E S A R E S ADER L E S L L

C A N N A I O C D 2017 T 42 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect THE WEST C A A’ U N S B T R N ES T I N CO N S C A I O D 2017 T A N A C N 2017 O ’S U A I B S T R D C T E S T IN CO N A’ U S B T R crushing and hauling company Area of Expertise: Aggregates Possible – just as we’ve been doing BranchEST IN CO N SOffice: Toronto, ON; Chicago, in southern SK. Morsky Roselea production, concrete and paving, for the past 64 years. IL; Los Angeles, CA; Seattle, WA; Belgians breeds and shows Belgian highway construction and Major Projects: Kemess Underground, Phoenix, AZ; Mexico. horses underground services. Peace River BC; Fairview Terminal’s Date of Incorporation: 1965 Major Projects: Group Home Corporate Profile: Nelson River Phase II North, Prince Rupert Nature of Ownership: Private Renovation, Regina SK; Roadwork, Construction Inc. is a vertically- BC; Viterra Conveyor & Boxcar Key Personnel: Leroy SK; Hwy 22 Surface Mixing and integrated company that provides Loader Demolition, Vancouver BC; Rossano De Cotiis, President; Alycia Compaction, Regina SK. services in four general areas: Reconciliation Pole Raising, Vancouver Butler, Vice-President, Marketing aggregates production, concrete BC; South Fraser Perimeter Road Area of Expertise: New homes; and paving, highway construction Design-Build, Surrey BC; BC Highway commercial (office, industrial and N and underground services. The 17 Tsawwassen Drive to 56th Ave, retail); rentals and hospitality. company operates inter-provincially. Delta BC; Sears Mall Deconstructions, Corporate Profile: Onni Group is NCV INDUSTRIAL INC. Nelson has an affiliate company that Vancouver BC; Trans Am Totem Pole one of North America’s leading Head Office: specializes in water and wastewater Assembly, Vancouver BC; Big Bend private real estate developers, 9 Nahanni Dr treatment solutions worldwide for Substation Soil Mixing, Burnaby BC; with extensive experience Yellowknife NT X1A 2P4 municipal, industrial and agricultural Neptune Terminals Design-Build, designing, developing, building Tel: 867-669-8871 applications. Vancouver BC. and managing innovative projects. Fax: 867-669-8872 Major Projects: Selkirk Ave Pavement As a fully integrated company that Email: [email protected] Reconstruction and Streetscaping, NORSON CONSTRUCTION LLP directly oversees every step in the Web: Winnipeg MB; PTH Roadwork, development process, Onni has built MB; University of Manitoba Outfall Head Office: over 10,000 homes. In addition, Branch Office: Spruce Grove, AB. 949 West 3rd St System 1 Upgrade Program, Phase 1, the company owns and manages Date of Incorporation: 2005 North Vancouver BC V7P 3P7 Winnipeg MB; PTH 31 and Pembina more than 7 million square feet of Nature of Ownership: Private Tel: 604-986-5681 Key Personnel: Avenue Intersection, Winkler MB; commercial property, over 5,500 Fax: 604-986-1514 David Tucker, President; Darrel Jacking Culverts, Minnedosa MB. rental apartment units, and has an Email: [email protected] Osmond, GM additional 10 million square feet Web: Area of Expertise: Mechanical in various stages of development. NORLAND LIMITED Branch Office: Kelowna, BC; installation, electrical, With offices in Los Angeles, Seattle, Head Office: Edmonton, AB. instrumentation, onsite pipe Chicago, Phoenix, Vancouver, 3183 Norland Ave Date of Incorporation: 1983 fabrication, onsite structural steel Toronto, and Mexico, Onni continues Burnaby BC V5B 3A9 Nature of Ownership: Private fabrication and installation. to expand and diversify into new Tel: 604-205-5381 Key Personnel: Corporate Profile: NCV Industrial markets throughout North America. Fax: 604-205-5796 Brian Lee, Principal; Gordon Kerr, Inc. (NCVI), a subsidiary of Major Projects: 1335 Howe Email: [email protected] Principal; Dave Saruk, Principal Northern Canada Ventures Residential Community, Vancouver Web: Area of Expertise: Commercial, Corporation, offers multi-discipline BC; The Grande at Suter Brook Branch Office: Burnaby, BC; Delta, industrial and institutional. industrial construction and Village Residential Community, Port BC; Victoria, BC; Calgary, AB; Corporate Profile: Norson offers maintenance services, such as Moody BC; Allwood Place Residential Innisfail, AB. general contracting, construction mechanical installation, electrical, Community, Abbotsford BC; RIVA Date of Incorporation: 1954 management and design-build instrumentation, onsite pipe Residential Communtiy, Richmond Nature of Ownership: Private services throughout Western Canada, fabrication, onsite structural steel BC; Nature’s Walk Townhome Key Personnel: serving clients through its offices in fabrication and installation all over Residential Community, Pitt Meadows Dave Reynolds, President & CEO; Tim Vancouver, Kelowna and Edmonton. the globe and in the most extreme BC; Evelyn Residential Community, Doucette, EVP & CFO; Paul Halliday, It has a total bonding capacity in conditions. NCVI can also provide West Vancouver BC; LEVEL Furnished Sr. VP, Infrastructure; Michael excess of $100 million. Combined subcontractor services: offsite pipe Living Hospitality Project, Vancouver Radcliffe, Sr. VP, Industrial; Scott with its corporate framework, fabrication, offsite structural steel BC and Los Angeles CA; Gilmore Bradley, P. Eng., VP, Major Projects & this enables them to successfully fabrication, onsite mechanical Place Residential Community, Ventures complete individual projects up to the insulation and civil construction Burnaby BC; Cambie Gardens Gross Revenue: $ 179 mil $50 million range. services. The company is adding Residential Community, Vancouver Area of Expertise: Mining and Major Projects: Lowe’s, Sherwood industrial services as the market BC; Fortune at Fort York Residential tunneling, civil construction, Park AB; McCallum Junction dictates. Community, Toronto ON. excavating and shoring, ground Retail Store Building A (Cabela’s), Major Projects: Heli-Base Refueling engineering, demolition, blasting, Abbotsford BC; Sobeys, Edmonton Station, Yellowknife NT. industrial moving, design-build and AB; Canadian Tire Store No. 448 OPTIMUS BUILDING CORP. capital project and maintenance Addition, Leduc AB; Mountain Head Office: NELSON RIVER CONSTRUCTION INC. services. Equipment Co-Op, Kelowna BC. 2nd Flr 734 42 Ave SE Head Office: Corporate Profile: NorLand is Calgary AB T2G 5N9 a diverse group of specialized 101 Dawson Rd N O Tel: 403-283-0000 Winnipeg MB R2J 0S6 business that have been serving the Fax: 403-244-8895 Tel: 204-949-8700 construction industry since 1954. Our Email: [email protected] Fax: 204-237-8337 businesses exist to simplify complex ONNI GROUP Web: Email: [email protected] project execution and to minimize the Head Office: Date of Incorporation: 1983 Web: risks for all involved. NorLand has a 550 Robson St Nature of Ownership: Private Date of Incorporation: 1923 long track record of providing safe, Vancouver BC V6B 2B7 Key Personnel: Nature of Ownership: Private high quality and cost effective Tel: 604-602-7711 Willard E. Olauson, President; JJ (Joe) Key Personnel: solutions to a variety of construction Fax: 604-688-7907 Shannon, EVP Gord Lee, P.Eng., GSC, President and challenges. NorLand’s brand promise Email: [email protected] Area of Expertise: Industrial and CEO is to continue making Anything Web: commercial. A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C THE WEST ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 43 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N Corporate Profile: Optimus Building industrial, institutional buildings and Area of Expertise: Buildings, civil the development and construction Corp., formerly known as Opus engineering construction. infrastructure and heavy industrial. of wood frame and concrete multi- Building Corp., is a land developer Corporate Profile: Parkwest Projects Portfolio includes office towers, family residential projects throughout and a construction contractor with Ltd. is a general contracting firm residential condominiums, retail the lower mainland of British experience in construction industry completing projects throughout outlets, hotels/resorts, educational/ Columbia. The company provides project management services. Western Canada, from northwestern healthcare facilities, casinos, sport/ a large range of services for new Optimus creates and oversees the Ontario to British Columbia ranging entertainment complexes, bridges, construction and development, plans, design and construction of from $1,000 to in excess of $12 airports, high-tech facilities, waste restoration and remediation, such as office, industrial and retail space. The million. The company specializes in and water treatment facilities, site selection, general contracting, bulk of its current projects involve commercial construction. Parkwest petrochemical/power/oil and gas design-build and construction Calgary commercial real estate and Projects delivers construction plants, and major plant shutdowns. management. Alberta commercial properties. management, design-build and Corporate Profile: The PCL family of Major Projects: Opal by Elements; the tender process services. Its companies is a group of independent The Royce; The Heights (Passive portfolio includes: schools; grocery construction companies that carry House); Brixton (Passive House); P stores; service stations; government out diverse operations in the civil Contessa on Cambrie; Sunstone at office buildings; hospitals; personal infrastructure, heavy industrial Delsom Estates; The Muse; Delta PANTHER CONSTRUCTORS LTD. care homes; hardware stores; and buildings markets. Together, Gardens; Oasis; Bold on Fraser. Head Office: manufacturing facilities; water and these companies have an annual 400-343 Railway St sewage treatment facilities; and construction volume of more than PENN-CO CONSTRUCTION CANADA Vancouver BC V6A 1A4 bridges. Parkwest has experience $8 billion, making PCL the largest (2003) LTD. Tel: 604-681-1298 in constructing two LEED certified contracting organization in Canada Head Office: 604-681-1292 buildings, both in excess of $12 and one of the largest in North Fax: 25 Penner Dr Web: million dollars. These buildings America. Offices are strategically Blumenort MB R0A 0C0 Date of Incorporation: 2002 include the addition and renovations located in 31 major centres to Tel: 204-326-1341 Nature of Ownership: Private to the Seven Oaks Hospital’s support work across Canada, the US, Fax: 204-326-4967 Key Personnel: Emergency department as well as the the Caribbean, and Australia. More Email: [email protected] David James, Director; Brian Low, new MPI building on Lexington Park. than 4,500 full-time professionals Web: Director Major Projects: Deerwood School and administrative salaried staff and Branch Office: Winnipeg, MB. Area of Expertise: Construction and École Riverside Envelope and more than 8,500 hourly trades people Date of Incorporation: 2003 management, development Roof Replacement, Thompson MB; make up the 100 percent employee- Nature of Ownership: Private management, project management, Roof Replacement, Food Development owned PCL family of companies. Key Personnel: general contracting, design-build Centre, Portage La Prairie MB; Acadia Major Projects: Calgary Cancer Dan Reimer, President; Dave Caron, services, commercial, institutional, Junior High School, Winnipeg MB. Center, Calgary AB; True North VP, Administration; Jim Brown, VP, industrial, retail and residential. Square, Winnipeg MB; ICE District, Business Development Corporate Profile: Panther Edmonton AB; West Block, Ottawa PCL CONSTRUCTION Gross Revenue: $ 120 mil Constructors, a division of Panther ON; American Dream, NJ; LAX Area of Expertise: Commercial, Group, is a full-service organization Head Office: Midfield North Satellite Concourse, industrial, institutional, recreational providing development consulting, 9915 56 Ave Los Angeles CA; Herbert C. Bonner and residential projects. project management, construction Edmonton AB T6E 5L7 Bridge, NC; LAFC Stadium, Los Corporate Profile: Penn-Co management, general contracting, Tel: 780-733-5000 Angeles CA; Monarch Casino Hotel Construction Canada (2003) Ltd. has and design-build services. Panther Fax: 780-733-5075 Expansion, CO; 16 York Office been a leader in the construction specializes in high-rise and single- Email: [email protected] Building, Toronto ON. industry since 1959. The company’s family residential, commercial, Web: primary geographic markets include restaurant, exhibit and themed Branch Office: Calgary, AB; Halifax, PEAK CONSTRUCTION GROUP OF Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta environment projects. Panther works NS; Kelowna, BC; Ottawa, ON; COMPANIES and Ontario. Penn-Co Construction closely with clients, architects, Regina, SK; Saskatoon, SK; Toronto, projects include water treatment consultants and contractors from ON; Vancouver, BC; Winnipeg, Head Office: 310-2626 Croydon Dr plants, hospitals and healthcare pre-development planning, analysis MB; Yellowknife, YT; Anchorage, Surrey BC V3Z 0S8 facilities, schools, industrial and and due diligence through to design AL; Atlanta, GA; Bakersfield, CA; 604-531-6998 commercial buildings. Although development and construction Charlotte, NC; Dallas, TX; Denver, Tel: its main area of expertise is in completion. CO; Honolulu, HI; Houston, TX; Fax: 604-531-6992 Lake Charles, LA; Los Angeles, Email: [email protected] general contracting, the company CA; Minneapolis, MN; Orlando, FL; Web: also provides design-build and PARKWEST PROJECTS LTD. Phoenix, AZ; Raleigh, NC; San Diego, Date of Incorporation: 1991 construction management, integrated Head Office: CA; Seattle, WA; Tampa, FL; Vail, CO; Nature of Ownership: Private project design and LEED projects. 1077 Oxford St W Nassau, BS; Melbourne, AUS. Key Personnel: Major Projects: Merchants Corner Springfield MB R2C 2Z2 Date of Incorporation: 1906 Doug Wilson, President; Elizabeth South, Winnipeg MB; Merchants Tel: 204-654-9314 Nature of Ownership: Private Beutel, Corporate Controller; Sean Corner North, Winnipeg MB; Sioux Fax: 204-654-9315 Key Personnel: Courtenay, VP, Construction Lookout Airport, Sioux Lookout ON; Email: [email protected] Dave Filipchuk, President and CEO; Gross Revenue: $ 77 mil Lake St Martin School, Lake St Martin Web: Shaun Yancey, President and COO, US Area of Expertise: Multi-family MB; Fisher River Cree Nation School, Date of Incorporation: 1998 Operations; Rob Holmberg, President residential including concrete Fisher River MB; Confederation Nature of Ownership: Private and COO, Canadian and Australian high-rise, wood frame low-rise, College Education Hub, Thunder Key Personnel: Operations; Gordon Panas, CFO; Chris townhomes and seniors complex Bay ON; Little Grand Rapids Water Randy Clegg, President; Gower, COO, Buildings; Ian Johnston, care. Treatment Plant, Little Grand Rapids Grant Clegg, VP COO, Heavy Industrial Corporate Profile: Peak Construction MB; Red Sucker Lake Nurses Station, Area of Expertise: Commercial, Gross Revenue: $ 8,200 mil Group of Companies specializes in Red Sucker Lake MB; Hollow Water A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T 44 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect THE WEST C A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R First Nation Sewage Treatment The company provides a full range Richie Smith Feeds Head Office, Key EPersonnel:T IN CO N Plant and Lagoon, Hollow Water of services, including design-build Abbotsford BC; Earls Restaurant, Diane Delves, President and CEO; MB; Kasibonika Lake Health Centre, development, project management, Chilliwack BC. Kristofer Hansen, Sr. VP and CFO; Bev Kasabonika Lake ON. site selection and development, site Hasenpflug, VP, Design; Sid Bos, VP, Construction services, investigation, engineering PROCON MINING & TUNNELLING LTD. design services, zoning and building Area of Expertise: Multi-family POLYGON CONSTRUCTION Head Office: MANAGEMENT LTD. code review, general contracting residential and commercial. services, lease back development, 108-4664 Lougheed Hwy Corporate Profile: The Quantum Head Office: land use investigation, CAD design Burnaby BC V5C 5T5 Properties Group of Companies 900-1333 W Broadway services, capital cost estimating Tel: 604-291-8292 develops, builds and sells multi- Vancouver BC V6H 4C2 and environmental assessment. Its Fax: 604-291-8082 family and commercial real estate Tel: 604-877-1131 projects range from multi-dwelling Email: [email protected] throughout the lower mainland Fax: 604-876-7610 residential building, automotive and Web: of BC. The Quantum Properties Web: trucking, commercial, community Branch Office: Nisku, AB; Yellowknife, Group includes in house sales, Date of Incorporation: 1980 facilities, retail and hotel to NT; Saskatoon, SK; Bellingham, WA. marketing, property management and Nature of Ownership: Private industrial, warehouse and shopping Date of Incorporation: 1992 construction divisions. Key Personnel: centres. Pre-Con has extensive Nature of Ownership: Private Peter Roskell, Sr. VP, Construction; Ed Key Personnel: experience with condominium Tsumura, Sr. VP, Customer Service; Jim Dales, P. Eng., Founder QUOREX CONSTRUCTION projects including The Mosaic, Bob Bryant, Sr. VP, Construction & President, Procon Group of SERVICES LTD. Centennial Park, Oxbow on the Seine Area of Expertise: Residential Companies; Christina Cheung, CPA, Head Office: and The Annex. In addition, Pre-Con construction CGA, MBA, CFO; Colin Wilson, P. Eng, 142 Cardinal Cres Builders has been delivering Butler Corporate Profile: The Polygon VP, Operations; Guoqing Kang, VP Saskatoon SK S7L 6H6 steel building systems for over 50 family of companies is among the Area of Expertise: Full-service Tel: 306-244-3717 years. most well–established and highly mining provider, including contract Fax: 306-665-7705 respected group of home builders in mining, mine development, and Email: [email protected] British Columbia. Locally owned and PREVIEW BUILDERS construction services such as civil Web: operated since 1980, the Polygon INTERNATIONAL INC. tunnelling and civil construction. Branch Office: Regina, SK. family of companies has built more Head Office: Corporate Profile: Founded in 1992, Date of Incorporation: 1987 than 26,000 homes throughout 44981 Commercial Ct Procon is an experienced, full-service Nature of Ownership: Private the Lower Mainland, ranging from Chilliwack BC V2R 0A7 provider of start to finish solutions for Key Personnel: concrete high–rises to wood-frame Tel: 604-793-9553 the mining industry. Their solutions Cory Richter, President & CEO; Kyle condominiums, townhomes and Fax: 604-793-9551 include the ability to build and Fairbairn, Branch Manager, Regina single–family communities. Polygon Email: [email protected] operate the most complex open pit or Area of Expertise: Commercial, is also active in the construction of Web: underground mining developments institutional, multi-family residential new single family homes through its Date of Incorporation: 1993 and civil infrastructures, including and pre-engineered structures. sister company, Morningstar Homes. Nature of Ownership: Private contract mining, mine development Corporate Profile: Quorex Major Projects: Midori Key Personnel: and construction services. Procon Construction Services Ltd. offers full Condominium, Burnaby BC; Avanti Randy Regier, President and CEO; tailors their solutions to meet construction services with extensive 2 Capstan Village, Richmond BC; Peter Vander Helm, Controller; Gerold clients’ precise needs, and in some experience in general contracting, Marina Garden Estates Phase Grahn, GM & Sr. PM; Brent Stan, circumstances has the ability to construction, project management, 1, Delta BC; Garibaldi Springs Estimator provide financial support for mining design-build and fast tracking. Its Townhouse Development, Phases 1 Gross Revenue: $ 62 mil developments. Procon has completed team is capable of handling a wide and 2, Squamish BC; Public Service Area of Expertise: Commercial, many mining and civil infrastructure range of projects for clients of any Building Alterations, Westmount QC. industrial, institutional, seniors projects across North America and size: commercial (service and retail), housing and First Nations projects. around the world, and they work institutional, health care, educational, PRE-CON BUILDERS Corporate Profile: Preview Builders to foster partnerships and working multi-storey, multi-family, retrofit and Head Office: International Inc. is a British agreements with stakeholders and renovations, tenant improvements, 100-405 Fort Whyte Way Columbia-based design-build and landowners, including First Nation turn-key ventures and pre- Oak Bluff MB R4G 0B1 construction management firm. peoples. engineered building systems, light Tel: 204-633-2515 The company specializes in Seniors Major Projects: Tulsequah Chief and heavy industrial. Fax: 204-694-5576 Campus of Care facilities, First Mine, East Bank of Tulsequah River, Major Projects: Hyde Park View, Email: [email protected] Nations projects and design-build Atlin BC. Saskatoon SK; St. Brieux School, Web: projects operating throughout St. Brieux SK; RCMP North District British Columbia and across Canada Building, Prince Albert SK. Date of Incorporation: 1986 Q Nature of Ownership: Private since 1993. Their extensive value engineering process has resulted Key Personnel: R Jeff Hawryluk, President in many successful projects that QUANTUM PROPERTIES INC. Area of Expertise: Design-build were under budget and ahead of Head Office: construction, complete design and schedule. 2200 West Railway St. RAM CONSTRUCTION INC. construction services for retail, Major Projects: Carlton Gardens Abbotsford BC V2S 2E2 Head Office: commercial and multi-family Retirement Resident Phase 2, Tel: 604-854-1201 101-8369 River Way construction projects. Burnaby BC; Malaspina Gardens Fax: 604-854-1204 Delta BC V4G 1G2 Corporate Profile: Pre-Con Builders Care Facility, Nanaimo BC; Chilliwack Email: [email protected] Tel: 604-501-5265 specializes in providing design- Curling Rink Design-Build, Chilliwack Web: Fax: 604-501-5266 build construction services for BC; Cheam First Nation Health and Date of Incorporation: 2000 Email: [email protected] projects across Western Canada. Community Centre, Rosedale BC; Nature of Ownership: Private Web: A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C THE WEST ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 45 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N Date of Incorporation: 1986 College, Red Deer AB; Stettler County Burnaby BC; Christ Church high-rise residences. Soterra’s team Nature of Ownership: Private Administration Office Building, Cathedral Restoration and Renewal, builds multi-residential communities Key Personnel: Stettler AB; Cummins Western Vancouver BC; 6th and Tenth Tower, throughout the Lower Mainland, as Steve Knoblauch, Founder; Jeff Canada Service Centre Office and Calgary AB; The Marquee on 16th, well as warehouse and subdivision Knoblauch, President; Al Lloyd, Warehouse, Sparwood BC; Sylvan Calgary AB; The Elliot Tower, New development projects. Construction Manager Lake Smart Centre, Bulding J, Sylvan Westminster BC; International Gross Revenue: $ 17 mil Lake AB. Trade Centre, Richmond BC; Opus STANDARD GENERAL INC. Area of Expertise: Commercial, Hotel, Richmond BC; Surrey District (EDMONTON) industrial and institutional. SCOTT CONSTRUCTION GROUP Energy Centre and Urban Park, Corporate Profile: RAM Construction Surrey BC; CBSA Large-Scale Head Office: has built its reputation over the Head Office: Imaging Facility, Pacific Hwy Border 250 Carleton Dr 3777 Kingsway past 30 years on building ideas Crossing, Surrey BC. St Albert AB T8N 6W2 through unmatched experience Burnaby BC V5H 3Z7 Tel: 780-459-6611 and prevailing trade relationships. Tel: 604-874-8228 Fax: 780-459-7639 RAM has an extensive portfolio of Fax: 604-874-0273 SOLTERRA GROUP OF COMPANIES Email: info@ completed projects throughout BC, Email: headoffice@ Head Office: from commercial and industrial 460 Fraser View Pl Web: www. buildings to automotive dealerships Web: www.scottconstructiongroup. Delta BC V3M 6H4 and institutional building, as well as, com Tel: 604-528-6010 Date of Incorporation: 1969 laboratory and medical buildings, Branch Office: Calgary, AB. Fax: 604-522-1604 Nature of Ownership: Private retail and residential projects. Date of Incorporation: 1984 Email: [email protected] Key Personnel: Major Projects: Bekins Moving and Nature of Ownership: Private Web: Rick Taskey, President; Greg Clarke, Storage; Garaventa Lift Canada; Key Personnel: Date of Incorporation: 1993 Controller; Fabrice Voisin, VP, Lustre Products; Subzero Cold Darin Hughes, President and CEO; Nature of Ownership: Private Operations; Michelle Findlay, Manager, Logistics; Liquor Depot Kelowna; Laura Suhner, CGA, CFO Key Personnel: HR; Curtis Martin, Construction Horseshoe Way Development. Gross Revenue: $ 107 mil Mike Bosa, VP, Acquisitions and Manager; Michael Cramer, Estimating Area of Expertise: Residential, Development; Laura Rizzo, VP, Manager institutional, commercial, industrial Marketing Area of Expertise: Road construction, S and specialty projects. Area of Expertise: Residential and asphalt paving, asphalt and gravel Corporate Profile: Scott commercial. production and sales. SCOTT BUILDERS INC. Construction Group safely provides Corporate Profile: The Solterra Corporate Profile: Standard pre-construction, construction Head Office: Group of Companiesleaders-sept-17.pdf specializes in1 2017-09-21General Inc. 7:57 (Edmonton) AM is a leader 8105 49 Ave Close management, general contracting, building top-quality townhomes and in road building construction in Red Deer AB T4P 2V5 design-build, and post-construction Tel: 403-343-7270 services in BC and Alberta for Fax: 403-346-4310 projects in residential (high-rise, Email: [email protected] mixed-use, low-rise condominium Web: and townhomes, non-market Branch Office: Calgary, AB; housing, senior and assisted living); Edmonton, AB. institutional (health, extended care, Date of Incorporation: 1971 education, government, community); Nature of Ownership: Private commercial (offices, retail, hotels); Key Personnel: industrial (district energy centres, Scot Rutherford, President and resource industries, manufacturing, CEO; Terry Bolen, CFO; Murray warehouses, steel building systems); Cunningham, COO; Hans te Stroete, and specialty sectors (tenant C improvements, renovations, heritage, VP, Sales and Business Development; M Ralph Ward, Chairman and program work). Services also Area of Expertise: Institutional and include 3D modeling, Passive HouseY

community; industrial; commercial; and LEED certified projects, as wellCM transportation; warehousing and as specialty work (from seismic MY distribution. upgrades to heritage restorations).

Corporate Profile: Scott Builders With over 30 years of experience inCY TM Inc. an employee-owned company, the Western Canadian construction CMY specializes in the design-build method industry, Scott Construction believes of project delivery. The company getting the right expertise in place K experienced excellent growth in before construction starts is the Design Build 2014 in improved market conditions key to project success. Scott General Contracting with a number of outstanding new Construction is COR certified in projects, many for repeat clients. BC and Alberta and have a safety- Construction Management The employee ownership group also first mandate on each and every grew significantly in the past year as project. Scott Construction works the company expanded its design- collaboratively with clients to meet build services into existing and new and exceed expected results. markets. Major Projects: UBC Undergraduate For more information please call us at Major Projects: Centre for Health, Life Sciences Teaching Lab, 604-638-1212 or visit our website at Wellness and Sport, Red Deer Vancouver BC; Altitude Towers, A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T 46 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect THE WEST C A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R the Greater Edmonton Area. The Major Projects: Rockyridge Date of Incorporation: 1911 Tel: 403-241-1093ET IN CO N company provides road construction Recreation Centre; McKnight Nature of Ownership: Public Fax: 403-241-8250 services to the City of Edmonton and Boulevard Widening; Glenmore and Key Personnel: Email: [email protected] surroundings areas, while utilizing Web: Ogden Road Interchange; 61 Avenue David LeMay, President and its vast expertise and experience Date of Incorporation: 2001 Extension; 162 Avenue and MaCleod CEO; John Krill, President & COO, in project management, aggregate Commercial System Group; Daryl Nature of Ownership: Private Interchange; Stoney and Sacree Trail Key Personnel: sales, complete residential, Sands, EVP and CFO; Arthur Atkinson, industrial, commercial servicing, Interchange; 17 Avenue SE Bus Rapid Radenko Vujadinovic, President COO Buildings Group; Bob Myles, asphalt sales, asphalt paving and Transit; Southwest Crosstown Bus Area of Expertise: Construction COO, Industrial Group; Paul Polson, highway and airport construction and Rapid Transit; Southwest Ring Road management, design-build and Sr. VP, Business Development and general contracting. rehabilitation. In addition, Standard Paving. General offers the following services: Community Engagement; Joette Corporate Profile: Tiki International roller compacted concrete; concrete Decore, EVP, Corporate Strategy and Inc. has over 20 years’ experience in walks, curbs and gutters; slipform STATESMAN GROUP OF COMPANIES Development the building industry. Tiki provides a Gross Revenue: $ 909 mil concrete paving; gravel and soil Head Office: full range of construction services in cement base; grading and cement Area of Expertise: A full service western Canada: general contracting, 7370 Sierra Morena Blvd SW stabilized base; grading, excavation construction and services company project management, estimating and Calgary AB T3H 4H9 and embankment. for Canada’s public, private and budgeting, design and build. Tel: 403-256-4151 industrial infrastructure markets. Major Projects: Your Independent Fax: 403-256-6100 Grocer Grocery Store, Melfort SK; STANDARD GENERAL INC. Corporate Profile: Stuart Olson Inc. is (CALGARY) Email: ashleyf@ a $1 billion+ organization representing No Frills Grocery Store No. 8586, Smithers BC; Mark’s Work Warehouse one of the largest construction Head Office: Store No. 212, Victoria BC; Mark’s Web: services companies in Canada and 9660 Enterprise Way SE Work Warehouse Store No. 265, Calgary AB T3S 0A1 Branch Office: Invermere, BC; serves as an integrated, full-service Whitecourt AB; Click & Connect Store Tel: 403-255-1131 Brinnon, WA; Scottsdale, AZ. organization serving the construction No. 1576, Calgary AB. Fax: 403-212-4755 Date of Incorporation: 1976 and industrial markets. With clients in Email: [email protected] energy, health care, education, mining, Nature of Ownership: Private TROTTER & MORTON TECHNICAL Web: water and wastewater, commercial Key Personnel: SERVICES LTD. Date of Incorporation: 1941 development and civil works, to name Private Garth Mann, President and CEO; Kevin Head Office: Nature of Ownership: just a few, the people of Stuart Olson Key Personnel: Ingalls, CFO; Alana Mann, Executive; 5711 1 St SE have had a positive and lasting impact Terry Gale, President & GM Jeff Mann, VP, Construction and Calgary AB T2H 1H9 on business and communities for over Gross Revenue: $ 101 mil Development Tel: 403-255-7535 100 years. Area of Expertise: Engineering and Area of Expertise: Residential Fax: 403-640-0767 construction. Major Projects: Thompson Rivers Email: [email protected] communities, seniors living, Corporate Profile: Standard University Industrial Training and Web: General (Calgary), is part of the condominiums and resort living. Technology Centre, Kamloops BC; Branch Office: Calgary, AB; Colas Group of Companies, the Corporate Profile: Statesman Group Minoru Aquatic Centre, Richmond Edmonton, AB; Burnaby, BC; world leader in road construction of Companies is a developer of BC; New Central Library, Calgary Winnipeg, MB; Kansas City, MO; San and is a subsidiary of Colas home solutions throughout North AB; Lethbridge College’s Trade and Antonio, TX. Canada. In the peak construction America. The company operates Technology Renewal Innovation Date of Incorporation: 1927 season SG will employ up to in Arizona, Washington, British Project, Lethbridge AB; University Nature of Ownership: Private 300 engineers, technologists, of Toronto Mississauga, North Key Personnel: accountants, mechanics, trades Columbia, Ontario, North Carolina and Mike Watson, President Building Phase B, Mississauga people, equipment operators, Alberta, and develops three types of Area of Expertise: Commercial, ON; Hydroelectric Power Station, truck drivers, administrative staff, communities: lifestyle multi-family institutional, earthworks, demolition, Winnipeg MB; Mining Emissions and labourers on more than 100 homes, active senior living and resort facility services and industrial. Management Project, Sudbury ON; projects in the Greater Calgary communities. Corporate Profile: Trotter & Morton Area. Since its inception, it has New Refinery Project, Edmonton ON; Group of Companies specializes been a part of the growth of New Oil Sands Mining Project, Fort in commercial and institutional Western Canada. Throughout STUART OLSON INC. McMurray Region, AB; University of construction, earthworks and the years, SG has been involved Head Office: Alberta, Research and Collections demolition, facility services and in the construction of airports, 600-4820 Richard Rd SW Resource Facility (RCRF), Electrical industrial construction in North highways and much of the City of America. Their portfolio contains a Calgary AB T3E 6L1 and Computer Engineering Calgary – including major roads, diverse range of projects including Tel: 403-685-7777 Research Facility (ECRF) and East sub-divisions, rail intermodals, Campus Village Student Residence, office towers, hospitals, airports, Fax: 403-685-7771 shopping malls, commercial & Edmonton AB. shopping centers, educational industrial developments, lakes and Email: [email protected] institutions, water treatment golf courses. Major key projects Web: plants and several oil and gas include construction of Banff Branch Office: Vancouver, BC; T projects. Trotter & Morton is a Avenue Revitalization, 16 Avenue Calgary, AB; Edmonton, AB; Red Deer, comprehensive construction North Urban Corridor, Glenmore services provider — from AB; Fort McMurray, AB; Saskatoon, TIKI INTERNATIONAL INC. Trail Underpass & Causeway, demolition to building maintenance. CN Logistics Intermodal, Airport SK; Regina, SK; Winnipeg, MB; Head Office: They complete around 25,000 Pavement Rehabs and Underpass, Toronto, ON; Sudbury, ON; Thunder Bay 2D-624 Beaver Dam Rd NE projects a year, and is recognized NE and NW LRT Extensions. Bay, ON. Calgary AB T2K 4W6 as an industry leader in safety. A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C THE WEST ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 47 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N Major Projects: Summit At Quadra TTM RESOURCES INC. V VCM CONSTRUCTION LTD. Village Care Facility, Victoria BC; Head Office: Alpha Secondary Seismic Upgrade Head Office: 202-750 W Pender St 3038 Faithfull Ave and Addition, Burnaby BC; Margaret VANMAR CONSTRUCTORS INC. Vancouver BC V6C 2T7 Saskatoon SK S7K 0B1 Ma Murray Elementary School, Fort Head Office: Tel: 604-685-1144 Tel: 306-664-0007 St. John BC; Langley Secondary 30701 Simpson Rd Fax: 604-685-9887 Fax: 306-664-9997 School Addition and Seismic Upgrade, Abbotsford BC V2T 6Y7 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Langley BC; Boundary Bay Fire Hall, Tel: 604-882-0700 Web: Web: Delta BC; Port Hardy Multiplex, Port Fax: 604-882-0770 Date of Incorporation: 1995 Date of Incorporation: 1996 Hardy BC; Frank J. New Elementary Email: [email protected] Nature of Ownership: Public Nature of Ownership: Private Addition, Nanaimo BC; Promontory Web: Key Personnel: Key Personnel: Heights Addition, Chilliwack BC; Branch Office: Cambridge, ON. Wesley Raven, VP, Exploration; Raymond Van De Woestyne, President Rocky Pines Community Centre, Date of Incorporation: 2002 Terrence Lyons, Chairman; Jill Neff, Area of Expertise: Industrial, Lower Nicola BC. Nature of Ownership: Private Corporate Secretary; Michele Pillon, Key Personnel: institutional and commercial. CFO; W.K. Crichton Clarke, President, Art Van Maren, President; Geoff Corporate Profile: VCM Construction CEO and Director; Warren Robb, COO UPA CONSTRUCTION GROUP Tessarolo CPA CA, Controller; Jeff Ltd. is a professional general and Director Head Office: Marin, VP, Construction; Cody contracting, project and construction Area of Expertise: Mining 155-4299 Canada Way Voorhorst, Chief Estimator; Mike management company owned and exploration. Burnaby BC V5G 1H3 Van Hemert, PM; Dave Coulter, PM; operated in Saskatoon, SK. VCM Corporate Profile: TTM Resources Tel: 604-437-5501 Warren Verhoef, PQS; Mike Denbok, also offers design-build services. Inc. is a Canada-based publicly- Fax: 604-437-5511 PM; Shawn Vandergaag, PM The firm specializes in the industrial, trading resource exploration and Email: [email protected] Gross Revenue: $ 121 mil institutional and commercial development company, which Web: Area of Expertise: Market and non- construction sectors, as well as focuses on three molybdenum assets Branch Office: Calgary, AB; market residential construction, the grain-based and value-added in British Columbia: the Chu Project, Herriman, UT. institutional, student housing and processing, manufacturing and the Terrace Project, and the Deeker Date of Incorporation: 2004 health care facilities. warehousing markets throughout Creek Project. Nature of Ownership: Private Corporate Profile: VanMar Western Canada. Its projects range Key Personnel: Constructors Inc. specializes in from from $1 million to $150 million. residential, health care facilities U Richard Allen, President, UPA VCM’s team has experience with Construction Group (AB) Ltd.; and institutional construction. They project work and procurement of Keith Anderson, President, UPA focus on providing design build, specialized, internationally sourced UNITECH CONSTRUCTION general contracting, construction equipment. MANAGEMENT LTD. Construction Group (BC) Ltd.; K. David Hollingsworth, President, UPA management-at-risk and Major Projects: Saskatchewan Head Office: Construction Group Inc. construction management services Cancer Agency Facility, Saskatoon SK; 400-1530 56 St to a select client base. VanMar Gross Revenue: $ 42 mil YMCA of Saskatoon, Saskatoon SK; Delta BC V4L 2A8 Constructors focus on a collaborative Area of Expertise: Resort Water Distribution Facility, Humboldt Tel: 604-943-8845 team approach that includes owners, communities, multi-unit residential, SK; Elim Church, Saskatoon SK; Fax: 604-943-0912 consultants and sub trades which commercial and institutional. St. Michael Community School, Email: [email protected] ensures the construction process is Corporate Profile: UPA Construction Saskatoon SK. Web: effective; resulting in a successful Group has provided design-build, Date of Incorporation: 1988 project delivery. There ability to pre-construction, general contracting VENTANA CONSTRUCTION CORP. Nature of Ownership: Private deliver projects on-time, on budget and construction management Key Personnel: and to the satisfaction of the client Head Office: services throughout Canada and the Rick Boates, President; Derek has enabled them to be a trusted and 3875 Henning Dr United States for more than 25 years. Chichak, Director, Project reputable builder on a wide variety of Burnaby BC V5J 0C6 Management; Brad Stevenson, COO; From luxury resort communities projects throughout British Columbia Tel: 604-291-9000 Brian Parker, VP, Construction; Walter to functional residential projects, and Ontario. Fax: 604-291-9992 Mansell, Sr. PM; Robert Ihme, Sr. PM UPA’s experience and capabilities Major Projects: Lakehouse Email: reception@ Gross Revenue: $ 80 mil span throughout all aspects of the Apartment Buildings, Grimsby ON; Area of Expertise: Institutional, residential construction industry. Jasper Condominiums, Milton ON; Web: commercial, municipal, recreational, UPA also has experience on many The Metalworks Condominium Date of Incorporation: 1987 high-rise, multi-family residential. commercial and institutional projects, Building Phase I and II, Guelph ON; Nature of Ownership: Private Corporate Profile: Unitech and has LEED-accredited staff for the Oak Park Rentals, Oakville ON; Key Personnel: Construction Management Ltd. building of green projects. Caroline Street Private Residences, Gene Gerwing, Partner and Director partners with its clients and their Major Projects: Elle, Richmond Waterloo ON; Woodbridge Affordable of Operations; Jim Bond, CEO; John design teams to mitigate client’s BC; Macleod Pioneer Lodge, Fort Housing, Woodbridge ON; Drysdale Sharp, President; Tyler Pasquill, VP, risks and maximize client’s value Macleod AB; New Courtyard Marriot, Row Townhomes, Kelowna BC; Villa Preconstruction; Dan Marsolais, VP, and exceed client’s expectations Prince George BC; Silverado K-4 Cathay Care Home, Vancouver BC; Operations through their proven collaborative School, Calgary AB; The Regent, Waterstone Affordable Housing, Area of Expertise: Commercial, construction process. 85% of their Vancouver BC; VCLTF Sites 4 and 5, Chilliwack BC; The Village at industrial, multi-unit residential, entire project catalogue is repeat Vancouver BC; Village Walk, Delta BC; Anderson Creek, Dementia Care retail and recreational (multiplex) clients and consultants. Watermark, Calgary AB. Facility, Langley BC. construction. A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T 48 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect THE WEST C A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R Corporate Profile: Ventana Corporate Profile: Voice general contracting, design- NatureET IN C O Nof Ownership: Private Construction Corp. is a general Construction Ltd. is a privately- build, construction management, Key Personnel: contractor and construction owned civil construction firm sustainable and LEED building, Ian Gillespie, President; Judy Leung, manager based in Vancouver, specializing in petrochemical site tilt-up construction, and pre-design Finance; Kimberley Wong, Aquisitions BC. The company has a proven preparation and related construction planning and consulting services. and Development track record of delivering high- projects. The company owns an The company operates from its head Area of Expertise: Residential high- quality buildings and providing a extensive construction equipment office in Burnaby, British Columbia, rise and commercial. Westbank comprehensive range of services, fleet. Voice Construction’s versatility with projects across Canada, and Corporate Profile: Projects Corp. is the leading luxury including preconstruction, design- in site preparation includes: services a broad range of industrial residential developer in Canada, build/design-assist, sustainable underground installations; tank and commercial building categories. along with being the owner and strategic planning, public-private foundations and berms; landfill Wales McLelland is a carbon neutral developer of some of the finest partnerships (P3s) and general and pond construction; concrete company, a member of the Canada hotels in the country, but the origins contracting and construction foundations and structures; Green Building Council, and has of the company are in the retail management. Ventana promotes environmental remediation; LEED-accredited employees on sector. The company is active a team approach on each project, drainage and dewatering; roads and staff. Wales McLelland strives across North America in a diversity which involves building durable railway grades; soil stabilization; to provide sustainable building of product types from luxury relationships with the owner, industrial site grading and paving solutions for its clients. condominiums, to rental apartment, architect, consultants and sub- and excavation and fill. Voice can office, retail, hotel, non-market trades and establishing a common also develop hazardous waste WARD BROS. CONSTRUCTION LTD. housing and industrial. Major key goal for the project team. More control sites, upgrade existing sites projects include Shangri-La Hotels Head Office: than half of Ventana’s new projects to current environmental standards in Toronto and Vancouver. The main 3604 18 Ave N originate with long-term, repeat and decommission old sites. focus is on large mixed-use projects Lethbridge AB T1H 5S7 clients, which include companies The company can transport toxic involving highly complex entitlement Tel: 403-328-6698 like Mercedes-Benz Canada, materials on Alberta highways, as processes. Fax: 403-328-6652 Mountain Equipment Co-op, Best well as perform localized clean-ups Email: [email protected] Buy Canada, Canadian Tire and of hydrocarbon spills and herbicide, WESTERN INDUSTRIAL Web: Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers. Green pesticide, mercury, creosote and CONTRACTORS LTD. Date of Incorporation: 1976 building projects now make up arsenic contamination of older Head Office: Nature of Ownership: Private a large percentage of Ventana’s sites. Gold Seal certified project 4912 John Hart Hwy Key Personnel: portfolio. The company has worked managers, superintendents and Prince George BC V2K 3A1 Darren Boras, CFO; Colin Ward, COO on more than 35 LEED and green estimators lead a committed core Tel: 250-962-6011 Gross Revenue: $ 34 mil building projects up to $55 million of employees in the safe and timely Fax: 250-962-5353 Area of Expertise: Commercial, in the last five years. completion of a variety of projects. Email: [email protected] Major Projects: The Duke Institutional, and industrial. Web: Residential, Retail Building, Corporate Profile: Ward Bros. Branch Office: Kitimat, BC. Vancouver BC; University of British W Construction Ltd. is a contraction Date of Incorporation: 1989 Columbia Student Residence, company in Southern Alberta. Nature of Ownership: Private Vancouver BC; Seaspan Head Office, WALES MCLELLAND CONSTRUCTION Services include general contracting, Key Personnel: construction management, and John Pateman, VP and CFO; Brian North Vancouver BC; Warehouse, Head Office: design build. The firm delivers Savage, VP and COO; Ray Fortier, Commercial Building, Vancouver 6211 Fraserwood Pl projects varying from renovations Chairman BC; 17th Avenue Mix-Use Building, Richmond BC V6W 1J2 to new construction, processing Area of Expertise: Institutional, Vancouver BC. Tel: 604-638-1212 plants to commercial buildings, to commercial, industrial and Fax: 604-276-9930 schools and assisted living facilities engineering. VOICE CONSTRUCTION LTD. Email: [email protected] across Alberta. Its experience ranges Corporate Profile: Western Web: Head Office: from the smallest project to the Industrial Contractors Ltd. is one Date of Incorporation: 1988 7545 52 St massive $62 million West Lethbridge of the largest contractors in British Nature of Ownership: Private Edmonton AB T6B 2G2 Centre and $34 million ATB Centre - Columbia, fully certified in all new Key Personnel: methods of construction and project Tel: 780-469-1351 Crossings Ice Complex. Fax: 780-466-9378 Doug Scott, P. Eng., President; management. The company offers a Email: [email protected] Sonny Wong, Director; Kevin Armon, complete range of preconstruction Web: VP, Construction; Tony Vigini, VP, WESTBANK PROJECTS CORP. and construction services. Branch Office: Fort McMurray, Development; Janis Freeman, Head Office: AB; Fort Saskatchewan, AB; Prince Controller, OHSM; Jim Skirda, P.Eng., 1067 W Cordova St WESTRIDGE CONSTRUCTION LTD. Rupert, BC. Manager, Operations Vancouver BC V6C 1C7 Head Office: Date of Incorporation: 1939 Gross Revenue: $ 120 mil Tel: 604-685-8986 435 Henderson Dr Nature of Ownership: Private Area of Expertise: Industrial, Fax: 604-893-1708 Regina SK S4N 5W8 Key Personnel: commercial, retail and institutional. Email: [email protected] Tel: 306-352-2434 Scott Shea, President and CEO; Mike Corporate Profile: Wales McLelland Web: Fax: 306-352-0199 Hrynchuk, VP, Operations Construction has been operating Branch Office: Shanghai, CN; Beijing, Email: [email protected] Area of Expertise: Heavy civil in Vancouver for over 40 years CN, Hong Kong, CN. Web: construction. with professional expertise in Date of Incorporation: 1992 Date of Incorporation: 1989 A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C THE WEST ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 49 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N Nature of Ownership: Private Major Projects: Culvert and Road AB; Brossard, QC; Calgary, AB; the Saskatchewan and Bessborough Key Personnel: Resurfacing, Regina SK; Road Chicoutimi, QC; Cold Lake, AB; Hotels. The company provides Leon Friesen, President and GM; Craig Resurfacing, Sturgeon Lake SK; Edmonton, AB; Fort McMurray, AB; design-build services. Wright Phillips, CFO and VP; Nick Friesen, Sr. Granular Strengthening Roadwork, Fort St John, BC; Grande Prairie, Construction is an experienced Butler Estimator; Harley Friesen, PM; Geoff Springwater SK; Hwy 44 Surfacing AB; Kitimat, BC; Lloydminster, SK; Builder, with expertise ranging from Stadynyk, PM; Mike Lamontagne, PM Mixing and Compaction, Pilot Butte Markham, ON; Mississauga, ON; site selection to total construction. Area of Expertise: Commercial, SK; Residential Road Renewal Montreal, QC; Nanticoke, ON; Quebec Major Projects: Stoneridge Joint- light industrial, institutional and Program No. 1, Regina SK. City, QC; Sarnia, ON; Saskatoon, SK; Use Elementary School, Saskatoon engineering. Sept-IIes, QC; St John’s, NL; Sudbury, SK; Hampton Village Joint-Use Corporate Profile: Established in ON; Trois-Rivieres, QC; Vancouver, BC; WILCO CONTRACTORS Elementary School, Saskatoon SK; 1989 in Regina, SK, Westridge is a Victoria, BC. NORTHWEST INC. Rosewood Park Joint-Use Elementary well-known construction company Date of Incorporation: 1974 School, Regina SK’Evergreen Joint- with a diverse range of experience. Head Office: Nature of Ownership: Public 14420 154 Ave Use Elementary School, Saskatoon Westridge has built, renovated Key Personnel: SK; Walmart Supercentre, Delta BC. and expanded facilities of every Edmonton AB T6V 0K8 Andrew Wood, CEO; Simon Holt, kind throughout Saskatchewan. Tel: 780-447-1199 CFO; Randy Karren, Group Managing Their myriad of projects include: Fax: 780-447-2330 Director Improve; John Gril, Chairman Y corporate head offices, churches, Email: [email protected] and Non-Executive Director Web: banks, sports facilities, restaurants, Area of Expertise: Engineering, YELLOWRIDGE CONSTRUCTION LTD. bridges, dams, parking structures, Branch Office: Fort McMurray, AB. procurement, modularization, water treatment plants, wastewater Date of Incorporation: 1982 construction and construction Head Office: treatment plants, pumping Nature of Ownership: Private management. 200-2605 Clarke St stations, educational buildings, Key Personnel: Corporate Profile: WorleyParsons Port Moody BC V3H 1Z4 medical facilities, seniors’ housing Arthur Maat, President; Trent Hartwell, Canada Services Ltd. offers Tel: 604-936-2605 complexes, and multi-family housing Sr. Estimator extensive expertise in design and Fax: 604-936-2630 developments. Every year since Area of Expertise: Open-space site construction across Canada. The Email: [email protected] 2003, SaskBusiness magazine has development. company is capable of operating Web: included Westridge in their “Top 100 Corporate Profile: Wilco in a fully integrated Engineering, Date of Incorporation: 1982 Companies in Saskatchewan” list. Contractors Northwest Inc. is Procurement and Construction (EPC) Nature of Ownership: Private Major Projects: Ring Road, one of four individually owned environment or may offer these Key Personnel: Northbound Overpass, Regina SK; and operated companies that components separately in oil and gas Steve Hawboldt, President George Bothwell Library, Regina SK; comprise the Wilco Group of transmission, oil and gas processing, Gross Revenue: $ 34 mil Compound Regina Armoury, Regina Companies. Services in project petrochemical, power generation Area of Expertise: Institutional, SK; Wascana Rehabilitation Centre, management and construction and heavy oil sectors. Demand for its commercial and industrial. Regina SK; Roadwork and Bridge of parks, sport facilities, as well modularization, fabrication and field Corporate Profile: Yellowridge Repair, Regina SK. as environmental, landscape construction services will continue Construction Ltd. is a Canadian- and civil works, make the Wilco to increase and with three central owned and operated company Group of Companies a leader in established in 1961. The firm WF BOTKIN CONSTRUCTION LTD. Alberta module assembly yards open-space site development, that produce over 425 modules per provides general contracting, Head Office: delivering complex projects to year, WorleyParsons is positioned construction management and 330 Sherwood Rd its clients from British Columbia as a primary provider of modules in design-build services throughout Regina SK S4P 3A3 to Ontario. Wilco Contractors Western Canada. Western Canada with a strong focus Tel: 306-543-7557 Northwest Inc. specializes in on all regions in British Columbia. Fax: 306-543-1405 athletic facilities, urban landscapes, Yellowridge Construction completes Email: [email protected] WRIGHT CONSTRUCTION environmentally sensitive site projects in education, healthcare and Web: WESTERN INC. developments, infrastructure and housing, as well as First Nations’ Branch Office: Regina, SK. Head Office: civil developments. projects. Its special projects range Nature of Ownership: Private 2919 Cleveland Ave Major Projects: Ambleside and from cruise ship terminals to Key Personnel: Saskatoon SK S7K 8A9 Windermere School Park Sites, recreational facilities. Yellowridge also Ron Smith, Manager Tel: 306-934-0440 Edmonton AB; Evergreen MR21 and operates Yellowridge Design Build Area of Expertise: Civil, commercial, MR20 Parks, Saskatoon SK; Kinsmen Fax: 306-934-4747 residential, asphalt and concrete Email: [email protected] Ltd. which specializes in design-build Park, Phase 1, Martensville SK; Deer projects. (ready-mixed, gravel pit, planing, Run and Midnapore Skateparks, Web: sand and gravel, sand pit). Date of Incorporation: 1905 Major Projects: Kwantlen Calgary AB; Kensington Wet Pond, Polytechnic University, Surrey BC; Corporate Profile: WF Botkin Saskatoon SK. Nature of Ownership: Private Construction is one of the leading Key Personnel: Surrey Courthouse Expansion, Surrey heavy civil construction companies Lorne Wright, President; Larry BC; Smiling Creek Elementary and construction material supply WORLEYPARSONS CANADA Strohan, VP School, Coquitlam BC; Cohere businesses serving the Saskatchewan SERVICES LTD. Area of Expertise: Commercial and Housing Apartment Building, and Regina area for over 50 years. Head Office: institutional. Vancouver BC; Selkirk College They undertake all size of projects 400-10201 Southport Rd SW Corporate Profile: Wright Student Commons, Nelson BC; and their area of expertise includes Calgary AB T2W 4X9 Construction Western Inc. is Upper Skeena Recreation Centre, site grading, small parking lots, Tel: 403-258-8000 a general contractor serving Hazelton BC; Maillardville School, large parking lots, industrial sites, Fax: 403-258-5875 Saskatchewan and is the creator Port Coquitlam BC; Banting Middle commercial buildings, street and Email: [email protected] of many Saskatchewan landmarks, School, Coquitlam BC; Smithers road construction, aggregate supply, Web: including the original buildings of Seniors Housing, Smithers BC; Lu’ma concrete supply and asphalt paving. Branch Office: Alma, QC; Blackfalds, the University of Saskatchewan and Native Housing, Vancouver BC. Land market values have increased significantly over the past five years.

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Call to ask us how 416 495 6257 | [email protected] PHOTO: PUBLIC WORKS AND GOVERNMENT SERVICES CANADA Ottawa’s Parliament Buildings are perched on a cliff which over- looks the Ottawa River. Carpenters and Allied Workers Local 27 222 Rowntree Dairy Rd Woodbridge, ON L4L 9T2 Tel: 905-652-4140 Fax: 905-652-4139 [email protected]



ore than 40 years after its grand opening, the CN the Canadian National Railway. Ultimately, it was the only feature MTower remains remarkably relevant: an engineering of the Metro Centre development that was realized. marvel, a major attraction and an irreplaceable part of the There was a solid reason for building the tower—radio and televi- Toronto skyline. sion signals were no longer reaching the city unimpeded, thanks to The city has seen major construction projects before and since, rapid highrise expansion. At a little over 1,815 feet, the tower could but not one so visible that almost every citizen could mark its beam signals of all sorts to Canadian markets and across Lake Ontario stunning progress as it rose from the city’s downtown. to the United States. However, part of the reason for the project was a The CN Tower was conceived as only one feature of a complete simple act of will, demonstrating to the world what Canadian archi- redevelopment of the Railway Lands owned and maintained by tects, builders, engineers and corporate clout could achieve. >> A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T 54 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect THE EAST C A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N Continued from page 53

Major contributors to the project team included: NCK Engi- An article written by CN Tower engineers appeared in a 1976 neering (structural engineer); John Andrews Architects; architects issue of the Precast Concrete Institute Journal and describes the of record, the Webb, Zerafa, Menkes, Housden Partnership (now difficulty of engineering the post-stressed tensioning cables that WZMH Architects); The Foundation Company of Canada (now helped to strengthen the tower. The cables were fed downward part of AECON); steel fabricator Canron (Eastern Structural Divi- through ducts by a hand-controlled reel system to the tower sion); Scanada Slipform Systems Inc.; and excavation contractor foundation. The cables had to be protected from moisture and Rumble Contracting Inc. tensioning operations were scheduled around slipform work. The most detailed history of CN Tower While most cables were tensioned from construction has been researched by below using hydraulic jacks, some had to Robert Lansdale, historian and curator be tensioned from the top of the building, at Lansdale resulting in scheduling conflicts. continues to chronicle every aspect of Slipform work was completed on Feb. construction, including the names of 22, 1974 when the tower reached 1,464 individuals who worked on the project feet. Work on the SkyPod came next, as and personal interviews with them. concrete forms and tonnes of steel were His current labour of love is a complete lifted into place and assembled. This work frame-by-frame restoration of the last included construction of the revolving known pristine copy of a 16mm film on restaurant and the Radome, the fabric construction of the CN Tower produced ring containing telecommunications by Canron. equipment. “I have been working on the CN Tower Some of the most iconic photos of project for decades and expect to finish it the tower’s construction feature “Olga” in 30 years’ time,” he says. a Sikorsky S-64 helicopter operated by Lansdale notes that the initial pitch for Erickson Skycrane of Oregon. The proj- the CN Tower imagined a budget of $12 ect’s most dramatic moment occurred million, a significant underestimation. as the chopper attempted to remove the Construction began on Dec. 8, 1972 crane, which seized on the supporting with demolition and clearing of existing bolts, tethering the helicopter. Steel railroad infrastructure—and no building workers quickly arrived on the scene to permit. Other milestones followed in burn off the bolts as the helicopter hov- rapid succession. Excavation of the foun- ered nearby. Olga ultimately delivered the dation to bedrock began in February crane to terra firma with only 14 minutes 1973 as crews removed more than 56,000 of fuel left. tonnes of earth and shale. Foundation Subsequent placement and bolting work began in March on a concrete-and- of the 44 antenna segments proceeded steel foundation 6.71 metres deep. The smoothly. The final segment of antenna foundation comprised 7,046 cubic metres was bolted into place on April 2, 1975, of concrete and 453 tonnes of reinforcing officially making the CN Tower the steel. The foundation was completed in world’s tallest free-standing structure. May. The CN Tower opened to the public Concrete pouring on the tower began on June 26, 1976. The project cost $63 in June using a sophisticated slipform million to build — about $325 million supported by a series of hydraulic- in today’s currency, accounting only for powered climbing jacks. Pouring was a inflation — and employed the labour 24-hour-a day operation. As each layer of TOM ARBAN of more than 1,500 workers. It contains concrete cured around rebar, the slipform A southwest view of the CN Tower in Toronto. The 40,500 cubic metres of concrete, and tower is considered the city’s most omnipresent land- was raised and adjusted according to the mark at 1,815 feet in height. almost 5,100 tonnes of steel. design contours. Concrete in the tower John Andrews, Ned Baldwin and was single-sourced and mixed on site to Roger du Toit were part of the architec- ensure uniform consistency. Lansdale notes the concrete was hand tural design team working on the tower at John Andrews Archi- poured using wheelbarrows around the periphery of the structure. tects. Andrews, now 84, has long since returned to his native A single crane rode slowly up the concrete tower as it Australia after working on a host of significant Canadian projects. ascended. Ever mindful of his connection to the CN Tower, he’s still fiercely Only when the tower reached 300 feet did the city issue a proud of his design for Scarborough College (1963), the project building permit. that first brought him recognition. Continued on page 55 A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C THE EAST ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 55 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N Continued from page 54 “But I was so excited doing design work on the CN Tower that Given the ability to change anything about the CN Tower, I still get a chuff out of it,” he says. Sampson is hesitant. He recalls two or three different designs. The approach repre- “I would keep the tower as is,” he says. “I think it’s a great sented on the original models of Metro Place features three slim design that simply looks very good. I would only change what cylinders placed in an equilateral triangle —one to contain stairs, happens at the ground level. There’s a bit of a circuitous maze another an elevator and a third pipes and ducts. They would be through dark corridors to get you to the elevators. I always find interconnected by horizontal tubes, and topped by antennas and that a bit disorienting.” an observation deck. In 1995, the CN Tower was voted one of the Seven Wonders of “The one we built had the lifts on the outside, which is still the Modern World by the American Society of Civil Engineers. This quite a scary experience for some people,” Andrews says. “The year the CN Tower (and the Ontario Place Cinesphere and Pods) tower was also designed to sway somewhat. If you fix your eyes on were presented with the 2017 Prix du XXe siecle by the Royal Archi- something, you can actually perceive the movement of the tower tectural Institute of Canada, in partnership with The National Trust as it sways in the wind.” for Canada. The award recognizes projects for their enduring excel- One of the project’s biggest challenges was preventing the for- lence and national significance to Canada’s architectural legacy. mation of ice on the tower. Russia had already built the Ostankino Toronto alderman Elizabeth Eayrs is famously quoted as telling communications tower at 1,772 feet tall, but in Cold War days, city council: “We’ll live to regret it if we let this monstrous dart go connecting with colleagues behind the Iron Curtain involved up.” But today, Eayrs explains the context for her remark. layers of protocol. “It was a single building representing one company and it “I attempted to get in touch with them through the Depart- seemed very obtrusive,” she says. “I didn’t want one corporation to ment of Foreign Affairs, but ultimately I just wrote to the guy who dominate a skyline that had a very low profile at the time. I’ve

designed it and he wrote back,” says Andrews. lived long enough to becomeA totally used to it. Today, the CN A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N O ’ U A 201 I T R “We built the donut that encases all of the communica- Tower has become Canada’sD T tower.” E N C T IN CO A’ U T R ET IN CO N tion antennas out of plastic and any heat that comes from the machinery is collected in there to keep it warm. Heat is also pumped into the steel needle.” The CN Tower opened to the Robert Sampson, principal at WZMH Architects was a teen when the CN Tower was completed. But the firm’s connection to public on June 26, 1976. The the project remains strong. It still retains original sketches of the project cost $63 million to build tower through conception. — about $325 million in today’s “It’s great to have the CN Tower in our portfolio because it’s so well known around the world,” he says. “But we don’t want it to currency, accounting only for completely overshadow the many buildings our firm has contrib- inflation — and employed uted to the city’s downtown. We promote it, but we do it sparingly, often using it as the very last slide in a presentation of our port- the labour of more than 1,500 folio without talking about it.” workers. It contains 40,500 cubic He notes that the tower could be built stronger and taller today. metres of concrete, and almost However, Toronto no longer requires a single, massive telecom- munications tower — that makes the design a unique reflection of 5,100 tonnes of steel. its place in history.

• Fire Sprinkler Systems • Fire Alarm Systems • Security Systems • Service and Inspections

Build Safe and Secure Communities FROM THE GROUND UP: Building Canada’s Parliamentary Precinct


he construction of Canada’s parliament buildings in buildings were completed in 1865 and represented one of the TOttawa was no small feat and the project took years to largest projects in British North America at the time and one of complete, but through it all they have remained a symbol of the finest examples of gothic revival architecture. national pride and an iconic landmark. “It’s indicative of the high Victorian gothic revival style when Also known as “The Hill,” the grouping of three gothic revival you have pointed arches over the windows and doors, many buildings constructed in the 19th century is situated on top of vertical elements that reach upward towards the sky, highly a cliff in downtown Ottawa overlooking the Ottawa River. The decorative in the sense that they have all the tracery around the

Continued on page 57 A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C THE EAST ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 57 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N Continued from page 56 windows, all the corners of the building have cut stone quoits,” explained Ezio DiMillo, director general at Public Works and The legislature building, Government Services Canada (PWGSC). Located on Wellington Street in Ottawa, the site where the totalling 55,000 square feet, Parliament Buildings stand was carefully selected by Queen Vic- was to contain a council toria. The Queen chose Bytown, now Ottawa, as the capital of the chamber and a hall of United Province of Canada in 1858. Barrack Hill was chosen as the site for the new Parliament Buildings because it sits far from assembly for the upper and the American border and is located on a cliff to make it easier to lower houses of Parliament, defend from a possible attack, according to the PWGSC website. The land was also already owned by the Crown. a library, a picture gallery, Due to the proposed large scale of the Parliament Buildings, 85 reading rooms, speakers’ the then Department of Public Works organized an architectural apartments, committee competition to find suitable architects to design three federal buildings — a Parliament Building (Centre Block), two adjacent rooms and clerk rooms. administrative buildings (the East and West Blocks) and a Gov- ernor General’s residence which never came to fruition. The design of Thomas Fuller and Chilion Jones won first place to roughly the same square footage as the legislature building, for the Centre Block and Thomas Stent and Augustus Laver’s required 170 offices to house the entire Canadian public service. designs were selected for the East and West Blocks. The gothic Thomas McGreevy was awarded a contract to build the Par- style was chosen and was seen to reflect the style used for the liament Buildings in 1859. After the ground was broken, the British Houses of Parliament built during the 1830s. departmental buildings were handed over to Jones, Haycock and According to the blog Today in Ottawa’s History, written by Company of Port Hope for construction and McGreevy retained James Powell who is also a member of the board of directors of the contract for Centre Block. the Ottawa Historical Society, the government specified that the Ground was broken and the sod was turned for the new Parlia- legislature building, totalling 55,000 square feet, was to contain a ment Buildings on Dec. 20, 1859. council chamber and a hall of assembly for the upper and lower “When they were building these buildings they didn’t have houses of Parliament, a library, a picture gallery, 85 reading mechanical cranes, they had lifting cranes of some sort but they rooms, speakers’ apartments, committee rooms and clerk rooms. didn’t have the technology we have today,” said DiMillo, adding The two departmental buildings, which together amounted some of the challenges were manpower, transporting and storing

Continued on page 58

PUBLIC WORKS AND GOVERNMENT SERVICES CANADA An interior view of the main reading room in the library which survived the fire thanks to its iron fire doors. The library has over 600,000 items in its collection. A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T 58 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect THE EAST C A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N Continued from page 57 the materials on the site. “Much of the work was done by hand such huge monumental buildings in the middle of the wilderness, and heavy equipment and construction elements were shipped by it’s an extraordinary achievement…just bringing in the materials horse and wagon.” and men was a huge undertaking.” According to DiMillo, the buildings were designed to be poly- The Parliament Buildings officially opened on June 6, 1866, chromatic on the exterior. The architects wanted the buildings to about a year before Confederation, which took place on July 1, have slate roofs which have a grey-blue colour and the masonry a 1867. Though they were not fully complete, the buildings became nice buff sandstone that came from Ohio. They used locally quar- the seat of government for the four provinces: Ontario, Quebec, ried Nepean sandstone as the more common face stone or wall New Brunswick and Nova Scotia and the first session sat Nov. 6, stone and they used Potsdam sandstone for detail elements which 1867. has a reddish colour. Manitoba, the North-Western Territories (which included “Then when you put it all together along with the cresting on parts of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Yukon, the Northwest Territories the top of the buildings, the wrought iron decorative elements that and Nunavut), British Columbia and Prince Edward Island joined you see on top of all three buildings, they wanted to bring forward confederation in 1870. this multi-colour sort of effect,” DiMillo explained. By 1876, the Library of Parliament and the landscaped grounds By 1861, public works reported $1.4 million had been spent on were complete and later that same year the iron Queen’s Gates the project, two-and-a-half times more than planned. The site was were erected at the main entrance of Parliament Hill. shut down in September and construction halted. As the country grew, so did the buildings on Parliament Hill. In June 1862, a commission of inquiry investigated the project’s From 1906 to 1914, additions were made to all three buildings, management problems and found some of the issues that led to new buildings were constructed and some federal departments cost overruns were improper awarding of the construction con- moved off The Hill. tract, failure on the part of public works to appropriately assess On Feb. 3, 1916 a fire started in the Centre Block and only the the depth of the bedrock, failure to properly factor in the cost of library survived thanks to its iron fire doors. When it was rebuilt a heating and ventilation and inadequate monitoring of the con- few years later the building was enlarged and the peace tower was struction progress. completed in 1928 to honour those who died in the First World Construction resumed in 1863. War. The gothic style of the building was retained by architects “As you can imagine the population of Ottawa was 15,000 in Pearson and Marchand but updated to a Beaux-Arts axial plan 1860 and thousands of workers were brought in to work on the with gothic details. The rebuild was complete by 1920, four years site,” said Powell. “Think about all the complications of building after the fire. Continued on page 59

SAMUEL MCLAUGHLIN/LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES CANADA TOPLEY STUDIO/LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES CANADA A view of the main entrance of Parliament’s Centre How Parliament’s Centre Block looked circa 1880. Block during construction circa 1863. A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C THE EAST ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 59 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N Continued from page 58 According to the PWGSC website, “a team of architects pro- In 2002, a major program to rehabilitate the Parliamentary duced a design that, while similar to the original, used newly Precinct began. The long-term vision and plan is a multi-decade developed structural techniques and materials. The new Centre strategy to renew the precinct and includes fully restoring and Block would also be larger and a full storey higher than the orig- modernizing the older buildings inside and out; preserving the inal building. To avoid another tragedy, instead of wood, interior buildings’ architectural heritage character; and ensuring that the walls are built with limestone and floors with marble. The exterior buildings meet safety standards. frame is made of steel and covered with the same Nepean sand- West Block rehabilitation work is currently underway. Due stone that was used in the original buildings. Because of the war, to the fire of 1916, the West Block is the oldest of the Parliament materials and labour were in short supply and expensive, slowing Buildings. The revitalization was designed by Arcop Architecture construction.” and Fournier Gersovitz Moss and Associates Architects, in a joint venture. PCL Constructors Canada is the construction manager on the project. “You have to think that these buildings have not had any real The population of Ottawa was major work, in the case of the West Block, in over 100 years,” said 15,000 in 1860. The Parliament DiMillo. “We are basically taking these old heritage buildings and Buildings officially opened on seismically reinforcing them, that is always a challenge when you are working with some of the older buildings and more specifi- June 6, 1866. cally for a building like the West Block where it’s a load bearing masonry construction.” Another challenge is bringing the buildings up to date and into the 21st century. Over the years there have been discussions to rehabilitate var- “These are gothic revival buildings that were built in the mid- ious parliamentary buildings. In 1952, a fire nearly destroyed the 1800s and they didn’t put in modern air-conditioning and heating library but instead of building a new one, the existing library was and communication systems, security and multimedia,” said DiMillo. rehabilitated. In 1961, there were discussions to replace both the “A big challenge has been putting all these modern systems in a East and West Blocks with modern office buildings, but instead, heritage building but we have risen to the challenge with the help

A the interior of the West Block was renovated with modern offices of various teams — the contractors, the architects andA engineers A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N to replace the old Victorian rooms. — we’re close to opening the building (the WestA’ U Block).” T R ET IN CO N

PUBLIC WORKS AND GOVERNMENT SERVICES CANADA A worker nails copper to a high and steep portion of the West Block roof during restoration work. he provinces in the Atlantic Region The four unemployment rates in the government policies that forbid the adop- are trailing the rest of Canada in Atlantic Region have all been higher than tion of hydraulic fracturing to tap substan- Trankings based on most key demo- the Canada figure (6.3%). Newfoundland/ tial shale rock deposits. graphic and economic indicators. Labrador (15.7%) has been worst, followed Providing a backstop for economic With respect to population change, by Prince Edward Island (10.0%), then Nova activity in the region is the substantial boat it’s been a heartening development that Scotia (7.9%) and New Brunswick (6.5%). building work that is proceeding, under long-standing declines year-over-year have Job creation has been far from stellar, contract with National Defence, at Halifax recently been flipping over into pluses in either. There have been declines in total Shipyards. three of the four Atlantic provinces. The employment year over year in New- Quebec has been receiving a lot of exception is Newfoundland and Labrador foundland/Labrador (-5.4%) and in New kudos in the press for the progress its (-0.2%). Brunswick (-0.7%). Hiring in Nova Scotia economy has been making of late. Year- But only in Prince Edward Island has (+1.1%) and in Prince Edward Island over-year job creation is a solid +3.0% and the latest annual population increase (+2.9%), though, has been on an upswing. the unemployment rate has fallen to 5.8%, (+1.6%) beaten the national average As calculated by the Canadian Real which is better than in next-door Ontario (+1.2%). Nova Scotia’s gain (+0.6%) has Estate Association (CREA), year-over-year (6.1%). been half the national increase and New prices for existing (i.e., resale) homes are The healthy labour market in Quebec, Brunswick’s (+0.2%) has been barely on -3.9% in St. John’s, Newfoundland, and abetted by earning gains of +2.9% hourly the positive side. -0.8% in Halifax-Dartmouth, but they are and +2.4% weekly, has given a +4.6% year- There isn’t a single province in the +4.7% in Saint John, N.B. over-year boost to retail sales. Atlantic Region with a population of one The Atlantic Region will struggle There have been a couple of other million or more. to ignite its economy until there is an important factors that have helped drive Nova Scotia comes closest, with 953,000 improvement in energy markets. New- consumer spending and overall GDP residents. Next in line is New Brunswick, foundland/Labrador is already real- growth. A generous parental leave provi- with a citizen count of 758,000. New- izing the benefits from a year-over-year sion and subsidized daycare have drawn foundland and Labrador, with 529,000 improvement in the price of oil. more working-age women into the work individuals, and Prince Edward Island, But additional sparks need to be gener- force in Quebec than anywhere else in with 150,000, round out the foursome. ated — possibly through reversals in local Canada. A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C THE EAST ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 61 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N And don’t overlook the fact that house- There are 196,000 jobs with archi- production that is booming (currently holds have had more money to spare for tectural and engineering services firms thanks more to domestic rather than U.S. non-necessities, thanks to Hydro Quebec in Canada. Quebec, with 40,000 such demand); and by high-tech and entertain- providing the lowest-cost electricity in the positions, has a 20% share of the nation’s ment sectors that are flourishing as well. land. design services total. As for Ontario’s share of new high- Housing starts in the province are Ontario’s economic performance has tech work, the statistics are impressive. +16.0%, which compares well with the recently been middle-of-the-road com- Ontario currently accounts for 46% of all Canada-wide foundations figure of +9.0%. pared with the rest of Canada. But that’s ‘computer systems and design services’ The province’s export sales are +9.9% partly due to mathematics. Ontario is so jobs in Canada. Ottawa, Waterloo and year over year. dominant in the country that it plays an Toronto are hubs. The nominal increase The Montreal economy is being sup- exaggerated role in establishing nation- in ‘computer systems and design services’ ported by some large civil construction wide averages. jobs in Ontario over the past year has projects, underway and planned — i.e., the Ontario’s 14.1 million people account been +11,100. In percentage terms, that’s Champlain Bridge and the 67-kilometre for 39% of the country’s total population. +11.9%. and 27-station Reseau electrique metro- Second-place Quebec, with a 23% stake, is The ‘information technology’ sub- politain (REM) LRT project. far behind. index on the Toronto Stock Exchange There is a proposal to build the nation’s Ontario’s most recent population (TSX) this past summer was +11% tallest skyscraper outside Toronto in increase was +1.5% versus Canada’s +1.2%. year to date and the ‘telecommunica- Quebec City. At a planned 65 stories, the The unemployment rate in the prov- tions’ sub-index was +12%. As a corol- ‘Le Phare’ tower is awaiting municipal ince sits at 6.1%, slightly better than the lary, office vacancy rates in the towers approval. national average of 6.3%. of Toronto and Ottawa are becoming The best news out of Quebec City, the Ontario’s year-over-year retail sales have exceedingly tight. provincial capital, concerns the govern- recorded a dramatic increase, +8.1%, but Ontario is also getting a boost from ment’s finances. Formerly out-of-control where the province has faltered relative to transit projects, and they’re not all in expenditures are finally being reined in. more resource-oriented regions has been For the first time in decades, the budget is in export sales, only +0.4% year to date. Ottawa (Confederation Line) and Toronto in surplus and is expected to stay on the Many are cheering the go-ahead that (Eglinton Crosstown). Planners in Ham- positive side of the ledger for years to come. has been given to construction of a road ilton and in Hurontario (i.e., the Missis- S&P Global recently upgraded the prov- to the Ring of Fire region 500 kilometers sauga- corridor) are diligently ince’s debt rating to AA-, a notch above northeast of Thunder Bay. It will allow working away as well. Ontario’s. It’s the first time in history that mining companies to develop deposits Also in Ottawa, the Supreme Court Quebec’s finances have been judged more of chromium, platinum, palladium and of Canada is scheduled for a $1 billion sound than Ontario’s. A chief benefit of the nickel. makeover. And let’s not forget that con- upgrade is that it will lower loan servicing Assessing which metals will be in struction on the Gordie Howe Bridge costs. heaviest demand in a further-off horizon linking Windsor and Detroit will get There’s even the tantalizing possibility has become a more difficult proposition. underway in 2018. that Quebec may soon move from being Several countries (e.g., Britain and France) Ontario, due to its size and diversity, is a ‘have-not’ to a ‘have’ province under the and car companies (e.g., Volvo for one) a juggernaut. Hopefully, that isn’t giving guidelines set out for federal government have announced commitments to move too many people a false sense of perma- equalization (i.e., transfer) payments. completely away from fossil-fuel-powered nent well-being. The Queen’s Park govern- Montreal is also favored with a youth- vehicles. Implementation dates vary wildly, ment is undertaking several apparently oriented high-tech sector. ‘Players’ already ranging from 2020 to 2050. anti-business measures that may be out of know the city as a video-game production Clearly there will be significant shifts step with the times. powerhouse. in which mining products become most It is increasing the minimum wage Statistics Canada records that there cherished. (from $11.40 now to $15.00 in January are 227,000 jobs with ‘computer systems Aluminum (with smelters in Quebec 2018); making significant changes to and design services’ firms spread across and B.C.) would seem to have an advan- labour laws (establishing equal pay scales the country. Quebec, with 63,000 such tage. While also providing strength, its for part-time work that is the same as full- employees, has a 28% share of that total. light weight promotes energy efficiency. time work); and introducing charges for (Quebec is home to 23% of Canada’s total Electric cars and charging stations have industrial emissions of carbon. These are population.) a mighty thirst for copper. all inhibiting factors when business owners The number of jobs in computer sys- Other metals to keep an eye on will consider where to place their capital tems and design services in Quebec has be those most in demand for new battery investments – never mind that the prov- risen by 5,500 positions (or +9.6%) over systems. For example, there is lithium ince also has the highest electric power the past year. mining in Nevada, which is one reason rates in North America. Quebec now has two-and-a-half times Elon Musk located his giant battery plant more individuals engaged in computer in Reno. systems and design services work than are Ontario is being driven by the strength Alex Carrick, employed in aerospace products and parts of its banking community on Bay Street Chief Economist, ConstructConnect manufacturing — i.e., 63,000 versus 24,000. in Toronto; by auto assembly and parts A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T 62 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect THE EAST C A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N Leaders in Construction — Eastern Canada

Page Company Name Location Website

66 Accel Construction Management Inc. Concord ON A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A  ’ U N T R E 66 N O T I N CO N Aecon Group Inc. ON C A I D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 66 Alberici Constructors Ltd. Burlington ON 66 Amec Foster Wheeler Oakville ON 66 Amico Affiliates Oldcastle ON 68 Aquicon Construction Company Ltd. Brampton ON 68 Argue Construction Ltd. Carp ON 68 Aspen Ridge Homes Ltd. Concord ON 68 The Atlas Corporation Concord ON 68 Avondale Construction Ltd. Halifax NS 68 Axor Construction Canada Inc. Montreal QC 68 Ball Construction Ltd. Kitchener ON 69 Bellai Brothers Construction Ltd. Ottawa ON

69 Bermingham Construction Ltd. Hamilton ON A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A  ’ U N T R 69 N E T O N Bird Construction Mississauga ON I N C C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 69 Bluescape Construction Management Inc. Toronto ON A A A

C A N N A I O C  D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R 70 N E T O N Bondfield Construction Company Ltd. Concord ON I N C C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 70 BOT Construction Group Oakville ON 70 Bridgecon Construction Ltd. Concord ON 70 Brighton Construction Inc. Charlottetown PE 70 Broccolini Construction Inc. Kirkland QC 70 Buttcon Ltd. Concord ON

70 C. & M. McNally Engineering Corp. Burlington ON A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R 71 N E N Carillion Canada Concord ON T I N CO C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 71 Chamberlain Construction Services Ltd. Burlington ON 71 Claridge Homes Group of Companies Ottawa ON 71 Cobalt Construction & Consulting Group Ltd. Toronto ON 71 Coco Paving Inc., a Division of The Coco Group North York ON

71 Collavino Group Windsor ON A A A

C A N N A I O C  D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R E 72 N ConDrain Group Concord ON N T I N CO C A I O A D 201 T A N A C N O ’ U A 201 I A T R D T E T O N A U C IN C A ’ R T ET IN CO N

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R 72 N E N The Conservatory Group Markham ON T I N CO C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 72 Construction Polaris Inc. Sept-Iles QC 72 Cooper Construction Ltd. Oakville ON 72 Coram Construction Solutions Inc. Toronto ON 72 Cougar Engineering & Construction Ltd. St. John's NF 72 Couillard Construction Ltée Coaticook QC 73 CRT Construction Inc. Levis QC

73 Cruickshank Construction Ltd. Kingston ON A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R 73 N E N D Grant Construction Limited London ON T I N CO C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 73 Dancor Construction Development Brampton ON A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R 73 N  E T O N The Daniels Corp. Toronto ON I N C C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 74 Décarel Inc. Westmount QC A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R N E T N 74 O Deltera Inc. North York ON I N C C A I O A D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I A T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U A R E T T IN CO N

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R N  E T O N 74 I C Dexter Construction Bedford NS N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 74 Dineen Construction Corp. Etobicoke ON

74 Dominus Construction Group Ltd. Concord ON A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R 74 N E Dufferin Construction Company Oakville ON  T O N I N C C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 75 Eastern Construction Company Ltd. North York ON A A A

Leaders in Construction — Eastern Canada is based on the most active general contractors, October 2016 to October 2017, as defined by information contained in ConstructConnect, Canada’s C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U Top 50 2017 List N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O 201 T A N D C N A U 201 I O ’ R A T E T database. Supplementary information was gathered through a comprehensive questionnaire sent to more than 300 construction firms across Canada. Participation in the survey processDA C was voluntary. T IN CO N ’ U T R ET IN CO N    Change from Gross revenues reported in questionnaire responses are included in the listings. In the absence of a response to the questionnaire, a profile was created using ConstructConnect, Canada’s project news 2016 list data. To be included in the distribution of the questionnaire for the 2018 edition of Leaders, please email [email protected] or call 1-800-387-0213. A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C THE EAST ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 63 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N Leaders in Construction — Eastern Canada

A Page Company Name Location Website A A

C A N N A I O C  D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R 75N E EBC Inc. L'Ancienne-Lorette QC T I N CO N C A A 201 I O T A N D C N A U 201 I O ’ A R A T E T DA C T IN CO N A ’ U T R ET IN CO N

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A  ’ U N T R E 75N O T I N CO N EllisDon Corporation Mississauga ON C A I D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 75 Empire Communities Vaughan ON 75 Eurovia Québec Boucherville QC 76 Fermar Paving Ltd. Rexdale ON 76 Finn Way General Contractor Inc. Thunder Bay ON

76 First Gulf Corp. Toronto ON A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R 76N E N FRAM Building Group Mississauga ON T I N CO C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 76 Gerpro Construction Inc. Chateauguay QC 76 Gillam Group Inc. East York ON

77 Gillin Engineering & Construction Ltd. Ottawa ON n/a A A A

C A N N A I O C  D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R 77N E Govan Brown & Associates Limited Toronto ON N T CO I N C A I O A D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ R U A I A T D C T E T IN CO N A’ U A R E T T IN CO N

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R 77N E Graham Bros. Construction Ltd. Brampton ON T I N CO N C A I O A 201 T D A N A C N O ’ U A 201 I A T R D T E T O N A U C IN C A ’ R E T T IN CO N

C A N N A I O C  D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R 77N E Groupe SNC-Lavalin Montreal QC T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 77 H&R Construction Management Ltd. North York ON 77 Hady Construction Associates Rexdale ON 78 Harbridge + Cross Ltd. Concord ON 78 Higgins Construction Ltd. Trenton NS 78 Inter-Cité Construction Ltée. Chicoutimi QC 78 Invar Building Corp. Toronto ON 78 J.D. Strachan Construction Ltd. Newmarket ON

78 John Flood & Sons (1961) Ltd. Saint John NB n/a A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R 79N E T CO N Kenaidan Contracting Ltd. Mississauga ON I N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 79 Kingston Byers Inc. Lasalle QC 79 K-Line Construction Ltd. Beardsley NB

79 Lakeside Contracting Company Ltd. Mississauga ON A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R 79N E LCL Builds Limited North York ON T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 80 Le Groupe Robin Saint-Hyacinthe QC 80 M. Sullivan & Son Ltd. Arnprior ON 80 Magil Construction - A subsidiary of MC Group Montreal QC

80 Manorcore Group Inc. Beamsville ON A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R 80 E Maple Reinders Group Ltd. Mississauga ON N N  T O I N C C A I O A D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ R U A I A T D C T E T IN CO N A’ U A R E T T IN CO N

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R 80 E Marco Group of Companies St. John's NF N T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 81 Massicotte Construction Ltd. Vanier ON n/a

81 Matrix NAC Burlington ON A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R 81 E Mattamy Homes Ltd. Milton ON N  T O N I N C C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 81 Matthews Southwest Mississauga ON 81 Maxim Construction Inc. Saint John NB 81 Maystar General Contractor Inc. Woodbridge ON 81 MCI Design-Build Corp. London ON 82 McKay-Cocker Construction Limited - A Subsidiary of MC Group London ON

82 Medallion Properties North York ON A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R 82 E Melloul-Blamey Construction Inc. Waterloo ON N T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 82 Menkes Development Ltd. North York ON

82 Merit Contractors Niagara St Catharines ON A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R 82N E T O N Minto Developments Inc. Ottawa ON I N C C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 83 Modern Construction (1983) Ltd. Moncton NB n/a 83 MP Lundy Construction (Ontario) Ltd. Ottawa ON A A A

Leaders in Construction — Eastern Canada is based on the most active general contractors, October 2016 to October 2017, as defined by information contained in ConstructConnect, Canada’s C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U Top 50 2017 List N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O 201 T A N D C N A U 201 I O ’ R A T E T database. Supplementary information was gathered through a comprehensive questionnaire sent to more than 300 construction firms across Canada. Participation in the survey processDA C was voluntary. T IN CO N ’ U T R ET IN CO N    Change from Gross revenues reported in questionnaire responses are included in the listings. In the absence of a response to the questionnaire, a profile was created using ConstructConnect, Canada’s project news 2016 list data. To be included in the distribution of the questionnaire for the 2018 edition of Leaders, please email [email protected] or call 1-800-387-0213. A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T 64 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect THE EAST C A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N Leaders in Construction — Eastern Canada

Page Company Name Location Website

A 83 Multiplex Construction Canada Ltd. Toronto ON A A

C A N N A I O C  D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R E 83N O T I N CO N Nexrock Design Build Concord ON C A I D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 83 Niacon Construction Niagara Falls ON 83 NAC Constructors Ltd./North America Construction (1993) Ltd. Morriston ON 83 Northway Construction Concord ON 84 Ocean Contractors Ltd. Dartmouth NS 84 Ogesco Construction Inc. Quebec QC 84 Osco Construction Group Saint John NB 84 The Pascoal Group Mississauga ON 84 Penalta Group Ltd. Oakville ON 84 Pennecon Ltd. St. John's NF

84 Percon Construction Inc. Etobicoke ON A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R N  E T O N 85 O I N C Pomerleau Inc. St-Georges QC C A I D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 85 Pratt Hansen Group Inc. Barrie ON

85 Pre-Eng Contracting Ltd. Concord ON A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R N  E T O N 85 O I N C Primont Homes Richmond Hill ON C A I D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 85 Project Management Services Inc. St John's NF n/a

85 R.E. Hein Construction Kanata ON A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R E 85N O T I N CO N Reliance Construction Group Lachine QC C A I D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 86 Remington Group Concord ON 86 ROMAG Contracting Ltd. Mississauga ON 86 Rosati Group Windsor ON

86 Roxboro Excavation Inc. Dorval QC A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R E 86N O T I N CO N R.W. Tomlinson Ltd. Gloucester ON C A I D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 86 Schilthuis Construction Inc. Caledonia ON 86 Sierra Construction Woodstock ON 87 Soncin Construction Corp. Concord ON 87 Sorbara Group of Companies Woodbridge ON 87 Southern Kings Construction Ltd. Montague PE 87 Strabag Inc. Mississauga ON 87 Taggart Construction Ltd. Ottawa ON

87 TAS Design Build Toronto ON A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R E 87N O T I N CO N TEQ Entreprise de Construction Inc. Montreal QC C A I D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 88 Teranorth Construction and Engineering Ltd. Sudbury ON 88 The Moro Group Builders Inc. Etobicoke ON 88 Toddglen Group of Companies Ltd. North York ON

88 Tom Jones Corp. Thunder Bay ON A A A

C A N N A I O C  D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R N E N T I CO 88 O N Transelec / Common Inc. (TCI) Laval QC C A I A A D 201 T N A C N 201 O ’ R U A I A T D C T E T IN CO N A’ U A R E T T IN CO N

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R N E N T CO 88 O I N Traugott Building Contractors Inc. Cambridge ON C A I A A D 201 T N A C N 201 O ’ U A I A T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U A R E T T IN CO N

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R E 88N O T I N CO N Tricar Developments Inc. London ON C A I D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 88 Tridel Corp. North York ON A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U N T R N  E T O N 89 O I N C Tucker HiRise Construction Scarborough ON C A I D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N 89 United Lands Corp. Ltd. Oakville ON 89 Urbacon Toronto ON & 89 Varcon Construction Corporation Concord ON 89 Walsh Canada North York ON 89 Waterworks Construction Ltd. Dartmouth NS


Leaders in Construction — Eastern Canada is based on the most active general contractors, October 2016 to October 2017, as defined by information contained in ConstructConnect, Canada’s C A N N A I O C D 201 T A C A ’ U Top 50 2017 List N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O 201 T A N D C N A U 201 I O ’ R A T E T database. Supplementary information was gathered through a comprehensive questionnaire sent to more than 300 construction firms across Canada. Participation in the survey processDA C was voluntary. T IN CO N ’ U T R ET IN CO N    Change from Gross revenues reported in questionnaire responses are included in the listings. In the absence of a response to the questionnaire, a profile was created using ConstructConnect, Canada’s project news 2016 list data. To be included in the distribution of the questionnaire for the 2018 edition of Leaders, please email [email protected] or call 1-800-387-0213.


C A N N A I O C D 201 T 66 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect THE EAST C A A’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R a Canadian leader in construction and Major Projects: Humber WWTP South CorporateET IN CO N Profile: Amec Foster A infrastructure development providing Plant Upgrades, Toronto ON; Toronto Wheeler designs, delivers and integrated turnkey services to private Island WTP Residual Management maintains strategic and complex ACCEL CONSTRUCTION and public sector clients. Aecon is Facility Upgrades,Toronto ON; assets for its customers across the MANAGEMENT INC. pleased to be consistently recognized Toronto Island Raw Water Conduit global energy and related sectors. Head Office: as one of the Best Employers in Rehabilitation, Toronto ON; Greater With over 40,000 people in more 50 Viceroy Rd, Unit 11 Canada. Toronto Airports Authority Baggage than 50 countries, the company Concord ON L4K 3A7 Major Projects: John Hart Generating Handling Upgrades, Toronto ON; operates across the whole of the oil Tel: 905-660-6690 Station, BC; Northwest Anthony Constellation Brands, New Brewery and gas industry – from production Fax: 905-660-6280 Henday Drive Project, AB; K+S Potash Expansion, Nava MX; Constellation through to refining, processing and Email: [email protected] Canada Legacy Project, SK; Regina Brands, Project Gateway, Mexicaly MX; distribution of derivative products – Web: Wastewater Treatment Plant, SK; FiatChrysler, Sterling Heights Assembly and in the mining, clean energy, power Date of Incorporation: 2004 Region of Waterloo’s Ion Stage 1 LRT, South Paint Shop, Sterling Heights generation, pharma, environment Nature of Ownership: Private ON; Eglinton Crosstown LRT, ON; MI; FiatChrysler Belvidere Assembly and infrastructure markets. In Area of Expertise: High-rise Darlington Nuclear Refurbishment Plant, 2017-2019 Retooling Program, addition, Amec Foster Wheeler has residential, commercial and industrial. Project, ON; L.F. Wade International Belvidere IL; Tesla Auto Manufacturing, been recognized as one of Canada’s Corporate Profile: Accel Construction Airport Redevelopment, Bermuda. Conveyor Installation, Fremont CA; Greenest Employers for 2015 by Management Inc. is a full-service Shell Chemical, Franklin Project Early MediaCorp for its commitment to sustainability. construction company specializing ALBERICI CONSTRUCTORS LTD. Civil Work, Monaca PA. in high-rise construction projects Major Projects: Ostrander Point throughout the Greater Toronto Area. Head Office: Wind Energy Park, Roseneath ON; The company provides construction 1005 Skyview Dr AMEC FOSTER WHEELER Édiface Gilles-Marceau, Jonquiere QC; services in commercial, residential Burlington ON L7P 5B1 Head Office: Centre Plein Air Bec-Scie Recreational and industrial sectors. Its services Tel: 905-315-3000 2020 Winston Park Dr Ste 700 Building, La Baie QC; CFB Bagotville include: construction management; Fax: 905-315-3001 Oakville ON L6H 6X7 Residential Buildings, La Baie QC; project management and planning; Email: [email protected] Tel: 905-829-5400 L’Université de Québec, Chicoutimi QC. stipulated price general contracting; Web: Fax: 905-829-5401 Branch Office: Saskatoon, SK; design-build; preconstruction; quality Web: AMICO AFFILIATES control; scope of work development; Cambridge, ON; St. Louis, MO; Leon, Branch Office: Bonnyville, AB; maintenance programs; inspection and MX; Atlanta, GA; Southfield, MI; Calgary, AB; Edmonton, AB; Fort Head Office: testing programs. Accel Construction Topeka, KS. McMurray, AB; Grande Prairie, AB; 2199 Blackacre Drive Management is an advocate of Date of Incorporation: 1997 High Prairie, AB; Lethbridge, AB; Oldcastle ON N0R 1L0 Private 519-737-1577 sustainable building practice. Since Nature of Ownership: Lloydminster, AB; Medicine Hat, Tel: Key Personnel: Fax: 519-737-1929 becoming a member of the Canada AB; Red Deer, AB; Spruce Grove, Greg Brokenshire, President; Jack Email: [email protected] Green Building Council, the firm strives AB; Burnaby, BC; Fort St. John, BC; Scott, CAO; Bruno Presutto, Director, Web: to implement more environmentally Kamloops, BC; Nanaimo, BC; Nelson, Business Development; Don Lauppe, Branch Office: Vaughan, ON; responsible building guidelines and BC; Prince George, BC; Smithers, BC; Operations Director; Sean Thibeault, Cambridge, ON; Toronto, ON. continues to educate its staff on Surrey, BC; Trail, BC; Tumbler Ridge, VP, Construction Date of Incorporation: 1987 sustainable building practice. BC; Vancouver, BC; Fredericton, NB; Gross Revenue: $ 134 mil Nature of Ownership: Private Major Projects: The Kingsway Moncton, NB; Saint John, NB; Corner Area of Expertise: Water, wastewater, Key Personnel: Apartment Building, Etobicoke ON. Brook, NL; St. John’s, NL; Yellowknife, industrial, power, automotive, Dominic Amicone, President; structural steel, mechanical, electrical, NT; Whitehorse, YT; Dartmouth, NS; Chris Karpala, CFO; Greg Geml, VP, AECON GROUP INC. civil, millwright and rigging. Halifax, NS; Sydney, NS; Winnipeg, Operations Design Building Division; MB; Barrie, ON; Brantford, ON; Head Office: Corporate Profile: Alberici Constructors Jamie Di Laudo, VP, Infrastructure Burlington, ON; Cambridge, ON; 20 Carlson Ct Ste 800 Ltd. provides a full complement of Division; Dino Fantin, VP, Design Hamilton, ON; London, ON; Markham, Etobicoke ON M9W 7K6 construction services throughout Ontario: Building Division; Cindy Prince, VP, ON; Mississauga, ON; Oshawa, ON; Tel: 416-293-7004 general contracting; steel fabrication and Amico Properties; Gary Quenneville, VP, Fax: 416-293-0271 erection; facilities management; design- Ottawa, ON; Port Hope, ON; Sarnia, Procurement and Development Email: [email protected] build; green building; preconstruction ON; Scarborough, ON; Sudbury, ON; Area of Expertise: Heavy civil, sewer, Web: services and construction management Thorold, ON; Toronto, ON; Windsor, ON; watermain, roads, mid-rise residential, Branch Office: Vancouver, BC; for the automotive industry; building/ Dorval, QC; Val d’Or, QC; Prince Albert, retirement homes and commercial Calgary, AB; Edmonton, AB; Medicine infrastructure; energy; heavy industry; SK; Regina, SK; Saskatoon, SK. projects. Hat, AB; Fort McMurray, AB; manufacturing/food and beverage; Date of Incorporation: 1907 Corporate Profile: Amico Affiliates Cambridge, ON; Ottawa, ON; Montréal, water and wastewater treatment Nature of Ownership: Public companies focus on heavy civil QC; Pictou, NS; Saskatoon, SK; St. markets. Alberici Constructors is a Key Personnel: construction; roads and bridges; John’s, NL; Brantford, ON Gold Seal Employer, a designation Jonathan Lewis, CEO; Ian McHoul, land development, as well as, Date of Incorporation: 1957 rewarding professionalism and CFO; Neil Bruce, COO; Will Brandsema, building construction throughout Nature of Ownership: Public commitment to quality. Alberici has VP and GM, Saskatoon; Michael Ontario including Windsor and Essex Key Personnel: achieved CoR Certification from the Jolliffe, VP, Government Relations County, Ottawa, the Niagara Region, Hon. Brian V. Tobin, Chairman; John Infrastructure Safety and Health and Communications; John Connolly, Milton, Strathroy, Cambridge and M. Beck, President and CEO; David Association and can demonstrate to Chairman Chatham-Kent. Amico provides an Smales, EVP and CFO; Yonni Fushman, buyers of construction that Alberici’s Area of Expertise: Oil and gas, integrated and diverse range of EVP, Chief Legal Officer and Secretary health and safety management system unconventional oil and gas, minerals services centred on site selection, Gross Revenue: $ 3,213 mil has been developed, implemented, and metals, nuclear, renewables and land development and construction. Area of Expertise: Construction and and evaluated through comprehensive bioprocess, power, transmission and Its team carries out the business infrastructure development services in internal and external audits. The firm is distribution, water and municipal, of land development, heavy civil the market sectors of infrastructure, part of Alberici Corporation, a leading transportation and infrastructure, construction management,and design- energy and mining and concessions. construction services group, founded in government services, industrial and build construction management. Corporate Profile: Aecon Group Inc. is 1918 in St. Louis, USA. commercial. More specifically, Amico acts as the-fence-people-pub-magazine.pdf 1 17-09-18 14:53

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C A N N A I O C D 201 T 68 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect THE EAST C A A’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R the general contractor for site and London Southwest Community Centre, Email: [email protected] Email:ET IN COrgarnett@N civil engineering projects with a full Quinte ON; Meadowvale Community Web: complement of project managers, Centre, Mississauga ON; Albion Date of Incorporation: 1992 Web: project superintendents, project Library, Toronto ON; Advent Healthcare Nature of Ownership: Private Branch Office: Moncton, NB; Saint accountants and estimators. Amico Residence. Area of Expertise: Residential John, NB. ensures that each new project is development. Date of Incorporation: 1965 successful and financially sound to Corporate Profile: Established as a Nature of Ownership: Private ARGUE CONSTRUCTION LTD. deliver turn-key solutions. In addition, family business, Aspen Ridge Homes Key Personnel: the company specializes in the Head Office: is one of Ontario’s new home builders. Bill Garnett, President; Ryan Garnett, provision and operation of seniors 105 A Willowlea Rd With over 1,000 quality homes built GM, Halifax; Nick Bird, GM, Moncton; housing and medical related facilities Carp ON K0A 1L0 so far, the firm develops high-rise Paul Clarke, Sr. Construction Manager throughout Ontario. Tel: 613-831-7044 and low-rise complexes. All projects Area of Expertise: Commercial, Major Projects: Millen Shores Fax: 613-831-6344 combine traditional and innovative institutional and industrial. Retirement Residence, Email: [email protected] building techniques, such as green Corporate Profile: Avondale Stoney Creek ON. Web: initiatives incorporated from the Construction provides building Date of Incorporation: 1982 planning stage to the finished home. solutions for a variety of commercial, Nature of Ownership: Private Inspired by nature, its condominium institutional and industrial clients in AQUICON CONSTRUCTION Key Personnel: project The Scenic on Eglinton Avenue the Maritime provinces. Its services COMPANY LTD. F. Shawn Argue, President and PM; in Toronto holds the title of High-Rise range from tilt-up, lump-sum building Head Office: Keith Riley, Chief Estimator and PM; Project of the Year by the Ontario construction, to design-build and 131 Delta Park Blvd Gerry Nault, PM; Dave Weir, PM, Health Home Builders Association. Aspen construction management. Its featured Brampton ON L6T 5M8 and Safety Manager Ridge Homes has also a track record projects include McInnes Cooper, Tel: 905-458-1313 Gross Revenue: $ 10 mil representing five consecutive years Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Fax: 905-458-6020 Area of Expertise: Commercial, of excellence in after-sales service, Canadian Rivers Institute, Champlain Email: [email protected] industrial and institutional. winning a “Star” award from the Plaza, Harrison Trimble School and Web: Corporate Profile: Argue Construction Ontario New Home Warranty Program. Nova Scotia East Hants Resource Date of Incorporation: 1986 Ltd., is highly experienced in all areas Major Projects: Cornell Living Centre, Centre. Nature of Ownership: Private of construction. The company obtains Markham ON. Major Projects: CFIA Dartmouth Lab, Key Personnel: most of its work from referrals and Dartmouth NS; Family Planning Clinic, Mario Aquino, CEO; Daniel Aquino, repeat business. Fully bonded and The Moncton Hospital, Moncton NB; President insured, the company offers general THE ATLAS CORPORATION Early Labour Assessment Unit, IWK Gross Revenue: $ 125 mil contracting, construction management Head Office: Health Centre, Halifax NS; Bedford Area of Expertise: Public sector and design-build services. Since 1988, 111 Ortona Ct Insititute of Oceanography, Polaris and educational facilities including Argue has been an authorized agent Concord ON L4K 3M3 Building, Dartmouth NS; Parking Lot, transportation facilities, schools, for Robertson Building Systems, which Tel: 905-669-6825 Moncton NB. universities, community centres, provides pre-engineered steel building Fax: 905-669-8288 churches and libraries. systems. The firm holds memberships Email: [email protected] AXOR CONSTRUCTION CANADA INC. Corporate Profile: Aquicon in various industry organizations Web: Head Office: Construction Company Ltd. is a family- including Canadian Construction Date of Incorporation: 1946 1555 rue Peel owned and operated construction Association, Professional Engineers Nature of Ownership: Private Montreal QC H3A 3L8 company. Its team provides design- of Ontario, General Contractors Key Personnel: Tel: 514-846-4000 build, construction management and Association of Ottawa and the Ottawa Lee Curto, Principal; Andrew Fax: 514-846-4020 general contracting services to the Construction Association. Famiglietti, Principal; Adam Salehi, Email: [email protected] institutional, commercial and industrial Major Projects: Renfrew Victoria Principal Web: sectors. Its construction management Hospital, Professional Building; M-Con, Area of Expertise: Commercial, Date of Incorporation: 1972 services include: cost analysis, Phase 9 VUP Addition, Phase 2 and 4 industrial, institutional, heritage Nature of Ownership: Private budget and cost management, due Extensions; Apex Motor Express New buildings and residential. Key Personnel: diligence, engineering, health, safety Maintenance Terminal; Nortrax Ottawa, Corporate Profile: Atlas is a Jacques Grenier, Chairman and CEO and environmental consulting, pre- New Sales, Parts and Service Facility; diversified construction services Area of Expertise: Engineering, construction; scheduling and planning. Calabogie Motor Sports, New Storage enterprise consisting of a consortium Aquicon also offers architectural, environment, urban infrastructures, Building, Race Control Building of affiliated companies, enabling mechanical and electrical engineering, mechanical and electrical consultant Condominiums and Classroom; Atlas to provide turn-key projects to sourcing and management services structure civil engineering work, Kevlar Developments, Kemptville any client. Atlas provides general and transport and construction, energy and as well as LEED building technology Montessori and Kemptville Plaza, KFC specialized contracting, design-build, real estate. and move management services. The and Starbucks; Mississippi Valley construction management, project Major Projects: Port-Carter Biofuel firm specializes in the construction of Conservation Authority Administrative management, real estate development Plant, Port-Cartier QC; Drummondville public administration and educational Headquarters; Constance & Buckham’s and management, as well as heritage Library, Drummondville QC. facilities, which include transportation Bay Community Centre, Fitness Centre, restoration services to commercial, facilities, schools, universities, Washrooms and Library; St Michael’s industrial, institutional, heritage and community centres, churches and School, Douglas ON; Arnprior, Barry’s residential projects. B libraries throughout Ontario. Bay, Petawawa, Deep River Paramedic Major Projects: Orillia Recreation Major Projects: W.F. Mitchell Athletic Base Stations. Centre, Orillia ON. Expansion, University of Guelph Gerald BALL CONSTRUCTION LTD. Hatch Engineering Building, McMaster Head Office: University Highland Hall Expansion, ASPEN RIDGE HOMES LTD. AVONDALE CONSTRUCTION LTD. 5 Shirley Ave University of Toronto Student Centre, Head Office: Head Office: Kitchener ON N2B 2E6 Trent University McLaughlin Library 29 Floral Pkwy 49 Hobsons Lake Dr Tel: 519-742-5851 Design-Build, University of Guelph Concord ON L4K 5C5 Halifax NS B3S 0E4 Fax: 519-742-6727 Williams Parkway Operation Centre, Tel: 905-669-9292 Tel: 902-876-1818 Email: [email protected] Brampton ON; Operations Centre, Fax: 905-669-9297 Fax: 902-876-1822 Web: A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C THE EAST ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 69 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N Date of Incorporation: 1923 Tel: 613-782-2932 company and industry leader in Corporate Profile: As a leading Nature of Ownership: Private Fax: 613-782-2931 manufacturing diesel pile driving general contractor in Canada with over Key Personnel: Email: [email protected] hammers, reverse-circulation 95 years of construction experience, Jason Ball, President; Cameron Ball, Web: drills, leads and a wide variety of Bird’s resume includes pre- VP; Gary Hauck, VP and Estimating Branch Office: Gatineau, QC. custom foundation equipment. construction and construction services Manager Date of Incorporation: 1954 Bermingham is also Canada’s most to a long list of new and repeat clients. Area of Expertise: Industrial, Nature of Ownership: Private experienced foundation contractor. With its broad market reach, Bird’s commercial, institutional, retirement Key Personnel: From constructing some of the first clients include leading firms in the and multi-residential. Romeo Bellai, President foundations of Canada’s railway multi-tenant residential, commercial, Corporate Profile: From its Area of Expertise: Commercial, to today’s newest buildings and institutional, retail, industrial, water head office in Kitchener, ON, Ball residential and industrial buildings, infrastructure, the company’s and wastewater, mining, energy and Construction provides a fully restoration, and equipment rental experience is unrivaled in the civil sectors. integrated, complete and well- service. foundation industry. Innovation is the Major Projects: Willow Park Armoury, managed building service for all areas Corporate Profile: Bellai Brothers key to the company’s success, such Halifax NS; Moncton Downtown of industrial, commercial, institutional Construction Ltd. is a family-owned as the introduction of diesel hammers Centre, Moncton NB; East Rail Transit and recreational development. business that services the Ottawa in the 1950s, the invention of the Maintenance Facility, Whitby ON; Projects range in size from renovations Valley with quality workmanship in the Statnamic Load Testing method in Niagara Falls Entertainment Centre, costing a few thousand dollars to commercial, industrial and residential 1988 and, most recently, the creation Niagara Falls ON; Mont Wright capital projects with values from sectors. The company is a leader in of the unique green bridge builder. Overburden Stripping, Mont Wright $40 million to $70 million. Its own formwork, concrete placing, finishing, QC; Thompson Wastewater Treatment workforce of carpenters, labourers, masonry, concrete pumping and Plant, Thompson MB; Canadian BIRD CONSTRUCTION equipment operators and cement restoration. In addition, Bellai Brothers Blood Services Facility, Calgary AB; finishers contribute to the company’s offers concrete pumps rental services Head Office: Fort Hills Infrastructure Block, Fort success as a single-source contractor. and is a distributor for the Mapei line 5700 Explorer Dr Ste 400 McMurray AB; Sustainable Energy & Project managers, who are graduate of construction products. Mississauga ON L4W 0C6 Environmental Engineering (SE3P) civil engineers, direct major Tel: 905-602-4122 Building, Simon Fraser University, construction projects with support Fax: 905-602-1516 Surrey BC; Stanton Territorial Hospital, BERMINGHAM CONSTRUCTION LTD. from a professional team of project Email: [email protected] Yellowknife NT. superintendents, and an experienced Head Office: Web: staff of engineering technicians and 600 Ferguson Ave N Branch Office: St. John’s, NL; Halifax, BLUESCAPE CONSTRUCTION project coordinators. Most employees Hamilton ON L8L 4Z9 NS; Saint John, NB; Wabush, NL; MANAGEMENT INC. are Gold Seal certified and most key Tel: 905-528-7924 Montréal, QC; Toronto, ON; Winnipeg, technicians are LEED accredited. All Fax: 905-528-6187 MB; Calgary, AB; Edmonton, AB; Head Office: employees are encouraged to seek Email: [email protected] Vancouver, BC. 468 Queen St E Ste 212 these designations to be consistent Web: Date of Incorporation: 1930 Toronto ON M5A 1T7 with the company’s objectives of Date of Incorporation: 1897 Nature of Ownership: Public Tel: 416-806-3272 quality and sustainability. Nature of Ownership: Private Key Personnel: Email: [email protected] Major Projects: Steve Kerr Memorial Key Personnel: Ian Boyd, P.Eng., President and Web: Complex Phase One, Listowel ON; Patrick Bermingham, CEO; Peter CEO; Teri McKibbon, COO; Wayne Date of Incorporation: 2008 Fergusson Place Apartment Phase 2, Smith, President Gingrich, CPA, CMA, CFO and Assistant Nature of Ownership: Private Fergus ON; Manufacturing Building, Area of Expertise: Civil, commercial Secretary Key Personnel: Building B, Kitchener ON; Hillsburgh and institutional. Gross Revenue: $ 1,589 mil Louis J. Hack, ARICS, President Library, Hillsburgh ON; South Boundary Corporate Profile: Bermingham Area of Expertise: General Gross Revenue: $ 100 mil Well Pumphouse and Stormwater Construction Ltd. is a fourth- contractor, design-build, construction Area of Expertise: Residential high- Management Pond 3, Kitchener ON. generation family business that management, public-private rise. provides construction foundation partnerships, pre-construction, virtual Corporate Profile: Bluescape solutions to the transport, marine, design and construction, sustainable Construction Management Inc. builds BELLAI BROTHERS municipal sectors mainly in Ontario design and construction, equity, its solid reputation in completing CONSTRUCTION LTD. and the Maritimes. Bermingham commercial, retail, multi-tenant high-rise residential projects, such as Head Office: Construction is one of the three residential, institutional, industrial, Market Wharf in Toronto, a 35-storey 440 Laurier Ave W divisions of Bermingham Foundation water and wastewater, civil and residential condominium, and River Ottawa ON K1R 7X6 Solutions, an employee-owned mining. City, a five-building condominium


C A N N A I O C D 201 T 70 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect THE EAST C A A’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R development with 900 loft-style University Bata Research Library and Construction Ltd. is a general with EofficesT IN CO N in Montreal, Toronto and condos, penthouses and townhomes Innovation Cluster, Peterborough ON. contracting company specialized Ottawa. Their organization provides development. Bluescape currently in the field of reinforced concrete a range of services, acting variously has 900 residential units under rehabilitation. Throughout the Greater as a general contractor, construction BOT CONSTRUCTION GROUP construction in the Toronto area. As Toronto Area, the firm performs: manager, project manager and a construction management firm, Head Office: reinforced concrete demolition; developer. it offers preconstruction services 1224 Speers Rd structural shoring installation; Major Projects: 150 Redpath through design development and Oakville ON L6L 2X4 excavation; concrete forming for all Condominiums, Toronto ON; 155 value engineering, and construction Tel: 905-827-4167 types of surfaces; concrete pumping; Redpath Condominiums, Toronto ON; management services through Fax: 905-827-0458 mechanical concrete finishing; Mountain Equipment Co-operative, tendering, awarding and administering Email: generalinquiry@ temporary or permanent structural Toronto ON; Terry Fox Drive, Kanata ON. trade contracts. reinforcement; bridge jacking; Web: Major Projects: River City Phase 3 installation and rental of various types BUTTCON LTD. Condominium; Harlow Condominium; Branch Office: Sudbury, ON; of bridge access platforms. Waterworks, 505 Richmond W; The Ramara, ON. Major Projects: Queens Drive Head Office: Kingsway Condominium. Date of Incorporation: 1957 Bridge, Toronto ON; Wallace Avenue 8000 Jane St Nature of Ownership: Private Pedestrian Bridge, Toronto ON. Concord ON L4K 5B8 Key Personnel: Tel: 905-907-4242 BONDFIELD CONSTRUCTION Roy M. Bot, P. Eng., President; Scott Fax: 905-907-8096 COMPANY LTD. Riddel, CPA, CA, VP, Finance; Steve BRIGHTON CONSTRUCTION INC. Email: [email protected] Head Office: R. Bot, P. Eng., VP and GM; Nancy Head Office: Web: 407 Basaltic Rd Mercanti, Executive Administrator 14 Macaleer Dr Branch Office: Kanata, ON. Concord ON L4K 4W8 Area of Expertise: Major highway Charlottetown PE C1E 2A1 Date of Incorporation: 1979 Tel: 416-667-8422 expansions, bridge works, dykes, Tel: 902-894-3876 Nature of Ownership: Private Fax: 416-667-8462 dams, diversion tunnels, surface Fax: 902-894-3568 Key Personnel: Email: [email protected] mining operations, heavy civil works Email: [email protected] Michael A. Butt, P. Eng., Chairman Web: for remote site development, airport Web: and CEO; Peter S. Di Gaetano, Branch Office: Kanata, ON. development, hydroelectric facility Date of Incorporation: 1987 President and COO; Mark Rowlands, Date of Incorporation: 1971 site preparation, sewer and water Nature of Ownership: Private VP, Operations; Marc Ferguson, Nature of Ownership: Private main works and aggregate supply and Key Personnel: VP, Preconstruction; Mark Butt, VP, Key Personnel: processing. James Dickie, Principal Construction; Pina Massara, VP, Ralph Aquino, CEO; Ajith Lokuge, VP, Corporate Profile: Bot Construction Area of Expertise: Industrial and Finance Estimating and Procurement; Steven Group is one of Ontario’s largest institutional. Area of Expertise: Industrial, Aquino, VP, Operations; John Aquino, privately held heavy civil engineering Corporate Profile: Brighton commercial, institutional, high-rise President; Domenic DiPede, CFO and construction organizations and a Construction Inc. is a general residential, educational, alterations, Gross Revenue: $ 729 mil recognized leader in the transportation contractor operating mainly in Prince heritage, offices, plazas and retail, Area of Expertise: Healthcare, long- infrastructure sector. The company’s Edward Island. tenant, seniors apartments, renovation, term care, schools, colleges and wide range of completed works Major Projects: Riverview Long healthcare and transit. universities, recreational centres, include over 225 highway expansion Term Care Facility, Charlottetown PE; Corporate Profile: Buttcon Ltd. is a theatres, residential facilities, and bridge works projects, installation Harrington Greenhouse, Harrington PE. 100% employee-owned Canadian commercial facilities, correctional of radar stations in the Northwest general contractor, in business for over 35 years. Buttcon specializes facilities, energy infrastructure, private- Territories, road works and dams for BROCCOLINI CONSTRUCTION INC. in design-build, construction public partnerships. Corporate Profile: the La Grande Hydro Electric facility at management and general contracting For over 40 years, Bondfield James Bay, Quebec, and commercial Head Office: services. Buttcon is recognized for Construction Company Ltd. has been site developments. Bot Construction 16766 Transcanadienne Bur 500 high quality workmanship, innovative one of Ontario’s leading full-service Ltd. is the principal firm in a group Kirkland QC H9H 4M7 solutions and fine-tuned ability to fast- construction companies. Its extensive, of companies known as the Bot Tel: 514-737-0076 track projects. award-winning portfolio showcases Construction Group. Fax: 514-737-2728 Major Projects: Surface Way large and small projects in the Major Projects: Highway 400/4th Line Email: [email protected] Transit Facility, Toronto ON; healthcare, education, commercial, Bridge Replacement, Cookstown ON; Web: Government Building, Newmarket industrial, athletic, retail and residential Maley Drive Extension and Widening Branch Office: Ottawa, ON; ON; Peterborough Public Library, sectors. Bondfield Project, Sudbury ON. Toronto, ON. is at the forefront in designing and Date of Incorporation: 1949 Peterborough ON; Government of building green energy projects with Nature of Ownership: Private Canada Building, Saint-Leonard NB; specialized expertise in LEED and BRIDGECON CONSTRUCTION LTD. Key Personnel: Scotiabank, Kingston ON. renewable energy construction, and is Head Office: John Broccolini, CEO; Nick Iwanowski, an experienced partner in both federal 989 Creditstone Rd President, Construction; Anthony C and provincial P3 infrastructure Concord ON L4K 4N7 Broccolini, COO; Joseph Broccolini, projects. Tel: 905-738-4139 EVP; Paul Broccolini, EVP; Michael Major Projects: St Michael’s Hospital Fax: 905-660-7351 Broccolini, VP, Business Development C. & M. MCNALLY Redevelopment, Toronto ON; Credit Email: [email protected] & Finance ENGINEERING CORP. Valley Hospital Expansion, Mississauga Web: Area of Expertise: Industrial, Head Office: ON; Centennial College Downsview Date of Incorporation: 1987 commercial, entertainment and 4380 South Service Rd Aerospace Campus, Dansview ON; Nature of Ownership: Private residential industries. Burlington ON L7L 5Y6 York Community Centre, Toronto ON; Key Personnel: Corporate Profile: Broccolini Tel: 905-637-7070 Union Center Revitalisation Project Fred Alonzi, President Construction is a leading single-source Fax: 905-637-2337 Stages 2 and 3, Toronto ON; Vaughan Area of Expertise: Bridge works, provider of construction, development Email: [email protected] Metropolitan Centre Bus Terminal, structural concrete repair and and real-estate services, catering to Web: Vaughan ON; TTC Wilson Yard rehabilitation. the industrial, commercial, institutional Date of Incorporation: 1979 Expansion Project, Toronto ON; Trent Corporate Profile: Bridgecon and residential markets in Canada Nature of Ownership: Private A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C THE EAST ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 71 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N Key Personnel: infrastructure projects and are best CLARIDGE HOMES GROUP OF COCO PAVING INC., A DIVISION OF Chris McNally, Director known for their successful P3 projects, COMPANIES THE COCO GROUP Area of Expertise: Sewers, particularly in healthcare, where they watermains and engineering are the largest non-clinical hospital Head Office: Head Office: construction. services provider. Carillion is also 2001-210 Gladstone Ave 949 Wilson Ave Corporate Profile: C. & M. McNally well known as the largest provider of Ottawa ON K2P 0Y6 North York ON M3K 1G2 Engineering Corp. specializes in highway services in Canada. Carillion Tel: 613-233-6030 Tel: 416-633-9670 the construction of tunnels in urban Canada Inc. is a division of Carillion Fax: 613-233-8290 Fax: 416-633-4959 environments. Plc., one of the United Kingdom’s Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] leading support services and Web: Web: construction companies. Date of Incorporation: 1986 Date of Incorporation: 1990 CARILLION CANADA Major Projects: Oakville Hospital, Nature of Ownership: Private Nature of Ownership: Private Head Office: Oakville ON; Centre for Addition and Key Personnel: Key Personnel: Jenny Coco, MBA, CEO; Rock Anthony 7077 Keele St 4th Flr Mental Health, IIAS Clinic, Toronto ON. Bill Malhotra, P. Eng., President and Concord ON L4K 0B6 Founder; Shawn Malhotra, VP Coco, P. Eng., President; Anthony Rossi, Director, Government Relations Tel: 905-532-5200 Area of Expertise: Residential, CHAMBERLAIN CONSTRUCTION Area of Expertise: Road building Fax: 905-532-5299 condominiums and retirement SERVICES LTD. and heavy civil construction for Email: [email protected] communities. the provincial, municipal, industrial Web: Head Office: Corporate Profile: Since its inception, and commercial sectors; offering Branch Office: Coquitlam, BC; 1-4671 Palladium Way Claridge Homes is an award-winning Vancouver, BC; Toronto, ON; Ottawa, Burlington ON L7M 0W9 numerous major vertically integrated leader in the Ottawa residential construction services: excavation, site ON; Brampton, ON; Timmins, ON; Tel: 905-631-7777 development marketplace. The Thunder Bay, ON; Amos, QC; Rouyn Fax: 905-631-7717 servicing, construction materials, and company specializes in key high-rise hot mix paving and concrete paving. Noranda, QC; Chibougamau, QC; Email: [email protected] buildings, niche condominium projects Edmonton, AB; Calgary, AB; Red Deer Web: Corporate Profile: Coco Paving Inc. is and turnkey public housing. Gaining a a leader in the heavy civil construction County, AB; Fort McMurray, AB; Spruce Date of Incorporation: 1988 reputation for exceptional quality and Grove, AB; Winnipeg, MB; Swan River, Nature of Ownership: Private industry, operating 26 stationary value, Claridge Homes is the second- asphalt plants, four portable asphalt MB; Baker Lake, NU; San Diego, CA; Key Personnel: largest home builder in the Ottawa- Newark, NJ; Waterloo, Trinidad & Adrian Mauro, President; Linnea plants, two portable concrete batch Carleton region, with more than Tobago. Chamberlain, VP; Bill Burgoyne, VP, plants, and two highway concrete 12,000 homes built in communities. Date of Incorporation: 1955 Finance; Ersilio Serafini, VP paving trains. Coco is one of the Major Projects: Apartment Building Nature of Ownership: Private Area of Expertise: Commercial, largest asphalt producers and road Tower B, Ottawa ON; Retirement Home Key Personnel: institutional and multi-unit residential. paving contractors in Ontario with over Tower C, Ottawa ON; Condominium, 1,700 employees. The company also Simon Buttery, President and CEO; Corporate Profile: Chamberlain Ottawa ON. owns a concrete pipe and box culvert Emma Mercer, CFO and Sr. VP; Construction Services Ltd. offers manufacturing plant in Michigan, and Edmund Mahabir, EVP, PPP and construction management services is the largest importer of aggregate Construction; John MacCuish, EVP, through a unique integrated service COBALT CONSTRUCTION & materials in the Great Lakes. In Services; Stephen Watson, Sr. VP, delivery process. Chamberlain is CONSULTING GROUP LTD. 2012, Coco strengthened its market Strategic Growth; Steve Thompson, Sr. proficient in working with conventional Head Office: position and service offering through VP, Roads Maintenance construction methods and products, as 110 Toynbee Tr the acquisition of four high quality Area of Expertise: Integrated well as with pre-engineered building Toronto ON M1E 1G3 aggregate quarries. In 2013, Coco support services, including facilities systems. Chamberlain’s project Tel: 416-265-0070 Group expanded into western Canada management, roads maintenance, experience encompasses a wide Fax: 866-864-4701 with the acquisition of Russell Redi- energy services, strategic asset variety of building types, including Email: [email protected] Mix Concrete, Langenburg Redi-Mix management, site services, contracting aviation, commercial, emergency Web: Ltd. and Roblin Redi-Mix Ltd., referred services and remote workforce response, food service, heritage, Date of Incorporation: 1984 to as the Russell Group (RRMC), accommodation; construction, public- hotels, industrial, institutional, libraries Nature of Ownership: Private which covers the geographic area of private partnerships and transmission and museums. Its various projects Key Personnel: Manitoba and Saskatchewan. and distribution. include the Canadian Warplane Major Projects: Hwy 401, London Corporate Profile: With global Heritage Museum near Hamilton, Tom Michaels, President; Konstantine Simionopoulos, P.Eng., PM Twp. ON; Courtright Patrol Yard, revenues of $7.5 billion annually, ON, The Air Traffic Control Tower Lambton Co. ON; Roadwork, Oshawa Carillion is a multi-faceted company at Toronto Pearson International Area of Expertise: Commercial, industrial, residential and project ON; Muir Avenue, Hamilton ON; Hwy that delivers safe, sustainable and Airport, ON, the construction of over 402, Lambton Co. ON; Hwy 401, ON; effective solutions for their clients 50 hotels for all the major hotel management. Corporate Profile: Cobalt Construction Malvern Road Area, Burlington ON; – leveraging global experience companies, the Blue Mountains Watermain and Roadwork, Hamilton and expertise, combined with local Town Hall, ON and the Niagara- and Consulting Group Ltd.’s team is involved in all stages of work including ON; Hwy 401, Trenton ON; Roadwork, perspectives, relationships and on-the-Lake Municipal Complex, Toronto ON; VIVA Next Phase 3; Hwy 7. delivery. To support this, Carillion has ON. Offering both stand-alone construction planning, scheduling, established strategic partnerships with construction management services establishing lines of communication Bouchier Carillion Group, a leading and fully integrated architectural and with other team members, preparation COLLAVINO GROUP Aboriginal business and provider construction services working with its of tender and contract documents, Head Office: of integrated site support services in-house, sister architectural company, negotiation and award of contracts 5255 County Rd 42 to the Athabasca Oil Sands region; Chamberlain Architect Services Ltd., and generally overseeing construction Windsor ON N8N 2M1 Carillion Rokstad Group, who provides the organization consistently delivers to ensure completion of a successful Tel: 519-966-0506 a suite of power line construction and well-managed projects. project. Cobalt Construction performs Fax: 519-966-0039 maintenance services; and Carillion Major Projects: Garner Road W commercial and residential projects Email: [email protected] Outland Group, a leading provider Apartment Buildings, Townhouses, where new methods and systems Web: of remote site accommodation Ancaster ON; Bridge Rehabilitation, of project control are applied to get Branch Office: Toronto, ON; Jersey and associated services. Carillion Essex ON; Parking Garage Ceiling significant savings in scheduling City, NJ; Detroit, MI. develops, builds and operates major Repair, Toronto ON. and costs. Date of Incorporation: 1954 A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T 72 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect THE EAST C A A’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R Nature of Ownership: Private land and leasing properties, the Nord region of eastern Quebec, Polaris MajorET IN CProjects:O N Brock University, Key Personnel: ConDrain Group of Companies provides Construction is an innovative company Goodman School of Business Addition Renzo Collavino, President; Paolo an array of essential infrastructure in the field of civil engineering since and Alterations, St Catharines ON. Collavino, VP and services, which in turn can foster 1993. The company stands out for its Area of Expertise: Commercial and success of its clients’ projects. undeniable and innovative expertise CORAM CONSTRUCTION industrial buildings, industrial plants, in different areas of construction. SOLUTIONS INC. heavy civil and transportation, parking Municipal infrastructures, roads and THE CONSERVATORY GROUP structures, high-rise construction and highways, bridges and structures, Head Office: recreational facilities (stadiums and Head Office: crushing and shipping are its major 200 Ronson Dr Ste 305 arenas). 90 Tiverton Crt Ste 200 areas of expertise. In addition, Polaris Toronto ON M9W 5Z9 Corporate Profile: With over sixty Markham ON L3R 9V2 performs other services such as Tel: 416-243-9019 years in the construction industry, Tel: 416-798-7236 demolition, rental of heavy machinery Fax: 416-243-7192 the Collavino Group and related Fax: 905-474-9742 and snow removal, for which the Email: [email protected] companies are a leading diversified Web: company has all the necessary Web: group operating in Canada, the United Date of Incorporation: 1995 equipment. Polaris Construction’s Date of Incorporation: 1993 States. Collectively, the group performs Nature of Ownership: Private activity spectrum radiates throughout Nature of Ownership: Private contracts as a general contractor, Key Personnel: Quebec, particularly in eastern and Key Personnel: design-builder, construction manager, Mark Libfeld, Partner; Jay Libfeld, northern Quebec. Randy J. Melchior, President; Matthew prime subcontractors for cast-in- Partner; Corey Libfeld, Partner; Major Projects: Lower North Shore J. Melchior, EVP; Rick DeVincenzo, place concrete and precast concrete Sheldon Libfeld, President and CEO Harbour Revitalization, Kegaska QC; Director, Finance; Bob Cvijovic, VP, works. Its projects portfolio includes Area of Expertise: Residential and Culverts, Rivière-au-Tonnerre QC; Quai Construction numerous multi-million dollar projects commercial. Éperon, Québec City QC; Roadwork, Area of Expertise: Seniors housing, worldwide such as: universities; Corporate Profile: The Conservatory Sept-îles QC; Roadwork, Stoneham-et- high-rise, residential, commercial and industrial facilities; student residences; Group is one of Canada’s largest Tewkesbury QC. institutional. arenas; stadiums; high-rise buildings; builders of fine luxury condominium Corporate Profile: Coram parking structures; bridges; tunnels communities, existing for more than Construction Group is a family- COOPER CONSTRUCTION LTD. and treatment plants. 50 years. The company’s portfolio owned company that provides of residences spans right across the Head Office: general contracting, construction Greater Toronto Area (GTA), including 2381 Bristol Cir management, design-build and CONDRAIN GROUP addresses in Thornhill, North York, Oakville ON L6H 5S9 preconstruction services. The firm Head Office: midtown, downtown and Mississauga. Tel: 905-829-0444 participates in the development 30 Floral Parkway More than just a high-rise builder, Fax: 905-829-0080 and construction of institutional and Concord ON L4K 4R1 the company creates numerous low- Email: [email protected] residential projects and senior housing Tel: 905-669-5400 rise residential communities from Web: options. Coram Construction Group is Fax: 905-669-2296 townhomes to limited edition enclaves Date of Incorporation: 1905 a member of The Ramland Group of Email: [email protected] to custom estate homes throughout Nature of Ownership: Private Companies. Web: Mississauga, Brampton, Scarborough, Key Personnel: Date of Incorporation: 1954 North York, Ajax and many other William P. Cooper, P. Eng., CEO; COUGAR ENGINEERING & Nature of Ownership: Private locations across the GTA. Kenneth A. Nevar, President; John CONSTRUCTION LTD. Key Personnel: Goldspink, CA, CFO; Donald B. Gordon, Major Projects: Cove at Waterways Head Office: Romeo De Gasperis, VP, Co-CEO; P. Eng., Sr. VP, Operations; William Condominium Apartment Buildings 1309 Topsail Rd Jim De Gasperis, President, Co-CEO; Luffman, CQA, VP, Development and Commercial, Etobicoke ON; St. John’s NL A1B 3N4 Nunzio Bitondo, CFO; Mark Hipel, COO; Area of Expertise: Office buildings, Enfield Place Conservatory Group Tel: 709-782-8530 Ken Malhi, COO; Tony De Gasperis, industrial, retail and commercial, Condominium Tower, Mississauga Fax: 709-782-0129 Secretary/Treasurer interiors, parking facilities, self ON; Mirage Townhouses, Mississauga Email: penneconlimited@pennecon. Gross Revenue: $ 355 mil ON; Derry Village Square Commercial storage, LEED, biotechnology and com Area of Expertise: Water and sewer Building, Mississauga ON. pharmaceutical. Web: infrastructure, site services and Corporate Profile: Cooper Construction Date of Incorporation: 2011 municipal capital works. Ltd. is a third-generation, family- CONSTRUCTION POLARIS INC. Nature of Ownership: Private Corporate Profile: Started as a family owned Canadian construction and real Key Personnel: business, the ConDrain Group is an Head Office: estate development company. Cooper Wayne Cranford, President award-winning leader in Canada’s 171 rue Maltais conducts business throughout southern Area of Expertise: Sewer and watermain and sewer contracting Sept-Iles QC G4R 3K3 Ontario in three primary sectors: watermain. market. Its team of professionals Tel: 418-962-2316 design-build construction, commercial Corporate Profile: Cougar handles every aspect of both water Fax: 418-968-2634 and industrial real estate development Engineering & Construction Ltd. is and wastewater infrastructure Email: [email protected] and facilities management. The a water and sewer contractor and a projects, whether it is design-building, Web: company fosters its growth in acquiring general contractor in Newfoundland maintaining a facility, or a combination Branch Office: L’Ancienne-Lorette, QC. and developing industrial parks and Labrador. Past projects include of these tasks. In addition, the Date of Incorporation: 1993 throughout southwestern Ontario. As a Torbay Road water system upgrade company excels in a highly competitive Nature of Ownership: Private result, Cooper is the largest industrial in St John’s, NL, and water system market thanks to a combination of Key Personnel: land developer in the prime Greater improvements in Port Blandford, NL. cutting edge technologies, a firm Michel Poisson, Co-CEO; Robert Toronto Area. Among its greatest recent Major Projects: Grenfell Heights commitment to quality and innovative Phaneuf, Co-CEO achievements: the construction of the Sanitary Sewer Overflow, Grand Falls- ideas that have become standards for Area of Expertise: Municipal works, first LEED certified industrial building Windsor NL; Roadwork, Marystown NL. the industry such as sewers in dual roads and highways, bridges and in Canada; the 1.12 million square trench and two stage curbs. ConDrain structures, quarries and crushing, feet Airport Road Distribution Centre, is one of many companies under a shipping and maritime works, mining. the largest building in the company’s COUILLARD CONSTRUCTION LTÉE. holding company. From producing Corporate Profile: Located in history; and the completion of Ontario’s Head Office: aggregates materials to street lighting, L’Ancienne-Lorette in Quebec and, first structural bubble-deck slab 228 rue Main E building roads and homes to managing most recently, in Sept-Iles in the Côte- installation. Coaticook QC J1A 1N2 A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C THE EAST ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 73 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N Tel: 819-849-9181 complete construction of a 268,500 CRUICKSHANK CONSTRUCTION LTD. D Fax: 819-849-9296 square feet warehouse in London, ON, Email: [email protected] Head Office: for CEVA Logistics in 168 days, two Web: 751 Dalton Ave D GRANT CONSTRUCTION LIMITED weeks ahead of schedule. Dancor’s Date of Incorporation: 1939 Kingston ON K7M 8N6 Head Office: residential project of 1,200 homes Nature of Ownership: Private Tel: 613-542-2874 9887 Longwoods Rd and 35 acres of retail/commercial has Key Personnel: Fax: 613-542-6671 London ON N6P 1P2 begun in Stayner, Ontario. Dencor is Marcel Pouliot, President; Francis Email: rj.noftall@cruickshankgroup. Tel: 519-652-2949 the most active and largest builder of Brouillard, Controller; Jean Lafaille, com Fax: 519-652-6123 industrial and commercial buildings in CPA, CA, Director, Finance; Daniel Web: Email: contactus@dgrantconstruction. London with a reputation of building Côté, VP; Michel Marcoux, Secretary- Branch Office: Morrisburg, ON. com high quality facilities faster than Treasurer Date of Incorporation: 1956 Web: anyone else. Area of Expertise: Roads, bridges, Date of Incorporation: 1982 Major Projects: EMCO Head Office; Nature of Ownership: Private sewers and watermains. Nature of Ownership: Private RYDER Canada Cross Dock; Taylor Key Personnel: Corporate Profile: Couillard Key Personnel: Fluids Systems, Office and Robotics Construction Ltee is a heavy Les Cruickshank, Founder; Steve Michael Grant, President Facility; FED EX Expansion; GTB construction company with over Cruickshank, CEO; Peter Lane, Area of Expertise: Healthcare and Office Building; Huron/Robin’s Hill 70 years of experience in road CFO; Dan Byvelds, VP, Construction long-term care facilities, recreational, Industrial Park; Veterans Industrial construction in Quebec. Specializing Operations; Ross Reynolds, Sr. VP, residential, institutional and Park; Estates of Clearview Residential in roadwork, watermains and bridge Construction Operations; Adriano commercial. and Commercial Project, Stayner ON; construction, Couillard Construction Maciel, Sr. Operation Manager Corporate Profile: D. Grant Laredo Texas Cross Dock. also operates quarries, produces Area of Expertise: Road construction, Construction Ltd. is one of the asphalt and transports materials year round highway maintenance, premiere general contractors necessary for road construction. THE DANIELS CORP. ready-mix concrete, asphalt and and construction managers in Major Projects: Roadwork culverts, aggregates. Southwestern Ontario that also Head Office: L’Épiphanie, paroisse QC; Bridgework, delivers design-build services. D. Grant 20 Queen St W Corporate Profile: Cruickshank is Saint-Ephrem-de-Beauce QC; Construction Ltd. builds hospitals, Toronto ON M5H 3R3 a progressive heavy civil general Roadwork, Coaticook QC; Roadwork, long-term care facilities, recreational Tel: 416-598-2129 Sherbrooke QC; Bridgework, Saint- contractors and an aggregate and facilities, industrial and large scale Fax: 416-979-0415 Isidore-de-Clifton QC. asphalt producer with operations residential buildings. Email: [email protected] in Ontario. The family-owned Major Projects: Laurier Brantford Web: business is a regular supplier of CRT CONSTRUCTION INC. YMCA Athletics & Recreation Centre- Branch Office: Mississauga, ON. road construction and maintenance Tender Series 1, Brantford ON; Laurier Date of Incorporation: 1983 Head Office: services to the Ontario Ministry of Brantford YMCA Athletics & Recreation Nature of Ownership: Private 870 rue Archimède Transportation, municipalities and Centre-Tender Series 2 Trades, Key Personnel: Levis QC G6V 7M5 to private companies. Cruickshank Brantford ON; Dorchester Terrace John Daniels, Founder, Chairman and Tel: 418-833-8073 Retirement Residence, Dorchester ON. CEO; Mitchell Cohen, President; Jim Fax: 418-833-9629 specializes in road construction, year Aird, Sr. VP Finance and CFO; Niall Email: [email protected] round highway maintenance, ready- Haggart, EVP; Tom Dutton, Sr. VP Web: mix concrete, asphalt and aggregates. DANCOR CONSTRUCTION Area of Expertise: High-rise, low-rise Branch Office: Boucherville, QC. The company performs other services DEVELOPMENT residential and commercial. Date of Incorporation: 1966 such as: shoreline protection; drilling Head Office: Corporate Profile: The Daniels Corp. Nature of Ownership: Private and blasting; custom crushing; milling 16 Melanie Dr has built more than 25,000 award- Key Personnel: and grinding; bridge construction and Brampton ON L6T 4K9 winning homes and apartments, Denis Turgeon, President; Gaétan maintenance; engineering services; Tel: 905-790-2333 master-planned mixed-use Turgeon, VP and Director, Operations Fax: 905-790-2293 municipal infrastructure (sewers, communities, and commercial and Area of Expertise: Commercial and Email: [email protected] watermains and roads); equipment retail spaces, and has earned its heavy construction. rentals; transportation services and Web: Corporate Profile: CRT Construction London, ON. standing as one of Canada’s largest landscaping. Cruickshank has been Branch Office: Inc. is a construction company which Date of Incorporation: 2000 and preeminent builder/developers. a winner of Canada’s Best Managed specializes in civil engineering and Nature of Ownership: Private Company founder John H Daniels is a industrial works. Mainly focused Companies program since 2011 was Key Personnel: towering figure of the North American in the beginning to construction of a Gold Standard winner in 2016. They Danny Sanita, Partner; Sean Ford, real estate industry. In a career that commercial buildings, the company won the 2016 ORBA Green Award Partner; Teresa Carella, CFO and has spanned over 50 years, the is active today in bridges, overpasses for Leadership and Sustainability, Partner former Chairman and CEO of Cadillac and roads, energy, industrial, have been named Canada’s Safest Gross Revenue: $ 31 mil Fairview Development played a key commercial, municipal, governmental Employer for 2013 by Canadian Area of Expertise: Industrial, role in the development of Canadian and coastal engineering works. Occupational Safety, Best employer commercial and residential. landmarks such as Toronto’s Eaton Certified ISO 9001: 2000, CRT in Canada for 2013, and a Green 30 Corporate Profile: Dancor Centre and Toronto-Dominion Centre, the 4,700 acre Erin Mills community Construction also has many awards company for 2011-2012. Construction Development is an in Mississauga and the brownfields that distinguish its accomplishments, Major Projects: Hwy 17, Sturgeon award winning, general contracting, such as a sustainable development design-build, development, leasing reclamation of the Goodyear Tire Plant Falls ON; Hwy 11, Gravenhurst prize for road engineering from Hydro- and construction company founded in in Etobicoke. ON; Hwy 401, Brighton ON; Hwy Quebec and Armatura, from Institut Brampton, ON with a Region Office in Major Projects: Regent Park, Phase d’Armature du Quebec (IAAQ). In 28, Apsley ON; Country Road 2, London serving Southwestern Ontario. 3, Block 27 Apartment Building, addition, CRT Construction Inc. has Cornwall ON; Kingston Mills Swing The company builds industrial and Toronto ON; Regent Park, Phase 3, a division specializing in submerged Bridge Rehabilation; Talbot Locks commercial facilities for sale or lease Block 32 Seniors Apartment Building, construction work. Rehabilitation; Ottawa Rideau Canal; and develops land for residential, Toronto ON; Olivia Marie Gardens Major Projects: Post Judith Jasmin Lock 25 Rehabiliation; 1000 Island commercial and industrial uses. Apartment Building and Townhouses, Lot 2, Montreal QC. Parkway Bridge Rehabilitation. Dancor’s best project to date: the Brampton ON. A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T 74 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect THE EAST C A A’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R to controlled site management with Renovations,ET IN CO N Markham ON; DÉCAREL INC. DINEEN CONSTRUCTION CORP. preconstruction, construction and GO Transit, Lakeshore West and East Head Office: design-build services. Its research Head Office: GO Train Corridor, Electronic Signage 4434 rue Ste-Catherine O team focuses on building more 70 Disco Rd Infrastructure Project, Toronto ON. Westmount QC H3Z 1R2 energy efficient and environmentally Etobicoke ON M9W 1L9 Tel: 514-935-6462 friendly buildings, achieving LEED Tel: 416-675-7676 DOMINUS CONSTRUCTION Fax: 514-933-9605 certification. Deltera accounts for over Fax: 416-675-6987 GROUP LTD. Web: 10% of all Canadian LEED registered Email: [email protected] Branch Office: Quebec, QC. construction. The company, founded Web: Head Office: Date of Incorporation: 1981 as a family-built company in the Date of Incorporation: 1994 175 Jardin Dr Unit 6 Nature of Ownership: Private 1950s, is part of the Tridel Group of Nature of Ownership: Private Concord ON L4K 1X5 Key Personnel: Companies. Key Personnel: Tel: 905-669-2200 Robert Salicco, President; Eric Major Projects: Alexandra Park Peter J. Clarke, LL.B., Chairman & Fax: 905-669-8867 Boudreault, Finance; Yvan Genest, VP Townhouses and Condominiums, North CEO; William (Bill) E. Love, P.Eng, Email: [email protected] Area of Expertise: Commercial, York ON; Danforth Village Estates, President and COO; Eric R. Wight P. Web: health, institutional, hotels, education, Scarborough ON. Eng., EVP; Dennis Trevisiol, VP, Hospital Branch Office: Toronto, ON. tourism and residential. Operations; Joseph Tomaino, VP, Date of Incorporation: 2004 Corporate Profile: Decarel Inc. Estimating and Project Development Nature of Ownership: Private provides general contracting, DEXTER CONSTRUCTION Gross Revenue: $ 80 mil Key Personnel: construction management and Head Office: Area of Expertise: Industrial, Sam Crignano, Partner; Anthony project management services to 927 Rocky Lake Dr commercial and institutional. Pignetti, VP and Director, Construction the construction industry. Certified Bedford NS B4A 3Z2 Corporate Profile: Dineen Area of Expertise: High-rise ISO 9001: 2008, the company Tel: 902-835-3381 Construction Corp. is a general residential (condominiums and manages commercial, health, Fax: 902-835-7300 contractor, design-builder and townhouses). institutional, hotels, education, Email: [email protected] construction manager that offers a Corporate Profile: Dominus tourism and residential construction Web: diverse range of services including Construction Group Ltd. is a projects. Decarel professionals Branch Office: Kentville, NS; Moncton, in-house and outsourced drawings; multifaceted development manager have architectural and construction NB; Saint John, NB. site location; site plan approval; permit and construction manager, currently expertise to handle multi-disciplinary Date of Incorporation: 1961 application; storm water management; operating in the Southern Ontario projects, including LEED. Nature of Ownership: Private mechanical and electrical process; market. The company specializes in Major Projects: Centre des congrès Key Personnel: design and construction. Founded luxury condominium projects, such de la Ville de St-Hyacinthe, Saint- Kurt Jacobs, President; David Wood, in 1928, Dineen Construction Corp. as the twisted towers of Absolute Hyacinthe QC; Honore-Beaugrand CFO; Paul MacDonald, VP, HR handles all types of transportation Condominium in the centre of Repair Station, Montréal QC. Area of Expertise: Heavy civil, asphalt facilities, institutional, commercial, Mississauga and the Residences paving, liquid asphalt supply and industrial and plant projects, such of Pier 27 at Toronto’s waterfront. emulsion product manufacturing, as Deerhurst Resort and Conference Dominus has two sister companies, a DELTERA INC. quarry services, demolition, drilling Centre, KC Irving Environmental commercial and a high-rise residential Head Office: and blasting, excavation, utilities, Science Centre and Harriet Irving real estate developer and builder in 4800 Dufferin St Ste 200 Ent G North concrete works, road building and Botanical Gardens at Acadia University the Greater Toronto Area. York ON M3H 5S9 maintenance, civil site works, bridges, and Metrolinx GO Stations. The Major Projects: Avenue on 7 Tel: 416-736-8353 marine work, wharves and piers, company also focuses on green Condominiums, Woodbridge Fax: 416-661-8923 piling, pipes and sewers and airport construction and encourages its staff ON; Brookdale on Avenue Road Email: [email protected] construction. to be LEED accredited professionals. Condominium, North York ON. Web: Corporate Profile: As the construction Dineen is involved in many large Date of Incorporation: 1968 arm of the Municipal Group of projects, such as the $50 million Nature of Ownership: Private Companies, Dexter Construction, the Capo Di Monte luxury condo building DUFFERIN CONSTRUCTION Key Personnel: largest civil contractor in Atlantic in Vaughan and the $50 million Atlas COMPANY Dino Carmel, COO; Robert Tomei, Canada, competes in all areas of Health Care Building in Richmond Head Office: Project Director; Peter Meneguzzi, heavy civil construction. This includes Hill. Dineen’s 89 years of experience 585 Michigan Dr Unit 1 Project Director; Greg Nevison, Sr. all manner of excavation work; in Project Management and Design/ Oakville ON L6L 0G1 VP, Construction; Bruno Giancola, VP, grading; road structure materials Build services, ensures they are able Tel: 905-842-2741 Project Management production and placing; concrete to adapt to the challenges and needs Fax: 905-842-9278 Area of Expertise: High-rise placing; utility piping installation; of an ever-changing marketplace; and Email: [email protected] residential. bridge and marine construction; road will continue to ensure they are able to Web: Corporate Profile: Deltera Inc. building and maintenance; open pit tackle future challenges. Branch Office: Simcoe, ON; London, ON. specializes in the construction of mining and more. Other divisions of Major Projects: Atlas Healthcare Date of Incorporation: 2007 high-rise residential developments the group perform: mining; waste Facility, Richmond Hill ON; Capo di Nature of Ownership: Private (condominium and rental). The and disposal; environmental; liquids; Monte Condominium, Woodbridge ON; Key Personnel: company also builds mixed-use training; equipment rental; snow George Brown College, 230 Richmond Kirsh Gupta, Regional Controller; projects, non-profit residential, long- removal; material handling and Street Major Classroom Renovations, Carl Cassian, Legal Counsel; Wayne term care facilities, seniors assisted transport and calcium, sand and Toronto ON; Lakeridge Health Fire Lazzarato, Sr. VP; Peter Gamble, GM; living, townhomes, high schools water delivery serving Nova Scotia, Code Retrofit and Modular Dialysis Jake Sudac, Manager, Operational and institutional buildings. Deltera New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Unit, Whitby ON; The Hospital for Sick Services; James Wildish, Manager, has great experience in historical Labrador, Northern Quebec and the Children Cardiac Diagnostic Unit, Partnerships and Ventures; Louie preservation and remediation including Caribbean. Toronto ON; Sherbourne Health Centre Larocca, Chief Estimator the heaviest move of a building in Major Projects: Roadwork, QC; Specialized Medical Unit Renovations, Area of Expertise: Major heavy civil Canada, James Cooper Mansion in Antigonish County Rd, Halifax NS; Toronto ON; Church of Archangel and structural construction, concrete Toronto. It offers full and integrated Queens County Rd, Hailfax NS; Kings Michael and St. Tekla, Brampton ON; and asphalt paving. construction services, from value County Rd, Kentville NS; Asphalt Whitby GO Station Pedestrian Bridge, Corporate Profile: Originally founded engineering and project management Patching and Paving, Sydney NS. Whitby ON; Digital Reality Data Centre in 1912, Dufferin Construction A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C THE EAST ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 75 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N Company, a division of Holcim It constructs office buildings, retail lot C01 et C05, Montréal QC; Tour AB; Edmonton International Airport (Canada) Inc. since its original and shopping centres, educational Deloitte, aménagement intérieur, Combined Office Tower, Edmonton founding has been re-incorporated buildings, entertainment facilities, Montréal, QC; Mus130e des beaux- AB; Brookfield Place, Calgary in 1961 through acquisitions under public buildings, hospitals, hotels arts de Québec, Québec, QC; Ilot Peel, AB; Penticton Regional Hospital St. Lawrence Cement Inc. and later and residential. Eastern Construction Montréal, QC; CHUM, Montréal, QC; Patient Care Tower, Penticton BC; re-incorporated in 2007 under Holcim performs renovation and tenant fit-ups Université de Monréal, complexe des Oakville-Trafalger Memorial Hospital, (Canada) Inc. Today, Dufferin is one as well. sciences, Montréal, QC. Oakville ON; Brentwood Tower of the largest multi-disciplinary Major Projects: Design-Build Durham Centre Redevelopment, Burnaby BC; infrastructure development firms College, Centre for Collaborative Greenland King Blue Condominium, ELLISDON CORPORATION offering a multitude of project Education, Oshawa ON. Toronto ON; One York St., Toronto ON. delivery models to its clients including Head Office: bid-build, design-build, design- 1004 Middlegate Rd EBC INC. EMPIRE COMMUNITIES build-finance and design-build- Mississauga ON L4Y 1M4 finance-maintain and construction Head Office: Tel: 905-896-8900 Head Office: management. As one of the largest 1095, rue Valets CP 158 Fax: 905-896-8911 125 Villarboit Cres self-performing civil engineering L’Ancienne-Lorette QC G2E 3M3 Email: [email protected] Vaughan ON L4K 4K2 contractors in the industry, it is Tel: 418-872-0600 Web: Tel: 905-307-8102 recognized as of one of the largest Fax: 418-872-8177 Branch Office: Vancouver, BC; Fax: 905-907-0995 concrete paving companies in Canada. Email: [email protected] Calgary, AB; Edmonton, AB; Saskatoon, Email: [email protected] Dufferin’s principal area of operation Web: SK; Winnipeg, MB; London, ON; Web: is Southern and South West Ontario, Branch Office: Brossard, QC; Toronto, ON; Ottawa, ON; Halifax, NS; Date of Incorporation: 1993 servicing the following markets: land Montréal, QC; Val-d’Or, QC; Ottawa, St. John’s, NL; United Arab Emirates. Nature of Ownership: Private development, municipal, commercial, ON; Mississauga, ON; Timmins, ON; Date of Incorporation: 1951 Key Personnel: industrial and heavy civil construction. Vancouver, BC. Nature of Ownership: Private Daniel Guizzetti, President and CEO; Additionally, the company continues Date of Incorporation: 1968 Key Personnel: Andrew Guizzetti, EVP and CFO; Paul to perform work on heavy civil Nature of Ownership: Private Tim Smith, EVP, Procurement & A. Golini Jr., EVP; Paul C. Golini Sr., construction projects in Western Key Personnel: Estimating; Geoffery Smith, CEO and Chairman Canada. Marie-Claude Houle, P.Eng., MBA, President; John Bernhardt, CFO; Tim Area of Expertise: High-rise and low- Major Projects: Hwy 400 and Line President and CEO; Jean-Serge Smith, EVP, Buildings/ICI; Stephen rise residential (condominiums and 5 Interchange, Sideroad 5, Bradford D’Aoust, Sr. VP, Building; Francois Damp, EVP, Civil; Jody Becker, Chief homes). ON; Roadwork, Storm Sewer and Groleau, Sr. VP, Engineering and Strategy Officer & Sr. VP, Emerging Corporate Profile: Empire Watermain, Hamilton ON; Tiffin Street Earthworks; Martin Houle, VP, Finance Markets; Michael Schaefer, EVP, Communities, an award-winning Bridge, Barrie ON; Hwy 400 Roadwork and Administration Procurement & Estimating new home builder targets all sectors and Structure, Barrie ON; Hwy 401, Gross Revenue: $ 670 mil Gross Revenue: $ 3,321 mil of the new home building industry Hwy 19 Interchange, Ingersoll ON. Area of Expertise: Civil work, Area of Expertise: Civil and in southern Ontario. It includes earthworks, industrial, commercial, transportation; cultural and commercial, industrial, low-rise and institutional and residential buildings. recreational facilities; educational high-rise residential, luxury new E Corporate Profile: Canadian leader buildings; healthcare and research homes and affordable housing. It is in Construction since 1968, EBC facilities; industrial; public and one of Canada’s largest integrated executes projects according to the government facilities; residential and master-planned community EASTERN CONSTRUCTION highest industry standards. Safety, hospitality; retail; commercial offices; homebuilders. Over the last 20 years, COMPANY LTD. Respect, Integrity and Quality are their Building Information Modeling (BIM); Empire has built over 10,000 new Head Office: values. EBC is a thriving construction information and communication homes and condominiums in some of 505 Consumers Rd company that has diversified and technology; managed services; the most sought-after locations in the North York ON M2J 5G2 specialized, becoming one of the sustainable building; facilities Greater Toronto Area and Southwest Tel: 416-497-7110 largest construction companies in management; engineering and Ontario. Awarded Green Builder of the Fax: 416-497-7241 Canada. Their achievements include: research and development. year, it is one of the first to build with Email: [email protected] buildings (hospitals, office buildings, Corporate Profile: EllisDon is a Energy Star as a standard feature and Web: housing complexes, schools, etc.), construction services company, with also one of the only homebuilders to Date of Incorporation: 1951 bridges, overpasses, roads, power approximately 2,500 employees, offer Energy Star certification for all its Nature of Ownership: Privet generation projects, mining projects, that completes over $3.4 billion in single family homes as a standard. Key Personnel: tunnels, wharves, waterworks, new construction work annually. Major Projects: Eau Du Soleil, Frank DeCaria, President; Bryan wastewater works and pipelines. Incorporated in 1951, EllisDon Etobicoke ON; Rain & Senses, Oakville Arnold, EVP; Michael Suljak, VP, Approximately 1,500 employees, boasts several offices–and a strong ON; Midtown, Toronto ON; Imagine, Business Development; Guy Meech, including more than 350 permanent presence–across North America, the Niagara Falls ON; Legacy, Thorold VP, Finance; Renato Tacconelli, employees and 100 engineers and Middle East, and now South America. ON; Wyndfield, Brantford ON; Lush VP, Operations; Mike Slivinski, VP, architects, work at EBC. Thanks to its Outside of traditional construction & Victoria, Stoney Creek ON; Avalon, Estimating & Procurement team of engineers and technicians, the and project management, EllisDon Caledonia ON; Riverland, Kitchener ON. Area of Expertise: Industrial, firm deploys its expertise across North effectively eliminates client risk with commercial, institutional and America to build complex projects. a range of services including capital, residential sectors. EBC is a 2015 winner of Canada’s Best intelligent building, and virtual design EUROVIA QUÉBEC Corporate Profile: Eastern Managed Companies. and construction. The driving force Head Office: Construction Company Ltd., Major Projects: Construction du behind some of the most exciting 1550 rue Ampère bureau 200 an employee-owned Canadian nouveau port Champlain, Montréal, projects in the world, EllisDon has Boucherville QC J4B 7L4 construction company, provides QC; Mine Mary River, construction de distinguished itself through its Tel: 450-641-8000 general contracting, construction la voie ferrée, Terres de Baffin, NU; innovative people and practices. Email: jean-claude.brouillette@ management, preconstruction and Construction du park éolien Rivière Major Projects: Eglinton Crosstown design-build services to industrial, du Moulin, Lac Pikauba, QC; Pipeline LRT, Toronto ON; Ryerson Student Web: commercial, institutional and St. Laurent, St. Romuald/Varennes, Learning Centre, Toronto ON; Branch Office: Brossard, QC; residential sectors across Canada. QC; Prolongement du Métro de Laval, Edmonton Valley Line LRT, Edmonton Sherbrooke, QC; Bromont, QC; A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T 76 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect THE EAST C A A’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R Montreal, QC; Gatineau, QC; Carignan, hour) and have storage capacity of abilities combined with experienced that Eplans,T IN CO N designs and builds premier QC; Shawinigan, QC; Quebec, QC, New approximately 1,000 tonnes each. Its consultants. residential communities in Ontario Richmond, QC. plants produce a full array of quality Major Projects: Government Building as well as select cities in the United Date of Incorporation: 1949 HL and SuperPave products. Fermar 130 Syndicate Avenue S Main Floor States. With over 11,000 residences Nature of Ownership: Private performs all project sizes ranging Renovations, Thunder Bay ON. completed, the company specializes Key Personnel: from small parking lot repairs to major in custom homes, single-family, Patrick Sulliot, Directeur général highway paving projects. The company multi-family, condominium and FIRST GULF CORP. Amériques et Royaume-Uni continues to evolve with the hot mix rental homes, in addition to mixed- Area of Expertise: Roads, asphalt and paving industry. Its specialty asphalt Head Office: used developments and commercial airport runways, bridges, motorway mixes include stone mastic asphalt, 3751 Victoria Park Ave properties. Fram attributes 40% of crossings, sewer, viaducts, industrial, open graded drainage layer, warm Toronto ON M3C 0E4 its new homes to repeat buyers or commercial and institutional. mix asphalt, rubberized asphalts and Tel: 416-491-7778 referrals. Corporate Profile: Eurovia Quebec, a asphalts containing incinerator ash. Fax: 416-491-1351 Major Projects: Residences at subsidiary of Eurovia (Vinci), is a leader Major Projects: City of Brampton Email: [email protected] Don Mills, Condominium and in the construction and maintenance Road Resurfacing, Brampton ON; Web: Retail Buildings, North York ON; of road foundations in Quebec and Steeles Ave from 240m E of Martin Date of Incorporation: 1987 The Shipyards, Mackinaw Village undertakes industrial, commercial, St to 400m W of Industrial Dr, Milton Nature of Ownership: Private Townhouses on Heritage Drive, Phase municipal and governmental projects. ON; Hwy 400 Reconstruction, Vaughan Key Personnel: C, Collingwood ON. The company focuses on two main ON; Old Church Rd Reconstruction, David Gerosfsky, CEO; John MacNeil, areas of expertise: the construction Caledon East ON; Partial depth President and COO; David Carreiro, and upgrading of roads, bridges Removal of Asphalt & Hot Mix Asphalt EVP; Brian Harrison, VP, Business G and viaducts and the development Paving, Newmarket ON. Development; Jonathan Weinberg, VP, of urban, industrial, wastewater Retail GERPRO CONSTRUCTION INC. Area of Expertise: Residential, and water supply facilities; and the Head Office: FINN WAY GENERAL commercial and industrial production of granular materials, 305 blvd Industriel CONTRACTOR INC. development. bituminous coating materials and Chateauguay QC J6J 4Z2 Head Office: Corporate Profile: First Gulf is a bitumen emulsions. Moreover, Eurovia Tel: 450-692-1115 1301 Walsh St W commercial real estate development Quebec operates an extensive network Fax: 450-692-1859 Thunder Bay ON P7E 4X6 construction services company. of quarries, asphalt plants, sandpits, Email: [email protected] Tel: 807-767-2426 Its team of professionals handles coating sites and recycling facilities Web: Fax: 807-767-5948 all aspects of the development which enable the firm to supply its Date of Incorporation: 1984 Email: [email protected] customers in high quality materials process from site acquisition and Nature of Ownership: Private Web: and reduce the need for importing planning approvals to design-build, Key Personnel: Date of Incorporation: 1989 materials from abroad. construction, leasing, financing and Christian Schiocchet, President; Nature of Ownership: Private Major Projects: Pont de la property management. First Gulf’s Yannick Sévigny, Director, Projects; Key Personnel: Confédération, Ile-du-Prince-Édouard; portfolio includes office, industrial, Michel Laberge, VP, Operations; David Karimi, Owner Aéroport Wabush, Labrador; Aéroport retail, hotel and hospitality, retirement Elio Tuccinardi, VP, Project Director; Area of Expertise: Commercial, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Montréal QC; and assisted living residences and Mauro Piccin, VP, Administration and institutional, industrial, residential and Prolongement Autoroute 35, Saint- high-rise residential in the Greater Estimation; Victor Proulx, VP, Project recreational. Jean-Sur-Richelieu. Toronto Area. In addition, clients can Director Corporate Profile: Since its inception, benefit from in-house marketing Area of Expertise: Industrial, Finn Way General Contractor has and legal resources. First Gulf is the commercial, institutional, residential, F provided numerous types and scales commercial extension of the Great cultural and environmental. of construction services in North Gulf Group of Companies specialized Major Projects: Petite Soeurs de la Western Ontario. It includes schools, in residential development throughout FERMAR PAVING LTD. Sainte-Famille Convent, Sherbrook QC. washroom facilities in provincial parks North America. Head Office: and waste water treatment plants, a Major Projects: Highland Farms New 1921 Albion Rd historical museum and conference Grocery Store and Restaurant, Maple GILLAM GROUP INC. Rexdale ON M9W 5S8 centre, MNR fire management ON; Shoppes at Summerlyn, Phase Head Office: Tel: 416-675-3550 bases, administration buildings, and Three, Bradford ON. 36 Northline Rd Fax: 416-675-3556 healthcare facilities. The company East York ON M4B 3E2 Email: [email protected] has also provided additions and Tel: 416-486-6776 FRAM BUILDING GROUP Web: countless renovations in First Nation Fax: 416-486-6778 Date of Incorporation: 1964 communities, such as Bearskin Lake, Head Office: Email: [email protected] Nature of Ownership: Private Big Trout Lake, Summer Beaver, North 141 Lakeshore Rd E Web: Key Personnel: Caribou Lake, Lansdowne House, Cat Mississauga ON L5G 1E8 Date of Incorporation: 2011 Ashton Martin, VP Lake, Fort Hope, Lac Seul, Pickle Lake Tel: 800-916-3726 Nature of Ownership: Private Area of Expertise: Asphalt paving, and New Osnaburgh. Finn Way has Fax: 416-747-9899 Key Personnel: roads and bridges. extensive experience and knowledge Email: [email protected] Marcus Gillam, President and CEO; Corporate Profile: Fermar Paving Ltd. of remote community construction. Web: Joel Parke, EVP; Domenico Lambo, is a full service general contractor Proper scheduling, planning and Date of Incorporation: 1985 VP, Estimating; David Schauer, VP, based in the Greater Toronto Area. The managing is Finn Way’s approach Nature of Ownership: Private Operations; Michael Barnicke, VP, scope of its projects varies from road to construction in these remote Key Personnel: Interiors resurfacing all the way to greenfield communities, by preparing all delivery Frank Giannone, President; Fred Area of Expertise: Industrial, infrastructure development. Fermar items well in advance to coincide with Serrafero, VP, Development and commercial, institutional and high-rise Paving Ltd. currently operates two winter road schedules, train delivery Construction residential. drum mix asphalt plants in Toronto’s schedules or flight restrictions. They Area of Expertise: Residential and Corporate Profile: Gillam Group is a west end. Both asphalt plants are are able to take on a diverse range commercial. progressive construction management capable of producing asphalt at of design-build projects thanks Corporate Profile: FRAM Building organization that was established upwards of 400 tph (tonnes per to their construction and financial Group is an award-winning company with a view to raising the bar in the A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C THE EAST ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 77 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N planning, management and delivery Jon Taylor, Sr. Partner & Co-Owner; Area of Expertise: Commercial, Power; José J Suárez, President, of construction projects.Their senior Ralph G. Govan, Sr. Partner & industrial, infrastructure and Mining & Metallurgy; Martin Adler, executives with enviable track records Co-Owner; John W. Brown, Sr. Partner construction. President, Oil & Gas gained at one of Canada’s leading & Co-Owner; Sam Chow, CFO; Josepth Corporate Profile: Graham Area of Expertise: Oil and gas, mining construction companies, offers a Kirk, Sr. VP of the Govan Brown Group; is celebrating 90 years in the and metallurgy, infrastructure, power. broad range of services focusing on Phil Goodall, Partner, Ottawa construction industry. Their breadth Corporate Profile: Founded in 1911, Construction Management, Design Gross Revenue: $ 350 mil of experience is wide, and their SNC-Lavalin is one of the leading Build, Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) Area of Expertise: Construction construction roots run deep – as engineering and construction groups and General Contracting. Their people management, general contracting of indicated by nice decades in the in the world and a major player in the have occupied demanding senior interiors spaces for commercial, retail industry. Founded in 1926, Graham ownership of infrastructure with global roles from previous organizations. and hospitality industry; program is an employee-owned construction revenues of $9.6 billion annually. The leadership quality of GGI’s people management/national roll-outs and solutions partner with revenues From offices in over 50 countries, is a key element of their service LEED. exceeding $2 billion annually. Graham their teams provide engineering, and necessary to motivate client, Corporate Profile: Govan Brown provides general constructing, design- procurement construction, completions consultant and contractor teams to is a leading national construction build, integrated project delivery and commissioning services together perform to the best of their abilities. management and general contracting (IPD), construction management with a range of sustaining capital They work closely with their clients, firm specializing in commercial interior and public-privet partnership(P3) services to clients in four industry to the extent that they have worked fir-ups, renovations, relocations, services to commercial, industrial sectors: oil and gas, mining and in clients’ offices, worn their clients’ program management, national rolls-out and infrastructure clients throughout metallurgy, infrastructure and power. uniforms and shared their clients’ and LEED spaces. Their projects range Canada and the United States. SNC-Lavalin can also combine cultures. Their people become their from boutique-style spaces to high- these services with its financing end retail and corporate commercial and operations and maintenance client’s “building department” as they GROUPE SNC-LAVALIN combine forces to create effective interior projects. They are an established capabilities to provide complete end- synergies. leader in the industry and are equipped Head Office: to-end project solutions. to provide services across Canada. 455 boul René-Lévesque O Major Projects: Osgoode Hall, Toronto Recognized as a member of Canada’s Montreal QC H2Z 1Z3 ON; Federal Government Office GILLIN ENGINEERING & Best Managed Companies’ Platinum Tel: 514-393-1000 Alterations, Ottawa ON. CONSTRUCTION LTD. Club for having nine consecutive wins, Fax: 514-866-0795 Head Office: Govan Brown executes almost $300 Email: [email protected] 141 Laurier Ave W million dollars a year in construction Web: H Ottawa ON K1P 5J3 projects. In 2010, they were named Branch Office: Calgary, AB; Edmonton, Tel: 613-232-1143 Company of the Year by the Canadian AB; Fort McMurray, AB; Grande H&R CONSTRUCTION Fax: 613-232-8474 Business Magazine and made the Top Prairie, AB; Burnaby, BC; Cranbrook, MANAGEMENT LTD. BC; Fort Nelson, BC; Fort St. John, Date of Incorporation: 1950 40 Canadian Contractors list in 2014 Head Office: BC; Nanaimo, BC; Nelson, BC; Prince Nature of Ownership: Private and 2015. Govan Brown was founded in 215-3625 Dufferin St George, BC; Terrace, BC; Trail, BC; Key Personnel: 1994 by Ralph Govan, John Brown, and North York ON M3K 1Z2 Vancouver, BC; Victoria, BC; Winnipeg, Christopher P. Gillin, President; Jeff Jon Taylor. Tel: 416-635-7575 MB; Campbellton, NB; Fredericton, Gillin, VP Major Projects: LoyaltyOne; Simons Fax: 416-635-8056 NB; Hanwell, BC; Antigonish, NS; Area of Expertise: Commercial office Core Shopping Centre; Simons Web: Dartmouth, NS; Halifax, NS; Burlington, buildings and hotels. Londonderry Mall; Uniqlo; RBC Royal Date of Incorporation: 1998 ON; Etobicoke, ON; Kingston, ON; Corporate Profile: With more than Bank Plaza; Toronto Hydro Program; Nature of Ownership: Private Mississauga, ON; Oakville, ON; two million square feet of downtown Eataly; Uber; Quadreal; Myntex. Key Personnel: office space built over the years, Gillin Ottawa, ON; Pickering, ON; Sarnia, Peter DeBiasio, VP, Construction; Engineering and Construction Ltd. is a ON; Sudbury, ON; Thunder Bay, ON; GRAHAM BROS. CONSTRUCTION LTD. Michoel Klugmann, VP; Antoinette general contractor and landowner that Toronto, ON; Woodbridge, ON; Amos, Tomlinson, Project Coordinator specializes in commercial buildings Head Office: QC; Baie Comeau, QC; Brossard, QC; Area of Expertise: Seniors, high and projects in the Ottawa area. Past 297 Rutherford Rd S Chibougamau, QC; Gatineau, QC; mid-rise residential, commercial, retail works include high-rise buildings Brampton ON L6W 3J8 Granby, QC; Jonquiere, QC; La Salle, and institutional and healthcare. such as the Gillin Building, also known Tel: 905-453-1200 QC; Laval, QC; Levis, QC; Longueuil, Corporate Profile: H&R Construction as the Sir Guy Carleton Building, the Fax: 905-453-2217 QC; Malartic, QC; Montebello, QC; Management is one of Ontario’s company’s headquarter and the Lord Email: [email protected] Montreal, QC; Pincourt, QC; Quebec, premier construction contractors Elgin Hotel expansion and renovation, Web: QC; Rimouski, QC; Roberval, QC; focusing on the commercial, both in Ottawa, Ontario. Branch Office: Vancouver, BC; Rouyn-Noranda, QC; Saint-Apollinaire, residential and institutional sectors. Kelowna, BC, Calgary, AB; Edmonton, QC; Saint-Constant, QC; Saint-Joseph- The company is a member of the AB; Fort McMurry, AB; Regina, SK; de-Beauce, QC; Saint-Laurent, QC; OGCA and the Canadian Green GOVAN BROWN & ASSOCIATES Saskatoon, SK; Winnipeg, MB; Toronto, Sept-Îles, QC; Sorel-Tracy, QC; St. LIMITED Building Council. Its staff participates ON; Seattle, WA; Spokane, WA; Omaha, Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC; St. Jérôme, in continuing education, seminars Head Office: NE; Minneapolis, MN QC; Terrebonne, QC; Thetford Mines, and workshops ranging from the 108 Vine Ave Date of Incorporation: 1985 QC; Trois-Rivieres, QC; Val-d’Or, QC; latest health and safety issues, Toronto ON M6P 1V7 Nature of Ownership: Private Ville-Marie, QC; Esterhazy, SK; Prince legal challenges in the industry, Tel: 416-703-5100 Key Personnel: Albert, SK; Regina, SK; Saskatoon, environmentally sensitive solutions. Fax: 416-703-5200 TIm Heavenor, CFO and SVP, SK; Mount Pearl, NL; Paradise, NL; Email: [email protected] Development and Strategic Investing; St. John’s, NL; Yellowknife, NT; Web: Mike Senger, SVP, Industrial and Asset Whitehorse, YK. HADY CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATES Branch Office: Calgary, AB; Management; John Connolly, SVP, Date of Incorporation: 1911 Head Office: Edmonton, AB; Ottawa, ON; Vancouver, Infrastructure; Jeff Schippmann, CPO Nature of Ownership: Public 230A Belfield Rd BC; Halifax, NS; Winnipeg, MB. and CVP, HR; Grant Beck, President Key Personnel: Rexdale ON M9W 1H3 Date of Incorporation: 1994 and CEO; Kim Johnson, CSO and SVP, Neil Bruce, President and CEO; Ian L Tel: 416-247-4239 Nature of Ownership: Private Buildins & Shared Services Edwards, President, Infrastructure; Fax: 416-247-4200 Key Personnel: Gross Revenue: $ 2,146 mil Alexander (Sandy) Taylor, President, Email: [email protected] A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T 78 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect THE EAST C A A’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R Web: as complex as the retrofitting of the Laprise, Director, Administration; ET IN CO N J Date of Incorporation: 1952 wooden structure in the McMichael Nicolas Riverin, General Director; Nature of Ownership: Private Collection. Jacques Bédard, Director, Civil Key Personnel: Engineering Construction; Stéphane J.D. STRACHAN CONSTRUCTION LTD. Angie McGregor, Manager, Accounts; HIGGINS CONSTRUCTION LTD. Julien, Director, Québec Region Head Office: Peter Naccarato, Sr. PM; Camillo Area of Expertise: Roadwork, asphalt 603 Davis Dr, Unit 303 Pietrangelo, Estimator; Ron Zanesco, Head Office: paving, civil engineering, drilling, 205 Main St Newmarket ON L3Y 2P7 PM; Peter Artuso, PM; Daniel Parente, blasting, heavy civil, snow removal, Trenton NS B0K 1X0 Tel: 905-833-0681 Project Coordinator sewer and watermain, crushing and Tel: 902-755-5515 Fax: 905-833-1902 Area of Expertise: Design-build, project management. Fax: 902-755-3671 Email: [email protected] project management and general Corporate Profile: Inter-Cité Email: [email protected] Web: contracting including commercial, Construction Ltée. is one of Quebec’s industrial and institutional projects. Web: Date of Incorporation: 1984 Date of Incorporation: 1984 leaders in the hot mix asphalt Corporate Profile: Since 1952, industry. The company focuses on Nature of Ownership: Private Hady Construction Associates has Nature of Ownership: Private civil engineering, paving, drilling and Key Personnel: attracted a diverse portfolio of clients. Key Personnel: blasting, snow removal and crushing Don Hutchinson, President; Peter Ray, Hady’s expertise includes design- Royce Williston, P. Eng, President markets in Quebec. Inter-Cité has VP, Head Site Superintendent; David build, project management and Area of Expertise: Industrial, the capacity to produce and lay Stulov, PM general contracting. Hady has been commercial, institutional, municipal down 400,000 metric tons of hot mix Area of Expertise: Commercial, a forerunner in the industry with an and design-build. industrial, institutional, custom impressive list of firsts, including Corporate Profile: Higgins asphalt, crush 1.5 million metric tons Toronto’s first strip mall in the late Construction Ltd. is a full-service of stone on various sites, remove snow homes, churches, woodworking and 50s’, the first McDonald’s restaurant, general contracting company for more from over 600 km of roads, move 3.5 restorations. the Greater Toronto Area’s first retail than 50 years. The company’s services million cubic metres of excavated Corporate Profile: J.D. Strachan power centre development, and the include design-build and construction material, pour more than 25,000 cubic Construction Ltd. is a general city’s first residential loft conversion. management to industry, business metres of concrete, and drill and blast contractor and construction manager. and government. Higgins Construction Major Projects: 61 and 71 Parr 2 million cubic metres of rock on an The company offers design-build, performs: excavation and site works; Boulevard Warehouse Addition and annual basis. Inter-Cité Construction construction management and excavation and earth moving; concrete Office Alterations, Bolton ON; Furfari Ltée. is a division of Groupe Riverin. demolition and removal; buried stipulated sum solutions. J.D. Strachan Paving Head Office and Warehouse Other companies of the group piping and utility installation and Construction specializes in restoration, Building Addition, Scarborough ON. specialize in producing ready mix woodworking and industrial projects equipment rentals; concrete formwork; concrete and prefabricated concrete industrial concrete construction with the use of conventional structures products and operate stone quarries in HARBRIDGE + CROSS LTD. and repairs; building formwork and or pre-engineered building systems. Quebec City and the Saguenay region. foundation; process vessels and Other projects include commercial, Head Office: Major Projects: 2016 Surface equipment bases and insulated industrial, churches and custom 350 Creditstone Rd Ste 202 Infrastructure, Lots 2-6, Rehabilitation Concord ON L4K 3Z2 concrete forming systems; building homes. J.D. Strachan completes construction; commercial, industrial Program, QC; 2016 Surface Tel: 416-213-7165 Infrastructure, Lot 4, Québec City QC; special projects of various sizes and Fax: 905-738-9649 and institutional buildings, renovations types, from theaters and yacht clubs to and building redevelopment; Roadwork, Jonquiere QC; Roadwork, Email: [email protected] Amqui QC. roller coasters. Web: leasehold improvements and tenant Date of Incorporation: 1967 fit ups; design-build construction; Nature of Ownership: Private metal building systems; tilt-up INVAR BUILDING CORP. JOHN FLOOD & SONS (1961) LTD. concrete structures; industrial Key Personnel: Head Office: services; production area civil Head Office: Sam Kumar, P. Eng., President; William 32 Frederick St works; excavation, demolition and 220 Duncan Mill Rd Ste 301 L. Waters, P. Eng., VP, Secretary and Toronto ON M3B 3J5 Saint John NB E2J 2A9 H&S Officer; Ned Romcevic, Chief construction; scaffold erection services; general maintenance and Tel: 416-441-9855 Tel: 506-634-1112 Estimator; Richard Aubin, Estimator; Fax: 416-441-0172 Fax: 506-634-0952 Peter Kuznetsov, Estimator site services. In addition, Higgins Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Area of Expertise: Industrial, Construction is a qualified “Butler Web: 1961 commercial, institutional, automotive, Builder”. Date of Incorporation: Date of Incorporation: 1984 healthcare and interiors. Nature of Ownership: Private Nature of Ownership: Private Corporate Profile: Harbridge & Cross Key Personnel: I Key Personnel: Ltd. is a privately-owned Canadian J. Timothy Flood, President; Rod Flood, Dusty Miklas, President and CEO; company. The firm focuses on Secretary and Treasurer industrial, commercial and institutional INTER-CITÉ CONSTRUCTION LTÉE. Frank Spain, EVP; Greg Miklas, VP Area of Expertise: Commercial, Area of Expertise: High-rise projects, developing Toronto and other Head Office: industrial, institutional and residential. residential, commercial and industrial communities in Ontario. Harbridge 205 boul du Royaume E Corporate Profile: John Flood buildings. & Cross is not only a general Chicoutimi QC G7H 5C2 & Sons (1961) Ltd. is the oldest Corporate Profile: Invar Building Corp. contractor, but also a project manager, Tel: 418-549-0532 construction company in Canada. construction manager and design- Fax: 418-549-2540 focuses on industrial, commercial and residential markets in Canada and the The current management is the fifth build contractor. Its services include Email: [email protected] generation of the Flood family to run land sourcing and planning, design Web: United States. Acting as managing the company. John Flood & Sons and construction teams selection, Branch Office: Québec City, QC; partners and/or owners, the company operates in New Brunswick where it project scheduling, permit and Sept-Iles, QC. develops and builds single-family approval acquisition, interior design, Date of Incorporation: 1953 homes, condominiums and planned is active in commercial, institutional space planning and office systems. Nature of Ownership: Private communities, as well as industrial and residential construction. The firm Its projects are as large as Air Canada Key Personnel: and retail spaces. In addition, Invar has ‘Gold Seal Certified’ personnel Line Maintenance Hangar where two Fernand Tremblay, Director, Technical Building offers property management including project management, jumbo jets can sit side-by-side, and Services and Environment; André services. estimating and superintendents. A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C THE EAST ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 79 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N equipment rentals; transportation and plant addition, renovations, pits K commercial, industrial, institutional, recreational and cultural, residential. services; excavation; demolition; and forming, pouring and finishing Corporate Profile: Kingston Byers concrete construction; landscaping; all concrete applications in the KENAIDAN CONTRACTING LTD. Inc. provides general contracting, underground conduit and pole line commercial and industrial sectors. Head Office: construction management, project construction. The company also performs asphalt 7080 Derrycrest Dr management and turn-key projects Major Projects: CDSB Gagetown, paving, parking lots, sidewalks and Mississauga ON L5W 0G5 services, operating mainly in Montreal, Fire Tower, Oromocto NB; NB Housing curbs, driveways and roadways, as Tel: 905-670-2660 as well as throughout Quebec. The Number 50 Exterior Upgrades, well as all site services. Lakeside Fax: 905-670-9172 company also conducts business in Woodstock NB. demolishes, excavates and builds Email: [email protected] Ontario through its division, Canada foundation. Other services include, but Web: Electric, which specializes in electrical are not limited to, snow plowing and L Branch Office: Richmond, BC. and mechanical projects mainly in removal, retaining walls and artificial Date of Incorporation: 1974 Toronto and the vicinity. Kingston turf. The company has its own a fleet Nature of Ownership: Private Byers executes projects in the LAKESIDE CONTRACTING of heavy equipment which includes Key Personnel: following sectors of the construction COMPANY LTD. tri-axle and tandem-axle dump trucks, Aidan Flatley, President and CEO; industry: pharmaceutical, commercial, Head Office: compacting equipment, bulldozers, Peter Sullivan, EVP and CFO; David industrial and special projects, such 3513 Mavis Rd backhoes mini-excavators, excavators, Kirkland, EVP & COO; Gian Fortuna, Sr. as Montreal International Airport Mississauga ON L5C 1T7 skid steers and loaders. VP, Preconstruction; Gregory G. Stack, expansion or the Antoine Guertin feed Tel: 905-279-1198 Major Projects: Town of Halton VP, Business Development and Design- mill slipformed silos. Kingston Byers Fax: 905-279-1500 Hills Paving Project, Georgetown Build; Bill Kelly, VP, Western Canada is part of the Kingston Industries Ltd. Email: [email protected] ON; Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Area of Expertise: Infrastructure, Group of Companies. Web: Replacement, Mississauga ON; Oak primarily waterworks and Major Projects: Terre-des-Jeunes Date of Incorporation: 1965 Street, Court Street, Ashbrook Court, transportation, industrial, commercial, School Addition and Renovation, Nature of Ownership: Private and Bruce Street Reconstruction, institutional, recreational and heavy Lasalle QC. Key Personnel: Brampton ON; Parking Lot civil. Edward Diamanti, CEO; Dave Diamanti, Reconstruction, Brampton ON. Corporate Profile: Kenaidan K-LINE CONSTRUCTION LTD. President; Marianne MacDonald, Contracting Ltd. provides design- Manager bid-build, design-build, construction Head Office: LCL BUILDS LIMITED 215 Beardsley Rd Area of Expertise: Commercial, management and preconstruction Head Office: Beardsley NB E7M 4E1 industrial and civil engineering. services in the construction Lakeside 98 Scarsdale Rd Tel: 506-328-9848 Corporate Profile: marketplace. The company is Contracting Company Limited is a North York ON M3B 2R7 Fax: 506-328-4793 active in the industrial, commercial, full-service general contractor that Tel: 416-492-0500 Email: [email protected] institutional, infrastructure and specializes in civil construction, office Fax: 416-492-4932 waterworks markets across Canada. Web: They are one of the few large scale Branch Office: Fredericton, NB. contractors that self-perform concrete Date of Incorporation: 1981 formwork and placement and process Nature of Ownership: Private mechanical work. Kenaidan is a Key Personnel: leader in the construction of water Gary Keenan, Owner and President; treatment and wastewater treatment Kendall Wright, VP, Operations; Sean plants in Canada. Notable projects Jones, VP, Finance; Adam Wood, PARTNER. include: Richmond Speed Skating Sr. Manager, Civil Construction; Oval, Richmond, BC; Courtice Waste Mark Keenan, Sr. Manager, Power PERFECT. Operations Water Treatment Plant, Courtice, ON; COLLABORATION IS THE Bobsled and Luge Track, Lake Placid, Area of Expertise: NY; RC Harris Water Treatment Plant, Telecommunication, power line LEDCOR WAY. construction, highway signing and Toronto, ON. We seek out clients who want Major Projects: Trafalger Road lighting, civil construction and engineering services and wireless partners, not just suppliers. Because Feedermain and Reservoir, Oakville it means you value collaboration ON; GO Station, infrastructure. as much as we do. And that you’re Scarborough ON; Rutherford GO Corporate Profile: K-Line Station, Tunnels, Concord ON; Aurora Construction Ltd. is a diversified looking for a relationship that will GO Station, Pedestrian Tunnels, Aurora construction company operating stand the test of time. ON; Maple GO Station, Pedestrian across the Maritimes. The company’s Tunnels, Maple ON. core business is telecommunication and power line construction, which involve the placement of fibre, coaxial, KINGSTON BYERS INC. copper and power cable both aerially Head Office: and underground and the maintenance 9100 Elmslie thereof. K-Line offers design-build or WWW.LEDCOR.COM Lasalle QC H8R 1V6 start-to-finish services that set the Tel: 514-365-1642 company apart from competitors. Fax: 514-365-7875 It also has extensive experience in Email: [email protected] highway signing and lighting, wireless Web: infrastructure as well as traditional Branch Office: Toronto, ON. construction activities that include Date of Incorporation: 1969 civil construction and engineering Nature of Ownership: Private services: civil engineering with design Area of Expertise: Pharmaceutical, and project management; heavy A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T 80 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect THE EAST C A A’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R Email: [email protected] Tel: 613-623-6584 using construction management, pre- FredE J.T IN COReinders,N P. Eng., Chairman and Web: Fax: 613-623-8768 construction, and lump-sum tender CEO; Mike Reinders, MBA, President, Date of Incorporation: 2003 Email: [email protected] delivery methods. Maple Reinders Group / Maple Nature of Ownership: Private Web: Corporate Profile: Founded by Reinders Inc.; J. Eric Van Ginkel, CA, Key Personnel: Branch Office: Kingston, ON; Ottawa, architect Louis B. Magil in 1953, VP, CFO; Harold Reinders, President, Mark Garland, President; Hugh Kidd, ON; North Bay, ON. Magil Construction is a privately held Maple Reinders Constructors Ltd. VP, Construction; Marc Bohemier, Date of Incorporation: 1914 company active in the construction Area of Expertise: Buildings; Operations Manager; Ian Duncan, Nature of Ownership: Private industry in Quebec and British industrial, commercial and Chief Estimator Key Personnel: Columbia. Building excellence is more institutional; renovations; tenant fit- Area of Expertise: High-rise Robert J. Ball, President and CEO; than just a vision for the company, it ups, expansions, renovations, repairs residential, hotel, food and beverage Kerry Hisko, CFO; Greg Sullivan, VP is a vector. It inspires each project, and restorations; heavy civil facilities; and commercial. and GM; Tim Pruner, VP, Business where strict control over quality, cost water/wastewater treatment and Corporate Profile: LCL Builds has Development; Martin Smith, VP and and scheduling is guaranteed, like infrastructure; environmental projects; operated in the Greater Toronto Area GM its business dealings, to be based waste stream management, compost since 2003. LCL is known for its best Area of Expertise: Commercial, upon respect and integrity. Magil facilities, thermal power and biogas in class design management and institutional and industrial. Construction takes pride in its success energy. preconstruction services. Estimates Corporate Profile: M. Sullivan & Son in the residential, commercial/ Corporate Profile: Operating from are first composed in a 12 category Ltd. is a full-service construction institutional and healthcare sectors. coast to coast, Maple Reinders is a “systems” format which facilitates company based in Eastern Ontario Major Projects: Roccabella Phase full-service design-build, construction easy and accurate tracking of cost and one of Canada’s oldest family- 2 Condominium, Montréal QC; SFU management and general contracting saving design options. Construction owned construction firms. It is Education Building Alterations, group specializing in industrial, projects are executed under a also one of the few ISO 9001:2008 Burnaby BC; Roadwork, Watermain commercial and institutional project manager system. LCL is a certified construction companies in and Sewers, Montréal QC; E-Comm facilities, municipal infrastructure “Developer’s” Contractor and functions Canada. Sullivan’s specializes in the Emergency Communications Building, and environmental projects such as as either a Construction Manager or industrial, commercial, institutional Vancouver BC; Canada Way Office water and wastewater treatment General Contractor. and public sectors where it offers Tenant Improvement, Burnaby BC. plants, organic waste processing Major Projects: Beech House services in general contracting, and alternative energy projects. Condominium, Toronto ON; Two construction management and The company is also well-versed in Hundred The Beach Condominium, design-build, as well as project MANORCORE GROUP INC. the stringent requirements of LEED Toronto ON. management. The company is expert Head Office: certification. With over 2,600 projects in the construction of healthcare 4707 Christie Dr completed to date, its current annual LE GROUPE ROBIN and high-rise residential facilities, Beamsville ON L0R 1B4 volume of construction work exceeds hydroelectric generating stations, Tel: 905-563-8888 $437 million, with individual project Head Office: waterworks and other infrastructure Fax: 905-563-8171 values ranging from $15,000 to $120 1395 Johnson St E Unit 101 construction projects such as dams Email: [email protected] million. Maple Reinders is one of Saint-Hyacinthe QC J2S 7Y6 and solar parks. In addition, Sullivan’s Web: Canada’s Best Managed Companies. Tel: 450-250-2222 is experienced in building in highly Branch Office: Calgary, AB. Major Projects: Shepard Landfill Fax: 450-773-6303 secure environments. The firm has Date of Incorporation: 1985 Composting Facility, Calgary AB; The Email: [email protected] achieved LEED certification in various Nature of Ownership: Private Village of Taunton Mills, Phase Three, Web: projects. Sullivan’s is a Platinum Club Key Personnel: Whitby ON; Trent Severn Waterway Date of Incorporation: 1973 member of Canada’s 50 Best Managed Leonard Papineau, President; Brian Infrastructure, North Bundle, Port Nature of Ownership: Private Companies. Weir, PM Severn ON; Kitchener WWTP Tertiary Key Personnel: Area of Expertise: Commercial, Treatment and New Outfall Contract Robert Robin, President; Nellie Robin, Major Projects: Laurentian University, institutional and renovations. VP; Jonathan Robin, VP Research, Innovation and Engineering 4, Kitchener ON; Lakeshore Water Corporate Profile: Manorcore Group Area of Expertise: Residential and Centre, Sudbury ON; Queen’s Treatment Plant Phase 3A Expansion, Inc. is a leading general contractor commercial. University Richard Stadium, Kingston Toronto ON. that specializes in the following Corporate Profile: Le Groupe Robin, ON; Carpenter’s Union Headquarters Educational Building, Kanata ON. areas: design-build; construction a family-owned company, offers MARCO GROUP OF COMPANIES management; commercial; retail; its services for the construction of renovations and institutional. Head Office: residential houses, buying houses, MAGIL CONSTRUCTION - A Major Projects: Lowe’s Remodeling, 78 O’Leary Ave apartment for rents, commercial SUBSIDIARY OF MC GROUP St. John’s NL A1B 4B8 spaces. Le Groupe Robin is the builder North York ON; Storage Building, Head Office: Tel: 709-754-3737 and manager of Holiday Inn Express Kerman Ave, Grimsby ON; Service 1655, rue De Beauharnois Ouest Fax: 709-754-3715 & Suites in Saint-Hyacinthe, QC, the Canada, Owen Sound ON. Montreal QC H4N 1J6 Email: [email protected] first hotel in Canada to receive LEED Tel: 514-341-9899 Web: certification. Fax: 514-341-9159 MAPLE REINDERS GROUP LTD. Branch Office: Dartmouth, NS. Major Projects: District 55 Email: [email protected] Head Office: Date of Incorporation: 1981 Commercial Development, Trois- Web: 2660 Argentia Rd Nature of Ownership: Private Rivières QC; Commercial Office Branch Office: Vancouver, BC. Mississauga ON L5N 5V4 Key Personnel: Building: Projet M Phase 2, Date of Incorporation: 1953 Tel: 905-821-4844 Christopher J. Hickman, Chairman and St-Hyacinthe QC. Nature of Ownership: Private Fax: 905-821-4822 CEO; Allan M. MacIntosh, President; Key Personnel: Email: [email protected] Rod Ackerman, SVP; Don Allen, VP, M Alain Gauvin, President; Ralph Tropea, Web: Finance and Administration; Jeremy Executive Advisor; Vanno Heng, Branch Office: Calgary, AB; Edmonton, Stewart, VP, Operations, Maritimes; Director Estimation; Francis Quirion, AB; Kelowna, BC; Cambridge, ON, Corey Taylor, VP, Operations, M. SULLIVAN & SON LTD. VP, Construction Vancouver, BC. Newfoundland and Labrador; Perry Head Office: Area of Expertise: Residential, Date of Incorporation: 1967 Boudreau, Manager, Pre-Construction 236 Madawaska Blvd high-rise condominiums, healthcare, Nature of Ownership: Private Services Arnprior ON K7S 0A3 commercial and mixed-use projects Key Personnel: Gross Revenue: $ 167 mil A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C THE EAST ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 81 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N Area of Expertise: Commercial and Branch Office: Saint John, NB; Greater Toronto Area, as well as in Web: industrial. Norwich, CT; Rahway, NJ; Eddystone, Ottawa, Calgary and Edmonton. In Branch Office: Dartmouth, NS. Corporate Profile: As a general PA; Canonsburg, PA; Hammond, the United States, the company is Date of Incorporation: 1992 contractor, Marco can provide any IN; Temperance, MI; Hammond, IN; represented in nine metropolitan Nature of Ownership: Private one or combination of the following Chicago, IL; Las Vegas, NV. areas - Charlotte, Phoenix, Tucson, Key Personnel: construction services tailored Date of Incorporation: 2006 Jacksonville, Orlando, Tampa, Lewis Tiller, President; Patrick Hanlon, specifically to each client: project Nature of Ownership: Public Sarasota, Naples and Southeast EVP management; lump sum; design-build; Key Personnel: Florida. Visit www.mattamyhomes. Area of Expertise: Commercial, estimating and quantity surveying; Jason W. Turner, President; Steven com for more information. The scope institutional, multi-family residential construction management; fixed Harker, Sr. VP, Operations; Troy Blair, of Mattamy’s operations encompasses and industrial. building leasing; interim financing and VP, Legal and Commercial; Terry land acquisition, community design Corporate Profile: Maxim lease-back financing. The company Stewart, VP, Canada; Tory Baker, VP, and development, housing, parkland Construction Inc. is an employee- requires that all superintendents and Finance; Douglas J. Montalbano, VP, design and construction with particular owned construction company servicing project managers achieve a Gold Seal Business Development emphasis on creating complete all four Atlantic provinces. It focuses status. In addition, Marco is committed Area of Expertise: Heavy industrial, communities of enduring value to on the commercial, institutional, to further standards of “green” iron & steel, power, oil, gas, chemical. homeowners. multi-family residential and industrial building design in developing LEED Corporate Profile: The direct hire Major Projects: Hawthorne Village sectors of the construction industry projects. union division of Matrix Service South, Milton ON; Mount Pleasant with a wide range of delivery methods Major Projects: St. John’s Company (Nasdaq: MTRX), Matrix NAC North, Brampton ON; The Preserve, including design-build, construction International Airport Authority, St. provides procurement, construction, Oakville ON; Half Moon Bay, Ottawa management, general contracting, John’s NL; Alt Hotel, St. John’s NL; maintenance and repair services to ON; Cityscape, Calgary AB; Rivertown, pre-construction consulting and tilt-up. Quinlan Brothers Seafood Processing the North American energy, power Jacksonville FL; Tapestry, Orlando FL; Their average annual volume range Plant, Bay de Verde NL; MUN Core and industrial markets. Founded in Rhythm, Phoenix AZ. from $60–$80 million. Science Facility, St. John’s NL; 1984, Matrix Service Company began Crombie Parking Garage, Avalon Mall, union operations in 1986, however, MATTHEWS SOUTHWEST MAYSTAR GENERAL St. John’s NL; West Side School, through their acquired businesses, CONTRACTOR INC. Saint John NB; Dartmouth Sportsplex, which include S.M. Electric and Head Office: Dartmouth NS; Chebucto Lifestyle Kvaerner North American Construction, 6745 Century Ave Ste 3 Head Office: Complex, Chebucto NS; South this legacy extends as far back as Mississauga ON L5N 6P7 161 Trade Valley Dr Dartmouth P-9 School, Dartmouth 1946. Today, Matrix NAC provides a Tel: 905-567-3431 Woodbridge ON L4H 3N6 NS; Gorsebrook Park Condominiums, full range of services including large Fax: 905-567-0255 Tel: 905-738-6678 Halifax NS. capital construction, oil and gas Email: [email protected] Fax: 905-738-6281 storage, power generation, power Web: Email: [email protected] delivery, integrated iron and steel and Branch Office: Calgary, AB; Dallas, TX; Web: MASSICOTTE CONSTRUCTION LTD. refinery and petrochemical work. Lewisville, TX. Date of Incorporation: 1985 Head Office: Major Projects: NSLC Amherst Liquor Date of Incorporation: 1988 Nature of Ownership: Private 319 Palace St Store Alterations, Amherst NS. Nature of Ownership: Private Key Personnel: Vanier ON K1L 7V5 Key Personnel: Joe Maio, President; Wayne Garrett, VP, Tel: 613-748-7051 John H. (Jack) Matthews, President; Construction Fax: 613-748-5590 MATTAMY HOMES LTD. Bruce Bent, CFO; Richard Tucker, Sr. Area of Expertise: Residential, Email: [email protected] Head Office: VP, Development; Kristian Teleki, Sr. commercial and institutional. Date of Incorporation: 2004 66 Wellington St W, Ste 5500 VP, Development; Gina Norris, Sr. VP, Corporate Profile: Maystar General Nature of Ownership: Private Toronto ON M5K 1A1 Partner Relations; Jerret Click, VP, Contractors Inc. is a company Key Personnel: Tel: 416-637-0900 Construction & Design founded in the mid-1980s to Serge Massicotte, President Fax: 647-347-7658 Area of Expertise: Hotel, office, provide construction services, Area of Expertise: Commercial and Email: [email protected] industrial, retail, and residential including general contracting, project institutional. Web: projects. management and design-build. Corporate Profile: Massicotte Branch Office: Milton, ON; Vaughan, Corporate Profile: Matthews The company’s projects range from Construction Ltd. is a general ON; Ottawa, ON; Calgary, AB; Southwest (MSW) is a full-service educational buildings and government contractor focusing on commercial Edmonton, AB; Scottsdale, AZ; Tucson, private real-estate development office buildings to retail stores and and institutional markets in the Ottawa AZ; Jacksonville, FL; Orlando, FL; company headquartered in Lewisville, retirement homes across Ontario. region. Past works includes Canadian Riverview, FL; Charlotte, NC Texas, with additional offices in Dallas, Maystar is the builder of the 280,000 Union of Public Employees (CUPE/ Date of Incorporation: 1978 Calgary and Mississauga. Since 1988, square-foot Vaughan City Hall in SCFP) National Office in Ottawa and Nature of Ownership: Private MSW has acquired, built and managed Ontario, an eco-friendly, multi-level University of Ottawa Heart Institute Key Personnel: the development of hotel, office, mixed facility. Alterations in Ottawa, ON. Brad Carr, President, Canada; Peter use, retail, residential, and industrial Major Projects: Viva Oakville Major Projects: Ottawa Hospital Gilgan, Founder and CEO; Jim developments. The company has Retirement Community, Oakville ON; Civic Campus Alterations, Ottawa Leiferman, President, US Group; Bill development projects in the United Lakeshore Bus Hoist Replacement, ON; Ottawa Hospital General Campus Tofflemire, CFO; Mary Federau, CHRO; States, Canada and Mexico, and has Toronto ON. Renovations, Ottawa ON. Brian Johnston, COO an office in Dubai for MSW EMEA Gross Revenue: $ 2,400 mil (Europe, Middle East and Africa). Area of Expertise: Residential. MCI DESIGN-BUILD CORP. MATRIX NAC Corporate Profile: Mattamy Homes Head Office: Head Office: is the largest privately owned MAXIM CONSTRUCTION INC. 2081 Oxford St E 3196 Mainway homebuilder in North America, Head Office: London ON N5V 2Z7 Burlington ON L7M 1A5 with operations across Canada and 555 Somerset St Tel: 519-453-3979 Tel: 289-313-1600 the United States. Mattamy has Saint John NB E2K 4X2 Fax: 519-453-4198 Fax: 289-313-1652 sold 90,000 homes in hundreds Tel: 506-652-9292 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] of communities.In Canada, Those Fax: 506-636-9678 Web: Web: communities stretch across the Email: [email protected] Date of Incorporation: 1987 A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T 82 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect THE EAST C A A’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R Nature of Ownership: Private Key Personnel: buildings projects. One of them is the Tel: 905-641-2374ET IN CO N Key Personnel: Abraham Bleeman, President; Aaron new triple-platinum LEED headquarters Fax: 905-641-2988 Paul Massé, President; Brad Zimmer, Bleeman, VP; Nathan Bleeman, VP for Enermodal Engineering in Kitchener, Email: [email protected] VP, Construction & Estimating; Scott Area of Expertise: Residential and ON. This recent project is one of the Web: Massé, VP, Operations and PM commercial. most energy efficient buildings in Date of Incorporation: 1984 Area of Expertise: Industrial, Corporate Profile: With over 60 years Canada, boasting 82% more energy Nature of Ownership: Private commercial, institutional, residential of experience in the development and efficiency than average. Key Personnel: and agricultural. building industry, Medallion Corp. is a Major Projects: The Standard Dennis Kowalchuk, Sr. Partner; Corporate Profile: MCI Design-Build fully integrated real estate development Apartment Building, Guelph ON; Rio Ian Kowalchuk, Partner, Manager Corp. is a full-service design-build and property management company. on Belmont Apartment, Kitchener ON; of Business Development; Jean contractor, constructing industrial, As a leader in the rental housing The Kortyards Apartment, Guelph St. Pierre, Partner, Manager Field commercial, institutional, residential industry, Medallion continues to build, ON; St Josephine Bakhita Church, Operations; Arie Schipper, Partner, and agricultural construction projects own and manage apartment buildings Mississauga ON; Halwell Mutual Manager Estimating throughout Ontario. The company is an across the Greater Toronto Area. Its Insurance Head Office, Guelph ON. Area of Expertise: Commercial, authorized Robertson Building System team is active in all phases of the industrial and institutional. supplier for Southwestern Ontario, development process, including site Corporate Profile: Merit Contractors MENKES DEVELOPMENT LTD. used in pre-engineered structures selection, project design, securing Niagara is a leader in the construction projects. regulatory approvals and ultimately, Head Office: industry across south-central Ontario. the construction and marketing of its 4711 Yonge St Its projects range from commercial projects. Medallion’s projects include North York ON M2N 7E4 and industrial to institutional buildings. MCKAY-COCKER CONSTRUCTION residential subdivisions and multi- Tel: 416-491-2222 Merit Contractors Niagara have LIMITED - A SUBSIDIARY OF family apartment communities. Fax: 416-491-3155 completed six LEED green building MC GROUP Major Projects: 400 Lyle St Apartment Email: [email protected] projects and wholly supports the Head Office: Building, London ON. Web: program. Balls Falls Visitor Centre in 1665 Oxford St E Date of Incorporation: 1955 Jordan, ON and Southbrook Winery in London ON N5Y 5R9 Nature of Ownership: Private Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON are two of MELLOUL-BLAMEY Tel: 519-451-5270 Key Personnel: its LEED Gold projects. The company CONSTRUCTION INC. Fax: 519-451-8050 Alan Menkes, President, High-Rise has vast experience in healthcare, Email: [email protected] Head Office: Residential Division; Steven Menkes, long-term care facilities, academic, Web: 700 Rupert St Unit A President, Low-Rise Residential religious buildings, recreational, Branch Office: Mississauga, ON. Waterloo ON N2V 2B5 Division; Peter Menkes, President, cultural, hospitality and tourism, Date of Incorporation: 1946 Tel: 519-886-8850 Industrial/Commercial Division; Jim wineries, auto dealerships, offices, Nature of Ownership: Private Fax: 519-886-8898 Leon, CFO; Mark Karam, Sr. VP and governmental, commercial and Key Personnel: Email: [email protected] General Counsel; Joel Pearlman, Sr. VP, industrial projects. Owen Whelan, President; Patrick Cyr, Web: Investments Major Projects: Headwaters Health Director, Estimating; Steve Arbour, Branch Office: Greenville, SC. Area of Expertise: Real estate Centre, Phase 1, Orangeville ON; Director, Design-Build; Steve Miller, Date of Incorporation: 1982 development, high-rise and low-rise Civic Centre Plaza, Phase 2, Moose Director, Operations Nature of Ownership: Private residential construction, industrial Jaw SK; Candy Planet Retail Building Area of Expertise: Industrial, Key Personnel: and commercial construction and Store Alterations, Niagara Falls ON; commercial and institutional, Joel Melloul, CEO and President; commercial property management McMaster University Medical Centre residential and heavy civil projects Jeffrey Heimpel, VP, Business services and residential property Alterations, Hamilton ON. using design-build, construction Development; Jeffrey Shantz, VP, management services. management and lump-sum tender Project Development; Steve Hanley, Corporate Profile: Menkes delivery method VP, Construction; Bernard Melloul, Developments Ltd. is a fully integrated MINTO DEVELOPMENTS INC. Corporate Profile: McKay-Cocker Chairman and Founder real estate company whose primary Head Office: Construction delivers high quality Area of Expertise: Institutional, business is the development, 180 Kent St Ste 200 construction projects across a variety recreational, commercial, residential construction, ownership, leasing and Ottawa ON K1P 0B6 of service methods including design- and industrial projects. management of office, industrial and Tel: 613-230-7051 build, construction management, Corporate Profile: Founded in residential properties. The Company Fax: 613-788-2758 guaranteed maximum price (GMP) and Kitchener, ON, Melloul-Blamey was founded in 1954 by Murray Email: [email protected] lump sum bids, in the commercial, Construction Inc. is one of the largest Menkes, who initially carried on Web: heavy civil, industrial and institutional general contractors in Canada’s business as a developer of single Branch Office: Toronto, ON; Calgary, sectors. McKay-Cocker is a member Technology Triangle (CTT), Waterloo family homes throughout the Greater AB; Edmonton, AB; London, ON; of MC Group, a Canada-wide group region of Ontario, with annual sales in Toronto Area. Over the years the Florida, US. of construction firms held my Fayolle excess of $200 million. As a privately- company’s operations expanded Date of Incorporation: 1955 Canada. The group also includes: owned corporation, it operates both significantly and branched out into Nature of Ownership: Private Magil Construction based in Montreal in Canada and in the United States in other areas of real estate. Menkes Corporate Profile: Minto is an and Magil Construction Pacific in the fields of industrial, commercial, is now one of the largest private award-winning integrated real Vancouver. institutional, recreational, long-term developers of residential, industrial estate development and property care, multi-unit residences, and and office properties in Canada. Today, management company that has heritage building in both public bid Menkes continues to be owned and proudly created healthy communities MEDALLION PROPERTIES and private sectors. The company operated by the Menkes family. and innovative places for people to Head Office: offers services in general contracting, Major Projects: The Eglinton live, work and play for over 60 years. 970 Lawrence Ave W construction management, project Condominium, Toronto ON. Today Minto has grown to include North York ON M6A 3B6 management, design-build, Butler rental apartments, furnished suites, Tel: 416-256-3900 pre-engineered building systems, single-family homes, condominiums Email: [email protected] and public-private partnerships (P3s) MERIT CONTRACTORS NIAGARA and commercial spaces with Web: AFP. Melloul-Blamey Construction is Head Office: operations in Ottawa, Toronto, Calgary, Date of Incorporation: 1997 the member of the Canadian green 235 Martindale Rd Edmonton, London and Florida, Nature of Ownership: Private building council and manages green St Catharines ON L2W 1A5 with a continued focus on providing A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C THE EAST ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 83 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N outstanding service and meaningful and guaranteed sustainable energy Corporate Profile: Nexrock Design NAC CONSTRUCTORS LTD./ contributions to North American performance contacts. Build Inc. is one of Canada’s leading NORTH AMERICA CONSTRUCTION communities. Major Projects: Giant Tiger design-build firms and a national (1993) LTD. Major Projects: Quinn’s Pointe Distribution Centre, Johnstown provider of best practice construction Head Office: Townhouses, Phase Two+, Nepean ON; Industrial Park, Johnston ON; Global project services to a variety of 21 Queen St Avalon Encore, Phases 2-5, Orleans Centre for Pluralism Alterations, corporate clients building top-quality Morriston ON N0B 2C0 ON; Minto Champlain Centre, Blocks Ottawa ON. commercial real estate, industrial 1-4, Orleans ON. Tel: 519-821-8000 and retail premises. For nearly three Fax: 519-821-1111 MULTIPLEX CONSTRUCTION decades, the company has estimated, Email: [email protected] MODERN CONSTRUCTION CANADA LTD. operated and managed office, Web: (1983) LTD. Head Office: industrial, distribution centre, retail Branch Office: Echo Bay, ON; Head Office: 130 King St W and mixed-use projects, representing Vancouver, BC. 275 Salisbury Rd Toronto ON M5X 2A2 over 8 million square feet of gross Date of Incorporation: 1993 Moncton NB E1E 4N1 Tel: 416-359-8559 floor area, with a value over $1.5 Nature of Ownership: Private Tel: 506-853-8853 Fax: 416-946-1690 billion dollars. Nexrock has served Key Personnel: Fax: 506-857-3277 Email: [email protected] clients such as large Canadian pension Scott McPherson, President; Don Email: robert.dunnett@moderngroup. Web: funds, national retailers, private equity White, VP, Estimating; Alex Black, VP, ca Branch Office: Calgary, AB. firms, municipalities and property Operations; Jim Prytula, VP, Corporate Date of Incorporation: 2010 Date of Incorporation: 1983 developers. The Nexrock team of Finance; Denis Gagnon, Chairman of Nature of Ownership: Private Nature of Ownership: Private the Board Key Personnel: management, professional and Key Personnel: administrative staff has managed an Area of Expertise: General Robert Dunnett, President Hamish Pryor, President, Canada; Ben contracting for municipal, industrial average annual sales revenue of over Area of Expertise: Heavy civil Keenan, Director and General Counsel and heavy construction work. $160 million. LEED Certified projects construction, roads, breakwater and Europe & Canada; Alister Grey, Director Corporate Profile: North America airports. and VP, Commercial are administered by in-house LEED Construction (1993) Ltd. and NAC Major Projects: Route 11 Grading and Area of Expertise: Commercial, AP staff in conjunction with LEED Constructors Ltd provide Master Paving, Shediac Cape NB; Richibucto engineering, healthcare, hospitality, consultants. Builder services to the civil, municipal, River Bridge No. 5 Replacement, industrial, infrastructures, institutional, Major Projects: GTAA Lands Industrial biofuels, energy, mining and industrial NB; Kouchibouguac National Park residential and retail. Facility; Congebec Cold Storage marketplace. NAC employs an average Roadwork, NB; Route 115 Roadwork, Corporate Profile: Brookfield Facility; Planet Paper Box Inc.; Anatolia of 900 trades people who complete Fredericton NB; Bridge Work, Multiplex (BM) is a Canadian Gibraltar; Erin Mills Odyssey; Vaughan projects ranging from large-scale Moncton NB. construction company operating under Hospice Center; Typhoon Office municipal and civil projects, to heavy the umbrella of Brookfield Multiplex Building; Caplink Industrial. industrial projects. The company’s Group (BMG), a global contractor ISO 9001: 2008 compliance shows MP LUNDY CONSTRUCTION wholly-owned by Brookfield Asset its dedication to improve quality (ONTARIO) LTD. Management. BM was established in NIACON CONSTRUCTION requirements and customer satisfaction. 2010 and has quickly developed an Head Office: Head Office: Major Projects: Cataraqui Bay extensive local network and supply 375 Metcalfe St 3659 Stanley Ave Wastewater Treatment Plant, Kingston chain. BM is able to draw on BMG’s Ottawa ON K2P 1S7 Niagara Falls ON L2E 0A6 ON; South End Sewage Treatment 52 years of global construction Tel: 613-233-8484 Plant, Winnipeg MB; Sperling Pump experience operating in Australia, the Tel: 905-262-5492 Fax: 613-231-3606 Station Upgrades, Burnaby BC; Middle East and Europe. BM has a Fax: 905-262-5794 Email: [email protected] Wakaw-Humboldt Water Treatment pool of staff members representing Email: [email protected] Web: Plant - Reservoir, Moose Jaw SK; some of Canada’s most experienced Web: Date of Incorporation: 1967 Bearspaw Owc Calcium Chloride Tank construction professionals, Date of Incorporation: 1989 Nature of Ownership: Private Replacement, Calgary AB. Key Personnel: supplemented by global employees Nature of Ownership: Private Sean Lundy, CEO; Josh Gibson, and knowledge. Key Personnel: Director; Gina Courtland P. Eng., Major Projects: Central Park Ajax Christopher Hawkswell, President; NORTHWAY CONSTRUCTION VP, Construction Operations; Chris Condominium (formerly Grand Karen North, Controller; Don Rode, VP, Head Office: Brisson, VP, Finance Harwood Place), Ajax ON. Health & Safety; Mike Fedak, VP 14 Connie Cres Area of Expertise: Commercial, Area of Expertise: Commercial, Concord ON L4K 2W8 institutional, light industrial and green N residential and hospitality with a Tel: 905-761-6699 energy performance contracting. focus on high-rise, institutional and Fax: 416-946-1087 Corporate Profile: MP Lundy miscellaneous projects. Email: [email protected] Construction is an award-winning NEXROCK DESIGN BUILD Corporate Profile: Niacon Web: provider of sustainable construction Head Office: Construction provides project and Date of Incorporation: 2000 solutions. These include design-build, 349 Four Valley Dr construction management solutions to Nature of Ownership: Private construction management, general Concord ON L4K 5Z3 Canadian and U.S. clients throughout Key Personnel: contracting, sustainable energy Frank Scarmato, Owner and President; Tel: 905-669-9654 southern Ontario and western New performance contracting and project John Scarmato, VP; Danny Scarmato, Fax: 905-669-9650 York, in a wide variety of sectors. development services in the Eastern Web: Operations Manager Established in the rapidly expanding Ontario and Ottawa construction Date of Incorporation: 1987 Area of Expertise: Commercial and hospitality industry in and around the sector. MP Lundy Construction targets Nature of Ownership: Private residential. institutional, commercial and industrial Key Personnel: Niagara Peninsula, Niacon delivers Corporate Profile: Northway markets involving the following Gabriel Grossi, Principle; Emilio Grossi, nearly every type of construction Construction is a general contractor requirements: greenfield construction, Principle; Gabriel Grossi Jr, Principle project, from hotels and restaurants to and a construction manager serving additions and building rejuvenation, Gross Revenue: $ 180 mil residential and institutional buildings. the Greater Toronto Area. It specializes sustainable buildings, new or Area of Expertise: Design-build, Major Projects: Purity Life Warehouse in high-end car dealerships, retirement renovations, requiring LEED certification commercial, industrial. Addition, Acton ON. centres and condominium buildings. A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T 84 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect THE EAST C A A’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R Tel: 506-632-2600 AreaE T ofIN CO N Expertise: Heavy civil, O PENALTA GROUP LTD. Fax: 506-632-7689 concrete, energy and real estate. Web: www.oscoconstructiongroup. Head Office: Corporate Profile: Pennecon Ltd. is OCEAN CONTRACTORS LTD. com/ 521 North Service Rd the construction arm of the Penney Oakville ON L6H 1A5 Head Office: Branch Office: Burlington, MA; Group. Pennecon’s four divisions Tel: 905-465-0970 204 Cono Dr Conklin, NY; Bedford, NS; Yarmouth, provide services and products for Fax: 905-465-0971 Dartmouth NS B2Y 3Y9 NS; Charlottetown, PE; Lower heavy civil, concrete, energy and real Email: [email protected] Tel: 902-435-1291 Sackville, NS; Debert, NS; Canaan estate industries throughout Atlantic Web: Fax: 902-434-1243 Mountain, NS. Canada, Alberta, British Columbia and Branch Office: Calgary, AB. Email: [email protected] Date of Incorporation: 1955 the world. The heavy civil division Date of Incorporation: 1999 Web: Nature of Ownership: Private specializes in site infrastructure Private Date of Incorporation: 1974 Key Personnel: Nature of Ownership: developments, marine construction, Nature of Ownership: Private Jack Irving, Chairman; John F. Irving, Key Personnel: bridge, overpass construction and Terry Wallace, President; Robert Key Personnel: Vice Chairman; Hans W. Klohn, Vice hydro-electric developments. Its Ogden, VP; Mohsen Zakaria, Sr. PM John Flemming, President; Keith Chairman; Hans O. Klohn, President concrete division services two primary Area of Expertise: Design-build Fraser, CFO; Steve Wellwood, VP, Area of Expertise: Concrete precast markets in Canada: Nanaimo, BC construction of hotels, commercial Operations; Scott Flemming, VP and prestressed; precast drainage, and the St. John’s and surrounding and medical office buildings, self- Area of Expertise: Asphalt paving, pipe and environmental; ready- area. Both locations manufacture all storage buildings, construction of big concrete construction, residential, mix and aggregates; structural precast products, from paving stones box retail plaza’s, industrial and light water and sewer. and reinforcing steel; construction and concrete blocks, to bridge girders industrial/manufacturing, fit-outs and Corporate Profile: Ocean Contractors management; electrical and data and tilt-up buildings. The energy renovations of new and existing retail is a leader in asphalt paving, ready- systems services; civil construction division pursues opportunities in the stores. mix concrete supply and residential and process piping. development of the offshore oil and Corporate Profile: Penalta Group Ltd. gas industry in Eastern Canada. And foundations in Nova Scotia. Its small Corporate Profile: The OSCO provides design-build and construction the real estate division constructs both jobs division specializes in small-scale Construction Group is a collection services for international investors and residential and commercial projects. residential and commercial projects of companies providing products hotel groups, real estate investment Major Projects: Grand Falls Main ranging from walkways and driveways and services to heavy construction trusts, private and public developers Dam Enhancements, Grand Falls- to parking lots and roadways. projects, from steel and concrete in the industrial, commercial, and Windsor NL; Bay Roberts Business The water and sewer division is structures to general contracting institutional and hotel sectors. Park Development, Bay Roberts NL; capable of undertaking major civil and construction management. The projects involving water and sewer Penalta works with their clients to Bishop’s Falls Powerhouse Alterations, companies serve markets throughout undertake a project from inception to Bishops Falls NL. infrastructure; from installation of Atlantic Canada, the Eastern US and water lines, sanitary sewers and storm substantial completion and offers a the Caribbean. The Group operates turn-key finished product. Their national sewers to complete street and utility offices and plants in New Brunswick, PERCON CONSTRUCTION INC. re-construction. Ocean is also an construction experience in urban, rural Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Head Office: industry leader in snow removal and and remote locations provides them Maine, Massachusetts and New York. 20 Airview Rd efficiently cleared snow and ice from with the expertise to build anywhere in Member companies include Ocean Etobicoke ON M9W 4P2 hard-hit areas throughout the Halifax Canada. They deliver up-front budgeting, Steel, Strescon, FCC Engineering, Tel: 416-744-9967 regional municipality. constant value engineering, and comply Marque Construction, York Steel and Fax: 416-744-8863 Major Projects: Halifax Region Road with health and safety standards. In Schurman Concrete. [email protected] Work, Dartmouth NS. addition to their presence in Eastern Email: Canada, Penalta is presently looking to Web: expand its presence in Western Canada Date of Incorporation: 1998 OGESCO CONSTRUCTION INC. P through their office in Alberta. Nature of Ownership: Private Head Office: Major Projects: Deerhurst Resort Key Personnel: 3070 ch des Quatre-Bourgeois THE PASCOAL GROUP Condominium, Huntsville ON; Dance Frank Perricone, P. Eng., President; Massimo Perricone, VP and Chief Quebec QC G1W 2K4 Head Office: Studio, Oakville ON; Retail Building 2, Tel: 418-651-8774 Oakville ON. Estimator 5359 Timerblea Blvd Unit 33 Gross Revenue: $ 101 mil Fax: 418-651-5451 Mississauga ON L4W 4N5 [email protected] Area of Expertise: Industrial, Email: Tel: 905-625-9153 PENNECON LTD. commercial and institutional projects. Web: Fax: 905-625-5351 Date of Incorporation: 1993 Head Office: Corporate Profile: Percon Email: [email protected] Nature of Ownership: Private 1309 Topsail Rd Construction Inc. is a large institutional Web: Key Personnel: St. John’s NL A1B 3N4 builders/contractors in Southern Date of Incorporation: 1980 Louis Martin, President Tel: 709-782-3404 Ontario, providing General Contracting Nature of Ownership: Private Area of Expertise: Institutional, Fax: 709-782-0129 and Construction Management Key Personnel: commercial and residential. Email: [email protected] services. Since its inception, Percon John Pascoal, President Corporate Profile: Ogesco Web: has been successful in growing Construction Inc. is a general Area of Expertise: Industrial, Branch Office: Nanaimo, BC; their business, becoming a leader contractor and projects administrator commercial, institutional and Paradise, NL; Grand Falls-Windsor, NL. in the construction industry and has serving the province of Quebec. The residential. Date of Incorporation: 1970 a reputation for being a cooperative company does 80% on concrete Corporate Profile: The Pascoal Nature of Ownership: Private Contractor/Construction Manager structure and steel structure buildings Group with its member companies Key Personnel: that delivers facilities, on time and that are one-two levels only. is a family-run company, providing David Mitchell, P. Eng., CEO; Jerry on budget. Percon has constructed painting, decorating, renovations, David White, CA, CFO; Gail Penney, over one hundred fifty projects in the fire restorations, insurance claims Executive Director, Penney Group; ICI fields for various clients across OSCO CONSTRUCTION GROUP and general contracting services Edward Murphy, CA, Sr. VP, Finance; Ontario, the values of which range Head Office: for various industrial, commercial, Ches Penney, Co-Chairman of the from $ 1 million to $ 65 million. Typical 400 Chesley Dr residential and institutional properties Board; Larry Puddister, P. Eng., projects include new construction Saint John NB E2K 5L6 across Canada. Co-Chairman of the Board and additions and renovations of A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C THE EAST ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 85 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N educational facilities, hospitals and QC; Gare maritime Iberville et jetée recreation centers, student residences, Date of Incorporation: 1988 long-term care facilities, municipal Alexandra Renovation, Montréal libraries, health care centers, Nature of Ownership: Private projects, community centres and QC; Hydro-Quebec Data Centre, laboratories and churches ranging Key Personnel: LEED certified projects. Percon is Drummondville QC; University of in value from $500,000 to over $30 Mark Dalton, President; Barry C.O.R. Certified and recognized as an Ottawa Lamoureux Hall Learning million. Campbell, VP and Chief Estimator; industry leader in Health and Safety. Centre, PK 603B, Amphitheater Robert LeVasseur, Secretary-Treasurer Major Projects: Seating, Ottawa ON; Palais de Justice and Sr. PM PRIMONT HOMES North Operations and Maintenance de Rimouski, Rimouski QC. Area of Expertise: Industrial, Facility Expansion and Renovation; Head Office: commercial and institutional. Kingston Retirement Residence; 9130 Leslie St Corporate Profile: R.E. Hein PRATT HANSEN GROUP INC. Appleby College Athletic Centre; Richmond Hill ON L4B 0B9 Construction is an industry leader Sandalwood Transit Facility Head Office: Tel: 905-770-7002 in the industrial, commercial and Maintenance Garage Expansion; 301 King St Fax: 905-770-9798 institutional sectors of the construction Stouffville Leisure Centre Expansion. Barrie ON L4N 6B5 Email: [email protected] industry. The firm works throughout Tel: 705-792-3883 Web: Ontario on various sized projects for Fax: 705-792-3893 Date of Incorporation: 1975 developers, municipalities, retailers, POMERLEAU INC. Email: [email protected] Nature of Ownership: Private hospitals, school boards and federal Head Office: Web: Key Personnel: government departments. Since 521 6 Ave Date of Incorporation: 2005 Joe Montesano, President; Lore 1988, the firm has received numerous St-Georges QC G5Y 0H1 Nature of Ownership: Private Attardo, VP, Marketing and Sales distinguished safety awards from Tel: 418-228-6688 Key Personnel: Area of Expertise: Residential. the Ontario General Contractor’s Fax: 418-228-3524 Heljar Hansen, Principal; Karen Pratt- Corporate Profile: Primont Homes Association. Email: [email protected] Hansen, Principal and President is a Canadian homebuilder with over Major Projects: Movati Athletic, Web: Area of Expertise: Residential. 40 years of experience. Primont Richmond Hill ON; Movati Athletic, Branch Office: Ottawa, ON; Montréal, Corporate Profile: Pratt Hansen Group Homes is committed to providing the Burlington ON. QC; Québec City, QC; Toronto, ON; St. Inc. is a general contractor and real highest quality and value to all our John’s, NL; Halifax, NS; Calgary, AB; estate developer in the residential homebuyers with prime locations, Surrey, BC. sector. The company has been building elegant design, superb craftsmanship RELIANCE CONSTRUCTION GROUP Date of Incorporation: 1966 new detached homes, townhomes and and unrivaled customer service have Head Office: Nature of Ownership: Private condominiums in Barrie and Innisfil, made Primont a leading and trusted 3285 boul Jean-Bapt-Deschamps Key Personnel: Ontario, for over 100 years through name in the industry. Lachine QC H8T 3E4 Pierre Pomerleau, P. Eng., MBA, its different companies. Pratt Hansen Major Projects: Heirloon Townhouses, Tel: 514-631-7999 President and CEO; Martin Laroche, P. Group’s portfolio includes Manhattan Phase One, Markham ON; Centretown Fax: 514-631-3888 Eng., President Neilson Inc. and Sr. VP, Condominium, East Side Village Townhouses, Phase Two, Brampton ON. Email: [email protected] Civil and Infrastructure; Daniel Arguin, Condos, Southwoods Townhomes and Web: CPA, CA, CGA, VP and CFO; Rocky Roy, Cheltenham Estates Detached Homes PROJECT MANAGEMENT Branch Office: Toronto, ON. B. Tech., COO; Eric Gaulin, P.Eng., Sr. in Barrie. SERVICES INC. Date of Incorporation: 1973 VP, Canadian Building Operations; Major Projects: Greenwich Village Nature of Ownership: Private Head Office: Francis Pomerleau, P. Eng., MBA, Sr. VP Condominium and Detached Homes, Key Personnel: 171 Water St Area of Expertise: Commercial, Barrie ON. Stephen Kaplan, President and CEO; institutional and industrial sites, St John’s NL A1C 1B1 Daniel Proux, VP; Steven Miller, VP; infrastructure and civil works. Tel: 709-754-7311 Bryan Kaplan, VP; Jeff Brown, VP Corporate Profile: For more than PRE-ENG CONTRACTING LTD. Fax: 709-754-7370 Gross Revenue: $ 406 mil a decade, Pomerleau has been Head Office: Nature of Ownership: Private Area of Expertise: Advanced among the 10 leading construction 10-1 Applewood Cres Unit 10 Key Personnel: technology projects, industrial, hotels, companies in Canada. Active in seven Concord ON L4K 4K1 Bradley Greene, President condominiums, car and truck dealers, Commercial provinces, Pomerleau proposes a Tel: 905-738-6866 Area of Expertise: institutional office building, shopping buildings. complete line of services that meet Fax: 905-738-4879 centres. Corporate Profile: Project the specific needs of its clients, from Email: [email protected] Corporate Profile: Reliance Management Services Inc. offers construction management, design- Web: Construction Group is one of the general contracting, project build and general contracting, to Date of Incorporation: 1985 largest privately owned construction management and construction public-private partnerships (P3), Nature of Ownership: Private companies in North America, devoted management services across Canada. sustainability methods and financing. Key Personnel: primarily to real estate acquisition and Past works include Blue Cross Building The firm manages projects seeking John Gregoris, P.Eng., President development, the company focuses Addition and Alterations in Moncton, LEED certification. It also offers value Area of Expertise: Commercial, today on contract construction. NB; Holiday Inn Express Expansion analysis, preconstruction, and self- residential and institutional building The family business offers a full in Kelowna, BC; and Holiday Inn performed work, and is committed to construction. compliment of services in all aspects Alterations in Point Edward, ON. the highest standards of health and Corporate Profile: Pre-Eng of project planning, execution and safety. A pioneer of virtual design and Contracting Ltd. is one of the Grand delivery. Its accomplishments include construction and always on the cutting Toronto Area’s leading general R office-towers, hotels, shopping centres, edge, Pomerleau founded a university contractors in institutional construction industrial complexes and advanced- research chair in Quebec for which and has had a presence in Ontario for technology facilities for manufacturing the mandate is the development of over twenty-five years. They provides R.E. HEIN CONSTRUCTION and healthcare. Backed by unlimited construction methodologies. Founded services for new construction, Head Office: bonding capacity, Reliance builds 50 years ago, Pomerleau’s success is renovations and expansions of all 275 Michael Cowpland Dr without restriction for governments, mainly due to its team of up to 3,200 types of institutional buildings, health Kanata ON K2M 2G2 institutions, manufacturers, retailers employees across 10 regional offices care and nursing facilities. Pre-Eng Tel: 613-831-2335 and developers. The company’s and multiple worksites. Contracting completes a wide variety Fax: 613-831-8779 annual volume, averaged over the Major Projects: Carré Saint-Laurent of projects from high schools, colleges, Email: [email protected] past decade, is approximately $500 Rental Office Building, Montréal police stations, community and Web: mil. while individual contracts range in A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T 86 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect THE EAST C A A’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R value from $500,000 to over $300 mil. (roads, highways, airports and parking Tel: 905-648-2311ET IN CO N ROSATI GROUP Major Projects: YC Condominium; lots) and asphalt production services. Fax: 905-648-8455 TDC; Agropur; Bell Canada Campus; Head Office: Roxboro has three affiliated companies Email: [email protected] Point-Nord; Dollarama warehouses 6555 Malden Rd that specialize in bituminous coated Web: and head office; Aura. Windsor ON N9H 1T5 material production, aggregates Date of Incorporation: 2009 Tel: 519-734-6511 supply (limestone quarry) and the real Nature of Ownership: Private Fax: 519-734-7872 estate sector. Key Personnel: REMINGTON GROUP Email: [email protected] Major Projects: Municipal Henry Schilthuis, Owner; Lisa Alton, Head Office: Web: Infrastructure Phase VIII and IX, Saint- Operations Manager 7501 Keele St Ste 100 Date of Incorporation: 1969 Amable QC; Rue Sartelon Roadwork, Area of Expertise: Industrial, Concord ON L4K 1Y2 Nature of Ownership: Private Saint-Laurent QC; Way North Street commercial, institutional, residential, Tel: 905-761-8200 Key Personnel: Paving, Les Cedres QC. and recreational. Fax: 905-761-8201 Tony Rosati, Co-Owner; Nick Rosati, Corporate Profile: Schilthuis is Co-Owner Email: clientcare@remingtongroupinc. R.W. TOMLINSON LTD. a family-owned and operated com Area of Expertise: Industrial and construction company with more Web: commercial design-build, machine Head Office: than 60 years in the construction Date of Incorporation: 1948 foundations, land development, 5597 Power Rd industry in southern Ontario. Nature of Ownership: Private construction management, general Gloucester ON K1G 3N4 Schilthuis Construction offers Tel: 613-822-1867 Key Personnel: contracting, leasing and Butler- general contracting, construction Fax: 613-822-6844 Rudolph P. Bratty, Chairman and CEO; Building Systems. management, design-build and Email: earmstrong@tomlinsongroup. Matthew Bratty, President, Low Rise Corporate Profile: The Rosati Group project management on a wide com Division; Christopher Bratty, President, encompasses several construction- range of projects such as industrial, Web: Land Development and Investments; related companies. Rosati Construction commercial, or institutional and tailors Inc. is the driving force of the group Branch Office: Kingston, ON; projects to fit clients’ timelines and Mark Bratty, President, Special Navan, ON. Projects; Michael Bratty, President, performing as a general contractor budget. specializing in design-build industrial Date of Incorporation: 1969 Major Projects: Nelson Pool and High Rise Division; Jerry Bratty, COO Nature of Ownership: Private Area of Expertise: Residential, and commercial projects. Rosati Splash Pad, Burlington ON; Hagersville Construction is well known in Windsor- Key Personnel: Splash Pad, Hagersville ON; LaSalle commercial and industrial. Ron Tomlinson, CEO; Kevin Cinq-Mars, Corporate Profile: The Remington Essex for their fast-track construction Pavilion, Burlington ON. program. Main services offered by President; Christopher Flann, CFO; LW Group Inc. is a Canadian company that (Bert) Hendriks, EVP; Eric Armstrong, comprises five integrated operating Rosati include, but are not limited to: design-build, general contracting, Sales Manager; Bill Tomlinson, SIERRA CONSTRUCTION divisions: industrial and commercial construction management, Chairman Head Office: construction, residential construction, Butler-Building Systems, machine Area of Expertise: Heavy 1401 Dundas St E land development, property foundations, land development and construction, asphalt and aggregate Woodstock ON N4S 8X8 management, and finance and leasing. supply, custom mining, environmental Tel: 519-421-7413 administration. Since its inception in services, commercial and residential Fax: 519-421-2018 the 1940s, the family business targets site development. Email: [email protected] diversity in residential, commercial ROXBORO EXCAVATION INC. Corporate Profile: Founded in 1952 Web: and industrial development, operating Head Office: under the name of R.W. Tomlinson Branch Office: Barrie, ON; in the Greater Toronto Area. 1620 Newman Cres Cartage and incorporated as R.W. Vaughan, ON. Dorval QC H9P 2R8 Tomlinson Ltd. in 1969, the company Date of Incorporation: 1994 is a prominent player in the Eastern ROMAG CONTRACTING LTD. Tel: 514-631-1888 Nature of Ownership: Private Fax: 514-631-1055 Ontario quarrying, construction, Key Personnel: Head Office: Email: [email protected] trucking and environmental industries, Cliff Zaluski, President; Harry Bauman, 2420 Meadowpine Blvd Web: with a large fleet of company-owned VP; Lyle Ball, Manager, Design-Build; Mississauga ON L5N 6S2 Branch Office: Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC. vehicles. The privately-owned John Dwyer, Operations Manager; Tel: 905-812-0042 Date of Incorporation: 1972 and operated company provides Michael Zaluski, Manager, Civil Fax: 905-812-0048 Nature of Ownership: Private a vast array of services, including Construction Email: [email protected] Key Personnel: construction and building aggregates Area of Expertise: Design-build, Web: Yvon Théorêt, President and CEO; supply, hot-mix asphalt and ready- construction management, industrial, Date of Incorporation: 2005 Rouby Roussel, Director, Appraisal; mix concrete supply, roadways and commercial and heavy civil: sewer, Nature of Ownership: Private Daniel Théorêt, Director, Equipment; bridges construction, as well as other watermains and roads. special engineering projects and Key Personnel: Michel Théorêt, Director, Resources Corporate Profile: Sierra Construction environmental solutions to the public Magdy Sidhom, President; Romeo and Procurement; Denis Couture, is an independently-owned and and private sectors. Duarte, VP Director, Finance; Raynald Théorêt, managed general contracting firm Major Projects: Combined Sewage Area of Expertise: General EVP, COO providing design-build, project and Storage Tunnel, Ottawa ON; Hwy 28 contracting for municipal, Area of Expertise: Civil engineering, construction management, as well Culvert and Roadwork, Bancroft ON; environmental and heavy construction rehabilitation of site environment, as integrated construction services Hwy 400 Resurfacing, Mactier ON; projects. snow removal (roads, highways, in the institutional, commercial and Hwy 417 Roadwork, Ottawa ON; Kent Corporate Profile: As a general airports and parking lots) asphalt industrial sectors. In addition, the Street Roadwork, Ottawa ON. contracting and construction production, sewers and watermains, company handles heavy construction management firm, ROMAG Contracting road building and heavy construction. projects associated with roads, sewers Ltd. Operates and specializes in the Corporate Profile: Roxboro Excavation S and watermains. Sierra’s client base area of environmental work in the Inc. is a family business committed includes municipalities, school boards water and wastewater sector. ROMAG to becoming the leader in Quebec’s and private industry. is a member of the Ontario General industrial construction industry. The SCHILTHUIS CONSTRUCTION INC. Major Projects: R&W Metal Contractors Association. company operates across Quebec, Head Office: Fabricating, Paris ON; Manufacturing Major Projects: Alloa Reservoir and offering civil engineering, rehabilitation 23 Industrial Dr Building, London ON; Harvey Woods Pumping Station, Brampton ON. of sites environment, snow removal Caledonia ON N3W 1H8 Lofts, Phase Two, Woodstock ON; A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C THE EAST ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 87 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N Gerry’s Truck Service Centre, owning, managing and operating employs 72,000 people at more than TAS DESIGN BUILD Woodstock ON; Chancellors Way commercial, industrial, office and 500 locations. Strabag has extensive Medical Arts Centre, Guelph ON. retail properties, management of experience in tunneling & infrastructure Head Office: a residential apartment portfolio, projects across the globe. Strabag 491 Eglinton Ave W planning and development of Inc. has successfully completed the Toronto ON M5N 1A8 SONCIN CONSTRUCTION CORP. industrial, office, retail, high-rise and signature project “Niagara Tunnel”, Tel: 416-510-8181 Head Office: low-rise residential communities, as well as, the Design Outlet Center Fax: 416-510-1516 665 Millway Ave construction management and near the Vancouver Airport. Strabag’s Email: [email protected] Concord ON L4K 3T8 financial monitoring. Sorbara currently motto is team work, encouraging strong Web: Tel: 905-660-1661 oversees numerous projects in various collaboration both internally (allowing Date of Incorporation: 1983 Nature of Ownership: Private Fax: 905-660-6969 stages of development in and around any client full access to the expertise Key Personnel: Email: [email protected] the Greater Toronto Area and the available in the group) and externally, Mazyar Mortazavi, President and CEO; Web: Greater . collaboratively involving the client and Dino DiVito, CFO; Tyler J. Diamond, Date of Incorporation: 1983 Major Projects: Beacon Condominium all stakeholders to the benefit of any Director, Finance; Ali Saneinejad, Nature of Ownership: Private Tower and Retail, Toronto ON project. Director, Project Development; Tooran Key Personnel: Major Projects: Niagara Tunnel Mortazavi, Vice Chair; Larry Gayne, Vic Soncin, President; Laura Diamant, Project, Niagara Falls ON; York Sewer, SOUTHERN KINGS VP, Construction; Babak Mortazavi, VP, Finance York Region ON; Mid-Halton Sewer, CONSTRUCTION LTD. Chairman Area of Expertise: Heavy civil Peel Region ON; Design Outlet Center, Area of Expertise: Residential construction. Head Office: Vancouver BC. Corporate Profile: Soncin Construction P.O. Box 640 (custom homes, multi-unit and Corp. provides heavy civil construction Montague PE C0A 1R0 condominiums). services in southern Ontario. This Tel: 902-838-4006 T Corporate Profile: TAS is a real includes, but is not limited to, new Fax: 902-838-3123 estate development company that construction, rehabilitation, special Email: [email protected] focuses on urban projects. They TAGGART CONSTRUCTION LTD. develop mixed-use developments operations and precast concrete of Web: in the greater Toronto area with an bridges, subways, tunnels, roads and Nature of Ownership: Private Head Office: approach founded on four pillars other heavy civil and public works Key Personnel: 3187 Albion Road S of sustainability: social, cultural, construction projects. Kevan MacLean, President Ottawa ON K1V 8Y3 economic and environmental. Major Projects: Bramalea Road Area of Expertise: Residential, Tel: 613-521-3000 TAS identifies, buys and develops Widening, Brampton ON; Ray Lawson commercial and industrial. Fax: 613-526-5909 properties in emerging neighborhoods Boulevard Road Bridge, Brampton ON. Corporate Profile: Southern Kings Email: wallace@taggartconstruction. and engages in a collaborative process Construction Ltd. (SKC) is a family com with their stakeholders. business operating throughout Prince Web: SORBARA GROUP OF COMPANIES Major Projects: Townhouses, Edward Island. The company offers Branch Office: Kingston, ON. Etobicoke ON; 299 Campbell Head Office: design-build, pre-engineered metal Date of Incorporation: 1948 3700 Steeles Ave W Nature of Ownership: Private Condominium, Retail, Office building, building and turn-key solutions. Toronto ON. Woodbridge ON L4L 8M9 SKC focuses on private residential, Key Personnel: Tel: 905-850-6154 commercial residential, light Ian Taggart, President; Jeff Mulcock, Fax: 905-850-6166 commercial, heavy commercial, VP, Construction; Mike Taggart, VP; Jim TEQ ENTREPRISE DE Email: [email protected] institutional and industrial sectors. Taggart, Chairman CONSTRUCTION INC. Web: Area of Expertise: Engineering and Head Office: Date of Incorporation: 1942 infrastructure construction, including STRABAG INC. 780 Ave Brewster Nature of Ownership: Private water works, environmental projects, Montreal QC H4C 2K1 Key Personnel: Head Office: roads and bridges. Tel: 514-933-3838 Edward Sorbara, Principal; Moira 6790 Century Ave Ste 401 Corporate Profile: Taggart Construction Fax: 514-933-2668 Morris-Emslie, Director, Marketing Mississauga ON L5N 2V8 Ltd. is the largest infrastructure Email: [email protected] Strategy, Design and Implementation; Tel: 416-848-6353 company of its kind in Eastern Ontario. Web: Jeff Solly, Director, Land Development; Fax: 416-848-3153 The company specializes in engineering Date of Incorporation: 2008 Ron McMillan, Director, Low Rise Email: [email protected] and infrastructure construction Nature of Ownership: Private Housing; Greg Tanzola, VP, Operations; Web: including water works, environmental Key Personnel: Sam Celio, Sr. PM, Low Rise Date of Incorporation: 2005 projects, roads and bridges. Its vast Roberto Bianchini, President and CEO Construction; Craig Holloway, Sr. PM, Nature of Ownership: Private array of expertise includes bridges, Area of Expertise: Institutional, High Rise Construction Key Personnel: road building, sewage treatment plants, commercial, industrial and residential Area of Expertise: Planning, Gerhard Urschitz, CEO; Gerald Zangl, sewer and watermain construction, buildings. developing, managing and Director and CFO; Lloyd Ferguson, retaining walls, box culverts and other Corporate Profile: TEQ Entreprise constructing high rise and low rise Director; Simon Koeck, Business structures, solid waste management de Construction offers a complete communities. Development; Christine Zoller, facilities, stormwater management range of services as project manager, Corporate Profile: The Sorbara Group Secretary systems and water treatment plants. construction manager, general contractor of Companies is a family-owned Gross Revenue: $ 28 mil Taggart Construction Ltd. is part of or construction costs consultant. integrated real estate, planning, Area of Expertise: Tunneling & The Taggart Group of Companies Certified ISO 9001: 2008, the company development, construction, investment Infrastructure, Commercial Buildings, P3 that comprise four major operating constructs institutional, commercial, and management firm with a history Corporate Profile: Strabag Inc. is companies offering services in real industrial and residential buildings of over 65 years of growth in Ontario. part of the Strabag SE Group, a large estate development, planning, design, and can execute projects under LEED The investment portfolio includes Austrian based technology group finance, construction and management. accreditation process, which advocates high-rise apartments, high-rise and for construction services, leader in Major Projects: Crystal Beach Drive the design and construction of ecological low-rise offices, industrial buildings innovation and financial strength. Sanitary Sewer, Ottawa ON; Industrial green buildings. TEQ has recently and commercial developments. The The services span all areas of the Avenue Watermain, Ottawa ON; been acquired by Astaldi, an important Group is also involved in all sectors construction industry and cover the Woodhaven Subdivision, Phase Two, player for major construction projects of the real estate industry including entire construction value chain. Strabag Kingston ON. worldwide. A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T 88 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect THE EAST C A A’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R Major Projects: Projet Balmoral Office North York ON M2J 5C2 AreaE T ofIN CO N Expertise: Commercial, TRANSELEC / COMMON INC. (TCI) and Commercial Building, Montréal Tel: 416-492-2450 industrial and institutional projects. QC; Usine Atwater Administrative Fax: 416-492-2459 Head Office: Corporate Profile: Traugott Building Building and Workshop, Verdun QC; Email: [email protected] 2075 boul Fortin Contractors Inc. is a leading force in Les 7 doigts de la main, Montréal QC; Web: Laval QC H7S 1P4 the Canadian construction market. The CHSLD de Cartierville, ailes C et E, Date of Incorporation: 1981 Tel: 514-382-1550 company specializes in commercial, Montréal QC; Édifice Wilfrid-Pelletier Nature of Ownership: Private Fax: 514-388-9020 industrial and institutional projects, Theatre, Montréal QC. Key Personnel: Email: [email protected] including retail stores, office buildings, Web: Grant H. Dock, Contract Administration; theaters, freezer buildings, site work, Branch Office: Laval, QC; Montreal, John Todd, President; Brian Dunslow, LEED/green buildings, renovations, TERANORTH CONSTRUCTION AND QC; Candiac, QC; Gatineau, QC; Sr. VP; Grahame Askew, VP, Estimating multi-level projects and recreational ENGINEERING LTD. Quebec City, QC; Rimouski, QC; Saint- and Construction Management facilities. It services range from Head Office: Bruno, QC. Gross Revenue: $ 35 mil design-build and LEED to construction 799 Luoma Rd Date of Incorporation: 1978 Area of Expertise: High-rise management and lump sum contracts. Sudbury ON P3G 1J4 Nature of Ownership: Private Major Projects: Porsche 401/404 Tel: 705-523-1540 residential, commercial and industrial. Key Personnel: Corporate Profile: The Toddglen Training Centre, North York ON; Fax: 705-522-4328 Stephane Gauthier, President and GM, Yorkville Village Shopping Centre, Group of Companies is one of Email: [email protected] Groupe TCI; Claude Gauthier, President Phase Two, Toronto ON; Cineplex VIP, Canada’s leading builders in residential Web: of the Board of Directors; Sylvain Kitchener ON; Walmart Distribution construction, successfully completing Date of Incorporation: 1992 Rousseau, President and GM, Néolect Centre, Phase Two, Cornwall ON; Nature of Ownership: Private in excess of 45,000 residential suites Inc.; Edithe Poudrier, President, Walmart Store No. 1199, Guelph ON. Key Personnel: and 5,000 townhouses across the Instech Telecommunications; Richard James Bot, President; Carlo Bot, nation. The firm is also involved Lafrance, VP and Secretary, Finance Chairman in the construction of commercial and Administration; Yannick Tardif, VP, TRICAR DEVELOPMENTS INC. Area of Expertise: Heavy civil. and industrial projects. Toddglen Group TNT Inc. Head Office: Corporate Profile: Teranorth offers development services, project Gross Revenue: $ 570 mil 3800 Colonel Talbot Rd Construction and Engineering Ltd. has management, general contracting, Area of Expertise: Civil, industrial and London ON N6P 1H5 extensive experience building major construction management, consulting, commercial. Tel: 519-652-8900 highways, interchanges, bridges, sewer and feasibility studies. Corporate Profile: Through its several Fax: 519-652-8905 and water, rock blasting and municipal Major Projects: 488 University Avenue divisions, Transelec Common Inc. (TCI) Email: [email protected] works throughout northern Ontario. Condominium, Toronto ON; 101 St performs the construction, management Web: Major Projects: Hwy 654 Roadwork Clair Avenue West, Toronto ON; Blue and maintenance of network Date of Incorporation: 1986 and Structure, North Bay ON; 1001 Diamond Condominium, Toronto ON; infrastructures, including electrical, Nature of Ownership: Private Vermilion River Bridge and 1002 Little Foxbar Townhouses, Toronto ON; Art telephone, signage cable, wind turbine, Key Personnel: Panache Narrows Bridge, Sudbury ON; Shoppe Lofts + Condos, Toronto ON; and street lighting networks. TCI is a Joe Carapella, President; Chris Roger Street Watermain, Sudbury ON; 2221 Yonge Street Condominium, group of integrated services companies Leigh, Director, Construction and Long Lake Road Asphalt Replacement, that pooled their expertise for the Development; Adam Carapella, VP Sudbury ON; Meatbird Creek Toronto ON; Leaside Manor, Toronto ON. construction and maintenance of Area of Expertise: High-rise Pedestrian Bridge, Sudbury ON. electric power and telecommunication residential. TOM JONES CORP. transmission lines, the construction of Corporate Profile: The Tricar Group is THE MORO GROUP BUILDERS INC. Head Office: power plants and electrical substations, a fully integrated residential real estate Head Office: 560 Squier Pl the construction of underground development firm and a leader in 51 Constellation Ct Thunder Bay ON P7B 6M2 structures, the construction of Southwestern Ontario. Their activities Etobicoke ON M9W 1K4 Tel: 807-345-0511 bridges, overpass and tunnels and the span the entire real estate spectrum Tel: 416-679-8798 Fax: 807-344-1723 installation of water and sewer systems. and include land acquisition, planning Fax: 416-679-9574 Email: [email protected] In addition, they perform the installation and design, construction, marketing, Email: [email protected] Web: of poles and anchors, directional drilling, sales and property management. Since Web: Date of Incorporation: 1967 installation and testing of optical fibre, its inception, over 5000 suites and Date of Incorporation: 2007 Nature of Ownership: Private street lighting and the construction 49 buildings have been designed and Nature of Ownership: Private Key Personnel: and installation of cable and telephony built in Southwestern Ontario. Tricar Key Personnel: John Jones, GM; Parker Jones, networks. has been awarded the Ontario High- Tony Moro, Principal and President Manager, Operations Rise Builder of the Year as recognized by the Tarion Warranty Corporation’s Area of Expertise: High-rise Area of Expertise: Industrial, TRAUGOTT BUILDING 2015 Awards of Excellence. condominiums. commercial and institutional. CONTRACTORS INC. Corporate Profile: The Moro Group Corporate Profile: Tom Jones Corp. Major Projects: Azure Condominiums Head Office: Apartment Tower, London ON; Builders Inc. is a development and is a general contractor and a leading 95 Thompson Dr Sunningdale London Condominium project management company focusing construction company in Canada, Cambridge ON N1T 2E4 Apartment Building, Phase Two, on high-rise condominium development. servicing northern Ontario. The Tel: 519-740-9444 London ON; Juliana Place II Apartment Its services include planning and design, company provides site development, project management, sales marketing, Fax: 519-740-9777 Building, Woodstock ON. project management and cost control financial analysis and viability and Email: [email protected] services to the public and private environmental building. Web: sectors. Tom Jones also performs TRIDEL CORP. Major Projects: Rise Condominium Branch Office: Calgary, AB; Apartment Building, Toronto ON. excavation, pile driving and concrete Vancouver, BC. Head Office: forming, as well as placing and Date of Incorporation: 1964 4800 Dufferin St finishing services. Nature of Ownership: Private North York ON M3H 5S9 TODDGLEN GROUP OF Major Projects: Confederation College Key Personnel: Tel: 416-661-9290 COMPANIES LTD. Wellness Centre, Thunder Bay ON; Dan Flaminio, President; Thomas Fax: 416-661-0978 Head Office: C+H Properties Building A, Thunder Moch, VP, Business Development; Email: [email protected] 2225 Sheppard Ave E Ste 1100 Bay ON. Cindy Doze, VP, Finance Web: A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T C THE EAST ConstructConnect The Leaders 2017 89 A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N Date of Incorporation: 1961 Toronto ON; Smart House Condominium data centres solutions, properties & Email: [email protected] Nature of Ownership: Private Apartment Building, Toronto ON; Power development, infrastructure & civil Web: Key Personnel: Condominium Apartment Building and works, interiors. With offices located in Branch Office: Toronto, ON; Atlanta, Leo DelZotto, President; Doug DeGuerre, Retail, Toronto ON. Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver and GA; Tacoma, WA; Crown Point, IN; EVP and COO; Dino Carmel, Sr. VP, more than 150 of the industry’s finest Boston, MA; Detroit, MI; Canonsburg, Business Development; Greg Nevison, professionals, they bring expertise to PA; Chicago, IL; Phoenix, AZ; San Sr. VP, Construction; Elvio DelZotto, U their clients and support them with Diego, CA; Charlotte, NC; Morrisville, Deputy Chairman of the Board; Angelo locally-based, specialized teams. NC; Tampa, FL; Arlington, TX; DelZotto, COO and Chairman UNITED LANDS CORP. LTD. Major Projects: Industrial Warehouse Walnut Creek, CA; Los Angeles, CA; Area of Expertise: Residential Building, Richmond Hill ON. Washington, DC. Head Office: construction. Date of Incorporation: 2012 2904 S Sheridan Way Ste 103 Corporate Profile: The Tridel Group Nature of Ownership: Private Oakville ON L6J 7L7 of Companies is one of the largest V Key Personnel: Tel: 905-829-1500 residential real estate groups in Craig Lesurf, VP and Business Group Fax: 905-829-1222 Canada. The group consists of several Leader, Walsh Canada; Michael Email: [email protected] VARCON CONSTRUCTION affiliates focused in diverse areas of Whelan, President, Buildings Division, Web: CORPORATION real estate including development, The Walsh Group Ltd.; Sean Walsh, Date of Incorporation: 1950 Head Office: sales, construction, property President, The Walsh Group Ltd.; Nature of Ownership: Private 250 Doney Cres management and other related real Matthew Walsh, Co-Chairman, The Key Personnel: Concord ON L4K 3A8 estate services. To date, the Tridel Walsh Group Ltd.; Daniel Walsh, John Welton, President Tel: 905-794-2041 Group of Companies is responsible Co-Chairman, The Walsh Group Ltd. Area of Expertise: Commercial and Fax: 905-794-2039 for producing over 70,000 homes, Area of Expertise: Institutional, residential. Email: [email protected] and its property management division commercial and industrial building, Corporate Profile: United Lands Corp. Web: manages 35,000 condo suites, over wastewater/water treatment, transit Ltd., a family-owned and operated Date of Incorporation: 1994 14,000 rental units, 15 million square company since the 1950’s, is a fully Nature of Ownership: Private and heavy civil construction. feet of residential and commercial integrated real estate development Key Personnel: Corporate Profile: Walsh Canada rental space and 45,000 acres of and construction company operating Angelo Riccio, Owner, President; Vito is a division of The Walsh Group, a land. The Tridel Group of Companies in Florida, Hilton Head Island, South Riccio, CEO Chicago-based general contracting, continues to lead the industry in Carolina, the Greater Toronto Area Gross Revenue: $ 76 mil construction management and innovation, technology and design. and southern Ontario. It specializes in Area of Expertise: Industrial, design-build firm. Maintaining regional Major Projects: Alexandra Park high-rise residential and commercial commercial, institutional, offices across North America, the firm Revitalization, Toronto ON; Aquavista developments. infrastructure, recreational and has experience with a wide variety at Bayside Condominium Apartment Major Projects: Stonebrook residential. of building, civil and transportation Building and Retail, Toronto ON. Condominium Apartment Building, Corporate Profile: Varcon sectors. Walsh’s Canadian Mississauga ON. Construction Corp. provides general headquarters are based in Toronto, Ontario, where they have developed TUCKER HIRISE CONSTRUCTION contracting, construction management a significant presence in the local Head Office: URBACON and design build services for ICI, infrastructure and residential projects marketplace with recent project wins 3755 Victoria Park Ave Head Office: and pre-qualifications. Scarborough ON M1W 3Z4 to a broad range of clients throughout 750 Lake Shore Blvd E Ontario. Projects range in value from Tel: 416-441-2730 Toronto ON M4M 3M3 $2 mil. up to $100 mil. Varcon’s self- Fax: 416-441-0142 WATERWORKS CONSTRUCTION LTD. Tel: 416-865-9405 perform division provides services in Email: [email protected] Head Office: Fax: 416-865-9429 massive infrastructure, earthworks, Web: 11 Poseidon Ct Email: [email protected] wastewater management, site Date of Incorporation: 2003 Dartmouth NS B2Y 4T9 Web: & www. servicing and landscaping. They own Nature of Ownership: Private Tel: 902-422-5516 and operate a large fleet of heavy Key Personnel: Fax: 902-422-6202 Branch Office: Montreal, QC; construction equipment and employ Michael McGrath, President; Tony Email: waterworks@ Vancouver, BC. a work force of approximately 90. Iannacci, VP; Chris Mallinos, EVP Date of Incorporation: 1984 They rank as one of Canada’s Top 500 Area of Expertise: High density Web: www.waterworksconstructionltd. Nature of Ownership: Private Fastest-Growing companies. mixed-use. com Key Personnel: Major Projects: Argentina Road Corporate Profile: Tucker Hi-Rise Date of Incorporation: 1975 Marco Mancini, President and CEO; Extension; Baker Road Wastewater Construction Inc. is a leading Nature of Ownership: Private Ron Carinci, COO; Raffaele Barone, VP, Treatment Facility Expansion construction management firm. They Key Personnel: Operations and Upgrades; Halton Zone 3 specialize in the development and Roderick Kerr, CEO and CFO; Gordon Area of Expertise: Commercial, Interconnecting Watermain, construction of high-density, and Spencer, VP industrial, institutional, and data centre Dundas St.Bridge; Heritage Road mixed-used projects, which includes Area of Expertise: Heavy civil and solutions. Rehabilitation; RR 25 Reconstruction development management services, marine, recreational docks and Corporate Profile: Urbacon is a and Trunk Sewer; Woodstock Art pre-construction services and marinas. privately-owned construction and Gallery. construction management services for real estate development company. Corporate Profile: Waterworks complex high-profile residential and For over 30 years, they have built Construction Ltd. designs and builds mixed-use construction ventures. They and maintained a solid reputation for W quality recreational marine structures. provide management and expertise to construction and project management The company undertakes many some of the largest developers in the excellence across Canada. Urbacon high-value government and industrial greater Toronto area, and surpassed is structured into five groups active WALSH CANADA marine construction contracts, and the $1 billion mark of projects under within a diversity of markets, Head Office: regularly completes multi-million construction in 2015. Tucker Hi-Rise resourcefully linked to allow for 36 York Mills Rd dollar structures throughout Atlantic has completed over 15,000 units. cross-practice integration and to North York ON M2P 2E9 Canada. Its specialty is recreational Major Projects: Yonge + Rich maximize available services and Tel: 416-849-9000 and residential docks and yacht Condominium Apartment Building, benefits to their clients: buildings, Fax: 416-849-9100 marinas in the province of Nova Scotia. A A A

C A N N A I O C D 201 T 90 The Leaders 2017 ConstructConnect C A A ’ U N T R N E T I N CO N C A I O D 201 T A N A C N 201 O ’ U A I T R D C T E T IN CO N A’ U T R ET IN CO N Advertisers’ Index

Company Website Page

BC Construction Association Employee Benefits Trust 18

Butler Buildings 12

Carpenters and Allied Workers Local 27 52

CBRE Limited 50

Darwin Construction Ltd. 23

The Fence People Limited 67

G & L Group 9

Graham Group Ltd 35

ICBA Benefits Services Ltd. 39

J Lipani Turf Group 69

Ledcor Construction 79

Ontario Association of Demolition Contractors Inc. 65

Ontario General Contractors Association 91

PCL Constructors Inc. 2

Skyway Canada 41

Trisura Guarantee Insurance Co. 11

United Rentals of Canada 92

Varcon Construction Corp. 17

Viewpoint Construction Software 20

Vipond Inc 55

Wales McLelland Construction Ltd. 45 Women’s College Hospital JV Walsh Canada and Bondfield Construction Company Limited (photo by Michael Muraz)

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