1952 05 Fraternities
108 FRATERNITIES 109 ALPHA EPSILON PI First Row—Sandy Ackerman, Scribe; Cy Kaplowitz, Lt. Master; Don Cherr, Flamm, Dave Goodman, Steward. Third Row—Barry Seidel, Sgt-at-Arms, Dave Master; Dick Okonow, Exchequer. Second Row—Bob Goodman, George Schulman, Ted Zutz, House Mngr. Fourth Row—Sid Stein, Jack Frankfurt, Joel Chamlin, Leo Zuckerman, Member-at-large; Joe Glick, Corr. Scribe; Spike Seres, Leonard Rosenbaum, Jay Paul, Carl Goldenberg, Henri Bertuch, Ralph Fink, Alfred Isaacs, IFC Delegate; Mark Rappaport, Larry Cooperman, George Schwab. ALPHA TAU OMEGA First Row—Bill Walker, Alec Rogers, Harold Betts, Dick Hammond, Jim Randy Nichols, John Bauer, Jack Knapp, George Hammond, Bob Mackey, Scotton, Luke Broadway, Don Renshaw, Boh Taylor. Second Row—Don Ross Smith, Don Rittenhouse, Jay Steinover, Lenny Whann, Jim Baker, Vansant, Earl Walker, W. Usher; Dick Chappell, W. Scribe; Elbert Chance, Seward Jones. Fourth Row—Dyke Pollitt, John Pugh, Jack Elwell, Reds W. Chaplain; H. Clark MacWright, Worthy Master; Jim Cranston, W. K. of Pollitt, Tom Hopkins, Vaughan Fox, Bill Phillips, A1 MacWright, Bob Jamison, Exchequer; Russ Myers, W. K. of Annals; George Long, W. Sentinel; Jim Carl Schupp, Grant Lowe, Bill Atkinson, Ash Morland, Bill Harkins, Harvey McGraw. Third Row—Orion Schupp, Bob Hanby, Alden Bugher, Don Griffin, Renshaw. DELTA TAU DELTA First Row—Don Morton, Sharran Pepper, Orlin Anderson, Tom Phillips, Ed Wagner, Don Green, Walt Keithly, George Adkins, Ed Fogel, Jack Fair- Milligan, Willis Hoch. Second Row—Bob Starks, Treas.; Tom O'Donnell, child, Warren Beh, George Nagy, Rog Wyatt. Fifth Row—Bob King, George Pres.; Dean George Schuster, Faculty Member; Charlie Hann, V.
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