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Texas Chainsaw Priyanka’s reel

THE TIMES OF INDIA Massacre leaves proposal: Mujhse Saturday, Jessica Biel silent Shaadi Karoge? Sex park doubles village’s birth rate November 1, 2003 W here there’ s a will, the - ation as a location where Page 7 Page 8 re’s a way. Corneliu Olar, lovers frequented and inc- the mayor of Horea in Ro- ludes facilities suited for mania, has doubl- romantic dinners, ed the birth rate soothing music in his villa g e by and phones for er- constructing a otic calls . T he pa - sex-theme park — rk offers various Olar’s V alle y of methods to get co- H appiness. uples in the mood T he site was ch - —and that is what osen for its r e p u t - finall y counts.

OF INDIA RAPE, POLLS? OFFICIAL SOLUTION: SHUT BARS AT 11 PM! ARUN KUMAR DAS echoes a predictable trend: w henever a inter n a tional f lights ar rive la te a t night. ber of esta b lishments with licensed bars Times News Network high-profile crime is committed, the aut - The forced closure of bars at 11 pm by police and excise officials, apparently to H aving to c lose our bar a t 11 pm means pay an additional annual f ee (Rs 3 lakh in horities o verlook the primary issue and enforce the law after the recent rape of a Swiss diplomat & ensure mishap-free that we turn aw ay a large number of cus- the case of restaurants and Rs 4.25 lakh Swiss diplomat has alr ead y suf fe- divert their attention to seemingly unrel- assembly elections, amounts to handcuffing an entire city without justification tomers.Business is af fected, b ut tha t’s in the case of hotels) to r emain open till 1 red rape because of the lax secur - ated issues inconveniencing innocent cit- the way it is,’’says a senior e xecutive at a am as per provisions in the Delhi Liquor Aity in the city.N o w ,Delhi at large izens.If anything,the drive has allo w ed fi v e-star hotel. A d ds the o wner of a hotel Licence Rules,1976, based on the Punjab is being victimised because of the warp- cops on the take to make a f ast b u c k b y UNWARRANTED ACTION at CP,‘‘Business at bars picks up late in E x cise Act, 1914. In this conte xt, there ed sense of law and order of the pow er s- granting a concession to hotels and rest- the e v ening but the police is so strict tha t ar e reports ofof ficials on the tak e allo w -

tha t-be . E v en as pr essure mounts on the aurants which grease their palms. customers need to place their last or der ing bars to slip in e xtr a time after 11 pm.

men in khaki to bring the rapists to book, Psychia trist Sanjay Chugh, M D,drives at 10 pm — an hour before shut-down. ’’ S a y s D w i v edi, ‘‘Action will be initia ted if

the Delhi Police and e xcise de par tment home the point: ‘‘R a pe is trig g er ed of f b y If hotelier s ar e cr ying f oul, it is not wi - cor ruption by police of ficials comes to the criminal instincts of inherentl y sic k thout r eason. Still, both police and e xcise “ The police is enforcing bar “ minds; it has nothing to do with alcohol of ficials ar e insistent on their ne wf ound Rape is triggered off by the timings specified in licence permits and bar timings.And this is bor ne out by de v otion to r ules.In the words of excise criminal instincts of pathologically on account of the assembly polls facts .T he r ecent high-profile cases of ra- commissioner Ranbir Singh, ‘‘T his joint sick minds; it has nothing to do “ pe in the city — lik e numerous others bef - drive is being conducted with the police. “ and the Swiss diplomat’s rape ore them — have not been committed by I convened a meeting of hotelier s to seek with alcohol and bar timings — joint commissioner of police Maxwell Pereira persons high on alcohol, but criminals their cooperation in enf or cing bar timin- — psychiatrist Sanjay Chugh, MD with a heinous mindset. T here is no justi - gs .’’ A dds joint commissioner of police ar e going around town shutting down ba- fica tion to cor rela te rape and bar timin- Maxwell P er eir a:‘‘T he police is enf or ci- our notice.T he pur pose of enf or cing bar rs a t hotels and r estaurants a t 11 pm, ost - gs.As for the 11 pm deadline,w hat law- ng bar timings specified in licence per m - timings is not to har ass anybody.’’ ensibly because this measure will help tr - and-order problem can arise after 11 pm its on account of the assembly polls and Unfortunatel y,the of ficial action — al - ack down the absconding rapists . T his , w hich can’t occur bef or e 11 pm?’ ’ the Swiss diplomat’s rape.’’According to though it pur por ts to be in sync with the w hen an of fence such as rape which can Still, nearabout 4,000 esta b lishments, DCP (licensing) GC Dwivedi, ‘‘If bars re- letter of the la w — g oes a g ainst the spir - only be committed by a patholo gicall y he - including 48 hotels and 146 licensed bar s, mained open beyond stipulated hours till it of a liber al society.T his amounts to a inous mind has absolutely nothing to do ar e being f or ced to down shutters by 11 n o w ,the y did so ille g all y.T he police is ju - lump in the throat. And Delhi refuses to with the consumption of alcohol and bar pm even as innocent people are prevent- st enforcing timings —nothing more.’’ sw allo w it. timings.T he current drive, once again, ed from enjoying a drink at bars.‘‘Many It must be mentioned that a lar g e nu m- [email protected] NEELABH MANOJ KESHARWANI ALLEN O’BRIEN taken around the equator of Times News Network the moon. T he intention of India is almost over the moon! this stud y is to ma p the surf - ne ste p f or man, a giant Experts forecast that an Indian spacecraft could land on the lunar surface by 2008 ace of the moon.’’ Olea p for mankind. Such In September 2002, India is the enor mity of humans is being made at a r apid r a - NEELABH handran,‘ ‘T his pr oject will successfully launched its fir - landing on the moon. Ameri- te,’’ISRO PRO Ramachandr- electrify the na tion and sho w st wea ther sa tellite ,w hic h sh - ca’ s Neil A r mstrong was the an, ‘‘A special committee wh - the world that India is ca p a b - ould allow a more accurate first, China’s Yang Liwei is ic h will dr aw up a ne w estim- le of taking up complex proj- pr ediction of cyclones and st - the la test. Closer home,with ate of the situa tion has been ects a t the cutting edg e ofsp- or m s .In line with this pr o g r- technology constantly scali - constituted and approved by ace r esearch.’’ ess,it would be natural to ex- ng g reater heights, it might the g ov er nment. As of now, T he pr oject in question is pect tha t India will soon e x e- not be long bef or e India sen - w e are optimistic tha t,by estimated to cost Rs 3.5 billi - cute a lunar mission. Says K ds a spacecraft to the moon. 2008, India will be up there on on and the plan envisa ges se - Krishnamurthy,P RO direct- After year s of research in th- the moon.’’ nding a 250-kg remote-sensi- or, ISRO , ‘‘A lunar mission is r eg ar d b y scientists a t the As f ar as the potential of ng sa tellite w hic h will be lau - can provide impetus to the Indian Space Research Orga- this lunar mission goes, ele- nched by India’ s indig enous- development of science in In - nisation (ISRO) in Bang alor e, mentary analysis indica tes ly-developed PSLV.W hile the dia and, possibly,a new dime- a mission to the moon is no tha t India’ s P olar Satellite pr oject aims to e xplore the nsion to g lobal cooperation. ’’ longer a distant dr eam. Launch V ehicle (PSLV) is ca - surf ace of the moon, R amac- That,of course,m a kes for an ‘‘It is no long er g oing to be pable of sending a spacecraft handran explains,‘‘Most lun- out-of-the-world f eeling! a tedious wait since pr o g ress to the moon. Infor ms Ramac- SPACE RACE ar missions have been under- [email protected] The changing face of stars Actors change their appearance to bring realism to roles NIKITA DOVAL Adarsh, ‘‘Today’s audience Times News Network has becoming very discer ning and inconsistencies which ealism is the b uzz word — w er e acce pted earlier ar e pin - Rand not just in the case of pointed today.’’ A dds Dino, film scripts . S o , Boll y wood’s ‘‘Unless one is tr ue to the c h a - star s ar e out to look the par t. racter one por trays,h ow will T he winds of change are bl- authenticity come in?’’ owing. Aamir As for Mani- Khan, for his NEW HORIZONS sha, she r efus - portr a y al of es to divulge Mangal Pand- w hether she ey in 1857: T he had the shape Rising, has g r- of her nose alt - own his hair er ed to pla y the long and tur n - late PM: ‘‘One’s ed vegetarian portr ayal has —because pig to be convinci - fat-laced car tr- n g , looks are idg es spark ed Kareena Kapoor secondary.’’ off the mutiny. F or Hrithik Aamir wants R oshan, how ev- to g et the f eeli - er, looks were ngs of revolt as important as HIP, HIP, HURRAY! Delhi Times catches the confidence of Roshni Chopra as the just right. the por trayal of new face of TV cricket coverage shows what it takes to be game for a sporting Manisha Ko- R ohit in K oi... encounter (To send this photograph to a friend, log on to www.timescity.com/delhi/) ir ala has r epo - Mil Gaya. ‘‘I rtedly underg- w ore braces one plastic sur - and lost 8 kg . I gery on her no- Sanjay Dutt even had to c h - Cricket bowls Roshni over! se to look more ang e m y voice like Indir a Ga - and weaken it VINOD NAIR soon enough, I was on TV!’’ T he Guru with Jimmy Mis- ndhi f or Indira to suit the c h a r - Times News Network Of course,being an avid cri - tr y and the sta ge pr oductio- Gandhi: A T ry- acter.’’ ck et b uf f,R oshni isn’t going ns of V ivek Mansookhani, st W ith Destiny. Director Raj he’ s g ot the look. She’s to be left stumped while on Sita R aina, B u b bles Sa bhar- Dino Morea is K a n w ar has Sg ot the a ttitude. Better air. ‘‘For the show , I act as wal, Lushin Dubey and A s h - losing weight the final wor d still, she’s having a ball! Me - the link between the questi - ley Lobo.’’Besides,she is set in ad dition to on the issue of et Roshni Chopra, the new to hit the silv er scr een wi- sporting a dif f- realism. ‘‘Look- Manisha Koirala pr etty f ace on T V ’s cric k et MAIDEN WICKET th Enjoy. erent hairdo to ing the par t is coverage after Mandira But in the cur rent cont - look the par t of a psychotic impor tant because this g oes a Bedi caught attention dur- ons of vie w er s and our pan- ext, it is cric k et w hic h occu- wife-beater in R akht,K areena long way in esta b lishing the ing the W or ld Cup. el of experts .T he job is fun!’ ’ pies Roshni’s a ttention. A s K apoor is dec k ed up in g arish authenticity of a char acter.’’ ‘‘One day,Charu Sharm a A Modern School alumn- the lad y her selfsays,‘‘I’m m a ke-up to look the par t ofa Simply put, looking dif fer e- called me and asked wheth- us with a master’s de gree in alw ays game for cric k et.’’ streetwalker in Chameli,and nt now is no long er a w ay of er I would be the co-host on media and communications Well, that’ s w h a t it tak es to Sanjay Dutt, w ho plays a mi - getting noticed — it’s a w ay of the show ,’’ recalls Roshni, from the University of L e e - bowl everyone over! nd-r eader in R udraksh,w ears life f or actor s.After all, tha t’s ‘‘ We met the next day and, ds, R oshni has “f eatured in [email protected] w hite contact lenses. w h a t the bo x-of fice w ants. Says trade analyst T ar a n [email protected] ‘Bring the topic of sexuality out in the open’ W h a t is the bi - SAROJ ng,loving,and good day-to-day r ela t- W ould you say the Indian man has g g est pro bl e m GUMASTE ionship with her man. All this will af - become more understanding? related to sex Sex Therapist fect her se xual r esponses and her lev- Most mothers in India have ‘tha t’co- w hich India fa- On what the els of sa tisf action. M e n n ver sation with their da - ces today? m ust r ealise tha t emotio- ‘Emotions play a ughters when they reach Indian woman huge role in women Ignorance.It is a wants ns play a huge role in ma- puberty and also bef or e shame that desp - king women comfortable being comfortable marriage.How many fath- ite India being with their se xuality. with their sexuality’ er s talk a b o u t m a tter s of the land of the A re women in the metr- sexuality with their sons? K ama Sutra,se- os losing out on their sexuality as It is absolutely necessary to bring the xual aw areness is a t an alar ming low a result of stressful lif estyles? topic of se xuality — specially female in our country. nt in the bedroom? T o belie v e tha t onl y the working wo- sexuality —out in the open. W h at does the Indian woman wa- A ny woman wants an understandi- man is a victim would be f oolish. ANUBHA SAWHNEY

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ildlif e is a passion with the com - missioner of Income T ax-I and SMS joke A COLOURFUL LIFE Wphotographer Prakash Dubey w ho r ecentl y held his fifth solo e xhibition Nature at its best! of the day of photographs titled ‘T hr ea tened Jew els Jasw ant Singh who lit the auspicious lamp NEELAM DHAR: Of T he Natural World’ a t the IIC . You are before viewing the photographs with T he exhibition was inaugurated b y the Dubey which comprised of the bir d ABCDEFGHIJK! minister of finance & company affair s, species — pink-headed duck, mountain or A- attractive Himalayan quail, b lac k Dr ong o and Indi - B- Brilliant C- Cute an r oller. ‘‘The beautiful Siberian cr anes m a k e a long jour ne y o ver the high Hi - D- Dazzling malayas to reach their wintering E- Excellent F- Funny G-Great H- Hot IJK - I’m just kiddin!

Vishav Nath, Vinod Dhal & Rajeev Shukla Bharatpur Lake in the f ading light of the setting sun. ‘‘Sitting quietl y in a boa t by the edg e of the lak e the g eese ar e f loa ting serenely on the water when a sudden dis- For more jokes on your mobile, sms JOK to 8888 Uma Gajapathy Raju & Ramesh Sharma turbance causes one to flutter out caus - ing a splash of g rey-b lue water and take wing,’’added Dubey,pointing at a pho- to graph. He f eels tha t ‘‘the g lossy Ibis is no beauty when seen in the shade, but w hen the light f alls on it and its f eather glows with shades of dee p pur ple and Jaswant Singh and Prakash Dubey emerald g reen and its beady eyes shine grounds in Rajasthan,’’ex- like black marble along with its b lac k plained Dubey ‘‘w hile the Blac k-necked beak, the Glossy Ibis tur ns into a r aving cranes,elusi v e and shy, come over fro m beauty.So is the case with other s like Ja- China and Tibet to br eed in the bar e cana, Kingfisher, R osy Pelicans, House w astes of Ladakh.’’T he photographs also Sparrow and the Garden Mynah.’’Truly He sure seems im- included a Darter, called the snake-bir d one witnessed wildlif e in all its splendour pressed by Ashmit Pa- Katie Dubey and Asha Pandey per ched on a tr ee-br anc h a t the edg e of the a t the e xhibition. tel. Sources r ev eal that producer Mukesh Photos: SATISH JAISWAL B h att who worked with Other r oyalties w ho g raced the occasion were Aditya and Aishwarya Katoch and Ku n- w ar Narendra Singh. T he pleasant night war med up with cocktails and wide ar ray of snacks and seen enjoying them were some of Delhi’s schmoozers including Pranav and Sheetal Ansal, Delhi Tourism’s Rajee v Talw ar and dancers Raja, R adha and or this K ashmiri girl, she decided to plung e into it Bahrain. L u c k w as on Nee - K aushalya Reddy. picking up a br ush to full-time. F or star ter s, she lam’s side and her fir st solo- Fpaint her thoughts and did a one-year ar t cour se exhibition in Bahrain got ideas,comes naturally.‘‘I be- from Delhi Colle ge ofArts to rave reviews from the local Srikanta Datta Narsimharaja Wadiyar & Rakesh Mathur; Gaj Singh and Kamal Kumar lie ve,I w as bor n with this tal - gain some technical knowl- media. Not only that,a ent, ’’ proclaims Neelam edge ofthe art f or m . Initiall y, sheikh who was building a Dhar.And her canvases de - Neelam experimented with five-star hotel ther e lik ed Ashmit in Inteha has pict the v arious moods of various mediums like water- her work so much that he A ROYAL EXPERIENCE w omen. ‘‘Being a woman, I colours, charcoal, acr ylic , handed her the contract of already signed him up ourism in India has experience the royal herita ge T his e x otic v e n ue had a r e- for another film. It is love to paint women, since I pastels b ut e ventually fell in doing all the paintings f or been on the rise and of India. A leading chain of g al air a bout it. T w o hug e entitled M u rder a n d feel I can under stand them the hotel. Tw h a t mor e could sell hotels signed-up three presti - w hite marble elephants at the will also f ea tur e Malli- better. Lot of things which I SPOT LIGHT Back home in India now , India better as a destina tion gious properties owned by the entrance welcomed guests in ka Sheraw at and Em- m ay not be a b le to e xpr ess in Neelam decided to show case than allowing the tourists to maharaja of Mysore,Srikan- and musicians brought the raan Hashmi. words flow smoothly and nat- love with oil on canvas. T o her work and g et a ppr ecia - ta Datta Nar - night ali ve with some splen- urall y w hen I pic k up a hone her skills, she worked tion f or her ef for ts from her simharaja W adi - did r endition of ra gas a n d brush,’’ she says with a under some renowned and own countrymen. Needless yar,to run them thumris. FACT OF smile. senior painters like Ramesh- to sa y,the e xhibition entitled as herita ge re- M athur played the g ra- In her younger days,her w ar Br oota. See Me,I am Life,got her just sor ts and cious host as he welcomed the THE MATTER mother’s amateur dabbling And then it was only a that, besides seeing her palaces.T o cele - maharaja of Mysore Nar- with colours during f esti v e m a tter of time before Nee- emerge and make her o w n T he average person has br ate this land - simharaja W adiyar and the occasions created a spark lam got her big br eak. T his little place under the sun in a tleast sev en dr eams a m a rk occasion, maharaja of J odhpur Gaj within Neelam. H ow ever, it came courtesy her br other the ar t fr ater nity. night. R akesh Mathur, Singh, w ho is also the c hair- w as onl y after colle g e tha t w ho is an ar chitect in JAYDEEP GHOSH the pr esident of man of the c hain. the g roup host- Gaj Singh, donning his Photos: NITIN MALIK ed a lavish din- favourite br eeches and Jodh- ner -do a t the puri puf fed on a cig ar w hile lawns of a hap- exchanging notes with the BEND IT LIKE BENDRE pening venue guests and W adiyar dressed his leggy,lissome beauty airs.On a bree zy in Mehrauli. in a suit enjo y ed his drink. Sonia Mathur Iqbal and Anu Malhotra Sonali Bendre is a class visit to the Ca pi- Tapart. She’s g ot the tal, this br a n d looks, the g race but no star ry ambassador of a soft drink ma- n a ged to im - press one and all a t an e v e n - ing or ganised especiall y for her at Hotel Ashok’s Capi- tol. T he do saw the cr ow d boo - gey the night aw ay with Son- Apoorv Dalal and Supriya Nikhil and Shweta Arora ali. D ressed in lime and lemony shades, the lo v el y actr ess looked calm and cool as she made her way through the exclu- sive lounge where V ipul Saurabh and Sonali Bendre Praveen Nayyar greet- ed her with bouquets of flow ers. F lashing her high-watta ge smile,she obliged shutterbugs and many auto grap h seekers. As drinks and snac ks did the r ounds, the par tying cr ow d g ot into a fr enzy when Son- ali danced to the house DJ Ru m my’s pulsa ting m usic. Among the city’ s par ty ca per s spot - ted were the designer Manav Gangwani, Shi - vkaran Singh and V in- n y and A n u Chawla with Gagan Myne,be- sides Surinder Gill and DJ Rummy R ohit Singh.

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site complete, a f ew w or ds of Delhi a per sonal c hef , valet to have discussed with local wisdom were penned in the and tr avelling ar tist Mike ca ter er s his dislik es , inc lud - visitor’ s book. W ith 12 people A ustin, w ho has been com- ing spic y food. T he Prince,of A MONUMENTAL VISIT in his r o y al entour age,Prince missioned to record the trip. course,will have sw eet memo- Charles br ought with him to T he Prince’s c hef is belie v ed ries of his visit. b usy drilling a t the entr ance as part ofthe mon- ument’s renova- tion. A s h e m o - ved acr oss the main lawn on a speciall y laid red car pet, the Prince admired photographs of Humayun’s T o m b . W ith a w alk ar ound the Photos: NEERAJ PAUL Prince Charles on his visit to Humayun’s Tomb he tomb of an emperor controversial book visited b y a prince — it about Princess Diana was T w as a royal occasion seemingly far from the indeed when Prince Charles mind of the heir a pparent w alked around Humayun’s to the British thr one, Tomb on T hursday after noon. though there was no visi - Scheduled to ar rive a t 2:45 pm, b le smile on his f ace . the c har mer in Prince Ch- R eceived b y R atish ar les ar rived 10 min utes earli- Nanda of the A g a Khan er dr essed in a b lue shir t and Foundation, w ho took g rey suit, complete with his him around the monu- favourite r ed handkerchief . ment, the Prince paused Concern over Paul Burrell’s to obser ve the la bourers

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Mil Gaya 1200 News Headlines Naraina (11 a.m., 2.20, 4.20 & 9 p.m.), PVR Saket (10.20 TAURUS (April 20 - May 20) If you’ve tried both 1900 Alias: Cipher Electrolux Wisden Int’l the Animals: The (Tax-free) : (Hrithik Roshan, Preity Zinta) Amba, PVR Gur- 1202 Janam Samjha Karo: a.m., 1, 4.20 & 7 p.m.), Priya (12.50 & 5.05 p.m.), charm and sweet reason and gotten nowhere, you Awards 03 Monkey Player,’ at gaon (3.50 p.m. Only), Odeon, Rachna, Seble; Main Mad- Interactive Show ZEE TV Satyam C’plexes (11 a.m., 1, 3.45, 5.45 & 7.45 p.m.), may have just to acknowledge that others aren’t go- 2025 English Premier F’ball 2100 hrs. on Discovery huri Dixit Banna Chahti Hoon : (Antara Mali, Rajpal etc.) 1230 Junior-G WAVE Noida (11.50 a.m., 4.35 & 8.25 p.m.); Identity : ing to see things your way.Your best option now is to 0930 Jai Ganesh League 03/04 LIVE PVR Gurgaon (1.40 & 7.30 p.m.); Pinjar : (Urmila Ma- 1300 Mukhya Samachar CNN (John Cusack & Ray Liotta) PVR Gurgaon (7 p.m. Only), agree to disagree. Not only will this end the tensions you’ve been 1000 Yeh Hai Zindagi 2230 Super Centuries tondkar, Manoj Bajpai, Sanjay Suri, Isha Kopikar) Alpna, 3 1302 Take Care: Health 0830 News Night with Aaron PVR Saket (5.10 & 11 p.m.) WAVE Noida (10.15 p.m. experiencing, it leaves the door open for later reconciliation. 1030 Professor Pyarelal 2300 Harsha Unplugged C’s (3.30 & 6.45 p.m.), Chanakya (2.45 & 9.45 p.m.), Show Brown Only); My Boss’s Daughter (A): PVR Gurgaon (11.45 1100 Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Delite (11.30 a.m., 3, 6.30 & 9.45 p.m.), DT Cinemas (12 GEMINI (May 21 - June 20) What begin as unimpor- 1330 Samachar ESPN 0930 World News a.m., 2.15 & 9.15 p.m.), PVR Saket (11.10 a.m., 3.10 & 1200 Sansui Antakshri With Mandira Bedi watch ‘Aamdani Atthani Kharcha Rupaiya,’ at 2100 noon, 3.30, 7 & 10.30 p.m.), Filmistan, Janak C’plex, M2K tant exchanges are likely to turn into discussions of 1400 4th ODI India vs. 1000 World Sports 9.10 p.m.), WAVE Noida (6.35 & 10.25 p.m.); Pirates of 1230 Shree 420 Hrs. on MAX 0900 Goals! (11.30 a.m., 3.10, 6.45 & 10.20 p.m.), M4U (S’bad) (12 far greater significance than you’d have imagined Aus - LIVE Session 1 1030 World News the Caribbean : DT Cinemas (10.10 a.m. Only); Film Fest 1255 Jhalak 0930 Super Centuries noon, 3.30, 6.45 & 10.15 p.m.), Movie Palace, PVR possible. For this reason you’d be well advised to Delhi & Relay 2215 The Last Chance Dorado 1100 World Report at Shakuntalam Theatre: Sat.- Mr & Mrs Iyer ; The Ma- 1300 Mano Ya Na Mano MOVIES 1000 Rugby World Cup: Naraina (2.40, 6.30 & 10.15 p.m.), PVR Saket (12.30, 6.30 avoid making promises out of enthusiasm. Similarly, if others Transmitters 2100 Must See Sat. 1130 World News trix Revolution : Show on Wed. 5th Nov. at DT Cine- 1330 Ankahee HBO Rugby Hq Asia LIVE & 10.30 p.m.), PVR Vikaspuri (11 a.m., 2.45, 6.30 & 10.15 make offers or proposals, do you best to determine exactly how 1810 Regional News/ MAX The Edge 1200 The Music Room mas, PVR Cinemas & Satyam C’plexes - Changes will 1400 Khana Khazana 1030 IRB Rugby World Cup p.m.), Sapna (11.30 a.m., 3.05, 6.15 & 9.30 p.m.), serious their intentions are. Regional Service 0830 Horror: Curse of the 2100 Sat. After Dark: 1230 World News appear on Wednesday 1430 Zee Saptahiki 0900 Khudgarz 03: Soctland vs. Fiji Satyam C’plexes (11.45 a.m., 3.20, 6.55 & 10.30 p.m.), 1840 4th ODI - India vs. Aus Talisman Taken Ep 3 1300 Diplomatic License CANCER (June 21 - July 22) Nobody would deny the 1800 Cartoon Network 1300 Kishan Kanhaiya LIVE HINDI FILMS Regal, Vishal C’plex (11.30 a.m., 3, 6.15 & 9.45 p.m.), 2nd Session - LIVE 1030 Comedy: Boomerang 1330 World News powerful and positive influence that you’ve had on on Zee 1700 Shiva STAR PLUS 1230 Rugby World Cup: WAVE Kaushambi (11.30 a.m., 2.50, 6.10 & 9.30 p.m.), National Network 1245 Action/Adventure: 1430 Larry King LIVE Baghban (Tax-free): (Amitabh, friends, family and loved ones. Supporting them is 1900 Ek Nazar 2100 Amdani Atthani Khar- Rugby Hq Asia LIVE WAVE Noida (12 noon, 3.20, 6.40 & 10 p.m.), Pawan 2230 Feature Film in Hindi: The Next Karate Kid 1500 Jugnu 1530 World News Hema, Salman Khan, Mahima) one thing, allowing them to convince you that you’re 1930 Tide Khel Khel Mein cha Rupaiya (Extraaa 1300 IRB Rugby World Cup (G’bad); Raja Bhaiya : (Govinda, Aarti Chhabariya, SALAAKHEN (Sunny 1500 Drama: Ben-Hur 1600 World Sports Chanakya (11.15 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.), responsible for keeping them happy is quite another. Deep down 2000 Kabhi Kabhi Shots- Mandira Bedi) SAHARA TV 03: South Africa vs. Sadashiv Amrapurkar) Liberty, PVR Gurgaon (11.30 a.m., Deol, Raveena, Man- 1630 World News DT Cinemas (2.05, 7.15 & 10.35 you know they’re being lazy.You can and must draw the line now. 2030 Sat. Night Spl. 1915 Action/Adventure: Samoa LIVE 4, 6.45 & 9.45 p.m.), Samrat, Janak C’plex, Lokesh, Bal- isha & Anupam Kher) SONY 1400 Aadmi 1700 Int’l Correspondents p.m.), Golcha, Satyam C’plexes (3, Universal Soldier - 1300 IRB Rugby World raj (Loni), Urvashi (G’bad); Samay : (Sushmita Sen & LEO (July 23 - August 22) After weeks of discussion ZEE ENGLISH 1930 Vishwasghaat 1730 World News 6.45 & 10.10 p.m.), PVR Naraina (12 DD METRO 0730 Ghaath The Return Cup 03: Aus. vs. Sushant Singh) PVR Gurgaon (11 a.m. & 11.15 p.m.), PVR and days of serious debate, you’re no closer to 0830 Police Academy 2100 Family/Kids: See ZEE TV Ireland LIVE 1900 Diplomatic License noon, 3.30, 7 & 10.30 p.m.), PVR 0800 Press Review LIVE 2100 Chal Mere Bhai Naraina (11.35 a.m. & 11 p.m.), PVR Saket (1.35 & 10.45 reaching an accord with certain rather difficult 0930 Tarzan Spot Run 1700 Ckt. Classic: 1930 World News Saket (6.45 & 10.15 p.m.), PVR 0830 Lebdev Ki Nayika 1430 Waaris p.m.), Satyam C’plexes (10 p.m. Only), WAVE Kaushambi individuals. You’re beginning to notice that they’re 1000 Full House: The AXN 2300 Sex and the City 05: India vs. Pak 2000 World Sport Vikaspuri (1.15, 6.50 & 10.30 p.m.), WAVE Kaushambi 0900 1st Afro-Asian Games 2030 Sat. Night Spl.: TBA (9.10 p.m. Only), WAVE Noida (3.40 p.m. Only); Ssshhh not making an effort; in fact, they seem to be enjoying all this Week That Was The Power of 1730 EPL Saturday: 2100 World Sports (11.20 a.m., 2.40, 6 & 9.20 p.m.), WAVE Noida (12.10, 03: LIVE from 1200 The Untouchables (A): (Survarna Jha, Gaurav Kapoor, Karan Nath) Batra disruption. Waste no more time on them. Instead, simply agree 1200 Charlie Chaplin Female Sex ZEE MGM Premiership 2130 World News 3.30, 6.50 & 10.10 p.m.), Sangam (Loni); Cover Story (A): Hyderabad 1430 The Presidio (12.15, 3.15, 6.15 & 9.15 p.m.), Milan, Shiela, Sangam to disagree. 1230 Out of This World 2000 Clear and Present 2330 Action/Adventure: Saturday LIVE 2200 The Daily Show With Moti; Finding Nemo : (Lee Unkrich, Andrew Stanton, Al- 1100 The Package (12.15 & 6.30 p.m.), DT Cinemas (12.40, 5.40 & 10.40 VIRGO (August 23 - September 22) As a Virgo you Danger 3000 Miles to bert Brooks) WAVE Kaushambi (11 a.m. & 4.20 p.m.); 1330 An Ideal Husband p.m.), M2K (11 a.m., 2 & 5 p.m.), M4U (S’bad) (12.30, stick close to the truth, even if it isn’t the easiest thing 2300 Alien Graceland Hungama : (Akshay Khanna, , Rimi Sen) 1600 187 PVR Gurgaon (4.40 p.m. Only); Indra : (Chiranjeevi, Son- 3.30, 6.30 & 9.30 p.m.), Movie Palace, PVR Naraina (1, to do. Not everybody’s as honourable. In fact certain HALLMARK STAR MOVIES 1830 Bat 21 ali Bendre) Gagan; Inteha : (Ashmit Patel,Vidya Mallavde, 4.15, 7.30 & 10.45 p.m.), PVR Saket (12.05 & 3.25 p.m.), individuals seem to be able to speak falsehoods 2100 The Bounty PVR Vikaspuri (12.30, 3.45, 7.30 & 10.45 p.m.), Priya 0800 Play with Sesame 0805 Magic in the Water with the same ease as they state facts. Be on the alert for them, 2300 Blame it on Rio (7.15 & 10.30 p.m.), Paras, Vasant (G’bad), Radhupalace, otherwise they’ll cause you considerable difficulty. 0830 The Haunting 0945 Final Fantasy: The ZEE CINEMA CONTACTS WAVE Kaushambi (11.15 a.m., 2.30, 5.40 & 8.50 p.m.), of Seacliff Inn Spirits Within WAVE Noida (12.25, 6.25 & 9.35 p.m.); Qatil Jawani (A): LIBRA (September 23 - October 22) Initially you Home Delivery Service: Jadoogar For You — 1030 Ride with the Wind 1155 The World is Not 0700 Kasam Suhag Ki Virat; Zameen : (Ajay Devgan, Abhishek, Bipasha Basu) weren’t happy about certain arrangements on the ro- 9632 999 999 Delivery in 3 Hrs. in NCR for Vishal 1230 The Color of Courage Enough 1000 Ek Baar Muskura Do Hans (Azadpur); Show Timings for Hindi Films- 12.30, mantic front. But they were important to others, so C’plex, PVR Vikaspuri, Delite, Satyam 1430 Crossing the Line 1425 Forrest Gump 1300 Viewers’ Choice: 3.30, 6.30 & 9.30 p.m. Except wherever mentioned you gave way. Now you’re starting to realise that they 1630 Night of Wolf 1705 Coffee Time Movie: Daud, Tamanna or C’plexes, Milan, Liberty, Golcha & Filmistan; didn’t care as much as they said. And you’re also beginning to 1830 The Last Chance Fri. the 13th (Pt. III) The Great Robbery PVR Cinemas: (Home Delivery - 2615111); MORNING FILMS appreciate that, if they’re unwilling to change, there’s a big Watch the first episode of ‘Exploration: Space,’ DT Cinemas: (Home Delivery - 26140000) blow up on the way. the story of our place in space, at 1440 & 2040 2030 Ride to Freedom: The 1905 Family Favourites: 1700 Om Jai Jagdish Watch the 150th episode of ‘Special Correspon- Body Language (A): Milan; Darr : Hans (Azadpur); Ka- Rosa Parks Story The Road to El 2100 Waqt Hamara Hai Amba: 23916000; Alpna: 27413104; Batra masutra (A): Rachna; Mein Prem Ki Deewani Hoon, Hrs. on BBC World dent’ on Zee News at 2130 Hrs. (M’nagar): 27654202; 3 C’s: 26927846; SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21) You thought Terminator 3 & Qayamat : M4U (S’bad); Phantom of you knew what you could expect from those closest. 1300 Candid Camera 1930 Sportscenter Weekend Jon Stewart: Global Chanakya: 24670423; Delite: 23272903; Eros: 1800 Festival of Nagas Love (A): Janak C’plex But now somebody you’ve relied on in the past has 1330 TV Skyshop \ 0900 Nat Geo Max: Science for Noddy 1700 Inbox 1940 EPL Saturday: Edition 24311784; Filmistan: 23673120; Golcha: 1830 & 1845 Sports News - both surprised you and undermined your confidence Music Cafe of Seduction 1030 Kipper 1800 Alert Premiership 23265192; Janak C’plex: 25551115; Liberty: Hindi & English CNBC INDIA indiatimes 8888 in them. Once you’re over your initial shock, and can see things 1400 Amazing People 1000 Mission Wild 1100 Bob the Builder 1900 Fresh Saturday LIVE 25728800; M2K (Rohini): 27942944; M4U 1900 Regional News in a clearer perspective, you’ll realise that unexpected 1500 Homicide Life on 1030 Return to the Wild 1130 Oswald 1930 Non-Stop Hits 2025 English Premier 0900 CNBC Spl. (S’bad): 95120-2639977; Milan: 25101014; • Go to write msg 1930 Animal World - See developments gave them little choice. the Street 1100 Earth Report 1200 The Legend of 2030 House Full Football League 0930 Good Life Show: New Movie Palace: 95120-2625502; Odeon: • Type Movie del Wild Life Message: 1600 Trazan 1130 Earth Pulse Snow White 2100 Non-Stop Hits 2003/04 LIVE Advances in Inhalation 51517899; Paras: 26432842; Rachna: and name & SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21) You’d 2000 English News LIVE Mov del 1630 Over the Edge 1200 & 1300 Sat. Unltd. - 1300 The Mummy 2130 Chito Chat 2230 EPL Postshow: Therapy, Garlic Good- 25713586; Regal: 23362245; Samrat: press ok probably rather go directly to the point, talking over 2030 Hindi Samachar LIVE Samay 1700 ER Disaster at Sea: 1330 Men in Black 2145 Non-Stop Hits Premiership ness & Discover Tai 27183544; Sangam: 26183355; Sapna: • Send to 8888 issues frankly and openly. But you’ll accomplish far 2100 Asian News Review Ok_ 1830 Over the Edge i. Lost Subs, ii. The 1400 Mucha Lucha! 2200 Friendship Day Spl. Postgame LIVE Chi - The Latest 26431787; Shakuntalam Theatre: 23371849; • U receive list of more if you take a more easygoing approach, 2130 Aarohan 1900 Six Feet Under Search for 1500 The Powerpuff Girls 2300 English Premier F’ball Chinese Import for Shiela: 23528299; Vishal C’plex: 25440204; halls showing allowing discussions to wander where they will. Others are as 2200 Highway CHANNEL V 2000 Mr & Mrs Smith Kennedy’s PT109 1530 Samurai Jack League 2003/04 Healthy Body WAVE Cinemas: 51832222 conscious as you are of what needs to be said, and will ensure 0900 Saturday Stack Samay as a msg SONY 2100 Homocide Life on 1400 Reel People: Cheetah 1600 He Man and the 1000 Trendmill: Box Office that everything’s dealt with. the Street Chase Master of the 0930 Back to Back NEWS Review - Pinjar, 1000 Harmony 2200 Promised Land 1430 Reel People: Universe 1000 Saturday Stack Ssshhh, Inteha & EVENTS CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19) Just when 1100 Good Morning Disney Through these Eyes 1630 Jackie Chan 1030 Back to Back ZEE NEWS Matrix Revolutiion: you thought that everything was settled, suddenly 1200 Hum Sab Ek Hain STAR PLUS 1500 Mission Wild Adventures 1100 Saturday Stack 0900-1230 Bulletin- Every How Hollywood Films MUSIC AND DANCE Manisha Bansal (7 a.m.- 8 a.m.), Dhyan Foundation’s friends or colleagues want to make changes. Incon- 1230 Goonj Ateet Ki 0830 Hit Filmein Hit 1530 Return to the Wild 1700 The Adventure of 1130 Zabardast Hits Fare in India? ‘Dhyan Yoga’ by Yogi Ashwani Ji (6 p.m.- 8 p.m.), ACEM’s venient as this is, you really can’t say no. Don’t just Half An Hour Delhi State Branch of Sangeetanjali-: ‘Grand 1300 Ek Mahal Ho Sapno Ka Sangeet 1600 NG Explorer Tenali Raman 1200 Saturday Stack 1030 Taking Stock ‘Foundation course’ by Torbjorn Hobbel (6 p.m. to 8 p.m.), go along with what they request, ask why. What you learn, both 0830 News Top 10 music & dance concert — Naadbrahmanjali,’ ISKCON 1530 Haal Kaisa Hai 0900 Fox Kids 1700 On Assignment: Black 1730 The Adventure of 1230 Zabardast Hits 1130 Global Market Wrap Arvind Chetna Samaj’s ‘God is to be created’ by Dr Gyan- about their interests and the situations in question will prove to 1300 Beyond Headlines Auditorium, East of Kailash, 6.30 p.m. to 9 p.m.; 35th Janaab Kaa 1000 Best of Gurukul Market Birds Chotta Birbal 1300 Saturday Stack 1200 The Auto Show chandra & Arvind Devsheersh (6.30 p.m.- 8.30 p.m.), be amazingly enlightening. 1330-1800 Bulletin- Every Sabrang Utsav: ‘Bade Ghulam Ali Khan Yaadgar Sabha,’ 1600 Sansui Lehren 1100 Sea Hwaks 1730 Tommorow’s World 1800 What’s New Scooby 1330 Zabardast Hits 1230 Classroom Golden Age Foundation’s ‘Bhajan Sandhya’ by Ram Yo- Half An Hour India International Centre, 40-Max Mueller Marg, 6 p.m. AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18) Even the most 1630 Current Bollywood 1200 Kashmakash 1800 Dog with Jobs Dooby Doo? 1400 Saturday Stack 1300 Insurance gesh (6.30 p.m. - 8.30 p.m.) (Contact — 23782396 & 1900 Hindostan Hamara to 7.30 p.m.; Yamini School of Dance: Bharatanatyam solid of relationships have their ups and downs.At the 1700 Chartbusters 1230 Star Bestsellers 1830 Toyota World of 1900 Character of the 1500 Back to Back Intelligence 23782319); Chinmaya Centre of World Understanding: 1930 Zee Follow Up ‘Arangetram’ by Kumari Sneha Balakrishnan, IHC (Stein moment one particularly important relationship 1730 Music Mantra 1330 Hit Filmein Hit Sangeet Wildlife Month: Billy 1530 Saturday Stack 1330 Mutual Fund Invester ‘Gyan Yagna - Sunderkand’ by Swami Tejomayanandaji, 2000 News at 8 Auditorium), Lodhi Road, 7 p.m.; IRCEN: Kathak dance seems to be having a serious dip. Difficult as this is, 1800 Disney Hour 1400 Dr Morepen Tango 1900 Earth Report 2000 The Mummy 1600 Zabardast Hits 1400 Executive Sports 89-Lodhi Road, 6.30 p.m. to 8 p.m.; Swami Sivananda 2030 Metro News recital by Parul Mishra, Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyalaya, there’s something to be gained. In fact, you’ve an opportunity to 1800 Samnewali Khidki 1930 Earth Pulse Cultural Association: ‘Group meditation,’ Sivananda 2100 News at 9 Zeenat Mahal, Kamla Market, 9 a.m. & G.G.S.S. School, clear up issues between you that, in happier times, you haven’t 1830 Yatra 2000 & 2100 Sat. Unltd.: 2130 Spl. Correspondent Marg, Amar Colony, Lajpat Nagar-IV, 8 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. wanted to discuss. Venom: i. Nulla Pam- Panama Building, Jama Masjid, 11 a.m. 1900 Khichdi 2200 Din Bhar LECTURES 1930 Jaaduu bu: The Good Snake, FILM PISCES (February 19 - March 20) You’d think that, af- 2000 Vikraal Aur Gabraal ii. Poison ! STAR NEWS Habitat World: Book Club reading - from ‘Brain fever ter having discussed plans at length, others would 2200 Reel People: Through Habitat World: Docu.- Tower Bridge - Britain’s Best have little difficulty carrying things out as agreed. But 2100 Gharwali Uparwali 0600-1000 STAR Savera Building Series, IHC, Lodhi Road, 7 p.m. bird’ by Allen Sealy, IHC, Lodhi Road, 7 p.m.; Develop- Aur Sunny the Lens 1000-1030 Kuan Banega ment & Environment Synergy Initiative: Talk on ‘Sus- they’re going to need reminding, probably several 2200 Khullja Sim Sim Mukyamantri EXHIBITIONS taining accelerated growth in India: Constraints and times before all is said and done. Simply accept this fact, and DISCOVERY you’ll waste no time wondering why they always seem to be 2300 Saara Akaash 1745 Mera Gaon How Hollywood films challenges’ by Dr B.B. Bhattacharya, India International 0800 Tiger Country: ITPO: 19th World Mining Expo 2003, Pragati Maidan, Hall forgetting things. STAR WORLD Mera Desh fare in India? Get the Nos. 7-11, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Krishna’s Collection Art Centre, 40-Max Mueller Marg, 6 p.m.; Eli Lilly and Swimming Lions 1845 Aaj Ki Baat an insight, in context Company: Lecture on ‘Basics and beyond’ - Training 0900 Blue Planet: Gallery: ‘Drawings & graphics’ by various artists, A-273, Tune into HBO Sat. 0900 The Simpsons 1900 Desh Videsh with Matrix Revolution, Defence Colony, Main Road (near Traffic Light), 11 a.m. to programme for interventional cardiology’ by Lt.-Gen. Night Special- ‘See 0930 Top Drive The Deep 2000 Nat. Reporter in ‘Trendmill’ at 1000 & B.N. Shahi, RR Army Hospital, 9 a.m.; Vedic Wisdom 1000 Mystery Hunter 7 p.m.; Swastika Gallery: ‘Paintings & sculptures’ by Il- Spot Run,’ at 2100 Hrs. 1000 The Bold and the Watch ‘Om Jai Jagdish,’ at 1700 on Zee Cinema 2030 Kuan Banega 2030 Hrs. on CNBC loosh Ahluwalia, Vijiya Kalayan and others, C-128, G.K.-I, Ashram: Talk on ‘Freedom from sick mind-body’ by Beautiful 1030 Born Winners: Surfing / Mukyamantri Swami Prakashji, B-25, 3rd Floor, Dayanand Colony, La- 1900 CID Files Camel Racing 1630 Saturday Stack 1800 Managing Asia 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.; AIFACS Gallery: ‘Paintings’ by Shwe- 1200 Rendezvous with 2030 Men in Black 2100 STAR Report ta Lihla, Rafi Marg, inauguration 5 p.m.; British Council: jpat Nagar-IV, 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. 2000 Kya Hadsaa Kya Simi Garewal 1100 Mega Movie: Sabrina / 2100 The Flintstone and 1700 Weekends 2200 City 60 Weekend 1830 Cutting Edge Haqeeqat Alien FX /Crazy 1800 Zabardast Hits 1900 & 1930 CNBC Spl. ‘Photographic works’ by Pushpamala, 17-Kasturba PUBLIC FUNCTIONS 1300 Goosebumps Jetsons Hour 2300 Massand Ki Pasand Gandhi Marg, 6.30 p.m. to 8 p.m.; Ravi Jain Centre for 1330 Action Man Camera 2200 He-Man & The Masters 1830 Back to Back 2000 Good Life: New SAHARA BBC WORLD International Arts: ‘Recent works’ by Michael Sauer and Delhi Foundation of Deaf Women: The First National MANORANJAN 1400 Robocop 1130 Truth or Scare: The of the Universe 1900 Rewind Advances in Inhalation Sports C’ship of Deaf Women (Badminton Volleyball), In- Curse of Tutankhamun 1930 Karaoke Therapy, Garlic Achutham Kudallur, G-42, Connaught Circus, 11 a.m. to 1430 X-Men 0830-2230 BBC News- 7 p.m.; Sangeet Natak Akademi: ‘Rang Rekha - Pho- dira Gandhi Stadium, I.P. Estate, 10.30 a.m. 5 p.m.; Ho- 0830 Manpasand 1500 Kumars at 42 1200 Dis. Wings: A Celebra- MUSIC 2000 Billboard US Every Hour Goodness & Discover 0930 Just Kids tographs of theatre,’ Meghdoot Theatre Complex, Coper- tel Taj Palace: A special evening by ‘Indian Culinary Fo- 1600 Cops tion of Flight -When Countdown 0900 Asia Today Tai Chi - The Latest 1030 Chacha Chaudhary MTV nicus Marg, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Vadehra Art Gallery: rum (ICF) for the benefit of under-priviledged children, 8 1630 World’s Wildest Pilots Eject 2100 The Ticket 0915 World Business Rpt. Chinese Import for p.m. onwards; Modern School: Founder’s Day celebra- 1100 Sahara Music 1330 Warrior: From Civilian 0830 Merit List 2130 Saturday Stack Healthy Body Paintings - ‘88 Husains in Oils 003’ by M.F.Husain, D-40, 1130 Aane Wala Pal Police Videos 1000 Fast Track Defence Colony, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Max Muller Bhavan: tions, School premises, Vasant Vihar, 6 p.m.; Alcoholics 1700 Knight Rider to Soldier 0900 & 1000 Non-Stop Hits 2200 Club [V] 1100 Holiday 2030 Trendmill: Box Office Anonymous: Meeting on ‘Recovery from Alcoholism,’ 1200 Manpasand 1400 Rage to Revenge: 1100 Cut 2 Cut Review - Pinjar, ‘Working in the Mill no More’ (Photographs) by Parthiv 1230 Talaash 1800 The Crow SPORTS 1200 Simpson’s World Shah, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Gallery Masihgarh Church, Sukhdev Vihar (opp. Escorts Heart In- 1900 Xena: Warrior The Science of 1200 Bolti Bund 1300 Click Online Ssshhh, Inteha & stitute), 7 p.m.; Narcotics Anonymous: Meeting on ‘Re- 1330 Kuchh Pal Saath Matrix Revolutiion: Om: ‘Paintings - Evocative pigments’ by Niladri Paul, D- Princess Violence 1230 House Full DD SPORTS 1340 Correspondent covery from Drug Addiction,’ Sahodaya School, C-1, Saf- Tumhara 1500 The End of USSR 1300 Most Wanted How Hollywood Films 39, Defence Colony, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Triveni: ‘Paintings 1700 Sahara Music 2000 TNA Wrestling 1440 Explorations: Space darjung Dev. Area, 7 p.m. to 8.30 p.m.; Al-Anon: Meet- Visit www.astrospeak.com for detailed forecast 1600 The Conquistadors: 1400 Chill Out: Swaraj 0800 1st Afro-Asian Games Fare in India? - India! In Korean strokes’ by Mun J.H. Shukla (Triveni 1730 Dum Dum Diga Diga 2100 Mutant X 1600 Sports Today ing for relatives and friends of ‘Alcoholics,’ Free Church The Search for 1430 Making of Video - 03: H/Ls of Previous 2100 55 Minutes Gallery) 205-Tansen Marg, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. 1800 Just Kids 2200 Adventure Inc. 1700 Extra Time (near Jantar Mantar), Sansad Marg, 7 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. EI Dorado Beyond Day’s Events 1740 Correspondent 2130 Storyboard: South Tour SEMINAR 1900 Gilli Danda NATIONAL 1700 Sphinx (III)Ramses: 1500 Non-Stop Hits 0900 1st Afro-Asian Games 2000 This Week - Bangalore, the Hub MISCELLANEOUS INTERNET HUMOUR 2300 Manpasand GEOGRAPHIC 03 - LIVE from for National/Int’l The Society of Indian Law Firms: Seminar on ‘Em- Favourite of 1515 Love Ke Liye 2040 Explorations: Space Lok Kalyan Samiti: Free eye check-up, Sucheta AXN Hyderabad Brands Etc. .. ployees - Contract labour, casuals, temporary employ- 0800 Tommorow’s World the Gods 1500 Non-Stop Hits 2200 Wheels Bhawan, 11-A, Vishnu Digamber Marg, 9 a.m.; Enlight- Three guys are convicted of a very serious crime, and they’re all 1230 1st Afro-Asian Games 2200 Auto Show ees etc.,’ Jacaranda, IHC, Lodhi Road, 10.30 a.m. 0800 Guinness World 0830 Human Edge 1800 The Greatest Martial 1600 World Chart Express 2300 Sports Today enment Foundation: ‘Teachings / Meditation and heal- sentenced to twenty years in solitary confinement. They’re each 03 - from Hyderabad Artist -Bruce Lee RELIGIOUS DISCOURSES ing’ by Divine Mother, S-107, G.K.-II, 1st Floor, 5.30 p.m. allowed one thing to bring into the cell with them. The first guy (Diff. Events on Grand 1900 Dis. Showcase: Times Foundation: Suryayog Foundation’s ‘Surya Yoga’ to 7.30 p.m.; Adhyatma Sadhna Kendra: ‘Free medita- asks for a big stack of books. The second guy asks for his wife. Stand Basis) Contd.. Health in the Air by Mritunjoy (6 a.m. to 7 a.m.) and by Arun Thakur (5.15 tion, yogasana & pranayam, yoga-meditation & relax- And the third guy asks for two hundred cartons of cigarettes. At 1345 4th ODI: India vs. 2000 Understanding p.m. to 6.15 p.m.), Ivedas’s ‘Earth therapy meditation’ by ation classes,’ Chhatarpur, 5 a.m. to 8 p.m. the end of the twenty years, they open up the first guy’s cell. He Evolution Aus - LIVE from comes out and says,‘‘I studied so hard.I’m so bright now, I could 2100 Discover India: The Mumbai be a lawyer. It was terrific.’’ Monkey Player (Day & Night) 2200 Six Degrees / 2030 Beach V’ball: They open up the second guy’s door. He comes out with his wife, Sync or Swim Join leading photogra- Alanya - S-Fnl 2nd & and they’ve got five new kids. He says.‘‘It was the greatest thing phers as they reveal CARTOON NETWORK 3rd Place of my life. My wife and I have never been so close. I have a beau- what’s involved in get- STAR SPORTS tiful new family. I love it.’’ 0830 Samurai Jack ting a great adventure 0900 The Flintstones & photograph in ‘Reel 0855 England Tour of They open up the third guy’s door, and he’s slapping at his pock- Enjoy ‘Chal Mere Bhai,’ a mega entertainer, at Jetsons Hour People: Through Lens,’ B’desh: B’desh vs. ets, going ‘‘Anybody got a match?’’ 2100 Hrs. on Sony 1000 Tiny TV Make Way at 2200 Hrs. on NGC England, 2nd Test, Day Watch ‘Kabhie Kabhie,’ at 2000 Hrs. on Zee TV

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lighter coconut milk, w hic h is used f or chilli; tender. A dd the coriander, basil, fish stewing meats or for thinning coconut 1/2 cup c hopped fresh co- sauce,sugar and stir fr y for 1 minute. milk to make a coconut riander A dd the coconut cream, stir mixture un- CRUISING THE soup or a light cur ry. 1/2 cup c hopped fresh basil til hea ted thr ough. Serve with steamed Coriander chicken 1/2 teaspoons palm sugar rice and g ar nish with coriander. in coconut milk Method: Ing redients: H e a t the oil in COCONUT MILK 500g of Chic k en br east w ok, add onion, fillet sliced thinl y capsicum & chilli, or many, coconut er a te this and it will se p a - 2 tablespoons peanut oil stir fr y till soft. F milk is controver - rate — the top layer is the 1 onion finel y sliced T hen,add the sial! Many belie v e tha t cream. T hin milk is wh at 1 capsicum finely sliced chic k en and stir the g oodness of coconut one gets when the co- 1 fr esh c hopped green fry till c hic k en is milk has not been given m e a t is stee ped in hot wa- equal press because of ter until it is cool enough to intensive lobbying KNOW YOUR INGREDIENTS handle.It is then squee zed a g ainst it b y the pow er - with Preah Narang until dr y; the white f luid is ful v e g eta b le oil industr y! Ho w ev er,the str ained to r e m o ve all the Southeast Asians have been staying conut meat pulp. W hen allow ed to sit healthy for generations with the co - is stee ped a for a w hile , the coconut con ut as an inte g ral par t of their diet. second time cream rises to the top.M o re In f act, coconut milk is considered the and is then hot water is ad ded to the dair y substitute of Southeast Asia. strained. T o pulp and the process is r e- Coconut milk can be classified into m a ke cocon- p e a ted to gi v e coconut milk. thr ee ca te gories — thick, thin and co- ut milk, F requently,a thir d pr ess - conut cream. T hick milk is the r esult of finel y g ra t- ing is done to obtain a the fir st soaking and squee zing.R efrig - ed coconut

Tantalising chinese ood news for all y ou Chinese food buffs G out there as the T aste of China presents the Cantonese food f esti v al from No- vember 1 to November 20. Chef Jerry W ong and Chef M a ry team up to gether to stir your appetite with an ar ray of Cantonese specialities like Soya Chick -

TOWN en, Jumbo Prawn in oyster sauce.F or the veggies ther e is the vegeta b le Bud - dha’s delight and the tantalising g reen pe pper stir fried Cantonese style. And in case you on the look out f or a recommendation, w e str o n g ly recom-

AROUND mend Roast Pork and Fung mei mein moen fan (pot rice) to name a f ew .

Value for money ictur e this . It’s a hard day with no time P for lunch break. So wh at do you? Per- haps munch some biscuits or maybe just cof - fee.But no need to do so f or Jer ry W ong’s at S a ket ser ves an Ex ecutive lunc h whic h is a three course meal comprising soup,appetis - er,main course and of course an ice cr eam. And what’s even more. All this and more av aila b le at a thr ow aw ay price of Rs 100 onl y.

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any are now pin- computers.But some scien- h e m o r e me g a pix els the Mning their hopes Computers of the size of a sand-grain tists pr edict the tr end is now m e r rier — or so you’d on nanotechnology — the wearer.Nanoscale filter s early 1990s. coming to an end and tradi- g a ther fr om digital the pr ocess of m a n u - that ar e a b le to deacti v a te Smaller and smaller tran- tional silicon tec hnology will T camera prices . T he facturing tiny ma - chemical weapons and clean sistor s and microprocessors reac h its ph ysical and eco - higher the number of m egapix- chines the siz e of the environment. h av e alr ead y fuelled a c y cle nomic limit by 2012. IBM is els,the more expensive the cam- atoms.Researchers ar e Cor por ate investor s and ofever-f aster,m o r e pow erful w orking with carbon nan- era will be in comparison with BREAKER predicting the advent venture capitalists otubes to r eplace silicon in others with similar f ea tur es .But of pow erful computers have doubled their in - transistors and has devel- what are me gapixels? How the siz e of a g rain of vestments in nanotech oped memory chips using m a ny do you need? Is more al- w ays better? PATH sand, able to oper ate over the past two years, molecular switches.But the for decades on the pow - with $1 billion f lowing big pr ob lem is time. Pix els (known as me gapix els er of a sing le wrist - into nano-projects . Something that takes advan- w hen you count them by the mil- watc h ba tter y. P eople ar e as e xcited tage of a new discovery in lion) ar e pictur e elements, the ‘Smart’fabrics tha t could about nanotechnology the la b g enerall y tak es 10 to tin y spots of da ta tha t mak e up a sense heat or the pr esence of n ow as they were about 15 y ear s to mak e it to the digital ima ge. All photos are to xic c hemicals and protect the inter net back in the market. made up of tiny elements: fro m the ink dots in ne wspaper pho- tos to the g rains of silv er or par - tic les of colour dye in film pho - tograp hy.A good photo usually has millions of these elements. T he mor e there ar e,the shar per and more detailed the pictur e is, and the harder it is to distin - guish the elements from one an- other. A digital camera’s effec - ti v e pix el count is its horiz ontal resolution m ultiplied b y its v er - tical resolution. An ima ge 2,048 pix els acr oss and 1,536 high has just over 3.1 me gapix els;a 2,560 x MEGAPIXELS: NOT TOO 1,920 ima ge is just o v er 4.9 m e gapixels. Digital cameras made for am- ateurs usuall y have between two and fi v e me g apix els , though GOOD A PIX ALWAYS cameras with eight me gapixels or mor e will be av aila b le soon. m e g a pix els y ou will within the camera,zero- Those numbers are no match need depends on how PICTORIAL PERFECTION ing in on an impor tant for 35-millimetre film, w hic h has you plan to use your pixel count makes. subject ar ea so tha t it fills a resolution equivalent to 20 or pictures.F or e-mail, an im - F or prints measuring up to 8 a s m u c h of the fr ame as you 30 me gapixels, but digital cam - age siz e of 640 b y 480 pix els b y 10 inc hes , the dif ference be- w ant. A z oom lens does this by eras can nonetheless produce (0.3 me gapix el) is usuall y tween shots with two me gapix- nar rowing its vie w to e xclude excellent ima ges. H ow m a ny best: lar g e enough to look els and fi v e me g a pix els can be some subject areas while mag- sharp on a computer scre- har d to discer n. T his was not nifying whate v er is left within en but small enough to up- al w ays tr u e ,b ut cur rent digital the fr a m e . T he picture area load or download quickly. cameras do a better job of pr o- contains just as many pixels as F or prints, m o r e resolu- cessing the r aw da ta from their before,but with more of them tion is r equired, and the i m a ge sensors into ima ge files n o w de voted to the subject ar ea big ger the print, the on their memory cards.(“Most you want, its details ar e c lear er. g rea ter the dif ference the Don’t confuse this pr ocess,op- tical z oom, with so-called digi - tal zoom, a purel y electr onic process that selects a small sub - ject ar ea b y thr o wing aw ay the surrounding pixels: the pix el count of the ar ea you select with digital z oom is the same as bef or e,so y ou don ’t g ain any- thing but a tighter composi- tion, and the picture may look fuzzier. It’s like cropping your picture in your computer,only with less time to select your

people will never, ever need How many megapixels you something above three meg- need depends on how you apixels,” said an expert.“I’ll plan to use your pictures. For make 8-b y-10’ s all day long fr o m e-mail, an image size of 640 that.”) by 480 pixels (0.3 megapixel) In prints lar ger than 8 by 10 inc hes, differences in pixel is usually best: large enough counts become more notice - to look sharp on a computer able. F ew a m ateurs make screen but small enough to prints that big,but another rea- upload or download quickly son to g o for a higher pixel count is the a bility to cr o p . Pictures that look ed g ood when composition and no chance to you shot them may contain dis - change your cropping if yo u tracting elements; cropping al- don’t lik e the r esult. lows you to pr une those ele - “It’ s not as v aluable for ments aw ay and make the pic - cameras that have zoom lens- tur e strong er. C r op out 40 per es as it is for entr y-le v el cam - cent of your picture, though, er as tha t don’t,” said another and you lose 40 per cent of its expert. Entry-le v el cameras pixels.T h at might be a wor th- ar e also , alas , likel y to have w hile tr adeof f ifit reduces a lo w er pix el counts to star t five-megapixel image to three with. On the other hand, such m e g a pix els , b ut not so if the cameras are mainly used f or image g oes fr o m t w o m e g a pix - snapshots,“and for snapshot- els to a paltr y 1.2. sized photos,sometimes digi- It is also possib le to cr o p tal zoom isn’t too bad, ” sa ys a product manager. Indo-Pak Peace Packages... ou may have heard of D ev.Both these g entlemen will the v arious Indo-Pak be required to donate their Y peace initia ti v es lik e sper m. T hese will be com- the Karachi-Mumbai Ferry, bined and fer tilised in a v olun- the PoK V alle y B u s , T he Coast tar y w o m b . If the r esult is a Guard Co-operation Initia tive boy he will be called D-AN and and the Cricket Proposals. will head the Indian Men’s T hese have been g etting r e- Cricket team of 2025. Ifit’s a por ted on the fr ont gir l she will be called page of Delhi newspa- K-IM and will captain pers ever y day. the W o m e n ’s Team. Of H ow ever,now ,with the course,twins would be political c limate soften - pref er red. ing, behind the scenes „ T he LoC Snowslide: there is a dee p level W alking takes too think-tank which has long. Buses are very come bor- up ing. with a DILLI TO PAGAL HAIN And fe w Shivjeet Kullar no one top-se - is go- cr et pr ojects to ing to risk a bind the two plane with countries to - Osama hiding gether.Here is in T erminal 4 a look a t some of P akistan of those plans. Airport.The „ Kkahanii LoC snowslide Kkashmir Ki: is a 2-km tun - T his is a v er y nel to be de - emotional se- signed by rial on the T V V ijeshwar- to be directed B abbar, the by Ekta A ppu Ghar K apoor.It is a folks . Just g et stor y of t w o in from one w omen, w ho end and w ork in the w heeee sliiii - same office . ideee along. Once they were friends but W ithin 12 minutes you come n o w ar e se par ated by a par ti- shooting out in the country tion and throw paper planes you aimed at. etc. at each other. T hen a big „ T he Cross-Border Cousins: thaw happens and they kiss In the end, nothing says it bet- and make up. Subsequently, ter than music.T his is a plan the y adopt a c hild to g ether. for a two-man pop band called Sla ted f or the lead r oles ar e Ms the CB Cousins featuring Benazir Bhutto and Ms Sonia Mush and V aj.Watc h out f or Gandhi. T he daughter is to be those soul-stir ring numbers played by Kashmira Shah. K ar gil K alypso, W ah W a h Subtitles in Italian. W agah, UnLoC My Heartand, „ T h e K h a n D e v Pr oject : T his of course the specials , Mush pr oject is headed by the with Nukes makes me Pukefol- BioGenetics wing of AIIMS low ed by V aj with I kneed y ou and will seek the suppor t of b a b y . G r ea t stuf f. Imran Khan as well as Kapil ([email protected])

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h a t do the sizzling phirang Jenny from the block and our desi Amisha Patel from Bolly wood W have in common? T hey both are drop dead gor- geous; both are glam-dolls and stars in their r espective galaxies; both have men sw ooning all over them; and, last b ut not the least, both f launt the same baggage. And, hey,w e aren’t talking a bout the emotion- al, psychological and tr auma-inducing baggage tha t spr ains the souls of our sensuous star beauties.T his par ticular ba ggage is br anded, classy and has high show-of f value.T he sexy Jennifer Lopez,being a model figure,poses with it, h a ving been signed on as a brand ambassador for the e x clusi v e Louis V uitton range of bags. T hough our local beauty, Amisha Patel hasn’t yet been c hosen to en - dor se the line , she was treated just as e x - clusi v ely as J-Lo when she was in tinguished personalities.’’ E u r ope r ecentl y. T he lady gushes and elaborates on her majes- Amisha was flown in by the CEO tic e v ening in Paris . ‘‘ W hile in P aris , I met of Louis V uitton in the companys’ Emmanuel Ungaro and Picassos, grandson pri v ate jet,fr o m P aris to the at the R othschilds castle , w her e w e dined M a rrakesh Film Festi v al tha t she that evening.After the conclusion of the w as supposed to attend. On-flight M a r ra k esh f esti v al,I fle w bac k in the she was interview ed by the Editor same sw anky private jet to P aris .’’And of Figaro M agazine.Amisha, w ho ever since the lad y touched homeland, hails fr om the well-heeled, w ell- there have been f eeler s from Louis V uitton bred Patel khandaan in Mumbai, for Ms P a tel to be the br and ambassador.So couldn’t stop r aving about the e x- is she lik el y to tak e o v er J-Lo’ s ba gg a ge,after perience.R ecounting the moment, all? Amisha replies , ‘‘Lets see. I have to w ait she enthusiastically said, ‘‘At and watc h m yself .’’ M a r ra k esh, I attended a state dinner at Well, Amisha, its time to g et set for your bag- the r o y al palace w hic h w as an e x clusi v e gage c laim! gathering f or 600 pr ominent and dis- ( Online) JESSICA’S Bonny boy for Reese RAP silent screams egally Blonde star ctress Jessica Biel’s con- L R eese W itherspoon, A stant screaming while film- w ho is mar ried to ing movie remake The Texas Holly wood actor R y a n Phillippe, has given

WORLD Chainsaw Massacre left her with bir th to a ba b y bo y. T h e such a sore throat, she ended up 27-y ear -old actr ess and expressing her terror in silence. The brunette screen beauty, 21, admits her voice couldn’t keep up with the movie’s de- mand, so she decided to cheat and get a little help from tech- nology. She says, ‘‘My voice would just stop working, but I’d have more screaming to do. So I would strain my mouth wide open and let as much air out as I could (so they could dub it in later). You feel really silly not ac- tually screaming.’’ And feeling her hubby who already ridiculous wasn’t the only peril have a four-year-old daug - she faced. She explains, ‘‘A hter A v a Eliza beth, h ave named the new arrival spark from one of the chain Deacon. Meanwhile , saws burned through my jeans R eese has three projects once and I yelled, ‘‘Cut!’’ A light including V anity Fair, bulb exploded over my head W alk T he and shards of glass were em- Line and bedded in my shoulder.’’ W hiteout . Russell’s charity gala galaxy of star s A tur ned out f or the Louis V uitton United Cancer Front charity g ala, w i t h the fund r aising event’ s star hosts , F rida’s Salma Hay- ek and Oscar-winner Jennifer Connelly, leading the list of big Holly wood nam- es supporting the cause. W hile the thi - rd sla ted host f or the e v ening,R e- nee Zellw eger, w as unable to at- tend, tha t didn ’t stop r u g g ed R u - ssell Crow e fr- om doing his pa- rt for the e v e n - ing, thanks to his special link to the trio of Ti - nseltown beau- ties . ‘‘I ha v e a per - sonal connect- ion to all thr ee of the c hairs, you see,’’ he e x - plained on T V.‘‘I m a rried Salma H ayek in a mo- vie in 1995, I ma - rried J ennifer Connelly in a m o vie in 2001, and I will be ma - rrying Renee Ze- llw eger in Mar- ch of next year so I thought I’ d best come and check on how m y movie wives are doing.’’ F or those un- familiar with the two-time A c - ademy Award winner’s CV,the films in question ar e Breaking Up, A Beautiful Mi- n d and the up- coming Cinder- ella Man. R uss- ell w as all smiles a t the g ala, per - h a ps due to his sta tus as a ne w - ly wed and ex- pectant dad. T he hunky Antipode- an’s real-life wi- fe,actr ess Dani- elle Spencer is due to give bir th to the couple’s first c hild, a baby boy soon.

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8 BACK BEAT DELHI TIMES, THE TIMES OF INDIA SATURDAY 1 NOVEMBER 2003 THE CONTRACT GAME An honest his contract is one of a shay Kumar (the two leading police officer kind. Sajid Nadiadwala men in Mujhse Shaadi Karogi) T unit Issar is directing the new film has made Priyanka Chopra till his film is ready. And if she PG a rv-Pride and Honour.T he film star s the female lead in his M u - does want to do so, she ll have Salman Khan w ho plays the lead pr ota go- jhse Shaadi to seek permission from nist, a police of ficer, opposite Shilpa Karogi sign Sajid first. Shooting for Shetty.T he film also star s Amrish a contract Mujhse... commences Puri,A nupam Kher and has four that she this month and the film is villains f or the fir st time.T he film won t do likely to release next is dedica ted to K a r tar Nath Mal- another year. hotra,an ex police of ficer and f a - film with ther of P r e m K ishan of the pr o- Salman duction house. A nu Malik has Khan composed two songs of the film. or Ak-

ARJUN RAMPAL: Ghai’s dream man The favourite boy he Showman of Boll y - rjun Rampal is surely Tw ood has made block- Adir ector’ s f avourite boy. buster films, w ork ed with After T ehz eeb,he is going the finest talents and, of to act in R aaj . V ashu course, touched com- B h agnani has moners with his signed Khalid for m a gical dir ectorial his ne xt venture w and and tur ned R aaj . T he film is them into mega an action f lick star s. On the occa- sion of his 25th wed- ding anniversa- Moochon ry,Subhash Ghai ex- pr essed his desir e to ka kamal w here A r jun plays the lead w ork with a senior ac - amir Khan role.T he other actors of the tor fr o m past — none Ais al w ays str - film has to be decided yet.It other than Sunil Dutt. iving f or perf ection. is said Khalid g ot along well Ghai adds,‘‘My desire to He g ot a perf ect g oa tee during the making of the w ork with Dutt saab still for Dil Chahta Hai to get film T ehz eeb. remains unfulfilled. ’’ that young look, and he is leaving no stone un- tur ned to g et himself into the right fr ame of the c har acter f or his n e xt film K etan Meh- ta ’s 1857: T he Rising. Aamir plays the r ole of Mangal Panday in the film. He is spor t- ing the moustache to absolute perf ec - tion.

Tollywood remakes Bollywood film! ollywood and Tollywood Tamil, and renamed Shock. The Bsure know how to excha- film will be directed by actor- nge ideas. And remakes galo- director Thiagarajan and will re. And now Ramgopal Varm- star the director’s son, Prasan- a’s Bhoot, which received quite th, and well known actress Si- a few accolades from the audi- mran. Looks like Ramu’s flicks ence, is going to be remade in are all set to scare the South.

Vol. 03 No. 303 RNI Registration No. DELENG/2001/5765. Published for the proprietors, Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. by Balraj Arora at Times House, 7 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi — 110 002 and printed by him at Times of India Press 7, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi — 110 002 and 13 & 15/1, Site IV Industrial Area, Sahibabad (U.P.). Regd. Office: Dr Dadabhai Naoroji Road, Mumbai — 400 001. Editor (Delhi Market): Sabina Sehgal Saikia, responsible for selection of news under PRB Act. © All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher is prohibited. Circulated with The Times of India in Delhi & adjoining areas.

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