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1. Introduction+ Location Map 3

2. Berkeley "Between the Four Bridges"

Brief historical review 5 Present situation and Possible Future Challenges 6

3. Preparing the Plan- Consultations with the Community 8

4. The Working Group Results

Business +Tourism 13 Transport + Accessibility 18 Employment, Education + Training 22 Youth, Leisure + Community Safety 24

5. Other Issues

Neighbouring Parishes 28 Housing 30

6. Membership of the Community Plan Process 33

7. Who is going to take the Plan Forward? 35

8. List of Photographs 37

9. Summary of Proposed Action Plans 38



The town has a number of local services including a junior school, four places of worship, a medical centre and small hospital with a minor injuries unit and an optician. It also has a town hall, a library and several community groups and clubs including the WI, youth club, scouts and guides, historical society and theatrical clubs. The main tourist attractions for the area are Berkeley Castle, The Jenner Further to the Government's Rural Museum and Cattle Country Adventure White Paper produced towards the end Park. of 2001 the Countryside Agency has encouraged towns and villages all over The nearest Secondary School is at the country to compile Plans. Wanswell and our nearest police station is at , although we do Berkeley Town Council decided to take have a Neighbourhood Warden. part in this process, in conjunction with the Countryside Agency, Following the decision to complete a Rural Community town plan a Steering Group was Council· and District Council. formed consisting of Town Councillors The purpose of the Berkeley Plan is to and members of SOC and GRCC. The identify issues and needs in community were invited to join the conjunction with the ·community and Steering Group but no one came address them in the form of an action forward. The following consultations plan. The Berkeley Plan will be used with the community have taken place. by the Town Council and other partners for the benefit of the town in Town Appraisal the future. Town Questionnaire Berkeley Faire Fun Day Stall Berkeley is located in the Severn Vale Berkeley Primary School mini­ in the southwestern corner of the survey , close to the boundary Skaters' Taster' Event between Gloucestershire and and has easy access We also consulted the following to the M5 in both directions and is documents: almost half-way between and ; therefore a considerable Housing Needs Survey (2003) amount of the community work in one Stroud District Parish Profiles or other of these locations. This can (Berkeley) (2004) have a detrimental effect on the local Stroud District Market Towns shops etc. Study (Berkeley Compendium)(2004) Shoppers Survey (2003)

3 Youth, Leisure and Community Safety. On analysing all of the above the following strengths and weaknesses The members of the working groups emerged: are on page 29. Further to the analysis a schedule of the main areas STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES of concern was drawn up to help each Free Car Parking Insufficient car working group. Each group met parkin~ several times to work on their specific Castle/Jenner Litter area and presented their proposed Museum/Cattle projects to a further stakeholder Country evening which was held in February. Canon Park Dog Fouling Recreation Representatives from the neighbouring Ground parishes Hinton, Ham & Stone, Berkeley Flyer B;::td Behaviour Alkington, , were invited to (local free (especially at provide their views regarding Berkeley. newspaper) ni~ht) Tourism Potential Lack of Disabled In April these were presented to the Facilities community in the Town Hall to enable Hospital (+ minor Poor public the community to prioritise the main injuries dept) transport five projects from each group. Good local Vehicles speeding schools through town The next few pages list out the top five Good pre-school Lack of amenities projects for each group with the full list activities (for all a~es) and proposed timetable starting on Beautiful Poor availability of page 32. surroundings Councillors The Plan has been drawn up purely on the responses we have received from A local Stakeholders' Evening was the local community and, of course, held in October 2004. This resulted in this is just the beginning because we four working groups being set up: now have to implement the Plan and our proposals for this are on page 30. Business & Tourism Transport & Accessibility Employment, Education & Training



A Brief History

Berkeley is an ancient settlement and is referred to in the Doomesday Book as "Berchelai". It sits on the top of a hill, which, until the flood barriers were erected in the last century, was surrounded by marshland, which frequently flooded when the burst its banks.

Berkeley parish is today said to be within the four bridges of Berkeley, which can be seen on the map on page 4.1.

The main focal point is Berkeley Castle, the building of which commenced in 1153 and is still inhabited by the same family today. Several notable events have taken The Parish Church of St. Marys is place over the centuries - the Barons unusually separate from the Bell Tower met at the Castle before meeting King but it is uncertain why this is so. The John at Runnymeade in 1215 and Church also probably dates back to the Edward II was murdered in the 12th century. dungeons. It was also ransacked on several occasions, most notably in The centre of the town has changed 1645 during the Civil War when it was very little over the past three centuries besieged by the Roundheads. Also a and the majority of buildings were built number of Kings and Queens have pre-1840 and are therefore listed visited over the centuries. buildings.

Back in the 15th century Berkeley was Berkeley's most famous resident was a thriving port with barges coming up Dr. Edward Jenner who invented the The Pill (which is now little more than a procedure of vaccination whilst living in stream) from the River Severn with Berkeley. His house, The Chantry, is coal and salt for the Castle. It is now a museum dedicated to his believed there was a wharf in Jumpers memory. Lane and that this gave name to the at the top of Stock Lane - The Mariners.

5 PRESENT SITUATION . AND POSSIBLE FUTURE CHALLENGES British Nuclear Group Downsizing Housing Needs Survey February 2003 In September 2004 it was announced by the management of Reactor Sites Gloucestershire Rural Community (British Nuclear Group), Berkeley Council (GRCC) on behalf of Berkeley Centre that over the following three Town Appraisal Group carried out the years the number of staff would reduce survey, as a lot of the information from 1450 to 250 at the site. At the required would be of a private and same time it was announced that a personnel nature to those concerned. Task Force would be set up to look The Plan Committee did not see any of into the future use of the site. the returned papers, only the analysis by G.R.C.C. Responses indicated that 46 households would like alternative accommodation within 1- 5years; this included those moving home with the financial resources to make this possible.

Of the remaining households 10 households indicated that they wished to downsize from a 3-bedroom property that they own (with or without a mortgage) to a 1 or 2 bedroom The Task Force subsequently bungalow, while 4 would like a smaller completed a report, which house. 12 wish to increase the size of recommended that the site should be their property and 7 would like an used as a business park and/or leisure alternative property of a similar size to park. The Task Force is due to discuss their present home. its findings with the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) (the Future Need: site's new owners) on 1 July. It is possible that even if the site is The respondents indicated that 8 successful it will only generate a members of existing households might maximum of 400 jobs. require alternative accommodation in the longer term. Three of these were The outcome of the talks. with the NDA teenagers and two were older will have a major impact, as the residents who felt they might require situation will affect the prosperity of sheltered accommodation in the future. Berkeley. The employees of the site spend a lot of money locally and Regarding people with a local approx. 100 local people are employed connection wishing to return to the on the site. parish 17 forms indicated that previous household members would like to return if affordable accommodation was available. Financial information was provided for 12 of these households and indicated that only

6 three would be able to purchase on the 88% of respondents supported BTC in open market. its opposition to the Inspectors Report. 10% believed that more than 100 houses could be built in the Town. 39% only required infill within the planning envelope for the Town, but should building be required, 18% indicated that it should be on the northwest side of the Town. , at its annual meeting on the 19/5/05, overwhelmingly voted to reject the Inspector's recommendations for Berkeley and remove them from the plan before going out to public consultation. BTC Housing Survey Results For Future will maintain a watchful eye until such Housing In The Town: times as the Local Plan gets accepted.

BTC carried out an housing survey to The Town Council will now work with find the Towns response to the fact ABRAID (Association of Berkeley that a Government Inspector had put in Residents Against Insensitive the Local Plan that Berkeley be Development) for whom more than allocated 300 new homes on land to 1200 residents signed a petition to the east side, and adjacent to the main ensure that the land on the east side of entry road into the Town. He also Town be protected from this gross recommended that Berkeley be intrusion of our Town in future years, designated as a Principal Town. BTC and only allow necessary development rejected both proposals as totally when this can be shown by the unacceptable, as the Town had Townsfolk to be required for the benefit .already taken more than a 30% of them, and the Town in general. The increase in this plan period, and that first place for any such development the only extra housing required was should be on the north/west side of the low cost/social housing on small lots Berkeley/ bypass. for those who already lived in the Town.


2002 Town Appraisal Berkeley Faire 2004 Fun Day

The first consultation in the process As part of the Berkeley Faire Week in was the 2002 Town Appraisal, which July 2004 we held a Fun Day at the was delivered to every house in Canon Park Recreation Ground. It Berkeley. This consisted of started at 16:00 and finished at approx. approximately 60 questions and the 20:00. The Town Plan Committee responses to these questions were had a stall at the event with a then analysed and the results are presentation of the progress to date on attached in Appendix 1. the Plan, including the results of the second survey, which had taken place 2004 Questionnaire earlier in the year. In addition we were asking people to add any items A second survey was held during the they wished to a Strengths & summer of 2004. Once again it was Weaknesses Board. As this was a fun sent to every house in Berkeley. It day we encouraged children and was much shorter than the original teenagers to come forward with their survey and the results are attached as views as well as adults. Appendix 2. The majority of adults agreed with the The second survey was broken up into list but two more items were added to seven sections- General Information I the strengths list: Education /Amenities I Shopping I Tourism + Culture /Communication in Good local schools the Community I Anti-Social behaviour. Good pre-school activities A copy of the questionnaire is attached. They also came up with the following: We received back 15% of the forms completed. Build flats for senior citizens (private dwellings) Pedestrianise Market Place Bring cricket back to Berkeley (this is a local grudge situation)

The children and teenagers came up with the following wish list:

More trees in Berkeley Better hotels Portable Goals for football A rugby pitch A netball pitch A tennis court A snooker table More shops in the town More lights in the town

8 A dirt track Working Groups

Apart from the above items a Iof of the When all the results were in a children came_ up with the same Stakeholders Evening was held locally problem areas as in the 2004 when over 70 local residents and Questionnaire Report especially business people were invited to come regarding speeding, and car parking. and hear the results, and were then given the opportunity to join one of the Berkeley Junior School Survey five working groups set up to look at the results in specific areas and see what improvements could be made. The five working groups were:

Business & Tourism Transport & Accessibility Employment, Education & Training Youth, Leisure & Community Safety Neighbouring Parishes

The working groups each met several times over the winter of 2004/05 and As part of their Geography lessons drew up schedules of five priority 2004 Year 5 of the above school have projects each plus other smaller ones if been looking at Berkeley Town Centre. appropriate. There were also two They considered the good points and further Stakeholder Evenings held to possible problems of the centre and keep the momentum going. conducted a mini-survey of residents on improvements. Their teacher has passed the results on to the Council.

We received 24 reports from Year 5 and they can be broken down into the following concerns:

Car parking problems 8 Lack of play equipment 8 Lack of pedestrian crossings etc. 4 Lack of disabled facilities 4

The above results were consistent with Housing the responses received from adults in the 2004 Survey. The children's In response to the changes announced letters will form part of the "evidence in the Local Plan whereby Berkeley file". would become a "principal settlement" and an area designated for the building of 300 houses the Council sent out a survey to all households covering all

9 aspects of possible future housing A short plan, which will be a glossy, development. 88% of respondents will be issued to every house and supported the Council's total rejection business in Berkeley, together with the of both being designated a "principal surrounding Parish Councils, and settlement" and the building of 300 spare copies will be available in the houses. Berkeley Town Hall for anyone who wants a copy. This will include, as At the time of writing this report Stroud well as an introduction, all the District Council have now removed proposed projects for the town. both items from the Local Plan. The longer plan will be much more An analysis of the survey is attached detailed and also include all the as Appendix 3. Appendices. This will be for the Countryside Agency, The 18 April 2005 Consultation Gloucestershire Rural Community Council, Gloucestershire County On the 18 April we held an open Council, Stroud District Council and evening for the Community to see the any prospective partners. They will, five priorities from each of the working of course, also receive a copy of the groups. They were then asked to short plan. indicate their preferences in each section. An analysis of the results is There is a Stakeholder Evening being attached as Appendix 4. held in June to finalise both plans, which will then go for printing. We Completion of Plan hope to hold a Potential Partners Afternoon in early July. The Steering Group has decided, in the interests of economy, to issue two versions of the Plan.


The theme groups of Berkeley Parish Plan have been meeting regularly over the past few months to devise and prioritise the projects coming out of the Parish Plan consultation. When the theme groups finished prioritising the projects, the steering group held an open evening on the 18th April 2005 for the wider community to have input. On the evening the top five projects from each theme group were displayed and all the attendees were asked to indicate their priorities. Approximately 35 people attended and the results of their prioritisation are shown below.

There are four theme groups: - Business +Tourism Transport & Accessibility Employment, Education +Training Youth, Leisure and Community Safety

Each table illustrates the top five projects and the results of the prioritisation carried out at the open evening.

Table 1

Employment, Education & Training

Ill De~.elopment of the Library

11!!1 Building on good practice

o Careers SeNce 27%

0 Promoting adult leaming

o The closure of Sixth Fonn College


Transport & Accessibility

fE! Pedestrian Crossing in Salter Street 11 Car Parking

oRe-design the Market Place o Crate Unloading bay in Salter Street o Public Transprt to Berkeley 11 Table 3

Youth, Leisure & Community Safety

ra Retain & Extend Youth Worker/Assistant !!I Town Hall !mpro..ements

o Community Safety

9% oSkate Park

o Extend Pavilion


Table 4

Business & Tourism

Ira De~..-elop A Marketing 5% Strategy For the Town

malntrodution of Visitor Points/Map Boards

o Establishment of a Business/Tourism Forum o Community Signing

D Improvement to Public 10% Transport


Aim: Conservation Area; many buildings are listed. Wildfowl and To create a vibrant and sustainable Wetlands Trust is located just a few business and tourism environment in miles North of Berkeley. The town is the Berkeley Vale through situated off the A38 and is close to communication, promotion and quality junction 14 of the M5. of product. This will build upon the unique characteristics of the area Despite the plethora of attractions, the including it's history and individuality town centre itself does not benefit from whilst maintaining and further a large number of visitors, but instead developing the facilities and faces typical problems of many infrastructure for those living and struggling market towns. The location working in the area. of the attractions in relation to the town centre is possibly part of the problem; Membership: two of the major attractions lie on the edge of the town centre meaning that The group comprises representatives many tourists visit these and then from the following: leave without using the other facilities in the town. Another reason is the lack Berkeley Castle of information that is available The Berkeley Estate regarding facilities available in the Cattle Country whole area, Marketing seems to be The Jenner Museum done separately by each organisation Local Businesses and there is little encouragement for Stroud District Council linked trips. There is no central point at Berkeley Town Council which information on 'things to do' can The Federation of Small be found. Added to this, the location of Businesses the town off the A38 means that the town cannot depend on passing trade Introduction as some other areas, visitors do not drive through the town. Berkeley has a population of 1,862 (2001 Census Statistics) and is seen The town has seen extensive by the group as a small service centre, residential development in recent satisfying the needs of those in the years. The attractive setting of the town and immediate surrounding town encourages new residents, but parishes. There are a small number of concerns have been raised that the convenience and comparison stores as town cannot comfortably offer the type well as ample services such as banks, of employment required and as such the post office etc. The town boasts many of the new houses are likely to some impressive tourist attractions accommodate professionals who including Berkeley Castle, Cattle typically commute out of the area. It is Country and the Jenner Museum. likely that these households, who are There is also a mediaeval deer park, a not in the town during the working good network of footpaths and several week and who not feel part of the local buildings of historic interest including community, do not use the local the local church. The majority of the facilities. town centre falls within the Berkeley

13 The list of proposed projects can be A Marketing Strategy is currently being grouped into the following categories: developed with the help of specialist consultants. The work involves • Marketing & Promotion identifying the current strengths of the o Communication & influencing town and how best to communicate policy these to appropriate audiences. The o Improving the town's offer strategy will identify suitable marketing projects to be pursued. The strategy will be developed in partnership with local businesses and tourism providers. For more details see appendix 5.

The group have recognised the need to co-ordinate the marketing in the town and have noted the importance of having a central communication point for businesses and tourism providers in the area. In other towns across the country, a Town Centre Manager provides the appropriate support needed. Typically Town Centre Managers are assigned to larger towns to help with a variety of tasks, which are identified on the Association of Town Centre Manager's Web Site (www.atcm.org).

Whilst it is noted that a full time Town Marketing and Promotion: Centre Manager is not necessarily achievable, it is identified that many of Project: The creation of a marketing the identified aims/ tasks above are strategy for the area and the applicable to Berkeley. It is thought subsequent introduction of a (part that securing a part time officer would time) Town Centre Manager­ be more appropriate in Berkeley; this (Priority) could possibly be progressed in partnership with other towns in the It has been recognised that Berkeley district. and the surrounding area has lots to offer but promotion has largely been Project: The introduction of Brown done separately by each organisation. Signs to direct visitors to the town The town needs a co-ordinated (signs to include icons for all the approach to promotion to ensure that town has to offer)- (Priority) visitors are made aware of everything the town has to offer which, amongst Marketing of the town should also be other things, could be organised and concerned with those would-be visitors implemented by a Town Centre who are in the district (but who do not Manager. typically pass through the town). Signing already exists for the major attractions on the A38 but there is a

14 need to promote less well-known attractions, features and facilities that Project: Partnership & joint working are available in order to attract passers between the visitor attractions and by. local businesses (the creation of a business and tourism forum)­ Project: The introduction of (Priority) information points in the town centre (both one central point and The group identified that there is a various map/ information boards need for local businesses and tourist around the town)- (Priority) attractions to work together more closely on a variety of issues/ projects. In order to promote everything the A business & tourism forum would: town and surrounding area has to offer, there is a need to identify one e Allow business to share ideas central point at which visitors can find and knowledge information and advice. Coupled with e Encourage local businesses to this is a need to signpost people, via a support each other series of maps that illustrate the e Enable formal representation of possible options on things to do/ the issues affecting local places to see and importantly where to businesses to the appropriate find them. bodies (e.g. Local Authorities).

Project: Developing the links with Whilst the business & tourism group Berkeley, USA (Town Twinning) has allowed an opportunity for local businesses and tourism providers to The historic links between Berkeley, meet, there is also a need to establish Gloucestershire and Berkeley, USA a separate forum (or even possibly have been developed recently through several forums with different purposes) the Mediaeval Joust held at Berkeley in order to involve as many businesses Castle. Further development of these as possible who may have different links is seen as a means of raising the interests. Initial ideas include a profile of Berkeley oversees. The business breakfast meeting and the potential to attract American visitors is creation of the Chamber of Trade. even greater since it was announced that direct flights to and from the USA Project: Feeding in to key local will be available shortly from Bristol. developments and policies. Project: Representation of local Communication & Co-ordination: businesses re the issues affecting the local economy. Project: The introduction of a Town Centre manager- (Priority) There are several developments happening locally that will have an The possible role of a Town Centre impact on business & tourism in the Manager is discussed above (please area. Whilst it is recognised that many see Marketing & Promotion). The policies that affect business & tourism introduction of such support in the are set nationally, there are town is seen as paramount to the opportunities to discuss locally successful communication and co­ developed policies through various ordination with regard to Business & consultations (for example with Stroud Tourism projects. District Council). If successful creation

15 of business groups and networks (as (as well as allowing entrance passes to identified above) can be achieved, be purchased in the same transaction local businesses will have an official as travel tickets). forum through which to voice their thoughts & opinions.

The developments at Sharpness Docks and the BNFL site will potentially have an impact on business & tourism in Berkeley as will other planning proposals and policies, which the Business Community may wish to feed into.

Project: Promote Business Support Programmes

There are several projects/ Project: Developing & expanding programmes ongoing which are the reputation of Berkeley in relation designed to provide support to local to quality local produce businesses. It has become apparent that many businesses are not aware of The Farmer's Market has proved the opportunities available to them. successful in the town and there is a There is a need to promote these wish to expand the Market, both in schemes more widely and to collect terms of frequency and size. There is feedback on their appropriateness. also potential to introduce an outlet for Again the formation of business the sale of locally grown produce given networks will enable more successful the number of potential suppliers communication with regard to the located close by, not least on land that existing business support forms part of the Berkeley Estates. programmes. This link to the Berkeley Estate could also be introduced in any future Specific Projects to Improve the marketing and branding of any Town's Offer: products. A suitable outlet has yet to be determined. Project: To work with the Community Rail Partnership to Project: Creation of a leisure area in maximise the potential benefits of the town linking the Cam Railway Station to tourist attractions in the area­ It is felt that due to the historic nature (Priority) of the town and dominating road layout, there is little open space that The town is not well served by public can be used by visitors to the town transport, this makes it difficult to centre. Any such area would appeal to maximise the potential number of local residents and workers who could visitors who rely on such methods. use such a space as a meeting place There is a need to maximise the use of to socialise or to eat lunch etc. At the the Cam railway station. Public same time the development of transport would ideally be provided attractive green or open spaces would which links to the various attractions enhance the town centre environment

16 and further add to the existing Project: Developing Berkeley Power attractive features in the town. Station as a visitor attraction

Project: Developing the Berkeley It is recognised that there are negative Fa ire images associated with nuclear power and that for some people the power The current Berkeley Faire runs in the station is the only knowledge they week between the Mediaeval Joust have of Berkeley. There is an weekends in July. The Faire has so far opportunity to create an additional been successful in attracting local visitor attraction by opening up the residents but it is hoped that further Power Station to visitors, which has development will ensure the attraction proved successful elsewhere. This of visitors from other areas as well as would both add to the town centre offer possibly encouraging an extended stay as well as encouraging a more positive for those attending the Joust or visiting understanding of nuclear power. other attractions. Additional Research Areas Project: Universal Parish Membership It has been recognised that in order to develop projects that address the There is a need to encourage local issues affecting business & tourism in residents to use the facilities and the area, additional research is attractions locally. It was thought that required. Such research is listed by expanding the existing discount below. scheme for local residents to all attractions, the town could potentially Visitor Survey: It was agreed that there benefit from more regular custom from is a need to collect information relating those living in Berkeley and those to the characteristics of people visiting staying with them. the area. A universal feedback form is to be introduced. Information relating Project: Strengthening the range of to the nature of the visit is essential, events and attractions at Berkeley particularly whether visitors to one Castle attraction are likely to visit others or the town centre. It is recognised that the Castle and the special events it hosts have been Business Survey: A business survey is increasingly popular, coverage in the to be introduced which will gather the national and other press as well as views & opinions of local businesses high profile events and performers on a wide range of issues and will have raised the profile of Berkeley. allow the group to understand the There is great potential for the town in priority issues affecting local business. terms of attracting additional visitors by For details of the key themes see further strengthening the range of appendix 6. events and attractions. Car Park Survey: Working in partnership with the Transport & Accessibility group ..


AIM: • A designated Short and Long Stay car parking in existing To ensure all sections of the local public car parks community and visitors are able to: • A more user friendly layout for on-street parking • Access the Town Centre and • Safer access to and from car safely parking areas • Have access to regular local transport Car parking in the town centre can be • Have better and safer use of the a problem. We have two free public market square car parks in Marybrook Street and next to the library. The Marybrook Street car MEMBERSHIP: park is usually full while the library car park is under used. Therefore we The membership consists of a Town propose to rnake the Marybrook Street Councillor, a member of The League of one into a short-stay park (maximum 2 Friends of Berkeley Hospital, a hour stay) and the Library one into a member of the Community Trust, a long-stay so workers can park there all Stroud District Council worker and two day. members of the public. We also believe the bottle banks The main areas of concern in this should be moved to the library car section are difficulty with car parking in park. Also to make it safer to park in the centre, speeding traffic and lack of the library car park we would like to timetabled public transport. see the island in front of the library turned into a formal one-way system. We believe the following five proposed projects would help to alleviate all The Business + Tourism Working these problems. However, as the Group have arranged a car parking majority of the projects require study so the above project will have to perm1ss1on from the Highways be done in conjunction with the study. Authority, and possibly will require local government funding, we In the Town Appraisal over 50% of recognise that it may take several respondents thought there was a car­ years to complete them (see appendix parking problem in the town centre. 7). Salter Street is the most common response regarding parking and TOP FIVE PRIORITIES: danger spots followed by Market Place. The following are in the order chosen by the residents at the recent open evening:

To review the existing car parking arrangements with a view to creating:

18 clothing pick-up point but a glass The Parish Plan states that 82% of collection point would now seem households have cars of which 39% redundant. have two or more. The 2004 Questionnaire also 47.8% of people said on street parking highlighted concern about the lack of in Berkeley was poor with only 4.3% car parking close to the town. saying it was good. The amount of spaces in car parks was considered Car parking problems were also good by 4.3% and either poor or highlighted in the rnm1-survey average by 86.9%. Safety, design and conducted by Berkeley Junior School. layout of car parks fared better with good/average scoring 87.0%. To create a better pedestrian The 2004 Questionnaire to residents environment in the town with a view also highlighted the lack of car parking to identifying suitable locations for close to town. pedestrian crossings in the town centre. In the Town Appraisal 74% of residents felt that the island in front of There are no pedestrian crossings in the library should be made into a one­ Berkeley and this causes real way system and several respondents problems for the very young, elderly thought it already was. We feel this and infirm in crossing roads. would create a much safer environment for the proposed long­ A large percentage of respondents in stay car park, the library and the the Town Appraisal wanted pedestrian school. crossings and as Salter Street and Market Place are considered the most We also feel that some landscaping dangerous places to cross we believe should be done around the proposed they should be placed in both areas. short-stay car park to soften the This should also have the desired appearance of the area. effect of slowing traffic down.

From continued observation it is In the Town Appraisal 61% of obvious that the Marybrook Street car respondents said there should be a park - which is the one most shoppers crossing in Salter Street, 38% in wish to use - is full of vehicles Marybrook Street and 30% in belonging to people working in the Canonbury Street. town. If they were to park in the Library Car Park or persuaded to use other Stroud District Market Towns Study mode of transport, it would increase mentions there are no crossing the parking for shoppers. facilities and says "there is a strong desire line across Market Place, We also believe it would be helpful to although there are no crossing facilities move the bottle bank to the long-stay at that point". We would prefer that a car park and· change some of the crossing in Market Place should wait facilities in recognition of the fortnightly until after the re-development survey. green bin pick-up from homes in Berkeley. A cardboard collection point The Parish Profile states that the age would be extremely beneficial and the group 65 - 74 has increased by 13%

19 and the age group over 85 has timetabled mini-bus service was the increased by 70% from the. 1991 answer (respondents were able to tick census to the 2001 census. This more than one option). compares with district percentage change figures of -2% and +50% respectively, thus these groups who To commission a feasibility study need to take more time and care­ into the re-development of the crossing roads has increased above Market Place to create: the local average. e A useable more attractive Also the lack of crossings was one of market square the items highlighted in the mini-survey e A safer traffic flow system undertaken by Berkeley Primary • Improved pedestrian School. facilities e Disabled parking

To review existing public transport There are several reasons for this to facilities and their usage with a view be done, some of which overlap the to identifying gaps in services and work being undertaken by some of the possible solutions (including an other working groups. additional loop service to key facilities e.g. doctors). The main reasons are as follows:

According to the Berkeley Profile 18% o Speeding of residents don't own a car - this is o Danger spot higher than average in the Stroud o Lack of disabled parking District. 90% of respondents said local o Lorries parking on the island transport provision was inadequate. leaving cars turning right into We are currently conducting a survey Salter Street unsighted. at the local surgery to see if outlying villagers also have the same problem. If done sympathetically with the ambience of the Town the Square There are no regular timetabled could become a tourist attraction in its services locally. The Village Link own right and the car parking area service runs an on-demand bus could be safely cordoned off service throughout the area requiring occasionally for special functions to residents to request by telephone a take place e.g. a market, carol concert stop in the town but timings cannot be etc. guaranteed and if the journey is for a doctor/ hospital/opticians/dentists In the Town Appraisal 74% of appointment etc. the service is respondents thought speeding traffic perceived to be inadequate. through town was a problem and the majority of respondents who thought In the Town Appraisal 90% of there were danger spots in town cited respondents thought there was a need Salter Street/ Bank/ Town Hall area/ for more transport provision in the Canonbury Street. Canonbury Street area. Frequent service was given as and Market Place were in second the most important criteria and 57% place regarding parking problems. thought a timetabled public bus service was the answer, with 53% saying a

20 There is a lack of disabled parking bays in Berkeley and the only. viable The arrangements for deliveries in area would be in Market Place to allow the town need to be improved, some for the extra width needed for a possible solutions have been wheelchair. identified by the working group and are listed below. Vehicles undertake several dangerous manoeuvres in Market Place which a The town believes that Salter Street, revised layout would alleviate: and to a lesser degree, Market Place are dangerous when lorries double o U-turns round the island in the park to off-load for shops, especially in middle of the road rush hour. A possible solution would be to allocate space for a dedicated o Parking by lorries on the island unloading bay, which should help when making deliveries which alleviate the problem. obstructs the view of oncoming traffic for vehicles turning right In the Town Appraisal (TA) (Q36) 33% from Marybrook Street into (the highest percentage) of Salter Street, which is respondents who thought there was a extremely hazardous in rush parking problem put Salter Street as hour the main area of concern and 25% (the highest) thought it was a danger spot. o Having to overtake cars parked by the A TM machine when Several respondents in the T A unsighted by cars coming in specifically mention double parking of the opposite direction from lorries outside the shops for deliveries. Canonbury Street This is particularly dangerous during rush hour in the morning. A possible We also believe a revised layout would solution would be to have a dedicated have the desired effect of slowing unloading bay, which helps to alleviate traffic down along Canonbury Street the problem and also allow for general which has been raised as a concern in unloading throughout the day. the Town Appraisal, the Household, Survey, the 2004 Questionnaire and We acknowledge that this will the School Mini-Survey. decrease the number of parking spaces available in Salter Street but Lack of disabled facilities was also we hope the proposed feasibility study highlighted in Berkeley Primary into re-development of the Market School's mini-survey. Place will increase car parking spaces in that area.

Even if this does not happen the risks to safety with lorries double parking should be minimised.

There are a few other areas, which the community has highlighted as needing attention e.g.:

o Traffic calming measures

21 0 Increased availability of public transport 0 Ring and ride/car sharing/taxis • On demand transport service to other towns/cities • Promoting local journeys to the town other than the use of private cars

These areas will also be considered in due course.


Our aim: 4. Development of the Library (to become a hub for Learn Direct/Job To expand and develop learning projects Centre Plus etc.) which respond directly to local needs, especially to support: 5. To build on the good practice of Testbed Learning Community & • Lifelong learning GL 11 with a view to application in • The acquisition of new skills the Berkeley area • Capturing learning potential • Creating work opportunities There are three events that will have an through targeted training, impact on the education, training and particularly in response to closure employment opportunities for Berkeley: of BNFL and the development of Sharpness Docks. • The closure of the sixth form college The organisations involved in this part • The downsizing of British Nuclear of the plan are: Group • The regeneration of Sharpness Representatives from: Docks

Stroud District Council Berkeley has a population of just 1865, Stroud College (Dursley Education with currently 240 students at the Vale of Centre) Berkeley College, 30 of whom attend the Next Steps (Gioucestershire lAG) sixth form. Library Services Vale Vision In March 2003 the County Council British Nuclear Group Cabinet agreed to undertake a substantial Evangelical Church review of secondary and sixth form Youth Forum schools in the Gloucester area. A working Berkeley Town Council group was set up to look at the current provision and this was followed by a Our top 5 Priorities (in no particular period of extensive consultation within the order): Gloucester area.

1. Promoting lifelong learning In July 2004, at the final stage, the (includes a variety of projects County Council's education review found including taster session, that there was significant evidence that designated learning festivals etc) the provision of sixth form education at the vale of Berkeley was not meeting the 2. Contingency planning in response needs of young people. to the closure of Berkeley Sixth Form College

3. Careers Service (career mapping/psychometric testing/CV Clinics)

23 and maintained to offer solutions to the situation.

Aidan Farrell, the current head of the Vale of Berkeley College has identified how the needs of the sixth formers can be addressed. He explained that sixth formers could be accommodated in Berkeley by bringing teaching . staff in from other sixth forms to deliver their lessons. Where necessary pupils might attend some classes at other nearby locations. Through membership of Gloucestershire's Association of Jo Davidson, Director of Education, said: Secondary Heads (GASH) provision for Berkeley can be met by working in We are pleased that the School partnership, and this will be an ongoing Organisation Committee has agreed with arrangement to assist the pupils. our proposals. We cari now cc:mtinue the process of focussing our efforts on During the discussion groups for the improving the scope and quality of post- Berkeley plan it was agreed that no 16 education in the and limitations regarding the scope and Stroud areas. Vale of Berkeley College choice in education should affect young and Kingsmead will continue to be closely people. The careers advice on offer involved in this development work. Our should present the widest range of plans have been vindicated as being in options and training opportunities the best interests of young people and I regardless of any perceived limitations hope that we can work with the schools that might arise through living in Berkeley. and other local education providers to Solutions should be sought for any raise standards and increase learning transport issues to attend training and work-based opportunities. sessions and further education. The last intake into the sixth forms will be in September 2005, so young people The downsizing of British Nuclear Group already in the sixth form will be able to means that a readily available source of complete their courses. employment will cease, but a programme of career workshops and training The Jack of a local sixth form college will schemes to introduce new opportunities impact on the continuation of education can counteract this. The following areas as pupils have expressed they will be offer scope for new economic ventures: reluctant to travel elsewhere to study. number of pupils attending the sixth form • Food and Tourism must be limited. Local transport is " Sport and recreational activities reported to be inconvenient to this user o Service sector group therefore they would not be encouraged to other centres. The • JCT contingency planning for this event must • Construction skills be promptly undertaken to minimise the e Art, craft and design negative effects of loosing the facility, this may be addressed by looking at transport A wave of new funding streams can be issues or by providing the education at made available if a strategic approach another location in the town. It is vital that creates suitable projects communication with pupils is established

24 Advice on self- employment and staring your own business should be made available with signposting to specialist knowledge when required. A needs assessment should be targeted across the community to offer a broad range of assistance. Taster sessions offer individuals the opportunity to try new learning experiences to help then discover their full potential. In this way, new opportunities to the area, such as the Sharpness Docks redevelopment will bring economic advantages to the area that the community can draw upon.

Lifelong learning has become readily available through Gloucestershire by a range of initiatives. Adults are becoming aware that during their working lives they may retrain and acquire new skills on a number of occasions as the economy and their interests demand. This can be very liberating and enjoyable, perhaps bringing parents and children into education at the same time. For Berkeley, the library can become a hub for offering assistance and guidance to the training and education on offer. Periodic displays and presentations, open days and events must be planned to introduce the various courses available in and around the wider area, together with comprehensive career workshops. Funding should be sought for this purpose and to avoid confusion between the various schemes and training initiatives.


AIM have attempted to source funding with difficulty. Externally Crime and Disorder • Provide a Youth Service and to have come up with £1000.00, which we develop Facilities and Activities are very grateful for and Berkeley Town for all age groups within the Council having budgeted £2000 for youth Community. By doing so development, which leaves a short fall of encouraging greater integration £6,500. To this end Council reluctantly and understanding of people's agreed to underwrite this if we were values and roles within the unable to obtain this elsewhere; it does greater Berkeley Area. however severely limit their ability to fulfil • To enhance and maintain a other obligations in their budget. clean, healthy, safe and hopefully crime free area. To assist in this main aim, plans have e Address anti-social behaviour been approved for an extension to the and other issues as encountered, pavilion at the Canon Park Recreational thus ensuring people feel more Ground. This is to include a relatively secure in their environment. small-dedicated youth room together with a recreational area including short mat MEMBERSHIP: bowls, additional toilets including disabled facilities. This enlarged area will enable This Group was set up involving the Youth Project to have an area of their Members of Berkeley Town Council, The own, use the other activities etc. on the Community Trust, British Nuclear Group days they operate and give the greater members of the public from time to time, Berkeley community of all ages and Stroud District Council and Countryside various groups well overdue and needed Agency. We met five times and whilst not additional benefits. It is also expected everyone attended all meetings full and that a hard surface multi - sport play area meaningful discussions took place and will be installed to increase useful our aims were formulated. Our thanks go exercise of mind and limb and involve to all involved and our conclusions were team participation, to this end time based on many consultations i.e. 2002 switched flood lighting is under Town Appraisal, Youth The Way consideration. Forward, from the Berkeley Vale Youth Project observations and of course the A focus group is being set up to urgently current Town Plan findings. report on the provision of a small skate board area to accommodate our younger TOP FIVE PRIORITIES: group from say 6/11 years of age. This would enable them to hone their skills Out of the consultations we came to the and expend surplus energies in a conclusion that there were priorities and dedicated and far safer environment, desirables and these are addressed rather than on the pavements and hereunder: highways where they are not only a danger to themselves but also the older The most pressin·g was that having had a generation and other road users. youth services presence during the last · 15 months up to this financial year - It is also proposed to make further 2005/6, that we maintained this with the improvements to the Town Hall enhance retention of both a Youth Leader and its usage to a far greater spectrum of assistant albeit on a part time basis. We users. Envisaged are daytime

26 productions, probable cinema club and only area for the small limited skate tea dances along with a host of other facility previously discussed within the ideas. To this end we must address the document and will be looked at by the following: working group. It may become necessary to install secure fencing around a skate G black out curtains area or indeed to overcome already • stage lighting and curtains highlighted problems for it to embrace the e a surround sound and P.A. whole perimeter, making locking up system feasible and limiting usage to daylight 0 more comfortable seating. hours.

The last main priority, but not least, is that It has been suggested by the old play of community safety and environmental area support group that balance of matters. To this end we must address monies now held by Berkeley Town anti-social behaviour amongst the Council should be employed in providing younger element but also other factors a weather resistant pathway from the such as drug and alcohol related gate to the 'Toddler' area of the park. This disturbances, dog fouling and other is ongoing and further discussions will matters that will inevitably happen from take place as to its feasibility and time to time. It is expected to address the involvement of volunteer 'manpower' in Town Hall bench problems and to install order to carry out installation, which is CCTV overlooking the square and Salter imperative if no other funds are available Street, helping to address the unruly and for it to be laid by professionals. It is sometimes abusive and mindless also considered necessary to install a activities of the minority. boundary fence on the north aspect adjoining the properties backing on to the There are many other relatively minor play area. issues that must be addressed in this period that can only be described as Also under discussion is the possible 'catch up'. provision of small BMX style cycle track, this could be of soil construction or with We have to improve the play area in the introduction of commercial ramps etc. Canon Park, complete the safety fencing made from re-constituted materials to to the perimeter along with the access which grants may be available from and the resurfacing of an enlarged funding sources. parking area. There are many issues affecting the area but we have endeavoured to only embrace those within our brief. It must be said however that changes taking place at the Nuclear Sports and Social club may well develop and put different challenges for the Greater Berkeley Area. Other aspect of this document will address other pressing issues concerning parking, roads, education, libraries, tourism and chamber of trade to mention only a few.

In conclusion may we say that with such The Park View play area is still a diverse and complex programme would considered to be the best and probably you all please take on board the

27 excitement of a better future? If you feel you can add a new dimension to what is envisaged, irrespective of age or expertise please, come forward and help us mould the Berkeley Youth, Leisure & Community Safety vision what is to come for all our benefits.

The Youth in our community may well be our ultimate future but the past has a lot of lessons that can be adapted for the FUTURE.

28 parishioners have to rely on their own THE PARISHES form of transport or other means.

Working Together There has been an issue with the The rural areas that surround Berkeley Housing Development that is being are important to the overall regeneration proposed for Berkeley, the neighbouring of the area. As part of developing our parishes feel there has been a lack of Community Plan, the parishes of consultation for them to become involved. Alkington, Hamfallow, Ham & Stone and Hinton, which historically looked to Hinton and Alkington have already Berkeley for shops and services, were undertaken a Housing Needs survey, asked to comment on our ideas so far which identified a number of resident with and to add their own thoughts about the urgent need for Affordable Housing. regeneration of the area. They were asked to tell us what projects they were The Hinterland Parishes Councils have themselves developing. Some parishes identified a need to work together with were working with their communities but Berkeley Town Council to endorse the not ready to submit plans, so these will Community Plan and to work in unison. be reviewed a later stage and mutual Alkington, Hamfallow, Ham & Stone, actions agreed. Hinton and Berkeley are holding joint meetings to arrange actions on mutual This section will cover the concerns that concerns. were raised through the 'stakeholders' event held in October 2004, and at a The surrounding parishes have facilities meeting that Gloucestershire Rural that enhance those of Berkeley and they Community Council (GRCC), Stroud will be consulted to optimise there for the District Council (SDC) with the Parishes. benefit of all concerned. These event and meetings enabled the hinterlands to have input into those The attached table covers all the projects that were highlighted throughout concerns and comments that were the consultation and priority process. highlighted with the meeting with GRCC, SDC and the parishes, where the entire joint projects and linkages could be documented enabling Berkeley and the Parishes to work together.

Some of the issue from the parishes such as the lack of transport for the outlying villages and the very sparse bus service on the main road, the A38 were highlighted earlier in the Transport & Accessibility' projects. Most of the


Theme: Business & Tourism Project Description Detail/ project stages Now Soon later Estimated Partners 2005/06 2006/07 2007+ Cost area.

44 Theme: TRANSPORT+ ACCESSIBILITY WORKING GROUP Project Now Soon Later Estimate Name/brief Detail/project stages 2005/06 2006/07 2007+ d Cost Partners description To review the existing car Car Parking parking arrangements Stroud District Council (Jill Fallows?) with a view to creating: r/ 0 designated short + Gloucestershire County Council (John long stay car parking Lindsay) in existing public car parks r/ 0 a more user friendly layout for on-street parking 0 safer access to and from car parking areas 0 move + provide more relevant recycling bins 0 promote walking into town via leaflets and possible event

To commission a Re-design feasibility study into the r/ Gloi.Jcestershire County Council - County Market Place redevelopment of the Highways and Transport Agents Market Place to create: Basil Booth (County Councillor) 0 a useable more r/ attractive Market Square 0 a safer traffic flow

45 Theme: TRANSPORT+ ACCESSIBILITY WORKING GROUP Project Now Soon Later Estimate Name/brief Detail/project stages 2005/06 2006/07 2007+ d Cost Partners description system 0 improved pedestrian facilities 0 disabled parking

Pedestrian To review the pedestrian Crossing in facilities in the town with a Gloucestershire County Council Salter Street view to identifying suitable r/ locations for pedestrian crossings in the town centre

To create better Gloucestershire County Council Create arrangements for r/ unloading bay deliveries in the town by in Salter Street identifying suitable locations for the introduction of an official 'unloading bay'

Public To review existing public Stroud District Council/Local Bus Company Transport to transport facilities and Berkeley their usage with a view to r/ identifying gaps in services and possible solutions (including an additional loop service to £5 Marybrook Medical Centre key facilities e.g. doctors) r/ 0 Survey tarr:~eted at

46 Theme: TRANSPORT+ ACCESSIBILITY WORKING GROUP Project Now Soon Later Estimate Name/brief Detail/project stages 2005/06 2006/07 2007+ d Cost Partners description patients to Marybrook Surgery and the Hospital regarding ease of reaching surgery

0 Ring+ Ride Promote car sharing r/ Berkeley Town Council Service scheme

Promote taxi facilities r/ Berkeley Town Council

Update public transport r/ Berkeley Town Council/Transport Providers timetable + ensure good publicity

On demand A return service to Bath r/ Berkeley Town Council/Transport Providers service to other and Cheltenham once a towns/cities month, seat to be booked in advance

Innovative Various traffic calming r/ Berkeley Town Councii/Gioucestershire Improvements measures County Council Encourage innovative r/ Berkeley Town Council ways to access services - e.g.internet shopping

Maintain pavements + Berkeley Town Councii/Gioucestershire introduce drop kerbs in r/ County Council

town centre --

47 Theme: TRANSPORT+ ACCESSIBILITY WORKING GROUP Project Now Soon Later Estimate Name/brief Detail/project stages 2005/06 2006/07 2007+ d Cost Partners description

'~ . -


Project Description Detail/ project stages Now Soon Later Estimated Partners 2005/06 2006/07 2007 + Cost

PROMOTE ADULT • Decode structure 0 0 • Stroud College LEARNING v z z Cost will be • Use altemate marketing such Gl Cl • Stroud Disllict Council v 0 as GLll >-; 0 quantified 8 Leaming & Skills Council Promote existing courses z z per project e GLll • v Gl Cl • Next Steps will run courses responding to Testbed Leaming demand • if v 0 PRJME Council provides a venue for and Next Steps participation " redundancy reskilling 0 Learn Direct sessiOns 0 Encourage consll·uction skills training to take advantage of Work at Sharpness Docks CONTINGENCY • Discussions already in place v 0 0 e Vale of Berkeley College PLANNING fi·om the West Stroud z z Costs Cl Cl • Stroud College IN RESPONSE TO Partnership 0 0 associated • Gloucester County THE • Links to be made with z z with Council v Cl Cl CLOSURE OF THE education providers Promotion of • Leaming & Skills Council SIXTH FORM education and • Consideration of associated v 0 Universities COLLEGE factors involved such as the additional e Connextions transport factors • Next Steps " LeamDirect • Allied agencies



Project Description Detail/ project stages Now Soon Later Estimated Partners 2005/06 2006/07 2007 + Cost

CAREER e Review job opportunities 0 e Job Centre Plus ,/ DEVELOPMENT available in the area z ~ Different 0 Cl Cl Next Steps SERVICE e Respond to the impending 0 0 approaches G Businesslink closure ofBNFL z will attract e Stroud College zCl Cl e Identify and work with specific e ACET training funding existing providers e.g. G PRIME ACET " Allied agencies • Ask Businesslink to do courses on self-employment & Next Steps training for work DEVELOPMENT OF Maximising the facility by: 0 " LEA THE LIBRARY Providing Internet access ~ z Principle • Cl Cl e Developing a Hub of ,/ 0 0 funding from information and learning z z the LEA but Cl Cl • Holding after school events additional • Activity programmes fundraising possible G Promoting the Arts 0 0 BUILDING ON THE Develop training courses in ,/ z z Drawing upon G Testbed Learning • Cl G) WORK OF THE response to local needs 0 .....0 funding routes " GLll TESTBED building on the good practice z previously z G) • Other possible liuks LEARNING of other areas. Cl successful COMMUNITY& GLll

50 Theme: Youth, Leisure & Community Safety Project Description Detail/ project stages Now Soon Later Estimated Partners 2005106 2006/07 2007+ Cost Skate Park/3-4 pieces of Create Focus Group r/ equipment and small Secure location of site r/ surface area. Consultation Create action Plan & way r/ r/ r/ £35,000 Same Partners + major forward funding Sport /Crime Site/design-Manufacture & Disorder grant net/1 06 build/sign/ access & ongoing contribution maintenance. Town Hall Improvements Create greater and Broader use/ Funders-Arts Councii-ESME maximum comfort Fairburn-SW Arts-Gios Cinema Club (contact Space in Dance-Berkeley Players Stroud) Lighting/Sound/seating Blackout and Stage curtains r/ r/ £15/20,000 Piano-Organ or keyboard r/ Donated Community Safety- Dog Fouling Dog Warden Enhance Education Campaign Flyer/Crier/Press and house to house r/ £1,000 Anti Social Behaviour/ Phil Sullivan Community Establish CCTV in Town Centre r/ r/ £6,000 Safety SOC Paul Helbrow-CSO SOC CS Warden/Colin Peake- ASBO SDC/PCSO's/Crime & Disorder for fundinQ Retain & Extend Youth Consider Joint Funding r/ BTC-SDC-Community Safety Worker/Assistant Application for 3 year bid r/ £30,000 Greenspaces-BCT- Gloucester CC ------~--

51 Theme: Youth, Leisure & Community Safety Project Description Detail/ project stages Now Soon Later Estimated Partners 2005106 2006107 2007+ Cost BVYP-Youth Services & Youth Forum Extend Pavilion Approval of Plans (Ext) ,/ BTC-SDC-Community Safety (including dedcated Apply for Planning (MUGA) ,/ G reenspaces-BCT- Youth Room) and create Combined Capital Funding Bid £145,000 Gloucester CC ,/ Multi Use Games area Design Capital Business Plan BVYP-Youth Services & ,/ outside (MUGA) Further Consultations Youth Forum Benchmark with other projects Additional Projects Canon Park Recreation Completion of soft fencing on Canon Park recreation area Path at Park View suitable for wheelchairs Additional car parking between Canon Park and multi-surface play area Expand facilities for the Afternoon teas retired/semi retired Drop in centre Luncheon club Indoor bowling Whist Introduction of youth shelter (controlled lighting} Swimming Pool Project Covered primary school pool Use as a community pool Maintain and repair footpaths

52 Theme: Youth, Leisure & Community Safety Project Description Detail/ project stages Now Soon Later Estimated Partners 2005/06 2006/07 2007+ Cost Library More accessible openinQ hours Power Station Ensure involvement of the edevelopment surrounding parishes


Suggestion Location Project/action Who? & What help needed Time Priority Responsibility (people & training) scale rating Business & Tourism

Cattle Country Joint ticket with the other tourist attractions

Tourism leaflet and Tourist Guide Hidden Britain? Accommodation Transport & Accessibility

Road systems Joint

Transport There is no transport for the outlying villages and a very sparse bus service on the main road (A38). Parking Berkeley More parking to encourage shoppers to come to Berkeley. Will be exacerbated by the extra housinq development. Road from roundabout Berkeley Improve access to Joint PC/TC to A38 docks Action Group Youth Transport Problem is no Berkeley to Stroud, Berkeley to Cambridge, "one" focus point then Stroud The Vale of Berkeley has a mini-bus, which could be used to help with the youth travel. No transport to College Limited service to Stroud Colleqe. Transport to work and Going to be A need not only for predictable regular service education exacerbated by but also convenient timings

54 Suggestion Location Project/action Who? & What help needed Time Priority Responsibility (people & training) scale rating the closure of the 1 6 h Form College Employment & Education

Contact with the No contact with A need to involve all the parishes and have an parishes. the parishes Re input from the Berkeley of Vale College Berkeley College Youth, Leisure & Community Safety Nuclear Sports Centre Lighting/Access BNFL/Task Force/Site Stake Holder Group Access/Transport

School Facilities Governors

Swimming Pools at Berkeley Primary Lifeguards Swimming pools need renovating Primary School Sharpness Lifeguards need Primary Skateboard Park, lack of Sharpness/Hinton Joint venture for a co-operation with BTC skateboard park Library not open on days Survey to all Encourage more use of the library by opening when pensioners are areas re: - the hours when the community would used the able to go hours and use of library the most the library. Internet Community Newsletter Possible as an annual newsletter for all the surrounding areas and Berkeley, someone independent to compile

55 Suggestion Location Project/action Who? & What help needed Time Priority Responsibility (people & training) scale rating Other issues

The 300 proposed Total Lack of consultation Housing Development Burial Board Greater involvement of all the Parishes Affordable Housing This is a concern for all the surrounding parishes


(1) (2)

(3) (4)

(5) (6)