DLD‰†‰KDLD‰†‰DLD‰†‰MDLD‰†‰C Texas Chainsaw Priyanka’s reel THE TIMES OF INDIA Massacre leaves proposal: Mujhse Saturday, Jessica Biel silent Shaadi Karoge? Sex park doubles village’s birth rate November 1, 2003 W here there’ s a will, the - ation as a location where Page 7 Page 8 re’s a way. Corneliu Olar, lovers frequented and inc- the mayor of Horea in Ro- ludes facilities suited for mania, has doubl- romantic dinners, ed the birth rate soothing music in his villa g e by and phones for er- constructing a otic calls . T he pa - sex-theme park — rk offers various Olar’s V alle y of methods to get co- H appiness. uples in the mood T he site was ch - —and that is what osen for its r e p u t - finall y counts. OF INDIA RAPE, POLLS? OFFICIAL SOLUTION: SHUT BARS AT 11 PM! ARUN KUMAR DAS echoes a predictable trend: w henever a inter n a tional f lights ar rive la te a t night. ber of esta b lishments with licensed bars Times News Network high-profile crime is committed, the aut - The forced closure of bars at 11 pm by police and excise officials, apparently to H aving to c lose our bar a t 11 pm means pay an additional annual f ee (Rs 3 lakh in horities o verlook the primary issue and enforce the law after the recent rape of a Swiss diplomat & ensure mishap-free that we turn aw ay a large number of cus- the case of restaurants and Rs 4.25 lakh Swiss diplomat has alr ead y suf fe- divert their attention to seemingly unrel- assembly elections, amounts to handcuffing an entire city without justification tomers.Business is af fected, b ut tha t’s in the case of hotels) to r emain open till 1 red rape because of the lax secur - ated issues inconveniencing innocent cit- the way it is,’’says a senior e xecutive at a am as per provisions in the Delhi Liquor Aity in the city.N o w ,Delhi at large izens.If anything,the drive has allo w ed fi v e-star hotel. A d ds the o wner of a hotel Licence Rules,1976, based on the Punjab is being victimised because of the warp- cops on the take to make a f ast b u c k b y UNWARRANTED ACTION at CP,‘‘Business at bars picks up late in E x cise Act, 1914. In this conte xt, there ed sense of law and order of the pow er s- granting a concession to hotels and rest- the e v ening but the police is so strict tha t ar e reports ofof ficials on the tak e allo w - tha t-be . E v en as pr essure mounts on the aurants which grease their palms. customers need to place their last or der ing bars to slip in e xtr a time after 11 pm. men in khaki to bring the rapists to book, Psychia trist Sanjay Chugh, M D,drives at 10 pm — an hour before shut-down. ’’ S a y s D w i v edi, ‘‘Action will be initia ted if the Delhi Police and e xcise de par tment home the point: ‘‘R a pe is trig g er ed of f b y If hotelier s ar e cr ying f oul, it is not wi - cor ruption by police of ficials comes to the criminal instincts of inherentl y sic k thout r eason. Still, both police and e xcise “ The police is enforcing bar “ minds; it has nothing to do with alcohol of ficials ar e insistent on their ne wf ound Rape is triggered off by the timings specified in licence permits and bar timings.And this is bor ne out by de v otion to r ules.In the words of excise criminal instincts of pathologically on account of the assembly polls facts .T he r ecent high-profile cases of ra- commissioner Ranbir Singh, ‘‘T his joint sick minds; it has nothing to do “ pe in the city — lik e numerous others bef - drive is being conducted with the police. “ and the Swiss diplomat’s rape ore them — have not been committed by I convened a meeting of hotelier s to seek with alcohol and bar timings — joint commissioner of police Maxwell Pereira persons high on alcohol, but criminals their cooperation in enf or cing bar timin- — psychiatrist Sanjay Chugh, MD with a heinous mindset. T here is no justi - gs .’’ A dds joint commissioner of police ar e going around town shutting down ba- fica tion to cor rela te rape and bar timin- Maxwell P er eir a:‘‘T he police is enf or ci- our notice.T he pur pose of enf or cing bar rs a t hotels and r estaurants a t 11 pm, ost - gs.As for the 11 pm deadline,w hat law- ng bar timings specified in licence per m - timings is not to har ass anybody.’’ ensibly because this measure will help tr - and-order problem can arise after 11 pm its on account of the assembly polls and Unfortunatel y,the of ficial action — al - ack down the absconding rapists . T his , w hich can’t occur bef or e 11 pm?’ ’ the Swiss diplomat’s rape.’’According to though it pur por ts to be in sync with the w hen an of fence such as rape which can Still, nearabout 4,000 esta b lishments, DCP (licensing) GC Dwivedi, ‘‘If bars re- letter of the la w — g oes a g ainst the spir - only be committed by a patholo gicall y he - including 48 hotels and 146 licensed bar s, mained open beyond stipulated hours till it of a liber al society.T his amounts to a inous mind has absolutely nothing to do ar e being f or ced to down shutters by 11 n o w ,the y did so ille g all y.T he police is ju - lump in the throat. And Delhi refuses to with the consumption of alcohol and bar pm even as innocent people are prevent- st enforcing timings —nothing more.’’ sw allo w it. timings.T he current drive, once again, ed from enjoying a drink at bars.‘‘Many It must be mentioned that a lar g e nu m- [email protected] NEELABH MANOJ KESHARWANI ALLEN O’BRIEN taken around the equator of Times News Network the moon. T he intention of India is almost over the moon! this stud y is to ma p the surf - ne ste p f or man, a giant Experts forecast that an Indian spacecraft could land on the lunar surface by 2008 ace of the moon.’’ Olea p for mankind. Such In September 2002, India is the enor mity of humans is being made at a r apid r a - NEELABH handran,‘ ‘T his pr oject will successfully launched its fir - landing on the moon. Ameri- te,’’ISRO PRO Ramachandr- electrify the na tion and sho w st wea ther sa tellite ,w hic h sh - ca’ s Neil A r mstrong was the an, ‘‘A special committee wh - the world that India is ca p a b - ould allow a more accurate first, China’s Yang Liwei is ic h will dr aw up a ne w estim- le of taking up complex proj- pr ediction of cyclones and st - the la test. Closer home,with ate of the situa tion has been ects a t the cutting edg e ofsp- or m s .In line with this pr o g r- technology constantly scali - constituted and approved by ace r esearch.’’ ess,it would be natural to ex- ng g reater heights, it might the g ov er nment. As of now, T he pr oject in question is pect tha t India will soon e x e- not be long bef or e India sen - w e are optimistic tha t,by estimated to cost Rs 3.5 billi - cute a lunar mission. Says K ds a spacecraft to the moon. 2008, India will be up there on on and the plan envisa ges se - Krishnamurthy,P RO direct- After year s of research in th- the moon.’’ nding a 250-kg remote-sensi- or, ISRO , ‘‘A lunar mission is r eg ar d b y scientists a t the As f ar as the potential of ng sa tellite w hic h will be lau - can provide impetus to the Indian Space Research Orga- this lunar mission goes, ele- nched by India’ s indig enous- development of science in In - nisation (ISRO) in Bang alor e, mentary analysis indica tes ly-developed PSLV.W hile the dia and, possibly,a new dime- a mission to the moon is no tha t India’ s P olar Satellite pr oject aims to e xplore the nsion to g lobal cooperation. ’’ longer a distant dr eam. Launch V ehicle (PSLV) is ca - surf ace of the moon, R amac- That,of course,m a kes for an ‘‘It is no long er g oing to be pable of sending a spacecraft handran explains,‘‘Most lun- out-of-the-world f eeling! a tedious wait since pr o g ress to the moon. Infor ms Ramac- SPACE RACE ar missions have been under- [email protected] The changing face of Bollywood stars Actors change their appearance to bring realism to roles NIKITA DOVAL Adarsh, ‘‘Today’s audience Times News Network has becoming very discer ning and inconsistencies which ealism is the b uzz word — w er e acce pted earlier ar e pin - Rand not just in the case of pointed today.’’ A dds Dino, film scripts .
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