The Smol I Trebnvk or

Abbrevi ated suchaTgion



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Pre face

A Trebnyk oF EuchoJ.sic>n is a book of Prayer-Rites used by the priest for the adm'!rristration of the church sacra- ments and various bless'ings and sacramentals. Some call jt a Book of Needs, because it provides for the important sp'i ri tual needs of the faj thful . Moreover, i t i s a servjce book used by the priest who is the minister of all these needs according to the Byzantjne Ruthenian Rite. Ukrainjan Catholics used a variety of texts of theTreb- nyk until in 1947 a ;MALL TREBNrK was officia]ly published in Rome for the use of these members.of the Ruthenian Rite. This is the book that contains the approved ritual for selected sacraments and blessings. It was reproduced in 1952 by the Grottaferrata Press in Rome.

The translat'ion of this ;MALL TREBNYK was prepared by the Rev. Dr. John P.Weisengoff and the Very Rev. Canon Joseph Shary. Bothweremembers of the St. Joseph's Insti- tute. Fr. l,.leisengoff passed away in 1978 and was laid to rest jn St. Nicholas Cemetery, Chicago. Fr. Shary is now pastor of St. John's Ukra'inian Cathol'ic Church, Detroit, Mi chi gan. In makjng this translation the approved Roman edition of the Trebnyk was compared with the Greek text of the services. The Enqlish text of the new Ukrainian Rite translation of the Div,ine Liturgy was used to render the litanies and other prayers common to ajl services. Th'is translation of the suam TREBNvK contains a few supplbmentary services and blessings, which were deemed important for pastoral use. Specifical'ly, these services are: ?he Churching of a Woman aftet ChiTdbearing; The Bless'ing for a 25th or 50th Wedding Anniversary' Prasers for the Departinq souJ,' An Indulgenced Absolution; Three Pragers over the oging; An Alternate Committal Service; Nine GospeJ- Read.ings during a FunetaL. These services appearin the 1926 edition of the Zhovka Tnzbnqlz.

This translation of the suetr TREBNYK is pub'lished by the St . Joseph's Insti tute , 3877 Cl i ppert Ave , Detroi t , Mi chi gan 48210.

Feast of the ANNUCIATION March 25, 1983 x-ar_}il<==-ilc:=lt:rt€l rc:==il-ll:ll{:-ll(-l l-i- contents I t rhe First Day a woman bears her child...... p. 1' i ll I for the Mother, for those who assjsted her at !l her childbirth and for the midwife .p.2.

2. Naming the child on the ejghth day p. 3. 3. For the mother on the fortieth day after child- birth and induction of child into church p. 6. 4. For the woman who has lost her child ...p. 13. 5. Baptism and Chrismation...... pp. 16 - 40. a. Prayer for Catechumen . . . . p. 16. b. Ni caeno-Constant'i nopol i tan Creed . . . p . 22 - c. The Rite of Holy Baptism...... p.25. d. Rj te of Holy Chri smation...... p. 33. 5. (a) SUPPLTMENT: Churchingofwoman after Baptism..p. 41- 6. Baptizing in danger of death ....-.p. 44. 7 . Rite of Holy Confession...... p. 45 8. Absolution from a pena1ty...... -.p. 48- 9. Rite of Holy Matrimony...... pp. 49'70- 10. Rite of Second Marriage.. .'.pp. 71 - 88- 10. (a) SUPPLEMENT: B'lessi ng on 25th or 50th anni versary. . . ' .PP. 89 - 97 . 11. Rite for the Anointing of the sick...... pp. 98 - I24. i1. (a) SUPPLEMENT: a. Prayers for the departure of a soul p. 118- b. Indulgenced absolution P.119. c. Three Prayers over the Dying p. I20. I2. Communionforthesick...... p.125. 13. Burial of the Laity pp. 732' lB2. 13. (a) SUPPLEMENT: 1. Alternate Committal Service..... p. 176- 2. Nine Gospel Readings for dead... p. I77 - 14. Buri al duri ng Paschal l,Jeek pp. 183 -204. a. Kiss of Farewell...... p. 201 b. Absol ut'ion Prayer and Commi ttal . . p. 204 . c. Sunday of Thomas through Ascension....p. 204. l-)ltG-ll:ll-Xle:=tll-X t€:::5tt-1c:=tt-=tr6::-t 15. Burial of Secular Priests. pp. 205 - 267. a. Vesti ng of pri est before 1y'ing 'in state . . p. 205. b. Serv'ice in church vestibule. ....p. 208. c. Farewell kiss ....p. 262. d. Irmoses said on going to grave ..p. 265. e. Burial during Bright Week and after ..p. 267. 16. Burial of Children pp. 268 - 280 a. At place of state .p. 268. b. At the church p. 272. c. Committal Service...... p.279. d. Buri al duri ng Bri ght t^leek and after. . . . p . 279. 17. The Great Panakhyda pp. 2Bl - 307 18. Li ttl e Bl essi ng of lrJater . . p .308 19. Short form of Little Blessing of t^later ...p. 331 20. Great Sanctificat'ion of Water on Epiphany .....p. 335 2I. Kneel'ing Prayers on Pentecost ...... p. 355 22. Blessing of Artos on Easter Sunday ...... p. 381 ?3. Prayer for cutting up artos on Saturday of Bright Week. p. 382 24. Blessing of Easter food...... p. 383 25. Blessing of cheese and eggs on Easter p" 384 ?6. Prayer over the first-fruits of the orchard p. 385 27. Prayer over flowers on August 15... p. 385 28. Prayer for any debjlity.. p" 387 29. Prayer for those going on a iourney.. p. 388 30. Prayer for blessing any item.. p. 388 30. (a) SUPPLEMENT: 1. General Prayer Service... ,...p. 390 2 . Prayer Servi ce for Easter . . . . p. 416 3. G'iving Communion outs'ide of L'iturgy ....p , 420 t€3K-lt(==>ll-xl€xt<====3 r€-il{::-tt->ttc:=il€:3t


The Prayer o! the Fj rst Day the l,,Joman bears her Chi I d Let us pray to the Lord. ( VTadgko Hospodg VsederzhgteLVu) 0 Lord, oll-sovereign lvlcster, You heol every sickness ond infirmity; heol novl Your servont, NN, t,lho todqy gove birth, ofid raise her from the bed 0n t^thich she is lying, for 0l I 0f us, occording tct the word of Dovtd, ore conceived in sin ond toint- ed before You, Protect her cnd the child she hos borne; keep her under Your protective yling from this dqy to the lost, through the intercession 0f the most pure Becrer 0f God ond 01 I the scints, for You ore blessed forever, Amen, Let us pray to the Lord.

( Vl-adgko H ospodq Bazhe) 0 Lord God, our Mcster, You were born of our most pure Lcdy, the Bearer 0f GOd ond Evervirgin lvlory; You ioy in 0 monger 0s 0n infant ond vlere hondled 0s 0 child, Be merciful now to Your ser- vqnt vvho t0d0y gcve birth t0 this chilci,cnd for- give her voluntory ond involuntCIry sins, Guord her 0g0inst oll the devil's tyrunny, Protect the child born 0f her from oll kinds of infecti0n, disorder ond convulsions brouqht 0n by the odversory, from evil spirits by doy 0r by night, Proiect her totith the might of Your hond ond give her 0 speeCv re- covery, Cleonse her from stcins, heol her pcins ond gront her heolth ond strength 0f body cnd soui.

1, l€=llc::ltffi &ffis$ffi5{t€X !€==tt-Xr€=}tr€=1€E}d

Surround her with bright cnd shining Gngels, Lord, ond guord her cgcinst 0ll kinds 0f influence from invisible spirits, flnd frorn sickness cnd infirmit\,, from jeclousy ond envy, ond from evii sBells. Iri Your grect mercy, have mercy upon her and the in* fqnt, Clecnse her of oitr bodily stcins and cll in* ternol offiictions that could come upon her, By Your swift clemency let her depleted body restore itself, Let the child she hcs siven birth to wor* ship in the earthly house You prepared for the glorificotion of Your holy nome, All glory, honor cnd worship belong to Ycu, the Fother ond the Son ond the l-lc'ly Spirit, notq ond forever,


Ilr.S*P_rsJsr For the Mother and fot llrose yho assisted her during bi_L!.b_" Also for the l'lidwife Let us pray to the Lord.

(H ospadg Bazhe nash) 0 Lord, our Goel, You willed to come down f roni heuven and be born of the hcily Becrer of God cnd Evervi rgin lvlcry far tlre salvation of LJS sinners, You know the weakness of humqn noture, In Your grect kindness, then, be forgiving 0f Your servont, NN, who gove birth todcy, It wcs You, 0 Lord, i'{ho soid: "irrcreose nnd multiDlV; fill the earth cnd goiti dominion over it, " And s0 tate, Your se:rvcnts,

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mode confident by Your f0ithful benevolence, Droy ond moke oppeol with feor to the holy nome of Your kingdom: "Look down from heoven and behold the froilty of us who ore condemned, Gront forgiveness t0 this Your servont, NN, cnd to qll the household wherein the child wos born, and to oll those who hove touched her ond to ol I those present here, for You ore o good ond benevolent God, ond You qlone hove the power t0 remit sins, through the intercession of the most holy Beorer of God ond ol I the soints, Amen,


Prayer for Nami ng the CIri I d on the E'i ghth Day after it is Born. It is to be noted that on the eigrhth dag after bitth' the midwife ( or sponsor) brings the infant to the church and waits in front of the doors of the church.

priest' Blessed be our GOd olwoys, nol^l ond fOrever.

Usual Beginning Glory be to You, our God, g'lory be to you, 0 heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of truth, everJruhere present , fi I I i ng al I things Treasury of blessings, Bestower of life, come and dwell within us and cleanse us of a'll defilementr 0 Gracious One, and save our souls.

-Ho1y God, holy Mighty One, holy immor- tal 0ne, have mercy on us. ( 3)

3. tc:=xt-xt->0-xi€=ril_=rt t€=3tl€=>t|_>tr__ll_:}t

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Ho'ly Spirit, now and forever. Amen. I 0 Trfnity most ho1y, have mercy on us; cleanse us, 0 Lord, of, our sins; 0 Master, il pardon our transgressfons, Consider our weak- nesses and heal thern, 0 Holy One, for the g'lory of Your name. Lord, have mercy. (3)

G'lory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Our Father, Who art i n heaven, ha1'lowed be Thy name. Thy ki ngdom come. Thy wi 1 1 be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one. 'lamati Exe on Prjestt F0f Yours is the kingdom ond the power ond the glory of the Fother ond the Son ond the Holy Spirit, now ond forever.


The Tropar of the dag or of the patron of the church rs then taken. forehead, Tips and heart, and says this prager: Let us pray to the Lord.

(Hospodg, Bozhe nash) 0 Lord, our God, t,le proy t0 You cnd osk You: Let the I ight of Your countenonce be morked upon this Your servont, NN, Let the cross of Your only- begotten Son be morked upon his (her) heart ond mind to flee from the world's vonities ond 0ll the wiles 0f the Evil 0ne, ond to follow Your conF mcnds, Gront thot Your socred nome remoin irrevoc-

q, l-XX=-ll-=lt-Xte=-ll-=a t-rltr-rr1c==1g=-1c=>t

obly upon him (her), lvho 0t CI suitoble time will be joined t0 Your holy church cnd t^tho will be per- fected by the socred Mysteries of Your Christ., S0 that ofter hoving I ived occording to Your commcnd- ments ond kept the seol in toct, he (she) moy obtoin the hoppiness of the elect in Your kingdom through the grqce ond benevolence of Your 0nly-begotten Son with Whom You ore blessed together with Your most holy, good ond lifegiving Spirit nm ond forever,

ALL : AMEN. Then he takes the chiLd into his arms and stands in front of the doors of the church or in front of an icon of the most hoTg Bearer of God and makes a sign of the ctoss saging: Sign of the Cross with Child ( Radugsia blahodatnaga ) Hcil, 0 fovored Virgin ond Beorer of God, for from you, Christ our God, the Sun 0f Justice, hos risen to give life to those in dorkness, You, t00, 0 just Simeon, rejoice, for in your orms you held the liberotor 0f our souis, the One l,lho 01so be- st0ws resurrecti0n upOn us.


Di smi ssal

Christ our true God t^till h0ve mercy 0n us 0nd sove us becouse He is the good ond benevolent Lord, (He will sove us) through the intercession 0f His mOst pure Mother ond all the soints,

5, l:lt-xlG!!5tt€xl:lx::=l tc:3$€::=>atc==)il(=:=tt{::::=3t

3. Prayer for tlgMoggr on the Fort. icth L)a-v on the forti.eth daq the chiJd is again btought to the church for induction, that is, to start btinging the chil-d to church" Purified and washed the mother brings the chiLd- Pre,s- ent afsa js the one who js to take the chifd a-fter baptism. priest' Blessed be Our God olwoys, nOl^l 0nci f 0rever,


Usual Begi nni ng Giory be to You, our God, glory be to You. 0 heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of truth r everJ vhere present I fj"l1i ng al l things Treasury of blessings, Bestower of life, come and dweli within us and cleanse us of al'l defi I ement, 0 Gracious One, and save our sou]s.

Holy God, holy l'lf ghty One, holy Immor- tal 0ne, have mercy on us. (3)

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. 0 Trinity most holy, have mercy on usi cleanse us,0 Lord, of our sins;0 Master, pardon our transgressions. Consider our weak- nesses and heal them, 0 Holy One, for the glory of Your name. Lord, have mercy. (3)

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. 0ur Father n i^lho art i n heaven , ha1 l owed be Thy name. Thy k'ingdom come. Thy will be done on eartf, as i t 'i s i n heaven. Gi ve us thi s day our daiiy bread and forgive us our debts as we for- give our debtors. AnC lead us not 'into temptation but del'iver us from the evi I one.

6. lc:!3xt€f te-3t-tll-'lt-X t-=|ilC=:-atc=-l'-=xt€t

gi ve us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation but del iver us from the evil one.

Excl amati on priest, FOr Yours is the kingdom snd the power the slory 0f the Fother ond the Son ond the Holy Spirit, novv ond forever,

ALL : AMEN. The Tropar of the Dag or of the appointed sajnt js then taken.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Ho'ly Sp'irit, now and forever. Amen.

( Molgtvamg, H ospodg) Through the intercession of the Bearer of God, 0 Lord, and a'|1 the sai nts, grant us Your peace and show us mercy, for You alone are gracious.

Holding the chiLd the mother bows her head as the priest makes a sign of the cross over its head. Then touching its head the priest sags this prager: Let us pray to the Lord.

(H ospodg Bozhe vsederzhgteTgu) 0 Lord God oll-sovereign, Fother of our Lord Jesus Christ, You creoted every rotionol ond non- rotionol being by Your word ond brousht oll things from non-exitence into existence, We proy t0 You ond osk You, l,.lho by Your vlill soved this Your ser- vont, NN, : Purify her from ol I sins ond stoins 0s she comes into Your church ond moy she be found worthy to receive Your holy Mysteries vlithout blome,

7, lc]Ell--lt-Xt-xt-X t:il:ttc==)u-tt{::::==t I NOTE: rf the chiLd js NOT ALIVE, the prager concl-udes at this point with tht excl-amation: Excl amati on I Priest, FOr YOu Ore 0 g00d ond benevol ent I God ond we render glory to You, the Father ond the Son ond the Holy Spirit, il now ond forever,

ALL: AMEN. I If the chil-d IS ALIVE, ttre priest continues reading to xhe end- il I And bless + the child born of her, let it iI grOlv, Sonctify it, Give it understonding, honor ond j prudence, You brought it forth ond showed it the sensible I ight in order to be deemed worthv 0f the spirituol lisht 0t 0 time t0 be determined by You ond to become 0 member 0f Your holy flock through Your 0nly-begotten Son, with Whom You ore blessed together vlith Your most holy' g00d ond lifegiving Spirit, now ond forever, Amen, Priest' Peoce be + to 01 I 0f y0u.


Priesr, BOvv your heods to the Lord,


Praver over the Mother of the ehild (Hospodg Bozhe nash) 0 Lord our God, Who come to sove the humon roce, descend upon this Your servont, NN, ond

8, l{===ll-}ll-=ll€=:=31-=lt:t t-lttt€il-=n(:=ilC==t

through Your holy priest give her entry into Your il glorious church, l4oke her worthy to pcrtcke of || Your precious Body ond Blood, 0n this fortieth tl doy wosh 0w0y her bodily impurities and stains of spirit s0 thot being mode worthy of entering Your holy church she moy glorify with us Your most holy nome, of the Fother ond the Son ond the Holy Spir- it, noll ond forever,


Second Prayer over the Chi I d Blessing the chifd the priest sags: Let us pray to the Lord. (Hospodg Bozhe nash) 0 Lord our God, 0n the fortieth doy You were brought 0s 0 child into the Tempie of the Low by Your holy virginal Mother ond were heid in the orms of righteous Simeon; You Yourself, 0 Moster oll-powerful, bless also with cll g00d this in- font thot has been brought to oppeor before You the Creator 0f 0ll, Let it grow to do g00d works thqt pleose You. h/ith the sign of Your cross drive 0t^t0y oll hostile forces from it, for You ore the guordion of infonts, 0 Lord, Being deemed worthy of holy baptism (o' Hoving been deemed worthy of holy boptism), moy he (she) obtoin the share of the chosen ones of Your kingdom and be protected together with us by the groce of the holy, consub- stontiol ond undivided Trinity, For 011 glory., thonl

o It-3t€::=>ll€Xtffi l€ltC==f3 tq=5l31e:-1€-tt-Xt{54

eternql Fother ond Your oll-holy, g00d qnd life- giving Spirit, not^t ond forever,


Priest' PeOCe be + tO Ol I 0f ygu, ALL: AND T0 Y0UR SPIRIT.

Priest' B0t,rl y0uf heAdS t0 the LOfd,


Prayer ( Bozhe otche vsederzhgtefgu)

priest." Q God, cil 1-sovereign Fcther, through the most-mighty-voiced prophet Isaioh, You t01d us in cdvcnce cbout the incarnoti0n of Your 0nlv- begotten Son, our God, from 0 virgin, In the lost dcys by Your good pleasure ond the cooper- 0ti0n 0f the Holy Spirit, He chose for our sql- votion in His ineffobie mercv to become her child, And then occording to the custom of Your holy Low, when the doys 0f purificotion were completed, He, the re01 Lowgiver, chose t0 be brought to the Temple ond held in the orms 0f righteous Simeon, We recognized the figure 0f this mvstery in the prophecv mentioned be- fore 0b0ut the coals ond tongs, ond we foithful imitate it through groce. 0 Lord, protect0r of infonts, bless + nct^t this child ond its por- entS Ond SpOnSofS, (rt not baptized, sas this: and i n due time deem i t worthy of rebj rth through water and spirit). lllake him (her) o member of Your spirituol sheepfold thot is nomed ofter

10, r(=-lr<-tlc=!5ll€Xl-tll-x t(-ilc:=:-il-tK-trc-t

Your Christ, For You dwell on high ond look upon the lolly., ond we render glory to You, the Fother ond the Son ond the Holy Spirit, not^t ond forever,


If the child is baptized, the priest now performs the induction cetemong. Otherwise, this is to be done aftet the baptisn. And so, at this point he gives the DismissaJ.

Ceremony of In!!_uctf on i nto Church

The priest then takes the child and with iX makes a sign of the cross befote the doors of the church saging:

Rai si ng Cli 1 d i n front of _?oors priest, The servont 0f God, NN, is inducted into the church, In the nome of the Fother ond 0f the Son ond of the Hoiy Spirit. Amen, reading it into the church he sags:

priesr. He will enter Your house ond bow down before Your holy temple, Raising Child jn Mjddle of Church

priest, The Servont Of GOd is inducted into the church, In the midst of the ossembly he (she) will sing Your proises, He then comes befote the santuatg doors and sags.'

Raisi ng Chi I d befotr Sa$tuary Doors priest, The Servont Of God is inducted into the church,

11, E==::=ll€lE=:-lt-xl€=>lt-x tc::]tt€tt{=:-n->o€=>t

Ile feads the chil-d into Xhe sanctuarg, IF IT IS A BOy. But onTg to the rogaT doors if it is a gir7. He sags:

Entering Sanctuary with Boy priest, N0w, 0 Lord., You moy let Your servOnt g0 in peoce occording to Your word, for my eyes have seen Your solvoti0n which You have pre- pcred in the sight 0f 0ll the Deople: 0 light for the revelotion 0f the notions cnd the glory of Your people Isrcel. After this the priest places the chil-

Di smi ssal pnest' ChfiSt 0Ur tfue GOd,r,,lhC fOr ouf Soivcti0n, condescended to be held in the orms 0f just Simeon, tlill hove mercy on us ond sove us for He is the g00d ond benevolent Lord, (He wili sove us) thrOugh the intercession 0f His most pure Mother ond 011 the soints,


12" l:ll-Xl€Xl€ll€=>31-X t:ll€llc=:::>llG:=ll{::::>l


P raye r over a Woman who has lost her Child

Usual Begi nni ng

priest, Blessed be our God olwoys., nOW ond f Ofever,

ALL: AMEN. Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You. 0 heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of truth, everywhere present, fi 1'li ng al l things Treasury of blessings, Bestower of life, come and dwell within us and cleanse us of all defilement, 0 Gracious One, and save our souls.

Holy God, holy M'ighty One, ho'ly Immor- ta'l One, have mercy on us . (3)

G'lory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. 0 Trinity most ho1y, have mercy on us; cleanse us, 0 Lord, of our s'ins; 0 Master, pardon our transgressions. Consider our weak- nesses and heal them, 0 Ho'ly One , for the g'l ory o f Yo ur name . Lord, have mercy. (3) G'lory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Sp'irit, now and forever. Amen. Our Father, hjho art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy ki ngdom come. Thy w'i1'l be .done on eaith as it 'is in heaven. Gjve us this day our daily bread and forg'ive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into tempta- ti on but del i ver us f rom the ev'i I one . Excl amat'ion eriestpgl' YOUfS iS the kinsdom ond the power CInd the qlory of the Fother ond the Son ond the HolY

T3, l€lt=)llffil$ffi$ffilt-X !€::=lle-lx::>ll€lr€::*

Spirit, nov.l ond forever,

AMEN " Irglel:- Tone 6 { PomgJug nas Hospodg)

Have merey on ils, 0 Lordo have mercY on us. hje sinners bring this appeal to You, our Lord, for we have no defense: Have mercy on us.

Gi ory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Hol y Sp'i ri t .

(Hospodg pamgLug nas)

Lord, have mercy on Lls, for we have put our trust in You. Be not exceedingly angry with us and do not hold our trans- gress'ians against us. Look LIpon us now with compassion. Save us from those who are hostile to us" For You are our God and we are Your people. All of us are the work of Youn hands, and we cail upon Your name.

Now and forever, Amen.

Open the doors of mercy to us, 0 blessed Mother of God. May we who hope in you not perish but be delivered by you from danger u for you are the salvation of the Christian peoPle.

l.gysr ( vTad'qkr> a asPcdg)

Pnest: Let us PraY to the Lord. 0 lvloster, Lord our God, You were born 0f the holy Bearer 0f God cnd Evervirgin lllorv CInd iav in 0 mcnger 0s 0 child; You Yourself in Y0ur gre0t mercy have inercy todoy 0n serv0nt in hen sinfulness fOr the willing 0r unwilling

I5r l:ll-llc:=lt<::-lt-tll-x tc====r€-o€ttl>n{:Ftr-}t she deoth incurred ond the expulsion of whot il she hod conceived, Pordon her voluntory ond in- fi voluntory sins ond protect her from ol I the [J wiies 0f the devil, Cleonse her stoin ond heol her poins, Give heolth cnd strength t0 her body and soul, 0 benevolent Lord, ond guard her with o shining oflgel from oll ottocks by invisible demons, ond even from illness ond infirmity os well , 0 Lord. Cleqnse her from bodily stoins ond the mony internol offl ictions thot moy beset her ond leod her forth with her weokened body in Your greotflErcy, ond raise her f rom tne bed 0n which she lies, For we were born in sin and ini- quity, 0 Lord, ond we ore imperfect before You, With feor we cry out: "Look down from heoven ond behold the weokness of us who cre condemned," Pordon Your sinful servcnt, l{N., who wos involved voluntoriiy or involuntorly in the deoth of whot she hod conceived ond oll those who were with her or hod been in contoct with her, As the good ond benevolent God, hove mercy ond gront forgiveness in Your greot mercy, for You olone possess outhority to forgive sins ond ini- quities, Do s0 through the intercession of Your most pure Mother ond ol I the soints, For qll glory, honor ond worship belong to You, together with the Fother ond the HoIv Spir- it, nol.t ond forever,


15, l-!3t€ltG-lt-Xlc:=:ll-X>t


The Rite of Holy Baptism and Holy Chrismation

Prayer over a Catechumen The priest puts on an epitrahil and, where customarg, a phelon, and goes out to the vestibuLe. Tltete he l-oosens t/re sash of the one to be baptized, removes hjs outer gat- ment and turns him to face east with just a singJe Loose garment, without head coveting or s/loes. Hjs hands ate fow- ered. The priest then breathes three times upon his face and makes a sign of the cross upon his forehead and breast - He pTaces his hand upon his head and says: Priest: Let us pray to the Lord.

Candidate Faces East with Hands Down

( Vo inga Tvoge) In Your nome, 0 Lord God of truth, ond thot of Your only-begotten Son ond Your Holv Spirit, I ploce my hond upon Your servcnt, NN, t^iho wos found worthy to flee to Your holy nome ond find shelter under Your llings, Remove thot cncient deceit from him (her) and fill him (her) with foith in You ond hope ond iove so thot he (she) moy come to know that You ore the only true God, ond Your oniy-begotten S0n, our Lord Jesus Christ, ond Your H0ly Spirit. Let him (her tntolk occording t0 Your commondments ond follow whct pleases You, for if 0 mon does these thinqs he wi I I be ol ive in them, Inscribe him (her) in Your book of life cnd join him (her) to the flock 0f Your inheri- tonce s0 thot Your holy nome ond thot of Your

16, l:ll:lte:::-llG:-3t-5tt{:-t 1g=-1e-tt15'16:-1€::=>l

beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, ond Your I ifesiving Spirit moy be slorif ied in him (her) Moy Your eyes olwoys look upon him (her) with kindness ond Your eors heor the voice of his (her) proyer, Glodden him (her) in the works of his (her) honds thot he (she) moy ocknow- ledge You ond worship ond glorify Your greot ond exolted nome ond ever proise You oll the doys of his (her) life,

Excl amati on

For ol i the hosts of heoven sing Your proise, cnd Yours is the glory of the Fother ond the Son ond the Holy Spirit, not^t ond forever,



Deacon.- Let us pray to the Lord.

ALL : L0RD, HAVE MERCY. ( zapreschaget tebi) priesr, The LOfd, WhO COme intO the wOrld Ond dwelt omong men t0 destroy your tyrrony ond sove monkind, rebukes you, 0 devi I , Upon the tree He overcome the powers of the enemy when the sun grew dork, ond the eorth trembled, when the tombs fel I open ond the bodies of soints orose, By deoth He destroyed deoth ond mode powerless the one t^tho hod power over death, thot is, you/ 0 devil, I denounce you

17, t(-3tc-ltffi{}€:-Etffill€X r-tt(-lt-lK:::::=alc-,t

by the God trJho monifested the tree of life ond commonded the cherubim t^tith revolving sword to guord it; be rebuked! I rebuke you by Him l,Jho walked 0n the surfcce of the wcter 0s though on dry 10nd ond rebuked the gole winds. His gcze dries up the depths onci His threot melts the mountoins, Through us the some One notnt commonds vOu: "Stcnd in drecd, cnd leove this creoture, You must never return ogoin 0r hide in him (her), You must never meet him (her) or offlict him (her) by dcy, by night 0r 0t noon time, Return t0 your Tartorus until the time reodied for the greot j udgment, Stand in feor of God l^lho sits upon the cherubim snd looks upon the depths, before Whom the ongels trembie, ond the orchongels., the thrones, d0minions , Df incipal ities/ povvers/ virtues, ond the mcny-eyed cherubim ond six- winged serophim, before Whom heoven ond eorth tremble ond the sec cnd cll thot is in them' Deport from this newly chosen ond secled soldier of Christ ond leove him (her), I od- jure you by Him Who woiks 0n the wings of the wind ond rnckes His messengers f laming f ire, Depart from this creoture with all your forces ond angels and Ieove him (her), Exclamat'ion For slorified is Your norne of the Fother ond the Son ond the Hoiy Spirit, now ond for- ever. AMEII.

18. l(-ll:lK:=ll-Xl-ilt-X tG5l1€1C5l1G=1<=:5't

Another Exorci sm Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.


(Hospodg sabaoth)

priest, Q LOrd SObOOth, GOd 0f ISfCel, YOU heOl every diseose ond inf i rmity; shot,l regord f or Your servont, Seorch out, drow out ond drive out every octivity 0f the devil, Rebuke the uncleon spirits ond drive them out, Purify the work 0f Your honds, By Your shcrp oction crush soton st^tif tly under his (her) feet ond gront him (her) vic- tory over him ond his impure spirits,

Excl amati on

Gront thot hoving received mercy from You, he ( she) moy be deemed worthy of Your immortol ond heovenly mysteries ond render glory to You, the Fother ond the Son ond the Holy Spirit, nol^l ond forever,


Praye r ( Sig vJadgko) Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord. priest, Q fvloster ond Lord, You y1ho .Fer You mon in Your imoge ond I ikeness qnd gove him the power of eternol life. When he fell through sin, You did not ignore him but provided solvotion for the t^iorld through the incornotion of Your Christ, Now olso deliver this Your creoture from

19, EF{}C-l}a=-l}-:::-|t-'-{r.-==l }c=:::::}t}-tt€it3{t:lc:-t

slovery t0 the enemy ond receiv'e him (her) into Your heovenly kingdom, 0pen his (her) spirituol eyes so thot the I ight uf the gospel moy shine in him (her), Give him (her) o shining onsel to sove him (her) from every ottock by the odver- s0ry/ from confrontction with the evil one, fronr the middoy demon and from evil delusions, Breathing upon his (her) mouth, forehead and breast, the priest sags:

Breathing over Head and Heart

DRIVE OUT FROI\I HIIVI (HER) EVIRY EVIL AND UNCLEAN SPiRIT THAT IS HIDING OR NESTING IN HIS (HER) HEART. (3) The priest contjnues.' ..,,spirit of error, spirit of evil, sPirit 0f idolotry ond every kind 0f cvorice/ spirit 0f lies ond every kind 0f impurity thot hos been instigoted by the devi i , tvloke him (her) o spiri- tuol sheep of the socred fold of Your Christ, o dignified nenber of Yo"rr church ond 0 son (douqhter) and inheritor of Your kingdom, s0 thot ofter liv- ing occording to Your commondments, preserving the seol in toct ondkeepinghis (her) gorment un- biernished, he (she) nny r:btcin the blessedness of the soints in Your kingdom, Excl amation Through the groce, mercies ond benevolence of Your only-begotten Son, with l'lhom You ore blessed ond Your most holy, q00d ond iifegiving

20. l-'ll-xl-Xt-==lt:lt€-t t€[€-o->ttr=-o-=t

Spirit, notnt ond forever,


The candidate is disrobed and his footwear removed. The priest turns hin (her) to face west. The candidate raises ftjs ( her) hands and the priest asks: Facing West with Hands Raised Renounci ng the Devi I prjesr, Do yOu fenounce S0t0n, 0ll his wOfks, 0ll his ongels, 011 service to him ond 0ll his pomps?

The candidate or his sponsor ( if the baptizand is a foreigner or a chiLd) repTies:


Priest' D0 yOU fen0UnCe S0t0n, oll his wOrks, ol I his ongels, oll service to h im ond ol I his pompsi CANDIDATE: I DO RENOUNCE. Priest, D0 you renounce soton, ol I his works, ol I his ongels, oll service to h im ond oll his DornpS'r CANDIDATE: I D0 RENOUNCE. Prjest' H0ve you renOunced s0t0n?

CANDIDATE: I HAVE RENOUNCED HIM. After thjs the priest turns hin (her) to face east. fle ( she) Towers his ( her) hands. The priest asks.'

Sweari ng Al I egi ance to Chri st priest' D0 you Sweqr ollegionce to ChriSt? CANDIDATE: I SWEAR ALLEGIANCE TO CHRIST. priest, Do you sweor 0lleqionce t0 christ? CAIIDIDATE: I SI^IEAR ALLEGIANCE T0 CHRIST. prjest, D0 you SWe0r 0llegionce tO Christ? CANDIDATE: I SbIEAR ALLEGIANCE T0 CHRIST?

2T, lc:=-llC=>lr€=:3t'ffi51&rctt€'t t6=:::31:1-:=tt6=;'tt€==,{ Agaln the priest asks.. priesti HoVe you Sworn 0llegiCnCe tO ChriSt? CANDIDATE: I HAVt Std0Rr,i ALLTGIANCE T0 CHRIST. Priestj D0 ypu bel ieVe in him? CANDiDATE: I BELIEVE IN HIM AS KING AND GOD.

l-he Creed














2') t{-ll€ll-xl-xt-}ll-X t(:>tr-tt-=>tt:ltc=>t

trtrhen the candidate has compJeted the hoJg sgnboT, the priest again asks hjm ( her) :

priest: HoVe you sworn 0llegionce t0 Christ? CANDIDATE: I HAVE SWORN ALLEGIANCE TO CHRIST. priest' Hove you st^iorn 0ilegionce t0 Christ? CANDIDATE: I HAVE SWORN ALLEGIANCE TO CHRIST. priest' Hove yOU sworn 0llegionce tO ChriSt? CANDiDATE: I HAVE SWORN ALLEGIANCE TO CHRIST.

Priest, AdOfe H im, He bows and saqs:


priest' BleSSed be GOd, WhO wonts 0l I men tO be soved ond to come t0 know the truth, novl ond

foreve r ,


P raye r ( VTadqko nospodg)

Deacon.. Let us PraY to the Lord "

ALL : LORD, HAVE MERCY. priest.- Q Moster, Lord Our God, summon Your serv- ont, NN, t0 Your h0ly enl ightenment, ond deem him (her) worhty of this grect groce of Your holy boptism, Wosk 0w0y his (her) old person ond renew him (her) in life eternol, Fill him

23, t-xt-)ll(-ll-)ll-xt-x t-xr-xr€il8il.-| (her) with the power 0f Your Holy Spirit to be united t0 Christ ond no longerto be 0 child of the flesh but 0 cl-,ild of Your kingdom,

Exci amati on Through the good pleosure ond grcce of Your only-begotten Son with Whom You ore b I ess- ed together with Your most holy, good ond lifegiving Spirit, now ond forever,


24. t-xt:lt(3:-al€xt->ll-X t{-il-ll{l==i3l'€lr-r

The Rite of Holy Baptism

The priest r.s vested in bright garments. ALl the candfes are fit. The priest takes the censets and goes to the baptis- maL font.He incenses around it, and making a bow gives back the thuribl-e. The deacon then sags:

Deacon.- Father, gi ve the bl ess'ing.

Priest' BleSSed be the kingdom of the Fother ond the Son ond the Holy Spirit, now ond forever,

ALL: AMEN. L'itany of Peace Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord 'in peace.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. peace from h'igh and for the salvation Deacon: For the 'let on of our soul s , us pray to the Lord.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon: For peace all over the world, for the well-being of God's ho'ly churches and for the unity of all, let us pray to the Lord.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacou For th'is holy church and for all who have come here in faith, awe and ieverence of God, let us pray to the Lord ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon' For our Holy Father, NN, Pope of Rome' 1et us pray to the Lord. ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. (and ""-;;i;tanj,Deacon: For his Beatitude, our Major Archbislrop Metro- 1'1p, tor our most reveiend (Archbishop and) Metro- politan,-NN,forourbishop,NN,belovedofGod'forthe priests, the deacons in Christ and all the clergy and the peop'le , I et us pray to the Lord ' ALL : LORD, HAVE MER'CY. Deacon: That this water may be sanctified by the power' actjon and descent of the Holy spirit, jet us pray to

25. l-xl-xlc=;-rl{*='lr€=:-ll-x rG:>n€lrG-l

the Lord.


Deacon: That redemptive grace and Jordan's blessing may come upon it, let us pray to the Lord.


Deacon.. For the one now coming to holy en1ightennent and for h'is (her) salvation, 1et us pray to the Lord.

ALL : LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon, That he (she) may become a son (daughter) of I i ght and an i nheri tor of eternal bl essi ngs , I et us pray to the Lord.

ALL : L0RD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon: That for him (her) ttris water may be a bath of regeneration, a remission of sins and a garment cf in- corruption, 1et us praY to the Lord.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon: That we may be kept safe from distress, violence and need, 1et us pray to the Lord.


Deacon, Hel P us, save us, have mercy on us and protect us , 0 God, by Your grace.

ALL : l-0RD, HAVE I''l[RCY.

Deacon." Commemorating our most holy, most pure, most blessed, glorious Iady, the Mother of God and Evervirgin Mary, together with all the saints, 1et us commend our- selves aird one another and our whole life to Chrjst, our God.

ALL : T0 YOU, 0 L0RD. As rieacon js reciting these petitjons, the ;riest recites thrs prager quietlg tc> hinseTf:

a-u. l(==::)ll-)lle=='lt-:=tt€)ilG-t r€-{-il-xr€:=il€:::>t

Prayer ( Bfaho-utrobnig) priest: (sirenttv) 0 kindheAfted cnd mefCifUl GOd, You secrch the hecrts cnd interior cnd know the secrets of men. Nothing is hidden from You; 0l I things cre noked ond laid bore before your eyes, l,/hen You see whot is in me, do not scorn me 0r turn Your fcce 0t^l0y f rom me. 0verlook my sins 0t this time,0 You l^lho overlook the sins of men for repentonce, Wosh 0t^t0y the stain of my body ond the stsin of my soul, ond completely scnctify me by Yourinvisible pot^ter and spirituol right hond, lest in procloiming freedom to oth- ers ond conferring it with complete foith in Your ineffoble benevolence, I myself, 0 slcve of sin, mcy be put to the test, [t10y I not be turned 0rt0y in humiliotion, 0 Moster, l^lho olone ore good ond benevolent, Send me power from on high qnd give me strength to minister ot Your greot ond heovenly mystery which is ot hand, Form Your Christ in the one obout to be reborn, miseroble though I om, Build him (her) up 0n the foundotion of Your opostles ond prophets, Do not put hirn (her) down but set him (her) in Your holy, cathoiic ond cposto- lic church 0s 0 plqntling of truth, And do not uproot him (her)os he ( she) grot,ts in the faith so that Your oil-hoiy nome moy De glorllleo through him (her), of the Fother ond the Son ond the Holy Spirit,, novv ond forever' Amen.

ft shou-Zd be noted that the priest does not make an ex- c-?.amatjon ancJ a-lso sags the Amenquiet19 to J:jmself.

27. lG-ll-Xt-::=ll-3lt-xl-X tCi3lttGXg:=::={rc:=trc:::t3a The priest then saAs the fo77c>wing prager afoud:

Praye r for Blessing -aptismal tllater (I{ ospodg Bozhe vsederzhgteTgu)

priest: (Aroud.) Q Lofd, 011-SOVefeign GOd., CfeOt0f 0f 0ll thinqs visible ond invisible, You made hecven ond eorth ond the seo cnd 01 I that is in them, You gothered the woters into one ploce ond closed the obyss, seoling it by Your ot^te- some ond glorious nome, cnd placed the vlcters 0b0ve the heQvens, You fixed the earth upon the woters ond by Your power estobl ished tlte sec, In the woter You crushed the heods 0f serpents, You 0re cw€scilte; Wh0 cOn stand 0g0inst You? Regcrd this creoti0n of Yours, 0 Lord, and this w0ter,Ond bestow the gr0ce 0f redemp- tion upon it cnd Jordcn's blessing tc mcke it 0 sOurce 0f incorrupti0n, 0 gift of sanctifi- cotion, 0 liber0ti0n from sin., 0 cLlre for diseoses, o destroyer of demons, lvlcke it inac- cessible to hostile powers cnd full 0f cngelic power, lIcy ali who plot ogcinst Your creotion f lee f rom it, I invoke Your wondror:S ond glori- ous nome, SO f eorsome t0 cdversor ies, 0 Lord ,

The priest b,Zesses the water three times inmetsing his fingers int.c> it. Then br-oathing over it he sags:


LO,ol:) t-xl€il€0Gxt-xr:l tc=>lt-il-=il-ll{-r

Excl amati on For 011 glory, potnter/ honor cnd w0rship belong to You together t,vith Your eternol Fcther ond Your most holy, good ond lifegiving Spirit now ond forever,


Priest, Peqce be + tO Ol I 0f YgU,


Deacon.. Bow your heads to the Lord. Thepriestbreathesthreetimesoverthevessefwith the oif and bfesses it three times as the deacon is hoTding it. The deacon saqs:

Deacon: Let us PraY to the Lord. Prayer over the 0ii of the Calechumens ( vfadgko H osPodtl Bozhe) priest I Moster, Lord God 0f Our f others., You sent sent 0 dove to those in Nooh's ork t^tith 0n ol ive bronch in its beok os 0 sign of re- conciliotion ond rescue from the flood ond 0 prefigurement 0f the mystery of groce, You 0ls0 gove the product 0f the olive for the ministrotion of Your socred mysteries' And s0 You filled those who were under the Low with the Holv Spirit ond perfected those who Wereundergroce.YOUY0URSELFBLESS+THIS OIL BY THE POI^JER, ACTION AND DESCENT OF THE HOLY SPIRiT, thot it mov be 0n onointins for incorrupti0n , 0 weopon 0f justice,, 0 restoro- tion of body ond soul, (on onointing) to repel 0ll the octi0n of the devil ond t0 free those

29, l-xl-xtGl3)ll€lt-ilt-X tg-1:1(==:-tt{=::::-1

from evil tlho in foith onoint themselves t^tith it 0r pcrtoke 0f it for Your glory ond thot of Your 0nly-begotten ion ond Your 0ll-holy, g00d ond lifegiving Spirit, not^t ond forever.

ALL: AMEN. Deacon: Let us be attentive.

Singing of Al'leluia Three Times Singing the Alleluia (3) three times with the people, the priest makes three signs of the cross with the oil- in the water. Then he exeLaims:

Excl amation

priest, Biessed be God Who enl ightens 01 I humons t^tho come into the world, not,l ond forever,


Anoi nt'ing of Baptizand The one to be baptized is brought forward. The priest takes some oil- and makes a sign of the cross upon the fore- head, breast, ears, shouJders, hands and feet- First he anoints the forehead"

The Forehead priest' The Sefvont 0f GOd, NN, iS onointed + With the 0i i 0f sladness, in the nome 0f the Fother, ond the Son ond the Hoiy Spirit, to open his (her) mind t0 understcnd ond occept the mystery 0f Christ's foith ond to know His truth, novl ond forever, Amen,

The Breast For the heal inq of soul ond bodY, ond

30, ,C:=ll-Xl€=-3lc::=lt->tt-X t€tt€ttClti=tr€tr-tr

ond thot he (she) may love the Lord God with his (her) whole heort, whole soul ond whole mind, ond his (Her) neighbor 0s himself (herself)

The Shoul ders

Thot he (she) moy eogerly toke Christ's gentle voke upon himself (herself) ond joyfully corry His burden ond renounce oll c0rn01 desires, The Ears

Thot his (her) eors moy hecr the fqith ond occept the divine teochings of the gospel,

The Hands

Thot he ( she) rnay roise his (her) honds without blome towords Your sonctuory ond olwoys do whot is just ond bless the Lord,

The Feet Thot he (she) moy walk in the footsteps of Christ's commondments,

When the entire bodq of the baptizand has been anointed, the priest then baptizes hin (her) hoLding hin (her) upright, facing east and saging: The Form of Baptjsm




ALL: (or the Priest) AMEN.

3)., l(-lt€lt€alg==ll-:=lt-X t{=:::=tt:tt:tr:tr->l

At each invacation t-he priest immerses and fifts the chiLd out of the water. Otherwise, where customarg, he onJg pours water ovet the head. After the baptism the pri 'st washes his hands. He then clothes hin (her) in his (her) garments saging:

Bestowa'l of Bapti smal Garments priest, The serv0nt 0f God, NN, is robed in the gorrnent of justice, in the nome of the Fother ond 0f the Son cnd of the Holy Spirit, Amen, And the foTTowing Tropar is sung in Tone 8.

Tropar - Tone B ( Rgzu mni padazhd')

0 Chri st our Gad most merci fttl , You clothe Yourself in light as in a garment; give me a gleaming garment.

And, where :.t is customarg, after clothing the newJg- baptized, the priest gives hin (her) [or to the sponsor' if it is a childl a burning candTe jn his ( her) right hand saging: 0n Giving the Candle prjesr, Toke this burning Condle ond throughout your life strive to sive lisht tlith the brisht- ness 0f faith ond g00d works s0 thot when the Lord cornes you moy g0 in rodionce to meet Him i^tith 0il the s0ints ond r^rithout hindronce enter the chornber of His heovenlv slorv ond reign t^tith Him forever, Amen,

?) l=ll:lt--ltc::==tl-=il-X t->il-Xt€ttc:=>tr<:::==a The Rite of l1g]y Chrjsmation

Keep in mind, O priest, that according to the prescrip- tions of the holg Eastern Church, the sacrament of HoJg Chris- mation is alwags affixed to HoTg Baptism.

If earLier someone was onlg baptized, then he is to be Chrismated aLone- Deacon: Father, give the blessjng.

pr_rest, Blessed be the kingdom 0f the Fother ond 0f the Son cnd 0f the Holy Spirit, now ond forever,

ALL : AMEN. Sti khera - Tone 6 (Tsargu nebesnig) 0 heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of truth, everywhere present, fi 1 f i ng a1 1 thi ngs , Treasury of b1 essi ngs , Bestower of ljfe, come and dwell jn us and cleanse us of al I defi lement, 0 Grac'ious One, and save our souls. After the song is finished, the deacon or the priest sags the ritang of HoTg Chrismation.

lLtany of Holy Chrismation Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord 'in peace.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon: For the peace from on high and for the salvation of our souls, let us pray to the Lord.


Deacon". For peace a1 'l over the worl d, for the wel1-be'ing of God's holy churches and for the unity of all, 1et us pray to the Lord.


33. t-Xl-)ltc===fllc-ll€=:}tr-X t€-tr:tt€==-il-ttc==)t

Deacon; For this holy church and for all who have in faith, awe and reverence of God, let us pray ALL : LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon"- For our Holy Father, NN, Pope of Rome,'let us pray to the Lord. LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon.. For his Beatitude, our Major Archbishop (and Metro- politan), NN, for our most reverend (Archbishop and) Metro- po'litan, NN, for our bishop, Nl'l, beloved of God, for the reverend priests, the deacons in Christ and all the clergy and the people, 1et us pray to the Lord. LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon: For those in authority and all those in the mjlj- tary service of our country,'let us pray to the Lord.


Deacon: That through the with the sacred, bene- ficent and perfecting chrism, divine strength may be given to the newly enlightened servant of God, NN, for overcoming and crushing a'll the hostile wiles of the devi I and the comi ng batt'les wi th the worl d and the flesh, let us pray to the Lnrd.


Deacon: That he (she) may become Christ our God's c0urageous and victorious competitor through the power, action, grace and descent of the Holy Spirit through the anoint'ing with holy chrism, let us pray to the Lord.


Deacon: That he (she) may become firm, strong and steady in the true (orthodox) faith, and in love ind hope, all the days of his (her) life through anointing with the holy chrism, 1et us pray to the Lord.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon: That through the anointing with holy chrism he (she)

?n l:lt-Xl:lt-Xt->3t-X tcEtt€tt-=>n-)tt->t

may receive the grace to confess the name of Christ our God boldly before everyone without fear and without timid- 'ity, and to suffer and die for love of Him, 'let us pray to the Lord.


Deacon: For his (her) growth in virtue and advancement in the commandments of Christ our God through the anoint'ing with the holy chrism, 1et us pray to the Lord.


Deacon: That with saving fear he (she) may preserve h'is (her) soul in purity and justice through the anointing with the ho'ly chri sm, 1et us pray to the Lord .


Deacon; That he (she) may mature into manhood (womanhood) in the full measure of Christian growth through the power, action, grace and descent of the most Holy Sp'irit by the anointing of the holy perfect'ing chrism, 1et us pray to the Lord.


Deacon: That we may be 'let kept safe from di stress , v'io'lence and need , us pray to the LorC.


Deacon: Hel p uS, save us have mercy on us and protect us, 0 God, by Your grace. '


Deacon, Commemorating our most holy' most pure' most blessed, glorious Lady, the Mother of God and Evervirgin Mary, together with all the saints, let us commend our- selves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God .


After the cTothing of the newTq baptized person, the priest sags this prager of holg chrismation.'

35. l(-31-XlGFll€=5ltC::::=ll-X l€=>6-=1c:=:=>tt-r1€==t

Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord. 'rsrti#*l,yg#1 " priesr, Blessed ore You, 0 LOrd GOd 0ll-SoVereign, sOurce 0f g00d things, Sun 0f justice; You mode the light 0f solvotion for those in darkness through the glorious coming of Your 0nly-begot- ten Son, our God, In the holy woter You gove us, Your unworthy people, blessed cleonsing ond in the Iifegiving 0n0inting, divine sonctifico- tion, You grcciously t^tilled for Your net^tly en- I ightened servont to be born ogain of woter ond Spirit ond gronted him (her) remission of his (her) voluntory and involunt0ry sins, You Yourself, 0 [v10ster, kindheorted king 0f oll, gront him (her) the secl of the gift of Your holy, powerful and odorcble Spirit cnd the portoking of the hoiy Body ond precious Blood of Your Christ. Keep him (her) in Your holiness, ccnfirm him (her) in the true (ortho- dox) foith, deliver him (her) from the evil one ond ol I his t^ti les, ond preserve his (her) soul in purity ond justice with saving feor of You, s0 thot he (she) moy pleose You in every word ond deed ond become 0 son (dcughter) ond heir of Your heovenly kingdorn, For You cre our God, the God of mercy ond solvotion, ond to You t^te render glory, the Fother ond the Son ond the Holy Spirit, novv ond forever.

36. t=xt-xt:lt-xt€::=lt-x t{:-tt-xtctltl5rt<53t€:}t After the prager the priest anoints the one baptized witk the hoJg chrism. He makes a sign of the cross upon the forehead, eges, nostriLsr Jips, ears, breast, hands and feet saging:

Chrismation Formula

Priest: THE SEAL + OF THE GIFT + OF THE HOLY + SPI RIT. AMEN, Then we sing:

Al I l,Jho Were Bapti zed (YeTgtse vo Khrgsta)

j Al 1 who were baP - ti zed n to Chrj st,

you have cl othed yoursel ves i n Chri st. Al - le - lu-ia.

Deacon: Let us be attentive! Priest: Peoce be + to ol I of You, Deacon: ldisdom! Let us be attentive!

Prokimen - Tone 3 (Ps.26: 1,2)


and my sav - ior; The Lord i s my [Sf't

whom shal I I fear? Whom shal I I fear? Reader: The Lord js the Protecxor of mq life; whom shafl I dread? The Lord is mY 1ight..

37. t€lt-xffiNffireffi:=lt€x rc:=>t!:tr:rt€ttc::=:=r

Deacant l,Ji sdom !

Reader: A reading from St. Paul's epistle to the Romans.

Deacon: Let us be atten+"i ve !

Epj stl e Readi ng (Romans 5 :3-77 ) Reader: Brethren, ail 0f us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death. Through baptism we i^lere buried with h'im into death, so that just as Christ rose from the dead by the g1 ory of, the Father, we too may begin to walk in the newness of life. For if rlle have become Iike him in a death s'imilar to his,so to0 vlill we (like him) in resurrec- tion. l'Je know that our old se'l f vlas crucified with him, so that our sinful body may be Ces- troyed and that we nay no longer be slaves of sin, far the one who has died is freed from sin. And so, if inre have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him. l,Je know that Christ has risen from the dead and does not di e agai n, for death no 1 onger has polv- er over him. lrJhat has died for sin has died 0nce for all, and what is alive is alive for God. So too are you to regard yoursel ves as dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Priest, PeUCe be + t0 yOU, the fe0def, Deaconr l,Jisdgm! Let us be attentive!


A - 1e - lu - id, d-1e-1u-ia, le Deacon: Wisdom! Stand aright! Let us l'isten to the holy gospel. Priest' Pegcg be + t0 0l I 0f y6U. "i0 ALL: AllD YOUR SPIRIT.

?o l(-lt:3lc=-ll-xl-Il-tl t:tt€tt-=>il€il€:::::=t priesr.'I reoding from the holy gospel occording t0 st, Motthew.

GLORY BE TO YOU, O LORD, GLORY BE TO YOU. Let us be attentive!

Gospel Readi ng (Matthew 28:L6-20) Priest: At thot time, the eleven disciples went to the mountoin in Golilee to which Jesus hod directed them, 0n seeing him they worshiped him, though some hod doubts, Jesus come neor Ond sOid to them: "All power in heoven cnd 0n eorth hos been given to me, Go ond teoch oll notions, boptizing them into the nome 0f the Fother ond the Son ond the Holy Spirit, Teoch them to observe ol I thot I commcnded you, Be- hold, I om with you ol I days to the end of the oge, " Amen, ALL: GLORY BE T0 YOU, 0 L0RD, GLORY BE T0 YOU.

Ekteni a

Deacon. Have mercy on us, 0 God, in the greatness of Your mercy, we pray, You, hear us and have mercy. ALL : L0RD, HAVE MERCY. ( 3) Deacon.- We pray for our Holy Father, NN, Pope of Rome, for his Beatitude, our Major Archbishop (and Metropol itan) , NN, for our most reverend (Archbishop and) Metropolitan, NN, for our bishop, liN, beloved of God, for those who serve and have served in this holy church, for our sp'i- ri tual fathers , and al I our brethren i n Chrj st. ALL : LORD, HAVE MERCY . ( 3) Deacon.- l,Je pray for the head of our government (king/queen, president), NN, and for his/her health and salvation, (or For those in authority) and for all in the mjli-

39. lcl-lt:llGa$ffirte-lt-X t-)tt-.ltt€pq==5tr<=-t tary service of our country. ALL : L0RD, HAVE MIRCY. ( 3)

Deacon.- We pray that the newly enlightened servant of God, NN, may profess h'is ther) fajth purely, in all piety, and keep Christ's commandments all the days of h"is (her) I 'i fe.

ALL: l-0R0, HAVE MERCY. (3)

Excl amat i on

priest, For You ore 0 mercifUl cnd benevolent God, ond t,le render glory t0 You, the Fcther ond the Son ond the Holy SBirit, not^i and forever,


Concl us i on priest, Glory be to You, 0 Christ Our God, OUr hcpe, glory be to You,


0i smi ssal priest' Christ our true God, Who for our s01v0ti0n condescended t0 be boptized by John in the Jordcn, i,'Ii I I hove mercy 0n us becouse He i s 0 good cnd benevolent Lord. (He rr'till sove us) through the intercessi0n 0f His most pure wlother ond oll the soints,

ALL : AMil',I"

4iJ l(-llC-ll:ll-Xt-)lt-X lc=:nt:ll€==ll-3ll-.,t

The Ritg o'f_Churching a trioman after the Birth of Her Child. *

* rn accordance with the prescription of the Sgnad of Lviw.

The woman comes with her chil-d to the church- The priest takes his epitrakhil and together with the servers who have hoJg water goes to the entrance doors of the church. The woman kneeLs and the priest begins:

priest' I n the nome 0f the Fother ond 0f the Son ond of the Holy Spirit. Amen, He pTaces his hand on the woman's head and sags: Priest, Let US pfoy tO the LOfd,


Fi rst Prayer pr-iesr.' Q Lord God 0l1*sovereign, Fother of our Lord Jesus Christ, You creoted every rcti0n0l ond non rotionol being by Your word ond brought 011 things fr0m non-existence int0 existence, We proy to You ond osk You, lnlho by Your t^till soved this Your servcnt, ir'ii, : Purify her f rom ol I sins ond stOins 0s she comes into Your church and moy she be found worthy to receive Your holy Mysteries without blome,

N0TE: rf the chil-d js NOT ALIVE, the praser concl-udes at this point with the excl-amation: Excl amati on

For You cre 0 g00d ond benevolent God ond i^te render glory to You, the Fother cnd the Son cnd the Holv Spirit, not^t ond forever. ALL: AMEN.

4r If the chiTd is ALIVE, the priest continues reading: And bless + the child born 0f her, Let it grOlq. Sanctify it. Give it underst0nding, honor cnd prudence, You brought it forth cnd showed it the sensible I iqht in order t0 be worthy 0f the spiritual light 0t 0 time t0 be determined by Yotr ond to become c member 0f Your hoiy flock through Your only-begotten Son, with Whom You ore biessed togethen with Your most holy, g00d qnd lifeEiving Splrit, Rov.t ond forever, Arnen. Priest' Let US pfoy tO the LOrd,


Second Prayer prjesr, 0 LOrd OUf GOd, l,{hO CAme t0 SoVe the hUmOn rqce, descend upon this Your servcnt, NN, ond through Your holy priest give her entrv into Your qlorious church, lvlcke her worthy to par- tske of Your precious BCIdy and Blood, 0n this f ortieth doy wosh 0t^r0y her bodi ly irnpurlties ond stoins of spirit so thct being mcde worthv of entering Your holv church she mov glorifv Your most holy nqrne of the Father and the Son ond the Holy Spirit, notl ond forever, Amen, He then leads her into the chutch and sags:

Le-adi ng Woman i nto Church priest: Entef intO God's house ond giVe Worship t0 the Son of the msst biessed Virsin Mqrv; it v,;cs He hlho gove you the fruit 0f your v.iomb,

42 l-xl-Xl-=ll-'ll-llt-X X:=::-tt€:-tt-=tt->tt€:=>t

He then sprinkfes her with hoJg water and saUs:

Spr j nkl'ing wi th Holy Water priest' Jvlcy the peoce ond blessing 0f Almighty God, the Fother + ond the Son + ond the Holy + Spirit, descend upon ond abide t^tith you 01l^l0ys, Amen,


p'est' Gl0[V be t0 You, 0 Christ our God, Our hope, glory be to You,

ALL: GLORY BE TO THE FATHER AND TO THE SON AND TO THE HOLY SPIRIT, NOld AND FOREVER. AMEN. LORD, HAVE MERCY. LORD, HAVE MERCY. LORD, HAVE MERCY. GIVE THE BLESSING. priest, christ Our true God, who for Our solvotion condescended t0 be held in the orms 0f just Simeon, vvill hove mercy 0n us ond sove us for He is the good cnd benevolent Lord, (He t^tlll sove us) through the intercession 0f His most pure Mother ond ol I the soints,


The Sgndod of Lviw prescribes that this rite nag not be given to a woman who bears a chifd outsjde of wedLock or of an iTtegal marriage, but directs that she be cLeansed of J:er s:.ns through the sacrament of penance. ft afso stipuTates that she can not receive it prior to fortg dags after the birth of the chil-d.

43. l:ll-lt:>ll-Xl-flt-X l-)n€tt-rc:::::=nc:=>t 6. Instruction on horv to bapti:€ in brief when there is danger of death

N0TE: When a newborn child. or ang unbaptized person js -zn danger of dging, he (she) js to be inmediatelg bap- tized witlt rater bq jmmersjott qr infusion three times saging:

Bapti zer : The servont of God, NN, is boptized in the nome of the Father ond of the Son ond of the Holy Spirit

Response: AMEN. If a priest is present, he is to anoint the chifd with chrism saging: Priest: (Anointing with chrism) The Se01 0f the gift of the Holy Spi rit, Amen, In the event that the petscn who was baptized, sur- vives, hu is to be brought to the chutch at a suj tabl-e time for chrismation. The priestthenbeginst Blessed be the ki ngdom: and then the Ektenia of Chrismation and the rest on p. 32. If a person was baptized and chrismated in danger of death and survive, he is to come tc: church. The priest then begins: Blessed be our God: and the usuaf Beglnning. All who were oaptized: p. 36 and the rest of the "hen:Rite of Baptism..

44 l-xl€=:=lle:::=lt€==ll-=il-il tE1r€5ltr->tK=:5ltr<==-r 7.

The Rite of Confession ?he priest puts on his epitrakhiT and sags:

priest' Blessed be our God olwoys, not^t ond forever, Amen. Then if he chooses, he mag sag the Trisagion. Holy God, holy lvliqhty One, holy Immortol One, hove mercy on us, (3) G]ory be to the Fother ond to the Son ond t0 the Holy Spirit, nort cnd forever, Amen, 0 Trinity most holy, hove mercy 0n usj cleonse us, 0 Lord, 0f our sins; 0 Moster, por- don 0ur tronsgressions, Consider 0ur weoknesses ond hecl them, 0 Holy 0ne, for the glory 0f Your ncme, Lord, hqve mercy, (3) Glory be to the Fother and to the Son ond t0 the Holy Spirit, now ond forever, Arnen, 0ur Fother, Who ort in heoven, hollowed be Thy ncme, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on eorth 0s it is in hecven, Give us this dcy our dcily breod ond forgive us our debts 0s vle forgive our debtors, And 1e0d us not into temptotion but deliver us from the evil one, For Yours is the kingdom, ond the power ond the glory, of the Fother ond of the Son and of the loly Spirit, now and forever, Amen, Hove mercy on usr 0 Lord, hove mercy 0n us, We sinners bring this 0ppe01 to You, our

45. te=il€:=tt-===3r-tlt_5ilC=:;=t t_>lt:[_:>tK:>tt_x

Lord, for we have no defense: Have mercy on us,

Glory be t0 the Frrther ond t0 the Son ond to the Hoiy Spirit, Lord, have mercy on us, for we have put our trust in You. Be not exceedingly ongry with us ond do not hold our trcnsgressions cgcinst us, Look upon us now with compcssion, Sove us from those who ore hostile to us, For You ore our God ond we ore Your people, All of us cre the work of Your honds, ond we col I Ltpon Your nome.

Now and forever, Amen, Open the doors of mercy to us, 0 Blessed Mother of God, Mcy we who hope in you not per- ish but be del ivered by you from donger, for you Ore the solvotion of the Christian people, The priest then judiciousTg questions the person who has cone to canfession and assigns a penitentiaf kanon, that is, the epitemia (penance). Then he sags". Bow your head. If he chooses, he mag sag this prager: Priest, Let US pfoy t0 the LOfd, (Hospodg Bozhe spasenige) 0 Lord God, sclvcti0n of Your servcnts! 0 merciful, compcssionote cnd long-suffering Lord, You grieve over our wrong-doings ond do not wish 0 sinner t0 die, but to chonge cnd to live, Be merciful now to Your servont, NN, ond gront him (her) c sign of repentonce for the pordon and remission 0f his (her) sins. Forgive him (her) every v0lunt0ry cnd involunt0ry sin, Reconcile ond unite him (her) cgain with Your holy

46. lf=:-lx-llG:-lt-=ll-=:il:t t€=::=>tr-lt--1--1->t

church in Christ Jesus our Lord, l,lhom to belong il dominion ond mojesty, noI^J ond forever, Amen, fi The priest then absoLves penitent the saqing: U Prayer of Absolution (Hospod i Boh nash)

lvloy Jesus Christ, oUr Lord ond God, t,^lith the groce cnd mercies 0f His benevolence, for- g ive you ali your sins, my child NN, And I ,Ofl unl^/orthy priest, by His outhority qiven to m8., * forgive you ond obsolve you from 01 I your sins in the nome of the Father + ond of the Son 0nd of the Holy Spirit, Amen, * The Lviw Trebngk adds.- and any suspension,excommunication cr interdict, in as much as I can and you require it.... When the priest comes to the end of the words of absofu- tion, he makes a sign of the cross over the penitent with his right hand. After evergone has confessed, the priest sags:

It i s Fi tt'ing Indeed @ It is fitting, indeed, to proise You 0s the Becrer 0f God, 0s the ever-blessed ond 011- immoculote, ond 0s the Mother of our God, Hisher in disnity thon the cherubim cnd incomporobly greoter in glory thon the serophim., r^rho r^rithout defilement bore the Word 0f God, truly, os Mother of God we exolt You, Giory be to the Fother ond to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now ond forever, Amen, Di smi ssal Christ our true God will hove mercy mercy

41 . le:=il:llc::::=ll€=:==ll€:-tl<=::=a t->1{=:-16::3l1(::=1.-,t

0n us ond s0ve Lls becouse He is the good Ond benevoient Lord, (He t.'till sqve us) through the intercession of His most pure Mother ond o1l the scints, Amen,

NOTE: rn danger of death the priest onTg sags the Prager of AbsoJ-utron: May Jesus Christ..... p. 47.

8. Prayer on Absolvjng from a Penalty (BLahoutrabne) 0 Lord, kindhearted, g00d ond benevolent, in Your mercy You sent down Your 0nly-begotten Son into the worid t0 teor up the record 0f sins 0g0inst us, to loosen the bonds 0f those shockled by sin ond to onnounce pordon to the coptives, In Your [<,indness, 0 fvl0ster, free Your servont, Nl'i, from the bond thot fetters him (her), Gront thot he (she) moy sin- lessly ond confidently oppr00ch Your mojesty gnd implore Your mercy with 0 pure conscience, For You ore 0 merciful ond benevolent God, cnd t0 You vve render glorv, the Fother ond the Son ond the Holy Spirit, now ond for- ever, Amen,

li8. l-xl-)ll-xl:31-tll-x t(=-tt-xt->tt-)tr€t


The Rite of Matrimony After the Divine Liturgg while the priest is in the sanctuarg, the eouple to be married stand in front of the doors af the church, the man on the right and the woman on the Left. Then the priest comes and bl_esses the heads of the coupJe three tJ.mes and Leads them into the church. The deacon says: The Betrothal Deacon: Father, give the blessing. priest' B lessed be Our God 0lw0ysr t'tOw ond f Orever ,


Deacon.- Let us pray to the Lord Prayer (Bozhe vichnig)

preesr: (Atoud) 0 GOd etefnol, YOU bfOught tOgethef those who were 0p0rt ond estobl ished 0n indis- soluble bond 0f iove between them, You blessed Iscoc and Rebeccc ond mode them heirs of Your promise, Bless 0ls0 these Your servcnts, NN, and NN, ond guide them ln every g00d work,

Excl amati on

For You ore o mercifui ond benevo I ent God ond t^te render glory to You, the Fother ond the Son ond the Holy SPirit, nOI,l Ond for- ever.

ALL : AMEN. Priest' Pe0ce be + to ol I of you,


49. l{=-tl-Xtc:::=lFC==tlt-tlt-:=a t-==trc:-ro-lt-ltt<::::-l

Deacon: Bow your heads to the Lord.

ALL: T0 Y0U, 0 L0RD.

Prayer (Hospodg Bozhe) priest, S Lord our God, from cmong the Gentiles You first betrothed the church, 0s 0 pure virgin, Bless this betrothal, Unite ond pro- tect these Your servcnts in peoce ond hormony,

Excl amati on For ol l glcry, honor ond w0rship belong to You, the Fother ond the Son ond the Holy Spi rit, nolv ond forever,

ALL : AMEN. Conferral of Rings The priest xhen confers the rings, giving one fit'st ta the man and then ane to the bride. He says to the man:

To the Groom priest, The servcnt of God, NN, is betrothed t0 the serv0nt 0f God, NN, in the n0me 0f the Fother ond 0f the Son ond 0f the Holy Spirit, Amen, To the Bride priest, The Servcnt Of God, NN, is betrothed to the servOnt 0f God, NN, in the n0me 0f the Fother ond 0f the Son ond 0f the Holy Spirit, Amen As he sags these words the ptiest makes a sign of the cross over the head of each and pJaces the ring on theit right finger. 8€5=>lt€5=t rG==t t€=t t-:)t

EA lc===lt-Xlc=-ll-=31-tlrc:=3 t--tt-il(-il-)tt-::>t

If the priest so desires, he mag recite thjs prager: 0pti onal Frayer (Hospodg Bozhe nash)

Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.

ALL : LORD, HAVE MERCY. p'est.'Q Lord 0ur God, You 0cc0mp0nied Potriarch Abrohom's servont to i{esopotomic when You sent him t0 seek 0 wife for his mcster Isooc ond re- vealed to him through the fetchinq 0f woter thot he should betroth Rebecco. Bless + not^t the betrothcl of Your servonts, NN, ond NN, Affirm the words spoken by them ond strengthen them "dith the sccred unity thot cornes f rom You, From the beginning You made them mole ond femcle, It is from You thct 0 w0m0n is joined to mon 0s 0 heipmote cnd for the continuonce 0f the humon roce, You, 0 Lord our God, sent truth to Your inheritance ond Your promise to our fcthers, Your chosen serv0nts, from generoti0n t0 generct i 0n , Show regord not^i f or Your servont., NN, ond Your servont, NN, ond conf i rnt the i r be- trothol in f cith ond hormony., truth ond love, For You, 0 Lord, showed how betrothol is to be mcde ond of f i rmed i n eve ry lvcy , Author i ty wos given to Joseph in Egypt by c rinq, With 0 ring Daniel r,^ros honored in the lcnd of Bobylon, The truth obout Tomor t^tos reveoled through 0 ring, Our heovenly Fother showed mercy to his son with 0 ring, "Put c ring on his right hond," he soid, "kill the fctted colf, ond let us eot ond rejoice,"

J1r1 lc=:l]ll-XtG-ll€==3tt€::=at-X t->n->tr:n-:=n-==t

Your right hond, 0 Lord, ormed lvloses at the Red Seo, By Your word of truth the hecvens t^tere estoblished cnd the ecrth founded, And the riqht hand of Your servcnts is blessed by your powerful word ond Your risht hcnd held high, Not^t, therefore, 0 Lord, bless+ this con- ferrol of rings with 0 heovenly blessing, cnd mcv Your cngel Eo before them ol I the days of thei r I ives,

Excl amati on

For You ore the One irlho blesses and sonc- tif ies ol I thinss, and we render glory to You, the Fother ond the Son cnd the Holy Spirit, notnt ond forever.

ALL: AMEN. Marri age R'ite As the priest Jeads the wag to the tetrapod with a censett Psafm 127 is sung:

Psalm 127

Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in Hi s ways. You shall eat the fruit of your labor.

Bl essed are you, and i t wi I I go wel'l for you.

Your wi fe shal I be I i ke a frui tful v'ine on the sides of your house,

your so ns like olive shoots around your tab1e.

Thus W1 ll the man be blessed who fears the Lord.

The Lord bless you from Sion. You wi I I see the bl ess'i ngs of Jerusal em al I the d ays UI^c your 1 i fe,

q) x-3t-lt:lt-x1-flr€=t3 tc:::-tt-il-il:{(==:>t and see your chi I dren's ch'il dren. I Peace be upon Israel.

The I nqu i ri es il

0f the Groom il priest' NN, dO yOU hoVe 0 gOOd ond free t,'ti I I And firm intention totoke this vlomon/ NN, whom you I see before you, for Your wife? il GR00M: I D0, REVERTND FATHER.

priest, HoVe you pledged yourself tO ony Other il WOMON?

GROOM: NO, I HAVE NOT, REVEREND FATHER. il 0f the Bride Priest: NN, do you hove 0 g00d ond free will ond firm intention to take this mcn, NN., whom you see before you, for your husbond?

BRIDE: I DO, REVEREND FATHER. Priest: Hove you pledged yourself t0 ony other lll0n?


I nvocati on

Deacon.' Father, g'ive the b'lessing.

Priest' B I eSSed be the kingdom of the Father ond of the Son ond of the HolY Spirit, not^t ond foreve r .




For the peace from souls, 1et us pray

LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon: For peace all over the world, for the well-being of God's holy churches and for the unity of all, 'let us pray to the Lord.


Deacan: For this holy church and for all who have come 'i here n fai th , awe and reverence o f God , 1 et us pray to the Lord.


Deacon.. For our 'Holy Father, NN, Pope of Rome, let us pray to the Lord.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon: For his beatitude, our Major Archbishop, (and l4etrc- pof itan, NN, for our most reverend (Archbishop and) Metro- politan, NN, for our bishop, NN, beloved of God, for the reverend priests, the deacons in Christ, and all the clergy and the people, let us pray to the Lord. ALL: LORD, }IAVI i'iiRCY. Deacon." For the head of our government (king/queen, presid- ent) NN, under God's protection. (or For those in autho- ri ty) and al I those i n the mi I'itary servi ce of our coun- try, let us pray to the Lord. I nDn un\ttr MrDa\/ ALL: Lu .-; ,,/,VL .Ll.v'. Deacon For the servants of God, NN and NN, who are ioin- 'ing one another now in the commun'ion of matrimony, and toi tfreir salvation, 'let us pray to the Lord.


54. t:ll-ll<=::=lt-Xt-:}31-X r€tt€il-::>ttc:=3tc=:==>t

Deacon' That this marriage'let may be blessed as the one in Cana of Gal j I ee was, us pray to the Lord.

ALL : L0RD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon: That they may be granted a chaste life, and frujt- fulness of womb to their benefit, 1et us pray to the Lord.

ALL: LORD, HAVT MERCY. Deacon.- That they may have the ioy of beholding sons and daughters , .'et us pray to the Lord.


Deacon: That they may be blessed with good children and a blameless life, let us pray to the Lord.

ALL : LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacou That they and we may be granted all our pet'itions for sal vat'ion , 1 et us pray to the Lord .


Deacon: That they and we may be kept safe from distress, violence and need, let us pray to the Lord.


Deacon: He1 p us, save us, have mercy on us and protect us, 0 God, by Your grace.


Deacon Commemorat'ing our most h6ly, mOst pure' most blessed' glorious Lady, the l'lother of God and Everv'irg'in Mary, to- !etner w.ith iil the saints, 1et us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God'

ALL: TO YOU. O LORD. Excl amati on priest' For oll glory, honor Ond worship belong to You, the Fother ond the Son ond the Holy Spirit, nohl Ond fOrever,

53 t€xl-xtG5lt€)al€=:5ilC=:=t te:=tt-1e=:>1-=1:>t Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord. I ALL: L'RD, HAVE MERCt.Oruru,^ l! (Bozhe prechgstig) pr:est: (Aroud) 0 GOd mgst pufe, mgkef 0f 0l I Cfe_ 0tion, in Your benevolence you tronsformed the rib of Adcm, our forefother, into 0 tntomon ond blessed them soving: "lncreose ond multiply ond ru1e the ecrth," Through t^tedIock you mode the two of them one body, For this reoson, therefore, 0 mon shall leove his fother ond mother ond clins t0 his wife, ond the two sholl become one flesh, And whotsoever God hos joined together let no rnon put osunder, You blessed Your servcnt Abrahom when You opened Soroh's womb ond mode him the fother 0f mony notions, You gove Iscoc to Rebecco ond blessed her chiidbeoring, You joined Jocob and Rochel ond brought forth the twelve potriqrchs from him, You united Joseph ond Asenath ond gove them Ephrem and Honasseh, the fruit of their procrestion, You took Zochoriqh ond Elizo- beth cnd gove them the Forerunner 0s their off- spring, From the root 0f Jesse, occording t0 flesh You made the Evervirgin spring forth, ond from her You become incornote ond were were born for the sclvation of monkind, In Your ineffoble grcciousness ond greot kindness You come to Cono of Golilee and blessed the wedding there to show thot lowful morrioge and its procreotion ore Your will,

56. tc:-lt:lrc=:-at:lt->il-x t-=|ttc-lr€rt€lt:l Most holy [v10ster, 0ccept the suppl icotion of us, Your servonts, ond come here 0s You did there ond by Your invisible presence bless + this ntorrioge., ond gr0nt these Your servonts, NN, ond NN, 0 peaceful I ife, 0 chcste I ife, love for one cnother in 0 bond of peoce, long- I lved posterity, blessing in their chi Idren ond o never-foding crown of glory, Allow them to see their children's child- ren, Keep their morrioge secure, Give them of the dew from heoven ond the fertilitv of the ecrth, Fill their home with groin, wine, oil ond al I sood things thct they moy shore with the needy, At the some time gront oll the requests for solvotion of those who ore here, For You ore the God of mercy' compossion ond benevolence, and we render glory to You together with Your eternol Fcther ond Your most holy, 900d ond lifegiving Spirit, notl cnd forever,

ALL: AMEN. And again, if the ptiest wishes, he mag also sag the foTTowing Prager aLoud: Opfi egl (Bozhe--ry-qJgf sviatig)

Deacon, Let us PraY to the Lord '

ALL : LORD, HAVE MERCY. priest: (Atoud) Holy God, You CfeOted mOn ffom the dust ond from his side fsshioned 0 w0m0n 0s 0 suitable helpmote for him', for such wos

57. t-x|<==:=il€{}-=3{}er{r_:=a r_=tt_]tr_:>il_=tr_>{

the pleosure of your mcjestv thot mcn should not be olone on eorth, Stretch forth your hond now, 0 Moster, from Your holy dwellins place ond join this, Your servont, NN, with your servont, NN, far it is You Who j oin o mon ond womon, Bring them together in oneness of mind, crot^tn them with love, unite them into one flesh ond gront them progeny ond joy in their children. For Yours is the might, the kingdom, the power ond the glory of the Fother ond the Son ond the Holy Spirit, not^t ond forever,


Where it rs customarg the brid.e and groom hol_d one another's right hand. The priest binds them with his epi- trakhiL and hoJds thejr hands. The groom then sags this promise al-oud: Marri age Promi ses

The Groom


The Bri de

I, NN, TAKE YOU, NN, FOR MY HUSBAND, AND I PROMISI YOU MY LOVE, FiDELITY, HONOR AI\D SUBMISSION IN MARRIAGT. I l^lILL NEVER LEAVE YOU UNTIL DTATH, SO HELP ME GOD, ONE IhI THE HOLY TRINITY, AND ALL THE SAI NTS . The priest: then re-Zeases their hands bJesses them with apriest' sign of the cross saging: Whct God hos + joined together, let no mcn put csunder.

fo J () - lc:Xl-Xtc:-ll-Xt€ril-X t€::=il-Xtc:::-il-Xtc=:=t

coronation Rite vll The priest takes a wreath (crown) and pTaees it upon aO. ll head of the groom first saging: [| Crowni ng of Groo-lr priest' The serv0nt of GOd, illN, is crowned in mcrriage liith the servcnt 0f God, NN, in the nome 0f the Fother + ond 0f the Son ond 0f the Holy Spirit, Amen, Crowning of Bride

pruesr, The servcnt of God, NN, is crowned in mOrriage with the servont 0f God, NN, in the nome 0f the Fother + ond 0f the sOn ond 0f the Holy Spirit, Amen, The priest then .bJ.esses them three times saging:

Bless'ing of - crowned Couple -N_ewly Prjest: (Atoud) LOfd puf GOd, Cf6Wn + them With glory ond honor, (3)

Deacan: Wi sdom! wProkimen - Tone 4 ALL: YOU HAVE PLACED CR0WNS 0F PRECi0US ST0NES UP0N THEIR HEADS; THEY ASKED YOU FOR LIFE AND YOU GAVE IT T0 THEM. Reader: You will give them a b'lessing forever; You wiil gladden them with the joy of Your presence.


Deacon: wiSdOm!

Readi ng: A readi ng from St. Paul 's Epi stl e to the Ephes'i ans.

59. lc:=x!-Xr€=3ll€5tr-3tr-l}t t->tte=>lt->tr-:=tr6:=:>t

tpi stl e (Ephesians 5:20-33) Deacon: Let us be attentive!

Reader: Brethren, always g.ive thanks to God the Father for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Give way to one another in the fear of God. l^lives, be submissive to your husbands as to the Lord, for the husband j; the head of the wife just as Christ is the head oft church. And he is the savior of the body. Just as the church submits to Christ, so sfrouta the wife (submit) to her husband in all things. Husbands, love your wives as Cniist loved the church. He handed himself over for her to consecrate her, purifying her in the bath of water by means of the word, in order to present the church to himself in all her splendor without flaw or wrinkle 0r anyth.i ng of that kind, but holy and spotless" So, too, husbands are to love their wives as their own bodi es, for the man who I oves hi s wi fe I oves himself. No one has evey. hated his own flesh. He nourishes it, rather, as Christ nourishes the church" For we are members of his body, from his flesh and his bones. For this reason a man will ieave his father and mother and cl i ng to hi s wi fe and the two wi I I become one f I esh. Th'i s mystery is a great one: I refer to Christ and the church. In any case, each one of you shoul d I ove hi s wi fe as hjmsel f. As for the wi fe , 1 et her res pect her hus band. Priest, Fegcg be + to you, the reoder,

Deacon' l,Ji sdom ! Let us be attenti ve !

Alle'luia Verse (ps . 77 :8)


Reader: You wi I l guard us and protect us from this genera- tion, Lord, and fo rever . ALL: ALLELU iA, ALLTLUIA, ALLELUIA. a{-lt-xlc::-lt-xt->31-x t€tr€FilG==}tt{::|at€:)t Deacon: ldisdom! Stand aright! Let us listen to rhe holy go s pe'l . I Prjest' PgOCe be + to oll of you! I ALL: AND TO YOUR SPIRIT. pr:resf,.-ff reoding from the holy gospel occording to St, John,

ALL: GLORY BE T0 Y0U, 0 L0RD, GL0RY BE T0 YOU. Deacon: Let us be attentive!

Gospel Readi ng (John 2:1'77) Pruest." At thot time, there wcs o wedding in Cono 0f Gclilee, The mother 0f Jesus wos there, ond Jesus ond his disciples were 0ls0 invited to the wedding, The wine hoppened t0 run out, ond the mother 0f Jesus soid to hiln: "They ore out 0f wine," Jesus replied: "Womon, how does this concern you ond me? fly hour hos not yet come," His mother soid to the woiters: "Do whotever he tells you," Not^t, in complicnce with regulotions reg0rding Jewish ceremoniol w0shings, there were six stone w0ter jors stOnding there, e0ch holding two 0r three rneosures. Jesus soid to them: "Fill the jors v.lith woter," And they fill- ed them t0 the brim, Then he soid to them:"Drow some out nOl^l ond toke it to the m0ster of the f ec6t." They did s0, When the moster 0f the fecst tosted the i^iine m0de from the woter - he did not know where it come from, thouqh the woiters who drew the woter knew - the moster 0f the

61 l-tlt€-l!(:=ll-)ll-tlt-X 1g=:-tr€1€1(:==tr6=-t

feost colled the bridegroom ond scid t0 him: "All people serve the best wine first ond the inferior wine ofter the guests become mellovv, But you kept the best wine until not^t," Jesus performed this, the first of his signs, in Cona of Goi i lee, He reveoled his glory and his disciples bel ieved in him,


Ekteni a

Deacan: Let us al'l say with all our soul and all our mind let us say:


Deacon: All-sovereign Lord, God of our fathers, we pray You, hear us and have mercy.


Deacon: Have mercy on us, 0 God, in the greatness of Your mercJ, w€ pray You, hear us and have mercy.


Deacon: We pray for the servants of God, NN, and NN, who now are wedded to one another, and for thejr health and sa1 vati on .

A,LL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. (3) Deacon.- |,le pray for the peop'le present in this holy church'l who awai t Your great and bounti ful merci es , for a'l our brethren, for ail true-believing Christians and for their heal th and sal vation.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. (3) Excl amati on priest' For You ore the good ond loving God ond l-xl-Xlc:=-al-Xt-=tr-=i |G=:-tlt€il-=rtc:!=il-:>t

vve render glory t0 You, the Fother cnd the Son cnd the Holy Spirit, notnt ond forever,

ALL : AMEN. Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.


P raye r (Hospodg Bozhe nash)

Fr:e,sr: (Aroud.) 0 LOrd Our GOd, in COnO 0f GOliiee You sow fit in Your soving providence t0 dignify ntcrriage by Your presence, Now keep in pecce cnd hcrmony Your servonts, NN ond Nll, t^thorn You willed to be wedded to one onother, l4oke their mcrrioge honoroble, Keep their m0rrioge bed undefileC, (neb. 73:4) Gront thot their common life be without flow, Let them recch 0 ripe 0ld oge while they observe Your commondments tlith pure heorts, For You ore our God, the God of mercy ond solvot ion.; to You t^te render gl ory toqether with You eterncl Fother ond Your 011- holy, g00d cnd lifegiving Spirit, now ond

foreve r ,


Conti nui ng Ekten]*a Deacon: Help us, save us, have mercy on us and protect us, 0 God, by Your grace.

ALL : LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon; That this whole day may be perfect, holy, peaceful and sinless, let us ask the Lord. ALL: GRANT THIS, O LORD.

oJ. lc::=:==ll-rllF::=il$-=il-=tr-ti r-=rx=::=5il:tr_>trc:::>t

Deacon: For the 'let forgiveness and remission of our sins and of fenses , us as k the Lord .


Deacan.'Fcr all that is good'let and beneficial for our souls and peace fon the world, us ask the Lord.


Deacan: That we may spend the rest of our lives in repen- tance and in peace, 1et us ask the Lord.


Deacon-' For a christian, peacefu'l end of our r ives, without suffering, without reproach, and for a good defense at the dread tribunal of Christ, 1et us asI the Lord.


Deacon". We have prayed for the unity of faith and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit,'let us now commend our* selves and one another and our whole life to Christ, our God "

ALL: T0 YOU, 0 L0RD. priest, A I I ow us, 0 Lord, w i th bol dness ond witholit blome to dore coll You, our God in heoven, FotheI ond Sov: Lord's Prayer


64. lc:-ll-)ll(=-llG-lt-'ltc:)l t€tr€ilG=il-.'tl<===t

Exc'lamation Ptiest' Fgf YOUfS iS the kingdom and the power ond the slory of the Fother ond the Son ond the Holy Spirit, not^t ond forever.


Priest, PeOCe be + tO OI I Of ygu, ALL: AND TO YOUR SPIRIT.

Deacon.. Bow your heads to the Lord.

ALL: T0 Y0U, 0 L0RD"

P raye r (Bozhe, vsia tvar)

priest: (sitentTs) 0 GOd, by YOUf might YOU mAde 0ll things cnd mode firm the world, Everything You mode You odorned with 0 crown, Bless now these Your servonts whont You crowned in the communion of motrimony t^tith c spirituol bless- ing,

Excl amati on (Aroud) For Your ncme is blessed ond Your kingdom" glorified, of the Fother ond the Son ond the Holy Spirit, novl ond forever,

ALL: AMEN. The priest or the faithfuf sing these Tropats Tropar - Tone 5 (IsaUe Tgkug) Exult,0 Isaiah; the Virgin conceived 'in her womb and bore a Son, Immanuel , the God-man; "Orient" is His name. Let us extol Him and bless the Virgin. t€lle=:=ltc:1rc=-{t€:==ll-ta tc:-n-.|ll-FncE l€:::t>t

Tropar - Tone 7 (Sviatigi muchengtsi)

0 holy martyrs, crowned for your struggle, pray the Lord to be merciful to our souls.

Tropar - Tone 7 (SLava Tebi)

Glory be to You, 0 Christ our God, boast of the apostles, joy of the martyrs, t^rhose proclamation is the consubstantial Tri ni ty.

Removal of Wreaths As the priest temoves the wreaths (crowns) from the heads of the coupTe he sags:

The Groom

p.rresr, NN, nOl^/ thOt you ore morried, mOy you become 0s greot 0s Abr0h0m, biessed 0s Isooc ond fruitful 0s Jocob, Wolk in peoce ond 0b- serve God's commondments in justice. The Bride

priest, And yOUr NN, nOW thOt yOU Ore mOrfied, moy yOu become 0s greot 0s Soroh, rej oice 0s did Rebecco ond be 0s fruitful 0s Rochel, Be hoppy with your husbond ond observe the pre- cepts 0f the Low, for this is pleosing t0 God, Deacan' Let us pray to the Lord.


(Bozhe,-l:gvsl Bozhe)

Priest: Gcd, our God, You come to Cono of Gol i lee

66. lC:=31-Xl-Xt-Xt€ttt€X tG3lpc::51t-)t6:=)ttc5't ond blessed thot m0rricge there; bless + also these, Your servonts, NN ond i\iN, t^tho bv your providence were united in the ccmnunion of nntrimony, Bless their common life together, Fill their iives with g00d things ond receive their crowns in Your kingdom, Keep them unbiemished, unde- filed ond in tqct forever,

ALL : AMEN. Priest' PeOCe be + to cl i of you, Deacon.- Bow your heads to the Lord.


Nupt'i a1 B1 ess i ng (Otets, Sgn) priest' MoV the Fother ond the Son ond the Holy Spirit, the oll-holy, consubstontial 0nd life- giving Trinity, the one Godhecd ond Dominion, bless + you ond gront you long life ond joy in your children, erowth in life ond foith, ond o sufficiency of oll good things on ecrth, l4oy He deem You wonthy of enjoying the promised blessings through the intercessi0n 0f the rnost pure Beqrer of God ond 0l I the scints,


Concl usi on

Deacon: l,li sdorn !


61 " l€al€rll€l€{t:=ll-X fi:::i5ttg:::E1c-p-p1g-t


Di smi ssal

priest, ChriSt 0Ur trUe God, Il/hO Scnctified mOrr- iqge by His presence in Cano of Golilee, t^till hove mercy 0n us ond sove us becouse He is the good ond benevolent Lord. (He will sove us) through the intercession 0f His most pure Mother, the holy, glorious 011-blessed 0p0stles, the holy, God-crowned rulers, Constontine ond Helen, equols of opostles, the holy greotmortyr Procopius, ond ol I the scints,

ALL: AMEN. Polychron

priest' T0 YOUf SefVOntS, NN Ond NN, net^tly United in morrioge, 0 Lord, grcnt o I ife for mony yeors, ALL: LIFE FOR MANY YEARS, YEARS, LIFE FOR i'1ANY YEARS. (2) AND FOR THEIR HEALTH AND THEIR SALVATION, LIFE FOR MANY, MANY YTARS.

Mnohaya lita, f ita, mnohaya lita. Q) Vo zdraviye, vo spaseniye. Mnohaya 1ita"

In some churches it mag be the custom to bfess the bride at the shrine of the B-Zessed Mother. In that evertt, before the Polgchron and the recessionaL, the ptiest l"eads her to a place where the icon of the l$othet of God is vene- rated. rhe bride places fl-owets at the feet of the icon' The folTowing pragers mag be said as ptescribed bg the Sqndod of Lviv;. t-xt-xtc==-lt-xl-tlt-X tc:=}il{=-,il€tt}ll€il€:-t

Blessing of the Bride

As he l-eads the bride to the shrine of the B-Z.essed Mother the priest sags this ptager: prresr: (euietts) Entef the Lofd's COufts, ffiV Child, Alwoys visit His church with piety ond reverence for God so thot You may obtoin mercy. Do this cnd you wiil find groce, In the ncme 0f the Fother and of the ond of the Son ond 0f the Hoiy Spi rit, Amen, As the bride bows or kneefs before the icon, the priest pJ.aas:

P raye r (Bozhe, Bozhe nash)

priesr: Q God., OUr God, Speoki ng thf Ough the pf 0- phets You foretold the coming 0f the I ight 0f Your wisdom t0 0ll notions in the finol oge, You did not wish t0 deny ony mon 0 shore 0f Your s0ivotion, And S0, through Your 0p0stle Poul, thevessel of election, You Eove those men cnd women obiding in the foith the precepts to do cil things for Your glory, |vlen ore to give proise ond glory to Your h01y n0me I^Iith uncOvered heods, l^lhile women ore t0 distinguish themselves in pietv ond modestv t^tith good works done in foith onC give proise ond thonks t,lith covered heods, Now, 0 benevolent Lord, bless + this Your servont, ['1N.,, Groce her heod hJith beouty thot pleoses You, lvloy she I ive cccording t0 Your commondments ond grow in virtue, be without tc=:-lK=:-llc==::>ll€=:ell€lt-x t->tt€il-=>rc==f,'ff€:)t

guiie and receive the blessings of eternity together with the husbond You provided her, For You cre 0 merciful cnd benevolent God, and we render Elary to You, the Fother ond the Son ond the Holit Spirit, now ond forever, Amen, Hand on Bride's Head

The priest now extends his hand over the head of the bride and sags:

priest, |vloV the LOrd keep you in the ShOdOW 0f His wing cnd preserve you from evil throughout your iife, [Icy you enj0y 0 lonq ond peoceful I ite with your husbond and see the sons 0f your s0ns t0 the third ond even the fourth

generct i 0n ,

Sprilkling of Holy Water

The priest sprinkTes hc>Jt1 water over her head and sags:

priest' PicV the blessirig 0f the Fother ond 0f the Son ond 0f the Hoiy Spirit descend 0n you cnd abide r,,'{ith yOu throuqh the sprinkl ins of this holy t^toter, The priest then c:oncLudes saging:

priest' Go in peoce notnl cnd coreful ly and reverently ohserve the Lord's commcndments throughout your life, Submit yourself to your husbond in occord- once r,tith the commondment 0f the Lord, In the ncme of the Father + ond 0f the Son + and of the Holy + Spirit, Amen, ??:e irriest then -leads the bride back to her husband' Afte-r the llcsJgcliron is sumg I theq make a bow and Leave ' l-xt-Xl-Xt=:-lr-:=lt€:::-3 t{::=1€16==1-:=tr-=t


The Ri te of Second Marri age

priest' Blessed be our God clwoys, notnt ond forever,


Usual Begi nni ng Glory be to You, our God, glory be to you. 0 heaven'ly King, Comforter, Spirit of truth, everywhere present, fi 11i ng a'11 things Treasury of blessings, Bestower of life, come and dwell within us and cleanse us of all defjlement, 0 Gracious One, and save our souls.

Holy God, ho'ly Mi ghty One, holy Immor- tal 0ne, have mercy on us. (3)

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

0 Trinity most ho1y, have mercy on us; cleanse us, 0 Lord, of our sins; 0 Master, pardon our transgressions. Consider our weak- nesses and heal them, 0 Holy One, for the giory of Your name. Lord, have mercy. (3)

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spjrr't, now and forever. Amen. Our Father, I,Jho art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy wi1'l be done on earth as it is in heaven. Gjve us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debt's as we for- give our debtors. And lead us not 'into temptation but deliver us from the evil one.

71. l-'lt-Xlc:::=3K-tK===lr-=t t€::-t|-Xt-:=il(=::)tr->t

Exc'lamati on priest, For YOUrs iS the kingdOm ond the power ond the glory 0f the Fother cnd the Son ond the Holy Spirit, novv ond forever,


The Tropar of the dag is taken. Ektenia Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord in peace.


Deacon: For the peace from on high and for the salvation of our souls, 1et us pray to the Lbrd.


Deacon: For peace a1'l over the world, for the well-being of God 's ho"ly churches and the unity of all, 1et us pray to the Lord.


Deacon: For this holy church and for all who have come here in faith, awe and reverence of God, let us pray to the Lord.


Deacon: For the servants of God, NN and NN, for their pro- tection by God and for their common 'life together, let us pray to the Lord.


Deacon' That they may live the common ljfe together i n harmony, 1et us pray to the Lord.


Deacou i{el p ils, save us, have mercy on us and protect us, 0 God, L:y Your grace. ALL : LORD, HAVE MERCY.

11 t(:==lt{-ll:ll-xl-}lt-x t-ltt€ll(==:::xl-xt-ll

Deacon.. Commemorating our most holy, most pure, most blessed, giorious Lady, the Bearer of God and Evervirgin Mary, to- gether with all the sa'ints, 1et us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.


Excl amati on priest, For 0i1 g1ory, hOnor ond Worship belong t0 You, the Fother and the Son ond the !1olv Spi rit, now ond f0rever,

ALL : AMEN. Prayer (Bozhe vichnig) pr:esr: (Arouil A God eternoi, You brought together those t^tho t^tere 0p0rt cnd estoblished 0n indis- soluble bond 0f love between them. You blessed Isooc cnd Rebecco cnd mcde them heirs of Your promise, Bless 0lso these Your servOnts, NN ond NN, ond guide them in every g00d t^tork'

Excl amati on For You ore 0 merciful ond benevolent God ond vle render glory t0 You, the Father ond the Son ond the Holy Spirit, novl und for- ever,

ALL: AMEN. Priest, Pegce bg + to ol I of you, ALL: AND T0 Y0UR SPIRIT.

Deacon: Bow Your heads to the Lord '

ALL : T0 Y0U, 0 L0RD.

73. l(-lle-ltcl3==l,Gxl€xt-X l{:=:==at:ll{::==}lt-:=lte:::=}l tgJg' (rlospodg Bozhe)

pruesr: Q LOrd our GOd, frOm omong the GentileS You first betrothed the church 0s 0 pure virgin. Bless this betrothal, [Jnite cnd pro- tect these Your servonts in peoce and hormcny,

Excl amati on

For 0l I g I ory., honor ond worsh i p be I ong to You, the Fother cnd the Son ond the Holy Spirit, notnt ond forever,

ALL : HMEN. Conferlal of Rjngs

The priest then confers the rings, giving one first to the man and then one to the b.ride. He sags to the man:

The Man priest, The Sefvont 0f God, NN, is betrOthed t0 the serv0nt of God, NN, in the norlle 0f the Fother ond 0f the Son ond 0f the Holv Spirit, Amen,

The Woman priest, The Sefvont 0f GOd, NN, iS betrOthed tO the servont 0f God, NN, in the norne 0f the Fother ond 0f the Son cnd of the Holv Spirit, Amen, As he sags these words the ptiesx makes a sign of the cross over the head of each and pTaces a ring on their tight finger. He then makes the follc>wing inqujries of the man and wQman: l(-lt€-lt-1t'-3lt€:=lt€X X:::::=n€nc==::>tt:tt->t

The Inqui ri es

0f the Man

priesi:, NN, do you hove 0 g00d ond f ree hlill Ond firm intention t0 tcke this t,^tomgn, NN, whom you see before you, for your wife?

MAll: I 00, REVERTND FATHER. priest, l"iove you pledged yourseif tO Ony other 'd0m0n? MAN. NO, i i-IAVE NOT.

0f the Woman

priest, NN, dO yOu hove 0 good ond free Wi I I cnd firm intention to toke this mon, NN, whom you see before you., for your husbond? !!,CMAN: i D0, REVEREND FATHER. Friest' Hove you Bledged yourself to ony other man?

l^l0MAN: N0, I HAVE NOT. Prayer (Vl-adgko aospodg)

Deacc.n.- Let us pray to the Lord.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MTRCY. .Prr,est: 0 Mcster, Lord our God, You core for 0l I 0nd provide fcr 011. You see mon's secrets 0nd know 011 things, Cleonse us 0f our sins, 0nd p0rdon the iniquities of Your servonts, Cal I them t0 repentonce. Gront them remissions 0f their faults, cleonsing 0f their sins, for-

75. giveness of their iniquities, voluntory ond involuntory, For You., 0 Moker and Crector, understond the weakness of humon noture, You forgove Rohcb, the horlot, ond 0c- cepted the publiccn's repentonce; do not re- member the misdeeds of our youth, for if you poy close ottention to iniquities, Lord, 0 Lord, who could beor up under it? Whot flesh could be justified before You? For you olone 0re righteous, sinless, h0ly, full of mercy, full of compossion ond grieve over the sins of mon,

You, 0 lYcster, eal led Your servcnts, NN 0nd NN, to Yourself; unite them to one onother in love, Gront them the publiccn's conversi0n, the sinful womon's teors ond the thief's con- fession, s0 thot in repenting with their whole heort they may keep Your commandments in hor- mony and peoce cnd be found worthy of Your heovenly kingdom.

Excl amati on For You crronge oll things cnd t,le render glory to You, the Fother ond the Son ond the Holy Spirit, Rot,l and forever,

ALL: AMEN. Pruest' Pg6Ce be + to ol I of you,


ileacon.. Bow your heads to the Lord.

ALL: T0 Y0U, 0 LORD. l€5il€==il-xt€H&==3l te=>il-:il--ltt-xtc-ll€]t

76. (Ho"#*"") Priest: 0 Lord Jesus Christ, Word of God, you cscended the precious ond lifegiving cross to shotter the record of (our sins) ond rescue us f rom the devil's DOWet^; clesnse the iniquities of Your servonts who find themselves unoble t0 beor the heat ond burden of doily life ond the urges of the flesh ond s0 ore coming together in second ntorrioge, Such t^tos the injunction You gove through Your 0p0stle Poul, the vessel of election: "lt is better to morry in the Lord thAn tO be On fife," (7 cor.7:e) AS gOOd Ond be- nevolent Lord, be merciful cnd forgiving, Cleonse us, unburden us ond pordon us of our debts, for You took our ilis upon Your shoulders. N0 one, not even for one doy, is without sin, only You olone In the flesh were without sin, Grant us everlosting freedom from Boin,

Excl amati on

For You ore God, the God of those who repent, ond we render glory to You, the Fother, ond the Son ond the Hoiy Spirit, now ond for- evgr.


Deacou Let us PraY to the Lord.

ALL : LORD, HAVE MERCY. Then the priest prags:

P raye r (Bozhe sviatig) Priest.' Holy God, You creoted mon from the dust l-xl{=:>lt-Xl-xl:l lc::xl(=-tte:|lle:Xl{-ll:l 77. ond from his side foshioned 0 t^tomcn 0s 0 suitoble helpmate for hirn, for such ylcs the piecsure of Your majesty thot mon should not be olone 0n

eorth " Stretch forth Your hcnd now, 0 lvlcster, from Your holy dwellinq ploce ond join this, your ser- vont, NN, t+ith Your servant, NN, fer it is you Who join CI mon cnd womon, Bring them together in oneness of mind., crown them with love, unite them into one flesh ond gront them progeny ond j oy in thei r chi ldren, For Yours is the might, the kingdom, the power ond the glory of the Fother cnd the Son and the Holy Spirit, novv and forever.

ALL: AMEN. Where jt js customarq the bride and g;oom hoJd one anoth- er's right hand. The p-rr.est binds them with his epitrakhif and hoJ-ds their hands. fhe graom then sags this promise aLoud: Marriage Promi ses The 6room i, NN, take you, NN, for my wife, 'love and I promr'se you my , f i de'l i ty and honor in marriage. I will never leave you unti'i death, so hel p me God, one 'in the Holy Trinity, and all the saints. The Bride I, Nl'|, take you, NN, for my husband, and I promise you my love, fidef ity, honor and submission in marriage. i wjll never leave you until death, so help me God, one in the Holy Trin'ity and a1i the saints" The priest then re-leases their hands and bl-esses them with a sign of the cross saging: priest, What GOd hCs + j Oined together, let n0 mon put csunder, l->lt€::-lterffi:{l{={ t€5il-}3|-'tr-xte==>t|-X 78. l€llGxrc=-31-:=31->lrC==ti t€il€1€iSllG5p-4

Coronation Rite The priest takes a wreath (crown) and plaees it head of the groom first saqinq:

Crowni ng of Groom priest, The servont of God, NN, is crowned in morrisqe with the servCInt of God, NN, in the n0rne 0f the Fother + ond 0f the Son ond 0f the Hoiy Spirit, Amen, Crowning of Bride priesr, The serv0nt of God, NN, is crOwned in ncrriage ytith the servcnt of God, NN, in the nOme 0f the Fcther + ond 0f the Son ond of the Holy Spirit, Amen, ?he pr:.est then blesses then three times saging: j Bl ess ng_ of Newly - c!^owned Coupl e_

pr.'esr: (Aroud) LOfd OUf GOd, Cf ot^ln + them With gicry ond honor, (3)

Deacon." l-^lisdom!

Prokirnen - Tone 4 (Ps. 20: 4n 6)

ALL: YOU HAVE PLACED CROHNS 0F PRECiOUS SToNES UPON THEIR I.{EADS; THEY ASKED YOU FOR LIFE AND YOU GAVI IT TO THEM. Reader: You will give them a blessing forever; You wil'l giadden them with the ioy of Your presence.


Deacon: sdom! Readi ng: A readi ng from 5t " Paul 's Epi stl e to the Ephesi ans.

7q tc::3{le===l}:lt€:=ll€:::=ll-3t t-:=>n:tt--uc:=n€::=t

Epi sil e (Ephesians 5:20-33) Deacon: Lgt us be attentive!

Reader: Brethren, always g'ive thanks to God the Father for all things jn the name of our Lcrd Jesus Christ. Gjve way to one another in the fear 0f God. Wives, be submissive to your husbands as to the Lord, for the husband i s the head of the wife just as Christ is the head of church. And he js the savior of the body. Just as the church submits to Christ, so should the w'i fe (submit) to her husband in all things. Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church. He handed himself over for her to consecrate her, purf fying her in the bath of water by means of the word, i n order to present the church to himself in al'l her sp'l endor without flaw or wrinkle or anyth'i ng of that kind, but ho'l y and spotless. So, too, husbands are to love their wives as their own bodies, for the man who ioves his wife loves himself. No one has ever hated his own flesh. i"le nouri shes i t, rather, as Chri st nouri shes the church. For tve are members of hi s body, from hi s fl esh and hi s bones. For thi s reason a man wi I I I eave hi s father and mother and c'l i ng to hi s wi f e and the two wi 1'l become one fiesh. This m-vstery is a great one: I refer to Christ and the church. In any case, each one of yQu should love hi s wi f e as himsel f . As for the wife, let her respect her husband.

Priesti PeOCe be + t0 you, the reoder,

Deacon: l^ii sdom ! Let us be attentive!

Al I e1 ui a Verse (Ps.77:B)


Readen: You will guard us and protect us from this genera- t'ion, Lcrd, and forever. ALLILUiA, ALt-EI-UIA, ALLELUIA. !€=ll€=at-:xr€==at-:=>3r:lX=-t

80" ,(=-31-XlG-ll€:::=3t-==ll-X tc=-tt-ltl(:=uc===ilG=>t

Deacon: Wisdom! Stand aright! Let us listen to the holy gospel.

Priest.. Peqce be + tO Ol l 0f yOU ! ALL: AND T0 YOUR SPIRIT. priesr.- [ reoding f rom the holy gospel occording t0 st, John, ALL: GL0RY BE T0 YOU, 0 L0RD, GLORY BE T0 YOU. Deacon: Let us be attentive! ?Ht###f pr:esr, [t thot time, thefe WoS o Wedding in Cano 0f Golilee, The mother of Jesus wos there,ond Jesus ond his disciples brere 0ls0 invited to the wedding, The wine hoppened t0 run out, ond the mother of Jesus soid to him: "They ore out 0f t^tine." Jesus replied: "l^lomqn, how does this concern you and me? f4y hour hos not yet come," His mother soid to the woiters: "Do whotever he te]Is you," N0w, in compliance ylith regulotions reg0rding Jewish ceremoni0l washings, there t^tere six stone woter jors stonding there, eoch holding two or three meosures. Jesus soid t0 them: "Fill the jors with wcter." And they fill- ed them to the brim, Then he soid to them:"Drow some out now ond toke it to the moster of the fec6t," They did s0, l^lhen the moster of the feost tosted the wine mode from the wqter - he did not know where it come from, though the woiters who drew the woter knew - the moster 0f the

81. t(===|t,c:xrc===il-'lt€3il--l t__[c_il_Ir_>tr<==::>t

feast colied the bridegroom ond said t0 him: "All people serve the best wine first ond the inferior wine sfter the guests become mellow, But you kept the best wine until nort,,, Jesus performed this, the first of his signs, in Csno of Galilee, He reveqled his glory ond his disciples bei ieved in him. ALL: GLORY BE T0 Y0U, 0 LORD, GL0RY BE T0 y0U. Ektenia

Deacon: Let us all say with all our soul and ail our mind 1et us say:


Deacon: All-sovereign Lord, God of our fathers, we pray You, hear us and have mercy.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon: Have mercy on us, 0 God, in the greatness of Youy' mercyr w€ pray You, hear us and have mercy.


Dea.con: l,le pray for the servants of God, NN, and NN, who now are wedded to one another, and for their health and salvation.

ar r LORD, HAVE MERCY. (3)

Deacon.- l^le pray for the people present in this holy church who awai t Your great and bounti fu1 mercies , for a'l'l our brethren, for all true-believing Christians and for the'ir heal th and sal vation.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. (3) Excl amati on .prlesr, FOr YOU cre the good ond lOVing GOd Ond

I)L.Q' l€.t:lt(-ll€-lt€=tarc:::=a t:n:6->1(-,t(::-l

}^le render gl0ry to you, the Fother ond the son ond the Holy Spirit, not,l ond forever,

ALL : AMEN. Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.


Prayer (Hospodg Bozhe nash)

priest: (Atoud) 0 Lofd our God, in Cono Of Gol i lee You sct^t fit in Your soving providence t0 dignify morrioge by Your presence, Now keep in peoce ond hormony Your servonts, NN ond Nl'l., whom You willed to be wedded to one onother, Moke their morrioge honoroble. Keep their morrioge bed undefiled, (Heb. r3:4) Gront thot their cOmmOn life be without flsw, Let them reqch 0 ripe old oqe while they observe Your commondments t,lith pure heorts. For You ore our God, the God of mercy and solvotion; t0 YOu l^ie render glory together with You eternol Fother ond Your 0ll- holy, g00d ond lifegiving Spirit, not,l ond forever,

ALL: AMEN. Continujng Ektenia

Deacon: HeI p uS, save us, have mercy on us and protect us, 0 God, by Your grace.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon That this whole day may be perfect, ho1y, peaceful and sinless, 1et us ask the Lord. ALL: GRANT THIS' 0 LORD.

83. t-xl-XlG-ll-=at€:==il€=t t-=ilC=::==il->tle:=tt€=t

Deacon: For an angel cf peace, a faithful guide, a guardian of our souls and bodies, let us ask the Lord.


Deacon: For the forgiveness and remission of our sins and offenses, 1et us ask the Lord.


Deacon:Far all that is good-and beneficjal for our souls and peace for the world, let us ask the Lord.

ALL: GRANT THIS, 0 L0RD. Deacon: That we may spend the rest of our 'lives in repen- tance and jn peace, let us ask the Lord"

ALL: GRANT THIS, 0 LORD. Deacon: For a Chrjstian, peaceful end of our lives, without suffering, w'ithout reproach, and for a good defense at the dread tribunal of Christ, let us ask the Lord.


Deacon: lJe have prayed for the unity of faith and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, let us now commend our- selves and one another and our who'le life to Christ, our God.


pr:esr, Allow us, 0 Lord, with boldness Ond withojt blome to dore c01 I You, our God in heoven, FotheD ond soy: Lord's Prayer


OA o1 . l-xl-tlt(=-3t<:=ilt-l3t-'l te:=>n€ilC:::=tt(:>ile:}t

Excl amati sn priesr: For Yours is the kingdom ond the power ond the glory 0f the Fother ond the Son ond the Holy Spirit, now ond forever.

ALL: AMEN. Priesr' PeOCe be + t0 0l I Of ygu. ALL: AND I0 Y0UR SPIRIT. Deacon: Bow your heads to the Lord.

ALL: T0 Y0U, 0 L0RD. Prayer (Bozhe, vsia tvar)

priest: (siLentis) 0 GOd, by YOUf might YOU mOde 011 things ond mode firm the world. Everything You mode You odorned with 0 crot,.tn, Bless not^t these Your servonts whom You crowned in the communi0n of motrimony t^tith 0 spirituol bless- ing, Excl amat'ion (Aioud) For Your n0me is blessed ond Your kingdom glorified, 0f the Fother ond the Son cnd the Holy Spirit, not^l ond forever. ALL: AMEN. The priest or xhe faithful sing these TtoPats Tropar - Tone 5 (Isage Lgkug) Exult,0 Isaiah; the Virgin conceived in her womb and bore a Son, Imrnanuel, the God-mang "Orient" is His name. Let us extol Him and bless the Virgin"

85. l-xt<===3lle:3{}t*='{t€:=u€-a r-=>ttc-l1-=>1-=5tr-:=t

Tropar - Tgne 7 (sviatigi muchengtsi) 0 hoiy martyrs, crowned for your struggle, pray the Lord to be merciful to our soul s.

Tropar - Tone 7 (Sl-ava Tebi)

Glory be to You, 0 Christ our God, boast of the apost'les, joy of the martyrs, whose proclamation is the consubstantial Tri ni ty.

Removal of Wreaths As the priest remaves the wreaths (crowns) ftom the heads of the cauple he sags:

The Groom

priest, NN, floW thct yOU ofe moffied, moy yOU become 0s grect 0s Abrchom, blessed 0s Isooc and fruitful 0s Jocob, Wolk in peoce cnd 0b- serve God's c0mmondments in justice, The Bride

priest, And y0U/ ['iN, nOt,.l thot yOU ofe mof f ied, moy you become 0s gre0t 0s Soroh, rej Oice 0s did Rebecco cnd be 0s fruitful 0s Rochel, Be hoppy t^tith your husbond ond observe the pre- cepts 0f the LGW, for this is plessing t0 God, Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.

ALL: LORD, I{AVE MTRCY. Prayer (Bozhe, Bozhe)

$rjesr; 0 fiUd, ouf GOd, YOU COme tO COnO Of GOlilee

86. l(-ll(-lle::=ll-:=ll-:tl,-=t t€tt(5r1c:>1-1->t onc blessed mcrriase i thct there.; biess + 0l so tl these, Your servcnts, NN ond liN, ttho bv your i fi providence were united in the ccnm.inim of n'ntrimony, I ll Bless common their life together, Fill their 1 lives with sood thinss ond receive their crowns [J in Your kingdom. Keep them unblemished., unde- fi filed cnd in tact forever, I[J ^J::.- :::..-, be + to ar r or vou, I Dcacon.- Bow your heads to the Lord. I ALL: T0 YOU, 0 L0RD I

w h priest, ivloV the Fother ond the Son ond the Holy fr Sr;irii, the ol I-holy, consubstontiol and l ife- [J qiving Trinity, the one Godheod ond Dominion, fi bless + you and srcnt you lons life ond joy [J inyourclrildren, growthinlifeondfoith, n and 0 suf f iciency of ol I s00d thinss 0n eorth, [l l,lr:y He deem You worthy of enjoying the promised blessings through the intercession 0f the most pure Becrer of God and al I the scints, ALL : AMEN. Concl us'ion

Deacon' LJi sdom!


87, l(:5ll-)llc::=?ll€tt-t'31-=l t--tt-ttctti5p€xr<:>t

glory be to You,


Di smi ssal priest, ChriSt our true God, Who Sonctified ll]Ofr- iage by His presence in Cono 0f Golilee, t^till hove mercy 0n us ond sove us becouse He is the g00d ond benevolent Lord. (He will sove us) through the intercession 0f His most pure lvlother, the holy, glorious oll-blessed 0p0stles, the holy, God--crowned rulers, Constqntine ond Helen, equals of oposties, the holy greotmortyr Procopius, cnd oll the soints,


Pol ychron

priesr, T0 Your servcnts, NN and NN, newly united in morricge, 0 Lord, grsnt o i ife for many yeors, ALL: LIFE FgR MANY YEARS, YEARS, LIFE FgR 1-IANY YEARS' (2) AND FOR THEIR HEALTH AND THEIR SALVATION' LIFE FOR MANY, MANY YEARS.

I'lnohaya lita, 1ita, mnohaya lita. Q) Vo zdraviye, vo spaseniye. Mnohaya lita.

BB. SU P PL EMENT A Blessing on the occasion of The TWENTY FI FTH or FI FTIETH hl_u{4ltg Anni yqrs

cf. pp.755 ff.of the 7925 Ztrcvkva edition of the TREBNYK. The couple cone to the church and stand in front of the tetrapod, the man on the right and the weman an the left. The priest, vested in epitrakhil and phelon, begins this p.tsalm:

-l:g-ln'-Ul pruest, Blessed ofe 0ll WhO feof the LOfd, WhO ''^taik in His woys,

ALL: (The peopfe continue) You shall eat of the fruit of your 1abor. 'l Blessed are you, and it wi I I go we1 for you.

Your wi fe shal I be I i ke a fruitful vine on the side of your house, your sons like olive shoots around your tab1e. Thus will the man be blessed who fears the Lord.

The '-ord bl ess you from Siorr. You will see the blessings of Jerusalem all the days of your life,

and see your chi I dren's chi I dren.

Peace be upon Israel .

Usual Begi nnj nE

pruesr, Blessed be Ouf God,0lWoyS, noW ond fOfeVef

ALL : AMEN. Evergone then resites the foTTowing introductorg pra,gets: l-=3ll<:=ll-Xt-Xl-!l t-lt!'-5'ilC:={t-}at€t|€l

QO Hoiy God, hol y M'i ghty One, holy immortal one, have nei:cy on us. (3)

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Snirit ncw and forever. Amen.

-0 Trinity most ho1y, have mercy on us; cleanse us,0 Lord, of our sins;0 Master, pardon our t.ransgres- sions. Consider our weaknesses and heal them, 0 Holy One, for the 91or.y of ycur name- Lord, have mercy. (3)

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

0ur Father, l^lho art in heaven , ha'l 1 owed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy wi I I be done on eart.h as i t is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not i nto temptatj on but del i ver us from the evil one.

Excl amati on

ptiest: For Yours is the kingdom cnd the power ond the slory of the Fcther and the Son and the Holy Spirit, not,v ond forever,


Everg one rTow sings or recites the folTowing:

Tropar - Tone 6 (Pomglutl nas Hospodg)

Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have mercy cn us . l,Je s i nners bri ng this appeal to You, our Lord, for we have no defense: Have mercy 0n us.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Hol y Sp'i ri t.

(Hospodg pc.tmgTug nas)

Lord, have mercy on us, for we have put l€3{l€l}G::)3t-xl€)3 tc:-ttc=:=lte=:=}il:il€tt€l 90. 0ur trust 'i n You . Be not exceedi ngl y angry w'ith us and do not hold our transgressions against us. Look upon us now with compassion. Save us from those who are hostile to us. For You are our God Your people. All of us are the work of Your hands and ule cal I upon Your name. Now and forever. Arnen. (Mgloserdiga dveri) 0pen the doors of mercy to us, 0 blessed Mother of God. May we who hope in you, not perish but be deljvered from danger , for you are the sal vati on of the Chr'!sti an peopl e. Deacou Let us pray to the Lord.

ALL : LORD, HAVE MERCY. Prqvsr (Bozhe, bozlte nash) p'est.' I God, our God, You conte to Ccnc 0f Goli lee ond blessed thot morriage there; bless + clso these Your servcnts., NN ond NN., who by Your providence llere united in the comnluni0n of mctri mony, They hove come nol/.l to offer thonks to You for 0il the blessings thev received from YOU CJUfing theif (twentq five or tifts) yecfS of mcrricge together, Bless their common life together, Fi11 their iives with good things and receive their crowns in Your kingdom. Keep them unblemished, undefiled 0nd in toct f0rever,

ALL: AMEN. Delacon: Let us be attentive! Priest, PeCCe be + tO 011 Of yOU, Deacon, Wisdom! Let us be attentivel tc:-tt:tl-n-xl-x tc:xt€xt-:-n€trc::l1r-l

91 Prokimen - Tone 4 (Ps" 20:4, 6)

ALL: YOu HAvt PLACED cR0wNS 0F PREciOus sr0NES up0N THTIR HEADS; THIY ASKED YOU FOR LIFE AND YOU GAVE IT TO THEM. Reader: You you will give them a blessing forever-;- wi1'l gl adclen them with the joy of Your [resence.


Deacon: l,rli sdom!

Reader: A reading from St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians.

Epi stLe (Ephesians 5:20-33) Deacon: Let us be attentive!

Reader: Brethren, always g'ive thanks to God the Father for al I thi ngs i n the name of cur l-ord Jesus Christ. Give way to one another in the fear of God. l^l'ives, be submissive to your husbands as to the Lord, for the husband 'i s the head of the wjfe, just as Christ is the head of the church. And he is the savior sf the body. Just as the church submits to Christ,so should the wife (submit) to her husband in all things. Husbands, love your wjves as Christ loved the church. He handed himself over for her to consecrate her, purify'i ng her in the bath of water by means of the word, in order to present the to himself in all her splendor w'i thout flaw or wrinkle or anything of that kjnd, but holy and spotless. So, too, husbands are to love their wi'res as their own bodi es, for the man who I oves hi s wi fe I oves himself. l!o one has ever hated his own flesh. He nourishes it, rather, as Christ nour"'ishes the church. For vle are members of his body, from his flesh and his bones" For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and cl i ng to hi s wi fe and the two wi I I become one R flesh. This mystery is a great one: I refer ll $c=-lt-=lt€ll€xt:tt rc===tte:-'tt€t|-Xta-tt-X

92 to Christ and the church. In any case, each one of you should love his wife as himself. As for the wj fe, 1 et her respect her husband. Priest, Pe0Ce be + tO y0U,the fe0def, Deacon' l,Jisdom! Let us be attentive! Alleluia Verse --1Ps-1,8)

ALL: ALLTLUIA, ALLELUIA, ALLELUIA. Reader: You will guard us and protect us from this generation, Lord, and forever. ALL: ALLELUIA, ALLELUIA' ALLELUIA. Deacon: Wisdom! Stand aright! Let us listen to the hoiy gospel.

Priest' PeOCe be + tO Ol I 0f Y0U,

ALL: AND TO YOUR SPIRIT. priest: A reoding from the holy gospel occording t0 st, John, ALL: GL0RY BE T0 Y0U, 0 LORD, GL0RY BE T0 Y0U. Deacon: Let us be attentive!

Gospel Readi ng (John 2:1--1-7) PrieEt: At thot time there wos o wedding ln Cono 0f Golilee, The mother 0f Jesus wos there, ond Jesus ond his disciples were 0ls0 invlted t0 the wedding, The wine hoppened t0 rUnr gnd the mother 0f Jesus soid t0 hlmr "They ore out of wine." Jesus replied: "Womon, how does this concern you ond me? wly hour hos nQt yet come," His mother soid t0 the woiters: r:f r€l==ilF=o-xt-x re:>c{=:xr€==}rt-xlr-tt-1

93 "Do whotever he tel ls you,,, I'low, in compl ionce with regulotions regarding Jewish ceremoniol woshings., there were six stone woter jors stonding there, eoch hold- ing tt,lo 0r three meosures, Jesus said to them: "Fi l l the j ars with wcter, " And they fi l led them t0 the brim, Then he soid t0 them, "Drow some out now ond toke it to the mqster of the feost," They did s0, When the moster of the feost tosted the wine mode from the wcter - he did not know where it ccme from, though the woiters who drew the woter knew the moster of the feost colled the bridegroom ond soid to him: "All people serve the best wine first ond the inferior wine ofter the guests become mellow, But you kept the best wine untiI now," Jesus performed this, the first of his signs, in Cono of Galilee, He reveoled his glory ond his disciples bel ieved in him,

ALL: GL0RY BE T0 YOU, 0 L0RD, GL0RY BE T0 YOU. Ektenia

Deacon: Let us say w'ith all our soul and all our m'ind let us say:


Deacont All-sovere'ign Lord, God of our fathers, we pray You, hear us and have mercy.


Deacon: Have mercy on usr 0 God, in the greatness of Your mercy, we pray You, hear us and have mercy.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. (3) l-xl->lt-xr-xt-X t-=tt-xr-:=tr-Xt€il-X

94. Deacon.. I'le pray for the servants of God, NN and NN, who now are offering thanks to God for all the blessings they recejved during (tfr" twentg fiveor tiftg gears) of thejr married life from His mercy and benevolence, and for thei r heal th and sal vati on .

ALL : L0RD, HAVE MERCY . ( 3) Deacon: lrle pray for the people here who await Youn great and bounti ful mercies, for a1 I our brethren, for all true-believing Christians and for their heal th and salvation.


priest, FCr YoU ore the merciful ond lOving GOd cnd h/e render glory t0 You, the Fother ond the Son ond the Holy Spirit, notnt ond forever,

ALL: AMEN. Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. lrgvgr- (Hospodg Bozhe nash)

priest, Q LOrd OUr GOd, YOU OnCe betfOthed the church of the Gentiles t0 Yourseif 0s c pure virgin; bless nCI{ + these Your servonts, NN ond NN, ond keep them in peoce, hcrmony ond unity the woy You were pleosed t0 keep them sofe from the time they were mcrried until this dcy, Fulfill 0ll their intenti0ns, ond in Your goodness ond csrpossion pour out Your mercy ond kindness upon thern, Give them health ond long || life ond the ottoinment 0f every virtue, For U You ore the g00d ond benevolent God ond to You ll ore owing 0ll glory, honor cnd worship, the u l->ll(:>ll-Xl(-llG-l t{:=}il:tt:tt-Xt€lt€{

95. Fcther cnd the Son ord the Hoi y SD i r i t, norlr cnd forever,

FILL : AMEN Prjest, PeOCe be + to al I of you, ALL: AND T0 YOUR SPIRIT.

Deacau Bow your heads to the Lord.

ALL: T0 Y0U, 0 LORD"

Praye r (otets o Sgn) priest' fioy the Fother ond the Son ond the Holy Spirit, the oll-holy, consubstontiCIl ond life- giving Trinity, the one God-heod ond domini0n, bless + you/ ond gront you long iife cnd joy in your children, growth in life ond foith, ond 0 sufficiency 0f oll good things 0n eorth, Moy He deem You worthy 0f enj0ying the promised blessings through the intercession 0f the most pure Beorer 0f God ond 0l I the soints, ALL: AMIN.

Concl usion

Deaconr trJi sdom!



96. Di smi ssal priest' Christ 0ur true God, Who scnctified morrioge bry His presence in Cono 0f Gol i lee, wi I I hove mercy on us CInd s0ve us becouse He is the g00d ond benevolent Lord, (He will sove us) through the intercession of His most pure Mother, the holy, glorious oll-blessed opostles, the holy, God-crowned ruiers, Constontine ond Helen, equals of 0p0stles, the holy greotmortyr Proco- pius, cnd al I the soints,



priest, T0 YOUr SefVOntS., NN Ond NN, WhO tOd0y Ofe ObSefVing thei | (rwents Firth - Firtieth) Wed- ding onniversoryr 0 Lord, gront 0 I ife for mony

yeors ,


Mnohaya lita, lita, mnohaya lita. (2)

Vo zdraviye, vo spasen'iye. Mnohaya l ita

le-lr<-ll-Xl-Xt-X t(-lt€Xtc:=ll-Xl€rtc-l

i)'7 11. The Rite of The Anoi nti ng of the S'ick (Minor Anointing)

Where it is customarg to do so, a smafL tabLe js set with a bowf of wheat. A vesser for oii is placed on the wheat. SeveraJ. cotton-tipped stgJuses are then put into the wheat, if such is the custotn, in accordance with the number of priests that wil-l- take part. A gospef book and cross are also pTaced there and al-L the priests receive candLes. The priests, vested in pheJons, stand around the tabLe and the first priest takes thuribLe and incense and makes an incensation around the tabTe with the oiL on it. ne then incenses the whol_e church or the entire house and the peopJe present. Standing in front of the tabfe and facing east he then begins:

First priesx' BleSSed be OUf GOd 01W0yS nOW Ond

foreve r ,


Usual Begi nni ng Glory be to You, 0 God, glory be to You. 0 heavenly King, Comforter, Sp'irit of truth, everywhere present, filling all things, TFeasury 0f blessings, Bestower of life, come and dweJl withi n us and c'leanse us of al I defi lement, 0 Gracious One, and save our souls.

Holy God, ho'ly Mi ghty One , hol y Immorta'l one , have nercy on us. (3)

G'lory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Ho'ly Spiri t , ncw and forever. Amen. -0 Trinity most ho1y, have mercy on us; cleanse us, 0 Lord, of our sins; 0 Master, bardon our transgres- sions" Consider our weaknesses and heal them, 0 Holy One, for the glor.y of Your name.

Lord, have mercy. (3) X===tt-)il-1ttext_)lt-X '=18-::-lt-Xtt=:=xt-X

98. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Our Father, l^Jho art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we for- give our debtors. And lead us not into temptatjon but del i ver us from the ev'il one.

Excl amati on

priest,For Yours isthe kingdom ond the potnter ond the sl0ry 0f the Fother ond the Son ond the Holv Spirit, novt CInd forever,


Lord, have mercy. (12) Inv'itatory

Come, 1 et us bow down before God our king.

Come, 1 et us bow down before Christ, our king and our Gerd. Come, let us bow down in worship before Jesus Christ Himself, our Lord, our king and our God.

Psal m 142 Hear my prayer,0 Lord, give ear to my plea'in Your fai thful ness , hear me j n Your iusti ce. And enter not into iudgment with Your servant, for no l'iving being can be justifjed before You-

For the enemy has hunted down my soul ; he has humbl ed rny life to the ground; he has put me jn a p'lace of dark- ness like those long dead.

rrs<: is ?l And my spiritSpl rl r grew weakwedK inI Il me;rrre; myrrrJ heart within ll racked with pain. t I recalled the days of old; i reflected on all the ll vrorks of your hands; the works of Your hands were my ll rredi tation. tc=::::=tt-:::=tt<:=tt-tlt-x t(:>$€tE:==lt-xl€ll-=:t{

99 I I i fted my hands to You; my soul thirsted for You I i ke waterl ess I and.

Quickly hear me out, 0 Lord; my sp'irit fails me; turn not Your face away from me, 'lest I become like those who go down to the pit. [| Make me hear Your mercy 'in the morn'ing, for I have ll put my hope in You; show me the path I am to take,0 Lord, X for I have rai sed my sou'l to You. tl 1l Free me from my enem'ies,0 Lord, for I have run to f; You for he'lp. ll Teach me to do Your wjll for You are my God; Your ]J good Spirit wiil lead me on the land that is straight. ll For the sake of Your name' 0 Lord, You will let me U live by Your justice; out of affliction You w'i'll lead n mv soul. il U And in Your mercy You wjll crush my foes and destroy ll al I those who hurt my sou'l , for Your servant am I. rr,+^. ' rr!l Ekteni a r-- ll Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord in peace. [J i ALL : LORD, HAVE MERCY. il U Deacon.. For the peace from on high and for the salvation fi of our souls, 1et us pray to the Lord. tl ALL : L.RD, HAVE MERC'. fr Deac:on' For peace a1'l over the worl d, for the wel I -bei ng of $j God's holy churches and the unity of all, let us pray to ll the Lord. ff ALL LoRD, HAvE |J : MERcy. I fi !i Deacou .For this holy church and for all who have come here in faith, awe and reverence God, us pray I U Lord. of let to the ] il I U ALL : LoRD, HAvE MERCv. I fl lE Tr--! !.te.-)corti- r nd.- thi s oi I may be bl essed by the power, acti on U I 9ffi={S<=:::3$-30-Xr-x te=-tt(=:-llc::=:=tt-xt:a#

1C0 . and descent of the Holy Spirit, let us pray to the Lord.


Deacon' That God may come to the servant of God, NN, and that the Ho]y Spi ri t may descend upon h'im ( her ) I et us pray to the Lord. '


Deacou That he (she) may be kept safe from distress, Vio]- ence and need, let us pray to thel brd.


Deacon, Hel p us, save us, have mercy on us and protect us, [| o God, by Your grace. ll ort : LoRD, HAV' MERCY. il ll n"u"on.- Commemorating our most holy, most pure, most blessed S glorious Lady, the Mother of God and Everv'irgin Mary, fl together with all the sa'ints, 1et us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God. [| ll niL: To You, o LoRD. il $ The first priest then pours the oif into the vessel ancl recites thjs prager in bLessing the oi1: ll * ouuton l-et us pray to the Lord. tl [| ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. ll Prayer for Blessing of oil U (HosPodg ngTostigu) il priest 0 Lord, You Who heol the froilties 0f U our souls ond bodies, scnctify + this 0il [l so thct those who cre onointed by it,0 i{oster, g moy be heoled ond protected from cl I suffering, Il defilement 0f flesh and spirit ond evil, ond H thot in him (her) Your nome mCIv be giorified., ond tloly Spirit, norl ond forever, ll orr,Fo,heo[,f*!on r-il-ll:31:31-)l t€[c5]tr:tr-xl-lt:l

101 " The other pr:ests alsoquietLg recite the same praqet. Deacan: Let us be attentive! prr.est First j PeOCe be + tO Ol l 0f yOU, Deacon' Wisdom! Let us be attent'ive! WProkimen - Tone 1


Reader: Rejoice in the Lord, Jou Just; giv'ing praise befits the upri ght.


Priest' l,r/i SdOm !

(NOTE: The deacon reads tLte epistJe.)

Deacon.. A reading from the catholic epistle of St. James. Pr:est, Let US be OttentiVe! Ep'i stl e Readi ng (James 5:70-76)

Deacon: Brethren, take the prophets who sp0ke in the Lord's name as examp'l es of mistreatment and patient endurance. Indeed, we call those who endured, blessed. You heard of the pat'ience of Job, and saw the outcome ( brought about) by the Lord, for the "Lord is merc'i ful and compas- sionate." First of a'1 1, my brethren, do not swear by heaven or earth or by any kind of oath Let your "yes" be a simpie "yes", and your "no" a simple "n0", so that you may not come under condemnation. If anyone is in good spirits, 'l et him s'ing. If anyone among you'is sick, let him summon the priests of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. The prayer of f ered i n f a'i th wi I I restore him to health. And if he has committed sins, l€>llc==-ll-)at-Xt-X t<=:>t'-)tl-=)tl-Xt-=>il:l

102 they wil I be rorg'i ven h jm. So, confess your si ns to one another, and pray for one another that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a just person is capable of great things.

First priest' PeOCe be tO yOU, the fe6def, Deacon: Wisdom! Let us be attentive!

Alleluia Verse - Tone B (Ps . 700 :7 ) ALL: ALLELUIA. (3) Deacon: I sing of judgment and mercy to You, 0 Lord. ALL: ALLELUIA. (3)

Deacon: l.Ji sdom! Stand aright ! Let us I i sten to the ho'ly gos pe1 .

Priest' PeCCe be + t0 011 0f yOU.

ALL: AND T0 YOUR SPIRiT. pr:,esr.-[ reoding from the hOly gospel of St. Luke

ALL: GL0RY BE T0 Y0U, 0 L0RD, GL0RY BE T0 YOU. Deacon: Let us be attentive!

Gospel Read'ing (Luke 70:25-37 ) Priest: At thot time, o certoin lowyer come up ond tested hinr with 0 QUeSti0n: "Teocher, v{hot mrJst I do to goin eternol Iife?" He osk,ed him: "Whot is written in the low? Whot do you reod there?" He crSW€Fed: "You shcll love the Lord your God with your whole heort, t^tith your whole s0u1, vvith 0ll your strength ond with 0ll vour mind; ond your neighbor 0s yourself," He s0id to him: "You onswered correctly, Do this ond r->3lc=-ll-=ll€-il-x t€l'--n€rtc:=xt-{r(-l

103 , yOu lvill gcin li.fe," Wishing t0 justify himself, however, he csked Jesus: ,,Who is my neiEhbor?,, .Jesus repi ied: "A ceri-uin mcn wcs going down f rorn Jerusolem t0 Jerlcho ancj fei I ctrnong robbers who strlpped him anci cfter beating him, went their t^tcy lecving hlni bcrely crl ive; A priest who hcp- pened t0 be going thar r^tcy spotted him but possed him by, A Levite who ccme to the place did the soiTt€; when he sot^t him he pcssecj him by, A certain Scmcriton ccme upon him, however, onrj wcs moved with pity, He went to him cnd dressed his wounds, pouring oil ond wine upon them, Then he plcced him 0n his cnimcl cncl brought him to 0n inn to take core of hirn,0n lecvinE the next morninq, he took two silver pieces cnd gove them t0 the inn-keeper scying: 'Tcke ccre of him, Any expen- ses y*ou incur over this I wiil pcy when I return,, Wliich of these three cjo you think wos neighbor

t 0 the mcn who f e i I cntong robbe rs?,, He cnsule red : "The one who perfonmecl the oct of emercy toh,CIrds ,,G0 him," Jesus soid to him: cnd rjo the sonte,',

GLORY BT TO YOU, () LORD, GLORY B[ TO YOU. Ikienia Deacon.- Have mercy on us, 0 Gcd, in the qreatness of your mercy, we ilray You, hear us and have mercy.


Deacon.. 'yJe pray for mercy to the servant of God, NN, and . for ljfe, peace, health, saivation, visitation and the forg'iveness cf his (her) sjns; 1et us al1 say: AL"L: L0RD, HAVI MIRCY" (3) lffi>tl-3lt-xt€xt€:=1t t€-{r-}tt-:={t-xt:tr:,1

104 . Deacon: That the Lord God may send hr'm ( her) the grace of deliverance ( and release from his her) i I I 'letness and rai se him (her) fron his (her) bed of si ckness , us al'l say: Hear us, Lord, and have mercy.


Excl amati on

Deacon, FOr YoU 0re 0 merCifUl Ond beneVOlent GOd; cnd we render glory to You, the Fcther cnd the Son ond the Holy Spirit, noll ond forever, ALL : AMEN. Deacon.. Let us pray to the Lord.

ALL : LORD, HAVE MERCY. ru"'H#n"t pruest.' Q You Who 0re t^tithout beginning, eterncl, Holy of the hol ies, 0 You Who sent Your only- begotten Son to heo1 every diseose ond debility 0f our souls ond bodies, send down Your l'loly Spirit to sonctify this oil, For Your servont, NN, t^tho is t0 be onointed, let it be 0 meons 0f full deliveronce from his (her) sins ond ond inheritonce of the heovenly kingdom, It belongs to You t0 be merciful cnd t0 sgve us, 0 our God; and vle render glory t0 You together with Your 0nly-begotten Son ond Your 0ll-holy, good ond lifegiving Spirit, not^t cnd forever,

'rLLALL: ' ^rAMEN. tLr The Ano'inti ng I|| |l Having said the prager the priest moistens a stgJus or [ his thumb in the bl-essed oiL. He anoints the sick person bg ,-:=3tc:::=ltc:>lr-Xt-X t-'tt-=tt-=itt-Xtc-tl-{

105 . making a sign of the cross an his (her) forehead, nostriLs, e!rceks, 7ips, breast and on both sides of the hands. (Or he naq anoint the eAes, earst nostriLs, lips, breast, hands and feet with t]rese words : ) I'tve' ql_Aler jlllg (Otche sviatig) prjesr: I lroly Fother, physicion 0f SOulS Ond bodies, l,'iho sent Your 0nly-beq0tten Son, 0ur Lord Jesus Christ, t0 heci every infirmity ond to sove from death, HEAL + YOUR + SIRVANT +

Nf'j, BY+TI-iiS+ANOINTING, from the physicol cnd spirituol iliness thot offlicts him (her) ond restcre him (her) to heclth by the groce of Your Christ through the intercessi0n 0f 0ur most holy Lcdy, the Becrer 0f God cncl tvervi rgin f{ory, ond 0l I Your soints, For You cre the source of heol- ing, 0 our God, ond t0 You t^Ie render giory toqether with Your 0niy-begotten Son cnd Your consubstantiol Spirit, novl 0nd f0rever, Amen,

Each priest, after having tead the appointed gospel and prager, is to recite xhis prager and anoint the sick person with oiL.

i06. The Second Priest

Deacon: Let us be attent'ive !

second priest: Peqce be + t0 0l I Of yOU. Deacon: [rJisdom! Let us be attentive!

Prokimen - Tone 2 @


Reader: The Lord discjplined me severely but did not hand me over to death"


Priest: hli sdom !

Deacon: A, read'ing from St. Paul 's Ep'istl e to the Romans . Priest: Let us be ottentive!

*r-p: slls-Isegls- (Romans 75:7-7 ) on: Brethren, we who are strong ought to bear wi th the weaknesses of those who are weak andnot just suit ourselves. Let everyone of you accommodate himsel f to hi s nei ghbor to do him good for his edification. For even Christ didnot suit himself as is written: "The reproaches of those who insulted you fell upon me." All that was written heretofore t^las wri tten for our instruction so that through the patience and encouragement found in the scriptures vle may have hope. May God, the source of pat'i ence and encouragement, grant that y0u deport yoursel ves in wisdom with one another in Jesus Christ "i n order to glorify the God and Father of 0ur Lord Jesus Christ in one spirit and with one voice. Accept one another, then, as Christ accepted you for the glory of God.

second Priest' PeCCe bg tO yQU, the fegdef, lc=-llc::=ltGExl=Xt-tl t€=il-)tt-=)tt-Xtc==>rt:l

107 . Deacon.- l^Ji sdom ! Let us be attenti ve !

Alleluia Verse - Tone 5 (Pt. ,t E tU- ALL: ALLELUIA. (3)

Deacon: I will sing of Your mercies forever, Lord. ALL: ALLELUIA. (3)

Deacon.- t,li sdom ! Stand ari ght ! Let us I j sten to the ho'ly gospel.

Priest. Peqce be + tO Al I Of y6U,

ALL: AND TO YOUR SPIRIT. p''est: ff reoding f rOm the hOly gospel of St, Luke,


Deacon.- Let us be attenti ve I

Gospel Readi ng (Luke L9:1-10) Priest: At thot time, os Jesus wos possing through Jericho, 0 rnon ncmed Zocchoeus (he wos chief tox collector ond 0 rich mon) ylos trying t0 get 0 glimpse 0f Jesus, Becouse of the peopie, however, he could not do so for he wos 0 short mon, So he ron oheod ond climbed up o sycomore tree in order to see him becouse he wos t0 come thot t^toy, When he reoched thot point, Jesus look ed up and soid to him:"Zocchoeus, hurry down, I t^lill be 0 guest 0t your house t0d0y," He come down quickly ond welcomed him with grect joy, The spectotors 01 1 begon to soV, "He went to visit o sinner," Tccchoeusstepped up ond s0id t0 the Lord: "Lord, I will give holf my posses- t-=lt€::-lt-Xt-Xt-X te3Xt€tr-.t-Xt-tt-X

1ii8 , sions t0 the poor, If I extorted onything from cnyone I will repoy it fourfold," Jesus soid to him: "This doy solvotion hos come to this house, for he too is 0 son of Abrohom, The Son of Flan has come t0 seek and to sove whot is lost,"


Deacou Have mercy on us, 0 pp. 704-5.

When the ektenia is finished, the Second Ptiest sags the foTTowing praget over the sick petson:

Deacon: Let us PraY to the Lord.

ALL : LORD, HAVE MERCY. Prayer over Sick Person (Bozhe veTgkig)

second Priest, O gfeot ond high GOd, WhO Ofe 0dofed by 0ll creotion, 0 s0urce of wisdom, truly un- fothornoble obyss of goodness, ond boundless ocecn 0f kindness, 0 benevolent l4oster ond God 0f everlosting ond wondrous things, n0 mon's mind ccn comprehend You; look t^tith mercy upon us,, Your unworthy servonts, ond heor us, Send down Your gift 0f heol ing ond remission 0f sins where we brinq this 0i1 in Your greot nCIme, ond heol him (her) in Your cbundcnt mercy, Indeed, 0 clone grocious ond benevolent Lord, I^lho grieve Over Our wickedness and know thot "mon's thinkinq is prone to evil from yOuth", YOu do nOt w0nt 0 sinner t0 die but t0 c0nvert ond I ive, YOu were enfleshed for the t:tte-.1-xl-xt-)l tC=-|l€?ll{=:>lt-Xl:ll-{

109, s0lvcti0n 0f sinners cnd become 0 creoture for the soke of Your creotion though you urere God, Ycu scid: "l come to ccrll not thejust but sinners t0 repentonce , " You l ooked for the I ost sheep, S0licitously You seorched for and found the lost drochma, You scid: "l will not drive 0t,l0y onyone who comes to me," You did not shun the womon who wcshed Your sacred feet, You soid: "As often 0s you shouicj foll, rise cnd you wiil be sCIved," You soid: "There is joy in heaven over the one s i nner vlho repents , " 0 merciful L,ord, look down from Your holy heights ond overshadour usr Your sinful ond un- worthy servcnts, with the grcce of the Holy Spi- rit, Ivloke Your obode in Your servont, NI'J, t^tho odmits his (her) sins ond comes t0 You in foith. I n Your lrenevoience welcome him ( her) ond f or- give whotever sins he (she) moy hove committed by word 0r deed 0r thought, Purify and cleanse him (her) of otr I sin, Abide with him (her) ol- woys ond protect him (her)throighout his (her) life thot he (she) may walk in Your command- ments ond n0 longer be mockecj by the devil but thot Your otr1-holy nome moy be glorified in him (her), For it belongs t0 You to be merciful ond sove us, 0 Christ our God; ond we render glory to You together with Your eternol Fother ond Your rrlost holy, good ond I ifegiving Spi rit, now and forever.

ALL : AMIN. irn:neliateTg after saging xh-s praqer the Second Priest l=lt-=>ll-xl€=3lt{===,l }c::=>tt-=tte:=ll-XtC-{l€l

ii0. moistens a stqlus ot his thumb with the bl-est oiL and anoint the sick person saging the praqert 0 holY Father...p. 105.

The Third Priest Deacon: Let us be attentive!

rhird priest' PeCCe be + tO Ol I 0f yOU,

ALL: AND TO YOUR SPIRIT. Deacon' tlJisdom! Let us be attentive!

Prokimen - Tone 3 (Ps . 25 :7 a '7b) ALL: THE LORD IS MY LIGHT AND MY SAVIOR; WHOM SHALL I FEAR? Reader: The Lord 'is the protector of my I i fe; whom shal I I dread?


Priest' WiSdOm! Deacon A reading from St. Paul's First Epistle to the Cori nthi ans. Priest' Let US be OttentiVe! Epi stl e Readi ng (7 Cor.72 :27-37 ;1 3 :7'B)

Deacon: Brethren, you are the bodY of Christ and members ind'ividual1y. Morecvert God has set up certain ones in the church, first the apostles, second the prophets, third the teachers, then those for miracles, tlrose for the g'i f ts of hea'l i n9, those f oY" assi sti ng ' those f or ia*inistrat'i n9, those for speaking in tongues' Are al I of th;ri apostl es? Are al I of thern pro- pf.r.tii Rtu all of them teachers? Are all of them miracle workers? Do all of them nave the gifts for_ healing? Do all of them speak in tongues? Do all ;c::=rrt:n:r-xr-x r(-rt(-o(-{t-xt-1r-1

i11. of them interpret? Strive for the higher g'i fts, rather, and I will show you a far better way. For if I speak in human 0r angelic tongues but do not have love, I am iike ringing brass or clanging cymbais. If I have prophecy and know all the mysteries and am all-wise; if I possess al I the f a'i th to move mountai ns, am nothi ng. if I give away ajl my possessions, even if I hand my body over to be burned but do not have 1ove, there is no benefit for me. Love is patient and kind. Love does not envy, 'l ove does not exalt itself or pride itself or bring shame. It does not seek f or i tsel f ; "i t does not become angry and does not th'i nk evi'l . It does not rejoice over evil but rejoices over truth. It overlooks all. it believes all, trusts ai'l , endures a1l. Lr:ver never ends.

rhird Pnest, PeCCe be t0 ygu., the fegdef , Deaccn, l^Jisdonr! Let us be attentive!

Al l el u'ia Verse - Tone 2 (Ps. 30:L)


Deacon.. In You have I hoped,0 Lord; may I never be put to shame. ALL: ALLELUiA. (3)

Deacon: l,Jisdom! Stand aright! Let us listen to the holy gospel.

Pljesr, PeOCe be + tO 011 of you,

ALL: AND TO YOUR SPIRIT. pr:esf,: ff reoding from the holy g0spel of St, ivlctthew,


t;eacon.' Let us be attenti ve ! lc=3lt{::-llc=:=-ll-Xl-X t:tt-}tte::=tt-ll:lt-X

IT2. Gospel Readi ng (Matthew 70:7 , 5-B) Prr.est.. At that time, Jesus co1 led his twelve disciples ond gove them power t0 cost out uncleon spirits cnd heol 0ll kinds 0f diseoses ond 0ll kinds of sickness, Jesus sent these twelve off with the commond: "D0 not go to the Gentiles 0r to cny of the Somoriton towns, Go, rother, tc the iost sheep of the house of Isroel, As you go, preoch scying: 'The kingdom of heaven is neor, He01 the sick, moke Iepers cleon, roise the deod, cost out demons, Freely you received; freely bestotnr," : GL0RY BE T0 YOU, 0 LORD, GL0RY BE T0 Y0U.

E kteni a

Deaconr Have mercy on us, 0 God.. .. pp. 704-5 After the ektenia" the Third Priest sags the foTlowing prager over the sick person:

Deacon' Let us Pray to the Lord.


Prayer over Sick Person (V Tad,gko vsederzhgte 7gu )

priest, Q MOSter 0il-SoVereign, hOly king, YOU chastise those vlho foll but do not put them to deoth; You I if t the fal len ond ixend the 0f f l ictions of ilcnkind, 'rle beseech You, 0 our ?l God, tot0 bestow Your mercy on this 0il ond uponup [J those who will be onointed with it in Your ncme fi for the heoling of their souls ond bodies, for ll tc-tt-xt€xt€tt-x t€tt(::=tt€al{ttt€lt€l

r13, the removcl of ail their suffering, disecse, infirmity ond defilement of flesh and spirit, Indeed, 0 Lord, send down Your heoling power f rom hecven, To'.rch the body, subdue the fever, ecse the suffering and every unseen infirmity, To Your servont, NN, be 0 physicion., ond roi se him (her) from his (her) sick bed, the bed of pcin,and restore him(her) to sound heolth, Return him (her) t0 Your church thot he (she) moy pleose

You ond do Your wi I I , For it belongs t0 You t0 be merciful ond to sove us, 0 our God, ond we render glory to You, Fother, Son cnd Holy Spirit, now ond for- ever.


After the prager, the Third Priest rnojstens a st7Lus (or his thunb) with the bLessed oif and anojnts the sick person saqing the prager: 0 holy Father....p.106.

After thjs js done" the sick person who was anointed, waLks bg hinseTf into the midst of the priests, ii he is abJe, or he mag be helped bg his faniTg, and he stands or sits. If he is unabl-e to do so bt1 himseJf, the ptiests are to gather around his (her) bed, and the presiding priest takes the hotg Gospel Bo<>k, opens it up and pJaces it with the writing upon the head of the sick person whiLe the priests hoLd the book. The presiding priest does not pTace his hand on it but recites the foTTowing prager al-oud: Prayer w'ith Gospel Book on Si ck Person's Head (Tsargu sviatig)

priest.. Q holy king, nterCiful cnd mOSt COmpoSSiOnAte Lord Jesus Christ, Son ond Word of the I iving God, You do not wont o sinner to die but t0 convert ond live, Upofl the heod 0f him (her) l:llc::=xl-xl-xl€l t€t|->tr-)il-xt€ll:l

i11 who seeks forgivenes of sins through us I do not ploce my sinful hond but Your mighty ond power- ful hcnd whlch is in this holy sospel beinq held by my co-celebronts ( or by me)upon the heod of Your servont, NN, Together with them I, t00, proy ond beseech Your sympathetic ond forgiving benevolence.,0 God our Sovior, Who through Your prophet Nothon pordoned Dovid when he repented of h i s s i ns, Who occepted f,onosseh's proyer of contrition. hlith Your cust0nt0ry benevolence occept Your servont, NN, who repents of his (her) foults ond overlook cll his (her) sins, For You ore 0ur God, Who comrncnded to forgive those who sinned even seventy times seven. Your mercy is 0s grect 0s Your immensity, A1l glory, honor and worship belong t0 You, not,l ond forever, Amen, After the gospel- book is temo'ted from the sick petson's head, it is qiven to hin (her) to k:ss.

Concl us i on

priest, GlOfy be tO YOU, 0 ChriSt our GOd, OUr hOpe, glorv be to You,

ALL: GLORY BT TO THT FATHER AND TO THE SON AND TO THE HOLY SPIRIT, Nol^l AND FOREVER. AMEN. LORD, HAVE MERCY. LORD, HAVE MERCY. LORD, HAVE MERCY. GIVE THE BLESSING. Di smi ssal priest, Christ our trUe GOd will hOVe mefcy 0n US ond scve us becouse he is the good ond benevol- n ent Lord, He will sove us throughtnrougn thetne inter-Inter- [| cession of His most pure Mother ond the power il of the precious ond Iifegiving cross, the glor- u lc::-ltc-lrc:-ltc:)lt-X tc:::>lt€)ttc:=>ttc:Xlc-ll€l

r15, ious oll-blessed cpostle Jomes, the brother of God, first bishop of Jerusolem, ond 011 the scints,


After the receiving the bJessing and pardonfrcm the priests, the anointed person departs giving thanks to God.

In the Case of an Emergency

ff a sick person js rn danger of dging and there is no time to observe the prescribed ritual, the priest is to omit it and onlg sag the Prager far the Sanctification of the oil- and then anoint the sick person. Priest, Let US pfoy t0 the LOfd, Prayer for Blessing the 0il

Priest, Q LOrd, YOU WhO heol the frOi 1t ies of our souls ond bodies, SANCTIFY + THIS OIL so thot those who ore onointed by i t, 0 lvloste r, moy be heoled ond protected from ol I suffering, defilement of flesh cnd spirit, ond evil, ond thot in him (her) Your nome moy be glorified, Fother, Son ond H01y Spirit, not^t ond forever.


Pra.yer of Anoi nti ng (Otche sviatig) Priest' 0 hOly FOthef, physicion of souls ond bodies, Who sent Your oniy-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to heol every infirmity ond to sove from deoth, HEAL + YOUR SERVANT, NN, BY THIS ANOINTING, from the physicol ond spirituol illness thot t-xr:ll-)tt-xr-x te==n-=0{====}tt-xt€,tt-l

116. offlicts him (her) and restore him (her) to heclth by the sroce of your Christ through the intercession of our most holy Lody, the Beorer of God ond Evervirgin Mory, cnd all Your soints, For You ore the source of heal ing 0 our God, ond to You we render glory together with Your only-begotten Son ond Your consub- stontiol Spirit, notnt ond f0rever, Amen. Concl usion pr:.est' GlOrV be tO YOu, 0 ChriSt OUf GOd, OUr hope, glory be to You,


Di smi ssal priest' Christ gur true God will hove mergy 0n US cnd scve us for he is the g00d ond benevolent Lord, He will scve us through the intercession of His most pure ltlother, the power of the pre- cious ond lifegiving cross, the glorious 011- blessed 0p0stle, Jomes, the brother of God, first bishop of Jerusoiem, ond oll the soints,


l-xt(=-ll-tat-xl-X te:>tt€>ttG==tt-Xt€Ftt€l

II7 Supplement_

On pp. 702-772 of the 7926 Basifian Trebngk praqers a"re given that are of spiritual benetit to those who are serjous- 79 iJl and in danger of death. fhese praqers are not in the a proved texts but theg mag prove pastoraTTg usefuJ y and so are qiven here. Final Absolution at the Departure of a Soul This absol-ution is to be given to the iLL who are in danger oi dging, after theg have received the Sacraments of Penance, Communion and Anointing with Oi7. The priest submits the fofl-owing thoughts concerning the the l-ove of God, contrition based on fove, and the acceptance of death on the basjs of l-ove and contrition. He begins the foLLowing diaTogue and sJowJ-tS repeats the repJies: l, eriest, Do you lovg Jesus Christ (or Do sou want to t_ove resus christ) hlith yOUf WhOle heOft qnd t^lith 011 your strength becouse 0f His un- I imited goodness? REspoNsE.. 0 Jesus, my God, I I ove You above al I things- Sweetest i{eart of my Jesus, grant that that I may love You the most. ?.priest, Becouse 0f love for God 0ie you heortily sorry for 0l I the sins by which you offended God during your I ife? RgspoNsE: Because of Your unbounded goodness, Lord, I love You above all things, and because of th'i s I am heart'i 1y sorry for all my sins. 3. priest, FOr lOVe 0f GOd cnd fOr the otonement 0f 0ll your sins wiil vOu occept, with the help 0f God, the illness ond the kind of deoth thot it pleoses God to give you? REspoNsE'.. For I ove of You, 0 God, and for the atonement of al I my sins, I wholeheartedly l-)ltc-ll:lt:3t{:==r t:rt(=:-tt:tt-Xt:lt€l

iiB. accept my i nfi rmi ty and even death at every moment and 'i n the manner that is pleasing to You. My Jesus, mercy!

Sweet heart of Mary, be my sal vation ! After he has administered the Sacraments of Penance, Communion and Anointing with Oil, the priest should give the foTTowing plenarg induTgenced prager in the hour of death. If it were given earl-ier during the sickness, it 1s appJicabTe at the death that shouLd ensue. Awakening sentiments of 1ove, sorrow and the resignation to death tr>gether with the pLenarg induTgence can be most beneficial- to the sick person who coul-d be found worthg of eternaf fife without inter- vening purgatorg. Pope Pius X empowered aJ7 ptiests csf our Rite to give this absofution at aff times in our Tanguage bg the document #37512 of March 23t 7972. Before the DismissaL of the Anointing with oil-, the deacon, or the priest himseJf, is to sag: Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.


I ndul genced Absol ut'ion (vladgXo aospodg) priest, fflmiqhty Moster, Lord Our God, You wont 0l I nen to be soled ond to know the trutlt' You do not wont 0 sinner to die bu t t0 convert ond live' We beseech You ond proy: Free the soul of Your servont, NN, from every bond, rid him (her) 0f everv stoin, for You ore the hope of tire hopeless, the Cne I'iho f rees those who ore bound ond mends those who 0re bnoken, Theref ore., 0 Moster, bid thot the soul of Your servont n be releosed in peoce ond be given rest in Your U eternol dwelling ploce omonE Your soints, 1l through Your 0nly-begotten Son with Whom You ore u t<=:==)lt->lt-Xl-xl-X t{lE=}tt->llG.lrGXl-ltG=-{

119, blessed together with Your most holy, good ond life-giving Spirit, not,'t ond forever. Amen,

Di smi ssal

priest' Glory be t0 You,0 Christ cur God, our hope, glory be to You,


priest' Christ our true God, ll.|ho heols every in_ firmity ond forgives men their sins by His sroce, will have mercy 0n us ond sove us for He is the g00d ond benevolent Lord, He wi I I sove us throuqh the intercession of His most DUre Mother ond all the soints.


shouid this absojution be given apart fromthe sacramento Anointing with Oif, the priest is to begin with the Usuaf Introduction, and after the Our Father: For Yours is the k'i ngdom:. Then the Troparst Have mercy on us: Glory be: Lord, have mercy on us : Now and forever: 0pen the doors of merCy i . And then he sags: Let US pray to the Lord . ALL r Lord, have mercy. The Priest; Almighty Master, Lord our God | lnd the usual- d:smiss.:i.

Prayers over the Dying

Fi rst Prayer (VJadgko nospodg) 0 Moster, 0ll-sovereign Lord God, Fother 0f our Lord Jesus Christ, You wont 0l i men to be soved ond t0 know the truth, You do not lntont 0 sinner t0 die but t0 convert ond live. We be- seech You eornestiy ond proy thct You free Your l-1t->lt€:=atGFtr-X t-yte:-tt{=:-ltl-Xt€il€t

r20, servont tntho ncw is passing 0n to You from every bond and condemncti0n, Forgive him (her) oll the sins he (she) moy hove committed from the time of y0uth until n0w, deliberotely 0r indeliberotely, the words or deeds he (she) moy hove confessed 0r forgot to confess before his (her) spirituol foth- er, You ore the hope of the hopeless, the One lllho f rees those wlro ore bound ond mend those who ore broken, the One l'lho can forgive the sins of ol i those who rely on You, Though he (she) has sinned 0s 0 humon, he (she) did not obondon You, the true God, his (her) creotor, And so., 0 good ond mercif ul Lord, of ter hoving shown the compcssion of Your merciful judq- ment, bid in Your benevolence thot his (her) soui mOy soon breok ties with the body ond leove the flesh cleonsed of oll sin through Your mercy, And then receive it in peoce ond grcnt it rest in Your eternol dwel I ing ploce 0m0ng Your soints through the socred passion ond lifegiving blood shed t0 redeem the human roce from eternol enslovement by Your only-begotten Son, our Lorc! God ond Sovior Jesus Christ with VJhom You 0re biessed toqether with Your most holy, sood ond Iifeqiving Spirit now ond forever, Amen, Second Prayer (Hospodg fsuse Khrgste) 0 Lord Jesus Christ, Son ond Word of God, il ;:ll';:;o,;: ::;,i:l:,':i'il,l?lo:n;,:':i:l:n" i fi v'circumcision uu,,,v.-i0n on0n thetne eighthelgntn doy,00V, hunger,nunger/ thirst,rilItsLr i ll u I t-xr-)il-xr-xt-x r(=-tr-=)3t-0-xt-al-l

I2I, and fatigue, bei ittl ing by the ..jews, betrcyoi by tne ki ss of Judcs, [:e i ng l ed bound I i ke 0 l omb to the slcughter, shcneful rrlcl before Anncs, Ccic- phas, Pilote and Herod, calumniotion by folse wit- nesses, sc0urging cnd mockarv, spittifig, crowning with thorns, slcppings, blows with reeds, in- sult, the carrying of the cross, the stripping off of clothes and being nciled ncked 0n the cross/ being rcised with the cross ond hung on it; being reckoned 0s 0 thief, being given gall ond vinegor, being pierced with 0 lance, cnd the bitter and un- speokoble ongulsh whiie honging 0n the cross with Your most socred body os Ycur veins were bursting, especiolly the moment Your socred soul left Your hoiy body, l^Je now offer You tlre contttientoration of cll these thinqs ond Your I ifegiving deoth 0s 0n 0c- ceptob le orcyer bef crre You , l{e Your undeserving servonts humbly beseech You novl and earnestiy prrjy thct You spore this Your servcnt, NN, cnd hcve mercy 0n him (her), Cleanse his (her) soul from every sin, Free him (her) from eterncl domnction ond deem him (hen) ilorthy of the kingdom of heoven os the wise thief , Freely did You offer Yourself t0 Your Fcther 0s 0 sgcrifice 0n the cross for sinners ond for those condenined; copiously did Yctu spi 11 Your blood 0s 0 rcnsom, For You cre 0 generous ond merciful God, ancl t0 You do we render glory together with Yr:ur eterncl Father cnd Your most holy, qood ond lifegiving Spirit, not'' cnd forever, Amen, l€:=ll*3llc:]ll€;xtffiX re>tl->tr€rtGxt{-lt-X

Ill,1in Third Prayer tn"tpoarl ltus"l 0 Lord Jesus Christ, our God, God 0f mercy ond s01v0ti0n, in Your greot love for monkind You deiqned not only to be bound, beCIten, spit upOn, wounded, scourged, scorned, crowned with thorns, clothed in 0 clook of mockery ond corry 0 heovy cross, You were olso given vinegor ond g0ll, stripped of clothing, stretched upon the cross ond noiled to it with four noils; You bitter- Iy endured the I iving deoth ond were pierced in the side out of which You let blood ond woter flow; then You were removed from the cross ond loid in 0 tomb for 0ur solvotion, but extroordinorily You rose in glory from the deod, ond on Your holy glorified body You preserved Your five socred wounds s0 thot beholding Your unheoied wounds ond showing them to God Your Fother You moy change His righteous cnger to mercy for those who sinned ond repented ofter hoving been ronsomed by His blood ond born ogoin in the sccrcment 0f boptism, Becouse of these socred wounds, 0 Lord, being God one in noture with Your eternol Father ond most Hoiy Spirit, regord not^t this proyer ond forgive oll the sins of this humble servont, NN, in this hour of his (her) deoth ond receive his (her) soul puri- fied of every stoin of sin into Your merciful honds ond ploce him (her) omong Your soints in the never-

il ffil:: ll:':.::J?l:,*:ffi';:,:::.I':':ff,:ii*'li: I ffi:';;,l';:,lT:,;:';::: :ffi ;??:;?;lil'i:1,::'il ilr<=:-il-xt-xt-xt:l t-lt:tt€rtGxt-tl-d

LL),147 not^t ond forever, Amen,

0ther Indulgenced prayers

0 Lord, my God, now I reodily occept ond crn resigned to the kind of deoth thct mcy plecse You with all its onguish, suffering ond poin, Pope Pius X accorded a pr-enarg rnduJgence on september 7904 for reciting this p-rager after going to confession and teceivingHoJg Commuion out of Love for God..

Most grccious Jesus, lover of souls, I implore You through the Doins 0f your most Sccred Hecrt cnd suffering of your immoculote Mother t0 DUrify sinners in Your blood 0ll over the world, especiolly those who ore in 0g0ny ond those who will die todoy, 0 suffering Heort 0f Jesus, be merciful to those who ore dying,

An induJgence of 100 dags is given for this prager -

,-xl->l'-)ll-xt->t t<==:=)t|:llG]:i=tt€XtF:-tt-}i

r24. The Ri te of g'iving Communion to the Sick

The priest takes a particJe af the Bi-essed Sacrament and pTaces it into a chafice. Then he pours a srnafl- amount of wine into it so that the sick person can more easiLg con- sume -1 t. And he begins: priest, Blessed be our God 01woys, now ond forever,

ALL: AMEN. Usual Introduction

Gl ory be to You, our God, g'lory be to You. 0 heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of truth, everjruhere present, fi lf ing a'11 things, trFeasury of blessings, Bestower of life, come and dwell within us and cleanse us of al I def i'lement , 0 Grac'ious One, and save our souls.

Holy God, holy Mi shtv One, holy Immortal one, have nercy on us. (3) Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirlt, now and forever. Amen 0 Trinity most ho1y, have mercy on us; cleanse us,0 Lord, of our sins;0 Master, pardon our transgres- sions. Consider our weaknesses and heal them, 0 Holy One, for the glory of Your name- Lord, have mercy. (3) Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spjrit, now and forever. Amen

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as jt is in heaven. Give us this day our dai'ly bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation but de'liver us from the evil one. t(=:::::=ll-xK:-lt:tt-X t€ll-=tt(-lr-=Xlc-ll€l

t25 Excl amati on priest, For Yours is the kingdom ond the power ond the glory 0f the Fother ond the Son ond the Hoty Spirit, notnt ond forever,


Lord, have mercy. (12) Invi tatory 'let Come , us bow down before God our k'ing.

Come, I et us bow down before Christ, our king and our God.

Come, 1 et us bow down in worship befcre Jesus Chrj st Himsel f, our Lord, our king and our God.

The Creed













AND THE LIFE OF THE WORLD TO COME. AMEN. Tro pa rs (Vecheri Tvogegi)

Son of God, accePt me this daY as a partaker of Your mystical supper. I will not reveal the mystery to Your enemies, nor will I give You the kiss that Judas gave, but like the thief I crY out to You: Remember me, Lord, when You enter Your ki ngdom. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the HolY SPirit. (Tsargu nebesnig)

0 heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of truth, everywhere present, fi 1'l i ng a1 1 thi ngs ' Treasury of blessings, Bestower of life, come and dweil within us and cleanse us of all de- filement, 0 Gracious One, and save our souls'

Now and forever. Amen. (Boha iz tebe)

We came to know God l,'lho was enfleshed of you, 0 Virgin Bearer of God. I ntercede with Him for the sa'lavation of our soul s. Lord, have mercy. (40) ia-rta-,r-',o-lr-x te=:>rtc-o€rtc-it:tt-r

r27 . F'i rs t Prayer (VJadgko Hcspodg)

0 fioster, Lord Jesus Chrlst 0ur Sovior, 0s the g00d cnd benevolent God you 0lone possess the poyJer t0 forgive sins; pordon 0l l the sins t'cur servcnt, NN, may hove comrnitted knowingly 0r unknowing jy, Let him (her) receive your rnost pure Mysteries not for punishment 0r the additi0n 0f sins, but for the cleonsing 0f soul cnd body ond 0s 0 pledge of Youn kingdom. For you ore thot help, thot strong woll, ond defense ogoinst the adverscry, cnd the One lrJho purifies the sins of Your servont, For You cre the merciful ond bene- voi ent GOd, cnd to Ycru we render e I or!,, Fother, Son ond Hoiy Spirit, noll ond forever, Amen, Second Prayer (Haspodg, vim gako) Lord, i know thct I am not worthy thot you shouid come under my r00f, into the obode of my soui, for it ls desoiate onci unkempt, There is no decent place fcr You even t0 loy your hecd. But since You wish to clbide with me, I come to Ycu relying on Your lttercy, Bid the doors of my unworthy 1lps to open thct I moy sote myself with 'lou alone, Come withinneandcleonse cll the de- filement of my flesh cnd spirit, Be my helper cnd protector cnd let me stond 0n the right hond of You through the intercession and prCIyers of cur rxcst pure Lody, ihe Bearer of God cnd Ever- vi rg in !"icry ond o1 I the suints who pleosed You cver the cges, fcr You ore blessed forever, Amen, 1ffi3{t€ttt-:=:S=Xr€Et t€-tt-rf tc=-,tt€Xt(:lttGx

11Q ,-LL-U r Thi rd Prayer (Hospod Boh)

tvloy the Lord God oll-merciful show You kindness, lvlcy the Lord Jesus Christ grcnt You 011 your oppropriate wishes, i/'loy the Lord 0l* mighty del iver you f rom every ternptotion, lvioy the Lord instruct you, lvloy the Lord give you understcnding, fvlay the Lord give you help, [10y the Lord scve you . [v]ay the Lord defend you , fvloy the Lord guard you, lvloy the Lord purify you, Moy the Lord fill you with spirituol j0y, tvloy the Lord help you physicolly ond spirituolly, l4oy the Lord in His goodness and benevolence forgive you your sins, fvloy the Lord God Jesus Christ show you mercy 0n the dcy of judgment ond bless you cll the doys of your life, AII glory, honor ond worship belong to Him togetherwith i'{is eterncl Father ond His most holy, good cnd litegiving Spirit, notnt ond forever, Amen, If the sick person was aTreadq confessed, the ptiest immediateLq gives hin (her) HoTq Cc>mmunion. Othetwise, the priest is ta ask those present ta l-eave for a while so that he cauLd. confess the sick person, asking about his (het) various sfns, thejr number and kind, taking care that nothing is hel-d back or remains unconfessed because af shame - After the confess.Lon the priest mag sag this ptager if he wishes: 0ptjonal Prayer (Hospodg Bc>zhe nash) 0 Lord our God, You forgove Peter's ondthe odulterous llomon's sins becouse 0f their teors, You justified the publicon who ocl<,nowiedged his sins. Accept not,l the confession 0f Your servcnt, NN, ond in Your kindness forgive him r-tt-il-13!Gxt-X t<==3trc:=-tt{:>tt-Xt€rx-l

I29, (her) whatever sins he (she) moy hove committed del iberotely or indel iberotely in word, deed or thought, For os merciful and benevoient God, you olone hove the power to forgive sins, And we render glory to You, Fother, Son ond Holy Spirit, notnt cnd forever, Amen, The priest then absol_ves the penitent saging: Prayer of Absolution (Hospod' i Boh nash) lvi0y our Lord God Jesus Christ by the grcce cnd generosity of His benevolence forgive you 011 your sins, rTtV chi ld, NN, And I, undeserving priest thot I 0m, by His outhority which wos gronted t0 me, forgive you ond obsolve you from 0ll your sins, in the nome of the Fother + ond 0f the Son ond of the Holy Spirit, Amen, The priest gives the sick petson HoJg Communion the usual wag. After Communion he sags:

Simeon's Prayer tWqni otpuschagesnql Now, 0 Lord, You moy let Your servont g0 in peCIce occording t0 Your word, for my eyes hove seen Your solvotion which You hove prepored in the sight of oll the Fe0DIe:0 Light for the revelotion 0f the notions ond the glory of Your

people I sroel ,

The Trisagion js sa:d. After the Our Father, sag the Tropar of the Dag. Then:

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Ho'ly Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

,-::3ll--lt-xr-xtc=:=t t-Dtr-'tt-:=tt-xt€[Ex

130 . Bo horodyc hen (MoTgtvang)

Grant us peoce, 0 Lord, ond hove mercy 0n us through the intercessi0n of ol I the soints ond the Beqrer of God, for You olone ore kind, Lord, hove mercy, (3) Give the blessing. The Dismissal- of the Dag concludes the service.

l-xtell-rat{-xl-:::'l t€tr€tte=-o€il€ll€l

131 . 13.

The Ri te o.-f Buri al of the Laity

when one of the faithful- dies, the famifg calJs the priest immediatelg -The priest enters the house where the bodg of the deceased is Tging and puts on his epitrakhif and. phelon (where customarg). He puts some incense into the thuribLe and incen- ses the bodg and those who are present . He then begins: priest: $lessed be our God, cll^l0ys, nOhJ ond forever,


Usual Intnoduction Glory be to You, 0 God, Elory be to you 0 heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of truth everywhere present, filling ail thi ngs , ?fuururyo of bl essi ngs , Bestower of 1 i fe, come and dwel I within us and cleanse us of ali defi lement, 0 Gracious One, and save our souls

lloiy God, holy Mi ghty One, ho'ly Immortal one, have nercy on us. (3)

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spir{t, now and forever. Amen. Trr'nity most ^0. ho1y, have mercy on us; cleanse us, 0 Lord, of our sins; 0 Master, pardon our transgres- sions. Consider our weaknesses and heal them, 0 Hol! One , for the g'lory o f Your name . Lord, have mercy" (3)

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy ki ngdom come. Thy wi'11 be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forg'ive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation bt deliver us from the evi I one. l-=lt-=lt-,ll€==>tl-H t-=il-ttte::-il-ft€il-X

132 Excl amation

pr.resr' For Yours is the kingdom qnd the power ond the glory of the Fother cnd the Son cnd the Holy Spirit, now ond forever,


Tropar - Tone 4 (So dukhg)

tiith the just spirits who have died, Savior, give rest to the soul (s) of Your servant(s), and preserve him (her, them) for Your bl essed 1 i fe, 0 Lord benevol ent. (V pokogishg)

In Your place of rest, 0 Lord, where all Your holy ones repose, give rest to the soul(s) of Your servant(s), NN, for You alone are the Lord benevolent.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

(Tg qesg Boh)

You are God Who descended to the abode of the dead and freed the imprisoned from their restraints. And so, to the soul of Your servant(s) ltlt, give rest.

Now and forever. Amen.

Bo ho rodyc het (vedgna chqstaga)

0 Virgin, alone pure and unspotted, who gave bi rth to God without seed, pray for the sal vati on of hi s ( her, thei r) soul ( s ) . Ekteni a

Deacon.- Have firercy on us, 0 God, and i n the greatness of Your -ercy, hear us, we pra-v You, and have mercy. ALL : LoRD, HAVE MERCY. ( 3) l-rE-.F--t!:trs-r r-!t-!'3t-:>tt-Xl->t|:l

133 . Deacon.. l^le pray for the repose of the sou'l of the servant(s) God, llN, who has (have) fat'len asleep, and for the for- q'iveness of a'11 his (her, tneir) sins, both voluntary and i nvol untary.

ALI- : LORD, HAVE MERCY. ( s ) Deacan r That the Lord God may give his (her, their) soul(s) a pl ace where al I the sa'ints repose

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. (3) Deacou Let us ask our immortal king and our God for the mercy of God, for the kingdom of heaven, and for the for- gi veness of hi s ( her, thei r) si ns.

ALL: GRANI THIS, 0 L0RD. Deaeou Let us pray to the Lo: d.


Prayer for the Peceased priesr: (euietrs) 0 GOd 0f spifits Ond 0ll flesh, You hove conquered deoth, mode the devil power- less ond given life to Your world, llow You, 0 Lord, to the soul(s) of Your servont(s), NN, t,rno hos (hove) fcl len osleep in death, 9[0[t rest in 0 ploce 0f lightr 0ll 00sis 0f delight ond 0 hoven of pesce/ from which poin, trouble ond grief hove fled, As the g00d ond benevolent God, forgive every sin of thought word or deed he (she, they) moy hove committed, There is n0 one t^iho I ives ond does not sin, for You olone 0re t^tithout sin, Your justice is eternol justic ond Your vJord is truth. Excl amati on priesx: (Ataud) For You, 0 Christ OUr God, Ore the t:xt{:=r l:ll€lt-x t-lr:llc::-l@

134 . resurrection, the life ond the repose of your servcnt(s), NN, who hos (have) follen osleep; ond to You we render glory together with Your eternol Father ond Your most holy, good ond lifegiving Spirit, now ond forever,



Deacon: t^li sdom!



Di smi ssal priest. Christ our trUe God, (WhO rose frOm the deod) hlho hos poh/er over the living ond the deod, wi I I hove mercy 0n us ond sove us for He is the good ond benevolent Lord, (He wili sove us) through the intercession 0f His most pure Mother, the holy, glorious, cll-blessed opostles, our veneroble fothers of the desert ond ol I the soints, He will place the soul(s) of His ser- vont(s), NN, who deported from us in the mons- ions of the just ond give him (her, them) rest ll in the bosom of Abrohom ond number him (her, U them) omons the j ust, ll ALL : AMEN. u l-==ll:llc:::xt-Xl-X tG==t|€-tt{:'tt-Xt(==-lt€l

135 . Vi chnaya Pa_lyat'

priest' Grcnt, 0 Lord, to Your ever t0 be remembered servont(s), NN, blessed sleep cnd eternol rest, ond keep his (her, their) memory everlcsting,


V'ichnaya pamyat'. (3)

Give him (her, them) rest among the saints, 0 Christ, and everlast'ing memory.

As thjs is being sung I the priest sprinkTes the bodg of the deceased and the interior and exterior of the coffin with holg water. Then the deceased is placed in it. trntrhen evergthing is readg, we start singing: Holy God: soTemnTg and with feeTing. Taking the bodg of the deceased, we go to the church. fhe preests fead the wag carr7ing candles. The deacon has the cen- ser. On coming to the church the eoffin is brought to the vesti.bul-e or carried into the church.

At the Church

priest, BleSSed be OUf GOd OiWCyS, flOW Ond f0rever,


i nv i tato ry 'let Come, us bow down before God our king.

Come, 1 et us bow down before Christ, our king and our God.

Come, 1 et us bow down in worship before Jesus Christ Himsel f, our Lord, our king and our God.

Psalm 90

He who lives with the help of the Most High, will abide in the protection of the God of heaven.

!-xt-:}lt->lr-Hl€X t{:=lil-}nc:=:5il-XK:lt|Ex

136 . He will say to the Lord: "You are my defender, my refuge and my God;" and "I rely on Him."

For He will rescue you from the hunter's net and the dj sturbi ng word.

He will cover you with His protective shoulders and under His protective wings you w'i11 have hope; Hi s truth will be like armor around you. You will not be afraid of terror at night or flying mi ssi I es 'in day'li ght,

or phantoms that stalk the dark, or the demon that stri kes at noon.

Though a thousand fall beside you, ten thousand on your right, it will not come near you.

And when you open your eyes to see, you wi'l'l behold the retribution against sinners.

For You are my hope,0 Lord; (0 my soul), you have made the Most High your refuge.

No evil will come near you; not a mark wil'l scathe your body.

For He wi I I tel I Hi s ange'ls to guard you on every path you take. They will support you with their hands, that your foot should never hit aga'inst a stone. You will step upon the asp and viper, and tread upon the ljon and serpent. He trusted me; so, I wil I save him and protect him because he knew my name.

I^lhen he cri es out to me , I wi I I hear h'irn and be with him'in his distress; I will rescue h'im and glorify him. I wil I bestow l ength of days upon him and show h'im my salvation. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the t€:-3tc=3ll-'ll-)ll-X t->tt<=-at+-lt|:il--lt-X

r37. Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Alleluia, alleluia, allelu'ia. Glory be to You, 0 God. (3)

Great Ekteni a

Deacon.- Let us pray to Lhe LorC i n peace.


Deacon: For the servant(s) of God, NN, and his (her, their) blessed repose, 1et us pray to the Lord.


Deacon: That all his (her, their) sins, both vo"luntary and involuntary, be forgiven, let us pray to the Lord.


Deacon: That he (she, they) may be numbered with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, let us pray to the Lord.


Deacou That hjs (her, their) soul(s) may gain entry into the I and of the I "ivi ng, the pl ace of I i ght, where al l the holy righteous repose, 1et us pray to the Lord.


Deacon: That he (she, they) rnay come blameless before the dread trjbunal of Christ, let us pray to the Lord.

ALL : L0RD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon.- That he (she, they) may 'inherit the 'immortal king- dom of heaven, let us pray to the Lord.

ALL : L0RD, HAVE MERCY . Deacon: That he (she, they) may partake of the never-ending joys of Your saints throughout the ages, 1et us pray to the Lord.

ALL: L0RD, HAVE MERCY. l:ll<=::-lt-xl-:-lr-=il t€tt(=-tt-:=tr:{:tt-X

120 lJ(J. Deacon.- That we may be kept safe from distress, violence and need, I et us pray to the Lord.


Deacon: He1 p us, save us, have mercy on us, and protect us, 0 God, by Your grace.


Deacon: Commemorating our most holy, most pure' most blessed, glorious Lady, the Bearer of God and Everv'irgin Mary, together with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. priest, For You, 0 Christ our God, ore the resurrec- tion, the life ond the repose of Your servont(s), NN, who has (hove) follen osleepj cnd to You we render glory together with Your eternol Fother ond Your most holy, g00d ond lifegiving Spirit, now ond forever,


Alleluia Verses - Tone B (Ps. 64:4)


Reader: Blessed are they whom You chose and took to Your- sel f, 0 Lord.


Reader: Their memory shall be from generation to generation


Tropar - Tone 8 lElungnogu nuaro'stg)

W'ith depth of wi sdom You 1ov'i ngl y make al I thi ngs , 0 onl y Creator, and gi ve what '! s rGFil:il-Xr-xl-x t(Eli)il€ilc==>ilG:Xr:ll(-l

139. of benefit !o.everyone; give rest,0 Lord, to the soul(s) of your servant(s), for he (she, they) placed his lher, tfreir) hope in You, our Creator, our itaker and our God.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Hol y Spi, now and forever. Amen .

Bohorodyc hen (Tebe j strnu)

lrle have you as a wal 1 , a haven and most acceptable intercessor before the God Whom you bore, 0 Vi Bearer of God , sal vati on of the fai thful .

The Psafm of The Blameless is now surg. rt is divicred into two stations.

Fi rst Stati on ( B l-azhenni nepo rochtli )


Refrain.' Blessed are You, c Lord, teach me your statutes. (Ps " 778:72) Al-ternate Refrain: Be mindful, 0 Lord, of the soul(s) of Your servant(s)

ALL: BLESSED ARE THEY I^JHO SEARCH HIS TESTIMONIES, l^lHO SEEK HiM WITH ALL THEIR HEART. (ps . j"7B:2) Refraiu Bl essed are You, 0 Lord Al-ternate Refrain.. Be mindful , 0 Lord


Refrain; Blessed are You, 0 Lord Al-ternate Refrain.. Be mindful , 0 Lord

,:lt->tt-Xr-Xt--t tE==tt-)tt-=>tr-XtG=-tt-X


Refrain: Bl essed are You, 0 Lord, . . . . . ALternate Refraiu Be mindful, 0 Lord


Ekteni a

Deaeon: Once again let us pray to the Lord in peace.


Deaconl We pray for the repose of the soul of the servant(s) God, NN, who has (have) fat'len asleep, and for the for- giveness of all his (her, their) sins, both voluntary and jnvoluntary.


Deacon: That the Lord God may give his (her, their) soul(s) a place where all the saints repose.


Deacon: Let us ask our immortal king and our God for the mercy of God, for the kingdom of heaven, and for the for- giveness of his (her, their) sins.

ALL: GRANT THIS, 0 LORD. Deacon: Let us pray to the-Lord.


Prayer for the Deceased priesr: (euietrs) 0 God Of spirits Ond 0ll flesh, You hove conquered deoth, mode the devil power- less qnd given life to Your world. Now You, 0 Lord, to the soul(s) of Your servont(s), NN, t€-ll:tl-Xt:lt-X l€il{E=5fte=5tt:lx-tlc-l

141. who hos (huve) fcllen asleep in deoth, 9r^0nt rest ln a plcce of lightr 0n oosis 0f delight and o hoven of peoce, f;-om which psin, trouble snd grief hove fled, As the good snd benevolent God, forgive every sin of thought word or deed he (she, they) noy hove committed, There is n0 one who lives ond does not sin, for You olone ore without sin, Your justice is eternol justice ond Your word is truth, Excl amation priesr-- (Aloud) FOf YOU, 0 Chf iSt OUf GOd, Ofe the resurrectlon, the I ife ond the repose of Your servont(s), NN, who hos (hove) follen ssleep, And to You we render glory together t^{ith Your eternoi Fother and Your most holy, good ond lifegiving Spirit, noyl ond forever,

AMEN. Second Station AL[- : i AM Y0URS, SAVI Mt. (Ps. 778:e4) Reftain. Save, 0 Savior, the soul (s) of Your servant(s). AL.L: A LAMP FOR MY FEET IS YOUR LAI,I, A LIGHT FOR MY PATHS. fPs . 778:1a5) Refrain Save, 0 Savior, -uhe Soul(S) of Your Servant(S). A-Zte'rate Refrain: To the soul(s) of Your servant(s) give rest, 0 Lord. ALL: i OPTNID i'lY MOUTH AND SIGHED BECAUSE I LONGED FOR YCUR C0MMANDMENIS. (Ps. 778:705) Reirain 5ave, 0 Savior, the soul (s) of Your servant(s). Atiernate Refrain To the soul(s) of Your servant(s) give restn 0 Lord. ll ALL: TIAVT REGARD FOR ME AND BE GRACIOUS TO ME THE t^tAY ll you DttM TH0st tlH0 L0l/E Y0uR NAME . (ps. 778:732) f; Rcfr.ajn, Save, 0 Savior, the soul (s) of Your servant(s). il (S) give Ir -rr rrernare iTefrain; To the Soul Of YOur Servant(S) rest, C Lord. Ur€=>n€xr-irlii*E*€;x r€cc-fl€nGxt€rr:l


Refrain: Save, 0 Savior, the soul ( s ) of Your servant( s ) . Afternate Refrain: To the soul(s) of Your servant(s) give restr 0 Lord. ALL: MY SOUL WILL LIVE TO PRAISE YOU, AND YOUR JUDGMENTS W]LL HILP ME. (Ps. 778:175) I STRAYED I-IKT A LOST SHEEP; SEEK YOUR SERVANT, FOR I DiD NOT FORGET YOUR COMMANDMENTS. (Ps. 778:776) These yerses are sung three tines.

Tropars for the Deceased

Tone 5

Blessed are You, 0 Lord, teach me Your statutes.

(Sviatgkh 7gk)

The choir of saints found the source of life and the gates of paradise. l4ay I, too, find the way through repentance. I am a lost sheep; ca'l'l out to me, 0 Savior, and save me. Blessed are You, 0 Lord, teach me Your statutes.

(DrevLe ubo)

Long ago You fashioned me from not-being and honored me with Your divine image, but when I broke Your command, You returned me aga'i n to the earth out of wh'ich I was taken . Restore Your image that I may possess my former beauty. Blessed are You, 0 Lord, teach me Your statutes.

(obraz gesm)

I am the image of Your ineffable glory though I bear the scars of sin. Be mercjful to Your creature o 0 Master, and 'in Your 1ov'i ng kindness bring cleansing. Grant me the father- land I yearn for and make me a citizen of para- t:rr{=:=:5n{::-il-xr-lt-'l

143. Blessed are You, 0 l-ord, teach me your statutes. (vo put' uzkig)

A1 1 you who wal ked the sad and narrow path, a1T you who bore life's cross as a yoke and follovred me 'in fajth, come, now, and enjoy the honors and crowns of heaven I prepared for you.

Blessed are You, 0 Lord, teach me your statutes. (Ahntsa Bozhiga)

You holy martyrs who proclaimed the Lamb of God and were slaughtered as sheep, passed who'li on to the ageless and never-ending fe, beseech Hin earnestiy to forgive us our debts.

Blessed are You, 0 Lord, teach me Your statutes.

(Upokoi Bozhe)

Give rest to Your servant(s), 0 God, and place him (her, them) in paradise where cho j rs of angei s and the just sh'ine as brjght as luminaries. Give rest,0 Lord, to Your servant{s) who has (frave) fallen asleep, and overlook all his (her, thejr) sins.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

i Trisiqatel' noqe) Devoutly we praise the three-fold radiance of the one God-head and cry out: "Ho'ly are You , 0 Father wi thout begi nni ng, 0 Son and Holy Spirit also without beg'in- ni ng. En1 i ghten us who serve You 'in fai th, and snatch us from the eternal fl ames. "

Now and forever. Amen. t€={t-3ll-tlt-xl€}t rc::'il-=ttc:a={r-XtC-ttc===l

t44. Bohorodychen (Radugsia chgstaga)

Hail, 0 pure Lady who bore God in the flesh for the salvation of all. Through you, 0 pure and blessed Bearer of God, the human race found salvation. May we, too, find para- dise through you.


Short Ekteni a

Deacon: 0nce again let us pray to the Lord in peace.


Deacon: |{e pray for the repose cf. p. L47 tt.

Iropars - Tone 5 (Upokoi Spase) Give rest to Your servant(s) with the just,0 Savior, and let him (her, them) dwell in Your courts as it is written. In Your goodness, benevolent Lord, overlook al I hi s ( her, thei r) faul ts both vol untary and involuntary, knowing or unknowing.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Bo ho rodyc hen (ot Divg voz-sigavig)

0 Christ our God, for the world You came forth from the Virgin and through her made sons of light; have mercy on us.

rf the ceLebrant wishes, the Fiftieth Psaim maq be taken. Otherwise, the SamohLasen Tones of John the I'tonk are sungr.- What pl easure i s there. .cf . p.758 f f .

r-xr-xr€xt-xt-x t->o:at{:=n-xe$=l

145. Psalm 50

Have mercy on me,0 God, in Your great mercy, and in Your abundant kindness cl:1dnS€ me of my'iniquity.

Wash me especia'l1y from my wickedness and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my wickedness, and my sin is ever before me. Against You a'lone have I sinned, and before You have I done what is evil. May You be justified rn your words and vindicated when You pass judgment.

Behold, I was conceived in iniquity; in sin my mother bore me,

Behold, You have loved truth; the secret things of Your wi sdom You have revea'led to me ,

You will sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be cleansed; You will wash me, and I shalj be made whiter than snow.

You will bring joy and gladness to my hearing, and my humb'l ed bo nes wi I I re jo i ce .

Turn Your countenance away from my sins, and wash away all my iniquities.

Create in me a cJean heart,0 God, and renew a right spirit within me.

Cast me not away from Your countenance, and take not Your holy Sp'irit from me.

Give me the joy of Your salvation, and fortify me with Your guiding spirit. i shall teach Your ways to the wicked, and the impi- ous shali return to You. Deliver me from blood-gui'lt, God,0 God of my sal- vation; my tongue shall rejoice in Your justice.

You will open my 1ips, 0 Lord, and my mouth shall proci aim Your prai se. i:o-==,r€nc-tt:t re=3r# l#l

i46. For had You desired sacrifice, I would have offered 'i i t, but You take no del ght i n whol e-burnt of feri ngs .

The sacrifice to God js a contrjte spirit; God wjll nct desp'i se a contri te and humbl e heart. In Your good pleasure, Lord, b'less Sion, that the wa1ls of Jerusalem may be rebui'lt. Then You will be pleased with just sacrjfices, offer- ings and holocausts; then they will offer calves upon your ai tar.

Now the Kanon of Theophanes js sung in the Sixth Tone. rts acrostic is, I sing the sixth song for the departed.

Kano n

Fi rst Ode

Irmos (vaXo-po suXng) To God let us sing a triumPhant hymn as Israel did when it crossed over the deep as over drY land and saw pursuing Pharaoh drowning- To the soul(s) of Your servant(s) give rest,0 Lord.

(vo nebesnqkh) In their heavenly mansions ' 0 Christ, the noble mantyrs ever imp1ore You: "Deem thjs believer (these believers) whom You transferred from earth worthy of eternal bless'ings. " To the soul(s) of Your servant(s) give rest,0 Lord' (Ukrasheg) 'li il After mak'ing a1'lal l f ivivi ng thi ngs,ngs ' Y0uYou ll fash'ioned me in thejr midsi, a composite ll and sublime beinE, Sav"ior. And so, give fr rest to the soul(s) of Your servant(s) ' il u i--tE-il-xr:tt-x r(E!5il€>trc=:={r€l':t -l r47 Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Hol y Sp'i ri t .

{Raga ;sgteJga)

From the beginning you made me a citizen of panadise ahd a tjller of the soi1, but when I overstepped your c ommand, You banish- ed me, 0 Savior. And so, give rest to the soul (s) of Your servant(s \

Now and forever. Amen" (tzhe ot rebra) He l{ho earlier fashioned Eve out of a rib, now clothes Himself with flesh in your most pure womb, 0 ho'ly Lady, and there- by destroyed the povuer of death.

Thi rd Ode

Irmos liuistTviats No one is ds ho'ly as you are, gracious Lord, my God; You raised Your faithful people's horn and steadied us on the bed-rock of faith in You.

To the soul (s) of Your servant(s) qlve rest, 0 Lord


Your martyrs, 0 Lifegiver, suffered under the 'l aw and were adorned wi th crowns of victory. They eagerly offer continual deliverance to Your faithful departed.

To the soul(s) of Your servant(s) give rest,0 Lord


With abundant signs and wonders at fjrst You taught me who had gone astray. Then You emptied Yourself in compassion for me, and then sought, found and saved me. fe==ll->ll-=tt-x'-il t€|p€)tr-:Dtt€;t-tr-;

i48. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

(Ot tekuschgkh)

In the abodes of etern'ity, good Lord, grant life with happiness to him (her, them) who has (have) passed on to You from the ljfestream of restless corruption, and jus- tify him (her, them) by faith and grace.

Now and forever. Amen.

Bo ho rodyc hen 1ti.ist7-iepolocnna) No one is as apotless as you, 0 Mother of God, for you alone conceived in your womb the true eternal God l,lho destroyed the power of death. Ektenia

Deacon: Once again let us pray to the Lord in peace.

A.LL : L0RD, HAVE MERCY. (once) Deacon.. We pray for the repose of the sou'l of the servant(s) ofGod, NN, who has (have) fatlen asleep, and for the for- giveness of all his (her, their) sins, both vo'luntary and i nvo'luntary.


Deacon: That the Lord God may give his (her, their) soul(s) a place where all the saints repose.


Deacon: Let us ask our jmmortal king and our God for the mercy of God, for the k'ingdom of heaven, and for the for- giveness of his (her, their) sins.

ALL: GRANT THIS, O LORD. Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. l->3t€:-rt-xtc:-il-H tc-nc==t!€==tt-xt€flc-l

149. Fra"',rsi" for the Deceased {Bozhe dukhov) priesr"" {ouierJy.i 0 fir:d 0f rpi f itS qnd 0l I f IeSh, Y*u hcve ccnqu*r-crj denth, rncde the devil power- less and given life to your world, l,low you, 0 L 0rei, tn the scui i s) of your servont( s), NN, r,'rhc hils {have) fcllen asleep in decth, 9lont resi in o place oi light, er oasis of delight and o hcven af pecce, from which poin, trouble ond qrief have fled, As the good ond benevolent God, forgive every sin of thought word or deed he {she, they} i"'t{ly huve committed, There is n0 one who lives i:rid does not sin, for You oione 0re iJithout sin, Your justice is eternol justice cnd Your worei i s tnuth , Excl amaticn

Priest: {AJot-zd.} FOf YnU, 0 Chf iSt guf GOd, gfe the r*su r rect i cn, t:he I i f e qnd the repose of You r servcnt(s), ruf,i", who has (hsve) follen osleep, And to Ynu hJe ren,Jer glory tcgether with Your e(srnfil Fcth*s" cnd Your most hol y, g00d ond lifegivinq Spirit, now and forever,

al I " A.44FhJ Sieia'ien * Sessional Hymn

Tone 6 (Vo istgnu sugeta) in ir':.;ih all things are vain, and life but a s lia'lour and a dream. Al I the earthborn fret i n vai 11s as Scri pture says. After we gain the v*r-rrld we then wili come to live in a tci'rlh i.agether w j th ki ngs and paupers . And so, 0 {lhrjEt, onr God, in Your benevolence give resi. i* the soul(s) of Your departed servaiit{s}. Fffi{bffi{effi*ll€ffi{sffip.9 ffi{}c==:=tt-}tt-xt:tt(-l G'lory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. #s###

Most holy Bearer of God, do not abandon me in my iifetime or commit me to human protec- t'ion; you yourself help me and show me mercy.

Fourth Ode

I rmos (Khrgstas moga sgJa)

"Christ is my strength , ffiy God and my Lord, " i s the song that holy church devoutly sings as she solemnly celebrates in the Lord. To the soul (s) of Your servant(s) give rest, 0 Lord. (Premudrostq) To reveal greater understanding of (Your) wisdom and the great generosity of Your gifts, 0 Master, You combined the company of martyrs with the angels. To the soul(s) of Your servant(s) give rest,0 Lord. (Neizrechenniga)

Grant attai nment of i nef fabl e gl or.y to him (her, them) who has (have) passed on to You, 0 Chri st, i n the abode of the b'lessed where the sound of holy joy is heard. G'lory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Hol y Sp'i ri t .


0 most merciful Lord, receive Your servant(s) who sanE the praise of Your holy might. You took him (hero them) out of the l€=fllc=-lt-xt-xl-]l t-=>rr(:-arc=:=)tt€il-.Bt(-l

151. earth and made him (her, them) a child (children) of light after purifying him (her, them) from dark sin.

Now and forever. Amen.

Bo ho rodyc he n leri,JateJgsche)

0 Jacob's beauty, the Master chose you 'lessto be the vessel most pure, the spot- templ e, the most holy ark, the vi r- ginal tabernacle of sanctity.

Fi fth Ode

I rmos laozniginZviton)

blith Your sacred 1ight, 0 Eracious Lord, illumine the spirjts of those who sing this matin prayer to You in love, that they may come to know You, 0 Son of God, as the trueGod Who beckons (to abandon) the darkness of sin. To the soul(s) of Your servant(s) give rest, 0 Lord.

(Yako vsepTodige)

The martyrs who offened themselves as sacred hol ocausts , as manki nd' s fj rst- frui ts , continue to work for our salvation. To the soul(s) of Your servant(s) give rest, 0 Lord. (Nebesnaho) Deem Your fa ithful serva nt(s) who had earlier fallen asleep, worthy of an abode i n hea ven a nd the b estowa 1 of g'if ts , a nd gra nt remi ssion of si ns.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the i{o1y Spi ri t . (Izhe gedgn) 0 on1y grac'ious Lord , You al one are immortal, alone by nature the giver of f ife, l-:=ll€=>31€Xl€xt-X t->tt-tt(==:=tr-Xt-td

r52. tnuiy an jnscrutable ocean of goodness. Deem Your deceased servant(s) worthy of Your kingdom.

Now and forever. Amen.

(Kripost' i Pinige)

He l^lho was born of you for the world' 0 Lady, became the strength, the song and the salvation of those who are perishing and saves those from Hades' gates who bless you"

Si xth Ode

I rmos (Zhgtegskoge more) I behold life's sea arage with turbulent temPtations and hasten to Your serene haven crying out to You: "0 Lord most mercj ful , l ead my life out of corruPt'ion." To the soul(s) of Your servant(s) give rest,0 Lord" (Na kresti)

l,Jhen You were cruci f i ed upon the cross ' good Lord, You drew hosts of martyrs to Your- ielf who im'itate Your suffering. And so' vve beseech You: Give rest now to him (her, them) who has (have) Passed on to You. To the soul(s) of Your servant(s) give rest,0 Lord' (Ileizrechennugu)

When You come in unspeakable glory upon the clouds to judge the whole world w'ith so- i.*nitv, 0 Redeem6r, permit Your servant(s), whom You took out of thi5 world, to meet You n with ioy. Son and to [l G1 ory be to the Father and to the the Holy sp'irit.

I,:rc:::-n-)oc:-!r-r t€il-xtc-lt-xtrFtt(jj51

153. (Istochngk zhgzng)

You are the source of I i fe that frees the shackled, Master, p'lace Your faithful departed servant(s) in the joy of paradise.

Now and forever" Amen.

Bo ho rodyc he n (Vo zemJiu)

We have returned to the earth because we transgressed the commandment of God. But through you, 0 Virgin, we have shed mortal corrupt'ion and have been raised from earth to heaven.

Short Ekteni a

Deacon: 0nce again let us pray to the Lord in peace.


Deacon: We pray for the p" 149 ff.

Kondak - Tone 8 (So sviatgng) To the soul (s) of Your servant(s) give rest, 0 Christ, where there is no pain, no sorrow, no grief, only life un- endi ng.

I kos (San gedgn ges!)

You alone are imrnortal Who created and fashioned man, while we the earthbound who were made of the earth shall return to that same earth according to Your com- mand. When You made me You decl ared: You are earth and unto earth You shall return. That i s the p'lace to whi ch al I we morta'ls shall go sfnging the graveside hymn: Alleluia

l-331c:::=ll€3at€lt-X t-)tt-:3tt-t!il-Xt(:)t|€t

154 Seventh Ode

Irmos (noz-i67iTe1nusu) For the holy young men the angel made the oven dew-laden; the command of God which enflamed the Chaldeans, compeiled the tyrant to cry out: Blessed are You, 0 God of our fathers.

To the soul(s) of Your servant(s) gjve rest, 0 Lord

( tzbavfshigsia)

Redeemed by Your blood from the first offense and then sprinkled by their own blood, the martyrs represent Your sacrifice. Blessed are You, 0 God of our fathers.

To the soul (s) of Your servant(s) give rest, 0 Lord

( Svgrgpiguschigu)

0 lifegiving Word, You put arrogant death to death; rece'ive him (her, them) who has (have) tatlen asleep'in faith as he (she, they) sing(s) out,0 Christ, and says: Blessed are You, 0 God of our fathers.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Hol y Sp'i ri t . (Vo-odushiviV)

0 supreme and divine Master, You en- spirited me as a human with divjne breath. Deem the departed worthy to sing to You, 0 Savior: Blessed are You, 0 God of our fathers.

Now and forever- Amen-


You surpassed all creation, 0 spotless Lady, who conceived the God l^lho crushed the l€3t-xtc:xt<:xt-)l t-Xr-il8==:til-Xr-tt:{

155 gates of death and shattered its bolts. That is why we faithful praise you as Mother of God in song, 0 pure Lady.

E'ighth Ode

I rmos (rz-6l7nene) From the flames You drew forth dew for the ho'ly young men and con- sumed the just man's sacrifice with water, 0 Christ, for You do all that You wi I 1 . [.le exal t You through al I the ages. To the soul(s) of Your servant(s) give rest,0 Lord. (Kripko)

0 champion martyrs of Christ, after .you showed your heroic deeds, you were adorned with crowns of victory and cried out: [,le exal t You through al I the ages.

To the soul (s) of Your servant(s) give rest, 0 Lord. (Sviaschenni) In Your mercy receive the fa'ithful who devoutly left this life and came to You, the Master, and give rest to them whom You exalt forever.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

(Ngni vo zemTi)

Now, 0 Savior, dei gn that a'|1 those who earl i er had fal I en asl eep may dwe'l 1 in the'land of the meek; and justify those by faith who exalt You forever.

Now and forever. Amen. t-xl€::-31-tll-xt-X t-Xrc:-tt-=)tt-Xt€ttG:X

156. Bo horodychen (vsi tga bJa"hgn)

0 al l -bl essed Lady, you bore the ilJord trul y b1 essed lalho became fl esh for our sake i al I of us b"less you and exal t H'im forever.

Ni nth Ode

I rmos (aona-EFJlovikon) Impossible it is for man to see God, for not even angelic hosts dare fix their gaze on Him. But through Iou, 0 al I -pure Lady, the Word enfleshed made Himself known to mankind. Together with the heaven'ly hosts we extol Him and bl ess you. To the soul(s) of Your servant(s) give rest,0 Lord.


Hope forti f"ied the companies of mar- tyrs and gave wing to their ardent love for You and thereby gave a real s'ign of future rest undisturbed. Let Your faithful departed be deemed worthy of it, gracious Lord. To the soul(s) of Your servant(s) give rest, 0 Lord. (Svitl-aho) ' Allow Your faithful departed servant(s) to know Your shin'ing splendor divine,0 Christ, and grant frim (her, them) repose jn the bosom of Abraham and as merci ful Lord deem him (her, them) worthy of Your eternal bliss. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. (Seg gestestvom) By nature, Savior, You are kind and mer- t-xt-,ll€xt€lt-rl t-}tx==:=tt-r|lt-Xt(-lt{-,1

157. ci ful , the bestower of kindness and abyss of compassion. Bring him (her, them) whom You took away from th'is evi I p'lace and shl".iow of death to the p1 ace where Your l"ight shi nes.

Now and forever. Amen

Bo ho rodyc hen fSir, t"i"t",J"l

0 pure LaCy, we acknowledge you as the ho'ly tabernacl e , as the ark and tablet of the law of grace. For pardon is granted through you to those justi- fied by the blood of the One enfleshed in your womb, 0 spotless Lady.

Short Ekteni a

Once again 1et us pray to the Lord j n peace

L0RD, HAVE MERCY. (once)

Deacon: l.le pray for the repose. 149.ff.

Autotonic (samoltasn:) Tones of John the Monk

Tone 1 ( xaga-rhgtegskaga)

What pieasure is there on earth not touched by worry? l,lhat g'l0ry on earth without change? All things are more fleet,- 'ing than a shadow, al l more deceptive than dreams. One moment and death takes them all. In the light of Your countenance and Your beauty, Christ, give one 'lovi rest to the You, as ng Lord, have chosen.

Tone 2 tUtg ^ttil Alas, what agony for the soul on part- f€==xl<::=il€i3t!€33tt-x r-ilr€-tte::=tr-xt€il€l

158 . ing from the body! How it weeps at that time, a1as, with no one to pity it! When i t rai ses f ts eyes to the ange'l s , i t prays in vain; when it extends its hands to men there is no one to help. And so, dear breth- ren, as tlve thjnk about the brevity of life, let us ask Christ to grant rest to the de- parted and great mercy to us.

Tone 3 (vsia sugeta)

All for man is vain that does not en- dure after death: riches do not last nor does fame, and when death comes, all these crumble away. And so, 1et us cry out to Christ 'immoital: Give rest to the one(s) who departed from us in the abode of those who rejoi ce.

Tone 4 (Hdi gest mirskoge)

Where is the passion of the world? l^Jhere the dream of passing thi ngs? ldhere the gold and silver? Where the bustle of many servants? All is dust, all but ashes, al I but a shadow. Nonethe'less, come, let us cry out to the king immortai: Lord' deem Your departed servant(s) worthy of eternal blessings, and give him (her, them) rest in Your never-aging b'lessedness.

Tone 5 lronganuXn;

I cal I ed to mi nd the Pr"oPhet who cried out: "I am earth and ashes!" Then I peered jnto the tombs and saw naked bones" .i I as ked : "Who here s ki ng, who a sol di er '

159. beginning and formation, for You wjshed to fashion me with a nature visible and inv'isi- ble. You made my body from the earth but my soul You gave me by Yu,ur divine and lifegiv- ing bneath. And so, 0 Christ, give rest to the soul of Your servant(s) in the land of the liv'ing and the abodes of the just.

Tone 7 (Po obrazu)

In Your image and likeness You made man i n the beg'i nni ng and then put him i n paradi se wi th domi ni on overYour creatures . Dece'ived by the devi 1 's envy, he partook of the food and broke Your commands. And so, 0 Lord, You sentenced him to return to the earth again from which he was taken and to beg for repose.

Tone B (Placiu-TVqaagu)

I weep and lament when I think of death and behold our beauty fashioned in God's image lying formless'in the tomb, so unsightly, unattractive. How astounding! What mystery took place in us? How did we become subject to corruption? How were we yoked to death? As is written, it is truly by command of God, l^lho gives rest to the departed.

The Beatitudes - Tone 6 (BLazhenni)

Remember us, 0 Lord, when You come i nto Your ki ngdom. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are those who weep, for they shall be com* forted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the land. l{=:-$c-il-xt-xr-x tc==lt:tr:tt-xt*{tFl

160 . Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for justice, for they shall have their fill. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

In advance, 0 Lord, You made the thief who cried out: "Remember me!" to You on the cross , a c'iti zen of paradi se. Deem me worthy of the sanie though I am not worthy.

Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God. 0 You lllho are master over life and death, give rest to the one You took out of this pass- i ng wor'ld j n the abodes of the sai nts . And re- member me when You come into Your kingdom.

B'lessed are the peacemakers, for they sha11 be called sons of God. You are Master over souls and bodies; in Your hands js our breath, 0 comforter of those in distress; give rest to Your departed serv- ant(s) in the land of the just.

Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of justice, for theirs 'is the kingdom of heaven. Christ wjll give you rest in the land of the I iving. May He open the gates of parad'ise for you and make you a citizen(s) of His king- dom. May He forgive you the sins you committed in this life, 0 lover of Christ. Blessed are yoLr when they revile you, persecute you and lying speak a1l kinds of evil aga'inst you on account of me. Let us go out and look into the tombs. Man is bare bones, the food of worms, stench. Let us I earn real ri ches , true 1 ovel i ness , true powero real beauty.

Rejoice and be 91ad, for your reward in heaven is great. t--lt-xl€ll€xr-x t:[-xre==ttr{:-rt-lr-l

161 . Let us listen to what the Al1-Sovereign is say'ing: Woe to those who wish to see the dread day of the Lord, for that day is darkness and on that day all thin3s will be tested.

Giory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Ho'ly Spi ri t. To the One without beg.inning, to the gener- ation, and to the procession: - I adore the Father [,.lho generated; I glorify the Son l,.lho was generated, and I praise the Holy Spirit l^lho shone forth together with the Father and the Son.

Now and forever. Amen.

Bo ho rodyc he n (Kako ot sos-tsu) How do you make mi'lk flow from your breast, 0 Virgin? How is it that you nourish the Nour- isher of creation? The One t,lho made water flow forth from a rock knows the ve'ins of water for the thi rsty peop'le , as i s wri tten. Deacon: Let us be attentive! Priest, Pegce be + tO Oll 0f ygg! Deacon: lJisdom! Let us be attentive!

Prokimen - Tone 6 (Ps. 27 :l-)


Reader: To You shall I cry out,0 Lord, my God; do not turn silent against me.


Deacon.- t,li sdom !

Reader : A read'i ng from St . Paul 's Fi rst Epi st'le to the Thessai oni ans -

'-xl-=xl-xt-'3t-==l t:n-)il-:=al-xt:tt:t

162. Deacan: Let us be attentive!

Ep'istl e Readi ng (7 Thessal-onians 4 :13-77 ) Reader: Brethren, i do not vvant you to mjs- understand about the dead, I est you gri eve as the others do who have no ho pe. For i f we be- beljeve that Jesus djed and rose, so too will God bring those along with Jesus who died in him. lrle say thi s to you as the Lord's word, that we the living who survive until the Lord's coming w'i 1l have no precedence over those who died. For at the summons, at the voice of the archange'l , at the sound of God's trumPet, when the Lord comes down from heaven, the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we the living who survive wi'l I be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air" And so, we wi I I be wi th the Lord forever. pnesr' PeCCe be + tO yOU, the feodef , Deacon: l^lisdom! Let us be attentive!

Alleluia Verses - Tone 6 (Ps. 64:4)


Reader: Blessed is he whom You chose and took to Yoursel f, 0 Lord .


Prel ude to Gospel Read'ing Deacon: l,lisdom! Stand aright! Let us listen to the holy gospel.

Priest, PeOCe be + t0 0l I 0f yOU !

ALL: AND TO YOUR SPIRIT. priesr". I reoding from the holy gospel occording to St, John, ALL: GL0RY BE T0 YOU, 0 L0RD, GLORY BE T0 YOU.

163 . Deacon: Let us be attentive! j"**#*t#

priest' The Lord soid to the Jews t^tho ccme t0 him: "Amen., urnen I soy to you, he who hears my words ond bel ieves in him who sent me hcs eternol life ond will not come to judgment but but wi I i poss from deoth to I ife, Amen, omen I soy to you, the time is coming ond is not,l here, when the deod wi I I hear the voice 0f the Son of God, ond those who heor it will live, Just 0s the Fcther hos life in himself, so he hos given the Son t0 hove tife in him- self , And he hos given him the pobJer t0 judge beccuse he is the Son of lvlon, Do not wonder obout this for the hour is coming when oll those in the groves wi tr I hear the voice of the Son of God., ond those who did good will rise t0 life, ond those who did evil will rise to condemnoti0n, 0f rnyself I con do nothing, As I heor, s0 I judge, ond my judgment is just, For I do not seek my will but the l^lill of him who sent nle,"


Ekteni a

Deacon: Have rngrcy on us, 0 God, and i n the greatness of Your nerclt, hear r.Js , uie pray You, and have mercy. ALL: LORD" HAVE MERcy. ( 3)

Ieacon:. l,Ce pray for the repose of the soul(s) of the ser- vant(s) of God, NN, who have fal'len as 1 eep , and for the te=3rl=:=lt-9lt-xt-)t t€-tt-)ilC==il-Xt:tt-i

164 . forg'iveness af all his (her, their) sins both voiuntary and i nvol untary.


Deacon: That the Lord God may give his {her, the'ir) soul(s) a place where all the saints repose.


Dearon: Let us ask our immortal k'ing and our God f,or the mercy of God, for the kingdom of heaven, and for the for- g'iveness of his (her, their) sins "


Deason: Let us pray to the Lor^d.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. P]"ayer for the Deceased- priesr"- (ouierly) 0 God 0f spiritS ond Al I f iesh, You hove conquered death, mode the devil power- less cnd given Iife to Your world. llow You, 0 Lord, to the soul(s) of Your servont(s), NN, who hus (hsve) follen osleep in deoth., Ur'oflt rest in a plaee 0f light, 0r 00sis of delight CInd 0 huven 0f Becce, from which poin, trouble cnd grief hove fled, As the good ond benevolent God, forgive every sin 0f thought word or deed he (she, they) mcy hnve committed, There is n0 one ytho Iives ond does not sinr for You olCIne ore ylithout sin. Your justice is eternul justiee!

165 Excl amation

priest: (ALoud) FOf YOU, 0 ChfiSt guf GOd, Ofe the resurrectiOn, the lifc Ond the rep0se of Your servont(s), NN, llho hos (have) foilen 0sleepj cnd to You we render glory together with Your eternol Father ond Your most holy, g00d ond lifeqiving Spirit, now and forever,


AlL the prl-ests in attendance are to do the same. It shoul-d be noted, mareovet, that whiLe the deacon is saging the invocations, the above Pragex for the Deceased is to be said siLentlg bg each priegt but the excLamation: For You, 0 Christ... r.s to be said al-oucl . Now the principaT priest or bishop sags the above men- tianed prager: 0 God of spirits. ..aloud.

Bi ddi nq Farewel I

As the faithful- come to kiss the cross and bid fareweJJ, the fall-owing Stihkeras are sung in the Second Podaben Tone :.n the pattern: When You were taken down from the tree.

Sti kheras - Podoben Tone 2 va) (Pregdite)

Come, brethren, 1et us bid farewell to the departed giving thanks to God, for he (she, they) has (have) left his (her, their) family and is (are) press'ing toward the grave, no 'longer concerned about worldly vanities or the profound feel'ings of the fl esh. Where now are relations and friends? Behold, we are part- ing. Let us pray for the Lord to grant him ( her, them) rest. (Rtse tg nqni) Tell us now, 0 brother (sister) where are you going from us, so silent, without a word. Come back and conso'!e your grieving fathen and mother; comfort your friends. l--lle:::>lt-xl-xl-X t{==:=tt-:=tt:tt-Xt(-[-X

166 . Look at the cry'ing and the tears be'ing shed for you. But where now are relatives and friends? Beho'ld , we are part'i ng . Trui y a'l 1 thi ngs human are vai n. (Az ka Hospodu)

I go to the Lord God, my judge, to stand before the tribunal and account for my deeds. And so, I plead with al1 of you to imp'lore the Savior to be merciful with me on Judgement Day. Behold, we are parting. Truly a1i things human are vai n. (Vsi tilesnigi) All bodily organs, which shortly before were actjve, now seem vojd, all inactive, dead, and unfee'ling. The eyes are sunken, the feet st'iff, the hands motion'less, and both the ears and tongue are sea'led in silence as they are be'ing committed to the grave. Truly a'll things human are vain.

(Yehda dusha)

When the soul is sharp'ly pulled away from the body by the dreadsome angels, it forgets relations and friends and is concerned about its stance before the tribunal, about its re- lease from vanities and deep feelings of the flesh. So then, as we implore the iudge, let us beseech the Lord to grant forg'iveness for whatever it has comm'itted. (Yakov zhgvot) tJhat really is our iife? It is a flower' a vapor and morning dew. Come, then, and clearly we shall see where the body's beauty is, where the youthful ness, the eyes and the form of the flesh are. All has shriveled l'ike grass' all has faded away. Come, let us fall down be- fore Christ in tears. (Koge razJuchenige) 0 thi s part'in9, brethren ! t'Jhat weepi ng ! What lamentjng at *uhis moment! Come, then, r-tc:::=n-xt-xt-x tc::=:>rt-aoc==:=rt-xt€t=l

t67 . bid farewell to hjm (frer) who a while ago vvas with us. He (she) is bejng committed to a tomb covered with a stone. He (she) is settl'ing into darkness, being buried wi lh the dead. He (she) is leaving his (her) relations and friends now. Let us pray to the Lord to give him (her) rest. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spi ri t.

Tone 6 (Zrgasche mga)

As you behold me mute and lifeless, shed a tear for me, my brothers and friends, my rela- tions and acquaintances. Just yesterday I was conversing with you and then unexpected'ly the solemn moment of death overcame me. Come, then, al I of you who I ove me and say goodbye w'ith a farewell kjss, for no longer wi1'l I walk with you or talk with you. I am going to the impar- tial judEe, before llhom slave and master stand together, before lnlhom the k'ing and soldier, the rich and poor man are equa1. Each will be praised or shamed for his own deeds. And so, I beseech and implore al1 of you to pray without ceas'ing to Christ our God that I may not be committed to the place of torment for my sins but that He may accord me a p'lace where the l'ight of I i fe abi des.

Now and forever. Amen.

Bohorod.ychen - Same Tone ( Spasai ) 0 Birthgiver of God, Mother of the never- setting Sun, save those who hope in you. By your intercession, we beseech you, implore the good God to give rest to the departed servant(s) in the place where the souls of the just find rest. Make him (her, them) an heir(s) of the sacred good things 'in the abodes of the just, 0 all-immaculate Lady, for memory everlasting. it ALL: Holy God, ho'ly Mi ghty One , hl oy Immortal One, have mercy on us. (3) lJ l-xt€=:=ll-xt-xl-ll r:[€:-ttc=::::>tt€xt(Frt-x

168 . G'lory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. 0 Trinity most ho1y, have mercy on us; cleanse, 0 l-ordo of our sins; 0 Master, pardon our transgressions. Consider our weaknesses and heal them, 0 Holy One, for the glory of Your name. Lord, have mercy. (3) Giory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. Cur Father, blho art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy wiil be done on earth as it is in heaven" Gjve us this day our daily bread and forive us our debts as v'le forgive our debtons. And lead us not i nto tempta+-'ion but del i ver us from the evi j one .

txcl amati on

Priest: F0f YOUfS is the kingdom ond the power cind the 9lory of the Fother ond the Son ond the Holy Spinit, nOhl Ond forever,

Al-L : AMEN " Tropar - Tone 4 (So dukhg) !.lith the iust spirits who have died' Savior, give rest to the soul (s) of Your servant{i), ano preserve him (her, them) for Your" h'lessed l'ife, 0 Lord benevol ent. (v pokogischg)

In Your place of rest, 0 Lord, where all Your holy ones repose, give rest to the soul(s) of Your servant(s), NN, for You alone are the Lord benevolent. G'lory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy SPirit. tc==il-=)il€rt-xl-ll r

169. (Tg gesg Boh)

You are God lnJho descended to the abode of the dead and freeti the imprisoned from their restraints. And so, to the soul of your servant(s) NN, give rest.

Bo ho rodyc he n (Yedgna chgstaga)

0 Vi rgi n , a'lone pure and unspotted, who gave birth to God without seed, pray for the salvation of his (her, their) soul(i).

tkteni a

Deacon.. Have mercy on us , 0 God, and 'in the greatness of Your nercy, hear us, \4e pray You, and have mercy. ALL: L0RD, HAVE MERCY. (3)

Deacon: We pray for the repose of the soul(s) of the ser- vant(s) of God, NN, who have fallen asleep, and for the forgiveness of ail his (her, their) sins both voluntary and i nvo'luntary.


Deacon: That the Lord God may give his (her, their) soul (s) a place where all the saints repose.


Deacon: Let us ask our immortal king and our God for the mercy of God, for the k'ingdom of heaven, and for the for- gi veness of hi s ( her, their) siirs.

ALL: GRANT THIS, O LORD. Deacon: Let us pray to the-Lord.


Prayer for the Deceased (Bozhe dukhov) priest: (Atoud) 0 God of spirits ond olI flesh, te==lt-=lt-3at-xl-=:tl r:{re=tE=::=tt-xt€n-rt

170. You hcve conquered deoth, mode the devil power- iess ond given I ife to Your vtorld, l,lot^t You, 0 Lord, t0 the soul ( s) of Your servant( s)., NN, ttho nos (hcve) follen osleep in deoth, groni rest in c plcce of light, cil oosis 0f delight ond c hoven of peoce, from i,ihich poin, trouble ond grief hove fled, As the qood ond benevolent God, forgive every sin of thought word 0r deed he (she, they) moy hove committed, There is n0 one i^rho I ives cnd does not sin, f or You oione 0re without sin, Your justice is eternol justice oncl Your vlord is truth,

Excl amat'ion priest: (At-oudt For YOu,0 Christ Our God, Ore the resurrection, the life ond the repose of Your servont(s), NN, who hos (hove) follen osleep; ond to You we render glory together with Your eternol Fother ond Your most holy, good ond lifegiving Spirit, notnt ond forever,

ALL: AMEN. Conclusion

Deacon: Wi sdom !


17r. Di smi ssal prlesr, ChriSt our trUe 6Od" (l4hO fose ffOm the dead) l,lho hos power over the l iving and the deco, will hqve mercy 0n us ond sove us for He is the g00d and benevolent Lord, (He will scve us) through the intercession of llis most pure lvlother, the holy, glorious, 011-blessed 0p0stles, our veneroble fothers 0f the desert and ol I the soints, He will ploce the soul(s) of His servont(s), NN, who departed from us in the monsions of the just and give him (her,, them) rest in the bosom of Abrahqm and number him (her, them) omong the j ust,

nl r . AMEN.

Vi chnaya Pamyat' The the bishop or presiding priest intones:

Brs.hcrp or priest' GfOnt, 0 LOfd, tO YOUp evef t0 be remembered servont( s), NN, blessed sleep ond eternol rest, oild keep his (her, their) memory everlosting,

ALL: EVERLASTING MEMORY. EVERLASTING MEMORY. EVERLASTING MrMORY. GIVE HTI'I (HER, THEM) REST AMONG TrIE SAINTS, O CHRIST, AND EVERLASTING MEMORY. Vichnaya pamyat'. (3) Then the bishop, if he is participating, ot the ptiest, sags one of these Pragers of Absolutuion: Prayer of Absolutjon

Frjest: (Ai-oud) [tOy the LOfd JeSUS Chf iSt OUr GOd,

$-:}rl=i3r€t'€=:3ltGx t-=li1te-'||-|lil-xK===tt-x

772. l,Jho gave t0 His disciples, the opostles, the com- mond tc bind ond loose the sins of those who hcd follen - r^le in turn received from the spostles the orders t0 do the some - mcy He absolve + you, my spirituol child, from qll the sins you mOy hsve cOmmitted, V0iuntcry 0r involuntcry, in the present oge, notnt ond fcrever, Amen,

Al ternate Prayer of, Absoi uti on

0 merciful ond most grocious Lord Jesus Christ our God, l^lho become mon for our sake ond took the sins of the whole worid upon Yourseif, You gove the keys of the kingdom to the chief 0p0s* tie Peter ond the other cpostles os wel1, Throuqh Your groce You grCInted them full power t0 bind in heoven whotever they bound 0n earth, cnd to loose in heoven cllthot they loosed cn eurth, In Your ineffoble benevolence You olso deigned thot we, in 0ur miseny ond unworthiness, inherit the power over the octions of Your people to bind 0r I oose . And s0., by th i s cuthor i ty t^th i ch You give t0 Your priests i,ie believe thCIt You hcve given pordon and forgiveness to this, Your ser- vont, NN, who left us t0 gc to You in the hope ond belief of resurrection, Before his (her) deoth while still on earth he (she) expressed sorrot^t for sins ond confess- ed ond wos forgiven cnd obsolved, And we believe he (she) wos forgiven and obsoived by You in heoven, As o human being, however, if in any vloy he (she) did not sctisfy Your just sentence,

17 3. cnd is tempororily withheld from repose with the scints and not ollowed to behold the light of Your glorious eountenance, humbly beseech You 0s ','{c f{e commit his (hen) body t0 the grcve and spiri- tuclly ond physicolly bend our knees before the msjesty of You l^Jho reign 0ver the living ond the deod, l^Jho iead t0 Hodes ond out of it, ond lle fervently proy: Heed the prcyer of us, Your unworthy servonts, Becouse of Your possion ond the copious shedding of Your blood cnd becouse of Your iifegiving deoth, buriol ond saving resur- rection 0n the third day by which You soved rJS f rom slovery to the enei"ny, grcnt ful l forgiveness for the voluntory ond involuntcry sins he (she) moy hove committed while in the flesh by word, deed 0r thought and which moy hove been uncon- fessed becouse of their greot number or becouse of forgetfulness, Free him (her)fran any guilt 0r punishment due for the sins, Gront his (her) soul rest in 0 ploce of I ight, 0n oasis of de- I ight, ond 0 hoven of peoce, from which poin, trouble ond grief hove fled, And s0, we once ogoin beseech You, 0 Lord our God, ond Your eternol Fother ond I ifegiving Spirit: Do not let Your creoture become 0 soc- rifice of destruction; let his (her) bodv be committed t0 the eorth t0 crumble into whot it ccme f rorn occording t0 Your word: You ore eorth cnd shol I return to the eorth, n As the Iovinq Lord plsce his (her) soul gv ltt{ in the dwel I ings of the holv ones to cbide in lJ *ffin=Xl-xt-xt-x tc===>re=:=tr(:::>tt-tat€tel

174. Your heovenly monsions with the just until the time of the generol resurrecti0n, For You soid: "All thot the Fother will sive me shall come t0 me", ond "the one who comes t0 me I wiil not turn 0t^t0y," "This is the will of the Father l^lho sent InB, thct tr should not lose onything of ol I thot He gove t0 me, but thot I roise it up 0n the lost dcy," cnd "the one who bel ieves in me hqs etern- cl life ond sholl not come t0 judgment but poss from deoth to iife," Exclamation For You cre the resurrection, the life ond the repose of those who rightly bei ieve in You ond p0ss 0n to You in the hope of rising t0 everlosting life, 0 Christ our God.; ond to You we render glory together with Your eternol Fother ond Your most holy, g00d and I ifegiving Spirit, now and forever, Amen, Then taking the remajns we ga to the grave, with the priests going ahead and the peaple foTTowing. Evergone sinqs: Ho]y God, holy Mighty One, ho]y Immortal One, have mercy on u The Committal Service

The remains are pJaced. in the grave. The bishop or priest takes some dirt on a spade an-d cast,s it crosswise over the remains saqing: Bishop or priest' The ecfth ond 0ll thct fills it ore the Lord's, 0s vlell 0s the world ond 011 who I ive in it, @s- 23:7) The rest of the oil in the cruet (urn) is poured ovet the remains, or the ashes ftom the cetser are emptied ouE. Thereafter, the grave is covered as usuaL and the Trapar l^Jith the souls... and the rest are sung. cf . pp"1-69 f f . t-llc-ll-Xlc===ll-ll tc-0-=tr(:=tr€:-tt€=:l:={l€l

175. Alternate Committal Service The 7926 edition of the Zhovkva Trebngk prescribes that the priest and faithfuf are to go ahead. of the coffin singing: Holy God .. " At the buriaL sjte the priest sprinkJes the grave and coffin with holg water, and then the coffin is Lowered. to the grave. He then takes some dirt on a spade and sprinkTes it over the coffin in the farm of a cross saging: The eorth ond ol I thot fills it ore the Lord's, os tntell os the world ond oi I who I ive in it,

He empties the ashes from tlte censer sagr_ng:

Eorth, dust ond oshes ore Vou, 0 mon, In occordonce with God's comrnond you ore being feturned to the eorth, Your memory be everlost ing,


V'ichnaya pamyat' .

The priest then sea-Zs the grave with a cross saging:

This srcve is seoled until the Second Coming 0f Christ, in the nome 0f the Fother, ond of the Son ond of the Holy Spirit, Amen, Tropar - Tone 8 (Zen7e zgnuvshe)

0pen wide, 0 earth, and take the body fashioned from you by the hand of God. The one born of you is bejng re- turned to you. The Creator has taken il what was in His image; you take the boCy, which is yours. IJ l€::=lte:tr-xt-xr-X t-)r-=il-=5'n-Xt-:tlr-i

176 The Gospel Readings for the Deceased In most Ukrainian Cathofic Churches it is the custom to read GospeJ pericopes during the burial services, speci- ficaTTg at the entrance of the church when the coffin is brought ta the vestibuJ-e and then again after the funeral_ services in church when the coffin is brought to the entrance of the church. There are aLso other occasions. Each time the pericope is to be read it shouTd be prefaced bg the foJTowing preJude:

priest, Thot We ntoy be deemed Worthy tO I isten t0 the holy Gospel, in peoce let us prcy to the Lord, ALL: L0RD, HAVE MERCY" (3) ptiest' Wisdom! Stond oright! Let us listen to the holy GOspeI, PEACE BE + TO ALL OF YOU!

ALL: AND TO YOUR SPIRIT. p*esr.'ff reoding from the holy GospeI according to St, NN.


1st Readi ng Crcn" s 'tFzal Let us be attentive! The Lord soid t0 the Jews who come to him: "[t1y Fother is 0t work until now and I too om 0t work," This is l^lhy the Jews tried oli the more to kill him, not only becouse he broke the Sobboth, but olso becouse he colled God his Fcther, thus moking himself equol to God, Jesus 0n- swered them ond soid: "Amen, omen I soy to you, the Son connot do onything of himself if he does not see the Fother doing it. For l€xtclFlt-xr-xt-r tc::==llc:]ll(-!t€ll(-ll:l

t77 . whctever he does., the Son olso does, The Fother loves the Son cnd shows him all thot he himself does, Greoter works thin these will he show him thot you moy be omozed, Just 0s the Fother roises the deod and gives life s0 olso does t-he Son qive life to whom he wishes, The Fother does not judge 0nV0n0.; he hos given oll judgment to the Son so thot ol I men mcy honor the Son 0s they honon the Fother, Anyone who does not honor the Son does not honor the Fother who sent him, Amen, omen I soy to you, he who heors my words ond bel ieves in him who sent me has eterncl life, ond will not come t0 j udgment but uri I I poss from decth to I ife.

2nd Readi ng tl ZrZZ I tlon" ' Let us be ottentive! At thot time., lulortho said to Jesus; "If you were here, Lord, my bro- ther would not hove died, But I know thot even now God will give you onything you osk of him," Jesus soid to her: "Your brother wiII rise," ivlortho soid to him: "l know he will rise 0t the resurrection on the lost doy," Jesus replied: "T om the resurrection ond the life, He who be- lieves in rne, though he should die, will live, Everyone who lives ond believes in me will never die, Do you bel ieve this?" She soid to him: "Yes, Lord, I bel ieve thot you ore the Christ, the Son of God, who is to come into the world,"

l-:-lt-tllc:=1l-xl-x tc::=5tt-ilc::ttt-xt:,3t-x

178 . 3rd Readj ng (John 5:35-39) Let us be attentive! The Lord soid t0 the Jews t^tho come t0 him: "l 0m the living brecd, He who comes to me need never hunger, He who believes in me need never thirst, Yet, I tell you., you hove seen me but stilI do not believe, All thot the Fother gives me will come t0 me, i wi I I not drive onyone owoy who comes t0 me, for I come down from heoven not t0 d0 my will but the t^till of my Fother who sent me, It is not the will of my Fother thot i lose onvthing of whot He gcve me/ but thot I raise it up 0n the Iost doy," 4th Reading (John 6:40-44) Let us be ottentive! The Lord soid to the Jews who come t0 him: "This is the will of the One who sent me, thot ol I who see the Son ond believe in him hove eternol life, ond I will roise them up 0n the lost doy," The Jews mur- muredogoinsthim becouse he s0id: "l om the breod thot comes down from heoven," Thot is why they qsked: "lsn't this Jesus, son of Joseph whose fother ond mother t^ie know? How then does he soy 'T come down from hecven?"' Jesus ons- wered them ond soid: "D0 not murmur CImong your- selves, No One con come to me unless the Fother who sent me drow him, And I wiil roise him up on the lost doy," tc-|ilc-il-xt:il-tl t:il-'3r--il-xl€{l€l

179. ,ffiffin, Let us be cttentive! The Lord soid t0 the Jews who ccme to him: "I om the breod of life, Your fothers ote monno in the desert ond died, This is the breod thot contes down from heoven, If onyone eots of it, he will not die, I om the Iiving breod thot hos come down from heoven, If onyone eots of this breod, he will live forever; the breod I give is my flesh, I give it for the life of the world," The Jews begon to quorrel 0m0ng themselves soying: "Hovv ccn he give us his flesh to eot?" Jesus said to them: "Amen, omen I soy t0 you, if you do not eot of the flesh of the Son of Mon ond drink of his blood, you do not hove life in you, He who eots my flesh ond drinks my blood hos eternol life, ond I will raise him up on the last doy," ,,**##jn,, Let us be ottentive! At thot time, Jesus ccrne t0 the city col led Noim occomponied by mony of his disciples ond o lorge crowd, As he neored the gote of the city, behold, there wos q deod mon being corried out, the only son of his mother, ond she wos o widot^t, A lorge crowd from the city occornponied her, When the Lord sol.t her, he ylcs moved with pity ond s0id to her: "Cry n0 more," He wqlked over ond touched the coffin, cnd the bearers stopped, He soid: "Young mon/ I soy t0 you, 'Arise!' The deod lc=:=3t-::=ll-xl-xl-X t->ile==ltFtr-xl-=il-'l

180. ntcn sct up cnd began to speok, Jesus gcve hint bock to his mother, Feor seized everyone, ond they gove glory to God soying 'A greot prophet has orisen 0m0ng us,' ond 'God hos visited his people,' ''#W' Let us be attentive! At thct time, in C0- pernoum there wos CI certcin r0y0l officiol whose son t^tos sick, When he heord Jesus hod come from Judeo t0 Golilee, he went to him ond begged him to come ond hesl his son, for he wos obout t0 die, Jesus soid to him: "Tf you do not see signs ond wonders, you wiII not believe." The royol officisl soid to him: "L0rd, come, before my chi ld dies," Jesus soid to him: "G0, your son wiII Iive," The mon beiieved the words Jesus said t0 him ond left, Just 0s he got bock, be- hold, his servonts met him and cnnounced t0 him: "Your son is glive," He osked them obout the time when he got better, They told him: "The fever left him yesterdoy obout the seventh hour," The fother reolized thot thot wos the time Jesus said to him: "Your son will live," He himself ond his whoie householcj bel ieved, This wqs the second sign Jesus performed ofter he come from Judeo to Golilee, Bttr _Bgqlllg (John 5:24'30) Let us be ottentive! The Lord said to the Jews who ccme to him: "Amefl, omen I soy 19 you.' r-xt-xr-xt:rr-x t-==rr-xtc===o-tn€t'€l

181 " he who heors my words and bel ieves in him who sent me has eternol life cnd will not come t0 judgment but will poss from death tO life, Amen, omen I soy to you, the time is coming, - it is noll here - when the deod will hecr the voice of the Son of God, ond those who heor it will live, Just 0s the Father has I ife in himself, so he hcs given the Son to hcve life in himself, And he hcs given him the power t0 pcss judgment be- couse he is the Son of lvlon, D0 not wonder obout this, for the hour is coming when oll those in the groves will hear the voice of the Son of God, ond those who did good will rise to life, ond those who did evil will rise to condemnotion. 0f myself I con do nothing, As I hecr, s0 I judge, and my judgment is just, for I do not seek my will but the will of him who sent me,,,

9th Readi ng. (Mark 8:34-38) Let us be ottentive! The Lord soid : ,,If CInyone wishes to follow me, let him deny him- self, toke up his cross and come sfter rne, He who wishes t0 scve his soul will lose it, but the one who loses his life for me ond for the gospel will sove it, hlhot benefit is it for 0 rnon to goin the whole world ond forfeit his life? 0r what will 0 mon give in exchonge for his life,? Anyone who is oshomed of me ond my words in this odulterous ond sinful generotion of him will the Son of man be oshomed when he comes in the glory of his Fother with his holy onqels," l->[-ttr-:=at-xt-]o-x

IB2. 74.

0rder for the Burial of the Dead during Paschal Week

The priest and his cLerics came to the place where the deceased is 7ging. He puts r:n his epitrakhil- and pheJon, jncenses the bodg and beg.itis in the usual- manner:

priest: Biessed be our God olwoys, nOW Ond forever,

ALL: AMEN. Trgp.gL*_19!1f (Khzg..;tcs voskrese) Priest' ChriSt hos risen frOm the deod trgmpi ing deoth by deoth, cnd I ife He restoreci to those in the tombs, ALL: Christ has risen from the dead trampling death by death and I i fe He restored to those 'in the tombs. priest, Christ hos risen from the deOd trCImpl ing

deoth by deoth, , , and I i fe ll,, restored to those i n the tombs.

Then the priest intones the usual- stichs - priest: (7st stich) Let God orise and His enemies be scotteredj let those who hote Him flee from before His foce, (Ps. 57:7) ALL: Christ has risen from the dead trampling death by death, and life He restored to those in the tombs. prjesr: (2nd stich) Let them Vonish jUSt 0S Smoke diS- oppe0rs, just 0s wox melts before f ire, (Ps.67:2)

ALL: Chri st has ri sen. . Priest: (3rd Stich) SO let sinners perish from before God's foce, but let the j ust be g I od , (Ps.67 :3) Christ has ri

183. Priest: (4th stich) This is the doy the Lord hos mode.; 1et us rejOice Ond be glod in it, (Ps. 1-77:24) ALL: Chri st has ri sen.

Priest: Giory be to the Father ond to the Son ond to the Holy Spirit,

ALL: Chri st has ri sen. . .

Priest' NOW Ond fOfevef. Amen,

ALL: Chri st has ri sen. . . priest' Christ hos risen from the deod trompl ing deoth by deoth , ond I ife He restored to thcse in the tonbs, ALL: Chrfst has risen from the dead trampling death by death, and 'life He restored to those in the tombs. priesr' Christ hos risen from the deod trompling

decth by deoth, , , ALL: .....and fife He restored to those in the tombs. As this Ttopar is being sungt the priest sptinkTes the bodg of the deeeased with hoTg water. He also sprinkTes the jrrside and outside of the coffin, and then fhe bodg. is placed in it. After this the deacon intones the ektenia:

Ekteni a

Deacon: 0nce agai n 'let us pray to the .Lord i n peace.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. (once) Deaconr l.le pray for the repose of the soul of the servant(s) ofGod, NN, who has (have) fatlen asleep, and for the for-

184. Deacon: That the Lord God may give his (her, their) soul(s) a pl ace where al'l ihe sai nts repose.


Deacon: Let us ask our immortal king and our God for the mercy of God, for the kingdom of heaven, and for the for- g'iveness of hi s (her, the'ir) si ns.

ALL: GRANT THIS,0 LORD. Deagon: Let us pray to the-Lord.


Prayer for the Deceased (Bozhe dukhov) Priest: (Afaud) 0 God of spirits ond oil flesh, You hove conguered deoth, mode the devil power- less and given life to Your worid, llow You, 0 Lord, to the soul(s) of Your servont(s), NN, r,{ho hos (hove) fol ien 0sleep in death, gront rest in 0 ploce 0f liqht., 0r ocsis 0f deiight ond 0 hoven 0f peoce, from which poin, trouble ond grief hove fled, As the good cnd benevolent God, forgive every sin 0f thought vlord 0r deed he (she, they) moy hove committed, There is n0 one t^tho lives ond does not sin, for You oione ore t^lithOut sin, Your justice is eternql justice

ond Your v{ord i s truth , priest: (AJ,oud) FOf YOu, 0 Chf i st 0uf G'Od, 01 8 the resurrection, the life ond the repose of Your servont, NN, who hos follen osleepj ond to You vle render Elory together llith Your eternol F0- ther ond Your most hoiy, good ond I ifegiving Spirit, not^t ond forever, r_llEXt-ltc-xt€lt:l

185. After the Excfantation :

(Voskresenige Khrgstovo) ALL: Having witnessed Christ's resurrection, 'let us worship the ho'ly Lord Jesus Chrjst, Who alone is without sin. l^le adore your cross, 0 Christ, and sing and glorify Your holy resurrection. you are our God, and apart from you we know no other, and we call upon Your narne. Come, all you faithful, let us worshi p Chri st's ho'ly resurrection, for, behol d, joy has come to all the world through the cross. Continually as we bless the Lord, we sing His re* surrection, for He suffered the crucifixion and by death destroyed death.

The bodg of the deceased js then taken to the church. The priests, deacons and cLerics go ahead. of the coffin; the Taitg foLTow. As theg proceed, the cLerics and choir sing: Christ has riSen: After theg come into the church, theg begin singing the EasXer Kanon as prescribed in Tone 7.

Al ter"nate Procedure

The Easter Kanan, as .presc-ribed, nag be sung as the procession to the church begins. fhe Kanon can then be ccm- pleted in the church after Xhe bodg is brought in. The priests incense the remains as is customarg.


Fi rst Ode

I rrno s (Voskresenige den') It is the day of resurrectio n! People, let us robe ou rse'l ves in brightness! It is the Pasch, the Lord's Pasch, for Christ our God has led us out of death to life, from earth to heaven, as we sing the tri umphant hymn:

RIFRAIN: CHRIST HAS RISEN FROM THE DEAD. t€-tt<-il-fi-xr-x te==tt€=-tr:il-xt:tt-t

186. (ochgstgm chuvstviga)

Let us purify our senses and we shall see Christ flashjng forth in the'ineffable bri I I i ance of the resurrection. We shal I clearly hear Him say: "Rejoice!" as we s'ing the tri umphant hymn:


(Nebesa ubo)

Fittingiy 1et the heavens rejoice! Let the earth exult! Let the whole world cele- brate, vis'ible and invisib'le, for Christ, our everlasting joy, has risen!

Thi rd Ode

I rmos (preiaG) Come, let us drink a new drink, not one that came wondrousl y from sterile rock, but one from the fount- ai n of i ncorruption that gushes from the tomb o f Chri st i n I^lhom we fi nd our strength.


A1 'l thi ngs i n heaven and earth and under the earth are novl filled with light. Let creation celebrate the resurrection of Christ in [.ihom it finds its strength.


(Vchera) Yesterday, 0 Christ, I was buried with You; today I rise with You in Your resurrection. So glorify me with You in Your kingdom,0 Savior.


187. Ekteni a

Deacon.- Once agai n let us pra'r, to the Lord i n peace.


Deacon-' l^Je pray for.the reoose of the sou'l of the servant(s) of God, lll'1, who has (have) tailen asleep, and for the for- g'iveness of al I h j s (her, the i r) si ns, both vol uniary and i nvol untary.

I . ^l L0P.D, HAVE 14ERCY. (once)

Deacon; That the Lord God may give h'is (her, their) soul (s) a place urhere all the saints repose.

ALL: L0RD, HAVt ltlERCY. (opce)

Deacon' Let us ask ourimrnortal k'ing and our God for the mercy of God, for the kingdom of heaven, and for the for- gi veness cf hi s ( her, thei r) si ns.

Ar I . GRANT THIS, O LORD. Deaccn: Let us pray to the Lord.


Prayer for the Deceased (Bozhe dukhav)

Priest: (At-oud) 0 GOd 0f Spi f itS Ond 0l I f leSh, You hove conquered decth, mode the devil power- l ess and g iven I if e to Your i,Jori d, liow you, 0 Lord, to the soul(s) of Your servont(s), NN, viho hcs (hcve) fol len 0s1eep in deoth, gront rest in 0 place 0f light, 0n 00sis 0f delight cnd c hoven of pecce, from which p0irl, trouble ond grief hove fied, As the good cnd benevolent God, f orgive every sin of thought hJord or deed he (she, they) moV hove committed, There is n0 cne u{ho i ives cnd does not sin, f or You oione !=lt€Xt-xl-xt-X l-=>llG-tt€:=:=tl-Xt:ll-l

iB8 Ore h{ithout sin, your justice is eternol justice ond Your word is truth, priest: (Aroud,t FOf YOU,0 ChfiSt 0Uf GrOCJ,0fe the resurrection, the life cnd the repose of your servCInt, NN, t,lho hos fql jen csleep.; cnd t0 you vle render glory together with your eternol Fo_ ther and Your most hoiy, good ond I ifegiving Spirit, now cnd forever,


Hypegoe - Tone 4 (Predvargvshige utro)

The women who accompan'ied Mary arrived before dawn and found the stone ro'l1ed away from the tomb. They heard the ange'l say: "Why do you seek among the dead the One, as though He 'vrere mere man, }iho abides in everlasting light? Look at His buria'l wrappings. Hasten to tell the world that the Lord has risen and that He put death to death, for He is the Son of God Who saves mankind.

Fourth Ode

I rmos (Na bozheTfr&nig strazhi) Duri ng the sacred watch, may Hab- bacuc, who spoke of God, stand with us and poi nt to the respl endent angel who openl y decl ares : "Sa'lvati on has come to the world to day, for Christ has risen in all His might!"


(Muzheskig ubo)

Christ came as a male who was to open a virginal womb; as man He was called "Lamb" and t(===>ilt:xt-lt-xl-ll-l

189 " "spotless" because He was without blemish. As true God He is cal]ed our "Pasch" and "perfect".


Chri st, our bl essed crown, our ci eansi ng Pasch, clearly sacrificed Himself for all as a year'li ng 1amb. And then, as the bright Sun of Justjce, He shone forth again from the tomb for us.



God 's ancestor, Davi d , 1 eapt and danced before the prefiguring ark. 0 holy people of God, we see the fulfillment of what was pre- figured, so let us be glad that Christ has risen in all Hjs might.

Fi fth Ode

Irmos lutrif,usen) Let us rise early'i n the morning and bring the Master a song of praise in stead of myrrh, and we shall behold Christ, the Sun of Justice, shining forth wi th I i fe for al I .


When those who were hel d cha'ined i n Hades saw Your boundless mercy, 0 Christ, they approached the light with happy feet REFRAiN,":;l;':"il:'-::':':fiT:'J;:^ il i il_l' i-::=il:lr€rrG!::-rr-'l tc::-rt:il€rx-tt:lt:{

190 . (Prgstupim)

0 torchbearers, 1et us come to Christ, hlho like a bridegroom, comes forth from the tomb. Together let us ce'lebrate God's saving Pasch with festive rites.

Si xth Ode

I rmos (Sngsnel gesgl

You went down to the I owest regi ons of the earth, 0 Chri st, and broke the everlasting bars that held the captives i n. 0n the thi rd day, 1 i ke Jonah from the whal e, You rose from the tomb.



When You rose from the tomb, 0 Christ, You kept the seal s i n tact; at Your b'irth, as well, You di d not di sturb the vi rgi na'l keys. And so, You opened the doors of heaven for us.


0 my Savior, living and indestructible Victim, as God You freely offered Yourse'lf to the Father. And when You rose from the tomb, You also raised Adam, the father of manki nd .

Ekteni a Deacort, 0nce again in peace let us pray to the l-ord.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY . (once) il cf. pp. 788 ff. with single Lord, have mercy. ilic-lr:c-xr-xr€r rc==-n-xr=-o€tt=t el

191. Kondak - Tone 8 (So sviatgmg upokoi) To the soul of vi:ur servant give rest, 0 Christ, where there is no pain, no sorrow, no grief, only life unending.

I kos (san-,1;6n ges!)

You alone are immortal Who created and fashioned man, while we the earthbound who were made of the earth shall return to that same earth according to your com- mand. When You made me, You declared: you are earth and unto earth You shall return. That is the place to which all we mortals shall go singing the graveside hymn: Al'leluia. priest: Fof yOU, OUf GOd, ofe hOly, ond We fendef glory to You, the Fother, the Son ond the Holy Spirit, not^t ond forever, ALL: AMEN. In Place of Trisagion



Deacon.- Let us be attentive! Priest, PeflCe be to oll of you!

Deacon: l,Ji sdom! Let us be attentive!

Pro ki men

cf. Prokimen appointed for the daq.

Deacon, [,^Ji sdom ! tc::=rt:tt-il-xr:ll€l

t92. Reader: A reading from the Acts of the Apostles. Deacon; Let us be attentive!

Reader: In those duyt. Reading appointed. for dag.

Wednesday of Bright l'Jeek

Prokimen - Tone 4 @


Reader : Li sten , daughter and I ook, and i ncl i ne your ear.


Epj stl e (Acts 2:22-38)

Deacon: Wi sdom !

Reader: A reading from the Acts of the Apost'les. Deacon: Let us be attentive! Reader: In those days, Peter said to the peopl e: "Men of Israel , l i sten to these words. Jesus the Nazorean was a man attested by God before you wj th mi racl es , prodi gi es and si gns whi ch God worked through hjm i n your mi dst as you yourselves know" You took him, who was de- livered up according to God's set purpose and foreknowledge, and killed him, c!ucify'i ng him by the hands of wicked men. But God raised him up, freeing him from the pangs of death, for it was impossible for him to rema'i n in its power. David said of him: 'I a'lways saw the Lord be- fore me; He is at my right lest I be shaken. And so, my heart rejoi ced, and my tongue exul ted Even my flesh wjll abide jn hope. You will not abandon my soul to Hades or let Your holy ones see corrupti on. You poi nted out the ways o f I i fe to me; Your countenance will fi'l I me with glad- l(331t€ll-xtc:tll-x tc:=>tt(:])tr<:=t|-xl€lt

i 93. ness. it is appropriate, men, my brethren, to talk p'l ainly to you about the death and burial of patriarch David. His tomb is still with us to this day. He was a ;irophet, and he knew that God swore an oath to raise up the Christ, the fruit of his loins according to the flesh, and !9t him upon his (Davjd's) throne. He prophesied Chri st's resurrection say'i ng he woul d not be abandoned to Hades and that his flesh would not s99 corruption. God raised ihis Jesus up, and all of us are his w'i tnesses. Exalted by the ri ght hand of God he received the Ho"ly Spirit promised by the Father and poured it out. This is what you now see and hear. It wds not David who went up to heaven, for he himself says: 'The Lord said to my lord: Sjt at my right hand until i make your enemies a footstoo'l foi your feet.' AnC so, let all the house of Israel understand that God made thi s Jesus, whom you cruci fied, both his lord and anointed."

Alleluia Verses - Tone 2 (Luke 1-:46, 47-48) ALL: ALLELUiA. (3)

Reader: My soul extol s the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God, my sav'ior. ALL: ALLELUIA. (3)

Reader: For He looked with favor upon His 'low1y handmaid; from this day a1i generations wijl call me blessed. ALLELUIA. (3)

Gospel Reading pr:est' !/isdom! Stond oright! Let us Iisten to the holy gospel, Peoce be + to oll of you!

ALL: AND TO YOUR SPIRIT. Deacon: A reading from the holy gospe'l according to St. Matthew.

ALL: GLORY BE TO YOU, O LORD, GLORY BE TO YOU. l€:=-lt€==ll-xl-xt-X t€=:=ttc:-il=tt€tt-ll-X

194 . (rut#;s:16-2a) Deacan; flt thct time, the eleven discipleS went t0 the mountoin in Gclilee to which Jesus directed them, 0n seeing him, they worshiped him, though some doubted, Jesus come necr ond soid: "All power in heoven and eorth hos been given t0 me, G0, therefore, teoch oll notions, and boptize them into the ncme of the Fother nnd of the Son ond 0f the H0ly spirit, Teoch theni to clbserve oll thot i commcnded you, Behold, I om with you oll days t0 the end of the 09e," Amen,


(Voskresenige Khrg stovo )

Having witnessed Christ's resurrection, let us worsh"ip the holy Lord Jesus , t,'lho alone i s without si n. hJe adore Your cross,0 Christ, and sing and glorify Your holy resurreetion" You are our God, and apart from You we knsw no other, and we cal 1 upon Your narne. Come, all you faithful, 1et us worship Christ's holy resurrec- tion, for, behold, joy has come to all the world through the cross" Continually as we bless the Lord we sing His resurrect'ion, for He suffered crucifixion and by death destroyed death. As He foretold, Christ has risen from the tomb, and granted everlasting life and great love to us.

Seventh Ode

I rmos (otroltr-xr-xt-'l-)t r€E>nGEltr:rr-xt{Flt€l

195 . cl othes mortal i ty wi th beauti fui im- mortal i ty. He ai one i s bl essed and glorious, the God of our fathers.


(Zheng so mgrq)

The godly-minded women who were hasten- 'ing to You with myrrh and were tearfu'l1y searchjng for You as for a mortal, happily worshiped the'living God,0 Christ, and announced the myst'ica1 Pasch to Your disciples.


(Smertq prazdnugem)

We celebrate the death of death, the harrow'ing of Hades and the start of a new life of eternity. We ioyfully sing the prafse of the alone blessed and glorious God of our fathers t,Jho brought it about.

REFRAIN: CHRIST HAS RiSEN FROM THE DEAD. (Yako vo istgnu) Indeed, this is the holY, the most festive and saving n'ight, the bright har- binger of the glorious day of resurrect'ion, 'for-in it the Timeless L'ight came forth in the flesh from the tomb for all.

Ei ghth Ode

Irmos (seg- naGchennig) Ihis 'i s the wondrous and the ho'ly day, the first of the week. It i s the ki ng, the I ord, the feast of X feasts,TgdsL>r theLllg celebrationLctsul qervri ofvr celebra- I tions. 0n it let us praise Christ ll forever. I [| I N REFRAIN: CHRIST HAS RISEN FROM THE DEAD I ur-*--rr-xr-xl:t r€n-lo€o€lt:lr-l _,

i96. (Pregdite)

Come, let us partake on this solemn day of resurrection of the new crop from the vineyard, the sacred joy of Christ's kingdom, and let us sing praise of Hirn as God forever.



L'ift your eyes,0 Sion, and look about. Behold, your children, like holy f i ghts agl eami ng, have come from the west and the north, from the sea and from the east, blessing Christ in you forever.

The Trinilarian Hymn - Troichen (Otche vsederzhgteTgu)'

Al I -soverei gn Fathen, l,Jord and Spirit, thnee Persons one in nature, supernatural and supremely divine, we were baptized into You, and we bless You fo rever .

Ni nth Ode

Prel ude (anneTT6f,fiashe)

The ange'l cried out to the favored Lady: "Rejoice, 0 pure Virgin! Antl again I say: Rejoice! 0n the third day Your Son arose from the tomb abd rajsed the dead!" 0 peop'le , re jo j ce.

I rmos tsvit,ltial Shine, shine, 0 new Jerusalem, for the glory of the Lord has come upon yout Celebrate and rejojce, 0 Sjon. And You, 0 chaste Mother of God, exult j n the re- birth of your Son. REFRAIN: CHRIST HAS RISEN FROM THE DEAD. k:-il:rr{===rt-xr-x tc=}c-tttc:=:'o{-t t=*e4

t97. (a bozhestvennaho)

How sacred, how loving, how sweet the words of Your voice, J Christ, with which You promi sed wi thout dece'it to stay wi th us to the end of the age. Firm in this hope we faj thful rejoi ce .


(O Paskha)

0 Christ, our great and sacred Pasch! 0 wisdom, 0 word and power of God! Allow us to share with greater intimacy the never- darkened dayl .i ght of Your ki ngdom.

REFRAIN: CHRIST HAS RiSEN FROM THT DEAD. Exapostilarion - Svitylen (Plotigu) In Your flesh, 0 king and Lord, You slumbered as though dead. Then, on the thi rd day You rose, 1 i fti ng Adam from corrupti on and destroyi ng death, 0 Pasch of incorruption, Sal- vation of the world ! (sung twice) Resurrectional Tropars

Blessed are You, 0 Lord, teach me Your statutes.

(AnheTskig sobor)

The angelic choir lvas awe-struck when it saw You counted among the dead, 0 Sav - ior, and that You destroyed the power of death, raised Adam with You and freed al I from Hades. Bl essed are You, 0 Lord, teach me Your statutes.

(Pochto mgra)

0 holy women disciples, why are you mr'ngling tears of grief with myrrh. The


198. radiant angel in the tomb announced to the myrrh*bearjng women: "Look into the tomb and realize that the Savior has risen from the tomb! "

Blessed are You, 0 Lord, teach me Your statutes.

(Zi7o rano)

The myrrh -bearing women sobbing liastened very early to Your tomb, but an angel stood before them and said: "The t'ime for mourni ng has passed. Stop your weepi ng and liri ng the good news to the aposti es. ! "

Blessed are You, 0 Lord, teach me Your statutes.


In grief the myrrh-bearing women came to Your tonrb, 0 Savior. Addressing them t.he angel said: "Why are you seeking the living among the dead? For as God He has risen from the tomb." Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the llo'ly Spi ri t . (Pokloninsia)

I et us bow down i n worsh'ip to the Father and Hi s Son and the Hol y Sp'iri t , the Holy Trinity, one in substance;'let and together wi th the Seraphim us cry out : "Ho'ly, ho1y, hoiy are You, 0 Lord!"

Now and forever. Anien. (Zhqznodavtsa)

0n giving birth to the Lifegiver, 0 V'irgin, you deljvered Adam from sin and Eve place woe. The brought ioy to in of 'led God-man l^lho was enfleshed from you those to him who forfeited life. Alleluiao alleluia, a.llelu'ia. Glory be to You, 0 God" (3)

199 " The Faschal St'ikheras

Reader Let God arise and lljs enemies be scattered, and let those who hate Him fler from before His face. (ps.57:7)

(raskha svi aschennag a) Today the sacred Pasch has arrived for us, a new and holy Pasch, a mystical Pasch, a most august Pasch, the Pasch whjch is Christ the Redeemer, the spotless Pasch, the Ereat Pasch, the Pasch of the fa'ithfu'l , the Pasch which opened the gates of paradise for us, the Pasch that sanctifies all the faithful. Reader: As smoke disappears, so let them disappear. (ps.67:2) (Pregdite ot vgdiniga)

0 women, You who bear good news, come away from your vision and say to Sion: "Re- ce'ive the glad tidings of Chnist's resurrec- tion from us. Adorn younself, Jerusalem, and dance for joy. Be 91ad, for you have seen Christ the King com"ing forth from the tomb i| as a bri degroori. " il g Reader: So iet s'inners perish from before God's face; and [| the ri ghteous , 1 et them rejoi ce. fPs .67 :3) (Msronosstsi) fiU ll In the depth of monn the myrrh-bearing women came X to the tomb of the Lifegiver and I found an angel on a stone. He n sitting announc- | ed to them and said: "Why are you seeking the ll I among dead? l^lhy you * 1iv'ing the are mourning i i bl One a*oilg corrupt? G6 f| the icorruiti e the , I and tel I thi s to the apost'les. " lt I Reader: This the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice || is I and be glad in it. (Ps. 777:24) [ I (Paskha krasnasa) fr I Pasch, * A beautiful Pasch, the Lord's a I Pasch, the most august Pasch, has dawned for us gfi I i-::3tt-=*n€==at€3!€H tc::>c-=tt-n-xt:ll:l

200. It is the Pasch. Let us joyfuiiy embrace one another. 0 Pasch, 0 de'liverance from distress! Chri st came forth from the tomb today as from a brjdal chamber and gladdened the women when He said: "Carry the news to the apostles!" Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and fcrever. Amen.

Tone 5 (voEt

It is the day of resurrection! Let us fest'ive'ly adorn ourselves and embrace one an- other. Let us say: "Brother" even to those who detest us. Let us forgive all things be- cause of the resurrection and sing: Christ has risen from the dead tramp'ling death bv death, and life He restored to those 'in the tombs.

Kiss of Farewell As these stjkheras are being sangi, the customatg Kiss of Farewe-l,t is given with the greeting- (The peopTe come up to the priest and kiss the cross as he gteets them:)

Pries;t' Ch f i St hOS f i Sen ! ALL: TRULY HE HAS RISEN! After the Kiss of Farewell Afterthesingingofthestikheras'theusuaj'Ektenia for the Deceased is sung, and the the Prager for the Deceas- ed js said al-oud bg the bishop or priest standing neat the coffin.

Ekteni a

Deacon: 0nce agai n ]et us pray to the Lord i n peace '


l,,le pra.y for the repose of the soul of the servant(s) ( I asl eep and for the for- frf lf , wno" nas have ) fal en , !.=-*r.-,r-xr-rrr-x rc-l:l-o-t t=1=1

241 giveness of ajl his (her, their) sins, both voluntary and i nvol untary.


Deacon; That the Lord God may give his (her, their) sou'l(s) a p'l ace where aI I the sai nts repose.


Deacon: Let us ask our immortal king and our God for the mercy of God, for the kingdom of heaven, and for the for- gi veness of hi s ( her, thei r) si ns.

ALL: GRANT THIS, O LORD. Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.


Prayer for the Deceased (Bozhe dukhov)

Priest: (At-oud) 0 GOd Of Spi ritS gnd 0l I f IeSh, ' You hove conquered death, mode the devil power- j less ond given life t0 your vlorld, Now you, 0 Lord, to the soul(s) 0f your servont(s), NN, t^tho hos (hove) follen osleep in deothr 9r-0nt rest in 0 ploce 0f lightr 0n 00sis of delight ond 0 hoven of pecce, from which pgin, trouble ond grief hove fled, As the good ond benevolent God, forgive every sin of thought word or deed he (she, they) moy hove committed, fhere is no one tlho I ives ond does not sin, for You oione cre without sin, Your justice is eternol justice ond Your word is truth,

prjest: (AJ-oud.,) FOf YOU, 0 Chf iSt OUf G!od, Ofe the resurrecti0n, the life ond the repose of Your i.=::==o-'u€)rGXr-=t t(=-uc=:=rr:o-xt:tel

202. servont, NN, who hos follen osieep; ond to You t^te render glory together with Your eternal Fq- ther ond Your most holy, g00d ond I ifegiving Spirit, now ond forever,


Concl usion pnest, QlOfy be t0 YOU, 0 Christ our GOd, Our hope, glory be to You,


D'ismi ssal priest, Christ our true God, VJho rose from the deod, trompled deoth by deoth, ond restored Iife to those in the tombs, will hove mercy 0n us ond sove us becouse He is the g00d ond benevol- ent Lord, (He will sove us) through the inter- cession of llis most pure Mother, the holy, glor- ious and oll-blessed 0p0stles, 0ur veneroble fothers of the desert ond ol I the sqints, He will ploce the soul of His servont, NN, who deported from us, in the mansions of the just ond give him (her) rest in the bosom of Abroham ond number him (her) omong the just,

ALL: AMEN, priest, Gront, 0 Lord, to Y0ur ever t0 be remembered servont, NN, blessed sleep ond eternol rest and keep his (her) memory everlosting,



Prayer_gf Apso] ution

priest: (At-oud) |vicy the LOfd JeSUS Chf iSt OUf GOd., Who gove t0 His disciples, the 0p0stles, the com- mond to bind cnd }oose the sins 0f those who had follen - t^le in turn received from the 0p0stles the orders t0 d0 the some - rncy He obsolve + you/ my spirituol child, from oll the sins you may hove committed, voluntory 0r involuntory, in the present cge/ now ond forever, Amen, And so we depart for the gravesite carrging the bodg of the deceased lor burial- " Going .:head of the coffin, the priest and cTergg sing: Christ has risen: ?h6 but-iaL takes pJace with gratefu-lness and jog and aLl the rjtes are performed. lhen theg sag: Ccmmittal Service priest, The eorth ond CII1 thct fills it Ore the Lord's, 0s t^tell 0s the world ond 0ll t,lho live in it, (Ps- 23:7) Jropar - Tglg_*q. (ZenLe zgnuvshg)

Open wjde, 0 earth, and take the body fashioned from you by the hand of God. The one born of you 'is being re- turned to you. The Creator has iaken what was in His image; you take the body, which i s yours .

From the Sunday of Thomas to the Ascension At funeraJ- services between the Sundag of Thomas and Ascensjon Dag, we sing: Blessed be our God: Christ has risen: (3) Trisagiolr and tlre rest. rn puace of Higher in dignity: beiore the DismissaL, we sag: Shine, shine: rhe rest fcLl-ows the rite of burial- as usua]. ic=:-ltc-tr-,tt€x!-l tc===rt<=:-nc::::>r-x=1t:1

244. 15.

The Burial of Secular Priests

When a secul-ar priest passes on ta the Lord, thtee pr:esfs are ta come and raise him from his bed and pJace him on a straw mat on the ffoor. He is not to be washed but the priests are to wipe down his uncl-a.d bodg with pure oi7 and dress hininhisordinarg cTothing and his ptiestJg vestments- Theg cover hjs face with the aer and place the Book of HoJg GospeJs above him. After this the priests come dressed in their priestTg garments.

rhe First priest' Blessed be OUf G0d 01W0yS, flOW ond forever,

ALL: AMEN. co-eerebranrs.. H0ly GOd, hOly |vlighty One, hOly Im- mortol One, hove mercy on us, (3) Glory be to the Fother ond to the Son cnd to the Holy Spirit, now ond forever, Amen, 0 Trinity most holy, hove mercy 0n usj cleonse us, 0 Lord, 0f our sins; 0 Mcster, por- don 0Ur tr0nSgreSSiOns, C0nSider our We0k,neSSeS cnd heol them, 0 Holy 0ne, for the glory of Your no[]]e, Lord, hove mercy, (5) Glorv be to the Fother ond to the Son ond to the Holy Spirit, noll ond forever, Amen. 0ur Fother, Who ort in heoven, hollowed be Thy nome, Thy kingdom come, Thv will be done on eorth 0s it is in heoven, Give us this doy our doily breod ond forgive us our debts 0s we forgive our debtors, And leod us not into temp- totion but deliver us from the evil one, ie=:==rr<=-{-}r:tt-rt r:o-}rt:rt-t =*e1

205 Excl amati on

First ceiebrant, Fgf YOUfS iS the kingdOm Ond the power ond the glory, or the Fother cnd the Son ond the Holy Spirit, noll cnd forever.


Tropar - Tone 4 (So dukhg)

t^lith the just spirits who have died, Savior, give rest to the soul of your servant and preserve him for Your blessed life, 0 Lord benevol ent.

(v pokogischg)

in Your place of rest, 0 Lord, where all Your holy ones repose, give rest to the soul of Your servant, for You alone are the Lord benevol ent.

Glony be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

(Tg gesE Boh)

You are God l,Jho descended to the abode of the dead and freed the imprisoned from their restraints. And so, to the soul of Your servant give rest.

Now and forever. Amen. (*##*,,)

0 Virgin,alone pure and unspotted, who gave birth to God without seed, pray for the salvation of his soul.

Ekteni a

us, 0 God, in the greatness of Your hear us and have mercy.

206. rie pray for the repose of the soul of the servant Deacon:- -God 'l , Fri est, NN , who has fal en as'leep , and. for the for- giveness of al] hrs sins, both vojuntary and involuntarY. ALL: L0RD, HAVE MERCY. (3) Deacon; That the Lord God may give his soul a piace where all the saints rePose' ALL: LoRD, HAVE MERCY" (3) God for the ---rrr.yDeacon: Let us ask our immortal king and our of God, for the kingdom of heaven, and for the for- g'iveness of his sins. ALL: GRANT THIS' 0 LORD.

Deacon: Let us PraY to the -Lor d ' ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. Prayer for the Deceased

prjest: (euiett-s) 0 GOd 0f Spirits ond Cll fleSh, You hove conquered deoth, mcde the devil power- less qnd given life t0 Your world, Now You, 0 Lord, t0 the soul of Your servont priest, i\ii\i, who hos follen osleep in deoth, 9[0flt rest in 0 ploce 0f light, oil 00sis 0f delight ond 0 hoven 0f pegce, from which poin, trouble ond grief hove fied, As the good ond benevolent God, forgive every sin 0f thought word 0r 0r deed he moy hove committed, There is no one who iives gnd does not Sitl, for You olone cre without sin, Your justice is eternol justice ond Your word is truth, Excl amation [| I u (A7oud) God, ore the fi rriest; For You, 0 Christ our I ll resurrection, the life ond the repose of Your ! T:*:*-xr:u-x r€'-o:tt-x telt-l

207 . servcnt , pr iest Nl,l, who hos foi Ien osleep.; ond to You we render glory together with Your etern* 01 Fother ond Your most holy, good ond I ifegiv- ing Spirit, not^t and forever,


The priests then take the bodg to the vestibuLe of the church (or the nave of the church). As pteviousJg stated, the holg gospel- book is pTaced above hin. Cand-Zestaads with can- dLes are arranged around the casket.

Then the First Station of the B-iarneless is sung in Tone 6 First Station ( BLazhenni neporochni )

ALL: BLESSED ARE THOSE L,JHO ARE BLAMELESS ALONG THE WAY, !{HO I,{ALK IN THE LAI'J 0F THE L0RD. (ps. r-tq:1-) Refrain: Blessed are You, 0 Lord, teach me Your statutes. (Ps. 778:1"2)

Al-ternate Refrain' Be mindful, 0 Lord, of the sou'l of Your servant.

ALL: BLESSED ARE THEY hJHO SEARCH HIS TESTIMONIES' I.JHO SEEK HiM WITH ALL THEIR HEART . (ps. t-78:2) Refrain: Blessed are You, 0 Lord Al-ternate Refrain: Be mindful, 0 Lord


Refrain.- Blessed are You, 0 Lord Aftetnate Refrain: Be mindful, 0 Lord, ll ALL: YOUR HANDS HAVE MADE ME AND FASHIONED ME. (Ps.L78 :7 3) H Refrain' Blessed are You, 0 Lord..... il ll Afternate Be 0 Ut-xtc-lt€il€rl:tC Refrain. mindful.


Ekteni a Deacon.. 0nce again let us pray to the Lord in peace.


Deacon.. We pray for the repcse of the sou'l of the servant God, NN, who has fallen asleep, and for the forgiveness g'iveness of a'11 his sins, both voluntary and i nvol untary.


Deacon: That the Lord God may give his soul a place where all the saints repose.


Deacon: Let us ask our immortal king and our God for the mercy of God, for the kingdcm of heaven, and for the for- g'iveness of hi s si ns.

ALL: GRANT THIS, 0 L0RD. Deacon: Let us pray to the Lor^d.

ALL: L0RD, HAVE MERCY. Prayer for the Deceased

priest: (euietts) 0 GOd Of SpifitS Ond olI fleSh, You hove conquered deoth, mqde the devil power- less ond given life to Your worid, llow You, 0 Lord, to the soul of Your servont, NN, who hos fol len 0sleep in deoth, gront rest in o ploce 0f I ightr 0ll oosis 0f del ight ond o hoven of peoce, from which poin, trouble

209. ond grief hove fled, As the good ond benevolent God, forgive every sin of thought word 0r deed he moy hove committed, There is no one who I ives ond does not sin, for you olone ore l.{ithout sin, your justice is eterncl justice cnd Your word is truth.

Excl amati on priest-- (A,oud) For you, 0 Christ our God, ore the resurrection, the life ond the repOse of your servont , NN, idho hos fol len csieep, And t0 You t^ie render glory together with your eternol Fother ond your most holy, good ond lifegiving Spirit, not,-t ond forever, ALL: AMEN. Then theg begin the Second Statjon in Tone 5.

Second Station (Tvoi gesm az)

ALL: I AM Y0UR5, SAVE ME. (ps. Jj-B:94) Refrain.. Save, 0 Savior, the soul of Your servant.

ALL: A LAMP FOR MY FEET IS YOUR I-AW, A LIGHT FOR MY PATHS . (Ps. tts:Jo5) Ref rain.. Save , 0 Savi or , the sou'l of Your servant. Al,ternate Refrain: To the soul of Your servant g'ive rest, 0 Lord.

ALL: I OPENED MY MOUTH AND SIGHED BECAUSE I LONGED FOR YOUR C0MMANDMTNTS . (ps. t-j.s:r-05) Refrain.. Save, 0 Savior, the soul of Your servant. Afternate Refrain: To the soul of Your servant give rest, 0 Lord. ALL: HAVE REGARD FOR ME AND BE GRACIOUS TO ME THE bJAY YOU DEEM TH0SE t,lHO LOVE Y0UR NAME. (ps. r.r.s:i_32) Refrain: Save, 0 Savior, the soul of Your servant. Afternate Refrain: To the soul of Your servant give rest, 0 Lord.

LET MY PLEA COME BEFORE YOU, LORD; ACCORDING TO YOUR WORD GIVE ME UNDERSTANDING. (Ps. 71-8:769) Refrain: Save, 0 Savior, the soul of Your servant. Al-ternate Refrain.. To the soul of Your servant give rest, 0 Lord.

MY SOUL WILL LIVE TO PRAISE YOU, AND YOUR JUDGMENTS WILL HELP ME. (Ps.778:1.75) I STRAYED LIKE A LOST SIIEEP; SEEK YOUR SERVANT, FOR i DID NOT F0RGET y0UR COMMAND- MENTS. (Ps . 7J.s:776) Short Ektenia Deacon: 0nce again let us pray to the Lord in peace.


Deacou We pray for the repose..... cf. pp.209 ff. Tropars for the Decease!!- *

* The 7942 editian of the MALrv TREBNrK pubTished in Rome states on p. 264 that the Tropars appeating on pp. 783 tt are to be taken. The 7973 ukrainian edition of the MALIY TREBNYK pubTished in Rome, refers us to p.1-70, where the Tropars for the buriaT of the Taitg during .Easter Week appear " In this Engljsh trans- l-ation the Tropars for Easter Week are on pp. L98 ff. The Tropars for the Burial- of the Laitg appear on pp. 143 tt. According to the rubrics of the STavonic edition theg are repeated here.

Tropars in Tone 5 Blessed are You, 0 Lord, teach me Your statutes. i:il-$-xt(-il-ll te-tre==n-=tt-xl<-fi-l

211. (Sviatgkh 7Ek)

The choir of saints found the source of life and. the gates nf paradise. May I, too, find the way through repentance.- I irn a lost sheep; call out io me,0 Savior, and save me.

Blessed are You, 0 Lord, teach me your statutes.

(Drevle ubo) . Long aEo you fashioned me from not_being and honored me with your divine image, your but when I broke command, you retuined me again to the earth out of which I was taken. Restore Your image that I may possess my former beauty.

Blessed are You, 0 Lord, teach me your statutes.

(Obraz gesm)

i am the image of your ineffable glory though I bear the scars of sin. Be meritfui to Your creature, 0 Master, and in your loving kindness 'land bring cleansing. Grant me the father- I yearn for and make me a citizen of para- dise again.

Blessed are You, 0 Lord, teach me your statutes. (Vo put' uzkig)

A1 1 you who wal ked the sad and narrow path, a1'l you who bore I i fe's cross as a yoke and followed me in faith, come, nou,, and enjoy the honors and crowns of heaven I prepared for you.

Blessed are You, 0 Lord, teach me your statutes. (Ahntsa Bozhiga) You holy martyrs who proclaimed the Lamb il of God and were s'laughtered as sheep, who pass- ed on to the ageless and never-ending f ife, be- seech Him earnest'ly to forgive us our debts. tc=-ltc-ltc:=lt-Hr-X t{===il-=tr€:}tr-Xr:rr:i

212 " Blessed are You, 0 Lord, teach me Your statutes.

(Upokoi Bozhe)

Give rest to Your servar,t, 0 God, and place him in paradise where choirs of angels and the just shine as bright as luminaries. Give rest, 0 Lord, to Your servant who has fallen as'ieep, and overlook al'l his sins. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

(Trisigatel' noge) Devoutly we praise the three-fold radi- ance of the one God-head and cry out: "Ho1y are You , 0 Father wi thout beg'i nn'i ng , 0 Son and Hol y Spirit also without beg'inning. Enf ighten us who serve You in faith, and snatch us from the eternal fl ames. "

Now and forever. Amen.

Bo ho rodyc hen (Radugsia chgstaga)

Hajl, 0 pure Lady who bore God in the flesh f,or the salvation of all. Through you, 0 pure and blessed Bearer of God, the human race found salvation. May we, too, find para- di se through you.


Short Ekteni a Deacon: Once again let us pray to the Lord in peace.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon: l,le pray for the repose pp.209. ff.

Sidalen - Tone 5 (Upokoi Spase) Give rest to Your servant with the just, i(:>u-xr€xtGltt:t t€uc:=-o(:=ttc-rt€lt-l

213 . r-xt-:=rr-)il-=>tt-xt:ll€=rt

0 Savi or , and I et h'im dwel I i n Your courts as it is written. In Your goodness, benevol- ent Lord, overlook all his faults both volun- tary and involuntary, Knowing or unknowing. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Bo ho ro dyc he n (ot Divg)

0 Christ our God, for the world You came forth from the Virgin and through 'l her made sons o f i ght ; have mercy on us .

The Gradual - Tone 6

1st Anti phon (Na nebo ochi)

I l'ift my eyes heavenward to You" 0 Word! Show me mercy that I may live for You.

Be merci ful to u humble people and make us Your useful instruments, 0 Word.

G'lory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

(Sviatomu Dukhu)

The Ho'ly Spirit js the cause of al I salvation, for when He deigns to breathe upon anyone, He quickly takes him from among the living, gives him wings, renews him and directs him upward.

Now and forever. Amen.

(Siatomu Dukhu)

The Ho'ly Spirit. . .. . (Same as above)



2t4 " Reader: To You shall I cry out,0 Lord, my Gcd; do not tunn silent against me.


Deacon r !'l'i sdom ! Reader: A reading from St. Paul's First Epistle to the

Thessal oni ans " Deacou Let us be attentive!

Epi stl e Readi ng (7 Thessafonians 4 :1- 3-1-7 ) Reader: Brethren, I do not want you to mi sunder- stand about the dead, 1 est you gri eve as the others do who have no hope. For i f we bel i eve that Jesus d'ied and rose, so too w j I I God bri ng those along wjth Jesus who died in him. I'le say this to you as the Lord's word, that we the liv- ing who survive until the Lord's coming wi'l 1 have no precedence over those who died. For at the summons , at the voi ce o f the archangel , at the sound of God's trumpet, when the Lord comes down f rom heaven, the dead i n Chri st w'i l'l be fi rst. Then we the I i vi ng who survi ve wi I I be caught up together with them 'i n the clouds to meet the Lord i n the ai r. And so v',e wi I I be wi th the Lord forever. priest' PeOCe be + t0 ygu/ the fe6def, Deacon' l^Jisdom! Let us be attentive!

Alleluia Verses - Tone 6 (Ps . 64 :5)


Reader: Blessed is he whom You chose and took to Yoursel f, 0 Lord.


Deacon: l,,lisdom! Stand aright! Let us listen to the holy gospel. i:lr<-c-xr:tt:t r:rt{::::=}n:{r-x tr-tt-i

275 . Priest: Peqce be + tO O1 I Of ygu I


priest, A recding from the holy gospel OcCording to St, John,

ALL: GLORY BE T0 YOU, 0 L0RD, GLORY BE T0 Y0U. Deacon: Let us be attentive! ?Hr#*#ej#

priest: The LOrd Soid t0 the JeWs WhO Come to him: "Amen, cmen I soy t0 you, he who hears my words ond bel ieves in him who sent fie, hos eternol life ond will not come to judgemnt but will poss from deoth t0 life, Amen, omen I scy to you, the time is coming ond is nol^t here when the deod will heor the voice 0f the Son 0f God, ond those who heor it will live, Just os the Fother hos life in himself, so he hos siven the Son to hove life in himself, And he hos given him the power t0 judge becouse he is the Son of ltlon, D0 not wonder obout this for the hour is coming when oll those in the groves will heor the voice of the Son of God, ond those who did good will rise t0 life, And those who did evil will rise to condemnotion, 0f my- self I con do nothing, As I heor so I judge, ond my judgment is just, For I seek not my will but the wil of him who sent me,"

ALL: GLORY BE T0 YOU, 0 LORD, GLORY BE T0 Y0U. Deacou Let us pray to the Lord. ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. t€xl{IlSllcE>ll€Xt-X t€::=il-tt(-il-Xt(-lt€l

216. Prayer (VLadgko Hospodg Bozhe)


Excl amation



Sidalen - Tone 2 (Irles razTuchagusia)

Today i am parting with my family and make haste to You, t,lho alone are without sin. Grant me rest in the abodes of the iust to- !ether with Your e'lect. If the cefebrant so chooses, Ps41m 22 mag be taken. l-]ll->lr-tat-tar:l tc:::ltt->rc-rr-Xt-=xr:l

277 . 0ptional Psalm Reading

Fsalm 22

Deacon or Reader: The Lord shepherds me and shall never leave me wanting.


Reader: He brought me to a grassy p'lace and nourished me by restful water and renewed my sp'irit. ALL: ALLELUIA......

He directed me along jusi paths for His name's sake.

Even though I were to pass through mortal darkness, I would not fear evil because you are with me.

Your rod and Your staff - these encourage me.

You set a tab'le for me across from my oppressors.

You anointed my head with oj1, and your strong cup intoxicates me.

Your mercy will follow me all the days of nry life unti I I come to dwel I i n the house of the l-ord for- evermore. Reader: Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.


Reader: Now and forever" Amen.


t{:flt-]}lt:xr-xl-x t€}n€-tr-=tt-xt:c-x

218. lc-ll€tlc-3t:3t-:It-x

Tropar - Tone 2 (Ponezhe vsi)

A11 of us are pressing toward the same abode, and since we all shall be under a simi- lar tombstone and slowly turn to dust, we pray for Christ to give repose to the departed. Such is this life of ours, 0 brethren' a game of paradox on earth: a non-be'ing comes to be, and a beinE dissolves. We are a fleetjng dream, a s1i ght breeze, the f1i ght of a pass'ing bi fd ' a ship at sea that leaves no wake. And so, let us cry out to our immortal King: "0 Lord, deem him worthy of never-ending b1iss."

Prokimen - Tone 6 @


Reader.- A song in Sion bef its You, 0 God.


Epi stl e Gonans S rlZ-ZZ) Reader: A reading from st. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. Deacon: Let us be attentive! Brethren, iust as sin came into the worl d through one man and through s i n death ' So, too , Oeith came to al I men by reason o f whi ch al I men si nned. Si n was i n the worl d before the time of the Law. When there is no I aw, si n can not be imputed. Yet death rei g!qd over those as wel I from Adam to Moses who di d not commit a transgression I i ke that of Adam who is the type of the one to come' So, too' if't. gi ft i s ;; unl i ke the of fense. So many di ed throilgh the offense of one man, but God's grace waSpouredoutevenmoreabundant'lyuponsoJnany if'roilgf, the graci ous gi f t of one man, Jesus Christ Moreover, th; gi ft i s very unl i ke the one man's si n. Condemnation was broirght on after the si n

279. tc:Ell€llGXl€Xt--lt-X t-rlr€tt€l{=:=>u€=3t of the one man, wh'i l e the gi f t brought justi f i - cation after the offenses of so many.If death held reign through the offense of one man, so much more will they reign in life who receive the overf'lowf ng grace and gift of justice through the one man, Jesus Christ. And so, just as con- demnation came to al I men through the offense of one man, so too wi I I j usti fi cati on and I i fe come to all men through the righteousness of the one man. Just as through the disobedience of one man so many peopi e became si nners, so too the many wi I I become ri ghteous through the obedience of the one man. The Law came so that offenses could multiply. Where sin abounded, gFdc€ so far surpassed it that where sin reigned through death, grace could reign through justice for everlast- i ng I i fe through Jesus Chri st, our Lord.

Alleluia Verses - Tone 6


Reader: Blessed is he whom You chose and took to Yourself, 0 Lord.


Reader: Hi s soul wi l'l abi de ami d bl ess i ngs .


Second Gospe'l Readi ng (John 5:77-24) Deacon: Let us be attentive!

priesx, The Lord soid t0 the Jews l,'lhO c0me t0 him: "lvly Fother is ot t,lork until now, ond I, too, om 0t work." This is vvhy the Jews tried 011 the more t0 kill him, not only becouse he broke the Sobboth, but 01so becouse he cqlled God his Fother, thus moking himself equol to God, Jesus onswered them ond s0id: "Amen, omen

22A. *-rl:ttG=-lt-Xl-:>3t-X l:lt€llC:=:=)lt-Xlc:-l I scy to you, the Son con not do onything of himself if he does not see the Father doing it, for whotever he does, the Son ol so does, The Fother loves the Son ond shows him oll thot he himself does, Greoter works thon these will he show him thct you moy be omszed, Just 0s the Fother roises the deod ond gives I ife, so olso does the Son give life to whom he wishes, The Fcther does not judge onyone, He hos given oll j udgment t0 the Son so that ol I mqy honor the Son 0s they honor the Fother, Anyone who does not honor the Son., does not honor the Fother who sent him, Amen, onen I sov t0 you, he who hears mv words ond bel ieves in him who sent me, hos eternol life qnd will not come to judgment, but wiII poss from deoth to Iife,"

ALL: GLORY BE T0 Y0U, 0 LORD, GLORY BE T0 YOU. Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. Prayer _ (BTahodargn Tga)

priest' We thgnk YOU, 0 LOfd,, OUf GOd, tO WhOm im- mortclity olone belongs, Your glory is incom- prehensible, Your loving kindness inexpressible ond Your reign without end, There is no folse- hood in You, For every mon You set 0 common gool of the conclusion of this life, W0, there- fore beseech You, 0 Lord, to give rest t0 our former co-worker ond priest, Your servont, NN, who has follen osleep in the hope of rising t0

2?r. le==xt€tt-:)ilc:==tt-=:}il€:x tG::=tr-=lrc:>il-=:>ilF=={

eternol life in the bosom of Abrohom, Isooc, onO il Jocob,0neqrth You mode him a minister of the fi church; moke him the silme ot your oltor in treoren,[f Among men You invested him with spirituol digni- fi ty; receive him without blame in the glory of sngels, You glorified his life on ecrth.; make his possing 0vv0y from this I ife 0n entry of your saints ond number him 0m0ng those who pleosed You over the oges,

Excl amati on

Priest: (Atoudt FOf YOU, 0 ChfiSt OUf GOd, ofe the resurrection, the I ife and the repose of your servont, Dr iest llN, who hos follen csleep; ond t0 You we render glory together with your etern- ol Fother ond Your most holy, good ond i ifegiv- ing Spirit, now ond forever,


The Gradual - Tone 6 2I9 Antfphon (Asche ne Hospod')

Were not the Lord among us, none of us could overcome the assaults of the enemy, for it is from here that victors are exalted. May not my soul be ensnared like a bird by the teeth of their traps,0 Word. Alas, s'in- ful as I am, how am I to break away from the enemy.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. The sanctification, favor, wisdom, peace and b'lessing of a'l'l come through the Holy Spirit, |,Jho acts equaily with the Father and the Son.

222. t(-tE-3lc-lt-xt->rt€:la lc:::-tr:il€il{€rr€}r j t" theceJ&rant sodesires , the 23rd PsaJm magr" .u*"". I i ;;;;; ;; R u The earth and all that fills it are the Lord's, the world as well and all who live in it. He has founded it upon the seas and laid it out upon the rivers.

Who will ascend the mountain of the Lord?Who will stand on His holy place?

The man of blameless hands and spotless heart who did not lightly treat this life or falsely to his neigh- bor swear. A blessing from the Lord will he receive and from God, his Savjor, mercy. This is the generation of those who seek the Lord, who seek to face the God of Jacob. Lift up your gates, you rulers! Open up, you ancient gates, and the king of glory shall come in! tlho is this king of glory? The Lord of might and power, the Lord l,lho is mighty in battle. Lift up your gates, you rulers! Open up, you ancient gates, and the king of glory shall come in.

Who is this king of g'tory? The Lord of hosts, He is the king of giory! Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

ALL: ALLELUIA. Tropar - Tone 2 (vo viri)

0 ever-to-be remembered priest, You lived devoutly in faith, hope and love, and in modesty, purity and priestly dignity. And so, the God of eternjty Whom you served will

223. t{=:=-rt-}ll-=lt:llc=:-rK===r le==ll->llc==-tr-tr-]t

Himself commit your place 'li spirit to the of ght and beauty where the just repose. Then, at the judgment of Christ you wili receive pardon and abundant ;,,ercy.

Sessional Hymn 5 - - Sidalen - Tone

0 our God, You know that we were born in sin. l',le beseech You, ther"efore, to give rest to him who departed from us. In Your goodness, loving Lord, through the intercess'ion of the Bearer of God, overlook the sins he may have committed as a mortal.

Prokimen - Tone 6 (Ps. 64:4)


Reader: And memoryof him befromgerreration to generation.


Epr'stl e (1 Corinthians 75:1--77)

Reader.. A readi ng from St. Paul 's F"irst Epistie to the Cori nthi ans.

Deacon: Let us be atte nt i ve !

Reader.. Brethren, I remi nd you of the gospe'l I preached which you accepted, and in whjch you stand fi rm. I f you hol d fast to the mess- age I preached to Jou, you wj I I be saved by i t. 0therwi se your fai th was i n vai n. From the fi rst I handed on to you what I received, that Chrjst d'ied for our sins accordjng to the scriptures, that he was buried, that he rose on the third day i n accordance w'ith the scri ptures and that he appeared to Cephas and then to the Eleven. After that he appeared once to over five hundred brethren, most of whom are al ive to this duy, though some d'id d j e. Af ter that he appeared to James and then to all the apostles. Last of all

224 " he also appeared to me a kind of untimely birth. I am the I east among the apost'l es and am not f i t to be cal I ed an apost'le because I persecuted the church of God. By the grace of God, however, I am what I am, and his grace in me was not frui t1 ess , because I worked harder than al I of them, not real 1 y I , but the grace of God wi thi n me. Whether I or they, thi s i s what we preach and this is what you believed.

Alleluia Verses - Tone 6 (Ps. 54:4)


Reader: Blessed is he whom You chose and took to Yourself, 0 Lord. ALL: ALLELUIA. (3)

Reader: And memory of him be from generation to generation. ALL: ALLELUIA. (3)

Thi rd Gospel (John 6:35-39)

Deacon: Let us be attentive! priest, The Lord soid to the Jews Who c0me t0 him: "I 0m the living breod, He who comes t0 me need never hunger, He who bel ieves in me need never thirst, Yet I tell lour you hove seen me but stili do not believe, All thot the Fother gives me will come to me. I will not drive ony- one 0l^I0y l^lho comes to me, for I come down from heqven not to do my will but the will of my Fother ylho sent me, It is not the will 0f my Fother thot I lose onything 0f whot he gcve me, but thot I roise it up on the lost doy,"


225. tc=-rt:ltc:-31-=ltc=-llc:-l t€:>tr€tte=:>il{=::=tt{=i::}l

Let us pray to the Lord.


Prayer (HasP'tdg sgJ) prjesr, Q LOrd 0f hosts, j oy 0f the affl icted gnd comforter 0f those who mourn, You CIre the pro- tector of oll those t^tho ore foint of heort, In Your kindness bring cheer t0 those t^tho grieve over the deported, Heol their qnguished heorts ond, in the bosorn 0f Abrohom, give rest to Your servont, Friest NN, who hcs folien osleep in the hope of rising tc eterncl life, Excl amation priest' Fgf YgU, 0 ChriSt guf GOd, gre the resur- rection/ the life ond the repose of Your serv- ont, priest NN, t^tho hos folien osleep; cnd to You we render glory together with Your eternol Fother ond Your most holy, good ond I ifegiving Spirit, nov^t ond forever,


The Gradual - Tone 6 3rd Anti phon

To their enem'ies they are fearsome who hope 'in the Lord but to a]l the rest they are wonderful , for they fix their sights on high.

It is the lot of the just,0 Savior, that he who has You as his helper does not reach with his hands for i ni qui ty. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

226. If the ceLebrant so chooses, PsaTm 83 mag be taken.

Psalm 83

Deacon or Reader.- How de1 i ghtful Your abodes, 0 Lord of hosts ! ALL: ALLELUIA. (3) Reader: My soul yearns and pines for the courts of the Lord; my heart and flesh have exulted in the 1iv'ing God.

ALL: ALLELUIA. (1) And. after each verse one Al,JeLuia.

For even the sparrow has found a home for itself, and the swallovv a nest where'in to lay its young; even Your altar,0 Lord of hosts, my king and my God.

Blessed are they who dwel'l in Your house, forever wi I I they se You.

Blessed is the man whose protection is in You; in his heart he has set on pilgrimage

to the va1ley of tears, the place he has chosen, for there the lawgiver will give blessing.

And they w'i1l continue to grow in power; the God of gods will appear in Sion.

0 Lord God of hosts, hear my prayer; give ear,0 God of Jacob. Look, 0 God, our shield! and behold the face of Your anoi nted.

One day in Your courts is better than thousands (elsewhere); I prefer to be prodded about in the house of my God than to live in the dwel'lings of sinners. For the Lord loves mercy and truth; God will give grace and g'lory; the Lord will not forsake the good who walk in innocence.

227 . x:|at(-ll<3-lt€lt{=-ll-x t:at(-lt:il:ll€::::>l

0 Lord God of hosts, blessed the man who hopes in You.

Deacon or Reader, Glory be tc che Father and to the Son and to the Hol y Spi r:'t. ALL: ALLELUIA. (1)

Deacon or Reader.- Now and forever. Amen. ALL: ALLELUiA. (1)

Tropar - Tone 6 Tdrattgl lr,or:f

ALL: l^lhen giving pra'ise to the Lord, my brethren, do not forget me. Commemorate the brotherhood as well and pray that God the Lord grant me rest among the just. Reader: Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.


Reader: Now and forever. Amen.


Tropars - Tone 6 (Naprasnaga) Death suddenly overcame me and parted me from my own. However, You, 0 Christ, brought me across; grant me repose in the place of refreshment.

(Pomglug nas)

Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have mercy on us. We si nners bri ng th'is appea'l to You, our Lord, for we have no defense: Have mercy on us. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. (Hospodg pomgJug nas) Lord, have mercy on us, for we have put

228. K-fi.-'t|G-lil(=:-ll-:Xt-X t-.'tt-tt:lt:ll€1

our trust in You. Be not exceedingly angry with us and do not ho'ld our transgressions against us. Look upon us novv w'ith compassion. Save us from those who are hostile to us. For You are our God and we are Your people. All of us are the work of Your hands, and we call upon Your name.

Now and forever. Amen. (MgLoserdiga dveri)

Open the doors of mercy to us, 0 blessed Mother of God. May we who hope in you not per- ish but be delivered by you from danger, for you are the salvation of the Christian people.

Prokimen - Tone 6 (Ps. 24:13; 27 :1-)


Reader: To You shall I cry out, 0 Lord my God; do not turn silent against me.

ALL: HIS SOUL. . . .

Epi stl e (1- Cor. 1-5:20-28) Reader; A reading from St. Paul's First Epistle to the Cori nthi ans. Deacon.. Let us be attentive!

Reader: Brethren, christ has risen from the dead, the first-fruits of those who have died. Death came through a man, and resurrection from the dead came through a man. Just as al I di e i n Adam, so too, all will come to life in Christ' but each in his own order: Christ, the first- frui ts , and then those who are Chri st's at hi s comi ng. Fi nal I y, the end wi I I come when he hands the kingdom over to the Father after havi ng des- troyed every sovere'i gntY, authori ty and power. He must rule until he puts all his enemies under hi s feet. The I ast enemy to be destroyed wi I I be

2?9. t-|il-x!G=-ll-xt-xl-x t-tr:ilc:=-ilc-il:r death, for he subjected all things under his feet. 0f course, when he says a1i things are subjected to hjm, this obviously excludes the one who made all things sub- ject to hfm. The Son will ti;dn subject himself to the One who subjected al'l things to him in order that God may be all in all.

Alleluia Verses - Tone 6 (Ps . L71 :1- ,2 ) ALL: ALLELUIA. (3)

Reader: Blessed is the man who fears the Lord; he will take great de1 i ght i n His commandments. ALL: ALLELUIA. (3)

Reader.. Mighty on earth will be hf s seed. ALL: ALLELUIA. (3)

Fourth Gospei (John 6:4044f Deacon: Let us be attentive! Priest: The Lord soid to the Jews who come to him: "lt is the t^till 0f the One who sent me thct 0ll t^tho see the Son cnd bel ieve in him hove eternol life, ond I will noise him up 0n the lost doy," The Jews murmured 0g0inst him becouse he soid: "I om the breod thot comes down f rom heoven,'o Thot is why they osked: "lsn't this Jesus, son 0f Joseph, whose father ond mother vle know? How then does he sqV, 'l come down from heoven'? Jesus onswered them ond s0id: "Do not murmur 0m0ng yOurselves, N0 one con come to me unless the Father vvho sent me drows him, And I will rqise him up on the last dey."


230. x-ll€tl_ll€|t-xt-x

The Beatitudes - Tone 2

Remember us, 0 Lord, when You come into Your kingdom. Blessed are the poor in spirjt, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are the sorrowing, for they shall be comforted Biessed are the meek, for they sha'll inherit the land. Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for justice' for they shalj have their fjll. Blessed are the mercifu] , for they sha]1 receive merc

(DrevLe ubo)

Long ago, when Adam partook of the food of the tree, he was driven out of Para- dise; the bandit who was crucified on the cross, however, came to dwell in Paradise when he acknowledged You as God. We who were saved by Your passion,0 Master, imitate the bandit and cry out in faith: "Remember us when You come into Your kingdom!" Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shal'l see God.

(Perst vzem)

By Hfs divine will, the One Who created ne, took the dust of the earth and fashioned my body; by H'is holy command He 'implaced my soul with lifegiving breath. Later when I was mal ic"iously led into s'inful corruption, You recalled me in Your utter mercy' loving Lord. Grant rest with Your saints to the one You have called, 0 God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.

(Yehda dusha)

How amazing and awesome to everyone js the mystery of the moment when the soul leaves

23t. l(-}:rlc:=:=lK:=ll€lK==Dl t<-.:-lg=ltq=3llt6:=::=1€::>3

the body. The spirit departs in tears while the body is covered when jt js committed to the earth. So norl that !.re have come to know what departi ng i s at the end, I et us hasten 'in tears to the Sav'ior and cry out: "Remember us, when You come into Your kingdom!"

Blessed ane they who are persecuted for the sake of justice, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Poscha tak)

"Why do you mourn so much for me, 0 people? Why do you show concern in vain?" The departed announces to everyone: "Death is rest for every- one." So let us listen to the voice of Job as he says: "Death is rest for the man!" (Job 3:26) And so, 0 God, to the one You have received grant rest wjth Your saints.

Blessed are you when they revile you, pensecute you and, lyi19, speaking a1l kinds of evil against you on account of me. (Vsenudrig)

Paul , the most wi se , cl earl y foreto'ld the transferral of all men when he taught that the dead will arise incorrupt and that we will be changed by a command of God. That is why the trumpet will blast with awe to rouse those from slumber who were asleep over the ages" Give rest wi th Your sai nts , 0 GoC , to the one You ,have recei ved.

Rejoice and be g'lad, for your reward in heaven i s great.

( Prestavl-ennig )

He who has passed away and lies dead in the grave calmly speaks to alI: "0,come to me, you earthborn, and see the darkening beauty of the body." And so, 0 brethren, as vle come to learn about death from it, let us hasten tear- fuliy to the Savior and cry out: "Give rest among the saints,0 Gcd, to the one You have received

,)c CJL. x-tl<:-rtc::=-ll€|1-:=lr-x t:il-il{=:=::>rt:il(==:=l

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Ho'ly Spi ri t, now and forever. Amen.

(Pregestestvennig )

In your womb, 0 Lady, you conce'ived the eternal God wjthout seed in a supernatural man- ner and gave bjrth to Him both as God and man without change or fusion. And so, ever aware that you are the Bearer of God, vve cry out in faith to the God born of you: "Remember us in Your ki ngdom! "

Prokimen - Tone 6 (Ps. 64:4)


Reader' And memory of him be from generat'ion to generation.


Epj stl e (Romans 74:6-9)

.Reader: A reading from St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. Deacou Let us be attentive! Reader: Brethren, he who observes a spec'i al day observes it for the Lord; the non-observance of one who does not observe a special day is al so for the Lord. He who eats, eats for the Lord and g'ives thanks to God. None of us 'l i ves for himsel f and none of us dies for himsel f. If we iive, we live for the Lord. If we df e' we die for the Lord. lrJhether we live or die, tve are the Lord's . Thi s i s why Chri st di ed and rose : to be Lord over both the I iving and the dead.

Alleluia Verses - Tone 6 (Ps. 64:5; 24:Li)


Reader.. Blessed is he whom You chose and to Yourself,0 Lord.

233. l(-ll-xrc:=:={l-tlt-=lt-}l t->tt{=-1g:=::>1<==f1{::5't

ALL: ALLELUIA. (3) Reader: And memory of him be from generation to generat'ion, ,"ffiffi Deacon: Let us be attentive!

pnesr' The Lord soid t0 the Jews l^lhO come to him: "I om the breod 0f life, Your fothers ote m0nn0 in the desert cnd died, This is the breod thot comes down from hecven, I f onyone ects 0f it, he wiil not die, I om the living breod thot hos come down from heoven, If onyone eots 0f this breod, he will live forever, The breod I give is my flesh, I give it for the life of the world," The Jews begon to quorrel 0m0ng them- selves soying: "How ccn he give us his flesh t0 eot?" Jesus soid to them: "Amen, omen I soy to your if you do not eot the flesh of the Son of lvlon ond drink his blood, you do not hove I ife in you, He who eots my flesh and drinks my blood h0s eternol life,ond I will roise him up 0n the lost doy," ALL: GL0RY BE T0 YOU, 0 L0RD, GL0RY Bt T0 Y0U.

Psalm 50

Have mercy on me,0 God, in Your great mercy, and in Your abundant kindness cleanse me of my iniquity.

Wash me especial'ly from my wickedness and cleanse me from my sin.

For I know my wickedness, and my sin is ever before me. Against You alone have I sinned, and before You have I done what is evil.

234. t-.|lrcFrt(-fl:lle=-il:a r:nc-ilc:>ll{===rt<-r

May You be justified in Your words and vindicated when You pass judgment.

Behold, I was conceived jn iniquity; in s'in my mother bore me. Behold, You have loved truth; the secret things of Your wisdom You have revealed to me.

You will sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be cleansed; You will wash me, and I shall be made whiter than snow.

You will bring joy and gladness to my hearing, and my humbled bones will rejoice.

Turn Your countenance away from my sins, and wash away all my in'iquities.

Create in me a clean heart,0 God, and renew a right spirit within me.

Cast me not away from Your countenance, and take not Your holy Spirit from me.

Give me the joy of Your salvation, and fortify me with Your guiding spirit. I shall teach Your ways to the wicked, and the impi- ous shali return to You.

Deliver me from b'lood-gui'lt, God, 0 God of my sa1- vation; my tongue shall rejoice in Your justice. You will open my'lips,0 Lord, and my mouth shall procl aim Your prai se.

For had You desired sacrifice, I would have offered it, but You take no delight in whole-burnt offerings. The sacrifice to God is a contrite spirit; God wil'l not despise a contrite and humble heart. In Your good p'leasure, Lord, b'less Sion, that the walls of Jerusalem may be rebuilt. Then You will be pleased with just sacrifices, offer- ings and holocaustsi then they wi'll offer calves upon Your al tar.

235. l=fll-Xl-:l3ll-Xt-tll€:==l 1g=-tt-1-;t-.r1-:>l

Kano n

Fi rst Ode

Irmos (VoJnugu)

The children of the peop'le who were saved buried Him in the earth !'Jho once buried the pursujng tyrant under a sea-t,',ave. Like the maidens, let us sing praise to the Lord for He has been greatly g'lorified"

Refrain: To the soul of Your servant Eive rest, 0 Lord (reni bJahoditeJgu)

l,lith fervent tears we prostrate ourselves before You, 0 Christ, our Benefactor and Master of all, and mournfu'l1y cry out the graveside hymn: "In Your kindness give rest to Your fai thful servant ! " Refrain: To the soul of Your servant give rest, 0 Lord.

(Yezhe odesnugu)

With earnest words of praise we beseech You, 0 loving Lord and Word, to grant to the deceased a sacred piace on Your right in the hope of rising with Your elect. Refrain: To the soul of Your servant give rest, 0 Lord.

(Vo nebesnom) Grant , 0 llovi ng Lord , that Your servant NN, who was transferred from earth, may glor- iously rejoice in Your holy k'ingdom of heaven. In Your pity overlook his sins of spirit. G'lory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

1JA. (Uvq nni)

Alas! glory on earth has suddenly sprouted and then quickly withered. Where jn the grave is there any caste? Where is there any come'li ness or beauty? And so, 0 Lord, in Your kindness spare Your servant.

Now and forever. Amen.

(Po dol-hu) With love, 0 most pure Virgin Mary, Mother of God, all of us ought to sing your praises, for your prayerful eye never closes in s1eep. Save us now from sin and from the condemnation of death.

Thi rd Ode

I rmos (nist ;;iat) No one is as holY as You, 0 gracious Lord my God, Who rai sed the horn of Your fai thf u'l peopl e and steadied us on the bed-rock of faith in You. Refrain: To the soul of Your servant give rest, 0 Lord. (Njst cheTovik)

No man on earth is there who has not sinned. And so, 0 Word, accept our humble prayer and pardon and remit all the sins of Your servants. Refrain: To the soul of Your servant give rest, 0 Lord'

( I kto chel-ovikol-iubets )

lr,lho, 0 merciful Lord, loves man as much as You. With great power You forgive the sins of the living and the dead. With that same power' therefore, save Your servant.

237 . t=tt€$G:=:=il:lt€xl€x t->ll:ll{==l::::>ll€ltc:=l f ;; to the Father .,.'0 ;; Son and to the il t"tY sP'iri t ' i (Horn,:::ho, il 0 alone sinless Savior, make Your faithful departed (servant) a co-heir of the cal'ling on h'i gh, and recei ve hi s tearful p1ea.

Now and forever. Amen.

Bohorodychen (Suschaga)

You, 0 al I -holy Vi rgi n, are our Queen; do not cease to intercede with the God Whom you bore, that He may deem the faithful de- parted (servant) worthy of His kingdom.

Ekteni a Deacon: 0nce again let us pray to the Lord in peace.


Deacon: We pray for the repose of the soul of the servant of God, priest NN, who has fallen asleep, and for the forgiveness of all his s'ins, both voluntary and in- vol untary.


Deacon: That the Lord God may give his soul a place where all the saints repose.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. (ence) Deacou Let us ask our immortal king and our God for the mercy of God, for the kingdom of heaven, and for the forgiveness of his sins"

ALL: GRANT THIS, 0 L0RD. Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.


238. t-)lt:ll:ltc:::=tlt(-rt-x t(=-rt-ile=rx-lt{=-l Prayer for the Deceased priest: (euietts) 0 GOd Of Spi f itS Ond 0l I f leSh, You hove conguered deoth, mode the devil power- Iess ond given life to Your world, Now You, 0 Lord, to the soul of Your servont, priest NN, who hos fol len osleep in deoth, gront rest in 0 piace 0f I ight, 0n oosis 0f del ight, ond 0 hoven of peoce, from which p0in, trouble ond grief hove fled, As the g00d ond benevolent God, forgive every sin of thought, word or deed he moy hove committed, There is n0 one who lives ond does not sin, for You olone ore without sin, Your justice is eternol justice oriO Vour word is truth, Excl amation

priesr: (At-oud) For You, 0 Chf ist ouf God, Ore the resurrection, the life and the repose of Your servont, priest NN, who hos follen osleep, And to You we render glory together with Your etern- ol Fother ond Your most holy, g00d ond I ifegiv- ing Spirit, now ond forever,

ALL: AMEN. Si da'len - Sessional Hymn

Tone 6 (Vo istgnu sugeta)

In truth al'l thi ngs are vai n, and 1 i fe but a shadow and a dream. AII the earthborn fret in vain, as Scripture says. After we gain the world we then will come to 'live in a tomb together with kings and paupers. And so, 0 Christ, our God, in Your benevolence give rest to the soul of Youn departed servant.

239. l-t"-lt.--lt--'t-11-=a t-:=lt-xl€xr-=rt€>{

Fourth 0de

Irmos fffa .k:'-,sti)

Habakkuk foresaw your sacred consuming sacrifice on the cross and in astonishment cried out: ,,In your mi ght, 0 good Lord, you cut down the power of the mighty when you joined those in Hades.,, Refrain" To your the sour of se'vant give rest, 0 Lord. (yako sud) Beg3yse the jucigment on that dread day is so unbearable, vve irnplore Ch;is; iJ-ton_ g'ive al .! l the si ns of him who passea on n the faith and hope of resurrection. Refrain.. To the soul of your servant give restn 0 Lord.

( Yakazhe pokag anigem)

Because (your)servant lit a shining candle in repentance before you , 0 Christ, our merciful Master and Savior, deern him worthy of the sp'lendor af your weddi ng chamber.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son the Holy Sp'irit. and to (VehrJa *bnazltgslts)

When You 1ay bare all secrets and con_ front us with our sins, 0 Christ our good Lord, at.that time spare him whom you have i.i.iu.O-' and be mindful of his confession.

l{ow and forever. .nnen "

240. t€il€tt-r'3t-Xt-xt-=X #t€lt€l i-- -Trt;ZanivatlBohorodychen ll | X

[l | do not9 lor,forget lea1er,9r-9gd: us who cry to 'g.rg':..?l you w'ith ill:--ardent tears that your faithful departed servant may find blessing.

F'ifL! Ode

I rmos (eonogav-leniga) I'lhen Isai ah behel d the never- setti ng f i ght of Your divi ne epi phany which took place for uS, 0 Christ, he cri ed out whi l e prayi ng at dawn: "The dead wi I I ri se ! Those i n the tombs wi I I get up and al'l the earthborn wi 1l re joi ce. " (rsaiah 26:79) Reftain: To the soul of Your servant give rest, 0 Lord. (vo Tgtsi)

In the company of the elect and the de- light of paradise give rest to him, 0 merci- ful Lord, whom You took from us in fajth, for You prov'ided holy repentance for al I s'inners , 0 Savior. As Master, also deem him worthy of Your kingdom. Ref,rain: To the soul of Your servant give rest, 0 Lord" (Po vTastg) In Your authorjty as God, 0 on'ly loving Lord, show the mercy of a Sovereign to the creature You have subjected to human law. And so, 0 Savior, pardon and forg'ive him who passed away in the faith and deem him worthy of Your ki ngdom. G'lory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

24r. liver Your servant from there, 0 Christ.

Now and forever. Amen.

Bo horodyc hen (rz tebe)

From you, 0 i nviol ate Vi rg'in, the Re- deemer was born in a supernatural manner in His human nature. Earnestly beseech Him to deliver everyone from tonment and the cruel and terrible punishment of Hades. Save hjm as wel I who has now depanted from us. !i4! o$s inmos 1e)eza"al The last abyss of sin has encircled me; no 1 onger can I endure the tempest. As Jonah cried out to the Lord, so also do i cry out to You: "Lead me out of corruption!"

Refrain.- To the soul of Your servant give resto 0 Lord. (Snert' i hrob)

Death and the tomb await us, so too does judgment that will bring into account all deeds. Del i ver from thi s , 0 I ov'ing Lord , Your servant whom You have taken away. Refrain.. To the soul of Your servant give rest, 0 Lord. (Otverz,g Spase) 0 Christ my Savior, open the doors of Your mency. l,Je pray that the departed may rejoice in

242. glory and share in Your joyous reign. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. (tzbavg)

From sins in Your mercY, 0 Savior, de- l'iver Your servant whom You have now taken away, for no one can be iustified by human works.

Now and forever. Amen. (Smertg)

The Creator, Who put death to death and removed curse, was born in the flesh of you, 0 Birthgiver of God, and as good and 'lov'ing Lord saves a'l 1 who have di ed i n the fai th.

Ekteni a

Deacon. 0nce aga'in let us pray to the Lord in peace.


Deacon.- l^le pray for the soul ....(cf - pp-238 ff .)

Kondak - Tone 8 -7s; s@f To the soul of Your servant give rest, 0 Christ, where there is no pa'in, no sorrow' no grief, onlY life unending.

I kos (San gedgn gesg)

You alone are immortal t,lho created and fashioned man, while we the earthbound who were made from the earth shall return to that same earth according to Your command. When You made me You dec]ared : You are earth and unto earth You shall return. That is the place to whi ch al l we morta'l s shal 1 go si ngi ng the graveside hymn : Alleluia.

243. Seventh Ode

I rmos (Neizrecb":nnoge)

0 wonder i neffabl e ! The 0ne Who saved the ho'ly youths from the fiery fur- nace is being p'l aced dead in the tomb, without breath, for the salvation of us who si ng: "Bl essed are You, our God and Redeemer ! I'

Refrain: To the soul of Your servant give rest, 0 Lord.


From the fires of Gehenna and the dread sentence, 0 Christ, save in Your mercy Your ser- vant, whom You have now removed in fajth. May Your servant sing the praises: "Blessed are You, our God and Redeemer!" Refrain: To the soul of Your servant give rest, 0 Lord. (Vo zemli)

0 God, You deemed Your faithful servant worthy of the land of the meek, the delight of paradise and the place of glory resp'lendent. May he praise You: "Blessed are You, our God and Redeemer! " Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Sp'irit.

(veLgk sud)

Great is the damnation of Gehenna, 0 breth- ren; indescribable are its privations. The souls and bodies burn there in fire and weep in anguish. And they cannot cry out: "Blessed are You, our God and Redeemer! "

Now and forever. Amen.

244. xi=-ll€}a

(Ne sumnino)

0 Bearer of God immaculate, through your intercession always protect the living who do not hesitate to praise you as God's Mother. Save from cruel punishment those who have passed on so that they may sing Christ's prai ses w'ith you : "Bl essed are You , our God and Redeemer. "

Ei ghth Ode

Irmos luznaingsia) 0 heaven, be awe-stri cken ! MaY earth's foundations tremble! For, be- hol d, the 0ne Who dwel I s on hi gh i s numbered among the dead, and has found lodging'i n a small grave. Bless Him, 0 you children! Praise Him,0 you priests! Exalt Him forever, 0 you PeoPle!" (Jer. 2:12; Ps. 81:5)

.Refrain.' To the soul of Your servant give rest, 0 Lord. (o kiq)

What a dreadful moment is prepared for sinners, brethren! What horror, when the fire of Gehenna begins its eternal consummation and pain! And so, 0 Christ, save him who passed on from us today from that dread damnation and free him from Gehenna's ever'lasting punish- ment. Refrain.' To the soul of Your servant give rest, 0 Lord. (o radostg) What ioy for the just when the Judge comes ! The wedding ihamber, paradise, and Christ's en- tire kingdom wi'11 be ready then. To Your serv- ants theie, 0 Christ, give joy eterral with Your saints.

245. l-ll-rt ffit:tt:| -31-t1-lt-=a G'lory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. (Kto p;stogit)

l,Jho can withstand the awesome dread of Your coming, 0 Christ? At that time heaven will be rolled up fearsomely like a scroll. The stars will fall. All creation will tremble. Light will be changed. At that time, 0 Christ, spare him who departed from us.

Now and forever. Amen.


The Son Who took flesh in a supernatural manner from you, 0 pure Lady, is the Judge of the living and the dead. He judges all the earth. From punishment He saves whom He wills but especially those who honor His icon and venerate you, 0 Bearer of God.

Ni nth Ode

I rmos

Do not J"ffi, mother, as you see in the tomb the Son that you bore i n your womb wi thout seed. For I s hal I ri se and be g1 ori fi ed, and as God s hal l exai t i n eternal g1 ory those who wi th fajth and love extol you. Reftain: To the soul of Your servant g'ive rest, 0 Lord. (Ne rgdaite) Lament not, 0 all you who have died in the faith, for Christ in the flesh has under- gone the cross and buri al for us and has made immorta1 sons of a'|1 who cry out to Him: "Do not enter into judgment with your servant!"

246. ,=$-.t:lt€Xl-Bt-X ffi t(-lt(-l Refrain: To the soul of Your servant give rest, 0 Lord. (Yako vo viri) 0 faithful people, let us earnestlY pray to Christ for our brother who has fallen asleep in the belief and hope of re- surrect'ion, that he be pl aced i n the abodes of the saints. Judgment there is strict and the inquisition terrifying. No one can be of help to himself, only his deeds and the com- mon prayer of the faithful. Let us therefore cry out: "Do not enter into judgment with Your servant, Lord ! " Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. (vo nestarigemig) Place the departed in Your ageless glory and the delight of paradise, good Lord, for he has hastened to You in faith giving glory and showi ng repentance. Make h'im a chosen member of Your kingdom.

Now and forever. Amen.

Bo horodYchen f rg";ako ndterl

0 Vi rgi n Bearer of God, we be1ievi ng people devout'ly honor you as the Mother of Life supernal, for we once djed and became jmmortal thror:gh you and found 'life. And so, we s'ing this song to You.

Ekteni a 'in Deacon. Once again let us pray to the Lord peace'

ALL: L0RD, HAVE MERCY. (ance) Deacon: l,le pray for the soul (c€. pp. 2i8 ft')

247 . l-|1-lllc-lt-Xl-=ll-r ffi te=:=1->t Exapostilarion - svjtylen (Ngni upokogikhsia)

Now I am at res'1, and have come upon great repose, for I have passed over from corruptjon and have gone on to I i fe. Glory be to You, 0 Lord. Stichs for Svitylen Reader: Man is like grass, his days 'like a field flower. (Ps . L02 :L 5)

ALL: NOI^J I AM AT REST. . . . .

Reader: The wind passes over it, and it ceases to be. (Ps. 1_02:76)

ALL: NOl,l I AM AT REST. ". .. Reader: The Lord's truth abides forever. (ps. Lj.6:2)

ALL: NOl^l I AM AT REST. .. ..

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. (Ngni izbrakh)

Now I have chosen a maiden to be the Mother of God. Christ, the Redeemer of a'|1 , was born of her. Glory be to You, 0 Lord.

Psa'lm 148

Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise Him on high.

Praise Him, al'l you His angels; praise Him a'|1 you Hi s hosts. Praise Him, sun and moon; praise Him, all you stars and 1 umi nari es .

Praise Him, heaven of heavens, and waters beyond the heavens.

248. t€il-rr(-tt€l-tlt€x #t€lt:{

May they praise the name of the Lorcj, +' ;i He spoke and they were made; He commanded and they ":' 'e cr€at€d.

He fixed their place forever; He imposed a law and it will not pass away.

Pra'ise the Lord from the earth, You serpents and every abyss, fire and hail, snow and ice, storm-wind that do His bidding,

you mountains and every hill, you fruit trees and every cedar,

you beasts and a'|1 you anima'ls, serpents and w'inged bjrds, you kings of earth and every people' you rulers and every judge on earth,

you young men and maidens, You old men and youths.

May they praise the name of the Lord, for His name alone his been exalted; tribute be paid to Him on earth and i n heaven. He will raise the horn of His people; a song of praise for all His holy people, for the sons of Israel, the people who are close to Him.

Psalm 149

Sing a new song to the Lord, sing praise of Him in the assembly of the holY PeoPle. Let Israel reioice in its creator, and the sons of S'ion re joi ce over thei r ki ng. Let them praise His name in chorus; with drum and harp 1et them sing His Praise. For the Lord is pleased with His people and wi'll exalt the meek to salvation.

The hol y peop'le wi I 'l exul t i n gl ory and re joi ce on their couches.

249. tc::-|ffi l--tl-l ffi t€lt{::-t

The praises of God are in their throats, and two- edged swords are in their hands

to i nf'l i ct vengeance r.lpon the nat'ions , chasti sement upon the peopl es;

to bind their kings in shackles and their nobles in chains of iron;

to carry out the sentence decreed against them. This will be the glory for all Hjs holy people.

Psalm 150.

Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in the stronghold of His power.

Praise Him for Hjs mighty deeds; pra'ise Him accord- ing to His great majesty.

Praise Him with sound of trumpet, pra'ise Him with iyre and harp.

Sti kheras - Podoben Tone 6 (Otchagannaga)


Sancti f i ed i n death now by Your I 'i feg'ivi ng mystery, 0 Christ, Your ho'ly minister has passed on to You. Take his soul like a bird into Your hand and set him in Your courts among the angels. In Your great mercy give rest,0 Lord, to him whom You took by Your command.

Praise Him with tinbref and drumbeat; praise Him with Tgre and harp. (Strannoge)

How strange the mystery of death! It comes at the wrong time for everyone. And nature js forcibly di ssol ved , taki ng e'l ders , superi ors and schol ars , pu'l - verizing the sophisticated teachers of vanities, and bishops and shepherds. Tearfully 1et us cry out: "In Your great mercy give rest,0 Lord, to h'im whom You took by Your command."

250. t-=xffit--ll-lffit:tt:t j Him with cJansins cambals; praise Hin with ll "raise beins praise f:';;il:o'"' "*u'" i (ZhgteJstvovav),"o_""_' ,"'^":'_::"""t"s il Your venerable priest, the offerer of sacrffices, the minister of Your holy Mysteries, 0 Chrjst, lived a devout life. At Your bidding now he has left the world's tumult and gone to You. Receive him as a priest, 0 Chnist, and save him. In Your great mercy grant rest among the sajnts to him whom You have received. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Bo horodychen (Boha iz tebe)

We came to know the God enfleshed of youn 0 Virgin Bearer of God. Intercede with Him to save our souls.

Smal I Doxology To be Recited:

ALL: Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men of good wi'!l.

We praise You, we worship You, we glorify You. [.le thank You because of Your great g1ory, 0 Lord and heaven'ly ki ng.

0 God, Father almighty, 0 Lord, only-begotten Son, Jesus Chrjst,0 Holy Spirit,

0 Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father l,Jho take away the sin of the wor'ld, have mercy on us.

0 You l,Jho take away the sin of the world, receive our prayer.

0 You, [,lho sit at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us.

You alone are holy. You a'lone are Lord, Jesus Christ, to the glory of God the Father. Amen.

257. !-rar-:=31-xt-xtc=:rr-x

I bless You each day, and I wjll praise your name forever.

You were our refuge, U l-ord, from generat.ion to generat'!on.

"0 Lord," I say, "have mercy on me; heal my soul for I have sinned agai nst You. "

I fled to You for refuge, Lord; teach me to do Your wi I I , for You are my God. For the source of life is in You; in Your'light we shall see 1ight.

Extend Youn mercy to those who know You.

Grant that this day,0 Lord, we may be kept free from si n.

Blessed are You, 0 Lord God of our fathers; praised be Your name and glorified forever. Amen.

Let Your mercy descend upon us, Lord, for we have piaced our trust in Ycu. Blessed ane You, 0 Lord, teach us Your statutes.

Blessed are You, 0 Master, 'instruct us by Your statutes.

Blessed are You, 0 holy Lord, enlighten us by Your statutes.

Your mercy is eternal, Lord, do not overlook the works of Your hand. To You belongs, praise; to You belongs a song of pra'is

To You belongs 91ory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Sp"irit,

Now and forever" Amen.

25? t€31€tl-ll-llFlt-3

foTowing stikhetas of Damascene are sung in Tone 7

Damascene's Stikheras - Samohlasen Tone 1 (Kaga zhgtegskaga)

What pleasure is there on earth not touched by worry? What glory on earth with- out change? All things are more fleetjng than a shadow, al'l more deceptive than dreams. One moment and death takes them all. In the light of Your countenance and Your beauty, Christ, give rest to the one You, as loving Lord, have chosen.

The Lord shepherds me and shaff nevex Teave me wanting. (Ps. 22:7)

(DiLon Spase)

By a deed, 0 my Savior, You showed that You are the resurrection of al'l . By a word, 0 Word, You raised Lazarus from the dead. The bars were crushed then; the gates of Hades were shaken; and man's death became iust s'l umber. And so, as loving Lord, give rest to the one You have chosen, 0 You tJho came to save Your creation, not condemn it. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Bo horodychen (Vsin predstateTngtsa)

0 Bearer of God, Protectress of al I , 0 power from God for al I who hasten to you ! You became an ardent intermediary for all, the he'lper of those in need and the speedy release of those he'ld captive. Chrf st made you the aven- ger of barbarians, a protectress' an immovab'le wall, the invincible support of the weak and be- stower of peace on our souls. Stikheras - Samohlasen Tone 2 (Uvg rni) A'las, what agony for the soul on parting

253. lcltal-tllt=:==3tG=:=ll(=:tlr€==a t-'r€ltc===ltc::=oc3=l

from the body! How it weeps at that time, alas, with no one to pity it! When it raises its eyes to the angels, it prays in vain; when it extends i ts hands to men theoi, i s no one to he1 p . And so, dear brethren, as lve think about the brevity of life, let us ask Christ to grant rest to the departed and gr"eat mercy to us.

In mg drstress I cried out to the Lord and. He heard me. (179 :L ) (Pregdite)

Come, let us look at the wonder that sur- passes understand'ing, for he who was wjth us yesterday is now lying dead. Come, let us learn that in a short time rlte, too, wjjl reach our end and be clad in burjal garments. Those who anointed themselves with fragrant oils lie in stench. Those who adorned themselves in go1d, how unadorned and form"less they I i e . And so , dear brothers, knowing how brief life is, let us beseech Christ to grant repose to the de- parted and great mercy tc our soul s. DeLiver mg soul from Tging Jips. (1_79:2)

{Spasaisra) 0 foolish life, save yourself! Save your- selves, all you friends, relations and chfld- ren, for I am taki ng a path I have never trod before. Come and call to mind the love I had for you, and follow me. Commjt me, this clay, to the grave. Tearfully entreat Christ Who will judge my humble soul to rescue me from the in-

extinguishable fl ames " Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

ru-tgrg!v.-[9. (Neprokhodgnaga) 0 gate impassable, mystically sea1ed,0 blessed Virgin Bearer of God, recejve our pray- ers and bring them to Your Son and God that thr"ough you we may save our soul s.

?_54 #l-xl-=ll-r tc==).r€ll-=uc:-lt€r

Stikheras - Samohlasen Tone 3

(Se Tezhu)

Behold, my brethren, I lie silent and voiceless in the midst of everyone. My mouth is void. My tongue is stopped, and my lips are sealed. My hands are bound and my feet folded. My appearance is changed. My eyes are extinguished and can not see the mourners. My hearing cannot accept the sobbing of the be- reaved. Nor does my nose smell the fragrance of incense. But true love never dies. And so, I implore al1 my friends and acquaintances: "Remember me before the Lord so that on the day of judgment I may find mercy at that dread tri buna'l . "

I Tifted mV eges to the mountains whence sha77 come mg heJp to me. (Ps. L20:1-)

(Vsia sugeta)

All for man is vain that does not endure after death: riches do not 1ast, nor does fame. And when death comes, all these crumble away. And so, 1et us cry out to Christ immortal: Give rest to the one who departed frorn us in the abode of those who rejoice.

The Lord wiTl protect gou as gou come and go. (Ps.720:8) (CheLovitsg) 0 men, why do we fret in vain? The course we run'is swift and harsh. Life'is but smoke and vapor. t,Je shall soon be but ashes and dust. Like a flower we shal'l wither away. And so, let us cry out to Christ immortal: "Grant repose to the departed in the abode of those who rejoice." Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. Bo horodychen leS@e1 Though on the ocean of life we are buffet- ed, 0 Virgin Bearer of God, you are the haven

255. l-xl-tlle=il€ile='3r€=l .rere:::=tt:t

of safety for us. And so, jmplore the God en_ fleshed of, ycu without seed, l^lho ineffably be- came man, for the salvation of our souls.

Stikheras - Samohlasen Tone 4

(Hdi gest, )

Where is the passjon of the world? Where the dream of passing things? Where the gold and s i I ver? l,Jhere the bustl e o f many seivants ? All is dust, all but ashes, ail but a shadow. Nonethe'less , come I et us cry out to the ki ng immorta'l: Lord, deem your departed servant worthy of eternal blessings, and give- him rest i n Your never-agi ng b'lessedness.

I rejoiced when theg said. to me: ,,Let us go to the house of the Lord.,, (ps.72t_:j)

{nadigshTa) Death came like a marauderl The corrupter came and pui'led me down. It came and made me a non-living being! It came. And, earth that I am, I lie as a non-entity. A dream, indeed, we hum- ans are truly but a vision. But, come, let us cry out to the king immortal: "Lord, grant your everlasting blessings to the one who departed from us and grant hirn repose in the life where there i s no agi ng. " Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Bo horodychen lveaqna chgs;Aa1

0 Virgin, alone pure and unspotted, who gave birth to God without seed, pray for the salvation of his soul.

Stikheras - Samohlasen Tone 5 (Pomganukh) I called to mfnd the prophet who cried out: "I am earth and ashes!" Then I peered

256. into the tornbs and saw naked bones. I asked: "Who here'is king, who a soldier, who a rich man or poor, who a just man, who a sinner? Nonetheless, 0 Lord, give rest to Your serv- ant among the just." Our feet were standing in gour courts, Jerusalem. (Ps . L21- :2 )

(Tg rekl gesg)

0 Christ, You said that whoever believes in You wiII never see death. "For I am the Light that has come from light unto light. And you, too, will come unto the light in Me"in My g1ory. As true God I came to save those who honor Me in real orthodoxy as the one Lord God, two-fold nature, human and but single in 'lovi divine, i n person . " And so , as ng Lord , gi ve rest to Your faithful servant, priest NN, who confessed You as such, among the saints in the radiance of Your countenance. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Floly Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Bo ho rodyc hen troni *olgtrs.ial 0 blessed Lady, we beseech you as the Mother of God, to pray for our salvation.

Stikheras - Samohlasen Tone 6 (Nachatok)

Your command that creates became my be- ginn'ing and formation, for You w'ished to fash- ion me w'ith a nature vi si ble and i nvi si ble. You made my body from the earth, but my soul You gave me by Your divine and l"ifeg'iving breath. And so , 0 Chri st, g'ive rest to the soul of Your servant in the land of the living and the abodes of the just.

To You Who dweff in heaven have I rajsed mq eqes. (Ps. 722:1- )

257 t€lt:l!C-31-Xl€::-ll€=l |C:::::=ll:)llc::)ll:llt€l

(PocheL qesg)

You honored the work of Your hands with Your image, 0 Word; i;i the form of substance You designed the image of an jntelligent being and gave me a share of jt and endowed me with dominion over the creatures on earth. And so, 0 Savior, give rest to Your servant, priest NN, in the place of the living, the abode of the just. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Ho'ly Spinit, now and forever. Amen.

Bo ho rodyc he n tsoha iz tebel

f,le have come to know the God enfleshed of you, 0 Virgin Bearer of God. Intercede with Him for the salvation of our souls.

Stikheras - Samohlasen Tone 7

(Po obrazu)

In Your image and f i keness You made man i n the beg'inn'ing and then put him i n paradi se with dominion over Your creatures. Deceived by the devil's envy, he partook of the food and broke Your commands. And so, 0 Lord, You sentenced him to return to the earth again from which he was taken and to beg for repose.

How deTightfuL Your abodes, O Lord of hosts. (Ps. 83:2) (Razrishaget)

The death bestowed on Adam's nature re- solves all cares. After eating the food we be- came subject to corruption. And so, iet us re- a'lize that since we were made from the earth we shall again become the earth and ashes we once were. Therefore, with remorseful voice let us implore the Creator to be merciful to the departed and granted him pardon. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

258. l(-lt-Il'!-:ll--ltG==3lt-F lG:::=>lr(===tt(:-llc==-lt€l i (rgi-aonoroagtselqerssrsle! il t X

Ii a. wall,,",? ofl?ul:l^:l,g:o:^I'^:::'nl:l stabi'l'ity and hope. And so,0l:u'^u:1,3' Lady, rI never cease to intercede for Your servants who have died in the faith. May they obtajn pardon at the judgment when Your Son and God takes His throne. For you know that (human) nature has been disarrayed by sin.

Stikheras - Samohlasen Tone 8 (PJachu i rgdagu)

i weep and lament when I think of death and behold our beauty rashioned in God's image 1y'ing formless in the tomb, so unsightlyr un- attractive. How astounding! What mystery took p'lace 'i n us ? How di d we become subject to cor- ruption? How were vve yoked to death? As is written, it is truly by command of God, Who gives rest to the departed"

ME sauJ gearns and pines for the courts of the Lord. (Ps. 83:3)

(TTinnigi )

How have we become corruptible though we bore an image of incorruptibility? How js it that we, who had an immortal soul by divine breath, as vvas written, became so disarranged? How did we transgress God's commands? How astound- ing that we should reject the food of life and eat the food that leads to death so terrible? How was it that vte were deceived and then de- prived of divine ljfe? Last of all, let us cry out to Christ: "To him whom You took away, give life in Your courts." Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. Bo ho rodyc he n tPolrrov-wail Your protection, 0 Virgin Bearer of God,

259. lc-ll-Xt-Xt-=Il(:ttt-r t-::=1-)1->1-3l31;5lt

is spiritual healing, for when we hasten to it we are saved from spiritual ills.

ALL: Holy God,. ho]) Mi ght' .)ne, holy Immortal One n have mercy on us. (3)

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Ho'ly Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

0 Trinity most ho1y, have mercy on us; cleanse us, 0 Lord, of our sins; 0 Master, pardon our trans_ gressions. consider our weakenesses and heal them, 0 Holy One, for the glory of your name. Lord, have mercy. (3)

G'lory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Ho'ly Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Our Father, Who art in heaven, ha1'lowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy wi'l'l be done on earth ai it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our deblors. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one. Exclamation priest: For Yours is the kingdom, ond the pcwer ond the glory of the Fother ond 0f the Son ond 0f the Holy Spirit, not^t ond forever,


Tropars - Tone 5

(Upokoi Spase) Give rest to Your servant with the just, 0 Savior, and let him dwell in your courts as it is written. In Your goodness, benevolent Lord, overlook all his faults both voluntary and i nvo'l untary, knowi ng or unknowi ng. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

260. r-xr€il-xl-ile===rt=x tc:-tt:lt:il:lt{-l

(v pokogischg)

In Your place of rest, 0 Lord, where all Your holy ones repose, give rest to the soul of Your servant, priest NN, for You alone are the Lord benevolent.

Now and forever. Amen. (Matg sviataqa) 0 holy Mother of the Light ineffable, when we honor you w'ith hymns angelic we de- voutly exalt you.

Ekteni a Deacon: 0nce again let us pray to the l-ord in peace.


Deacon.- l^le pray for the repose of the soul of the servant of God, prjest NN, who has fallen asleep, and for the forgiveness of all his sins, both voluntary and in- vo1 untary.


Deacon; That the Lord God may give his soul a piace where all the saints repose.

ALL: L0RD, HAVE MERCY. (ance) Deacon: Let us ask our immortal king and our God for the mercy of God, for the kingdom of heaven, and for the forgiveness of his sins.

ALL: GRANT THIS, O LORD. Deaeon: Let us pray to the Lord.


Prayer for the Deceased priest: (euiett-s) 0 GOd 0f Spi f itS cnd 011 f leSh, You have conquered death, mode the devil power-

26r. t€31:ll-xl-rll-tal-ta l(=::=ll€lt-tt-==lt:l j ond i Your wcrld, Now you, ,*r, siven ife t0 0 [l i Lord, to the soul of Your servont, Driest NN, n who tros gront I folien csleep in deoth, rest in [| a ploce of light, 0r oosis of delight, ond o hoven of peoce, from which pcin, trouble ond grief hove fled, As the good ond benevolent God, forg every sin of thought, word or deed he moy hove committed, There is n0 one who lives and does not sin, for You olone ore without sin, Your justice is eternol justice ond Your word is truth, Excl amation priesr: (AJoud) Fof YOu, 0 Chfist Ouf GOd, Ofe the resurrection, the life qnd the repose of Your servont, Driest NN, who hos follen osleep, And to You we render glory together with Your etern- ol Fother ond Your most holy, good ond I ifegiv- ing Spirit, not^t and forever,

ALL: AMEN. After the Excfamation comes the Kjssjng of the Cross. The choir sings the fofLowing stikheras in Tone 2:

Sti kheras - Podoben Tone 2 (Pregdite posTidnege)

Come, brethren, let us bid farewell to the departed giving thanks to God, for he has left his family and is pressing towards the grave, no longer concerned about worldly vanjtjes or the profound feelings of the flesh. Where now are relations and friends? Behold, we are parting. Let us pray for the Lord to grant him rest.

262. t-}fl€ilc:::=53t-Xl-ilt-,l te::-tr-xrc===tt(:}ll(5>l rRrse ts nsni) i- [| I fet t us now, 0 brother, where X I are you going from us, so silent, without u [l c?T: and console your^srievins I il:|:father and mother;Il:l comfort your friends. [l l-ook at the crying ano the tears being shed for you. But where now are relatives and friends? Behol d , we are part'i ng. Tru'ly al 1 thi ngs human are vai n. (Az ko Hospodu)

I go to the Lord God, my judge, to stand before the tribunal and account for my deeds. And so, I plead with al1 of you to imp'lore the Savjor to be merciful wjth me on Judgement Day. Behold, we are parting. Truly all things human are vai n. (Vsi tiLesnigi)

Al'l bodi ly organs, whi ch shortly before were active, now seem void, a1l 'inactive, dead, and unfeeling. The eyes are sunken, the feet stiff, the hands motion'less, and both the ears and tongue are sealed in silence as they are being committed to the grave. Tru'ly all things human are vain.

(Yebda dusha)

t,lhen the soul is sharpiy pulled away f,rom the body by the dreadsome angels, it forgets relations and friends and is ccncerned about its stance before the tribunal, about its re- lease from vanities and deep feelings of the flesh. So then, as we fmplore the judge, let us beseech the Lord to grant forgiveness for whatever ft has committed. (Yakov zhgvot) What really is our life? It is a flower, a vapor and morning dew" Come, then, and clearly we shall see where the body's beauty is, where the youthful ness, the eyes and the form of the flesh are. All has shriveled like grass, all has faded away. Come, let us fall down be- fone Christ in tears"

263 " lc-ll€arc==-ll-tal-xt-r lc:=:==>n€ll:ll-xt:l (Koge razTuchenige) 0 this parting, brethrenI tlhat weeping! What lamenting at this mnment! Come, then, bid farewell to him , wlrur a while ago was with us. He is be'ing committed to a tomb covered with a stone. He is settlinq into darkness, being buried with the dead. He is leaving his nelations and friends now. Let us pray to the Lord to give him rest. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 6 (Zrgasche mga)

As you behold me mute and lffeless, shed a tear for rne, my brothers and frjends, my rela- tions and acquaintances. Just yesterday I was conversing with you and then unexpectedly the solemn moment of death overcame me. Come, then, all of you who love me and say goodbye with a farewel 1 ki ss , for no l onger wi 'l 1 I wal k wi th you or talk with you. I am go'ing to the impar- tial judge, before Whom slave and master stand together, before Hhom the k'ing and soldier, the rich and poor man are equa1. tach will be praised or shamed for his own deeds. And so, I beseech and implore al1 of you to pray without ceasing to Christ our God that I may not be cornmitted to the place of torrnent for my sins but that He may accord me a place where the light of I i fe abides.

Now and forever. Amen.

Bohorodychen - Same Tone (Spasai) 0 Birthgiver of God, Mother of the never- setting Sun, save those who hope in you. By your intercession, we beseech you, implore the good God to give rest to the departed servant in the place where the souls of the just find rest. Make him an heir of the sacred good things in the abodes of the iust, 0 all-immaculate Lady, for memory everlasting.

?64. t{-lt{::-31:ll-xl-:itt-x tc===>tt€rtc==u€t|{i::=3r

ALL: Holy God, holy Mighty One, hoiy Immortal One, have mercy on us. (3)

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Ho'ly Sp'iri t , now and forever . Amen. (cf . pp. L69 - L76.....,) Then as theg go to the grave, thepriests sing the frmoses of the Great Kanon.


prresrs: JhiS my GOd WOS mV SCVinq helpef ond prote{tori tr sholi glorify Him, He wos the God 0f my fother ond I sholl exolt Him, for He has been greotly glorified, (Vonng nebo) Give eor/ 0 heoven, ond I shol I speok forth in proise 0f Christ Who come in the flesh from the Virgifl, (Na nedvgzhgmin) Moke firm my thoughts on the solid rock of Your commondments/ 0 Christ, (Uslgshakh) When I heord the socred mystery of providence ond come to know Your works, 0 Lord, I glorified Your divinity, (Ot noschg)

Throushout the night I keep o proyer vigil, Lord.; enlighten me cnd guide me by Your commondments ond teoch me to do Your vlilI.

265. t€$€==3llc=::-31-tlt-t3l-'l t:[€3t{::>rt:lrc::Dl


l^iith oll my heort I cried out to God the merciful from tne lowest depths 0f Hodes ond He heord me ond brought my I ife out of

corrupt i on , (Sohrishgkhon) We sinned ond were lqwless, We committed injustices before You ond did not keep 0r cor- ry out the commonds You gove us, But at the end, 0 God 0f our fothers, do not obondon us, (Beznachainoho) Give proise, you priests ond people, t0 the king of glory before Whom the heovenly hosts tremble, Exolt Him forever. (Vo istgnu) 0 pure Virgin, we who ore soved by you, pr0fess yOu to be the true Beorer of God ond together with choirs 0f ongels we extol you,

rhe Trisagion is taken- And after the Our Father I Eake tlith the just spirits: and the rest as usual. 0 God of spirits: cr. pp. 2a5 - 208. The mottaL temains are then conmitted, to the gtave. cf. pp. 775 - L76. The Salema Dismjssal is given. cf. pp.L77 ft.

266. t€3r€xt(===t3l:ll-='l-r te==il-xtc:>t|c-lt:r i The BurialBuriat of Priests ll I r during U I trisht week (Paschal week) [| u The ceLebrant incenses the remains of the deceased and begins: Blessed be our God: and the rest of the PaschaT Serv- ices as on pp.183 ft. The ektenja.- Have mercy on us .. fol-l-ow with the ptager: 0 God of sp'irjts: and its excl-amation: For You are the resurrectjort:?ften comes the prager: Having w'it- nessed: p. L86. As the remains are being taken out of the church, we sins: Christ has risen: (Khrystos voskrese) At the appoinxed time the cel-ebrant begins the Paschal- Introduction together with stichs , holding the cross, candl-e and censer. cf. pp.783 tf. After this the deacon intones the ektenja.. Have mercy on us, 0 Godz Then the priest quietTg says the prager:0 God of spirits: and the excTamation: For You are the resurrection: The First Antiphon of the GraduaL (Stepenna) is taken in Tone 6: cf. pp.274 ff. and xhe rest to p- 234. After the 23rd pericope is read (John 6:48-54), the Paschal Kanon is taken and al7 the rest from the BuriaL of the Laitg during Bright Week as on pp.186 - l-98. Then the rropars: The angelic choir (Anhelskiy sobor) pp. 1-98 tt. as weLL as the Paschal stikheras Today the sacred Pasch: p. 200 ff. and the rest. The Paschal Djsmjssal. is said: cf. p.203 ff. After this comes the prager of absol,ution; cf. p. 204, and the Prager of Farewell-: p. J-73 tf . we go to the grave singing: Christ has risen from the dead:

From the Sund,ay of Thomas to the Ascension

Ftom the Sundag of Thomas to the Ascension we sinq: Blessed be our God: Christ has risen: (3) the Trisasion and a71 that foLlows. rn prace of: lligher in dignity: (Chesnishuyu) before the Conelusion, we sing: Shine, shine: and a77 that folTows at a funetaT.

267. l-Xl-Xl-tltGl=lt-tat-ta t-=tt-Xt-:>pG:1rc=:=t

16. Service for the Burial of Children

when a christian chifd d.ies, the famil-g imnediateJg sunmons the priest, wha cor?€s to the house where the bodg of the deceased Lies and. puts an his epitrakhil- (and pheTon where such is the custom) " He puts some incense into the thuribl-e and incenses the rernains, as weLl. as those who are present. Then he begins: priest' $lessed be our God oiw0ys, nol'l ond forever ALL: AMEN.

Usual Begi nni ng Glory be to You, our God, glory be to you. 0 heavenly king, comforter, Spirit of truth, every,,lhere present, fi I I i ng a1 1 thi ngs , treasuryof blessings, bestower of life, come and dwell within ur and cleanse us of all de- filement, 0 gracious One, and save our souls.

Ho"ly God, holy Mi ghty One, ho'ly Immortal 0ne, have mercy on us, (3)

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spfrit, now and forever. Amen. 0 Trin'ity most ho1y, have mercy on us; cleanse us, 0 Lord, of our sins; 0 Master, pardon our transgressions. Consider our weak- nesses and heal them, 0 Holy One, for the glory of Your name. Lord, have mercy. (3)

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Our Father, l,{ho art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy wi'|1 be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And 'lead us not into temptatfonbuideliver us from the evil one.

268 " E-3r-)al-l3r-:=oe===3t-x te:=-,tt-xt(:>il(=-il€::13{

priesr' For Yours is the kingdom, CInd the power, ond the slory, 0f the Fother ond 0f the Son ond 0f the Holy Spirit, now ond forever,


Tr"opar - Tone 4 (So dukhV)

t^lith the just spirits who have died, Savjor, give rest to the soul of Your ser- vant, and preserve him (her) for Your bless- ed life,0 Lord benevolent. (V pokogischV)

In Your piace of rest, 0 Lord, where all Your holy ones repose, give rest to the soul of Your servant, NN, for You alone are the Lord benevolent.

Giory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

(rq gesg aoh)

You are God l^lho descended to the abode of the dead and freed the imprisoned from their restraints. And so, to the soul of Your servant, NN, give rest.

Now and forever. Amen.

Bohorody*chefr (Yedgna ch,trstaga)

0 Virgin, alone pure and unspotted, who gave birth to God without seed, pray for the salvation of his (her) soul.

Ekteni a

Deacon: l-lave mercy on us,0 God, in the greatness of Your mercy, we pray You, hear us and have mercy.


269. tc=='ll-xt-xre:=::3t-tar-x

Deaco_n: .[,le pray for the repose of the soul of the servant of God , the chi I d NN, who has falfar Ir en as'reep,as1 eep, and for the Iorglveness of ail his (her) sins,s i ns , both voiuntaryvo'l untary and involuntary.


Deacon: That the Lord God may give his (her) soul a place where all the saints repose.'


Deacon: Let us ask christ, our immortal king and God, for the mercy of God,_the-kinqdom of heaven anJ the foriive- ness of sins for him (her) and ourselves.

ALL: GRANT THIS, 0 L0RD. Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.


Prayer for the Deceased Child (Hospodg fsuse) priesr: (euietLs) 0 LOfd JeSUS ChfiSt, guf GOd, yOU promised to give the kingdom of heoven to those born of woter ond Spirrt wno poss over to vou in innocence 0t I tfe, You soid: ,,Let the cni ld- ren corne fo me, for 0f such is the kingdom of heoven," Humbly we beseech you to let the in- nocent child, Your servont NN, inherit your kingdom in occordance vlith Your fqithful promise, Also let us live the Christion life ond finish it without blome and come to dwell in heoven's obodes t,lith ol I Your soints,

Excl amati on Friest: (A7oud) FQf You, 0 Christ our God, ore the resurrect i on, the I ife ond the repose of Your

274. l{===:3llGxtc::=:=lt-Xlc:==lr=X }ffitt-Xt€:=tt-xt-}t

servont, the child NN, who hr:s fcllen osleep. And to'/ou we render glory togethen with your eternol Fother ond Your most holy, good ond lifegivinq Spirit, not^t ond forever,



Deac."on r sdom !



Di smi ssal

priesf, christ our true God,, l^Jho hos power over the living cnd the deod, will hove mercy 0n us ond sove us for He is the good ond benevolent Lord, He will scve us through the lntercessi0n 0f His most pure Mother, 0ur veneroble fothers 0f the desert ond oil the soints, He will ploce the soul of His servont, the child NN, who deported from us in the monsions of the just ond him (her) rest in the bosom of Abrohom and number him (her) omong the j ust,


After evergthing is readg for departure, we begin sing- ing.. Holy Godl soJennTg and with Ereat pietg.

27I. t€rr(-rlc=::=)ll-:=3t-xt-r t-==>tt-xtc=:-rt{:tarG}l

Priests with candLes and deacon with thuribl-e lead the procession during transfer of the bodilg remains of the deceased to the vestibufe or the interior of the church.

At the Church priest, Blessed be Our God, 0lw0ys, now ond forever,


Come, let us bow down before God our k'ing.

Come, let us bow down before Christ, our king and our God. Come, let us bow down in worship before Jesus Christ Himself, our Lord, our king and our God.

Psalm 90

He who lives with the he]p of the Most High, will abide in the protection of the God of heaven.

He will say to the Lord: "You are my defender, my refuge and my God;" and 'tI rely on Him."

For He will rescue you from the hunter's net and the disturbing word.

He will cover you with His protective shoulders and under His protective wings you wi l'l have hope; Hi s truth will be like armor around you. You will not be afraid of terror at night or flying missiles in daylight,

or phantoms that stalk the dark, or the demon that strikes at noon. Though a thousand fall beside you, ten thousand on your right, it will not come near you. And when you open your eyes to see, you will behold the netribution against sinners.

For You are my hope,0 Lord; (0 my soul), you have made the Most High your refuge.

272. t-)il-'3t-)ll-xl-xrc===3 t:[:3t{::=:=il->il{:-t

No evil will come near you; not a mark wil] scathe your body.

For He wiil tell His angels to guard you on every path you take. They wi'll support you with their hands, that your foot should never hit against a stone. You wili step upon the asp and viper, and tread upon the lion and serpent. He trusted me; so, I will save him and protect hfm because he knew my name.

When he cries out to me, I will hear him and be with him in his distress; I will rescue him and g'lorify hi m. i will bestow length of days upon him and show him my sa'lvat'ion.

At this point, if the cefebrant so chooses, the Kanon Having crossed the water. fraU be sung from the Great Trebngk.

Excl amati on

priest, FOr YOU OUr GOd, WhO dWel i in YOUr SonCtU- ery, ore holy, ond l^le render qiory t0 You, the Fqther ond the Son ond the H01y Spirit, nolv ond forever,


The Trisagion




273. l:|1{=-ll-Xt-XlG=:=lt-ta tc=:=}tr€nc:rte::=tr<:=::>t

Introduction to Episile Reading Deacon: Let us be attentive! Priest' Peqce be t0 to ol I of you,

Deacon: Wi sdom! Let us be attenti ve !

Prokimen (Ps. 27 :7)


Reader: Ret0rn to your rest, 0 soul , for the Lord has dealt kindly with you.


The Epistle (7 Cor. 75:39-45)

READER: Brethren, not all flesh js the same fl es h. There i s one ki nd of fl es h for man, another for animal s; one ki nd for fi sh and another for birds. There are heavenly bodies and earthly bodi es. But there i s one ki nd of glory for heavenly bodies and another for earthly bodies; one kind of g'lory for the sun! one for the moon and another for the stars. Even star differs from star in g1ory. So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. l.lhat is sown corruptible rises incorrup- ti bl e; what i s sown worthl ess ri ses i n gl ory;, what is sown in weakness risesin strength; what i s sor,',n a phys i ca1 body ri ses as a spiritual one. There is a physical body and there is a spiritual one. Thus it is written: "Adam, the first man, became a living soul; the last Adam became a lifegiving spirit."

Al'le'luia Verses - Tone 6 (Ps . 64:5; 24:73) ALLELUIA. (3)

274. xttr(:-at-)ll-'ll€xr-x t-==3r-xt--rtGxl:l i *.0.r: Blessed is he (she) whom You chose and took to ll I Vourself, 0 Lord. U orr: ALLELUTA. (3) i [l Reader: His (her) soul will abide anrid blessings.


Deacan: l,li sdom ! Let us stand ari ght and I i sten to the holy Gospel.

.Pr-iest' PeCCe be + tO CIIl 0f V0U,

ALI-: AND T0 YOUR SPIRIT. prjest; A reading from the holy Gospel of John.

ALL: GL0RY 3[ T0 Y0U, 0 LORD' GL0RY BE T0 Y0U. neaco.n; Let us be attent'ive! Gospel Readi ng (John 6:35-39) priesr, The LOrd S0iCi to the JewS y'lho come to him: "l 0m the living breod, He who comes t0 me need never hunger, He who believes in rne need never thirst. Yet, i tell Vour you have seen but still do not believe, All thot the Fcther gives nte ylill come to me, I hlill not drive onyone 0ll0y vlho comes t0 me, for I came down from heoven not to do my vlill but the will 0f n'ly Father who sent me, it is nCIt the wilt of my Fother thot I lose onything 0f whot he sove me, but thCIt I ralse it up on the lcst doy,"


275. Fi na'l Farewel1

The bidding of farewel-7 takes plaee as the cantors sing the foTTowing stjkheras.. 'Ione Sti kheras - Podoben 6 (O kto ne vozpTachet)

l,lho would not bewail your mournful departure from this life, child. A nestling hardly matured, you have now flown off like a bird in haste out of your mother's arms and come to the Creator of all. 0 chi'ld, who would not weep to see your cheerful face, once ablush like a rose, now faded. (O kto ne voztennet)

0 my child, who would not groan and lament aloud over the great comef iness. and beauty of youn pure ljfe? Ljke a ship that leaves no wake vou too so quickly slipped from view. Come, my friends, rela- tives and neighbors, 1et us bid him (her) farewe'll as we take him (her) to the grave.

(Smext' mJadentsem) Death is a favor to the young (wisa. :7tf) for they are still untouched by the evils of the world. They make haste for peace and exult with heavenly ioy in Abraham's bosom rejoicing now with heavenrs company of ho1y children. They celebrate with faith be- cauie they departed free of the corruption of sin. Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. (BoLizn)

Grief came to Adam in Eden when he tasted of the tree one time, and the ser- pent spewed its venom. And so' a general death came (r,tisd. 2:24) to consume men. But the Master came and destroyed the ser-

?76. t€il-xt€31-Xt-==lt-rl t->t!-Xt-xlc=-rt€l i- - 1., thereby grant'i.n;;oose. Let us *y ll I out to H'im: "Spare us, 0 Savior, and give U I rest among Your elect to the one You have re- fi .eived. " | [J Now and forever . Arnen.

Bo ho rodyc hen fPreloznenigel You are the restorer of the distressed and deliverer of the sick,0 Virg'in God- bearer! Save your city and your people, 0 peace of the embatt1ed, 0 tranqu'i1i ty of the storm-tossed, 0 on'ly protectress of the faithful l

Then the choir sings' Trisagion: 0 Trinity most ho'ly: Our Fatheyi The priest concl-udes with: Yours is the kingdom: Then we sing the Tropars: Wjth the just spirits:, and the Ektenia and prager on pp. 268 ff" Concl usion

Deacou Wisdom!



Disi*+ssal priest, Christ our true God, (Who rOse from the deqd) l^lho hos power over the living ond the deod, ylill hove mercy 0n us cnd sove us for He is the good ond benevolent Lord, (He t^till sove us) through the intercessi0n 0f His most pure

277. t€$-t3tc:-il-xtc=:-3r-r tc==il-lttc:::-tr-$:t lvlother, the holy, glori0us, oll-blessed 0postf.r,I our veneroble fothers of the desert ond ol I the n soints, He ploce will the soul of His servont, ll the child NN, who deported from us, in the mon- fi sions of the just ond sive him (her) rest in the bosom of Abroham ond number him (her) cmong the j ust,


Vichnaya Pamyat' After the DisnissaL the priest jntones..

priest' BleSSed ond ever tObe remembered child, NN, moy your memory be evertrosting,


Vichnaya pamyat' (3) So sviatymy upokoi Khryste, vichnaya pamyat' . Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.

ALL: L0RD, HAVE MERCY. Prayer (Ichrangai)

priesr: (Aroud) 0 LOfd. ln this life YOU pfotect children, ond in the llfe to come You hove prepored o sp0ce, Abrohom's bosom, for them, And becouse of thelr purlty o bright ploce where the spirits of the Just oblde. You Your- self, 0 Chrlst our Moster, receive the soul of Your servont, chlld NN, ln peoce, you soid: "Let the children come t0 me, for of such is the kingdom of heoven." To You belong oll

278. g10ry, honor ond worship, together with the Fother ond the Holy Spirit, now and forever,


The bodg js taken to the grave preceded bg the ptriests and deacon and a71 the cJergg singing: Holy God. The remains are put in the grave and the presiding priest takes some djrt on a spade and casts it into the Erave saging: priest, The eorth ond qll thot fills it ore the Lord's 0s t^tell 0s the world ond 0ll t^tho tive in it, (ps.23:1)

Evergone departs giving thanks to God.

The Burial of a Child duri ng Paschal (Easter) t^Jeek

At the home of the deceased the priest begins: B'leSSed be ouf God: and the rest of the PaschaT Introduction. cf.p. 783 ff . and the Ektenia.- Have mercy on us i and prager.p269ft

Di smi ssal priest, christ our true God, l,{ho for our solvoti0n rose from the deod' trcmpled death by deoth ond to 011 in their tombs sove the sift 0f life, will have mercy 0n us ond sove us for He is the good ond benevolent Lord, (He will sove us) through the intercession 0f His most pure M0- ther, the holy, ql0ri0us, 011-blessed 0p0stles, our venrqble fothers 0f the desert cnd 0l I the soints, He vtitlploce the soul of His servont, the child NN, who deported from us, in the l-'lt-==3ffitF:rt

279. monsions of the j ust qnd sive hirn ( her) rest in the bosom of Abrohom ond number him (her) omong the j ust,

ALL: AMEN. And evergone departs for the church singing: Christ has ri sen :

rn the church the priest begins: Blessed be our God: Christ has riS€n! and the verses.. Let God arise: cf. p.L83. And the choir sings the Kanon of the Pasch. After the Thitd, Sixth and Ninth Odes, the Ektenia p.269 ff. with the prager: 0 Lord Jesus Christ, our God: rhen the rest fol-7ows the ser- vice for the BuriaL of the Laitg during Bright week: p.198tt. rn pTace of the praver: May the Lord Jesus Chri st:, sag the ptager: 0 Lord in this life: p.278.

The Burial of Children from the Sunday of St. Thomas to the Ascension of Christ

we begin with: Blessed be our God: Christ has risen:(3) the Trisagion and al-l- that fol-fows. rn pTace of: Higher in dignityz just before the Dis- missaf, we sing: Shine, sh'ine: and the rest as at an ordin- arg funeraT.


+ + +

280. 17.

Office of the Great Panakhyda or The Parastas

for our deceased fathers and brethren and al-l- the departed true-beTieving Chrjstians.

The priests vest themsel_ves in epitrakhiL and. phelon, the deacons jn stikhar and orar. Theg l_eave the sanctuarq and Eo to the church or the vestibuLe. HoTding a. eandje the server goes ahead of them. As is custoaarg, theg stand around the tetrapod upon which there is a dish of koJgvo (boiLed wheat with honeg and fruit). Father, give the blessing.

Taking the thuribLe and incense, the priest excl-aims:

cet-ebrant, Blessed be our God ollloys, novl ond forever,


HoJding a candJ-e the deacon leads the priest around the tetrapod as he jncenses the koJgvo in the usual. manner.

ALL: Ho'ly God, ho'ly Mi ghty One, holy Immortal One, have mercy on us. (3) Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. 0 Trinity most holy, have mercy on us; cleanse us, 0 Lord, of our sins; 0 Master, pardon our transgressions. Consider our v.,eaknesses and heal them, 0 Holy One, for the glory of Your name. Lord, have mercy. (3)

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Our Father, l,{ho art in heaven, hallowed be Thy l-il-Dlt-nt-xt-X t-tile=tte:=-t#

281. kingdom come. Thy w'i11 be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as vve forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one" pr:,est, FOr Yours is the kingdom ond the p0wer Ond the glory 0f the Fother ond 0f the Son ond of the Hoiy Spirit, noui ond forever,

: AMEN. Lord, have mercy. (i2)

G'lory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. Invi tatory

Come, let us bow down befone God our king.

Come, let us bow down before Christ! our king and our God.

Come, let us bow down in worship before Jesus Christ Himsel f, our Lord, our king and our God. ba'lL e0 He who I i ves r.ri th the he]p of the Most Hi gh ' wi'11 abide in the protection of the God of heaven. He wjli say to the Lord: "You are my defender, my refuge and my God;" and "I rejy on Him." For He wi'll rescue you from the hunter's net and the disturbing word. He will cover you with His protectjve shoulders and under His protective wings you will have hope; His truth will be l'ike armor around you. You w'ill not be afra'id of terror at night or flying missiles 'in daylight,

or phantoms that stal k the dark, or the demon that strikes at noon. r->il-:)il€xr-xl(=:-l t{==:=rrc=-tr(:=tt-xt:ll-x

282. Though a thousand fa'll beside you, ten thousand on your right, it will not come near you.

And when you open your eyes to see, you will behold the retri buti on agai nst si nners .

For You are my hope, 0 Lord; (0 my sou'l ), you have made the Most High your refuge.

No evil will come near you; not a mark will scathe your body.

For He will tell His angels to guard you on every path you take. They will support you with the'ir hands, that your foot should never hit against a stone. You will step upon the asp and viper, and tread upon the lion and serpent. He trusted me; so, I will save him and protect him because he knew my name.

When he cries out to me, I wi'll hear him and be with him in his distress; I wi'll rescue him and glorify hirn. 'length I will bestow of days upon him and show him my salvation. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Alle'luia, alleluia, alleluia. Glory be to You, 0 God. (3) If the Parastas js to be ceiebtated -after vespers or Matins, theprincipaT cel-ebraat beEins.' Flessed be our God: Then l-ed bq the deacon who is hoLdinq a cand.7e, he ineenses around the KoTgvo, whiTe ule saq esalm 90. cf- p. 282, and concfude wixh: Glory be: Now and forever: A'lleluia, a'l'leluia' alleluia. Glory be to You, 0 God. (3) After this the deacon recites the Great Ektenia- Great Ektenia Deacon.. Let us pray to the Lord in peace. LORD, HAVE MERCY. l-=ll-xl-xl-'lt-ll t-=n-ne::=tr-xt€n-l

283. Deacon' For the servant(s) of God, NN, and his (her, their) blessed repose, 1et us pray to the Lord.


If a general- commemoration is to be made for the deceased, sag the foTTowing:

Deacon.. For the souls of a'll in the true faith who throughout the ages have fallen asleep in the hope of resurrection and eternal I i fe: our fathers and brothers; the founders and benefactors of this holy church (or holy monastery), 1et us pray to the Lord.


Deacon: For the forgiveness of all his (her, their) voluntary and jnvoluntary sins, 'let us pray to the Lord.


Deacon: That he (she, they) may be numbered with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, 1et us pray to the Lord.


Deacon: That he (she, they) may gain entry into the land of the living, the p'lace of light, where all the saints repose, 'let us pray to the Lord.


Deacon: That he (she, they) may come blameless before the dread tribunal of Christ, let us pray to the Lord.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon: That he (she, they) may inherit the immortal king- dom of heaven, 'let us pray to the Lard.


Deacon: That he (she, they) may partake of the never-ending joy of Your saints from of old, let us pray to the Lord.

LORD, HAVE MERCY. f-xt-:tlt-xt-lll-r tc==>il--ilC==t#

284. Deacon.. That we may be kept safe from distress, Violence and need, 1et us pray to the Lord.


Deacon. Hel p uS, save us, have mercy on us and protect us, 0 God, by Your grace.


Deacon: Commemorating our most holy, most pure, most blessed, glorious Lady, the Mother of God and Ever-v'irgin Mary, together w'ith a'l I the sai nts , 1et us commend oursel ves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.


Excl amati on p*esr' For you, 0 Christ our God, cre the resur_ rection, the life CInd the repose of Your ser- vont(s), NN, who hove follen csleep, And to You we render glorytogether t^tith Your eternol Fother ond Your most holy, g00d ond I ife-giving Spirit, novv ond forever,


Alleluia Verses - Tone 8 (Ps. 64:4)


Reader: B'lessed are they whom You chose and took to Your- self, 0 Lord. ALL: ALLELUIA. (3)

Reader: Their memory shall be from generation to generation ALL: ALLELUIA. (3) t-ilr-Xl-xl-Xt-xt-'l

285. Tropar - Tone I (tliubgncgu mudrostg)

ldith depth of wisC*m you lovingly make a'll things, 0 only Creator, and gtve what is of benefit to everyone; g'ive restn 0 Lord, to the soul(s) of Your servant(s), for he (she, they) placed h'is (her, their) hope in You, our Creator, our Maker and our God.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Bohorodychen (Tebe j stjnuJ i^Ie have you as a wal i , a haven and most acceptable intercessor before the God Whom you bore, 0 Virgin Bearer of God, salvatjon of the faithful.

The Psalm of The Bl-ameJess js now sung. Jt js divided inta two- stat-{.ons.

Fi rst Station ( Blazhenni neporaehni )


Refrainr Blessed are Youn 0 Lord, teach me Your statuteS: (Ps, 778:72) A-lternate Refrain.. Be mindfu'l , 0 Lord, of the soul (s) of Your servant( s )


Refraii:; Blessed are You, 0 Lord A.lte:rnate &efrajn." Be mi ndful , 0 Lord '.. . . . ALL: TlT LAl.l OF YOUR LIPS I5 DEARER TO ME THAN A TH0USAND GOLD 0R SILVER PIECES. (Ps. 778:72) te::-rlc=:=:rcffi

?86. Refrain: Bl essed are You , 0 Lord " . . Al-ternate Refrain: Be mjndful, 0 Lord...

ALL: HAD NOT YOUR LAI^J BEEN MY MEDITATION, I SHOULD HAVE PERISHED iN MY HUMILIATION. (Ps. 778:92) NEVER t,rlILL I FORGET YOUR STATUTES, FOR WITH THE.I{ YOU KEPT ME ALIVE. (Ps. 778:93) This stich is sung three fjmes. Ektenia Deacon.- 0nce aga'in let us pray to the Lord in peace.

ALL : LORD, HAVE MERCY . (once) Deacan: We pray for the repose of the soul of the servant(s) God , NN , who has ( have ) fat I en as'leep , and for the for- giveness of a'll his (her, their) sins, both voluntary and i nvol untary.


Deacon; That the Lord God may g'ive h'is (her, their) soul (s) a place where all the saints repose.


Deacon: Let us ask our immortal king and our God for the mercy of God, for the kingdom of heaven, and for the for- giveness of his (her, thejr) sins.


Deaeon: Let us pray to the Lor"d.


Prayer for the Deceased

priest: (euietts) 0 GOd Of SpiritS Ond 0lI fleSh, You hove conquered deoth, mode the devil power- less and given life to Your world, Now You, 0 Lord, to the soul(s) of Your servont(s), NN, who hos (hove) follen osleep in deothr 9r0nt t-xt-)ll-lll(===31-rl t(===tt-)3t-xt-rat-=>tt:{

287. rest in 0 picce of light, 0[ oasis 0f delight ond 0 hoven of pecce/ from which poin, trouble ond grief hqve fled, As the good ond benevolent God, forgive every sin of thought word 0r deed he (she, they) mcy hcve committed, There is n0 one who lives and does not sin, for You olone ore l,tithout sin, Your justice is eternol justice cnd Your word is truth, Excl amati on priest: (Atoud) For YOu, 0 Christ our God, Ore the resurrection, the i ife ond the repose of Your servont(s), NN, who hcs (have) follen osleep, And to You we render glory together with Your eternol Fother ond Your most holy, good ond lifegivinq Spirit, nov.t ond forever,

ALL: AMEN. rffinWSecond Station ALL: I AM Y0URS, SAVE ME. (Ps. 7L8:e4) Refrain: Save, 0 Savior, the soul gf Your servant.

ALL: A LAMP FOR MY FEET IS YOUR LAI,J' A LIGHT FOR MY PATHS. (Ps. i-78:705) Refrain: Save, 0 Savior, the soul of Your servant. ATternate Refrajn.. To the soul of Your servant give rest, 0 Lord.

ALL: I 0PENED I'lY I'IOUTH AND SIGHED BECAUSE I LONGED FOR Y0UR COMMANDMENTS. (Ps. 778:705) Refrairi: Save, 0 Savior, the soul of Your servant. Blternate Eefrain: To the soul of Your servant give rest, 0 Lord. l-=lle-|ffi

288. ALL: HAVE REGARD FOR ME AND BE GRACIOUS TO ME THE t,lAY YOU DEEM TH0SE t^lH0 L0VE Y0UR NAME. (ps. t1"s:r32) Refrain: Save, 0 Savior, the soul of Your servant. Al-ternate Refrajn.. To the soul of Your servant give rest, 0 Lord.


Refrajn: Save, 0 Savior, the sou1 of Your servant. ATtetnate Refrain: To the soul of Your servant give rest, 0 Lord.


Deacon: 0nce again 'let us pray to the Lord in peace.


Deacon. 91e pray for the repose of the sou'l of the servant(s) God, NN, who has (have) tat'len asleep, and for the for- giveness of all his (her, their) sins' both voluntary and i nvol untary.

ALL : L0RD, HAVE MERCY. (once) Deacoj?| That the Lord God may give his (her, their) soul(s) a pl ace where al I the sa'ints repose .

ALL: L0RD, HAVE MERCY. (once) Deacon: Let us ask our immortal king and our God for the mercy of God, for the kingdom of heaven, and for the for- gi veness o f hi s ( her , thei r) si ns .

289. Prayer for the Deceased priest: (euietjy) 0 GOd Of Spirits gnd oll flesh, You hove conquered deoth, mcde the devil power- less ond given life to Your world. Now you, 0 Lord, to the soul(s) of Your servont(s), NN, who hos (have) follen osleep in deothr 9[0nt rest in o place of light.,0u oosis of delight ond o haven of peoce, from which poin, trouble ond grief hove fled, As the good ond benevolent God, forgive every sin of thought word or deed he (she, they) moy hove committed, There is n0 one who lives ond does not sin, for You olone ore without sin, Your justice ls eternol justice ond Your word is truth. Excl amation priesr.. (Aroud) For you, 0 Christ Our God, Ore the resurrectlon, the I ife ond the repose of Your servont(s), NN, who hos (hove) follen osleep, And to You we render glory together with Your eternol Fother ond Your most holy, good ond llfegivlng Spirit, now ond forever,


Tropars in Tone 5 Blessed are You, 0 Lord, teach me Your statutes' (Sviatgkh Lgk) The choir of saints found the source of life and the gates of paradise. May I, too, find the way through repentance. I am a lost sheepi call out to me, 0 Savior, and save me. Blessed are You, 0 Lord, teach me Your statutes. t-'ll{::-ll-Xr-xl-Xffi#

29A. (Drevl-e ubo)

Long aqo You fashiongd me from and honored me with Your divine image, but when I broke Your command, You returned me again to the earth out of which I was taken. Restore Your image that I may possess my former beauty.

B'lessed are You, 0 Lord, teach me Your statutes.

(obraz gesm)

I am the image of Your ineffable glory though I bear the scars of sin. Be merciful to Your creature, 0 Master, and in Your loving kindness bring cleansing. Grant me the father- land I yearn for and make me a citizen of para- di se agai n.

Blessed are You, 0 Lord, teach me Your statutes. (Vo pux' uzkig)

A1 I you who wal ked the sad and narrow path, all you who bore life's cross as a yoke and followed me in faith, come, now, and enjoy the honors and crowns of heaven I prepared for you. Blessed are You, 0 Lord, teach me Your statutes.

(Ahntsa Bozhiga) You holy martyrs who proclaimed the Lamb of, God and were slaughtered as sheep, who pass- ed on to the ageless and never-ending life, be- seech Him earnestly to forgive us our debcs. Blessed are You, 0 Lord, teach me Your statutes. (Upnkoi gozhe)

Give rest to Your servant, 0 God, and place him in paradise where choirs of angels and the just shine as bright as Iuminaries. Give rest, 0 Lord, to Your servant who has fallen asleep, and overlook aIl his sins. t-:=3r{:-0-xt-tll-ll |c-r

291,. G'lory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

(TrisigateT' noge)

Devoutly we praise the three-fold radi- ance of the one God-head and cry out: "Ho1y are You, 0 Father without beginning, 0 Son and Holy Spi ri t al so wi thout begi nni ng. Enl'i ghten us who serve You in faith, and snatch us from the eternal flames."

Now and forever. Amen.

Bo horodychen (Radugsia chgstaga)

Hail, 0 pure Lady who bore God in the flesh for the sa'lvation of a'|1. Through you, 0 pure and blessed Bearer of God, the human race found salvation. May we, too, find para- dise through you.

,: ALLELUIA, ALLELUIA, ALLELUIA. GLORY BE TO YOU, 0 G0D. (3) Short Ektenia 'in Deacon: Once again let us PraY to the Lord peace.

LORD, HAVE MERCY. (once) cf. p.287.....

Sidalen - Tone 5 (Upnkoi Spase) Give rest to Your servant with the iust, 0 Savior, and let him dwell in Your courts as it is written. In Your goodness, benevol- ent Lord, overlook all his faults both volun- tary and involuntary, knowing or unknowing. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Ho'ly Spirit. Bohorodychen

0 Christ our God, for the world You came forth from the Virgin and through her made sons of liqht: have mercy on us. l-ll-x#

29?, Psalm 50

Have mercy on me,0 God, in Your great mercy, and in Your abundant kindness c'leanse me of my iniquity.

Wash me especia'lly from my wickedness and cleanse me from my sin.

For I know my wickedness, and my sin is ever before me. Against You alone have I sinned, and before You have I done what is evi'l . May You be justified in Your words and vindicated when You pass judgment.

Behold, I was conceived in iniquity; in sin my mother bore me. Behold, You have loved truth; the secret things of Your wisdom You have revea'led to me.

You will sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shal'l be cleansed; You will wash me, and I shall be made whiter than snow.

You wi'll bring joy and gladness to my hearing, and my humbled bones will rejoice"

Turn Your countenance away from my sins, and wash away all my iniquities.

Create in me a clean heart,0 God, and renew a right spirit within me.

Cast me not away from Your countenance, and take not Your holy Spirit from me.

Give me the joy of Your salvat'ion, and fortify me with Your guiding spirit. I shall teach Your ways to the wicked, and the impi- ous shall return to You.

Deliver me from blood-guilt, God, 0 God of my sa'l- vation; my tongue shall reioice in Your iustice. You wil'l open my lips, 0 Lordr and my mouth shall proclaim Your praise. t< tc::==nc=:=lc:::Stlcxl:tl€l

293. For had You desired sacrifice, I would have offered it, but You take no delight in whole-burnt offerings.

The sacrifjce to God is a contrite spirit; God will not despise a csntrite and humble heart. In Your good pleasuren Lord, bless Sion, that the wal'ls of Jerusal em may be rebui'lt. Then You will be pleased with just sacrifices, offer- ings and holocausts; then they will offer calves upon Your a'l tar. Now we take the Kanon for the Deceased in Tone 8 whose acrostic is: For the faithful who are dying I weave the Ei ghth hymn.

Kanon for the Deceased

Fi rst Ode

Irmos tvoau prosnea) The israeliie passed through water as though across dry land and escaped Egypt's w'i ckedness crying out: "Let us sing to God our redeemer." Awesome in His saints is God, the God of Israel. (smertigu)

Emulating the death of Christ by dy'ing and His holy passion by suffening, all the martyrs attained blessed divine life and now pray for the salvat'ion of our sou'ls.

To 'ihe soul (s)of Your servant(s) give rest, 0. Lord. (Yunostg)

0verl ook the youthfu'l faul ts and do not heed the sins of Your servant(s) who earlier fell asleep, and number him (her, them) among Your chosen ones. l-"ll€:ll€Xr-xl€ll lC=-ll€llc:-lt€:Xl(-ll(-l

294. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Hol y Spi ri t.

(Yuzhe poluchgsha)

To Your servant(s) whom you wel_ comed, a1 1 -mercj ful Lord, grant the ri ch and abundant glory of those who have reached the abodes of the blessed.

Now and forever. Amen.

(ZachaTa gesg)

Al I - immacul ate Mai den, you concei ved the Father's Word, l^lho joined your flesh to Hi s person and lllho by Hi s divi ne m.ight destroyed Hades. Beseech Him to grant f.ife to hjm (her, them) who died'in t[e faith.

Thi rd Ode

I rmos (Uenesnano)

0 only-loving Lord, supreme desire, suoport of the faithful, roofiriaker of heaven's vault and builder of the church, confirm me in Your love.

Awesome i n Hi s sai nts j s God, the God of Israel

( Ochgstgvshqsia)

0 you blessed martyrs, who through bapti sm cl eansed yoursel ves from the anc- ient dournfal I of the fi rst parents and then were born again when you purified yourselves through the streams of your bl ood, Jou now rei gn w'ith Chri st. To the soul(s) of Your servant(s) give rest,0 Lord. (Izhe mertv) 0 Savior, You were wil1ing1y laid i n the tomb and cal I ed out to those I'iv- t-xl->lt-Xl-Xt-)l te:::==tt-)fa:::::5il-Xtc-il:l

295. ing in the tonibs; allow hjm (her, them) whom You took from us to dwell in the abodes among Your just.

Gl ory be to the Fatirer and to the Son and to the Hol y Spi ri t. ( BJ-aho-utrobigem)

0 Master, l^lho by nature are entreated because of the mercy of Your known divine goodness, 0 Savior, grant forgiveness of sjns and repose to Your servant(s).

Now and forever . Anten.

Bo ho lgdyc he n (VopToschsia)

0 Bearer of God, beseech the One Who .i waS enfl es hed n Your wornb and became man , l^lho alone as loving Lord saves man from the gates of death, to grant repose among the sai nts to Hi s servant( s ) .

Repeat: I rrnos (nebesnano kruha)

0 onl y-1 ovi ng Lord, supreme desi re, support of the faithful, roofmaker of heaven's vault and builder of the church, confirm me in Your love.

E kteni a 0nce again let us p.289.

Sidalen - Sessional Hymn

Tone 6 (vo iffiugeta) In truth all things are vain, and life but a shadow and a dream. All the earthborn fret in vain, as Scripture says. After we gain the world we then will come to live in a tomb together with kings and paupers. And so, 0 Christ, our God, in Your benevolence give rest to the soul(s) of Your departed servant( s ) . t<:-lt--r-lr-xl-Al te:Xt-=ll:|ffi

296 Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. Bohorodychen (Vsesviataga)

Most holy Bearer of God, do not abandon me in my lifetime or commit me to human protec- tion; you yourself help me and show rne mercy. Fourth 0de I rmos (Tg moga kripost)

You are my power, Lord, and my strength. You are my God and my joy. l^lithout leaving the bosorn of the Father, You showed concern for our poor condition. And so, with prophet Habakkuk I cry out to You: "Prajsed be Your might, 0 Lord."

Awesome in His saints is God, the God of Israel .

(Da Tvogega) 0 Master Christ, frdy the holy martyrs, behol who endured al I ki nds of suf feri ng, ''l Your glory and deservedly receive Your shin- i ng rad'iance i n heaven and s'ing to You: "Pra'i sed be Your mi ght, 0 l ovi ng Lord ! " To the soul(s) of Yo0r servartt(s) give rest, 0l Lord.


Many are Your mans'ions, gracious Savior. They are accorded to the deserving for the'ir good works. Let them be occupied by those who departed 'in faith and devoutly praise You: "Praised be Your m'ight' 0loving Lord!"

Glory -be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. l--lt-=,lt-xt-xt-ll t-)tl-=3tc==:5t#

297 . (Raven nam)

As a human You became equal to us, 0 immortal Lord, and l'ike a'll of us underwent death and poi nted out the way of I j fe for us. Grant this life to the departed as loving Lord, and as Master grant him (her, them) pardon of si ns and parti ci pati on i n 'l i ght.

Now and forever. Amen. (Tg virngkh) 0 Virgin Bride, you are the boast of the fai thfu'l and the'i r advocate ! You are the refuge of Chrjstians. As a wall of pro- tectjon and a haven you bring to your Son petitions and save those from danqer who pay tribute to you as pure Bearer of God jn faith and love. Intercede with Him now for the repose of the departed among the saints.

F'ifth Ode

I rmos {vsl

Awesome in Hjs saints is God, the God of Israel. (Neskazanniqa) 'loving in Your mercy, only Lord, deem the departed worthy of Your ineffable glory and inexpressible joy in the abodes of the saints where there is the p'leasant sound of feasting and life without pain. To the soul(s) of Your servtint(s) give rest, 0 Lord. l-Xffit-ll-lr-1tffi

298. (rdizhe chgng) j .ing G ve Your servant(s ) dwet f i n the bosom of Abraham, 0 merci fu'l Sav j or, where hosts of ange'ls and the gatheri ngs of the just rejoice, and let him (her, inem) stand with confidence before Your holy and awe - some throne.

G'lory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. (Ochgschenige)

You came as our puri fi cati on, justi fi - cati on and del i verance , merci fu'l Lord , and by Your wounds healed our infirmity. In your go_odness pl ace the departed i n the del i.ght of paradi se.

Now and forever . Amen.

Bo horodychen TMgGTgvrlol . Mercifully, 0 mercifui Lord, you accept- ed human dimension when You took flesh from the womb of the Virgin enspirited by the word, and through her You conquered death and grant 'life to the faithful. Through the intercession of Your birthqiver oive rest to him ( her, them) who irai (navE) fal I en as1 eep wi th the sai nts.

Sixth Ode

I rmos toc$$nsa) Cl eanse ffi€, Savior, for my ini- quities are many, and bring me out of the depths of evi l, I pray, for I have cried out to You. Hear ffi€, 0 God of my salvation.

Awesome in His saints is God, the God of Israel

299. ( I4uchenqtsi )

Your martyrs, 0 Savior, suffered much torture. These saini-; were v,rounded in spirit for love of You because they desired your eyel'lasting glory and sweet company. Through thei rintercession grant rest to the one(s ) who has ( have ) rat 1 en as1 eep. To the soul(s) of your servant(s) give rest, 0 Lord. (Chrevo)

By death, 0 Savior, You tore apart the bosom of the enemy and ra'ised up a'|1 those held captive there and bestowed life. Also grant it to the departed, 0 generous Lord.

G1 ory: (SLez i vozdgkhaniga)

In Hades, Savior, remove the lamenting and groaning of Your servants, for You alone have removed every tear from the face of a'll who in faith bless You.

Now and forever:

Bohorodychen (Izhe gestestvom)

0 a'l I - j mmacul ate Lady, the One tJho by nature is God, is being fashioned in your womb and totally as God empties Himself out. The One t,lho a'lone is immortal dies the death to save a'l I and grants 1 i fe to al I who di e 'in the fai th.

Repeax the lrmos: C'leanse me, Savior:. ?hen take the Short Ektenia on p- 289"

Kondak - Tone B (So sviatgmg upokoi)

Gi ve rest, 0 Chri st, to the sou'l (s ) of Your servant(s)o where there is no pain, no sorrow, no grief, only life unending. t-xl-xl-xt-il-tl t-=tl-=3r:t#

300. I kos (Sam gedgn gesg)

You alone are immortal Who created and fas hi oned man . [,Je earthborn were made out of the earth and shall return to that same eanth according to Your command. you created me and declared: You are earth and unto earth you sha1l return. That is where all us mortals shall go as we sjng the graveside dirge: Alleluia Seventh Ode

irmos ( Otr.otsg ) Bo1d1y the Hebrew youths trampied the flames in the furnace and changed the fire to dew crying out: "Blest are You forever, 0 Lord God ! "

Awesome in His saints is God, the God of Israel {Vse zheJanige)

All the desire of the martyrs was directed alone to the Master. They were united in love with Him as they sang: "Blest are You forever, 0 Lord God!"

the soul (s) of Your servant(s) give rest, 0 Lord (eodageshg)

To those who have departed in faith You grant the di vi ne k.i ngdom and gi ve a garment of i ncorrupti b'i1 i ty to those who cry out: "Blest are You forever, 0 Lord God!"

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. ( IspoJnq)

0 merci ful Lord, fi I I Your servant with joy and happiness whom You took away; allow hjm (her, them) to cry out to You and sing: "Blest are You forever,

301 Now and forever Amen.

Bo ho rodyc he n (Razrishaga) After pardoning the curse of Eve, you took abode w'ithin a spotless Virgin and poured fort,h a fountai n of bl essi no for those who cry out: "Blesseci is the"fruit of your womb.'l Ei ghth Ode

I rmos ( nusisl

Awesome in Hjs saints is God, the God of Israel.

( ZentJeniga)

The real martyrs exper.ienced strugg'les on earth to receive heaveniy crowns. Hith- out ceas i ng they cry out : ,'Si ng to the Lord; exalt Him forever.!,,

To the soul (s) of Your servant(s) g.ive rest, 0 Lord (Soshed)

0 You l^Jho descended tc the lowest depths to raise with Your lifegiving hand those who were 'in the graves , grant peace, 0 merciful Lord, we beseech You, to Your servant(s) who has (have) tatlen asleep in the fa'ith. Let us bless the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, our Lord.

(Yako istochnqk) Since You are the source of eternal I i fe , that stream of refres hment , a1 1 ow l-::>ll-::=ilC:=-tr-xr--l te::=il-)tt-::>tr-Xr:trc:

302. Your servant(s) who passed on to you in holiness to sing and g'lorify you forever.

Now and forever Amen.

Bo ho rodyc he n W"rig" Di"ol

0 Mary, Virgin Godbearer, who bore God in the flesh for mankind, save those who praise and exalt your Chjld forever.

Ni nth 0de

.-_ lr*o: ( u sxrashqsJ- a) Everyone who heard the sound of God's 'i neffable condescension was frightened because the Most High lowered Himself down to flesh and became man in a Virgin's womb. And s0, 0 faithful, we extol the most pure Bearer of God. 'in Awesome His sajnts js God, the God of Israel .

( Imusche) 0 martyrs of Chri st, wi th your i ndomi t- abl e and i nvi nci b'l e strength you ravaged sancti ons of tyrants and c'learl y became worthy of the ki ngdom of heaven i I I um'ined w'ith the 1i ght of the Tri ni ty and worthy of prai se. To the soul(s) of Your servant(s) give rest, 0 i-ord. (Razrushgsia) Strident Hades collapsed when You shook it and-raised those,0lov'ing Lord, who slumbered there from the ages. Now, 0 Merciful Lord, grant Your eternal light to him (her, them) who came to You. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spi ri t. r--0-=fil-xt-xt-x t-il{=:)tt{===il-xr{-ll-l

303. (Ves' gesg) You are total sweetness, Savior! You are total 1y des'i rabl e and real j n- sati abl e I ove ! you are total i neffabl e goodness! And so, grant him (her, them) who passed on to You the delight of your beauty and Your sacred goodneis. Now and forever. Amen.

Bo ho rodyc he n (spasg nga)

0 Mother of God, who bore my Savior, the God-man, two-fold jn nature but not in person; the only- begotten of the Father but born oi you and firstborn of all creation; save me. As loving mother beseech Him to grant rest to the departed with the saints.

Af,t=er this take: It is truly proper: Then the Trisagion. After the Our Father: take these Tropars in Tone 4. Tropar - Tone 4 (So dukhg)

I'Jith the just. spirits who have died, Savior, gjve rest to the soul(s) of Your servant(s), and preserve hjm (her, them) tor Your blessed'life, 0 Lord benevolent. (v pokogishg)

In Your p'lace of rest, 0 Lord, where all Your holy ones repose, give rest to the soul(s) of Your servant(s), NN, for You alone are the Lord benevolent.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to t he Ho'ly 5 p'i ri t .

(Tq gesg Boh)

' You are God Who descended to the abode of the dead and freed the imprisoned from their restraints. And so, to the soul of Your servant(s) ttlt, give rest. lG-ll<=-lt-)lt-xt-X tc:xtc:=:=l3tC:-ltt-tll|<====lt:l

304. r:ilc:>tr<=:::>il-}{K==:=>ff->ll€:]t

Now and forever. Amen.

9_o_!pfgsy*.l9 n (vedgna chqstaqa)

0 Vi rgi n, al one pure and unspotted, who gave birth to God without seed, pray fcr the salvation of h'is (her, their) soul (s).

Ekteni a

Deacon: again let us pray to the Lord in peace.

ALL: HAVE MERCY. (3) the repose of the soul of the servant(s) (have) tatlen asleep, and for the for- hi s ( her, thei r) si ns , both vo1 untary


give h'is (her, the'ir) soul (s) rep0se. fi nLt: LoRD, HAVE MtRcY. (3) [J D=acon: Let us ask our immortal king and our God for the jl rercy of God, for the kingdom of heaven, and for the for- giveness of his (her, their) sins. [J i|ALL: GRArir rHIS,oLoRD. U Deacon: Let us pray to the Lor^d. ll ALL : L'RD , HAVE MTRCY. ]l fi Prayer^ for the Deceased U ?:-res:.. (r;ui:=:'s) 0ll fleSh, [| Ycu ncve conquered death, mcde the devil power- U less and given I ife to Your i^Jorid, lioyl You, 0 [| Lord, t0 the soul ( s) 0f Your servcnt( s),, NN., U yrno hcs (hove) icl len asleep in deoth, gront [l rest in o plcce 0f light, cfl 00sis 0f deiight u t-ilt:lt-)lt-xt-X -O tc::>tt->tt(3tt3tt€tt{:>ll€l

305 . ond 0 h0ven of peoce, from which poin, trouble 0nd grief hove fjed, As the good ond benevolent God, forgive every sin cf thought rqord 0r deed he (she, they) moy hove committed, There is no one who I ives ond does not sin, for you olone ore l^lithout sin, your justice is eternol justice ond Your ylord is truth.

Exc'l amati on priesr.. (At-oud) For you, 0 Christ our God, cre the resurrection, the life ond the repose of your servont(s), NN, who has (have) follen osleep, And to you we render glory together with your eternol Fother cnd your most hoiy, good ond Iifegiving Spirit, now ond forever,


Concl usion

Deacon: l.ji sdom!


priest' Glory be to YOu, 0 Christ OUr God, Our hope., glory be to You,



priest, ChriSt OUr true GOd, WhO hOS power OVer the living ond the decd, will have rnercy 0n us qnd sove us for He is the good ond benevol- ent Lord, He wili scve us through the inter- ,-tll->3t->tr-Xt-X t-=>tr-1t-:=tt-Xr-r{r:{

306. cession 0f Hls most pure lvlother, the holy, glor- ious cnd blessed cpostles, 0ur veneroble fcthers of the desert ond oll the scints, Hewill plcce the soul(s) of His servont(s), NN, who deported from us, in the monsions of the just ond give him (her, them) rest in the bosom of Abrahom cnd number him (her, them) omong the just,


Vi chnaya Pamyat'

pr:est' Grcnt, 0 Lord, to Your ever to be rgnffbered servont(s), Nl'i, blessed sleep ond eterncl rest and keep his (her, their) memory everlcsting, ALL : EVERLASTING MEM0Ry (3) GIVE Htt'l (frer, them) RtST AMONG THE SAINTS, O CHRIST, AND EVERLASTING MEMORY.

Vi chnaya pamyat' . ( 3) So svi atymy upoko'i Khryste , vichnaya pamyat' .

,-::=lt<:-ll-Xt-Xl-X t-)tt->tt-:=il-Xt€tt€X

307. iB.

The Ri te for The Li tt]e Bl essi ng of Water A tabl-e is pJacei in the customarg ol-ace jn the midst of the church and covered with a cLoth. A container with water js set upon it. Vested in epitrakhil- and pheTon the priest takes the hoJg cross and sprinkTer inxo his hands. Led bg the deacon with censer and two candl-ebearers hol-d- ing candles, he goes to the tabfe and places hjs cross on it. Then he takes the eenser and incenses around the water and begins:

ceJ.ebrant, Blessed be guf GOd OlWOyS., l-lOW qnd f gfevef,


ALL : Holy God, holy M'ighty One, hoiy immortal One, have mercy on us. (3) Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirjt, now and forever. Amen. 0 Trin'ity most holy, have mercy on us; c'leanse us, 0 Lord, of our sjns; 0 Master, pardon our transgressions. Consjder our weaknesses and heal them, 0 Holy One, for the giory of Your name. Lord, have mercy. (3) G'lory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Our Father, l,Jho art i n heaven , ha'l I owed be Thy kingdom come. Thy w'i11 be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation but del iver us from the evi'l one.

priesr: For Yours is the kingdom ond the p0wer ond the slory 0f the Fother ond 0f the Son ond 0f the Holy Spirit, now ond forever,

ALL : AMEN. r€=)t-3r:tt-xt-tl t(=::=)rtc==tt-toelt=lt=1

308. Lord, have mercy. (tZ\

G1 ory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Ho'ly Spi ri t , now and forever. Amen. Invitatory

Come, let us bow down before God our king.

Come, 'let us how down before Chri st, our ki ng and our God.

Come, let us bow down in worship before Jesus Christ Himsel f, our Lord, our king and our God.

Psalm 142

Hear my prayer,0 Lord, give ear to my plea in Your faithful ness, hear me i n Your justice. And enter not into judgment wjth Your servant, for no living being can be justified before You.

For the enemy has hunted down my sou'l; he has humbled my life to the ground; he has put me in a place of dark- ness like those iong dead. And my spirit grew weak jn me; my heart wjthin is racked with pain. I recalled the days of o1d; I reflected on all the works of Your hands; the works of Your hands were my med'i tati on . I lifted my hands to You; my soull thjrsted for You I i ke waterl ess I and. Quickly hear me out, 0 l-ord; my spirit fails me; turn not Your face away from me, lest I become l'ike those who go down co the pit.

Make me hear Your mercy in the morning, for I have put my hope in You; show me the path tr arn to take,0 Lord, for I have raised my soul to You. Free me from my enemies,0 Lord, for I have run to You for he1p. ,<=-31-:=SllGXl€Hl-x t->il-:=tt€::=)il-xt:il-l

309. Teach me to do Your wi I I for You are my God; your good Spirit will lead me on the land that is stra.ight. 'let For the sake of Your nt,ne , 0 Lord, You wi'11 me live by Your justice; out of affljction you will lead my sou1.

And in Your mercy You will crush my foes and destroy al I those who hurt my soul , for Your servant am I.

God is the Lord - Tone 4


Acknowledge the Lord for He is good, His mercy endures forever.


They surrounded me completely, but'in the name of the Lord I withstood them.


I shal I not d'ie but I ive and declare the works of the Lord.


The stone which the builders rejected became the cornerstone; this was from the Lord and it is marvelous in our eyes.

Tropars - Tone 4 (Ko Bohorodgtsi)

l^lith ardor, 0 people sinful and humble, let us hasten to the Mother of God, and in repentance and from the depths of our souls cry out : "0 Lady, he'lp and have mercy on us ! Hurry, for in the mu1titude of our sins we are perishing. Do not turn away your poor servants., for you a'lone are the advocate we have. (2) tc-ll-lt-,at-tlt-X t{=::-tt:[-=:=>il-xt€trGx

310. (Ne umoTchgm) Never wil I we, 0 Godbearer r cease to tel I of your power though we are unworthy. For were you not to intercede by your sup- plications, who would there be to save us from so many dangers? lnlho would have kept us free t'i I I now? Onl y b1 essed Lady, never wi l1 we forsake you, for you are a'lways savi ng your servants from every per.ii .

Psa'lm 50

Have mercy on me, 0 God, 'in Your great mercy, and in Your abundant kindness cleanse me of my iniquity.

hlash me especia'l1y from my wickedness and cleanse me from my sin.

For I know my wickedness, and my sin is ever before me. Against You alone have I sinned, and before You have I done what is evi'l . May You be justified in Your words and vindicated when You pass judgment.

Behold, I was conceived in iniquity; in sin my mother bore me. Behold, You have loved truth; the secret things of Your wisdom You have revealed to me.

You will sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be cleansed; You will was.h me, and i shall be made whiter than snow.

You will bring joy and g'ladness to my hearing, and my humb'led bones wi I I re joi ce .

Turn Your countenance away from my sins, and wash away a'l 1 my i ni qui ti es .

Create in me a clean heart,0 God, and renew a right spirit within me.

Cast me not away from Your countenance, and take not Your holy Spirit from me. l-::=llc-ll-tll-xl-rt r{=-il->tt-=il-xre=:>ttc=-t

311 Give me the joy of Your salvation, and fortify me with Your guiding spirit. I shall teach Your wayc to the wicked, and the impi- ous shall return to You.

Del'iver me from blood-guilt, God, 0 God of my sa1- vation; my tongue shajl rejoice in Your justice. You will open my 1ips,0 Lord, and my mouth shali proclaim Your praise.

For had You desired sacrifice, I wou'ld have offered i t , but You take no del 'i ght 'i n whol e-burnt o f f,eri ngs . The sacrifice to God is a contrite spirit; Goci will not des p'i se a contri te and humbl e heart. In Your good pleasureo Lord, bless Sion, that the walls of Jerusalem may be rebuiit. Then You will be p'leased with iust sacrjficeso offer- ings and holocausts; then they wi'll offer calves upon Your al tar.

Tropars by A]phabet - Tone 6

Irmos (vezie-Taaugsia) You, 0 Virgin, who received the greeting "Hail!" from the angel and gave birth to your Creator, save those who exa'lt you.


You, 0 Virgin, who neceived.. A. (voz-spivaVen)

Aloud do we sing the praise of your Son, 0 Godbearer, and cry out: "Most pure Lady, save your senvants from al 1 dangers. "


,:n:r.<-ltG=xt-x r->lte::=iltc=-rt-xt:1=r

312. tc-ll€ll(===at-:=ltc:-lt-x l-xt-atGl=5lr€xr-x

B. (Tsarem)

All-immaculate Lady, you are the boast of kings, prophets and martyrs, and the inter- cessor of the world.

MOTHER OF GOD MOST HOLY, SAVE US. C. (vazgk) 0 Mary, Bride of God, the tongue of every true-believer praises, blesses and giorifies the most pure (Child) you bore.


D. (Dazhd' )

Through the intercession of her who bore You, 0 my Christ, I beseech You as the kindhearted Lord to grant me in my unworthi- ness remission of my debts.


E. (na tga noga)

In you, 0 Mother of God, I Pl aced al 1 mY trust; through your intercess'ion save me and grant me forgiveness of my sins.


F. (ozhgvg mga)

Sti r me to 'l i fe, 0 you who bore the Li fe- giver and Savior; through your jntercession save me, 0 blessed Lady, hope of our lives.

MOTHER OF GOD MOST HOLY, SAVE US. G. (ZhszhdgteTga) 0 all-immaculate Virgin who conceived the Creator of all in your womb, save our souls through your intercession.

313 . l-Xl€Xlc=:-ll-Xt-)lt-:=t t-=fl:tt-:=tt-:][_x

MOTHER OF GOD MOST HOLY, SAVE US. ll. . (Boharodgtse)

0 Mother of God ever-praised, by the vrord surpassing words you gave birth to the Word; beseech Him to save our souls.


Through your prayers, 0 Lady, make the Judger lout Son, c'lement towards me, who have sinned more than any man.


K. (Po doLhu)

0 pure, evervirgin Bearer of God, we Cr.y out "Hail!" to you as we suqht and beseech you to save us through your intercession.


L. ( (tzuavg)

0 Birthg'iver of God, deliver me from eternal fire and the punishment I deserve so that I may bless you.


14. (we prezrg)

l,le beseech you, 0 Lady ever-praised, do not over'look the pleas of your servants, so that we may be saved from a'll attacks.


N. {Ned.uhov)

Rid us of alj infirmities. pain and danger, who hasten to your hoiy protection.


3i4. l(:=>at:ll€==>ll-:=ll-l!€=>l r<:-t!-::-tt-:>n:l*c=:>t

0. (strannoge)

How extraordinary the wonder of you, 0 B'irthgi ver of Gpd ! The Creator of al^l , our God, was born for our sake of you.


Your temple, 0 Mother of God, became physician without cost for ills and the comfort of affl i cted soul s.

MOTHER OF GOD MOST HOLY, SAVE US. Q. (PresviatagaL Most holy Mother of God, who bore the Savior, save your servants from all kinds of dangers and every other need.


Most holy Queen, save your servants from every 'imminent threat and every vexation spirituai or bodily.

MOTHER OF GOD MOST HOLY, SAVE US. !. (spasy) Through your intercession, V'irgin Mo- ther of God,save a'11 your servants from danger and every need as they hasten to you.

MOTHER OF GOD MOST HOLY, SAVE US. T. (Khto prgtekavai) who has hastened to There i s no one JoU ' 0 most pure Mother of God, and has not speedi 1y received heal i ng both sp'i ri tual and bodily.


U. (o vsi!;h)

0 grac'ious Lord , l^Jho are entreated by a'l I the hol y hosts on hi gh , br.i ng me cleansingL r e(1 il5 I ilg throughLrtrougn hernef whoWnO boreoofe you.yOU. ilR u MOTHER 0F GOD M0ST HCLY, SAVE US. il ll v ' (Poschads) u fr 0 Savior, spare the souls of our ll brethren who have died in the hope of life, || and pardon and remit them thejr sins il [l MOTHER 0F GOD MOST H0LY, SAVE US. n l,l. (Radussia) U Hail, *.r'rtr'., -.ification of the [| wortdl Hait, 0 giide of God, 0 golden urn [| of sacreC manna and candelabrum of light! || Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to lJ the Holy Spirit. il Y. (Poqen tqa) u fr We sing the praises of you, God, ll one in the Trinjty, as vve cry out the sound of the Thri ce-Ho'ly, and pray obtai n || - to r sal vati on. il |f Now and forever. Amen. fi ll z. (o Divo) u fi 0 Vi rg'in who gave b'i rth to the Sav'ior, ll the Master and Lord of the wor'ld, beseech ]| Him to save our souls.

[| Additional rropars - Tone 6 u fr (Radugsia horo)

[l Hail, o rrr.*r, *rt , o bush! Hail , t->lt->al-==tt:)tt-==t t:il-3lt<::5il€xK-tr-X

316 . l-={t-t

0 gate! Hail, 0 ladder! Hai1, 0 sacred table! Hai1, 0 Lady, help of all !



0 merci ful Lord, grant Your ki ndness to Your people through the i ntercession of Your most pure Mother.rnd al I Your sai nts .



0 Savior, keep Your servants well through the intercession of the glorious archangel s, angel s and heavenly hosts.



0 Christ my Savior, save Your servants through the'intercession of Your holy, glor- i ous Bapti zer , Prophet and Forerunner.


f ry"JylY"^e)- Grant Your mercy to Your peop'le through the i ntercession of Your glorious apostl es, martyrs and all the saints.


( l[af qtvamV ) As defender and support of the wor1d, 0 Godbearer, protect your servants through the 'intercession of the glorious unmercenaries.

O HOLY GLORIOUS UNMERCENARIES, INTERCEDE l^JITH GOD FOR US l=-*-llrc-rt(-tt-x t:rr':rr:u:tt:rl-l 3i7. t(=::=xl-xlG:::-lt=-l}-ttl:-t 16t=::5rr=3rtl:1G=tt43;3ll

Giory be to the Father andtnd to the sonSon andar to the Hory spirit. I R

(Otsa i S,lna) |J

son ul: l;:'*3li'{oll,l':.;?:i:',3'fi.11' I Trinity, save our souls.', || Now and forever. Amen. ll (Neizrechenno) il ,r.,3.Xli:l';,ln!,;: l?:,1';: i:fi li:il::, ll save those who exal t you. I (Mqt-oserdisa) [J 0pen the doors of mercy to us, 0 R blessed Mcther of God. May we who hope ll in you not perish but be delivered by you g from danger, for you are the salvation of n the Chri sti an peopl e. [| ;::,""' :;;,:":;:"1,;:""0 [ Excl amat'ion || U Priest' For You our God ore holy ond we render giory n to You, the Father cnd the Son ond the ll Holy Spirit, now ond forever, AMEN. Tropars - Tone 6 (Ilgni nasta)

The ti me for everyone ' s sancti fi cati on has now arrived and the Just Judge waits for us. Come back to repentance, 0 sou1, as did the sinful woman, and cry out with tears : "Lord, have mercy! "

JIo. X-3t:llG-ll:ll-::=31-'l t:>l!-tl-:-ll-)ll-:l (vodang)

0 Christ, Phys'icjan and healer of our souls and bodies, today in this holy temple of the Virgin You steep the fount- ains with waters of healing with the sprinkf ing of Your blessing and dispel the ills of the sick. (Diva)

As a Vjrgin Bride you gave b"irth and remai ned a vi rgi n , 0 Vi rgj n Mother, 0 Mary, Bearer of God; beseech Christ our God for our salvation. (Presviataga)

0 most holy Mother of God and V'irgin' gu'ide the works of our hands ; 'impi ore forgiveness for our sins while we sing the angefic hymn:

Ho]-v God, hol.y Mi qhty One, hol y Immortal One, have mercy on us. (3) en: Let us be attentive!

Priest' PeOCe be + to oli of you! Deacon: hlisdom! Let us be attentive!

Prokimen - Tone 3 @ The Lord is my light and my Savior; whom shall I fear? srrcl: The Lord js the protector of my life; whom shal I I dread?

Epjstl e (Hebrews 2:L7-78)

A read'ing from St. Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews' Brethren, the one who sanct'ifjes and those sanctified are all from one, and he is not ashamed to

319. call them brothers saying: "I shall proclaim to my brethren; i n the mi dst of the assembly shal i I si ng your praise." And aga'in, "I shal'l rely on,'And aga'i n , "Here I am, and thp chi I dren you gave me . ', Sjnce "the children" have the same flesh and blood, (Jesus) tikewise had the same as theirs in order that through his death he mjght destroy the one who has power over death, that is, the devil, and set free all those who through fear of death were enslaved al'i their lives. From angels he took nothing, but he took from the descendants of Abraham. And so it was neces- sary that he be like his brothers in every way so that he might be a merciful and fa'ithful high prieit before God to expiate the sins of the people. Because he him- self endured temptation, he can he'lp those who are tempted. Priest, p egce be tO yOU, tne feggef,

Al I el ui a Verses - Tone 6 (Ps' 44:7) ALL: ALLELUIA. (3) stich' My heart will burst forth with noble theme. ALL: ALLELUIA. ( 3) sxich: I tell the king of my works. ALL: ALLELUIA. (3) _Gospel (John 5:1-5) At thot tinte, Jesus went up t0 Jerusolem, Now in Jerusclem there isc sheep's p001 (colled Bethesdo in Hebrew) with five porticoes, A lcrge number 0f sick - the blind, the lcme, the p0r0lyzed - loy there t,^toiting for the moving 0f the woter, for 0n 0nge1 of the Lord wouid conte dovln t0 the p001 f rom time to time ond stir up the wcter, ond the first to enter ofter the stirring 0f the woter t,louid be cured, [o motter whot i1]ness cfflicted him. I fi l-:=l'->lFExt€ttl:-t'-==1l-:=r'==:=tr-Xle::=>r1-ri

320 . Ekteni a

Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord in peace.


Deacon: For the peace from on high and for the salvation of our souls, let us pray to the Lord.


Deacon: For peace all over the world, for the well-being of God 's holy churches and the unity of all, let us pray to the Lord.


Deacon.- For this holy church and for all who have come here in faith, awe and reverence of God, let us pray to the Lord.

ALL : LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon.. For our holy father, NN, pope of Rome, for his beatitude, our Major-archbishop (and Metropof itan), NN, for our most reverend (Archbishop and) Metnopolitan, for our bishop, NN, beloved of God, for the reverend priests, the deacons in Christ, and all the clergy and people, 1et us pray to the Lord.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon.. For the head of our government, (king / queen, president,/ NN), under Godis protection, (or For t.hose in authority) and a'll those in the miltary service of our countrJ, let us pray to the Lord.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon.' For this city (or this town/village: or this holy monastery) and for every community, and the faithful who dwell therein, 1et us pray to the Lord.

ALL : LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon. For favorable weather, for an abundance of the fruits of the earth and for peaceful times, let us

321. pray to the Lord.


Deacon.. For the sa'lvation of tirose who are travel i ng, of the sick and the suffering, and those held captive, 1et us pray to the Lord.


Deacon: That these waters may be sanctified by the power, act'ion and descent of the Ho'ly Spirit, let us pray to the Lord.


Deacon' Th at the puri fyi ng act'i on of the transcendent Tri ni - ty may come down upon these waters,'let us pray to the Lord.


Deacon: That this water may bring healing to sou'l and body and repel all adverse forces,'let us pray to the Lord.


Deacon: That the Lord God may send down Jordan's blessing and sanctify these waters, 1et us pray to the Lord.


Deacon.. For all who need God's help and assistance, let us pray to the Lord.


Deacon: That we may be illumined with the'light of know- ledge from the consubstant'ial Trinity, let us pray to the Lord.


l-=il-:)$-il-xt-:=t r->[-=ftt-=tr-xt{-[-x

322. l<:=:-ll-xt-:xl€::-ll-'llc==t3 t:'tr€il(===trc=:|tr_'t

Deacon: That our Lord God may make us Hjs chjldren and heirs of H'is kingdom through the reception or sprinkling of this water, let us pray to the Lord.


Deacon: That we may be kept safe from distress, v'iolence and need, 1et us pray to the Lord. ALL : LORD, HAVE MERCY.

Deacon: Help us, save us, have mercy on us and protect us, 0 God, by Your grace.


Deacon: Commemoratingourmost holy, most pure, most blessed, giorious Lady, the Mother of God and ever-virgin Mary, together with all the saints, 1et us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.


Excl amation priest, For 0ll glOry, honor ond Worship belong t0 You, the Fother, the Son ond the HOly Spirit, now ond f0rever,

ALL: AMEN. Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.


Prayer (Hospodg, Bozhe nash)

prjest' Q LOfd gur GOd, mighty in CgUnSel ond wondrous 0f deed , moker of oll creotion, You keep Your covenont ond show mercy to those vvho love You cnd keep Your commondments, You occept the suppliont teors 0f 0ll those in need, And S0, coming in the form 0f 0 slove,

323. You did not wcnt to ostound us with visicns but grcnt us real physical heolth and scV: "Behold, you hove been heoied; sin n0 more!,, But You hecled c mcn's eyes with mud cnd told him to wosh himself, By your word you restored iight, You colm the turbulence of contr0ry pcssions, You dr-y up the cruel billows of life cnd subdue the oppressive movernents of lust. 0 loving King, you gove us 0 snow white gar- ment through woter ond the Spirit, Where Lt -ls customarg, he biesses t.i:e water three times and dips his fingers into the water saging:

SEND DOl^lN THE GRACE + OF YOUR IV]OST HOLY., LIFEGIVING AND ALL-SANCTIFYING SPIRIT NOI^I, AND SANCTIFY THIS WATER. (5) Through the reception ond sprinklinq of this woter send us the blessing thot wipes 0t^t0y stcins 0f pcssions, And s0, 0 good Lord, we pfcy th0t You core far oun weokness and mercifuliy heol the i11s of souls ond bodies through the intercession of our oll-pure, most blessed Beorer 0f (jod cnd Evervi rgin lvlcry, ond the por{er of the precious ond l ifegiving cross; through the intercession of the holy incorporecl heovenly powers ond the holy giorious prophet, Forerunner ond Boptrzer John; the holy glorious, 0ll-blessed apOstles; our holy godly fothers; our fothers cmong the soints, the greot hierorchs ond teochers of the world, Bosil the Great, Gregory the Theo- logian cnd John Chrysostom; our fothers ornong ;c-n€==>nc=-rt-xr-x tcFnGln:n€tt(-ll(-l

324. the sCIints., Athonosius ond Cyri 1, the potri- crchs of Alexondria.; our fother or'tong the soints, Spiridon, the wonderwor[

325. who osked us in our unworthiness t0 proy for [J tnem t Remember our brrthren who ore [i held I coptive, 0 Lord, or who cre offlicted, cnd in fi i Your srect mercy show them mercy ond dei [J iver I them from their needs, For You ore the source n i of heol ins, 0 Christ our God, ond we render glory [| I io You tosether with Your Fother without || be- I ginnino qnd Your most Holy, good ond I ifesivinq [| I J| Spirit, notl ond forever, I l| ALL: AMEN. ] Prjesr, peoce be + to ol of you, I I iiUr ll ALL: AND To youR sp

I U Deacon: Bow your heads to the Lord. ] ?t ll ALL: To Y'u,You, o0 L'RD.LoRD. u prayer I n (prqkJons) 11 I (sirentrs) n : 0 LOrd, YOfr !.JhO deigned tO be I l| boptized in the Jordan and scnctified its I woters, inci ine Your eor cnd heor us, [| I U Bless us 0l I 0s we bow our necks ond qssurne I the imoge 0f sloves, Throush the portokins ll I U of this wcter ollow us to be fiiled with Your I hol in.rr, And moy it brins heolth t0 our ll I I souls and bodies, 0 Lord, i Excl amation ll ;_;,;.,;; I [| ] prjesr: (Atoud.l For You cre gur sonctificotion, ll I ond r^re render slorv, thonks ond worship to t ] Y;; together with Your eternot Fother I il,c==3ttc::)tl-xr-:lll-ll ic=::=!re:xt-{-lr:rr-i

326. ond Your 0ll-holy, good ond lifegivinq Spirit, now cnd forever,


He then takes xhe hol-g cross and b-7.esses the water three t:mes with it and dips it into the water taking )-t out of the water each time. The foTl,owing Tropar js sung three times in Tone l.

Tropar - Tone 1 (Spasg Hospodg)

Save Your people, 0 Lord, and bless Your inheritance. Give victory to Your faithful natjon against its enemies, and protect Your peopie by Your cross. ( 3)

TLten the foTTowing Tropar in Tone 2:

Tropar - Tone 2 (Tvotikh darav)

Make us u'orthy of your g'i fts , 0 Vi r- gin Mother of God- 0verlook our sins and grant us healrng as l/le receive your bless- jn faith, 0 most pure Lady. The priest then kjsses the hclg cross and the peopTe do the sal??e. Then he sprrnk-Zes the people, the sanctuatg and the whofe church with the hoJg water as the people sing the fol-Lowing Tropar in Tone 4:

Tropar - Tone 4 (Istochngk)

0 holy unmercenaries, you possess the fountajn of healing and djstribute cures to all who need them, for you were deemed worthy of great gifts from our Savior, the ever-flowing fountain Himself. For the Lord speaks to you who have aposto'li c fervor: "Beho1d, I gave you authority to dri ve out uncl ean spi ri ts and to hea'l al I k'inds of d'isease and si ckness. " And so you I i ved appropriatel y 'in accordance wi th i:,r:,r-u€rx==:==t r€n:rrc:=rr€r=1t-l

327 these commands : " You rece'i ved freel y r So di stri bute wi thout charge, " as you bri ng healing to our souls and bodies.

Then sing the foLJ-owing.

(Prgzrg ) 0 all-pure Lady, regard the supplica- tions of your servants and subdue the harsh actions against us and relieve us of al1 afffiction. For we who calI upon you have you as our only firm and true protection. ble have striven for your pro- tectjon to avoid humiliation. Respond to our plea as we cry out to you in faith: "HaiI, 0 Lady, 0 he1p, 0 joy and protec- tion of all and salvation of our souls!"

(Vl adgchgtse) 0 Lady, receive the prayers of your servants, and free us from every need and care. After the sprirl<7ing:

Ekteni a

Deacon.. Have mercy on us, 0 God, in the qreatness of Your mercy; we pray You, hear us and have mercy,


t)eacon.. h.le pray for the protection of this cjty (tnis vi'l1age), this holy church (tnis ho'ly monastery) and every city and rural area from famine, destruction, earthquake, flood, hail, fire, sword, foreign invas'ion and civil strife, and that our good and loving God may be merciful, piacable and favorably disposed and turn aside His anger from us and free us from His righteous impending sentence and have mercy on us.


Deacon' 0 God our Savior, hope of all the ends of the earth and those afar at sea! 0 merciful Master, be merciful towar"ds our sins and have mercy on us, for i'-=r_,rt:ln(-rt-x rc::-n-=uc==c€tt:lt(-l

328. You are a merciful and loving God, and we render glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Sp'irit, now and forever.


Prjest' PeCCe be + tO Ol i of You, Al L; AND T0 Y0UR SPIRIT.

Deacon: Let us bow our heads to the Lord.

ALL : T0 Y0U, 0 L0RD.

Prayer ( VTadgko mnohomg Tostgve ) Priest: (Atoud) 0 C11-mefCifUI lilOstef gnd LOfd, Jesus Christ our God, mcke our proyer occept- 0ble ond forgive us our sins through the inter- cession of our most pure Lcdy, the Mother 0f God ond Evervirgin Mary ond the power 0f the pre- ci0us lifegiving cr0sS; through the interces- s i on of the hol y i ncorporeo I powe rs 0f heoven.; the Forerunner ond Bopt rzer John.; the holy glorious 0nd ever-proised opOstles; 0ur fothers 0m0ng the s0ints, the greot doctors cnd teoch- ers 0f the t^torld, Bosil the Great, Gregory the Theologion ond John Chrysostom; our fother omong the s0ints, 0rchbishop Nicholcs, the wonderwOrker of Myro in Lycio; the holy teoch- ers 0f the Slcvs, Cyril ond Methodius, the equols 0f opostles; the holy Grond Prince Vladimir, equol of 0n oDOSIle; the holy bishop m0rtyr Josophot; the holy giorious ond vic- torious m0rtyrs, 0ur holy godly fothers, Anthony ond Theodosius Pechersky, ond 0ur other holy godly fothers; the holy righteous ,<==::=3t:ll-Xt-xt-X t:tl-Dlt(-lt-Xt(Ftt€l

329. Joochim ond Anne, cncestors of God, and the holy NN, (potron of this church or whose doy it is), Bring us under the protective shelter of Your wing ond drive cwcy from us every enemy ond adve rs0 ry . Iv'lcke 0u r I i ves peocef u 1 ond have mercy on us ond Your h{orld,ond 0s good ond lovinq Lord sove our souls,

ALL: AMEN. prjest' Glory be toYoU,0 Christ Our God, glOry to You our hope,


Dismissal priest, Christ Our trUe God will hoVe mercy on US ond will s0ve us becouse He is 0 kind ond bene- volent Lord, He will sove us through the inter- cession of His most pure Mother, the power of the precious ond I ifeqivinq cross, the holv NN, (potron of this church or }lhose doy it is) ond oll the soints,

ALL: AMEN. N0TE: If the ceremong for bl-essing water is to take pJace ---V-utirg Matins , then we sing as foLJ-ows: afxet the DoxoTogq comes Trisagion and the Tropar Save Your peopl e; the aJphabetic Tropars." You n 0 V'irgi n who received: p. 372 ff. and the rest for the BTessing of Watet as js customarg. If this is to take PJace on August L, then after the BLessing cf vtatet and the Ttopats: 0 holy unmer- cenaries: and 0 all-pure Lady: cf. pp. 327 ff, we afso make the prescribed ptosxtations. r-'il-xt€-$-xr-r t->ilc-ilc::::>il-3r-ll-'l

330. lc-|t-ll(-l!-Xt->lr-X lc-tt€:Sllctlr€Elr€-l


The Rite for The Li ttl e Bl essi ng of ldater


Priest.- Blessed be our God always novl and forever.

ALL : AMEN. cet-ebrant'BleSSed be ouf GOd olwoys, not^t ond fofever,

ALL : Al'lEN.

ALL: Holy God, ho'ly Mi ghty One, holy immortal One, have mercy on us. (3) G'lory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. 0 Trinity most hoiy, have mercy on us; cleanse us, 0 Lord, of our sins;0 l4aster, pardon our transgressions. Consider our weaknesses and heal them, 0 Holy One, for the glory of Your name. Lord, have mercy. (3) Giory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Ho'ly Spi ri t, now and forever. Amen. Our Father . !'lho art i n heaven ' hal I owed be Thy kingdom come. Thy will be cione on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daiiy bread and forgive us our debts as vle forgive our debtors. And lead us not into tempt.ation but del i ver us f rom the evi'l one . p:rjesr, Fof YOUfS is the kingdOm gnd the p0t^Jef Ond the slory of the Fsther ond 0f the Son ond 0f the Holy Spi rit., notl ond f orever,

ALL: AMEN. After Our Father: the folTowing Ttopar is sung three times in Tone 6:

33i. t€=-r lc:=-ltG-r!-:==>tr-),tF.-->t l<=:=il€tt-x'€=il->t

Tropar - Tone 6 (S t*b""") I

Send down grarL from heaven, 0 giver of life; sancti fy th'is water and I I et i t cl eanse all that is impure. Pruest, Let US Dfcy tO the LOfd, il Prayer over the l^Jater il ( Bozhe velgkoinengtig ) 0 God, greqt 0f ncme., Fother 0f our Lord il Jesus Christ, Who clone tlork c0untless wonders, Whose voice is over mcny wcters/ Whom the I woters sctl ond feared cnd (of l^lhom) even thq deep ond greot st^iirling woters t^tere frightened, I Whose poths ore 0n the seo, Whose lones ore upon the greCIt wOters but whose footsteps 0re il not known, through the bcptism of Your only- begotten Son inccrncte ond the coming down of il the Hoiy Spirit in the form of 0 dove upon Him, You sonctified Jordcn's wcters with Your a poternoi voice, il Now we, Y0ur unworthy servcnts, humbly proy ond beseech You: "Send forth the groce il of the H01y Spirit upon this woter ond with Your hecvenly biessing bless + DUrify, + ond I scnctify + it, grantinE it Jordon's groce ond blessing ond the power to cleonse oll defile- ment, heol oll sickness cnd drive 0ll0y dernons with their plots ond wiles, For all Your ser- vcnts ytho drink 0r pcrtoke 0f it 0r cre sprinkl- ed with in foith let it bring remission 0f sins ond releose from suffering through the power,

1?? l€-lx-l'-=l'-=:=rlc::=il.-=a tG=tt€il--tt->il-=t

oction qnd groce 0f the I'lost Holy Spirit, |'loy the wqter drive 0h,l0y oll evil, Moy it let virtue grow, Let it heol poin, Let it sonctify cnd bless homes ond ploces, Let it hold bacl< destruc- tive windstorms ond bring Your grcce, For You bless ond sonctify oll things, 0 our God, ond v'te render glory t0 You together with Your only- begotten Son ond Your oll-h01y Spirit, now ond forever,


Priest' PeOCe be + tC Ol 1 Of ygu,


Deacon, 8ow your heads to the Lord.


Prayer with Bowed Head (ergkTong)

Priest: (euietrq) Incline Your e0r, 0 Lord, cnd heo r us, 0 You Who sonctified Jordcn's woters ylhen reveoling Your Christ, Bless oll of us i^lho bend our necks 0s 0 sign 0f submission to You, Let us be filled with Your sonctifico- tion 0s l,,le p0rtoke 0f this woter, Let it heol 0ur souls ond bodies, Excl amati on

priest: (Atoud,t FOf YOU Ofe OUf SCnCtifiCOtiOn, ond we render glory to You together t^tith Your only-begotten Son ond Your 011-holy, good ond lifegiving Spirit, not^t ond forever, : AMEN.

333. Now the prLest takes the cross and makes a sign of the c-ross three times in the water with it singing the foJlowing Tropat three times in Tone 7:

Tropar" - Tone 1 @ Save Your people, 0 Lord, and bless Your inheritance. Give victory to Your faith- ful nation against its enemies and protect Your people by Your cross.

Concl usion

priesr, Glorybe to You, 0 Christ our God, glory tO You our hope,


Di smi ssa'l

Priest' Chr i st our true God, llho f or our solvot i 0n condescended to be bcptized by John in the Jordcn, will hove mercy 0n us ond scve us be- ccuse He is0kind ond henevolent Lord, He will s0ve us through the intercession 0f His most pure Mother ond oll the soints,


lllill u rc:=ftlc:::|ilc:::=}il-xt-)l tc==}t|{:::=:5ttc=:::=ll€ll€ll€{

334. 20.

The Ri te for The Great Sancti fi cat'ion of Water during the holy time of the Epiphany

After the priest concl-udes the Prager behind the Ambo, we al-L ga tct the water font.CandLebearers J"ead the wag. The deacons and priests fol-l-ow with the cross, the GospeJ Book and thuribLe while the brethren sing the foLl-owing Tropars:

Tropar - Tong 8 (H)as Hospodnig)

The Lord's voice cries out over the waters saying: "Come, alI of you, and receive the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of understanding, the spirit of the fear of God, of Christ manifested." (3)

(Dnes' vod)

Today the nature of water is sanc- ti fi ed. The Jordan i s parted and reverses its flow on seej ng i ts Master being bap- tized. (2) (Yako cheLovik)

0 Christ our king, You came to the river as a man; 0 good Lord, You hasten to recejve the baptism of a sl ave from the hands of the Forerunner on account of our sins, 0 loving Lord. (2) Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. (Ko hfasu)

At the voice of the one crying*{n the wilderness - Prepare the way of the Lord -, You came in the form of a servant ask'ing for bapt'ism, 0 Lord , though You knew no sin. 0n seeing You the waters became

335. (DlorDoFU7oU gJfuOJDJ il -i c) u U @ € rr'-f L. c) rD a ri w. € O (f Cf- o- 3 e 3 C) a O --t r+p'::'Jc O ::l .+5r+ H.H-cD fD 5 - 5 r: '-r --r fD C HCD CD O-C CD --'r cD cn 5 :r 6pa)O.-tH1O---iO_OOH(nCDfD= --O SOaDCDt-fD<-+57\-r+O.CD=A-=r-=€u>--'r\b il cD .\ r-+-1 cD o cD cD :f \ --1 cD ts= :t cr -5 a ci lJJCDO--11 @r+.-CD(]-C)'-rC(Do-tu= rt O CD --1 --'r r3 - fD O \ c) (O --h fD A c ry o b cf ?rcrQ o)'n 5 () O - € e Q (n --5 P (t g' ut o- a' o, (D:J'= J ;.-=.- € O - -r j o rD Xo o q r- o- I = 6-" il --I r+ (O Hc -J.r+,-oH- F CD CD tO CD O- (+ H. O l-.rlf rD (f ,q! -: B5-;.rD c) cn o J ::' H,rs r-+ o) a H H \- to 5 c) < =. r+ - FJ CD - 5 O= Cl CJ O \ H fD (n lcr q -b U € cn:rr.J.rD = = il Fr+=CDc)CI---tlr+C.tiCt-i{|-=(nl-5=Sd.=ro.>=(forD(D< :' o- (_t (1 --1 cD 5 (D c+ c+ (D r s, (]J o O c) c) o cD rD rl-. 5 crc (^} (D :T= (D - e.(-') O O:f H= -l -+ f-l! rDo)=o.f --1 (t) -= - .+ cD - .D o r+ r:- co - ? o il - CD :J - '1 >- O-= ='- J =O- (D r+ O "l; -s * ral CD ()- CD (+ =fD (D U) C) =O- =\ H 3i. bl11r O crr:6<< -n --{ € rD o € tt \- c) o u) x. (p ()--I t^l of r-l = j.6' llFp.€(ro=rte.ocDnc)--'rr]H:'.lFE(}(Dors-5 = =-r fD tsO CD (f. (O'Q < il cD'-O-f a Ho-6'J3 =tOp-(D u) Hr-l\- cD r *.la o L' '.r+--rfD (+ C) r-l' ,-t ts 3 O (D (n CD ol-. rfiJ .for=-JJ.ri c Ct --1 -1 ::t Cn Qf) fi r+= (' ts (D vl5 (D rD=-c" (D (,.r-:J== O' C) < -1 '- -+ cD - < il o o u, o- -rr r-+ -.cD cd O + +; co 5 cL :t i * q" ff?..,, --+! (n O O =CD O C O f" O O U) ts. -1 CD O. J(f cr. or =r U O=O-.I==C-TJ-.I C (O r+ Q- A CD r+ ='lJa-t(D(Dooo=EH. H O L. r+ u) D ' L^'3 s o- *. r-+ H (-O C J - 6.) Cl fD .-+ CD Ct -1 Ct O ::r 2. R =qr.r:t oJ o- I --r (D o - cD CI.-r - o-< cD 5u J'=t;;< rD o- -r c) H o= J > o- =r* \ - € (D --r c)'-H.H. o -1 3 ilc:=t crrd place there, 0 f or hootinq bi rds cnd stol ks il ,:nd ponds, There wi 11 be 0n open r00d, ond it fi will be called 0 holy rood, No one unclecn will U g0 0n it, And there will not be 0 closed rood, il The dispersed will wolk upon it ond not s0ostrov{J No iion viill be there, neither r\,ii1 wiid onimols fi tjc) 0n 0r be found 0n it it,0niy the recJeemed [J r:ild chosen of the Lord will wolk 0n it, They ll will return snd come t0 Slon with joy ond slcd- [l iress, And eternoi j oy wi I I be upon thei r heods, Ptrcise, J0y and glodness will come to them;pcin, t^iftrry cncj siEhing rii I I deport, "

Itt:eccn: l,'ii SdOm !

Reader: A readjng from the prophecies of isaiah. Deacon: Let us be attentive!

Second Scripture Reading (rsaiah 55:7-73) Reader: Thus soys the Lordr "You who ore thirst go to the woter; ond ol I who hove no money, 90 ond moke purchosesj eot rich foods ond drink without regord to money or price, l^lhy do you weiqh out silver for whot is not breod 0r the woges 0f yOur lobor for whot does not sotisfy? Listen to me ond eot good things ond your heorts will enj0y good things, Listen with your eors ond follovl my footsteps; heor me ond you will live omid good things, I wili moke 0n ever- losting covenont with you, the holy things ossur ed to Dsvid, Behold, I gove hlm 0s o witness

337. l===>ll-=ll€ilr€=ll---)rl-:=l t-=o-==u€u-=>n€>r

for the notions, 0 lecder ond ruler for the peoples, Behold, nctions thot did not know you t^till coll upon vou; DeuDle who did not come to know you will hosten to you becouse of the Lord yOur God, the Holy One of Isroel, for I hove glorif ied you, Seek God, cnd when you f ind Hirn, invoke Him 0s He opprooches you, Let the impious mon obondon his t^tcys cnd the sinful mon his coun sels, Turn to the Lord your God cnd you will be mercifully dealt with for He will richly for- give you your sins, For my counsels ore not like your counsels; neither ore your woys my utoys, soys the Lord, For 0s for distont 0s heov- en is from the earth, SO for distant is my poth from your poths, your thinking from my thoughts, As the rain 0r snow corne down from the heavens ond do not return there until they woter the earth ond mcke it fertile ond blooming ond yield seed for the sower ond bread for food, s0 will the word thot comes from my lips be, It will not come back t0 me until oll thct i willed is done, I will moke my wcys ond commonds suc- ceed, You will glodly g0 out ond leorn with joy, The hills ond mountoins will welcome you with joy; the field trees will applaud with their bronches, In ploce of the thornbush, the cypress will rise; in ploce of the briar-bush the myrtle will rise. And the Lord will be on eternol ncme ond sign, ond He will not foil, )n.. l^Jisdom! Reader: A reading from the prophecies of Isajah.

338. l3:===ll:llG-3t-=l=lt-=tr<==-t t::>0:il-tlc-tt<::::>t

Deacon: Let us be attentive! Third Scripture Readitg ( Isaiah L2 :3-6)

Reader: ThUS SgyS the LOrd: "DfOW W6tef With joy from the fountoin of solvotion, Thot doy yOu will s0y: Poy tribute to the Lord ond col1 upon His flcffie; onnounce His glory to the nctions, Remember thot His nome hos been exoited, Sing the nome 0f the Lord for He hos done subi ime things; onnounce these things in ol I the eorth, Rejoice cnd be 910d,0 you who live in Sion, for the Hoiy One 0f Isroel hcs been exolted in its midst, " Deacon: Let us be attentive! Priesr' PeOCe be + tO 011 Of yOU! Deacon: l'Jisdom! Let us be attentive!

Prokimen - Tone 3 (Ps.26:7a,b)

ALL: THE LORD IS MY LIGHT AND MY SAVIOR; WHOM SHALL ] FEAR? 'li Reader: The Lord i s the protector of my fe; whom shal I I dread?


Deacon; Wi sdom!

Reader: A readi ng from St. Paul 's Fi rst Ep'i stl e to the Cori nthi ans.

Deacont Let us be attenti ve !

339. t€xt€)il-::-ll-tll-3il_=t'_tt_ftr_={r_:_il_>{

Epi st1 e ft con-TUt-a) Reader: Brethren, i do pr:t want you to be unaware of the fact that all our fathers were under a c1oud, and all of them passed through the sea. All were baptjzed into Moses in the cloud and in the sea. They all ate the same spiritual food and drank the same spiritual drink since they drank of the spi r j tual rock that f o'l 'l owed them; this rock, of course, was Christ.

Alleluia Verses - Tone 4 (Ps. 28:3; 173:5) ALL: ALLELUIA. (3)

Reader: The vojce of the Lord is over the waters; the God of g"lory has thundered, the Lord, over the mighty waters.


Reader: hJhy is jt, 0 sea that you have fled? And you, 0 Jordan, why have you turned back? ALLELUTA. (3) ,,#*n-,,, Deacon: Wisdom! Let us stand aright and listen to the ho 1y Gospel : Pr]-est.. Peoce be + to ol I of Deacon' A reading from the holy Gosepl according to Mark.

ALL: GLORY BE T0 Y0U, 0 L0RD, GLORY T0 Y0U. Deacon' At thqt tiffe, Jesus come from Nazoreth 0f

Golilee ond woi boptized by John in the J ordon , Then os he wos coming out of the woter, he sot^l the heovens divide, ond the Spi rit come down

340 . l-xt-lt<==>3!C:=:=lr-tal--a t_lat<=-ilc=-n<==>n-lt

upon him cs 0 dove, And from the heovens t^tos heord the voice, "You ore nty beloved Son in whom I om well pleosed,"

ALL: GLORY BE TO YOU, O LORD, GLORY BE TC YOU. Ekteni a Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord in peace.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon: For the peace from on high and for the salvation of our souls, 1et us pray to the Lord.

ALL: L0RD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon.. For peace all over the world, for the well-being of God's holy churches and the unity of a'll, let us pray to the Lord.


Deacon.. For this holy church and for all who have come here in faith, awe and reverence of God, 1et us pray to the Lord .


Deacon.. For our holy father, NN, pope of Rome , for hi s beatitude, our Major-archbishop (and Metropo'l'itan), NN, for our most reverend (Archbishop and) Metropolitan, for our b'ishop, NN, beloved of God, for the reverend priests, the deacons in Christ, and all the clergy and people, 1et us pray to the Lord.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon: For the head of our government, (king / queen, president,/ NN), under God's protection, (or For those in authority) and all those in the miltary service of our countrJ, let us pray to the Lord.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon.. For thi s city (ot thi s town/vi I I age, or thi s holy monastery) and for every community, and the faithful who dwell therein, 1et us pray to the Lord.

341. Deacon.. For the sal vation of those who are travel i ng, of the sick and the suffering, and those held captive,1et us pray to the Lord.


Deacon: That these waters may be sanctified by the power, action and descent of the Holy Spirjt, let us pray to the Lord.

ALL : LORD, HAVE MERCY . Deacon' That the purify'ing action of the transcendent Trinity may come down upon these waters, 1et us pray to the Lord.


Deacon: That they may be g'iven redempt'ive grace , Jordan' s blessing, by the power, action and descent of the Holy Sp'iri t, I et us pray to the Lord.

ALL : LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon: That satan may be swiftly crushed under our'let feet and that every plot made aga'inst us be foiled, us pray to the Lord.


Deacon: That the Lord God may snatch us out of every trap and temptation of the devi'l and make us worthy of His promised goods, let us pray to the Lord.

ALL : LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon: That we may be illumined by the light of knowledge and religion through the descent of the Holy Spirjt, let us pray to the Lord.


342. lC==-ll{:-ll:X}-Xt-:=il-:=t r-=ttc:-r-Xrc=:-ttc-r

Deacon: That the Lord God send down Jordanrs blessing and sanctify these waters, 'let us pray to the Lord.


Deacon: That thjs water may be a gift of sanct.ificaticn and de'l i verance from si n , a heai i ng of sou'l and body, and al I the benefi ts that fol'low, 'let us pray to the Lord.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacan: That this water may spring up to eterna'l iife, let us pray to the Lord.

ALL : LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon: That jt may foil every entnapment of visjble and invisible enemies, 'let us pray to the Lord.

ALL : LCTRD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon: For those who take it and use it for the sanc- tification of their homes, 1et us pray to the Lord.


Deacort: That it may purify the souls and bodies of all who take it and use it in faith, let us pray to the Lond.


Deacou That we may be fj l j ed wi th sanct'i f icat'ion by the unseen presence of the Hoiy Spirit when we receive this water, let us pray to the Lord.


Deacan: That the Lord God may hear the suppliant voice of us sinners and show us mercy, let us pray to the Lord. ALL : LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacan: That we may be keot safe from distress, violence and need, 1et us pray to the Lord. ALL : LORD, HAVE MERCY.

343. l€xl€xl:al€=tll-tat€)l x=-tt-Dt!-:>tr-)*-)t

Deacon; Help uS, save us, havs mercy on us and protect us, I 0 God, by Your grace.


Deacon: Commemorati ng our most ho1y, most pure r most bl essed, glorious Lady, the Mother of God and ever-vi rg'in Mary, together with all the saints, 1et us commend ourselves 'l and one another and our who'le i fe to Chri st our God .


As these petitions are being said the priest quietJg sags the foJlowing prager: Prayer (Ilospcdg fsuse) priest: (euiett-s) 0 LOfd JeSUS ChfiSt,0 Only- begotten Son l^Jho are in the bosom of the Father, C true God, 0 source 0f I ife ond immortcl ity, 0 Lisht from Light Who came into the world t0 enlighten it, illumine our minds t^tith Your H0ly Spirit qnd t^telcome us os t,{e 0cknowledge Your mojesty ond offer You thonks for Your wonderful cnd mighty works 0f old ond for Your soving dispensotion in which You cssumed cur uieok cnd p00r noture ond come down to the ievel of 0 slcve, though You were the king 0f CIIl, You even consented t0 be bcptized in the Jordan by the hond 0f 0 siove so thot hoving sancti- fied tire siniess ncture of woter You mcy 10y out the pCIth 0f rebirth through woter ond the Spirit ond restore us t0 our originol freedom, As we celebrCIte the memory 0f this socred mys- tery, we beseech You, 0 loving Moster, sprinkle this wcter, the gift of Your mercy, upon us,

344. l-xl€lt-=:=lt:ll-==ttc-l l:tt<-tt€:tltlc=:Drc==::>t

Your untl0rthy servcnts/ s0 th0t in 0ccord0nce u/ith Your promise the petition 0f us sinners over this wgter moy be ccceptcble in Your g00d- ness ond through it Your blessing moy be to it, t0 us, ond to oll Your foithful people for the glory of Your holy ond odoroble nCIme, For to You belong oll glory, honor and qdorotion tosether with Your etern0l Fother ond Your 011-holy, good ond lifesiving Spirit, not,l cnd forever, QwietJg the priest sags, Amen. Then after the deacon concJudes the Litang, he says thjs-prager aloud, IF IIE WISHES

Praye r (Troitse) p:-jesr: (Atoud) 0 Trinity tronscendent, supremely 900d, suDremely holy., ol l-powerf ul, everywhere present, invisible, incomprehensible, creotive 0f rotionol beings 0nd spirituol notures, super- n0tural goodness., inoccessible Light th0t en- I ightens every mcn thot comes into the world, shine for me 01s0, Your unworthy servcnt, cnd iliumine the eyes of mv mind thot i mov confid- entiy sing of Your meosureless beneficence ond power, Let my proyer in beholf of the people here present be occeptobie lest rny s ins pre- vent the coming of Your Holy Spirit here, Allow ffie, rcther, t0 blamelessly sing Out to You, 0 supremely good Lord, ond Sov: We glorify You., 0 loving Moster, al l- sovereign Lord, eternol king! l,le glorify You, the creotor and Moker of oll, We glorify You,

345 " |€=-ll€-llG::-at€=t{F*--=tr€:={ r_>lr_==c_>u_:>tr_}r

born of 0 mother without fother, ond begotten of the Fother without mother, In the preceding feost tnte beheld you cr 0n infcnt; in the pres- ent one t^te see you in full ststure, perfect from our perfect God Who reveoied Himself, The festive time hcs arrived todoy, The compony of soints is gothering with us t0d0y, Angeis cre celebroting with men, For todoy the groce of the Holy Spirit in the form of 0 dove come upon the woters, Todoy the never- setting Sun hos risen oncl the world is iilumined by the llght of the Lord, Todcy the moon olso I ights up the world wlth bright r0ysj the tl^link- ling stors odorn the world with their brisht spqrkle, Todoy the cjouds sprinkle 0 shower of justice from heoven upon monklnd, Todoy the Uncreoted willingly lets His creoture ploce hands upon Him; todcry the prophet ond Forerun- ner cpproaches the Ploster but stonds trembi- ing 0s he beholds Gocl's condescension to us, Todoy Jordsn's woters become curotive by the coming of the Lord; todoy oil creotion is wctered by the mysticoi streoms, Todoy mon- kind's sins cre washed clean by Jordon,s wcters, Today pcrodise is opened for monkind ond the Sun of Justice shines forth for us, Todoy the bit- ter woter f rom the time of fvloses becomes sweet by the coming of the Lord, Todoy we ore deliv- ered from the ancient lament ond ore scved 0s the New Isroel; todoy ule ore freed from dark- ness ond cre enlightened by the light of God's

345 " L-lt<=-lt€=::::=lr€=:=ll-'tt-=ta t--1l<=Eflt€E>trg=3tp-'t U knowledse, Todoy the dorkness 0f the world ,rr*[J moved by the oppeoronce of our God; todoy oi [i I || U creotion is enlishtened by Iisht from on hiqh, I Todoy the I of-ty converse lowly; || with the todcy n the socred ond sreot-voiced festivol of the U [J true-believers todoy tl is resoling deceit is || prepcres U destroyed ond the coming of the Msster ll pCIth [| tfie of solvqtion for us, Todqy the Moster n U is hurrying for baptism in order t0 leod [| monkind t0 the heishts; t0d0y the Unbowed [| [| g stoops before His servont to free us from ser- ll purchosed [| vitude, Todoy we have the kingdom of ll U heoven ond the Lord's kingdom hos no encl; to- ll [l dcy lond ond seo distribute the world's joy ll g ond the world is filled with siodness, [l [l "The woters sow You, 0 God, the woters lI X sow You and beccme frightened," "The Jordon U ll turned bcck" when it solr the divine f i re [| coming down in physicol form ond entering it, U H irrrr il ioroqn turned bock" when it sor^r the Holy [| g Spirit in the form of 0 dove coming down ond U il l*;il;,n;i,:'?;,llffi,i*i::-:;ixl,i::-;;, I [ ;;;;,;; enrteshed, the Moster in the rorm of t 0 slove, "The Jordon turneci bcck" and "the I mountoins leoped for j oy" when they beheld [| il f; God in'in the flesh, And the clouds thundered *onder 0t the opproachins Lisht rrom il i:i:l il ;i3'i;,iil',::i,liiT ;;':,:':;,:li'.1!'i'.3'li]o il [fi Himself Who drowned the deoth-penolty of the n

347 . l:al-Xtc:::::>ll-tll->ll-:=t t-=>1:trg:=::>p<====t!:t

foult in the Jordon, ond the sting of the de- ceit ond the bonds 0f Hodes, ond the One Who gove baptism for the solvotion of the world, And sor I, Your sinful ond unworthy servont, filled with ot^te onnounce the might of Your won- ders ond proyerfully cry out to You: Blessing with Candjes

With burning candTes the priest makes a sign of the cross three times over the water and thrusts tlem into the watet excTaiming:


For You,Who by Your l'till colled forth 0l I things from not-being into being, hold cre- otion together by Your power ond govern the t^torld by Your providence, YoiJ composed creoti0n out 0f the four elements ond c;'owned the cycle of the yeor with four seosons, All spirituol powers tremble before You, The sun proises You, the moon glorifies You, the stors ore in Your presence, The I ight obeys You, ond the depths tremble before You, cnd the fountoins ore Your servonts, You stretched Out heoven I ike 0 cur- toin, You estoblished the eorth upon the woters, ond surrounded the seo with sond, You poured out 0ir for breoth, Angel powers minister t0 Y0u, Choi rs 0f orchongel s worship You , ltlony- eyed cherubim ond six-r^tinged serophim stond in c circie ond hover 0b0ut You covering themseives

348. l-:>ar:6->1-=1:t -Xl€-lrCE:3ll-3lt:l!->l in orle of Your unopproochlhle slory, For thoush il You cre God indescribable, without beqinninq fi ond inexpressible, You come t0 eorth ond took [J on the foi-m of 0 servont in the l ikeness of CI || mon, the mercy Your kindness, in of Moster, You [J did not endure seeing mon under the tyrrony of ll profesr of the devil but come ond soved us, l^le lJ Your groce, procloim Your mercy ond hide not Your fi beneficence, You I iberoted the ncture of our [| Your You sonctified senerotion,By birth the ll the womb of the Virgin. All crection proises [| You at Your oppeoronce, f or You., our God, mon i - [l fested Yourself on eorth ond lived sntong men, ll You olso scnctified the streoms of the Jordon || by sending clown Your Holy Spirit f rom hecven cnd U You crushed the hecds of the serpents lurking ll there, ll Breathins over the water Il u P,eciting this prager three tjmes the priest bJows ovet || the water in the form of a cross, ll Ptiesx: (At-oud,r CQ|vlE NQ|,r{ YQURSELF, 0 LQVING KING, ll AND'$IITH THE D E S C E N T OFYOUR HOLY SPIRIT [| SANCTiFY + THIS WATTR , (3) il Give it the groce of redemption, Jordcn's fi 0 f ountoin incorruption, blessing, i{cke it of [| 0 gift of sonctificotion ond relecse from sins, fl lioke destructive of Let itheoldiseoses., it [J pol^Jers, demons ond immune to hostile Let it be || filled with the power of onsels s0 thot oll [l who drow ondrnd pqrtoke 0f it movmoy receive it for [|n l:='-':*-xrc:::-tr<-tr--.,.=-l

349. t€al-xl-=)lt-:={t€:)t}:ta t€:xr€}at_=:}{

purifyinq their souls, curing suffering, bless- ing homes cnd ony specicl need, For you ore our God l^lho through yroter und spirit renewed our noture grown old under sin, you ore our God l,lho through woter overwhelmed sin in the time of Nooh, You cre our God hlho through the seo- woters I iberoted the Hebrew peopie led by Moses from Phoraoh's enslovement, you ore our God Who spi it the rock in the desert - the woter flowed filling the water courses - ond you sloked the thirst of Your people, you ore our God Who through woter ond fire rescued Israel by Elijoh from the deceit of Bool,

Bl essi ng o.f Water w'ith Hand

The priest b-lesses the water three times with his hand putting his hand into the water each time saging:


Gront sonctificotion, heolth, cleonsing ond blessing to oil touch it, pcrtoke of it or onoint themselves with it, And, Lord, sove 0ur governing 0uthori- ties ond keep them under Your protecticn in peoce, Gront them oll their petitions for s0fety ond I ife eternol thot Your most holy nome moy be glorified by the elements, by men, by ongels, cnd by whot is visible ond invisible, together with the Fother ond the Holy Spirit now ond forever,


350. lc-lt:llc:::-ll-=lt€)il€t t:il(-il€xr€xrc=::>t

Priest: Peoce be + tO OIi Of yOU! ALL: AND T0 Y0UR SPIRIT.

Deacert: Bow your heads to the Lord.

ALL : T0 YOU, 0 L0RD.

Player with Bowed Head

priest: ( euiett-q) InCl ine YOUf eof , 0 LOfd, Ond heor us, 0 You l^lho condescended t0 be boptized in the Jordon ond sonctified its woter, Bless us who by bowing our heods moke 0 sign of our servitude, Let us be filled with Your soncti- fication 0s t^te pcrtoke 0f this woter ond let it be for the health of our soul ond body, 0 Lord. Exclamation

prjesr: (Ai.aud) FOf YOU Ofe OUf Sonctif iCatiOn Ond t^te render glory, thonks CInd l^''orship to You together t,lith Your Fother ond Your most holy, good cnd lifegiving Spirit, noul ond forever,

A.LL : AMIN. Blessing Water with Cross

Then the priest bi.esses the water with the sacred cross and dips it into the water, raising it and then Tifting it. He hol-ds it with both hands and sings the foLlowing Tropar in Tone 1:

Tropar - Tong 1 ( Vo Yordani)

priest: ( Dippins cross) When YOU + Wefe being boptized in the Jordon, Lord.,,, The choir of cantors continue:

351 . ALL: worshi p 0f the Tri n.ity was re_ vealed. The voice of the Father bore j ,'bel w tness to you , ca'l I i ng you oved Son", and the Sr,,".it in the form of a dove ccnfirmed the certainty of His word. 0 ehristn our God, l^lho appeared and., enl'iptrpened the worl d, gl ory be to you. t3) Again he signs the waier with the cross and then a third time. Then the prlest takes some water on a dish. He turns and faces west ( the peopJe) , hoJding the cross in his Left hand and a c-Zuster af ltasil_ in hjs right" The presiding ceiebrant cames frrst to kiss the hoTg cross and then the prjest bJesses his face with the cl-uster of basil- dipped rn the ho.Ig water. The cletgg come,forward according tc> rank as weJ_l- as aLL the brethren. The Tropar.. When You were being bapt'ized: js repeatedlg sung at this tine until- aJ-l- the brethren are .bl.essed withthe sprinkling of water. Then we enter the church sinEing this song in the Samohl-asen Tone 6:

Song * Tone 6 ( rlospagim virnigi) ALL: 0 faithful people, iet us sjng of God's g!"eat ki ndness towards us : because of our sins He became man; for our pul if icatjon He js washed in the Jordan bJho alone is pure and un- defiled, and He sanctifies me and the water,and in the water crushes the heads of the serpents" Let us, there- fore, 91ad1y draw the water, for the grace o f the Spi ri t 'i s gi ven unseen to those who draw 'i n fai th f rom Chri st our God and the Savior of our souls.

ALL: Blessed be the name of the Lord now and fonever.(3)

Fsalm 33 ALL: I bl ess the l_ord at all times; praise of Him will be ever on my lips. My soul urill glcry f n the Lord; I et the meek hea!" and exul t.

352 " Extol the Lord wit,h me, and together let us raise His name on high.

I sought the Lord and He heard me, and from al l my tribulations He delivered me.

Come to Him and be enlightened, and your faces will not be shamed.

This poor man cried out and the Lord heard him and saved him from all his tribulations.

The Lord's angel will encamp round those who fear and del iver them. Taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man who hopes in Him. Fear the Lord, you His holy ones, for there ' all i s nothi ng for those who fear Him.

The rich became poor and hungry, while those who seek the Lord will not lack a thing. Come, chiidren, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord.

ll|ho is the man that desjres l'ife and longs to

see happy days " Keep your tongue from speak'ing evii, and your lips from telling 1ies. Turn away from evi I and do good; search for peace and pursue it. The eyes of the Lord are upon the just, and His ears to their prayer. The face of the Lord is against those who do evi1, to crush mentory of them from earth.

The just cried out and the Lord heard them, and saved them from al I thei r affl i cti ons . The Lord 'is cl ose to the broken of heart , and wiII save the humble of spirit. l-:'ll->ll-)lt-)at-1 r-)t|-:'tt-=ttt€Xl€t|:t

353. Many are the affrictions of the just, but the Lord will deliver them from all of thern

The Lord guards a1l frieir bones; not one of them will be broken.

The death of sinners is violent, and those who hate the just man commit sin The Lord wjll deliver the souls of His servants; all who hope in Him wjll not fall into sin.

After first drinking some of the holg water, we take the antidora from the priest. The sol_emn D:.smissa-Z is given"

Concl usion

Deacon: l,Ji sdom!


prresr: $lesSed be Christ OUr GOd, He Who iS, ond glorified be He olwoys, not,v ond forever, ALL: AMEN. GIVE STRENGTH TO THE HOLY CATHOLIC (OTtTIodox) FAITH FOREVER, O GOD.

Prr.est i Most holy l'lother of God, sove us


priest, ilOry be t0 YoU, 0 Christ OUr GOd, OUr hope, glory be to You.

ALL: GLORY BE TO THE FATHER AND TO THE SON AND TO THE HOLY SPIRIT, NOW AND FOREVER. AMEN. LORD, HAVE MERCY. LORD, HAVE MERCY. LORD, HAVE MERCY. GIVE THE BLESSING" priest, ChriSt ouf trUe GOd, WhO fOr our S01V0ti0n condescended to be boptLzed by John in the Jord- ofl, hjill hove mercy 0n us ond,,,,,sclints, ALL: AMEN. t-=ll-'lt-xl-xt-X te=='il--tr-:=t|-]trF'il-!i

354. 2I.

The Servi ce for Holy Pentecost

priest, Blessed be our God olwoys, tlow ond f orever,

ALL: AMEN. Usual Introduction 0 heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of truth, everywhere present, fi I I i ng a'l 1 thi ngs , treasury of bless'ings, Bestower of life, come dwell within us and cleanse us of all defile- ment, 0 Gracjous One, and save our souls.

Holy God, ho'ly Mi ghty One, holy Immortal One, have mercy on us. (3)

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spiroit, now and forever. Amen.

0 Trinity most holy, have mercy on us;, cleanse us, 0 Lord, of our sins; 0 Master, Pdf- don our transgressions. Consjder our weaknesses and heal them, 0 Holy Onen for the glory of Your name. Lord, have mercy. (3)

G'lory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Our Father, l,Jho art i n heaven, hal I owed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Gjve us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we for- give our debtors. And lead us not into tempta- tion but de] i ver us from the evi I one. priest, For YOUrs is the kingdom Ond the p0wer 0nd the glory 0f the Fother ond 0f the Son ond of l<==-ll->ll-)lt-,ll-'l tc::-!!te::=tt€=5il-Xt€t|€l

355. the Holy Spirit, not^t ond forever,

ALL: AMEN. Lord, have mercy. (I2)

G1 ory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. Invi tatory

Come, let us bow down before God our king.

Come, let us bow down before Christ, our king and our God.

Come, I et us bow down i n worsh"ip before Jesus Christ Himsel f, our Lord, our king and our God.

Psal m 103

Bless the Lord,0 my soui! 0 Lord, my God, You so greatly exalted Yourself; You wrapped Yourse'lf in glory and great splendor.

You clothe Yourself in iight as with a garment; You stretch out the heavens I i ke a curta'in.

You cover Your heights with waters; You make the clouds to climb on; You walk on the wings of the wjnd. You make the winds Your messengers, and flames of fi re Your mi ni sters. You set the earth upon its foundations; it will never fal I . The deep i s i i ke a robe that c'lothes i t; upon the mountains will the waters stand. At Your rebuke they will flee; at the sound of Your thunder they wiil become afraid. Mountains rise up and valleys sink down to the place You appo'inted for them. You have set a limit they are not to cross; nor will l<-ltc-ll-Xt-xl-X t->tre-'t|-r'tt-Xt-)ll-X

356. they return to cover the earth. You send forth springs into the valleys; waters will flow between the mountains.

They g'ive dri nk to al I the beasts of the fi el d; wi I d donkeys await to slake thejr thjrst.

By them the birds of the sky w'i11 come to live; from among the rocks they will give forth their song. Ycu water the mountains from Your dwelling on high; the earth will be filled with the fruit of Your works. You make grass grow for cattl e, and vegetat'ion for the use 0f man to bring forth bread from the earth.

And wine gladdens the heart of man; to freshen his face with oi1, and bread will strengthen the heart of man. The trees of the field wili be watered, the cedars of Lebanon You planted. Sparrows will make their nests in them; the nest of the stork will lead them.

The lofty mcuntains are for the deer, the rocks a refuge for rabbits.

You made the moon for f i x'i ng ti mes ; the sun knows when to set.

You made the darkness and there was the night in which all the beasts of the woodland prowl about. Young lions roar after their prey, seeking their food from God.

The sun rose up and thei' gathered together and wi I l I i e down 'i n thei r dens .

Man w'il 1 go forth to hi s work, to hi s I abor ti I I eveni ng.

How exalted Your works, 0 Lord; You have made al1 things with wisdom; the earth is filled with Your creat- ures. K=-3K::-31-xt-xt-X t-!tt|€t|€:::33t-Xt-'ilC-{

357 This is the sea so great and wide, jn whjch are serp- ents without number, living things great and small. There the sh'ips move;tf ereis that serpent which you made to play in it. All await for You to give them food jn proper tjme.

When You give it to them, they gather it up; when You open Your hand all is filled with Your bounty.

But turn Your face away and they are disturbed; take their breath away and they die and return to their dust.

Send forth Your spirit and they will be created, and You will renew the face of the earth. May the glory of the Lord last forever; the Lord will rejoi ce i n Hi s works .

He looks upon the earth and makes it quake; He touches the mountains and they smoke.

I wi I 1 s'ing prai se to the Lord as l ong as I 'l i ve; I will sing to my God to the end of my 1ife. May these words of mine p"lease Him; and I shall re- joice in the Lord. May sinners van'ish from the earth and the wicked cease to exist. Bless the Lord, 0 my soul. G'lory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Ho'ly Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Alleluia, alleluia, alle'luia" Glory be to You, 0 God. ( 3)

Then the deacon or priest sags the Ektenia. Ekteni a Deacon.- Let uS pray tO the l-or?-in peace.

ALL : LORD, HAVE MERCY . Deacon". For the peace from on high and for the salvation of our sou'ls , 1et us pray to the Lord.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. l-=ll->lt:$G=::-il-'l tc:::-tt-=ttc::::=tr-xt

358. l(FllG)llc=-llc=:=tr-==lt-X tc:3il:ltc=:-tx:-il€S>t

Deacon: For peace all over the world, for the vrell-being of God's holy churches and the unity of all, let us pray to the Lord.


Deacou For this holy church and for all who have come here in faith, awe and reverence of God, let us pray to the Lord.

LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon.- For our holy father, NN, pope of Rome, for his beatjtude, our Major-archbjshop (and Metropolitan), NN, for our most reverend (Archbishop and) Metropolitan, for our bishop, NN, beloved of God, for the reverend prfests, the deacons in Christ, and all the clergy and people, let us pray to the Lord.


Deaccsn.. For the head of our government , ( ti ng / queen , president,/ NN) , under Godis protection, (or For those in authority) and all those in the m.iltary service of our country, let us pray to the Lord.


Deacon.- For this city (or this town /vi1lage' or this holy monastery) and 'letfor every communjty, and the fajthful who dwel I t herei n n us pray to the Lord .

ALL: L0RD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon: For favorable weather, for an abundance of the fruits of the earth and for peaceful times, let us pray to the Lord.


Deacon.- For the sa1vation of those who are travel'ing, of the sick and the suffering, and those held captive, 1et us pray to the Lord.


359. l-)ll-Xt-xle==3ll-tlt-X te=:=tt:1g:>p<===tr€==>t Deacon: For those traveling by sea, by land and by air, for the sick and the suffering, the imprisoned and their release, 1et us pray to the Lord.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MTRCY. Deacon: For the people here present who are awaiting the grace of the Holy Spirit, let us pray to the Lord.


Deacon: For those who bend their hearts and knees before the Lord, 1et us pray to the Lord.

ALL : LORD, HAVE MERCY " Deacon: That we obtain the strength to achieve godliness" 'let us pray to the Lord.


Deacon: That His rich mercies may descend upon us, 1et us pray to the Lord.


Deacon: That our kneeling prayers may be acceptable as incense before H'im, let us pray to the Lord.

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY" Deacon.. For those who need His assistance, let us pray to the Lord.


I ( N0TE: The Lviw Sluzhebngk added these petitions: I I I 0ptional Petitions I I

I Deacon' For the sanctification of the bodies and souls t of us all gathered together in righteousness in thjs l holy church wjth faith and reverence, let us pray l I to the Lord. I


360. |<=-ll-)llc=-ll-Xlc-31-tl t{:::==[(-tt<-il-lt€t il j D"ucon: For the salvation of those who ar€ trave'ling, d ll [l of the sick and the suffering and those held captive' j || i let us pray to the Lord. I [i 11 |i i RLt: LoRD, HAvE MERcY. i || Deacon: That we may be the temple and abode of the Holy, Li fegi vi ng Spi ri t, I et us pray to the Lord .


Deacon: That we may preserve our faith and love without blame through the grace of the Holy Spirit, 1et us pray to the Lord.

ALL LORD, HAVE MERCY. : I Deacon: That we may fi nd the grace and mercy of the I Holy Spirit, let us pray to the Lord. I I ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. I Deacon: For a sign of our fellowship with the Hoiy I Spi ri t , 'let us pray to the Lord. t t ALL: L0RD,.HAVE MERCY. I

Deacon: For the forgiveness of our sins that we may I possess spiritual grace, iet us pray to the Lord. I I ALL: LORD, HAVt MERCY. I

Deacon: That at Christ's dread judgment we may not be I strangers to the Holy Spirit, let us pray to the Lord.l


Deacon: That we may be given the rich mercy, goodness I and grace of the Ho'ly Spirit, let us pray to the Lord.t


Deacon: That by the Holy Spirit we may be freed from I al I bonds wi th the evi I one , 1et us pray to the Lord . t


361. lc==:=l!-Xtc=l333lGHl-'3t<==::=l t->o-lt(==:>lt€lx:x I Deacon.. For salvation from on high for us who on this t I day of Pentecost have bent our knees in body and I I soul wjth fajth, let us pray to the Lord. I t ALL : LORD, HAVE MERCY . I Deacon: That our Lord God may hear us and send us the I Holy Spirit and sanctify us,1et us pray to the Lord. f

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. I Deacon: That unity we may pra'ise in the ho1y, consub- t stantial Trinity with body and soul, 1et us pray to the Lord. I


Deacon.- That looking bJe with favor upon us as kneel , I the Lord God may send us H'is Holy Spirjt, let us pray to the Lord. I ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. I Deacon: we may That stand as sharers in the ho'ly i splendor of the true lifegiving Trinity, 1et us pray to the Lord. i I LORD, HAVE MERCY.

Deacon: That our Lord God may make us His children and heirs of His k'ingdom through the reception or sprinkf ing of this water, iet us pray to the Lord.


Deaccn' That vle may be kept safe from distreSS, violence and need, 1et us pray to the Lord. ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY.

Deacon.- Hel p uS, save us, havg mercy on us and protect us, 0 God, by Your grace.


Deecon.' commemorati ng our rnost holy, most pure, most blessed, glorious Lady, the Mother of God'let and ever-virgin Mary, together with al I the saints, us comiTiend oursel ves

36? " tc-il-xt-xl€-ll-xl-X t:tt:il--nG=ilc:-r and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.


Excl amati on

prjest: FOr 0ll glOry, hOnOr ond Worship belOng t0 You, the Fqther, the Son ond the Holy Spirit, now ond fOrever,

ALL: AMEN. Stikheras for o Lord, r have cried out:

Then we singr; 0 Lord, I have cried out: and take six stichs. Each of the stikheras are sung twice in the Samo- hl-asen Tone 4. Samohlasen Tone 4 ( Presfavnaga dnes')

Gl ori ous thi ngs d'id al I the nati ons see today in the city of David when the Ho'ly Spirit came down in tongues of fjre, as inspired Luke relates. He says: Christ's discip'les were gathered together and there came a noise like a strong, driving wind which was heard a'l I through the house where they were seat- ed. They all began to talk in foreign tongues, with strange teachings, with strange exhortations of the Holy Trinity. (2)

( Dukh sviatig)

The Ho'ly Spirit always was, is and wi'11 be. He has no beginning or end and js always joined to and reckoned one with the Father and the Son. He is ljfe and lifegiver, light and lightgiver, goodness itself, and the source of goodness. Through Him the Father is known and the Son glorified. And the singu'lar power, s'ingu'lar unity and singular worship of the Holy Trinity comes to be known by all. (2)

( Dukh sviatig) The Holy Spirit is light and 1ife, a 'l'iving 'intelligent fountain, the Spirit of wisdom, the Spirit of understanding. He is good, righteous and

363. lG::=ll-)lrG=lle:-l$€=lt€==t t=>1€1->tt€:>tn==>t

i ntel 1 i gent. He governs and cleanses of sin. He is God and deifies; He js fi re that comes frorn He speaks fi re. and acts and distrjbutes gifts. All the prcphets, holy apostles ard martyrs were through crowned Him. Strange wh,.r u wds heard; strange i^rf'r.t was seen, fire being dividecl for df stribution ai g'i fts . {r2)

Glory: Now and fr:rever.

Tone 6 (rsaryi-i666inisS

0 hei,venl y Ki ng, Comforter, Spi r'i t of truth, everywhere present, fi I I i ng al l th'ings , 'l treasury of blessings, Bestower af i fe, ccme and dwell within us and cleanse us of ail de- filement, 0 Gracious One, and save oLlr souls.

Entrance wi th Thur"i bl e 0 Peaceful Lighi Gvl--e t;Jkln,J) - 0 Peaceful L'ight of the holy glory of the everl iving, ho1y, blessed Fatiier in l'reaven! 0 Jesus Christ! Now that we have cOme t0 sunset and have seen the vesper 1ight, vle praise Gcd* the Father , Son and Hol y Sp'i ri t . You are worthy, 0 Son of God, Gi'rer of ljfe to all tle wor1d, to be pra'ised by vo'ices devout. And so the whole wide world sings Your praises.

The Great Prokimen -"ft:ne 7 (Ps" 76:73b, i5, 1'1 , i2) l,lHO iS THT GOD SO GREAT A5 OURS? YOU ART THE GOD 'vlHO W0RKS I^j0NDERS. You have decfared Your pawer among lj;e peopJes, f said: I have begun now! This change is t-rom the right hand of the l,lost High. I have remembered the wctrds of t"he Lard and wilL

eaLl- t

354 lG-ilC-ll€=tlt-=tt€=Xt€ll tc:3rt€=I>tt-)rl->n€)t prager.s in the sanctuarg a]oud for aJL to iear: Fi rst Plgyer ( Prechgste, neskverne) fvlost pure., spotless, with0ut beqinning/ in- visible, incomprehensible, inscrutoble, unchange- 0ble, invincible, immecsurCIble, guileless Lord, l{ho clone possess immortclity and cwell in unop- procch0ble I ight, You mCIde heaven cnd e0rth, the selrs ilnd 011 thct tqos fashioned in them, YOu gr0nt tile petitions 0f oil even before they osk, We i:eseech You, lqe implore Y0u, 0 benevolent [4cster, 0 i=ather 0f our l-ord God cnd Scvi or, Jesus Chri st, l^lhc for iJS nien cnd for our salvation corne down from heoven anC wos enfleshed 0f the Holy Spirit cnd rvicr-y, the Evervi rgin and qlorious Becrer 0f God, h/iio f i rst taught by words and later by deeds, liho r,rhen Hesuffered the scving pcssi0n for us sin- f it I cnd i-;nwcrthy ServcntS, gtive US the excmpl e 0f proying with bowed neck ancl knees for our ot,tn sins ond the foults of the people, You Yourself, 0 all*meiciful cnd benevolent Lord, heci us eoch cnd every dcy l^{e c01 i upOn You but especiolly 0n this Perrtecost Doy when our Lord Jesus Ch r i st, herv i ng i:scended i n to heaven rnd hgving sct 0n tne riglrt hanci of You, His God ond Fother, sent the Holy Spirit urlon His holy disciples ond 0p0stles, And (the Holy Spirit) come t0 rest individuslly urJon euch of them, And oll of thern tlere f i l led v+ith His inexhaustible groce ond spoke ond prophesied in different tongues obout Your greot deeds, lrlow then hecr us who beseech You and be mind-

365 . re-lt-l'€::>il-:=fi->t people ond return our I compossionote inter- fi s rle fol I down before [| You and cry out: We hove sinned! We ore Yours from birth.; f rom our mother's womb You ore our God, But beccuse our doys were spent in vonity, t^te cre de- prived of Your heip cnd left without ony defense. Relying on Your rnercy, nevertheless, w€ cry out: Do not recoll the sins ond foults of our youth but clecnse us from those thot ore hidden ond do not reject us in our old age when our strength ebbs 0w0V; do not forsake us, Before we ore t0 re- turn to the eorth let us come bock ond show us Your attentive kindness and groce, Meosure 0ur sins occording to Your mercy, Set the obyss of Your mer- cy ogoinst our countless sins, Look with kindness upon Your people from Your holy heights 0s they stond before You owoiting Your obundont mercy, 0 Lord, Visit us t,lith Your kindness ond sove us from the onsets of the devil. Strengthen our lives by Your holy ond socred iows, Entrust Your people to 0 foithful guordion ongel, Gother oll of us into Your kingdom, Grcnt forgiveness t0 those who hope in You, Gront to them ond us remission of sins, Purify us by the octlon of Your Holy Spirit, Des- troy the plots of our enemles ogoinst us, He afso adds this Prager: The Vesper Prayer ( BLahosJ-oven gesg) Blessed are You, 0 Lord, all-sovereign Master, i'l I umi ned the day wi th the 1 i ght of the sun ".lhoand brf ghtened the night with burning stars. You

366 . l(===lt€ll€:::-lt€-lt:lt(:===a t<=-1€1->ltc-1{=:-l

allowed us to pass through the whole day and come to the start of night. Hear our prayer and that of all Your people. After forgiving us all our volun- tary and j nvo'l untary s i ns , rece'i ve our eveni ng prayer and send down Your abundant mercy and com- passion upon uS, Your heritage. L'i ke a wall protect us with Your holy angels. Arm us with the lveapons of Your justice; encircle us with Your truth; pro- tect us with Your power; deliver us from every on- set and device of the enemy; and grant that for us t.his even'i ng and the coming night may be perfect, holyo peaceful, sinless, wjthout temptat'ion, free from foolish dreams and that all our days may be such through the intercession of the holy Bearer of God and all the saints who have pieased You over the ages.

Deacon: Help us, save us, have mercy on us, l'ift us up and protect us, 0 God, by Your grace.


Deacon.. Commemorating our most holy, most pure, most blessed glorious Lady, the Mother of God and Evervirg'in Mary,, together wjth all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole lifeto Christ our God.


Excl amati on priest,FcrYours it is t0 shol4 mercy ond t0 s0ve usr 0 Lord our God, cnd t^te render glory to You, the Fother ond the Son cnd the Holy Spirit, no}^l ond forever,


The priest or deacon then sag: Insi stent Litany

Deacon: Let us al I say with all our soul and all our mind, let us say: ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY.

367 . Deacon.. Commemorati ng our most holy, most pure, most blessed glorious Lady, the Mother of God and Evervi rg"in Mary, together with all the saints, let us commend our- selves and one another and all our life to Christ our God.



priest, For YOUfs it is t0 ShoW mercy ond tO SOVe US, 0 Lord,, our God, ond we render glory to You, the Fother cnd the Son cnd the Holy Spiri nol^l ond forever,


The priest or the deacon then sags.. Insistent L.itany

Deacon: Let us al I say with all our soul and all our mind iet us say:


Deacon; All-sovereign Lord, God of our fathers, we pray You, hear us and have mercy"

ALL: L0RD, HAVE MERCY. Deacon.- Have mercy on us,0 God, in the greatness of Your mercy, we pray You, hear us and have rnercy.


Deacon.- hle pray for our Holy Father, NN, Pope of Rome, for His Beatitudl, our Major Archbishop (and Metropol itan) NN, for our Most Reverend (Archbishop and) Metropolitan, NN, for our bishop, NNn beloved of God, for those who serve and have served'in this holy church, for our spiri- tual fathers and for all our brethren in Christ.


,-=>lrc:=:=lt€=rl€xl-tl te=;>tt-Itc::::-[:n-tl-X

368. Deacon" llJe pray for the head of our government (king/queen, /pres'ident), NN, and for his/her health and salvation' (c-r for those i n authori ty) and for al I j n the mi i 'itary service of our country.


Deacon: We pray for the people here who await Your great and bountif,ul merc'ies, for those who have been kind to us, and for all true-beljeving Christians.

ALL : LORD, HAVE MERCY. ( 3) Excl amation

p.z':esr, For You 0re c merciful cnd benevoient God ond rte render glory to You, the Fother ond the Son cnd the l-loly Spirit, now ond forever, ALL: AMIN. Again the Deacon sags: Deacon: Let us kneel and pray once aga'in to the Lord'


We kneeL as earfier described. ?he pr:"est reads the Second Prager for aLL to hear.

seq9I!_P_EJSr ( H ospodg , fsuse lhrgste) 0 Lord .Jesus Christ, our God, You gove Your peoce to Your people while still in this life cmong us, You olvgcys give the gift 0f the Holy Spirit t0 the faithful ason inoliencble inheritonce, but more mcnifestly t0d0y You sent this qift upon Your disciples ond opostles ond fortified their mouths t^tith tongues 0f fire throush which the whole humon rCIce received knowledge 0f God eoch heoring it in his oi^tn ionguoge, t-:=ll-xK=:=>ll€Xl-X tG:Xl<:'llC:=={t-ltC-{l€{

369. We were enl ightened by the I ight of the Spi- rit ond were soved from error os though from dorkness, Through the di.liribution of visible tongues of f l re ancJ by sLipernaturol cct ion i^re were taught to bel ieve in You cnd were enl ightened t0 bless You with the Fother cnd the Holy Spirit in one Godheod/ power ond cuthority, For You 0re the reflection of the Fother, identical with His be- ing cnd ncture, the immutable impress, the source of solvotion and groce, Open my I ips for me 0 sinner ond teoch me how I should prcy cnd whot I am t0 prcy for, For You know the greot multitude of my sins, but Your mercy will surpcss their countless number, i stond in feor before You casting the despcir of my soul into the obyss of Your riercy, Direct my iife, 0 You l^Jho govern oil creotion by Your word through the ineffobie power of wis- dom, Grant the spirit of understanding t0 nty iq- norcnce, 0vershodow my deeds with the spirit cf reverentiol fear of You, Renew 0 spirit of righ teousness within me, hlith Yrur guiding Spi rit stcbl- lize my foltering thoushts so that directed every doy by Your sood Spirit to beneficial thinss I might be oble t0 keep Your commondments cncl olwoys keep in mind Your glorious coming when You will examine cl I our works, Do not spurn me when I om deceived by the corruptible beouty of this wor1d, but encouroge rne t0 yeorn for the treosures to come, 0 Moster, You soid thot if someone asks for onything in Your ncme/ he will receive it tlithout f0il from Your lc:>ll-:=ll€::-ltc=-31-X l€=:>lre=)lt€ltC=ll:ll-l

370. eterncl God cnd Fcther, And s0 t00, I ,0 sinner, during the conring of Your Holy Spirit, beseech Your goodness, Gront me onything I csk for my sal- vqti0n, Indeed, 0 Lord, 0 good ond lovish giver of blessings, You give in obundcnce all thct we osk for, You ore the c0mp0ssionote ond merciful Lord, ldho shcred our f lesh without si-n, You ore kindly disposed towcrds those i,iho bend their knees before You, You become the expiotion of our sins, 0 Lord, bestow mercies upon Your ptcple, l-ieor us f rom Your holy heoven, Sonctify us by the power of Your scving right hond, Cover us by Your protective wing and do not overlook the works of Your hands. llle sin agoinst Ycu olone, but olso worship You clone, We do not know how to worship 0 strcnge qod 0r I ift up our honds t0 cnother god, 0 Mcster, Forgive us 0ur sins, And after receiving our kneel- ing prcyersr stretch forth Your helping hond t0 ol i of us cnd occept tne prqyer of al i of us 0s frog- rcnt incense thct rises t0 Your most grocious king- dom, He adds this praqer: The Ves per Pi^ayer ( i{ os podrs , H os podg ) 0 Lord, Lord, You l,lho save us from all the missjles that fly during the day, save us from a'l'l the th'i ngs that roam about in the darkness. Accept our even'i ng sacrifice, the lifting of our hands. Allow us to pass the course of the n'i ght without WILII\JUL UJ gVl lJ. vgl jlYgI UJ llvlll ur II X event,trYtrllL, wj thout testLgJL by evi I s. Del ver us from al I ll terror and fear that come to us from the devi I . I ll Grant our souls contrjtion and our thoughts concernl X about the inquisition at Your dread and awesome i ll iudqment. Transfjx our flesh wjth fear of You and I members even jn the || *oriity 0ur earthly so that I tc==)ilc-il-xt(t3r-x t-tr-=tK==>tt-xl:ll€{

371 . silence of sleep we may be enlightened by the vis- j on of Your judgments. Remove fiom us al j improper phantasjes and evil desires. Rajse us up for the ti me of prayer affi rmed i n the fai th and progress- in Your commandments.

The Deacon then sags..

Deacon: Hel p uS, save us, have mercy on us, I i ft us up and protect us, 0 God, by Your grace.

ALL: L0RD, HAVt MERCY. Deacon.. Commemorating our most holy, most pure, most blessed g'lorious Lady, the Mother of God and Evervirgin Mary, to- gether with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another, and all our jife to Christ our God.

ALL : TO YOU, O LORD. Excl amation priest, Through the gOOd pleosure ond g00dnesS 0f Your 0nly-begotten Son with Whom You cre blessed together t^lith Your most holy, Eood ond I ifeqiv- ing Spirit, now ond forever,


Al low us 0 Lord ( Spodobg, Aospodg) Allow us,0 Lord, to be free this evening from sin"

Blessed are You, 0 Lord God of our fathers, and praised and giorified be Your name forever.

Let Your mercy come upon us, Lord, for we have placed our trust in You. B'lessed are You, 0 Lord, teach me Your statutes. Blessed are You, 0 Master, instruct me i1 Your statutes.

Blessed are You, 0 Holy One, enlighten me by Your statutes. l-=fll-::-ll:lt-xt-)t t->n-=ttC:::>tt-Xtc===il-X

372. Your mercy is forever, Lord; do not 'ignore the works of Your hand.

Praise is owing to You; to You is owing a song of prai se.

Glory is owjng to You, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever. Amen.

Deacon: Let us knee'l and pray once again to the Lord.


After we too have knelt down the priest reads this third prager:

Thi rd Prayer ( Prgsnotekuschig) priesr.'Q Christ our God,0 ever-flowing source 0f life ond light, 0 creotive power co-eternol t^tith the Fother, You perfectly fulfilled the whole plan for the redempti0n of monkind, You tore osunder the unbreokoble bonds 0f deoth ond the bors 0f Hodes, You trompled the multi- tudes of evil spirits ond offered Yourself 0s o spotless victim for us by bringing in socri- fice Your undefiied body which wss not touched by sin 0r close t0 sin/ ond by this ot,tesome ond ineffoble socred oct You gronted us eternol life, Going down to Hodes You broke the eternol bors, showed the woy out for those t^iho were sitting in dorkness, l^lith 0 godly lure You ll ccusht the evil-orisinoting serpent 0f the ll obyss ond bound him with the cords 0f nether- ll darkness in Tortorus in unquenchable fire cnd u lc-il€il:3r-xl-tl t€rr:il€il:lt-lK-l

373. by Your infinite power seoied him in the outer dorkness, 0 glorious wisdom rf the Fcther, you be- conte CI greot defender of the moltreoted and enl ightened those who were sitting in dorkness ond the shodow of deoth, You, 0 Lord of etei-nol glory, beloved Son of the Fother most hish, eternol Lisht from eternol Light, Sun of Just- ice, heor us who beseech You: Give rest t0 the soutrs of Your servonts, 0ur fsthers ond brothers who eorlier hod follen osleep, to oll our other relotives in the flesh and to oll in the foith whom we commemorote now, Fcr Yours i s the dom- inion over everyone. You hold oll tne ends of the ecrth in Your hcnds, 0 0li-soverelgn muster, God of 0ur fothers, ond Lord of mercy, moker of the generctions of m0rt0l ond immortol beings ond oll of hurncn noture thot is composed cnd then dissoived, of I ife ond deoth, 0f our I ife here ond then trcnsfer to the next, You mete out the yeors of life ond determine the time of deoth, You lower down to Hodes and bring up from it, You bind us with weokness ond releose us in strength You orronge the present useful ly and prepcre the future beneficiolly, You enliven those smitten by the sting of deoth with the hope of resurrection. 0 Moster of oll, 0 God our fi sovior,SUViUI / hopeIIUpU ofUl ollUt I theLIIC endsCllUS ofUl theLllU eqrthuul Lll ulluqnd ll of those ofor ot sec, You Yourself 0n tflis last X qreot ond soving doy clf Pentecost showed us the mystery of the holy, consubstonticl, coeternol, [|r€:3tt€tr-tat-xl-x t{:>at€=-3t{:=:-tt-xt€lt(-{

374. indivisible ond unconfused Trinity, Upon Your holy apostles You poured Your lifegiving Spi- rit's coming in the form of tongues of fire, You mode them proclcimers of our holy foith ond proved them to be confessors ond herolds of the true theology, 0n this ougust, soving feostdoy You scw fit to cccept our prcyers of propitiation for those held in Hsdes, You give us greot hope thot You will sront the deported pardon of the cnguish thot offlicts them ond send them con- solotion, Give eor to us humble ond unworthy people who implore You, To the souls of Your servonts who eorl ier hod fol len osleep give rest in 0 ploce of I ight, 0r oosis of del ight, 0 ploce of refreshment free of p0in, sorrow and grieving, Ploce their souls in the dwellings of the j ust ond deem them worthy of peoce ond eose, For the deod wi I I not extol You, 0 Lord, nor will those in Hodes dore poy You tribute. 0nly I^ie the I iving bless You and beseech You ond of- fer socrifices for their souls, He aLso takes this pTavet:

( Bozhe veLgkig)

0 greot ond eternol God, holy ond benevol- ent, Who ollowed us of this time to stond before Your uncpproochable glory t0 sing ond praise Your wonders, be merciful to us, Your unworthy servcnts,ond gront us the grcce with contrite heort ond self-effocement to offer the thrice- holy hymn of proise ond thonksgiving to You K=::=3rr-xr-xr(Ftt-x t:l:tt-=:=tt-x=$e1

375. for the greot gifts You bestowed ond olwoys bestow upon us, Remember our iveckness, 0 Lord, cnd do not destroy us with 0ur iniquities, but show grect mercy towords Our lowliness s0 thot we mOy breck out of the dorkness of sin ond wolK in the doylight of justice ond thct ormed with the wecpons of I iqht t\,e r]loy keep free of ol l the attccks of the evil one ond confidently give glory for oil things t0 You, the one true cnd benevolent God, Indeed, 0 flaster cnd Creotor of c}l, this rilystery of the dissolution cf Your creotures in time ond then their reconstitution ond eternol repose is truly greot ond belongs to Ycu, We acknowledqe Your grcce in cll things: for all our activities in this life.; for everything, according to Your unerring promise, th0t guorcntees us the hope of resur* rection ond eterncl life which lle ore to obtain in the future 0t Your Second Coming, For You cre the beginning of our resurrection, the im- portiol benevolent Judge of those who lived cnd the I'icster cnd Lord of ret r i but i on , Genu- inely You shored our flesh cnd blood thrcugh Your utter condescensir:n, t^/hen in Your great compossion You cssumed 0ur inexoroble possions cnd were willingiy tempted, ond by the things in which You were willinglv tempted ond for *f-ri.r.rvou suffered, You become o voluntorv help- [| | who so You U er for us ore ternpted, And brouqht i ;; ,ri,n-vou to y'ur m'stery possion, li 'ver I ur-:r{=:::>r€uc=F3t(==:51 rc=:>ric:)c<:=rl€tt=1=l

376. Therefore, occept 0ur proyers ond suppl i- cations/ 0 Lord, ond give rest to all our foth- eFS, mothers, brothers, sisters, children, other relotives and countrymen qnd to oll the souls who died eorlier in the hope of rising to eternal life, Ploce their nomes in the book, of life ond their spirits in the boson of Abro- hom, Isooc ond Jacob in the lond of the living, in the kingdom of heoven, in the porodise 0f de- light, escorting them oll with Your glorious qngels to Your holy monsions. Roise our bodies olso 0n the dcy oppointed by Your holy undeceiv- i ng promi ses , For it is not deoth for us, Your servcnts, when we leove our bodies t0 come to You, 0 Lord our God, but only o tronsfer from o trouble- filled stote to a better ond more delishtful one and t0 repose ond joy, But if we ever sinned ogoinst You in cny woV, be merciful to us ond to them beccuse n0 one is free from stoin before You, not even if his life were only one doy long, You olone on eorth were free from sin, 0 Jesus Christ our Lord, through Whom we ol I hope t0 obtoin mercy cnd pordon of our sins, And s0, cs g00d ond benevolent God, gront them ond us remission, forgiveness ond pardon of sins, voluntory onil involuntory, knowing 0r unknowing, publ ic 0r secret, whether by thought, I word 0r deed in ony of our deol ings 0r octivi- ll ties, T0 the deported gront relesse and pordon, H To us who cre here give blessing. To us ond t0 [| ol I Your peopie sront o good ond peaceful end,

377 . ond 0t Your dreod ond 0l^lesome cOming 0pen Your mercifui ond benevolent heort to us ond moke us worthy of Your kinsdom.

H e adds th:"s prayer:

The Vesper Prayer ( Bozhe veTgkig i vichnig)

0 great and most hi gh God, l^,lho al one possess immortal i ty and dwel I i n unapproach- able 1ight, You made all creation in wisdom and separated 1 i ght from darkness. You appoi nted the sun to rule the day and the moon and stars to rule over the night. Sinners though we are, You deemed us worthy even at the present moment to come before You with our thanksgiving and offer You our evening praise. 0 benevolent Lord, direct our prayer as jncense before You and re- ceive it in the odor of fragrance. Grant that the present evening and the coming night may be peaceful. Arm us with vleap0ns of 1ight. Deliver us f rom the terror at ni ght and everyth'i ng that stalks about in the darkness. Give us the sleep that You provide for refreshment when we are spent, free from al I dreams i nspi red by the devil. Yes, 0 Lord of a1'l , giver of all things, let us be moved by compunction, remember Your most ho1 y name at ni ght on our beds, and ri se in joy of soul to praise Your goodness en1 ight- ened by concern for Your commandments. l^le bring prayers and supplications for Your mercy to- wards our sins and those of all Your people. In Your mercy look favorably upon them through the intercession of the holy Bearer of God.

Deacon.. He1p us, save us, have nercy on us, I i ft us up and protect us, 0 God, by Your grace.


Deacon: Commemorating our most holy, most pure, most blessed glorious Lady, the Mother of God and Evervi rqi n Mary together with all the sajnts, 1et us commend ourselves and one another and our y[6] s'l i fe to Chri st our God.

ALL: T0 Y0U, 0 LORD. ,-:=ll->lt-xlc-lt-ll rc:xre:-lil{E:DilExr-ltl<==-l

378. Excl amati on priesr.- For you qre the repose 0f our sOuls ond bodies ond t^te render glory t0 you, the Fother ond the Son ond the Holy Spirit now ond forever,


Deacan: Let us complete our evenjng prayer to the Lord

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. Deacan; Help us, save us, have mercy on us and protect us, 0 God, by Your grace.

ALL : L0tlD, HAVE MERCY . Deacon: That this whole evening may be perfect, holy, peace- ful and sinless, 1et us ask the Lord.


Deacon.. For an angel of peace , a faithful gui de , a guardi an of our souls and bodies, 1et us ask the Lord.


Deacon". For the forgiveness and remjssion of our sins and offenses, let us ask the Lord.

ALL: GRANT THIS, 0 L0RD. Deacon, For all that is good and beneficial for our souls and for peace for the world, let us ask the Lord.


Deacon: That we may spend the rest of our l'ives'in repent- ance and 'in peace, let us ask the Lord.


Deacon.. For a Chri sti an , peaceful end to our I "ives , wi thout suffering, without reproach, and for a good defense at the dread tribunal of Christ, let us ask the Lord.

ALL: GRANT THIS, O LORD. l:lle-ll€=lr€xl-X t€-ll€:5tte::5ttGxt(=-uGx

??o t(=:=-{|-xr-)il-Bt_rtrc_a t_==tt:il_=>il_>trc:>t

Deacou commemorating our most holy, most pure, most blessed glorious Lady, the Mother of God, and Everviigin Mary, together with all the saints, 1et us commend ourse'lves and one another, and our wh,:le life to Christ, our God.

ALL: T0 YOU, 0 L0RD.

Excl amation

Pnest' For You ore 0 good ond benevolent God ond l^le render glOry t0 you, the Fother ond the Son ond the Holy Spirit, noi^t ond forever, ALL: AMEN.

Priest, PeOCe be + tO 01 I Of yOU,


Deacon.- Bow youn heads to the Lord.

ALL : T0 YOU, 0 L0RD.

Prayer with Bowed Head (Haspodg Bozhe nash) priest: (euietrg) 0 LOfd OUf GOd, yOU inClined the heovens ond come down for the sCIlvotion of the humqn [oce; look t^tith concern upon Your servcnts ond Your heritoge, Your servonts bow their heods ond bend their necks before You, the owesome ond benevolent Judge, not 0t^t0iting humon help but relying 0n Your mercy ond expecting Your s0lvoti0n, At 011 times, ond during this evening CInd coming night 0s t^tel I guord them ogoinst ol I enemies ond oil hostile octivity of the devil ond from fool ish plons ond evi I thoughts, Excl amati on

priest: (At_oudl Moy the power 0f yOUf kingdOm be

380. l(-31-XlG=:==lt-:=lt€tt-X t-Xt:oc=:>u€=-tr-x blessed ond glorified, 0f the Fother ond the Son ond the Holy Spirit, not^t ond forever,

ALL: AMEN. After this the Stikheras for tlte Stichs are taken in the SamohJ.asen Tone 3. Stikheras for Stichs

Samoh'lasen Tone 3 ( Ngni vo znamenige)

Now the Gent'il es have become a mani fest s'ign for everyone since the Jews, whose kinsman Christ was, had failed for their lack of faith and lost God's grace. l,Jo, the descendants of the Gentiles, were deemed worthy of the divine light and were made firm by the message of the disciples who proclaimed the glory of God the Benefactor of all. l,J'ith bowed heart and knee, therefore, 1et us wor- shi p in faith with them made strong by the Ho'ly Spirit, the savior of our souls.

stjch.- Create i n me a cl ean heart, 0 God, and renew a right spirit wjthin me. ( Ngni utishgteJniq)

Now the Spinit-Comforter has been poured out upon ail fjesh. Beginning with the company of the apost'les, (tfre Spirit) spread grace to the faith- ful by sharing it and certifies His coming with power in the form of fire and the dividing of tongues for the singing of God's 91ory. And so, illumined jn heart and mind and strengthened in fai th by the Ho'ly Spi ri t we pray for the sal vat j on of our soul s. stich: Cast me not away from Your countenance, and take not Your hoiy Spirit from me.

( Ngni obLachatsia)

Now the apostles are be'ing vested from on high with the power of Christ, for the Paraclete is renewing them with an interjor renovation by

381. t-Xr-Xt(===$-3t!ffiil,€3 !_!tr_=)il_>tr_=3!C=:=,; a mysticaj renewal 0f the mind. They then proclaim_ 99 i n forei gn and- exal ted I anguages- the wolsfrip-ot the eternal , simp'le and tripeisoial essence-of'Goa the Benefactor of al I . An,i so, i I I umi,;J ;t tf.,.i. teaching 1et us bow in worship to the Fath6r-toqettrer with the Son and Spirit. and pray for the salvation of our soul s.

. _ Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Tone 8 ( Pregdite l_iudige)

Come, 0 people, 1et us bow jn worship to the Godhead 'in Three Persons , the Son i n the Father with the Holy Spirit; for from before the ages the Father begot the co-eternal Son Who reigns with H'im; and the Holy Spirit was g'lorified in the Ea- ther with the Son one in powei, one in nature, one in djvinity. Bowing in worshfp before Him we all say: Holy God, l,Jho made all thinqs throuqh the Son with the Hojy Spirit; holy I,t-i6r,ty (Soi), through Whom we came to know the Father and through Whom the Holy Sp'irit came into the wor'ld; holy Immortal Spirit, the Comforter,l.lho proceeds from the Father and abides 'in the Son. 0 Ho'ly Trinity, glory to you!

Song of Simeon ( Ngni otpusctlageshg)

Now, 0 Lord o You may 'let Your servant go 'in peace according to Your word, for my eyes have seen Your salvaiion, which You have prepared in the sight of all the people: a light for the revelation of the nations and the glory of Your people Israel.

Holy God, holy Mighty One, holy Immortal One, have mercy on us. (3) G'lory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

0 Trin'ity most hoiy, have mercy on us; cleanse us,0 Lord, of our sins;0 Master, pardon our trans- gressions, cons'ider our weaknesses and heal them, 0 Holy One, for the glory of Your name.

JOzi lG-ll(-ll(=-lt-:=ll-==il-=X t(::=il€tt:il-Xt€:-t

Lord, have mercy. (3)

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Our Father, liho art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our dajiy bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evi I one "

Excl amati on p.rjest: FOr Yours is the kingdom cnd the p0Wer ond the glory of the Fother ond 0f the Son cnd 0f the Holy Spirit, now ond forever,


Tlopar - Tone B. (BLahosl-oven)

Blessed are You, 0 Christ our God for You made the fishermen wise by sending down the Holy Spirit upon them. And throuqh them You netted the world. 0 benevolent Lord, glory be to You. (3) The Great Dismissal

Deacon: Wisdom!

ALL: GIVE THE BLESSiNG! pruesr' BleSSed be ChfiSt OUf GOd, He lllhO iS, ond qlorif ied be He, 0lt^tcys, now ond forever,


prjesr, MOst hOly MOther 0f GOd, SoVe US,


383. l-xt-Xle==l!-;t-=lr-:=t t-:>trc-ttc=:)il-=ttc=::>t

BORE THE WORD OF GOD, TRULY, AS MOTHIR OF GOD l^JE EXALT priest, filony be to You, 0 Christ our God, our ll hope, glory be to you, ll

ALI-: GLORY BE TO THT FATHER AND TO THE SON AND TO THE HOLY SPIRiT, NO[^J AND FOREVER. AMEN. LORD, HAVE MERCY. LORD, HAVE MERCY. LORD, HAVE MERCY. GIVE THE BLTSSING" priest' Christ our true God, ccme forth from the divine bosom 0f the Father cnd come down t0 eorth from heoven cssuminq 0ur entire noture cnd divinizing it, When He 0q0in oscended into heoven to sit ot the riqhi hand 0f God the Fother, He sent down the divine, Holy Spirit, one in substqnce, one in power, one in glory ond coeternol, upon His apostles ond disciples, thereby enl ightening them and through them the whole world, Beccuse He is 0 kind and benevol- ent Lord He will sove us through the interces- sion of His most pure Mother, the holy, glorious, 0ll-blessed procloimers of God, the insplred opostles, ond oll the soints,


384. tc-llc-ll(=::==lt€==3ll-tt|-X X::=tte-il->tr:tt€=>t 22.

Prayer for blessing the Artos on the Great and Holy Sunda of the Pasch. * The Artos or Bread, which had been prepared ear-Zjer js brought to the priest in the sanctuatq. an it, according to custom, fhere js inscribed a cross. At the end of the Divine Iiturgg and after the Prager behind the Ambo, the deacon ex- cl-aims:

Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.


The priest reads this praget: _ Prayer ( Bozhe vsesgJ.'nig) p''est, 0 God olmighty ond Lord oll-soVereign/ during Isroel's exodus out of Egypt ond the re- leose of Your people from Phorooh's cruel bond- oge/ You gove commond through Your servont Moses t0 slaughter the lamb and prefigured the Lcmb thct vlos t^tillingiy socrificed 0n the cross for us, (the Lomb) thot tokes otryoy the sins 0f the whole t^torld, Your beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, t-ook with fovor not^t upon this breod, lve humbly beseech You, ond bless + ond sonctify + it, for we Your servcnts offer it to the honor, glory ond memory 0f the glorious resurrecti0n 0f this Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, through Whom we were freed from eternal slovery t0 the enemy ond from the indissoluble bonds of Hodes,ond through Whom we 0bt0ined @r is found in the ukrainian TREBNY K pubTished in Rome in 7973 but nat in the O7d STavonic one of l-952.

385 . tc:-31:31--lt-Xtc:-lt-X t--il:il€il€==:=|tre=)t

releose ond sofe pqssoge, (We present this breod) before Your mojesty not^t on this most shining, glorious ond scving day of the Pssch, Gront thqt we who present it, kiss it ond par- toke of it moy olso portoke of Your heovenly blessing, Remove oll poin ond illness from us by Your power ond give heolth t0 everyone, For You ore the source of blessing ond bestower of heoling, ond we render glory to You the eternol Fother, together with Your only-begotten s0n ond Your most holy, good ond lifegiving Spirit, now ond forever, Amen, He sprinkTes with hoJg water saging: This ortos is blessed and sonctified by the sprinkling of this holv woter, + in the nome of the Father and of the Son ond of the Holy Spi rit , Amen, The priest then comes aut and pTaces the Artos upan the anal-agion ( tetrapnd) . The peopJe come to receive the antidora andkiss the Artos.


Prayer for cuttinq up the Artos on the Saturday of Brigh! !99!-r- After the Divine Iiturgg, when the Artos is brought up' we sing as usua-l.. Chrjst has risen...

Deaeon: Let us PraY to the Lord.


And. the priest reads Xhe Prager:

386. tc=:xr-rtc=-3t-xl€==rt-'l tc==-ll€ll€::::=tt(:=ttc-t (Hospodq fsuse) priesr: I LOrd JeSuS Christ OUr GOd, Breod 0f ongels, 0 Bread 0f life eternol, Who 0n occount 0f the scving resurrecti0n 0n the third doy come down from heoven ond nourished us vlith the spirituol food of Your divine blessings during these glorious doys, we humbly beseech You, iook with fovor not^t upon our proyers ond offer- ings of thonks ond bless this breqd, os You blessed the five looves in the desert, SO thot oll who portoke of it moy become worthy of phy- sical qnd spirituol blessinq ond heolth throush the groceondmercy of Your loving kindness, For You ore our sonctificotion ond we render glory to You together with Your eternol Fother ond Your all-holy, good and lifegiving Spirit, now ond forever, Amen, The Artos is cut up and distributed to evergone.


Prayer for B'lessi n the Meat-Food on the Great and Ho1 Sund a the Pasch

priest: Blessed be our God olwoys now ond forever.

ALL: AMEN. Resurrection Tropar ( Ihrgstos voskrese)

Chri Et . has ri sen from the d-ead ; trampling deith by death, and life He restored-to those in the tombs. (3)

387. lc-lt-xt-xl-xl-tll-::=a ret=lilc:ltr€l€3r<=::=>t

Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.


Prayer ( Prgzrg Hospodq)

pr-iest.'Q Lord Jesus Christ our God, look upon this me0t-f00d ond sonctify + it 0s you soncti- fied the rom brousht to You by foithful Abro- hom ond the lomb offered 0s holocoust t0 You by Abel, In like monner You commonded thot 0 fotted colf be slouqhtered for Your son, the prodigcl, who hod come bcck, ond just 0s he t^tos deemed worthy of enj oying Your goodness/ s0 too moy we enj 0y these meotfoods thot You sonctified ond blessed for oll 0f us, for You ore the true food ond the giver of good things ond we render glory to You tosether with Your eternol Fsther ond Your most holy, good ond lifegiving Spirit, now ond forever, Amen,

25, Praye r for the Blessing of Cheese and Eggs. priest 0 Lord Our God ond Moster, cre0t0r ond mok- er 0f oll things, bless + these doiry foocls crnd eggs, Protect us in Your goodness, s0 thct 0s t^te portoke 0f them, we rnoy be f illed with Your bountiful Iy given sifts ond Your ineffoble goodness, For Yours is the might, ond Yours

388. tc:==alc:-ll-Xlc::::=ll-:Xtc:X te:'fi-trc::::>il-tlatc=t power glory, the kingdom the ond the of the il Fother ond the Son ond the Holy Spirit, now ond fi forever, Amen, [|

26. - Prayer for those who bring the Ffrst-fruits of the Orchard

priesr.' 0 Lord God our Moster, You commonded every- one t0 bring Yours from Your ot^tn 0s 0n offering ond bestowed gifts of Your eternol goods upon them, You found the sift of the widow occording t0 her meons occeptoblej occept olso Ybur serv= ont's offerings of NN, ond gront thot they moy be ploced in Your everlosting treosure houses, Gront thot he (she) receive Your bountiful bless- ings here on eqrth together with ol I thot wi I I benefit him (her), For Your nome is blessed ond Your kingdom glorified of the Fother ond the Son ond the Holy Spirit not^t ond forever, Amen


Prayers tqr thq blessing of ( Vsemohuchiq.t Priest: 0 God, olmighty ond eternol, out of nothing You creoted heoven ond eorth ond the seg, and oll thot is visible ond invisible, by Your woru, You commonded the eorth t0 bring forth flowers

389. t(-31-)llc:=31-xl->tt-X tc=:3tt:il:ilc==:>il€-t

ond trees for the use of mon and beost ond thot they beor fruit occording to their seed, In Your ineffobie goodness You willed thot the herbs be used not o nly 0s food for beosts but os medicine for sick bodies, With heort ond I ips we beseech You t0 bless this voriety of flowers ond fruits in Your mercy ond by the divine power bestowed 0n them through You pour forth the groce of Your new blessings to pro- tect the people ond onimols ogoinst 0ll ills ond defi lement, For You ore our God, ond we ren- der glory t0 You, the Fother cnd the Son ond the Holy Spi rit, not,l ond f orever, Arnen,

An Alterrrate Prayer (Hospodg Bozhe nash) priest.. 0 Lord our God, tnrough Your servont ivloses You commanded the sons of Isroel to bring bunches of nert fruit t0 the priests, ond they brought fruit from the choicest trees ond rejoiced before You, their God, Come, 0 merci- ful Lord,ond ot cur behest pour out 0ll Your abundont blessings upon us ond upon these vorious new seeds, berries, ftrowers ond fruits which we bring t0 You qnd bless in Your nome on this Fesstdoy so thot they moy bring help for people, for cottle ond for onimols t0 fight cgainst sickness, plcgues, wounds, evildoing, spellbinding, chorms, the bites of snqkes or other hormful onimcls, ond ogoinst the mockery and wiles of the devil, And moy we be received

390. t(-lrc-llc::=>3t-'31:il<-a t-:::>ilc:-ilc::-il-xt€t

wherever they ore set 0r brousht CI with number of il g00d works, through the intercession of our fi most blessed Lody, the Mother God ond of Ever- lJ virgin Mory, whose feost of Dormition we solemn-fr iy celebrote t0d0y, And iloV we be welcomed where she hos been ossumed, Through the mercy, generosity ond loving kindness of Your only- begotten Son, with l^/hom You ore blessed together with Your most holy, g00d cnd lifegiving Spirit, now ond forever. Amen.

28- Prayer rgr_gry_ lgl1]l!y

( v ladgko vsederzhgte 7gu) priest.' Q oll-sovereign lvloster, Physicion of souls ond bodies, Who humble ond exolt, punish ond then heol, show Your core for our brother (sister) NN, in Your mercy. Stretch forth Your hond which is filled with heolins medico- tion ond heol him (her), Roise him (her) from his (her) bed of sickness, Dismiss the spirit of weokness. Remove every wound, oll the poin, every scgr, oll the fever ond ony seizure, If there is ony sin in him (her), pordon, re- mit ond forgive it 0n occount of Your loving kindness, Yes, Lord, spore Your creoture in our Lord Jesus Christ, with Whom You ore blessed together with Your most holy, good ond iife- giving Spirit, not^t ond forever, Amen,

391 . |C=|=lt#llC:={le=all€:=tFF=3t t€:1}€:=>jx€}p€I-1€:;1{ 29. Prqyqt il for those vrho in1.nd to sg_slq_jgg!9J. il (H rsspodq $ozhe nash,l prie.s*; ff LAfd GOd, 0Uf GOCJ., the tfUe 0nd j iVlnq il wcV, You once took 0 journey FJith yuur ser* vunt Joseph, Join qlso't'our servont fiN 0n his il (her) j ourney, 0 lvloster, cnd del iver him ( her) from qli trouble and misfortune. i{ake it quiei $ ond ssfe s0 thcthe {she} ctn give thcr:ght ter alj il kinds CIf righteousile$s according t0 your c0m* nlilnomentS, Let hiril itter) r0turn flg0in filleri n v with the good thinqs 0f iife cnel henven, For Yours is the kingdom, the power ond the qlory 0f the Fother ond the Son cnd the Holy Spirit, nol^l ond forever. Amen,

30, Praye!

for Blessing Any Item

After the usuaJ, beginningr the Trisagiol. .Bfter the Our Father and the ExcJ,amation, the priest sags.. Priest' Let US pfoy tO the LOfd,

ALL: LORD, HAVE MERCY. ( SozdateTgu)

prjest: 0 Cre0tOr ond FOShiOner Of the hUmon roce, giver of every spirituol groce, bestower of eternol solvotion, You Yourself, 0 Lord,

392. z!-x x=::-tt€:-tt:=::-tt-=at{::lll}t send Your Holy Spirit from on high r^rith bless il ing + upon NN, this so thot fortified by the n he 1p of heoven it could promote physiccl secur- U i ty, protection ond help for those who use it, i| FOr Y 0u ore the One Who blesses ond ssnctifies U ol I things, ond r{e render glory to You, the [i Fothe r ancl the Son ond the Hoty Spirit, not,l U and forever, Amen, il

fi I I n



il I

fi n





393. t-xt-)0-=3r-==il_=:rtre:=t t€:_Oe=>tt€:>tr_>tt_=t The Rite

of a General Praye:* Servi ce Priest'BleSSed be our God oltryoys, not^t ond forever, ALL: AMEN. Usual Introduction 0 heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of 'l 'l tru th , everywhere present , fi 1 i ng a'l thi ngs , treasury of blessings, Bestower of 'life, come dwel I wi thi n us and c'leanse us of al I defi I e- ment, 0 Gracious One, and save our souls.

Holy God, ho'ly Mi ghty One, holy Immortal One, have mercy on us. (3)

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spiroit, now and forever. Amen.

0 Trinity most ho1y, have mercy on us; cleanse us, 0 Lord, of our sins; 0 Master, pdf- don our transgressions. Consider our weaknesses and heal them, 0 Holy One, for the g'tory of Your name.

Lord, have mercy. (3)

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Our Father, l^lho art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we for- give our debtors. And lead us not into tempta- tion but del'iver us from the evil one. priest' For YOUrs is the kingdOm ond the power ond the qlory 0f the Fother cnd 0f the Son ond 0f the Holy Spirit, noll ond forever,


394. Lord, have mercy. (te)

Giory be to the Father and to the So Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

ilil Come, let us bow down before God our king. 1i n 'let us bow down before Christ, our king and H or. eolltt' - U ,,-. ,lome, iet us bow dovrn in worship before Jesus christ il Himself,Js eu'our Lord,Lu' u' uu",.;:our king and |t " ' ""our "'God UX Psalm l;;142 flH mv plea in Your U ,.,.n?iii.T{,0;:{:';.o,h"ii;.nll:, 0 ror I no ]il?ln"ll?:n'lln'[:'jJ:i?T;:: H:li"Jov;u:"uun'' I .,.:::r.ln. enemy has hunted down my sou'l ; he has humbied ili my'life-,. to the ground; he has put me in a place of dark- il ;;'; rons iead u And;::t"those my spirit grew weak.:",: in me;:" -"my heart within ,.is I fr .u.rui"iir-r' p;in. " "^.:.-:,.:,^ il :'_'-" :, I fi I recal I ed the days of-",, o'ld; I refl ected on al-,','": I the n ll works of Your hands; the works of Your hands were my ll ! meditation. [|

[| I lifted my hands to You; my soul thirsted for You R U I i ke waterl ess I and . [| [| Qu'ick1y hear me out, 0 Lord; my spirit fails me; n U turn not Your face away from me,'lest I become like those [f n who go down to the pit. fi

U Make me hear Your mercy in the morning, for I have [J R put my hope in You; show me the path I am to take, 0 Lord, fi for I have ra'ised my soul to You U [| n Free me from my enemies,0 Lord, for I have run to fi You for he1p. [J [| l--lt::=lt<-ll-lrr-={ }:-t}=::=>t}:=-tx=-t}:{t<-l

395. l-Xt-Xl-ill-::>ll-til-tt le::-t13=3r1-=>1g:>1{=E3; Teach me to do Your wi1l for You are my God; your good Spirit will lead me on the land that is straight.

For the sake of Your n;me,0 Lord, You will let me f ive by Your justice; out of affljction You will lead my sou1.

And in Your mercy You will crush my foes and destroy al I those who hurt my soul , for Your servant am I. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

At'let ui a. (3) God is the Lord (Ps.777 :27 ,26) In the Tone of the Tropar. GOD IS THE LORD AND HAS APPEARED TO US; BLESSED I5 HE I^JHO COMES IN THT NAME OF THE LORD.

Pay tribute to the Lord for He'is good, His mercy endures forever.


They surrounded me completeiy, but in the name of the Lord i withstood them.


I shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord"


The stone whjch the builders rejected became the cornerstone; this was from the Lord and it is marvelous in our eyes. Then the Tropar in whose honor the MoLeben js being cei-ebrated is sung twice. Tropar of the Intention G'lory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Ho'ly Spi ri t , now and forever . Amen . n. attached to the Tropar is now taken.

396. ,=1en<-tr€==tt-xt:t t€ilC-tl-lt(5ltc-{

V,=*;*:;;;att;z,z",tzi:;zzi"::"iz;z:,rr;;;---ilTroPaL-- Tone 4 I tKo Bohotodgtsi) U With ardor,0 people sinful and humble, let us hasten to the Molher of God, and in repentance and from the depths of our sou'ls cry out: "0 Ladyn help and have mercy on us! Hurry, for in the multitude of our sins we are perishing. Do not turn away your poor servants, fci you alone are the advocate we have. (2) Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the l-1ol y 5pi ri t , now and forever. Amen ' ,##*F Never wjll we, 0 Godbearer, cease to tell of your power though we are unworthy. For were you not tc i ntercede by your sup- plications, who would there be to save us from so many dangers? t,Jho would have kept us free tilj now? Only biessed Lady' never vrill we forsake you, for you are always saving your servants from every peri'1.

If the Fi-iieben is ceLebrated to our Savior, this Trapar is sung in T'one 2.

T. IU the Savi or

IrgP:r---Jsg 3 ( Prechgstonu)

tie pay homage to Your rnost pure image, good Lord, and beg pardon for our sins, 0 Christ our' God. You freely chose to mount the cross in Your fiesh in order to free Your creatures from bondage to the enemy. And so we gratefully cry out to You: By coming to save the world, our Savior, You brought joy to al I .

397 l-Xl-Blc::-ll-l!-).31-=>3 t€54t-Xl-t51rGt)tt€t

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spjrit, now and forever. Amen. I Bohoro ychen ( Mgl"""rdig^) I

As the fount of mercy, Mother of God, deem us worthy of mercy. Look upon us sinful il people, and as always show your power. lrJith confidence in you we cry out: "HaiI!" as once did Gabriel the archange'l . il

If a l4ol-eben is to be cefebrated in honor of a hieratch, il ( St. NichoLas), sing this Tropar in Tone 4

To St. Nicholas I

Tropar - Tone 4 il ( Pravgl-o virg) To your flock the reality (of your I life) showed you to be a norm of faith, a model of meekness and a teacher of self- control. And so, 0 bishop Nicholas, our il father, you attained eminence through 1ow- l'iness and riches through poverty. Inter- cede with Christ our God for the salvation I of our soul s.

Gl ory be to the Fathe',^ and to the Son and il to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Bo ho rodyc he n {ioz pgtavsnegsia)

To the maiden nurtured in the Temple sanctuary, clad in faith and wisdom and perfect v'irginity, the archangel Gabriel brought the greet'ing "Hai1 !" from heaven: "HaiI, blessed maiden! Hai1, most blessed maiden! The Lord is with you!"

-?98. *:x t€tt:tl€lt(Fl:, For the S'ick -nc-arc-r(:tr-t Tropar - Tone 4 ( Skorig)

You al one are swi ft to he'lp, 0 Christ; show Your speedy care from on high for Your suffering servant(s) and free him (her, them) from sickness and sharp pai n. Rai se hinr ( her, them) up to s i ng and 91 ori fy You wi thout ceas i ng through the intercess.ion of the Mother of God, 0 only l ovi ng Lord.

For General intentions

Tropar - Tone 6 ( 6^glug nas H ospodg)

Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have mercy on us. At a loss for any excuse we sinners bring this appeal to You, our Lord: Have mercy on us.

Psalm 50

Have mercy on mer 0 God, in Your great mercy, and ln Your abundant kindness c'leanse me of my iniquity.

l.Jash rne especial'ly from my w'ickedness and cleanse me frorr my sin,

For tr know my wickedness, and my sin is ever befclre me. Against You alone have i sinned, and before You have I done what is evil. May You be justified in Your words and vindicated when You pass judgment.

Behold. I was conceived in iniquity; in sin my mother bore me. Behold, You have Ioved truth; the secret th'ings of Your wisdom You have revealed to me.

399. t€il-rte:-al-xte==rt-x r€=::>il€0(E:llll€ll{-l - You will sprinkte me wjth hyssop, and I shail be ll cleansed; You will wash me, and I shall be made whiter U than snow. [| You will bring joy and gladness to my hearing, and g my humbled bones will rejoice.

Turn Your countenance away from my sins, and wash away all my iniquities.

Create in me a clean heartr 0 God, and renew a right spirit within me.

Cast me not away from Yo0r countenance, and take not Your holy Spirit from me.

Give me the joy of Your salvation, and fortify me with Your gu'iding spirit.

I s hal I teach Your ways to the wi cked , and the 'impi - ous shall return to You.

Deliver me from b'lood-guilt, God,0 God of my sa1- vation; my tongue shall rejo'ice in Your justice.

You wi'l'l open my'l'ips,0 Lord, and my mouth shal'l procl aim Your prai se.

For had You desired sacrifjce, I would have offered it, but You take no delight in vlhole-burnt offerings.

'l The sacri fi ce to God 'i s a contri te s pi ri t ; God wi I not des pi se a contri te and humb'l e heart. In Your good pleasure, Lord, bless Sion, that the wal I s of Jerusa'lem may be rebui I t. Then You will be pleased with just sacrifices, offer- ings and hoiocausts; then they will offer calves upon Your al tar. There foTlows the Kanon whose reftains are: Mother of God most holy' save us' ot 0 Jesus most dear save us ' or ' wi th 0 bi shop Ni chol as ' our father, i ntercede God for us. or the refrain of some other saint'

400. tcElil(Elh--r}c-ttc:l==x

Then we sing the invocations af the Pirst and Third Odes. After the Third Ode, sag the foLfowing:

In honor of the Mother of God ( Spasq vid bid)

0 Mother of God, save your servants from danger for all of us hasten to God through you as our immcveab'le wal l of protection

( ergzrg ) 0 Mother of God, ever-praised, look favorably upon my terribly afflicted body and heal the anguish of mY soul. In honor of our Sav'ior ( tzbavg) 0 Savior most merc'iful , Celiver Your servants from danger for we ardently hasten to You, our Lord Jesus, as our merci ful Redeemer and Master of all. In honor of a Saint ( MoJg Boha)

Intercede with God for us, 0 NN, for we ardently hasten to you as a speedy heiper and i ntermedi ary for our soul s.

Ekteni a Deacon.. Have mercy on us, 0 God, in the greatness of Your mercy, we pray You" hear us and have mercy.


Deacon.- l^Je pray for our Holy Father, NN, Pope of Rome, for His Beatitude, our Major Archbishop (and Metropo'litan) NN, for our Most Reverend (Archb'ishop and) Metropolitan, NN, for our bishop, NN, beloved of God, for those who serve and have served in this holy church, for our spiri- tual fathers and for all our brethren in Christ,


401. rc:=r

Deacon' l^le pray for the head of our government ( ki ng/queen, /presjdent), NN, and for his/her heal th and sa1 vation, (or for those 'in authori ty) and for all in the military serv'ice of our country.


The petition for the intention of the MoLeben.

Deacon: l,.Je ask mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, care, forgiveness and success for the servant(s) of God, NN, and the remission of hjs (her, their) sins.


Deacon.- l^le pray for the people here who await your great and bountifui mercies, for those who have been kind to us, and for all true-believ'ing Christians.


Excl arnati on

priest, For YOu ore 0 merciful ond benevolent God ond we render glory to you: the Fother ond the Son ond the Holy Spirit, noll ond forever,


Then take the refrains for Odes 4, 5, and 6. After the Sjxth Ode evergthing is the same as after the Third Ode. Short Ektenia

Deacon: 0nce again let us pray to the Lord in Deace.


Deacon: Hel p us, save us, have mercy on us, and protect us, 0 God, by Your grace.


402. ffir->ilc==:>r

Deacon: Commemorating our most holy, most pure, most blessed, lj glorious Lady, the Mother of God and Evervirg'in Mary, to- X gether with all the saints, 1et us commend ourselves and ll one another and our whole lffe to Christ our God. [J ALL: L0RD, HAVE MERCY. il Exc'l aBti on il priest, peoce, FOr YOU ore the God 0f the SoviOr [l 0f our soulsj ond t^te render glory to You, the ll Fother ond the Son and the Holy Spirit, nor^l ond [l forever.


If he so desires, the priest mag tecite the Akafist. After the Akafist, the deacon sags: Deacon: Let us be attentive! Pr:est' PeOCe be + t0 0ll 0f yOU! Deacon: l.lisdom! Let us be attentive!

Pro ki men

The appointed Prok-?.men rs sung. Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.

Excl amat'ion prjest' For You our God ore h01y Who dwei I in Your sonctuoryi we render glory to You: the Fother qnd the Son ond the Holy Splrit, row ond f0rever,



Deacon: ( Recited) Let every breathing being praise the Lord"


403. x=-ll-'re t-il:ttG==il-)tr-)t

Deacon: Praise God in His sanctuary.


Deacon: Praise Him in His mighty firmament


Prelude to Gospel Reading

Deacon: That we may be deemed worthy to hear the holy gospel , 'let us pray to the Lord.

LORD, HAVE MERCY. (3) Deacon: l^lisdom! Stand aright! Let us listen to the holy gospe'l .

Priest' PeCCe be + t0 0ll Of yOU!


Deacan: A reading from the hoiy gospe'l according to St. NN.

ALL: GL0RY BE T0 YOU, 0 LORD, GLORY BE T0 Y0U. Deacon: Let us be attentive!

Gospel Readi ng

The priest then reads the gospeT.

ALL: GL0RY BE T0-Y0U, 0 L0RD, GL0RY BE T0 YOU. After the gospe-l ias been read:

ALL: Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Ho'ly Spirit.

Tone 6 ( otcG|Eove)

0 Father, Son and Spirit, Trinity most holy, purify the multitude of our sins.

Now and forever. Amen.

404. €ttc::=3llc:=:==affi t€o:Xr€3:5{r€}ar(=:=>r

( MoTgtvang) 0 rnerciful Lord, cleanse the multi- tude of our sins through the intercess'ion of the Bearer of God.


( PongJug mya) Have mercy on me, 0 God, in Your great mercy, and in Your great kindness c'leanse me of my in'iquity.

Tone 6 t wTGiis-6sa)

Most holy Queen, do not entrust me to human care, but accept the supplication of your servant, for affliction envelops me and I can no longer withstand demonic on- slaughts. I have no protection and nowhere to flee. In my wretchedness I am always a loser and have no consolation except you, 0 Queen of the world. 0 hope and defense of the faithful, do not spurn my prayer. Bring benefit to me. Prayer gl Intejcession ( Spasg Bc>zhe)

Deacon: Save Your peopl e , God , and bl ess Yourinheritance . Visit Your world with mercy and compassjon. Raise the horn of strength of true-believing Christians and send down upon us Your bountjful mercy through the interces- s'ion of our most pure Lady, the Bearer of God and Ever- virgin l-lary, the povrer of the precious and'lifeg'!ving cross, the protection of the angelic powers of heaven, the ho'ly, glorious prophet and forerunner, John the Baptizer, the holy, glorious, a1l-bjessed apostles' our holy fathers among the saints, the great teachers of the wor'ld, bishops Basil the Great, Gregory the Theo- loEian and John Chrysostom, our father among the saints' niifrotas, archbishop and wonderworker of Myra in Lycia' the holy Cyril and Methodius, equals of apostles, teach- ers of ine-Stavs, the holy , devoted prince,V'ladimir the Great, equal of apostles, the holy bishop-martyr Josa- phat, the holy, glorious and triumphant martyrs' our venerab] e and gooty fathers , Antony and Theodosi us

4C5. l-)ll-rffiffit->{

Pechersky, and the holy NN (in whose honor the Mol-eben is being ceiebratedl , the holy and just ancestors of God, Joachim and Anne, and all the saints. Hear the prayer of us sinners, 0 merciful Lorr!, we pray You, and have mer- cy on us.


Excl amation

priest; Through the groce, mercies ond benevolence of your only-begotten Son with whom you ore blessed, together with Your most holy, good ond lifegiving Spirit, now ond forever,


Then the refrains for Odes 7, I and 9. Dostoi no Yest

It is fitting indeed to praise you as the Bearer of God, as the ever-blessed and all-immaculate Mother of our God. Higher in dignity than the cherubim and incomparably greater in glory than the seraphim, who without defi'lement bore the Word of God, trullr dS Mother of God we exalt you. Ho'ly God, holy Mi ghty One, holy Immortal One, have mercy on us. (3) Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Hoiy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. 0 Trinity most ho1y, have mercy on us; cleanse us, 0 Lord, of our sins; 0 Master, pardon our transgress'ions. Consider our weaknesses and heal them, 0 Holy One, for the glory of Your name. Lord, have mercy. (3) Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Our Father , Who art i n heaven , ha'l I owed be Thy

406 " l(-ll€lf-=>ll--lt-3lt-X t-l1g-tt(==-tK==:=1€:>t

kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daiiy bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one-

priest, FOr yours is the kingdom cnd the pohler Ond the slory 0f the Father cnd of the Son ond 0f the Holy Spirit, not^t ond forever,


Tropars - ToIe 6 (PomgTug nas Hospodg)

Have mercy on us, 0Lordo have mercy on us. l.le sinners bring this appeal to You, our Lord, for we have no defense: Have mercy on us.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

(Hospodg pomgJug nas)

Lord, have mercy on us, for we have put our trust in You. Be not exceedingly angry with us and do not hold our trans- gressions against us. Look upon us now with compassion. Save us from those who are hostile to us. For You are our God and vve are Your people. All of us are the work of Your hands, and we cal'l upon Your name.

Now and forever. Arnen.

Open the doors of mercy to us, 0 b'lessed Mother of frod. May we who hope in you not perish but be delivered by you from danger, for you are the salvation of the Chri sti an peopl e.

Ekteni a

Deacon: Have mercy on us, 0 God, in the greatness of Yo ur mency, t,te pray You, hear us and have mercy.


407 . lc-lt-ltG::-1rc ffi rc::::-o-t

Deacan: We "implore the Lord our God to hear the suppiiant voice of us sinners and be merciful to His servants, NN, and protect them from all affl'iction, danger, wrath and need, and al1 sp'iritual and bodily pain, and grant them health and long i'ife. Let us al'l say: Hear us quickly and have mercy.

L0RD, HAVE MERCY. (3) Deacon: t,le pray for the protection of this city (vi11age or holy monastery), this holy church, every city, village and rural district from famine, destruction, earthquake, flood, hail, fire, sword, foreign invasjon and civil strife; and that our good and benevolent God be merciful, placable and favorably disposed and turn aside all His wrath from us and free us from His righteous impending sentence and show us mercy.


Deacon; l^le pray the Lord God to hean the suppliant voice of us sinners and show us mercy.


Excl amati on

priesr, Heor US, 0 GOd ouf Sovior/ 0 hOpe Of 0i I the ends 0f the eorth ond those 0f0r 0t seo! Show mercy towords our sins, 0 merciful Moster, cnd hove mercy 0n us, For You ore 0 merciful gnd benevolent God, ond t^te render glory t0 You, the Fother ond the Son qnd the Holy Spirit, nof,t ond forever,

ALL: AMEN. Deacon: In compunetion let us bow our heads (and knees) and pray to the Lord.


408. t-:)ilc-lr€tal-xt-==3K=:=l t€3r-xlc=::=>rK===>rK::>l i- Prayer to the Mother or God ll r-r tcfi,''ffi i o'r"".: 0 Beore r of T"11 s r.c i ous Gueen, n I our hope, refuge 0f orphons, help 0f strongersr U the protector i ;ov 0f offlicted, 0f the offended, [i I nenotO our distress/ behold our offl iction, help U ,r in orr helplessness, quide us CIs strcngers, I tl I You know our anguish; free us of it 0s you pleose$

l,T';ffi: li lifl;,'::,::.?l'1,'1,ff':;.?:l?:: 0 I ! nut lour to sucrd ond protect us forever, il ALL: AMEN. fi

u lr priesr' 0 MOster, ChriSt our GOd, YoU healed my U

suffering by Your sufferinss ond cured mv wounOs [! by Your woundsi grqnt me teors of compunction U for I hcve sreotly sinned ogoinst You, From the ll f rogronce clf Your body make a preparotion for U qnd precious blood moke sweet my body with Ycur [| my soul out of the foulness which the cdversury E ;i':,t,ii,n:il-x il:;i;;'i,tru i;};,';;; I destruction; I lock repentonce; i lock remcrsej I Iock the joy-giving teors thct restcre o [} child t0 its birthrisht, l4v mind is clouded bv life's distress; in my anguish I om uncble t0 n roise my soze t0 Youj I find no comfort in crv* ing for love of You. But, Lord Jesus Christ, mV [l lvlcster, treosury of good things, grgnt me per- cjevoted to seeking il fect repentonce ond 0 heart n You, Give me Your groce ond restore Your ll

409. imoge in me,Do not abondon me thcugh i did forsoke You. Go out in seorch of me ond lead me to Your posture ond count me 0m0ng the chosen sheep of Your flock, Feed me i^tith the posturoge of Your holy socroments through the intercession of Your most pure Mother ond al I the ssints,

AMEN. Another Prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ.

0 Lord, I confess my sins to You, l,Jho olone ore good qnd do not coll evils to mind. I fol I down in my unworthiness before You cnd cry out: "I hove sinned ond beccuse of my mony injustices I om not wCIrtny to look up t0 heoven 0n high, " 0 Lord, Lorcl, ul one good CInd merci- ful, give me tears of compunction so thot through them I mcy implore cleonsinE from all my sins before the eRd, After tr leave my body I must poss through 0 ploce thot is ot^tesome ond difficult. I shqll confront 0 multitude of dork ond inhumon demons, There will be n0 one along the woy to help me 0r rescue me, And s0 I fal I down before Your goodness, Do not hond me over t0 those who insult me. D0 not let my enemles gloot over mer good Lord, ond do not let thern sov: "You come into our clutchesj you l,{ere honded over to us," 0 Lord, do not forget Your mercies; do not retol iate ogoinst me for mv iniquity; do nst turn Your face 0vl0y frCIm me, You be the oRe t0

+ILJ. E-- {LJr--_Xr-_-___jx}-_-_-} R.; n cliscipl ine me, 0 Lord, l,{ith Your mercy ond t{F-==.}-.}-$--}l}=:=:>l€xt-==lt-=>l$-l}:=+ il

411 . l3==lD.:Xl-ll-:=ll-)$-5x l=:>n:ttc::=oc::::::>u-=t n rnoy olwcyslys the Fother ond the Son and U slorify cnd [J fi the Holy Spirit ond Your merciful ossistonce, fi norr ond forever. [| [J ALL: o'1--- il.,*[U il ll for those who are sick ll tJPriest-' 0 holy king, MCIster oil-sovereign, You U fi n instructondmortify;Yousupportthosewho ll [J ore folling, upiift those who ore ii dejected, fi ondmendthebodilyofflictionsof men,i4e U [l R beseech You, 0 our God, in Your mercy come il to Your ai I ins servcnt(s) NN, ofid f orsive him U (her, qll (her, [J Rn rner, them)rnem/ 0tI hisnIS (te[, their)Inetr) sins,sIns, vCIlun- n tory ond involuntory, Indeed, 0 Lord, send [J [J ||ll down Your heoling por{er f rom heoven. Touch the ll flesh, bring down the fever, soothe the poin [JI [J ond every other hidden oilment, Be 0 physician [|I |i servont(s),NN, (her, UJ to Your roise him them) from [l (her, n their bed of sickness ond moke him them) fi ( [J whol e ond heol thy , tvloke h im her, them) usef u I [l fi for Your church ond o doer of Your will, Yours il [J it is, 0 our God, t0 show mercy and to sove usi [l iI t0 You we render glory, the Fother ond the Son l| [J ond the Holy Spirit, now ond forever ond ever, [l ALL: o*r*__ il il

4r2. !=:=:==.1-xta=-a'::=lt-=r-,{ Praverr===-n<=:==t}===:={r=:-tr-}t tl il5 for any Intent'ion s priest.' {l s benevo,.*n kindly eye look I upon Your servont(s), NN, Heor the proyer ij vve n U bring You in f cith, f or You Yoursel f scid: "Al I [l = you tl thot ask for in prcyer, bel ievins thct you n U willreceiveit,willbedoneforyou.;,,cnd U =- ,, cEo i "Ask qnd you w 1 [l n, i I rece ive , And s0 vle, n unworthy though r^te your U ore, rely on compossion U ond beseech You: Be kind t0 your servcnt(s), NN, il ond fulfiil 011 his (her, their) good intents, Keep him (her, their) doys pecceful, quiet, il heolthy and iong-lived, h/e render glory to You, the Fother ond the Son ond the Holy Spirit, not^t fi and forever,

ALL: AMEN. I Concl usi on

0 Deacon: l,J'i sdom !



Di smi ssal

priest, ChriSt OUr tfue GOd Will hOVe mercy 0n US ond sove us because He is CI good ond benevolent Lord, (He will sove us) through the intercession of His most pure Mother ond oll the soints,

413". t€=:::=3t:trc:=>1-==p:t -tlt<-lt-lt-==lle;::=ll-X prokimens I I [l In honor of n *,u Nor. Hof g.ur.l of UF v God [l [ ,n%r,,,o, I I wi I I remember your name for at I generat.ions . I [i stich, L'isten, daughter,'look and incline your ear.

U [J tiitfr In honor of our Sav'ior x Tone4 [J lj ur'ou'r'rrtr'r'nce In the glt il li .; ,;t they wi 'l11 wa1k, I fi O Lord , and i n Your name they wi'l 1 re joi c! al day l ong. ll the ends of the earth have seen the satVat'ion H ".';?,r*0f our God'nlll U ilffiil[l r^ _ Di.h^^ il 0 ,o'l#|,,t I [- My lips shall utter wisdom, and the meditation of [| my heart be [| shall understanding. [l n stich; Hear this, al1 you nations; give ear, all you R who dwell on [J earth. [| [| For the sick U rone 7 I r p'.-i, st n R Have pity on me,0 Lord, am weak; heal ]J - for I me, [| n 0 Lord, for even my bones are atremble. fi stich.- No one among the dead sha1l commemorate You [J [J

474 - :=tlt--llc=::=x ti-lt<=-l=lt€ll=::>t

For General lntentions tl Tone illr 4 n ( ps .-IV2 ,l J- 34 U ; :3) 3 U lr Lord, hear my prayer, and in Your faithfulness il ll heed my p1 ea. v U stich: Give praise to the Lord, for the Lord is good. iiII U i: il rl Gospel Rea{i_lngs I For the Most Holy Bearer of God il (Luke 1:39-49, 56)

il In those doys, Mory storted out cnd hurried I to the hill country, to o town of Judoh,0n en- il tering Zochorioh's home she greeted Eiizobeth, I cnd when Elizobeth heord IVlcry's greeting, the il child leopt in her womb, ond Elizobeth t,los fiiled il t^tith the Holy Spirit, She cried out in 0 loud voice ond s0id; "BIessed ore you 0m0ng tlomen I cnd blessed is the fruit of your womb, Whence il do I hove this (honor) thot the mother of my I lord should come to me? For behold, 0s the sound 0f your greeting reoched my eors, the il child in my l{omb leoped for joy, Blessed is she r^rho believed thot the word spoken to her by the il Lord t^tould be fulfilled," And Mory soid: "lvly soul extols the Lord, l4y spirit rejoices in God, my il sovior, for he looked utith fovor upon his lowly handmoid, Behold, from this doy forutord 011 gene- il rotions will coll me blessed, The Aimightv did greOt things for me; holy is his nome," fvlory I remoined obout three months with her onci return-

415. g!{-ll-3|=::-l-xl€=trlfi==>3 t€-p-13==:=>tr<=:=:>tt:>t I ed to her o,un hcme, I -----:::-. tl ----:.: I To s (N ll the Sav'ior and a Fi hop ichot as ) n U .--. ll il The Lord soid :;1,, ;il who come to him: I "1,y itre door, If onyone comes throush me, he [j il ;;':,il',3',illi,'il Iiii il,,il,i,,';':fii.?-.H:l il ii ond destroy. I came thct they may hove life and fr hcve it in cbundonce, i am the good shepherd, ffie il gooO fl fr shepherd loys down his life for the sheep, fr The hireling, r^rho is not the shepherd, and does ::[J ,, , [J it not ot,tn the sheep, cbandons the sheep when he fi sees the wolf comins, And the wolf rovoses ond [J [l R disperses the sheep, The hireling flees becouse || he is oniy 0 hirelins and is not concerned about [J [J [j the sheep, i cnt the good shepherd, I know mine U ond mine know me, As the Fother knows me, s0 I ii know the Fother cnd lay down my I ife for my tl sheep, Still other sheep do I hove thot cre not n of this fold, I must olso leod them, They will [J heor my voice and there will be one fold oncl [i one shepherd, " U n ll For the Sick u n (Matthew 8:5-13) ll X At that time, Jesus entered Copernoum, ond centurion oppnoached him ond pleoded with him:

416 " !€ll€ltc=-l1':Xt€flt:x l:lt:ll-lsc==>lt<===:>l

"Lord, nty servcnt is lying p0r0lyzed at home in terrible pcin." Jesus soid to him: "l,Jhen I come I sholI cure him," In onswer the centurion soid (to him) : "Lord, i do not deserve thct you shoulcj co|.ne under my i oof, Just sOy o word ond my ser- vont will be heoled, For I too om 0 mon subject to cuthority with soldiers under me, I soy to one il 'G0!'ond he 9o0s; to onother'Comel'ond he comes; t0 my slove 'Do this!' and he does it," I l^ihen Jesus heord this, he wos ostonished ond soid to those who folloyled him: "Amen I say to you, I no where in Isroel did I find such foith, I tell you, mony will come from the eost cnd west ond I recline with Abrchcm, Isaac ond Jocob in the kingdom of heoven, The sons of the kingdom will be driven out into the dorkness outside where there will be weeping ond gnqshing of teeth," I Jesus then soid t0 the centurion: "G0, ond 0s you believed, let it be done for you," Thot very I hour his servont wos heoled, An Alternate Gospel I

(Mark 5:24-34) il At thot time, c lorge crovtd occomponied Jesus ond pressed ogoinst hinr, There wos 0 cert- oin womon who hod been hemorrhoging for twelve yeors, Extensively trected lry mony physicions she spent 011 her possessions but utos not helped, In foct, she got v{orse, Heoring obout Jesus she come up from in bock of the people cnd touched his cioak, She soid to herself: "If I just touch his gqrments, I will qet utell," At once the couse

417 . h-lt:-l!'->lt-l--1t:tl t€=-tt€tt:-tt-1€>t

hemorrhoqe :iR of her - dried uD cnd she rent ized in [j ll her body thot she wcs cured of her oilment, In- ll !l stontly, Jesus beccme crniore thot power hcd gone [l out 0f him, As [i he turned oround in the crowd he || osked: "VJho g0rments?,, !| touched my His discipies U fi scid to him: "you see the crowd is pressing il U!l agcinstog0inst vou;VOU.; vetyet vouyOU osk 'l,Jho touchedtorrchecl me?"'me?,,, BUtRrr U he kept ll lookins cround to see the womon who did [| Ii this, Afroid and tremblinq becouse she wcs oyrore U ii of whot hoppened to her, the womon ccme ond fel I il ! dourn before him ond told h1m the whole truth, U il l:,:';: n:i:i.-";;;.;;,;;; *:;[il],;:;;,:il:,li:,::v" "" v ' I [lvy ,i.ln.';;:- ll 3 ( ro hn 4':46-54, tl il At thot time, in Capernoum there r^ros 0 [| ..rt- [l U cin royol officiol whose son wos sick, When he U R heord thot Jesus ccme f rom Judeo to Gol i lee., he ll U utent to him ond begsed him to come ond heol his U [i son, for he wos obout to die, Jesus soid to him: [| you U "If do not see signs snd wonders, you will U not believe," The r0y0l officiol said t0 hirn: "Lord, come before my child dies." Jesus soid t0 him: "G0, your son will live," The mon believed the words Jesus soid to him and left, Just 0s he g0t bock, behold, his servonts met him ond onnoun- ced to him: "Your son is 0live," He osked them obout the time when he got better, They told himr "The fever ieft him yesterdoy ot the seventh hour," The fother reolized thot thot t^tos the tirne Jesus

418. l3=:-tl-rl-=:>31-rt:}3tc=-l'<=-lar-tl::'{}:-tK:}t

wi I [j scid to him 'Your son 1l ive,' He himself ond n his vrhole household bel was A ieved, Agoin, this tne fi second sign Jesus performed cfter he ccnre from [J JudeatoGolilee, [j R ---:---:-----:-::--- ii *=tl lJ i] ro. Sp..iuf int*nrl U fr (Matthew 7:7-71) il

The Lord "Ask ond r^/i I be lJ !:tl soid: it I siven [i to you, Seek cnd you will find, Knock cnd it will fi [J be opened for you, For everyone who osks receives;U il who seeks flnds; for the one who knocks it will R be opened. l^/hot mcn there cmong you i,vho, [j is if U his son osks f or brecd., wi 1I sive him 0 stone? tl give [j U 0r if he osks for 0 fish will him 0 serpent? U you, therefore, though you cre know how [j If evil, n give good your hor^r U to things to children, much U sive sood thinq' U T:'i,:::'-il:':,l*#Tlil,:o'n'r il fl .-ilU Iil[il [[ [il 11ilu__

419 . t-ar.-l-|lt-xl-:=3t-x r-)o:lr:ll-lt->l

Prayer Servjce for the Holy Pasch (0n Sunday)

priest, Blessed be Our God olwoys nOW ond fofevef,

ALL: AMEN. Paschal Tropar t mrii"s "osxres") priest, Christ hOs risen f rOm the deod, trompi ing ll

deoth by deoth, ofld I ife He restored to those U in the tombs, 0 ALL: CHRiST HAS RISEN FROM THT DEAD, TRAMPLING DEATH fr BY DEATH, AND LIFE HE RESTORED TO THOSE IN THE TOMBS ll priest' hos from the trompl ChriSt risen deod, ing ll deoth by deoth,,,r. [| ALL: .....AND LIFE HE RESTORED T0 THOSE IN THE T0MBS il Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Hypacoe ( Predvargvshige)

The women who accompanied Mary arrived before dawn and found the stone ro11ed away f rom the tomb. They heard the angel say: "l'jhy do you seek among the dead the One l,Iho abides in everlasting light as ihough He were mere man? Look at His burial wripp'ings. Hasten to tell the world that the Lord has risen and that He put death to death, for He'is the Son of God l,lho saves manki nd. If gou wish to add the l6non of some saint, then first sag the Tropar of the saint once. Next take the ldnon of the Pasch with the ltmos in 6 ' The refrain is.. Christ haS risen from the dead. Afso take the one of the saint if thete is one. Then take the latabasia. After the 3rd and 6th odes take: Spasy of bid - Save from

420. l-*-r!<-l-xr:=l'€:=:=l r::::-r!:=:=lra:=r!a:=:=>llr->l

[l X[i-ounn..,. After the Sixth Ode take the Tbndak and lkos of the !: [i pasch. [l And then the Prokimen: [ [J R (wProkimen - Tone B ll u u dav the Lord has made; let us rejoice fl and be f; il ;il; li: u fl stich: Pay tribute to the Lord for He is good; His i| mercy js eternal. U U [i Gospel Readi ns i| U t tu*e za'sa-Nl U At thot time, Jesus hod from n ofter risen the n deod, he oppecred in the midst 0f the cpostles ond [J [J soid to them: "Peoce be t0 you!" Stortled it ond || ofroid they thought they rlere seeins 0 shost, but [J [J you li he osked them: "Why ore troubled, ond why cre n there doubts in your heorts? Look 0t my honds ond [J [J il feet, It is I myself , Touch me ond see, for 0 ghost ii does not hove flesh and bones 0s you see hove," [J I [J n Saying this he showed them his hands ond feet, thev fi were hoppy ond were [J so they could hordly believe it [J omczed,omozed, S0So he osKedost

42I. _;:===lrC::::-lt=:>lt:-l'-)lr-t r--lr<=:::-1-r!->.r€t lr ti ii or sins in h1s ncme hcd to be proclcimed t0 011 R ii nctions, srcrting from Jerusolem, you 0re witnesses !l of th:se things, I will send down the promise of I [l ru Fcther upon you, you cre to stcy in the city of !l Lerusclem unti I you ore endowed with por^/er f rom il ti cbove," He took them to Bethony, roised his hcnds I cnC blessed them, As he t^ics blessing them, he de- I li oorted frcn them ond wcs tcken up into hecven, They Ll r'rorshiped him cnd then returned fr t0 Jerus0lem with I il srect j oy, They stayed cont inucl ly in the temple i;'! Prcising cnd blessing God, Amen, I il ;ones the Gospef of the Saint. [i "hen = I Il ,-,fter the ttinth ode, take the rr.mos: Shine, shine - tJ Svitysia, svitysia...:n pJace of :lt is fitting indeed - i: D0stor no yest. . . l,iten take, Chri st has ri sen. . . (3)ai'te, il ti,;s cor?ru:s hgpacoe.- u/omen predvaryv- f f the The ulho accompanied. . . tl s_hiya... Glory be: and the Tropar of the Saint. Now and f; t0rever: and the Li:ndak, Though You went down...Asche i vo il f f hrob... ?he;r the ektem a-. Have mercy on us, 0 God... Ll r. Concl usion il ll ,':.resr: I.JiSdOm! -Ij il fi nLr: sHmE, sHrNE IJ ii enest, GlOfy be tO YOU,,,, il II ni'-: CHRIST HAS RIsEN FROM THE DEAD, TRAMPLING DEAIH i BY DEATH, AND LIFE HE RESTORED TO THOST IN THI TOMBS. ll LORD, HAVI MtRCy. LoRD, HAVE MERCY. LORD, HAVE MERCY. [J GIVE IHE BLISSING. = [l oismissal wrrH cRoss

er-rest' Christ our true God, Who f;II rose from the decd, trompled deoth by decth Itu cnd restored n life to those in the tombs, r^rill hove mercy ll on us cnd scve us beccuse He is the kind and !+ !-r r::1r-r.--r r -rt-t - A ')') l:===lltl=:-3t:>p-r,llitr;lll benevolent Lord, He t^till fi sove us throirgh the ttil intercession !: of His most pure fiother ond oi I the soints, U ALL: AMEN. il rhen the priest sass aJ.oud: Chf iSt hOS i-iSen ! f sS I,/e answer.. Tru'ly, He has ri sen ! il Then three times we sing: ChriSt has risen... Khrystos voskrese... Then we concLude: He granted us life everlastin ,til let us worship His resurrection on the third day.

tl From the Sundag of Thomas to the conel-usian of the Pasch, the priest after: BlesSed be our God... sings the Trcpar ' Chri st has ri sen. . . Khrystos voskrese ...two times and then: Christ has risen from the dead trarnp- il 1 i ng death by death I rhe peopTe finish.. and I i fe He res- toredto those in the tombs. Next comes the Trisagion and the rest. il After the Nintl ode, xake; Shine, shine... ip pJace of: It i s fi tti ng i nde'ed : During the Dismissa-Z the priest takesr Giory be to You, I 0 Christ our God: we sas: Christ has risen from the dead: Lord, have mercy. (3) Give the b'lessing, father. And tlte il priest gives the Dismissa-Z. B-Lessing: Christ, our true God, l^lho rose from the dead. . . - ti

423. l<==:=={$:}lt:::=l} r-:}p-315}pCEt31-{ [j ==:-lt€:lD*€5t tl The RiteRi te il ll for s ivi ns |i Communion to Faitf,ful outside the Divine U !he Liturgy [J ll Vested in stoLe and phelon, the priest opens the hoJg [| U doors and begins: [J R Priest BleSSedbeOUfGOd,,,, ;u I ALL: The Trisaction and Our Fatherr [| [| priest = FOr Yours is the kingdont,,,, U II U ,n. !nZr':i:'.^:7":i" -:?:i:r':'oZi,o nZn"o:":"2:':'"Zi7r'"lrZ" il fr Sacred l4gsteries ( BJ-essed Sacrament) into the chafice"i'f,i" and n 'o'"'i !i" "'i^i.::n,;"':;:i:zz'z:r' ::i::,:;::' ,n" ooo,,. rhere U n^u ""o saes " il pruest:.'u""' .'^: : -t . ^, . il f; Come" fI Orwcrdvr rrur e Wrr lI thLrr^ fI ecrvvr 0fvr GOduvu- cndurrv Wirr r th-,Lir uull roit;: [] n Bowing his head he then sdgs: n U communi on Prayer [l ii i believe ano o.o-t You are truly the i] H Christ, the Son of the living God, l'Jho came into the r,rorld U l-l to save si nners among vrhcm I am the worst ij ll Son of God, accept me th'is day as a partaker of Your ll X Mystical Supper. I vrill not reveal the mystery to Your ene- U fl ries, nor wiil I give You the kiss that Judas gave, but n ll like the thief i cry out tc You: ll Y Remember me, Lord, rr'hen You enter^ Your k'ingdom. g [l R.emember me, Master, vrhen You enter Your kingdom. n ll Remember me, Holy One, urhen You enter Your kingdom X May the reception of Your Holy Mysteries, Lord, be not *U judgment ll for my or condemnation but for the nealing of my n soul and body U [J * 0 God, be merciful tf me, i Sinner.^j--^ s ll 0 God, cleanse me of nry sins and have rnercy on U I have sinned countless times,0 Lord, forgive [ ,=U==:"::""'"': ':::*

424. t=-tl-tt:::=rti:=:=>l$,::=3t -3r:3 li After Communion ti

op I e, God, ond b I ess You r tl

: I,IE HAVE SEEN THE REAL LIGHT, I,JE HAVI RECEIVED R THE HEAVENLY SPIRIT, t,lE HAVE FOUND THE TRUE FAITH. I,JE U BOt^l IN I,IORSHiP TO TH E UNDIVIDED TRiNITY FOR IT HAS [i 'let u I You may Your go , servant : R rever i and the Dismissa-/. U onsumed or kept untif tne time of n + ++++++++++++ U il


il I n il i:

ir I


il I

:=-rl:f{r<=:-r}a:=:=>il::>*-{r-==i' tl

425 .