

Hans MOller Head of MTR Fuel Services NUKEM GmbH Fuel Cycle Services Division Postfach 1313 W-8755 Alzenau, Germany


Different specifications are being applied/requested for enriched uranium in the form of metal by the producers, the research reactors operators and manufacturers of fuel elements. This paper deals with the target to standardize and simplify specifications of low enriched uranium (LEU) and high enriched uranium (NEU). NUKEM had undertaken to co-ordinate the creation of standardized specification and had performed correspon- dent dialogues with the producers of base-materials, research reactor operators and manufacturers of research reactor fuel elements. NUKEM's efforts also concentrated at the same time to implement the re-usage of LEU from O-experiments in Europe and of EU from European repro- cessing of spent research reactor fuel elements. The following paper represents a status report on this sub- ject since not all technical questions could be solved yet on the specification of reprocessed EU.



A paper on the same subject was presented by me on the occasion of the 13th International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR) in Newport, Rhode Island, USA on September 26, 1990. demonstrated at this time that there are diverging specifi- cations for LEU and HEU in the form of metal following the different interests of procedures/processors of LEU and HEU, research reactor operators and manufacturers of research reactor fuel elements. My proposal was to develop standardized specifications to facilitate production of research reactors fuel elements and acceptance proce- dures. Consequently NUKEM, being an independent company active in the external fuel cycle of research reactors, was asked during the 13th RERTR-Meeting to develop such standardized specifications.

2) Specifications for "fresh" uranium supplied supplied by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

In my paper for the 13th RERTR-Meeting in Newport I submitted DOE's "standard purity" specification for HEU in the form of metal valid at this time. In August of this year DOE made available to us revised specifications for HEU in the form of metal.

In order to facilitate comparison of the former and now revised speci- fication I repeat as table the former specifications.

The comments on these specifications are as follows.

You will note from this table that the metal showing a purity of 99.88 has a limit of 1200 ppm for chemical impurities.


422 Table I Former DOE-Specification DOE-Standard Purity - Enriched uranium metal Table 54.1 of DOE's HEU customer handbook

Physical form DOE supplies the metal in the form of sheared pieces of casting ranging from 50 to 200 grams with an average of 150 grams per piece.

Impurity Typical analysis (ppm)

Al 15.0 B < 1.0 Be < 0.15 C 400.0 Ca < 10.0 Cd < 0.10 Co 2.0 Cr 15.0 Cu 10.0 Fe 80.0 Li 0.4 Mg 10.0 Mn 10.0 MO 30.0 Na < 1.0 Ni 45.0 P < 100.0 Pb < 5.0 Si 200.0 V < 1.0 W < 100.0 Uranium 99.88

Gas Analysis Typical Analysis (ppm)

H2 1.30 N2 29.0 02 32.0 Isotopic Analysis Typical Analysis

U-234 1.50 U-235 93.15 U-236 0.46 U-238 5.39

423 Table 2 represents the revised specifications for metal made available in August 1991.

You can note from these revised specification that DOE improved the purity of the metal which is now 99.94 and which corresponds to a limit of 600 ppm for chemical impurities.

According to DOE this specification is typical of the analysis of enriched uranium metal at all assays. The purity limits may vary within each container of material delivered by DOE due to changes in pro- cessing capabilities. Although DOE cannot guarantee strict adherence with this specification, DOE indicated that every effort will be made to conform to specific customer requests until a more definitive specification can be issued.

Of interest are further typical analysis of U-234 (1.50 ) and U-236 (0.54 ). NUKEM's experience as former fuel element manufacturer was that U-234 values in enriched uranium in the past supplied by DOE varied from 0.5 % to max. 114 and for U-236 from 0.01 to 157 .

The availability of U-236 in the enriched uranium clearly shows that DOE uses in their enriching process. The values of U-234 are not due to reprocessed uranium however to the re-enrichment process itself.

DOE's specification do not include a limit of the boron-equivalent which has been limited by European fuel element manufacturers to not exceed 30 ppm. HEU received by DOE showed in the past boron equiva- lents up to 6 ppm. The materials were nevertheless not rejected due to the fact that a possible return of the material would have created a new export licensing procedure - a time consuming affair.

The specification of DOE also not include a numerical value for plu- tonium and fission and activation products.


424 Table 2

Revised DOE-Specification

Impurity Typical analysis (ppm) Al 5.0 B < 1.0 Be < 0.15 C 100.0 Ca < 10.0 Cd < 0.10 Co 1.0 Cr 10.0 Cu 5.0 Fe 30.0 Li 0.25 Mg 15.0 Mn 5.0 MO < 10.0 Na < 1.0 Ni 15.0 P < 100.0 Pb < 5.0 Si 50.0 V < 1.0 w < 100.0 Uranium 99.94

Gas Analysis Typical Analysis % (ppm)

H2 1.09 N2 63.0 02 31.0

Isotopic Analysis Typical Analysis

U-234 1.50 U-235 93.15 U-236 0.54 U-238 5.30

425 The only specification that could be associated with is the maximum alpha activity from all transuranic elements which is 1500 disintegrations per minute of total uranium. This figure would lead to max. 25 bq tot/g U. For Pu 239 with the specific activity of 617 x 10-2 Ci/g this would correspond to 10-8 g Pu/g U or approx. 0.01 ppm 10 ppb.

3) Proposed Uranium-Specification of AEA Technology, Fuel Services

AEA Fuel Services has proposed a standardized specification as per table 3.

The proposed standardized specification deals with the "normal" chemi- cal impurities and limits the sum of all impurities to 1500 ppm. Also there is a limitation of the boron equivalence of group to be smaller than 25 ppm and the same limit for group 2 to be smaller than 02 ppm.

The proposed standardized specification deals not yet with limits of U-232, U-234, U-236, Plutonium, fission and activation products.

AEA Fuel Services, , Scotland has, among others, in operation processing facilities for enriched uranium and a reprocessing plant for spent research reactor fuel. A firm campaign for the reprocessing of spent research reactor fuel is scheduled to start at the end of this year. In order to re-use/re-introduce the repocessed uranium, AEA has to adapt their proposed specification to include reprocessed uranium as well.


426 Table 3

Proposed standardized Uranium Specification by AEA Fuel Services, Dounreay

URANIUN SPECIFICATION - INPURITIES Impurities shall be determined by chemical analysis and the following limits shall not be exceeded

Group Ag, B, C, Cd, Co, Cr, Fe, Li, Si, Sn, Zr The sum of the boron equivalence < 25 ppm wrt U

Group 2 Al, Ca, Mg, Mn, Mo, P, Pb, V, W The sum of the boron equivalence > 0.2 ppm wrt U The sum of the impurities > 1500 ppm wrt U Individual impurities > 300 ppm wrt U

Calculation of boron equivalence shall be based on absorption class sections for a neutron velocity of 2200 m/s. The following factors (derived by the Brookhaven National La- boratory) will be applied to the impurity concentration (in ppm) to determine the boron equivalence. AG 0008400 Al 0000121 B 1.000000 Ca 0.000153 C 0.000037 Mg 0.000037 Cd 0.310600 Mn 0.003448 Co 0.009000 Mo 0.000393 Cr 0.000800 P 0.000083 Cu 0.000800 Pb 0.000012 Fe 0.000700 V 0.001409 Li 0.077600 W 0.001433 Ni 0.001100 Si 0.000075 Sn 0.000075 Zr 0.000026

427 4) Proposed specification of CERCA for LEU in the form of metal in cluding LEU stemming from -experiments

CERCA has proposed a standardized specification for LEU in the form of metal as per table 4.

The specification deals under V.1 with limits of U-234 and U-236 in the case of uranium stemming from -experiments. They are limited each to 0.14 .

Under V.2 the total sum of the "normal" chemical impurities is limited to 1500 ppm. Exceptions of the normal chemical composition may be tolerated under the condition that the boron equivalence of the impu- rities does not exceed 3 ppm.

At the first time the proposed specification of CERCA contains also limits for U-232, transuranic activity and activity of fission products for enriched uranium stemming from a -experiment.

With regard to U-232, a limit of 0.01 pg/kg (ppb weight) has been set up.

5) Summary and conclusion

As already mentioned, this paper is a status report on the de- veloping of a standard specification for LEU and HEU. During our investigations and with fuel element producers it became clear to us that such a standardized specification should also include LEU stemming from reprocessing. It appears that there will be no reprocessing of spent research reactor fuel in the USA in the next three years. A reprocessing campaign of spent research reactor fuel containing HEU by AEA Dounreay will start at the end of this year in order to close the fuel cycle of research reactors in Europe.


428 Table 4 page

Proposed standardized Uranium Specification of CERCA, Romans for a 19.75 U-235 enriched mtal

1. OBJECT The object of the present specification is to define the characteristics of uranium with a U-235 assay of 19.75 +/- 02 to be used for the manufacture of fuel plates for fuel elements


Fuel element manufacture

III. STATE OF DELIVERY The uranium metal should be supplied either in the form of pieces less than 300 g (and, when possible, more than 170 g), or in the form of platelets. The uranium must be free from oxides and salts.

IV. LOT SIZE The size of each lot depends upon the manufacturing pro- cess and the origin of the material. For uranium supplied by Pierrelatte, it corresponds to the amount treated in one calciothermic operation, i. e. maximum of 10 kg. In the particular case of material from critical experi- ments (SNEAK) platelets), the lot size is a maximum of 30 kg (for the analyses listed in paragraphs VI and V 2. For the analyses listed in paragraph V3, the lot size is stated for each case in the paragraph.

429 Table 4 page 2


An analysis should be supplied for each lot of uranium metal.

V.1 The uranium metal should fit the following standard isotope weight composition (in weight

U-234: to be determined U-235: 19.55 < U-235 < 19.95 U-236: to be determined U-238: to be determined

In the particular case of material from critical experiments (SNEAK platelets) the levels of U-234 and U-236 are limited to:

U-234 < 014 U-236 < 014

430 Table 4 page 3


V.2 This metal must, aonst other criteria, satisfy the following standard chemical composition (in ppm weight) in relation to total uranium.

Al: 150 Ag to be measured B: 1 Co C: 800 Cr Ca: 100 Cu Cd: 1 Fe Li: 10 Mg Si: 300 Mn Sn: 100 MO W: 100 N Zr: 250 Ni P Pb V

total measured imurities: 1500 Each lot of material must be accompanied by a certificate of analysis, certified by the supplier and specifying the levels of all the elements and uranium isotopes mentioned in this paragraph. Subject to derogation, exceptions to the standard chemical composition may be tolerated, on the condition that the bo- ron equivalent of the impurities in the uranium does not exceed 3 ppm. Calculation of this boron equivalent should be made using the 23 levels of: Ag Al B C - Ca Cd - Co - Cr - Cu - Fe - Li - Mg - Mn MO N Ni - P Pb - Si - Sn - V - W - Zr, to which should be added a margin of 02 ppm, to take into account all other impurities. To calculate the boron equivalent, values should be taken for a neutron velocity of 2200 ms-1 in conformity with the documents BNL 325, established by BROOKHAVEN National Labo- ratory.

431 Table 4 page 4

Coeffiencies are given in the following table


Silver Ag 83.99 x 10- 4 Aluminium Al 1.21 x 10- 4 Boron B 10,000.00 x lo- 4 Carbon C 0.04 x 10- 4 Cadmium Cd 3,104.73 x 10-4 Calcium Ca 1.53 x 10- 4 Cobalt Co 89.51 x 10- 4 Chromium Cr 8.49 x 10-4 Copper Cu 8.50 x lo- 4 Iron Fe 6.50 x 10- 4 Lithium Li 1,451.26 x 10- 4 Magnesium Mg 0.37 x 10- 4 Manganese Mn 34.48 x 10- 4 Molybdenum Mo 3.93 x 10- 4 Nitrogen N 18.00 x lo- 4 Nickel Ni 10.75 x 10- 4 Phosphorus P 0.83 x 10- 4 Lead Pb 0.12 x 10-4 Silicon Si 0.81 x 10- 4 Tin Sn 0.76 x 10- 4 Vanadium V 14.00 x 10- 4 Tungsten W 14.33 x 10-4 Zirconium Zr 0.29 x 10-4

432 Table 4 page

V.3 Additional requirements for 19.75 enriched uranium stemming fom critical eperiments:

For enriched uranium stemming from critical experiments, to be used by CERCA ROMANS, the metal must satisfy the following conditions (maxima

Isotope level per 100 kg lot:

U-232: < 0.01 pg/kg (ppb weight)

Transuranic activity per 100.kg load: NP 237: 2 Bq/g U (accuracy / 03) PU 238: 1 Bq/g U PU 239 - 242: 5 Bq/g U

Activity of fission products of: Cs 137: 444 Bq/g U per 30 kg load (accuracy +/- 3) Sr 90: 370 Bq/g U per 100 kg load 30) Pm 147: 150 Bq/g U per 100 kg load 30) Ce 144: 75 Bq/g U per 100 kg load 10)

Ru 106: 25 Bq/g U per 100 kg load 4) Sb 125: 10 Bq/g U per 100 kg load 1) The total fission product activity should be measured per 30 kg lot and must mot exceed the maximum of 4000 Bq/ g U. Eventual variations in relation to this paragraph V.3 should be submitted for possible acceptance under dero- gation by CERCA ROMANS.

433 The proposed specification of CERCA to include uranium from -experi- ments goes already in this direction to include also uranium from reprocessing. In principle, the given limits for U-232, U-234, trans- uranic activity and activity of fission products can also be applied for reprocessed uranium.

It is intended to blend the reprocessed HEU down to LEU at AEA, Dounreay. Calculations are being made with regard to the properties of the so reprocessed and blended LEU in order to cover the requirements of manufacturers of research reactor fuel elements and research reactor operators.

A big question mark has already to be put on the contents of U-234 since this isotope has a direct influence on the personal dose rate of the people handling the reprocessed and blended material. The U-236 isotope content of such a blended/reprocessed material will not create a problem during the processing and manufacturing step, however, it is subject to the acceptance of the individual research reactor operator.

We are continuing to co-ordinate the dialogue on the standardization of specifications of enriched uranium for use in research reactors in order to facilitate production and acceptance of research reactor fuels in order to help to close the interrupted back end of this fuel cycle.

The closing of the interrupted fuel cycle of research reactors is an achieved goal with high priority for NUKEM.
