Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org TTovoThen Woterlown. Ookviite Weekly Timely Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community In Litchfield County VOL, 30, NO, 13 Subscription Price $6.00 Per Year PRICE IS CENTS APRIL 1, 1976 EDITORIAL At Watertown High Mrs, Rosalie Loughran has come out with one of the most sensible statements concerning the Police Depart- ment election contributions mess that we've heard Decision Due Soon since the story broke some weeks ago. The Republican Town Chairman was quoted In an area paper last weekend to the effect that there's been enough said in the media on the matter, and a conclu- sion as to possible wrong-doing should be made by the On Accreditation proper authorities, who now are investigating, A recommendation thai Some comments made by some politicians recently Walertown High be granted a Board9Teachers Finally five-year aceredtlaUon and eon- make it sound like they're in the closing days of a hard- Untied membership in the New fought campaign for reelection. Or perhaps they're just England Association of Schools off and running a little early this year. Agree On Two-Year Pact and Colleges. Inc (NEA8C) will We'd like to make just a couple of comments, and be acted upon nest month. then we'll leave a decision up to the proper authorities. The terms of the two-year con- the governing body has 30 days to In a letter forwarded to First, there have been cries of political cover-up aim- tract ratified Monday by the make a decision on it one way or Superlntendcm of Schools James teachers and Board of Education another. If none is reached, it Q HoliRan last week, the ed at the Democrat-controlled Board of Police Com- will be released to the public to- automatically becomes effec- NKASC's Commission on Public missioners. We have to point out that it was Chairman day (Thursday), a day after the tive. Schools announced it voted in Armand Mark-Anthony, Jr., a Democrat, who urged document received the official About 6© per cent of the 250 March to recommend an ac- most strongly that the matter be turned over to the consent of the Board, teachers in the system voted to creditation through 1580 to the State's Attorney for investigation. He originally was The settlement brings to an approve the contract at a special association's executive com- end a 13-month dispute between meeting Monday at the high mittee, overruled by a 2-1 vote, with one Republican and one Board and teachers, marred by a school. Meeting in executive ses- Daniel S. Maloncy, associate Democrat against him. That hardly looks like a week-long strike in September sion that night, the Board un- director of evaluation for the Democrat coverup. when 230 teachers walked off the animously gave its consent lo the commission, said the executive After some more maneuvering during which job. two-year pact, and signed the committee will lake up the Democrat Mark-Anthony again attempted to have the The new contract, which ex- agreement last night at the recommendation at its May II-14 tends until Aug. 31,1877, calls for Board office. meeting, and subsequently in- "matter referred to the State's Attorney, and secured the no pay increases during the first Mr. Pouiin said the Board form Uie superintendent of its support of the Democrat-control!e3 Town Council, the year of the pact outside of the "felt it was a very reasonable decision. Police Commission voted to turn the probe over to the normal length-of-service in- and fair settlement from the Watertown High'i current 10- State Elections Commission, through TownrAtforney crements, a provision "nobody teachers' standpoint, and for the year accreditation-runs oul this Charles Stauffacher, a Democrat. (Board, teachers) has taken taxpayers of the community," year, but Mr. flollgan pointed issue with," Board Chairman Superintendent of Schools out 10-year extensions by the Next the cry came out that Atty, Stauffacher cannot Donald Pouiin stated. James Q, Holigan reported the NEASC are seldom given today, be impartial because of his party affiliation, and The second year provides for a dental rider insurance plan will and five-year accreditation are because he has been a "big" contributor to the monetary increase of 5,85 per (Continued on Page 201 (Continued on I'agp 20) Democrat Party; and further, that the State Elections cent above normal Increments, Commission can't be impartial because of the state's Of that total, about 4.5 per cent is attributed to wages, and the rest, Democrat administration. approximately 1,3 per cent, "is Eastern Star Installs Anyone who knows Atty, Stauffacher will have to basically the dental rider," the agree that the charges against him are ridiculous, If Board chairman said. Mrs, Navickas Mr, Cook there is one Democrat we would want to see investigate Besides the dental plan and f fellow Democrats, it would have to be him. We feel his new money Increases, the con- Mrs, Sueanne Navickas was In- Marylin S Curry, Matron; Nor- tract also contains a seniority stalled as Worthy Matron and man Curry, Patron; Jeanelte integrity is beyond reproach. provision, Mr, Poulln said small Raymond Cook as Worthy Favnle, Jr , Marshal, A, As far as the State Elections Commission is concern- language clarifications on minor Patron of Watertown Chapter, Dorothy Shaw, Chaplain, and ed, it now has two Republican, one Democrat and one items were also made. No, 06, Order of Eastern Star, in Dorothy Godiu, Assistant independent member, with one vacancy. And despite The only other alteration of ceremonies last Saturday at the Marshal. claims to the contrary, the Commission has all the significance is for personal days. Masonic Temple, 175 Main St. Other officers installed were: They remain at three, but "some installing officers were; sContinued on Pagi' 201 powers required to investigate any accusations made to of the parameters have been date. changed," Mr. Pouiin remarked. We feel the people of Watertown can be assured that The contract will be submitted the investigation to be undertaken will be thorough and to the Town Council today, and complete. 'Nuff said. Flood Project Signing Here Taft To Present Yale Saturday The first phase of a $907,000 Russian Chorus Apr. 6 stream restoration project in The world famous Yale Rus- from a ghetto church in New Northwest Connecticut will get sian Chorus will present a con- Haven to the great Cave under way April 3. Saturday, cert of traditional Russian Monastery in Kiev, The Yale when a local agreement is signed liturgical and folk music at Taft Russian Chorus is planning a in Watertown by town. State, and School's Bingham Auditorium on seventh trip to the USSR for the federal officials. Tuesday, April 6 beginning at 8 spring of 1977, Congressman Toby Moffett p.m. Sponsored by the Alfred Boasting an extensive reper- (D-6th District) will participate Hart Series, admission to the toire, an audience might expect in the 3 p.m., Town Hall Annex concert is free to the public. to hear stirring Russian and signing of the project agree- Recently returning from a East European folk songs such ment, which will obligate $185,. successful trip to the Southern as "Kalinka," "The Legend of 000 to be spent in Watertown United States and singing in Tex- the Twelve Brigands," and "Ne almost immediately. as, New Orleans, Atlanta, Sedi Jemo;" operatic excerpts The principal architect and ad- Chapel Hill, and Williamsburg, such as Shaporin's "Za ministrator of the federally- the Yale Russian Chorus will Dunayenv," and the beautiful funded project, Robert G. present its third concert in and complex music of the Rus- Halstead, State conservationist Watertown since its founding in sian Orthodox Church, such as for the federal Soil Conservation 1954 by Denis Miekiewicz, a the traditional "Blazhen Muzh," Service, (SCS), will also attend Latvian-born music student who and Bortniansky's "Tebe Boga the signing, representing the had an intense interest in Rus- Xvalim." U.S. Department of Agriculture. sian culture. Current membership in the Rep. Moffett said the SCS The Chorus today is acclaimed Chorus in diverse, including un- "will contract with local firms to as a leading male a capella dergraduates, graduate students rebuild and secure stream beds ensemble, and a forceful and faculty of Yale, and and banks ravaged by the severe MRS. SUEANNE NAVICKAS, Worthy Matron, and Raymond medium for cultural exchange, residents of the New Haven com- flooding last September, and by Cook, Worthy Patron, were installed by Watertown Chapter, No, The Chorus as sung and talked . munity. Recently, one of the later storms," 96, Order of Eastern Star, in ceremonies at the Masonic Temple from San Francisco to Moscow, (Continued on Page 20) (Continued on Page 20) last weekend. Page 2 Town Times (Watertown, Conn.), April 1, 1976 Company Honors trict off let in the salt of mutual president's trophy by Edwin funds in 1975 by John Hancock Mali, president and chief Gareth Gelinas Mutual Lift Insurance Co. operittons officer, Gareth S, Gelinas, district Mr, Gelinas is a resident of m Property of the WatertownTh1 Illes AnsonirftiloUlllas districyi9U itftc officw*l»^%Historicale- ha••*•*s* «aiwvn tji yvHiwff, •«.-«•- Society- -^* been honored as the leading dlsdi - manager, was preinted the Cutler St, watertownhistoricalsociety.orgTHE COOKIE CORNER at Union Square, Southbury 264-0600 Oven 60 Uaiietfeft „> *. «„«» and dietetic cookies. All made with BUTTER and the finest ingredients. Our dietetic are made without Sugar or Salt, but still delicious. Come in and sampled KINDERGARTEN CHILDREN at South School recently watched the "harvesting" of their classroom vegetable gardens, with visiting instructor Mrs, Judi Toumier.
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