Cuevas‑Diaz Duran et al. Clin Trans Med (2017) 6:20 DOI 10.1186/s40169-017-0150-9

REVIEW Open Access Single‑ RNA‑sequencing of the brain Raquel Cuevas‑Diaz Duran1,2†, Haichao Wei1,2† and Jia Qian Wu1,2*

Abstract Single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) is revolutionizing our understanding of the genomic, transcriptomic and epigenomic landscapes of cells within organs. The mammalian brain is composed of a complex network of millions to billions of diverse cells with either highly specialized functions or support functions. With scRNA-seq it is possible to comprehensively dissect the cellular heterogeneity of brain cells, and elucidate their specifc functions and state. In this review, we describe the current experimental methods used for scRNA-seq. We also review bioinformatic tools and algorithms for data analyses and discuss critical challenges. Additionally, we summarized recent mouse brain scRNA-seq studies and systematically compared their main experimental approaches, computational tools imple‑ mented, and important fndings. scRNA-seq has allowed researchers to identify diverse cell subpopulations within many brain regions, pinpointing signatures and novel cell markers, as well as addressing functional diferences. Due to the complexity of the brain, a great deal of work remains to be accomplished. Defning specifc brain cell types and functions is critical for understanding brain function as a whole in development, health, and diseases. Keywords: Single-cell RNA-sequencing, Brain, Heterogeneity, Bioinformatic analyses

Introduction and the generation of cDNA libraries from low amounts Single-cells are the fundamental units of unicellular and of RNA. Trough scRNA-seq researchers are able to multicellular . Every single-cell in an organ- determine expression profles in single-cell resolution. ism is unique in its transcriptome, epigenome, and its Since the introduction of scRNA-seq [7], the number of local microenvironment. Even genetically identical single-cell experiments has greatly increased. scRNA-seq cells display stochastic gene expression due to random has demonstrated to be a powerful tool to identify and fuctuations in the mechanisms driving and regulating classify cell subpopulations [8], characterize rare or small and [1, 2]. Te underlying heter- subpopulations [9], and trace cells along dynamic cellular ogeneity within cells is a fundamental property of cellular stages, such as during diferentiation [10]. systems for homeostasis and development [3]. Diferent Te mammalian brain is a complex tissue that con- cell types specialize in the execution of specifc tasks [4]. tains a large number of specialized cells with diferences Next-generation sequencing technologies, such as in morphology, connectivity, and functions [11–13]. RNA-sequencing, have become a standard for querying Brain cells have been classifed by location, morphology, gene expression [5, 6]. However, gene expression levels electrophysiological characteristics, target specifcity, obtained through such ensemble-based approaches yield molecular markers and gene expression patterns [14–17]. expression values averaged across large populations of Single-cell analysis is critical for studying the brain since input cells, masking cellular heterogeneity. Recent experi- small diferences in a seemingly homogeneous popula- mental advances have allowed the isolation of single-cells tion may explain issues relating cells to learning, memory, and other cognitive functions [18]. scRNA-seq makes it possible to understand the heterogeneity and the regu- *Correspondence: [email protected] latory networks within brain cells at the transcriptome † Raquel Cuevas-Diaz Duran and Haichao Wei contributed equally to the level. work 1 The Vivian L. Smith Department of Neurosurgery, McGovern Medical Te general framework of a scRNA-seq experiment School, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, consists of: single-cell isolation, cell lysis, mRNA cap- Houston, TX 77030, USA turing, mRNA reverse transcription into cDNA, cDNA Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© The Author(s) 2017. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Cuevas‑Diaz Duran et al. Clin Trans Med (2017) 6:20 Page 2 of 14

amplifcation, library preparation, and sequencing [19]. a thermoplastic polymer coating is placed on the tissue Herein, we will review recent research in brain cells with over a glass slide. Te polymer is melted and then the scRNA-seq. In the frst two sections, we will discuss the polymer-cell composition is removed from the tissue. advances and limitations of the methods for single-cell Although specifc cells in a tissue are captured, there are isolation and library generation. Section three will sum- some limitations. Contrary to FACS and MACS, LCM is marize the analysis methods of scRNA-seq data. Sub- a low-throughput technology. Additionally, LCM relies sequently, we will discuss recent and relevant fndings heavily on cell identifcation. LCM needs an expert derived from scRNA-seq of brain cells. Finally, we will pathologist or cytologist, limiting its extensive applica- highlight future applications and challenges of scRNA- tion. However, the main advantages of LCM are that it seq in brain. allows researchers to study single-cells within their niche or microenvironment and preserves their spatial loca- Single‑cell isolation protocols tion. A cell’s niche is relevant when studying cells with Te frst important step in scRNA-seq is to isolate sin- functional diversity linked to spatial location such as gle-cells from tissues keeping their expression patterns brain cells. as accurate as possible. Several technologies have been used, such as: FACS (Fluorescence-activated cell sorting), cDNA amplifcation and sequencing library MACS (Magnetic-activated cell sorting), LCM (Laser construction capture microdissection), manual cell picking and micro- A single-cell can only supply very limited starting mate- fuidics. Depending on the nature of samples, diferent rial (about 0.1 pg of mRNA in each cell), so amplifca- methods may be more suitable for single-cell isolation tion methods are needed to produce high fdelity, high in distinct samples. In this section, we will discuss some coverage and reliable data [28]. Some of the common methods used for isolating brain cells. reverse transcription and amplifcation methods used Fluorescence-activated cell sorting and MACS are include: SMART-seq/SMART-seq2 (switching mecha- widely used methods to isolate single-cells. FACS can nism at the 5′ end of the RNA transcript) [9, 29], STRT- purify single-cells based on cell size, granularity and fuo- seq (single-cell tagged reverse transcription sequencing) rescence. Surface markers are diferent in individual cells, [30], CEL-seq (cell expression by linear amplifcation so FACS can isolate specifc cells stained with difer- and sequencing) [31], PMA (Phi29 DNA polymerase- ent fuorescently-tagged monoclonal antibodies [20]. In based mRNA transcriptome amplifcation) [32], SMA brain cell research, cells have been labelled with diferent (semi-random primed PCR-based mRNA transcrip- markers. For example, Tasic et al. [21] used combinations tome amplifcation procedure) [32], and Quartz-seq of Snap25, Slc17a7, and Gad1 to fnd subpopulations in [33]. Researchers studying brain scRNA-seq typically use the primary visual cortex as listed in Table 1 and depicted SMART-seq, SMART-seq2, and STRT-seq as outlined in in Fig. 1. Similarly, Llorens-Bobadilla et al. [22] labelled Table 1. cells with GLAST/Prom1 and PSA-NCAM to dissect SMART-seq is a reverse transcription and amplifca- populations in the subventricular zone. Although FACS tion method based on template-switching [9]. First strand is a highly efcient method to isolate single-cells, it has cDNAs are created by an oligo(dT)-containing primer, its limitations: not all cell types have their own specifc and a few untemplated poly(C) nucleotides are added gene markers [23], and the binding of fuorescently- as overhang at the end of cDNA molecules. Te second tagged monoclonal antibodies to cells might alter their strand is synthesized by an oligonucleotide primer which function [24]. One major disadvantage of FACS is its can hybridize to the poly(C) overhang, generating full low cell throughput rate. Even high-speed sorters will length cDNA products. Te purifed PCR products can yield a few thousand cells per second [25]. Since many then be used for constructing cDNA libraries. SMART- experiments require large number of cells, sorting runs seq2 is an updated version of SMART-seq [29]. It can may take long times posing quality issues to sorted cells. signifcantly improve cDNA yield. In SMART-seq2 pro- MACS is another method used to isolate single-cells [26]. tocol, similar to SMART-seq, the frst strand is synthe- Te cells are isolated by biodegradable iro based nanobe- sized with 2–5 untemplated nucleotides added at the end ads bound with specifc cell surface antibodies. Although of cDNA molecules. Ten TSO (template-switching oli- MACS can produce high yield single-cells and is widely gonucleotides) with two riboguanosines and a modifed used, one of its main limitations is that antibody-coated guanosine are added to the end of cDNAs. Compared magnetic beads are specifc only for cell surface markers. with SMART-seq, SMART-seq2 can produce twofold Laser capture microdissection is a useful method cDNA products for constructing cDNA libraries. to isolate cells using a laser pulse [27]. Microscopy is STRT-seq is also based on templated-switching meth- used to verify the position of cells of interest, and then ods. In this protocol, single-cells are collected and Cuevas‑Diaz Duran et al. Clin Trans Med (2017) 6:20 Page 3 of 14 [ 8 ] [ 73 ] [ 74 ] [ 75 ] [ 21 ] Refs. 6 5 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 6 2 2 1 7 2 2 2 5 2 6 8 4 Subpopulations Subpopulations identifed 23 19 16 26 39 43 20 43 30 60 90 76 132 119 368 107 310 140 761 764 103 180 210 300 811 390 961 # of cells in # of cells population 126, …, 835 353, 933 219, 293 non - NPCs qNSC or NPCs nunc nuc − CFP Ependymal (ciliated, secretory) Ependymal (ciliated, Immune macrophage) cells (microglia, Vascular cells (VSMCs,Vascular Endothelial) Stem cells (NSC, OPC)Stem Neurons (D1 - MSN, D2 interneurons) Neurons Oligodendrocytes: newly formed (NFO), mature (MO) (NFO), mature Oligodendrocytes: newly formed Astrocytes Major populations Major populations identifed Vascular and leptomeningeal cells (VLMC) and leptomeningeal Vascular Mature oligodendrocytes (MOL1, …, MOL6) Mature forming oligodendrocytes (MFOL1, MFOL2) Myelin - forming Oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPC)Oligodendrocyte precursor Newly formed oligodendrocytes (NFOL1, NFOL2) Newly formed Committed oligodendrocyte precursors (COP) oligodendrocyte precursors Committed GABAergic neurons GABAergic Glutamatergic neurons Glutamatergic Non - neuronal Ependymal cells Mural cells Vascular endothelial cells Vascular Microglia Astrocytes Interneurons Oligodendrocytes S1 pyramidal neurons S1 pyramidal CA1 pyramidal neurons CA1 pyramidal CFP neural stem cell stem neural 168 1208 # of cells # of cells sequenced 5072 1600 3005 - seq2, SMARTer - seq SMART RT and cDNA amplifcation STRT/C1 SMARTer STRT/C1 SMART - seq studies Fluidigm, FACS Fluidigm, Isolation Isolation method Fluidigm, FACS Fluidigm, FACS Fluidigm, FACS Fluidigm, Pippeting ‑ VTA, dorsal VTA, Overview of recent brain scRNA brain Overview of recent dentate gyrus, hippocam ‑ gyrus, dentate pus CA1, corpus callosum, hypothalamus, amygdala, incerta,zona SN - horn pocampal CA1 Striatum 1 Table region Brain NSC neurons, MSN medium spiny cells, precursor NPC neural cells, stem neural quiescent qNSC Somatosensory cortex, Primary visual cortex Somatosensory cortex, hip Hippocampal gyrus dentate Cuevas‑Diaz Duran et al. Clin Trans Med (2017) 6:20 Page 4 of 14

Fig. 1 Selected relevant scRNA-seq studies revealing brain heterogeneity. Recent high throughput brain scRNA-seq studies indicate that mouse brain is composed of a large diversity of specialized cell subpopulations. Arrows indicate the sample collection region and the number of isolated cells. The numbers to the left represent the quantity of cells belonging to each global cell type. The numbers to the right represent the quantity of sub‑ populations found within each global cell type. Asterisks indicate cells were enriched for oligodendrocyte-lineage. Brain model schematic obtained from GENSAT (Gene Expression Nervous System Atlas) [120, 125]

distributed into 96-well PCR plates [30]. Ten the cells molecules which are used to label mRNA molecules dur- are lysed by lysis bufer. Te frst strand is synthesized ing reverse transcription prior to amplifcation. Tey using oligo(dT) primer and 3–6 cytosines are added to allow for absolute molecule quantifcation. the end of cDNAs. Te secondary strand is created using After the cDNA amplifcation, the cDNA library is con- a primer with a cell specifc barcode corresponding to structed. cDNA libraries must be compatible with the each well. After cDNA synthesis, all the products are sequencing platform. Nextera XT is a widely used library pooled and then, cDNAs are amplifed by a single-primer preparation kit. Libraries are generally sequenced by Illu- PCR. mina platforms, such as HiSeq, MiSeq and NextSeq. Although reverse transcription and amplifcation methods can supply sufcient material, they have dif- Single‑cell RNA‑sequencing data analysis ferent levels of amplifcation bias which are either over- Two important questions which need to be addressed in representing or under-representing certain regions of scRNA-seq assays are the minimum number of cells to be cDNA [28]. For example, SMART-seq, which can pro- sequenced and the sequencing depth at which the major- vide full-length coverage of cDNAs, has 3′-end bias; but ity of transcripts in a cell can be detected. Te answers in SMART-seq2, the bias is decreased [9, 34]. STRT- depend on the experiment’s aims and the nature of the seq has high 5′-end bias [28, 30]. In order to reduce the isolated cells. In general, deeper sequencing is required amplifcation bias of STRT-seq, UMI (unique molecular to classify distinct cell types within a homogeneous identifers) are integrated in the sequencing primer used population of cells [38]. In a sufciently heterogeneous for reverse transcription or template switching [35–37]. population, Pollen et al. [39] were able to classify 301 UMIs are tens of thousands of short, random DNA neural cells from the human neural cortex in diferent Cuevas‑Diaz Duran et al. Clin Trans Med (2017) 6:20 Page 5 of 14

developmental stages with as few as 50,000 reads. With transcriptional state and alter the experiment’s outcome. numerous experiments with microliter and nanoliter vol- After staining cells, an imaging system can determine the umes, Wu et al. [40] concluded that beyond one million cell’s viability by determining pixel intensities as depicted reads, the number of detected per cell varies less in Fig. 2a. than 5%. However, the main variable which will defne After sequencing, quality control is performed on raw sequencing depth is the population’s heterogeneity. reads, aligned reads, and across the collection of cells to identify low quality cells. Relevant quality control met- Quality control rics, similar to those used for bulk RNA-seq, include: per As with bulk RNA-seq, the frst step in data analysis is base sequence quality, sequence duplication levels, over- quality control. Quality control is generally performed represented sequences, sequence length distribution, before and after sequencing. Before sequencing, the and GC content, among others. Quality control metrics quality of single-cells is addressed through visual inspec- should be calculated for raw reads, as well as for aligned tion or automated imaging and viability dyes. In con- reads. Popular tools for assessing these metrics are trast with bulk RNA-seq, scRNA-seq protocols result in FastQC, Kraken [47], and RNA-SeQC [44]. Additionally, cells isolated in microwell plates, droplets, or chambers parameters such as depth of coverage and library com- in microfuidic devices. Using microfuidics of drop- plexity should be addressed. Comparing quality control let technologies, hundreds to thousands of cells can be metrics across all cells is helpful in identifying outliers. sequenced in a single run [41, 42]. Due to massive and Filtering thresholds are also commonly used for iden- parallel processing, capture sites may be empty or con- tifying low quality cells after sequencing. Tresholds are tain either single or multiple cells. Furthermore, captured typically based on the number of mapped reads and/ cells may be healthy, stressed, broken, or even damaged or on the proportion of detected genes. A comprehen- due to handling. Low quality sites and cells need to be sive analysis on low quality cells was published by Ilic excluded from the experiment since their data may be et al. [48]. Te authors obtained a set of technical and misleading. Several approaches have been proposed for biological measures useful for discriminating low qual- fltering low quality sites and cells [29, 35, 43–46]. Tey ity cells. Researchers demonstrated that broken cells may be classifed into microscopic imaging of individual have a downregulation of genes enriched in gene ontol- cells and staining cells with viability dyes. ogy terms “cytoplasm”, “metabolism”, and “membrane” Microscopic cell imaging has proven to identify a high and an upregulation of genes related to “mitochondrially proportion of low quality cells, however this approach is encoded genes” and “mitochondrially localized proteins”. not compatible with all platforms, it is time-consuming, Due to a compromised cell membrane, broken cells have and its automation is challenging. Automated imaging most likely lost cytoplasmic mRNA while maintaining systems rely on visual inspection derived metrics, such mRNA enclosed in the mitochondrial membrane, thus as morphology, pixel intensity and frequency. As with resulting in the upregulation of mitochondrially encoded other imaging systems, their automation requires a train- genes. Ilic et al. also proved that empty capture sites and ing set of images and machine-learning algorithms, such broken cells display lower number of total reads yield- as Support Vector Machines to discriminate between ing a decreased number of detected genes. Similarly, low and high quality cells. Figure 2 shows representa- they concluded that the proportion of duplicated reads tive wide feld images captured with an automated imag- is higher in multiple captured cells than in single-cells. ing device. Staining of dead or viable cells is an efective Teir work was implemented in R and Python libraries and relatively fast method, however it can modify a cell’s available in GitHub repositories. Islam et al. [35] used the

Fig. 2 Single-cell widefeld representative images acquired by an automated device (C1 Fluidigm chip). a Cell stained with ethidium homodimer-1 (EthD-1, red) labeling unhealthy or dead cells. b Single ­GFP+ cell. c Single ­GFP− cell. d Capture site containing three cells. e Empty capture site (Figure adapted from [126]) Cuevas‑Diaz Duran et al. Clin Trans Med (2017) 6:20 Page 6 of 14

total number of detected genes greater than 5000 and at cells. Figure 3 outlines the various processes involved in least 85% of cytoplasmic genes (non-mitochondrial and scRNA-seq quality control assessment required for dis- non-ribosomal RNA) as criteria for selecting high quality criminating between high and low quality cells. Another

Fig. 3 scRNA-seq quality control and expression estimation fow chart Cuevas‑Diaz Duran et al. Clin Trans Med (2017) 6:20 Page 7 of 14

useful approach for discriminating low-quality cells is libraries, they can be used to calculate scaling factors to to apply principal component analysis (PCA) to gene normalize for diferences in RNA concentration between expression. Te underlying premise of this is that good- individual cells. Te most commonly used artifcial spike- quality cells will cluster together and low-quality cells will in is the External RNA Controls Consortium (ERCC), appear as outliers. a set of 96 synthetic RNA molecules based on bacterial sequences [58]. If the ratio between reads mapped to the Gene expression estimation and the number of reads mapped to spike-ins is To quantify gene expression, sequencing reads from low, then that cell must be fltered out since this is indica- high quality cells are aligned to a reference genome and tive of low RNA concentration and will bias the results. gene counts are computed. If UMIs were used, transcript Normalization approaches are outlined in Fig. 4. molecules may be counted directly since the number of Normalization in the absence of spike-ins or UMIs is UMIs linked to each gene accounts for the number of generally performed using bulk RNA-seq methods. Sev- cDNA molecules associated with it. For non-UMI data, eral scRNA-seq studies have normalized for sequencing expression may be obtained as counts using tools such as depth by calculating TPM [39, 59] and FPKM/RPKM HTSeq [49], RSEM [50], WemIQ [51], and featureCounts [60–62]. More sophisticated between-cell normaliza- [52], among others. Expression is also addressed as rela- tion approaches include methods where scaling factors tive expression with metrics including transcripts per are computed, such as in DESeq [63], and edgeR [64]. million mapped reads (TPM), counts per million mapped Median-based normalization methods [43, 65–68] are reads (CPM), reads per kilobase per million mapped also widely used. Tey calculate global scaling factors reads (RPKM) or fragments per kilobase per million based on the identifcation of stable house-keeping genes. mapped reads (FPKM). Popular tools for assessing rela- Teir main premise is that variations in house-keeping tive expression include Cufinks [53–55], and STAR [56]. gene expression are due to technical sources, however, Normalization of scRNA-seq counts is a critical step this is not always valid due to variations in RNA content. which allows for expression values to be comparable Te amount of RNA contained in each cell varies intrin- among cells [57]. Variability between cells may be due sically due to cell-cycle, cell size, and transcriptional gene to diferences in sequencing depth, RNA concentration, dynamics [69]. If spike-ins are available, they can be used GC content, and amplifcation biases, among others. to estimate individual cell’s RNA content and normalize Normalization methods difer depending on the incor- expression estimates more accurately. poration of quantitative standards used during library Low amounts of RNA in single-cells are one of the preparation. One approach commonly used in scRNA- main challenges in scRNA-seq data analysis. Tere is a seq experiments is adding extrinsic spike-in molecules. negative correlation between the RNA concentration Spike-ins are RNA molecules which are either artifcially and the number of genes afected by technical noise [43]. synthesized or obtained from a distant species. Teir Technical noise is generally addressed with the coef- sequences are known and they are added in a constant fcient of variation (CV) in gene expression across con- concentration to individual cell lysates making them ideal trol samples, including spike-ins. Technical noise must to serve as internal controls. Since the number of spike-in be accounted for since it may be confounded with bio- molecules is theoretically the same across all single-cell logical noise. Determining technical noise is challenging

Fig. 4 Normalization approaches commonly used in scRNA-seq data analyses Cuevas‑Diaz Duran et al. Clin Trans Med (2017) 6:20 Page 8 of 14

because even housekeeping genes from genetically iden- has advantages in normalization and expression estimation, tical cells may have noisy gene expression [70]. Techni- however their use still needs to be standardized. cal noise may be modeled with a log-normal function to adjust gene expression estimates. Low amounts of RNA Downstream analysis present in a single-cell also yield numerous genes with Te most common applications for scRNA-seq experi- zero or near-zero values. Te high frequency of genes ments are: identifcation of cell types, pseudo-temporal with zero counts may afect normalization methods. To ordering, and network inference. Te normalized gene overcome this problem, a recent approach, specifc for expression count matrix is used for these downstream scRNA-seq normalization without spike-ins, proposed a analyses. A good review on bioinformatics tools use- deconvolution method based on pooled counts of genes ful for single-cell data analysis was published by Poirion across multiple cells [71]. et al. [72]. Typical downstream analyses are depicted in In summary, including synthetic spike-ins or unique Fig. 5. Algorithms used in recent brain scRNA-seq stud- molecular identifers with known concentrations (UMIs) ies are listed in Table 2.

Fig. 5 Overview of scRNA-seq downstream analyses

Table 2 Data analysis methods used in recent brain scRNA-seq studies Brain region Expression measure Clustering Refs.

Primary visual cortex (L1, 2/3, 4, 5, 6) RPKM and counts PCA, WGCNA, random forests [21] Somatosensory cortex and hippocampal CA1 CPM BackSPIN [8] Hippocampal dentate gyrus TPM Hierarchical clustering, PCA, Waterfall [73] Striatum CPM 2D-tSNE, rPCA [74] Somatosensory cortex, striatum, dentate gyrus, hippocampus CA1, corpus cal‑ CPM BackSPINv2 [75] losum, amygdala, hypothalamus, zona incerta, SN-VTA, dorsal horn

RPKM reads per kilobase of million mapped reads, CPM counts per million mapped reads, TPM transcripts per million mapped reads, PCA principal component analysis, WGCNA weighted gene coexpression network analysis, t-SNE t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding, rPCA robust principal component analysis Cuevas‑Diaz Duran et al. Clin Trans Med (2017) 6:20 Page 9 of 14

Subpopulation identifcation a dynamic process (e.g. diferentiation) and profling Mapping cells individually, rather than in aggregated their gene expression will allow for the reconstruction components as in bulk RNA-seq, makes it feasible to of cascades of gene expression changes placing cells assess the uniqueness of cell subpopulations. Terefore, in a pseudotemporal order. Pseudotemporal ordering some of the most popular applications of scRNA-seq is applies machine learning methods to scRNA-seq data to the identifcation of subpopulations, novel cell subtypes, reconstruct cells’ trajectories as they undergo a dynamic and rare cell species in a tissue or biological condition biological process. Diferent algorithms have been imple- [76]. Clustering algorithms are used for grouping cells mented for inferring pseudotemporal ordering of single- which have similar gene expression. Cells in each group cells. Te frst step performed by most temporal ordering or cluster are believed to belong to a specifc cell subpop- algorithms is a dimension reduction such as PCA. For ulation or cell state. De novo identifcation of cell-types scRNA-seq data, as for bulk RNA-seq, the number of may be modeled as an unsupervised clustering problem variables or dimensions corresponds to the number since prior information regarding the number of clusters of genes. After dimension reduction, if there is prior or marker genes is unknown. Unsupervised clustering knowledge of the key maker genes driving the transition methods extensively used to identify cell subpopulations between states, methods such as Wanderlust [82] will from scRNA-seq samples include PCA and its variants use graph-based trajectory detection algorithms to order (e.g. Kernel PCA, rPCA) [21, 73, 74], k-means, and other cells along a path. Te key marker genes selected for distance-based algorithms, such as hierarchical cluster- defning a path’s distance may be previously known genes ing [73]. Common similarity metrics used for distance- (e.g. genes known to be involved in a diferentiation pro- based methods are Euclidean distance, Pearson, and cess) or diferentially expressed genes. Single-cells may be Spearman correlation coefcients [39, 77]. A recently clustered into subpopulations before temporal ordering. developed and frequently used hierarchical clustering Several methods which do not require prior knowledge method is BackSPIN [8], which allows for biclustering of of marker genes have been developed [61, 83, 84]. Tese both genes and cells. Te non-linear unsupervised clus- methods reconstruct trajectory paths in reduced spaces tering method, t-SNE [78], has also been widely used using several algorithms such as minimum spanning in scRNA-seq samples [42, 74]. Clustering methods are trees (MST), and principal curves. Monocle, developed generally applied to highly variable genes [41, 42], dif- by Trapnell et al. [61] uses independent component anal- ferentially expressed genes (DE) [59, 79], or to highly ysis (ICA) for dimension reduction and then constructs expressed genes [80]. More sophisticated machine learn- an MST to fnd the paths based on Euclidean distance. ing methods have been used to overcome the limita- Authors achieved a more robust temporal cell order- tions in conventional methods due to the frequency of ing when using diferentially expressed genes. Monocle2 genes with zero counts. An interesting example is the [85] was recently implemented to overcome the accuracy zero infated factor analysis (ZIFA), which implements a challenges in trajectory reconstruction. Monocle2 applies dimension-reduction approach and uses a latent variable reversed graph embedding (RGE) [86] to reconstruct factor model to accommodate zeros [81]. complex single-cell trajectories. Te majority of computational methods for subpopu- Another popular method for pseudotemporal order- lation identifcation only address abundant cell types. ing is Waterfall [73]. Waterfall uses k-means and PCA to Terefore, rare cell type identifcation is a challenging cluster cells before constructing an MST for ordering cell application. Grün et al. [76] developed RaceID, an algo- subpopulations. rithm for the identifcation of rare and abundant cell types based on transcript counts obtained with UMIs. Finding regulatory networks RaceID frst identifes large clusters defned through Important applications of gene expression profling have k-means clustering of the expression correlation matrix been the identifcation of co-regulated groups of genes of genes. Next, rare cell types are identifed within each and inferring gene regulatory network dynamics. In co- cluster by detecting cells whose transcript counts do not expression analysis, pairs of genes with similar expres- display cluster specifc expression. sion profles are assumed to be co-regulated and may be part of a signaling cascade. Computational methods Pseudotemporal ordering have been developed to identify correlated genes or mod- scRNA-seq data may be useful for understanding ules [87]. Weighted gene co-expression network analysis dynamic cellular processes, such as development, repro- (WGCNA) has been a popular network reconstruction gramming, diferentiation, and disease progression. Te tool used for bulk RNA-seq [88]. Xue et al. [89] applied underlying premise is that a collection of single-cells WGCNA to scRNA-seq data obtained from single-cells will most likely contain cells at diferent stages during derived from human and mouse embryos. Te authors Cuevas‑Diaz Duran et al. Clin Trans Med (2017) 6:20 Page 10 of 14

found functional modules of co-expressed genes for each disorders, for instance, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s developmental stage indicating sequential order of tran- disease, obsessive–compulsive disorder, and autism [96, scriptional changes in relevant pathways. 97]. Traditionally, the neuronal composition of the stria- Several mathematical methods such as ordinary dif- tum has been defned by mostly medium spiny neurons ferential equations (ODE)-based models and stochas- (MSN) and a small population of interneurons [74]. tic models have been developed for understanding the MSNs have been classifed anatomically and functionally dynamics of gene regulation. However, such methods into D1 and D2 MSNs [98] however, striatal diversity has require time-series gene expression profling, which, for not been assessed. scRNA-seq is unlikely due to sequencing costs. To over- Ozgun Gokce et al. [74] used two approaches: micro- come the lack of temporal data, Ocone et al. [90] pro- fuidic single-cell RNA sequencing (MIC-scRNA-seq) posed a framework which allows the reconstruction of and single-cell isolation by fuorescence-activated cell regulatory network dynamics through the combination sorting (FACS-scRNA-seq) to analyze the transcriptomes of dimensionality reduction using difusion maps [91], of 1028 single striatal cells. Te transcriptomes revealed pseudo-time single-cell ordering implementing Wander- ten diferent cell subpopulations including neurons, lust [82], and the generation of ODE-based mathemati- astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, stem cells, immune, epend- cal transcriptional models. Trough their framework, ymal, and vascular cells. Trough robust PCA, novel gene authors were able to reconstruct transcriptional dynam- markers were found to discriminate between D1 and D2 ics of specifc genes during diferentiation of hematopoi- MSN cells. etic stem cells. Neural stem cells (NSCs) can self-renew and pro- duce neural cell types, including neurons, astrocytes The application of scRNA‑seq in the brain and oligodendrocytes [99, 100]. NSCs maintain a bal- Te mammalian brain is considered to be the most com- ance between quiescent and activated states [101, 102]. plex organ due to its cellular diversity, the variety and If the brain is injured, endogenous NSC will be activated scope of its functions and its transcriptional regulation to repair brain tissue [103]. Previous works were lim- [92]. Previous studies have aimed at studying the diver- ited by small number of factors analyzed and mixed cell sity of brain cells through RNA-seq samples from puri- populations. It was not completely understood how the fed populations of cerebral cortex [93, 94]. Recently, NSCs became activated. Recently, two studies have used scRNA-seq is being used as a tool to assess the brain’s single-cell methods to examine the activation of dormant complexity and to identify new cell subpopulations, neuron stem cells after injury. In one study, Llorens- specifc gene signatures, and underlying regulatory net- Bobadilla and colleagues investigated the characteris- works. Tis section will provide an overview of relevant tics of the activation of dormant NSCs after brain injury scRNA-seq studies related to diferent types of brain [22]. Te authors identifed NSCs in quiescent and active cells. A more detailed description of selected studies is states and uncovered the progression of activation using listed in Tables 1 and 2 and depicted in Fig. 1. single-cell sequencing. Tey identifed new gene mark- ers of NSCs subpopulations and they found that, during The identifcation of brain cell types brain ischemia, dormant NSCs proceed to activation via Te brain contains highly complex neural cell types/ interferon gamma signaling. Another study also showed subtypes. Traditionally, neural cells were identifed by that central nervous system (CNS) injury could activate morphology, excitability, connectivity and the cell’s loca- ­CD133+ quiescent NSCs. Luo et al. [104] demonstrated tion [95]. Recently, scRNA-seq was used to identify dif- that vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) could ferent neural types and subtypes, and to discover novel activate ­CD133+ ependymal neural stem cell (NSCs), cell-specifc markers. For instance, Amit Zeisel et al. and together with basic fbroblast growth factor, elicit [8] sequenced 3005 single-cells and revealed 9 major neural lineage diferentiation and migration. In a recent classes of cells (S1 and CA1 pyramidal neurons, interneu- study, Dulken et al. [57] sequenced 329 high quality rons, oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, microglia, vascular single-cells sorted by FACS from four diferent popula- endothelial cells, mural cells and ependymal cells). Te tions [astrocytes, quiescent neural stem cells (qNSC), authors identifed specifc novel gene markers for dif- activated neural stem cells (aNSCs), and neural precur- ferent cell types, for example, S1 pyramidal cells were sor cells (NPCs)] within the sub-ventricular zone of adult characterized by Gm11549 (a long noncoding RNA), hip- mice. Trough PCA, authors were able to discriminate pocampal pyramidal cells by Spink8 (a serine protease quiescent cell types (astrocytes and qNSCs) from active inhibitor), and interneurons by Pnoc (prepronociceptin). and proliferative cell types (aNSCs and NPCs). Inter- Striatum is a subcortical part of the forebrain. Te estingly, authors compared their single-cell transcrip- striatal dysfunction can cause many neuropsychiatric tomes with those from similar cells [NSCs and transit Cuevas‑Diaz Duran et al. Clin Trans Med (2017) 6:20 Page 11 of 14

amplifying progenitors (TAPs)] sorted with diferent cell human brain [114, 115] and have been shown to be markers [22]. To be able to compare single-cell datasets involved in the regulation of brain diseases and neurode- processed in diferent batches and thus with dissimi- velopmental disorders [116, 117]. Previous studies based lar library preparations and sequencing depths, Dulken on bulk tissues suggested that the expression levels of et al. mapped Llorens-Bobadilla and colleagues’ datasets lncRNAs are lower than those of protein coding genes using their own pipeline and then performed PCA with [114, 118]; however, it is unknown whether lncRNAs are the most variable genes. Additionally, they performed expressed at low levels in all cells [119]. pseudo-time ordering using Monocle with their con- Researchers have studied the expression of lncR- sensus-ordering genes and found similar dynamic gene NAs in purifed mouse brain cells and found their role expression related to quiescence and activation of NSCs. in fate determination of oligodendrocyte precursor Trough this meta-analysis, authors were able to observe cells (OPC) [120]. Recent approaches are now aiming a high correlation between NSCs from both studies in at addressing lncRNAs in brain scRNA-seq samples. spite of divergent isolation methods and batch efects. Liu et al. [119] used scRNA-seq to analyze lncRNAs in Oligodendrocytes were considered an important func- the developing human neocortex. Te authors isolated tionally homogeneous population in the CNS, however total RNA from 276 single-cells of diferent stages of these cell’s morphologies are diverse [105]. It is unclear human neocortex development and analyzed their tran- whether the diversity in morphology is due to oligoden- scriptomes. To evaluate if lncRNAs were expressed at drocytes interacting with the local environment during high levels in subpopulations of cells, the authors used maturation or due to their intrinsic functional hetero- the lncRNA:mRNA median ratio which compares the geneity [106, 107]. Marques et al. [75] isolated single- median expression of lncRNAs to the median expres- cells from 10 diferent regions of juvenile and adult mice sion of mRNA. Compared with lncRNAs from bulk tis- CNS by FACS and sequenced 5072 oligodendrocytes by sue (the median lncRNA:mRNA ratio was 0.31), many scRNA-seq. Te authors identifed 13 distinct subpopula- lncRNAs were abundantly expressed in individual cells tions from which 12 represent diferentiation stages from (in single-cells, 32.2% of cells’ median lncRNA:mRNA oligodendrocyte precursor cells to mature oligodendro- ratio exceeded 1.0). Te authors found that lncRNA cytes. Te fne diferentiation stages were identifed using LOC646329 was enriched in the ventricular zone, where t-SNE for dimensionality reduction and the biclustering most radial glia reside. When LOC646329 was knocked tool BackSPIN2 for pseudo-time analysis. Tereby, using down, the propagation of U87 cells was reduced. Results scRNA-seq methods, the authors revealed the dynamics suggest that lncRNAs might regulate cell proliferation. of the diferentiation and maturation of oligodendrocytes. It is difcult to interrogate the underlying transcription Future perspectives landscape of individual neurons. Previously, many stud- In summary, scRNA-seq is a powerful tool that will ies of single adult human neurons were dependent on allow researchers to address human brain complexity the availability of freshly isolated neurosurgical tissues by identifying cell subpopulations and elucidating spe- from limited regional samples [109]. Although freshly cifc functions. scRNA-seq has a higher resolution than isolated neurosurgical tissues are better for analyzing sin- bulk RNA-seq and allows us to better understand cel- gle neurons, postmortem tissues can provide more input lular heterogeneity and how it changes during dynamic sample. Lake and colleagues developed a new method processes, such as development, diferentiation and which can sequence and quantify RNA in isolated neu- disease progression. Major resolution, however, makes ron nuclei from postmortem brains [108]. Tey dissected samples more vulnerable to disturbances and confound- six distinct regions of the cerebral cortex, and produced ing efects. Experimental and computational methods 3227 sets of single-neuron RNA-seq data. After cluster- are being developed to overcome challenges posed by ing and classifcation, 16 neuronal subtypes were identi- detecting single-cell signal in the presence of intrin- fed and were evaluated by known markers and cortical sic noise and technical variability. Recently, chromatin cytoarchitecture. accessibility [121, 122], chromatin conformation [123], and DNA methylation [124] with single-cell resolution The regulation of brain developments by long non‑coding were successfully implemented. Single-cell DNA/RNA- RNAs (lncRNAs) seq approaches will allow scientists to simultaneously Studies have revealed thousands of lncRNAs in mam- assess the genomic, epigenomic, and transcriptomic malian transcriptomes [110]. lncRNAs are not well states of individual cells in biological processes. Single- conserved during evolution [111], but the promoters of cell sequencing will be expanded to also address metabo- lncRNAs are more conserved than protein coding genes lomics in order to construct a more complete picture of [112, 113]. lncRNAs have tissue specifc expression in a cell. Cuevas‑Diaz Duran et al. Clin Trans Med (2017) 6:20 Page 12 of 14

Abbreviations 6. Wang Z, Gerstein M, Snyder M (2009) RNA-Seq: a revolutionary tool for CEL-seq: cell expression by linear amplifcation and sequencing; CNS: central transcriptomics. Nat Rev Genet 10(1):57–63 nervous system; COP: committed oligodendrocyte precursors; CPM: counts 7. Tang F, Barbacioru C, Wang Y, Nordman E, Lee C, Xu N et al (2009) per million mapped reads; CV: coefcient of variation; ERCC: External RNA Con‑ mRNA-Seq whole-transcriptome analysis of a single cell. Nat Methods trols Consortium; FACS: fuorescence-activated cell sorting; FPKM: fragments 6(5):377–382 per kilobase per million mapped reads; GFP: green fuorescent protein; GRM: 8. Zeisel A, Munoz-Manchado AB, Codeluppi S, Lonnerberg P, La Manno gamma regression model; ICA: independent component analysis; LCM: laser G, Jureus A et al (2015) Brain structure. Cell types in the mouse capture microdissection; lncRNA: long non-coding RNA; MACS: magnetic- cortex and hippocampus revealed by single-cell RNA-seq. 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