For My Mother Always in My Thoughts
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For My Mother Always in my thoughts Cv/lOtXCULAR. ABNORMALITIES OF y 3 E B % . COLLAGEN PROTEINS AND GENES IN OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA by Sara Catherine Mary Daw June 1991 Dermatology Research Group, MRC Clinical Research Centre, Harrow, Middlesex Submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Department of Biochemistry Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School, University of London CORRIGENDA Page 37 Fig. 1.4 At residue 585, OI type IV is caused by an insertion, not a deletion. Pages 37 & 40 Fig. 1.4 Substitution of cysteine for glycine at residue al(I) 175 and al(I) 178 produce moderate OI. Page 98 Fig. 4.5 Tracks 4 and 5 indicating samples from patient IV-8 are incorrectly labelled. The patient was III-8. Page 107 Probe E486 was used to screen the a2(I) M sp I dimorphism of 2.1 and 1.6 kb. The cDNA Hf32 was used for the Rsa I dimorphism of 2.9 and 2.1 kb. ABSTRACT Type I collagen, the major protein constituent of adult bone, is a heteropolymer of three a-chains; two al(I) and one a2(I). Ninety-five percent of the molecule is included in a characteristic triple helix requiring a glycine residue in every third position for stability. The a-chains are encoded by separate genes containing more than 50 exons. Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous syndrome in which brittle bone disease ranges from mild to lethal. Most OI patients have mutations, which are unique to individual patients or families, in one of the two structural genes encoding type I collagen so many must be studied if the disease is to be fully understood. This thesis describes the investigation of four OI families. In the first, normal, unrelated parents have produced six lethally affected babies; the two available for study appear heterozygous for a collagen abnormality; probably the result of a point mutation at the C-terminal end of the protein. Germinal mosaicism is suggested as the mode of inheritance. In two consanguineous families with severe, recessive OI protein data suggests that the affected children are homozygous for the production of an over-hydroxylated type I collagen. In both families the abnormality maps to the C-terminus of the protein. However, genetic linkage excluded both type I collagen structural genes as the disease locus. It is proposed that the defect lies at a previously uncharacterised step in the biosynthetic pathway. Furthermore, although almost certainly homozygous for the defective allele, these OI patients show a heterogeneity in their protein normally 3 indicative of the heterozygous state. This observation is of considerable importance if such families are to be offered genetic counselling. A baby with the broad boned lethal form of OI is also described. She is unusual in that she synthesises equal amounts of two distinct forms of al(I). This study further illustrates the heterogeneity of excessive post-translational modification in OI. 4 CONTENTS Abstract 3 Acknowledgements 10 List of Abbreviations 11 List of Illustrations 13 Chapter 1 I ntroduction 1.1 Genes 17 1.2 Proteins 19 1.3 Group 1 Collagens 20 1.4 Group 2 Collagens 23 1.5 Group 3 Collagens 24 1.6 Biosynthesis of Type I collagen 26 1.6.1 Transcription 26 1.6.2 Translation 30 1.6.3 Post-translational Modifications 30 1.6.4 Helix Formation 31 1.6.5 Processing to Collagen 32 1.6.6 Fibril Formation 33 1.6.7 Crosslinking 33 1.7 Osteogenesis Imperfecta 34 1.8 Sillence Type I OI 39 1.8.1 Silent Allele Type 39 1.8.2 Structural Mutations 39 1.9 Sillence Type II OI 41 1.9.1 Gene Rearrangements 41 1.9.2 Point Mutations Causing Amino Acid Substitutions 42 Glycine to Cysteine 43 Glycine to Arginine 43 Glycine to Aspartate 44 Glycine to Alanine 44 Glycine to Valine 44 5 Glycine to Serine 45 1.9.3 Point Mutations Causing Exon Skipping 45 1.10 Sillence Type IH OI 46 1.11 Sillence Type IV OI 47 1.12 Other Disorders Caused by Type I Collagen Mutations 48 1.12.1 Atypical OI 48 1.12.2 Ehlers Danlos Syndrome 49 1.13 Causes of Type I Collagen Mutations 50 1.14 Methodology 51 1.14.1 Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms 51 1.14.2 Polymerase Chain Reaction 52 1.15 Reasons for the Study of OI 52 1.16 Project Introduction 54 Chapter 2 materials a n d M ethods 2.1 Materials 56 2.2 Human Skin Fibroblast Culture 57 2.2.1 Metabolic Protein Labelling 58 ..with ^ C or ^H-Proline 58 ..with ^C-Lysine 58 the Presence of aa'dipyridyl 58 2.3 Isolation of Protein by Salt Precipitation 59 2.3.1 Cell Harvesting 59 2.3.2 Protein Isolation 59 2.4. Isolation of Protein by Ethanol Precipitation 60 2.4.1 Cell Harvesting 60 2.4.2 Protein Isolation 60 2.5 Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis 61 2.5.1 Protein Separation 61 6 2.5.2 Visualisation on Protein Gels 62 2.6 Cyanogen Bromide Peptide Mapping 62 2.7 Determination of Thermal Stability of Collagen 63 2.8 Amino Acid Analysis 63 2.8.1 Estimation of Total Collagen Synthesis 63 2.8.2 Estimation of Lysine Hydroxylation 64 2.9 Extraction of DNA and RNA 64 2.9.1 Extraction of Genomic DNA from Fibroblasts 64 2.9.2 ..from Tissue 65 2.9.3 ..from Peripheral Blood 65 2.9.4 Extraction of Total Cytoplasmic RNA from Fibroblasts 65 2.10 Enzyme Reaction Conditions 66 2.10.1 Restriction Enzymes 66 2.10.2 T4 DNA Ligase 67 2.10.3 Calf Intestinal Phosphatase 67 2.10.4 First Strand cDNA Synthesis 67 2.10.5 Polymerase Chain Reaction 68 2.11 Microbiological Methods 68 2.11.1 Preparation of Competent Cells 68 Hanahan 1985 68 Sambrook et al 1990 69 2.11.2 Transformation of E .coli 69 2.11.3 Preparation of Plasmid DNA (STET) 69 2.11.4 Preparation of Plasmid DNA (CsCl) 70 2.12 Agarose Gel Electrophoresis 71 2.12.1 Separation of DNA Insert from Vector 71 2.12.2 Southern Blotting 72 2.13 ^P-dNTP Labelling of DNA Probes 72 2.14 Hybridisation Conditions 73 7 Chapter 3 An INVESTIGATION OF A FAMILY WITH OI TYPE III AND SIX CONSECUTIVE AFFECTED SIBS HETEROZYGOUS FOR A TYPE I COLLAGEN ABNORMALITY 3.1 Clinical Description 75 3.2 Protein Studies 78 3.2.1 a-chains 78 3.2.2 aa'dipyridyl Incubation 80 3.2.3 Hydroxylysine Analysis 81 3.2.4 One Dimensional CNBr Mapping 81 3.2.5 Two Dimensional CNBr Mapping 81 3.2.6 Estimation of Td 81 3.3 DNA Analysis 81 3.4 Discussion 84 Chapter 4 AN INVESTIGATION OF TWO CONSANGUINEOUS FAMILIES WITH AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE OI TYPE III AND EXCESSIVE POST- TRANSLATIONAL MODIFICATION OF TYPE I COLLAGEN 4.1 Clinical Features 91 4.1.1 Family G 91 4.1.2 Family F 94 4.2 Protein Studies - Family G 94 4.2.1. a-chains 97 4.2.2 aa'dipyridyl Incubation 97 4.2.3 Hydroxylysine Analysis 99 4.2.4 One Dimensional CNBr Mapping 99 4.2.5 Two Dimensional CNBr Mapping 101 4.2.6 Estimation of Td 101 4.3 Protein Studies - Family F 101 4.4 DNA Analysis 106 4.4.1 Family G 106 4.4.2 Family F 107 4.5 Discussion 110 8 Chapter 5 AN INVESTIGATION OF A BABY WITH TYPE IIA, BROAD BONED LETHAL OI WHO SECRETES TWO DISCRETE FORMS OF a 1(1) 5.1 Preliminary Screening 118 5.1.1 Protein Analysis 118 5.1.2 Genomic DNA Analysis 118 5.2 Clinical Description 120 5.3 Protein Studies 121 5.3.1 a-chains 121 5.3.2 aa'dipyridyl Incubation 121 5.3.3 One Dimensional CNBr Mapping 121 5.3.4 Two Dimensional CNBr Mapping 121 5.3.5 Estimation of Td 121 5.4 DNA Analysis 125 5.4.1 Genomic DNA and RNAse A Mapping 125 5.4.2 cDNA Analysis 125 5.5 Discussion 127 Chapter 6 Concluding Remarks 130 Chapter 7 References 136 Appendix 1 Stock Buffers and Solutions 162 Appendix 2 Culture Media 170 9 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I should like to thank Dr Mike Pope and all the other members of the Dermatology Research Group, both past and present; in particular, Mrs Olive Cutting for her care of the cell cultures and Mr David Renouf for running the amino acid analyser. Thanks especially to Dr Alan Nicholls, a constant source of inspiration, for his excellent supervision, cheerfulness and patience throughout. I am also grateful to Professor Roger Mason, from the Department of Biochemistry at Charing Cross, for his interest in the project, for his helpful advice and for organising my registration with the University of London. Finally my special thanks to Jane McPheat, Marie Robson and Phil Ward for friendship and encouragement and to Andrew for his moral and financial support and for the benefit of his considerable computing experience in the preparation of this thesis. 10 ABBREVIATIONS ATP Adenosine triphosphate ota'DP aa'dipyridyl BAPN 6-aminopropionitrile Bis NN'Methylene bisacrylamide BME Basal medium (Eagles’) BSA Bovine serum albumin CIP Calf intestinal phosphatase CNBr/CB Cyanogen bromide CTP Cytosine triphosphate DEAE- Diethylaminoethyl- DEPC Diethylpyrocarbonate DMEM Dulbecco's modified Eagles' medium DMSO Dimethylsulphoxide DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid DTT Dithiothreitol EDS Ehlers Danlos Syndrome EDTA Ethylenediamine tetracetic acid EtBr Ethidium bromide FCS Foetal calf serum GTP Guanosine triphosphate HEPES N-2-Hydroxyethylpiperazine-N'-2-ethane sulphonic acid IVS Intervening sequence PAGE Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis 11 pHMB p-Hydroxymercuribenzoate IPTG Isopropyl-B-D-thiogalactoside LB Luria Bertani medium MOPS Morpholinopropane sulphonic acid NEM N-ethyl maleimide 01 Osteogenesis imperfecta PBS Phosphate buffered saline PCR Polymerase chain reaction PEG Polyethylene glycol PMSF Phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride PPO 2-4-Diphenyl oxazole PVP Polyvinyl pyrollidone RER Rough endoplasmic reticulum RFLP Restriction fragment length polymorphism RNA Ribonucleic acid SDS Sodium dodecyl sulphate SDW Sterile distilled water STET(L) See appendix 1 TCA Trichloroacetic acid TEMED NNN'N'-Tetramethylethylene diamine