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/ Arerage Daily Net Press Run For the Woek Ended The Weather June 8, 1961 Foreenot of O. 8. Wonthoe ] 13,3.30 FMr, net qoHo ee eoel toiritRL Ixiw M-M. Saturdny fnlr, eon- Member of the Audit Buranu of Olrcnlntlon tinned warm, more hnmld. Blgh around 00. Maru:hester-^A City of Vitlage Charm 1 VOL. LXXX, NO. 253 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1961 (ClMiifled Adrertlelng on-Page IS) PRICE FIVE CENTS Under Certain Terms State News Roundup France to Ignore UN Acts Profit Sharing Sen. Dodd Urges Old - Style Cure il Offered UAW For Delinquents Bizerte Crisis Detroit, July 28 (ff*)- ’ UAW vice president Norman Washington, July 28 (iP)— American Motors Corn, today Matthews said the union had npt anticipated AMC's settlement of- Sen. Thomas J. Dodd, D- offered the United Auto fer and would give it serious con- Conn., the father of six chil- Workers union a profit-shar- sideration. dren, thinks he has the an- Britain Delays He added, however, he wanted ing wage plan and a 7-cent swer to the problem of juve- hourly wage increase annual- to "emphasize the UAW’s position it will not permit any tampering nile delinquency. Move to Join Secretary Summons ly over the next three years. by anyone—the Big 'ITiree or the "A good licking once in a while In exchange, American Motors Big Four—with the principles of would not be out of place at all," asked the UAW . to give up cost- the annual Improvement factor or Dodd said yesterday in an inter- Rival Market of-living allowance amd annual im- cost-of-living escalator clauses.” view .broadcast over Connecticut Paris, Tunis Envoys provement factor clauses in their Asked if this meant rejection in radio and television stations. current contract expiring Sept 7. "This is considered a little old- London, July 28 (/P)— Brit- AMC's was the first settlement (Continued on Page Eleven) fashioned, perhaps," Dodd said. ish government bonds plum- offer handed the U.^W ln negotia- "But I’ve seen enough cases in my Paris, July 28 (/P)— France today .served notice that she tions started a month ago.,with own life and I qualify as a minor m et^ to record lows on the stock exchange today while will not be bound by any United Nations Security Council ac- the auto Industry. In 1958 profit- expert, having tried to raise six of tion in the Bizerte crisis. sharing was the union's principal, TV Producer my own children.” stock prices also suffered all-out goal but It failed to get it Dodd, chairman of a Senate widespread losses. Although A government communique was issued a few hours before anywhere. Judiciary subcommittee on Juve- bonds remained weak, some the U.N. Security Council was to take up a renewed Tunisian AMC would set aside the first nile Delinquency, also said the Says Networks shares, including industrials, complaint accusing France of aggression in dispute over the 10 per cent of profit before taxes group had established a definite naval base. for its stockholders, then set aside link between violence . shown on rallied before the close of the the next 10 per cent to what it Ask for Crime television and Juvenile delinquency. stock exchange. At roughly the same time, French President Charles de termed a "progressive shailng He said he was "shocked and Gaulle asked Adlai Stevenson, U.S. ambassador to the United fund for represented (hourly rat- The selling wave was at- frightened" by what he called the tributed to the Conservative Nations, to call on him. Some observers thought De Gaulle ed union) employes." Washington, July 28 (.Pi— A Increase in juvenile crime. He cited television show producer said to- government’s new Austerity wanted4o explain to Stevenson his position on Bizerte, and American Motors offered cus- West Hartford, Conn., in particu- his policies toward the U.N. tomers a rebate program ^ast day the three major networks lar. He said the community, his program which won an over- winter, the refund depending upon are responsible for what he .con- home town, had an increase of .54.2 Stevenson arrived in Paris in the late afternoon aboard a siders excessive crime and vio- whelming vote of approval in total sales. In only one month per cent in serious crimes last Parliament last night de- private plane from Nict;^and went immediately to De Gaulle’s did sales sufficiently outstrip lence on TV. year, « spite aroused feelings on the offices. He refused to make any statement but appeared in those the similar month a year He testified the networks write buoyant mood. earlier and consequently only one letters asking for less violences, part of wage earners. $25 rebate savings bond was paid but make telephone calls urging Escapee Surrenders The government statement>aid Tunisia was now attempt- — to Rambler buyers of December "more sex, more violence, snd Stratford, July 28 (/P) — An ex- ing to obtain through U.N. intervention what she had failed Under the coet-of-livlng excala- blacker villians so we can kill convict surrendered to authorities Geneva, July 28 (/P)— Brit- to secure by force. <*>----------- — ----------------------- tor hourly wages rise or fall with them off in one big climax.” today, hours after he sawed or filed ain today sidestepp^ a defi- "It ia necessary to make it the government’s consumer price The witness. Maurice J. Unger, his way out of the Stratford lock- nite announcement to its known,” said the French state- Index. Seventeen cents of the up. Accused Killer Hollywood manager for Ziv-Unit- partners in the European ment. "that France has certainly current $2.80 hourly wage has ed Artists, Inc., said- there would William Cotter Jr., 36. went to Free Trade Association on no intention of settling the (Biz- been added by this clause. be less crime and violence on see a priest. Father Vincent Bod- erte) issue through such a pro- The so-called annual improve- shows seen by children if Congress nar of St. Stephen’s (Jhurch, and- whether it plans to join the Dies of Shots cedure.” ment factor gives an automatic "reduced the excessive power" of both called police. booming rival common mar- France could block action in the 'yearly wage increase of six cents Cotter was returned to head- the three men who head the big ket, a source at the EFTA Security Council with a veto, but In Police Duel hourly or 2t4 per cent, whichever networks. quarters shortly after 9 a.m. He this was not mentioned in the was being held in the lockup on a conference reported. 1# greater, to permit workers to He said the three have a'stran- There was no other word on statement. share in cost-saving technological glehold on programs an<Chave robbery charge. When police Reflecting De Gaulle’s own stern Norwalk, July 28 (/P) — A West- advances — automation. checked his cell early today, they what Edward Heath, No. 2 man in "more power than the Constltu- the British Foreign Office, told views on the international organ- port man charged with killing his All contracts with the auto in- found him missing. They said Cot- ization, the statement called at- father and wounding two policemen dustry contain these two clauses. ter managed to remove a one-inch Britain’s trading partners but the (Contlnued on Page Four) atmosphere at the opening session tention to various dangers now died today of wound.s he received steel bar on his cell door and confronting France and the world, in the July 4 shooting incident. squeezed through. of the conference was said to have He was Brendan McLaughlin, 26, been friendly. It was held in close- and concluded: an adverti.sing employe and a for- Cotter, only recently released ly guarded secrecy. "France intends to remain the Helped Convict Three from State Prison where he had Judge of her own security." mer art student and Marine. Prime Minister Macmillan is to McLaughlin, shot in the chest served a 6-year term for a liquor Stevenson, who is in France on •tore holdup, was arrested last outline the British position in the and stomach after he opened firs House of Commons Monday, and a leisurely vacation, was informed night in the attempted holdup of Jihat De Gaulle wanted to see him on policemen In the Westport Po- a Stratford liquor store. precautions have been taken to on landing from Nice. lice Station, died in Norwalk Hos- prevent a leak beforehand. State Witness Kitted He was charged with robbery American sources said the chief pital. with violence and held at the local After a cabinet meeting in Lon- U.S. Delegate to the United Na- McLaughlin was accused of police station lockup under $10,- don yesterday, -Home Secretary Should t Petek 2V0W)?- tions was not here on any mission shooting his 70-year-old father, Eugene, while *the eider McLaugh- or*100 bond. R. A. Butler told the House of James Rawls, 18, Montgomery, Ala., appears to be one of many for the Kennedy administration. Commons the government had set- lin lay in 'bed at his home. By Car Booby-Trap Authorities said they did not young men described as “nervously reluctant” as he studies his The son then went to Westport know where Cotter got "the tool to tled its policy toward tha Common draft classification card and President Kennedy’s call for mors United NaUons, N.T., July 28 Market and would canvas* Con- W —SecreUry-general Dag Ham- make his escape. He had been servicemen. (AP Photofaxj. (Continued on Page Eleven) Philadelphia, July 28 Rich- searched earlier.