Agenda Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic Development Committee Date: Wednesday, 22 November 2017 ___________________________________________________________________ Time: 10:00 ___________________________________________________________________ Venue: Committee Room 3, Council Offices, Garshake Road, Dumbarton ___________________________________________________________________ Contact: Nuala Quinn-Ross, Committee Officer Tel: 01389 737210,
[email protected] Dear Member Please attend a meeting of the Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic Development Committee as detailed above. The business is shown on the attached agenda. Yours faithfully JOYCE WHITE Chief Executive Page 1 Distribution:- Councillor Iain McLaren (Chair) Councillor Diane Docherty (Vice Chair) Councillor Gail Casey Councillor Karen Conaghan Provost William Hendrie Councillor Caroline McAllister Councillor David McBride Councillor Jonathan McColl Councillor Marie McNair Councillor John Mooney Councillor Lawrence O’Neill Councillor Martin Rooney All other Councillors for information Chief Executive Strategic Director of Regeneration, Environment and Growth Date of Issue: 9 November 2017 Page 2 INFRASTRUCTURE, REGENERATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY, 22 NOVEMBER 2017 AGENDA 1 APOLOGIES 2 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are invited to declare if they have an interest in any of the items of business on this agenda and the reasons for such declarations. 3 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 7 - 11 Submit, for approval as a correct record, the Minutes of Meeting of the Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic Development Committee held on 16 August 2017. 4 OPEN FORUM The Committee is asked to note that no open forum questions have been submitted by members of the public. 5 WEST OF SCOTLAND LOAN FUND (WSLF) – AMENDMENT TO 13 - 17 ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION Submit report by the Strategic Lead – Regeneration providing an update on the current status of the West of Scotland Loan Fund and seeking approval to amend the Articles of Association.