
Comprehensive Examinations: A List of Historical Events, Figures, Concepts, and Terms

Ems Telegram Gulag Archipelago Franco-Prussian War Kellogg Briand Pact Dual Alliance Non-aggression pacts Zollverein Third International Bismarck Dismissed Comintern Entente Cordiale, Russia, France Spanish Civil War Spanish-American War Popular Front Panama Canal Construction Francisco Franco Russo-Japanese War Benito Mussolini Balkan Wars Treaty of Rapallo Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand Weimar Republic Triple Entente Munich Putsch (Beer Hall Putsch) Triple Alliance Mein Kampf First Battle of the Marne Locarno Conference and Treaties Verdun Wall Street Crash () Lusitania Smoot Hawley Tariff Wilson declares war Hitler becomes chancellor Armistice Day National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi Party) rejects Versailles Treaty Night of the Long Knives Maginot Line Remilitarization of the Washington Naval Treaty London Naval Treaty Georges Clemenceau Open Door Policy Manchukuo Erich von Ludendorff Japanese occupation of Manchuria Kaiser Wilhelm (William II) Sun Yat-Sen Provisional Government (Russia) Chiang K’ai-Shek Petrograd Soviet Neutrality Act Bolshevik Revolution Holocaust Vladimir Lenin Adolf Hitler Leon Trotsky Joseph Goebbels Munich Conference and Agreement Feliks Dzherzhinky Neville Chamberlain Cheka Appeasement Third International Anschluss Stalin-Hitler Pact (aka Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Nazi-Soviet Pact) Laurenti Beria Sudetenland Russian Civil War Blitzkrieg Polish-Soviet War Annexation of Baltic states Collectivization Soviet invasion of Poland Purges Katyn Forest Massacre Show Trials Soviet-Finnish War Dunkirk German Democratic Republic Fall of France Vichy Government Quisling KGB Marshall Petain NATO Point Four Atlantic Charter China goes Communist Four Freedoms Mao Tse Tung () Lend Lease People’s Republic of China named Prime Minister Republic of China Battle of Britain Pearl Harbor attack Kim Il Sung Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere Death of Stalin Germany attacks USSR (Operation Barbarossa) Dien Bien Phu Battle of Stalingrad Geneva Conference 1954 and the division of Warsaw Uprising Vietnam Manhattan Project SEATO D-Day ANZUS Battle of Midway (his 21 st alias) Iwo Jima Ngo Dinh Diem Hiroshima OAS Charter (Organization of American States) Nagasaki Alliance for Progress Teheran Conference Austrian State Treaty Quemoy and Matsu Hungarian Revolution Alger Hiss Harry Hopkins Nikita Khrushchev’s Secret Speech at 20 th Party VE Day, VJ Day Congress Gen. Douglas MacArthur Andrei Gromyko Dumbarton Oaks Conference, San Francisco Conference, Founding of CENTO () Nuremberg Trials Bretton Woods International Monetary Fund Common Market/European Economic Community/ International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) Sputnik Speech U-2 Incident Cominform (Communist Information Bureau) /bomber gap NKVD The Long Telegram Second Crisis Policy of Nkrumah Julius Nyerere Gamal Abdul Nasser NSC-68 Tonkin Gulf Resolution Two Camps doctrine (Zhdanov doctrine) Great Leap Forward Communist Takeovers in Czechoslovakia, Poland, North Korea, etc. “Let one hundred flowers bloom” campaign Founding of Israel Lao Gai Red Guards Federal Republic of Germany June 1967 War 2 UN Resolution 242 Independence of India Founding of Pakistan Massive Retaliation Flexible Response Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia Tet Offensive Khmer Rouge Fall of Indochina Communist takeovers in Ethiopia, Mozambique, Angola, Nicaragua, Grenada Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks/Treaty) Shanghai Communique (October 1973 War) CSCE (Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe) (Helsinki Accords) Détente Soviet invasion of Reza Shah Pahlavi Iranian hostage crisis Relations Act START (Strategic Arms Reduction Talks/Treaty) SDI Solidarity movement Democracy Wall Nelson Mandela Pope John Paul II Lech Walesa Tiananmen Square Fall of Collapse of NATO expansion U.S. declares pre-emptive war strategy