The Harington Scheme Annual Report 2010 - 2011 The Harington Scheme

The Harington Scheme affords a unique opportunity for young adults with learning disabilities and/or difficulties, providing individual learning programmes designed to help them into employment, or a more rewarding life.

Set up as a charity by the local community some 30 years ago, the majority of learners come from the North London area though the unusual nature of the scheme attracts people from all over the capital. The scheme is situated on a land-locked site behind Highgate High Street in North London.

There are four main strands to the training: ■ The Vocational Training Scheme aims to prepare learners for work, find them further employment and support them in their new jobs. Qualifications and training in horticulture and retail are offered and the programme is designed as a holistic package that develops transferable skills vital for successful and sustained employment. ■ Harington Gardeners is a supported employment initiative offering a stepping stone for those learners who are not ready to go straight into work at the end of their training. ■ The Day Service provision offers horticultural activity of a therapeutic nature to adults with a learning disability or mental health support needs. ■ The Foundation Skills provision equips young people with the basic skills needed for employment, self-direction and personal development. Every learner has an individual programme of activities to support their personal development and skill needs. The majority of learners are found a job or further education when they leave and the Scheme supports them for as long as is needed to settle in.

The Harington Scheme (founded in 1980) 55a Cholmeley Park, Highgate, London, N6 5EH • [email protected] •

Founding Chairman Dame Geraldine Aves DBE Patron Joe Swift

A Registered Charity no. 279376 (10th November 1979) Chairs’ Report

Normally we have our AGM, presentation of Certificates and Annual Report on the same day in July. This year we had the presentation of Certificates in July as usual, but the AGM and Annual Report and Accounts are being moved to November. This is because the Harington, like the majority of Further Education training providers, is moving from the traditional financial year (April to March) to the academic year (August to July). As the Government, our major funding provider, bases both its funding and its target setting on the academic year, it makes sense for us to do the same. We will still continue to give oral updates of our progress at the presentation of Certificates in July.

Charlotte Green, one of our Directors, has resigned and we would like to thank her for her support, particularly with fundraising. Jennifer Horne Roberts, who is a barrister, joined the Directors in July 2010, and her expertise has already been much appreciated. Liz Leverton, formerly Finsbury Park Co-ordinator, agreed to join the Directors in June 2011. Her previous experience in horticulture will be invaluable to the Scheme.

This year the staff have focussed on implementing the new Foundation Learning Tier which has taken the place of the Education to Employment programme, although several learners followed the latter course during the year.

The Directors have been involved in preparing a three year Business Plan, which is due to be completed in December 2011, and also in monitoring developments affecting the future of our site. Our current landlord is Haringey Primary Care Trust (PCT) which is due to be abolished in April 2012. We are as yet unclear who will inherit ownership of the land. In addition, the proposal to build new luxury homes on the Capital Gardens site, which, like the Harington Scheme, forms part of the Highgate Bowl, could also have a knock on effect on our future. Unlike many other providers we do not merely require classrooms and office space, but large areas of open land, which are not easy to find in central London. We are working closely with the Highgate Society, both to protect both the local environment, and the future of some of our most vulnerable people.

The Friends, under Rosalind Laurie, their new Chair, have organised a series of events as part of the 30th year celebrations of the Harington. These included a special fundraising evening at the Gatehouse, organised by Joe Swift, our patron, and ’s nomination of the Harington Scheme as their chosen charity for one of their fundraising breakfasts. These, together 1 with our annual quiz night hosted by John and Katie Plews, a special restaurant tree raffle at the Christmas plant sale organised by Leila Hodge, and a further plant sale in the summer, have raised a magnificent total of £15000 for the Scheme. We are extremely grateful to the Friends for all the work they do in organising and providing delicious refreshments for these functions, and also for helping, together with the trainees, to staff the produce stall in Pond Square. This year there have been several changes in the staff. At the end of this academic year the long serving Team Leader of the Gardeners, Peter Graham, moved to West Sussex and left the Scheme. We would like to thank him for his consistent and careful support for the Assistant Gardeners, and the work he has done in expanding contracts for the Gardeners. In his place we welcome Darren Townsend. We also said goodbye to John Fairweather, a member of the horticulture team, who has been with the Scheme for six years and played a central role in maintaining the appearance of the site. We welcomed Steve Gaylor onto the horticultural team.

In addition both Joanna Baxter, the manager, and Rachel Pilkington, the Team Leader for Horticulture, will be on maternity leave from autumn 2011. We would like to congratulate Joanna on the birth of her baby daughter in September. Donald Lush formerly Director of Student Support at Westminster Adult Education Service is covering for Joanna’s maternity leave, and Lynne Hamer currently teaching ICT, is covering for Rachel. A new member of staff, Paula Edwards, is covering Lynne’s work. Whatever the changes, we can be sure that the strong commitment to, and support for, the trainees will be maintained. We would like to thank all the individual and charitable foundations who have given us donations and grants this year- Foundation, the City Bridge Trust, the Leathersellers’ Company Charitable Fund, the Garfield Weston Foundation, Haymills Charitable Trust, Hubert Blake Charitable Trust, David Solomon’s Charitable Trust, and the Jack Petchey Foundation. We would also like to thank Waitrose and their customers who produced three donations as part of Waitrose’s Community Matters programme.

Finally we would like to thank Joanna and all the staff and volunteers who are responsible for the ethos that underlies the work done at the Harington. An ethos that puts the learner at the centre of the Scheme, and develops an individual programme to deal with his or her specific needs .Last but by no means least, we would like to thank our Fellow Directors for all their commitment and support over the last year.

Tony Baker and Carol Burgess, Co-Chairs

2 Manager’s Report

As the Harington enters its fourth decade it continues to provide excellent training and employment opportunities to people with learning difficulties. The hard work and dedication of volunteers and staff and the enthusiasm of our learners over the years has seen the Scheme grow and remain as relevant to the needs of today’s young people as it was in the early 1980s. The continued success of Harington is a testament to the sterling effort that its founders and others made to provide the Scheme with a solid foundation from which to grow.

The last year has been one of consolidation and embedding of the major developments that took place in the previous year.

We have seen the full implementation of the Foundation Learning programme, designed to tailor learning to individual needs and encourage progression to employment. This has given learners the opportunity to progress through different sizes and levels of qualification (Awards, Certificates and Diplomas) and so far this has worked well.

Recruitment has remained successful and in the academic year to 31st July 2011, 73 young people and adults with learning disabilities benefited from the training or support offered by Harington, an increase of one on the previous academic year.

Our sales at Christmas, in the Spring and weekly at Pond Square have continued to be popular, raising over £13,000 between April 2010 and July 2011, a tremendous achievement. The success of the sales relies on us producing good quality plants and produce and the learners and staff have really worked hard on this as well as keeping the site in excellent condition.

The new computer suite in the portacabin, laptops and wireless network have quickly become essential facilities and allowed us to achieve our aim of providing new learning opportunities and access to new qualifications.

85% of leavers achieved one or more qualifications as part of their training in the year that ended on 31st July and the one 3 Assistant Gardener who left in this period went on to study for a Level 2 Horticulture qualification alongside voluntary work.

67% of learners who left during the 2010/11 academic year went into a positive destination (i.e. further training, work or learning).

As well as working toward our new qualifications the learners have still managed to have fun and develop their life skills during the year. The trips and residential activity week funded by the Friends provided much enjoyment as well as the chance to develop personal and social skills in a more informal setting. The learners visited art exhibitions, enjoyed sports and games and had a great time at the annual Firework display and Christmas party.

The Recruitment and Progression team faced a challenging year, with major changes to the Connexions service, a key partner in recruiting new learners, and have continued to develop and increase partnerships that raise awareness and knowledge of our provision. This year, Dennis Walker joined the team as our job coach to assist learners seeking employment.

Work experience is one of the most important aspects of our provision for learners. It helps many learners to decide on their career aims giving them a first taste of a real working environment and for many helps to develop confidence and social skills. We continue to be indebted to the

LEARNERS’ COMMENTS “I’m having a great time, it’s my second year now, everything’s OK. I had some bad stuff a long time ago in the past, now this is the future.” “I feel more mature, grown up, with all the cleaning, tidying up evening duties (at Harington), like being responsible.”

4 employers that offer placements to our learners and thank them for their support.

The economic downturn has made it more difficult to find paid work for learners. Hence the Recruitment and Progression team, and particularly our Job Coach who works closely with employers, have had to redouble their efforts in this area and provide on-going aftercare support for learners who did not go directly into a job.

This year, we welcomed Darren Townsend to the Harington Gardeners as manager, heading up a team of three. The Gardeners have remained very busy maintaining and improving gardens all over north London and, as part of the business plan objectives, Darren is focusing on ways of achieving greater self-sufficiency.

I thank all of the staff, volunteers and supporters of the Scheme for their dedication to the learners and tireless effort that has made this year a success. I have now worked at the Scheme for over a decade and looking back there have been many changes and successes that would not have been possible without the support that I have been afforded by the staff team, past and present. Primarily it is the growth and achievement of the learners that keeps us motivated and the charity alive. I thank all of the learners that I have worked with for making it all worthwhile and for being a joy to work with.

Joanna Baxter, Scheme Manager

LEARNERS’ COMMENTS About work experience: “The way I was trained was useful, I got lots of support. I felt nervous at first then got used to it and then felt like part of a family, the girls were nice. I felt more mature mixing with adults, the head teacher asked me to do photocopying for him.”

5 Treasurer’s Report

2010/11 The profit and loss account shows that the Scheme returned a surplus of £41,454 on a turnover of £1,014,977 for the period 1st July 2010 to 31st July 2011. This sixteen month reporting period has allowed the Scheme to bring its academic and financial years into alignment. Expenditure in 2010/11 was in line with budget at £973,523.

The restricted funds balance as at the year end is £39,670, as related projects were taken forward and the balance will be carried forward.

The financial results for the Scheme for the year continue the pattern of previous years. The results are dependent on variable income streams and on grants and donations. The Gardeners continue to make losses but remain an important part of the training. The Scheme is committed to retaining the Gardeners who compete for contracts in the commercial and public sector, and is progressing ways in which the loss can be materially reduced.

The Scheme’s principal funding source was the Young People’s Learning Agency (YPLA) which accounted for just over 50% of income. The Scheme is committed to the continual development of the scope and quality of its services to meet the contemporary educational standards and funders’ requirements as it is obviously imperative that government funding is maintained. While the Business Plan assumes that other sources will increase in relative importance, the YPLA will remain by far the largest source.

We are very grateful to supporters of the Scheme who have raised funds over the years.

2011/12 The Directors have set a break-even budget for the year to 31st July 2012. Income and fund raising that can be reasonably relied upon should be sufficient to cover minimum Scheme running costs for the year with the provision of additional services and improvements being dependent on further fundraising.

Joanna Sheehan, Treasurer

6 Statement of Financial Activities for the sixteen months ended 31st July 2011

Summary Income and Expenditure Account

Unrestricted Restricted 16 mths to Year to Funds Funds 31.7.2011 31.3.2010 ££ ££ Incoming Resources Incoming Resources From Generated Funds: Voluntary Income: Charity grants and donations 46,450 54,000 100,450 55,100 Friends and other donations 32,754 13,359 46,113 32,071 Investment income 1,211 – 1,211 1,024 Other income 8,100 – 8,100 23,075

Incoming Resources from Charitable Activities: Training scheme income including fees and grants from public bodies 658,703 18,750 677,453 440,853 Harington Gardeners 181,650 – 181,650 138,876

Total Incoming Resources 928,868 86,109 1,014,977 690,999

Resources Expended: Costs of Generating Funds 8,477 – 8,477 6,226 Charitable Activities: Harington Gardeners 229,354 15,904 245,258 173,742 Training Scheme 651,790 51,293 703,083 484,899 Governance costs 16,705 – 16,705 13,177

Total Resources Expended 906,326 67,197 973,523 678,044

Net Incoming/(Outgoing) Resources for the Year 22,542 18,912 41,454 12,955

Total Funds at 1st April 2010 279,437 20,758 300,195 287,240

Total Funds at 31st July 2011 £301,979 £39,670 £341,649 £300,195

7 Friends of Harington Report

When I joined the Friends of Harington I never dreamed that five years later I would be making this report as their Chair, and would probably have cancelled my membership immediately if I’d thought that would be my future. The last year has involved a lot of work, and my computer and I are very well acquainted these days, but it’s been made much easier by the fact that the committee I’m chairing is an excellent one. I’m delighted that everyone on it is continuing next year, including four new members who have joined us during the last year: Jackie Maxmin, Claude Murray, Prue Norton and Vanessa Radford. Our hard work has paid off, as we were able in May to transfer £14,661.10 to the Scheme for the year to March 2011, plus the £865 proceeds from the Christmas Restaurant Tree which will go towards a new van for the Scheme. A sizeable part of this sum came from the generous donations which Friends added to their subscriptions, but we also raised large amounts from our sale of refreshments, home produce and raffle tickets at the Christmas and Spring Fairs, from our annual Supper Quiz in March, and from our very successful October fund-raiser, ‘An evening with Joe Swift and Friends’, the proceeds of which will also go towards the new van. We are indebted to John and Katie Plews of Upstairs at the Gatehouse Theatre for their help with the last two events; to Leila Hodge for getting Joe Swift and his Friends to entertain us, and for organising the Restaurant Tree; and to all of our cake, jam and chutney makers, especially our Secretary, Tina Leong.

A large amount of the Friends’ money each year goes to funding the learners’ residential visit to the Isle of Wight. These few days cost about £5000, but I’m assured that they provide an enormously helpful experience for the learners. The visit gives the new learners the opportunity to build relationships with those already at the Scheme, and also with the staff, in an informal environment. Some of those who go on this trip have never been on a holiday before, and some have never been away from their parents. It gives them a chance to be independent and also to do things they’ve never dreamed of doing such as abseiling and canoeing, so it’s definitely worth every penny of the cost.

As well as the residential visit, the Friends last year funded the annual Bonfire Night party, which the learners love and which is a real family/ community occasion for them, and a Christmas bowling-and-pizza trip. We also paid for the new tables and chairs in the Mess Room, which have created a more sophisticated café-style atmosphere there. The Pond Square stall has continued rain or shine, and raised a wonderful £1927.65 last year for the Scheme. It’s organised by Alison Dart, our previous Chair, and many of the volunteers who run it are on the current Friends’ committee. I’d like to thank them once more for their considerable commitment and cooperation, not to mention their canapés and cakes, and also all the Friends for supporting the Scheme so generously with their time and/or money. Rosalind Laurie, Chair of the Friends of Harington

8 Friends of Harington Income and Expenditure Account for the Year Ending 31st March 2011

Expenditure 2010 2011 ££ 27.50 AGM Expenses 139.22 708.09 Printing/Stationery/Postage 224.37 – Spring Sale 122.91 – Joe Swift Event 133.83 89.77 Firework Party 25.51 77.99 Christmas Sale 100.00 1,015.96 Supper Quiz 954.98 26.81 Bank Charges 52.00

6,875.00 Transfer to Harington Scheme, Re: Special appeal – 10,311.75 Transfer to Harington Scheme 15,526.10 1,250.00 Closing Cash Balance Lloyds TSB c/f 1,250.00 20,382.87 18,575.11 Income 2010 2011 ££ 1,250.00 Opening Cash Balances Lloyds TSB b/f 1,250.00 500.00 Correction to Cash Balances Lloyds TSB b/f –

1,950.00 Subscriptions 2,190.00 4,179.00 Donations 5,703.28 6,875.00 Special Appeal –

Special Events 1,008.70 Spring Sale 1,021.20 1,020.86 Christmas Sale 1,095.60 – Restaurant Tree 865.00 – Joe Swift Event 2,598.00 3,595.00 Supper Quiz 3,848.00 5,624.56 9,427.80 4.26 Investment Income 4.03 20,382.87 18,575.11 9 Grants and Donations for the 16 Months to 31st July 2011

Major Donations Tottenham Grammar School 42,000 City Bridge Trust 31,000 Friends of Harington 26,000 Leathersellers Company Charitable Fund 20,000 Stephen and Leila Hodge 6,000 Susie Rose 4,000 Garfield Weston Foundation 3,000 Haymills Charitable Trust 3,000 Just Giving, Goldschmit/Howland 2,200 The Swindlers 1,500 Gary Sycamore 2,000 Mr and Mrs Bardner 1,000 Total 141,700

General Donations St. Anne’s Church, Highgate Society, Rotary Club, C. Hannington, A. Sutton, Waitrose, David Solomon’s Charitable Trust, Professor and Mrs. McKay, B.V. Ocean Productions Ltd., Jack Petchey, Mr. Walls, Steven and Joan Fogel Charitable Trust, CHADAS, R.M. Braithwaite, Angela Robinson, Mr. Wheatley, Mrs. A. Nicol, H. Blake Charitable Trust, Restaurant Tree, Mrs. C. Blake, Jean Fadil, Livia Gollancz, Lake Communications, Mrs. Walls.

Thank you Grateful thanks from everyone at the Harington Scheme to every single one of the individuals and organisations whose generosity continues to make our work possible.

10 Beneficiary Overview

Beneficiaries by Disability type (%)

A A No disability / difficulty (4 – 5%) B B Other/multiple disability (12 – 16%) C C Hearing /Visual impairment (1 – 1%) D Emotional / behavioural difficulty (4 – 5%) D E Mental health issues (4 – 5%) F Severe learning disability (6 – 8%) E G Dyslexia (2 – 3%) F H Autistic spectrum disorder (14 – 19%) I Moderate learning disability (26 – 36%) G


I 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Percentage

Beneficiaries by Age Group

5 2 2

28 36

Under 16 19-24 50+ Above: The actual number of 16-18 25+ learners in each age category

11 Beneficiaries by Borough of Residence (%)

4% 15% 23%


26% 10%


Barnet (17) Islington (5) Enfield (11) Other (3) Above: The percentage of Haringey (19) Hackney (7) Camden (11) learners from each borough

Employers who supported Harington learners in 2010-2011

Retail: Cancer Research (Highgate), Traid (Wood Green), Alexandra Palace Garden Centre, Oxfam (Dalston), Thornton’s Budgens, Wyvale Garden Centre (Mill Hill). Catering: Holly Lodge Community Centre, Barnet Borough Council. Gardening and Horticulture: The Harington Gardeners, Faith Plant Centre, Highgate Cemetery, Golders Hill Park, Haggerston Park, Elders Voices. Animal Care: Kentish Town City Farm, Sniffles. Other: (Office), Exposure Magazine (Media), The Arts Depot (Office).

12 Harington Scheme 2010-2011

THE HARINGTON SCHEME STAFF THE HARINGTON SCHEME OFFICERS Manager Patron Joanna Baxter Joe Swift Vocational Training Teamleader Co-Chairs Rachel Pilkington Tony Baker, Carol Burgess Horticultural/Vocational Trainers Treasurer John Fairweather Joanna Sheehan Kimberley Cronk David Robinson Company Secretary Steven Gaylor Ted Dixon Lynne Hamer Directors Foundation Skills Teamleader Caryle Adams, David Booth, Glynis Williams Charlotte Green, Derek Hall, Leila Hodge, Literacy and Numeracy Tutor Jennifer Horne-Roberts, Peter Mantle, Stephen Webber Dan Newman Recruitment and Employment Teamleader Accountants Michelle Besant Calder and Co. Recruitment and Employment Officer Architects Mandy Hill Tim Ronalds Job Coach Company Members Dennis Walker (other than directors) Gardeners Manager John Bardner, Peter Benton, Ruth Benton, Darren Townsend Rose Mary Braithwaite, Bill Bulman, Mary Burns, Paul Crooks, Alison Dart, Gardeners Supervisors Peter Draper, Ruth Edwards, Judi Fairlie, Mirianna Bunch Lorraine Fox, Elaine Garrod, Nicky Gavron, Massimo Battocchi Chris Hindley, Lottie Hunter, Anne Johnson, Finance Officer Sara Kaye, Pat Lawlor Jane Lister, Robert Caroline Simpson McBarnet, Margaret McGlone, Rose Mendel, Jean Morley, Margaret Neal, Nicholas Administrator O'Donnell, Mary Openshaw, Tim Ronalds, Simon Tye Jenny Russell, Marcia Saunders, Sir Andrew and Lady Smith, Joe Swift, Gary Sycamore, Pauline Wearden, Sue Whittington, Phyllis Willmott, Penny Woolley, Jennifer Wright. Diary 2011 – 2012

SATURDAY 10TH DECEMBER 2011 Christmas sale and open day 10.00 – 2.00 p.m. SATURDAY 12TH MAY 2012 Spring sale and open day 9.00 – 2.00 p.m. WEDNESDAY 11TH JULY 2012 Presentation of Certificates 6.30 p.m

Please note that the Harington Scheme is open Monday to Thursday 9.00am - 4.00pm for the sale of plants and produce. Visitors are also welcome to view the site and meet the staff during those hours. Contact Telephone Numbers:

THE HARINGTON SCHEME 020-8341 3657 (WITH ANSWER PHONE) ENROLMENTS & PLACEMENTS 020-8341 9089 THE HARINGTON GARDENERS 020-8348 5605 (WITH ANSWER PHONE) The Harington Gardeners are available for all types of gardening work. • fax: 020-8347 8860 • e-mail: [email protected] • web:

Directions From Archway Station: travel up Highgate Hill (buses nos. 143, 210 or 271) to the first bus stop in Highgate High Street. From Highgate Station: walk downhill on Archway Road, third road on the right.

Visitors always welcome