Effect of the Chemoprotective Agent WR-2721 on Disposition and Biotransformations of Ormaplatin in the Fischer 344 Rat Bearing a Fibrosarcoma1
[CANCERRESEARCH55, 2837—2846,July1. 1995] Effect of the Chemoprotective Agent WR-2721 on Disposition and Biotransformations of Ormaplatin in the Fischer 344 Rat Bearing a Fibrosarcoma1 D. CharlesThompson,StevenD. Wyrick, David J. Holbrook, and StephenG. Chane? Curriculum in Toxicology (D. C. T.. D. J. H., S. G. C.] and Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics ID. J. H., S. G. CI, School of Medicine, and Division of Medicinal Chemistry and Natural Products [S. D. WI, School of Pharmacy, University ofNorth Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-7260 ABSTRA4@T be selective for nontumor tissues (4, 5). The proposed mechanism for this selectivity is a relative lack of alkaline phosphatase activity in The effects of the phosphorothloate agent, WR-2721, have been Eaves tumor tissues as compared to normal tissues and the lesser conversion ligated with respect to the biotransformations oformaplatin in the Fischer of the inactive parent compound, WR-2721, to its postulated active 344 rat bearinga transplantedfibrosarcoma.A number of different paradigms ofdosing route and schedule for the administration of the two thiol metabolite, WR-1065, within tumor tissues. Because WR-1065 agents have been investigated. In the first group ofexperiments, WR.2721 is postulated to bind to reactive platinum species within the cell, this (200mg/kg, l.p.) wasadministered30 mis beforeormaplatin (12.5mg/kg, would provide a mechanistic basis for selective protection of normal i.p.), and then peritoneal fluid, plasma, and tissues were harvested at 30 tissues as compared to tumor tissues (3, 6, 7). This hypothesis has mm after the ormaplatin administration. Our results suggest that a sig never been tested directly.
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