Barrie Rail Corridor Expansion Project Transit Project Assessment
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Barrie Rail Corridor Expansion Project Transit Project Assessment Process APPENDIX I Traffic Impact Analysis Environmental Project Report – August 8, 2017 In Association With 0HWUROLQ[%DUULH5DLO&RUULGRU([SDQVLRQ3URMHFW 7UDIILF,PSDFW$QDO\VLV5HSRUW±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n Association With Metrolinx - Barrie Rail Corridor Expansion Project Traffic Impact Analysis Report – August 8, 2017 Executive Summary As additional funding becomes available from the Province, the next phase(s) of the Project will include the second track between Aurora GO Station and Allandale Waterfront GO Station and associated station upgrades. Metrolinx, an agency of the Province of Ontario, has proposed the expansion of the Barrie rail corridor and is As part of Phase One of the BRCE Project, GO Expansion along the corridor over the next 10 years will include: evaluating the environmental effects of this transit project in accordance with the Transit Project Assessment Process (TPAP). The TPAP is regulated by the Environmental Assessment Act (EAA) under Ontario Regulation All-day, two-way 15-minute service between Aurora GO Station and Union Station; 231/08 – Transit Projects and Metrolinx Undertakings (O. Reg. 231/08). The existing Barrie rail corridor is primarily Peak period, peak direction 30-minute or better service between Allandale Waterfront GO Station and Union a single track, approximately 63 miles in length, running from Union Station in the City of Toronto to Allandale Station; Waterfront GO Station (Mile 63.00 Newmarket Subdivision) in the City of Barrie, as shown in Figure 1-1 (located within the main text). Off-peak, two-way 60-minute service or better between Allandale Waterfront GO Station and Union Station; and The TPAP for the Barrie Rail Corridor Expansion Project (BRCE Project) includes the following infrastructure Electrification of the entire Barrie rail corridor4. components: A second track between Lansdowne Avenue in the City of Toronto (Mile 3.00) to Allandale Waterfront GO The following service level scenarios were assessed as a part of this TPAP: 1 2 Station in the City of Barrie (Mile 63.00) ; Current: 14 diesel trains from Union Station to Allandale Waterfront GO Station in 2016; Upgrades at existing GO Stations along the corridor: Rutherford, Maple, King City, Aurora, Newmarket, East Future, Scenario 1: up to 36 diesel trains per day from Union Station to Aurora GO Station by 2021, which Gwillimbury, Bradford, Barrie South and Allandale Waterfront; includes 20 diesel trains between Aurora and Allandale Waterfront GO Station; and Upgrades to existing structures within the Barrie rail corridor including bridges and culverts; and Future, Scenario 2: up to 180 electric trains from Union Station to Aurora GO Station in 2025 and beyond, 5 A new layover facility within the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury for overnight storage of trains. which includes 46 electric trains between Aurora and Allandale Waterfront GO Station . In June 2016, Metrolinx announced five new GO Stations for the Barrie rail corridor. These stations were endorsed The BRCE Project will be implemented in different phases. The first phase of the BRCE Project includes the by each municipality and received Municipal Council resolution approvals in November 2016. The new GO corridor infrastructure components to support the GO Expansion program over the next 10 years. As such, Phase Stations include: One includes: Spadina (at Front Street) in the City of Toronto; Detailed design and construction of a second track from Tecumseth Street in the City of Toronto (Mile 1.35) Bloor-Davenport (Bloor Street near Lansdowne Avenue) in the City of Toronto; to Aurora GO Station (Mile 29.90)3; Kirby (near Keele Street) in the City of Vaughan; Upgrades to the Rutherford, Maple, King City, and Aurora GO Stations; and Mulock (near Bayview Avenue) in the Town of Newmarket; and Detailed design and construction of a new layover facility within the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury for overnight train storage. Innisfil (at 6th Line) in the Town of Innisfil. The location for each proposed new GO Station is identified in the Preferred Design Rail Corridor Plans (Drawings SK-C-001 - SK-C-144) appended to the BRCE Environmental Project Report (EPR). Public consultation for all new GO Stations in collaboration with the municipalities will be part of the next phase of the GO Regional Express Rail (RER) program. New GO Stations have not been assessed as part of this TPAP and will be subject to an Addendum. 1The portion of the corridor from north of Bloor Street (Mile 3.91) to south of Davenport Road (Mile 4.87) falls within the area 3 The portion of the corridor from Tecumseth Street (Mile 1.35) to Lansdowne Avenue (Mile 3.00) was assessed under a of the Davenport Diamond Grade Separation project which was assessed under a separate TPAP and includes a double separate TPAP (Georgetown South Service Expansion and Union-Pearson Rail Link Environmental Project Report, July track only. 2009), however the additional track work within this section has been included as part of the detailed design of Phase One 2 The double track expansion for the section of the Barrie rail corridor between south of Steeles Avenue (Mile 12.86) in the of the BRCE Project. City of Toronto and south of the Rutherford GO Station (Mile 16.50) in the City of Vaughan was assessed under a separate 4 The electrification of the Barrie rail corridor is being assessed under a separate TPAP. As such, the GO Rail Electrification Environmental Assessment (EA) (Barrie Corridor Double Track Expansion Project Summary Report, August 2014) and is TPAP will address any electrification considerations for the corridor beyond the works proposed as part of the BRCE TPAP. not included as part of this TPAP. 5 Assessed as part of a separate system-wide Electrification TPAP. HMM345492-RR-230-0013, Rev. 0 Page ii In Association With Metrolinx - Barrie Rail Corridor Expansion Project Traffic Impact Analysis Report – August 8, 2017 R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited (Burnside) was retained to undertake and prepare this Traffic Impact Analysis It is anticipated that the expansion of two existing grade separations, at Major Mackenzie Drive (Mile 18.10) and in support of the TPAP, which forms part of the BRCE EPR. In general, the purpose of this Report is to assess Yonge Street, (Mile 28.50), will be required during construction of Phase One of the BRCE Project, and the the: expansion of the Coxmill Road (Mile 61.14) grade separation will be required during construction of a future phase of the Project. Further review is recommended at these locations, as part of the detailed design work for the BRCE Existing and future traffic at all at-grade rail crossings to determine the exposure index and to identify locations Project, to prepare mitigation measures to address the construction and operational effects in these areas. where additional train traffic may increase vehicular delay/queues such that it could affect adjacent intersections; There are 54 existing at-grade road/rail crossings on the Barrie rail corridor. The automated warning device on 51 of these crossings consists of Reflectorized Crossbucks, Flashing Lights, Bell and Gates (RFBG). Of the Existing traffic operations at GO Stations along the corridor and identify current issues; remaining three crossings, two are private crossings with only reflectorized crossbucks and stop signs, and one Future GO Station traffic operations based on forecasted traffic growth on the external road network; and crossing has recently been closed and had the warning system removed. Potential traffic related effects associated with the future Bradford Layover Facility which is proposed to be The exposure index for each at-grade crossing (cross-product of average daily traffic volume and number of located within the Artesian Industrial Park. trains) was calculated for existing, 2021 and 2025 conditions in order to identify crossings that warrant more detailed consideration for grade separation (e.g., a resultant exposure index greater than 200,000). It was found Ridership on the Barrie Rail Corridor that eight crossings currently meet the exposure index criteria for consideration of a grade