The Signal, Vol. 62, No. 5 (November 21, 1947)
STATE SIGNAL '36,' 37,' 33,'4 1, '44,'45, '46 C. S. P. A. Medalist '33/34, STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE AT TRENTON, NEW JERSEY OL. LX II. No. 5 VELL! WELL! WOODIES WORKING— Annual Thanksgiving Of French AmbaWifessad or Here Service November 24 To-day; Many Guests PresentJFor Talk Madame Bonnet To Speak On Dr. Wicks To Speak, Theta Phi Condition of France Today; To Make Annual Presentation Dignitaries To Extend Welcome of Food Madame Henri Bonnet, the wife of Dr. Robert R. Wicks, formerly Dean the Ambassador of France to the of Princeton University Chapel, will United States, is the guest-speaker for speak at the annual Thanksgiving- Friday. November 21, at 10:45 a. m., service on November 25. The pro in the large auditorium. gram also includes the reading of the "President's Proclamation" by Presi There will be several, invited guests. dent Roscoe L. West and three an Brigadier-General James 1. Bowers, thems by the college choir, "Prayer of representing Governor Alfred E. Dris- Thanksgiving," Kremerr "God Be coll, will welcome Madame Bonnet to Merciful Unto Us," Bernschein, and the State of New Jersey. Dr. John "Lift Up Your Hearts, Sing Ye," Bosshart, State Commissioner of Edu Gretchanoff. cation, will give the greeting of the The Thanksgiving offering for the State Department of Education repre needy families of Lanning School, sentatives from Princeton and Rutgers which is sponsored annually by Theta Universities and other prominent per Phi Sorority, will be presented by Jane sons will be present. Everett, Mary Belleville, Colleen Cic- Reproductions of the works of sev cione and Bette Blauvelt.
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