What is an Apprentice? Contacts 3AAA Midland Group Training Services Contact: Adam Davies Contact: Frances Lee 01926 313072 02476 630333 Apprenticeships in An apprentice is a contracted employee who
[email protected] [email protected] is expected to be employed for a minimum www.3aaa.co.uk www.mgts.co.uk of 30 hours a week, whilst working towards Aurelia Training Midlands Training & Development an Apprenticeship Standard. Contact: Lisa Instone Contact: Business Team Coventry & Warwickshire 07912 515402 02476 796442 Designed by employers the new Standards 01926 511855
[email protected] outline the skills, knowledge and behaviours
[email protected] www.mgts.co.uk www.aureliatraining.com www.midlandstd.co.uk required of the apprentice and the job they need to be able to do by the time they have City College Coventry North Warwickshire & Hinckley Contact: Kirsti Lloyd College completed their apprenticeship. 02476 791000 Contact: Customer Services The Apprenticeship will contain:
[email protected] 02476 243000 www.covcollege.ac.uk
[email protected] A knowledge based element www.nwhc.ac.uk • Coventry Adult Education A competency based element Service Stratford upon Avon College • Contact: Elaine Agnew Contact: Stevie Edmund-Jones Training to achieve the Minimum English 02476 787910 01789 266245 •
[email protected] [email protected] and maths requirements and any digital www.coventry.gov.uk/adulted www.stratford.ac.uk skills required Coventry & Warwickshire Uni@Work • Behaviours needed in the occupation, Chamber Training Coventry University College so that on completion the apprentice is Contact: Sally Lucas Contact: Claire Buckland 02476 231122 024 7765 4960 able to competently carry out the role in
[email protected] [email protected] any size of employer across any relevant www.cwtcov.co.uk www.coventry.ac.uk/cuc/UAW sectors.