Culture and Sights

Stenay the Merovingian

The town of Stenay built in Stenay a chapel Dagobert II incorporate the Kingdom named Saint Remi, in of the in 486 when memory of the bishop of Grandson of the king street 'rue de la Citadel' near Clovis rose to power. Af- Reims who baptized his Dagobert I, the young king of the actual Beer Museum ter his death in 511, the father around 496. Dagobert II was (engravings). The portal, sin- kingdom is shared among After four generations of threaten by , frankish gle surviving relic from the his sons. Theuderic re- reigns breaking up the of Neus- construction destroyed by a ceived the East part of realm, Chlothar II, then tria, wishing to take over Aus- german bomb in 1944, was kingdom : Austrasia, Dagobert I were pro- trasia. He makes Dagobert II disclosed in 1965, then be- where Metz became the claimed King of the be murdered on 23 December queased to the Saint Dago- capital city. Franks. 679 during a hunting incident bert Circle. It is from now on Around 530, Theuderic in the forest of Woëvre, at preserved by the Circle in a the same location we found cellar in downtown called the actual fountain holy Da- Crypt Saint Dagobert at the gobert II, at 9 km from Ste- n°3 Place R. Poincaré. nay. The king was buried at Stenay in the chapel Saint Remi wich day and Friday from 9 a.m. to became afterwards Saint Da- 12 p.m. noon and 2pm to 6pm gobert. It was located on the and on demand (3.5€ than 12y.o. free access).

Saint Dagobert Portal - XIII century - Lorrain gothic portal Engraving of the town and its ramparts before its dismantle in 1687

Engraving C.Chatillon 1591 Church Saint Dagobert Governor’s house The Food store (Beer Museum) Grandson of the king street 'rue de la Citadel' near Dagobert I, the young king of the actual Beer Museum Austrasia Dagobert II was (engravings). The portal, sin- threaten by Ebroin, frankish gle surviving relic from the mayor of the palace of Neus- construction destroyed by a tria, wishing to take over Aus- german bomb in 1944, was trasia. He makes Dagobert II disclosed in 1965, then be- be murdered on 23 December queased to the Saint Dago- 679 during a hunting incident bert Circle. It is from now on in the forest of Woëvre, at preserved by the Circle in a the same location we found cellar in downtown called The Cercle Saint Dagobert II the actual fountain holy Da- Crypt Saint Dagobert at the The Cercle is an gobert II, at 9 km from Ste- n°3 Place R. Poincaré. association born in 1972, They beacon, preserve, studying and promoting promote the Saint Dago- The king was buried at Stenay open Tuesday, Wednes- the Merovingian history in bert Pathways beginning in the chapel Saint Remi wich day and Friday from 9 a.m. to Lorraine. from the castle of 'Haut became afterwards Saint Da- 12 p.m. noon and 2pm to 6pm They valorize their works Charmois' in the forest of gobert. It was located on the and on demand (3.5€ - less in a permanent exhibition Woëvre, as well as the than 12y.o. free access). room located in a building Way of Saint James and n°3 Place R. Poincaré at Saint-Hubert on the sec- Stenay, where the portal tions crossing the North of of the ancient church Meuse (booklets with map Saint Dagobert is pre- and trails on sale at the served. Tourist Office and in the The Cercle writes Crypt). articles in its magazine They continue the "the Merovingian studies" pilgrim of Saint Dagobert Primitive gothic tympanum present- ing two contributors kneeling likely intended for its members every last august Saturday face to Saint Dagobert II and edits thematic book- and organize a Merovingi- lets upon the Merovingian an costumed banquet. history sold in the crypt. Finally, the discover They also have a docu- of Merovingian sights is mentary background planned every year in the about the Merovingian areas formerly covered by period. Austrasia.

Cercle Saint Dagobert: 3, place Raymond Poincaré Tel: ou Mail: [email protected]

The Food store (Beer Museum) Crypt Saint Dagobert

Discover of the portal of Saint Dagobert Stenay - City Centre

[email protected] OFFICE DE TOURISME DU PAYS DE STENAY-VAL DUNOIS Marina - Capitainerie Tourist information office Rue du Port 55700 Stenay : +33 (0)3 29 80 62 59 STENAY Doulcon : +33 (0)3 29 29 80 96 90 Green lake beach- Lac Vert Plage 3 bis avenue de la Gare 55110 DOULCON Translation : Marian HOWARD, Claudine DENEUWELAERE Photo Crédit : Stéphanie MIRLOUP, Johann BERTRAND, David BONNEFOY