Heritage Tech Park Granted Extension

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Heritage Tech Park Granted Extension Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org Timely Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community In Litchfield County Vol. 44 No. 16 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $14.00 PF.R YFAR Car. Rl. P.S. PRICF. 35 CENTS April 20,g98r Nursing Assoc. Celebrates The Walcrtown Public Health bers for the agency specifically Heritage Tech Park Nursing Association, Inc. has have been invited to the function. scheduled two events next week A highlight of the evening, he to commemorate its 50 years of said, will be the presentation of an service to the Watertown.Oakvillc, award by Penny Mullen, current and Thomaston communities. board chairwoman, to Jessamine Granted Extension A cocklail party for invited Goemcr, M.D., for "her many Robert Middaugh explained at which granted site approval lo the guests has been slalcd for Mon- years of outstanding service" to r"niinril AnnrnvPS Monday night's Council meeting, Heritage Technology Park last day, April 24, from 5 to 8 p.m. at the organization. group time to August, had considered the re- theWPHNA's offices at 485 Main An open house for Ihe public at council Approves woul"develod Mov/p a tenanlh egrou t basep " before quest of Heritage to allow lhe fil- St. There will be an open bar and the agency has been set for Friday, Bond Delay, Map making costly improvements to ing of a subdivision map without hot and cold hors d'ouevres. April 28, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. the proposed 27-lot industrial the normal posting of the appro- W. Rcnnard Wicland, execu- Mr. Wicland said the occasion will Filing Measures subdivision on 130 acres off priate or required bonds. tive director of the nursing asso- give more townspeople an oppor- Bunker Hill Road and Straits David Minnich, assistant town ciation, said former board mem- (Continucd on page 12) The Republican majority on the Turnpike. manager and finance director, said Town Council has backed a plan However, the two Council generally 15 percent of all public allowing the Heritage Corporate Democrats in attendance voted improvements is paid in a cash Development Group to file a sub- against the concept, with Eric bond at the start. division map with zoningofficials Palladino citing the approval as a Instead of posting the bonds, for its controversial technology "dangerous precedent." Mr. Middaugh continued, Heri- park without first posting bonds. Mr. Middaugh said the Plan- tage agreed to put a provision in The action. Town Manager ning and Zoning Commission, the land record that would restrict the development group from sell- ing any lots or building any of the Echo Lake Not Available improvements without first post- ing the necessary bonds. He said This Summer; Water Poor Heritage was ncaring an expira- tion date on site plan approval, Three of the community's and cleaned out," thedirector said. and in effect would have to start major bodies of water arc being Echo Lake closed early last all over again with the zoning affected this year by outside forces summer because of water prob- board. that will shut down one of them lems. A snake biting also was completely, clean up another, and reported from that location. "They're deathly afraid of going back to planning and zon- possibly have hours curtailed at a Mr. Slepanek said the water ing" if the site map deadline runs third. quality has worsened in recent out, Mr. Middaugh said. "They've It was disclosed this week clar- years because of runoff and silting really taken a beating from the UP WENT THE BALLOONS during a spirited launching Friday ity-plagued Echo Lake will not from developmentsupstream. Last commission."Heritage'sthirdand morning by the students at Polk School to commemorate the official open this summer asarecrcational August the murky water was a no- final extension for approval ex- groundbreaking for the $8 million renovation and expansion project. swimming site, nor as a picnic ticeable brown color. pires in May. (Valuckas Photo) area, because of problems with Ithadbeen considcredkeeping keeping the water clean. the beach and picnic tables oper- The town manager said the Land OffHinman Rd. Gets 'The water quality has progres- ating for sun tanners and lunch time situation is "unique," as the town sively been getting worse" at the snackers, but Mr. Stepanek said never has dealt with an industrial Council Support For Field lake, said Donald Stepanek, parks the police advised against it be- park proposal this large before. and recreation director. Further- cause they felt it would be impos- The bond waiver would give Heri- The Walerlown-Oakville Little of about 5 acres of town-owned more, tougher stale Department sible to keep people out of the tage time to market Ihe property League will get another area in an land between Hinman Road and of Environmental Protection regu- outskirt portion of town to use as Charter Oak Drive in the north- lations regarding the use of chemi- (Continued on page 10) (Continued on page 12) a ballficld following unanimous west part of ihe community. The cals to help purify the water there action by the Town Council parcel is across from Mount Ol- have made efforts fruitless. Monday night. ivet Cemetery. Mr. Stepanek said attendance SSND Nun Chosen Order's The Council in an 8-0 vole Town Manager Robert Mid- at the swimming area off Ice House authorized the town administra- daugh informed the board the Road has been off in recent years. Newest Provincial Leader tion to enter into a lease agree- Parks and Recreation Commis- "It probably needs to be dredged Sister Barbara Valuckas of ment with the league for sole use sion had reviewed the request by Yonkers, N.Y., School Sisters of the Little League to have the land Survivors Of Notre Dame (SSND) and formerly Inside utilized, and the commission sub- ofWatertown.recently was elected ilehemNews 22& 23 sequently recommended to the Death Camp the new provincial leader for the )7,31A36 administration the league be al- Wilton Province during special lowed to develop the parcel. Will Speak tl-'lahertv _ Two survivors of the Sobibor deliberations April 3 to 7 at the Mr. Middaugh said the league SSND headquarters in Wilton. («/?eC/«*.-......:.....::..;,..-.jo death camp in Poland who es- endor...... .... 24 has agreed to finance the cost of One of the provincial counsel- c constructing the field, so there will caped in October of 1943, Chaim urches.J.-...::. .,-.8 and Sclma Engel, will speak on ors since 1985, she will serve a -U&35 be no direct expense to the town. four-year term as chief executive Councilman Jan Wivestad said their experiences Tuesday, April :ilul 2>>&2I 25, at 7:45 p.m. at the Taft School, officer of the 563 Catholic sisters ..rltt.Us .1 the parcel once before had been in the province, which covers a tabbed for a ballfield, but there 110 Woodbury Road. •:Pk:copo:;..:j...^:.:...^..:.v,...7 In the spring of 1943, Selma northeast portion of the United was strong objections from the States and many overseas mis- •tl(ow!aniL....^.:^.:,.,.:l....36 Wijnbergwasamongsome90,000 neighborhood residents to locat- sions. Sister Barbara, 50, will alNotices _ 3S&36 ingone in the residential area there. Dutch Jews deponed to Sobibor. en.. 4 It was there she met Chaim Engel, succeed Sister Catherine O'Don- Hesaid the property owners should nell, provincial leader since 1981. be notified of the impending field aPolishJewwho already had been U development. in the camp for seven months. He "It is a privilege lo serve the dynamic women of the Wilton 4 tot, taught her how to survive, and in Councilman Stephen Robey Province," Sister Barbara said in Sister Barbara Valuckas said he believes most if not all the October of 1943, in the largest Kluiur. .....14 inmate revolt of the war.both were Unking her administrative role to The school sisters of the prov- residents who opposed the field the service the sisters render. "It is 'ingNevi : some nine years ago have moved among 300 Jews who escaped and ince do educational, pastoral, and survived in hiding before being a way of contributing to the needs cute 33 away. social service work in New Eng- liberated by the Soviet Army. of the people in many parts of the "I don't see how we can allow land, New York, and New Jersey, The pair married in 1957 and United States and in our missions and they also have missions in Budget* U&33 an interest group to affect the overseas." (Continued on page 12) came to the United States. They (Continued on page 10) reside in Connecticut. Page 2 Town TimePropertys (Watertown, Conn.) Apri ofl 20, 198the9 Watertown Historical Society restricted to a Watertown High are renewable for four years if Grinder Supper "Advances in Diabetes Care." The 3 Scholarships School graduate, while seniors academic standards are maintained The Oakville-Watertown Jun- program is free to the public. attending any secondary school in college or other institutions of ior Diablos Drum Corps will be Refreshments will be served. By Foundation are eligiblwatertownhistoricalsociety.orge to apply for the other higher learning. HC Dance-A-Thon High schools seniors in Water- sponsoring a Grinder Supper two. Applications are available at Thursday, April 27, from 5 to 7 Holy Cross High School will town or Oakville may apply for All scholarships are granted on the Watertown High School Guid- scholarships through the Water- p.m. at Swift Junior High School, hold a Dance-A-Thon, sponsored the basis of academic achieve- ance Department, 324 French SL, Colonial Street, Oakville. by the school newspaper, the Cross town Foundation, announced ment, financial need,and outstand- or by calling Virginia Slavin at President Roberta Czarsty.
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