Senate Unit for Kennedy's Military Buildnp Proposals
PAOB TWBNTT-FOUR WEDNESDAY, JULY it , IHl Average Daily Net Press Run Tha Weather For tho Week Ended Foreeaet of D. S. Weather 'Bareaa , June 8, 1961 Fair and a little cooler toalgfc| with some valley fog toward About Town 13,3.30 morning. Low 60-85..'.IWosUy eon- Slember of the Audit ny, slightly warmer temperatorea Tlw nuDM ^ four atudwta at LUtaa to Kathy Ood« Bureau of OlronlatloB Friday. HighMt 85-00. Barnard Junior High School wore frey, WINB-CM, Kaa. Mancheater’^ A City of Village Charm omlttad from the fourth worter chanter, 10:10 a.m. honor roll reloaaed to Tho Herald Monday thru Satur for publication lait Friday. They VOL. LXXX, NO. 252 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1961 (Classified Advertlstaig on Page 14) were Georgette Ponton, Grade 9 day., OoBtant V rw y PRICE PIVB CENTS honor roll; and Frederick Ted- Day. -r fOrd. Jane Lee. and Francesca De- Caoodo, all Grade 8 honora Dag Bitter on Snuh Carl Chltjlsn, son of Mr., and State News Mrs. John Chltjian, 86 Chambers St., has been enrolled in the m ech^cal technology course at Roundup Wentworth Institute In Boston. French Rebuff Senate Unit for Kennedy’s The American Legion and Man chester Barracks, No. 786, Vet- srana of World War I and Auxili Troopers Hunt ary, will meet tonight at 7:30 at the W. P. Qulsh Funeral Home, UN Secretary Two Prisoners 225 Main St., to pay final respects END OF THE MONTH to Walter Mahoney, who was a Montville, July 27 (A’)— past commander Of both groups.
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