Supplementary Material Title Comparative proteomic analysis of wild-type Physcomitrella patens and an OPDA-deficient Physcomitrella patens mutant with disrupted PpAOS1 and PpAOS2 genes after wounding Authors Weifeng Luoa, Setsuko Komatsub, Tatsuya Abea, Hideyuki Matsuuraa, and Kosaku Takahashia,c* Affiliations aResearch Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 606-8589, Japan bDepartment of Environmental and Food Sciences, Faculty of Environmental and Information Sciences, Fukui University of Technology, 3-6-1 Gakuen, Fukui 910-8505, Japan cDepartment of Nutritional Science, Faculty of Applied BioScience, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Tokyo 165-8502, Japan. *To whom correspondence should be addressed: Tel.: +81-3-5477-2679; E-mail:
[email protected]. Supplementary Fig. S1. Fig. S1. Disruption of PpAOS1 and PpAOS2 genes in P. p a te ns . A, Genomic structures of PpAOS1 and PpAOS2 in the wild-type and targeted PpAOS1 and PpAOS2 knock-out mutants (A5, A19, and A22). The npt II and aph IV expression cassettes were inserted in A5, A19, and A22 strains. B, Genomic PCR data of wild-type, and A5, A19 and A22 strains. P. patens genomic DNA was isolated from protonemata by the CTAB method (Nishiyama et al., Ref. 32). PCR was performed in 50 µL of a reaction mixture containing 1 µL of genomic DNA solution, 1.5 µL of each primer (5 µM), 25 µL of KOD One PCR Master Mix (Toyobo, Japan), and 21 µL of Milli-Q water. PCR was conducted with the following conditions: 30 cycles of 98°C for 10 s, 58°C for 5 s, and 68°C for 15 s.