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to — MANf^BSTER HERALD. Monday, Nov. 30, 1987 Gorbachev: Soviets Stifliiiaf‘Marjelitos’ worry about image / page 7 C LA SSIFIE D AD VER TISIN G 643-2711 have own research for ‘Star Wars’ / page 5 ShOotbutr Arizona beats Syracuse, BO-69 / page 11 HOMES APARTMENTS FUa OIL/COAL/ CARS FOR SALE t FOR SALE FOR RENT FIREWOOD BUSWESS SERVICE DIRECnmY TH IS Spacious newly re MANCHESTER. Out FIREWOOD SALE D O DG E Dart Sport 1975.6 decorated 7 plus room standing 7 room, 3 bed cylinder, 4 speed, re room apartment In AA *49 par oord, 0 ft, langths. MttCELLANEOUS Raised Ranch In South graan, dallvarad, 4 cord cent restoration. $1200. CM PENTRY/ i S S i r m m j Windsor Is located on a zone. Ail new wall to minimum. MC/VISA 649-8474. CMLDCME 3 3 REMODELIM |»SJ PAPERING m SERVICES quiet cul-de-sac. Ideal wall carpeting. Bentley iirn FIrowood tor families. This home School District. No istrlbutors features a formal din pets. References and m i mWKES TREE SERVICE ing room, fireplace, security. $750 monthly 830-0050 Sell Your Car KAREN’S DAY CARE Bucket, truck A chipper. hardwood floors, walk plus utilities. 649-4003. IMNCHtSm - UCCNaCD. TH0*UIS“ *S™' PAINTING Stump removal. Free out family room and MANCHESTER. Excel WRlw RiieM. OpMlng* fe rlh it- o Roofing lnl»rtor 8p9oMM$ eatimatas. Special many other features! lent 3 '6 room apart- R n RECREATIONAL » 1 5 •nUnd 1 ehHd agM 9-4. fulHtm*. a 8Mlng, Rae Rooms consideration for elderly Ask us about gattlno a ment, stove, Pride taken In every )ob I S J EQUIPMENT 4 Lines — 10 Days Hi m part tlma opanlngt also. I a Replacainent Doors t Windows and handicapped. mortgage at 7’/: per refrigerator. No pets. provMa biaakfast luneh and we dol Quality la our 500 charge each addi a SkyUghts. Attic Fans cent Interest rate. This References and secur W E IG H T lifting bench anaokt. 6 47-75 53 home Is being offered tional line, per day. You a RaiMlrs t Demolitions main concern. ity. $450 monthly plus and weights. Good con PHONE! e47-0SM at $172,500. An excel utilities. 649-4003. can cancel at any time. Tuesday, Dec. 1,1987 30 Cents * f5% $0nlor CItIztn REASONABLE RATES dition. $60. Call 742- Olieount * lent buyl ReoltyWorld- MANCHESTER. 4 room 0205. SORRY. We cater to the Frechette-Benolt. 646- Fraa Writtvt Eiilmalti RADON TESTING apartment, 1st floor, NO REFUNDS OR home owner. 7709.O___________ QusIHy srork backed by a Best time to test/ stove, refrigerator. No PETS AND ADJUSTMENTS B00KKEEPW6/ Customer SalWactlon FREE ESTIMATES LOVELY,oversized 4 pets. References and SUPPLIES MCOMET/n Quaranlse Reasonable Rates .bedroom Cape with security. $400 plus utili CALL HERALD Cox Cable increases rate 8.7 percent on Jan. 1 Fully Insured Call Now - Manchester beautiful large, fenced ties. 649-4003. Radon Tasting Sorvice Year old Male cot. 6 4 3 -6 7 7 4 In rear yard. Owners 645-8259 649-9 3 72 _ have made many Im Black and white, neu CLASSIFIED By Andrew YurkovskY visions. Their monthly rate will rise morning. Authority In 1989. A hearing was ces to have its franchise renewed. decides whether to renew a BARBARA RAY provements Including HOMES tered, alt shots. Free to Manchester Herald from the present $13.45 to $14.75 on Turner did not rule out the held in October, and another Is franchise. “ It may be an issue, but we don’t * BOOKKEEPING newer roof. Covered FOR RENT good home with no 643-2711 possibility of future rate increases scheduled Dec. 17. Besides Man children. House Jan. 1. know until that happens. Hopefully SERVICES Winter Is Here! deck and patio, full Manchester residents will be Cox Cable last raised its basic within the next year. chester, Co!i Cable Greater Hart Service rates are not a considera Bookkeaping for imall length ot house. This MANCHESTER. 6 room broken. Coll after 6pm. it won’t affect anything,” Turner ABSOLUTE teem ptowlBS stW avallaMa. 649-5513. paying more for cable television service rate a year ago, by 5.8 The latest Increase may mean ford serves Glastonbury, Newing said. tion, Blood said. £5* Ipislneiief, iacluding payroll home located In East homeonbusllne. Avail service starting Jan. 1. ton, Rocky Hill, South Windsor and ' and quarterly taxes. FLOOMNS Ceanaerclal / ResideaUal Hartford, must be percent. A news release from the that some present subscribers will PAINTING CO. able Jonurorv 1. $700. Wethersfield. Since the beginning of this year, Cable subscribers in Andover and ReltaMall seen! It Is not o drive No pets. Coll between 3 Cox enable Greater Hartford, company attributed the latest rise decide to drop their cable service, 649-3:81 Quaranteed quality work. FLOOR Sanding. Floors MISCELLANEOUS CLYDE which serves 13,734 subscribers in to higher staff and programming but Turner could not provide any the PUCA has had no authority to Bolton, who are served by United Can S.R. BLANCHARD, by, and It Is a pleasure 8, 8pm. 646-0000. CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. Raferencee. Free Eatlmatea. like new. Specializing to show ! $149,900. FOR SALE Manchester, is increasing its costs, as well as increased copy specific figures on how many are Turner said Cox does not need set fees for cable franchises. ‘Toni Cable Television Corp. of Connecti Inexpenalve. Call Doug 3 Bedroom house tor rent, In older floors, natural INC. at 228-0398 Strono Real Estate. R O U T E 83, V E R N O N monthiy basic service rate from right fees. expected to do m . approval from the PUCA for rate Blood, a spokeswoman for the state cut, had their basic service in or stained. No waxing. newly remodeled. Am- 236 -1472 647-7653.D T E E Shirt transfers. Ap 82 Cantury ooup« •6195 $14.95 to $16.25. The increase The rate increase applies to only "W e hope that no one would increases, but the company does Department of Public Utility Con crease this month from $13.95 to CM iram tY/ John Verfallle. 646- ston Lake, double lot. proximately 3000, also 83 Cavalllar wagon •4495 amounts to $1.30 per month, or 8.7 basic service and will have noeffect drop,” she said. have to inform the agency that an trol, said that quality of service and $15.95, said service representative 5750. WARRICK BROTIffiRS Deck, wall to wall car 50 to 100k numerals and TREE REMOVAL peting. FIreploce, S3 Chavatta 2 w. •4995 percent. on optional services such as movie The franchise held by Cox Cable increase is planned. She said she the ability to meet the future needs Kathy Griffin. That rate applies to letters tor shirts, cops, both cable-ready and not-cable- MISCELLANEOUS Leal raking, garagtt S attics L0T8/LAND quiet neighborhood. etc. Best otter. 649-3642 83 Cantury 4 dr. •6995 The same increase wiii affect channels, Frances Turner, a mar Greater Hartford is up for renewal was not sure how the latest rate of the franchise area are among PAM TINS/. claanad, anow ramoval. Sanlor Security and referen issues considered when the PUCA ready television. CMPSNIIIVA i f S n i .................,, SERVICES FOR SALE otter 5:30pm.n________ S3 BonnavMla a dr. •6995 subscribers with cabie-ready teie- keting manager for Cox, said this by the state Public Utilities Control increase would affect Cox’s chan ISJ p a p e i h n s * Cltlzan Oltcounta. Irae aatl- ces required. Available •6995 REIMREUIM iERVICES mataa. Fall ralaa. lOyaaraaxparl. In December. $900 per H E A L TH Club Member 53 Ragal a dr. L E V E L , Cleored lots, city OompMe home rapeirs and re- ODD lobs. Trucking. anca. Call ahar 6 PM. month. 537-4383. ship for sale. Lifetime 54 Oldt Clara a dr. •7795 modaime. We apeelaiba ki bath Home repairs. You sewer, city water. 27- membership to Court 84 Camaro ooupa •6495 rooms and kNcnana. Smak scale 848-8360_____ 30,000 square feet. Nor commewlal work. RegMsred. In- name It. we do It. Free House One, Manches 84 Pontiac Tra m Am •10,795 estimates. Insured. 643- theast Manchester. STORE AND ter tor $100 regularly Fires by suredi relsteness. •10,195 WALLPAPERING 0304.__________________ 647-0246. OFFICE SPACE $200. Gall Anita at 643- 85 Chav. Aatro Vttt 85 Chavy Caprica 4 dr •8495 N o ‘moment • S B E liS TREES ond^AINTING EXCAVATING Bulldozer Trimmtd A Ramovad - 2711. MANCHESTER. Prime 88 Nova 4 dr. ° •8495 Insured — Refarencaa and Backhoe services. Foil A WIntar Cltonup - 196 J INVESTMENT ONE OF THE nicesi Light grading. Stone Seosonad FIrtwood downtown profes Classified ods serve the 86 Camaro Z28 •13,995 children things about want ads Is Merty Beltwen - *4f-4431 and stump removal. Dallvtry Available - I " I PROPERTY sional office condomi people today ... lust as 87 Spectrum 4 dr. •8495 Snow Plowing their low cost. Another Is Prompt Service at nium tor sole or leose. they have since our coun 87 Chavatta 2 dr. •5495 eeryBdNsli.MS.flSl BRAND New listing! 1,000 square feet. Boyle try's beginning. Read and ttMir quick action. T ry a reasonable .rotes. Call CALL SBS 849-0862 wont od today t ________ John. 456-7009._________ Long time owners have Real Estate. 649-4800. use them regularly. 643- of silence,’ beautifully maintained 2711. 872-9111 targeted this exceptlQpal 4 fam ily apartmMt building ROOMMATES, In M anchester. 4-3 WANTED WANTED TO B y NancY Concelman TOWN OF MANCHHSTIR LIOUDR PERMIT LIOAL NOTICH NOTICE OF APPLICATION room apartments, all N Manchester Herald LBOAL NOTICn BUY/TRADE SCRANTON • separate utilities, com MANCHESTER.