
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 87, pp. 7502-7506, October 1990 Botany Adjustments of stoichiometry in improve the quantum efficiency of (/ acclimation/reaction center/quantum yield/ quality) WAH SOON CHOW*t, ANASTASIOS MELISt, AND JAN M. ANDERSON* *Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Organisation, Division of Industry, G.P.O. Box 1600, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 2601, Australia; and *Department of Plant , University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 Communicated by Daniel L. Arnon, July 3, 1990

ABSTRACT The efficiency of photosynthetic apparatus, given the contrasting light environments in differ- transport depends on the coordinated interaction of photosys- ent plant ecosystems (6-8) and the fact that substantially tem II (PSH) and (PSI) in the electron-transport different pigments absorb light for PSI and for PSII in the chain. Each photosystem contains distinct pigment- membrane of oxygenic photosynthesis. complexes that harvest lightfrom different regions ofthe visible These findings suggested that higher and spectrum. The light is utilized in an endergonic electron- possess regulatory mechanisms that enable chloroplasts to transport reaction at each photosystem. Recent evidence has adjust and optimize the function of the light reactions under shown a large variability in the PSI/PSI stoichiometry in diverse conditions. Recently, evidence in the literature sug- plants grown under different environmental irradiance condi- gested long-term adjustments in photosystem stoichiometry tions. Results in this work are consistent with the notion of a as a plant response to different light-quality conditions during dynamic, rather than static, thylakoid membrane in which the stoichiometry of the two is adjusted and opti- growth (9, 10). Changes in photosystem stoichiometry, oc- mized in response to different light quality conditions. Direct curring in response to different light qualities, may be a evidence is provided that photosystem stoichiometry adjust- compensation reaction in the thylakoid membrane, serving to ments in chloroplasts are a compensation strategy designed to correct uneven absorption of light by the two photosystems. correct unbalanced absorption of light by the two photosys- However, the effect of these adjustments on the quantum tems. Such adjustments allow the plant to maintain a high yield of photosynthesis in higher plants has not been inves- quantum efficiency of photosynthesis under diverse light qual- tigated before. This work provides direct evidence that ity conditions and constitute acclimation that confers to plants adjustments of photosystem stoichiometry in chloroplasts a significant evolutionary advantage over that of a fixed permit the plant to retain a quantum efficiency of photosyn- photosystem stoichiometry in thylakoid membranes. thesis near the theoretical maximum. Energy transduction in photosynthesis depends on the coor- MATERIALS AND METHODS dinated electron turnover by two photosystems in a linear electron-transport process. Photosystem II (PSII) is involved Growth of Plants. Pisum sativum L. cv. Greenfeast was in a light-dependent oxidation of water and reduction of cultivated in a growth chamber under controlled conditions . from plastohydroquinone reach (18 hr of light at 240C/6 hr of dark at 140C). The growth light photosystem I (PSI) via the cytochrome b6-f complex and was either incandescent illumination filtered by red Plexiglas . PSI is involved in a light-dependent electron (PSI light; t75 umol of photons m-2-s-1; 580-740 nm), or transport to and to NADP'. Each photosystem is cool-white fluorescent illumination filtered by yellow Plexi- associated with distinct pigment-protein complexes, which glas (PSII light; -95 /Lmol of photons-m-2_s1l; 520-695 nm). absorb solar radiation and transfer excitation energy to the The relative intensity ofthe two light sources was selected so photochemical reaction center. that the integrated absorption of light by chloroplasts in the In almost every photosynthetic organism, light-harvesting leaves would be about the same under PSI-light and PSII- pigments of PSII are different from those of PSI, thus light conditions (11). The relative spectral irradiance of each allowing different wavelengths of light to sensitize the two growth-light regime, measured by a spectroradiometer photosystems unevenly. For example, wavelengths oflight in (SR3000A, Macam Photometrics, Livingston, Scotland), is the 600- to 650-nm region are absorbed preferentially by the shown in Fig. 1. Plants were harvested 20-22 days from phycobilins in and , or by sowing. To ensure sample uniformity, only the fourth pair of b in higher plant chloroplasts. These wavelengths oflight will leaflets from the base was harvested and used in this study. induce a faster electron turnover at PSI1 than at PSI. On the Assay of Thylakoid Membrane Components. Chloroplasts other hand, wavelengths of light absorbed primarily by were isolated (12) and stored at 77 K until use. Chlorophyll and 8-carotene will induce a faster electron concentration was determined in 80% acetone (13) using a turnover at PSI than at PSII (1). Hitachi (Tokyo) model U-3300 spectrophotometer. The con- The quantum yield ofphotosynthesis in many species from centration ofcytochromefwas determined (14) with a Hitachi diverse light habitats is -0.106 + 0.001 mol of02 evolved per 557 double-beam spectrophotometer. The concentration of mol of photon absorbed (2-5). This value is very close to a PSII reaction centers was estimated from the number of theoretical upper limit of 0.125 mol of 02 evolved per mol of 3'-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU)-binding photon absorbed, translating to a photosynthesis efficiency sites in the thylakoid membrane (12, 15). The concentration of of -85%, independent of the light climate in which plants PSI reaction centers was estimated from the light-induced grow. This is a remarkable feature of the photosynthetic absorbance change at 703 nm (12, 16).

The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge Abbreviations: PSI, photosystem I; PSII, photosystem II; DCMU, payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" 3'-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea. in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. tTo whom reprint requests should be addressed. 7502 Downloaded by guest on September 28, 2021 Botany: Chow et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87 (1990) 7503

responses of the photosynthetic apparatus to the resulting long-term imbalance in light absorption by the two photo- 0 2 PSI- light systems, we measured the chlorophyll content of leaves, the chlorophyll a/b ratio, and the concentrations of cytochrome f, PSII, and of PSI in the thylakoid membrane. 16, ~~PS11- light Pea plants acclimated to PSI light conditions had =413 Aumol of chlorophyll per m2 of leaf area, compared with 555 >. pumol of chlorophyll per m2 in the leaves of PSII light-grown plants (Table 1). The greater chlorophyll content per leaf area in PSII than in PSI light-grown plants could not be attributed to the differential rate of light absorption by the two photo- 0 systems (18). It probably reflects a differential activation of 500 600 700 phytochrome and/or of a blue light receptor that has resulted Wavelength (nm) in dissimilar leaf thickness and dissimilar chloroplast density in the cells ofthe two pea samples. Moreover, the chlorophyll FIG. 1. Spectral distribution of irradiance in each growth light a/b ratio ofthylakoids isolated from plants grown in PSI light environment, designed to favor excitation of one photosystem over (PSI light thylakoids) was lower compared with that of PSII the other. light thylakoids. These results indicated differences in the pigment composition of the leaves and/or in the relative Leaf Photosynthesis Measurements. Rates of 02 evolution amount of PSII and PSI units in the thylakoid membrane of at 25°C and =1% C02/99% air were measured with a Han- the two samples (19-21). However, on a chlorophyll basis, satech (Kings Lynn, U.K.) leaf disc electrode (17). the concentration of cytochrome f, and therefore the cy- Actinic light for these measurements was provided by a tochrome b6-fcomplex, was essentially the same in PSI and quartz halogen light bulb. The white light was filtered to give PSII light thylakoids (Table 1). a predominantly PSI or PSII irradiance. PSI irradiance was Quantitation of reaction centers was obtained from the obtained by passing the white actinic light through red number of DCMU-binding sites (PSII measurement) and Plexiglas (Rohm and Haas, no. 2423). PSII irradiance was from the amount ofphotooxidizable (PSI measurement) obtained by a combination of yellow Plexiglas (Rohm and in isolated thylakoid membranes (16, 22). Table 1 shows that Haas, no. 2208) and a long-wavelength cut-off filter [Ealing PSI light thylakoids had a greater number of DCMU-binding (Holliston, MA), 35-5453 VIQ 5-8]. The predominantly PSI sites (greater PSII reaction center concentration) per unit of or PSII irradiance for the measurement of 02 evolution was chlorophyll, compared with PSII light thylakoids. In contrast similar to the respective PSI and PSII light conditions used to the results from the PSI1 assay, the concentration of for plant growth (Fig. 1). The intensity ofthe actinic light was photooxidizable P700 (PSI) was greater in PSII light thyla- varied by a combination ofBalzers neutral density filters and koids than in PSI light thylakoids. was measured directly at the position of a leaf disc with a Table 1 summarizes the chlorophyll and photosystem LiCor quantum sensor (LI 188B; Lambda Instruments, Lin- quantitation results ofthree independent experiments. There coln, NE). was a significant difference in the relative concentration of The fraction of incident PSII irradiance absorbed by a leaf the two photosystems between the two kinds of samples. at the oxygen electrode (absorptance) was determined by Compared with sunlight-grown peas (PSII/PSI = 1.8:1.0), measuring the transmittance and reflectance of the leaf with PSI light thylakoids had a higher PSII/PSI reaction center an integration sphere attached to the LiCor quantum sensor. stoichiometry (2.5:1.0), whereas PSII light thylakoids had a To estimate the absorptance of the PSI irradiance by a leaf, lower ratio (1.1:1.0). These results are consistent with earlier a transmittance spectrum was obtained by placing the leaf findings (11, 19-22). against the photomultiplier tube of a Hitachi 557 double-beam The acclimation of the thylakoid membrane to PSI and spectrophotometer. The absorptance of the leaf was calcu- PSII light did not entail significant changes in the size and lated as (1 - transmittance), assuming a zero absorptance at composition of the functional chlorophyll antenna size of the 800 nm. Leaves grown under PSI light absorbed 76% of the two photosystems. In agreement with earlier results (21), incident PSI irradiance and 79o of the incident PSII irradi- PSII light conditions elicited a 10%o larger PSII antenna size ance. Leaves grown under PSII light absorbed 82% of the and a 5% larger PSI antenna size, compared with those ofPSI PSII irradiance and 84% of the PSI irradiance. light conditions. These are small and parallel changes com- pared with the large antiparallel adjustments in photosystem RESULTS stoichiometry. Thus, changes in the light-harvesting antenna are not expected to influence the quantum yield of photo- Concentration of Pigments and of Electron-Transport Com- synthesis under the two experimental light regimes. ponents in Thylakoid Membranes. Illumination conditions for Leaf Photosynthesis Characteristics. The adjustment of the growth of plants in the present study were chosen to photosystem stoichiometry in pea thylakoids raised the ques- provide a light quality environment that favors excitation of tion of the effect these changes might have on the quantum one photosystem over the other. Yellow light (PSII light) was yield of photosynthesis. To address this question, we mea- used to preferentially excite PSII, while red light (PSI light) sured the light-saturation curve of photosynthesis in leaves preferentially excites PSI (Fig. 1). To define the biochemical from the two pea cultures. The rate of photosynthesis in vivo Table 1. Quantitation of pea thylakoid components Chlorophyll Chlorophyll DCMU- content a/b Cytochrome f binding sites P700 PSII/PSI PSI light thylakoids 413 ± 8 1.97 ± 0.02 1.17 ± 0.08 2.67 ± 0.07 1.05 ± 0.09 2.5 PSII light thylakoids 555 ± 17 2.24 ± 0.01 1.04 ± 0.07 1.97 ± 0.05 1.73 ± 0.08 1.1 Chlorophyll (a + b) content is given in jumol m-2 ofleafarea. Chlorophyll a/b (mol/mol) ratios and concentrations (mmol per mol of chlorophyll) of cytochromef, DCMU-binding sites (PSII), and P700 (PSI) are shown for pea thylakoids grown under predominantly PSI or PSII light. Each value is the mean ± SE of three separate experiments. Downloaded by guest on September 28, 2021 7504 Botany: Chow et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87 (1990)

A PSI-irradiance B

201 Pmax

PSII-Klgh leavesI co 15 to I I',' * Pmax - I CU) / co / I I0 /-I 'A PSI-light leaves m02 0.as Ecm _ o Lu

_L 5 /

I; a 0 . 1. 200 400 600 Incident intensity (jmol photons m-2S-1)

FIG. 2. Light-saturation curves of photosynthesis in pea plants grown under predominantly PSI or PSII light and probed by either PSI irradiance (A) or PSII irradiance (B). Horizontal lines show the light-saturated rates ofphotosynthesis (Pm,) elicited by strong white light ('1500 /Amolm-2-s-1). The mean values of photosynthetic rates ± SE are shown for three replicates in A and for five replicates in B.

was measured from the rate of 02 evolution per unit leaf area quantum yield of photosynthesis was measured in PSI and separately under predominantly PSI irradiance (Fig. 2A) or PSII light-grown leaves by using predominantly PSI or PSII PSII irradiance (Fig. 2B). In the dark, the rate of respiration irradiance conditions. Fig. 3A shows the initial slopes of the was slightly greater for PSII light leaves. Under saturating light-response curves of PSI and PSII light-grown pea leaves light, the PSII light leaves displayed higher capacities for as a function of absorbed PSI irradiance. The slope of the photosynthetic 02 evolution per unit leaf area. The higher straight lines defined the quantum yield ofphotosynthesis for capacity for respiration and photosynthesis per unit leaf area the two samples. We calculated that PSI light-grown leaves in PSII light leaves correlates with the higher chlorophyll had a quantum yield of 0.108 while PSII light-grown leaves content per unit leaf area in these samples (Table 1). had a lower quantum yield of 0.091 (Table 2). Under PSII The results of Fig. 2 also show different shapes of the irradiance (Fig. 3B), the quantum yield of PSI light-grown light-saturation curves of photosynthesis for PSI and PSII leaves was 0.080, whereas that ofPSII light-grown leaves was light-grown leaves when probed by PSI irradiance (Fig. 2A) 0.097 (Table 2). By comparison, the mean value of the or by PSII irradiance (Fig. 2B). Although the rate of photo- quantum yield (measured in white light from a quartz halogen synthesis is plotted as a function of incident intensity on the lamp) for 37 C3 pathway species, grown under a variety of leaves, the initial slopes of the light-response curves sug- physiological and nonstressful conditions, was 0.106 ± 0.001 gested a dissimilar dependence of the quantum yield of (3-5). The results ofTable 2 show that, under PSI irradiance, photosynthesis in the two samples on the quality of the PSI light-grown leaves have a 19%o better quantum yield of actinic light. To address this question rigorously, the absolute photosynthesis than PSII light-grown leaves. Conversely

A PSI - irradiance B PS11 - irradiance

U) 0 3 PS11-light leaves co 0'

0._ c cm6 2 Ho_//1 c _0 .-v 0 - 00 I / PSI-light leaves

.) 0 CL -WE=. I11iI w 0 ~ A,-,r20 30 40 50 mi _.. -1 S Absorbed intensity II (gmol photons m-2s-1) .21

FIG. 3. The initial linear portion ofthe light-saturation curve ofphotosynthesis as a function ofabsorbed intensity in PSI and PSII light-grown leaves. Leaves were probed with PSI irradiance (A) or PSII irradiance (B). The slope of the straight lines defined the quantum yield of photosynthesis. The mean values of photosynthetic rates + SE are shown for three replicates in A and for five replicates in B. Downloaded by guest on September 28, 2021 Botany: Chow et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87 (1990) 7505 Table 2. Quantum yield of photosynthesis in pea leaves by the two photoreactions. If left uncorrected, they would PSI irradiance PSII irradiance tend to lower the efficiency of light utilization by higher in terrestrial PSI light leaves plants environments (Table 2), or by algae in 0.108 0.080 their aquatic environment (26, 27), thereby affecting ad- PSII light leaves 0.091 0.097 versely plant growth and productivity. Difference, % +19 -21 It is clear that the mechanism for photosystem stoichiom- The quantum yields are given as mol of 02 evolved per mol of etry adjustment is well preserved in all oxygen-evolving photons absorbed. Pea leaves were grown under preferentially PSI from to The light or PSII light conditions. Quantum yield measurements were organisms cyanobacteria higher plants (9). taken with irradiance sensitizing primarily PSI or PSII. adjustment and optimization of the photosystem stoichiom- etry in thylakoid membranes enable photosynthetic cells to under PSII irradiance, PSII light-grown leaves have a 21% operate efficiently under a broad variety of light-limiting better quantum yield than PSI light-grown leaves. conditions. This is important since most higher plants and algae grow in habitats of limiting light conditions. Further- more, it is increasingly evident that most of the canopy in DISCUSSION crop plants operate at light levels below those required to In 1960, the organization of the electron-transport chain in saturate the rate of photosynthesis (28). From the evolution- chloroplasts was formulated in the so-called Z-scheme (23, ary point of view, chloroplasts possessing such an adaptation 24). Implicit in the original hypothesis of the Z-scheme was mechanism will enjoy a significant selective advantage over the assumption that optimal electron flow in the thylakoid others with a fixed photosystem stoichiometry in their thy- membrane, and a high quantum yield of photosynthesis, lakoid membranes. would occur only if the two photosystems existed in equal Very little is known about the molecular and biochemical stoichiometric amounts. This assumption ofan obligatory 1:1 basis of the feedback control mechanism for the regulation of stoichiometric ratio between PSII and PSI was not correctly photosystem stoichiometry (9). Measurements on the rate of tested for about 20 years. The advent of sensitive spectro- photosystem stoichiometry adjustment, both in higher plant photometric methods for the quantitation of integral compo- chloroplasts (29) and in cyanobactena (30), have shown a nents within each photosystem offered the opportunity in half-time of change of -20 hr. This suggested the involve- 1980 to address the question ofphotosystem stoichiometry in ment of both biosynthetic and degradative reactions in the oxygenic photosynthesis (25). The assumption of a PSII/PSI process of thylakoid membrane acclimation. Preliminary = 1:1 ratio was not confirmed. Results indicated a large evidence has suggested control via regulation of the steady- variability in the ratio of PSH1 and PSI reaction centers (from state level ofmRNA coding for photosystem components (11, 0.43 in cyanobacteria to 3.3 in -deficient mutant 31) and via regulation by protein in photo- and developing chloroplasts) (25). Moreover, research over synthetic cells (32). Clearly, more research is needed to the last 10 years in several laboratories (9, 10) revealed unravel further details of this important phenomenon. dynamic features in the composition and function of thyla- This research was supported in part by a Pacific Rim/University koid membranes and strongly suggested that oxygen- of California Faculty Exchange Award and National Science Foun- evolving plants are able to adjust and optimize the stoichi- dation Grant DMB-9003928 to A.M. and an Australian National ometry of the electron-transport complexes in response to Research Fellowship to J.M.A. and W.S.C. 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