Ron DeSantis FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF Governor Jeanette Nuñez Environmental Protection Lt. Governor Marjory Stoneman Douglas Building Noah Valenstein 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Secretary Tallahassee, FL 32399 Memorandum TO: James Parker Office of Environmental Services Division of State Lands FROM: Yasmine Armaghani Office of Park Planning Division of Recreation and Parks SUBJECT: Hugh Taylor Birch State Park Ten Year Management Plan Update (Lease No. 3624) Acquisition and Restoration Council (ARC) Public Hearing DATE: May 12, 2020 Attached for your convenience and use are five discs with the subject management plan update file. Contained on the discs is the ARC executive summary, the Division of State Lands checklist and a copy of the subject management plan update. This plan is being submitted for the Division of State Lands’ compliance review and for review by ARC members at their August 2020 meeting. An electronic version of the document is available on the DEP Park Planning Public Participation webpage at the following link: planning/documents/hugh-taylor-birch-state-park-05-2020-arc-draft-unit. Please contact me by email at
[email protected] if there are any questions related to this amendment. Thank you for your assistance. YA:dpd Attachments cc: Deborah Burr Land ManageMent PLan ComplianCe CheCkList → Required for State-owned conservation lands over 160 acres ← Instructions for managers: Complete each item and fill in the applicable correlating page numbers and/or appendix where the item can be found within the land management plan (LMP). If an item does not apply to the subject property, please describe that fact on a correlating page number of the LMP.