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UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOHN R. ROGERS, OF BROOKLN, NEW YORK, ASSIGNOR TO MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE COMPANY, A CORPORATION OF NEW YORK. LINOTYPE-MACHINE. No. 890,177. Specification of Letters Pater.t. Patented June 9, 1908. Application filed January 14, 1908, Serial No. 410,734. , - To all whom it maj concern: and that the movement of the elevator which Be it known that I, JoHN R. RoaERs, of presents the matrices shall be varied to corre. borough of Brooklyn, county of Kings, and spond, as otherwise the ears, of the matrices State of New York, have invented a new and I would fail to properly engage beneath the useful improvement in Linotype-Machines, shoulder of the keeper, and would be in CC of which the following is a specification. danger of mutilation thereby. . whereinMy invention a composed has linereference of matrices to machines. is pre- insure It is thethe properaim of andthe automaticpresent invention control toof sented momentarily to close the face of a the eievator with reference to the location of siotted mold in order to form type characters the keeper, and to this end it consists broadly ( 10 on the edge of a metal cast therein, as in the employment of intermediate or coöp shown for example in U. S. illetters Patent to erating parts, by which the location of the Mergenthaler, No. 436,531. In these ma- keeper and the movement of the elevator, or chines, the mold stands in a horizontal posi- other mechanism for presenting the line to () 5 tion during the casting action, and it is the mold, may be made dependent one upon wisenecessary to the that mold, the matrices, shall be presented adjusted edge and theIn other. the accompanying drawings IM have alined vertically with great accuracy, in shown my invention. applied to a commercial order that their 'characters may appear in Mergenthaler machine of the present day, the proper positions on the edge of the slug, the drawings being limited to those parts This a linement is secured by means of one with which the improvement is immediately or more horizontal ribs or shoulders lying associated. As to all other parts, the ma-. parallel with the mold slot and engaging ears chine may be of any ordinary or approved forcedin the lowerinto closeends ofcontact the matrices, therewith. which It are is construction.Figure 1 is a perspective view of the Secon 80 25 the cominion practice to use with the one elevator, the top of the vise-frame, the mold, mold, different or sets of matrices, hav- and adjacent parts, with my devices applied ing characters of different sizes. It is also thereto, the elevator being in its uppermost the common practice to make the mold position. Fig. 2 is a vertical section from adjustable in such manner that the thick-front to rear through the center of the parts 30 ness of the slug may be varied at will. For shown in the preceding figure, the elevator these reascns, and in order to insure the being lowered and the line presented properwith reference location to ofthe themold matrix under allcharacters circum- to Referringthe mold into castingthe drawings, position. A represents stances, it is usual to form the alining rib or the main-frame, and B the mold containing 90 35 ribs on a separate plate, known as the keeper- the slot or mold proper b, in which the slugs plate,that it securedmay be adjustedto the mold vertically in such or replacedmanner usual,are cast. on a Thisvertical mold supporting-wheel may be mounted or disk as by another plate having its alining, shoulder b, having an intermitting rotary motion and atmind a differentthat it this keeper-plateIt is to be borneand itsin wisealso aof motionthe mold, forward as in theand Ordinary backward Mergen- face . engagementmines the vertical with positionthe matrices of the that latter, deter and thalerC represent machines. the so-called keeper-plate. . se consequently the location of the characters cured to the face of the mold and having one with reference to the two sides or edges of or more longitudinal shoulders c parallel with 00 45 the slug. A line of matrices is commonly the mold-slot, to engage the matrices and supported in a vertically movable carrier, hold their characters in exact alineinent in isknown lowered as the at firstthe proper elevator, level by inwhich front the of linethe frontD, ofD, theare mold.the matrices of the form usually mold, after which the mold and the keeper. employed in Mergenthaler machines, with 105 50 advance against the edges of the matrices to the letter or matrix proper in one edge, and engage therewith. Whenever a change is with the protruding ears or shoulders above made in the of matrices, or in the thick- and below the character, so that when the ness of the slugs produced, it is necessary matrices are assembled in line in front of the J.0 55 that the keeper shall be adjusted vertically mold, their lower ears, on the operative side, 890,17? will be engaged beneath the shoulder on the keeper-plate, as plainly shown in Fig. 2. one position or another, according to the E represents the vertically movable sup slide and to the particular step which is port commonly known as the first elevator, brought under the stop-screw. in which the composed line of matrices is sus In order that the stop-slide may be au pended, and by which the line is lowered to tomatically adjusted to correspond with the 70 the casting level in front of the mold. position of the keeper, I propose to connect During the descent of the line, the mold them by any suitable intermediate devices, stands in its rearmost position in order to so that the position of one will determine the 0. avoid interference with the descending mat operative position of the other. In the rices. After the elevator E and the con drawings I have shown for the purpose, a le 75 tained matrices are lowered, the mold is ad ver II, pivoted to the frame and connected at vanced until the keeper engages over the the lower end with the stop-slide G, and also matrix ears in the manner shown, after a second lever I, pivoted to the elevator E, its 5 which the elevator E is urged upward to lift form and arrangement being such that when the matrices and seat the upper surfaces of the elevator is lowered, one end of the lever I 8. the alining shoulder on the keeper - plate, will contact with the end of the keeper C, whereby all the characters in the line are while the other end contacts with the lever II. brought to exact alinement horizontally, as As the elevator completes its descent, the 20 usual in Mergenthaler machines. lever I, contacting with the keeper, is caused. It will be observed that the vertical posi to swing about its axis so that it in turn oper 85 tion of the matrix characters in relation to ates the lever II and advances the stop-slide the mold, is determined by the keeper, which G to the proper position. - is adjustable vertically on the mold. By In Fig. 1, the elevator and its lever are 2 5 raising or lowering the keeper, the entire line shown in their elevated positions. The dot of matrices will be AS or lowered, and ted lines indicate the downward course of the 90 their characters caused to assume higher or lever with the elevator, and the points at lower positi? is in relation to the mold, so which its two ends contact respectively, with that the type characters will be cast cen the keeper and the lever II. 30 trally along the slug, or near the upper or arrangement,It will be observed the height that of underthe keeper the aboveC de lower edge, as demanded, and this regard termines the extent of movement of the lever 95 less of the thickness of the slug, which may land the distance which the slide G is ad bemold. varied by the usual adjustment of the vanced. In other words, the keeper deter The keeper may be secured and adjusted mines, through the intermediate parts, the by any suitable means, for example, by the height of the stop-shoulder presented to ar 100 horizontal slide c' seated in the El and pro rest the descent of the elevator and matrices. vided with a groove to receive an oblique or In all line type machines, a safety device is diagonal rib on the back of the keeper, as provided to prevent the machine from being 40 fully explained in U. S. Patent No. 846,053. started if the elevator E fails to descend to it is important that the elevator Eshall be the proper . This device consists of a 05 arrested in its descent at such point that the vertically and laterally movable rod J seated shoulder of the advancing mold may pass over in the frame and connected at the lower end the matrix ears, and that it shall be prevented with clutch-controlling devices, while the up 45 from stopping in such position that the per end is arranged in the path of a screw or shoulder of the keeper Will contact with and projection i on the vise, so that the vise in 10 mutilate the ends of the ears. For this pur descending will depress the rod J. Unless pose, a stop-screw F is mounted in the eleva the vise descends to the proper level and de tor E, to contact with the solid part of the presses the rod J a corresponding distance, 50 machine and arrest its descent. Heretofore the machine is prevented from starting, in a this screw has been arranged to seat itself on manner well understood in the art. 5 top of the inlain-frame. As however, the As my mechanism contemplates the arrest keeper-plate is adjustable in relation to the of the vise at different levels, it is necessary holl, it is necessary that the elevator and to provide a compensating device which will lmatrices shall be arrested in their descent at move the stop-rod J a corresponding dis points corresponding with the position of the tance. For this purpose I provide the stop 20 ISOR it may be, and it is to this slide G with a second stepped memberg con end that my invention is chiefly directed. nected thereto by a horizontal pivot and ar For this purpose, mount on top of the main ranged to pass between the upper end of the 60 frame a horizontal slide G, having at one end rod J and the screw i so that the thickness a series of steps g at different heights and in presented between these members will corre L25 such position that one or another of these spond with the level at which the elevator is steps may be brought beneath the stop-screw arrested. If the elevator stops at a high F by innoying the slide endwise so that the level, the thick portion of the memberg will 435 elevator and the matrices will be arrested in be presentel. f, on the other hand, the ele vator descends to a lower level, the thinner 130, 890, 1. portion will be presented, and thus the varia adjustable thereon, the matrices adapted to tion in the heig t of the elevator is automat engage the keeper, the matrix-elevator or ically compensated for in such manner as to carrier E, a stepped stop G to limit the move 55 insure the proper and automatic action of ment of the elevator, and means whereb A the clutch-controlling devices...... the keeper adjusts the stop. While I have shown my improvement as : 5. The mold, the adjustable keeper, and embodied in a Mergenthaler or line-casting the matrix-elevator E, in combination with machine commonly known under the trade the stepped stop for the elevator, and the le mark 'Linotype', and in the form which I ; vers Hand I through which the stop is actu- 60 O deem best adapted for general use, it is to be ated from the keeper. understood that it may be embodied in va 6. In a line-casting machine, the combina rious equivalent forms having a similar mode tion of means for presenting matrices to a of action, and that it may be embodied in all mold, adjustable means for determining the machines containing means for adjusting the longitudinal adjustment of the matrices in 65 15 matrices transversely of the mold slot. relation to the mold, means actuated by the The essence of the invention lies in so con line-presenting, means to control the ma necting or arranging the means which pre chine-driving connections, and means con sent the matrices to the mold, and the meanss trolled by the matrix-adjusting devices and which determine the adjustment of the char acting in turn to determine the time at which 70 20 acters in relation to the mold-slot, that they the line-presenting devices actuate the driv must receive corresponding adjustments. ing connections. . While the stop with steps is believed to be 7. In a line-casting machine, an adjust more simple and cheaper than any other, it able keeper C to control the position of the will of course be understood that it may be matrices in front of the mold, a member J to 75 replaced by any form of stop adjustable or automatically control the machine-driving 25 variable in height provided it is operated connections, and intermediate devices, where automatically. . . . by the position of the keeper C determines Having described my invention, I claim the time at which the member J is actuated. and desire to secure by Letters Patent 8. In combination with the matrix-eleva 80 '30 1. In a line-casting machine, the combina tor E and the clutch-controlling member J, tion of a mold, matrices, means for present a movable stop g to arrest the elevator in ing the matrices in front of the mold, means different positions, and a member g' jointed for determining the longitudinal adjustment thereto and acting on the member J. of the matrices in relation to the mold, and 9. In a linecasting machine, and in com- 85 35. intermediate means to insure corresponding bination with an elevator E for presenting adjustments in the presenting and alining de the matrices to the mold, a member J con trolling the machine-driving connections, ad WCeS.2. In a line-casting machine, the combina justable means to determine the alinement tion of a mold, matrices coöperating there of the matrices, in front of the mold, and au 90 40 with, means for presenting RE matrices to tomatic devices controlled by the alining de the mold, an adjustable keeper - plate to vice and acting in turn to limit the move aline the matrices in relation to the mold, ment of the elevator E and to determine the and heans controlled by the keeper-plate. time of action of the driving connections. and acting in turn to control the matrix In testimony whereof I hereunto set my 95 45 presenting means. - hand this eleventh day of January, 1908, in 3. In combination, a mold B, an adjust the presence of two attesting witnesses. able keeper-plate C, a movable matrix-car TOHN R. ROGERS. rier E, and a stop for said carrier controlled by the keeper. Witnesses; 50 4. As an improvement in Mergenthaler RoBERT G. CLARK, machines, the movable mold B, E. C JEssIE I. SMITH.