FEDERAL SERVICE OF RUSSIA FOR HYDROMETEOROLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING State Institution “Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute” Russian Antarctic Expedition

QUARTERLY BULLETIN №4 (49) October - December 2009 STATE OF ANTARCTIC ENVIRONMENT Operational data of Russian Antarctic stations

St. Petersburg 2010 FEDERAL SERVICE OF RUSSIA FOR HYDROMETEOROLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING State Institution “Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute” Russian Antarctic Expedition

QUARTERLY BULLETIN №4 (49) October - December 2009

STATE OF ANTARCTIC ENVIRONMENT Operational data of Russian Antarctic stations

Edited by V.V. Lukin

St. Petersburg


Editor-in-Chief M.O. Krichak (Russian Antarctic Expedition –RAE)

Authors and contributors

Section 1 M. O. Krichak (RAE) Section 2 Ye. I. Aleksandrov (Department of Meteorology) Section 3 L. Yu. Ryzhakov (Department of Long-Range Weather Forecasting) Section 4 A. I. Korotkov (Department of Ice Regime and Forecasting) Section 5 Ye. Ye. Sibir (Department of Meteorology) Section 6 I. V. Moskvin, A. V. Frank-Kamenetsky (Department of Geophysics) Section 7 M.V.Babiy, A.A.Kalinkin, S.G.Poigina (Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Science) Section 8 V. L. Martyanov (RAE)

Translated by I.I. Solovieva http://www.aari.aq/, Antarctic Research and Russian Antarctic Expedition, Documents, Quarterly Bulletin.

Acknowledgements: Russian Antarctic Expedition is grateful to all AARI staff for participation and help in preparing this Bulletin.

For more information about the contents of this publication, please, contact Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute of Roshydromet Russian Antarctic Expedition Bering St., 38, St. Petersburg 199397 Russia Phone: (812) 352 15 41 Fax: (812) 352 28 27 E-mail: [email protected]

CONTENTS PREFACE……………………….…………………………………….………………………….1






The activity of the Russian Antarctic Expedition in the fourth quarter of 2009 was carried out at five permanent Antarctic stations - Mirny, Novolazarevskaya, Bellingshausen, Progress and Vostok and at the field bases Molodezhnaya, Leningradskaya, Russkaya and Druzhnaya-4. The work was carried out by the wintering team of the 54th RAE over a full complex of the Antarctic environmental monitoring programs. At the field bases Molodezhnaya and Lenigradskaya and from the end of December also at Druzhnaya-4, the automatic weather stations AWS, model MAWS-110, and the automatic geodetic complexes FAGS were in operation. Section I in this issue of the Bulletin contains monthly averages and extreme data of standard meteorological and solar radiation observations carried out at constantly operating stations during October-December 2009 and data of upper-air sounding carried out at two stations Mirny and Novolazarevskaya once a day at 00.00 of Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). In accordance with the International Geophysical Calendar, more frequent sounding during the periods of the International Geophysical Interval was conducted in 2009 during 9 – 22 February, 11 – 24 May, 10 - 23 August and 9 - 22 November at 00 h and 12 h UTC. In the meteorological tables, the atmospheric pressure for the coastal stations is referenced to sea level. The atmospheric pressure at is not referenced to sea level and is presented at the level of the meteorological site. Along with the monthly averages of meteorological parameters, the tables in Section 1 present their deviations from multiyear averages (anomalies) and deviations in σf fractions (normalized anomalies (f-favg)/σf). For the monthly totals of precipitation and total radiation, relative anomalies (f/favg) are also presented. The statistical characteristics necessary for the calculation of anomalies were derived at the AARI Department of Meteorology for the period 1961-1990 as recommended by the World Meteorological Organization. For , the anomalies are not calculated due to a short observation series. The Bulletin contains brief overviews with an assessment of the state of the Antarctic environment based on the actual data for the quarter under consideration. Sections 2 and 3 are devoted to the meteorological and synoptic conditions. A review of synoptic conditions (section 3) is prepared on the basis of the analysis of current aero-synoptic information, which is performed by RAE forecaster at Progress station and also on the basis of more complete data of the Southern Hemisphere reported to the AARI. The analysis of ice conditions in the Southern Ocean (section 4) is based on satellite data received at Bellingshausen, Novolazarevskaya, Mirny and Progress stations and on the observations conducted at the coastal Bellingshausen, Mirny and Progress stations. The anomalous character of ice conditions is evaluated against the multiyear averages of the drifting ice edge location and the mean multiyear dates of the onset of different ice phases in the coastal areas of the Southern Ocean adjoining the Antarctic stations. As average and extreme values of ice edge location, the updated data are used which are received at the AARI for each month based on the results of processing the entire available historical archive of predominantly national information on the Antarctic for the period 1971 to 2005. Section 5 presents an overview of the total ozone (TO) on the basis of measurements at the Russian stations. The measurements are interrupted in the wintertime at the Sun’s height of less than 5o. Data of geophysical observations published in Section 6 present the results of measurements under the geomagnetic and ionospheric programs at Mirny, Novolazarevskaya, Vostok and Progress stations. Section 7 presents the results of seismic observations in carried out in 2008 at two stationary stations of the Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Science – at Mirny and Novolazarevskaya stations.

Section 8 sets forth the main directions of RAE logistical activities during the quarter under consideration. Data of automated weather stations (AWS) installed at the Russian field bases for the fourth quarter of 2009 are not given in the Bulletin due to a large number of gaps resulting from instability of communication and unstable receiving of information.

























MIRNY STATION Table 1.1 Monthly averages of meteorological parameters (f) and their deviations from the multiyear

averages (favg) Mirny, October 2009 Normalized Anomaly Relative anomaly Parameter f fmax fmin anomaly f-favg f/favg (f-favg)/σf Sea level air pressure, hPa 981.5 998.5 960.7 -0.3 -0.1 Air temperature, °C -13.0 -4.2 -23.6 0.4 0.2 Relative humidity, % 77 8.0 1.4 Total cloudiness (sky coverage), tenths 6.7 -0.1 -0.1 Lower cloudiness(sky coverage),tenths 2.8 0.3 0.2 Precipitation, mm 30.3 -13.2 -0.4 0.7 Wind speed, m/s 10.9 22.0 0.3 0.2 Prevailing wind direction, deg 112 Total radiation, MJ/m2 490.2 -19.8 -0.6 1.0 Total ozone content (TO), DU 261 409 188





Fig. 1.1. Variations of daily mean values of surface temperature (A, bold line), maximum (A, thin line), minimum (A, dashed line) air temperature, sea level air pressure (B), relative humidity (C), mean (D, thick line), maximum (D, thin line) values of surface wind speed, maximum wind gust (D, dashed line), precipitation (E) and snow cover thickness (F). Mirny station. October 2009.


Table 1.2 Results of aerological atmospheric sounding (from CLIMAT-TEMP messages) Mirny, October 2009 Number of Isobaric Resultant Number of Isobaric Dew point Resultant Wind days surface Temperature, wind days surface, deficit, wind speed, stability without height, T °C direction, without P hPa D °C m/s parameter,% temperature H m deg wind data data

977 39 -14.2 3.3 925 452 -13.2 5.5 94 13 91 0 0 850 1091 -16.1 5.7 83 10 85 0 0 700 2533 -22.4 6.8 90 3 33 0 0 500 4929 -37.1 9.0 268 1 12 0 0 400 6434 -47.0 9.2 259 3 26 0 0 300 8288 -57.9 9.3 265 7 49 0 0 200 10790 -64.0 9.9 276 12 77 0 0 150 12543 -65.5 10.2 280 16 87 0 0 100 14998 -66.5 10.3 286 23 92 1 1 70 17170 -63.1 11.4 291 32 93 2 2 50 19260 -57.9 11.5 298 43 94 3 4 30 22577 -45.2 14.3 304 58 95 4 4 20 25341 -36.2 17.7 306 66 96 15 9

Table 1.3 Anomalies of standard isobaric surface height and temperature Mirny,October 2009

P hPa Н-Нavg, m (Н-Havg)/σН Т-Тavg, °С (Т-Тavg)/σТ 850 -3 -0.1 1.1 0.7 700 -4 -0.1 0.0 0.0 500 -15 -0.3 -0.6 -0.4 400 -22 -0.4 -0.4 -0.3 300 -24 -0.4 0.3 0.2 200 -26 -0.4 0.5 0.2 150 -34 -0.4 -1.7 -0.6 100 -80 -0.7 -5.8 -1.2 70 -146 -0.9 -6.8 -1.1 50 -220 -1.0 -6.1 -0.9 30 -267 -0.9 -0.4 -0.1 20 -308 -0.8 2.7 0.4



Table 1.4 Monthly averages of meteorological parameters (f) and their deviations from the multiyear

averages (favg) Novolazarevskaya, October 2009 Normalized Anomaly Relative Parameter f fmax fmin anomaly f-favg anomaly f/favg (f-favg)/σf Sea level air pressure, hPa 984.6 999.7 964.8 0.5 0.1 Air temperature, °C -13.0 -3.9 -26.5 -0.4 -0.3 Relative humidity, % 53 1.4 0.2 Total cloudiness (sky coverage), tenths 6.6 1.0 1.0 Lower cloudiness(sky coverage),tenths 2.1 1.5 2.1 Precipitation, mm 23.3 -5.7 -0.2 0.8 Wind speed, m/s 9.5 25.0 -0.5 -0.4 Prevailing wind direction, deg 135 Total radiation, MJ/m2 458.2 1.2 0.0 1.0 Total ozone content (TO), DU 172 255 136





Fig. 1.2. Variations of daily mean values of surface temperature (A, bold line), maximum (A, thin line), minimum (A, dashed line) air temperature, sea level air pressure (B), relative humidity (C), mean (D, thick line), maximum (D, thin line) values of surface wind speed, maximum wind gust (D, dashed line), precipitation (E) and snow coverage (F). Novolazarevskaya station, October 2009.


Table 1.5 Results of aerological atmospheric sounding (from CLIMAT-TEMP messages) Novolazarevskaya, October2009 Number of Isobaric Resultant Number of Isobaric Dew point Resultant Wind days surface Temperature, wind days surface, deficit, wind speed, stability without height, T °C direction, without P hPa D °C m/s parameter,% temperature H m deg wind data data

969 122 -13.7 7.7 925 471 -13.5 9.7 107 12 88 0 0 850 1108 -17.5 9.7 94 13 94 0 0 700 2537 -24.0 8.6 99 7 66 0 0 500 4928 -37.1 9.1 218 2 14 0 0 400 6434 -47.5 8.2 242 3 19 0 0 300 8278 -59.9 7.8 261 4 21 0 0 200 10735 -69.8 7.8 262 8 45 0 0 150 12435 -72.2 8.1 261 12 66 0 0 100 14794 -76.3 8.6 259 15 84 1 1 70 16836 -77.8 8.4 261 20 91 2 2 50 18763 -76.3 9.3 260 23 93 2 2 30 21763 -66.6 10.8 257 27 94 2 2 20 24235 -56.9 11.8 254 28 95 4 4

Table 1.6 Anomalies of standard isobaric surface heights and temperature Novolazarevskaya, October2009

P hPa Н-Нavg, m (Н-Havg)/σН Т-Тavg, °С (Т-Тavg)/σТ 850 -6 -0.2 1.0 0.7 700 -3 -0.1 1.6 1.0 500 7 0.1 1.6 0.8 400 13 0.2 1.1 0.7 300 15 0.2 0.4 0.4 200 8 0.1 -0.6 -0.3 150 -11 -0.1 -1.6 -0.7 100 -54 -0.6 -5.7 -1.7 70 -138 -1.2 -8.8 -2.4 50 -247 -1.7 -10.0 -2.2 30 -413 -1.9 -7.4 -1.2 20 -546 -1.9 -5.8 -0.8



Table 1.7 Monthly averages of meteorological parameters (f) and their deviations from the multiyear

averages (favg)

Bellingshausen, October 2009 Normalized Anomaly Relative Parameter f fmax fmin anomaly f-favg anomaly f/favg (f-favg)/σf Sea level air pressure, hPa 978.6 1006.4 958.8 -11.2 -2.2 Air temperature, °C -2.7 2.7 -8.3 -0.1 -0.1 Relative humidity, % 88 -0.2 -0.1 Total cloudiness (sky coverage), tenths 9.5 0.5 1.3 Lower cloudiness (sky coverage),tenths 7.8 -0.2 -0.3 Precipitation, mm 80.5 30.9 1.9 1.6 Wind speed, m/s 6.4 21.0 1.5 1.7 Prevailing wind direction, deg 337 Total radiation, MJ/m2 351.0 -53.0 -1.4 0.9





Fig. 1.3. Variations of daily mean values of surface temperature (A, bold line), maximum (A, thin line), minimum (A, dashed line) air temperature, sea level air pressure (B), relative humidity (C), mean (D, thick line), maximum (D, thin line) values of surface wind speed, maximum wind gust (D, dashed line), precipitation (E) and snow cover thickness (F). . Bellingshausen station. October 2009.



Table 1.8

Monthly averages of meteorological parameters (f)

Progress, October 2009 Parameter f fmax fmin Sea level air pressure, hPa 984.6 1001.1 964.3 Air temperature, 0C -12.4 -2.9 -23.4 Relative humidity, % 57 Total cloudiness (sky coverage), tenths 4.5 Lower cloudiness(sky coverage),tenths 1.2 Precipitation, mm 3.5 Wind speed, m/s 6.2 20.0 Prevailing wind direction, deg 90 Total radiation, MJ/m2 396.2





Fig. 1.4. Variations of daily mean values of surface temperature (A, bold line), maximum (A, thin line), minimum (A, dashed line) air temperature, sea level air pressure (B), relative humidity (C), mean (D, thick line), maximum (D, thin line) values of surface wind speed, maximum wind gust (D, dashed line), precipitation (E) and snow cover thickness (F). Progress station. October 2009.


VOSTOK STATION Table 1.9 Monthly averages of meteorological parameters (f) and their deviations from the multiyear averages (favg)

Vostok, October 2009 Normalized Anomaly Relative Parameter f fmax fmin anomaly f-favg anomaly f/favg (f-favg)/σf Station surface level air pressure, hPa 618.0 625.1 609.5 -1.4 -0.3 Air temperature, °C -57.1 -43.3 -70.4 -0.1 -0.1 Relative humidity, % 59 -11.5 -2.6 Total cloudiness (sky coverage), tenths 4.5 0.1 0.1 Lower cloudiness(sky coverage),tenths 0.0 0.0 0.0 Precipitation, mm 1.4 -0.5 -0.3 0.7 Wind speed, m/s 5.6 11.0 0.1 0.1 Prevailing wind direction, deg 225 Total radiation, MJ/m2 507.0 48.0 2.2 1.1 Total ozone content (TO), DU 175 255 142





Fig. 1.5. Variations of daily mean values of surface temperature (A, bold line), maximum (A, thin line), minimum (A, dashed line) air temperature, ground level air pressure (B), relative humidity (C), mean (D, thick line), maximum (D, thin line) values of surface wind speed, maximum wind gust (D, dashed line, precipitation (E) and snow cover thickness (F). Vostok station. October 2009.


O c t o b e r 2009

Atmospheric pressure at sea level, hPa(pressure at Vostok station is ground level pressure)

981.5 984.6 978.6 984.6 1000 750 618.0 500 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok

(f-favg)/σf -0.1 0.1 -2.2 -0.3

Air temperature, °C

-13.0 -13.0 -2.7 -12.4 0 -57.1 -40 -80 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok

(f-favg)/σf 0.2 -0.3 -0.1 -0.1

Relative humidity, %

77 88 100 53 57 59 50 0 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok

(f-favg)/σf 1.4 0.2 -0.1 -2.6

TotalTotal cloudiness,cloudiness, tenthstenths 9.5 9.5 10 6.76.7 6.66.6 10 4.54.5 4.5 4.5 5 0 MirnyMirny Novolaz Novolaz Bellings Bellings Progress Progress Vostok Vostok Mirny

(f-favg)/σf -0.1 1.0 1.3 0.1

Precipitation, mm

80.5 100 30.3 23.3 50 3.5 1.4 0 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok

f/favg 0.7 0.8 1.6 0.7

Mean wind speed, m/s

15 10.9 9.5 10 6.4 6.2 5.6 5 0 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok

(f-favg)/σf 0.2 -0.4 1.7 0.1

Fig.1.6. Comparison of monthly averages of meteorological parameters at the stations. October 2009. 16


MIRNY STATION Table 1.10 Monthly averages of meteorological parameters (f) and their deviations from the multiyear

averages (favg) Mirny, November 2009 Normalized Anomaly Relative Parameter f fmax fmin anomaly f-favg anomaly f/favg (f-favg)/σf Sea level air pressure, hPa 987.6 1000.4 968.3 1.3 0.3 Air temperature, 0C -7.2 4.3 -20.8 0.1 0.1 Relative humidity, % 75 7.2 2.0 Total cloudiness (sky coverage), tenths 7.0 0.6 0.9 Lower cloudiness(sky coverage),tenths 2.9 0.3 0.3 Precipitation, mm 29.6 -3.8 -0.1 0.9 Wind speed, m/s 11.7 28.0 1.9 1.6 Prevailing wind direction, deg 90 Total radiation, MJ/m2 715.8 -57.3 -1.1 0.9 Total ozone content (TO), DU 350 404 201





Fig. 1.7. Variations of daily mean values of surface temperature (A, bold line), maximum (A, thin line), minimum (A, dashed line) air temperature, sea level air pressure (B), relative humidity (C), mean (D, thick line), maximum (D, thin line) values of surface wind speed, maximum wind gust (D, dashed line), precipitation (E) and snow cover thickness (F). Mirny station. November 2009.


Table 1.11 Results of aerological atmospheric sounding (from CLIMAT-TEMP messages) Mirny, November 2009 Number of Isobaric Resultant Number of Isobaric Dew point Resultant Wind days surface Temperature, wind days surface, deficit, wind speed, stability without height, T 0C direction, without P hPa D 0C m/s parameter,% temperature H m deg wind data data

984 39 -7.1 4.0 925 522 -8.0 7.5 91 14 96 0 0 850 1172 -12.1 7.6 86 13 93 0 0 700 2638 -17.2 9.8 76 7 65 0 1 500 5088 -31.1 10.9 43 3 28 0 0 400 6633 -41.1 9.9 18 2 12 0 0 300 8536 -51.9 10.0 314 2 14 0 0 200 11156 -49.9 12.8 271 9 67 0 0 150 13040 -48.1 14.9 269 14 82 0 0 100 15727 -45.3 17.2 266 19 89 0 0 70 18108 -42.8 19.1 260 23 92 1 1 50 20386 -40.4 20.2 260 25 94 1 1 30 23934 -36.9 22.6 262 21 94 3 4 20 26754 -35.4 23.9 251 18 90 6 7

Table 1.12 Anomalies of standard isobaric surface heights and temperature Mirny, November 2009 P hPa Н-Нavg, m (Н-Havg)/σН Т-Тavg, °С (Т-Тavg)/σТ 850 24 0.8 0.4 0.4 700 25 0.7 1.8 1.4 500 35 0.7 1.6 1.1 400 43 0.8 1.8 1.3 300 55 0.9 2.3 1.7 200 96 1.2 5.6 1.8 150 137 1.3 4.8 1.2 100 177 1.2 2.4 0.5 70 177 0.9 0.4 0.1 50 172 0.8 -0.8 -0.3 30 192 0.9 -1.7 -0.6 20 173 0.8 -2.9 -0.9



Table 1.13 Monthly averages of meteorological parameters (f) and their deviations from the multiyear averages (favg) Novolazarevskaya, November 2009 Normalized Anomaly Relative Parameter f fmax fmin anomaly f-favg anomaly f/favg (f-favg)/σf Sea level air pressure, hPa 990.7 1010.3 972.3 4.9 1.3 Air temperature, 0C -5.7 1.4 -15.8 0.2 0.2 Relative humidity, % 50 -3.3 -0.7 Total cloudiness (sky coverage), tenths 5.7 -0.6 -0.5 Lower cloudiness(sky coverage),tenths 1.6 0.6 0.8 Precipitation, mm 14.1 6.1 0.6 1.8 Wind speed, m/s 7.9 24.0 -1.5 -0.8 Prevailing wind direction, deg 135 Total radiation, MJ/m2 777.7 48.7 1.0 1.1 Total ozone content (TO), DU 322 385 199





Fig. 1.8. Variations of daily mean values of surface temperature (A, bold line), maximum (A, thin line), minimum (A, dashed line) air temperature, sea level air pressure (B), relative humidity (C), mean (D, thick line), maximum (D, thin line) values of surface wind speed, maximum wind gust (D, dashed line), precipitation (E) and snow coverage (F). Novolazarevskaya station, November 2009.


Table 1.14 Results of aerological atmospheric sounding (from CLIMAT-TEMP messages) Novolazarevskaya, November 2009 Number of Isobaric Resultant Number of Isobaric Dew point Resultant Wind days surface Temperature, wind days surface, deficit, wind speed, stability without height, T 0C direction, without P hPa D 0C m/s parameter,% temperature H m deg wind data data

976 122 -5.9 9.0 925 542 -7.1 12.6 108 9 88 0 0 850 1194 -11.6 12.7 102 9 85 0 0 700 2653 -19.8 12.9 110 6 71 0 1 500 5080 -33.4 10.4 233 2 28 0 0 400 6611 -43.5 9.5 252 4 35 0 0 300 8487 -56.0 8.8 264 8 51 0 0 200 11009 -61.2 9.0 278 13 83 0 0 150 12796 -60.4 9.5 287 17 94 0 1 100 15327 -57.4 10.8 293 26 96 0 0 70 17605 -50.3 13.4 297 38 96 0 1 50 19840 -41.8 19.0 300 44 95 0 0 30 23369 -34.2 24.6 303 43 94 1 2 20 26189 -31.2 26.7 308 37 92 2 5

Table 1.15 Anomalies of standard isobaric surface heights and temperature Novolazarevskaya, November 2009

P hPa Н-Нavg, m (Н-Havg)/σН Т-Тavg, °С (Т-Тavg)/σТ 850 43 1.4 1.4 1.2 700 46 1.4 1.9 1.8 500 57 1.4 1.5 1.1 400 63 1.3 1.5 1.3 300 69 1.3 0.8 0.7 200 66 1.0 0.4 0.1 150 65 0.8 -0.4 -0.1 100 40 0.3 -1.6 -0.3 70 21 0.1 0.8 0.1 50 46 0.2 4.8 1.0 30 122 0.4 5.2 1.3 20 161 0.5 2.9 0.7



Table 1.16 Monthly averages of meteorological parameters (f) and their deviations from the multiyear

averages (favg) Bellingshausen, November 2009 Normalized Anomaly Relative Parameter f fmax fmin anomaly f-favg anomaly f/favg (f-favg)/σf Sea level air pressure, hPa 985.5 1009.3 962.4 -2.1 -0.4 Air temperature, 0C -2.1 7.0 -12.4 -0.9 -1.1 Relative humidity, % 86 -1.6 -0.5 Total cloudiness (sky coverage), tenths 9.3 0.1 0.3 Lower cloudiness(sky coverage),tenths 7.5 -0.5 -0.6 Precipitation, mm 52.3 3.9 0.2 1.1 Wind speed, m/s 6.4 18.0 -0.3 -0.3 Prevailing wind direction, deg 158 Total radiation, MJ/m2 458.0 -81.0 -2.4 0.8





Fig. 1.9. Variations of daily mean values of surface temperature (A, bold line), maximum (A, thin line), minimum (A, dashed line) air temperature, sea level air pressure (B), relative humidity (C), mean (D, thick line), maximum (D, thin line) values of surface wind speed, maximum wind gust (D, dashed line), precipitation (E) and snow cover thickness (F). Bellingshausen station. November 2009.



Table 1.17

Monthly averages of meteorological parameters (f)

Progress, November 2009 Parameter f fmax fmin Sea level air pressure, hPa 989.8 1003.6 974.2 Air temperature, 0C -5.0 4.4 -16.9 Relative humidity, % 60 Total cloudiness (sky coverage), tenths 6.1 Lower cloudiness(sky coverage),tenths 3.3 Precipitation, mm 12.1 Wind speed, m/s 6.1 18.0 Prevailing wind direction, deg 90 Total radiation, MJ/m2 572.6





Fig. 1.10. Variations of daily mean values of surface temperature (A, bold line), maximum (A, thin line), minimum (A, dashed line) air temperature, sea level air pressure (B), relative humidity (C), mean (D, thick line), maximum (D, thin line) values of surface wind speed, maximum wind gust (D, dashed line), precipitation (E) and snow cover thickness (F).

Progress station. November 2009.



Table 1.18 Monthly averages of meteorological parameters (f) and their deviations from the multiyear

averages (favg) Vostok, November 2009 Normalized Anomaly Relative Parameter f fmax fmin anomaly f-favg anomaly f/favg (f-favg)/σf Station surface level air pressure, hPa 631.0 647.7 611.8 5.3 1.1 Air temperature, °C -40.8 -24.7 -57.6 2.3 1.5 Relative humidity, % 58 -13.9 -3.3 Total cloudiness (sky coverage), tenths 5.7 2.4 3.0 Lower cloudiness(sky coverage),tenths 0.0 0.0 0.0 Precipitation, mm 3.4* 2.5 3.6* 3.8* Wind speed, m/s 4.9 10.0 -0.3 -0.3 Prevailing wind direction, deg 225 Total radiation, MJ/m2 970.3 36.3 1.0 1.0 Total ozone content (TO), DU 275 373 146

* Measurement data can be a result of blown snow to the precipitation gauge at strong snow storms.





Fig. 1.11. Variations of daily mean values of surface temperature (A, bold line), maximum (A, thin line), minimum (A, dashed line) air temperature, ground level air pressure (B), relative humidity (C), mean (D, thick line), maximum (D, thin line) values of surface wind speed, maximum wind gust (D, dashed line), precipitation (E) and snow cover thickness (F). Vostok station. November 2009.


N o v e m b e r 2009

Atmospheric pressure at sea level, hPa(pressure at Vostok station is ground level pressure)

987.6 990.7 985.5 989.8 1000 750 631.0 500 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok

(f-favg)/σf 0.3 1.3 -0.4 1.1

Air temperature, °C -7.2 -5.7 -2.1 -5.0 0 -20 -40.8 -40 -60 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok

(f-favg)/σf 0.1 0.2 -1.1 1.5

Relative humidity, %

75 86 100 50 60 58 50 0 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok

(f-favg)/σf 2.0 -0.7 -0.5 -3.3

Total cloudiness, tenths 9.3 10 7.0 5.7 6.1 5.7 5 0 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok

(f-favg)/σf 0.9 -0.5 0.3 3.0

Precipitation, mm

100 52.3 29.6 50 14.1 12.1 3.4 0 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok

f/favg 0.9 1.8 1.1 3.8

Mean wind speed, m/s

11.7 15 7.9 10 6.4 6.1 4.9 5 0 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok (f-favg)/σf 1.6 -0.8 -0.3 -0.3

Fig. 1.12. Comparison of monthly averages of meteorological parameters at the stations. November 2009. 29



Table 1.19 Monthly averages of meteorological parameters (f) and their deviations from the multiyear

averages (favg) Mirny, December 2009 Normalized Anomaly Relative Parameter f fmax fmin anomaly f-favg anomaly f/favg (f-favg)/σf Sea level air pressure, hPa 985.9 1002.4 965.2 3.8 0.8 Air temperature, 0C -12.9 -4.6 -25.0 3.8 1.5 Relative humidity, % 78 6.6 1.4 Total cloudiness (sky coverage), tenths 7.5 1.0 0.9 Lower cloudiness(sky coverage),tenths 4.0 1.2 1.0 Precipitation, mm 25.2 -35.7 -0.7 0.4 Wind speed, m/s 12.2 35.0 0.1 0.1 Prevailing wind direction, deg 168 Total radiation, MJ/m2 205.3 -17.7 -1.1 0.9 Total ozone content (TO), DU 261 410 168





Fig. 1.13. Variations of daily mean values of surface temperature (A, bold line), maximum (A, thin line), minimum (A, dashed line) air temperature, sea level air pressure (B), relative humidity (C), mean (D, thick line), maximum (D, thin line) values of surface wind speed, maximum wind gust (D, dashed line), precipitation (E) and snow cover thickness (F). Mirny station. December 2009.


Table 1.20 Results of aerological atmospheric sounding (from CLIMAT-TEMP messages)

Mirny, December 2009 Number of Isobaric Resultant Number of Isobaric Dew point Resultant Wind days surface Temperature, wind days surface, deficit, wind speed, stability without height, T 0C direction, without P hPa D 0C m/s parameter,% temperature H m deg wind data data

982 39 -13.0 3.4 925 498 -12.7 5.8 89 12 94 2 2 850 1137 -16.1 6.1 82 11 95 2 2 700 2579 -22.0 6.5 65 5 56 2 2 500 4980 -36.2 8.7 16 2 17 2 2 400 6493 -46.2 8.7 293 4 35 2 2 300 8348 -58.4 8.9 277 7 48 2 2 200 10817 -69.0 9.0 280 11 72 2 2 150 12526 -70.5 9.4 277 15 87 2 2 100 14923 -71.6 9.7 273 24 93 2 2 70 17020 -71.5 9.9 272 33 95 2 2 50 19010 -69.7 9.8 271 42 95 2 2 30 22042 -65.5 10.7 272 55 95 3 4 20 24537 -59.3 11.1 271 69 94 7 7

Table 1.21 Anomalies of standard isobaric surface heights and temperature

Mirny, December 2009

P hPa Н-Нavg, m (Н-Havg)/σН Т-Тavg, °С (Т-Тavg)/σТ 850 48 1.2 3.0 1.6 700 52 1.2 1.3 0.8 500 58 1.0 1.5 0.9 400 67 1.0 1.9 1.2 300 74 1.0 1.6 1.3 200 82 1.0 0.2 0.1 150 79 0.9 0.0 0.0 100 78 0.9 -1.2 -0.3 70 61 0.6 -2.8 -0.5 50 6 0.0 -3.3 -0.5 30 -101 -0.4 -4.7 -0.7 20 -182 -0.5 -4.3 -0.6



Table 1.22

Monthly averages of meteorological parameters (f) and their deviations from the multiyear

averages (favg) Novolazarevskaya, December 2009 Normalized Anomaly Relative Parameter f fmax fmin anomaly f-favg anomaly f/favg (f-favg)/σf Sea level air pressure, hPa 986.3 1006.5 955.8 2.1 0.5 Air temperature, 0C -16.4 -6.7 -33.4 0.8 0.4 Relative humidity, % 41 -10.1 -1.4 Total cloudiness (sky coverage), tenths 6.6 1.2 1.2 Lower cloudiness(sky coverage),tenths 1.1 0.3 0.3 Precipitation, mm 3.4 -41.7 -0.8 0.1 Wind speed, m/s 10.3 24.0 0.4 0.2 Prevailing wind direction, deg 135 Total radiation, MJ/m2 175.0 1.0 0.1 1.0 Total ozone content (TO), DU 171 221 132





Fig. 1.14. Variations of daily mean values of surface temperature (A, bold line), maximum (A, thin line), minimum (A, dashed line) air temperature, sea level air pressure (B), relative humidity (C), mean (D, thick line), maximum (D, thin line) values of surface wind speed, maximum wind gust (D, dashed line), precipitation (E) and snow coverage (F). Novolazarevskaya station, December 2009.


Table 1.23 Results of aerological atmospheric sounding (from CLIMAT-TEMP messages)

Novolazarevskaya, December 2009 Number of Isobaric Resultant Number of Isobaric Dew point Resultant Wind days surface Temperature, wind days surface, deficit, wind speed, stability without height, T 0C direction, without P hPa D 0C m/s parameter,% temperature H m deg wind data data

970 122 -16.5 10.0 925 481 -16.4 12.6 111 12 93 0 0 850 1109 -21.1 11.7 102 14 96 0 0 700 2519 -27.3 9.2 104 6 68 0 0 500 4882 -40.1 9.7 206 3 25 0 0 400 6368 -50.3 9.5 225 5 40 0 0 300 8191 -61.6 9.1 235 9 55 0 0 200 10620 -72.6 9.0 244 11 74 0 0 150 12294 -75.1 9.2 254 12 82 1 1 100 14617 -78.6 9.5 263 15 89 2 2 70 16636 -80.1 9.7 265 20 92 2 2 50 18531 -80.5 9.9 269 24 95 2 2 30 21434 -76.8 10.7 274 32 94 4 4 20 23784 -70.3 11.9 277 38 93 5 5

Table 1.24 Anomalies of standard isobaric surface heights and temperature

Novolazarevskaya, December 2009

P hPa Н-Нavg, m (Н-Havg)/σН Т-Тavg, °С (Т-Тavg)/σТ 850 8 0.2 0.0 0.0 700 3 0.1 0.1 0.0 500 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 400 -2 0.0 0.0 0.0 300 -7 -0.1 0.4 0.4 200 -15 -0.2 -0.3 -0.2 150 -21 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 100 -39 -0.5 -1.3 -0.7 70 -59 -0.6 -1.9 -0.8 50 -102 -0.9 -2.3 -0.7 30 -172 -1.0 -1.8 -0.4 20 -278 -1.0 -1.5 -0.3



Table 1.25

Monthly averages of meteorological parameters (f) and their deviations from the multiyear averages (favg) Bellingshausen, December 2009 Normalized Anomaly Relative Parameter f fmax fmin anomaly f-favg anomaly f/favg (f-favg)/σf Sea level air pressure, hPa 990.0 1014.3 965.0 -1.1 -0.3 Air temperature, 0C -4.5 1.1 -18.4 -0.1 -0.1 Relative humidity, % 91 2.3 0.9 Total cloudiness (sky coverage), tenths 9.2 0.4 0.8 Lower cloudiness(sky coverage),tenths 8.0 0.1 0.1 Precipitation, mm 81.5 18.7 0.9 1.3 Wind speed, m/s 6.4 17.0 -0.3 -0.3 Prevailing wind direction, deg 22 Total radiation, MJ/m2 206.9 -7.1 -0.4 1.0





Fig. 1.15. Variations of daily mean values of surface temperature (A, bold line), maximum (A, thin line), minimum (A, dashed line) air temperature, sea level air pressure (B), relative humidity (C), mean (D, thick line), maximum (D, thin line) values of surface wind speed, maximum wind gust (D, dashed line), precipitation (E) and snow cover thickness (F). Bellingshausen station. December 2009.



Table 1.26

Monthly averages of meteorological parameters (f)

Progress, December 2009 Parameter f fmax fmin Sea level air pressure, hPa 988.4 1003.5 950.8 Air temperature, 0C -12.6 -3.5 -21.7 Relative humidity, % 58 Total cloudiness (sky coverage), tenths 7.7 Lower cloudiness(sky coverage),tenths 2.0 Precipitation, mm 18.2 Wind speed, m/s 6.3 19.0 Prevailing wind direction, deg 90 Total radiation, MJ/m2 123.7





Fig. 1.16. Variations of daily mean values of surface temperature (A, bold line), maximum (A, thin line), minimum (A, dashed line) air temperature, sea level air pressure (B), relative humidity (C), mean (D, thick line), maximum (D, thin line) values of surface wind speed, maximum wind gust (D, dashed line), precipitation (E) and snow coverage (F). Progress station. December 2009.


VOSTOK STATION Table 1.27 Monthly averages of meteorological parameters (f) and their deviations from the multiyear

averages (favg) Vostok, December 2009 Normalized Anomaly Relative Parameter f fmax fmin anomaly f-favg anomaly f/favg (f-favg)/σf Ground level air pressure, hPa 623.7 638.0 607.6 5.7 1.2 Air temperature, °C -64.2 -49.7 -74.8 1.5 0.4 Relative humidity, % 58 -11.0 -2.6 Total cloudiness (sky coverage), tenths 5.1 1.2 1.2 Lower cloudiness(sky coverage),tenths 0.0 -0.1 -0.5 Precipitation, mm 0.4 -2.6 -0.9 0.1 Wind speed, m/s 5.0 8.0 -0.5 -0.6 Prevailing wind direction, deg 248 Total radiation, MJ/m2 126.9 27.9 2.4 1.3 Total ozone content (TO), DU 127 151 110





Fig. 1.17. Variations of daily mean values of surface temperature (A, bold line), maximum (A, thin line), minimum (A, dashed line) air temperature, ground level air pressure (B), relative humidity (C), mean (D, thick line), maximum (D, thin line) values of surface wind speed, maximum wind gust (D, dashed line), precipitation (E) and snow cover thickness (F). Vostok station. December 2009.


D e c e m b e r 2009

Atmospheric pressure at sea level, hPa(pressure at Vostok station is ground level station)

986.3 986.9 989.3 990.9 1000 750 629.1 500 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok

(f-favg)/σf -0.9 -0.7 -0.4 -1.1

Air temperature, °C -2.6 -1.8 0.1 -17.5 -10 -31.8 -30 -50 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok

(f-favg)/σf -0.1 -1.1 -0.6 0.1

Relative humidity, % 91 100 73 57 57 58 50 0 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok

(f-favg)/σf0.5-0.2 0.9 -3.2

Total cloudiness, tenths 9.7 6.7 10 5.9 5.6 4.4 5 0 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok

(f-favg)/σf -0.2 -0.6 1.5 1.2

Precipitation, mm 61.1 60 30 1.8 1.7 9.4 1.7 0 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok

f/favg 0.1 0.2 1.2 2.8

Mean wind speed, m/s

10 6.2 6.9 6.4 5.4 5 1.4 0 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok

(f-favg)/σf-1.8-0.3 0.4 -3.4

Fig.1.18. Comparison of monthly averages of meteorological parameters at the stations. December 2009. 42


Fig. 2.1 characterizes the air temperature conditions in October-December 2009 at the Antarctic continent. It presents monthly averages, anomalies and normalized anomalies of surface air temperature at the Russian and non- Russian meteorological stations. The actual data of the Russian Antarctic Expedition contained in /1/ were used for the Russian Antarctic stations and data contained in /2, 3/ were used for the foreign stations. The multiyear averages over the period 1961-1990 were adopted from /4/. In October – November, similar to September, the above zero mean monthly air temperature anomalies were observed at the majority of the stations (Fig.2.1). Over much of the territory of Antarctica, the air temperature anomalies in these months were as a rule small (less than 1 σ). In October, the core of the center of above zero air temperature anomalies was located in the area of the east coast of the and the South Orkneys Islands. The air temperature anomaly at the core of the center near Halley station was 3.3°С (1.2 σ) and near Orcadas station, it was 2.1°С (1.2 σ). For Halley station, October 2009 was the fourth and for Orcadas station the tenth warmest October for the observation period from 1957. In November, the core of the center has moved to the inland regions of and to the west coast of the . At the core of the center in the vicinity of McMurdo station, the heat anomaly was 4.1°С (2.4 σ) and at Vostok station 2.3°С (1.5 σ). November 2009 at McMurdo station was the third and at Vostok station the seventh warmest November for the entire observation period (from 1957 at McMurdo station and from 1958 at Vostok station). The below zero air temperature anomalies in November were noted in the area of the . At Bellingshausen station, the anomaly comprised -0.9°С (-1.1 σ). November 2009 was the sixth coldest November at the station for the period beginning from 1968. In December, there was an increase in the number of stations with the below zero air temperature anomalies. The below zero anomalies were spreading to the Indian Ocean coast of East Antarctica, and also to the Weddell Sea area. The largest below zero anomaly was recorded at Novolazarevskaya station. It comprised -0.9°С (-1.1 σ). The main heat center was still preserved at the inland regions of East Antarctica and at the west coast of the Ross Sea. At McMurdo station, the air temperature anomaly was 1.1°С (0.9 σ). Another heat source continued to be preserved in the area of the Orkneys at Orcadas station (1.1°С, 2.1 σ). The statistically significant linear trends of long-period changes of mean monthly air temperature in these months at the Russian stations are observed only at Vostok station (Figs. 2.2-2.4). An increase of air temperature at Vostok station in November and December comprised about 2.0 and 1.3 °С/52 years, respectively (Table 2.1). In the last decade, the statistically significant linear trend of air temperature was not revealed at the Russian stations. The atmospheric pressure at the Russian stations was characterized in October and December by the predominantly negative and in November positive anomalies. The largest negative air pressure anomaly was observed in October at Bellingshausen station (-11.2 hPa, -2.2 σ). Such low air pressure at this station was observed for the second time over the entire operation period of the station. The largest positive air pressure anomaly in these months was observed in November at Novolazarevskaya station (4.9 hPa, 1.3 σ). The statistically significant linear trends of long-period changes of mean monthly atmospheric pressure are detected only in December at Bellingshausen, Mirny and Novolazarevskaya stations (Fig. 2.2-2.4). The decreased air pressure in December at these stations comprised about 6.0 hPa/42 years, 4.8 hPa/53 years and 5.3 hPa/49 years, respectively. During the months under consideration, the amount of precipitation at the Russian stations Novolazarevskaya (October, December), Mirny (October – December) and Vostok (October) was between 10 to 90 % of the multiyear average. In November and December, however, a multiple excess of the multiyear average was recorded at Vostok station – almost four-fold in November and three-fold in December. But these values appear to be unreliable. They can be a result of snow blown to the precipitation gauge at strong winds (see Table 1.18 of this bulletin).

Peculiarities of meteorological conditions in 2009

In addition to anomalies of air temperature for each of the last three months of 2009, Fig. 2.1 presents the anomalies and normalized anomalies of mean annual air temperature. Almost at all stations of Antarctica, the anomalies are positive. The largest of them occur at Vostok station and at Amundsen-Scott station. Only in the area of the east coast of the Weddell Sea (Halley station) and in the north of the Antarctic Peninsula (Bellingshausen station), small below zero anomalies were noted. Fig. 2.7 presents values of mean monthly anomalies of air temperature in their annual variations for 2009. One can see that at most stations during the year, the above zero air temperature anomalies prevailed. The most extensive by area centers of the above zero anomalies were observed in May – July. The largest centers of the below zero anomalies were recorded in January, April and August. Fig. 2.5 presents annual variations of mean monthly air temperature and atmospheric pressures for the Russian stations in 2009 in deviations from a multiyear average (1961-1990). One can see that at Mirny, Vostok and Novolazarevskaya stations, the above zero anomalies mostly prevailed. The largest above zero anomaly at Mirny station was noted in September (3.8°С, 1.5 σ), at Vostok station in February (4.1°С, 2.5 σ) and July (7.7°С, 2.7 σ) and at 43

Novolazarevskaya station in June (4.4°С, 1.9 σ). At Bellingshausen station in 2009, small below zero anomalies of mean monthly air temperature were observed. The annual variations of atmospheric pressure in 2009 at the Russian stations Bellingshausen, Novolazarevskaya and Mirny are characterized by dominance of negative anomalies. The large negative anomalies were recorded in January at Novolazarevskaya station (-8.1 hPa, -2.3 σ) and at Mirny station (-6.0 hPa, -1.8 σ) and in October, at Bellingshausen station (-11.2 hPa, -2.2 σ). The large positive air pressure anomalies were detected only at Bellingshausen station in August (10.9 hPa, 1.8 σ). Assessments of the linear trends of mean annual air temperature show the main tendency in general for the period 1957-2009 at most Antarctic stations to be an air temperature increase (Fig. 2.2-2.4, 2.6). This process is most pronounced on the Antarctic Peninsula. The largest values of the above zero linear trend of mean annual air temperature (at the Russian stations) are observed at Bellingshausen and Novolazarevskaya stations (coast of the ). An increase of mean annual air temperature at Bellingshausen station was about 1.0°С/41 year (from 1969) and at Novolazarevskaya station 0.9°С/48 years (from 1962) (Table 2.1). At the inland Vostok station in 2009, appearance of the above zero statistically significant linear trend of mean annual air temperature equal to 0.8 °С/52 years is manifested (from 1958). At Mirny station in the area of the Indian Ocean coast of East Antarctica, the trend values are statistically insignificant, but the trend sign is positive. The interannual changes of mean monthly air temperature at the Russian stations in some months manifest the statistically significant long-period trends at Bellingshausen station (for February, March, May and August), Novolazarevskaya station (for March and July), Mirny station (for September) and Vostok station (for November and December). The highest trend values at these stations mainly occur in the cold months. Thus at Novolazarevskaya station, the trend value of mean monthly air temperature for July is 2.4°С/49 years and at Bellingshausen station for August, it is equal to 2.6 °С/42 years (Table 2.1). So, the analysis of the thermal state of surface atmosphere of Antarctica shows the dominance in 2009 of the centers of the above zero anomalies of air temperature, which were more often localized in the inland regions and in the coastal part of the territory of East Antarctica. In the northern part of the Antarctic Peninsula, the below zero anomalies of air temperature were observed almost in all months of the year.


Table 2.1 Linear trend parameters of mean monthly surface air temperature at the Russian Antarctic stations

Station Parameter I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Year Entire observation period Novolazarevskaya оС/10 years 0.09 0.08 0.17 0.16 -0.05 0.32 0.48 0.33 0.23 0.15 0.03 0.03 0.18 1961-2009 % 15.2 13.6 23.3 12.9 3.2 19.4 23.6 20.2 17.0 13.2 3.9 4.6 41.0 Р - - 90 - - - 90 - - - - - 99 Mirny оС/10 years -0.13 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.02 0.27 0.34 0.21 0.45 0.02 0.07 -0.00 0.11 1957-2009 % 17.0 5.0 4.6 4.7 1.3 19.2 17.8 11.6 27.4 2.1 9.1 0.8 21.8 Р ------95 - - - - Vostok оС/10 years 0.15 -0.04 0.10 0.08 0.08 0.19 0.36 0.27 -0.02 -0.07 0.38 0.25 0.16 1958-2009 % 16.0 0.4 7.1 5.5 4.8 9.3 15.7 11.7 0.7 6.9 38.3 24.8 26.3 Р ------99 90 90 Bellingshausen оС/10 years 0.25 0.22 0.21 0.20 0.63 0.34 0.16 0.62 0.14 -0.00 0.00 0.02 0.24 1968-2009 % 48.8 43.2 28.6 17.7 37.0 19.4 6.3 32.0 10.0 0.1 0.4 5.9 36.2 Р 99 99 90 - 99 - - 95 - - - - 95 2000–2009 Novolazarevskaya оС/10 years -0.05 -0.59 2.2 -1.11 1.18 -0.15 0.96 0.05 0.02 -1.26 0.76 -0.00 0.16 % 2.0 19.4 49.3 18.8 14.1 2.2 08.5 0.6 0.5 20.2 14.8 0.1 6.7 Р ------Mirny оС/10 years -0.55 0.45 -0.44 -0.42 2.66 1.57 2.50 0.18 -1.33 0.60 -0.36 0.18 0.36 % 20.0 10.8 11.6 7.0 24.4 36.5 24.6 2.9 20.2 13.9 17.1 4.8 16.5 Р ------Vostok оС/10 years -0.27 1.44 3.82 -1.58 0.88 -0.32 4.76 1.47 1.78 1.67 0.22 -0.65 1.09 % 6.4 26.6 65.2 23.5 8.2 2.9 52.4 15.9 32.4 27.6 5.7 13.2 42.8 Р - - 90 ------Bellingshausen оС/10 years 0.35 0.38 0.96 -1.50 -0.41 -0.87 -2.67 -3.18 1.27 0.41 0.04 0.50 -0.38 % 20.7 20.4 28.9 36.4 8.2 11.4 31.1 47.3 28.7 8.8 1.7 21.5 16.6 Р ------

First line is the linear trend coefficient; Second line is the dispersion value explained by the linear trend; Third line: P=1-α, where α is the level of significance (given if P exceeds 90%).


1. http://www.south.aari.nw.ru 2. http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/ol/climate/climatedata.html 3. http://www.nerc–bas.ac.uk/public/icd/metlog/jones_and_limbert.html 4. Atlas of the Oceans. The Southern Ocean. GUNiO МО RF, St. Petersburg, 2005. 5. Quarterly Bulletin “State of Antarctic Environment. Operational data of Russian Antarctic stations”, January- March 2009, No. 1 (46). 6. Quarterly Bulletin “State of Antarctic Environment. Operational data of Russian Antarctic stations”, April-June 2009, No. 2 (47). 7. Quarterly Bulletin “State of Antarctic Environment. Operational data of Russian Antarctic stations”, July-September 2009, No. 3 (48).


Fig. 2.1. Mean monthly and mean annual values (1) of surface air temperature, their anomalies (2) and normalized anomalies (3) in October (X), November (XI) and December (XII) 2009 and in whole for the year (I-XII) from data of stationary meteorological stations in the South Polar Area. 46

Fig. 2.2. Interannual variations of temperature and atmospheric pressure anomalies at the Russian Antarctic stations. October.


Fig. 2.3. Interannual variations of temperature and atmospheric pressure anomalies at the Russian Antarctic stations. November.


Fig. 2.4. Interannual variations of temperature and atmospheric pressure anomalies at the Russian Antarctic stations. December.


Fig. 2.5. Annual variations of mean monthly air temperature and mean monthly atmospheric pressure in 2009. 1 – mean annual air temperature (mean annual air pressure) for the period 1961-1990, 2 – mean monthly air temperature (mean monthly air pressure) for the period 1961-1990, 3 – mean monthly air temperature (mean monthly air pressure) values in 2009.


Fig. 2.6. Interannual variations of temperature and atmospheric pressure anomalies at the Russian Antarctic stations. Year.


Orcadas Novolazarevskaya Syowa

Halley Mawson Bellingshausen

Amundsen-Scott Davis

Rothera Mirny Vostok

Casey McMurdo

Dumont d’Urville

Fig. 2.7. Annual variations of normalized anomalies of mean monthly air temperature at the Russian Antarctic stations in 2009.



The past Antarctic winter that lasted for entire half a year from April to September was characterized by the increased development of zonal atmospheric processes as compared with a multiyear average in the zone of high and temperate latitudes of the southern hemisphere. In the first part of the cold period (April-June), the development of the processes of form Z /2/ exceeded the multiyear average only insignificantly and in the second part of winter, the frequency of occurrence of zonal processes has become prevailing and much greater than a multiyear average. During the next spring-summer period there was a specific transfer from the prevailing zonal circulation to the development of the meridional form of the atmospheric processes (Mb), however with the beginning of summer in December, the frequency of occurrence of zonal processes has increased again. In October, for the first time from December 2008, a negative anomaly of the frequency of occurrence of the processes of form Z was recorded (Table 3.1). The processes of meridional form Ма during the long preceding period were developed less compared to a multiyear average. Their frequency of occurrence was less than a multiyear average also in October. The processes of form Мb were significantly developed. It should be noted that the total high intensity of the atmospheric circulation for temperate and high latitudes in the preceding months was slightly reduced in October, and in the second part of the month it has decreased even more and has become close to the summer indicators in some regions of East Antarctica. Along with this, active cyclonic activity in the regions of , including the Amundsen Sea, the Bellingshausen Sea, the Antarctic Peninsula and the Weddell Sea was supported by the exits of cyclones along the eastern Pacific Ocean trajectories. The processes of the regeneration of cyclones at zonal trajectories over the entire indicated area were significantly developed.

Table 3.1 Frequency of occurrence of the atmospheric circulation forms of the Southern Hemisphere and their anomalies in October – December 2009

Month Frequency of occurrence (days) Anomalies (days) Z Ma Mb Z Ma Mb October 12 9 10 -1 -2 3 November 13 8 9 1 -3 2 December 17 3 11 4 -8 4

In October, one should also note the activity of the cyclones at the Madagascar branch of the trajectories and formation of the cyclonic zone over the Davis and Mawson Seas. The insignificant air temperature and pressure anomalies were predominantly observed over the seas of East Antarctica. At all observation stations, the amount of precipitation was below the multiyear average. In West Antarctica, an extensive area of negative air pressure anomalies was formed due to significant intensification of cyclonic activity. In the area of the Antarctic Peninsula, the anomaly exceeded -10 hPa, and the amount of precipitation was higher than a multiyear average approximately by 30 mm. The air temperature values were close to mean multiyear values. In November, the peculiarities of development of large-scale atmospheric processes of the Southern hemisphere were close to those in October, which has affected the frequency of occurrence of the circulation forms Z, Ma, Mb. So, for the second month in a row, the number of days with a zonal circulation form was close to a multiyear average (Table 3.1). The meridional processes of type Ма were observed for 8 days (by 3 days less than a multiyear average), which corresponds to a level noted in October. A distinguishing feature of November, similar to October, was the development of meridional processes Mb, their frequency of occurrence exceeding the multiyear average by 3 days. The total intensity of the atmospheric circulation in the South Polar Area continued to become weaker in accordance with the seasonal tendency. It was noted that the polar atmospheric front was displaced to temperate latitudes and there was an increased influence of the continental High in the Antarctic Seas. This was manifested in the formation of a belt of large positive anomalies of surface pressure in East Antarctica and in the near-polar area. So, the cyclonic activity in East Antarctica was decreased. One can note a relatively increased activity of the cyclones at the Falkland and Kerguelen branches of the trajectories. More active anticyclonic processes were observed in the African sector, in particular, in the Lazarev Sea area. In West Antarctica in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean sector, the anticyclonic processes were anomalously developed and the cyclonic activity in the Bellingshausen and Amundsen Seas was almost completely suppressed. Opposite to this in the western part of the Pacific Ocean sector at the Ross Sea meridians, a zone of active cyclogenesis determined by the outflow of warm and moist air masses from the Pacific Ocean subtropics was formed. In December, the character of the macro-circulation atmospheric processes has changed. The seasonal tendency for dominating zonal character of the processes was manifested to a full extent with the onset of the summer season. An even greater than in November decrease in the frequency of occurrence of meridional processes of form Ма and an increase of the number of days with the processes of form Z, but not of such high intensity, as in winter, were observed 53

(Table 3.1). The development of moderate and insignificant by depth cyclones mainly occurred at the zonal and also at the Falkland and Kerguelen branches of the trajectories. The zonal character of atmospheric circulation was clearly revealed in the formation of a continuous belt of surface subtropical anticyclones of small intensity in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean sectors. The dominance of zonal transports was also noted in the strata of the troposphere primarily at the levels of 700 and 500 hPa. A different picture was observed in the Pacific Ocean sector. In the eastern part of this sector, the subtropical anticyclone has reached significant intensity. The well-developed cyclones exited at its western periphery to the shores of Antarctica primarily to the Ross and the Somov Seas along the New Zealand branch. So, the atmospheric circulation in West Antarctica had a sharply meridional character. The belt of subtropical anticyclones was significantly disturbed here and the intensity of cyclones could be fully assessed after decoding the data of AWS at Russkaya station. It should be noted that the difference in the circulation peculiarities of two sectors can be also clearly seen from the charts АТ-700 and АТ-500. According to these data, an extensive high-latitudinal ridge at Vostok station an at the center of the Pacific Ocean sector reaches the shores of the Amundsen Sea and then spreads further southward to the Mary Bird Land. In the west of this sector within an extensive altitudinal trough, a very intensive cyclonic vortex was formed. The center of this vortex was in the area of the Balleny Islands. By considering the data of Russian and foreign meteorological stations we can note in East Antarctica a comparatively low level of intensity of atmospheric circulation and in general a decreased background mean monthly air pressure at most coastal stations of the region, and also in the vicinity of the Antarctic Peninsula and at the inland Vostok station. The background mean monthly air temperature at the coastal stations in East Antarctica was almost everywhere characterized by small below zero deviations from multiyear averages. A significant deficit of atmospheric precipitation was noted in the area of the Davis Sea at an almost complete absence of export of moist air masses by the Kerguelen cyclones. In the other coastal regions the amount of precipitation was within a multiyear average. At the Progress – Vostok route, an approximate assessment has shown an average excess of the snow cover depth by 15 mm. We note especially the period 27-29 December, when under the conditions of a low gradient field in the vicinity of Davis – Progress stations, the development of a local thick cumulus and cumulonimbus cloudiness was observed, accompanied with snow charges. In some coastal areas, the increase of the snow cover for three days was 15 – 20 cm. In conclusion, considering data in Table 3.1, we should note that the increase of the frequency of occurrence of the processes of form Z in December reflects the tendency of the entire year 2009. In general for the year, the frequency of occurrence of these processes exceeded the multiyear average by 38 days. At the second place are the processes of form Mb, their frequency of occurrence exceeded the yearly multiyear average by 9 days. The epoch of the multiyear decrease of the frequency of occurrence of zonal processes noted in /1/ and /3/ was replaced beginning from 2007 by the increase of their frequency of occurrence, which continues at the present time.


1. Atlas of the Oceans. The Southern Ocean. GUNiO МО RF, St. Petersburg, 2005. – P. 324. 2. Dydina L.А., Rabtsevich S.V., Ryzhakov L.Yu., Savitsky G.B. Forms of atmospheric circulation in the Southern hemisphere//AARI Proceedings. – 1976. – V. 330. - P. 5 – 16. 3. Ryzhakov L.Yu. Multiyear tendencies of the frequency of occurrence of the forms of atmospheric circulation of the Southern hemisphere and their manifestation in the synoptic processes of the Antarctic. Quarterly Bulletin “State of Antarctic Environment. Operational data of Russian Antarctic stations”, 2002, No. 4 (21), P.50-57.



The ice conditions in the Southern Ocean in January-February 2009 were similar in many respects to the last year ice situation. The increased sea ice extent of the absolute majority of the marginal Antarctic Seas was again preserved throughout the entire navigation period. The area of the Atlantic ice massif by February 2009 was again significantly greater than a multiyear average predominantly due to the increased size of its eastern part, resulting to complete blocking of the entire coast of the Weddell Sea. In the Indian Ocean sector, an extraordinary situation of preserving the external belt of drifting ice was observed again, except for the completely ice-cleared western part of the Commonwealth Sea and the area of Vincennes Bay. There was especially much ice in the Riiser-Larsen and Davis Seas. The Balleny ice massif was distinguished similar to a year ago by the maximum development. The anomalously increased ice export from the coastal region northward was again observed in the area of 160° W in the neighboring Ross Sea, the recurring polynya of which was nevertheless connected with the open ocean in the first part of February (Fig. 4.1, а). The ice conditions in the area of Russkaya station in the Amundsen Sea were more severe compared to the last year corresponding to a multiyear average. And only the Bellingshausen Sea, except for the vicinity of Thurston Island was completely ice-free for the third year in succession. Late breakup of landfast ice like in the last year has contributed to maintaining the increased sea ice extent (Table 4.2), as well as its weakened melting due to unusually large snow concentration on ice. So, according to data of Progress station, the total decrease of ice thickness for three summer months from December to February was only about 30 cm (Table 4.1). Nevertheless, significant areas of landfast ice including second-year ice were subjected to decay that mainly took place only in February-March – in the Cosmonauts Sea, in the western part of the Commonwealth Sea, in the southwestern corner of Treshnikov Bay, near the coast of the Wilkes Land between 120 and 130°E and in the Somov Sea. Among the preserved parts of landfast ice, one should note 5-year old landfast ice at the head of Sannefjord Bay.

Table. 4.1 Landfast ice thickness and snow depth on it (in cm) in the areas of the Russian Antarctic stations in 2009

Station Characteristics M o n t h s I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Ice Actual 129 75 53 69 91 103 122 143 155 161 Mirny Multiyear - - 46 67 84 101 119 137 152 156 149 average Snow 15 0 14 13 12 25 29 22 26 34 Progress Ice 1481 140 60 76 98 121 150 166 174 178

Snow 3 9 1 0 2 1 2 14 3 14 Bellingsha Ice 53 70 55 usen Snow 14 33 18 Note: 1 – From measurements of landfast ice, preserved unbroken in Zapadnaya Bay (Nella–fjord).

At the background of increased quantity of residual ice in the Antarctic area of the Southern Ocean, active autumn ice formation began similar to the last year as early as the second part of February. It was exceptionally intensive in the area of the largest recurring polynyas – of the Ross and the Amundsen Seas and Prydz and Treshnikov Bays, which were completely ice-covered by the end of March. In connection with this, solid circumpolar ice belt was reconstructed, however again except for the Bellingshausen Sea, where ice formation was delayed until the second part of March, and the absolutely ice-free Pacific Ocean coast of the Antarctic Peninsula. In April, intensive expansion of the sea ice cover continued. In total, the ice edge has advanced northward by two degrees of latitude. Its maximum displacement by 4 degrees of latitude was noted in the area of the Weddell Gyre. By the end of the month, even the area of the Bellingshausen Sea was completely covered with young ice to the south of the 70th parallel (Fig. 4.1, b). Only the Pacific Ocean coast of the Antarctic Peninsula to the north of Margaret Bay was still absolutely ice-free. Also, as compared with March, the size of the ice belt has not practically changed in the Cosmonauts Sea, in the area of the Wilkes Land (110–135° E), in the D’Urville and the Amundsen Seas. Besides in the coastal zone except for a rare exclusion (Mirny station area), late formation of landfast ice was observed, the delay in its formation comprising for example in Prydz Bay near Progress station about one month (Table 4.2). In May, there was almost everywhere a sharp decrease of the rate of spreading of drifting ice. The edge was predominantly stabilized around its average multiyear location (Fig. 4.1, b). It was situated much to the south on both 55 sides of the Antarctic Peninsula – along its west shore and in the northwestern area of the Weddell Sea. However due to a significantly more northern location of the edge in the Atlantic sector and also in the Somov Sea and in the area of Russkaya station, the total ice area in the Southern Ocean remained larger than usually. The development of landfast ice was intensified, also by its thickness, which in general corresponded to a multiyear average (Table 4.2). In June, a rapid increase of the size of the Antarctic ice belt was observed again, determining preservation of the increased background sea ice extent. The Atlantic ice massif was again distinguished by the maximum expansion, reaching everywhere the 60th parallel, including the area of the South Orkneys, which remained ice-free until this time. The ice flow from the Weddell Sea to Bransfield Strait has dramatically increased, beginning late approximately by half a month from the middle of May. This has traditionally stimulated the process of local ice formation in the area of the South Shetland Islands ending with a rapid freezing of Ardley Bay near Bellingshausen station on mean multiyear dates (Table 4.2). In July, expansion of the sea ice cover was mainly due to the dramatic increase of its resulting export drift northward. This was accompanied with formation of extensive protrusions of the ice edge in the main export regions, which reached 58° S at 50° W, 56° S at 10° E, 57° S at 80° E and 59° S at 150° W. In the area of the Antarctic Peninsula, one observed active ice spreading, which has not been seen for a long time, from the Bellingshausen Sea in the direction of the South Shetland Islands to the Drake Passage with preservation of intensive ice export beginning in mid-May from the Weddell Sea to Bransfield Strait. As a result, sufficiently severe ice conditions were formed here, which were revealed, in particular, in the final freeze-up of Ardley Bay near Bellingshausen station similar to 2007 for 3 months, which was a multiyear average for the 1970s. In August, ice formation in the marginal zones has intensified everywhere, leveling to a great extent the irregularities of the circumpolar ice belt configuration. In most marginal seas, the ice edge has reached its maximum northern location in the annual cycle. In the coastal regions, the growth of landfast ice occurred more rapidly than usually. In September, in the Drake Passage, the Scotia Sea, the area of Wilkes Land (110-135° E) and the D’Urville Sea, spring melting and retreat of the ice edge southward began. However, the main area of the ice cover remained unchanged and, due to the preceding intensive expansion in June-August, it was even slightly larger compared to a mean multiyear value (Fig. 4.1, c). The ice growth rate in the coastal zone behind the Polar Circle was still anomalously high, comprising about 20 cm a month (Table 4.1). In October, the ice belt decrease was mainly restricted to the Atlantic sector, and the ice edge over much of it rapidly retreated to the south, on average by 3 degrees latitude, to the 60th parallel. The areas of the South Orkneys and the Shetland Islands were ice-cleared. In the first half of the month on the dates close to mean multiyear dates there was landfast ice breakup in Ardley Bay (Table 4.2). In the other regions, the ice edge has not changed significantly. However, an unusually early appearance of recurring polynyas including the Ross Sea polynya, was noted near the coast. In November, at the background of continued stable preservation of the main sea ice area, a significant decrease of the ice belt width was observed only in the central part of the Pacific Ocean sector – in the area of Russkaya station. The ice edge here was displaced southward by 5 degrees of latitude up to the 67th parallel. There was further intensive development of recurring polynyas, which was accompanied with the early start of landfast ice breakup. The preserved landfast ice continued growing, reaching at Progress station in the end of the month an extremely large thickness of about 180 cm (Table 4.1). In December, very rapid melting of the ice cover began everywhere, due to which the sea ice extent of the Southern Ocean has in general decreased to the extent close to a multiyear average (Fig. 4.1, d). Intensive development inside the ice belt of two largest recurring polynyas of the Antarctic has contributed to this to a great extent – the Ross Sea polynya, expanding in spring too rapidly and the Weddell polynya, which was manifested with a delay of about a month only in the end of November, but already by the middle of December, it has determined the formation of a large embayment in ice in the area of 10-30° E.


February 2009 May 2009

September 2009 December 2009

Fig. 4.1. Mean monthly (1) location of the outer northern sea ice edge in the Southern Ocean in February (а), May (b), September (c) and December (d) 2009 relative to its maximum (2), average (3) and minimal (4) spreading over a multiyear period in the Southern Ocean.


Table. 4.2 Dates of the onset of main ice phases in the areas of the Russian Antarctic stations in 2009

Station Landfast ice breakup Clearance Ice formation Landfast ice formation Freeze up (water Start End First Final First Stable First Stable First Final body) Mirny Actual 11.12.09 03.03 20.03 NO1 09.03 09.03 26.03 26.03 05.04 08.04 (roadstead) Multiyear 23.12 05.02 12.02 NO 11.03 12.03 30.03 02.04 14.04 17.04 average1 Progress Actual 24.12.09 02.02 NO NO 03.02 16.02 03.04 03.04 12.04 12.04 (Vostochna Multiyear 30.12 13.01 NO NO 16.02 17.02 06.03 08.03 26.03 26.03 ya Bay) average1 Bellingshau Actual 03.10 16.10 18.10 13.11 21.05 23.06 13.06 25.06 02.07 02.07 sen (Ardley Multiyear 4.09 13.10 21.10 01.11 12.05 06.06 09.06 17.06 05.07 30.06 Bay) average1 Note: 1 - phenomenon was absent (does not occur).



In 2009, the total ozone (TO) measurements were traditionally continued at Mirny, Vostok and Novolazarevskaya stations and also during the voyages of the R/V “Akademik Fedorov” to the Antarctic. The annual variations of daily TO values for these stations and data of measurements from board the R/V “Akademik Fedorov” at the time of its navigation in the Antarctic Seas (south of 55° S) are given in Fig. 5.1. According to data of ground and satellite measurements /2,3/, the total ozone concentration in general over Antarctica in the first quarter of the year remained lower than usual for this time of the year. Its value (about 270 DU) was close over much of the continent to the minimal value for these months. The ozone layer temperature over Antarctica has decreased compared to the summer maximum and was even slightly less than the multiyear average, however the temperature decrease was insufficient for formation of clouds, on which the major ozone destruction takes place. At all stations in January–March, there was some decrease of the total ozone concentration by the end of the period under consideration, being most significant at Vostok station. The ozone concentration was lower most of the time in central Antarctica (Vostok station) than in the coastal regions.

450 400 450 400 400 350 400 350 350 350 300 300 300 300 250 250 250 250 200 200 200 200 150 150 150

Total ozone(DU) Total 150 Total ozone(DU) Total 100 100 100 100 1 2 1 2 50 50 3 4 50 50 3 4 0 0 0 0 01.01.09 02.03.09 01.05.09 30.06.09 29.08.09 28.10.09 27.12.09 01.01.09 02.03.09 01.05.09 30.06.09 29.08.09 28.10.09 27.12.09 Date Date

Fig. 5.1. Mean daily TO values at Mirny (1), Novolazarevskaya (2) and Vostok (3) stations and from data of measurements from board the R/V “Akademik Fedorov” (4).

The mean monthly TO values at Mirny station for all months of the first quarter (318 DU in January, 312 DU in February and 309 DU in March) were higher than in 2008 (310 DU in January, 305 DU in February and 289 DU in March). At the same time at Vostok station in 2009, the total ozone concentration (301 DU in January, 275 DU in February and 267 DU in March) was lower than in the preceding year (316 DU in January, 309 DU in February and 286 DU in March). At Novolazarevskaya station in January (310 DU) and in March (292 DU), the mean monthly TO values were slightly lower and in February (302 DU) – higher than in 2008 /1/. In the second quarter of 2009, the lowest TO values for the period under consideration were recorded at Novolazarevskaya station on 18 April (209 DU). At Mirny station, the minimal for this period value (224 DU) was noted on 6 May. The mean monthly TO values in April at both stations were lower than in 2008 (265 DU at Novolazarevskaya station and 285 DU at Mirny station) /1/. In the first part of May (the observations were stopped in the middle of May), the total ozone concentration at Mirny station was also lower than in the previous year. After the end of the polar night, the total ozone measurements (TO) were resumed at Mirny station – from 31 July, at Novolazarevskaya station – from 15 August and at Vostok station – from 6 September. In 2009 as early as in May, the temperature in the stratosphere of the Antarctic has decreased to -78○С, creating conditions for formation of polar stratospheric clouds (PSC) of type I, and from the beginning of June at a temperature decrease to -85○С – of type II /3/. The development of PSC has created in turn the conditions of ozone destruction, determining its further losses, which occurred already by the beginning of August. One can note that only in 10% of 59 winters, beginning from 1979, the area of PSC was larger than by August 2009. By the middle of August, the minimal TO values were very low for this time of the year. During the last decade the ozone destruction was beginning earlier than in 2009 only in 2000. In the first part of August 2009, the ozone hole was growing slowly in area and reached its maximal size of 24 mln. km2 on 17 September. Then the ozone hole area began to decrease, however the hole was preserved up to the end of November. From the middle of August to the middle of November, its area was average for the last decade. At the beginning of December according to data /2/ the minimal TO values at the Antarctic continent have increased to 240 DU (the degree of the ozone layer destruction comprised about 30%), and outside the polar vortex, the ozone concentration was 400 DU. According to data of satellite measurements, the minimal TO value over the Antarctic in 2009 comprised 94 DU, which was recorded on 26 September /4/. At the Russian stations, the minimal TO values were observed at Vostok station on 16 and 28 September (110 DU), at Novolazarevskaya station on 20 September (132 DU) and at Mirny station on 25 September (168 DU) (Fig.5.1). The stratospheric polar vortex in the end of winter and often in spring of 2009 was not so symmetrical relative to the Pole as in 2008, due to which there were significant ozone concentration fluctuations from day-to-day. For example at Mirny station, the TO value from 25 to 30 September has increased from 168 to 419 DU. The mean monthly TO values at Mirny station and at Novolazarevskaya station in August (227 and 213 DU, respectively) were lower than in 2008, and in September – higher (261 and 171 DU). The mean monthly TO value at Vostok station in September (127 DU) was lower than last year. In October, the mean monthly TO values (261 DU at Mirny station, 172 DU at Novolazarevskaya station and 175 DU at. Vostok station) were slightly lower than last year. In November and December, the total ozone concentration at all Russian stations was most of the time much higher than in 2008 /1/. The mean monthly values in November and December comprised 350 and 344 DU at Mirny station, 322 and 328 DU at Novolazarevskaya station and 275 and 320 DU at Vostok station. The results of TO measurements from board the R/V “Akademik Fedorov” in Antarctic waters, presented in Fig. 5.1 confirm the results of measurements obtained earlier at the continental stations. It is of interest to compare the multiyear variations of TO values at the Russian and non-Russian Antarctic stations. Multiyear variations of the deviation of mean monthly TO values from a multiyear average (1971 – 2000) for September are given in Fig. 5.2. One can see that at all Russian and non-Russian stations under consideration, the deviations from a multiyear average from the beginning of observations to the early 1980s were positive. From the second part of the 1980s they become as a rule negative (exactly for September such variations are most clearly seen). Only in 1988 and 2002, the effect of the ozone hole was not observed due to the early destruction of the circumpolar vortex. In general, based on the data presented in Fig. 5.2, one can speak about some stabilizing of the extent of manifestation of the negative spring TO anomaly in Antarctica.

200 September 1 2 3 150 4 5 6 100



5 05 -501960 196 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 20 Deviation from standard(DU))


-150 1 – Mirny, 2 – Novolazarevskaya, 3 – Vostok, 4 – Syowa, 5 – Vernadsky, 6 – Halley

Fig. 5.2. Interannual TO variability (in deviations from a multiyear average of 1971-2000) at the Russian (а) and foreign (b) stations in Antarctica for September.



1. Quarterly Bulletin “State of Antarctic Environment. 2008. Operational data of Russian Antarctic stations”, SI AARI, Russian Antarctic Expedition, 2008, No. 1-4. 2. http://www.antarctica.ac.uk/met 3. Antarctic Ozone Bulletin 2009. No.1. http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/arep/gaw/ozone/index.html 4. http://ozone-watch.gsfc.nasa.gav/



In 2009, the geomagnetic observations were carried out at Vostok, Novolazarevskaya, Progress and Mirny stations. At Vostok, Mirny and Novolazarevskaya stations, continuous registration of the space radio-emission was made at the frequencies of 32 MHz (Vostok, Mirny and Novolazarevskaya stations), 24 MHz (Vostok station) and 40 MHz (Mirny station). In May at Mirny station, the digital ionosonde was repaired and vertical sounding of the ionosphere began under a standard program. The geophysical situation throughout the year was very quiet, which corresponds to the exceptionally quiet Sun. During this period, the active areas were completely absent on the Sun. In some periods, the Wolf numbers were equal to zero. The weak magnetic perturbations related to insignificant variations of solar wind parameters were accompanied with intrusions of weak fluxes of energy electrons to the polar ionosphere. These intrusions were registered by riometers at Novolazarevskaya and Mirny stations (on 28 – 30 June, 9 and 22 July and 6, 19 – 20 and 30 August). The intrusions of solar energy protons responsible for absorption of the PCA type were not observed in the polar cap.



MIRNY STATION Mean monthly absolute geomagnetic field values

October November December Declination 87º39.2´W 87º37.0´W 87º34.7´W Horizontal component 13755 nT 13763 nT 13776 nT Vertical component -57467 nT -57476 nT -57468 nT

Mirny, October 2009



dB 2 max, A 1

0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31

Mirny, November 2009



, dB 2 max A 1

0 1 3 5 7 9 1113151719212325272931

Mirny, December 2009



, dB 2 max A 1

0 1 3 5 7 9 1113151719212325272931

Fig. 6.1. Maximum daily space radio-emission absorption at the 32 MHz frequency from riometer observations at Mirny station.


Mirny, October 2009



00LT 4 12LT f0F2, MHz f0F2, 2

0 135791113151719212325272931

Mirny, November 2009



00LT 4 12LT f0F2, MHz f0F2, 2

0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31

Mirny, December 2009



00LT 4 12LT f0F2, MHz f0F2, 2

0 135791113151719212325272931

Fig. 6.2. Daily variations of critical frequencies of the F2 (f0F2) layer at Mirny station.



Mean monthly absolute geomagnetic field values

October November December Declination 28º53.9´W 28º56.6´W 28º55.0´W Horizontal component 18531 nT 18530 nT 18523 nT Vertical component -34742 nT -34740 nT -34726 nT

Novolazarevskaya, November 2009



, dB 2 max A 1

0 1 3 5 7 9 1113151719212325272931

Novolazarevskaya, December 2009



, dB 2 max A 1

0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31

Fig. 6.3. Maximum daily space radio-emission absorption at the 32 MHz frequency from riometer observations at Novolazarevskaya station.


Mean monthly absolute geomagnetic field values

October November December Declination 74º16.1´W 74º18.7´W 74º07.0´W Horizontal component 16713 nT 16725 nT 16734 nT Vertical component -50590 nT -50556 nT -50518 nT



Mean monthly absolute geomagnetic field values

October November December Declination 122º02.7´W 122º19.6´W 122º29.3´W Horizontal component 13610 nT 13550 nT 13538 nT Vertical component -57862 nT -57865 nT -57865 nT

Vostok, October 2009



, dB 2 max A 1

0 1 3 5 7 9 1113151719212325272931

Vostok, November 2009



, dB 2 max A 1

0 1 3 5 7 9 1113151719212325272931

Vostok, December 2009



, dB 2 max A 1

0 1 3 5 7 9 1113151719212325272931

Fig. 6.4. Maximum daily space radio-emission absorption at the 32 MHz frequency from riometer observations at Vostok station.



In 2008, seismic observations in Antarctica were continued at two stationary stations of the Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Science (GS RAS) – at Mirny and Novolazarevskaya stations. At Mirny station, seismic observations have been carried out from 1956 and observations at Novolazarevskaya station from 1962. These stations are within the teleseismic network of GS RAS /1/, its main objective being provision of continuous monitoring of the Earth’s seismic active zones, including Russia. The Antarctic seismic stations perform the following functions: – Monitoring of strong earthquakes at Earth with a magnitude МPSP1>6; – Registration of earthquakes in the territory around Antarctica; – Registration of local phenomena in Antarctica including local earthquakes and fractures in the ice sheet. A unique location of seismometers on monolithic bedrock outcrops of a practically aseismic continent remote from civilization and a high level of noise, allows one to register seismic waves from earthquakes occurring at significant distances from these stations. So, earthquakes with a magnitude МPSP≥6.0 are registered at a distance comprising Δ=165° (about 18 000 km). Highly sensitive instrumentation also allows tracing the less intensive earthquakes of the oceanic belt surrounding the continent at a distance Δ=15–25° from the coast. The equipment of Mirny station is represented by a set of analogue instrumentation – seismometers with a highly sensitive short-period channel SKM-3 and a medium-period seismograph SKD with a channel of decreased sensitivity/1/. The instrument room with seismic receivers is located in a standard extension hut with two pedestals for seismic receivers (0.5х1.5х1.5 m); the foundations of the pedestals are not rigidly connected with the floor. The pedestals under the recorders and galvanometers are mounted on piles. For the structure rigidity, the pedestals under the recorders are rigidly connected with pedestals under the galvanometers. The seismograms obtained as a result of continuous observations were subjected to preliminary processing, which included keeping the registration log of the change of seismograms, separation of the precise time signals and determination of time corrections and registration of seismograms. Then the interpretation of the records of earthquakes was performed. Upon the return of the expedition, the seismograms were passed to the archive of the GS RAS. At the Novolazarevskaya seismic station, observations are carried out from July 7, 1999 /2/ using a broadband seismometer SKD in a set with a 16-charge digital seismic station SDAS, developed and produced by the GS RAS (Obninsk) jointly with the Scientific-Production Association "Geotekh” /3/. These instruments with a bandwidth of 0.04–3 Hz, a sampling rate of 20 readouts a second and a dynamic range of about 90 dB allow applying a modern digital level of collection, storage and processing of seismic records /1/. The sensors are installed on the monolithic outcrop of bedrock (gneiss) in the well at a distance of 50 m from the data collection and processing instrumentation. The digital records of earthquakes were computer-processed and were archived on CD-ROMs, which upon the return of the expeditions were passed to the archive of GS RAS. Processing of records of earthquakes at Mirny and Novolazarevskaya stations was carried out in accordance with the methodology /4/ and included identification of arrivals of seismic waves, determination of the time and precision of arrivals, identification of seismic waves and determination of the main parameters of earthquakes (time in the source, distance to the epicenter and magnitude). The interpretation results were recorded in the station logs (Mirny) and in the electronic database (Novolazarevskaya), and on their basis daily operational reports were prepared and sent by telegraph to the Information- Processing Center (IPC) of GS RAS. These data were used for a summary processing of earthquakes in preparation of the operational catalogues and the Seismological bulletin /5/. In 2008, 1347 earthquakes and separate arrivals were recorded at Mirny station. Complete processing was carried out with determination of the main source parameters for 202 earthquakes. Data of this station were used for a summary processing at the IPC of GS RAS of 372 earthquakes, of them 91 – with MPSP≥6.0, including 18 – with MPSP≥6.5 (Table 7.1). In addition at Mirny station, there was daily observation of the level of microseisms and identification from records of short-period fluctuations connected with the Antarctic ice sheet fractures. The distribution of these events by months of 2008 is shown in Fig.7.1. At Novolazarevskaya station in 2008, 1875 earthquakes and separate arrivals were registered. Complete processing was carried out with determination of the main source parameters for 1058 earthquakes. Data of this station were used for a summary processing at the IPC of GS RAS of 392 earthquakes, of them with MPSP≥6.0 – 85 events, including 17 events with MPSP≥6.5 (Table 7.1). Records of fractures in the ice cover were processed, but the problem of their identification remained, as the frequency composition of these records coincides with the frequency composition of noises.

1 The MPSP magnitude –characteristic of the earthquake strength, calculated from the measurements of amplitudes and periods at the maximum phase of longitudinal wave Р using records of short-period (SP) instruments and corresponds to the international magnitude mb. 67

N 180









0 123456789101112месяц ВсегоShears подвижек in total С определенными параметрами With specific parameters

Fig. 7.1. Distribution of ice shears by months in 2007 from data of Mirny station. .

Table 7.1 presents the main parameters of strong earthquakes according to data of the Seismological Bulletin /5/. 68

Table 7.1 Earthquakes with MPSP≥6.0, recorded by Mirny and Novolazarevskaya stations in 2008 Time in the Epicentral distance to Date source Epicenter coordinates DEPTH Magnitude the station No. dd.mm (Greenwich) h, km MPSP (Δ °) hh:mm:ss.s ϕ ° λ ° NVL MIR 1 01.01 18:54:58.2 –5.756 146.852 33 6.2 98.02 71.0 2 04.01 07:29:16.1 –2.719 101.097 33 6.2 87.2 64.0 3 05.01 07:29:34.8 –22.628 –68.577 117 6.0 65.7 –3 4 05.01 11:01:02.9 51.320 –130.730 10 6.2 154.1 – 5 05.01 11:44:46.0 51.170 –130.530 10 6.1 153.9 – 6 06.01 05:14:19.9 37.276 22.684 91 6.1 +4 – 7 07.01 03:12:27.6 –0.762 134.093 33 6.2 + 71.7 8 09.01 08:26:47.7 32.378 85.191 33 6.5 + 98.8 9 14.01 13:38:34.8 10.529 92.854 33 6.0 + 76.9 10 16.01 11:54:46.0 32.345 85.155 33 6.1 – – 11 20.01 20:26:03.6 2.419 126.782 33 6.3 – 72.9 12 22.01 17:14:55.9 1.046 97.522 43 6.0 89.6 67.5 13 24.01 22:29:52.2 –5.964 146.589 35 6.1 + 70.7 14 30.01 07:32:46.0 –7.225 127.742 33 6.2 91.5 63.8 15 03.02 07:34:09.0 –2.443 28.818 10 6.1 69.1 77.7 16 04.02 17:01:29.3 –19.891 –70.070 33 6.1 68.7 92.9 17 08.02 09:38:12.5 10.720 –41.910 10 6.6 89.0 – 18 09.02 18:33:58.7 –0.260 125.080 33 6.1 – + 19 10.02 12:22:06.1 –60.976 –25.479 33 6.1 17.8 45.0 20 12.02 12:50:10.9 16.207 –94.313 33 6.3 + – 21 13.02 19:58:48.6 –7.701 128.581 33 6.2 91.3 63.6 22 14.02 10:09:21.8 36.591 21.683 33 6.4 + + 23 14.02 12:08:54.5 36.383 21.855 33 6.1 + – 24 20.02 08:08:29.4 2.767 95.985 33 6.7 90.7 69.2 25 21.02 23:55:36.0 –2.155 99.968 29 6.0 – – 26 23.02 15:57:22.2 –57.182 –23.346 27 6.5 20.1 47.8 27 24.02 14:46:20.1 –2.290 99.999 22 6.2 87.3 64.3 28 25.02 08:36:31.5 –2.412 100.022 26 6.5 87.1 64.2 29 25.02 18:06:03.9 –2.213 99.967 33 6.2 87.3 64.4 30 25.02 21:02:19.1 –2.160 99.935 42 6.3 87.4 64.5 31 27.02 06:54:23.1 26.878 142.406 40 6.0 128.1 – 32 01.03 19:51:58.1 –20.645 –70.070 33 6.0 + – 33 03.03 02:37:28.1 –1.867 99.744 33 6.0 87.6 64.7 34 03.03 09:31:04.5 46.473 153.076 40 6.4 149.4 + 35 03.03 13:49:43.4 20.115 121.345 33 6.2 – 89.0 36 03.03 14:11:15.4 13.520 125.560 33 6.8 + 83.4 37 06.03 01:21:54.2 2.705 128.123 89 6.0 – – 38 12.03 11:23:36.0 –16.466 167.181 33 6.0 91.3 68.7 39 20.03 14:10:37.8 6.241 126.944 33 6.3 + 76.6 40 20.03 22:33:00.9 35.721 81.438 33 6.4 + + 41 29.03 03:01:32.0 13.241 125.755 33 6.0 – + 42 02.04 08:48:45.6 –4.021 102.697 33 6.1 + + 43 09.04 11:23:38.8 –20.132 168.890 33 6.0 + + 44 09.04 12:46:11.4 –20.080 168.882 33 6.7 88.0 + 45 09.04 14:47:49.6 –19.906 168.936 33 6.1 – + 46 12.04 00:30:10.8 –55.534 158.423 10 6.2 51.8 31.9 47 14.04 09:45:16.2 –56.123 –28.120 114 6.3 + 50.0

2 98.0 (Epicentral distance in degrees) – shown for parameters of the centers, in the summary processing of which this station participated. 3 – – results of processing the given event are absent in the station log. 4 + – results of processing the given event are recorded in the station log, data did not participate in summary processing due to different reasons. 69

Time in the Epicentral distance to Date source Epicenter coordinates DEPTH Magnitude the station No. dd.mm (Greenwich) h, km MPSP (Δ °) hh:mm:ss.s ϕ ° λ ° NVL MIR 48 15.04 22:59:51.5 51.841 –179.306 21 6.2 – 135.1 49 16.04 05:54:21.9 51.836 –179.150 43 6.1 160.4 135.2 50 19.04 03:12:27.5 –7.741 125.608 33 6.0 90.4 62.8 51 26.04 23:34:51.5 –49.037 164.078 33 6.0 + 39.2 52 28.04 18:33:33.2 –19.902 169.181 33 6.7 88.2 66.4 53 29.04 05:26:03.9 41.707 141.891 44 6.1 141.7 – 54 02.05 01:33:37.9 52.013 –177.558 33 6.4 – 135.9 55 07.05 16:02:05.2 36.620 141.574 33 6.0 136.5 + 56 07.05 16:16:37.5 36.448 141.785 33 6.1 + + 57 07.05 16:45:18.4 36.174 141.485 33 6.4 137.0 + 58 08.05 23:21:07.5 36.254 141.865 33 6.0 – – 59 09.05 21:51:26.9 12.514 143.142 63 6.4 + 87.0 60 12.05 06:27:58.4 30.931 103.384 16 7.0 119.4 97.5 61 17.05 17:08:27.4 32.258 105.072 37 6.0 121.1 – 62 19.05 14:26:48.4 2.140 99.093 27 6.0 + 68.7 63 20.05 13:53:35.0 51.189 178.822 33 6.0 159.5 133.9 64 23.05 19:35:33.8 7.470 –34.908 9 6.1 84.1 + 65 23.05 22:50:34.5 –6.924 129.417 109 6.0 92.3 64.6 66 24.05 13:24:06.6 –7.104 156.049 37 6.0 98.7 73.0 67 29.05 15:45:58.8 63.901 –21.183 10 6.1 + + 68 01.06 01:57:22.6 20.161 121.422 33 6.3 115.3 89.0 69 03.06 16:20:53.2 –10.289 161.215 109 6.3 96.5 72.0 70 08.06 12:25:27.5 37.989 21.449 14 6.2 + 117.5 71 13.06 23:43:48.1 39.127 140.687 33 6.6 139.0 111.5 72 22.06 23:56:27.5 67.698 141.336 13 6.2 + 138.2 73 26.06 21:19:13.5 –20.800 –173.337 33 6.0 88.6 72.6 74 27.06 11:40:14.4 11.002 91.890 33 6.7 97.1 77.5 75 28.06 12:54:48.0 10.945 91.725 33 6.2 + 77.3 76 30.06 06:17:46.4 –58.322 –21.749 33 6.5 18.7 46.4 77 05.07 02:12:02.3 53.922 152.898 615 6.9 156.0 128.3 78 06.07 09:08:22.7 45.376 151.019 40 6.0 147.8 120.1 79 08.07 07:42:08.0 27.566 128.431 33 6.2 + 97.6 80 08.07 09:13:04.6 –15.799 –71.842 102 6.0 + 97.1 81 15.07 03:26:33.4 35.765 27.947 76 6.6 + 113.3 82 19.07 02:39:29.2 37.635 142.236 33 6.4 138.1 110.5 83 19.07 09:27:03.5 –10.996 164.414 33 6.3 96.3 72.6 84 19.07 22:39:50.8 –17.325 –177.325 384 6.0 91.9 74.1 85 21.07 11:30:27.0 37.326 142.097 14 6.0 – – 86 23.07 15:26:17.8 39.832 141.529 101 6.6 139.9 112.4 87 24.07 01:43:16.6 50.835 157.587 49 6.1 + 126.8 88 27.07 21:15:39.7 –0.184 –18.227 10 6.1 + – 89 01.08 08:32:43.6 31.929 104.850 33 6.1 120.8 + 90 04.08 20:45:13.2 –5.899 130.236 177 6.2 93.5 65.8 91 05.08 09:49:18.6 32.742 105.617 33 6.1 121.8 + 92 25.08 13:21:59.9 30.911 83.538 33 6.2 113.1 97.4 93 28.08 15:22:19.3 –0.079 –17.669 10 6.0 73.2 + 94 30.08 06:54:02.0 –5.990 147.245 33 6.3 97.9 70.9 95 03.09 11:25:14.2 –26.712 –63.293 576 6.1 60.1 85.3 96 08.09 03:03:14.9 –19.872 169.100 33 6.1 88.2 66.4 97 08.09 18:52:07.7 –13.488 166.926 127 6.5 94.2 71.3 98 10.09 11:00:36.0 26.872 55.799 33 6.1 + 97.3 99 10.09 13:08:12.8 8.120 –38.720 10 6.3 85.6 + 100 11.09 00:00:02.9 1.901 127.403 115 6.3 142.5 + 101 11.09 00:20:51.0 41.925 143.809 42 6.4 100.0 72.6 102 16.09 11:15:41.5 –8.125 126.723 33 6.0 90.3 62.7 70

Time in the Epicentral distance to Date source Epicenter coordinates DEPTH Magnitude the station No. dd.mm (Greenwich) h, km MPSP (Δ °) hh:mm:ss.s ϕ ° λ ° NVL MIR 103 29.09 15:19:29.9 –29.790 –177.669 33 6.7 79.5 62.8 104 05.10 09:12:39.5 –29.912 –177.283 33 6.0 79.4 62.8 105 05.10 15:52:50.2 39.522 73.834 52 6.5 118.5 + 106 05.10 15:55:22.3 39.574 73.752 32 6.1 – – 107 06.10 08:30:44.5 29.759 90.356 19 6.2 114.1 96.0 108 11.10 10:40:12.1 19.149 –64.800 24 6.1 103.6 130.5 109 12.10 20:55:39.7 –20.131 –65.072 348 6.2 66.8 92.0 110 16.10 19:41:26.0 14.503 –92.399 33 6.1 + 127.9 111 19.10 05:10:33.1 –21.793 –173.920 33 7.1 87.6 71.4 112 20.10 04:54:19.3 0.146 120.751 106 6.2 96.3 69.4 113 22.10 12:55:51.8 –18.291 –175.399 190 6.0 91.0 74.0 114 23.10 10:04:37.1 –2.640 145.585 33 6.2 + 73.5 115 28.10 23:09:58.3 30.578 67.368 33 6.3 108.4 98.8 116 29.10 11:32:44.4 30.611 67.527 33 6.3 + 98.8 117 07.11 07:19:37.6 –14.819 168.011 33 6.1 93.1 + 118 07.11 16:04:27.8 –6.217 129.044 33 6.0 92.8 65.1 119 10.11 01:22:02.5 37.503 95.944 39 6.4 123.0 103.8 120 16.11 17:02:34.1 1.284 122.101 51 6.5 97.8 70.8 121 19.11 06:11:19.9 8.349 –83.015 33 6.1 + + 122 21.11 07:05:33.4 –8.789 159.512 110 6.0 + 72.7 123 22.11 16:01:02.3 –4.167 101.404 33 6.1 86.0 – 124 22.11 16:01:35.4 –22.501 171.278 33 6.0 – 64.9 125 24.11 09:02:58.2 54.105 154.534 508 6.5 156.6 128.8 126 06.12 10:55:27.0 –7.333 124.764 408 6.1 90.5 63.0 127 08.12 18:39:09.1 –52.842 107.001 10 6.1 43.0 15.4 128 09.12 06:24:00.9 –30.879 –176.952 26 6.4 78.5 62.1 129 11.12 21:40:52.2 0.084 123.442 149 6.2 97.1 69.9 130 13.12 08:45:35.8 –48.836 123.403 11 6.0 51.1 23.7 131 20.12 10:29:23.5 36.513 142.452 33 6.3 + + 132 20.12 21:05:16.0 –31.119 –13.449 10 6.0 42.1 68.0 133 25.12 03:20:30.4 5.716 125.458 233 6.0 103.0 75.8 134 29.12 03:37:40.7 36.516 71.073 155 6.0 115.0 – Total recorded earthquakes with MPSP≥6.0 for 2008 120 114 Total earthquakes participating in summary processing with MPSP≥6.0 for 2008 85 91


Most of the epicenters of earthquakes recorded at Mirny and Novolazarevskaya stations are situated in the Southern Hemisphere in the areas within the Pacific Ocean seismic belt /6/, a significant number is located in the area of South America, the South Sandwich Islands and the Balleny Islands (Fig.7.2, Table 7.1). During processing of earthquakes at the stations, the coordinates of the epicenters were not determined (Mirny station) or were determined with a large error (Novolazarevskaya station), so for chart construction (Fig. 7.2) the parameters of the sources of earthquakes were adopted from the Seismological Bulletin /5/ and the Electronic Catalogue EDR of the USA Geological Service NEIC /7/. Regretfully, only for part of the seismic events from the station bulletins of Mirny and Novolazarevskaya, analogues were found in the indicated sources /5, 7/, therefore only 702 earthquakes were mapped for Mirny station and 345 – for Novolazarevskaya station. Throughout 2008 in the area of the crater at the Wilkes Land (the Australian Antarctic territories), the aftershocks of the strongest earthquake for the entire observation history in this area that occurred on 4 November 2007 were registered (Table 7.2). As can be seen from the Table, only four earthquakes were registered before 2007 according to data of the International Seismological Center (ISC) /8/. For the last year and a half, from 28 May 2007 to 28 November 2008, their number was 18 /5, 7/, including two foreshocks in 2007 and 15 aftershocks in 2008 of the earthquake on 4 November 2007. The strongest aftershock с mb=5.1 occurred on 23 July 2008 at 08h12m40.8s /7/. Its epicenter that was in 60 km to the southeast of the Wilkins airfield is shown in Fig. 2 b by an arrow. Mirny (Δ=7.5°) and Novolazarevskaya (Δ=32.0°) stations have registered this earthquake. Fig. 7.3 (a, b) shows the seismograms with the records of the earthquake on 23 July 2008: digital record at Novolazarevskaya stations with marks of arrivals of main seismic phases Р, S and LR, and an analogue record of seismometer SKM-3 at Mirny station with marks of arrivals of phases Pn and Sn.

Table 7.2 Catalogue of earthquakes in the area of the Wilkes Land (Antarctica) for the instrumental observation period (from 1956) Date Time in the source (Greenwich) Epicenter coordinates DEPTH Magnitude Agency dd.mm.yyyy hh:mm:ss.ss ϕ ° λ ° h, km MPSP 19.05.1984 04:01:15.79 -67.4908 112.9766 33 4.9 /8/ 19.05.1984 10:21:32.14 -67.4571 112.8474 0 4.5 /8/ 03.10.1998 07:21:41.00 -67.2645 113.7197 0 3.9 /8/ 05.08.2000 02:27:24.27 -67.1131 110.6795 0 3.9 /8/ 28.05.2007 01:26:09.81 -67.1788 111.5654 10 4.1 /8/ 17.07.2007 23:41:08.64 -67.2775 111.5692 10 3.9 /8/ 04.11.2007 20:35:37.90 -66.773 112.035 10 5.5 /5/ 17.01.2008 15:14:11.71 -67.265 111.735 10 4.2 /7/ 29.04.2008 11:50:32.16 -67.341 112.334 10 4.6 /7/ 06.05.2008 04:12:34.52 -67.346 112.461 10 4.7 /7/ 06.05.2008 04:17:11.99 -67.136 112.371 10 4.4 /7/ 06.05.2008 04:27:58.52 -67.243 112.216 10 4.4 /7/ 20.06.2008 11:04:56.70 -66.841 112.769 10 4.1 /7/ 05.07.2008 14:56:31.79 -67.221 112.523 5 3.6 /7/ 05.07.2008 16:48:19.29 -67.357 112.525 5 3.9 /7/ 23.07.2008 08:12:40.81 -67.139 112.225 10 5.1 /7/ 23.07.2008 09:46:59.94 -67.167 112.471 10 3.6 /7/ 16.08.2008 03:20:39.20 -67.215 112.131 10 4.2 /7/ 25.08.2008 07:07:36.26 -67.232 112.283 10 4.3 /7/ 27.08.2008 20:14:28.65 -67.026 112.732 10 4.2 /7/ 28.08.2008 18:03:26.47 -67.041 111.530 10 3.5 /7/ 28.11.2008 07:14:43.14 -67.436 112.918 10 4.0 /7/

All observation materials (seismograms and CD) and the results of processing the data (station logs, reports and databases) obtained at Mirny and Novolazarevskaya stations are stored in the archive of the Geophysical Service of RAS and are provided on request to a wide range of users. The authors express their gratitude to the staff of GS RAS Babkina V.F. and Kamenskaya О.P. for the help in preparing the materials for the article. 72




5.6–6.5 1 4.6–5.5 4.0–4.5


2 seismic station 1 – MPSP magni tude (mb)

Fig. 7.2. (а, b). Charts of the epicenters of earthquakes, recorded by Mirny and Novolazarevskaya stations in 2008 at the Earth (а) and in the area of the seismic belt of Antarctica /6/ (b) from data /5, 7/.




h m s Fig. 7.3 (а, b). Record of the earthquake on 23 July 2008 at 08 12 40.8 с mb=5.1 at Wilkes Land (Antarctica) by Novolazarevskaya (а) ad Mirny (b) stations.

References: 1. Results of comprehensive seismological and geophysical observations and data processing on the basis of stationary and mobile seismic networks (Report of the GS RAS for 2006) / Ed. by D.Yu. Mekhryushev. – Obninsk: CTME of GS RAS, 2007. – 146 p. 2. Results of comprehensive seismological and geophysical observations and data processing on the basis of stationary and mobile seismic networks (Report of CTME of GS RAS for 1999) / Ed. by D.Yu. Mekhryushev. – Obninsk: CTME of GS RAS, 2000. – 87 p. 3. О.Ye. Starovoit, I.P. Gabsatarova., D.Yu. Mekhryushev, А.V. Korotin, S.А. Krasilov, V.V. Galushko, Yu.N. Kolomiyets, S.G. Poigina, О.P. Kamenskaya. Study, development and creation in the Russian Federation of the system of seismic and geodynamic observations for continuous national and global seismic monitoring. Report under Agreement No. 01.700.12.0094 of 01.10.2004. – Obninsk: GS of RAS, 2004. – P. 77. 4. Instruction about the order of making and processing observations at seismic stations of the USSR uniform system of seismic observations. М., Nauka, 1982. – 273 p. 5. Seismological Bulletin (published every 10 days) for 2007 / Editor-in-Chief О.Ye. Starovoit. – Obninsk GS RAS, 2008–2009. 6. Gutenberg B. and Rikhter Ch. The Earth’s seismicity. – М.: Foreign literature, 1948. – 160 p. 7. Machine-readable EDR. – NEIC, 2008–2009. – On CD. 8. On-line Bulletin of International Seismological Center [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://www.isc.ac.uk/search/bulletin/



14. 10 – 16. 10 Specialists of the 55th seasonal expedition Yu. N. Khromov and N.А.Krupina were in South Korea onboard the new expedition vessel “Araon” in the framework of preparing for the joint ice voyage of the Korean ship and the R/V “Akademik Fedorov” in the Pacific Ocean sector of the Antarctic in accordance with the Agreement between the AARI and the Korean Polar Research Institute (KOPRI).

25. 10 The first group of specialists of the 55th RAE departed by air to Punta-Arenas (Chile) for further travel to Bellingshausen station.

28. 10 The airplane BT-67 (Bassler) charted by RAE for flights in the Antarctic has arrived to Punta-Arenas.

28. 10 The third session of the Board of Roshydromet was held in Moscow for consideration of the results of the work of the 53rd wintering and the 54th seasonal RAE, and also of the program of observations and work of the 55th RAE and the Plan of expedition work for 2010. The report on the aforementioned topics was presented by RAE Head V.V. Lukin.

31. 10 The airplane IL-76 TD has flown from St. Petersburg to Cape Town for further flight to the Antarctic and flights in the framework of the international DROMLAN system. There were 4 specialists of the 55th RAE and the expedition cargo onboard the airplane.

01. 11 The R/V “Akademik Fedorov” departed St. Petersburg under the program of the 55th RAE with 98 people of the 55th RAE and 70 crew members onboard. The ship captain is M.S. Kaloshin. The Head of the Expedition is L.S. Alekseyev.

04. 11 The sledge-caterpillar traverse (SCT-1) departed Mirny for Vostok station. The SCT-1 consisted of 7 vehicles and 11 people. The Head of traverse is V.R.Voronin. This was the final traverse along the Mirny – Vostok route, which was in operation continuously beginning from 1956.

05. 11 The R/V “Akademik Fedorov” called port Bremerhaven for resupply operation, including, in particular, the expedition cargo purchased abroad. 55 specialists of RAE were transported by BT-67 aircraft from Punta-Arenas to Bellingshausen station. After this the aircraft flew to Novolazarevskaya station, however due to bad weather it had to wait at the British Rothera station.

06. 11 The first flight of IL-76 TD arrived to Novolazarevskaya station from Cape Town with 3 specialists of the 55th RAE, specialists of the airfield camp of ALCI Company and also polar explorers from Germany, Sweden and Norway onboard. On the same day the aircraft flew to Capetown with the body of the dead polar explorer from SANAE (RSA) onboard.

07. 11 A seasonal transport team departed St. Petersburg for Cape Town and then to the Antarctic for organizing a traverse from Progress station to Vostok station. On 12 November, the team members arrived to Novolazarevskaya station by the second flight of IL-76 TD, and on 13 November onboard BT-67 they arrived to Progress station.

15. 11 An inspection group of Rosaviatsiya arrived with the third flight of aircraft IL-76 TD to Novolazarevskaya station for certification of the airfield.

18. 11 In passing the air route in the vicinity of Progress station, the transporter “KASSBOHRER Polar -300” has fallen through ice and sunk. The vehicle went under the ice to a depth of 13 m in 100 m from the shore. No casualties among people. The mechanic of the 54th RAE Yu.N. Gavrilov was transported from Bellingshausen station by airplane of the Chilean Navy to a hospital in Punta-arenas for medical examination.

21. 11 BT-67 aircraft arrived to Novolazarevskaya station with personnel, who were waiting for flight weather at the British Rothera station. The aircraft IL-76 has flown from the airfield of Novolazarevskaya station for fuel paradrop to the central part of the continent for a joint Norwegian-US traverse to the . In the paradrop process, 220 fuel barrels were successfully dropped for the first time.


23. 11 A Boeing-727 aircraft on wheel undercarriage has landed for the first time at the airfield of Novolazarevskaya station.

24. 11 The SCT-2 departed Progress station for Vostok station with the purpose of delivering the aviation fuel for conducting seasonal work. 30. 11 – 04. 12 The R/V “Akademik Fedorov” stayed in port Cape Town. A group of 56 people of the 55th RAE and assigned specialists have arrived additionally by aircraft from St. Petersburg to the ship. 30. 11 – 02. 12 The International Conference devoted to the 50th anniversary of signing the Antarctic Treaty was held in Washington (the USA). V.V. Lukin, RAE Head, was invited to take part in the Conference.

01 – 02. 12 After the medical examination in the hospital of Punta Arenas the mechanic Yu.N. Gavrilov of the 54th RAE arrived to St. Petersburg.

01. 12 Twelve participants of the 55th RAE have arrived to Novolazarevskaya station by the next flight of IL- 76 TD, with 6 of them proceeding further onboard aircraft BT-67 to Vostok station for resuming the deep drilling program. 06. 12 – 10. 12 In Wellington (New Zealand), a workshop of the Antarctic Treaty Panel on shipborne Antarctic tourism was held. The Delegation of Russia included V.V. Lukin, RAE Head.

07. 12 The SCT-2 arrived to Vostok station and delivered aviation fuel for flights of aircraft BT-67, after which the traverse started its return.

15. 12 The R/V “Akademik Fedorov” was stationed at the roadstead of the Australian . Helicopter Mi-8 has flowns from board the ship to the station for field geological camps in the Vestfold Oasis.

16 – 26. 12 The R/V “Akademik Fedorov” carried out work in the area of Progress station. Fuel and cargo were delivered to the station for supply of Progress station and Vostok station. In addition, cargo for continuation of capital construction, cargo for the seasonal field base Druzhnaya-4 and field geological camps and personnel of the seasonal and wintering expeditions were delivered. Rotation of the wintering personnel of Vostok station and partly of the wintering personnel of Progress station was performed. The ship provided support of the flights of airplanes BT-67 to Vostok station. 18. 12 The SCT-2 returned to Progress station. 19. 12 In the vicinity of the seasonal field base Druzhnaya-4, at the point with coordinates of 69° 44´ 51.2´´ S, 42° 35.4´ E, an automatic meteorological station of the type MAWS-110 was introduced into operation. The station height above sea level is 45 m and the barometer height is 1 m above the station level. The AWS transmits information on the main current meteorological parameters via the satellite system IRIDIUM at 00 h and 12 h of Universal Time Coordinated. For this purpose the station is equipped with the information indicator panel, which is located at the radio-cabin of the field base Druzhnaya-4. The station was assigned the synoptic index 89575. 21. 12 The Progress station was transferred to the team of the 55th RAE. The station was transferred by А.V. Panfilov and accepted by S.А. Dobroskokov. 24 – 28. 12 Three flights of aircraft BT-67 were made along the route Progress station – Vostok station – Progress station for rotation of the wintering personnel of Vostok station and delivery of the seasonal team. 20. 12 Specialists of the Chilean station on King George Island have detected traces of spilled diesel fuel from Bellingshausen station. It was revealed that the spill was connected with a fuel leak in the pipeline passing under the snow layer. Specialists of Bellingshausen station together with Chilean specialists began work for eliminating the consequences. 25. 12 The Vostok station was transferred to the team of the 55th RAE. The station was transferred by А.V. Turkeyev and accepted by А.M. Yelagin. 26. 12 The R/V “Akademik Fedorov” finished all operations in the area of Progress station and headed for Mirny station. 29 – 31. 12 The R/V “Akademik Fedorov” crossed the area of landfast ice at the approach to Mirny station. During one ramming the ship was moving forward by half a hull. By the end of the day on 31 December the ship approached the point of fuel discharge near Mirny station.