Suceava European Capital of Culture 2021

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Suceava European Capital of Culture 2021 Suceava European Capital of Culture 2021 Inspire. Imagine. Feel - BID BOOK - Suceava City Hall County Council of Suceava Lungu Ion Nechifor Cătălin-Ioan Mayor President Suceava European Cultural Capital Association Founding Members: Ardeleanu Sanda Maria, Asociaţia culturală „SFÂNTUL MITROPOLIT DOSOFTEI” Suceava, Baciu Sorin- Dumitru, Baltag Vasile, Brăteanu Călin, Choleva Biatrice-Liliana, Cosmulese Gheorghe, Cramariuc Constantin Florin, Fînaru Maria-Sabina, Gafiuc Petru Vasile, Golda Sorin, Grădinariu Florin Maricel, Ieremie Doina, Lauric Sophia-Cristina, Mihăescu Oana-Alina, Pânzaru Mihai, Petrovici Viorica, Purici Ştefan, Rusu Vasile, Steiciuc Carmen-Veronica, Steiciuc Elena-Brânduşa, Stroe Şerban-Adrian, Varvaroi Viorel Institutional Partners: University Stephen the Great Suceava, Bucovina Cultural Centre, Archdiocese of Suceava and Radauti, Romanian Order of Architects - Center for Architecture, Urban Culture and Landscape, Sibiu Jazz Festival Foundation, Library of Bucovina IG Sbiera, Museum Bukovina, Society of Writers from Bucovina, Direction for Culture and Heritage Suceava, Children's Palace Suceava, Cultural Foundation Bucovina, Child Protection Suceava, Foundation Ana, Association Juventus, Chamber of Commerce and Industry Suceava, Trade Register, College of Physicians Suceava, the Union of Poles in Romania "Dom Polski", German Democratic Forum Suceava, Community Hebrew in Suceava, the Association of Arts and Humanity, Young Entrepreneurs Association Suceava, Rotary Club Suceava Bucovina, Club Rotaract Suceava, Lions Club Suceava, Leo Club Suceava Bucovina, Youth Can Do It, Cultural Co-Educational Association Suceava, Club Tourism Travel, Association SEVA, Golden Lira Cultural Association, Association of Italians in Romania ROASIT PROIECT MANAGER BID BOOK TEAM: Radu Bores Alexandra Maria Galan Ana Maria Hlaciuc ARTISTIC DIRECTOR: Ana Maria Macovei Carmen – Veronica Steiciuc Geanina Voroniuc (Herghelegiu) Ioana Mădălina Zubaș INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS: Laurenția Scurtu Matei Vișniec Stela Vasilica Vornicu Simon Newell Susana Alonso Sampedro 1 Table of contents Introduction – General considerations ....................................................................................................... 3 1. Contribution to the long-term strategy .................................................................................................... 7 2. European dimension ................................................................................................................................ 13 3. Cultural and artistic content ................................................................................................................... 17 4. Capacity to deliver .................................................................................................................................... 30 5. Outreach..................................................................................................................................................... 35 6. Management.............................................................................................................................................. 39 More Information ......................................................................................................................................... 56 Team coordinator CVs.................................................................................................................................. 58 Other annexes................................................................................................................................................ 62 2 Introduction – General considerations - Why does your city wish to take part in the competition for the title of European Capital of Culture? The motivation of the city of Suceava to take part in the competition is twofold. Firstly, because it wants to share the beauty, history, spirituality of these ancient lands together with the hospitality of our people to our European friends and the rest of the world. Suceava was once capital of the Principality of Moldavia, a mighty fortress of prosperity, but has since been forgotten and could once again be reborn through culture. Suceava deserves to be, once again, on the European map. We strongly believe that our stories, legends, myths and symbols are worth rediscovering and reimagining, and, together with those of others, can be used to create a meaningful, dynamic and diverse cultural program for 2021. Because the fundamental values behind the folklores and heritages of countries or regions have strong common points throughout European civilizations, yet are diverse through flavors and details, we are certain that our proposal can promote and cherish diversity, open everyone to dialogue and understanding while providing an entertaining experience with a lasting impression. Additionally, we want to let culture fill the crevasse between the two halves of the historical region of Bucovina, and in extenso, Romania, part of the European Union and Ukraine. We want our bid to be an invitation to dialogue and joint programs that can provide a testament that cultures unifies and strengthens the bond between peoples. Secondly, we want to decrease the gap between the current cultural offer of the town and the expectations and desires of our citizens and visitors. This is a complex process that involves developing infrastructure, creating sustainable mechanisms that generate culture, and educating the public while adapting to their particular needs. Historically Suceava was once a prosperous capital, the pinnacle of culture, science, spirituality in these lands, but it was then downgraded to a commercial town, a transit city a crossroad between the east and the west. In time, Suceava started to rise once more, through the spirit of the people it started to educate and rebuild itself. More often than not, people have a very narrow angle of judging the appearance, the cultural life and general atmosphere of a city, just by looking at what it is now, not at the dynamics on a larger time-scale. Suceava has been constantly improving its infrastructure, and cultural offer, and it is no wonder why it has produced many brilliant minds over the years. But in this age people demand more and this rhythm is not fulfilling the expectations, because of complex issues such as budgetary constraints, economic factors, population migration and others. The fact that this area is lagging behind in economic development in Romania and in Europe should provide an additional argument to our bid, as it is the policy of the European Union itself to reduce this disparity through its programs. Suceava has come a long way, yet there are still points in its agenda that have yet to be resolved: key infrastructures that will serve stringent needs of the population (including), the capitalization of untapped resources that are slowly degrading and fading away, and setting up a cultural life of the city that is self-sustainable and value adding, not subsidy dependent. Because everything is interconnected, institutions need infrastructure to work and deliver, and infrastructures need usage by a public to justify the investment, while the public has its own demands and most importantly a need for immediacy. Without some essential cultural musts, such as a satisfying theater, musical diversity and an aesthetical environment for everyday life, the citizens of Suceava and its metropolitan area, risk losing their higher purpose. Notwithstanding the apparent sync between the problems of Suceava as a city and the clear path towards the solution, without a powerful catalyst such as a title of this importance it might take decades to reach at the same point. Even so, given the comparative lack of resources, what is being done in Suceava, culturally, provides much more value for money than any other candidate, and a denser, more fulfilling experience. So the desire to apply has the assurance that it has the cultural demand, and that it can be done. 3 Suceava wants to apply because the conditions presented in the guide specifically state that this is a forward looking program that is not based on existing cultural life and is not business as usual. In this sense, we consider that we are an ideal candidate because such a program would truly be above and beyond anything Suceava has ever done culturally, a complete overhaul of the city with a long and lasting impact on its history. Of course, Suceava has the heritage necessary to be used as raw resources, and Bucovina provides an unparalleled setting for what is envisioned, but these are resources and not necessarily the main selling points. Instead, we plan to leverage the particular character of our heritage, our brilliant way of successfully integrating multiple ethnicities that have managed to preserve their cultural identities to tap other European and international cultures, make bridges through common points and cherish features that are diverse. We want the chance to invite everyone to share and develop European, if not international cultural values in a space with a specific individuality. Apart from the two major motivations behind our proposal, as depicted above, we want to reaffirm and emphasize that we want to be in the European family and participate in its life, its cultural development. Suceava can become the European Capital of Culture and deliver a program worthy of this title, but also needs such a booster for the development of the city, for the morale of the citizens and
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