Bronze Reliefs from the Gates of Shalmaneser, King Of
rW€ST€RN RESEDVE UNIV€RSITV UNIVERSITV LIBRARV Case Libmpy, Affiliated THE GATES OF SHALMANESER OXFORD PLATES AND LETTERPRESS PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS BY HORACE HART M.A. BR,ONZE RELIEFS FROM THE GATES OF SHALMANESER KING OF ASSYRIA B.C. 860-825 EDI'l'ED BY L. W. KING, M.A., LITT.D. ASSISTANT KEEPER OF EGYPTIAN AND ASSYRIAN ANTIQUITIES WITH EIGHTY PLATES c LONDON PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES SOLD AT THE BRITlSH MUSEUM, AND BY LONGMANS & CO., 39 PATERNOSTER Row ; BERNARD QUARITCH, 11 GRAFTONS TREET, NEW BOND STREET, W.; ASHER & CO., 10 BEDFORDS TREET, COVENT GARDEN; AND HUMPHREY MILFORD, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, AMEN CORNER, E.C. 1915 [All rights resewed] PREFACE HE present volume contains a complete reproduction in collotype of Tthe hammered and engraved bronze bands which ornamented a pair of wooden gates set up at the entrance to a palace of Shalmaneser, King of Assyria B.C. 860-825. In it are also included reproductions of two bronze bands from a smaller pair of gates, which we now know were made by Ashur-navir-pal, from whom Shalmaneser inherited the palace. The scenes upon these larger gates illustrate the principal incidents of a series of campaigns which were conducted by Shalmaneser during the first thirteen years of his reign, and the scenes upon the bands from the smaller gates are also of a military character. In the year 18'7'6 the natives of the district of Nimrad (the Calah of Genesis x. 11) discovered these bands, and some fragments of them were dispatched to London and Paris for examination by experts and sale.
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