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L 0 AI ~ EllclI GOINGS ON ABOUT TOWN A CONSCIE.NTlOUS CALENDAR Of E.VENTS Of INTERE.ST THE THEATR£ casts himself as Jesus, invites S-M-r·W·T·f·S twelve of his black slaves to an PLAYS AND MUSICALS enactment of Christ's feast. A frail, overdecorated man, the THE ASS-Lisa Mazola brings this 4 5 6 7 count is one of Cuba's biggest old-fashioned workhorse to life. I I I I ! I~ 11~ sugar-growers and unable to Her costumes, by Ralston-Purina, absorb the changes of the provide the only food for command of a classic tragedy the most part relativistic, and in revivals, particularly among the Industrial Revolution; the slaves thought in an evening of star that begins to look much older. some cases quantum mechanical. lower, drug .. using classes. Some are a threat, yes, but they are turns. (Magenta, 542 W. 55th St. than its years. (Catalina Island parts are first-rate Disney, as niore familiar than the strange 642<1)370. Tuesdays through in the Pacific. 795-6841.' THE TRUSTEES' ROOM-A friendly weak as that may be, but the machines he' is getting from Saturdays at 8. Martinis September 21 at dawn.) bar and candlelit back-room total effect is grotesquely England. The feast of Maundy Wednesdays and Saturdays at 2.) restaurant on beautiful Millikan kitschy. Thursday, filmed in brownish A LIFE IN THE LAB-Edward pond. But don't expect an black and filled with the BEST WHOREHOUSE AT TECH-A Hutch's loving tribute to science evening of scientist F.I.S.T.-A iong-winded film set clattering of knives and forks charming foppish musical about in the form of a collage of the watching-most of the patrons bctween the thirties and the used by people more accustomed next year's annex, and about the office conversations between a look strictly from off-campus. fifties, encompassing the forties to eating with their fingers, political and sexual mores of our seasoned biologist and a youuger with marginal references to the begins in nervous conviviality Institute. Jose Frink, as bright one, and of their laboratory IN BRIEF twenties and none at all to the and ends with the comlt asleep and inventive as ever, was the dialogues in brief parodies of fifties, about a fictional union and the slaves reverting to happy choreographer. The company, called the Federation of every conceivable kind of scene. ALLEGRO NON TROPPO-A Africanism. under the direction of Mr. The play is hilarious and funny Interstate Twits, presumably Mayor, is as proficient as it is an tiquated film by Bruno based on the Teamsters. The as well. (Backroom Theatre, 1-71 Bozzetto. In WOP. (Quad) MONDAY MORNING FEVER-A high. (Easternmedia, 2 189th W. Campus. 795 6841. Tuesdays man who rises to its head is nineleen-year-old Italian Catholic Ave., near the Ath. 574-1914 through Fridays at 8,,) played by Silver Stallion, a (John Revolta) works up a song Tuesdays through Fridays at 8, ANNIE HALL-Droll tale of • sleepy presence with moments of middle. class misadventure. and dance routine to get out of Private Groups Saturday and MILLIKAN'S MEN-A daredevil primitive intensity; rather like his Ph 106 fhal. Ricardo Gomez Sunday at 7.) physicist hijacks a super-tanker Ostensibly set in New York, it our writing. We should be does a simply marvelous disco and searches its tanks for oil fails to capture the sense· of the grateful, heaven knows (they do number in the Ath bar. drops. A haunting, existential city. Almost sensing this, the have a subscription), for any BLASTED BUMS-Wc are in the plo t continually attempts to presence of eight sleazy Flems, statement about Islam ensues. Hollywood film that takes us PRETTY BABE-Louise Mal's (Bridge, you know where it is, switch to Los Angeles' into the public domain, but this beautifully intelligent picture is by the dugout duriug all five wasteland, a far more innings of a game against the 795-6841. Tuesdays through one seems unfashionably set in a brothel at Throop Saturdays at 7:40.) appropriate setting for this right-wing. Institute. The notorious olive mythopoeic Phage Dudes. The uncultured drivel. (Regency) action-a matter of small walk district is about to be shut FOR THE LOVE OF inanities-is sometimes [mmy, MY MOTHER WAS i A down. An exquisite little girl of sometimes not, and almost FOR TUNE-TELLER-Bobby BIRD MAN OF BLACKER-A film BENJY-llrilliant satire of man's twelve, first shown upstairs in always reeking of alcohol. The Christ's one-man show of songs, that never solves the problem of irascible best friend with the room where her prostitute actors, members of the ~th connective formulae how to dramatize the life of a particular emphasis on the mother first took on a physicist, Organo-Metallic Theatre of (presumably by himself), convicted geologist who spent proverbial doghouse. Without a has her virginity auctioned off to Noyes, do quite well; Kenneth becomes an indirect more than forty years in solitary doubt trez chick. a pack of rabid synthetic Rue Sow, as a blind man, does autobiography of this mystic confinement, with birds: as his chemists. Filmed partially on terrible things to a softball. administrator. (3rd Floor only companion. THE GOODBYE GIRL-She says location in Gates. (Performing Parking Lot, 33 Experimental Theatre, in the gratuilously abrasive things to Olive Walk. 449-9454. Nightly, phallic symbol, 795-6841. Daily CHEMICAL KNOWLEDGE A grimly hin} and he bcats thc shit out of at noon.) purposeful satire about her. AN UNMARRIED WOMAN-A except Mondays, at 8. After tenderhearted feminist picture Friday, June 9, will move to depersonalization and how we A PECULIAR POSITION ~A brisk use each other chemically as THE GREEK TYCOON-A dashing about naive fresh women at another parking lot, to be Caltech. The garden scene is announced. ) and merry evening of objects. In Hairy Grey's cold debonaire Mediterranean tycoon improvisation, with four bright slick, emphatic style, it is like a arranges the assasination of a US particularly droll. CHAPTER THREE-Neal Simone young mathematicians and a eeon, sign, that spells out president in hopes of marrying carclllogen. ' specializes in couples, some of nymphomaniac. (Scientists the former first lady and causiug ZOMBIES FROM THE which are queerer than others. Playhouse, 7 100th Ave. S., her mltold sexual frustration STRATOSPHERE-Dope-crazed The two couples in this 794-6190 Fridays at 5.) COMMA-Genevieve Bojuld as a a'rnid scenic Greek revelry. surgical resident in a Boston zombies drinking pina coladas constipated comedy are full of invade Earth and terrorize a RADIO ASTRONOMERS-Harry Zero Hospital. She discovers that large shit, which passes while beil1g HOUSE CALLS-A zany duet from student newspaper in this joked about. (Empire, 942 W. and Billy Coal's musical about numbers 'of young healthy B&G is embarked on a search for musical comedy. At first the 54th St. 669-1563. Nightly, the plight of radio astronomers patients have lost the ability to Room 301 in the undergraduate zany zombies are content to play except Sundays, at 8.) in this city is, paradoxically, punctuate after undergoing houses. All existential comment with the type-setting machines, quite exhilirating. The members minor surgery, and on art, architecture and social but, falling prey to the vices of COLD QWARKS-Dick Fineman's of the department, most of them then-uncultured-have been mores. The window they intend the lower classes, they end up play about two incredibly stupid unknown, range in age from packed off to a facility that to fix undergoes apo theosis in snorting cocaine and reading physicists in a Pasadena bar. eleven to their early twenties, provides long term proof-reading the closing sequence. Camus. After performing a Unexpectedly, much of the but their proficiency at and ghost-writing services. sensational recombination .of dialogue is very fmmy. The observing, deriving and THE LAST SUPPER-Set on a Cuban DNA, done only in theory derivatioll of c is particulary bull-shitting is unlimited. FANTASIA A horrible mutilation of sugar plantation in the late previously, the brilliant, hilarious. (Athenaeum, 146 E. (Robinson Theatre Club 24 W. the best classical music we have. eightcenth century in Holy dedicated, young biologist saves Olive Wlk. 795-6841. Fridays Campus, 7956811. Tuesdays Initially, the. film was a Week. In an expression of fake both the elderly professor's foxy only, at 3.) through. Saturdays at 8.) well-des<;rved box-office failure, camaraderie and bland religiosity, daughter and Earth from certain but it has proved successful in a bewigged white count, who destruction. DADA-A mercenary, back in Iowa UGRAD·Gorgeous costumes and sets, for his pet hog's funeral, is many lithe dancers, and the most persistently haunted by the realistic nerds in the world. The stubborn, fmmy dictator. The cast is exemplary, but the show G mortar rounds into the audience fails through monotony. (46th enhance the alrcady realistic Street Theatre, 622 W. 85th St. A LISTING OF THE STAFF feeling. (Des Moines, I Main St. 642-4271. Mondays and 642-6230. Nightly at 8.) Wednesdays at 7.) DEATHTRAP-A superb cast in a WORKlN'-A stunning production of thriller whose clever a curious musical comedy based EDITOR THE FIRST D D 0 0 Q 0 II II II 0 Oli 0000 (I oEdward Joseph Bielecki Junior anfractuosities of plot are just on an unusual masturbation technique recently brought to frightening enough and just EDITOR THE SECOND 110 Q II 0 0 0 Q 011 Q 0 11 I) II 0 I) 0 0 Q"" Spencer Robert Klein funny enough to make a light in North Complex.