1950-06-29, [P ]
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<4 The tTriion County Journal Hat By Far The Largest Circulation of Any Paper in Union County Jo 1 urn cd Prin tingr ifi w la Always 1 ®bc Union Bonnin ^onfnnl Y'i-rtn printing Published Semi-Weekly in the Best Interests of Union County I VOLUME LXXL NO. 9 MARYSVILLE. OHIO JUNE 29. 1950 Price Per Copy Five Cents .. - -,. i. i - ..............................——« LEGION POST COMPLETES PLANS FOR JULY 4TH ★ ★ ★ Compensation Liberty Bell Replica Due Payments $10,570 During May J 05 Claiments Get To Be Location Copper cloaked history will Average of 123.94 come to town Friday in the form of a full-scale replica of the Lib Weekly# Figure Falling erty Bell which is here to stimu Weekly average of 105 persons late the sale of United States in the Marysville area received a For Annual Affair Savings Bonds and help Union total of SI0,570 in unemployment County attain its $72,000 Inde compensation during May, Carl pendence Savings Bonds Drive F. Rogers, manager qf the local quota. Ohio State Employment Office Talent Show ,Queen, The good people of Philadel stated today. > phia who ordered the original This is considerable less than Liberty Bell wouldn’t be able to the number that has been draw Baseball, Boving, Fireworks tell this bell from the one that ing compensation last winter and rang out their freedom on July 4, 1776. early this spring. Mr. Rogers said To on Program. The Liberty Bell coming to Ma There is reason to believe that rysville is one of the 52 exact this upward trend will continue > copies of the Liberty Bell that the this summer, he added. Total payments include both Plans are being completed for the annual Legion Savings Bonds Division of the Fourth of July celebration to be held at the Fair Treasury Department put on tour claiments drawing benefits under to remind the nation that thrift both Ohio law and veterans eli grounds Tuesday. is a cornerstone of Independence. gible for servicemen’s readjust Highlights of the day, both afternoon and evening, These bell will ring out the mes ment allowance under the G. I. will include a talent show, presentation of the queer^ sage “Save for your Independ Bill of Rights, Mr. Rogers stated. Miss Luella Kramer, a member of the Merry Millcreek Maid ence’’ during the drive period Those drawing benefits under ens 4-H club, was chosen as queen of the American Legion Fourth baseball game, boxing show, and fireworks. May 15 through July 4. Ohio law received SI0,410 of the of July celebration during the Legion meeting Monday evening. The talent show will be a variety program of 18 L. J. Wall, chairman of the shocked at the breath-taking of American ideals. After the total. Of this amount $735 was in She is shown here (left) being congratulated by Joe Morse, Le different acts. It is scheduled to begin at 12 noon. Ac* Union Savings Bonds Volunteer beauty of the bell as it appears tour of Ohio, Secretary of the dependency allowances received' gion commander, and Mary Alice Howard, a member of the Committee in charge of the bell’s on the Public Square. It is so Treasury John W. Snyder will by claimants who wore eligible queen's ccurL. cording to Gene Smith, publicity co-chairman, a varied appearance here, called the bell beautiful that the people who present it to the people of the for such payments. group of numbers has been lined a "latter day twin of the original” crowd around it forget that it slate for permanent exhibit. Under the revised Ohio law, up and an entertaining show will and said, “It differs from the was mounted very simply on a The voice of the bell will be claimants may draw S2.10 each be provided. shrine in Philadelphia in only decorated Ford truck. heard several times during the week for each child under 18 Just after the presentation of two respects. It is a good deal The bell, Which is one of 52 day. It’s voice is deep and rich. years of age. They may not, how the queen and her court at 1:30 younger, and whole.” donated by America’s copper- “Everyone is invited to see our ever, claim more than two de p. m. there will be short mem The bells were constructed in producing companies, impressed bell” Chairman Wall said and pendants. orial services with the Rev, Hugh. Annecy, France, under the super everyone with.its size. It weighs added, “they will find it an in May compensation payments Price at chaplain. An aerial vision of Arthur L. Bigelow, pro over 2000 pounds and measures spiring sight” brought the total benefits paid flag will be fired during the pro fessor of engineering at Prince three feet from the lip over the “We sincerely hope that the through the local office to $79,- gram. ton University and one of the crown. bell’s appearance in Marysville 546.50 since Jan. 1. The* average Queen to be Presented world’s foremost bellmasters. Bellmasters claim that the bell, will encourage our citizens to weekly check paid to claimants At 1:30 p. m. Luella Kra Millions of Americans will hear which is more than eighty per buy Savings Bonds in order to here was $23.94, Mr. Rogers add A mer, a member of the Merry how the original bell founded. cent copper, will last for centur further their plans for a finan ed. Millcreek Maidens 4-H Club, who First onlookers will be almost ies and be a permanent reminder cially independent future.” was elected queen of the entire program and her court will be presented to the public. Miss Marysville TrucEer Playground Ir Kramer was chosen on the basis Involved in Wreck Temperature in May Ranges From of her 4-H Club record, vote of J the Legion members, and the Popular Place Fatal to Man, Wife 30 io 88 Degrees; Rain Below Normal votes of four out-of-town judges Two Columbus people were Attendance at the Rainbow at the regular Legion meeting killed Tuesday when their car Temperature during the month .59; May 23, .06; and May 31, .26. Memorial Playgrounds this year Monday night. collided with a semi-truck driv of May dropped below the freez S’ g is even greater than last year, Judges for the contest includ ing point only once, when it hit 3 3 3 3 a Miss Clara J. Westlake, super ed Bea Hartell, assistant home en by Harold Jackson, Marys 1 ville, on Route 16 near Newark. 30 degrees on May 8, according E § C.E c .i visor, reported this week. demonstration agent from Lo to the records of Russell S. a c « X .£ Despite the fact that rain and gan County; Dorothy Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Leon S. McKnight s CO turned into the path of Jackson’s Banks, local observer for the s s S3 X wet grounds have kept crowds be from the Vogue School of Mod Federal truck and Mrs. McKnight United State Weather Bureau. 1917 .... 85 30 54 65 43 4.83 low normal much of the time the eling in Columbus; Howard was killed instantly. Mr. Mc Highest temperature of the 1918 .... 88 33 65 78 53 6.24 average day will see more than Hauck, Columbus Dispatch; and Knight died two hours later in a month was recorded on May 25 1919 .... 89 36 67 68 46 4.64 70 children using the facilities George Hicks, Columbus Citizen* Newark hospital. when the mercury rose to 88 de 1920 .... 84 30 67 69 42 2.85 there, Miss Westlake estimated. The judges’ votes counted one- Largest attendance of the year Jackson was released after grees. The mean monthly temper 1921 .... 90 33f 61 72. 51 2.91 third of the total points for each ature was 62 degrees. 1922 .... 85 36 63 75 52 6.42 has been 125 with 50 or 60 on the girl with the girls’ record and questioning by police and his grounds during the poorer days. semi-trailer load of steel was Despite the fact that rain fell 1923 .... 85 31 67 70 47 3.76 The 4-H Club Fourth of July queen and her court are pictured here. From left to right are the vote of the Legion making up during the first six days of the 1924 .... 83 31, .53 64 43 3.68 No new equipment has been add Miss Belva Mae Knedler, Miss Janet Laird, Miss M ary Carson, Queen Luella Kramer, Miss Mary the other third. taken in tow by Phil Clemans, ed to the playground facilities Milford Center trucker. month rainfall totaled only 2.84 1925 .... 87 28 55 70 40 2.63 Alice Howard, Miss Norma McGinnis and Miss Mary Alice Mullaney. Member of the queen’s court inches. This was .70 of an inch 1926 .... 87 32 60 75 45 1.96 this year although several small include Mary Alice Mullaney, below the 34-year average for the 1927 .... 85 34 60 70 65 5.45 games and other minor article^ Fire Causes Slight Raymond; Mary Alice Howard, Softball Game ’■ month of May, which is 3.54 inch 1928 85 32 59 72 46 1.60 have been purchased. Milford Center; Janet Laird, es. Days on which rain fell were 1929 .... 87 32 58 70 47 5.95 Croquet matches are being held Damage on Monday Supreme Court Upholds Richwood Magnetic Springs; Belva May The Byhalia Grange softball each week and winners so far in team will meet the American Le as follows: 1930 ...