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26_576674 bindex.qxd 3/22/05 10:22 PM Page 506 Index See also Accommodations and Restaurant indexes, below GENERAL INDEX Air New Zealand, 33, 34 ATMs, 239 Airports, security proce- babysitters, 239 dures, 34–35 brief description of, 216 A ARP, 28 Airport Sheraton Hotel consulates, 239 Abbaie de Maredsous (near (Brussels), 100 currency exchange, 239 Denée, B), 185 Air Tickets Direct, 36 emergencies, 239 Abbaye d’Orval (B), 204 Akhnaton (Amsterdam), 289 Frommer’s favorite experi- Abbey (Abdij; Middelburg, A la Mort Subite (Brussels), ences, 236 H), 412, 414 100–101 hospitals, 240 Abbey of the Dunes Albert Cuypmarkt (Amster- Internet access, 240 (Oostduinkerke, B), 163 dam), 287 The Jordaan, 235 Abdij (Abbey; Middelburg, Albert Heijn supermarkets accommodations, 249 H), 412 (Amsterdam), 267 restaurants, 263–264 Abdij Historama Aldermen’s Chamber sights and attractions, (Middelburg, H), 414 (Kampen, H), 402 280 Above and Beyond Tours, 27, Aldfaers Erf (Forefathers’ layout of, 234 414 Heritage) Route (H), 360 neighborhoods, 234–235 Access America, 23 Alijn House (Ghent, B), 131 nightlife, 3, 287–293 Accommodations. See also A l’Imaige Nostre-Dame organized tours, 281–282 Accommodations Index (Brussels), 101 pharmacies, 240 best, 12–14 Alkmaar (H), 313 picnic fare, 267 Brussels, 2 Almshouses (hofjes) police, 240 surfing for, 31 Groningen (H), 371 post offices, 240 tips on, 43–45 Haarlem (H), 298 Red Light District (De Achterhoek district (H), 399 Alto (Amsterdam), 289 Rosse Buurt or De De Admiraal (Amsterdam), The Amblève Valley (B), Wallen),
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