

Nuclear spins and nuclear moments are used to test the single‐particle models and nuclear quadrupole moments provide the deformation of the nucleus. In the following table, we present measured values of ground state spin in units of h, magnetic dipole moment (m) in units of nuclear magneton, and spectroscopic quadrupole moment (Q) in units of barns. The data have been taken from Raghavan (1989) and Firestone and Shirley (1996).

Nuclear Nuclear magnetic moment Electric quadrupole Nuclide spin (ħ) (nuclear magneton) moment (barns)

217Ac 9/2 þ3.825(45) 227Ac 3/2 þ1.1(1) þ1.7(2) 229Th 5/2 þ0.46(4) þ4.3(9) 228Pa 3 þ3.48(33) 230Pa 2 þ2.00(29) 231Pa 3/2 þ2.01(2) –1.72(5) 233Pa 3/2 þ3.39(70) 3.0 233U 5/2 0.59(5) 3.663(8) 235U 7/2 0.38(3) 4.936(6) 237Np 5/2 þ3.14(4) þ3.886(6) 238Np 2 239Np 5/2 239Pu 1/2 þ0.203(4) 241Pu 5/2 0.683(15) þ5.6(20) 241Am 5/2 þ1.61(3) þ4.2(13) 242Am 1 þ0.3879(15) 2.4(7) 242mAm 5 þ1.00(5) þ6.5(20) 243Am 5/2 þ1.61(4) þ4.30(3) 243Cm 5/2 0.41 245Cm 7/2 0.5 (1) 247Cm 9/2 0.37 249Bk 7/2 2.0(4) þ5.79 249Cf 9/2 0.28 253Es 7/2 þ4.10(7) 6.7(8) 254mEs 2 2.90(7) 3.7(5)

Firestone, R.B. and Shirley, V.S. (eds.) (1996). Table of Isotopes, 8th edn. John Wiley, New York. Raghavan, P. (1989) At. Nucl. Data Tables, 42, 189–291.


Irshad Ahmad


In this appendix, an elementary discussion of the nuclear properties of heavy elements is presented. For a better understanding of the subject, the reader should refer to nuclear chemistry textbooks (Krane, 1988; Choppin et al., 2002) and for the information on decay data, the Table of Isotopes (Firestone and Shirley, 1996) or the Table of Radioactive Isotopes (Browne and Firestone, 1986) or Nuclear Data Sheets (Tuli, 2004) should be consulted. Isotopes of all elements with Z 89 are radioactive. The most common mode of decay for these nuclei is by the emission of alpha particles (4He ). Alpha decay energies have been experimentally measured (Browne and Firestone, 1986; Firestone and Shirley, 1996) for most nuclides and these can also be calculated from atomic masses (Wapstra et al., 2003). The a decay of a nucleus with atomic number Z and atomic mass A produces a daughter nucleus with atomic number Z–2 and atomic mass A–4. During the a decay, about 2% of the available decay energy is imparted to the recoiling daughter nucleus and the remaining energy is carried off by the fast moving a‐particle. Several groups of a‐particles are emitted by a sample of a nuclide, each with a definite energy. For the actinide nuclides, a‐particle energies range from about 4 to 11 MeV. As a rule, a‐particle energy increases with increasing Z, and for a given element, it decreases with increasing mass number. The a‐decay half‐life decreases exponentially with increasing energy. As a guide, every 50 keV increase in the decay energy reduces the half‐life by a factor of 2. The dependence of the a‐decay half‐life on the decay energy is given by the well‐known Geiger–Nuttall law and more recently by Viola–Seaborg for- mula. A very useful quantity that facilitates the understanding of the mecha- nism of a‐decay is the concept of hindrance factor. It is defined as the ratio of the experimental partial a‐decay half‐life to the theoretical half‐life calculated on the assumption that the a‐particle pre‐exists in the nucleus and during its emission, it carries no angular momentum. An alpha transition in which the

3442 Nuclear properties of actinide and transactinide nuclides 3443 ground state configuration of the parent nucleus remains unchanged is called ‘favored transition’. All alpha transitions between the ground states of even– even nuclei are favored transitions and are assigned a hindrance factor of one. Like elements of lower Z, each actinide element has one or more b‐stable isotopes. Isotopes heavier than the b‐stable isotope decay by the emission of b particles (electrons) and isotopes lighter than the b‐stable isotopes decay by electron capture (EC). Electron capture decay is usually accompanied by the emission of K x‐rays of the daughter nuclide. These x‐rays provide a signature of the decaying nuclide. In heavy nuclei, bþ/EC ratio is very small and, as a consequence, positron (bþ) emission has been observed only in a few nuclei. The b‐decay energy increases as the mass of the isotope gets further away from the line of b‐stability. A quantity denoted by log ft is very useful in classifying the b transitions and estimating the b‐decay half‐lives of unknown nuclei. The ft value, also called the reduced b transition probability, is the energy‐independent transition rate. Spontaneous fission is a decay process in which a nucleus breaks up into two almost equal fragments. Each fission event is accompanied by the release of about 200 MeV energy and the emission of two to four neutrons. More than hundred nuclides are produced in fission of a nuclide sample and the mass yields and charge distributions have been measured for many fissioning systems (Wahl, 1989; Ahmad and Phillips, 1995). The fission half‐life depends on the fissility parameter Z2/A and is the major decay mode for many isotopes of element 100 and beyond. Nuclides with reasonable fission branch and available 248 5 252 for experiments and industrial use are Cm (t1/2 ¼ 3.40 10 years) and Cf 252 (t1/2 ¼ 2.64 years). The isotope Cf is widely used as a neutron source in industry and research. Another rare mode of decay for heavy elements is the decay by the emission of intermediate mass fragments. These fragments are heavier than a particles but smaller than fission fragments. The branching ratio for this kind of radio- activity is extremely small (1010). Examples of such radioactivity are the 24Ne emission by 231Pa and 232U (Price, 1989). Alpha and b transitions usually populate excited states in addition to the ground states of the daughter nuclei. The excited states then decay to the ground state by emission of g rays and conversion electrons. Typical half‐lives of the excited states range from 109 to 1014 s. However, in some cases, the decay of an excited state is forbidden for fast magnetic dipole (M1), electric dipole (E1), or electric quadrupole (E2) transitions because of the angular momentum selection rule. Such states have half‐lives between nanoseconds and years. An excited state that has a half‐life value greater than a nanosecond is called a ‘metastable’ state or ‘isomer’. The isomeric state either de‐excites to the ground state of the same nucleus by an internal transition (IT) or it decays by the usual mode of disintegration. Most isomers occur because of the large difference between the spins of the excited state and the ground state. However, there are isomers which result not 3444 Discussion by the difference in the spins of the states but by the difference in the shapes. These isomers decay by fission and are called ‘fission isomers’ or ‘shape isomers’ and have half‐lives between 109 and 103 s. These isomers have deformations that are twice as large as the deformations of the ground states. More than 50 fission isomers have been discovered (Vandenbosch, 1977). Very neutron‐deficient nuclides decay predominantly by electron capture (EC). In some of these nuclei, the EC decay energy is quite large (> 4 MeV) and hence states at high excitation energy are populated in the daughter nucleus and a small fraction of these excited states decay by fission. Delayed fission of many nuclei has been observed (Hall and Hoffman, 1992). Nuclear structure studies of actinide nuclides have been performed using a variety of techniques. These include high‐resolution alpha, electron and gamma‐ray spectroscopy, charged‐particle transfer reaction spectroscopy, and Coulomb excitation studies. These investigations have provided significant information on the shape, size, and single‐particle potential of actinide nuclei. The available data establish a spheroidal shape for nuclei with A 225, with major to minor axes ratio of 1.25. The intrinsic quadrupole moments of actinide nuclei have been measured to be about 10–23 ecm2 and the nuclear radii are about 1012 cm. Although most actinide nuclei have spheroidal shapes, there are indications that some neutron‐deficient Ac and Pa nuclei have small octupole deformation in their ground states. These nuclei are pear‐shaped and are axially symmetric but they are reflection asymmetric. Examples of such nuclei are 229Pa and 225Ac (Ahmad and Butler, 1993). In nuclei, nucleons (neutrons and protons) move in orbits under the influence of the central nuclear potential. Nilsson (1955) and others (Chasman et al., 1977) have calculated the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of nucleons in a deformed potential as a function of the deformation b. Plots of the eigenvalues versus the deformation, commonly known as Nilsson diagrams, are extremely useful in understanding the single‐particle properties of actinide nuclei. Each Nilsson state is characterized by a set of quantum numbers O p, N, Nz, and L. The quantum number O is the projection of the single‐particle angular momen- tum on the nuclear symmetry axis and p is the parity of the wavefunction. The asymptotic quantum numbers N, Nz and L denote the oscillator shell number, the number of the oscillator quanta along the symmetry axis, and the projection of the orbital angular momentum on the symmetry axis, respectively. In heavy nuclei, neutrons (protons) fill each orbital above the closed shell of 126 (82) pairwise and thus the ground state of an odd‐mass nucleus is simply the orbital occupied by the last unpaired nucleon. All even–even nuclei have ground state spin‐parity of 0þ. A spheroidal nucleus rotates about an axis perpendicular to the nuclear symmetry axis. The projection, K, of the total angular momentum, I,on the symmetry axis is the same as O. The rotation of a spheroidal nucleus generates a rotational band with spin sequence K, Kþ1, Kþ2, .... The Nuclear properties of actinide and transactinide nuclides 3445 rotational energy EI of a level with spin I is given by the expression h2 EI ¼ IðI þ 1Þ; 2= where h is Planck’s constant and = is the nuclear moment of inertia. Typical values of h2/2= are 7.0 keV for even–even actinide nuclei and 6.0 keV for odd‐ mass nuclei. The ground state band of an even–even nucleus has spin‐parity sequence 0þ,2þ,4þ ...; odd spin values are not allowed. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of actinide samples can be performed by using a variety of techniques (Knoll, 2000). Gross counting with a 2p (50%) geometry gas proportional counter can be used to determine the a or b count rate in a sample. These counters have very low background for a particles but somewhat higher background for electrons. Background of 0.1 a count per minute can be easily achieved for these counters. Alpha pulse height analysis can be used to identify nuclides in a sample. Alpha spectra are measured either by Au–Si surface barrier detectors or passi- vated implanted planar (PIPS) detectors. For best resolution (full width at half maximum), which can be as low as 9.0 keV, extremely thin sources are required. Precise energies and intensities of alpha groups have been tabulated by Ritz (1991). Gamma‐ray spectroscopy with high‐resolution spectrometers provides a powerful technique for qualitative and quantitative analysis of actinide samples. For high‐energy g rays in the range of 200 keV to 1.5 MeV, large volume Ge detectors provide the best sensitivity. Resolutions (FWHM) of less than 2.0 keV at the 60Co 1332.5 keV line are easily achieved. In actinide nuclei, K x‐ray energies lie in the 80–160 keV range and can be measured with high‐resolution low-energy planar spectrometers (LEPS). K x‐rays are produced when a vacancy in the K shell of an atom, created by electron capture or internal conversion, is filled by an electron from a higher shell. These K x‐rays energies depend on the atomic number and there is sufficient separation between the energies of adjacent elements for them to be clearly identified. The Cm K x‐ray spectrum produced in the alpha decay of 251Cf and measured with a high‐ resolution LEPS is displayed in Fig. A.2.1. The resolution (FWHM) of the spectrometer is about 500 eV. Measurements of spectrum and K x‐ray spectrum are very useful in identifying and quantifying odd‐mass nuclei. Lx‐rays of actinide nuclei, which are produced when a vacancy in the L subshell of an atom is filled by an electron from a higher shell, have energies in the 10–30 keV range. Spectra of L x‐rays can be measured with ‐ drifted silicon, Si(Li), detectors with resolutions (FWHM) of 300 eV. A Np L x‐ray spectrum from 241Am alpha decay, measured with a Si(Li) spectrometer, is shown in Fig. A.2.2. These spectra are also characteristic of the element but are more complex. The definition of x‐ray components is given in (Firestone and Shirley, 1996). Even–even nuclei decay to excited levels of daughter nuclei which de‐excite by highly L converted transitions generating L x‐rays. Thus even–even 3446 Discussion

Fig. A.2.1 KX‐ray spectrum of Cm, produced in the alpha decay of 251Cf, measured with a 2cm2 1cmLEPS spectrometer. nuclei, which do not have any intense g rays, can be analyzed by L X‐ray spectroscopy. Fissioning nuclides like 252Cf can be assayed by measuring the gamma‐ray spectrum with large‐volume Ge detectors and using the intensities of gamma rays emitted in the decay of the abundant fission fragments (Ahmad et al., 2003). Some actinide nuclides have very long half‐lives and hence they occur in nature. These include 232Th, 235U and 238U which decay through a series of isotopes terminating at stable Pb isotopes. Isotopes of Ac, Th, and Pa are usually separated from the parent nuclides and used in the chemical and nuclear studies of these elements. Transuranium isotopes are produced by long irradiations in nuclear reactors. In the US, there is a national program for the production and isolation of transuranium isotopes utilizing the High Isotope Reactor (HFIR) at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The heaviest nuclide produced in this program is the 100 day 257Fm. Neutron‐deficient actinide isotopes are usually produced by nuclear reactions in charged particle accelerators. All data in the tables of nuclear properties given in the preceding chapters and in this appendix have been taken from Browne and Firestone (1986), Firestone and Shirley (1996), Nuclear Data Sheets (Tuli, 2004) and from the Nuclear properties of actinide and transactinide nuclides 3447

Fig. A.2.2 LX‐ray spectrum of Np, produced in the alpha decay of 241Am, measured with a 1cmdiameter and 5mmthick Si(Li) detector. web sites at the Isotope Project, Lawrence National Berkeley Laboratory (http://www.lbl.gov) and at the Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory (http://www.nndc.bnl.gov). For the heaviest elements, data were taken from Armbruster (2000) and Hofmann and Mu¨nzenberg (2000). The cut‐off date for literature survey was June 2004. The notations for decay modes in the tables are: a for alpha decay, b for b decay, bþ for positron decay, EC for electron capture decay, IT for isomeric transition, and SF for spontaneous fission. The letter m after a mass number represents an isomer. Isomers with half‐lives of less than 1 s (except for the heaviest elements) and fission isomers are omitted from the tables. Energies and intensities are given for the most abundant a groups and most intense g rays; for b particles, the maximum energy bmax is given. In the last column of Table A2.1, only the convenient methods of production are given; ‘nature’ denotes that the nuclide occurs in nature and ‘multiple neutron capture’ means that the nucleus is produced by multiple neutron capture in a high‐flux reactor such as HFIR. The specific activity S in disintegrations per minute per microgram was calculated using the expression 4:17449 1017 S ¼ ; t1=2A 3448 References where t1/2 is half‐life of the nuclide in minutes and A is the atomic mass in atomic mass units. The half‐lives and atomic masses were taken from the references mentioned earlier in this text.


Ahmad, I. and Butler, P. A. (1993) Annu. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci., 43, 71–117. Ahmad, I. and Phillips, W. R. (1995) Rep. Prog. Phys., 58, 1415–63. Ahmad, I., Moore, E. F., Greene, J. P., Porter, C. E., and Felker, L. K. (2003) Nucl. Instrum. Methods, A505, 389–92. Armbruster, P. (2000) Annu. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci., 50, 411–79. Browne, E. and Firestone, R. B. (1986) Table of Radioactive Isotopes (ed. V. S. Shirley), John Wiley, New York. Chasman, R. R., Ahmad, I., Friedman, A. M., and Erskine, J. R. (1977) Rev. Mod. Phys., 49, 833–91. Choppin, G. R., Liljenzin, J.‐O., and Rydberg, J. (2002) Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry, 3rd edn., Butterworth‐Heinemann, Woburn. Firestone, R. B. and Shirley, V. S. (eds.) (1996) Table of Isotopes, 8th edn., John Wiley, New York. Hall, H. L. and Hoffman, D. C. (1992) Annu. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci., 42, 147–75. Hofmann, S. and Mu¨nzenburg, G. (2000) Rev. Mod. Phys., 72, 733–67. Knoll, G. F. (2000) Radiation Detection and Measurement, John Wiley, New York. Krane, K. S. (1988) Introductory Nuclear , John Wiley, New York. Nilsson, S. G. (1955) Kgl. Dansk Videnskab. Selskab. Matt.‐Fys. Medd., 29, 16. Price, P. B. (1989) Annu. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci., 39, 19–42. Ritz, A. (1991). At. Data Nucl. Data Tables, 47, 205–39. Tuli, (ed.) J. K. (2004) Nuclear Data Sheets, Academic Press, San Diego, CA. Vandenbosch, R. (1977) Annu. Rev. Nucl. Sci., 27, 1–35. Wahl, A. C. (1989) At. Nucl. Data Tables, 39, 1–156. Wapstra, A. H., Audi, G., and Thibault, C. (2003) Nucl. Phys., A729, 129–336. 3449


In the following tables we reproduce the tables in each of the chapters 2 through 14 that contain the nuclear properties of the actinide and transactinide isotopes. We then give a table of specific activities of these isotopes.

Nuclear properties of isotopes.

Mass Mode of Main radiations Method of number Half‐life decay (MeV) production

206 33 ms aa7.750 175Lu(40Ar,9n) 22 ms aa7.790 207 22 ms aa7.712 175Lu(40Ar,8n) 208 95 ms aa7.572 175Lu(40Ar,7n) 25 ms aa7.758 209 0.10 s aa7.59 197Au(20Ne,8n) 210 0.35 s aa7.46 197Au(20Ne,7n) 203Tl(16O,9n) 211 0.25 s aa7.48 197Au(20Ne,6n) 203Tl(16O,8n) 212 0.93 s aa7.38 203Tl(16O,7n) 197Au(20Ne,5n) 213 0.80 s aa7.36 197Au(20Ne,4n) 203Tl(16O,6n) 214 8.2 s a 86% a 7.214 (52%) 203Tl(16O,5n) EC 14% 7.082 (44%) 197Au(20Ne,3n) 215 0.17 s a 99.91% a 7.604 203Tl(16O,4n) EC 0.09% 209Bi(12C,6n) 216 0.33 ms aa9.072 209Bi(12C,5n) 216 m 0.33 ms aa9.108 (46%) 9.030 (50%) 217 69 ns aa9.650 208Pb(14N,5n) 218 1.08 ms aa9.20 222Pa daughter 219 11.8 ms aa8.66 223Pa daughter 220 26.4 ms aa7.85 (24%) 208Pb(15N,3n) 7.68 (21%) 224Pa daughter 7.61 (23%) 221 52 ms aa7.65 (70%) 205Tl(22Ne,a2n) 7.44 (20%) 208Pb(18O,p4n) 222 5.0 s aa7.00 226Ra(p,5n) 208Pb(18O,p3n) 222 m 63 s a > 90% a 7.00 (15%) 208Pb(18O,p3n) EC 1% 6.81 (27%) 209Bi(18O,an) IT < 10% 223 2.10 min a 99% a 6.662 (32%) 227Pa daughter EC 1% 6.647 (45%) 224 2.78 h EC 90% a 6.211 (20%) 228Pa daughter a 10% 6.139 (26%) 3450 Nuclear properties of actinium isotopes. (Contd.) Mass Mode of Main radiations Method of number Half‐life decay (MeV) production

225 10.0 d aa5.830 (51%) 225Ra daughter 5.794 (24%) g 0.100 (1.7%) 226 29.37 h b 83% a 5.399 226Ra(d,2n) EC 17% b 1.10 a 6 103% g 0.230 (27%) 227 21.772 yr b 98.62% a 4.950 (47%) nature a 1.38% 4.938 (40%) b 0.045 g 0.086 228 6.15 h b b 2.18 nature g 0.991 229 62.7 min b b 1.09 229Ra daughter g 0.165 232Th(g,p2n) 230 122 s b b 1.4 232Th(g,pn) g 0.455 231 7.5 min b b 2.1 232Th(g,p) g 0.282 232Th(n,pn) 232 119 s b 238U þ Ta 233 145 s b 238U þ Ta 234 44 s b 238U þ Ta

Nuclear properties of isotopes. Mass Mode of Main radiations Method of number Half‐life decay (MeV) production

209 3.8 ms aa8.080 32S þ 182W 210 9 ms aa7.899 35Cl þ 181Ta 211 37 ms aa7.792 35Cl þ 181Ta 212 30 ms aa7.82 176Hf(40Ar,4n) 213 140 ms aa7.691 206Pb(16O,9n) 214 100 ms aa7.686 206Pb(16O,8n) 215 1.2 s aa7.52 (40%) 206Pb(16O,7n) 7.39 (52%) 216 28 ms aa7.92 206Pb(16O,6n) 217 0.237 ms aa9.261 206Pb(16O,5n) 218 0.109 ms aa9.665 206Pb(16O,4n) 209Bi(14N,5n) 219 1.05 ms aa9.34 206Pb(16O,3n) 220 9.7 ms aa8.79 208Pb(16O,4n) 221 1.68 ms aa8.472 (32%) 208Pb(16O,3n) 8.146 (62%) 222 2.8 ms aa7.98 208Pb(16O,2n) 3451 Nuclear properties of thorium isotopes.(Contd.) Mass Mode of Main radiations Method of number Half‐life decay (MeV) production

223 0.60 s aa7.32 (40%) 208Pb(18O,3n) 7.29 (60%) 224 1.05 s aa7.17 (81%) 228U daughter 7.00 (19%) 208Pb(22Ne,a2n) g 0.177 225 8.0 min a 90% a 6.478 (43%) 229U daughter EC 10% 6.441 (15%) 231Pa(p,a3n) g 0.321 226 30.57 min aa6.335 (79%) 230U daughter 6.225 (19%) g 0.1113 227 18.68 d aa6.038 (25%) nature 5.978 (23%) g 0.236 228 1.9116 yr aa5.423 (72.7%) nature 5.341 (26.7%) g 0.084 229 7.340 103 yr aa4.901 (11%) 233U daughter 4.845 (56%) g 0.194 230 7.538 104 yr aa4.687 (76.3%) nature 4.621 (23.4%) g 0.068 231 25.52 h b b0.302 nature g 0.084 230Th(n,g) 232 1.405 1010 yr aa4.016 (77%) nature > 1 1021 yr SF 3.957 (23%) 233 22.3 min b b1.23 232Th(n,g) g 0.086 234 24.10 d b b 0.198 nature g 0.093 235 7.1 min b 238U(n,a) 236 37.5 min b g 0.111 238U(g,2p) 238U(p,3p) 237 5.0 min b 18O þ 238U 238 9.4 min b 18O þ 238U

Nuclear properties of isotopes. Mass Mode of Main radiations Method of number Half‐life decay (MeV) production

212 5.1 ms aa8.270 182W(35Cl,5n) 213 5.3 ms aa8.236 170Er(51V,8n) 214 17 ms aa8.116 170Er(51V,7n) 3452 Nuclear properties of protactinium isotopes.(Contd.) Mass Mode of Main radiations Method of number Half‐life decay (MeV) production

215 14 ms aa8.170 181Ta(40Ar,6n) 216 0.2 s aa7.865 197Au(24Mg,5n) 217 4.9 ms aa8.340 181Ta(40Ar,4n) 1.6 ms aa10.160 218 0.12 ms aa9.614 (65%) 206Pb(16O,4n) 219 53 ns aa9.900 204Pb(19F,4n) 220 0.78 ms aa9.15 204Pb(19F,3n) 221 5.9 ms aa9.080 209Bi(16O,4n) 222 5.7 ms aa8.54 (30%) 209Bi(16O,3n) 8.18 (50%) 206Pb(19F,3n) 223 6 ms aa8.20 (45%) 208Pb(19F,4n) 8.01 (55%) 205Tl(22Ne,4n) 224 0.9 s aa7.49 208Pb(19F,3n) 225 1.8 s aa7.25 (70%) 232Th(p,8n) 7.20 (30%) 209Bi(22Ne,a2n) 226 1.8 min a 74% a 6.86 (52%) 232Th(p,7n) EC 26% 6.82 (46%) 227 38.3 min a 85% a 6.466 (51%) 232Th(p,6n) EC 15% 6.416 (15%) g 0.065 228 22 h EC 98% a 6.105 (12%) 232Th(p,5n) a 2% 6.078 (21%) 230Th(p,3n) g 0.410 229 1.5 d EC 99.5% a 5.669 (19%) 230Th(d,3n) a 0.48% 5.579 (37%) 229Th(d,2n) 230 17.7 d EC 90% a 5.345 230Th(d,2n) b– 10% b– 0.51 232Th(p,3n) a 3.2 10–3% g 0.952 231 3.28 104 yr aa5.012 (25%) nature 4.951 (23%) g 0.300 232 1.31 d b– b– 1.29 231Pa(n,g) g 0.969 232Th(d,2n) 233 27.0 d b– b– 0.568 233Th daughter g 0.312 237Np daughter 234 6.75 h b– b– 1.2 nature g 0.570 234 m 1.175 min b– 99.87% b– 2.29 nature IT 0.13% g 1.001 235 24.2 min b– b– 1.41 235Th daughter 235U(n,p) 236 9.1 min b– b– 3.1 236U(n,p) g 0.642 238U(d,a) 237 8.7 min b– b– 2.3 238U(g,p) g 0.854 238U(n,pn) 238 2.3 min b– b– 2.9 238U(n,p) g 1.014 239 106 min b–18O þ 238U 3453 Nuclear properties of isotopes. Mass Mode of Main radiations Method of number Half‐life decay (MeV) production

217 16 ms aa8.005 182W(40Ar,5n) 218 1.5 ms aa8.625 197Au(27Al,6n) 219 42 ms aa8.680 197Au(27Al,5n) 222 1.0 ms aa9.500 W(40Ar,xn) 223 18 ms aa8.780 208Pb(20Ne,5n) 224 0.9 ms aa8.470 208Pb(20Ne,4n) 225 59 ms aa7.879 208Pb(22Ne,5n) 226 0.35 s aa7.430 232Th(a,10n) 227 1.1 min aa6.87 232Th(a,9n) 208Pb(22Ne,3n) 228 9.1 min a 95% a 6.68 (70%) 232Th(a,8n) EC 5% 6.60 (29%) g 0.152 229 58 min EC 80% a 6.360 (64%) 230Th(3He,4n) a 20% 6.332 (20%) 232Th(a,7n) g 0.123 230 20.8 d aa5.888 (67.5%) 230Pa daughter 5.818 (31.9%) 231Pa(d,3n) g 0.072 231 4.2 d EC > 99% a 5.46 230Th(a,3n) a 5.5 103% g 0.084 231Pa(d,2n) 232 68.9 yr aa5.320 (68.6%) 232Th(a,4n) 8 1013 yr SF 5.264 (31.2%) g 0.058 233 1.592 105 yr aa4.824 (82.7%) 233Pa daughter 1.2 1017 yr SF 4.783 (14.9%) g 0.097 234 2.455 105 yr aa4.777 (72%) nature 2 1016 yr SF 4.723 (28%) 235 7.038 108 yr aa4.397 (57%) nature 3.5 1017 yr SF 4.367 (18%) g 0.186 235 m 25 min IT 239Pu daughter 236 2.3415 107 yr aa4.494 (74%) 235U(n,g) 2.43 1016 yr SF 4.445 (26%) 237 6.75 d b b 0.519 236U(n,g) g 0.060 241Pu daughter 238 4.468 109 yr aa4.196 (77%) nature 8.30 1015 yr SF 4.149 (23%) 239 23.45 min b b 1.29 238U(n,g) g 0.075 240 14.1 h b b 0.36 244Pu daughter g 0.044 242 16.8 min b b 1.2 244Pu(n,2pn) g 0.068 3454 Nuclear properties of isotopes.

Mass Mode of Main radiations Method of number Half‐life decay (MeV) production

226 31 ms EC, aa8.044 209Bi(22Ne,5n) 227 0.51 s EC, aa7.677 209Bi(22Ne,4n) 228 61.4 s EC, a 209Bi(22Ne,3n) 229 4.0 min a 50% a 6.890 233U(p,5n) EC 50% 230 4.6 min a > 99% a 6.66 233U(p,4n) EC 0.97% 231 48.8 min EC < 99% a 6.28 233U(d,4n) a > 1% g 0.371 235U(d,6n) 232 14.7 min EC g 0.327 233U(d,3n) 233 36.2 min EC < 99% a 5.54 233U(d,2n) a10–3% g 0.312 235U(d,4n) 234 4.4 d EC 99.95% g 1.559 235U(d,3n) bþ 0.05% 235 396.1 d EC > 99% a 5.022 (53%) 235U(d,2n) a 1.6 103% 5.004 (24%) 236a 22.5 h b 50% b 0.54 235U(d,n) EC 50% g 0.642 236a 1.54 105 yr EC 87% g 0.163 235U(d,n) b13% 237 2.144 106 yr aa4.788 (51%) 237U daughter >1 1018 yr SF 4.770 (19%) 241Am daughter g 0.086 238 2.117 d b b 1.29 237Np(n,g) g 0.984 239 2.3565 d b b 0.72 243Am daughter g 0.106 239U daughter 240 1.032 h b b 2.09 238U(a,pn) g 0.566 240 m 7.22 min b b 2.05 240U daughter g 0.555 238U(a, pn) 241 13.9 min b b 1.31 238U(a,p) g 0.175 244Pu(n,p3n) 242 g or m 5.5 min b b 2.7 244Pu(n,p2n) g 0.786 242Pu(n,p) 242 g or m 2.2 min b b 2.7 242U daughter g 0.736 243 1.85 min b g 0.288 136Xe þ 238U 244 2.29 min b g 0.681 136Xe þ 238U a Not known whether ground‐state nuclide or isomer. 3455 Nuclear properties of isotopes.

Mass Mode of Main radiations Method of number Half‐life decay (MeV) production

228 1.1 s aa7.772 198Pt(34S,4n) 229 – aa7.460 207Pb(26Mg,4n) 230 2.6 min EC, aa7.055 208Pb(26Mg,4n) 231 8.6 min EC 90% a 6.72 233U(3He,5n) a 10% 232 33.1 min EC 80% a 6.600 (62%) 233U(a,5n) a 20% 6.542 (38%) 233 20.9 min EC 99.88% a 6.30 233U(a,4n) a 0.12% g 0.235 234 8.8 h EC 94% a 6.202 (68%) 233U(a,3n) a 6% 6.151 (32%) 235 25.3 min EC > 99.99% a 5.85 235U(a,4n) a 3 103% g 0.049 233U(a,2n) 236 2.858 yr aa5.768 (69%) 235U(a,3n) 1.5 109 yr SF 5.721 (31%) 236Np daughter 237 45.2 d EC > 99.99% 5.356 (17.2%) 235U(a,2n) a 4.2 103% 5.334 (43.5%) 237Np(d,2n) g 0.059 238 87.7 yr aa5.499 (70.9%) 242Cm daughter 4.77 1010 yr SF 5.457 (29.0%) 238Np daughter 239 2.411 104 yr aa5.157 (70.77%) 239Np daughter 8 1015 yr SF 5.144 (17.11%) 5.106 (11.94%) g 0.129 240 6.561 103 yr aa5.168 (72.8%) multiple n capture 1.15 1011 yr SF 5.123 (27.1%) 241 14.35 yr b > 99.99% a 4.896 (83.2%) multiple n capture a 2.4 103% 4.853 (21.1%) b 0.021 g 0.149 242 3.75 105 yr aa4.902 (76.49%) multiple n capture 6.77 1010 yr SF 4.856 (23.48%) 243 4.956 h b b 0.58 multiple n capture g 0.084 244 8.08 107 yr a 99.88% a 4.589 (81%) multiple n capture 6.6 1010 yr SF 4.546 (19%) 245 10.5 h b b 0.878 (51%) 244Pu(n,g) g 0.327 (25.4%) 246 10.84 d b b 0.15 (91%) multiple n capture g 0.224 (25%) 247 2.27 d b multiple n capture 3456 Nuclear properties of isotopes.

Main Mass Mode of radiations Method of number Half‐life decay (MeV ) production

232 1.4 min SF isomer 230Th(10B, 8n) 233 3.2 min aa6.780 238U(6Li, 6n) 234 2.6 min EC 230Th(10B, 6n) 235 15 min EC 238Pu(1H, 4n) 236 4.4 min EC 235U(6Li, 5n) 3.7 min EC 237Np(6He, 4n) 237 1.22 h EC > 99% a 6.042 237Np(a, 4n) a 0.025% g 0.280 (47%) 237Np(3He, 3n) 238 1.63 h EC > 99% a 5.94 237Np(a, 3n) a 1.0 10–4% g 0.963 (29%) 239 11.9 h EC > 99% a 5.776 (84%) 237Np(a, 2n) a 0.010% 5.734 (13.8%) 239Pu(d, 2n) g 0.278 (15%) 240 50.8 h EC > 99% a 5.378 (87%) 237Np(a,n) a 1.9 10–4% 5.337 (12%) 239Pu(d, n) g 0.988 (73%) 241 432.7 yr aa5.486 (84%) 241Pu daughter 1.15 1014 yr SF 5.443 (13.1%) multiple n capture g 0.059 (35.7%) 242 16.01 h b 82.7% b 0.667 241Am(n, g) EC 17.3% g 0.042 weak 242 m 141 yr IT 99.5% a 5.207 (89%) 241Am(n, g) 9.5 1011 yr SF a (0.45%) 5.141 (6.0%) 241Am(n, g) g 0.0493 (41%) 243 7.38 103 yr aa5.277 (88%) multiple 2.0 1014 yr SF 5.234 (10.6%) n capture g 0.075 (68%) 244 10.1 h b b 0.387 243Am(n, g) g 0.746 (67%) 244 m 26 min b > 99% b 1.50 243Am(n, g) EC 0.041% 245 2.05 h b b 0.895 245Pu daughter g 0.253 (6.1%) 246a 25.0 min b b 2.38 246Pu daughter g 0.799 (25%) 246a 39 min b g 0.679 (52%) 244Pu(a,d) 244Pu(3He, p) 247 24 min b g 0.285 (23%) 244Pu(a,p) a Not known whether ground‐state nuclide or isomer. 3457 Nuclear properties of curium isotopes.

Mass Mode of Main radiations Method of number Half‐life decay (MeV) production

237 – EC, aa6.660 237Np (6Li,6n) 238 2.3 h EC < 90% a 6.52 239Pu(a,5n) a > 10% 239 2.9 h EC g 0.188 239Pu(a,4n) 240 27 d aa6.291 (71%) 239Pu(a,3n) 1.9 106 yr SF 6.248 (29%) 241 32.8 d EC 99.0% a 5.939 (69%) 239Pu(a,2n) a 1.0% 5.929 (18%) g 0.472 (71%) 242 162.8 d aa6.113 (74.0%) 239Pu(a,n) 7.0 106 yr SF 6.070 (26.0%) 242Am daughter 243 29.1 yr a 99.76% a 5.785 (73.5%) 242Cm(n,g) EC 0.24% 5.741 (10.6%) g 0.278 (14.0%) 244 18.10 yr aa5.805 (76.7%) multiple n capture 1.35 107 yr SF 5.764 (23.3%) 244Am daughter 245 8.5 103 yr aa5.362 (93.2%) multiple n capture 5.304 (5.0%) g 0.175 246 4.76 103 yr aa5.386 (79%) multiple n capture 1.80 107 yr SF 5.343 (21%) b stable 247 1.56 107 yr aa5.266 (14%) multiple n capture 4.869 (71%) g 0.402 (72%) 248 3.48 105 yr a 91.61% a 5.078 (82%) multiple n capture SF 8.39% 5.034 (18%) 249 64.15 min b b 0.9 248Cm(n,g) g 0.634 (1.5%) 250 8.3 103 yr SF multiple n capture 251 16.8 min b b 1.42 250Cm(n,g) g 0.543 (12%)

Nuclear properties of isotopes.

Mass Mode of Main radiations Method of number Half‐life decay (MeV) production

238 2.4 min EC 241Am(a,7n) 240 4.8 min EC 232Th(14Ne,6n) 241 4.6 min EC g 0.2623 239Pu(6Li,4n) 242 7.0 min EC 232Th(14N,4n) 232Th(15N,5n) 243 4.5 h EC 99.85% a 6.758 (15%) 243Am(a,4n) a 0.15% 6.574 (26%) 3458 Nuclear properties of berkelium isotopes. (Contd.) Mass Mode of Main radiations Method of number Half‐life decay (MeV) production

g 0.755 244 4.35 h EC > 99% a 6.667 (50%) 243Am(a,3n) a 6 103% 6.625 (50%) g 0.218 245 4.94 d EC 99.88% a 6.349 (15.5%) 243Am(a,2n) a 0.12% 6.145 (18.3%) g 0.253 (31%) 246 1.80 d EC g 0.799 (61%) 243Am(a,n) 247 1.38 103 yr aa5.712 (17%) 247Cf daughter 5.532 (45%) 244Cm(a,p) g 0.084 (40%) 248a 23.7 h b 70% b 0.86 248Cm(d,2n) EC 30% g 0.551 248a > 9 yr decay not observed 246Cm(a,pn) 249 330 d b > 99% a 5.417 (74.8%) multiple n capture a 1.45 103% 5.390 (16%) b 0.125 g 0.327 weak 250 3.217 h b b 1.781 254Es daughter g 0.989 (45%) 249Bk(n,g) 251 55.6 min b b 1.1 255Es daughter g 0.178 a Not known whether ground‐state nuclide or isomer.

Nuclear properties of isotopes. Mass Main radiations Method of number Half‐life Mode of decay (MeV) production

239 39 s aa7.63 243Fm daughter 240 1.1 min aa7.59 233U(12C,5n) 241 3.8 min aa7.335 233U(12C,4n) 242 3.5 min aa7.385 (80%) 233U(12C,3n) 7.351 (20%) 235U(12C,5n) 243 10.7 min EC 86% a 7.06 235U(12C,4n) a 14% 244 19.4 min aa7.210 (75%) 244Cm(a,4n) 7.168 (25%) 236U(12C,4n) 245 43.6 min EC 70% a 7.137 244Cm(a,3n) a 30% 238U(12C,5n) 246 35.7 h aa6.758 (78%) 244Cm(a,2n) 2.0 103 yr SF 6.719 (22%) 246Cm(a,4n) b stable 247 3.11 h EC 99.96% a 6.296 (95%) 246Cm(a,3n) a 0.035% g 0.294 (1.0%) 244Cm(a,n) 3459 Nuclear properties of californium isotopes. (Contd.) Mass Mode of Main radiations Method of number Half‐life decay (MeV) production

248 334 d aa6.258 (80.0%) 246Cm(a,2n) 3.2 104 yr SF 6.217 (19.6%) b stable 249 351 yr aa6.194 (2.2%) 249Bk daughter 6.9 1010 yr SF 5.812 (84.4%) g 0.388 (66%) 250 13.08 yr aa6.031 (83%) multiple n capture 1.7 104 yr SF 5.989 (17%) 251 898 yr aa5.851 (27%) multiple n capture 5.677 (35%) 252 2.645 yr a 96.91% a 6.118 (84%) multiple n capture SF 3.09% 6.076 (15.8%) 253 17.81 d b 99.69% a 5.979 (95%) multiple n capture a 0.31% 5.921 (5%) 254 60.5 d SF 99.69% a 5.834 (83%) multiple n capture a 0.31% 5.792 (17%) 255 1.4 h b 254Cf(n,g) 256 12.3 min SF 254Cf(t,p)

Nuclear properties of isotopes.

Mass Mode of Main radiations Method of number Half‐life decay (MeV) production

241 8 s aa8.11 245Md daughter 242 13.5 s aa7.92 233U(14N,5n) 243 21 s aa7.89 233U(15N,5n) 244 37 s EC 96% a 7.57 233U(15N,4n) a 4% 237Np(12C,5n) 245 1.1 min EC 60% a 7.73 237Np(12C,4n) a 40% 246 7.7 min EC 90% a 7.35 241Am(12C,a3n) a 10% 247 4.55 min EC 93% a 7.32 241Am(12C,a2n) a 7% 238U(14N,5n) 248 27 min EC 99.7% a 6.87 249Cf(d,3n) a 0.3% g 0.551 249 1.70 h EC 99.4% a 6.770 249Cf(d,2n) a 0.57% g 0.380 250a 8.6 h EC g 0.829 249Cf(d,n) 250a 2.22 h EC g 0.989 249Cf(d,n) 3460 Nuclear properties of einsteinium isotopes. (Contd.) Mass Mode of Main radiations Method of number Half‐life decay (MeV) production

251 33 h EC 99.5% a 6.492 (81%) 249Bk(a,2n) a 0.49% 6.463 (9%) g 0.177 252 471.7 d a 78% a 6.632 (80%) 249Bk(a,n) EC 22% 6.562 (13.6%) g 0.785 253 20.47 d aa6.633 (89.8%) multiple n capture 6.3 105 yr SF 6.592 (7.3%) b stable g 0.389 254 g 275.7 d aa6.429 (93.2%) multiple n capture > 2.5 107 yr SF 6.359 (2.4%) g 0.062 254 m 39.3 h b 99.6% a 6.382 (75%) 253Es (n,g) > 1 105 yr SF 6.357 (8%) a 0.33% EC 0.08% 255 39.8 d b 92.0% a 6.300 (88%) multiple n capture a 8.0% 6.260 (10%) SF 4 10–3% 256a 25.4 min b 255Es(n,g) 256a 7.6 h b 254Es(t,p) a Not known whether ground‐state nuclide or isomer.

Nuclear properties of fermium isotopes.

Mass Mode of Main radiations Method of number Half‐life decay (MeV) production

242 0.8 ms SF 204Pb(40Ar,2n) 243 0.18 s aa8.546 206Pb(40Ar,3n) 244 3.3 ms SF 206Pb(40Ar,2n) 233U(16O,5n) 245 4.2 s aa8.15 233U(16O,4n) 246 1.1 s a 92% a 8.24 235U(16O,5n) SF 8% 239Pu(12C,5n) 247a 35 s a 50% a 7.93 ( 30%) 239Pu(12C,4n) EC 50% 7.87 (70%) 247a 9.2 s aa8.18 239Pu(12C,4n) 248 36 s a 99.9% a 7.87 (80%) 240Pu(12C,4n) SF 0.1% 7.83 (20%) 249 2.6 min aa7.53 238U(16O,5n) 249Cf(a,4n) 250 30 min aa7.43 249Cf(a,3n) SF 5.7 10–4% 238U(16O,4n) 250 m 1.8 s IT 249Cf(a,3n) 3461 Nuclear properties of fermium isotopes. (Contd.) Mass Mode of Main radiations Method of number Half‐life decay (MeV) production

251 5.30 h EC 98.2% a 6.834 (87%) 249Cf(a,2n) a 1.8% 6.783 (4.8%) 252 25.39 h aa7.039 (84.0%) 249Cf(a,n) SF 2.3 10–3% 6.998 (15.0%) 253 3.0 d EC 88% a 6.943 (43%) 252Cf(a,3n) a 12% 6.674 (23%) g 0.272 254 3.240 h a > 99% a 7.192 (85.0) 254mEs daughter SF 0.0592% 7.150 (14.2%) 255 20.07 h aa7.022 (93.4%) 255Es daughter SF 2.4 10–5% 6.963 (5.0%) 256 2.63 h SF 91.9% a 6.915 256Md daughter a 8.1% 256Es daughter 257 100.5 d a 99.79% a 6.695 (3.5%) multiple n capture SF 0.21% 6.520 (93.6%) g 0.241 258 0.37 ms SF 257Fm(d,p) 259 1.5 s SF 257Fm(t,p) 260 4 ms SF 260Md decay product a Not known whether ground‐state nuclide or isomer.

Nuclear properties of mendelevium isotopes.

Mass Mode of Main radiations Method of number Half‐life decay (MeV) production

245 0.4 s aa8.680 209Bi(40Ar,4n) 0.9 ms SF 246 1.0 s aa8.740 209Bi(40Ar,3n) 247 1.12 s a 80% a 8.424 209Bi(40Ar,2n) 0.27 s SF 248 7 s EC 80% a 8.36 (25%) 241Am(12C,5n) a 20% 8.32 (75%) 239Pu(14N,5n) 249 24 s EC 80% a 8.03 241Am(12C,4n) a 20% 250 52 s EC 94% a 7.830 (25%) 243Am(12C,5n) a 6% 7.750 (75%) 240Pu(15N,5n) 251 4.0 min EC 94% a 7.55 243Am(12C,4n) a 6% 240Pu(15N,4n) 252 2.3 min EC > 50% a 7.73 243Am(13C,4n) a < 50% 253 6 min EC 238U(19F,4n) 254a 10 min EC 253Es(a,3n) 254a 28 min EC 253Es(a,3n) 255 27 min EC 92% a 7.333 253Es(a,2n) 3462 Nuclear properties of mendelevium isotopes. (Contd.) Mass Mode of Main radiations Method of number Half‐life decay (MeV) production

a 8% g 0.453 254Es(a,3n) 256 1.27 h EC 90.7% a 7.205 (63%) 253Es(a,n) a 9.9% 7.139 (16%) 257 5.52 h EC 90% a 7.069 254Es(a,n) a 10% 258a 51.5 d aa6.790 (28%) 255Es(a,n) 6.716 (72%) 258a 57.0 min EC ? 255Es(a,n) 259 1.60 h SF 259No daughter 260 31.8 d SF > 73% 254Es(18O,12C) EC < 15% a Not know whether ground state nuclide or isomer.

Nuclear properties of nobelium isotopes.

Mass Mode of Main radiations Method of number Half‐life decay (MeV) production

250 0.25 ms SF 233U(22Ne,5n) 39.2 ms SF 251 0.76 s aa8.68 (20%) 244Cm(12C,5n) 8.60 (80%) 252 2.27 s a 73% a 8.415 ( 75%) 244Cm(12C,4n) SF 27% 8.372 ( 25%) 239Pu(18O,5n) 253 1.62 min aa8.01 246Cm(12C,5n) 242Pu(16O,5n) 254 51 s aa8.086 246Cm(12C,4n) 242Pu(16O,4n) 254 m 0.28 s IT 246Cm(12C,4n) 249Cf(12C,a3n) 255 3.1 min a 61.4% a 8.121 (46%) 248Cm(12C,5n) EC 38.6% 8.077 (12%) 249Cf(12C,a2n) 256 2.91 s a 99.7% a 8.43 248Cm(12C,4n) SF 0.3% 257 25 s aa8.27 (26%) 248Cm(12C,3n) 8.22 (55%) 258 1.2 ms SF 248Cm(13C,3n) 259 58 min a 75% a 7.551 (22%) 248Cm(18O,a3n) EC 25% 7.520 (25%) 260 106 ms SF, a 254Es(18O,x) 262 5 ms SF 262Lr daughter 3463 Nuclear properties of lawrencium isotopes.

Mass Mode of Main radiations Method of number Half‐life decay (MeV) production

252 0.36 s aa9.018 (75%) 256Db daughter 253 m 1.5 s aa8.722 257Db daughter 253 0.57 s aa8.794 257Db daughter 254 13 s aa8.460 (64%) 258Db daughter 255 21.5 s a,EC a 8.43 (40%) 243Am(16O,4n) 8.37 (60%) 249Cf(11B,5n) 256 25.9 s a,EC a 8.52 (19%) 243Am(18O,5n) 8.43 (37%) 249Cf(11B,4n) 257 0.65 s a,EC a 8.86 (85%) 249Cf(11B,3n) 8.80 (15%) 249Cf(14N,a2n) 258 3.9 s aa8.621 (25%) 248Cm(15N,5n) 8.595 (46%) 249Cf(15N,a2n) 259 6.2 s a,SF a 8.45 248Cm(15N,4n) 260 3.0 min a,EC a 8.03 248Cm(15N,3n) 261 39 min SF 254Es(22Ne,x) 262 3.6 h SF, EC 254Es(22Ne,x)

Nuclear properties of transactinide elements.

Mass Mode of Main radiations Method of number Half‐life decay (MeV) production rutherfordium (Rf) 253 48 msSF 206Pb(50Ti,3n) 254 22.3 msSF 206Pb(50Ti,2n) 255 1.64 s a 48% a 8.722 (94%) 207Pb(50Ti,2n) SF 52% 256 6 ms SF, aa8.79 208Pb(50Ti,2n) 257 4.7 s a 80% a 9.012 (18%) 208Pb(50Ti,n) SF 2% 8.977 (29%) 249Cf(12C,4n) EC 18% 258 12 ms SF 246Cm(16O,4n) 259 3.1 s a 93% a 8.87 (40%) 249Cf(13C,3n) SF 7% 8.77 (60%) 248Cm(16O,5n) 260 20 ms SF 248Cm(16O,4n) 261 75.5 s aa8.28 248Cm(18O,5n) 4.2 s a, SF 8.52 262 2.1 s SF 248Cm(18O,4n) 47 ms SF 3464

Nuclear properties of transactinide elements. (Contd.) Mass Mode of Main radiations Method of number Half‐life decay (MeV) production dubnium (Db) 256 1.6 s EC, aa9.014 (67%) 209Bi(50Ti,3n) 257 1.5 s a,SF a 8.967, 9.074 209Bi(50Ti,2n) 257 m 0.76 s a, SF 9.163 209Bi(50Ti,2n) 262 258 4.4 s aa: 9.19 Bh daughter 9.07 259 0.51 s aa9.7 241Am(22Ne,4n) 249 15 260 1.5 s a 90% a: 9.082 (25%) Cf( N,4n) SF 9.6% 9.047 (48%) 243Am(22Ne,5n) EC 2.5% 261 1.8 s a 75% a 8.93 243Am(22Ne,4n) SF 25% 249Bk(16O,4n) 262 34 s a > 67% a 8.66 (20%) 249Bk(18O,5n) SF þ EC < 33% 8.45 (80%) 263 27 s a,SF a 8.36 249Bk(18O,4n) 268 16 h SF 115 decay product seaborgium (Sg) 258 2.9 ms SF 209Bi(51V,2n) 259 0.48 s aa9.62 (78%) 208Pb(54Cr,3n) 260 3.6 ms a,SF a 9.77 (83%) 208Pb(54Cr,2n) 261 0.23 s a,SF a 9.56 (60%) 208Pb(54Cr,n) 262 6.9 ms a 22% 270110 decay product SF > 78% 263 0.9 s aa9.06 (90%) 249Cf(18O,4n) 0.3 s aa9.25 265 7.4 s aa8.84 (46%) 248Cm(22Ne,5n) 266 21 s aa8.77, 8.52 248Cm(22Ne,4n) bohrium (Bh) 261 12 ms aa10.10 (40%) 209Bi(54Cr,2n) 262 0.1 s aa10.06, 9.91, 9.74 209Bi(54Cr,n) 8.0 ms aa10.37, 10.24 209Bi(54Cr,n) 264 1.0 s aa9.48, 9.62 111 decay product 266 1s aa9.3 249Bk(22Ne,5n) 267 17 s aa8.85 249Bk(22Ne,4n) 272 9.8 s aa9.02 115 decay product hassium (Hs) 264 0.26 ms a,SF a 10.43 207Pb(58Fe,n) 265 1.7 ms aa10.30 (90%) 208Pb(58Fe,n) 0.8 ms aa10.57 (63%) 208Pb(58Fe,n) 3465 Nuclear properties of transactinide elements. (Contd.) Mass Mode of Main radiations Method of number Half‐life decay (MeV) production

266 2.3 ms aa10.18 270110 daughter 267 59 ms aa9.88, 9.83, 9.75 271110 daughter 269 14 s aa9.23, 9.17 112 decay product 270 4s a 248Cm(26Mg,4n) meitnerium (Mt) 266 1.7 ms aa10.46, 11.74 209Bi(58Fe,n) 268 42 ms aa10.10, 10.24 111 daughter 276 0.72 s aa9.71 115 decay product darmstadtium (Ds) 267 3.1 ms aa11.6 209Bi(59Co,n) 269 0.17 ms aa11.11 208Pb(62Ni,n) 270 0.10 ms aa11.03 207Pb(64Ni,n) 6.0 ms aa12.15 207Pb(64Ni,n) 271 56 ms aa10.71 208Pb(64Ni,n) 1.1 ms aa10.74, 10.68 273 0.15 ms aa11.08 112 daughter 280 7.6 s SF 114 decay product roentgenium (Rg) 272 1.6 ms aa11.0 209Bi(64Ni,n) 280 3.6 s aa9.75 115 decay product element 112 277 0.6 ms aa11.65, 11.45 208Pb(70Zn,n) 283 3 min a,SF 238U(48Ca,3n); 114 daughter 284 0.75 min aa9.15 114 daughter element 113 284 0.48 s aa10.00 115 daughter element 114 287 5 s aa10.29 242Pu(48Ca,3n) 288 2.6 s aa9.82 244Pu(48Ca,4n) element 115 288 87 ms aa10.46 243Am(48Ca,3n) element 116 292 53 ms aa10.53 248Cm(48Ca,4n) 3466 Specific activities of actinide and transactinide nuclides.

Major S c decay (dis min–1 S d Nuclide modea Half‐lifeb mg–1) (Ci g–1)

Ac 206 a 33 ms 3.68 1018 a 22 ms 5.50 1018 207 a 22 ms 5.50 1018 208 a 95 ms 1.27 1018 a 25 ms 4.82 1018 209 a 0.10 s 1.20 1018 210 a 0.35 s 3.41 1017 211 a 0.25 s 4.75 1017 212 a 0.93 s 1.27 1017 213 a 0.80 s 1.47 1017 214 a 8.2 s 1.43 1016 215 a 0.17 s 6.85 1017 216 a 0.33 ms 3.51 1020 216 m a 0.33 ms 3.51 1020 217 a 69 ns 1.67 1024 218 a 1.08 ms 1.06 1023 219 a 11.8 ms 9.69 1021 220 a 26.4 ms 4.31 1018 221 a 52 ms 2.18 1018 222 a 5.0 s 2.26 1016 222 m a 63 s 1.79 1015 223 a 2.10 min 8.91 1014 224 EC 2.78 h 1.12 1013 225 a 10.0 d 1.29 1011 5.80 104 226 b 29.37 h 1.048 1012 227 b 21.772 yr 1.6058 108 72.332 228 b 6.15 h 4.96 1012 229 b 62.7 min 2.91 1013 230 b 122 s 8.92 1014 231 b 7.5 min 2.41 1014 232 b 119 s 9.67 1014 233 b 145 s 7.41 1014 234 b 44 s 2.43 1015

Th 209 a 3.8 ms 3.15 1019 210 a 9 ms 1.3 1019 211 a 37 ms 3.21 1018 212 a 30 ms 3.94 1018 213 a 140 ms 8.40 1017 214 a 100 ms 1.17 1018 215 a 1.2 s 9.71 1016 216 a 28 ms 4.14 1018 217 a 0.237 ms 4.87 1020 218 a 0.109 ms 1.05 1024 219 a 1.05 ms 1.09 1023 220 a 9.7 ms 1.17 1022 221 a 1.68 ms 6.75 1019 3467 Specific activities of actinide and transactinide nuclides. (Contd.) Major S c decay (dis min1 S d Nuclide modea Half‐lifeb mg1) (Ci g1)

222 a 2.8 ms 4.03 1019 223 a 0.60 s 1.87 1017 224 a 1.05 s 1.06 1017 225 a 8.0 min 2.32 1014 226 a 30.57 min 6.042 1013 227 a 18.68 d 6.836 1010 228 a 1.9116 yr 1.8208 109 820.20 229 a 7.340 103 yr 4.721 105 0.2127 230 a 7.538 104 yr 4.577 104 0.02062 231 b 25.52 h 1.180 1012 232 a 1.405 1010 yr 0.2435 1.097 10–7 233 b 22.3 min 8.03 1013 234 b 24.10 d 5.140 1010 235 b 7.1 min 2.50 1014 236 b 37.5 min 4.72 1013 237 b 5.0 min 3.52 1014 238 b 9.4 min 1.87 1014

Pa 212 a 5.1 ms 2.32 1019 213 a 5.3 ms 2.22 1019 214 a 17 ms 6.88 1018 215 a 14 ms 8.32 1018 216 a 0.2 s 5.8 1017 217 g a 3.8 ms 3.04 1019 217 m a 1.08 ms 1.07 1020 218 a 0.12 ms 9.57 1020 219 a 53 ns 2.16 1024 220 a 0.78 ms 1.46 1023 221 a 5.9 ms 1.92 1022 222 a 2.9 ms 3.89 1019 223 a 5.1 ms 2.20 1019 224 a 0.79 s 1.42 1017 225 a 1.7 s 6.55 1016 226 a 1.8 min 1.03 1015 227 a 38.3 min 4.80 1013 228 EC 22 h 1.39 1012 229 EC 1.50 d 8.44 1011 230 EC 17.4 d 7.24 1010 231 a 3.276 104 yr 1.049 105 0.04724 232 b 1.31 d 9.54 1011 233 b 26.967 d 4.6129 1010 2.0779 104 234 b 6.70 h 4.44 1012 234m b 1.17 min 1.52 1015 235 b 24.5 min 7.25 1013 236 b 9.1 min 1.94 1014 237 b 8.7 min 2.02 1014 3468 Specific activities of actinide and transactinide nuclides. (Contd.) Major S c decay (dis min1 S d Nuclide modea Half‐lifeb mg1) (Ci g1)

238 b 2.3 min 7.62 1014 239 b 106 min 1.64 1013

U 217 a 16 ms 7.21 1018 218 a 1.5 ms 7.66 1019 219 a 42 ms 2.72 1021 222 a 1.0 ms 1.13 1023 223 a 18 ms 6.24 1021 224 a 0.9 ms 1.2 1020 225 a 59 ms 1.89 1018 226 a 0.35 s 3.17 1017 227 a 1.1 min 1.67 1015 228 a 9.1 min 2.01 1014 229 EC 58 min 3.14 1013 230 a 20.8 d 6.06 1010 231 EC 4.2 d 2.99 1011 232 a 68.9 yr 4.96 107 22.4 233 a 1.592 105 yr 2.139 104 9.724 10–3 234 a 2.455 105 yr 1.381 104 6.223 10–3 235 a 7.038 108 yr 4.798 2.161 10–6 235 m IT 25 min 7.10 1013 3.20 107 236 a 2.3415 107 yr 1.4361 102 6.4687 10–5 237 b 6.75 d 1.81 1011 238 a 4.468 109 yr 0.7462 3.361 10–7 239 b 23.45 min 7.447 1013 240 b 14.1 h 2.06 1012 242 b 16.8 min 1.03 1014

Np 226 EC, a 31 ms 3.57 1018 227 EC, a 0.51 s 2.16 1017 228 EC, a 61.4 s 1.79 1015 229 a 4.0 min 4.56 1014 230 a 4.6 min 3.94 1014 231 EC 48.8 min 3.70 1013 232 EC 14.7 min 1.22 1014 233 EC 36.2 min 4.95 1013 234 EC 4.4 d 2.82 1011 235 EC 396.1 d 3.114 109 236 EC, b 22.5 h 1.31 1012 236 EC 1.54 105 yr 2.18 104 237 a 2.144 106 yr 1.562 103 7.035 10–4 238 b 2.117 d 5.752 1011 239 b 2.3565 d 5.1461 1011 240 b 1.032 h 2.808 1013 240 m b 7.22 min 2.41 1014 241 b 13.9 min 1.25 1014 242 b 5.5 min 3.14 1014 3469 Specific activities of actinide and transactinide nuclides. (Contd.) Major S c decay (dis min1 S d Nuclide modea Half‐lifeb mg1) (Ci g1)

242 b 2.2 min 7.83 1014 243 b 1.85 min 9.28 1014 244 b 2.29 min 7.47 1014

Pu 228 a 1.1 s 1.0 1017 230 EC, a 2.6 min 6.98 1014 231 EC, a 8.6 min 2.10 1014 232 EC 33.1 min 5.44 1013 233 EC 20.9 min 8.57 1013 234 EC 8.8 h 3.38 1012 235 EC 25.3 min 7.02 1013 236 a 2.858 yr 1.177 109 237 EC 45.2 d 2.71 1010 238 a 87.7 yr 3.80 107 17.1 239 a 2.411 104 yr 1.377 105 0.06203 240 a 6.564 103 yr 5.037 105 0.2269 241 b 14.35 yr 2.295 108 103.4 242 a 3.733 105 yr 8.784 103 3.957 10–3 243 b 4.956 h 5.776 1012 244 a 8.08 107 yr 4.02 101 1.81 10–5 245 b 10.5 h 2.70 1012 246 b 10.84 d 1.087 1011 247 b 2.27 d 5.17 1011

Am 232 EC 1.32 min 1.36 1015 233 EC, a 3.2 min 5.60 1014 234 EC, a 2.32 min 7.69 1014 235 EC, a 10.3 min 1.72 1014 236 EC, a 3.6 min 4.91 1014 236 EC 2.9 min 6.10 1014 237 EC 1.22 h 2.41 1013 238 EC 1.63 h 1.79 1013 239 EC 11.9 h 2.45 1012 240 EC 50.8 h 5.71 1011 241 a 432.2 yr 7.618 106 3.432 242 b– 16.02 h 1.794 1012 242 m IT 141 yr 2.33 107 243 a 7.37 103 yr 4.43 105 0.1996 244 b– 10.1 h 2.82 1012 244 m b– 26 min 6.58 1013 245 b– 2.05 h 1.38 1013 246 b– 25.0 min 6.79 1013 246 b– 39 min 4.35 1013 247 b– 23.0 min 7.35 1013

Cm 238 EC 2.3 h 1.27 1013 239 EC 2.9 h 1.00 1013 3470 Specific activities of actinide and transactinide nuclides. (Contd.) Major S c decay (dis min1 S d Nuclide modea Half‐lifeb mg1) (Ci g1)

240 a 27 d 4.47 1010 241 EC 32.8 d 3.67 1010 242 a 162.8 d 7.356 109 3.314 103 243 a 29.1 yr 1.12 108 50.5 244 a 18.10 yr 1.797 108 80.93 245 a 8.5 103 yr 3.81 105 0.172 246 a 4.76 103 yr 6.78 105 0.305 247 a 1.56 107 yr 2.06 102 9.28 10–5 248 a 3.48 105 yr 9.19 103 4.14 10–3 249 b 64.15 min 2.613 1013 250 SF 8.3 103 yr 3.82 105 251 b 16.8 min 9.10 1013

Bk 238 EC 2.4 min 7.31 1014 240 EC 4.8 min 3.62 1014 241 EC 4.6 min 3.8 1014 242 EC 7.0 min 2.46 1014 243 EC 4.5 h 6.36 1012 244 EC 4.35 h 6.55 1012 245 EC 4.94 d 2.39 1011 246 EC 1.80 d 6.55 1011 247 a 1.38 103 yr 2.33 106 1.05 248 b– 23.7 h 1.18 1012 248 decay not >9yr < 3.6 108 observed 249 b– 330 d 3.53 109 1.59 103 250 b– 3.217 h 8.648 1012 251 b– 55.6 min 2.99 1013

Cf 237 EC, SF 2.1 s 5.03 1016 238 EC, SF 21 ms 5.01 1018 239 a 39 s 2.69 1015 240 a 1.06 min 1.64 1015 241 a 3.8 min 4.56 1014 242 a 3.7 min 4.66 1014 243 EC 10.7 min 1.61 1014 244 a 19.4 min 8.82 1013 245 EC 45.0 min 3.79 1013 246 a 35.7 h 7.92 1011 247 EC 3.11 h 9.05 1012 248 a 333.5 d 3.504 109 249 a 351 yr 9.08 106 4.09 250 a 13.08 yr 2.426 108 109.3 251 a 898 yr 3.52 106 1.59 252 a 2.645 yr 1.190 109 536.2 253 b 17.81 d 6.431 1010 254 SF 60.5 d 1.89 1010 3471 Specific activities of actinide and transactinide nuclides. (Contd.) Major S c decay (dis min1 S d Nuclide modea Half‐lifeb mg1) (Ci g1)

255 b 1.4 h 1.95 1013 256 SF 12.3 min 1.33 1014

Es 241 a 8 s 1.3 1016 242 a 13.5 s 7.66 1015 243 a 21 s 4.91 1015 244 EC 37 s 2.77 1015 245 EC 1.1 min 1.55 1015 246 EC 7.7 min 2.20 1014 247 EC 4.55 min 3.71 1014 248 EC 27 min 6.23 1013 249 EC 1.70 h 1.64 1013 250a EC 8.6 h 3.24 1012 250a EC 2.22 h 1.25 1013 251 EC 33 h 8.40 1011 252 a 471.7 d 2.438 109 1.098 103 253 a 20.47 d 5.596 1010 2.521 104 254 g a 275.7 d 4.138 109 1.864 103 254 m b 39.3 h 6.97 1011 255 b 39.8 d 2.86 1010 1.286 104 256 b 25.4 min 6.42 1013 256 b 7.6 h 3.57 1012

Fm 242 SF 0.8 ms 1.3 1020 243 a 0.18 s 5.72 1017 244 SF 3.3 ms 3.11 1019 245 a 4.2 s 2.43 1016 246 a 1.1 s 9.25 1016 247 a 35 s 2.90 1015 247 a 9.2 s 1.10 1016 248 a 36 s 2.80 1015 249 a 2.6 min 6.45 1014 250 a 30 min 5.56 1013 250 m IT 1.8 s 5.56 1016 251 EC 5.30 h 5.23 1012 252 a 25.39 h 1.087 1012 253 EC 3.0 d 3.82 1011 254 a 3.240 h 8.451 1012 255 a 20.07 h 1.359 1012 6.122 105 256 SF 2.63 h 1.03 1013 257 a 100.5 d 1.122 1010 5.054 103 258 SF 0.37 ms 2.62 1020 259 SF 1.5 s 6.44 1016 260 SF 4 ms 2.4 1019

Md 245 a 0.4 s 2.6 1017 SF 0.9 ms 1.14 1020 3472 Specific activities of actinide and transactinide nuclides. (Contd.) Major S c decay (dis min1 S d Nuclide modea Half‐lifeb mg1) (Ci g1)

246 a 1.0 s 1.02 1017 247 a 1.12 s 9.05 1016 248 EC 7 s 1.4 1016 249 EC 24 s 4.19 1015 250 EC 52 s 1.93 1015 251 EC 4.0 min 4.16 1014 252 EC 2.3 min 7.20 1014 253 EC 6 min 2.8 1014 254 EC 10 min 1.64 1014 254 EC 28 min 5.87 1013 255 EC 27 min 6.06 1013 256 EC 1.27 h 2.14 1013 257 EC 5.52 h 4.90 1012 258 a 51.5 d 2.18 1010 258 EC 57.0 min 2.84 1013 259 SF 1.60 h 1.68 1013 260 SF 31.8 d 3.50 1010

No 250 SF 0.25 ms 4.01 1020 SF 39.2 ms 2.55 1018 251 a 0.76 s 1.25 1017 252 a 2.27 s 4.38 1016 253 a 1.62 min 1.02 1015 254 a 51 s 1.93 1015 254 m IT 0.28 s 3.52 1017 255 a 3.1 min 5.28 1014 256 a 2.91 s 3.36 1016 257 a 25 s 3.90 1015 258 SF 1.2 ms 8.09 1019 259 a 58 min 2.78 1013 260 SF, a 106 ms 9.08 1017 262 SF 5 ms 1.9 1019

Lr 252 a 0.36 s 2.76 1017 253 m a 1.5 s 6.60 1016 253 a 0.57 s 1.74 1017 254 a 13 s 7.58 1015 255 a, EC 21.5 s 4.57 1015 256 a, EC 25.9 s 3.78 1015 257 a, EC 0.65 s 1.50 1017 258 a 3.9 s 2.49 1016 259 a, SF 6.2 s 1.56 1016 260 a, EC 3.0 min 5.35 1014 261 SF 39 min 4.10 1013 262 SF, EC 3.6 h 7.37 1012

Rf 253 SF 48 ms 2.1 1021 254 SF 22.3 ms 4.42 1021 3473 Specific activities of actinide and transactinide nuclides. (Contd.) Major S c decay (dis min1 S d Nuclide modea Half‐lifeb mg1) (Ci g1)

255 a 1.64 s 5.99 1016 256 SF, a 6 ms 1.63 1019 257 a 4.7 s 2.07 1016 258 SF 12 ms 8.08 1018 259 a 3.1 s 3.12 1016 260 SF 20 ms 4.82 1018 261 a 75.5 s 1.271 1015 a, SF 4.2 s 2.28 1016 262 SF 2.1 s 4.55 1016 SF 47 ms 2.03 1018

Db 256 EC, a 1.6 s 6.11 1016 257 a, SF 1.5 s 6.50 1016 257 m a, SF 0.76 s 1.28 1017 258 a 4.4 s 2.21 1016 259 a 0.51 s 1.90 1017 260 a 1.5 s 6.42 1016 261 a 1.8 s 5.33 1016 262 SF 34 s 2.81 1015 263 a, SF 27 s 3.53 1015 268 SF 16 h 1.62 1012

Sg 258 SF 2.9 ms 3.35 1019 259 a 0.48 s 2.01 1017 260 a 3.6 ms 2.67 1019 261 a, SF 0.23 s 4.17 1017 262 SF 6.9 ms 1.38 1019 263 a 0.9 s 1.06 1017 a 0.3 s 3.2 1017 265 a 7.4 s 1.28 1016 266 a 21 s 4.48 1015

Bh 261 a 12 ms 8.0 1018 262 a 0.1 s 9.6 1017 a 8.0 ms 1.19 1019 264 a 1.0 s 9.5 1016 266 a 1 s 9.4 1016 267 a 17 s 5.52 1015 272 a 9.8 s 9.40 1015

Hs 264 a 0.26 ms 3.65 1020 265 a 1.7 ms 5.56 1019 a 0.8 ms 1.18 1020 266 a 2.3 ms 4.09 1019 267 a 59 ms 1.59 1018 269 a 14 s 6.65 1015 270 a 4s 2.3 1016 3474 Specific activities of actinide and transactinide nuclides. (Contd.) Major S c decay (dis min1 S d Nuclide modea Half‐lifeb mg1) (Ci g1)

Mt 266 a 1.7 ms 5.54 1019 268 a 42 ms 2.22 1018 276 a 0.72 s 1.26 1017

Ds 267 a 3.1 ms 3.02 1022 269 a 0.17 ms 5.47 1020 270 a 0.10 ms 9.27 1020 a 6.0 ms 1.54 1019 271 a 56 ms 1.65 1018 a 1.1 ms 8.40 1019 273 a 0.15 ms 6.11 1020 280 SF 7.6 s 1.18 1016

Rg 272 a 1.6 ms 5.75 1019 280 a 3.6 s 2.48 1016

112 277 a 0.6 ms 1.51 1020 283 SF 3 min 4.9 1014 284 a 0.75 min 1.96 1015

113 284 a 0.48 s 1.84 1017

114 287 a 5 s 1.7 1016 288 a 2.6 s 3.34 1016

115 288 a 87 ms 1.00 1018

116 292 a 53 ms 1.62 1018 a Decay modes are denoted by: a for alpha decay, b for beta decay, EC for electron capture, IT for isomeric transition, and SF for spontaneous fission. The decay mode given in this column represents either the major decay mode or the only observed decay mode. b 1 year ¼ 365.243 days. c Specific activity is given in units of disintegrations per minute per microgram and contains one more significant figure than the half‐life in order to avoid rounding‐off errors. d For commonly used isotopes, specific activities are also given in units of Curies per gram. 1 Ci ¼ 2.22 1012 disintegrations per minute ¼ 3.7 1010 Bq. SUBJECT INDEX

Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440. Page numbers suffixed by t and f refer to Tables and Figures respectively.

AAS. See Atomic absorption spectrometry tribromide, 1099t, 1100 Ab initio model potentials (AIMP) trichloride, 1099, 1099t for actinyl spectroscopic study, 1930 of plutonyl , aqueous solution, 2080, for electronic structure calculation, 1908 2081f Absorption cross section, neutron scattering of protactinium and, 2233 protactinium (V), 212, 212f Absorption spectra protactinium (V) sulfates, 216, 218f of actinides, cyclopentadienyl complexes, in solution, 1604–1605, 1604f 1955 of uranium of americium, 1364–1368 bromide complexes, 496–497 americium (III), 1364–1365, 1365f halides, 442, 443f, 529, 557 americium (IV), 1365 hexachloride, 567 americium (V), 1366, 1367f hexafluoride, 561 americium (VI), 1366, 1367f iodide complexes, 499 americium (VII), 1367–1368, 1368f oxochloride, 526 of berkelium, 1455 pentavalent and complex halides, 501 berkelium (III), 1444–1445, 1455, 1456f pentavalent fluorides and berkelium (IV), 1455 complexes, 521 of californium, 1515–1516 tetrabromide, 495 californium (III), 2091, 2092f tetrafluoride, 2068, 2069f compounds, 1542–1545, 1544f trichloride, 447 halides, 1545 trichloride hydrates, 449–450 organometallic, 1541 trifluoride, 445 in solution, 1557–1559, 1557t, 1558f, uranium (III), 2057–2058, 2057f, 2091, 1559t 2092f of curium uranium oxobromo complexes, 573 curium (III), 1402–1404, 1404f , 523, 523f curium (IV), 1402–1404, 1405f of , 2276–2278, 2277f of einsteinium, 1600–1602, 1601f of uranium tetravalent halides, 482–483, in borosilicate glass, 1601–1602, 483f 1602f–1603f Absorption spectroscopy, resonance effects intensity of, 2089–2093 in, 2236 of liquid plutonium, 963 Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) of neptunium, 763–766, 763f, 786–787 applications of, 3318–3319 neptunium (VII) ternary , 729 components of, 3316, 3317f tetrafluoride, 2068, 2070f development of, 3317–3318 of neptunyl ion, aqueous solution, 2080, for environmental actinides, 3059t, 2081f 3062–3063 of plutonium fundamentals of, 3316–3318, 3317f hexafluoride, 1088, 1089f, 2084–2085, historical development of, 3316 2086f for mass spectrometry, 3310 ions, 1113–1117, 1116t of neptunium, 790 plutonium (IV), 849 overview of, 3315–3316 polymerization, 1151, 1151f problems of, 3329 tetrachloride, 1093–1094, 1094f requirements for, 3317 I-1 I-2 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) uranium (IV), 3105–3106 (Contd.) (VI), 3101t–3102t, 3118–3121 sensitivity of, 3316 Acidic extractants, for solvent extraction, TIMS v., 3329 2650–2652, 2651f for trace analysis, 3315–3319 Accelerator transmutation, of SNF, 1812 for decomposition, 3280 Accelerator transmutation of waste (ATW), for Purex process, 711 overview of, 2693–2694 for solvent extraction, 839 Acetates uranium metal reactions with, 328 of actinide elements, 1796 Actinide cations of americium, 1322, 1323t complexes of, 2577–2591 coordination with, glycolate v., 590 with inorganic , 2578–2580, of plutonium, 1177, 1180 2579t, 2581t structural chemistry of, 2439t–2440t, with inorganic oxo ligands, 2580–2584, 2440–2445, 2444f 2582t of thorium, 114 with organic ligands, 2584–2591, properties of, 114 2585t–2586t, 2588f, 2589t of uranium, 603–605, 604t correlations in, 2567–2577 Acetone Gibbs energy, 2568–2570, derived compounds, of americium, 1322, 2568f–2569f 1323t, 1324 basicity, 2567–2568 protactinium extraction with, 185 hydration of, 2528–2544 Acetonitrile, with uranium trichloride, 452 in concentrated solution, 2536–2538, Acetylacetonates, of thorium, 115 2537f Acetylacetones hexavalent, 2531–2532 actinide complexes with, 1783 in non-aqueous media, 2532–2533 californium extraction with, 1513 overview, 2528 SFE separation with, 2680 pentavalent, 2531–2532 Acid decomposition, 3279–3281 tetravalent, 2530–2531 acids for, 3280 thermodynamic properties, 2538–2544, description of, 3279–3280 2540t–2541t, 2542f, 2543t, 2544f systems for, 3280–3281 trivalent, 2528–2530, 2529f, 2529t Acid leaching, for uranium ore, 305 TRLF technique, 2534–2536, 2535f, limitations of, 306–307 2535t–2536t Acid pugging, of uranium ore, 306 hydrolysis of, 2545–2556, 2545f Acid speciation hexavalent, 2553–2556, 2554f–2555f, of americium (III), 3114t, 3115 2554t–2555t of berkelium (IV/III), 3109–3110 pentavalent, 2552–2553 of californium (III), 3110, 3114t, 3115 tetravalent, 2547–2552, 2549t–2550t, of curium (III), 3110, 3114t 2551f–2552f of environmental samples, 3100–3124 trivalent, 2546, 2547f, 2547t–2548t EXAFS, 3100–3103 inner v. outer sphere complexations, monatomic An (III) and An (IV) ions, 2563–2566, 2566f, 2567t 3100–3118 oxidation states of, 2525–2527, 2525f triatomic An (V) and An (VI) ions, stability constants of, 2558–2559 3118–3124 correlations, 2567–2577 of neptunium trivalent, 2562, 2563t neptunium (III), 3111t–3112t, Actinide chalcogenides, structural chemistry 3116–3117 of, 2409–2414, 2412t–2413t neptunium (IV), 3106–3108, 3111t–3112t Actinide chemistry neptunyl (V), 3111t–3112t, 3121–3122 actinide element properties, 1753–1830 neptunyl (VI), 3111t–3112t, 3122–3123 biological behavior, 1813–1818 of plutonium electronic structure, 1770–1773 of plutonium (III), 3113t, 3117–3118 environmental aspects, 1803–1813 of plutonium (IV), 3108–3109, 3113t experimental techniques, 1764–1769 plutonyl (VI/V), 3113t, 3123–3124 metallic state, 1784–1790 of thorium (IV), 3103–3105, 3103t oxidation states, 1774–1784 of uranium, 3100–3103, 3101t–3102t practical applications, 1825–1829 uranium (III), 3101t–3102t, 3116 solid compounds, 1790–1803 Subject Index I-3 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

sources of, 1755–1763 cation hydration, 2528–2544 toxicology, 1818–1825 cation hydrolysis, 2545–2556 actinium, 18–44 cation-cation complexes, 2593–2596 applications of, 42–44 complexation reaction kinetics, atomic properties of, 33–34 2602–2606 compounds of, 35–36 complexes, 2577–2591 metallic state of, 34–35 correlations, 2566–2577 nuclear properties of, 20–26 inner v. outer sphere, 2563–2566 occurrence in nature of, 26–27 redox reaction kinetics, 2597–2602 preparation and purification of, 27–33 ternary complexes, 2591–2593 solution and analytical chemistry of, curium, 1397–1434 37–42 analytical chemistry of, 1432–1434 americium aqueous chemistry of, 1424–1432 analytical chemistry and spectroscopy, atomic properties of, 1402–1406 1364–1370 compounds of, 1412–1424 aqueous solution chemistry, 1324–1356 history of, 1397–1398 atomic properties, 1295–1297 metallic state of, 1410–1412 compounds, 1302–1324 nuclear properties of, 1398–1400 coordination chemistry and complexes, production of, 1400–1402 1356–1364 separation and purification of, history of, 1265 1407–1410 isotope production, 1267–1268 einsteinium, 1577–1613 metal and alloys, 1297–1302 atomic and ionic radii, and promotion nuclear properties of, 1265–1267 energies, 1612–1613 separation and purification of, 1268–1295 compounds, 1594–1612 in animals and man, 3339–3424 electronic properties and structure, binding in bone, 3406–3412 1586–1588 in bone, 3400–3406 metallic state, 1588–1594 clearance from circulation, 3367–3387 nuclear properties, 1579–1583 initial distribution, 3340–3356 production, 1579–1583 in liver, 3395–3400 purification and isolation, 1583–1585 tissue deposition kinetics, 3387–3395 electronic structures of compounds of, transport in body fluids, 3356–3367 1893–1998 in vivo chelation, 3412–3423 actinyl ions and oxo complexes, berkelium 1914–1933 analytical chemistry, 1483–1484 halide complexes, 1933–1942 compounds, 1462–1472 matrix-isolated, 1967–1991 free atom and ion properties, 1451–1457 organometallics, 1942–1967 history of, 1444–1445 relativistic approaches, 1902–1914 ions in solution, 1472–1483 speciated ions, 1991–1992 metallic state, 1457–1462 unsupported metal-metal bonds, nuclear properties, availability, and 1993–1994 applications, 1445–1447 environmental identification and speciation, production, 1448 3013–3073 separation and purification, 1448–1451 background, 3013–3021 californium, 1499–1563 combining and comparing analytical applications, 1505–1507 techniques, 3065–3071 compounds, 1527–1545 sampling, handling, treatment, and electronic properties and structure, separation, 3021–3024 1513–1517 specifics of, 3024–3065 gas-phase studies, 1559–1561 fermium, 1622–1630 metallic state, 1517–1527 atomic properties of, 1626, 1627t preparation and nuclear properties, isotopes of, 1622–1624, 1623t 1502–1504 metallic state, 1626–1628 separation and purification, 1507–1513 preparation and purification of, solution chemistry, 1545–1559 1624–1625, 1625f complexation and kinetics in solution, solution chemistry, 1628–1630 2524–2607 handling, storage, and disposition, bonding, 2556–2563 3199–3266 I-4 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Actinide chemistry (Contd.) history of, 699–700 compound formation and properties, isotope production, 702–703 3204–3215 metallic state of, 717–721 disposition options, 3262–3266 in nature, 703–704 hazard assessment, 3248–3259 nuclear properties of, 700–702 hazard mitigation, 3259–3262 separation and purification, 704–717 kinetic considerations, 3201–3204 nobelium, 1636–1641 plutonium compound reaction kinetics, atomic properties, 1639 3215–3223 isotopes, 1637–1638 plutonium metal corrosion kinetics, metallic state, 1639 3223–3238 preparation and purification, 1638–1639 radiolytic reactions, 3246–3248 solution chemistry, 1639–1641 uranium compounds and metal corrosion optical spectra and electronic structure, kinetics, 3238–3246 2013–2103 lawrencium, 1641–1647 divalent and high valence states, atomic properties, 1643–1644 2076–2089 isotopes, 1642 modeling of crystal-field interaction, metallic state, 1644 2036–2056 preparation and purification, 1642–1643 modeling of free-ion interactions, solution chemistry, 1644–1647 2020–2036 magnetic properties, 2225–2295 radiative and nonradiative electronic 5f0 compounds, 2239–2240 transitions, 2089–2103 5f1 compounds, 2240–2247 relative energies of, 2016–2020 5f2 compounds, 2247–2257 tetravalent spectra interpretation, 5f3 compounds, 2257–2261 2064–2076 5f4 compounds, 2261–2262 trivalent spectra interpretation, 2056–2064 5f5 compounds, 2262–2263 organoactinide catalytic processes, 5f6 compounds, 2263–2265 2911–3006 5f7 compounds, 2265–2268 alkyne dimerization, 2930–2947 5f8 compounds, 2268–2269 alkyne hydroamination, 2981–2990 5f9 compounds, 2269–2271 alkyne oligomerization, 2923–2930 5f10 compounds, 2271 amine, silane reactions, 2978–2981 5f11 compounds, 2271–2272 azide and hydrazine reduction, actinide dioxides, 2272–2294 2994–2996 mendelevium, 1630–1636 heterogeneous, 2999–3006 atomic properties, 1633–1634 intramolecular hydroamination, isotopes, 1630–1631 2990–2993 metallic state, 1634–1635 olefin hydrogenation, 2996–2997 preparation and purification, 1631–1633 olefin hydrosilylation, 2953–2978 solution chemistry, 1635–1636 olefin polymerization, 2997–2999 metallic state and 5f-electron phenomena, reactivity, 2912–2923 2307–2373 terminal alkyne cross dimerization, basic properties, 2313–2328 2947–2952, 2948f–2949f cohesion properties, 2368–2371 , 2799–2894 general observations, 2328–2333 bimetallic complexes, 2889–2893 magnetism, 2353–2368 -based ancillary ligands, overview of, 2309–2313 2800–2867 strong correlations, 2341–2350 heteroatom-based ancillary ligands, strongly hybridized, 2333–2339 2876–2889 superconductivity, 2350–2353 heteroatom-containing ancillary ligands, weak correlations, 2339–2341 2868–2876 neptunium, 699–795 neutral carbon-based donor ligands, analytical chemistry and spectroscopic 2893–2894 techniques, 782–795 plutonium in aqueous solution, 752–770 atomic properties of, 857–862 compounds of, 721–752 compounds of, 987–1108 coordination complexes in solution, metal and intermetallic compounds of, 771–782 862–987 Subject Index I-5 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

natural occurrence of, 822–824 oxides and complex oxides, 2135–2157 nuclear properties of, 815–822 pnictides, 2200–2204 separation and purification of, 826–857 thorium, 52–134 solution chemistry of, 1108–1203 atomic spectroscopy of, 59–60 protactinium, 161–232 compounds of, 63–117 analytical chemistry of, 223–231 history of, 52–53 atomic properties of, 189–191 metal of, 60–63 metallic state of, 191–194 nuclear properties of, 53–55 nuclear properties of, 164–170 occurrence of, 55–56 occurrence in nature of, 170–171 processing and separation of, 56–59 preparation and purification of, 171–189 solution chemistry of, 117–134 simple and complex compounds of, trace analysis, 3273–3330 194–209 atomic spectrometric techniques, solution chemistry of, 209–223 3307–3309 separation of, 2622–2769 chemical procedures, 3278–3288 applications, 2725–2767 mass spectrometric techniques, future of, 2768–2769 3309–3328 historical development of, 2627–2631 nuclear techniques, 3288–3307 systems for, 2631–2725 transactinide elements and future elements, spectra and electronic structures of, 1652–1739 1836–1887 elements 104–112 chemical property actinide parameters, 1864–1866 measurements, 1690–1721 configuration summary, 1866–1872 elements 104–112 chemical property einsteinium electrodeless lamps, predictions, 1672–1689 1885–1886 elements beyond 112, 1722–1739 electronic structures, 1852–1860 nuclear properties, 1661 empirical analysis, 1841–1852 one-atom-at-a-time chemistry, experimental spectroscopy, 1838–1841 1661–1666 ionization potentials with relativistic effects on chemical properties, spectroscopy, 1873–1875 1666–1671 ionization potentials with resonance transfermium elements, 1621–1622 ionization mass spectrometry, uranium, 253–639 1875–1879 analytical chemistry of, 631–639 laser spectroscopy, 1873 chemical bonding of, 575–578 laser spectroscopy of super-deformed compounds of, 328–575 fission isomers, 1880–1884 free atom and ion properties, 318 new properties from, 1872–1873 history of, 253–639 radial parameters, 1862–1863 metal of, 318–328 theoretical term structure, 1860–1862 natural occurrence of, 257–302 structural chemistry of, 2380–2495 nuclear properties of, 255–257 coordination compounds, 2436–2467 ore processing and separation, 302–317 metals and inorganic compounds, organometallic and biochemistry of, 2384–2436 630–631 organoactinide compounds, 2467–2491 solution chemistry of, 590–630 solid state structural techniques, structure and coordination chemistry of, 2381–2384 579–590 thermodynamic properties, 2113–2213 X-ray absorption spectroscopy, 3086–3184 carbides, 2195–2198 future direction, 3183–3184 chalcogenides, 2204–2205 sorption studies, 3140–3183 complex halides, oxyhalides, and terrestrial aquatic environment, nitrohalides, 2179–2187 3095–3140 elements, 2115–2123 Actinide complexes, 2577–2591 halides, 2157–2179 bonding in, 2556–2563 hydrides, 2187–2190 coordination numbers, 2558–2560, 2559f hydroxides and oxyhydrates, 2190–2195 covalent contribution to, 2561–2562, ions in aqueous solutions, 2123–2133 2563t ions in molten salts, 2133–2135 ionicity of f-element, 2556, 2557f other binary compounds, 2205–2211 steric effects in, 2560 I-6 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Actinide complexes (Contd.) halide complexes, 1933–1942 strength of, 2560–2561 oxyhalides, 1939–1942 thermodynamics of, 2556–2557, 2558t uranium hexafluoride and related cation-cation, 2593–2596, 2596f, 2596t complexes, 1933–1939 complexation kinetics, 2602–2606, matrix-isolated, 1967–1991 2605f, 2606t binary carbonyls, 1984–1987 americium, 2604–2605 carbide oxides, 1976–1984 Eigen mechanism, 2602–2603 description of, 1968 multidentate ligands, 2603–2604 developments of, 1969 simple v. complex, 2602 dioxides, 1970–1976 trivalent complexes, 2605–2606, nitride-oxides, 1989–1991 2605f, 2606t nitrides, 1987–1989 fluorides, 2578 overview of, 1968–1970 halides, 2578–2580, 2581t organometallics, 1942–1967 hexafluorides, 1933–1939 , 1943–1952 with inorganic ligands, 2578–2580, cyclopentadienyl complexes, 2579t, 2581t 1952–1959 with inorganic oxo ligands, 2580–2584, miscellaneous, 1965–1967 2582t six- and seven-membered ring carbonates, 2583 complexes, 1959–1962 complex, 2583–2584 uranium (III) complexes, 1962–1965 nitrates, 2581 relativistic approaches, 1902–1914 phosphates, 2583 double groups, 1910–1914 sulfates, 2581–2582, 2582t excited electronic states, 1909–1910 with organic ligands, 2584–2591, Hartree-Fock and functional 2585t–2586t, 2588f, 2589t approaches, 1902–1904 carboxylates, 2584, 2585t–2586t, RECPs, 1907–1909 2586–2587, 2590 relativistic effects, 1904–1907 catecholamine, 2590–2591 speciated ions, 1991–1992 crown , 2590 unsupported metal-metal bonds, fulvic acid, 2590–2591 1993–1994 humic acid, 2590–2591 magnetic properties of, 2361–2362 hydroxypyridonate, 2590–2591 thermodynamic properties of, siderophores, 2590–2591 2113–2213 overview of, 2577 antimonides, 2197t, 2203–2204 redox reaction kinetics, 2597–2602 arsenides, 2197t, 2203–2204 An-O bond breakage, 2598–2600, carbides, 2195–2198 2599t chalcogenides, 2203t, 2204–2205 complexation effect, 2601–2602, 2602t complex halides, 2179–2182 disproportionation reactions, 2600–2601, group IIA elements, 2205, 2600t 2206t–2207t electron exchange reactions, 2597–2598 group IIIA elements, 2205–2206, ternary, 2591–2593 2206t–2207t, 2208f hydrolytic behavior of, 2592–2593 group IVA elements, 2206–2208, modeling of, 2593 2206t–2207t overview of, 2591–2592 halides, 2157–2179 use of, 2592–2593 hydrides, 2187–2190 Actinide compounds nitrides, 2200–2203 electronic structure of, 1893–1998 nitrohalides, 2182–2185 actinyl ions and oxo complexes, oxides, 2192–2195 1914–1933 oxides and complex oxides, actinyl complexes, 1920–1928 2135–2157 ‘bare’ species and ions in solids, oxyhalides, 2182–2187 1928–1932 oxyhydroxides, 2193–2195 high oxidation species, phosphides, 2197t, 2203–2204 1932–1933, 1932t pnictides, 2200–2204 uranyl ion and related species, selenides, 2203t, 2204–2205 1914–1920 sulfides, 2203t, 2204, 2204f Subject Index I-7 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

tellurides, 2203t, 2204–2205 elution of, 1625f transition elements, 2208–2211 entropy of, 2539, 2542f, 2543t trihydroxides, 2190–2192 in environment, 3013–3014, 3015f characteristics of, 2333–2334 analytical techniques for, 3018–3020, Actinide concept 3019t history of, 3, 1754–1755 anthropogenic, 3016 periodic table and, 10–11 dispersal of, 3016–3017 Actinide-CU. See DIPEX resin , 3017 Actinide elements, 1753–1830 natural occurrence, 3014–3016, 3015f absorption cross section of, 2233 separation of, 3021 atomic volumes of, 922–923, 923f environmental aspects of, 1803–1813 biological behavior, 1813–1818 in hydrosphere, 1807–1810 bioremediation, 1817–1818 man-made, 1805–1807 in body fluids, 1814–1815 of natural origin, 1804–1805 bone uptake, 1817 nuclear waste disposal, 1811–1813 general considerations, 1813–1814 overview of, 1803 liver uptake, 1815–1816 sorption and mobility, 1810–1811 in bone, 1817, 3400–3406 experimental techniques, 1764–1769 americium (III), 3403 column partition chromatography, 1769 binding of, 3406–3412 hazards, 1764–1765 blood supply of, 3402 ion-exchange chromatography, composition of, 3406 1767–1768, 1768f as deposition site, 3344–3445 liquid-liquid extraction, 1768–1769 neptunyl ion, 3404 long-lived nuclides, 1765–1766 plutonium (IV), 3403 tracer techniques, 1766 retention of, 3404–3406 ultramicrochemical manipulation, 1767 surfaces of, 3401–3402 extraction of uranyl ion, 3403 DIDPA, 1276 cyclopentadienyl complexes of, 1952–1959 HDEHP, 1275 3 ligands þ X, 1956–1957 organophosphorus and 4 ligands, 1953–1954 carbamoylphosphonate reagents, ‘-free’ 3 ligands, 1954–1956, 1955f 1276–1278 metal-metal bonds, 1958–1959 reductive, 2719 mixed ligands, 1957–1958 stripping of, 1280–1281 overview of, 1952–1953, 1953f TRPO, 1274–1275 structure of, 1953, 1953f f-d promotion energies of, 1560, 1561f, definition of, 18 1586–1588, 1587f discovery of, 4, 5f–7f, 8–10 ground state configuration of, 1895, 1897t divalent, 2525–2526 heptavalent, 2527 electronic structures of, 2024, 2024t hexavalent, 2527 observed spectra of, 2077–2079 cyclopentadienyl complexes, 2847–2851 electronic structures of, 1770–1773, energy levels, 2081–2082, 2083t, 2084f 1842t–1850t, 1851–1860, 1851f, hydrolytic behavior of, 2553–2556, 1894–1897, 1896f–1897f, 1896t–1897t 2554f–2555f, 2554t–2555t crystal-field interaction, 2036–2056 observed spectra of, 2079–2085, 2080t determination of, 1858–1860, 1860f stability constants of, 2571–2572, 2573f energies of, 1853–1858, 1854f, 1855t, ionization potentials of 1856f, 1859f by laser spectroscopy, 1873–1875, 1874t free-ion interactions, 2020–2036 by RIMS, 1875–1879, 1877t, general considerations, 1770 1878f–1879f periodic table position, 1773, 1774f elements v., 2, 10–11 redox potentials v., 1859–1860, 1860f atomic volume, 1578–1579, 1578f relative energies, 2016–2020 bonding in, 584–585 relativistic approaches for, 1902–1914 extraction from, 1286–1289, 1407 relativistic effects on, 1898–1900 free-ion interaction and crystal-field spectroscopic studies, 1770–1771 strength, 2062–2064, 2063t structure, 1771–1773, 1772t, 1773f ligand displacement series for, 2806 electrorecovery of, 2719–2721 phonon energy relaxation, 2096 I-8 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Actinide elements (Contd.) properties of, 1786t relativistic effects on, 1898, 1899f superconductivity, 1789–1790 separation from, 2635, 2635f natural occurrence of, 1755–1756, lanthanide separation from, 2669–2677, 1804–1805, 3014–3016, 3273, 2757–2760 3274t–3275t, 3276 Cyanex 301, 2675–2676 new properties of, 1872–1873 dithiophosphinic acids, 2676 optical spectra and electronic structure of, LIX–63, 2759–2760 2013–2103 process applications, 2670–2671 crystal-field interaction, 2036–2056 separation factors for, 2669–2670, divalent, 2077–2079 2670t free-ion interactions, 2020–2036 soft-donor complexants for, 2670–2671, penta- and hexavalent, 2079–2085, 2080t 2673 tetravalent, 2064–2076 donor extractants, 2676–2677, trivalent, 2056–2064 2677t f orbital in, 1894–1895, 1896f, 1896t TALSPEAK, 2671–2673, 2672f, 2760 overview of, 1–2, 2f TPTZ, 2673–2675, 2674t oxidation states, 1774–1784 TRAMEX process, 2758–2759, 2759f complex-ion formation, 1782–1784 laser spectroscopy of, 1873 hydrolysis and polymerization, ionization potentials by, 1873–1875, 1778–1782 1874t ion types, 1777–1778, 1777t, 1779f, 1780t super-deformed fission isomers of ions in aqueous solution, 1774–1776, americium, 1880–1884, 1881f, 1775t 1883f–1884f, 1883t parameters of, 1864–1866 ligand bonding of, 1900–1901 least-squares fitted values, 1864–1865, long-lived, 1763, 1764t 1864f lowest level of configurations of, 1841, radial integral comparisons, 1865, 1866 1842t–1850t pentavalent, 2526–2527 magnetism in, 2354–2356 circulation clearance of, 3376–3379 in mammalian tissues, 3339–3424 cyclopentadienyl complexes, 2845–2847 binding in bone, 3406–3412 energy levels, 2081–2082, 2083t, 2084f bone, 3400–3406 hydrolytic behavior of, 2552–2553 liver, 3395–3400 initial distribution in mammalian tissues, matrix-isolated, 1967–1991 3350–3354 binary carbonyls, 1984–1987 observed spectra of, 2079–2085, 2080t carbide oxides, 1976–1984 plutonium oxidation and reduction by ions description of, 1968 of, 1133–1137, 1134t–1135t developments of, 1969 practical applications, 1825–1829 dioxides, 1970–1976 medical and other, 1828–1829 nitride-oxides, 1989–1991 neutron sources, 1827–1828 nitrides, 1987–1989 nuclear power, 1826–1827 overview of, 1968–1970 portable power sources, 1827 metallic state and 5f-electron phenomena production of, 2729–2736 of, 2307–2373 phosphate process, 2730 basic properties, 2313–2328 BUTEX process, 2731 cohesion properties, 2368–2371 CMPO, 2738–2752 general observations, 2328–2333 DHDECMP, 2737–2738 magnetism, 2353–2368 DIDPA, 2753–2756 overview of, 2309–2313 DMDBTDMA, 2756 strong correlations, 2341–2350 extractant comparisons, 2763–2764, 2763t strongly hybridized, 2333–2339 methods under development, 2760–2763 superconductivity, 2350–2353 neptunium partitioning, 2756–2757 weak correlations, 2339–2341 PUREX process, 2732–2733 metallic state of, 1–2, 964, 1784–1790 REDOX process, 2730–2731 , 1785–1787, 1786t THOREX process, 2733–2736 electronic structures, 1788–1789, 1789f TLA process, 2731–2732 polymorphic transformation, 1787 trivalent actinide/lanthanide group preparation, 1784–1785 separation, 2757–2760 Subject Index I-9 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

TRPO, 2752–2753 trivalent, 2526 around the world, 2764–2767 circulation clearance of, 3370–3376 in pyroprocessing, 2694 cyclopentadienyl complexes, 2800–2814 quadrupole moments of, 1884, 1884f electronic structures of, 2024, 2024t questions of, 14–15 energy levels of, 2032, 2033t separation of, rare earth metals, 2719, hydrolytic behavior of, 2546, 2547f, 2720t, 2721f 2547t–2548t six- and seven-membered ring complexes of, initial distribution in mammalian tissues, 1959–1962, 1961f 3341t–3347t, 3345–3350, 3348f solid compounds, 1790–1803 observed spectra of, 2056–2064 binary, 1790, 1791t–1795t stability constants of, 2571–2572, 2573f crystal structure and ionic radii, 1798, Wigner-Seitz radius of, 2310–2312, 2311f 1799t Actinide ions introductory remarks, 1790 absorption cross section of, 2233 organoactinide, 1800–1803 in aqueous phase, 2123–2133 other, 1796 electrode potentials, 2127–2131 oxides and nonstoichiometric systems, enthalpy of formation, 2123–2125, 1796–1798 2124f–2125f sorption studies of, 1810–1811, 3140–3183 entropies, 2125–2127 bacterial interactions, 3177–3183 heat capacities, 2132–2133 carbonate incorporation, 3159–3164 EPR measurements of, 2226 -bearing mineral phases, 3164–3169 for SFE, 2683–2684 natural soil samples, 3171–3177 speciated, 1991–1992, 1992f overview of, 3140, 3151 thermodynamic properties of phosphates, 3169–3171 in aqueous solutions, 2123–2133, 2128t silicates, 3151–3158 in molten salts, 2133–2135 sources of, 1755–1763 Actinide metals atomic weights, 1763 Bloch states in, 2316 heavy-ion bombardment, 1761–1763 cohesion properties of, 2368–2371 natural, 1755–1756 magnetism in, 2353–2368 neutron irradiation, 1756–1761 electronic transport and, 2367–2368 spin-orbit coupling in, 1899–1900, 1899f exchange interactions and magnetic structures of, 2369f, 2370–2371, 2371f anisotropy, 2364–2366, 2365f–2366f superconductivity of, 1789–1790, 2239 general features of, 2353–2354 synthesis of, 2630, 2631t intermetallic compounds, 2356–2361 systematics of, 10–13 magnetic structures, 2366–2367 tetravalent, 2526 orbital moments, 2362–2364, 2363f circulation clearance of, 3376–3379 other compounds, 2361–2362 cyclopentadienyl complexes, 2814–2845 in pure elements, 2354–2356 electronic structures of, 2024, 2024t overview of, 2309–2313 energy levels, 2081–2082, 2083t, 2084f crystal structure of, 2312–2313, 2312f hydrolytic behavior of, 2547–2552, electrical resistivity of, 2309, 2310f 2549t–2550t, 2551f–2552f Wigner-Seitz radius of, 2310–2312, initial distribution in mammalian tissues, 2311f 3350–3354 properties of, 2313, 2314t–2315t observed spectra of, 2064–2076 Brillouin zones, 2317–2318 stability constants of, 2571–2572, 2573f complex and hybridized bands, thermodynamic properties of, 2113–2223 2318–2319, 2318f in aqueous solutions, 2123–2133, 2128t density functional theory, 2326–2328 in condensed phase, 2115–2118, density of states, 2318f, 2319 2119t–2120t, 2121f electrical resistivity, 2324 in gas phase, 2118–2123, 2119t–2120t electron-electron correlations, 2325–2326 in molten salts, 2133–2135 electronic heat capacity, 2323 toxicology, 1818–1825 Fermi energy and effective mass, ingestion and inhalation, 1818–1820 2319–2322 plutonium acute toxicity, 1820–1821 Fermi surface, 2322–2323 plutonium long-term effects, 1821–1822 formation of energy bands, 2313–2317 removal of, 1822–1825 one-electron band model, 2324–2325 I-10 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Actinide metals (Contd.) in aqueous solution, 1774–1776, 1775t strongly hybridized 5f bands in, ion types, 1777–1778, 1777t 2333–2339 preparation and purification of, 27–33 Fermi surface measurements, 2334 gram quantities, 32–33 photoemission measurement by ion-exchange chromatography, 30–32 background, 2334–2336 purification of, 28–30 strong correlations, 2341–2350 reduction potentials of, 1778, 1779f, UIr3 PES, 2336–2339, 2337f 2127–2131, 2130f–2131f weak correlations, 2339–2341 solution and analytical chemistry of, structural chemistry of, 2384–2388 37–42 actinium, 2385 complexation, 40, 41t americium, 2386–2387 radiocolloid formation, 41–42 berkelium, 2388 redox behavior, 37–38 californium, 2388 solubility, 38–40, 39t curium, 2387–2388 sublimation enthalpy of, 2119t–2120t, einsteinium, 2388 2122–2123, 2122f neptunium, 2385–2386 from uranium–235, 42–44 overview, 2384–2385, 2384f Actinium (III) plutonium, 2386, 2387f detection of, limits to, 3071t protactinium, 2385 energy level structure of, 2058, 2059f thorium, 2385 hydration of, 2528–2530, 2529f, 2529t uranium, 2385 in mammalian tissues, circulation clearance superconductivity of, 2350–2353 of, 3368f, 3370–3371 Actinide oxides, structure of, 2390 Actinium (I), electron configurations of, Actinide oxyhalides, structural chemistry of, 2018–2019, 2018f 2421, 2422t, 2423, 2424t–2426t Actinium sesquioxide Actinide phosphates, structural chemistry of, formation enthalpy of, 2143–2146, 2144t, 2430–2433, 2431t–2432t 2145f Actinium structure of, 2390 applications of, 42–44 Actinium trihalides, structural chemistry of, as geochemical tracer, 44 2416, 2417t as heat sources, 42–43 Actinium-225 as neutron sources, 43 as bismuth-231 generator, 44 for tumor radiotherapy, 43–44 decay series of, 24f, 25 atomic properties of, 33–34 identification of, 42 compounds of, 35, 36t properties of, 22t–23t, 25–26 enthalpy of formation, 2123–2125, from protactinium–233, 171 2124f–2125f, 2539, 2541t in radiotherapy, 43–44, 1829 entropy of, 2539, 2542f, 2543t synthesis of, 28 Gibbs formation energy of hydrated ion, actinium-227 2539, 2540t decay series of, 20, 21f half-life of, 20 detection of heat capacity of, 2119t–2120t, 2121f limits to, 3071t history of, 19–20 αS, 3029 ionization potentials of, 33, 1874t as geochemical tracer, 44 isotopes of, 18–19, 22t–23t, 31–32 identification of, 20–24, 25f–26f, 42 lanthanide elements v.,2 from neutron irradiation, 1756 v., 18, 40 nuclear properties of, 3274t–3275t, metallic state of, 34–35 3298t structure of, 2385 occurrence in nature, 26–27 nuclear properties of, 20–26 properties of, 20–24, 22t–23t actinium–225, 22t–23t, 24f, 25–26 from protactinium–231, 164, 166f actinium–227, 20–24, 21f, 22t–23t, purification of, 28–31, 29f, 31f 25f–26f gram quantities of, 32–33 actinium–228, 22t–23t, 23f, 24–25 synthesis of, 27 occurrence in nature of, 26–27, 162 Actinium-228 origin of, 162 decay series of, 23f, 24 oxidation states of identification of, 42 Subject Index I-11 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

nuclear properties of, 3274t–3275t, Air 3298t plutonium hydrides reaction with, 3218 properties of, 22t–23t, 24 plutonium metal reaction with, 3225–3238, purification of, 29, 29f 3231–3232 synthesis of, 28 uranium corrosion by, 3242–3245, Actinocenes, 1943–1952 3243f, 3244t bonding in, 2853–2854, 2854f Air samples electronic configurations, ground states, actinide handling in, 3021–3022 and oxidation states of, 1946–1948 treatment of, 3022 electronic transitions in, 1949–1952 Albumin, actinide distribution with, protactinocene, 1949–1951 3362–3363 thorocene and , 1951–1952 Aliquat 336 geometric structures of, 1943–1944, actinium extraction with, 30 1944t, 1945f americium extraction with, 1293 history of, 1943 curium extraction with, 1410 metal-ring covalency, 1948–1949, 1948f dubnium extraction with, 1705 optimized metal-ring distances, 1943, 1944t fermium extraction with, 1624 orbital interactions in, 1944–1945, 1946f neptunium extraction with, 714–715, 715f Actinometer, history of, 626 protactinium extraction with, 185–186 Actinouranium (AcU). See Uranium–235 Alkali metals Actinyl ions actinide oxides with, 2150–2153 complexes of, 1920–1928, 2578–2580, enthalpy of formation, 2151 2579t, 2581t entropy, 2151, 2152t aqua, 1921–1925 high-temperature properties, 2151–2153 bidentate ligands, 1926–1928, 1928t cyclopentadienyl complexes with, 2844 chlorides, 2579–2580, 2581t neptunium (IV) ternary oxides, 730 hydroxide complexes, 1925–1926 neptunium (V) ternary oxides, 730 oxyhalides, 1939–1942 neptunium (VI) ternary oxides, 729–730 compounds, structural chemistry of, neptunium (VII) ternary oxides, 728–729 2399–2402 oxoplutonates of, preparation of, species and ions in solids, 1928–1932 1056–1057 structure of, 2085–2089 for pyrochemical processes, 2692 XAFS of, 2532 with thorium molybdates, 112 AcU. See Uranium–235 with thorium sulfates, 104–105 Adsorption behavior (V) and (IV) of, 380–382 of californium, 1524 crystal structures of, 381 of fermium, 1628 non-stoichiometry in, 382–383 of oxidation states, 3287 physicochemical properties of, 372t–378t, of protactinium, 176 381–382 of rutherfordium, 1696 preparation of, 381 Adsorption enthalpy uranates (VI) of, 371–380 of dubnium, 1705 non-stoichiometry in, 382–383 of element 112, 1721 physicochemical properties of, gas-phase chromatography for, 1663 372t–378t, 380 of nobelium, 1705 preparation of, 371, 379 of rutherfordium, 1693, 1694f in uranium mixed halogeno-complexes, 575 of , 1705 with uranium selenites, 298–299 transactinide predictions of, 1684 Alkaline earth metals AE calculations. See All-electron actinide chelation v. sequestration of, calculations 1823–1824 Aerosol release fraction (ARF) actinide oxides with, 2153–2157 description of, 3252 enthalpy of formation, 2153–2156, 2154f, plutonium release of, 3253 2155t, 2156f AES. See Atomic emission spectrometry; entropy, 2155t, 2156–2157 Auger electron spectroscopy high-temperature properties, 2157, 2158t Aging of plutonium, metal and intermetallic mendelevium separation with, 1633 compounds, 979–987 neptunium (IV) ternary oxides, 730 AIMP. See Ab initio model potentials neptunium (V) ternary oxides, 730 I-12 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Alkaline earth metals (Contd.) scope and mechanistic studies, 2981–2986 neptunium (VI) ternary oxides, 729–730 thermodynamics of, 2982–2984 neptunium (VII) ternary oxides, 728–729 hydrosilylation of nobelium v., 1639–1640 active species formation, 2957–2961 oxoplutonates of, preparation of, alkyne:silane ratio, 2956 1057–1059 bridged complex promotion, 2964–2969 for pyrochemical processes, 2692 cationic complex promotion, 2974–2978 uranates (V) and (IV) of, 380–382 kinetic studies, 2957, 2965–2966 crystal structures of, 381 mechanism, 2961–2963 non-stoichiometry in, 382–383 neutral organoactinide promotion, physicochemical properties of, 372t–378t, 2953–2964 381–382 with primary silanes, 2966–2969 preparation of, 381 scope at room temperature, 2953–2954 uranates (VI) of, 371–380 scope of catalysis at high temperature, non-stoichiometry in, 382–383 2954–2955 physicochemical properties of, thermodynamics, 2963–2966 372t–378t, 380 oligomerization of, 2923–2930 preparation of, 371, 379 bisacetylide organoactinide, 2924–2925 Alkaline solutions, actinide separations from, cross, 2929–2930 852, 2667–2668 key intermediate complex in, 2926, 2926f Alkane, activation of, 3002–3006, 3004t kinetic, thermodynamic, and Alkenes, hydrosilylation of thermochemical data in, 2926–2929 activity data for, 2970t regioselective, 2945–2947 kinetic studies of, 2972–2974 terminal, 2925–2926, 2928f organoactinide complex promotion, stoichiometric reactions of, with 2969–2974 pentamethyl-cyclopentadienyl and products of, 2971 silanes, 2916–2918, 2917f Alkoxides, of plutonium, 1185–1186 Allanite, thorium in, 56t Alkyl ligands, 2866–2867 All-electron (AE) calculations, of uranyl, 1918 complexation with, 2866–2867 Allotropes cyclopentadienyl complexes with, of plutonium, 1, 877–890, 880f, 881t tetravalent, 2539f, 2819–2820, 2820f, α phase, 879–882, 882f–884f, 884t 2837–2839 β phase, 882, 882f–883f, 885t of plutonium, 1186 δ phase, 882–883, 882f–883f, 886f, preparation of, 2866 892–897, 899, 916–917 stabilization of, 2867 δ0 phase, 882f–883f, 883 structure of, 2867, 2868f e phase, 882f–883f, 883 Alkylamines, fermium complexes with, γ phase, 882, 882f–883f 1629 transformations, 886–890, 888f–889f Alkylphosphoric extraction ζ phase, 882f–883f, 883, 890, 891f of curium, 1407 of uranium for uranium leach recovery, 312–313 α-phase, 320–326, 328–339, 344 Alkylpyrocatechols, actinide separation β-phase, 321–323, 325–326, 328–339, with, 1408 344, 347 Alkyne complexes, 2866 γ-phase, 321–323, 347 cross dimerization of, 2947–2952, Alloys 2948f–2949f of americium, 1302, 1304t dimerization of, 2930–2947 of berkelium, 1461–1462 external amines in, 2943–2944 of californium, 1526 hydroamination and, 2944–2945 of curium, 1411–1412, 1413t–1415t promotion of, 2938–2947, 2940f–2941f of einsteinium, 1592–1593 terminal, 2930–2935 magnetic studies of, 2238 terminal ansa-organothorium promotion, mechanical properties of, 972–973 2935–2937 of neptunium, 719–721 hydroamination of, 2981–2990 , 742 kinetic studies, 2986–2990 of plutonium, 862–987, 3213 rates of, 2985 aluminum, 894, 895f–896f, 919–920, 920f regioselectivities, 2984 applications of, 862 Subject Index I-13 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

α and β stabilizers, 897 protactinium–233, 162–163 δ field expansion, 892–897 in radioactive displacement principle, 162 electronic structure, theory, and rutherfordium, 1639 modeling, 921–935 detection with, 1701 eutectic-forming elements, 897 rutherfordium–261, 1698 , 892–894, 893f–896f, 899, of seaborgium, detection with, 1708 916–917, 916f–917f, 917–919, 918f superactinide elements, 1735 history of, 862 uranium, uranium–232, 256 , 896, 896f α-Phase interstitial compounds, 898 of plutonium, 879–882, 882f–884f, 884t microsegregation in δ-phase alloys, 899, americium influence on, 985 916–917 atomic volume, 923, 923f nature of, 863 density of, 936t, 937 oxidation and corrosion, 973–979 diffusion rate, 958–960, 959t phase transformations, 891–921 elastic constants, 942–943, 944t phase transformations in δ-phase alloys, electrical resistivity of, 2309–2310, 2310f, 917–921 2345–2347, 2346f physical and thermodynamic properties fine-grain plasticity, 968, 970–971, 970f of, 935–968 ground state, 924 , 896, 896f heat capacity, 947–949, 947f, 950t–951t, theory and modeling of, 925–929, 926f 952f of protactinium, 194, 194t lattice changes in, 981–982, 982f, of thorium, 63 982t, 984 of uranium, 325–326, 325t magnetic properties of, 2355 Allyl ligands, 2865 thermal conductivity, 957 Alpha decay thermal expansion, 938t, 939–942, 940f actinium thermoelectric power, 957–958, 958t actinium–225, 25–26, 43–44 of uranium actinium–227, 20–23, 25f electrical properties of, 324 americium, 1265–1267, 1266t general properties of, 321–323, 322t–323t americium–241, 1267, 1337–1338 system of, 328–339, 329t, 334f americium–243, 1337–1338 intermetallic compounds and alloys, ARCA and measurement of, 1665 325–326, 325t of bohrium, detection with, 1711 magnetic susceptibility of, 323–324 californium, californium–252, 1505 β phase transformation of, 344 curium physical properties of, 320–321, 321f curium–242, 1432 resistivity-temperature curve of, 324, 324f curium–243, 1432 Alpha spectroscopy (αS) curium–244, 862, 1432 of actinium, 20–23, 25f of dubnium advantages/disadvantages of, 3329 detection with, 1705 americium, 3295–3296 dubnium–262, 1703–1704 of americium, 1364 einsteinium, einsteinium–253, 1594 applications of, 3292–3296, 3294f element 112, 1719 curium, 3296 of hassium, detection with, 1714 for environmental actinides, 3026t, lawrencium, 1641 3029–3031, 3030f lawrencium–257, 1641–1642 fundamentals of, 3291–3292, 3291f lawrencium–258, 1642 ICPMS v., 3329 neptunium, neptunium–237, 712, 782–785 βS and, 3070 nobelium, 1637 of neptunium, 783–785, 3294–3295 plutonium overview of, 3289 decay, 980 performance of, 3292 hexafluoride, 1090–1092 of plutonium, 3295 redox behavior of, 1143–1146, 1146t of protactinium, 3294 transmutation products from, 984–987, protactinium–231, 224 985f of thorium, 133–134, 3293–3294 protactinium, 164 TIMS v., 3329 protactinium–231, 164, 166, 167f, 224 for trace analysis, 3289–3296 I-14 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Alpha spectroscopy (αS) (Contd.) acetone, 1322, 1323t, 1324 tracers for, 3289–3291, 3290t arsenate, 1321 uranium, 3293 borides, 1321 bioassay with, 3293 carbides, 1305t–1312t, 1319 α−α Correlation carbonates, 1305t–1312t, 1319 for rutherfordium identification, 1701–1702 chalcogenides, 1305t–1312t, 1316–1319 for seaborgium identification, 1708 chromates, 1321 for transactinide identification, 1659, 1662 , 1323t, 1324 Alpha-spectrometers, multi-channel, for , 1323t, 1324 protactinium–231, 224 formate, 1322, 1323t Aluminates, actinide adsorption on, 3158 halides, 1305t–1312t, 1314–1316 Aluminum hydrides, 1305t–1312t, 1314 actinide compounds with, thermodynamic hydroxides, 1303, 1305t–1312t, 1313–1314 properties of, 2205–2206, 2206t–2207t inorganic, 1303–1321, 1305t–1312t for arene preparation, 2859 molybdate, 1321 in curium complex, 1413t–1415t, 1422–1423 organic, 1322–1324, 1323t for neptunium halide preparation, 738 , 1322, 1323t in plutonium alloy, 894, 895f–896f oxides, 1303, 1305t–1312t, 1313–1314 damage recovery of, 983–984, 983f phosphates, 1305t–1312t, 1319–1321, 1355 δ-phase lattice, 930f, 932–933 pnictides, 1305t–1312t, 1316–1319 elastic constants, 943, 944t silicates, 1321 heat capacity, 948 sulfates, 1305t–1312t, 1319–1321 oxidation of, 976, 977t tungstate, 1321 solubility ranges, 930, 930f coordination chemistry and complexes, transformation of, 919–920, 920f 1356–1364 protactinium extraction with, 176–178, 177f inorganic ligands, 1356–1361 uranium v., 318 organic ligands, 1361–1364 Amberlite XAD–4, for actinide extraction, discovery of, 5t, 8 715–716 enthalpy of formation, 2123–2125, Americium 2124f–2125f, 2539, 2541t analytical chemistry and spectroscopy, entropy of, 2539, 2542f, 2543t 1364–1370 Gibbs formation energy of hydrated ion, radioanalytical chemistry, 1364 2539, 2540t spectroscopy, 1364–1370 heat capacity of, 2119t–2120t, 2121f aqueous solution chemistry, 1324–1356 history of, 8, 1265 complexation reactions, 1338–1356, ionization potentials of, 1296, 1874t 1339t isotope production, 1267–1268 oxidation states, 1324–1338 isotope shifts of, 1882–1884, 1883f, 1883t atomic properties, 1295–1297 isotopes of, 9–10, 12, 1265–1267, 1266t atomic and ionic radii, 1295–1296 lanthanide elements v.,2 electron configuration, 1295 laser spectroscopy of super-deformed emission spectra, 1296 fission isomers, 1880–1884, 1881f, ionization potentials, 1296 1883f–1884f, 1883t Mo¨ssbauer spectrum, 1297 magnetic properties of, 2355–2356 photoelectrom spectrum, 1296–1297 metal and alloys, 1297–1302 x-ray spectrum, 1296 metal preparation, 1297 in biological systems properties of, 1297–1302, 1298t, 1301f in bone, 1817 metallic state of, structure of, 2386–2387 health hazard of, 1814 MSE oxidation of, 869 ingestion and inhalation of, 1818–1820 natural occurrence of, in marine in liver, 1815–1816 organisms, 1809 in organs, 1815 nuclear properties of, 1265–1267 complexes of oxidation states of, 2526 cyclopentadienyl, 2803 in aqueous solution, 1774–1776, 1775t tris-cyclopentadienyl, 2470–2476, ion types, 1777–1778, 1777t 2472t–2473t α-phase plutonium influence of, 985 compounds of, 1302–1324 in plutonium alloy acetate, 1322, 1323t δ-phase lattice, 930–931, 930f Subject Index I-15 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

neptunium v., 931, 931f from (III), 1283, 1287–1289, solubility ranges, 930, 930f 2665–2666, 2667t from plutonium decay, 985, 985f HDEHP, 1275–1276, 1409 production of, 1758–1759 organophosphorus and pyrochemical methods for, molten carbamoylphosphonate reagents, chlorides, 2699–2700 1276–1278 quadrupole moments of, 1884, 1884f from picric acid, 1284 reduction potentials of, 1778, 1779f, separation factors for, 2669–2670, 2670t 2127–2131, 2130f–2131f TBP, 1271–1272 separation and purification of, 1268–1295 TPEN, 2675 from curium, 2672–2673 TPTZ and HDNNS, 1286–1287, DDP, 2706 2673–2675, 2674t from europium, 2676–2677, 2677t from trivalent , 1286–1289, extraction chromatographic processes, 1288f 1293–1295 formation constants of, 1338, 1339t history of, 1268–1269 hydration numbers of, 2534, 2535t ion-exchange processes, 1289–1293 hydrolysis, 1339–1340 from plutonium, 869–870, 877, 878f hydrolytic behavior of, 2546, 2547f, precipitation processes, 1270–1271 2547t–2548t pyrochemical processes, 1269–1270 in hydrosphere, 1807–1810 solvent extraction processes, 1271–1289 interaction parameters of, 2062–2064, 2063t TALSPEAK for, 2672–2673 ligands for, 3420–3421 sublimation enthalpy of, 2119t–2120t, luminescence of, 1368–1369, 1369f, 2098 2122–2123, 2122f magnetic properties of, 2263–2265 superconductivity of, 1789 in mammalian tissues synthesis of, 8–9 bone, 3403 Americium (II) bone binding, 3409 electrode potentials of, 1328, 1329t circulation clearance of, 3368–3369, magnetic properties of, 2265–2268 3368f–3375f, 3371–3376 oxidation of, by water, 1337 glycoproteins, 3410–3411, 3411t preparation of, 1325 initial skeletal fractions of, 3349 stabilization of, 2077 transferrin binding to, 3365 Americium (III) peroxydisulfate oxidation of absorption spectra of, 1364–1365, 1365f in acid media, 1333–1334, 1333f autoreduction of, 1330–1331 in carbonate media, 1335 chlorides of, magnetic data, 2229–2230, preparation of, 1325 2230t purification of, 1290–1293 complexes of, 1321 anion-exchange, 1291–1292 carbonate, 1340–1341 cation-exchange, 1290–1291 formation constants of, 1273 from curium (III), 1410 organic ligands, 1341, 1342t–1352t, inorganic exchangers, 1292–1293 1353–1354, 1353f based sorbents, 1409 strengths of, 1353 radii of, 1295–1296 compounds of separation of, HDEHP for, 2651, 2651f carbides, 1319 speciation of, 3114t, 3115 halides, 1315 TIP of, 2263–2264 sulfates, 1320 XANES of, 3087, 3089f detection of Americium (IV) limits to, 3071t absorption spectra of, 1365 UVS, 3037 autoreduction of, 1331 electrode potentials of, 1328–1329, 1329t complexes of, carbonate, 1341 extraction of, 1274 compounds of, halides, 1315 bis(2,3,4-trimethylpentyl)- disproportionation of, 1331 dithiophosphinic acid, 1286–1287 electrode potentials of, 1328–1329, 1329t Cyanex 301, 1287–1289, 1288f, hydrolysis, 1340 2675–2676 magnetic properties of, 2262–2263 DBBP, 1274 peroxydisulfate oxidation of, in nitric DHDECMP, 1277–1278, 2737–2738 acid, 1334 I-16 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Americium (IV)(Contd.) Americium dibromide, structure of, 2415 preparation of, 1325–1326 Americium dichloride, 2179, 2180t radii of, 1295–1296 structure of, 2415 stabilization of, 1355–1356 Americium diiodide XANES of, 3087, 3089f magnetic properties of, 2266 Americium (V) structure of, 2415 absorption spectra of, 1366, 1367f , 1303, 1313 autoreduction of, 1330–1331 enthalpy of formation, 2136–2137, 2137t, complexes of, carbonate, 1341 2138f compounds of entropy of, 2137–2138 carbides, 1319 EPR of, 2292 halides, 1315 heat capacity of, 2138–2141, 2139f, 2142t sulfates, 1320–1321 magnetic properties of, 2291–2292 disproportionation of, 1332, 1332f phase relations of, 2396 electrode potentials of, 1329, 1329t phase transformation of, 2292 hydrolysis, 1340 Americium (III) fluoride, stability constants preparation of, 1326 of, 1354–1355 reduction of Americium hexafluoride, thermodynamic by hydrogen , 1335–1336 properties of, 2164t by neptunium (IV), 1336 Americium hydrides by neptunium (V), 1336–1337 entropy of, 2188, 2189t in hydroxide, 1336 formation enthalpy of, 2187–2188, 2187t, by uranium (IV), 1337 2189t, 2190f uranium (VI) interaction with, 1356 high-temperature properties of, 2188–2190, Americium (VI) 2190t absorption spectra of, 1366, 1367f structure of, 2404 in americium precipitation, 1271 Americium monoxide, structure of, 2395 autoreduction of, 1331 Americium nitride, 1317–1319 complexes of, carbonate, 1341 Americium oxalate, in americium compounds of precipitation, 1270–1271 halides, 1315 Americium oxides sulfates, 1321 phase relations of, 2395–2396 electrode potentials of, 1329, 1329t structure of, 2395–2396 extraction of, HDEHP, 1275 Americium oxyhalides, structural chemistry hydrolysis, 1340 of, 2421, 2422t, 2423, 2424t–2426t preparation of, 1326–1327 Americium phosphates, structural chemistry reduction of of, 2430–2433, 2431t–2432t by , 1335 Americium phosphide, 1318 by other reductants, 1335 Americium pnictides, structure of, 2409–2414, TBP extraction of, 1272 2410t–2411t Americium (VII) Americium sesquioxide absorption spectra of, 1367–1368, 1368f formation enthalpy of, 2143–2146, 2144t, electrode potentials of, 1329, 1329t 2145f preparation of, 1327 high-temperature properties of, 2139f, Americium antimonide, 1318 2146–2147 Americium bismuthide, 1318 structure of, 2395, 2396t Americium carbide Americium sesquisulfide, 1316–1317 entropy of, 2196, 2197t Americium sulfates, structural chemistry of, formation enthalpy of, 2195–2196, 2433–2436, 2434t 2197t Americium tetrahalides, structural chemistry high-temperature properties of, 2198, of, 2416, 2418t 2198f, 2199t Americium (III) thiocyanate, 1355 Americium (V) carbonate, in americium Americium trichloride, precipitation, 1271 thermodynamic properties of, Americium carbonates, structural chemistry 2170t, 2172, 2173t of, 2426–2427, 2427t Americium trihalides, structural chemistry of, Americium chalcogenides, structural 2416, 2417t chemistry of, 2409–2414, 2412t–2413t Americium tritelluride, 1317 Subject Index I-17 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Americium–240 for berkelium, 1448–1449 deformation of, 1880 for separation, 2660, 2661f isotope shift of, 1882–1884, 1883f, 1883t Amine extraction, for uranium leach Americium–241 recovery, 312 applications of, 1267–1268, 1828 Amine, silane reactions with, 2978–2981 autoreduction of, 1330–1331 Amines, with terminal alkyne complexes curium–242 from, 1267, 1397, 1401–1402 cross dimerization, 2952 detection of dimerization, 2943–2944 γS, 3301–3302 Aminex A6 ICPMS, 3328 for rutherfordium extraction, 1699 limits to, 3071t for seaborgium extraction, 1710 αS, 3295 Aminopolycarboxylate environmental hazards of, 1807 americium and curium extraction importance of, 1267 with, 1286 isotope shift of, 1882–1884 complexes of, 2587, 2588f, 2589t laser spectroscopy of, 1873 californium, 1554 neutrons from, 1827 Ammonia nuclear properties of, 3277t plutonium processing with, reduction and production of, 1265, 1268 oxidation reactions, 1141–1142 radiolysis of, 1337–1338 with uranium trichloride, 452 separation and purification of, Ammonium carbonate, for uranium pyrochemical processes, 1269–1270 carbonate leaching, 308 study of, 1765 Ammonium citrate, for californium Americium–242 separation, 1508 isotope shift of, 1882–1884, 1883f, 1883t Ammonium lactate, for californium laser spectroscopy of, 1880–1882, 1881f separation, 1508 nuclear properties of, 3277t Ammonium nitrate, actinium solubility in, production of, 1267 38–39 Americium–243 Ammonium oxalate, actinide stripping with, applications of, 1267–1268 1280 autoreduction of, 1330 Amperometric method, for protactinium, 227 curium from, 1400 AMS. See Accelerator mass spectrometry detection of Analytical chemistry MBAS, 3043 for actinide elements, 3018, 3019t MBES, 3028 requirements for, 3018–3020 importance of, 1267 separation for, 3021 isotope shift of, 1882–1884 of actinium, 42 laser spectroscopy of, 1873 comparing techniques for, 3065–3071 nuclear properties of, 3277t of neptunium, 782–795 production of, 1268 of thorium, 133–134 radiolysis of, 1337–1338 of uranium, 631–639 study of, 1765 chemical techniques, 631–635 Americium–244, isotope shift of, 1882–1884, nuclear techniques, 635–636 1883f, 1883t spectrometric techniques, 636–639 Americyl ion, complexes of Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy cation-cation, 2594 (ARPES) structure of, 2400–2402 description of, 2336 Amide extractants, for americium, of UIr3, 2336–2339, 2337f 1285–1286 Angular coefficients, of actinide elements, Amides 1863 complexes of, with cyclopentadienyl Angular function, of f-orbitals, 1895, 1896t complexes, 2832 Angular momentum of plutonium, 1184–1185 of band structure, 2319 Amidinate ligands, 2873–2875 spin-orbit coupling with, 1911 Amine extractants Animals for americium, 1284 actinide clearance from circulation, quaternary ammonium salts, 1284 3367–3387 tertiary amine salts, 1284 dioxo ions, 3379–3387 I-18 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Animals (Contd.) for rutherfordium extraction, 1695–1696, rates of, 3367–3369, 3368f–3375f 1700 tetravalent and pentavalent, 3376–3379 Anisotropic ligand polarization effect, crystal- trivalent, 3370–3376 field splittings and, 2054 actinide elements in, 3339–3424 Annealing, of plutonium, after self- binding in bone, 3406–3412 irradiation, 982–983, 983f bone, 3400–3406 Ansa-organoactinide complexes liver, 3395–3400 dimerization of, 2935–2937 in vivo chelation, 3412–3423 synthesis of, 2918–2920, 2920f desferrioxamine, 3414 Ansa-organothorium complexes polyaminopolycarboxylic acids, alkyne complexes, dimerization of, 3413–3414 2935–2937 siderophores, 3414–3423 terminal alkyne complexes, dimerization of, initial distribution in, 3340–3356 2935–2937 access to, 3340–3341 Anthropogenic actinides, 3015f, 3016 beagle dogs, 3343t Antimonides dioxo ions, 3354–3356 of americium, 1318 ionic radii and stability constants, 3346, of neptunium, 743–744 3347t of plutonium, 1022–1023 Kenya baboons, 3345t preparation of, 1022 Macaque monkeys, 3344t structure of, 1023, 1024f mice, 3343t thermodynamic properties of, 2197t, pentavalent, 3350–3354 2203–2204 rats, 3341t–3342t of uranium, 411–412 skeletal fraction, 3346–3349, 3348f soft tissues, 3349–350 protactinium compound of, 204 tetravalent, 3350–3354 thorium compound of, 98t, 100 trivalent, 3345–3350 uranium oxides with, preparative methods tissue deposition kinetics, 3387–3395 of, 383–389, 384t–387t in mice, 3388–3395, 3389f–3392f, 3394t Apatite, thorium in, 56t in rats, 3387–3388 Aqueous phase transport in body fluids, 3356–3367 actinide ions in, 1774–1776, 1775t, extracellular fluid circulation, 3357–3359 2123–2133 loose connective tissue, 3359 electrode potentials, 2127–2131 plasma and tissue fluid composition, enthalpy of formation, 2123–2125, 3356–3357, 3357t–3358t 2124f–2125f plasma distribution of, 3357t–3358t, entropies, 2125–2127 3359–3361 heat capacities, 2132–2133 Anion exchange separation in, 2638, 2649, 2649f, 2666–2667 historical development of, 2635–2637, for transactinide elements, measured v. 2635f, 2642 predicted, 1717, 1718t for trace analysis, 3283, 3286f Aqueous raffinate, protactinium enrichment Anion-exchange chromatography with, 175–176 for actinium purification, 31 Aragonite for americium purification, 1291–1292 uranium in, 291 chloride solutions, 1291–1292 uranyl in, 3160–3161, 3161t thiocyanate solutions, 1291 ARCA. See Automated Rapid Chemistry for californium separation, 1509 Apparatus for curium separation, 1409, 1433 Arene complexes, structural chemistry of, for einsteinium separation, 1585 2489–2491, 2490t–2491t, 2493f flow sheet for, 849, 850f Arene ligands, 2858–2860 improvements of, 851 bond distances, 2860 liquid, 851–852 bonding of, 2859 for neptunium extraction, 714 bridging, 2859–2860, 2861f operation of, 850–851 hydrogenation of, 2999–3000 for plutonium concentration, 848–851, 850f kinetic data, 3002 plutonium (IV), 848–849, 848f overview of, 2858–2859 for protactinium purification, 187–188 preparation of, 2859, 2860f Subject Index I-19 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

AREP. See Average RECP electron configuration, 1295 ARF. See Aerosol release fraction emission spectra, 1296 Argon ionization potentials, 1296 uranium carbide oxide in matrix of, Mo¨ssbauer spectrum, 1297 1978–1980 photoelectrom spectrum, 1296–1297 uranium carbonyl in matrix of, 1985 x-ray spectrum, 1296 uranium dioxide in matrix of, 1971–1976 of curium in matrix of, 1988–1989 absorption spectra, 1402–1404, ARPES. See Angle-resolved photoemission 1404f–1405f spectroscopy electronic structure, 1404–1405 Arrhenius curves fluorescence spectroscopy, 1405–1406, for plutonium corrosion, 3225–3226, 3226f 1406f for uranium corrosion, in air and water of einsteinium, 1586–1588, 1589t–1590t vapor, 3242–3243, 3243f, 3244t of fermium, 1626, 1627t Arsenates of lawrencium, 1643–1644 of actinide elements, 1796 of mendelevium, 1633–1634, 1634t of americium, 1321 of nobelium, 1634t, 1639 structural chemistry of, 2430–2433 of plutonium, 857–862 of thorium, 113 core-level spectra, 861 of uranium, 265t–266t ionization potentials, 859 autunite structures, 294–295 Mo¨ssbauer spectra, 861–862 chain structures, 295–296 optical emission spectra, 857–859, groups of, 294 858f, 860t natural occurrence of, 293 x-ray spectra, 859–861 phosphuranylite structures, 295 of protactinium, 189–191 synthetic, 296–297 emission spectrum, 190 uranophane structures, 295 ground state configuration, 190 Arsenazo-III. See 3,6-Bis-[(2-arsenophenyl) Mo¨ssbauer effect, 190–191 azo]–4,5-dihydroxy–2,7-naphthalene X-ray atomic energy levels, 190, 190t disulfo acid of transactinide elements, 1672–1676 Arsenides electronic structures of, 1672–1673, 1672t of neptunium, 743 ionic radii and polarizability, 1674f, of plutonium, 1022 1675–1676, 1676t of protactinium, 204, 206t stabilities and IPs, preparation of, 204 1673–1675, 1673t, 1674f–1675f properties of, 207 Atomic radii thermodynamic properties of, 2197t, of americium, 1295–1296 2203–2204 of berkelium, 1458 of thorium, 98t, 100 of californium, 1519–1521 of uranium, 411–412 of einsteinium, 1612–1613 Aryls, cyclopentadienyl complexes with, of element 119, 1729, 1730f tetravalent, 2539f, 2819–2820, 2820f, of element 120, 1729, 1730f 2837–2839 Atomic spectroscopy αS. See Alpha spectroscopy of actinide elements, 2016–2018, 2018f Ascorbate, for plutonium removal, 1823 overview of, 3307–3308 Atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) of thorium, 59–60 for environmental actinides, 3034t, 3036 for trace analysis, 3307–3309 overview of, 3307–3308 Atomic vapor laser isotope separation of uranium, 636 (AVLIS), history of, 1840 Atomic emission spectrometry (AES) Atomic volumes for electronic structure, 1770 of actinides, 922–923, 923f overview of, 3307–3308 of einsteinium, 1578–1579, 1578f of plutonium, oxides, 3208 of lawrencium, 1644 of uranium, 636–637 of plutonium, 886, 887t Atomic properties in alloys, 934, 934f of actinium, 33–34 of δ-plutonium, 2345–2347, 2346f of americium, 1295–1297 of rare earths, 922–923, 923f atomic and ionic radii, 1295–1296 of transition metals, 922–923, 923f I-20 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Atomic-beam magnetic resonance technique , in curium metal production, 1411–1412 for electronic structure, 1770 Base redox speciation for fermium, 1626 in carbonate solution systems, 3129–3137 ATW. See Accelerator transmutation of waste in hydroxide solution systems, 3124–3129 Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), for of neptunium environmental actinides, 3049t, 3051 neptunium (IV), 3111t–3112t, 3135–3136 Automated Rapid Chemistry Apparatus neptunium (VII/VI), 3111t–3112t, 3124, (ARCA) 3125 dubnium study with, 1704–1705 of neptunyl (V), 3111t–3112t, 3133–3134 overview of, 1665 of plutonium rutherfordium study with, 1695, 1698 plutonium (IV), 3113t, 3136 seaborgium study with, 1710 of plutonium (VII/VI), 3126 Automated systems of plutonyl (VI), 3113t, 3134 for superactinide element chemical studies, of tetravalent ions, 3134–3135 1734–1735 of thorium for transactinide element chemical studies, thorium (IV), 3136–3137 1663 of thorium (IV), 3129 Autoradiography (RAD) uranium (IV), 3101t–3102t, 3136 of actinide elements in bones, 1817 of uranyl (VI), 3101t–3102t, 3126–3133 for environmental actinides, 3026t, 3031, Bassetite 3032f at Oklo, Gabon, 271–272 Autunite uranium in, 259t–269t at Oklo, Gabon, 271–272 Bastnasite ore, plutonium–244 in, 824 uranium in, 259t–269t Becquerelite of uranium phosphates and arsenates, at Shinkolobwe deposit, 273 294–295 uranium in, 259t–269t Average RECP (AREP), for scalar relativistic Bentonite, thorium and uranyl complexes of, mode, 1907–1908 3157–3158 AVLIS. See Atomic vapor laser isotope Benzamidinate ligands, 2875 separation , actinide complexes of, 1959–1960, Azide 1961f complexes of, 2580, 2581t Benzoates, structural chemistry of, cyclopentadienyl complex reaction with, 2439t–2440t 2809 4-Benzoyl–2,4-dihydro–5-methyl–2- of neptunium, equilibrium constants for, phenyl–3H-pyrazol–3-thione, for 773t americium/europium extraction, organouranium catalytic reduction of, 2676–2677, 2677t 2994–2996 N-Benzoylphenylhydroxylamine (BPHA), of uranium, 602, 603t protactinium extraction with, 184 Berkeley. See Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory B. sphaericus, plutonium adsorption, Berkeley Gas-filled Separator (BGS) 3182–3183 pre-separation by, 1666 Bacterial interactions, sorption studies of, hassium, 1713 3177–3183 rutherfordium, 1701 DMRB, 3178, 3181 superactinide element, 1734 examples, 3182–3183 SISAK with, 1666 overview, 3177–3178, 3179t–3180t Berkelium reduction potentials, 3181 analytical chemistry, 1483–1484 solubility and mobility, 3181–3182 complexes of, tris-cyclopentadienyl, surface complexation model, 3182 2470–2476, 2472t–2473t Bacterial leaching, of uranium ore, 306 compounds, 1462–1472, 1464t–1465t Bacterial reduction, of uranium (VI), 297 chalcogenides, 1470 Band structure coordination, 1471 filling of, 2320 general summary of, 1462–1463 free-electron model with, 2324 halides, 1467–1470 metal properties from, 2320, 2321f hydrides, 1463 of uranium metal, 2318, 2318f magnetic behavior of ions, 1472, 1473f Subject Index I-21 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

organometallic, 1471 Berkelium (II) other inorganic, 1470–1471 absorption spectra of, 1475 oxides, 1466–1467 overview of, 1473 pnictides, 1470 Berkelium (III) discovery of, 5t, 8 absorption spectra of, 1444–1445, einsteinium separation from, 1584, 1584f 1473–1475, 1475f enthalpy of formation, 2123–2125, chlorides of, magnetic data, 2229–2230, 2124f–2125f, 2539, 2541t 2230t entropy of, 2539, 2542f, 2543t compounds of free atom and ion properties, 1451–1457 β-diketonate, 1471 electronic energies, 1452–1453 cyclopentadienyl, 1471 emission spectra, 1453–1454 halides, 1468 ion-molecule reactions in gas phase, orthophosphate, 1470–1471 1455–1457, 1457f oxalate, 1479 solid-state absorption spectra, 1455, electronic spectra of, 1475 1456f extraction of, 1479 thermochromatographic behavior, 1451 hydrolytic behavior of, 2546, 2548t Gibbs formation energy of hydrated ion, initial skeletal fractions of, 3349 2539, 2540t ionic radii values of, 1463 half-life of, 1445–1447, 1446t magnetic properties of, 2268–2269, 2270t heat capacity of, 2119t–2120t, 2121f overview of, 1472–1473 history of, 1444–1445 oxidation of, 1448 ionization potentials of, 1452, 1874t redox behavior of, 1479–1482, 1481t, ions in solution, 1472–1483 1482f hydrolysis and complexation behavior, separation and purification of, 1448–1451 1475–1479, 1477t–1478t speciation of, 3109–3110, 3114t oxidation states, 1472–1473, 1485 stability constants of, 1475–1476, redox behavior and potentials, 1477t–1478t 1479–1482, 1481t, 1482f Berkelium (IV) spectra in solution, 1473–1475, absorption spectra of, 1474–1475, 1476f 1475f–1476f californium (III) separation from, thermodynamic properties, 1482–1483, 1508–1509 1483t compounds of isotopes of, 9–10, 1445–1447, 1446t fluorides, 1467–1468 lanthanide elements v.,2 halides, 1468 magnetic properties of, 2355–2356 iodate, 1479 metallic state of, 1457–1462 electronic spectra of, 1475 alloys, 1461–1462 energy levels of, 2075–2076, 2075f chemical properties, 1460–1461 hydration of, 2531 intermetallic compounds, 1461 ionic radii values of, 1463 physical properties, 1458–1460 magnetic properties of, 2265–2268 preparation of, 1457–1458 overview of, 1472–1473 structure of, 2388 redox behavior of, 1479–1482, 1481t, theoretical treatment, 1461 1482f nuclear properties, availability, and speciation of, 3109–3110, 3114t applications, 1445–1447, 1446t Berkelium (V), overview of, 1472 oxidation states of Berkelium chalcogenides, structural chemistry in aqueous solution, 1774–1776, of, 2409–2414, 2412t–2413t 1775t Berkelium dioxide ion types, 1777–1778, 1777t enthalpy of formation, 2136–2137, 2137t, production, 1446t, 1448 2138f reduction potentials of, 1778, 1779f, entropy of, 2137–2138 2127–2131, 2130f–2131f heat capacity of, 2138–2141, 2139f, 2142t separation and purification, 1448–1451 magnetic susceptibility of, 2268 TALSPEAK for, 2672 structure of, 2398 sublimation enthalpy of, 2119t–2120t, Berkelium hydride, 1463, 1464t–1465t 2122–2123, 2122f structure of, 2404 synthesis of, 8–9 Berkelium orthophosphate, 1470–1471 I-22 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Berkelium oxide americium, 1265–1267, 1266t identification of, 1466 berkelium metal production with, 1457–1458 berkelium–249, 1461 oxygen decomposition of, 1466 in study of, 1446 structure of, 2397–2398, 2398t californium–253, 1582 Berkelium oxyhalides, structural chemistry of, neptunium as 2421, 2422t, 2423, 2424t–2426t neptunium–238 as, 861 Berkelium pnictides, structure of, 2409–2414, neptunium–239 as, 814 2410t–2411t plutonium as Berkelium sesquioxalate, 1471 plutonium–241, 825 high-temperature properties of, 2139f, plutonium–243, 825 2146–2147 protactinium as, 164 Berkelium sesquioxide, 1466–1467 protactinium–233, 225–226 formation enthalpy of, 2143–2146, 2144t, protactinium–234, 162, 225 2145f in radioactive displacement principle, 162 structure of, 2397, 2398t uranium as Berkelium tetrafluoride uranium–237, 256 metal production with, 1457 uranium–239, 825, 825f properties of, 1467–1468 β-Phase Berkelium tetrahalides, structural chemistry of plutonium, 882, 882f–883f, 885t of, 2416, 2418t density of, 936t Berkelium tribromide, 1469 diffusion rate, 958–960, 959t structural chemistry of, 2416, 2417t fine-grain plasticity, 969–970 Berkelium trichloride lattice changes in, 981–982, 982f, 982t monitoring of, 1469–1470 magnetic properties of, 2355 properties of, 1468–1469 thermal conductivity, 957 Berkelium trifluoride, 1469 thermoelectric power, 957–958, 958t metal production with, 1457 of uranium Berkelium trihalides, structural chemistry of, general properties of, 321–323, 2416, 2417t 322t–323t Berkelium triiodide, 1469 hydrogen system of, 328–339, 329t, Berkelium–249 334f, 335t adsorption of, 1451 intermetallic compounds and alloys, availability of, 1445 325–326, 325t californium alloy with, 1462 α phase transformation of, 344 californium–249 from, 1504, 1511, 1766 γ phase transformation of, 347 decay of, 1447 physical properties of, 321 dubnium production from, 1703 thermal expansion, 938f from einsteinium–253, 1579 Beta spectroscopy (βS) electron-binding energies of, 1452 for environmental actinides, 3026t, emission spectrum of, 1453–1454 3028–3029 lawrencium–260 from, 1642 ICPMS v. αS and, 3070 physical properties of, 1445–1447 BGS. See Berkeley Gas-filled Separator production of, 1444, 1448, 1504 Bicarbonates, in plasma, 3361 for transactinide element production, for uranyl ion, 3380–3381 1661–1662 Bijvoetite Berkelium–250 natural occurrence of, 290 adsorption of, 1451 structure of, 290 decay of, 1447 Billietite at Shinkolobwe deposit, 273 foil, berkelium separation from, 1450 uranium in, 259t–269t thermodynamic properties of actinide Bimetallic complexes, 2889–2893 compounds with, 2205, 2206t–2207t bond distance in, 2893 Beta decay bridging ligands in, 2889 actinium as, 19–20 cyclopentadienyl complexes and, 2890 actinium–225, 25–26 metal-metal interaction in, 2891–2892, 2893f actinium–227, 20 metathesis reactions for, 2889 actinium–228 as, 24 overview of, 2889 Subject Index I-23 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

phosphine groups in, 2890 Bismuth phosphate process, for actinide phospholyl ligand in, 2890–2892, 2892f production, 2730 Binding energy Bismuth, uranium oxides with, 383–389, of fermium, 1626, 1627t 384t–387t of uranium carbide oxides, 1980 Bismuth–214, nuclear properties of, 3298t Biochemistry, of uranium, 630–631 Bismuth–231, actinium–225 generation of, 44 Biocolloids, formation of, 3181 Bismuthides Biokinetics studies, of actinides, 3339–3340 of americium, 1318 Biologic effects of neptunium, 744 of berkelium, 1445 thorium compound of, 98t, 100 of californium, californium–252, 1507 of uranium, 411–412 of einsteinium, 1579 Bis(2-ethyl)orthophosphoric acid, californium Biological behavior, of actinide elements, extraction with, 1513 1813–1818 Bisphosphine oxide, lanthanide extraction bioremediation, 1817–1818 with, 2657 in body fluids, 1814–1815 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid (HDEHP) bone uptake, 1817 actinide extraction with, 1769 general considerations, 1813–1814 actinium extraction with, 30, 1293 liver uptake, 1815–1816 americium extraction with, 1275–1276, 2671 Biological matrices, trace analysis in, berkelium extraction with, 1448–1450, 3273–3330 1450f atomic spectrometric techniques, californium extraction with, 1509 3307–3309 curium extraction with, 1407, 1434, 2672 chemical procedures, 3278–3288 einsteinium extraction with, 1585 mass spectrometric techniques, 3309–3328 lawrencium extraction with, 1646–1647 nuclear techniques, 3288–3307 mendelevium extraction with, 1633 Bio-Rad AG MP–1, for rutherfordium neptunium extraction with, 708–709 extraction, 1700 nobelium extraction with, 1638–1640 Biosorption protactinium extraction with, 172, 184 solubility and mobility with, 3181–3182 separation with, 2639–2640, 2641t, of uranium and thorium by RA, 2669 2650–2651, 2651f, 3282 Biotechnology, for neptunium extraction, 717 Bistriazinylpyridine (BTP), americium 3,6-Bis-[(2-arsenophenyl)azo]–4,5- extraction with, 2674–2675, 2674t dihydroxy–2,7-naphthalene disulfo Bloch states acid (Arsenazo-III), protactinium in actinide metals, 2316 compound with, 219 overview of, 2316 extraction with, 183, 2666–2667 representation of, 2317 in spectrophotometric methods, 228 Body fluids, actinide transport in, 3356–3367 Bisacetylide organoactinide complexes plasma and tissue fluid composition, magnetic properties of, 2925 3356–3357, 3357t–3358t synthesis of, 2924–2925 Bohrium Bis(trimethylsilyl)amide, 2876–2879 berkelium–249 in production of, 1447 geometry of, 2876–2877 chemical properties of, 1691t, 1711–1712 hydride compounds, 2877 discovery of, 6t, 1653, 1653t, 1762 metallacycles, 2877, 2878f electronic structures of, 1676–1682, organoimido complexes, 2877–2879 1677f–1678f, 1680t–1681t, 1682f tetravalent complexes of, 2877 ionic radii of, 1674f, 1675–1676, 1676t trivalent homoleptic complexes with, ionization potential of, 1674, 1674f 2876 isotopes of, 1657f–1658f Bis-cyclopentadienyl complexes, structural nuclear properties of, 1655t–1656t chemistry of, 2476–2482, 2478f, orbital filling in, 1654, 1659 2479t–2480t, 2481f–2483f oxidation states of, in aqueous solution, Bis(2,3,4-trimethylpentyl)-dithiophosphinic 1774–1776, 1775t acid, americium (III) extraction relativistic orbital energies for, 1669f with, 1287 solution chemistry of Bismuth phosphate complexation of, 1689 for coprecipitation, 2634 hydrolysis, 1686–1687, 1687t for plutonium coprecipitation, 835 redox potentials, 1685–1686, 1685f–1686f I-24 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Bohrium–264, from meitnerium–268, 1717 glycoproteins, 3410–3411 Bohrium–267 in vitro, 3407–3409 decay chains of, 1711 in vivo, 3406–3407 discovery of, 1735 actinide elements in, 1817, 3400–3406 production of, 1711 americium (III), 3403 Boiling point, of californium, metal, 1523 neptunyl ion, 3404 Bomb reduction furnace, for plutonium metal plutonium (IV), 3403 production, 866, 867f retention of, 3404–3406 Bond lengths uranyl ion, 3403 of actinide nitride oxides, 1990, 1990t blood supply of, 3402 of actinide nitrides, 1988, 1989f composition of, 3406 of actinyl complexes, 1926–1927, 1928t as deposition site, 3344 of plutonium, 884t liver v., 3344–3345 of superactinide elements, 1732 surfaces of, 3401–3402 of uranium transuranium elements in, 12 hexafluroride, 1935–1937, 1937t Borates, of thorium, 113 oxides, 1973, 1974t–1975t Borides of uranium and oxygen, in silicate glass, of americium, 1321 276–277 of plutonium, 996–1003 Bond valence approach history of, 997 for crystal structure, 286 phase diagram, 997, 997f expression for, 3093 preparation of, 998 for uranyl (VI), 3093–3094, 3094f properties of, 1002–1003 Bonding solid-state structures of, 998–1002, 999t, in actinide complexes, 2556–2563 1000f–1002f coordination numbers, 2558–2560, 2559f structural chemistry of, 2405–2408, 2406t covalent contribution to, 2561–2562, of thorium, 66–67, 71t–73t 2563t structure of, 66–67 ionicity of f-element, 2556, 2557f ternary, 67, 74f steric effects in, 2560 of uranium, 398–399, 399f, 401t–402t strength of, 2560–2561 phase diagram of, 398, 400f thermodynamics of, 2556–2557, 2558t preparation of, 398 in actinide compounds, 1894 properties of, 398–399, 401t–402t relativistic effects on, 1898, 1899f structure of, 398, 399f in actinocenes, 2853–2854, 2854f , thermodynamic properties of in berkelium, 1452, 1455–1457, 1457f actinide compounds with, 2205–2206, of cyclopentadienyl complexes, tetravalent, 2206t–2207t 2815–2817, 2816f, 2816t, 2818f Born equation, for complexation, DFT for, 923–924 2574–2577 in f-orbital, 1915–1916 in halides, 2415 of plutonium, 1187 in metallic state, 2308, 2319 structural chemistry of, 2404–2405, 2405f oxidation state, coordination numbers and Borosilicate glass distance in, 3093 einsteinium in, 1601–1602, 1602f–1603f in plutonium, 1191–1203 SNF disposal in, 1812–1813 dioxide, 1196–1199, 1197f, 1200f BPHA. See N-Benzoylphenylhydroxylamine hexafluoride, 1194–1196, 1195f Brannerites ionic and covalent, 1191–1192 natural occurrence of, 280 plutonocene, 1199–1203, 1201f–1202f uranium in, 269t, 274, 280 specific examples, 1192–1203 Bravais lattice, description of, 2317 in transactinide elements, 1677 Breit effects, on element 121, 1669 in uranium Brevium. See Protactinium hexafluoride and pentafluoride, 576–575 Brillouin zones hydrides, 333–336, 334f, 335t of actinide metals, 2317–2318 in uranyl polyhedra, 280–281 in crystal structure, 2321 Bone description of, 2317 accumulation of protactinium–231, 188 in magnetism, 2367 actinide binding in, 3406–3412 Brinell hardness, of uranium metal, 323 Subject Index I-25 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Bromates, of actinide elements, 1796 Bromides in DOR process, 866–867 of actinide elements, 1796 in einsteinium alloy, 1592 of berkelium, 1469 reduction, plutonium production, 2722 of californium, 1533 for uranium reduction, 319 of curium, 1413t–1415t, 1417–1418 Calcium carbonate, for oxidation state of dubnium, 1703, 1705–1706 speciation, 2726 of einsteinium, 1599 Calculation of phase diagrams (CALPHAD), of neptunium, 737–738 application of, 927–928 equilibrium constants for, 772t Californium, 1499–1563 tetrabromide, 737 applications, 1505–1507 tribromide, 737–738 berkelium alloy with, 1461–1462 of plutonium, 1092–1100 complexes of, tris-cyclopentadienyl, preparation of, 1092–1095 2470–2476, 2472t–2473t properties of, 1087t, 1098–1100 compounds of, 1527–1545, 1530t–1531t solid-state structures of, 1084t, chalcogenides, 1539–1540 1096–1097, 1096f–1098f dipivaloylmethanato complex, 1541 protactinium derivatives of, 197–199, 207 general comments, 1527–1529, of uranium 1530t–1531t bromo complexes, 454 halides, 1529–1534, 1532f, 1542–1545, dioxide monobromide, 527–528 1544f oxide and nitride, 497, 500 hydrides, 1540–1541 oxide tribromide, 527 magnetic properties of, 1541–1542 oxobromo complexes, 572–574 organometallic, 1541 pentabromide, 526 other, 1538–1541 ternary and polynary compounds, oxides, 1534–1538 495–497 oxyhalides, 1529–1534, 1532f tetrabromide, 494–495 oxysulfates, 1541 tribromide, 453 pnictides, 1538–1539 tribromide hexahydrate, 453–454 solid-state absorption spectra, of uranyl 1542–1545, 1544f bromide, 571–572 sulfates, 1549 hydroxide bromide and bromide thiocyanates, 1554 hydrates, 572 discovery of, 5t, 8–9 βS. See Beta spectroscopy einsteinium separation from, 1585 BTP. See Bistriazinylpyridine einsteinium v., 1613 Butenouranocene, structure of, 2487, 2488t, electronic properties and structure, 2489f 1513–1517, 1514t BUTEX process emission spectra, 1516 for actinide production, 2731 x-ray emission spectroscopy, 1516–1517 REDOX process v., 2731 fermium separation from, 1624–1625 BUTEX process, PUREX process v., 842 gas-phase studies, 1559–1561 t-Butylbenzene (TBB), americum extraction Gibbs formation energy of hydrated ion, with, 2673–2675, 2674t 2539, 2540t Tert-Butylhydrazine (tert-BHz), neptunium half-life of, 1503–1504 (VI) reduction with, 761 ionization potentials of, 1874t By-product, uranium as, 314 isotopes of, 9–10, 12, 1499–1502, 1500t lanthanide elements v.,2 lawrencium from, 1641 magnetic properties of, 2355–2356 nitridation in, 2725 metallic state of, 1517–1527 with thorium molybdates, 112 chemical and mechanical properties of, , of uranium ore, 304 1525–1526 Calcite physical properties of, 1519–1525, uranium in, 289–291, 3160 1520t natural occurrence of, 3163 preparation of, 1517–1519 surface site incorporation of, 3162 structure of, 2388 uranyl in, 3160–3161, 3161t theoretical treatments of, 1526–1527 I-26 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Californium (Contd.) Californium (IV) nobelium v., 1640 compounds of, oxides, 1534–1538 nuclear properties of, 1499, 1500t, magnetic properties of, 2268–2269, 1502–1504 2270t oxidation states of, 1528, 1545, 1548, 1562, Californium (V), generation of, 1549 2526 Californium chalcogenides, structural in aqueous solution, 1774–1776, 1775t chemistry of, 2409–2414, 2412t–2413t ion types, 1777–1778, 1777t Californium dibromide, 1533 preparation of, 1499–1500, 1502–1504 Californium dichloride, 1533–1534 reduction potentials of, 1778, 1779f, absorption spectra of, 1542–1544, 1544f 2127–2131, 2130f–2131f structure of, 2416 separation and purification, 1507–1513, Californium diiodide, 1533 1510f structure of, 2416 solution chemistry, 1545–1559 Californium dioxide, 1536 absorption spectra, 1557–1559, 1557t, enthalpy of formation, 2136–2137, 2137t, 1558f, 1559t 2138f complexation chemistry, 1549–1555, entropy of, 2137–2138 1550t–1553t structure of, 2399 general comments, 1545–1546 Californium monoxide, 1535 redox reactions, 1546–1549, 1547t Californium oxides, structure of, 2398–2399, thermodynamic data, 1555–1557, 1556t 2398t sublimation enthalpy of, 2119t–2120t, Californium oxyhalides, structural chemistry 2122–2123, 2122f of, 2421, 2422t, 2423, 2424t–2426t synthesis of, 8–9 Californium pnictides, structure of, thermodynamic properties of 2409–2414, 2410t–2411t enthalpy of formation, 2123–2125, Californium sesquioxide, 1535–1537, 1535f 2124f–2125f, 2539, 2541t formation enthalpy of, 2143–2146, 2144t, entropy of, 2539, 2542f, 2543t 2145f heat capacity of, 2119t–2120t, 2121f structure of, 2398, 2398t Californium (II) Californium tetrafluoride, 1529 absorption spectra of, 1516, 1543–1544 Californium tetrahalides, structural chemistry existence of, 1547 of, 2416, 2418t overview of, 1501 Californium tribromide, 1533 preparation of, 1534, 1537 thermodynamic properties of, 2170t, 2172, Californium (III) 2173t absorption spectra of, 1515–1516, Californium trichloride, 1532 1543–1544, 2091, 2092f Californium trifluoride, 1529, 1532 berkelium (IV) separation from, 1508–1509 Californium trihalides, structural chemistry compounds of of, 2416, 2417t halides and oxyhalides, 1529–1534, Californium triiodide, 1533 1532f Californium–242, production of, 1502 oxides, 1534–1538 Californium–249 EPR of, 2269 from berkelium–249, 1446, 1461, extraction procedures for, 1512–1513 1511, 1579 hydration of, 2528–2530, 2529f, 2529t in compounds, 1462 hydrolytic behavior of, 1554, 2546, 2548t curium–245 from, 1401 magnetic properties of, 2269–2271, 2270t energy spectrum of, 1516 magnetic susceptibility of, 2269–2271, IS of, 1872 2270t lawrencium from, 1641–1642 in mammalian tissues metal production from, 1517–1518, 1518f circulation clearance of, 3368–3369, nuclear magnetic moments of, 1872 3368f–3375f, 3371–3376 production of, 1504 initial skeletal fractions of, 3349 study of, 1766 transferrin binding to, 3365 for transactinide element production, overview of, 1501 1661–1662 oxidation of, 1546 Californium–250 reduction of, 1548 half-life of, 1504 speciation of, 3110, 3114t, 3115 IS of, 1872 Subject Index I-27 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Californium–251 structures of, 67–69, 68f IS of, 1872 ternary, 68–69, 74f nuclear magnetic moments of, 1872 of uranium, 399–405, 401t–402t, 403f–404f production of, 1504 application of, 405 Californium–252 hydrolytic behavior of, 403–405 for cancer treatment, 1829 phase diagram of, 399, 403f curium–248 from, 1400, 1765–1766 preparation of, 400 decay of, 1766 structure of, 400, 404f energy spectrum of, 1516 ternary, 405 half-life of, 1503 Carbocyclic ligands, 2858–2865 IS of, 1872 arene ligands, 2858–2860 metal production from, 1518 bond distances, 2860 neutrons from, 1827–1828, 3302–3303 bonding of, 2859 production of, 1401, 1501, 1503–1504 bridging, 2859–2860, 2861f spontaneous fission of, 1505 overview of, 2858–2859 Californium–253, production of, 1504 preparation of, 2859, 2860f Californium–254, spontaneous fission of, 1505 cycloheptatrienyl ligand, 2860–2862 Calixarenes bonding in, 2862, 2863f description of, 2456 formation of, 2860–2861 structural chemistry of, 2456–2463 structure of, 2861–2862, 2862f 3 coordination, 2459–2460 fullerenes, 2864–2865 4 coordination, 2460, 2461f electronic structure of, 2864–2865 5 coordination, 2460–2461 overview of, 2864 8 coordination, 2461, 2462f pentalene, 2862–2864 12 coordination, 2461–2462, 2463f bond lengths in, 2864 other coordination, 2461 derivation of, 2862 CALPHAD. See Calculation of phase use of, 2863 diagrams CAM. See Catecholamine reactions, with cyclopentadienyl complexes, Cancer treatment, californium–252 for, 1829 2824 Capillary electrophoresis, ICPMS with, uranium mineral adsorption and, 3158 3069 Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, principle Carbamoylmethylenephosphine oxide (CHON principle), actinide extraction (CMPO), americium extraction with, by, 1285, 1287 1278–1284 Carbonate leaching, of uranium ore, 307–309, Carbamoylphosphonate reagents 309f, 632 americium extraction with, 1276–1278 benefits of, 307 in solvating extraction systems, 2653 flow chart of, 308, 309f Carbide oxides, of actinides, matrix-isolated, oxygen for, 307–308 1976–1984 Carbonates Carbides of actinide elements, 1796 of americium, 1305t–1312t, 1319 actinide speciation in, 3159 of neptunium, 744 of actinyl complexes, 1926, 1928t, 1929f of plutonium, 1003–1009 of americium, 1305t–1312t, 1319, chemical properties of, 1007–1008 1340–1341 crystal structures of, 1004–1007, 1005t, common mineral phases of, 3159, 3159t 1006f–1007f complexes of, 2583 phase diagram of, 1003–1004, 1003f of neptunium, 745 preparation of, 1004 equilibrium constants for, 774t–775t ternary phases, 1009 in plasma, 3361 thermodynamic properties of, 1008–1009 of plutonium, 1159–1166 of protactinium, 195 application of, 1159 structural chemistry of, 2405–2408, 2406t formation constants, 1160–1161t thermodynamic properties of, 2195–2198 heptavalent, 1163–1165 gaseous, 2198 hexavalent, 1165–1166 solid, 2195–2198 tetravalent, 1162–1163 of thorium, 67–69, 68f, 71t–73t trivalent, 1159 halogens with, 68 precipitation I-28 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Carbonates (Contd.) terminal, 2930–2935 with DDP, 2706, 2707f terminal ansa-, 2935–2937 protactinium enrichment with, 174–175 alkyne hydroamination, 2981–2990 sorption studies of, 3159–3164 kinetic studies of, 2986–2990 structural chemistry of, 2426–2427, 2427t, neutral organoactinide complex 2428f promotion, 2981–2986 of thorium, 108–109 alkyne oligomerization, 2923–2930 crystallization of, 109 bisacetylide organoactinide, 2924–2925 with fluoride, 109 cross, 2929–2930 as ligands, 129 key intermediate complex in, 2926, 2926f solubility and, 127–128 terminal, 2925–2926, 2928f synthesis of, 108–109 amine, silane reactions, 2978–2981 of uranium, 261t–263t azide and hydrazine reduction, 2994–2996 EXAFS of, 3160–3161, 3161t constrained-geometry hydroamination, formation of, 289 2990–2994 natural occurrence of, 291 heterogeneous, 2999–3006 properties of, 289–290 active site assessment, 3000–3002 structures of, 290 alkane activation, 3002–3006 Carbonyl complexes arene hydrogenation, 2999–3000 of actinides, 1987–1987 olefin hydrogenation, 2996–2997 of d-transition metals, 2893 olefin hydrosilylation, 2953–2978 Carboxylates of alkenes, 2969–2974 complexes of, 2584, 2585t–2586t, promotion for alkynes, 2974–2978 2586–2587, 2590 promotion for terminal alkynes, entropy change, 2557, 2558t 2964–2969 of curium, 1429 of terminal alkynes, 2953–2964 of neptunium (IV), EXAFS investigations olefin polymerization, 2997–2999 of, 3137–3140, 3147t–3150t reactivity, 2912–2923 organophosphorus ligands v., 2585t–2586t, activation modes, 2912–2913 2588 alkyne and silane stoichiometric reactions of plutonium, 1176–1181, 1178t of, 2916–2918, 2917f structural chemistry of, 2437–2448, 2438f, [(Et2N)3U][BPh4], 2922–2933 2439t–2443t, 2443f–2447f stoichiometric reactions of, 2913–2916, acetates, 2439t–2440t, 2440–2445, 2444f 2914f–2915f di-, 2441t–2443t, 2445–2448, 2445f–2447f synthesis of ansa- complexes, 2918–2920, dipicolinates, 2441t–2443t, 2446–2447, 2920f 2446f synthesis of high-valent organouranium formates, 2437–2440, 2439t–2440t complexes, 2920–2922, 2921f malonates, 2441t–2443t, 2447–2448 terminal alkyne cross dimerization, mono-, 2438–2445, 2439t–2440t, 2444f 2947–2952, 2948f–2949f overview of, 2437 Catalyzed ignition, of plutonium, 3236–3237 oxalate, 2441t–2443t, 2445–2446, 2445f Catcher foil. See Foil tetra- and hexa, 2443t, 2448 Catecholamine (CAM) of thorium, 113–114 complexes of, 2590–2591 EXAFS investigations of, 3137–3140, for plutonium removal, 1824 3147t–3150t Catecholate ligands, as chelating agents, in solvent extraction, 113–114 3414–3416, 3415f of uranyl (VI), EXAFS investigations of, Cation exchange 3137–3140, 3141t–3150t of berkelium, 1449–1450 Carnotite of californium, 1512 description of, 297–298 of curium, 1433 natural occurrence of, 297–298 historical development of, 2636–2641, 2637f plutonium in, 822 for trace analysis, 3282–3283 uranium production with, 297 of uranium, 633 Catalytic processes, by organoactinides, Cation-cation interaction 2911–3006 actinide complexes of, 2593–2596, 2596f, alkyne dimerization, 2930–2947 2596t promotion of, 2938–2947, 2940f–2941f model of, 2593–2595 Subject Index I-29 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

structures of, 2595, 2596f oxides, 1023–1052 thermodynamic properties of, 2595–2596, sulfides, tellurides, and selenides, 2596t 1052–1056 in neptunium (V) coordination ternary and polynary, 1056–1069 complexes, 748 ternary oxides, 1069–1070 in pentavalent and hexavalent actinides, structural chemistry of, 2409–2414, 1356 2412t–2413t, 2414f Cation-exchange chromatography thermodynamic properties of, 2203t, for actinium purification, 30–32, 31f 2204–2205 for americium purification, 1290–1291 of thorium, 75t, 95–97 chromatographic elution schemes, structures of, 95–96 1290–1291 of uranium, 412–420, 414t–417t distribution coefficients, 1290 Charge-density waves, quantization of, for dubnium extraction, 1704–1705 2317–2318 for fermium purification, 1629 Charge-transfer transitions for lawrencium extraction, 1643, 1645 of actinide ions, 2085–2089 for rutherfordium extraction, 1699–1700 of neptunyl, 2089 for seaborgium extraction, 1710–1711 overview of, 2085–2086 CC. See Complexant concentrate of uranyl, 2086–2089 CCF. See Correlation crystal-field Chelate chromatography, neptunium CCSDs. See Single double coupled cluster extraction with, 714–716, 715f excitations Chelate formation, by glycolate and Central field approximation acetate, 590 effective-operator Hamiltonian with, 2027 Chelating agents for free-ion interactions modeling, desferrioxamine, 3414 2020–2023 for plutonium removal overview of, 2020 examples of, 1822–1823 Ceramic capacitors, protactinium in, 189 new, 1824–1825 problems with, 1823–1824 americium interaction with, 1302 polyaminopolycarboxylic acids, 3413–3414 berkelium separation from, 1449 siderophores, 3414–3423 extraction of, TALSPEAK for, 2672 Chemical methods Cerium (IV), detection of, VOL, 3061 for transactinide elements, 1734–1735 Cerocene, thorocene v., 1947 of uranium ore processing, 302 Cesium, with thorium sulfates, 105 Chemical precipitation, for uranium leach CF. See Crystal-field recovery, 313–314 Chain structures history of, 313 factors in, 579 materials for, 314 in soddyite, 293 process of, 313–314 in , 288–289 Chemical reactions, of uranium metal, 327, of uranium phosphates and arsenates, 327t 295–296 Chemical reactivity in uranyl minerals, 281 of neptunium hexafluoride, 733–734 selenites and tellurites, 298 of thorium, 63 in weeksite, 292–293 Chemical transport reactions, for uranium Chalcogenides oxide preparation, 343 of americium, 1305t–1312t, 1316–1317 Chernikovite coordination of, 1358–1359 at Oklo, Gabon, 271–272 of berkelium, 1464t–1465t, 1470 uranium in, 259t–269t preparation of, 1460 Chitosan, uranyl adsorption on, 2669 of californium, 1530t–1531t, 1539–1540 Chloride solutions, for americium of curium, 1413t–1415t, 1420–1421 purification, 1291–1292 cyclopentadienyl complexes with, 2837 Chlorides of neptunium, 739–742 of actinide elements, 1796 selenides, 740–741 of berkelium, 1468–1470 sulfides, 739–740 of californium, 1532–1534 tellurides, 741–742 absorption spectra of, 1542–1544, 1544f of plutonium, 1023–1077 complexes of, 2579–2580, 2581t I-30 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Chlorides (Contd.) Chromatography, overview of, 3067 of curium, 1413t–1415t, 1417–1418 CI. See Configuration interaction of dubnium, 1703, 1705 Circulation. See Plasma of einsteinium, 1595 Citrates Gibbs energy of formation for, 2710t in plasma, 3360–3361 of neptunium, 736–737 for plutonium removal, 1823 equilibrium constants for, 772t for separation, 2638–2639, 2639t tetrachloride, 736–737 of thorium, as ligands, 131, 132t trichloride, 737 Citrobacter sp., uranyl phosphate of plutonium, 1092–1100 precipitation by, 297 preparation of, 1092–1095 Clarification, in uranium ore processing, properties of, 1087t, 1098–1100 308–309 solid-state structures of, 1084t, Clarkeite, transformation of, 288 1096–1097, 1096f–1098f Clay of protactinium groups of, 3151–3152 derivatives of, 197–199, 198f, 207 silicates in, 3151 protactinium (V), 213, 215t for SNF storage, 1813 in pyrochemical methods, 2694–2700 Cliffordite, as uranyl tellurite, 298 americium, 2699–2700 CMPO. See Carbamoylmethylenephosphine curium and transcurium, 2700 oxide; n-Octyl(phenyl)-N,N-diisobutyl- neptunium, 2697–2698 carbamoyl methylphosphine oxide plutonium, 2698–2699, 2699f , plutonium and, 897 protactinium, 2695 Coffinite thorium, 2694–2695 natural occurrence of, 275–276 uranium, 2695–2696, 2697f at Oklo, Gabon, 271–272 of seaborgium, 1707 structure of, 586, 587f TRUEX processing of waste, 2742, 2742f uranium in, 259t–269t, 274 of uranium Cohesion properties anhydrous complexes, 450–452 of actinide metals, 2368–2371 complexes, 492–493, 523–524 in transplutonium materials, 2370–2371 dioxide dichloride, 567–569 COL. See Colorimetry hexachloride, 567 COLD. See Cryo On-Line Detector nitride, 500 ‘Cold’ fusion, element production by, 1737 oxide, 524–525 Colloidal materials, actinide association with, oxochloride, 525–526 3287–3288 pentachloride, 522–523 Color perchlorates, 494 of actinium, 34–35 perchlorates and related compounds, of protactinium, 194 570–571 of thorium, 61 tetrachloride, 490–492 Color cathode ray tube, protactinium for, trichloride, 446–448, 447f 188–189 trichloride hydrates, 448–450 Colorant, uranium as, 254 Chlorination, of dubnium, 1705 Colorimetry (COL), for environmental Chlorinator-electrolyzer, for DDP, 2707 actinides, 3034t, 3035 , from radiolysis, 1145–1146, 1146t Column partition chromatography. See Chloroplutonate compounds Partition chromatography application of, 1104 Comilling, of plutonium and uranium phase diagram of, 1104, 1108f oxides, 1074 preparation of, 1104 Complexant concentrate (CC), TRUEX properties of, 1108, 1109t process for, 2740 CHON principle. See Carbon, hydrogen, Complexation oxygen, nitrogen principle of actinide elements, 1782–1784, 2524–2607 Chromates bonding, 2556–2563 of americium, 1321 cation hydration, 2528–2544 of neptunium, equilibrium constants for, 775t cation hydrolysis, 2545–2556 of thorium, 112 cation-cation complexes, 2593–2596 structure of, 112 complexation reaction kinetics, synthesis of, 112 2602–2606 Subject Index I-31 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

complexes, 2577–2591 Composition-pressure-temperature correlations, 2566–2577 relationship, of plutonium dioxide, in hydrosphere, 1808–1809 1031, 1031f inner v. outer sphere, 2563–2566 Compreignacite redox reaction kinetics, 2597–2602 at Shinkolobwe deposit, 273 ternary complexes, 2591–2593 uranium in, 259t–269t of actinium, 40, 41t Condensed phase of americium, 1338–1356, 1339t actinide thermodynamic properties in, by carbonate, 1340–1341 2115–2118, 2119t–2120t, 2121f hydrolysis, 1339–1340 entropy, 2115–2116, 2116f by organic ligands, 1341, 1342t–1352t, high-temperature properties, 2116–2118, 1353–1354, 1353f 2117t, 2119t–2120t, 2121f by others, 1354–1356 energy levels and free-ion correlation with, of berkelium, 1475–1479, 1477t–1478t 2037–2039, 2038t of californium, 1549–1555, 1550t–1553t ion electronic structures in, 2036–2037 of dubnium, 1705 Configuration interaction (CI) effect of, 2601–2602, 2602t of actinide elements, 1852 of einsteinium, 1607–1609 cyclopentadienyl complexes, 1958 of fermium, 1629 for excited state energy calculations, 1910 inner v. outer sphere, 2563–2566, 2566f, for relativistic correlation effects, 1670 2567t Congruently vaporizing composition (CVC), kinetics of, 2602–2606, 2605f, 2606t of uranium oxides, 365 americium, 2604–2605 Conversion chemistry, precipitation and Eigen mechanism, 2602–2603 crystallization for, of plutonium, multidentate ligands, 2603–2604 836–839 simple v. complex, 2602 plutonium (III) oxalate precipitation, trivalent complexes, 2605–2606, 2605f, 836–837 2606t plutonium (IV) oxalate precipitation, 837 in mammalian body, 3340 plutonium (IV) peroxide precipitation, of mendelevium, 1635 837–838 of plutonium, 1156–1182 Coordination chemistry carbonates, 1159–1166, of cyclopentadienyl complexes, trivalent, 1160t–1161t 2804 carboxylates, 1176–1181, 1178t water in, 3096 cation-cation, 1181–1182 Coordination compounds halides, 1181 of berkelium, 1471 iodates, 1172–1173 of neptunium, 745–750 nitrates, 1160t–1161t, 1167–1168 structural chemistry of, 2436–2467 overview of, 1156–1158 calixarenes, 2456–2463, 2457t–2458t, , 1173–1175 2459f, 2461f–2463f oxoanions, 1158–1176 with carboxylic acids, 2437–2448, 2438f, perchlorates, 1173 2439t–2443t, 2443f–2447f peroxide, 1175–1176 crown , 2448–2456 phosphates, 1160t–1161t, 1170–1172 overview of, 2436–2437 sulfates, 1160t–1161t, 1168–1170 porphyrins and phthalocyanines, of seaborgium, 1710–1711 2463–2467, 2464t, 2466f–2467f of thorium, 129–133, 130t of thorium, 114–115 coordination compounds for, 115 ligands of, 115 formation constants, 131, 132t properties of, 115 inorganic ligands, 129–131, 130t Coordination geometry solubility curves of, 129 in actinide complex bonding, 2558–2560, stability constants, 129, 130t 2559f study of, 130–131 of americium, 1327, 1328f of transactinide elements, 1687–1689 chalcogenides, 1358–1359 Complexation enthalpy cyclopentadienyl and cyclooctatetraenyl of complex halides, 2182, 2183t–2184t, compounds, 1363–1364 2185f halides, 1356–1357, 1358f of halides, 2578–2580, 2579t, 2581t inorganic ligands, 1356–1361 I-32 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Coordination geometry (Contd.) nitrogen in, 3212 nitrogen-donor ligands, 1363 of plutonium others, 1361 catalyzed, 3236–3237 oxides, 1357–1358, 1358f dry, 3227–3228 oxoanionic ligands, 1359–1360, 1360f hydrogen- and hydride-catlyzed, 977–979 oxygen-donor ligands, 1361–1362 kinetic behavior, 3225–3227 pnictides, 1358–1359 metal and intermetallic compounds of, silicides, 1359 973–979, 3223–3238, 3226f, 3227t, sulfur-donor ligands, 1363 3229t bond distance and oxidation states salt-catalyzed, 3238 with, 3093 thermal ignition, 3232–3235 hexagonal bipyramidal unalloyed, 3231–3232 of uranyl (V), 588–589 by water vapor, 3228–3230 of uranyl (VI), 580–581, 580f, 582f–583f rates of, 3200–3201 of neptunium plutonium metal, 3225–3226, 3226f in biological systems, 1814 of uranium metallic state, 719 with hydrogen, 3239–3242, 3240f, 3241t pentagonal bipyramidal kinetics of, 3239–3246 of uranyl (V), 589 metal, 327–328, 327t of uranyl (VI), 580, 581f–582f with oxygen, water, and air, 3242–3245, peroxide complexes, of uranyl (VI), 583–584, 3243f, 3244t 584f uranyl with water, 3239 of plutonium, 883, 887t, 1112, 1157 COUL. See Coulometry anions, 1158–1159 Coulomb repulsion, in actinide metals, 2325 six-coordination, of uranyl (VI), 582, 583f Coulometry (COUL) structure and, 579 for berkelium, 1484 of uranium for californium, 1548–1549 hydroxide complexes, 600 for environmental actinides, 3049t, 3052 uranium (III), 610 for mendelevium, 1636 uranium (IV), 595, 610 for neptunium, 757–759, 758f uranium (V), 610 determination of, 790–791 uranium (VI), 610 Coulopotentiogram, of neptunium, 758–759, uranyl (VI), 580–584, 580f–584f, 3132 758f spark method, for protactinium, 226 Counter-current leaching, of uranium ore, 306 Copper, with thorium molybdates, 112 Coutinhoite, description of, 293 Coprecipitation Covalency bismuth phosphate for, 2634 in actinide complex bonding, 2561–2562, of californium, 1547–1548 2563t historical development of, 2627–2628 in , 1948–1949, 1948f of mendelevium, 1633, 1635 in plutonium, 1191–1192 methods of, 3281–3282 dioxide, 1196–1199, 1197f, 1200f of neptunium, 716 hexafluoride, 1193–1196 for oxidation state extraction, 3287 of , 2249–2251 of plutonium, 833–835 in uranocene, 2854, 2855f bismuth phosphate process, 835 in uranyl ion, 1915–1916 lanthanum fluoride method for, 833–835 CP. See Cupferron oxides with uranium oxides, 1074 Critical mass, of americium, 1268 for sample concentration, 3023 Critical parameters, plutonium–239, 820–821, for separation, 2633–2634, 3281–3282 821t of uranium oxides with plutonium Cross-relaxation, of luminescence, 2103 oxides, 1074 Crown ether, complexes of, 2590 of uranyl ion, with iron-bearing mineral description of, 2448–2449 phases, 3168–3169 structural chemistry of, 2448–2456 Core-level spectra, of plutonium, 861 Cryo On-Line Detector (COLD), for hassium Correlation crystal-field (CCF), Hamiltonian study, 1713, 1714f of, 2054–2055 Cryo-Thermochromatographic Separator Corrosion (CTS), for hassium study, of curium metal, 1412 1712–1713 Subject Index I-33 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Crystal chemistry calculation of, 2050–2052 site distortion in, 2047 computation of, 2058 of uranium (IV), 281 effective-operator Hamiltonian with, Crystal morphology, prediction of uranium 2050 (IV) sheets, 286–287 empirical evaluation of, 2047–2049 Crystal structure. See also Structure expression of, 2051 of actinide elements free-ion states and, 2056 metallic state, 1785–1787, 1786t tetravalent ions, 2074 solid compounds, 1798 of neptunium dioxide, 2284 of actinide metals, 2312–2313, 2312f, 2320 quantum mechanical calculations of, 2049 low-symmetry, 2330–2331, 2331t, rank 2, 2051–2052 2369–2370 rank 4, 2052 of actinocenes, 1943–1944, 1944t, 1945f rank 6, 2052 Brillouin zones in, 2321 signs of, 2048–2049 mechanical properties and, 968 theoretical evaluation, 2049–2053 of neptunium dioxide, 2287–2288, 2287f of uranocene, 2253 optimization of, 2048–2049 Crystal-field splittings of plutonium, 879, 881t of 5f states of actinide ions, 2081, 2082f dioxide, 2289–2290 computation of, 2076 Crystal-field (CF), ground state of contributions to, 2054 magnetic susceptibility and, 2226 of curium (III), 2266 uranium dioxide, 2274 of f-element spectroscopy, 2074–2075 Zeeman interaction and, 2225–2226 of plutonium dioxide, 2288–2289 Crystal-field Hamiltonian of tetravalent actinides, 2075–2076 corrections to, 2053–2056 of uranium ECM with, 2052–2053, 2053t dioxide, 2278–2279 free-ion Hamiltonian with, 2041 tetrachloride, 2249 matrix element evaluation with, 2039–2042 uranium (III), 2057–2058, 2057f parameters of, 2054–2055 uranium (IV), 2247–2248 initial, 2048 Crystal-field theory symmetry rules for, 2043 for f-element ions in crystals, 2047–2048 of trivalent ions, 2056 for uranium dioxide, 2278, 2279f Crystal-field interactions Crystallization of 5f1 compounds, 2242–2243 of einsteinium, 1607 of 5f7 compounds, 2265 of mendelevium, 1636 of actinide fluorides, 2071, 2073f of plutonium, 831–839 of actinide ions, importance of, 2076 conversion chemistry, 836–839 crystal field parameters precipitation v., 832–833 empirical evaluation, 2047–2049 Crystallography, of organometallic actinide theoretical evaluation, 2049–2053 compounds, 1800 crystal-field Hamiltonian CTS. See Cryo-Thermochromatographic corrections to, 2053–2056 Separator matrix element evaluation and, Cupferron (CP), protactinium extraction 2039–2042 with, 184 free-ion and condensed phase correlation, Cupferronates, of protactinium, gravimetric 2036–2039, 2038t methods with, 230–231 free-ion interactions with, 2044, 2062–2064, Cuprosklodowskite 2063t at Shinkolobwe deposit, 273 magnetic field with, 2044 uranium in, 259t–269t modeling of, 2036–2056 Curie law symmetry rules, 2043–2047 for 5f6 compounds, 2264 tensor operators for, 2040 for magnetic susceptibility data, 2230 weak in crystals, 2055 Curie-Weiss law Crystal-field operators for einsteinium (III), 2271 geometric properties of, 2043 for magnetic susceptibility data, for ions, 2043–2044 2230–2231 Crystal-field parameters, 2044, 2045t of UBe13, 2342, 2343f accuracy of, 2047 for uranium (IV) compounds, 2254 I-34 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Curite solubility ranges, 930, 930f anion topology of, 283, 284f–285f thermal conductivity, 957 from clarkeite, 288 plutonium v., 935 at Koongarra deposit, 273 production of, 1400–1402, 1758–1759 uranium in, 259t–269t pyrochemical methods for, molten with uranium phosphates, 294 chlorides, 2700 Curium, 1397–1434 quadrupole moments of, 1884, 1884f analytical chemistry of, 1432–1434 reduction potentials of, 1778, 1779f, analysis of, 1432–1433 2127–2131, 2130f–2131f separations, 1433–1434 separation and purification of, 1407–1410 aqueous chemistry of, 1424–1432 from americium, 2672–2673 inorganic, 1424–1430, 1426t–1428t DDP, 2706 organic, 1426t–1428t, 1430–1432 ion exchange, 1409–1410 atomic properties of, 1402–1406, 1403t precipitation, 1410 absorption spectra, 1402–1404, solvent extraction, 1407–1409 1404f–1405f TALSPEAK for, 2672 electronic structure, 1404–1405 synthesis of, 8–9 fluorescence spectroscopy, 1405–1406, thermodynamic properties of 1406f enthalpy of formation, 2123–2125, in biological systems, ingestion and 2124f–2125f, 2539, 2541t inhalation of, 1818–1820 entropy of, 2539, 2542f, 2543t complexes of Gibbs formation energy of hydrated ion, cyclopentadienyl, 2803 2539, 2540t tris-cyclopentadienyl, 2470–2476, heat capacity of, 2119t–2120t, 2121f 2472t–2473t sublimation enthalpy of, 2119t–2120t, compounds of, 1412–1424 2122–2123, 2122f chalcogenides, 1413t–1415t, 1420–1421 UO2 solid solutions with general, 1412–1416, 1413t–1415t oxygen potentials of, 394–396, 395t halides, 1413t–1415t, 1417–1418 properties of, 391t–392t, 392 hydrides, 1413t–1415t, 1416–1417 Curium (II), 1430 organometallics, 1413t–1415t, 1423–1424 stabilization of, 2077 oxides, 1413t–1415t, 1419–1420 Curium (III) pnictides, 1413t–1415t, 1421 absorption spectra of, 1402–1404, 1404f difficulty of working with, 1397–1398 aqueous chemistry of, 1424–1432, discovery of, 5t, 8 1426t–1428t half-life of, 1399t, 1400 chlorides of, magnetic data, 2229–2230, history of, 8, 1397–1398 2230t ionization potentials of, 1874t complexation of, 1424–1430, 1426t–1428t isotopes of, 9–10, 12, 1397–1400, 1399t TTA, 2532 lanthanide elements v.,2 detection of magnetic properties of, 2355–2356 limits to, 3071t metallic state of, 1410–1412 TRLF, 3037 chemical properties of, 1412 UVS, 3037 magnetic susceptibility, 2266, 2267t, electronic structure of, 1404–1405 2268 energy levels of, 2075–2076, 2075f physical properties of, 1410–1411, energy levels, structure of, 2059–2061 1413t–1415t excitation spectra of, 2061–2062, 2061f preparation of, 1411–1412 extraction of, 1431 structure of, 2387–2388 aminopolycarboxylic acid, 1286 natural occurrence of, in marine organisms, HDEHP, 1409 1809 organophosphorus and nuclear properties of, 1398–1400, 1399t carbamoylphosphonate reagents, oxidation states of, 1416, 2526 1276–1278 in aqueous solution, 1774–1776, 1775t fluorescence decays of, 2101–2102, 2101f ion types, 1777–1778, 1777t hydration numbers of, 2534, 2535f, in plutonium alloy 2535t–2536t δ-phase lattice, 930f, 931–932 in concentrated solutions, 2536–2538, elastic constants, 943 2537f Subject Index I-35 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

hydration of, 2528–2530, 2529f, 2529t Curium peroxide, in americium separation, hydrolytic behavior of, 2546, 2548t 1271 in hydrosphere, 1807–1810 Curium phosphates, 1413t–1415t, 1422 luminescence of, 2096–2097, 2097f structural chemistry of, 2430–2433, study of, 2098–2099 2431t–2432t magnetic properties of, 2265–2268 Curium pnictides, structure of, 2409–2414, in mammalian tissues 2410t–2411t circulation clearance of, 3368–3369, Curium sesquioxide, 1413t–1415t, 1419–1420 3368f–3375f, 3371–3376 formation enthalpy of, 2143–2146, 2144t, glycoproteins, 3410–3411, 3411t 2145f initial skeletal fractions of, 3349 in gas-phase, 2148t, 2149 transferrin binding to, 3365 high-temperature properties of, 2139f, oxidation of, 1416, 1429–1430 2146–2147 purification of structure of, 2396–2397, 2396t from americium (III), 1410 Curium sesquiselenide, 1413t–1415t, 1420 zirconium based sorbents, 1409 Curium sesquisulfide, 1413t–1415t, 1420 separation from americium, 1271 Curium sulfate, 1413t–1415t, 1422 solution reactions of, 1424–1425, 1425f Curium tetrafluoride, 1413t–1415t, 1418 speciation of, 3110, 3114t Curium tetrahalides, structural chemistry of, stability constants of, 1425, 1426t–1428t 2416, 2418t TRLF of, 2534–2535, 2536t Curium tribromide, 1413t–1415t, 1417–1418 Curium (IV) Curium trichloride, 1413t–1415t, 1417 absorption spectra of, 1402–1404, 1405f Curium trifluoride, 1413t–1415t, 1417 complex of, 1416 Curium trihalides, structural chemistry of, electronic structure of, 1404–1405 2416, 2417t excitation spectra of, 2068, 2071f Curium trihydroxide, 1413t–1415t, 1421 magnetic properties of, 2263–2265 Curium–242 magnetic susceptibility of, 2264–2265 alpha decay of, 1432 TIP of, 2263–2264 from americium–242, 1759 preparation of, 1429–1430 applications of, 1398–1400 uranium (IV) v., coordination numbers, californium–244 from, 1499 585–586 detection of, limits to, 3071t Curium chalcogenides, structural chemistry heat output of, 1398 of, 2409–2414, 2412t–2413t history of, 1397–1398 Curium dioxide, 1413t–1415t, 1419 nuclear properties of, 3277t enthalpy of formation, 2136–2137, 2137t, plutonium–238 from, 817 2138f production of, 1401–1402 heat capacity of, 2138–2141, 2139f, 2142t solutions of, 1424–1425, 1425f IPNS of, 2292–2293 study of, 1765 magnetic properties of, 2292–2293 Curium–243 magnetic susceptibility of, 2293 alpha decay of, 1432 structure of, 2397 detection of, αS, 3296 Curium hydrides nuclear properties of, 3277t entropy of, 2188, 2189t Curium–244 formation enthalpy of, 2187–2188, 2187t, alpha decay of, 1432 2189t, 2190f from americium–244, 1759 high-temperature properties of, 2188–2190, applications of, 1398–1400 2190t detection of structure of, 2404 ICPMS, 3328 Curium monoxide limits to, 3071t dissociative energy of, 2149–2150, 2150f αS, 3296 structure of, 2396 half-life of, 1759 Curium nitrate, 1413t–1415t, 1422 heat output of, 1398 Curium oxalate, 1413t–1415t, 1419, 1421–1422 history of, 1398 Curium oxides, structure of, 2396–2397 isolation of, 1401–1402 Curium oxyhalides, structural chemistry of, nobelium from, 1636–1637 2421, 2422t, 2423, 2424t–2426t nuclear properties of, 3277t Curium oxysulfate, 1413t–1415t, 1420 plutonium–240 from, 862 I-36 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Curium–244 (Contd.) Cyclooctatetraene compounds, of neptunium, production of, 1400–1401 751–752 radioactivity of, 1759 Cyclopentadiene complexes, of americium, study of, 1765 1323t, 1324 Curium–245, production of, 1400–1401 Cyclopentadienyl complexes, 2800–2851 Curium–246, production of, 1400 of actinide elements, 1801–1803, 1952–1959 Curium–247, production of, 1400 3 ligands þ X, 1956–1957 Curium–248 4 ligands, 1953–1954 berkelium alloy with, 1462 ‘base-free’ 3-ligand, 1954–1956, 1955f from californium–252, 1505 metal-metal bonds, 1958–1959 for hassium production, 1713 mixed ligands, 1957–1958 history of, 1398 overview of, 1952–1953, 1953f lawrencium from, 1641 structure of, 1953, 1953f neutron emission from, 1505 of berkelium, 1464t–1465t, 1471 production of, 1400–1401 bimetallic complexes and, 2890 study of, 1765–1766 of californium, 1544 for transactinide element production, dicarbollide complexes v., 2868 1661–1662 hexavalent, 2847–2851 Curium–249, decay of, 1447 adamantylimido complex, 2850 Curium–252, detection of, NAA, 3055–3057, bis(imido), 2848–2850 3056t, 3058f geometry of, 2847–2848 Cyanates, of actinide elements, 1796 heteroatom substitution, 2850–2851 Cyanex 301 prevalence of, 2847 americium (III) extraction with, 1287–1289, reactivity of, 2847–2850 1288f, 2675–2676 structure of, 2847, 2849f concerns of, 1288–1289 synthesis of, 2847–2849, 2848f disadvantages of, 1289 of neptunium, 750–751 for solvent extraction, 2665 pentavalent, 2845–2847 trivalent actinide/lanthanide separation, electronic structure, 2847 2762–2763 preparation of, 2845–2847, 2846f Cyanides, of actinide elements, 1796 prevalence of, 2845 Cycloheptatrienyl complexes, of uranium, structure of, 2846f, 2847 2253–2254 phospholyl complexes v., 2869 Cycloheptatrienyl ligand, 2860–2862 of plutonium, 1189–1191 bonding in, 2862, 2863f pyrazolylborate v., 2880 formation of, 2860–2861 structural chemistry of, 2468–2485 structure of, 2861–2862, 2862f bis, 2476–2482, 2478f, 2479t–2480t, Cyclooctadienyl compounds, americium 2481f–2483f ligands of, 1363–1364 mono, 2482–2485, 2484t, 2485f–2487f Cyclooctatetraene complexes tetrakis, 2469, 2469t, 2470f of americium, 1323t, 1324 tris, 2470–2476, 2472t–2473t, of plutonium, 1188–1189 2474f–2475f, 2477f structural chemistry of, 2485–2487, 2488t, tetravalent, 2814–2845 2489f alkali metal reagents, 2844 Cyclooctatetraenyl complexes, 2851–2858 alkyl or aryl ligands, 2539f, 2819–2820, americium ligands of, 1363–1364 2820f, 2837–2839 bonding in, 2853–2854, 2854f amide complexes, 2832 bridging in, 2857, 2857f bis(indenyl) complex, 2827 cationic derivatives of, 2857–2858 bonding and structure of, 2815–2817, chemistry of, 2851, 2856–2857 2816f, 2816t, 2818f electron transfer rates in, 2856 carbon dioxide reactions, 2824 metathesis reactions, 2857 reactions, 2821–2824 pentavalent, 2858 cationic species, 2818–2819 ring dynamics of, 2854–2855 chalcogenide complexes, 2837 single ring, 2856–2857 dialkyl complexes, 2840 synthesis of, 2851–2852 Group 14 derivatives, 2820–2821 trivalent derivatives of, 2855–2856 history of, 2815 uranocene derivatives, 2851–2853, 2852f importance of, 2814–2815 Subject Index I-37 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

indenyl complexes, 2844 oxidation states of, 1720 isocyanide ligand insertion, 2825, 2826f production of, 1719–1720 metal-carbon bond in, 2825–2826 relativistic orbital energies for, 1669f metathesis and protonation routes for, solution chemistry of 2819, 2831–2833, 2845 complexation of, 1689 mono-ring complexes, 2843–2844 hydrolysis, 1686–1687, 1687t organoimido complexes, 2833–2835 redox potentials, 1685–1686, 1685f–1686f pentamethyl- ligand, 2827–2829, 2829f Darmstadtium–292, half-life of, 1736 phosphide complexes, 2832–2833 Dating, with protactinium–231, 231 phosphine imide complex, 2825 and thorium–230, 170–171 phosphinidene complexes, 2833, and uranium–235, 189 2834f–2835f, 2835 DBBP. See Dibutyl butylphosphonate phosphorylide complex, 2826, 2828f DBM. See Dibenzoylmethane polypnictide complexes, 2836 DCB. See Dirac-Coulomb-Breit Hamiltonian pyrazole adduct, 2830 DCTA. See 1,2-Diaminocyclohexane reaction patterns, 2841–2843, 2842f tetraacetic acid reactions for, 2817–2818 DDCP. See Dibutyl-N,N- stabilization of, 2829–2830, 2831f diethylcarbamylphosphonate thermochemistry, 2821, 2822t, DDP. See Dimitrovgrad Dry Process 2840–2841, 2840t de Haas-van Alphen frequencies, of UIr3, thiolate complexes, 2836–2837 2334, 2335f of thorium, 116 4n þ 2 decay chain trivalent, 2800–2814 thorium–230 from, 53 anionic reactions of, 2806 thorium–234 from, 53 cationic complex, 2812 uranium–238 in, 255–256 transfer reagents, 2808 Decay chains coordination chemistry of, 2804 of actinium, 20–26, 21f–26f dimeric, 2812, 2813f of berkelium–249, 1447 dioxygen reaction, 2808 of berkelium–250, 1447 electronic structure of, 2803 of bohrium–267, 1711 metal-to-ligand donation, 2806, 2807f of einsteinium–253, 1447 monomeric adducts, 2810–2812, 2811f of hassium–269, 1714 oxidation reactions, 2807–2809, 2814 of hassium–270, 1714 permethylated, 2803–2804 of plutonium, 1143–1146 reduction of, 2801–2802 of uranium, 21f solubility of, 2802 Decay process, heat generation in, 985–986 starting material for, 2802 Decomposition structure of, 2802 acid, 3279–3281 synthesis of, 2800–2801, 2801t, 2803 fusion, 3278–3279 trimeric, 2809–2810 for trace analysis, 3278–3281 of uranium (III), 2812, 2813f Decontamination, of irradiated , uranium triiodide THF, 2813–2814 826, 828–830 DEH. See N,N-Diethyl hydroxylamine Delayed neutron activation analysis (DNAA), D2EHIBA. See Di–2-ethylhexyl for environmental actinides, 3056t, isobutylamide 3057 DAAP. See Diamyl(amyl)phosphonate δ-Phase, of plutonium, 882–883, 882f–883f, Damage recovery, of plutonium, 982–983, 886f 983f 5f-electrons, 925 Darmstadtium atomic volume, 923, 923f chemical methods for, 1720–1721 density of, 935–937, 936t chemical properties of, 1717–1721 DFT predictions of, 2329–2330, 2330f discovery of, 6t, 1653 diffusion rate, 958–960, 959t, 961f electronic structures of, 1682–1684 elastic constants, 942–943, 944t, 946f half-life of, 1719 electrical resistivity of, 955–957, 955f–956f, isotopes of, 1657f–1658f 2345–2347, 2346f nuclear properties of, 1655t–1656t field expansion, 892–897 orbital filling in, 1654, 1659 heat capacity, 945–947, 950t–951t I-38 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

δ-Phase, of plutonium (Contd.) iron removal with, 1824 heavy-fermion behavior of, 2342 for plutonium removal, with DTPA, 1824 lattice changes in, 981–982, 982f, 982t, 984 Deuterides, of plutonium, 989–996 magnetic properties of, 2355 applications, 995–996, 996f magnetic susceptibility, 949, 953–954, 953f electronic structure of, 995, 995t microsegregation, 899, 916–917 history of, 989 phase transformations, 917–921, 918f–920f physical properties of, 990, 995, 995t self-irradiation defects in, 986 preparation and reactivity of, 989–990 solid solubility of, 927 solid state structures, 992–994, 993f, 993t solubility ranges of, 930, 930f stoichiometry and phase relationships, stability and alloying of, 928–929 990–992, 991f–992f strength of, 968f, 970–971 storage and handling of, 989 thermal conductivity, 957 Dewar-Chatt-Duncanson model, of synergic thermal expansion, 938t, 939–942, 940f bonding, 1956 thermoelectric power, 957–958, 958t Dewindite, description of, 297 uranium and neptunium influence on, 985 DF. See Dirac-Fock Demesmaekerite, as uranyl selenite, 298 DΦDBuCMPO. See Diphenyl-N,N- Density functional theory (DFT) dibutylcarbamoylmethylenephosphine of actinide metals, 2326–2328 oxide of actinocenes, 1947–1948 DF-LCAO. See Dirac-Fock linear basis of, 1903 combination of atomic orbitals charge density with, 2330 DFO. See Desferrioxamine δ-phase plutonium and, 925, 929, DFT. See Density functional theory 2329–2330, 2330f DHDECMP. See Dihexyl-N,N- developments of, 1904 diethylcarbamoylmethyl phosphonate electronic structure and bonding properties DHHA. See Di-n-hexyl hexanamide with, 923–924 Di–2-ethylhexyl isobutylamide (D2EHIBA) for ground state properties calculation, protactinium extraction with, 184 1671 for THOREX process, 2736 in HF calculations, 1903 Dialkyl complexes, with cyclopentadienyl, of neptunium 2840 neptunium (III), 3116 Dialysis, for sample concentration, 3023 neptunium (VII/VI), 3125 DIAMEX process, for actinide extraction, for thorium, 3105 1769, 2657–2658 total energy functional of, 2327–2328 Diamide extractants of uranium actinide extraction with, 1285–1286, 1408 dioxide, 1973 overview of, 1285 hexafluoride, 1935–1937, 1936t 1,2-Diaminocyclohexane tetraacetic acid of uranyl, 1920–1921 (DCTA) hydroxide complexes, 1925 fermium complexes with, 1629 Density, of plutonium, 935–937, 936t mendelevium complexes with, 1635 oxides with uranium oxides, 1075–1076 Diamyl(amyl)phosphonate (DAAP) Density of states (DOS) for THOREX process, 2736 of actinide metals, 2318f, 2319 in U/TEVA•Spec, 3284 description of, 2316–2317 1,3-Diazidobenzene, cyclopentadienyl Fermi-Dirac distribution function with, complex reaction with, 2809, 2810f 2320 1,4-Diazidobenzene, cyclopentadienyl of UIr3, 2338, 2338f complex reaction with, 2809, 2810f (DU) DIBC, protactinium extraction with, 182, 188 description of, 1755 Dibenzoylmethane (DBM), actinide in environment, 3173–3174 extraction with, 3287 scope of concern of, 3202 Dibenzyl sulfoxide, for protactinium Derriksite, as uranyl selenite, 298 extraction, 181–182 Descent-of-symmetry method DIBK, protactinium extraction with, 182 complications of, 2046 Dibutyl butylphosphonate (DBBP), use of, 2044 americium extraction with, 1274 Desferrioxamine (DFO) Dibutyl-N,N-diethylcarbamylphosphonate as chelating agents, 3414 (DDCP), extraction with, 3282 Subject Index I-39 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Dibutylphosphoric acid (HDBP), separation Di-isopropylcarbinol (DIPC), protactinium with, 2650 extraction with, 175 Dicarbollide ligands, 2868–2869 β-Diketone cyclopentadienyl v., 2868 complexes generation of, 2868–2869 of actinide elements, 1783 geometry of, 2868 of californium, 1554 Dicarboxylic acids, in plasma, 3360–3361 of fermium, 1629 5,7-Dichloro–8-hydroxyquinoline, for oxidation state speciation, 2726 californium extraction with, 1513 separation with, 2632, 2680 DIDPA. See Diisodecylphosphoric acid TTA v., 2650 N,N-Diethyl hydroxylamine (DEH), Dimethyl oxalate, actinium precipitation neptunium (VI) reduction with, 761 with, 38 Diethylenetriamine pentaacetate (DTPA) Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), for americium separation with, 2671–2672 protactinium extraction, 181–182 in bone binding study, 3408–3409 1,1-Dimethylhydrazine (DMHz), neptunium as chelating agent, 3413–3114 (VI) reduction with, 761 curium separation with, 1409, 2672 N,N-Dimethyl-N0,N0-dibutyl–2- extraction with, 3282 hexoxyethylmalonamide, actinide plutonium complex with, 1176–1177, 1178t, extraction with, 1769 1179–1181 N,N-Dimethyl-N,N-dibutyl–2-tetradecyl for removal, 1823 malonamide (DMDBTDMA) for plutonium removal, with DFO, 1824 actinide extraction with, 1285–1286, separation with, 2640–2641 2658–2659, 2756 Differential pulse polarography (DPP), for extractant comparison with, 2763–2764, environmental actinides, 3049t, 3052, 2763t 3053f N,N0-Dimethyl-N,N0-dibutyldodecyloxyethyl Differential pulse voltammetry (DPV), for malonamide (DMDBDDEMA), environmental actinides, 3049t, 3052, actinide extraction with, 2658 3053f N,N0-Dimethyl-N,N0-dioctylhexyloxyethyl Diffusion rates malonamide (DMDOHEMA), of einsteinium, 1606 actinide extraction with, 2658 of plutonium, 958–960, 959t Dimitrovgrad Dry Process (DDP) Diglycolamides, for solvating extractant applications, separation efficiency in, system, 2659–2660 2707–2708 Dihalides dissolution for, 2705 structural chemistry of, 2415–2416 minor actinide behavior in, 2706–2707, thermodynamic properties of, 2178–2179, 2707f 2180t–2181t, 2181f for MOX fuel reprocessing, 2692–2693 gaseous, 2179 uranium and plutonium recovery, solid, 2178–2179 2705–2706 Dihexyl-N,N-diethylcarbamoylmethyl Di-n-hexyl hexanamide (DHHA), for phosphonate (DHDECMP) THOREX process, 2736 in actinide production, 2737–2738 Dinonylnapthalene sulfonic acid (HDNNS), americium extraction with, 1277–1278 americum extraction with, 1286–1287, extractant comparison with, 2763–2764, 2673–2675, 2674t 2763t Dioxide dichloride, of uranium, 567–570 in solvating extractant system, 2655, 2656t Dioxides Di-isobutylketone (DIPK), protactinium magnetic properties of, 2272–2294 extraction with, 176, 178, 182, 188 americium, 2291–2292 Diisodecylphosphoric acid (DIDPA) curium, 2292–2293 actinide extraction with, 2753–2756 neptunium, 2282–2288 flow sheet for, 2755, 2755f plutonium, 2288–2290 overview of, 2753–2755, 2755f uranium, 2272–2282 tests for, 2755–2756 of plutonium, reactions of, 3219–3222 americium extraction with, 1276 thermodynamic properties of, 2136–2143 extractant comparison with, 2763–2764, enthalpy of formation, 2136–2137, 2137t, 2763t 2138f neptunium extraction with, 713 entropy, 2137–2138 I-40 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Dioxides (Contd.) in pyroprocessing, 2694 high-temperature properties, 2138–2141, pyroredox v., 875 2139f, 2142t use of, 2692 nonstoichiometry, 2141–2143 Di-S-butylphenyl phosphonate (DSBPP), Dioxouranium (V), aqua ions of, uranium extraction with, 175 594t, 595 Disposition Dioxouranium (VI), aqua ions of, 594t, options for, 3262–3266 596, 596f interim storage, 3266 DIPC. See Di-isopropylcarbinol issues of, 3262–3263 DIPEX resin metals and oxides, 3263–3266 for americium extraction, 1294 of plutonium, 3199–3266 for separation, 3284–3285 by ceramification, 3265–3266 Diphenyl sulfoxide, for protactinium immobilization, 3264 extraction, 181–182 metal, 3263 Diphenyl-N,N- as MOX fuel, 3263–3264 dibutylcarbamoylmethylenephosphine by vitrification, 3265 oxide (DΦDBuCMPO), in TRUEX of uranium, 3199–3266 process, 1283, 2739 Disproportionation reactions Diphonix resin of actinide complexes, 2600–2601, for actinide extraction, 716 2600t for americium extraction, 1293–1294 of americium, 1331–1332 for ion exchange, 2642–2643, 2643f redox behavior v., 2601 Dipicolinates, structural chemistry of, Dissimilatory metal-reduction bacteria 2441t–2443t, 2446–2447, 2446f (DMRB), redox behavior of, 3178, Dipivaloylmethanato complex, of 3181 californium, 1541 Dissociative energy, of actinide monoxides, DIPK. See Di-isobutylketone 2149–2150, 2150f Dirac equation, for relativistic methods, Dissolution, in RTILs, 2690 1904–1905 Distribution coefficients Dirac-Coulomb-Breit (DCB) Hamiltonian, for americium purification, 1290 for relativistic treatments, 1670 of californium, 1554 Dirac-Fock (DF) of fission products, 842, 842t for electronic structure calculation, 1670, of lawrencium, 1645 1900 Dithiophosphinic acids, as trivalent actinide element 113–184 ground state and lanthanide separating agent, 1289, configurations, 1722, 1722t 1408, 2676 RECPs with, 1907–1908 DMDBDDEMA. See N,N0-Dimethyl-N,N0- Dirac-Fock linear combination of dibutyldodecyloxyethyl malonamide atomic orbitals (DF-LCAO), for DMDBTDMA. See N,N-Dimethyl-N,N- electronic structure calculation, dibutyl–2-tetradecyl malonamide 1670–1671 DMDOHEMA. See N,N0-Dimethyl-N,N0- Dirac-Hartree-Fock calculations, on uranyl, dioctylhexyloxyethyl malonamide 1917–1918 DMFT. See Dynamical mean-field theory Dirac-HF methods, equations for, 1905 DMHz. See 1,1-Dimethylhydrazine Dirac-Kohn-Sham methods, equations for, DMRB. See Dissimilatory metal-reduction 1905 bacteria Dirac-Slater discrete-variational method DMSO. See Dimethyl sulfoxide (DS-DV method), for electronic DNA footprinting, photochemical oxidation structure calculation, 1671 for, 630–631 Dirac-Slater (DS) method, for electronic DNAA. See Delayed neutron activation structure calculation, 1670 analysis Direct oxide reduction (DOR) Dolomite, uranium in, 3160 MSE v., 869 DOR. See Direct oxide reduction for plutonium metal production, DOS. See Density of states 866–869, 868f–869f Double groups, for electronic structure furnace for, 868f calculations, 1910–1914 process for, 866–868 Double perovskites, solid state structures of, results of, 868–869, 869f 1060t–1061t, 1062–1063, 1063f Subject Index I-41 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Dowex 1, for separation, 2636, 2636f ECF. See Extracellular fluid Dowex 50 ECM. See Exchange charge model actinide elution with, 1624, 1625f ECPs. See Effective core potentials for actinium purification, 30–31 EDL. See Electrodeless discharge lamp for californium purification, 1508 EDS. See Energy-dispersed X-ray for curium separation, 1433–1434 spectroscopy for fermium separation, 1624 EDTA. See Ethylenediaminetetraacetate for nobelium purification, 1639 EELS. See Electron energy loss spectroscopy for separation, 2636–2638, 2637f Effective core potentials (ECPs), for scalar- Dowex–1 anion-exchange column, relativistic methods, 1906–1907 protactinium separation on, 180, 180f Effective mass, of actinide metals, 2319–2322 DPP. See Differential pulse polarography Effective moment, for magnetic susceptibility DPV. See Differential pulse voltammetry data, 2230–2231 DS method. See Dirac-Slater method Effective-operator Hamiltonian, 2026–2030 DSBPP. See Di-S-butylphenyl phosphonate corrective terms for, 2029–2030, 2055 DS-DV method. See Dirac-Slater discrete- crystal field parameters with, 2050 variational method crystal field theory with, 2036–2037 DTPA. See Diethylenetriamine pentaacetate expansion with CCF, 2054–2055 DU. See Depleted uranium free-ion parameters in, 2071–2072, 2073f Dubna for penta- and hexavalent actinides, seaborgium production at, 1706–1707 2080–2081 transactinide element claims of LBNL v., use of, 2030 1659–1660 EHEH. See N,N-Ethyl (hydroethyl) Dubnium hydroxylamine chemical properties of, 1666, 1691t, Eigen mechanism, in complexation, 1703–1706 2602–2603 discovery of, 6t, 1653, 1653t Eigenfunctions electronic structures of, 1676–1682, of crystal field level, 2041–2042 1677f–1678f, 1680t–1681t, 1682f free-ion, 2042 gas-phase chemistry of, 1705–1706 magnetic data for, 2226 history of, 1703 magnetic susceptibility for, 2226 ionic radii of, 1674f, 1675–1676, 1676t for N-electron ion, 2022 ionization potential of, 1674, 1674f Eigen-Wilkins mechanism isotopes of, 1657f–1658f ligand substitution and, 608–610 nuclear properties of, 1655t–1656t organic and inorganic ligand formation orbital filling in, 1654, 1659 and, 615–616 oxidation states of, in aqueous solution, Einsteinium, 1577–1613 1774–1776, 1775t atomic and ionic radii, and promotion relativistic effects in, 1666–1667, 1667f energies, 1612–1613 relativistic orbital energies for, 1669f complete spectrum of, 1872–1873 solution chemistry of, 1703–1705 compounds of, 1594–1612 complexation of, 1688–1689 crystal data, 1594–1600, 1596t hydrolysis, 1686–1687, 1687t oxychloride, 1595 oxidation states of, 1703–1704 sesquioxide, 1595–1599 redox potentials, 1685–1686, solids other results of, 1602–1603 1685f–1686f solids spectrometry of, 1600–1602, 1601f volatility of, 1664 solutions related studies, 1605–1609, Dubnium–258, chemical properties of, 1666 1606t Dubnium–260 solutions spectrometry of, 1604–1605, lawrencium–256 from, 1644 1604f from meitnerium–268, 1717 trichloride, 1595 Dubnium–261, study of, 1703 in vapor state, 1609–1612 Dubnium–262, gas-phase chemistry of, discovery of, 5t, 9, 1577, 1761 1705–1706 in electrodeless lamps, 1885–1886, 1885f Dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) electronic properties and structure of, plutonium magnetism with, 2355 1586–1588, 1587f, 1589t–1590t, SIM v., 2344 1864–1865, 1864f , californium v., 1545 fermium separation from, 1624–1625 I-42 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Einsteinium (Contd.) lanthanides v., 1613 half-life of, 1579 production of, 1595–1597 ionization potentials of, 1588, 1590f, 1874t properties of, 1596t, 1597–1598, 1599f isotopes of, 10, 1579, 1581t, 1582 self-irradiation and, 1598 lanthanide elements v.,2 structure of, 1598–1599, 2399, 2399t metallic state of, 1588–1594, 1591t Einsteinium tetrafluoride, formation of, alloys of, 1592–1593 1611–1612 other actinide metals v., 1591–1592, 1591t Einsteinium tribromide, 1599 production of, 1590, 1593–1594 Einsteinium trichloride, 1595, 1596t properties of, 1590–1591, 1591t Einsteinium trifluoride, tetrafluoride from, structure of, 2388 1611–1612 thermodynamic properties of, 1592–1593 Einsteinium trihalides, structural chemistry nuclear properties, 1580–1583, 1581t of, 2416, 2417t oxidation states of, 2526 Einsteinium–253 in aqueous solution, 1774–1776, 1775t atomic properties of, 1588, 1589t–1590t production of, 1577–1578, 1580–1583 in borosilicate glass, 1601–1602, 1602f–1603f purification and isolation, 1583–1585 from californium–253, 1504 chromatographic methods for, decay of, 1447 1583–1584 discovery of, 1580 overview of, 1583 half-life of, 1580 reduction potentials of, 1778, 1779f, mendelevium–256 from, 1630–1631 2127–2131, 2130f–2131f production of, 1582–1583 sublimation enthalpy of, 2119t–2120t, in rutherfordium extraction, 1700 2122–2123, 2122f from rutherfordium–261, 1695 synthesis of, 9 Einsteinium–254 thermodynamic properties of production of, 1582–1583 enthalpy of formation, 2123–2125, thermochromatography of, 1611–1612 2124f–2125f, 2539, 2541t Einsteinium–255 entropy of, 2539, 2542f, 2543t discovery of, 1580 Gibbs formation energy of hydrated ion, fermium–255 from, 1622 2539, 2540t half-life of, 1580 heat capacity of, 2119t–2120t, 2121f production of, 1582–1583 Einsteinium (III) Eisenstein-Pryce theory, optical transitions absorption spectra of, 1604–1605, 1604f to, 2227t hydration of, 2528–2530, 2529f, 2529t Ekanite, structural data for, 113 hydrolytic behavior of, 2546, 2548t Elastic constants interaction parameters of, 2062–2064, 2063t of plutonium, 942–943, 944t, 945f–946f ionic radius of, 1613 role of, 943 magnetic properties of, 2271 Elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA), for in mammalian tissues environmental actinides, 3059t, 3065 circulation clearance of, 3368–3369, Eldorado mine, uraninite at, 274 3368f–3375f, 3371–3376 Electrical conductivity, of uranium, oxides, initial skeletal fractions of, 3349 368–369 reduction of, 1602 Electrical properties Einsteinium (I), atomic properties of, 1588, of plutonium hydrides, 3205 1589t of uranium metal, 324, 324f, 324t Einsteinium (VI), existence of, 1611 Electrical resistivity Einsteinium (II), magnetic properties of, of actinide metals, 2309, 2310f, 2324 2271–2272 of americium, 1298t, 1299 Einsteinium oxides, structure of, 2399, 2399t of Fermi liquid, 2340–2341, 2341f Einsteinium oxychloride, 1595, 1596t of plutonium, 954–957, 954f–956f, Einsteinium oxyhalides, structural chemistry 2345–2347, 2346f of, 2421, 2422t, 2423, 2424t–2426t δ-phase, 955–957, 955f–956f Einsteinium sesquioxide, 1595–1599 unalloyed, 954–955, 954f bond dissociation of, 1611 of UBe13, 2342, 2343f electron diffraction pattern of, 1597, 1597f of uranium formation enthalpy of, 2143–2146, 2144t, hydrides, 333 2145f metallic state, 322 Subject Index I-43 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Electrochemical methods americium (IV), 2263 for neptunium dioxide, 2292 determination of, 790–792 of californium (III), 2269 electrolysis, 761–762 of cyclopentadienyl complexes, trivalent, for protactinium, 227 2803 gravimetric methods, 229–231 of einsteinium, 1602 polarographic, 227 einsteinium (II), 2272 potentiometric and amperometric, 227 for electronic structure, 1770 spectrophotometric methods, 227–228 Kramers degeneracy and, 2228 Electrochemical separation, of uranium, of neptunium 632–633 hexafluoride, 2243 Electrode potentials tetrachloride, 2258t, 2261 of actinide ions, 2127–2131, 2130f–2131f neutron scattering v., 2232 of americium, 1328–1330, 1329t non-Kramers degeneracy and, 2228 of einsteinium, 1606 of organouranium (V) complexes, of element 113, 1725 2246 Electrodeless discharge lamp (EDL) of plutonium (III), 2262–2263 for actinide spectroscopy, 1839 of thorium design and construction of, 1839, dioxide, 2265 1885–1886, 1885f thorium (III), 2240 Electrodeposition of uranium of neptunium, 717 bis-cycloheptatrienyl, 2246 in RTILs, 2690–2691 tris-cyclopentadienyl, 2259, 2259t Electrolysis uranium (III), 2259 of actinium, 38 Electron repulsion, spin-orbit coupling v., of neptunium, 761–762 1928–1929 of protactinium, 220 Electron transfer rates, in cyclooctatetraenyl of thorium, 60–61 complexes, 2856 Electrolytes, plasma and urine concentrations Electron-electron correlations of, 3356–3357, 3357t in actinide metals, 2325–2326 Electrolytic behavior, of neptunium, 755–759 Fermi surface in, 2334 coulometric behavior, 757–759, 758f Hartree term and, 2328 voltammetric behavior, 755–757, Electronic energies 756t, 757f of berkelium, 1452–1453 Electromagnetic separation, of plutonium of californium, 1513–1515, 1514t isotopes, 821–822 Electronic spectra. See also Absorption Electrometallurgical technology (EMT) spectra overview of, 2693 of actinides, 1950–1951 in pyroprocessing, 2694 of berkelium, 1475 Electron behavior of plutonium, ions, 1113–1114, 1115f in actinides, 1–2 of uranium dioxide, 1973 parameters for, 2054 Electronic structures Electron diffraction techniques, for of actinide compounds, 1893–1998 einsteinium, 1595–1598, 1597f actinyl ions and oxo complexes, Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), for 1914–1933 environmental actinides, 3049t, divalent, 2024, 2024t 3051–3052 halide complexes, 1933–1942 Electron exchange reactions, of actinide matrix-isolated, 1967–1991 complexes, 2597–2598 organometallics, 1942–1967 Electron microprobe analysis (EMPA), for relativistic approaches, 1902–1914 environmental actinides, 3049t, 3050 speciated ions, 1991–1992 Electron microscopy, for actinide element tetravalent, 2024, 2024t study, 14 trivalent, 2024, 2024t Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) unsupported metal-metal bonds, of 5f1 compounds, 2241 1993–1994 of 5f7 compounds, 2265 of actinide elements, 1770–1773, actinide ion measurements with, 2226 1842t–1850t, 1851–1860, 1851f, of americium 1894–1897, 1896f–1897f, 1896t–1897t I-44 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Electronic structures (Contd.) plutonium dioxide, 1044, 1196–1199, charge-transfer transitions and actinyl 1197f, 1976 structures, 2085–2089 plutonium hexafluoride, 1194–1196, configuration, 1771–1773, 1772t, 1773f 1195f crystal-field interaction, 2036–2056 pnictides, 1023 determination of, 1858–1860, 1860f radial probability , 1192, 1193f divalent, 2077–2079 specific examples, 1192–1203 energies of, 1853–1858, 1854f, 1855t, of thorium, 1869, 1870t 1856f, 1859f carbide oxide, 1982, 1983t free-ion interactions, 2020–2036 of transactinide elements general considerations, 1770 calculation of, 1670 metallic state, 1788–1789, 1789f gas-phase compounds, 1676–1684, penta- and hexavalent, 2079–2085, 2080t 1677f–1678f, 1680t–1681t, 1682f periodic table position, 1773, 1774f of tris(amidoamine) complexes, 2888 redox potentials v., 1859–1860, 1860f of uranium relative energies, 2016–2020 carbide oxide, 1977–1978, 1977t, 1982, relativistic approaches to, 1902–1914 1983t spectroscopic studies, 1770–1771 metallic state, 2318–2319, 2318f structure, 1771–1773, 1772t, 1773f uranium dioxide, 1973 tetravalent, 2064–2076 uranyl ion, 1915 theoretical term structure, 1860–1862 Electronic transition spectroscopy, for trivalent, 2056–2064 electronic structure, 1770–1771 of actinide metals, 2318–2319, 2318f Electronic transitions of actinocenes, 1946–1948 in actinocenes, 1949–1952 of americium, 1295 protactinocene, 1949–1951 of berkelium, 1452–1453, 1461 thorocene and uranocene, 1951–1952 berkelium (III), 1445 radiative and nonradiative, 2089–2103 of curium 5f–5f transitions, 2089–2093 curium (III), 1404–1405 fluorescence lifetimes, 2093–2095 curium (IV), 1404–1405 ion-ion interaction and energy transfer, of cyclopentadienyl complexes 2101–2103 pentavalent, 2847 nonradiative phonon relaxation, trivalent, 2803 2095–2100 DFT for, 923–924 Electronic transport, and magnetism, of dubnium, 1703 2367–2368 of einsteinium, 1586–1588 Electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) of element 113, 1722t, 1723–1725 fluorine structure measurement by, 2243 of element 114, 1722t, 1725–1727 of uranium bis-cycloheptatrienyl, 2246 of element 115, 1722t, 1727–1728 Electroplating, for sample concentration, of fullerenes, 2864–2865 3023–3024 of ion in condensed-phase medium, Electrorecovery, of actinide elements, 2036–2037 2719–2721 Kramers degeneracy, 2228 Electrorefining (ER), 2712–2717 of lawrencium, 1643 electro-transport in, 2714–2715 of mendelevium, 1633–1634, 1634t historical development of, 2712–2713 of 5f orbital, determination of, IFR and, 2713 2019–2020 reprocessing in, 2713–2714 of 6d orbital, determination of, 2020 for plutonium metal production, 870–872, of plutonium, 857, 921–935, 922–923, 923f, 873f–875f 1191–1203 equipment for, 871–872, 873f–874f alloy theory and modeling, 925–929, 926f process for, 870 α-phase, 923–924, 923f product of, 872, 875f δ-phase, 923f, 925 pyroredox after, 872–876 hydrides and deuterides, 995, 995t use of, 2692 ionic and covalent bonding models, separation efficiencies in, 2715–2717, 2718t 1191–1192 Electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy lattice effects and local structure, 930–935 (ESMS), for environmental actinides, novel interactions of, 921–922, 922f 3049t, 3052–3055, 3054f Subject Index I-45 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Electrostatic concentration methods, for nuclear properties of, 1655t–1656t uranium ore, 303 orbital filling in, 1659 Electrostatic integrals, of actinide elements, oxidation states of, 1728 1862–1863 production of, 1737–1738 divalent and 5þ valent, 2076 relativistic orbital energies for, 1669f Electrothermal vaporization (ETV), for Element 116–292, discovery of, 1736 ICPMS, 3323 Element 117 Element 112 chemical properties of, 1724t, 1728–1729 chemical methods for, 1720–1721 ionization potentials of, 1726t, 1728 chemical properties of, 1717–1721 orbital filling in, 1659 discovery of, 1653–1654 oxidation states of, 1728 electronic structures of, 1682–1684 relativistic orbital energies for, 1669f isotopes of, 1657f–1658f Element 118 nuclear properties of, 1655t–1656t chemical properties of, 1724t, 1728–1729 orbital filling in, 1654, 1659 ionization potentials of, 1726t, 1728–1729 oxidation states of, 1720 orbital filling in, 1659 production of, 1719, 1720 oxidation states of, 1729 relativistic orbital energies for, 1669f relativistic orbital energies for, 1669f solution chemistry of Element 118–293 complexation of, 1689 decay of, 1737 hydrolysis, 1686–1687, 1687t production of, 1737 redox potentials, 1685–1686, 1685f–1686f Element 119 Element 113 chemical properties of, 1724t, 1729–1731 chemical properties of, 1723–1725, 1724t ionization potentials of, 1729, 1730f electronic structure of, 1722t, 1723–1725 orbital filling in, 1659 ionization potentials of, 1723, 1726t Element 119–294, production of, 1737 isotopes of, 1657f–1658f Element 120 nuclear properties of, 1655t–1656t chemical properties of, 1724t, 1729–1731 orbital filling in, 1659 ionization potentials of, 1729, 1730f production of, 1737 orbital filling in, 1659 relativistic orbital energies for, 1669f Element 120–295, production of, 1737 Element 114 Element 121 chemical properties of, 1724t, 1725–1727 breit effects on, 1669 electronic structure of, 1722t, 1725–1727 chemical properties of, 1724t, 1729–1731 ionization potentials of, 1725, 1726t orbital filling in, 1659 isotopes of, 1657f–1658f Element 122 nuclear properties of, 1655t–1656t elements beyond, 1659, 1731–1734 orbital filling in, 1659 orbital filling in, 1659 oxidation states of, 1727 Element 164, chemical properties of, 1732 production of, 1738 Element 165, properties of, 1732–1733 relativistic orbital energies for, 1669f Element 166, properties of, 1732–1733 Element 114–287, discovery of, 1735 Element 171, properties of, 1733 Element 114–288, discovery of, 1735 Element 172, properties of, 1733 Element 114–289, discovery of, 1735–1736 Element 184, properties of, 1733 Element 114–298, half-life of, 1736 El’kon District deposit, brannerite at, 280 Element 115 Elution chromatography, in ion-exchange chemical properties of, 1724t, 1727–1728 chromatography, 1289–1290 electronic structure of, 1722t, 1727–1728 Embrittlement, of plutonium, 981 ionization potentials of, 1725f, 1726t, 1727 from radiogenic helium, 986 isotopes of, 1657f–1658f Emission spectrum nuclear properties of, 1655t–1656t of americium, 1296 orbital filling in, 1659 of berkelium, 1453–1454, 1484 oxidation states of, 1727–1728 of californium, 1516 relativistic orbital energies for, 1669f of plutonium, 857–859, 858f, 860t Element 116 of protactinium, 190, 226 chemical properties of, 1724t, 1728–1729 protactinium (IV), 2067–2068, 2068f ionization potentials of, 1726t, 1728 EMPA. See Electron microprobe analysis isotopes of, 1657f–1658f EMT. See Electrometallurgical technology I-46 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

ENAA. See Epithermal neutron activation Enthalpy. See also specific enthalpies analysis of alkyne complexes oligomerization, 2627f, Endocytosis, actinide elements in liver and, 2926–2929 1816 of americium, 1328–1330, 1329t ENDOR. See Electron-nuclear double of berkelium, 1459–1460 resonance of californium Energy bands metal, 1523–1524, 1524f in actinide metals, 2313–2317 oxides, 1537 energy levels in, 2316–2317 of curium Energy-dispersed X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), dioxide, 1419 for environmental actinides, 3049t, sesquioxide, 1419 3051–3052 of cyclopentadienyl complexes, tetravalent, Energy levels 2821, 2822t–2823t of 5f electrons, 2347, 2348f–2349f of electron exchange reactions, 2597 of 5f1 compounds, 2241, 2242f of fermium, 1627–1628 of actinide cyclopentadienyl complexes, of halides, 2578–2580, 2579t, 2581t 1954, 1955f of lawrencium, 1644 of actinide ions in crystals, 2013, 2014t of mendelevium, 1634–1636 of actinium (III), 2058, 2059f of metal-ligand bonds, 2912–2913 of crystal fields, 2044, 2046t of plutonium of curium (III), 2059–2061, 2266 oxides with uranium oxides, 1076 deduction of, 2019 tribromide, 1100 effective-operator Hamiltonian for, Enthalpy of formation. See Formation 2026–2027 enthalpy in energy band, 2316–2317 Entropy of free-ions, 2042 of actinide elements, 2115–2116, 2116f, condensed phase correlation and, 2539, 2542f, 2543t 2037–2039, 2038t of actinide ions, 2125–2127 magnetic data for, 2226 of actinide oxides in metallic state, 2308 with alkali metals, 2151, 2152t of neptunium with alkaline earth metals, 2155t, hexafluoride, 2083–2085, 2083t, 2085f 2156–2157 neptunium (IV), 2067 of americium, 1298t, 1299 of f orbitals, 2014–2016, 2015f of californium, 1527 5f, 2019–2020 of carbides, 2196, 2197t 6d, 2020 of curium, 1411 Hamiltonian of, 2031–2032 of dihalides, 2179, 2180t–2181t of plutonium hexafluoride, 2083–2085, of dioxides, 2137–2138 2083t, 2085f of electron exchange reactions, 2597 of protactinium (IV), 2065–2066, 2066t of halides, 2578–2580, 2579t, 2581t of radiative relaxation, 2094–2095, 2094f of hexahalides, 2159–2160, 2160t, 2164t for RIMS analysis, 3319, 3320f of hydrides, 2188, 2189t for tetra-, penta-, and hexavalent ions, of mendelevium, 1635 2081–2082, 2083t, 2084f of monohalides, 2179, 2180t–2181t of tetravalent actinide ions, 2070, 2072t, of nitrides, 2197t, 2201–2202 2075–2076, 2075f of oxyhalides, 2182, 2183t–2184t, of thorium 2186t–2187t carbide oxide, 1981, 1982f of pentahalides, 2160t, 2161, 2164, 2164t carbonyl, 1986, 1987f of sesquioxides, 2146, 2146f of trivalent actinide elements, 2032, 2033t, of tetrahalides, 2166t, 2167, 2168f 2058–2061, 2058f–2060f of thorium, 119, 119t of uranium of transition metal compounds, 2206t, carbide oxides, 1980f 2210–2211 charge-transfer, 2086, 2087f of trihalides, 2170t, 2176 hexafluoride, 1934–1935, 1934f, 1936t tribromides, 2172f, 2174t, 2176 oxides, 1973, 1975f trichlorides, 2172f, 2173t, 2176 uranium (III), 2058, 2058f trifluorides, 2171t, 2172f, 2176 uranium (IV), 2066–2067, 2066t triiodides, 2172f, 2175t, 2176 Subject Index I-47 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

of trihydroxides, 2191, 2191t issues with, 3021 Environment sorption studies on, 3140–3183 actinide species in, 3013–3014, 3015f bacterial interactions, 3177–3183 analytical techniques for, 3018–3020, carbonate incorporation, 3159–3164 3019t iron-bearing mineral phases, 3164–3169 anthropogenic, 3016 natural soil samples, 3171–3177 dispersal of, 3016–3017 overview of, 3140, 3151 humic and fulvic acids with, 3139–3140 phosphates, 3169–3171 mining, 3017 silicates, 3151–3158 natural occurrence, 3014–3016, 3015f synchrotron XAS for, 3086–3087, separation of, 3021 3095–3140 depleted uranium in, 3173–3174 acid redox speciation, 3100–3124 identification and speciation in, base redox speciation, 3124–3137 3013–3073 organic acids, 3137–3140 background, 3013–3021 overview, 3095–3100 combining and comparing analytical treatment and separation of, 3022–3024 techniques, 3065–3071 coprecipitation, 3023 electron-photon, -electron, -ion dialysis of, 3023 techniques, 3047–3055 electroplating, 3023–3024 ion-photon, -electron, -neutron, -ion gel electrophoresis, 3024 techniques, 3058–3065 liquid-liquid partitioning, 3024 neutron-photon, -electron, -neutron, -ion liquid-solid partitioning, 3024 techniques, 3055–3057 Epidote, thorium in, 56t passive techniques, 3025–3033 Epithermal neutron activation analysis photon-phonon, -electron, -neutron, -ion (ENAA), description of, 3303 techniques, 3043–3047 EPR. See Electron paramagnetic resonance photon-photon techniques, 3033–3043 e-Phase, of plutonium, 882f–883f, 883 specifics of, 3024–3065 density of, 936t sampling, handling, treatment, and diffusion rate, 958–960, 959t separation in, 3021–3024 strength of, 968f, 970 issues with, 3021 thermal expansion, 938t, 939 sample and data collection in, 3021–3022 thermoelectric power, 957–958, 958t treatment and separation of, 3022–3024 Equilibrium constants trace analysis in, 3273–3330 of neptunium atomic spectrometric techniques, inorganic ligands, 771, 772t–775t, 781 3307–3309 organic ligands, 776t–780t, 781–782 chemical procedures, 3278–3288 of plutonium, 1158 mass spectrometric techniques, hexafluoride, 1088–1090, 1091f 3309–3328 of protactinium (V), 211, 211t nuclear techniques, 3288–3307 of uranium Environmental aspects, of actinide elements, hydroxide complexes, 598, 599t 1803–1813, 2769 inorganic ligand complexes, 601t, 602 in hydrosphere, 1807–1810 organic ligand complexes, 603–605, 604t man-made, 1805–1807 ternary complexes, 605–606, 606t of natural origin, 1804–1805 uranium (III), 598, 601t, 604t nuclear waste disposal, 1811–1813 ER. See Electrorefining overview of, 1803 ERDA. See Elastic recoil detection analysis separation techniques for, 2725–2727 Erythrocytes, actinide association with, sorption and mobility, 1810–1811 3366–3367 Environmental problems ESMS. See Electrospray ionization mass actinide chemistry for, 3 spectroscopy of neptunium, 782–783, 786 Ethereal sludge, protactinium enrichment of nuclear power, 1826 from, 176–178, 177f transuranium elements released, 1807, N,N-Ethyl (hydroethyl)hydroxylamine 1808t, 3095 (EHEH), neptunium (VI) reduction of uranium, 270 with, 760–761 Environmental sample Ethylene sulfide, cyclopentadienyl complex collection of, 3021–3022 oxidation by, 2814 I-48 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) of curium (III), 3110 actinide element complexes with, 1783–1784 FT data with, 3090–3091, 3092f in bone binding study, 3407–3409 of iron-bearing phases, 3165–3167 californium separation with, 1509 LAXS v., 589 as chelating agent, 3413 of neptunium (III), 3116–3117 complexes of, 2587, 2588f, 2589t of neptunium (IV), 3106–3107, 3135–3136 stability constants, 2257f, 2556 carboxylates, 3137–3140, 3147t–3150t curium separation with, 1409 of neptunium (VII/VI), 3124–3125 neptunium extraction with, 708 of neptunyl (V), 3133–3134 plutonium complex with, 1176–1179, for obtaining structural information, 589 1178t, 1181 organic acid analyses with, 3137–3140 for removal, 1823 model systems, 3138–3139 separation with, 2639–2640, 2641t natural systems, 3139–3140 of thorium, as ligands, 131 of plutonium with uranium, 603–605, 604t dioxide, 1041–1042, 1043f 2-Ethylhexylphenylphosphonic acid plutonium (III), 3117–3118 (HEMΦP), einsteinium extraction plutonium (IV), 3108–3109, 3136 with, 1585 plutonium (VII/VI), 3126 ETV. See Electrothermal vaporization of plutonyl Europium plutonyl (V), 3210 in einsteinium alloy, 1592 plutonyl (VI), 3134 einsteinium v., 1578–1579 plutonyl (VI/V), 3123–3124 extraction of problems with, coordination numbers, 3103 from americium, 2676–2677, 2677t of tetravalent ions, 3134–3135 TALSPEAK for, 2672 of thorium (IV), 3104–3105, 3129, UO2 solid solutions with, oxygen potentials 3136–3137 of, 395t, 396 carboxylates, 3137–3140, 3147t–3150t Europium (III) of thorium, silicate adsorption, 3152–3154 extraction of, 1274 of uranium americium (III), 1283, 1287–1289, in carbonates, 3160–3161, 3161t 2665–2666, 2667t silicate adsorption, 3154–3155 separation factors for, 2669–2670, 2670t silicate phosphate, 3170 hydration numbers of, 2534, 2535t uranium (III), 3116 in concentrated solutions, 2536–2538, of uranium (IV), 3105–3106, 3136 2537f in silicate glass and, 276 separation factors for, 2669–2670, 2670t of uranyl (V), 3122 XANES of, 3087, 3088f of uranyl (VI), 3118–3123, 3126–3129, Europium (II), XANES of, 3087, 3088f 3131–3133 EXAFS. See Extended X-ray absorption fine carboxylates, 3137–3140, 3141t–3150t structure analysis use of, 3090–3091 Exchange charge model (ECM) of XAS, 3087, 3088f calculation of, 2053, 2053t Extracellular fluid (ECF) with crystal-field Hamiltonian, 2052–2053 circulation of, 3357–3359 Excitation schemes, of actinide elements, clearance from 1876–1877, 1877t, 1878f of mice, 3388–3395, 3389f–3392f, 3394t Excitation spectra of rats, 3387–3388 of curium (III), 2061–2062, 2061f Extraction chromatography of curium (IV), 2068, 2071f for americium purification, 1293–1295 Extended X-ray absorption fine structure for berkelium extraction, 1449 analysis (EXAFS) for californium separation, 1509 for acid redox speciation, 3100–3103 for curium purification, 1434 of actinyl complexes, 1921 for einsteinium extraction, 1585 hydroxides, 1925 n-Octyl(phenyl)-N,N-diisobutyl-carbamoyl water, 1923 methylphosphine oxide for, 2748–2749 of americium (III), 3115 overview of, 844–845, 1293 of californium (III), 3110, 3115 plutonium extraction with, 844–845 for coordination number analysis, 586, 588, protactinium purification with, 181–186, 602, 3087–3088 183f Subject Index I-49 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

resins for, 3284–3285 electronic heat capacity with, 2323 of rutherfordium, 1692 in free-electron model, 2320–2321 for trace analysis, 3284–3285, 3286f Fermi liquid, 2339–2441 use of, 845 electrical resistivity of, 2340–2341, 2341f Extractive metallurgy, of uranium, 303 plutonium as, 2345–2347 Fermi surface in actinide metals, 2322–2323 FA. See Fulvic acid description of, 2322 FAAS. See Flame source atomic absorption in electron-electron correlations, 2334 spectrometry in Luttinger theorem, 2334 Fast breeder reactors (FBR), plutonium and in magnetism, 2367 uranium oxides for, 1070 topology of, 2322–2323 FBR. See Fast breeder reactors UIr3 measurements of, 2334 5f0 Compounds Fermi-Dirac distribution function magnetic properties of, 2239–2240 with DOS, 2320 magnetic susceptibilities of, 2240f Pauli exclusion principle with, 2323 5f1 Compounds Fermium, 1622–1630 energy levels of, 2241, 2242f atomic properties of, 1626, 1627t EPR of, 2241 chemical properties of, 1628–1630, 1646t magnetic properties of, 2240–2247 discovery of, 5t, 9, 1622, 1761 oxides, 2244, 2245t einsteinium separation from, 1585 magnetic susceptibility of, 2241 ionization potential of, 1877 optical data for, 2227t isotopes of, 10, 1622–1624, 1623t 5f2 Compounds lanthanide elements v.,2 magnetic interactions on, 2228, 2229f mendelevium separation from, 1632–1633 magnetic properties of, 2247–2257, 2255t metallic state of, 1626–1628 5f6 Compounds nobelium v., 1640 magnetic properties of, 2263–2265, 2264t oxidation states of, 2526 TIP of, 2263–2264 in aqueous solution, 1774–1776, 1775t 5f7 Compounds preparation and purification of, 1624–1625, magnetic properties of, 2265–2268, 1625f 2266t–2267t reduction potentials of, 1778, 1779f, magnetic susceptibility of, 2266, 2267t, 2268 2127–2131, 2130f–2131f 5f3 Compounds, magnetic properties of, solution chemistry, 1628–1630 2257–2261, 2258t–2260t synthesis of, 9, 1622 5f4 Compounds, magnetic properties of, thermodynamic properties of 2261–2262 enthalpy of formation, 2123–2125, 5f5 Compounds, magnetic properties of, 2124f–2125f, 2539, 2541t 2262–2263, 2263t entropy of, 2539, 2542f, 2543t 5f8 Compounds, magnetic properties of, Gibbs formation energy of hydrated ion, 2268–2269, 2270t 2539, 2540t 9 5f Compounds, magnetic properties of, Fermium (III) 2269–2271, 2270t hydration of, 2528–2530, 2529f, 2529t 5f10 Compounds, magnetic properties of, hydrolytic behavior of, 2546, 2548t 2271 Fermium–251, X-rays emitted by, 1626 5f11 Compounds, magnetic properties of, Fermium–253, in rutherfordium extraction, 2271–2272 1700 f-d promotion energies Fermium–255 of actinides, 1560, 1561f, 1586–1588, 1587f, availability of, 1624 1609–1610, 1609f–1610f, 1859–1860, from einsteinium–255, 1582 1860f production of, 1622 of tetravalent ions, 2065 Fermium–257 FEFF availability of, 1624 role of, 3091–3092 production of, 1582, 1623–1624 for XAS, 3089 Ferrihydrate, uranium (VI) adsorption on, 5f-Electron. See 5f Orbital 3166–3167 Fermi energy Ferritin, in liver, 3397 of actinide metals, 2319–2322 Ferrocene, history of, 1952 I-50 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

FES. See Flame emission spectrometry of californium, 1529, 1532, 1546 f-f transitions complexes of, 2578 of actinyl ions, 1930 of curium, 1413t–1415t, 1417–1418, 1429 of divalent ions, 2078, 2079f of dubnium, 1705 intensity of, 2089–2093 of mendelevium, 1635 Judd-Ofelt theory for, 2093 of neptunium, 730–736 of tetravalent ions, 2065, 2067 equilibrium constants for, 772t of uranyl, 2088–2089 hexafluoride, 732–734 FI. See Flow injection pentafluoride, 731–732 Filtration tetrafluoride, 730–731 for actinide speciation, 3069 trifluoride, 730 for oxidation state speciation, 2726 optical spectroscopic data of, 2069–2070, Fission process 2069f–2070f history of, 3–4, 2628 precipitation with, 2633–2634 of plutonium, 815 plutonium, 836, 838 plutonium–239, 820 of protactinium (V), 213–215, 216f, 217t products of, 826, 827t–828t, 828 protactinium derivatives of, 197–199, of uranium, 1804–1805 198f, 207 Fission track analysis (FTA) alkali, 200–203, 202t applications of, 3307 in pyrochemical methods, 2700–2701 description of, 3303 of rutherfordium, extraction of, 1699–1700 Flame emission spectrometry (FES), overview of seaborgium, 1710–1711 of, 3307–3308 with thorium carbonates, 109 Flame source atomic absorption spectrometry as thorium ligand, 129 (FAAS), of uranium, 636 of uranium, 444–446, 484–489, 518–521, Floating zone technique, for 557–564 preparation, 343 fluoro complexes, 445–446, 487–489, Flocculants, for uranium ore processing, 309 520–521, 520t, 563–564, 564t Flotation concentration methods, for uranium hexafluoride, 557–563 ore, 303–304 hexavalent oxide fluoride complexes, Flow coulometry, for neptunium, 757–759, 566–567 758f oxide difluoride, 565–566 Flow injection (FI), for separation, 3281 oxide tetrafluoride, 564–565 Fluorescence oxides and nitrides of, 489–490 of actinide elements, history of, 1894 pentafluoride, 518–520 of americium (III), 1368–1369 pentavalent oxide fluorides and of berkelium, 1454 complexes, 521 intensity of, 626 polynuclear, 579 lifetimes of, 2093–2095 tetrafluoride, 484–486 overview of, 625, 625f tetrafluoride hydrates, 486–487 phosphorescence v., 625 trifluoride, 444–445 quenching of, 625 trifluoride monohydrate, 445–446 of uranyl, 2087–2088, 2088f Fluorination uranyl (VI), 624–630 of dubnium, 1705 Fluorescence spectroscopy of einsteinium, 1611 of curium, 1405–1406, 1406f, 1433 of plutonium, 1080–1082, 1081f laser-induced, 628–629 for plutonium metal production, of neptunium, 786–787 866, 867f photochemical studies and, 627 of rutherfordium, 1699–1700 Fluorescence spectrum, of uranium, uranium of seaborgium, 1710–1711 oxobromo complexes, 573 of uranium, 315–317, 316f, 317t FLUOREX, for plutonium separation, by uranium hexafluoride, 561 856–857 Fluorination reactors, for plutonium Fluorides fluorination, 1080–1081, 1081f of actinide elements, 1796 Fluorometry free-ion and crystal-field interactions of, applications of, 3308 2071, 2073f fundamentals of, 3308 of berkelium, 1457, 1467–1469 of uranium, 636–637 Subject Index I-51 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Fluoroplutonate compounds Fourier transform ion resonance mass preparation of, 1103–1104 spectrometry (FTIRMS), of properties of, 1104, 1105t–1107t californium, 1560 Fluxed fusion decomposition, of uranium, Fourier transform spectrometers (FTS), 631–632 actinide element infrared spectra with, FOD. See 6,6,7,7,8,8,8-Heptafluoro–2,2- 1840 dimethyl–3,5-octanedione Fourier transform spectrum (FT) Foil of berkelium, 1474 for lawrencium capture, 1643 EXAFS with, 3088, 3090–3091, 3092f for mendelevium capture, 1632–1633 of plutonium, 858, 858f for nobelium capture, 1638–1639 Fourmarierite for one-atom-at-a-time chemistry, 1663 anion topology of, 282–283, 284f–285f Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation, for at Oklo, Gabon, 271–272 electronic structure calculation, 1906 at Shinkolobwe deposit, 273 Formates uranium in, 259t–269t of americium, 1322, 1323t Fractional crystallization, for actinium and of neptunyl, 2257 lanthanum separation, 18 structural chemistry of, 2437–2440, Francium–223, from actinium–227, 20 2439t–2440t Franc¸oisite of thorium, 114 at Oklo, Gabon, 271–272 synthesis of, 114 uranium in, 259t–269t Formation constants Free-electron model for americium, 1338, 1339t band structure with, 2324 americium (III), 1273 Fermi energy in, 2320–2321, 2323 for plutonium, 1158, 1160t–1161t Free-ion Hamiltonian Formation enthalpy. See also Complexation adjustment of, 2054 enthalpy correction terms on, 2076 of actinide ions, 2123–2125, 2124f–2125f, Coulomb interaction of, 2055 2539, 2541t crystal field theory with, 2036–2037 of actinide oxides crystal-field Hamiltonian with, 2041, 2054 with alkali metals, 2151 matrix of, 2031 with alkaline earth metals, 2153–2156, parameterization of, 2031–2036 2154f, 2155t, 2156f parameters of, 2054–2055 of carbides, 2195–2196, 2197t of trivalent ions, 2056 of dihalides, 2179, 2180t–2181t Free-ion interactions of dioxides, 2136–2137, 2137t, 2138f of actinide fluorides, 2071, 2073f of hexahalides, 2159–2160, 2160t, 2164t condensed-phase v., 2037–2039, 2038t of hydrides, 2187–2188, 2187t, 2189t, crystal-field interactions with, 2044, 2190f 2062–2064, 2063t of hydroxides, 2193–2195, 2194t of f orbital, 2024, 2025t–2026t between Lewis acid and Lewis base, HF calculations of, 2022–2023, 2050 2576–2577 modeling of, 2020–2036 of monohalides, 2179, 2180t–2181t central field approximation, 2020–2023 of nitrides, 2197t, 2200–2201, 2201f effective-operator Hamiltonian, of oxyhalides, 2182, 2183t–2184t, 2026–2030 2186t–2187t LS coupling and intermediate coupling, of pentahalides, 2160t, 2161, 2164t 2023–2026 of plutonium oxides, 1971 parameterization of free-ion of sesquioxides, 2143–2146, 2144t, 2145f Hamiltonian, 2031–2036 of tetrahalides, 2165–2167, 2166t, 2168f reduced matrices and free-ion state of transition metal compounds, 2206t, representation, 2030–2031 2208–2210, 2210f Free-ion parameters of trihalides, 2169–2172, 2170t of actinide elements, 2038–2039, 2038t tribromides, 2169–2172, 2172f, 2174t computation of, 2058 trichlorides, 2169–2172, 2172f, 2173t crystal field parameters and, 2050 trifluorides, 2169–2172, 2171t, 2172f tetravalent ions, 2074 triiodides, 2169–2172, 2172f, 2175t in effective-operator Hamiltonian, of trihydroxides, 2190–2191, 2191t 2071–2072, 2073f I-52 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

FTA. See Fission track analysis actinium–228, 24–25 FTIRMS. See Fourier transform ion detector for, 3299–3300 resonance mass spectrometry advantages of, 3329 FTS. See Fourier transform spectrometers of americium, 1364 Fullerenes, 2864–2865 applications of, 3300–3302 electronic structure of, 2864–2865 for environmental actinides, 3025–3028, overview of, 2864 3026t, 3028f Fulvic acid (FA) fundamentals of, 3297–3300, 3299f americium (III) complexation with, of neptunium, 783–785 1353–1354 neptunium–237, 784–785 complexes of, 2590–2591 overview of, 3296–3297, 3299f environmental actinides and, 3139–3140 of protactinium for thorium complexation, 132–133 protactinium–231, 166, 168f, 224–225 Fusion decomposition, 3278–3279 protactinium–233, 225–226 description of, 3278–3279 protactinium–234, 170, 171f disadvantage of, 3279 of thorium, 133–134 for trace analysis, 3296–3302 tracers for, 3297, 3298t (III), energy levels of, 2075–2076, Gas adsorption chromatography, for 2075f lawrencium, 1643 Gadolinium, UO2 solid solutions with, oxygen Gas transport systems, for transactinide potentials of, 395t, 396, 397f element chemical studies, 1663 Gallium Gas-jet method in plutonium alloy, 892–894, 893f–896f of mendelevium production, 1632 δ-phase lattice, 930f, 932–933 of nobelium production, 1638–1639 δ-phase self-irradation damage, 986–987, Gas-phase 987f of californium, 1559–1561 elastic constants, 942–943, 944t, 946f of dubnium, 1705–1706 electrical resistivity, 955–957, 955f–956f of einsteinium, 1586–1588, 1609–1610 hardness of, 971–972, 971f–972f with technique, 1612 heat capacity, 947–948, 950t–951t of rutherfordium, 1693, 1694f magnetic susceptibility, 949, 953–954, of seaborgium, 1707–1709 953f of superactinide elements, 1734 microsegregation, 899, 916–917, thermodynamic properties in, 2118–2123, 916f–917f 2119t–2120t solubility ranges, 930, 930f of actinide compounds, 2147–2150, thermal conductivity, 957 2148t, 2150f thermal expansion, 937–942, 940f–941f of halides, 2160–2161, 2164–2165, 2169, transformations in, 917–919, 918f 2177–2179 thermodynamic properties of actinide of transactinide compounds, 1676–1685 compounds with, 2205–2206, electronic structures, 1676–1684, 2206t–2207t 1677f–1678f, 1680t–1681t, 1682f γ-Phase volatility predictions, 1684–1685 of plutonium, 882, 882f–883f for transactinide elements, 1663–1665 density of, 936t measured v. predicted, 1715, 1716t diffusion rate, 958–960, 959t GDMS. See Glow discharge mass strength of, 968f, 970 spectrometer thermal expansion, 938t Gel electrophoresis, of environmental sample, thermoelectric power, 957–958, 958t 3024 of uranium General Purpose Heat Source-Radioisotope β transformation of, 347 Thermoelectric Generators (GPHS- general properties of, 321–323, 322t–323t RTGs) physical properties of, 321 pellet-formation for, 1032–1033 Gamma radiation, from berkelium–249, 1447 plutonium–238 in, 818–819, 819f Gamma source, americium as, 1267 Generalized gradient approximations (GGA), Gamma-ray spectroscopy (γS) for HF calculations, 1904 of actinium Generalized least-squares (GLS), for actinium–227, 23–24, 26f actinides, 1865 Subject Index I-53 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Geochemical tracer, actinium–227 as, 44 furnace source atomic absorption Geological matrices, trace analysis in, spectrometry (GFAAS), of uranium, 3273–3330 636 atomic spectrometric techniques, GRAV. See Gravimetry 3307–3309 Gravimetric methods chemical procedures, 3278–3288 for protactinium, 229–231 mass spectrometric techniques, 3309–3328 cupferronate, 230–231 nuclear techniques, 3288–3307 hydroxide, 229 Geometries, of uranyl polyhedra, 281–282, iodate, 230 284f–286f peroxide, 230 Germanates, of thorium, 113 phenylarsonate, 229–230 Germanium for uranium, 634–635 thermodynamic properties of actinide Gravimetry (GRAV), for environmental compounds with, 2206–2208, actinides, 3026t, 3029 2206t–2207t Gravitational concentration methods, for uranium compounds with, 407 uranium ore, 303 Gesellschaft fu¨r Schwerionenforschung Ground crystal field state, Zeeman interaction (GSL), darmstadtium discovery at, and, 2225–2226 1653 Ground state configuration GFAAS. See Graphite furnace source atomic of actinide elements, 1895, 1897t, absorption spectrometry 2016–2018, 2018f GGA. See Generalized gradient cyclopentadienyl complexes, 1955 approximations three-electron configurations, 2018–2019, Gibbs energy 2018f of actinide cation correlations, 2568–2570, of actinide metals, 2328 2568f–2569f, 2572–2574 of actinocenes, 1946–1948 chemical reaction and, 3202 of actinyl, 1929–1930, 1930t of complexation, 2577 of cerocene, 1947 of halides, 2578–2580, 2579t, 2581t DFT calculation of, 1671 of electron exchange reactions, 2597 of element 184, 1722t, 1733 of formation, 2539, 2540t of heavy fermions, 2342 for chlorides, 2710t of neptunocene, 1946 of hydration, 2539, 2540t of neptunyl, 1931 of thorium, 119, 119t of 5f orbital, 2042 of reactions, of oxyhalides, 2182 of plutonium, 924 of transfer, for americium and curium, 2098 compounds, 2345–2347 Globulins, actinide distribution with, dioxide, 2288 3362–3363 of plutonyl, 1931 Gloved boxes, for actinide element study, of protactinium, 190 11–12, 11f of protactinocene, 1946 Glow discharge mass spectrometer (GDMS), scalar-relativistic methods for, 1900 for mass spectrometry, 3310 of superactinide elements, 1722, 1722t, GLS. See Generalized least-squares 1731 Glycine, of uranium, 603–605, 604t of thorium Glycolate carbonyl, 1986, 1988f coordination with, acetate v., 590 thorium (III), 2240–2241 of uranium, 603–605, 604t of thorocene, 1947 Glycolates, structural chemistry of, of transactinide elements, 1722, 1722t, 1895, 2439t–2440t 1897t Glycoproteins of uranium actinide bone binding by, 3410–3411 carbide oxide, 1978–1979, 1979f in plutonium fixation, 1817 dioxide, 1972–1973, 2279 Gold foil hexavalent and complex halides, 557 berkelium separation from, 1450 of uranyl, 1972, 2086–2087, 2087f mendelevium capture on, 1632 Group 14 ligands GPHS-RTGs. See General Purpose Heat in actinide chemistry, 2894 Source-Radioisotope Thermoelectric cyclopentadienyl complex derivatives of, Generators 2820–2821 I-54 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Group IIA elements, thermodynamic Halide volatility processes properties of, 2205, 2206t–2207t overview of, 855 Group IIIA elements, thermodynamic for plutonium separation, 855 properties of, 2205–2206, 2206t–2207t, Halides 2208f of actinide elements, 1790, 1791t–1795t, Group IVA elements, thermodynamic 1933–1942 properties of, 2206–2208, oxyhalides, 1939–1942 2206t–2207t uranium hexafluoride and related γS. See Gamma-ray spectroscopy complexes, 1933–1939 GSL. See Gesellschaft fu¨r of americium, 1305t–1312t, 1314–1316 Schwerionenforschung coordination of, 1356–1357, 1358f Guilleminite, as uranyl selenite, 298 overview of, 1315–1316 preparation of, 1314–1315 of berkelium, 1464t–1465t, 1467–1470 HA. See Humic acid berkelium (III), 1464t–1465t, 1468–1470 berkelium (IV), 1464t–1465t, 1467–1468 dubnium v., 1703 of californium, 1529–1534, 1530t–1531t, extraction with TTA, 1701 1532f rutherfordium v., 1692–1693, 1694f, 1702 complexes of, 2578–2580, 2579t, 2581t extraction of, 1696–1700 of curium, 1413t–1415t, 1417–1418 studies of, 1696 high-temperature properties of, Hafnium–169, rutherfordium–261 study 2162t–2163t with, 1696 of neptunium, 730–739 Half-life preparation of, 730–739 of actinide isotopes, 1764t structures of, 731t of actinium of plutonium, 1077–1108 actinium–227, 20 chlorides, bromides, and iodides, actinium–228, 24 1092–1100 of americium, 1265–1267, 1266t fluorides, 1077–1092 of berkelium, 1445–1447, 1446t oxyhalides of, 1100–1102 of californium, 1503–1504 as sigma-bonded ligands, 1182–1184 of curium, 1399t, 1400 stability of, 1077 curium–244, 1759 ternary halogenoplutonates, 1102–1108 of darmstadtium, 1719 of protactinium, 197–204, 201t of einsteinium, 1579 alkali, 200–203, 202t einsteinium–253, 1580 preparation of, 197–199, 198f–199f einsteinium–255, 1580 properties of, 199–200 of lawrencium, 1642, 1642t structural chemistry of, 2414–2421, lawrencium–260, 1645 2417t–2418t, 2419f, 2420t–2421t of meitnerium–271, 1718 bonding in, 2415 of mendelevium, 1630–1631, 1631t dihalides, 2415–2416 of nobelium, 1637, 1638t hexahalides, 2419, 2421, 2421t of plutonium, 815 overview of, 2414–2415 isotopes, 822–823 pentahalides, 2416, 2419, 2419f, 2420t plutonium–24, 822–823 tetrahalides, 2416, 2418t plutonium–238, 815, 817 trihalides, 2416, 2417t plutonium–239, 820, 822–823 thermodynamic properties of, 2157–2179 of protactinium, 162–163 complex, 2179–2182, 2183t–2184t, 2185f protactinium–231, 166, 170 di- and monohalides, 2178–2179, protactinium–233, 169 2180t–2181t, 2181f protactinium–233 (IV), 221 hexahalides, 2159–2161 protactinium–234, 186 pentahalides, 2161–2165 of roentgenium, 1719 tetrahalides, 2165–2169 of superactinide isotopes, 1735–1737 trihalides, 2169–2178 of transactinide isotopes, 1661 of thorium, 78–94 Halide slagging, 2709–2710 binary, 78–84, 78t description of, 2709, 2710t crystallographic data of, 87t–89t results of, 2709–2710 fluoride, 78–80, 78t, 79f Subject Index I-55 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

nitride reaction with, 98–99 Hartree-Fock (HF) calculations phases of, 84–86, 85f, 86t of actinide elements, 1852 polynary, 84–94 with central field approximations, tetrabromide, 81–82, 81f 2020–2023 tetrachloride, 78t, 80–81, 81f of crystal-field interactions, 2050–2051 tetraiodide, 78t, 82–84, 83f developments of, 1904 of uranium, 420–575. See also Uranium of electronic structure calculation, 1900, halides 1902–1904 applications of, 420 of f electrons, 2032, 2034f, 2035 chemistry of, 421 of free-ion interactions, 2022–2023, 2050 oxidation states in, 420–421 of free-ion parameters, 2039 tervalent and complex, 421–456 hybrid approach to, 1904 Hamiltonian. See also Pauli Hamiltonian one-electron band structures from, 2325 crystal-field of plutonium, 1857–1858, 1857f ECM with, 2052–2053 of trivalent ions, 2056 free-ion Hamiltonian with, 2041 of uranium hexafluoride, 1935–1937, 1936t initial parameters of, 2048 of uranyl, 1920 matrix element evaluation with, Hartree-Fock-Slater (HFS) approach, 1903 2039–2042 Hartree-Fock-Wigner-Seitz band calculation symmetry rules for, 2043 of berkelium metal, 1461 effective-operator, 2026–2030 of californium, 1513, 1514t corrective terms for, 2029–2030 of lawrencium, 1643 use of, 2030 of nobelium, 1640 free-ion Hassium crystal-field Hamiltonian with, 2041, chemical properties of, 1712–1715, 1715f 2054 chemical studies of, 1664 matrix of, 2031 discovery of, 6t, 1653, 1653t, 1762 parameterization of, 2031–2036 electronic structures of, 1676–1682, for N-electron ion, 2021 1677f–1678f, 1680t–1681t, 1682f for spin-orbit coupling, 2028 ionic radii of, 1674f, 1675–1676, 1676t Handling ionization potential of, 1674, 1674f atmosphere for, 3259–3260 isotopes of, 1657f–1658f hazard assessment, 3248–3259 nuclear properties of, 1655t–1656t case studies, 3256–3259 orbital filling in, 1654, 1659 chemical property uncertainty, 3255 oxidation states of, in aqueous solution, metal incidents, 3256–3257 1774–1776, 1775t nuclear criticality, 3255–3256 production of, 1662, 1713 nuclear material release and dispersal, relativistic orbital energies for, 1669f 3252–3255 solution chemistry of oxide incidents, 3257–3258 complexation of, 1689 potential hazards, 3248–3256 hydrolysis, 1686–1687, 1687t residue incidents, 3258–3259 redox potentials, 1685–1686, 1685f–1686f thermal hazards, 3251–3252 Hassium–269 hazard mitigation, 3259–3262 decay chains of, 1714 atmosphere for, 3259–3260 discovery of, 1735 conditions for, 3260–3262 production of, 1713 of plutonium, 3199–3266 Hassium–270 alloys, 3213 decay chains of, 1714 hydrides, 3204–3206 discovery of, 1735 metals, 3223–3238 production of, 1713 other compounds, 3212–3213 Hausmannite, plutonium (VI) reactions with, oxides, 3206–3212 3176–3177 reaction kinetics, 3215–3223 HAW. See High-level aqueous raffinate waste scope of concerns, 3201–3202 Hazards radiolytic reactions, 3246–3248 assessment of, 3248–3259 of uranium, 3199–3266 case studies, 3256–3259 compounds, 3213–3215 chemical property uncertainty, 3255 scope of concerns, 3201–3202 metal incidents, 3256–3257 I-56 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Hazards (Contd.) of trihalides, 2170t, 2176 nuclear criticality, 3255–3256 tribromides, 2172f, 2174t, 2176 nuclear material release and dispersal, trichlorides, 2172f, 2173t, 2176 3252–3255 trifluorides, 2171t, 2172f, 2176 oxide incidents, 3257–3258 triiodides, 2172f, 2175t, 2176 potential hazards, 3248–3256 of uranium residue incidents, 3258–3259 dioxide, 2272–2273, 2273f thermal hazards, 3251–3252 hydrides, 333–334, 334f mitigation of, 3259–3262 oxide difluoride, 565 atmosphere for, 3259–3260 oxides, 1076 conditions for, 3260–3262 Heat source of plutonium, 3200 actinium as, 42–43 alloys, 3213 plutonium–238 as, 703, 817 corrosion, 3204 oxides, 1023–1025 hydrides, 3204–3206 Heavy Element Volatility Instrument (HEVI) hydroxides, 3213 for isothermal chromatographic systems, metals, 3223–3238 1664 nitrides, 3212–3213 for rutherfordium study, 1693, 1694f oligomerized, 3210–3211 Heavy fermions other compounds, 3212–3213 behavior of, 2342–2343, 2343f oxides, 3206–3212, 3219–3222 description of, 2341–2342 reaction kinetics of, 3215–3223 ground states of, 2342 surface chemistry, 3209–3210 magnetic properties of, 2360 radiolytic reactions, 3246–3248 Heavy-ion bombardment rate-controlling factors and mechanisms in, problems with, 1761–1762 3202–3204 as source of actinide elements, 1761–1763 scope of concerns, 3201–3202 HEDPA. See 1-Hydroxyethylene–1,1- storage for, 3199 diphosphonic acid of uranium, 3200 HE-EELS. See High-energy electron energy compounds, 3213–3215 loss spectroscopy HDBP. See Dibutylphosphoric acid HEHA. See 1,4,7,10,13,16- HDEHP. See Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric Hexaazacyclohexadecane-N,N0,N00, acid N000,N0000-hexaacetic acid HDNNS. See Dinonylnapthalene sulfonic Helium, from plutonium decay, 980, 985–987, acid 985f, 987f Heap leaching, of uranium ore, 306 accumulation of, 986 Heat capacity amount of, 985 of actinide elements, 2116–2118, 2117t, study of, 986–987, 987f 2119t–2120t, 2121f HEMΦP. See 2-Ethylhexylphenylphosphonic of actinide ions, 2132–2133 acid of actinide metals, 2323 Hemosiderin, in liver, 3397–3398 of americium, 1298t, 1299 6,6,7,7,8,8,8-Heptafluoro–2,2-dimethyl–3,5- of carbides, 2198, 2198f, 2199t octanedione (FOD), separation with, of dioxides, 2138–2141, 2139f, 2142t 2632, 2680 of hydrides, 2188–2190, 2190t HEU. See Highly of neptunium HEVI. See Heavy Element Volatility dioxide, 2272–2273, 2273f Instrument hydrides, 723–724 1,4,7,10,13,16-Hexaazacyclohexadecane-N, of nitrohalides, 2182, 2187t N0,N00,N000,N0000-hexaacetic acid of oxyhalides, 2182, 2187t (HEHA), for tumor radiotherapy, 43 of plutonium, 945–949 Hexafluorides history of, 945–947 of actinide elements, 2083–2085, 2083t, oxides, 1076 2084f–2085f of protactinium, 192, 193t complexes of, 2578 of tetrahalides, 2166t, 2167, 2168f Hexafluoroacetylacetone (HFA), SFE of thorium, dioxide, 2272–2273, 2273f separation with, 2680 of transition metal compounds, 2206t, Hexahalides 2210–2211 structural chemistry of, 2419, 2421, 2421t Subject Index I-57 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

thermodynamic properties of, 2159–2161, High-performance liquid chromatography 2160t (HPLC) gaseous, 2160–2161, 2164t ARCA with, 1665 solid, 2159–2160, 2160t berkelium separation with, 1449–1450, HF calculations. See Hartree-Fock 1450f calculations curium separation with, 1433 HFA. See Hexafluoroacetylacetone einsteinium separation with, 1585 HFIR. See High-Flux Isotope Reactor ICPMS and, 3068–3069, 3068f HFO. See Hydrous ferric oxide for separation, 3281 HFS approach. See Hartree-Fock-Slater High-purity germanium detector (HPGe) approach for gamma-spectroscopy, 3297–3299, 3299f α-HIBA. See α-Hydroxyisobutyric acid for uranium analysis, 635 High resolution inductively coupled plasma High-purity product refinement, of uranium mass spectrometry (HR-ICPMS), ore, 314–317, 315f–316f, 317t 3324–3326, 3325f High-temperature properties High-energy electron energy loss spectroscopy of carbides, 2198, 2198f, 2199t (HE-EELS), for plutonium study, 967 of dioxides, 2138–2141, 2139f, 2142t Highest occupied molecular orbit (HOMO) of halides, 2162t–2163t of thorocene, 1946 of hexahalides, 2162t–2163t of uranyl, 1916–1917, 1917f of hydrides, 2188–2190, 2190t High-Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) ions in condensed phase, 2116–2118, 2117t, berkelium–249 from, 1445, 1448 2119t–2120t, 2121f californium production in, 1501, 1503 of nitrides, 2199t, 2202 einsteinium production in, 1582 of oxides neutron irradiation at, 1759–1760 with alkali metals, 2151–2153 plutonium–239 in, 821 with alkaline earth metals, 2157, 2158t target preparation for, 1401 of oxyhalides, 2182, 2183t–2184t, for transcurium element production, 9 2186t–2187t for transfermium element production, 12 of pentahalides, 2162t–2163t High-flux nuclear reactors, for of sesquioxides, 2139f, 2146–2147 transplutonium element production, 9 of tetrahalides, 2166t, 2167–2168 High-level aqueous raffinate waste (HAW), of transition metal compounds, 2207t, TRUEX process for, 2743–2744 2208f, 2211 High-level liquid waste (HLLW), actinide of trihalides, 2162t–2163t, 2176–2177, 2177f recovery from, 2717 Hill plot, for uranium compounds, 2331–2333, High-level waste (HLW) 2332f electrodeposition for, 717 HLLW. See High-level liquid waste ‘light glass’ v., 1273 HLW. See High-level waste long-lived actinides in, 2729, 2729t HOMO. See Highest occupied molecular orbit neptunium in HOPO. See Hydroxypyridonate intermetallic compounds, 721 ‘Hot fusion’, element production by, 1738 neptunium–237 in, 702, 783 Hot-wire deposition, for uranium metal partitioning of, 712–713, 2756–2757 preparation, 319 problem of, 2728–2729 HPGe. See High-purity germanium detector reprocessing of, 704 HPLC. See High-performance liquid DMDBTDMA, 2756 chromatography n-Octyl(phenyl)-N,N-diisobutyl- HR-ICPMS. See High resolution inductively carbamoyl methylphosphine oxide for, coupled plasma mass spectrometry 1407–1408 Hu¨ckel calculations, on cyclopentadienyl Purex process for, 710–712, 710f, complexes, 1957–1959 1273–1276, 1285 Human TRPO for, 2753, 2754t actinide elements in, 3339–3424 TRUEX process for, 1275, binding in bone, 3406–3412 2740–2745 bone, 3400–3406 uranium in, 270 liver, 3395–3400 Highly enriched uranium (HEU) clearance from circulation, 3367–3387 description of, 1755 dioxo ions, 3379–3387 production and use of, 1755–1758 rates of, 3367–3369, 3368f–3375f I-58 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Human (Contd.) Hydration, of actinide cations, 2528–2544 tetravalent and pentavalent, 3376–3379 in concentrated solution, 2536–2538, 2537f trivalent, 3370–3376 hexavalent, 2531–2532 in vivo chelation, 3412–3423 in non-aqueous media, 2532–2533 desferrioxamine, 3414 overview, 2528 polyaminopolycarboxylic acids, pentavalent, 2531–2532 3413–3414 tetravalent, 2530–2531 siderophores, 3414–3423 thermodynamic properties, 2538–2544, initial distribution in, 3340–3356 2540t–2541t, 2542f, 2543t, 2544f access to, 3340–3341 trivalent, 2528–2530, 2529f, 2529t adult men, 3346t Hydrazine dioxo ions, 3354–3356 organouranium catalytic reduction of, ionic radii and stability constants, 3346, 2994–2996 3347t plutonium processing with, 1142 pentavalent, 3350–3354 Hydrides skeletal fraction, 3346–3349, 3348f of actinide elements, 1790, 1791t–1795t soft tissues, 3349–350 of americium, 1305t–1312t, 1314 tetravalent, 3350–3354 of berkelium, 1463, 1464t–1465t trivalent, 3345–3350 preparation of, 1460 tissue deposition kinetics, 3387–3395 of californium, 1540–1541 tissue sample, DIPEX resin for, 3284 of curium, 1413t–1415t, 1416–1417 transport in body fluids, 3356–3367 of neptunium, 722–724 extracellular fluid circulation, 3357–3359 chemical behavior, 724 loose connective tissue, 3359 heat capacity, 723–724 plasma and tissue fluid composition, physical properties of, 722, 723f, 724t 3356–3357, 3357t–3358t thermodynamic properties, 722–723 plasma distribution of, 3357t–3358t, of plutonium, 989–996 3359–3361 air reaction with, 3218 Humic acid (HA) applications, 995–996, 996f americium (III) complexation with, corrosion, 977–979 1353–1354 electrical properties of, 3205 complexes of, 2590–2591 electronic structure of, 995, 995t environmental actinides and, 3139–3140 history of, 989 for thorium complexation, 132–133 hydrogen reaction with, 3215–3216 Huttonite, thorium in, 55–56 magnetic properties, 3205–3206 Huzinaga-Cantu equation, RECPs v., 1908 nitrogen reaction with, 3217–3218 Hydration enthalpy, calculation of, oxygen reaction with, 3216–3217 2538–2539 phase diagram of, 990, 991f–992f Hydration numbers physical properties of, 990, 995, 995t of actinide cations, 2532–2533, 2533t preparation and reactivity of, 989–990 hexavalent, 2531–2532 solid state structures, 992–994, pentavalent, 2531–2532 993f, 993t tetravalent, 2530–2531 stoichiometry and phase relationships, trivalent, 1605, 2528–2530, 2529f, 990–992, 991f–992f 2529t storage and handling of, 989 of americium, 1327, 1328f thermodynamic properties of, 3205, americium (III), 2534, 2535t 3206t of curium (III), 2534, 2535f, 2535t–2536t water reaction with, 3219 in concentrated solutions, 2536–2538, of protactinium, 194 2537f structural chemistry of, 2402–2404 of einsteinium, 1605 americium, 2404 of europium (III), 2534, 2535t berkelium, 2404 in concentrated solutions, 2536–2538, curium, 2404 2537f neptunium, 2403–2404 of neodynium (III), 2534, 2535t plutonium, 2403–2404 of neptunyl ion, 2531 protactinium, 2402–2403 of thorium, 118 thorium, 2402 of uranyl ion, 2531–2532 uranium, 2403 Subject Index I-59 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

thermodynamic properties of, 2187–2190 protactinium extraction with, 175, 179 enthalpy of formation, 2187–2188, 2187t, reduction by 2189t, 2190f americium (V), 1335–1336 entropy, 2188, 2189t americium (VI), 1335 high-temperature properties, 2188–2190, UO2 dissolution in, 371 2190t Hydrolytic behavior of thorium, 64–66, 66t of actinide cations, 2545–2556, 2545f decomposition of, 65 hexavalent, 2553–2556, 2554f–2555f, formation of, 64–65 2554t–2555t properties of, 64 pentavalent, 2552–2553 reaction with, 65 tetravalent, 2547–2552, 2549t–2550t, structure of, 64 2551f–2552f ternary, 65–66, 66t trivalent, 2546, 2547f, 2547t–2548t of uranium, 328–339, 3213–3214 of actinide complexes, ternary, 2592–2593 chemical properties of, 336–337, 337t of actinide elements, 1555, 1778–1782, crystal structures of, 329–330, 329t 1810–1811 electrical resistivity, 333 of americium, 1339–1340 magnetic properties and bonding of, of berkelium, 1475–1479, 1477t–1478t 333–336, 334f, 335t of californium, californium (III), 1554 other compounds of, 337–339 in mammalian body, 3340 phase relations and dissociation pressures of neptunium, 766–770 of, 330–332, 330f–331f neptunium (III), 768 preparative methods for, 329 neptunium (IV), 768–769 reactions of, 337, 337t neptunium (V), 727, 769–770 thermodynamic properties, 332–333, 332t neptunium (VI), 770 use of, 333 neptunium (VII), 770 Hydrobiotite, uranyl-loaded, 3156 tendency towards, 766, 767t Hydrobromic acid, rutherfordium extraction of 5f orbital, 3100 with, 1697–1698 of plutonium Hydrocarbyls, of neptunium, 752 characterization of, 1146–1147 importance of, 1146 curium separation in, 1409 ions, 1110–1111 dubnium separation in, 1705 nitrides, 1019 plutonium processing in, 836 plutonium (III), 1147–1149, 1148t rutherfordium extraction with, 1696–1699 plutonium (IV), 1148t, 1149–1150, 1781 uranates (V) and (IV) dissolution in, 381–382 plutonium (V), 1154–1155 uranium plutonium (VI), 1155–1156 compound dissolution in, 632 plutonium (VII), 1156 metal reactions with, 328 stability of, 1146–1156 oxide reactions with, 370–371 of protactinium, 170–171, 179 Hydrofluoric acid protactinium (IV), 222, 1780 protactinium (IV) precipitation by, 222 protactinium (V), 209–212, 210f, 211t, as protactinium solvent, 176, 178–179 212f, 1782 rutherfordium extraction with, 1699–1700 of rutherfordium, 1701 Hydrofluorination, of uranium, 319, 320f of seaborgium, 1711 Hydrogen sorption process v., 1810 plutonium of thorium, 119–120, 121t, 122f corrosion by, 977–979 of transactinide elements, 1686–1687, hydrides reaction with, 3215–3216 1687t metal reaction with, 3223–3225, 3224f of uranium and water formation of, 3250 aqueous complexes, 597–600, 599t radiolytic formation of, 3246–3247 carbides, 403–405 hazards of, 3248–3249 pentavalent and complex halides, 501 uranium uranium (IV), 585–586, 1780–1781 metal solubility of, 330f, 331–332 Hydrometallurgy, 2727–2729 reaction with, 3239–3242, 3240f, 3241t long-lived actinides in HLW, 2729, 2729t Hydrogen peroxide problem for, 2728–2729 berkelium extraction with, 1448 SNF overview, 2727–2728 I-60 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Hydrosilylation, organometallic intermediates 8-Hydroxyquinoline in, 2916–2918, 2917f actinide complexation with, 1783 Hydrosphere, actinide elements in, 1807–1810 californium extraction with, 1513 Hydrous ferric oxide (HFO), uranyl interaction with, 3166 Hydroxamic acid, for plutonium removal, Ianthinite 1824 at Pen˜a Blanca, Chichuhua District, Hydroxides Mexico, 272–273 of actinide elements, 1796 uranium in, 259t–269t of actinyl, 1925–1926, 1926t, 1927f ICPAES. See Inductively coupled plasma of americium, 1303, 1305t–1312t, atomic emission spectrometry 1313–1314 ICPMS. See Inductively coupled plasma mass history of, 1313 spectrometry preparation of, 1313–1314 ID analysis. See Isotope dilution of mendelevium, 1635 analysis of neptunium, 724–730 IDA. See Iminodiacetate heptavalent, 726–727 Identification hexavalent, 727 electron-photon, -electron, -ion techniques pentavalent, 727 for, 3047–3055 tetravalent, 727–728 AES, 3049t, 3051 of plutonium, 3213 COUL, 3049t, 3052 precipitation with, 836, 838 DPV and DPP, 3049t, 3052, 3053f precipitation with, 2633–2634 EDS, 3049t, 3050–3051 of protactinium, 207–208 EELS, 3049t, 3051–3052 gravimetric methods with, 229 EMPA, 3049t, 3050 of seaborgium, 1709 ESMS, 3049t, 3052–3055, 3054f thermodynamic properties of, 2190–2192 overview of, 3047, 3049t, 3050 enthalpy of formation, 2190–2191, 2191t SEM, 3049t, 3050, 3051f entropy, 2191, 2191t SSMS, 3049t, 3055 solubility products, 2191–2192 in environment, 3013–3073 of thorium, 76 background, 3013–3021 of uranium, 259t combining and comparing analytical of uranyl, 1925–1926, 1926t, 1927f techniques, 3065–3071 Hydroxycarboxylic acids, fermium complexes sampling, handling, treatment, and with, 1629 separation, 3021–3024 1-Hydroxyethylene–1,1-diphosphonic acid specifics of, 3024–3065 (HEDPA), actinide stripping with, ion-photon, -electron, -neutron, -ion 1280–1281 techniques for, 3058–3065 α-Hydroxyisobutyric acid (α-HIBA) AMS, 3059t, 3062–3063 berkelium separation with, 1449–1450, ERDA, 3059t, 3065 1450f ICPMS, 3059t, 3061–3062 californium separation with, 1508 NRA, 3059t, 3061 curium separation with, 1409 overview of, 3058–3060, 3059t dubnium separation with, 1704–1705 PIGE, 3059t, 3061 fermium separation with, 1624, 1629 PIXE, 3059t, 3060–3061 lawrencium separation with, 1643, 1645 RBS, 3059t, 3063–3064, 3064f separation with, 2639–2641, 2640f, 2641t, SIMS, 3059t, 3062, 3063f 2650 VOL, 3059t, 3061 α-Hydroxyl–2-methyl butyrate, californium neutron-photon, -electron, -neutron, -ion extraction with, 1512 techniques for, 3055–3057 Hydroxylamine, plutonium processing with, DNAA, 3056t, 3057 reduction and oxidation reactions, NAA, 3055–3057, 3056t, 3058f 1140–1141 overview of, 3055–3057, 3056t Hydroxypyridinonate ligands, as chelating passive techniques for, 3025–3033 agents, 3415f, 3416–3417, 3417f–3418f βS, 3026t, 3028–3029 Hydroxypyridonate (HOPO) GRAV, 3026t, 3029 complexes of, 2590–2591 γS, 3025–3028, 3026t, 3028f for plutonium removal, 1824–1825, 1825f ISEs, 3026t, 3029 Subject Index I-61 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

LSC, 3026t, 3031, 3032f Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission MBES, 3026t, 3028 spectrometry (ICPAES), overview of, NS, 3026t, 3029 3307–3308 overview of, 3025, 3026t Inductively coupled plasma mass RAD, 3026t, 3031, 3032f spectrometry (ICPMS) αS, 3026t, 3029–3031, 3030f with AES, 636, 1770 XS, 3025, 3026t αS v., 3329 photon-phonon, -electron, -neutron, -ion βS and, 3070 techniques for, 3043–3047 applications of, 3326–3328 LAICPMS, 3044t, 3046–3047 capillary electrophoresis with, 3069 LAMMA, 3044t, 3046 components of, 3323–3324, 3324f LIBS, 3044t, 3045 development of, 3329 LIPAS, 3043–3045, 3044t, 3045f for electronic structure, 1770 overview of, 3043 for environmental actinides, 3059t, PHOTN, 3044t, 3046 3061–3062 RIMS, 3044t, 3047, 3048f fundamentals of, 3323–3326, 3324f RIS, 3044t, 3047 HPLC and, 3068–3069, 3068f SEXAS, 3044t, 3046 HR, 3324–3326, 3325f TIMS, 3044t, 3046–3047 INAA v., 3329 UPS, 3044t, 3045 for mass spectrometry, 3310 XPS, 3044t, 3045–3046 MC, 3326–3327 photon-photon techniques for, nebulizers for, 3323 3033–3043 neptunium AAS, 3034t, 3036 neptunium–237 determination, COL, 3034t, 3035 789, 790f IRS, 3033–3035, 3034t separation with, 783, 784f, 793 LAICPOES, 3034t, 3036–3037 overview of, 3322 MBAS, 3034t, 3043 requirements of, 3323 NIR-VIS, 3034t, 3035 spectra from, 3324–3326, 3325f NMR, 3033, 3034t for thorium, 133 overview of, 3033, 3034t for trace analysis, 3322–3328 PCS, 3034t, 3035–3036 of uranium, 637–639 PHOTA, 3034t, 3043 Infrared spectroscopy (IRS) RAMS, 3034t, 3035, 3036f of actinide dioxides, 1971 TOM, 3034t, 3040–3043, 3042f of actinide nitrides, 1988–1989 TRLF, 3034t, 3037, 3038f of americium, 1369 UVS, 3034t, 3037 of californium, 1544–1545 XANES, 3034t, 3039, 3040f of cyclopentadienyl complexes, tetravalent, XAS, 3034t, 3037–3039, 3040f 2814–2815 XRF, 3034t, 3039, 3041f for environmental actinides, 3033, 3034t Ignition of neptunium, 764 of plutonium overview of, 2014 catalyzed, 3236–3237 of plutonium halides, 1183 thermal, 3232–3235, 3233f of thorium disulfide, 1976 of uranium, thermal, 3245–3246 of uranium cyclopentadienyl complexes, Iminodiacetate (IDA) 2807, 2807t plutonium complex with, 1176–1177, 1178t, of uranium oxides, 1971 1180–1181 XRD and, 3065 of uranium, 603–605, 604t XRF and RAMS with, 3069 Immobilization, of SNF, 1812–1813 Ingestion, of actinide elements, 1818–1820 In situ leaching, of uranium ore, 306 Inhalation, of actinide elements, INAA. See Instrumental neutron activation 1818–1820 analysis Inner sphere, complexation, 2563–2566, Indenyl complexes 2566f, 2567t with cyclopentadienyl, 2844 confusion over, 2564 structural chemistry of, 2487–2489, conversion to, 2564–2565 2490t–2491t stability constant, 2565, 2566f Indium, in plutonium alloy, 896, 896f thermodynamic data, 2566, 2567f I-62 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

In-situ Volatilization and On-line detection Iodides apparatus (IVO), for hassium study, of actinide elements, 1796 1713, 1714f of berkelium, 1469 Instrumental neutron activation analysis of californium, 1533 (INAA) of neptunium, 738 applications of, 3303–3305 equilibrium constants for, 773t description of, 3303 triiodide, 738 ICPMS v., 3329 of plutonium, 1092–1100 RNNA v., 3305–3306 preparation of, 1092–1095 sensitivity of, 3305 properties of, 1087t, 1098–1100 for uranium, 636 solid-state structures of, 1084t, Integral fast reactor (IFR) 1096–1097, 1096f–1098f electrorefining with, 2713 protactinium derivatives of, 197–199, reprocessing in, 2713–2714 207–208 Intense Pulsed Neutron Source (IPNS) of uranium of curium dioxide, 2292–2293 complexes, 498–499 of plutonium dioxide, 2289, 2290f oxide and nitride, 499–500 Intermediate coupling uranium tetraiodide, 497–498 for free-ion interactions modeling, uranium triiodide, 454–455 2023–2026 Ion exchange chromatography overview of, 2023 for actinide and lanthanide separation, Intermetallic compounds 2669–2670 of americium, 1302, 1304t for actinide element study, 1767–1768, of berkelium, 1461 1768f magnetic studies of, 2238, 2356–2361 actinium purification by, 18, 30–32 heavy-fermion materials, 2360 for americium purification, 1289–1293 high uranium content, 2357 anion-exchange resin systems, 1291–1292 itinerant ferromagnets, 2358–2359 cation-exchange resin systems, 1290–1291 low uranium concentration, 2359 inorganic exchangers, 1292–1293 lower uranium content, 2358 ARCA for microscale, 1665 other compounds, 2360–2361 for berkelium extraction, 1449 very low uranium concentration, for californium separation, 1508–1509, 2359–2360 1510f, 1512 of plutonium, 862–987 for curium separation, 1409–1410 applications of, 862 deployment of, 846 crystal structure data for, 899, 900t–915t for einsteinium separation, 1585 electronic structure, theory, and flow sheet for, 849, 850f modeling, 921–935 improvements of, 851 history of, 862 for metal ion separation, 846 mechanical properties, 968–973 methods for nature of, 863 anion exchange, 2635–2637, 2635f, 2642 overview of, 898–899 in aqueous phase, 2638 oxidation and corrosion, 973–979 cation exchange, 2636–2641, 2637f physical and thermodynamic properties citric acid for, 2638–2639, 2639t of, 935–968 Diphonix, 2642–2643, 2643f of uranium, 325–326, 325t EDTA and HDEHP for, 2639–2640, hydrides as, 338–339 2641t , 326, 326f α-HIBA for, 2639–2641, 2640f, 2641t noble metals, 325–326 historical development of, 2634–2635 transition-metal compounds, 325 lactic acid for, 2639, 2639t, 2641t x-ray crystallography for, 325 NTA and DTPA for, 2640–2641 Iodates trivalent actinides from lanthanides, of actinide elements, 1796 2635, 2635f of neptunium, equilibrium constants for, for neptunium extraction, 714 773t operation of, 850–851 of plutonium, 1172–1173 overview of, 845–846 of protactinium, gravimetric methods for plutonium concentration, 845–852 with, 230 after extraction, 846–847 Subject Index I-63 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

history of, 851 of superactinide elements, 1731 overview of, 847 of thorium, 59–60, 1874t plutonium–238, 817 of transactinide elements, 1673–1675, 1673t, for protactinium purification, 180–181, 180f 1674f–1675f for rutherfordium extraction, 1699 of uranium, 1874t for trace analysis, 3282–3283 Ion-selective electrodes (ISEs), for for transfermium element identification, 13 environmental actinides, 3026t, 3029 for uranium leach recovery, 310–311 IP. See Ionization potentials problems with, 311 IPNS. See Intense Pulsed Neutron Source process for, 310 Iriginite solvent extraction v., 311 umohoite transformation to, 299, 300f species absorbed, 310–311 uranium molybdates in, 299 Ion pair formation systems, for extraction, Iron 2660, 2661f in aqueous environment, 3097, 3097f Ionic radii in curium complex, 1413t–1415t, 1422 of actinide elements, 1798, 1799t in environment, 3164–3165 of actinide (III) ions, 1605–1607 in plutonium in mammalian tissues, 3346, 3347t alloy, 972 of americium, 1295–1296 reduction, 1138–1139 of californium, 1528–1529, 1528f plutonium melting point and, 897, 898f of einsteinium, 1604, 1605–1607 protactinium separation from, 179–180, importance of, 1612–1613 180f sesquioxide, 1598 sorption on mineral phases of, 3164–3169 of lawrencium, 1645 with carbonates, 3168 of mendelevium, 1635 with citrates, 3167–3168 of nobelium, 1640 neptunium, 3165, 3165t oxidation states and, 2558 uranium, 3165, 3165t, 3167 skeletal fraction v., 3349 in transferrin, 3363–3364 stability constants and, 2574, 2575f preparation with, 388 Ion-ion interaction Iron (II), analyses of of actinides, 2101–2103 ISEs, 3029 nonexponential luminescence decay from, VOL, 3061 2102–2103 Iron (III), analyses of, ISEs, 3029 Ionium. See Thorium–230 IRS. See Infrared spectroscopy Ionization potentials (IP) IS. See Isotope shift of actinide elements ISEs. See Ion-selective electrodes by laser spectroscopy, 1873–1875, 1874t Island of stability by RIMS, 1875–1879, 1877t, overview of, 14 1878f–1879f SHEs v., 1653 of actinium, 33, 1874t substantiation of, 1735–1736, 1736f of americium, 1296, 1874t Isocyanide ligand, cyclopentadienyl of berkelium, 1452, 1874t complexes insertion of, 2825, 2826f breit effect on, 1669 Isothermal chromatographic systems of californium, 1874t for gas-phase chemistry, of curium, 1874t 1663–1665, 1705 of einsteinium, 1588, 1590f, 1874t for seaborgium study, 1708–1709, 1709f of element 113, 1723, 1726t for superactinide elements, 1734 of element 114, 1725, 1726t Isotope dilution (ID) analysis of element 115, 1725f, 1726t, 1727 for ICPMS, 3326 of element 116, 1726t, 1728 with TIMS, 3313 of element 117, 1726t, 1728 of uranium, 638 of element 118, 1726t, 1728–1729 Isotope dilution mass spectrometry, for of element 119, 1729, 1730f protactinium–231, 231 of element 120, 1729, 1730f Isotope shift (IS) of fermium, 1877 of actinide elements, 1841, 1842t–1850t, of neptunium, 1874t, 1875 1851–1852, 1853f, 2015–2016 of plutonium, 859, 1874t of americium, 1882–1884, 1883f, 1883t of protactinium, 1874t of californium, 1872 I-64 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Isotopes JT effect, on plutonium dioxide, 2290 of actinium, 18–19, 22t–23t, 31–32 Judd-Ofelt theory of americium, 9–10, 12, 1265–1267, 1266t absorption spectra analysis with, of berkelium, 9–10, 1445–1447, 1446t 2091–2093, 2092f–2093f of bohrium, 1657f–1658f for fluorescence lifetime calculation, of californium, 9–10, 12, 1499–1502, 1500t 2093–2095 of curium, 9–10, 12, 1397–1400, 1399t matrix elements computation with, of darmstadtium, 1657f–1658f 2090–2091 of dubnium, 1657f–1658f JWP. See Joint Working Party of einsteinium, 10, 1579, 1581t, 1582 of element 112, 1657f–1658f of element 113, 1657f–1658f Kidneys of element 114, 1657f–1658f accumulation of protactinium–231, 188 of element 115, 1657f–1658f actinide elements in, 1815 of element 116, 1657f–1658f uranium in, 1820–1821 of fermium, 10, 1622–1624, 1623t uranyl ion in, 3380 of hassium, 1657f–1658f complexes, 3382–3383 of lawrencium, 1642, 1642t, 1657f–1658f Kinetics longer-lived, 14 considerations for handling, storage, and of meitnerium, 1657f–1658f disposition, 3201–3204 of mendelevium, 1630–1631, 1631t rate-controlling factors and mechanisms, of neptunium, 9–10, 12, 700–702, 701t 3202–3204 production of, 702–704 scope of concerns, 3201–3202 of nobelium, 1637, 1638t of corrosion of plutonium, 4, 8–10, 12, 815–817, 816t plutonium metal, 3223–3227, 3226f, decay of, 1143–1146 3227t, 3237 formation of, 821, 825–826, 825f uranium metal and compounds, from nuclear power reactors, 826, 3239–3246 827t–828t, 828 of hydroamination separation of, 821–822, 828–831 by organoactinide complexes, 2990–2993 of protactinium, 161–162, 164–170, 165t terminal alkyne complexes, 2986–2990 of roentgenium, 1657f–1658f of hydrogenation, arene ligands, 3002 of rutherfordium, 1657f–1658f of hydrosilylation, terminal alkyne of seaborgium, 1657f–1658f complexes, 2957, 2965–2966 of thorium, 53–55, 54t–55t of plutonium reactions, 3215–3223 of transactinide elements, 1657f–1658f of tissue deposition, 3387–3395 of uranium, 4, 8–10, 255–257, 256t, 258t in mice, 3388–3395, 3389f–3392f, 3394t Isotopomers, for matrix-isolated actinide in rats, 3387–3388 molecules, 1968 Kohn-Sham (KS) orbitals, with HF Itinerant electron behavior, in actinides, 1–2 equations, 1903 IVO. See In-situ Volatilization and On-line Koongarra deposit, uranium deposits at, 273 detection apparatus Kopmans’ theorem, overview of, 2335–2336 Kramers degeneracy, description of, 2228 Kramer’s degeneracy, overview of, 2044 Ja´chymov mine, marecottite and zippeite KS orbitals. See Koshn-Sham orbitals in, 292 Kyzylsai deposit, mourite in, 301 Jahn-Teller effect, low-symmetry structures from, 2369 JINR. See Joint Institute for Nuclear Laboratoire Aime´ Cotton (LAC), FTS at, Research 1840 J-j coupling Lactic acid, for separation, 2639, for coupling spin and angular momenta, 2639t, 2641t 1911 LAICPMS. See Laser ablation inductively LS coupling transition to, 1912–1914 coupled plasma mass spectroscopy Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), LAICPOES. See Laser ablation inductively darmstadtium discovery at, 1653 coupled plasma optical spectroscopy Joint Working Party (JWP), darmstadtium LAMMA. See Laser ablation micro mass analysis by, 1653 analysis Subject Index I-65 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

LAMS. See Laser ablation mass spectrometry Laser ablation mass spectrometry (LAMS), Lanthanide elements for mass spectrometry, 3310 actinide elements relativistic effects on, Laser ablation micro mass analysis 1898, 1899f (LAMMA), for environmental actinide elements v., 2, 10–11 actinides, 3044t, 3046 atomic volume, 1578–1579, 1578f Laser ablation technique, in gas-phase studies, bonding in, 584–585 of einsteinium, 1612 extraction from, 1286–1289, 1407 Laser fluorescence spectroscopy free-ion interaction and crystal-field for actinide element study, 14 strength, 2062–2064, 2063t of californium, 1544 ligand displacement series for, 2806 of hydrolytic behavior, 2546 phonon energy relaxation, 2096 Laser spectroscopy separation from, 2635, 2635f of actinide elements, 1873 thermodynamic properties of hydration, ionization potentials by, 1873–1875, 1874t 2542–2544, 2544t super-deformed fission isomers of actinide separation from, 2669–2677, americium, 1880–1884, 1881f, 2757–2760 1883f–1884f, 1883t Cyanex 301, 2675–2676 of uranium (III), 2064 dithiophosphinic acids, 2676 Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) LIX–63, 2759–2760 for environmental actinides, 3044t, 3045 process applications, 2670–2671 neptunium study with, 766 separation factors for, 2669–2670, Laser-induced isotope enrichment, of uranium 2670t hexafluoride, 1933 soft-donor complexants for, 2670–2671, Laser-induced photoacoustic spectroscopy 2673 (LIPAS) sulfur donor extractants, 2676–2677, americium study with, 1880 2677t for environmental actinides, 3043–3045, TALSPEAK, 2671–2673, 2672f, 2760 3044t, 3045f TPTZ, 2673–2675, 2674t neptunium study with, 766, 787 TRAMEX process, 2758–2759, 2759f Lattice constant bisphosphine oxide extraction of, 2657 of berkelium elution of, 1625f berkelium–249, 1462 fermium separation from, 1624–1625 metallic state, 1458 ionic radii of, 1528–1529, 1528f of neptunium, hydrides, 722, 724t oxides with plutonium oxides, 1069–1070 of plutonium, 2329–2330, 2329f Wigner-Seitz radius of, 2310–2312, 2311f gallium alloys, 939, 941t , properties of, 1947 of thorium nitrides, 99 Lanthanum Lattice parameters actinium v., 18, 40 of berkelium chalcogenides, 1470 americium of californium interaction with, 1302 metal, 1519–1521, 1520t separation from, 1271 pyrochlore oxides, 1538, 1540f in californium metal production, 1517 sesquioxide, 1536–1537 fluoride, for plutonium coprecipitation, of curium pnictides, 1421 833–835 of einsteinium sesquioxide, 1598–1599, Large-Angle X-ray Scattering (LAXS) 1599f for coordination number analysis, 586 of neptunium EXAFS v., 589 coordination compounds, 746t–747t for obtaining structural information, 589 hexafluoride, 731t, 732 Larisaite, as uranyl selenite, 298 metallic state, 719 Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma sulfides, 740 mass spectroscopy (LAICPMS), for tellurides, 742 environmental actinides, 3044t, of plutonium, 935–937 3046–3047 alloys and, 930, 930f Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma intermetallic compounds, 899, 900t–915t optical emission spectroscopy oxides with uranium oxides, 1071–1073, (LAICPOES), for environmental 1072f actinides, 3034t, 3036–3037 self-irradiation damage to, 981–984 I-66 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Lattice parameters (Contd.) LCAO. See Linear combinations of atomic of uranium orbitals dioxide, 390, 391t–392t LDA. See Local density approximation halides, 422, 423t–441t, 530t–556t Lea, Leask, and Wolf method, application of, oxide, 344, 345t–346t 2229–2230 oxides with plutonium oxides, Leaching 1071–1073, 1072f calcination prior to, 304 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory of uranium ores, 303 (LBNL) forms of, 305–306 darmstadtium discovery at, 1653 object of, 304 hassium study at, 1712–1713 oxidizer for, 305 rutherfordium production at, 1701 reagent for, 304–305 transactinide element claims of Dubna v., recovery of, 309–317 1659–1660 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory element 164 v., 1732 (LLNL), seaborgium production thermodynamic properties of actinide at, 1707 compounds with, 2206–2208, Lawrencium, 1641–1647 2206t–2207t atomic properties, 1643–1644 in uraninite, 274 berkelium–249 in production of, 1447 uranium compounds with, 407 chemical properties of, 1644–1647, 1646t oxides, 383–389, 384t–387t discovery of, 6t, 13, 1641 uranyl oxyhydroxides with, 287–288 half-life of, 1642, 1642t Lead–212, nuclear properties of, 3298t isotopes of, 1642, 1642t, 1657f–1658f Lead–214, nuclear properties of, 3298t lanthanide elements v.,2 Least-squares fitted values, of actinide metallic state of, 1644 elements, 1864–1865, 1864f oxidation states of, in aqueous solution, Lepersonnite, description of, 293 1774–1776, 1775t Lermontovite, uranium in, 259t–269t, 275 preparation and purification, 1642–1643 LEU. See Low-enriched uranium reduction potentials of, 1778, 1779f, Lewis acids, actinide elements as, 1901 2127–2131, 2130f–2131f Ligands solution chemistry, 1644–1647 actinide element bonding of, 1900–1901 synthesis of, 13, 1641 carbon-based, 2800–2867 thermodynamic properties of alkyl, 2866–2867 enthalpy of formation, 2123–2125, allyl, pentadienyl and related, 2124f–2125f, 2539, 2541t 2865–2866 entropy of, 2539, 2542f, 2543t cyclooctatetraenyl, 2851–2858 Gibbs formation energy of hydrated ion, cyclopentadienyl, 2800–2851 2539, 2540t other carboxylic, 2858–2865 Lawrencium–255, production of, 1641, 1642t in coordination number, 2558 Lawrencium–256 for thorium half-life of, 1642, 1642t in coordination compounds, 115 isolation of, 1642–1643 inorganic, 129–131, 130t production of, 1641–1642 ‘Light glass,’ radioisotopes in, 1273 x-ray emission of, 1644 Light water reactor (LWR) Lawrencium–257 fuel recovery from half-life of, 1641–1642, 1642t calcium reduction, 2722 production of, 1641 lithium reduction, 2722–2723 Lawrencium–258 pyrochemical methods for, 2721–2723 from dubnium–262, 1704 plutonium in, 826 half-life of, 1642, 1642t uranium oxides with, 1070 Lawrencium–260 Light Weight Radioisotope Heater Units half-life of, 1645 (LWRHUs) production of, 1642 fuel formation for, 1032–1034 LAXS. See Large-Angle X-ray Scattering plutonium–238 in, 819, 820f Layer structures. See Sheet structures Linear combinations of atomic orbitals LBNL. See Lawrence Berkeley National (LCAO), MO levels as, 1902 Laboratory LINEX process, overview of, 2724–2725 Subject Index I-67 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

LIPAS. See Laser-induced photoacoustic electron density and gradient with, 924 spectroscopy for excited state energies, 1910 Lipofuscin, americium binding to, 1816 Localized electron behavior, in actinides, 1–2 Liquid anion-exchange chromatography, Loose connective tissue, actinides in, 3359 851–852 Low-enriched uranium (LEU), description Liquid plutonium, 960–963 of, 1755 melting point of, 960–962 LS coupling properties of, 962–963 for coupling spin and angular momenta, Liquid scintillation counting (LSC), for 1911 environmental actinides, 3026t, 3031, for free-ion interactions modeling, 3032f 2023–2026 Liquid scintillation spectrometry j-j coupling transition of, 1912–1914 for neptunium, 785 overview of, 2023 for thorium, 133–134 spin-orbit coupling with, 2024–2026 Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE). See also in tetravalent actinide ions, 2075–2076 Solvent exchange truncation of, terms, 2042 for actinide elements study, 1768–1769 Luminescence in RTILs, 2691 of actinide cations, 2536–2538, 2537f of rutherfordium, 1702, 1702f of americium, 1368–1369, 1369f SFE v., 2678 americium (III), 2098 of superactinides, 1735 of berkelium, 1453–1454 for trace analysis, 3282 of curium, 1425, 1429 of uranium, 633 curium (III), 2096–2097, 2097f Liquid-liquid partitioning, of environmental decay of, 2101–2102, 2101f sample, 3024 of einsteinium, 1579, 1580f, 1602 Liquid-solid partitioning, of environmental energy transfer in, 2102–2103 sample, 3024 lifetimes of, 2098–2100, 2099t, 2100f Lithium measurement of, neptunium, 787–788 in californium metal production, 1517 of neptunium hexafluoride, 2084–2085 in curium metal production, 1411–1412 overview of, 627 protactinium compounds with, 208 of plutonium hexafluoride, 2084–2085 reduction of, for electrorefining, 2722–2723 Luminescence decay, for hydration Lithium chloride study, 2528 curium extraction in, 1407, 1409 Lungs einsteinium extraction in, 1585 actinide elements in, 1819–1820 in electrorefining, 2714–2715 transuranium elements in, 12 lanthanide, actinide separation with, 1407 , lawrencium v., 1644 Liver Luttinger theorem, Fermi surface in, 2334 actinide elements in, 1815–1816, 3395–3400 LWR. See Light water reactor stored iron association with, 3398–3399 LWRHUs. See Light Weight Radioisotope uptake, 3399–3400 Heater Units blood supply to, 3396 Lymphatic system, actinide elements in, 1815 as deposition site, 3344 Lysosomes, actinide element uptake with, bone v., 3344–3345 1816 iron storage in, 3397–3398 actinide elements with, 3398–3399 ferritin, 3397 MACS. See Magnetically assisted chemical hemosiderin, 3397–3398 separation metal transport into, 3396–3397 Madelung energy, loss of, 2369 microanatomy of, 3396 LIX–63, for actinide/lanthanide separation, UO2 solid solutions with, oxygen potentials 2759–2760 of, 395t, 396–397 LLE. See Liquid-liquid extraction for uranium reduction, 319 LLNL. See Lawrence Livermore National uranium v., 318 Laboratory Magnetic anisotropy Local density approximation (LDA) exchange interactions in, 2364–2366, for actinide metals, 2328 2365f–2366f δ-phase plutonium and, 925 large groups, 2365–2366 I-68 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Magnetic anisotropy (Contd.) metallic state, 1411 overview of, 2364–2365 pnictides, 1421 two-ion, 2365, 2365f–2366f of dioxides, 2272–2294 Magnetic concentration methods, for uranium americium, 2291–2292 ore, 303–304 curium, 2292–2293 Magnetic dipole moment, neutron scattering neptunium, 2282–2288 and, 2232 plutonium, 2288–2290 Magnetic moment uranium, 2272–2282 of californium metal and compounds, 1542, of einsteinium, 1602–1603 1543t einsteinium (II), 2271–2272 of uranium hydrides, 334–336, 335t einsteinium (III), 2271 Magnetic polyamine-epichlorohydrin resin of fermium, 1626 (MPE resin), americium purification of heavy fermions, 2360 with, 1292–1293 of lanthanides, 1541–1542, 1542t Magnetic properties, 2225–2295 of neptunium, 2356–2357 5f0 compounds, 2239–2240 alloys, 719–720 5f1 compounds, 2240–2247 chalcogenides, 742 2 5f compounds, 2247–2257 neptunium (III), 2261–2262 3 5f compounds, 2257–2261 neptunium (IV), 2257–2261 4 5f compounds, 2261–2262 neptunium (V), 2247–2257 5 5f compounds, 2262–2263 neptunium (VI), 2240–2247 5f6 compounds, 2263–2265 neptunium dioxide, 2236–2237, 2237f 5f7 compounds, 2265–2268 tetrachloride, 2258t, 2260–2261 5f8 compounds, 2268–2269 of neptunyl ion, 2240–2247, 2255t 5f9 compounds, 2269–2271 of plutonium, 949–954, 2355–2357 5f10 compounds, 2271 hexafluoride, 1086–1088 5f11 compounds, 2271–2272 hydrides, 3205–3206 of actinide dioxides, 2272–2294 intermetallic compounds, 2361 of actinide elements, 1541–1542, 1542t phosphides, 1022 of actinide metals, 2353–2368 plutonium (III), 2262–2263 electronic transport and, 2367–2368 plutonium (IV), 2261–2262 exchange interactions and magnetic plutonium (V), 2257–2261 anisotropy, 2364–2366, 2365f–2366f plutonium (VI), 2247–2257 general features of, 2353–2354 plutonium (VII), 2240–2247 intermetallic compounds, 2356–2361 pnictides, 1023 magnetic structures, 2366–2367 silicides, 1015–1016 orbital moments, 2362–2364, 2363f susceptibility, 949, 953–954, 953f other compounds, 2361–2362 trichloride, 2262 in pure elements, 2354–2356 of plutonocene, 1946 of americium, 2355–2356 of protactinium, 192, 193t americium (II), 2265–2268 carbides, 195 americium (III), 2263–2265 halides, 203 americium (IV), 2262–2263 pnictides, 207 of anhydrous uranium chloride complexes, protactinium (IV), 2240–2247 451 protactinium (V), 2239–2240 of berkelium, 2355–2356 quantization of, 2317–2318 berkelium (III), 2268–2269, 2270t source of, 2225–2226 berkelium (IV), 2265–2268 superconductivity and, 2238–2239 ions, 1472, 1473f of thorium, 61–63 metallic state, 1460 antimony, 100 of californium, 2355–2356 borides, 67 californium (III), 2269–2271, 2270t phosphides, 99–100 californium (IV), 2268–2269, 2270t thorium (III), 2240–2247 compounds, 1541–1542, 1542t thorium (IV), 2239–2240 metal, 1525 of thorocene, 1946 of curium, 2355–2356 of uranium, 2354–2357 curium (III), 2265–2268 arsenide, 2234–2235, 2235f curium (IV), 2263–2265 bromide complexes, 496 Subject Index I-69 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

dioxide solid solutions, 389–390 of protactinium halides, 443–444, 483 tetrachloride, 2241 hexafluoride, 561, 2239–2240 tetraformate, 2241 hydrides, 333–336, 334f, 335t representation of, data, 2230–2231 intermetallic compounds, 2357–2360 temperature dependence of, 2365–2366, iodide complexes, 499 2366f oxides, 389–390 of UBe13, 2342, 2343f pentavalent and complex halides, 501, of uranium 518 dioxide, 2272–2273 silicides, 406 hexachloride, 2245–2246 tetrachloride, 491–492, 2248–2251 metallic state, 323–324 tetravalent halides, 483 oxides, 380, 382 tribromide, 453 sulfates, 2252 trichloride, 448 tetrachloride, 2248, 2249f trifluoride, 445 tribromide, 2257–2258, 2258t trihydride, 2257 trichloride, 2257–2258, 2258t triiodide, 455 trifluoride, 2257, 2258t UNiAlHy, 338–339 triiodide, 2257–2258, 2258t uranium (III), 2257–2261 uranium (III), 2260, 2260t uranium (IV), 2247–2257, 2255t of uranocene, 2252–2253 uranium (V), 2240–2247, 2247t Magnetically assisted chemical separation uranium (VI), 2239–2240 (MACS) uranium pentachloride, 523 CMPO in, 2751–2752 uranium tetrachloride, 491–492 design of, 2751, 2751f of uranyl ion, 2239–2240 historical development of, 2750–2751 Magnetic scattering Magnetite, thorium in, 56t of neptunium dioxide, 2283–2284, Magnon dispersion curves, of uranium 2284f dioxide, 2280–2281, 2280f of uranium dioxide, 2281, 2282f Malonamide extractants Magnetic spin-orbit interaction, with new compounds as, 2659 effective-operator Hamiltonian, for solvating extractant system, 2657–2659 2029–2030 Malonates, structural chemistry of, Magnetic susceptibility 2441t–2443t, 2447 of 5f0 compounds, 2240f Mammalian tissues of 5f1 compounds, 2241 actinide elements in, 3339–3424 of 5f7 compounds, 2266, 2267t, 2268 binding in bone, 3406–3412 of berkelium bone, 3400–3406 berkelium (III), 1445, 2268–2269 liver, 3395–3400 dioxide, 2268 clearance from circulation, 3367–3387 ions, 1472, 1473f dioxo ions, 3379–3387 metallic state, 1460 rates of, 3367–3369, 3368f–3375f of californium tetravalent and pentavalent, 3376–3379 californium (III), 2269–2271, 2270t trivalent, 3370–3376 metal, 1525 in vivo chelation, 3412–3423 of curium desferrioxamine, 3414 curium (IV), 2264–2265 polyaminopolycarboxylic acids, dioxide, 1419, 2293 3413–3414 fluorides, 1418 siderophores, 3414–3423 sesquioxide, 1419 initial distribution in, 3340–3356 for eigenfunctions, 2226 access to, 3340–3341 from empirical wave functions, 2047 beagle dogs, 3343t of neptunium dioxo ions, 3354–3356 dioxide, 2283 ionic radii and stability constants, 3346, hexafluoride, 2243 3347t tetrachloride, 2258t, 2260–2261 Kenya baboons, 3345t of plutonium, 2345–2347, 2346f Macaque monkeys, 3344t dioxide, 2290, 2291f mice, 3343t plutonium (IV), 2261–2262 pentavalent, 3350–3354 I-70 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Mammalian tissues (Contd.) dioxides, 1970–1976 rats, 3341t–3342t nitride-oxides, 1989–1991 skeletal fraction, 3346–3349, 3348f nitrides, 1987–1989 soft tissues, 3349–350 overview of, 1968–1970 tetravalent, 3350–3354 MBES. See Mo¨ssbauer emission spectroscopy trivalent, 3345–3350 MBPT. See Many-body perturbation theory tissue deposition kinetics, 3387–3395 MCDF. See Multi-configuration Dirac-Fock in mice, 3388–3395, 3389f–3392f, 3394t MC-ICPMS. See Multicollector inductively in rats, 3387–3388 coupled plasma mass spectrometry transport in body fluids, 3356–3367 MD calculations. See Molecular dynamics extracellular fluid circulation, 3357–3359 calculations loose connective tissue, 3359 Mechanical hardening, of plutonium, 981 plasma and tissue fluid composition, Mechanical properties 3356–3357, 3357t–3358t of alloys, 972–973 plasma distribution of, 3357t–3358t, of californium, 1525–1526 3359–3361 of plutonium, metal and intermetallic compounds of, 968–973 plutonium melting point and, 897 of uranium metal, 322–323, 323t protactinium separation from, 188 Medical applications sorption studies of, 3176–3177 of actinide elements, 1828–1829 with thorium sulfates, 105 of californium, 1502 , for uranium leaching, 305 californium–252, 1505–1507 Manganite, plutonium (VI) reactions with, of curium, 1398–1400 3176–3177 Meitnerium Many-body perturbation theory (MBPT), for chemical methods for, 1720–1721 relativistic correlation effects, 1670 chemical properties of, 1717–1721 Marecottite, uranium sulfates in, 292 discovery of, 6t, 1653, 1653t Marine organisms, actinide elements in, 1809 electronic structures of, 1682–1684 Marthozite, as uranyl selenite, 298 half-life of, 1661 Mass spectrometry isotopes of, 1657f–1658f of berkelium, 1455–1457, 1457f, 1484 nuclear properties of, 1655t–1656t of californium, 1560 orbital filling in, 1654, 1659 historical development of, 3309–3310 oxidation states of, 1720 of neptunium, 788–790 in aqueous solution, 1774–1776, 1775t of protactinium and thorium, 231 production of, 1720 radiometric techniques v., 3309 relativistic orbital energies for, 1669f techniques for, 3310 solution chemistry of for trace analysis, 3309–3328 complexation of, 1689 AMS, 3315–3319 hydrolysis, 1686–1687, 1687t ICPMS, 3322–3328 redox potentials, 1685–1686, 1685f–1686f RIMS, 3319–3322 Meitnerium–268, half-life of, 1661, 1717 TIMS, 3311–3315 Meitnerium–271 of uranium, 636–637 half-life of, 1718 for uranium–235, 255 production of, 1717–1718 Mass spectrometry time-of-flight, of Melt refining californium, 1560 historical development of, 2708 Mass spectroscopy, for actinide element under molten salts, 2709–2710 study, 14 oxide slagging in, 2709 Matrix elements process for, 2708–2709 of absorption intensity calculations, Melting behavior, of plutonium oxides, 2089–2090 1045 Judd-Ofelt theory computation of, with uranium oxides, 1074–1075, 1075f 2090–2091 Melting point Matrix-isolated actinide elements, 1967–1991 of actinide dioxides, 2139, 2139f binary carbonyls, 1984–1987 of berkelium, sesquioxide, 1467 carbide oxides, 1976–1984 of californium, metal, 1522 description of, 1968 of einsteinium, metal, 1592 developments of, 1969 mechanical properties and, 968 Subject Index I-71 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Mendelevium, 1630–1636 polymorphic transformation, 1787 atomic properties, 1633–1634, 1634t preparation, 1784–1785 chemical properties of, 1635–1636, 1646t properties of, 1786t discovery of, 5t, 13 superconductivity, 1789–1790 half-life of, 1630–1631, 1631t of actinium, 34–35 isotopes, 1630–1631, 1631t of americium, 1297–1302 lanthanide elements v.,2 phases of, 1297–1299 metallic state of, 1634–1635 preparation of, 1297 oxidation states of, 2526 properties of, 1297–1302, 1298t, 1301f in aqueous solution, 1774–1776, 1775t structure of, 1300 preparation and purification, 1631–1633 of berkelium, 1457–1462 reduction potentials of, 1778, 1779f, chemical properties, 1460–1461 2127–2131, 2130f–2131f physical properties, 1458–1460 solution chemistry, 1635–1636 preparation of, 1457–1458 synthesis of, 13 theoretical treatment, 1461 thermodynamic properties of of californium, 1517–1527 enthalpy of formation, 2123–2125, chemical and mechanical properties of, 2124f–2125f, 2539, 2541t 1525–1526 entropy of, 2539, 2542f, 2543t physical properties of, 1519–1525 Gibbs formation energy of hydrated ion, preparation of, 1517–1519 2539, 2540t theoretical treatments of, 1526–1527 Mendelevium (III), hydration of, 2528–2530, of curium, 1410–1412 2529f, 2529t chemical properties of, 1412 Mendelevium–256 physical properties of, 1410–1411, importance of, 1630–1631 1413t–1415t production of, 1631 preparation of, 1411–1412 Mendelevium–258, half-life of, of einsteinium, 1588–1594, 1591t 1630, 1631t alloys of, 1592–1593 other actinide metals v., 1591–1592, 1591t americium interaction with, 1302 problems of, 1588 element 112 v., 1720–1721 production of, 1590, 1593–1594 element 164 v., 1732 properties of, 1590–1591, 1591t Mesothorium II. See Actinium–228 thermodynamic properties of, 1592–1593 Metabolic effects, of berkelium, 1445 of element 164, 1732 Metallic conduction of fermium, 1626–1628 with thorium boride, 67 of lawrencium, 1644 with thorium hydride, 64 magnetic studies of, 2238 Metallic radii of mendelevium, 1634–1635 of actinides, 2313 of neptunium, 717–721 of americium, 1295 history of, 717 of californium, 1527 lattice parameters, 719 of lawrencium, 1644 production of, 717–718 of plutonium, 886, 887t properties of, 718 Metallic state. See also Actinide metals thermodynamic properties of, 718–719 5f-electron phenomena in, 2307–2373 of nobelium, 1639 basic properties, 2313–2328 of plutonium, 862–987 cohesion properties, 2368–2371 applications of, 862, 996, 996f general observations, 2328–2333 corrosion kinetics of, 3223–3238 magnetism, 2353–2368 electronic structure, theory, and overview of, 2309–2313 modeling, 921–935 strong correlations, 2341–2350 hazards of, 3202, 3256–3257 strongly hybridized, 2333–2339 history of, 862 superconductivity, 2350–2353 mechanical properties, 968–973 weak correlations, 2339–2341 nature of, 863 of actinide elements, 1–2, 964, 1591–1592, oxidation and corrosion, 973–979, 3226f, 1591t, 1784–1790 3227–3235, 3227t, 3229t crystal structure, 1785–1787, 1786t physical and thermodynamic properties electronic structures, 1788–1789, 1789f of, 935–968 I-72 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Metallic state (Contd.) Mineralogy, of uranium, 257, 259t–269t, preparation of, 863–864, 995–996, 996f 270–273 pyrochemical preparation and refining, Minerals, with uranium, 259t–269t, 274–275 865–877 bonding in, 280–281 safe storage, 3260–3262, 3261f crystal morphology prediction, 286–287 strength of, 968, 969f geometry of, 281–282, 284f–285f of protactinium, 191–194 Mixed oxide fuel (MOX) physical parameters of, 191–194, 193t DDP for, 2692–2693, 2707–2708 preparation of, 191 production of, 1070 of thorium, 60–63 transmutation with, 1812 of uranium, 318–328 MO levels. See Molecular orbital levels chemical properties of, 327–328, 327t Moctezumite, as uranyl tellurite, 298 corrosion kinetics, 3239–3246 Molecular dynamics (MD) calculations, on electrical properties, 324, 324f, 324t thorium ion, 1991 general properties of, 321–323, 322t Molecular orbital (MO) levels hazards of, 3202 of actinocene, 1949 intermetallic compounds and alloys, excited-state energies with, 1910 325–326, 325t in HF calculations, 1902 magnetic susceptibility, 323–324 seaborgium predictions of, 1707 physical properties of, 320–321, 321f of thorium carbonyl, 1986, 1988f preparation of, 318–324, 320f in transactinide elements, 1677, 1677f safe storage, 3262 of U2, 1994, 1995f Metallothermic process, for uranium metal of uranium molecules, 1969–1970, 1970f preparation, 319, 320f Molecular volumes, for actinide sesquioxides, Metal-metal interaction, in bimetallic 1535–1536, 1539f complexes, 2891–2892, 2893f Møller-Plesset perturbation theory Metal-metal processes, of pyrochemical fourth-order (MP4), in HF methods, 2708–2709 calculations, 1902 Metamagnetism, of neptunyl, 2255t, 2257 Møller-Plesset perturbation theory second- Metamictization, of uraninite, 275 order (MP2), in HF calculations, 1902 Metathesis, of cyclopentadienyl complexes, Molten metal-salt extraction 2819 Argonne salt transport process, 2710–2712, Methane, radiolytic formation of, 3246–3247 2712f Methyltrioctylammonium chloride. See other applications, 2712 Aliquat 336 Molten salt breeder reactor (MSBR), molten MHW-RTGs. See Multihundred Watt salt-metal extraction at, 2712 Radioisotope Thermoelectric Molten salt extraction (MSE) Generators for plutonium metal production, 868f, MIBK, lawrencium extraction with, 1645 869–870 Mice use of, 2692 initial distribution in, 3343t Molten salts tissue deposition kinetics in, 3388–3395, actinide ions in, thermodynamic properties 3389f–3392f, 3394t of, 2133–2135, 2134t, 2135f Microcracking, of plutonium, 890 for pyrochemical processes, 2692 Microsegregation, in plutonium gallium alloy, Molybdates 899, 916–917, 916f–917f of americium, 1321 Micro-XANES. See Micro-X-ray absorption in pyrochemical methods, 2702–2703 near-edge structure spectroscopy of thorium, 111–112 Micro-XAS. See Micro-X-ray absorption with alkali metals, 112 spectroscopy structure of, 111–112 Micro-X-ray absorption near-edge structure synthesis of, 111 spectroscopy (Micro-XANES), of solid tungstates v., 113 samples, sorption studies of, 3174 of uranium, 266t Micro-X-ray absorption spectroscopy natural occurrence of, 299 (Micro-XAS), of solid samples, uranium (IV), 275 sorption studies of, 3172–3173 Molybdenum MIK, protactinium extraction with, 188 in uranium amine extraction, 312 Military purposes, plutonium for, 4 in uranium intermetallic compound, 326, 326f Subject Index I-73 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Monazite Multihundred Watt Radioisotope processing of, 56–58, 57f–59f Thermoelectric Generators (MHW- thorium in, 56t RTGs), plutonium-238 in, 818, 818f Monocarbides, structural chemistry of, 2406t, 2407 Mono-cyclopentadienyl complexes, structural NAA. See Neutron activation analysis chemistry of, 2482–2485, 2484t, Natural occurrence 2485f–2487f of actinide elements, 1755–1756, 1804–1805, Monohalides, thermodynamic properties of, 3014–3016, 3273, 3274t–3275t, 3276 2178–2179, 2180t–2181t, 2181f of actinium, 26–27 gaseous, 2179 actinium-227, 26–27 solid, 2178–2179 uranium v., 162 Monopicolinates, structural chemistry of, of bijvoetite, 290 2439t–2440t of brannerite, 280 Monoxides of carnotite, 297–298 dissociative energy of, 2149–2150, 2150f of coffinite, 275–276 thermodynamic properties of, 2147 of neptunium, 703–704, 1804 Monte Carlo program neptunium-237, 782–783, 1756 for bohrium study, 1711–1712 neptunium-239, 704, 1756 for hassium study, 1713–1715 of parsonsite, 297 for isothermal chromatographic systems, of pitchblende, 1804–1805 1665 of plutonium, 822–824, 823t, 1804, 3016 for rutherfordium study, 1693 plutonium-239, 822–824, 823t, 1756 Montmorillonite plutonium-244, 822, 824 thorium complexes, 3156–3157 of protactinium, 161, 231 uranium complexes on, 301–302 protactinium-231, 170 uranyl-loaded, 3155–3156 protactinium-233, 171 Mo¨ssbauer absorption spectroscopy (MBAS), of pyrochlore, 279 for environmental actinides, 3034t, of sale´eite, 293 3043 of thorite, 275–276 Mo¨ssbauer effect of thorium, 133, 1804 of neptunium–237, 792 thorium-232, 3273, 3276 of protactinium, 190–192 of transactinide elements, 1661, 1755–1756 Mo¨ssbauer emission spectroscopy (MBES), of uranium, 170, 255, 256t, 257–302, 1804 for environmental actinides, 3026t, arsenates, 293 3028 in calcite, 3163 Mo¨ssbauer spectroscopy carbonates, 291 of americium, 1297 molybdates, 299 of neptunium–237, 792–793 phosphates, 293 neutron scattering v., 2232 selenites, 298 of plutonium, 861–862 silicates, 292 Mourite, uranium molybdates in, 301 uranium-234, 255, 256t MOX. See Mixed oxide fuel uranium-235, 26–27, 170, 255–256, 256t, MP2. See Møller-Plesset perturbation theory 3273, 3276 second-order uranium-238, 255, 256t, 3273, 3276 MP4. See Møller-Plesset perturbation theory of uranophane, 292 fourth-order of zirconolite, 277–278 MPE resin. See Magnetic polyamine- Natural uranium, description of, 1755 epichlorohydrin resin NCP. See Neocupferron MSE. See Molten salt extraction NCRW. See Neutralized cladding removal Multicollector inductively coupled plasma waste mass spectrometry (MC-ICPMS), Near-infrared and visible spectroscopy 3326–3327 (NIR-VIS), for environmental RNAA v., 3329 actinides, 3034t, 3035 Multi-configuration Dirac-Fock (MCDF) Nebulizers, for ICPMS, 3323 for electronic structure calculation, Neocupferron (NCP), protactinium extraction 1670 with, 184 of rutherfordium, 1692–1693 , in pitchblende, 1804 I-74 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Neodymium tris-cyclopentadienyl, magnetic oxyiodides, 738 susceptibility of, 2259, 2259t oxyselenides, 741 Neodynium (III), hydration numbers of, 2534, oxysulfides, 740 2535t oxytellurides, 741–742 Neptunium, 699–795 phosphates, 744–745 analytical chemistry and spectroscopic phosphides, 743 techniques, 782–795 pnictides, 742–744 electrochemical methods, 790–792 selenides, 740–741 luminescence methods, 787–788 sulfates, 745 mass spectrometry, 788–790 sulfides, 739–740 miscellaneous methods, 793–795 tellurides, 741–742 Mo¨ssbauer spectroscopy, 792–793 coordination complexes in solution, 771–782 radiometric methods, 782–786 inorganic ligands, 771, 772t–775t, 781 spectrophotometric methods, 786–787 organic ligands, 776t–780t, 781–782 XRF, 788 d transition elements v.,2 in aqueous solution, 752–770 discovery of, 4, 5t, 699–700 control of oxidation states, 759–763, 760t history of, 4, 699–700 diproportionation of neptunium ionization potentials of, 1874t, 1875 dioxide, 759 isotopes of, 9–10, 12, 700–702, 701t electrolytic behavior, 755–759 production of, 702–704 hydrolysis behavior, 766–770 laser spectroscopy of, 1873 optical spectroscopy, 763–766 magnetic properties of, 2356–2357 oxidation states of ions, 752–763 metallic state of, 717–721 in biological systems alloys and intermetallic compounds, in bone, 1817 719–721 health hazard of, 1814 metal, 717–719 in liver, 1815–1816 structure of, 2385–2386 in organs, 1815 natural occurrence of, 703–704, 1756, 1804 complexes of in marine organisms, 1809 cyclopentadienyl, 2803 nuclear properties of, 700–702 mono-cyclopentadienyl, 2482–2485, oxidation states of, 2526–2527 2484t, 2485f in aqueous solution, 1774–1776, 1775t tetrakis-cyclopentadienyl, 2814–2815 ion types, 1777–1778, 1777t compounds of, 721–752 partitioning of, in HLW, 712–713, antimonides, 743–744 2756–2757 arsenides, 743 as plutonium α- and β-phase stabilizer, 897 bismuthides, 744 in plutonium alloy, americium v., 931, 931f bromides, 737–738 plutonium and carbides, 744 δ-phase plutonium influence of, 985 carbonates, 745 from plutonium decay, 985, 985f chalcogenides, 739–742 pyrochemical methods for, molten chlorides, 736–737 chlorides, 2697–2698 coordination, 745–750, 746t–747t reduction potentials of, 1778, 1779f, fluorides and complexes, 730–736, 2127–2131, 2130f–2131f, 2525, 2525f 735t–736t in RTILs, 2689 halides, 730–739, 731t separation and purification, 704–717 hydrides, 722–724 biotechnology, 717 hydrocarbyl, 752 chromatography, 714–716 hydroxides, 724–730 coprecipitation, 716 iodides, 738 electrodeposition, 717 nitrides, 742–743 solvent extraction, 705–713, 706f–708f, nonstoichiometric, 1797–1798 709t organometallic, 750–752 studies on, 11 overview of, 721–722 synthesis of, 4 oxides, 724–730 thermodynamic properties of oxychlorides, 738 enthalpy of formation, 2123–2125, oxyfluorides, 734–736, 736t 2124f–2125f, 2539, 2541t oxyhalides, 738 entropy of, 2539, 2542f, 2543t Subject Index I-75 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Gibbs formation energy of hydrated ion, coordination complexes of, 746t–747t, 2539, 2540t 748–749 heat capacity of, 2119t–2120t, 2121f cation-cation interaction in, 748 sublimation enthalpy of, 2119t–2120t, preparation of, 748–749 2122–2123, 2122f properties of, 748–749 Neptunium (III) detection of in acidic media, 753 limits to, 3071t chlorides of, magnetic data, 2229–2230, RAMS, 3035, 3036f 2230t VOL, 3061 coordination compounds of, 745, 746t–747t equilibrium constants of, 771, 772t–780t, cyclooctatetraene, 751–752 781–782 cyclopentadienyl, 750 fluoro complexes of, 734, 735t halide complexes of, 739 halide complexes of, 739 hydrolytic behavior of, 768, 2546, 2548t hydrolytic behavior of, 727, 769–770 magnetic properties of, 2261–2262 in hydrosphere, 1807–1810 with pyrochemical processes, 2697–2698 hydroxide, synthesis of, 727 redox behavior of, Nernst plot for, 3099f, isomer shift of, 793–794, 794f 3100, 3108 magnetic properties of, 2247–2257 speciation of, 3111t–3112t, 3116–3117 mobility of, 1814 Neptunium (IV) Mo¨ssbauer spectroscopy of, 793 absorption spectra of, 764–766 oxidation of, 762 in acidic media, 753 polarography for, 791–792 carboxylates, EXAFS investigations of, with pyrochemical processes, 2697–2698 3137–3140, 3147t–3150t redox potential of, 756–757 coordination complexes of, 745, 746t–747t, reduction of, 762 748 by americium (V), 1336–1337 preparation of, 745, 748 separation of, HDEHP for, 2651, 2651f separation of, 748 speciation with XAFS, 795 coulometry for, 791 Neptunium (VI) cyclooctatetraene, 751 absorption spectra of, 764 cyclopentadienyl, 750–751 in acidic media, 753 energy level of, 2067 coordination complexes of, 746t–747t, 749 equilibrium constants of, 771, 772t–775t, coulometry for, 791 781 detection of fluoro complexes of, 734, 735t RAMS, 3035 halide complexes of, 739 VOL, 3061 hydration of, 2531 equilibrium constants of, 771, 772t–775t, hydrolytic behavior of, 768–769 781 hydroxide, synthesis of, 727–728 fluoro complexes of, 734, 735t isomer shift of, 793–794, 794f halide complexes of, 739 magnetic properties of, 2257–2261 hydrolytic behavior of, 770 in mammalian tissues hydroxide, synthesis of, 727 circulation clearance of, 3368–3369, infrared spectra of, 764 3368f–3375f, 3377 isomer shift of, 793–794, 794f initial distribution, 3342t, 3352 magnetic properties of, 2240–2247 transferrin binding to, 3365 oxidation of, 761–762 with pyrochemical processes, 2697–2698 redox potential of, 756–757 redox behavior of, Nernst plot for, 3099f, reduction kinetics of, 760–761 3100, 3108 separation of, PUREX process, 2732 reduction of, 762 speciation of, 3111t–3112t, 3124–3125 by americium (V), 1336 Neptunium (VII) to neptunium (III), 745 absorption spectra of, 764 speciation of, 3106–3108, 3111t–3112t, coordination complexes of, 746t–747t, 3135–3136 749–750 Neptunium (V) preparation of, 749–750 absorption spectra of, 764–765 properties of, 749–750 in acidic media, 753 detection of, NMR, 3033 adsorption, Pseudomonas fluorescens, 3182 fluoro complexes of, 734, 735t I-76 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Neptunium (VII)(Contd.) high-temperature properties of, 2188–2190, hydrolytic behavior of, 770 2190t hydroxide, synthesis of, 726–727 structure of, 2403–2404 infrared spectra of, 764 Neptunium monophosphide, 743 isomer shift of, 793–794, 794f Neptunium monoxide in solution, 1933 dissociative energy of, 2149–2150, 2150f speciation of, 3111t–3112t, 3124–3125 in gas-phase, 2148–2149, 2148t Neptunium carbide structure of, 2394 entropy of, 2196, 2197t Neptunium nitride, 742–743 formation enthalpy of, 2195–2196, 2197t preparation of, 742–743 high-temperature properties of, 2198, 2198f, properties of, 743 2199t Neptunium oxides Neptunium carbonates, structural chemistry structure of, 2394 of, 2426–2427, 2427t thermodynamic properties of, 2136, 2136t Neptunium chalcogenides, structural Neptunium oxyhalides, structural chemistry chemistry of, 2409–2414, 2412t–2413t of, 2421, 2422t, 2423, 2424t–2426t Neptunium dioxide Neptunium pentafluoride, structural crystal structure of, 2287–2288, 2287f chemistry of, 2416, 2419, 2420t enthalpy of formation, 2136–2137, 2137t, crystal structure of, 731t 2138f preparation of, 731–732 entropy of, 2137–2138 Neptunium pentahalides, structural chemistry in gas-phase, 2148–2149, 2148t of, 2416, 2419, 2420t heat capacity of, 2138–2141, 2139f, 2142t, Neptunium pentaoxide, synthesis of, 726 2272–2273, 2273f Neptunium pentasulfide magnetic properties of, 2236–2237, 2237f, preparation of, 740 2282–2288 properties of, 740 magnetic susceptibility of, 2283 Neptunium phosphates, structural chemistry neptunium hexafluoride from, 732–733 of, 2430–2433, 2431t–2432t neutron scattering of, 2284–2286, Neptunium pnictides, structure of, 2409–2414, 2285f–2286f 2410t–2411t phase diagram of, 724–725, 725f Neptunium series (4n þ 1), 24f RXS of, 2288 actinium–225 in, 20, 24f scattering experiments of, 2236–2237, in nature, 27 2237f thorium–229 from, 53 stability of, 725–726 Neptunium sesquioxide, formation enthalpy structure of, 2394 of, 2143–2146, 2144t, 2145f synthesis of, 725 Neptunium sulfates, structural chemistry of, Neptunium disulfide 2433–2436, 2434t preparation of, 739 Neptunium tetrabromide, preparation of, 737 properties of, 739–740 Neptunium tetrachloride Neptunium hexafluoride identification of, 737 chemical behavior of, 733 magnetic properties of, 2258t, 2260–2261 crystal structure of, 731t oxychloride preparation from, 738 energy level analysis of, 2083–2085, 2083t, preparation of, 736 2085f properties of, 736–737 lattice parameters of, 731t, 732 Neptunium tetrafluoride magnetic susceptibility of, 2243 absorption spectra of, 2068, 2070f physical properties of, 733 crystal structure of, 731t preparation of, 732–734 preparation of, 730–731 structural chemistry of, 2419, 2421, thermodynamic properties of, 2165–2169, 2421t 2166t studies of, 1938 Neptunium tetrahalides, structural chemistry thermodynamic properties of, 2160–2161, of, 2416, 2418t 2160t, 2162t–2164t Neptunium tribromide, preparation of, Neptunium hydrides 737–738 entropy of, 2188, 2189t Neptunium trichloride formation enthalpy of, 2187–2188, 2187t, oxychloride preparation from, 738 2189t, 2190f preparation of, 737 Subject Index I-77 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Neptunium trifluoride from uranium–238, 702, 704 crystal structure of, 731t from uranium–239, 255 preparation of, 730 Neptunocene Neptunium trihalides, structural chemistry of, properties of, 1946–1948 2416, 2417t structure of, 2486, 2488t Neptunium triiodide, preparation of, 738 Neptunyl (V) Neptunium trisulfide disproportionation of, 759 preparation of, 740 speciation of, 3111t–3112t, 3121–3122, properties of, 740 3133–3134 Neptunium–235 stability constants of, 2571, 2572f stability of, 702 Neptunyl (VI), speciation of, 3111t–3112t, synthesis of, 702–703 3122–3123 Neptunium–236 Neptunyl ion stability of, 702 aqueous solution absorption spectra of, synthesis of, 702–703 2080, 2081f Neptunium–237 charge-transfer transition of, 2089 absorption cross section of, 2233 complexes of from americium-241, 1828 porphyrins and phthalocyanines, 2464t, detection of 2465–2466, 2466f–2467f AMS, 3062–3063 structure of, 2400–2402 γS, 3302 complexes with, 1923 ICPMS, 3327–3328 crown ether complex of, 2449t, 2450 limits to, 3071t in DDP, 2706 MBAS, 3043 formates of, 2257 MBES, 3028 hydration number of, 2531, 2533t NAA, 3055–3057, 3056t, 3058f hydrolytic behavior of, 2553 NMR, 3033 ligands for, 3422–3423 PCNAA, 3307 magnetic properties of, 2240–2247, 2255t αS, 3294–3295 in mammalian tissues TIMS, 3314–3315 bone, 3404 determination of, 705, 706f, 783–785 circulation clearance of, 3368–3369, with ICPMS, 789, 790f 3368f–3375f, 3377, 3384–3386 DIDPA extraction of, 1276 initial distribution, 3342t–3344t, environmental hazards of, 1807 3355–3356 half-life of, 700, 703 transferrin binding to, 3364 mo¨ssbauer spectroscopy of, 793 reduction of, 2591 natural occurrence of, 704, 782–783, 1756 stability constants of, 2576, 2576f from neutron irradiation, 1756–1757 study of, 1931, 1933 nuclear properties of, 3277t Nernst analysis plutonium–236 and 238 from, 703, 817, of berkelium (IV) and (III), 3108 1758 of neptunium (IV) and (III), 3108 from plutonium-241, 705, 706f, 783–785 Nernst equation, for aqueous actinide protactinium-233 from, 171 elements, 3097–3098 significance of, 700 Nernst plot SIMS of, 788–789 for aqueous actinide elements, 3099, 3099f synthesis of, 701–703 of neptunium, 3099, 3099f, 3108 toxicity of, 1820 Network structures, factors in, 579 Neptunium–238 Neutralized cladding removal waste (NCRW), half-life of, 702 TRUEX process for, 2740 nuclear properties of, 3277t Neutron activation analysis (NAA) Neptunium–239 for berkelium, 1484 detection of, INAA, 3304–3305 californium-252 for, 1828 determination of, 784 for environmental actinides, 3055–3057, half-life of, 702 3056t, 3058f natural occurrence of, 704, 1756 fundamentals of, 3302–3303 nuclear properties of, 3277t INNA, 3303–3305 SIMS of, 788–789 for neptunium, 785–786, 789 synthesis of, 702 RNNA, 3305–3307 I-78 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Neutron activation analysis (NAA) (Contd.) Neutrons for trace analysis, 3302–3307 in actinide synthesis, 3–4, 8–9 for uranium, 635–636 thermonuclear device production of, 9 Neutron capture NFL. See Non-Fermi liquid in actinide elements, 1828 , plutonium melting point and, 897 berkelium, 1444 Ningyoite, uranium in, 259t–269t, 275 curium Niobates, of uranium, uranium (IV), 277–280 curium–244, 1400 foil, berkelium adsorption on, 1451 production of, 1400 Niobium, protactinium purification from, einsteinium from, 1582 178–186 plutonium ion exchange, 180–181, 180f isotope formation, 825–826, 825f precipitation and crystallization, 178–186 plutonium–239 formation with, 823–824 solvent extraction and extraction Neutron crystallography, for electronic chromatography, 181–186, 183f structure, 1770 NIR-VIS. See Near-infrared and visible Neutron diffraction spectroscopy for coordination geometry study, 602–603 Nitrate solution, radiolysis of plutonium in, description of, 2383 1144–1145 for hydration study, 2528 Nitrates sources for, 2383 of actinide elements, 1796 for structural chemistry, 2383–2384 of actinyl complexes, 1927, 1928t, 1929f types of, 2383–2384 complexes of, 2581 X-ray diffraction v., 2383 of curium, 1413t–1415t, 1422 Neutron emissions of neptunium, equilibrium constants for, from actinide elements, 1827–1828 773t actinium for, 43 of plutonium, 1167–1168 californium–252 for, 1505–1507, 1506t of protactinium (V), 212–213, 214t californium–254 for, 1505, 1506t in pyrochemical methods, 2704 curium–248 for, 1505, 1506t structural chemistry of, 2428–2430, 2429f Neutron irradiation of thorium, 106–108, 107f for actinide and transactinide element extraction of, 107–108 production, 1756–1761, 1761t properties of, 106–107 actinium from, 1756 structure of, 106, 107f of americium, 1268 synthesis of, 106 of californium–252, 1507 ternary, 108 neptunium from, 1757 in nuclear power, 1826–1827 actinide stripping with, 1280 of plutonium, 1757 berkelium, extraction in, 1448–1449 protactinium from, 1756 curium for SNF transmutation, 1811–1812 extraction in, 1407 of uranium, 3–4, 1756–1757 separation in, 1409, 1434 Neutron scattering dubnium, extraction in, 1703–1704 for actinide element study, 14 mendelevium extraction with, 1633 advantages of, 2232–2233 neptunium disadvantages of, 2233–2234 absorption spectra in, 764 history of, 2232 extraction from, 706–708, 708f magnetic dipole moment and, 2232 nobelium extraction with, 1640 of neptunium dioxide, 2284–2286, plutonium processing in, 836 2285f–2286f anion-exchange chromatography, RXS v., sample size, 2237–2238 848–849 of uranium PUREX process, 841 dioxide, 2274, 2285–2286, 2286f reduction and oxidation reactions, tetrachloride, 2248, 2250f 1139–1140 x-ray scattering v., sample size, seaborgium, study in, 1710–1711 2233–2234 TRPO actinide extraction in, 2752–2753 Neutron spectroscopy (NS), for uranates (V) and (IV) dissolution in, 381–382 environmental actinides, 3026t, uranium 3029 compound dissolution in, 632 Subject Index I-79 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

metal reactions with, 328 lanthanide elements v.,2 oxide reactions with, 370–371 metallic state of, 1639 Nitride oxides, of actinides, 1989–1991 oxidation states of, 2525–2526 Nitride-nitride process, 2723–2725 in aqueous solution, 1774–1776, 1775t actinide nitride recovery, 2724–2725 preparation and purification, 1638–1639 dissolution step, 2724 reduction potentials of, 1778, 1779f, historical development of, 2723–2724 2127–2131, 2130f–2131f Nitrides solution chemistry, 1639–1641 of actinides, 1987–1989 synthesis of, 13 of americium, 1317–1319 thermodynamic properties of of neptunium, 742–743 enthalpy of formation, 2123–2125, of plutonium, 1017–1021, 3212–3213 2124f–2125f, 2539, 2541t phase diagram, 1017, 1017f entropy of, 2539, 2542f, 2543t preparation of, 1018 Gibbs formation energy of hydrated ion, properties of, 1019, 1021t 2539, 2540t reactions of, 3222–3223 Nobelium–253, x-ray emission of, 1634t, 1639 structure of, 1019, 1020t Nobelium–255 thermodynamic properties of, 2200–2203 cation-exchange and coprecipitation enthalpy of formation, 2197t, 2200–2201, experiments, 1639–1640 2201f production of, 1637–1639 entropy, 2197t, 2201–2202 Nobelium–257, from rutherfordium–261, high-temperature properties, 2199t, 2202 1698 of thorium, 97–99, 98t, 99f, 1989 Nobelium–259, half-life of, 1637 halide reaction with, 98–99 Noble metals lattice constant of, 99 in intermetallic compounds of uranium, preparation of, 97–98 325–326 structure of, 98–99 reductive extraction of, 2717–2719 of uranium, 407–411, 408t–409t, 411f, Nonaqueous separation methods 1988–1989, 3215 overview of, 853 bromides, 497, 500 for plutonium, 853–857 chlorides, 500 combination processes, 856–857 fluorides, 489–490 halide volatility processes, 855 iodides, 499–500 pyrochemical, 853–854 phases, 407, 410, 411f RTILs, 854 preparation of, 410 supercritical fluid extraction, 855–856 properties of, 408t–409t Non-Fermi liquid (NFL) stability of, 410 description of, 2348 structure of, 410–411 models for, 2349–2350 Nitrilotriacetate (NTA) quantum critical point and, 2348–2350 plutonium complex with, 1176–1177, 1178t, Non-Kramers ion 1181 description of, 2228 separation with, 2640–2641 uranium (IV), 2254 Nitrogen NRA. See analysis americium ligands of, 1363 NS. See Neutron spectroscopy plutonium hydrides reaction with, NTA. See Nitrilotriacetate 3217–3218 Nuclear criticality, hazard of, 3255–3256 uranium metal reactions with, 327–328, 327t Nuclear energy. See also Thermoelectric Nitrohalides, thermodynamic properties of, generator 2182–2185, 2187t actinide elements for, 1826–1827 NMR. See Nuclear magnetic resonance californium–252 for, 1507 Nobelium, 1636–1641 curium for, 1398–1400 atomic properties, 1634t, 1639 decontamination after, 826, 828–830 chemical properties of, 1640–1641, 1646t environment and, 3013 in curium complex, 1413t–1415t, 1422 fuels for, 826 discovery of, 5t, 13 plutonium for, 4, 813 dubnium v., 1703–1706 carbides, 744 half-life of, 1637, 1638t metals and intermetallic compounds, 862 isotopes, 1637, 1638t nitrides, 1019, 1021t I-80 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Nuclear energy (Contd.) pyrochlore for, 278–279, 279f oxides, 1023–1025 zirconolite for, 277–278 plutonium–239, 815, 820 neptunium hydrated oxides and disposition uranium oxides with, 1070–1071 of, 726 thorium for, 53 plutonium in uranium for, 255 iron and, 1138–1139 plutonium oxides with, 1070–1071 metal and intermetallic compounds, 862 Nuclear fission. See also Nuclear energy oxides for, 1023–1024 of uranium phosphates for, 1170–1171 discovery of, 255 polymerization of, 1150 uranium–235, 256 precipitation from, 2634 Nuclear ‘incineration,’ of SNF, 1811–1812 protactinium clean-up in, 189 Nuclear magnetic moments, of californium, scope of concern of, 3202 1872 uranium predictions in, 270 Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) Nuclear weapons. See also Thermonuclear for environmental actinides, 3033, 3034t device for hydration study, 2528 actinide chemistry for, 3 for ligand exchange reactions, 607–608 aging of, 979–980 intramolecular, 617, 617f environment and, 3013 organic and inorganic, 614–615 hydride-dehydride or -oxidation process for magnetic susceptibility measurements, for, 996, 996f 2226 neptunium–237 in, 703 of neptunium, 766 plutonium in, 813, 1757–1758 of organometallic actinide compounds, metal and intermetallic compounds, 862 1800–1803 testing of, 1805–1806 for structure study, 589 of thorium hydrides, 64 of uranium dioxide, 2280 n-Octyl(phenyl)-N,N-diisobutyl-carbamoyl of uranyl (V), 3121–3122 methylphosphine oxide (CMPO) Nuclear properties actinide extraction with, 1769, 2738–2752 of actinium, 20–26, 21f–26f, 22t–23t curium separation with, 1409, 1434 of americium, 1265–1267 degradation, cleanup, and reusability of, of berkelium, 1445–1447 2747–2748 of curium, 1398–1400, 1399t development of, 2652, 2655 of einsteinium, 1580–1583, 1581t extractant comparison with, 2763–2764, of neptunium, 700–702 2763t of plutonium, 815–822 for extraction chromatography, 2748–2749 of protactinium, 164–170 magnetically assisted chemical separation of superactinide elements, 1735–1737 with, 2750–2752 alpha emission, 1735 neptunium extraction with, 707–708, 713 of thorium, 53–55, 54t–55t overview of, 2738 of uranium, 255–257 separation with, 2652 Nuclear reaction analysis (NRA), for in SLM separation, 2749–2750, 2749f environmental actinides, 3059t, recovery with, 3061 1407–1408 Nuclear spent fuel. See Spent nuclear fuel in TRUEX process, 2739 Nuclear spins, of californium, 1872 in TRU•Spec, 3284 Nuclear systematics, development of, 10 Oklo, Gabon Nuclear waste. See also Radioactive waste pitchblende at, 1804–1805, 3016 actinide chemistry for, 3 plutonium–239 formation at, 824 californium for, 1538 uraninite at, 274 curium–244 in, 1759 uranium deposits at, 271–272 disposal of, 1811–1813 Olefins, organoactinide complexes in environment, 3013 hydrogenation, 2996–2997 hydride-dehydride or -oxidation process polymerization, 2997–2999 for, 996, 996f OLGA. See On-Line Gas Analyzer immobilization of Oligonucleotides, uranyl ion for synthesis brannerite for, 280 of, 631 Subject Index I-81 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

One-atom-at-a-time chemistry relativistic destabilization of, 1666, 1667f challenges of, 1661–1662 Wigner-Seitz radius of, 2310–2312, 2311f chemical procedures of, 1662–1666 5f Orbital gas-phase chemistry, 1663–1665 in actinide metals, bonding, 2319 overview of, 1662–1663 in actinides, 1–2, 10–11, 1770–1771, solution chemistry, 1665–1666 1894–1895, 1896f, 1896t for element identification, 10 bonding of, 1898 for mendelevium identification, 13 contraction of, 1901 production methods and facilities required metallic state, 1787–1789 for, 1662, 1662t organometallic compounds, 1800–1803 transactinide element study with, role of, 1917–1918, 1918f 1661–1666 superconductivity, 1789–1790 for transactinides, 3 in americium, 1299–1301 One-electron band model in back-bonding, 576 beyond, 2326 in berkelium, 1445, 1456–1458, 1461, for actinide metals, 2324–2325 1472–1473 DFT with, 2326–2328 in californium, 1526–1527, 1546, 1562–1563 On-Line Gas Analyzer (OLGA) in curium, stability of, 1402 for bohrium study, 1711 in einsteinium, 1578–1579, 1586–1588 for isothermal chromatographic systems, electronic excitations of, 2049–2050 1664, 1705 electronic structure of, 2019–2020 for rutherfordium study, 1693 free-ion energy levels of, 2014–2016, 2015f for seaborgium study, 1707–1708, 1709f free-ion parameters of, 2038–2039, 2038t Optical properties general observations of, 2329–2333 of liquid plutonium, 963 Hill plot, 2331–2333, 2332f of uranium dioxide, 2276–2278, 2277f low-symmetry structures, 2330–2331, Optical spectroscopy. See also Absorption 2331t spectra narrow bands, 2329–2330, 2329f of actinide elements, 2013–2103 ground states of, 2042 charge-transfer transitions and actinyl hydrolytic behavior of, 3100 structures, 2085–2089 luminescence crystal-field interaction, 2036–2056 decay of, 2101–2102, 2101f divalent, 2077–2079 lifetimes of, 2099–2100, 2099t, 2100f free-ion interactions, 2020–2036 magnetic properties from, 719–720, 2353, lanthanides v., 2016, 2017f 2356 penta- and hexavalent, 2079–2085, 2080t metallic state and phenomena of, tetravalent, 2064–2076 2307–2373 trivalent, 2056–2064 basic properties, 2313–2328 of californium, californium (III), 2091, 2092f cohesion properties, 2368–2371 of fluorides, 2069–2070, 2069f–2070f general observations, 2328–2333 free-ion interactions for, 2020–2036 magnetism, 2353–2368 of lanthanide elements, actinides v., 2016, overview of, 2309–2313 2017f strong correlations, 2341–2350 of neptunium, 763–766 strongly hybridized, 2333–2339 of organometallic actinide compounds, superconductivity, 2350–2353 1800 weak correlations, 2339–2341 overview of, 2014 4f orbital v., 1901, 2016, 2017f, 2062–2064, of protactinocene, 1951 2063f, 2353–2354 of uranium, uranium (III), 2091, 2092f 6d orbital v., 1901 4f Orbital in plutonium, 814, 921–925 free-ion parameters of, 2038, 2038t in bonding, 1192, 1193f 5f orbital v., 1901, 2016, 2017f, 2062–2064, δ-phase, 925 2063f, 2353–2354 ions, 1113–1114 SIM of, 2343–2344 α-phase, 924 Wigner-Seitz radius of, 2310–2312, in plutonium dioxide, 1196–1199, 1197f, 2311f 1200f 5d Orbital in plutonium hexafluoride, 1194–1196, electronic structures of, 1672–1673, 1672t 1195f I-82 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

5f Orbital (Contd.) Orbital energies, of actinides v. lanthanides, in plutonocene, 1199–1203, 1201f–1202f 1898, 1899f qualitative representations of, 1193, 1194f 5g Orbital, filling of, 1722t, 1731 relativistic effects on, 1898 6f Orbital, filling of, 1722t, 1731 SIM of, 2343–2344 7d Orbital, filling of, 1732 strongly hybridized, 2333–2339 8p Orbital, filling of, 1722t, 1730–1731 Fermi surface measurements, 2334 6p Orbital, in actinides, role of, 1917–1918, photoemission measurement 1918f background, 2334–2336 Orbital interaction diagram strong correlations, 2341–2350 for actinocenes, 1945, 1946f UIr3 PES, 2336–2339, 2337f for plutonium weak correlations, 2339–2341 dioxide, 1197f, 1200f in transactinide elements, 1654, 1659 hexafluoride, 1195f unpaired electrons in, 1909–1910 for plutonocene, 1201f in uranium for uranyl (VI) ion, 577, 577f bonding, 577 4d Orbital, relativistic destabilization of, 1666, uranyl, 1915–1916 1667f Wigner-Seitz radius of, 2310–2312, 2311f 5s Orbital, relativistic stabilization of, 1666, 6d Orbital 1667f as acceptor orbitals, 1901 6s Orbital, relativistic stabilization of, 1666, in actinides, role of, 1917–1918, 1918f 1667f–1668f in cyclopentadienyl complexes, trivalent, Ore 2803 thorium processing and separation from, electronic structures of, 1672–1673, 1672t 56–59 ionization potentials of, 1673–1675, 1673t, from monazite, 56–58 1674f problems with, 58 5f orbital v., 1901 from uraninite or uranothorianite, 58 relativistic destabilization of, 1666, 1667f uranium processing and separation from, in transactinide elements, 1659 302–317 7p Orbital complexities of, 302–303 filling of, 1722t, 1723, 1728 methods of, 302 transactide contraction of, 3 pre-concentration, 303–304 in transactinide elements, 1659 recovery from leach solutions, 309–317 7s Orbital roasting or calcination, 304 filling of, 1722t, 1729 Organic acids, EXAFS analyses in, relativistic stabilization of, 1666, 1667f–1668f 3137–3140 transactide contraction of, 3 model systems, 3138–3139 8s Orbital natural systems, 3139–3140 filling of, 1722t, 1729 Organic phases, for solvent extraction, in transactinide elements, 1659 840–841 9p Orbital Organoactinide chemistry, 2799–2894 bonding of, 1732 bimetallic complexes, 2889–2893 filling of, 1733 bond distance, 2893 9s Orbital bridging ligands, 2889 bonding of, 1732 cyclopentadienyl complexes, 2890 filling of, 1732–1733 metal-metal interaction, 2891–2892, f Orbital 2893f in actinide and lanthanide elements, metathesis reactions, 2889 1894–1895, 1896f, 1896t overview of, 2889 angular momentum, 2041 phosphine groups, 2890 crystal formation with, 2047–2048 phospholyl ligand, 2890–2892, 2892f energy levels and stability of, 2014–2016, carbon-based ancillary ligands, 2800–2867 2015f alkyl ligands, 2866–2867 free-ion interactions of, 2024, 2025t–2026t allyl, pentadienyl and related ligands, HF calculations of, 2032, 2034f, 2035 2865–2866 ionicity of bonding in, 2556, 2557f cyclooctatetraenyl complexes, 2851–2858 relativistic effects on, 1898 cyclopentadienyl complexes, 2800–2851 spin-orbit coupling on, 1949–1950 other carbocyclic ligands, 2858–2865 Subject Index I-83 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

heteroatom-based ancillary ligands, Organoimido complexes 2876–2889 with bis(trimethylsilyl)amide, 2877–2879 bis(trimethylsilyl)amide, 2876–2879 with cyclopentadienyl, 2833–2835 other, 2888–2889 with pentamethyl-cyclopentadienyl, 2916 pyrazolylborate, 2880–2886 tris(amidoamine), 2886–2888 history of, 1942–1943 heteroatom-containing ancillary ligands, of plutonium, 1182–1191 2868–2876 pi-bonded ligands, 1188–1191 dicarbollide ligands, 2868–2869 sigma-bonded ligands, 1182–1187 other nitrogen-containing ligands, of uranium, 630–631 2873–2876 Organometallic compounds phospholyl ligands, 2869–2871 of actinide elements, 1800–1803, 1942–1967 pyrrole-based ligands, 2871–2873, actinocenes, 1943–1952 2873f–2874f cyclopentadienyl complexes, 1952–1959 neutral carbon-based donor ligands, miscellaneous, 1965–1967 2893–2894 six- and seven-membered ring complexes, Organoactinide complexes. See also 1959–1962 Organometallic compounds uranium (III) complexes, 1962–1965 alkyne dimerization with, 2930–2947 of berkelium, 1464t–1465t, 1471 promotion of, 2938–2947, 2940f–2941f of californium, 1541 terminal, 2930–2935 in gas phase, 1560 terminal ansa-, 2935–2937 of curium, 1413t–1415t, 1423–1424 alkyne hydroamination, 2981–2990 of einsteinium, 1611 kinetic studies of, 2986–2990 history of, 2467–2468 neutral organoactinide complex of lanthanides, 2468 promotion, 2981–2986 of neptunium, 750–752 alkyne oligomerization, 2923–2930 cyclooctatetraene, 751–752 amine, silane reactions, 2978–2981 cyclopentadienyl, 750–751 azide and hydrazine reduction, 2994–2996 other, 752 catalytic processes promoted by, overview of, 1800–1801 2911–3006 structural chemistry of, 2467–2497 constrained-geometry hydroamination, cyclooctatetraene, 2485–2487, 2488t, 2990–2994 2489f heterogeneous, 2999–3006 cyclopentadienyl, 2468–2485 active site assessment, 3000–3002 other, 2487–2491, 2490t–2491t, alkane activation, 3002–3006 2492f–2493f arene hydrogenation, 2999–3000 of uranium, magnetic properties of, olefin hydrogenation, 2996–2997 2252–2254 olefin hydrosilylation, 2953–2978 Organophosphorus , fermium complexes of alkenes, 2969–2974 with, 1629 promotion for alkynes, 2974–2978 Organophosphorus ligands promotion for terminal alkynes, carboxylates v., 2585t–2586t, 2588 2964–2969 complexes of, 2585t–2586t, 2587–2590 of terminal alkynes, 2953–2964 Organophosporus extractants olefin polymerization, 2997–2999 for americium, 1271–1284 reactivity of, 2912–2923 carbamoylmethylenephosphine oxide, activation modes, 2912–2913 1278–1284 alkyne and silane stoichiometric reactions DBBP, 1274 of, 2916–2918, 2917f DIDPA, 1276 [(Et2N)3U][BPh4], 2922–2933 HDEHP, 1275–1276 stoichiometric reactions of, 2913–2916, TBP, 1271–1274 2914f–2915f TRPO, 1274–1275 synthesis of ansa- complexes, 2918–2920, for berkelium, 1479 2920f for curium, 1407 synthesis of high-valent organouranium extraction properties of, 1283 complexes, 2920–2922, 2921f for separation, 2651–2652, 2680–2682 terminal alkyne cross dimerization, Organothorium complexes 2947–2952, 2948f–2949f active sites of, 3000–3002 I-84 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Organothorium complexes (Contd.) in air, 974, 975f examples of, 116 of alloys, 975f, 976, 977t study of, 117 in aqueous solution, 1117–1146 Organouranium complexes metal and intermetallic compounds of, azide and hydrazine catalytic reduction by, 3226f, 3227–3235, 3227t, 3229t 2994–2996 moisture-enhanced, 974–976 high-valent synthesis of, 2920–2922, 2921f by nonactinide ions, 1137–1143 Orthophosphates preparation and stability of, 1125–1133 of berkelium, 1470–1471 pyrophoricity, 975f, 976–977, 978f impurities in, 2058–2059 self-sustained, 3233–3235 Orthosilicates, of uranium, 261t of uranium uranium (IV), 275–276 carbonate leaching, 307–308 Oscillator strengths, of uranium dioxide solid solutions, 394 chlorides, 447–448 processing, 305 halides, 442–443 self-sustained, 3245–3246 , in hassium studies, 1712–1715, uranium (III), 598 1714f–1715f by uranium hexafluoride, 562 Outer sphere complexation, 2563–2566, 2566f, Oxidation states 2567t of actinide cations, 2525–2527, 2525f confusion over, 2564 of actinide elements, 1, 1774–1784 conversion of, 2564–2565 complex-ion formation, 1782–1784 description of, 2564 hydrolysis and polymerization, stability constant, 2565, 2566f 1778–1782 thermodynamic data, 2566, 2567f ion types, 1777–1778, 1777t, 1779f, 1780t Oxalates ions in aqueous solutions, 1774–1776, of actinide elements, 1796 1775t of americium, 1322, 1323t of actinocenes, 1946–1948 of californium, 1546 of actinyl, 1928 of curium, 1413t–1415t, 1419, 1421–1422 of americium, 1324–1338, 2526 of plutonium, 1173–1175 autoreduction, 1330–1331 precipitation with, 836–837, 837 disproportionation, 1331–1332 precipitation with, 2633–2634 electrode potentials and thermodynamic structural chemistry of, 2441t–2443t, properties, 1328–1330, 1329t 2445–2446, 2445f hydration and coordination numbers, of thorium, 114 1327, 1328f as ligands, 131–132, 132t preparation of, 1325–1327 of uranium, 603–605, 604t radiolysis, 1337–1338 redox kinetics, 1333–1337 actinide stripping with, 1280 of berkelium, 1472–1473 protactinium (V), 219 of californium, 1528, 1545, 1548, 1562, 2526 Oxidation coordination number and bond distance of americium with, 3093 americium (II), 1337 of curium, 1416, 2526 americium (III), 1333–1335, 1333f of darmstadtium, 1720 americium (IV), 1334 determination of, 2725–2726 of berkelium, 1460–1461, 1485 of dubnium, 1703–1704 berkelium (III), 1448 of einsteinium, 1578, 2526 of californium, 1526, 1546–1547 of element 112, 1720, 1724t for cyclopentadienyl complexes, of element 114, 1724t, 1727 pentavalent, 2847 of element 115, 1724t, 1727–1728 of neptunium of element 116, 1724t, 1728 neptunium (V), 762 of element 117, 1724t, 1728 neptunium (VI), 761–762 of element 118, 1724t, 1729 potential, 755 extraction for, 3287 photochemical, of polydeoxynucleotides, of fermium, 2526 630–631 ionic radii and, 2558 of plutonium of meitnerium, 1720 by actinide ions, 1133–1137, 1134t–1135t of mendelevium, 2526 Subject Index I-85 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

of neptunium, 710, 710f, 724, 752–763, dioxide, 725–726 2526–2527 hydrated, 726 control of, 759–763, 760t pentaoxide, 726 examples of, 752–753 phase diagram of, 724, 725f redox potentials of, 753–755 ternary, 728–730 stability of, 752 of plutonium, 1023–1049, 3206–3212 of nobelium, 2525–2526 applications of, 1023–1025 of plutonium, 814, 1123–1125, 1124f–1125f, chemical properties, 1048–1049 1126t–1130t, 2525–2527, 2525f container material compatibility, 1049 adjustment of, 849 dioxide, 1031–1034 equilibria, 1123–1125, 1124f–1125f, hazards of, 3202, 3257–3258, 3258t 1126t–1130t interface of, 976–977, 978f in separation of, 831–835 melting behavior, 1045 sorbed, 3175–3176 monoxide, 1028–1029 of protactinium, 161, 209, 2526 oxygen diffusion, 1044–1045 of roentgenium, 1720 phase diagram, 1025, 1026f, 1039–1041, of thorium, 117, 2526 1040f, 3206–3208, 3207f, 3211–3212, of transactinide elements, stability of, 3211f 1673–1675, 1673t, 1674f–1675f phase equilibria, 1025–1026, 1026f of uranium, 257, 276–277, 328, 590, preparation of, 1028–1036, 3206–3207 1914–1915, 2526 reaction rates of, 3219–3222 in uraninite, 274–275 safe storage, 3260–3262, 3261f of uranyl, 1928 sesquioxide, 1029–1031 Oxide slagging, for plutonium reprocessing, solid-state structures, 1027t, 1036–1044, 2709–2710 1038f–1040f, 1042f–1043f Oxide-metal processes, 2717–2721 ternary and quarternary, 1065–1069, actinide and rare earth separation, 2719, 1066t–1067t 2720t, 2721f ternary with actinides, 1070–1077 actinide electrorecovery, 2719–2721 ternary with lanthanide oxides, actinide recovery from HLLW, 2717 1069–1070 reductive extraction thermodynamic properties, 1047–1048, actinide and rare earth element, 2719 1047t noble metals, 2717–2719 vaporization behavior, 1045–1047, 1046f Oxide-oxide process, as pyrochemical method, of protactinium, 195–197 2704 binary, 195, 196t Oxides polynary, 195–197, 197t of actinides, 1790, 1791t–1795t, 1796–1798 of seaborgium, 1707, 1709 matrix-isolated, 1970–1976 structural chemistry of, 2388–2399 of actinyl ions, 1932–1933, 1932t actinium, 2390 of americium, 1303, 1305t–1312t, americium, 2394–2396, 2396t 1313–1314 berkelium, 2397–2398, 2398t americium dioxide, 1303, 1313 californium, 2398–2399, 2398t coordination of, 1357–1358, 1358f curium, 2396–2397, 2396t phase relationships and thermodynamic einsteinium, 2399, 2399t data, 1303 history of, 2389 of berkelium, 1464t–1465t, 1466–1467 protactinium, 2391 of californium, 1530t–1531t, 1534–1538 thorium, 2390 behavior of, 1537–1538 uranium, 2391–2394, 2393f complex, 1538 thermodynamic properties of, 2135–2157 preparation of, 1534–1535 with alkali metal ions, 2150–2153 sesquioxide, 1535–1537, 1535f with alkaline earth ions, 2153–2157 of curium, 1413t–1415t, 1419–1420 binary, 2135–2136, 2136t description of, 2388 dioxides, 2136–2143 of einsteinium, 1595–1599 in gas phase, 2147–2150, 2148t, 2150f of hassium, 1712–1715, 1714f–1715f monoxides, 2147 magnetic properties of, 5f1 compounds, sesquioxides, 2143–2147 2244, 2245t ternary and quaternary oxides/oxysalts, of neptunium, 724–730 2157–2159t I-86 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Oxides (Contd.) Oxygen diffusion of thorium, 70, 75–76 in plutonium oxide, 1044–1045 as catalysts, 70, 76 of UO2, 367 properties of, 70, 75, 75t Oxygen potential, of uranium research of, 70 oxides, 360–364, 361f–363f unit cell constants for, 2389, 2389t solid solutions, 394–398, 395t of uranium, 259t, 339–398, 3214–3215. See Oxyhalides also Uranium oxides of actinyl ions, 1939–1942, 1940t alkali and alkaline-earth metals, 371–383, structures of, 1939–1941, 1940t, 372t–378t 1941f–1942f binary, 339–371 of californium, 1529–1534, 1530t–1531t, bromides, 497, 527–528, 571–574 1532f chlorides, 524–525 of dubnium, 1706 fluorides, 489–490, 564–567 of neptunium, 738 geometric parameters of, 1973, 1974t of plutonium, 1100–1102 halides, 456 overview of, 1100 hazards of, 3202 preparation and properties of, 1101–1102 history of, 253–254 solid-state structures, 1102, 1103f iodides, 499 structural chemistry of, 2421–2424, 2422t, safe storage, 3262 2424t–2426t Oxide-water reaction, of plutonium, hexavalent, 2423, 2426t 3209–3210, 3209t pentavalent, 2423, 2425t Oxine, in , 115 tetravalent, 2421, 2423, 2424t Oxobromides, of uranium, 528 trivalent, 2421, 2422t Oxochlorides, of uranium, 525–526 thermodynamic properties of, 2182–2187, Oxoplutonates 2183t–2184t, 2186t–2187t alkali metals, preparation of, 1056–1057 Oxyhydroxides alkaline earth metals, preparation of, thermodynamic properties of, 2193–2195, 1057–1059 2194t solid state structures of, 1059–1064, of uranium, 259t–260t, 287 1060t–1061t Oxyiodides double perovskites, 1062–1063, 1063f of berkelium, 1470 heptavalent, 1064 of neptunium, 738 hexavalent, 1063–1064, 1064f Oxyselenides, of neptunium, 741 perovskites, 1059–1062, 1062f Oxysulfates Oxybromides, of berkelium, 1470 of berkelium, 1470 Oxychlorides of californium, 1541 of berkelium, 1470 Oxysulfides of bohrium, 1711–1712, 1712f of berkelium, 1470 of californium, 1532 of neptunium, 740 of neptunium, 738 Oxytellurides, of neptunium, 741–742 of seaborgium, 1706–1707 of uranium, 494 Oxyfluorides, of neptunium, 734–736 PAA. See Phenylarsonic acid preparation of, 734–736 Pacemaker, plutonium–238 powered, 817, properties of, 734, 736t 1828–1829 Oxygen , californium alloy with, 1518 americium ligands of, 1361–1362 PAM. See Periodic Anderson model plutonium Paramagnetic susceptibility measurements, hydrides reaction with, 3216–3217 for electronic structure, 1770 metal reaction with, 3225–3238 PARC process. See Partitioning Conundrum oxide generation of, 3250 Key process in plutonium catalyzed corrosion, 3237 Parsonsite in uranium natural occurrence of, 297 aqua ions, 592–593 structure of, 295–296, 296f carbonate leaching, 307–308 Particle-induced gamma emission corrosion by, 3242–3245, 3243f, 3244t spectroscopy (PIGE), for metal reactions with, 327–328, 327t environmental actinides, 3059t, 3061 Subject Index I-87 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Partition chromatography Periodic potential, of metallic state, for actinide elements extraction, 1769 2307–2308 for actinium purification, 31–32 Perovskites, solid state structures of, for SNF, 2728 1059–1062, 1060t–1061t, 1062f Partitioning Conundrum Key process (PARC process), for americium extraction, of plutonium, 1175–1176 1272f, 1273 precipitation with, 836–838, 837–838 Passivated Ion-implanted Planar Silicon processing with, 1143 (PIPS) detectors, for seaborgium of protactinium, 208 study, 1708 gravimetric methods with, 229–230 Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) of thorium, 76–77 element 112 study at, 1721 formation of, 76–77 rutherfordium production at, 1698 properties of, 77 Pauli exclusion principle of uranium, 259t, 288–289 in actinide metals, 2320 Peroxydisulfate, oxidation by description of, 2316–2317 americium (III), 1333–1335, 1333f Fermi-Dirac with, 2323 americium (IV), 1334 Pauli Hamiltonian, for electronic structure Perrhenates, of thorium, 113 calculation, 1906 PES. See Photoemission spectroscopy PCNAA. See Preconcentration neutron PFP. See Plutonium finishing plant activation analysis Phase diagram PCS. See Photon correlation spectroscopy of actinide elements, pressure v., 2368–2369, Peierls mechanism, for crystal structure, 2331 2369f Pen˜a Blanca, Chichuhua District, Mexico, of actinide metals, 2312–2313, 2312f, 2384, uranium deposits at, 272–273 2384f Penning trap, for gas-phase ion chemistry, of actinide sesquioxides, 1535, 1535f 1735 of berkelium oxide, 1466 Pentadienyl ligands, 2865–2866 of curium, plutonium alloys, 1412 Pentahalides of neptunium structural chemistry of, 2416, 2419, 2419f, hydrides, 722, 723f 2420t oxides, 724, 725f thermodynamic properties of, 2160t, of plutonium, 879, 882f–883f 2161–2165 alloys, 925–929, 926f gaseous, 2164–2165, 2164t aluminum alloy, 894, 895f–896f solid, 2160t, 2161–2164 borides, 997, 997f Pentahapto complexes, structural chemistry carbides, 1003–1004, 1003f of, 2489, 2490t–2491t, 2492f determination of, 892 Pentalene, 2862–2864 gallium alloy, 894, 894f–896f bond lengths in, 2864 history of, 891–892 derivation of, 2862 hydrides, 990, 991f–992f, 3204–3205, use of, 2863 3205f Pentamethyl-cyclopentadienyl complexes, indium alloy, 896, 896f stoichiometric reactions of, 2913–2916, iron alloy, 897, 898f 2914f–2915f nitrides, 1017, 1017f with alkynes and silanes, 2916–2918, 2917f oxides, 1025, 1026f, 1039–1041, 1040f, PERALS, for soil sample measurement, 3066, 1071–1073, 1073f, 3206–3208, 3207f, 3067f 3211–3212, 3212f Perchlorates silicides, 1009, 1011f of actinide elements, 1796 thallium alloy, 896, 896f of plutonium, 1173 trichloride, 1099–1100 of thorium, 101, 102t–103t of uranium preparation of, 101 borides, 398, 400f of uranium, 494, 570–571 carbides, 399, 403f Perchloric acid media, reduction in, hydrides, 331, 331f americium (V), 1336 nitrides, 410, 411f Percolation leaching, of uranium ore, 306 oxides, 352–353, 352f, 354f, 1071–1073, Periodic Anderson model (PAM), SIM v., 1073f 2344 selenides, 418, 419f I-88 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Phase diagram (Contd.) Phenylarsonates, of protactinium, gravimetric sulfides, 413, 413f methods with, 229–230 tellurides, 418, 419f Phenylarsonic acid (PAA), protactinium uranium hexafluoride, 563, 563f precipitation by, 179 Phase relations Phonon energy, relaxation of, 2095–2100 of plutonium hydrides and deuterides, actinides v. lanthanides, 2096 990–992, 991f–992f multi-, 2096–2097 of uranium oxides, 351–357, 352f Phonon spectrum, of plutonium, 964–967, UO2.00-UO2.25, 353–354, 354f 965f–966f UO2.25-UO2.667, 354f, 355–356, 358t Phosphates UO2.667-UO3, 356–357, 358t of actinide elements, 1783, 1796 uranium-uranium dioxide region, of americium, 1305t–1312t, 1319–1321, 1355 351–353, 352f complexes of, 2583 Phase stability of curium, 1413t–1415t, 1422 of californium, 1545 of neptunium, 744–745 of plutonium, 877–890 equilibrium constants for, 775t allotropes of, 877–883, 980 of plutonium, 1170–1172 atomic volumes, 886, 887t precipitation with, 2633–2634 α and β stabilizers, 897 of protactinium (V), 217–218 crystal structure data, 882, 886f sorption studies of, 3169–3171 δ field expansion, 892–897 uranium, 3169–3171 density of, 886, 888t uranyl, 3171 eutectic-forming elements, 897 structural chemistry of, 2430–2433, interstitial compounds, 898 2431t–2432t, 2433f microcracking, 890 of thorium, 109–110 microsegregation in δ-phase alloys, 899, arsenates v., 113 916–917 as ligands, 129 oxides, 1025–1026 solubility and, 128 phase diagram, 925–929, 926f structure of, 109–110 phase transformations in δ-phase alloys, study and use of, 109 917–921, 918f–920f synthesis of, 109–110 thermodynamic properties of, 890, 891f, ternary, 110 891t vanadates v., 110 transformations, 886–890, 888f–889f of uranium, 263t–265t vacancy clusters and, 984 autunite structures, 294–295 valence electrons and, 927 chain structures, 295–296 Phase transformations groups of, 294 of americium, 1297–1301, 1301f natural occurrence of, 293 dioxide, 2292 phosphuranylite structures, 295 of plutonium, 891–921 synthetic, 296–297 α- and β-phase stabilizers, 897 uranium (IV), 275 in δ-phase alloys, 917–921, 918f–920f uranium (VI), 297 eutectic-forming elements, 897 uranophane structures, 295 expand δ-phase alloys, 892–897 in uranyl crown ether complex, 2455–2456 interstitial compounds, 898 Phosphides microsegregation in δ-phase alloys, 899, of americium, 1318 916–917 complexes of, with cyclopentadienyl, other elements, 898–899 2832–2833 for separation, 2648–2649 of neptunium, 743 of uranium, 344, 347 of plutonium, 1021–1022 1-Phenyl–3-methyl–4-benzoylpyrazolone preparation of, 1021–1022 (PMBP) properties of, 1022 neptunium extraction with, 705–706, of protactinium, 204, 206t 707f thermodynamic properties of, 2197t, protactinium extraction with, 184 2203–2204 synergistic separation with, 2661–2662 of thorium, 98t, 99–100 3-Phenyl–4-bezoyl–5-isoxazolone, neptunium synthesis of, 99–100 (IV) extraction with, 706 of uranium, 411–412 Subject Index I-89 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Phosphine imide complex, with Photothermal spectroscopy, of plutonium, cyclopentadienyl, 2825 ions, 1114 Phosphinic acids, as trivalent actinide and Phthalocyanine complexes, structural lanthanide separating agent, 1408, chemistry of, 2463–2467, 2464t, 2657, 2665, 2684, 2753 2466f–2467f Phosphinidene complexes, with Physical concentration methods cyclopentadienyl, 2833, 2834f–2835f, types of, 303 2835 of uranium ore processing, 302 Phospholipids, in actinide fixation, 1817 Pi-bonded ligands, of plutonium, 1188–1191 Phospholyl ligands, 2869–2871 cyclooctatetraene complexes, 1188–1189 in bimetallic complexes, 2890–2892, 2892f cyclopentadienyl complexes, 1189–1191 cyclopentadienyl ligands v., 2869 PIPS. See Passivated Ion-implanted Planar dimeric trivalent compound, 2871, 2872f Silicon detectors mixed-ring complexes, 2870–2871 Pitchblende. See also Uraninite mono-ring complexes, 2870 actinide species in, 3014–3016 production of, 2869–2870 complexity of, 302–303 structure of, 2869, 2870f natural occurrence of, 1804–1805 Phosphonic acids, as trivalent actinide and plutonium in, 822 lanthanide separating agent, 2651, uranium in, 253 2652, 2655, 2753 PIXE. See Proton-induced X-ray emission Phosphorescence, fluorescence v., 625 spectroscopy Phosphorimetry Plasma applications of, 3309 actinide clearance from, 3367–3387 fundamentals of, 3309 dioxo ions, 3379–3387 of uranium, 636 rates of, 3367–3369, 3368f–3375f Phosphorylide complex, with tetravalent and pentavalent, 3376–3379 cyclopentadienyl, 2826, 2828f trivalent, 3370–3376 Phosphuranylite structures, of uranium actinide distribution in, 3357t–3358t, phosphates and arsenates, 295 3359–3361 PHOTA. See Photoactivation albumin and globulins, 3362–3363 PHOTN. See Photoneutron logging carbonate and bicarbonate, 3361 Photoactivation (PHOTA), for environmental citric and other alpha-hydroxy actinides, 3034t, 3043 dicarboxylic acids, 3360–3361 Photochemical oxidation with erythrocytes, 3366–3367 of neptunium, 762 transferrin, 3363–3364 of polydeoxynucleotides, 630–631 transferrin binding, 3364–3366 Photochemistry description of, 3358 experimental basis for, 627 electrolytes concentrations in, 3356–3357, history of, 626 3357t overview of, 624–625 fluid volumes and protein and iron in Purex process, 712 concentration in, 3357, 3358t of uranyl (VI), 624–630 neptunyl ion in, 3384–3386 Photoelectron spectroscopy plutonyl ion in, 3386–3387 of americium, 1296–1297 uranyl ion in of californium, 1515–1516 complexes, 3381–3382, 3382t of einsteinium oxide, 1605 complexes in bladder urine, 3383–3384 of organometallic actinide compounds, complexes in proximal renal tubular 1800 fluid, 3382–3383 of thorium hydrides, 64 Plasma protein, uranyl bonding to, 3380–3381 of uranocene, 2854, 2855f Plutonium Photoemission spectroscopy (PES) allotropes of, 1, 877–890, 880f, 881t, 1787 background of, 2334–2336 α phase, 879–882, 882f–884f, 884t, example of, 2339–2340, 2340f 2309–2310, 2310f Photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS), for behavior of, 879, 880f, 881t environmental actinides, 3034t, β phase, 882, 882f–883f, 885t 3035–3036 δ phase, 882–883, 882f–883f, 886f, Photoneutron logging (PHOTN), for 892–897, 899, 916–917, 2329–2330, environmental actinides, 3044t, 3046 2329f I-90 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Plutonium (Contd.) oxides, 1023–1049 δ0 phase, 882f–883f, 883 oxyhalides, 1100–1102 discovery of, 877–879 perchlorates, 1173 e phase, 882f–883f, 883 peroxide, 1175–1176 γ phase, 882, 882f–883f phosphates, 1170–1172 transformation of, 879, 882f phosphides, 1021–1022 ζ phase, 882f–883f, 883, 890, 891f pnictides, 1016–1023 americium separation from, 1269–1270 reaction kinetics of, 3215–3223 in aqueous solution, 1110–1182 safety and handling of, 988 complex ions, 1156–1182 selenides, 1049–1056 hydrolytic stability, 1146–1156 silicides, 1009–1016 overview of, 1110–1111 sulfates, 1168–1170 oxidation and reduction reactions, sulfides, 1049–1056 1117–1146 tellurides, 1049–1056 spectroscopic properties, 1113–1117 corrosion of stoichiometry and structure of ions, catalyzed, 3236–3237 1111–1113 dry, 3227–3228 atomic properties of, 857–862 hydrogen- and hydride-catlyzed, 977–979 core-level spectra, 861 kinetic behavior, 3225–3227 ionization potentials, 859 metal and intermetallic compounds of, Mo¨ssbauer spectra, 861–862 973–979, 3223–3238, 3226f, 3227t, optical emission spectra, 857–859, 858f, 3229t 860t salt-catalyzed, 3238 x-ray spectra, 859–861 thermal ignition, 3232–3235 in biological systems unalloyed, 3231–3232 acute toxicity of, 1820–1821 by water vapor, 3228–3230 in bone, 1817 crystal structure data for, 879, 881t health hazard of, 1814 curium v., 935 ingestion and inhalation of, 1818–1820 discovery of, 4, 5t, 8 in liver, 1815–1816 extraction of long-term effects of, 1821–1822 neptunium v., 709 in organs, 1815 Purex process for, 710–712, 710f removal of, 1822–1825 THOREX process, 2745 transferrin bonding of, 1814–1815 with TTA, 1701, 3282 complexes of half-life of, 815 cyclopentadienyl, 2803 handling of, 3201 tris-cyclopentadienyl, 2470–2476, hazards of, 3200 2472t–2473t corrosion, 3204 compounds of, 987–1108 HF calculations of, 1857–1858, 1857f antimonides, 1022–1023 HFIR target preparation of, 1401 arsenides, 1022 history of, 4, 8, 814–815 borides, 996–1003 ionization potentials of, 859, 1874t bromides, 1092–1100 isotopes of, 4, 8–10, 12, 815–817, 816t carbides, 1003–1009 decay of, 1143–1146 carbonates, 1159–1166, 1160t–1161t formation of, 821, 825–826, 825f carboxylates, 1176–1181, 1178t from nuclear power reactors, 826, chalcogenides, 1023–1077 827t–828t, 828 chlorides, 1092–1100 separation of, 821–822, 828–831 deuterides, 989–996 laser spectroscopy of, 1873 fluorides, 1077–1092 liquid, 960–963 halides, 1077–1108, 1180t, 1181 melting point of, 960–962 history of, 987–988 properties of, 962–963 hydrides, 989–996 magnetic properties of, 2229–2230, 2230t, iodates, 1172–1173 2240–2263, 2355–2357 iodides, 1092–1100 intermetallic compounds, 2361 nitrates, 1167–1168 man-made, 1805–1807 nitrides, 1017–1021 nuclear fuel processing and storage, oxalate, 1173–1175 1806–1807, 1807t–1808t Subject Index I-91 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

nuclear weapons testing, 1805–1806 rutherfordium extraction with, 1697–1699 satellite disintegration, 1806 separation and purification of, 826–857 metal and intermetallic compounds of, in aqueous alkaline solutions, 852 862–987 aqueous-based, 830–831 aging and self-irradiation damage, DDP, 2705–2706 979–987 ion-exchange processes for, 845–852 alloys and phase transformations, from irradiated nuclear fuel, 828–830 891–921 non aqueous processes, 853–857 applications of, 862 oxalates in, 1173–1174 corrosion kinetics of, 3223–3238 precipitation and crystallization, 831–839 crystal structure data for, 899, 900t–915t solvent extraction processes, 839–845 electronic structure, theory, and solution chemistry of, 1108–1203 modeling, 921–935 aqueous, 1110–1182 hazards of, 3256–3257 electronic structure and bonding, history of, 862 1191–1203 hydrogen reaction with, 3223–3225, 3224f history of, 1108–1110 mechanical properties, 968–973 nonaqueous and organometallic, metal preparation, 863–864 1182–1191 nature of, 863 storage of, 3201 oxidation and corrosion, 973–979, 3226f, studies on, 11 3227–3235, 3227t, 3229t sublimation enthalpy of, 2119t–2120t, oxygen, water, and air reaction with, 2122–2123, 2122f 3225–3238 superconductivity of, 1789 phase stability, 877–890 synthesis of, 4, 8–9 physical and thermodynamic properties thermodynamic properties of of, 935–968 enthalpy of formation, 2123–2125, pyrochemical preparation and refining, 2124f–2125f, 2539, 2541t 865–877 entropy of, 2539, 2542f, 2543t safe storage, 3260–3262, 3261f Gibbs formation energy of hydrated ion, special case of, 2345–2347 2539, 2540t structure of, 2386, 2387f heat capacity of, 2119t–2120t, 2121f natural occurrence of, 822–824, 1756, 1804, Plutonium (I) 3016 emission spectrum of, 857–859, 858f, 860t in marine organisms, 1809 isotope shifts of, 1852, 1853f states of, 3086 Plutonium (II) neutron irradiation of, 1757 emission spectrum of, 857–859, 858f, 860t nuclear properties of, 815–822 free-ion parameters of, 2038–2039, 2038t oxidation states of, 814, 2525–2527, 2525f isotope shifts of, 1852, 1853f in aqueous solution, 1774–1776, 1775t Plutonium (III) ion types, 1777–1778, 1777t chlorides of, magnetic data, 2229–2230, sorbed, 3175–3176 2230t oxide-water reaction of, 3209–3210, 3209t compounds of production of, 814–815, 1757–1758, 2629 carbonate of, 1159 bismuth phosphate process, 2730 carboxylates, 1177–1180, 1178t REDOX process, 2730–2731 fluoride, 838 TLA process, 2731–2732 oxalate, 836–837, 1174 pyrochemical methods for phosphates, 1171 molten chlorides, 2698–2699, 2699f silicates, 1065, 1068 molten fluorides, 2701 sulfates of, 1168–1169 processing for, 2702 coordination numbers of, 1112 quadrupole moments of, 1884, 1884f distribution coefficients of, 842, 842t radial functions of, 895, 1897f free-ion parameters of, 2038–2039, 2038t radiolytic reactions of, 3246–3248 hydrolytic behavior of, 1147–1149, 1148t, reaction with steel, 3238 2546, 2548t reduction potentials of, 1778, 1779f, magnetic properties of, 2262–2263 2127–2131, 2130f–2131f, 2525, 2525f oxidation state for RTGs, 43 equilibrium of, 1123–1125, 1124f–1125f, in RTILs, 2689 1126t–1130t I-92 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Plutonium (III)(Contd.) oxoplutonates of preparation and stability of, 1125, 1131 alkali metals, 1056 oxoplutonates of, alkaline earth metals, alkaline earth metals, 1058 1058 crystallographic data of, 1060t–1061t precipitation with polymerization of, 1150–1154, 1151f, 1153f fluoride, 838 applications of, 1150 oxalate, 836–837 characterization of, 1152–1153 reduction potentials of, 2715, 2716f history of, 1151–1152 reduction to metal, 870–872, 873f precipitation with speciation of, 3113t, 3117–3118 hydroxide, 838 structure of, 593 oxalate, 837 Plutonium (IV) peroxide, 837–838 absorption spectrum of, 849 reduction of, 1139–1140 adsorption of, B. sphaericus, 3182–3183 rutherfordium extraction with, 1697–1698 anion-exchange chromatography for, separation of 848–849, 848f HDEHP for, 2651, 2651f in biological systems, 1819 PUREX process, 2732 compounds of from SNF, 2646 carbonate of, 1162–1163 solvating extractant system for, carboxylates, 1177–1180, 1178t 2654–2655 hydroxide, 838 speciation of, 3108–3109, 3113t, 3136 iodates, 1172–1173 Plutonium (V) nitrates of, 1167–1168 adsorption, B. sphaericus, 3182–3183 oxalate, 837, 1174–1175 compounds of peroxide, 837–838, 1175–1176 carbonate of, 1163–1165 perrhenates, 1068 carboxylates, 1178t, 1180–1181 phosphates, 1171–1172 nitrates of, 1168 sulfates of, 1169–1170 oxalate, 1175 vanadates, 1069 peroxide, 1175–1176 coordination numbers of, 1112 phosphates, 1172 detection of, limits to, 3071t coordination numbers of, 1112 disproportionation of, 1119–1122 disproportionation of, 1122–1123 distribution coefficients of, 842, 842t, 848, hydrolytic behavior of, 1154–1155 848f in hydrosphere, 1807–1810 extraction of, DHDECMP, 2737–2738 magnetic properties of, 2257–2261 free-ion parameters of, 2038–2039, 2038t oxidation state hydrolytic behavior of, 1148t, 1149–1150 equilibrium of, 1123–1125, 1124f–1125f, ligands for, 3417–3420, 3420f 1126t–1130t magnetic properties of, 2261–2262 preparation and stability of, 1132 magnetic susceptibilities, 2261–2262 oxoplutonates of in mammalian tissues alkali metals, 1056 bone, 3403 alkaline earth metals, 1058 bone binding, 3407–3409 crystallographic data of, 1060t–1061t circulation clearance of, 3368–3369, with pyrochemical processes, 2698–2699, 3368f–3375f, 3378 2699f glycoproteins, 3410–3411, 3411t reduction of, 1143 initial distribution, 3341t–3344t, 3346t, Plutonium (VI) 3352–3353 adsorption, B. sphaericus, 3182–3183 liver, 3398–3400 compounds of transferrin binding to, 3364, 3365 carbonate of, 1165–1166 natural occurrence of carboxylates, 1178t, 1180–1181 in hydrosphere, 1807–1810 iodates, 1173 sorption and mobility, 1810 nitrates of, 1167–1168 oligomerized, 3210–3211 peroxide, 1175–1176 oxidation state phosphates, 1172 equilibrium of, 1123–1125, 1124f–1125f, distribution coefficients of, 842, 842t 1126t–1130t hydrolytic behavior of, 1155–1156 preparation and stability of, 1131–1132 magnetic properties of, 2247–2257 Subject Index I-93 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

manganite and hausmannite reactions with, plutonium metal production from, 866 3176–3177 preparation of, 1031–1034 oxidation state pellets, 1032–1033 equilibrium of, 1123–1125, 1124f–1125f, single crystals, 1033–1034 1126t–1130t spheres, 1033 preparation and stability of, 1132 reactions of, 3219–3222 oxoplutonates of stability of, 3200 alkali metals, 1057 storage of, 3201 alkaline earth metals, 1058–1059 structure of, 1027t, 1037, 1038f, 1041–1044, crystallographic data of, 1060t–1061t 1042f–1043f, 2395 oxygen exchange with solvent water, 1133 thermodynamic properties of, 1047t, 1048, with pyrochemical processes, 2698–2699, 3250 2699f enthalpy of formation, 2136–2137, 2137t, reduction of, 1138–1139, 1142–1143 2138f alpha-induced, 1145–1146, 1146t entropy of, 2137–2138 kinetics, 760–761 heat capacity of, 2138–2141, 2139f, 2142t separation of, PUREX process, 2732 XPS of, 861 speciation of, 3113t, 3126 Plutonium disilicide, structure of, 1015, 1016f Plutonium (VII) Plutonium dodecaboride, 999t, 1002, 1002f coordination numbers of, 1112–1113 Plutonium finishing plant (PFP), TRUEX hydrolytic behavior of, 1156 process at, 2740, 2741f magnetic properties of, 2240–2247 Plutonium fluorides, 1077–1092 oxidation state, preparation and stability of, chemical properties of, 1092 1132–1133 precipitation with, 838 oxoplutonates of preparation of, 1077–1082 alkali metals, 1057 overview of, 1077–1078 alkaline earth metals, 1059 plutonium hexafluoride, 1080–1082, crystallographic data of, 1060t–1061t 1081f speciation of, 3113t, 3126 plutonium pentafluoride, 1079–1080 Plutonium carbide plutonium tetrafluoride, 1078–1079 entropy of, 2196, 2197t plutonium trifluoride, 1078 formation enthalpy of, 2195–2196, 2197t properties of, 1083–1092 high-temperature properties of, 2198, 2198f, radiation decomposition of, 1090–1092 2199t solid-state structures of, 1082–1083, 1084t, Plutonium carbonates, structural chemistry 1085f of, 2426–2427, 2427t, 2428f plutonium hexafluoride, 1083, 1084t Plutonium chalcogenides, structural chemistry plutonium tetrafluoride, 1083, 1084t, of, 2409–2414, 2412t–2413t 1085f Plutonium diboride, 999t, 1000, 1000f plutonium trifluoride, 1082, 1084t Plutonium dicarbide Plutonium halides, 1077–1108 chemical properties of, 1008 chlorides, bromides, and iodides, 1092–1100 structure of, 1005t, 1006–1007, 1007f preparation of, 1092–1095 Plutonium dioxide properties of, 1098–1100 covalency in, 1196–1199, 1197f, 1200f solid-state structures of, 1096–1097 crystal structure of, 2289–2290 fluorides, 1077–1092 crystal-field splittings of, 2288–2289 preparation of, 1077–1082 electronic structure of, 1044, 1196–1199, properties of, 1083–1092 1197f, 1200f, 1976 solid-state structures of, 1082–1083 gas pressure generation with, 3248–3251 oxyhalides of, 1100–1102 in gas-phase, 2148t, 2149 preparation and properties of, handling of, 3201 1101–1102 hazards of, 3249 solid-state structures of, 1102 IPNS of, 2289, 2290f stability of, 1077 JT effect of, 2290 ternary halogenoplutonates, 1102–1108 magnetic properties of, 2288–2290 phase diagram of, 1104, 1108f magnetic susceptibility of, 2290, 2291f preparation of, 1103–1104 oxidation of plutonium metal, 973, 3229 Plutonium hectoboride, 999t, 1002 physical properties of, 1032, 1032t Plutonium hexaboride, 999t, 1001–1002, 1002f I-94 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Plutonium hexafluoride interface of, 976–977, 978f absorption spectra of, 2084–2085.2086f monoxide, 1028–1029 chemical properties of, 1092 phase diagram of, 1025, 1026f, 1039–1041, covalency in, 1193–1196 1040f, 1071–1073, 1073f, 3206–3208, electronic structure of, 1194–1196, 1195f 3207f, 3211–3212, 3211f energy level analysis of, 2083–2085, 2083t, phase equilibria, 1025–1026, 1026f 2085f plutonium (VIII), 1932–1933 preparation of, 1080–1082, 1081f preparation of, 1028–1036, 3206–3207 properties of, 1086–1090, 1087t higher oxides, 1034–1036 radiation decomposition of, 1090–1092 plutonium dioxide, 1031–1034 structure of, 1083, 1084t, 2419, 2421, 2421t plutonium monoxide, 1028–1029 studies of, 1938 plutonium sesquioxide, 1029–1031 thermodynamic properties of, 2160–2161, properties of 2160t, 2162t–2164t chemical, 1048–1049 Plutonium hydrides melting behavior, 1045 air reaction with, 3218 oxygen diffusion, 1044–1045 electrical properties of, 3205 thermodynamic properties, 1047–1048, entropy of, 2188, 2189t 1047t formation enthalpy of, 2187–2188, 2187t, vaporization behavior, 1045–1047, 1046f 2189t, 2190f reaction rates of, 3219–3222 high-temperature properties of, 2188–2190, safe storage, 3260–3262, 3261f 2190t sesquioxide, 1029–1031 hydrogen reaction with, 3215–3216 sesquioxide phase with, 3208 nitrogen reaction with, 3217–3218 solid-state structures of, 1027t, 1036–1044, oxygen reaction with, 3216–3217 1038f–1040f, 1042f–1043f phase diagram of, 990, 991f–992f, stability of, 3207 3204–3205, 3205f structure of, 2394–2395 reaction rates of, 3215 ternary structure of, 2403–2404 with actinides, 1070–1077 thermodynamic properties of, 3205, 3206t with lanthanide oxides, 1069–1070 water reaction with, 3219, 3229 thermal decomposition of, 3211 Plutonium hydroxides, 3213 thorium oxides with, 1070–1071 precipitation with, 838 uranium oxides with, 1070–1077 Plutonium monocarbide applications of, 1070–1071 chemical properties of, 1007–1008 phase diagram of, 1071–1073, 1073f structure of, 1004–1006, 1005t preparation of, 1073–1074 Plutonium monophosphide, 1021–1022 properties of, 1074–1077 Plutonium monosilicide, structure of, 1014, Plutonium oxyhalides, structural chemistry of, 1015f 2421, 2422t, 2423, 2424t–2426t Plutonium monoxide Plutonium pentafluoride, preparation of, dissociative energy of, 2149–2150, 2150f 1079–1080 in gas-phase, 2148t, 2149 Plutonium peroxide, precipitation with, physical properties of, 1028 837–838 preparation of, 1028–1029 Plutonium phosphates, structural chemistry structure of, 2394–2395 of, 2430–2433, 2431t–2432t Plutonium nitride, 3212–3213 Plutonium pnictides, structure of, 2409–2414, enthalpy of formation of, 2197t, 2410t–2411t 2200–2201 Plutonium sesquioxide entropy of, 2197t, 2201–2202 formation enthalpy of, 2143–2146, 2144t, high-temperature properties of, 2199t, 2202 2145f reactions of, 3222–3223 high-temperature properties of, 2139f, Plutonium oxalate, precipitation with, 837 2146–2147 Plutonium oxides, 1023–1049, 3206–3212 layer formation, 3208 applications of, 1023–1025 oxide phase with, 3208 container material compatibility with, 1049 phase relationships of, 3207 dioxide, 1031–1034 physical properties of, 1030 formation enthalpies of, 1971 preparation of, 1029–1031 hazards of, 3257–3258, 3258t reactions of, 3219 Subject Index I-95 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

structure of, 1027t, 1037–1038, Plutonium-237, ultrapure preparation of, 822 1038f–1039f, 2395 Plutonium-238 thermodynamic properties of, 1047–1048, applications of, 817–819 1047t curium-242 and -244 v., 1400 Plutonium silicides, structural chemistry of, detection of 2406t, 2408 limits to, 3071t Plutonium sulfates, structural chemistry of, RIMS, 3321 2433–2436, 2434t αS, 3295 Plutonium tetraboride, 999t, 1000–1001, 1001f discovery of, 814–815, 817 Plutonium tetrachloride as energy production by-product, 1805 preparation of, 1093–1094, 1094f half-life of, 815, 817 stabilization of, 1184 as heat source, 703, 1758 Plutonium tetrafluoride Mo¨ssbauer spectroscopy of, 861 plutonium metal from, 866 from neptunium–237, 703 from plutonium with americium–241, 1270 from neptunium–238, 861 preparation of, 1078–1079 nuclear properties of, 3277t properties of, 1085–1086, 1087t for power generation, 1827–1828 structure of, 1083, 1084t, 1085f uranium–234 from, 257 thermodynamic properties of, 2165–2169, Plutonium–239 2166t absorption cross section of, 2233 Plutonium tetrahalides, structural chemistry americium–241 from, 1268, 1758 of, 2416, 2418t critical parameters of, 820–821, 821t Plutonium tribromide curium from, 1758–1759 organic-solvent soluble, 1182–1183 detection of preparation of, 1095 AMS, 3062–3063, 3319 properties of, 1087t, 1098–1100, 1099t FTA, 3307 solid-state structure of, 1084t, 1096–1097, γS, 3302 1097f–1098f ICPMS, 3327–3328 structural chemistry of, 2416, 2417t limits to, 3071t Plutonium trichloride RIMS, 3321 magnetic properties of, 2262 αS, 3295 organic-solvent soluble, 1182–1183 TIMS, 3314 preparation of, 1092–1093 discovery of, 815 properties of, 1087t, 1098–1100, 1099t environmental hazards of, 1807 solid-state structure of, 1084t, 1096, 1096f, half-life of, 820 1098f heat capacity of, 945 Plutonium trifluoride importance of, 820 organic-solvent soluble, 1182–1183 ionization potential of, 1875 preparation of, 1078 IP of, 859 properties of, 1083–1085, 1087t maximum allowed dose of, 1821 structure of, 1082, 1084t Mo¨ssbauer spectroscopy of, 861–862 thermodynamic properties of, 2169, natural occurrence of, 822–824, 823t, 1756 2170t–2171t neutron capture formation of, 823–824 Plutonium trihalides, structural chemistry of, nuclear energy with, 815 2416, 2417t nuclear properties of, 3277t Plutonium triiodide for nuclear weapons, 1805 organic-solvent soluble, 1182–1183 production of preparation of, 1095 from neptunium–239, 861 solid-state structure of, 1084t, 1096–1097 in nuclear reactor, 1826 Plutonium tritelluride, structure of, 1053, 1053f from uranium–239, 255, 1757 Plutonium, Uranium, Reduction, Extraction radioactivity of, 1765 process. See PUREX process security risk of, 1758 Plutonium-231, discovery of, 815 study with, 1765 Plutonium-236 toxicity of, 1820 detection of, αS, 3295 transmutation products of, 984–985, 985f from neptunium-237, 703 Plutonium–240 nuclear properties of, 3277t detection of ultrapure preparation of, 822 AMS, 3319 I-96 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Plutonium–240 (Contd.) cation-cation, 2594 γS, 3302 structure of, 2400–2402 ICPMS, 3328 extraction of, REDOX process, limits to, 3071t 2730–2731 RIMS, 3321 highest composition of, 3210 αS, 3295 hydrolytic behavior of, 2553 TIMS, 3314 in mammalian tissues as energy production by-product, 1805 circulation clearance of, 3378, 3386–3387 environmental hazards of, 1807 erythrocytes association with, 3366–3367 Fourier transform spectrum of, 858, 858f initial distribution, 3342t, 3356 Mo¨ssbauer spectroscopy of, 862 reduction of, 2591 nuclear properties of, 3277t study of, 1931–1932 Plutonium-241 PMBP. See 1-Phenyl–3-methyl–4- as beta emitter, 825 benzoylpyrazolone detection of Pnictides RIMS, 3321 of americium, 1305t–1312t, 1317–1319 TIMS, 3315 coordination of, 1358–1359 as energy production by-product, 1805 of berkelium, 1464t–1465t, 1470 maximum allowed dose of, 1821 preparation of, 1460 neptunium–237 from, 705, 706f, 783–785 of californium, 1530t–1531t, 1538–1539 nuclear properties of, 3277t of curium, 1413t–1415t, 1421 Plutonium-242 of neptunium, 742–744 americium-243 from, 1268 applications of, 742 curium from, 1400 of plutonium, 1016–1023 detection of antimony system, 1022–1023 ICPMS, 3328 system, 1022 RIMS, 3321 families of, 1016–1017 αS, 3295 nitrogen system, 1017–1021 TIMS, 3315 system, 1021–1022 as energy production by-product, 1805 valency and electronic structure, 1023 Fourier transform spectrum of, 858, 858f of protactinium, 204–207 heat capacity of, 947, 947f structural chemistry of, 2409–2414, nuclear properties of, 3277t 2410t–2411t study with, 1765 thermodynamic properties of, 2200–2204 Plutonium-243, as beta emitter, 825 gaseous nitrides, 2202–2203 Plutonium-244 phosphides, arsenides, and antimonides, detection of, AMS, 3062–3063 2203–2204 Fourier transform spectrum of, 858, 858f solid nitrides, 2200–2202 natural occurrence of, 822, 824 of thorium, 97–101, 98t, 99f nuclear properties of, 3277t antimony, 98t, 100 spontaneous fission of, 824 arsenides, 98t, 100 study with, 1765 bismuth, 98t, 100 Plutonocene nitrides, 97–99, 98t, 99f electronic structure of, 1199–1203, phosphides, 98t, 99–100 1201f–1202f of uranium, 407–412, 408t–409t HOMO of, 1946 nitride, 407–411, 408t–409t, 411f properties of, 1946–1948 others, 411–412 Plutonyl (V) preparation of, 411–412 formation of, 3210 Polarizabililty, of transactinide elements, 3, speciation of, 3113t, 3123–3124 1675–1676 Plutonyl (IV), hydrolytic behavior of, Polarography 2551–2552, 2551f–2552f for californium, 1548 Plutonyl (VI), speciation of, 3113t, 3123–3124, for neptunium, determination of, 791–792 3134 for protactinium, 220, 227 Plutonyl ion for uranium, 3066 aqueous solution absorption spectra of, Polonium, discovery of, 245 2080, 2081f Polonium–212, seaborgium study interference complexes of, 1922–1923 by, 1708 Subject Index I-97 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Polyaminopolycarboxylic acids, as chelating Protactinium, 161–232 agents, 3413–3414 actinium separation from, 38 Polymerization analytical chemistry of, 223–231 of actinide elements, 1778–1782 determination in environment, 231 of plutonium (IV), 1150–1154, 1151f, 1153f, electrochemical methods, 227 1781, 1810 radioactivation methods, 226 of protactinium (IV), 1780 radiometric methods, 223–226 of thorium (IV), 1778–1781 spectral and X-ray methods, 226–227 of uranium (IV), 1780–1781 applications of, 188–189 Polypnictide, complexes of, with ceramic capacitors, 189 cyclopentadienyl, 2836 color cathode ray tube, 188–189 Porphyrin complexes, structural chemistry of, dating methods, 189 2463–2467, 2464t, 2466f–2467f nuclear waste clean-up, 189 X-ray detection, 188 chloride, in electrorefining, 2714–2715 atomic properties of, 189–191 permanganate, for uranium carbonate emission spectrum, 190 leaching, 307–308 ground state configuration, 190 with thorium molybdates, 112 Mo¨ssbauer effect, 190–191 with thorium sulfates, 105 X-ray atomic energy levels, 190, 190t Potentiometric method complexes of, tetrakis-cyclopentadienyl, for neptunium, 781–782 2814–2815 determination of, 790–791 d transition elements v.,2 for protactinium, 227 dubnium v., 1704–1705 Powder diffraction techniques, for oxides, half-life of, 162–163 2389 ionization potentials of, 1874t Powder neutron scattering, overview of, isotopes of, 161–162, 164–170, 165t 2383–2384 metallic state of, 191–194 Powder X-ray diffraction alloys of, 194 of cyclopentadienyl complexes, tetravalent, physical parameters of, 191–194, 193t 2814–2815 preparation of, 191 overview of, 2382–2383 structure of, 2385 Power production. See Nuclear energy natural occurrence of, 170–171, 1755 PPs. See Pseudopotentials nonstoichiometric compounds of, 1797 , UO2 solid solutions with, nuclear properties of, 164–170 oxygen potentials of, 395t, 396 oxidation states of, 2526 Precipitation in aqueous solution, 1774–1776, 1775t of americium, 1270–1271 ion types, 1777–1778, 1777t of berkelium, 1449 preparation of, 172–189 crystallization v., 832–833 of 234 and 234m isotopes, 186–187 of curium, 1410 aqueous raffinate enrichment for, historical development of, 2627–2628 175–176 of plutonium, 831–839 carbonate precipitate enrichment for, conversion chemistry, 836–839 174–175 coprecipitation, 833–835 ethereal sludge enrichment for, 176–178, decontamination factors for, 832, 833t 177f reactions for, 831, 832t industrial-scale enrichment for, 174 in RTILs, 2690 procurement of, 172–173 for separation, 2633–2634 of protactinium–233, 187–188 Preconcentration neutron activation analysis raw material analysis for, 172, 173t (PCNAA) purification of, 178–186 application of, 3307 ion exchange, 180–181, 180f description of, 3303 large-scale recovery of protactinium–231, Pressure leaching, of uranium ore, 306 186 Pressure-composition diagram, of precipitation and crystallization, 178–179 uranium-hydrogen system, solvent extraction and extraction 330–331, 330f chromatography, 181–186, 183f Propionates, structural chemistry of, pyrochemical methods for 2439t–2440t molten chlorides, 2695 I-98 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Protactinium (Contd.) complexes in aqueous solution of, 218–219, molten fluorides, 2701 219t processing for, 2702 complexes in mineral acids of, 212–218 reduction potentials of, 1778, 1779f, fluoro complexes, 213–215 2127–2131, 2130f–2131f ionic species in hydrochloric acid, 213, simple and complex compounds of, 194–209 215t , 206t, 208 ionic species in nitric acid, 212–213, 214t carbides, 195 miscellaneous with inorganic ligands, cyclooctatetraene, 206t, 208 217–218 halides, 197–204, 201t , 215–216, 217t, 218f hydrides, 194 detection of miscellaneous, 207–209 limits to, 3071t oxides, 195–197, 196t–197t NMR, 3033 pnictides, 204–207 dubnium v., 1704 tropolone, 206t, 208 equilibrium constants of, 211, 211t solution chemistry of, 209–223 hydrolytic behavior of, 209–212, 210f, 211t, oxidation states of, 209 212f protactinium (IV) aqueous chemistry, magnetic properties of, 2239–2240 222–223, 223f in mammalian tissues protactinium (V) complexes in aqueous circulation clearance of, 3368–3369, solution, 218–219, 219t 3368f–3375f, 3378–3379 protactinium (V) complexes in mineral transferrin binding to, 3365 acids, 212–218, 214t–215t, 216f, 217t, thermodynamics of, 211, 211t 218f Protactinium chalcogenides, structural protactinium (V) hydrolysis, 209–212, chemistry of, 2409–2414, 2412t–2413t 210f, 211t, 212f Protactinium dioxide redox behavior in aqueous solution, Dirac-Hartree-Fock calculations on, 220–221 1917–1918 structure of, 191–194, 193t enthalpy of formation, 2136–2137, 2137t, superconductivity of, 1789 2138f thermodynamic properties of entropy of, 2137–2138 enthalpy of formation, 2123–2125, in gas-phase, 2148, 2148t 2124f–2125f, 2539, 2541t heat capacity of, 2138–2141, 2139f, 2142t entropy of, 2539, 2542f, 2543t structure of, 2391 Gibbs formation energy of hydrated ion, Protactinium hydrides 2539, 2540t entropy of, 2188, 2189t heat capacity of, 2119t–2120t, 2121f formation enthalpy of, 2187–2188, 2187t, sublimation enthalpy of, 2119t–2120t, 2189t, 2190f 2122–2123, 2122f high-temperature properties of, 2188–2190, toxic properties of, 188 2190t from uranium–235, 42–44 structure of, 2402–2403 Protactinium (III) Protactinium monoxide electron configurations of, 2018–2019, dissociative energy of, 2149–2150, 2150f 2018f structure of, 2391 free-ion parameters of, 2038–2039, 2038t Protactinium oxides Protactinium (IV) structure of, 2391 aqueous chemistry of, 222–223, 223f thermodynamic properties of, 2136, 2136t emission spectra of, 2067–2068, 2068f Protactinium oxyhalides, structural free-ion parameters of, 2038–2039, 2038t chemistry of, 2421, 2422t, 2423, hydrolytic behavior of, 2550 2424t–2426t initial distribution in mammalian tissues, Protactinium pentachloride 3342t, 3347t, 3353–3354 structural chemistry of, 2416, 2419, 2419f, magnetic properties of, 2240–2247 2420t polymerization of, 1780 thermodynamic properties of, 2160t, 2161, spectroscopic properties of, 2065–2066, 2164–2165, 2164t 2066t Protactinium pentafluoride Protactinium (V) structural chemistry of, 2416, 2419, 2419f, absorption spectra of, 212, 212f 2420t Subject Index I-99 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

thermodynamic properties of, 2160t, 2161, half-life of, 169 2164–2165, 2164t importance of, 164, 167–169 Protactinium pentahalides, structural natural occurrence of, 171 chemistry of, 2416, 2419, 2419f, 2420t neptunium–237 equilibrium with, 785 Protactinium phosphates, structural chemistry nuclear properties of, 3274t–3275t, 3298t of, 2430–2433, 2431t–2432t overview of, 161 Protactinium pnictides, structure of, preparation of, 187–188 2409–2414, 2410t–2411t procurement of, 167–169, 169t Protactinium sulfates, structural chemistry of, radiometric methods for, 225–226 2433–2436, 2434t Protactinium–234, 170, 170f Protactinium tetrachloride, magnetic discovery of, 162 susceptibility of, 2241 gamma-ray spectrum of, 170, 171f Protactinium tetraformate, magnetic half-life of, 186 susceptibility of, 2241 importance of, 164 Protactinium tetrahalides, structural nuclear properties of, 3274t–3275t, 3298t chemistry of, 2416, 2418t protactinium–234 v. protactinium–234m, Protactinium trihalides, structural chemistry 170, 170f of, 2416, 2417t preparation of, 186–187 Protactinium–231, 164–167, 165t, 166f radiometric methods for, 225 actinium–227 from, 20 Protactinocene alpha-spectrum of, 166, 167f electronic transitions in, 1949–1951 dating properties of, 1946–1948 with TIMS, 171 structure of, 1944, 1944t, 1945f with uranium–235, thorium–230, and, Protasite, anion topology of, 282, 284f–285f 170–171 Protonation routes, for cyclopentadienyl detection of complexes, 2819 γS, 3301 Proton-induced X-ray emission spectroscopy limits to, 3071t (PIXE) MBAS, 3043 for environmental actinides, 3059t, MBES, 3028 3060–3061 NMR, 3033 RBS with, 3069 αS, 3294 PSD. See Pulse shape discrimination TIMS, 3314 Pseudomonas fluorescens, neptunium (V) discovery of, 162–163 adsorption, 3182 emission spectrum of, 190 Pseudopotentials (PPs), for electronic gamma-ray spectrum of, 166, 168f structure calculation, 1671 half-life of, 166, 170 PSI. See Paul Scherrer Institute importance of, 164 Pulse shape discrimination (PSD), isotope dilution mass spectrometry for, 231 neptunium–237 determination with, large-scale recovery of, 186 785 natural occurrence of, 170 PUREX process from neutron irradiation, 1756 actinide extraction with, 1274–1276, 1285, nuclear properties of, 3274t–3275t, 3290t, 1408, 1769 3298t for actinide production, 2732–2733 overview of, 161 alternative to, 1273 procurement of, 167 americium extraction with, 1273 protactinium–232 from, 256 BUTEX and REDOX processes v., 842 radioactivation methods for, 226 flow sheet for, 843, 843f radiometric methods for historical development of, 841, 2629, alpha-counting, 224 2732 gamma rays, 225 improvements to, 844, 2733 toxicity of, 188 for neptunium extraction, 710–712, 710f, Protactinium–232 2756–2757 from protactinium–231, 256 acids for, 711 uranium–232 from, 256 advanced, 711 Protactinium–233, 165t, 167–169 controlling of, 712 adsorption behavior of, 176 overview of, 710–711 detection of, TIMS, 3314 other operations of, 844 I-100 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

PUREX process (Contd.) oxide-metal processes, 2717–2721 plutonium separation with, 829–830, for plutonium metal production, 864–877 841–844, 856–857 direct oxide reduction, 866–869, steps of, 841–842 868f–869f redox agents for, 760 electrorefining, 870–872, 873f separation with, 2646 flow diagram for, 865, 865f steps of, 2732–2733 fluorination and reduction, 866, 867f Pyrazole adduct, of cyclopentadienyl molten salt extraction, 869–870 complexes, 2830 need for, 865 Pyrazolylborate complexes, 2880–2886 pyroredox or anode recovery, 872–876 chemistry of, 2880 vacuum melting and casting, 870, cyclopentadienyl ligands v., 2880 871f–872f fluxional, 2885–2886 zone-refining, 876–877 formation of, 2880–2881 for plutonium separation, 854 metathesis reactions, 2884–2885, 2884f processing requirements of, 2701 neptunium derivatives, 2885 recovery from LWR fuels, 2721–2723 steric factors, 2885 calcium reduction, 2722 tetravalent, 2883, 2885, 2886f lithium reduction, 2722–2723 trivalent, 2882 for separation, 2691–2725 uranium (III), 2881, 2882f separation techniques for, 2704–2707 Pyrochemical methods DDP basis, 2705–2707 actinide chemistry in, 2694 oxide-oxide process, 2704 for americium, 1269–1270 Pyrochlore DDP applications, efficiency, 2707–2708 californium oxides, 1538, 1540f electrorefining, 2712–2717 description of, 278–279 electro-transport, 2714–2715 natural occurrence of, 279 IFR, 2712–2714 structure of, 278, 279f separation efficiencies, 2715–2717, 2718t uranium (V) in, 279 melt refining under molten salts, 2709–2710 Pyrophoricity, of plutonium, 3251 metal-metal processes, 2708–2709 in air, 975f, 976–977, 978f molten chlorides in, 2694–2700 Pyroredox, for plutonium metal production, americium, 2699–2700 872–876 curium and transcurium, 2700 equipment for, 868f, 875 neptunium, 2697–2698 process for, 875–876 plutonium, 2698–2699, 2699f product from, 876 protactinium, 2695 Pyrrole-based ligands, 2871–2873, thorium, 2694–2695 2873f–2874f uranium, 2695–2696, 2697f molten fluorides in, 2700–2701 plutonium, 2701 QED effect. See Quantum electrodynamic protactinium, 2701 effect thorium, 2701 Quantum critical point, NFL and, 2348–2350 uranium, 2701 Quantum electrodynamic effect (QED effect), molten metal-salt extraction, 2710–2712 on inner orbitals, 1669 Argonne salt transport process, Quantum mechanical calculations, of crystal 2710–2712, 2712f field parameters, 2049 other applications, 2712 ‘Quasiparticles,’ description of, 2339 molten oxy-anion salts, 2702–2704 Quaternary amines, for actinide extraction, molybdates, 2702–2703 1769 nitrates, 2704 Quaternary ammonium salts, for americium sulfates, 2704 extraction, 1284 tungstates, 2703–2704 Quenching mechanisms, of uranyl (VI), 629 molten-salt processing in, 2701–2702 nitride-nitride process, 2723–2725 actinide nitride recovery, 2724–2725 RA. See Rhizopus arrhizus dissolution step, 2724 RAD. See Autoradiography historical development of, 2723–2724 Radial functions, of plutonium atom, 895, overview of, 853–854, 2691–2694 1897f Subject Index I-101 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Radial integrals, of actinide elements, 1863 for uranium, 635–636 comparisons of, 1865–1866, 1867f Radiopolarography Radioactinium. See Thorium–227 of einsteinium, 1606–1607 Radioactive decay, of plutonium, of fermium, 1630 consequences, 980 of mendelevium, 1636 Radioactive displacement principle, of nobelium, 1640–1641 description of, 162 Radiothorium. See Thorium–228 Radioactive waste. See also Nuclear waste Radiotoxicity, measuring of, 3339–3340 immobilization of, neptunium Radiotracer techniques, for environmental phosphate, 744 samples, 3022 protactinium isolation from, 179 Radium Radioactive-detected resonance ionization discovery of, 254 spectroscopy (RADRIS), of recovery of, 172–173 americium, 1880–1881, 1881f, 1884 Radium–226 Radioactivity actinium–227 from, 1756 of actinides, 1, 1764–1765 nuclear properties of, 3298t of curium–244, 1759 Radium–228, actinium–228 from, 25, 28 discovery of, 254 Radon, in actinium isolation, 32 of plutonium–239, 1765 RADRIS. See Radioactive-detected Radioanalytical chemistry resonance ionization spectroscopy of americium, 1364 Raman spectroscopy (RAMS) of berkelium, 1483–1484 of berkelium, berkelium (III), 1455 Radiochemical Engineering Development of californium, 1544, 1554 Center (REDC), for transcurium for environmental actinides, 3035 element production, 9 XRF and IRS with, 3069 Radiochemical neutron activation analysis RAMS. See Raman spectroscopy (RNAA) Rare earth metals applications of, 3305–3307 actinide separation from, 2706 description of, 3303 actinium separation from, 30 INAA v., 3305–3306 atomic volumes of, 922–923, 923f MC-ICPMS v., 3329 neptunium v., 700 Radiocolloid formation, by actinium, 41–42 reduction potentials of, 2715, 2716f Radioisotope Engineering Development reductive extraction of, 2719 Center (REDC), production at, 1760 separation of, actinide elements, 2719, Radioisotope heater units (RHU), plutonium 2720t, 2721f for, 703 uranium oxides with, 389 plutonium–238, 817 Rate constants Radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG) of actinide complexation, 2606, 2606t actinium for, 42–43 of An-O bond breakage, 2598–2600, plutonium for, 43, 703 2599t plutonium–238, 817 comparison of, 2601–2602, 2602t Radiolysis of electron exchange reactions, 2597 of adsorbed water, 3221–3222 of ligand exchange reactions, 608, 609t, of americium, 1337–1338 611t–612t of einsteinium, 1579 redox reactions, 622–623 of plutonium, 1143–1146 Rats reactions of, 3246–3248 initial distribution in, 3341t–3342t of water at SNF, 289 tissue deposition kinetics in, 3387–3388 Radiometric methods RBS. See Rutherford backscattering for neptunium, 783–786 Reaction rates, of plutonium hydrides, 3215 activation analysis, 785–786 Reagent classes, for separation, 2645–2646 alpha- and gamma-ray spectrometry, Recoil nucleus, from plutonium decay, 783–785 980–981 liquid scintillation counting method, 785 Recoil Transfer Chamber (RTC) of protactinium, 223–226 in rutherfordium study, 1701 protactinium–231, 224–225 for superactinide element study, 1734 protactinium–233, 225–226 RECPs. See Relativistic effective core protactinium–234, 225 potentials I-102 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

REDC. See Radiochemical Engineering of thorium, 60–61, 117–118 Development Center; Radioisotope of transactinide elements, 1685–1686, Engineering Development Center 1685f–1686f Redox behavior of uranium of actinide complexes, 2596–2602 aqua ions, 590–591, 592f, 594t An-O bond breakage, 2598–2600, dioxouranium (VI), 594t, 596 2599t hexafluoride, 562 complexation effect, 2601–2602, 2602t rates and mechanisms of, 622–624, 623f disproportionation reactions, 2600–2601, reduced phases, 274–280 2600t REDOX process electron exchange reactions, 2597–2598 for actinide production, 2730–2731 of actinide elements, 1778, 1780t bismuth phosphate process v., 2731 in water, 3096 historical development of, 2629, 2730 of actinium, 37–38 PUREX process v., 842 of americium Redox reagents, for neptunium, autoreduction, 1330–1331 759–761, 760t disproportionation, 1331–1332 Redox speciation electrode potentials and thermodynamic acid properties, 1328–1330, 1329t americium (III), 3114t, 3115 hydration and coordination numbers, berkelium (IV/III), 3109–3110, 3114t 1327, 1328f californium (III), 3110, 3114t, 3115 kinetics of, 1333–1337 curium (III), 3110, 3114t radiolysis, 1337–1338 of environmental samples, 3100–3124 of berkelium, 1448, 1479–1482 monatomic An (III) and An (IV) ions, of californium, 1546–1549, 1547t 3100–3118 disproportionation reactions v., 2601 neptunium (III), 3111t–3112t, 3116–3117 of humic and fulvic acids, 2591 neptunium (IV), 3106–3108, 3111t–3112t of neptunium, 753–755, 793–794, 794f neptunyl (V), 3111t–3112t, 3121–3122 in acidic media, 753 neptunyl (VI), 3111t–3112t, 3122–3123 in basic media, 754–755 plutonium (III), 3113t, 3117–3118 in biological systems, 1814 plutonium (IV), 3108–3109, 3113t coulometry for, 757–759, 758f plutonyl (VI/V), 3113t, 3123–3124 and, 756 thorium (IV), 3103–3105, 3103t voltammetric behavior of, 755–757, triatomic An (V) and An (VI) ions, 756t, 757f 3118–3124 of plutonium uranium (III), 3101t–3102t, 3116 actinide ions and, 1133–1137, uranium (IV), 3105–3106 1134t–1135t uranyl (VI), 3101t–3102t, 3118–3121 ammonia, 1141–1142 base autoradiolysis, 1143–1146 carbonate solution systems, 3129–3137 hydrazine, 1142 hydroxide solution systems, 3124–3129 hydroxylamine, 1140–1141 of neptunium (IV), 3111t–3112t, ions, 1117–1119, 1118f, 1118t, 1120t 3135–3136 iron, 1138–1139 neptunium (VII/VI), 3111t–3112t, nitric acid, 1139–1140 3124–3125 nonactinide ions and, 1137–1143 neptunyl (V), 3111t–3112t, 3133–3134 oxidation state equilibrium, plutonium (IV), 3113t, 3136 1123–1125 plutonium (VII/VI), 3126 peroxide, 1143 plutonyl (VI), 3113t, 3134 plutonium (IV) disproportionation, of tetravalent ions, 3134–3135 1119–1122 thorium (IV), 3129, 3136–3137 plutonium (V) disproportionation, uranium (IV), 3101t–3102t, 3136 1122–1123 uranyl (VI), 3101t–3102t, 3126–3133 plutonium (VI) oxygen exchange with Reduced phase, of uranium, 274–280 solvent water, 1133 Reduction preparation and stability of oxidation of americium, 1330–1331 states, 1125–1133 americium (V), 1335–1337 of protactinium, 220–221 americium (VI), 1335 Subject Index I-103 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

of calcium, plutonium production, 2722 protactinocenes, 1949–1951 of californium, 1548 thorocene and uranocene, 1951–1952 potentials, 1546–1547, 1547t of atomic electronic shells, 1666–1669, of cyclopentadienyl complexes, trivalent, 1667f–1669f 2801–2802 on chemical properties of transactinide of einsteinium elements, 1666–1671 einsteinium (III), 1602, 1607 description of, 1666–1669 for metal production, 1590 on electronic structures, 1898–1900 of lithium, for electrorefining, 2722–2723 5f electrons, 1898, 1899f of mendelevium, 1635–1636 calculation inclusion of, 1900 of neptunium subshell splitting, 1899–1900 hexafluoride, 733 QED effect, 1669 neptunium (IV), 762 quantum-chemical methods for, 1669–1671 neptunium (V), 762 spin-orbit splitting, 1668–1669 neptunium (IV) to neptunium (III), 745 of superactinide elements, 1733 potential, 755 Relativistic elimination of small components by nobelium, 1640 (RESC), for electronic structure of plutonium calculation, 1908–1909 by actinide ions, 1133–1137, 1134t–1135t Relativistic general gradient approximation in aqueous solution, 1117–1146 (RGGA), for DFT, 1671 by nonactinide ions, 1137–1143 Relativistic Hartree-Fock (HFR) calculations, of uranium, 319 of f electrons, 2032, 2034f, 2035 hexafluoride, 562 Remote control, for actinide element study, UO2 solid solutions, 392, 393t 12, 12f–13f by uranium (III), 598 REMPI. See Resonance-enhanced Reduction potentials multiphoton ionization of actinide elements, 1778, 1779f RESC. See Relativistic elimination of small in water, 3097–3098, 3098t components of actinide ions, 2127–2132, 2130f–2131f Resistance furnace, for electrorefining, 782, of neptunium, 1778, 1779f, 2127–2131, 784f 2130f–2131f, 2525, 2525f Resistivity tensor, of uranium, 324, 324t of plutonium, 1778, 1779f, 2127–2131, Resonance ionization mass spectrometry 2130f–2131f, 2525, 2525f (RIMS) plutonium (III), 2715, 2716f of actinide elements, 1875–1879, 1877t, of uranium, 1778, 1779f, 2127–2131, 1878f–1879f 2130f–2131f, 2525, 2525f excitation schemes, 1876–1877, 1877t, uranium (III), 2715, 2716f 1878f Relativistic approaches, for electronic experimental v. predictions, 1878–1879, structure calculations, 1902–1914 1879f double groups, 1910–1914 of fermium, 1877 excited electronic states, 1909–1910 ionization energies, 1878 Hartree-Fock and density functional precision of, 1879 approaches, 1902–1904 applications of, 3321–3320 RECPs, 1907–1909 of berkelium, 1452 relativistic effects, 1904–1907 for environmental actinides, 3044t, 3047, Relativistic effective core potentials 3048f (RECPs) experimental setup for, 1876 alternatives to, 1908 fundamentals of, 3319–3320, 3320f development of, 1908 for mass spectrometry, 3310 for electronic structure calculation, 1671, of neptunium, 789–790 1907–1909 overview of, 3319 for element 118, 1729 of plutonium, 859 of uranyl, 1918–1920 problems of, 3329 Relativistic effects of thorium, 60 on actinide cyclopentadienyl complexes, TIMS v., 3329 1955 for trace analysis, 3319–3322 of actinides v. lanthanides, 1898, 1899f Resonance ionization spectrometry (RIS), for on actinocenes, 1949–1952 environmental actinides, 3044t, 3047 I-104 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization LLE, 2691 (REMPI), of uranium dioxide, 1973 precipitation, 2690 Resonant photoemission, of PES, 2336 uranium chemistry in, 2687–2688, 2689f Resonant X-ray scattering (RXS) RRF. See Respirable release fraction description of, 2234 RTC. See Recoil Transfer Chamber of neptunium dioxide, 2288 RTG. See Radioisotope thermoelectric neutron scattering v., sample size, generator 2237–2238 RTILs. See Room temperature ionic liquids of uranium dioxide, 2281 , with thorium sulfates, 105 Respirable release fraction (RRF) Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) of plutonium, 3252–3255, 3254t interaction dioxide, 3254t, 3255 5f v. 4f moments in, 2354 variations in, 3253–3254 magnetic anisotropy with, 2364–2365 RGGA. See Relativistic general gradient Rutherford backscattering (RBS) approximation for environmental actinides, 3059t, Rhizopus arrhizus (RA), for extraction, 2669 3063–3064, 3064f RHU. See Radioisotope heater units PIXE with, 3069 RIMS. See Resonance ionization mass Rutherfordine, schoepite and, 289–290 spectrometry Rutherfordium RIS. See Resonance ionization spectrometry berkelium–249 in production of, 1447 RKKY interaction. See Ruderman-Kittel- chemical properties of, 1666, 1690–1702, Kasuya-Yosida interaction 1691t RNAA. See Radiochemical neutron historical, 1690–1693 activation analysis discovery of, 6t, 1653, 1653t Roasting electronic structures of, 1676–1682, functions of, 304 1677f–1678f, 1680t–1681t, 1682f of uranium ore, 304 half-life of, 1661 Rock salt formations, for SNF storage, 1813 hydrolytic behavior of, 1701 Roentgenium ionic radii of, 1674f, 1675–1676, 1676t chemical methods for, 1720–1721 ionization potential of, 1674, 1674f chemical properties of, 1717–1721 isotopes of, 1657f–1658f discovery of, 7t, 1653–1654 nuclear properties of, 1655t–1656t electronic structures of, 1682–1684 orbital filling in, 1654, 1659 half-life of, 1719 oxidation states of, in aqueous solution, isotopes of, 1657f–1658f 1774–1776, 1775t nuclear properties of, 1655t–1656t production of, 1662 orbital filling in, 1654, 1659 relativistic orbital energies for, 1669f oxidation states of, 1720 solution chemistry of, 1695–1702 in aqueous solution, 1774–1776, 1775t anionic species extraction, 1695–1696 production of, 1719–1720 cationic species extraction, 1700–1702, relativistic orbital energies for, 1669f 1702f solution chemistry of complexation of, 1688–1689 complexation of, 1689 fluoride complexes, 1699–1700 hydrolysis, 1686–1687, 1687t hydrolysis, 1686–1687, 1687t redox potentials, 1685–1686, neutral complex extraction, 1696–1699 1685f–1686f redox potentials, 1685–1686, 1685f–1686f Room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) volatility of, 1664 actinides in, 2685–2691 Rutherfordium tetrabromide, study of, 1693 properties of, 2687 Rutherfordium tetrachloride description of, 854, 2686–2687 historical, 1690 historical development of, 2685–2686 study of, 1693, 1694f neptunium chemistry in, 2689 Rutherfordium tetrahalides, study of, 1693, plutonium 1694f chemistry in, 2689 Rutherfordium–257, chemical properties of, separation with, 854 1666 separation techniques with, 2689–2691 Rutherfordium–260, history of, 1690 dissolution, 2690 Rutherfordium–261 electrodeposition, 2690–2691 chemical studies of, 1692 Subject Index I-105 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

extraction of, 1695–1696 oxidation states of, in aqueous solution, half-life of, 1661 1774–1776, 1775t in seaborgium study, 1710 relativistic orbital energies for, 1669f Rutherfordium–262, seaborgium–266 α−α solution chemistry of, 1709–1711 correlation with, 1708 complexation of, 1688–1689 RXS. See Resonant X-ray scattering redox potentials, 1685–1686, 1685f–1686f Seaborgium–263, study of, 1706–1707 Seaborgium–265 Sale´eite decay products of, 1708–1709 at Koongarra deposit, 273 discovery of, 1735 natural occurrence of, 293 study of, 1707–1708 uranium in, 259t–269t Seaborgium–266 Salicylates, structural chemistry of, decay products of, 1708–1709 2439t–2440t discovery of, 1735 Salt roasting, functions of, 304 rutherfordium–262 α−α correlation with, , californium v., 1521–1522, 1545, 1708 1548 study of, 1707–1708 Satellites, disintegration of, 1806 Seawater, neptunium in, 782–783 Sayrite, anion topology of, 283, 284f–285f Secondary electron multiplier (SEM), for SBHLW. See Sulfate-bearing high-level waste TIMS, 3313 solutions Secondary electron X-ray absorption Scalar-relativistic methods spectroscopy (SEXAS), for AREP for, 1907–1908 environmental actinides, 3044t, 3046 ECPs for, 1906–1907 Secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) for ground state calculations, 1900 for environmental actinides, 3059t, 3062, for thorium carbonyl, 1985 3063f Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), for for mass spectrometry, 3310 environmental actinides, 3049t, 3050, Se´elite, uranophane structure in, 295 3051f Selenates, of actinide elements, 1796 SCF equations. See Self-consistent field Selenides equations of americium, 1316–1317 Schmitterite, as uranyl tellurite, 298 of neptunium, 740–741 Schoepite of plutonium, 1049–1056 at Pen˜a Blanca, Chichuhua District, preparation of, 1052 Mexico, 272–273 properties of, 1055–1056 rutherfordine and, 289–290 solid-state structure, 1053–1055, at Shinkolobwe deposit, 273 1053f–1054f uranium in, 259t–269t, 287, 289–290 thermodynamic properties of, 2203t, Schro¨dinger equation 2204–2205 for actinide metals, 2327 of thorium, 75t, 96–97 for multiple electrons, 2021–2022 of uranium, 414t–417t, 418–420, 420f Scintillation detection phases of, 418, 419f for berkelium, 1484 preparation of, 418–420 gamma-spectrometry and, 3297 properties of, 414t–417t, 420 for uranium, 635 Selenites Seaborgium of actinide elements, 1796 chemical properties of, 1691t, of uranium, 268t 1706–1711 with alkaline metals, 298–299 discovery of, 6t, 1653, 1653t, 1762 natural occurrence of, 298 electronic structures of, 1676–1682, Selenocyanates, of actinide elements, 1796 1677f–1678f, 1680t–1681t, 1682f Self-consistent field (SCF) equations, in HF gas-phase chemistry of, 1707–1709 calculations, 1902 history of, 1706–1707 Self-irradiation ionic radii of, 1674f, 1675–1676, 1676t of einsteinium, 1588 ionization potential of, 1674, 1674f diffraction studies and, 1594–1595 isotopes of, 1657f–1658f in waste isolation, 1605 nuclear properties of, 1655t–1656t of plutonium orbital filling in, 1654, 1659 at ambient temperature, 982–984, 983f I-106 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Self-irradiation (Contd.) Sesquioxides δ-phase, 986 of plutonium, reactions of, 3219 lattice damage, 981–984 structural chemistry of, 2389–2390 at low temperature, 981–982, 982f, 982t thermodynamic properties of, 2143–2147 metal and intermetallic compounds, enthalpy of formation, 2143–2146, 2144t, 979–987 2145f SEM. See Scanning electron microscopy entropy, 2146, 2146f Separation chemistry, 2622–2769 high-temperature properties, 2139f, applications of, 2725–2767 2146–2147 actinide production processes at design SEXAS. See Secondary electron X-ray and pilot stages, 2737–2760 absorption spectroscopy actinide production processes with SF. See Spontaneous fission industrial experience, 2729–2736 SFE. See Supercritical fluid extraction analytical separations and Sheet structures hydrometallurgical processing, factors in, 579 2725–2727 in uranyl minerals, 281–282 extractant comparison, 2763–2764 crystal morphology prediction of, hydrometallurgy, 2727–2729 286–287 methods under development, 2760–2763 curite, 283, 284f–285f separations around the world, 2764–2767 fourmarierite, 282–283, 284f–285f future of, 2768–2769 molybdates, 299 actinide burnup strategies, 2768–2769 protasite, 282, 284f–285f actinide in environment, 2769 sayrite, 283, 284f–285f alkaline wastes in underground storage uranophane, 284f–285f, 286 tanks, 2768 vandendriesscheite, 283, 284f–285f historical development of, 2627–2631 weeksite, 292–293 challenges of, 2630–2631 wo¨lsendorfite, 284f–285f, 286 fission discovery, 2628 SHEs. See SuperHeavy Elements identification, 2630 Shinkolobwe deposit plutonium production, 2629 lepersonnite at, 293 precipitation/coprecipitation, 2627–2628 uranium deposits at, 273 REDOX and PUREX processes, 2629 Siderophores synthesis of, 2630, 2631t as chelating agents, 3414–3423 uranium isotope enrichment, 2628–2629 americium (III) ligands, 3420–3421 systems for, 2631–2725 catecholate ligands, 3414–3416, 3415f from alkaline solutions, 2667–2668 hydroxypyridinonate ligands, 3415f, aqueous biphasic systems, 2666–2667 3416–3417, 3417f–3418f ion exchange methods, 2634–2643 neptunyl ion ligands, 3422–3423 with natural agents, 2668–2669 plutonium (IV) ligands, 3417–3420, precipitation/coprecipitation, 2633–2634 3420f pyrochemical process, 2691–2725 uranyl ion ligands, 3421, 3422f requirements, 2631–2632 complexes of, 2590–2591 in RTILs, 2685–2691 extraction with, 2669 SFE for, 2677–2685 Sieverts apparatus, for plutonium hydride solvent extraction methods, 2644–2663 stoichiometry, 989 thermodynamic features of, 2663–2666 Sigma-bonded ligands, of plutonium, trivalent actinide/lanthanide, 2669–2677 1182–1187 volatility-based, 2632–2633 alkoxides, 1185–1186 for trace analysis, 3281–3288 alkyls, 1186 coprecipitation, 3281–3282 amides, 1184–1185 extraction chromatography, 3284–3285 borohydrides, 1187 ion exchange, 3282–3283 halides, 1182–1184 liquid-liquid extraction, 3282 Silane speciation separations, 3285–3288 amine reactions with, 2978–2981 Separation factors, for americium and ratio in alkyne complexes, 2956 europium separation, 2669–2670, 2670t stoichiometric reactions of, with Sesquicarbides, thermodynamic properties of, pentamethyl-cyclopentadienyl and 2195–2198 alkynes, 2916–2918, 2917f Subject Index I-107 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Silica gel Single impurity model (SIM) for oxidation state speciation, 2726 description of, 2342–2343 study of, 3153–3154 f electrons in, 2343–2344 thorium sorption by, 3152t, 3153–3154 failure of, 2344 uranium sorption by, 3152t, 3154–3155 of UBe13, 2344 Silica, in protactinium purification, 174 Single-shell tank (SST), TRUEX process for, Silicates 2740–2741 actinide ion adsorption in, 3152–3153, SISAK. See Special Isotopes Studied by the 3152t, 3153f AKUFE thorium, 3152–3154, 3152t Skeletal fraction uranium, 3152t, 3154–3155 ionic radii v., 3349 of americium, 1321 in mammalian tissues, 3346–3349, 3348f matrices, einsteinium in, 1601–1602, Skeleton, as deposition site, 3344, 3347–3349, 1602f–1603f 3348f overview of, 3151 Sklodowskite phases of, 3153–3154 at Koongarra deposit, 273 sorption studies of, 3151–3158 uranium in, 259t–269t of thorium, 113 Slater-Condon method, for actinide elements, of uranium, 260t–261t 1863 minerals of, 292–293 SLM. See Supported liquid membranes natural occurrence of, 292 Slope analysis, for solvating extractant structure of, 292 system, 2654 uranium (IV), 276–277 Smoke-detectors, americium–241 in, 1267 uranium determination in, 632 SNAP. See Space Nuclear Auxiliary Power Silicides SNF. See Spent nuclear fuel of americium, coordination of, 1359 Soddyite of plutonium, 1009–1016 sodium uranates in, 287 crystal structure, 1011–1015, 1012t, uranyl silicates in, 293 1013f–1016f Sodium phase diagram, 1009, 1011f in anhydrous uranium chloride complexes, preparation, 1011 451–452 properties of, 1015–1016 with thorium sulfates, 105 structural chemistry of, 2405–2408, Sodium carbonate 2406t actinide stripping with, 1280 of thorium, 69–70, 71t–73t for uranium carbonate leaching, 307 phase diagram for, 69, 74f Sodium chloride, roasting with, 304 quaternary, 70 Sodium hydroxide structures of, 69 neptunium redox behavior and, 756 ternary, 69–70 reduction in, americium (V), 1335–1336 of uranium, 405–407, 406f Soft-donor complexants, for actinide/ phases of, 405–406, 460f lanthanide separation, 2670–2671, properties of, 401t–402t, 406 2673, 2761 ternary, 406 Soil samples Silicon, thermodynamic properties of actinide actinide handling in, 3022 compounds with, 2206–2208, neptunium in, 783 2206t–2207t neptunium–237, 3327–3328 Silyl complex, 2888 plutonium–239 in, 3327–3328 SIMS. See Secondary ion mass spectroscopy; sorption studies of, 3171–3177 Surface ionization mass spectrometry manganese, 3176–3177 Single double coupled cluster excitations micro-XANES, 3174 (CCSDs) micro-XAS, 3172–3173 for element 113, 1723 overview, 3171 for element 118, 1728–1729 southwestern US, 3174 for element 119, 1729 XANES, 3172–3173 in HF calculations, 1902 XAS, 3171–3172 for relativistic correlation effects, XRF, 3172–3173 1670 Yucca Mountain site, 3175–3176 of uranium dioxide, 1973 Solid phase, in solvent extraction, 840 I-108 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Solubility Solvent extraction of actinium, 38–40, 39t acids for, 839 of neptunium for actinium and lanthanum separation, 18 neptunium (V), 769–770 of americium, 1271–1289 neptunium (VI), 770 amide extractants, 1285–1286 of thorium, 122–128, 124t, 125t, 127f, 133 amine extractants, 1284 carbonates and, 127–128 from lanthanides, 1286–1289 colloid generation in, 126 organophosporus extractants, 1271–1284 in complexing media, 126–128 of californium, 1509 crystallization in, 126, 127f of curium, 1407–1409, 1434 hydrolysis of, 122–123, 124t of fermium, 1629 in non-complexing media, 122–126, of lawrencium, 1646–1647 124t–125t, 127f of mendelevium, 1633 phosphates and, 128 methods for, 2644–2663 products of, 123, 125t, 126 acidic extractants, 2650–2652, 2651f Solubility products, of trihydroxides, aqueous phase, 2649, 2649f, 2651f, 2191–2192, 2194t 2666–2667 Solution chemistry greatest selectivity of, 2647 of actinide elements, 1765, 2524–2607 ion pair formation systems, 2660, 2661f bonding, 2556–2563 overview of, 2644 cation hydration, 2528–2544 phase modifiers, 2648–2649 cation hydrolysis, 2545–2556 reagent classes for, 2645–2646 cation-cation complexes, 2593–2596 requirements of, 2644 complexation reaction kinetics, solvating, 2646, 2647f, 2653–2660 2602–2606 supercritical fluid extraction, 2677–2685 complexes, 2577–2591 synergistic extractants, 2646–2647, correlations, 2566–2577 2661–2663 inner v. outer sphere, 2563–2566 thermodynamic features, 2663–2666 redox reaction kinetics, 2597–2602 TIOA for, 2648, 2648t ternary complexes, 2591–2593 water in, 2644–2645 ARCA for, 1665 of neptunium, 705–713, 706f–708f, 709t for one-atom-at-a-time chemistry, from high-level liquid wastes, 712–713 1665–1666 plutonium v., 709 SISAK for, 1665–1666 Purex process, 710–712, 710f of transactinide elements, 1685–1689, of nobelium, 1638–1640 1765 organic phases for, 840–841 complexation, 1687–1689 overview of, 839 hydrolysis, 1686–1687, 1687t for oxidation state extraction, 3287 redox potentials, 1685–1686, 1685f–1686f of plutonium, 839–845 Solvating extractant system, 2653–2660 extraction chromatography, 844–845 carbamoylphosphonate reagents in, 2653 ion-exchange processes, 845–852 DHDECMP for, 2655, 2656t PUREX process, 841–844 DIAMEX process for, 2657–2658 protactinium purification with, 181–186, diglycolamides for, 2659–2660 183f, 187–188 malonamide extractants for, 2657–2659 with SISAK, 1665–1666 overview of, 2646, 2647f solid phase in, 840 slope analysis for, 2654 thorium carboxylates in, 113–114 TBP in, 2653 for trace analysis, 3287 TRUEX process, 2655–2657 for uranium metal preparation, 319 uranium (IV) and plutonium (IV) in, Sonochemical technique, for neptunium 2654–2655 electrolysis, 762 Solvation numbers, of actinide cations, Sorption studies, of actinide elements, 2532–2533 1810–1811, 3140–3183 Solvent exchange, for uranium leach recovery, bacterial interactions, 3177–3183 311–313 carbonate incorporation, 3159–3164 alkylphosphoric, 312–313 iron-bearing mineral phases, 3164–3169 amine, 312 natural soil samples, 3171–3177 ion exchange v., 311 overview of, 3140, 3151 Subject Index I-109 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

phosphates, 3169–3171 DNAA, 3056t, 3057 silicates, 3151–3158 NAA, 3055–3057, 3056t, 3058f Sound velocities, of plutonium, 942–943, overview of, 3055–3057, 3056t 944t passive techniques for, 3025–3033 liquid, 962 βS, 3026t, 3028–3029 Space exploration GRAV, 3026t, 3029 curium in, 1398–1400 γS, 3025–3028, 3026t, 3028f fuel preparation for, 1032–1034 ISEs, 3026t, 3029 plutonium–238 in, 817, 1025, 1032, 1758, LSC, 3026t, 3031, 3032f 1827 MBES, 3026t, 3028 Space Nuclear Auxiliary Power (SNAP), NS, 3026t, 3029 plutonium–238 in, 817–818, 1827 overview of, 3025, 3026t Spallation-based neutron scattering, overview RAD, 3026t, 3031, 3032f of, 2383 αS, 3026t, 3029–3031, 3030f Spark source mass spectroscopy (SSMS) XS, 3025, 3026t for environmental actinides, 3049t, 3055 photon-phonon, -electron, -neutron, -ion for mass spectrometry, 3310 techniques for, 3043–3047 Special Isotopes Studied by the AKUFE LAICPMS, 3044t, 3046–3047 (SISAK) LAMMA, 3044t, 3046 overview of, 1665–1666 LIBS, 3044t, 3045 rutherfordium study with, 1695 LIPAS, 3043–3045, 3044t, 3045f extraction, 1701–1702, 1702f overview of, 3043 for superactinides, 1735 PHOTN, 3044t, 3046 Speciation RIMS, 3044t, 3047, 3048f bacterial influence on, 3178 RIS, 3044t, 3047 electron-photon, -electron, -ion techniques SEXAS, 3044t, 3046 for, 3047–3055 TIMS, 3044t, 3046–3047 AES, 3049t, 3051 UPS, 3044t, 3045 COUL, 3049t, 3052 XPS, 3044t, 3045–3046 DPV and DPP, 3049t, 3052, 3053f photon-photon techniques for, 3033–3043 EDS, 3049t, 3050–3051 AAS, 3034t, 3036 EELS, 3049t, 3051–3052 COL, 3034t, 3035 EMPA, 3049t, 3050 IRS, 3033–3035, 3034t ESMS, 3049t, 3052–3055, 3054f LAICPOES, 3034t, 3036–3037 overview of, 3047, 3049t, 3050 MBAS, 3034t, 3043 SEM, 3049t, 3050, 3051f NIR-VIS, 3034t, 3035 SSMS, 3049t, 3055 NMR, 3033, 3034t in environment, 3013–3073 overview of, 3033, 3034t background, 3013–3021 PCS, 3034t, 3035–3036 combining and comparing analytical PHOTA, 3034t, 3043 techniques, 3065–3071 RAMS, 3034t, 3035, 3036f sampling, handling, treatment, and TOM, 3034t, 3040–3043, 3042f separation, 3021–3024 TRLF, 3034t, 3037, 3038f specifics of, 3024–3065 UVS, 3034t, 3037 ion-photon, -electron, -neutron, -ion XANES, 3034t, 3039, 3040f techniques for, 3058–3065 XAS, 3034t, 3037–3039, 3040f AMS, 3059t, 3062–3063 XRF, 3034t, 3039, 3041f ERDA, 3059t, 3065 for trace analysis, 3285–3288 ICPMS, 3059t, 3061–3062 Speciation diagram, of thorium, 122f NRA, 3059t, 3061 Spectral emissivity, of liquid plutonium, 963 overview of, 3058–3060, 3059t Spectrophotometry PIGE, 3059t, 3061 of berkelium, 1455, 1484 PIXE, 3059t, 3060–3061 of neptunium, 782, 786–787 RBS, 3059t, 3063–3064, 3064f for protactinium, 227–228 SIMS, 3059t, 3062, 3063f light absorption in mineral acids VOL, 3059t, 3061 solutions, 227–228 neutron-photon, -electron, -neutron, -ion reactions with organic reagents, 228 techniques for, 3055–3057 for protactinium (IV), 222 I-110 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Spectrophotometry (Contd.) reprocessing of, 703–704, 856 for thorium, 133 studtite in, 289 of uranium, 636 uranium in, 270, 274 Spectroscopy separation of, 2646 actinide chemistry and, 1837 Spin functions empirical analysis of, 1841, 1851–1852 for actinyl ions, 1932 experimental, 1838–1841 transformation of, 1913 historical, 1839–1840 Spin-correlated crystal field potential, crystal- interest in, 1838 field splittings and, 2054 new properties, 1872–1873 Spin-orbit coupling numerical approach to, 1838–1839 in actinide elements, 1899–1900, 1899f radial parameters, 1862–1863 in actinide nitrides, 1988 theoretical term structure, 1860–1862 corrections to, 2036 of americium, 1364–1370 effect on f orbital, 1949–1951, 1950f luminescence, 1368–1369 electron repulsion v., 1928–1929 solution absorption, 1364–1368 in electronic structure calculation, 1900, vibrational, 1369–1370 1906 x-ray absorption, 1370 electrostatic interactions with, 2029 of californium, 1827 Hamiltonian for, 2028 effective-operator Hamiltonian for, with LS coupling, 2024–2026 2026–2027 of neptunium, 764–765 of einsteinium, 1827–1873 in uranium (V), 2246 electronic structure determination with, Spin-orbit integrals, of actinide elements, 1858 divalent and 5þ valent, 2076 experimental, 1838–1841 Spin-orbit splitting, as relativistic effect, AVLIS, 1840 1668–1669 FTS, 1840 Spontaneous fission (SF) laser, of actinide elements, 1873–1875, ARCA and measurement of, 1665 1874t, 1880–1884 of bohrium, 1711 of protactinium (IV), 2065–2066, 2066t of californium, 1505 of uranium californium–252, 1766 hexafluoride, 1938 of curium, 1432–1433 uranium (IV), 2066–2067, 2066t detection for transactinide identification, Spent nuclear fuel (SNF) 1659 alkaline processing scheme for, 852 of dubnium, 1703, 1705 americium in, 1268 of element 112, 1719 DDP for, 2707–2708 of fermium–256, 1632–1633 disposal of, 1811–1813 of hassium, 1714 immobilization, 1812–1813 of plutonium–244, 824 transmutation, 1811–1812 of seaborgium, 1708 electrodeposition for, 717 Spriggite, lead and uranium in, 288 electrorefining for, 2712–2717 SSMS. See Spark source mass spectroscopy environmental aspects of, 1806–1807, 1807t SST. See Single-shell tank extraction from, 1811 Stability constants halide volatility processes for, 855 of actinide cations, 2558–2559 heavy isotope minimization in, 721 correlations, 2567–2577 IFR reprocessing of, 2713–2714 trivalent, 2562, 2563t impurities in, 274 of actinide complexes ‘light glass’ v., 1273 with inorganic ligands, 2578, 2579t neptunium recovery from, 732 with inorganic oxo ligands, 2581–2582, neptunium–237 in, 702, 782–784 2582t plutonium in, 813–814 of actinide elements, 1780t, 2527 iron and, 1138–1139 in mammalian tissues, 3346, 3347t polymerization of, 1150 of actinium, 40, 41t separation of, 828–830, 2646 of americium, 1354 plutonium oxides for, 1023–1024 americium (III) fluoride, 1354–1355 problem of, 2728–2729 of berkelium (III), 1475–1476, 1477t–1478t radiolysis of water at, 289 of curium (III), 1425, 1426t–1428t Subject Index I-111 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

of EDTA complexes, 2257f, 2556 hydrides, 3204–3206 of einsteinium, 1605, 1606t metals, 3223–3238 of glycolate and acetate uranium other compounds, 3212–3213 complexes, 590 oxides, 3206–3212 of inner and outer sphere complexation, reaction kinetics, 3215–3223 2565, 2566f scope of concerns, 3201–3202 ionic radii and, 2574, 2575f radiolytic reactions, 3246–3248 of neptunium of SNF, 1812–1811 neptunium (V), 781–782 of uranium, 3199–3266 neptunyl (V), 2571, 2572f compounds, 3213–3215 neptunyl ion, 2576, 2576f scope of concerns, 3201–3202 of sulfate complexes, 2581–2582, 2852t Strong correlations, of 5f orbitals, of uranium 2341–2350 hydroxide complexes, 598, 600f heavy fermions, 2341–2344 inorganic complexes, 600–602, 601t non-Fermi liquid and quantum critical organic ligand complexes, 603–605, 604t point, 2348–2350 Steel, plutonium reaction with, 3238 plutonium systems, 2345–2347 Steric effects , in aragonite, uranium v., in actinide complex bonding, 2560 3162–3163 in organoactinide complexes, 2912 Structural chemistry Stoichiometry of actinide chemistry, 2380–2495 of californium complications of, 2380–2381 oxides, 1534 of coordination compounds, 2436–2467 pnictides, 1538–1539 with carboxylic acids, 2437–2448 of organoactinide complexes, 2913–2916, overview of, 2436–2437 2914f–2915f of metals and inorganic compounds, of plutonium 2384–2436 hydrides and deuterides, 990–992, actinide metals, 2384–2384 991f–992f actinyl compounds, 2399–2402 ions, 1111–1113 arsenates, 2430–2433 oxalates, 1173–1174 borides, 2405–2408, 2406t structure and, 579 borohydrides, 2404–2405, 2405f of uranium carbides, 2405–2408, 2406t hydroxides, 598, 599t carbonates, 2426–2427, 2427t, 2428f inorganic complexes, 600–602, 601t chalcogenides, 2409–2414, 2412t–2413t, organic ligand complexes, 603–605, 604t 2414f ternary complexes, 605–606, 606t halides, 2414–2421, 2417t–2418t, 2419f, Stoner criteria, magnetic ordering with, 2354 2420t–2421t Storage hydrides, 2402–2404 hazard assessment, 3248–3259 nitrates, 2428–2430, 2429f case studies, 3256–3259 oxides, 2388–2399 chemical property uncertainty, 3255 oxyhalides, 2421–2424, 2422t, metal incidents, 3256–3257 2424t–2426t nuclear criticality, 3255–3256 phosphates, 2430–2433, 2431t–2432t, nuclear material release and dispersal, 2433f 3252–3255 pnictides, 2409–2414, 2410t–2411t oxide incidents, 3257–3258 silicides, 2405–2408, 2406t potential hazards, 3248–3256 sulfates, 2433–2436, 2434t, 2435f residue incidents, 3258–3259 of organoactinide compounds, 2467–2491 thermal hazards, 3251–3252 cyclooctatetraene, 2485–2487, 2488t, hazard mitigation, 3259–3262 2489f atmosphere for, 3259–3260 cyclopentadienyl, 2468–2485 conditions for, 3260–3262 other, 2487–2491, 2490t–2491t, of metals and oxides, 3260–3262 2492f–2493f plutonium, 3260–3262, 3261f techniques for, 2381–2384 uranium, 3262 neutron diffraction, 2383–2384 of plutonium, 3199–3266 x-ray diffraction, 2381–2383 alloys, 3213 technology for, 2380 I-112 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Structure coordination geometry and, 579 of acetates, 2439t–2440t, 2440–2445 of crown ether complexes, 2448–2456 of actinide carbide oxides, 1977, 1977t of curite, 283, 284f–285f of actinide complexes, cation-cation, 2595, of curium 2596f chalcogenides, 1420–1421 of actinide cyclopentadienyl complexes, dioxide, 1419 1953, 1953f halides, 1418 of actinide elements, 2369f, 2370–2371, metallic state, 1410–1411 2371f sesquioxide, 1419 of actinide metals, 2384–2388 sesquiselenide, 1420 actinium, 2385 sesquisulfide, 1420 americium, 2386–2387 of cyclooctatetraene complexes, 2485–2487, berkelium, 2388 2488t, 2489f californium, 2388 of cyclopentadienyl complexes, curium, 2387–2388 2468–2485 einsteinium, 2388 bis, 2476–2482, 2478f, 2479t–2480t, neptunium, 2385–2386 2481f–2483f overview, 2384–2385, 2384f hexavalent, 2847, 2849f plutonium, 2386, 2387f mono, 2482–2485, 2484t, 2485f–2487f protactinium, 2385 tetrakis, 2469, 2469t, 2470f thorium, 2385 tetravalent, 2815–2816, 2815–2817, uranium, 2385 2816f, 2816t, 2818f of actinium, 34–35 tris, 2470–2476, 2472t–2473t, of actinocenes, 1943–1944, 1944t, 1945f 2474f–2475f, 2477f of actinyl trivalent, 2802 compounds, 2399–2402 description of, uranium complexes, 579 oxyhalides, 1939–1941, 1940t, of dihalides, 2415–2416 1941f–1942f of einsteinium, sesquioxide, 1598–1599, of alkyl ligands, 2867, 2868f 1599f, 2399, 2399t of americium, 1299–1300 of ekanite, 113 chalcogenides, 1358–1359 of formates, 2437–2440, 2439t–2440t halides, 1356–1357, 1358f of fourmarierite, 282–283, 284f–285f oxides, 1357–1358, 1358f of halides, 2414–2421, 2417t–2418t, 2419f, oxoanionic ligands, 1359–1360, 1360f 2420t–2421t pnictides, 1358–1359 hexagonal bipyramidal coordination silicides, 1359 of uranyl (V), 588–589 of americyl complexes, 2400–2402 of uranyl (VI), 580–581, 580f, 582f–583f of arsenates, 2430–2433 of hexahalides, 2419, 2421, 2421t of berkelium of hydrides, 2402–2404 chalcogenides, 1470 americium, 2403 halides, 1469 berkelium, 2404 metallic state, 1458–1459 curium, 2404 pnictides, 1470 neptunium, 2403–2404 sesquioxide, 1466–1467 plutonium, 2403–2404 of bijvoetite, 290 protactinium, 2402–2403 of borides, 2405–2408, 2406t thorium, 2402 of californium uranium, 2403 metal, 1519–1522, 1520t isostructural, uranium (IV) compounds, sesquioxide, 1536 586–588, 587f zirconium-oxide, 1538 LAXS and EXAFS for, 589 of calixarenes complexes, 2456–2463 of malonates, 2441t–2443t, 2447 of carbides, 2405–2408, 2406t of neptunium of carbonates, 2426–2427, 2427t, 2428f dioxide, 725–726 of carboxylates, 2437–2448, 2438f, halides, 731t 2439t–2443t, 2443f–2447f hexafluoride, 731t, 733 of chalcogenides, 2409–2414, 2412t–2413t, metallic state, 719 2414f neptunium (VI) ternary oxides, 730 of coffinite, 586, 587f neptunium (VII) ternary oxides, 729–730 Subject Index I-113 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

selenides, 741 of sulfates, 2433–2436, 2434t, 2435f sulfides, 740 of tetrahalides, 2416, 2418t of neptunyl complexes, 2400–2402 of tetravalent halides, 456, 482 of nitrates, 2428–2430, 2429f of thorium, 61 of oxalates, 2441t–2443t, 2445–2446, 2445f chromates, 112 of oxides, 2388–2399 coordination compounds, 115 actinium, 2390 halides, 78–84, 79f, 81f, 83f, 90–91 americium, 2394–2396, 2396t hydrides, 64 berkelium, 2397–2398, 2398t molybdates, 111–112 californium, 2398–2399, 2398t nitrides, 98–99 curium, 2396–2397, 2396t phosphates, 109–110 einsteinium, 2399, 2399t phosphides, 99–100 history of, 2389 selenides, 97 protactinium, 2391 sulfates, 104–105, 104f thorium, 2390 sulfides, 96 uranium, 2391–2394, 2393f tellurides, 96–97 of oxyhalides, 2421–2424, 2422t, 2423, thorium (IV), 118 2424t–2426t vanadates, 110, 111f of parsonsite, 295–296, 296f of thornasite, 113 pentagonal bipyramidal of trihalides, 2416, 2417t of uranyl (V), 589 of tris(amidoamine) complexes, 2887–2888, of uranyl (VI), 580, 581f–582f 2888f of pentahalides, 2416, 2419, 2419f, 2420t of uranium peroxide complexes, of uranyl (VI), 583–584, anhydrous chloride complexes, 451 584f aqueous complexes, 597 of phosphates, 2430–2433, 2431t–2432t, borides, 398, 399f 2433f carbides, 400, 404f of plutonium carbonates, 290 antimonides, 1023, 1024f dioxide dichloride, 569 borides, 998–1002, 999t, 1000f–1002f dioxide monobromide, 527–528 carbides, 1004–1007, 1005t, 1006f–1007f dioxouranium (VI), 596, 596f chalcogenides, 1053–1055, 1053f–1054f hexachloride, 567, 568f fluorides, 1082–1083, 1084t, 1085f hexafluoride, 560–561 hydrides and deuterides, 992–994, 993f, hexavalent oxide fluoride complexes, 993t 566–567 ions, 1111–1113 hydrides, 329–330, 329t nitrides, 1019, 1020t metal, 320–321, 321f oxides, 1027t, 1036–1044, 1038f–1040f, nitrides, 410–411 1042f–1043f oxide difluoride, 566 oxoplutonates, 1059–1064, 1060t–1061t oxides, 343–351, 345t–346t oxyhalides, 1102, 1103f oxochloro complexes, 494, 570 plutonium (III), 593 pentachloride, 522–523 silicides, 1011–1015, 1012t, 1013f–1016f pentafluoride, 519, 519f tribromide, 1084t, 1096–1097, perchlorates and related compounds, 571 1097f–1098f silicates, 292 trichloride, 1084t, 1096, 1096f, 1098f silicides, 401t–402t, 406 triiodide, 1084t, 1096–1097 sulfides, 413, 414t–417t, 418f of plutonyl complexes, 2400–2402 tellurides, 418, 420f of pnictides, 2409–2414, 2410t–2411t tetrafluoride, 486 of protactinium, 191–194, 193t tetraiodide, 498, 498f hydrides, 194 transition metal oxides, 388–389 of protasite, 282, 284f–285f trichloride, 447, 447f of pyrochlore, 278, 279f trichloride hydrates, 448–449 of sayrite, 283, 284f–285f trifluoride, 445 of sesquioxides, 2389–2390 triiodide, 455 of silicides, 2405–2408, 2406t UNiAlHy, 338 six-coordination, of uranyl (VI), 582, 583f uranium (III) compounds, 584–585, 585f of studtite, 583, 584f uranium (IV) minerals, 282, 284f–285f I-114 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Structure (Contd.) Sulfites, of actinide elements, 1796 of uranophane, 284f–285f, 286 Sulfur, americium ligands of, 1363 of uranyl (VI), 580–584, 580f–584f Sulfuric acid solution of uranyl complexes, 2400–2402 for thorium separation, 56–58, of vandendriesscheite, 283, 284f–285f 57f–59f of wo¨lsendorfite, 284f–285f, 286 uranates (V) and (IV) dissolution in, of wyartite, 290 381–382 Studtite uranium compound dissolution in, 632 structure of, 583, 584f for uranium leaching, 305 uranyl peroxides in, 288–289 uranium oxide reactions with, 370–371 Sublimation enthalpy Superactinide elements, chemical properties of actinide elements, 2119t–2120t, of, 1722t, 1731–1734 2122–2123, 2122f Superconductivity adsorption enthalpy and, 1663 of actinide elements, 1789–1790, 2239 Subshells, of actinide elements, 1 of actinide metals, 2350–2353 Sulfate-bearing high-level waste solutions breakthrough of, 2352–2353 (SBHLW), TRUEX process for, conventional, 2350–2351 2743–2745 unconventional, 2351 Sulfates of americium, 1299, 1789 of actinide elements, 1796 of californium, 1527 of actinyl complexes, 1926–1927, 1928t description of, 2350 of americium, 1305t–1312t, 1319–1321 magnetic properties v., 2238–2239 of californium, 1549, 1550t–1553t of plutonium, 967–968, 1789 complexes of, 2581–2582, 2852t of protactinium, 161, 192, 193t, 1789 of curium, 1413t–1415t, 1422 quantization of, 2317–2318 of neptunium, 745 of thorium, 1789 equilibrium constants for, 774t hydride, 64 of plutonium, 1168–1170 sulfides, 96 of protactinium (V), 215–216, 217t, 218f of UBe13, 2351 in pyrochemical methods, 2704 of UPt3, 2351 structural chemistry of, 2433–2436, 2434t, of uranium, 1789 2435f of URu2Si2, 2352 of thorium, 101–106, 102t–103t, 104f Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) with alkali metals, 104–105 actinide ion sources for, 2683–2684 as ligand, 104–105 of actinides, 2677–2685 preparation of, 101–104 applications of, 2684–2685 structure of, 104–105, 104f analytical, 2685 of uranium, 291–292 industrial, 2684–2685 Sulfides experimental setup and procedures, of americium, 1316–1317 2678–2680, 2679f of neptunium, 739–740 historical development of, 2677–2678 neptunium disulfide, 739–740 ion properties in, 2680–2682 neptunium pentasulfide, 740 β-diketones, 2680 neptunium trisulfide, 740 modifiers for, 2682 of plutonium, 1049–1056 organophosphorus compounds, preparation of, 1052 2680–2682 properties of, 1055–1056 synergistic mixtures, 2682 solid-state structure, 1053–1055, overview of, 855–856 1053f–1054f for plutonium separation, 856 thermodynamic properties of, 2203t, 2204, pressure and temperature on, 2683 2204f rational for, 2678 of thorium, 75t, 95–96, 1976 SuperHeavy Elements (SHEs) of uranium, 413, 413f, 414t–417t electronic structure and chemical property phases of, 413, 413f predictions, 1722–1734 preparation of, 413 experimental studies of, 1734–1739 properties of, 413, 414t–417t chemical methods, 1734–1735 structure of, 413, 414t–417t, production reactions, 1737–1739 418f requirements for, 1734 Subject Index I-115 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

half-lives and nuclear properties of, TD-DFT. See Time-dependent density 1735–1737 functional theory natural occurrence of, 1661 Technological problems, actinide chemistry overview of, 1653 for, 3 Superposition model, of crystal field, 2051 TEHP. See Tri–2-ethylhexyl phosphate Supported liquid membranes (SLM) Tellurates, of actinide elements, 1796 CMPO in, 2749–2750, 2749f Tellurides DMDBTDMA in, 2659 of americium, 1316–1317 Surface ionization mass spectrometry (SIMS), of curium, 1421 of neptunium, 788–789 of neptunium, 741–742 Surface tension, of liquid plutonium, 963 of plutonium, 1049–1056 Sylvania process, for thorium, 61 preparation of, 1052 Synchrotron properties of, 1055–1056 description of, 2234, 2382 solid-state structure, 1053–1055, for environmental samples, 3086–3087, 1053f–1054f 3095–3140 thermodynamic properties of, 2203t, acid redox speciation, 3100–3124 2204–2205 base redox speciation, 3124–3137 of thorium, 75t, 96–97 organic acids, 3137–3140 of uranium, 414t–417t, 418–420, 420f overview, 3095–3100 phases of, 418, 419f for magnetic studies, 2234 preparation of, 418–420 polarization of, 3088–3089 properties of, 414t–417t, 418, 420, 420f for sorption studies, 3140–3183 Tellurites bacterial interactions, 3177–3183 of actinide elements, 1796 carbonate incorporation, 3159–3164 of uranium, 268t, 298–299 iron-bearing mineral phases, 3164–3169 Tellurium natural soil samples, 3171–3177 alloys with neptunium, 742 overview, 3140, 3151 uranium oxides with, preparative methods phosphates, 3169–3171 of, 383–389, 384t–387t silicates, 3151–3158 TEM. See Transmission electron microscope for XAS, 3087 Temperature-independent paramagnetism for XRD, 2382 (TIP) Synergistic extractants, 2661–2663 of 5f1 oxides, 2244 overview of, 2646–2647 of 5f6 compounds, 2263–2264 in SFE, 2682 description of, 2226 of uranium (IV), 2248 of uranyl and uranium hexafluoride, TAA. See Trifluoroacetylacetone 2239–2240 TALSPEAK process for actinide/lanthanide separation, californium v., 1545 2671–2673, 2672f, 2760 einsteinium v., 1613 americium (III) extraction in, 1286, 1289 nobelium v., 1640 TAM. See Terephthalamide Terephthalamide (TAM), for plutonium Tantalates removal, 1824 of thorium, 113 Term structure, theoretical, 1860–1862 of uranium (IV), 277–280 Terminal alkyne complexes Tantalum cross dimerization of, 2947–2952, californium and containers of, 1526 2948f–2949f in curium metal production, 1411–1412 dimerization of, 2930–2935 dubnium v., 1704–1706 ansa-organothorium complex, 2935–2937 protactinium purification from, 178–186 external amines in, 2943–2944 ion exchange, 180–181, 180f hydroamination and, 2944–2945 precipitation and crystallization, 178–186 kinetic studies of, 2936–2937, 2937f, solvent extraction and extraction 2940–2941, 2942f chromatography, 181–186, 183f promotion of, 2938–2947, 2940f–2941f TBB. See t-Butylbenzene hydroamination of, 2981–2990 TBP. See Tri(n-butyl)phosphate kinetic studies, 2986–2990 TC. See Thermochromatographic column rates of, 2985 I-116 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Terminal alkyne complexes (Contd.) 2-Thenoyltrifluoroacetone (TTA) regioselectivities, 2984 actinide complexes with, 1783–1784 scope and mechanistic studies, 2981–2986 for actinide extraction, 2532, 2650, 3287 thermodynamics of, 2982–2984 in synergistic systems, 2661–2663, 2662f hydrosilylation of thermodynamic features of, 2663–2664 active species formation, 2957–2961 actinium extraction with, 28–29, 29f, 31–32 alkyne:silane ratio, 2956 berkelium extraction with, 1448–1449, 1476 bridged complex promotion, 2964–2969 complexes of, californium, 1554 cationic complex promotion, 2974–2978 hafnium extraction with, 1701 kinetic studies, 2957, 2965–2966 lawrencium extraction with, 1643, 1645 mechanism, 2961–2963 for neptunium extraction, 705 neutral organoactinide promotion, for oxidation state speciation, 2726 2953–2964 plutonium extraction with, 1701, 3282 with primary silanes, 2966–2969 protactinium scope at room temperature, 2953–2954 extraction with, 184 scope of catalysis at high temperature, in spectrophotometric methods, 184 2954–2955 rutherfordium extraction with, 1695, thermodynamics, 2963–2966 1700–1701 oligomerization of, 2925–2926, 2928f, SFE separation with, 2680 2934f thorium extraction with, 1701 regioselective, 2945–2947 in uranyl crown ether complex, 2455, thermodynamic properties of, 2933–2935 2455f tert-BHz. See Tert-butylhydrazine zirconium extraction with, 1701 Tertiary amine Thermal conductivity, of plutonium, 957 for actinide extraction, 1769 oxides with uranium oxides, 1076–1077 for americium extraction, 1284 Thermal expansion, of plutonium, 937–942 Tetraallylthorium, alkane activation by, coefficients, 937, 938t 3002–3006, 3004t curve, 879, 880f, 939f Tetrabenzylthorium, properties of, 116 oxides with uranium oxides, 1075–1076 Tetrafluorides Thermal hazards, of uranium and plutonium, complexes of, 2578 3251–3252 structural chemistry of, 2416, 2418t catalyzed corrosion, 3251–3252 Tetrahalides ignition point, 3251 structural chemistry of, 2416, 2418t thermal excursions, 3252 thermodynamic properties of, 2165–2169 Thermal ignition gaseous, 2169 of plutonium, 3232–3235, 3233f solid, 2165–2168 of uranium, 3245–3246 Tetrahydrofuran (THF) Thermal ionization mass spectroscopy for cyclopentadienyl complexes, trivalent, (TIMS) 2800–2802, 2805 advantages of, 3329 with uranium trichloride, 452 AMS v., 3329 Tetrakis-cyclopentadienyl complexes applications of, 3313–3315 of actinides, 2814–2815 for dating with protactinium–231, 171, 231 structural chemistry of, 2469, 2469t, 2470f for environmental actinides, 3044t, N,N,N0,N0-Tetrakis(2-pyridylmethyl) 3046–3047 ethylenediamine (TPEN) fundamentals of, 3311–3313, 3312f americium (III) complexation with, 1354 for mass spectrometry, 3310 americium (III) extraction with, 2675 MC-ICPMS v., 3326–3327 N,N,N0,N0-Tetraoctyl–3-oxapentane–1,5- overview of, 3311 diamide (TODGA), actinide extraction RIMS v., 3329 with, 2658 αS v., 3329 TEVA columns sensitivity of, 3315 for californium separation, 1508, for trace analysis, 3311–3315 1511–1512 for uranium analysis, 637–638 for einsteinium separation, 1585 Thermal-neutron irradiation, thorium–232 for fermium separation, 1624 after, 167, 169t overview of, 3283 Thermochromatographic column (TC), for Thallium, in plutonium alloy, 896, 896f thermochromatographic studies, 1664 Subject Index I-117 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Thermochromatographic study of actinide ions of berkelium, 1451 in aqueous solutions, 2123–2133, 2128t of californium, 1523, 1524f hydration, 2538–2544, 2540t–2541t, of dubnium, 1664, 1703 2542f, 2543t, 2544f of einsteinium, 1592, 1611–1612 in molten salts, 2133–2135 of element 112, 1721 of alkyne complexes of fermium, 1625, 1628 hydrosilylation of, 2963–2966 for gas-phase chemistry, 1663 oligomerization of, 2627f, 2926–2929, of hassium, 1714–1715, 1715f 2933–2935 improved, 1664 of americium of mendelevium, 1633–1634 oxidation states, 1328–1330 of rutherfordium, 1664, 1692–1693 oxides, 1303 Thermodynamic properties of berkelium, 1482–1483, 1483t of actinide complexes, cation-cation, berkelium (III), 1476 2595–2596, 2596t of californium, 1555–1557, 1556t of actinide compounds, 2113–2213 of cyclopentadienyl complexes, tetravalent, with alkali metal ions, 2150–2153 2821, 2822t–2823t, 2840–2841, 2840t with alkaline earth ions, 2153–2157 of einsteinium, 1603, 1605–1606 antimonides, 2197t, 2203–2204 metallic state, 1592–1593 arsenides, 2197t, 2203–2204 of electron exchange reactions, 2597 carbides, 2195–2198 of element 114, 1727 chalcogenides, 2203t, 2204–2205 of fermium, 1629 complex halides, 2179–2182, heavy fermions, 2342–2343, 2343f 2183t–2184t, 2185f of hydration di- and monohalides, 2178–2179, actinide ions, 2538–2544, 2540t–2541t, 2180t–2181t, 2181f 2542f, 2543t, 2544f dioxides, 2136–2143 calculation of, 2539 in gas phase, 2147–2150, 2148t, 2150f lanthanide ions, 2542–2544, 2544t group IIA elements, 2205, 2206t–2207t of inner and outer sphere complexation, group IIIA elements, 2205–2206, 2566, 2567f 2206t–2207t, 2208f of neptunium group IVA elements, 2206–2208, halides, 736t, 739 2206t–2207t hydrides, 722–723 hexahalides, 2159–2161 metallic state, 718–719 hydrides, 2187–2190 neptunium (IV), 769 monoxides, 2147 oxides, hydrates, and hydroxides, 728, nitrides, 2200–2203 728t oxides, 2135–2136 of plutonium, 935–968 oxyhalides, 2182–2187, 2183t–2184t, carbides, 1008–1009, 1008t 2186t–2187t densities and lattice parameters, 935–937 pentahalides, 2161–2165 diffusion, 958–960 phosphides, 2197t, 2203–2204 dioxide, 3250 pnictides, 2200–2204 elastic constants and sound velocities, selenides, 2203t, 2204–2205 942–943 sesquioxides, 2143–2147 electrical resistivity, thermal sulfides, 2203t, 2204, 2204f conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and tellurides, 2203t, 2204–2205 thermoelectric power, 954–958 ternary and quaternary oxides/oxysalts, halides, 1087t 2157–2159t heat capacity, 943–949 tetrahalides, 2165–2169 hydrides, 3205, 3206t transition elements, 2208–2211 ions, 1111, 1111t trihalides, 2169–2178 magnetic behavior, 949–954 in water, 3096–3100, 3098t, 3099f new tools and new measurements, of actinide elements 964–968 in condensed phase, 2115–2118, oxides, 1047–1048, 1047t 2119t–2120t, 2121f phase transformations, 890, 891f, 891t in gas phase, 2118–2123, pnictides, 1019, 1021t 2119t–2120t redox reactions, 1120t I-118 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Thermodynamic properties (Contd.) Thiolate complexes, of cyclopentadienyl, surface tension, viscosity, and vapor 2836–2837 pressure, 960–963 THOREX process, 115 thermal expansion, 937–942 for actinide production, 2733–2736 of protactinium (V), 211, 211t campaigns of, 2735 of solvent extraction reactions, 2663–2666 extractants for, 2736 americium/europium separation, historical development of, 2733–2734 2665–2666, 2667t plutonium recovery, 2745 in Cyanex 301, 2665 solvent extraction cycles of, 2735 extraction equilibrium change, 2663 thorium, uranium, and plutonium interaction strength, 2664–2665 separation in, 2736 TRPO for, 2666 uranium–238 in, 2735–2736 TTA in, 2663–2664 Thoria. See of sulfate complexes, 2582, 2852t Thorian uraninite, thorium from, 55 of terminal alkyne complexes, Thorianite, thorium from, 55 oligomerization of, 2627f, 2926–2929, Thorite 2933–2935 natural occurrence of, 275–276 of thorium (IV), 118–119, 119t thorium from, 52, 55 of uranium, 270, 597 Thorium dioxouranium (V), 595 actinium separation from, 38 fluoro complexes, 520 adsorption of, silicates, 3152–3154, 3152t hexafluoride, 561 atomic spectroscopy of, 59–60 hydrides, 332–333, 332t biosorption of, 2669 metallic state, 321, 322t in californium metal production, 1517 mixed halides, 499 californium separation with, 1513 oxide and nitride bromides, 497 complexes of oxides, 351–357, 352f, 360–364, ansa-organoactinide, 2935–2937 361f–363f on bentonite, 3157–3158 tetrafluoride, 485–486 cyclopentadienyl, 2803, 2804f uranium oxide difluoride, 565 mono-cyclopentadienyl, 2482–2485, Thermodynamics 2484t, 2486f–2487f of alkyne complexes, hydroamination of, on montmorillonite, 3156–3157 2982–2984 pentamethyl-cyclopentadienyl, 2913, of bonding, 2556–2557, 2558t 2914f, 2916–2917, 2917f of terminal alkyne complexes, porphyrins and phthalocyanines, 2464t, hydroamination of, 2982–2984 2465–2466, 2466f–2467f Thermoelectric generator tetrakis-cyclopentadienyl, 2814–2815 actinium in, 19, 42–43 tris-cyclopentadienyl, 2470–2481, plutonium in, 43 2472t–2473t, 2478f, 2479t–2480t, Thermoelectric power 2481f–2482f of curium, 1398–1400 compounds of, 64–117 of plutonium, 957–958, 958t acetates, 114 Thermonuclear device acetylacetonates, 115 fermium from, 1623–1624 arsenates, 113 history of, 9 borates, 113 neutron production of, 9 borides, 66–70, 71t–73t, 74f THF. See Tetrahydrofuran carbides, 66–70, 71t–73t, 74f Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, for uranium ore carbonates, 108–109 leaching, 306 carboxylates and related salts, 113–114 Thiocyanate chalcogenides, 75t, 95–97 of actinide elements, 1796 chromates, 112 for americium purification, 1291 complex anions, 101–114, 102t–103t of californium, 1550t–1553t, 1554 coordination, 114–115 complexes of, 2580, 2581t cyclopentadienyl anion in, 116 for curium separation, 1409 formates, 114 of neptunium, equilibrium constants for, germanates, 113 773t halides, 78–94 of uranium, 602, 603t hydrides, 64–66, 66t Subject Index I-119 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

hydroxides, 70, 75–77, 75t thorium (IV) structure, 118 molybdates, 111–112 thorium (IV) thermodynamics, 118–119, nitrates, 106–108, 107f 119t organothorium, 116–117 superconductivity of, 1789 other oxometallates, 113 thermodynamic properties of oxalates, 114 enthalpy of formation, 2123–2125, oxides, 70, 75–77, 75t, 1070, 1971 2124f–2125f, 2539, 2541t perchlorates, 101, 102t–103t entropy of, 2539, 2542f, 2543t peroxides, 70, 75–77, 75t Gibbs formation energy of hydrated ion, perrhenates, 113 2539, 2540t phosphates, 109–110 heat capacity of, 2119t–2120t, 2121f pnictides, 97–101, 98t, 99f sublimation enthalpy of, 2119t–2120t, selenides, 75t, 96–97 2122–2123, 2122f silicates, 113 UO2 solid solutions with silicides, 66–70, 71t–73t, 74f oxygen potentials of, 394, 395t sulfates, 101–106, 102t–103t, 104f properties of, 390, 391t–392t sulfides, 75t, 95–96 uranium separation from, 2734–2735 tantalates, 113 Thorium (III) tellurides, 75t, 96–97 ground state of, 2240–2241 titanates, 113 magnetic properties of, 2240–2247 tungstates, 113 Thorium (IV) vanadates, 110, 111f calculations on, 1991–1992 d transition elements v.,2 carboxylates, EXAFS investigations of, electronic structure of, 1869, 1870t 3137–3140, 3147t–3150t extraction with TTA, 1701 coordination numbers, analysis of, history of, 3, 52–53, 254 586–588 ionization potentials of, 59–60, 1874t detection of isotopes of, 53–55, 54t–55t limits to, 3071t mass spectrometric methods for, 231 NMR, 3033 metallic state of, 60–63 RBS, 3063–3064, 3064f alloys of, 63 VOL, 3061 chemical reactivity, 63 hydration of, 2530–2531 magnetic susceptibility of, 61–63 hydrolytic behavior of, 2547–2551, 2549t physical properties of, 61, 62t magnetic properties of, 2239–2240 preparation of, 60–61 in mammalian tissues structure of, 2385 circulation clearance of, 3368–3369, natural occurrence of, 55–56, 56t, 1755, 3368f–3375f, 3376 1804 erythrocytes association with, nuclear properties of, 53–55, 54t–55t 3366–3367 ore processing and separation of, 56–59 glycoproteins, 3410–3411, 3411t from monazite, 56–58 initial distribution, 3342t–3343t, problems with, 58 3350–3351 from uraninite or uranothorianite, 58 transferrin binding to, 3364–3365 oxidation states of, 2526 polymerization of, 1778–1781 in aqueous solution, 1774–1776, 1775t separation of, SFE for, 2682 ion types, 1777–1778, 1777t speciation of, 3103–3105, 3103t, 3129, pyrochemical methods for 3136–3137 molten chlorides, 2694–2695 structure of, 118 molten fluorides, 2701 thermodynamics of, 118–119, 119t reduction potentials of, 1778, 1779f, Thorium (II), electron configurations of, 2127–2131, 2130f–2131f 2018–2019, 2018f rutherfordium extraction with, 1697–1699 Thorium borides, structural chemistry of, solution chemistry of, 117–134 2406t, 2407–2408 analytical chemistry of, 133–134 Thorium carbide complexation, 129–133, 130t entropy of, 2196, 2197t hydrolysis behavior, 119–120, 121t, 122f formation enthalpy of, 2195–2196, 2197t redox properties, 117–118 high-temperature properties of, 2198, 2198f, solubility, 122–128, 124t, 125t, 127f 2199t I-120 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Thorium carbide oxide Thorium peroxide, 76–77 electronic structure of, 1982, 1983f Thorium phosphates, structural chemistry of, energy curve for, 1981, 1982f 2430–2433, 2431t–2432t formation of, 1980 Thorium pnictides, structure of, interesting compounds of, 1982–1984, 1984t 2409–2414, 2410t–2411t uranium v., 1980–1981 Thorium series (4n), 23f Thorium carbonates, structural chemistry of, actinium–228 in, 20, 23f 2426–2427, 2427t thorium–228 in, 53–55, 54t–55t Thorium carbonyl, 1985–1987, 1987f Thorium silicides, structural chemistry of, energy levels of, 1986, 1987f 2406t, 2408 ground state of, 1986, 1988f Thorium sulfates, structural chemistry of, scalar-relativistic methods for, 1985–1986 2433–2436, 2434t Thorium chalcogenides, structural chemistry Thorium tetrabromide of, 2409–2414, 2412t–2413t polynary, 93–94, 94f–95f Thorium dicarbide, structural chemistry of, properties of, 78t, 81f, 82 2406t, 2408 synthesis of, 81–82 Thorium dihydride, structure of, 2402 Thorium tetrachloride Thorium diiodide, structure of, 2415 polynary, 93 Thorium dioxide properties of, 78t, 80–81, 81f bent structure of, 1976 synthesis of, 80 as catalyst, 76 Thorium tetrafluoride Dirac-Hartree-Fock calculations on, phases of, 84–86, 85f, 86t 1917–1918 polynary, 92–93, 92f double salt of, 77 properties of, 78t, 79–80, 79f enthalpy of formation, 2136–2137, 2137t, synthesis of, 78–79 2138f Thorium tetrahalides, structural chemistry of, entropy of, 2137–2138 2416, 2418t EPR of, 2265 Thorium tetraiodide in gas-phase, 2147–2148, 2148t polynary, 94 heat capacity of, 2138–2141, 2139f, 2142t, properties of, 78t, 83–84, 83f 2272–2273, 2273f structure of, 83f, 84 infrared spectroscopy of, 1971 synthesis of, 82–83 production of, 75–76 Thorium trihalides, structural chemistry of, properties of, 70, 75 2416, 2417t structure of, 2390 Thorium–227 Thorium extraction process. See THOREX from actinium–227, 20 process detection of Thorium hydrides RNAA, 3306–3307 entropy of, 2188, 2189t αS, 3029 formation enthalpy of, 2187–2188, 2187t, nuclear properties of, 3274t–3275t, 2189t, 2190f 3298t high-temperature properties of, 2188–2190, synthesis of, 53 2190t Thorium–228 structure of, 2402 detection of Thorium hydroxide, 76 PERALS, 3066, 3067f αS, 3293–3294 dissociative energy of, 2149–2150, 2150f nuclear properties of, 3274t–3275t, 3290t, in gas-phase, 2148, 2148t 3298t structure of, 2390 purification of, gram quantities of, 32–33 Thorium nitrates, structural chemistry of, synthesis of, 53, 54t 2428–2430, 2429f Thorium–229 Thorium nitride actinium–225 from, 28 enthalpy of formation of, 2197t, 2200–2201 detection of entropy of, 2197t, 2201–2202 AMS, 3062–3063, 3318 high-temperature properties of, 2199t, 2202 NMR, 3033 Thorium oxides, structure of, 2390 nuclear properties of, 3274t–3275t, Thorium oxyhalides, structural chemistry of, 3290t 2421, 2422t, 2423, 2424t–2426t synthesis of, 53 Subject Index I-121 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Thorium–230 properties of, 116, 1946–1948 dating with protactinium–231, and, structure of, 1943–1944, 1944t, 1945f, 2486, 170–171 2488t detection of Thorocene, cerocene v., 1947 AMS, 3062–3063, 3318–3319 Time-dependent density functional theory ICPMS, 3327 (TD-DFT), for excited-state energies, limits to, 3071t 1910 NAA, 3055–3057, 3056t, 3058f Time-resolved laser fluorescence (TRLF) PERALS, 3066, 3067f of curium (III), 2534 RIMS, 3322 for environmental actinides, 3034t, 3037, αS, 3293–3294 3038f TIMS, 3314 water molecules in hydration sphere with, extraction of, 175–176 2536–2537, 2537f nuclear properties of, 3274t–3275t, 3290t, TIMS. See Thermal ionization mass 3298t spectroscopy protactinium–231 from, 1756 synthesis of, 53 protactinium separation from, 179 Thorium–231 thermodynamic properties of actinide protactinium–231 from, 164, 166f compounds with, 2206–2208, separation of, 163 2206t–2207t synthesis of, 53 with thorium sulfates, 105 Thorium–232 uranium compounds with, 407 actinium–228 from, 24 TIOA. See Triisooctylamine detection of TIP. See Temperature-independent γS, 3027–3028, 3028f, 3300–3302, 3301f paramagnetism ICPMS, 3327 Tissue deposition kinetics, 3387–3395 INAA, 3304–3305 in mice, 3388–3395, 3389f–3392f, 3394t limits to, 3071t in rats, 3387–3388 MBAS, 3043 Titanates MBES, 3028 of thorium, 113 NAA, 3055–3057, 3056t, 3058f of uranium, uranium (IV), 277–280 PERALS, 3066, 3067f Titanite, thorium in, 56t RIMS, 3322 , protactinium separation from, 179 RNAA, 3306–3307 TLA. See Trilaurylamine αS, 3293–3294 TLA process, for actinide production, TIMS, 3314 2731–2732 natural occurrence of, 3273, 3276 TnOA. See Tri-n-octylamine for nuclear energy, 53 TOA. See Trioctylamine nuclear properties of, 3274t–3275t, 3290t TODGA. See N,N,N0,N0-Tetraoctyl–3- from ores, 53 oxapentane–1,5-diamide protactinium–233 from, 187–188 TOM. See X-ray tomography after thermal-neutron irradiation, 167, 169t TOPO. See Tri-n-octylphosphine oxide uranium–232 from, 256 Torbernite uranium–233 separation from, 256 at Oklo, Gabon, 271–272 Thorium–233, nuclear properties of, uranium in, 259t–269t 3274t–3275t Toxicity Thorium–234 of actinide elements, 1765 nuclear properties of, 3274t–3275t of plutonium with protactinium–234, 186–187 chemical v. radio, 1820 synthesis of, 53 toxicity–239, 1820 Thorium-uranium fuel cycle of protactinium, 188 overview of, 2733–2734 of transuranium elements, 12 uranium–233 for, 2734 Toxicology, of actinide elements, Thornasite, structural data for, 113 1818–1825 Thorocene ingestion and inhalation, 1818–1820 electronic transitions in, 1951–1952 plutonium acute toxicity, 1820–1821 HOMO of, 1946 plutonium long-term effects, 1821–1822 preparation of, 116 removal of, 1822–1825 I-122 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

TPEN. See N,N,N0,N0-Tetrakis meitnerium through element 112, (2-pyridylmethyl)ethylenediamine 1717–1721 TPPO. See Triphenylphosphine oxide predictions, 1672–1689 TPTZ. See Tripyridyltriazene rutherfordium, 1690–1702 Trace analysis, 3273–3330 seaborgium, 1706–1711 atomic spectrometric techniques, electronic structures of, 1770–1773, 3307–3309 1894–1897, 1896f–1897f, 1896t–1897t fluorometry, 3308 general considerations, 1770 phosphorimetry, 3309 periodic table position, 1773, 1774f chemical procedures, 3278–3288 spectroscopic studies, 1770–1771 chemical separation, 3281–3288 structure, 1771–1773, 1772t, 1773f sample decomposition, 3278–3281 elements beyond 112, 1722–1739 mass spectrometric techniques, 3309–3328 electronic structure and chemical accelerator, 3315–3319 property predictions, 1722–1734 inductively coupled plasma, 3322–3328 elements 113–115, 1723–1728 resonant ionization, 3319–3322 elements 116–118, 1728–1729 thermal ionization, 3311–3315 elements 119–121, 1729–1731 nuclear techniques, 3288–3307 experimental studies of, 1734–1739 alpha spectrometry, 3289–3296 superactinide elements, 1731–1734 FTA applications, 3307 environmental aspects of, 1803–1813 gamma spectrometry, 3296–3302 in hydrosphere, 1807–1810 neutron activation analysis, 3302–3307 man-made, 1805–1807 Tracer methods of natural origin, 1804–1805 for actinide element study, 11, 1765–1766 nuclear waste disposal, 1811–1813 with actinium–228, 24–25 overview of, 1803 for berkelium study, 1444 sorption and mobility, 1810–1811 for californium study, 1501, 1549, experimental techniques for, 1764–1769 1561–1562 column partition chromatography, 1769 for nobelium study, 1639–1640 hazards, 1764–1765 for transfermium element study, 1622 ion-exchange chromatography, for uranium, 256 1767–1768, 1768f TRAMEX process, for actinide/lanthanide liquid-liquid extraction, 1768–1769 separation, 2758–2759, 2759f long-lived nuclides, 1765–1766 Transactinide chemistry tracer techniques, 1766 history of, 2 ultramicrochemical manipulation, 1767 one-atom-at-a-time, 3 gas-phase compounds of, 1676–1685 Transactinide elements, 1652–1739, electronic structures, 1676–1684, 1753–1830 1677f–1678f, 1680t–1681t, 1682f atomic properties of, 1672–1676 volatility predictions, 1684–1685 electronic structures of, 1672–1673, ground state configuration of, 1895, 1897t 1672t identification of, 1659 ionic radii and polarizability, 1674f, metallic state, 1784–1790 1675–1676, 1676t crystal structure, 1785–1787, 1786t oxidation state stabilities and IPs, electronic structures, 1788–1789, 1789f 1673–1675, 1673t, 1674f–1675f polymorphic transformation, 1787 Berkeley v. Dubna claims to, 1659–1660 preparation, 1784–1785 biological behavior, 1813–1818 properties of, 1786t bioremediation, 1817–1818 superconductivity, 1789–1790 in body fluids, 1814–1815 nuclear properties of, 1655t–1656t, 1661 bone uptake, 1817 one-atom-at-a-time chemistry, 1661–1666 general considerations, 1813–1814 challenges, 1661–1662 liver uptake, 1815–1816 chemical procedures, 1662–1666 chemical properties of production methods and facilities bohrium, 1711–1712 required, 1662, 1662t dubnium, 1703–1706 f orbital in, 1894–1895, 1896f, 1896t hassium, 1712–1715 overview of, 2–3, 2f measured v. predicted, 1715–1717 oxidation states of, 1762–1763, 1774–1784 measurements, 1690–1721, 1691t complex-ion formation, 1782–1784 Subject Index I-123 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

hydrolysis and polymerization, actinide distribution with, 3363–3364 1778–1782 foreign metal ion binding to, 3364, 3365f ion types, 1777–1778, 1777t, 1779f, 1780t function of, 3363–3364 ions in aqueous solution, 1774–1776, plutonium bonding to, 1814–1815, 1817 1775t structure of, 3363 periodic table with, 1654, 1654f uranium (IV) bonding to, 631 practical applications, 1825–1829 Transition metals medical and other, 1828–1829 atomic volumes of, 922–923, 923f neutron sources, 1827–1828 characteristics of actinide compounds, nuclear power, 1826–1827 2333–2334 relativistic effects on chemical properties, thermodynamic properties of, 2208–2211 1666–1671 enthalpies of formation, 2206t, atomic electronic shells, 1666–1669 2208–2210, 2210f quantum-chemical methods, 1669–1671 heat capacity and entropy, 2206t, solid compounds, 1790–1803 2210–2211 binary, 1790, 1791t–1795t high-temperature properties, 2207t, crystal structure and ionic radii, 1798, 2208f, 2211 1799t in uranium intermetallic compounds, 325 introductory remarks, 1790 uranium oxides with, 383–389, 384t–387t organoactinide, 1800–1803 crystal structures of, 388–389 other, 1796 preparative methods of, 383, 388 oxides and nonstoichiometric systems, properties of, 384t–387t 1796–1798 Wigner-Seitz radius of, 2310–2312, 2311f solution chemistry of, 1685–1689 Transmission electron microscope (TEM) complexation, 1687–1689 for actinide element detection, 11 hydrolysis, 1686–1687, 1687t for electronic structure, 1770 redox potentials, 1685–1686, 1685f–1686f of Koongarra deposit, 273 sources of, 1755–1763 for plutonium study, 964 atomic weights, 1763 of radiogenic helium, 986 heavy-ion bombardment, 1761–1763 Transmutation natural, 1755–1756 products, of plutonium–239, 984–985, 985f neutron irradiation, 1756–1761 of SNF, 1811–1812 toxicology, 1818–1825 Transplutonium elements ingestion and inhalation, 1818–1820 availability of, 1501 plutonium acute toxicity, 1820–1821 californium separation of, 1511 plutonium long-term effects, 1821–1822 cohesion properties of, 2370–2371 removal of, 1822–1825 fermium separation of, 1625 Transactinide elements, practical applications, high-flux nuclear reactors for, production, 9 portable power sources, 1827 isolation and characterization of, 9 Transcalifornium elements, californium–252 lanthanides v., 1578 for, 1505 metals of, 1590 Transcurium elements Transuranium elements berkelium separation from, 1449 list of, 5t–7t californium separation from, 1511 periodic table and, 10 einsteinium separation from, 1584–1585 production of, 1759–1760, 1759f–1760f production of, 9 recovery of, 1407–1408 pyrochemical methods for, molten released into atmosphere, 1807, 1808t chlorides, 2700 synthesis of, 4 Transfermium elements toxicity of, 12 isolation and characterization of, 9–10 Transuranium extraction. See TRUEX overview of, 1621–1622 process oxidation states of, 1762–1763 Tri–2-ethylhexyl phosphate (TEHP), for synthesis of, 12–13 THOREX process, 2736 Transfermium Working Group (TWG), Trialkyl-phosphates, extraction with, 2666 transactinide element claims and, Trialkyl-phosphinates, extraction with, 2666 1660–1661 Trialkyl-phosphine oxides (TRPO) Transferrin actinide extraction with, 2752–2753 actinide binding by, 3364–3366 flow sheet for, 2753, 2754f I-124 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Trialkyl-phosphine oxides (TRPO) (Contd.) Triphenylphosphine oxide (TPPO), in nitric acid, 2752–2753 protactinium extraction with, 184 overview of, 2752 Tri(n-butyl)phosphate (TBP) studies of, 2753 for actinide extraction, 1769 suitability of, 2753, 2754t actinium extraction with, 29, 31–32 americium extraction with, 1274–1275 americium extraction with, 1271–1274 extractant comparison with, 2763–2764, berkelium extraction with, 1449 2763t complexes with, californium, 1554 extraction with, 2666 curium extraction with, curium–244, 1401 neptunium extraction with, 713 neptunium extraction with, 707, 710, Trialkyl-phosphonates, extraction with, 712–713, 795 2666 for plutonium extraction, 841–844 Tribromides, structural chemistry of, 2416, in PUREX process, 2732–2733 2417t rutherfordium extraction with, 1695–1699 Trichlorides, structural chemistry of, 2416, separation with, 2646, 2647f, 2650, 2417t 2680–2682 Trifluorides in synergistic systems, 2661–2663, 2662f complexes of, 2578 in solvating extraction system, 2653 structural chemistry of, 2416, 2417t for THOREX process, 2736, 2748–2749 Trifluoroacetylacetone (TAA), SFE thorium extraction with, 57 separation with, 2680 nitrate, 107 Trihalides for uranium extraction, 314–315, 315f structural chemistry of, 2416, 2417t uranium (VI), 3282 thermodynamic properties of, 2169–2178 Tripyridyltriazene (TPTZ), americum gaseous, 2177–2178 extraction with, 1286–1287, solid, 2169–2177 2673–2675, 2674t Trihydroxides, thermodynamic properties of, Tris(carbonato) complex, uranyl (VI), 2190–2192 3131–3132 enthalpy of formation, 2190–2191, 2191t Tris(amidoamine) complexes, 2886–2888 entropy, 2191, 2191t electronic structure of, 2888 solubility products, 2191–2192, 2194t formation of, 2886–2887 Triiodides, structural chemistry of, 2416, overview of, 2886–2887 2417t reduction of, 2887 Triisooctylamine (TIOA) structure of, 2887–2888, 2888f dubnium extraction with, 1704–1705 Tris-cyclopentadienyl complexes rutherfordium extraction with, 1695 of actinides, 2800–2801, 2801t separation with, 2648, 2648t structural chemistry of, 2470–2476, Trilaurylamine (TLA), in TLA process, 2472t–2473t, 2474f–2475f, 2477f 2731–2732 of uranium and neodymium, 2259, 2259t Tri-n-octylamine (TnOA) Trivalent Actinide Lanthanide Separation by actinium extraction with, 30 Phophorus reagent Extraction from neptunium extraction with, 709, 783, 784f Aqueous Komplexes. See TALSPEAK in chelate chromatography, 715 process nobelium extraction with, 1640 TRLF. See Time-resolved laser fluorescence Tri-n-octylphosphine oxide (TOPO) Tropolones, of actinide elements, californium extraction with, 1512 1783–1784 neptunium extraction with, 705–706, TRPO. See Trialkyl-phosphine oxides 707f, 795 TRUEX process protactinium extraction with, 175, 184 for actinide extraction, 1275, 1281–1283, separation with, 2661, 2681 1282t, 1769, 2739 Trioctylamine (TOA), protactinium for americium extraction, 1286 extraction with, 185 development of, 2652, 2655 Trioctylphosphine oxide DΦDBuCMPO in, 1283, 2739 actinium extraction with, 29–30 flow sheet curium separation with, 1433–1434 at BARC, 2746f mendelevium extraction with, 1635 of chloride wastes, 2742f Triphenylarsine oxide, protactinium at JNC, 2744f extraction with, 184 in PFP, 2741f Subject Index I-125 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

HLW and simulants demonstrations, Umohoite 2740–2745 iriginite transformation of, 299, 300f for neptunium extraction, 713 uranium molybdates in, 299 numerical simulation code for, 2743 UNiAlHy, 338–339 solvent in UNILAC. See Universal Linear Accelerator actinide stripping from, 2746–2747 United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority degradation, cleanup, and reusability of, (UKAEA), protactinium from, 2747–2748 163–164, 173, 173t for extraction chromatography, Universal Linear Accelerator (UNILAC), for 2748–2749 seaborgium study, 1707–1709 magnetically assisted chemical Ununbium. See Element 112 separation, 2750–2752 UPS. See Ultraviolet photoelectron in SLM separation, 2749–2750, 2749f spectroscopy UNEX process, 2739–2740 Uraninite TRU•Spec composition of, 274 CMPO in, 3284 impurities in, 274–275 for separation, 3284–3285 at Koongarra deposit, 273 TTA. See 2-Thenoyltrifluoroacetone at Oklo, Gabon, 271–272 Tuliokite, 109 oxidation states in, 274–275 Tumor radiotherapy, actinium for, 43–44 at Pen˜a Blanca, Chichuhua District, Tungstates Mexico, 272–273 of americium, 1321 thorium in, 58 in pyrochemical methods, 2703–2704 uranium in, 259t, 274–275 of thorium, 113 Uranium, 253–639 of uranium, 267t–268t, 301 actinium separation from, 30 adsorption of in curium metal production, 1411–1412 phosphates, 3169–3171 seaborgium v., 1706–1707 silicates, 3152t, 3154–3155 TWG. See Transfermium Working Group allotropes of α-phase, 320–326, 328–339, 344 β-phase, 321–323, 325–326, 328–339, 344, UBe13 347 properties of, 2342–2343, 2343f γ-phase, 321–323, 347 SIM for, 2344 analytical chemistry of, 631–639 superconductivity of, 2351 chemical techniques for, 631–635 UIr3 nuclear techniques for, 635–636 de Haas-van Alphen frequencies of, 2334, spectrometric techniques for, 636–639 2335f in aragonite, strontium v., 3162–3163 DOS of, 2338, 2338f bioassay of, αS, 3293 Fermi surface measurements in, 2334 biochemistry of, 630–631 PES of, 2336–2339, 2337f in biological systems UKAEA. See United Kingdom Atomic in bone, 1817 Energy Authority health hazard of, 1814 Ulrichtite, uranophane structure in, 295 in liver, 1815–1816 Ultracentrifugation, for actinide speciation, in organs, 1815 3069 biosorption of, 2669 Ultramicrochemical manipulation, of actinide chemical bonding of, 575–578 elements, 1767 U(III) and U (IV), 575–576 Ultramicrochemical methods, for actinide UF5 and UF6 compounds, 576–577 element study, 11 uranyl (V) and uranyl (VI) compounds, Ultrasonic nebulizers, for ICPMS, 3323 577–578, 577f Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS) complexes of for environmental actinides, ansa-organoactinide, 2919–2920, 2920f 3044t, 3045 cycloheptatrienyl, 2253–2254 neptunium characterization with, 795 cyclopentadienyl, 1953–1954 Ultraviolet spectroscopy (UVS) pentamethyl-cyclopentadienyl, for environmental actinides, 3034t, 3037 2913–2917, 2915f overview of, 2014 tetrakis-cyclopentadienyl, 2814–2815 I-126 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Uranium (Contd.) selenites, 268t, 298–299 tris-cyclopentadienyl, 2470–2482, silicates, 260t–261t, 276–277, 292–293 2472t–2473t, 2474f–2475f, 2477f, silicides, 405–407, 406f 2478f, 2479t–2480t, 2483f, 2804–2806, sulfates, 291–292 2805f, 2807f sulfides, 413, 413f, 414t–417t compounds of, 328–575 tantalates, 277–280 antimonides, 411–412 tellurides, 414t–417t, 418–420, 420f arsenates, 265t–266t, 293–297 tellurites, 268t, 298–299 arsenides, 411–412 thiocyanate, 602, 603t azide, 602, 603t tin, 407 bismuthides, 411–412 titanates, 277–280 borides, 398–399, 399f, 401t–402t tungstates, 267t–268t, 301 bromides, 453–454, 494–497, 526–528 vanadates, 266t–267t, 297–298 calcite, 3160 on zeolites, 301–302 calcites, 289–291 d transition elements v.,2 carbides, 399–405, 401t–402t, 403f–404f decay of, 21f carbonates, 261t–263t, 289–291 enrichment of, 557, 632 chalcogenides, 412–420, 414t–417t extraction of, 175, 270–271, 632–633 chlorides, 446–448, 490–493, 522–526, DDP, 2705–2706 567 Purex process for, 710–712, 710f corrosion kinetics of, 3239–3246 free atom and ion properties, 318 dioxide dichloride, 567–570 Gibbs formation energy of hydrated ion, dolomite, 3160 2539, 2540t fluorides, 444–446, 484–489, 518–521, hazards of, 3200 557–564 heat capacity of, 2119t–2120t, 2121f germanium, 407 history of, 3–4, 8, 253–255 halides, 420–575 discovery of, 253–254 Hill plot for, 2331–2333, 2332f fission of, 255 history of, 328 properties of, 254–255 hydrides, 328–339 uses of, 254 hydroxides, 259t hydrogen reaction with, 3239–3242, 3240f, iodides, 454–455, 497–499, 574 3241t lead, 407 ionization potentials of, 1874t molybdates, 266t, 275, 299–301 isotope enrichment of, 2628–2629 niobates, 277–280 isotopes of, 4, 8–10, 255–257, 256t, 258t nitride bromides, 497, 500 natural, 255–256, 256t, 258t nitride chlorides, 500 nuclear properties of, 259t–269t nitride fluorides, 489–490 synthetic, 256–257, 258t nitride iodides, 499–500 ligand substitution reactions, 606–624 nonstoichiometric, 1797 intramolecular mechanisms of, orthosilicates, 261t, 275–276 611t–612t, 617–618, 617f–619f oxide bromides, 497, 527–528, 571–574 isotopic exchange, 621–622 oxide chlorides, 524–525 mechanisms of, 608–610 oxide fluorides, 489–490, 564–567 in non-aqueous system rates and oxide halides, 456 mechanisms, 618–619, 620t oxide iodides, 499 organic and inorganic rates and oxides, 253–254, 259t, 339–398, mechanisms of, 611t–612t, 614–617 1070–1077 overview of, 606–607 oxobromides, 528 oxygen exchange in uranyl (VI) and uranyl oxochlorides, 525–526 (V) complexes, 619–621 oxychlorides, 494 rates and mechanisms of, 607–608, 609t, oxyhydroxides, 259t–260t, 287 611t–612t perchlorates, 494, 570–571 redox rate and mechanisms, 622–624, peroxides, 259t, 288–289 623f phosphates, 263t–265t, 275, 293–297 water exchange in uranyl (VI) and phosphides, 411–412 uranium (IV) complexes, 611t–612t, 614 pnictides, 407–412, 408t–409t water exchange rates and mechanisms, selenides, 414t–417t, 418–420, 420f 610–614, 613f–614f Subject Index I-127 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440 magnetic properties of, 2354–2357 quadrupole moments of, 1884, 1884f intermetallic compounds, 2357–2360 redox speciation for, 3100–3103, metallic state of, 318–328 3101t–3102t band structure, 2318, 2318f reduction potentials of, 1778, 1779f, chemical properties of, 327–328, 327t 2127–2131, 2130f–2131f, 2525, 2525f corrosion kinetics of, 3239–3246 in RTILs, 2687–2688, 2689f crystal structure of, 320–321, 321f solution chemistry of, 590–630 electrical properties, 324, 324f, 324t aqueous uranium complexes, 597–606 general properties of, 321–323, 322t ligand substitution reaction mechanisms, hydrogen solubility in, 330f, 331–332 606–624 intermetallic compounds and alloys, uranium aqua ions, 590–597 325–326, 325t uranyl (VI) fluorescence properties and magnetic susceptibility, 323–324 photochemistry, 624–630 physical properties of, 320–321, 321f structure and coordination chemistry of, preparation of, 318–324, 320f 579–590 safe storage, 3262 compounds of organic ligands, 589–590, structure of, 2385 591f from uranium tetrachloride, 491 overview of, 579 metal-metal bonding, 1993–1994, 1995f uranium (III) compounds, 584–585, 585f MO levels of, molecules, 1969–1970, 1970f uranium (IV) compounds, 585–588, natural occurrence of, 170, 255, 257–302, 586f–588f 1755, 1804 uranyl (V) compounds, 588–589 mineralogy, 257, 259t–269t, 270–273 uranyl (VI) compounds, 580–584, oxidation states of, 257 580f–584f phases of, 280–302 sublimation enthalpy of, 2119t–2120t, reduced phases, 274–280 2122–2123, 2122f sorption of, 257 superconductivity of, 1789 neptunium–237 production from, 701 thermodynamic properties of nuclear properties of, 255–257 enthalpy of formation, 2123–2125, of uranium isotopes, 259t–269t 2124f–2125f, 2539, 2541t occurrence in nature of, 162 entropy of, 2539, 2542f, 2543t ore processing and separation, 302–317 thorium separation from, 2734–2735 complexities of, 302–303 reactions with, 3246 high-purity product refinement, 314–317, Uranium (III) 315f–316f, 317t absorption spectra of, 2091, 2092f methods of, 302 aqua ion of, 593, 594t pre-concentration, 303–304 biochemistry of, 630 recovery from leach solutions, 309–317 bromides of roasting or calcination, 304 bromo complexes, 454 organometallic chemistry of, 630–631 uranium tribromide, 453 oxidation of, self-sustained, 3245–3246 uranium tribromide hexahydrate, oxidation states of, 257, 276–277, 328, 453–454 1914–1915, 2526 chlorides of in aqueous solution, 1774–1776, 1775t anhydrous chloro complexes, 450–452 ion types, 1777–1778, 1777t magnetic data, 2229–2230, 2230t plutonium and uranium trichloride, 446–448 δ-phase plutonium influence of, 985 uranium trichloride complexes with oxidation and reduction, 1136–1137 neutral donor ligands, 452 from plutonium decay, 985, 985f uranium trichloride hydrates and production of hydrated chloro complexes, 448–450 REDOX process, 2730–2731 compounds of, 575–576 TLA process, 2731–2732 structures and coordination geometry of, protactinium separation from, 180, 180f, 584–585, 585f 183 crystal-field splittings of, 2057–2058, pyrochemical methods for 2057f molten chlorides, 2695–2696, 2697f energy level structure, 2058, 2058f molten fluorides, 2701 fluorides of, 421–456 processing for, 2702 uranium trifluoride, 444–445 I-128 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Uranium (III)(Contd.) crystal-field splittings of, 2247–2248 uranium trifluoride monohydrate and detection of fluoro complexes, 445–446 ISEs, 3029 halides of, 421–456 TRLF, 3037 absorption spectra of, 442, 443f XAS, 3039 complexes with, 601 DNA footprinting with, 630–631 electronic structure of, 422 electron configurations of, 2018–2019, history of, 421–422 2018f magnetic properties of, 443–444, extraction of, DHDECMP, 2737–2738 2257–2259, 2258t fluorides of, 484–490 oscillator strengths, 442–443 complex fluorides, 487–489, 2255t, 2256 properties of, 422, 423t–441t oxide and nitride, 489–490 stability of, 422 uranium tetrafluoride, 484–486 synthesis of, 422 uranium tetrafluoride hydrates, 486–487 iodides of halides of complexes with neutral donor ligands, absorption spectra of, 482–483, 483f 455 band structure of, 483 uranium triiodide, 454–455 complexes with, 601 laser spectroscopic studies on, 2064 crystal-field strength of, 482–483 magnetic properties of, 2257–2261 history of, 456 magnetic susceptibility of, 2260, 2260t magnetic properties of, 483 N-based ligand complexes of, 1962–1965, mixed, 499–500 1963f–1964f nitrogen-containing, 500 organometallic chemistry of, 630 physical properties of, 456, 457t–481t oxide halides of, 456 stability of, 456 preparation of, 456 structure of, 456, 482 structure of, 456 hydration of, 2531 with pyrochemical processes, 2696, 2697f hydrolytic behavior of, 585–586, reduction potentials of, 2715, 2716f 2550–2551 speciation of, 3101t–3102t, 3116 iodides of, 497–499 Uranium (IV) iodo complexes, 498–499 aqua ion of, 593–595, 594t oxide and nitride, 499–500 biochemistry of, 630 uranium tetraiodide, 497–498 bromides of, 494–497 in living organisms, 631 oxide and nitride, 497, 500 magnetic properties of, 2247–2257, 2255t ternary and polynary compounds, in mammalian tissues 495–497 circulation clearance of, 3376–3377 uranium tetrabromide, 494–495 initial distribution, 3342t, 3346t, 3351 chlorides of, 490–493 organometallic chemistry of, 630 complex chlorides, 492–493 phases of, 280–302 nitride, 500 bonding, 280–281 oxychloride and oxochloro complexes, polymerization of, 1780–1781 494 with pyrochemical processes, 2696, 2697f uranium tetrachloride, 490–492 reduction by, americium (V), 1337 compounds of, 575–576 separation of molybdates of, 275 SNF, 2646 niobates, 277–280 solvating extractant system for, orthosilicates of, 275–276 2654–2655 oxides, 372t–378t, 380–382 speciation of, 3101t–3102t, 3105–3106, 3136 phosphates of, 275 spectroscopic properties of, 2066–2067, silicates of, 276–277 2066t structure and coordination geometry of, water exchange in complexes of, 611t–612t, 585–588, 586f–588f 614 tantalates, 277–280 in wyartite, 290 titanates, 277–280 Uranium (V) coordination numbers bromides of, 526–528 analysis of, 586–588 oxides, 527–528 curium (IV) v., 585–586 ternary and polynary, 526–527 Subject Index I-129 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

ternary and polynary oxide and applications of, 529 oxobromo, 528 bonding in, 576–577 uranium pentabromide, 526 complexes with, 601 chlorides of, 522–526 ground state of, 557 complex chloride compounds, 523–524 mixed halogeno-complexes, 574–575 oxide, 524–525 iodides of, 574 oxochloride, 525–526 magnetic properties of, 2239–2240 uranium pentachloride, 522–523 oxides, 371–380, 372t–378t fluorides of, 518–521 phosphates of, 297 complex fluoro compounds, 520–521 polarography for, 791–792 oxide fluorides and complexes, 521 with pyrochemical processes, 2696, 2697f uranium pentafluoride, 518–520 separation of halides of, 501–529 HDEHP for, 2651, 2651f absorption spectra, 501 PUREX process, 2732 bonding in, 576–577 SFE for, 2682 complexes with, 601 sulfuric acid dissolution of, 305 physical properties of, 501, 502t–517t Uranium aqua ions, 590–597 stability of, 501 applications of, 593 magnetic properties of, 2240–2247, 2247t dioxouranium (V), 594t, 595 oxides, 372t–378t, 380–382 dioxouranium (VI), 594t, 596, 596f in pyrochlore and zirconolite, 279 oxidation states of, 590 in wyartite, 290 oxygen atoms in, 592–593 Uranium (VI) redox behavior of, 590–591, 592f, 594t americium (V) interaction with, 1356 tetrapositive uranium, 593–595 bacterial reduction of, 297 tripositive uranium, 593 bromides of, 571–574 Uranium arsenide, magnetic properties of, uranium oxobromo complexes, 572–574 2234–2235, 2235f uranyl bromide, 571–572 Uranium azide, 602, 603t bromide and bromide Uranium bis-cycloheptatrienyl, ionic hydrates, 572 configuration of, 2246 chlorides, 567 Uranium borides, structural chemistry of, oxochloro complexes, 570 2406t, 2407 perchlorates and related compounds, Uranium borohydride 570–571 structure of, 2404–2405, 2405f uranium dioxide dichloride, 567–569 uranium (IV), 337 , 567 Uranium bromides, 453–454 uranyl chloride hydrates and hydroxide bromo complexes, 454 chlorides, 569–570 oxide and nitride, 497, 500 detection of physical properties of, 497, 500 ISEs, 3029 preparation of, 497, 500 limits to, 3071t ternary and polynary, 528 NMR, 3033 ternary and polynary compounds, 495–497, RAMS, 3035 526–527 RBS, 3063–3064, 3064f bonding in, 496–497 distribution coefficients of, 842, 842t oxide and oxobromo compounds, 528 extraction of, 3066 physical properties of, 496, 526–527 americium (III) v., 1284 preparation of, 495–496, 526 TBP, 3282 uranium dioxide monobromide, 527–528 ferrihydrate adsorption of, 3166–3167 preparation of, 527 fluorides of, 557–564 properties of, 527–528 complex fluorides, 563–564 uranium oxide tribromide, 527 hexavalent oxide fluoride complexes, uranium oxobromo complexes, 572–574 566–567 physical properties of, 573 uranium hexafluoride, 557–563 preparation of, 572 uranium oxide difluoride, 565–566 reactions of, 573–574 uranium oxide tetrafluoride, 564–565 uranium pentabromide, 526 halides of, 529–575 uranium tetrabromide, 494–495 absorption spectra of, 529, 557 absorption spectra of, 495 I-130 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Uranium bromides (Contd.) reactions of, 568–569 physical properties of, 495 uranium hexachloride, 567 preparation of, 494–495 properties of, 567 uranium tribromide, 453 synthesis of, 567 preparation of, 453 uranium pentachloride, 522–523 properties of, 453 preparation of, 522 uranium tribromide hexahydrate, 453–454 properties of, 522–523 uranyl bromide, 571–572 uranium perchlorates, 494 physical properties of, 571–572 uranium tetrachloride, 490–492 preparation of, 571 application of, 490–491 uranyl hydroxide bromide and bromide magnetic properties of, 491–492 hydrates, 572 physical properties of, 490–491 Uranium carbide preparation of, 490 entropy of, 2196, 2197t uranium trichloride, 446–448, 447f formation enthalpy of, 2195–2196, 2197t absorption spectra of, 447 high-temperature properties of, 2198, 2198f, magnetic properties of, 448 2199t with neutral donor ligands, 452 Uranium carbide oxides physical properties of, 446–447 binding energy of, 1980 preparation of, 446 electronic structure of, 1977–1978, 1977t, structure of, 447, 447f 1982, 1983f uranium trichloride hydrates, 448–450 ground state configuration of, 1978–1979, absorption spectra of, 449–450 1979f structure of, 448–449 interesting compounds of, 1982–1984, 1984t synthesis of, 448–450 isolation of, 1978 Uranium complexes, aqueous, 597–606 Uranium carbonates, structural chemistry of, donor-acceptor interactions of, 597 2426–2427, 2427t hydrolytic behavior of, 597–600, 599t Uranium carbonyl, 1984–1985 inorganic ligand complexes, 601–602, 601t Uranium chalcogenides, structural chemistry organic ligand complexes, 603–605, 604t of, 2409–2414, 2412t–2413t, 2414f structure of, 597 Uranium chlorides ternary uranium complexes, 605–606 anhydrous complexes, 450–452 uranium (III), uranium (IV), uranyl (V), and physical properties of, 451 uranyl (VI) complexes, 598, 601t, 604t preparation of, 450–451 between uranyl (V) and other cations, 606 sodium in, 451–452 Uranium deposits structure of, 451 classification of, 270–273 complexes, 492–493, 523–524 groups of, 270 isolation of, 523 locations of, 271 ligands of, 492–493 exploration of, 3065 magnetic properties of, 493 at Koongarra deposit, 273 oxochloro, 494, 570 at Oklo, Gabon, 271–272 oxychloride, 494 at Pena Blanca, Chichuhua District, physical properties of, 492–493, 524 Mexico, 272–273 preparation of, 492–493, 523–524 at Shinkolobwe deposit, 273 nitride, 500 Uranium dicarbide, structural chemistry of, oxide, 524–525 2406t, 2408 oxochloride, 525–526 Uranium dioxide absorption spectra of, 526 bond lengths of, 1973, 1975t preparation of, 525–526 complex formation with, 606, 1921–1925, perchlorates and related compounds, 1922f, 1923t, 1924f 570–571 crystal structures of, 344, 345t–346t physical properties of, 571 crystal-field preparation of, 570–571 ground state of, 2274 uranium dioxide dichloride, 567–569 splittings, 2278–2279 hydrates, 569–570 theory for, 2278, 2279f hydroxide chlorides, 569–570 diffusion of, 367–368 physical properties of, 568–569 dissolution in hydrogen peroxide, 371 preparation of, 567–568 gas pressure generation with, 3251 Subject Index I-131 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

in gas-phase, 2148, 2148t pentavalent oxide fluorides and complexes, ground state of, 1972–1973 521 infrared spectroscopy of, 1971 absorption spectra of, 521 magnetic properties of, 2272–2282 preparation of, 521 magnetic scattering of, 2281, 2282f polynuclear, 579 magnetic structure of, 2273–2276, 2274f, uranium hexafluoride, 557–563 2276f application of, 557, 561–562 magnetic susceptibility of, 2272–2273 phase diagram of, 563, 563f magnon dispersion curves of, 2280–2281, physical properties of, 560–561 2280f preparation of, 557–560, 558f, 560f neutron scattering of, 2285–2286, 2286f uranium oxide difluoride, 565–566 NMR of, 2280 physical properties of, 565 optical properties of, 2276–2278, 2277f preparation of, 565 oxidation to U3O8, 369–370 uranium hexafluoride conversion of, phase relations of, 351–353, 352f 565–566 preparative methods of, 339–340 uranium oxide tetrafluoride, 564–565 RXS of, 2281 physical properties of, 565 solid solutions with, 389–398 preparation of, 564–565 lattice parameter change, 390, 391t–392t uranium pentafluoride, 518–520 magnetic properties, 389–390 characterization of, 519–520 in oxidizing atmospheres, 394 preparation of, 518 oxygen potentials, 394–398, 395t properties of, 518–519, 519f preparation of, 389–390 reduction of, 518 in reducing atmospheres, 392, 393t uranium tetrafluoride, 484–486 regions of, 390–394 applications of, 484 structure of, 2391–2392 physical properties of, 485–486 thermodynamic properties of preparation of, 484–485 enthalpy of formation, 2136–2137, 2137t, uranium hexafluoride preparation from, 2138f 485 entropy of, 2137–2138 uranium tetrafluoride hydrates, 486–487 heat capacity of, 357–359, 359f, physical properties of, 486–487 2138–2141, 2139f, 2142t, 2272–2273, preparation of, 486 2273f uranium trifluoride, 444–445 vaporization of, 364–367, 366f physical properties of, 445 Uranium dioxide dichloride, 567–569 preparation of, 444–445 physical properties of, 568–569 structure of, 445 preparation of, 567–568 uranium trifluoride monohydrate, 445–446 reactions of, 568–569 preparation of, 445 Uranium dioxide monobromide, 527–528 Uranium halides, 420–575 preparation of, 527 applications of, 420 properties of, 527–528 chemistry of, 421 Uranium disulfide, structure of, 2412t–2413t, hexavalent and complex, 529–575 2414, 2414f absorption spectra of, 529, 557 Uranium fluorides applications of, 529 fluoro complexes, 445–446, 487–489, ground state of, 557 520–521, 520t, 563–564, 564t mixed halgeno-complexes, 574–575 applications of, 563 oxide bromides and oxobromo disproportionation of, 520–521 complexes, 571–574 melting behavior of, 487, 488t properties of, 529, 530t–556t phase diagram of, 487, 489f uranium compounds with iodine, 574 physical properties of, 487–488, 521 uranium dioxide dichloride and related preparation of, 446, 487, 520, 520t, compounds, 567–570 563–564 uranium hexachloride, 567 hexavalent oxide fluoride complexes, uranium hexafluoride and complex 566–567 fluorides, 557–564 physical properties of, 566–567 uranium oxide fluorides and complex preparation of, 566 oxide fluorides, 564–567 oxides and nitrides of, 489–490 uranium oxochloro complexes, 570 I-132 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Uranium halides (Contd.) structure of, 456, 482 uranium perchlorates and compounds, uranium oxide dibromide and nitride 570–571 bromides, 497 intermediate, 528–529 uranium oxide diiodide and nitride characterization of, 529 iodide, 499 equilibrium of, 528 uranium oxide fluorides and nitride preparation of, 528–529 fluorides, 489–490 oxidation states in, 420–421 uranium oxychloride oxochloro pentavalent and complex, 501–529 complexes, 494 absorption spectra of, 501 uranium perchlorates, 494 physical properties of, 501, 502t–517t uranium tetrabromide and complex stability of, 501 bromides, 494–497 ternary and polynary oxide bromides and uranium tetrachloride and complex oxobromo compounds, 528 chlorides, 490–493 uranium oxide bromides, 527–528 uranium tetrafluoride and fluoro uranium oxide chlorides, 524–525 complexes, 484–489 uranium oxochloride, 525–526 uranium tetraiodide and complex iodides, uranium pentabromide and complex 497–499 bromides, 526–527 Uranium hexachloride, 567 uranium pentachloride and complex magnetic susceptibility of, 2245–2246 chlorides, 522–524 properties of, 567, 568f uranium pentafluoride and complex structural chemistry of, 2419, 2421, 2421t fluorides, 518–521 synthesis of, 567 tervalent and complex, 421–456 thermodynamic properties of, 2160–2161, absorption spectra of, 442, 443f 2160t, 2162t–2164t anhydrous uranium chloro complexes, Uranium hexafluoride, 557–563, 1933–1939 450–452 application of, 557, 561–562 electronic structure of, 422 bond lengths of, 1935–1937, 1937t history of, 421–422 compounds of, 576–577 magnetic properties of, 443–444 distillation of, 315–317, 316f, 317t oscillator strengths, 442–443 energy levels of, 1934–1935, 1934f, 1936t oxide halides, 456 enthalpy of formation of, 2159, 2160t properties of, 422, 423t–441t magnetic properties of, 2239–2240 stability of, 422 phase diagram of, 563, 563f synthesis of, 422 physical properties of, 560–561 uranium tribromide and bromo preparation of, 557–560, 558f, 560f complexes, 453–454 structural chemistry of, 2419, 2421, 2421t uranium trichloride and chloro studies of, 1935, 1938 complexes, 446–452 thermodynamic properties of, 2159–2161, uranium trichloride hydrates and 2160t, 2162t–2164t hydrated chloro complexes, 448–450 TIP and, 2239–2240 uranium trifluoride and fluoro uranium oxide difluoride conversion to, complexes, 444–445 565–566 uranium trifluoride monohydrate and uranium tetrafluoride preparation of, 485 fluoro complexes, 445–446 vibrational frequencies of, 1935–1937, uranium triiodide and iodo complexes, 1937t 454–455 Uranium hydride, uranium reactions with, tetravalent and complex, 456–500 3246 absorption spectra of, 482–483, 483f Uranium hydrides, 3213–3214 band structure of, 483 entropy of, 2188, 2189t crystal-field strength of, 482–483 formation enthalpy of, 2187–2188, 2187t, history of, 456 2189t, 2190f magnetic properties of, 483 high-temperature properties of, 2188–2190, mixed halides and halogeno compounds, 2190t 499–500 structure of, 2403 nitrogen-containing, 500 Uranium iodides, 454–455, 497–500, 574 physical properties of, 456, 457t–481t complexes, 498–499 stability of, 456 with neutral donor ligands, 455 Subject Index I-133 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

preparation of, 498 safe storage, 3262 properties of, 498–499 structure of, 2391–2394, 2393f oxide and nitride, 499–500 thermodynamic properties of, 2135, uranium tetraiodide, 497–498 2136t physical properties of, 498, 498f transition metals, 383–389, 384t–387t preparation of, 497–498 crystal structures of, 388–389 uranium triiodide, 454–455 preparative methods of, 383, 388 physical properties of, 455 properties of, 384t–387t preparation of, 454–455 U2O5 Uranium monoxide phase relations of, 354f, 355 dissociative energy of, 2149–2150, 2150f preparative methods of, 340–341 in gas-phase, 2148, 2148t U3O7 Uranium nitride, 3215 crystal structure of, 347–349 enthalpy of formation of, 2197t, 2200–2201, phase relations of, 354f, 355 2201f preparative methods of, 340 entropy of, 2197t, 2201–2202 U3O8 high-temperature properties of, 2199t, 2202 crystal structure of, 349–350, 349f Uranium ores electrical conductivity of, 368–369 actinium from, 27 preparative methods of, 341 plutonium in, 822 UO2 oxidation to, 369–370 protactinium from, 172–178 UO3 reduction to, 369–370 Uranium oxide difluoride, 565–566 U4O9 physical properties of, 565 crystal structures of, 344, 345t–346t, 347, preparation of, 565 348f uranium hexafluoride conversion of, phase relations of, 353–354, 354f 565–566 U4O9, preparative methods of, 340 Uranium oxide tetrafluoride, 564–565 U8O19, phase relations of, 354f, 355 physical properties of, 565 UO, preparative methods of, 339 preparation of, 564–565 UO2 solid solutions, 371–383 Uranium oxide tribromide, 527 lattice parameter change, 390, 391t–392t Uranium oxides, 3214–3215 magnetic properties, 389–390 alkali and alkaline-earth metals, 371–383 in oxidizing atmospheres, 394 non-stoichiometry, 382–383 oxygen potentials, 394–398, 395t uranates (VI), 371–380 preparation of, 389–390 uranates (V) and (IV), 381–382 regions of, 390–394 binary, 339–371 UO3 chemical properties of, 369–371, 370t crystal structure of, 350–351 crystal structures of, 343–351, 345t–346t hydrates, preparative methods of, diffusion, 367–368 342–343 electrical conductivity of, 368–369 preparative methods of, 341–342, 341f oxygen potential, 360–364, 361f–363f reduction to U3O8, 369–370 phase relations of, 351–357, 352f Uranium oxyhalides, structural chemistry of, physical properties of, 345t–346t 2421, 2422t, 2423, 2424t–2426t preparative methods of, 339–343, 341f Uranium pentabromide, 526 reactions of, 370, 370t thermodynamic properties of, 2160t, 2161, single crystal preparation, 343 2164–2165, 2164t thermodynamic properties, 360–364, Uranium pentachloride, 522–523 361f–363f preparation of, 522 UO2 heat capacity, 357–359, 359f properties of, 522–523 UO2 vaporization, 364–367, 366f structural chemistry of, 2419, 2419f, 2420t from fuel fire, 3255 thermodynamic properties of, 2160t, 2161, geometric parameters of, 1973, 1974t–1975t 2164–2165, 2164t infrared spectroscopy of, 1971 Uranium pentafluoride, 518–520 plutonium oxides with, 1070–1077 characterization of, 519–520 applications of, 1070–1071 compounds of, 576–577 phase diagram of, 1071–1073, 1073f preparation of, 518 preparation of, 1073–1074 properties of, 518–519, 519f properties of, 1074–1077 reduction of, 518 I-134 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Uranium pentafluoride (Contd.) Uranium thiocyanate, 602, 603t structural chemistry of, 2416, 2419, 2419f, Uranium thiolate, from cyclopentadienyl 2420t complexes, 2807–2808 thermodynamic properties of, 2160t, 2161, Uranium tribromide, 453–454 2164–2165, 2164t hexahydrate, 453–454 Uranium pentahalides, structural chemistry physical properties of, 453–454 of, 2416, 2419, 2420t preparation of, 453 Uranium perchlorate, 570–571 magnetic susceptibility of, 2257–2258, 2258t physical properties of, 571 physical properties of, 453 preparation of, 570–571 preparation of, 453 Uranium phosphates, structural chemistry of, Uranium trichloride, 446–448 2430–2433, 2431t–2432t, 2433f absorption spectra of, 447 Uranium pnictides, structure of, 2409–2414, hydrates and hydrated complexes, 448–450 2410t–2411t absorption spectra of, 449–450 Uranium selenolate, from cyclopentadienyl structure of, 448–449 complexes, 2807–2808 synthesis of, 448–450 Uranium sesquioxide, formation enthalpy of, magnetic properties of, 448 2143–2146, 2144t, 2145f magnetic susceptibility of, 2257–2258, 2258t Uranium silicides, structural chemistry of, with neutral donor ligands, 452 2406t, 2408 physical properties of, 446–447 Uranium sulfates preparation of, 446 magnetic susceptibilities of, 2252 structural chemistry of, 447, 447f, 2416, structural chemistry of, 2433–2436, 2434t, 2417t 2435f thermodynamic properties of, 2170t, 2173t, Uranium tetrabromide, 494–495 2176–2178 absorption spectra of, 495 Uranium trifluoride physical properties of, 495 magnetic susceptibility of, 2257, 2258t preparation of, 494–495 monohydrate, 445–446 Uranium tetrachloride, 490–492 preparation of, 445 application of, 490–491 physical properties of, 445 magnetic properties of, 491–492 preparation of, 444–445 covalency of, 2249–2251 structure of, 445 crystal-field splittings of, 2249 thermodynamic properties of, 2169, magnetic susceptibility, 2248, 2249f 2170t–2171t, 2176–2178 physical properties of, 490–491 Uranium trihalides, structural chemistry of, preparation of, 490 2416, 2417t reduction of, 319 Uranium trihydride thermodynamic properties of, 2165–2169, magnetic properties of, 2257, 2362 2166t structure of, 2403 Uranium tetrafluoride, 484–486 Uranium triiodide, magnetic susceptibility of, absorption spectra of, 2068, 2069f 2257–2258, 2258t applications of, 484 coordination chemistry of, 600 in gas-phase, 2148, 2148t hydrates, 486–487 structure of, 2393–2394, 2393f physical properties of, 486–487 Uranium tris-cyclopentadienyl, magnetic preparation of, 486 susceptibility of, 2259, 2259t physical properties of, 485–486 Uranium X1 (UX1). See Thorium–234 preparation of, 484–485 Uranium X2 (UX2). See Protactinium–234 reduction of, 319 Uranium Y (UY). See Thorium–231 thermodynamic properties of, 2165–2169, Uranium–232 2166t isolation of, 256 uranium hexafluoride preparation from, 485 nuclear properties of, 3274t–3275t, 3290t Uranium tetrahalides, structural chemistry of, synthesis of, 256 2416, 2418t Uranium–233 Uranium tetraiodide, 497–498 detection of physical properties of, 498, 498f AMS, 3062–3063, 3318 preparation of, 497–498 NMR, 3033 thermodynamic properties of, 2166t, 2168 extraction of, 176 Subject Index I-135 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

nuclear energy with, 255 MBES, 3028 nuclear properties of, 3274t–3275t, 3290t NAA, 3055–3057, 3056t, 3058f as probe for isotopic exchange study, 621 PERALS, 3066, 3067f production of, 256–257 RIMS, 3321–3322 protactinium–233 in, 161, 167–169 αS, 3029, 3293 from thorium–232, 53 TIMS, 3313–3315 for thorium-uranium fuel cycle, 2734 natural occurrence of, 3273, 3276 Uranium–234 neptunium–237 from, 1757 detection of neptunium–239 from, 702, 704 AMS, 3318 nuclear energy with, 255 γS, 3300 nuclear properties of, 3274t–3275t, 3290t ICPMS, 3327 occurrence in nature, 255, 256t, limits to, 3071t 1804–1805 PERALS, 3066, 3067f plutonium–238 from, 815 RIMS, 3321–3322 in THOREX process, 2735–2736 αS, 3293 Uranium–239 TIMS, 3313–3314 discovery of, 255 nuclear properties of, 3274t–3275t, 3290t nuclear properties of, 3274t–3275t occurrence in nature, 255, 256t, 257 Uranium-actinium series (4n þ 3), 21f, 166f separation of, 257 actinium–227 in, 20, 21f Uranium–235 protactinium–231 in, 164–166, 166f absorption cross section of, 2233 thorium–227 from, 53 dating with protactinium–231, and, 170–171 thorium–231 from, 53 detection of uranium–235 in, 256 FTA, 3307 UPt3, superconductivity of, 2351 γS, 3300–3302, 3301f Uranocene INAA, 3303–3304 covalency in, 2854, 2855f limits to, 3071t crystal-field parameters of, 2253 NAA, 3055–3057, 3056t, 3058f cyclooctatetraenyl complexes derivatives of, NMR, 3033 2851–2853, 2852f RIMS, 3321–3322 electronic transitions in, 1951–1952, 1952t RNAA, 3306 magnetic susceptibility of, 2252–2253 αS, 3293 structure of, 1943–1944, 1944t, 1945f, 2486, TIMS, 3313–3314 2488t discovery of, 255 synthesis of, history of, 1894, 2485–2486 laser spectroscopy of, 1873 uranium bis-cycloheptatrienyl v., 2246 natural occurrence of, 3273, 3276 Uranophane neptunium–237 from, 1757 anion topology of, 284f–285f, 286 nuclear energy with, 255, 826, 1826–1827 natural occurrence of, 292 products of, 826, 827t–828t, 828 at Pen˜a Blanca, Chichuhua District, nuclear properties of, 3274t–3275t, 3290t Mexico, 272–273 occurrence in nature, 26–27, 255–256, 256t, at Shinkolobwe deposit, 273 823–824, 1804–1805 structures, of uranium phosphates and plutonium–239 regeneration of, 824 arsenates, 295 products of, 1756 uranium in, 259t–269t security risk of, 1758 Uranopilite Uranium–236 at Oklo, Gabon, 271–272 detection of uranium in, 259t–269t AMS, 3062–3063, 3318 Uranospathite, refinement of, 295 αS, 3293 Uranothorianite, thorium from, 55, 58 nuclear properties of, 3274t–3275t, 3290t Uranotungstite, uranyl tungstates in, 301 Uranium–238 Uranyl (V) detection of bonding of, 577–578 γS, 3027–3028, 3028f, 3300–3302, 3301f structure and coordination chemistry of, ICPMS, 3327 588–589 INAA, 3304–3305 Uranyl (VI) limits to, 3071t bonding of, 577–578, 577f MBAS, 3043 bond-valence of, 3093–3094, 3094f I-136 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Uranyl (VI)(Contd.) highest occupied orbitals in, 1916–1917, carboxylates, EXAFS investigations of, 1917f 3137–3140, 3141t–3150t history of, 2399–2400 coordination geometry of, 3132 hydration number of, 2531–2532, 2533t fluorescence properties and photochemistry hydrolytic behavior of, 2553–2556, of, 624–630 2554f–2555f, 2554t–2555t fluorescence v. phosphorescence, 627 iron-bearing mineral phases of ion, 629–630 coprecipitation, 3168–3169 quenching mechanisms, 629 HFO interaction with, 3166 speciation of, 3101t–3102t, 3118–3121, trapped, 3168 3126–3133 ligands for, 3421, 3422f structure and coordination chemistry of, linear geometry of, 1917 580–584, 580f–584f magnetic properties of, 2239–2240 tris(carbonato) complex of, 3131–3132 in mammalian tissues water exchange in complexes of, 611t–612t, bone, 3403 614 bone binding, 3407 Uranyl bromide, 571–572 circulation clearance of, 3368–3369, physical properties of, 571–572 3368f–3375f, 3376–3377, 3379–3384 preparation of, 571 erythrocytes association with, 3366–3367 study of, 1933 initial distribution, 3342t–3346t, Uranyl chloride. See Uranium dioxide 3354–3355 dichloride transferrin binding to, 3365 Uranyl fluoride. See Uranium oxide difluoride solvation of, 2532–2533 Uranyl hydroxide bromide, 572 thermodynamic properties of, 2544 Uranyl ion, 1914–1920 TIP and, 2239–2240 5f covalency in, 1915–1916 vibrational frequencies of, 1920 adsorption of water reaction with, 3239 iron-bearing mineral phases, 3167 Uranyl perchlorate. See Uranium perchlorate phosphates, 3171 Uranyl polyhedra calculated properties of, 1918–1920, bonding in, 280–281 1919t–1920t geometries of, 281–282, 284f–286f charge-transfer of, 2085–2089, 2087f, 2088f Urine chitosan adsorption of, 2669 electrolytes concentrations in, 3356–3357, complexes of 3357t on bentonite, 3157–3158 uranyl complexes in, 3383–3384 bidentate ligands, 1926–1928, 1928t, URu2Si2, superconductivity of, 2352 1929f U/TEVA•Spec calixarene, 2456, 2457t–2458t, DAAP in, 3284 2459–2463, 2459f for separation, 3284–3285 cation-cation, 2594 UVS. See Ultraviolet spectroscopy crown ether, 2449–2451, 2449t, 2450f, UX1. See Thorium–234 2452t–2453t, 2453–2456, 2454f–2455f UX2. See Protactinium–234 hydroxide, 1925–1926, 1926t, 1927f UY. See Thorium–231 on montmorillonite, 3155–3156 porphyrins and phthalocyanines, 2463–2467, 2464t, 2466f–2467f Vacancy clusters, phase stability and, 984 structure of, 2400–2402 Vacuum melting and casting, for plutonium with water, 1921–1925, 1922f, 1923t, metal production, 870, 871f–872f 1924f Vadose zone, actinide elements in, 1809–1810 compounds of Valence electrons, phase stability and, 927 in aragonite, 3160–3161, 3161t Valence spinor energies, of uranyl, 1918, 1918f in calcite, 3160–3161, 3161t Vanadates Dirac-Hartree-Fock calculations on, of thorium, 110, 111f 1917–1918 phosphates v., 110 electronic structure of, 1971–1972 structure of, 110, 111f calculation of, 1915 of uranium, 266t–267t, 297–298 excited states of, 1930 in uranium ion exchange extraction, 311 extraction of, REDOX process, 2730–2731 , uranium ore removal of, 304 Subject Index I-137 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Vandendriesscheite of rutherfordium, 1692 anion topology of, 283, 284f–285f of transactinide element gas-phase at Shinkolobwe deposit, 273 compounds, 1684–1685, 1715 uranium in, 259t–269t Volatility-based separation methods, Vapor pressure 2632–2633 of berkelium, 1459 Voltammetry of californium, metal, 1523, 1524f for californium, 1548 of liquid plutonium, 963 method for, 756 of plutonium for neptunium, 755–757, 756t, 757f hexafluoride, 1086 determination of, 791–792 tetrafluoride, 1085–1086 for plutonium, 1119 of protactinium, 192, 193t for thorium, 133 halides, 200 Volumetric techniques, for uranium, of uranium dioxide, 365–366, 366f 633–634 Vaporization Volumetry (VOL), for environmental of californium actinides, 3059t, 3061 metal, 1523–1524, 1524f Vyacheslavite, uranium in, 259t–269t, 275 oxides, 1537 of einsteinium, 1603 production of, 1609 Water of fermium, metal, 1628 actinide elements in of plutonium oxides, 1045–1047, electrochemical equilibria, 3096 1046f standard reduction potentials, 3097, with uranium oxides, 1074 3098t of plutonium, tribromide, 1100 americium (II) oxidation by, 1337 of UO2, 364–367, 366f in coordination chemistry, 3096 VDPA. See Vinylidene–1,1-diphosphonic acid einsteinium cocrystallization and, 1608 Vermiculite, uranyl-loaded, 3156 plutonium reaction with, 3213 Vibrational frequencies hydrides, 3219 of actinide carbide oxides, 1977, 1977t metal, 3225–3238 of actinide nitride oxides, 1990, 1990t oxides, 3219–3222 of actinide nitrides, 1988, 1989f radiolytic decomposition of adsorbed, of actinyl complexes, 1923, 1924f 3221 of plutonium pollution in, 3095 hexafluoride, 1086–1088, 1090t uranium corrosion by, 3242–3245, 3243f, ions, 1116–1117 3244t of uranium in uranium dioxide complex, 1921–1925, oxides, 1973, 1974t 1922f, 1923t, 1924f uranium dioxide, 1972 exchange in, 1923–1925, 1924f uranium hexafluoride, 1935–1938, 1937t uranyl ion reaction with, 3239 uranyl, 1920, 1972, 2087 Water samples Vibrational spectroscopy actinide handling in, 3022 of americium, 1369–1370 treatment of, 3022–3023 of matrix-isolated actinide molecules, Weapon-grade uranium 1968 description of, 1755 of organometallic actinide compounds, production of, 1757–1758 1800 scope of concern of, 3202 of plutonium, ions, 1114–1117 Weeksite, structure of, 292–293 Vickers microhardness, of plutonium, 970, Wigner-Eckart theorem, for free-ion 970f interactions, 2027–2028 Vinylidene–1,1-diphosphonic acid (VDPA), Wigner-Seitz radius, of metallic state, actinide stripping with, 1280–1281 2310–2312, 2311f Viscosity, of liquid plutonium, 962–963 Wo¨lsendorfite Void swelling, of plutonium, 981, 987 anion topology of, 284f–285f, 286 VOL. See Volumetry from clarkeite, 288 Volatility Wyartite, structure of, 290 of dubnium, 1703 Wybourne’s formalism, for crystal-field of elements 116–118, 1728 interactions, 2039–2040 I-138 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

XANES. See X-ray absorption near-edge X-ray atomic energy levels, of protactinium, structure spectroscopy 190, 190t XAS. See X-ray absorption spectroscopy X-ray crystallography. See also X-ray Xenotime, thorium in, 56t diffraction XMCD. See X-ray magnetic circular for actinide element detection, 11 dichroism of actinyl complexes, 1921 XPS. See X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of berkelium, 1462, 1464t–1465t X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) of californium, metal, 1519, 1520t for actinide-oxygen bond distances, of curium, 1413t–1415t 2530–2531 for electronic structure, 1770 of actinyl ions, 2532 of plutonium of berkelium, 1474 borides, 999t for hydration study, 2528 carbides, 1005t, 1010t neptunium (V) speciation with, 795 chalcogenides, 1050t–1051t X-ray absorption near-edge structure fluorides, 1084t spectroscopy (XANES) oxides, 1025, 1027t of berkelium, 1474 oxoplutonates, 1060t–1061t for environmental actinides, 3034t, 3039, pnictides, 1020t 3040f silicides, 1012t of neptunium (IV), 3107–3108 ternary oxides, 1066t–1067t of plutonium (IV), 3108–3109 of protactinium, chloro and bromo of plutonyl (V), 3210 complexes, 204, 205t polarization for, 3088–3089 of thorium for redox potential determination, borides, carbides, and silicides, 69, 754, 754f 71t–73t of solid samples, sorption studies of, chalcogenides, 70, 75t 3172–3173 complex anions, 101, 102t–103t of uranium halides, 78, 78t, 87t–89t silicate phosphate, 3170 hydrides, 65, 66t uranium (V), 279 pnictides, 97–99, 98t for valence measurement, 3087, of uranium 3089f–3091f intermetallic compounds and alloys, 325 of XAS, 3087, 3088f trichloride hydrates, 448–450, 450 XPS with, 3069 X-ray detection, protactinium for, 188 X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) X-ray diffraction (XRD). See also Powder for actinides, 14, 1770, 3086–3184 X-ray diffraction future direction, 3183–3184 for actinide study, 1767 sorption studies, 3140–3183 of berkelium, 1445, 1469 terrestrial aquatic environment, of californium, 1522 3095–3140 for coordination geometry study, for americium, 1296, 1370 602–603 for bacterial sorption, 3177–3178, description of, 2381–2382 3179t–3180t for hydration study, 2528 of berkelium (IV/III), 3110 improvements to, 3093 bond-valence sums for, 3093–3094 IRS and, 3065 for environmental actinides, 3034t, methods for, 2382 3037–3039, 3040f of neptunium future direction for, 3183–3184 dioxide, 725 issues with, 3094–3095 trichloride, 737 for plutonium, 859–861 neutron diffraction v., 2383 of protactinium, 226–227 of plutonium oxide-water reaction, of solid samples, sorption studies of, 3209–3210 3171–3172 for structural chemistry, 2381–2383 synchrotron for, 3087 of thorium for thorium ligand study, 131 hydrides, 64 of uranium, in calcite, 3163–3164 perchlorate, 101 XANES and EXAFS of, 3087, X-ray emission spectroscopy, of californium, 3088f 1516–1517 Subject Index I-139 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

X-ray fluorescence (XRF) Zeeman interaction, in magnetic properties, americium–241 for, 1828 2225–2226 for environmental actinides, 3034t, 3039, Zeolites, uranium compounds on, 301–302 3041f Zero-phonon lines (ZPL) future direction for, 3183–3184 in curium excitation spectra, 2061f, 2062 of neptunium, 788 in protactinium excitation spectra, RAMS and IRS with, 3069 2067–2068, 2068f of solid samples, sorption studies of, of uranyl, 2087, 2088f 3172–3173 ζ-Phase, of plutonium, 882f–883f, 883, 890, of uranium, 636–637 891f X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) density of, 936t advantages/disadvantages of, 2236 strength of, 968f, 970 development of, 2236 thermoelectric power, 957–958, 958t for magnetic studies, 2236 Zippeite, uranium sulfates in, 291–292 X-ray measurement, for transactinide Zircon, thorium in, 56t identification, 1659, 1662 Zirconium X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) californium compound with, 1538 AES v., 3051 carbamoylmethylenephosphine oxide for electronic structure, 1770 extraction of, 1280 for environmental actinides, 3044t, 3045 extraction with TTA, 1701 neptunium characterization with, 795 protactinium purification from, 178–186 of plutonium, 861 ion exchange, 180–181, 180f oxides, 3208 precipitation and crystallization, 178–179 of transplutonium oxides, 1516–1517 solvent extraction and extraction of uraninite, 274 chromatography, 181–186, 183f XANES with, 3069 rutherfordium v., 1692–1693, 1694f, 1702 X-ray scattering extraction of, 1697–1700 of actinyl complexes, 1921 uranium dioxide solid solutions with neutron scattering v., sample size, oxygen potentials, 394, 395t 2233–2234 properties of, 390, 391t–392t of uranyl (VI), 3128–3129 Zirconolite X-ray spectroscopy (XS), for environmental geochemical studies of, 278 actinides, 3025, 3026t natural occurrence of, 277–278 X-ray tomography (TOM), for properties of, 278 environmental actinides, 3034t, uranium (V) in, 279 3040–3043, 3042f Zone melting, for uranium metal X-ray tubes, for XRD, 2382 preparation, 319 XRD. See X-ray diffraction Zone-refining, for plutonium metal XRF. See X-ray fluorescence production, 876–877 XS. See X-ray spectroscopy americium removal in, 877 equipment for, 877, 878f overview of, 876 ‘Yellow cake,’ refinement of, 314–317, process of, 876–877 315f–316f, 317t ZORA method for actinide cyclopentadienyl complexes, in einsteinium alloy, 1592 1958 einsteinium v., 1578–1579 for actinyl oxyhalides, 1941–1942 Yucca Mountain site, sorption studies of soil for electronic structure calculation, 1907 samples, 3175–3176 ZPL. See Zero-phonon lines AUTHOR INDEX

Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440. Page numbers suffixed by t and f refer to Tables and Figures respectively.

Aaberg, M., 1921 Abramina, E. V., 760 Aaliti, A., 2877 Abramov, A. A., 37 Aarkrog, A., 704, 783, 3280 Abramowitz, S., 1968, 1971 Aarts, J., 2333 Abrams, R., 3424 Aas, W., 589, 606, 608, 611, 612, 614, 617, 618, Abramychev, S. M., 1398 1426, 2593 Abrao, A., 410 Aase, S. B., 861, 1295 Abriata, J. P., 355, 356 Aba, A., 180 Abrikosov, I. A., 928, 2355 Abaouz, A., 88, 91 Abu–Dari, K., 3416, 3419 Abazli, H., 511, 730, 735, 739, 745, 746, 748, Abuzwida, M. A., 3052, 3053 792, 2443, 2595 Ache, H. J., 227 Abbott, D. T., 3017 Achenbach, W., 1881 Abdel Gawad, A. S., 176, 182, 184, 185 Acker, F., 67, 71 Abdel-Rahman, A., 181 Ackerman, D., 14 Abdelras, A. A., 1513 Ackerman, J. P., 2710, 2714, 2715, 2719, 2720 Abdul-Hadi, A., 180 Ackermann, D., 1653, 1713, 1717 Abdullin, F. S., 1653, 1654, 1707, 1719, Ackermann, R. J., 60, 61, 63, 70, 75, 321, 322, 1736, 1738 351, 352, 353, 355, 356, 362, 364, 365, Abdullin, F. Sh., 14, 1398, 1400 718, 724, 890, 891, 945, 949, 963, 1030, Abe, J., 1010 1045, 1046, 1048, 1297, 1298, 1403, Abe, M., 188, 226, 1292 1409, 1410, 1417, 2114, 2115, 2116, Abelson, P. H., 4, 5, 699, 700, 717 2120, 2147, 2148, 2149, 2380, 2391 Aberg, M., 545, 570, 596, 598, 600, 2532, 2533, Acquista, N., 1968, 1971 2555, 2556, 2583, 3101, 3119, 3128 Adachi, H., 99, 576, 577, 1935, 1936, 2165 Abernathy, D., 2237 Adachi, T., 355, 383 Abeyta, C. L., 3031 Adair, H. L., 1302 Abney, K., 1173 Adair, M. L., 1410, 1412, 1413 Abney, K. D., 97, 117, 398, 475, 495, 861, 998, Adam, M., 2472, 2817 1112, 1166, 2642, 2749, 2827, 2868, Adam, R., 2472, 2805 2869, 3109, 3210 Adams, D. M., 93 Aboukais, A., 76 Adams, F., 169, 170, 171 Abou-Kais, A., 76 Adams, J., 1582, 1593, 1612 Abragam, A., 2226, 2228 Adams, J. B., 949, 950 Abraham, A., 3029 Adams, J. L., 185, 186, 815, 1447, 1684, 1693, Abraham, B. M., 329, 332, 333, 1018, 1052, 1699, 1705, 1711, 1716, 1718 1092, 1094, 1095, 1100, 1101, 2167 Adams, J. M., 2642 Abraham, D. P., 719, 721 Adams, M. D., 950, 1080, 1086 Abraham, F., 298, 301 Adams, R. E., 406 Abraham, J., 115 Adams, S. R., 3017 Abraham, M. M., 1368, 1472, 1602, 2042, 2047, Adamson, M. G., 1036, 1047, 1075, 2195 2053, 2058, 2059, 2061, 2062, 2075, Adar, S., 1509 2226, 2238, 2259, 2261, 2262, 2263, Addison, C. C., 370, 378 2265, 2266, 2268, 2269, 2272, 2292 Addleman, R. S., 2679, 2681, 2682, 2683 Abrahams, E., 923, 964, 2344, 2347, 2355 Aderhold, C., 1323, 1455, 1515, 2254, 2264, Abrahams, S. C., 1360 2472, 2826 Abram, U., 597 Adi, M. B., 115

I-141 I-142 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Adler, P. H., 920, 927, 933 Akhachinskii, V. V., 906, 912 Adloff, J. P., 20, 25, 31, 988, 1663 Akhachinskij, V. V., 67, 68, 69, 74, 100, 325, Adnet, J. M., 1143, 1355 326, 398, 400, 401, 402, 405, 406, 407, Adolphson, D. G., 83 2114, 2197, 2205, 2206, 2207, 2208, 2209 Adrian, G., 792 Akhtar, M. N., 2441 Adrian, H. W. W., 2439 Akiba, K., 2759, 2760, 2762 Adriano, D. C., 3288 Akie, H., 2693 Adrianov, M. A., 900, 902, 904, 906, 907, 908, Akimoto, I., 1019 910, 911, 912, 913, 914 Akimoto, Y., 1028, 1303, 1312, 1317, Aebersold, H. U., 1732 2395, 2411 Aeppli, G., 2238, 2351 Akin, G. A., 490 Aerts, P. J. C., 1905 Akiyama, K., 1445, 1484, 1696, 1718, 1735 Afonas’eva, T. V., 726, 745, 747, 748, 767, 768, Akopov, G. A., 788, 3034, 3039 1175, 2434, 2436, 2442 Aksel’rud, L. G., 69, 72 Afonichkin, V. K., 2703, 2704 Aksenova, N. M., 30 Afzal, D., 2472 Al Mahamid, I., 1178, 1180, 3087, 3108, Agakhanov, A. A., 261 3113, 3118 Agapie, T., 2888 Al Rifai, S., 1352 Agarande, M., 3062 Aladova, E. E., 3282 Agarwal, H., 115 Alami Talbi, M., 102, 110 Agarwal, P., 407, 2239, 2359 Alario-Franco, M. A., 113 Agarwal, R., 1635, 1642, 1643, 1645, 1646 Albering, J. H., 70, 73, 100, 2431 Agarwal, R. K., 115 Alberman, K. B., 377, 393 Agarwal, Y. K., 1738 Albers, R. C., 1788, 3089, 3103, 3108 Agnew, S. F., 1268 Albinsson, Y., 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, Agreiter, J., 1968 129, 130, 3024, 3152 Agron, P. A., 528 Albiol, T., 1019 Agruss, M. S., 163, 173, 174, 175 Albrecht, A., 3014 Aguilar, R., 3279, 3280, 3282, 3314 Albrecht, E. D., 915, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006 Ahilan, K., 407, 2239, 2359 Albrecht-Schmitt, T., 1312, 1360 Ahlheim, U., 2352 Albrecht-Schmitt, T. E., 253, 298, 299, 412, Ahlrichs, R., 1908, 1909 555, 1173, 1531, 2256 Ahmad, I., 26, 167, 168, 1447, 1504, 1516, Albridge, R. G., 164 1582, 1736 Albright, D., 813, 814, 825, 1756, 1758, 1805 Ahmad, M. F., 114 Alcock, C. B., 402, 421 Ahmed, F. R., 2443 Alcock, K., 342, 357, 358, 3171 Ahmed, M., 2982, 3060 Alcock, N. W., 108, 542, 549, 571, 583, 588, Ahonen, L., 3066 1173, 1921, 2434, 2439, 2440, 2441, Ahrland, S., 209, 772, 774, 1555, 1687, 2565, 2476, 2483, 2484, 2485, 2532, 2843, 2578, 2579, 2580, 2582, 2585, 2587, 2887, 3138 2589, 2600, 2607, 3346, 3347, 3360, Al-Daher, A. G. M., 115 3361, 3386 Aldred, A. T., 719, 721, 739, 742, 744, 745, Ahuja, R., 719, 720, 1300, 1301, 2371 1304, 2238, 2261, 2262, 2362 Aikhler, V., 1664, 1703 Aldridge, T. L., 3346 Aisen, P., 3364, 3366, 3375, 3397, 3399 Aldstadt, J. H., 3323 Aissi, C. F., 76 Alei, M., 1126 Aitken, C., 2916 Aleklett, K., 1737, 1738 Aitken, E. A., 387, 393, 395, 396, 1045, 1075 Aleksandrov, B. M., 1513 Aizenberg, I., 1625, 1633 Aleksandruk, V. M., 787, 788, 1405, 1433, Aizenberg, I. B., 2037, 2051, 2052 2532, 3034 Aizenberg, M. I., 1541, 1612 Alekseev, V. A., 179 Akabori, M., 718, 719, 1018, 1421, 2185, 2186, Alekseeva, D. P., 756, 1175 2187, 2724, 2725 Alekseeva, T. E., 1725 Akatsu, E., 1431 Alenchikova, I. F., 1101, 1102, 1106, 1107, Akatsu, J., 716, 837, 1049, 1294, 1512, 2653 1108, 2426 Akber, R. A., 42 Ale´onard, K. B., 281 Akella, J., 61, 1299, 1300, 1403, 1410, 1411, Alessandrini, V. A., 2274 1412, 2370 Alexander, C., 1760, 3223, 3224, 3225 Author Index I-143 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Alexander, C. A., 364, 365, 393, 1021, 1045 Allen, T. H., 973, 974, 975, 976, 989, 990, Alexander, C. W., 1505, 1506, 1507 1026, 1027, 1035, 1040, 1041, 1042, Alexander, E. C., Jr., 824 1798, 2136, 2141, 3109, 3177, 3202, Alexander, I. C., 98 3205, 3206, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3211, Alexander, W. R., 3070 3214, 3216, 3217, 3218, 3219, 3220, Alexandratos, S., 1585 3221, 3222, 3223, 3224, 3225, 3227, Alexandratos, S. D., 716, 852, 1293, 2642, 3228, 3229, 3230, 3231, 3232, 3235, 2643, 3283 3236, 3237, 3243, 3244, 3245, 3247, Alexer, I. C., 98 3249, 3250, 3251, 3252, 3253, 3256, Alexopoulos, C. M., 2432 3257, 3259, 3260 Al-Far, R. H., 2443 Allison, M., 29 Alfassi, Z. B., 3056, 3057 Alloy, H. P., 226 Alford, M. J., 2864 Allpress, J. G., 373, 374, 375, 376, 380, 549, Alhassanieh, O., 180 550, 555 Ali, M., 2153 Almasova, E. V., 1479 Ali, S., 1352 Almeida, M., 1304 Ali, S. A., 1428, 1552 Almond, P. M., 298, 299, 412, 1173, 2256 Alibegoff, G., 431 Al-Niaimi, N. S., 772, 773, 774 Aling, P., 355 Alnot, M., 3046 Al-Jowder, O., 545 Alonso, C. T., 6 Al-Kazzaz, A. M. S., 206, 207 Alonso, J. R., 6 Al-Kazzaz, Z. M. S., 82, 745, 746 Alonso, U., 3069 Allain, M., 92 Alstad, J., 1665, 1666, 1695, 1702, 1717, Allard, B., 1117, 1146, 1158, 1354, 1803, 1804, 1735, 2662 1806, 1807, 1808, 1810, 2546, 2591 Altarelli, M., 2236 Allard, B. I., 132 Altmaier, M., 3103, 3104, 3129 Allard, G., 67 Altman, P. L., 3357, 3358 Allard, T., 3152, 3155, 3168 Altzizaglau, T., 1293 Allbutt, M., 1050, 1051, 1052 Alvarado, J. A., 3327 Allegre, C. J., 231, 3314 Alvarado, J. S., 3280, 3327 Allemspach, P., 428, 436, 440, 444, 451 Alvarez, L. W., 3316 Allen, A. L., 484 Aly, H. F., 181, 184, 1449, 1476, 1477, 1478, Allen, A. O., 3221 1513, 1551, 1585, 1606, 2662 Allen, F. H., 2444 Alzitzoglou, T., 1665 Allen, G. C., 340, 344, 350, 375, 376, 504, Amalraj, R. V., 2633 1035, 1972, 3171 Amano, H., 3171 Allen, J. W., 100, 861, 1521 Amano, O., 855, 856 Allen, O. W., 314 Amano, R., 1323, 1324, 1541 Allen, P., 849, 1167, 3025, 3089, 3095, Amanowicz, M., 719, 720 3102, 3103, 3104, 3106, 3107, 3109, Amato, L., 2756 3110, 3111, 3113, 3114, 3115, 3117, Amayri, S., 3131, 3381, 3382 3118, 3119, 3122, 3130, 3131, 3135, Ambartzumian, R. V., 3319 3138, 3140, 3141, 3142, 3145, 3146, Amberger, H. D., 1952 3147, 3148, 3149, 3150, 3152, 3154, Amberger, H.-D., 505, 2226, 2253, 2254 3155, 3156, 3158, 3160, 3165, 3166, Amble, E., 1681 3167, 3171 Amekraz, B., 120, 3054 Allen, P. B., 63 Amelinckx, S., 343 Allen, P. G., 118, 270, 277, 287, 289, 301, 579, American Society for Testing and Materials, 585, 589, 602, 795, 849, 932, 967, 1112, 634, 3279, 3280, 3282, 3283, 3285, 1166, 1167, 1327, 1338, 1363, 1368, 3291, 3292, 3295, 3296, 3302, 3308, 1369, 1370, 1921, 1923, 1926, 1947, 3309, 3327, 3328 2530, 2531, 2532, 2568, 2576, 2580, Ames, F., 789, 1296, 1403, 1875, 1876, 1877, 2583, 2812, 3369, 3385, 3388, 3390, 3044, 3047, 3048, 3320, 3321 3391, 3394, 3417, 3423 Ames, R. L., 1141 Allen, R. E., 2044 Ami, N., 1049 Allen, R. P., 968 Amirthalingam, V., 2393 Allen, S., 593, 2256 Amis, E. S., 2532 Allen, S. J., 2275 Amme, M., 289 I-144 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Ammentorp-Schmidt, F., 207 Andres, H. P., 428, 440 Amonenko, V. M., 364 Andres, K., 2360 Amoretti, G., 2278, 2279, 2280, 2283, 2284, Andresen, A. F., 66, 351 2285, 2286, 2287, 2288, 2294 Andrew, J. F., 957, 1004 Amrhein, C., 270, 3166, 3174 Andrew, K. L., 1730, 1731 Anan’ev, A. V., 793, 1352 Andrews, A. B., 2343, 2344, 2345 Ananeva, L. A., 458 Andrews, H., 855 Anczkiewicz, R., 3047 Andrews, H. C., 30, 32 Anderegg, G., 1177, 1178 Andrews, J. E., 1114, 1148, 1155, 1160, Anderko, K., 325, 405, 408, 409 1163, 2583 Anders, E., 636, 3306 Andrews, L., 405, 576, 1918, 1919, 1969, 1971, Andersen, J. C., 1028, 1030 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, Andersen, O. K., 1459 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, Andersen, R. A., 116, 452, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 2246, 2247, 2256, 2260, 2471, 2472, 1990, 2185, 2894 2473, 2475, 2476, 2477, 2478, 2479, Andreyev, A. N., 6, 14, 1653, 1701 2480, 2481, 2561, 2802, 2803, 2805, Andrieux, L., 398 2806, 2807, 2808, 2809, 2810, 2812, Andruchow, W. J., 115 2813, 2829, 2830, 2833, 2834, 2837, Angel, A., 225 2845, 2846, 2866, 2867, 2876, 2877, Angelo, J. A., Jr., 817 2879, 2881, 2916, 2922, 2923 Angelucci, O., 76 Anderson, A., 580, 582 Angus, W., 3340, 3349, 3350, 3398, 3399 Anderson, C. D., 963 Anisimov, V. I., 929, 953 Anderson, C. J., 2688, 2690 Ankudinov, A. L., 1112, 1991, 3087, 3089, Anderson, D. M., 2912 3108, 3113, 3117, 3118, 3123 Anderson, H. H., 841 Anonymous, 163, 2629, 2632, 2668, 2669, Anderson, H. J., 343 2712, 2713, 2714, 2715, 2717, Anderson, J. E., 2464 2730, 2732 Anderson, J. S., 83, 344, 373, 374, 375, 377, 382, Anousis, I., 302, 3039 383, 390, 393, 549, 550, 555, 1796, 3214 ANS, 1269 Anderson, J. W., 862, 870 Ansara, I., 67, 68, 69, 74, 100, 325, 326, 398, Anderson, K. D., 2407 400, 401, 402, 405, 406, 407, 2114, Anderson, M. R., 107 2197, 2205, 2206, 2207, 2208, 2209 Anderson, O. K., 1300 Anselin, F., 1018, 1022 Anderson, R. F., 3056 Ansell, H. G., 103, 113 Anderson, R. W., 484 Ansermet, S., 260, 285, 288 Andersson, C., 2757 Ansoborlo, E., 3052, 3382, 3423 Andersson, D. A., 1044 Anson, C. E., 545 Andersson, J. E., 223 Antalic, S., 14, 1653, 1713, 1717 Andersson, K., 1909 Anthony, A. M., 353, 360 Andersson, P. H., 2347 Antill, J. E., 319 Andersson, P. S., 3288 Antonelli, D., 817 Andersson, S. O., 2757 Antonini, G. M., 3163 Andraka, B., 719, 720 Antonio, M. R., 291, 584, 730, 754, 764, 861, Andrassy, M., 1662, 1709 1112, 1113, 1356, 1370, 1474, 1480, Andre´, C., 2591 1481, 1778, 1933, 2127, 2263, 2402, Andre, G., 402, 407 2526, 2527, 2528, 2531, 2532, 2584, Andreetii, G. D., 2816 3039, 3086, 3087, 3089, 3099, 3100, Andreetti, G. D., 103, 110, 2471, 2472 3106, 3107, 3108, 3110, 3111, 3112, Andreev, A. M., 164 3114, 3116, 3117, 3122, 3125, 3163, Andreev, A. V., 334, 335, 339, 2359, 2360 3170, 3179, 3181 Andreev, V. I., 1326, 1329, 1331, 1416, Antonoff, G. N., 163 1429, 2584 Antsyshkina, A. S., 2439 Andreev, V. J., 1545, 1559, 2129, 2131 Anwander, R., 2918 Andreichikov, B., 1398, 1421 Anyun, Z., 1141 Andreichikov, B. M., 1398, 1433 Aoi, M., 855, 856 Andreichuk, N. N., 1144, 1145, 1146, 1338, Aoki, D., 412, 2352 2531, 3101, 3106, 3111, 3113 Ao-Ling, G., 2912 Author Index I-145 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Aoshima, A., 2760 Armijo, V. M., 3312, 3314 Aoyagi, H., 758 Armstrong, D. E., 1291 Aoyagi, M., 1452, 1515 Arnaudet, L., 2472, 2820 Aoyagi, N., 625 Arnaud-Neu, F., 2655 Apelblatt, A., 2132 Arney, D. S. J., 1958, 2479, 2832, 2833, Apeloig, Y., 2957 2835, 2845, 2847, 2848, 2849, 2914, Apostolidis, C., 28, 43, 44, 102, 108, 223, 1143, 2916, 2921 1168, 1409, 1410, 2250, 2255, 2469, Arnold, E. D., 2734 2470, 2471, 2472, 2474, 2475, 2476, Arnold, G. P., 67, 69, 71, 98, 2407, 2408, 2411 2477, 2478, 2479, 2484, 2486, 2488, Arnold, J. S., 3353, 3403, 3404, 3405, 2752, 2808, 2814, 2815, 2816, 2819, 3406, 3407 2827, 2829, 2852, 2882, 2885 Arnold, P. L., 1966, 1967, 2859, 2861, 2888 Appel, H., 729, 792 Arnold, T., 3029, 3152, 3165, 3166, 3167 Appelman, E. H., 728, 1064, 2527 Arnold, Z., 334, 335 Appleman, D. E., 259, 266, 282 Arnoux, M., 24, 31 Apps, M. J., 3057 Arons, R. R., 719, 720 Apraksin, I. A., 108 Aronson, S., 97, 100, 353, 360, 368, 369, 390, Apyagi, H., 753, 790, 791 394, 397 Arai, T., 845 Arora, K., 115 Arai, Y., 396, 717, 743, 1018, 1019, 1022, 2140, Arredondo, V. M., 2984, 2986, 2990 2142, 2157, 2199, 2201, 2202, 2693, Arrott, A., 2273, 2275 2698, 2715, 2716, 2724 Arsalane, S., 102, 110, 1172, 2431 Arajs, S., 322 Arslanov, K. A., 3014 Aramburu, I., 78, 82 Arthur, E. D., 1811 Arapaki, H., 222, 225 Artisyuk, V., 1398 Arapaki-Strapelias, H., 185, 209, 215, 222 Artlett, R. J., 1938 Arblaster, J. W., 34, 35 Artna-Cohen, A., 166 Arbman, E., 164 Artyukhin, P. I., 1117, 1118, 1128 Arbode, Ph., 3068 Arutyunyan, E. G., 102, 105, 2434, 2439 Arbore, Ph., 3062 Asai, M., 1266, 1267, 1445, 1450, 1484, 1696, Archer, M. D., 3097 1699, 1700, 1710, 1718, 1735 Archibong, E. F., 1018, 1976, 1989, 1994, 2149 Asakara, T., 1294, 1295 Arden, I. W., 225 Asakura, T., 711, 1272, 1273, 2757 Arden, J. W., 3311 Asami, N., 366 Ardisson, C., 170 Asano, H., 407 Ardisson, G., 170, 1688, 1700, 1718, 3024 Asano, M., 68 Ardois, C., 289 Asano, Y., 2633 Arduini, A., 2655 Asanuma, N., 852 Arduini, A. L., 2819 Asao, N., 2953, 2969 Arendt, J., 560 Asaro, F., 1582 Arfken, G., 1913 Asch, L., 719, 720 Arimura, T., 2560, 2590 Asfari, Z., 2456, 2457, 2458, 2459 Arisaka, M., 1409 Ashby, E. C., 2760 Arita, K., 78 Ashcroft, N. E., 2308 Arita, Y., 2208, 2211 Ashley, K. R., 2642 Ariyaratne, K. A. N. S., 2479, 2484 Ashurov, Z. K., 2441 Arkhipov, V. A., 2140 Aslan, A. N., 69, 72 Arkhipova, N. F., 1725 Aslan, H., 2472, 2817, 2818 Arko, A. J., 412, 921, 964, 1056, 2307, 2334, Asling, C. W., 3341, 3342, 3344, 3353 2335, 2336, 2338, 2339, 2341, 2343, Asling, G. W., 3387 2344, 2345, 2346, 2347, 2350 Asmerom, Y., 3313 Arliguie, T., 1960, 1962, 2246, 2479, 2480, Aso, N., 2239, 2347, 2352 2488, 2491, 2837, 2841, 2856, 2857, Asprey, L. B., 79, 191, 193, 201, 202, 203, 222, 2861, 2862, 2891, 2892 457, 463, 502, 506, 507, 519, 520, 529, Armagan, N., 2451 530, 536, 732, 734, 763, 765, 841, 1049, Armbruster, P., 6, 14, 164, 1653, 1660, 1701, 1082, 1084, 1095, 1097, 1107, 1117, 1713, 1735, 1737, 1738 1118, 1265, 1291, 1295, 1297, 1302, Armbruster, T., 260, 285, 288 1312, 1314, 1315, 1319, 1322, 1323, I-146 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

1325, 1326, 1329, 1331, 1333, 1356, Averbach, B. B., 828 1357, 1358, 1360, 1365, 1366, 1367, Averill, B. A., 3117 1404, 1415, 1416, 1417, 1418, 1419, Averill, F. W., 1682 1429, 1458, 1467, 1475, 1513, 1515, Avignant, D., 85, 86, 87, 88, 90, 91, 457, 458, 1519, 1520, 1529, 1604, 1935, 1968, 468, 1108 2077, 2165, 2232, 2350, 2388, 2395, Avisimova, N. Yu., 2439 2397, 2415, 2416, 2417, 2418, 2420, Avivi, E., 905 2426, 2427 Avogadro, A., 373, 1803 Assefa, Z., 1453, 1467, 1531, 1532, 1554, 1601, Avril, R., 1863, 1873, 1874, 1875 1602, 1603 Awad, A. M., 2580 Assinder, D. J., 3017, 3295, 3296 Awasthi, S. K., 728, 729, 1058, 1059, 1060, 1061 Astafurova, L. N., 1170, 2434 Awasthi, S. P., 2580 Astheimer, L., 220 Awwad, N., 3409 Aston, F. W., 3309 Awwal, M. A., 2736 Astro¨m, B., 1636 Axe, J. D., 203, 2065, 2114, 2241, 2243 Aten, A. H. W., Jr., 1547 Axelrod, D., 3401, 3424 Atencio, D., 260, 264, 293 Axelrod, D. J., 3341, 3348, 3356, 3387, 3405 Atherton, D. A., 3370, 3373 Axler, K. M., 1109 Atherton, D. R., 1507, 1579, 3343, 3349, 3350, Ayache, C., 719, 720 3351, 3353, 3355, 3356, 3358, 3360, Aymonino, P. J., 110 3362, 3364, 3365, 3366, 3370, 3375, Ayoub, E. J., 184 3377, 3378, 3379, 3381, 3382, 3385, Ayres, J. A., 3246 3396, 3398, 3399, 3403, 3404, 3405, Ayres, L., 3345, 3354, 3355, 3371, 3378, 3384 3414, 3415, 3416, 3420 Aziz, A., 41, 1352, 1426, 1431 Atherton, N. J., 190, 226 Atlas, L. M., 1031 Atoji, M., 537, 2426 Baaden, M., 2685 Attenkofer, K., 3178 Baba, N., 3318 Atterling, H., 1636 Babad, H., 2760 Attrep, M., Jr., 3279, 3280, 3282, 3314 Babaev, A. S., 787, 788, 1405, 1433, 3034 Atwood, J. L., 116, 2240, 2452, 2472, 2473, Babain, V. A., 856, 2682, 2684, 2685, 2739 2480, 2484, 2803, 2804, 2812, 2815, Babauer, A. S., 2532 2816, 2829, 2844, 2845, 2912, 2924 Babcock, B. R., 866, 869, 870 Au, C. T., 76 Babelot, J. F., 366, 367 Aubert, P., 1433 Babikov, L. G., 2715 Aubin, L., 1629 Babrova, V. N., 1320 Auchapt, P., 2731 Babu, C. S., 3113 Audi, G., 815, 817, 1446 Babu, R., 1076, 2205, 2206 Auerman, L. N., 221, 1113, 1473, 1515, 1547, Babu, Y., 1175 1548, 1607, 1629, 1636, 2525 Baca, J., 2655 Auerswald, K., 3017 Bach, M. E., 268 Auge, R. G., 869 Bachelet, M., 179 Augoustinik, A. I., 195 Bacher, W., 421, 423, 424, 425, 441, 446, 447, Augustson, J. H., 2662 457, 458, 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465, Aukrust, E., 360 466, 467, 469, 481, 484, 485, 486, 487, Aupais, J., 134, 785, 1405, 1432, 1433 489, 501, 502, 505, 506, 507, 517, 518, Aur, S., 3107 520, 528, 530, 533, 534, 535, 536, 537, Aurov, N. A., 431, 437, 450, 451, 454 538, 556, 557, 560, 561, 562, 563, 566 Auskern, A. B., 97 Backe, A., 1840, 1877, 1884 Austin, A. E., 1006, 1007 Backe, H., 33, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, Autschbach, J., 1666 1883, 1884 Auzel, F., 483, 486, 491, 2039, 2067 Backer, W., 1352 Avdeef, A., 116, 1188, 1943, 1944, 2486, Baclet, N., 886, 887, 930, 932, 933, 954, 956 2488, 2852 Bacmann, J. J., 367 Avens, L. R., 439, 454, 455, 737, 752, 1182, Bacmann, M., 386 1183, 1184, 1185, 1186, 1190, 2484, Bacon, G. E., 2232 2487, 2488, 2802, 2813, 2832, 2858, Bacon, W. E., 101 2867, 2876 Badaev, Yu. V., 112 Author Index I-147 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Bader, S. D., 323, 324, 1894, 2315, 2355 Bajic, S., 3036 Badheka, L. P., 1282, 1285, 1294, 2657, 2658, Bajo, S., 1806, 3024, 3029, 3030, 3283, 2659, 2738, 2743, 2744, 2745, 3293, 3296 2749, 2757 Bajt, S., 270, 3039, 3172 Bae, C., 1723, 1728 Bakac, A., 595, 619, 620, 630 Baechler, S., 3042, 3043 Bakakin, V. V., 458 Baenziger, N. C., 70, 339, 399, 407 Bakel, A. J., 279, 861 Baer, Y., 421, 2360 Baker, E. C., 2471, 2472, 2819, 2820 Baerends, E. J., 1200, 1201, 1202, 1203, 1666, Baker, F., 1333 1667, 1668, 1907, 1910, 1916, 1943, Baker, F. B., 606, 1129, 1131, 1139, 2594, 2599 1944, 1947, 1948, 1951, 1972, Baker, J. D., 1278, 2653 2089, 2253 Baker, M. McD., 3242 Baernighausen, H., 509 Baker, R. D., 319, 866 Baes, C. E., 3158 Baker, T. A., 1966, 1967, 2245, 2859, 2861 Baes, C. F., 119, 120, 121, 1148, 1149, 1155, Bakiev, S. A., 1507 1686, 1687, 1701, 1718, 1778 Bakker, E., 298 Baes, C. F., Jr., 119, 120, 121, 123, 124, 313, Bakker, K., 2139, 2142 598, 599, 2133, 2134, 2135, 2192, 2548, Baklanova, P. F., 1164 2549, 2550, 2553, 2700, 2701 Balakayeva, T. A., 108, 109, 110 Baetsle´, L. H., 20, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 42, Balakrishnan, P. V., 1175 43, 2728 Balarama Krishna, M. V., 708, 712, 713, 1294, Baeyens, B., 3152, 3156, 3157 2743, 2745, 2757, 2759 Bagawde, S. V., 772, 773, 774, 1168 Balashov, N. V., 1398 Baglan, N., 109, 126, 128, 129 Balasubramanian, K., 1898, 1900, 1973, 1974 Bagliano, G., 3061 Balasubramanian, R., 1074 Baglin, C. M., 817, 1626, 1633, 1639, 1644 Balatsky, A. V., 2347 Bagnall, K. W., 19, 81, 82, 94, 108, 115, 116, Balcazar Pinal, J. L., 93 179, 188, 201, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, Baldridge, K. K., 1908 208, 213, 215, 216, 221, 222, 224, 421, Baldwin, C., 3409 473, 487, 494, 497, 498, 499, 510, 522, Baldwin, C. E., 864, 875 524, 543, 565, 726, 727, 734, 735, 736, Baldwin, D., 3036 738, 739, 745, 746, 748, 1077, 1184, Baldwin, N. L., 67, 2407 1190, 1191, 1312, 1315, 1323, 1398, Baldwin, W. H., 747, 1323, 1324, 1361, 2439, 1417, 2424, 2426, 2434, 2435, 2469, 2527, 3125 2472, 2475, 2476, 2483, 2484, 2485, Balescu, S., 3016 2817, 2826, 2843, 2880, 2883, Ball, J. R., 2642 2885, 3250 Ball, R. G., 2883 Baiardo, J. P., 942 Ballatori, N., 3396, 3397 Baibuz, V. F., 2114, 2148, 2149, 2185 Ballentine, C. J., 639, 3327 Baı¨chi, M., 351, 352, 365 Ballestra, S., 704, 783 Baidron, M., 195 Ballhausen, C. J., 376, 377, 378, 382, 501, 513, Bailey, D. M., 78, 82 526, 528, 2243 Bailey, E., 3102, 3120, 3121, 3142, 3143 Ballou, J. E., 3340, 3352, 3386, 3424 Bailey, M. R., 3424 Ballou, N. E., 180, 187 Bailey, S. M., 34 Ballou, R., 2359 Bailly, T., 2591, 3419, 3421, 3423 Balo, P. A., 1505, 1828 Baily, H., 1071, 1073, 1074, 1075 Balta, E. Ya., 2439 Baily, W. E., 1045, 1075 Baltensperger, U., 1704, 3030, 3031 Baines, C., 2351 Baluka, M., 731, 732, 2420 Bair, W. J., 3340, 3352, 3386, 3424 Balzani, V., 629 Baird, C. P., 626, 629 Bamberger, C., 1312, 2701 Bairiot, H., 1071 Bamberger, C. E., 744, 1171, 2430, 2431, 2432 Baisden, P. A., 1114, 1148, 1155, 1160, 1163, Ban, Z., 69, 70, 73 1352, 1605, 1629, 1633, 1636, 1664, Banar, J. C., 3133 1684, 1693, 1694, 1706, 1716, 2525, Banaszak, J. E., 1813, 1818, 2668, 3181 2526, 2529, 2583, 2589 Band, W. D., 1033 Baisden, T. A., 1629, 1633 Bandoli, G., 548, 2439, 2440, 2441 Bajgur, C. S., 2919 Banerjea, A., 2364 I-148 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Banerji, A., 713 Barker, M. G., 98 Banfield, J. F., 3179, 3180, 3181 Barketov, E. S., 1553 Banic, G. M., 821 Barlow, S., 593, 2256 Banick, C. J., 1398 Barmore, W. L., 971, 972 Banik, G., 70 Barnanov, A. A., 1545 Banks, C. V., 111 Barnard, R., 439, 445, 449, 452, 455, Banks, R., 731, 732, 745, 2420 585, 593 Banks, R. H., 208, 1187, 1188, 1951, 2261, Barnes, A. C., 2603 2405, 2852 Barnes, C. E., 2688, 2691, 3127, 3139, 3307 Bannerji, A., 1281, 1282, 1294, 2668, 2738, Barnes, E., 319 2743, 2744, 2745, 2747, 2748, 2749, Barnes, R. F., 1455, 1474, 1509, 1543, 2757, 2759 1582, 1604 Bannister, M. J., 352, 353, 357, 358 Barnett, G. A., 224 Bannyh, V. I., 3067 Barnett, M. K., 224, 225 Bansal, B. M., 191, 193, 1416 Barnett, T. B., 3384 Bansal, B. M. L., 2585 Barney, G. S., 1127, 1140, 1294, 2749 Ba´nyai, I., 596, 608, 609, 612, 613, 614, 1166 Barnhart, D. M., 2400, 2484, 2486 Bao, B., 1285 Ba¨rnighausen, H., 1534 Bao, B.-R., 1285 Baron, P., 1285, 2756, 2761, 2762 Baptiste, Ph. J., 396 Barone, V., 1938 Baracco, L., 2443 Barr, D. W., 704 Barackic, L., 87, 92 Barr, M. E., 849, 2749, 3035, 3036 Baraduc, L., 459 Barraclough, C. G., 373, 383 Barak, J., 335 Barrans, R. E., Jr., 2676 Baran, E. J., 110 Barre, M., 104, 105 Barandiara´n, Z., 442, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1908, Barrero Moreno, J., 3062 1930, 2037 Barrero Moreno, J. M., 789 Baranger, A. M., 2847, 2933, 2986 Barrett, C. S., 320 Baraniak, L., 3029, 3102, 3138, 3140, 3141, Barrett, N. T., 3163 3142, 3145, 3147, 3148, 3149, 3150 Barrett, S. A., 2153 Baranov, A. A., 164, 166, 1479, 1480, 1481, Barros, M. T., 2852 1483, 2126 Barry, J. A., 197 Baranov, A. Yu., 1466 Barry, J. P., 2916 Baranov, S. M., 711, 712, 760, 761, 1142, Barsukova, K. V., 1448, 1449 1143, 2757 Bart, G., 3055 Barash, Y. B., 335 Bartashevich, M. I., 334, 335, 339 Barbanel, Y. A., 1365, 1369 Barth, H., 822, 1705, 3014, 3296 Barbanel, Yu. A., 1404, 1405 Barthe, M. F., 289 Barbano, P. G., 1284 Barthelemy, P., 1327 Barbe, B., 904 Barthelet, K., 126 Barber, D. W., 1426, 2673 Bartlett, N., 542 Barber, R. C., 13, 1660 Bartlett, R. J., 1194, 1902 Barbieri, G. A., 112 Bartoli, F. J., 2044 Barboso, S., 2655 Barton, C. J., 459, 1104 Barci, V., 1688, 1700, 1718 Barton, P. G., 1816 Barci-Funel, G., 3024 Bartos, B., 32 Barclay, G. A., 2430 Bartram, S., 65 Bard, A. J., 371, 3126 Bartram, S. F., 376, 378, 387, 389, 393, 395 Bardeen, J., 62, 2350, 2351 Bartsch, R. A., 2749 Bardelle, P., 1018 Bartscher, W., 65, 66, 334, 335, 396, 722, 723, Bardin, N., 608, 609, 2533, 2603, 3102, 3112 724, 977, 989, 990, 992, 993, 994, 995, Barefield II, J. E., 1088, 1090, 2085 2403, 2404 Barendregt, F., 164, 186 Bashlykov, S. N., 906, 912 Bargar, J. R., 3165, 3167, 3168, 3170 Basile, L. J., 1369, 1923, 1931, 2655, Barin, I., 2160 2739, 3035 Baring, A. M., 1527 Baskaran, M., 3016, 3288 Barinova, A. V., 268, 298 Baskerville, C., 76, 80, 105 Barkatt, A., 39 Baskes, M. I., 928 Author Index I-149 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Baskin, Y., 76, 99, 113, 412, 2432, 2441 Baxter, M. S., 705, 706, 783, 3017, 3031, 3032, Basnakova, G., 297, 717 3056, 3059, 3062, 3072, 3106 Basov, D. N., 100 Bayat, I., 1352, 1552 Basset, J. M., 3002, 3003 Baybarz, R. D., 34, 35, 38, 118, 191, 1268, Bassindale, A. R., 2985 1292, 1303, 1312, 1313, 1314, 1315, Bassner, S. L., 1983 1320, 1323, 1325, 1328, 1329, 1352, Bastein, P., 542 1358, 1360, 1365, 1400, 1401, 1402, Bastin, G., 164 1403, 1410, 1412, 1413, 1415, 1418, Bastin-Scoffier, G., 26 1423, 1424, 1446, 1449, 1450, 1454, Baston, G. M. N., 854 1457, 1458, 1459, 1460, 1463, 1464, Bastug, T., 1671, 1676, 1680, 1681, 1682, 1683, 1466, 1467, 1473, 1474, 1475, 1478, 1684, 1689, 1705, 1706, 1712, 1716 1479, 1480, 1481, 1482, 1509, 1510, Basu, P., 1447 1513, 1515, 1519, 1520, 1522, 1526, Bates, J. K., 270, 272, 273, 274, 275, 292, 1806, 1528, 1529, 1530, 1532, 1533, 1534, 3017, 3052, 3171, 3302 1536, 1541, 1546, 1547, 1548, 1551, Bates, J. L., 352, 369, 1303, 1312 1552, 1555, 1557, 1584, 1585, 1590, Bathelier, A., 1275 1591, 1592, 1593, 1596, 1597, 1598, Bathellier, A., 2731 1599, 1604, 1607, 1629, 2077, 2232, Bathmann, U., 231 2264, 2388, 2389, 2397, 2398, 2399, Batista, E. R., 1936, 1937, 1938, 1941 2415, 2416, 2417, 2418, 2434, 2436, Batley, G. E., 521 2542, 2641, 2671, 2758 Batlle, J. V., 3016, 3023 Bayliss, P., 278 Batscher, W., 2143, 2188, 2189 Bayoglu, A. S., 367, 1044, 1045 Battioni, J. P., 3117 Bazan, C., 412 Battiston, G. A., 2441 Bazhanov, V. I., 2177 Battles, J. E., 373, 1046, 1074, 2692, 2695, Bazin, D., 932, 933 2696, 2698, 2723 Beach, L., 1507 Baturin, N. A., 747, 748, 749, 1181, 2434, Beall, G. W., 1605 2436, 2439, 2442, 2531, 2595 Beals, R. J., 303, 391, 393, 395 Bauche, J., 860, 1847 Beamer, J. L., 1507 Bauche-Arnoult, C., 1847 Bean, A., 1174, 1360 Baud, G., 377 Bean, A. C., 555, 1173, 1312, 1360 Baudin, C., 2484 Bearden, J. A., 60, 190, 859, 1296, 1370 Baudin, G., 1285, 2756 Beasley, M. L., 1312, 1313, 1421 Baudry, D., 2484, 2488, 2490, 2491, 2843, Beasley, T., 3063 2856, 2859, 2866, 2869, 2870, 2877, Beasley, T. M., 3280 2889, 2890 Beattie, I. R., 1968 Bauer, A., 3114 Beaucaire, C., 3152, 3155, 3168 Bauer, A. A., 325, 408, 410 Beauchamp, J. L., 2924, 2934 Bauer, C. B., 2666 Beaudry, B. J., 412 Bauer, D. P., 2851 Beaumont, A. J., 837, 870, 1100 Bauer, E. D., 100, 968, 2353 Beauvais, R. A., 852 Bauer, R. S., 1521 Beauvy, M., 724, 997, 998 Baugh, D. W., 493, 494 Becerril-Vilchis, A., 3023 Baum, R.-R., 1882, 1884 Bechara, R., 76 Baumann, J., 2351 Bechthold, H.-C., 2452 Baumbach, H. L., 988, 1079 Beck, H. P., 75, 78, 84, 89, 93, 94, 96, 413, 414, Baumga¨rtner, F., 117, 208, 382, 730, 751, 763, 415, 479, 2413 766, 1093, 1190, 1323, 1324, 1363, Beck, K. M., 291, 3160, 3161, 3164 1423, 1800, 2240, 2244, 2254, 2470, Beck, M. T., 590, 605, 2564 2472, 2732, 2801, 2803, 2809, Beck, O. F., 206, 208 2814, 2815 Becke, A. D., 1671, 1903, 1904 Bauminger, E. R., 862 Becker, E. W., 557 Bauri, A. K., 713, 1281, 1294, 2743, 2745, Becker, J. D., 2347 2747, 2748, 2759 Becker, J. S., 3069, 3310, 3311 Bauschlicher, C. W., Jr., 1969 Becker, S., 1735, 3062 Bawson, J. K., 3171 Beckmann, W., 20 Baxter, D. W., 3341 Becquerel, A. H., 2433 I-150 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Becquerel, H., 254 Belov, A. N., 2147 Becraft, K. A., 1178, 1180 Belov, K. P., 2359 Beddoes, R. L., 2440 Belov, V. Z., 1628, 1634, 1645, 1663, 1664, Bedell, K. S., 2344 1690, 1703 Bedere, S., 892 Belova, L. N., 259 Bednarcyk, J., 725 Belozerov, A. V., 1654, 1719, 1720, 1738 Bednarczyk, E., 343, 1033, 1034 Belt, V. F., 3327 Beeckman, W., 2490 Belyaev, Y. I., 724, 726, 727, 770 Beene, J. R., 1880, 1882 Belyaev, Yu. I., 2136 Beer, P. D., 2457 Belyaeva, Z. D., 1821 Beetham, C., 162 Belyakova, Z. V., 108 Beetham, S. A., 864, 2147, 2723 Belyatskii, A. F., 31 Beets, A. L., 1507 Belyayev, Y. A., 3372, 3387 Begemann, F., 3306 Bemis, C. E., 1504, 1516, 1583, 1590 Begg, B. D., 279, 280, 861, 932, 1041, 1043, Bemis, C. E., Jr., 1452, 1626, 1627, 1637, 1638, 1112, 1154, 1155, 1166, 1798, 1639, 1644, 1659, 1880, 1882 3109, 3210 Bemis, G., 3156 Begun, G. M., 744, 757, 781, 1116, 1133, 1148, Ben Osman, Z., 1845 1155, 1315, 1356, 1369, 1455, 1465, Ben Salem, A., 96, 415 1470, 1471, 2430, 2431, 2432, 2583, Be´nard, P., 103, 109, 110, 2431, 2432 2594, 3035 Be´nard-Rocherulle´, P., 472, 477, 2432 Behera, B. R., 1447 Bencheikh-Latmani, R., 3165, 3168 Beheshti, A., 2883 Bendall, P. J., 470, 471 Behesti, A., 115, 116 Bender, C. A., 1873 Behets, M., 2044 Bender, K. P., 841, 843 Behrens, E., 2734 Bender, M., 1736 Behrens, U., 2875 Benedict, G. E., 2704, 2730 Beintema, C. D., 370 Benedict, U., 100, 192, 409, 421, 725, 739, 740, Beirakhov, A. G., 2441, 2442 741, 742, 743, 1030, 1070, 1071, 1073, Beitscher, S., 973 1299, 1300, 1304, 1312, 1313, 1315, Beitz, J., 1129 1316, 1317, 1318, 1411, 1412, 1415, Beitz, J. V., 1352, 1354, 1368, 1369, 1423, 1421, 1458, 1459, 1462, 1520, 1521, 1454, 1455, 1474, 1475, 1544, 1605, 1522, 1789, 2315, 2370, 2371, 2384, 2013, 2030, 2032, 2042, 2047, 2062, 2386, 2387, 2407, 2411 2064, 2075, 2085, 2090, 2091, 2093, Benedict, V., 194 2094, 2095, 2096, 2098, 2099, 2101, Benedik, L., 3057 2103, 2265, 2534, 2536, 2562, 2563, Benerjee, S., 3307 2572, 2589, 2590, 2675, 2691, 3034, Benerji, R., 1280 3037, 3043, 3044 Benes, P., 1766 Beja, A. M., 2439 Benesovsky, F., 69, 72 Bekk, K., 1873 Benetollo, F., 548, 2439, 2440, 2441, 2442, Belbeoch, B., 347, 353 2443, 2472, 2473, 2475, 2483, 2484, Belbeoch, P. B., 2392 2491, 2817, 2818, 2831 Belenkll, B. G., 1507 Benford, G., 2728 Belford, R. L., 629 Benhamou, A., 3220 Belkalem, B., 2464, 2465, 2466 Benjamin, B. M., 116, 2815 Bell, J. R., 2701 Benjamin, T. M., 231 Bell, J. T., 380, 619, 1132, 1366, 2080, 2580 Benke, R. R., 3027 Bell, M. J., 1270, 2702 Benker, D. E., 1408, 1451, 1509, 1584, 2633 Bell, W. A., 821 Benn, R., 2837, 2841 Bellamy, R. G., 303 Benner, G., 78, 79 Belle, J., 339, 340, 360, 367, 370 Bennet, D. A., 2583 Beller, M., 2982 Bennett, B. I., 962 Bellido, L. F., 3022 Bennett, D. A., 1114, 1148, 1155, 1160, 1163, Belling, T., 1906 1447, 1635, 1642, 1643, 1645, 1646, Belloni, L., 2657 1662, 1703, 1704 Belnet, F., 2649 Bennett, D. R., 1811 Belomestnykh, V. I., 566, 2452 Bennett, G. A., 2710 Author Index I-151 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Bennett, R. L., 2889 3155, 3160, 3161, 3165, 3166, 3167, Benning, M. M., 2451, 2452, 2453 3179, 3181, 3182, 3381, 3382 Benninger, l. K., 3160 Bernhardt, H. A., 521 Benny, J. A., 186, 199 Bernhoeft, N., 2234, 2239, 2285, 2286, 2287, Benoit, G., 3016 2292, 2352 Benson, D. A., 366 Bernkopf, M. F., 1340, 2592 Bensted, J. P. M., 3396 Bernstein, E. R., 337, 2226, 2251, 2261, 2404 Bentz, P. O., 2966 Bernstein, H., 927 Benz, R., 69, 71, 97, 98, 99, 100, 465, 466, Bernstein, J. L., 1360 1094, 1098, 1104, 1105, 1106, 1107, Berreth, J. R., 167, 169, 188, 195, 230 1108, 1109, 2411, 2709, 2713 Berry, D. H., 2966 Benzoubir, S., 3062 Berry, J. A., 485, 518, 520, 731, 732, 3050, Ber, N. H., 42, 43 3057, 3060, 3062, 3064 Beraud, J. P., 3220 Berry, J. P., 3052 Berberich, H., 2984 Berry, J. W., 869, 1297 Bercaw, J. E., 2924 Berryhill, S. R., 2487, 2488, 2489, 2851, 2852 Berdinova, N. M., 3067 Bersillon, O., 817 Berdonosov, S. S., 1636 Berstein, A. D., 817 Bereznikova, I. A., 372, 373, 374, 375, Bersuder, L., 859 376, 393 Bertagnolli, H., 3087 Berg, J. M., 270, 301, 849, 851, 1139, 1141, Bertaut, F., 67, 71, 113 1161, 1167, 2687, 3109, 3171 Bertha, E. I., 1354 Berger, H., 1507 Berthault, P., 2458 Berger, M., 423, 445, 2257, 2258 Berthet, J. C., 576, 582, 583, 2246, 2473, 2480, Berger, P., 1049, 1329 2484, 2488, 2806, 2808, 2812, 2818, Berger, R., 740, 742, 1085, 1086, 1480, 1481 2819, 2822, 2824, 2830, 2847, 2856, Bergman, A. G., 80, 86, 87, 90, 91 2857, 2858, 2866, 2912, 2922, 2923, Bergman, G. A., 2114, 2148, 2149, 2185 2938, 2940, 2943, 2944, 2950, 2975, Bergman, R. G., 2847, 2880, 2933, 2986 2976, 2979, 3101, 3110, 3111, 3113, Bergsma, J., 66 3114, 3115, 3116, 3117, 3118 Bergstresser, K. S., 1131 Berthold, H. J., 407, 410, 435, 452 Berkhout, F., 1756, 1758, 1805 Berthon, C., 1168, 2657 Berlanga, C., 724 Berthon, L., 1285, 2657, 2658 Berlepsch, P., 260, 285, 288 Berthoud, T., 1114 Berlincourt, T. G., 324 Bertino, J. P., 319 Berliner, R. W., 3384 Bertozzi, G., 2633 Berlureau, T., 2360 Bertrand, J., 265 Berman, L. E., 2281, 2282 Bertrand, P. A., 1160, 1166, 2726, 3287 Berman, R. M., 390, 391 Bertsch, P. M., 270, 861, 3039, 3095, 3172, Bermudez, J., 2442 3174, 3175, 3176, 3177, 3288 Bernard, G., 3037, 3046 Berzelius, J. J., 52, 60, 61, 63, 79, 95, 108 Bernard, H., 1018, 1019, 1071, 1073, Berznikova, N. A., 373, 375, 376 1074, 1075 Besancon, P., 1055 Bernard, J., 3023, 3067 Bescraft, K. A., 3025 Bernard, J. E., 928 Beshouri, S. M., 1956, 2256, 2477, 2480, 2482, Bernard, L., 81 2483, 2803, 2806, 2807, 2812, 2813, Bernard, S. R., 3346, 3351, 3372, 3375, 3376 2829, 2830 Bernardinelli, R. J., 257 Besmann, T. M., 361, 1047, 2141, 2143, Bernardo, P. D., 778, 779, 3142, 3143 2145, 2151 Berndt, A. F., 907, 912, 915 Besse, J. P., 377 Berndt, U., 384, 389, 391, 393, 395, 423, 445, Bessnova, A. A., 726, 748, 770, 1170, 1175, 1065, 1066, 1303, 1312, 1313 1181, 1321 Berne, A., 1364 Besson, J., 331 Bernhard, D., 626 Bessonov, A. A., 1931, 2434, 2442, 2531, 2532, Bernhard, G., 1923, 2583, 3044, 3069, 3102, 2595, 3111, 3112, 3113, 3122, 3123 3106, 3107, 3111, 3112, 3122, 3131, Betchel, T. B., 2696 3139, 3140, 3142, 3143, 3144, 3145, Bethe, H., 1911 3147, 3148, 3149, 3150, 3152, 3154, Bettella, F., 2585 I-152 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Betti, M., 789, 3068, 3070 Billich, H., 1423, 2801, 2817 Bettinelli, M., 2100 Billinge, S. J. L., 97 Bettonville, S., 2489, 2490, 2816, 2817, 2818, Billups, W. E., 2864 2822, 2827 Biltz, W., 63, 100, 413 Betts, J., 942, 944, 945, 948, 949, 950 Bilyk, A., 2457 Betts, J. B., 2315, 2347, 2355 Bingmei, T., 2591 Betty, M., 3032 Binka, J., 1278, 2653 Betz, T., 729, 1061, 1064 Binnemans, K., 2014, 2016, 2044, 2047, 2048, Beuchle, G., 3066 2058, 2093 Beuthe, H., 226 Binnewies, M., 93 Beutler, E., 3358, 3364, 3397, 3398, 3399 Biradar, N. S., 115 Bevan, D. J. M., 345, 347, 354 Biran, C., 2979 Beveridge, T. J., 3179 Birch, D. S. J., 629 Bevilacqua, A. M., 855 Birch, W. D., 295 Bevz, A. S., 545, 546 Birkel, I., 1521, 1522, 2370 Beyerlein, R. A., 64, 66 Birkenheuer, U., 1906 Bezjak, A., 2439, 2444 Birks, F. T., 226 Beznosikova, A. V., 907, 909, 911, 912 Birky, B. K., 1506 Bhandari, A. M., 206, 208 Birrer, P., 2351 Bhanushali, R. D., 1271 Bischoff, H., 3052 Bharadwaj, P. K., 540, 566, 2441 Bish, D. L., 3176 Bharadwaj, S. R., 2153 Bishop, H. E., 3050, 3060, 3062, 3064 Bhat, I. S., 782, 786 Biskis, B. O., 3421, 3424 Bhatki, K. S., 25, 31 Bismondo, A., 777, 778, 782, 2440, 2568, 2585, Bhattacharyya, M. H., 3345, 3354, 3355, 3371, 2586, 2589, 3102, 3142, 3143, 3145 3378, 3384, 3413 Bisset, W., 2633 Bhattacharyya, P. K., 1555 Bitea, C., 3045 Bhide, M. K., 1175 Bittel, J. T., 368 Bhilare, N. G., 3035 Bittner, H., 66 Bibler, N. E., 1419, 1422, 1433 Bivins, R., 2027, 2040 Bichel, M., 1293 Biwer, B. M., 3163, 3171 Bickel, M., 729, 730, 792, 1293, 2240, 2244, Bixby, G. E., 1028, 1035, 2140, 3207, 3208, 2245, 2261, 3024, 3059, 3060 3210, 3212, 3213, 3219 Bidoglio, G., 769, 774, 1159, 1314, 1328, 1329, Bixon, M., 722, 723, 724 1330, 1338, 1339, 1341, 1354, 1355, Bjerrum, J., 597 1803, 2538, 2546, 2582, 3037 Bjerrum, N., 2563 Bidoglio, G. R., 2114, 2115, 2117, 2120, 2126, Bjorklund, C. W., 870, 1028, 1029, 1030, 1045, 2127, 2128, 2129, 2137, 2143, 2144, 1048, 1093, 1104, 1171, 2431, 2432, 2154, 2155, 2159, 2165, 2171, 2173, 2709, 2713 2174, 2175, 2182, 2186, 2187, 2194 Bjørnholm, S., 24, 31, 164, 170, 187, 1880 Bidwell, R. M., 862, 897 Bjørnstad, H. E., 3026, 3028, 3031, 3032, 3066 Biel, T. J., 329 Bkouche-Waksman, I., 2441 Biennewies, M., 492 Blachot, J., 817 Bier, D., 1828 Black, L., 97 Bierlein, T. K., 961 Blackburn, P. E., 353, 354, 355, 360, Bierman, S. R., 1268 373, 1074 Bigelow, J., 1401 Bladeau, J.-P., 577, 627 Bigelow, J. E., 1271, 1275, 1402, 1445, 1448, Blain, G., 109, 128, 129, 3115 1449, 1450, 1509, 1510, 1584, Blaise, A., 207, 409, 412, 416, 719, 720, 740, 1585, 2636 741, 742, 743, 998, 1003, 1023, 1411, Biggers, R. E., 1132 2251, 2264, 2267, 2268, 2278, 2279, Biggs, F., 1516 2283, 2284, 2285, 2288, 2315 Bigot, S., 131 Blaise, J., 59, 857, 858, 859, 860, 1453, 1513, Bihan, T. L., 739 1514, 1516, 1544, 1588, 1589, 1604, Bilewicz, A., 32, 1695, 1699 1836, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1843, 1844, Billard, I., 596, 627, 628, 629, 3102, 3119, 3121 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, Billard, L., 1606 1863, 1864, 1865, 1871, 1872, 1873, Billiau, F., 2855 1874, 1875, 1876, 1882, 2018 Author Index I-153 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Blake, C. A., 312, 313 Blum, P. L., 351, 352, 353, 402 Blake, P. C., 116, 1776, 2240, 2473, 2480, Blum, Y., 2979 2803, 2804, 2812, 2816, 2829, Blum, Y. D., 2979 2845, 2912 Blume, M., 2234, 2273, 2288 Blakey, R. C., 377, 393 Blumenthal, B., 319 Blanc, P., 1285, 1329 Blumenthal, R. N., 396 Blancard, P., 1874, 1875 Blunck, H., 98 Blanco, R. E., 2734 Bo, C., 1927, 3143, 3145 Blank, H., 347, 353, 892, 894, 897, 900, 901, Boardman, C., 856 927, 954, 956, 957, 958, 962, 963, 972, Boaretto, R., 2887 974, 976, 977, 1019, 1030, 1071, Boatner, L. A., 113, 1171, 1368, 1472, 1602, 1790, 2392 2042, 2047, 2053, 2058, 2059, 2061, Blank, H. R., 905, 906, 907, 911, 988 2062, 2075, 2157, 2159, 2226, 2238, Blanke, B. C., 20 2259, 2261, 2262, 2263, 2265, 2266, Blankenship, F., 2701 2268, 2269, 2272, 2292 Blanpain, P., 1071 Boatz, J. A., 1908 Blaser, P., 3014 Bober, M., 366 Blasse, G., 377 Bocci, F., 3070 Blaton, N., 267, 268, 541 Bochmann, M., 162, 3130, 3131, 3132 Blatov, V. A., 536 Bochvar, A. A., 892, 894, 900, 901, 902, 903, Blau, M. S., 876, 877, 878, 943, 945, 947, 948, 904, 907, 908, 910, 913, 915 949, 964 Bock, E., 106 Blaudeau, J. P., 1112, 1113, 1192, 1199, 1778, Bock, R., 106 1893, 1897, 1909, 1928, 1930, 1932, Bockris, J. O’M., 2531, 2538 1933, 1991, 2037, 2127, 2527, 2528, Bodak, O. I., 69, 72 2531, 2532, 3087, 3106, 3107, 3108, Bode, B. M., 2966 3111, 3112, 3113, 3116, 3118, 3122, Bode´, D. D., 1297, 1474, 1475, 1476, 3125, 3170 1584, 1585 Blaudeau, J.-Ph., 3039 Bode, J. E., 254 Blauden, J.-P., 764 Boden, R., 133, 1449 Blaylock, M. J., 2668 Bodheka, L. P., 1280 Bleaney, B., 1199, 1931, 2226, 2228, 2561, Bodu, R., 824 3352, 3410, 3424 Boehlert, C., 863 Bleany, B., 1823 Boehlert, C. J., 964 Bleise, A., 3173 Boehme, C., 3102, 3119, 3121 Bleuet, P., 861 Boehme, D. R., 417, 418 Blobaum, J. M., 967 Boehmer, V., 2655 Blobaum, K. J. M., 967 Boeme, C., 596 Bloch, F., 2316 Boerio, J., 372 Bloch, L., 817 Boerrigter, P. M., 1200, 1201, 1202, 1203, Block, J., 3239 1916, 1943, 1944, 1947, 1948, 1951, Bloembergen, N., 2038 2089, 2253 Blokhima, V. K., 571 Boettger, M., 1707 Blokhin, N. B., 763, 765, 1336, 1337, 2531 Boeuf, A., 65, 66, 334, 335, 994, 995, 1019, Blokhin, V. I., 773 2283, 2292, 2358 Blom, R., 1958 Boeyens, J. C. A., 551 Blomquist, J. A., 3343 Bogacz, A., 469, 475 Blomqvist, R., 3066 Bogatskii, A. V., 108 Blo¨nningen, Th., 1880, 1882 Bogdanivic, B., 116 Bloom, I., 2924 Bogdanov, F. A., 1169 Bloom, W., 3352, 3424 Bogdanovic, B., 2865 Bloomquist, C. A., 1509, 1513, 1585 Boge, M., 740, 998 Bloomquist, C. A. A., 1284, 1293, 1449, 1629, Boggis, S. J., 3021 1633, 1635 Boggs, J. E., 77 Blosch, L. L., 2256, 2477, 2480, 2812, 2813, Bogomolov, S. L., 14, 1654, 1719, 1720, 1735, 2829, 2830 1736, 1738 Bluestein, B. A., 1095 Bogranov, D. D., 164 Blum, P., 67, 71, 398 Bohe, A. E., 855 I-154 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Bohet, J., 34, 35, 191, 193, 1403, 1410, 1412, Bonthrone, K. M., 297 1413, 2123, 2160, 2411, 2695 Boocock, G., 1814, 1816, 3360, 3362, 3364, Bohlander, R., 751 3365, 3366, 3375, 3376, 3378, 3398 Bohmer, V., 2655 Booij, A. S., 2153, 2154, 2169, 2177, 2185, Bohrer, R., 477, 496, 515, 554 2186, 2187 Bohres, E. W., 114, 206, 208, 470, 2241 Boom, R., 2209 Bois, C., 547 Booth, A. H., 186 Boisset, M. C., 3165, 3166, 3167 Booth, C. H., 277, 932, 967, 2588, 3173, 3176, Boisson, C., 2246, 2484, 2488, 2812, 2818, 3177, 3179, 3182 2847, 2856, 2857, 2858, 2869, Booth, E., 225 2922, 2938 Boraopkova, M. N., 424 Boivineau, J. C., 347, 353, 1070, 1073, 1074 Borchardt, P., 42, 43 Boivineau, M., 955, 962 Bordallo, H. N., 338, 339 Bojanowski, R., 3026, 3029 Bordarier, Y., 1863 Bok, L. D. C., 115 Bordunov, A. V., 2449 Bokelund, H., 405, 1008, 1409, 1410, Boreham, D., 1093 2752, 2753 Bore`ne, J., 266 Bokolo, K., 618 Borg, J., 164 Boldt, A. L., 1275 Borggreen, J., 164, 170 Bole, A., 86, 91 Boring, A. M., 921, 922, 924, 954, 1300, 1908, Bolender, J., 2267 2082, 2313, 2329, 2330 Boll, R. A., 31 Boring, M., 1194, 1916, 1938 Bollen, G., 1735 Borisenkov, V. I., 1504 Bollhofer, A., 231 Borisov, M. S., 1352 Bologna, J. P., 227 Borisov, S. K., 458, 487 Bolotnikova, M. G., 1821 Borisov, S. V., 458, 487 Bolton, H., Jr., 1179 Borkowski, M., 840, 1352, 2580, 2649, 2656 Boltwood, B. B., 162 Borlera, M. L., 102, 109, 2431, 2432 Bolvin, H., 1113, 1156, 1933, 3112, 3125 Born, H.-J., 164 Bombardi, A., 2236 Born, M., 2574 Bombieri, G., 548, 554, 2426, 2427, 2439, Born, W., 3306 2440, 2441, 2442, 2443, 2446, 2447, Boro, C., 964, 965, 2342 2449, 2451, 2452, 2468, 2471, 2472, Boroujerdi, A., 394, 395 2473, 2475, 2479, 2483, 2484, 2487, Borovoi, A. A., 3095 2491, 2817, 2818, 2831, 2843 Borsese, A., 100, 2411 Bommer, H., 491 Borylo, A., 3014, 3017 Bomse, M., 1312, 1315, 2580 Borzone, G., 100, 2411 Bonani, G., 3056 Boss, M. R., 988 Bonanno, J. B., 2827 Bostick, B. C., 3172 Bonazzi, P., 261, 301 Bostick, W. D., 3409 Boncella, J. M., 1958 Botbol, J., 187 Bond, A. H., 1955, 2452, 2453, 2454, 2584, Botoshansky, M., 2834, 2835, 2984 2650, 2665, 2666 Bott, S. G., 439, 454, 455, 1182, 1183, 1184, Bond, E. M., 1283, 2656 2452, 2802, 2827, 2876 Bond, G. C., 1898 Botta, F., 1033 Bond, L. A., 3280, 3295, 3296, 3311, 3314 Bo¨ttcher, F., 89, 94, 95 Bond, W. D., 1049, 1402, 2672 Botto, I. L., 110 Bondarenko, P. V., 1507 Bouby, M., 3024, 3103, 3104, 3129 Bondietti, E. A., 2591, 3287 Boucher, E., 92 Bondybey, V. E., 1968 Boucher, R., 817 Bones, R. J., 353, 360, 362, 364 Boucher, R. R., 1012, 1015, 1304, 2407 Bonn, J., 3044, 3047, 3048, 3320, 3321 Boucherle, J. X., 2358 Bonnell, P. H., 1018, 1019 Bouchet, J. M., 943, 970 Bonnelle, C., 227, 859, 1095 Boudarot, F., 2237, 2286 Bonnelle, J. P., 76 Boudreaux, E. A., 2231 Bonner, N. A., 704, 822 Bouexiere, D., 97 Bonnet, M., 215, 409, 412, 2358 Bougon, R., 334, 503, 507, 533, 535, 536, 537, Bonnisseau, D., 740, 998 561, 566, 567 Author Index I-155 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Bouhlassa, S., 1324, 1352 Brabers, M. J., 32, 33, 113 Bouillet, M. N., 719, 720 Brachet, G., 1304 Bouisset, P., 3062 Brachmann, A., 3138, 3150 Bouissie`res, G., 37, 38, 162, 164, 167, 176, 178, Brack, M., 1883 179, 184, 187, 191, 195, 200, 201, 207, Bradbury, M. H., 192, 2148, 3152, 3156, 3157 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 218, 220, 221, Bradley, A. E., 854, 2690 222, 225, 227, 229, 230, 1077, 1079, Bradley, A. J., 3159 1080, 1101, 1302, 1468, 1529, 1548, Bradley, C. R., 275 1602, 1611, 1629, 2552 Bradley, D. C., 115, 1186 Boukhalfa, H., 421, 1110, 1178, 1179 Bradley, D. G., 93 Boulet, P., 97, 402, 407, 967, 968, 1009, 1012, Bradley, J. P., 275 1015, 1016, 1033, 1034, 1784, 1790, Bradley, M. J., 404, 1131, 1132, 1144, 1146 2239, 2289, 2290, 2352, 2353, Bradshaw, J. S., 2449 2372, 2407 Brady, E. D., 861, 1112, 1166, 3109, 3210 Bourcier, W. L., 292 Brady, J. D., 1631, 1633, 1635, 1636, 1858 Bourdarot, F., 744 Brady, P. V., 3179 Bourderie, L., 1551 Braicovich, L., 1196, 1198, 2080, 2085, Bourdon, B., 231, 3314 2086, 2561 Bouree, F., 402, 407 Braithwaite, A., 3165, 3167 Bourges, J., 1049, 1603, 2672 Braithwaite, D., 407, 1300, 2239, 2352, 2359 Bourges, J. Y., 1324, 1329, 1341, 1356, Brambilla, G., 2704 1365, 1366 Bramlet, H. L., 2426, 2427 Bourion, F., 80, 81 Bramson, J. P., 3278, 3327, 3328 Bourion, R., 80 Brand, G. E., 2708, 2709 Bourne, G. H., 3401, 3405 Brand, J. R., 2538 Boussie, T. R., 2488, 2852, 2856 Brandau, B. L., 224 Boust, D., 3022 Brandau, E., 1352, 1551 Boutique, J.-P., 420, 423, 425, 435, 437, 457, Brandau, W., 3416, 3420 470, 473, 474, 478, 502, 509, 514, 515, Brandel, V., 103, 109, 110, 128, 275, 472, 477, 516, 538, 544, 551 1171, 1172, 2431, 2432 Bouzigues, H., 824 Brandenburg, N. P., 2434 Bovey, L., 858, 860, 1116 Brandi, G., 1802, 2819 Bovin, A. V., 817 Brandsta¨tter, F., 266, 281 Bowden, Z. A., 2278 Brandt, L., 772, 774 Bowen, R. B., 620 Brandt, O. G., 2274, 2275 Bowen, S. M., 1431 Brandt, R., 822, 3014, 3296 Bowen, V. T., 3282, 3287, 3295 Branica, M., 584, 601, 3130 Bower, K., 225 Brannon, J. C., 291, 3159, 3163 Bowers, D. L., 2096, 2536, 3034, 3037, 3043, Bransta¨tter, F., 268 3044, 3059, 3060 Brard, L., 2913, 2918, 2924, 2933, 2984, 2986 Bowersox, D. F., 717, 865, 866, 867, 868, 870, Brater, D. C., 485, 559 873, 874, 875, 904, 905, 913, 914, 2709, Bratsch, S. G., 38, 118, 1352, 1685, 1686, 2539, 2711, 2713, 3224 2540, 2541, 2542, 2543, 2544, 3096, Bowmaker, G. A., 1671 3098, 3109, 3126 Bowman, A. L., 67, 71, 98, 2407, 2408, 2411 Brauer, G., 69, 72, 474, 513, 537, 2408 Bowman, B. M., 3353, 3402 Brauer, R. D., 2678, 2680, 2682, 2683, Bowman, F. E., 961 2684, 2689 Bowman, M. G., 30, 34, 35, 2385 Brault, J. W., 1840, 1845, 1846 Boxall, C., 1138 Braun, E., 62 Boyanov, M. I., 3180, 3182 Braun, R., 377 Boyce, J. B., 3240 Braun, T. P., 89, 95 Boyce, W. T., 1433 Bray, J. E., 2261 Boyd, C. M., 634 Bray, K. L., 2049 Boyd, H. A., 3057 Bray, L. A., 1049, 1268, 1290, 1291 Boyd, P. W. D., 1671 Brcic, B. S., 506, 508 Boyd, T. E., 1292 Bre´bion, S., 133 Boyer, J., 1268 Brechbiel, M. W., 43, 44 Boyi, W., 2452, 2456 Bredig, M. A., 357 I-156 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Bredl, C. D., 2333, 2352 Brito, H. F., 1454, 2042, 2062, 2071, 2075 Breeze, E. W., 415, 416, 417, 2413 Britt, H. C., 1447, 1477 Breit, G., 1898 Brittain, R. D., 2179 Breit, G. N., 3140 Britton, H. T. S., 112 Breitenstein, B. D., 3413 Brixner, L., 376, 377, 378 Breitung, W., 368 Brixner, L. H., 2407 Breivik, H., 1666, 1695, 1702, 1717, 1735 Broach, R. W., 2479, 2481, 2839 Brendel, C., 94 Brochu, R., 102, 110, 374, 377, 378, 380, 382, Brendel, W., 94 393, 414, 1172, 2413, 2431 Brendler, V., 2583, 3037, 3044, 3046, 3069, Brock, C. P., 1959, 1993, 2480, 2837, 3102, 3131, 3138, 3140, 3141, 3142, 2892, 2893 3145, 3147, 3149, 3150, 3160, 3161, Brock, J., 851 3381, 3382 Brodsky, M. B., 101, 324, 957, 1297, 1319, Brendt, U., 445 2238, 2264, 2283, 2292, 2315, 2341, Brennan, J., 2488 2346, 2350, 2698 Brennan, J. G., 1200, 1202, 1949, 1956, 1960, Brody, B. B., 1092, 1094, 1100, 1101, 2167 2256, 2471, 2472, 2473, 2475, 2476, Brody, S., 3357, 3369 2478, 2479, 2480, 2481, 2561, 2802, Broecker, W. S., 3056 2803, 2805, 2806, 2807, 2808, 2809, Broholm, C., 2351 2833, 2834, 2837, 2854, 2856, 2879, Broli, M., 353, 355, 360, 362, 396, 397 2916, 2922 Bromely, L., 738 Brenner, I. B., 638, 3328 Bromley, L., 1093 Brenner, V., 1921, 1922 Bromley, L. A., 95, 96, 413 Brese, N. E., 98 Bronisz, L. E., 996 Bressat, R., 114 Bronner, F., 3357 Brett, N. H., 415, 416, 417, 1058, 1059, 1060, Bronson, M. C., 996 1062, 1065, 1066, 1067, 1070, 1071, 2413 Brook, A. G., 2985 Brewer, K., 2739, 2741 Brookes, N. B., 1196, 1198, 2080, 2085, Brewer, K. N., 1282 2086, 2561 Brewer, L., 33, 67, 95, 96, 413, 738, 860, 927, Brookhart, S. K., 2924 962, 1034, 1093, 1452, 1515, 1586, Brookins, D. G., 271 1643, 1854, 1855, 1858, 1859, 1872, Brooks, A. L., 3396 2015, 2018, 2020, 2024, 2076, 2078, Brooks, M. S., 191 2118, 2209, 2407 Brooks, M. S. S., 207, 719, 720, 1527, 2150, Briand, J.-P., 164 2248, 2276, 2289, 2291, 2353, 2354, Brianese, N., 2472, 2473, 2484, 2820, 2359, 2464 2825, 2841 Brooks, R., 1080, 1086 Bricker, C. E., 634 Brooks, S. C., 3180 Brickwedde, F. G., 2159, 2161 Bros, J. P., 469, 475 Bridgeman, A. J., 3102 Brosn, G. M., 2839 Bridger, N. J., 1018, 1019, 1020, 2238 Brossman, G., 900, 901 Bridges, N. J., 421, 1110, 2380 Brown, A., 69, 72 Bridgewater, B. M., 2827 Brown, C., 1071 Bridgman, P. W., 61 Brown, C. F., 287 Briesmeister, R. A., 1088 Brown, C. M., 929 Briggs, G. G., 61, 78 Brown, D., 78, 81, 82, 86, 93, 94, 115, 162, 164, Briggs, R. B., 487, 2632 166, 178, 179, 182, 183, 184, 186, 191, Briggs-Piccoli, P. M., 97 194, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, Brighli, M., 2590 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 213, 215, 216, Brillard, L., 181, 211, 1352, 1428, 1476, 1477, 220, 221, 222, 224, 227, 379, 421, 423, 1551, 1554, 1629, 1688, 1700, 1718 425, 435, 436, 439, 440, 441, 446, 451, Brintzinger, H., 61 453, 455, 466, 469, 471, 472, 473, 474, Brisach, F., 2655 475, 476, 477, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, Brisi, C., 373, 375, 377, 393 484, 485, 487, 490, 491, 492, 494, 495, Brisianes, G., 405 496, 497, 498, 499, 500, 501, 502, 504, Brison, J. P., 2352 505, 507, 509, 510, 512, 513, 514, 515, Bristow, Q., 3027 516, 518, 520, 522, 523, 524, 525, 526, Brit, D. W., 343 527, 528, 533, 534, 535, 543, 544, 547, Author Index I-157 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

552, 553, 554, 555, 556, 557, 566, 567, Bruenger, F. W., 1823, 3340, 3343, 3350, 3353, 569, 570, 571, 572, 573, 574, 575, 734, 3355, 3359, 3360, 3361, 3362, 3364, 736, 737, 738, 739, 745, 746, 748, 1077, 3365, 3366, 3370, 3373, 3374, 3375, 1084, 1095, 1097, 1100, 1184, 1188, 3376, 3377, 3378, 3379, 3381, 3382, 1190, 1191, 1312, 1398, 1411, 1417, 3385, 3388, 3396, 3398, 3399, 3403, 1459, 1527, 1529, 1562, 1593, 1599, 3404, 3405, 3413, 3414, 3415, 1681, 1798, 1931, 1951, 2065, 2080, 3416, 3420 2085, 2086, 2087, 2123, 2160, 2161, Bruger, J. B., 1513, 1516 2164, 2195, 2276, 2413, 2415, 2416, Bruggeman, A., 845 2418, 2419, 2420, 2421, 2422, 2423, Brugger, J., 260, 267, 285, 288, 292 2424, 2425, 2426, 2428, 2434, 2435, Bru¨gger, M., 1738 2472, 2475, 2476, 2483, 2484, 2485, Bruguier, F., 861 2580, 2695, 2817, 2843, 2851, 2852 Brumme, G. D., 366 Brown, D. R., 578 Brun, C., 452 Brown, E. D., 76, 109 Brun, T. O., 64, 66 Brown, F., 1018, 3212, 3217, 3218, 3222 Brundage, R. T., 763, 766, 1369, 2095 Brown, F. B., 1908, 1909 Brunelli, M., 1802, 2420, 2819, 2865 Brown, F. W., 3046 Brunn, H., 77 Brown, G. E., 270, 276, 277, 286, 795, 3094, Bruno, J., 117, 121, 124, 125, 127, 128, 130, 3102, 3127, 3139, 3152, 3155, 3158 131, 293, 768, 1805, 1927, 2583, 3064, Brown, G. E., Jr., 1810, 2531, 3111, 3122, 3143, 3145, 3160 3163, 3165, 3169 Bruno, J. W., 2470, 2479, 2801, 2840, 2841, Brown, G. H., 101 2918, 2934 Brown, G. M., 521, 2479, 2481 Brunton, G. D., 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, Brown, G. S., 3282 424, 458, 459, 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, Brown, H., 1187 465, 487, 2416 Brown, H. C., 337 Brusentsev, F. A., 539, 542 Brown, H. S., 732 Bru¨ser, W., 116 Brown, I. D., 3093 Brusset, H., 539, 541 Brown, J., 1810 Bryan, G. H., 466, 1018 Brown, J. D., 2076 Bryne, A. R., 786 Brown, K. B., 312, 313 Bryner, J. S., 101 Brown, K. L., 1963 Brynestad, J., 396 Brown, N. R., 270, 297, 1295, 3017, 3302 Bryukher, E., 31 Brown, P. J., 1023, 1055, 2249, 2250 Bublitz, D., 133, 3138, 3149 Brown, P. L., 119, 120, 121, 123, 124, Bublyaev, R. A., 546 126, 2575 Bubner, M., 2568, 3102, 3135, 3138, 3140, Brown, R. D., 1981 3141, 3142, 3145, 3147, 3149, 3150 Brown, W., 731, 732 Buchanan, J. M., 1168 Brown, W. G., 996 Buchanan, R. F., 848 Brown, W. R., 2432 Buchardt, O., 630 Browne, C. I., 5, 227, 1577, 1622 Bucher, B., 1055 Browne, E., 20 Bucher, E., 96, 2351 Browning, P., 357, 367 Bucher, J. J., 118, 277, 287, 289, 579, 585, 589, Brozell, S. R., 577, 627, 1192, 1199, 1897, 602, 795, 1112, 1166, 1327, 1338, 1363, 1909, 1928, 1930, 2037 1370, 1921, 1923, 1947, 2530, 2531, Bruce, F. R., 2734 2532, 2568, 2576, 2580, 2583, 2588, Bruce, M. I., 2889 2812, 3087, 3089, 3090, 3095, 3101, Bru¨chle, W., 182, 185, 186, 1447, 1629, 1635, 3102, 3103, 3104, 3106, 3107, 3110, 1643, 1646, 1647, 1662, 1664, 1679, 3111, 3113, 3114, 3115, 3117, 3118, 1684, 1685, 1687, 1696, 1698, 1699, 3119, 3122, 3130, 3131, 3135, 3138, 1700, 1704, 1705, 1708, 1709, 1710, 3140, 3141, 3142, 3145, 3146, 3147, 1711, 1712, 1713, 1714, 1716, 1718, 3149, 3150, 3152, 3154, 3155, 3156, 1735, 1738, 2575 3160, 3165, 3166, 3167, 3170, 3179, Bru¨ck, E., 62 3181, 3182, 3344, 3369, 3385, 3388, Bruck, M. A., 2472, 2919 3390, 3391, 3394, 3417, 3423 Brucklacher, D., 2393 Buchholtz ten Brink, M., 275 Brueck, E., 70, 73 Buchholz, B. A., 1295, 2750, 2751 I-158 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Buchkremer-Hermanns, H., 89, 94 Burghart, F. J., 2284 Buchmeiser, M. R., 851 Burgus, W. H., 166, 167, 169, 188, 195, 230 Buck, E. C., 253, 270, 271, 273, 274, 275, 279, Burk, W., 497 280, 289, 291, 292, 297, 1806, 3017, Burkart, W., 3173 3051, 3052, 3302 Burkhart, M. J., 775, 1127, 1181, 2594 Buckau, G., 1352, 1354, 2591, 3022, Burlakov, V. V., 2927 3043, 3057 Burlando, G. A., 393 Budantseva, N. A., 745, 747, 749, 1127, 1170, Burlet, P., 409, 412, 719, 720, 739, 740, 744, 1175, 1312, 1321, 1931, 2434, 2436, 1055, 2236, 2237, 2275, 2286 2595, 3043 Burmistenko, Yu. N., 3046 Buden, D., 817 Burnaeva`, A. A., 1422, 2431 Budentseva, N. A., 1312, 1320 Burnett, J., 1417 Budnikov, P. P., 395 Burnett, J. L., 33, 38, 118, 1312, 1328, 1329, Buergstein, M. R., 2984 1330, 1423, 1424, 1446, 1454, 1460, Buesseler, K. O., 3046 1479, 1480, 1481, 1482, 1526, 1529, Bugl, J., 410 1546, 1547, 1548, 1555, 1557, 1592, Buhrer, C. F., 412 1604, 1607, 1669, 1725, 1727, 2122, Buijs, K., 34, 35, 191, 194, 1271, 1304, 1402, 2124, 2163, 2542 1403, 1410, 1412, 1413, 1432, 1433 Burnett, W. C., 3020, 3282, 3285 Bujadoux, K., 2930 Burney, G. A., 705, 714, 786, 787, 817, Bukhina, T. I., 2668 1290, 1291, 1312, 1323, 1412, Bukhsh, M. N., 213, 217, 229 1422, 3281 Bukhtiyarova, T. N., 129, 773 Burns, C. J., 421, 739, 1110, 1182, 1185, 1186, Bukina, T. I., 1408 1901, 1955, 1958, 1965, 2380, 2400, Buklanov, G. V., 14, 776, 822, 1036, 1352, 2472, 2479, 2480, 2484, 2487, 2488, 1398, 1400, 1624, 1629, 1632, 1633, 2490, 2491, 2799, 2803, 2813, 2815, 1635, 1636, 1653, 1654, 1663, 1684, 2831, 2832, 2833, 2835, 2845, 2846, 1690, 1707, 1719, 1720, 1735, 1736, 2847, 2848, 2849, 2850, 2853, 2858, 1738, 1932 2867, 2868, 2879, 2911, 2914, 2916, Bulbulian, S., 3057 2919, 2921, 2922, 2995, 2996 Buldakov, L. A., 3352, 3424 Burns, J., 2182, 2186 Bulkin, V. I., 986, 1302 Burns, J. B., 1532 Bullock, J. I., 439, 445, 449, 452, 455, 544, 585, Burns, J. H., 116, 462, 488, 502, 747, 1084, 593, 1169 1093, 1096, 1295, 1312, 1315, 1317, Bulman, J. B., 63 1320, 1323, 1324, 1357, 1358, 1359, Bulman, R. A., 1813, 1815, 1817, 1819, 1820, 1360, 1361, 1362, 1415, 1416, 1417, 1821, 3340 1423, 1431, 1455, 1464, 1465, 1468, Bulot, E., 2484, 2488, 2490, 2491, 2856, 1471, 1528, 1530, 1531, 1532, 1533, 2859, 2866 1541, 1544, 1599, 1953, 2163, 2400, Bundschuh, T., 120, 125, 126, 3045 2401, 2402, 2417, 2422, 2427, 2434, Bundt, M., 3014 2436, 2439, 2444, 2451, 2452, 2469, Bunker, B. A., 3180, 3182 2470, 2472, 2489, 2490, 2527, 2801, Bunker, M. E., 227 2814, 2815, 3125 Bunnell, L. R., 404 Burns, M. P., 892, 942 Bunney, L. R., 180, 187 Burns, P. A., 3017, 3302 Bunzl, K., 3017 Burns, P. C., 103, 113, 257, 259, 260, 261, 262, Bu¨nzli, J.-C. G., 2532 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 270, 271, Bu¨ppelmann, L., 1145, 1146 272, 280, 281, 282, 283, 286, 287, 288, Burch, W. D., 1352 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, Burdese, A., 102, 109, 2431, 2432 299, 300, 301, 580, 582, 583, 584, 730, Burdick, G. W., 2020 2193, 2402, 2429, 2430, 2431, 2432, Burford, M. D., 2683 2433, 2434, 2435, 3093, 3094, 3118, Burg, J. P., 3047 3155, 3160, 3170, 3178 Burgada, R., 2591, 3413, 3419, 3421, 3423 Burns, R. C., 1084, 1101, 2426 Burger, L. L., 841, 843, 2626, 2650, 2704 Burns, W. G., 39 Burgess, J., 1778, 2603 Burr, A. F., 60, 190, 859, 1370 Burggraft, B., 3349, 3350, 3398, 3399 Burraghs, P., 1681 Burghard, H. P. G., 208, 1188, 1951, 2852 Burrel, A. K., 605 Author Index I-159 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Burrell, A. K., 2464, 2465 Byrne, N. E., 2864 Burriel, R., 2208, 2211 Byrne, T. E., 1505 Burris, J. L., 97 Burris, L., 2693, 2708, 2709, 2710, 2712, 2713 Burrows, H. D., 130, 131, 627, 629 Cabell, M. J., 27, 30, 31 Bursten, B., 764, 1113 Cabrini, A., 123 Bursten, B. E., 203, 405, 575, 1112, 1191, 1192, Cacceci, M. S., 782 1196, 1200, 1363, 1670, 1671, 1676, Cacciamani, G., 927 1726, 1727, 1728, 1729, 1778, 1893, Caceci, M., 768, 1352, 2664 1894, 1895, 1896, 1900, 1901, 1902, Caceci, M. S., 2546, 2551, 2572, 2586 1903, 1908, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1922, Caceres, D., 2441 1925, 1926, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1939, Cacheris, W. P., 132 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1948, 1949, Caciuffo, R., 65, 66, 334, 335, 994, 995, 1019, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 2278, 2279, 2285, 2286, 2287, 2292 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, Caciuffo, R. C., 2280, 2283, 2284, 2285, 2294 1962, 1966, 1969, 1971, 1973, 1975, Caffee, M. W., 3300 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, Cagarda, P., 14, 1653, 1713, 1717 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, Cahill, C. L., 259, 262, 282, 289, 290 1988, 1991, 1993, 1994, 2127, 2246, Cai, J. X., 76 2400, 2527, 2528, 2531, 2532, 2561, Cai, S., 1635, 1642, 1643, 1645, 1646 2803, 2815, 2853, 2861, 2863, 2918, Caignol, E., 468 3039, 3087, 3106, 3107, 3108, 3111, Caillat, R., 329, 421, 487, 557 3112, 3113, 3116, 3118, 3122, Caille´, A., 444 3125, 3170 Caillet, P., 544 Burwell, C. C., 862, 897 Cain, A., 1335 Burwell, R. L., Jr., 2999, 3002, 3003 Caira, M. R., 472, 477, 512 Buryak, E. M., 335 Caird, J. A., 1453, 1454, 1455, 1515, 1544 Burzo, E., 67 Calais, D., 958, 959, 960 Busch, G., 412 Calas, G., 270, 276, 277, 3152, 3155, Busch, J., 113 3163, 3168 Busch, R. D., 3409 Caldeira, K., 2728 Buscher, C. T., 851, 3101, 3152, 3155, 3156 Calder, C. A., 942, 943, 944, 946 Buschow, K. H. J., 65, 66, 69, 70, 71, 72, Calderazzo, F., 2469, 2819 73, 2356 Caldhorda, M. J., 2912 Bushuev, N. N., 112 Calestani, G., 103, 110, 204, 207, 2411 Bussac, J., 824 Caletka, R., 176, 1640, 1645, 1663, 1690 Buster, D. S., 3343, 3351, 3365, 3396, 3405 Caley, E. R., 253 Butcher, R. J., 2484, 2486, 2487, 2813, Calhorda, M. J., 2885 2844, 2845 Caligara, F., 2696, 2697 Butler, E. N., 984 Calle, C., 2633 Butler, I. B., 3047 Calmet, D., 3062 Butler, I. S., 3171 Calvert, S. E., 225 Butler, J. E., 2243 Calvin, M., 115, 2264 Butler, R. N., 2530 Camarcat, M., 191 Butt, J. B., 3003 Campana, C. F., 555, 1173 Butterfield, D., 35 Campbell, A. B., 2133, 2193 Butterfield, M. T., 1056, 2347 Campbell, D. O., 215, 1290, 1451, 1509, Buxton, S. R., 619 1585, 2640 Buyers, W. J. L., 399, 1055, 2360 Campbell, D. T., 2452 Buykx, W. J., 353 Campbell, G. C., 2490, 2859, 2860 Bychkov, A. V., 854, 2692, 2693, 2695, 2696, Campbell, G. M., 1008, 1116, 2698 2697, 2698, 2700, 2702, 2704, 2705, Campbell, T. J., 259, 260, 262, 263, 266, 2706, 2707, 2708 267, 269 Bykhovskii, D. N., 176 Campello, M. P., 2881, 2883, 2885, 2886 Bykov, V. N., 364, 402 Camus, P., 1453, 1846, 1871 Byrne, A. R., 3056, 3057, 3058, 3307 Candela, G. A., 2272 Byrne, J. P., 3036 Caneiro, A., 355, 356 Byrne, J. T., 1104 Canneri, G., 109 I-160 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Cannon, J. F., 67, 2407 2090, 2091, 2092, 2093, 2094, 2095, Cantle, J., 638, 3328 2096, 2097, 2099, 2103, 2226, 2251, Cantrell, K. J., 287, 1159, 1160, 3173, 2259, 2265, 2530, 2601, 2696, 3176, 3177 2697, 2699 Cantu, A. A., 1908 Carniglia, S. C., 1085, 1312 Cao, R., 2062 Carpenter, J. D., 2924 Cao, X., 791 Carpenter, S. A., 3025 Cao, Z., 1285 Carpio, R. A., 2686 Capdevila, H., 1117, 1150, 1160, 1161, Carr, E. M., 398 1162, 1164 Carra, P., 2236 Capocchi, J. D. T., 61 Carrano, C. J., 1824, 3349, 3359, 3364, 3365, Capone, F., 1029, 1036, 1045, 1047, 1971, 3376, 3378 2149, 3212 Carre, D., 1055 Cappis, J. H., 789, 3014, 3314 Carrera, A. G., 2655 Caputi, R. W., 1075 Carrera, M. A. G., 2655 Carassiti, V., 629 Carrere, J. P., 219 Carbajo, J. J., 357, 1048, 1071, 1074, 1075, Carritt, J., 3341, 3342, 3348, 3353, 3356, 1076, 1077 3386 Carbol, P., 3032, 3070 Carroll, D. F., 1058 Carey, A. E., 3287, 3295 Carroll, R. L., 2652 Carey, G. H., 2587 Carroll, S. A., 3064, 3160 Cariati, F., 2440 Carroll, S. L., 3180 Cariou, J., 1882 Carrott, M. J., 2679, 2681, 2682, 2683 Carleson, B. G. F., 2698 Carsell, O. J., 186 Carleson, T. E., 2679, 2681, 2683, 2684 Carstens, D. H. W., 1968, 1971 Carlier, R., 220, 221 Carswell, D. J., 187 Carlile, C. J., 2250 Carter, F. L., 66, 1515 Carlin, R. T., 2691 Carter, J. A., 3312 Carlos-Marquez, R., 1143 Carter, M. L., 279, 280, 291, 2157, 2159 Carls, E. L., 1081 Carter, R. E., 368 Carlson, E. H., 492 Carter, W. J., 2038 Carlson, L. R., 859, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1877 Cartula, M. J., 980, 981, 983, 984, 986 Carlson, O. N., 61 Carugo, O., 2577 Carlson, R. S., 332 Caruso, J., 3323 Carlson, T. A., 33, 1296, 1452, 1453, 1516, Carvalho, A., 2881, 2882 1626, 1627, 1640, 1669, 1682, Carvalho, F. M. S., 260, 293 1725, 1727 Carvalho, F. P., 1507 Carlton, T. S., 86, 91 Casa, D., 2288 Carmona, E., 1956, 2473, 2803, 2806, 2807 Casalta, S., 2143 Carmona-Guzman, E., 2866 Casarci, M., 1280, 1282, 2738, 2743 Carnall, W. T., 350, 373, 380, 382, 421, 422, Casarin, M., 1953, 1957 425, 482, 483, 486, 501, 502, 503, 504, Casas, I., 121, 124, 1805 505, 509, 521, 529, 549, 561, 729, 745, Case, A. C., 3386 763, 766, 857, 858, 859, 988, 1088, Case, G. N., 1640, 2561, 2585 1109, 1110, 1112, 1113, 1194, 1296, Casellato, U., 115, 2437, 2438, 2440, 2441, 1312, 1314, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1327, 2472, 2473, 2484, 2820, 2825, 2841 1338, 1340, 1365, 1404, 1406, 1410, Casensky, B., 2655 1430, 1453, 1454, 1455, 1465, 1471, Casey, A. T., 215, 218, 219, 227 1473, 1474, 1475, 1513, 1515, 1533, Casida, K. C., 1910 1543, 1544, 1545, 1557, 1604, 1847, Casida, M. E., 1910 1866, 1896, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Cassol, A., 767, 770, 776, 777, 778, 779, 781, 2020, 2030, 2031, 2032, 2033, 2034, 782, 1178, 1180, 1181, 2441, 2550, 2035, 2036, 2037, 2038, 2039, 2041, 2554, 2584, 2585, 2586 2042, 2044, 2047, 2048, 2050, 2053, Cassol, G., 2586, 2589 2054, 2056, 2057, 2058, 2060, 2062, Castellani, C. B., 2441, 2577 2063, 2064, 2065, 2068, 2069, 2070, Castellato, U., 1926 2071, 2072, 2073, 2075, 2077, 2078, Castillo, M. K., 3057 2080, 2082, 2084, 2085, 2086, 2089, Casto, C. C., 632 Author Index I-161 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Castro, J. R., 1507 Chamberlain, D. B., 279, 861, 1282, 2655, Castro-Rodrigues, I., 1965 2738, 2739, 2740 Catalano, J. G., 113, 286, 1810, 2157, 2159 Chamberlin, R. M., 117, 2827, 2868 Cater, E. D., 1968, 1971 Champagnon, B., 277 Catlow, C. R. A., 367, 368, 369, 1045 Champarnaud-Mesjard, J.-C., 281, 468 Caton, R. H., 64, 66 Chan, S. K., 2238, 2263, 2279 Catsch, A., 3413 Chan, T. H., 2953 Caturla, M. J., 863 Chander, K., 1174, 1352 Cauchetier, P., 1177, 1178, 1179, 1180, Chandler, J. M., 80 1181, 2575 Chandra, P., 2352 Cauchois, Y., 190, 227, 859 Chandrasekharaiah, M. S., 352, 355, 356, 365, Caude, M., 2685 369, 2195 Caulder, D. L., 277, 2588, 3179, 3182 Chang, A., 1943, 1944, 1947, 1949, 1951, 1959 Caurant, D., 1962, 2246, 2847, 2858, 2862 Chang, A. H. H., 1943, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, Cauwels, P., 3042, 3043 1951, 1952, 1973, 2253, 2853, 2864 Cavalli, E., 2100 Chang, A. T., 355, 356, 364 Cavellec, R., 1369, 2042, 2062, 3037 Chang, C., 1907 Cavendish, J. H., 61, 78 Chang, C. C., 2801, 2851 Cavigliasso, G., 3102 Chang, C. T., 2270, 2801, 2851 Caville, C., 545 Chang, C. T. P, 1543 Cavin, O. B., 67 Chang, H.-P., 176, 188 Cawan, T. E., 986 Chang, Q., 1973 Cazaussus, A., 208, 209, 2432, 2433 Chang, Y., 2693, 2713 C&E News, 1754 Chang, Y. A., 927 CEA, 1812, 1829 Chao, G. Y., 103, 113 Cebulska-Wasilewska, A., 1507 Chaplot, S. L., 942 Cecille, L., 2633, 2767 Chapman, A. T., 343 Cefola, M., 988 Chappell, L. L., 43 Cejka, J., 264, 281, 289 Charbonnel, M. C., 1168, 1262, 1270, 1285, Celon, E., 2443 2532, 2657 Cendrowski-Guillaume, S. M., 2479, 2488, Chardon, J., 2431 2857, 2858, 2871, 2889 Charistos, D., 302, 3039 Cercignani, C., 366, 367 Charlet, L., 3152, 3153, 3154, 3165, 3166, 3167 Cernik, R. J., 2238 Charlop, A. W., 1635, 1642, 1643, 1645, 1646 Cerny, E. A., 1179 Charnock, J. M., 588, 589, 595, 1927, 1928, Cesari, M., 2471, 2472, 2490, 2491, 2493, 2859 2441, 2583, 3132, 3165, 3167, 3169 Cesbron, F., 262, 266, 268, 272, 292 Charpin, P., 102, 106, 345, 380, 468, 469, 503, Chace, M. J., 3405 505, 533, 534, 535, 561, 1928, 2439, Chachaty, C., 1168, 2563, 2580 2449, 2450, 2452, 2453, 2464, 2465, Chackraburtty, D. M., 371, 1004, 1005, 1007, 2466, 2472, 2484, 2490, 2491, 2801, 1058, 1059, 1060, 1061, 1065, 1170, 2820, 2859, 2866, 3101, 3105, 3120, 2407, 2434, 2441, 2442, 2445, 2446 3138, 3141 Chadha, A., 2434 Charron, N., 3054 Chadwick, R. B., 1447, 1662, 1703, 1704 Chartier, D., 1355 Chai, Y., 2864 Chartier, F., 1433 Chaigneau, M., 83 Charushnikova, I. A., 747, 748, 2434, 2439, Chaikhorskii, A. A., 726, 727, 763, 764, 766, 2442, 2595 770, 793 Charushnikova, N. N., 746, 748 Chaiko, D. J., 292 Charvillat, J. P., 204, 377, 739, 740, 741, 742, Chakhmouradian, A. R., 113 743, 1020, 1022, 1304, 1312, 1316, Chakoumakos, B. C., 278 1317, 1318, 1319, 1403, 1411, 1412, Chakrabarti, C. L., 3036 1414, 1415, 1420, 1421, 2411, 2413 Chakravorti, M. C., 540, 566, 588, 2434, 2441 Charvolin, T., 719, 720 Chakravortty, V., 182, 1283, 1512 Chasanov, M. G., 356, 357, 366, 378, 903, Chakroya, E. T., 3067 1076, 1971, 1972, 2148, 2715 Chalk, A. J., 2966 Chasman, R. R., 1736 Chalk River, 3340 Chassard-Bouchaud, C., 3050, 3062, 3063 Chamber, C. A., 3259 Chassigneux, B., 109 I-162 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Chasteler, R. M., 1447, 1629, 1635, 1642, Chernenkov, Yu. P., 546 1643, 1645, 1646, 1662, 1703, Cherniak, D. J., 3170 1704, 2575 Chernorukov, N. G., 113 Chatalet, J., 421, 520, 529 Cherns, D., 123, 126 Chatani, K., 783 Chernyayev, I. I., 109, 566, 585, 593 Chateigner, D., 3152, 3156, 3157 Chernyi, A. V., 907, 909, 911, 912 Chatelet, J., 1874, 1875 Cherpanov, V. I., 2052 Chatt, A., 769, 774 Chervet, J., 303 Chatt, J., 93 Chetham-Strode, A., 2635 Chatterjee, A., 1447, 2530 Chetham-Strode, A., Jr., 181 Chattillon, C., 340, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, Chetverikov, A. P., 1484 356, 363, 365 Chevalier, B., 70, 73, 2360 Chattin, F. R., 1451, 1509, 1584, 2633 Chevalier, P.-Y., 351, 352, 2202 Chattopadhyay, S., 2745 Chevalier, R., 79, 86, 87, 90, 92, 459 Chaudhuri, N. K., 772, 2578 Chevallier, J., 331 Chauvenet, E., 61, 76, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 93, 108 Chevallier, P., 164 Chauvin, G., 2712, 2713 Chevari, S., 3366 Chavastelon, R., 105, 106 Chevary, J. A., 1904 Chavrillat, J. P., 740, 741 Chevreton, M., 2439, 2440 Chayawattanangkur, K., 25 Chevrier, G., 102, 106, 2464 Chebotarev, K., 2426 Cheynet, B., 351, 352, 2202 Chebotarev, N. I., 900, 902, 904, 906, 907, 908, Cheynet, M. C., 3052 910, 911, 912, 913, 914 Chiadli, A., 3024 Chebotarev, N. T., 892, 894, 900, 901, 902, Chiang, M.-H., 861, 3108, 3178 903, 904, 905, 907, 908, 909, 910, 911, Chiang, T. C., 964, 965, 967, 2342 912, 913, 915, 939, 941, 984, 1106, 1107 Chiappini, R., 133, 3382 Cheda, J. A. R., 106 Chiapusio, J., 1055 Cheetham, A. K., 377, 383, 994, 1082 Chiarixia, R., 1585 Cheinyavskaya, N. B., 1320 Chiarizia, R., 633, 716, 773, 840, 1280, 1281, Chellew, N. R., 2692, 2708 1282, 1293, 1294, 1508, 1511, 2642, Chelnokov, L. P., 1690 2643, 2649, 2652, 2655, 2660, 2661, Chelnokov, M. L., 1654, 1719, 1720, 1735, 1738 2727, 2743, 2747, 2748, 2750, 3283, Chemla, M., 1605 3284, 3285, 3286, 3295 Chen, B., 108 Chibante, L. P. F., 2864 Chen, C. T., 861 Chieh, C., 580, 582 Chen, F., 270 Chien, S., 420, 3358 Chen, J., 1287, 1288, 1352, 2562, 2665, 2762 Chierice, G. O., 2580 Chen, J. H., 638, 3311, 3312, 3313 Chikalla, T. D., 404, 724, 725, 726, 997, 998, Chen, J. W., 2352, 2357 1025, 1030, 1045, 1303, 1312, 1313, Chen, L., 2679, 2682, 2684 1323, 1358, 1419, 1420, 1464, 1466, Chen, M. H., 1452, 1515 2143, 2147, 2389, 2395, 2396, Chen, Q., 2888 2397, 2398 Chen, S., 2752 Childs, W. J., 1088, 1194, 1846, 1873, 2080, Chen, S. L., 927 2084, 2086 Chen, T., 189 Chilsholm-Brause, C. J., 3035, 3036 Chen, X. Y., 2068, 2089 Chilton, D. R., 342, 357, 358, 3171 Chen, Y., 795, 1287 Chilton, J. M., 213, 256 Chen Yingqiang, 231 Chinea-Cano, E., 3173 Chen, Y.-X., 2938 Chintalwar, G. J., 2668 Chen, Z., 266 Chiotti, P., 63, 67, 68, 69, 70, 74, 78, 80, 81, 82, Cheng, H., 171, 231, 3313 97, 100, 325, 326, 332, 398, 399, 400, Cheng, L., 291, 3163, 3164 401, 402, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 2114, Chepigin, V. I., 164, 1654, 1719, 1720, 2197, 2205, 2206, 2207, 2208, 2209, 1735, 1738 2385, 2710 Chepovoy, V. I., 1479 Chipaux, R., 997, 998, 1003 Chereau, P., 1044, 1048, 1070, 1074, 2145 Chipera, S. J., 3095, 3175, 3176, 3177 Cherer, U. W., 182 Chipperfield, A. R., 3350, 3351, 3408, Cherne, F. J., 928 3410, 3411 Author Index I-163 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Chirkst, D. E., 424, 428, 429, 430, 431, 436, Christensen, D. C., 717, 865, 866, 867, 868, 437, 440, 450, 451, 454, 473, 475, 476, 869, 870, 873, 874, 875 495, 510, 511 Christensen, E. L., 1048, 1093 Chisholm-Brause, C., 3101, 3111, 3122, 3152, Christensen, E. l., 837 3155, 3156, 3165, 3169, 3171 Christensen, H., 3221 Chisholm-Brause, C. J., 270, 301, 795, 2531 Christensen, J. N., 639, 3327 Chistyakov, V. M., 724, 726, 1331, 1334, 1336, Christiansen, P. A., 1671, 1898, 1907, 1908, 1479, 1481, 1484, 2706, 2707, 2708 1918, 1920 Chitnis, R. R., 712, 713, 1281, 1282, 2743, Christman, R. F., 3150 2745, 2747, 2750, 2757 Christoph, G. G., 1058, 1059, 1060, 1062 Chitrakar, R., 1292 Chu, C. Y., 2449 Chmelev, A., 1398 Chu, S. Y., 1626, 1633, 1639, 1644 Chmutova, M. K., 705, 1283, 1450, 1479, Chu, S. Y. F., 817 1509, 1554, 1585, 2651, 2656, 2661, Chu, Y. Y., 1407, 1408, 1409, 1635, 1642, 2666, 2677, 2738, 2739 1643, 1645, 1646 Chmutova, M. S., 1271, 1284 Chuburkov, Y. T., 1640, 1645, 1663, 1690, Choca, M., 471, 512, 513 1692, 1693 Chodos, S. L., 476 Chuburkov, Yu. T., 1402, 1422, 1423 Choi, I.-K., 380, 2153 Chudinov, E. G., 1085, 1086, 1312, 1449, Choi, K.-S., 97 1479, 1483, 1554, 1605 Choi, Y. J., 1676, 1679, 1680, 1681, 1682, Chudinov, E. T., 736, 737 1723, 1727 Chudinov, N., 1583 Cholewa, M., 3069 Chudnovskaya, G. P., 1365, 1369 Chollet, H., 2682, 2685 Chukanov, N. V., 268, 298 Chongli, S., 2251, 2753 Chuklanova, E. B., 2439 Chopin, T., 109, 1172 Chumaevskii, N. A., 2439, 2442 Choporov, D., 1085, 1086 Chumikov, G. N., 3017, 3067 Choporov, D. Y., 736, 737, 1312 Chuney, M., 602 Choppin, G., 746, 748, 1275, 1284, 1287, 1288, Chung, B. W., 967 1291, 1327, 1352, 1354 Chung, T., 2479 Choppin, G. R., 5, 131, 132, 405, 705, 771, Church, B. W., 3017 772, 775, 778, 781, 782, 988, 1110, Church, H. W., 3252, 3253, 3255 1111, 1112, 1132, 1138, 1143, 1155, Churney, K. L., 34 1159, 1160, 1164, 1166, 1179, 1181, Chuveleva, E. A., 1291, 1449, 1512 1405, 1407, 1408, 1409, 1424, 1426, Chuvilin, D. Y., 989, 996 1427, 1434, 1477, 1479, 1508, 1509, Chydenius, J. J., 60, 75, 76, 79, 80, 109 1549, 1550, 1551, 1554, 1555, 1557, Ciliberto, E., 1956, 1957 1577, 1585, 1624, 1628, 1629, 1630, Cilindro, L. G., 1352 1632, 1635, 1760, 1761, 1764, 1803, Cinader, G., 336, 994, 995, 2238, 2261, 2262, 1809, 1811, 2096, 2097, 2098, 2386, 2362, 3206 2387, 2400, 2443, 2524, 2525, 2529, Cingi, M. B., 2440 2530, 2534, 2537, 2546, 2547, 2548, Cirafici, S., 2204 2551, 2552, 2553, 2558, 2561, 2562, Cı´sarova´, I., 2427, 2655 2563, 2564, 2565, 2566, 2571, 2572, Cisneros, M. R., 849, 1139, 1161, 1167 2574, 2577, 2578, 2579, 2580, 2582, Citra, A., 1969 2583, 2584, 2585, 2587, 2589, 2591, Citrin, P. H., 3087 2592, 2594, 2595, 2596, 2602, 2603, Ciurapinski, A., 3173 2604, 2605, 2606, 2626, 2627, 2628, Civici, N., 3034, 3039 2632, 2635, 2636, 2638, 2639, 2640, Claassen, A., 3029 2650, 2664, 2673, 2677, 2688, 2690, Claassen, H. H., 2083 2691, 2726, 3024, 3035, 3287 Clacher, A. P., 790, 3063, 3317, 3318 Chourou, S., 541, 542 Claraz, M., 3052 Chow, L. S., 2723 Clark, A. H., 280 Chrastil, J., 2683 Clark, C. R., 862, 892 Chrisment, J., 2649 Clark, D. L., 289, 439, 454, 455, 580, 595, 602, Chrisney, J., 857 620, 621, 745, 749, 763, 766, 813, 861, Christ, C. L., 583, 2486 932, 988, 1041, 1043, 1110, 1112, 1116, Christe, K. O., 1978 1117, 1154, 1155, 1156, 1159, 1162, I-164 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

1163, 1164, 1165, 1166, 1181, 1182, CNIC, Commission on Nomenclature of 1183, 1184, 1314, 1340, 1341, 1359, of IUPAC, 1653, 1798, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1931, 1660, 1661 2427, 2428, 2429, 2450, 2451, 2484, Cobble, J. W., 2538 2486, 2487, 2488, 2553, 2558, 2583, Cobble, R. W., 2132 2592, 2607, 2802, 2813, 2814, 2844, Coble, R. L., 343, 369 2845, 2846, 2858, 2876, 3035, 3087, Cobos, J., 3070 3108, 3109, 3112, 3113, 3115, 3118, Coburn, S., 2237, 2286 3123, 3125, 3126, 3127, 3128, 3130, Cochran, J. K., 3022, 3307 3131, 3133, 3134, 3136, 3160, Cochran, T. H., 3353, 3396, 3399 3167, 3210 Cockcroft, J. K., 89, 94 Clark, G. A., 1281, 2747 Cocuaud, N., 1269 Clark, G. L., 115 Coda, A., 3167 Clark, G. W., 343, 1033, 2266 Codding, J. W., 167, 169, 188, 195, 230 Clark, H. K., 821 Cody, J. A., 97, 420 Clark, H. M., 186 Coffinberry, A. S., 892, 903, 905, 906, 907, Clark, J. P., 116 908, 909, 910, 911, 912, 913 Clark, J. R., 583, 2486 Coffou, E., 102, 103, 110, 2431 Clark, R. B., 1021 Cogliati, G., 1022 Clark, R. J., 83, 84, 2415 Cohen, A., 1547 Clark, S. B., 852, 1167, 3280, 3292, 3296, Cohen, D., 483, 726, 727, 731, 753, 759, 862, 3306 1114, 1116, 1131, 1132, 1297, 1312, Clarke, R. H., 1818, 1819, 1820 1325, 1326, 1337, 1416, 1424, 1430, Clarke, R. W., 19 1455, 1465, 1469, 1470, 1473, 1474, Clarke, W. J., 3386 1479, 1530, 1531, 1533, 1604, 1774, Clarkson, T. W., 3359, 3362 2077, 2292, 2417, 2422, 2527, 2531, Claudel, B., 114, 2438, 2439, 2440, 2443 2599, 2601, 3099, 3125 Clausen, K. N., 357, 389, 399 Cohen, D. M., 2394 Clavague´ra-Sarrio, C., 1921, 1922, 1932, Cohen, I., 390, 391 1969, 1988 Cohen, J. B., 344 Clayton, C. R., 3046, 3069, 3179 Cohen, K. P., 1269 Clayton, E. D., 988, 1268 Cohen, L. H., 1547 Clayton, H., 2208 Cohen, M., 828 Clayton, J. C., 390, 394, 397 Cohen, N., 133, 3345, 3349, 3354, 3355, 3371, Cleaves, H. E., 352 3374, 3378, 3384, 3396 Clegg, A. W., 2351 Cohn, K. C., 2919 Clegg, J. W., 303, 307, 308, 309, 311 Cohn, S. H., 3406 Cleland, W. E., 3117 Cohran, S. G., 3266 Clemente, D. A., 548, 2440, 2441 Colani, A., 104 Clemons, G. K., 3343, 3358, 3390, 3391 Colarieti-Tosti, M., 2248, 2289, 2291 Cle`ve, P. T., 76, 77, 101, 105, 108, 109, 110 Cole, S. C., 3159 Cleveland, J. M., 466, 814, 837, 850, 988, Colella, M., 113, 271, 280, 291, 2157, 2159 1007, 1018, 1110, 1117, 1138, 1140, Coleman, C. F., 312, 313, 841, 1477, 1549, 1167, 1168, 1169, 1172, 1173, 1174, 1550, 1554, 1606, 2565, 2731 1175, 1177, 1178, 1180, 2131, 2579, Coleman, C. J., 1433 2582, 2634, 2650, 2730, 3208, 3212, Coleman, G. H., 3281 3222, 3247 Coleman, J. S., 465, 466, 1291, 1312, 1314, Clifford, A. A., 2681, 2683, 2684 1325, 1326, 1328, 1329, 1331, 1332, Clifton, C. L., 371 1410, 1430, 2601 Clifton, J. R., 469, 491 Coleman, P., 2352 Cline, D., 80 Colen, W., 3101 Clinton, J., 66 Coles, S., 1943, 1956, 2473, 2803, 2806, 2807, Clinton, S. D., 256 2854, 2856 Clinton, S. O., 256 Coles, S. J., 117, 2240 Cloke, F. G. N., 117, 1943, 1960, 1964, 2240, Colin-Blumenfeld, M., 129 2473, 2816, 2854, 2856, 2863, 2912 Colineau, E., 719, 720, 967, 968, 1009, 1012, Close, E. R., 3359, 3361, 3368, 3373, 3387, 1015, 1016, 1784, 1790, 2239, 2352, 3388, 3400 2372, 2407 Author Index I-165 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Colinet, C., 928, 2208 Conradson, S. D., 127, 128, 130, 131, 270, 580, Colineu, E., 2353 595, 620, 621, 849, 861, 932, 933, 1041, Collard, J. M., 740, 1023 1043, 1112, 1116, 1117, 1154, 1155, Colle, C., 3023, 3067 1156, 1162, 1164, 1166, 1167, 1168, Colle, J. Y., 1029, 1036, 1047, 2149, 3212 1798, 1923, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, Colle, Y., 1029, 1045, 1971 1991, 2427, 2428, 2531, 2583, 2607, Collin, J., 2883 3035, 3039, 3087, 3101, 3108, 3109, Collins, D. A., 164, 173, 177, 180, 227 3111, 3112, 3113, 3115, 3117, 3118, Collins, E. D., 1271, 1275, 1402, 1448, 3122, 3123, 3125, 3126, 3127, 3128, 1449, 1451, 1509, 1510, 1584, 1585, 3133, 3134, 3136, 3137, 3152, 3155, 2636 3156, 3163, 3165, 3169, 3171, 3210 Collins, M., 526 Conradson, S. G., 3035, 3036 Collins, S. P., 2234, 2238 Constantinescu, O., 181, 211, 1688, 1700, 1718 Collison, D., 588, 589, 595, 1927, 1928, 2440, Contamin, P., 367, 368 2441, 2442, 2447, 2448, 2583, 3132 Conte, P., 219 Collman, J. P., 2924 Conticello, V. P., 2913, 2918, 2924, 2933, Collongues, R., 113 2984, 2986 Colmenares, C. A., 996, 3201, 3206, 3207, Conway, J. B., 2202 3214, 3223, 3224, 3225, 3227, 3229, Conway, J. G., 442, 457, 1099, 1365, 1423, 3243, 3244 1452, 1453, 1455, 1473, 1474, 1513, Colombet, P., 1054 1516, 1544, 1586, 1602, 1836, 1839, Colsen, L., 1403, 1410, 1412, 1413 1840, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, Colson, L., 34, 35, 191 1850, 1864, 1865, 1871, 1872, 1873, Colvin, E. W., 2953 1874, 1875, 1877, 1878, 1885, 2038, Colvin, R. V., 322 2065, 2067, 2074, 2077, 2262, Comar, C. L., 3393 2265, 2272 Combes, J. M., 795, 2531, 3111, 3122, Coobs, J. H., 1033 3165, 3169 Coogler, A. L., 817 Comeau, D. C., 1908, 1909 Cook, R. E., 3165, 3168 Comodi, P., 3170 Cooke, F., 1683 Compton, V., 319 Cooke, N., 3354 Comstock, A. A., 949, 960 Cooke, R., 1138 Comstock, A. C., 949 Cooper, B. R., 1023, 2275, 2364 Comstock, A. L., 2315, 2355 Cooper, E. L., 3067, 3288 Conant, J. W., 333 Cooper, J. H., 1449 Conaway, J. G., 3027 Cooper, J. R., 3364, 3375 Conca, J. L., 3175, 3409 Cooper, J. W., 2699 Conceicao, J., 2864 Cooper, L. N., 62, 2350, 2351 Condamines, C., 1285 Cooper, L. W., 3295, 3296, 3311, 3314 Condamines, N., 1285 Cooper, M. A., 259, 262, 268, 287, 289, 290, Condemns, N., 2657 298, 2426 Condit, R. H., 2195, 3258, 3259 Cooper, M. B., 3017, 3302 Condon, E. U., 1862, 2089 Cooper, N. G., 814, 863 Condon, J. B., 332, 3242 Cooper, U. R., 2732 Condorelli, G., 116 Cooper, V. R., 835, 2730 Condren, O. M., 3016, 3023, 3296 Cooper, W. C., 280 Cone, R. L., 2044, 2047, 2053, 2072, 2073, Coops, M. S., 864, 869, 875, 1288, 1291, 1631, 2100, 2101, 2103 1633, 1635, 1636, 1858, 2636 Conner, C., 1282, 2655, 2738, 2739, 2740 Cope, R. G., 892, 909, 912 Conner, W. V., 1312 Copeland, J. C., 1530, 1531, 1532, 1533, Connes, J., 1840 1536, 2398 Connes, P., 1840 Copland, G. M., 2035 Connick, R. E., 988, 1121, 1122, 1126, Copp, D. H., 3405 1175, 1915 Copple, J. M., 2655, 2738, 2739 Connor, W. V., 1271, 1312, 1325, 1326 Coqblin, B., 1461 Conradi, E., 477, 496, 515, 554 Corbel, C., 289 Conradson, S., 984, 1359, 1370, 2263, Corbett, B. L., 1445, 1448, 1509, 1510 3039, 3040 Corbett, J. D., 83, 84, 2415 I-166 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Corbin, R. A., 1268 Cowan, R. A., 1908 Cordaro, J. V., 791 Cowan, R. D., 1730, 1731, 1845, 1862, 1863, Cordero- Montalvo, C. D., 2038, 2078 1865, 2023, 2039, 2076 Cordfunke, E. H. P., 255, 339, 341, 350, 355, Cowan, R. G., 1294 356, 357, 358, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, Cowley, R. A., 2233, 2274, 2276, 2277, 2281 378, 383, 514, 525, 543, 551, 552, 569, Cowper, M. M., 3050, 3060, 3062, 3064 1048, 1076, 2114, 2115, 2139, 2140, Cox, D. E., 2273, 2283 2142, 2144, 2150, 2151, 2153, 2154, Cox, J. D., 62, 322, 2115, 2117, 2120, 2135, 2157, 2158, 2159, 2160, 2161, 2165, 2136, 2137 2176, 2177, 2185, 2187, 2192, 2193, Cox, L., 2347 2206, 2207, 2208, 2209, 2211 Cox, L. E., 333, 334, 335, 795, 861, 932, Cordier, P. Y., 2584, 2657, 2674, 2761 989, 995 Cordier, S., 435, 471 Cox, M., 840 Corey, A. S., 294 Crabtree, G. W., 412, 2308 Corey, J. Y., 2965 Crabtree, R. H., 2966 Corington, A., 366 Cracknell, A. P., 2274 Coriou, H., 329, 2712, 2713 Craft, R. C., 817 Corish, J., 1653, 1654 Cragg, P. J., 2452 Corliss, C. H., 59, 60, 857, 1841, 1843 Craig, I., 1327, 1338, 1370, 2530, 2576, 2580, Cornehl, H. H., 1971 3103, 3104, 3110, 3113, 3114, 3115, 3118 Cornet, J. A., 943, 958, 970 Crain, J. P., 1294 Cornog, R., 3316 Crain, J. S., 3285, 3323, 3326, 3327 Corsini, A., 115 Cramer, E. M., 892, 910, 913, 914, 915, 937, Cort, B., 333, 457, 486, 882, 939, 949, 967, 989, 938, 939, 958, 959 995, 2283, 2289, 2290 Cramer, J., 822, 823, 3314 Cory, M. G., 1943, 1946, 1949 Cramer, J. J., 274 Cossy, C., 2603, 3110 Cramer, R. E., 1957, 2472, 2473, 2475, 2479, Costa, D. A., 1185, 2687, 2688, 2689, 2690 2484, 2561, 2825, 2826, 2919 Costa, N. L., 164, 166 Crandall, J. L., 1267 Costa, P., 957 Crane, W. W. T., 164 Costanzo, D. A., 1132 Cranshaw, T. E., 53 Coste, A., 1874, 1875 Cranston, J. A., 20, 163, 201 Costes, R. M., 535, 2449, 2452 Crasemann, B., 1452, 1515 Cotiguola, J. M., 63 Craw, J. S., 1926, 1928, 1929, 1931 Cotton, F. A., 162, 470, 1895, 2490, 2491, Crawford, M.-J., 588 2493, 2628, 2800, 2859, 2860, 3130, Crea, J., 620 3131, 3132, 3346 Creaser, I., 2584 Coudurier, G., 76 Cremers, D. A., 3045 Couffin, F., 726, 753, 2129 Cremers, T. L., 103, 112, 996 Coughlin, J. U., 270, 3165, 3168 Cresswell, R. G., 790, 3063 Coulson, C. A., 1915 Crick, D. W., 2642 Coulter, L. V., 2538 Crick, E. W., 3283 Coupez, B., 1927 Cripps, F. H., 225, 226 Courbion, G., 92 Crisler, L. R., 1190, 2801, 2807 Courson, O., 2756 Criss, C. M., 2132 Cousseins, J. C., 85, 86, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, 457, Cristallini, O., 186, 219 458, 459, 468, 1108 Criswell, D. R., 2728 Cousson, A., 79, 86, 87, 90, 92, 113, 459, 460, Crittin, M., 3042, 3043 511, 730, 745, 746, 748, 792, 2443, 2595 Croatto, U., 777, 2441 Cousson, H., 730, 792 Crocker, A. G., 880, 882 Cousson, J., 745 Crocker, H. W., 1049 Coutures, J.-P., 77 Croff, A. G., 827 Covan, R. G., 2749 Croft, W. L., 190 Coveney, R. M. J., 3159 Cromer, D. T., 457, 464, 465, 901, 903, 906, Covert, A. S., 973 907, 909, 910, 911, 912, 914, 915, Cowan, G. A., 824, 1127 1012, 1013, 1728, 2076, 2407, 2408, Cowan, H. D., 1117, 1118, 1121, 1126, 1131, 2426, 2427, 2431, 2434, 2480, 2481, 1132, 1144, 1146, 2601 2482, 2837 Author Index I-167 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Cron, M. M., 352 Cunningham, S. S., 2717 Cronkite, E. P., 3358, 3367 Curcio, M. J., 42, 43, 44 Crookes, W., 186 Curie, M., 3, 19, 172, 254, 1397 Crosby, G. A., 2082, 2241 Curie, P., 3, 19, 162, 254 Crossley, M. J., 3117 Curl, R. F., 2864 Crosswhite, H., 857, 858, 859, 1455, 1474, Curran, G., 3025 1475, 1515, 1544, 1847, 1862, 1866, Currat, R., 81 1896, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2029, Currie, L. A., 3288 2030, 2032, 2035, 2036, 2039, 2042, Curti, E., 3152, 3156, 3157 2056, 2057, 2077, 2078, 2090, 2091, Curtis, D., 822, 823 2093, 2095, 2096, 2259 Curtis, D. B., 822, 823, 3014, 3279, 3314 Crosswhite, H. M., 421, 422, 501, 505, 509, Curtis, M. H., 996 521, 857, 858, 859, 1453, 1454, 1455, Curtis, M. L., 172, 178, 224, 225 1515, 1544, 1847, 1862, 1863, 1866, Curtiss, C. F., 962 1868, 1896, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Curtiss, L. A., 1991, 3113, 3118 2020, 2029, 2030, 2032, 2035, 2036, Curtze, O., 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883 2038, 2039, 2056, 2057, 2063, 2077, Cusick, M. J., 1292 2091, 2093, 2259 Cuthbert, F. L., 55, 58, 2694 Croudace, I., 3279, 3285 Cuthbertson, E. M., 3405 Croudace, I. W., 3328 Cwiok, S., 1736 Crough, E. C., 389, 391, 392, 396 Cymbaluk, T. H., 2484, 2844, 2865 Crouse, D. J., 312, 1049 Cyr, M. J., 2464 Crouthamel, C. E., 169, 170, 171 Czaynik, A., 414 Crowley, J., 3342, 3354, 3423, 3424 Czerwinski, K., 1138 Crowley, J. F., 3341, 3348, 3356, 3387 Czerwinski, K. R., 182, 185, 1160, 1165, 1166, Croxton, E. C., 399, 400 1445, 1447, 1653, 1664, 1684, 1693, Crozier, E. D., 962 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697, 1698, 1699, Csencsits, R., 3165, 3168 1701, 1704, 1705, 1706, 1716, 1718, Csovcsics, C., 3399 3025, 3138, 3140, 3142, 3150 Cui, D., 768 Czopnik, A., 2413 Cuifolini, M. A., 2864 Czuchlewski, S., 2347 Cuillerdier, C., 773, 1285, 1286, 2563, 2580, 2657, 2673, 2756 Culig, H., 3378, 3379 da Conceicao Vieira, M., 1993 Cullity, B., 405 Da Graca, M., 627 Culp, F. B., 638, 3327 da Veiga, L. A., 2439 Cumming, J. B., 3300, 3301 Daane, A. H., 329, 332, 399, 412 Cummings, B., 1364 Dabeka, R. V., 84 Cummings, D. G., 3060 Dabos, S., 409, 725, 743, 746, 748, 1459, 1520, Cummins, C. C., 1966, 1967, 2245, 2488, 2491, 1521, 2315, 2370, 2443, 2595 2859, 2861, 2888 Dabos-Seignon, S., 742, 776, 777, 778, 779, Cuneo, D. R., 77, 487 781, 2315, 2371, 2559, 2565, 2570, Cuney, M., 2431 2574, 2585 Cunnane, J. C., 292, 1172 D’Acapito, F., 389 Cunningham, B. B., 5, 179, 191, 193, 194, 226, Dacheux, N., 103, 109, 110, 126, 128, 134, 275, 815, 834, 934, 988, 1085, 1093, 1098, 472, 477, 785, 1171, 1172, 1405, 1432, 1101, 1265, 1295, 1297, 1312, 1313, 1433, 2431, 2432 1409, 1410, 1411, 1412, 1413, 1414, Dadachova, K., 43 1417, 1418, 1420, 1444, 1445, 1463, Daehn, R., 3152, 3155, 3156, 3157 1464, 1466, 1468, 1470, 1472, 1473, Dahlberg, R. C., 2733 1480, 1481, 1517, 1519, 1520, 1530, Dahlgaard, H., 3017, 3023 1531, 1532, 1533, 1536, 1542, 1543, Dahlinger, M., 1880, 1882 1547, 1590, 1595, 1596, 1604, 1635, Dahlke, O., 100 1674, 1728, 2129, 2264, 2267, 2268, Dahlman, R. C., 2591 2386, 2387, 2395, 2396, 2397, 2398, Dai, D., 1671 2417, 2422, 2589, 2638, 2639 Dai, S., 2087, 2088, 2688, 2691, 3127, 3139 Cunningham, G. C., 364, 365 Dai, X., 964 Cunningham, J. E., 406 Dakternieks, D. R., 2664 I-168 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Dal Negro, A., 3159 Das, M. P., 1626, 1627 D’Alessandro, G., 123, 773 Dash, A. K., 2830, 2866, 2918, 2922, 2923, D’Alessio, J. A., 1186 2927, 2935, 2938, 2940, 2943, 2944, Dalichaouch, Y., 2352 2953, 2955, 2958, 2961, 2965, 2969, Dalla Cort, A., 597 2971, 2975, 2976, 2979 Dallera, C., 1196, 1198, 2080, 2085, 2086, Dash, K. C., 182 2561 Dash, S., 2157, 2158, 2209 Dalley, N. K., 2429 Date, M., 100 Dallinger, R. F., 1952, 2253 Datta, S. K., 1447 Dallinger, R. P., 372 Dauben, C. H., 67, 1312, 1313, 1315, 1357, Dalmas de Re´otier, P., 2236 1358, 1645, 2386, 2395, 2396, 2407, Dalmasso, J., 25, 3024 2417, 2422 Dalton, J. T., 1006, 1009, 2407, 2408 Daudey, J.-P., 1918, 1919, 1931 Dam, J. R., 1147, 2554 Dauelsberg, H.-J., 44 Damien, A., 403 Daughney, C. J., 3182, 3183 Damien, D., 99, 204, 207, 739, 740, 741, 742, Dautheribes, J., 789 743, 1017, 1020, 1022, 1050, 1051, Dauvois, V., 352 1052, 1053, 1054, 1304, 1312, 1316, David, F., 34, 37, 38, 118, 119, 167, 221, 1296, 1317, 1318, 1335, 1359, 1412, 1414, 1302, 1330, 1460, 1480, 1481, 1482, 1415, 1416, 1420, 1421, 1460, 1465, 1483, 1523, 1526, 1529, 1547, 1548, 1470, 2409, 2411, 2413, 2414 1549, 1555, 1557, 1598, 1602, 1605, Damien, D. A., 1411, 1414, 1415, 1421, 1460, 1606, 1607, 1611, 1613, 1628, 1629, 1465, 1470, 1531, 1538, 1539, 1540, 1630, 1635, 1636, 1639, 1640, 1641, 1542, 1543, 2414 1644, 1645, 1799, 2123, 2124, 2125, Damien, N., 740, 741, 2413 2126, 2127, 2129, 2526, 2529, 2530, Damiens, A., 68 2531, 2538, 2539, 2543, 2553, 2575, Damir, D., 336 3101, 3104, 3110, 3111, 3113, 3114, Dams, R., 169, 170, 171 3115, 3116, 3117, 3118 Danan, J., 67 David, F. H., 1991 Dancausse, J. P., 2315, 2371, 2407 David, S. J., 813, 1088 Danebrock, M. E., 66, 67, 71, 2407 Davidov, A. V., 1471 Danesi, P. R., 123, 773, 2738, 2750, 3173 Davidov, D., 2360 Danford, M. D., 1323, 1324, 1361, 1362 Davidov, Y. P., 1127 Dang, H. S., 3057 Davidovich, R. L., 541, 542 Daniels, W. R., 1738 Davidsohn, J., 82, 90, 93, 105, 109 Danielson, P. M., 365 Davidson, N. R., 722, 730, 731, 736, 737, 738, Danilin, A. S., 364, 365 740, 1018, 1052, 1092, 1094, 1095, Danis, J. A., 1181, 2452, 2453, 2454, 1100, 1101, 2167 2455, 2456 Davies, D., 164, 170, 1077, 1078, 1079, 1080, Danon, J., 33 1085, 1086, 1099 Danpure, C. J., 1816, 3398 Davies, G., 3140, 3150 d’Ans, J., 109 Davies, W., 633, 634 Dantus, M., 97 Davis, D. G., 1507 Danuschenkova, M. A., 1129, 1130 Davis, D. W., 3172 Dao, N. Q., 477, 539, 541, 542, 547, 2441 Davis, I. A., 43 Daoudi, A., 402, 407, 414 Davis, J. A., 3165, 3166, 3167, 3170, 3176 Darby, J. B., Jr., 90, 398, 1787, 2238 Davis, J. H., Jr., 2691 D’Arcy, K. A., 2642 Davis, T. A., 3182, 3183 Dardenne, K., 763, 766, 3040, 3138, Davis, T. L., 3065 3149, 3158 Davis, T. W., 3221 Darken, L. S., 926, 927 Davis, W., Jr., 563 Darling, T. W., 942 Davis, W. M., 2245 Darnell, A. J., 70 Davy, H., 2692 Darovskikh, A. N., 1363 Davydov, A. V., 161, 167, 178, 181, 184, 185, Darr, J. A., 2678 187, 188, 195, 207, 209, 218, 219, 229, Dartyge, J. M., 208, 2432 1323, 1423, 1625, 1633 Das, D., 2153 Dawihl, W., 109 Das, D. K., 67 Dawson, H. M., 101, 104 Author Index I-169 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Dawson, J. K., 342, 357, 358, 425, 431, 458, De Trey, P., 63 469, 474, 484, 485, 491, 495, 1077, De Troyer, A., 30, 32, 33 1078, 1079, 1084, 1099 de Villardi, G. C., 2449 Day, C. S., 2476, 2479, 2482, 2484, 2809, de Villiers, J. P. R., 3159 2811, 2832, 2841, 2843, 2916, 2919, de Visser, A., 2351 2924, 2997 De Vries, T., 634 Day, D. E., 277 De Waele, R., 2688, 2690 Day, J. P., 496, 574, 790, 3063, 3317, 3318 de Wet, J. F., 472, 477, 512, 543 Day, P. N., 2966 De Winter, F., 818 Day, R. A., 279, 280 De Witt, R., 718, 719 Day, R. A., Jr., 115 de Wolff, P. W., 342 Day, R. S., 849, 851 Deakin, L., 2256 Day, V. W., 116, 117, 1957, 1958, 2464, 2467, Deakin, M. R., 2690 2476, 2479, 2480, 2482, 2484, 2491, Deal, K. A., 43 2809, 2810, 2811, 2832, 2835, 2837, Deal, R. A., 167, 169, 188, 195, 230 2839, 2840, 2841, 2842, 2843, 2844, Dean, D. J., 944, 949, 950 2880, 2881, 2912, 2913, 2916, 2918, Dean, G., 391, 1048, 1070, 1073, 1074, 2145 2919, 2920, 2924, 2934, 2939, 2997 Dean, J. A., 632, 633, 635, 636, 637, 3278, 3280 Dayton, R. W., 1030 Dean, O. C., 61, 80 De Alleluia, I. B., 395, 1065, 1066 Deane, A. M., 494, 1184 de Almeida Santos, R. H., 90 Deaton, R. L., 1045 de Bersuder, L., 859 Debbabi, M., 389, 391, 393, 395, 1065, 1066, de Boer, E., 203 1312, 1313 De Boer, F. R., 70, 73, 2209, 2358 Debets, P. C., 342, 346, 357, 358, 543, 545, de Boer, J. H., 61 2394, 2426 de Boisbaudran, L., 77 Debierne, A., 19, 20 de Bruyne, R., 113 Decaillon, J. G., 3034, 3037 De Carvalho, R. G., 1427, 2582 Decambox, P., 1368, 1405, 1433, 2096, 2536, De Carvalho, R. H., 1549, 1550, 1555, 1557 3034, 3037 de Coninck, R., 368 Decker, W. R., 62 De Franco, M., 1048, 2145 Declercq, G., 2489, 2490, 2492 De Grazio, R. P., 1104 Declercq, J. P., 2802, 2844 de Haas, W. J., 62 Declerq, J.-P., 264, 265, 267 De Jong, W. A., 578, 1906, 1918, 1919, 1920, Dedov, V. B., 1271, 1352, 1512 1935, 1936 Dedov, V. D., 1402, 1422, 1423, 1427 De Kock, C. W., 1094, 1095, 1099, 2167, 2851 Dee, S., 3279, 3285 De Kock, R. L., 1916, 2089 Deely, K. M., 267, 268, 270, 287, 291, 583 de Leon, J. M., 1991, 3087, 3089, 3108, 3113, Deer, W. A., 3169 3117, 3118, 3123 Deere, T. P., 1283, 2656 De Long, L. E., 338, 339 Deferne, J., 265 de Maayer, P., 113 D’Ege, R., 198, 201 De Meester, R., 2752 Degetto, S., 2443, 2446, 2447, 3030, 3280 de Novion, C. H., 742, 743, 774, 1017, 1022, Degiorgi, L., 100 1052, 1054, 1304, 1312, 1316, 1317, Degischer, G., 771, 1352, 1477, 1551, 2585 1318, 1412, 1415, 1421, 2409, Degueldre, C., 1812, 3013, 3016, 3026, 3037, 2413, 2414 3039, 3062, 3066, 3069, 3070 de Novion, E. H., 204, 207 Deissenberger, R., 60, 789, 1296, 1403, 1452, de Pablo, J., 1805, 1927, 3143, 3145 1875, 1877 De Paoli, G., 198, 452, 2419, 2420, 2449, 2452, Dejean, A., 2449, 2450, 3101, 3105, 3120, 2479, 2483, 2484, 2826, 2843 3138, 3141 De Paz, M. L., 2443 Dejonghe, P., 30, 32, 33 De Plano, A., 1803 Del Cul, G. D., 2087, 2088 De Rango, C., 2449, 2452 Del Mar Conejo, M., 1956 De Rege, F. M., 2868 del Mar Conejo, M., 2803, 2806, 2807 De Regge, P., 20, 27, 31, 38, 133 Del Pra, A., 2441, 2442, 2443, 2483, 2484, De Ridder, D. J. A., 2472, 2475, 2486, 2826, 2843 2488, 2819 deLabachellerie, M., 1873 de Sousa, A. S., 2577, 2590 Delaeter, J. R., 164 I-170 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Delamoye, P., 81, 95, 469, 482, 491, 1663, 2568, 2576, 3089, 3101, 3102, 3103, 2066, 2067, 2248, 2250 3104, 3105, 3106, 3114, 3126, 3127, Delapalme, A., 409, 412, 1023, 1055, 2250, 3128, 3129, 3131, 3135, 3138, 3140, 2358, 2471, 2472 3141, 3142, 3145, 3146, 3147, 3148, Delaplane, R., 475, 495 3149, 3150, 3152, 3154, 3155, 3156, Delavaux-Nicot, B., 2806 3158, 3165, 3166, 3167 Delavente, F., 2657 Denes, G., 468 Delegard, C., 852, 1167 Deng, D. L., 2831 Delegard, C. H., 1117, 1118 Denig, R., 164 Deleon, A., 314 Denisov, A. F., 30, 3025 Delepine, M., 61, 63, 64, 80, 97 Denming, K., 1267 Delev, D., 3327 Denning, R. G., 546, 578, 1113, 1114, 1192, Deliens, M., 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 1196, 1198, 1199, 1930, 1931, 2079, 268, 283, 288, 293, 294 2080, 2085, 2086, 2087, 2239, 2561 Delin, A., 2347 Denninger, U., 2924, 2986 Dell, R. B., 1507, 3349, 3350 Dennis, L. M., 76 Dell, R. M., 342, 357, 1018, 1019, 1020, 1050, Dennis, L. W., 2261 1051, 1052, 2238, 3215 Denniss, I. S., 711, 760, 761, 2757 Della Mea, G., 3064, 3065 Denotkina, R. G., 1161, 1171, 1172 Della Ventura, G., 261, 301 deNovion, C. H., 99, 195, 391 Delle Site, A., 1352 Dent, A. J., 301, 3103, 3152, 3154, 3155 Delliehausen, C., 407 DePaoli, G., 2801 Delmau, L., 1160, 1161, 1162, 2655 Depaus, R., 637 Deloffre, P., 891, 917, 958 dePinke, A. G., 164, 166 Delong, L. E., 96 Deportes, J., 65, 66 Delorme, N., 1114 Deramaix, P., 1071 Delouis, H., 1840 Deren, P., 422, 435, 443 Delpuech, J.-J., 618, 2649 Derevyanko, E. P., 1554 Delsa, J. L., 2815 Dergunov, E. P., 80, 86, 87, 90, 91 DeLucas, L. S., 1045 Deriagin, A. V., 2359 deLumley, M. A., 189 Dernier, P., 2360 Demartin, F., 261, 264 Deron, S., 822, 3061 Demers, P., 53 d’Errico, F., 1507 Demers, Y., 1873 Dervin, J., 109, 131 Demeshkin, V. A., 2118 Deryagin, A. V., 339, 2360 Demichelis, R., 1416, 1430 Desai, P. D., 2115 Demildt, A., 20, 31, 38 Desai, V. P., 382, 730, 763, 766, 2244 Demildt, A. C., 30, 32, 33 Deschamps, J. R., 2382, 2383, 2384 deMiranda, C. F., 162, 166, 176, 181, 182, 184, Deschaux, M., 627, 629 209, 213, 215, 217, 218, 220, 221, 222, Desclaux, J. P., 1598, 1605, 1606, 1607, 1613, 227, 229 1626, 1627, 1643, 1667, 1668, 1669, Dempf, D., 207, 2851 1670, 1673, 1675, 1692, 1725, 1873 Dempster, A. J., 20, 55, 163, 256 Desclaux, J.-P., 1898, 1899 Demtschuk, J., 2969, 2974 Deshayes, L., 2449, 2450, 2452 Demyanova, T. A., 3034 Deshingkar, D. S., 1282, 2743, 2745 Dem’yanova, T. A., 787, 788, 1405, 1433, 2532 Desideri, D., 3030, 3280 Den Auwer, C., 861, 932, 1041, 1043, 1112, deSilviera, E. F., 164, 166 1154, 1155, 1166, 1168, 1262, 1270, De´sire´, B., 1425, 1476, 1477, 1550, 1551, 1554 1321, 1923, 2532 Deslandes, B., 932, 933 den Auwer, C., 2858, 3101, 3109, 3110, 3111, Desmoulin, J. P., 533, 534, 535 3113, 3114, 3115, 3116, 3117, Desmoulin, R., 503 3118, 3210 Despres, J., 892, 905, 906, 907 Den Haan, K. H., 2924 Desreux, J. F., 2655, 2815 den Heuvel, Van Chuba, P. J., 1507, 1518 Desrosiers, P. J., 2849 Denayer, M., 368 Destriau, M., 332 Denecke, M., 3040 Desyatnik, V. N., 86, 93 Denecke, M. A., 118, 133, 586, 589, 1147, Detlefs, C., 2287, 2292 1150, 1152, 1153, 1154, 1991, 2531, Detourmine´, R. J., 402 Author Index I-171 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Detweiler, D. K., 3396 Diego, F., 371 Deutsch, E., 2602 Diehl, H., 111 Deutsch, W. J., 287 Diehl, H. G., 393, 395 Devalette, M., 77 Dieke, G. H., 1896, 2015, 2036, 2038, 2078 Devillers, C., 824, 1981 Diella, V., 264 Devlin, D., 2752 Diener, M. D., 2864 Devreese, J., 368 Dietrich, M., 64, 97 Dewald, H. D., 3108 Dietrich, T. B., 301 Dewberry, R. A., 1433 Dietz, M. L., 633, 1293, 1294, 1508, 1511, Dewey, H. J., 1088, 1090, 2085, 2400, 2687, 2652, 2660, 2661, 2691, 2727, 3283, 2688, 2689 3284, 3286, 3295 DeWitt, R., 891 Dietz, N. L., 270, 297, 3017, 3302 Deworm, J. P., 33 Dietze, H.-J., 3062, 3069, 3310, 3311 Dexter, D. L., 2095, 2102 Diguisto, R., 620 D’Eye, R. W. M., 75, 80, 82, 83, 96, 424, 458, Dilley, N. R., 100 484, 485, 2413, 2424 Dimmock, J. O., 1913 D’Eye, R. W. N., 1084 Diness, A. M., 77 Dhami, P. S., 712, 713, 1281, 1282, 1294, 2668, Ding, M., 861, 1041, 1043, 1112, 1154, 1155, 2669, 2743, 2744, 2745, 2747, 2749, 1166, 3109, 3210 2750, 2757, 2759 Ding, Z., 3126 Dhar, S. K., 407 Dion, C., 298, 301 Dharwadkar, S. R., 355, 356, 369, 2153, 2195 Diprete, C. C., 1401 Dhers, J., 195, 196, 216 Diprete, D. P., 1401 Dhumwad, R. K., 1282, 2743, 2744, 2745 Dirac, P. A. M., 1898, 1904 D’Huysser, A., 76 Diri, M. I., 2315, 2355, 2368, 2369 Di Bella, S., 576, 1953, 1956, 1957, 1958 Dittmer, D. S., 3357, 3358 Di Bernardo, P., 1178, 1181, 2441, 2568, 2584, Dittner, P. E., 1504, 1516, 1583, 1590, 2585, 2586, 2589, 3102, 3143, 3145 2561, 2585 Di Cola, D., 2283, 2284, 2285 Dittner, P. F., 1452, 1626, 1627, 1637, 1638, di Cresswell, R. G., 3317, 3318 1639, 1640, 1644, 1659 Di Napoli, V., 2585, 2586 Dittrich, S., 776 Di Paoli, G., 200, 201 Ditts, R. V., 634 Di Salvo, F. J., 98 Divis, M., 2359 Di Sipio, L., 546, 547, 553, 554 Dixon, D. A., 1906, 1918, 1919, 1920 Di Tada, M. L., 3063 Dixon, N. E., 3117 Diaconescu, P. L., 1966, 1967, 2488, 2491, Dixon, P., 822, 823, 3279, 3314 2859, 2861, 2888 Dixon, S. N., 166, 178, 182, 183 Diakonov, I. I., 2191, 2192 Djogic, R., 584, 601, 3130 Diakov, A. A., 1432, 1433 Dmitriev, S. N., 786, 822, 1720 Diamond, G. L., 1821 Dobretsov, V. N., 2140 Diamond, H., 5, 633, 1152, 1279, 1280, 1281, Dobrowolski, J., 1066, 1068 1293, 1294, 1466, 1508, 1511, 1517, Dobry, A., 123 1544, 1577, 1588, 1622, 1626, 2642, Dock, C. H., 81 2652, 2653, 2655, 2660, 2661, 2727, Dockum, J. G., 1579, 3343, 3349 2738, 2739, 2742, 2760, 2768, 3283, Dockum, N., 3349, 3398, 3399 3284, 3285, 3286, 3295 Docrat, T. I., 588, 595, 1927, 1928, 2583, 3132 Diamond, R. M., 1916, 2538, 2562, 2580 Dod, R. L., 191, 193, 194, 201 Diamond, R. M. K., 2635, 2670 Dode´, M., 353, 354, 355, 356, 360, 362, 363 Dianoux, A.-J., 423, 445, 503, 505, 506, Dodge, C. J., 2591, 3022, 3046, 3069, 3146, 2243, 2246 3179, 3181 Dias, A. M., 2236 Dodge, R. P., 201, 2419, 2420, 2424 Dias, R. M. A., 2442 Dodgen, H. W., 857 Diatokova, R. A., 1547, 1548 DOE, 817, 3255, 3258, 3260, 3261, 3262, 3263 Dick, B. G., 2052 Doern, D. C., 3167 Dickens, M. H., 357 Does, A. V., 226 Dickens, P. G., 385, 388, 2390, 2394 Dognon, J.-P., 1921, 1922 Didier, B., 3165, 3166, 3167 Dohnalkova, A., 274, 3179, 3181 Diebler, H., 2602 Doi, K., 2392, 2418 I-172 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Dojiri, S., 837 Dougherty, T. F., 3343, 3424 Dok, L. D., 1629, 1635 Douglas, M., 1906 Dolechek, R. L., 193 Douglas, R. M., 275, 465, 466, 474 Dolejsek, V., 226 Douglass, M. R., 2984 Dolezal, J., 3278 Douglass, R. M., 1004, 1007, 1104, 1105, Dolg, M., 34, 1646, 1670, 1671, 1676, 1679, 1106, 1107, 1109, 1171, 2432, 2433 1682, 1683, 1689, 1898, 1907, 1908, Doukhan, R., 932, 933 1918, 1920, 1937, 1943, 1944, 1947, Dounce, A. L., 3351, 3355, 3359, 3360, 3362, 1948, 1949, 1951, 1952, 1959, 1960, 2148 3380, 3381, 3382 Dolidze, M. S., 1449 Douville, E., 3022 D’Olieslager, W., 2603, 2605, 2606, 2688, 2690 Dow, J. A., 2655, 2738, 2739 Dolling, G., 2233, 2274, 2276, 2277, 2281 Dowdy, E. D., 2984 Domanov, V. P., 1036, 1628, 1634, 1664, 1690, Downer, M. C., 2078 1703, 1932 Downes, A. B., 3016, 3023 Domingos, A., 2880, 2881, 2882, 2883, 2884, Downs, A. J., 530, 1968 2885, 2886 Doxater, M. M., 3034, 3037 Dominik, J., 3016, 3022 Doxtader, M. M., 2096, 2536 Domke, M., 2359 Doye, S., 2982 Donato, A., 2633 Doyle, J. H., 958, 959 Dong, C. Z., 1670, 1672, 1673, 1674, 1675, Dozol, J. F., 2655 1840, 1877, 1884 Dozol, J.-F., 2655 Dong, W., 791 Dra´bek, M., 2427 Dong, Z., 3065 Draganic, I. G., 3221 Doni, A., 428, 436, 440, 444, 451 Draganic, Z. D., 3221 Donnet, L., 1355 Drago, R. S., 2576, 2577 Donohoe, R. J., 851, 1116, 1117, 1156, 1925, Dragoo, A. L., 53, 67 1926, 2464, 2607, 3126, 3127, Drake, J., 789, 3314 3128, 3171 Drake, V. A., 2732, 2757 Donohue, D., 3173 Dran, J. C., 3064, 3160 Donohue, D. L., 3321 Draney, E. C., 942, 943, 944, 946 Donohue, J., 321 Drchal, V., 929, 953, 2355 Donohue, R. J., 580, 595, 620, 621 Drehman, A. J., 2351 Donzelli, S., 264 Dreissig, W., 2452 Dooley, G. J., 68 Dreitzler, R. M., 2327 Doppler, U., 1880, 1882 Dresel, P. E., 3027 Dorain, P. B., 2243 Dresler, E. N., 1431 Dordevic, S. V., 100 Dressler, C. E., 1662, 1684, 1711, 1712, 1716 Doretti, L., 2843 Dressler, P., 760 Dorhaut, P. K., 3210 Dressler, R., 1447, 1662, 1664, 1679, 1684, Dorhout, P. K., 52, 97, 398, 861, 998, 1041, 1685, 1699, 1707, 1708, 1709, 1713, 1043, 1112, 1154, 1155, 1166, 3109 1714, 1716 Dorion, P., 2843 Dretzke, A., 33, 1882, 1883 Dormeval, M., 886, 887, 930, 932, 954, 956 Dretzke, G., 1840, 1877, 1884 Dormond, A., 2464, 2465, 2466, 2825, 2877, Drew, M. G. B., 1262, 1270, 1285, 2457, 2584, 2889, 2890 2657, 2659, 2674, 2761 Dornberger, E., 102, 108, 117, 423, 445, 448, Drew Tait, C., 291 1168, 1323, 1324, 1423, 2240, 2254, Dreyer, R., 776, 1352 2255, 2260, 2264, 2441, 2470, 2472, Dreze, C., 1873 2486, 2488, 2489, 2801, 2808, 2809, Driessen-Ho¨lscher, B., 2982 2815, 2817, 2826 Drifford, M., 2243 Dornho¨fer, H., 1738 Driggs, F. D., 2712 Dosch, R. G., 1292 Dringman, M. R., 1028, 1029, 1030, 3207 Doubek, N., 3061 Driscoll, W. J., 1275, 2650, 2672 Dougan, A. D., 1639, 1641 Drobot, D. V., 81 Dougan, R., 1636 Drobyshevskii, I. V., 1312, 1315, 1327, 2421 Dougan, R. J., 1639, 1641, 1647 Drobyshevskii, Y. V., 731, 732, 734, 736 Dougherty, J. H., 3424 Droissart, A., 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 42, 43 Author Index I-173 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Dronskowski, R., 88, 94 Dugue, C. P., 3288 Drot, R., 3046, 3171 Duke, M. J. M., 3057 Drowart, J., 322, 364, 365, 2114, 2203, 2204 Dukes, E. K., 763, 764 Drozcho, E., 3063 Du¨llman, C. E., 1662, 1664, 1684, 1685, 1711, Drozdova, V. M., 516 1712, 1713, 1714, 1716, 1721, 1732 Drozdzynski, J., 253, 421, 422, 425, 426, 427, Du¨llmann, C. E., 1507 428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, Du¨llmann, Ch. E., 1447 436, 437, 438, 439, 440, 442, 443, 444, Dumas, B., 3016 445, 446, 447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 453, Dumazet-Bonnamour, I., 2458, 2463 454, 482, 483, 493, 2064, 2066, 2103, Dumont, G., 30, 32 2230, 2259, 2260 Dunbar, R. B., 3159 Drozhko, E. G., 1821 Duncalf, D. J., 2912 Droznik, R. R., 1412, 1413, 1519, 1520, 1521 Duncan, H. J., 3106 Druckenbrodt, W. G., 839, 852 Dunlap, B. D., 719, 721, 739, 742, 743, 744, Druin, V. A., 164, 1629, 1641 745, 861, 862, 1297, 1304, 1317, 1319, Drulis, H., 334, 335, 338, 339 1542, 1543, 2230, 2269, 2271, 2283, Drummond, D. K., 2924 2292, 2308, 2361 Drummond, J. L., 1004, 1007, 1008, 1031, Dunlop, J. W. C., 2457 1032, 1034 Dunlop, W. H., 3266 Drummond, M. L., 1969, 1979 Dunn, M., 3022, 3181 D’Silva, A., 3036 Dunn, S. L., 726 du Jassonneix, B., 66 Dunogues, J., 2953 Du Mond, J. W. M., 859 Dunster, J., 1818, 1819, 1820 Du Plessis, P. D. V., 2280, 2294 Dupleissis, J., 183, 184, 768, 1605, 2529, 2530, du Preez, A. C., 1168 2538, 2539, 3024 du Preez, J. G. H., 94, 202, 204, 439, 472, 477, Dupuis, M., 1908 482, 492, 496, 498, 499, 510, 522, 524, Dupuis, T., 76, 109, 114 543, 574, 2880 Dupuy, M., 958, 959, 960 Dubeck, L. W., 63 Durakiewicz, T., 1056, 2347 Dubeck, M., 116 Duran, T. B., 1268 Dubinchuk, V. T., 268, 298 Durand, P., 1907 Duboin, A., 75, 78, 94, 95 Durbin, P., 3413, 3414, 3417, 3418, 3421 Dubos, S., 1300 Durbin, P. N., 3419, 3421 Dubrovskaya, G. N., 96 Durbin, P. W., 1813, 1817, 1819, 1823, 1824, Duchamp, D. J., 462 1825, 2591, 3339, 3340, 3341, 3343, Duchi, G., 269 3344, 3346, 3348, 3349, 3353, 3355, Duckett, S. B., 2966 3358, 3359, 3361, 3364, 3366, 3368, Ducroux, R., 396 3369, 3371, 3372, 3373, 3374, 3375, Dudney, N. J., 369 3378, 3379, 3382, 3385, 3387, 3388, Dudwadkar, N. L., 2750 3389, 3390, 3391, 3392, 3393, 3394, Dueber, R. E., 385, 388 3395, 3396, 3400, 3401, 3403, 3405, Duesler, E. N., 2573 3406, 3407, 3409, 3413, 3414, 3415, Duff, M. C., 270, 274, 861, 3095, 3165, 3166, 3416, 3417, 3418, 3419, 3420, 3421, 3168, 3174, 3175, 3176, 3177, 3178, 3423, 3424 3179, 3181 Duriez, C., 724 Duffey, D., 1507 Durif, A., 113 Duffield, J., 3364, 3365, 3377, 3379, 3397, Duro, L., 1805 3399 Durrett, D. G., 376, 377, 378, 382, 501, 513, Duffield, J. R., 131, 132, 3340, 3398, 3410, 526, 528, 2243 3422, 3424 Dusausoy, Y., 602, 2431 Dufour, C., 192, 194, 725, 743, 1300, 1313, Dushenkov, S., 2668 1411, 1458, 1459, 1462, 1520, 1521, Dushin, R. B., 1365, 1369 1522, 2315, 2370 Du¨sing, W., 97 Dufour, J. P., 1738 Duttera, M. R., 2479, 2480, 2810, 2835, 2919 Dufour, S., 1304 Duval, C., 76, 109, 114 Dugne, O., 340, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, Duval, P. B., 2845, 2846 356, 363 Duverneix, T., 724 I-174 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Duyckaerts, E., 1352 Ebihara, W. M., 3306 Duyckaerts, G., 31, 116, 117, 725, 728, 729, Ebner, A. D., 1292, 2752 1177, 1178, 1413, 1414, 1419, 1607, Eby, R. E., 3312 2396, 2397, 2413, 2695, 2696, 2697, Eccles, H., 589, 2441, 2442, 2447, 2448 2698, 2699, 2700, 2815, 2819, Economou, T., 1398, 1421, 1433 2844, 2851 Edelman, F., 2883 Dvoryantseva, G. G., 105 Edelman, F. T., 575 Dworschak, H., 2767 Edelman, M. A., 116, 1954, 1955, 2240, 2473, Dworzak, W. R., 996 2479, 2480, 2484, 2803, 2816, 2830, Dwyer, O. E., 854, 2710 2844, 2912 Dyachkova, R. A., 1515, 1629 Edelmann, F., 1957, 2472, 2825, 2826, 2852, D’yachkova, R. A., 180, 184, 188, 209, 214, 2875, 2919 218, 219, 224, 226, 1473 Edelmann, F. T., 2469, 2912, 2918, 2923 Dyall, K. G., 578, 1196, 1198, 1728, 1906, Edelson, M. C., 637 1917, 1918, 1919, 1933, 1939, 1940, Edelstein, N., 731, 732, 733, 734, 751, 1188, 1942, 1976 1312, 1315, 1327, 1330, 1338, 1363, Dye, D. H., 412 1370, 1411, 1469, 1525, 1526, 1529, Dygert, H. P., 3354 1542, 1543, 1549, 1555, 1557, 1602, Dyke, J. M., 1897, 1938, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975 1606, 1628, 1629, 1635, 1640, 1644, Dyrssen, D., 2669, 2670 1645, 1753, 1790, 2016, 2020, 2050, Dyve, J. E., 1666, 1695, 1702, 1717, 1735 2061, 2062, 2063, 2064, 2065, 2066, Dzekun, E., 2739 2067, 2068, 2074, 2075, 2077, 2079, Dzhelepov, B. S., 26 2080, 2083, 2084, 2096, 2123, 2143, Dzielawa, J. A., 2691 2144, 2227, 2230, 2231, 2233, 2240, Dzimitrowickz, D. J., 123, 126 2243, 2244, 2245, 2246, 2247, 2248, Dzyubenko, V. I., 1416, 1430 2249, 2251, 2253, 2256, 2261, 2262, 2263, 2264, 2265, 2266, 2269, 2270, 2272, 2276, 2292, 2293, 2420, 2426, Eakins, I. D., 28, 31 2486, 2488, 2803, 2809, 2810, 2812, Earnshaw, A., 162, 998, 2388, 2390, 2400, 2407 2819, 2851, 2853, 3037 Easey, J. F., 81, 82, 194, 201, 202, 203, 204, Edelstein, N. M., 1, 34, 37, 94, 116, 118, 162, 473, 494, 497, 734, 736, 738, 2195, 203, 204, 208, 209, 287, 289, 382, 422, 2424, 2425, 2426 425, 428, 429, 430, 436, 440, 442, 447, Easley, W., 2016, 2062, 2063, 2064, 2075, 450, 451, 453, 466, 469, 472, 476, 479, 2077, 2079, 2231, 2265, 2266 482, 491, 492, 496, 498, 499, 501, 512, Easley, W. C., 2263 515, 524, 527, 579, 585, 589, 602, 795, Eastman, D. E., 64 1112, 1113, 1166, 1187, 1398, 1403, Eastman, E. D., 95, 96, 413, 452 1419, 1776, 1921, 1923, 1946, 1947, Eastman, M. P., 382, 506, 2241, 2243, 1954, 1955, 2020, 2042, 2047, 2054, 2244, 2246 2058, 2059, 2060, 2062, 2064, 2075, Eastman, P., 501, 503, 504, 520 2079, 2096, 2225, 2240, 2251, 2262, Ebbe, S. N., 3417, 3419, 3421 2265, 2266, 2269, 2397, 2404, 2405, Ebbinghaus, B., 113, 2157, 2159, 2195 2473, 2530, 2531, 2532, 2558, 2561, Ebbinghaus, B. B., 1036, 1047 2568, 2576, 2580, 2583, 3095, 3101, Ebbsjo¨, I., 63 3102, 3103, 3104, 3106, 3107, 3110, Eberhardt, C., 1840, 1877, 1884 3111, 3113, 3114, 3115, 3117, 3118, Eberhardt, K., 33, 60, 859, 1296, 1403, 1452, 3119, 3122, 3130, 3131, 3135, 3138, 1513, 1588, 1590, 1662, 1664, 1666, 3140, 3141, 3142, 3145, 3146, 3147, 1685, 1687, 1695, 1702, 1710, 1713, 3149, 3150, 3152, 3154, 3155, 3156, 1714, 1716, 1717, 1718, 1735, 1840, 3160, 3165, 3166, 3167, 3369, 3385, 1875, 1877, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 3388, 3390, 3391, 3394, 3417, 3423 1883, 1884, 3047, 3321 Edghill, R., 273 Eberle, S. H., 776, 777, 779, 780, 781, 782, Edgington, D. N., 390 1178, 1180, 1323, 1352, 1428, 1431, Eding, H. J., 398 1552, 2585 Editors, 1076 Eberspracher, T. A., 2880, 2881 Edmiston, M. J., 588, 595, 1927, 1928, Ebert, W. L., 276, 292, 3171 2583, 3132 Ebihara, M., 636, 1267 Edmonds, H. N., 231, 3314 Author Index I-175 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Edmunds, T., 3265 Einstein, A., 1577 Edmunds, T. A., 3266 Eisen, M., 1182 Edwards, G. R., 958, 959, 960, 961 Eisen, M. S., 2479, 2799, 2830, 2834, 2835, Edwards, J., 435, 737, 738, 1084, 2422, 2866, 2911, 2913, 2914, 2918, 2922, 2843, 2880 2923, 2925, 2927, 2930, 2932, 2933, Edwards, P. G., 116, 2867, 2923 2935, 2936, 2938, 2940, 2943, 2944, Edwards, R. K., 352, 353, 365, 1074 2950, 2953, 2955, 2958, 2961, 2965, Edwards, R. L., 171, 231, 638, 3311, 3312, 2969, 2971, 2972, 2975, 2976, 2979, 3313, 3314 2984, 2987, 2999, 3002, 3003 Effenberger, H., 266, 281, 3159, 3163 Eisenberg, D. C., 1188, 1189, 2855, 2856 Efimova, N. S., 791, 3049, 3052 Eisenberg, R., 2979 Efremov, Y. V., 1292, 1504 Eisenberger, P., 3087 Efremov, Yu. V., 1448, 1449 Eisenstein, J. C., 765, 1915, 2080, 2227, 2239, Efremova, A., 111 2241, 2243 Efremova, K. M., 372, 373, 374, 375, 383 Eisenstein, O., 1957 Efurd, D. W., 704, 789, 3133, 3288, 3312, 3314 Ekberg, C., 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124 Egami, T., 3107 Ekberg, S., 1927, 1928, 1968, 2165 Egan, J. J., 854 Ekberg, S. A., 289, 595, 602, 763, 766, 1116, Eggerman, W. G., 1190, 2801, 2807 1117, 1164, 1166, 1359, 2583, 3130, Eggins, S. M., 3326 3131, 3133, 3134, 3160, 3167 Egorov, O., 3285 Ekeroth, E., 371 Egunov, V. P., 1422 Ekstrom, A., 521, 615 Ehemann, M., 67 El- Ansary, A. L., 3035 Ehman, W. D., 3291, 3299, 3303 El Bouadili, A., 2825, 2877 Ehrfeld, U., 557 El Ghozzi, M., 87, 90 Ehrfeld, W., 557 El Manouni, 3419, 3421 Ehrhardt, J. J., 3171 Elbert, S. T., 1908 Ehrhart, J. J., 3046 Elder, R. C., 3107, 3108 Ehrhart, P., 981, 983 El-Dessouky, M. M., 180 Ehrlich, P., 1532 Elesin, A. A., 1352, 1405, 1427, 1428, 1433, Ehrmann, W., 114 1512, 1585, 2652 Eichberger, K., 501, 515, 527, 2080, 2227, Elfakir, A., 110 2243, 2244 El-Ghozzi, M., 88, 91 Eichelsberger, J. F., 30, 32, 962 Eliav, E., 33, 1643, 1659, 1669, 1670, 1672, Eichhorn, B. W., 1181, 2452, 2453, 2454, 1673, 1675, 1723, 1724, 1726, 1729, 2455, 2456 1730, 1731 Eichler, B., 1447, 1451, 1468, 1507, 1523, 1524, Eliet, V., 3037 1593, 1612, 1628, 1643, 1662, 1664, Eliseev, A. A., 114, 417, 2439, 2444 1679, 1683, 1684, 1685, 1693, 1698, Eliseev, S. S., 525 1699, 1706, 1707, 1708, 1709, 1711, Eliseeva, O. P., 188 1712, 1713, 1714, 1716, 1721, 1732 El-Issa, B. D., 1959 Eichler, E., 1664, 1684, 1693, 1694, 1706, 1716 El-Khatib, S., 942, 944, 945, 948 Eichler, R., 1447, 1507, 1593, 1612, 1662, Ellender, M., 1179, 2591, 3354, 3415, 3416, 1664, 1684, 1685, 1708, 1709, 1711, 3419, 3420, 3421 1712, 1713, 1714, 1716, 1721 Ellens, A., 442 Eichler, S. B., 1593 Eller, M. J., 3089 Eick, H. A., 421, 718, 997, 998, 999, 1000, Eller, P. G., 103, 112, 501, 502, 503, 504, 506, 1001, 1002, 1312, 1321, 1534, 519, 520, 528, 732, 733, 734, 1049, 1798, 2407 1058, 1059, 1060, 1062, 1082, 1397, Eicke, H. F., 3296 1398, 2153, 2161, 2420, 2451, 2452, Eigen, M., 2564, 2602 2531, 3035, 3036, 3101, 3111, 3122, Eigenbrot, C. W., 2919 3152, 3155, 3156, 3163, 3165, 3169 Eigenbrot, C. W., Jr., 2471, 2472, 2474, 2478, Ellern, A., 588 2479, 2830, 2832 Ellert, G. V., 416, 417, 575 Eikenberg, J., 3024, 3029, 3030, 3283, Elless, M. P., 3172 3293, 3296 Ellinger, F. H., 329, 879, 882, 883, 885, 887, Eikenberger, J., 3070 892, 894, 895, 896, 898, 900, 901, 902, Einspahr, H., 321 903, 904, 905, 906, 907, 908, 909, 910, I-176 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

911, 912, 913, 914, 915, 933, 936, 938, Engerer, H., 389, 391, 393, 395, 1065, 1066, 984, 993, 994, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1069, 1312, 1313 1009, 1011, 1012, 1014, 1015, 1020, Engkvist, I., 129, 130, 3024 1027, 1028, 1029, 1030, 1045, 1048, England, A. F., 2832 1070, 1112, 1164, 1295, 1297, 1302, Engle, P. M., 28, 32 1312, 1357, 1359, 1360, 1419, 1463, Engleman, R. J., 1844, 1863 2386, 2395, 2397, 2403, 2407, 2418, Engleman, R., Jr., 1840, 1843, 1844, 1845, 2427, 3213, 3238 1846 Elliot, R. P., 408, 409 Engler, M. J., 1507 Elliott, R. M., 1078, 1079 Engles, M., 63 Elliott, R. O., 719, 720, 879, 883, 892, 896, 897, English, A. C., 53 913, 932, 936, 938, 939, 941, 947, 948, English, J. J., 1049 949, 955, 957, 981 Engmann, R., 342 Ellis, A. M., 1972 Enin, E. A., 1416, 1430 Ellis, D. E., 1194, 1682, 1916, 1933, 1938, Ennaciri, A., 113 1966, 2561 Enokida, Y., 712, 795, 2594, 2678, 2679, 2681, Ellis, J., 119, 120, 121, 123, 124, 126, 2575 2684, 2738 Ellis, P. J., 3117 Enriquez, A. E., 1069 Ellis, W., 2281, 2282 Ensley, B. D., 2668 Ellis, Y. A., 170 Ensor, D. D., 502, 503, 519, 528, 1287, 1352, Ellison, A. J. G., 276, 3052 1354, 1446, 1449, 1455, 1456, 1468, Ellison, R. D., 488 1469, 1474, 1485, 1529, 1533, 1543, Elmanouni, D., 2591 1545, 1579, 1596, 1600, 1601, 2420, Elmlinger, A., 172, 178, 224, 225 2560, 2562, 2563, 2564, 2565, 2566, El-Rawi, H., 2605 2572, 2590, 2663, 2675, 2677, 2761 El-Reefy, S. A., 184 Ephritikhine, M., 576, 582, 583, 1182, 1960, Elschenbroich, Ch., 2924 1962, 2246, 2254, 2472, 2473, 2479, Elsegood, M. R. J., 2452 2480, 2484, 2488, 2490, 2491, 2801, Elson, R. E., 80, 162, 172, 175, 181, 201, 209, 2805, 2806, 2807, 2808, 2812, 2818, 219, 220, 509, 2389, 2391, 2419, 2819, 2820, 2822, 2824, 2830, 2837, 2420, 2424 2841, 2843, 2847, 2856, 2857, 2858, Elson, R. F., 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 198, 2859, 2861, 2862, 2866, 2869, 2870, 201, 206, 207, 229 2871, 2872, 2889, 2891, 2892, 2912, El-Sweify, F. H., 181 2922, 2923, 2938, 2940, 2943, 2944, Ely, N., 2472, 2819, 2820 2950, 2975, 2976, 2979, 3101, 3110, El-Yacoubi, A., 102, 110 3111, 3113, 3114, 3115, 3116, Elyahyaoui, A., 3024 3117, 3118 El-Yamani, I. S., 186 Erann, B., 194 Elzinga, E. J., 3170 Erbacher, O., 24, 25 Embury, J. D., 964 Erdman, B., 445 Emelyanov, A. M., 576, 1994 Erdman, N., 1403 Emel’yanov, N. M., 93 Erdmann, B., 194, 907, 908, 910, 911, 1304, Emerson, H. S., 1809 1412, 1413 Emerson, S., 3159 Erdmann, N., 60, 859, 1296, 1452, 1513, 1524, Emery, J., 2074 1588, 1590, 1840, 1875, 1876, 1877, Emiliani, C., 170 3032, 3047, 3321 Emmanuel-Zavizziano, H., 174, 191 Erdo¨s, P., 421, 444, 448, 1055, 1784, 1785, Enarsson, A., 2584, 2674, 2761 2276, 2283, 2288 Enderby, J. E., 2603 Erdtmann, G., 3274, 3277 Endoh, Y., 2239, 2352 Erdtmann, G. L., 188 Eng, P., 861, 3089, 3095, 3175, 3176, 3177 Eremin, M. V., 2049, 2053 Engel, E., 1671 Erez, G., 936, 943, 944 Engel, G., 113 Erez, J., 3159 Engel, T. K., 1048 Erfurth, H., 375, 376, 378, 382, 384, 385, 388, Engeler, M. P., 2832, 2974 389, 391, 392 Engelhardt, J. J., 34 Erickson, M. D., 3280, 3323, 3327 Engelhardt, U., 1283, 2472, 2656, 2826 Ericsson, O., 190 Engelmann, Ch., 782, 786, 3056, 3057 Eriksen, T. E., 768 Author Index I-177 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Eriksson, O., 63, 191, 924, 925, 928, 934, 935, Evans, D. F., 2226 1300, 1301, 1894, 2248, 2289, 2291, Evans, D. S., 98 2313, 2318, 2330, 2347, 2348, 2355, Evans, H. M., 3341, 3342, 3353 2359, 2364, 2370, 2384 Evans, H. T., 265, 266 Erilov, P. E., 1082 Evans, H. T., Jr., 583, 2434, 2486, 3118 Erin, E. A., 1326, 1329, 1331, 1416, 1429, Evans, J. E., 166, 1586, 1839, 1850, 1885 1448, 1449, 1466, 1476, 1479, 1480, Evans, J. H., 2116 1481, 1483, 1484, 1512, 1545, 1549, Evans, J. S. O., 942 1559, 2126, 2584 Evans, K. E., 1507 Erin, I. A., 2129, 2131 Evans, S., 1681 Erker, G., 2837, 2841 Evans, S. K., 1045 Erleksova, E. V., 3350, 3353 Evans, W. E., 34 Erlinger, C., 2649, 2657 Evans, W. H., 2114 Ermakov, V. A., 1331, 1333, 1334, 1335, 1336, Evans, W. J., 1956, 1967, 2473, 2476, 2477, 1337, 1352, 1402, 1422, 1423, 1550, 2804, 2805, 2816, 2857, 2924 1553 Everett, N. B., 3358 Ermakovl, V. A., 1629 Evers, C. B. H., 66, 67, 71, 2407 Ermeneux, F. S., 2100 Evers, E. C., 485 Ermler, W. C., 1671, 1898, 1907, 1908, 1918, Everson, L., 2655, 2738, 2739 1920, 1943, 1946, 1949, 1951, Evstaf’eva, O. N., 105 1952, 2864 Ewart, F. T., 786, 787, 3043, 3044 Ermolaev, N. P., 2575 Ewing, R. C., 55, 103, 113, 257, 259, 260, 262, Ernst, R. D., 116, 750, 2469, 2476, 2484, 2491, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 277, 2843, 2865 278, 280, 281, 283, 287, 288, 289, 290, Ernst, R. E., 2844 292, 293, 294, 298, 2157, 2159, 2193, Ernst, S., 2532, 2533 2426, 3093, 3094, 3118, 3155, 3160 Erre, L., 2440 Eyal, Y., 278 Errington, W., 2440 Eyman, L. D., 2591 Errington, W. B., 1963 Eymard, S., 2655 Ertel, T. S., 3087 Eyring, H., 367 Erten, H. N., 131, 132 Eyring, L., 1029, 1037, 1039, 1044, 1303, 1312, Ervanne, H., 3066 1313, 1323, 1358, 1419, 1420, 1466, Esch, U., 399 1535, 1536, 1538, 1596, 1598, 1599, Eshaya, A. M., 854 1613, 2143, 2169, 2309, 2381, 2390, Esimantovskiy, V. M., 2739 2391, 2392, 2395, 2396, 2397, 2398, Eskola, K., 6, 1639, 1641, 1660, 1662, 1692 2399, 3207, 3208, 3209, 3211, 3212 Eskola, P., 6, 1639, 1641, 1660 Ezhov, Yu. S., 2177 Esmark, H. M. T., 52 Espenson, J. H., 595, 606, 619, 620, 630, 2602 Esperas, S., 108, 549, 571, 1173, 1921, 2532 Faber, J., 2275 Espinosa, G., 1432 Faber, J., Jr., 353, 357, 2274, 2275, 2276 Espinosa-Faller, F. J., 861, 932, 1041, 1043, Fabryka-Martin, J., 822, 823, 3279, 3280, 1112, 1154, 1155, 1166, 3109, 3210 3282, 3314 Espinoza, J., 2749 Facchini, A., 2657, 2675, 2756 Essen, L. N., 129, 132, 2585 Faegri, J., 34 Esser, V., 3052 Faegri, K., 1670, 1682, 1683, 1723, 1727, Essington, E., 3017 1728, 1905 Essling, A. M., 3284 Faestermann, T., 3016, 3063 Esterowitz, L., 2044 Fagan, P. J., 116, 117, 2479, 2481, 2482, 2809, Esteruelas, M. A., 2953 2810, 2811, 2827, 2832, 2837, 2838, E´ tard, A., 61, 63, 67, 68, 78, 80, 81, 82, 95 2839, 2841, 2842, 2913, 2916, 2919, Etourneau, J., 67, 70, 71, 73, 2360 2924, 2997 Etter, D. E., 487, 903 Fahey, J. A., 724, 725, 726, 740, 1414, 1420, Ettmayer, P., 67, 70 1421, 1457, 1458, 1459, 1460, 1463, Etz, E. S., 634 1464, 1465, 1466, 1467, 1470, 1471, Etzenhouser, R. D., 2452 1528, 1530, 1534, 1536, 1541, 2178, Eubanks, I. D., 1411, 1412 2180, 2388, 2389, 2397, 2398, Evans, C. V., 231, 635, 3300, 3301 2399, 3124 I-178 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Faiers, M. E., 918, 919 Farkes, I., 133 Faile, S. P., 343 Farley, N. R. S., 3108 Fair, C. K., 2479, 2841 Farnham, J. E., 3403, 3404 Fairbanks, V. F., 3358, 3364, 3397, 3398, 3399 Farnsworth, P. B., 67, 2407 Faircloth, R. L., 724, 1030, 1045, 1046, 1048, Farr, D., 1043, 3210, 3211 2148, 2149 Farr, J. D., 30, 34, 35, 2385 Fairman, W. B., 1293 Farrant, D., 1071 Fairman, W. D., 184, 3284 Farrar, L. G., 1449 Fajans, K., 162, 163, 170, 187, 254 Farrell, M. S., 2735 Falan, T., 265 Farrow, L. C., 3024, 3364, 3379 Falanga, A., 932, 933 Fassett, J. D., 3320 Faleschini, S., 2843 Fauble, L. G., 34 Falgueres, C., 189 Faucher, M., 2049 Faller, J. W., 2943 Faucher, M. D., 482, 2050, 2054, 2066 Fallon, S. J., 3047 Faucherre, J., 109, 131 Falster, A. U., 269, 277 Fauge´re, J.-L., 1269 Fan, S., 2752 Faure, P., 932, 933 Fang, A., 1953, 1958 Fauske, H. K., 3234, 3255 Fang, D., 1312, 1319 Fauth, D. J., 3282, 3285, 3293, 3295, 3296 Fang, K., 191 Fauve-Chauvet, A., 43 Fangding, W., 1141 Fava, J., 77 Fangha¨nel, T., 120, 125, 126, 223, 421, 423, Favarger, P. Y., 3062 425, 435, 439, 440, 441, 457, 458, 469, Favas, M. C., 1174, 2441 473, 474, 477, 478, 480, 481, 497, 502, Fawcett, J., 536, 539 503, 509, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, 536, Fayet, J. C., 2074 538, 543, 544, 545, 551, 552, 556, 593, Fazekas, Z., 626, 627, 2681 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 599, 601, 602, Fearey, B. L., 1874, 1875, 1877, 3322 603, 1113, 1147, 1148, 1149, 1150, Feary, B. L., 3047 1152, 1153, 1154, 1156, 1158, 1160, Feder, H. M., 2715 1161, 1165, 1166, 1181, 1425, 1426, Federico, A., 637 1427, 1933, 2115, 2117, 2120, 2126, Fedorets, V. I., 817 2127, 2128, 2132, 2136, 2137, 2138, Fedorov, L. A., 709 2142, 2144, 2151, 2152, 2153, 2154, Fedorov, P. I., 104 2155, 2157, 2159, 2160, 2161, 2163, Fedorov, P. P., 104 2164, 2165, 2168, 2170, 2171, 2174, Fedorov, Y. S., 2757 2175, 2176, 2179, 2181, 2182, 2186, Fedorov, Yu. S., 711, 761 2187, 2190, 2191, 2192, 2193, 2194, Fedoseev, A. M., 747, 749, 1170, 1312, 1319, 2195, 2197, 2200, 2203, 2204, 2206, 1320, 1321, 1425, 1429, 1430, 1433, 2538, 2546, 2554, 2587, 2592, 3045, 2427, 2434, 2436, 2583, 2595 3102, 3112, 3114, 3125, 3140, Fedoseev, A. M. R., 2434, 2436 3143, 3144 Fedoseev, E. V., 1423, 1471, 1541, 1612, Fankuchen, I., 2399 1625, 1633 Fannin, A. A. J., 2686 Fedoseev, M., 3043 Fano, U., 2336 Fedoseev, M. S., 745 Faraglia, G., 2843 Fedoseev, N. A., 747, 749 Farah, K., 176, 185 Fedosseey, A. M., 1931 Farber, D. L., 964, 965, 2342 Fedotov, S. N., 791, 3049, 3052 Farbu, L., 2662 Feher, I., 1432 Fardy, J. J., 1168, 1448, 1449, 1479, 1480 Feher, M., 1972 Fargeas, M., 1316, 1416, 1418 Fein, J. B., 3178, 3180, 3182, 3183 Farges, F., 270, 276, 277, 3094, 3152, Feinauser, D., 1513, 1552 3153, 3154 Feldman, C., 1049 Farina, F., 2471, 2472 Feldmann, R., 1879, 1884 Faris, J. P., 848 Felermonov, V. T., 1553 Farkas, I., 596, 597, 608, 609, 612, 613, 614, Felker, L. K., 1152, 1408, 1585, 1623, 2587, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, 3105, 1624, 2633 3126, 3127, 3128, 3138, 3149 Fellows, R. L., 1424, 1446, 1453, 1455, 1465, Farkas, M. S., 1069, 1070 1468, 1470, 1474, 1485, 1530, 1533, Author Index I-179 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

1534, 1543, 1545, 1579, 1596, 1599, Filby, R. H., 3024, 3280, 3284, 3285, 3292, 1600, 1601, 2077, 2417 3296, 3306, 3307 Felmy, A. R., 125, 127, 128, 130, 131, 1149, Filimonov, V. T., 1352, 1512 1160, 1162, 1319, 1341, 2192, 2547, Filin, B. M., 1302 2549, 2587, 2592, 3039, 3134, 3135, Filin, V. M., 793, 986 3136, 3137 Filippidis, A., 302, 3039 Fender, B. E. F., 346, 351, 377, 383, 470, 471, Filipponi, A., 3087 994, 1082, 2153, 2393 Filippov, E. A., 705 Fendorf, S., 3172, 3180 Filippov, E. M., 1507 Fendrick, C. A., 2913, 2918, 2924 Filipy, R. E., 3282 Fendrick, C. M., 117, 2840, 2841, 2918, Filliben, J. J., 1364 2919, 2920 Fillmore, C. L., 377 Feneuille, S., 1862 Filzmoser, M., 1055 Feng, X., 292 Finazzi, M., 2236 Fenter, P., 291, 3163, 3164, 3183 Finch, C. B., 113, 1033, 1453, 1472, 1602, Fenton, B. R., 273 2261, 2263, 2265, 2266, 2268, Feola, J. M., 1507 2272, 2292 Ferey, G., 87, 90 Finch, P. J., 1811 Ferguson, D. E., 1401, 1448, 2734 Finch, R. J., 257, 259, 260, 262, 270, 271, 272, Ferguson, I. F., 344, 393 273, 277, 279, 281, 283, 287, 288, 289, Ferguson, T. L., 1288, 2762 290, 292, 293, 294, 298, 299, 725, 861, Fermi, 3, 4 2193, 2426 Fermi, E., 1622 Finch, W. C., 2999 Fern, M., 3029, 3030 Finch, W. I., 272, 297 Fern, M. J., 3283, 3293, 3296 Findlay, M. W., 3022 Fernandes, L., 105 Findley, J. R., 375 Fernandez-Valverde, S., 3057 Fine, M. A., 319 Fernando, Q., 2652 Fink, J. K., 357, 359, 1046, 1048, 1074, 1076, Ferran, M. D., 1093 2139, 2140, 2142 Ferraro, J. B., 471, 512, 513 Fink, R. M., 3424 Ferraro, J. R., 93, 106, 107, 840, 1923, 1931, Fink, S. D., 1401 2574, 2592, 2649, 3035 Finke, R. G., 2811, 2828, 2924 Ferrarro, J. R., 1369 Finkel, M. P., 3387, 3388, 3421, 3424 Ferreira, L. G., 928 Finkle, R. D., 3356, 3378, 3395, 3423, 3424 Ferretti, R. J., 3037 Finn, P. A., 270, 273, 274, 1806 Ferri, D., 371, 596, 1921, 2532, 2533, 2583, Finn, R. D., 44 3101, 3119 Finnemore, D. K., 62 Ferris, L. M., 404, 1270, 1513, 1548, 2701, Finnie, K. S., 280, 291 2702, 2734 Finnigan, D. L., 3288, 3314 Ferro, R., 53, 67, 98, 99, 100, 927, 2411, 2413 Fiolhais, C., 1904 Fertig, W. A., 62, 96 Firestone, R. B., 24, 817, 1626, 1633, 1639, Fetter, S., 3173 1644, 3274, 3277, 3290, 3298 Fiander, D., 1735 Firosova, L. A., 1291 Fidelis, J., 188 Firsova, L. A., 1449, 1512 Fiedler, K., 550, 570 Fischer, D., 2817, 2818 Fields, M., 372, 373, 374, 2690 Fischer, D. F., 1076, 2719, 2720, 3219, Fields, P. R., 5, 1312, 1324, 1325, 1365, 1404, 3233, 3234 1455, 1474, 1509, 1513, 1543, 1577, Fischer, E., 351, 352, 2202 1604, 1622, 1636, 2038, 2078, 2090 Fischer, E. A., 280, 291 Fien, M., 3362 Fischer, E. O., 116, 208, 630, 751, 1093, 1190, Fierz, Th., 3070 1323, 1324, 1363, 1423, 1800, 2801, Fietzke, J., 231 2803, 2814, 2815, 2859 Fieuw, G., 33 Fischer, G., 231 Fife, J. L., 398, 998 Fischer, H., 2801 Fife, K. W., 1093 Fischer, J., 1080, 1082, 1083, 1090, 1092 Fifield, L. K., 790, 1806, 3063, 3317, 3318 Fischer, P., 69, 425, 428, 429, 436, 439, 440, Figgins, P. E., 167, 172, 173, 175, 179, 215, 444, 447, 448, 451, 455, 479, 2257, 226, 257 2258, 2352 I-180 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Fischer, R., 1172 2190, 2262, 3204, 3205, 3206, 3214, Fischer, R. D., 207, 1190, 1191, 1199, 1801, 3225, 3241 1894, 1943, 2017, 2253, 2430, 2431, Flouquet, J., 407, 2352, 2359 2472, 2473, 2475, 2491, 2817, 2819, Flu¨hler, H., 3014 2824, 2831, 2851 Fluss, M. J., 863, 980, 981, 983, 984, 986 Fischer, W., 80, 81, 82 Flynn, T. M., 264, 265, 266, 281, 294, 296 Fiset, E. O., 1661 Fochler, M., 1419, 1422 Fisher, E. S, 942 Foe¨x, M., 77 Fisher, E. S., 323, 324, 1894, 2315, 2355 Fogg, P. G. T., 393 Fisher, H., 3341, 3348, 3356, 3387 Folcher, G., 101, 2251, 2449, 2450, 2452, Fisher, M. L., 3117 2464, 2465, 2466, 2472, 2603, 2820, Fisher, R. A., 945, 948, 949, 950, 2315, 2843, 2855, 3101, 3105, 3120, 2347, 2355 3138, 3141 Fisher, R. D., 3033 Folden, C. M., III, 1662, 1666, 1695, 1701, Fisher, R. W., 75, 107, 336, 3246 1702, 1712, 1713, 1717, 1735, 1737 Fisk, Z., 406, 1003, 2312, 2333, 2343, Folder, H., 164 2351, 2360 Foldy, L. L., 1906 Fitch, A. N., 470, 471 Foley, D. D., 303, 307, 308, 309, 311 Fitoussi, R., 1286, 2673 Folger, H., 6, 14, 164, 1432, 1433, 1653, 1701, Fitzmaurice, J. C., 410, 412, 420 1713, 1737 Fitzpatrick, J. R., 1268, 1283, 2749 Foltyn, E., 718, 719 Fjellvag, H., 66 Foltyn, E. M., 939, 949, 1109 Flach, R., 63 Fomin, V. V., 1095, 1100, 1101, 1102, 1106, Flagella, P. N., 357, 2202 1107, 1108, 2426 Flagg, J. F., 3351, 3355, 3380, 3381 Fontana, B. I., 452 Flahaut, J., 414, 1054, 2413 Fontanesi, J., 1507, 1518 Flament, J.-P., 1909 Fonteneau, G., 425, 446, 468 Flamm, B. F., 864, 989, 996 Fontes, A. S., Jr., 1036, 1047, 2195 Flanagan, S., 2864 Foord, E. E., 259, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, Flanary, J. R., 2732 268, 269, 275, 277 Flanders, D. J., 2440, 2476, 2483, 2484, Foote, F., 321 2485, 2843 Forbes, R. L., 1028, 1030 Flegenheimer, J., 186, 213, 217, 219, 229 Forchioni, A., 2563, 2580 Fleisher, D., 2668 Ford, J. O., 1008 Fleishman, D., 3305 Foreman, B. M., 29, 184, 1111 Fleming, D. L., 2195 Foreman, B. M., Jr., 2662 Fleming, I., 2953 Foreman, H., 3407, 3408, 3413 Fleming, W. H., 823 Foreman, M. R. St. J., 2674 Flengas, F., 2695 Forker, L., 3424 Flengas, S., 2695, 2696 Forker, L. L., 3424 Flerov, G. N., 6, 1660 Førland, T., 360 Fletcher, H. G., 81 Formosinho, S. J., 627 Fletcher, J. M., 213, 218, 1011 Foropoulos, J., 504, 505 Fletcher, S., 436, 453, 738, 1084, 1095, 1097, Foropoulus, J., 737 1312, 2416 Forrest, J. H., 187 Flett, D. S., 840 Forrestal, K. J., 2804, 2805 Flippen-Anderson, J. L., 2382, 2383, 2384 Forrester, J. D., 78, 82, 83, 2418 Flitsiyan, E. S., 1507 Forsellini, E., 548, 554, 2426, 2427, 2441, Floquet, J., 2239 2442, 2443 Floreani, D. A., 2686 Forsling, W., 1636 Florin, A. E., 732, 1080, 1081, 1083, 1084, Fo¨rster, T., 2102 1086, 1088, 1090, 1091, 2421, 2426 Forsyth, C. M., 2965 Florjan, D., 1507 Fortner, J. A., 279, 861, 3017, 3051, 3052, 3302 Flotow, H. E., 64, 65, 66, 328, 329, 331, 332, Foster, K. W., 32, 34, 2122 333, 334, 372, 376, 378, 382, 723, 724, Foster, L. S., 65 989, 990, 991, 992, 994, 1029, 1030, Foti, S., 180, 187 1047, 1048, 2114, 2146, 2156, 2157, Foti, S. C., 3287 2158, 2160, 2161, 2176, 2188, 2189, Fouche´, K. F., 84, 2565 Author Index I-181 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Fourest, B., 52, 109, 126, 128, 129, 1605, 2529, Fred, M. S., 857, 858, 859, 1626, 2018 2530, 2538, 2539, 3022, 3101, 3110, Fredo, S., 719, 720 3111, 3113, 3114, 3115, 3116, 3117, 3118 Fredrickson, D. R., 357, 372, 378 Fourmigue, M., 2488, 2857 Fredrickson, J. K., 274, 3178, 3179, 3180, 3181 Fourne`s, L., 2360 Freedberg, N. A., 817 Fournier, J., 34, 65, 66, 207, 323, 334, 335, 347, Freedman, M. S., 1626, 1627, 1634, 1639, 1644 353, 357, 416 Freedman, P. A., 3313 Fournier, J. M., 719, 720, 739, 740, 742, 886, Freeman, A. J., 60, 398, 900, 901, 1265, 1461, 887, 930, 932, 933, 949, 954, 956, 994, 1598, 1605, 1606, 1607, 1613, 2238 995, 998, 1003, 1019, 1023, 1055, 1411, Freeman, G. E., 1815 1461, 2122, 2123, 2238, 2264, 2267, Freeman, H. C., 3117 2268, 2278, 2279, 2283, 2284, 2285, Freeman, J. H., 1093 2288, 2292, 2315, 2353, 2355, Freeman, R. D., 69, 72, 78, 2407 2358, 2362 Freestone, N. P., 421, 441, 457, 484, 487, 507, Fournier, J.-M., 1754 520, 521, 557, 563, 566 Fowle, D. A., 3180, 3182 Frei, V., 616 Fowler, M. M., 1738 Freiling, E. C., 3287 Fowler, R. D., 191, 193, 904, 908, 913, Freinling, E. C., 225 988, 2350 Freire, F. L., Jr., 3065 Fowler, S. W., 1507, 3017, 3031, 3032 Freiser, H., 2675, 2676 Fowler, W. A., 3014 Frejacques, C., 824 Fowles, G. W. A., 94 Fremont-Lamouranne, R., 1316, 1416, 1418 Fox, A. C., 1071 Frenkel, V. Y., 1330, 1331, 1355 Fox, R. V., 856, 2684 Frenkel, V. Y. A., 1547 Foxx, C. L., 866 Frenkel, V. Ya., 1416, 1430, 1433, 1480, 1481 Foyentin, M., 2065, 2066 Frenzel, E., 3022 Fozard, P. R., 3050, 3060, 3062, 3064 Freundlich, A., 1312 Fradin, F. Y., 1022, 2350 Freundlich, W., 103, 110, 111, 113, 728, 729, Fragala`, I., 116, 576, 1953, 1956, 1957, 1958 1057, 1065, 1066, 1067, 1068, 1069, Frahm, R., 2236 1106, 1107, 1312, 1321, 2431 Frampton, O. D., 76 Friant, P., 3117 Franchini, R. C., 869 Frick, B., 100 Francis, A. J., 1110, 2591, 3022, 3046, 3069, Fricke, B., 213, 576, 1524, 1626, 1627, 1643, 3146, 3179, 3181 1654, 1669, 1670, 1671, 1672, 1673, Francis, C. W., 1819 1674, 1675, 1676, 1677, 1678, 1679, Francis, K. E., 1080, 1086 1680, 1681, 1682, 1683, 1684, 1685, Francis, M., 193 1686, 1689, 1691, 1692, 1693, 1706, Francis, R. J., 2256 1707, 1712, 1716, 1722, 1724, 1726, Franck, J. C., 217, 218 1727, 1729, 1730, 1731, 1732, 1733, Francois, M., 2432 1734, 1874, 1880, 1881, 1882, Francois, N., 2674 1883, 1884 Frank, A., 83 Friddle, R. J., 879, 882, 962, 964 Frank, N., 231 Fridkin, A. M., 1476, 1479 Frank, R. K., 42, 43 Fried, A. R., 2587 Frank, W., 2479, 2834, 2913, 2933, 2987 Fried, S., 5, 35, 36, 163, 191, 192, 193, 194, Franse, J. J. M., 2238, 2351, 2358, 2407 195, 196, 198, 200, 201, 206, 207, 220, Frantseva, K. E., 516 222, 227, 229, 722, 730, 731, 734, 736, Franz, W., 2333 737, 738, 740, 742, 743, 988, 1079, Fratiello, A., 118, 2530, 2533 1176, 1312, 1317, 1325, 1419, 1455, Frau´sto da Silva, J. J. R., 2587 1465, 1469, 1470, 1513, 1515, 1530, Fray, D. J., 372, 373, 374 1531, 1533, 1543, 1544, 1547, 1557, Frazer, B. C., 2273, 2283 1577, 2176, 2389, 2390, 2391, 2397, Frazer, M. J., 115 2407, 2408, 2411, 2413, 2417, 2418, Frechet, J. M. J., 851 2422, 2431 Fred, M., 33, 190, 226, 857, 858, 860, 1088, Fried, S. M., 737, 1048, 1577, 1622 1194, 1295, 1836, 1839, 1842, 1845, Friedel, J., 2310 1846, 1847, 1852, 1871, 1873, 2016, Friedlander, G., 3292, 3299, 3303 2080, 2083, 2084, 2085, 2086 Friedman, Am. M., 1636 I-182 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Friedman, H. A., 423, 424, 444, 446, 459, 461, 1063, 1085, 1086, 1087, 1093, 1098, 463, 1132, 1454, 1473, 1547, 1548, 1604 1100, 1101, 1110, 1111, 1117, 1118, Friedrich, H. B., 1968, 1971 1131, 1147, 1148, 1149, 1150, 1155, Friedt, J. M., 192, 2283 1157, 1158, 1159, 1160, 1161, 1162, Friend, J. P., 3254, 3255 1165, 1166, 1167, 1169, 1170, 1171, Friese, J. I., 607, 612 1180, 1181, 1303, 1312, 1313, 1328, Frings, P., 2351, 2358 1329, 1341, 1352, 1403, 1409, 1410, Frink, C., 1738 1413, 1414, 1417, 1419, 1420, 1424, Frit, B., 281, 467, 509 1457, 1460, 1464, 1465, 1468, 1469, Fritsch, P., 3352, 3359, 3368, 3377, 3413 1471, 1478, 1479, 1482, 1483, 1525, Fritsche, S., 33, 1840, 1877, 1884 1533, 1537, 1543, 1551, 1555, 1562, Fritzsche, S., 1670, 1672, 1673, 1674, 1675, 1598, 1753, 2113, 2114, 2115, 2117, 1676, 1680 2120, 2123, 2124, 2125, 2126, 2127, Frlec, B., 506, 508 2128, 2132, 2133, 2136, 2137, 2138, Froese-Fisher, S., 1670 2140, 2142, 2143, 2144, 2145, 2150, Fro¨hlich, K., 793 2151, 2152, 2153, 2154, 2155, 2156, Froidevaux, P., 2532, 3014 2157, 2159, 2160, 2161, 2163, 2164, Frolov, A. A., 606, 763, 765, 1144, 1145, 1146, 2165, 2167, 2168, 2169, 2170, 2171, 1337, 1338, 2594, 2595 2172, 2173, 2174, 2175, 2176, 2179, Frolov, K. M., 1120, 1128, 1140 2181, 2182, 2186, 2187, 2190, 2191, Frolova, I. M., 1145, 1146 2192, 2193, 2194, 2195, 2197, 2199, Frolova, L. M., 1484 2200, 2201, 2203, 2204, 2205, 2206, Fromage, F., 109, 131 2267, 2270, 2389, 2396, 2397, 2413, Fromager, E., 620, 622, 623, 1925 2538, 2539, 2546, 2554, 2576, 2578, Fronaeus, S., 209 2579, 2580, 2582, 2583, 2589, 2695, Fronczek, F. R., 2491, 2868 2696, 2697, 2698, 2815, 2822, 2851, Frondel, C., 55, 264, 265 2912, 3206, 3213, 3214, 3215, 3347, Frost, H. M., 3401, 3405 3380, 3382 Fruchart, D., 65, 66, 69, 71, 72 Fugiwara, T., 1276 Fryer, B. J., 584, 730, 2402 Fuhrman, N., 61, 1028, 1030 Fryxell, R., 3341, 3342, 3348, 3353, 3356, 3386 Fuhse, O., 106 Fryxell, R. E., 352, 353, 376, 378 Fuji, K., 382, 509, 524, 2244, 2245 Fu, G. C., 2980 Fujii, E. Y., 1398 Fu, K., 1507 Fujii, T., 1153 Fu, P.-F., 2924 Fujikawa, N., 189 Fu, Y., 786 Fujinaga, T., 758 Fuchs, C., 1033, 1034 Fujine, S., 711, 712, 760, 766, 787, 1272, 1273, Fuchs, L. H., 261, 276, 356, 586, 587 1294, 1295, 2757 Fuchs, M. S. K., 1921, 1923 Fujino, O., 3067 Fuchs-Rohr, M. S. K., 1906 Fujino, T., 253, 280, 355, 360, 361, 362, 364, Fu¨chtenbusch, F., 410 368, 369, 373, 375, 377, 378, 380, 382, Fudge, A. J., 188, 225, 226 383, 387, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 395, Fu¨eg, B., 3066, 3067 396, 397, 398, 533, 534, 1025, 1026, Fuess, H., 994, 1082 1056, 1057, 1109, 2154, 2244 Fuest, M., 822, 3296 Fujioka, Y., 189 Fuger, J., 1, 69, 73, 80, 81, 82, 116, 118, 119, Fujita, D., 1602, 2272 121, 125, 128, 129, 379, 421, 423, 425, Fujita, D. K., 1411, 1460, 1472, 1473, 431, 435, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 451, 1517, 1525, 1533, 1543, 1595, 1596, 457, 458, 469, 470, 471, 473, 474, 475, 1604, 2077, 2267, 2269, 2270, 476, 477, 478, 480, 481, 486, 497, 502, 2417, 2422 503, 504, 505, 509, 510, 511, 513, 514, Fujita, Y., 338 515, 516, 517, 536, 538, 539, 541, 543, Fujiwara, K., 120, 121, 1153, 2575 544, 545, 546, 551, 552, 553, 556, 593, Fujiwara, T., 2753, 2755, 2760 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 599, 601, 602, Fukai, R., 3014, 3017 603, 718, 719, 720, 722, 725, 726, 727, Fukasawa, T., 760, 762, 766, 787, 1272, 1477 728, 729, 735, 739, 744, 745, 753, 754, Fukuda, K., 396, 397, 398, 2411 767, 769, 771, 881, 888, 891, 989, 1008, Fukuhara, T., 407 1019, 1021, 1045, 1047, 1048, 1061, Fukumoto, K., 1292 Author Index I-183 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Fukusawa, T., 40 1989, 1990, 1993, 1994, 1995, 2528, Fukushima, E., 2077, 2232, 2415 3102, 3113, 3123 Fukushima, S., 390, 391 Gagne, J. M., 1873 Fukutomi, H., 607, 608, 609, 616, 617, 618, Gagne´, M. R., 2912, 2913, 2918, 2924, 2933, 620, 622 2984, 2986 Fulde, P., 1646, 1943, 1944, 1947, 1948, 1949, Gagnon, J. E., 584, 730, 2402 1951, 1952, 1959, 2347 Gaillard, J. F., 3181 Fuller, C. C., 3170 Gaines, R. V., 259, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, Fuller, J., 2691 267, 268, 269, 275 Fuller, R. K., 3305 Gajdosova, D., 3046 Fulton, R. B., 1134, 2597, 2598, 2599 Gajek, Z., 421, 422, 425, 426, 428, 432, 440, Fulton, R. W., 1319, 1341, 2547, 2592 442, 443, 447, 449, 450, 453, 469, 2138, Fultz, B., 929, 965, 966, 967 2249, 2278 Fun, H.-K., 2452, 2453, 2455 Gal, J., 719, 720, 862, 2361 Funahashi, S., 339 Galasso, F. S., 1059 Funasaka, H., 2743 Galateanu, I., 218, 219 Funk, H., 1296, 1403, 1877 Gal’chenko, G. L., 2114, 2148, 2149, Funke, H., 1923, 3106, 3107, 3111, 3112, 2168, 2185 3122, 3139 Gale, N. H., 3311 Fuoss, R. M., 609 Gale, R. J., 3100 Fure, K., 1666, 1735 Gale, W. F., 322 Furman, F. J., 392, 396 Galesic, N., 102, 103, 110, 2431 Furman, N. H., 634 Galkin, B. Y., 2757 Furman, S. C., 377 Galkin, B. Ya., 711, 761 Furrer, A., 425, 428, 436, 439, 440, 444, 447, Galkin, N. P., 303, 458 448, 451, 455, 2257, 2258 Gallagher, C. J., 164 Furton, K. G., 2679, 2682, 2684 Gallagher, F. X., 340, 342, 345, 346, 348, 355 Fusselman, S. F., 1270 Galle, P., 3050, 3062, 3063 Fusselman, S. P., 717, 2134, 2135, 2695, 2696, Galleani d’Agliano, E., 1461 2697, 2698, 2700, 2715, 2719, 2721 Gallegos, G. F., 932, 967 Fux, P., 2590 Galloy, J. J., 2392 Gallup, C. D., 3313 Galvao, A., 2885, 2886 Gabala, A. E., 2819 Galva˜o, J. A., 2912 Gabelnick, S. D., 1971, 1972, 2148 Galy, J., 268, 385 Gabes, W., 544 Galzigna, L., 548 Gabeskiriya, V. Ya., 1484 Gambarotta, S., 117, 1966, 2260, 2871, 2872, Gabrielli, M., 2457 2873, 2874 Gabuda, S. P., 458 Gamble, J. L., 3357 Gacon, J. C., 2054, 2059, 2060, 2062 Gammage, R. B., 1432 Gadd, K. F., 115, 493, 494 Gamp, E., 469, 482, 492, 2065, 2066, 2248, Gade, L. H., 1993 2249, 2251, 2261 Gadolin, J., 1397 Gan, Z., 164 Gaebell, H.-C., 450 Ganchoff, J. G., 184 Gaffney, J. S., 3288 Gandreau, B., 537, 566, 567 Gagarinskii, Yu. V., 458 Ganguly, C., 3236 Ga¨ggeler, G., 1704 Ganguly, J., 116 Ga¨ggeler, H., 182, 185, 1447, 3030, 3031 Ganguly, L., 2815 Ga¨ggeler, H. W., 1447, 1451, 1468, 1593, 1612, Ganivet, M., 1118, 1119 1643, 1662, 1663, 1664, 1665, 1679, Gankina, E. S., 1507 1684, 1685, 1693, 1694, 1698, 1699, Gann, X., 2656 1700, 1704, 1705, 1706, 1707, 1708, Gannett, C. M., 1447, 1635, 1642, 1643, 1645, 1709, 1710, 1711, 1712, 1713, 1714, 1646, 1662, 1703, 1704 1716, 1718, 1721, 1732, 1738, 1806 Gans, W., 100 Ga¨ggeler, M., 1628 Gansow, O. A., 44 Gagliardi, L., 576, 589, 595, 596, 1897, 1907, Gantz, D. E., 67, 77 1921, 1922, 1923, 1927, 1928, 1929, Gantzel, P., 67, 1965 1938, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1979, Gantzel, P. K., 2407 I-184 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Ganyushin, D. I., 1906 Gatti, R. C., 5, 1178, 1180, 3025, 3302 Ganz, M., 822, 3014, 3296 Gaudiello, J., 2827 Gao, J., 1910 Gaudreau, B., 468, 537, 566, 567 Gao, L., 76, 77 Gaughan, G., 2811, 2828 Gao, Y., 92 Gaulin, B. D., 2281, 2282 Garbar, A. V., 2859 Gault, R. A., 262, 289, 290 Garcia Alonso, J., 3068 Ga¨umann, T., 1085, 1086 Garcia Alonso, J. I., 789, 3062 Gaumet, V., 88, 91 Garcia, D., 482, 2049, 2054, 2066 Gaune-Escard, M., 469, 475, 2185, 2186, Garcia, E., 398, 998 2187 Garcia, J. F., 3364, 3378, 3387 Gaunt, A. J., 2584 Garcia, K., 3022 Gauss, J., 1902 Garcia-Carrera, A., 2655 Gautam, M. M., 2750 Garcia-Hernandez, M., 1918, 1919, 1920, Gauthier, R., 3034, 3035 1931, 1935, 1937, 1938 Gauthier-Lafaye, F., 3172 Gardner, C. J., 530 Gautier-Soyer, M., 277 Gardner, E. R., 1027, 1030, 1031, 2389, Gauvin, F. G., 2916 2395 Gavrilov, K. A., 6, 1509 Gardner, H., 936 Gavrilov, V., 1398, 1421 Gardner, H. R., 944, 968, 969, 970, 971 Gavrilov, V. D., 1398, 1433 Gardner, M., 319 Gavron, A., 1477 Garg, S. P., 352 Gay, R. L., 717, 2695, 2696, 2697, 2698, Garmestani, K., 44 2715, 2719 Garner, C. S., 704, 822, 1078, 1092, 1095 Gaylord, R., 1653 Garnier, J. E., 396 Gazeau, D., 2649, 2657 Garnov, A. Y., 1336, 2531, 2532, 2568, 3102, Geary, N. R., 707 3111, 3112, 3113, 3122, 3123, Geary, W. J., 636 3143, 3145 Gebala, A., 2819, 2820 Garrett, A. B., 399, 400 Gebala, A. E., 1802, 2472 Garrido, F., 289, 340, 345, 348 Gebauer, A., 605, 2464 Garstone, J., 892, 913 Gebert, E., 261, 276, 372, 373, 586, 587, 719, Gartner, M., 1684, 1707, 1708, 1709, 1716 1057, 1060, 1061, 1312, 1313 Garuel, A., 2352 Geckeis, H., 3024, 3069, 3070 Garwan, M. A., 3014, 3063, 3317, 3318 Gedeonov, L. I., 1352 Garza, P. A., 2660 Geerlings, M. W., Jr., 44 Gasche, T., 191 Geerlings, M. W., Sr., 28, 44 Gasco, C., 3017, 3023 Geertsen, V., 2682, 2685 Gascon, J. L., 1432, 1433 Geeson, D. A., 3243, 3244 Gaskill, E. A., 316, 317 Geggus, G., 792 Gaskin, P. W., 1179, 3415, 3416, 3420 Gehmecker, H., 794 Gasnier, P., 2685 Geibel, C., 719, 720, 2347, 2352 Gaspar, P., 2881, 2882 Geibert, W., 44 Gasparinetti, B., 105 Geichman, J. R., 505, 506, 535 Gasparini, G. M., 1280, 1282, 2738, 2743 Geigert, W., 231 Gasparro, J., 1688, 1700, 1718, 3024 Geipel, G., 108, 626, 1113, 1156, 1923, 1933, Gasperien, M., 730, 745, 792 2583, 3037, 3044, 3046, 3069, 3102, Gasperin, M., 87, 92, 113, 460, 2443 3106, 3107, 3111, 3112, 3122, 3125, Gasser, M., 3409 3131, 3138, 3140, 3142, 3143, 3144, Gassner, F., 1287, 2674, 2761 3145, 3150, 3152, 3154, 3155, 3160, Gasvoda, B., 3361 3161, 3165, 3166, 3167, 3179, 3180, Gata, S., 1267 3182, 3381, 3382 Gateau, C., 598 Geise, J., 170 Gatehouse, B. M., 269 Geiss, J., 170 Gates, B. C., 2999 Geist, A., 2756 Gates, J. E., 1018, 1019 Gelbrich, T., 259, 287 Gatez, J. M., 1177, 1178 Gelis, A. V., 3043 Gatrone, R. C., 1279, 1281, 2642, 2652, 2738, Gellatly, B. J., 439, 445, 449, 452, 455, 472, 2747, 3283 477, 482, 512, 543, 593 Author Index I-185 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Gelman, A. D., 726, 728, 729, 745, 746, 747, Ghafar, M., 180 749, 750, 753, 763, 767, 768, 771, 773, Ghermain, N.-E., 602 1059, 1110, 1113, 1116, 1117, 1118, Ghermani, N. E., 2431 1123, 1128, 1133, 1156, 1163, 1172, Ghiasvand, A. R., 2681, 2684 1175, 1325, 1327, 1352, 1367, 1368, Ghijen, J., 2336 2527, 2575, 3124 Ghiorso, A., 5, 6, 13, 53, 164, 815, 821, 1265, Gendre, R., 1080 1397, 1418, 1444, 1499, 1502, 1577, Genet, C. R., 1172 1622, 1630, 1632, 1637, 1638, 1639, Genet, M., 103, 109, 110, 128, 220, 221, 275, 1640, 1641, 1642, 1643, 1645, 1653, 469, 472, 477, 482, 491, 492, 1172, 1660, 1661, 1662, 1692, 1738, 2066, 2248, 2249, 2251, 2431, 1762, 2129 2432, 3024 Ghiorso, W., 1653 Gens, R., 431, 451, 735, 739, 1061, 1063, 1312, Ghods, A., 3017 1469, 1483 Ghods-Esphahani, A., 3308 Gens, T. A., 855 Ghormley, J. A., 3221 Gensini, M., 741 Ghosh Mazumdar, A. S., 1175 Gensini, M. M., 719, 720, 721 Ghotra, J. S., 93 Gentil, L. A., 110 Giacchetti, A., 59, 1843, 1844 Geoffrey, G. L., 1983 Giacometti, G., 2865 George, A. M., 369 Giacomini, J. J., 3253, 3254 George, D. R., 305, 308 Giaechetti, A., 190, 226 George, R. S., 465, 466 Giammar, D. E., 287 Georgopoulos, P., 3100, 3101, 3103, 3118 Giannola, S. J., 3403, 3405 Gerard, V., 367 Giannozzi, P., 2276 Gerasimov, A. S., 1398 Giaon, A., 24, 31 Gerber, G. B., 3424 Giaquinta, D. M., 3152, 3157, 3158 Gerdanian, P., 353, 354, 355, 356, 360, 362, Giarda, K., 1196, 1198, 2080, 2085, 2086, 2561 363, 364, 1048, 2145 Giardello, M. A., 2913, 2918, 2924, 2933, Gerding, H., 544 2934, 2984, 2986 Gerding, T. J., 272, 731, 732, 733, 2084 Giardinas, G., 1654, 1719, 1720, 1735 Gerdol, R., 3280 Gibb, T. R. P., Jr., 329, 330, 331 Gerds, A. F., 393, 399, 410, 2407 Gibbs, D., 2234, 2281, 2282, 2288 Gergel, M. V., 175, 704, 3016 Gibbs, F. E., 916, 960 Gergel, N. V., 822, 824 Gibby, H., 3220 Gering, E., 2315, 2371, 2407 Gibby, R. L., 2147 Gerke, H., 98 Gibifiski, T., 414 Gerlach, C. P., 2832, 2974 Gibinski, T., 2413 Gerloch, M., 2054 Gibney, R. B., 744, 945, 954, 956, 957 Germain, G., 260, 263, 283, 2489, 2490, 2492 Gibson, G., 106, 370 Germain, M., 1275 Gibson, J. K., 719, 720, 721, 1302, 1316, 1362, Germain, P., 782 1363, 1364, 1412, 1415, 1416, 1417, German, G., 2802, 2844 1424, 1455, 1456, 1457, 1463, 1464, Gerontopulos, P. T., 1284 1528, 1531, 1540, 1541, 1560, 1561, Gerratt, J., 93 1592, 1593, 1603, 1609, 1610, 1611, Gersdorf, R., 2238 1612, 1627, 1628, 1634, 1639, 1644, Gershanovich, A. Y., 86, 88, 89, 93 2118, 2121, 2122, 2150, 2165, 2188, Gerstenkorn, S., 858, 860, 1847 2189, 2404 Gerstmann, U., 3016, 3063 Gibson, M. L., 482 Gerwald, L., 409 Gibson, R., 225 Gerward, L., 100, 2407 Gibson, R. R., 2633, 2634 Gerz, R. R., 728, 1064 Giere´, R., 277, 278, 279 Gesing, T. M., 69, 71, 405 Gieren, A., 2464 Gesland, J. Y., 422 Giese, H., 77 Gestin, J.-F., 43 Giesel, F., 19, 20, 47 Gevantman, L. H., 1123 Giessen, B. C., 719, 720, 897, 932 Gevorgyan, V., 2969 Giester, G., 265, 295 Gewehr, R., 80, 81, 82 Giffaut, E., 1160, 1161, 1162, 1164, 1314, Gey, W., 64 1341, 2583 I-186 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Giglio, J. J., 3060 Gla¨ser, H., 372, 377, 378, 382 Gikal, B. N., 14, 1653, 1654, 1707, 1719, 1720, Glaser, J., 596, 607, 610, 1166, 1921, 2532, 1735, 1736 2533, 2583, 3101, 3119 Gilbert, B., 116, 117, 1607, 2687, 2689, 2815, Glaser, R., 2979 2819, 2851 Glasgow, D. C., 1505 Gilbert, E. S., 1821 Glassner, A., 2706, 2709 Gilbert, T. M., 2487, 2488, 2856, 2857 Glatz, J. P., 713, 1008, 1409, 1410, 1684, 1708, Gilbertson, R. D., 2660 1709, 1716, 2135, 2657, 2675, 2752, Gili, M., 2633 2753, 2756 Gilissen, R., 1033 Glaus, F., 1662, 1664, 1685, 1713, 1714, 1716 Gilje, J. W., 1957, 2472, 2473, 2475, 2479, Glauzunov, M. P., 793 2484, 2561, 2825, 2826, 2919 Glavic, P., 86, 91 Gill, H., 3173, 3176, 3177 Glazyrin, S. A., 1126 Gillan, M. J., 367 Gleba, D., 2668 Gilles, P. W., 95, 96, 364, 413, 738, 1093 Glebov, V. A., 1670, 1672, 1692, 1693, Gillespie, K. M., 2984 3111, 3122 Gillespie, R. D., 2999, 3002 Gleichman, J. R., 506 Gillier-Pandraut, H., 539 Gleisberg, B., 1433, 1434, 1629, 1635 Gillow, J. B., 3022, 3179, 3181 Gleiser, M., 2115 Gilman, H., 2800, 2866 Gleisner, A., 719, 720 Gilman, W. S., 1048 Glenn, R. D., 3346 Gilpatrick, L., 2701 Glover, K. M., 166, 224 Gilpatrick, L. O., 390 Glover, S. E., 3024, 3280, 3284, 3285, 3292, Ginderow, D., 261, 262, 268 3296, 3306, 3307 Gindler, G. E., 632, 633, 3281 Glueckauf, E., 1915 Gindler, J. E., 3340 Glukhov, I. A., 525 Ginell, W. S., 854 Glushko, V. P., 1047, 1048, 2114, 2148, Gingerich, K. A., 98, 99, 100, 398, 1987, 1994, 2149, 2185 2198, 2202, 2411 Gmelin, 19, 28, 30, 36, 38, 40, 42, 43, 52, 55, Ginibre, A., 1844, 1863, 1873 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 67, 69, 70, 75, Ginter, T., 1695, 1702, 1717, 1735, 1737 101, 105, 114, 115, 117, 133, 162, 178, Ginter, T. N., 1662, 1664, 1685, 1701, 1712, 255, 264, 265, 275, 303, 318, 325, 328, 1713, 1714, 1716, 1717 407, 417, 420, 1265, 1267, 1290, 1296, Giordano, A., 1045 1398, 1400, 1402, 1406, 1433, 1764, Giordano, T. H., 3140, 3150 1771, 1790 Giorgi, A. L., 30, 34, 35, 68, 333, 2385 Gnandi, K., 297 Giorgio, G., 114 Gober, M. G., 1704 Girard, E., 861 Gober, M. K., 182, 185, 1447, 1704, 1705 Girardi, F., 2633, 2767 Goble, A. G., 164, 173, 176, 179, 182, 213 Giraud, J. P., 2731 Gobomolov, S. L., 1654, 1719, 1736 Girdhar, H. L., 350, 356 Gobrecht, J., 1447 Girerd, J. J., 2254 Goby, G., 1352, 1428, 1551, 1606, 1629 Girgis, C., 182 Godbole, A. G., 790, 1275, 3061 Girgis, K., 53, 67 Goddard, D. T., 297 Girichev, G. V., 1680, 1681, 2169 Godelitsas, A., 302, 3039 Giricheva, N. I., 1680, 1681, 2169 Godfrey, J., 638, 3328 Girolami, G. S., 2464, 2465 Godfrey, P. D., 1981 Gitlitz, M. H., 115 Godfrin, J., 2633 Gittus, J. H., 303 Godlewski, T., 20 Giusta, A. D., 3167 Godwal, B. K., 2370 Givon, H., 1509 Goeddel, W. V., 2733 Givon, M., 1284, 1325, 1328, 1329, 1331, 1365 Goedken, M. P., 2563 Gladney, E. S., 3057 Goedkoop, J. A., 66 Glamm, A., 319 Goeppert Mayer, M., 1858 Glanz, J. P., 1699, 1700, 1710, 1718 Goetz, A., 3310, 3311, 3312, 3313 Glaser, C., 76 Goeuriot, P., 861 Glaser, F. S., 66 Goffart, J., 116, 117, 470, 552, 553, 737, 1352, Glaser, F. W., 2407 1413, 1419, 1543, 2143, 2144, 2267, Author Index I-187 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

2270, 2396, 2418, 2489, 2490, 2802, Gopalan, A., 2633 2815, 2816, 2817, 2818, 2819, 2822, Gopinathan, C., 215, 218 2827, 2844, 2851, 2912 Gorban, Yu. A., 364 Gofman, J. W., 164, 256 Gorbenko-Germanov, D. S., 1312, 1319, Gog, T., 2288 1320, 1326 Gogolev, A. V., 1110 Gorbunov, L. V., 86, 93 Gohdes, J. W., 289, 602, 1166, 2583, 3130, Gorbunov, S. I., 984 3131, 3160, 3167 Gorbunov, V. F., 793 Go˜hring, O., 162, 170, 187 Gorbunova, Yu. E., 2439, 2441, 2442, 2452 Goibuchi, T., 762 Gorby, Y. A., 3172, 3178, 3179 Gojnierac, A., 182 Gordeev, Y. N., 1505, 1829 Goldacker, H., 2732 Gorden, A. E. V., 1813, 1824, 1825, 2464, Goldberg, A., 886, 888, 890, 939, 940 3413, 3414, 3417, 3418, 3419, Golden, A. J., 224 3420, 3421 Golden, J., 164, 173, 176, 179, 213 Gordienko, A. B., 1906 Goldenberg, J. A., 1033 Gordon, C. M., 2690 Gol’din, L. L., 20, 24 Gordon, G., 592, 606, 609, 619, 622, 1133, 2607 Goldman, J. E., 2273, 2275 Gordon, J., 356, 357, 2272 Goldman, S., 1483, 1555 Gordon, J. C., 2484, 2486, 2813, 2814 Goldschmidt, V. M., 2391 Gordon, J. E., 63, 945, 947, 949, 2315, 2350 Goldschmidt, Z. B., 1862, 2015, 2016 Gordon, M. S., 1908, 2966 Goldstein, S. J., 171 Gordon, P., 2358 Goldstone, J. A., 333, 334, 335, 882, 939, 949, Gordon, P. L., 861, 932, 1041, 1043, 1112, 989, 995 1154, 1155, 1166, 2464, 3109, 3210 Goldstone, P. D., 1477 Gordon, S., 768, 769, 770, 1325, 1326, 1337, Golhen, S., 2256 1416, 1424, 1430, 1774, 1776, 2077, Gollnow, H., 190, 226 2526, 2531, 2553 Golovnin, I., 1071 Gore, S. J. M., 786 Golovnya, V. A., 105, 106, 109 Gorlin, P. A., 2464 Goltz, D. M., 3036 Go¨rller-Walrand, C., 2014, 2016, 2044, 2047, Golub, A. M., 84 2048, 2058, 2093, 3101 Golutvina, M. M., 184 Gorman, T., 854 Gomathy Amma, B., 3308 Gorman-Lewis, D., 3178 Gomez Marin, E., 956 Gorokhov, L. N., 576, 1994, 2179, 2195 Gomm, P. J., 28, 31 Gorshkov, N. G., 539 Gompper, K., 2633, 2756 Gorshkov, N. I., 856 Goncharov, V., 1973 Gorshkov, V. A., 1654, 1719, 1720, 1735, 1738 Gonella, C., 352 Gorski, B., 1629, 1635 Gong, J. K., 3406 Gorum, A. E., 1022, 1050, 1052 Gong, W., 265 Goryacheva, E. G., 30 Gonis, A., 927, 3095 Gosset, D., 289 Gonthier-Vassal, A., 2250 Goto, S., 1450, 1484, 1696, 1718, 1735 Gonzales, E. R., 3057 Goto, T., 334, 335 Goodall, P. S., 3060 Gotoh, K., 382 Goode, J. H., 188 Gotoo, K., 340, 344, 347, 354 Goodenough, J. B., 1059 Gottfriedsen, J., 575, 2469 Goodman, C. C., 1626, 1627, 1637, 1638 Goubitz, K., 514 Goodman, C. D., 1639, 1659 Gouder, T., 97, 861, 863, 995, 1023, 1034, Goodman, G., 2251 1056, 2347, 2359, 3045, 3051 Goodman, G. L., 763, 766, 1090, 1454, 2016, Goudiakas, J., 2153 2030, 2038, 2044, 2080, 2083, 2085, Gould, T., 3264, 3265 2267, 2283, 2289 Gould, T. H., 3266 Goodman, L. S., 1088, 1194, 1588, 1626, 1846, Gould, T. H., Jr., 3265 1873, 2080, 2084, 2086 Goulon, J., 2236, 3117 Googin, J. M., 319 Goulon-Ginet, C., 3117 Gopalakrishnan, V., 712, 713, 1281, 1282, Gourevich, I., 2830, 2918, 2935, 2965, 1294, 2668, 2669, 2743, 2744, 2745, 2969, 2971 2747, 2749, 2750, 2757, 2759 Gourier, D., 1962, 2246, 2847, 2858, 2862 I-188 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Gourishankar, K. V., 2723 Greegor, R. B., 278, 3162, 3163 Gourisse, D., 1333 Greek, B. F., 314 Gourmelon, P., 3413 Green, C., 2728 Goutaudier, C., 2100 Green, D., 3353, 3403, 3405 Gove, N. B., 1267 Green, D. W., 1018, 1029, 1046, 1971, 1976, Govindarajan, S., 2442 1988, 2148, 2149, 2203 Gowing, H. S., 3364, 3375 Green, J. C., 116, 1196, 1198, 1200, 1202, Goyal, N., 2668 1949, 1962, 1964, 2080, 2085, 2086, Grachev, A. F., 854 2561, 2827, 2854, 2863, 2877 Gracheva, N. V., 416, 419 Green, J. L., 1003, 1417, 1530, 1532, 1536, Gracheva, O. I., 788 1543, 1557, 2398 Graczyk, D., 3284 Green, L. W., 3322 Gradoz, P., 2491, 2869, 2870, 2871, 2872 Green, M. L. H., 1962 Graf, P., 2386 Greenberg, D., 3424 Graf, W. L., 988 Greenberg, D. M., 3405 Graffe´, P., 1880, 1882 Greenberg, E., 478, 497 Graham, J., 75, 96, 2413 Greenblatt, M., 77 Graham, R. L., 1452 Greene, T. M., 1968 Gramaccioli, C. M., 261, 264 Greenland, P. T., 1873 Gramoteeva, N. I., 2822 Greenwood, N. N., 13, 162, 998, 1660, 2388, Grandjean, D., 414, 2413 2390, 2400, 2407 Grant, G. R., 2736 Greenwood, R. C., 3243, 3244 Grant, I. P., 1669, 1670, 1675, 1726, 1728, 1905 Gregersen, M. I., 3358 Grant, P. M., 2589 Gre´goire, D. C., 3036 Grantham, L. F., 717, 1270, 2134, 2135, 2695, Gre´goire-Kappenstein, A. C., 3111 2696, 2697, 2698, 2699, 2700, Gregor’eva, S. I., 1449 2719, 2720 Gregorich, K., 182, 185, 186 Grantz, M., 1684, 1707 Gregorich, K. E., 815, 1445, 1447, 1582, 1629, Grape, W., 505 1635, 1642, 1643, 1645, 1646, 1647, Grate, J. W., 3285 1653, 1662, 1664, 1666, 1679, 1684, Gratz, E., 2353 1685, 1687, 1690, 1693, 1694, 1695, Graue, G., 163, 172, 174, 178 1696, 1697, 1698, 1699, 1701, 1702, Grauel, A., 2352 1703, 1704, 1705, 1706, 1708, 1709, Graus Odenheimer, B., 1352 1710, 1711, 1712, 1713, 1714, 1716, Grauschopf, T., 1906 1717, 1718, 1735, 1737, 1738, 2575 Gravereau, P., 2360 Gregory, J. N., 375 Graw, D., 207 Gregory, N. W., 454, 456, 500 Gray, A. L., 133, 3324 Greiner, J. D., 61, 2315 Gray, C. W., 630 Greiner, W., 1670, 1731, 1733 Gray, G. E., 2687, 2691 Greis, O., 114, 206 Gray, H. B., 577, 609 Gremm, O., 2734 Gray, L., 3264, 3265 Grenn, J. C., 117 Gray, P. R., 27, 704, 3276 Grenthe, I., 118, 119, 120, 121, 124, 125, 127, Gray, S. A., 1179, 2591, 3354, 3413, 3415, 128, 130, 131, 211, 253, 270, 371, 421, 3416, 3419, 3420, 3421 423, 425, 435, 439, 440, 441, 457, 458, Gray, W., 633, 634 469, 473, 474, 477, 478, 480, 481, 497, Grayand, P. R., 171, 184 502, 503, 509, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, Graziani, R., 548, 2426, 2427, 2439, 2440, 536, 538, 543, 544, 545, 551, 552, 556, 2441, 2443, 2472, 2473, 2484, 2820, 565, 577, 578, 580, 581, 586, 589, 590, 2825, 2841 591, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 599, Grazotto, R., 554 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, Grdenic, D., 2439, 2444 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 616, 617, Greathouse, J. A., 3156 618, 619, 620, 621, 622, 623, 625, 626, Greaves, C., 346, 351, 377, 383, 2393 753, 775, 1113, 1146, 1147, 1148, 1149, Greaves, G. N., 3163 1150, 1155, 1156, 1158, 1159, 1160, Grebenkin, K. F., 989, 996 1161, 1165, 1166, 1171, 1181, 1341, Grebenshchikova, V. I., 1320 1352, 1427, 1909, 1918, 1919, 1921, Grebmeier, J. M., 3295, 3296, 3311, 3314 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, Author Index I-189 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

1928, 1933, 1991, 2114, 2115, 2117, Gritzner, N., 522 2120, 2126, 2127, 2128, 2132, 2133, Griveau, J. C., 967, 968, 1009, 1012, 1015, 2136, 2137, 2138, 2142, 2144, 2150, 1016, 2353, 2407 2151, 2152, 2153, 2154, 2155, 2156, Grobenski, Z., 113 2157, 2159, 2160, 2161, 2163, 2164, Groeschel, F., 3055 2165, 2168, 2169, 2170, 2171, 2173, Grogan, H. A., 1821 2174, 2175, 2176, 2179, 2181, 2182, Groh, H. J., 1427 2185, 2186, 2187, 2190, 2191, 2192, Grojtheim, K., 2692 2193, 2194, 2195, 2197, 2200, 2203, Grønvold, F., 340, 345, 347, 348, 351, 352, 2204, 2205, 2206, 2531, 2532, 2533, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 359, 362, 2114, 2538, 2546, 2554, 2563, 2576, 2578, 2203, 2204, 2389 2579, 2582, 2583, 2585, 2587, 2592, Gropen, O., 580, 596, 1156, 1670, 1728, 1905, 2593, 3037, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, 1909, 1918, 1919, 1921, 1922, 1923, 3105, 3106, 3112, 3119, 3120, 3121, 1925, 1926, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1991, 3125, 3126, 3127, 3128, 3132, 3140, 2532, 3102, 3126, 3127 3143, 3144, 3214, 3215, 3347, Grosche, F. M., 407, 2239, 2359 3380, 3382 Gross, E. B., 294 Greulich, N., 1738 Gross, E. K. U., 1910, 2327 Grev, D. M., 2439, 2440, 2568 Gross, G. M., 402, 407 Grewe, N., 2342 Gross, J., 2568 Grey, I. E., 113, 269, 345, 347, 354 Gross, P., 2160, 2208 Grieneisen, A., 2731 Grosse, A., 163, 172, 173, 174, 175, 178, 179, Grieveson, P., 402 181, 198, 200, 226, 229 Griffin, C. D., 2039 Grosse, A. V., 1728 Griffin, D. C., 1730, 1731 Grossi, G., 1282, 2633, 2743 Griffin, G. C., 1908 Grossman, L. N., 323, 393 Griffin, H. E., 1284 Grossmann, H., 105 Griffin, N. J., 324 Grossmann, U. J., 1910 Griffin, P. M., 857, 858, 860, 1847 Grosvenor, D. E., 1081 Griffin, R. G., 1817 Grove, G. R., 27, 30, 32, 904, 905, 908, Griffin, R. M., 1009 914, 1033 Griffin, S. T., 2691 Grube, B. J., 3398, 3399 Griffioen, R. D., 1632 Gru¨bel, G., 2234, 2237 Griffith, C. B., 328 Gruber, J. B., 469, 491, 765, 2261 Griffith, W. L., 319 Grudpan, K., 225 Griffiths, A. J., 504 Gruehn, R., 113, 550, 570 Griffiths, G. C., 375, 376 Gruen, D. M., 8, 292, 335, 342, 469, 490, 491, Griffiths, T. R., 372, 373, 374 492, 501, 510, 524, 724, 737, 763, 764, Grigorescu-Sabau, C. S., 1352 1034, 1088, 1090, 1094, 1095, 1099, Grigor’ev, A. I., 2434 1109, 1313, 1754, 1968, 1971, 2081, Grigor’ev, M. S., 745, 746, 747, 748, 749, 793, 2133, 2167, 2257, 2696, 2697, 2699 1113, 1156, 1170, 1181, 1931, 2434, Gruener, B., 2655 2436, 2439, 2442, 2527, 2531, Grumbine, S. K., 2484, 2487, 2844, 2845 2595, 3043 Grundy, B. R., 170 Grigoriev, A. Y., 2237 Gruner, R., 3398 Grigoriev, M., 1262, 1270, 1312, 1321 Gruning, C., 859 Grigorov, G., 1507 Gru¨ning, C., 33, 1452, 1876, 1877 Grillon, G., 3352, 3359, 3368, 3377, 3398, 3399 Gru¨ning, P., 1840, 1877, 1884 Grime, G. W., 297 Grunzweig-Genossar, J., 329, 333, 336 Grimes, W. R., 423, 444, 459, 463, 487 Gruttner, C., 2655 Grimmett, D. L., 717, 1270, 2134, 2135, 2695, Gryntakis, E. M., 106 2696, 2697, 2698, 2699, 2700, 2715, Grytdal, S. P., 3292 2719, 2721 Gschneidner, K. A., 936, 939, 941 Grimsditch, M., 277 Gschneidner, K. A., Jr., 896, 897, 926, Grimvall, G., 2140 927, 2309 Grison, E., 904, 908, 913, 988 Gu, D., 3057 Gritmon, T. F., 2563 Gu, J., 164 Gritschenko, I. A., 41 Gu, X., 266 I-190 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Gu, Z. Y., 3300 2142, 2144, 2151, 2152, 2153, 2154, Guang-Di, Y., 2453 2155, 2157, 2159, 2160, 2161, 2163, Guastini, C., 2472 2164, 2165, 2168, 2170, 2171, 2174, Gubanov, V. A., 1692, 1933 2175, 2176, 2179, 2181, 2182, 2186, Guczi, J., 3023 2187, 2190, 2191, 2192, 2193, 2194, Gudaitis, M. N., 93 2195, 2197, 2200, 2203, 2204, 2206, Gu¨del, H. U., 428, 429, 436, 440, 442, 444, 451 2532, 2538, 2546, 2550, 2552, 2554, Gudi, N. M., 772, 773, 774 2578, 2676, 2858, 3022, 3024 Guegueniat, P., 782 Guillot, J.-M., 2657 Gueguin, M. M., 527 Guillot, L., 3026, 3027, 3028 Guelachvili, G., 1840, 1845 Guillot, P., 185, 215 Guelton, M., 76 Guilmette, R. A., 1821, 1825, 3345, 3349, Gue´neau, C., 351, 352 3354, 3360, 3364, 3371, 3374, 3385, Gue´neau, Le Ny, J., 365 3396, 3409, 3413, 3420 Guenther, D., 3047 Guinand, S., 123 Gueremy, P., 3016 Guinet, P., 351, 352, 353 Guerin, G., 862 Guittet, M.-J., 277 Gue´rin, L., 1269 Gukasov, A., 2411 Guerra, F., 3030, 3280 Gula, M. J., 1293, 2642, 2643, 3283 Guertin, R. P., 63 Gulbekian, G. G., 14, 1654, 1719, 1720, 1735, Guery, C., 92 1736, 1738 Guery, J., 92 Gu¨ldner, R., 1073, 1095, 1100, 1101 Guesdon, A., 2431, 2432 Gulev, B. F., 746, 748, 749, 2527 Guest, R. J., 633, 3282 Gulino, A., 1956, 1957 Guesten, H., 227 Gulinsky, J., 2966 Gueta-Neyroud, T., 2913, 2930, 2940 Gulyaev, B. F., 1113, 1156 Gueugnon, J. F., 2292 Gulyas, E., 114 Guey, A., 1507 Guminski, C., 1302, 1548, 1607 Guggenberger, L. J., 78, 83, 84, 2415 Gumperz, A., 80, 104 Guibal, E., 3152, 3154 Gundlich, C., 82 Guibe´, L., 81 Gun’ko, Y., 2912 Guichard, C., 1177, 1178, 1179, 1180, Gun’ko, Y. K., 2469 1181, 2575 Gunnick, R., 3302 Guidotti, R. A., 83 Gunnoe, T. B., 2880 Guilard, R., 2464, 2465, 2466, 3117 Gunten, H. R. V., 1738 Guilbaud, P., 596, 2560, 2590, 3101 Gu¨nther, D., 3323 Guillaume, B., 781, 1324, 1329, 1341, 1356, Gunther, H., 1660 1365, 1366, 2594, 2595 Gu¨nther, R., 1662, 1679, 1684, 1687, 1698, Guillaume, J. C., 2594, 2596 1708, 1709, 1710, 1716, 1718 Guillaumont, B., 1356 Gunther, W. H., 1088, 1089 Guillaumont, R., 34, 37, 40, 82, 109, 117, 128, Guo, G., 786 129, 162, 176, 181, 183, 184, 185, 198, Guo, J., 164, 191 199, 200, 207, 209, 211, 212, 215, 216, Guo, L., 3062 217, 218, 219, 221, 222, 223, 225, 227, Guo, T., 2864 421, 423, 425, 435, 439, 440, 441, 457, Guo, Y., 164 458, 469, 473, 474, 477, 478, 480, 481, Guo, Z. T., 3300 497, 502, 503, 509, 513, 514, 515, 516, Gupta, A. R., 41 517, 536, 538, 543, 544, 545, 551, 552, Gupta, N. M., 110 556, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 599, Gupta, S. K., 2198 601, 602, 603, 763, 765, 768, 988, 1147, Gurd, F. R. N., 3362 1148, 1149, 1150, 1158, 1160, 1161, Gureev, E. S., 1271, 1275, 1352 1165, 1166, 1181, 1330, 1352, 1417, Gurevich, A. M., 583, 601 1418, 1425, 1428, 1460, 1476, 1477, Gurman, S. J., 3108 1481, 1482, 1523, 1526, 1529, 1549, Gurry, R. W., 926, 927 1550, 1551, 1554, 1555, 1557, 1606, Gurvich, L. V., 2114, 2148, 2149, 2161, 1628, 1629, 1635, 1640, 1644, 1645, 2185 1663, 2115, 2117, 2120, 2123, 2126, Gusev, N. I., 2531, 2532 2127, 2128, 2132, 2136, 2137, 2138, Gusev, Yu. K., 549, 555, 556 Author Index I-191 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Guseva, L. I., 1271, 1284, 1402, 1409, 1449, Hafez, N., 3024 1450, 1479, 1509, 1512, 1584, 1606, Haffner, H., 792, 3398, 3399 1633, 1636, 2636, 2637, 2651 Hafid, A., 2877, 2890 Gustafsson, G., 1661 Hafner, W., 2859 Gu¨sten, H., 629 Haga, Y., 412, 2239, 2256, 2257, 2280 Gutberlet, T., 2452 Hagan, L., 1513, 1633, 1639, 1646 Guthrei, R. I. L., 962, 963 Hagan, P. G., 1175, 1176 Gutina, E. A., 2140 Hagberg, D., 596 Gu¨tlich, P., 793 Hagee, G. R., 166 Gutmacher, G. R., 2636 Hagemann, F., 19, 27, 28, 30, 32, 35, 36, 37, Gutmacher, R., 860 53, 1092, 1094, 1095, 1100, 1101, 2167, Gutmacher, R. G., 857, 858, 860, 1288, 1291, 2390, 2413, 2417, 2431 1423, 1452, 1453, 1455, 1473, 1474, Hagemark, K., 353, 355, 360, 362, 396, 397 1475, 1476, 1513, 1516, 1586, 1839, Hagenberg, W., 207 1845, 1847, 1848, 1850, 1864, 1871, Hagenbruch, R., 1323 1872, 1885, 3045 Hagenmuller, P., 70, 73, 77, 110 Gutman, R., 2633 Hagerty, D. C., 1009, 1011 Gutowska, M., 113 Haggin, J., 2982 Gutowski, K. E., 421, 1110, 2380 Hagiwara, K., 2851 Guy, W. G., 187 Hagrman, D. T., 357, 359 Guymont, M., 76 Ha¨gstrom, I., 184, 2674, 2767 Guzei, I., 2849 Hagstro¨m, S., 60 Guziewicz, E., 1056, 2347 Hahn, F. F., 3354 Guzman, F. M., 181, 211 Hahn, O., 3, 4, 20, 24, 25, 163, 164, 169, 170, Guzman-Barron, E. S., 3361, 3378, 3380, 3381 172, 187, 254, 255 Guzzi, G., 637 Hahn, R. L., 164, 781, 1116, 1148, 1155, 1356, Gvozdev, B. A., 1402, 1422, 1423, 1629, 1636 1636, 1639, 1659, 2526, 2594, 2595 Gwinner, G., 33 Haigh, J. M., 2439 Gwozdz, E., 1509 Hain, M., 1881 Gwozdz, R., 188 Haines, H. R., 904, 905, 1010 Gygax, F. N., 2351 Haines, J. W., 3403, 3405 Gyoffry, B. L., 1669 Hains, C. F., Jr., 2472 Gysemans, M., 845 Haire, G., 2396 Gysling, H., 750 Haire, R. G., 33, 79, 192, 717, 719, 720, 721, 740, 744, 861, 863, 923, 989, 992, 994, 995, 1019, 1025, 1028, 1029, 1030, Haaland, A., 1958, 2169 1033, 1037, 1039, 1041, 1043, 1044, Haar, C. M., 2924 1112, 1151, 1152, 1154, 1155, 1166, Haas, E., 1071 1299, 1300, 1302, 1312, 1313, 1315, Haas, H., 1735 1316, 1317, 1359, 1369, 1398, 1411, Haas, M. K., 3067, 3288 1412, 1413, 1414, 1415, 1416, 1417, Haba, H., 1445, 1450, 1484, 1696, 1718, 1735 1418, 1419, 1420, 1421, 1423, 1424, Habash, J., 102, 104, 105, 2434, 2435 1446, 1453, 1455, 1456, 1457, 1458, Habenschuss, A., 448, 2529, 3110 1459, 1460, 1462, 1463, 1464, 1465, Haber, L., 110, 112 1466, 1467, 1468, 1469, 1470, 1471, Haberberger, F., 1665, 1695 1472, 1474, 1479, 1481, 1482, 1483, Habfast, K., 3310, 3311, 3312, 3313 1485, 1499, 1507, 1513, 1515, 1517, Habs, D., 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884 1518, 1519, 1520, 1521, 1522, 1523, Hackel, L. A., 1873 1524, 1525, 1527, 1528, 1529, 1530, Hackett, M. A., 2278 1531, 1532, 1533, 1534, 1535, 1536, Hadari, Z., 64, 336, 338, 722, 723, 724, 862, 1537, 1538, 1539, 1540, 1541, 1542, 994, 995, 3206 1543, 1545, 1547, 1548, 1554, 1555, Haddad, S. F., 2443 1559, 1560, 1561, 1562, 1577, 1578, Haeffner, E., 2732 1579, 1587, 1590, 1591, 1592, 1593, Haegele, R., 551 1594, 1595, 1596, 1597, 1598, 1599, Haessler, M., 204, 207 1600, 1601, 1602, 1603, 1605, 1609, Hafey, F., 184 1610, 1611, 1612, 1613, 1627, 1628, Hafez, M. B., 1352, 3024 1634, 1639, 1644, 1754, 1785, 1787, I-192 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

1789, 1840, 1877, 1884, 2070, 2077, Ham, A. W., 3359, 3362, 3396, 3401, 2116, 2118, 2121, 2122, 2123, 2124, 3402, 3405 2127, 2129, 2131, 2143, 2149, 2150, Ham, G. J., 3361 2153, 2154, 2155, 2165, 2174, 2182, Hamaguchi, Y., 347, 2418 2186, 2188, 2189, 2238, 2264, 2267, Hamaker, J. W., 77 2268, 2269, 2270, 2271, 2272, 2315, Hamblett, I., 854 2350, 2355, 2368, 2369, 2370, 2371, Hambly, A. N., 373, 374, 375, 549, 550, 555 2381, 2388, 2389, 2390, 2391, 2392, Hamer, A. N., 170 2398, 2399, 2404, 2411, 2413, 2414, Hamermesh, M., 1913 2417, 2418, 2422, 2430, 2431, 2432, Hamill, D., 2165 3109, 3207, 3210, 3211 Hamilton, J. G., 3341, 3342, 3348, 3354, 3356, Haired, R. G., 2723, 2724 3387, 3395, 3401, 3405, 3413, Haı¨ssinsky, M., 37, 162, 178, 179, 187, 191, 3423, 3424 209, 216, 220, 221, 222, 225, 227 Hamilton, J. H., 164 Hai-Tung, W., 2912 Hamilton, T., 1653 Hajela, S., 2924 Hamilton, T. M., 1445, 1664, 1684, 1693, 1694, Haka, H., 1267 1695, 1697, 1698, 1699, 1706, 1716 Hakanen, M., 189 Hamilton, W. C., 337, 2404 Hake, R. R., 2357 Hammel, E. F., 853, 877 Hakem, N. L., 1178, 1180 Hammer, J. H., 962 Hakimi, R., 1825, 3409, 3413, 3420 Hammond, R. P., 862, 897 Hakkila, E. A., 958, 959, 960, 961 Hamnett, A., 1681 Hakonson, T. E., 1803 Han, J., 1973 Halachmy, M., 391 Han, Y., 1918, 1919, 1920 Halada, G. P., 3046, 3069, 3179 Han, Y. K., 1671, 1676, 1679, 1680, 1681, Halasyamani, P. S., 593, 2256 1682, 1723, 1727, 1728, 1729, 2161 Halaszovich, S., 2633 Hanchar, J. M., 282, 293, 638, 3094, 3327 Hale, W. H., 1290, 1291, 2387, 2388 Hancock, C., 67 Hale, W. H., Jr., 1419, 1420, 2397 Hancock, G. J., 42 Halet, J.-F., 435 Hancock, R. D., 2571, 2572, 2577, 2590 Haley, M. M., 2864 Handa, M., 391, 1004, 2723, 2724 Hall, A. K., 2457 Handler, M. R., 3326 Hall, C. M., 639, 3327 Handler, P., 425, 509, 523, 2245 Hall, D., 2429 Handley, T. H., 164, 169 Hall, D. A., 546 Handwerk, J. H., 76, 113, 303, 391, 393, 395, Hall, F. M., 213, 217, 229 1022 Hall, G. R., 1320, 1332, 1366 Handy, N. C., 596, 1907, 1921, 1922, 1923, Hall, H. L., 1266, 1267, 1445, 1447, 1629, 2528, 3102, 3113, 3123 1635, 1642, 1643, 1645, 1646, 1662, Hanfland, C., 44 1703, 1704, 2575 Hanlon, L. L., 3409 Hall, H. T., 67 Hannah, S., 2464 Hall, J. P., 2191 Hannink, N. J., 182, 185, 1447, 1512, 1653, Hall, L., 738 1695, 1696, 1697, 1698, 1699, 1704, 1705 Hall, N. F., 106, 107 Hannon, J. P., 2234 Hall, R. A. O., 2315 Hannum, W. H., 2693, 2713 Hall, R. M., 1507 Hanrahan, R. J., 863 Hall, R. O., 945, 947, 949 Hanscheid, H., 1828 Hall, R. O. A., 718, 955, 957, 981, 982, 1022, Hansen, J. E., 1862, 2029 1299, 2115, 2205 Hansen, M., 325, 405, 408, 409 Hall, S. W., 2832 Hansen, N. J. S., 164, 170 Hall, T. L., 78, 82, 2418, 2421, 2423 Hanson, B. D., 289 Halla, F., 104 Hanson, P., 636 Haller, P., 3030, 3031 Hanson, S. L., 269, 277 Halliday, A. N., 639, 3327 Hanson, W. C., 1803 Halow, I., 34 Hanusa, T. P., 2924 Halperin, J., 774, 2581, 2582 Hanuza, J., 429, 430, 431, 444, 450, 2260 Halstead, G. W., 501, 503, 504, 506, 520, 2471, Haoh, R. L., 1644 2472, 2491, 2819, 2820, 2868 Hara, M., 1326, 1352 Author Index I-193 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Hara, R., 2888 Hartman, M. J., 3027 Harada, M., 616, 626, 627, 852, 2633, 2681 Hartmann, O., 2284 Harada, Y., 76, 113 Hartmann, W., 164 Harari, A., 113 Hartree, D. R., 2020, 2022 Harbottle, G., 231, 635, 3300, 3301 Harvey, A. R., 739, 742, 744, 745 Harbour, R. M., 705, 714, 786, 787, 1290, Harvey, B. G., 5, 164, 186, 187, 988, 1049, 1291, 1449, 3281 1508, 1577, 1624, 1628, 1629, 1630, Harbur, D. R., 892, 917, 918, 919, 920, 925, 1632, 1635, 1660, 2635, 2638, 2639 930, 931, 933, 935, 960, 962, 963, 2355 Harvey, B. R., 782, 3021, 3022 Hardacre, C., 854 Harvey, J. A., 53 Hardcastle, K. I., 2924 Harvey, M. R., 912, 958, 959, 960 Harder, B., 1186 Hasan, A., 3409 Harding, J. H., 367, 368 Hasbrouk, M. E., 892, 942 Harding, S. R., 2205 Hascall, T., 2849 Hardman, K., 66 Haschke, F. M., 64, 65 Hardman-Rhyne, K., 66 Haschke, J., 975 Hardt, P., 116, 2865 Haschke, J. M., 328, 331, 332, 333, 334, 337, Harduin, J. C., 3024 723, 724, 863, 864, 973, 974, 975, 976, Hardy, A., 110 977, 978, 979, 989, 990, 991, 992, 994, Hardy, C. J., 213, 218 995, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1028, 1029, Hardy, F., 2352 1030, 1035, 1039, 1040, 1041, 1042, Hargittai, M., 2177 1145, 1303, 1534, 1798, 2114, 2136, Harguindey, E., 1895, 1897, 1908 2141, 2147, 2188, 2189, 2190, 2389, Harland, C. E., 846 2395, 2403, 2404, 3109, 3177, 3199, Harman, W. D., 2880 3200, 3201, 3202, 3204, 3205, 3206, Harmon, C. A., 2851, 2852 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3211, 3212, Harmon, C. D., 2690 3213, 3214, 3215, 3216, 3217, 3218, Harmon, H. D., 1477, 1606, 2565, 2580 3219, 3220, 3221, 3222, 3223, 3224, Harmon, K. M., 707, 837, 863, 2704, 3225, 3227, 3228, 3229, 3230, 3231, 2708, 2709 3232, 3233, 3234, 3235, 3236, 3237, Harnett, O., 261 3238, 3239, 3240, 3241, 3242, 3243, Harper, E. A., 1006, 2407, 2408, 3214 3244, 3245, 3246, 3247, 3249, 3250, Harper, L. W., 3239 3251, 3252, 3253, 3254, 3255, 3256, Harper, P. E., 2426, 2427 3257, 3258, 3259, 3260, 3262 Harrington, C. D., 303, 315, 317, 319, 559, 560 Hasegawa, K., 718 Harrington, J. D., 2684 Hasegawa, Y., 40, 2568, 2625 Harrington, S., 942, 944, 945, 948 Haselwimmer, R. K. W., 407, 2239, 2359 Harris, H. B., 80 Hash, M. C., 279, 861 Harris, J., 6, 1660, 1662, 1692 Hashitani, H., 383 Harris, L. A., 86, 87, 90, 91, 113, 342, 357 Hasilkar, S. P., 1174 Harris, R., 3179 Haskel, A., 2834, 2835, 2913, 2925, 2927, Harris, W. R., 1824, 3349, 3359, 3364, 3365, 2930, 2932, 2935, 2936, 2940, 2958, 3376, 3378 2984, 2987 Harrison, J. D., 3424 Hass, P. A., 1033 Harrison, J. D. L., 1058, 1059, 1060, 1062, Hassaballa, H., 2452 1065, 1066, 1067, 1070 Hasse, K. D., 1681 Harrison, R. J., 1906, 1918, 1919, 1920 Hastings, J. B., 2234 Harrison, W. A., 933, 2308 Hasty, R. A., 77 Harrod, J. F., 2916, 2965, 2966, 2974, 2979 Haswell, C. M., 2868, 2869 Harrowfield, J. M., 2456, 2457, 2458, 2461 Haswell, S. J., 3281 Harrowfield, J. M. B., 1174 Hata, K., 1266, 1267 Hart, B. T., 3057 Hataku, S., 1272, 1273 Hart, F. A., 93, 452 Hatcher, C., 279 Hart, H. E., 3413 Hathway, J. L., 2449 Hart, K. P., 278 Hatsukawa, Y., 1266, 1267 Hart, R. C., 2271 Hatter, J. E., 854, 2690 Hartley, J., 986 Hattori, H., 76 Hartman, D. H., 2691 Haubach, W. J., 173 I-194 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Hauback, B. C., 66, 338, 339 Hazemann, J. L., 389 Haubenreich, P. N., 487, 2632 He, J., 2979 Hauck, J., 208, 372, 373, 375, 378, 2241, 2439 He, L., 792 Haufler, R. E., 2864 He, M.-Y., 2999 Haug, H., 395, 1069, 1422, 2431 He, P., 29 Haug, H. O., 1402, 1409, 1415, 1418, 1419, He, X., 2752, 2753 1464, 1467, 2396, 2397, 2418 He, X. M., 2752, 2753 Haug, H. W., 1529, 1530 Head, E. L., 1028, 1029, 1030, 1045, 1048 Hauge, R. H., 2165, 2864 Head-Gordon, M., 1902 Haung, K., 1515 Heal, H. G., 988, 1049 Hauser, O., 104 Heald, S. M., 291, 1810, 3160, 3161, 3164 Hauser, W., 763, 766, 1425, 1426, 3070 Healy, J. W., 3424 Hauske, H., 35, 36, 38, 1100, 1101, 1312, 1357, Healy, M. J. F., 854 1418, 2441 Healy, T. V., 1554 Hausman, E., 172, 174, 182 Heathman, S., 97, 192, 719, 720, 739, 742, 923, Havel, J., 2585, 3046 1300, 1462, 1522, 1578, 1594, 1754, Havela, L., 97, 338, 339, 861, 921, 929, 953, 1785, 1787, 1789, 2315, 2355, 2368, 964, 1023, 1056, 2307, 2347, 2351, 2369, 2370, 2371, 2407 2353, 2355, 2356, 2357, 2358, 2359, Heatley, F., 115, 116, 2442, 2448, 2880, 2883 2360, 2361, 2363, 2366, 2368 Heaton, L., 2283, 2407 Haven, F., 3355 Heaven, M. C., 1973 Havrilla, G. L., 3041, 3069 Heavy, L. R., 3364, 3378, 3387 Haw, J. F., 2490, 2859, 2860 Hebert, G. M., 461 Hawes, L. L., 937, 938, 939 Hebrant, M., 2649, 2657 Hawk, P. B., 3362 Hecht, F., 109, 114, 3029 Hawkes, S. A., 2473, 2816 Hecht, H. G., 382, 469, 491, 502, 503, 504, Hawkins, D. T., 2115 505, 1194, 2082, 2241, 2243, 2244, Hawkins, H. T., 2452, 2456 2246 Hawkins, N. J., 1080, 1086, 1088 Heckel, M. C., 2584 Hawkinson, D. E., 180 Hecker, S. S., 813, 814, 863, 889, 890, 892, 893, Hawthorne, F. C., 259, 261, 262, 268, 272, 283, 895, 896, 917, 918, 919, 920, 921, 924, 286, 287, 289, 290, 298, 2193, 2426, 925, 930, 931, 933, 935, 936, 943, 945, 3093, 3094, 3118, 3155, 3160 957, 960, 961, 962, 968, 970, 971, 972, Hay, B. P., 2660 973, 974, 979, 980, 983, 985, 2310, Hay, P. J., 576, 580, 589, 596, 620, 621, 1192, 2355, 2371, 3213, 3250 1193, 1194, 1196, 1198, 1199, 1287, Heckers, U., 410 1777, 1893, 1908, 1916, 1918, 1920, Heckley, P. R., 204 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, Heckly, J., 541 1927, 1931, 1932, 1934, 1935, 1936, Heckmann, G., 2480, 2836 1937, 1938, 1940, 1941, 1958, 1959, Heckmann, K., 2633 1965, 1966, 2165, 2260, 2528, 2872, Hedberg, M., 3173 2874, 2891, 3102, 3111, 3112, 3113, Hedden, D., 2924, 2999 3121, 3122, 3123, 3126, 3128 Hedger, H. J., 1006, 2407, 2408 Hay, S., 892 Hedrick, J. B., 1804 Hayashi, H., 2185, 2186 Heeg, M. J., 3107 Hayden, L. A., 267, 268, 289, 291, 580, 582, Heeres, A., 2924 583, 2434, 2435 Heeres, H. J., 2924 Hayek, E., 82, 83 Heerman, L., 2688, 2690 Hayes, G. R., 2688 Heffner, R. J., 2351 Hayes, R. G., 750, 1188, 1946, 2253, Hefter, G., 2577, 2579 2469, 2853 Hegarty, J., 763, 766, 2095 Hayes, S. L., 862, 892, 2199, 2202 Hegedus, L. S., 2924 Hayes, W., 357, 389, 2278 Heger, G., 380, 1928 Hayes, W. N., 1530, 1533, 1543, 2077, 2416 Heiberger, J. J., 2715 Hayman, C., 2160, 2208 Heid, K. R., 3346 Hays, D. S., 2980 Heidt, L. J., 595 Hayward, B. R., 319 Heier, K. S., 3014 Hayward, J., 457, 486 Heimbach, P., 116, 2865 Author Index I-195 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Hein, R. A., 352, 357, 2350 Henry, J. Y., 2409 Heindl, F., 96 Henry, R. F., 2452, 2453, 2454 Heinecke, J. W., 3358 Henry, W. E., 335, 2350 Heineman, W. R., 3107, 3108 Hensley, D. C., 1626, 1627, 1637, 1638, 1639, Heinemann, C., 1971, 1990 1644, 1659 Heinemann, D., 1671 Hentz, F. C., 123 Heining, C., 1923 Hepiegne, P., 2890 Heinrich, G., 227 Heppert, J. A., 2670 Heinrich, Z., 716 Hequet, C., 1285 Heiple, C. R., 1018 Herak, M. J., 182 Heirnaut, J. P., 2388 Herak, R., 356, 2393 Heise, K.-H., 2568, 3102, 3135, 3138, 3140, Herbst, J. F., 1461 3141, 3142, 3145, 3147, 3149, Herbst, R. J., 1004 3150, 3182 Herbst, R. S., 1282, 2739, 2741 Helean, K., 113, 270, 287 Herbst, S., 2739 Helean, K. B., 2157, 2159, 2193 Hercules, D. M., 3046 Helfferich, F., 2625 Herczeg, J. W., 1811 Helfrich, R., 2352 Hergt, J. M., 3326 Helgaker, T., 1905 Hering, J. G., 287 Hellberg, K.-H., 421, 485, 557 Herlach, D., 1447 Helliwell, M., 578, 589, 2400, 2401, 2441, Herlert, A., 1735 2442, 2448, 2584 Herlinger, A. W., 2652 Hellmann, H., 745, 2434, 2436 Herman, J. S., 129, 130, 131, 132 Hellmann, K., 1882, 1884 Hermann, G., 182, 209, 215, 224, 1447 Hellwege, H. E., 744, 1369, 1455, 1470, 1471, Hermann, J. A., 490, 837, 1271, 1291 2430, 2431, 2432 Hermann, W. A., 3003 Helm, L., 609, 614, 3110 Hermanowicz, K., 430, 444, 450, 2260 Helminski, E. L., 1267 Hermansson, K., 118 Hem, J. D., 3097, 3164 Herment, M., 25 Hemmi, G., 2464, 2465 Herniman, P. D., 1332, 1366 Hemming, S., 3056 Herpin, P., 109 Henche, G., 550, 570 Herrero, J. A., 2441, 2442 Henderson, A. L., 932, 967 Herrero, P., 2439, 2440 Henderson, D. J., 1284, 1293, 1449, 1509, Herrick, C. C., 103, 112, 886, 888 1513, 1585, 1629 Herring, G. M., 3403, 3404, 3407, 3410 Henderson, R. A., 1445, 1447, 1629, 1635, Herrman, W. A., 2918 1642, 1643, 1645, 1646, 1647, 1662, Herrmann, G., 25, 60, 164, 789, 794, 859, 1703, 1704, 1705, 2575 1296, 1403, 1452, 1513, 1662, 1665, Hendricks, M., 1695, 1699 1695, 1703, 1704, 1738, 1875, 1876, Hendricks, M. B., 815 1877, 2591, 3044, 3047, 3048, Hendricks, M. E., 203, 425, 431, 435, 439, 469, 3320, 3321 474, 1472, 2229, 2230, 2241, 2257, Herrmann, H., 413 2258, 2259, 2261, 2262, 2264, 2267, Herschel, W., 253 2268, 2695 Hertogen, J., 636, 3306 Hendrix, G. S., 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006 Hertz, M. R., 172, 173, 175 Henge-Napoli, M. H., 3052, 3413, 3419, 3423 Hery, Y., 195, 204, 207, 2411, 2413 Henkie, Z., 100, 412, 2411 Herzberg, G., 1911, 1913, 1914 Henling, L. M., 2924 Herzog, H., 2728 Hennelly, E. J., 1267 Hesek, D., 2457 Hennig, C., 389, 589, 596, 602, 612, 616, 621, Hess, B. A., 1670, 1672, 1673, 1675, 1682, 2582, 3102, 3106, 3107, 3111, 3112, 1898, 1906 3114, 3119, 3121, 3122, 3139, 3140, Hess, N. J., 127, 128, 130, 131, 270, 595, 861, 3147, 3148, 3149, 3152, 3155, 3156, 932, 1041, 1043, 1112, 1154, 1155, 3165, 3166, 3167, 3169, 3179, 3180, 1160, 1162, 1164, 1166, 1179, 1359, 3181, 3182 1927, 1928, 3039, 3087, 3108, 3109, Henrich, E., 382, 730, 763, 766, 2244 3113, 3118, 3133, 3134, 3135, 3136, Henrickson, A. V., 837 3137, 3163, 3171, 3210 Henrion, P. N., 732, 734 Hess, R., 932, 1041, 1155, 3109, 3210 I-196 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Hess, R. F., 97, 861, 1041, 1043, 1112, 1154, Hill, O. F., 835, 2730 1155, 1166 Hill, R., 133 Hess, W. P., 291, 3160, 3161, 3164 Hill, R. N., 828 Hessberger, F. P., 6, 14, 164, 1582, 1653, 1660, Hill, S. J., 3280 1701, 1713, 1717, 1737, 1738 Hillary, J. J., 164, 173, 177, 180 Hessler, J. P., 763, 766, 1423, 1453, 1454, 1455, Hillberg, M., 2284 1515, 1544, 1545, 2094, 2095, 2096, Hillebrand, W. F., 2391 2098, 2099, 2534, 3034, 3037 Hillebrandt, W., 3016, 3063 Heuer, T., 428, 429, 436, 440, 451 Hilliard, J. E., 828 Heully, J.-L., 1683, 1909, 1918, 1919, Hilliard, R. J., 3244, 3245, 3246 1931, 1932 Hillier, I. H., 1926, 1928, 1929, 1931 Heumann, K. G., 164 Hillman, A. R., 3108 Hewat, A. W., 469, 475 Hills, J. W., 2679, 2681 Hey, E., 2480 Hilscher, G., 2362 Heydemann, A., 27, 170 Himes, R. C., 415, 2413 Hickmann, U., 1738 Himmel, H.-J., 1968 Hicks, H. G., 180 Hinatsu, Y., 382, 387, 389, 390, 391, 392, Hidaka, H., 271, 824, 3046 2244, 2252 Hiebl, K., 67, 71 Hinchey, R. J., 2538 Hien, H. G., 407 Hincks, E. P., 53 Hiernaut, J. P., 357, 1029, 1036, 1045, 1047, Hincks, J. A., 1033 1971, 2140, 2149, 3212 Hindman, J. C., 220, 222, 227, 606, 727, 748, Hiernaut, T., 3070 753, 759, 768, 781, 988, 1088, 1181, Hies, M., 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884 1194, 1333, 1356, 2080, 2084, 2086, Hiess, A., 2236, 2239, 2352 2527, 2582, 2594, 2599, 2601, 3099 Hietanen, S., 120, 121, 123, 124, 2548, Hines, M. A., 615 2549, 2550 Hingmann, R., 6 Higa, K., 631 Hinman, C. A., 369 Higa, K. T., 2472, 2826 Hinrichs, W., 1190 Higashi, K., 768 Hinton, J. F., 2532 Higashi, T., 2719, 2720 Hinton, T. G., 3296 Higgens, G. H., 1622 Hipple, W. G., 2452, 2453, 2454 Higgins, C. E., 1323, 1324, 1361 Hirao, K., 1898, 1905, 1906, 1909, 1918, Higgins, G. H., 5, 1577 1919, 1920 Higgins, L. R., 484 Hirashima, K., 395 Higgy, R. H., 3014 Hirata, M., 1049, 1676, 1680, 1696, 1718, Hightower, J. R., Jr., 2700, 2701 1735 Hijikata, T., 717, 1270, 2134, 2135, 2695, 2696, Hirata, S., 1906 2697, 2698, 2700, 2717, 2719, 2720 Hirayama, F., 2102 Hildebrand, N., 1738 Hirose, K., 3023 Hildenbrand, D., 70, 82, 420, 1937, 1938 Hirose, T., 1266, 1267 Hildenbrand, D. L., 731, 734, 2114, 2149, Hirose, Y., 2811 2161, 2169, 2179 Hirota, M., 410 Hill, C., 598, 2584, 2674, 2676, 2761, 2762 Hirsch, A., 5, 1577, 1622 Hill, D., 2752 Hirsch, G. M., 3387, 3388 Hill, D. C., 303, 391, 393, 395 Hisamatsu, S., 1822 Hill, D. J., 1811 Hiskey, J. B., 1288, 2762 Hill, F. B., 854 Hitachi Metals Ltd., 188 Hill, F. C., 257, 281, 282, 288 Hitchcock, P. B., 116, 117, 1776, 1964, 2240, Hill, H., 719 2473, 2479, 2480, 2484, 2491, 2803, Hill, H. H., 35, 68, 191, 193, 960, 962, 1302, 2816, 2830, 2844, 2863, 2875, 2886, 1330, 1403, 1411, 1459, 1527, 1593, 2887, 2912 2332, 2350 Hitt, J., 2479 Hill, J., 200, 204, 527, 737, 2418 Hitterman, R. L., 102, 106, 320, 2429 Hill, J. P., 2288 Hitti, B., 2351 Hill, M. W., 164, 180, 182 Hiyama, T., 2969 Hill, N. A., 67, 303 Hjelm, A., 2364 Hill, N. J., 711, 761, 2757 Hlousek, J., 264, 281 Author Index I-197 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Ho, C. H., 3167 Hoff, R. W., 1398, 1623 Ho, C. I., 322 Hoffert, F., 1273 Ho, C. Y., 1593 Hoffert, M. I., 2728 Ho, C.-K., 188 Hoffman, D., 1114, 1148, 1155, 1160, Hoard, J. L., 530, 560, 2421 1163, 3043 Hobart, D., 1324, 1325, 1326, 1328, 1329, Hoffman, D. C., 182, 185, 186, 227, 815, 821, 1341, 1356, 1365, 1366, 1369 824, 988, 1114, 1168, 1182, 1398, 1400, Hobart, D. E., 745, 749, 757, 988, 1110, 1116, 1445, 1447, 1512, 1582, 1629, 1632, 1123, 1125, 1131, 1132, 1145, 1148, 1635, 1642, 1643, 1645, 1646, 1647, 1151, 1152, 1155, 1159, 1162, 1163, 1652, 1653, 1660, 1661, 1662, 1663, 1164, 1165, 1166, 1444, 1445, 1455, 1664, 1665, 1666, 1670, 1671, 1679, 1465, 1470, 1471, 1474, 1479, 1481, 1684, 1685, 1690, 1693, 1694, 1695, 1547, 1558, 1559, 1636, 1805, 1925, 1696, 1697, 1698, 1699, 1701, 1702, 1926, 1927, 2129, 2131, 2531, 2553, 1703, 1704, 1705, 1706, 1708, 1709, 2558, 2583, 2592, 2594, 3036, 3111, 1711, 1712, 1713, 1714, 1716, 1717, 3122, 3130, 3165, 3169 1718, 1728, 1735, 1737, 1738, 1760, Hobbs, D. T., 1401 1804, 2575, 2583, 2591, 2669, 3016, Hoberg, J. O., 2924, 2933 3022, 3276, 3419 Hoch, M., 392, 396 Hoffman, G., 200, 747, 749 Hochanadel, C. J., 3221 Hoffman, J. J., 1008 Hocheid, B., 892, 905, 906, 907 Hoffman, P., 740 Hochheimer, H. D., 97 Hoffman, S., 6, 7, 164 Hocks, L., 116, 2815 Hoffmann, A., 77 Hodge, H. C., 3340, 3354, 3355, 3386, 3413, Hoffmann, C. G., 97 3421, 3423 Hoffmann, G., 1034, 1172, 2164, 2407, 2427, Hodge, H. J., 2159, 2161 2430, 2431 Hodge, M., 421 Hoffmann, P., 788 Hodge, N., 370, 1077 Hoffmann, R., 113, 378, 1917, 1954, 1957, Hodges, A. E., 2188 1958, 2400, 2841 Hodges, A. E., III, 990, 991, 992, 994, 995, Hoffmann, R.-D., 69, 70, 72, 73 1028, 1035, 2404, 3204, 3205, 3206, Hofmann, P., 1957, 1958, 2841 3207, 3208, 3210, 3212, 3213, 3215, Hofmann, S., 1582, 1653, 1654, 1660, 1701, 3216, 3219 1713, 1717, 1719, 1720, 1735, Hodgeson, T., 639 1737, 1738 Hodgson, A., 1179, 2591, 3354, 3413, 3415, Ho¨gfeldt, E., 129, 597 3416, 3419, 3420, 3421 Hohenberg, P., 1903, 2327 Hodgson, B., 854 Hohorst, F. A., 32 Hodgson, K. O., 116, 1188, 1943, 1944, 2473, Hoisington, D., 457, 486 2486, 2488, 2816, 2852, 2853 Hojo, T., 631 Hoehner, M., 605, 2464 Ho¨k-Bernstro¨m, B., 2592 Hoehner, M. C., 2464 Holah, D. G., 115, 202, 204, 436, 453, 738, Hoekstra, H., 341, 342, 346, 350, 356, 357, 1084, 1095, 1097, 1312, 2416 358, 372, 375, 378, 380, 393, 1312, Holah, D. H., 204 1313, 3171 Holbrey, J. D., 2686, 2691 Hoekstra, H. R., 340, 342, 343, 345, 346, 348, Holc, J., 597 350, 355, 356, 357, 358, 371, 372, 373, Holcomb, H. P., 1416, 1430 374, 376, 378, 380, 382, 383, 384, 385, Holden, A. N., 321 386, 387, 388, 389, 392, 719, 1057, Holden, N. E., 27, 164, 255, 256, 1398 1060, 1061, 1466, 1517, 2156, 2157, Holden, R. B., 61, 319 2392, 2393, 2394, 3214 Holden, T., 2360 Hoektra, P., 3065 Holden, T. M., 1055 Hoel, P., 1285, 2657, 2756 Ho¨lgye, Z., 1324 Hoelgye, Z., 716 Holland, M. K., 791 Hoff, H. A., 1022 Holland, R. F., 485, 518 Hoff, J., 3313 Hollander, F. J., 2847, 2986 Hoff, J. A., 231, 3314 Hollander, J. M., 164, 1452 Hoff, P., 3282 Holland-Moritz, E., 2238, 2279, 2354 Hoff, R., 1660 Holleck, H., 1009, 1019 I-198 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Holley, C. E., 744, 1004, 1008, 1028, 2114, Horyn, R., 2409 2195, 2196, 2197, 2198, 2199, 2200 Hoshi, H., 845, 2759, 2760, 2762 Holley, C. E., Jr., 744, 1004, 1028, 1029, 1030, Hoshi, M., 109, 395, 1163, 1312, 1321, 1045, 1048, 1463 1431 Holliger, P., 271, 824, 3172 Hoshino, K., 855, 856 Holloway, J. H., 186, 197, 199, 379, 421, 441, Hoshino, Y., 338 457, 484, 485, 487, 507, 518, 520, 521, Hoskins, P. W. O., 287 536, 539, 543, 557, 563, 566, 731, Hosseini, M. W., 2457 732, 734 Host, V., 2655 Holm, E., 704, 783, 3014, 3017, 3026, 3029, Hotchkiss, P. J., 2432 3056, 3057, 3296 Hotoku, S., 711, 712, 760, 2757 Holm, L. W., 1636 Hough, A., 982, 1058 Holmberg, R. W., 120, 121, 2548, 2549 Houk, R. S., 3324 Holmes, J. A., 319 Houk, Z., 2669 Holmes, N. R., 350 Houpert, P., 3423 Holmes, R. G. G., 856, 2684 Hovey, J. K., 119, 2132, 2133 Holt, K., 3409 Howard, B., 3355, 3366 Holt, M., 965, 967 Howard, C. J., 502, 503 Holthausen, M. C., 1903 Howard, G., 2676 Holtkamp, H., 101 Howard, W. M., 1884 Holtz, M. D., 1452 Howatson, J., 2439, 2440, 2568 Holtzman, R. B., 226 Howell, R. H., 986 Holzapfel, W. B., 2315, 2370 Howells, G., 3353, 3403, 3405 Homma, S., 857 Howells, G. R., 2731, 3403 Honan, G. J., 620 Howes, K. R., 595, 619, 620 Honeyman, B. D., 3016 Howie, R. A., 3169 Hong, G., 1671, 1907, 1959, 1960 Howland, J. J., Jr., 2264 Hong, H., 965, 967 Howlett, B., 398 Hong, S., 2984 Hoyau, S., 1921, 1922 Hongye, L., 1267 Hoyle, F., 3014 Ho¨nigschmid, O., 61 Hrashman, D. R., 2234 Honkimaki, V., 3042, 3043 Hristidu, Y., 630, 2814 Hooper, E. W., 1093 Hromyk, E., 3349, 3398, 3399 Hoover, M. D., 3354 Hrynkiewicz, A., 13 Hopkins, H. H., Jr., 164, 1093 Hrynkiewicz, A. Z., 1660 Hopkins, T. A., 2687 Hseu, C. S., 2801, 2851 Hopkins, T. E., 423 Hsi, C. K. D., 3166, 3167 Hoppe, R., 77, 450, 729, 1061, 1064 Hsini, S., 468 Hoppe, W., 2464 Hsu, F., 2360 Hor, P. H., 77 Hsu, M., 1695 Horen, D. J., 25 Hu, A., 1906 Horn, I., 3047 Hu, J., 116, 2473, 2479, 2480, 2484, 2816, Horner, D. E., 1049 2830, 2844, 2875, 2912 Horovitz, M. W., 3359, 3361, 3368, 3373, Hu, T., 2665 3387, 3388, 3400 Hu, T. D., 1363 Horrocks, W. D., Jr., 1327 Huang, C. Y., 2315 Horsley, J. A., 1916 Huang, J., 1368, 1454, 1544, 2042, 2044, 2047, Horwitz, E., 1278, 1279, 1280, 1281, 1283, 2053, 2062, 2068, 2072, 2073, 2075, 1284, 1292, 1293, 1294 2089, 2153, 2157, 2265 Horwitz, E. P., 633, 707, 713, 716, 1152, 1408, Huang, J. W., 2668 1431, 1449, 1508, 1509, 1511, 1513, Huang, K., 1452, 2068, 2089 1585, 1629, 1633, 1635, 2626, 2642, Huang, K.-N., 1515 2643, 2652, 2653, 2655, 2656, 2660, Huary, P. G., 2070 2661, 2666, 2667, 2671, 2727, 2738, Hubbard, R. P., 1845, 1846 2739, 2740, 2741, 2742, 2746, 2747, Hubbard, W. N., 80, 81, 421, 436, 437, 470, 2748, 2750, 2760, 2768, 3282, 3283, 471, 473, 475, 476, 486, 502, 504, 505, 3284, 3285, 3286, 3295 510, 511, 539, 541, 546, 553, 1086, Horwitz, P., 1281, 1282 1098, 1101, 2114, 2128, 2157, 2160, Author Index I-199 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

2161, 2163, 2165, 2167, 2168, 2169, Hulet, E. K., 6, 1288, 1291, 1297, 1398, 1423, 2172, 2181, 2182, 2186 1453, 1473, 1474, 1475, 1476, 1509, Hu¨bener, S., 1447, 1451, 1523, 1524, 1592, 1513, 1516, 1530, 1533, 1543, 1584, 1593, 1628, 1634, 1643, 1662, 1679, 1585, 1586, 1605, 1623, 1629, 1631, 1684, 1693, 1706, 1707, 1708, 1709, 1633, 1635, 1636, 1639, 1641, 1647, 1711, 1712, 1716, 1720, 2123 1692, 1695, 1696, 1707, 1719, 1848, Huber, E. J., Jr., 1028, 1029, 1030, 1045, 1048 1849, 1850, 1858, 2416, 2525, 2526, Huber, G., 33, 60, 859, 1452, 1513, 1588, 1590, 2529, 2636, 2670, 3346, 3347 1840, 1875, 1876, 1877, 3047, 3321 Hull, G., 319 Huber, J. G., 62, 63, 333 Hulliger, F., 100, 412, 2359, 2407, 2411 Huberman, B. A., 3240 Hult, E. A., 1666, 1695, 1702, 1717, 1735 Hubert, H., 1285, 2756, 2761 Hult, E. K., 2077 Hubert, S., 81, 120, 126, 422, 430, 431, 450, Hultgren, A., 2732 451, 469, 482, 492, 1352, 1368, 1369, Hultgren, R., 2115 1428, 1476, 1477, 1551, 1554, 1606, Hults, W. L., 929 1629, 2042, 2054, 2059, 2060, 2062, Hulubel, H., 227 2063, 2064, 2065, 2066, 2067, 2074, Hummel, P., 577 2096, 2230, 2248, 2249, 2259, 2263, Hummel, W., 590 2265, 3037, 3054, 3101, 3110, 3111, Hund, F., 395 3113, 3114, 3115, 3116, 3117, 3118 Hung, C. C., 3024 Hubin, R., 109, 113 Hung, S.-T., 472 Huchton, K. M., 851 Hungate, F. P., 3341 Huddle, R. A. U., 3244 Hu¨niger, M., 97 Hudgens, C. R., 487, 903 Hunt, B. A., 2767 Hudson, E. A., 287, 289, 301, 602, 861, 1166, Hunt, D. C., 988 2583, 2812, 3087, 3089, 3090, 3101, Hunt, E. B., 67, 71, 2408 3108, 3113, 3118, 3130, 3131, 3140, Hunt, F., 2679 3141, 3145, 3146, 3148, 3150, 3152, Hunt, L. D., 1639, 1644, 1659 3154, 3155, 3156, 3158, 3160, Hunt, P. D., 352, 365, 367 3167, 3170 Hunt, R. D., 1971, 1972, 1976, 1977, 1978, Hudson, M. I., 1285 1983, 1988, 1989, 2894 Hudson, M. J., 1262, 1270, 1285, 1287, Huntelaar, M. E., 2154, 2185, 2186, 2187 2584, 2657, 2659, 2674, 2675, 2756, Hunter, D. B., 270, 274, 861, 3039, 3095, 3165, 2761 3168, 3172, 3174, 3175, 3176, 3177, Hudswell, F., 1186 3179, 3181 Huebener, S., 1628, 1634 Hunter, W. E., 2480, 2812, 2829, 2924 Huet, N., 2674 Huntley, D. J., 225 Huff, E. A., 3059, 3060 Huntoon, R. T., 1427 Huffman, A. A., 487 Huntzicker, J. J., 353, 357, 359 Huffman, A. C., 3065 Huray, P. G., 1411, 1418, 1421, 1423, 1460, Huffman, J. C., 1185, 2490, 2814, 2832, 2867, 1472, 1525, 1542, 1543, 1602, 1603, 2868, 2879, 2916 2238, 2264, 2267, 2268, 2269, 2270, Hu¨fken, T., 70 2271, 2272, 2356 Hufnagl, J., 2351 Hure´, J., 2712 Hu¨fner, S., 2015, 2036, 2043, 2044, 2045 Hurley, F. H., 2685 Hugen, Z., 1278, 2653 Hursh, J. B., 3340, 3366, 3383, 3424 Hughes, A. E., 39 Hurst, G. S., 3319 Hughes, C. R., 3165, 3167 Hurst, H. J., 1107 Hughes, D. G., 892, 909, 912 Hurst, R., 1078, 1079, 1080, 1086 Hughes, K.-A., 259, 262, 281, 288, 290, 2429 Hursthouse, A. S., 3056, 3059, 3072, 3106 Hughes, T. G., 2731 Hursthouse, A. S. A., 705, 706, 783 Hughes-Kubatko, K.-A., 270, 287, 2193 Hursthouse, M., 1943, 1956, 2473, 2803, 2806, Hugus, Z. Z., Jr., 1915 2807, 2854, 2856 Huheey, J. E., 2575 Hursthouse, M. B., 117, 2240 Huhmann, J. L., 2965 Hurtgen, C., 738, 1100, 1303, 1312, 1313, Huie, R. E., 371 2389, 2396 Huizenga, J. R., 5, 1577 Hussey, C. L., 2686 Huizengo, J. R., 1622 Hussonnois, H., 1629 I-200 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Hussonnois, M., 181, 211, 1352, 1425, 1428, Ihde, A. J., 19 1476, 1477, 1550, 1551, 1554, 1606, Iida, T., 962, 963 1629, 1688, 1690, 1700, 1718, 2067 Iizuka, M., 717, 2698 Hutchings, M. T., 357, 389, 2278, 2279, 2283, Ijdo, D., 2153, 2185, 2186, 2187 2284, 2285, 2389 Ikawa, M., 167 Hutchings, T. E., 1196, 1198, 2080, 2085, Ikeda, H., 713 2086, 2561 Ikeda, N., 789, 790, 3017, 3059, 3062, Hutchinson, J. M. R., 783 3068, 3072 Hutchison, C. A., 425, 509, 523, 2083 Ikeda, S., 627 Hutchison, C. A., Jr., 2241, 2243, 2245, 2272 Ikeda, T., 762, 766, 787 Hutchison, J. E., 2660 Ikeda, Y., 608, 609, 617, 618, 620, 852, 2633, Hutson, G. V., 2690 2681, 2738 Hutter, J. C., 1282, 2655, 2738, 2739, 2740 Ikezoe, H., 164 Hutton, R. C., 3062 Ikushima, K., 2280 Huxley, A., 407, 2236, 2239, 2352, 2359 Ildefonse, P., 272, 292, 3152, 3155, 3168 Huyghe, M., 103, 112 Ilger, J. D., 3024 Huys, D., 31, 32 Iliev, S., 14, 1653, 1654, 1707, 1719, 1736, Huzinaga, S., 1908 1738 Hwang, I.-C., 535 Iliff, J. E., 61, 78 Hwerk, J. H., 76, 113 Ilin, E. G., 82 Hyde, E. K., 25, 55, 107, 164, 167, 181, 182, Il’inskaya, T. A., 727 187, 224, 817, 822, 1095, 1101, 1267, Illemassene, M., 2042, 2062, 2096 1304, 1499, 1503, 1577, 1580, 1584, Illgner, Ch., 1880, 1882, 1884 1660, 1703, 1756, 1761, 3281 Illies, A. J., 412 Hyde, K. R., 1011 Il’menkova, L. I., 214 Hyder, M. L., 1480, 1481, 1484, 1549 Ilmsta¨dter, V., 3034, 3035 Hyeon, J.-Y., 575, 2469 Ilyatov, K. V., 793 Hyland, G. J., 357, 359, 1077, 2140 Ilyin, L. A., 1821 Hyman, H. H., 317, 506, 508, 2632 Ilyushch, V. I., 1582 Hynes, R., 2979 Imai, H., 621 Immirzi, A., 2443, 2446, 2447, 2449, 2452 Imoto, S., 382, 389, 509, 524, 1019, 2244, IAEA, 303, 314, 345, 367, 398, 822, 1025, 2245, 2252 1031, 1045, 1047, 1048, 1071, 2114, Imre, L., 106 2115, 2123, 2145, 2195, 2197, 2200, Inaba, H., 347, 353, 354, 356 3199, 3201, 3202, 3246, 3260 Inada, Y., 412 Iandelli, A., 411, 2411 Infante, I., 1939, 1980 Ibberson, R. M., 340, 345, 348 Ingamells, C. O., 632 Ibers, J. A., 97, 420 Inghram, M. G., 1577 Ibrahim, S. A., 133 Ingletto, G., 546, 547, 553, 554 Ice, G. E., 2234 Ingold, F., 1033 Ichikawa, M., 1019 Ingri, J., 3288 Ichikawa, S., 1445, 1450, 1484, 1696, Inn, K. G. W., 783, 1364, 3020 1718, 1735 Inokuti, M., 2102 Ichikawa, Y., 1266, 1267 Inoue, T., 717, 864, 1270, 2134, 2135, 2147, ICRP, 1822, 1823, 3340, 3344, 3352, 3355, 2693, 2695, 2696, 2697, 2698, 2699, 3358, 3404, 3405, 3424 2700, 2715, 2716, 2717, 2719, 2721, Iddings, G. M., 164 2723, 2724 Idira, M., 2371 Inoue, Y., 180, 209, 217, 224, 706, 776, 777, Idiri, M., 97, 192, 1754, 1787, 1789, 2370 778, 781, 782, 2559, 2578, 2585, Ifill, R. O., 280 2726, 3287 Igarashi, S., 789, 790, 3059, 3062, 3068, 3072 Inova, G. V., 1524 Igarashi, Y., 789, 790, 3059, 3062, 3068, 3072 Insley, H., 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 424, 459, 460, Iglesias, A., 3162 461, 462, 463, 464, 465 Igo, D. H., 3108 International Critical Tables, 119 Iguchi, T., 338 Ioannou, A. G., 596, 1907, 1921, 1922, 1923, Ihara, E., 2924 2528, 3102, 3113, 3123 Ihara, N., 2568 Ionov, S., 2676 Author Index I-201 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Ionova, G., 117, 213, 221, 1417, 1418, 2126, Ivanov, V. M., 3035 2676, 3101, 3110, 3111, 3113, 3114, Ivanov, Y. E., 1049 3115, 3116, 3117, 3118 Ivanova, L. A., 179, 185, 198, 199, 200, Ionova, G. V., 719, 720, 792, 1300, 1430, 1463, 230, 1471 1516, 1549, 1612, 1683, 1685, 1686, Ivanova, O. M., 82, 105, 108, 114, 2439, 2444 1706, 1716, 1933 Ivanova, S. A., 705, 709, 788 Iorga, E. V., 3111, 3122 Ivanovich, M., 635, 3016, 3291, 3293, Iosilevsji, I. L., 2139, 2148 3294, 3300 Ioussov, A., 1427 Ivanovich, N. A., 1352 Ippolitova, E. A., 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, Ivanovskii, L., 2695 383, 384, 385, 393 Iveson, P. B., 1262, 1270, 1285, 2584, 2657, Irani, R. R., 2652 2659, 2674, 2761 Irgum, K., 851 Iwai, T., 717, 2695, 2698, 2715, 2716, 2724 Iridi, M., 923, 1522, 1578, 1594, 1789, 2370 Iwasa, N., 1654, 1719 Irish, D. E., 580, 582, 2430 Iwasaki, M., 460, 461, 462, 463, 467, 533, 534, Irmler, M., 1465, 1471 1696, 1718, 1735 Irvine, W. M., 1981 Iwasawa, Y., 2999 Isaacs, E. D., 2234 Iwasieczko, W., 338, 339 Iseki, M., 993, 994, 1018 Iwatschenko-Borho, M., 3022 Ishida, K. J., 225 Iyer, P. N., 195, 1169, 2434 Ishida, V., 188 Iyer, R. H., 708, 712, 713, 1282, 1294, 2743, Ishida, Y. E., 173 2745, 2749, 2750, 2757, 2759 Ishigame, M., 343 Iyer, V. S., 1033 Ishii, T., 345, 347, 355, 369 Izatt, R. M., 2449 Ishii, Y., 338, 2411 Izmalkov, A. N., 1422 Ishikawa, N., 533, 534 Ishikawa, S., 1898, 1905, 1981 Ishikawa, Y., 1643, 1659, 1669, 1670, 1672, J. B. Darby, J., 900, 901 1673, 1675, 1723, 1724, 1726, 1729, Jaakkola, T., 3066 1730, 1731 Jablonski, A., 377 Ishimori, T., 1509, 1554, 1584, 2672 Jabot, P., 2712, 2713 Ismail, N., 1918, 1919, 1921, 1931, 1972, Jackson, E. F., 1069 1973, 1974 Jackson, J. M., 260, 281, 292 Isnard, O., 65, 66, 69, 71, 72 Jackson, K. A., 1904 Iso, S., 856, 2680, 2681, 2682, 2683, 2684 Jackson, N., 164, 173, 180, 224 Isobe, H., 273, 3046, 3171 Jackson, R. A., 367, 368 Isom, G. M., 864, 989 Jackson, S. E., 3323 Issa, Y. M., 3035 Jacob, C. W., 2385 Itagaki, H., 769, 2553, 3022 Jacob, E., 421, 423, 424, 425, 441, 446, 447, Itaki, T., 352 457, 458, 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465, Itie´, J. P., 1411, 1458, 1459, 1462, 2407 466, 467, 469, 481, 484, 485, 486, 487, Itı´e´, J. P., 1300 489, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, Itkis, M. G., 14, 1654, 1719, 1720, 1735, 517, 518, 520, 528, 530, 533, 534, 535, 1736, 1738 536, 537, 538, 556, 557, 560, 561, 562, Itkis, M. G. K., 1654, 1736 563, 566 Ito, T., 631 Jacob, I., 66, 338 Ito, Y., 2211, 2691 Jacob, T., 1670, 1671, 1672, 1673, 1674, Itoh, A., 1018, 1421, 2723, 2724, 2725 1675, 1683 Ivanenko, Z. I., 2037, 2051, 2052 Jacobi, E., 187 Ivanov, K. E., 3051 Jacoboni, C., 92 Ivanov, O. I., 1484 Jacobs, H., 410, 2633 Ivanov, O. V., 14, 1654, 1719 Jacobs, T. H., 69, 71, 72 Ivanov, R. B., 26 Jacobson, A. J., 2153 Ivanov, S. B., 539, 541, 542 Jacobson, E. L., 69, 72, 78, 2407 Ivanov, V. B., 2693, 2704 Jacobson, L. O., 3356, 3378, 3395, 3423, Ivanov, V. E., 364 3424 Ivanov, V. K., 357, 1048, 1071, 1074, 1075, Jacobson, R. A., 78, 83, 84, 2415 1076, 1077 Jacoby, R., 108 I-202 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Jacox, M. E., 1968, 1972 Jayadevan, N. C., 1004, 1005, 1007, 1058, Jacquemin, J., 982 1059, 1060, 1065, 1170, 2407, 2434, Jadhav, A. V., 1174 2441, 2442, 2445, 2446 Jaffe, L., 2114 Jayadevan, N. G., 371 Jaffe´, R., 2679, 2682, 2684 Jayasooriya, U. A., 545 Ja¨ger, E., 1643, 1662, 1664, 1685, 1687, 1698, Jean, F. M., 2680, 2682, 2683, 2684 1699, 1700, 1709, 1710, 1713, 1714, Jeandey, C., 719, 720 1716, 1718 Jeannin, Y., 2441, 2446 Jahn, W., 1190 Jeannin, Y. P., 13, 1660 Jain, A. K., 2728 Jee, W. S., 1507, 3349, 3350, 3398, 3399, 3402, Jain, G. C., 3236 3403, 3405 Jain, H. C., 1174 Jee, W. S. S., 3340, 3343, 3349, 3350, 3353, Jainxin, T., 2591 3396, 3398, 3399, 3401, 3402, 3403, Jaiswal, D. D., 3056, 3057 3404, 3405, 3407, 3424 Jakes, D., 272, 372, 373, 374, 375, 2156 Jefferies, N. L., 3050, 3057 Jakovac, Z., 209 Jefferies, T. E., 3047 Jakubowski, N., 638, 3325 Jeffery, A. J., 1022, 2115, 2205 Jalilehvand, F., 118, 586, 1991, 2531, 2576, Jeffiries, C. D., 2065 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, 3105, 3106, Jeffrey, A. J., 2315 3126, 3127, 3128 Jeffries, C. D., 203, 2241 Jamerson, J. D., 2819, 2826, 2836 Jeitschko, W., 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 100, James, A. C., 1823 399, 405, 2407, 2431 James, R. A., 1265, 1397, 1418 Jelenic, I., 2439, 2444 James, R. W., 2234 Jellinek, F., 415, 416, 417, 419 James, W. J., 61 Jelly, J. V., 53 Jammet, G., 3061 Jemine, X., 737, 2418, 2822, 2912 Jamorski, C., 1910 Jena, S., 1447 Jampolskii, V. I., 1681 Jenkins, H. D. B., 1468 Jan, S., 3060 Jenkins, I. L., 178, 181, 1093, 1174, 1175, Janakova, L., 1507 1290, 2625 Janczak, J., 449, 450, 2464 Jenkins, J., 2147, 2208 Janecky, D. R., 3133 Jenkins, J. A., 864, 2723 Janeczek, J., 259, 271, 274, 275 Jenne, E. A., 3165 Jangida, B. L., 58 Jensen, A. S., 1883 Janiak, C., 1957 Jensen, F., 1903 Janik, R., 6, 14, 1653, 1713, 1737 Jensen, J. H., 1908 Jankunaite, D., 3016 Jensen, K. A., 271 Jannasch, P., 76 Jensen, M. P., 607, 612, 763, 766, 840, 1352, Jansen, G., 1906 1354, 1955, 2524, 2558, 2562, 2563, Jansen, G. J., 2704 2570, 2572, 2583, 2584, 2585, 2586, Jansen, S. A., 3140, 3150 2589, 2590, 2641, 2649, 2665, 2675, Janssens, M.-J., 636, 3306 2691, 2727, 3035, 3138, 3149, 3178 Jarabek, R. J., 3409 Jensen, W. B., 1897 Jarboe, D. M., 3250, 3253, 3259 Jeong, J. H., 2473, 2475, 2826 Jardine, C. N., 117, 2863 Jeppesen, C., 630 Jardine, L. J., 988 Jerden, J. L., 297 Jarrell, M. A., 2343, 2344, 2345 Jere, G. V., 77 Jarry, R. L., 563 Jerome, S. M., 3302 Jarvinen, G. D., 849, 863, 913, 1287, 1407, Jeske, C., 2918 1408, 2633, 2634, 2676, 2677, 2749, Jeske, G., 2924 2761, 3163 Jessop, B. H., 1432 Jarvis, K. E., 3324 Jetha, A., xvi Jarvis, N. V., 2571, 2577, 2590 Jette, E. R., 2386 Jarzynski, C., 1653 Jeung, N., 3341, 3343, 3344, 3353, 3358, 3390, Jaulmes, S., 103, 109, 110, 112, 2432 3391, 3396, 3403, 3405, 3406, 3413, Jaussaud, C., 211 3414, 3415, 3416, 3417, 3418, 3419, Javorsky, C. A., 99, 100 3420, 3421 Javorsky, P., 968, 2353 Jevet, J. C., 2413 Author Index I-203 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Jezowska-Trzebiatowska, B., 2532, 2533 Johnson, G. D., 2760 Jha, M. C., 78, 80, 82 Johnson, G. K., 357, 358, 2159, 2165, 2193, Jha, S. K., 782, 786 2722, 2723 Ji, M., 2681 Johnson, G. L., 77 Ji, Y. Q., 715 Johnson, I., 903, 2151, 2711, 2714, 2715 Jia, G., 3280 Johnson, J. D., 3150 Jia, J., 2938, 2998, 2999 Johnson, J. S., 123, 770 Jia, L., 2845, 2846 Johnson, K. A., 901, 906, 907, 908, 911, Jianchen, W., 2753 912, 915, 936, 958, 959, 1009, 1011, Jiang, D. L., 3102, 3143, 3145 1012, 1014, 1028, 1302, 2407, 3253, Jiang, F. S., 133 3254 Jiang, H., 2684 Johnson, K. D. B., 393 Jiang, J., 589, 2441, 2568, 3142, 3143 Johnson, K. H., 1916 Jiang, P. I., 2738 Johnson, K. R., 109 Jiao, R., 785, 1274, 1287, 1288, 1352, 1407, Johnson, K. W., 957 1412, 2562, 2665, 2676, 2752, Johnson, K. W. R., 837, 915, 1077, 1093, 1095, 2753, 2762 1100, 1104, 2709, 2713 Jie, L., 2452, 2456 Johnson, L. A., 3413 Jie, S., 2912 Johnson, M. A., 1873 Jimin, Q., 1267 Johnson, O., 75, 107, 329, 332, 336, 421, Jin, J., 1973 509, 3246 Jin, J. N., 108 Johnson, Q., 80, 201, 329, 1299, 1300, 2419, Jin, K. U., 1692, 1693 2420, 2424 Jin, L., 2532 Johnson, Q. C., 914, 1126 Jin, X., 786 Johnson, S. A., 859, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1877 Jin, Z., 108 Johnson, S. G., 1874, 1875, 1877, 3047, 3060 Jingxin, H., 1141 Johnson, T. A., 2717 Jing-Zhi, Z., 2453 Johnson, T. R., 2712, 2714, 2715, 2719, 2720, Jin-Ming, S., 2453 2722, 2723 Joannon, S., 3326 Johnston, A., 3014 Joao, A., 130, 131 Johnston, D. A., 2226 Jochem, O., 398 Johnston, D. C., 67, 71, 96 Jocher, W. G., 395, 396 Johnston, D. R., 471, 476, 482, 496, 2066 Joel, J., 955 Johnston, M. A., 2473 Joergensen, C. K., 1104, 3171 Johnston, M. E., 3387 Johanson, L. I., 1521 Johnstone, J. K., 1292 Johanson, W. R., 412 Jolie, J., 3042, 3043 Johansson, B., 63, 191, 928, 1044, 1297, 1299, Jollivet, P., 277 1300, 1301, 1459, 1460, 1515, 1517, Jolly, L., 933 1527, 1626, 1634, 1639, 2276, 2330, Jonah, C., 1129, 2760 2353, 2354, 2355, 2359, 2364, 2370, Jonah, C. D., 2760, 3178 2371, 2464 Jones, A. D., 1407, 1408, 1549, 2582 Johansson, G., 102, 106, 118, 123, 595, 2531, Jones, C., 588, 595, 1927, 1928, 2583, 3132 2549, 3101, 3103, 3105, 3106 Jones, C. W., 3343, 3396, 3405, 3414, 3415, Johansson, H., 2757 3416, 3420 Johansson, L., 2564, 3056, 3057 Jones, D. A., 2561 Johansson, M., 1666, 1695, 1702, 1717, 1735 Jones, D. G., 3028 John, K. D., 1958, 2479, 2480 Jones, D. W., 67, 71 John, W., 859 Jones, E. R., 749, 2695 Johner, H. U., 3042, 3043 Jones, E. R., Jr., 203, 425, 431, 435, 439, 469, Johns, I. B., 329, 332, 336, 989, 991, 1077, 3246 751, 1188, 1472, 1946, 2229, 2230, Johnson, B., 2150 2241, 2253, 2256, 2257, 2258, 2259, Johnson, C. E., 2151 2260, 2261, 2262, 2264, 2267, 2268, Johnson, D. A., 521, 615, 2539, 2542 2486, 2488, 2851, 2853 Johnson, E., 1524, 1670, 1672, 1673, 1674, Jones, E. S., 3414, 3415, 3416, 3420 1675, 1676, 1685, 1686, 1691, Jones, K. W., 3069 1692, 1874 Jones, L. H., 350, 380, 502, 519, 529, 530, Johnson, E. R., 1821 1114, 1180, 1312, 1325, 1326, 1361, I-204 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

1369, 1410, 1430, 1923, 1968, Jung, B., 162, 428, 429, 436, 440, 451 2165, 2601 Jung, P., 981, 983 Jones, L. L., 1322 Jung, W., 3397, 3399 Jones, L. V., 30, 32, 487, 962, 1033 Jung, W.-G., 2209 Jones, M. E., 1312 Jung, W.-S., 466, 489, 616 Jones, M. J., 3165, 3169 Junk, P. C., 2452 Jones, M. M., 1078, 1287, 2633, 2634, 2676 Junker, K., 1447 Jones, P. J., 94, 178, 179, 182, 183, 194, 195, Junkison, A. R., 1050, 1052 201, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 213, 215, Junsheng, G., 1267 216, 221, 222, 498, 499, 2418, 2424, Jurado Vargas, M., 133 2425, 2434, 2435, 2695 Jurgensen, K. A., 1268 Jones, R. P., 2044, 2047, 2053, 2072, 2073 Jurriaanse, A., 1449 Jones, W. M., 356, 357, 2272 Jursich, G., 1368, 1454, 1455, 2014, 2016, Jonson, B., 1735 2020, 2031, 2037, 2041, 2047, 2054, Jonsson, M., 371 2056, 2068, 2071, 2072, 2073, 2075, Jordan, K. C., 20 2094, 2096 Jorga, E. V., 2533 Jursich, G. M., 1454 Jørgensen, C. K., 1674, 1733, 1894, 1916, Jusuf, S., 1918, 1919 1932, 2020, 2051, 2052, 2054, 2067, Juza, R., 89, 98, 466, 473, 476, 479, 489, 2080, 2085, 2089 497, 500 Jorgensen, J. D., 64, 66 Joron, J. L., 231, 3305, 3314 Joseph, R. A., 396 Kabachenko, A. P., 164, 1654, 1719, 1720, Joshi, A. R., 752, 3052 1735, 1738 Joshi, J. K., 1033, 1177, 1178 Kabachnik, M. I., 1283, 2738 Joshi-Tope, G. A., 3179 Kabanova, O. L., 1129, 1130 Jost, D., 182, 185, 1447, 1451, 1698, 1699, Kacher, C., 1653 1700, 1704, 1705, 1710, 1718, Kacher, C. D., 1445, 1664, 1684, 1693, 1694, 3030, 3031 1695, 1696, 1697, 1698, 1699, 1705, Jost, D. T., 1447, 1643, 1662, 1664, 1679, 1684, 1706, 1716 1685, 1693, 1694, 1698, 1699, 1705, Kachner, G. C., 972, 973 1706, 1707, 1708, 1709, 1711, 1712, Kackenmaster, H. P., 490 1713, 1714, 1716, 1721 Kaczorowski, D., 2352 Jostons, A., 3265 Kadam, R. M., 1175 Joubert, J. C., 113 Kading, H., 163, 172, 174, 178 Joubert, L., 1966, 2177 Kadish, K. M., 2464 Joubert, P., 537, 566, 567 Kadkhodan, B. D. M., 185 Jouniaux, B., 1077, 1079, 1080, 1101, 1529, Kadkhodayan, B., 182, 1445, 1447, 1653, 1602, 1611, 3312 1664, 1684, 1693, 1694, 1695, 1699, Jovanovic, B., 2393 1704, 1705, 1706, 1716 Jove`, J., 391, 459, 730, 735, 739, 740, 741, 742, Kadkhodayan, B. A., 1695, 1696, 1697, 745, 746, 792, 1105, 1106, 1107, 1312, 1698, 1699 1316, 1317, 1359, 2413, 2426, Kadoya, H., 407 2427, 2443 Kadyrzhanov, K. K., 3027, 3033, 3061 Jowsey, J., 3404, 3407, 3410 Kaffnell, N., 164 Joyce, J. J., 921, 964, 1056, 2307, 2343, 2344, Kaffrell, N., 1665 2345, 2347 Kahn, A., 103, 110, 113 Joyce, S. A., 1035, 3220 Kahn, L. R., 1908 Ju, Y. H., 2691 Kahn, M., 38, 1104, 1108 Judd, B. R., 190, 1847, 1862, 1863, 2015, 2016, Kahn, O., 2256 2020, 2023, 2024, 2026, 2027, 2029, Kahn, R., 2250 2030, 2035, 2036, 2050, 2054, 2055, Kahn, S., 180 2056, 2075, 2090, 2228, 2241, 2265 Kahn-Harari, A., 113 Judge, A. I., 379 Kai, Y., 2924 Judson, B. F., 863 Kaifu, N., 1981 Juenke, E. F., 387, 393, 395 Kailas, S., 1447 Julian, S. R., 407, 2239, 2359 Kaindl, G., 2237, 2359 Jullien, R., 1461 Kaji, D., 1450 Author Index I-205 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Kalashnikov, N. A., 3221 2017, 2238, 2240, 2241, 2244, 2245, Kalashnikov, V. M., 1145 2249, 2250, 2251, 2253, 2254, 2255, Kalbusch, J., 2381 2257, 2258, 2260, 2261, 2264, 2267, Kaldor, U., 33, 1643, 1659, 1669, 1670, 1672, 2268, 2315, 2441, 2469, 2470, 2471, 1673, 1675, 1682, 1723, 1724, 1726, 2472, 2474, 2475, 2476, 2477, 2478, 1729, 1730, 1731 2479, 2484, 2486, 2488, 2489, 2551, Kaledin, L. A., 1973 2553, 2575, 2801, 2803, 2808, 2809, Kalevich, E. S., 1422 2814, 2815, 2816, 2817, 2819, 2826, Kalibabchuk, V. A., 84 2827, 2829, 2851, 2852, 2882, Kalina, D. G., 117, 1278, 1280, 1281, 1431, 2885, 3037 2240, 2470, 2653, 2655, 2656, 2666, Kanetsova, G. N., 424 2667, 2671, 2738, 2739, 2768, 2801 Kani, Y., 855, 856 Kalinichenko, B. S., 1512, 3221 Kanishcheva, A. S., 2441, 2452 Kalinina, S. V., 1302 Kannan, R., 2668, 2669 Kalkowski, G., 2359 Kannan, S., 2452, 2453, 2455 Kalpana, G., 63, 100 Kanno, M., 473 Kalsi, P. K., 791, 3052, 3053 Kansalaya, B., 63 Kaltsoyannis, N., 203, 204, 289, 577, 578, 602, Kansi, K., 1272, 1273 1166, 1198, 1200, 1893, 1896, 1898, Kant, A., 336, 841, 3246 1901, 1939, 1943, 1947, 1948, 1949, Kao, C. C., 2288 1951, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1958, 1962, Kapashukov, I. I., 1317 1963, 1964, 1967, 2561, 2583, 2888, Kaplan, D. I., 3288 3130, 3131, 3152, 3154, 3155, Kaplan, G. E., 61, 85, 90 3160, 3167 Kaplan, L., 63, 70, 1279, 1280, 1281, 1431, Kalvius, G. M., 192, 719, 720, 792, 861, 862, 2653, 2655, 2656, 2666, 2667, 2671, 1297, 1317, 1319, 2283, 2284, 2738, 2739, 2768 2292, 2361 Kapon, M., 2830, 2834, 2835, 2918, 2923, Kamachev, V. A., 856 2935, 2944, 2950, 2965, 2969, Kamagashira, N., 343 2971, 2984 Kamara´d, J., 334, 335 Kapoor, S. C., 1282, 2745 Kamaratseva, N. I., 355 Kappel, M. J., 1815, 3416, 3420 Kamashida, M., 1272 Kappel, M. S., 3414, 3415, 3416, 3420 Kamat, R. V., 1033 Kappelmann, F. A., 1275, 1286, 2651 Kameda, O., 343 Kappler, J. P., 2236 Kamegashira, N., 364, 2405 Kapshuhof, I. I., 1931 Kamenskaya, A. M., 1636 Kapshukov, I. I., 108, 545, 546, 724, 726, 735, Kamenskaya, A. N., 28, 38, 61, 188, 220, 221, 739, 747, 749, 1164, 1312, 1315, 1319, 443, 1547, 1548, 1606, 1607, 1608, 1466, 2129, 2131, 2427, 2442, 1624, 1629, 1636, 2525, 2526 2527, 2595 Kaminski, M., 1295 Kapulnik, Y., 2668 Kaminski, M. D., 2751, 2752 Karabasch, A. G., 63, 80 Kamiyama, T., 407 Karabulut, M., 277 Kampf, J. W., 2591 Karalova, Z. I., 709 Kampmann, G., 3397, 3399, 3400 Karalova, Z. K., 29, 30, 42, 185, 709, 1283, Kan, M., 2457 1408, 1448, 1509, 1512, 1554, Kanamaru, M., 389 1585, 2668 Kanamori, H., 1981 Karandashev, V. K., 2657 Kanatzidis, M. G., 97 Karaoglou, A., 3424 Kandan, R., 1076 Karasev, V. I., 1505, 1829 Kandil, A. T., 184, 3035 Karasev, V. T., 787 Kanehisa, N., 2924 Karaseva, V. A., 1352 Kaneko, H., 1292 Karbowiak, M., 421, 422, 425, 426, 427, 428, Kaneko, T., 1445, 1450, 1696, 1718, 1735 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 440, Kanellakopoulos, B., 102, 108, 117, 208, 382, 442, 443, 444, 445, 447, 448, 449, 450, 421, 423, 445, 448, 727, 729, 730, 751, 451, 453, 482, 483, 2042, 2062, 2064, 763, 766, 767, 769, 792, 1093, 1168, 2066, 2103, 2230, 2259, 2260 1190, 1304, 1318, 1319, 1322, 1323, Karchevski, A. I., 335 1324, 1363, 1403, 1411, 1421, 1423, Karelin, A. I., 791, 3052 I-206 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Karelin, E. A., 1412, 1413 Katz, J. J., xv, xvi, 1, 19, 162, 255, 317, 318, Karelin, Y. A., 1505, 1654, 1829 328, 339, 340, 342, 356, 370, 374, 378, Karelin, Ye. A., 14 383, 392, 421, 558, 622, 724, 815, 855, Karell, E. J., 2723 902, 903, 904, 907, 912, 913, 988, 1034, Karim, D. P., 3100, 3101, 3103, 3118 1077, 1086, 1092, 1094, 1095, 1100, Karkhana, M. D., 2195 1101, 1312, 1313, 1321, 1398, 1403, Karkhanavala, M. D., 355, 356, 369 1417, 1549, 1624, 1628, 1629, 1635, Karle, I., 1092, 1094, 1100, 1101, 2167 1660, 1753, 1754, 1901, 1928, 2114, Karlstro¨m, G., 596 2160, 2167, 2632, 3206, 3207, 3208, Karmanova, V. Yu., 787 3212, 3340, 3347, 3348, 3353, 3354 Karmazin, L., 598, 2452, 2584 Katz, S., 533 Karnland, O., 3152 Katzin, L. I., 53, 63, 70, 75, 98, 106, 107, 108, Karol, P. J., 1653 114, 161, 166, 172, 174, 175, 182, 187, Karow, H. U., 366 188, 255, 256, 988, 1915 Karpacheva, S. M., 1271, 1352 Kauffmann, O., 109 Karpova, V. M., 3352, 3424 Kaufman, A., 171, 335, 405 Karraker, D. G., 115, 203, 425, 431, 435, 439, Kaufman, L., 927, 928 469, 501, 750, 751, 752, 793, 1182, Kaufman, M. J., 2148 1188, 1189, 1323, 1324, 1363, 1472, Kaufman, V., 1843, 1845, 2038, 2080 1542, 1543, 1946, 2081, 2229, 2230, Kaul, A., 3424 2241, 2253, 2257, 2258, 2259, 2261, Kaul, F. A. R., 3003 2262, 2264, 2267, 2268, 2269, 2271, Kautsky, H., 3296 2292, 2486, 2488, 2595, 2695, 2801, Kavitov, P. N., 1398 2802, 2803, 2809, 2815, 2819, 2828, Kawada, K., 369, 1266, 1267 2843, 2851, 2853, 2855, 2856 Kawade, K., 1484 Karstens, H., 63 Kawai, T., 2134, 2135, 2700 Kartasheva, N. A., 108, 709 Kawamura, F., 762, 855, 856, 1272 Kasar, U. M., 104, 752, 3052 Kawamura, H., 789, 790, 3059, 3062, Kascheyev, N. F., 175 3068, 3072 Kaseta, F. W., 2039 Kawamura, K., 93 Kasha, M., 1144 Kawasaki, O., 382 Kasimov, F. D., 1512 Kawasuji, I., 40, 1477 Kasimova, V. A., 1512 Kawata, T., 1282, 1408, 2743 Kasper, J. S., 67, 71, 997, 1002 Kay, A. E., 900, 901, 902, 949, 952, 988 Kaspersen, F. M., 28 Kay, P., 391, 396 Kassierer, E. F., 2664 Kaya, A., 637 Kassner, M. E., 892, 894, 1003, 1004, 1009, Kayano, H., 338, 339 1011, 1017 Kaye, J. H., 714, 1409, 1432, 1434 Kast, T., 2683 Kazachevskiy, I. V., 3017, 3067 Kasten, P. R., 2733 Kazakevich, M. Z., 220, 221, 1402 Kasting, G. B., 2670 Kazakova, G. M., 1448, 1449, 1480 Kasuya, T., 100, 719, 720 Kazakova, S. S., 1352, 2652 Kasztura, L., 1670, 1672, 1692 Kazanjian, A. R., 3247 Kaszuba, J. P., 1341, 3106, 3133 Kazanski, K. S., 1320 Katakis, D., 606, 609 Kazantsev, G. N., 1422, 2699, 2700 Katargin, N. V., 1633, 1636 Keally, T. J., 1800 Katayama, Y., 3328 Kearfott, K. J., 3027 Kately, J. A., 2205 Keding, L., 265 Kathren, R. L., 3282, 3307 Keenan, K., 520 Kato, T., 2140, 2147 Keenan, T. K., 87, 90, 457, 458, 1084, 1095, Kato, Y., 622, 727, 762, 767, 770, 775, 1327, 1097, 1105, 1106, 1107, 1117, 1118, 1368, 1405, 1424, 1430, 1434, 2095, 1120, 1126, 1273, 1291, 1312, 1314, 2096, 2098, 2099, 2426, 2534, 2724, 1319, 1325, 1326, 1328, 1329, 1331, 3045, 3099 1357, 1365, 1404, 1410, 1415, 1416, Katser, S. B., 2439, 2442 1417, 1418, 1429, 1430, 1467, 1473, Katsnelson, M. I., 2355 1474, 2416, 2417, 2418, 2426, 2427, Katsura, M., 338, 410, 2411 2583, 2601, 3281 Katz, J. H., 3364 Keeney, D. A., 1695, 1699 Author Index I-207 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Keeney-Kennicutt, W. L., 3175, 3176 Kember, N. F., 3403 Keiderling, T. A., 337, 2226, 2251, 2404 Keming, F., 1267 Keijzers, C. P., 203 Kemme, J. E., 862, 897 Keil, R., 133, 3034, 3035, 3049 Kemmerich, M., 900, 901 Keim, W., 116, 2865 Kemmler, S., 376, 377 Keimer, B., 2288 Kemmler-Sack, S., 375, 376, 377, 378, 382, Keirim-Markus, I. B., 1821 384, 385, 386, 388, 389, 391, 392, 393, Keiser, D. D., 719, 721 469, 508, 521, 2425 Keiser, D. L. J., 862, 892 Kemner, K. M., 291, 3163, 3164, 3165, 3168, Keitsch, M. R., 2969, 2974 3179, 3180, 3181, 3182 Keller, C., 19, 20, 35, 41, 86, 88, 91, 113, 162, Kemp, T. J., 542, 626, 629, 2439, 2440, 3138 181, 185, 194, 195, 197, 208, 373, 375, Kemper, C. P., 68, 71 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 382, 383, 384, Kempter, C. P., 936, 939, 941, 2407 385, 386, 387, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, Kenna, B. T., 1292 394, 395, 396, 467, 487, 721, 727, 728, Kenneally, J. M., 14, 1654, 1719, 1736, 1738 729, 730, 733, 734, 759, 763, 766, 793, Kennedy, D. J., 1453, 1516 814, 907, 908, 910, 911, 988, 1056, Kennedy, D. W., 274, 3178, 3179, 3180, 3181 1057, 1058, 1059, 1060, 1061, 1064, Kennedy, J. H., 634 1065, 1066, 1067, 1068, 1105, 1106, Kennedy, J. W., 5, 8, 814, 815, 902, 903, 904, 1265, 1303, 1304, 1312, 1313, 1314, 907, 912, 913, 3292, 3299, 3303 1319, 1322, 1323, 1326, 1341, 1352, Kennel, S. J., 43 1353, 1358, 1398, 1403, 1412, 1413, Kennelly, W. J., 116, 2476, 2484, 2491, 2843 1422, 1428, 1431, 1445, 1509, 1513, Kent, R. A., 963, 1008, 1046, 1085, 1116 1549, 1552, 1553, 2238, 2244, 2261, Keogh, D. D., 2607 2389, 2431, 2432, 2433, 2568, Keogh, D. W., 861, 932, 1041, 1043, 1112, 3214, 3215 1116, 1117, 1154, 1155, 1156, 1162, Keller, D. L., 1011, 1015, 1018, 1019, 1022, 1166, 1925, 1926, 2401, 2427, 2428, 1045, 1048, 1049 2429, 2450, 2451, 2464, 2465, 2466, Keller, E. L., 428, 436, 440, 444, 451, 560 2583, 3109, 3126, 3127, 3128, 3136, 3210 Keller, J., 6 Keogh, W. D., 580, 595, 620, 621 Keller, L., 428, 429, 436, 440, 451 Kepert, C. J., 2571 Keller, N., 2449, 2450, 2451, 2452, 2458, 2462, Kepert, D. L., 494, 586, 588, 1174, 2441 3343, 3351, 3356, 3358 Kerbelov, L. M., 3027 Keller, O. J., Jr., 2561, 2585 Kerdcharoen, T., 1906 Keller, O. L., 1423 Kerkar, A. S., 2153 Keller, O. L., Jr., 181, 1454, 1592, 1639, 1640, Kermanova, N. V., 1127 1659, 1660, 1669, 1670, 1672, 1673, Kern, D. M. H., 621 1674, 1675, 1676, 1682, 1685, 1689, Kern, J., 3042, 3043 1691, 1692, 1703, 1723, 1724, 1725, Kern, S., 457, 486, 2248, 2250, 2278, 2283, 1727, 1760, 2127 2289, 2290 Keller, R. A., 1840, 1845, 1846 Kernavanois, N., 2236 Keller, W. H., 61, 78 Kerrigan, W. J., 1398 Kelley, J. M., 3280 Kerrisk, J. F., 957 Kelley, K. K., 357, 2115 Kersting, A. B., 3288, 3314 Kelley, T. M., 965, 966, 967 Kertes, A. S., 58, 2625, 2664 Kelley, W. E., 320 Keskar, M., 69, 104, 105, 2434 Kelly, C. E., 818 Keski-Rahkonen, O., 1466, 1515, 1605 Kelly, D., 1035, 1043, 3210, 3211, 3220 Kessie, R. W., 1082 Kelly, D. P., 1033 Kester, F., 67 Kelly, J. M., 3295, 3296, 3311, 3314 Ketels, J., 1550, 1554 Kelly, J. W., 2421 Kettle, P.-R., 1447 Kelly, M. I., 77 Kettle, S. F. A., 201 Kelly, P. J., 2276 Kevan, S. D., 2336, 2339 Kelly, P. R., 269 Keys, J. D., 164 Kelly, R. E., 1297 Khaekber, S., 3067 Kelly, S. D., 291, 3163, 3164, 3165, 3168, 3179, Khajekber, S., 3017 3180, 3181, 3182 Khalifa, S. M., 2662 Kelmy, M., 109 Khalili, F. I., 2564, 2565, 2566 I-208 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Khalkhin, V. A., 1352 1150, 1154, 1160, 1165, 1166, 1172, Khalkin, C., 28, 43 1312, 1314, 1319, 1332, 1338, 1340, Khalkin, V. A., 28, 43, 776 1341, 1352, 1354, 1365, 1366, 1367, Khalturin, G. V., 769, 1352, 3352, 3424 1405, 1406, 1425, 1426, 1427, 1428, Khan, A. S., 95 1433, 1782, 1805, 2536, 2546, 2549, Khan Malek, C., 81, 469, 492, 2248, 2249 2550, 2551, 2553, 2575, 2591, 2592, Khan, S. A., 2565, 2566 3022, 3024, 3037, 3038, 3043, 3044, Khanaev, E. I., 458, 1079 3045, 3057, 3066, 3103, 3104, 3129, Khandekar, R. R., 1170 3138, 3149, 3276 Kharitonov, A. V., 2657 Kim, J. K., 1507 Kharitonov, O. V., 1291, 1449, 1512 Kim, J. L., 3043 Kharitonov, Y. P., 822 Kim, K. C., 367, 1088, 1116, 2161 Kharitonov, Y. Y., 763, 765 Kim, W. H., 2602 Kharitonov, Yu. Ya., 108, 109, 575 Kimmel, G., 2407 Khater, A. E., 3014 Kimura, E., 394 Khedekar, N. B., 1174 Kimura, K., 167 Kheshgi, H. S., 2728 Kimura, M., 1935, 1937 Khizhnyak, P. L., 1408, 1547 Kimura, S., 1272, 1273 Khlebnikov, V. P., 184, 209, 214, 218, 219 Kimura, T., 699, 706, 708, 715, 716, 727, 767, Khodadad, P., 414, 415, 2413 770, 775, 783, 1049, 1112, 1294, 1327, Khodakovsky, I. L., 129, 771, 1328, 2114, 1368, 1405, 1407, 1409, 1424, 1430, 2546, 2580 1434, 1512, 2095, 2096, 2097, 2098, Khodeev, Y. S., 576, 1994 2099, 2100, 2426, 2530, 2534, 2587, Khodeev, Yu. S., 2179 2653, 3043, 3045 Khokhlov, A. D., 1302 Kimura, Y., 407 Khokhrin, V. M., 3025 Kinard, W. F., 1433, 1477, 2580, 2589 Khokhryakov, V. F., 1821, 3282 Kinard, W. K., 1352 Khopkar, P. K., 1284, 1426, 1427, 1449, 1553, Kincaid, B. M., 3087 2579, 2661, 2662, 2759 Kindler, B., 14, 1653, 1654, 1713, 1717, 1719, Khosrawan-Sazedj, F., 264 1720, 1738 Khrustova, L. G., 2703, 2704 Kindo, K., 407 Khubchandani, P. G., 2431 King, E., 955, 957, 983 Kiarshima, A., 2099, 2100 King, E. G., 376 Kiat, J. M., 2250 King, E. L., 109 Kido, H., 77 King, G. F., 3117 Kieffer, R., 67 King, L. A., 2686 Kiehn, R. M., 862, 897 King, L. J., 1271, 1275, 1402, 1445, 1448, Kiener, C., 2603 1449, 1509, 1510, 1584, 1585, 2636 Kierkegaard, P., 1170, 2434 King, S. J., 790, 3063, 3317, 3318 Kihara, S., 706, 708, 753, 758, 790, 791 King, W., 2912, 2924, 2979 Kihara, S. A, 1407 King, W. A., 2912, 2934 Kihara, T., 712, 766, 787 Kingsley, A. J., 2887 Kikuchi, M., 219 Kingston, H. M., 3281 Kikuchi, T., 857, 1019 Kinkead, S. A., 732, 734, 1049, 1082 Kilimann, U., 2469 Kinman, W. S., 265, 295 Kilius, L. R., 3014, 3063, 3317, 3318 Kinoshita, K., 717, 1270, 2134, 2135, 2594, Killeen, P. G., 3027 2695, 2696, 2697, 2698, 2700, 2715, Killion, M. E., 839 2717, 2719, 2720, 2721 Kim, B. I., 1935, 1936 Kinser, H. B., 1509 Kim, B.-I., 576 Kinsley, L. P. J., 3326 Kim, C., 789, 790 Kinsley, S. A., 1943 Kim, Ch. K., 3017, 3059, 3062, 3068, 3072 Kinsman, P. R., 280, 291, 366, 367 Kim, G., 3282 Kipatsi, H., 1117, 2546 Kim, J., 2756 Kiplinger, J. K., 2850 Kim, J. B., 181 Kiplinger, J. L., 1958, 2472, 2479, 2480, Kim, J. I., 106, 119, 120, 121, 122, 125, 126, 2484 127, 130, 133, 727, 763, 766, 767, 769, Kirbach, U., 1687, 1699, 1700, 1709, 787, 988, 1114, 1138, 1145, 1146, 1147, 1710, 1718 Author Index I-209 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Kirbach, U. W., 1447, 1662, 1664, 1666, 1684, Klemm, J., 164 1685, 1695, 1701, 1702, 1711, 1712, Klemperer, W., 2148 1713, 1714, 1716, 1717, 1735 Klenze, R., 223, 730, 763, 766, 787, 1352, 1354, Kirby, H. W., 18, 19, 20, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 1405, 1406, 1425, 1426, 1427, 1428, 33, 35, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 161, 162, 163, 1433, 2249, 2251, 2260, 2261, 2536, 166, 167, 170, 172, 174, 178, 179, 180, 2591, 3037, 3038, 3043, 3044, 182, 187, 195, 213, 215, 226, 230, 2556, 3045, 3057 3281, 3347, 3354 Kleppa, O. J., 2209 Kirchner, H. P., 2432 Klett, A., 3029 Kirchner, J. A., 319 Kleykamp, H., 393, 740, 1019 Kirin, I. S., 1323 Klı´ma, J., 372, 373, 374 Kiriyama, T., 58 Klimov, S. I., 1636 Kirk, B. L., 1507 Kline, R. J., 1120, 1123, 1126, 1134, 1145 Kirk, P. L., 988, 1079 Klinkenberg, P. F. A., 60, 1842, 1843 Kirkpatrick, J. R., 3239 Klobukowski, M., 1908 Kirschbaum, B. B., 3380 Klopp, P., 1876 Kirslis, S. S., 521 Kluge, E., 180 Kiselev, G. V., 1398 Kluge, H., 1296 Kishi, T., 2743 Kluge, H.-J., 789, 1403, 1735, 1875, 1876, Kisieleski, W., 3353, 3356, 3362, 3366, 3370, 1877, 3044, 3047, 3048, 3320, 3321 3378, 3386, 3395, 3407, 3423, 3424 Kluttz, R., 2488 Kisliuk, P., 2067 Kluttz, R. Z., 2852 Kiss, Z., 2077, 2078 Klyuchnikov, V. M., 108 Kissane, R. J., 732, 734 Kmetko, E. A., 921, 922, 926, 960, 962, 1300, Kist, A. A., 1507 1789, 2312, 2384 Kitamura, A., 120, 121, 2575 Knacke, O., 80, 81, 83, 100, 2160 Kitano, Y., 3160 Knapp, F. F., 1507 Kitatsuji, Y., 706, 708, 753, 790, 791, 1407 Knapp, G. S., 3100, 3101, 3103, 3118 Kitazawa, H., 719, 720 Knapp, J. A., 64 Kitazawa, T., 727 Knappe, P., 1906 Kittel, C., 948, 2308 Knauer, J. B., 1401, 1448, 1449, 1450, 1479, Kitten, J., 3095, 3175, 3177 1505, 1509, 1510, 1584, 1585, 1828 Kiukkola, K., 353, 360, 362 Knauer, J. B., Jr., 1445, 1449 Kiyoura, R., 353, 360 Knauss, K. G., 3129 Kiziyarov, G. P., 259 Knebel, G., 2352 Kjaerheim, G., 352 Knecht, H., 410, 435, 452 Kjarmo, H. E., 962 Knetsch, E. A., 2351 Kjarsgaard, B. A., 3027 Knie, K., 3016, 3063 Kjems, J. K., 357, 2351 Knief, R. A., 821 Klaasse, J. C. P., 2407 Knight, D. A., 3342, 3353 Klaehne, E., 1191 Knight, E. E., 2969 Klaft, I., 1880 Knight, P. D., 2984 Kla¨hne, E., 2472, 2475, 2817 Knighton, J. B., 864, 869, 875, 908, 1513, 2711 Klapo¨tke, T. M., 117, 118 Knobeloch, D., 225 Klaproth, M. H., 253, 254 Knobeloch, G. W., 704, 3312, 3314 Klaus, M., 716 Knoch, W., 908 Klauss, H. H., 2284 Kno¨chel, A., 2452 Klein-Haneveld, A. J., 415, 416, 417, 419 Knoesel, F., 2875 Kleinschmidt, J., 3341, 3342, 3348, 3353, Knoghton, J. B., 1297 3356, 3386 Knopp, R., 120, 125, 126, 1150, 2588, Kleinschmidt, P. D., 34, 192, 195, 731, 734, 3045, 3179 1077, 1080, 1411, 1459, 1523, 1527, Kno¨sel, F., 2472 1562, 1592, 1593, 2115, 2116, 2117, Knott, H. W., 1022 2120, 2122, 2123, 2148, 2164, 2208, Knowles, K. J., 2392 2209, 2210 Knudsen, F. P., 377 Kleinschmidt, R., 3341, 3342, 3348, 3353, Knyazeva, N. A., 575 3356, 3386 Ko, R., 234 Klemic, G. A., 3027 Kobashi, A., 2578, 2726, 3024 I-210 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Kobayashi, F., 1019, 2185, 2186, 2723, Kolb, A., 106, 107 2724, 2725 Kolb, D., 1671 Kobayashi, K., 703 Kolb, J. R., 1802, 2819 Kobayashi, S., 2157, 2158 Kolb, R. J., 2817 Kobayashi, T., 2464 Kolb, T., 1884 Kobayashi, Y., 716, 837 Kolbe, W., 2077, 2261, 2263, 2266, 2272, Kobus, J., 1454 2292, 2561 Koch, C. W., 77 Kolberg, D., 2289, 2290 Koch, F., 344 Kolesnikov, V. P., 1422, 2699, 2700 Koch, G., 814, 859, 1070, 1071, 1073, 1110, Kolesov, I. V., 6 1284, 2732 Kolesov, V. P., 2114, 2148, 2149, 2185 Koch, L., 44, 195, 378, 713, 1056, 1057, 1060, Kolin, V. V., 1365, 1369, 1404, 1405 1061, 1064, 1312, 1313, 2752, 2753, Kolitsch, U., 259, 265, 295 3062, 3068 Kolitsch, W., 413, 509, 510, 512, 522, 2420 Koch, R., 3065 Kolodney, M., 973, 2692 Koch, W., 1903 Kolomiets, A. V., 338, 339 Koch, W. F., 634 Koltunov, G. V., 1143 Kochen, R. L., 1292, 2752 Koltunov, V. S., 711, 712, 760, 761, 1120, Kochergin, S. M., 1352 1126, 1127, 1128, 1129, 1130, 1140, Kochetkova, N. E., 1283, 2677, 2738 1141, 1142, 1143, 1175, 2757 Kock, L., 729, 730 Koma, Y., 1281, 1282, 1286, 2743, 2747, Kockelmann, W., 410 2760, 2761 Koczy, F. F., 170 Komamura, M., 709, 784, 789, 3327 Koeberl, C., 3305 Komarov, S. A., 2177 Koehler, S., 789 Komarov, V. E., 2703, 2704 Koehler, W. C., 342, 1463 Komatsubara, T., 407, 2239, 2347, 2352 Koehly, G., 1049, 1273, 1324, 1329, 1341, Komissarov, A. V., 1973 1365, 1366, 2672 Komkov, Y. A., 1059, 1113, 1118, 1133, 1156, Koelling, D. D., 60, 1194, 1461, 1938, 2308, 2527, 3124 2334, 2335, 2336, 2338, 2339, 2353 Komkov, Yu. A., 753 Koenst, J. W., 1292 Komura, K., 170, 709, 783, 784, 789, 3327 Kofuji, H., 709, 784, 789, 3327 Komura, S., 2418 Kohara, T., 2352 Kondo, Y., 1276, 2753, 2755, 2760 Kohgi, M., 407 Konev, V. N., 900, 902, 904, 906, 907, 908, Kohl, P. A., 2687, 2691 910, 911, 912, 913, 914 Kohl, R., 2163, 2422 Konig, E., 730, 763, 766, 2244 Ko¨hler, E., 116 Ko¨nig, E., 382 Kohler, S., 859, 1296, 1452 Konig, M., 1735 Ko¨hler, S., 60, 1403, 1452, 1513, 1588, 1590, Konings, R. J. M., 121, 125, 128, 421, 423, 1875, 1877, 3047, 3321 425, 435, 440, 441, 457, 458, 469, 473, Kohlmann, H., 75, 96, 413, 414, 415, 2413 474, 477, 478, 480, 481, 497, 502, 503, Kohlschu¨tter, V., 63 509, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, 536, 538, Kohn, W., 1671, 1903, 2327 543, 544, 545, 551, 552, 556, 593, 594, Kohno, N., 784 595, 596, 597, 598, 599, 601, 602, 603, Koike, T., 1696, 1718, 1735 1048, 1076, 1155, 1166, 1171, 1341, Koike, Y., 28, 29, 40, 2239 1402, 1411, 1417, 1419, 1941, 2113, Koiro, O. E., 1283, 2656, 2738 2114, 2115, 2117, 2118, 2120, 2123, Kojic-Prodic, B., 102, 103, 110 2126, 2127, 2128, 2132, 2133, 2135, Kojima, Y., 1266, 1267, 1445, 1484 2136, 2137, 2138, 2139, 2140, 2142, Kojouharova, J., 14, 1653, 1713, 1717 2143, 2144, 2146, 2147, 2148, 2150, Kokaji, K., 631 2151, 2152, 2154, 2155, 2156, 2157, Kok-Scheele, A., 2177 2158, 2159, 2160, 2161, 2163, 2164, Kolar, D., 597 2165, 2168, 2169, 2170, 2171, 2173, Kolarich, R. T., 209, 214, 215, 217, 218, 2578 2174, 2175, 2176, 2177, 2178, 2180, Kolarik, V., 1507 2181, 2182, 2186, 2187, 2191, 2192, Kolarik, Z., 760, 840, 1280, 1287, 2649, 2657, 2193, 2194, 2195, 2200, 2204, 2205, 2674, 2675, 2738, 2756, 2761 2206, 2207, 2209, 2538, 2579, 2582, Kolarik, Z. J., 707, 713 3214, 3215, 3347, 3380, 3382 Author Index I-211 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Koningsberger, D. C., 3087 Kosyakov, V. N., 791, 1275, 1312, 1322, 1323, Konishi, K., 170 1326, 1329, 1330, 1331, 1335, 1416, Konkina, L. F., 1178, 1352 1429, 1448, 1449, 1476, 1479, 1480, Ko¨nnecke, Th., 1426 1481, 1483, 1545, 1549, 1559, 1583, Konobeevsky, S. T., 892, 894, 900, 901, 902, 2126, 2129, 2131, 2584, 2672, 3024 903, 904, 905, 907, 908, 909, 910, 913, Kosynkin, V. D., 30, 373, 393 914, 915 Kot, W., 2240, 2261 Konoshita, K., 2211 Kot, W. K., 204, 209, 1188, 1189, 1776, 1954, Konovalova, N. A., 221, 1607, 1624, 1629, 1955, 2020, 2065, 2067, 2068, 2083, 1636, 2525 2227, 2240, 2251, 2262, 2265, 2269, Konrad, T., 66, 67, 71, 399, 2407 2473, 2803, 2855, 2856 Kooi, J., 1109, 1449, 1547, 2696, 2697, 2699 Kotani, A., 861 Kopajtic, Z., 3068 Kotlar, A., 353, 354, 355, 356, 360 Kopf, J., 2472 Kotliar, G., 923, 964, 2344, 2347, 2355 Ko¨pf, J., 2817 Kotlin, V. P., 1365, 1369, 1404, 1405 Kopmann, W., 2284 Kottenhahn, G., 395 Koppel, I., 101 Kotzian, M., 1943, 1946, 1949 Koppel, M. J., 1824 Koulke‘s-Pujo, A. M., 101 Koppenaal, D. W., 3278, 3327, 3328 Kouzaki, M., 407 Koppenol, W. H., 14 Kovacevic, S., 208, 2432 Kopytov, V. V., 1326, 1329, 1331, 1416, 1429, Kovacs, A., 1664, 1684, 1693, 1694, 1706, 1430, 1448, 1449, 1466, 1479, 1480, 1716, 1941, 2164, 2165, 2169, 2170, 1481, 1512, 1545, 1549, 1559, 2129, 2171, 2173, 2174, 2175, 2176, 2177 2131, 2584 Kovacs, J., 182, 185, 1447, 1704, 1705 Korba, V. M., 474 Koval, V. T., 84 Korbitz, F. W., 68 Kovalchuk, E. L., 133 Korchuganov, B., 1398, 1421 Kovalev, I. T., 364, 365 Korchuganov, B. N., 1398, 1433 Kovantseva, S. N., 1512 Koreishi, H., 2560, 2590 Kovba, L. M., 111, 113, 345, 346, 355, 366, Korkisch, J., 1450, 2625 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 384, 385, Korman, S., 3413 393, 2434 Kormilitsyn, M. V., 854 Kovtun, G. P., 364 Kormilitzin, M. V., 2705, 2706, 2707, 2708 Koyama, T., 857, 2719, 2720, 2743, 2761 Kornberg, H. A., 3413 Kozai, N., 294 Kornetka, Z. W., 2966 Kozak, R. W., 44 Kornilov, A. S., 1337, 1338 Kozelisky, A. E., 714 Korobkov, I., 117, 1966, 2260, 2871, 2872, Kozhina, I. I., 436, 437, 454, 471, 475, 495 2873, 2874 Kozimor, S. A., 1956, 1967, 2473, 2476, 2477 Korotin, M. A., 929, 953 Kozina, L. E., 114 Korotkin, Y. S., 31, 1664, 1690, 1703 Kozlov, A. G., 2507 Korotkin, Yu. S., 1425 Kozlowski, J. F., 1968, 1971 Korpusov, G. V., 1449 Kra¨henbu¨hl, U., 3066, 3067 Korshinek, G., 3016, 3063 Krainov, E. V., 1484 Korshunov, B. G., 81 Kramer, G. F., 1298 Korshunov, I. A., 1422, 2431 Kramer, G. M., 618 Korst, W. L., 64, 2402 Kramer, K., 813, 814, 825 Kortright, F. L., 76 Kra¨mer, K., 428, 429, 434, 435, 436, 440, 442, Korzhavyi, P. A., 1044 444, 450, 451, 453 Koseki, S., 1908 Kramer, S. D., 1880, 1882 Kosenkov, V. M., 2118 Kramers, H. A., 2044 Koshti, N., 2633 Krameyer, Ch., 1882, 1884 Koshurnikova, N. A., 1821 Kramida, A. E., 1863 Kosiewicz, S. T., 995 Krasnova, O. G., 2169 Koster, G. F., 1863, 1913, 2028, 2029, 2040 Krasnoyarskaya, A. A., 376, 377 Ko¨stimeier, S., 1943, 1946, 1949 Krasser, W., 470 Kostka, A. G., 2527 Kratz, J. V., 33, 60, 182, 185, 186, 213, 859, Kostorz, G. E., 2232 1447, 1452, 1513, 1588, 1590, 1629, Kosulin, N. S., 939, 941, 1299, 2118 1635, 1643, 1646, 1647, 1662, 1663, I-212 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

1665, 1666, 1671, 1679, 1684, 1686, Kroner, M., 2865 1687, 1688, 1690, 1695, 1696, 1698, Kro¨ner, M., 116 1699, 1700, 1701, 1702, 1704, 1705, Kro¨nert, U., 3044, 3047, 3048, 3320, 3321 1707, 1708, 1709, 1710, 1711, 1716, Kropf, A. J., 279, 861 1717, 1718, 1721, 1735, 1738, 1840, Krot, N. N., 726, 728, 729, 745, 746, 747, 748, 1875, 1876, 1877, 2575, 3047, 749, 750, 753, 763, 764, 767, 768, 770, 3069, 3321 771, 773, 793, 1059, 1110, 1113, 1116, Kraus, H., 206, 208 1118, 1127, 1133, 1156, 1175, 1181, Kraus, K. A., 31, 120, 121, 152, 180, 182, 769, 1322, 1323, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1329, 770, 1123, 1147, 1150, 1151, 2548, 1336, 1338, 1352, 1367, 1368, 1405, 2549, 2554, 2580 1416, 1429, 1430, 1433, 2434, 2436, Krause, M. N., 1605 2439, 2442, 2507, 2527, 2531, 2532, Krause, M. O., 1466, 1515 2575, 2583, 2595, 3043, 3111, 3112, Krause, W., 266, 281 3113, 3122, 3123, 3124 Krauss, D., 1695, 1700 Krsul, J. R., 2717 Kravchenko, E. A., 82 Krueger, C. L., 717, 2134, 2135, 2695, 2696, Krebs, B., 94, 1681 2697, 2698, 2699, 2700, 2715, Kreek, S. A., 1445, 1653, 1664, 1684, 1693, 2719, 2721 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697, 1698, 1699, Kruger, E., 3398, 3399 1705, 1706, 1716 Kruger, O. L., 414, 415, 1004, 1019, 1020, Kreiner, H. J., 3022 1021, 1022, 1048, 1050, 1052, Kreissl, M., 1828 2411, 2413 Krejzler, J., 2580 Kru¨ger, S., 1906, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1925, 1931, Kremer, R. K., 89, 94 1935, 1937, 1938 Kremers, H. E., 18, 37 Krugich, A. A., 364 Kremliakova, N. Y., 1325, 1326, 1327 Krumpelt, M., 2715 Kremliakova, N. Yu., 1407, 1408, 1409, 1410 Krupa, C., 203 Kreslov, V. V., 3352, 3424 Krupa, J. C., 81, 95, 203, 204, 209, 221, 469, Kressin, I. K., 86, 88, 91, 632, 635, 3292 482, 491, 763, 765, 1170, 1427, 2016, Krestov, G. A., 1452, 1481, 1482, 2114 2020, 2037, 2065, 2066, 2074, 2096, Kreuger, C. L., 1270 2138, 2248, 2250, 2278, 2434, 2676 Krikorian, N. H., 67, 68, 71, 2407, 2408 Krupa, J. P., 422, 443 Krikorian, O., 2157, 2159, 2195 Krupka, K. M., 287, 3178, 3179 Krikorian, O. H., 1009, 1011, 1036, 1047 Krupka, M. C., 68, 2407 Krill, G., 2236 Kruppa, A. T., 1736 Krimmel, A., 2352 Kruse, F. H., 201, 202, 222, 463, 465, 466, 488, Krinitsyn, A. P., 788, 3034, 3039 1095, 1097, 1105, 1106, 1107, 1312, Krisch, M., 964, 965, 2342 1315, 1357, 1415, 1416, 1417, 1418, Krishna, R., 1902 2417, 2427, 2583 Krishnan, K., 1169, 1170, 2434 Kru¨ss, G., 80, 95, 96, 101, 104 Krishnan, S., 963 Kryscio, R. J., 1507 Krishnasamy, V., 2633 Kryukov, E. B., 2442 Krivokhatskii, A. S., 1352, 1513 Kryukova, A. I., 1422, 2431 Krivovichev, S. V., 103, 113, 260, 266, 268, Ku, H. C., 67, 71 285, 287, 288, 290, 299, 300, 301, 2430 Ku, T. L., 171, 3129, 3294 Krivy´, I., 372, 373, 374, 375 Kubaschewski, O., 321, 421, 425, 435, 469, Krizhanskii, L. M., 793 478, 486, 497, 502, 516, 2114, Kroemer, H., 948 2185, 2208 Kroenert, U., 3320, 3321 Kubatko, K.-A., 584, 730, 2402 Kroft, A. J., 3039 Kube, G., 33, 1882, 1883 Krogh, J. W., 1973 Kube, W., 1840, 1877, 1884 Krohn, B. J., 1088 Kubiak, R., 2464 Krohn, C., 2692 Kubica, B., 30, 1687, 1710, 1718 Krol, D. M., 372, 375 Kubik, P., 1447 Krolikiewicz, H., 1507 Kubo, K., 68 Kroll, H., 3413 Kubo, V., 2533 Kroll, N. M., 1906 Kubota, M., 713, 1276, 1292, 2723, 2753, Kronenberg, A., 1699, 1700, 1710, 1718 2755, 2760 Author Index I-213 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Kuca, L., 1278, 2653 Kunz, H., 1879, 1880, 1882, 1883, 1884 Ku¨chle, W., 34, 1908, 1918, 1920, 1937, Kunz, P., 33, 859, 1452, 1876, 1877 2148 Kunz, P. J., 1840, 1877, 1884 Ku¨chler, 132 Kunze, K. R., 2165 Kuchumova, A. N., 109, 110 Kunzl, V., 226 Kuczewski, B., 3069 Kuo, J. M., 3323 Kudo, A., 3017 Kuo, Sh. Y., 3065 Kudo, H., 182, 1450, 1696, 1718, 1735 Kuperman, A. Y., 791 Kudritskaya, L. N., 121, 125 Kuperman, A. Ya., 3049, 3052 Kudryashov, V. L., 510, 511 Kupfer, M. J., 2652 Kudryavtsev, A. N., 727 Kuppers, G., 188 Kuehn, F., 479 Kupreev, V. N., 1681 Kugel, R., 1088, 1194, 2080, 2084, 2086 Kurata, M., 864, 2147, 2715, 2717, 2719, Kugler, E., 1735 2720, 2723 Ku¨hl, H., 105 Kurbatov, N. N., 93 Ku¨hn, F., 89, 93 Kurihara, L. K., 2451, 2452, 2453 Kuhs, W. F., 65, 66, 334, 335, 2283 Kurioshita, K., 2738 Kuiser, H. B., 2758 Kurnakova, A. G., 185 Kukasiak, A., 1661 Kuroda, K., 631 Kuki, T., 99 Kuroda, P. K., 133, 824, 3276 Kulakov, V. M., 164, 166 Kuroda, R., 58 Kulazhko, V. G., 3221 Kurodo, R., 188 Kulda, J., 2280, 2294 Kuroki, Y., 706 Kulikov, E. V., 40 Kurosaki, K., 2157, 2158, 2202 Kulikov, I. A., 1035, 1127, 1140, 1144 Kushakovsky, V. I., 395 Kulkarni, A. V., 3052, 3053 Kushto, G. P., 576, 1976, 1988, 1989, Kulkarni, D. K., 206, 208 1990 Kulkarni, M. J., 2668 Kusnetsov, V. G., 542 Kulkarni, S. G., 2202 Kusumakumari, M., 1422 Kulkarni, V. H., 115 Kusumoto, T., 2969 Kullberg, L., 2565, 2578, 2579, 2582, Kuswik- Rabiega, G., 3413 2585, 2589 Kutaitsev, V. I., 892, 894, 900, 901, 902, 903, Kullen, B. J., 1081 904, 906, 907, 908, 910, 911, 912, 913, Kullgren, B., 1819, 1823, 2591, 3343, 3358, 914, 915 3366, 3369, 3373, 3375, 3379, 3382, Kutner, V. B., 1653, 1654, 1719 3385, 3388, 3389, 3390, 3391, 3392, Kutty, K. V. G., 396 3393, 3394, 3395, 3413, 3416, 3417, Kuvik, V., 3061 3418, 3419, 3421, 3423 Kuwabara, J., 3295, 3296 Kulmala, S., 189 Kuyckaerts, G., 1352 Kulyako, Y., 2684 Kuz’micheva, E. U., 345, 346, 355, 366 Kulyako, Y. M., 856, 1355, 1512 Kuzmina, M. A., 176 Kulyako, Yu. M., 1422, 1480, 1481 Kuznetsov, B. N., 2999 Kulyukhin, S. A., 38, 61, 220, 221, 1547, Kuznetsov, N. T., 2177 1606, 1607, 1608, 1609, 1624, Kuznetsov, R. A., 1829 1629, 2700 Kuznetsov, V. G., 539, 541, 542, 552, 575 Kumagai, K., 63 Kuznetsov, V. I., 1267 Kumagai, M., 845, 2738, 2749 Kuznetsov, V. S., 1448 Kumagi, M., 1294, 1295 Kuznetsov, V. Yu., 3014 Kumar, A., 845 Kuznetsova, N. N., 259 Kumar, N., 84, 339, 470, 493, 496, 568, 571, Kuznietz, M., 329, 333, 336, 2200 572, 574 Kuzovkina, E. V., 1449 Kumar, P. C., 3061 Kveseth, N. J., 347, 354, 357, 359 Kumar, R., 2684 Kwei, G., 967 Kumar, S. R., 180 Kwon, O., 555, 1173 Kumok, V. N., 40, 109 Kwon, Y., 719, 720 Kung, K. S., 3175 Kyffin, T. W., 1048, 1152 Kunitomi, N., 2418 Kyi, R.-T., 203 Kunnaraguru, K., 2669 Kyker, G. R., 3362 I-214 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

La Bille, C. W., 3354 Lamar, L. E., 1045 La Bonville, P., 1369 Lamartine, R., 2458, 2463 La Breque, J. J., 3027 Lambert, B., 2190, 2191, 2655 La Chapelle, T. J., 5, 717, 727, 738, 3281, 3287 Lambert, D., 1874, 1875 La Gamma de Bastioni, A. M., 187 Lambert, J. L., 67, 77 La Ginestra, A., 2431 Lambert, S. E., 2357 La Manna, G., 1989 Lambertin, D., 2135, 2699, 2700 La Mar, G. N., 2851 Lambertson, W. H., 372 La Mar, L. E., 1291 Lamble, G. M., 291, 3131, 3160, 3161, 3164 La Placa, S. J., 337, 2404 Lamble, K. J., 3280 La Rosa, J., 3017 Lambregts, M. J., 2717 La Rosa, J. J., 1293, 3284 La¨mmermann, H., 1099, 2262 La Verne, J. A., 3222 Lamothe, M., 3016 Laakkonen, L. J., 1917 Lan, T. H., 3359, 3362 Labeau, M., 113 Lance, M., 102, 106, 1960, 1962, 2246, 2449, Labonne-Wall, N., 1354, 2591 2450, 2451, 2452, 2458, 2462, 2464, LaBonville, P., 1923, 1931 2465, 2466, 2472, 2473, 2479, 2480, Labozin, V. P., 1848 2484, 2488, 2490, 2491, 2801, 2805, Labroche, D., 340, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 2806, 2807, 2808, 2812, 2818, 2819, 356, 363 2820, 2830, 2837, 2841, 2847, 2856, Labzowsky, L. N., 1669 2857, 2858, 2859, 2861, 2862, 2866, Lackner, K. S., 2728 2869, 2870, 2871, 2872, 2889, 2891, Lacombe, P., 324 2892, 2922, 2938 Lacquement, J., 2135, 2622, 2699, 2700 Lancsarics, G., 1432 Ladd, M. F. C., 1169 Land, C. C., 895, 900, 901, 905, 906, 907, 908, Ladygiene, R., 3016 911, 912, 914, 915, 984, 1009, 1011, Laerdahl, J. K., 34 1012, 1014, 2407 Lafferty, J. M., 66 Landa, E. R., 3172, 3178 Lafuma, J., 3342, 3356 Landau, A., 1659, 1670, 1675, 1726, 1729, Lagarde, G., 126, 128 1730, 1731 Lagergren, C. R., 3313, 3315 Landau, B. S., 463 Lagerman, B., 119, 120, 121, 124, 128, Landau, L., 2339 2582, 2593 Lander, G. H., 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 353, Lagowski, J. J., 38, 118, 1352, 1686, 2539, 357, 409, 412, 457, 486, 719, 721, 739, 2540, 2541, 2542, 2543 742, 743, 744, 745, 861, 863, 949, 952, Lagrange, J., 2590 953, 967, 968, 1022, 1023, 1055, 1056, Lagrange, P., 2590 1112, 1166, 1419, 1784, 1787, 1789, Lahalle, M. P., 763, 765, 2278 1790, 1894, 2225, 2233, 2234, 2236, Lai, L. T., 42, 43 2237, 2238, 2239, 2248, 2249, 2250, Laidler, J., 2693, 2712, 2722, 2723 2262, 2264, 2274, 2275, 2276, 2278, Laidler, J. B., 726, 727, 735, 736, 739, 1312, 2279, 2280, 2281, 2282, 2283, 2284, 1315, 2430, 3250 2285, 2286, 2287, 2289, 2290, 2292, Laidler, K. J., 2557 2293, 2294, 2315, 2352, 2353, 2354, Laine, R. M., 2979 2355, 2368, 2369, 2371, 2372, 2397, Laintz, K. E., 2677, 2678, 2682, 2684, 2689 2407, 2464, 3109, 3210 Lakner, J. F., 331 Landers, J. S., 2686 Lal, D., 3300 Landesman, C., 3398, 3399 Lal, K. B., 2633 Landgraf, G. W., 1191, 2817 Laligant, Y., 87, 90 Landgraf, S., 2979 Lallement, R., 937, 939, 957, 981, 982, Landresse, G., 2698 2288, 2289 Landrum, J. H., 1398, 1629, 1633, 1636, 1639, Lally, A. E., 633, 3278, 3281, 3282, 3294 1641, 1692, 1695, 1696, 2525, 2526 Lam, D. J., 90, 338, 719, 721, 739, 740, 741, Lane, E. S., 2686 742, 743, 744, 745, 763, 766, 1020, 1022, Lane, L. J., 1803 1304, 1312, 1317, 1318, 1319, 1466, Lane, M. R., 185, 186, 815, 1445, 1447, 1582, 1517, 1787, 2238, 2261, 2262, 2263, 1653, 1664, 1684, 1693, 1694, 1695, 2279, 2283, 2362, 2407, 2411, 2413 1699, 1706, 1711, 1716 Lam, I. L., 1661 Lang, R. G., 1842 Author Index I-215 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Lang, R. J., 60 Lataillade, F., 904 Lang, S. M., 377 Lataillade, G., 1819 Lange, R. C., 166 Latham, A. G., 3294 Lange, R. G., 43, 817, 818 Latimer, R. M., 6, 1449, 1476, 1477, 1478, Langer, S., 67 1551, 1585, 1606, 1641, 1642 Langford, C. H., 609 Latimer, T. W., 1004 Langham, W., 3341, 3342, 3348, 3353, Latimer, W. M., 2114, 2192, 2538 3356, 3386 Latour, J.-M., 1963, 1965 Langmuir, D., 129, 130, 131, 132, 3159, Latrous, H., 1479, 1605, 3114 3166, 3167 Latta, R. E., 352, 353, 365 Langridge, S., 2234, 2237, 2352 Lau, K. F., 64 Lankford, T. K., 43 Lau, K. H., 82, 420, 731, 734, 1937, 1938, 2179 LANL, 1808 Laube, A., 3066 Lanz, H., 3342, 3354, 3423 Laubeneau, P., 208 Lanz, R., 1022 Laubereau, P., 751, 1093, 1190, 1800, 2801, Lanza, G., 576, 1956, 1958 2803, 2809, 2814, 2815 Lanzirotti, A., 291 Laubereau, P. G., 116, 1323, 1324, 1363, 1416, Lapin, V. G., 1398 1423, 1455, 1465, 1471, 1531, 1541, Lapitskaya, T. S., 1170, 2434 1544, 2470, 2472, 2489 Lapitskii, A. V., 184, 218, 219 Laubschat, C., 2359 Lappert, M. F., 116, 1776, 1954, 1955, 2240, Laubscher, A. E., 84, 2565 2473, 2479, 2480, 2484, 2803, 2804, Laud, K. R., 109 2812, 2816, 2829, 2830, 2844, 2845, Laue, C., 14, 185, 186, 1447, 1699, 1705, 1718 2875, 2912, 2980 Laue, C. A., 815, 1447, 1582, 1654, 1662, 1684, Laraia, M., 1071 1693, 1711, 1712, 1716 Larina, V. N., 2822 Laug, D. V., 2717 Larionov, A. L., 2052 Laugier, J., 402 Larkworthy, L. F., 439, 445, 449, 452, 455, Laugt, M., 110, 2431 585, 593 Lauher, J. W., 1954 Laroche, A., 2712, 2713 Lauke, H., 2866, 2918 Larroque, J., 719, 720, 997, 998 Launay, F., 1845 Larsen, A., 2732 Launay, J., 193 Larsen, R. P., 3345, 3354, 3355, 3371, Launay, S., 103, 109, 110, 112, 2432 3378, 3384 Laundy, D., 2238 Larsh, A. E., 6, 1641, 1642 Laurelle, P., 113 Larson, A. C., 86, 92, 457, 502, 503, 519, 528, Laurens, W., 164 901, 903, 906, 909, 910, 911, 912, 914, Laursen, I., 2044 938, 1012, 1013, 1058, 1059, 1060, Lauterbach, C., 1918, 1919, 1920, 1931, 1935, 1062, 2407, 2408, 2420 1937, 1938 Larson, D. T., 976, 1028, 1035, 1303, 2147, Lauth, P., 1840, 1877, 1884 2389, 2395, 3208, 3229, 3230 Lauth, W., 33, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, Larson, E. A., 332, 3242 1883, 1884 Larson, E. M., 103, 112 Laval, J. P., 88, 91, 467 Larson, R. G., 166, 172, 174, 182 Lavallee, C., 1120, 1134, 2602 Larsson, S. E., 1661 Lavallee, D. K., 2602 Laruelle, P., 1055 Lavallette, C., 2656 Lasarev, Y. A., 6 Lavanchy, V. M., 1447, 1662, 1684, 1711, Lasher, E. P., 3358 1712, 1716 Lashley, J., 929, 949, 950 Laveissie`re, J., 503 Lashley, J. C., 876, 877, 878, 942, 943, 944, Lavrentev, A. Y., 1654, 1719, 1720, 1735 945, 947, 948, 949, 950, 952, 953, 964, Lavrinovich, E. A., 709, 1408, 1512, 2668 965, 966, 967, 2315, 2347, 2355 Lavut, E. G., 346 Laskorin, B. N., 705 Law, J., 1282, 2739, 2741 Lassen, G., 1840, 1877, 1884 Lawaldt, D., 1312, 1319, 1320, 1321, Lassen, J., 33, 859, 1452, 1876, 1877 2430, 2431 Lassmann, M., 1828 Lawrence, B., 3356, 3378, 3395, 3423, 3424 Laszak, I., 2691 Lawrence, F. D., 1804 Laszlo, D., 3413 Lawrence, F. O., 824, 3016, 3022, 3276 I-216 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Lawrence, J. J., 186, 187, 2702 1077, 1093, 1095, 1098, 1100, 1103, Lawrence, J. N. P., 1821 1104, 1108, 1116, 1175, 1270, 2698, Lawroski, S., 2730 2699, 2706, 2709, 2711, 2712, 2713, Lawson, A. C., 333, 334, 335, 882, 939, 941, 3223, 3253, 3254 942, 944, 948, 949, 952, 953, 962, 965, Leask, M., 356, 2229, 2241 966, 967, 984, 989, 995, 1419, 2233, Leavitt, R. P., 2044, 2045, 2048, 2058 2264, 2293, 2370, 2397 Lebanov, Y. V., 1932 Lawson, A. W., 958 Lebeau, P., 68, 403 Laxminarayanan, T. S., 1169 Lebech, B., 2237, 2286 Laxson, R. R., 1505, 1829 Lebedev, A. M., 3051 Lay, K. W., 368 Lebedev, I. A., 180, 1271, 1283, 1284, 1323, Laycock, D., 539, 734 1325, 1326, 1329, 1330, 1331, 1352, Lazarev, L. N., 988 1355, 1365, 1402, 1405, 1409, 1416, Lazarev, Y. A., 1504, 1653, 1707, 1719 1422, 1423, 1427, 1428, 1430, 1433, Lazarevic, M., 314 1434, 1450, 1451, 1479, 1480, 1481, Lazkhina, G. S., 176 1483, 1509, 1512, 1513, 1584, 1606, Le Bail, A., 87, 90 1633, 1636, 2126, 2651 Le Behan, T., 1754 Lebedev, I. G., 900, 902, 904, 906, 907, 908, Le Berquier, F., 859 910, 911, 912, 913, 914 Le Berre, F., 92 Lebedev, L. A., 2127 Le Bihan, T., 192, 406, 719, 720, 923, 1300, Lebedev, V. A., 2715 1522, 1578, 1594, 1787, 1789, 2315, Lebedev, V. M., 1427 2355, 2368, 2369, 2370, 2371, Lebedev, V. Y., 1684, 1708, 1709, 1716, 2407, 2408 1720 Le Blanc, J. C., 2133 Lebedeva, L. S., 1412, 1413 Le Borgne, T., 2254, 2488, 2856 Leber, A., 61 Le Cloarec, M.-F., 206, 208, 217, 218, Leboeuf, R. C., 3358 2432, 2433 Lebrun, M., 2756 Le Cloirec, P., 3152, 3154 Lechelle, J., 861 Le Coustumer, P., 128 Lechelt, J. A., 2760 Leˆ, D. K., 3413 Leciejewicz, J., 69, 73, 2439, 2440, 3138 Le Doux, R. A., 566 Leciewicz, L., 414 Le Du, J. F., 109, 128, 1168, 1688, 1700, 1718, Lecocq-Robert, A., 353, 354 3101, 3110, 3111, 3113, 3114, 3115, Lecoin, M., 27 3116, 3117, 3118 Lecomte, M., 1049, 1285 Le Flem, G., 77, 110, 113 Lecouteux, N., 3061 Le Fur, Y., 281 Ledbetter, H., 942, 943, 944, 945, 946, 948, Le Garrec, B., 1873 949, 964, 2315 Le Guen, B., 3413 Lederer, C. M., 164, 1267, 1398 Le Mare´chal, J.-F., 2472, 2473, 2479, 2801, Lederer, M., 209 2806, 2808, 2819, 2843, 2856, 2857 Ledergerber, G., 1033 Le Marois, G., 1286, 2673 Ledergerber, T., 1883 Le Marouille, J. Y., 413, 414, 415, 514, 516, Lee, A. J., 718 528, 551, 2413, 2414, 2425 Lee, C., 1903 Le Naour, C., 181, 211, 1671, 1686, 1688, Lee, D., 1447, 1450, 1582, 1629, 1635, 1643, 1700, 1701, 1705, 1711, 1718 1646, 1647, 1652, 2575 Le Roux, S. D., 2439 Lee, D. M., 182, 185, 186, 815, 1445, 1447, Le Vanda, C., 116, 2488, 2852, 2855, 2856 1635, 1642, 1643, 1645, 1646, 1652, Le Vert, F. E., 1267 1653, 1662, 1663, 1664, 1665, 1666, Lea, D. W., 3159 1684, 1685, 1690, 1693, 1694, 1695, Lea, K., 2229, 2241 1696, 1697, 1698, 1699, 1701, 1702, Leal, J. P., 2821, 2840, 2885, 2912 1703, 1704, 1705, 1706, 1709, 1711, Leal, L. C., 1507 1712, 1713, 1714, 1716, 1717, 1718, Leal, P., 2150 1735, 1737 Leang, C. F., 164, 166 Lee, D.-C., 639, 3327 Leary, H. J., 1968, 1971 Lee, H., 2849 Leary, J. A., 357, 862, 863, 864, 870, 904, 905, Lee, H. M., 369 913, 914, 963, 1003, 1004, 1007, 1008, Lee, J., 949 Author Index I-217 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Lee, J. A., 191, 892, 913, 939, 945, 947, 949, 769, 771, 881, 888, 891, 989, 1008, 1019, 955, 957, 981, 982, 983, 1022, 1299 1021, 1045, 1047, 1048, 1085, 1086, Lee, M.-R., 103, 112 1087, 1098, 1100, 1101, 1110, 1111, Lee Nurmia, M. J., 185 1117, 1118, 1131, 1147, 1148, 1149, Lee, P. A., 3087, 3100 1150, 1155, 1157, 1158, 1162, 1166, Lee, R. E., 118, 2530, 2533 1167, 1169, 1170, 1171, 1180, 1181, Lee, S.-C., 783, 2678, 2684 1341, 2114, 2115, 2117, 2120, 2126, Lee, Sh. C., 3302 2127, 2128, 2132, 2133, 2136, 2137, Lee, S.-Y., 3172 2140, 2142, 2144, 2145, 2150, 2151, Lee, T. J., 1728 2152, 2154, 2155, 2156, 2157, 2159, Lee, T. Y., 2816 2160, 2161, 2163, 2164, 2165, 2168, Lee, T.-Y., 2471, 2472 2169, 2170, 2171, 2173, 2174, 2175, Lee, Y. S., 1671, 1676, 1679, 1680, 1681, 1682, 2181, 2182, 2186, 2187, 2193, 2194, 1723, 1727, 1728, 1729, 1907 2195, 2197, 2199, 2200, 2201, 2204, Leedev, I. A., 1547 2205, 2206, 2538, 2576, 2578, 2579, Lefebvre, F., 3002, 3003 2582, 2583, 3214, 3215, 3347, 3380, 3382 Lefe`bvre, J., 123 Lemmertz, P., 1738 Lefevre, J., 1285, 2756 Lemons, J. F., 1080, 1081, 1083, 1084, 1086, Lefort, M., 13, 1660 1088, 1090, 1091, 1126, 2421, 2426 Lefrancois, L., 2649, 2657 Lengeler, B., 932, 933 Leger, J. M., 1303, 1535, 2389 Lenhart, J. J., 3165, 3167 Leggett, R. W., 3380, 3404, 3405 Lennox, A., 3354 Legin, A. V., 3029 Lenz, H. C., Jr., 3424 Legin, E. K., 750 Leo´n Vintro´, L., 3016, 3023, 3296 Legoux, Y., 37, 129, 200, 201, 1077, 1079, Leonard, K. S., 1809 1080, 1101, 1302, 1316, 1416, 1418, Leonard, R. A., 1281, 1282, 2655, 2738, 1468, 1529, 1593, 1602, 1611 2739, 2740 Legre, J., 1874, 1875 Leong, J., 2473, 2816 Legros, J.-P., 2441, 2446 Leonidov, V. Y., 373, 376 Lehmann, M., 3364, 3365, 3376, 3378, 3379 Leonov, M. R., 2822, 2859 Lehmann, T., 1172, 2430, 2431 Leppin, M., 3065 Leibowitz, L., 357, 1046, 1076 Leres, R., 1653 Leicester, H. M., 19, 20, 52 Leroux, Y., 2591, 3419, 3421 Leider, H. R., 329 Lescop, C., 2480, 2837, 2841 Leigh, H. D., 2389 Lesinsky, J., 82 Leikena, E. V., 539 Leslie, B. W., 272, 293 Leikina, E. V., 726, 763, 766, 770 Less, N. L., 3242 Leininger, T., 1909, 1918, 1919, 1931, 1932 Lesser, R., 953, 958, 971, 973, 974 Leino, M., 6, 14, 1653, 1660, 1713, 1717, Lester, G. R., 1915 1737, 1738 Lesuer, D. R., 1297 Leipoldt, J. G., 115 Letokhov, V. S., 3319 Leitienne, P., 1507 Leung, A. F., 501, 509, 523, 763, 764, 2081, Leitnaker, J. M., 1018, 1019 2082, 2083, 2089, 2245 Leitner, L., 389, 1069 Leurs, L., 732, 734 Lejay, P., 2352 Leutner, H., 376, 377 Lejeune, R., 31 Leuze, R. E., 256, 841, 1402, 1629, 2672 Lelievre-Berna, E., 2236 Levakov, B. I., 1352 Le´manski, R., 421, 444, 448, 1055, 1784, Levdik, T. I., 3352, 3424 1785, 2238 Leventhal, J. S., 3172 Lemberg, V. K., 3352, 3424 Leverd, P. C., 2457, 2458, 2463, 2472, 2480, Lemire, R., 3206, 3213 2488, 2807, 2819, 2822, 2837, 2857 Lemire, R. J., 121, 125, 128, 421, 423, 425, 435, Levet, J. C., 2413, 2422, 2424, 2425 440, 441, 457, 458, 469, 473, 474, 477, Levet, J.-C., 402, 407, 414, 416, 417, 420, 423, 478, 480, 481, 497, 502, 503, 509, 513, 425, 435, 437, 440, 456, 457, 470, 473, 514, 515, 516, 517, 536, 538, 543, 544, 474, 478, 479, 499, 502, 509, 514, 515, 545, 551, 552, 556, 593, 594, 595, 596, 516, 525, 527, 528, 538, 544, 551 597, 598, 599, 601, 602, 603, 718, 719, Levin, L. I., 2052 722, 726, 727, 728, 739, 744, 745, 767, Levine, C. A., 704, 822, 823, 3276 I-218 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Levine, I. N., 1911 Liebman, J. F., 1578, 1611 Levine, S., 2114 Lieke, W., 2333 Levitin, R. Z., 2359 Lien, H., 3026, 3028, 3031, 3032, 3066 Levitz, N. M., 1081 Lierse, C., 727, 769, 1145, 1146, 3016, 3063 Levy, G. C., 2565, 2566 Lieser, K. H., 133, 180, 788, 3034, 3035, 3095 Levy, H. A., 488 Liezers, M., 638, 787, 3043, 3044, 3328 Levy, J. H., 435, 439, 453, 455, 474, 478, 498, Light, M. E., 259, 287 515, 530, 536, 560, 2417, 2418, 2420, Lightfoot, H. D., 2728 2421, 2426 Ligot, M., 2695, 2696 Lewan, M. D., 3137 Lijima, K., 1681 Lewin, R., 854 Lijun, S., 1267 Lewis, B. M., 357, 358, 2193 Likhner, D., 3366 Lewis, H. D., 957 Liley, P. E., 322 Lewis, J. E., 393 Lilijenzin, J. O., 1117 Lewis, J. S., 2728 Liljenzin, G., 184 Lewis, L. A., 3227, 3228, 3232 Liljenzin, J., 2525, 2546, 2547, 2592, 2767 Lewis, M. A., 861 Liljenzin, J.-O., 209, 218, 220, 1285, 1286, Lewis, R. H., 226 1687, 1761, 1764, 1803, 1811, 2584, Lewis, R. S., 824 2627, 2657, 2659, 2672, 2674, 2675, Lewis, W. B., 382, 529, 530, 2076, 2082, 2241, 2756, 2757, 2761, 2767 2243, 2244, 2246 Lilley, E. M., 1297, 1299 Leyba, J. D., 1445, 1447, 1662, 1703, Lilley, P. E., 3117 1704, 1705 Lilliendahl, W. C., 2712 Lhenaff, R., 3016 Lilly, P. E., 1593 Li, B., 3055 Lim, C., 3113 Li, J., 405, 578, 1200, 1363, 1893, 1943, 1944, Lim, I., 1724, 1729 1945, 1946, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, Lima, F. W., 182 1960, 1961, 1962, 1969, 1973, 1975, Liminga, R., 103, 110, 1360 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, Lin Chao, 231 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, Lin, G. D., 76 1988, 2246, 2861, 2863 Lin, J. C., 3056 Li, J. Y., 715 Lin, K. C., 1968, 1985, 2894 Li, K., 791 Lin, L., 2924 Li, L., 1671, 1905, 1907, 1960, 2912, 2938 Lin, M. R., 1181, 2452, 2453, 2454, 2455 Li, R., 3033 Lin, S. T., 335 Li, S., 77, 2371 Lin, Y., 2678, 2680, 2681, 2682, 2683, 2684, Li, S. T., 2042, 2047, 2053, 2059, 2061 2689, 2924 Li, S. X., 2717 Lin, Z., 795, 1364, 2479, 2480, 2913, Li, S.-C., 80, 81 2924, 2997 Li, S.-M. W., 3178, 3179 Lin, Z. R., 2837 Li, Y., 259, 282, 287, 762, 2984, 3099 Linauskas, S. H., 3050 Li, Y.-P., 103, 113, 262, 268, 283, 287, 289, 290 Lincoln, S. F., 607, 620, 1174 Li, Yu., 3033 Lindau, I., 1521 Li, Z., 164, 191, 2966, 2974 Lindaum, A., 2370 Lian, J., 113, 2157, 2159 Lindbaum, A., 192, 923, 1300, 1522, 1578, Liang, B., 405, 1976 1594, 1754, 1787, 1789, 2315, 2355, Liang, B. Y., 1977, 1978, 1980, 1981, 2368, 2369, 2370, 2371 1983, 1984 Lindberg, M. J., 287 Liang, J., 2752, 2753 Lindecker, C., 103, 109, 110, 2432 Liansheng, W., 1280, 2738 Lindemer, T. B., 361, 389, 396, 1047, 2141, Liberge, R., 2633 2143, 2145, 2151 Liberman, D., 1728, 2076 Lindenbaum, A., 1823 Liberman, S., 1874, 1875 Lindenmeier, C. W., 3278, 3327, 3328 Libotte, H., 1300, 1522, 2370 Lindgerg, A., 189 Libowitz, G. G., 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 2188 Lindgren, I., 1461 Lichte, F. E., 269, 277 Lindh, R., 1909 Lidster, P., 94, 208, 471, 472, 498, 2065, 2276 Lindhorst, P. S., 3409 Lidstro¨m, E., 2285, 2286, 2287, 2352 Lindner, M., 3014 Author Index I-219 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Lindner, R., 905, 906, 907, 911, 988, 1790 Liu, J. Z., 2865 Lindquist-Reis, P., 118 Liu, M. Z., 108 Lindqvist-Reis, P., 3158 Liu, Q., 2589, 2664 Lindsay, J. D., 191, 193 Liu, T. S., 3300 Lindsay, J. D. G., 2350 Liu, W., 1671, 1682, 1683, 1727, 1905, 1910, Lindsay, J. W., 3219 1943, 1944, 1947, 1948, 1952 Lindsey, J. D. G., 1302 Liu, X., 108, 2980 Lindstrom, R. E., 2686 Liu, Y., 76, 3170 Linevsky, 2148 Liu, Y. D., 76 Linford, P. F., 944, 949 Liu, Y. H., 2464 Linford, P. F. T., 949, 950 Liu, Y.-F., 1449, 1450, 1451 Lingane, J. J., 634 Livens, F., 3013 Link, P., 1300 Livens, F. R., 588, 589, 595, 705, 706, 783, 790, Lipis, L. V., 1099, 1100, 1101, 1102, 1106, 1927, 1928, 2440, 2441, 2442, 2447, 1107, 1108, 2426 2448, 2583, 3056, 3059, 3063, 3072, Lipkind, H., 65, 75, 78, 80, 81, 83, 95, 100, 107 3106, 3132, 3165, 3167, 3169 Lipp, A., 67 Livet, J., 2563, 2580, 2657 Lippard, S. J., 337, 2404 Livina, M. N., 1331 Lippelt, E., 2351 Livingston, H. D., 3022, 3282, 3295 Lipponen, M., 130, 131 Livingston, R. R., 3221, 3259 Lipschutz, M. E., 638, 3327 Lizin, A. A., 2431 Lipsztein, J., 3355, 3366 Llewellyn, P. M., 2243, 2561 Lipsztein, J. L., 3345, 3356, 3366, 3371, Lloyd, E., 3401 3375, 3382 Lloyd, J. R., 717 Liptai, R. G., 879, 882, 962, 964 Lloyd, L. T., 964 Lis, T., 426, 427, 438, 448, 454 Lloyd, M. H., 1033, 1151, 1152, 1312, Lischka, H., 1908, 1909 1313, 1421 Lisco, H., 3424 Lloyd, R. D., 1507, 1579, 1823, 3340, 3343, Listopadov, A. A., 1049 3349, 3350, 3353, 3396, 3401, 3405, Listowsky, I., 3364, 3366, 3397, 3399 3413, 3414, 3415, 3416, 3420, 3424 Litfin, K., 1300, 1522, 2370 Lo, E., 1862, 2029 Litherland, A. E., 3014, 3063, 3316, 3317, 3318 Lo Sasso, T., 3345, 3371, 3396 Litteral, E., 357 Loasby, R. G., 892, 909, 912, 944, 949, 952 Litterst, F. J., 2283, 2284 Lobanov, M. V., 77 Litterst, J., 719, 720 Lobanov, Y. V., 6, 14, 1036, 1653, 1654, 1707, Little, K. C., 840 1719, 1736, 1738 Littleby, A. K., 3050, 3057 Lobanov, Yu. V., 1398, 1400 Littler, D. J., 823 Lobikov, E. A., 1848 Littrell, K. C., 840, 2649 Locock, A., 3170, 3178 Litvina, M. N., 1325, 1331 Locock, A. J., 263, 264, 265, 266, 281, 294, Litz, L. M., 399, 400, 404 295, 296, 2431, 2432, 2433 Litzen, U., 1843 Loeb, W. F., 3357, 3358 Liu, B., 2752 Loewenschuss, A., 2540, 2541, 2543, 2544 Liu, C., 76, 274, 1910, 3179, 3181 Lofgren, N., 738 Liu, Ch. Yu., 3065 Lofgren, N. A., 413 Liu, D.-S., 2875 Lofgren, N. L., 95, 96, 1093 Liu, G., 3413 Loge, G. W., 3322 Liu, G. K., 483, 486, 1113, 1368, 1454, 1455, Logunov, M. V., 856 1544, 1605, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2020, Logvis’, A. I., 748 2030, 2031, 2036, 2037, 2041, 2042, Loh, E., 2020 2044, 2047, 2048, 2049, 2053, 2054, Lo¨hle, J., 1318 2056, 2059, 2061, 2062, 2064, 2068, Lohr, H. R., 333, 486, 502, 1312, 1313 2069, 2070, 2071, 2072, 2073, 2075, Lohr, L. L., Jr., 1916, 1943, 1948 2089, 2095, 2099, 2101, 2103, 2265 Lohr, W., 3424 Liu, H., 164, 3323 Loidl, A., 2352 Liu, H. Q., 2979 Loiseleur, H., 2438, 2439 Liu Husheng, 186 Lokan, K. H., 3302 Liu, J. L., 715 Lokshin, N. V., 3014 I-220 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Lombard, L., 405 Loye, O., 113 Lommel, B., 1653, 1713, 1717 Lu, B., 3055 Long, E. A., 356, 357, 2272 Lu, C. C., 1452, 1640 Long, G., 1080, 1086, 2701 Lu, F., 3046, 3069 Long, J. T., 854 Lu, F. L., 3179 Long, K. A., 366, 367 Lu, H., 3062 Longerich, H. P., 3323 Lu, M. T., 2633, 2634 Longfield, M. J., 2287, 2292, 2352 Lu, N., 1155 Longheed, R. W., 1653 Lu, W. C., 367 Longstaffe, F. J., 3164 Lubedev, V. Y., 1684 Lonnel, B., 14 Luc, P., 1846, 1882 Lonzarich, G. G., 407, 2239, 2359 Lucas, C., 3037 Loong, C.-K., 2042, 2047, 2053, 2059, 2061, Lucas, F., 103, 112 2248, 2250, 2278, 2283, 2289 Lucas, J., 372, 374, 376, 377, 378, 380, 382, Loopstra, B. O., 341, 346, 349, 350, 351, 356, 393, 425, 446, 468, 575, 2422 357, 358, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 383, Lucas, R. L., 990, 991, 992, 994, 1028, 1035, 392, 514, 2392, 2394, 2434 2404, 3204, 3205, 3206, 3207, 3208, Lopez, M., 629 3210, 3212, 3213, 3219 Lord, W. B. H., 904, 908, 913, 988 Lucchini, J. F., 289 Lorenz, R., 195, 2407, 2408 Luce, A., 2633 Lorenz, V., 2469, 2912 Luck, W. A. P., 3117 Lorenzelli, R., 367, 391, 392, 742, 743, 744, Luckey, T. D., 3359, 3362 774, 1008, 1044, 1045, 2407 Ludwig, R., 1352 Loriers, J., 96, 1303, 1535, 2389 Lue, C. J., 1973 Loser, R. W., 3259 Luengo, C. A., 63 Losev, V. Yu., 2441 Luger, P., 2452 Lott, U., 396 Lugli, G., 1802, 2420, 2471, 2472, 2490, 2491, Lotts, A. L., 2733 2493, 2819, 2859, 2865 Louer, D., 102, 103, 109, 110, 472, 477, 1172, Lugovskaya, E. S., 112 2431, 2432 Lui, Z.-K., 928 Louer, M., 102, 110, 472, 477, 1172, 2431, 2432 Lujanas, V., 3016 Lougheed, R., 1453, 1473, 1474 Lujaniene, G., 3016 Lougheed, R. M., 1849 Luk, C. K., 3364 Lougheed, R. W., 6, 14, 1398, 1453, 1474, Lukashenko, S. N., 3017, 3067 1475, 1476, 1516, 1530, 1533, 1543, Lukaszewicz, K., 2411 1586, 1629, 1631, 1633, 1635, 1636, Luke, H., 1534 1639, 1641, 1647, 1654, 1692, 1695, Luke, W. D., 2487, 2488, 2489, 2852, 1696, 1707, 1719, 1736, 1738, 1839, 2855, 2856 1850, 1858, 1864, 1871, 1872, 1885, Lukens, H. R., 3305 2077, 2416, 2525, 2526 Lukens, W. W., 289, 602, 1166, 2256, 2259, Louie, J., 955 2583, 3130, 3131, 3160, 3167 Louie, S. G., 2336 Lukens, W. W., Jr., 2477, 2480, 2812, 2813, Louis, M., 422 2829, 2830 Louis, R. A., 82 Lukinykh, A. N., 2431 Loukah, M., 76 Lukoyanov, A. V., 929, 953 Loussouarn, A., 43 Luk’yanenko, N. G., 108 Louwrier, K. P., 988, 1033 Luk’yanov, A. S., 907, 909, 911, 912 Love, L. O., 821 Lukyanova, L. A., 458, 1079 Love, S. F., 3024, 3284, 3296, 3307 Lumetta, G. J., 1278, 1282, 1294, 1397, 2660, Loveland, W., 1653, 1737, 1738 2737, 2740, 2748 Loveland, W. D., 815, 1108, 1499, 1501, 1577, Lumpkin, G. R., 113, 271, 273, 277, 278, 280, 1580, 1586, 1613, 2630 291, 2157, 2159, 3051 Lovell, K. V., 854 Lumpov, A. A., 856 Lovesey, S. W., 2234 Luna, R. E., 3252, 3253, 3255 Lovett, M. B., 2527, 2553, 3021, 3022, 3023, Lundgren, G., 102, 103, 104, 112, 586, 2434 3287, 3295 Lundqvist, R., 222, 223, 1629, 1633, 2529, 2550 Lovley, D. R., 3172, 3178 Lundqvist, R. D., 1605 Lowe, J. T., 1290, 1291 Lundqvist, R. F., 1629, 1633, 1636 Author Index I-221 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Lundqvist, R. F. D., 2525, 2526 Madariaga, G., 78, 82 Lung, M., 2734 Maddock, A. G., 162, 164, 173, 176, 177, 178, Lunzer, F., 2979 179, 180, 182, 184, 187, 198, 201, 208, Luo, C., 1449, 1450, 1451 209, 213, 215, 217, 218, 219, 220, 224, Luo, H., 100 227, 229, 230, 988, 1049 Luo, K., 266 Madic, C., 117, 576, 608, 609, 762, 1049, 1116, Luo, S. D., 171 1148, 1155, 1168, 1262, 1270, 1285, Luo, S. G., 715 1287, 1356, 1369, 1417, 1418, 2426, Luo, X., 639, 3327 2427, 2532, 2533, 2583, 2584, 2594, Lupinetti, A. J., 398, 861, 998, 1112, 1166, 2596, 2603, 2622, 2649, 2657, 2658, 3109, 3210 2659, 2672, 2674, 2675, 2676, 2756, Luttinger, J. M., 2334 2761, 2762, 2858, 3101, 3102, 3110, Lutzenkirchen, K., 596, 627, 628, 629, 3102, 3111, 3112, 3113, 3114, 3115, 3116, 3119, 3121 3117, 3118, 3253, 3254, 3262 Lux, F., 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 501, 515, 527, Madic, S., 1923 1323, 1324, 2080, 2227, 2243, 2244 Maeda, A., 390, 391, 2201 Lychev, A. A., 539, 549, 555, 556, 1361 Maeda, K., 753, 790, 791 Lyle, S. J., 41, 187, 1352, 1426, 1431 Maeda, M., 712, 760, 766, 787 Lynch, R. W., 1292 Maeland, A. J., 66, 2188 Lynch, V., 605, 2401, 2464, 2465, 2466 Maershin, A. A., 854 Lynn, J., 967 Magana, J. W., 958, 959, 2195 Lynn, J. E., 1880 Magette, M., 735, 739 Lyon, A., 1653 Maghrawy, H. B., 184 Lyon, W. G., 376, 382 Magill, J., 366, 367 Lyon, W. L., 863, 1045, 1075, 1270, 2710 Magini, M., 118, 123, 2531, 3103, 3105 Lyon, W. S., 164, 169 Magirius, S., 1314, 1338, 1340 Lyons, P. C., 3046 Maglic, K., 356 Lytle, F., 3087, 3088, 3162, 3163 Magnusson, L. B., 5, 717, 727, 3281, 3287 Lytle, F. E., 3320 Magon, L., 767, 770, 776, 777, 778, 779, 781, Lytle, F. W., 278 782, 1178, 1180, 1181, 2441, 2550, Lyttle, M. H., 2852 2554, 2585, 2586, 2589 Lyubchanskiy, E. R., 3352, 3424 Magyar, B., 3068 Lyzwa, R., 444 Mahajan, G. R., 1285, 1352, 2657, 2658 Mahalingham, A., 63 Mahamid, I. A., 861 Ma, D., 42, 43 Mahata, K., 1447 Maas, E. T., Jr., 618 Mahe, P., 103, 110 Maata, E. A., 117, 2827, 2832, 2837, 2838, Mahlum, D. D., 1817, 3386 2841, 2842, 2913, 2924, 2997 Mahon, C., 1507, 1518 Mac Cordick, J., 452 Mahony, T. D., 1507 Mac Donald, M. A., 1962 Maier, D., 1303, 1312 Mac Lachlan, D., 3117 Maier, H. J., 1882, 1883 Mac Lean, L. M., 3266 Maier, J. L., 1697, 2650, 2672 Mac Lellen, J. A., 3278, 3327, 3328 Maier, R., 2469, 2470, 2472, 2475, 2814, 2819, Mac Leod, A. C., 353 2882, 2885 Mac Wood, G. E., 440, 441, 477, 480, 499 Mailen, J. C., 1049, 1270, 1513, 1548, 2702 Macak, P., 620, 622, 623, 1925 Maillard, C., 1143 Macalik, L., 444 Maillard, J.-P., 1840 Macaskie, L. E., 297, 717 Maillet, C. P., 195 Macdonald, J. E., 389 Maino, F., 1318, 1319, 1403, 1411, 1421 Macfarlane, A., 3266 Mair, M. A., 633, 3282 Macfarlane, R. D., 1632 Maiti, T. C., 714 Machiels, A., 725 Maitlis, P. M., 2966 Machuron-Mandard, X., 1049, 3253, Majer, V., 1766 3254, 3262 Majumdar, D., 1973, 1974 Macias, E. S., 3292, 3299, 3303 Majumder, S., 1906 Mack, B., 3029 Mak, T. C. W., 472, 2869 Mackey, D. J., 2067 Makarenkov, V. I., 1321 I-222 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Makarov, E. F., 793 Mann, D. K., 3327 Makarova, T. P., 41, 1352, 1476, 1479, 2557 Mann, J. B., 1296, 1356, 1516, 1604, 1643, Makhyoun, M. A., 1959 1670, 1674, 1699, 1728, 1729, 1731, Makishima, A., 3285 1732, 1733, 2030, 2032, 2042, 2076, Maksimova, A. M., 1352 2091, 2095 Malcic, S. S., 2427 Mann, R., 14, 1653, 1713, 1717 Maldivi, P., 1963, 1965, 1966, 2177 Manning, G. S., 2591 Malek, A., 2916 Manning, T. J., 2574 Malek, C. K., 469, 482, 491, 2065 Manning, W. M., 5, 902, 903, 904, 907, 912, Maletka, K., 475, 476, 478, 479, 495 913, 988, 1577, 1622, 1754, 2114 Maletta, H., 2352 Mannix, D., 2237, 2285, 2286, 2287, 2352 Malhotra, R. K., 3061 Mannove, F., 2767 Malik, F. B., 1452, 1640 Manohar, H., 2442 Malik, S. K., 66, 339 Manohar, S. B., 182, 184 Malikov, D. A., 1422, 1448, 1449, 1479 Manriquez, J. H., 2916, 2919, 2924, 2997 Malinovsky, M., 2692 Manriquez, J. M., 116, 117, 2479, 2481, Malkemus, D., 31 2482, 2809, 2811, 2827, 2832, 2837, Malkin, B. Z., 2037, 2051, 2052 2838, 2839, 2841, 2842, 2913, 2924, Mallett, M. W., 328, 331, 399, 410, 2407 2997 Malli, G. L., 1898 Mansard, B., 1071, 1073, 1074, 1075 Malm, J. G., 163, 174, 182, 200, 502, 503, 504, Manske, W. J., 76 505, 533, 534, 535, 537, 731, 732, 733, Manson, S. T., 1453, 1516 734, 1048, 1049, 1080, 1081, 1082, Mansouri, I., 457 1086, 1088, 1090, 1092, 1194, 2080, Mansuetto, M. F., 420 2084, 2086, 2161, 2176, 2419, Mansuy, D., 3117 2420, 2421 Mantione, K., 3022, 3181 Malmbeck, R., 1666, 1735, 2135, 2756 Manuelli, C., 105 Malmqvist, P., 1897, 1909, 1910, 1972, 1973, Mao, X., 786 1974, 1975 Mapara, P. M., 1275 Malta, O., 483, 486, 491 Maple, M. B., 62, 63, 100, 861, 2352, 2357 Malta, O. L., 2039 Maples, C., 26 Maly, J., 37, 1302, 1480, 1547, 1607, 1629, Maquart, Ch., 3040 1635, 1637, 1639, 2129 Mar, A., 2256 Malyshev, N. A., 31 Marabelli, F., 1055 Malyshev, O. N., 164, 1654, 1719, 1720, Marakov, E. S., 402 1735, 1738 Maraman, W. J., 832, 837, 866, 870, 988, Malysheva, L. P., 1513 1048, 1093, 1175, 2706, 2709, 2712, Mamantov, G., 1547 2713 Manabe, O., 2560, 2590 Marangoni, G., 2443, 2446, 2447 Manceau, A., 3152, 3153, 3154, 3156, 3157, Marasinghe, G. K., 277 3165, 3166, 3167 Marc¸alo, J., 1971, 1993, 2150, 2883, 2884, Manchanda, V. K., 182, 184, 706, 1284, 1285, 2885, 2912 1294, 1352, 2657, 2658, 2659, 2736 Marcantonatos, M. D., 627, 629 Mandleberg, C. J., 1077, 1078, 1079, 1080, March, N. H., 1994 1085, 1086, 1099 Marchenko, V. I., 711, 761, 1126, 1140 Mandolini, L., 597 Marchidan, D. I., 360, 362 Manes, L., 421, 994, 995, 1019, 1286, 1297, Marciniec, B., 2966 2283, 2292, 2336 Marckwald, W., 20 Manescu, I., 859 Marcon, J. P., 378, 414, 739, 740, 741, 1050, Manfrinetti, P., 407 1051, 1052, 1054, 1070, 1074, 1312, Mang, M., 794 1316, 2413 Mangaonkar, S. S., 110 Marconi, W., 2490, 2491, 2493, 2859, 2865 Mangini, A., 231, 3046, 3164 Marcu, G., 1352 Manheimer, W., 2728 Marcus, R. B., 333 Manier, M., 220, 221 Marcus, Y., 58, 771, 1284, 1312, 1313, 1315, Mankins, J. C., 2728 1325, 1328, 1329, 1331, 1338, 1365, Manley, M. E., 929 1509, 2540, 2541, 2543, 2544, 2580, Mann, B. E., 2966 2625, 2637, 2666 Author Index I-223 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Marden, J. W., 61, 80 Marquart, R., 747, 749, 1034, 1312, 1319, Mardon, P. G., 718, 719, 892, 904, 905, 909, 1320, 1321, 1359, 2407, 2408, 2427, 913, 1009, 2116 2430, 2431 Marei, S. A., 1411, 1418, 2267, 2268 Marques, N., 2821, 2840, 2880, 2881, 2882, Marezio, M., 1067 2883, 2884, 2885 Margerum, D. W., 2605 Marquet-Ellis, H., 423, 445, 503, 505, Margherita, S., 123 2251, 2855 Margolies, D. S., 920, 933 Marquez, L. N., 287 Margorian, M. N., 3282 Marquez, N., 2912 Margrave, J. L., 2165 Marrocchelli, A., 2633 Margraves, J. L., 2864 Marrot, J., 2254 Marhol, M., 847 Marrus, R., 190, 1847 Maria, L., 2881 Marschner, C., 2979 Marian, C. M., 1900 Marsden, C., 1918, 1919, 1921, 1922, 1931, Mariani, R. D., 2717 1932, 1933, 1969, 1972, 1973, 1974, Marie, S. A., 184 1975, 1988 Marin, J. F., 367, 368 Marsh, D. L., 1829 Marinenko, G., 634 Marsh, S. F., 849, 851, 1167, 1926, 3109 Marinsky, J. A., 484, 2591 Marshall, E. M., 2149 Mark, H., 1452, 1515 Marshall, J. H., 3401, 3404, 3407 Markin, T. L., 353, 360, 362, 364, 389, Marshall, R. H., 384, 385, 386, 387, 388 391, 392, 396, 1027, 1030, 1031, 1070, Marsicano, F., 2577 1071, 1123, 1184, 1320, 1322, 2389, Marteau, M., 726, 753, 773, 2129 2395 Martell, A., 121, 124, 132, 510, 597, 602, Markos, M., 3179, 3181 604, 606 Markowicz, A., 3173 Martell, A. E., 771, 1178, 2557, 2558, 2559, Markowski, P. J., 100 2568, 2571, 2575, 2576, 2577, 2579, Marks, A. P., 2577 2581, 2582, 2587, 2633, 2634, 3346, Marks, T. J., 116, 117, 576, 750, 1801, 1802, 3347, 3353, 3361, 3382 1894, 1942, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, Martella, L. L., 1278, 2653, 2737 1993, 2240, 2464, 2467, 2468, 2469, Marten, R., 3014 2470, 2471, 2472, 2473, 2476, 2479, Martens, G., 3117 2480, 2481, 2482, 2484, 2491, 2801, Martensson, N., 1297 2809, 2810, 2811, 2815, 2817, 2819, Marthino Simo˜es, J. A., 2924, 2934 2821, 2822, 2824, 2827, 2832, 2835, Marti, K., 824 2837, 2838, 2839, 2840, 2841, 2842, Martin, A., 1008 2843, 2844, 2866, 2892, 2893, 2912, Martin, A. E., 352, 353, 378, 391, 2715 2913, 2914, 2916, 2918, 2919, 2920, Martin, D. B., 903 2924, 2933, 2934, 2938, 2939, 2965, Martin, D. G., 1075 2972, 2979, 2984, 2986, 2990, 2997, Martin- Daguet, V., 2685 2998, 2999, 3002, 3003 Martin, F. S., 424 Marlein, J., 33 Martin, G. R., 187 Marler, D. O., 470 Martin, J. M., 2400 Marley, N. A., 3288 Martin, K. A., 1280, 2738, 2742 Maron, L., 580, 596, 1156, 1907, 1909, Martin, L. J., 3017 1918, 1919, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1925, Martin, M. Z., 1505 1926, 1931, 1932, 1957, 2532, 3102, Martin, P., 42, 389, 861, 3014 3126, 3127 Martin, R., 1507, 1518, 1879, 1882, 1884 Maroni, V. A., 2096, 2536, 3034, 3037 Martin, R. C., 1505, 1828, 1829 Marov, I. N., 218, 219 Martin, R. L., 580, 589, 596, 620, 621, 1192, Marples, J. A. C., 39, 191, 193, 230, 353, 725, 1193, 1194, 1196, 1198, 1199, 1777, 892, 909, 913, 915, 939, 981, 982, 1058, 1908, 1916, 1918, 1920, 1921, 1922, 2385, 2411 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1931, Marquardt, C., 2591 1932, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1940, Marquardt, C. M., 133, 223, 763, 766, 1941, 1965, 2528, 3102, 3111, 3112, 3138, 3149 3113, 3121, 3122, 3123, 3126, 3128 Marquardt, Ch., 3069 Martin Sanchez, A., 133 Marquardt, R., 1421 Martin Sa´nchez, A., 3017, 3022 I-224 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Martin, W. C., 1513, 1633, 1639, 1646 Mason, C., 1138 Martinez, B., 939, 941, 942, 962, 965, 966, 967, Mason, D. M., 76 984, 3247, 3257, 3259 Mason, G. W., 27, 115, 171, 172, 175, 184, Martinez, B. T., 2749 219, 704, 822, 824, 1275, 1278, 1280, Martinez, D. A., 3263 1448, 1490, 1697, 2650, 2653, 2672, Martinez, H. E., 3031 2768, 3016, 3276 Martinez, J. L., 2360 Mason, J. T., 78, 80, 82 Martinez, M. A., 861 Mason, M. J., 125, 127, 128, 130, 131, 2587 Martinez, R., 932 Mason, N. J., 3136, 3137 Martinez, R. J., 882, 967, 3247, 3257, 3259 Mason, T., 170, 187 Martinez-Cruz, L. A., 2407, 2408 Mason, T. E., 399 Martin-Gil, J., 2439 Mass, E. T., 565 Martinho Simo˜es, J. A., 2912 Massalski, T. B., 926, 932, 949, 950 Martinot, L., 118, 119, 421, 423, 445, 487, 492, Masschaele, B., 3042, 3043 717, 718, 725, 728, 729, 753, 754, 1328, Masse, R., 1819, 3398, 3399 1424, 1482, 2127, 2133, 2134, 2135, Masson, J. P., 503, 561 2694, 2695, 2696, 2697, 2698, 2699, Masson, M., 1285 2700, 2701, 2704 Massud, S., 3035 Martin-Rovet, D., 101, 728, 1064 Mastal, E. F., 43, 817, 818 Martinsen, K.-G., 2169 Mastauskas, A., 3016 Martinsen, M., 78, 80, 81, 82, 96, 100 Masters, B. J., 621, 622, 1133, 2580, 2599 Marty, B., 824 Masuda, A., 231 Marty, N., 184, 187 Mateau, M., 773 Marty, P., 2682, 2685 Matei-Tanasescu, S., 360, 362 Martynova, N. S. Z., 516 Ma´tel, L., 3017 Martz, J., 975 Materlik, G., 2236 Martz, J. C., 945, 957, 973, 974, 976, 977, 978, Materna, Th., 3042, 3043 979, 980, 983, 984, 985, 987, 1035, 3200, Matheis, D. P., 417, 418 3201, 3218, 3225, 3227, 3228, 3230, Matheson, M. S., 2760 3232, 3233, 3234, 3235, 3236, 3237, Mathew, K. A., 40, 41 3238, 3245, 3247, 3250, 3251, 3252, Mathews, C. K., 355 3253, 3254, 3256, 3257, 3258, 3260 Mathey, F., 2491, 2869, 2870 Marusin, E. P., 69, 72 Mathieson, W. A., 2732 Maruyama, T., 1450, 1696, 1718, 1735 Mathieu, G. G., 3129 Maruyama, Y., 1507 Mathieu-Sicaud, A., 123 Marvhenko, V. I., 2757 Mathur, B. K., 540, 566, 2441 Marvin, H. H., 2030, 2036 Mathur, J. N., 705, 708, 712, 713, 775, 1269, Marx, G., 3052 1274, 1275, 1278, 1280, 1281, 1282, Mary, T. A., 942 1294, 1426, 1427, 1449, 1553, 2579, Marzano, C., 319, 2712 2622, 2626, 2653, 2661, 2662, 2664, Marzotto, A., 548, 554 2666, 2667, 2668, 2669, 2738, 2739, Masaki, N., 377, 387, 389, 409, 2392, 2411 2743, 2744, 2745, 2747, 2748, 2749, Masaki, N. M., 727, 749, 750, 792, 793, 2750, 2753, 2754, 2757, 2759 2280, 3043 Mathur, P. K., 180 Masci, B., 2456, 2457, 2458, 2459, 2460, Matiasovsky, K., 2692 2461, 2558 Matignon, C., 61, 63, 64, 80, 97 Mashirev, V. P., 989, 996 Matioli, P. A., 260, 293 Mashirov, L. G., 539, 548, 549, 555, 556, 571, Matisons, J. G., 2883 1116, 1361, 2533, 2594, 3111, 3122 Matkovic, B., 102, 103, 110, 2431 Masino, A. P., 2819 Matlack, G. M., 1592, 1593 Maslen, E. N., 2530 Matlock, D. K., 939, 940 Maslennikov, A., 2553 Matonic, J. H., 593, 1069, 1112, 1138, 1149, Maslennikov, A. G., 1480, 1548, 1636, 1166, 1179, 1327, 1328, 1824, 1991, 3052, 3053 1992, 2530, 2590 Maslov, O. D., 786, 822, 1624, 1632, Matsika, S., 577, 627, 763, 764, 1192, 1199, 1663, 1690 1897, 1901, 1909, 1928, 1930, 1931, Mason, B., 259, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 1932, 2037, 2079, 2561, 2594 268, 269, 275 Matson, L. K., 415, 2413 Author Index I-225 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Matsuda, H. T., 2748 Mayankutty, P. C., 58 Matsuda, T., 2157, 2158, 3067 Mayer, H., 262 Matsuda, Y., 2657 Mayer, K., 1143 Matsui, T., 347, 353, 360, 369, 394, 396, 766, Mayer, M., 1906 787, 1019, 1025, 1026, 2202, 2208, Mayer, P., 588 2211, 2715 Mayerle, J. J., 337, 2404 Matsumura, M., 2693, 2717 Maynard, C. W., 2734 Matsunaga, N., 1908 Maynard, E. A., 3354, 3386 Matsunaga, T., 3023, 3171 Maynard, R. B., 2472, 2473, 2479, 2484, 2561, Matsuoka, H., 410 2825, 2826 Matsuoka, O., 1905 Maynau, D., 1932, 1969, 1988 Matsutsin, A. A., 458 Mayne, K., 192 Matsuzuru, H., 837 Mays, C. W., 1507, 3343, 3349, 3350, 3396, Mattenberger, K., 739, 1023, 1055, 1056, 1318, 3401, 3405, 3414, 3415, 3416, 2234, 2236, 2362 3420, 3424 Mattern, D., 3046 Mayton, R., 2691 Matthens, W. C. M., 2209 Mazeina, L., 113, 2157, 2159 Matthews, C. K., 396 Mazer, J. J., 276 Matthews, J. M., 102, 110 Mazoyer, R., 724 Matthews, J. R., 1071, 1970 Mazumdar, A. S. G., 1127, 1175 Matthews, R., 3065 Mazumdar, C., 2237 Matthews, R. B., 1004 Mazur, Y. F., 1512 Matthias, B. T., 34, 191, 193, 1302, 2350 Mazurak, M., 431 Mattie, J. F., 3067, 3288 Mazus, M. D., 69, 72 Matton, S., 785, 3352, 3359, 3368, 3377 Mazzanti, M., 598, 1963, 1965, 2452, 2584 Mattraw, H. C., 1086, 1088 Mazzei, A., 1802, 2420, 2819, 2865 Matuzenko, M. Y., 727, 770, 793 Mazzi, F., 269, 278 Matveev, A., 1906, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1931, Mazzi, U., 2585 1935, 1937, 1938 Mazzocchin, G. A., 2585, 2589 Matz, W., 1923, 3106, 3107, 3111, 3112, 3122, McAlister, D. R., 2649, 2652 3179, 3181 McAlister, S. P., 962 Matzke, H., 1004, 1019, 1044, 1071, 2281, McBeth, R. L., 107, 292, 490, 492, 501, 510, 2282, 3065, 3070 524, 737, 1109, 2081, 2696, 2697, 2699 Matzke, H. J., 1537 McBride, J. P., 1033 Matzke, Hj., 367, 368, 3214, 3239, 3251, 3265 McCart, B., 2262 Matzner, R. A., 301 McCartney, E. R., 2389 Mauchien, P., 1114, 1368, 1405, 1433, 2096, McCaskie, L. E., 1818 2536, 3034 McClellan, R. O., 3396 Mauel, M. E., 2728 McClure, D. S., 2077, 2078 Mauerhofer, E., 1479, 3101, 3102, 3111, 3112, McClure, S. M., 2864 3113, 3114 McCollum, W. A., 70 Mauermann, H., 2918 McColm, I. J., 67, 71 Maulden, J. J., 187 McCormac, J. J., 225, 226 Maunder, G., 1947 McCoy, J. D., 164 Maung, R., 2452 McCreary, W. J., 863 Maurette, M., 1805 McCubbin, D., 1809 Maxim, P., 64 McCue, M. C., 106, 119, 2126, 2132, Maximov, V., 398 2538, 2539 Maxwell, S. C., III, 2660, 2661, 2727 McCulloch, M. T., 3047, 3326 Maxwell, S. L., 1409, 1433, 3282, 3283, 3285, McCullough, L. G., 2877 3286, 3293, 3295, 3296, 3311, 3315 McDeavitt, S., 863 Maxwell, S. L., III, 714, 1508, 1511 McDeavitt, S. M., 719, 721 May, A. N., 53 McDermott, M. J., 537, 2426 May, C. A., 1874, 1875, 1877 McDevitt, M. R., 42, 43, 44 May, C. W., 1507 McDonald, B. J., 997, 998, 1000, 1001, 1004, May, I., 711, 712, 760, 761, 2584, 2757 1007, 1008 May, S., 782, 786, 3056, 3057 McDonald, F. E., 2984 Maya, L., 769, 774, 775, 3035, 3154 McDonald, G. J. F., 3014 I-226 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

McDonald, R., 2880, 2881 McMillan, T. S., 521 McDonald, R. A., 70, 339, 399, 407 McNally, J. R., Jr., 857, 858, 860, 1847 McDonald, R. O., 309 McNamara, B. K., 289 McDonough, W. F., 3047 McNeese, J. A., 875 McDougal, J. R., 1049 McNeese, L. E., 2701, 2702 McDowell, B. L., 1432 McNeese, W. D., 862, 988 McDowell, J. D., 1296 McNeilly, C. E., 997, 998, 1025, 1030, 1045, McDowell, J. F., 33 1303, 1312, 2147 McDowell, R. S., 502, 519, 529, 530, 1935, McOrist, G. D., 3305 1968, 2165 McPheeters, C. C., 2712, 2722, 2723 McDowell, W. J., 107, 1271, 1477, 1509, 1549, McQuaid, J. H., 1707 1554, 1585, 1606, 1640, 2127, 2561, McQueeney, R. J., 929, 945, 947, 948, 949, 2565, 2580, 2585 950, 952, 953, 965, 966, 967, 2315, McDuffee, W. T., 2735 2347, 2355 McEachern, R. J., 348 McTaggart, F. K., 75, 96, 2413 McElfresh, M. W., 2352 McVay, T. N., 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 424, 460, McElroy, D. L., 1299 461, 462, 463, 464, 465 McEwen, D. J., 634 McVey, W. H., 1175 McEwen, K. A., 2360 McWhan, D. B., 1295, 1297, 2234, 2235, 2239, McFarland, S. S., 1507, 3343, 3349, 3405 2386, 2395 McGarvey, B. R., 2251, 2252 Mcwhan, D. B., 2234 McGill, R. M., 484 Mcwherter, J. L., 1804 McGillivray, G. W., 3243, 3244 Meaden, G. T., 955, 957 McGlashan, M. L., 1630 Meadon, G. T., 957 McGlinn, P., 278 Meary, M. F., 1507 McGlynn, S. P., 1915, 2239 Meas, Y., 3023 McGrath, C. A., 185, 186, 815, 1447, 1582, Mech, A., 422, 425, 426, 427, 442, 447, 448, 1684, 1693, 1699, 1705, 1716, 1718 482, 2064, 2066, 2103 McGuire, S. C., 1445, 1448, 1509, 1510 Mech, J. F., 5, 27, 171, 184, 704, 822, 824, McHarris, W., 1582, 1632 1577, 1622, 3016, 3276 McInroy, J. F., 3057 Mecklenburg, S. L., 851 McIsaac, L. D., 1277, 1278, 2653 Medenbach, O., 262 McIsaak, L. D., 225 Medfod’eva, M. P., 1352 McKay, H. A. C., 164, 171, 173, 177, 180, Medina, E., 818 227, 772, 773, 774, 841, 1123, 1554, Medinsky, M. A., 3360, 3364, 3385 1915, 2732 Medved, T. Y., 1283, 2738 McKay, K., 705, 706, 783, 3056, 3059, 3072 Medvedev, V. A., 62, 129, 322, 771, 1328, McKay, L. R., 3396 2114, 2115, 2117, 2120, 2135, 2136, McKee, S. D., 2749 2137, 2148, 2149, 2185, 2546, 2580 McKerley, B. J., 865, 866, 867, 868, 870, 873, Medvedovskii, V. I., 1117, 1118, 1128 874, 875 Meece, D. E., 3160 McKibbon, J. M., 3265 Meerovici, B., 329, 333, 336 McKinley, J. P., 3156 Meerschaut, A., 96, 415 McKinley, L. C., 1033 Mefodeva, M. P., 726, 728, 729, 745, 746, 747, McKown, H. S., 3321 749, 750, 753, 763, 767, 768, 771, 793, McLaughlin, D. E., 2351 1113, 1118, 1133, 1156, 2442, 2527, 3124 McLaughlin, R., 469, 2016, 2064, 2077, 2079, Meggers, W. F., 33, 1842 2265, 2272 Meguro, Y., 706, 708, 1407, 2678, 2679, 2680, McLean, J. A., 3069, 3323 2681, 2682, 2683, 2684 McLeod, C. W., 3323 Mehlhorn, R. J., 1452, 1453, 1839, 1850, McLeod, K. C., 634 1885, 2263 McMahan, M. A., 1653 Mehner, A., 2352 McMillan, E., 699, 700, 717 Mehrbach, A. E., 609, 614 McMillan, E. M., 4, 5 Mehta, K. K., 2736 McMillan, J. M., 787 Meier, M., 3047 McMillan, J. W., 3043, 3044, 3050, 3060, Meier, R., 2237 3062, 3064 Meijer, A., 2531, 3175 McMillan, P. F., 1054 Meijerink, A., 2020 Author Index I-227 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Meinke, W. W., 164, 182, 184, 187 Merlino, S., 268, 298 Meinrath, G., 1312, 1319, 1340, 1341, Mermin, N. D., 2308 1365, 2592 Merrifield, R. E., 2330 Meisel, D., 2760 Merrill, E. T., 2730 Meisel, G., 1873 Merrill, J. J., 859 Meisel, K., 63, 98, 100 Merrill, R. D., 996 Meisel, R. L., 1028, 1029, 1030, 3207 Merritt, R. C., 303, 304, 307, 308, 309, 311, Meisen, U., 100 312, 313, 314 Meisner, G. P., 67, 71 Merroun, M., 3179, 3180, 3182 Meisser, N., 260, 267, 285, 288, 292 Mertig, I., 63 Meissner, W., 62 Mertis, K., 2866 Meites, L., 632 Mertz, C., 292, 3039 Meitner, L., 3, 4, 20, 163, 164, 169, 172, 255 Merwerter, J. L., 3016, 3022 Melchior, S., 729 Merz, E., 2736 Meldner, H., 1661 Merz, K. M., 2432 Meli, M. A., 3030, 3280 Merz, M. D., 890, 936, 937, 962, 968, 969, 970 Melkaya, R. F., 735, 739, 744, 747, 1315, 2595 Meschede, D., 2333 Mellor, J. W., 101, 253, 255 Mesmer, R. E., 119, 120, 121, 598, 599, 1148, Meltzer, R. S., 2101, 2103 1149, 1155, 1686, 1687, 1701, 1718, Melzer, D., 1190 1778, 2192, 2549, 2550, 2553 Melzer, G., 107 Mesmer, R. F., 3158 Menager, M.-Th., 3064 Metabanzoulou, J.-P., 2532 Menchikova, T. S., 900, 902, 904, 906, 907, Metag, V., 1880, 1881, 1884 908, 910, 911, 912, 913, 914 Metcalf, D. H., 2087, 2088 Mendel, M., 1666, 1695, 1702, 1717, 1735 Metcalf, R. G., 3384 Mendeleev, D., 161, 162, 254 Metin, J., 468 Mendelsohn, L. B., 1516 Metivier, H., 1148, 1806, 1813, 1819, 1820, Mendelson, A., 319 1822, 1824, 3352, 3364, 3377, 3398, Mendelssohn, K., 939, 949, 981, 983 3399, 3413, 3423, 3424 Mendik, M., 1055 Metoki, N., 2239 Menis, O., 634 Metropolis, R. B. N., 2027, 2040 Menovsky, A., 2351, 2358, 2359, 2407, 2411 Metsentsev, A. N., 14 Menshikh, Z. S., 1821 Metta, D. N., 3016 Menshikova, T. S., 892, 894, 900, 901, 902, Metz, M. V., 2938, 2984 903, 904, 907, 908, 910, 913, 915 Metzger, F. J., 111 Mentink, S. A. M., 399 Metzger, R. L., 1432 Mentzen, B., 114, 2438, 2439, 2440, 2443 Meunier, G., 268, 385 Mentzen, B. F., 2438, 2439 Meunier-Piret, J., 2489, 2490, 2492, 2802, 2844 Menzel, E. R., 765 Meusemann, H., 332 Menzel, H.-G., 3424 Mewherter, J. L., 824, 3276 Menzer, W., 376, 382, 523 Mewhinney, J. A., 3396 Menzies, C., 367 Meyer, D., 2469, 2470, 2814, 2882 Me´ot-Reymond, S., 949, 954, 2355 Meyer, G., 425, 428, 429, 431, 434, 435, 436, Merbach, A. E., 2603, 3110 440, 444, 447, 450, 451, 453, 456, 469, Mercing, E., 1352 471, 989, 1315, 1465, 1471 Merciny, E., 1177, 1178 Meyer, J., 3361 Merckle, A., 107 Meyer, K., 1432, 1965, 2245, 2888 Mercurio, D., 509 Meyer, M. K., 862, 892 Mereiter, K., 261, 262, 266, 267, 281, 2426, Meyer, N. J., 119, 120, 121, 123, 124, 2427, 3159, 3163 2548, 2549 Merenga, H., 1905 Meyer, R. A., 367 Meresse, Y., 719, 720, 1300, 1522, 2370 Meyer, R. I., 1640 Merigou, C., 109, 1172 Meyer, R. J., 63, 80, 104, 108 Merini, J., 1416, 1418 Meyer, W., 473, 476, 479, 497, 500 Merinis, J., 200, 201, 1077, 1079, 1080, 1101, Meyers, B., 3265 1468, 1529, 1593, 1602, 1611 Meyers, W. D., 1882 Merkusheva, S. A., 109 Meyerson, G. A., 61 Merli, L., 727, 2136, 2190, 2191 Meyrowitz, R., 292, 363, 367 I-228 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Mezentsev, A. N., 1653, 1654, 1707, 1719, Miles, J. H., 843 1736, 1738 Milic, N. A., 123 Mezhov, E. A., 711, 712, 760, 761, 1143, 2757 Milic, N. B., 2549 M’Halla, J., 3115 Milicic-Tang, A., 95 Mhatre, B. G., 110 Millay, M. A., 3046 Miard, F., 892 Miller, C. M., 1874, 1875, 1877, 3322 Micera, G., 2440 Miller, D., 367 Michael, K. M., 1282, 2745 Miller, D. A., 942, 944, 948 Michard, P., 3152, 3154 Miller, D. C., 892, 909, 912 Michel, D., 113 Miller, G. G., 2677 Michel, G., 1840 Miller, J. F., 64 Michel, H., 3024 Miller, J. H., 1829 Michel, J., 535 Miller, J. M., 3292, 3299, 3303 Michel, M. C., 824 Miller, J. T., 2851 Micskei, K., 1166 Miller, K. M., 3025, 3027 Middlesworth, L. V., 3405 Miller, L. F., 1505 Miedema, A. R., 66, 927, 2209 Miller, M. B., 1582 Miederer, M., 42, 43 Miller, M. J., 2852 Miejer, A., 3111, 3122, 3165, 3169 Miller, M. L., 257, 259, 270, 272, 280, 281, 283 Miekeley, N., 132 Miller, M. M., 2832 Miernik, D., 428, 429, 450, 451, 493 Miller, N. H., 274, 289 Mietelski, J. W., 3017 Miller, R. A., 224, 225 Mighell, A. D., 459, 460, 461, 463 Miller, R. L., 2868, 2869 Miglio, J. J., 1507 Miller, S., 1821 Migliori, A., 942, 944, 945, 947, 948, 949, 950, Miller, S. A., 264 964, 965, 966, 967, 2315, 2347, 2355 Miller, S. C., 3340, 3353, 3402, 3413 Mignanelli, M. A., 391 Miller, S. L., 1681 Mignano, J., 1507 Miller, W., 1509 Miguel, M., 627 Miller, W. E., 2692, 2693, 2695, 2696, 2698, Miguirditchian, M., 2562 2713, 2714, 2715, 2723 Miguta, A. K., 280 Millie´, P., 1921, 1922 Mihalios, D., 3003 Milligan, W. O., 1312, 1313, 1421 Mikesell, B. I., 3323, 3326, 3327 Mills, D., 2234 Mikhailichenko, A. I., 30 Mills, J. L., 2676 Mikhailov, V. A., 175, 184, 219, 2575 Mills, K. C., 413 Mikhailov, V. M., 1331, 1416, 1430, 1433 Mills, T. R., 1270 Mikhailov, Yu. N., 539, 541, 542, 552, 575, Milman, V., 2265, 2293 2439, 2441, 2442, 2452 Milner, G. W. C., 226 Mikhailova, M. A., 26 Milovanova, A. S., 1337 Mikhailova, N. A., 791, 1126, 3052 Milstead, J., 1636 Mikhalko, V., 3101, 3110, 3111, 3113, 3114, Milton, J. A., 3328 3115, 3116, 3117, 3118 Milyukova, M. S., 1271, 1284, 1325, 1326, Mikhee, N. B., 1607, 1608, 1609 1329, 1331, 1365, 1431, 1448, 1449, Mikheev, N. B., 28, 38, 61, 220, 221, 1113, 1450, 1479, 1509, 1584, 1606, 2651 1117, 1368, 1402, 1403, 1424, 1463, Mimura, H., 2762 1473, 1515, 1547, 1548, 1606, 1607, Minaeva, N. A., 2442 1608, 1612, 1624, 1629, 1630, 1636, Minakawa, N., 339 1776, 2129, 2133, 2525, 2526, 2700 Minato, K., 1317, 2724 Mikheev, V. L., 1582 Mincher, B. J., 708, 709, 856, 1431, 2684, Mikheeva, M. N., 788 2738 Mikou, A., 88, 91, 467 Mindiola, D. J., 1966, 1967, 2245, 2859, Mikulaj, V., 3017 2861, 2888 Mikulski, J., 1636, 2526 Mineev, V., 2352 Milam, S. N., 2464, 2465 Mineo, H., 1272, 1273 Milanov, M., 776, 1352 Miner, F. J., 1104, 1144, 1175, 1176 Milek, A., 1629, 1635 Miner, W. N., 398, 408, 409, 892, 894, 895, Miles, F. T., 854 896, 898, 900, 901, 902, 903, 904, 905, Miles, G. L., 184, 187, 219, 230 906, 907, 908, 909, 910, 911, 912, 913, Author Index I-229 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

914, 933, 936, 937, 938, 939, 953, 984, Modolo, G., 1288, 1289, 1294, 1295, 2676, 988, 3213, 3238 2749, 2756, 2762 Ming, W., 2452, 2453, 2456 Mody, T. D., 605, 2464 Minnich, M. G., 3323 Moedritzer, K., 2652 Minor, D., 1067 Moeller, R. D., 901 Mintz, E. A., 116, 117, 2470, 2801, 2822, 2824, Moeller, T., 18, 37, 1402, 1643 2844, 2918, 2919, 2920 Moens, A., 2381 Mintz, M. H., 335, 722, 723, 724, 3239 Moens, L., 638, 3325 Miquel, Y., 576 Mogck, O., 2655 Miraglia, S., 65, 66 Mogilevskii, A. N., 1480, 1481 Miranda, C. F., 198, 225, 227 Mohammad, B., 3060 Mironov, V. S., 1113, 1133, 1156, 1933 Mohammed, A. K., 132 Miroslavov, A. E., 856 Mohammed, T. J., 2687 Mirvaliev, R., 2675 Mohan, M. S., 3024 Mirzadeh, S., 31, 43, 1507 Mohanly, S. R., 182 Misaelides, P., 302, 3039 Mohapatra, P. K., 706, 1284, 1294, 1352, Misciatelli, P., 106 2658, 2659 Misdolea, C., 367 Mohar, M., 1684, 1693, 1706, 1716 Mishima, J., 3200, 3252 Mohar, M. F., 1664, 1684, 1693, 1694, 1695, Mishin, V. Y., 750, 1323 1706, 1716 Mishin, V. Ya., 2800 Mohs, T. R., 2591 Mishler, L. W., 357 Moine, B., 81 Mishra, R., 2153 Moise, C., 2825, 2877, 2889, 2890 Mishra, S., 1283 Moiseev, S. D., 30 Misiak, R., 1662, 1687, 1709, 1710, 1718 Moissan, H., 61, 63, 67, 68, 78, 80, 81, 82, 95, Misra, B., 2738, 2739 96, 100 Missana, T., 3069, 3070 Moisy, P., 3111 Mistry, K. B., 1819 Moisy, Ph., 762 Mistryukov, V. E., 2439 Molander, G. A., 2918, 2924, 2933, 2969, Mitchell, A. J., 1152, 3036 2974, 2982, 2984 Mitchell, A. W., 740, 741, 742, 743, 1003, Moline, S. W., 1448, 1490 1009, 1020, 1022, 1304, 1312, 1317, Molinet, R., 44, 1143, 2752 1318, 1319, 2407, 2411, 2413 Molinie, P., 1054 Mitchell, J. N., 916, 960, 964 Moll, H., 118, 133, 490, 580, 581, 586, 589, Mitchell, J. P., 2924 591, 596, 602, 605, 612, 616, 621, 626, Mitchell, M. L., 1369, 3035 1113, 1156, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1925, Mitchell, P. I., 3016, 3017, 3023, 3296 1926, 1933, 1991, 2531, 2532, 2576, Mitchell, R. H., 113 2582, 2592, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, Mitchell, R. S., 294 3105, 3106, 3112, 3120, 3121, 3125, Mitius, A., 69, 72, 2408 3126, 3127, 3128, 3129, 3132, 3138, Mitsch, P., 2392 3140, 3143, 3144, 3149, 3150, 3152, Mitsubishi Materials Corporation, 179 3154, 3155, 3165, 3166, 3167 Mitsugashira, T., 30, 37, 40, 703, 1477 Møller, C., 1902 Mitsuji, T., 209, 217, 220, 221, 222 Mo¨ller, P., 1661, 1884 Mittal, R., 942 Mollet, H. F., 2263 Miushkacheva, G. S., 3352, 3424 Molnar, J., 2177 Miyakawa, T., 2095 Molochnikova, N. P., 179, 182, 184, 187, 207, Miyake, C., 382, 389, 390, 391, 396, 397, 421, 219, 229, 230, 1408, 2667 509, 524, 2244, 2245, 2252, 2657 Molodkin, A. K., 102, 105, 106, 108, 109, 110, Miyake, K., 412, 2347 114, 2434, 2439, 2444 Miyake, M., 410 Molokanova, L. G., 786 Miyashiro, H., 2693, 2717, 2719, 2720 Moloy, K. G., 116, 2479, 2842, 2844 Mize, J. P., 227 Molzahn, D., 822, 3296 Mizoe, N., 2966 Moment, R. L., 942, 943, 946, 949, 964, 2315 Mizumoto, M., 2723 Moncorge, R., 2100 Moattar, F., 1352 Mondange, H., 113 Mochizuki, Y., 1897, 1938, 1992 Mondelaers, W., 3042, 3043 Mockel, S., 268, 298 Money, R. K., 30, 34, 35, 2385 I-230 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Mongeot, H., 2655 Morales, L., 1056, 3222 Moniz, P., 851 Morales, L. A., 861, 932, 967, 968, 973, 975, Monroy-Guzman, F., 181 976, 984, 1026, 1027, 1035, 1040, 1041, Monsecour, M., 20, 27, 31, 38 1042, 1043, 1112, 1154, 1155, 1166, Montag, T., 1135, 2599 1784, 1790, 1798, 2136, 2141, 2239, Montag, T. A., 1335 2347, 2352, 2353, 2372, 3109, 3177, Montagnoli, M., 3170 3202, 3206, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3211, Montaser, A., 3069, 3323 3214, 3220, 3221, 3222, 3223, 3224, Montegue, B., 3423 3225, 3227, 3229, 3231, 3232, 3235, Montenero, A., 103, 110, 546, 547, 553, 554 3236, 3243, 3244, 3245, 3249, 3250, Montgomery, H., 63, 2315, 2350 3253, 3259 Montgomery, J. A., 1908 Moran, S. M., 3314 Montgomery, R., 3055 Moravec, J., 372, 373, 374, 375 Monthoux, P., 407, 2239, 2359 Moreau, C., 355 Montignie, E., 97, 417 Moreau, L., 43 Montoloy, F., 468, 469, 506 Morel, J. M., 2657, 2658 Montorsi, M., 393 Moreland, P. E., 3069 Montroy Gutman, F., 1688, 1700, 1718 Morelli, J. J., 3046 Moodenbaugh, A. R., 62, 96 Morello, M., 3023, 3067 Moody, C. A., 3285, 3296 Moren, S. B., 231 Moody, D. C., 452, 2449, 2450, 2452, 2472, Moreno, N. O., 406 2480, 2801, 2807, 2832, 2891 Moretti, E. S., 1179, 3345, 3354, 3355, 3371, Moody, E. W., 849 3378, 3384 Moody, G. J., 3029 Morfeld, P., 274 Moody, J., 1654, 1736 Morgan, A., 3342, 3353 Moody, J. C., 1179, 2591, 3354, 3413, 3415, Morgan, A. N., 870, 871, 1077, 1093, 1095, 3416, 3419, 3420, 3421 1175, 2712, 3031 Moody, J. W., 415, 2413 Morgan, A. N., III, 1185, 1186 Moody, K. J., 14, 1450, 1647, 1653, 1654, Morgan, A. R., 164 1707, 1719, 1736, 1738 Morgan, J., 162, 3306 Moon, H. C., 121, 123, 124, 125, 126, Morgan, J. R., 879, 883, 890, 891, 920, 933, 127, 2550 936, 962, 970 Moon, K. A., 595 Morgan, J. W., 636 Mooney, R. C. L., 80, 1028, 2418 Morgan, L. G., 2704 Mooney, R. W., 110 Morgan, L. O., 5, 1265 Moore, C. E., 1672 Morgan, W. W., 2736 Moore, D. A., 127, 128, 131, 1160, 1162, 1179, Morgenstern, A., 223, 1143, 1172, 2550, 3022 2546, 2547, 2549, 3134, 3135, 3136 Mo¨ri, A., 3070 Moore, D. P., 984, 2347 Mori, A. L., 1957, 2472, 2484, 2825, 2826 Moore, F. H., 1174, 1175 Mori, R., 2675 Moore, F. L., 182, 184, 185, 187, 225, 226, Morii, Y., 2411 1284, 1292, 1409, 1448, 1449, 1509, Morikawa, K., 2675 2648, 2660 Morimoto, K., 712, 762 Moore, F. S., 185 Morimoto, T., 395 Moore, G. E., 180, 357, 1323, 1324, 2580 Morin, J., 324 Moore, J. G., 188, 2735 Morin, M., 3342, 3356 Moore, J. R., 1542, 1543, 2270, 2271 Morin, N., 824 Moore, K. T., 967 Morinaga, H., 164 Moore, L. J., 3320 Morini, O. J., 1316 Moore, R. B., 1735 Morisseau, J. C., 1356, 2594, 2596 Moore, R. C., 3409 Morita, K., 1654, 1719 Moore, R. E., 459 Morita, K. N, 1654, 1719, 1720, 1735 Moore, R. H., 1270, 2710 Morita, S., 3017 Moore, R. L., 227 Morita, Y., 713, 1276, 1292, 2753, 2755, 2760 Moore, R. M., Jr., 2488, 2856 Morita, Z., 962, 963 Moore, R. W., 29 Moriyama, H., 120, 121, 703, 768, 1153, 1270, Moorthy, A. R., 3307 2135, 2211, 2575 Moos, H. W., 2086, 2095, 2096 Moriyama, J., 394 Author Index I-231 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Moriyama, N., 837 Mosdzelewski, K., 35, 41, 1323, 1352, 1431 Moriyasu, M., 627 Moseley, J. D., 3258 Morosin, B., 2043, 2439, 2440, 2568 Moseley, P. T., 78, 82, 106, 205, 738, 2413, Morovic, T., 1682 2418, 2421, 2423 Morozko, S. A., 3035 Moser, J., 719, 720 Morozova, Z. E., 179 Moser, J. B., 414, 415, 1019, 1020, 1021, 1022, Morrell, D. G., 2253 1050, 1052, 2411, 2413 Morrey, J. R., 1294, 2748 Moser, W. S., 2692, 2712, 2722 Morris, A., 1972 Moskalev, P. N., 1323, 1363 Morris, D. E., 270, 291, 301, 580, 595, 620, Moskalev, Y. I., 3352, 3424 621, 851, 1151, 1156, 1455, 1465, 1471, Moskovtchenko, J. F., 1507 1474, 1479, 1481, 1925, 1926, 1958, Moskowitz, D., 66, 2407 2400, 2472, 2479, 2480, 2484, 2607, Moskowitz, J. W., 1916 2845, 2846, 2850, 3035, 3036, 3101, Moskvichev, E. P., 113 3126, 3127, 3128, 3131, 3132, 3152, Moskvin, A. I., 129, 132, 218, 219, 504, 584, 3155, 3156, 3160, 3161, 3164, 3170, 602, 763, 764, 765, 769, 770, 771, 1161, 3171, 3174 1171, 1172, 1177, 1178, 1179, 1180, Morris, D. F. C., 163 1338, 1352, 2585, 3347 Morris, J., 1035, 2283, 3220 Moskvin, L. N., 26 Morris, K., 790, 3063 Mosley, W. C., 1312, 1313, 1414, 1419, 1420, Morris, W. F., 2195 1422, 2396, 2397 Morrison, C. A., 2044, 2045, 2048, 2058 Moss, F. A., 1402 Morrison, J. C., 2035 Moss, J. H., 3061 Morrov, Y., 3063 Moss, M. A., 69, 72 Morrow, R. J., 1513, 1516 Mosselmans, J. F., 3102, 3120, 3121, 3132, Morrow, W. G., 3340 3142, 3143, 3165, 3169 Morse, J. W., 1138, 1753, 1809, 2400, 2553, Mosselmans, J. F. W., 588, 593, 595, 1927, 2726, 3024, 3175, 3176 1928, 2256, 2583 Morss, L. R., xv, xvii, 1, 18, 33, 80, 106, 117, Mossman, D. J., 3172 119, 339, 380, 425, 431, 447, 451, 469, Motegi, K., 1909 471, 622, 728, 730, 731, 732, 733, 734, Motekaitis, R. J., 2557, 2558, 2559, 2568, 735, 739, 989, 1061, 1063, 1064, 1092, 2571, 2575, 2576, 2579, 2581, 2582 1109, 1303, 1312, 1313, 1315, 1328, Motoyama, G., 407 1330, 1352, 1354, 1413, 1419, 1446, Motta, E. E., 2692, 2708 1454, 1460, 1464, 1465, 1468, 1469, Mou, W., 164 1471, 1473, 1474, 1475, 1479, 1482, Mouchel, D., 1293 1483, 1526, 1537, 1543, 1547, 1555, Moukhamet-Galeev, A., 606, 611, 612, 2593 1557, 1605, 1606, 1624, 1629, 1753, Moulin, C., 120, 1114, 1138, 1368, 1405, 1776, 1790, 1874, 1901, 1928, 2065, 1433, 2096, 2536, 2682, 2685, 3034, 2082, 2113, 2122, 2124, 2125, 2126, 3037, 3054 2132, 2136, 2137, 2143, 2144, 2147, Moulin, J. P., 1356, 2594, 2596 2153, 2154, 2161, 2178, 2180, 2182, Moulin, V., 120, 1138, 1354, 2591, 3022, 3034, 2190, 2191, 2230, 2233, 2264, 2267, 3037, 3054, 3064, 3382 2270, 2293, 2396, 2397, 2419, 2420, Moulton, G. H., 1077, 1114 2526, 2538, 2539, 2542, 2560, 2562, Moulton, R., 3126 2563, 2572, 2590, 2675, 2821, 2840, Moulton, W. G., 455 2934, 3096, 3101, 3110, 3111, 3113, Moune, O. K., 482, 2050, 2054, 2066 3114, 3115, 3116, 3117, 3118, 3206, Moune-Minn, O. K., 2044 3212, 3340, 3347, 3348, 3353, 3354 Mount, M. E., 3017 Mortera, S. L., 2457 Mountford, P., 1962 Morterat, J. P., 405 Mountfort, S. A., 3050, 3060, 3062, 3064 Mortimer, G. E., 3326 Mousty, F., 2633, 2767 Mortimer, M., 2115, 2205 Moutte, A., 40 Mortimer, M. J., 192, 945, 947, 949, 982, 1022, Moyes, L. N., 3165, 3167, 3169 1299, 2315 Moze, O., 70, 73 Mortl, K. P., 2256 Mozumi, Y., 391, 396 Morton, C., 2984 Mrad, O., 211 Mortreux, A., 2930 Mrazek, F. C., 378 I-232 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Mrosan, E., 63 Mu¨ller, M. H., 320, 321, 322 Mucci, J. F., 1994 Muller, P. M., 301 Mucke, A., 269 Mu¨ller, R., 64, 3045, 3103, 3104, 3129 Mucker, K., 80 Mu¨ller, U., 413, 477, 496, 509, 510, 512, 515, Mudge, L. K., 2704 522, 554, 2419 Mudher, K. D. S., 1169, 1170, 2434, 2441, Mu¨ller, W., 34, 35, 191, 343, 739, 740, 741, 2445, 2446 742, 1271, 1286, 1293, 1297, 1298, Mueller, M. H., 64, 66, 102, 106, 320, 372, 719, 1299, 1304, 1312, 1316, 1317, 1318, 721, 739, 742, 743, 744, 745, 882, 1022, 1319, 1323, 1328, 1402, 1403, 1410, 2283, 2407, 2429 1411, 1412, 1413, 1414, 1415, 1417, Mueller, R., 1154, 3103, 3104, 3129 1420, 1421, 1424, 1450, 1584, 1629, Mueller, U., 2420 1785, 1790, 2123, 2160, 2264, 2267, Mueller, W., 161, 192, 193, 204, 207, 1023 2268, 2315, 2384, 2386, 2387, 2411, Muenter, J., 2148 2413, 2695, 2699 Muggenburg, B. A., 3413 Mu¨ller-Westerhoff, U., 630, 1802, 1894, 1943, Muherjee, S. K., 1271 2252, 2485, 2851 Mu¨hleck, C., 1875, 1876 Mullich, U., 1287, 2674, 2761 Mu¨hlenbernd, T., 2837, 2841 Mulliken, R. S., 1679 Muis, R. P., 2158, 2160, 2161, 2185, Mullins, L. J., 717, 837, 863, 864, 866, 869, 2208, 2211 870, 871, 875, 1100, 1270, 2698, 2699, Mukaibo, T., 473 2706, 2709, 2712, 2713 Mukaiyama, T., 2723, 2724 Mumme, I. A., 283 Mukoyama, T., 576, 577, 2165 Mumme, W. G., 295 Mulac, W., 1774, 1776 Munnemann, M., 1403 Mulac, W. A., 1325, 1326, 1337, 1416, 1424, Munno, R., 269, 278 1430, 1774, 1776, 2077, 2526, 2531 Munoz, M., 121, 124 Mulak, J., 470, 471, 491, 505, 740, 741, 745, Munslow, I. J., 2887 2252, 2278 Mu¨nstermann, E., 83 Mulay, L. N., 2231 Muntz, J. A., 3361, 3378, 3380, 3381 Mulford, R., 718 Mu¨nze, R., 2574 Mulford, R. N., 2085, 2161 Munzenberg, G., 1653, 1654, 1660, 1701, Mulford, R. N. R., 97, 329, 722, 723, 724, 742, 1713, 1717, 1719, 1720, 1735, 743, 963, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1008, 1737, 1738 1020, 1028, 1029, 1030, 1045, 1048, Mu¨nzenberg, G., 6, 14, 164, 1621 1070, 1312, 1314, 1321, 1361, 1463, Murad, E., 70, 2149 2403, 2404, 2407, 2411 Muradymov, M. A., 856 Mu¨ller, A., 76 Muradymov, M. Z., 2682, 2684 Muller, A. B., 121, 125, 128, 421, 423, 425, Murakami, T., 257, 270, 273, 277, 288, 290, 435, 440, 441, 457, 458, 469, 473, 474, 292, 294, 298, 299 477, 478, 480, 481, 497, 502, 503, 509, Murakami, Y., 2288 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, 536, 538, 543, Murakawa, M., 412 544, 545, 551, 552, 556, 593, 594, 595, Murali, M. S., 705, 708, 712, 713, 1269, 1274, 596, 597, 598, 599, 601, 603, 612, 1155, 1275, 1278, 1280, 1281, 1282, 1294, 1166, 1171, 1341, 2114, 2115, 2120, 2626, 2653, 2666, 2667, 2668, 2738, 2126, 2127, 2128, 2132, 2133, 2136, 2739, 2743, 2744, 2745, 2747, 2748, 2142, 2150, 2151, 2152, 2154, 2155, 2749, 2753, 2754, 2757, 2759 2156, 2157, 2159, 2160, 2161, 2163, Muralidharan, K., 928 2164, 2165, 2168, 2169, 2170, 2171, Muralidharan, S., 2676 2173, 2174, 2175, 2181, 2182, 2186, Muraoka, S., 3023 2187, 2193, 2194, 2195, 2200, 2204, Murasik, A., 414, 425, 439, 444, 447, 448, 455, 2205, 2206, 2538, 2579, 2582, 3214, 476, 479, 2257, 2258 3215, 3347, 3380, 3382 Muratova, V. M., 3067 Mu¨ller, B. G., 78, 79 Murav’eva, I. A., 374, 376, 377 Mu¨ller, F., 80, 81, 100 Murayama, Y., 1829 Mu¨ller, G., 116, 2473, 2816, 2912 Murbach, E. W., 193, 2708, 2709 Muller, I., 863 Murch, G. E., 367, 368, 1045 Muller, M., 3057 Murdoch, K., 422, 430 Author Index I-233 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Murdoch, K. M., 2042, 2047, 2054, 2058, 1547, 1548, 1554, 1584, 1585, 1606, 2059, 2060, 2062, 2064, 2075, 1625, 1633, 1636, 2651, 2656, 2661, 2096, 2266 2666, 2667, 2668, 2673, 2684, Murillo, C., 3130, 3131, 3132 2738, 2739 Murillo, C. A., 162 Myasoedov, B. G., 1283 Murmann, R. K., 2596 Myasoedov, B. V., 3282 Muromura, T., 993, 994, 1018, 3218 Mydlarz, T., 416 Murphy, W. F., 321, 323, 1081 Mydosh, J. A., 2351, 2352 Murphy, W. M., 272, 293 Myers, R. J., 2231 Murray, A., 367, 368, 635, 3291, 3293, 3300 Myers, W. A., 824, 3014 Murray, A. S., 3014 Myers, W. D., 1661, 1738 Murray, C. N., 1803, 3296 Mykoyama, T., 1935, 1936 Murray, J. R., 75, 96, 2413 Myrtsymova, L. A., 1398 Murray, J. W., 3175 Murrell, M. T., 171, 189, 231, 3312, 3314, 3322 Murrillo, C., 2800 Nabalek, C. R., 2134, 2135 Murthy, M. S., 60 Nabar, M. A., 110 Murthy, P. R., 101 Nabelek, C. R., 2700, 2715, 2719, 2721 Murty, A. S. R., 115 NABIR, 1818 Murzin, A. A., 856, 2682, 2684, 2685 Nabivanets, B. I., 121, 125 Musante, Y., 1118, 1119 Nace, R. L., 3129 Muscatello, A. C., 839, 1278, 1280, 1431, Nachtrieb, N. H., 958 2605, 2606, 2653, 2655, 2656, 2666, Nadeau, Kilius, L. R., 3318 2667, 2671, 2738 Nadeau, M. J., 3014, 3063, 3317, 3318 Muse, L., 224 Naegele, J. R., 795, 1286, 1297, 2336 Musella, M., 357, 359, 1077 Nagai, S., 1071 Musgrave, J., 822, 823, 3279, 3314 Nagaishi, R., 1430, 2095, 2098, 2099 Musgrave, J. A., 270, 3171 Nagame, Y., 164, 1266, 1267, 1445, 1450, Musgrave, L. E., 3234, 3235, 3260 1484, 1662, 1687, 1696, 1699, 1700, Musigmann, C., 2655 1709, 1710, 1718, 1735 Musikas, C., 43, 209, 220, 227, 726, 753, 773, Nagao, S., 3023 774, 1275, 1285, 1286, 1287, 1328, Nagar, M. S., 708, 1281, 2747, 2748 1329, 1338, 1407, 1408, 1480, 1481, Nagarajan, G., 1086 1547, 1548, 2129, 2401, 2402, 2427, Nagarajan, K., 396, 1076, 2205, 2206 2439, 2444, 2563, 2580, 2595, 2657, Nagasaki, S., 625, 795, 2594, 2738, 3024 2673, 2674, 2675, 2756, 2761, Nagatoro, Y., 637 2762, 3128 Nagels, P., 368 Musikas, G., 773 NAGRA, 3027, 3028 Mustre de Leon, J., 1112 Nagy, B., 3172 Mutoh, H., 1049 Nagypa´ l, I., 590, 605 Mutter, A., 286, 290 Na¨hler, A., 1665, 1666, 1695, 1699, 1700, Muxart, R., 162, 164, 166, 167, 182, 184, 185, 1702, 1710, 1717, 1718, 1735 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 207, 208, Naik, R. C., 203 209, 213, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 221, Nair, A. G. C., 2757 222, 225, 227, 228, 229, 230, 2432, 2552 Nair, G. M., 1177, 1178, 1352, 3061 Mwenifumbo, C. J., 3027 Nair, M. K. T., 1282, 2743, 2745 Myasoedov, B. F., 29, 30, 161, 178, 179, 181, Nairn, J. S., 164, 173, 177, 180, 227 182, 183, 184, 185, 187, 188, 195, 198, Naito, K., 340, 343, 344, 345, 347, 353, 354, 199, 200, 207, 209, 219, 221, 224, 227, 355, 356, 357, 360, 364, 369, 377, 378, 228, 229, 230, 704, 705, 709, 782, 788, 391, 393, 394, 396, 1025, 1026, 2405 856, 1110, 1117, 1271, 1283, 1284, Nakada, M., 727, 749, 750, 792, 793, 2256, 1323, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1329, 1330, 2257, 3043 1331, 1355, 1365, 1368, 1402, 1405, Nakagawa, T., 410 1407, 1408, 1409, 1410, 1416, 1422, Nakagawa, Y., 392 1423, 1430, 1431, 1433, 1434, 1448, Nakahara, H., 1266, 1267, 1484, 1653, 1696, 1449, 1450, 1451, 1471, 1479, 1480, 1718, 1735 1481, 1484, 1509, 1512, 1513, 1546, Nakahara, H. T., 164 I-234 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Nakai, H., 1965 Natarajan, R. R., 1278 Nakajima, A., 2668 Natarajan, V., 1175 Nakajima, K., 396, 2140, 2142, 2157, 2199, Nathan, O., 24 2201, 2202, 2724 National Academy of Sciences, 1811 Nakajima, T., 1906, 1909 National Academy of Sciences Report, 3262 Nakama, S., 396, 398 National Research Council, 1760 Nakamatsu, H., 576, 577, 1935, 1936, 2165 Natowitz, J. B., 1267 Nakamoto, T., 727, 749, 750, 793, 2256, 2257 Natsume, H., 375 Nakamura, A., 360, 361, 362, 364, 1954, 1956, Naulin, C., 561 1957, 1958, 2256, 2257, 2280, 2472, Naumann, D., 497 2484, 2825, 2826, 2841 Navarro, A., 2438, 2439, 2443 Nakamura, E., 3285 Navaza, A., 380, 1928, 2439, 2449, 2450, Nakamura, S., 407 2452, 2453 Nakamura, T., 77, 760, 2657 Navaza, P., 3101, 3105, 3120, 3138, 3141 Nakano, M., 1806 Nave, S., 2070 Nakano, Y., 1272, 1273, 2675 Nave, S. A., 1542 Nakashima, S., 3035 Nave, S. E., 1411, 1418, 1421, 1460, 1472, Nakashima, T., 120, 121 1525, 1542, 1543, 1602, 1603, 2238, Nakatani, A., 382 2264, 2267, 2268, 2269, 2270, 2271, Nakatani, M., 1352 2272, 2356 Nakayama, S., 769, 2553, 3043, 3045 Nave, S. F., 1418, 1423 Nakayama, Y., 1073 Navon, O., 3305 Nakotte, H., 338, 339, 409, 412, 2289, 2290 Navratil, J. D., 129, 771, 841, 843, 864, 875, Nalini, S., 1074 1079, 1277, 1278, 1292, 1328, 1398, Nance, R. L., 865, 866, 867, 868, 870, 873, 874, 1403, 2114, 2426, 2427, 2546, 2580, 875, 3223 2626, 2650, 2653, 2662, 2692, 2712, Nannicini, R., 2657, 2675, 2756 2722, 2727, 2737, 2752 Nannie, C. A., 1297 Navrotsky, A., 113, 270, 287, 2157, 2159, Naramoto, H., 294 2193 Narayanan, K., 76 Nawada, H. P., 355 Narayankutty, P., 1274 Nazarenko, O. M., 26 Naray-Szabo, L., 77 Nazarewicz, W., 1736 Nardel, R., 1293 Nazarov, P. P., 180 Nardi, J. C., 2686 Nazarov, V. K., 772, 773 Narducci, A. A., 97, 420 Nazarova, I. I., 1352, 1405, 1428, 1433 Naresh, K., 3031 NBS Handbook, 3340 Narita, S., 776, 777, 778, 781, 782, 2585 NCRP, 1819, 3396, 3413, 3422, 3424 Narten, A. H., 781, 2595, 3128 Ndalamba, P., 768 Narumi, K., 294 NEA, 1759 Nash, C. S., 1671, 1676, 1726, 1727, 1728, Neal, T. J., 3280, 3327 1729, 1908, 1966, 1985 Nebel, D., 132 Nash, K., 1176 Neck, V., 119, 120, 121, 122, 125, 126, 127, Nash, K. L., 607, 612, 615, 705, 988, 1168, 130, 421, 423, 425, 435, 439, 440, 441, 1269, 1274, 1275, 1280, 1281, 1286, 457, 458, 469, 473, 474, 477, 478, 480, 2558, 2560, 2562, 2570, 2572, 2579, 481, 497, 502, 503, 509, 513, 514, 515, 2582, 2585, 2586, 2588, 2589, 2590, 516, 517, 536, 538, 543, 544, 545, 551, 2597, 2603, 2604, 2605, 2606, 2622, 552, 556, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 2626, 2641, 2649, 2650, 2652, 2655, 599, 601, 602, 603, 727, 763, 766, 767, 2656, 2663, 2664, 2666, 2667, 2691, 769, 1147, 1148, 1149, 1150, 1154, 2726, 2727, 2739, 2742, 2747, 2758 1158, 1160, 1161, 1165, 1166, 1181, Naslain, R., 67, 71 1782, 2115, 2117, 2120, 2126, 2127, Nasluzov, V. A., 1906 2128, 2132, 2136, 2137, 2138, 2142, Nassimbeni, L. R., 549, 2439 2144, 2151, 2152, 2153, 2154, 2155, Nassini, H. E., 855 2157, 2159, 2160, 2161, 2163, 2164, Nasu, S., 343, 2280 2165, 2168, 2170, 2171, 2174, 2175, Natarajan, P. R., 1127, 1169, 1175, 1280, 2176, 2179, 2181, 2182, 2186, 2187, 1352, 2434, 2653, 2738, 2743, 2744 2190, 2191, 2192, 2193, 2194, 2195, Natarajan, R., 1555 2197, 2200, 2203, 2204, 2206, 2538, Author Index I-235 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

2546, 2549, 2550, 2553, 2554, 2575, Neu, M. P., 289, 421, 593, 595, 602, 745, 749, 2592, 3037, 3045, 3103, 3104, 3129 813, 861, 932, 988, 1041, 1043, 1069, Neckel, A., 69, 72 1110, 1112, 1114, 1116, 1117, 1138, Nectoux, F., 728, 729, 746, 748, 776, 777, 778, 1148, 1149, 1154, 1155, 1156, 1159, 779, 781, 782, 1057, 1181, 2431, 2432, 1162, 1163, 1164, 1165, 1166, 1178, 2443, 2559, 2565, 2570, 2572, 2574, 1179, 1314, 1327, 1328, 1340, 1341, 2585, 2586, 2594, 2595, 2596 1359, 1370, 1445, 1664, 1684, 1693, Nectoux, P., 2443 1694, 1695, 1706, 1716, 1824, 1925, Neeb, K.-H., 826, 828 1926, 1927, 1928, 1991, 1992, 2530, Nefedov, V. S., 1670, 1672, 1692, 1693 2553, 2558, 2583, 2590, 2592, 2669, Negi, R. S., 3061 3035, 3087, 3106, 3108, 3109, 3112, Neher, C., 61 3113, 3115, 3118, 3123, 3125, 3130, Neilson, G. W., 3117 3131, 3133, 3134, 3160, 3167, 3210 Neirlich, M., 1960, 1962 Neubert, A., 70 Neish, A. C., 110, 114 Neuefeind, J., 596, 602, 1777, 1921, 2691 Neitz, R. J., 2584 Neufeldt, S. J., 350, 373, 380, 382, 383, Nekhoroshkov, S. N., 1365, 1369 729, 2077 Nekrasova, V. V., 30, 161, 185 Neuhaus, A., 372, 373 Nellis, W., 1319 Neuilly, M., 824 Nellis, W. J., 2238, 2264, 2315, 2341, 2346 Neuman, M. W., 3357, 3361, 3362, 3406, Nelms, S., 638, 3328 3407 Nelson, B. K., 3159 Neuman, W. F., 3351, 3355, 3357, 3361, 3362, Nelson, C. S., 2288 3376, 3406, 3407 Nelson, D., 3017 Neumann, F., 66 Nelson, D. E., 1449, 3316 Neumann, R., 264 Nelson, D. M., 633, 1293, 1808, 2527, 2553, Neu-Muller, M., 3397, 3399 3016, 3023, 3284, 3287, 3295 Neurock, M., 1988, 1989, 1990 Nelson, D. R., 2660, 2661, 2727 Neurock, M. J., 576 Nelson, E. J., 967 Neves, E. A., 2580 Nelson, F., 30, 180, 769, 1150, 1151, 2580 Nevitt, M. V., 90, 744, 1003, 1009, 1787 Nelson, G. C., 859 Newkome, G. R., 526 Nelson, H. R., 399 Newman, D. J., 2016, 2035, 2036, 2037, 2042, Nelson, L. S., 3235, 3254 2049, 2051, 2074, 2082, 2245 Nelson, M. R., 1508, 1511, 3283, 3286, 3295 Newton, A. S., 63, 64, 65, 75, 78, 80, 81, 83, 95, Nelson, R. D., 889, 890, 961, 970 100, 107, 329, 332, 336, 841, 3246 Nelson, R. S., 39 Newton, D., 822, 3346, 3372, 3373 Nelson, T. O., 864, 989, 996, 3031 Newton, G. W. A., 854 Nemcsok, D. S., 2164, 2165 Newton, T. W., 590, 606, 622, 760, 1117, 1118, Nemeto, S., 1408 1120, 1123, 1124, 1125, 1126, 1127, Nemoto, S., 1282, 1286, 2743, 2761 1129, 1130, 1131, 1132, 1133, 1134, Nenot, J. C., 1806, 1813, 1818, 1819, 1820, 1135, 1136, 1137, 1138, 1139, 1140, 1822, 1824, 3340, 3342, 3356, 3424 1142, 1144, 1145, 1146, 1151, 1152, Nepomnyaskeru, V. Z., 1302 1159, 1162, 1181, 1332, 1333, 1334, Nereson, N. G., 67, 71, 2407, 2408 1778, 2131, 2583, 2594, 2597, 2598, Nervik, W. E., 19, 28, 29, 3281 2599, 3036 Nesbitt, R. W., 3047, 3328 Newville, M., 861, 3087, 3089, 3163, 3164, Nesper, R., 98, 100 3175, 3176, 3177 Nestasi, M. J. C., 182 Newville, M. G., 291 Nester, C. W., 1640 Neyman, K. M., 1906 Nesterova, N. P., 1283, 2656, 2738 Neyroud, T. G., 2834, 2835, 2984 Nestor, C. W., 1669, 1682, 1725, 1727 Ng, B., 2037, 2042, 2049, 2051 Nestor, C. W. J., 33, 1296 Ng, W. L., 70, 73 Nestor, C. W., Jr., 1452, 1453, 1516, 1626, Ngian, F. H. M., 3065 1627, 1670, 1672, 1673, 1674, 1675, Ngo-Munh, Th., 3024 1676, 1685, 1692 Nguyen, A. D., 2054, 2059, 2060, 2062 Neta, P., 371 Nguyen, K. A., 1908 Netherton, D. R., 3244 Nguyen, S. N., 287 Neu, M., 1653, 3043 Nguyen-Nghi, H., 423, 445, 503, 505 I-236 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Nguyen-Trung, C., 121, 125, 128, 421, 423, Nieuwpoort, W. C., 1905, 1935, 1936 425, 435, 440, 441, 457, 458, 469, 473, Nieva, G., 62 474, 477, 478, 480, 481, 497, 502, 503, Nifatov, A. P., 3352, 3424 509, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, 536, 538, Nigon, J. P., 1312, 1319, 1326, 1366, 2427 543, 544, 545, 551, 552, 556, 593, 594, Nigond, L., 1285, 2657, 2756 595, 596, 597, 598, 599, 601, 602, 603, Niinisto¨ , L., 580, 581 1155, 1166, 1171, 1341, 2114, 2115, Niinisto¨, L., 2434 2120, 2126, 2127, 2128, 2132, 2133, Niitsuma, N., 100 2136, 2142, 2150, 2151, 2152, 2154, Nikaev, A. K., 1325, 1327, 1367, 1368 2155, 2156, 2157, 2159, 2160, 2161, Nikahara, H., 1267 2163, 2164, 2165, 2168, 2169, 2170, Nikalagevsky, V. B., 1352 2171, 2173, 2174, 2175, 2181, 2182, Nikishova, L. K., 1127 2186, 2187, 2193, 2194, 2195, 2200, Nikitenko, S. I., 762, 1126, 1138, 1175 2204, 2205, 2206, 2538, 2554, 2555, Nikitin, E. A., 1398 2579, 2582, 3214, 3215, 3347, Nikitina, G. P., 1049 3380, 3382 Nikitina, S. A., 787, 3034 Nichkov, I., 2715 Nikitina, T. M., 3111, 3122 Nichkov, I. F., 2715 Niklasson, A. M. N., 2355 Nicholl, A., 713 Nikoforov, A. S., 709 Nichols, J. A., 1918, 1919, 1920 Nikolaev, A. V., 185, 1300 Nichols, J. L., 903, 904 Nikolaev, N. S., 1101, 1102, 1107, 2426 Nichols, M. C., 417, 418 Nikolaev, V. M., 1292, 1427, 1512, 1585 Nicholson, C. A., 2732 Nikolaevskii, V. B., 1325, 1327, 1329, 1338, Nicholson, G., 2457 1352, 1367, 1368, 2527 Nicholson, M. D., 3017 Nikolotova, Z. A., 108 Nickel, J. H., 932 Nikolotova, Z. I., 705, 709 Nicol, C., 1285, 2657, 2658 Nikol’skaya, T. L., 791, 3049, 3052 Nicolai, R., 3138, 3140, 3150, 3182 Nikonov, M., 3101, 3110, 3111, 3113, 3114, Nicolaou, G., 3062 3115, 3116, 3117, 3118 Nicolet, M., 1033 Nikonov, M. V., 726, 770, 1110, 3043 Niedrach, C. W., 319 Nikula, T. K., 44 Niedzwiedz, W., 1507 Nilov, V., 164 Nief, F., 2491, 2869, 2870 Nilson, L. F., 61, 63, 80, 81, 82, 95, 101, 104 Nief, G., 824 Nilsson, B., 1661 Nielsen, B., 31 Nilsson, S. G., 1661 Nielsen, H. S., 164, 170, 187 Ninov, V., 6, 14, 164, 1447, 1582, 1653, 1662, Nielsen, J. B., 117, 475, 495, 1082, 2827, 1701, 1711, 1712, 1713, 1717, 1737 2868, 2869 Nisbet, A., 3023 Nielsen, O. B., 24, 164, 170, 187 Nishanaka, I., 1267 Nielsen, P. E., 630 Nishikawa, M., 366 Nielson, C. W., 1863, 2028, 2029, 2040 Nishimura, Y., 3062 Nier, A. O., 3309 Nishina, Y., 167 Nierenberg, W. A., 190, 1847 Nishinaka, I., 164, 1266, 1267, 1484, 1696, Nierlich, M., 102, 106, 468, 469, 576, 582, 583, 1718, 1735 1262, 1270, 2246, 2449, 2450, 2451, Nishinaka, K., 1445 2452, 2456, 2457, 2458, 2459, 2460, Nishio, G., 1019 2461, 2462, 2463, 2464, 2472, 2473, Nishioka, T., 407 2479, 2480, 2484, 2488, 2490, 2491, Nissen, D. A., 2698 2558, 2801, 2805, 2806, 2807, 2808, Nissen, M. K., 225 2812, 2818, 2819, 2820, 2830, 2837, NIST, 132, 597, 602, 639 2841, 2847, 2856, 2857, 2858, 2859, Nitani, N., 727, 767, 770, 775, 2140, 2426 2861, 2862, 2866, 2869, 2870, 2871, Nitsche, H., 589, 718, 719, 722, 726, 727, 728, 2872, 2889, 2891, 2892, 2922, 2938 739, 744, 745, 767, 769, 771, 863, 881, Niese, S., 1433, 1434, 3023 888, 891, 988, 989, 1008, 1019, 1021, Niese, U., 755 1045, 1047, 1048, 1085, 1086, 1087, Nieupoort, W. C., 578 1098, 1100, 1101, 1110, 1111, 1114, Nieuwenhuys, G. J., 2342 1117, 1118, 1131, 1147, 1148, 1149, Nieuwenhuyzen, M., 854, 2690 1150, 1155, 1157, 1158, 1160, 1162, Author Index I-237 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

1163, 1167, 1169, 1170, 1171, 1178, Norman, J., 2548, 2549 1180, 1181, 1319, 1447, 1662, 1664, Norman, M. R., 2353 1666, 1684, 1685, 1695, 1701, 1702, Normile, P., 2371 1711, 1712, 1713, 1714, 1716, 1717, Normile, P. S., 2237, 2286 1735, 1737, 1803, 1923, 1973, 1974, Norreys, J. J., 69 2114, 2115, 2117, 2120, 2126, 2127, Norris, D. I. R., 391, 396 2128, 2133, 2136, 2137, 2140, 2142, Norris, J. O. W., 1931, 2080, 2085, 2086, 2087 2144, 2145, 2151, 2152, 2154, 2155, Norseev, Y., 28, 43 2159, 2160, 2161, 2163, 2164, 2165, No¨rtemann, F., 1906 2168, 2170, 2171, 2173, 2174, 2175, Northrup, C. J. M., Jr., 330, 331 2182, 2186, 2187, 2193, 2194, 2195, Northrup, D. R., 3065 2197, 2199, 2200, 2201, 2204, 2206, Norton, J. R., 2924 2538, 2568, 2576, 2578, 2582, 2583, Norvell, V. E., 1547 2588, 2592, 3025, 3029, 3037, 3039, Norwood, W. D., 3413 3043, 3044, 3046, 3069, 3095, 3102, Noskin, V. E., 3282, 3295 3106, 3107, 3111, 3112, 3122, 3131, No¨th, H., 67 3135, 3138, 3140, 3141, 3142, 3145, Nottorf, R., 64, 421 3146, 3147, 3148, 3149, 3150, 3152, Nottorf, R. W., 63, 64, 65, 329, 332, 336, 3154, 3155, 3160, 3161, 3165, 3166, 3246 3167, 3173, 3176, 3177, 3179, 3181, Novak, C. F., 127, 1341 3182, 3183, 3206, 3213, 3302, 3347, Nova´k, M., 264, 281 3381, 3382, 3416, 3420 Novakov, T., 1452 Nitschke, J. M., 6, 1653 Novgorodov, A. F., 40, 822 Nix, J. R., 1661 Novichenko, V. L., 28, 38, 220 Nixon, J. Z., 851 Novikov, A. P., 788, 1408, 1409, 2673 NN, 1269, 1273 Novikov, G. I., 80, 81, 82, 1681 Noakes, D. R., 2284 Novikov, Y. P., 704, 705, 782, 3282 Nobis, M., 2982 Novikov, Yu. P., 184, 188 Nodono, M., 2924 Novikova, G. I., 20, 24 Noe´, M., 1411, 1413, 1414, 1419, 1457, 1460, Novion, D., 739, 740, 741, 742 1519, 1520, 1521, 1525, 1533, 1534, Novo-Gradac, K. J., 1959, 1993 1538, 1543, 1596, 1599, 1600, 2269, Novoselova, A. B., 424 2270, 2396, 2397, 2413, 2417 Nowak, E. J., 1292 Noel, D., 2649 Nowicki, L., 340, 345, 348 Noe¨l, H., 75, 96, 97, 402, 406, 407, 413, 414, Nowik, I., 719, 720, 721, 743 415, 416, 417, 420, 423, 425, 435, 437, Nowikow, J., 214, 217 440, 456, 457, 470, 473, 474, 478, 479, Nowotny, H., 67, 69, 71, 72 499, 502, 509, 514, 515, 516, 538, 544, Noyce, J. R., 3293 551, 2407, 2408, 2413, 2414, 2422, 2424 Nozaki, Y., 44, 231 Noer, R. J., 63, 2315, 2350 Nriagu, J. O., 297 Nogar, N. S., 1874, 1875, 1877 Nugent, L. J., 33, 38, 118, 1328, 1329, 1330, Nogueira, E. D., 2702 1363, 1423, 1424, 1446, 1452, 1454, Nohira, T., 2691 1460, 1479, 1480, 1481, 1482, 1523, Nolan, S. P., 2822, 2893, 2912, 2924, 1526, 1529, 1546, 1547, 1548, 1555, 2934, 2965 1557, 1592, 1604, 1606, 1607, 1630, Noland, R. A., 319, 2712 1636, 1641, 1643, 1647, 1859, 1872, Noller, B. N., 3057 2122, 2124, 2542 Noltemeyer, M., 2875 Nugent, M., 291, 3131, 3160, 3161, 3164 Nomura, K., 1281, 1282, 2743, 2747, 2761 Nuhn, H.-D., 3088 Nomura, Y., 343 Numata, M., 1018, 1421 Noon, M. E., 1176 Nunez, L., 1295, 2655, 2738, 2739, 2750, Nordenskjo¨ld, A. E., 75 2751, 2752 Nordine, P. C., 963 Nunnemann, M., 60, 859, 1296, 1452, 1513, Nordling, C., 60 1588, 1590, 1840, 1875, 1877, Nordstrom, A., 851 3047, 3321 Nordstro¨m, L., 2248, 2289, 2291 Nurmia, M., 6, 1447, 1629, 1635, 1638, 1639, Nore´n, B., 2579 1640, 1641, 1643, 1645, 1646, 1647, Norling, B. K., 1053 1653, 1660, 1662, 1692, 1705, 2575 I-238 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Nurmia, M. J., 182, 1445, 1447, 1635, 1642, 2182, 2186, 2188, 2538, 2539, 3204, 1643, 1645, 1646, 1662, 1664, 1684, 3215, 3216 1693, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697, 1698, Ofelt, G. S., 2090, 2093 1699, 1703, 1704, 1705, 1706, 1716 Ofer, S., 862 Nurnberg, O., 2953 Ofte, D., 962, 963, 1033 Nuttall, R. L., 34, 2114 Oganessian, Y. T., 6, 822, 1653, 1654, Nuttall, W. J., 2234 1660, 1707, 1719, 1720, 1735, 1736, Nyce, G. W., 1956, 2473, 2476, 2477, 2805, 1738 2816, 2857 Oganessian, Yu. Ts., 14 Nyle´n, T., 3032 Ogard, A. E., 357, 1004, 1007, 1048, 1077, Nyssen, G. A., 2605 1093, 1095, 2140 Ogasawara, H., 861 Ogasawara, M., 2984 Oates, W. A., 927 Ogawa, T., 719, 720, 721, 1018, 1019, 1317, Oatts, T. J., 3327 1421, 2185, 2186, 2201, 2693, 2723, Obata, T., 2275, 2279, 2294 2724, 2725 Obbade, S., 298, 301 Ogden, J., 3223, 3224, 3225 Oberkirch, W., 116, 2865 Ogden, J. S., 364, 365, 1021 Oberli, F., 3047 Ogden, M. I., 2456, 2457, 2458, 2461 Oberti, R., 261, 301 Ogle, P. R., 505, 506, 535 O’Boyle, D. R., 892, 894, 896, 898, 900, 901, Ogliaro, F., 435 902, 903, 904, 905, 907, 908, 909, 910, Ogorodnikov, B., 3016 911, 912, 913, 914, 933, 3213, 3238 Oguma, M., 390, 394, 396, 397 O’Brian, R. J., 3156 Ohara, C., 2743 O’Brien, R. S., 3017 O’Hare, D., 593, 2256 O’Brien, S. C., 2864 O’Hare, P. A. G., 357, 358, 372, 378, 2114, Occelli, F., 964, 965, 2342 2150, 2151, 2156, 2157, 2158, 2159, Ochiai, A., 407 2160, 2161, 2193 Ochiai, K., 637 Ohde, H., 2679 Ochsenfeld, W., 2732 Ohe, Y., 719, 720 Ochsenkuehn Petropulu, M., 3070 Ohff, A., 2927 Ockenden, D. W., 1151 Ohishi, M., 1981 Ockenden, H. M., 1004, 1007, 1008, 1018, Ohmichi, T., 390, 391, 396, 743, 1022, 2201 3212, 3217, 3218, 3222 Ohmori, T., 352 O’Conner, J. D., 3305 Ohnesorge, W. E., 115 Oddou, J. L., 719, 720 Ohno, T., 2864 Odie, M. D., 324 Ohnuki, T., 273, 294, 822, 1160, 3046 Odintsova, N. K., 1848 Ohse, R. W., 280, 291, 364, 366, 367, 1019, Odoj, R., 1288, 1289, 1294, 1295, 2657, 2675, 1074, 1403, 1411, 2149, 2202 2676, 2749, 2756, 2762 Ohta, T., 77 Odom, A. L., 2888, 3033 Ohtaki, H., 118, 2531, 3103, 3105 Odom, J. D., 452, 2801 Ohtani, T., 1071 O’Donnell, T. A., 198, 562, 1084, 1101, Ohtsuki, T., 164 2426 Ohuchi, K., 1025, 1026, 1049, 1056, 1057 OECD/NEA Report, 310, 705, 793 Ohwada, K., 372, 373, 375, 460, 461, 462, 463, Oesterreicher, H., 66 467, 520, 533, 534 Oesthols, E., 3152, 3153, 3154 Ohya, F., 356 Oetting, F. H., 321, 322 Ohyama, T., 1266, 1267 Oetting, F. L., 61, 80, 81, 351, 352, 353, 362, Ohya-Nishiguchi, H., 382, 2245 421, 436, 437, 470, 471, 473, 475, 476, Ohyoshi, A., 1352 486, 502, 504, 505, 510, 511, 539, 541, Ohyoshi, E., 1352 546, 553, 718, 890, 891, 945, 949, 950, Oi, N., 988 963, 1021, 1028, 1048, 1086, 1098, Oikawa, K., 407 1101, 1297, 1298, 1328, 1329, 1403, Oishi, Y., 395 1409, 1410, 1417, 1482, 2114, 2115, Ojima, H., 189 2116, 2120, 2123, 2125, 2126, 2127, Ojima, I., 2966, 2974 2128, 2140, 2157, 2160, 2161, 2163, Okajima, S., 1148, 1155, 1172, 3043, 3044 2165, 2167, 2168, 2169, 2172, 2181, Okamoto, H., 1018, 1302, 1412, 1466, 2398 Author Index I-239 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Okamoto, H. J., 1421 Onuki, Y., 406, 407, 412, 2239, 2256, Okamoto, Y., 719, 743, 1992 2257, 2280 Okatenko, P. V., 1821 Oomori, T. J., 3160 Okazaki, M., 397 Oosawa, M., 225, 226 O’Kelley, G. D., 1636, 2526 Opalovskii, A. A., 539, 542 Oken, D. E., 3380 Ophel, T. R., 3317, 3318 Okladnikova, N. D., 1821 Oppeneer, P. M., 2359 Olander, D. R., 366, 367 Orchard, A. F., 1681 Oldham, R. D., 3345, 3354, 3355, 3371, Ordejon, B., 1908 3378, 3384 Ordonez-Regil, E., 3171 Oldham, S. M., 1185 Orlandi, K., 3017 Olinger, H., 3397, 3399, 3400 Orlandi, K. A., 3022 Olivares, J. A., 3322 Orlandi, P., 269 Oliver, G. D., 1507 Orlandini, K. A., 1293, 1808, 3280, 3287, Oliver, J., 1479, 1605, 3114 3288, 3295, 3296, 3311, 3314 Oliver, J. H., 774, 2581, 2582 Orleman, E. F., 621 Oliver, J. R., 2735 Orlemann, E. F., 841 Olivian, M., 2953 Orlinkova, O. L., 374, 375 Olivier, S., 1806 Orlova, A. I., 2431 Ollendorff, W., 1323 Orlova, A. S., 374 Ollier, N., 277 Orlova, I. M., 539, 565, 2441 Olmi, F., 269 Orlova, M. M., 1156 Olofson, J. M., 2924 Orman, S., 3242 Olofsson, V., 1803, 1804, 1806, 1807, Orme, J. T., 918, 919 1808, 1810 ORNL, 2700 Olonde, X., 2930 Oro, L. A., 2953 O’Loughlin, E. J., 3165, 3168 Orr, P. B., 1449, 1450, 1451, 1509, 1510, Olsen, C. E., 191, 193, 334, 335, 886, 888, 909, 1584, 1585 949, 955, 957, 981, 2273, 2315, Orr, R. D., 1409, 1432, 1434 2350, 2355 Orrock, B. J., 2735 Olsen, J. S., 2407 Ortego, J., 501, 523 Olsen, K., 1965 Ortego, J. D., 522 Olsen, L. G., 1282, 2741 Orth, D. A., 2735 Olsen, S. S., 2407 Ortiz, E. M., 1141 Olsen, T., 409 Ortiz, J. V., 1959, 1965, 2480, 2481, 2482, 2837 Olson, C. G., 1056 Ortiz, M. J., 1973 Olson, G. B., 920, 933 Ortiz, T. P., 1268 Olson, R. A., 293 Osawa, S., 189 Olson, W. M., 97, 742, 743, 976, 977, 1008, Osborn, R., 389, 929, 2278, 2279, 2283, 1020, 1074, 1312, 1314, 1361, 2284, 2285 2404, 2411 Osborne, D. W., 64, 66, 333, 372, 376, 378, Omejec, L., 69, 70, 73 382, 486, 502, 1048, 2176, 2273, 2282 Omenetto, N., 3037 Osborne, M. M., 1132 Omori, T., 219 Osborne-Lee, I. W., 1505, 1506, 1507 Omtvedt, J. P., 1662, 1666, 1695, 1701, 1702, Oser, B. L., 3362 1712, 1713, 1717, 1735, 1737 O’Shaughnessy, P. N., 2984 Omtvedt, L. A., 1666, 1695, 1702, 1717, Oshima, K., 345, 347, 355, 369 1735, 1737 Osicheva, N. P., 583, 601 Ondik, H. M., 459, 460, 461, 463 Osipenko, A. G., 2705, 2706 Ondrus, P., 262, 263, 2427 Osipov, S. V., 1145, 1338 Onishi, K., 1282, 1408, 2743 Ossola, F., 2472, 2473, 2484, 2820, 2825, 2841 Ono, R., 1431 Ost, C., 1132 Ono, S., 339, 1696, 1718, 1735 Oster, F., 62 Onodera, Y., 2762 Osteryoung, R. A., 2687, 2691 Onoe, J., 576, 577, 1194, 1935, 1936, O¨ sthols, E., 125, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132 2165 Ostlund, N. S., 1903 Onosov, V. N., 119 Osugi, T., 2693 Onoufriev, V., 1071 Otey, M. G., 566 I-240 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Othmer, U., 1880 Pai, M. R., 110 Ott, H., 2237 Paine, R. T., 502, 519, 529, 530, 536, 1283, Ott, H. R., 2312, 2333, 2343, 2351, 2360 1431, 1935, 1968, 2165, 2400, 2420, Ott, M. A., 1152, 3036 2426, 2480, 2573, 2656, 2832, 2891 Otten, E. W., 1875, 1876, 1880 Painter, E., 3353, 3356, 3362, 3366, 3370, Otten, E.-W., 3044, 3047, 3048, 3320, 3321 3378, 3386, 3395, 3407, 3424 Otto, K., 329, 330, 331, 332 Paisner, J. A., 859, 1873, 1874, 1875, Otto, T., 1735 1877, 1878 Ottolini, L., 261, 301 Paixa˜o, J. A., 409, 412, 2287, 2292, 2439 Otu, E. O., 2652 Palacios, M. L., 3171 Ouadi, A., 43 Palacz, Z. A., 3313 Ouahab, L., 2256 Palade, D. M., 779 Ouchi, K., 375, 391, 395, 396, 993, 994, Palanivel, B., 63, 100 1018, 3218 Palei, P. N., 185, 188, 218, 219, 228 Oughton, D. H., 3063 Palenik, C. S., 271 Ouillon, N., 109, 1172 Palenzona, A., 407, 2204 Ouqour, A., 76 Paley, P. N., 184, 1129, 1130 Oura, Y., 1266, 1267, 1445, 1484, 1662, 1696, Palfalvi, J., 1432 1709, 1718, 1735 Palisaar, A.-P., 98 Outebridge, W. F., 292 Palladino, N., 2865 Ouvrard, L., 75, 81, 109 Palmer, B. A., 1840, 1843, 1844, 1845, Ouweltjes, W., 551, 552, 2158, 2160, 2161, 1846, 1863 2165, 2187 Palmer, C., 110, 112 Ouzounian, G., 2591 Palmer, C. E. A., 287, 1114, 1148, 1155, 1160, Overhauser, A., 2052 1163, 1340, 2583 Overman, R. F., 1448, 1449, 1471 Palmer, D., 421, 423, 425, 435, 439, 440, 441, Overman, R. T., 186 457, 458, 469, 473, 474, 477, 478, 480, Oversby, V. M., 1145, 3109, 3210 481, 497, 502, 503, 509, 513, 514, 515, Oweltjes, W., 514, 543 516, 517, 536, 538, 543, 544, 545, 551, Owens, D. R., 103, 113 552, 556, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, Oyamada, R., 93 599, 601, 602, 603, 2115, 2117, 2120, Ozawa, M., 1281, 1282, 1408, 2743, 2747, 2126, 2127, 2128, 2132, 2136, 2137, 2761, 2762 2138, 2142, 2144, 2151, 2152, 2153, Ozin, G. A., 1994 2154, 2155, 2157, 2159, 2160, 2161, 2163, 2164, 2165, 2168, 2170, 2171, 2174, 2175, 2176, 2179, 2181, 2182, Pabalan, R. T., 301, 3156 2186, 2187, 2190, 2191, 2192, 2193, Pabst, A., 269 2194, 2195, 2197, 2200, 2203, 2204, Paccagnella, A., 3064 2206, 2538, 2546, 2554, 2555 Pace, R. J., 3117 Palmer, D. A., 1147, 1148, 1149, 1150, 1155, Pachauri, O. P., 2587 1158, 1160, 1161, 1165, 1166, 1181 Paciolla, M. D., 3140, 3150 Palmer, P. D., 580, 595, 620, 621, 763, 766, Padilla, D., 2752 861, 1051, 1112, 1115, 1123, 1125, Padiou, J., 414, 417, 2413 1131, 1132, 1151, 1152, 1156, 1162, Paffett, M. T., 1035, 1043, 1044, 3210, 1164, 1166, 1359, 1455, 1465, 1471, 3211, 3220 1474, 1479, 1481, 1925, 1926, 1927, Page, A. G., 2668 1928, 2427, 2428, 2429, 2450, 2451, Page`s, M., 79, 86, 87, 90, 92, 111, 113, 391, 2583, 2607, 3035, 3036, 3057, 3087, 459, 460, 511, 728, 729, 730, 735, 739, 3108, 3109, 3112, 3113, 3115, 3118, 740, 741, 742, 743, 745, 746, 748, 776, 3123, 3125, 3126, 3127, 3128, 3130, 777, 778, 779, 781, 782, 792, 1057, 3131, 3133, 3134, 3136, 3160, 1065, 1066, 1067, 1068, 1069, 1105, 3167, 3210 1106, 1107, 1181, 1312, 1321, 1335, Palmer, P. P., 289, 602 1359, 1360, 1416, 1430, 2315, 2370, Palmy, C., 63 2413, 2443, 2559, 2565, 2570, 2572, Palsgard, E., 297 2574, 2585, 2586, 2594, 2595, 2596 Pal’shin, E. S., 161, 178, 179, 181, 182, 183, Pagliosa, G., 713, 2756 184, 185, 187, 188, 195, 198, 199, 200, Pagoaga, M. K., 259, 282 207, 209, 219, 224, 228, 229, 230 Author Index I-241 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Palstra, T. T. M., 2351 Parry, J. S., 117, 2240, 2803, 2806, 2807, Pan, C., 2864 2854, 2856 Pan, Q., 191 Parry, S. F. S., 2710 Panak, P., 1428 Parry, S. J., 635, 636, 3303, 3306 Panak, P. J., 223, 2588, 3179, 3181, 3182, 3183 Parshall, G. W., 2924 Panattoni, C., 2439, 2440 Parson, T. C., 2851 Panchanatheswaran, K., 2472, 2826 Parsonnet, V., 817, 1829 Panczer, G., 277 Parsons, B. I., 164, 186, 187 Pandey, A. K., 2659, 2750 Parsons, R., 371 Pandit, S. C., 540, 566, 2441 Parsons, T. C., 116, 1411, 1519, 1520, 1525, Pankratz, L. B., 2710 1543, 1547, 1590, 1595, 1596, 1604, Panlener, R. J., 396 2269, 2270, 2417, 2422, 2486, 2488 Pannetier, J., 467 Parthasarathy, R., 180 Panov, A. V., 989, 996 Partington, J. R., 19, 367 Pansoy-Hjelvic, M. E., 851, 3022, 3181 Parus, J. L., 785 Paolucci, G., 452, 548, 2468, 2471, 2473, 2487, Pascal, J., 324 2491, 2819, 2824, 2831 Pascal, J. L., 101 Papadopulos, N. N., 3057 Pascal, P., 421 Papenguth, H. W., 3022, 3179, 3181 Pascard, R., 740, 1004, 1052, 1054, 2413 Papiernik, R., 509 Paschoa, A. S., 3069 Papina, T., 1806 Pascual, J., 180, 187 Papirek, T., 1507 Pasero, M., 268, 269, 298 Pappalardo, R., 2051 Pashalidis, I., 1160, 1165, 1166 Pappalardo, R. G., 1312, 1324, 1325 Pasilis, S. P., 2400 Paprocki, S. J., 1045, 1049 Pasquevich, D. M., 855 Paquet, F., 3352, 3364, 3377, 3398, 3399, Passler, G., 33, 60, 859, 1296, 1403, 1452, 3413, 3423 1513, 1588, 1590, 1840, 1875, 1876, Paratte, J. M., 3016 1877, 1884, 3047, 3321 Pardue, W. M., 1011, 1015, 1018, 1019, 1021, Passo, C. J., 3283 1022, 1045, 1048 Passow, H., 3359, 3362 Parida, S. C., 2209 Passynskii, A., 2531 Parissakis, G., 3070 Pastor, R. C., 78 Park, G. I., 2669 Pasturel, A., 2208 Park, H. S., 2669 Pastuschak, V. G., 711, 712, 761, 1143, 2757 Park, I.-L., 626, 627 Paszek, A., 1455, 1515, 1544 Park, J. F., 3340, 3352, 3424 Paszek, A. P., 422, 453, 2039, 2057, 2259 Park, K., 397 Patat, S., 385, 388 Park, Y.-Y., 2681 Patchell, R. A., 1507 Parker, V. B., 34, 80, 81, 421, 436, 437, 470, Patel, C. C., 101 471, 473, 475, 476, 486, 502, 504, 505, Patel, S. K., 182 510, 511, 539, 541, 546, 553, 1086, Patel, T., 466 1098, 1101, 2114, 2128, 2157, 2160, Patelli, A., 3069 2161, 2163, 2165, 2167, 2168, 2169, Pathak, P. N., 182, 184, 2736 2172, 2181, 2182, 2186 Patil, K. C., 2442 Parkin, G., 2827, 2849 Patil, S. K., 752, 772, 773, 774, 790, 1168, Parkin, I. P., 410, 412, 420 1169, 1170, 1422, 2579, 3052, 3061 Parkman, R. H., 3165, 3167 Patin, J. B., 1447, 1582, 1654, 1662, 1664, Parks, G. A., 795, 2531, 3094, 3102, 3111, 1666, 1684, 1685, 1695, 1701, 1702, 3122, 3127, 3139, 3152, 3155, 3158, 1711, 1712, 1713, 1714, 1716, 1717, 3165, 3169 1719, 1735, 1736, 1737, 1738 Parks, R. D., 63 Patin, J. J., 14 Parks, S. I., 455 Patnaik, D., 86, 91 Parma, L., 3037 Patrick, J. M., 1174, 2441 Parnell, J., 3172 Patrusheva, E. N., 1449 Parpia, F. A., 1643, 1670 Patrussi, E., 1070, 1071, 1072 Parpiev, N. A., 2441 Patschke, R., 97 Parr, R. G., 1671, 1903 Patton, F. S., 319 Parry, J., 1943, 1956, 2473 Pattoret, A., 322, 351, 352, 353, 362, 364, 365 I-242 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Pattrick, R. A. D., 3165, 3169 Peiris, M. A. R. K., 3308 Patzschke, M., 1941 Pekarek, V., 847 Paul, M. T., 767, 768, 777, 779, 780, 782 Pekov, I. V., 268, 298 Paul, R., 390, 392 Peleau, B., 3024 Paul, R. C., 105 Pe´ligot, E., 254, 413, 421, 2592 Pauli, H. C., 1883 Pelissier, M., 1683, 1907, 1909 Pauling, L., 3093 Pell, M. A., 97, 420 Paulka, S., 42 Pellegrini, V., 42, 43 Paulovic, J., 1909 Pelletier, J.-F., 2930 Paulus, E. F., 2655 Pelletier-Allard, N., 1862 Paulus, W., 185, 186, 1447, 1662, 1679, 1684, Pellizzi, G., 546, 547, 553, 554 1687, 1698, 1699, 1705, 1708, 1709, Pelsmaekers, J., 353, 354 1710, 1716, 1718 Pemberton, J. E., 2400 Pauson, P., 2799 Pe´neau, A., 81 Pauson, P. L., 1800 Peneloux, A., 1663 Pautov, L. A., 261 Peng, Q. X., 108 Paviet, P., 1425, 1426, 1427 Peng, S., 2140 Paviet-Hartmann, P., 861, 1041, 1043, 1112, Peng, Z., 2980 1154, 1155, 1166, 3109, 3210 Peng-Nian, S., 2912 Pavlikov, V. N., 112 Pe´nicaud, M., 2371 Pavlinov, L. V., 364 Penkin, M. V., 1365, 1369 Pavlotskaya, F. I., 704, 782, 783 Penneman, R. A., 78, 86, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, Pavlov, V. C., 364 103, 112, 201, 202, 222, 424, 446, 451, Paw, J. C., 2472, 2473, 2561, 2825, 2826 452, 458, 459, 461, 465, 466, 488, 502, Paxton, H. C., 821, 988 504, 505, 506, 507, 519, 520, 734, 1044, Payne, G. F., 746, 748, 1184, 1191, 1474, 2476, 1058, 1059, 1060, 1062, 1105, 1106, 2483, 2484, 2485, 2843 1107, 1114, 1265, 1271, 1273, 1291, Payne, G. L., 1545 1296, 1312, 1314, 1319, 1322, 1323, Payne, M., 2877 1325, 1326, 1328, 1329, 1331, 1333, Payne, T. E., 273, 3165, 3166, 3167, 3176 1365, 1366, 1367, 1369, 1397, 1398, Pazukhin, E. M., 1352 1401, 1402, 1410, 1417, 1418, 1429, Peacock, R. D., 732, 733, 734, 2426 1430, 1468, 1674, 1699, 1728, 1729, Pearce, J. H., 718, 719, 904, 905, 909 1732, 1733, 1760, 1923, 2415, 2420, Pearce, M., 2591, 3419, 3421 2427, 2449, 2450, 2451, 2452, 2471, Pearce, M. J., 3419, 3421 2472, 2601, 3163, 3281 Pearce, N. J. G., 3047 Pennington, M., 2439 Pearcy, E. C., 272, 293 Pennington, W. T., 475, 495, 2827, 2868 Pearse, A. G. E., 3349 Penny, D. J., 2390, 2394 Pearson, W. B., 98 Penrose, W., 3017 Pe´caut, J., 598, 1963, 1965, 2452, 2584 Penrose, W. R., 1808, 3022, 3287 Pecher, C., 3401 Pense-Maskow, M., 1665, 1695 Pecoraro, V. L., 1824, 2591, 3349, 3359, 3364, Pentreath, R. J., 782 3365, 3376 Peny, Z., 263 Peddicord, K. L., 988 Peper, S. M., 298 Pedersen, J., 164, 170 Peppard, D. F., 27, 107, 115, 171, 172, 175, Pedersen, K., 3069 184, 219, 704, 822, 824, 1275, 1448, Pederson, L. R., 2760 1490, 1697, 2574, 2592, 2650, 2672, Pederson, M. R., 1904 3016, 3276 Pedicord, K. L., 2199, 2202 Pepper, M., 1192, 1196, 1670, 1671, 1894, Pedley, J. B., 2149 1895, 1900, 1902, 1903, 1908, 1909, Pedregosa, J. C., 110 1915, 1916, 1917, 1934, 1971, 1976, Pedretti, U., 2490, 2491, 2493, 2859, 2865 1994, 2400, 2561 Pedrini, C., 81 Pepper, R. T., 378 Pedziwiatr, A. T., 67 Peralta, J. E., 1906, 1936, 1937, 1938 Peek, J. M., 861 Perdew, J. P., 1903, 1904 Peeters, O., 267, 268 Perego, G., 2420, 2471, 2472 Peetz, U., 395 Pereira, L. C. J., 1304 Pei-Ju, Z., 2452, 2453, 2456 Perekhozheva, T. N., 1432, 1433 Author Index I-243 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Perelygin, V. P., 1706 Peters, M. W., 2655 Peretrukhin, V. F., 756, 764, 1117, 1118, 1133, Peters, O. M., 541 1327, 1329, 1416, 1430, 1480, 1548, Peters, R. G., 2491, 2850, 2922, 2995, 2996 1636, 2127, 2553, 3052, 3053 Peters, T. B., 1401 Peretz, M., 64, 336 Petersen, D. A., 3360, 3364, 3385 Perevalov, S. A., 1512 Petersen, J. L., 2919 Perey, M., 20, 27 Petersen, K., 2352 Pereyra, R. A., 876, 877, 878, 916, 920, 921, Petersilka, M., 1910 933, 936, 945, 947, 948, 949, 960, 964 Peterson, D., 1737, 1738 Perez, I, Gimenez, J., 1805 Peterson, D. A., 316, 317 Perez-Mato, J. M., 78, 82 Peterson, D. E., 34, 892, 894, 911, 1003, 1004, Perezy Jorba, M., 113 1009, 1011, 1017, 1523, 2115, 2116, Pe´rio, P., 329, 347, 348, 353, 355, 2392 2117, 2120, 2149, 2208, 2209, 2210 Perkins, L. J., 2728 Peterson, D. T., 29, 61, 64, 65, 66, 95 Perkins, M., 225 Peterson, E. J., 2677 Perkins, W. T., 3047 Peterson, J., 1468 Perlman, I., 5, 25, 817, 822, 1267, 1304, 1366, Peterson, J. R., 421, 502, 503, 519, 528, 757, 1397, 1499, 1503, 1577, 1580, 1584, 859, 953, 958, 971, 973, 974, 1077, 1756, 1761, 2730 1084, 1093, 1096, 1133, 1295, 1312, Perlman, J., 164 1315, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1328, 1329, Perlman, M. L., 704, 822 1341, 1357, 1358, 1365, 1366, 1397, Perlman, M. N., 194 1403, 1410, 1411, 1412, 1414, 1415, Perminov, V. F., 1312, 1319 1417, 1419, 1420, 1421, 1424, 1444, Perminov, V. P., 726, 748, 770, 1312, 1321, 1445, 1446, 1451, 1452, 1455, 1456, 1405, 1430, 1433, 2427, 2439, 2531, 1457, 1458, 1459, 1460, 1462, 1463, 2532, 3043, 3111, 3112, 3113, 1464, 1465, 1466, 1467, 1468, 1469, 3122, 3123 1470, 1473, 1474, 1477, 1479, 1480, Permyakov, Yu. V., 793 1481, 1482, 1483, 1485, 1513, 1515, Pernpointner, M., 1724, 1729 1519, 1520, 1521, 1522, 1524, 1525, Pe´rodeaud, P., 352 1527, 1528, 1529, 1530, 1531, 1532, Perrin, A., 544, 550, 551, 552, 555, 2556 1533, 1534, 1538, 1539, 1540, 1542, Perrin, C., 435, 471 1543, 1544, 1545, 1547, 1548, 1555, Perrin, D. D., 132, 597 1558, 1559, 1562, 1579, 1588, 1590, Perrin, L., 1957 1593, 1595, 1596, 1598, 1599, 1600, Perrin, R. E., 704, 789, 3014, 3312, 3314 1601, 1604, 1605, 1606, 1612, 1840, Perrone, J., 128 1875, 1877, 2017, 2077, 2124, 2127, Perry, G. Y., 817 2129, 2131, 2153, 2154, 2155, 2163, Pershina, V., 185, 186, 213, 1447, 1516, 1524, 2174, 2182, 2186, 2238, 2269, 2270, 1549, 1652, 1662, 1664, 1668, 1670, 2271, 2272, 2315, 2370, 2388, 2389, 1671, 1672, 1673, 1674, 1675, 1676, 2397, 2398, 2411, 2413, 2414, 2416, 1677, 1678, 1679, 1680, 1681, 1682, 2417, 2420, 2422, 2490, 2565, 2580, 1683, 1684, 1685, 1686, 1687, 1688, 2688, 3047, 3321 1689, 1691, 1693, 1698, 1700, 1701, Peterson, S., 27, 452, 572, 842 1704, 1705, 1706, 1707, 1708, 1709, Peterson, S. W., 372, 373, 2431 1711, 1712, 1713, 1714, 1716, 1718, Petiau, J., 3163 1894, 1933 Petit, A., 1863, 1865, 1868, 1873 Person, J. L., 535 Petit, J. C., 3064, 3160 Persson, B. R. R., 3296 Petit, L., 1023, 1044, 2347, 3211 Persson, G., 184, 2672, 2767 Petit, T., 389 Persson, G. E., 1286 Petley, B. W., 1653 Persson, I., 118 Petrich, G., 2733 Perutz, R. N., 2966 Petrov, K. I., 109, 114 Peshkov, A. S., 1291 Petrov, V. M., 1680, 1681 Petcher, D. J., 2423, 2425 Petrova, V. N., 1680, 1681 Petcher, T. J., 201, 2420 Petryna, T., 1636, 2526 Peter, E., 3364, 3365, 3376, 3379 Petrynski, W., 338, 339 Peterman, D. R., 1327, 2739 Petrzilova, H., 1278, 2653 Peters, C., 2234 Petteau, J. F., 2633 I-244 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Pettersson, H., 3017 Pillai, K. T., 1033 Pettifor, D. G., 927 Pillinger, W. L., 190, 793 Pettke, T., 639, 3327 Piltz, G., 510, 511 Petukhova, I. V., 1352 Pilv Vo, R., 1293 Peuser, P., 3044, 3047, 3048, 3320, 3321 Pilz, N., 788 Peycelon, H., 3305 Pimpl, M., 3014 Pezerat, H., 195, 196, 197, 216, 225, 230 Pin, C., 3284, 3326 Pfeil, P. C. L., 325 Pinard, J., 1874, 1875 Pfiffelmann, J. P., 824 Pingitore, N. E., Jr., 3162 Pfitzer, F., 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377 Pinkerton, A. A., 2584 Pfleiderer, C., 967, 2353 Pinkerton, A. B., 2642 Pfrepper, G., 214, 217, 1695, 1700 Pinkston, D., 3200, 3252 Pfrepper, R., 1695, 1700 Pinte, G., 782, 786, 3056, 3057 Phelps, C., 2684 Pippin, C. G., 44, 615, 1473, 1474, 1475 Phelps, W. T., Jr., 3065 Pires de Matos, A., 208, 1993, 2150, 2880, Philippot, J., 355 2881, 2882, 2883, 2884, 2885, Phillipe, M., 1285 2886, 2912 Phillips, A. G., 3234, 3255 Pires de Matos, P., 1971 Phillips, C. S. G., 1640 Piret, P., 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 267, Phillips, D. H., 1908 282, 283, 288, 293 Phillips, E. J. P., 3172, 3178 Piret-Meunier, J., 116, 260, 263, 264, 283 Phillips, G., 787, 3043, 3044 Pirie, J. D., 2275 Phillips, G. M., 164, 173, 177, 180 Pirozkhov, S. V., 1428, 1449, 1483, 1554, 1605 Phillips, L., 5 Pirozov, S. V., 164, 166, 180, 1323, 1352 Phillips, N. E., 2315 Pisaniello, D. L., 2584 Phillips, T. L., 1507 Piskarev, P. E., 3024 Phipps, K. D., 1033, 1034, 2395 Piskunov, E. M., 780, 1352, 1427, 3061 Phipps, T. E., 963, 1045, 1083, 1085, 1086 Pissarsjewski, L., 77 Piana, M. J., 3170 Pissot, A. M., 198, 225 Pianarosa, P., 1873 Pitard, F., 632 Piboule, M., 3042, 3043 Pitkanen, V., 3304 Picard, C., 353, 354, 362, 363 Pitman, D. T., 67 Picard, G., 2135, 2699, 2700 Pitner, W. R., 854, 2686, 2690 Piccard, A., 163 Pittman, E. D., 3137 Picer, M., 3306 Pitts, S. H., Jr., 3233, 3234 Pichot, E., 109 Pitzer, K. S., 753, 1683, 1689, 1727, 1728, Pickard, C. J., 2265, 2293 1898, 1900, 1907, 2538 Pickett, D. A., 189, 231, 3312, 3314 Pitzer, R. M., 254, 577, 627, 763, 764, 1192, Pickett, G. R., 63, 2315, 2350 1199, 1676, 1679, 1777, 1897, 1901, Picon, M., 414, 2413 1908, 1909, 1910, 1928, 1930, 1931, Pidnet, J.-M., 1269 1932, 1939, 1940, 1943, 1944, 1946, Piechowski, J., 3024 1947, 1948, 1949, 1951, 1952, 1959, Piehler, D., 204, 2020, 2065, 2067, 2068, 1973, 2037, 2079, 2253, 2400, 2561, 2083, 2227 2594, 2853, 2864 Piekarski, C., 274, 2392 Pius, I. C., 1271 Pierce, R. D., 2693, 2708, 2709, 2710, 2712, Pkhar, Z. Z., 1633, 1636 2722, 2723 Plaisance, M. L., 215, 218 Pierce, W. E., 226 Plakhtii, V. P., 546 Pierloot, K., 1930 Plambeck, J. A., 2133, 2134 Piersma, B. J., 2686 Planas-Bohne, F., 3354, 3397, 3398, Pietraszko, D., 2411 3399, 3400 Pietrelli, L., 2633 Plancque, G., 3054 Piguet, D., 1447, 1662, 1664, 1684, 1685, 1693, Plant, J., 270, 271 1706, 1707, 1709, 1711, 1712, 1713, Plaschke, M., 3066 1714, 1716, 1721 Platzner, I. T., 637, 3310, 3311, 3312, 3313 Pijunowski, S. W., 372, 373, 1045 Plesek, J., 2655 Pikaev, A. K., 1117, 1118, 1338, 2127, 2527 Pleska, E., 739, 1055 Pilati, T., 261, 264 Plesko, E. P., 293 Author Index I-245 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Plesset, M. S., 1902 Poojary, M. D., 2442 Plessy, L., 2731 Poole, D. M., 903, 904, 913 Plettinger, H. A., 2439 Poole, O. M., 892, 913 Plews, M. J., 1190, 1191, 2472, 2475, 2817 Poole, R. T., 520 Plissionier, M., 101 Poon, S. J., 2351 Ploehn, H. J., 1292, 2752 Poon, Y. M., 501, 509, 523, 2016, 2036, 2081, Plotko, V. M., 6 2082, 2083, 2245 Pluchet, E., 220 Pope, M. T., 2584 Plu¨ddemann, W., 104 Pope, R., 1071 Plumer, M. L., 444 Popeko, A. G., 6, 14, 164, 1653, 1654, 1701, Plurien, P., 504, 505, 506, 507, 2243, 2246, 1713, 1717, 1719, 1720, 1735, 2449, 2452 1737, 1738 Plutonium in the Environment, 3295 Popik, M., 2177 Plymale, A. E., 3180 Pople, J. A., 1902 Plyushcheva, N. A., 31 Popov, D. K., 1178, 1352 Poa, D. S., 2722, 2723 Popov, M. M., 2168 Poblet, J. M., 3143, 3145 Popov, S. G., 357, 1048, 1071, 1074, 1075, Poblet, M. M., 1927 1076, 1077 Pocev, S., 2531, 3101, 3105 Popov, Y. S., 1504 Pochini, A., 2655 Popov, Yu. S., 1446, 1447 Poda, G. A., 1507 Popovic, S., 103, 110 Podnebesnova, G. V., 539, 565 Poppensieker, K., 6, 1738 Podoinitsyn, S. V., 856 Popplewell, D. S., 1814, 1816, 3360, 3361, Podor, R., 109, 128, 602, 1172, 2431, 2432 3362, 3364, 3365, 3366, 3375, 3376, Podorozhnyi, A. M., 1629, 2525 3378, 3398 Podosek, F. A., 3159 Porai-Koshits, M. A., 102, 105, 2434, 2439 Poettgen, R., 70, 73 Porcelli, D., 3288 Pohlki, F., 2982 Porcher, P., 113, 2044 Poinsot, R., 192 Porchia, M., 2472, 2473, 2484, 2820, 2822, Poirot, I., 2261 2825, 2841, 2893, 2934 Poliakoff, M., 2678 Porodnov, P. T., 2693, 2699, 2704, 2705 Polig, E., 3403 Porsch, D., 1071 Pollard, F. H., 636 Portal, A. J. C., 719, 721 Pollard, P. M., 787, 3043, 3044 Portanova, R., 767, 770, 776, 777, 778, 779, Polligkeit, W., 536 781, 1178, 1180, 1181, 2550, 2554, Pollmeier, P. G., 100 2584, 2585, 2586, 2589 Pollock, E. N., 636 Porter, C. E., 1508, 1511, 1585, 1623, 1624 Polo, A., 2473 Porter, F. T., 1626, 1627, 1634, 1639, 1644 Polozhenskaya, L. P., 583, 601 Porter, J. A., 1312, 1422 Poluboyarinov, Y. V., 6 Porter, M. J., 2256 Polunina, G. P., 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, Posey, J. C., 518 384, 385 Poskanzer, A. M., 29, 184, 1111, 2662 Polyakov, A. N., 14, 1398, 1400, 1653, 1654, Poskin, M., 32, 33 1707, 1719, 1736, 1738 Pospelov, Yu. N., 3014 Polyakova, M. Y., 986 Post, B., 66, 2407 Polynov, V. N., 822, 1398 Postel, S., 3424 Polyukhov, V. G., 1416, 1430 Potel, M., 75, 96, 97, 402, 407, 414, 415, 416, Polzer, W., 3017 417, 514, 516, 528, 2413, 2425 Pomar, C., 3016, 3063 Potemkina, T. I., 745, 747, 749, 2434, 2436 Pommer, A. M., 292 Potter, P., 718, 719, 722, 726, 727, 728, 739, Pompe, S., 2568, 3102, 3135, 3138, 3140, 3141, 744, 745, 767, 769, 771, 881, 888, 891, 3142, 3145, 3147, 3149, 3150 989, 1008, 1019, 1021, 1045, 1047, Pomytkin, V. F., 1848 1048, 1085, 1086, 1087, 1098, 1100, Ponader, C. W., 270, 276, 277 1101, 1110, 1111, 1117, 1118, 1131, Poncet, J. L., 3117 1147, 1148, 1149, 1150, 1155, 1157, Poncy, J. L., 3413, 3423 1158, 1162, 1167, 1169, 1170, 1171, Ponomareva, O. G., 1126 1180, 1181, 2114, 2115, 2117, 2120, Pons, F., 904 2126, 2127, 2128, 2133, 2136, 2137, I-246 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

2140, 2142, 2144, 2145, 2151, 2152, Price, C. E., 100 2154, 2155, 2159, 2160, 2161, 2163, Price, D. L., 2232 2164, 2165, 2168, 2170, 2171, 2173, Price, G. R., 3037 2174, 2175, 2182, 2186, 2187, 2193, Priceman, S., 323 2194, 2195, 2197, 2199, 2200, 2201, Prichard, W. C., 3223 2204, 2206, 2538, 2576, 2578, 2582, Priest, N. D., 3173, 3317, 3318, 3403, 3405 2583, 3206, 3213, 3347 Prigent, J., 372, 374, 376, 413, 551 Potter, P. E., 367, 391, 997, 998, 1002, 1004, Priibylova, G. A., 1283 1009, 1010, 1015 Prikryl, J. D., 272, 301 Potter, R. A., 1317, 1318 Prince, E., 66 Potts, A. M., 3424 Prins, G., 373, 374, 375, 514, 525, 543, 544, Poty, B., 3065 551, 552, 569, 2158, 2160, 2161, 2185 Potzel, U., 719, 720 Prins, R., 3087 Potzel, W., 719, 720, 2361 Pritchard, C. A., 3312, 3321 Poulet, H., 545 Pritchard, S. E., 1873 Poulsen, O., 1846, 1873 Pritchard, W. C., 1004, 1007, 3253, 3254 Poupard, D., 3312 Privalov, T., 565, 577, 578, 595, 596, 606, Pourbaix, M., 3096 613, 619, 620, 622, 623, 1925, 2185, Povey, D. C., 1169 2187, 2195 Povinec, P. P., 1806, 3017, 3031, 3032 Probst, H., 83 Povondra, P., 3278 Probst, T., 3057 Powell, A. K., 545, 2442, 2447, 2448 Proceedings, 405, 420 Powell, D. H., 3110 Proctor, S. G., 1271, 1290 Powell, E. W., 484, 560 Prodic, B., 102, 108, 110, 2430, 2431, 2558 Powell, F. W., 484 Prokryl, J. D., 272, 293 Powell, G. L., 3239 Propst, R. C., 1480, 1481, 1484 Powell, J. E., 63, 64, 65, 841 Propst, R. L., 1549 Powell, J. R., 854 Prosser, C. L., 3353, 3356, 3362, 3366, 3370, Powell, R. E., 1898 3378, 3386, 3395, 3407, 3424 Powell, R. F., 957 Prosser, D. L., 1033 Powell, R. W., 322, 1593 Proust, J., 792, 2443 Powell, T., 421 Proux, O., 389 Power, P. P., 2980 Provitina, O., 789 Powietzka, B., 2255, 2808 Provost, J., 2431, 2432 Pozet, N., 1507 Prpic, I., 182 Pozharskii, B. G., 1099, 1100 Pruett, D. J., 2688, 2690 Poznyakov, A. N., 1161, 1172 Pruner, R. E., 3247, 3257, 3259 Pozo, C., 1285 Prunier, C., 1269, 1285, 2756 Pozolotina, V. N., 3280 Prusakov, V. N., 1312, 1315, 1327, 2421 Prabhahara, R. B., 2205, 2206 Prussin, T. G., 3025 Prabhu, D. R., 1285, 2657, 2658, 2736 Pruvost, N. L., 821, 988 Prasad, N. S. K., 2441 Pryce, M. H. L., 1915, 2080, 2227, 2239, Prasad, R., 2157, 2158, 2209 2241, 2243 Prater, W. K., 821 Pryce, M. H. L. J., 765 Pratopo, M. I., 768 Pryor, A. W., 2391 Pratt, K. F., 1468 Przewloka, A., 1735 Prenger, C., 2752 Przystawa, J. A., 2274 Preobrazhenskaya, E. B., 3034 Ptackova, B. N., 1507 Prescott, A., 520 Puaux, J.-P., 2438, 2439 Prescott, C. H., 319 Pucci, R., 1994 Presson, M. T., 1168, 1262, 1270, 2532 Puchta, G. T., 3003 Preston, D. L. S., 1821 Pugh, E., 407, 2239, 2359 Preston, J. S., 1168 Pugh, R. A., 863 Preus, H., 2148 Pugh, W., 180 Preuss, H., 1676, 1679, 1908, 1918, 1920, 1937, Puglisi, C. V., 3250, 3253, 3259 1943, 1944, 1947, 1949, 1951, 1959 Puigdomenech, I., 211, 270, 590, 1146, 1158, Prewitt, C. T., 1463 1159, 1314, 1328, 1329, 1330, 1338, Pribylova, G. A., 705, 2661 1339, 1341, 1354, 1355, 2114, 2115, Author Index I-247 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

2117, 2120, 2126, 2127, 2128, 2129, Rabideau, S. W., 529, 530, 1111, 1117, 1118, 2137, 2143, 2144, 2154, 2155, 2159, 1119, 1120, 1121, 1123, 1126, 1128, 2165, 2171, 2173, 2174, 2175, 2182, 1129, 1131, 1132, 1133, 1134, 1135, 2186, 2187, 2194, 2538, 2546, 1144, 1145, 1146, 1149, 2580, 2582, 2593 2599, 2601 Pulcinelli, S. H., 90 Rabinovich, D., 117, 475, 495, 2827, Pullat, V. R., 3057 2868, 2869 Pullen, F., 102, 110 Rabinovich, I. B., 2822 Pulliam, B. V., 1840, 1847 Rabinovitch, V. A., 1725 Punyodom, W., 225 Rabinowitch, E., 255, 318, 328, 339, 340, 558, Purdue, W. M., 1049 629, 2160, 2167 Pursel, R., 2430 Racah, G., 60, 1862, 1863, 1865, 1869, Purser, K. H., 3063, 3318 2026, 2027 Purson, J. D., 1058, 1059, 1060, 1062, 3163 Radchenko, V., 1398, 1421 Purushotham, D. S. C., 182, 184 Radchenko, V. M., 1317, 1398, 1412, 1413, Purvis, G. D., 1902 1422, 1433, 1518, 1519, 1520, Pushcharovsky, D. Y., 102, 109, 266, 1521, 1829 268, 298 Ra¨de, D., 77 Pushlenkov, M. F., 1271 Rader, L. F., Jr., 3061 Pushparaja, 2669 Radionova, G. N., 1448, 1449 Pustovalov, A. A., 817 Radkov, E., 3420 Putnis, A., 286, 290 Radu, N., 2832 Puzzuoli, G., 1282, 2743 Radu, N. S., 2974 Pyle, G. L., 5, 1577, 1622 Radzewitz, H., 113, 1312, 1313 Pyper, N. C., 369, 1670, 1675, 1726, 1728 Radziemski, L. J., 2080 Pyykko¨, I., 576 Radziemski, L. J., Jr., 1845, 1874, 1875, 1877 Pyykko¨, P., 578, 792, 1666, 1669, 1670, 1675, Rae, A. D., 546, 2429 1723, 1726, 1729, 1873, 1894, 1898, Rae, H. K., 1080, 1086 1899, 1913, 1916, 1917, 1933, 1939, Raekelboom, E., 298 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1948, 1969, Raetsky, V. M., 324 1976, 1978, 1993, 2400 Rafaja, D., 338, 339 Pyzhova, Z. I., 29, 30 Rafalski, A. L., 958, 959, 960 Raff, J., 3179, 3181, 3182 Raffenetti, R. C., 1908 Qian, C. T., 2831 Raffy, J., 3016 Qin, Z., 1662, 1664, 1685, 1713, 1714, 1716 Raftery, J., 2400 Qu, H., 3024, 3284, 3296 Ragan, V. M., 3159 Quamme, G. A., 3357, 3381, 3383 Raghavachari, K., 1902 Quarton, M., 103, 109, 110, 112, 2431, Raghavan, R., 772 2432 Ragheb, M. M. H., 2734 Quere, Y., 817 Ragnarsdottir, K. V., 2191, 2192 Quezel, J., 739 Rahakrishna, P., 2392 Quezel, S., 739 Rahman, H. U., 2274, 2278, 2288 Quigley, M. S., 3024 Rahman, Y. E., 1179 Quijano-Rico, M., 3306 Rai, D., 125, 126, 127, 128, 130, 131, 728, 767, Quill, L. L., 700 768, 769, 1149, 1160, 1162, 1179, 1319, Quimby, F. W., 3357, 3358 1341, 2192, 2546, 2547, 2549, 2592, Quiney, H., 1670 3039, 3134, 3135, 3136, 3137, 3247 Quiney, H. M., 1905 Rai, H. C., 86, 91 Quinn, B. M., 3126 Raich, B., 319 Raimbault, L., 3305 Raimbault-Hartmann, H., 1735 Raab, W., 785 Rainey, R. H., 188, 1151, 2735 Raabe, O. G., 3254 Rainey, R. N., 2735 Rabardel, L., 77 Rais, J., 1283, 2655 Rabbe, C., 2676 Raison, E. P., 1531, 1532 Rabe, P., 3117 Raison, P., 2250 Rabideau, S., 1088 Raison, P. E., 1398, 1467 I-248 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Raj, D. D. A., 1074 364, 398, 400, 401, 402, 405, 406, 407, Raj, P., 339 425, 435, 469, 478, 486, 497, 502, 516, Raj, S. S., 2452, 2453, 2455 718, 719, 722, 726, 727, 728, 739, 744, Rajagopalan, M., 63, 100 745, 767, 769, 771, 881, 888, 890, 891, Rajagopalan, S., 396 945, 949, 963, 989, 1004, 1008, 1019, Rajan, K. S., 2587 1021, 1028, 1030, 1045, 1046, 1047, Raje, N., 180 1048, 1069, 1085, 1086, 1087, 1098, Rajec, P., 3017 1100, 1101, 1110, 1111, 1117, 1118, Rajendra, S., 1275 1131, 1147, 1148, 1149, 1150, 1155, Rajnak, K., 203, 482, 491, 1099, 1588, 1590, 1157, 1158, 1159, 1160, 1161, 1162, 1845, 1852, 1862, 1868, 1878, 1879, 1165, 1166, 1167, 1169, 1170, 1171, 2016, 2029, 2030, 2032, 2038, 2042, 1180, 1181, 1297, 1298, 1314, 1328, 2044, 2049, 2055, 2056, 2065, 2066, 1329, 1330, 1338, 1339, 1341, 1354, 2074, 2090, 2091, 2093, 2095, 2251, 2261 1355, 1403, 1409, 1410, 1417, 2114, Rakhmanov, Z., 1507 2115, 2116, 2117, 2120, 2126, 2127, Rakovan, J., 3087, 3170 2128, 2129, 2132, 2133, 2136, 2137, Ralph, J., 357 2138, 2140, 2142, 2143, 2144, 2145, Ralston, L., 3354, 3378 2149, 2151, 2152, 2153, 2154, 2155, Ralston, L. G., 3345, 3354, 3355, 3371, 2157, 2159, 2160, 2161, 2163, 2164, 3378, 3384 2165, 2168, 2170, 2171, 2173, 2174, Rama Rao, G. A., 182, 184 2175, 2176, 2179, 2181, 2182, 2186, Ramadan, A., 184 2187, 2190, 2191, 2192, 2193, 2194, Ramakrishna, V. V., 182, 772, 773, 774, 1168, 2195, 2196, 2197, 2198, 2199, 2200, 1170, 2579 2201, 2203, 2204, 2205, 2206, 2207, Ramamurthy, P., 101 2208, 2209, 2538, 2546, 2554, 2576, Raman, V., 77 2578, 2582, 2583, 3347 Ramaniah, M. V., 40, 41 Randall, C. H., 198 Ramanujam, A., 712, 713, 1281, 1282, 1294, Randles, S. R., 3244 2668, 2669, 2743, 2744, 2745, 2747, Randrup, J., 1661 2749, 2750, 2757, 2759 Rangaswamy, R., 3308 Ramaswami, D., 1082 Rangelov, R., 3027 Ramdoss, K., 3308 Rankin, D. T., 3265 Rameback, H., 1432, 1434 Rannou, J. P., 2422 Ramirez, A. P., 942, 944, 948 Rao, C. L., 40, 41, 42 Rammelsberg, C., 75 Rao, C. R. V., 339 Ramos, A. F., 3057 Rao, G. S., 1174 Ramos Alonso, V., 93 Rao, L., 1341, 1363, 1370, 2568, 3102, 3142, Ramos, M., 942, 944, 945, 948, 965, 966, 3143, 3145 967, 984 Rao, L. F., 772, 1155, 1164, 2553, 2558, Ramos-Gallardo, A., 2407, 2408 2561, 2571, 2574, 2578, 2589, 2594, Ramounet, B., 3352, 3359, 3364, 3368, 3377, 2595, 2602 3398, 3399 Rao, M. K., 1282, 2743, 2744, 2745 Ramsay, D. A., 1981 Rao, P. M., 60, 1452, 1875, 1877 Ramsay, J. D. F., 3064, 3103, 3152, 3154, 3155 Rao, P. R. V., 396, 772, 773, 774, 840, 1076, Ramsey, J. D. F., 301 1168, 2649 Ramsey, K. B., 851 Rao, R. S., 2370 Ramsey, W. J., 910 Rao, V. K., 40, 41, 1352 Rana, R. S., 2016, 2030, 2038, 2044 Raphael, G., 2288, 2289 Rananiah, M. V., 2579 Rapin, M., 904, 955 Rance, P., 1145 Rapko, B. M., 1278, 1280, 1283, 2573, 2653, Rand, M., 421, 423, 425, 435, 439, 440, 441, 2656, 2660, 2737, 2738 457, 458, 469, 473, 474, 477, 478, 480, Rapp, G. R., 259, 260, 262, 263, 266, 267, 269 481, 497, 502, 503, 509, 513, 514, 515, Rapp, K. E., 518 516, 517, 536, 538, 543, 544, 545, 551, Raschella, D. L., 1424, 1524, 1527 552, 556, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, Rasilainen, K., 273 599, 601, 602, 603, 3206, 3213 Rasmussen, J. J., 1303, 1312 Rand, M. H., 53, 61, 67, 68, 69, 74, 100, 270, Rasmussen, M. J., 1093 321, 322, 325, 326, 351, 352, 353, 362, Raspopin, S. P., 86, 93, 2715 Author Index I-249 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Rastogi, R. C., 3017 2239, 2249, 2250, 2255, 2283, 2284, Rastsvetaeva, R. K., 266 2285, 2286, 2287, 2289, 2290, 2292, Rateau, G., 1819 2347, 2352, 2353, 2359, 2370, 2372, Ratherton, D., 3396, 3401, 3405 2381, 2403, 2404, 2407, 2411, 2441, Ratho, T., 466 2469, 2470, 2471, 2472, 2474, 2475, Ratmanov, K. V., 1145, 1146 2476, 2477, 2478, 2479, 2484, 2486, Ratsimandresy, Y., 3037 2488, 2489, 2490, 2808, 2814, 2815, Rattray, W., 3025 2816, 2817, 2818, 2819, 2827, Rau, W., 3397, 3399 2829, 2882 Raub, E., 63 Recker, K., 372 Rauchfuss, T. B., 2837 Recrosio, A., 1022 Rauchle, R. F., 64 Reddon, G., 3165, 3168 Raudaschl-Sieber, G., 3003 Reddy, A. K. D., 2538 Raue, D. J., 1081 Reddy, A. S., 182 Rauh, E. G., 60, 63, 70, 75, 322, 352, 364, 365, Reddy, A. V. R., 182, 184 724, 2147, 2148, 2380, 2391 Reddy, J. F., 743, 1022 Rauschfuss, T. B., 2480, 2481, 2482 Reddy, S. K., 182 Ravagnan, J., 3069 Redey, L., 2723 Ravat, B., 933 Redfern, C. M., 1200, 1202, 1949, 2561, Raveau, B., 2431, 2432 2854 Ravenek, W., 1907 Redhead, P. A., 60 Ravn, H. L., 1735 Rediess, K., 505, 509, 510, 543 Rawson, R. A., 3358 Redman, J. D., 1104 Ray, A. K., 1018, 1976, 1989, 1994, 2149 Ree, T., 367 Ray, C. S., 277 Reed, D., 3039 Raymond, C. C., 412 Reed, D. T., 861, 1148, 1155, 1172, 1813, 1814, Raymond, D. P., 131, 132 1818, 1930, 1991, 2536, 2668, 3034, Raymond, K., 2591 3037, 3043, 3044, 3095, 3113, 3118, Raymond, K. N., 116, 1168, 1188, 1813, 1815, 3175, 3177, 3179, 3181, 3182 1819, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1943, 1944, Reed, D. T. R., 2096 2471, 2472, 2473, 2474, 2478, 2479, Reed, W. A., 2360, 3165, 3169 2486, 2488, 2491, 2591, 2669, 2816, Reeder, R. J., 291, 3131, 3159, 3160, 3161, 2819, 2820, 2830, 2832, 2852, 2853, 3164, 3170 2868, 2919, 3340, 3343, 3349, 3359, Reedy, G. T., 356, 366, 1018, 1029, 1971, 1972, 3364, 3365, 3366, 3369, 3375, 3376, 1976, 1988, 2148, 2149, 2203 3378, 3379, 3382, 3385, 3388, 3389, Rees, T. F., 2650 3390, 3391, 3394, 3409, 3413, 3414, Reese, L. W., 1270 3415, 3416, 3417, 3418, 3419, 3420, Regalbuto, M. C., 2655, 2738, 2739 3421, 3422, 3423 Regel, L. L., 749, 2442 Raynor, G. V., 98 Rehfield, C. E., 3343 Raynor, J. B., 976 Rehka¨mper, M., 639, 3327 Razbitnoi, V. L., 1320 Rehklau, D., 1875, 1876 Razbitnoi, V. M., 1323, 1352, 1402, 1422, 1423 Rehner, T., 82, 83 Reader, J., 857, 1513, 1633, 1639, 1646, 1841 Rehr, J. J., 1112, 1991, 2858, 3087, 3089, 3090, Readey, D. W., 1031 3103, 3108, 3113, 3117, 3118, Reas, W. H., 837 3123, 3170 Reavis, J. G., 717, 1004, 1009, 1077, 1093, Rehwoldt, M., 1190 1095, 1104, 2709, 2713 Reich, T., 118, 289, 389, 580, 589, 596, 602, Rebel, H., 1873 612, 616, 621, 626, 795, 1112, 1113, Rebenko, A. N., 539, 542 1156, 1166, 1921, 1923, 1933, 2531, Rebizant, J., 65, 66, 69, 73, 97, 102, 108, 192, 2532, 2568, 2576, 2580, 2582, 2583, 204, 207, 334, 335, 409, 412, 431, 451, 2812, 3046, 3089, 3101, 3102, 3106, 470, 552, 553, 719, 720, 722, 723, 724, 3107, 3111, 3112, 3113, 3117, 3118, 725, 739, 741, 744, 792, 861, 863, 967, 3119, 3121, 3122, 3125, 3126, 3127, 968, 994, 995, 1009, 1012, 1015, 1016, 3128, 3129, 3130, 3131, 3132, 3135, 1019, 1023, 1033, 1034, 1050, 1052, 3138, 3139, 3140, 3141, 3142, 3143, 1055, 1056, 1168, 1304, 1318, 1754, 3144, 3145, 3146, 3147, 3148, 3149, 1784, 1790, 2135, 2188, 2189, 2237, 3150, 3152, 3154, 3155, 3156, 3160, I-250 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

3161, 3165, 3166, 3167, 3179, 3180, Reynolds, D. A., 2760 3181, 3182, 3381, 3382 Reynolds, F. L., 319 Reichert, W. M., 2691 Reynolds, J. G., 2256, 2558, 2819 Reichl, J., 2966 Reynolds, J. H., 824 Reichlin, R., 1300 Reynolds, L. T., 630, 1189, 1800, 1952, Reichlin, R. L., 1403, 1410, 1411, 1412 2799, 2815 Reich-Rohrwig, W., 3029 Reynolds, M. B., 485 Reid, A. F., 116 Reynolds, R. W., 1472, 1602, 2266, 2268, Reid, M. F., 422, 483, 486, 1113, 2020, 2031, 2272, 2292 2044, 2051, 2054, 2067, 2068, 2069, Reynolds, S. A., 164, 169, 225, 226 2070, 2072, 2089, 2091, 2099 Reznikova, V. E., 1095, 1100 Reihl, B., 2336, 2338, 2359 Reznutskij, L. R., 2114, 2148, 2149, 2185 Reilly, J. J., 338 Rhee, D. S., 1352, 1354, 2591, 3022 Reilly, S. D., 861, 1112, 1148, 1155, 1166, Rheingold, A. L., 1965, 2849, 2974 1178, 1179, 1824, 3035, 3106, 3109, Rhinehammer, T. B., 487 3113, 3115, 3123, 3133, 3134, 3210 Rhodes, L. F., 1363, 1954, 1956, 1957 Reilly, S. P., 1138, 1179 Rhodes, R., 2628, 2629, 2692 Reilly, S. R., 1116, 1117 Rhyne, J. J., 66 Reimann, T., 1352 Rhyne, L. D., 2851 Reiners, C., 1828 Rhys, A., 2068, 2089 Reinhard, P. G., 1736 Ribas Bernat, J. G., 93 Reinhardt, H., 2757 Ricard, L., 2491, 2869, 2870 Reinhoudt, D. N., 597 Rice, R. W., 998 Reis, A. H., Jr., 372, 373 Rice, W. W., 1088, 1090 Reisdorf, W., 6, 1660, 1738 Richard, C. E. F., 737 Reisfeld, M. J., 763, 765, 1356, 1365, 1475, Richards, D. A., 3313 1513, 1515, 1604, 2076, 2082, 2241 Richards, E. W. T., 190, 226 Reisfeld, R., 1894, 1916 Richards, R. B., 530, 2730 Reishus, J. W., 1046 Richards, S. M., 1002 Reiss, G. J., 2479, 2834 Richardson, A. E., 29 Reissmann, U., 2852 Richardson, F. S., 2051, 2067 Reitmeyer, R., 3165, 3167 Richardson, J. W., 719, 721, 939, 941, 942, Reitzik, M., 3357, 3381, 3383 1419, 2397 Rekas, K., 1507 Richardson, J. W., Jr., 457, 486, 882, 2233, Rekas, M., 1352, 1431 2264, 2293 Remaud, P., 43 Richardson, N. L., 3254 Remy, M., 1963, 1965 Richardson, N. V., 1681 Rendl, J., 1828 Richardson, R. P., 2261 Renkin, J. M., 2815 Richardson, S., 2584 Renshaw, J. C., 589, 2441 Richman, I., 2067 Rentschler, H. C., 61, 80 Richmann, M. K., 861 Repnow, R., 33, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884 Richter, J., 2469 Reshetnikov, F. G., 1028 Richter, K., 724, 726, 988, 2407 Reshetov, K. V., 373, 375 Richter, M., 2359 Reshitko, S., 14, 1653, 1713, 1717 Rickard, C. E. F., 108, 115, 200, 201, 204, 205, Ressouche, E., 475, 476, 495, 719, 720, 2352 208, 527, 2418 Reul, J., 34, 35, 191, 1271, 1297, 1402, 1403, Rickert, P. G., 1279, 1281, 2652, 2655, 2691, 1410, 1412, 1413, 1417, 1424, 2696, 2700 2738, 2747, 2750 Reul, R., 1403, 1411 Ricketts, T. E., 2749, 3219, 3220, 3253, Reusser, E., 279 3254, 3262 Reuter, H., 407 Ridgeliy, A., 226 Revel, R., 1168, 1262, 1270, 3101, 3110, 3111, Rieder, R., 1398, 1421, 1433, 3306 3113, 3114, 3115, 3116, 3117, 3118 Riefenberg, D. H., 958, 959, 960 Revenko, Y. A., 856 Riegel, J., 60, 789, 1296, 1403, 1452, 1875, Revy, D., 789 1876, 1877 Rexer, J., 64 Rieke, R. D., 2851 Reymond, F., 172 Rienstra-Kiracofe, J. C., 1973 Reynolds, C. T., 205 Rieth, U., 1735 Author Index I-251 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Rietschel, A., 64 Rizzoli, C., 763, 765 Rietveld, H. M., 373, 375, 376, 392, 2381, Roach, J., 822, 823, 3279, 3314 2383, 2397 Robbins, D. A., 2208 Rietz, R. R., 208, 1187, 2404, 2405 Robbins, J. L., 871, 949, 950, 1021, 1956, 2806 Rigali, L., 1284 Robbins, R. A., 856 Rigali, M. J., 3172 Robel, W., 1323 Rigato, V., 3065, 3069 Robert, F., 103, 112 Riggle, K., 786 Robert, F. J., 103, 110 Riglet, C., 775, 789, 1161, 3099 Robert, J., 166 Riglet, Ch., 753, 756 Roberts, A. C., 103, 113 Rigny, P., 504, 505, 506, 560, 2243, 2246, 2251, Roberts, C. E., 119, 120, 121, 123, 124, 2449, 2450, 2603, 2855, 3101, 3105, 2548, 2549 3120, 3138, 3141 Roberts, E., 3354 Rigol, J., 1653, 1719 Roberts, Emma, xvi Riha, J., 1106 Roberts, F. P., 1011, 1268, 1290, 1291 Rijkeboer, C., 2381 Roberts, J. A., 939, 941, 942, 962, 984 Riley, B., 1045 Roberts, J. T., 484 Riley, F. D., 1508, 1511, 1585 Roberts, K. E., 1114, 3025, 3043 Riley, F. D., Jr., 1623, 1624 Roberts, L. E. J., 195, 196, 226, 340, 353, 354, Riley, P. E., 3416, 3419 356, 360, 362, 390, 2391, 3214 Rimke, H., 1875, 1876, 3044, 3047, 3048, Roberts, M. M., 588, 2434 3320, 3321 Roberts, R. A., 1138, 2726 Rimmer, B., 115 Roberts, S., 457, 486 Rimsky, A., 102, 103, 109, 111, 112, 131, 587, Roberts, W. L., 259, 260, 262, 263, 266, 588, 2427 267, 269 Rimsky, H., 103, 110 Robertson, D. E., 3022 Rin, E. A., 1545 Robertson, J. L., 929 Rinaldi, P. L., 2565, 2566 Robins, R. G., 343 Rinaldo, D., 2458 Robinson, B., 3346 Rinehart, G. H., 817, 818, 819, 963, 1033, Robinson, B. A., 3106 1058, 1059, 1060, 1062 Robinson, H. P., 1098, 1101 Rink, W. J., 3033 Robinson, H. R., 3253, 3254 Rios, E. G., 2442 Robinson, P. S., 1184 Rioseco, J., 3017 Robinson, R. A., 333, 2289, 2290 Riou, M., 27 Robinson, T., 225 Ripert, M., 389, 861 Robinson, V. J., 3022 Riseberg, L. A., 2086, 2095, 2096 Robison, T. W., 2633, 2634 Riseborough, P. S., 2343, 2344, 2345 Robouch, P., 753, 756, 1159, 1160, 1161, 1165, Ritchey, J. M., 2484, 2891 1166, 3099 Ritchie, A. G., 3244 Robouch, P. B., 1159, 1314, 1328, 1329, 1330, Ritger, P. L., 2451, 2452 1338, 1339, 1341, 1354, 1355, 2114, Ritter, G. L., 1275 2115, 2117, 2120, 2126, 2127, 2128, Ritter, J. A., 1292, 2752 2129, 2137, 2143, 2144, 2154, 2155, Rittmann, B. E., 1813, 1814, 1818, 2668, 3179, 2159, 2165, 2171, 2173, 2174, 2175, 3181, 3182 2182, 2186, 2187, 2194, 2538, Rivard, M. J., 1507, 1518, 1829 2546, 2582 Rivera, G. M., 1670, 1672, 1673, 1674, 1675, Roche, M. F., 164 1685, 1874 Rochicoli, F., 3066 Rivers, M., 3089, 3172, 3175, 3176, 3177, 3183 Rodchenko, P. Y., 1126 Rivers, M. L., 270, 861, 3039 Rodden, C. J., 632 Rivie`re, C., 576 Roddy, J. W., 1303, 1304, 1312, 1314, 1317, Riviere, E., 2254 1318, 2404, 2411, 2413 Rizkalla, E. N., 776, 777, 778, 779, 781, 2443, Rodehu¨ser, L. R., 618 2529, 2537, 2546, 2548, 2558, 2559, Roden, B., 62 2562, 2563, 2564, 2565, 2566, 2570, Rodgers, A. L., 549, 2439 2571, 2574, 2585, 2589 Rodgers, S. J., 3413, 3414, 3416, 3418, Rizvi, G. H., 772, 1281, 1282, 2745, 2747 3419, 3421 Rizzo da Rocha, S. M., 410 Rodier, N., 542, 547 I-252 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Rodinov Yu, F., 164, 166 Romanov, S. A., 1821, 3282 Rodionov, V. F., 26 Romanovski, V., 3419 Rodionova, I. M., 185 Romanovski, V. V., 1168, 2591 Rodionova, L. M., 29, 30, 1448, 2668 Romanovskii, V. N., 856, 2682, 2684, 2739 Rodrigues de Aquino, A., 410 Ro¨mer, J., 3066 Rodriguez de Sastre, M. S., 355 Romer, K., 2756 Rodriguez, M., 1432, 1433 Romero, A., 2407, 2408 Rodriguez, R. J., 719, 721 Romero, J. A. C., 2982 Roe, S. M., 2440 Ron, A., 469, 491 Roehler, J., 3117 Rona, E., 224, 621 Roell, E., 63, 64 Roncari, E., 2585 Roemer, K., 713 Ronchi, C., 347, 353, 357, 359, 1029, 1033, Roensch, F., 822, 823, 3279, 3314 1036, 1045, 1047, 1077, 1971, 2139, Roensch, F. R., 789, 3133, 3279, 3280, 2140, 2148, 2149, 2388, 2392, 3212 3282, 3314 Ronchi, R., 2149 Roentgen, W. C., 1654 Rondinella, V., 3070 Roepenack, H., 839, 852, 1070, 1071, Ronen, Y., 1447 1073, 1074 Ronesch, K., 3061 Roesch, D. L., 903 Roof, R. B., 457, 903, 906, 909, 910, 911, 912, Roesky, H. W., 2472, 2875 976, 977, 989, 1061, 1067, 1084, 1107, Roesky, P. W., 1943, 2924, 2984, 2986 1109, 1300, 2407, 2408 Roessli, B., 2239, 2352 Roof, R. B., Jr., 1012, 1013, 1027 Rofer, C. K., 3263 Rooney, D. M., 393 Rofidal, P., 930, 932, 954 Rooney, D. W., 854, 2686, 2690 Rogalev, A., 2236 Rooney, T. A., 1968, 1971 Rogers, F. J. G., 164, 166, 173, 180, 224 Roos, B. O., 576, 589, 595, 596, 1897, 1909, Rogers, J. J. W., 3014 1910, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1972, 1973, Rogers, L. M., 2469 1974, 1975, 1979, 1989, 1990, Rogers, N. E., 487 1994, 1995 Rogers, R. D., 421, 580, 595, 620, 621, 854, Roozeboom, H. W. B., 101, 104 1110, 1156, 1925, 1926, 1956, 2380, Rosan, A. M., 2943 2451, 2452, 2453, 2454, 2469, 2589, Rosber, A., 1923 2590, 2607, 2666, 2675, 2686, 2691, Ro¨sch, F., 776, 1352, 1479, 3101, 3102, 3111, 2803, 2806, 2807, 3126, 3127, 3128 3112, 3113, 3114 Rogl, P., 67, 68, 69, 71, 406, 997, 998, 1002, Ro¨sch, N., 1906, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1923, 2362, 2407, 2408 1925, 1931, 1935, 1937, 1938, 1943, Rogova, V. P., 259 1946, 1948, 1949, 1951 Rogowski, J., 1665 Rose, R. L., 939, 940, 949, 950, 1297 Rogozina, E. M., 1178, 1352 Roselli, C., 3030 Rohac, J., 1654, 1719, 1720, 1735 Rosen, A., 576, 1671, 1677, 1680, 1682, 1916, Rohr, D. L., 986 1933 Rohr, L. J., 962 Rosen, M., 936, 943, 944 Rohr, W. G., 962, 963 Rosen, R. K., 2246, 2247, 2473, 2805, Rojas, R., 2441, 2442 2809, 2810 Rojas, R. M., 2439, 2440, 2441, 2443 Rosen, S., 1003, 1009 Rojas-Herna´ndez, A., 3023 Rosenberg, R. J., 3304 Rokop, D., 822, 823, 3279, 3314 Rosenblatt, G. M., 1653, 1654 Rokop, D. J., 3014, 3069, 3288, 3314 Rosenblum, M., 1952 Roll, W., 55 Rosenfeld, T., 817 Rolland, B. L., 1054 Rosengren, A., 63, 1460, 1515, 1517, 1626, Rollefson, G. K., 104, 857 1634, 1639 Roller, H., 377 Rosenheim, A., 82, 90, 93, 105, 109 Rollin, S., 2650 Rosenkevitch, N. A., 1547, 1548 Ro¨llin, S., 3068 Rosenthal, M. W., 487, 1179, 1823, 2632, Rollins, A. N., 2452, 2453, 2454 3387, 3388, 3413, 3424 Rolstad, E., 352 Rosenzweig, A., 78, 86, 88, 90, 91, 92, 259, Romanov, A., 1821 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, Romanov, G. A., 2579 269, 275, 451, 458, 461, 464, 465, 488, Author Index I-253 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

504, 505, 506, 507, 734, 1398, 1417, Rowland, R. E., 3403, 3404, 3407 1418, 1468, 2415 Rowley, E. L., 988, 1049 Rosethal, U., 2927 Roy, J. J., 717, 1270, 2134, 2135, 2695, 2696, Roshalt, J. N., 170 2697, 2698, 2699, 2700, 2715, Rosner, G., 784 2719, 2721 Rosoff, B., 3413 Roy, R., 77 Ross, J. W., 2283 Roy, S., 1447 Ross, M., 265, 2434 Rozanov, I. A., 416, 419 Ross, R., 2701 Rozen, A. M., 108, 705, 709 Ross, R. B., 1671, 1898, 1908, 1918, 1920 Rozenberg, G., 3065 Ross, R. G., 1451, 1509, 1584 Rozenkevich, N. A., 1607, 1629, 1636 Rossat-Mignod, J., 719, 720, 739, 744, 1055, Rozov, S. P., 1113, 1133, 1156 2275, 2409 Ruban, A. V., 928 Rossbach, H., 1683 Ruben, H., 2386, 2434, 2436 Rossberg, A., 589, 596, 602, 612, 616, 621, Ruben, H. W., 2405 2582, 3102, 3106, 3107, 3111, 3112, Rubenstone, J. L., 3056 3119, 3121, 3122, 3139, 3140, 3147, Rubini, P., 608, 609, 2533, 2603, 3102, 3112 3148, 3149, 3179, 3180, 3181, 3182 Rubini, P. R., 618 Rossel, C., 2352, 2357 Rubinstein-Auban, A., 539 Rosser, R., 3062 Rubio Montero, M. P., 3017, 3022 Rossetto, G., 452, 2472, 2473, 2484, 2801, Rubisov, V. N., 1169 2820, 2825, 2841 Ruby, S. L., 1297, 2292 Rossetto, R., 2819, 2824 Ruch, W. C., 316, 317 Rossi, R., 2479 Rucklidge, J. C., 3318 Rossini, F. D., 2114 Rudenko, N. P., 184 Rossini, I., 596, 3102, 3119, 3121 Rudigier, H., 2333 Rossotti, F. J. C., 209 Rudnick, R. L., 3047 Rossotti, F. J. R., 589, 598 Rudnitskaya, A. M., 3029 Rossotti, H., 209, 589, 598 Ru¨dorff, W., 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, Rotella, F. J., 457, 486 382, 384, 385, 386, 388, 389, 391, 392, Rotenberg, M., 2027, 2040 393, 523 Roth, R. S., 377, 1067 Rudowicz, C., 730 Roth, S., 1957, 2472, 2479, 2825, 2826, 2919 Rudzikas, Z., 1862 Roth, W., 1423, 2801 Ruedenauer, F., 3173 Roth, W. L., 344 Ruehle, A. E., 303, 315, 317, 319, 559, 560 Rothe, J., 1147, 1150, 1152, 1153, 1154, 3103, Ruf, M., 555 3104, 3129, 3138, 3149, 3158 Ruff, O., 61 Rothe, R. E., 988 Rufinska, A., 2837, 2841 Rothschild, B. F., 106, 107 Rugel, G., 3016, 3063 Rothstein, A., 3354, 3359, 3362 Ruggiero, C. E., 1110, 1138, 1179, 1824, 2590 Rothwarf, F., 63 Ruh, R., 113 Rotmanov, K. V., 1144, 1145 Ruikar, P. B., 182, 184, 708, 1281, 2747, 2748 Roudaut, E., 1019 Ruiz, J., 2966 Rough, F. A., 325, 408 Rulli, J. E., 353, 368, 369 Rough, F. H., 325 Rumer, I. A., 28, 38, 220, 221, 1113, 1402, Roult, G., 467 1547, 1548, 1606, 1607, 1608, 1624, Rouquette, H., 2655 1629, 1636, 2525, 2700 Rourke, F. M., 824, 1804, 3016, 3022, 3276 Rumer, I. A. R., 221 Rouse, K. D., 2391 Rumyantseva, Z. G., 185 Rouski, C., 1738 Runciman, W. A., 2067, 2274, 2278, 2288 Rousseau, D., 2916 Rundberg, R. S., 1152, 3036, 3175 Roussel, P., 575, 1962, 1963, 1964, 2887, 2888 Rundberg, V. L., 1132 Roux, C., 904, 955 Runde, W., 595, 704, 932, 1041, 1043, 1148, Roux, J., 3065 1154, 1155, 1156, 1164, 1166, 1173, Roux, M. T., 281 1174, 1175, 1312, 1314, 1319, 1327, Rouxel, J., 96, 415 1332, 1338, 1340, 1341, 1359, 1360, Rowe, M. W., 3276 1365, 1366, 1368, 1369, 1370, 1803, Rowland, H. G., 3353, 3402 1927, 1928, 3035, 3037, 3087, 3106, I-254 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

3108, 3109, 3112, 3113, 3115, 3118, 524, 526, 527, 528, 536, 734, 1398, 3123, 3125, 3133, 3134, 3210 1417, 1418, 1468, 1959, 2415, 2420, Runde, W. H., 861, 1112, 1116, 1117, 1166, 2426, 2452, 2471, 2472, 2480, 2481, 1181, 2452, 2453, 2454, 2455, 2456 2482, 2484, 2487, 2488, 2573, 2677, Rundle, R. E., 63, 64, 65, 67, 70, 71, 329, 330, 2801, 2807, 2832, 2837, 2856, 2857, 334, 335, 339, 399, 407, 2232, 2402, 2891, 3163 2403, 2408, 2411 Ryan, V. A., 209, 214, 215, 217, 218, 2578 Rundloef, H., 475, 478, 479, 495 Ryazanova, L. A., 3067 Rundo, J., 3355, 3366 Ryba-Romanowski, W., 422 Runeberg, N., 1933, 1969 Rybka, R., 263 Runeberg, N. J., 578 Rycerz, L., 476, 478, 2185, 2186, 2187 Runnalls, O. J. C., 423, 444, 900, 901, 902, Rydberg, J., 209, 218, 220, 223, 718, 719, 722, 903, 905, 908, 909, 1011, 1012, 1015, 726, 727, 728, 739, 744, 745, 767, 769, 1066, 1304, 2407 771, 881, 888, 891, 989, 1008, 1019, Rupert, G. N., 97 1021, 1045, 1047, 1048, 1085, 1086, Rush, R. M., 770 1087, 1098, 1100, 1101, 1110, 1111, Rushford, M. A., 1873 1117, 1118, 1131, 1147, 1148, 1149, Russell, A. D., 3159 1150, 1155, 1157, 1158, 1162, 1167, Russell, A. S., 162, 187, 226 1169, 1170, 1171, 1180, 1181, 1687, Russell, D. R., 536, 539 1761, 1764, 1803, 1811, 2114, 2115, Russell, E., 3353, 3356, 3362, 3366, 3370, 2117, 2120, 2126, 2127, 2128, 2133, 3378, 3386, 3395, 3407, 3424 2136, 2137, 2140, 2142, 2144, 2145, Russell, L. E., 1004, 1008, 1058, 1059, 1060, 2151, 2152, 2154, 2155, 2159, 2160, 1062, 1065, 1066, 1067, 1070 2161, 2163, 2164, 2165, 2168, 2170, Russell, M. L., 1262, 1270, 2761 2171, 2173, 2174, 2175, 2182, 2186, Russo, M., 1947, 1958 2187, 2193, 2194, 2195, 2197, 2199, Russo, R. E., 1114, 1148, 1155, 1160, 1163, 2200, 2201, 2204, 2206, 2525, 2538, 2583 2546, 2547, 2576, 2578, 2582, 2583, Ruster, W., 1875, 1876, 3044, 3047, 3048, 2592, 2627, 2628, 2757, 2767, 3206, 3320, 3321 3213, 3347 Rustichelli, F., 65, 66, 334, 335, 994, 995, 1019, Rykov, A. G., 606, 763, 765, 780, 1134, 1164, 2283, 2292 1315, 1319, 1326, 1330, 1331, 1333, Rutgers van der Loeff, M., 3046 1334, 1335, 1336, 1337, 1338, 1352, Rutgers van der Loeff, M. M., 44 1416, 1430, 1481, 1545, 1549, 2129, Rutherford, E., 3, 19, 20, 254 2131, 2427, 2527, 2531, 2594, 2595, Ru¨thi, M., 3283 3061, 3101, 3106, 3111, 3113 Rutledge, G. P., 563 Rykov, V. A., 1516 Rutsch, M., 3139 Rykova, A. G., 1145 Ruzic Toros, Z., 103, 110 Ryu, J. S., 2984 Ruzicka, J., 3285 Ryzhkov, M. V., 1692 Ryabinin, M., 1398, 1421 Ryzhov, M. N., 1271, 1352, 1427 Ryabinin, M. A., 1317, 1398, 1412, 1413, Ryzhova, L. V., 1431 1433 Ryabov, A. D., 3002 Ryabova, A. A., 1129, 1140, 1337 Saadi, M., 298, 301 Ryan, A. D., 312 Saadioui, M., 2655 Ryan, J. L., 38, 118, 125, 126, 127, 130, 310, Saba, M. A., 3227, 3228, 3230 312, 728, 767, 768, 769, 847, 848, 849, Saba, M. T., 2662 1049, 1104, 1149, 1290, 1312, 1315, Sabat, M., 2473, 2479, 2893 1328, 1329, 1409, 1410, 1424, 1446, Sabatier, R., 457 1479, 1480, 1481, 1482, 1526, 1529, Sabattie, J.-M., 2449, 2450 1546, 1547, 1548, 1555, 1557, 2082, Sabau, C. A., 3043, 3044 2083, 2192, 2542, 2546, 2547, 2558, Sabau, C. S., 1352 2580, 3247 Sabelnikov, A. V., 822 Ryan, R. R., 78, 86, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, 259, Sabharwal, K. N., 1294, 1295 261, 451, 458, 461, 464, 465, 466, 488, Sabine, T. M., 2430 497, 501, 502, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, Sabol, W. W., 1086, 1088 512, 513, 515, 516, 517, 519, 520, 521, Saboungi, M.-L., 277 Author Index I-255 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Sacher, G., 3353, 3356, 3362, 3366, 3370, 3378, Salazar, K. V., 452, 1959, 2449, 2450, 2472, 3386, 3395, 3407, 3424 2480, 2484, 2801, 2807, 2832, 2891 Sachs, A., 108 Salazar, R. R., 2749 Sachs, S., 3140, 3150 Salbu, B., 3016, 3021, 3023, 3026, 3028, 3031, Sackett, W. M., 163, 170, 226 3032, 3063, 3066, 3173 Sackman, J. F., 977, 1035 Salem, S. I., 859 Saddington, K., 2731 Sales, B. C., 1171 Sadigh, B., 2370 Sales Grande, M. R., 230 Sadikov, G. G., 541 Sallach, R. A., 543 Saed, A. G., 184 Saller, H. A., 325 Saeki, M., 727, 749, 750, 792, 793, 3043 Salmon, L., 2254 Saengkerdsub, S., 3127, 3139 Salmon, P., 416, 742 Safronova, Z. V., 2657 Salsa, B. A., 1959 Sagaidak, R. N., 1654, 1719, 1720, 1735, Saluja, P. P. S., 2133, 2531 1738 Salutsky, M. L., 19, 33, 34, 38, 162, 172, 178, Saggio, G., 3003 224, 225 Sagi, L., 1432 Salvatore, F., 371 Saha, R., 396 Salvatore, M., 1285 Sahar, A., 2132 Salvatores, M., 2756 Sahm, C. C., 6 Salvi, N., 2668, 2669 Sahoo, B., 86, 91, 466 Salzer, A., 2924 Saibaba, M., 396 Salzer, M., 86, 88, 91, 467, 487, 1106 Saiger, G. L., 3358 Samadfam, M., 294 Saiki, M., 182 Samartzis, T., 94 Saiki, W., 338 Sameh, A. A., 1960 Saillard, J.-Y., 435 Samhoun, K., 34, 37, 1325, 1326, 1328, 1329, Sainctavit, P., 2236 1330, 1365, 1366, 1460, 1481, 1482, Saita, K., 392, 395 1523, 1526, 1529, 1547, 1548, 1549, Saito, A., 1132, 2400, 2726, 3287 1555, 1557, 1558, 1559, 1602, 1606, Saito, E., 2855 1611, 1628, 1629, 1630, 1635, 1636, Saito, M., 1398 1639, 1640, 1641, 1644, 1645, 2123, Saito, T., 727 2129, 2131, 2526 Saito, Y., 353, 360, 362 Samilov, P. S., 164, 166 Sakaguchi, T., 2668 Samochocka, K., 1352 Sakai, M., 13, 1660 Sampath, S., 2434 Sakai, T., 225 Sampson, K. E., 3062 Sakairi, M., 28, 29, 40, 41 Sampson, T. E., 996 Sakaki, S., 2966 Samsel, E. G., 2930 Sakakibara, T., 100 Samson, S., 373 Sakama, M., 1267, 1445, 1484, 1696, Samsonov, G. V., 323 1718, 1735 Samsonov, M. D., 856, 2678, 2684 Sakamoto, M., 2418 Samter, V., 82, 90, 93, 105, 109 Sakamoto, Y., 822, 1160 San Pietro, A., 3341, 3342, 3348, 3353, Sakamura, Y., 717, 1270, 2134, 2135, 2695, 3356, 3386 2696, 2697, 2698, 2699, 2700, 2715, Sanada, Y., 3171 2716, 2719, 2720, 2724 Sanchez, A. L., 3175 Sakanoue, M., 170, 188, 225, 226, 1323, Sanchez, C., 3409 1324, 1541 Sanchez Cabeza, J. A., 3016, 3017, 3023 Sakanque, M., 1352, 1354 Sanchez, J. P., 409, 412, 719, 720, 744, Sakara, M., 1699, 1700, 1710, 1718 792, 2236 Sakata, M., 2693, 2717, 2719 Sanchez, S., 2135, 2699, 2700 Sakman, J. F., 976 Sanchez-Castro, C., 2344 Sakurai, H., 2153, 2157 Sanchis, H., 1071 Sakurai, S., 1049, 3066 Sandell, E. B., 632 Sakurai, T., 343 Sandenaw, T. A., 744, 886, 888, 939, 945, 949, Salahub, D. R., 1910 954, 955, 956, 957, 963, 1048, Salamatin, L. I., 822, 1624, 1629, 1632, 1635 2315, 2355 Salasky, M., 1432 Sanders, C. J., 2887 I-256 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Sanders, C. L., 3352, 3424 Sato, H., 407 Sanders, D., 854 Sato, N., 396, 397, 398, 407, 2239, 2347, 2352 Sanderson, S. W., 106 Sato, T., 215, 227, 273, 1019, 1518, 3171 Sandino, A., 293, 2583 Satoh, K., 407 Sandino, M. C. A., 270 Satoh, T., 63 Sandratskii, L. M., 2367 Satonnay, G., 289 Sandstro¨m, M., 118, 123, 586, 1991, 2531, Satpathy, K. C., 86, 91 2576, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, 3105, Satpathy, M., 1447 3106, 3126, 3127, 3128 Sattelberger, A. P., 439, 454, 455, 752, 1182, Sanger, A. R., 2980 1183, 1184, 1185, 1186, 1190, 1959, Sani, A. R., 28 1965, 2480, 2481, 2482, 2487, 2488, Sankaran, K., 1988 2490, 2802, 2832, 2837, 2856, 2857, Sano, T., 1019 2858, 2867, 2868, 2876, 2879, Sano, Y., 2743 2891, 2916 Santhamma, M. T., 77 Sattelberger, P., 789, 1875, 1876, 1877, 3044, Santini, C., 3002 3047, 3048, 3320, 3321 Santini, P., 421, 444, 448, 1055, 1784, 1785, Satten, R. A., 471, 476, 482, 496, 2066, 2238, 2280, 2286, 2287, 2288, 2067, 2226 2292, 2294 Satterthwaite, C. B., 64, 65, 66 Santoro, A., 340, 345, 346, 348, 1067, 3214 Saue, T., 34, 1670, 1728, 1905, 1918, Santos, G. P., 3057 1919, 1931 Santos, I., 2880, 2881, 2882, 2883, 2884, Sauer, M. C., Jr., 2760 2885, 2886 Sauer, N. N., 2400, 2484 Santos, I. G., 597 Saunders, B. G., 859 Santos, M., 2150 Sauro, L. J., 1284, 1509, 1513, 1585 Santschi, P. H., 1806, 3016, 3022, 3024 Sautereau, H., 2438, 2439, 2443 Saprykin, A. S., 1326, 1416, 1429 Savage, A. W., 474 Sara, K. H., 496 Savage, D. J., 633, 1048, 1152, 3282 Sargent, F. P., 2736 Savage, H., 1048 Sari, C., 69, 73, 396, 719, 720, 721, 724, 726, Savard, G., 1735 1030, 1070, 1071, 1073, 1299, 2143, Savilova, O. A., 711, 761, 2757 2384, 2386, 2387 Savochkin, Y. P., 2699, 2705 Sarkisov, E. S., 1458 Savoskina, G. P., 1271, 1513 Saro, S., 6, 14, 164, 1653, 1654, 1701, 1713, Savrasov, S. Y., 923, 964, 2344, 2347, 2355 1717, 1719, 1720, 1735, 1737, 1738 Sawa, M., 410 Sarp, H., 265, 266 Sawa, T., 845 Sarrao, J. L., 967, 968, 1784, 1790, 2239, 2347, Sawai, H., 631 2352, 2353, 2372 Sawant, L. R., 791, 3052, 3053 Sarsfield, M. J., 578, 589, 2400, 2401, 2441 Sawant, R. M., 772, 2578 Sarup, R., 2038, 2039, 2078 Sawatzky, G., 2236 Sasahira, A., 855, 856 Sawodny, W., 505, 509, 510, 543 Sasajima, N., 2208, 2211 Sawwin, S. B., 188 Sasaki, K., 2275, 2279, 2294 Sawyer, D. L., 67, 2407 Sasaki, N., 68 Sawyer, J. O., 373, 375 Sasaki, T., 856, 2679, 2680, 2681, 2682, Saxena, S. S., 407, 2239, 2359 2683, 2684 Sayers, D. E., 3088 Sasaki, Y., 1286, 2658, 2659 Saylor, H., 560 Sasao, N., 822 Sayre, W. G., 2530 Sasashara, A., 2693, 2717 Sbrignadello, G., 2441 Sasayama, T., 1018 Scaife, D. E., 83, 84, 2418, 2424 Sassani, D. C., 2132 Scapolan, S., 631 Sastre, A. M., 845, 2655 Scargell, D., 178, 181 Sastry, M. D., 1175 Scargill, D., 213, 218 Sata, T., 77, 353, 360 Scarrow, R. C., 3416, 3419 Sathe, R. M., 109 Scavnicar, S., 102, 108, 113, 2430, 2558 Sathyamoorthy, A., 339 Scha¨del, M., 14, 182, 185, 186, 1447, 1523, Sa¨tmark, B., 2756 1593, 1628, 1629, 1635, 1643, 1646, Sato, A., 40, 1477 1647, 1662, 1664, 1665, 1679, 1684, Author Index I-257 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

1685, 1686, 1687, 1690, 1696, 1698, Schimek, G. L., 475, 495, 2827, 2868 1699, 1700, 1704, 1705, 1708, 1709, Schimmack, W., 3017 1710, 1711, 1712, 1713, 1714, 1716, Schimmelpfenning, B., 565, 580, 589, 596, 610, 1718, 1721, 1735, 1738, 2575 620, 622, 623, 1156, 1907, 1909, 1918, Schaef, H. F., 287 1919, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, Schaefer, J. B., 776, 777, 781, 2585 1926, 1931, 1932, 2185, 2187, 2195, Schaeffer, D. R., 1049 2532, 2576, 3102, 3120, 3126, Scha˜fer, H., 2333 3127, 3128 Scha¨fer, H., 93, 492 Schimpf, E., 182, 185, 1447, 1662, 1664, 1685, Scha¨fer, T., 3070 1699, 1700, 1704, 1705, 1709, 1710, Schafer, W., 719, 720 1713, 1714, 1716, 1718 Schaffer, R., 3341, 3342, 3348, 3353, 3356, 3386 Schindler, M., 286, 290 Schake, A. R., 1185, 1186, 2484, 2487, 2488, Schioeberg, D., 3117 2813, 2858 Schiraldi, D. A., 2811 Schake, B. S., 2749 Schirber, J. E., 2334, 2335, 2339 Schamhart, D. H., 3385 Schlea, C. S., 1427 Schaner, B. E., 353, 354, 368, 369, 391 Schlechter, M., 1033, 2395 Schank, C., 2352 Schlehman, G. J., 1031 Schatz, G., 1873 Schleid, T., 80, 425, 431, 435, 447, 456, 469, Schauer, V., 372 471, 1315 Schausten, B., 185, 186, 1447, 1662, 1664, Schlemper, E. O., 268 1685, 1687, 1698, 1699, 1700, 1705, Schlenker, P., 3416, 3420 1709, 1710, 1713, 1714, 1716, 1718 Schlesinger, H. I., 337, 1187 Schautz, F., 1959 Schlesinger, M. E., 2728 Schaverien, C. J., 2924 Schlosser, F., 1925 Schawlaw, A. L., 1681 Schlosser, G., 2734 Schecker, J. A., 814, 863 Schlyter, K., 445 Schedin, U., 2554 Schmeide, K., 3140, 3150 Scheele, R. D., 2704 Schmeider, H., 2733 Scheerer, F., 789, 1296, 1403, 1875, 1876, 1877 Schmick, H. E., 1299 Scheetz, B. E., 293, 2452, 2456 Schmid, B., 444, 455, 2257, 2258 Scheibaum, F. J., 3024 Schmid, K., 2819 Scheidegger, A. M., 3152, 3155, 3156, 3157 Schmid, W. F., 110 Scheider, V., 1132 Schmidbaur, H., 2472 Scheinberg, D. A., 42, 43, 44 Schmidt, C., 2655 Scheitlin, F. M., 1049 Schmidt, C. T., 3344, 3353, 3369, 3373, 3388, Schell, N., 3106, 3107, 3111, 3112, 3122 3389, 3391, 3392, 3393, 3394, 3395, Schenk, A., 2351 3396, 3405, 3406 Schenk, H. J., 208, 470, 2241 Schmidt, F. A., 61 Schenkel, R., 1299, 1411 Schmidt, H., 1073 Scheppler, C., 2135 Schmidt, H. G., 64, 113 Scherbakov, V. A., 575 Schmidt, K. H., 6, 768, 769, 770, 1473, 1474, Scherer, O. J., 2480, 2836 1475, 1660, 1738, 1774, 1776, 1882, Scherer, U. W., 185, 1447, 1629, 1635, 1643, 2077, 2531, 2553 1646, 1647, 1704, 1705, 2575 Schmidt, K. M., 1325, 1326, 1337, 1416, Scherer, V., 199, 201, 1323, 1419, 1422, 2417 1424, 1430 Scherff, H. L., 182, 195, 209, 215, 224, Schmidt, K. N., 2526 2407, 2408 Schmidt, M., 1908, 3102, 3138, 3140, 3141, Scherrer, A., 1881 3145, 3147, 3149 Schertz, L. D., 117, 2840, 2913, 2918, 2919, Schmidt, R., 1507 2920, 2924 Schmidtke, H. H., 2051 Scheuer, U., 932, 933 Schmieder, H., 423, 445, 448 Schiaffino, L., 597 Schmieder, M., 2732 Schickel, R., 1008 Schmitt, P., 2457 Schiferl, D., 1300 Schmitz, F., 391 Schild, D., 133 Schmitz-Dumont, O., 410 Schilling, J., 76, 82, 93 Schmutz, H., 1105, 1106, 1312 Schimbarev, Y. V., 1829 Schnabel, B., 64 I-258 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Schnabel, P., 389 Schreiber, C. L., 471, 476, 482, 496, 2066, Schnabel, P. G., 357 2067, 2226 Schnabel, R. C., 1185, 2491, 2831, 2835, Schreiber, D. S., 64 2849, 2919 Schreiber, S. B., 726, 1141 Schnap, B., 3341, 3342, 3348, 3353, 3356, Schreier, E., 2284 3386 Schreiner, F., 1161, 1165, 1166, 1170 Schneider, 1507 Schrepp, W., 787, 1114 Schneider, A., 399 Schretzmann, K., 366 Schneider, H., 421, 485, 557, 3003 Schrieffer, J. R., 62, 2350, 2351 Schneider, J. H. R., 6, 1738 Schroeder, N. C., 2633, 2634, 2642, 2676 Schneider, J. K., 1477, 1550, 2563 Schubert, J., 1823, 3387, 3388, 3413 Schneider, O., 413 Schuler, Ch., 3016, 3022 Schneider, R. A., 707 Schuler, F., 3399 Schneider, V. W., 839, 852, 1070, 1071, Schuler, F. W., 63 1073, 1074 Schu¨ler, H., 190, 226 Schneider, W. D., 2359 Schull, C. G., 64 Schneider, W. F., 1966 Schulte, L. D., 2749 Schneider, W. F. W., 6, 1738 Schultz, A. J., 2479, 2481, 2839, 2841 Schneiders, H., 410 Schultz, H., 981, 983 Schnell, N., 1923 Schultz, M., 1956, 2803, 2806, 2807, 3020 Schnizlein, J. G., 3219, 3233, 3234 Schultze, J., 2836 Schober, H., 942 Schulz, A., 117, 118 Schock, L. E., 2473, 2912, 2918, 2924 Schulz, W. W., 188, 841, 843, 1265, 1267, Schock, R. N., 1299, 1300 1270, 1277, 1278, 1280, 1281, 1282, Schoebrechts, J. P., 431, 451, 735, 739, 1312, 1283, 1290, 1291, 1292, 1298, 1328, 1469, 1483, 2182, 2687, 2689 1329, 1342, 1398, 1403, 1408, 2626, Schoen, J., 1284 2650, 2652, 2653, 2655, 2730, 2739, Schoenes, J., 100, 2276, 2277, 2289, 2290 2740, 2741, 2742, 2746 Schoenfeld, F. W., 3213, 3238 Schulze, J., 2480 Schoenmackers, R., 1477 Schulze, R. K., 964, 967 Schofield, P., 3121, 3142 Schuman, R. P., 167, 169, 187, 188, 195, 209, Schofield, P. F., 3102, 3120, 3143 214, 215, 217, 218, 230, 2578 Scholder, R., 77, 372, 375, 376, 377, 378, 382 Schumann, D., 40, 1624, 1632, 1662, 1679, Scholten, J., 3046 1684, 1687, 1698, 1699, 1700, 1708, Schomaker, V., 1935, 1937 1709, 1710, 1716, 1718 Schonfeld, F. W., 880, 892, 894, 896, 898, 900, Schumann, H., 1957, 2918, 2924, 2969, 2974 901, 902, 903, 904, 905, 907, 908, 909, Schumm, R. H., 34, 2114, 2165 910, 911, 912, 913, 914, 933, 936, 937, Schuppler, U., 3354, 3398 938, 939, 953 Schurhammer, R., 2685 Schoonover, J. R., 97, 3041, 3069 Schu¨ssler-Langeheine, C., 2237 Scho¨pe, H., 1879, 1880, 1882, 1884 Schuster, M., 89, 93, 94 Schopfer, C. J., 3307 Schuster, R. E., 118, 2530, 2533 Schott, H. J., 6, 14, 1653, 1654, 1662, 1664, Schuster, W., 1321, 1359, 2407, 2408 1685, 1701, 1713, 1714, 1716, 1719, Schu¨tz, G., 2236 1720, 1737, 1738 Schu¨tze, Th., 1884 Schotterer, U., 1806 Schwab, M., 1300, 1403, 1410, 1411, 1412 Schrader, R. J., 490 Schwalbe, L., 1300 Schram, R. P. C., 2139, 2142 Schwalm, D., 33 Schramke, J. A., 1149, 2192 Schwamb, K., 1840, 1877, 1884 Schrauder, M., 3305 Schwamb, P., 33, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, Schreck, H., 41, 1322, 1323, 1428, 1431, 1883, 1884 1513, 1552 Schwarcz, H. P., 189 Schreckenbach, G., 580, 589, 596, 620, 621, Schwartz, A. J., 863, 964, 965, 967, 980, 981, 1192, 1193, 1194, 1198, 1199, 1777, 983, 984, 986, 987, 2342 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, Schwartz, C. M., 377, 378 1927, 1931, 1932, 1935, 1936, 1938, Schwartz, D. F., 319 1940, 2528, 3102, 3111, 3112, 3113, Schwartz, J. L., 3362 3121, 3122, 3123, 3126, 3128 Schwartz, L. L., 621, 622, 2599 Author Index I-259 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Schwartz, S., 3037 1613, 1621, 1622, 1624, 1628, 1629, Schwarz, H., 77, 1971, 1990 1630, 1632, 1635, 1637, 1639, 1642, Schwarz, R., 77 1643, 1644, 1645, 1646, 1653, 1660, Schwarz, W. H. E., 1666, 1667, 1668, 1669, 1661, 1664, 1684, 1689, 1691, 1693, 1671, 1898 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697, 1698, 1699, Schwarzenbach, G., 597 1706, 1716, 1723, 1724, 1731, 1734, Schweiger, J. S., 180 1738, 1754, 1756, 1761, 1901, 1916, Schweikhard, L., 1735 1928, 2114, 2538, 2562, 2580, 2625, Schweiss, P., 2250, 2471, 2472 2629, 2630, 2635, 2638, 2639, 2670, Schwerdtfeger, P., 1646, 1666, 1667, 1668, 2730, 3206, 3207, 3208, 3212, 3276, 1669, 1670, 1671, 1672, 1673, 1675, 3340, 3347, 3348, 3353, 3354 1676, 1682, 1683, 1689, 1691, 1723, Sear, H., 3358 1724, 1725, 1727, 1729, 1898 Searcy, A. W., 69, 72, 78, 2407 Schwetz, K., 67 Sears, D. R., 87, 92 Schwickert, G., 1880 Sears, G. W., 963, 1045, 1083, 1085, 1086 Schwikowski, M., 1806 Seayad, A. M., 2982 Schwing-Weill, M.-J., 2655 Secaur, C. A., 2491 Schwochau, K., 114, 206, 208, 220, 470, 2241 Sechovsky´, V., 339, 2351, 2353, 2356, 2357, Schwochau, V., 220 2358, 2360, 2361, 2363, 2366, Schwotzer, W., 470, 2490, 2491, 2493, 2368, 2411 2859, 2860 Secoy, C. H., 390 Scibona, G., 123, 773 Seddon, E. A., 2877 Science and Technology Review, 3265 Seddon, K. R., 854, 2686, 2690 Scofield, J. H., 1453, 1516 Sedgwick, D., 3354 Scoppa, P., 1803, 1809 Sedla´kova´, L., 373, 374, 375 Scott, B. C., 2835 Sedlet, J., 19, 38, 42, 162, 172, 181, 182, 2655, Scott, B. L., 117, 593, 967, 1069, 1112, 1116, 2738, 2739 1117, 1149, 1156, 1162, 1166, 1173, Sedykh, I. M., 1707, 1719 1174, 1181, 1312, 1327, 1328, 1360, Seed, J. R., 1144 1784, 1790, 1958, 1991, 1992, 2239, Seeger, R., 1902 2352, 2372, 2400, 2401, 2427, 2428, Seemann, I., 375, 376, 377 2429, 2450, 2451, 2452, 2453, 2454, Segnit, E. R., 295 2455, 2456, 2464, 2465, 2466, 2472, Segovia, N., 3057 2479, 2480, 2484, 2491, 2530, 2583, Segre`, E., 5, 8, 166, 699, 700, 815 2590, 2813, 2827, 2844, 2845, 2846, Seibert, A., 1662, 1687, 1698, 1709, 1710, 2850, 2868, 2869, 2919, 2922, 2996, 1718, 3069 3035, 3113, 3115, 3123, 3136 Seibert, H. C., 3424 Scott, F. A., 2704 Seidel, A., 3398, 3399 Scott, G. L., 2831, 2849 Seidel, B., 2352 Scott, K. G., 3341, 3342, 3348, 3354, 3356, Seidel, B. S., 763, 766 3387, 3413, 3423, 3424 Seidel, D., 605, 2401, 2464, 2465, 2466 Scott, M. J., 2655 Seidel, S., 1975 Scott, P., 575, 1901, 1962, 1963, 1964, 2473, Seifert, R. L., 963, 1083, 1085, 1086 2491, 2816, 2886, 2887, 2888, 2984 Seiffert, H., 728, 1057, 1061 Scott, R. B., 2159, 2161 Seijo, L., 442, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1908, 1909, Scott, R. D., 3062 1930, 2037 Scott, T. E., 61 Seip, H. M., 1935, 1937 Scotti, A., 366, 367 Seitz, F., 2310, 2966 Scuseria, G. E., 1906, 1936, 1937, 1938, 2864 Seitz, T., 63, 70 Seaborg, G. T., xv, xvi, xvii, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 18, Sejkora, J., 262, 264, 281 19, 25, 53, 162, 164, 184, 255, 256, 622, Seki, R., 3017 704, 732, 814, 815, 817, 821, 822, 823, Sekine, R., 576, 577, 1935, 1936, 2165 834, 835, 902, 903, 904, 907, 912, 913, Sekine, T., 28, 29, 40, 41, 1352, 2568, 2580, 988, 1108, 1265, 1267, 1304, 1312, 2585, 2591, 2625, 2649, 2669, 2670 1321, 1323, 1324, 1397, 1398, 1400, Selbin, J., 116, 376, 377, 378, 382, 501, 508, 1403, 1418, 1444, 1449, 1450, 1451, 513, 516, 517, 521, 522, 523, 526, 528, 1480, 1481, 1499, 1501, 1503, 1508, 2243, 2815 1549, 1577, 1580, 1584, 1585, 1586, Sel’chenkov, L. I., 847 I-260 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Selenska-Pobell, S., 3179, 3180, 3181, 3182 Sevast’yanova, E. P., 769 Seleznev, A. G., 984, 1299, 1317, 1412, 1413, Sevast’yanova, Yl. P., 3352, 3424 1518, 1519, 1520, 1521, 2118 Seven, M. J., 3413 Seleznev, B. L., 3029 Severing, A., 333, 334, 335, 2283, 2284, 2285 Selig, H., 533, 731 Sevestre, Y., 3025 Selin, T. J., 2969 Seward, N. K., 1662, 1701, 1712, 1713, 1717 Sella, A., 1947 Sewtz, M., 33, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, Selle, J. E., 903, 1049 1883, 1884 Sellers, G. A., 3046 Sewtz, M. H., 1840, 1877, 1884 Sellers, P. A., 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 198, Seyam, A. M., 116, 117, 1802, 1956, 1957, 201, 206, 207, 229, 2389, 2391 2473, 2815, 2819, 2827, 2832, 2837, Sellers, P. O., 172, 175, 219 2838, 2841, 2842, 2847, 2912, 2913, Sellman, P. G., 75, 96, 2413 2924, 2997 Selucky, P., 2655 Seyferth, D., 1188, 1802, 1943, 2252 Selvakumar, K., 2982 Sganga, J. K., 1507 Semenov, E. N., 791, 3052 Shabana, E. I., 186 Semenov, G. A., 2147 Shabana, R., 176, 181, 182, 184, 185 Semochkin, V. M., 180 Shabestari, L., 1507, 3349, 3350, 3396 Se´mon, L., 596, 3102, 3119, 3121 Shabestari, L. R., 3396, 3405 Sen Gupta, P. K., 268 Shacklett, R. L., 859 Sen, W. G., 1624, 1632 Shadrin, A., 2684, 2685 Sena, F., 3068 Shadrin, A. U., 2739 Senentz, G., 2633 Shadrin, A. Y., 856, 2682, 2684 Senftle, F. E., 1507 Shafiev, A. I., 1292, 1448, 1449 Seng, W. T., 1509 Shah, A. H., 1449, 2663 Senin, M. D., 2168 Shahani, C. I., 40, 41 Sepp, W.-D., 1671, 1677, 1680, 1706, 1716 Shahani, C. J., 40, 41 Seppelt, K., 535, 542, 1975 Shalaevskii, M. R., 1628, 1634, 1640, 1645, Seraglia, R., 2491, 2831 1663, 1664, 1690, 1703 Seranno, J. G., 715 Shalek, P. D., 95, 407, 412 Serebrennikov, V. V., 109 Shalimoff, G., 2233, 2240, 2261, 2264, Sereni, J. G., 62, 63 2270, 2293 Seret, A., 719, 720 Shalimoff, G. V., 1419, 1543, 1776, 1954, Serezhkin, V. N., 536, 2441 1955, 2143, 2144, 2230, 2240, 2264, Serezhkina, L. B., 536, 2441 2265, 2397, 2473, 2803 Serfeyeva, E. I., 1328 Shalimov, V. V., 1512, 1585 Sergeev, A. V., 2441 Shalinets, A. B., 1352, 1353, 2546, 2588, 2590 Sergeev, G. M., 1352, 1405, 1428, 1433 Sham, L. J., 1903, 2327 Sergent, M., 435, 471 Shamir, J., 471, 512, 513 Sergeyava, E. I., 129, 771, 2114, 2546, 2580 Shamsipur, M., 2681, 2684 Serghini, A., 102, 110 Shanbhag, P. M., 2400 Serik, V. F., 731, 732, 734, 736, 1082, 1312, Shand, M. A., 2440 1315, 1327, 2421 Shankar, J., 215, 218, 2431 Se´riot, J., 332 Shanker Das, M., 109 Serizawa, H., 396, 397, 398, 1317, 2140, Shannon, R. D., 18, 34, 55, 1296, 1463, 1528, 2142, 2411 1675, 1676, 2126, 2557, 2558, 2563, Serne, R. J., 3173, 3176, 3177 2572, 2916, 3106, 3115, 3123, 3124, Serp, J., 2135 3127, 3347, 3348, 3353, 3360, 3365, 3379 Serrano, J., 3043, 3045 Shanton, H. E., 1588 Sersbryakov, V. N., 3221 Shapkin, G. N., 1363 Sessler, J. L., 605, 2401, 2463, 2464, 2465, 2466 Shapovalov, M. P., 1120, 1128, 1129, 1142 Seta, K., 347 Shapovalov, V. P., 817 Seth, M., 1646, 1666, 1668, 1669, 1670, 1671, Sharan, M. K., 1447 1675, 1676, 1682, 1683, 1689, 1691, Sharma, A. K., 3031 1723, 1724, 1725, 1726, 1727, 1729 Sharma, H. D., 1169, 2585 Settai, R., 407 Sharma, R. C., 791, 3057 Settle, J. L., 2719, 2720 Sharovarov, G., 3024 Sevast’yanov, V. G., 416, 2177 Sharp, C., 3413 Author Index I-261 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Sharp, D. W. A., 520 Shetty, S. Y., 109 Sharp, P. R., 2699 Shevchenko, V. B., 175, 184, 1161, 1171, 1172 Sharpe, L. R., 3107 Shewmon, P. G., 960 Shashikala, K., 339 Shiba, K., 394 Shashukov, E. A., 1127 Shibata, M., 1267, 1445, 1484 Shatalov, V. V., 989, 996 Shibata, S., 1681 Shatinskii, V. M., 166 Shibusawa, T., 631 Shaughnessy, D. A., 14, 815, 1447, 1582, 1654, Shick, A. B., 929, 953, 2355 1662, 1684, 1693, 1711, 1712, 1716, Shigekawa, M., 1696, 1718, 1735 1719, 1736, 1738, 3173, 3176, 3177 Shigeta, K., 3067 Shaughnessy, D. K., 185, 186, 1699, Shiina, R., 2347 1705, 1718 Shikama, M., 407 Shaver, K., 172, 178, 224, 225 Shikany, S. D., 3258, 3259 Shavitt, I., 1903, 1908, 1909 Shiknikova, N. S., 1821 Shaw, J. L., 1009 Shilin, I. V., 772, 773 Shchegolev, V. A., 1664, 1690, 1703 Shilnikova, N. S., 1821 Shchelokov, R. N., 539, 565, 566, 2441, 2442 Shiloh, M., 771, 1312, 1338, 1365 Shcherbakov, V. A., 2533, 2579, 3111, 3122 Shilov, A. E., 3002 Shcherbakova, L. L., 575, 2533 Shilov, V. N., 1338 Shchukarev, S. A., 82, 516 Shilov, V. P., 626, 753, 770, 988, 1113, 1117, Shea, T., 1071 1118, 1127, 1129, 1133, 1156, 1325, Sheaffer, M. K., 3017 1327, 1329, 1336, 1352, 1367, 1368, Shea-Mccarthy, G., 3095, 3175, 3177 1416, 1429, 2127, 2527, 2583, 3043, Shebell, P., 3027 3098, 3124, 3125, 3126 Sheen, P. D., 2457 Shimazu, M., 631 Sheff, S., 2691 Shimbarev, E. V., 1317, 1422, 1466 Sheft, I., 317, 421, 742, 743, 855, 1077, 1086, Shimizu, H., 356 1095, 1100, 1101, 1417, 2407, Shimojima, H., 215, 216, 224 2408, 2411 Shimokawa, J., 1019 Sheikin, I., 407, 2239, 2359 Shin, J. H., 2849 Sheindlin, M., 357, 359, 1077 Shin, Y., 3127, 3139 Sheldon, R. I., 920, 939, 949, 963 Shin, Y. S., 2688 Sheline, R. K., 24, 31, 1968, 1985, 2894 Shinde, V. M., 3035 Shelton, R. N., 96 Shinkai, S., 2560, 2590 Shen, C., 1285 Shinn, J. H., 3017 Shen, G. T., 3159 Shinn, W. A., 373, 378, 391, 1046, 1074, 1088, Shen, J., 263 1090, 1091 Shen, Q., 2924 Shinohara, A., 1696, 1718, 1735 Shen, T. H., 932, 967 Shinohara, N., 784, 1625 Shen, Y., 2049 Shinohara, S. N., 2637 Shen, Y. F., 76 Shinomoto, R., 482, 2251 Sheng, Z., 3057 Shinozuka, K., 631 Shenoy, G. K., 862, 1297, 1304, 1317, Shiokawa, T., 219 1319, 2292 Shiokawa, Y., 37, 718 Shepard, R., 1908, 1909 Shiozawa, K., 2724 Shepelev, Y. F., 1361 Shirahashi, K., 1276, 2753, 2755, 2760 Shepelev, Yu. F., 539 Shirai, O., 717, 753, 790, 791, 2695, 2698, Shepel’kov, S. V., 113 2715, 2716, 2724 Sherby, O. D., 958 Shiraishi, K., 789, 790, 3059, 3062, 3068, 3072 Sherif, F. G., 2580 Shirane, G., 2273 Sherman, M. P., 3212, 3213, 3220, 3221, Shirasu, Y., 1317 3222, 3249 Shiratori, T., 394, 396, 397, 398 Sherrill, H. J., 508, 516, 517, 521, 526, Shirley, V. A., 3274, 3277, 3290, 3298 528, 2243 Shirley, V. S., 24, 164, 817, 1267, 1398, 1626, Sherry, E., 346, 2394 1633, 1639, 1644 Shestakov, B. I., 31, 41, 2557 Shirokova, I. B., 1321 Shestakova, I. A., 31, 38, 39, 40, 41, 2557 Shirokovsky, I. V., 14, 1398, 1400, 1504, 1653, Shesterikov, N. N., 1169 1654, 1707, 1719, 1736, 1738 I-262 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Shishalov, O. V., 2699, 2705 Siba, O. V., 545, 546 Shishkin, S. V., 822 Sibieude, F., 77 Shishkina, O. V., 2441 Sibrina, G. F., 113 Shishkina, T. V., 822 Sichere, M.-C., 272, 292 Shivanyuk, A., 2655 Siddall, T. H., 1276, 1277, 1278, 2532 Shkinev, V. M., 1408, 2667 Siddall, T. H., III, 2238, 2736 Shleien, B., 1506 Siddall, T. H., Jr., 2653 Shlyk, L., 415, 2413 Siddham, S., 76 Shmakov, A. A., 960 Siddons, D. P., 2234 Shmulyian, S., 33, 1659, 1669, 1675, Sidhu, R. S., 3282 1724, 1731 Sidorenko, G. V., 750, 2800 Shock, E. L., 2132 Sidorova, I. V., 2195 Shoesmith, D. W., 289, 371 Siebens, A. A., 3357 Shoji, Y., 1696, 1718, 1735 Siegal, M., 1312, 1315, 1469 Shor, A. M., 1906, 1921, 1923 Siegal, S., 1530, 1531, 1533 Shore, B. W., 1588, 1590, 1878, 1879 Siegel, E., 3413 Shorikov, A. O., 929, 953 Siegel, M. D., 3409 Short, D. W., 958, 959 Siegel, S., 88, 89, 93, 340, 341, 342, 343, 345, Short, I. G., 2087 346, 348, 350, 355, 356, 357, 358, 372, Short, J. F., 164, 173, 180, 224 375, 378, 380, 384, 389, 393, 471, 533, Shortley, G. H., 1862, 2089 1465, 1469, 1470, 2392, 2393, 2394, Shoun, R. R., 107, 1271, 1312, 1509, 2417, 2422, 3171, 3214 1554, 1585 Siek, S., 69, 73 Shoup, S., 1312 Siekierski, S., 188, 1666, 2580 Shpunt, L. B., 1049 Siemann, R., 2275, 2364 Shreve, J. D., 3252, 3253, 3255 Sienel, G. R., 1191, 2817 Shrivastava, A., 1447 Sienko, M. J., 423, 445, 2257, 2258 Shtrikman, S., 936, 943, 944 Sienko, R. J., 67, 71 Shuanggui, Y., 1267 Sievers, R., 89, 98, 473, 500 Shuh, D. K., 118, 277, 287, 289, 579, 585, 589, Sieverts, A., 63, 64 602, 795, 967, 1112, 1166, 1327, 1338, Sigmon, G., 584, 730, 2402 1363, 1370, 1825, 1921, 1923, 1947, Sigurdson, E., 2866 2530, 2531, 2532, 2568, 2576, 2580, Sikirica, M., 69, 73 2583, 2588, 2812, 3095, 3101, 3102, Sikka, S. K., 2370 3103, 3104, 3106, 3107, 3110, 3111, Sikkeland, T., 5, 6, 1502, 1637, 1638, 1639, 3113, 3114, 3115, 3117, 3118, 3119, 1640, 1641, 1642, 1643, 1645, 1653, 3122, 3130, 3131, 3135, 3138, 3140, 1662, 2129 3141, 3142, 3145, 3146, 3147, 3149, Silberstein, A., 471, 472, 512, 513 3150, 3152, 3154, 3155, 3156, 3160, Silbi, H., 3026, 3069 3165, 3166, 3167, 3173, 3176, 3177, Silbley, T. H., 3175 3179, 3182, 3369, 3385, 3388, 3390, Sillen, L. G., 2549, 3346, 3347 3391, 3394, 3417, 3420, 3423 Sille´n, L. G., 103, 112, 120, 121, 123, 124, 132, Shuhong, W., 1267 373, 510, 597, 602 Shuifa, S., 1267 Silva, A. J. G. C., 264 Shukla, J. P., 845, 2750 Silva, M., 2880, 2883, 2885 Shuler, W. E., 763, 764 Silva, M. R., 2439 Shull, C. G., 334, 335, 2232, 2402 Silva, R., 1662, 1692, 2114, 2115, 2117, 2120, Shull, R. D., 927 2126, 2127, 2128, 2129, 2137, 2143, Shults, W. D., 1480, 1481 2144, 2154, 2155, 2159, 2165, 2171, Shumakov, V. D., 939, 941 2173, 2174, 2175, 2182, 2186, 2187, Shunk, F. A., 325, 405, 407, 408, 409, 411 2190, 2192, 2194 Shupe, W. M., 3223 Silva, R. J., 287, 863, 988, 1110, 1114, 1148, Shushakov, V. D., 1299, 1412, 1413, 1518, 1155, 1159, 1160, 1162, 1163, 1182, 1519, 1520, 1521, 2118 1313, 1314, 1328, 1329, 1330, 1338, Shutov, A. V., 1654, 1719, 1720, 1738 1339, 1340, 1341, 1354, 1355, 1585, Shvareva, T. Y., 1173 1621, 1626, 1627, 1635, 1637, 1638, Shvetsov, I. K., 1271, 1352, 1479, 1583, 1639, 1640, 1641, 1642, 1643, 1644, 3221 1645, 1646, 1659, 1662, 1803, 2538, Author Index I-263 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

2546, 2582, 2583, 2592, 2639, 2640, Singleton, J., 945, 947, 948, 949, 950, 2315, 3043, 3095, 3140, 3142, 3145, 3150 2347, 2355 , G., 851 Sinha, A. K., 297 Silver, G. L., 1121, 1122, 1123 Sinha, D. N., 76, 106 Silverman, L., 543 Sinha, P. K., 2633 Silverwood, P. R., 2440 Sinha, S. P., 2688 Silvestre, J. P., 113, 208, 1065, 1067, Sinitsyna, G. S., 31, 41, 2557 1068, 1312 Sinkler, W., 719, 721 Silvestre, J. P. F., 477 Sipahimalani, A. R., 1281 Simakin, G. A., 1164, 1326, 1329, 1331, 1416, Sipahimalani, A. T., 2747, 2748 1429, 1480, 1481, 1483, 1545, 2126, 2584 Siregar, C., 2559 Simanov, Yu. P., 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, Sironen, R. J., 1018, 1275 383, 384, 385, 393 Sishta, C., 2934 Sime, R. L., 162, 169 Sitran, S., 2440 Simionovici, A., 861 Sivaraman, N., 2684 Simmons, B., 3358 Sizoo, G. J., 164, 187 Simmons, E. L., 3356, 3378, 3395, 3423, 3424 Sjoblom, R., 1325, 1326, 1337, 1416, 1424, Simmons, W. B., 269, 277 1430, 1774, 2077 Simms, H. E., 854 Sjoblom, R. K., 1453, 1454, 1455, 1474, 1509, Simnad, M. T., 958 1543, 1544, 1582, 1604, 1774, 1776, 2526 Simoes, J. A. M., 2885 Sjodahl, L. H., 352, 357, 368 Simoes, M. L. S., 2587 Sjoeblom, K. L., 3017 Simon, A., 89, 94, 95 Ska´la, P., 262 Simon, D. J., 1735 Ska´la, R., 2427 Simon, G. P., 846, 851 Skalberg, M., 24, 1432, 1434, 1665, 2674, 2761 Simon, J., 42, 43 Skalski, J., 1735 Simon, N., 2655 Skanthakumar, S., 270, 287, 596, 602, 1370, Simoni, E., 422, 430, 431, 450, 451, 482, 1168, 1420, 1777, 1921, 2233, 2263, 2267, 1369, 1923, 2042, 2062, 2230, 2259, 2268, 2691, 3178 3037, 3046, 3118, 3171 Skarnemark, G., 24, 1665, 1666, 1695, 1702, Simonsen, S. H., 2429 1717, 1735, 2767 Simper, A. M., 1907, 1921, 1922, 1923, 2528, Skavdahl, R. E., 997, 998, 1025, 1028, 1029, 3102, 3113, 3123 1030, 1045 Simpson, C. Q., 2490 Skelton, B. W., 2457, 2571 Simpson, F. B., 166, 230 Skiba, O. V., 546, 854, 1422, 2431, 2692, 2693, Simpson, J. J., 189 2695, 2696, 2697, 2698, 2699, 2700, Simpson, K. A., 348 2702, 2704, 2705, 2706, 2707, Simpson, M. E., 3341, 3342, 3353 2708, 2715 Simpson, O. C., 963, 1045, 1083, 1085, 1086 Skinner, C. W., 259, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, Simpson, P. R., 270, 271 267, 268, 269, 275 Simpson, S., 2877 Skinner, D. L., 3061 Simpson, S. J., 1962 Skiokawa, Y., 1548 Sims, H. E., 864, 2147, 2723, 3022 Skipperud, L., 3063 Sims, T. M., 1445, 1448, 1509, 1510 Skobelev, N. F., 1512 Sinaga, S., 339 Skobelev, N. K., 1267, 1367 Sinclair, D. J., 3047 Skoblo, A. I., 575 Sinclair, W. K., 1821 Skold, K., 2232 Singer, J., 472, 1109 Skoog, S. J., 2880 Singer, N., 115 Skorik, N. A., 109 Singer, T. P., 3361 Skorovarov, D. I., 705 Singh, D. J., 1904 Skotnikova, E. G., 105 Singh Mudher, K. D., 69, 104, 105, 371 Skriver, H. L., 63, 928, 1300, 1459, 1527, 2150, Singh, N. P., 133, 3069 2276, 2359, 2370 Singh, R. K., 845 Skwarzec, B., 3014, 3017 Singh, R. N., 343 Skylaris, C.-K., 596, 1907, 1921, 1922, 1923, Singh, S., 105 1938, 2528, 3102, 3113, 3123 Singh, Z., 2157, 2158, 2209 Slaback, L. A., Jr., 1506 Singjanusong, P., 225 Slade, R. C., 2054 I-264 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Slain, H., 319 Smith, E. F., 80 Slater, J. C., 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1865, Smith, F. J., 1270, 2702 1910, 1939, 2020, 2027, 2029, 2058, Smith, G., 224 2076, 2324, 2325, 2326 Smith, G. M., 1957, 1958, 2479, 2837, 2839, Slater, J. L., 1968, 1985, 2894 2841, 2918, 2924, 2934 Slater, J. M., 3029 Smith, G. S., 80, 201, 509, 914, 1300, 1403, Sleight, A. W., 376, 942 1410, 1411, 1412, 2419, 2420, 2424 Slivnik, J., 86, 91, 506, 508 Smith, H., 1818, 1819, 1820 Sliwa, A., 335 Smith, H. K., 66 Sljukic, M., 102, 103, 110, 2431 Smith, H. L., 5, 227, 1577, 1622 Slovokhotov, Y. L., 3087 Smith, H. W., 3395 Slovyanskikh, V. K., 416, 417, 419 Smith, J. A., 1427 Slowikowski, B., 3024, 3059, 3060 Smith, J. F., 61, 2315 Slukic, M., 103, 110 Smith, J. K., 1915, 2239 Smalley, R. E., 2864 Smith, J. L., 161, 192, 193, 333, 334, 335, 921, Smallwood, A., 3305 922, 923, 924, 926, 929, 945, 947, 948, Smart, N. G., 856, 2678, 2680, 2681, 2682, 949, 950, 954, 955, 995, 1003, 1299, 2683, 2684, 2685 1300, 1527, 1789, 2236, 2312, 2313, Smentek, L., 1454 2315, 2329, 2333, 2343, 2347, 2350, Smetana, Z., 2411 2351, 2355, 2384, 2723 Smets, E., 343 Smith, J. M., 3343, 3353, 3355, 3360, 3366, Smiley, S. H., 485, 559 3370, 3375, 3381, 3382, 3402, 3403, Smirin, L. N., 3017, 3067 3404, 3405 Smirnov, E. A., 960 Smith, J. N., 231, 3314 Smirnov, I. V., 856, 2682, 2684, 2685, 2739 Smith, K., 66 Smirnov, M. V., 2695 Smith, K. A., 2488, 2852, 2856 Smirnov, N. L., 727, 2136 Smith, K. L., 271, 280, 291 Smirnov, V. K., 2179 Smith, L. L., 1294, 3280, 3285, 3323, 3327 Smirnov, Yu. A., 791, 3049, 3052 Smith, P. H., 2573 Smirnova, E. A., 907, 909, 911, 912, 1513 Smith, P. K., 2149, 2387, 2388 Smirnova, I. V., 753, 1113, 1118, 1156, Smith, R. A., 1011, 1018, 1019, 1022 3124 Smith, R. C., 863, 3230 Smirnova, T. V., 747, 749, 750 Smith, R. D., 2677, 2678 Smirnova, V. I., 2527 Smith, R. M., 604, 606, 771, 1178, 2557, 2558, Smit-Groen, V. S., 2153 2559, 2568, 2571, 2575, 2576, 2579, Smith, A., 982 2581, 2582, 2634, 3347, 3353, Smith, A. J., 102, 104, 105, 164, 184, 195, 201, 3361, 3382 215, 220, 221, 222, 227, 2420, 2423, Smith, R. R., 226 2425, 2434, 2435, 2441 Smith, T., 2275 Smith, A. M., 1968 Smith, T. D., 2593 Smith, B., 225, 270, 271 Smith, V. H., 1823, 3341, 3413, 3422 Smith, B. F., 1287, 1512, 2633, 2634, 2676, Smith, W., 2916 2677, 2761 Smith, W. H., 1178, 1179, 1185, 2487, 2488, Smith, C., 357 2491, 2687, 2688, 2689, 2690, 2831, Smith, C. A., 849, 1139, 1161, 1167, 1926, 2849, 2858, 2868, 2879, 2919 2864, 3109 Smith, W. L., 1813, 3340, 3413, 3414 Smith, C. L., 3409 Smithells, C. J., 63, 75 Smith, C. M., 3204, 3215, 3216 Smithers, R. H., 2953 Smith, C. S., 877 Smoes, S., 322, 364, 365 Smith, D., 3302 Smolan’czuk, R., 1717, 1735, 1736, 1737 Smith, D. A., 3107 Smolders, A., 1033 Smith, D. C., 739, 1958, 2479, 2847, 2848, Smolin, Y. I., 1361 2849, 2921 Smolin, Yu. I., 539 Smith, D. H., 3321 Smolnikov, A. A., 133 Smith, D. K., 261, 292, 3288, 3314 Smyth, J. R., 3031 Smith, D. M., 1166 Snellgrove, T. R., 546, 2087 Smith, D. W., 1935, 1937 Snijders, J. G., 1200, 1201, 1202, 1203, 1666, Smith, E. A., 505, 506, 535 1667, 1668, 1907, 1910, 1916, 1943, Author Index I-265 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

1944, 1947, 1948, 1951, 1972, Son, S.-K., 1676, 1679, 1680, 1681, 1682, 2089, 2253 1723, 1728 Snow, A. I., 399 Song, B., 1910 Snyder, R. H., 3356, 3378, 3395, 3423, 3424 Song, C., 713, 2752, 2753, 2754 Snyder, R. L., 417, 418 Song, C. L., 2753 Sobczyk, M., 422, 425, 435, 442, 447 Song, I., 3087, 3089, 3108 Sobelman, I. I., 2028, 2029 Songkasiri, W., 1814, 3179, 3182 Sobiczewski, A., 1661, 1735 Sonnenberg, D. C., 2934 Sobolev, Y. B., 1335 Sonnenberg, J. L., 1916, 1922, 1925, 1926 Sobolov, Y. P., 1330, 1331 Sonnenberg, L. B., 3150 Soddy, F., 3, 20, 162, 163, 201, 254 Sonnenberger, D. C., 1957, 1958, 2124, 2479, Soderholm, L., 291, 457, 486, 584, 596, 602, 2821, 2822, 2824, 2827, 2837, 730, 731, 732, 734, 754, 764, 861, 1112, 2839, 2840 1113, 1152, 1356, 1370, 1398, 1420, Sontag, W., 3404, 3405, 3406 1474, 1480, 1481, 1777, 1778, 1921, Sood, D. D., 1033, 1170, 2202, 2578 1933, 2127, 2161, 2230, 2233, 2263, Sopchyshyn, F. C., 3322 2264, 2267, 2268, 2402, 2419, 2420, Sorantin, H., 833 2526, 2527, 2528, 2531, 2532, 2584, Sorby, M. H., 66 2691, 3039, 3086, 3087, 3089, 3099, Sorrell, D. A., 2699 3100, 3106, 3107, 3108, 3110, 3111, Sorsa, A., 3304 3112, 3114, 3116, 3122, 3125, 3152, Sostero, S., 542, 2439 3157, 3158, 3163, 3170, 3178, Sotobayashi, T., 182 3179, 3181 Soto-Guerrero, J., 3046 Soderland, J. M., 1300 Soubeyroux, J. L., 65, 66, 69, 71, 72 Soderland, P., 1300, 1301 Souka, N., 176, 182, 184, 185 So¨derlind, P., 191, 1894, 2330, 2370 Souley, B., 2458 Sofield, C. D., 1947 Soulie, E., 520, 2082, 2245, 2251 Sofronova, R. M., 373, 375, 393 Souron, J. P., 110 Soga, T., 460, 461, 462, 463, 467 Sousanpour, W., 39 Sokai, H., 231 Souter, P. F., 576, 1988, 1989, 1990, 2185 Sokhina, L. P., 1169 Southon, J., 3300 Sokina, L. P., 1126 Soverna, S., 1662, 1664, 1685, 1713, 1714, Sokol, E. A., 1720 1716, 1732 Sokolnikov, M., 1821 Sowby, F. D., 3403 Sokolov, E. I., 1315 Soya, S., 608, 609 Sokolov, V. B., 1082, 1312, 1315, 1327, Spaar, M. T., 1542, 1543, 2270 2421 Spadini, L., 3165, 3166, 3167 Sokolova, E., 261 Spahiu, K., 718, 719, 722, 726, 727, 728, 739, Sokolovskii, S. A., 709 744, 745, 767, 768, 769, 771, 881, 888, Sokolvskii, Y. S., 854 891, 989, 1008, 1019, 1021, 1045, 1047, Sokotov, V. B., 731, 732, 734, 736 1048, 1085, 1086, 1087, 1098, 1100, Solar, J. P., 208, 1188, 1951, 2852, 2856 1101, 1110, 1111, 1117, 1118, 1131, Solar, J. R., 116 1147, 1148, 1149, 1150, 1155, 1157, Solarz, R. W., 859, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1158, 1162, 1167, 1169, 1170, 1171, 1877, 1878 1180, 1181, 2114, 2115, 2117, 2120, Solatie, D., 3032, 3070 2126, 2127, 2128, 2133, 2136, 2137, Sole, K. C., 1288, 2762 2140, 2142, 2144, 2145, 2151, 2152, Solente, P., 939, 981 2154, 2155, 2159, 2160, 2161, 2163, Soliman, M. H., 3035 2164, 2165, 2168, 2170, 2171, 2173, Sollman, T., 76, 109 2174, 2175, 2182, 2186, 2187, 2193, Solnstsev, V. M., 724, 726 2194, 2195, 2197, 2199, 2200, 2201, Solntseva, L. F., 583, 601 2204, 2206, 2538, 2576, 2578, 2582, Solodukhin, V. P., 3017, 3067 2583, 3206, 3213, 3347 Solovkin, A. S., 1169 Spangberg, D., 118 Solov’yova, G. V., 2822 Spear, K. E., 1000, 1018, 1019 Solt, G., 2283, 2288 Specht, H. J., 1880, 1881, 1884 Somerville, L. P., 1653 Spedding, F. H., 61, 329, 332, 336, 448, 841, Somogyi, A., 861 2529, 3110, 3246 I-266 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Speer, J. A., 275 Srinivasan, B., 2655, 2738, 2739 Spence, R., 2583 Srinivasan, N. L., 1033 Spence, R. W., 5, 1577 Srinivasan, P., 2669 Spencer, A. J., 297 Srinivasan, R., 2695 Spencer, C. M., 2966 Srinivasan, T. G., 2684, 3052 Spencer, H., 3413 Sriram, S., 1294, 2658, 2659 Spencer, R. W., 1622 Srirama Murti, P., 355 Spencer, S., 596, 1907, 1921, 1922, 1923, 2528, Srivastava, R. C., 2980 3102, 3113, 3123 Sriyotha, U., 389, 1069 Speva´ckova, V., 176 St. John, D. S., 25 Spiegelmann, F., 1909 Staatz, M. H., 292 Spiegl, A., 2851 Stabin, M., 43 Spiegl, C. J., 3354 Stackelberg, M. V., 66 Spiers, F. W., 3401 Stacy, R. G., 2633 Spinks, J. W. T., 1144 Stadlbauer, E., 396, 1352 Spirelet, J. C., 725 Stadler, S., 1314, 1340, 1365, 1366, 1367, 2546 Spiridonov, V. P., 1681 Stafford, R. G., 988 Spirlet, C., 207 Stafsudd, O. M., 763, 764, 2089 Spirlet, J. C., 34, 35, 69, 73, 161, 191, 192, 193, Stahl, D., 1028 204, 343, 412, 718, 719, 720, 739, 742, Stakebake, J. L., 973, 974, 976, 977, 978, 1035, 743, 744, 792, 1017, 1019, 1023, 1050, 3199, 3201, 3207, 3208, 3211, 3212, 1052, 1055, 1286, 1297, 1299, 1300, 3213, 3215, 3216, 3217, 3218, 3220, 1304, 1328, 1403, 1410, 1411, 1412, 3221, 3222, 3223, 3225, 3227, 3228, 1413, 1458, 1785, 1787, 2115, 2205, 3229, 3230, 3231, 3232, 3233, 3234, 2249, 2267, 2268, 2283, 2315, 2370, 3235, 3242, 3249, 3251, 3253, 3254, 2381, 2411, 2695, 2699 3257, 3259, 3260 Spirlet, M. R., 102, 108, 431, 451, 470, 552, Stalinski, B., 335, 338, 339 553, 737, 1168, 2255, 2418, 2441, 2471, Stalinski, S. P, 338 2472, 2474, 2475, 2476, 2477, 2478, Stalnaker, N., 2633, 2634 2479, 2484, 2489, 2490, 2655, 2808, Stambaugh, C. K., 901 2815, 2816, 2817, 2818, 2827, 2829 Stan, M., 928 Spirlet, T. E., 725 Standifer, E. M., 1319, 2592 Spiro, T. G., 1952, 2253 Standifer, R. L., 855 Spiryakov, V. I., 735, 739, 744, 747, 2431 Stanik, I. E., 214 Spiryakov, V. O., 2595 Stannard, J. N., 3340, 3424 Spitsyn, V. I., 180, 184, 188, 209, 214, 218, 219, Stanner, J. W., 227 224, 226, 345, 346, 366, 372, 373, 374, Stanton, H. E., 1626 375, 383, 719, 720, 753, 1113, 1118, Stapfer, G., 818 1156, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1329, 1338, Stapleton, H. J., 203, 2065, 2241, 2262 1367, 1368, 1416, 1429, 1430, 1433, Star, I., 1352 1463, 1473, 1515, 1547, 1548, 1549, Starchenko, V., 856, 2684, 2685 1607, 1612, 1629, 1636, 1933, 2525, Starikova, Z. A., 2442 2526, 2527, 3124 Staritzky, E., 472, 474, 1109, 1168, 1312, 1319, Spjuth, L., 1285, 2584, 2659, 2674 1322, 1326, 2427, 2429, 2431, 2432, 2434 Spoetl, C., 3163, 3164 Stark, P., 2633 Spoor, N. L., 3366, 3383, 3424 Starks, D. F., 1188, 2486, 2488, 2851 Sposito, G., 3152 Starks, D. V., 116 Spo¨tl, C., 291 Starodub, G. Y., 822 Spotswood, T. M., 620 Staroski, R. C., 2642 Sprague, J., 3354 Stary, I., 1352, 1629 Spriet, B., 876, 890, 963 Stary, J., 1352, 1477, 1509, 1550, 1551, 1552, Sprilet, J. C., 719, 720 2575, 2580, 2650 Springer, F. H., 1427 Starynowicz, P., 438, 454 Spurny, J., 2633 Stather, J. W., 1179, 3340, 3354, 3415, 3416, Spu¨th, L., 2761 3420, 3424 Squires, G. L., 2232 Staudhammer, K. P., 876, 877, 878 Sreenivasan, N. L., 3052 Staufer, M., 1906 Srein, V., 264, 281 Stauffert, P., 1957, 1958, 2841 Author Index I-267 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Staun Olsen, J., 100 Sterne, P. A., 986, 3095 Staundenmann, J. L., 96 Sterner, S. M., 127, 128, 130, 131, 2549, Staunton, G. M., 485, 518 3136, 3137 Stavsetra, L., 1666, 1695, 1702, 1717, Sterns, M., 389 1735, 1737 Stetzer, O., 1588, 1590, 1840, 1877 Staz, H., 1913 Steunenberg, R. K., 869, 908, 950, 1080, 1086, Stchouzkoy, T., 195, 196, 197, 216, 218, 225, 1088, 1090, 1091, 1513, 2693, 2708, 229, 230 2709, 2710, 2711, 2712, 2713 Steadman, R., 67, 71 Stevens, C. M., 1577, 3069 Steahly, F. L., 63 Stevens, K. W. H., 2036, 2039 Stech, D. J., 2686 Stevens, M. F., 920, 921, 943, 968, 970, 971 Stecher, H. A., 2840 Stevens, W., 3343, 3350, 3353, 3355, 3359, Stecher, P., 69, 72 3360, 3361, 3362, 3364, 3365, 3366, Steeb, S., 2392, 2393 3370, 3373, 3374, 3375, 3376, 3377, Steed, J. W., 2452 3378, 3379, 3381, 3382, 3385, 3388, Steel, A., 3163 3398, 3399, 3403, 3404, 3414, 3415, Steemers, T., 1033 3416, 3420 Steers, E. B. M., 1116 Stevenson, C. E., 2692 Steglich, F., 719, 720, 2333, 2342, 2347, 2352 Stevenson, F. J., 3150 Steidl, D. V., 1080, 1082, 1083, 1090, 1092 Stevenson, J. N., 1084, 1093, 1096, 1397, 1403, Steiglitz, L., 2801 1410, 1411, 1412, 1415, 1417, 1420, Stein, L., 32, 180, 201, 207, 2418, 2420, 1421, 1457, 1460, 1464, 1465, 1468, 2425, 2695 1470, 1480, 1520, 1530, 1532, 2315, Stein, P., 1952, 2253 2416, 2417 Steinberger, U., 2360 Stevenson, P. C., 19, 28, 29, 180, 3281 Steindler, M. A., 2655, 2739 Stevenson, R. J., 3409 Steindler, M. J., 731, 732, 733, 1080, 1082, Stevenson, R. L., 2730 1083, 1088, 1089, 1090, 1092, Stevenson, S. N., 1530, 1533 1281, 2084 Steward, L. M., 3220 Steiner, J. J., 407 Stewart, D. C., 1114, 1404 Steiner, M. J., 2239, 2359 Stewart, D. F., 562 Steinfink, H., 1023, 1053 Stewart, G. R., 192, 333, 334, 335, 719, 720, Steinhaus, D. W., 1845 947, 948, 949, 967, 968, 1784, 1790, Steinhof, A., 1881, 1884 2239, 2312, 2315, 2333, 2350, 2352, Steinle, E., 1426 2353, 2372 Steinru¨cke, E., 116, 2865 Stewart, H. B., 2733 Stemmler, A. J., 2591 Stewart, J. L., 2247, 2256, 2260, 2876, 2879 Stenger, L., 1312, 1315, 1469 Stewart, J. M., 259, 282 Stepanov, A. V., 41, 787, 788, 1352, 1353, Stewart, K, 3255 1405, 1433, 1476, 1477, 1478, 1550, Stewart, K., 3253, 3254 1551, 2532, 2546, 2557, 2563, 3034 Stewart, M. A. A., 1184, 1312, 1315 Stepanov, D. A., 787 Stewart, W. E., 2532 Stepanova, E. S., 2583 Stieglitz, L., 1423 Stephanou, S. E., 1271, 1322, 1323, 1333, Stiffler, G. L., 996 1366, 1402, 1410 Still, E. T., 3355, 3366 Stephen, J., 190 Stirling, C., 639, 3327 Stephens, D. R., 1297, 1299, 3255 Stirling, W. G., 2234, 2237, 2286 Stephens, F. M., Jr., 309 Stites, J. G., Jr., 34 Stephens, F. S., 1582 Stoewe, K., 417, 418, 420 Stephens, W. R., 719 Stoffels, J. J., 3313, 3315 Stephens-Newsham, L. G., 3057 Stohl, F. V., 261, 292 Stepushkina, V. V., 1449, 2637 Stokeley, J. R. J., 1323, 1324, 1361 Sterling, J. T., 352 Stokely, J. R., 747, 1473, 1474, 1479, 1480, Stern, C. L., 2479, 2913, 2924, 2933, 2938, 1481, 1547, 1548, 2527, 3125 2984, 2986, 2990, 2997, 2998, 2999 Stokinger, H. E., 3354 Stern, D., 2912, 2924 Stoll, H., 34, 1676, 1679, 1898, 1908, 1918, Stern, E. A., 3088 1920, 1937, 1943, 1944, 1947, 1949, Sternal, R. S., 1959, 1993, 2479, 2892, 2893 1951, 1959, 2148 I-268 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Stoll, W., 1132 Strebin, R. S., 1409, 1432, 1434 Stollenwerk, A., 2251, 2260 Strec¸k, W., 422, 430, 431, 451 Stollenwerk, A. H., 730, 763, 766, 2260, 2261 Street, J., 2635, 2670 Stoller, S. M., 530, 2730 Street, K., 2538, 2562, 2580 Stolzenberg, H., 1735 Street, K. J., 1585 Stone, B. D., 34 Street, K., Jr., 5, 1508, 1916, 2635 Stone, F. G. A., 2889 Street, R. S., 344, 389, 391, 392, 1027, 1030, Stone, H. H., 390 1031, 1070, 1071, 2389, 2395 Stone, J. A., 190, 203, 425, 431, 435, 439, 469, Strehlow, R. A., 1104 749, 750, 751, 752, 793, 1188, 1189, Streicher, B., 1654, 1719, 1720, 1738 1472, 1946, 2229, 2230, 2241, 2253, Streitweiser, A., 208, 630, 1188, 1189, 1894, 2256, 2257, 2258, 2259, 2260, 2261, 1943, 1948, 1951, 2252, 2253, 2488, 2262, 2264, 2267, 2268, 2486, 2488, 2851, 2852, 2855, 2856 2595, 2695, 2801, 2803, 2815, 2819, Streitweiser, A., Jr., 68, 116, 1188, 1802, 1943, 2843, 2851, 2853, 2855, 2856 1951, 1952, 2485, 2486, 2488, 2851, Stone, R. E., 1631, 1633, 1635, 1636, 1858 2852, 2856 Stone, R. S., 3339, 3413 Strek, W., 450, 2230, 2259 Stoneham, A. M., 39 Strellis, D. A., 185, 186, 815, 1447, 1582, 1662, Storey, A. E., 1169 1684, 1693, 1699, 1701, 1705, 1711, Storhok, V. W., 1011, 1018, 1019, 1022 1712, 1713, 1716, 1717, 1718 Storms, E. K., 68, 365, 366, 744, 1004, 1008, Strelow, F. W., 3061 1018, 1019, 1028, 2114, 2195, 2196, Streubing, V. O., 1302 2197, 2198, 2199, 2200 Strickert, R. G., 2546, 2547, 3247 Storvick, T. S., 717, 1270, 2134, 2135, 2695, Stricos, D. P., 225 2696, 2697, 2698, 2699, 2700, 2715, Strietelmeier, B. A., 3022, 3175, 3181 2719, 2720, 2721 Striganov, A. R., 1847, 1848 Stoughton, R. W., 63, 115, 175, 188, 256 Stringer, C. B., 189 Stout, B., 2443 Stringham, W. S., 172 Stout, B. E., 778, 781, 782, 1181, 2386, 2387, Strittmatter, R. J., 575, 1191, 1363, 1952, 2572, 2586, 2594, 2596 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1962, Stout, M. G., 964, 972, 973 1966, 2803, 2918 Stover, B. J., 3340, 3343, 3350, 3351, 3353, Strnad, J., 2633 3356, 3358, 3359, 3360, 3361, 3362, Strnad, V., 1507 3364, 3365, 3366, 3375, 3376, 3377, Strobel, C., 78, 84 3378, 3379, 3385, 3388, 3396, 3398, Strohal, P., 3306 3399, 3405, 3424 Strohecker, J. W., 490 Stover, J. C. N., 3343 Stromatt, R. W., 791 Sto¨we, K., 1054, 2413 Stromberg, H. D., 1297, 1299 Stoyer, M. A., 14, 1654, 1719, 1736, 1738 Stromsnes, H., 1918, 1919 Stoyer, N. J., 14, 1114, 1182, 1654, 1664, 1684, Strong, J. C., 3354 1693, 1694, 1695, 1706, 1716, 1719, Stronski, I., 191, 1352, 1431 1736, 1738 Strotzer, E. F., 63, 96, 100, 413 Strachan, D. M., 2760 Stroupe, J. D., 530, 560, 2421 Stradling, G. N., 1179, 2591, 3354, 3361, 3413, Strouse, C. E., 2077, 2232, 2415 3415, 3416, 3419, 3420, 3421 Strovick, T. S., 2134, 2135 Straka, M., 578, 1933, 1939, 1940, 1941, Strub, E., 185, 186, 1447, 1687, 1699, 1700, 1942, 1976 1705, 1710, 1718 Strand, P., 3063 Struchkov, Y. T., 746, 747, 748, 749, 2434, Strasser, A., 1028 2595, 2859 Strassmann, F., 4, 164, 169, 255 Struchkov, Yu. T., 2439, 2442 Stratton, R., 1071 Struchkova, M. I., 105 Stratton, R. W., 1033 Struebing, V. O., 892, 896, 897, 901, 905, 906, Straub, T., 2479, 2834, 2835, 2913, 2925, 2927, 932, 936, 1302 2930, 2932, 2935, 2936, 2940, 2958, Strumane, R., 343 2984, 2987 Struminska, D., 3014, 3017 Straub, T. R. G., 2913, 2933, 2987 Strunz, H., 269 Straumanis, M. E., 61 Struss, A. W., 83 Strazik, W. F., 2564, 2565 Strutinsky, V. M., 1661, 1880 Author Index I-269 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Struxness, E. G., 3346, 3351, 3372, 3375, Sugo, Y., 2658, 2659 3376 Sukhov, A. M., 14, 1653, 1654, 1707, 1719, Stryer, L., 631 1736, 1738 Stuart, A. L., 2256, 2477, 2480, 2812, 2813, Suksi, J., 273 2829, 2830 Sulcek, Z., 3278 Stuart, W. I., 283, 997, 998, 1000, 1001 Sullenger, D. B., 1033, 1034, 2395 Stubbert, B. D., 2990 Sullivan, J., 3206, 3213 Studd, B. F., 115 Sullivan, J. C., 606, 607, 612, 615, 704, 718, Studier, M. H., 5, 53, 164, 172, 175, 219, 704, 719, 722, 726, 727, 728, 739, 744, 745, 1577, 1622, 3016 748, 759, 764, 767, 768, 769, 770, 771, Studier, N. H., 822, 824 781, 822, 824, 881, 888, 891, 989, 1008, Stuit, D., 3024, 3284, 3296 1019, 1021, 1045, 1047, 1048, 1085, Stuit, D. B., 3282, 3285, 3296, 3307 1086, 1087, 1098, 1100, 1101, 1110, Stults, S. D., 2473, 2561, 2802, 2805, 2806 1111, 1113, 1117, 1118, 1129, 1131, Stump, N., 1467 1147, 1148, 1149, 1150, 1155, 1157, Stump, N. A., 1453, 1467 1158, 1159, 1160, 1162, 1164, 1166, Stumpe, R., 787, 1114, 3043 1167, 1169, 1170, 1171, 1176, 1180, Stumpf, T., 2587, 3114 1181, 1325, 1326, 1335, 1337, 1356, Stumpp, E., 376, 377, 378, 382, 505, 510, 1368, 1369, 1416, 1424, 1430, 1473, 511, 524 1474, 1475, 1774, 1776, 1778, 1923, Stunault, A., 2234 1931, 1933, 2077, 2094, 2096, 2114, Stupin, V. A., 2118 2115, 2117, 2120, 2126, 2127, 2128, Sturchio, N. C., 291, 3163, 3164, 3183 2131, 2133, 2136, 2137, 2140, 2142, Sturgeon, G. D., 506, 507, 1107 2144, 2145, 2151, 2152, 2154, 2155, Stuttard, G. P., 385, 388 2159, 2160, 2161, 2163, 2164, 2165, Su, S. J., 1908 2168, 2170, 2171, 2173, 2174, 2175, Suarez Del Rey, J. A., 1432, 1433 2182, 2186, 2187, 2193, 2194, 2195, Subbanna, C. S., 2202 2197, 2199, 2200, 2201, 2204, 2206, Subbotin, V. G., 14, 989, 996, 1653, 1654, 2527, 2531, 2538, 2553, 2558, 2562, 1707, 1719, 1736, 1738 2563, 2571, 2576, 2578, 2582, 2583, Subotic, K., 14, 1653, 1654, 1719, 1736, 1738 2589, 2594, 2595, 2596, 2597, 2599, Subrahmanyam, V. B., 164 2601, 2602, 2603, 2604, 2605, 2606, Subramanian, M. A., 942 2760, 3016, 3035, 3087, 3112, 3125, Subramanian, M. S., 1174 3170, 3347 Suckling, C. W., 504 Sullivan, M. F., 1507 Sudakov, L. V., 724, 726, 1317, 1466 Summerer, K., 1738 Sudarikov, B. N., 303 Summerson, W. H., 3362 Sudnick, D. R., 1327 Sumner, S. A., 3354 Sudo, T., 2953, 2969 Sun, J., 2831 Sudowe, R., 815, 1662, 1664, 1666, 1685, 1695, Sun, Y., 2100, 2880, 2881 1701, 1702, 1712, 1713, 1714, 1716, Sundaram, S., 1086 1717, 1735, 1737 Sundararajan, K., 1988 Sueki, K., 164, 1266, 1267, 1696, 1718, 1735 Sundaresan, M., 58, 2580 Sueyoshi, T., 397 Sunder, S., 274, 289, 371 Suganuma, H., 1409 Sundman, B., 351, 352 Sugar, J., 33, 60, 859, 1452, 1513, 1590, 1633, Suner, A., 187 1639, 1646, 1845, 1874, 1875, 1877, Sung-Ching-Yang, G. Y., 164 1878, 1879 Sung-Yu, N. K., 2801, 2851 Suger, J., 2038 Suortti, P., 2381, 2382, 2383 Sugimoto, M., 2966 Surac, J. G., 184 Sugisaki, M., 395, 397 Suraeva, N. I., 1516, 1683 Sugiyama, K., 406, 407 Suranji, T. M., 123, 2549 Suglobov, D. N., 548, 549, 555, 556, 571, 575, Surbeck, H., 133 750, 1116, 1361, 2594, 2800, 3111, 3122 Suresh, G., 2666, 2667, 2739 Suglobova, I. G., 86, 88, 89, 93, 424, 428, Surls, J. P., 1291, 2636 429, 430, 431, 436, 437, 440, 450, Surls, J. P., Jr., 1509 454, 470, 471, 473, 475, 476, 495, 510, Suryanarayana, S., 1033 511, 571 Sus, F., 785 I-270 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Suski, W., 333, 414, 416, 719, 720, 743, Swift, T. J., 2530 2238, 2413 Swihart, G. H., 268 Suskin, M. A., 2016, 2035 Sykora, R. E., 1173, 1531 Suslick, K. S., 2464, 2465 Sylva, R. N., 119, 120, 121, 123, 124, 126, 2575 Suslova, K. G., 1821, 3282 Sylvester, P., 3326 Susuki, H., 2934 Sylwester, E., 1684, 1693, 1706, 1716 Sutcliffe, P., 949 Sylwester, E. R., 185, 186, 301, 815, 932, 967, Sutcliffe, P. W., 939 1445, 1447, 1582, 1662, 1664, 1684, Sutter, C., 2234, 2237 1693, 1694, 1695, 1699, 1705, 1706, Sutter, J. P., 2256 1709, 1716, 1718, 3152, 3154, Sutterlin, U., 3398 3155, 3158 Suttle, J. F., 490 Symons, M. C. R., 2530 Sutton, A. L., Jr., 389, 396 Szabo, A., 1903 Sutton, J., 2532 Szabo´, G., 3023 Sutton, S., 473 Szabo´, Z., 580, 581, 589, 590, 591, 596, 597, Sutton, S. R., 270, 291, 861, 3039, 3087, 3089, 602, 604, 605, 607, 608, 609, 610, 612, 3095, 3163, 3164, 3172, 3175, 3176, 614, 616, 617, 618, 621, 625, 1156, 3177, 3183 1923, 1924, 2576, 2578, 2579, 2582, Suvorov, A. V., 82 2587, 2592, 2593, 3101, 3102, 3103, Suzuki, A., 589, 595, 613, 712, 713, 795, 1921, 3104, 3105, 3120, 3121, 3126, 3127, 1923, 1991, 2538, 2594, 2738, 3102, 3128, 3129, 3132, 3144 3105, 3111, 3112, 3113, 3122, 3123 Szalay, A., 3166 Suzuki, H., 1957, 1958, 1981, 2479, 2837, 2839 Szalay, P. G., 1908, 1909 Suzuki, K., 622, 718 Szczepaniak, W., 425, 439, 444, 447, 448, 455, Suzuki, M., 1398, 2681, 2684 469, 475, 476, 478, 479, 495, 2257, 2258 Suzuki, S., 30, 40, 180, 209, 217, 224, 784, Sze, K. H., 1962 1477, 1548, 2659 Szeglowski, Z., 30 Suzuki, T., 100, 182, 428, 436, 440, 444, 451, Szempruch, R., 3253, 3254 719, 720, 1625 Szilard, B., 76 Suzuki, Y., 717, 718, 743, 1004, 1018, 2153, Szklarz, E. G., 68 2157, 2201, 2695, 2698, 2715, 2716, Szostak, F., 3050 2724, 2725, 3179, 3180, 3181 Szotek, Z., 1023, 1044, 2347, 3211 Svane, A., 1023, 1044, 2347, 3211 Szwarc, R., 352, 357, 365 Svantesson, I., 2767 Szymanski, J. T., 103, 113 Svantesson, J., 184 Szymanski, Z., 1661 Svantesson, S., 1286, 2672 Szytula, A., 69, 70, 73 Svec, F., 851 Sveen, A., 347, 354, 357, 359 Svergensky, D. A., 2132 Tabata, K., 77 Sveshnikova, L. B., 2452 Tabuteau, A., 87, 92, 391, 460, 511, 728, 730, Sviridov, A. F., 1484 792, 1067, 1068, 1312, 1321, 1359, Svirikhin, A. I., 1654, 1719, 1720, 1738 1360, 2431, 2432 Swain, K. K., 180 Tacev, T., 1507 Swallow, A. G., 115 Tachibana, T., 352 Swaney, L. R., 506 Tachimori, S., 1049, 1283, 1286, 1363, 1370, Swang, O., 2169 1554, 2658, 2659, 2675, 2738, 2760 Swanson, B. I., 732, 733, 734 Tada, M. L., 3317, 3318 Swanson, J. L., 126, 127, 130, 728, 767, 769, Tagawa, H., 280, 306, 355, 368, 369, 373, 377, 843, 941, 1109, 1282, 2740 378, 380, 383, 391, 392, 393, 395, 396, Swanton, S. W., 301, 3103, 3152, 3154, 3155 409, 490, 1317, 1318, 2199, 2411 Swaramakrishnan, C. K., 1058, 1059, 1060 Tagirov, B. R., 2191, 2192 Swatloski, R. P., 2691 Tagliaferri, A., 1196, 1198, 2080, 2085, Sweedler, A. R., 63 2086, 2561 Swepston, P. N., 2866, 2918, 2924 Taguchi, M., 366 Swiatecki, W. J., 1653, 1661, 1738 Tague, T. J., 1977, 1978, 1983 Swift, D. J., 3017 Tague, T. J., Jr., 2894 Swift, M. N., 3353, 3356, 3362, 3366, 3370, Tahvildar-Zadeh, A., 2343, 2344, 2345 3378, 3386, 3395, 3407, 3424 Tai, D., 1507 Author Index I-271 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Taibi, K., 3066 Talmont, X., 2731 Taillade, J. M., 133 Tamaura, Y., 1292 Tailland, C., 932, 933 Tamborini, G., 3062 Taira, H., 631 Tame, J. R. H., 630 Taire, B., 1530, 1531, 1533 Tamhina, B., 182 Tait, C. D., 270, 289, 291, 580, 595, 602, 620, Tamm, K., 2602 621, 704, 763, 766, 851, 861, 932, 1041, Tan, B., 795 1043, 1112, 1116, 1117, 1154, 1155, Tan, F., 266 1156, 1162, 1164, 1166, 1359, 1370, Tan Fuwen, 231 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1931, 2427, Tan, J.-h., 1018 2428, 2429, 2450, 2451, 2464, 2583, Tan, T.-Z., 1285 2607, 3035, 3087, 3108, 3109, 3112, Tan, X.-F., 1285 3113, 3115, 3118, 3123, 3125, 3126, Tanabe, K., 76 3127, 3128, 3130, 3131, 3133, 3134, Tanaka, H., 394, 2695, 2698 3136, 3160, 3161, 3164, 3167, 3170, Tanaka, K., 116, 2865 3171, 3175, 3210 Tanaka, O., 1019 Tajik, M., 452 Tanaka, S., 339, 625, 769, 795, 2553, 2738, Takagi, E., 226 3022, 3024 Takagi, J., 215, 216, 224 Tanaka, X., 2762 Takagi, S., 100 Tanaka, Y., 76, 1281, 1282, 1286, 2743, Takahashi, K., 164, 1056, 1057, 2154, 2747, 2761 3043, 3045 Tanamas, R., 384, 385, 386, 393, 1303, 1312 Takahashi, M., 727, 760 Tananaev, I. G., 161, 709, 770, 1110, 1113, Takahashi, N., 717, 2134, 2135, 2695, 2696, 1133, 1156, 1312, 1314, 1340, 1341 2697, 2698, 2699, 2700, 2719 Tandon, J. P., 2587 Takahashi, S., 356 Tandon, L., 3222 Takahashi, Y., 354, 795, 3024 Tanet, G., 769, 774 Takaku, A., 3059, 3062, 3068, 3072 Tang, C. C., 2238 Takaku, Y., 789, 790, 3017, 3062 Tang, W. J., 2982 Takanashi, M., 2743 Tani, B., 272, 343, 357, 358, 1465, 1469, 1470, Takano, H., 2693 2417, 2422 Takano, M., 1018, 1421, 2724 Taniguchi, K., 389 Takano, Y., 294 Tanikawa, M., 164 Takashima, Y., 1294, 1295, 2749 Tanke, R. S., 2966 Takats, J., 2819, 2821, 2826, 2836, 2840, 2880, Tannenbaum, A., 3340, 3380, 3423 2881, 2883, 2885, 2912 Tannenbaum, I. R., 1080, 1081, 1083, 1084, Takayama, H., 789, 790, 3059, 3062, 1086, 1088, 1090, 1091, 2421, 2426 3068, 3072 Tanner, J. P., 1423 Takayanagi, S., 407 Tanner, P., 482, 2054, 2066 Takeda, M., 727 Tanner, P. A., 472, 477 Takegahara, K., 100 Tanner, S. P., 1352, 1427, 1454 Takeishi, H., 706, 708, 1407, 1424, 2680, 2681, Tanner, S. R., 1592 2683, 3043, 3045 Tanon, A., 892, 905, 906, 907 Takemura, H., 2457, 2460 Tanouchi, N., 2953 Takeshita, K., 2675 Tao, Z., 3062 Takeuchi, H., 382, 2245 Taoudi, A., 88, 91 Takeuchi, K., 576, 577, 1935, 1936, 2165 Tapuchi, S., 719, 720 Takeuchi, M., 2738 Tarafder, M. T. H., 93 Takeuchi, R., 2953, 2966 Taranov, A. P., 727, 2136 Takeuchi, T., 407 Tarrant, J. R., 1423, 1454, 1592, 1636, 1639, Takizawa, Y., 1822 1640, 1644, 1659, 2127, 2526, Takizuka, T., 2723 2561, 2585 Talbert, W., 1665 Tashev, M. T., 2441 Talbot, R. J., 822, 3342, 3346, 3353, Tasker, I., 2193 3372, 3373 Tasker, I. R., 357, 358 Tallant, D. R., 1292 Tatarinov, A. N., 14, 1654 Tallent, O., 2701 Tate, R. E., 490, 876, 880, 937, 939, 958, 959, Talley, C. E., 412 960, 961 I-272 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Tateno, J., 368, 369, 373, 378, 383, 396 Teillas, J., 164 Tatewaki, H., 1897, 1938, 1992 Teixidor, F., 2655 Tatsumi, K., 378, 1917, 1954, 1956, 1957, Tellers, D. M., 2880 1958, 2400, 2472, 2484, 2825, Tellgren, R., 475, 478, 479, 495 2826, 2841 Telnoy, V. I., 2822 Taube, H., 592, 619, 622, 1133, 2607 Telouk, P., 3326 Taube, M., 988 Temmerman, W. M., 1023, 1044, 2347, 3211 Taut, S., 1447, 1451, 1524, 1593, 1628, 1662, Temmoev, A. H., 133 1684, 1699, 1708, 1709, 1711, Tempest, A. C., 2843 1712, 1716 Tempest, P. A., 344, 348, 1035 Tawn, E. J., 1821 Temple, R. B., 2735 Taylor, A. D., 2278, 2279, 2283, 2284, 2285 Templeton, C. C., 106, 107 Taylor, A. J., 342, 357 Templeton, D. H., 67, 71, 78, 82, 83, 106, 116, Taylor, B. F., 2966 208, 423, 542, 580, 1187, 1312, 1313, Taylor, C. D., 2035 1315, 1357, 1358, 1645, 2251, 2256, Taylor, D. M., 988, 1179, 1816, 1823, 3024, 2288, 2386, 2395, 2396, 2404, 2405, 3340, 3350, 3351, 3352, 3354, 3359, 2407, 2417, 2418, 2422, 2429, 2434, 3360, 3361, 3362, 3364, 3365, 3368, 2436, 2487, 2488, 2489, 2558, 2853, 3371, 3372, 3373, 3374, 3375, 3376, 2856, 2877, 3088, 3089 3377, 3378, 3379, 3385, 3387, 3388, Templeton, L. K., 542, 580, 2288, 2404, 2405, 3396, 3398, 3399, 3403, 3408, 3410, 2488, 2853, 3088, 3089 3411, 3413, 3414, 3415, 3416, 3420, Ten Brink, B. O., 164 3422, 3424 Tennery, V. J., 1317, 1318 Taylor, G. N., 1507, 1823, 3340, 3343, 3349, Teo, B.-K., 3087, 3088, 3091, 3093, 3100, 3350, 3353, 3355, 3360, 3366, 3370, 3117, 3164 3375, 3381, 3382, 3396, 3398, 3399, Tepp, H. G., 316, 317 3401, 3403, 3404, 3405, 3414, 3415, Ter Akopian, T. A., 164 3416, 3420, 3424 Ter Haar, G. L., 116 Taylor, J. C., 78, 86, 102, 106, 264, 283, 342, ter Meer, N., 200, 1312, 1319, 1322, 1323, 357, 358, 423, 425, 435, 439, 445, 453, 1361, 2164, 2427, 2439, 2442 455, 469, 473, 474, 475, 478, 495, 498, Terada, K., 1028, 1029, 1030, 3207, 3219 502, 503, 511, 515, 529, 530, 536, 543, Terminello, L. J., 863, 3089, 3101, 3141, 544, 560, 567, 568, 569, 573, 594, 944, 3152, 3156 949, 950, 1107, 2394, 2414, 2415, 2417, Teschke, F., 3306 2418, 2420, 2421, 2423, 2424, 2426, Teshigawara, M., 339 2429, 2430 Testa, C., 3030, 3280 Taylor, J. M., 1009 Tetenbaum, M., 352, 364, 365, 367, 1029, Taylor, K. M., 1028, 1030 1030, 1047, 2146, 2262 Taylor, M., 55, 103 Teterin, A. Y., 861 Taylor, N. J., 2430 Teterin, A. Yu., 3051 Taylor, P., 348 Teterin, E. G., 458, 1079, 1169 Taylor, R., 3279, 3285 Teterin, Y. A., 861, 3142, 3145, 3150 Taylor, R. G., 2480, 2812, 2829, 2845 Teterin, Yu. A., 3051 Taylor, R. I., 2273 Tetzlaff, R. N., 817 Taylor, R. J., 711, 712, 760, 761, 1138, Teuben, J. H., 2924 2440, 2757 Teufel, C., 107 Taylor, R. N., 3328 Tevebaugh, R., 80 Taylor, S. H., 3171 Thakur, A. K., 114 Taylor, S. R., 26, 170 Thakur, L., 114 Tazzoli, V., 3167 Thakur, N. V., 1275 Tchikawa, S., 1267 Thalheimer, W., 164 Teague, S. V., 3254 Thalmeier, P., 2347 Teale, P., 1810 Thamer, B. J., 862, 897 Teaney, P. E., 1049 Tharp, A. G., 69, 72, 78, 2407 Teetsov, A., 275 Thayamballi, P., 1023, 2364 Teherani, D. K., 3057 Thein, M., 783 Teichteil, C., 1909, 1918, 1919, 1931, 1932 Theisen, R., 1070, 1071, 1072 Teillac, J., 27, 184, 187 Theng-Da Tchang, 193 Author Index I-273 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Theobald, W., 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884 1630, 1632, 1635, 1661, 2629, 2635, Thern, G. G., 185, 187 2638, 2639, 2730 The´venin, T., 730, 740, 741, 742, 792, 1017, Thomson, B. M., 3409 1022, 1052, 1054, 2409, 2413, 2414, Thomson, J., 170, 225, 3031 2426, 2427 Thomson Rizer, C. L., 3046 Thewalt, U., 505, 510 Thonstad, J., 2692 Thewlis, J., 2385 Thoret, J., 111, 112, 113 Theyssier, M., 3034, 3064 Tho¨rle, P., 33, 1588, 1590, 1662, 1664, 1685, Theyyunni, T. K., 712, 1282, 2743, 2745, 2757 1687, 1698, 1699, 1700, 1709, 1710, Thi, Q., 1732 1713, 1714, 1716, 1718, 1840, 1877, Thibault, Y., 293 1879, 1882, 1884 Thibaut, E., 420, 423, 425, 435, 437, 457, 470, Thorn, R. J., 364, 365, 724, 2148 473, 474, 478, 502, 509, 514, 515, 516, Thouvenot, P., 1368, 1369, 2062, 2063, 2096, 538, 544, 551 2263, 2265 Thied, R. C., 854, 2686, 2690 Thronley, F. R., 3163 Thiel, W., 89, 93, 94 Thuemmler, F., 1070, 1071, 1072 Thiele, K.-H., 116 Thue´ry, P., 1262, 1270, 2254, 2449, 2451, 2452, Thieme, M., 3142, 3145, 3150 2456, 2457, 2458, 2459, 2460, 2461, Thies, S., 2352 2462, 2488, 2558 Thies, W. G., 3398 Thulasidas, S. K., 2668 Thiriet, C., 2143 Thuma, B., 6 Thiyagarajan, P., 840, 1152, 2649, 2652 Tian, G., 2665 Thode, H. G., 823 Tian, G. X., 1363 Thole, B. T., 2236 Tian, S., 116, 1776, 2240, 2473, 2803, 2816, Thoma, D. J., 929 2875, 2912, 2984, 2986, 2990 Thoma, R. E., 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, Tibbs, P. A., 1507 424, 446, 459, 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, Tichy´, J., 347, 354, 357, 359 465, 487, 489, 1468, 2416 Ticker, T. C., 1670, 1672, 1673, 1674, 1675, Thomas, A. C., 128, 785 1676, 1685, 1692 Thomas, C. A., 988 Tiedemann, B. E. F., 1825, 3420 Thomas, D. M. C., 3254, 3255 Tiemann, M., 1828 Thomas, J. D. R., 3029 Tiffany-Jones, L., 44 Thomas, J. K., 2199, 2202 Tikhomir, G. S., 1512 Thomas, J. L., 750, 2469 Tikhomirov, V. V., 1484 Thomas, M., 3017, 3027 Tikhomirova, G. S., 1449, 1633, 1636, Thomas, O., 2657 2636, 2637 Thomas, R. A. P., 1818 Tikhonov, M. F., 1120, 1128, 1140, 1302 Thomas, W., 988, 3020 Tikhonov, M. R., 3111, 3122 Thomason, H. P., 787, 3043, 3044 Tikhonova, A. E., 788, 3034, 3039 Thomassen, L., 2391 Tikkanen, W. R., 2919 Thome´, L., 340, 348 Till, C., 2693, 2713 Thomke, K., 76 Tilley, T. D., 2832, 2965, 2974 Thompson, G. H., 817, 1397, 1402, 2653, 2727 Timerbaev, A., 3024 Thompson, H. A., 3094, 3102, 3127, 3139, Timma, D. L., 27 3152, 3155, 3158 Timofeev, G. A., 744, 1134, 1326, 1329, 1331, Thompson, J. D., 406, 967, 968, 1784, 1790, 1333, 1334, 1335, 1336, 1416, 1429, 2239, 2352, 2353, 2372 1430, 1446, 1447, 1479, 1480, 1481, Thompson, J. L., 1152, 3036, 3288, 3314 1483, 1484, 1545, 1547, 1559, 2126, Thompson, K. R., 1968, 1971 2129, 2131, 2584, 3061 Thompson, L., 1966, 2260, 2872, 2874 Timofeeva, L. F., 893, 894, 895, 896, 986 Thompson, M. A., 974, 3219 Timokhin, S., 1679, 1684, 1708, 1709, 1716 Thompson, M. C., 770, 1397, 1411, 1412, Timokhin, S. N., 1451, 1593, 1625, 1629, 1633, 2387, 2388 1635, 1662, 1664, 1684, 1685, 1692, Thompson, R. C., 172, 174, 182, 215, 226, 1693, 1695, 1700, 1706, 1708, 1709, 768, 769, 775, 1814, 2553, 3340, 1713, 1714, 1716, 1720 3386, 3424 Ting, G., 176, 188 Thompson, S. G., 5, 835, 1444, 1480, 1481, Ting, K. C., 2668 1508, 1577, 1622, 1624, 1628, 1629, Tinker, N., 2442 I-274 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Tinker, N. D., 2887 Tondello, E., 116, 546, 547, 553, 554, Tinkham, M., 2043 770, 2554 Tinkle, M., 457, 486 Tondon, V. K., 1058, 1059, 1060, 1061 Tipton, C. R., Jr., 1030 Tondre, C., 2649, 2657 Tischler, M. L., 3179, 3181 Tong, J. P. K., 580, 582 Tishchenko, A. F., 112 Toogood, G. E., 2430 Tissue, B. M., 2047, 3322 Toops, E. C., 25 Titov, V. V., 1082 Topic, M., 102, 103, 110, 2431 Tits, J., 2591 Topp, N. E., 1541, 1591 Tiwari, R. N., 76, 106 Topp, S. V., 1813 Tjeng, L. H., 861 Toraishi, T., 597, 625, 2587 To, M., 2208, 2211 Torikachvili, M. S., 2352, 2357 Tobin, J. G., 967 Toropchenova, G. A., 175 Tobler, L., 1447, 1662, 1684, 1711, 1712, Torres, R. A., 1114, 1148, 1155, 1160, 1163, 1716, 1732 1354, 2583 Tobo´n, R., 2315, 2350 Torri, G., 2633 Tobo´u, R., 63 Torstenfelt, B., 1803, 1804, 1806, 1807, Tobschall, H. J., 297 1808, 1810 Tochiyama, O., 706, 776, 777, 778, 781, 782, Torstenfelt, N. B., 1152 2099, 2100, 2559, 2578, 2585, Toscano, P. J., 2999 2726, 3287 Toshiba Denshi Eng KK, 189 Todd, P., 1507 Totemeier, T. C., 322, 327 Todd, T. A., 1282, 2739, 2741 Toth, I., 1166 Toepke, I. L., 64 Toth, K. S., 164 Toevs, J. W., 996 Toth, L., 2688, 2701 Toews, K., 2681, 2684 Toth, L. M., 1132, 1152, 2087, 2088 Tofield, B. C., 2153 Tougait, O., 75, 97, 416, 417, 2413 Togashi, A., 1282, 1408, 2743 Tournois, B., 2655 Toivonen, H., 1913 Toussaint, C. J., 373 Toivonen, J., 580, 581, 2434 Toussaint, J., 2633 Tokarskaya, Z. B., 1821 Toussaint, J. C., 34, 35, 194, 1271, 1304, 1402, Tokman, M., 1669 1403, 1410, 1412, 1413 Tokura, Y., 2288 Toussaint, N., 195, 2407, 2408 Tolazzi, M., 2584 Tousset, J., 29 To¨lg, S., 1881 Touzelin, B., 353, 391, 392 Tolley, W. B., 1093 Towndrow, C. G., 3354 Tolmachev, Y. M., 727 Townes, C. H., 1681 Tolmachyov, S. Y., 786 Toyoshima, A., 1445, 1484, 1696, 1718, Tolson, D., 3358 1735 Tom, S., 164, 186, 187 Trabalka, J. R., 3287 Tomas, A. M., 226 Tracy, B. L., 3017 Tomat, A., 2586, 2589 Traeger, J., 1507 Tomat, G., 767, 770, 776, 777, 778, 781, 782, Traill, R. J., 2434 2441, 2550, 2584, 2585, 2586, 2589 Trakhlyaev, P. S., 1352 Tomczuk, Z., 2714, 2715 Trammell, G. T., 2234 Tomilin, S. V., 735, 739, 747, 749, 1164, 1319, Tran Kim, H., 1352 2129, 2131, 2427, 2431, 2442, Trapeznikov, A. P., 3280 2527, 2595 Trauger, D. B., 53, 2733 Tomioka, O., 2678, 2679, 2681, 2684 Trautmann, N., 25, 33, 60, 164, 789, 794, 859, Tomioka, Y., 2288 1296, 1403, 1432, 1433, 1451, 1452, Tomiyasu, H., 607, 608, 609, 616, 617, 618, 1513, 1588, 1590, 1662, 1664, 1665, 620, 622, 626, 627, 712, 762, 852, 1666, 1679, 1684, 1685, 1687, 1695, 2633, 2681 1699, 1702, 1705, 1708, 1709, 1710, Tomkins, F. S., 33, 190, 226, 1295, 1836, 1839, 1713, 1714, 1716, 1717, 1718, 1735, 1842, 1846, 1847, 1871 1738, 1836, 1840, 1875, 1876, 1877, Tomkowicz, Z., 69, 70, 73 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, Toms, D. I., 198, 201 2018, 2591, 3044, 3047, 3048, 3069, Toms, D. J., 164, 173, 176, 179, 213, 224 3320, 3321 Author Index I-275 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Traverso, O., 542, 2439, 2585, 2586, Tsaletka, R., 1690 2589, 2801 Tsang, C. F., 1661 Travis, J. C., 3320 Tsang, T., 2243 Travnikov, S. S., 1323, 1423, 1471, 1541, 1612, Tsapkin, V. V., 575 1625, 1633 Tsaryov, S. A., 175 Treiber, A., 116, 2814 Tschachtli, T., 3066, 3067 Treiber, W., 727, 769 Tschinke, V., 1907 Trela, W. J., 967 Tse, D. S., 2979 Tremaine, P. R., 2132, 2133 Tselichshev, I. V., 2706, 2707, 2708 Tresvyatsky, S. G., 395 Tsezos, M., 2669 Tret’yakov, E. F., 20, 24 Tshigunov, A. N., 345, 346, 355, 366 Tretyakova, S. P., 6 Tsirlin, V. A., 31 Treuil, M., 3305 Tsivadze, A. Y., 763, 764 Trevorrow, L., 731, 732, 733, 1082, 1088, Tsivadze, A. Yu., 565 1090, 1091, 1106 Tso, C., 206, 208 Triay, I. R., 861, 1152, 2531, 3036, 3095, 3106, Tso, T. C., 191, 379 3111, 3122, 3165, 3169, 3175, Tsoucaris, G., 2449, 2450 3176, 3177 Tsoupko-Sitnikov, V., 28, 43 Trice, V. G., 2692, 2708 Tsuda, T., 2691 Trifonov, I. I., 86, 93 Tsuji, T., 347, 356, 1025, 1026, 2140 Tripathi, S. N., 2195 Tsujii, M., 1292 Tripathi, V., 2352 Tsukada, K., 164, 1266, 1267, 1445, 1450, Trivedi, A., 3050 1484, 1696, 1699, 1700, 1710, Trnka, T. M., 2827 1718, 1735 Troc, R., 323, 333, 347, 353, 357, 412, 414, Tsukatani, T., 3328 415, 1055, 2238, 2362, 2413 Tsumura, A., 709, 784, 789, 3327, 3328 Trochimczuk, A. Q., 2642, 3283 Tsupko-Sitnikov, V. V., 28, 43 Trochimczuk, A. W., 2642 Tsushima, S., 589, 595, 613, 1921, 1923, Trofimenko, S., 2880, 2883 1991, 1992, 2538, 3102, 3105, 3111, Trofimov, A. S., 164 3112, 3113, 3122, 3123, 3128, Trofimov, T. I., 856, 1422, 1480, 1481, 3131, 3132 2678, 2684 Tsutsui, M., 750, 1802, 2472, 2819, 2820 Troiani, F., 2633 Tsutsui, S., 792, 2280, 3043 Tromp, R. L., 167, 187 Tsuyoshi, A., 2759, 2760, 2762 Trond, S. S., 505, 506 Tsvetkov, V. I., 1821 Troost, L., 67, 75, 81, 109, 2408 Tsyganov, Y. S., 1447, 1653, 1654, 1662, 1684, Trost, B. M., 2982 1707, 1711, 1712, 1716, 1719, Trottier, D., 459 1736, 1738 Troxel, J. E., 69 Tsyganov, Yu. S., 1398, 1400 Trubert, D., 181, 211, 1671, 1686, 1688, 1700, Tsyganov, Yu. Ts., 14 1701, 1705, 1711, 1718 Tsykanov, V. A., 854 Trucks, G. W., 1902 Tuan, N. A., 3171 Truitt, A. L., 1322 Tuck, D. G., 84, 470, 493, 496, 568, 571, Trujillo, E. A., 737 572, 574 Trujillo, V. L., 3263 Tucker, C. W., Jr., 2385 Trukhlyaev, P. S., 1271, 1352, 1402, 1422, Tucker, P. A., 903, 1033 1423, 1427, 1512 Tucker, P. M., 348 Trunov, V. K., 111, 112, 113, 536, 2434 Tucker, T. C., 1452, 1640 Trunova, V. I., 372, 374 Tucker, W., 75, 107 Truswell, A. E., 458, 484, 485, 1077, 1078, Tuli, J. K., 817 1079, 1084 Tuller, H. L., 368, 369 Trzebiatowski, W., 335, 377, 470, 471, 491 Tul’skii, M. N., 731, 732, 734, 736 Trzeciak, M. J., 328, 331 Tunayar, A., 2655 Tsagas, N. F., 3057 Turanov, A. N., 2657 Tsai, H. C., 366 Turchi, E. A., 927 Tsai, J.-S., 1507 Turchi, P. E. A., 928, 932, 967 Tsai, K. R., 76 Turcotte, R. P., 724, 725, 726, 1464, 1466, Tsai, Y.-C., 2888 1530, 1536, 1537, 2143, 2389, 2398 I-276 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Tu¨rler, A., 185, 1445, 1447, 1451, 1468, 1593, 1158, 1161, 1162, 1165, 1166, 1167, 1653, 1662, 1664, 1679, 1684, 1685, 1169, 1170, 1171, 1180, 1181, 2114, 1693, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697, 1698, 2115, 2117, 2120, 2126, 2127, 2128, 1699, 1700, 1701, 1704, 1705, 1706, 2133, 2136, 2137, 2140, 2142, 2144, 1707, 1708, 1709, 1710, 1711, 1712, 2145, 2151, 2152, 2154, 2155, 2159, 1713, 1714, 1716, 1717, 1718, 1720, 2160, 2161, 2163, 2164, 2165, 2168, 1721, 1732 2170, 2171, 2173, 2174, 2175, 2182, Turler, E. A., 182 2186, 2187, 2193, 2194, 2195, 2197, Turnbull, A. G., 83, 2424 2199, 2200, 2201, 2204, 2206, 2538, Turner, G. A., 3359, 3360, 3361, 3364, 3368, 2576, 2578, 2582, 2583, 3347 3372, 3373, 3374, 3375, 3376, Ulrich, H. J., 3026, 3069 3378, 3388 Ulstrup, J., 1450 Turner, H. W., 2877 Umashankar, V., 3308 Turos, A., 340, 348, 3065, 3214, 3239, 3251 Umehara, I., 407 Turowski, P. N., 3413, 3414, 3418, 3419, 3421 Umetani, S., 3067 Turteltaub, K. W., 3316 Une, K., 390, 394, 396, 397 Tutov, A. G., 546 Ungaretti, L., 3159 Tverdokhlebov, S. V., 3029 United Nations, 303 Tverdokhlebov, V. N., 105, 106 United States Environmental Protection Twiss, P., 3327 Agency, 3280 Tyler, J. W., 340, 344, 348 Uno, M., 338, 2157, 2158, 2202 Tynan, D. E., 314 Uno, S., 856, 2680, 2681, 2683, 2684 Unrein, P. J., 772, 1352, 1426, 1477, 1550, 2561, 2574, 2579 U. S. Department of Energy, 43 UNSCEAR, 1805 U. S. Geological Survey, 1755 Unterwurzacher, M., 3164 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 32 Uozumi, K., 2134, 2135, 2700, 2719, 2721 Uchida, Y., 3102, 3131, 3132 Upali, A., 545 Uchiyama, G., 711, 712, 760, 1272, 1273, Urbain, G., 115 1294, 1295, 2757 Urban, F. J., 789, 1296, 1403, 1875, 1877 UCRL, 1312 Urban, G., 132 Udovenko, A. A., 541 Urban, V., 2652 Udupa, S. R., 2668, 2669 Urbaniak, W., 2966 Ueda, K., 2560, 2590 Uribe, F. S., 971, 972 Ueda, R., 391, 396 Usami, T., 864, 2147, 2723 Ueki, T., 106, 2429 Ushakov, S. V., 113, 2157, 2159 Ueno, E., 3067 Usov, O. A., 546 Ueno, F., 89, 95 Ustinov, O. A., 2702 Ueno, K., 109, 709, 783, 784, 789, 1163, 1312, Ustinov, V. A., 2140 1321, 1431 Usuda, S., 784, 1049, 1625, 2637, 3066 Ugajin, M., 360, 362, 394, 1010 Utamura, M., 760 Ugozzoli, F., 2655 Utkin, A. N., 1680, 1681 Uhelea, I., 13 Utkina, O. N., 984 Uhl, E., 67, 71 Utyonkov, V. K., 14, 1398, 1400, 1504, 1653, Uhlir, L. C., 3414, 3416, 3419 1654, 1707, 1719, 1736, 1738 Ukon, I., 407 Uusitalo, J., 14, 1653, 1713, 1717 Ulanov, S. A., 793 Uvarova, Y. A., 261 Ulehla, I., 1660 Uylings, P. H. M., 1843 Ulikov, I. A., 1337 Ulin, K., 1507 Ullmaier, H., 981, 983 Vaden, D., 2717 Ullman, W., 3206, 3213 Vaezi- Nasr, F., 183 Ullman, W. J., 718, 719, 722, 726, 727, 728, Vagunda, V., 1507 739, 744, 745, 767, 769, 771, 881, 888, Vahle, A., 1447, 1451, 1662, 1664, 1684, 1685, 891, 989, 1008, 1019, 1021, 1045, 1047, 1708, 1709, 1711, 1712, 1713, 1714, 1716 1048, 1085, 1086, 1087, 1098, 1100, Vaidya, V. N., 1033, 1271 1101, 1110, 1111, 1117, 1118, 1131, Vaidyanathan, S., 1127, 1175, 3052, 3053 1147, 1148, 1149, 1150, 1155, 1157, Vaillant, L., 2674 Author Index I-277 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Vakarin, S. V., 2703, 2704 Van Vleck, J. H., 2225 Vakatov, D. V., 1719 van Voorst, G., 374, 375, 378, 383 Vakhrushin, YuA., 113 van Vucht, J. H. N., 66 Valdez, Y., 2749 Van Wagenen, G., 3344 Valdivieso, F., 861 Van Wezenbeek, E. M., 1666, 1667, Valenzuela, R. W., 1369 1668, 1972 Valeriani, G., 1282, 2743 Van Winkle, Q., 152, 166, 172, 174, 182 Valigi, M., 2431 van Woesik, R., 3047 Valkiers, S., 405 van Wu¨llen, C., 1671, 1682, 1683, 1727, 1907 Valkonen, J., 580, 581, 2434 Vance, D. E., 3291, 3299, 3303, 3327 Vallet, V., 577, 578, 580, 581, 589, 590, 591, Vance, E. R., 279, 280, 291, 2067, 2157, 2159 595, 596, 606, 607, 610, 612, 613, 616, Vance, J. E., 255, 303 617, 619, 625, 1156, 1909, 1918, 1919, Vandegrift, G. F., 1281, 1282, 1295, 2655, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 2738, 2739, 2740, 2750, 2751 1931, 1932, 1969, 1988, 2532, 2576, Vander Sluis, K. L., 33, 1363, 1423, 1452, 2578, 2579, 3102, 3120, 3126, 3127, 1533, 1534, 1543, 1643, 1872 3128, 3144 Vandergriff, R. D., 1508, 1511, 1585, Valli, K., 25, 164 1623, 1624 Valocchi, A. J., 3106 Vanderhooft, J. C., 2865 Valone, S. M., 928 Vaniman, D. T., 861, 3095, 3175, 3176, 3177 Valot, C., 930, 932, 933, 954 Vannagell, J. R., 1507 van Alphen, P. V., 62 Varelogiannis, G., 2347 van Arkel, A. E., 61, 62 Varga, L. P., 763, 765, 1356, 1365, 1475, 1513, Van Axeel Castelli, V., 597 1515, 1604, 2076, 2082 Van Britsom, G., 3024, 3059, 3060 Varga, S., 1671, 1676, 1680, 1681, 1682, 1683, Van den Bossche, G., 470, 552, 553, 2472, 1684, 1712, 1716 2476, 2489, 2815 Varga, T., 2633 Van Der Hout, R., 28 Variali, G., 2431 Van Der Laan, G., 2236 Varlashkin, P. G., 757, 1133, 1547, 1559, van der Loeff, M. M. R., 231 2129, 2131 Van Der Sluys, W. G., 739, 1185, 1186, 1965, Varnell, L., 164 2490, 2867, 2868 Vasaikar, A. P., 110 Van Deurzen, C. H. H., 1845, 2038, 2065, 2074 Vasilega, N. D., 112 van Egmond, A. B., 372, 374, 375, 378, 383 Vasil’ev, V. P., 2114, 2148, 2149, 2185 van Geel, J., 44, 3265 Vasil’ev, V. Y., 763, 765, 1144, 1145, 1146, van Genderen, A., 2146, 2185, 2186, 2187 1317, 1337, 1338, 2531, 3101, 3106, Van Ghemen, M., 199, 201, 2417 3111, 3113 van Gisbergen, S. J. A., 1910 Vasil’ev, V. Ya., 108, 1412, 1413, 1416, Van Houten, R., 65 1422, 1430, 1448, 1449, 1466, Van Impe, J., 484, 485 1479, 1484 Van Konynenburg, R. A., 3258, 3259 Vasilkova, I. V., 516 van Lenthe, E., 1907 Vasko, V. M., 1720 van Lierde, W., 343, 353, 354 Vasseur, C., 1304 Van Mal, H. H., 66 Vasudev, D., 2668 Van Meersche, M., 2489, 2490, 2492, Vasudeva Rao, P. R., 355, 1283, 1422, 2205, 2802, 2844 2206, 2684 Van Middlesworth, L., 3356 Vaufrey, F., 2657 van Miltenburg, J. C., 2146 Vaughan, D. A., 2407 Van Nagel, J. R., 1507 Vaughan, D. J., 3165, 3167, 3169 Van Pelt, C., 1155, 1327, 1368, 1369 Vaughan, J., 3352, 3403, 3404, 3407, van Pieterson, L., 2020 3410, 3424 van Rensen, E., 80, 81 Vaughan, R. W., 64 Van Rossum, J. P., 3385 Vaughen, V. C. A., 256 van Springel, K., 541 Vaughn, G. A., 718, 719, 891 Van Tets, A., 2439 Vaughn, J., 1823 Van Tuyle, G. J., 1811 Vaughn, R. B., 849, 1139, 1161, 1167 Van Vlaanderen, P., 514, 525, 2153, Vaughn, R. L., 2686 2185, 2186 Vaugoyeau, H., 351, 352, 353, 405 I-278 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Vavilov, S. K., 2693, 2699, 2704, 2705, 2706, Vigato, A., 1926 2707, 2708, 2715 Vigato, P. A., 115, 2437, 2438 Vazquez, J., 1927, 3143, 3145 Vigil, F., 967 Vdovenko, V. M., 86, 93, 436, 437, 454, 470, Vigil, F. A., 882, 2289, 2290 471, 473, 475, 476, 495, 548, 549, 571, Vigner, D., 102, 106, 380, 1928, 2820 575, 1116, 2579 Vigner, J., 1960, 1962, 2246, 2801, 2805, 2806, Vdovichev, V. S., 30 2807, 2808, 2818, 2819, 2847, 2856, Veal, B. W., 763, 766, 1466, 1517 2857, 2858, 2859, 2861, 2862, 2866, Vecernik, J., 755 2869, 2870, 2871, 2872, 2889, Ve´drine, A., 86, 87, 92, 457, 458, 459 2922, 2938 Vedrine, J. C., 76 Vigner, J.-D., 2439, 2449, 2450, 2451, 2452, Veeck, A. C., 3419 2458, 2462, 2464, 2465, 2466, 2472, Veeraraghavan, R., 182, 184 2473, 2479, 2480, 2484, 2488, Vegas, A., 2407, 2408 2490, 2491 Veirs, D. K., 704, 849, 851, 861, 932, 1041, Viklund, C., 851 1043, 1112, 1139, 1154, 1155, 1161, Vilaithong, T., 1507 1166, 1167, 1926, 3109, 3210 Vilcsek, E., 3306 Veirs, K., 1035, 3220 Vilcu, R., 367 Veleckis, E., 272 Villa, A. C., 2472 Veleshko, I. E., 28, 38, 1606, 1607, 1608 Villa, I. M., 3047 Venanzi, L. M., 496, 574 Villain, F., 2449, 2453 Vendl, A., 70 Villella, P. M., 704, 932, 1041, 1043, 1154, Vendryes, G., 824 1155, 3109, 3210 Venkataraman, C., 2288 Villiers, C., 2472, 2801, 2805, 2806, 2808, Venkateswarlu, K. S., 215, 218 2820, 2824 Vennart, J., 3353 Vinas, C., 2655 Ventelon, L., 2480, 2837 Vincent, H., 113 Venugopal, B., 3359, 3362 Vincent, M. A., 1926, 1928, 1929, 1931 Venugopal, V., 69, 105, 2157, 2158, 2202, Vincent, T., 3152, 3154 2209, 2434 Vinokurov, S. E., 2684 Ver Sluis, K. L., 33 Vinto, L. L., 3017, 3023 Vera Tome´, F., 133 Virelizier, H., 2657, 2658, 3054 Verbist, J. J., 420, 423, 425, 435, 437, 457, 470, Virk, H. S., 3031 473, 474, 478, 502, 509, 514, 515, 516, Virlet, J., 2603 538, 544, 551 Visscher, L., 34, 578, 1728, 1905, 1939, Vereshchaguin, Yu. I., 1479 1980 Verges, J., 1453, 1516, 1544, 1840, 1845, 1846, Vissen, J., 3029 1847, 1848, 1849, 1871 Vissequx, M., 2890 Verma, R. D., 105 Visser, A. E., 2686, 2691 Vermeulen, D., 6, 1705, 1738 Visser, O., 1905 Verneuil, A., 76, 77, 104 Viste, A., 343, 357, 358 Vernois, J., 188, 207, 209, 215, 219 Viswanathan, H. S., 3106 Vernooijs, P., 1972 Viswanathan, K., 261 Verry, M., 1819, 3398, 3399 Viswanathan, K. S., 1988 Vertse, T., 1736 Viswanathan, R., 96, 1074 Veselsky, J. C., 3037, 3308 Visyashcheva, G. I., 749, 1164, 2129, 2131, Veselsky, M., 1654, 1719 2427, 2442 Veslovsky´, F., 262, 263 Visyasheva, G. I., 1312, 1319 Vesnovskii, S., 822 Vita, O. A., 357 Vesnovskii, S. P., 822, 1398 Vitart, X., 1285, 2657, 2756 Vettier, C., 2234, 2285, 2286, 2287, 2352 Vitorge, P., 718, 719, 722, 726, 727, 728, 739, Vezzu, G., 3029, 3030, 3283, 3293, 3296 744, 745, 753, 756, 767, 769, 771, 775, Viala, F., 1873 881, 888, 891, 989, 1008, 1019, 1021, Viani, B. E., 3101, 3152, 3156 1045, 1047, 1048, 1085, 1086, 1087, Vicens, J., 2456, 2457, 2458, 2459, 2460, 2461 1098, 1100, 1101, 1110, 1111, 1117, Vidali, M., 115, 1926, 2437, 2438 1118, 1131, 1147, 1148, 1149, 1150, Vidanskii, L. M., 346 1155, 1157, 1158, 1159, 1160, 1161, Viers, D. K., 2864 1162, 1164, 1165, 1166, 1167, 1169, Author Index I-279 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

1170, 1171, 1180, 1181, 1314, 1341, Volkov, V. A., 424, 430, 431, 437, 450, 454, 1354, 2114, 2115, 2117, 2120, 2126, 470, 471, 473 2127, 2128, 2133, 2136, 2137, 2140, Volkov, V. V., 1402, 1422, 1423 2142, 2144, 2145, 2151, 2152, 2154, Volkov, Y. F., 735, 739, 744, 747, 749, 1164, 2155, 2159, 2160, 2161, 2163, 2164, 1312, 1315, 1319, 2527, 2595 2165, 2168, 2170, 2171, 2173, 2174, Volkov, Yu. F., 108, 109, 1422, 2129, 2131, 2175, 2182, 2186, 2187, 2193, 2194, 2427, 2431, 2442 2195, 2197, 2199, 2200, 2201, 2204, Volkova, E. A., 20, 24 2206, 2538, 2576, 2578, 2582, 2583, Volkovich, V. A., 372, 373, 374 2673, 3099, 3136, 3206, 3213, 3347 Volkoy, Y. F., 1931 Vitos, L., 1044 Vollath, D., 2392 Vitti, C., 262 Volleque, P. G., 1821 Vityutnev, V. M., 1448, 1449, 1479, 1484, Vollmer, S. H., 2479, 2482, 2809, 2811, 2832, 1512, 1549 2841, 2916, 2919, 2924, 2997 Vivian, A. E., 605, 2401, 2464, 2465, 2466 Voloshin, A. V., 102, 109 Vjachin, V. N., 1398 Volz, W. B., 1475, 1513, 1515 Vladimirova, M. V., 1035, 1144, 1145, 1337 Von Ammon, R., 2817 Vlasov, M. M., 3024 von Bolton, W., 61, 63, 80, 115 Vlasov, Yu. G., 3029 von Erichsen, L., 332 Vobecky, M., 1512, 1624, 1632 von Goldbeck, O., 53, 67 Vochten, R., 262, 267, 268, 294, 541 von Gunten, H. R., 1449, 1450, 1451 Vodovatov, V. A., 539, 1116, 2594 von Hippel, F. N., 3173 Voegli, R., 2828 von Schnering, H. G., 98, 100 Voegtlin, C., 3340, 3354, 3413, 3421, 3423 von Wartenberg, H., 61, 63, 80 Voelz, G., 1818, 1819, 1820 von Wedelstaedt, E., 3413 Voelz, G. L., 1820, 1821, 3199, 3252 von Welsbach, C. A., 52 Vogel, Ch., 1643 Vorobei, M. P., 545, 546 Vogel, G. J., 1081 Vorob’ev, A. F., 2114, 2148, 2149, 2185 Vogel, J. S., 3316 Vorob’eva, V. V., 1352, 1553 Vogel, M., 1735 Voronov, N. M., 364, 365, 373, 375, 393 Vogel, R. C., 950, 1080, 1086, 2632, 2710 Voshage, H., 3306 Vogel, S. C., 965, 966, 967 Vosko, S. H., 1643, 1904 Vogl, K., 3017, 3027 Vostokin, G. K., 1654, 1719, 1720, 1738 Vogler, S., 3046 Vostrotin, V. V., 1821 Vogt, E., 1653 Vozhdaeva, E. E., 525 Vogt, O., 100, 409, 412, 718, 739, 744, 1023, Vrtis, R. N., 2802, 2876 1052, 1055, 1056, 1318, 2234, Vu, D., 98 2236, 2362 Vukcevic, L., 3051 Vogt, S., 3173 Vyalikh, D. V., 2237 Vogt, T., 942 Vyas, B. N., 1819 Vohra, Y. K., 61, 2370 Vyatkin, V. E., 1127 Voight, A. F., 29 Vyatkina, I. I., 1330 Voinov, A. A., 14, 1654, 1719, 1736, 1738 Vysokoostrovskaya, N. B., 1145 Voinova, L. M., 2432 Voitekhova, E. A., 373, 375 Vokhmin, V., 118, 119, 1991, 2126, 2531, Waber, J. T., 398, 408, 409, 973, 976, 977, 3101, 3104, 3110, 3111, 3113, 3114, 1626, 1627, 1669, 1670, 1682, 1689, 3115, 3116, 3117, 3118 1728, 1731, 1732, 1733, 3200, Vokhmyakov, A. N., 93 3213, 3259 Volchok, H. L., 3282, 3295 Wacher, W. A., 117 Volck, C., 95, 110 Wachter, P., 420, 1055, 1056 Volden, H., 2169 Wachter, W. A., 116, 117, 2240, 2464, 2467, Volden, H. V., 1958 2471, 2472, 2801, 2815 Volesky, B., 2669 Wachter, Z., 3045 Volf, V., 1179, 3361, 3404, 3413, 3415, 3416, Wachtmann, K. H., 69, 72 3419, 3420, 3421, 3422 Wacker, L., 1806 Voliotis, S., 102, 109, 131, 587, 588, 2427 Wada, H., 2652 Volk, T., 2728 Wada, N., 407 I-280 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Wada, Y., 712, 762 Walewski, M., 2441 Waddill, G. D., 277 Walker, A., 350, 373, 380, 382, 729, 2077 Wade, K. L., 2676 Walker, A. J., 356 Wade, U., 1178, 1180 Walker, C. R., 357 Wade, W. Z., 958, 959, 960, 2118, 2121 Walker, C. T., 69, 73, 719, 720, 725, 2274, 2275 Wadier, J. F., 391, 396, 1044 Walker, D. I., 2434 Wadsley, A. D., 113 Walker, F. W., 164 Wadt, W. R., 576, 578, 1194, 1195, 1196, 1908, Walker, I. R., 407, 2239, 2359 1916, 1917, 2084, 2165, 2400 Walker, L. A., 521 Waerenborgh, J. C., 719, 720 Walker, R., 2253, 2488, 2852, 2853 Wagener, W., 2284 Walker, R. L., 3312 Waggener, W. C., 763 Walker, S., 593 Wagman, D. D., 34, 62, 322, 2114, 2115, 2117, Walker, S. M., 2256 2120, 2135, 2136, 2137, 2165 Walker, W., 1756, 1758, 1805 Wagner, F., 1582 Wall, D. E., 2552, 2584 Wagner, F., Jr., 1453, 1454, 1455, 1513, 1515, Wall, I., 377 1533, 1543, 1544 Wall, M., 964, 965, 967, 2342 Wagner, F. W., 1455, 1515 Wall, M. A., 863, 967, 980, 981, 983, 984, Wagner, J. J., 1845, 1846 986, 987 Wagner, M. J., 1294, 2748 Wall, N., 1352 Wagner, R. P., 1090 Wallace, M. W., 3159 Wagner, W., 466, 472, 476, 479, 482, 496, Wallace, P. L., 910, 912 499, 2236 Wallace, T. C., 67, 71, 2407, 2408 Wahl, A. C., 4, 5, 8, 814, 815, 834, 902, 903, Wallace, W. E., 66, 67 904, 907, 912, 913 Wallenius, M., 3062 Wahlberg, J., 3061 Waller, B. E., 2681, 2682, 2683, 2684 Wahlgren, U., 565, 577, 578, 580, 581, 589, Walling, M. T., Jr., 2732 590, 591, 595, 596, 606, 608, 609, 610, Wallmann, J. C., 5, 1085, 1295, 1297, 1409, 612, 613, 616, 617, 619, 620, 622, 623, 1410, 1412, 1413, 1414, 1417, 1419, 1113, 1156, 1907, 1909, 1918, 1919, 1420, 2386, 2387, 2395, 2396, 2397 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, Wallmeroth, K., 3320, 3321 1931, 1932, 1933, 2185, 2187, 2195, Wallner, C., 3016, 3063 2532, 2576, 2578, 2579, 3101, 3102, Wallroth, K. A., 110 3103, 3104, 3105, 3112, 3120, 3125, Wallwork, A. L., 711, 760, 761, 1926, 1928, 3126, 3127, 3128, 3144 1929, 1931, 2757 Wai, C. M., 2677, 2678, 2679, 2680, 2681, Walsh, K. A., 1077, 1093, 1095, 1104 2682, 2683, 2684, 2689 Walsh, P. J., 2847, 2933, 2986 Wailes, P. C., 116 Walstedt, R. E., 2280 Wain, A. G., 178, 181, 772, 773, 774, 1290 Walter, A. J., 178, 179, 195, 196, 226, 340, 353, Wait, E., 342, 346, 357, 358, 390, 2394 354, 360, 362, 726, 2391 Wait, Z., 3171 Walter, D., 116, 2865 Waite, T. D., 273, 3165, 3166, 3167, 3176 Walter, H. J., 231 Wakamatsu, S., 1049 Walter, K. H., 195, 378, 729, 730, 1060, 1061, Wakerley, M. W., 494 1064, 1065, 1066, 1067, 1312, 1313, Wakita, H., 3106 1422, 2431, 2432, 2433 Walch, P. F., 1916, 2561 Walter, M., 3165, 3167 Waldek, A., 33, 859, 1452, 1513, 1588, 1590, Walters, R. L., 1803 1840, 1875, 1876, 1877, 3047, 3321 Walters, R. T., 1088 Waldek, W., 1687, 1710, 1718 Walther, C., 223, 1147, 1150, 1152, 1153, 1154, Walden, J. C., 958, 959 1735, 3020, 3036, 3045, 3066 Walder, A. J., 638, 639, 3310, 3311, 3312, Walther, H., 787, 1114 3313 Walton, A., 170 Waldhart, J., 70 Walton, J. R., 5, 1637 Waldron, M. B., 892, 904, 905, 913 Walton, J. T., 1653 Waldron, W. B., 900, 901, 902, 988 Walton, R. A., 94 Walen, R. J., 164 Walton, R. I., 593, 2256 Walenta, K., 261, 262, 263, 265, 267, 288, Wan, A., 265 293, 294 Wan, H. L., 76 Author Index I-281 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Waner, M. J., 97 Ward, J., 1403, 1411 Wang, A., 108 Ward, J. W., 34, 192, 195, 328, 333, 334, 335, Wang, F., 1905, 1907 722, 723, 724, 795, 989, 990, 994, 995, Wang, H. K., 2852 1298, 1330, 1403, 1411, 1459, 1523, Wang, H.-Y., 108 1527, 1555, 1562, 1592, 1593, 2115, Wang, J., 133, 727, 2830, 2866, 2918, 2923, 2116, 2117, 2120, 2122, 2123, 2148, 2935, 2944, 2950, 2965, 2969, 2971 2188, 2189, 2208, 2209, 2210, 2403, Wang, J. Q., 2913, 2918, 2927, 2930, 2935, 2404, 3204, 3205, 3213, 3214, 3239, 2938, 2940, 2943, 2953, 2955, 2958, 3240, 3241, 3242 2961, 2965, 2969, 2971 Ward, R., 376 Wang, J. X., 2866, 2922, 2940, 2943, 2975, Ward, W. C., 3031 2976, 2979 Warden, J., 1516 Wang, L. M., 2157, 2159 Wardman, P., 371 Wang, M., 3055 Ware, M. J., 93 Wang, Q., 577, 627, 1192, 1199, 1897, 1909, Warf, J., 80 1928, 1930, 1939, 1940, 2037 Warf, J. C., 107, 329, 332, 336, 423, 444, 632, Wang, R., 1023 841, 3246 Wang, R. T., 2602 Warneke, T., 3328 Wang, R.-J., 472 Warner, A. J., 3346, 3372, 3373 Wang, S., 2752 Warner, B. P., 1185, 1186, 1958, 2491, 2850, Wang, U.-S., 1285 2922, 2995, 2996 Wang, W., 108 Warner, H., 881, 888, 891, 989, 1008, 1019, Wang, W. D., 630, 2979 1021, 1045, 1047, 1048, 1085, 1086, Wang, X., 1975, 2676, 2762 1087, 1098, 1100, 1101, 1110, 1111, Wang, X. Z., 70, 73 1117, 1118, 1131, 1147, 1148, 1149, Wang, Y., 1285, 1903, 3052 1150, 1155, 1157, 1158, 1162, 1167, Wang, Z., 2587 1169, 1170, 1171, 1180, 1181 Wangersky, P. J., 170 Warner, J. C., 255, 303, 318, 319 Wani, B. N., 110 Warner, J. K., 269, 278 Wa¨nke, H., 1398, 1421, 1433, 3306 Warren, B. E., 2385 Wanklyn, B. M., 113 Warren, I. H., 100 Wanner, H., 121, 125, 128, 421, 423, 425, 435, Warren, K. D., 2253, 2261 440, 441, 457, 458, 469, 473, 474, 477, Warren, R. F., 2880 478, 480, 481, 497, 502, 503, 509, 513, Warwick, P., 3279, 3285 514, 515, 516, 517, 536, 538, 543, 544, Warwick, P. E., 3328 545, 551, 552, 556, 593, 594, 595, 596, Wasserburg, G. J., 638, 3288, 3311, 3312, 597, 598, 599, 601, 602, 603, 718, 719, 3313 722, 726, 727, 728, 739, 744, 745, 767, Wasserburg, G. T., 3014 769, 771, 1155, 1159, 1166, 1171, 1314, Wasserman, H. J., 2472, 2480, 2801, 2807, 1328, 1329, 1330, 1338, 1339, 1341, 2832, 2891 1354, 1355, 2114, 2115, 2117, 2120, Wasserman, N., 33, 1296 2126, 2127, 2128, 2129, 2132, 2133, Wasserman, S. R., 754, 3087, 3095, 3099, 2136, 2137, 2140, 2142, 2143, 2144, 3100, 3107, 3108, 3119, 3152, 2145, 2150, 2151, 2152, 2154, 2155, 3157, 3158 2156, 2157, 2159, 2160, 2161, 2163, Wastin, F., 69, 73, 97, 719, 720, 861, 863, 967, 2164, 2165, 2168, 2169, 2170, 2171, 968, 1009, 1012, 1015, 1016, 1023, 2173, 2174, 2175, 2181, 2182, 2186, 1033, 1034, 1050, 1052, 1056, 1112, 2187, 2193, 2194, 2195, 2197, 2199, 1166, 1304, 1784, 1790, 2239, 2289, 2200, 2201, 2204, 2205, 2206, 2538, 2290, 2347, 2352, 2353, 2372, 2407, 2546, 2576, 2578, 2579, 2582, 2583, 3109, 3210 3152, 3206, 3213, 3214, 3215, 3347, Wastin, F. J., 2237, 2286 3380, 3382 Watanabe, H., 390, 391, 1019 Wantong, M., 1267 Watanabe, K., 392, 395 Wanwilairat, S., 1507 Watanabe, M., 1272, 1273, 1286, 2675, 2761 Wapstra, A. H., 13, 164, 815, 817, 1267, Watanabe, N., 412 1446, 1660 Watanabe, T., 407 Waqar, F., 3060 Watanabe, Y., 1695, 1699, 1905, 3062 Ward, B. J., 918, 919 Waterman, M. J., 1174, 1175 I-282 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Waters, T. N., 546, 2429 Wei, Y., 2749 Watkin, J. G., 439, 454, 455, 1182, 1183, 1184, Wei, Y. Z., 845, 1294, 1295 1186, 2400, 2484, 2486, 2487, 2813, Weifan, Y., 1267 2814, 2844, 2845 Weigel, F., 35, 36, 38, 162, 199, 200, 201, 383, Watling, R. J., 3327 395, 559, 593, 745, 747, 749, 1034, Watrous, R. M., 172, 175 1069, 1078, 1095, 1100, 1101, 1172, Watson, G. M., 2281, 2282 1312, 1319, 1321, 1322, 1323, 1357, Watson, J. N., 279, 280 1359, 1361, 1418, 1421, 1422, 2163, Watson, K. J., 2530 2164, 2393, 2407, 2408, 2417, 2422, Watson, P., 2289, 2290 2427, 2430, 2431, 2434, 2436, 2439, Watson, P. L., 2924, 3002 2441, 2442, 3206, 3207, 3208, 3212 Watson, R. E., 1461 Weigl, M., 2756 Watson, S. B., 2735 Weiland, E., 3152 Watt, G. W., 115, 493, 494 Weill, F. L., 1824 Wattal, P. K., 712, 713, 1281, 1282, 2743, Weinheim, M. K., 1584, 1606 2745, 2747, 2757 Weinland, R. F., 105 Watts, J. D., 1902 Weinstock, B., 732, 733, 1080, 1081, 1086, Watts, O., 2827 1088, 1090, 1935, 1937, 2083, 2241, Watts, R., 3353 2243, 2421 Waugh, A. B., 198, 478, 498, 502, 503, 511, Weisman, S. J., 194 530, 2394, 2418 Weiss, A. R., 319 Wauters-Stoop, D., 267 Weiss, B., 1688, 1700, 1718 Wawryk, R., 100 Weiss, R. J., 942 Waychunas, G. A., 3163, 3165, 3166, 3167, Weissbluth, M., 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 3173, 3176, 3177 2027, 2040 Wayland, B. B., 2576 Weitl, F. L., 3378, 3413, 3414, 3415, 3416, Wayman, R., xvi 3418, 3419, 3420, 3421 Weakley, T. J. R., 2660 Weitzel, H., 391 Weaver, B., 1271, 1275, 1286, 1312, 1448, Weitzenmiller, F., 900, 901 1449, 1479, 1480, 1629, 2626, Welch, G. A., 1004, 1007, 1008, 1018, 1031, 2651, 2758 1032, 1034, 1151, 1174, 3212, 3217, Weaver, B. S., 1509 3218, 3222 Weaver, C. F., 423, 444, 461 Welch, R. B., 1738 Weaver, E. E., 732, 733, 1086, 2421 Weldrick, G., 375 Weaver, J. H., 64, 2864 Weller, M. T., 259, 287, 2390, 2394 Webb, G. W., 34 Wellington, G. M., 3162 Webb, S. M., 3181 Wells, A. F., 569, 579, 600, 1007, 1059, 1083, Weber, A., 182, 185, 1447, 1704, 1705 3208, 3214, 3215 Weber, E. T., 997, 998 Wells, H. L., 90 Weber, J., 1477 Welp, U., 2267 Weber, J. K. R., 963 Weltner, J. W., 1968, 1985 Weber, L. W., 2238, 2261, 2262, 2362 Weltner, W. J., 2894 Weber, M. J., 1545 Welton, T., 2686 Weber, S., 2655, 2738, 2739 Wen, Z., 791 Weber, W. J., 863, 3163 Wenck, P., 3117 Weber, W. P., 2969 Wenclawiak, B. W., 2679, 2681 Wede, U., 777, 779, 780, 782 Wendeler, H., 789, 1875, 1877 Wedekind, E., 398 Wendlandt, W. W., 107 Wedermeyer, H., 339, 340 Wendt, H., 616 Wedler, M., 2875 Wendt, K, 60 Weeks, A. D., 363, 367 Wendt, K., 1452, 1875, 1876, 1877 Weeks, M. E., 19, 20, 52 Weng, W. Z., 76 Weeks, S., 3036 Wenji, W., 2452, 2456 Weger, H. T., 1172 Wensch, G. W., 909 Weghorn, S. J., 605, 2463, 2464, 2466 Werkema, E. L., 2845, 2846 Wei, C.-T., 3405 Werner, A., 2563 Wei, L., 3062 Werner, B., 2480, 2836 Wei, S. H., 928 Werner, E. J., 2655 Author Index I-283 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Werner, G. D., 1108, 1109, 1111 Whitehouse, C. A., 1821 Werner, G. K., 1363, 1423, 1454, 1533, 1534, Whiteley, M. W., 1927, 1928, 2583, 3132 1543, 1592, 1604 Whiting, M. C., 1952 Werner, G.-D., 1172, 1312, 1319, 1320, 1321, Whitley, M. W., 588, 595 2430, 2431 Whitman, C. I., 61, 319 Werner, H., 2953 Whittacker, B., 2123, 2160 Werner, L. B., 5, 815, 834, 934, 1366, 1397 Whittaker, B., 94, 186, 191, 198, 199, 200, 201, Wernli, B., 3068 203, 206, 207, 208, 466, 471, 472, 476, Wersin, P., 3152 479, 482, 496, 498, 499, 501, 512, 515, Wes Efurd, D., 1155 524, 527, 731, 732, 745, 746, 2065, Weschke, E., 2237 2276, 2413, 2419, 2420 Wessels, G. F. S., 115 Whyte, D. D., 909 West, M., 457, 486 Wiblin, W. A., 225, 226 West, M. H., 1093 Wichmann, U., 396 West, R., 2969 Wick, G. C., 164 Wester, D. W., 745, 1160, 1164, 1169, 1170, Wick, O. J., 814, 891, 957, 958, 988, 991, 1007, 1294, 1454, 2094, 2095, 2096, 2748 1032, 1070, 1073, 1138, 1173, Westgaard, L., 170, 187 1175, 2730 Westlake, D. G., 64 Wicke, E., 329, 330, 331, 332 Westland, A. D., 93 Wickleder, M. S., 52 Weston, R., 1071 Wickman, H. H., 2265 Westphal, B. R., 2717 Wicks, G. W., 3265 Westrum, E. F., 2273, 2282 Widmark, P.-O., 1979 Westrum, E. F., Jr., 106, 340, 345, 348, 350, Wiedenheft, C. J., 1045 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 359, 378, 478, Wiehl, N., 1666, 1695, 1702, 1717, 1735 486, 497, 502, 988, 1015, 1018, 1028, Wielstra, Y., 2924 1030, 1034, 1052, 1079, 1098, 1100, Wiener, M., 3398, 3399 2114, 2156, 2169, 2176, 2203, 2204, Wier, T. P. J., 2685 2208, 2211 Wierczinski, B., 1663, 1666, 1695, 1699, 1702, Westrum, E. F., Jr ., 1085, 1101 1717, 1735 Weulersse, J. M., 537, 566, 567 Wierzbicki, A., 2691 Wharf, R. M., 2677 Wierzbicki, J. G., 1507, 1518, 1829 Wharton, J. H., 526 Wiesinger, G., 2362 Wheeler, R. B., 1432 Wietzke, R., 1963, 1965 Wheeler, R. G., 1913 Wiewandt, T. A., 722, 723, 724, 2404 Wheeler, V. I., 342, 357 Wigel, F., 1312, 1319, 1320, 1321 Wheeler, V. J., 106, 1019 Wiggens, J. T., 1584 Wheelwright, E. J., 1268, 1290, 1291 Wiggins, J. T., 1509 Whicker, F. W., 3296 Wiggins, P. E., 1507 Whisenhunt, D. W., 2591, 3419 Wiggins, P. F., 1507 Whisenhunt, D. W., Jr., 2669 Wigley, D. A., 981, 983 White, A. H., 1174, 2441, 2457, 2461, 2571 Wigley, T. M. L., 2728 White, D., 3416, 3419 Wigner, 1911 White, D. J., 1168, 2591, 3419 Wigner, E., 2326 White, D. L., 3413, 3414, 3416, 3417, 3418, Wigner, E. P., 2310 3419, 3421 Wijbenga, G., 2208, 2211 White, G. D., 87, 90 Wijesundera, W. P., 1643 White, G. M., 115 Wijkstra, J., 1449 White, H. E., 1872 Wilcox, P. E., 3362 White, J., 415, 416, 417 Wilcox, W. W., 942, 943, 944, 946 White, J. C., 313 Wild, J. F., 14, 1297, 1398, 1530, 1533, 1543, White, J. F., 368 1629, 1633, 1636, 1639, 1641, 1647, White, M. R., 3387, 3388 1653, 1654, 1692, 1695, 1696, 1707, White, R. W., 68, 191, 193, 1302, 2350 1719, 1736, 1738, 2077, 2416, 2525, White, T. J., 278 2526, 2670 White, W. B., 293 Wilhelm, H. A., 61, 63, 67, 319, 399 Whitehead, N. E., 3026, 3029 Wilhelm, W., 2236 Whitehorn, J. P., 3244 Wilhelmy, J. B., 1447, 1477 I-284 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Wilk, P. A., 815, 1447, 1582, 1662, 1666, 1684, Willis, B. T. M., 340, 344, 345, 347, 348, 354, 1693, 1695, 1701, 1702, 1711, 1712, 2273, 2392, 3163 1713, 1716, 1717, 1735, 1737 Willis, D. L., 3355, 3366 Wilke, G., 116, 2865 Willis, J. M., 90 Wilkerson, M. P., 2400 Willis, J. O., 995, 2333, 2351 Wilkes, J. S., 2686 Willis, M., 2132 Wilkins, R., 2603 Willit, J. L., 2692, 2695, 2696, 2698, 2723 Wilkins, R. G., 164, 184, 215, 220, 221, 222, Wills, B. T. M., 2391 227, 606, 609, 613, 2564 Wills, J., 2248, 2289, 2291 Wilkinso, D. H., 1660 Wills, J. H., 3380 Wilkinson, D. H., 13, 1660 Wills, J. M., 190, 924, 925, 928, 934, 935, 1300, Wilkinson, G., 162, 630, 1189, 1800, 1952, 1301, 1894, 2313, 2318, 2330, 2347, 2628, 2799, 2800, 2815, 2866, 3130, 2348, 2355, 2370, 2384 3131, 3132, 3346 Wilmarth, P., 1653, 1738 Wilkinson, M. K., 334, 335, 2232 Wilmarth, W. R., 421, 1469, 1533, 1544, Wilkinson, W. D., 255, 313, 317, 318, 321, 323, 2174, 2271 325, 327, 403, 903, 3245 Wilson, A., 70 Wilks, M. J., 3017, 3302 Wilson, A. S., 63, 64, 65, 339, 399, 407 Will, G., 719, 720 Wilson, D. W., 98, 99, 100, 2411 Willets, A., 596, 1907, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1938 Wilson, G. C., 3318 Willett, R. D., 102, 110 Wilson, G. L., 2160 Willetts, A., 2528, 3102, 3113, 3123 Wilson, H. D., 1509 Williams, A., 334, 335 Wilson, I., 2591, 3419, 3421 Williams, C., 754, 1088, 1194, 1473, 1474, Wilson, L. J., 2864 1475, 2080, 2084, 2086, 2263, 3087, Wilson, M., 190, 199, 1852 3099, 3100, 3107, 3108 Wilson, M. J., 1507 Williams, C. T., 277, 278 Wilson, P. W., 425, 435, 439, 453, 455, 469, Williams, C. W., 380, 483, 486, 731, 732, 734, 473, 474, 495, 515, 530, 536, 543, 544, 764, 861, 1061, 1063, 1112, 1113, 1312, 560, 562, 567, 568, 569, 573, 594, 2417, 1313, 1356, 1370, 1419, 1420, 1454, 2418, 2420, 2421, 2424, 2426 1455, 1465, 1471, 1474, 1480, 1481, Wilson, R. E., 1825, 3173, 3176, 3177, 3420 1544, 1605, 1778, 1933, 2014, 2016, Wilson, S., 1669 2020, 2031, 2037, 2041, 2044, 2047, Wilson, S. R., 2464 2054, 2056, 2064, 2068, 2069, 2070, Wilson, T. A., 2385 2071, 2072, 2073, 2075, 2082, 2085, Wilson, W. B., 393 2096, 2099, 2127, 2153, 2161, 2190, Wilson, W. W., 561 2233, 2264, 2267, 2268, 2293, 2397, Wimmer, H., 1352, 1354, 1405, 1406, 1433, 2419, 2420, 2526, 2527, 2528, 2531, 2536, 2591, 3037, 3038, 3043 2532, 2584, 3039, 3087, 3106, 3107, Winand, J. M., 1304 3108, 3110, 3111, 3112, 3114, 3116, Winchester, R. S., 832, 837 3122, 3125, 3170, 3179, 3181 Windley, B. F., 270, 271 Williams, D. R., 131, 132 Windus, T. L., 1908 Williams, E. H., 620 Winfield, J. M., 520 Williams, G., 2457 Wing, R. O., 3258 Williams, G. A., 3017, 3302 Wingchen, H., 80, 81, 82 Williams, J., 1070 Wingefors, S., 1286, 2672 Williams, J. H., 2250 Winick, H., 3088 Williams, J. L., 1507, 2686, 3343, 3349, 3350, Winkelmann, I., 3017, 3027 3396, 3398, 3399, 3405 Winkler, B., 2265, 2293 Williams, J. M., 2283, 2479, 2481, 2839, 2841 Winkler, C., 61, 63, 64 Williams, K. R., 1479, 1554, 2603, 2604, 2605 Winkler, J. R., 577 Williams, M. H., 3341, 3387, 3403, 3405 Winkler, R., 784 Williams, P., 101, 104 Winninck, J., 2687, 2691 Williams, R. J. P., 1640 Winocur, J., 190, 1847 Williams, R. W., 231, 3312, 3314 Winslow, G. H., 345, 351 Williams, S. J., 786 Winter, H., 63 Williamson, G. K., 892, 913 Winter, N. W., 1908, 1909, 1910, 1930 Williamson, M., 3403, 3404, 3407, 3410 Winter, P. W., 369 Author Index I-285 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Winter, R., 3398 Wolfer, W. G., 863, 980, 981, 983, 984, 985, Winterfeld, J., 2924 986, 987 Wipff, G., 596, 1927, 2560, 2590, 2685, 3101, Wollan, E. O., 64, 2402 3102, 3119, 3121 Wolmersha¨user, G., 2480 Wirth, B. D., 863, 980, 981, 983, 984, 986 Wolmersha¨user, G., 2836 Wirth, F., 104 Wolson, R. D., 2714, 2715 Wirth, G., 204, 205, 1662, 1664, 1679, 1684, Wolzak, G., 164 1685, 1687, 1708, 1709, 1710, 1713, Wong, C. H., 2816 1714, 1716, 1718, 1738 Wong, C.-H., 2471, 2472 Wirth, P., 1179, 3415, 3416, 3420 Wong, E., 471, 476, 482, 496, 2243 Wirth, R., 3364, 3365, 3377, 3379, 3398, 3399, Wong, E. Y., 763, 764, 2066, 2067, 2089, 2226 3404, 3422 Wong, J., 964, 965, 967, 2342 Wise, H. S., 190, 226 Wong, K., 3031 Wiseman, P. J., 123, 126 Wong, K. M., 2351, 3282 Wishnevsky, V., 200, 1095, 1100, 1101, 1312, Wong, N. L., 3357, 3381, 3383 1357, 1418, 2164, 2422 Wong, P. J., 988, 1159, 2650 Wisniewski, P., 412, 2411 Woo, S. I., 2669 Wisnubroto, D. S., 713, 2738 Wood, C. P., 1670 Wisnyi, L. G., 372, 373 Wood, D. H., 910, 914, 915, 3258, 3259 Wison, L. C., 1507 Wood, J. H., 333, 334, 335, 1908, 1916, 1938 Wiswall, R. J., Jr., 854 Wood, P., 348 Withers, H. R., 1507 Wood, R., 3413 Witte, A. M., 70 Woodall, M. J., 385, 388 Witteman, W. G., 2407, 2408 Woodhead, J. D., 3326 Wittenberg, L. J., 487, 718, 719, 891, 904, 914, Woodhead, J. L., 188, 225, 226, 1093 962, 963 Woodley, R. E., 396, 404, 3220 Wittig, J., 1300 Woodrow, A. B., 636, 3306 Wittmann, F. D., 1312, 1321, 1359, 2407, 2408 Woodruff, L., 3356 Wittmann, M., 98, 100 Woodruff, S. B., 1916 Wlodzimirska, B., 32 Woods, A. B. D., 2274, 2277 Wlotzka, F., 3306 Woods, M., 1129, 1160, 1166, 1335 Wocadlo, S., 2442, 2447, 2448 Woods, M. J., 3302 Wogman, N. A., 3297 Woods, R. J., 1144 Wo¨hler, L., 104 Woods, S. A., 3302 Wo¨hler, P., 104 Woodward, L. A., 93 Wohlleben, D., 62 Woodward, R. B., 1952 Woiterski, A., 1906 Woodwark, D. R., 546, 2087 Wojakowski, A., 195, 204, 414, 416, 739, 740, Woody, R. J., 305, 308 741, 742, 743, 1020, 1022, 1304, 1312, Woolard, D. C., 108 1316, 1317, 1318, 1412, 1415, 1421, Woollatt, R., 35 2411, 2413 Wooten, J. K., Jr., 2027, 2040 Wojakowski, W., 740, 742, 1414 Worden, E. F., 859, 1452, 1453, 1513, 1516, Wolcott, N. M., 2350 1544, 1586, 1836, 1839, 1840, 1845, Wold, S., 3062 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1864, Wolf, A. S., 518 1865, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, Wolf, G., 64 1877, 1878, 1882, 1885 Wolf, M., 1312, 1357, 2167, 2422 Worden, E. F. J., 2018 Wolf, M. J., 107, 181, 182, 187, 1092, 1094, Worl, L. A., 2752 1095, 1100, 1101 World Energy Council, 1755 Wolf, R., 636, 3306 Wort, D. J. H., 1873 Wolf, S. F., 253, 273, 637, 638, 3017, 3273, Wortman, D. E., 2044 3294, 3296, 3299, 3301, 3302, 3308, Wouthuysen, S. A., 1906 3324, 3326, 3327, 3328 Wrenn, M. E., 133, 3069, 3340, 3345, 3349, Wolf, T., 2118, 2121 3355, 3366, 3371, 3374, 3396, Wolf, W., 2229, 2241 3405, 3424 Wolf, W. P., 356 Wriedt, H. A., 1017, 1019, 1025, 1026, 1029, Wolfberg, K., 3031 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 3206, 3207, Wolfe, B. E., 367 3211, 3212 I-286 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Wright, A., 2283 Xin, R. X., 2753 Wright, A. F., 994, 1082 Xing-Fu, L., 2912 Wright, H. W., 164, 169 Xiong, G., 2999 Wright, J. C., 2047 Xi-Zhang, F., 2912 Wright, J. M., 841 Xu, D. Q., 108 Wrighton, M. S., 2966 Xu, H., 3052 Wrobel, G., 76 Xu, H. G., 1706 Wrobleski, D. A., 1959, 2480, 2481, 2482, Xu, J., 29, 1168, 1287, 1363, 1813, 1819, 1823, 2832, 2837, 2891 1824, 1825, 2591, 2665, 3343, 3366, Wroblewska, J., 1066, 1068 3369, 3375, 3379, 3382, 3385, 3388, Wrona, B. J., 1021, 1022 3389, 3390, 3391, 3394, 3409, 3413, Wronkiewicz, D. J., 270, 272, 273 3416, 3417, 3418, 3419, 3420, Wronski, T. J., 3402, 3403, 3405 3421, 3423 Wruck, D. A., 1114, 1340 Xu, J. D., 2591, 3413, 3414, 3417, 3418, 3419, Wu, C., 44 3420, 3421, 3422 Wu, E. J., 97 Xu, N., 3165, 3166, 3167, 3176 Wu, H., 2682 Xu, R. Q., 964, 965, 2342 Wu, J., 3055 Xu, S., 791 Wu, K., 42, 43 Xu, S. C., 108 Wu, P., 791 Xu, W., 1534 Wu, S.-C., 188 Xue, Z., 2980 Wu, Y., 76, 77, 715 Xuexian, Y., 1278, 2653 Wu, Y-D., 2980 Wu, Z., 2980 Wulff, M., 2262 Ya, N. Q., 1704 Wyart, J.-F., 857, 858, 859, 860, 1513, 1514, Yaar, I., 719, 720 1516, 1588, 1589, 1604, 1836, 1840, Yabushita, S., 1909, 1910 1841, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, Yacoubi, N., 1303, 1535, 2389 1848, 1849, 1850, 1863, 1864, 1865, Yadav, R. B., 355, 396 1868, 1873, 1876, 1882, 2038 Yaeger, J. S., 3285, 3327 Wyatt, E. I., 164, 169 Yaes, R. J., 1507 Wybourne, B. G., 1365, 1454, 1455, 1513, Yaffe, L., 106 1862, 1896, 2015, 2016, 2020, 2024, Yagnik, S. K., 3055 2025, 2027, 2029, 2030, 2036, 2039, Yahata, T., 993, 994, 1018 2040, 2042, 2049, 2055, 2056, 2074, Yaita, T., 1363, 1370, 1554 2228, 2230 Yakovlev, C. N., 1134 Wycech, S., 1661 Yakovlev, G. N., 180, 1164, 1271, 1275, 1292, Wyckoff, R. W. G., 1084 1312, 1319, 1320, 1322, 1323, 1326, Wydler, A., 1653 1330, 1331, 1333, 1334, 1335, 1352, Wygmans, D. G., 1282, 2655, 2738, 2739, 2740 1402, 1422, 1423, 1427, 1428, 1448, Wylie, A. W., 83, 84, 2424 1449, 1553, 2652 Wymer, R. G., 842, 1033 Yakovlev, N. G., 791, 1448, 1449, 3024 Wynne, K. J., 998 Yakshin, V. V., 705 Wyrick, S. B., 1433 Yakub, E., 2139, 2148 Wyrouboff, G., 76, 77, 104 Yakuschev, A., 1468, 1679, 1684, 1708, Wyse, E. J., 3278, 3327, 3328 1709, 1716 Yakushev, A. B., 1447, 1624, 1632, 1662, 1664, 1684, 1685, 1695, 1700, 1706, Xeu, J., 2669 1707, 1708, 1709, 1713, 1714, 1716, Xi, R. H., 3052 1720, 1721 Xia Kailan, 186 Yamada, C., 1981 Xia, Y. X., 131, 132, 2587 Yamada, K., 396, 397, 398, 2202 Xianye, Z., 1141 Yamada, M., 397 Xiao, Z., 2864 Yamagami, S., 473 Xiaofa, G., 265 Yamagishi, I., 1276, 1292, 2753, 2755, 2760 Xie, Y., 2665 Yamagishi, S., 2723, 2724 Xie, Y. N., 1363 Yamaguchi, A., 394 Xie, Z., 2869 Yamaguchi, H., 822 Author Index I-287 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Yamaguchi, I., 2753, 2755, 2760 Yarbro, O. O., 2735 Yamaguchi, K., 2153, 2157 Yarbro, S. L., 726, 1141 Yamaguchi, L., 1276 Yarembash, E. L., 417 Yamaguchi, T., 822, 1160 Yarkevich, A. N., 2657 Yamakuchi, Y., 189 Yartys, V. A., 66, 338, 339 Yamamato, S., 294 Yasaki, T., 167 Yamamoto, E., 412 Yashita, S., 1653, 1738 Yamamoto, H., 1266, 1267 Yasuda, H., 2924 Yamamoto, I., 2678, 2679, 2681, 2684 Yasuda, K., 3066 Yamamoto, M., 709, 783, 784, 789, 790, 1354, Yasuda, R., 294 3059, 3062, 3068, 3072, 3295, 3296, Yasue, H., 2966 3327, 3328 Yasumoto, M., 2153, 2157 Yamamoto, T., 338, 339, 703 Yatzimirskij, K. B., 2114, 2148, 2149, 2185 Yamamoto, Y., 2953, 2969 Ye, X., 76 Yamamura, T., 626, 627, 2681 Yeager, J. P., 1294 Yamana, H., 30, 37, 120, 121, 703, 1153, 1270, Yee, N., 3180, 3182, 3183 2135, 2575 Yeh, C.-C., 3285 Yamanaka, S., 338, 2157, 2158, 2202 Yeh, S., 731, 732, 2420 Yamanouchi, S., 352 Yen, K.-F., 80, 81 Yamasaki, S., 709, 784, 789, 3327 Yen, T.-M., 2471, 2472 Yamashita, T., 375, 391, 392, 393, 727, 749, Yen, W. M., 763, 766, 2095, 2102, 2103 750, 793, 1025, 1026, 1049, 1056, 1057, Yeremin, A. V., 6, 14, 164, 1653, 1654, 1701, 1812, 2140, 2693 1713, 1717, 1719, 1720, 1737, 1738 Yamauchi, S., 64, 65, 328, 331, 332, 333, 334, Yeremin, A. Y., 1654, 1719 723, 724, 989, 990, 991, 992, 994, 2114, Yeremin, V., 14 2188, 2189, 2190, 3204, 3205, 3206, Yerin, E. A., 2672 3214, 3225, 3241 Yerkess, J., 67, 71 Yamaura, M., 2748 Yermakov, Y. I., 2999 Yamawaki, M., 338, 339, 769, 2153, 2157, Yesn, T. M., 2816 2553, 2738, 3022 Yi, W., 639, 3327 Yamazaki, T., 861 Yi, Z., 265 Yamini, Y., 2681, 2684 Ying-Ting, X., 2912 Yamnova, N. A., 102, 109 Yoder, G. L., 357, 1048, 1071, 1074, 1075, Yan, C., 2869 1076, 1077 Yanai, T., 1906 Yokovlev, G. N., 1312, 1319 Yanase, A., 100 Yokoyama, A., 1696, 1718, 1735 Yanase, N., 3171 Yokoyama, T., 3285 Yanch, J. C., 1507 Yokoyama, Y., 189, 627 Yan-De, H., 2453 Yonco, R. M., 903, 2715 Yang, B. J., 1695 Yoneda, J., 1507 Yang, C. Y., 1916 Yong, P., 297, 717 Yang, D., 785, 2364 Yong-Hui, Y., 2453 Yang, H. S., 231 Yongru, Z., 3062 Yang, K. N., 2357 Yonker, C. R., 2677, 2678 Yang, Q., 2869 Yoshida, H., 2723 Yang, T., 589, 595, 613, 1991, 1992, 3105 Yoshida, N., 68, 2851 Yang, W., 164, 191, 1903 Yoshida, S., 93 Yang, X., 76, 2479, 2938, 2997, 2998, 2999 Yoshida, Y., 753, 790, 791 Yanir, E., 115, 1325, 1328, 1329, 1331 Yoshida, Z., 699, 706, 708, 727, 753, 758, 762, Yano, K., 2202 767, 770, 775, 790, 791, 856, 1049, Yanovskii, A. I., 746, 747, 748, 749, 2434, 1405, 1407, 1409, 1424, 1434, 2095, 2439, 2442, 2595 2096, 2098, 2099, 2100, 2426, 2534, Yao, J., 2677 2678, 2679, 2680, 2681, 2682, 2683, Yao, K., 2577 2684, 3045, 3099 Yaouanc, A., 2236 Yoshihara, K., 473 Yaozhong, C., 2591 Yoshihara, S., 395 Yap, G. P. A., 117, 1966, 2260, 2871, 2872, Yoshihiro, M., 856 2873, 2874 Yoshikawa, S., 1625 I-288 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Yoshiki, N., 2693, 2717 461, 462, 463, 488, 502, 503, 529, 539, Yosida, Z., 1430 543, 567, 718, 719, 740, 879, 882, 885, Yosikama, H., 2637 886, 887, 906, 907, 915, 936, 938, 988, Youmans, W. B., 3357 1006, 1012, 1015, 1019, 1028, 1044, Young, A. P., 377, 378 1082, 1083, 1084, 1096, 1097, 1102, Young, B., 1507 1105, 1109, 1112, 1164, 1295, 1297, Young, B. L., 1268 1303, 1312, 1315, 1317, 1325, 1357, Young, D. A., 3307 1358, 1359, 1360, 1403, 1415, 1419, Young, E. J., 363, 367 1420, 1458, 1463, 1519, 1754, 1786, Young, G. A., 303 2315, 2386, 2388, 2389, 2390, 2391, Young, J. P., 502, 503, 519, 528, 1315, 1446, 2394, 2395, 2396, 2397, 2402, 2403, 1453, 1455, 1456, 1458, 1462, 1465, 2407, 2411, 2411.2413, 2413, 2417, 1468, 1469, 1470, 1471, 1474, 1485, 2418, 2420, 2421, 2422, 2426, 2427, 1529, 1530, 1533, 1534, 1543, 1545, 2431, 2439 1547, 1579, 1596, 1598, 1599, 1600, Zacharova, F. A., 2527 1601, 1880, 1882, 2077, 2417, 2420, Zachwieja, U., 410 2422, 3321 Zadeii, J. M., 133 Young, R. C., 62, 81, 82 Zadneporovskii, G. M., 458, 487 Youngdahl, K. A., 2979 Zadov, A. E., 268, 298 Youngs, T. G. A., 2674 Zadvorkin, S. M., 334, 335 !yres, J. A., 336 Zagrai, V. D., 847 Ysauoka, H., 2280 Zagrebaev, V. I., 14, 1654, 1719, 1736, 1738 Ythier, C., 25 Zahn, R., 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883 Yu, M., 108 Zahradnik, P., 3173 Yu, X., 164 Zahrt, J. D., 1058, 1059, 1060, 1062 Yu, Z., 77 Zaiguo, G., 1267 Yuan, S., 77, 164, 189, 191 Zainel, H. A., 2156 Yuan, V. W., 967 Zaitsev, A. A., 1330, 1331, 1335, 1352, 1405, Yuchs, S. E., 3152, 3157, 3158 1428, 1433, 1553, 2652 Yudin, G. L., 1516 Zaitsev, B., 2739 Yu-fu, Y., 3026, 3028, 3031, 3032, 3066 Zaitsev, B. N., 2739 Yu-Guo, F., 2453 Zaitsev, L. M., 108, 771, 1123, 1163, Yui, M., 1160, 1162, 3134, 3135, 3136 1172, 1352 Yuile, C. L., 3351, 3354, 3355, 3424 Zaitseva, L. L., 113, 1095, 1100, 1101, 1102, Yuita, K., 709, 784, 789, 3327 1106, 1107, 1108, 2426 Yukawa, M., 3062 Zaitseva, N. G., 28, 43, 822 Yun, S. W., 407 Zaitseva, V. P., 504, 1175 Yungman, V. S., 2114, 2148, 2149, 2161, 2185 Zak, O., 3375 Yunlu, K., 2472, 2817, 2818, 2824 Zakharov, L. N., 1965, 2859 Yushkevich, Y. V., 822 Zakharov, V. A., 2999 Yusov, A. B., 626, 988, 1327, 1336, 1355, 1368, Zakharova, F. A., 749, 753, 1113, 1118, 1133, 1405, 1425, 1429, 1430, 1433, 2096, 1156, 3124 2583, 3124, 3126 Zakhvataev, B. B., 1663, 1690 Yussonnua, M., 1664, 1703 Zalduegui, J. F. S., 3284 Yustein, J. T., 1988, 1989 Zalikin, G. A., 3352, 3424 Yuxing, Y., 1278, 2653 Zalkin, A., 67, 71, 78, 82, 83, 106, 116, 208, Yvon, J., 824 423, 580, 1187, 1188, 1943, 1944, 1960, 2251, 2256, 2404, 2405, 2418, 2429, 2434, 2436, 2471, 2472, 2473, 2476, Zabinsky, S. I., 3089 2478, 2479, 2480, 2481, 2482, 2483, Zablocka-Malicka, M., 475, 495 2486, 2487, 2488, 2489, 2558, 2561, Zachara, J. M., 274, 1810, 3156, 3178, 3179, 2802, 2805, 2806, 2808, 2812, 2833, 3180, 3181 2834, 2837, 2852, 2856, 2867, 2877, Zachariasen, W. H., 34, 35, 36, 69, 71, 75, 79, 2879, 2923 80, 87, 90, 91, 95, 96, 97, 98, 191, 192, Zaloudik, J., 1507 193, 194, 195, 196, 198, 201, 206, 207, Zalubas, R., 59, 60, 1843, 1844 229, 329, 350, 372, 373, 379, 380, 405, Zambonini, F., 111 413, 414, 423, 439, 447, 455, 459, 460, Zamir, D., 64, 994, 995, 3206 Author Index I-289 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Zamorani, E., 1033 Zhang, Y.-J., 2442, 2447, 2448 Zamzow, D., 3036 Zhang, Z., 254, 271, 280, 291, 577, 627, 1192, Zanazzi, P. F., 3170 1199, 1777, 1897, 1909, 1910, 1928, Zanella, P., 116, 452, 2472, 2473, 2479, 2484, 1930, 2037, 2400 2801, 2820, 2825, 2826, 2841, 2843 Zhangji, L., 2591 Zanella, R., 2819, 2824 Zhangru, C., 265 Zaniel, H., 2208, 2211 Zhao, D., 298 Zannoni, E., 2100 Zhao, H. T., 3409 Zanonato, P., 2568, 2584, 3102, 3142, Zhao, J., 786 3143, 3145 Zhao, J. G., 1908, 1909 Zanotti, G., 2479 Zhao, K., 1943, 1946, 1949, 1951, 1952, Zantuti, F., 705 2864 Zaritskaya, T. S., 1398 Zhao, P. H., 2591 Zarki, R., 3024 Zhao, X., 3014, 3063 Zarli, B., 2439, 2440 Zhao, X. L., 3063, 3317, 3318 Zasorin, E. Z., 1681 Zhao, Y., 795, 1933, 3057 Zauner, S., 185, 186, 1447, 1662, 1687, 1698, Zhao, Z., 76 1699, 1700, 1705, 1709, 1710, 1718, Zharova, T. P., 760 1879, 1884 Zharskii, I. M., 1681 Zavalsky, Yu. P., 184 Zheng, D., 2924 Zavizziano, H., 174 Zheng, H. S. Z., 2752 Zawodzinski, T. A. J., 2687 Zheng, P. J., 2831 Zazzetta, A., 2490, 2491, 2493, 2859 Zhernosekov, K., 1479, 3101, 3102, 3111, Zdanowicz, E., 100 3112, 3113, 3114 Zech, P., 1507 Zhong, C., 2453 Zeelie, B., 482, 492, 496, 498, 574 Zhong, J., 795 Zeh, P., 3057 Zhorin, V. V., 2042, 2047, 2048, 2049, 2053, Zehnder, A., 1447 2059, 2061 Zekany, L., 1166 Zhou, G.-F., 1285 Zeldes, H., 2266 Zhou, J. S., 1059 Zelenkov, A. G., 164, 166 Zhou, M., 1918, 1919, 1969, 1972, 1973, 1974, Zelentov, S. S., 726 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1985, 1986, Zelinski, A., 191 1987, 1988 Zeller, R., 2236 Zhou, M. F., 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1982, Zeltman, A. H., 529, 530 1983, 1984, 1985, 1990 Zemann, H., 3159, 3163 Zhou, M. L., 108 Zemb, T., 2649, 2657 Zhou, S., 928 Zemlyanukhin, V. I., 1271 Zhu, D.-H., 3420 Zemskov, B. G., 793 Zhu, J., 1285, 2966, 2974 Zenkova, R. A., 1320 Zhu, S., 2681 Zeoeda, E., 3308 Zhu, W. J., 77 Zerner, M., 1943, 1946, 1949 Zhu, X.-H., 2965 Zeyen, C. M. E., 81 Zhu, Y., 29, 713, 785, 1274, 1287, 1288, 1352, Zhang, D., 2923 1363, 1407, 1412, 2562, 2665, 2676, Zhang, F., 927 2752, 2753, 2754, 2762 Zhang, H., 116, 2240, 2473, 2480, 2484, 2803, Zhuchko, V. E., 1707 2804, 2812, 2816, 2829, 2844, Zhuikov, B. L., 1628, 1634, 1670, 1672, 2845, 2912 1692, 1693 Zhang, H. B., 76 Zhuk, M. I., 113 Zhang, J., 265, 2452, 2665 Zhuravelova, A. K., 3352, 3424 Zhang, L., 3117 Zhuravleva, G. I., 711, 761, 1128, 1129, 1130, Zhang, P., 2665, 2753 1140, 1141, 1142, 2757 Zhang, Q., 231 Ziegler, M., 3420 Zhang, W., 3062 Ziegler, S., 1881 Zhang, X., 164, 186, 791 Ziegler, T., 1907 Zhang, X. F., 2831 Zielen, A. J., 606, 748, 781, 1181, 1356, 2527, Zhang, Y., 266 2583, 2594, 2599, 3125 Zhang, Y. X., 861 Zielinski, P., 1713, 1714, 1737, 1738 I-290 Author Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440

Zielinski, P. M., 1662, 1664, 1666, 1685, 1695, Zolotulcha, S. I., 175 1701, 1702, 1712, 1713, 1714, 1716, Zongwei, L., 1699, 1700, 1710, 1718 1717, 1735 Zonnevijlle, F., 2584 Zigmunt, A., 338, 339 Zons, F. W., 111 Zijp, W. L., 164, 187 Zorz, N., 2657, 2658 Zikovsky, L., 130, 131 Zouiri, M., 2431 Zilberman, B., 1145 Zozulin, A. J., 452, 2472, 2801, 2807, 2891 Zilberman, B. Y., 2757 Zschack, P., 965, 967 Zilberman, B. Ya., 711, 761 Zubarev, V. G., 1322, 1323 Ziller, J. W., 1956, 1967, 2473, 2476, 2477, Zubavichus, Y. V., 3087 2804, 2805, 2816, 2857 Zuev, Y. N., 989, 996 Ziman, J. M., 2308 Zukas, E. G., 920, 921, 933, 936 Zimmer, E., 120, 121, 2736 Zumbusch, M., 96, 98, 2411 Zimmer, K., 1735 Zumsteg, I., 3029, 3030, 3283 Zimmerman, H. P., 185, 1447 Zumsteg, M., 3283, 3293, 3296 Zimmerman, J. B., 633, 3282 Zunger, A., 928 Zimmermann, H., 116, 2865 Zunic, T. B., 113 Zimmermann, H. P., 182, 1704, 1705 Zur Nedden, P., 1352 Zimmermann, J. I. C., 254 Zuraeva, I. T., 1683 Zimmermann, M. V., 2288 Zussman, J., 3169 Zinder, B., 3030, 3031 Zvara, I., 1451, 1468, 1524, 1593, 1625, Zingaro, R. A., 3024 1628, 1633, 1634, 1640, 1645, Zingeno, R. A., 313 1660, 1663, 1664, 1684, 1690, Zipkin, J., 817, 1626, 1633, 1639, 1644 1692, 1693, 1695, 1700, 1703, Zirkle, R. E., 3340 1705, 1706, 1720, 2123 Ziv, D. M., 20, 24, 38, 39, 40 Zvarova, T. S., 1663, 1664, 1690, 1703 Ziv, V. S., 179 Zwanenburg, G. J., 203 Zivadinovich, M. S., 2430 Zwick, B. D., 289, 439, 454, 455, 602, 752, 849, Ziyad, M., 102, 110, 1172, 2431 1166, 1167, 1182, 1183, 1184, 1185, Zlokazova, E. I., 1432, 1433 1186, 1190, 2484, 2486, 2583, 2802, Zmbov, K. F., 70 2813, 2814, 2867, 2876, 3109, 3130, Zocco, T. G., 882, 892, 916, 917, 918, 919, 920, 3131, 3160, 3167 925, 930, 931, 933, 935, 960, 962, 964, Zwicknagl, G., 2347 980, 984, 986, 987, 2355 Zwirner, S., 719, 720 Zocher, R. W., 1046 Zych, E., 422, 427, 428, 429, 435, 436, 437, Zogal, O. J., 338 438, 440, 444, 449, 451, 453, 454 Zolnierek, A., 2283 Zygmunt, A., 338 Zolnierek, Z., 469, 491, 505, 2249, 2283, 2288 Zygmunt, S. A., 1991, 3113, 3118