Mining Or Traditional Use? Conflicts in the Northern Norwegian Copper Frontier

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Mining Or Traditional Use? Conflicts in the Northern Norwegian Copper Frontier Master’s Thesis 2018 60 ECTS Faculty of Landscape and Society Erik Gómez-Baggethun and Tor Arve Benjaminsen, NMBU Mining or traditional use? Conflicts in the Northern Norwegian copper frontier Anders Vieth Rør Master of Science in International Environmental Studies Faculty of Landscape and Society i Mining or traditional use? Conflicts in the Northern Norwegian copper frontier Anders Vieth Rør 10.05.2018 ii The Department of International Environment and Development Studies, Noragric, is the international gateway for the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). Established in 1986, Noragric’s contribution to international development lies in the interface between research, education (Bachelor, Master and PhD programmes) and assignments. The Noragric Master theses are the final theses submitted by students in order to fulfil the requirements under the Noragric Master programme “International Environmental Studies”, “International Development Studies” and “International Relations”. The findings in this thesis do not necessarily reflect the views of Noragric. Extracts from this publication may only be reproduced after prior consultation with the author and on condition that the source is indicated. For rights of reproduction or translation contact Noragric. © Anders Vieth Rør, May 2018 [email protected] Noragric Department of International Environment and Development Studies The Faculty of Landscape and Society P.O. Box 5003 N-1432 Ås Norway Tel.: +47 67 23 00 00 Internet: iii Declaration I, Anders Vieth Rør, declare that this thesis is a result of my research investigations and findings. Sources of information other than my own have been acknowledged and a reference list has been appended. This work has not been previously submitted to any other university for award of any type of academic degree. Signature...................................... Date.............................................. iv v Abstract There is a growing global material and energy extraction and consumption. Especially mineral extraction of metals such as copper has increased by 25 times during the last century thus pushing the extraction frontiers into new territory. Copper extraction increasingly expands into Northern Norway with new project proposals. One such project is Nussir ASA’s suggested copper mine in Kvalsund in Finnmark county. The planned project conflicts with local small-scale fishers’ and indigenous Sámi reindeer pastoralist’s interests. As resource extraction expands in the northern regions, the question of environmental justice and who experiences the benefits and costs arises. The thesis adopts an environmental justice framework to discuss this conflict and the process to establish the mine, in terms of recognition and participation, and the project’s cost-benefit distribution. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with key stakeholders and participants, through a survey consisting of face-to-face questionnaires among 110 residents, fishers, and reindeer herders, as well as 35 respondents through an online survey published in social media. The project reveals conflicting narratives. Some actors see the process to establish the mine as open and inclusive, recognizing all values and uses. They present the mining project as a clear win-win case of local development and meeting the global copper demand. In contrast, others find the process to conflict with their values, resource uses and indigenous rights, and expect the burden of costs to be carried by fisheries, reindeer herders and recreational activities. The costs are anticipated through disposing mining waste as sea tailings in the Repparfjord and copper extraction in reindeer calving and grazing areas, which again could lead to dispossession of traditional land use and further marginalization of primary production in the area, particularly those with a strong Sámi identity. The conflict reveals incommensurable traditional values versus industrial values, the power asymmetry in the decision-making process, the shortcomings of consultation as a participation method, the potential violation of laws and rights, and the disputes over mining impacts for development, on the environment and on stakeholders. The conflict has not been resolved due to the local and national government’s strong political will to expand mining extraction in Northern Norway. As a result, the process to establish the Nussir mine is a case of procedural injustices, while the expected cost-benefit distribution from the mine is unjust as costs can be shifted upon impacted stakeholders. vi vii Sammendrag Det er stigende utvinning og forbruk av materialer og energi på et globalt nivå. Spesielt utvinning av metaller som kobber har økt 25 ganger det siste århundret. Dette skaper et behov for å starte nye gruveprosjekter. I Nord-Norge er det økende politisk press for å åpne nye kobbergruver. En slik pågående etablering er Nussir ASAs foreslåtte kobbergruve i Kvalsund i Finnmark fylke. Den planlagte gruva er i konflikt med lokale interesser, som sjarkfiske og samisk reindrift. Med ekspanderende ressursutvinning i nordlige områder følger spørsmål om miljørettferdighet, og hvem som bærer fordelene og kostnadene. Denne masteroppgaven anvender rammeverket for miljørettferdighet for å diskutere konflikten, i form av anerkjennelse og deltakelse, og fordelingen av fordeler og kostnader. Datagrunnlaget kommer fra dybdeintervjuer med sentrale aktører, dør til dør spørreundersøkelser gjennomført med 110 innbyggere, fiskere, og reineiere, samt 35 besvarelser fra en elektronisk undersøkelse distribuert på sosiale medier. Gruveprosjektet har skapt motstridende oppfatninger. Noen aktører ser på etableringsprosessen som åpen og inkluderende, og mener prosjekter tar hensyn til alle verdier og ulike brukerhensyn. De presenter gruveprosjektet som et klart vinn-vinn- prosjekt. Prosjektet vil ifølge forkjemperne bidra med vekst og lokal utvikling, samt bidra til å møte den økende globale kobberetterspørselen. På den andre siden mener motstanderne at prosjektet strider mot deres verdier, ressursbruk, og urbefolkningsrettigheter, og de forventer at kostnadene skyves spesielt over på fiskerne, reindrifta, og friluftslivet. Motstanderne mener kostnadene gjennom sjødeponi i Repparfjorden og utvinning i reindriftas kalve- og beiteområde kommer til å fortrenge tradisjonell bruk av områdene og marginalisere primærbruket, spesielt de med en sterk samisk identitet. Konflikten dreier seg om avveiing mellom tradisjonelle og industrielle verdier, ujevne maktforhold i etableringsprosessen, svakheter ved konsultasjon som deltakelsesmetode, potensielle brudd på lover og rettigheter, og uenigheten om gruvas påvirkning for utvikling, på miljøet, og for aktørene. Konflikten har ikke blitt løst på grunn av den sterkt dominerende politiske viljen til å øke mineralutvinningen i Nord-Norge. Resultatet er at prosessen er urettferdig, og den forventende distribusjonen av fordeler og kostnader er urettferdig. viii ix Table of Contents Abstract ..................................................................................................................................... vi Sammendrag ............................................................................................................................ viii List of Tables ............................................................................................................................ xii List of Figures ......................................................................................................................... xiii List of Boxes ........................................................................................................................... xiv List of Acronyms ...................................................................................................................... xv Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................. xvi 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 The aim of this thesis ................................................................................................... 3 2. Theoretical framework ....................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Ecological economics .................................................................................................. 7 2.1.1 Growth and social metabolism ........................................................................... 10 2.1.2 Commodity frontiers .......................................................................................... 13 2.1.3 Ecological distribution conflicts and cost-shifting ............................................. 15 2.2 Environmental justice theory ..................................................................................... 17 2.2.1 Justice as recognition ......................................................................................... 21 2.2.2 Justice as participation ....................................................................................... 24 2.2.3 Justice as distribution ......................................................................................... 27 3. Background information .................................................................................................. 30 3.1 The growth in copper
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