Dear Friends, פסח will enhance your ספר It is my sincere hope that the Torah found in this virtual (Passover) and your Yom Tov experience. We have designed this project not only for the individual, studying alone, but also for a a pair of students) that wishes to work through the study matter together, or a group) חברותא engaged in facilitated study. להגדיל תורה With this material, we invite you, wherever you may be, to join our Beit Midrash to enjoy the splendor of Torah) and to discuss Torah issues that touch on) ולהאדירה contemporary matters, as well as issues rooted in the ideals of this time of year. We hope, through this To-Go series, to participate in the timeless conversations of our great sages. בברכת חג כשר ושמח Rabbi Kenneth Brander Dean, Yeshiva University Center for the Jewish Future Richard M Joel, President, Yeshiva University Rabbi Kenneth Brander, Dean, Center for the Jewish Future Rabbi Robert Shur, General Editor Copyright © 2009 All rights reserved by Yeshiva University Yeshiva University Center for the Jewish Future 500 West 185th Street, Suite 413, New York, NY 10033
[email protected] • 212.960.5400 x 5313 2 YESHIVA UNIVERSITY • PESACH TO-GO • NISSAN 5769 Table of Contents Pesach 2009/5769 Blood, Frogs and Lice Dr. Harvey Babich Feeling Freedom Rabbi Reuven Brand My House Is Your House: The Mitzvah of Hakhnassat Orchim Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman The Mitzvah of Eiruv Tavshilin Rabbi Josh Flug Rav Soloveitchik on the Destruction of Chametz Rabbi Menachem Genack The Heart of the Matter Mrs. Yael Leibowitz From Darkness to Light, From Slavery to Redemption Dr.