HIS 207 Oakton Community College December 1, 2011  West  East  Maximian 286-305  Diocletian 284-305  Constantius Chlorus  Galerius  293-305  Caesar 293-305  Augustus 305-306  Augustus 305-311  Severus  Licinius  Caesar 305   Augustus 306-307 Augustus 308-324  Maxentius  Maximinus Dia  Augustus 308-312  Caesar 305-308  Constantine  Augustus 308-313  Caesar 306-308  Augustus 308-337  Nagle p. 427  Flavius Valerius Constantinus  Born in February 271-273  To Constantius Chlorus and Helena  Constantius  Caesar in 293 in Diocletian’s  Married Theodora, daughter of Maximian  Diocletian and Maximian retired 305  Constantius became augustus; died in York 306  Constantine “declared” augustus  Returns to Trier  Marries Fausta, daughter of Maximian

 Maxentius, son of Maximian, also declared emperor (in October 306) by Senate and Praetorian Guard in Rome  Maxentius and Constantine  Brothers-in-law  Maximian died 310  These two are at war in 312  Battle at Milvian Bridge in 312  Constantine ruler in the west

 312  Constantine and Maxentius  Conversion to Christianity?  The dream  Hoc signo victor eris  Battle standards  Labarum  Essentially Christian henceforth  Political expediency  Religious conviction

 313

 Milan

 Formulated religious policy – tolerance

 Edict of Milan  North Africa

 The lapsi

 Synod of Rome, 313  Synod of Arles, 314

 Donatists exist for about 200 years

 316 – 324

 Licinius defeated at Adrianople and Chrysopolis in 324

 Licinius and his son, Licinius, executed

 Constantine rules the Roman world

 Arius, priest in Alexandria

 Jesus not co-eternal with the father  Trinity not a trinity  Jesus created by the God

 Arius excommunicated in 318 at Alexander  Called by Constantine

 First Ecumenical council

 Nicene Creed: consubstantiality

 Arius condemned; Arianism continues into early medieval period  326 – Crispus, older son, executed

 Fausta killed

 Damnatio memoriae for both

 Helena goes on pilgrimage

 Church of the Nativity at Bethlehem  Church of the Eleona on Mount of Olives

 Originally Byzantium  Boundaries set in 324  Walls complete in 328  Dedicated 330  On seven hills, senate, subsidized grain, hippodrome  Forum of Constantine  75’ porphyry column

 Hagia Sophia

 Hagia Eirene

 Church of the Holy Apostles

 Retained ost of Diocletian’s administrative arrangements  Introduced new coin: gold solidus  Standard for centuries  Made the church an agency of the government  Successful military campaigns  306-308 and 314-15 on German frontier  332 and 336 against the Goths

 Constantine II 317

 Constantius II 324


 Nephew: Flavius Dalmatius 335

 All augustii – and all in conflict  325-337  Support of church  Destruction of temples  Employment of bishops  Taxes  Courts  Restrictions of Jews  Against conversion to Judaism  Restrictions of civil rights  Plan for burial  Sarcophagus in the Church of the Holy Apostles  The 13th apostle?