RANCE. the Catholic to send THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, BUSINESS CARDS. INSD INSURANCE. quire his child into what the treatment of prisoners. The letter of Our New York Letter. THE PRESS. he : believes is everlasting peril; and that it is Mr. Davis is ample justification for the ac- Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the "ATEUIENT C. P. BABCOCK. ANNUAL. S’! Thirty-Third Annual Statement inconsistent for the sons of the Puritans to tion of those who oppose amnestying him. PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., TUESDAY FEB. I87fi The Literature of Mraodal-The 15— MORNING, 8, men “the to Banting — God accord- He not want not OF TIL — — deny light worship does amnesty,will accept of Bowen’s At 109 MAKER OP THE it, Dam-Thr Course of Ply. Exchange St., Pobtlaxd. iODEE & JOBBER, to We do not ing the dictates of their consciences.” lie considers himself an alien in this land. So month Church—The Modern To MANUFACTURER OF read anonymous letters and communi- .Wunchuu- Tebms: Eight Dollars a Year In advance. cations. The thinks it no that we are for there no on that ■ ena. mail subscribers Seven Dollars a Year it paid in ad- *rnfch and Chronometer Markers’ Tools; name and address of the writer are in argument right, need be quarrel point. vance. Mathematical, Optical and Philo- all cases not lor that does not justify or forcible interfer- continental MUTUAL indispensaole, necessarily publication legal New School LIFE Feb. sophical Instruments, as a The Eastern is a new York, 6,1876. but guaranty cf good faith. ence with another man’s conscience. It is question presenting PRESS Apparatus, Ac., Tbe inventive of the THE MAINlTsTATE We cannot undeitake to or and the Porte has genius newsmongers return reserve commu- not because he loves Catholicism, he says, alarming phase. Though o.t a ^ ifi Market Insurance nications that are not has taken higher flights than usual tbe Is published every Thursday Morning $2.50 Street, Priufers Exchange, Insurance Company, used. announced that he has resolved to apply in during a Company, that he for he looks it as if in advance at $2.00 year. argues thus, upon both as and year, paid Jut PORTLAND, MIC. dly 1BK’ OF NEW the uistrict the five past week, respects variety pre- OF THE 1'ITI OFNEWIk YORK, “tbc mother of all superstitions, insurgent leading points : One inch of the breeding posterousness. One enterprising journalist Rates op Advertising space, Every of his intention little a «. A. id. D. ESTABLISHED regular attache of the Press isfuruished bar to all Andrassy’s note, gives length of column, constitutes “square.” CLARK, January 1, 1816. IN 1843, the murderess of free thought, the conceived the masterly idea of spicing the col- daily first week; 75 cents per week with a Card certificate countersigned by Stanley T. satisfaction. There are news of warlike $1.50 per square , progress.” But he wishes to remove ail just umns of his sheet with an three insertions, or less. $1.00; oontinuing 14 FREE STREET 00 Tor the Tear Dec. Pullen, Editor. Ail dashing “elopement after; Cash ■ Ending 81st, 1875. railway, steamboat and hotel preparations in Ronmania. Russia is said every other day after first week, 50 cents. Capital, Sl.pOJMMk0 for Catholic to education, in high life,” in which a titled visitor from Opposite head of Brown St. 64 managers will confer a favor us ground opposition Half square.' three insertions, or less, 75 cents; one Surplus of Assets, 1,845,165 ASSETS JANUARY upon by demanding to be insurrection in Office Hours 2 to 4 P. M. 1st, 1876, credentials of to remove that iu reasona- fomenting Bulgaria, abroad—a married man at that—was made to week. $1.00; 50 cents per week after. every person claiming to represent our every pretext any and one a!6dtf 64 Russian officers are rebel as Special Notices, third additional. $2,845,165 journal. ble mind can justify Catholic to the commanding fignre the hero, and an estimable and irre- Under head of “Amusements” and “Auction $78,830,194.71. objection in A bands Bosnia. ministerial crisis is re- proachable yonDg lady from the as Sales,” $2.00 per square per week; three insertions ASSETS. universal spread of the common school. provinces JOHN P. Revenue. “By in ■or less, $1.50. CRAM, ported Austria, and there is prospect'of a tbe heroine. It is barely possible that the par- Cash on band and in banks. 08 "ce from Republican National Convention* the Bible out of the he Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State ...$266,674 To baU last account.$69,157,411 31 taking schools,” says, COUNSELLOR AT Loans on U.8. and other stocks ministry coming into power to the ties introduced into this sparkling romance Press” (which has a circulation in every LAW, prem received.. 15,731,970 49 “we shall be able and to pledged large part and bonds (market value “ ‘8t and 1876. justly righteously of the State) tor $100 tor first lutsrt rents. 4,668,998 16 of the and the downfall of may cot have relished tbe parts assigned them per square insertion, on ue- the Catholics to support insurgents and 50 cents for each insertion. 119 1-2 $209,880.50) payable next compel go in, and compelling per square subsequent Exchange Street, mand. 171,900 00 The Union Republican National Convention the Turkish in it. They are strangers here, and perhaps Address all communica tions to $89,558,379 96 for the nomination of candidates for Catholicism to enter empire. FORTI.AIVO. 438,57* OS ,_ President and the halls of popular edu- PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. Vice-President of the United States will be held in not very well acquainted with the methods Loans on bond and mortgage (on real es- Disbursements. cation is like a tbe of on tbe fourteenth driving ghost into daylight— business of all kinds promptly at- tate worth $1,835,575.00). 689,700 00 city Cincinnati, Wednesday, with which it is the wont of the luminaries Legal death and endowment claims. of at 12 o’clock noon, and will About Women. endeit to* novlOdtf Bank stocks 240,000 00 By paid ..$4,385,083 28 day June, 1876, consist he vanishes into thin air.” There is no dan- ‘‘ of the “palladium” to titillate the ears of their ENTERTAINMENTS. Railroad stocks and bonds. 87,600 00 annuities. 25,252 60 of delegates from each State equal to twice the num- A writer in the Woman’s Journal earnestly dividends ...... ber of its that the Bible canuot hold its U. States and State Gov. Bonds 628,075 00 3,539,663 67 Senators and Representatives in Congress, ger own where wonder loving readers. But “what are they 00 u .surrendered policies and addi- and of two from each every woman to “make herself owner Real estate owned by the Company..... 680,000 delegates organized Territory flttPru phi hi mn roa/J On (lr!o rvnJnf requests to tions... and the district of going do about it?” a libel suit? With J. H. Premiums due and unpaid and balances 4,724,893 79 Columbia. of a learn how to use it Bring PORTLAND MUSEUM, FOGG, 11 “ ■ good revolver, pru- in the hands 146,584 84 commissions (payment of cur- In calling the conventions for the election dele- courses thus our present judicial that would take otegents.... ^ eloquently: bat it under her machinery I. T. lVVER & this •. 71 rent and extinguishment of gates, the committees of the several States are re- dently effectively, place pil- CO., Proprietor.. Interest unpaid (due day)* 17,731 Our Christian to receive an average lifetime and cost a moderate for- COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW, 00 future)... 09 commended to tnvite all electors, and all religion ought the Rents due and accrued. 11,000 “ 762,365 Republican low at night, and carry it concealed in her pull- of mankind if it dare to ask for «uuc. Cor. of Congrem and Exchange Streets. Has removed to expenses and taxes. 706,198 11 other voters, without regard to past political dif- contempt stoop incuse «,ijo uuuo^u whu uuikwui[( ur Balance to new ferences or odds in its battle for the back the * Total.$2,845,165 64 account.75,414,923 42 previous party affllations, who are supremacy of the during day.’’ _ to pistols? That would subject them to the oa- JIONDAyTfEB. 7th, opposed reviving sectional issues, and desire to world. If, indeed, as her adherents elaim, she Miss Martha Wyatt, pnpil in the Ohio Nor- 13 1-3 Exchange 81, LIABILITIES. ..$89,558,379 96 promote friendly feeling and permanent harmony be the divine creature that God has coinmls prices and vexations of the law. Landis es- the mal School at has the head of FOR ONE WEEK ONLY, throughout country by maintaining and enforcing sioned and sent Medina, largest Dividends unclaimed and commissions the for the salvation of humanity, sayed that remedy over in maoy months Assets. all constitutional rights of every citizen, includ- known sane measures Jersey PORTLAND, MAINE. on on her brow the coronet of any female. It twenty- the eminent American Artists due or to become due unpaid premi- ing the lull and free exercise ol the wearing universal ana has been jau!3 d&wtf bl bonds and mortgages.$60,071,189 91 right ot suffrage ago, kept fretting in jail till now, ums, and expenses. $67,210 By without intimidation and without dominion, and bearing in her hand a four inches in circumference, and is three inches 00 United States and New York State fraud; who are in scepter but Losses in process of adjustment. 170,410 favor of the continued on which is written “All is unto having just been released by a verdict J. F. WHEELOCK stocks. 9,004,971 13 prosecution and punishment power given larger than the average male bead. She is a of all official me in real estate. 41 dishonesty, and an economical adminis- heaven ond on I say, this be which mu6t be unsatisfactory to — Asd — $237,620 61 3,572,655 earth!”—if, extremely tration of the Government faithful and ca- her good scholar, with marked tastes. cash in banks and trust companies by honest, character, her friends ought to be ashamed literary him because beclouded the evasive CYRUS PECK, Secretary. pable who are in favor of by assump- at interest. 3,850.255 76 officers; making such re- of themselves to beg for her the Iowa furnishes a female Winslow in the per- GEO. T. HOPE, President. forms in government as from pitiful backing tion of his MISS LILLIAN M. JOYCE interest accrued. 1,177,105 25 experience may time to of congressional and constitutional insanity. time suggest; who are opposed to impairing the cred- majorities son of Mrs. Ellen S. Tupper, the famous bee premiums deferred, quarterly and amendments. The sun asks no odds in One of the most reflections to which anil Feb. *lh and it ot the nation by depreciating any of its the painful Monday Tuesday, 8ih, W. ». & semi-annual. 1,032,495 41 obligations, battle with the darkness culturist, who has been arrested for forging the and Matinee, LITTLE CO., and in favor of sustaining in every way the national wheu he rises in the the scandalous ot literature now so wide- Wednesday in transit, lor names of her friends in style premiums principally faith and financial who hold that the common east. Let the heathen set up their be- various parts of the December. 50 honor; Dagons rise that it seems to Shakespeare's Tragedy of AGENTS. 111,369 school is the of American and fore the ark of ly prevalent gives is, be “ balances due 34 system nursery liberty, Jehovah; and, if they do not state to notes, drafts, etc. Her family claim STEPHEN by agents... 10,152 should be maintained as a BERRY, absolutely free from sectarian fall on their faces before it, let the ark be voted at_4. i_I_A. _1_ .1_It •_11. _Sal. regarded matter of course, and cccasiots who believe for the ot JULIET Stanton BlocB.. control; that, promotion these a box of full of no ROMEO ! $78,830,194 71 the direction hoards, only emptiness. If, very earnest or pronounced indignation or AND^ ends, of the Government should con- with all the opinion, and says ebe has cariied on the and to be the vantage of oldtime possession, and Feb. 9th and (ffloolcj (ga/id Wuniav} STATEMENT OF THE Einbilitics. tinue confided to those who adhere to tbe prin- protest. The peace! of families is ruthlessly Wednesday Thursday, fob in the rich in en business fot some time. ciples of 1776, and support them as Incorporated in grounded popular veneration, successfully IOth, and Saturday Matinee, Plum Street. at four dowments of and invaded, the hearts of sensitive and blameless No. 37 To reserve per cent...$74,167,274 57 the Constitution and the laws; and who are in lavor college church and hospital, The that the of Mattie the of not prediction marriage popular play 9 tf claims by death, yet due... 652,245 85 of recognizing and strengthening tbe fundamental with her Bible in every home and on every rail- men and women are wrung with anguish, the “ in advance.. 30,179 78 of National Strickland,daughter of Strick- THE LADY OF LYONS premiums paid principle Unitv in this Centennial An- road train, and her precepts saturating all our ex-Congressman the PHOENIX fund. 00 of birth sanctity of domestic hearth is brutally contingent guarantee 250,000 niversary the of the Republic. literature—if, I say, with these land of Michican, to one Leo Miller, a few and Shakespeare’s Comedy of unuiviueu burpiu»...... 01 E. D. MORGAN, advantages violated and the social is WM. H. Chairman, Christianity cannot sustain herself all weeks atmosphere poisoned KATHERINE AND PETBUCHIO 1 MOTLEY, WM. E. CHANDLER, against ago, would turn out badly, both parties Insurance Secretary, the world that ohooses to come to our with this current of venomous tat- Company, $78,830,194 71 REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE. shores, such “advanced ideas” that dis- pestilential then it to die. having they Box office open from 9 a. m. until 9 p. m. se2dtf ATTORNEY AT LAW, Washington, January 13, 1876. ought tle. And yet if anybody condemns it at all, OF HARTFORD, CONN., From the Undivided Surplus a Dividend will be pensed with the usual formalities, and simply ap- It will be seen that all these men entertain it is “with bated breath and whispering hum- OVER I. P. FARRINGTON’S, portioned to each Policy which shall be in force at its agreed to live together a3 long as they loved On the 1st Day of January, 1876. anniversary in 1876. the highest reverence for the Bible and its bleness.” It is the crowning sin of our day Grand Catholic The Bible in the Schools. each other, has already been verified, Miller Fair, that and but moralists and I Lave examined the Statement That a of is on re- teachings, they would have every child generation, preachers 180 Middle Street. The Capital Stock of the Com. carefully foregoing change opinion going in having turned out a bigamist and a scoundrel. and find the same correct. read it at his mother’s in his pass it by unrebuked. Will be held in jan5_dtf pany ail paid in, $600,000 F. Auditor. gard to the retention of the Bible in the knee, Sunday Alas, women are so far the inferior sex iu ISAAC LLOYD, pub- The of 1876. to School, everywhere in the sluiceways vulgar defamation have ASSETS ABE AS FOLLOWS! January 18th, lic schools is not be sainsaid. The sucrees- except public Germany that special efforts must be made in THE been choked within a or two schools. Bat hold that the state up day by the D. W. Cash on hand and in in hands of act of the Trustees the of tions made 'President and the con- they should their behalf. They do not manage their hus- CITY FESSENDEN, bank, NOTE.—By membership by Grant, of Bowen's dam. This wretched 15ALL, and in course of transmission.. ..$381,676 64 this to one in- force no child to bursting agents Company is limited hundred thousand stitutional amendment by Mr. read it, inside the school or bands with much success. Do you know what at Real estate. 135,341 23 sured lives. proposed creature has at last abandoned the sphinx-like Attorney Law, United States stocks and bonds. 92.250 00 Blaine are out, for that is abridging the of a reputation wa Americans are getting on the having much effect. Men whose liberty pri- attitude of a slan- State, county and municipal securities... 286,356 40 Increase in net assets for year vate continent? I heard a sprightly Viennese say private shoulder-shrugging Commencing Wednesday evening, IN STANTON 1875.$6>3S4,224.65 and sense judgment; that we should leave no OFFICE BLOCK, Bank stocks. 638,173 00 Income from premiums and inter- piety, patriotism good are not to be recently that the American husbands are the derer, and has made a public exhibition of his Railroad and other corporation securities. 369,880 00 weapon that we can remove in the hands of best trained in the world!—Berlin est.20)400)068.66 questioned advise the withdrawal of the Correspon- long It is a notable ex- Feb. 2d, and continue 10 days. Interest and rents accrued. 2,484 33 for interest over death suppressed spleen. No. 311-2 Exchange Street. Receipts those who aim to our school dent. claims and endowments due and Bible, and some who have hitherto been destroy system; ample of the fatuity of the Brooklyn con- dtf Mrs. who is at 3 o’clock each afternoon and at Jams $1,906,161 60 not or paid in advance in that we should take all or Dali, writing a series of very en- Open due, strongly in favor of retaining it have shifted away pretext the spirators that each in turn has appeared upon 1875. 383,914.88 letters to The New in each assertion that denominationalism tertaining Age, says 7 1*3 evening. LIABILITIES. their The is one not to be is taught in the scene so inopportunely as to deprive his ground. question one of that she wishes Boston were JOHN J. losses and other claims.$ 83,525 89 Iniurance in this Company COSTS our an assertion that them, as of Season $1.00. Single Tickets, 25 cents. PERRY, Outstanding decided, and whether we or dis- schools, strengthens the malice effective damage. If Bowen bad Tickets, D, \V. C. SKILTON, Secretary. LESS ns its DIVIDENDS are LARGER lightly agree well supplied with theatres as New York, and feb3 (18t President. than those of other hands of the Priest; and that the Bible is so had the courage to display his animosity earli- HENRY KELLOGG, any Company. agree with the views of these men it is but in the same connection she reminds tbe liberal at A. W. JILLSON, Vice Prest. Dividend* declared and paid In cash at be have Attorney Law, to strongly entrenched by the of its own er, might wrought serious mischief. ALLEN FESTIVAL. the end of first year, and annually there- reasonable extend to those views a candid weight Christians of one omission of theirs in sum- MISSION As it after. claims, and in the minds of is, the permanent hurt he will do must 49 1-2 EXCHANGE consideration, and discover if wa can the by prescription, ming up the merits and demerits of John Cal- The Ladies of the Allen Mission Circle will hold a ST., W. D. LITTLE & It* securities are BETTER—its Ex- of be He would to CO., our people that it can hold its necessity inappreciable. penses SMA L LG K than aay other. reasons for the change of opinion. easily own vin; they have forgotten to record the fact that Festival for the Benefit of the Poor, PORTLAND, MAINE. Many of its Policies have nearly doubled the be suye, injure himself fearfully if it were not AGENTS, as without doubtful aid which comes of its this father of the hour dlw'ttf in amount the 20 and When such men Mr. Beecher, Dr. Hol- orthodoxy changed of WEDNESDAY FEB. 9TH. jan21 during past years, that his reputation long since got beyond the EVENING, the CASH Dividends in many cases, are hurried, fragmentary and ineffective in Geneva to accommodate the land, and Prof. Patton of Chicago, a Presby- reading evening prayer of 31 EXCHANGE STREET. more than the Annual Premiums, so that possibility further tall. How he has ac- Donations of refreshments and money are solicited terian of in the schools. God will see that his This is to be noted those in a few years Policies become self-sus- the Presbyterians, assume the posi- surely opera! something by to demonstrate the and can bo sent to the afternoon or complished nothing except Chapel evening. P.M.RAY, OF THE taining. No other Life Company in this does not fade from out the minds ol who are discussing the amusement in Refreshments for sale. Admission 10 cents. feb7d3t STATEMENT tion that the retention of the Bible in our message question correctness of the held from the be- country, or the world, has shown such re- theory men. pulpit and outside of it. ATTORNEX-AT-LAW, sults, or present* snch udvantages for In- public schools is a menace to our common ih£ ginning by the) nearest and best informed of surance as this. The King and Queen of Greece are about to MUSIC HALL. school system their apprehensions cannot be A pet grievance of the has the friends of the Plymouth pastor, that be Democracy take a have F. holiday. They had a hard time of Maine. NATIONAL S. WINSTON, President, ridiculed as insincere, nor can it be claimed been the naturalization with was the original author and insidious dissem- TWO NIGHTS ONLY, Feb. 9 & 10. Saccarappa, RICHARD A. McCURDY, Vice Pres., treaty Germany, it—he for twelve years, she for eight—attempt- that their is inator of all the calumnies that crazed the JOHN M. STUART, Secretary, reasoning influenced by any providing that American citizens in to rule the restive The World Famous Probate Business and Collections. residing ing Greeks, and more than Fire Insurance WM. H. C. BARTLETT, Actuary. the if have brain of Tilton and produced 6uch shocking jan20d3m Company, prejudice against Bible,—for they Germany should report themselves once in once have been templed to throw the up task, He does not to a bias it is in the other diiection. All these two at consequences. pretend fadd SKIFF & GAYLORD’S ALOES J. CONN.. years least to the American minister throw down their crowns and run BLETHEIY, OF HARTFORD, W. 1). away. They to the of the case. He LITTLE, men the Bible as a or anything history regard message from the consul, and the provision that any natural- ale goiug to St. Petersburg, tbe capital of MOSTRELS 491-2 Street General Agent for Maine and New makes no allegation based upon knowledge Attorney at Law, Exchange January 1,1876. Hampshire, Almighty to his children, making known to ized American citizen of German origin be- Queen Olga’s native country; to Copenhagen, iy Business executed with promptness and dis- which he professes to have of facts. The them the eternal truths of which otherwise coming domesticated in and re- the capital of King George’s, and to London, And Cornot Band patch. jalld2m Cash Capital, $ 500.000 00 Stanton Block, 31 Exchange Street, Germany latest exhibition he makes of himself re- they might remain ignorant, and the rules of maining there two years should forfeit his where the King’s sister, the Princess of Wales Total Assets, 65 feb4 PORTLAND. d3w calls tbe story told by Mr. Claflin of the time 4 END HEN 4 ■_1,003,201 conduct which and the Queen’s the Duchess of Edin- Dr. R. T. Wilcle, by they must shape their lives. acquired nationality. The tieaty was de- cousin, when he pressed Bowen to unburden himself of 6 COMEDIANS 6 The Physician, schedule of assets—Market Value. Natural Magnetic STATEMENT OF THE as burgh, will entertain them. They unreservedly the divine nounced and as a MV uuwra MVVMW HMV UVWMUWM VV 1 be healed. 00 accept origin unpatriotic concession ug VIVBVIj With an entirely new Programme. He shall lay hands on them and they shall State ana city bonds.-$116,710 The Providence Press “When Mrs. 1st 00 of the have been from their to German and was says: cornered it turned out be didu’t know Booms 11 and 14 Fluent Block. Railroad bonds, mortgage. 54,000 book, taught absolutism, referred to an; Railroad rtocks. 86,400 00 the cashier’s Admission 35 cents. Reserved seats 50 cents. Seats nov8 dt? to reverence it as the word of the House committee on Whittlesey, Northampton wife, but be took in the state- Bank stocks 232,085 00 Manufacturers’ infancy God, foreign affairs for thing, finally refuge can be secured at box office, saw the burglars take her husband’s gold febtdlw JOE Bills receivable secured by mortgages and its moral and religious teachings are alike inquiry near the of the session. ment that Mrs. Woodhull if she chose “could a GAYLORD, Agt. 395.300 00 beginning watch she kicked hers under the and trust deeds. bureau, tale Then Mr. who is a “JOHN €. COBB, stocks and very dear to them, and they have no The has been made Mr. Faulk- unfold.” Clafliu, prac- Bills receivable secured by question report just by so saved it. And when her new cloak was in CLOSING BALL, bonds. 11,440 35 as to Its desirableness in the schools. ner of and tical common sense man, with an instinctive bills receivable. 11 public Virginia, completely disproves the robbers’ hands she 'Give me that old COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW, Interest accrued on 11,245 said, loathing of concealments and in- on not above in But the that there the Democratic innuendoes, HOLMES’ DANCING ACADEMY, Interest bonds included they recognize probability accusations. He finds that thing; Pm cold,’ and saved that likewise. If of Milk. market value.•.. 4,889 15 sisted that Bowen and he should go at once to 311-2 Exchange St. Cor. is to be a great contest over our common the treaty has been of great benefit this keen-witted woman could have been at the (Second Term,) Cash in Hartford National Bank. 26,139 22 JANUARY 1876. practical Mrs. Woodbull’s aud bear whatever she Cash in Charter Oak National Bank. 43 1st, school that the house, 35,889 system, Catholics will urge to naturalized Americans of German birth bank when tbe vault was opeued she would LANCASTER STANTON BLOCK, Cash in Company's Office 103 39 had got to say Bowen was to HALL, so obliged comply in hands of and in course of without long as their efforts have their native have the robbers that those Cash agents Capital Stock, $500,000.00 ceasing, revisiting country. Before the persuaded papers with this perfectly reasonable and de- PORTLAND, ME. 00 • « ruanly THURSDAY EVENING, FEB. IOth. transmission. 29,000 Surplus, 709,41945 of a division of the the German were nothing but milk bills.” ja29jald3m any promise success, treaty, government disputed the family mand. When they got there Mrs. Woodhnll Tickets 75 cents. febtdlw Total Assets. 65 school fund and the of of and claimed A young lady in Providence has recently $1,003,201 Total Assets, $1,209,419.45 appropriation public right expatriation, from for- was as barren of everything but hearsay infor- H. L. GREGG & LIABILITIES. for own mer uccu aowuiouiug iuo uduvrs uy UCI LcUlaniAUU] CO., ASSETS. moneys their denominational educa- subjects returning for business or pleas- mation as Bowen had been. That was the Fire Losses oatstanding.$36,335 11 extravagance. It that tbe attention of .. and that their are ure appears Marblized Slate Mantles. | SHIP BROKERS. I National Bank Stock.. .$117,850.00 tion, claims plausible so the military service which would have first, last and only time that Bowen was City Bonds. 26,250.00 tbe detectives was called to tbe fact that a -TAMPS! xrmnrvr.si Sonrafarv as there is a of denomina- oeen aue n had very to and for a Railroad Bonds. 193,480.00 long suspicion tney not left the country. brought bay compelled moment to & Merchants MARK President. young girl, apparently not more than ten Commission Forwarding HOWARD, Loans on Stock and Mortgages, amply se- tional influence in our system of instruction. The evidence of fheir recede from bis “policy ol silence” nntil the cured. acquired nationality of and of 457,696.91 years age, very bright appearance and recent fa minatinn Petroleum, Grain and other Charters, Real Estate—Office Building. 90.000,00 They recognize too the fact that the objec- was not readily accepted as sufficient dis- appeared. made richly dressed, had engaged a private box at Negotiated. Freight Engagements W. I). LITTLE & Cash on hand and in Bank. 472,180.85 tion a measure not to The explanation of of base Is of world. CO., is in great the reading charge from these obligations. for Boweu’scbaoge tor all parts the Bills Receivable tor Marine Premiums.... 126,526.10 Appeals the theatre for four successive nights in a 4 V,/-, T? ,Kl/-> ;n o/W»lo V,.v4 ♦/-, fV»/a y-/, r, ,1 ;^/v His situation is marine Insurance eflectcd in reliable Interest Accrued. 6,050.10 were simple enough. pitiable in the ----’----9- protection constantly made to the min- single week, which she for herself and Offices. Premiums in course of collection. paid extreme. it is of bis own AGENTS, 19,385.49 the Protestant version. ask themselves ister of the Though making one They United States, which led to occupied with young She was 108 WALNUT STREET, long companions. cannot regard it without commiseration. Re- Stanton BIocIl. $1,209,419.45 if they would be willing to see the Douay and embarrassing diplomatic discussions. ‘•shadowed” and her ways of life ascertained. PHIIxA-DFCLPHIA.. LIABILITIES. vealed at last as the fountain and scarce of the teb8 Bible put in the place of that version, and Since the has been in force these They revealed an and _

• Third Class Mail Matter.—Postmaster EASTERN RAILROAD. WASHINGTON. sert the word “not” before the word “admit- The Border Raids. Savannah, February 7.—Cotton dull and lower SPECIAL NOTICES. ted.” for sales; Middling uplands 12gc. General Jewell is having a new The Trait d’Union declares that Mexico can- prepared plan Mobile, February 7.—Cotton and BY TELEGRAPH. Mr. Thurman spoke against the admission of not allow American troops to pursue maraud- quiet steady; for postage on third class matter and for the Pinchback. Middling upends at 12Jc. Annual of tlie Stock- anil ers into Mexican territory. Both countries TAR. transmission of merchandise the Meeting The Union Central Pacific Railroads Charleston, February 7.—Cotton is Mid- FOREST through mails, Mr. Cbristiauev followed on the same side. should organize a special corps independent of dull.. fund propo- favored dling uplands 12|c. which will bo laid before the Senate Committee FROM AUGUSTA. holders. Washington,Feb7—Tbefsinking Mr. Hone Binchback’s prima facie the aimy having jurisdiction of the Kio Grande sitions of the Union and Central Pacific Rail- to the seat. New Orleans, February 7.—Cotton Mid- Its main right and its borders, and which should be placed quiet; onPostoffices. features are these; roads sent to the of All cases of Colds, Catarrh or Consump- Congress by Secretary tbe Senate then at 4 o’clock went into executive under direction ot a mixed commission. It is dling uplands 12|c._ Coughs, The plan proceeds upon the established fact are those made the com- Matters. Appointment ol an Treasury to-day by session, and at 5.30 the doors were reopened. said Mexico will demand of the Forest Legislative Investigating last. indemnity European Markets. Ion may ho much relieved by Forest Tar and that merchandise cannot be carried for the panies injFeb. Secretary Bristow ex- Adjourned. United States for damages caused by the late Committee. presses the opinion that some such arrange- HOUSE. London, Feb. 7—12.30 P. M.—Consols at M 15-18 long distances known as the hauls” at The Hlale raid on the ltio Grande. rar in Solution, and curable cases may bo cored by a “long Harbor Commission—The ment should be made but to for money an,l 917-16 for account. leaves it wholly Several bills were A mob stoned a Protestant, church the rates iixed the law that has hood introdu'ed as follows: recently P. M.-American by just passed Scrip Investigation—General Congress to determine how and by what sums iu the Plazo of in this The Liverpool, February 7-12.30 continued use of it. Forest Tar Salvo has great hea— Boston, Feb. 7.-^The annual meeting of the By Hale of Maine, borrowing the penal ton- Saufernaudo, city. 106. Erie the House at a loss to the Railroad Bill, Etc. and at what period tbe sinking funds should be securities—United States new 5’s Railway except government. stockholders of the Eastern ltailroad was held nage tax on certain United States vessels to Protestants in Acipulco are rapidly increasing obtained and applied. He intimates, at 15|. tog power in cases of Cuts, Bruises, Burns, or indo- It is therefore proposed to rearrange the classi- this foreuoon at the Meionaon. The attend- however, the old rate of 30 cents per ton instead ot SI.30. in numbers siuce the assassination of Kichard- that he considers the offers of the two compan- London, February 7—12.30 P. M.—Cotton market fication of third class it into to tlie Press.] ance was the Meionian Hall Also for the repayment by the of the son. at 6 do lent Sores. Forest Tar cures Salt Rheum and matter, dividing (Special very large, being ies The Central Pacific proposed Sscretary duli and easier; Middling uplands 7-16*1; Soap filled to its utmost a number inadequate. of the tonnage tax exacted. 2000 two classes for the of trans- Augusta, Feb. 7,1876. capacity. Quite to annum and the Union Paci- Treasury illegally Orleans at 6|d: sales 10,000 bales, including general purposes of pay $400,000 per of Foreigu Notes. all diseases of the and is the best soap ladies were in attendance, and the gallery first By Mr. Warren Mass., to remit the duties bales tor speculation and export. skin, shaving From the miscellaneous articles The Commerce Committee will consider the fic $500,000 for the ten years; $750,000 per announced portation. was filled with spectators. Before the meeting on certain goods destroyed by fire in the confla- The Standard says it is definitely 7—4 P. M.—United States harbor commission annum for the next ten years, and $1,000,000 Frankfort, February in the market. Prepare! The Forest Tar Co., now third transient bill establishing a state next was called to ot the an- gration in Bosten. that the Duke of Edinburgh is to take com- new 5s at by comprising class, newspa- order, copies forty-first yearly thereafter. 101|. and afternoon. It will be opposed. nual report of the were distributed, By Mr. Ballao of Rhode Island, to exempt mand of the iron-clad Saltan, now at Devons- Me. Ask pers periodicals, and the articles not Thursday corporation Texas Pacific Portland, your druggist for them. and also the following ticket: For Directors— Railroad. safety matches from stamp tax. port and proceed on a special cruise when she are to be taken and made The Land Scrip Investigating Committee are MARRIED. strictly merchandise, Samuel C. Lawrence, Frank Jones, J. S. Lud- Arguments favoring the Texas Pacific rail- By Mr. Fort of Illinois, declaring the birth- is refitted. octl5 sn9m a class. this elass the toward an Separate Upon postage not doing anything investigation. lam, G. S. Morrison, Onslow Stearns, James road were heard this morning by the Senate day of Abraham Lincoln a national holiday, A dispatch from St. Etienne to the Daily is to be one cent for every two ounces, irre- number No one talks about it and the impression now W. Johnson, Benjamin E. Bates, John Cum- Pacific Railroad Committee. Senator West, and that on the 14th of April the national flag Telegraph places the of killed by the In Norway, Jan. 29, Geo. M. Pike and Mary Frost, spective of distance. said he iu the .Tabin at 200. of that it didn’t in the mings, George W. Gill. chairman, would address a letter to the shall float at half mast. explosion colliery both Norway. & The articles of the third Is originate Democratic Jan. STROCT GAGE, remaining class, The meeting was called to order by President officers of .the Southern Pacific Co., asking Mr. Kasson of Iowa, moved to suspend th e It is reported that J. & G. Henderson & Co., In Skowb^gan, 15, Llewellyn Kennedy of Nor- denominated merchandise, are to be caucus, but iu the brain of Mr. Bass. ridgewock and Miss Sarab L. York ot S. properly Lawrence at fire minutes past eleven, and he what security they would give of their ability rules so that the Ho rse may proceed to vote grain merchants, of Liverpool, have suspended. carried according to weight and distance. The is At Tenant’s Harbor, Jan. 10, Geo N. Meservey and The impression tonight that the general read the several provisions embodied in the and intention to continue the road to meet the separately on the following resolutions: Liabilities 81,5000,000; assets good. COUNSELLORS-AT-LAW, country is tobe divided into circuits of 500 miles Miss Emma F. Clark, both ot St George. railroad bill will after farther amendment call. Texas Pacific. The counsel answered that they Resolved, That the constitutional authority The Daily News’ Vienna special says the Have Removed to Office in lion. W, W. and the postage upon the merchandise is to be of flew After the records of the last annual meeting would give satisfactory security. The commit- of Congress to coin money and to regulate the premature publication Count Andrassy’s Tliotiia»’ Block, to a an pass to morrow. The vote is to be taken at arranged according sliding schedule, had been read, the chair announced that the tee announced that they would hear no addi- value thereof, and of foreign coin does not in- rote has caused much annoyance there. The DIED. additional half cent an ounce req Hired noon. being next business was the election of tions,arguments. clude the to issue the paper of the official text was hurredly published yesterday. an Directors, authority ST. COR OF MILS. for each additional 500 mile circuit. Such The time of 311-2 EXCHANGE the legislative party has been when Mr. Edward Crane offered two votes,one The Tariff Bill. government as money, and in the judgment of 59 6 arrangement, it is claimed, would enable the In this city, Feb. 7, Mark Church, aged years S. C. STUOUT. H. W. GAGE. to providing the reference of the annual report to the House the constitution nowhere confers on months. government to carry this class of mail matter changed Tuesday of next week. Representative Morrisson, chairman of the [Providence papers please copy.] ile«30 eml&wOm a committee of five, who shall also be empow- Congress the power to issue in time of peace FINANCIAL AMD COMMERCIAL. In this city, Feb. 7, of pneumonia, Mrs. Abigail, at a small while under the present sys- Gov. Connor will hold a in Gran- Ways and Means Committee, said to-diy that profit, reception ered to receive and act the of the the or for the wi session, the plan been printed, and it day, Sunday. TURKEY. No 3 Chicago at 110 1 12 @ a Spring, closing p*»^t; Port Conn., was the preparation of a eulogy of his ernor Assistant Sugeon of tho First the for and salvation that 114 for No 3 1 25 late son. Royal, ,, .hi1 Regiment, only plan hope had Two unknown men, supposed to be tramps, Rouinamia Refuses to Pay Tribute. Milwaukee; Saturday eVCTlwg for No 2 Milwaukee in store, CHAKLgMMtfr^rri1 otmachs Chattanooga. Snare, former colleague, Senator and vice Dr. F. W. been presented. Some thought it was a hard were killed bv a locomotive on closing to-day sellers Buckingham, Chadbourne, resigned. Sunday night London, Feb. 7.—The Kelet a at 1 at 1 1 trom Belfast. LAST YEAR but it was the of an Nele, journal 23, buyer 22; 35 for No 1 Minnesota; 1 05 Bango.’fTJeres. the late Starkweather of the At the of several plan, only payment honest the Baltimore and Ohio radroad near Freder- of Ar sch Frank Representative request members Dr. Lam- Pestb, publishes the following: for no grade,Winter Western and nominally; 1 21 @ 5tb, Jameson, Bunker, Rockland. debt. The bondholders bad accepted 3£ and ick Junction. Their bodies were cut in Old 5tb. sch Alruna. Smith. St NB. same state died while ho was a eulo- bert consented to lecture in the House 4J pieces, The Sublime Porte on account of his finan- 1 23 for No 2 Chicago; 1 33 @ 1 40 for No 1 ! John, BT preparing Tuesday cent., instead of 7 per cent, to which and Spring. SC—Ar sch Jas A per they nothing was found by which they could be cial difficulties recently Roumania to Kye nominal. Barley dull. Barley Malt unchanged. GEORGETOWN, 29th, Brown, of Senator and an order for its use entitled. were requested Charleston. gy Ferry. evening, therefor was were Delays hazardous, and he identified. her tribute iu Oats—receipts 24,625 bush; market quiet and with- Kane, pay customary advance. The Sid 29th. sch Lizzie Lane, A event took in on urged that this plan should be and out decided change; sales 41,000 bush; 46 49c for West, Martinique. remarkable place Egypt unanimously passed. accepted The interior of the first Roumanian government has sent a note in re- @ pushed. Congregational Mixed Western and State; 48 @ 52c tor lor White do WILMINGTON, NC—Cld 4th, sch Charley Bucki, New Year’s The Mohammedan lunar church in N. was that the treaties day. year Exeter, H., badly damaged ply declaring stipulate that the including No 2 Mixed at Mixed Bagiev, St Jago. Killed over Mr. Woodbury said he owned fifty shares of tribute is 481c; light 482c. 60,000 MARINE Sunday by fire and water. The fire payable only in return lor the market NORFOLK—Ar 3i, sch Thos J Stewart, Patterson, died Dec. 31 for all civil cases, and by a de- NEWS. the stoek. If this meeting he caught obliga- Corn—receipts 27,390 bush; 4 @ |c better shilly-shallied, from a defect in the furnace flue. Loss about tion assumed by Turkey to defend Roumania with a fair demand for both and sales Nevi York. cree of the khedive the should cents on its spot (lelivory; Gregorian calendar was go home, put eyes and bury no FORTRESS MONROE—Passed in 4tb, brig Ante- Maine Seamen Lost, $3000. irom foreign invasion. The Porte having 68,000 busli; 57£ @ 58£c for grade Mixed; 64c for if tbe indorsed this he should _ Kay, from Matanzas for Baltimore. adopted as the authorized guide in the ordina- it; meeting plan, shown itself of a graded Mixed;642c for choice ungraded new Western lope. Feb. incapable quieting local in- DEL—Ar Sam Ev- Gloucester, 7.—The fishing schooner put it in his strong box, with the belief that in surrection the Mixed; 64c for new Yellow Southern in store; 76c for LEWES, 5th, barque Sheppard, ry dealings of life for Christian and Moslem From the Black Hills. Roumanian government is con- Belle of the ep Polar Wave arrived She due time it would have a value. Round Yellow; 40,000 bush graded Mixed all Februa- ans, Cienfuegos ; brig Bay, Williams, yesterday. reports the vinced that it can no longer rely on for sch Roswell. for orders alike. Gen. Butler speaking of the plan adopted at Omaha, Feb. 7.—A letter from Custer City, Turkey ry and last half of February at 64 @ 64J. Cottee is Messina; Hurlbut, Matanzas, loss of dharles Fisher and Chester on in protection, therefore the to tri- 7th, Mnlvey, Fountain, Cardenas. The first Dunton, tbe of Jan. said that when the Black Hills, of Jan. 25tb, says that over obligation pay nominally unchanged. Sugar is quiet and unchang- Maggie 111 tlie United international exhibition of the year meeting 15, the bute is at au eud. Roumania NEW YORK-Ar 4th, sch Albert States. the Grand 19th. 40 houses are now up and 60 in process of erec- moreover com- ed at 7| @ 8c for fair to good refiniug; 8£c for prime. Mason, Rose, Banks, January They made debt of the road was reduced to ten millions, SC. —that of Chili—has failed. The show did not tion. Water is found feet plains that the Porte bas concentrated Molasses—unchanged. Rice steady. Petroleum is Georgetown. a visit to their trawls an he tbe stock would have a twenty from the troops Think of and then that in overloaded thought dividend- at and sent refined cases Ar 7th, barque Homeward Bound, Merriman, Lis- it, remember tor the sm its the dory, surface. A steam saw mill will be in Widin ships up the Danube under quiet; crude8§c; 142c; 19@-21;Tallow pay. During progress, foreign Commis- value of 25 cents on the dollar or a operation Palermo; Tubal Cain, Stone, sum of 33 cents cau one box ot which capsized and were drowned. paying a false that the is steady at 9£c. Turpentine is dull. Pork steady at bon; brigs Afton.Copp, you buy sioners they They in a few days. Flour is $12 per 100 and pretext; threatening attitude F I Merriman, Lecraw. schs LA observed the successive Sabbaths by prospective value of double that amount. He lbs., of at 21 50 @ 21 75 for new mess; 500 bbls buyers Marseilles; Santos; were both and bacon is 30 cents a New Servia rendered such measures necessary. option Webb. S F Trim, fm youDg single men, belonged in indorsed the and said no pound. parties who seller May at 22 00; seller March at 21 GO 2117 Johnson, Miragoaue; Seabury, giving free side-shows. The American Com- present management, Roumania is to bic; Me. have arrived here this winter have made new consequently compelled take asked; do April at 21 70 bid; 2175 asked. Dressed Port an Prince; Ella, Drisco.l, Kingston, Ja; EH Westport, investigation would touch them. In the future measures missioner outdid all the others a laws. The old find that to protect ber frontier. The note easier at for Herriman, Herriman, Cardenas. R/EDER’S by chartering an could De had to see pioneers their mining Hogs 9£ @ 9| Western. Beet is quiet. A Portland Schooner in Distress. investigation what concludes a Cld sch Wm Frederick, Ames. Genoa. claims are Miners from the north with declaration that Roumania is Cut Meats—Western quiet; middles are dull at 114 4th, circus. should be what roads were built jumped. Cld for or- Feb. property sold, an and will resist at- @ 11| for Western for short clear. 5th. barques Eyvor, Littlefield, Anjier, Philadelphia, 7.—The schooner Ralph who this side of Big Horn, report new discoveries independent state, every long clear; 12£c “Ta, awfully ta,” is the new slang in London- for what purpose, they carried, and who to her Lard shade 650 tes steam at 12 3-16 ders; W E Anderson. Brandt, Matanzas; schs Maud far made. men tempt occupy territory or the march of easier; prime @ GERMAN Howes, from Portland for Baltimore, put in carried them. was a rich field for surpassing any yet Thirty left 250 do seller Barbour, Palike, St Domingo; Mary E Long, Has- SNUFF, or is and means “thanks” Bankruptcy it. 123; February at 12 80; 1000 tes seller Ta, ta-ta, baby talk, here to-day to prospect there. Bed Cloud and troops through at 13 50 kell, Boston. here to-day in distress. counsel to work in, and the General frankly April @ 13 37£; 500 do seller May at 13 10 A or several hundred warriors have @ Hell Gate schs Sarah R preparation which has been pronounced by somo “thank you.” A correspondent explains it admitted there was more in that gone north. 13 15. Passed through 4th. Smith, Adrift at Sea. money direc- ITAIY. of the highest medical talent in the land to be the and adds: tion for him than other in They are reported to have said that they would Freights to Liverpool—market Griffin, New York for Calais; Couvoy, French, Port thus, “Grown-up babies have adopt- any connection with quiet. for Salem. only reliable article for this complaint. New York, Feb. 7.—Bermuda dates of the die on the path rather than stay in their reser- Count Von Arnim. Johnson ed and it now the life of this road. The Eastern Eailroad bonds were CmoAOO, February 7 —Flour—demand fair and Ski 4th. brigs Elizabeth Winslow, for Cardenas; it, brightens many an 3d inst. state that the derelict Samuel J. vation to starve, and Bull will Western brig, worth 50 cents on the dollar to the Bos- Sitting cooper- Florence, Feb. 7.—The Persievoranca says firm; shipping extra 4 00 @ 4 50; good to Edith Hall, for Kingston; Clara Jenkins-; schs ardent adorer when in return for some Welish, is still in the of day; ate with him. 4 6 trifling drifting path vessels ton, Hartford & Erie bonds were worth Count Von Arnim has sent a medical certifi fancy Family 75 @ 25; Winter extra 4 25 @ 7 25. A D Henderson, and H G Bird. hound to the United States. 49J Wheat—demand active and prices No 2 attention, the dear, cheery lips part, and there cents when that went into bank cate to bis agent at Berlin as a proof that ill advanced; PROVIDENCE—Ar 5th, sch Francis Hatch, Green, corporation Sad Death ot a millionaire. Chicago Spring 1 01 £ on the spot and seller for Feb- CATARRH! Accidents to health his return to Richmond. drop out those brilliant flowers of Shipping. ruptcy, and where was it at the time? prevents Germany. 1 seller 1 seller speech, Ta, present Chicago, Feb. 7.—Tho of Wm. Ward ruary ; 00§ March; 05£ May; No 3 do Sid 5th. sch Anna Whiting. Hatch, Orient. Fort Feb. 7.—The Such a fate was in store for the the Eastern body ta!” Monroe, revenue steamer at 82c; rejected at 67£. Cora is in fair demand and NEWPORT—Sid 5th, sch Clio awfully Thomas was discovered yesterday in a closet of a bouse SPAIN. Chilicott, Fullerton, Ewing, from a cruise in the bay, re- road if the stockholders tbe best and price advanced; No 2 Mixed at 404 @ 401con spot; New York) for New Emma The from the rejected at tbe corner of Washington and Union streets JIM,. 1.1,1 fr»r olW \Tarr»li l,i,l c.ll^w Mo.r (from Bedford; Crosby, reports agricultural districts ports that the steamer Taugier and the bark only scheme which both the counsel The Carlists Driven from Abidnno. New for St John. NB. practicable in this The was (trom York) CATARRH! city. body partially decom- quiet and firm and shade higher at 31 @ 31 on are not at all encouraging. It seems that the Emma F. Secor got off without damage and and railroad experts could desire. Speaking of Feb. 7.—Official }c spot; NEWPORT—Ar 6th, schs Belle Brown, Knowlton, posed and was entirely nude,but without marks Madrid, despatches an- 31} @ 31§c seller March. Barley is dull and shade mild proceeded. A large number of small vessels tbe ticket the directors presented, he said it nounce that Belfast; Forest City, Hodgins, Weehawken. weather has the winter wheat ‘VIUMVV. Gen. has driven the Carl- sales at 76 77c on pushed VIUVUUO vu HJO uuui UP Quesada lower; @ spot; 69c seller March. A case ot many years in were and was not result of but of a VINEYARD-HAVEN—Ar 4th, sch Wm Mason, standing, Tangier Bay bilged abandoned. the log-rolling, desire ists from near after a Dressed dull and forward to an inordinate degree, and farmers side the body. Mr. Ward was formerly a well Abidauo, Durango, sharp Rye nominally uncliauged. Hogs French, Portland tor Washington. to protect the property of all the parties to an more and lower at 8 75 @ 8 85; closed at 8 75. Pork is in in known operator on Wall street, but in the engagement. Seventy Carlists have sub- BOSTON—Ar 6th inst, barques Isaac Jackson, and so horrible that it caused to- Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, He was to see a New fair demand and sales at 20 25 on the NEW HAMPSHIRE. equal degree. glad panic of Black lost his entire mitted iu Navarre. lower; @20 27} Welsh, Rosario and Buenos Ayres; Sarah Hobart, mau on the and would Friday fortune, 20 40 @ 20 seller 20 70 20 for Tennessee, and in other slates, thought it ad- Hampshire ticket, liked which Carlins spot; 42} March; @ 72} Pinkbam, Leghorn; Smyrniote, Sears, Messina; sch tal cured was supposed to be over a million dol- Desertions. seller Lard is in fair demand and lower at deafness, by the use of visable either to to have seen one from Maine, for, with all res- April. Mary J Lee, Mullen, Fayal; Hattie N Bangs, Bangs, plough their fields over again, An Unfounded Rumor, lars. Since that time he has been living in Feb. 7.—A to the Stan- 12 22} on spot: 12 32} @ 12 35 seller March: 12 45 for pect to his friends in that state, there was London, despatch I Cadiz. \JL iu 1GK VUD baiuD IU IiU penury and distress in this seller Bulk and sellers one box of Kieder’s German iceu uu tUO eprOUUDg Hanover, Feb. 7.—A report circulated that where a deal of their had city. It is be- dard from Durango reports that several hun- April. Meats—buyers apart; Cld 5th, sch Gen Meade, Holmes, Belfast. Snuff, great money gone to. shoulders at short rib middles 11 short the Dartmouth Bank had failed for lieved be committed suicide. dred Carlists deserted last week. Gen. 8c; }c; clear Ar 7th, schs JT Manson, Manson, G blades. Savings He hoped the ruinous competition between Quesada middles at 106. Baltimore; to ll|c. whiskey P New York. which costs but 35 cents. $90,000 proves be unfounded. The bank roads would soon be holds every avenue into Alava and bbls Hinds, Hill, It is told of a western map that on a competing discontinued, Biscay. Receipts—9,000 Lour, 29,000 bush wheat, 97,- schs agent officers are able to meet all Roasted Alive. a Cld 7th, Benj Church. Kelley, Mobile; JasR claims. This ma- and in conclusion the stockholders to ac- Don Carlos is at Tolosa with large force of 000 bush corn, bush bush recent he was urged 23,000 oats, 18,000 barley, Talbot, Crooker, Machiasport; David Currie, Barrell, Montville, Mass., March 23, 1875. trip attacked by highway rob- licious report has been in circulation Feb. 7.-This afternoon and battalions facing Gen. 760 bush ol placed by cept the only practical solution that could be Philadelphia, artillery twenty rye. Rocknort. to load for Newborn. Gentlemen: I must for the who John ex-President of the Helen and Annie 5 bbls bush express my gratitude bers, demanded his money. As he was Loveland, bank, and presented of the difficulties. Dunn, aged and 3 years Moriones. Bad weather prevents any advance. Shipments—7000 tiour, 12,000 wheat, 88,- BATH—Ar Gth, sch Addie Blaisdell, McDuffie,Bal- who is 000 bush bush Dust* wonderful cure as performed your Raider’s Ger- too to doing his utmost to injure the bank. Mr. E. W. James referred to the law relative were roasted alive at their/residence in Linden corn, 17,000 oats, 12,000 barley, timore. by prudent carry money in the country, 1392 bush rye. The State Commissioner reports that the sol- to the issue of and denounced the action Place. ■3* nuUAll man SnuS. I had been afflicted with Catarrh for failed to make a haul out of their stock, On the call of the Board in the afternoon—Wheat they victim. vency of the bank is considered as sound as Cardinal nnd tbc Ritu- FOREIGN PORTS. many years, and it caused my hearing to become so ot iitr. n ooiureuge iu sucu verms voav ne was Manning English was tinner at 1 02 cash; 1 01f seller February; 1 said the in the -Fourth Session. alists. 0C| Dec Jas “But", agent, “I have some splendid any state. loudly hissed. He inquired where Mr. Hatch Fortj Congress—First seller March.. Oats quiet and unchanged.. Pork is At Algoa Bay, CGH. 21, barque McCarty, poor that I was totally deaf, I tried many remedies, lower at 20 20 35 seller 20 65 20 Gould, from Portland, ding; brig Julia E Haskell, maps of the country along with me, which I and Mr. Lotbrop had gone. He wanted the London, Feb. 7.—Cardinal Manning write? 32} @ March; @ 07} but without any benefit; but at last I purchased a do Lard easier at 12 30 seller 12 for Haskell, from Boston, ar 5th. money that had been squandered back to the times to-day stating that the telegrams April. March; 42} box ot German and should like to show you;’’and in a NEW YORK. brought seller Sid tm Leghorn —, sch P Hazeltine, McDonale, for Snufl, its use not only entirely twinkling if they had to to Rotterdam after it, SENATE. from Rome that he intends to thither April. go proceed United States. cared but what was he was off his horse had a map stuck a 7.—Flour is with moder- my Catarrh, yet more wonderful, upon Robbing the Mails. Mr. Seth J. Thomas offered the following Washington, Feb. 7. to promote the union of a portion of the Eng- Toledo, February steady Sid fm Gibraltar 4th inst, barque Ironsides, Tapley, and it so ate demand. Wheat is firmer and held higher; No 3 my hearing was fully restored, and after been pole, explained effectually that he New amendment: A document from the Uuion & Central Pa- lish ritualistic clergy with the Romau Catholic (from New York) for Genoa. having York, Feb. 7.—On White Wabash at 1 No 1 White at 1 for I can Saturday special That-be a committee to in- Railroad and that be had made to the 26; Michigan 29; Ar at Bordeaux 3d inst, brig Sarah M Loriug, Lor- deaf years, now hear as well as any one. sold each of the bandits a map, pocketed the arrested Resolved, cific officials relative to t.be creation Church, proposals No 2 do Amber at 1 seller post agent Sparrett Morris Bissinsky, 114; Michigan 26}; March ing. New York. This should be vestigate tbo affairs ot the Eastern Railroad of a sinking fund for to Vatican to that end, are both from Snufl spread broadcast over the land, • money aod resumed hi9 journey. letter collector attached to station E, and ob- payments the govern- looking 1 29; seller April 1 31}; rejected Red 9t'c. Corn is in- Sid fm 5th inst, F L Jack- for the last six ment was to last of truth. He Glasgow barque Carnoy, tor it will a to all tameu irorn mm a confession Company years past generally; received and ordered printed. first wholly devoid pro- active; high Mixed at 46c asked; 45}c bid; seller for prove blessing who use it. It is said that a in a or a systematic son, Havana. gentleman interested to inquire iu respect to all contracts and Mr. West said he would ceeds as follows: low Mixed 39c. Oats are robbery of letters. In liis room over a thousand pur- soon speak on this May 50}c; 45}c; damaged Old at Liverpool 4th inst, ship Columbus, Bletkcn, Yours very truly, Christian went to and chases made the and whether “Ho scheme whatever on tha of ritu- inactive No 2 White Clover Seed at 8 10. object recently Winslow letters and mutilated were with by Company, subject. subject 35}c; 39}c. United States, MRS. MILO STRATTON. opened found, director had interest adverse to the Dressed quiet at 9 10. asked him to contribute a any any Mr. Sherman entered a motion to refer it to alism has ever bees conceived by me. Hone Hogs Ar 5th. ship Geo F Humphrey, New Or- something. In the few checks, drafts, postal orders, and a quan- bbls bush Manson, Company at the time of said purchase or be- the finance committee. has ever been to my or Receipts—0000 tiour, 8,000 Wheat, 6,000 leans (Jan 7.) course of the conversation the tity of small miscellaneous articles. knowledge proposed, bush Corn, 2000 bush Oats. Suflering reader, don’t get discouraged if you have gentleman re- Bissinsky fore; and into the valne of all lands and Mr. Morrill of Maine or defended at Rome.” Sid fm Falmouth 4th Inst, barque Tbos Fletcher, had away and prop- gave notice that to- approved, Shipments—0000 bbls Hour, bush marked that he had a check for given laces, scarfs, &c., destroy- of said with to send 6,000 Wheat, 11,- Pendleton, (from Iquiqne) for Dunkirk. spent hundreds of dollars on worthless trash $50, which he ed the erty Company, authority morrow be would ask the Senate to take and the Cuban IVoic. 000 bush bush Oats. withou greater portion of the valuable papers up Germany Corn, 7,000 At Port au Prince Jau 25. brigs Jas Crosby, Lord, to hand in for the for persons and papers, and make a report to the bill $1.500,000 to aid real proposed object named. obtained from the letters, and also a large num- appropriating the Cen- London, Feb. 8,—A special from Milwaukee, 7.—Flour quiet and firm. and B Inginac, Wiley, from Wilmington NU; sebs any benefit, but romcrabcr that in this simpl this corporation as soon as possible. tennial. He what the despatch February “I am to have an ber of letters. hoped Senate proposed Berlin to the Hews the Wheat is firm; No 1 Milwaukee at 1 09}; bard do at May Evelyn, McLearn. from Portland via Boston; glad opportunity to give Daily says report that German have a enre that is Mr. Woodbury accepted the amendment. to do would be done then. No 2 Milwaukee at 1 seller for March at Foss, from New John H remedy yon always safo Fire in the Kotvery. Germany has declined to make any representa- 117}; 012; Wyoming, York; Converse, what I can to said Winslow. onto ..a it,” “Here is a Mr Crane then withdrew his proposition, Mr. from the 1 oi|; do April No 3 Milwaukee at 85}c. Corn Plummer, from Wilmington, NC. nn,l ILa At a late hour last a Conkling judiciary committee, tion to in to Cuba is L03|; night fire broke out in Spain regard incorrect. and No 2 at 45c. Oats are At Jose D a note fcr $100, but you must give me that itnd Mr. Woodbury’s substitute, with the reported with verbal ameudments the House is scarce firm; shade firrn- Sagua Jan 31, barques More, Carlisle, Frank Rhone’s furniture 82 and The German government has not answered the and in better No 2 at for New J R McDonald and establishment, amendment suggested by Mr. Thomas, was bill for the payment of demand; 31}c, Barley easier York, ldg; Lopez, US $50 check, as I cnn’t afford to contribute more 84 in a short timo the entire providing judgment communication of the United States, which and less No 2 seller March Manlius. Todd, for New Bowery,and build- adopted by a unanimous vote. rendered the Court of Alabama active; Spring 93}c; No 3 Jackson, Bacon, unc; brigs was by Claims. did not an answer, bat there is at 52c. is No 1 at 68c. Provisions are Clark, for North ot than $50.” It is needless, perhaps, to say that ing in flames. A portion of the wall of On Edward the re- rtquire every Rye nominal; York, ldg; Hyperion, Hatteras; motion of Mr. Crane, Mr. moved to make the on at 20 25 cash E and No. 81 fell on the roof Sargent interest reason to believe that Germany is not unwill- aasier. Mess Pork and heavy. Prime sebs Mary Thompson, Gilkey, Maggie Etleu, the note was and that of numbers 86 and of the warrant were referred forged, Winslow re- 86J, maining articles such judgments 6 per cent, per annum instead Lard Sweet pickled hams at do; M «& E Henderson. Price, LM crushing it and setting fire to the ing to impress upon Spain the justice of the 12} @ 13}. nominally Littlejohn, disg; Symptoms ceived a check for $50 for a worthless of building, to the new Board of Directors to be chosen. of 4 per cent., but after some discussion he 11} @ I2}e. Dry salted meats—shoulders at 7}c loose: Kuowles, Dinsmore; M M Knowles, Dow, aud SS piece which, with numbers 82 and were Amarican complaints and the advisability of 84, destroy- after for ad- middlos 11 boxed. Dressed active anu Blckmoro, Thompson, unc. Meeting, balloting Directors, withdrew the amendment and gave notice that some redress. @ ll}c Hogs paper. ed. Rhone’s lost about $1500. Insured for making 8 journed till i o’clock. he would offer it hereafter to some other bill lower at 50. Henry M. Field of the New York $33,000. Loss on building $33,000. Loss of At that hour the committee to sort Outline of tbc Quceu’s Speech. Receipts-5000 bbls flour, 30,000 bush wheat. Evange- receive, relating to the Alabama Court. The amend- A Contrast Worthy Public Attention. writes other occupants, about $15,000. Loss of occu- and count the Jan. 8.—The Times’ article Shipments—3,000 bbls tiour, 8,000 bush wheat. Of Catarrh ? list, home; “There are a ballots, reported gen- ments the London, leading good many of following proposed by committee wore con- What is the effect ot a drastic pants Nos. 86 and 8GJ, $20,000. Insurance tlemen elected Directors: the measures to be announced in the St Louis, February 7.—Flour firmer and in good purgative upon the American on curred in and the bill passed. says families the Nile this winter. As Loss on the latter demand fer 4 bowels and a $15,000. building, $5000. Samuel C. Frank J. S. Bill to authorize the speech on the of medium grades; Fall extra at 50 @ constipated dyspeptic stomach? The THEY ARE FOUND IN we were Lawrence, Jones, construction of a bridge Queen’s reopening parliament 2 1 1 51 going up, we met Mr. Bancroft Dunn Bros., clothing dealers, No. 80 5 25. Wheat inactive; No Red Winter 52 @ intestine is so Davis, Bowery, Ludlow, G. S. Morrisou, Onslow Stears, Jos. across the at Winona was will include the merchant shipping bill, a bill emptied violently as to weaken and loss water. Mississippi indefinite cash; 1 57} tor seller April; No 3 do 1 37 for cash. our Minister to $25,000 by Insured. The fire was S. E. John the new of to render it still moro Berlin, returning; and on our Johnson, BeDj. Bates, Cnmmings ly postponed. extending system judicature Ire- Corn No 2 Mixed at @ 38}c cash; 382 @ inactive, and the gastric juices BAD BREATH, caused by spontaneous combustion of rags on and G. W. Gill. and the reconsideration of firmer; 38} return, on we met Mr. called the bill to land, acts nowin seller tor Oats dull; No 2 at 35 vitiated contact with an Monday, Mr. Washburne* the floor of No. 82. Clayton up repeal sec. 38|c February. @ 35} by indigestible medicine, top Messrs. Selh J. Thomas, Geo. Ripley, Gree- 2303 of the R. S., of the United operation in Eogland, where the question of cash; seller for February. Barley—no transac- DROPPINGS IN from up. Both were States, making 35}c lose the chemical qualities which constitute them THROAT, Paris, going furnished Bolan Re-sc nteuced, S. Curtis, P. G. Monroe and W. A. Tower restrictions in the of the House of Lards is tions dull at 98c. ley disposal of public lands in appelate jurisdiction Rye the true with a steamer the as a A bbls 11,009 bush 72,- only solvents of the food. Results—aggra* GENERAL WEAKNESS, special by Khedive. Christ- Dolan, the murderer of Mr. was were appointed committee of investiga- the states of Mississippi, still undecided. royal commission will be Receipts—3000 flour, wheat, Noe, to-day Louisiana, Arkansas 17,000 bush oats, 8,000 bush 1,01)0 vated we met at Luzon the Rev. Dr. sentenced to be 24th. tion. aod Florida. promised to enquire into the fugitive slave busheorn, barley, constipation and chronic indigestion. What, Potter again March _ SLIGHT mas-Day hanged bush rye, 4000 hogs, 1000 cattle. DEAFNESS, uuestion. on the other are of Hostettei’s of Grace and Miss Meantime bis counsel will again to the The pending question being on the amend- hand, the effects Church, Wolfe of Madisou apply Detroit, February 7—Flour is steady/at 6 40 @ court of for a on MASSACHUSETTS. ment by Sargent that Among other subjects to bo mentioned is Stomach Bitters on the same organs. The bowels COUGHS, who had two appea'.s stay legal grounds. proposed nothing in the 6 50. Wheat held higher; extra White Michigan is square, dahobeeahs, but were act to relations to China. There has been arejmoved, but without violence, and at the sanio The Beecher Scandal. be construed revive tho law commonly England’s nominal; No 1 White 1 27}: No 2 nominally at 1 16} COLDS IN THE in and made one the a chance for war with which time acquire healthful tone; the gastric secretions HEAD, sailing company party. There Tho Sun called (graduation act it was China, may @ 1 17. Corn dull ami steady; No 2 Mixed at 47c. has the following: “Wm. F. West, Retrenchment. rejected not have are stimulated and improved, and duly perform a without division. entirely disappeared. Her Majesty Oats are easier; White 38}c. were number of English dahobeeahs lying Cbas. C. C. Bowen and others their in the which eventuate in the HEADACHE, Duncan, Henry Boston, Feb. 7.—The Committee on Salar- The recurred will announce the end of the Receipts—1200 bbls flour, 6950 bush 1040 part processes who question upon the amendment happy Malay wheat, nutrition everv of the human structure thrre at the time, and we all enjoyed greatly a believe in their pastor’s guilt are said to tbe bush 1995 bush oats. of part ies of city government reported, to-night, of Thurman that the repeal of war, Bnrmah will also be attended to. The corn, habit of sound digestion NOISES IN THE be considering a to be sent to the Advi- said section bbls 6460 busli Results—a regular body, HEAD, Christmas service conducted by Dr, Potter on protest total reductions of near §100,000 per annum. shall not the effect to most part of the will refer to Shipments—315 flour, wheat, 715 draw its owu conclusions Council after its have impair the ri"ht to important speech and vigor, Let the public PAIN board sory deliberations have begun Eastern affairs. bush corn, 000 bush oats. IN THE of Miss Wolfe’s boat.” tbe Fire in Boston—Firemen Injured. complete an inchoate entry of any homestead from this contrast. BACK, against dissolution of tho Council without Cincinnati, February 7.—Pork is firmer and held settler and no land occupied such at a thorough investigation into the A fire to-night iu Franklin Block on Palmer by settler at 21 50 bid. Lard quiet and NERVOUSNESS. charges the time this act shall take effect MEXICO. higher steady; steam against Mr. Beecher.” street, Boston Highlands, caused a loss of shall be sub- at 12 25 @ 12 30; kettle at 13 00 @ 13 25c. Bulk Meats HETEOUOLOI1ICAL. or Four firemen were Chas. W. ject to entry,'preemption sale. Rejected. Tire Revolution in Favor of Diaz, in fiiir demand aud firm; shoulders at clear SPECIAL NOTICES. Yes, every one ottiie above are symptoms of Ca- 1-UOB Moody and Saukcy. $8000. injured, 8c; rib ABILITIES FOB THE NEXT TWENTY FOUR and tbo others Mr. Edmunds submitted an Feb. 7.—The Mex- sides at 11 @ ll}c; clear sides @ Bacon and Massure, probably fatally, se- amendment, Havana, steamer City of ltg ll}e. in tarrh, :.ntl if you arc wise you will euro it with tho nouns. Moody Sankey commenced their revival “and that public land lair demand and firm; shoulders at clear rib riously, by a falling chimney. provided affected by this ico from Vera Cruz, brings the following: 9”}c; rOKl.XCJ’N VEGETA- W ar meetings to-night at the Hippodrome. act shall not be to sides at 12} @ 12}c; clear sides at Whis- German Snuit. Remember, in^e use of (his rerun- Dep’t, Office Chief Signal open private entry until the City of Mexico, Feb. 1.—Manifestoes have ap- 12| @ I2}c. BLE ANT1IV1A LIRE v ) at sale key in good demand at full prices; sales at 1 06. Officer, same be offered public after the passage by Gens. Diaz and at Hogs completely nuper*ede* the Washington, D. C. I Bold in A Burned to Death. peared signed Guerra, active and higher; common to good 7 75 fa) 7 90; dy there is Colorado. Family of this act.” light use of Feb. 8, Guanejavato. Their purpose is to begin a rev- fair to good 7 85 8 Pa*tiles, Nuiolte of (i A.’m.) j Feb. discussion tho packing @ 00; receipts 13U8^1iead; Nall For !V»;w Denvek, Col., 7,—Unusually rich dis- Lasalle, III., Feb. 7.—Tbe dwelling of Geo. Pending morning hour expir- olution, with the ultimate of heating shipments 4U6 head. Petre, £tranioniuin, SnKlaud, object Ac. In no en*e coveries in San Juan, district of Colorado, have Heindle, near Hollowayville, 111,, was burned ed and the Chair laid before the Senate the un Lerdo and Diaz in of purely and Middle states DeTt-jada, placing 1’orifirio Cleveland, 7.—Petroleum market is ha* it high barometer, northwester- developed a wide spread interest in that aud Mr. Heindle, wife and two finished business, being the resolution Mr. the February A*t”>mntir character failed to give winds to quar- Friday night, of Presidency. Gen. Marquez will lead a rev- firm; standard White test at Michi NO FAILURE. ly veering State It in the northeasterly, colder narilv ter. Late show the in tlio flames. A Morton for the admission of ll}c; 12}; j relief. worthy confidence of Puf- assays conclusively pres- children perished daughter, Pinohback as sen- olution of the church aud test at ; cloudy weather and followed in the former party against Lerdo, gan 15}c—all car lots cash. fery r*. Price & I .OO. bvJ ence of large loads of gold ores of ex- l'J escaped by jumping from ator from Louisiana, tho pending be- a fai lug barometer. bearing years old, narrowly question may possibly unite with Diaz. Marques has New is Mid- 1 liOKLVG, Proprietor, Lor. I'xclimtgc Try box, It costs but OS cents. All Druggists richness, tho second window. on the amendment of Mr. York, February 7.—Cotton weak; traordinary story ing Edmunds to iu left Ilavand. filing uplands 13c, and Federal St*. jan2Gcodantf have it. dcc7deodsnGm

• CITY AFFAIRS. STEAMER ARRIVAL. Parish Meeting —A of the India THE PBESS. meeting NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW street church and parish was held last evening ADVERTISEMENTS. FANCY GOODS. auction sales to consider the of their Rev. Monthly Meeting of the City An Unusual Rough Passage. resignation pastor, TUESDAY MOBBING, FEB, 8, 1876 Regular the Council. George VV. Bicknell. The meeting was largely Please tell people that ycu saw their Wanted. F. O. BAILEY Oc CO„ attended and much interest was manifested. Advertisement in the PRESS, the circula- PARTNER with $2500 Capita], in a manufac- THE PRESS A turing business in this city. Address The Allan mail steamer H., ! Auctioneers and Commission Merchant a Press Great May be obtained at the Circassian, Capt. After short discussion it was voted unani- tion of which, per month, exceed 1100,000, Office. Stating where an interview can be had. Periodical Depots of Fes- The of feb8 Bargains senden regular monthly meeting the City which has been overdue a arrived dlw* Bros., Marquis, Brunei & Co. Andrews Smith, week, mously not to accept the resignation. A com- Bn tearoom* 35 nod 37 Exchange 81. fi. Council was held last The Kendrick, and Chisholm evening. following in the harbor at 2 o'clock yesterday. She was mittee was to wait the Bro«tWn°nrtnhii JIo?e8»trains that run appointed upon pastor ». O. BAILET. 0. W. ALLEN. *7 out of the city. business was transacted: Lost. At Biddeford, of Phillsbury, nnable to reach her berth as the tide was oat and ask his attendance. Mr. Bicknell soon FOR At POCKET BOOK, containing quite a sum of THENEXTTIDRTY DAVS Saco, of L. Hodgdon, BOARD OF MAYOR AND ALDERMEN. and a was to the mails Regular sale ot Furniture and General Merchan tag employed bring after visited the meeting and addressed them A money, in the horse car in the of the we At of J. S. vicinity shall sell our Stock of dise every at 10 o'clock a. m Waterville, Carter. Richardson and the full Board of Al- ashore. foot of Free street. The tinner will he re- Saturday, commencing At of J. O. Mayor She brings 7 cabin and 42 steerage He asked for a few in which AValuableProperty suitably to Bath, Shaw. briefly. days on it at Consignments solicited. oc3dtf French dermen were ward leaving WATERHOUSE & CO.’S, Bros., and Stevens & Co. present. passengers. consider the matter of withdrawing his resig- No, 4 Free Steeet Block. febgdlw* GLOVES, Orders the Committee on Streets The abtwt. passed—That steamer left Liverpool on the 20th ult. nation. It is safe to say that it is the univer- IMPORTANT be and are hereby directed to report to the City On the Saturday following she met a hard gale sal desire of the citizens of that We would invite the attention of the SCARFS, CITY AND VICINITY. Council such grade for Sherman street, from Portland he enterprising sea and violent On Capitalists ot the State to the list of prop- DRY~GQQDS. High to Grove as deem for the very high squalls. Sunday remain. following street, they may erty placed in our bauds for sale, NECK TIES, interests of the that the of the Civil the the continued. On New city; plans 23d, gale Monday the Advertisement* To-Day. Engineer for Chest- “Ours.”—The “Ours” dance at Army and thereoumberingof Centre, 24th, squalls, hail and lightning. Tuesday the Situated on Cumberland Under Shirts and ART nut, Wilmot Hall last was a brilliant River, Drawers, SALE. Franklin, Pleasant, Washington. a hard with Navy evening very ST 25th, gale high sea. ENTERTAINMENT COLUMN. and York streets be tne order to take Wednesday was Clinton DK1 adopted, party. There a good number present and County, Kentucky, GOODS Cam. effect on and after March that the 26th, the weather was very violent with to — Cost — Without for Fifth Grand Masquerade Ball—City Hall. 1,1876; tbeCity t was a full dress affair. Chandler furnished viz: Regard Cash. Potter. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Treasurer is hereby directed to abate the bill squalls. Thursday the 27th, there was a fresh — AT — against John L. Shaw, for theatrical license; bis very best music for the occasion. These We will give you a great Bargain in these Goods. A Collection of Good Pictures miles. Haydn Association—The Annual Meeting. breeze with squalls. On Friday the 28th, a ACRES Situation Wanted—Married Danish that the Auditor transfer td the credit of the innual gatherings have now become estab- 12,600 AND Griggs. Coupie. terrible gale came on that lasted until COME SEE. Found-Child’s Fur street department the sum agreed upon between Monday — OF — Tippet. lished institutions. — Weber. Let—Room without the Street when it AUOTIOIST by— To Board, and Fire Departments for hauling following, came off very cold. The Key. Partner. Wanted—A the and ■ engines apparatus to fires; that the sea became very on morn- Mechanics’ Lecture.—The lecture A Valuable heavy early Friday regular _ DeBlois. Propcrtv-Upham & Gardiner. Auditor be and is hereby authorized to transfer ... Kid Gloves—H. S. Kaler & The officers were unable to on deck n the HEAVILY TIMBERED LAND! Charles Custis Co. at ing. stay Mechanics' eourse was delivered last &Co., the end of the financial year all balances of The Gowell Stock State of of Portland. on Foreign and American Artists Maine—City unexpended of said to and went into the The intense cold, iven'mg by Hon. George F. Talbot of this which maybe iound in paying quantities, LIVER. English Turnips—Lewis, Whitten & Co. appropriations year rigging. city. 493 St. — — Lost—A and with the same TO BE Congress — Trionfi. Pocket Book. “moneys unappropriated,” however, compelled them to come down. The A good sized audience was in attendance. His deowlylp _ to balance all the accounts where the expendi- PINE, aPf-8_ from lb. An Gallery of watch had a narrow escape from being carried lubject was “Banks and mulleb. tures may have exceeded the so Currency." C. 8. District appropriations, Mabchavx. Court, far as the same be to the away several times. The sea washed the decks may adequate pur- New Gloucester. DAM AGED BEFORE JUDGE FOX. pose, and to make all necessary transfers of time after time, carrying everything before it. CLOSED AUCTION ! E. BLAKESLEE & CO., Monday.—Charles P. A dramatic entertainment will be given in OETJT Shapleioh. Mattocks, assignee of D. C. balances of appropriations for closing the ac- The port side of the bridge was carried away, POPLAR Wo shall commence Golder & Co., vs. James W. Stevenson. counts of the financial year; that the Auditor ihe Universalist chapel, New Gloucester, next be authorized to make transfers of the stout iron standards bending like a twig —AND— 127 Tremont St., Boston, Petitions lor disallowance of claims proved by appropria- Friday evening, when the great temperance homes tions to deficiencies in school before the waves. Boat No. 4 was stove in the FEBRUARY Stevenson for $1451.25 and tho supply salaries; will TUESDAY, 8TH, Handkerchiefs! ~ $284.90, upon ground that the Irama “Ten Nights in a Bar Boom” be Rlaclt. ~Walnut. subordinate city officers make their stern and will need extensive before At 9.30 A. that the consideration of the notes wore loans to repairs m.,and continue Forenoon* and D. annual on or before the 6th of to be followed the farce en- reports day into active service ;iven, by popular Afternoon* nntil it i* all Mold, n* the NOW ON EXHIBITION C. Golder individually and not to D. C. Golder & March. going again. As the gale titled “Family Jars.”, A COAL" Mtoremugt.be racnted by Feb. 12th. all the Linen €o. Judge Fox delivered a written opinion disal- Petitions Presented and. Referred—Of Wm. passed away the weather became extremely MINE, Nearly Handkerchiefs used in the at the Art Gallery of Williams. for Our United States are manufactured in Belfast, Ireland. lowing the larger claim ami sustaining the smaller to Tukey permission to erect wooden building cold and the officers and seamen suffered se- Extensive and of superior now Stock consist* of quality profitably The manufacturers are very particular that none but tho amount of at No. 26 Preble street; of Laura E. McFad- with ,'$50 preferred to be paid in full and verely. Proposed Consolidation op1 Non-Paying operated, Black perfect goods should be put up under their name, and F. 0. & den for to erect a Silks, Black Cashmeres, Brillian- Bailey Co., balance for dividend. permission wooden building skilled Inspectors, who carefully examine Plas. The steamer has been since she Customs Districts.—In answer to an inquiry and a employ on Cushman street; of the Reform Club for the lengthened 7 1-2 Miles of well-furnished tines, Alpacas, full line of Colored each Handkerchief over a black surface. All Mattocks & Fox for petitioner. Railroad, that ™ald- use of the Ward Room in the lor was here last, and is now 435 feet in py the House, the Treasury Department has Dress Goods, Table Linens, are in the least imperfect hemmed for City Building length. Napkins, (many only being 35 & 37 Portland Rands respondent? a club room. to insure its continued development. Marseilles unevenly, and others no more than a hole She has also received a'number of new lent in a list of ports of’ entry where the ex- (juilts, Woolens, Flannels, &c. having pin Eicliangejt, state- There is also found in abundance on this rich in them) are thrown aside to be sold ns The great seconds. Most To be Sold Auction vebon. 8uperior Court. Committee on Streets recommended rooms and can penses have been in excess of the receipts, tract of SALT and unmistakable of these are sold in by now accommodate 160 first-class land, SPRINGS, goods Ireland, but occasionally a Bioonra. FEBRUARY CIVIL that the for evidences of OIL, superior IRON ORE, few cases are sent to this country. We have TERM, 1876, SYMONDS, J., PRE- petition wooden pavement at the passengers. She has new rhere are fifty-six in all, and the following are SLATE, just .—on— machinery through- LIMESTONE and FIRE CLAY, lying convenient to GOWELL bought one case of these goods 500 Dozen Wilms. SIDING. head of State street be referred to the next attached STORE, containing City out, whioh made it necessary for her to run at the New England ports, the sums the point of shipment. The moveable property con- Ladies* and Gents* pure Linen Handkerchiefs which Monday.—Winslow D. Ramsdell vs. Oren Chaf- sists in of we have on our counters in as & Council. a low rate of Smith ihowing the amount of excess: Aroostook,Me., part No. 249 Middle St. placed lots follows: Wednesday Thursday, fen. Action to recover the sum speed. Capt. says she be- "**L9EY. of $40, the price of a one lot Plain The report of the loan Commission- $4586.29; Bangor, Me., 84948.31; Belfast, Me., F. «. BAILEY & AUCTIONEERS. Ladies*, Hemmed, four for 25c ; Six Briscoe. horse alleged to have been sold to the building haved herself finely in the worst of the storm. 1 Steam Tow Loco- CO., Fcb’y 9th and loth, 1S70, defendant by $3732 26; Castine, Me., $5083.33; Frenchman’s Boat, Barges, ieb5 lots ai Sc, 10c, 12c, 17c, 25c and 37c each. The 25c the ers was read and accepted, and ordered on file. motives and Slock, _dtt AND OTHERS. plaintiff. Bay. Me., $4038.61; Kennebunk, Me., $992.94; Rolling and 37c lots contain some handsome Plain At 11 The Chief Former City Governments.—It appears by very and 3 o'clock. Defense—that the horse was Engineer presented the names of Machias, Me., $916.21; Saco. Me., $954.60, purchased of George and the necessary utensil9 to on this extensive Hemmed Stitch Handkerchiefs. the of the several fire previous statements that of the seventh in 1838 carry fc5__dlw Rose, who was at that time a partner with tho officers companies for Waldoboro, Me., $2429.99; Wiscasset, Me., business. There is also a Gents* Full Size Plain Hemmed in lots at 10c, 15c, Household Goods at in the business of only four of the members are now living. $3610.60; York, Me., $281.81; Barnstable, Auction. plaintiff buying and selling horses. approval. Approved. 66. 20c, 25c, and upwards. Mass., $4581.46; Edgartown. Mass., $232 STEAM SAW AND GRIST ITIILL AND virtue of license from the Hon. Judge of Pro- Plaintiff denies the and Rose was The bond of as Fish Of the eighth in 1839 there are nine now liv- The above are the best partnership says Emery Cushing, Inspec- Marblehead, Mass., $213.52; Nantucket, Mass., HHIIGLE MACHINE, UWEIJdNG value in Handkerchiefs we BYbate 1 will sell at auction at No. 127 Free have ever offered. public merely his agent for the purpose of assisting plaintiff was received and ing. Bristol and R. HOUSES, WAKE HOUSES, WORK. We invite all to call and examine Street, on at 10 tor, accepted. $1448.00; Warren, I, $1484.32; for FRIDAY, February 11th, o'clock A. In of Arc. CHEAP 2 themselves. M a lot of Household of disposing the horse. Verdict for the plaintiff The Committee on Of the ninth in 1840 Levi Newport, B. I., $2917.10. At the following SHOPS, SHEDS, Goods, consisting Furni- Streets, &c., recommend- Cutter, Mayor, Beds and for there to have been no or Thin n.nnn.tn In nOh.n.l — .1 « ■ ture, Bedding. Carpets, Kitchen utensils, $45.73. ed the of to there are eight now living, viz.: How- ports appears import payment 8100 Thomas Martin for Joseph business at all: 1 Case Remnants Cotton Flannels Stoves, Crockery, Glass, Stone and £arthern Ware, A. W. Bradhnrv for nlftlnt.iflf. 1 ~ A 1 .1__A T_I. TV T m sxport Saco, Me., Edgartown of improvements. Titles and terms lib- — perfect “ “ 5 J uuu VJU1X.O vuab. 44 Piano, Chairs, Tables, &c. land taken for the construction of Island Ave- I/UOVJ1U and Mass. If these are eral. The owners invite Pride Nantucket, ports con- investigation. 1 Shaker The house at sale the for defendant. E. Edmund For further private by executor. nue, and an order was for the Barrett, Winship, St. John Smith, solidated with others, as proposed, Bangor, particulars call upon JAMES H. Mary Jane Wilson vs. Manuel West. Action to passed payment BAKER, Executor. Nahum T. C. and B. Belfast, Castine, Waldoboro and Wiscasset The above Good, arc of the BEST recover for of the same. Libby, Hersey John JOSEPH 8. BAILEY, Auctioneer $140 forty weeks board of minor son ot will be united with Bath: Aroostook. French- QUALITY and in good length., and will 0WEN&M00RE, UPHAM & Feb. 1876. fe4d7t Aue Brown of the Council. GARDINER, Portland, 4, defendant. On trial. \jiiy presBiueu. a piau ior iae mail s Bay and Machias with Eastport; Ken- be .old for HALF THE USUAL I*ItiC IO Of the tenth in James C. of the regular good.. Brown for plaintifl. Locke for defendant. change of grade of Sherman street, which was 1841, Churchill, nebunk and Saco with Portland; York with At No- 7 Exchange Street. Congress St., Cor. Brown. Extensive Sale there Barnstable with de29 accepted. Mayor, are only eight now living, viz.: I’ortsmouth; Boston; Marble- feb8 (13m ALSO Brier Jolting*. bead with Salem; Edgartown and Nantucket —OF— The City Auditor his for the Joseph Howard, Alderman,and Joseph Brooks, % The first lecture in presented report with New and Warren and Memorial Hall course, Edmund Wm. Bedford; Bristol, OF 5 Cases year thus far, which was read and ordered on Winship, D. Little, W. C. with Fall River. STATE MAINE. Best Prints given by the professors and alumni of Bowdoiu Newport Quality FURNITURE. file. Beckett, George W. Worcester, St. John Tliot will be sold aa low ns can be CITS OF PORTLAND, ... bought College, was delivered Thursday evening in the Smith and John Maine in this City or Boston. Alderman Brunei a remonstrance B. Brown of the Council. Business Notes. Methodist presented church, by Professor G. L. Vose. Of the Eleventh in The Evans Rifle To the of the of against the erection of a wooden by 1842, Jo*>n Anderson, Manufacturing Company of Electors City Portland, Please Call and Iron Roads.” He treated the building Examine Goods Subject—“Our Mayor, there are eleven now Jo- Mechanic Falls, are now employing about William Tukey on Preble street. Referred to living, viz.; fifty February 7, 1876. and Eearn Prices, subject in a very pleasing and satisfactoiy man- Howard and James Todd and extra time. BY Committee on Wooden Buildings. seph of the Aider- bands, running quarter AUCTION, ner. Aldermen of the City of Portland have pre- Permission was A. Foster & Son men, and Benj. Fogg, Edmund Winship, Wm. Several vessels have been loading at Mach- granted to THEpared Alphabetical lists of such inhabitants as Several of our poultry fanciers will take D. W. F. On Tuesday, Feb. at 10 A. erect and maintain a steam boiler at No. 11 Little, Wm. C. Beckett, Eliphalet Clark, iasport with lumber for the West Indies, the appear to them to be constitutionally qualified to vote STUDLEY, 15, M., their stock to the poultry show at in the election of Governor, Senators and Springfield, Preble street. George W. Smith, Henry Trickey, W. W. lumber being hauled from Machias to that Represen- FURNITURE. AT OITR ROOms, Mass. tatives to the State Legislature, in and for the sever- rhomas and Elihu of the SEW STORE, The Board of Assessors reported a list of per- Hasty Council. place. al Wards in said City, and that they will he in open Eleven persons joined the Casco street church Of the in session at the Aldermen’s Room on Wc have made 35 & 37 EXCHANGE ST. sons qualified to vote at the coming election. twelfth 1843, Eliphalet Greeley, Under Falmouth Hotel, up our minds not Sunday. STATE NEWS. teb2 The report was accepted. Mayor, there are fifteen now living, viz.: John AAtTURDAlT' the 19th instant, _dlw to be shall sell without reserve a large stock of very The contributions at the fine new in Par- High street church Elisha John Dow and WE Furniture, consisting part of Alderman Gerrish presented an order for the ifeaton, Trowbridge, lor Suits in Hair Cloth and Black last amounted to from nine to twelve o’clock A M., and from three to Plush, Terries, year $1797. of Walnut Chamber in observance of illum- Joseph Howard the Aldermen, and John KENNEBEC COUNTY. six o’clock P. for the purpose of receiving evi- Sets variety. Side boards, Book The Mutual Life Washington’s Birthday by M.? m* is the Hat Insurance Company of New B. dence of the qualifications of persons the of UNDERSOLD IN Cases, Trees, Lounges, Escritories, Invalid Re- inating the public and resi- Hudson, Benj. Fogg, Edward Waite, Wm. The Journal says that the new of the claiming price PARLOR York have issued buildings private chapel to vote on such election and for said SOTS, clining Chairs, Shaving Stands, Folding Chairs, a very neat desk pad and cal- insane at right correcting dences. Ths-order passed, but when it reached D. Little, Wm. Hammond, George W. Smith, hospital Augusta will, on Thursday lists. Folding Rockers. Parlor Desks, Music Racks and endar combined. a frame for and will state some ot our Cabinet Foot A.bel M. Hanson M. evening of this week, be dedicated with appro- prices, A Rests, Fancy ..Stands, Marble Top and the Common Council some one in that Board Baker, Hart, Alvah Con- &e., &c Don’t cut down the elm trees in priate services, the exercises at Given under our hands the and year above Dining Tables, front of the Alvah and John beginning 7£ day This stock is first class in discovered that the whole expense of the illum- int, Libby, W. Hunger of the j’ clock. written. the Bird’s View every respect. The pub- Chadwick mansion.—Advertiser The Eye lic are invited to examine it on previous to injunc- ination was to be to the Council. PENOBSCOT COUNTY. J. J, GERRISH, Monday tion will be charged contingent J. B. LITTLEFIELD, Aldermen sale. heartily endorsed by nearly every The fund. It was sent back to be amended. It re- Whig says Mr. John A. Wallace of that ALPHONSO BRUNEL, of Portland at SKIL- Full Parlor F O. Romeo and Jaliet. Bailey & Co,; Auctioneers. citizen of Portland. lost a horse valued at H. W. Suit, turned to the city, recently $400, by GAGE, of the feb5 dtd Council chamber again only to be Those who were The Portland Cadets have their at the Museum last evening breaking through the ice during a fishing ex- E. N. PERRY, postponed amended LIN 7 Pieces, Hair Cloth or by excepting only the City Liquor witnessed an cursion. HENRY FOX, City of Portland. & NOWELL’S, Terry, assembly on account of their music until next eminently pleasing presentation SAM’L Administrator’s .Sale of Beal and the school buildings. It then went WASHINGTON COUNTY. WATERHOUSE. week. Agency of “Borneo and Juliet” and one of the best fe8 dllt back to its and the Board of There are fifteen prisoners in the Machias 226 Federal St. Sat- Estate. The steamer starting place, characterizations ever on its Peo- Sarmatiau has arrived out. given stage. at this six of whom are under $42, and Aldermeu were about to it as jail time, recog- Mayor pass ple saw much better renditions far than at 12 At the close of the meeting of Munjoy Lodge by they lizance to appear at the Calais term in April, isfaction THURSDAY, March M, o’clock M. amended, when its author moved an amend- 9 CHOICE MUSIC BOOKS guaranteed pursuant to a license from the Probate Court K. of P.. last bad been led to expect, and were highly de- rhe Republican thinks there would be a great 9 4 S , ON evening, about 69 of them were of Cumberland County, I shall sell at public auction, ment by striking out all the words after“order- therewith. laving of expense, time and if there Gems of English Song. 232 pages. invited to Chas. H. Rich’s saloon on lighted During the remainder of trouble, if not disposed of sooner at private sale, house and Congress could be a criminal term of court in 75 charming Songs for the price of 8 songs. both in and ed.” The amendment was thus de- the Machias, price qual- lot No 5 Oxford Street, in the of the where adopted, engagement of Mr. Wheelock and Miss Gem* of 5 O city Portland; street, oysters were served. co save the transportation of Criminals from German *oug. 200 pages. , same being all the real estate to Hannah feating the order. 100 of belonging Joyce there can be no doubt that the house chat point to Calais. the best, for the price of 11 Songs. of work. T. Adams, late ot Portland, deceased. PBN81UN FRAUDS. COMMON COUNCIL. Gems of Mcottish 200 ity will be packed nightly. Wm. Freeman, Esq., of Cherryfield, recent- Nong. pages. jeb2dlw 6 O , PERCIVAL BONNEY, Adm’r. c. t. a. The ordinance was 157 of the sweetest, for the price of 12 Songs. following presented: Mr. Wheelock’s “Borneo” was a noble and y published, for private circulation only, a F. O. BAILEY & CO., Auctioneer*. Gems of Sacred Song. 200 pages. Sect. 1. That the duties heretofore performed rolume of poetry, the greater part of which Portland, Jan. 31, 1876. jan31dlaw3w* Cases of John Lewis and Get. II. Lew admirably sustained characterization, ample in 120 of the most celebrated,for the price of 10 Songs. 7 S f Very Nice. s. by the School Agent relating to the repair of ,vas written within the past year. ABNER LOWELL, ts display of passion and finished in its man- Moore’s Irish melodies. 200 pages, school buildings and the furnishing of fuel for YOBK COUNTY. being about to his of offers Wc will make a discount of 20 100 of rare for the price of 10. change place business, the schools be transferred to the ner. While in the main to the tradi- melody for Committee on adhering Mr. who died in sale, per cent, on Hair Cloth Suits, and the cases Ayer, Monday Biddeford, Wreath of Gems. 200 pages. R I CITS Yesterday morning against the Public Buildings, who are hereby authorized tional rendition Mr. Wheelock so far depart* was a member of the York Mutual 100 SoDgs, carefully culled from a much WITHOUT REGARD TO 30 on Clinton and directed to perform the same. County larger COST, per cent, Terry or Plush, parties for obtaining fraudulent pen- id from it as to give his lines in the natural Belief Association, and is the first member number, Sect. 2. The Superintendent of Schools is — FOB — from these prices, tt want sions were continued in the United States Dis- manner who has died since its in 1873. Shower of Pearl*, 240 pages. parties CHEAP CASH hereby authorized to exercise under the direc- of the modern school. The experiment organization trict Court before Fox. 67 of the choicest vocal duels for the price of 10. such suits as are being sold by Judge The first case tion of the School Committee all powers and is a hazardous one, for we have learned to as- Twenty Operatic Pearls. 20 J pages. Days taken up was that of John Lewis of duties pertaining to the office of School Boston dealers in this city. In Clinton, Agent, sociate a measured delivery with Shakespeare’s Valuable Real Estate.—Messrs. TTpham 90 of the most favorite SoDgs of 50 opeias. his large and elegant stock of those in section one aged 77 years. excepting specified of this Walnut Chamber Sets we arc sel- ordinance. lines, and a departure fr om the usage is apt to & Gardner, real estate brokers. No. 7 Ex- Silver Chord. 200 pages. ! in Fine Mantle Bronzes and The defendant was accused of a 160 Songs, great variety, for the price of 10. Vases, at that Store signing cer- Sect 3. This act shall take effect when offend our sense of the But Mr. announce in another column ling prices dcly competi- Grocery ap- proprieties. change street, tificate to Jane Lewis to ♦Songs in Sheet Music form costs from 30 procure her a proved. Wheelock surmounted i and valuable for sale in Fancy Goods! non. we have 25 Marble Ash pension fairly every objection, large property the to 50 cts, each. Nicely packed in these ele- Top Our prices speak for themselves. Nothing but the from the to of United States as the widow of Ebon- The matter was referred to a joint committee and made his manner of the itate of The gant books they cost from 2 to 4 eta. each.* Particular inducements purchasers Jewel- Chamber Sets that we lor very best oi goods. Read the following prices speaking appear Kentucky. property comprises Watche* and Plated Uare. bought quality •The pages in these fine volumes are all of ry, of a few oi the articles. All other at ezer Lewis, who was a soldier of the war of of Messrs. Roberts and and acres leading goods consisting Cushman, only proper pleasing one in the mouth of 12,639 of land in Clinton county in that Full Sheet Music Size.* Cash from a Bankrupt Stock, the propoi tionate low A rare cliance for prices. and was in fact her Small on the of the Common 83F® good bargains. HIE Corned 1812, father-in-law. The part Council, and the impetuous Borneo. The glorious hyperbole state, lying on the Cumberland river. The same Sets we sold tor six %T«—Best Beef 12c, Rib Roast 15 to Price of each book in Boards Cloth $125,00 Sirloin Steak Round Lamb accused, John Lewis, is the brother of Jane’s Messrs. Gage and Perry on the of the of his :<■ 1. ~ 1 i— .—_a-_ $3.59; 18c, 28c, Rump 30c, 20c, part love-making appears indeed to call for NO. 255 MIDDLE STREET. months ago. We will sell this lot 10 to 15c, Tripe 12c, Pork and Sausage 16c. deceased husband, and was therefore accused Mayor and Aldermen. )f both heat and jaaa<12 w Best rapid speech, his thoughts following fast upon cold. The arable portion of now tor $75-00 each set. TEAS-Gunpowder 90c, Very Japan 80c, OLIVER DITSON & Marble Superior 65 to 40c, Best Formosa 80 to Oo- of making a statement to the effect that Papers from the upper board were passed in each other and the tract is of CO., Japan 65c, he, seeking immediate utterance. very fertile, capable producing Top and Cloth Tables of the long 75 to 50c, English Breakfast 80 to 60c. All of was at the concurrence. BOSTON". Top John, present wedding of his fath- Adjourned. iu several scenes, noticeaoiy tnoBe wnere ne ill kinds of grain, vegetables and fruit in our Teas are high grades and Warranted superior to same stock we will also sell at re- others for the named. er, Ebenezer Lewis, to Jane the sister- to his The C. H. Ditson & Co. J. E. Dilsou & Co. any prices Lewis, Golden brings Tybalt death, where he bids fare- great abundance. timber sections lie along Pl'BE COFFEES—Green Java 37c, Green in-law Wedding.—The fiftieth anniversary 711 Broadway, Successors to Lee& Walker duced prices. We will sell Marble of the accused, and the daughter-in-law well to aud where he seeks the the Cumberland river and are covered with a Rio, 28c, Pure Roasted Rio 32c, Pure Roasted of the of Mr. and Mrs. Juliet, apothe- New York. Philadelphia. Java, of Ebenezer. marriage Libby of Top Tables, 24x31 inches, for $9. 42c, Pure Roasted Mocha, 50c. cary, he rose to a of which growth of the finest jal2 feb8W&S&w2w was the occasion height power cedar, poplar, yellow pine, CAW GOOt»8—Green Corn, 2 lbs., Blue- District Deering, of a large gathering S. A. FLOOD Cloth Top 24x30 23c; Attorney Webb opened for the gov- his as one of a chestnut, oak of all and black wal- Tables, inches, berries, 2 lbs., 20c: Strawberries, 2 lbs. 25c; Lob of their friends on stamped impersonation very varieties, OrnmAnt TllO <1 noilmontosn nir!^nn/in Saturday evening last. Sheriff’s Sale. for $10. Parties about stem, 2 lbs., 20c; Peaches, 3 lbs, 25c; Tomatoes, high order. The sudden access of in the nut. The deposits of slate and Will sell at Cost from 1st to buying About and to rage iron, coal, STATE OF February lbs 15c. of sixty persons, young old, joined MAINE,) Furniture will save ing pension papers, the receipts at of the death of and limestone are very extensive and can be worked ss. March 1st all Sash Ribbons, surely money SOAPS—French 9c; Queen, 9c; application, celebrate the event with first, hearing Mercutio, Cumberland, j Ribbons, Laundry, Irish, for under glad costly presents 9c; Leatbe & Gore’s, 9c; Babbitt’s best, 8c; money paid the claims, &c., were ad- the swift retribution which he exercises with profit. The iron is of the celebrated on execxtion. and will be sold by public Sashes, Velvets, Feathers, Flowers, Neck- by calling on us before purchasing. Nixon's, and with warm the upon 8c; Imperial, 5c; Cut Castile, 4c, 8c, 12c, 15c. mitted in evidence the congratulations. Among TAKENauction, on SATURDAY, the eighteenth day of Tarletons. Silks and by defendant’s counsel’ Tybalt, provoked a storm of and b» Tennessee boiler iron and the ties, Evening Fancy Please give us a call and we will PI RE SPICES—Pepper, per quarter, features of the occasion was applause, variety, facility March, A. D. 1876, at ten o’clock in the at 10c; Messrs, prominent the forenoon, Articles. Pimento, 8c; Ginger, 9c; Cassia, 12c, Clifford & Clifford, without requiring was called before the curtain. The tender with which charcoal can be made from the the Sheriff’s office, in Portland, in said all show our extensive stock 15c; Cloves, of Mrs. Abraham of pas- County, you very 12c, 15c; Royal Baking Powder, 15c; of the presence Libby Deering, the right in equity which Margaret Jordan, of Port- Marjoram, 10c; fonbaL proof same. The question at sion he when he returns to bid a sec- waste wood of the saw mills and from the with Savory, 10c; Thyme, 10c; 10c; Cream andVE. G. of both displayed land, in said County, has or had ou the of 15 FREE pleasure, whether you wish Sage, Tartar, issue Hogdon, Esq., Clinton, pres- eighth day STREET, 12c; Saleratus. 8c, 9c. was thus narrowed down to two ond farewell to Juliet and throws timber and limestone obtained for November, A. D. 1875, at three o’clock and to or points. ent at the himself upon cutting, thirty buy not. PI RE EXTRACTS—Jamaica 4 genuine ceremony fifty yeato igo. minutes in the atternoon, the time of the feb2 PORTLAND ME. din GiDger, oz., First, did John Lewis ever sign any such certi- the couch by her side was flux and fireclay for firebrick makes the being 28c; Vanilla, 2 oz., 25c: Lemon, 18c; Peppermint, The of a headed cane and a charmingly done, attachment of the same on the original writ in the ficate as he was presentation gold in want of Desks 17c; Checkerberry, 17c; Almond, 20c; Castor charged with siguing? Sec- and the tableau formed the prettiest of manufacture of charcoal pig iron easy, action on which said execution was obtained, to Any party Office OU, pair of gold was a and picture 12c; Paregoric 12c. he did such spectacles very pretty redeem the following described mortgage real estate, of we are now ond,^ sign certificaet,did he sign it the play. Not less effective was the conversa- ind profitable. Roofing slate of the best any style prepared to iTIlsCEIdldANEOlJS—Portland Kerosene impressive affair in the hands of Miss Florence situated in Scarborough, in said County, bounded Oil, it furnish them at manufacturer’s per gal., t8c; Nuts, all kinds, per 20c; Porto knowingly, knowing to be false, and intend- tion with the in its commis- variety has recently been discovered. Salt and described as follows, to wit: Beginning on the whole- lb., E. Hodgdon of this The was rich apothecary gentle Rico Molasses, per gal.. 50c, 65c, 75c; Pure Cider to aid Jane city. supper northeast corner, at the Junction ot the Saco road sale We will sell a ing Lewis in obtaining a fraudulent eration and pitying To the aid of his springs are abundant and salt can be manu- prices. splendid Vinegar, per gal, 38c; White Wine and well the of raillery. and the Vinegar road, (both roads so called Vinegar, per gal., or bountiful, expressing cordiality being Roll Desk with the 35c; Cider Vinegar, per gal., 30c; 15 pension, was he imposed upon? It was admirable and even Mr. factured more than at N- and known,) the entire western portion of said Groat Top entire system Raisins, per lb., the Letters conception execution, profitably Syracuse, Bargains to 20c; per 8 to reception. from distant friends or land is Beans, quart, 10c; Split Peas, 10c; claimed the iarm hounded by said — — of drawers and closed by defence, if he signed it he was WheeloQk brings the of a fine Y. Transportation facilities are unexcelled, Vinegar road; IN • opened by one Smoked Halibut, 15c; Ketchup, qts., 30c, pts., 22c; were others a tribute from gifts presence the said Saco road; in read, among feeling easterly entirely by southerly by on the combination Pepper Sauce, 15c; Halford and Epicurean Sauces, imposed upon so doing, by the same N. W. and and a to rbe price of the property is one half land of Abner Green; land of lock, principle. Rev. Zenas of Mass. The good elocution, physique adapted $200,000, westerly by Joseph 30c; English Onions, 40c; English Cauliflower, 40c; Randall who so Thompson Newton, Deeriug, and on the northwest by the Dresser road, Price $90.00 Retail 00. figured extensively in the Eld- the requirements of the part. The cash and balance in mortgage. The company price $130 Queen Olives, 60c; Sardines, 50c; Pickles, per quart, couple, now are still handsome, so called; »aid land being a portion of the Jewett ! case tried last aged rising seventy years, RUBBER_GOODS About the first of we shall be 15c; Rice, 9c, 10c: Popping Corn, 6c; Brorna, 25c; ridge week. scion of the tract at present have so and the same that said Dresser Feb, residents of the house into which ardent, impassioned house of operating'the placed upon farm, called, Blueing, 5c; Tapioca, 12c; 12c; 15c; The they moved of George Jewett. Men’s Rubber to furnish all of Show Sago, Prunes, District Attorney admitted that the gov- finds in him a improvements to the value of $225,385. bought Boots, 2.25 prepared styles Jelly, per tumbler, 12c; Dried Currants, 10c; Satin at the time of their Mr. looks Montagu fitting interpreter. [t Dated at said the 3d of ernment could not marriage. Libby Portland, day February Men’s Rubber Cases at manufacturer’s 25 Gloss Starch, 12c, 14c; Corn Starch, Gelatine, establish that Mr. Lewis Miss Joyce gave a careful, concientious and A. D. 1876. Hip Boots, 3-. 50 prices; per 14c; back upon a life of great usefulness and trust, 25c; Pearl Barley, 10c; Buckwheat, 5c; Scotch Oat ever signed any paper at and he therefore drawn w3w6 M. ADAMS, Deputy Sheriff. Men’s Runber 2.00 cent, lower than they have ever been Meal. Graham Flour. Corn all, held in well study of the daughter of Capulet. F. O. Bailey & Co. will commence the sale Coats, 10c; 5c; Meal, 24c; Rye having prominent offices both county Stove all Boot gave to the defence their a ver- offered in this Meal, 4c; Polish, kinds. 8c; Blacking, choice to take Without rising to the rank of a cf dry in store No. 217 Middle Double Coated Rubber Coats of supe- city. and town. He 13 still hale aad happy, none great creation, goods street, 5c, 8c; Boot Brushes, 25c, 40c; Brush Brooms, 20c, dict in their favor or he would enter a nolle it evinced an rior that will not wet through. 30c; Scrub Brooms, 20c; Best Box we understanding conception and formerly occupied by Mr. Gowell, at o’clock quality Brooms, 37c; Salt, the less so, hope, for this recognition of the 9J Clothes prosequi. A nolle was and the Double Coated Suits for Fishermen, bios- 10c, 16c, 25c; IJnes, per yard, 3c; Clothes prosequi taken, in which even execution. While not the .ideal this morning, and continue the sale at and KID GLOVES 3c. honor he is held. S. Juliet, 9£ 1 Pins, per doz, 2c, defendant samer Cloaks for Ladies that can be formally discharged, Judge Fox the very embodiment of which o’clock each until all is sold. The stock G. A. & love, indeed the 2J day carried in the pocket, as weight hut Co., BEST FAIRILV FLOUR AT CAR- remarking to the that Personal* they Whitney jury nothing appearing very best actresses so seldom reach, it will take embraces a large line of seasonable dress goods, 12 oz. LOAD PRICES. the The friends of Frank W. Smith were against defendant, and he standing the many rank as an of fancy goods, &c., and parties in want 85 cents will a of impersonation great promise, woolens, bny pair nice 46 We think our inducements are sufficient to call same as if no accusation had ever to see him on the street He Exchange St., been made pleased yesterday. for a first Hall’s Rubber and, attempt, of a high order of exe- of anything in this line, will do well to attend 2-Button Kids, evening shades, Store, trade from all parts of the ctty, and we will deliver against him, he was entitled to his final dis- is on a flying trip and will return to his adopt- ail goods FREE OF CHARGE. cution. In the first scenes it apparently lacked the sale, as every article will be sold without sold everywhere for $1.25. UNDER FALMOUTH HOTEL. BELOW MIDDLE ST. ed home in Davenport, Iowa, to-day. but from the oclA dtf OCltt (ltf color, appearance in the balcony reserve. a F. G. Mr. Ed. B. the well known $1 50 will bny of our RICH, At tie coming in of court in the afternoon, Garriott, assist- onward it was not to that pair open reproach. The A New lira in Cookery. best $2.00 French Kids until fur- Brick store Between Park and Stale the case of H. son of Jane Lew- ant at the United States signal office in this scene SI... tt39 Portland. George Lewis, balcony was quietly and naturally The and of HEALTH LIFT ! CoDBrcuSt., has done, great long felt want housekeep- ther notice. was taken up. The respondeat is charged city, been relieved and ordered to Wash- sufficient janll <11 mis is, passion being displayed where there ers for is at D. for suitable cooking vessels, last sup- with conspiracy and combination with Jane ington, C., promotion. Mr. A. T. was occasion for it. The characterization was by Patent Granite Ironware, THOROUHGH the The Dis- Flaesch takes Mr. Garriott’s plied acknowledg- A GYMNASTIC SYSTEM H. W. SIMONTON & CO.’S Lewis to defraud government. place. eminently free from free indeed H. S. KALER & “staginess,”so ed at to be without a rival in the kitchen CO., — FOB — the is at work on a mon- sight trict Attorney opened the case and called about Simmons, sculptor, as to seem to those accustomed to the tradi- It is cleaned, whole' as in tho ument for the Fessenden to be erected light, easily handsome, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Annual Cash the same witnesses Eldridge caso, family, tional rendition to be wanting in the 3 Free Street Block. MUSIC ! Sale, in proper some and bandy. It will neither corrode and tried last and the testimony was in sub- the family burial place in Evergreen Ceme- stress in fe8 dlw IN TEN MINUTES ONCE A DAY. week, the stronger passages. A care- like like cast 565 The remains of the late poison coppcrware, crack, iron or CONGRESS STREET stance the same as in that case. An import- tery. Thomas A. D ful of the study part, however, will fully like or crackle ! Doubles tbe strength in three months. Does not Collins & Fessenden of now buried iu earthenware, rust, tinware, and FIFTH GRAND Buxton, IjADIEM:—Yonr attention is invited ant witness will arrive from Wash- Auburn, Riverside the nor exhaust. Refreshes and particular government justify interpretation with the ware. I fatigue invigorates. to our sale Jnn. 31 and majority flake off, like porcelain-lined Rpmnvpn ilvsimnsin and imliorpatinn Tnnps the nor- commencing vioadny- at. this to in the case to- Cemetery in Lewiston, will be removed to the Every 522 CONGRESS ST„ ME., ington morning, testify of students. the if « n PORTLAND, continuing ten davs. during which time our entire Certaiuly error, any there piece warranted. Beware of as i\/r__ j t>_ vous system. Improves the circulation. Warms the the burial iu as imitations, stock of goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices. day. Hon. T. B. Reed appears for respon- family place Evergreen Cemetery was, was in the and the | extremities. Increases the general vitality. Have just received a right direction, charac- every piece is stamped, “Granite Ironware,” on nan We have on hand a larger assortment of Under soon as the monument is in nlane. Exercise and dent. lur IU3 D1 lvia^uoiauc Salesroom, White Nkirl* Infant’* Drc**e* • Ul£U lliaiao HueII■ Clothing; _ Ilie hottom. A pood line will be found at Mr —OF THE— and Flannels, than ever before, also a great vari- ty and naturalness. The tenderness Large uouBcuonoime Laiesiropwar music. Farmers’ Club.—The Cumberland Farmers’ yielding T. H. Snow’s, Saccarappa, Mo. fbleoddt* 237 Middle Street, Portland, Me. ty of novelties in the now Cashmere l.acc*, of Juliet wa3 Also constantly on band etc. Club held their annual Jan. about effectively portrayed, and the ex- Ties, West Falmouth.—About one o’clock yester- meeting 7th, our of demands made Wheo’er you want an orgaD, PORTLAND MM J. II. G4IIBERT, Proprietor. Violin*. Guitar*, Flute*. Accordion*, Do not tail to examine stock Worsted Em- memoers The acting by the tragedy and pa- of Sofa day morning a fire was discovered in the store filty being present. following BLUES, no25 tf llnnjon. Harmonica* C'larioiicl*, broideries, consisting Cushion*. Foot thos of the last two acts were met. Miss With music all complete, —AT— Cornet* and all I aMirumcut* Ke*t*, Towel Back* Chair Niripei, of S. J. on street in officers were elected for the ensuiDg year:— amply Girard, Bridge Saccarappa Don’t fail Miring* and Tln*ic Bracket*, Mlipprm, Mlipper Pocket*, etc. Joyce was suffering from the effects of a before you purchase Chas. A. Vice Presidents cold, — — Great in Village. The origin of the fire is unknown. President, Merrill; CITY FOB bargains Hrmburg Edging*, Dim- and her was To call on HALL, Ac. and ffjawu Band* E. G. Alfred Hioks and Chas. voice not beard to a proper advan- Congress street, Apples, Butter, ity Also Plain and The neighbors turned ont quickly and soon suc- Pierce, Mitchell; Bit ASS AND STRING BAND. Plaid Nainsook*. LinrnN, still little fault could be 522 is the number, Tuesday Evening, Feb. 22, 1876. Tucking*, etc. in a M. W. N. M. tage, very found in Tacked and KnOled Pillow Chamber* at ceeded In saviDg the building damaged Secretary, Pearson; Treasurer, Ulnsic Chandler's Fall Band. 500 Bbh. Prime Michigan Apples. that respect. She has the of a face Collins & Buxton is the name, by 200 “ Pastern Baldwins. Sole Agents for Portland aud Vicinity for Sit'-IS a pair. state. The lower was used for a store Shaw; Executive Committee, Wm. L. Prince, advantages part by A costumer has been who will all 50 Tubs Choice Butter. The latest novelties in Children’s Collarettes and figure suited to the George Woods & Co. the makers, engaged, supply GEO. WOODS A CO.’S ORGANS. Mr. and the for tenements. O. A. Mountfort, S. L. A. F. Winslow part, being sufficiently those in want of costumes at a reasonable price, Due 4000 Lbs. Cheese from at very low prices. Girard, upper story Clough, And world wide is their fame. best Maine Fac- petite and very pretty. notice will be given where he may be found. tories. All mail The remainder of our winter stock ot Children's The stock was boih smoke and wa- and John Barstow. orders by promptly attended to. Please injured by tf Floor tickets $1, admitting gentleman and Prunes. Colored Malt* and Dresses we will The support was on the whole good. Mr. feb3 ladies; 2000 Lbs. New de«14 call or send for Catalogue. dly Pique ter. It was insured for $4000 in the agency of The Club numbers 120 members. Six joined _'_ Gallery tickets 50 cents each, to be had ol the com- sell at a great reduction. Shorey was, a very bad sell- mittee and at the door. fe8eod7t — FOR SALE BY — the last fair however, “Mercutio,” Marseilles Quilts _ Dow & Palmer, as follows: St Paul, $1000; at meeting. The of 1875, held (slightly damaged) CARD. utterly failing to give even a hint of the at half at under Fal- These Goods for Cash Only ! American, $1000; Security $2900. This build- jointly with the county^ society, did not prove gal- ing price 1’. M. Frost’?, SMITH & lant soldier aud gentleman who is the soul of mouth Hotel. feb5d3t \ PHILBROOK, ing, which was slightly injured, and two small remunerative, but it is the intention of the I Dr. Kenison, Ja29dlOt the first two acts. He is To Manufacturers ol First-Class Furniture. two societies to dollar altogether too heavy No. 12 ones, was insured for $5000 in the agency of pay every of premiums Stop and See! The latest uews to Smokers \ l CIIIKOPODIST, Market Street. for the part, and his is wretched. Mr. dec!3dtl are now prepared to buy first-class Furniture Barnes as follows: of New- fairly and for kindlier skies delivery ! Brothers, Citizens awarded, hope yet! Cleopatra, a genuine clear Havana Has rooms at the WE for Cash on delivery ofany manufacturer that COAL COALTT Gale was an excellent as /CORv^n. when hold their next “Paris,” doing well as wauts to sell at a sacrifice. ark, $1000; Rochester GermaD, $1500; Stan- they exhibition, filled cigar for Five Cents, at F. T. Meaher IT. H. HOTEL THIS can be done with what is at best an unthankful VALENTINES, Having bought out the Stock and Stand of dard, $1500; Allemannia, $1000. & Co.’s. feb5-3t (SUNIOW» WEEK. GEO. A. WHITNEY & CO. Alabama Awards.—The are the _ following part. Mr. Bascomb’s "Beuvolio” was and All s feet treated. Sunday evening about nine o’clock, the large easy disease ofthe skillfully Opera- COMICS AND SENHMENTALS, Portland, Dec. 23d.dec24dtf RICH & JUDKINS, to Maine on on and nails awards claimants awarded the 4th finished. Mr. Snyder gave a good impersona- Just received, three cases best quality prints tions corns, bunions, ingrowing per- mill of N. Wdbur & Co., at West Falmouth, formed without causing pain or blood, and without Wholesale at Manufacturers* lowest prices, iust. in the Court of Commissioners of Alabama tion of the in new 7 cents at P. M. choleric and suspicious “Tybalt.” styles, only per yard, the use of acids, caustic, or any preparation 118 was entirely destroyed by Are. The origin is injurious All fresh goods and new styles. Commercial St., Claims, as given in the court report of the The were made too and Mr. Frost’s, under Falmouth Hotel. feb5d3t to the feet. unknown. The building was two stories with Capulets up young, Side Lace Boots ! I am to tarnish all those in Washington Chronicle: Incase 251, Thomas Ulmer fell into the fault of his ^‘OpcnEreningii iiatil 8. feb5d5t c. & prepared want of Coal and a small grist nrlll ia the latter strewing con- DAY, jr,, co., at the basement, Take moment A full assortment in French Kid, neat and pretty. B. Heed and Clarence Hale, trustees, 88099.08. versation with those dreadful HComsumptives Notice,—Every EXCHANGE 1ST. was burned, tlr. Wilbur’s mill was used for “ers,” against HAYDtf ASSOCIATION jan28tfeb1404 Also in French Morocco for Walking Boots. Meas- In case 750, Kufus Harriman, $2,524.20. In which Holmes warns us. Mrs. Preston of makes more and ures taken aud nice Boots made to order tor LOWEST MARKET KATES. manufacture of hubs aud other car gave delay your cure hopeless, much fitting tbe spokes, men or women. 754, Alexander Staples, $1,432 56. In 799, an altogether unnecessary shrillness to the Annual Meeting of the above Association will All parties in want of Coal will do well to call be- work. The buildiog, with its on riage machinery, depends the judicious choice of a remedy. The be held at the rooms of the Mercantile Library Butter, fore elscwhtre. Benjamin Marlin, $1,432 53. In 936, William “Nurse,” but savingthat her was THE Cheese, Beans. M. Gc. PALMER. purchasing was valued at $6000. Insured for $3000. The impersonation Association, corner of Temple and Congress Streets, amount of in Dr. H. Burrell, $1,432.53. In 955, Eustace C. Fitz, a good one. Mr. Adams was a fair “Fria Lau- testimony tavor of Schenck’s entrance on Temple street, on FRIDAY EVENING, loss on stock was $2000. Insured for $1000. EA consignment ol Pea and Medium ja28dtf_ 96. Ic Albert The Feb. 11th, 74 o’clock. ES. H. SARGENT. executor, $5013 956, Vinal, rence.” “Apothecary” of Mr. BartOD was Pulmonic as a cure for far ex- Mr. Wilbur had lately enlarged and repaired Syrup, consumption, B3P*A lull and punctual attendance is desired as Beans. Mage Cheese, Butter, tor sale by The $1,432.50. Clarence Hale of Maine, the lean Progress Centennial, P. S.-U II. RICH, will remain at the Old in additional Portland, certainly anatomy Shakespeare pic- business of importance will come up for action. the mill and put machinery. ceeds all that can he to support the preten- Stand, where he will be pleased to see all his old counsel for claimants. Gen. Cresjvell tor Uni- and in its brought GEO. C. BURGESS, Secretary. tured, strongly suggestive make-up of TWO SHIRTS IN customers and a host of new ones. jan3dtf ted feb8d4t GAGE & CO. or, ONE, States. — — Arcana Lodge, No. 1,1. O. G. T.—Instal- Smike’s attempt in “Nicholas Nickleby.” sions of any other medicines. See Dr. Schenck’s SMITH, AT O. feb7 <12w of officers of Arcana Lodge No. 1, I. The was well and run lation Cumberland Bar Portrait Gallery.— play put on, very Almanac, containing the certificates of many per- , wide, light and well adjournment city meeting they professionally principal office, be at other in H. Nickerson and and paying lor this advertisement. SLEICiHS.—Atthan can bought any factory ventilated. On new street from Brackett to Clark. soon attested George James The articles to be voted for are a hand- I'atal Accident—A man Maine. Parties wishing to purchase can save yielding from East Deering Corner Sixth and Arch every feb8 d3t money, Spring Street Horse Curs pass very near. Apply at BOOTS AND SHOES a small Streets, Philadelphia, if to Factory in A. They had taken quantity some as the on some of them is last they will come my Gorliam, opposite No. 70 Brackett St. teb2isdtf Heiley. sum, voting evening reported that Mr. Merrill, a ship WHITMAN from the Monday, where all letters for advice must he rd- Depot. LESLIE. ~AT- of tobacco and a little change drawer, very exciting. A large picture has been put up carpenter, fell on a vessel at East TO LET. aov3 dtl work. building _ Money to Loan. but it was all recovered. Quick as a prize for the best shot at the target. The Deering, and was fatally injured. dressed. febldeod3p&wtmsn No. 1 Elm Street. ltoom No. 6 Wilraot with- nuffiH fo xnit on Real arrested a bov last for fair St,, parlies Emaie Deputy Bridges night only lasts this week aud those who have P. S. A later To Let. Ae Ae. G. R. report says that the injured JOB WORK of every uent- IN DAVIS, description out Board. of rooms the of not a'tended should lose no time in man SUIT without board Apply at N Real E»(x1c and Broker. & DAVIS. larceny pigeons. doing so. has died. executed at Mortgage PRE^LK^DAVIS^' } LEAVITT ly this office, fet>8dlw* A 4T Danfoith Street. my24distt nov2eod6mis janG jalSeoUtf POETRY. WANTS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. RAILROADS. STEAMERS. STEAMERS. Portland Wholesale Prices Current. | Apple*. Shoe Steel... B @ 6j Wanted. Booksellers and Stationers. Faith. Green. 3 00 @ 4 50 Spring Steel. t>}@ 12 Baltimore & to do A No. 91 Middle Street. EASTERN RAILROAdT Norfolk, Washington Dri’d West'll 9 @ 12 Sheet Iron.. PROTESTANT girl general housework HOYT FOGG, iu a of three. Good LINE" LINE references re- do Eastern. 9 @ 12 Common.,.. 4PSJ 41 A family ALLANL STEAMSHIP H. C. quired. Apply to 462 CUMBERLAND ST. Book Binders. and after Oct. BY ZADEL B. Ashen* 6|@ 6J On Monday, 11th, 1875, Montreal Ocean Co. BTODINQXON. fet>7d3t* Steamship Four time* a week. Pearl,ip lb.. 11® 11* Russia. lsinj 16} WM. A. QUINCY, Room 11, Printer*’ 12 UNTIL FURTHER Pot. 7*@ 10 Galy. 9j@ Exchange, No. Ill Exchange St. NOTICE, UNDER CONTRACT FOR CONVEYANCE OF THE Henan. Lard. Firm Class Steamship SMALL A SHACKFORU, No. 35 Plnm What shalt thou sing, 0 Soul, gifted with song, Pea.2 00 @ 2 25 Kegsp lb... 13J@ 14 LOST AND FOUNdT" TRAINS WILL LEAVE PORTLAND FOR Cnnailinn nnd United Hfntes Jlniln. JOHNS HOPKINS. WM. CBANE. To whom therefore the Pain and Joy belong? Mediums.... 1 75 @ 2 00 Tierces *» ib. 13j@ 14 Street.___ WM. LA WHENCE. GEORGE APPOLD. Sit with thine ear to that world of 2 0(* 2 25 Pail. 15 Bouton 2.00 (except Mondays),9.00 a. ra.,3.10 p. m. booked to London- great sound Yellow Eyes. @ @ 35| fitter Passengers From Boston direct TUESDAY That rolls the silences 16 Carpenters and Builders. arriving at 6.15 a. m„ 1.45. 7.55 p. m.. in and every between profound Box Shook**. Caddies. @ 16J Lost. ample derry Liverpool, and SATURDAY'. Thou hearest Science, loud and Pine. GO 75 I.tad. WHITNEY A- Pearl Street, op- time to connect w!1b New York and Western trains, Return rickets crying far, @ Tuesday afternoon on Middle St., between MEANS, — AND — “I find the on farthest star Bread. Sheet & 9@ last, the Park. Lynn, Salriu, Newburyport and 1’oriM- at reduced rates. deepest pearl; Pipe 9$ ON Lamsou’s store and Franklin a powile granted WM. KENNEDY. BLACKSTONE. I certain all is Pilot 9 00 00 8 (g) 8§ jewelry St., mouth at 2.00 (except Mondays),9.00 a. m., 3.10 p. The lay my finger; mine; Sup.... @11 Pig. Lady’s Gold Breast Pin. The finder will be suitably Steamship and McClellan. I am the the the do ex 1001b. 7 00 8 00 Leather. and Retail. m. True, Only, Divine.” @ rewarded it at this office. feb5dlw* Furniture—Wholesale From Prorideoce bom by leaving Gloucester nud at 9 a. m., 3.10 p. m SCANDINAVIAN, Cnpt. Smith, every WEDNESDAY Reason, blind, doth (sitting unaware Ship. 5 00 @ 5 50 New York, WALTER COREY A No. Roclcport and CO., Arcade, at 9 a. 3.10 m. SATURDAY. Upon the “mountain’s secret top’* declare, Crackers Light. Dover m., p. Will Lost. IS Jtfree Street. Wolfboro Bochester and Great Falls leave this port for Liverpool on Freight forwarded from Norfolk to Washington and “That which I see 1 know, and that alone; 100. 35 @ 40 Mid. Weight. at GEORGE A. WHITNEY, No. .36 Ex- 3.10 m. Alexandria by steamer Lady of the Lake and Jane There is no hidden sermon in the stone.” Hatter. Heavy. Congress or Exchange Streets, a small Locket, a. m., p. SATURDAY, February 19th, 1876, change St. ot nil kinds Eliot. Mouth Berwick Mosely. While Faith, deep-eved as Love, with noiseless key Family, p lb 30 @ 35 Slaughter... ON containing one picture. The finder will be Tpholstcriug Kittery, Junctiou, 1 00 done to order* Wells and after the arrival of the Train of the Freight forwarded from Norfolk to Petersburg and Opens the unsuspected heaven to thee. Store. 25 @ 30 Am. Calf.... @ 110 rewarded by leaving it at Stockbridge’s Music Store. North Berwicb, Keuuebuuk immediately pre- a. 3.10 m. vious from Montreal. To be followed the Richmond, and Va. and Tenn. K. R. to all in —Harper's Magazine for February. Candles. Lillie. fe4 dtf at 9 m., p. day by places c’sk. Sboers. the South, W. M. Clark, Agent, 210 Mould, ^ lb. @ 13 Rockland @ 1 30 Horse Biddeford, Maco, West Mcnrbarongh, Mcar- Steamship-. Washington St., CAMPAIGN to and Boston. Sperm. 35 @ 37* ■.umber. ROBINSON A- YOUNG, Experienced borough and Cape Elizabeth at 9 a. in., Passage Londonderry Liverpool, Cabin (ac- Lost 5.20 m. cording lo 870 to To all points of North and South Carolina Sea- THE FARM AND Charcoal Clear Pine, Dot;. IIoini *hoera at No. 70 Pearl St. 3.10, p. accommodations). $80 by HOUSEHOLD. Intermediate board and Railroad and Atlantic Coast Line Pine. @ 12 Nos. 1 & 2...45 00 @55 00 SMALL KING CHARLES SPANIEL. Tbe novMtf passage. 40 Roanoke in or G. H. Keith, Agent, 222 Boston. Hard No. 3. 35 00 @40 00 A finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving TRAINS FOR PORTLAND LEAVE Payable Gold its equivalent. Washington Btreet, Kre ai Grcrn Manure for ihr Garden and Wood, For or Cabin to And to all points in the West Baltimore & Ohio Oak. 15 No 4.25 00 @35 00 any information from him at THIS OFFICE. Freight Passage, apply by Farm. @ Pattern and Model Maker. Roflton at 8.30 a. in., 8.00 in R. C. A. 219 Ma- .15 00 00 dtf 12.30, p. m., arriving H. & A. ALLAN, No. 1 India St. It., Chipley, Agent, Wasnington street, Birch, Shipping. @20 janl7 Portland at 5,00 12.15 For is mo re 17 00 J. I. HARBOUR, 930 Fore Street, Cor. 1.15, p. in., (except .Mondays Steerage Passage inward and and for Boston. in important @ Spruce.12 @15 00 ~ outward, Nothing gardening ple. of a. m. Dratts on bills of Pit Hemlock.... 10 00 00 Crow,, Portland. Sight England for small amounts, apply to Through lading given by the above named than and it is ot course, never pos- Burned, @12 at 8.59 a. m., 8.27 m. jaanure, @ 19 Lynn 12.58, p. JAMES L. FARMER, Agents. sible W too much. In it is Maple. Claphoards, TO LET. Salem at 9.12 a. m., 1.10, 8.40 p. ni. $15.00. Excursion get fact, rarely Spruce ex.30 00 @33 00 Photographer. No. 3 India Street. Passage Tickets $25. Portsmouth at 11 a. m„ 2.57,10.14 p. m. Nov. For or to possible for the gardener to get- enough stable lb 13 14 do No.l 15 00 00 A. S. DAVIS A No SO Middle Portland, 23. 1875.nov24dtf freight passage Norfolk, Baltimore, Wash- Vcrm't, @ @20 CO., Street. Hover at 10.40 a. in., 4.45 p. m. or other information and he must resort to some Factory. 13J@ 14 Pine.35 00 00 ington, apply to manure, others, @55 To Let. «rent Fall. at 10.22 a. m., 4.19 m. N. Y. 14 p. INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. E. SAMPSON, Agent, the and best of I believe, al- Dairy. 12*@ Shingles, Keuuebuuk at m. cheapest which, unfurnished rooms to let. South-West Plumbers. 12.10, p. 53 Central Wharf, Boston, Coal—(Retail). Cedar ex... 3 75 @ 4 50 at a. ter several trial of to be ma- Kiddeford 8.00 m., 12.30, 4.20, 11.38 p. E. H. — OF- years it, green Cumberland 8 50 @ 9 00 Cedar No.l 2 25 @ 3 00 THREECorner of Pearl and Oxford Streets. JAMES MILLER. No. 91 Federal Street Eastport, Calni« and St. John, Dishy. ROCKWELL, Agent, Saco at 8.05 a. up, 12 36, 4.25,11.42 p. m. no2dtl nures, or growing crops ploughed under. Pictou. 7 50 @ 8 00 Spruce.... 150 @ 175 feb3 dtf Windiior and Halifax. Providence. K. one the value of clover as a Chestnut.... 7 00 7 50 @ 175 Roofers. Every knows @ Latns,spruce EASTERN RA1LROAH liiiiKiui... y uu y ou Pine. 2 25 TRAINS WINTER ARRANGEMENT. fertilizer, but in many part3 of the West it @ To Let. J. N. McCOY A CO., 9S Spri.g Street. &W. Matches. run directly through to points on the Maine Centra. HOTELS. canuot be and even then Lehigh halt of House. No. 10 Brattle Street successfully grown, Ash. 8 00 @ 8 50 Star, gros. 2 00 @ 210 Railroad without transfer, and make direct connec- TWO TRIPS PER WEEK ! aside to S. the land must be laid two years or Coffee. IUOIUBWHi UPPERApply CHASE, Beal Estate Agents. tion in Portland with all Steamboats and Railroad No. 22 Preble Street. more, and with the gardener this is rarely Java, lb 31 @ 33 Porto Rico.. 45 @ 55 jan31d2w JOHN C. PROCTER, No. 93 Exchange diverging therefrom. On and alter Monday, Decem- HOTEL DIRECTORY, Rio. 22 Cieniuegos... 40 @ 43 Pullman Parlor and Car* are ber 20th, the Steamer New Bruns- After trying many different J@ 23* Street.___ Sleeping the practicable. Cooperage. Muscovado.. 35 @ 37 To Let. run on all through trains. Stops for refreshmen wick, D. S. Hall, will leave Embracing leading Hotel? In the State, at which, I am certain that for the Capt. the green crops, quite Hhd. Shooks and New Orleans 65 @ 75 made at the usual places, Railroad Wharf, foot of Daily Press may always be found. Heads, TTOCSlt at 0 1-3 Dow Street. Stair Builders. State St., and often the farmer, in the Mol. City.. @2 45 Barbadoes... 45 @ 47 Inquire oeltdtf GEO. BACHELDER, at 6.00 for gardener, West, B. E. LIBBY, No. 959 Fore cor. Supt. every Monday p. m., 15 38 40 Street, and AUBURN nothing is so valuable as rye. Its growth is Sug. City.. @2 Sagua. @ deci5 dtf Cross St., in Delano’s Hill. Eastport St. John. 1 45 1 50 Nails. made late in Autumn and in at Sug. C’try. @ Grand Trunk R. R. of Canada. Returning will leave St. John and Eastport every Elm Bonne, Court. St. W *. Sc A. early Spring, Pine Sugar Cask. @ 3 50 Q. fj. HOOPER, Cor. York and Haple Thursday. Young, 187 a time when little else will so that the Streets. Proprietor*. grow, box shooks 68 00 @70 00 Naval Store*. TO ALTERATION trains. Until further notice the Steamer Chase Will leave is free for this use. In Hhd. Tar, #bbl.. @3 75 LET! |N for St. John direct at ground particular Headings, every Thursday lp.m. AUGUSTA. 0 00 and Silver all the tender are off in time Spruce, 35 Pitch (C.Tar). @4 Watches, Jewelry Ware, WINTER ARRAN Connections made at Eastport for Robbinston, fact, vegetables in. 00 Wil. Pitch.. @3 75 GEMENT St. Andrews and Calais. Augusta Bonne, State «t. Harriaon Bah to sow it in aud the is not @24 Room in the Second Story ot the J. A. MERRILL A CO., 139 Middle St. September, ground Soft Pine.. @24 00 Rosin. 3 50 @ 6 00 Connections made at St. John for er, Proprietor. Printers’ Exchange, with power if J. A. MERRILL. A. KEITH. 0n and after Nov. Digby, Annap- needed for them again till May, by which Hard Pine @25 00 Turp*tinefgl. 43 @ 46 Monday, 15th, 1875 olis, Windsor, Halifax, N. cony (louse, h. A, A II. to rains will run as follows: Kentville, S., Shediac, Cony. Proprie time the will be as as can be Hoops, 14 ft. @25 00 Oil. required. Arply PRESS OFFICE Amherst, Charlottetown and tors. rye heavy train 7.00 a. m. for Pictou, Frederickton, Short do 8 ft.16 00 @17 00 Kerosene_ @ 20 or to B. THURSTON & Ill Watches. .Tewfllrv. £i>. Express Auburn and Lewiston. P. E. I. under. the it CO., TVf n ? from flip fiArhtim oml ilitnrmnilintn r-f.. 4 Summerside, ploughed Upon farm, too, 7 ft.12 00 00 Port. Kef. P'tr 15 @14 @ Street. J. W. & H. II. E^“Freight received on days of sailing until 4 BANGOR. comes iu if the is to 00 Brill’t 25 Exchange l!lcDflJFFEE,Cor, middle 7.10 a. m. nicely, succeeding crop Pop’rstave8.16 00 @17 Devoe @ dtf tils. o’clock, p.m. Franklin & Union train at 1.40 m. for Auburn Hfonxe,—Harlow St., NIcLaugh be or and more Spruce,r’gh. @14 00 Sperm. 2 00 @ 2 10 oc!2_ Express p. and Lew- A. R. lin A corn, roots, potatoes, particu- iston. STUBBS, Agent. Dnrix, Proprietors. for R.O. Staves. @45 00 Whale.. 85 @ 90 in an:* ati larly sowed corn for fodder, which it Mail train for Island Copper. Bank. 50 @ 60 HOTEL TO Pond, (stopping at all sta- seems adapted. Even after corn LEASE. tions to Island with mail BATH. especially Cop. Bolts.. @ 31 Shore. 40 @ 50 MEDICAL Pond,)* connecting night FOR I succeed well with it, sowing it broadcast Y.M. sheath- Porgie. 50 @ 55 train for Quebec, Montreal and the West at 1.50 HARPSWELL, Bath Hotel, €. iff. Plnmmer, Proprietor THE NEW ENGLAND m. and cultivating it in, leaving the corn-hills ing. @ 22 Linseed. @ 62 HOUSE, p. On and after October 8tb, 1875, Bronze do... Boiled do.... 67 Express train for Auburn and Lewiston at 5.1 as snow and to @22 @ PORTLAND, MAINE. Stoamer Henrietta, Capt. G. BOSTON. standing, they gather help Y.M. Bolts. 28 Lard 93 115 p. m. @ @ LOWELL, will leave H nr pa- Pnrker House. School protect the rye in Winter. I sow the seed 1 25 1 AVOID QUACKS Trains will arrive as follows: St. H. D. Parker A Cordage. Olive. @ 75 House contains 40 rooms and two Stores; is well Mondays and Saturdays at six to the acre—and Amer’n lb 13 Castor. 1 35 1 50 Mail train from Gorham and intermediate stations Co., Proprietors. thickly—about pecks $> @ 13* @ situated opposite the pisseDger station ot the B a. m., touching at C/bebeague, Little L’he- St. James Russia. 14 Neatsfoot.... 112 1 25 THE 8.30 a. m. Hotel—J. R. Crocker, Proprl. earlv if possible, so that the plants shall stool @ 14* @ Grand Trunk Railway, and in the immediate vicinity, beague and Long Inland. Returning, will leave etor. Manila. Elaine. 70 AND POISONS. Express from Lewiston and Auburn at 8.45 a. out before endure 14J@ 15* @ and nearer than any other Hotel to the point of ar- Commercial WharCat 3 p. m. touching at the above Tremont Wiuter, exposure better, Manila Bolt Paints. Mail from Quebec, Montreal and the West at House, Tremont Sf.-ChnpiD, rival and departure of the European, Halifax, New landings. Will touch at Cousens’ Island each way. A Co. and make a and quicker growth in the Port. Lead.. 50 from the effects of Early Evil p. m. Gurney Proprietors. larger Rope. @ 16* @10 York and Boston Steamers, and the terminus of the Habits, For particulars inquire ot Captain on board or is for and 10 most surely would I save you from both Express from Lewiston and Auburn at Spring. When the ground warned DrogH Dyes. PureGr’ddo 25 @10 50 Horse Railway to the western part of the and SUFFERERS early STEPHEN 131 Commercial St. city decline or from and as I 5.45 p. m, KICKER, Agent, from 20 to June 1— Alcohol ^ gl 2 40 @ 2 50 Pure Drydo.10 00 @10 50 suburbs. Address being quacked humbugged my8dtf BRUNSWICK, NIK. planting—usually May have been. Address, In confidence. — Arrow Root. 25 @ 50 Am. Zinc.... 10 @ 12 AUG. P. FULLER. BRADFORD P. A K. W. we turn it under with a chain. It is often three SINCLAIR. P. O. Box 3063. Boston. Mass. Dining Rooms, R. Field, Bi-carb Soda 6 @ 8 Rochelle Yel. 3@ 3} Ju24deodtf Portland. Me. Proprietor. feet high, and thick as only such a heavy Borax. @ 18 Eug.Ven.red 3@ 3} no27 d3m Passenger Offices PORTLAND but with a chain from 30 @ 35 Red Lead.... 10 11 — CAPE crop can be, hung Camphor..,. @ To Let. AND ELIZABETH. the end of the whiffle cross bar to the plough Cream tartar @ 45 Plaster. 74 EXCHANGE Ocean House—J. I*.Chamberlain,Propri- Indigo.1 25 @ 1 50 White,# ton @ 3 00 DESIRABLE house to let on Congress St., No. ST., etor. with slack so that it will — — beam, enough drag Logwood ex. 14 @ 17 Blue. @ 2 75 A 643, in good repair. Sebago water, gas, fur- AKD PHILADELPHIA. ahead of the it will 4 just uprising furrow, pull Madder. 12 @ 15 Grou’d.in bis 8 00 @ 9 00 nace. Inquire at No. 641 Congress St. dec3tf And nil Difficulties of the Feet CALAIS. 2 skillfully DEPOT AT FOOT OF INDIA ST down every stalk into the empty furrow as Naptha gl @20 Calcined,bis. 75 @ 3 00 treated. International @ 6 50 Produce. Iron Line of Hotel, W. D. Simpson, nicely as it could be laid by haud, and the Opium. To Let. Clyde's Steamers, Proprietor. Rhubarb.... 75 @ 1 00 Beef Side.... 9@ 12 MR- & MRS. DR. WELCH, Running between Providence whole mass buried out of sight. A little Sal Soda.... 3 Veal. 8 10 BRICK HOUSE No. 74 Danfortb Chiropodists, Tickets sold at Reduced Rates nd WED- @ @ Street, 1 Philadelphia every COBNISH. soon amount 10 17 Mutton.. 12 13 all the modern In- 316 NESDAY and SATURDAY practice will teach just the of Saltpetre... @ @ THEcontaining improvements. FEDERAL STREET, To Canada. Detroit, ITlilnnn- gives Sulphur. 5 @ 5* Chickens.... 15 @ 18 quire at No. 10 Central Wharf. Chicago, direct communication to and from Cornish House, IU. B. Daria, Proprietor For several years the Portland Daily Press slack needed. Comer of Me. Dr. 'Welch’s hee, Cincinnati. Ht. I.ouis. Omaha, Vitiol. 11 @ 12 Turkeys. 18 @ ,20 Jnel6 dtf Temple. Portland, Portland and all other points in has been the and fullest attention was first called to the value Bunion 50 Haginaw, Ht. Paul, Halt Calie largest daily paper published My JDuck. Eggs,#doz. 22 @ 23 Ointment by mail cents and stamp. City, Maine, with Philadelphia and beyond. DANVILLE feb3 Denver, Han Francisco, Through JUNCTION. in and its publishers announce their deter- of this crop, for manure, almost by accident. No. 1. 38 Potatoes.... 50 @ 55 dlw rntes are to and all reached Maine; @ given Philadelphia poIntB Clark’s Dining Grand Trunk Rail- Some at I No. 3. @ 34 Onions, bbl.. 2 00 @ 2 25 and all points in the by the Penn. Central and the Phil. & Reading R. R.’s Hall, mination to make tbeir paper beyond question the years ago, just planting time, TO ! way Depot, NI. W. Clark, Proprietor. found myself short of suitable land for still No. 10. @ 22 Cranb’s#bl.ll 00 @12 00 Northwest, West and ^Southwest. and to all the principal cities in the South and South- 8oz. @ 23 Round hogs.. 8 @ 9 _LET HOTELS. west. No Wharfage. No commission for another of seed which I was No. 55 on the side of forwarding. variety melons, lOozs. @ 18 Provisions. easterly Exchange J. C. FURNIVAL, Agt. Full information given D. D. C. MINK. ELLSWORTH. Street, live doors below Middle Street. Also by Agent, obliged to grow, and leased ten acres of land Dyewood*. Mess Beef.. .11 00 @11 50 STORE 29 Devonshire St., Boston, or J, B. City Hotel.—N. H. A front and rear offices in same to THE GRAND COYLE, Jr., Higgins Sons, Props, a Barwood— 3 Ex Mess. .12 00 @13 00 building. Apply TRUNK RAILWAY is in splendi Portland. upon which was growing crop of rye. This @ FRANCIS Brazilwood. 5 @ 7 Plate.14 00 @15 00 FESSENDEN, N. P. condition, is well equipped with first-class rolling WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Gen’l Managers, I turned under, and to nutmeg mel- 172 corner of NASSAU, is the FOXCROFT. planted Camwood... 6@ 7 Ex Plate.. 1650 @17 50 Middle, Exchange St., stock, and making best connections and quick- janll ly 12 So. Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. on. The occasional or HENRY est time of anv route from Portland Foxcrefl P. NI. straws sticking up gave Fustic. 2J@ 3 Pork, DEERING, A FAMOUS WINTER RESORT to the West. Exchange, Jeffords. Pro- uov2dtf 39 St. Bar’PULLMAN PALACE prietor. the field a for a but Backs ... .25 00 50 Exchange DRAWING ROOM rugged appearance time, Logwood, @25 for those desirous of the of the Cam 2 2i Clear.24 00 @24 50 escaping severity AND SLEEPING CARS are attached to the trains when the midsnmmer drought was upon us, peachy.. @ Northern climate. never falls below HIRAN1. St. Mess.22 00 @22 50 Stable to Let* Temperature leaving Portland at 1.50 p. m. MAINE and the other fields this one Domingo. 1*@ 2} 04° Fahrenheit nor rises above and the varia- succumbed, Peach Wood Hams. 13 84°, Baggage checked from Portland to Detroit and Nil. Cutler House,—Hiram Pro @ 5} @ 13} Park and York Streets. to tion does not exceed 58 in 44 hours. Baston, looked as fresh and vigorous as could be, and Red Wood.. @ Rice* Apply Chicago, and not subject to Custom House examina- prietor. 2j CORNER S. H. STEVENS, tion. in even exceeded the its Fish. Rice, # lb... 7}@ 9 THE ROYAL VICTORIA STEAMSHIP CO. fruiting promise ap- Boston & Maine Depot. HOTEL, The are not for Cod, per qtl.. Naleratus. Company responsible baggage to LEWISTON. pearance gave. The yield of seed was more (£Ir’Argus and Advertiser Copy. jan5tf beautifully situated and well kept. United States amount in L’ge Shore 5 00 @ 5 25 Salerat’s# lb 6@ 7 any exceeding $50 value (and that person- DcWitt House,H. B. than one than on similar land in and British Mail Steamers EYE BY TEN unless notice is and lor Wiug, Proprietor larger good L’ge Bank 5 00 @ 5 50 Salt, al) given, paid at the rate o SEMI-WEEKLY LINE tut not manured. I have To Let. DAYS one passenger for every $500 additional value. heart, green prac- Small. 4 00 @ 4 50 Turks Is. # LITTLETON, N H. 3 50 4 2 25 2 62 JOSEPH HICKSON, General BEST NEWSPAPER IN ticed it ever and with satisfac- Pollock. @ 25 hhd.(8 bu.) @ lower of corner Park and Com- From SAVANNAH, Manager, since, always part building GA., W. J. SPICER, TO MEW YORK. H. L. MINE, Haddock.... 2 50 @ 2 75 Bonaire. 2 25 @ 2 62 mercial Sts. to S. H. STEVENS. Trip only 48 flour* and in Sight of Land Superintendent, Thayers Hotel, Thayer, Proprietor. tion, the results being, on some fields, more THE Apply Portland. June 21,1875. 4 Hake. 2 75 @ 3 25 Cadiz,du.pd. 2 25 @ 2 62 Boston & Maine nearly the Entire Distance. Illustrated Nas- jnel7dtf than on Its won- Depot. striking any previous year. Herring, Cadiz in b’nd 150 @ 2 00 C-U^Argu.s and Advertiser Copy. janstf sau Guide, sent free on application. MURRAY, JHACHIAS. derful efficiency in promoting yield is due, I Shore, ^ Liverpool, FERRIS & UO., 62 South Street, New York; or, PORTLAND & OGDENSBURG RrT Eastern Hotel.—E. E. Stoddard. Prop. apprehend, not.only to the available fertility .. zo [fy o uu Duty paid. 2 25 @ 2 62 W. D. LITTLE & Ex- 25 In bond... 1 50 2 CO., Agents, it but also to the mechanical eff- Scal’dpbx. @ 30 @ 00 change Street, Portland. jau20dlm NAPLES* furnishes, No. 1. 16 @ 23 Gr’nd butter 1 50 @ 2 00 REAL ESTATE. CHANGE OF TIME. ects on the soil, thus maintaining moisture Mackerel,p bbl. Liv.fine sack @ 2 25 Elm House, Nathan Church A Sons, Pro- during our worst droughths. Bay No. 1.18 00 @21 00 Needs. WESTMINSTER prietors. fMnvpr. 131/5) 11 Of course I would and would rec- Bay No. 2.14 00 @16 00 House to Let. HOTEL, myself, 3.. .11 00 50 Red 4 ON THE TETJROPEAISr PLAN. to to of Large @12 Top bag @ 75 CENTER STREET; suitable for 2 NORRIDGEWOCK. ommend others, get every forkful Shore No.l 24 1)0 50 H. 2 3 QO tenants; by making all its departments more complete and by @26 Grass,bu. 87$@ 12$ O O boarding'or lodging bouse,in thorough repair; Corner Irving Place and 16h Street. New Daufortb House, D. Danforth. Proprieto manure to be had and it. And No. 2....16 00 00 do Canada none apply yet, @18 11 rooms, and additional rooms can be secured if York. sparing no effort or expense at their command to the same I iu No. 3.... 8 50 @ 9 50 upon land, would addition, ap- Noap. desired; gas and Sebago. E. C. One Block from Union and NORTH STRATFORD make the Press more valuable and desirable. Medium... 8 50 @ 9 50 ExSt’m R’t’d @ 8 ANDREWS, Square Broadway. N. H. ply green manure whenever The feb5dlw36 Center Street. The most central, and yet quietest location in the Willard C' S. A practicable. Clam Bait... 4 00 @ 5 00 Family. 7 House, Bailey Co. P The Press has a larger editorial corps than any of of ma- 0 Convenient to the great stores, theatres and prietors. * labor applying evenly forty loads Flour. No. 1. city. in and has unexcelled facilities for col @ 6$ churches. Elevator and all modern improvements. Steamers Eleanora and Franconia paper MaiDe, nure per acre is Considerable. All this is Superfine ... 4 50 @ 5 75 Hpices. For Sale. Easy access to all parts of the city by street cars and NEW CONNECTIONS. PEAK’S ISLAND. acting news in all parts of the state. The business, done more evenly by the green crop. Seed Ex-Spring.,. 5 75 @ 6 25 Cassia, pure. 38 @ 42 Will until further notice leave Franklin Wharf, xx C 50 7 00 Cloves. 55 60 stages. Union House—W. T. Jones. agricultural and manufacturing interest of Maine and labor cost me but Spring... @ 0 C. B. FERBIN, On and after Portland, every MONDAY and THURSDAY, at 6 Proprietor. together $3.50 per Pat’t 20 sep27d&wly40 Prop. WEDNE8DAV1 22d, Inst, Spring Ginger. @ and until farther notice. P. M., and leave Pier 38 Fast River, New York, ev- will receive the continued attention of the Press. acre. I cannot sa; that it adds as much fer- wheats— 8 00 00 Mace. 1 65 1 70 HIGH STREET, a first class two PARIS @10 @ story house, ery MONDAY and THURSDAY at 4 P. M. HILL. The ot Portland as a distribu- to the soil Mich’n Win- 1 containing ten rooms. House new: growing Importance tility as forty loads of manure, but Nutmegs.... 25 @ 1 30 ON nearly TRAINS WILL RUN AS The Eleanora is a new steamer, just built for this Hubbard Hotel, H. built; frescoed and furnished FOLLOWS: Hubbard, Proprietor ting center for Maine, and its last whole- I do that in our seasons it pro- ter best.... 7 75 @ 8 00 Pepper. 0 25 thoroughly throughout, United States and both she and the Franconia are fitted increasing say droughty with all the modern For sale route, up Low grade Starch. improvements. very Hotel, G-OING- WEST. with fine accommodations lor PITTSFIELD. sale trade, make a daily paper at this point of specia duces as an increase of crop as do low. One half can passengers, making great forty Michigan.. 7 00 @ 7 25 Pearl.. 9 @ 10$ purchase money remain in this the most convenient and comfortable route for Address PORTLAND, ME. 8.15 A. M.—Passenger train from Portland for a Lancy Home-Fletcher A importance to every merchant and business man in two-horse loads of good manure. It certainy St.Louis win- Sugar. mortgage. travellers between New York and Maine. These Gale, Proprie- stations, rnnning through without change to St. tors. the state. to it even on land ter fair_ 7 00 7 50 Granulated.. @ feb3d2w* L., Box 1314, Portland, Maine. steamers will iy pays practise largely, @ 10| Hotel during the past year has been JoLnsburv. Danville. Hardwick. Mnrrfoville. touch at Vineyard Haven during the 8 00 8 25* Coffee A. rjIHlS entiiely ‘well with stable manure, as that in- Win’rgood @ 0 10| A. lemodeled and by the addition of 24 Park and Johnson, Vermont. Connects with B.. summer months on their passage to and from New PHILLIPS. supplied best. 8 50 9 50 Extra C. 10 enlarged @ 0 new also new C. & M. R. R. for York. creases the vigor and growth of the green Fruit. c.... rooms, dining room, reading room, Lancaster, Whitefield, Littleton, Barden nouse, Samuel Farmer, Propri- @ 93 sample rooms and billiard hall, giving it a Well’s St. Passage in State Room $5, meals extra. which is with 60 70 FOR SALE. capacity River, Montpelier, Burlington, Albans, etor. crop immediately, addiions, Almonds, Syrups. @ of 300 guests, making it now, with &c. Goods forwarded to ana from Philadelphia, Mon- Soft Shell. 21 22 accommodating &c., returned to the soil.—Journal of Agricul- @ Eagle Sugar Refinery, one exception, the largest Hotel in the city. It has 2.40 P. HI.—Passenger train from Portland for treal, Quebec, St. John, and all parts of Maine. Shelled.... 40 55 C..... Homestead ot the late of PORTLAND. ture. @ George Frost, Esq., been newly painted and frescoed, refurnished, (mauy Upper Bartlett and intermediate stations. Jg^Freights taken at the lowest rates. _ Nuts. 2 00 3 00 CC of a substantial Adams @ @ 94 THEWestbrook, consisting Two of the rooms with black walnut furniture) and newly Shippers are requested to send their freight to the Honse, Temple St.Charles Adam Citron. 30 33 Ex C. Brick House, about feet in GOING EAST. Care of Stock Rams. @ @ 9§ Story forty square, good carpeted, and is in all respects a new hotel, clean Steameis as early as 4 P. M., on the days they leave Proprietor. Currants.... 9 Hav.Bi own a Barn about walls | 8.00 A. train from Albion 117 Is a 8J@ repair, good 36x40, shingled, and and bright, and will be kept in all respects as a first HI.—Passenger Upper Bartlett Portland. For further information apply to House, Federal St. J.G Perry Political Journal Careful as have been to Dates. 7 8 10 about acres of land. A and intermediate in you may keep up @ Nos.12,16 @ 104 three good splendid location crass noiei. most cemrany loeaiea in me business stations, arriving Portland at HENRY FOX, General Agent, Portland. Proprietor. the and of stock Figs. 12 @ 17 for a summer residence. Fourteen acres of til- 11.15 a. in. J. F. Pier E. New York. American House, India St. E. Pro- condition vitality your rams, Beflning... 7|@ 8J good part of the city, it ofters superior advantages to com- AMES, Ag’t, 38, K., Gray, t Prunes,-.... 11 14 Teas. can be bad at a 1.15 P. train from prietor. they have lost flesh and vigor, more or less, @ lage laud adjoining very moderate mercial men and pleasure parties. HI.—Passenger Fabyan’s in Tickets and State Rooms can also be obtained at 22 Raisins, Souchong.... 25 @ 45 price. Inquire of Its table will at all times be connection with through train from Exchange Street. ocldtf City Hotel, Cor. Congress and Green St. and now that are taken from the flock supplied, with the Johnson, Vt., they Layer,new 2 90 @ 3 00 Oolong. 35 @ 50 THOS. QUINBY, Trustee, choicest that the market affords. arriving in Portland at 5.45 p. m. J. K. Nlartin, Proprietor. should be well cared for. Not L. M. new. 3 15 @ 3 30 do choice' 55 80 Stroud water, or of Preble House, St. Gibson they only @ TIMOTHY WOLCOTT, STAGE CONNECTIONS. Congress ACo., should food be but New Val. Japan. 45 @ 70 F. O. BAILEY, Proprietor. STONINGTON LIME Proprietors. proper allowed, quiet, auglO eodtf At White Rock for North Windham. SC well-ventilated where P lb.... 11|@ 12 do choice 70 @ 1 00 35 & 37 Exchange St., Portland. ’■“■'“S *£•**!, Cor. middle and Plum roomy, quarters, they Lemons pbx 5 50 @ 6 00 Tin. febldlm At Sebago Lake for Standish Corner. Sts. G. E. At Baldwin for FOR NEW Ward, Proprietor. may be confined during storms of rain and 3 50 @ 4 00 Straits. Cornish, Porter, Kezar Falls and YORK, U. S. Hotel, Junction of Oranges pbx 25J@ 274 Fieedom. Congress and Fed- or winds. Their drain. 25 27 CITY eral Sts. the Press will he devoted as in the to a snow, chilling, weakening English. @ FOR SALE. ADVERTISEMENTS At Brownfield for Denmark and AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS. Timothy Wolcott, Proprietor. past descrlm- Corn, Char. I.C... 9 25 @ 950 Bridgton. —w- nannra w reduced systems poorly withstand the severe SUBSTANTIAL Three Brick At for Stowe and 7.-:-—-— tlfl.i minatlng support of the Republican Mixed 67 @ 68 Char. l.X. ..11 75 @12 00 Story House, Fryehurg Lovell, Chatham. S*r»vr,etors. Party. During of weather. a fine after High No. 41 Winter 10 finished This is the Inside Route changes Many ram, do lots 70 @ 73 Teme. 9 50 50 A Street; rooms, gas, CITY OF PORTLAND. Only the pending important campaign, the Press will bag @10 hard and soft all in for the skipping season, has been put into a back Meal. C8 @ 70 Coke. 9 00 @10 0C water; perfect order; ready ^“Freight trains leave Portland at 0.20 Point Judith. HUHlUl'AiVE ISLAND. attention to the will be sold at a terms daily Avoiding give special publication of rolltica 1 25 17 occupancy; great bargain; m. lot, on short allowance, wjtliout shelter, and Rye. @ Antimony... @ 18 City Marshal’s ) Calderwood Hmw.- K. A. news. 75 easy; for particulars inquire of Office, J. Calderwood, run Barley.. @ 85 Zinc.. 10i@ 11 Jan. HAMILTON, Superintendent. Steamboat Express trains leave Boston from Bos- Proprietor. been allowed to down and die unnecessa- UPHAM & GARDINER, Portland, 28,1876. ) As an Oats. 50 @ 55 Tobacco. Portland. Dec. 21. 1875. oct25dtf ton & Providence R. R. Depot daily, except Sunday, advertising medium, the Press stands drat The rams have done you service Fine 00 janl2dlm* No. 7 Exchange Street. CITY ORDINANCE. rily. good Feed. @30 Fives and Tens, at 5.30 p. m., connecting at Stonington with the en- IKOWHEGAN. for themselves in their and will Shorts.25 00 00 Bestbr’nds 74 80 Fast in —paid get— @26 @ Driving Slreen. tirely new and superb Steamer Rhode Island, every Turner House, W. G. Gunpowder. Medium... 60 70 For Sale or to Let the Heselton, Proprt- do so again, if given a chance. @ person having tor the time the care or Monday, Wednesday and Friday. and With ele- etor. Blasting.... 3 50 @4 00 Common.. 55 @ 60 being Few men use a ram are ashamed to BROWN HOUSE, barn anti out-buildings, NOuse of any horse or other beast of ca- and popular steamer Stonington eveiW’Tneq- they 5 50 6 50 Half ibs. 50 55 burden, Boston & Maine ^ Sporting.... @ @ OTISand 16 acres ef land, at rtage or draught, shall ride or or cause the 5antay, Thursday and Saturday, arriving in New Yorn WlLTOflf show to their friends. A well kept ram, of Huy. Nat’l Leaf... 90 110 Saccarappa. drive, @ EDWARD F. FLINT HOUSE and 7 acres of land same to be driven, through any part or the at a alvrAy* in advance of all other lines. Bag- is a nice animal to to 00 00 lbs.... 55 62 city lViltou Ilotk?«‘,B0 N. Green, good breeding, show Pres’d,pton.l2 @15 Navy @ in Elizabeth. faster rate than six miles an hour under a of gage checked through. Proprietor Loose.14 00 00 Tarnish. Cape penalty and will interest even a @17 NELSON LEIGHTON HOUSE, in not less than live dollars nor more than dol- Tickets procured at depots of Boston & Maine and your friends, always Straw. 9 00 00 1 Dcering, oppo- twenty @10 Damar. 25 @ 1 75 site town house lars for each oftence. Eastern Railroads and at Rollins & Adams’, 22 Ex- novice in sheep knowledge. In northern Il- Iron. Coach. 2 3 80 25 @ NOONAN HOUSE, 50 Salem street. The above Ordinance will be enforced with- RAILROAD. change St.,and W. D. Little.&Co.’s,49* Exchange St. AGENCIES. a month ago, we were shown a bunch Common.... 3 Furniture.. 125 2 50 strictly linois, 2$@ @ 3 HULL HOUSES on Carroll and Pine streets. out further notice. GEO. W. PARKER, L. W. FILKINS, D. S. BABCOCK, stock rams in that were Refined. 3 @ Wool. of thin flesh, being 3^ Full supply ot water throughout the year ja28d3w Marshal. Gen. Passenger Ag’.t, New York. President, 7 Fl’ce wash’d. 40 42 guaran- City FALL ESTABLISHED well fed and over-worked. The owner Norway. 6$@ @ teed. Large and well-finished. ARRANGEMENT, ocll ’73 dtf IN 1849. badly Cast Steel... 18 22 do unwash’d 30 33 of @ @ STORE AND SMALL 3 Adams CITY PORTLAND. was ashamed them as well he might be; German St’l. 12 14 50 65 TENEMENT, Nq, .OF @ Pull’d.Super @ street. Commencing October 11,1875. MAII. LINE TO S. M. PETTENGILL A CO.’S or, more properly, ashamed of himself. They Lamb Skins. 75 @ 80 were bred but lacked condi- To Owners or of splendidly rams, For Sale. Occupants Buildings Passenger Trains will leave Portland for ADVERTISING AGENCY tion force for Nova and the work required of them. and Lots on Cross, Boston at 6.15, 9.00 a. m., 3.10 p. m., arriving Halifax, Scotia, Reduction of Price. Portland Daily Press Stock List 7000 FEET OF LAND, Cor. Canton and Martyr Danforth, Federal, No. 10 State St., and 37 Park New Of the number, one-half will die be- Streets. Good lots. at Boston at 10.50 a. m., 1.45, 7.55 p. m. Boston, Row, York, perhaps building Will take mortgage Free, Lincoln and Oxford Streets. With connection, to Prince Edward I,, Corrected Woodbury & back for full Returning, leave Boston at 8.30 a. m., 12,30 Estimates furnished fore Spring. Certain it is, the owner will by Moulton, Bankers and value if buUt upon. and St gratis for Advertising in al 3.30 p. m., arriving at Portland at 5. land, Cape Breton John., N. E. in not show these tarns to if can 3 HOUSE LOTS on Eastern Promenade. Will City Clerk’s ! 1.15, Newspapers the Uniled States and British Prov- anybody he 67 St. Office, 8.15 p. m. Brokers, Exchange take mortgage back for full value if built upon. 1876. inces. avoid it. January 4, j For Lowell at 6.15,9.00 a. m., 3,10, p. m. The splendid new iron steamship Descriptions Par Value. Aske SEVERAL SMALL FARMS in the country, all in OTICE is tbat the above named rams. Offered TYj hereby given, For Manchester and Concord and IJnper “BERMUDA,’’Capt.Cleaver, will Be proud of your Have them good good condition and on easy terms. -IN have order ot the Board of Streets, by Mayor Railroad New Market at 6.15 a. leave Grand Trunk S. R. to in Gold,.113$... 113} $2500 TO LET on of real estate. (via Junction) Railway NILES, enough exhibit anyhow, and such phys- mortgage city and Aldermen, been renumbered, according to plans 9.U0 SATURDAY at Government 6'a, 1881, .122}.. ..122} & m., and 3.10 p. m.; (via Lawrence) at a. m. Wharf, every cal fix and as to MATTOCKS FOX, in the Civil and all in- 4.00 m. force represent your flock all Government 5-20’s, 1865,.117}. ...118 City Engineer’s office, parties For threat Falls at 6.15, 9.00 a. m., 3.10, p.m. p. for HALIFAX, direct, ADVERTISING AGENT. nov24d3ro 183 Middle St. terested are notified that the numbers so the time. The stock ram at the head of the Government 5-20’s, July, 1865,. 119}..,,119$ hereby For Rochester, Farmington and Alton making connections with the Intercolonial Railway, designated must be affixed to the building on said to- New and and Contracts for Advertisements in all flock is as an animal as a in- Government 5-20’s, July, 1867,.121}. ...122 Bay at 6.15, 9.00 a. in., 3.10 p. m. Windsor, Truro, Glasgow Picton, Newspapers ol worthy proud, Streets, within sixty days from the first day of March steamers for Prince Edward also at Government 5-20’s, July, 1868,.122$... 123$ For Scarborough Beach, Bine Point, Old Island; New all cities and towns ol the United States, Canada telligent, enterprising man could wish for.— F. G, Patterson’s Beal Estate next. Per order, N. with Stages for Govemmentl0-40’8.. *... 119$ ... 119} Orchard Beach, 8aco, Biddeford and Glasgow, S., Lindsey’s Cape nd British H. I. ROBINSON, Clerk. and at Halifax with steamers for Provinces. Rural World. State ot Maine Bonds.106 ..,.106$ City Kennebunk at 6.15, 9.00, a. m., 3.10, 5.00 p. m. Breton, St. Johns, BULLETIN. jan4 dtmal N. F. Office No. 6 Tremont Boston. the (act that Portland City Bonds, Municipal,. 101 ... .102 Morning Trains will leave Kennebunk Street, Despite the Publishers are to will obliged Two New and Cucumbers. .... a. m. (^“RETURNING leave Halifax on TUES- Promising Portland City Bonds aid R. B. 99 100 for Portland at 7.20 the the Daile Press is at 4.00 m. pay postage, ottered for Bath ... p. We received last two new cucum- City Bonds. 99 100 MONEY TO LOAN DAYS, T. C. Spring to Business No received after 10 a. m. on EVANS. $7.00 per annum in for six 20 ... 99 .... Important Men. cf advance; $3.50 Bangor City Bonds, years,. 100 first class Real Estate in Trains on Boston & Maine road connect with all freight day sailing. months; bers, very different in character. One was a Calais Security, Portland, Presses used in etc. For further information to J. B. for three City Bonds..99 .,,.100 or copying letters, Save steamers running between Portland and apply COYLE, ADVERTISING $1.75 months. ON vicinity—Rents collected, taxes paid, etc., on Baugor Franklin or AGENCY & PRINT. little dwarf not much more than six Cumberland National Bank,.. .* 40. 57. .. 59 time, trouble and expense. ExcelNior Let- Jr., Wharf, fellow, Commission. Houses bought and sold. Apply to F. NO Rockland, Mt. Desert. Machlas, Eastport, Calais, St. $3*“ During the session ot the Legislature the inches in and the other as Canal National 100.141 ,,,-142 ter Copying Books and Ink. instant- oct28dtfJOHN PORTEOUS, Agent. length, half many Bank,. G. PATTERSON, dealer in Real Estate. Offlce 379J Copies John and Halifax. Also connect with Grand Trunk ERS’ will be furnished First National Bank,.100.135 ....136 ly without press, brush or water, clean and WAREHOUSE, Daily (or $2.00 in advance. feet. Ihe small one came from and Congress street, Williams' Block, between Myrtle peiffectly trains at Grand Trunk Station, and Maine Central Russia, Casco National Prices: 300 with 00. 1 Bank,.100.135 ..,.136 and Pearl streets. au28tt legible. page Letter, ink, $3 rains at Transfer Station. 106 WASHINGTON the earliest cucumber ou the 500 do. 500 with BOSTON STEAMERS. STREET, BOSTON. proved grounds, Merchants’National Bank,.. .75. 99 ... 100 $3.75. page Legal, Ink. $4.50. 300 All trains stop at Exeter 10 minutes for refresh- with and wonderfully productive. When young National Traders’ Bank,. 100. .135 ... 136 page Note, iDk, $2.50. Agents Wanted. ments at first-class dining rooms. Dealer in Wood and Metal Type and all kinds ol Portland 70 ., 80 HODGKINS & Printers’ it appeared very much like the old Early Company. Address, GILBERT, Parlor Cars on 3.10 P. M. tr»ln from Portland SPECIAL NOTICE. Materials. Advertisements inserted in any Portland Gas 73 ... 36 Bromfield Room is a Company. 50. 75 copartnership! St., 13, and 8.30 A. M. train from Boston. paper in the United States or Canadas at publishers’ Russian, which variety of very excellent Ocean Insurance Company,... 100.104 ... 105 Boston Mass* J. T. FURBER, Gen’l owest prices. Send for estimates. flavor, and of a but as this A. & K. R. R. jan21dlm*_ Sup pale green color, Bonds,. 88 .... 90 S. H. STEVENS, Gen’l Ag’t, Portland. Maine Central R. KA WHITE AND TINTED BRISTOL new Russian obtained age it began to cover R. Stock,_100. 40 ... 60 au5"dt Maine CentralR. f#v/ with name. tIOc* or 50 Snow DODD’S itself with a rich brown until when R.Bonds,7’s.91 ... 93 Notice. CAKD«, netting, 87 Copartnership Flake, Marble. Damask, Rep, Plaid and Scotch gran- it was of Leeds&F’rm’gtonR.R. Bonds,100. 89 fit for seed an exceedingly rich rus- Portland & Ken. R. 40c. WM. H. 34 Lisbon ADVERTISING H. Bonds,. 100. 88 .... 89 ite, Address, WEEKS, MAINE CENTRAL R. R. AGENCY, set color and Lewiston. elegantly netted. Of course we Portland & Ogdensburg R.R. Bonds, golo.85 ALLEN and Edward H. Gates, Street, (Please state what paper you saw are this in. 121 WASHINGTON BOSTON. are not able to of its • jan3d?.w*ttir STREET, judge productiveness by SCOLMANadmitted partners in our firm from this date. Monday, October 25th, 1875. one trial, but we may mention that we rip- Advertisements reeeined for in the Dry Wholesale Goods market. KENDALL & every Paper ened 180 on a bed eight by twelve feet. It WHITNEY. OATMEAL Trains leave Portland for Watervill United States and British Provinces at the lowest SOAP. Bangor, contract is called Netted Russian. Corrected weekly Twitcbell & Co. Oatmeal Is known Belfast and Dexter at t!2.35 a. 1.40 p. m. prices. Any information cheerfully given by Locke, Portland, January 1,1876. feb5dlw geuine Soap work! wide as Robin- m., and estimates son’s Oatmeal Glycerine. Skowhegan 1.40 p. m. promptly fuumished. The other we obtained from Germany, and Brown Cottons. It is the cheapest fine Medium.25@27 toilet in the world, and the Augusta, Hallow ell, Gardiner, Brunswick HORACE DODD. it is named the on account of its width, Prints best. 6oap oulv perfect winter Until further notice Swan-Neck, Sheetings price. @7$ obtained in the Uuited Ask ior ROBINSON’S 77.00 a. m., 1.40. 5.20 p. m. Standard.. 36in. States, soap. OATMEAL SOA P. length, we suppose, and of the ether fact assj medium.5$@7 Canada, and Rockland 77.00 a. m., 1.40 p. m. BATES A. Heavy.36_8 Europe; terms ^ jan!8tdlw LOCKE, its stem it is like the neck of a @9 common.@54 low as those of other relia- Bath 77.00 a. m., 1.40, 5.20 p. m. THE STEAMER FOREST CITY thatjat curved, Medium... .36... .7 Pink and butf any @8J .8$@9 ble house. Agents Wanted for the GREAT Lewiston 77.00 a. m., 1.35, 5.15 p. m. swan near the head. It is of superior quali- Fine.36_7 Woolens. Correspondence in- Newspaper Advertising Agents, @9 vited in the English and foreign Farmington 1.40 p. m. Will leave Franklin Wharf, Portland, on ty, but of its hardiness for out door culture Shirtings.28_6 @7£ Bv’r8U’n«6-4 .1 25 The a. m. train for con- 37J@2 languages, with Inventors, At- CENTENNIAL HISTORY, 712.35 Bangor makes close and 31 PA..K ROW, NEW YORK. we are not to as oar Flannels heavy ...25@32 “Moscow6-4.. .2 75@5 00 700 low nection with E. & N, A. for St. John and Monday, Wednesday Friday evening’s prepared speak, plants 44 tornevs at Law, and other Solicitors, especially with pages, price, quick sales. Extra terms, Railway medium ,...14@25 Uassimere black 1 Halifax. at 7 o’clock, weather were started in a hot-bed. It is a White 00@175 those who have had their cases rejected in the hands P. W. ZIEGLER & CO„ 518 Arch St., Phila.,Pa. permitting. J. H. Bates, late of D. R. o Locke* Blenched Cottons. fancy.. G2@l 50 Locke, Ut UVUSI aieuiucjrt **» ivjvvicu v.aPC9 UlU lets *1113 t4w tPollman Sleeping Car attached. S. M. & Oo. variety, rather light in and meas- Good.36in 3-4.1 75 jan!8_ Pettengill Jones, Toledo Blade. Spine color, 10@13 Coatings 00@1 and no is made unless we are jMixed. PAYSON t. Medium. .36.... 9 91 reasonable, ebarge suc- TUCKER, Sup ( FARE $1.00. Send for list of 100 choice ures two or more feet in length. On a bed @ 3-4 1 50@4 00 cessful. newspapers. Light.36 .. 7 @ 9 Doeskins bP 3-4.1 oo@4 ro A GREAT sixteen we grew 105. It is If want a OFFER -^--- this secure eight by certainly Sheetings. .9-8.13@17 Jeans Kentucky. you Patent, J! Passengers by Line a com- C. J. for hot-house 44 16c@37J send us a model or sketch We will the HOLIDAYS WHEELER, a grand variety and hot-bed ...6-4.12j@18 daring; dispone fortable rest and arrive in season Repellants.80@115 and a full of of IOO PIANOS and ORGANS & night’s has been culture, and may answer for out door work in ..10-4...,32J@34 description of flrst class Portland Rochester R. R. enlarged [and greatly improved the past, Satinets.30@70 your invention. We will makers, including WATERS' d to connect with the earliest morning NEWSPAPER this We have tried a Miscellaneous. Blankets, lower ADVERTISING AGENT year, and is now.one of the fullest and country. great many make an examination at prices than ever before offered. while the expense and inconven- largest, best Denims good.... 16 @20 Camp 7ft.110@1 20 Monthly of trains, in new varieties but the two described the Patent Office, and if installments received from Arrangement Trains, commencing weekly pappr Maine. Terms $2.00 per in lately, medium.. 12@16 Coloredi^pr,.. 2 75@3 75 running 12 to ience of arriving in Poston late at night No. 5 year the we think it patentable, will send you papers and ad- 36 months. Warranted for 6 Kov. 8, 1875. Washington Building, Bix seem to be most promising; and yet, with Corset Jeans— White 10-4. 3 00@6 50 years. Sec- are avoided. advance; months for $1.00; three months for vice, and prosecute your case, Our fee will he in or- ond Hand Instruments at our White we are Bleach’d & slate 9 @10J Cotton extremely low R. I. 50 cents. Long Green, Spine, etc., Batting. dinary cases, $25. for cask Illustrated J, B. COYLE, Jr., Gen'l PROVIDENCE, Brown.. 9 50ib bales lib rolls.l0@15 prices Catalogue Mailed PASSENGER TRAINS FROM PORTLAND Agt. pretty well provided with good varieties.— @10J T\ TT T riOral or written in all mat- Agents wanted. Warerooms 4SI Sateens Warp Ifarn. | ft Rroadwavl 7.50 A. M. for Rochester, Nashua and dec2~-T5_ Vick's Floral Guide. @j24 N. Y. HORACE WATERS & SONS. GEORGE 3*. ROWELL & Blch*d& blown 11@12 Twine. @25 Worcester connects at Rochester with clown CO., Medium. @9 Wicking.25@30 Jan20_ 4wt trains on Eastern and Boston & Maine Roads B O ST O IS" tilt 9.'irT3NI1VC< BCtHWHil Cambric. 6 at Nashua with Train tor Lowe! — @7 Frockings. Male or Female Send yonr Express AND A I Tljil l lUil i;UH I KAt I UlW I nn VflTT address and and in Delaines cot. & wl. 18@29 All wool 3-4....45@50 IIII I 111 I crot smnpt Tiincr t lint will hritimm.. m 4_ Boston, arriving Boston at 1.30 P. M.; And nil Persons Inleresled. All at Junction with wool.32@40 7-8.55@60 yiicfeini WANT over $150 a month, pure. connecting Ayer Express and inventions. orably FOR ALL THE 78 Train for and Hoosac Tun* PHILADELPHIA LEADING NEWSPAPERS. it known, That tbo Jail Workshop is complet- Spot wool.27£@32£ extra. 65@70 M. D. Leggett, ^investors1 Fitchburg Crash. References:—Hon. Ex-Commis- Hirrmv union, nel aDd at Worcester at 2.10 P BE ed and ready lor the machinery required to op- Gingliams good.10@U sioner of O. H. iliun Li 1, 175 Greenwich St., New Line, arriving Dealers in 53§^“ rates Medium.8(0(10 Patents, Cleveland, Ohio; Kelley, York. M.. with trains South and West. Steamship Line. Printing Materials of every description Special to campaigu clubs. erate the same. Wishing to commence work at the Heavy.I24@16 National and connecting Tcking Esq.. Sec’y Grange. Louisville, Ky., jan204wt 9.00 P. UI. Train connects at Rochester Jype, Presses, etc. earliest possible time, we are now ready to consult good.18@22i Medium.64@10 the Danish and ministers Offiee Swedish at Washington, with B. & M. trains for Dover, ,£c. No. 41 Park Row, New York. with, or receive communications parties inter- Medium.12$@lt> Drills. D. FOR Boston, Leave each port every Wed’s’y & Sat’d’y. from, C. 4.00 P. ITI. New York ested in a llkinds ot manufacturing in view to Light.,....9J@12 Brown heavy 30... 10 @12 Express Drawing light B3F*Send Stamp for onr “Guide foe obtaining to Worcester and a contract for the use of said Bags, Medium 30.... 9@11 Rroom Car Sleeping car from making workshop and good.26(o27J Patents,” a book of 50 COUGHS, COLDS, Ho ot the in pages. HOARSENESS, Worcester to New York via Springfield all Wharfage. the labor prisoners the County Jail. Address:—liOUIS BACKER & So- EDWIN C. CO., AJiD ALL THROAT DISEASES, rail connecting at Grand Trunk Junction Portland Press TOWNSEND,) County of From 3 Price, Twenty-five Cents. licitors Patents. Washington, D. C., P. O (Portland) with Trains from Montreal and Long Wharf, Boston, p.m. Daily WILL LAM SMALL, } Box USE way From Pino Street Phila- stations, Lewiston and and at West- Wharf, G5P* A local is wanted hi ^wru SAMUEL DINGLEY, j Commissioners. 444.__dec28dtf Auburn, at 10 a. m. agent every brook Junction with trains of Maine Cent- delphia, County Commissioners* Oflice, Me., Dec. Insurance one half Portland, TEEUEB.-Madame N. A. Wells’ Carbolic ral R. R. trorn and all inter- the rate of 15th, 1875. dec!5ddewtf the celebrated Fortune Tablets, Bangor, Rockland, vessels. FORTUNEMaddox, Clairvoyant, PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. mediate at Nashua for Lowell and sailing Teller and can be consulted Stations, Doctress, at No. 3 Quin and at Worcester with Freight for the WeBt by the Penn. It. and South Newspaper St. Madame M. has had A TRIED AND SURE KE.7IEDV. Boston, (Union Depot) It., THE LOWEST EVER OFFERED. cy largo experience in tell- Boston & Albany Railroad for Springfield,Albany by counecting lines forwarded tree of Commission. ing iortunes, searching out hidden or stolen B'or sale and lost, by Druggists generally, Hartford, New Haven and New York, at PASSAGE treasures, Ac., and was never known to be at fault. GEO. C. GOODWIN arriving TEN DOLLARS. one per cent from the market at &CO„ Boston, Jfai, New York about 5.00 a. m. A car is privileges Do not miss this of the sleeping For or to low rates will the next opportunity consulting great- d4wt reserved at Worcester for this train. Freight Passage apply sent free. Address, STOCK pay large profits 30jdays, est fortune teller of the age. Persons 5Jp*Spcciinen copies on or small amounts. Gold, Cotton and entering intoany 6.90 p* in. train for Gorham. E. B. KAMPNON. A cent. large Stocks, new business or profession, the oi which nr A for the best on the most Advertising. conducting _ 1| Agents selling sold and to all 70 W harf, iioston. checked l.oiia Tobacco bought and sold liberal terms. do not will Priz0 Tickets baggage importan Jn23-ly Job they understand, find it to their advan- Hi Package in the made on NINETY-NINTH EDITION. Cl 11 fOfl Satisfactoijadvances consignments; price tage to pay her a visit. She can foretell the It contains 15sheets points. free. destiny " Train leaves Worcester af 4.35 P. Printing and circulars WV■ it'll lCllwolkl- lists Containing a complete list of all the towns in the ot friends in any part of the world and 15 Express describe them pajier, envelopes, gold- Hlf, connecting with Express trains leaving Sc Urfted Slates, the Territories ami the Dominion ol periectly. She also describes all manner ot disease STEAMBOAT. CHARLES SMEDLEY CO., Albany at 10 A. M.( and New York at 10.00 Canada, having a population greater than 5,000 ac- that fiesh is heir to, and medicine for the gives same. A. M. arriving in Portland at 11.15 P. M. BANKERS & BROKERS, cording to the last census, together with the names ot She has given universal satisfaction to all who Lave the cari be found at BARNES BROS., No. WINTER ARRANGEMENT IN- newspapers having the largest local circulation in consulted her in her constant travels since she was d^Tickets 40 Broad Near 4»old A Slock Ex 28 Exchange Street, and at the Street, each of the named. Also a of news- seven years old. Good testimonials if desired. Depot. Wfcw Verb. places catalogue given J. M. TIE FURTHER change, papers which are recommended to advertisers as Terms, Gents S1.00; Ladies 50 cents. Oflice hours LUNT, Supl. NOTICE, O, dtf F. Box greatest value in 0 A. M. to 9 P. M. ARE my3 — — 3774.janl2d&w3m4 giving proportion to prices charged. trom iu>9dtt *F1 PWWHAT PILES? FOB TUB PORTLAND PlUIllMi CO. Also, all newspapers in the United States and Cana- | (lRend! “Plain Bi0,lt For Sole. da printing over 5,000 copies each issue. Also, all the I 1 | Facts,” a Treatise on the MT. DESERT OFFIC E. Kelieious, Scientilic and MDLLE. BOUTELLE~ Causes, Florida and the South PENOBSCOT, AND 8-keyed German D silver and Agricultural, Mechanical, % History, Cure and FLUTE, keys Medical, Masonic, Juvenile, Commer- Seventh daughter of the seventh Son, Si B Prevention ot P I L E N ONEtrimmings, ivory blow German silver Educational, VIA- joint, cial. Insurance, Ileal Estate, Law, Sporting, Musical, B Published by P. NEUSTAED- MACH1AS. lined, patent tuning slide, Gunadill wood. Has been and Clairvoyant and Fortune tittle Fashion, other special class journals; very com- Teller, I B lTEit & UO„ 40 Walker used, warranted perfect and in lists. describes future wife or looks I with perfect plete Together with a complete list of over your husband, after I II IStrect, New York. Sent Atlantic Coast Line of ONE TRIP PER tune, together Morocco case, five dollars’ worth absent ost or stolen Railways. WEEK. 300 German papers printed in the United States. friends,l goods, gives advico on ■ -B-Jl-B 1 to all of of instructions and music. All cost H^FKEE parts the Bill 850.00 at the an law and business, names, &c. 3 9 Posters, Hand Hills, manufactory of Leo & Also, essay upon advertising; many tables of gives Office, Untied States on receipt of a letter stamp, Leave New York and P. M., all rail via Wash- Heads, Walker, Pbiladelnbia Good ouc PTT cost of 504 1-4 The reasons tor rates, showing the advertising in various ConsreNH Street, (up flight), febl Richmond, Wilmington, Charleston, or Col- |B Steamer CITY OF RICH- selling. I will send the instramentC O d4wt ington! newspapers, aud everything which a in ad- nearly opposite City Hotel. Hours from 9 a. m. to 8.40 wm D., with privilege of examining before bciue naid’fnr beginner umbia, Augusta, Savannah, Jacksonville, etc.; rTlnr^iiir. r leave vertising would like to know. 10 p. m. Satisfaction guaranreed. Terms, Ladies and 9.30 A. M. (Limited Express) via Bay Line from J Ill'iI .III Sli Railroad Wharf, Portland, by paying express charges both ways, if not as ren- WALL STREET every 50 cents, Gents $1.00. Do not ring, but walk in. CARICATURES. Baltimore and Portsmouth, via. thence ■ hur-tluy evening-, Dec. resented it can be returned. Price with case book, I». Wilmington, commencing 2d. at lo * Address GEO. EOWEU. 5k CO., jan7 A new 48 containing 14 P. M. o’clock. of £30.00. Address dlmntfd&w Book, Pages, Engraved Il- as above; and 3.00 Tuesday, Thursday, aud Instruction, &c., with information for Stock Old Dominion For Rockland, F. W. ■it Until Bon,!Ycw Vorli. lustrations, Speculators. Saturday via Steamship to Ports- Camden, Belfast, Searsport, Bucks- LAPHAM, Price 10 cents mail. TUIVIBRIDric & and as above. nort. Castine, nolSdAugusta. Maine. se7 (113Jm by mouth, Va., peer Isle, Sedgwick, Southwest liar- Cards, Tass, »Vc., minted at slioit $10. to $500. leads to tortune. CO., BANKERS and BROKERS, 2 Wall Street, N. Parlor Cars by day; Sleeping Cars at night over "* ^esert> Millbridge, Jonesport and Macliius- 72 page Hook, entitled. Men nn«l aort), arriving in Portland same night. copying, brokers, 7'i U roadway, New UUJjU Dr. F W Maine, jam dtf ering and in Ac, o<39tt .KINSMAN, Augusta, Connecting Lines. CYRUS STURDIVANT, fancy-work wools, Ac., TorU. febl ^a jneI9eodiSwly, d4wt I