NuPECC HANDBOOK 2012 INTERNATIONAL ACCESS TO NUCLEAR PHYSICS FACILITIES IN EUROPE is an Expert Commitee of the European Science Foundation. Milano, April 16, 2012 Dear Colleague, on behalf of the NuPECC Committee I am glad to send you a copy of the NuPECC Handbook 2012 “International Access to Nuclear Physics Facilities in Europe”, edited by Gabriele – Elisabeth Körner. This handbook can also be found on the NuPECC web page at the address As in the past, we hope that also this 6 th Edition will be useful to you. Sincerely yours Angela Bracco NuPECC Chair NuPECC is an Expert Committee of the European Science Foundation Scientific Secretariat: Dr. Gabriele -Elisabeth Körner c/o Physikdepartment E12 der Technischen Universität München, D -85748 Garching Tel.: +49 89 2891 2293; +49 172 89 15 011, Fax: +49 89 2891 2298, e -mail:
[email protected] e lu :B ur lo Nuclear Physics Facilities Co International Access to Handbook in Europe NuPECC Sixth Edition 2012 3 ge pa ered numb odd- ook ndb Ha CC PE Nu Introduction With this 6th Edition of the NuPECC Handbook 2011 \International Access to Nuclear Physics Facilitites in Europe" NuPECC fulfills its task to strengthen Euro- pean Collaboration in nuclear science through the promotion of nuclear physics and its trans-disciplinary use and application and thus define a network of complemen- tary facilities within Europe and encourage optimisation of their usage. Contrary to the previous editions, not only facilities active in basic nuclear physics research were considered, but also those applying nuclear physics methods in various other fields.