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THE ST. JOHNS NEWS. VOLUME XXI—NO. 23 •T. JOHm. mCH^ THUS8DAT AFTERNOOW,—JANUARY 13, 1910. TEN PAGES. OHBDOLLARA KPOLEMESnflOFFBB MSOUTV FaWtllM Wit mm •'<>*« am isTiTifiE IT FK IN C.AtTCiHT IN DRYINCi R( iMl NilURrHI XHVNM&G WIU. (tfVK HRMTHKIID FMn?imiN. i mnanEss DHMIiTTBG At the regular moashljr iMMtaaaa aad MAN <*RA.NrK AT Mm. tmMW A.ND RVnjMNCs IMtMJ social meelliMl of the Womea'a Racial IM»AIUI Of' Ml PKRVUHHIM HKIJ) ZbysMlo. the Polish alant. arho Iff liAROBl For soma Hms last night savernl UK* NorwRHRrANDiiia .-ama to tlMa c>»ua*ry to "sat" Prank peopis notlesd what they took to b# ovKR THiH wnam. Tl MRUAV Al LNODK. Inc. the members entartalnad aa thnir yir THUt Gotch. the t-hamplon wresdler of the guests, their husbands, hrothars or aisam lostting from the Hand Lmui - world. Is to be In Detroit on the Shth I sweethearts and a most enjoynhls sir- . dry on Higham otrset. Mr. Goodrich, where he will take un U.iner s and lening was spent. An Interesting lit- the proprietor had loTt the building MeaRsr. both pood men. the aame erary and rousicai program waa amll but a abort time bofore. MMK w W mMI DUPKHHS ■( ■: niRlK. ffFOIT 10 GMIBi carrted out. a number of the gantle- An Inveetlgatlon proved that amoks RUHK g IIK IRmBn Ashed K he arould give Penby a . men making short addreasss. fkipper instead of steam w«a w4iat had at --------------- ! iry.he said with a sneer that he wonJd. I waa served In the dining room, and tracted attention and an alarm waa Not only that, hut he says he arlll ptve ' the fe—t was followed by a eodal time turned In. •4.MM <MU>KK PROM DR. P.\1jIIKR I M.w«>Rm iMTinnKD WITH .AURIC'UUrVRAl- tNJIsLilOUii: AND FKRRBl' AND PRINK lUOOLRCTVBD Penhy $!• per uMnut. If he stajrs IS The ssiKske (there was veo* little Kfrr.4Tfr: minutes, artth an additional aids bat of PHICNKVr Ml'RPDl’H. Mrs. Charles T. Babcock sntsrtalnsd UM'Ali 8I>MAKMRM KNTBRTAIN. blase in eight) seemed to be all In HMTRVrARY AND ‘niEAlHTRRR. $SSo that he can't stay rhat lenpth of nearly two hundred ladles at a 1 the rear of (he building wlUch was lime. : o'clock luncheon In the Masonic | soon flooded. Pentoy has many friends here who Temple Saturday afternoon. Bach Mr. Goodrich sayw he left a low firs Hi—iH •««l Whiuwuri- .lul4»mohihi w PIn i'ed tHi PiwlslhWnr> MvcubHI 04 iHrkI Nosi Yawr -Now <N- are anxious for him to atve ZhysMio a place was marked by a baautiful car in the drying room, and hie thoory of tr>. bellevtna he can make a good Idm—INfwrSor U K. ikNinMi to cers Awarda la Cum <Vni - timm* Whtu Wart* nation In addition to the nowal card. the hlaae Is that soma of the clothes show. He tiBi resdart h> A. J. Rns wra I>urlng the afternoon tbo company dropped from the hangars upon the IHM-rriwiM-lm. Hackensehmldt la the oaljr n aan In planed mllllao' euchre, and Just before stove, igniting the pine cellling and pitr Europe a*ho can throw the Pole and ‘ biding her guests good-bye Mrs. Bab titlone. most of the fire having bsen G.Mch "got" Hackensehmldt. so It cock presentod twelve ladles with a Th»- of «up«Tvi«ur« iHil not Less than fifty men were In the Plre I’llnton County Farmers' Institute out of sight In the drying room. The annual meeting of the (Tllntoa I.Mtka as though a nmteh batwaen I stiver spoon each. rinuh th»»r work of th. J.nuory i»- Zbynnki. and Gotch wovid be a fine men's hall Tuesday afternoon when was m session at t>vld this week Tues The building Is owned by Mr. Good o>unty Agricultural itoclety held la aion In <*n» we^k =»» •• ***♦ the regular annual meeting of the day and Wednesday. The attendance rich and upon thte la $1.5#a Insnr- the court house Haturday aftemooa I ..ntaot. Following the weekly rshearml CMT, tMit I hoy bark tbit n «-ok Parmera' Mutual Ptre Insurance Co. al the fisrenuon seoslons waa nut large, ance, which will cover loss. The loos araa called to order an hour latar thaa 'Thursday evening the choir of the Monday and proto^dod to flnlah up. of Cllnjon and Gratiot counties W4ia but the afternoon attendance taxod to laundry work will not be large, as advertised and eras not very well at i Congregational enjoyed an In* caHed to order by president O. N. 'Church the capacity of Gddfollows' hall, where cxMnparaiivsIy few articles wars de wbkh waa yeatrrday and tho ' formal spread In honor of the birth tended. the mecHbera In general seem nHunhora took thrir lopartu.o V^t LOOOMINE MILLED Perrey. but the meeting had not beon the Institute was held. Tho News was stroyed. Many were smoked and will ing to have urtbounded confidence In day anniversary of Mias Fannie Mul- brouirht ih. m bac k waa -uno unftn* long In progreea before the room waa represented but the attendance from have to be re-laundered. There Is the ability and honor of the few who well filled with farmers from various : der. one of the metnbars. A birthday tahod bu»inr«a» with tho drain ‘-om* this part of the county was vsry light, ample insurance to cover this lose. as a rule tranoact all the buslneos. ELSE Mil parts of Clinton county with a fair cake surrounded by etgh'ssn candles mlaaionrr ’a ..ffU-o. paat and proaen*. those attending being from tho farm shoulder all the reoponstbllity and sprinkling from the southern part of furnished a beautiful ce'.itsr piece for I.MMt wofk whon Tho Nows went to ing community immediately surround 'receive all the klcka. HIRAM B. Mr4|lTIfm>N WAM VIC- Gratiot the table from which 'ine refreshmonts prwaa th» r. |M»rt of tho apodal com- ing Ovid, both In Clinton and Hhta- The feellags of those who had wait The annual statement of the aacre- were served. mltto* t<* 1nvo*tl«ato tho affalra of -nM OP KATF. C7HAHKR. waaoae counties. It ts not possible to tary. <*harlea K. tllffela, showed a bal NO PRN PNESENT IT ed nearly an hour for the appearaaae tho drain «.immlaalonor ’a offloo had give even a brief synopsis of the topics of President Cross were conciliated ance .»n hand of $$,I5S.4S, the largest The King » Daughters eniertalned not boon .«< tod kUMtn: but lator it waa touched upon hy Mtate speakers and upon receiving from the belated offi A few weeks ago The Newa con- In the history <sf the company, one hundred and four guests at their fakon from tho tablo and adoptod. the dtax'uaslons had by the local cer a box of cigars, but before re taln.-d an Item about Hiram B. Mc- ttince th* last annual meeting the annual aup|>er In Harmonle hall Fri Ihu* nu*kiHK It a part of tho official farmers as leaders In the talks upon freshing themeel%*ea with The Best Qui«ton being killed on a railway In .-ompany has made a net gain In mem day evening, the larger part of the prot ffilinaa of lh«- Icoard. which It the addrsaaes In the brief space at our NIIT KNOfNJH IN*TRRnrr TO Rrai>xl E\'er. .Itapoeed of the buslneaa vkni- not !aat wook. It will l»o found K.insaa. He waa a locomotive engin bership «»f 342. making the total en- •-ontpsny being young children. Af command —and a synopsis In such LN-HTT NER OPPirKRK. on hand. In full In another place In this losuc. eer and a son of John U. McQulaton r.dlment at present x.$l*. The ter the bountiful chicken pie supper casi's are vsry unsatisfactory: for what Twenty-taro men ware In the room It WH. thought when tho board con* of Kisle, to which place the remains amount of prop.-rty Insure.l Increaeed had been served, the little people were In HM»5» from $i:.S50.4«: to $13,222,- one might < onalder the most import when the minutes of a opeclaJ and the v. -iu d a w.-fk a«o Monday that no w. r.- bn.uglM for burial. Heveral given a great deal of pleasure with Monday night aaa the date for the 4S3, a net Increaa* of $470,221. 'Phe ant i>art of an address or paper, an last annual meetings were called for dlffli ulty would b» had In atralahton* »e.-ks before McGultton waa killed gifts taken from a fish pond annual meeting and election of of- total receipts for the year were $25.- hy the president and accordingly read ina out all th. kinka In tho rorordt th. o.-iunotlve ran over a fireman and other might not have any uas for. Ho fix era of .*4t. Johns llusineaa Men's As- :<»» .11. and the total dl«buraemenU hy the eecretary. George N. Ferrey. emt .*th.*r t>HjMT» of fho ilrain office, kli:e.l him. Four candldatsa were initiated Into w will deal with the Institute In a aoclatlon. It was called and the call I22.<»r.3 14. t>f th* lalter amount over The trx:asurer's report given by ."intl thl« prox.-d to l«* »«t whon the I.aat week John II. McGulaton re the Drder of ITastern Star last evening general way.