March 3, 1977 6:30 6:58 8:30 8:33 8
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HE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER .OCATION DATE (MO., Day, Yr.) 'HE WHITE HOUSE MARCH 3, 1977 IASHINGTON, D.C. TIME DAY 6:30 a.m. THURSDAY PHONE TIME u ii ‘r, ACTIVITY h ii ‘d i From To 6:30 R The President received a wake up call from the White House signal board operator. 6:58 The President went to the Oval Office. 8:30 8:33 The President met with his Assistant for National Security Affairs,Zbigniew Brzezinski. Q l 50 8:45 . The President met with his Assistant for Congressional Liaison, Frank Moore. 9:18 R The President was telephoned by Warren R. McGraw, State Senator (D-West Virginia). The call was not completed. 9:32 The President went to the Cabinet Room. 9:32 l0:50 The President participated in a National Security Council (NSC) meeting. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX 11 11 Al 1O:50 The President returned to the Oval Office. 11:20 11: 25 The President met with Vice President Walter F. Mondale. 11:20 ll:24 P The President talked with Attorney General Griffin B. Bell. 11:37 11:45 P The President talked with the First Lady. 11:47 11:55 R The President talked with President of the French Republic Valery Giscard d'Estaing. The President had lunch with: 12:oo l:oo Thomas B."Bert" Lance,Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 12:oo 12:50 Charles L. Schultze,Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) 12:ll 12:19 P The President talked with Governor Hugh L. Carey (D-New York). l:oo 1:07 The President met with Mr. Schultze. l:07 ’ l:15 The President met with his Press Secretary, Jody Powell. l:18 1:20 The President met with Ronald Brown, Director of the Washington Bureau of the National Urban League, Washington, D.C. GPO : 1977 O-228-197 Page- 1 of -4 Page(s) . THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER LOCATION THE WHITE HOUSE MARCH 3, 1977 WASHINGTON, D.C. TIME DAY 1:30 p.m.THURSDAY HONE TIME ACTIVITY From To The President met with Attorney General Bell. The President met with: Cyrus R. Vance, Secretary of State Mr. Brzezinski El Hadj Omar Bongo,President of the Gabonese Republic The Presidential party went to the Cabinet Room. 2:50 The President met with: President Bongo Martin Bongo, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Gabonese Republic and nephew of President Bongo Rene Kombila, Ambassador of the Gabonese Republic to the U.S. Secretary Vance William Schaufele, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Alec G. Toumayan, interpreter, Department of State Mr. Brzezinski Thomas P. Thornton, Staff Member, NSC Members of the press, in/out 2:50 The President returned to the Oval Office. 3:13 3:16 The President talked with Senator Abraham Ribicoff (D-Connecticut). 3:16 The President escorted President Bongo to his motorcade on the South Grounds. The President bade farewell to President Bongo. ? The President returned to the Oval Office. 3:20 3:23 The President talked with Senator Robert C. Byrd (D-West Virginia). 3:25 3:32 The President talked with Governor Carey. 3:33 3:34 The President talked with Mr. Lance. 4:45 5:oo The President met with Patrick H. Caddell, President of Cambridge Survey, Cambridge, Massachusetts. GPO : 1977 O-228-197 Page of w2 -4 Page(s). ‘HE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER dOCATION DATE (MO., Day, Yr.) ‘HE WHITE HOUSE MARCH 3, 1977 JASHINGTON, D.C. TIME DAY 5:00 p.m. THURSDAY PHONE TIME - 3 8 ‘0 ACTIVITY 2 z ‘2 A From To 5:oo 5:30 The President met with: Adm. Stansfield Turner,Director-designate of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Mr. Brzezinski :30 5:40 The President met with Harold M. Williams, Dean of the Graduate School of Management, University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles, California. l:40 5:50 The President m-et with: Hamilton Jordan, Assistant Robert J. Lipshutz, Counsel The President met with: .l 50 6:15 Jess M. Unruh, State Treasurer (D-California) l. 00 6:15 Mr. Jordan 0 l 08 6:14 P The President talked with Secretary Vance. l l 30 The President returned to the second floor Residence. 0:05 The President had dinner with: The First Lady Chip and Caron Carter Jeff and Annette Carter Mrs. Ben Griffin,mother of Caron Carter a l 49 7:50 P The President talked with his son, Jeff. :4 03 The President and the First Lady went to the theatre. l 03 l0:58 The President and the First Lady watched the movie "The Godfather." For a list of guests, see APPENDIX "B." ;:25 R The President was telephoned by Mr. Schultze. The call was not completed. ):33 R The President was telephoned by Horace E. Tate, State Senator (D-Georgia). The call was not completed. I:58 The President returned to the second floor Residence. L:O5 The President returned to the Oval Office. GPO--- : 1977_--- O-2228-197 - -_- _-- Page- 3 of -4 Page(s). HE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER dOCATION DATE (MO., Day, Yr.) IHE WHITE HOUSE MARCH 3, 1977 rASHINGTON, D .C. TIME DAY 11:49 p.m. THURSDAY PHONE TIME ‘paJ s $ ACTIVITY /- % From To df. PI. .I:49 The President returned to the second floor Residence. _2:25 The President retired, EJ/EJ 3/4/77 GPO : 1977 O-228-197 Page_4 of --4 Page(s)..