eBoot – November 2016

This month’s edition includes:

• Group AGM • Skittles evening • Christmas lunches • Reporting problems with paths • Sunday walks - lift sharing • Walking with visually impaired walkers • WalkFest 2017 • Forthcoming walks • Commercial corner

Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ bristolramblersgroup/

Group AGM

The AGM was well attended and proved to be a very convivial evening. Many commented afterwards how enjoyable and pleasant it had been. The Annual Report and Accounts were both accepted and those standing for committee and office were nominated and elected. The Chair, Stephen Draper, indicated he would stand down at the end of this term of office and said anybody who was interested in the post had an opportunity to work with him over the next year. Volunteer certificates were awarded to Gill Davies, Graham Hoyle and Tony Parsons in recognition of their work for the Group over many years. The AGM debated the principle of paying expenses to walk leaders for recceing or prewalking a walk and by a large majority approved. This will now go back to the Committee to implement.

The evening concluded with a talk by Richard Sale on his trips to the Arctic. His love and enthusiasm for the region shone through the talk and it was accompanied by some spectacular photos, especially of the wildlife that was encountered.

Skittles evening

Tickets are still available for the skittles evening at The Duke of York, Jubilee Road, St Werburghs, Bristol BS2 9RS on Friday 2nd December, 19.00 hrs for 19.30 start play. American Supper. Proceeds to Longtown Mountain Rescue. Previous skittles evenings have been very enjoyable. Tickets are £5: contact Julian Butter at [email protected].

Christmas lunches

!1 B walkers: the Christmas lunch and walk on Sunday 11th December will incorporate parts of the lovely Frome Valley Walkway in a 5.5 mile walk, followed by a delicious meal at the Golden Heart pub. We will meet at St George's at 11am to drive the short distance to Winterbourne Down.

You can see the lunch menu here: https:// www.thegoldenheartwinterbourne.co.uk/content/pcdg/south-west/ thegoldenheartwinterbourne/festive-menu. If you would like to come, I need a deposit of £5 and your meal order. You can contact Paula at [email protected] or see me on a B walk.

Wednesday walkers: 14th December. Meet at 10:00 at The Globe Inn near Corston (Exp 155 : GR ST 703654. Bus X39 : 9.09 from Bristol bus station) for4 - 5 miles a varied walk around Newton Park and Newton St. Loe (4-5 miles), and then back along the River Avon to The Globe. Lunch at 12:30. Must be booked in advance: orders/payment by November 16th, further information from [email protected], Margaret Postlethwaite 0117 9513513/ 0739.

Reporting problems with paths

Peter Hammonds’s notice in the last eBoot about his Aust/Northwick walk mentioned stiles in disrepair. Peter reported the stiles to Council, and found that by the time the walk took place, two stiles had been replaced, with promises of further improvements to come. So if you encounter problems with paths, it is worth reporting them. [email protected] can provide details of who to approach at the local local authorities.

You can also report problems (and positive features) on paths by using the Ramblers Pathwatch app or online tool, both available via the national Ramblers website. Bristol City Council has responded positively to problems reported through last year’s Big Pathwatch, but they do ask that, if possible, reports are accompanied by photos (easily uploaded using the app or the online system), as this makes it easier to identify the problem.


Sunday walks - lift sharing For a recent Sunday walk, one person had to be left in Bristol because, by the time they arrived at Great George Street, all but one cars had already left, and the remaining car was full. The programme and the website now advise people to arrive 5 minutes before the departure time, but those providing lifts are requested not to depart before the advertised departure time, to maximise the scope for accommodating those requiring lifts.

!2 On another occasion, there was simply not enough capacity in cars. The Sunday car sharing arrangements clearly depend on there being enough people with cars and willing to drive, if the need arises.

Walking with visually impaired walkers Kathryn Benjamin is a member of Brunel Plus, and is involved in setting up a Ramblers-affiliated walking group for visually impaired walkers to walk with sighted people, some of whom will act as guides. She is looking for walk leaders and guides to support the programme. The aim is to offer a walk a week, ranging from a 3 mile stroll to more challenging hikes, and the plan is to launch the programme during the Bristol Walking Festival next May.

If you could help this very worthwhile project, please contact [email protected].

Bristol WalkFest 2017 Planning for the 2017 festival is now underway. This will be Britain’s biggest urban walking festival (but rural walks are also welcome). If you would like to offer a walk, perhaps with a local theme or showcasing a local feature, for next May, please contact [email protected].

Forthcoming walks

Full details of the walks programme are in the published programme and on our website and also on the national Ramblers Walkfinder.

6th November - Crickhowell to Bwlch and back (hill walk, 15 miles) From Crickhowell over Darren Rocks, then along the Beacons Way and other paths to Cwmdu for lunch, returning over the main ridge to Cwm Banw.

6th November - Tetbury and Westonbirt B walk, 13 miles) This walk takes us from Tetbury through attractive parkland and pastures and the Westonbirt Arboretum, with a choice of pubs at Sherston for lunch. It is hoped that autumn colour will be a feature but no guarantees are offered. 13 easy miles with stiles providing much of the ascent and descent!

6th November - Oldbury on Severn (shorter B walk, 9 miles) This is a fairly easy circular walk from Thornbury. No major hills, but a few stiles and it could be muddy along by the . We will be at Oldbury for lunch and will return via Thornbury Castle.

13th November - Sheepscombe (A walk, 14 miles) This walk will be in the area of the Cotswold village of Sheepscombe. The hills in those parts are not that high but are quite steep in places. Our !3 route crosses several valleys and there should be far reaching views too. Hopefully there’ll be time to stop at the pub in Miserden.

16th November - Randwick (midweek A walk, less than 13 miles) The route explores some delightful and unfamiliar paths in familiar territory. Starting from the Ramblers car park at Painswick, it crosses to Edge, ascends to Haresfield Beacon before descending Vinegar Hill and climbing through Standish Wood to the lunch/pub stop at Randwick. In the afternoon, we visit the top end of Whiteshill before descending to picturesque Pitchcombe and crossing Painswick Stream to return to Painswick. To arrange car sharing, please contact [email protected]/0117 9443042.

16th November - Congresbury/Wrington (Wednesday walk, 6 miles) The walk will start on the arrival of the 09.30 X1 bus from Bristol. This well trodden and popular walk starts at Congresbury bridge. We follow the Two Rivers Way to Wrington. A stroll through the town leads us to a long climb up Bullhouse Lane, followed by a short walk along a road to Corporation Wood. A nice gentle autumnal walk through the woodland leads us back to Congresbury. Here you can catch your bus back to Bristol. Refreshments will be available at a pub.

20th November - Pengenffordd Circuit (Hill walk, 14 miles) This mid-month hill walk will take in an ascent of Y Grib before turning southwards towards Pen Allt-mawr. After the long descent to Pentre we will ascend taking a little used track to the summit ridge of Mynydd Troed. Please remember it’s a 7.45 am start.

20th November - Wye Valley (A walk, 14 miles) A very pleasant walk from Clanna Woods to St. Briavels via Slade Brook and Mork, then back by way of The Hudnalls and Hewelsfield. Expect woodlands, lakes, valleys and streams, interspersed with tiny communities and a whole network of little-trodden paths, as well as good views of both the Wye Valley and the River Severn. Be warned, however, that it can be rather muddy after long periods of wet weather.

20th November - Lacock and Bowood (shorter B walk, 8.5 miles) If you would like a later start and a shorter walk, choose Lacock and Bowood. We begin at the fascinating National Trust village of Lacock, explore fields and canal banks, then enter the Bowood Estate, crossing the golf course and wending through woods before returning to Lacock. Meet at St George's by 9.30.

23rd November – Flax Bourton (Wednesday walk, 5 miles) Mary Magro writes: ‘The area covered by this walk has every feature which one could wish for in the English countryside, and it is amazing to !4 realise that the land has been inhabited and worked since Roman times. It may be a little late to appreciate the autumn colours so dominant when I walked it in late October, but nonetheless the distant views will inspire and the ancient grand houses and farmhouses, as well as two churches, we pass on our way will add interest. There may be a few cows or a horse or two drinking from a stream. In contrast, the path takes a tunnel under the Long Ashton by-pass and later we walk in parallel with the railway before returning to the Jubilee Pub at Flax Bourton.’

27th November - Around Charmy Down (A walk, 13.5 miles) The route will take in Little Solsbury Hill, St Catherine’s Valley and Marshfield (lunch stop) returning via Monkswood Reservoir, Woolley and Upper Swainswick to the start. A varied walk over undulating countryside. Expect woodland paths, muddy brooks, and open views from the hilltops.

27th November - Stanton Drew (B walk, 12.5 miles) We start from the car park at Dundry and walk along the ridge with stunning views over the whole of Bristol as we wend our way to the coffee stop on the ancient mound of Maes Knoll Fort. Following the Three Peaks Way, we make our way to the Standing Stones at Stanton Drew which is also our pub and lunch stop. We return via Stanton Drew Court, Norton Hawkfield and North Wick, gently climbing back to our starting point in Dundry.

4th December - Y Fal and Mynydd Llanwenarth (Hill walk, 13 miles) This walk is at the easier end of the hillwalking spectrum, although a reasonable pace will need to be maintained with the very early sunset. From Abergavenny we climb Deri and then head for the summit of Y Fal (or Sugar Loaf, as it is better known). The route descends to Llangenny where we have lunch. In the afternoon we climb Mynydd Llanwenarth before losing height to visit St Mary’s Vale. A final short ascent ensues before we head down the lane to the cars.

4th December - Ruardean/Goodrich (B walk, 13 miles) A delightful and fairly undemanding outing that links Ruardean to Goodrich via Lower Lydbrook and English Bicknor, with lovely views of the cliffs and the riverside walking provided beside the . Expect rural settings with small communities, churches, bridges and the odd castle thrown in. We return via The Chadwyns and Lodgegrove Brook using an intricate network of charming paths in this quiet, unfrequented area of the Wye Valley.

4th December - Chepstow surrounds (shorter B walk, 8 miles) We shall explore the countryside to the west of Chepstow, with a lunch stop at Shirenewton.

11th December - Hillesley (A walk, 14 miles) !5 The route takes in Hawkesbury Upton, a stretch of the , up to Tresham, down into the Ozleworth Valley for Alderley and the lunch/ pub stop at Hillesley. In the afternoon, we will cross horsey Inglestone Common to end with a loop through the Lower Woods Nature Reserve (Wetmoor: take a hint from the name. It can be muddy - and on two pre- walks provided shelter from thunderstorms).

Commercial corner

FOR SALE - pair of men's Meindl Pflege II walking boots, boxed as new (worn twice). UK size 10 (European 44 1/2). £50. For details contact Mike Fox on 0117 9624705 or e-mail [email protected].


Ramblers Holidays (and Ramblers Holidays Worldwide) is the Ramblers holiday walking partner. If you book a holiday with Ramblers Holidays, this Group will receive a contribution if you let them know that you are a Bristol Ramblers member (£10 for UK holidays, £20 for short haul, £30 for long haul). See www.ramblersholidays.co.uk/page/ thewalkingpartnership.

Note that this has no impact on the price you pay for the holiday.

Discounts for Ramblers members Most outdoor gear shops offer discounts to Ramblers members.


Cotswold Outdoor is the Ramblers national sponsor, and their discount is 15%.


Taunton Leisure sponsors this local Group, and also offer 15% discounts, rising to 20% at their regular special events. The next special event is on 1st December.
