Soviet nuclear capability who had

worked for the Central Intelligence empty boat ran aground under full sail Agency. Paisley was last seen that

tary sailing; he was also an expert on

he had picked from Lewis Carroll's "Through the Looking-Glass." The the following morning, Its ship-to-shore morning, crossing a narrow section of the bay aboard his sloop Bril lig, a name

radio still crackling.

writer based in Washington, D.C. Tad Szulc

By Tad Soule

is a


55-year-old man who

had a passion for soli- crabs. He was a quiet

peake Bay, the silent Sept. 23, 1978, John Ar- kingdom of oysters and in the waters of Chesa-

n the moonlit night of thur Paisley vanished

shot wound in the back of the head, weighted diver's belts around the waist. The next day, the body was iden-

set of Paisley's fingerprints. The hands

aminer as that of John Arthur Paisley.

floating in the bay, a 9-millimeter gun- badly decomposed body was found were severed and sent to the F.B.I., and — neither the C.I.A. nor the Federal Bureau of Investigation could locate a Over the next 17 days; however, finger- print identification could not be made tified by Maryland's Chief Medical Ex- ton, D.C. proved funeral home outside Washing-

the body was cremated in a C.I.A.-ap- C.I.A. work, top-secret. Who was John Arthur His 'suicide' was bizarre; the nature of his Paisley, and what actually happened to him?

A week later, on Oct. 1, a bloated and

The Maryland State Police initially

spect, too, when it came time to release

vestigative one and had not taken part a matter of policy, the C.I.A. almost

who were the first to search the boat. suggested that death was by suicide, Maryland State Police, C.I.A. spokes- of evidence by C.I.A. security officers, information on John Arthur Paisley, As what they called the "contamination" men said that the agency was not an in- after a belated investigation marred by in any criminal investigation. cluded that death was "undetermined" The Maryland State Police later con- and the C.I.A., to questions posed by re- porters, saw "no reason to disagree." Presented with this statement by the

The C.I.A. spokesmen were circum-


The New York Times Maguzlne/January 7, 1979 13

at the time of his disappearance, but spokesmen acknowledged that Paisley chief of the C.I.A.'s Office of Strategic analyst. Prior to his official retirement agency emphasized that he was just secret operations they may have been this reporter another senior analyst, having nothing to highly classified information since engaged in and thus compromise the data on its officers; various aspects of was still a "consultant" to the agency ments of Soviet nuclear forces, and the in 1974, Paisley had served as deputy his retirement. agency's "sources and methods." they insisted that he had had no access further prodding by reporters, C.I.A. to do with clandestine operations. After Research, which deals with assess- the C.I.A. portrayed Paisley as a rather unimportant intelligence officer and never discloses complete biographical their careers could provide clues about

Yet, from information supplied to

In its public statements, therefore,


extremely authorita-

in the days thereafter. The committee, committee, The thereafter. days the in

mine what exactly happened that Sep- that happened exactly what mine

but energetic investigation to deter- to investigation energetic but

ble political and other implications of of implications other and political ble

tember night on Chesapeake Bay, and and Bay, Chesapeake on night tember

the Paisley affair, has launched a quiet quiet a launched has affair, Paisley the

lice, by William P. Kampiles, a young young a Kampiles, P. William by lice,

C.I.A. officer who last November was was November last who officer C.I.A.

convicted on espionage charges. charges. espionage on convicted

telligence, concerned about the possi- the about concerned telligence, ago to the K.G.B., the Soviet secret po- secret Soviet the K.G.B., the to ago

generation of orbiters, targeted on on targeted orbiters, of generation

the manual sold in Athens about a year year a about Athens in sold manual the

Soviet strategic deployments. This was was This deployments. strategic Soviet

satellite, the most sophisticated in this this in sophisticated most the satellite,


secret manual on the operations of the the of operations the on manual secret

United States KH-11 spy-in-the-sky spy-in-the-sky KH-11 States United

agency officer who had dealt exten- dealt had who officer agency

sively with Nosenko. Nosenko. with sively

superior was Katherine Hart, wife of an an of wife Hart, Katherine was superior

clandestine operations. Her immediate immediate Her operations. clandestine

most sensitive divisions of the C.I.A.: C.I.A.: the of divisions sensitive most

his North Carolina hideout. hideout. Carolina North his

ployed for a year in 1974 in one of the the of one in 1974 in year a for ployed

the office handling funds for foreign foreign for funds handling office the

officer frequently visited Nosenko in in Nosenko visited frequently officer

later became friends, and the C.I.A. C.I.A. the and friends, became later

most senior K.G.B. defector in the the in defector K.G.B. senior most

United States. Paisley and Nosenko Nosenko and Paisley States. United

flPaisley's widow, Maryann, was em- was Maryann, widow, flPaisley's

debrief Yuri Ivanovich Nosenko, the the Nosenko, Ivanovich Yuri debrief

missions. missions.

equipment designed for secret trans- secret for designed equipment

riDurIng the 1960's, Paisley helped to to helped Paisley 1960's, the riDurIng

carried sophisticated communications communications sophisticated carried

RWhen it washed ashore, the Brillig Brillig the ashore, washed it RWhen

his disappearance. disappearance. his

project aboard his sloop at the time of of time the at sloop his aboard project

working on materials related to this this to related materials on working

projects. From August 1976 on, on, 1976 August From projects.

access to the most highly classified in- classified highly most the to access

one of the agency's most secret secret most agency's the of one

evaluate the Soviet nuclear threat - threat nuclear Soviet the evaluate

telligence documents. He had been been had He documents. telligence

13Within 13Within

by the C.I.A. to coordinate efforts efforts coordinate to C.I.A. the by

retirement, Paisley was brought back back brought was Paisley retirement,

highlights of "the Paisley connection": connection": Paisley "the of highlights

The Senate Select Committee on In- on Committee Select Senate The

Intelligence materials. These are the the are These materials. Intelligence

Sept. 23, he was privy to highly secret secret highly to privy was he 23, Sept.

operations since the late 1940's. Until Until 1940's. late the since operations

some of the most sensitive agency agency sensitive most the of some

Paisley was an unusually Important Important unusually an was Paisley

C.I.A. figure who had been involved in in involved been had who figure C.I.A. Paisley was a contributor to the top- the to contributor a was Paisley

another another

tive intelligence sources In Washington, Washington, In sources intelligence tive

John John

two years of his official 1974 1974 official his of years two

Arthur Paisley emerges. emerges. Paisley Arthur

he he

had had

to to

happy with the agency's assessment of of assessment agency's the with happy

Soviet missilery, and the C.I.A. failed failed C.I.A. the and missilery, Soviet

parts of the Administration are un- are Administration the of parts

tack. Policy-making officials in many many in officials Policy-making tack.

munity. In addition, the C.I.A.'s ability ability C.I.A.'s the addition, In munity.

to collect and effectively evaluate vital vital evaluate effectively and collect to

foreign intelligence is now under at- under now is intelligence foreign

high-level position — having pene- having — position high-level

secret documents and talk of a Soviet Soviet a of talk and documents secret

trated the American intelligence com- intelligence American the trated

nal security have been bedeviling the the bedeviling been have security nal

agency in recent years, what with mys- with what years, recent in agency

"mole" — a deep-cover operative in a a in operative deep-cover a — "mole"

terious disappearances, thefts of top- of thefts disappearances, terious come at a worse time. Cracks In inter- In Cracks time. worse a at come

fore mid-January. mid-January. fore

such difficulties trying to learn the the learn to trying difficulties such

to come up with conclusions, if any, be- any, if conclusions, with up come to

truth about the events that it is unlikely unlikely is it that events the about truth before Thanksgiving, but it has run into into run has it but Thanksgiving, before

Paisley's Paisley's

ana, had hoped to to hoped had ana,

chaired by SeriatOr SeriatOr by chaired

The investigation could hardly have have hardly could investigation The

mentor: mentor:

come up with a report report a with up come

James Jesus Angleton, former C.I.A. counterintell'gence chief. chief. counterintell'gence C.I.A. former Angleton, Jesus James


lich lich


to to

nard Fensterwald, a well-known Wash- well-known a Fensterwald, nard

ington attorney, to help her find out out find her help to attorney, ington

security officers after Paisley's disap- Paisley's after officers security

what happened to her husband. Mrs. Mrs. husband. her to happened what

pearance, she recently retained Ber- retained recently she pearance,

Having first worked closely with C.I.A. C.I.A. with closely worked first Having

lems is Paisley's widow, whose loyalty loyalty whose widow, Paisley's is lems

to the agency seems to be flagging. flagging. be to seems agency the to

vestigations of its past scandals, or the the or scandals, past its of vestigations

recent massive firings of its clandes- its of firings massive recent

recovered from the Congressional in- Congressional the from recovered

tine-services officers. officers. tine-services

in the agency, which has not fully fully not has which agency, the in

Central Intelligence, for these short- these for Intelligence, Central

comings. This further damaged morale morale damaged further This comings.

Adm. Stanfield Turner, the Director of of Director the Turner, Stanfield Adm.

move, President Carter reprimanded reprimanded Carter President move,

and Nicaragua, despite clear signals. signals. clear despite Nicaragua, and

to to

Not least among the C.I.A.'s prob- C.I.A.'s the among least Not

In November, in a most unusual unusual most a in November, In

the present crises itit Iran Iran itit crises present the

began in the late afternoon of Saturday, Saturday, of afternoon late the in began Sept. 21 a warm autumn day. He had had He day. autumn warm a 21 Sept.

intelligence operation. operation. intelligence

secret post In the Defense Intelligence Intelligence Defense the In post secret

with the case have described as one of of one as described have case the with

what Senate investigators familiar familiar investigators Senate what

Sept. 24, the Coast Guard station at St. St. at station Guard Coast the 24, Sept.

someone (whom he will not identify) identify) not will he (whom someone

Inigoes on Chesapeake Bay was noti- was Bay Chesapeake on Inigoes

the "spookiest" cases ever involving an an involving ever cases "spookiest" the

the last anyone heard from Paisley. Paisley. from heard anyone last the

radio. Colonel Wilson contacted the the contacted Wilson Colonel radio. Lookout. He had ascertained that no- no- that ascertained had He Lookout.

and 6 P.M., and Paisley advised him him advised Paisley and P.M., 6 and

Brillig, as he recalls, between 5 P.M. P.M. 5 between recalls, he as Brillig,

Guard, the medical examiners, sources sources examiners, medical the Guard,

in the intelligence community, and and community, intelligence the in ble to reconstruct events leading to to leading events reconstruct to ble

"he would be in after dark," asking asking dark," after in be would "he bay. The ranger had driven to Point Point to driven had ranger The bay.

full sail aground at Point Lookout, Lookout, Point at aground sail full

Island, at the mouth of the Patuxent Patuxent the of mouth the at Island,

where the Potomac River runs into the the into runs River Potomac the where

morning from from morning State Police, the F.B.I., the Coast Coast the F.B.I., the Police, State Force officer who had served in a top- a in served had who officer Force

that Paisley wanted to be called on the the on called be to wanted Paisley that

Shore of Chesapeake Bay — a short and and short a — Bay Chesapeake of Shore

that the dock lights be left on. This was was This on. left be lights dock the that fied by telephone by a state park ranger ranger park state a by telephone by fied easy easterly crossing — with friend or or friend with — crossing easterly easy

sailed aboard the sloop Brillig that that Brillig sloop the aboard sailed

from people who knew him, it is possi- is it him, knew who people from time during the day he was told by by told was he day the during time

for about 10 years. years. 10 about for

to Col. Norman Wilson, a retired Air Air retired a Wilson, Norman Col. to

friends unknown. The mooring belongs belongs mooring The unknown. friends

River, to Hooper Islands on the Eastern Eastern the on Islands Hooper to River,

Agency and had been Paisley's friend friend Paisley's been had and Agency formed him of sighting a vessel under under vessel a sighting of him formed

that two separate pleasure craft had in- had craft pleasure separate two that

shown the body before the cremation. cremation. the before body the shown

Paisley Paisley

it. Actually, no one who had known known had who one no Actually, it.

Paisley's body, nor the photographs of of photographs the nor body, Paisley's

body found In the bay. She did not see see not did She bay. the In found body

suicide theory and the Identity of the the of Identity the and theory suicide

Paisley Paisley

friends say that she questions both the the both questions she that say friends

John Arthur Paisley's final drama drama final Paisley's Arthur John

At 10:30 A.M. the next day, Sunday, Sunday, day, next the A.M. 10:30 At

According to Colonel Wilson, some- Wilson, Colonel to According

From the accounts of the Maryland Maryland the of accounts the From

in life is reported to have have to reported is life in

refuses to talk to to talk to refuses

a a

mooring on Solomons Solomons on mooring

El El

reporters, but but reporters, been been •

According to those in


ligence community, closely with Angleton in this sources and methods of ac-

known that Paisley worked nuclear developments. The

major intelligence function. protection of sources and of in- quiring intelligence on Soviet

formation-gathering methods tereatler, was assassinated ously kept C.I.A. secrets— the by terrorists. Paisley had a de-

from a potential enemy is a

strategic research and deploy- order gree in electrical engineering

United States. Paisley was

privy to one of the most jeal- ment. He learned Russian from the Intelligence intercepted by the

key C.I.A. specialists on Soviet (he was born and raised in journals and the flow of Soviet

the quickened, gleton. strategic problems. Paisley al- ways stayed in touch with An-

analytical work on Soviet

between the United States and Paisley emerged as one of the

World War II had been a mer-

what he did until 1953, when learned Spanish), and during Phoenix, Ariz., where he mal and he was assigned to do his employment was made for-

cruits, although

chant marine radio operator.

came to join the Bernadotte , who It is not clear how Paisley

C.I.A.'s ley came to the attention of

later became chief of the

staff. Angleton was touring the

cruiting personnel for the in- Middle East at the time, re-


among Angleton's first re-

fant agency; Paisley was

As the

It was in Palestine that Pais-

to study Soviet technical

pace of the arms race



is not known


it is



the C.I.A. began the lengthy

and laborious process of de-

Soviet Union, who had de- of the K.G.B.'s Second Chief

counterintelligence within the

briefing Nosenko, a member

Directorate, responsible for

early in 11)64. Nosenko was the

fected to the United States

ever to defect.

est value to United States In-

most important K.G.B. officer

home and abroad. This may

ligence agents operating . at telligence was to provide infor- mation on Soviet counterintel-

have included data on counter-

sial C.I.A. secret intelligence

intelligence in the strategic

field— part of Paisley's exper-

tise — and Paisley became en- meshed in the most controver-

sin of President Kennedy, had

around Nosenko's claim that

project of the decade.

Lee Harvey Oswald, the assas-

no K.G.B. ties. This corrobo-

agent in New 'York, code-

by a deep-cover Soviet double rated the information supplied named "Fedora," to the F.B.I. "Fedora" had told the bureau

acted alone. Commission that Oswald had It was on the strength of what

was able to assure the Warren that Director J. Edgar Hoover concluded that Nosenko might according to retired C.I.A.

officer John L. Hart in testi-

have been a Soviet "plant." In

near Warrenton, Va. There -

mid-1964, he was incarcerated

mony before the House Select

in an agency "safe house"

Paisley was called in when

Ostensibly, Nosenko's great-

The controversy revolved

The C.I.A., however, soon

Committee on Assassinations

in September — he was sub-

interrogation. Nosenko's case was handled by the C.I.A.'s

Soviet-Russia division of the

clandestine services, and jected to three years of brutal

among the interrogators -

Paisley is said to have been

his strategic specialty, and had no part in the cruel treat-

ment of the K.G.B. defector.

set him up in a house in North

C.I.A. decided in 1968 to clear though he confined himself to

fact, became friends. After the

Nosenko once and for alt, and

Carolina under a new identity,

down the East Coast. Having

there while sailing up and Paisley started visiting him

purchased a 31-foot sloop fol-

lowing his retirement, Paisley

mington, N.C., often keeping the sailboat at the Masonboro registered the Brillig in Wil-

from Nosenko's home. Accord-

Boatyard and Marina, not far

late last spring.

ing to a Masonboro employee,

Paisley's final visit there was

senko friendship, and on the

analyst's earlier role in de-

an extraordinary coincidence, comment on the Paisley-No-

gether with the others [around

"He was a likable person, but sailed out, he would call on the days or so — and to say where briefing the Russian. But, by and extended. The employee and not known whether Nosenko be

his mail should be forwarded.

he didn't talk about his busi- ness," she said. "He got to- the marina] to have fun." It is ley's group on the sloop. recalls that when Paisley

radio to say how long he would.

Paisley and Nosenko, in

The C.I.A. has refused to These visits were frequent

gone — sometimes for 10

his wife were ever in Pais-

Nosenko was back in the news the day • before Paisley was

said that he does not consider

and that "no person familiar Assassinations

tor of Central Intelligence, killed.

Nosenko a bona fide defector,

Richard Helms, former Direc-

statements about Oswald to be

with the facts finds Nosenko's credible.... Therefore, this

dence. Maryann Paisley's im- tends to sour all the other opin- during the year she is known to

sion, which handles requests ions he maintained." have worked there (1974) was stations. Her husband is John

cer in the Requirements Divi- operations by overseas C.I.A.

mediate superior in the C.I.A. Katherine Hart, a senior offi-

for funds for clandestine Committee and who played

clearance. (Mrs. Hart is now deputy chief of station in an the House Assassinations

key role in Nosenko's final

"contract employee," but it

capital.) The C.I.A. has con-

L. Hart,

important Western European

firmed that Mrs. Paisley was a

ley, a mere "contract employ-

refuses to describe her duties.

It is not clear how Mrs. Pais-

C.I.A. vigorously denies any

of this manual

satellite, which was designed

regarded as a major setback K.G.B. last winter, in what is nuclear deployments. A copy for American intelligence. The

volves Paisley's role as a con-

ee," held such a sensitive posi-

to photograph Soviet strategic

tributor to the top-secret manual on the operations of the KII-11 United Slates spy

tion In the C.I.A.

Testifying before the House

There is another coinci-

Yet another coincidence In-

who testified before



sold to the


connection between the theft death.

of the manual and Paisley's

Graham, former Director of

strategic arms limitation

why Paisley retired in 1974 at the time. agreement with the Soviet experiment in competitive the Defense Intelligence Agen-

secrecy enveloped the project

director of Harvard's Russian Union, and Gen. Daniel 0 (his wife retired at

history professor and former was eligible for a Government time) except to suggest that he one of the agency's most sensi- may have done so because he bership included ,

former Deputy Secretary of Defense and negotiator of the consultant two years later on why he was brought back as a nuclear capabilities. Total

Richard E. Pipes, a Harvard pension. Nor does it explain

drawn from outside academ- specialists, and a "Team B," gence and defense officials, to

evaluate separately the same study that the C.I.A. under- tive strategic intelligence Research Center. The mem- materials on Soviet strategic


ics and former senior intelli- "Team A," formed by C.I.A.

periment ran from August to

December 1976. It called for a

analysis conducted to deter-

be improved. (The estimate is takes every year.) This ex- probably the most important

the National Intelligence Esti- mate on Soviet Forces for In- tercontinental Conflict could

mine whether the quality of

The C.I.A. has not explained

This was the controversial

Heading "Team B" was Dr.



Then, at 3:98 P.M. on Sunday, Oct. 1. 1. Oct. Sunday, on P.M. 3:98 at Then,

ported publicly for the rest of the week. week. the of rest the for publicly ported

the Coast Guard station on Taylors Is- Is- Taylors on station Guard Coast the

sailed the Brillig back to Solomons Is- Solomons to back Brillig the sailed

cartridge aboard. aboard. cartridge

also found several live cartridges cartridges live several found also land — and he found still another live live another still found he and — land

picked up additional documents. They They documents. additional up picked

there. Later that week, Colonel Wilson Wilson Colonel week, that Later there.

Massachusetts Avenue, where they they where Avenue, Massachusetts

to Paisley's bachelor apartment at 1500 1500 at apartment bachelor Paisley's to

insisted later that they were not classi- not were they that later insisted

Use" — and. with Mrs. Paisley, drove drove Paisley, Mrs. with and. — Use"

documents from the boat — the agency agency the — boat the from documents

fied and marked only "For Internal Internal "For only marked and fied simply missing. missing. simply

struggle. At that point, Paisley was was Paisley point, that At struggle.

were no traces of blood or signs of of signs or blood of traces no were

gun, but it was not on the boat. There There boat. the on not was it but gun,

cartridge on the deck. Paisley was was Paisley deck. the on cartridge

known to have owned a 9-millimeter 9-millimeter a owned have to known

headquarters. The C.I.A. men combed combed men C.I.A. The headquarters.

the Brillig, finding a live 9-millimeter 9-millimeter live a finding Brillig, the

telephoned their first report to C.I.A. C.I.A. to report first their telephoned

cers, Joseph Mirable and Frank Rocco, Rocco, Frank and Mirable Joseph cers,

reached the scene. At 1:50 P.M., they they P.M., 1:50 At scene. the reached

Va. By noon, two C.I.A. security offi- security C.I.A. two noon, By Va. C.I.A. Office of Security at Langley, Langley, at Security of Office C.I.A.

the boat, Mrs. Paisley telephoned the the telephoned Paisley Mrs. boat, the

son and his wife, Barbara, and Philip Philip and Barbara, wife, his and son

the C.I.A. when he retired. After seeing seeing After retired. he when C.I.A. the , body was aboard, and "that there were were there "that and aboard, was body ,

with her daughter, Diane, Colonel Wil- Colonel Diane, daughter, her with

Waggoner, Paisley's replacement In In replacement Paisley's Waggoner,

ryann Paisley arrived at St. Inigoes Inigoes St. at arrived Paisley ryann

on. on. since August, but his new downtown downtown new his but August, since

boat. boat. Va. The Paisleys had been separated separated been had Paisleys The Va. documents, and the radio was turned turned was radio the and documents,

Washington address was not on the the on not was address Washington Paisley's disappearance went unre- went disappearance Paisley's

from personal and business pacers pacers business and personal from

aboard, three pairs of shoes, various various shoes, of pairs three aboard,

aboard, the Coast Guard telephoned telephoned Guard Coast the aboard, St. Inigoes. There were cans of food food of cans were There Inigoes. St.

Mrs. Paisley at her home in McLean, McLean, in home her at Paisley Mrs.

call to the Coast Guard. Guard. Coast the to call

refloated the Brillig and towed her to to her towed and Brillig the refloated

no tracks in the sand, leading to or frcm frcm or to leading sand, the in tracks no

the boat." The ranger then put in the the in put then ranger The boat." the

The C.I.A. officers removed several several removed officers C.I.A. The

At 9 A.M. of Monday, Sept. 25, Ma- 25, Sept. Monday, of A.M. 9 At

Identifying the sloop as Paisley's Paisley's as sloop the Identifying

Shortly afterward, the Coast Guard Guard Coast the afterward, Shortly

records. A A records.

had Paisley's fingerprint sets in their their in sets fingerprint Paisley's had

ibly, neither the C.I.A. nor the F.B.I. F.B.I. the nor C.I.A. the neither ibly, still have been possible since one hand hand one since possible been have still

was relatively unscathed, but, incred- but, unscathed, relatively was

cluding Paisley's scraggly beard, was was beard, scraggly Paisley's cluding

one hand had been eroded. All hair, in- hair, All eroded. been had hand one gone. Fingerprint identification would would identification Fingerprint gone.

recognition, and the top layer of skin on on skin of layer top the and recognition,

that comes to mind is this: How could could How this: is mind to comes that

Paisley's? It was decomposed beyond beyond decomposed was It Paisley's?

Dr. Fisher be sure that the body was was body the that sure be Fisher Dr. out in the name of John Arthur Paisley, Paisley, Arthur John of name the in out

was signed on Oct. 2 by Dr. Russell Russell Dr. by 2 Oct. on signed was

next day; the death certificate, made made certificate, death the day; next

Fisher, the Chief Medical Examiner. Examiner. Medical Chief the Fisher, cal Examiner in Baltimore. The au- The Baltimore. in Examiner cal

spent 30 minutes in a preliminary preliminary a in minutes 30 spent

topsy was apparently performed the the performed apparently was topsy

examination, then had the body dis- body the had then examination,

patched to the office of the State Medi- State the of office the to patched

State Medical Examiner, were await- were Examiner, Medical State

notified by radio. A Maryland state state Maryland A radio. by notified

ing the body's arrival. Dr. Weems Weems Dr. arrival. body's the ing

trooper and Dr. George Weems, Deputy Deputy Weems, George Dr. and trooper

Dock on Solomons Island. Island. Solomons on Dock

from the Solomons Island mooring. A A mooring. Island Solomons the from

Coast Guard utility boat picked up the the up picked boat utility Guard Coast of Patuxent River, just a few miles miles few a just River, Patuxent of

P.M., taking it to the Naval Ordnance Ordnance Naval the to it taking P.M.,

frightfully decomposed body at 5:15 5:15 at body decomposed frightfully

ceived a radio message from the pleas- the from message radio a ceived ure craft Ramada that a body was was body a that Ramada craft ure

floating in the water east of the mouth mouth the of east water the in floating

land, on the bay's Eastern Shore, re- Shore, Eastern bay's the on land,

At this point, the immediate question question immediate the point, this At

The Maryland State Police had been been had Police State Maryland The

none were lifted from Pais- from lifted were none

Washington, D.C. (It is not not is (It D.C. Washington, ley's apartment or office in in office or apartment ley's

best of its knowledge, it added, added, it knowledge, its of best

prints from the boat; to the the to boat; the from prints

by its own admission, had had admission, own its by

made no attempt to lift finger- lift to attempt no made

stance they had been "inad- been had they stance

vertently destroyed" in the bu- the in destroyed" vertently

sent to the F.B.I., in this in- this in F.B.I., the to sent

reau. reau.

agency employees are finger- are employees agency

printed and the impressions impressions the and printed

C.I.A. spokesman explained to to explained spokesman C.I.A. this reporter that while all all while that reporter this

The Maryland State Police, Police, State Maryland The

(Continued (Continued

on Page Page on

56) 56)

zarre form of suicide, if sui- sui- if suicide, of form zarre

head behind his left car, a bi- a car, left his behind head

of Paisley's demise. The bullet bullet The demise. Paisley's of

disposition of the severed severed the of disposition

that killed him entered his his entered him killed that

hands. hands.

essary if the body had been been had body the if essary

positively identified. To date, date, To identified. positively

the F.B.I. has not disclosed the the disclosed not has F.B.I. the Spokesmen for Federal agen- Federal for Spokesmen cies have refused to discuss discuss to refused have cies

procedure, seemingly unnec- seemingly procedure,

the reasons for this unusual unusual this for reasons the not known who had ordered ordered had who known not

hands were first severed (it is is (it severed first were hands

ginia, apparently on Mrs. Mrs. on apparently ginia,

this), and sent to the F.B.I. F.B.I. the to sent and this),

Paisley's instructions. But the the But instructions. Paisley's

funeral home in suburban Vir- suburban in home funeral

signed death certificate until until certificate death signed ley's was cremated a few days days few a cremated was ley's

ance. ance. following the autopsy at a a at autopsy the following

Oct. 20, 18 days after its issu- its after days 18 20, Oct.

O'Grady, an attorney for Mrs. Mrs. for attorney an O'Grady,

porters. porters. Paisley, did not receive the the receive not did Paisley, to discuss his findings with re- with findings his discuss to

mouth. The dentist has refused refused has dentist The mouth.

a dentist who had treated Pais- treated had who dentist a

plate removed from the body's body's the from removed plate

tified as his work an upper upper an work his as tified

ley was reported to have iden- have to reported was ley

apartment, it Is impossible to to impossible Is it apartment, longed to John Arthur Paisley. Paisley. Arthur John to longed

determine whether the "Jack "Jack the whether determine

Paisley" Paisley"

lifted from his boat, office or or office boat, his from lifted

wish to volunteer a set of his his of set a volunteer to wish

"Jack Paisley" was, would would was, Paisley" "Jack

ley's fingerprints were not not were fingerprints ley's

why Paisley, if that's who who that's if Paisley, why

fingerprints. If indeed Pais- indeed If fingerprints.

No reason has been given as to to as given been has reason No

given to the bureau by Paisley Paisley by bureau the to given

which had been voluntarily voluntarily been had which when lie was was lie when

the name of "Jack Paisley." Paisley." "Jack of name the

came up with a set of prints, prints, of set a with up came fingerprints were filed under under filed were fingerprints

lice said, on Oct. 19 the F.B.I. F.B.I. the 19 Oct. on said, lice

the C.I.A. have done so.) How- so.) done have C.I.A. the

ever, the Maryland State Po- State Maryland the ever,

known whether the F.B.I. or or F.B.I. the whether known

Also puzzling are the details details the are puzzling Also

The body identified as Pais- as identified body The

It appears that Terrence Terrence that appears It

Five days after the autopsy, autopsy, the after days Five

(Continued (Continued

fingerprints fingerprints

17 17

years old; the the old; years

on on

Page 60) 60) Page

be- be-

operator with the United Na- United the with operator

headed by Sweden's Count Count Sweden's by headed

Bernadotte, who, shortly shortly who, Bernadotte,

went to Palestine as a radio radio a as Palestine to went

signed up with with up signed tions peacemaking mission, mission, peacemaking tions

sources, it appears that Pais- that appears it sources, some years before he officially officially he before years some

sisted that Paisley never had had never Paisley that sisted

a variety of intelligence intelligence of variety a sions surrounding the C.I.A.'s C.I.A.'s the surrounding sions

characterization of Paisley's Paisley's of characterization

ley's covert activities began began activities covert ley's

links with the clandestine side. side. clandestine the with links

highly covert activities. From From activities. covert highly

headquarters in Langley in- Langley in headquarters

(D.D.O.). Spokesmen at C.I.A. C.I.A. at Spokesmen (D.D.O.). side," as distinct from the the from distinct as side,"

clandestine operators of the the of operators clandestine

Directorate of Operations Operations of Directorate

"black side," the realm of of realm the side," "black

This is the analysis side of the the of side analysis the is This C.I.A., the so-called "white "white so-called the C.I.A.,

which Is part of the Director- the of part Is which ate of Intelligence (D.D.1.). (D.D.1.). Intelligence of ate

post of deputy chief of the Of- the of chief deputy of post

and that he had reached the the reached had he that and

fice of Strategic Research, Research, Strategic of fice

'this an attempt to conceal the the conceal to attempt an 'this

agency from 1953 until his for- his until 1953 from agency

mal retirement in August 1979, 1979, August in retirement mal

were willing to say only that that only say to willing were

gone an "emotional crisis" crisis" "emotional an gone Paisley? C.I.A. spokesmen spokesmen C.I.A. Paisley? Paisley had worked for the the for worked had Paisley

that September weekend. weekend. September that

they say he may have under- have may he say they disappearance said that he he that said disappearance

templating suicide, although although suicide, templating

had given no "clues" of con- of "clues" no given had

whom he saw often before his his before often saw he whom

trist and a woman friend friend woman a and trist

even if there had been a find- a been had there if even

interviews, Paisley's psychia- Paisley's interviews, policies would have been made made been have would policies

ing of suicide. In newspaper newspaper In suicide. of ing family attorneys say that pay- that say attorneys family

fact of suicide? Paisley's Paisley's suicide? of fact

ments on his two insurance insurance two his on ments

body was weighted with diving diving with weighted was body

belts weighing 38 pounds. Was Was pounds. 38 weighing belts

cite it was. Also, Paisley's Paisley's Also, was. it cite

In 1998, at the age of 25, he he 25, of age the at 1998, In

This is one of many impreci- many of one is This

Who, then, was John Arthur Arthur John was then, Who,

the the C.I.A. C.I.A. serving as a consultant on the

Soviet military expenditures, Cy. It was a formidable group, sified materials on the Soviet

was the man who provided the perhaps more access than h

of "Team B." sified information had not designated as the coordinator

questioning by this reporter amine the papers there. and John Arthur Paisley was Military Economic Advisory documents, he brought "Team Union in the possession of him access to the highest clas- cialists advising the C.I.A. on United States intelligence - ments. Sometimes, because of the special sensitivity of the ended with his 1974 retire- B" placed him in an exceed- the C.I.A. had while working full time fo. ingly crucial position. It gave denied, however, that there and at his downtown Washing- but his assignment to "Team were classified "Team B" ma- bers recalled recently, Paisley lic, and acknowledged under to "Team 13," a fact that had team with top-secret docu- B" experts to Langley to ex- not heretofore been made pub- Panel, a group of outside spe- worked for a nationally known that, contrary to earlier asser- tions, Paisley's access to clas- firmed Paisley's assignment


found aboard Paisley's sloop terials among documents

ton office (since 1977, he had

The C.I.A. spokesman As one of the group's mem.

A C.I.A. spokesman has con-

Paisley had already been


This is in conflict with re- ants) and his apartment after his disappearance.

firm of public account-

ports from reliable intel-

sources. According to

ligence - community

1977 on the conclusions on the "Team B" exer-

them, Paisley had still

been working on a report

cise. The report sup-

to the press in January something of a Washing-

posedly concerned leaks

reached by "Team B,"

since the leaked version

outside panel took a much

ton scandal at the time,

Soviet strategic potential purported to show that the

more serious view of the

than the C.I.A. Again, with this material In Sep- there is no explanation as to what Paisley was doing

sloop was equipped with a

"burst transceiver," a

sources say that Paisley's

signals a minute on a

tember 1978.

mystery. of thousands of words or

radio device designed to

secret communication,

transmit and receive tens

preset frequency. Burst

C.I.A. and the National fect, scramblers for top- transceivers are, in ef-

normally used by the Security Agency, which is

ceive and decode, through

in charge of classified in- Government. They can re-

telligence communica- tions for the United States

lance satellites. tape transcripts, trans- missions from surveil-

But there is still another


supplied by the National

er, along with other com- Security Agency.) It ap- commercially. (One can- ever, are not available sloop by Mrs. Paisley and

munications gear, has

that the equipment was not rule out the possibility equipment had been

Burst transceivers, how-

equipment remains un- pears that the transceiv- been removed from the cated" radio equipment, taken to her home. The


issued by the agency.

have denied that the sion, C.I.A. consulting

Brillig carried "sophisti- over $50,000 annually, mitting that the sloop

wholly ruled out, motiva- happen to Paisley on the night of Sept. 23? Al-

children. was close to his two grown

health, and his family at- from his Government pen-

fees and his accountancy though suicide cannot be gence? tional clues are missing.

making efforts to mend faced financial problems. Paisley was in good their marriage. Paisley did Paisley attempt to lie had an income well torneys firmly deny he

diver's belts? Could Pais- promised by Soviet intelli- cause he had been com-

ley have killed himself be-

job. He and his wife were

the body by wearing the

prevent the discovery of

C.I.A. spokesmen, ad-

What, then, actually did

If suicide it was, why

some speculation that if

were there live shells on

pulled the trigger and why

say that Paisley's pro- Some intelligence experts and moved him to another

the boat? There has been whoever killed him cap- craft tured him on the Brillig,

Paisley was murdered, C.I.A.'s methods of ac-

found knowledge of the quiring and evaluating se-

cret data on Soviet nu- clear forces could make

stances. Numerous inter-

the K.G.B. But agency him an inviting target for

each other's operatives - except under the most ex- unwritten code of behav- people doubt this. It is an

suggestions as to why the ior that the C.I.A. and the K.G.B. do not murder

gence community offer no traordinary

ested in Paisley's death. views within the intelli-

question: Was it Paisley's

ing in Chesapeake Bay?

body that was found float-

K.G.B. would

gence wars that are invis- John Arthur Paisley. know, and we may never know, what happened to

have been the latest casu-

alty of the great intelli-

in some sense he may However he met his fate,

ibly waged around us. NI

If it was not suicide, who

There is, finally, this

In the end we do not


for the execution.



inter- The day Paisley (above). a 55-year-olci C.I.A. analyst, disappeared, he went sailing on his stoop, which carried radio equipment designed for top-secret transmissions.