Agenda Planning Committee Date: Wednesday, 23 November 2016 ___________________________________________________________________ Time: 14.00 ___________________________________________________________________ Venue: Council Chamber, Clydebank Town Hall, Dumbarton Road, Clydebank ___________________________________________________________________ Contact: Craig Stewart, Committee Officer Tel: 01389 737251,
[email protected] Dear Member Please attend a meeting of the Planning Committee as detailed above. The business is shown on the attached agenda. Yours faithfully JOYCE WHITE Chief Executive Page 1 of 123 Distribution:- Councillor Lawrence O’Neill (Chair) Provost Douglas McAllister (Vice Chair) Councillor Denis Agnew Councillor Gail Casey Councillor Jim Finn Councillor Jonathan McColl Councillor Patrick McGlinchey Councillor John Mooney Councillor Tommy Rainey Councillor Hazel Sorrell All other Councillors for information Date of Issue: 11 November 2016 Page 2 of 123 PLANNING COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY, 23 NOVEMBER 2016 AGENDA 1 APOLOGIES 2 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are invited to declare if they have an interest in any of the items of business on this agenda and the reasons for such declarations. 3 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 5 - 14 Submit for approval as a correct record, the Minutes of Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 26 October 2016. 4 CLYDEBANK BUSINESS PARK PLANNING GUIDANCE 15 - 34 Submit report by the Strategic Lead – Regulatory seeking approval of draft Planning Guidance on Clydebank Business Park. 5 PLANNING APPLICATIONS Submit reports by the Strategic Lead – Regulatory in respect of the following planning applications. New Applications:- (a) DC16/221 – Extension and modification to raised decks (part retrospective) at 7 Milton Hill, Milton by Miss F. McInnes. 35 - 40 (b) DC16/155 – Change of use of industrial unit (Class 5) to indoor trampoline park (Class 11) including formation of additional car parking at Unit 9, Bleasdale Court, Clydebank Business Park by RMS Leisure Ltd.