The Smol I Trebnvk or Abbrevi ated suchaTgion iurinmfi TrfifiilllHtr ,.;::1,:';?5i:.:'i,,,0, %L1lo o6 :8.') j ;=-*:r-xt€-tt=!3 t(=:==>tt-x!c==-{l:l telr€l lc-31-rlt(=-3t-3lt-=lt-x t<=:=-tK-tr-uc=-tE=-t Pre face A Trebnyk oF EuchoJ.sic>n is a book of Prayer-Rites used by the priest for the adm'!rristration of the church sacra- ments and various bless'ings and sacramentals. Some call jt a Book of Needs, because it provides for the important sp'i ri tual needs of the faj thful . Moreover, i t i s a servjce book used by the priest who is the minister of all these needs according to the Byzantjne Ruthenian Rite. Ukrainjan Catholics used a variety of texts of theTreb- nyk until in 1947 a ;MALL TREBNrK was officia]ly published in Rome for the use of these members.of the Ruthenian Rite. This is the book that contains the approved ritual for selected sacraments and blessings. It was reproduced in 1952 by the Grottaferrata Press in Rome. The translat'ion of this ;MALL TREBNYK was prepared by the Rev. Dr. John P.Weisengoff and the Very Rev. Canon Joseph Shary. Bothweremembers of the St. Joseph's Insti- tute. Fr. l,.leisengoff passed away in 1978 and was laid to rest jn St. Nicholas Cemetery, Chicago. Fr. Shary is now pastor of St. John's Ukra'inian Cathol'ic Church, Detroit, Mi chi gan. In makjng this translation the approved Roman edition of the Trebnyk was compared with the Greek text of the services. The Enqlish text of the new Ukrainian Rite translation of the Div,ine Liturgy was used to render the litanies and other prayers common to ajl services. Th'is translation of the suam TREBNvK contains a few supplbmentary services and blessings, which were deemed important for pastoral use. Specifical'ly, these services are: ?he Churching of a Woman aftet ChiTdbearing; The Bless'ing for a 25th or 50th Wedding Anniversary' Prasers for the Departinq souJ,' An Indulgenced Absolution; Three Pragers over the oging; An Alternate Committal Service; Nine GospeJ- Read.ings during a FunetaL. These services appearin the 1926 edition of the Zhovka Tnzbnqlz. This translation of the suetr TREBNYK is pub'lished by the St . Joseph's Insti tute , 3877 Cl i ppert Ave , Detroi t , Mi chi gan 48210. Feast of the ANNUCIATION March 25, 1983 x-ar_}il<==-ilc:=lt:rt€l rc:==il-ll:ll{:-ll(-l l-i- contents I t rhe First Day a woman bears her child... .....p. 1' i ll I for the Mother, for those who assjsted her at !l her childbirth and for the midwife .p.2. 2. Naming the child on the ejghth day p. 3. 3. For the mother on the fortieth day after child- birth and induction of child into church p. 6. 4. For the woman who has lost her child ...p. 13. 5. Baptism and Chrismation... ....pp. 16 - 40. a. Prayer for Catechumen . p. 16. b. Ni caeno-Constant'i nopol i tan Creed . p . 22 - c. The Rite of Holy Baptism......p.25. d. Rj te of Holy Chri smation. p. 33. 5. (a) SUPPLTMENT: Churchingofwoman after Baptism..p. 41- 6. Baptizing in danger of death ....-.p. 44. 7 . Rite of Holy Confession.. ....p. 45 8. Absolution from a pena1ty... .... -.p. 48- 9. Rite of Holy Matrimony. ......pp. 49'70- 10. Rite of Second Marriage.. .'.pp. 71 - 88- 10. (a) SUPPLEMENT: B'lessi ng on 25th or 50th anni versary. ' .PP. 89 - 97 . 11. Rite for the Anointing of the sick.......pp. 98 - I24. i1. (a) SUPPLEMENT: a. Prayers for the departure of a soul p. 118- b. Indulgenced absolution P.119. c. Three Prayers over the Dying p. I20. I2. Communionforthesick... ......p.125. 13. Burial of the Laity pp. 732' lB2. 13. (a) SUPPLEMENT: 1. Alternate Committal Service..... p. 176- 2. Nine Gospel Readings for dead... p. I77 - 14. Buri al duri ng Paschal l,Jeek pp. 183 -204. a. Kiss of Farewell.... ...p. 201 b. Absol ut'ion Prayer and Commi ttal . p. 204 . c. Sunday of Thomas through Ascension....p. 204. l-)ltG-ll:ll-Xle:=tll-X t€:::5tt-1c:=tt-=tr6::-t 15. Burial of Secular Priests. pp. 205 - 267. a. Vesti ng of pri est before 1y'ing 'in state . p. 205. b. Serv'ice in church vestibule. ....p. 208. c. Farewell kiss ....p. 262. d. Irmoses said on going to grave ..p. 265. e. Burial during Bright Week and after ..p. 267. 16. Burial of Children pp. 268 - 280 a. At place of state .p. 268. b. At the church p. 272. c. Committal Service... ...p.279. d. Buri al duri ng Bri ght t^leek and after. p . 279. 17. The Great Panakhyda pp. 2Bl - 307 18. Li ttl e Bl essi ng of lrJater . p .308 19. Short form of Little Blessing of t^later ...p. 331 20. Great Sanctificat'ion of Water on Epiphany .....p. 335 2I. Kneel'ing Prayers on Pentecost ...... p. 355 22. Blessing of Artos on Easter Sunday ...... p. 381 ?3. Prayer for cutting up artos on Saturday of Bright Week. p. 382 24. Blessing of Easter food. ...... p. 383 25. Blessing of cheese and eggs on Easter p" 384 ?6. Prayer over the first-fruits of the orchard p. 385 27. Prayer over flowers on August 15... p. 385 28. Prayer for any debjlity.. p" 387 29. Prayer for those going on a iourney.. p. 388 30. Prayer for blessing any item.. p. 388 30. (a) SUPPLEMENT: 1. General Prayer Service... ,...p. 390 2 . Prayer Servi ce for Easter . p. 416 3. G'iving Communion outs'ide of L'iturgy ....p , 420 t€3K-lt(==>ll-xl€xt<====3 r€-il{::-tt->ttc:=il€:3t 1. The Prayer o! the Fj rst Day the l,,Joman bears her Chi I d Let us pray to the Lord. ( VTadgko Hospodg VsederzhgteLVu) 0 Lord, oll-sovereign lvlcster, You heol every sickness ond infirmity; heol novl Your servont, NN, t,lho todqy gove birth, ofid raise her from the bed 0n t^thich she is lying, for 0l I 0f us, occording tct the word of Dovtd, ore conceived in sin ond toint- ed before You, Protect her cnd the child she hos borne; keep her under Your protective yling from this dqy to the lost, through the intercession 0f the most pure Becrer 0f God ond 01 I the scints, for You ore blessed forever, Amen, Let us pray to the Lord. ( Vl-adgko H ospodq Bazhe) 0 Lord God, our Mcster, You were born of our most pure Lcdy, the Bearer 0f GOd ond Evervirgin lvlory; You ioy in 0 monger 0s 0n infant ond vlere hondled 0s 0 child, Be merciful now to Your ser- vqnt vvho t0d0y gcve birth t0 this chilci,cnd for- give her voluntory ond involuntCIry sins, Guord her 0g0inst oll the devil's tyrunny, Protect the child born 0f her from oll kinds of infecti0n, disorder ond convulsions brouqht 0n by the odversory, from evil spirits by doy 0r by night, Proiect her totith the might of Your hond ond give her 0 speeCv re- covery, Cleonse her from stcins, heol her pcins ond gront her heolth ond strength 0f body cnd soui. 1, l€=llc::ltffi &ffis$ffi5{t€X !€==tt-Xr€=}tr€=1€E}d Surround her with bright cnd shining Gngels, Lord, ond guord her cgcinst 0ll kinds 0f influence from invisible spirits, flnd frorn sickness cnd infirmit\,, from jeclousy ond envy, ond from evii sBells. Iri Your grect mercy, have mercy upon her and the in* fqnt, Clecnse her of oitr bodily stcins and cll in* ternol offiictions that could come upon her, By Your swift clemency let her depleted body restore itself, Let the child she hcs siven birth to wor* ship in the earthly house You prepared for the glorificotion of Your holy nome, All glory, honor cnd worship belong to Ycu, the Fother ond the Son ond the l-lc'ly Spirit, notq ond forever, ALL: AMEN. Ilr.S*P_rsJsr For the Mother and fot llrose yho assisted her during bi_L!.b_" Also for the l'lidwife Let us pray to the Lord. (H ospadg Bazhe nash) 0 Lord, our Goel, You willed to come down f roni heuven and be born of the hcily Becrer of God cnd Evervi rgin lvlcry far tlre salvation of LJS sinners, You know the weakness of humqn noture, In Your grect kindness, then, be forgiving 0f Your servont, NN, who gove birth todcy, It wcs You, 0 Lord, i'{ho soid: "irrcreose nnd multiDlV; fill the earth cnd goiti dominion over it, " And s0 tate, Your se:rvcnts, :i l€33lt€lr(-lt-xt-=ll-X t(-tt:ll-=trc:=-lt{::=:=t mode confident by Your f0ithful benevolence, Droy ond moke oppeol with feor to the holy nome of Your kingdom: "Look down from heoven and behold the froilty of us who ore condemned, Gront forgiveness t0 this Your servont, NN, cnd to qll the household wherein the child wos born, and to oll those who hove touched her ond to ol I those present here, for You ore o good ond benevolent God, ond You qlone hove the power t0 remit sins, through the intercession of the most holy Beorer of God ond ol I the soints, Amen, 2. Prayer for Nami ng the CIri I d on the E'i ghth Day after it is Born. It is to be noted that on the eigrhth dag after bitth' the midwife ( or sponsor) brings the infant to the church and waits in front of the doors of the church.
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