Musical Instruments in Western European Art

An Iconographical Guide

The Frame Drum -- 16th century

Status of August 2007

PLEASE DO NOT SEND ADDITIONAL ENTRIES. The entries published here are only the ones for which I have somewhat respectable bibliographic entries at this time. I have much more information for these and for additional entries which will be added as I get around to it. I didn't set out to compile a bibliography -- or, more properly, an iconography. This list is just what happens to be lying about the house. It is very much a work in progress, but if I waited until everything was perfect, it would never appear.

However, I would appreciate corrections -- wrong page references, for example. Send corrections to

Mary Rasmussen Music Department University of New Hampshire Durham NH 03824 (USA)

I am singularly error-prone, alas, and I am sure that there are numerous mistakes in this list. I am quit capable of looking at page 257 and writing down 277, and I seem to have difficulty telling right from left. Sorry.

The purpose of this iconography is to answer the question "Where can I find an illustration of ...?" I have included only works of art for which there is a published reproduction (plus some that are in the Visual Collection, Fine Arts Library, Harvard University and a few in the Bild-Archiv Photo Marburg).

Many thanks to Isabel Gray and the UHN Music Department for putting this index on their web page.



XIII: Scenes of Everyday Life—Outdoor


Garden Parties: [Gheraerts Pa] Gheraerts, Marcus, the Elder (1516/21-a.1604), attr. Queen Elizabeth and her Court at Kenilworth Castle. private collection. Includes figures under a portico singing and playing bass , and . Elsewhere, a lute player serenades picknickers. Commedia dell’arte players brandish a viola da braccio and beat a frame drum. (T. F. Heck et al. Picturing Performance ... Rochester NY 1999. p. 73 [useless reproduction], as ca.1560, perhaps by Lucas van Valckenborch [ca.1530/35-1597] or one of his circle, representing a scene from one of the Hapsburg courts; Burlington 76 [1940] 70 [poor reproduction], 73 [detail of the comedians] as 1575, attr. Gheraerts)

XV: Miscellaneous Figures

Animals: See also Miscellaneous Figures, Military Musicians.

[BI London 1556] Anon. Military Review, from John Heywood, The Spider and the FUe: a Parable of the Spider and the Flie. London, Thomas Powell, 1556. woodcut. The spiders hold a military review, accompanied by spiders playing flute and frame drum. (MGG VI, cols. 371-72)

Comedians: See Scenes of Everyday Life—Outdoor, Garden Parties.

Demons/Devils: [Wsc London Westminster Abbey] Anon., 16th century. Demon Drummer. London, Westminster Abbey, Chapel of Henry VII, misericord. wood sculpture. He plays a frame drum (rather deep, snare on top). His arm and drumstick are broken off (damaged during the Reformation). (M. Remnant. Musical Instruments of the West. London 1978. p. 167)

Military Musicians: [Ms Oxford BL Bodley Rolls 19] British, ca.1539. Initial T, from a Survey made in 1539 of the property of Glastonbury Abbey in the form of a certificate from Richard Pollardt and Thomas Moyle. Oxford BL, Ms Bodley Rolls 19. manuscript drawing. Includes liveried figures playing flute and drum. Also an owl playing a and a monkey playing a drum. (O. Pächt and J. J. G. Alexander. Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts, III. Oxford 1973. cat. no. 1185, pl. CX)


I: Old Testament


Other: [Mander Pa] Mander, Karel van (1547-1606). The Reconciliation of Jacob and Esau. New York art market (2002). Includes a drummer with a troop of lancers, beside a standard bearer, back view, going down a hill. (Burlington 144 [2002] March ad p. [viii] [small reproduction])

II: New Testament

Other: See also Saints, Other.

IV: Saints

Other: [Mander-Gheyn Pr] Jacob de Gheyn (1565-1629) after Karen van Mander (1547-1606). The Conversion of St. Paul. engraving. Includes a military drummer with a drum on his back. (Hollstein [Dutch] VII, number and page not recorded)

VII: Allegory

Heaven/Hell: [Swart van Groningen Dr] Swart van Groningen, Jan (ca.1500-p.1553). The Highway to Hell. Berlin KsK. drawing. The procession is led by players of flute and drum. (Marburg 230 604)

XIII: Scenes of Everyday Life—Outdoor

Battles: [CI Geertruidenberg 1573] Anon. The Siege of Geertruidenberg, 1573/”Vnzuchttiger Hispanigsch Art ...” engraving. Includes two drummers. (C. H. Peters. De nederlandsche Stedenbouw. De Stad als Veste ... Leiden n.d . [Oud- Nederlandsche Steden (1)] p. 123)

XV: Miscellaneous Figures

Demons/Devils: [Coornhert Pr] Coornhert, Dirck Volckertsz (1522-1590). „Le diable est dechaine/Der grossen Teuffel ist ausgelassen“ (1569). etching. An allegory protesting the Hugenot persecution in France and the arrest and execution of Louis I, Prince of Condé. A devil plays a frame drum. unimp. (Die Weltkunst 52 [1982] 1920. The print has the later added date of 1590.)

Military Musicians: [Claesz Pr] Claesz, Allaert (1508-ca.1555). Standard Bearer, 4

Drummer and Flutist. engraving. (Hollstein [Dutch] IV, p. 149 [poor reproduction])

[Mander- van Breen Pr] Gillis van Breen (op. ca.1595-ca.1622) after (1547-1606). Soldier and Camp Follower. engraving. There is a drummer in the background. (de Jongh-Luijten Mirror. p. 146 [ok reproduction], with partial English translation of the caption)


I: Old Testament

David Dancing before the Ark: [Vos-J Wierix Pr] Johann Wierix (ca.1540-ca.1618) after Maarten de Vos (1531/32-1603). David Dancing before the Ark. engraving. Includes a woman playing a tiny frame drum. (Hollstein [Dutch] XLV, no. 197, p. 90 [small reproduction])

Miriam/Crossing the Red Sea: [Vos-Collaert Pr] Johannes (Johannes Baptista) Collaert I (1566-1628) after Maarten de Vos (1531/32-1603). “Maria”/Miriam. from Icones Illustrium feminarum veteris testamenti. engraving. Miriam plays a frame drum, held by a strap over her forearm and beaten with one stick. (Hollstein [Dutch] XLV, no. 229, as by 1603)

II: New Testament

Last Judgement: [Mandyn Pa] Mandyn, Jan (ca.1500-ca.1560). Last Judgement. London art market (1960). It has numerous musical references, including a frame drum played with a spoon. (Connoisseur 145 [1960] 78 [color reproduction])

Parables—Prodigal Son: [Master of the Prodigal Son Pa] Master of the Prodigal Son (op. ca. 1530-1560). The Parable of the Prodigal Son. Vienna KH. Includes two rather tattered figures playing flute (a flute case at his back) and deep drum, and a crippled beggar with a lute on his back. (K. Renger. Lockere Gesellschaft ... Berlin 1970. Abb. 6, as ca. 1550; Oud-Holland 84 [1969] 71; G. Marlier. “L’Atelier du Maître du Fils Prodigue.” in KMSK Jaarboek 1961, pp. 75-112, this reproduced p. 76, as Antwerp artist, op. mid-16th century; Vis. Coll. 374.1.C596.25P, as by Hendrik III van Cleve)


[Wsc Amsterdam RM] Flemish (Antwerp), ca. 1550. The Prodigal Son among the Whores. Amsterdam RM. wood sculpture. Includes an itinerant musician (with a bear) playing a shallow frame drum, held above his shoulder and beaten with two sticks (not easy). (E. Vetter. Der verlorene Sohn. Düsseldorf 1955. pl. 18; 1973 sculpture catalog, no. 163, p. 145, as by the Master of the Prodigal Son)

IV: Saints

St. John the Baptist: [Bol Dr] Bol, Hans (1534-1593). John the Baptist Preaching (1589). Paris Louvre. gouache. Includes a soldier with a frame drum on his back. (R. Bacon. Great Drawings of the Louvre, III: The German, Flemish and Dutch Drawings. New York 1968. no. 71 [fine reproduction])

Other: [Bruegel Dr] Bruegel, Pieter I (ca.1525/30-1569). St. James Major and the Magician Hermogenes (1564). Amsterdam RM. drawing. Includes two trumpeters (insects swarming at the bells) and a fool playing a large frame drum. (Castelli Demoniaco. pl. 139; H. Mielke. Pieter Bruegel. Die Zeichnungen. n.p. 1996. no. 61, p. 185 [ok reproduction]; Vis. Coll. 374.1d.B833.4Ma)

[Mandyn Pa] Mandyn, Jan (ca.1500-ca.1560). St. Christopher. Lugano art market (1971). There are unplayed lute and drum and a grotesque blowing a straight trumpet. (Burlington 113 [1971] February ad p. lxi)

V: Mythology

Mars: [Coignet Pa] Coignet (Congnet), Gillis (1535-1599). Mars and Venus (1590). location unknown. Mars sits on a huge frame drum. There is also a virginal. (van Dijck-Koopman no. 30; Mirimonde Astrologie. pl. 82; Gazette des Beaux-Arts 68 [1966] 271)

VI: Literary and Historical Subject/Figures

[A Francken I Pa] Francken, Ambrosius I (1544-1618). The Wives of Weinberg (1600). Weinberg, Weibertreu-Museum. Includes a military figure with a frame drum on his back. (Härting Francken. p. 19 [small reproduction])


VII: Allegory

Ages of Man (Childhood): See also Allegory, Senses (Hearing).

Months/Zodiac (January/Aquarius): [Bol-Collaert Pr] Adriaen Collaert (ca.1560- 1618) after Hans Bol (1534-1593). January/Aquarius, from a Twelve Months series. engraving (tondo). Includes a little Twelfth-Night procession in the Market Place in front of the Grote Kerk, Bergen op Zoom, led by figures playing flute and drum. (S. Beck and E. Roth. Music in Prints. New York 1965. no. 20; Hirth no. 1145; Muziek & Grafiek, no. 85, p. 129; exh Amsterdam, Historisch Museum, 1977: Opkomst en bloi. cat. no. 4 [small reproduction]) The drawing (1580) for this is in a private collection. (exh Amsterdam, Historisch Museum, 1977: Opkomst en bloi. cat. no. 3, as De Grote Markt te Bergen op Zoom)

Planets (Mars): [Vos-J I Sadeler Pr] Johannes I Sadeler (1550-1600) after Maarten de Vos (1532-1603). Mars, from a Seven Planets series. engraving. Mars has his legs around a frame drum; and there is a drum on the ground in the foreground, below, among the martial Children of Mars. (Hollstein [Dutch] XLVI, no. 1387, p. 196; IB vol. 70/3, no. 7001.479, p. 75)

[Vos-J I Sadeler Pr] Johannes I Sadeler (1550-1600) after Maarten de Vos (1532- 1603). Title-page of Planetarum Effectus et Eorum in Signis Zodiaci. engraving. Includes a (partly visible) trumpet and a (partly visible) frame drum (and drumsticks) (reference to Mars?). unimp. (IB vol. 70/3, no. 7001.476, p. 68 [Antwerp 1585], no. 7001.476C1, p. 69)

Planets (Mercury): [A de Bruyn Pr] Bruyn, Abraham de (1538/39-1587?). Mercurius/Mercury (1569). engraving. Among the artifacts of Mercury are a tenor viol, a , a lute, a straight trumpet (?) and a frame drum. (Mirimonde Astrologie. pl. 8)

Seasons (Winter): [Bol Pa] Bol, Hans (1534-1593). Winter, from a Four Seasons series (1586). Munich Residenz. painted miniature. Includes a procession, with figures playing flute and drum. These figures are adapted from his drawing for January (see above). (exh Washington, etc., 1986-87: The Age of Bruegel ... p. 74 [small reproduction, not exhibited]) There is a similar painting (1594) by Frans Boels (b. ca.1550-1594) (Stockholm NM). (Lesure [German] no. 55, [English] pl. 48)

Senses (Hearing): See also Allegory, Times of Day (Night).


[Pa Dessau] Flemish (Antwerp), first half, 17th century. Hearing, from a Five Senses series. Dessau, Anhaltische Gemäldegalerie. The personification (contrapposto, “St. Cecilia” pose), plays (?) a lute. Unplayed: viola da braccio, pommer, trumpet, frame drum, open music book. (B. Werche, ed. Anhaltische Gemäldegalerie Dessau. Die altniederländischen und flämischen Gemälde des 16. bis 18. Jahrhunderts. Kritischer Bestandskatalog, Bd. 2. Weimar 2001. vol. II, no. 548, p. 20.)

[Floris-Cort Pr] Cornelis Cort (ca. 1530-1578) after Frans Floris (1519/20-1570). Auditvs sersorivm exterivs est avris et crassvs qvidam ... /Hearing, from a Five Senses series. engraving (pub. ). The personification (“Avditvs”) tunes a lute. There are music books and a large number of unplayed musical instruments: positive organ, violin, cello (fretted, with bow), bagpipe, case of , recorder, reed cornett, cornett, trumpet and large frame drum. (IB vol. 52, no. 232, p. 266 [ok reproduction]; J. A. Riggs. Hieronymus Cock ... Printmaker and Publisher in Antwerp. Ann Arbor 1976. no. 83, p. 331; C. van de Velde. Frans Floris ... Brussels 1975. cat. P136, Afb. 289; exh Cremona, 1996-97: Immagini del sentire. S. Ferino-Pagden, ed. n. p. 1996. no. III.8, p. 110, as 1561; Muziek & Grafiek. no. 8, p. 59 [ok reproduction]; exh Braunschweig HAUM, 1978: Die Sprache der Bilder. cat. no. 10b, p. 68)

[A Francken Pr] Francken (Vrancx), Ambrosius (1544-1618). “Afbeelding van de vyf sinnen”/The Five Senses. engraving. Five children with five animals. One of the children has a frame drum (an attribute of Childhood as well as Hearing). He is paired with a stag. There is also a clapper bell. (Hollstein [Dutch] VII, no. 2, p. 7)

Times of Day (Noon): See also Allegory, Triumph/Victory.

Times of Day (Night): [M de Vos-A Collaert Pr] Adriaen Collaert (ca.1560-1618) after Maarten de Vos (1532-1603). “Nox”/Night from a Times of Day/Ages of Man series. engraving. Figures accompanying a torchlight procession (carnival) play flute and frame drum. There are also Winter (Four Seasons) aspects. (Hollstein [Dutch] XLVI, no. 1457, p. 221; S. Shesgreen. Hogarth and the Times-of-the-Day Tradition. Ithaca NY, p. 31 [ok reproduction], as ca.1562, with English translation of the text)

Triumph/Victory: [A Francken-Wierix Pr] Wierix, Jan () or Jerome (ca.1553-1619) after Ambrosius Francken (1544-1618) (attr.). A Triumph (of Noon). engraving. Temeritas brandishes a lute and a . There is a small frame drum underfoot. A child dances to a jingle ring and a woman plays a flute. The horse of Temeritas has a collar of pellet bells. (Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte 38 [1975] 48 [small])

[Stradanus-Galle Pr] Philips Galle (1537-1612) after Johannes Stradanus (Jan van der 8

Straet) (1523-1605). Title-page of Medicæae familiae … victoriae et triumphi (1583). engraving. The left border includes a frame drum (with sticks). The right, a trumpet with a banner. unimp. (IB vol. 56, no. 5601.102.1, p. 384)

Vanitas: [Coignet Pa] Coignet (Congnet), Gillis (1542-1599). Vanitas. Paris Louvre. Includes a cavalier holding a pearl, with a cittern under his arm, and an unplayed lute and a large frame drum. (Gazette des Beaux-Arts 92 [1978] 122)

[M de Vos Dr] Vos, Maarten de (1532-1603). Vanitas. Budapest SM. drawing. Depicts numerous musical instruments, including a frame drum. With symbols of the Five Senses. (1971 catalog of Netherlands drawings, no. 313, p. 325)

Vice/Virtue: [P I Bruegel Pa] Bruegel, Pieter I (ca.1525/30-1569). The Contest between Carnival and Lent. Vienna KH. Includes various figures playing guitar, bagpipe, grate and knife, breadboard and knife “fiddle,” and rommel pot, plus a flute and drum pair. (K. Ertz. Pieter Brueghel der Jüngere ... Die Gemälde ... Lingen 1998/2000. p. 222 [small reproduction]; Raupp Bauernsatiren. p. 97; A. Stix. Meisterwerke aus Oesterreich. Zürich 1949. no. 71; C. de Tolnay. Pierre Bruegel l’ancien. Brussels 1935. cat. no. 5, pll. XII [ok reproduction], XIII [detail with bagpipe, flute, drum, breadboard], XIV [detail with guitar, breadboard, rommel pot]; exh Essen/Vienna 1997/98: Breughel-Brueghel. p. 337 [small reproduction, not exhibited]; Vis. Coll. 374.1.B833.4C)

Copy by Pieter II Breughel (1564-1638): Brussels MRBA. (Gazette des Beaux- Arts 135 [March 2000] La chronique des arts no. 1574, p.33 [small, useless reproduction])

Copies by Pieter II Breughel: See K. Ertz. Pieter Brueghel der Jüngere … Die Gemälde … Lingen 1998/2000. cat. nos. 184-186.

[Cleve Pa] Cleve, Marten van (1527-1581). Flemish House-Keeping. Vienna KH. Includes figures just inside the door playing a flute and holding a frame drum. (Die Sekundärgalerie des Kunsthistorischen Museums, I. Vienna 1968. no. 6; exh Cremona, 1998: Breughel-Brueghel. p. 99 [minuscule reproduction]; Vis. Coll. 374.1.C599.90[a])

[Hogenbergh Pr] Hogenbergh, Frans (ca.1541-ca.1590). The Battle between Carnival and Lent (1558). engraving. Includes a bagpiper leading a little procession, two dancing couples accompanied by a drummer, a flute and drum pair with two lancers, 9 and a bell in the church belfry. (C. de Tolnay. Pierre Bruegel l’ancien. Brussels 1935. pl.XV [small reproduction])

[Vos-Passe Pr] Crispijn de Passe (ca.1563-1637) after Maarten de Vos (1532-1603). “Negligenti[a]e et Socordi[a]e Typus, from a series on the Use and Abuse of Time. engraving. A couple dances, accompanied by players of flute and frame drum. (Hollstein [Dutch] XLVI, no. 1263, p. 149; K. Renger. Lockere Gesellschaft ... Berlin 1970. Abb. 57; Simiolus 21 [1992] 249)

War and Peace: [Floris-Galle Pr] Philips Galle (1537-1612) after Frans Floris (ca.1518-1570). Bellona/The Arts of War, from a series depicting man’s activities (1574). engraving. The artifacts of Bellona include a tiny flute (perhaps), an S-shaped trumpet and a very deep frame drum. (IB vol. 56, no. 5001.084:6, p. 320, as after Martin van Cleve; C. van de Velde. Frans Floris ... Brussels 1975. cat. no. P129, Afb. 282)

[Stradanus-Sadeler Pr] Johann (Jan) I Sadeler (1550-1600) after Johannes Stradanus (Jan van der Straet) (1523-1605). “Arma,” from Schema seu speculum principium (1597). engraving. The personification is Minerva, and there are a trumpet and frame drum among her attributes. (IB vol. 70/3, no. 7001.493, p. 94; exh Münster, Baden Baden, 1979-80: Stilleben in Europa. no. 129b, p. 232) Drawing (1594) in Haarlem, Teylers Museum.

Other: [Bruegel Pr] Bruegel, Pieter I (1528-1569), after. Peddler and monkeys (1562). engraving. A monkey sitting in a tree playing a recorder and a monkey beside the tree playing one of the peddler’s little drums accompany four monkeys dancing in a circle. . Among the peddler’s wares are a small drum and jews . (Lavalleye no. 38 [fine reproduction]; exh Essen, Vienna, 1997-98: Breughel-Brueghel. p. 363 [minuscule reproduction])

X: Portraits

[Coignet Pa] Coignet (Congnet), Gillis (1542-1599). Portrait of Pierson la Hues, Drummer to the Antwerp Guild of Archers (1581). Antwerp KMSK. He has an enormous frame drum. (J. Blades and J. Montagu. Early Percussion Instruments. London 1976. p. 10; E. Maréchal and L. De Jong, eds. The Royal Museum of Antwerp. Brussels 1990. p. 33 [ok color reproduction]; The New Grove vol. 5, p. 646. Calls the drum a “Flemish tabor.”)


XII: Decorative Elements

See also Allegory, Triumph/Victory; Miscellaneous Figures, Military Musicians.

[Ms Münster WLM] Flemish? (Liège?), 16th century. Border of musical instruments from a Missal for the Bishop of Liège (1562). Münster WLM. manuscript illumination. The main illumination is the Ascension of Christ. The border presents myriad musical instruments, including a deep frame drum. (exh Münster, Baden, 1979/80: Stilleben in Europa. no. 255, p. 496; Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte 42 [1979] 107, as Liège, 1560)

[Dr Vienna Albertina] Flemish, 3d quarter, 16th century. Design for the lower half of a parade shield. Vienna Albertina. drawing. Includes military trophies, one with a frame drum, another with a trumpet and kettledrums. unimp. (Alte und moderne Kunst 26/H.177 [1981] 16)

XIII: Scenes of Everyday Life—Outoor

Battles, Encampments and other Military Scenes: [CI Antwerp 1577] One of the Wierixs after Maarten de Vos (1532-1603). The Retreat of the Germans, Antwerp, 2.VIII.1577, from The Events during August 1577 in Antwerp. engraving. Includes two drummers, one playing, the other with his drum on his back. very unimp. (Hollstein [Dutch] XLVI, no. 1340, p. 179):

[Stradanus-Galle Pr] Philips Galle (1537-1612) after Johannes Stradanus (Jan van der Straet) (1523-1605). The Capture of Milan, from Medicæae familiae … victoriae et triumphi (1583). engraving. Includes two (separate) drummers standing next to their standard bearers. (IB vol. 56, no. 5601.102:3, p. 386)

[Stradanus-Galle Pr] ______. The Retreat of Piero Strozzi at Marciano. as above. Includes a prominent mounted trumpeter, front and center. There is also a drummer on foot in the background at the right. (IB vol. 56, no. 5601.102:9, p. 392)

[Stradanus-Galle Pr] ______. The Capture of Portus Herculis. as above. Includes, in the left foreground, a very prominent drummer with his drum on his back, looking anxiously at the viewer. (IB vol. 56, no. 5601.102:11, p. 394)

[Stradanus-Galle Pr] ______. Giovanni de’ Medici Demanding the Withdrawal of the Swiss. engraving. ncludes a drummer drumming on his very large drum next to his 11 standard bearer. (Burlington 127 [1985] 529 [ok reproduction])

[Vermeyen Pa] Vermeyen, Jan Cornelisz (1500-1559). The Battle of Pavia. private collection. Includes a figure playing an S-shaped trumpet, and (elsewhere) players of flute and frame drum. (Francis Cook. A Catalogue of the Paintings … in the Collection of Sir Frederick Cook. Ed. H. Cook. London 1913. no. 473)

Dances and Dancers: [Balten Pr] Balten (Baltens), Pieter (ca.1525-ca.1598). “Noch prijs ick ons bruijt ...” engraving. A wedding dance with five dancing couples accompanied by a bagpiper standing beside a tree and a child seated in front of him playing a frame drum. (Hollstein [Dutch] I, no. 3, p. 81 [poor reproduction])

Fairs/Festivals: [Pr Anon.] Flemish, mid-16th century. Peasant Wedding. etching. Includes two separate bagpipers, one accompanying five dancing couples. There is also a drummer (in the background). (de Jongh-Luijten Mirror. p. 56 [ok reproduction, not exhibited])

[Bol Pr] Bol, Hans (1534-1593). Goose-Snatching. etching (tondo). Includes a drummer in the goose-snatcher’s boat and another in a boat with lovers in the foreground. (Hollstein [Dutch] III, p. 46)

[Bol Pr] ______. A Rheinland Town Festival/Goose-Snatching. etching. Includes figures in a boat playing flute and frame drum. (Hollstein [Dutch] III, p. 43 [poor reproduction]; Hirth no. 1295 [fine reproduction, but musicians in the page crease]; exh Rotterdam BvB Prentenkabinet, exh no. 5, 1965: Zuid-Nederlandse grafiek uit de zestiende eeuw. pl. 17 [small reproduction])

[Bol Pr] ______. Village Festival. etching (tondo). Includes a drummer, drumming beneath a tree in the center. (Hollstein [Dutch] III, p. 46)

[Bol Pa] ______. The Kermis of St. George. London art market (1974). Includes figures in a cart: in front a bagpiper, in the back a man playing a lute and a woman singing (?). There is also a man holding a bagpipe, a handbell ringer and an unplayed (child’s?) frame drum. (Burlington 116 [December 1974] Notable Works pl. XV)

[Bol-Cock Pr] Hieronymus Cock (1518-1570) after Hans Bol (1534-1593). Village Festival. etching. Includes some rather chaotic dancers accompanied by two bagpipers. There is also a drummer in a horse-drawn cart. (Hirth no. 1294) 12

[Borcht Pr] Borcht, Pieter IV van den (1545-1608). “Haec Rvri Facies Celebranti Haec Festa Qvotannis”/The Fair on St. George’s Day. etching. Three couples in the foreground dance spiritedly, accompanied by a bagpiper seated on a barrel. A hurdy- gurdy player performs for a group seated outside an inn. A drummer accompanies a knife-throwing contest. A peddler has several toy drums among his wares. (Muziek & Grafiek. no. 69, p. 118 [ok reproduction])

[Bruegel Pr] Bruegel, Pieter I (1528-1569). St. George Fair. Budapest SM (depot). In the right foreground a drunken bagpiper is led home by two women. One of them holds his bagpipe. In the center, beside a tree, a bagpiper accompanies dancers. At the right center there is a company of archers with a drummer. (K. Ertz. Pieter Brueghel der Jüngere ... Die Gemälde ... Lingen 1998/2000. cat. no. 1264a, p. 881 [small reproduction], as ca.1560-65)

[Bruegel-Hogenberg Pr] Frans Hogenberg (ca.1541-ca.1590) after Pieter I Bruegel (1525/30-1569). The Fair at Hoboken. drypoint etching. A hurdy-gurdy player and (elsewhere) two bagpipers accompany dancers. A child’s drum lies in the center of the bagpipers’ circle dancers. There is a fool with bells on his clothing. Depictions of two curved horns decorate the façade of the inn in the right foreground. (de Jongh-Luijten Mirror. no. 1, p. 44 [ok reproduction], as 1559 [first state, with a kneeling man and pigs in the open space at the upper right]; Lavalleye pl. 56 [fine reproduction] [no kneeling man and pigs]; C. Brown. Images of a Golden Past. New York 1984. p. 188 [useless reproduction, kneeling man and pigs]; K. Moxey. Peasants, Warriors and Wives ... Chicago 1989. p. 144 [not illustrated, but gives the text and an English translation]; K. Ertz. Pieter Brueghel der Jüngere ... Die Gemälde ... Lingen 1998/2000. pp. 666 [small reproduction], 863 [small reproduction]; A. Monballieu. „De ‚Kermis van Hoboken’ bij P. Bruegel, J. Grimmer en G. Mostaert.“ Jaarboek van het Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerpen. 1974. pp. 139-169. This repr. pp. 140, 146 (detail); H.-J. Raupp. Bauernsatiren ... Niederzier 1986. p. 227, as ca. 1559-61; C. de Tolnay. Pierre Bruegel l’ancien. Brussels 1935. pl. XIX [fair reproduction – etching, reversed]; exh Raleigh, NC M of A, 2002-03: Jan Miense Molenaer. Painter of the Dutch Golden Age. p. 47 [small reproduction, not exhibited], as ca. 1559, with English translation of the text, p. 46; exh Antwerp KMSK, 1998: Breughel-Brueghel. p. 408 [minuscule reproduction, not exhibited]; exh Washington NGA, 1986-87: The Age of Bruegel ... p. 100 [small reproduction, not exhibited]; exh Rotterdam, BvB Prentenkabinet, 1965: Zuid-Nederlandse grafiek uit de zestiende eeuw, pl. 14; Art History 10 [1987] fig. 7 opp. p. 297) Drawing (reversed) in London, Courtauld Institute Gallery (Lee Collection). (H. Mielke. Pieter Bruegel. Die Zeichnungen. n.p. 1996. no. 44, p. 167 [ok reproduction]; K. Ertz. Pieter Brueghel der Jüngere ... Die Gemälde ... Lingen 1998/2000. p. 862 [small reproduction], as 1559; exh Washington NGA, 1986- 87: The Age of Bruegel ... no. 28, p. 99; Art History 10 [1987] fig. 6, opp. p. 297) =? 13

Reverse drawing, ex coll. Oppenheimer. Oppenheimer Sale. Old Master Drawings. Christie’s, London, July 1936. no. 223, pl. 57. (L. Münz. Brueghel, the Drawings. London 1961. cat. 141, pl. 139.) Anonymous painted copy, Chartres MBA. (K. Ertz. Pieter Brueghel der Jüngere ... Die Gemälde ... Lingen 1998/2000. p. 864, as of poor painterly quality, in the museum as [”unsinnigerweise”] by Frans Hogenberg)

[Mostaert-Grimmer Pa] Mostaert, Gillis (ca.1534-1598) (figures) and Jacob Grimmer (ca.1525-1590) (landscape). The Archers’ Company. Solingen art market (1983). Includes a drummer. (Die Weltkunst 53 [1983] 1325 [color reproduction])

[J Savery Dr] Savery, Jacques (ca.1565-1603). Village Festival. London V&A. drawing. Includes three dancing couples accompanied by a bagpiper (front and center); a child (?) with small frame drum; and, in the background around a tree, circle dancers accompanied by a bagpiper. There is perhaps a toy drum for sale in one of the booths. (de Jongh-Luijtens Mirror. p. 105 [small reproduction]; exh Washington NGA, 1986-87: The Age of Bruegel ... p. 258 [small reproduction, not exhibited])

[M Valckenborch Pa] Valckenborch, Martin van (1535-1622). A Rhineland Town Festival/Goose-Snatching. London art market (1960). Includes figures in a boat playing flute (?) and frame drum. Related to the Bol etching, above. (Connoisseur 145 [1960] May ad p. lxxvi)

Garden Parties: [M Valckenborch Pa] Valckenborch, Martin van (1535-1622). Fête in a Park. Tourcoing, Musée Municipal. An architecture and garden fantasy. There is a drummer in a boat. (Leppert Theme. pl. XXX, as replica of a painting in Orléans MBA, based on an engraving of Nicolas de Bruyn after )

Hunts and Hunters: [Stradanus-Collaert Pr] Jan I Collaert (m.1581) after Johannes Stradanus (Jan van der Straet) (1523-1605). Duck Hunting with Falcons. engraving. Peasants play trumpet, frame drum and nakers. The little band is to provide a noise barrier to direct the ducks. (La Chasse. Paris 1958. no. 71)

Landscapes: [Grimmer Pa] Grimmer, Jacob (ca.1525-1590). Landscape with Carnival [i.e.Winter] Scenes. St. Petersburg Hermitage. Includes militia figures leading two “kings” and playing flute and drum (a reference to Twelfth Night?). (N. N. Nikulin. Netherlandish Painting, Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. Transl. Y. S. Pamfilov. Florence 1989. [The Hermitage. Catalogue of Western European Painting, 5] no. 51, p. 109 [fair reproduction])


[Mostaert-Grimmer Pa] Mostaert, Gillis (ca.1534-1598) (figures) and Jacob Grimmer (ca.1525-1590) (landscape). The Archers’ Company. Solingen art market (1983). Includes a drummer. (Die Weltkunst 53 [1983] 1325 [color reproduction])

Naval Scenes: [Borcht Pr] Borcht, Pieter van den (ca.1535/45-1608). Naval and Land Battle with the Troops of Charles V off Goleta, near Tunis, 14 July 1535. etching. Includes a frame drum being transferred from a ship to a small boat. There are drummers in two of the small boats. (MgB III/9, p. 99 [ok reproduction])

Processions: [Ta Vienna KH] Flemish (Brussels), 16th century. Procession, from The Deeds of Joao de Castro in Portugese India series. Vienna KH. tapestry. One group of musicians plays three and (slide?) trumpet. Another plays flute and drum. (Göbel I/2, no. 112. as 1538)

[Stradanus Dr] Stradanus, Johannes (Jan van der Straet) (1523-1605). Procession of Archduke Cosimo I dei Medici. Amsterdam RM. drawing. There is a unit with flutist and drummer, several trumpeters playing, and several figures holding straight trumpets. (Oud-Holland 91 [1977] 101) Engraved by Philips Galle (1537-1612) (IB vol. 56, no. 5601.102:16, p. 399; Oud-Holland 91 [1977] 101. Suggests that the engraving was perhaps used by Rembrandt as partly the model for the Night Watch—the drummer is in the same place.)

Tournaments: [CI Brussels 1569] Sport of the Spanish Soldiers in the Market Square, Brussels, 1569. etching. Includes an impromptu sort of tournament (on foot) accompanied by four groups of a flutist and 1-3 drummers (the drums are shallow and played vertically). In the background a figure is borne on a litter between two horses and preceded by a mounted trumpeter. (Hirth no. 1112; A. G. G. Wouters. Histoire des environs de Bruxelles ... vol. I. Ed. F. Marien. Brussels 1971. p. 137)

[Ta Florence Uffizi] Flemish (Brussels), second half, 16th century. Tournament (Barriers), from the so-called Valois tapestries. Florence Uffizi. tapestry. Includes two units of players of flute and two frame drums and two units of four (?) trumpeters. The trumpeters stand on a higher level than the flutists and drummers. (R. Strong. Splendour at Court, Renaissance Spectacle and the Theater of Power. Boston 1973. p. 123 [detail]; F. Yates. The Valois Tapestries. London 1959. pl. VII [poor reproduction])

[Ta Florence Uffizi] ______. Water Tournament at Fontainebleau. as above. Includes trumpeters and a drummer in boats. (Göbel I/2, pl. 155 [useless reproduction]; 15

M. Jarry. World Tapestry. New York 1969. p. 156 [ok reproduction, detail?], as ca.1590. Notes that the cartoons are by Antoine Caron (landscape) and Lucas de Heere (foreground figures); F. Yates. The Valois Tapestries. London 1959. pl. I [poor reproduction])

Other: [CI Antwerp 1577] One of the Wierix family after Maarten de Vos (1532-1603). The People walking out of the Citadel, Antwerp, 23.VIII.1577, from The Events during August 1577 in Antwerp. engraving. They are led by a drummer. (Hollstein [Dutch] XLVI, no. 1342, p. 179)

[CI Brussels 1568] Hogenberg, Franz (op. 1558-1590). Execution of the Nobles, Brussels, 1 June 1568. etching. In the foreground there are figures playing a flute and four large, deep frame drums. A nobleman being led to his execution is preceded and followed by a pair of drummers (playing shallow frame drums played vertically). (Hind no. 1111; MgB III/9, fig. 46)

[Stradanus Fr] Stradanus, Johannes (Jan van der Straet) (1523-1605). Sport Festival in Florence. Florence, Palazzo Vecchio. fresco. Includes two players of frame drums. (P. Bargellini. Scoperta di Palazzo Vecchio. Florence 1968. p. 237, as Giuoco delcaldio in Santa Maria Novella; M. Bucci. Palazzi di Firenze, III. Florence 1973. pl. I, opp. p. 6)

[Stradanus Fr] ______. Fireworks and Soldiers Shooting. Florence, Palazzo Vecchio. fresco. Includes two players of frame drums. (P. Bargellini. Scoperta di Palazzo Vecchio. Florence 1968. p. 187, as Fuochi di San Giovanni in Piazza della Signoria)

XIV: Scenes of Everyday Life—Indoor

Other: [CI Antwerp 1577] One of the Wierixs after Maarten de Vos ((1532-1603). The Conference with the German Delegates, Antwerp, 2.VIII.1577, from The Events during August 1577 in Antwerp. engraving. Includes a military figure watching, frame drum on his back. (Hollstein [Dutch] XLVI, no. 1339, p. 179)

XV: Miscellaneous Figures

Animals: [Borcht Pr] Borcht, Pieter van den (1545-1608). Apenfeest/Monkeys’ Festival. engraving. Four monkey couples dance, accompanied by a bagpiping monkey sitting in a tree. Twelve monkeys dance in a circle, accompanied by monkeys 16 playing flute and drum. In the background a chain of monkeys dance, accompanied by another bagpiping monkey. (Muziek & Grafiek no. 46b, p. 96 [small reproduction])

Children: See also Portraits.

Fools: See also Literary and Historical Figures/Subjects.

Itinerant/Street Musicians: See also New Testament, Parables – Prodigal Son.

Military Musicians: [Pr Anon.] Flemish (Antwerp), 16th century. New Year’s Greeting of the Antwerp Town Drummers. woodcut. The main illustration depicts an elegantly costumed flutist and drummer. At the top, flanking a cartouche, two putti blow straight trumpets. The trophy in the left border includes two (very partly visible) trumpets and a kettledrum (with snare). The trophy in the right border includes a frame drum. (Muziek & Grafiek. p. 139 [ok reproduction])

[Ta private collection] Netherlands, 16th century. Flutist, Drummer, and Standard Bearer. private collection. tapestry. (Franz Prinz zu Sayn-Wittgenstein. Schlösser in Bayern. Munich 1972. Abb. 52)

[P I Bruegel Pa] Bruegel, Pieter I (1528-1569). Three Soldiers. New York Frick. grisaille. Two of them play flute and drum. (1984 catalog of Paintings, vol. I, p. 143; Connoisseur 157 [1964] 118 [fair reproduction]; 10 [1982] 452; Gazette des Beaux-Arts 69 [February 1967] La Chronique des arts no. 1261, p. 74 [minuscule reproduction])

Musicians (Amateur and Professional): [Coeck van Aelst Pr] Coeck van Aelst, Pieter (1502-1550). Turkish Musicians, from Les moeurs et fachons de faire de Turcs avecq les Regions y appartenantes (1553). woodcut. They play stringed instruments, two shawms and a shallow frame drum. From a series of woodcuts published by his widow. (Hollstein [Dutch] IV, p. 198)


VII: Allegory


Life and Death: [Pr Anon.] French, second quarter, 16th century. “Mort au mylieu de tout plaisir mondain ...” woodcut. Includes musical putti playing fiddle, flute, and woodwind; a putto clambering up a tree holding a small frame drum; and a hurdy-gurdy and a small viola da braccio (fretted) hanging from the tree. (Art Bulletin 19 [1937] 433 [ok reproduction])

Seasons (Spring): [Caron Pa] Caron, Antoine (1521-1599), attr. Diversion by a Château by the Loire/Triumph of Spring, from a Four Seasons series. private collection. Musicians play from a gallery in a ruined tower: flute and large, deep frame drum; two shawms and straight trumpet. (J. Ehrmann. Antoine Caron. Geneva/Lille, 1955. pl. III [fair reproduction]; exh Jacksonville, Cummer Gallery of Art, 1964: French Art of the Sixteenth Century. no. 13, as ca.1580; Marsyas 6 [1950-53] pl. III/2, as from the 1580s; Vis. Coll. 375.C224.4D1)

Seasons (Summer): [Caron Pa] Caron, Antoine (1521-1599), attr. Diversion by a Château by the Loire/Triumph of Summer, from a Four Seasons series. private collection. A water pageant with all sorts of musicians playing shawms, straight trumpets and frame drums in boats. (J. Ehrmann. Antoine Caron. Geneva/Lille, 1955. pl. I [fair reproduction]; Marsyas 6 [1950-53] pl. III/3, as from the 1580s; Vis. Coll. 375.C224.4D2)

XIII: Scenes of Everyday Life—Outdoor

Battles, Encampments and Other Military Scenes: See also Portraits.

[Sc St Denis] Bontemps, Pierre (doc.1536-1561). The Battle of Marignan (1515) (1547). St. Denis, Abbey Churcy, Epitaph of Francis I. sculpture. Includes figures on foot playing flute and frame drum, and mounted figures playing trumpets. (A. A. Schmid, ed. Raron—Burg und Kirche. 1972. pp. 162-63)

Dances and Dancers: [Ms Cambrai 125] Anon, 1542. Courtly Dance, from a song collection. Cambrai, Bibliothèque de la Ville, Ms 125. manuscript illumination. A couple dances, accompanied by players of violin and frame drum. (exh Paris BN, 1934: La musique française du moyen âge à la Revolution. opp. p. 56)

Pageants: [Dr Caron] Caron, Antoine (1521-1599). Celebration at Bayonne for the state visit of Charles IX of France, 15 June-2 July 1656: Water ballet with an attack on a dolphin. New York Morgan. drawing. Includes four players of straight trumpets and two players of frame drums on a barge in the foreground. The trumpeters are placed 18 higher than the drummers. (Bowles Musical Ensembles. fig. 23; M. Laclotte. French Art from 1350 to 1850. New York 1965. p. 167; R. Strong. Splendour at Court, Renaissance Spectacle and the Theater of Power. Boston 1973. p. 139; F. Yates. The Valois Tapestries. London 1959. pl. Xa; Annual Report to the Fellows of the Pierpont Morgan Library 7 [1957] opp. p. 66 [ok reproduction])

Processions: [Caron Dr] Caron, Antoine (1521-1599). Le Château d’Anet. Paris Louvre. drawing. Includes two figures with large frame drums on their backs. There is also another frame drum, and perhaps a hurdy-gurdy player with dogs. (F. Yates. The Valois Tapestries. London 1959. pl. XIa; exh Fontainebleau, 1972: L’École de Fontainebleau. no. 44; exh Paris Louvre, 1965: Le XVIe siècle européen, dessins du Louvre. no. 211)

Tournaments: [Caron Dr] Caron, Antoine (1521-1599). Le jeu de la quintaine, the opening tournament of the Nations during the Celebrations at Bayonne for the state Visit of Charles IX of France, 15 June to 2 July 1565. London, Courtauld Institute, Witt Collection. drawing. Includes several players of straight trumpets and (elsewhere) at least two players of large frame drums. (Bowles Musical Ensembles. fig. 21; R. Strong. Splendour at Court, Renaissance Spectacle and the Theater of Power. Boston 1973. p. 134; F. Yates. The Valois Tapestries. London 1959. pl. IXb)

[Caron Dr] ______. Final Mêlée during the Tournament of the Knights of Great Britain and Ireland, as above. London, Courtauld Institute, Witt Coll. drawing. Includes two mounted units of players of straight trumpets and at least two players of frame drums (foot). (Bowles Musical Ensembles. fig. 22)

Village/Rustic Scenes: [Pa Paris Carnavalet] French. 16th century. Dance around the Village Elm. Paris Carnavalet. Includes a fiddler and musicians in the tree—among them, a drummer. (Vis. Coll. 375.F916.90[c])

Other: [CI St Germain 1547] Anon. Duel between Guy Chabot, Seigneur de Jarnac et de Montlieu and Vivonne de la Châteigneraie, in the presence of King Henri II, in Saint Germain (1547). engraving. The duel is accompanied by two mounted pairs of players of trumpet and frame drum. In each of three medallions in the border there are also mounted pairs of players of trumpet and frame drum. (MgB III/9, p. 169 [small reproduction])

XV: Miscellaneous Figures

Children: [Reverdy Pr] Reverdy, Georges (Gaspar Reverdino) (op. ca.1531-1554). 19

“Adoloscentia [sic] et volvptas vana svnt.” engraving. Four naked children dancing, accompanied by a naked child playing a frame drum. (IB vol. 31, no. 36, p. 337, as “Reverse copy of no. 19 of Giovanni Antonio da Brescia”)

Military Musicians: [Caron Pa] Caron, Antoine (1521-1599), attr. Equestrian Portrait. Cambridge MA, Harvard University, Fogg AM. Includes figures on foot playing flute and frame drum, frame drum, and four frame drums (beside a long column of foot soldiers in the background); and mounted figures playing trumpets. (Vis. Coll. 375.C224.50[a])

Putti: See also Allegory, Life and Death.

[Sc Le Mans Cathedral] Anon. Putto Playing a Drum. Le Mans, Cathedral, choir stalls. wood sculpture. The drum is deep and narrow, placed horizontally and beaten with a stick in the right hand, a whisk in the left. (MGG XIII, Taf. 33/2 [ok reproduction], as 1563/76)


I: Old Testament

Judith: [Feselen Pa] Feselen, (doc.1521-m.1538). Judith with the Head of Holofernes. Lucerne art market (1971). In a military encampment, including a prominent figure with a frame drum (back view). (Burlington 113 [December 1971] Notable Works pl. XV)

Miriam/Crossing the Red Sea: [H S Beham Pr] Beham, Hans Sebald (1500-1550). Moses, Miriam and Friends, from Biblicae historiae. Frankfurt am Main, Christian Eginolph, n.d. woodcut. Women play shawm (?) and frame drum. (IB vol. vol. 15, no. [21], p. 141)

II: New Testament

Herod, Feast of: [H S Beham Pr] Beham, Hans Sebald (1500-1550). The Feast of Herod. woodcut (printed by Albrecht Glockendon). Contains many musical references, including players of flute and frame drum in a boat. (Geisberg-Strauss G.179-80, as ca. 1530, printed by Albrecht Glockendon from two blocks [fine reproduction]; H. Daffner. 20

Salome ... Munich 1912. plate after p. 204; exh Austin TX, 1983: Nuremberg. A Renaissance City ... Ed. J. C. Smith. no. 82, p. 184, as ca. 1530-35)

Last Judgement: [Fallenter Gl] Fallenter, Franz (doc.1577-m.1612). Last Judgement (1558). Zürich SLM (ex Kloster Rathausen). stained glass. Includes a devil drumming atop the mouth of Hell. (Die Kunstdenkmäler der Schweiz, 18: Kanton Luzern I. Basel 1946. p. 295 [detail])

Passion—Crucifixion: [Me Trier RLM] German (Rhenish), ca.1550. Crucifixion. Trier, Rheinisches Landesmuseun. cast iron stove plate. The Crucifixion is above. Below there is a group of people crossing a river in a boat, including militiamen playing flute and frame drum. (exh Bonn, Rheinisches Landesmuseum, 1970: Rheinische Kunstwerke von der Renaissance bis zum Expressionismus. pl. 87)

V: Mythology

Orion: [Solis Pr] Solis, Virgil (1514-1562). The Triumph of Pythagoras. etching. Several musical figures, including Orion with a frame drum (only bottom head visible). Player seems to have no sticks. (IB vol. 19/1, no. 223, p. 110 [ok reproduction], as Triumphal Procession of Music; exh Vienna, Palais Harrach, 2001: Dipingere la musica; Musik in der Malerei des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts. S. Ferino-Pagden, ed. no. II.3, p. 190 [small reproduction], as ca.1540-41)

VI: Literary and Historical Subjects/Figure

[Master HM Pr] Master HM (op. ca.1543-1561). Scene from The History of Duke Johann Friedrich I of Saxony (1503-1554). woodcut (8 blocks). Includes a figure playing a large frame drum. unimp. (Strauss The German Single-Leaf Woodcut. vol. III, p. 1245)

[Ms drawing Zürich ZB] Anon. Verena Trost, Barbara Meyer and her daughter Anna Lang celebrate a Witches’ Sabbath, from the chronicle collection (1560-1587) of Johann Jakob Wick (Wickiana). Zürich ZB, Ms F 18, fol. 145v-146r. manuscript drawing. Includes costumed figures playing flute and frame drum. (The women were burned to death in Bremgarten, 12 September 1574.) primitive drawings. (G. Duthaler et al. Vom Trommeln und Pfeifen. Basel 1986. p. 28 [ok reproduction]; Salmen Spielmann. Abb. 15)


VII: Allegory

Dance of Death: [Sc Dresden, Neustädter Friedhof] German, 16th century. Death with Various Well-to-do Figures, from a Totentanz. Dresden, Institut für Denkmalpflege. sculpture. Death leads them in procession, playing a frame drum. (Hammerstein Tanz. figs. 19-20, as 1534-37, with location as Dresden, Neustädter Friedhof (previously on the Georgenschloss); Imago musicae 9-12 [1992-95] 253, Heise no. 16, as by Christoph I Walter, 1534-37, with location as Institut für Denkmalpflege)

[Monogrammist C A Pr] Monogrammist C A (German, doc. 1562). Death and an Elegant Couple. engraving. Death plays a frame drum. (Early Music 5 [1977] 97)

Months/Zodiac (May/Gemini): [Dr Budapest SM] German (Nuremberg), 16th century. May, from a Twelve Months series. Budapest SM. drawing. Includes players of flute and frame drum in a boat in the background (tiny details). unimp. (Budapest SM Bulletin 11 [1957] 53)

[H S Beham Pr] Beham, Hans Sebald (1500-1550). May, from a Twelve Months series. woodcut. In a boat a man plays a lute and a woman sings. Two men (militia) play flute and drum. (Hollstein [German] III, p. not recorded; Budapest SM Bulletin 11 [1957] 56)

[Brun Pr] Brun, Franz Isaac (ca.1535-ca.1610/20). May/Gemini, from a series of friezes of the Months with the signs of the Zodiac. engraving. Includes figures in a boat playing flute and frame drum. (Hollstein [German] V, no. 37, p. 6)

Music/Poetry/Liberal Arts: [Pa Herrliberg] S. German (?), [ca.1540?]. Allegory of Music. Herrliberg, Seestrasse, Landgut zur “Schipf.” Many musical figures, including military figures on foot playing flute and frame drum, next to mounted figures playing trumpets and kettledrums. (Die Kunstdenkmäler der Schweiz, 15: Kanton Zürich Landschaft II. Basel 1943. pl. 14, opp. p. 344; Archiv für Musikwissenschaft 16 [1959] fig. 21 after p. 32)

[Sansdorffer Fr] Sansdorffer, Erhard (doc. 1547). Allegory of Music (1547). Büdingen, Schloss. fresco. Includes a group around a table with a woman singing and men singing and playing viola da braccio, tenor viol, lute and flute. A group in the background has players of bagpipe, flute and huge frame drum. (K. von Koenigswald. Schlösser und Schicksale. Frankfurt am Main 1970. Abb. 92 [minuscule reproduction]; U. Pfistermeister. Rund um Frankfurt, I [Südost]. Nuremberg 1969. [Verborgene Kostbarkeiten, 9] p. 25; MgB III/9, p. [4])

Planets (Venus): [Pencz Pr] Pencz, Georg (1500?-1550), attr. The Children of Venus, from a Seven Planets series. woodcut. In the foreground, at the left, men sing and play harp and cornett and a woman sings. At the right, a man plays a tenor violin 22

(da gamba) and a woman plays a lute. There is an open lute case nearby on the ground. On a balcony in the background figures play flute and frame drum and (separately) trumpet or trombone. (Hollstein [German] XXXI, no. 93, p. 194 [ok reproduction]; Geisberg-Strauss no. 994 [fine reproduction]; Hirth no. 294 [fine reproduction], as by Hans Sebald Beham; Mirimonde Astrologie. p. 131, as by Hans Sebald Beham; exh Austin TX, 1983: Nuremberg. A Renaissance City ... Ed. J. C. Smith. no. 103, p. 205; H. Zschelletzschky. Die „Drei gottlosen Maler“ von Nürnberg ... Leipzig 1975. p. 160; Gazette des Beaux-Arts 68 [1966] 286 [small reproduction])

Senses (Hearing): [Amman Pr] Amman, Jost (1539-1591). Introductory page for „Was jetzund für stück von der löblichen Kunst Perspectiva folgen,“ from Perspective Corporum Regularum ... 1568. etching. Includes an allegory of the Five Senses. A child plays a frame drum. Unplayed: a case of flutes, shawm(?), trumpet and kettledrums. (IB vol. 20/1, no. 11.26, p. 187)

Triumph/Victory: [Amman Pr] Amman, Jost (1539-1591). Victory. Used as illustration no. 1 in his Thurnierbuch. Frankfurt am Main 1566. woodcut. The personification is surrounded by military trophies, which include a trumpet and a frame drum. (Strauss The German Single-Leaf Woodcut. p. 42)

Vice/Virtue: [Amman Pr] Amman, Jost (1539-1591). The Bridge of Adultery of King Arthus. woodcut. Includes a duel attended by players of flute (small) and frame drum (large). (Hollstein [German] II, p. 30 [small, unhelpful reproduction]; Hirth nos. 1095- 1098 [fine reproduction, with splendid details]; Strauss The German Single-Leaf Woodcut. pp. 60-61)

[H S Beham Pr] Beham, Hans Sebald (1500-1550), attr. Soldiers Gambling on a Drum (1512) (sic). woodcut. It is part of a series of four prints depicting Unchastity, Gambling, Fornication and Murder, all related to the Consequences of Drink. (Geisberg-Strauss no. 239-2; exh Washington NGA, 1996-97: Georges de La Tour and his World. p. 162 [not exhibited])

[Kandel Pr] Kandel, David (op. ca. 1546-1587). “Tabvla Cebetis” (1547). woodcut. In the Garden of False Learning men (militia) play flute and drum. More elegant figures (after Georg Pencz’s Children of Venus) sing and play tenor fiddle (da gamba) and harp (men) and sing and play lute (women). Cf. Hans II Holbein’s passe-partout title page for the Basel printer H. Froben. (Hollstein [German] XVB, no. 6, p. 223; Strauss The German Single-Leaf Woodcut. vol. II, p. 470 [ok reproduction], as The Road to Virtue, probably based on a design by [Hans II] Holbein [cf. 15th-16th century index].) There is a French 16th-century embroidered hanging based on this (New York Metropolitan). (exh Jacksonville, Fl, Cummer Gallery of Art, 1964: French Art of the Sixteenth Century. no. 15, as N. French, 1550-1600; Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin [April 1943] 245 [ok reproduction]) 23

Other: [L II Cranach Pa] Cranach, Lucas II (1515-1586). The Fountain of Youth. Berlin SMPK. Includes dancers accompanied by players of flute and large frame drum. (C. Eisler. Masterworks in Berlin. A City’s Paintings Reunited … Boston 1996. pp. 138-139 [large color reproduction, in page crease]; G. Lindemann. History of German Art. New York 1971. p. 84 [fine color reproduction]; van Marle Iconographie. vol. I, p. 501 [poor reproduction]; Oud-Holland 91 [1977] 231 [poor reproduction]; Vis. Coll. 373.C85.4F)

[Kels Wsc] Kels, Hans (op.1541-m.1565/66). Allegorical Female Figure. Nuremberg GNM. wood sculpture. She plays a flute. A shallow frame drum hangs on a tree. (W. Josephi. Die Werke plastischer Kunst [Nürnberg GNM]. Nuremberg 1910. no. 485, pl. LV)

VIII: Emblems

[BI Frankfurt am Main 1567] Anon. “Vel post mortem formidolosi,” from Andreas Alciatus, Emblemata. Lyons, Mathias Bonhomme, 1550. p. 184. German translation by Jeremias Held, as Liber Emblematum ... Frankfurt am Main, S. Feyerabend and S. Hüter, 1567. no. 128. woodcut. Includes figures with a small deep drum (may also hold a tabor pipe) and large frame drum. One drum head is made of a wolf pelt, the other of sheepskin. An emblem of the influence of the mighty even after death. (A. Henkel and A. Schöne. Emblemata ... Stuttgart 1967. cols. 1517-18)

IX: Heraldic

See also Miscellaneous Figures, Animals.

X: Portraits/Genre Portraits/Conversation Pieces

[Pa art market] German, ca. 1565. Family Portrait. London art market (1996). Man, wife and seven children. A small boy beats a toy frame drum. There is an unplayed recorder (small). (K. Ertz. Pieter Brueghel der Jüngere ... Die Gemälde ... Lingen 1998/2000. p. 498 [minuscule reproduction])

XII: Decorative Elements


See also Allegory, Triumph/Victory.

[Sc Innsbruck Hofkirche] Löffler, Hans Christof (doc. ca.1559-m.1597) and Alexander Colin (1527/29-1612). Funerary Monument of Emperor Maximilian I (1565). Innsbruck, Hofkirche. bronze sculpture. Includes a trophy with a frame drum. (E. Egg. Die Hofkirche in Innsbruck. Innsbruck 1974. Abb. 116)

[BI 1575] Sichem, Christoffel van I (ca.1546-ca.1568). Border of Military Objects, from Titus Livius and Lucius Florus, Von Ankunfft und Ursprung des roemischen Reichs ... Strasbourg, Theodosius Rihel, 1575. engraving. The upper border includes two frame drums, the lower, two (partly visible) trumpets. (Hollstein [Dutch] XXVII, no. 146, p. 36 [small reproduction])

[BI Wittenberg 1538] Anon. Decorative border for the Discantvs partbook of Georg Rhau, Symphoniae ivcvndae. Wittenberg, Georg Rhau, 1538. woodcut. Presumably a passe-partout border. Several musical instruments, including a small frame drum and drumsticks. (Fraenkel no. 7 [ok reproduction])

[Amman Pr] Amman, Jost (1539-1591). „Der Feldt Trommeter,“ from Lienhart Fronsperger, Kriegsbuch. Frankfurt am Main, 2/1573. woodcut. The border includes trumpets and a frame drum. unimp. (Naylor Trumpet and Trombone. no. 128; Early Music 9 [1981] 327)

[Amman Pr] ______, attr. Border for a Portrait of Francisc Rx [sic] Franc LVIII (Francis I), from the series Effigies Regum Francorum. engraving and etching. Includes two military trophies in the border, one with kettledrums, the other with a frame drum. (IB vol. 21/1, no. 10.36, p. 157)

[Amman Pr] ______. Border for a Portrait of Henricus II Rex Franco LIX (Henry II), as above. The border includes fiddle, lute, harp, case of flutes, curved horn, trumpet and drum. very unimp. (IB vol. 20/1, no. 10.37, p. 158)

[Amman Pr] ______. Border for a Portrait of Loys Rex Francor XXXXVII (Louis X), as above. Includes two musical trophies, one with a frame drum. very unimp. (IB vol. 20/1, no. 10.25, p. 152)

[Zündt Pr] Zündt, Matthias (fl. 1551-1570). Portrait of Graf Nicolaus Zrinyi von Sigeth. etching. One of the border trophies includes a flute, flute case (with tips of flutes emerging), trumpet (partly visible) and frame drum. Elsewhere there is a single 25 kettledrum. (Hirth no. 1091, p. 733 [ok reproduction])

XIII: Scenes of Everyday Life—Outdoor

Battles, Encampments and other Military Scenes: [Ms Aarau Kantonsbibliothek] Anon. Bivouac in a Town Square, from Christoph Silbereisen von Baden, Grosse Schweizer Chronik (1576). Aarau, Kantonsbibliothek, Ms Bibl. Wettingen 16, fol. Bd. 1. manuscript drawing. Figures playing flute and frame drum accompany officers dining. (Salmen Spielmann. Abb. 79)

[Ms Munich BSB Germ. 896] Anon. Artillery Assault on Hohenkrähen, Burg, from Hans Jakob Fugger, Österreichisches Ehrenwerck, 1555, II. Teil. Munich BSB cod. Germ. 896, p. 261. manuscript illustration. Includes a drummer, front and center. (M. Schefold. Alte Ansichten aus Baden. [Weissenhorn] 1971. pl. 258 [color reproduction])

[Ms drawing Zürich ZB F 18] Wick, Johan Jakob? Military Excursion of Zürich Troops on the Utliberg, August 1567, from the chronicle collection (1560-1587) of Johann Jakob Wick (Wickiana). Zürich ZB, Ms F 18, fol. 145v-146r. manuscript drawing. Includes a drummer. unimp. (G. Duthaler et al. Vom Trommeln und Pfeifen. Basel 1986. p. 29 [ok reproduction])

[BI Zürich 1548] Anon. Battle, from Johann Stumpf, Schweizerchronik. Zürich 1548. woodcut. Includes figures in the midst of it playing flute and frame drum beside their standard. (Hirth no. 710)

[CI Hainault 1568] Meyerpeck, Wolfgang (doc.1574). The Battle between Holland and in Hainault, 1568. engraving. Includes a prominent drummer. (Hollstein [German] XXVIII, no. 2, p. 89 [small reproduction])

[CI Ingolstadt 1546] Mielich, Hans (1516-1573). The Siege of Ingolstadt by Emperor Charles V, 1546. woodcut. Inclues a trumpeter, a flute player and a drummer, a drummer drumming, a drummer resting against his drum, and soldiers gambling (?) on a drum. (Hirth nos. 961-976)

[CI Metz 1553] Monogrammist C S (op. 1548-79). The Siege of Metz, 1552. woodcut. Includes a drummer strolling through the encampment, drumming. (Strauss The German Single-Leaf Woodcut. no. 2, p. 1227) 26

[CI Middelburg 1573] German, 16th century. Military Operations near Middelburg in Zeeland, 1573/”Wahre Newe zeytung ...” woodcut. Includes a frame drum lying inside a tent. very unimp. (Strauss The German Single-Leaf Woodcut. p. 1341 [ok reproduction])

[CI Münster 1535] Schoen, Erhard (a.1491-1542). The Siege of Münster, 1535. woodcut (3 blocks). Includes a drummer sprawled (dead?) by his drum and another lounging by his drum. (Geisberg-Strauss nos. 1256-57)

[CI Wolfenbüttel 1542] Anon. The Siege of Wolfenbüttel in 1542. woodcut. Includes five drummers (two dead, three alive). (Hirth no. 884; exh Austin TX, 1983: Nuremberg. A Renaissance City ... Ed. J. C. Smith. no. 69, p. 171, as representing the siege of Münster, ca.1535 [after a year-long siege the city fell on 25 June 1535])

[Gl Zürich SLM] Swiss, 16th century. Wappenscheibe of Mangold Bachmose (1538). Zürich SLM. stained glass. Includes (upper right) soldiers gambling on a frame drum. (J. Schneider. Glasgemälde. Katalog der Sammlung des Schweizerischen Landesmuseums Zürich. [Stafa 1971]. no. 212)

[Gl Zürich SLM] Swiss, 16th century. Wappenscheibe of Marx Schulthess (1530). Zürich SLM. stained glass. Includes soldiers gambling etc. There is an umplayed frame drum. (J. Schneider. Glasgemälde. Katalog der Sammlung des Schweizerischen Landesmuseums Zürich. [Stafa 1971]. no. 187)

[Pr Anon.] Anon., 16th century. Siege of a Fortress. woodcut. Includes soldiers gambling on a drum as troops assemble. (Hirth nos. 869-875)

[Amman Pr] Amman, Jost (1539-1591). An Officer Surrounded by Troops, from Lienhart Fronsperger, Kriegsbuch. Frankfurt am Main 1555. woodcut. Includes a prominent drummer with a large frame drum. (Hirth no. 1000)

[Amman Pr] ______. “Das new fenlein deutscher lanczknecht.” woodcut [5 blocks]. Includes players of flute (slender) and frame drum (huge) beside the standard bearer. (It’s an enormous flag.) (Hollstein [German] I, p. 29. Notes copy in reverse by J. T. de Bry [Hollstein (Dutch] IV, p. 35] Hirth no. 1007; Strauss The German Single-Leaf Woodcut. pp. 28-29)


[Amman Pr] ______, attr. Soldiers Gambling, from the Kunstbuchlin ... Frankfurt am Main 1599. woodcut (two blocks). There is a frame drum beside one of the soldiers (they are not gambling on it, but beside it). (IB vol. 20/2, no. 4.106, p. 463; Hirth nos. 289-90)

[Brun Pr] Brun, Franz (op. 1559-1590). Frieze with Landsknechts. engraving. Includes players of flute and large frame drum. They are related to those in Hans Senger’s Fencing School (see below). They accompany a military exercise with very long poles. (Hollstein [German] V, no. 1, p. 11)

[Solis Pr] Solis, Virgil (1514-1562). A Troop of Soldiers (1542). Engraving (frieze). The right half includes two flute players (cases on their backs) and two drummers with huge drums beside two standard bearers with enormous banners. The left half has another group with flute and two frame drums. (IB vol. 19/1, no. 264, pp. 1228-129; Hirth no. 894 [right half])

[Stoer Pr] Stoer, Niklas (doc. 1523-m.1562/63). Drummer and Flute Player, from a “Soldatenzug” series. woodcut (six blocks in all). They march with their standard- bearer. The flute player has a case of/for flutes at his hip. (Geisberg-Strauss nos. G.1374-1379 [the whole series, this G.1374]; MGG XIII, Taf. 28/2 [detail])

[Wandereisen Pr] Monogrammist HW/Hans Wandereisen (doc.1519-ca.1548). Encampment/“Der profantplatz und Mumplatz bin ich genant/Allen Kriegsslewten wolbekant.“ woodcut. Includes figures playing flute and large frame drum (back view) as an officer dines in his tent. (Geisberg-Strauss no. 1480-10. Notes a copy by Wolfgang Strauch [op.1554-1572] which is Geisberg-Strauss no. 1066; H. Röttinger. Die Bilderbogen des Hans Sachs. Strasbourg 1927. [Sdk, 247] pl. XIV [fair reproduction])

[Woensam Pr] Woensam, Anton (a.1500-1541). Soldiers Gambling on a Drum (1529). woodcut. (Geisberg-Strauss no. 1560; van Marle Iconographie. vol. I, p. 304 [ok reproduction])

Boating Parties: See also New Testament, Herod, Feast of; New Testament, Passion—Crucifixion; Allegory, Months/Zodiac (May/Gemini).

Dances and Dancers: [Ms drawing Zürich ZB F 27] Anon. The Zürich Sword Dance of 1578, from the chronicle collection (1560-1587) of Johann Jakob Wick (Wickiana). Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Sign Ms F 27, fol. 62. manuscript drawing. Includes figures 28 playing flute and frame drum. The dancers have bells around their knees. (G. Duthaler et al. Vom Trommeln und Pfeifen. Basel 1986. p. 57 [ok reproduction]; MgB III/9, Abb. 26)

[Mayer Pr] Mayer, Lucas (doc. 1566-1590). Fahnentanz in Nuremberg (1592). woodcut. The standard bearer prances with his flag, accompanied by players of flute and frame drum. (MgB IV/4, p. 89)

Garden Parties: [J II Breu Dr] Breu, Jörg II (ca.1510-1547). Dance on a Garden Terrace. Darmstadt HLM. drawing. Five couples promenade/dance, accompanied by figures playing flute and frame drum. (exh Paris Louvre, 1971: Dessins du Musée de Darmstadt. no. 33, pl. XI; MgB III/9, p. 110 [small reproduction])

[J II Breu Dr] ______. Figures on a Terrace (1534). private collection. Dancers are accompanied by players of flute and large frame drum in a gallery above. There is a bell in a tower. (loan exh 1969-70: Old Master Drawings from Chatsworth. no. 106; Vis. Coll. 373d.B76.91[a])

Hunts and Hunters: [Amman Pr] Amman, Jost (1539-1591). Fox Hunt, from his Jagdbuch. woodcut. A drummer follows the dogs and foxes, beating furiously on his drum. (Hirth no. 1352)

Naval Scenes: [Jenichen Pr] Jenichen, Balthasar (fl. 1560-90). “Warhaftige Conter/fettung der Grossen Galleen ...”/The Great Galley (1571). engraving. With a tiny bird’s-eye view of Venice. There are players of flute and frame drum in the bow of the ship. (Hollstein [German] XVB, no. 141, p. 50)

Processions/Cavalcades/Entrees/Parades: [CI Strasbourg 1576] Stimmer, Tobias (1539-1584). Shooting Match in Strasbourg, 1576. woodcut. Includes numerous trumpeters, flutists and drummers. Some of the flutists and drummers play together in pairs. (Hirth nos. 1386-89; Strauss The German Single-Leaf Woodcut. vol. III, pp. 1010-11)

[Dr Nuremberg GNM] Anon, third quarter, 16th century. The “Burgerzug” of Augsburg, 12 August 1545. Nuremberg GNM Sign. HB 2587. drawing. A column of militia sets off on maneuvers, with four units of players of two flutes and two two large frame drums accompanying the standards. (MgB III/9, Abb. 47 [fair reproduction])


[Gl Basel HM] Swiss, 16th century. Guild Procession/Auszug der Doppelzunft, from a Scheibe of the guild-master Th. Öttlin (1556). Basel HM. stained glass. Includes figures playing flute and frame drum. (P. L. Ganz. Die Basler Glasmaler der Spätrenaissance und der Barockzeit. Basel 1966. Abb. 3)

[H S Beham Pr] Beham, Hans Sebald (1500-1550), attr. Sleigh Ride, from a series of horse-drawn sleighs. woodcut. Includes figures playing flute and frame drum. (Geisberg-Strauss G.240, as ca.1530; Hirth no. 374; MgB III/9, Abb. 51)

Shooting Matches: [CI Strasbourg 1576] Stimmer, Tobias (1539-1584). Shooting Match in Strasbourg, 1576. woodcut. Includes numerous trumpeters, flutists and drummers. Some of the flutists and drummers play together in pairs. (Hirth nos. 1386- 89; Strauss The German Single-Leaf Woodcut. vol. III, no. 25, pp. 1010-11)

[CI Zwickau 1573] Anon. (Monogrammist R). Shooting Match in Zwickau, 1573. woodcut. “Stattpfeyffer” play one or two shawms, cornett and two trombones. Outside the shooting arena there are players of 11 trumpets and a pair of kettledrums; inside, mocking musicians play shawm, curved horn and small frame drum. Two groups of peasants are accompanied each by a flutist (perhaps only in one group) and drummer. (Hirth no. 1115 [ok reproduction]; Beschreibende Darstellung der älteren Bau- und Kunstdenkmäler des Königreichs Sachsen, 12: Zwickau. Dresden 1889. opp. p. 76 [fine reproduction, but folded]; MgB III/9, Abb. 24)

[Khevenhüller Pa] Khevenhüller, Georg Graf (1533-1587) (?). Schützenfest/Shooting Match (1571). Burg Hochosterwitz (Kärnten). Includes a figure playing a frame drum. (Salmen Katalog. p. 47)

[Lang Dr] Lang, Hieronymus (1541-1582). Shooting Match. SKH. drawing (Scheibenriss). Includes figures playing flute and large frame drum. (Salmen Spielmann. Abb. 112)

Tournaments: [BI Simmern 1532] Anon. Tournament in a City Square, from Georg Rüxner. Anfang, Ursprung und Herkommen des Thurniers im Teutscher Nation ... Simmern, Hieronymus Rodler, 1532. woodcut. Includes two mounted trumpeters and, across the street, a flutist and drummer on foot. (Hirth no. 707; Naylor Trumpet and Trombone. no. 129 [after Hirth?])

[Lautensack Pr] Lautensack, Hans (ca.1520-ca.1565). “Primus martialium ludorum pedestris conflictus 1560”/ITournament on Foot (Barriers). engraving. Includes two 30 groups of players of two flutes and frame drum. (Hollstein [German] XXI, no. 78, p. 117 [small reproduction]; exh Rotterdam BvB Prentenkabinet, 1973: Duitse grafiek 1470- 1700. no. not recorded [miserable, useless reproduction], as a tournament in Vienna)

Views: [CI Cologne 1531] Woensam, Anton (a.1500-1651). Panoramic View of Cologne (1531). woodcut (9 blocks). Includes military figures in a boat (rowing exercise?), accompanied by figures playing flute and frame drum. (Geisberg-Strauss nos. 1562-1570)

[J Murer Pr] Murer, Jos (1530-1580). Map of Kanton Zürich. woodcut. Includes a boat with two trumpeters in the bow and players of flute and drum in the stern. (Die Kunstdenkmäler der Schweiz, 22: Kanton Zürich Stadt II. Basel 1949. p. 389)

Wedding Ceremonies: [BI Augsburg 1532] Petrarch Master (op. 1st third, 16th century). Wedding Ceremony, from Petrarch Artzney bayder Gluck. Augsburg, H. Stainer, 1532. woodcut (finished by 1520). At the left, there is a drummer (waiting); at the right, figures hold one or two shawms and a slide (?) trumpet. (MgB III/9, p. 108 [fair reproduction])

Other: [Ms Aarau Kantonsbibliothek] Anon. Proclamation, from Christoph Silbereisen von Baden, Grosse Schweizer Chronik (1576). Aarau, Kantonsbibliothek, Ms Bibl. Wettingen 16, fol. Bd. 1. manuscript drawing. Includes players of flute and frame drum. (G. Duthaler et al. Vom Trommeln und Pfeifen. Basel 1986. p. 52)

[Dr Erlangen UB] Anon, ca.1575. Das Rennen der jungen Gesellen und gemeinen Frauen um ein Barchentuch beim Augsburger Armbrustschiessen, from a manuscript collection of Sebastian Schertlin. Erlangen UB. drawing. Women, or men dressed as women, play flute and large frame drum. (The bachelors are nearly nude.) (G. Duthaler. Trommeln und Pfeifen in Basel. Basel 1985. p. 13)

[Gl Hartford Wadsworth] Swiss, 16th century. Outdoor Scene. Hardford, Wadsworth Atheneum. stained glass. Includes figures playing flute and frame drum. (A. von Saldern. German enamelled Glass; the Edwin J. Beinecke Collection [Corning Museum of Glass]. Corning NY 1965. p. 20 [minuscule reproduction])

[Pa Linz OÖLM] Anon., 1538. Country Pleasures. Linz OÖLM. A pastiche with many musical figures including dancing couples accompanied prominently by players of flute and large, deep frame drum. (W. Salmen. Bilder zur Geschichte der Musik in Österreich. Innsbruck 1979. p. 50) 31

XIV: Scenes of Everyday Life—Indoor

Balls: [CI Munich 1568] Solis, Nicolaus (op. 1567-70). Ball on the Evening of the Wedding Day of Duke Wilhelm V of Bavaria to Princess Renée of Lorraine, Munich, 12. February, 1568, from Hans Wagner, Kurtze, doch gegründte Beschreibung ... Munich 1568. etching. The dancers are accompanied by an ensemble of pipe and tabor, string drum (?), and two woodwind instruments. There are also a number of musicians in a gallery, including players of two flutes and a frame drum. (Bowles Musical Ensembles. figs. 27 and 27a [blurred detail]; Schönes altes München. Munich 1965. p. 207; Early Music 10 [1982] April front and back covers [color reproduction of a hand-colored print])

[CI Munich 1568] ______. Grand Ball in the Munich Rathaus after the Wedding Banquet. as above. In the gallery, left, there are players of at least seven trumpets and a large frame drum. Below and to the right of the gallery a player sits beside a pair of kettledrums, waiting. (Bowles Musical Ensembles. figs. 26, 26a [fair detail]; Imago musicae 4 [1987] 103 [small reproduction], as “Altes Rathaus und Tanzsaal in München,” 1480 [sic])

[CI Vienna 1560] Monogrammist FA/AF. Grand Ball in the Hofburg, Vienna, 1560 (1561). etching. Four trumpeters lead promenading dancers around the floor, while three shawmists and two slide trumpeters also play. A flutist and a drummer wait. There is also a man holding two instrument cases and two conical instruments. (Hammerstein Tanz. Abb. 134 [cropped]. Identifies the promenading dancers as dancing a pavane; Hirth no. 1028 [fine reproduction, but the shawms are in the page crease, alas; Kinsky p. 117 [useless reproduction]; Naylor Trumpet and Trombone. no. 17 [fine reproduction, but the shawms are in the page crease, after Hirth?], as “Grand Ball” at a residence in Vienna in the year 1566; MgB III/9, Abb. 112 [fuzzy reproduction])

[Amman Pr] Amman, Jost (1539-1591). Tournament Ball, from his Turnierbuch. Frankfurt am Main 1566. Promenading dancers are led by four trumpeters, while three shawmists and two (slide?) trumpeters and a flutist and a drummer also play. Compare the Viennese ball above [CI Vienna 1560]. (Hirth no. 1076; Naylor Trumpet and Trombone. no. 38 [after Hirth?])

Banquets: [Ms Vienna OeNB 10116] Flexel, Leonhard (op. mid-16th century). Banquet in the Rathaus, Graz, from his Schützenbuch. Vienna OeNB, Ms 10116, fol. 58v-59r. manuscript drawing. Music is provided by a flute and drum pair and by two trumpeters. (Salmen Katalog. p. 47) 32

[Gl Chur] Swiss (Chur [Graubünden]), 16th century. Guild Banquet, band above a double portrait of Handwerksmeister Hans Mösli and Bartli Joss (1578). Chur, Rätisches Museum. stained glass. Includes figures playing flute and large frame drum. (MgB III/9. Abb. 55)

[Lang Dr] Lang, Hieronymus (1541-1582). Civic Banquet for the Gemeinde Döttingen (1554). Zürich SLM. drawing (Scheibenriss). Includes figures in the lower corners playing flute and frame drum. unimp. (Salmen Spielmann. Abb. 107)

Dances and Dancers: [Ms drawing Zürich ZB] Anon. The Zürich Sword Dance of 1578, from the chronicle collection (1560-1587) of Johann Jakob Wick (Wickiana). Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Sign Ms F27, fol. 62. manuscript drawing. Includes figures playing flute and frame drum. The dancers have bells around their knees. (G. Duthaler et al. Vom Trommeln und Pfeifen. Basel 1986. p. 57 [ok reproduction]; MgB III/9, Abb. 26)

Other: [BI Simmern 1532] Anon. Departure for the Tournament, from Georg Rüxner. Anfang, Ursprung und Herkommen des Thurniers im Teutscher Nation ... Simmern, Hieronymus Rodler, 1532. woodcut. Includes musicians in a little gallery playing flute and frame drum. (Hirth no. 705)

[Senger Pr] Senger, Hans (op. ca.1570). Fencing School. woodcut (8 blocks). Includes figures playing flute and frame drum. They are related to those in Franz Brun’s Frieze with Landsknechts (see Scenes of Everyday Life – Outboor, Battles, above). (Strauss. The German Single-Leaf Woodcut. vol. III, p. 972-73)

[Stimmer Pr] Stimmer, Tobias (1539-1584). Fencing with Axes, from Joachim Meyer, Grundliche Beschreibung der ... Kunst des Fechtens. Strasbourg, T. Berger, 1570. woodcut. Includes players of flute and frame drum in a niche. (Hirth no. 1340) [Stimmer Pr] ______. Fencing with Swords. as above. In the background players of flute (case on his back) and frame drum depart (not playing) (insignificant figures). (Hirth no. 1334)

XV: Miscellaneous Figures

Animals: [Sc Bern] Swiss, 16th century. Bears. Bern, Kindlifresserbrunnen. sculpture. A frieze of bears around the base includes two playing flute and frame drum. 33

(Die Kunstdenkmäler der Schweiz, 28: Kanton Bern Stadt I. Basel 1952. p. 281 [drawing of the frieze], as ca.1545/56)

[Ms Munich BSB] Fischer, Sebastian (doc.1534). View of the East Side of the Zeitglocken of Bern, with its Astronomical Clock and its Mechanical Clock, from Fischer’s Wanderbuch (1534). Munich BSB. drawing. Includes two trumpeters in towers, a fool with bells, a bell ringer, and decorative bears playing woodwind (flute?) and frame drum. (Die Kunstdenkmäler der Schweiz, 28: Kanton Bern Stadt I. Basel 1952. p. 123)

[Deutsch Dr] Deutsch, Hans Rudolf Manuel (op.1525-m.1571). Scheibenriss of Hans Rudolf Manuel: Berner Venner with City Flag. Bern, Kunstmuseum. drawing. Bears (emblematic of Bern) play flute and frame drum. (Die Kunstdenkmäler der Schweiz, 28: Kanton Bern Stadt I. Basel 1952. p. 12) [Kallenberg Dr] Kallenberg, Jakob (ca.1510-1565). Scheibenriss with Standard Bearers (1536). Bern, Kunstmuseum. drawing. A troop of bears across the top includes players of flute and frame drum. unimp. (exh Bern, Kunstmuseum, 1979: Niklaus Manuel Deutsch ... no. 16, p. 164)

Children: See also Allegory, Senses (Hearing); Portraits/Genre Portraits/Conversation Pieces.

[BI Strasbourg 1574] Anon. School Theater, from Johann Rasser, Ein schön Christlich new Spil von Kinderzucht ... Strasbourg, Thiebolt Berger, 1574. woodcut. Children dressed as Swiss soldiers play flute and frame drum, as Aleator leaves his mother Jezebel (MgB III/9, Abb. 97)

[Amman Pr] Amman, Jost (1539-1591). Portrait of an Officer, from Lienhart Fronsperger, Kriegsbuch. Frankfurt am Main 1571. woodcut. In the border children in military costume play flute and small, rather shallow frame drum. (Hirth no. 1284)

[Master CB Pr] Master CB (fl. 1531). A Frieze with Children. engraving. Two of them, dressed as soldiers, play flute and frame drum (large bur rather shallow). (IB vol. 14, no. 4, p. 237)

Demons/Devils: See also New Testament, Last Judgement.

Military Musicians: [Sc Innsbruck Herzog-Friedrich-Strasse 16]. Anon. (Neo-Gothic 34 reworking of 1862 [after 16th-century models?]). Three musical ensembles. Innsbruck, Herzog-Friedrich-Strasse 16, Erkerbrustung. sculpture. Two figures play flute and frame drum. (H. Hammer. Kunstgeschichte der Stadt Innsbruck. Innsbruck 1952. p. 61; Music in Art 25 [2000] 53 [view of the Erker with all four panels, as ca.1530], 55 [the flute and drum panel “vor der Restaurierung von 1998”])

[BI n.p. n.d.] Anon. Flute Player, Drummer and Standard Bearer. Frontispiece of the anonymous pamphlet Der Altermechtigste und unüberwindtlichste Keyser ... n.p., n.d. woodcut. (K. Moxey. Peasants, Warriors, and Wives. Popular Imagery in the Reformation. Chicago 1989. p. 98)

[BI Augsburg 1532] Schäufelein, Hans (ca.1483-1539/40). Standard-Bearer with Mercenaries. Frontispiece of Hans Busteter, Erstlicher Bericht, wie sich ain frume Oberkayt ... Augsburg, H. Stayner, 1532. woodcut. Includes figures playing flute and frame drum. (K. Moxey. Peasants, Warriors, and Wives. Popular Imagery in the Reformation. Chicago 1989. p. 77)

[Dr Augsburg Stadtbibliothek] Anon., 16th century. Two Trumpeters, Flutist and Drummer. Augsburg, Stadtbibliothek. drawing. (Naylor Trumpet and Trombone. no. 161)

[Gl ] Swiss, 16th century. Armorial stained-glass panel (the Entlebuch-Scheibe) (1562). Schwyz, Schmiedgasse, Redinghaus. stained glass. Includes figures playing flute and large frame drum. (Die Kunstdenkmäler der Schweiz, 2: Kanton Schwyz II. Basel 1930. p. 606)

[Gl Winterthur KM] Swiss, 16th century. Wappenscheibe of Winterthur (1564). Winterthur, Kunstmuseum. stained glass. includes figures in the upper corners playing flute and frame drum. unimp. (Unsere Kunstdenkmäler 25/2 [1974] front cover)

[Me Schloss Burg] German? 16th century? Flute Player and Drummer. Schloss Burg an der Wupper. engraved metal sword. (P. Luchtenberg. Schloss Burg an der Wupper. Ratingen 1957. p. 69, figs. 69-70)

[Me private collection] Anon, 16th century. Flute Player and Drummer. private collection. metal plaque. (E. W. Braun. Die deutschen Renaissanceplaketten der Sammlung Alfred Walcher Ritter von Molthein in Wien. Vienna 1918. no. 63, pl. XIV, as ca.1565-70, probably after an engraving by Franz Brun)


[Wsc Amsterdam RM] German, mid-16th century. Chessmen. Amsterdam RM. wooden chess set. The pawns are soldiers, and each side has its flute player and drummer. (Rijksmuseum. Beeldhouwkunst in het Rijksmuseum. Amsterdam 1973. no. 820, p. 469 [useless reproduction])

[Wsc Munich BNM] German, third quarter, 16th century. Chessman (Pawn). Munich BNM. boxwood chessman. He plays a frame drum. (H. and S. Wichmann. Schach. 1960. pl. 93)

[Amman Pr] Amman, Jost (1539-1591). Flute Player and Drummer, from Lienhart Fronsperger, Kriegsbuch. Frankfurt am Main 1555. woodcut. The flute player has a prominent case for/of flutes at his back. The drum is huge. (Hirth no. 1005)

[Amman Pr] ______. Drummer, from his Kunstbuchlin. Frankfurt am Main 1599. woodcut. (IB vol. 20/2, no.4.111, p. 466)

[Amman Pr] ______. Drummer and Flute Player, from the Latin edition (Panoplia …) of his Ständebuch. Frankfurt am Main, S. Feyerabent, 1568. woodcut. The flute player has a flute case on his back. The drum is huge. The flute case is much too fat for an instrument of the small, narrow bore of the flute that is being played. (IB vol. 20/2, no. 8.132, p. 700; Hirth no. 1275)

[B Beham Pr] Beham, Barthel (1502-1540). Standard-Bearer, Drummer and Flutist (1525). engraving. The drummer plays, the flute player holds his flute. unimp. (Hollstein [German] II, p. 208; IB vol. 15, no. 50, p.27; J. Muller. Barthel Beham. Kritischer Katalog ... Strasbourg 1958. [SdK, 318] no. 72, p. 48; H. Zschelletzschky. Die „Drei gottlosen Maler“ von Nürnberg ... Leipzig 1975. p. 318)

[H S Beham Pr] Beham, Hans Sebald (1500-1550). Standard-Bearer, Drummer and Flutist (1543). engraving. An expanded copy, in reverse, of the print by Barthel Beham (above). (Hollstein [German] III, p. 113; IB vol. 15, no. 198, p.107; H. Zschelletzschky. Die „Drei gottlosen Maler“ von Nürnberg ... Leipzig 1975. no. 260, p. 31)

[H S Beham Pr] ______. Drumelschlager. woodcut. Printed by Hans Guldenmund. A pair with a Pfeyffer. (Geisberg-Strauss no. G. 280 [drummer], G.281 [flute player] [fine reproductions], as ca.1540)

[H S Beham Pr] ______. “Acker Concz. Klos Wuczer. Im Baueren Krieg 1525 (1544). engraving. Acker Concz (Kunz) plays a frame drum. Klos (Klaus) Wuczer is a 36 standard-bearer. (Hollstein [German] III, p. 114; C. Zigrosser. Six Centuries of Fine Prints. New York 1937, R/1948. fig. 173; H. Zschelletzschky. Die „Drei gottlosen Maler“ von Nürnberg ... Leipzig 1975. no. 261, p. 319. Notes that these are peasants/Bauernkrieger, not professional soldiers; MgB III/9, Abb. 9 [ok reproduction])

[Binck Pr] Binck, Jakob (ca.1500-1569). Drummer, from a series of sixteen plates of officers and soldiers (1555). engraving. There is also a flute player in the series. (Hollstein [German] IV, pp. 82-83)

[Binck Pr] ______. Standard-Bearer, Drummer and Flutist. engraving. The drummer is back to the viewer, plumed hat. The flute player is barely visible. unimp. (Hollstein [German] IV, no. 158, p. 74. Copy by J. Wierix)

[Binck Pr] ______. Standard-Bearer, Drummer and Flutist. engraving. The drummer faces the viewer, bare headed, with moustache. (Hollstein [German] IV, p. 81. Perhaps copy after Barthel Beham [B.50, see above].)

[Binck Pr] ______. Drummer and two Foot-Soldiers. engraving. The drummer has his (partly visible) drum on his back. unimp. (Hollstein [German] IV, no. 157, p. 73)

[Glaser Pr] Glaser, Hans (doc. 1540-1572). Standard-Bearer, Drummer and Flutist. woodcut. Both instruments are partly visible. The drum sticks have very large knobs and the head is beaten off center. (Strauss The German Single-Leaf Woodcut. no. 29, p. 358)

[Monogrammist AM Dr] Monogrammist AM (imitator of Virgil Solis) (op. mid-16th century). Drummer. Erlangen UB. drawing. He plays a large drum. (E. Bock. Die Zeichnungen in der Universitätsbibliothek Erlangen. Frankfurt am Main 1929. no. 522, pl. 149; Nuremberg GNM Anzeiger 1974. p.51, as perhaps by Abraham Merten)

[Müller Gl] Müller, Michael I (doc.1544-m.ca.1590/1596). Standesscheibe von (1552). Zug, Historisch-Antiquarisch Sammlung. stained glass. Includes figures playing flute and frame drum. (Die Kunstdenkmäer der Schweiz, 6: Kanton Zug II. Basel 1935. p. 34)

[Solis Pr] Solis, Virgil (1514-1562). Drummer. engraving. He plays a huge drum. A pair with IB no. 247. (IB vol. 19/1, no. 252, p. 120) 37

[Solis Pr] ______. Drummer. engraving. Back view. A pair with IB no. 244. (IB vol. 19, no. 244, p. 116).

Wan ich die Trumel Schlag Seit Ave den Selben Tag

[Solis Copy Dr] ______, copy after? Drummer and Flute Player. Oxford Ashmolean. drawing. The flute player has a huge case and the drum is also huge. (Nuremberg GNM Anzeiger 1974. p. 51. Notes is the same drummer as the one by Monogrammist AM [Erlangen]. See above entry.)

[Stillhart Gl] Stillhart (Stilhart), (doc. 1531-m.1547). Stadtscheibe Stekborn (1543). Stein am Rhein, Rathaus. stained glass. Includes figures playing flute and frame drum. (Die Kunstdenkmäler der Schweiz, 39: Kanton Schaffhausen II. Basel 1958. p. 194 [poor reproduction])

Musicians (Amateur and Professional): [Ms Berlin Kunstbibliothek] German (Nuremberg) ca.1560-80. Drummer and Flute Player, from the Heldt’schen Trachtenbuch. Berlin, Kunstbibliothek. manuscript drawing. They have the costume and badges of civic musicians. (Ott, fig. 37 [fine reproduction])

Putti: [Ms St Gallen 542] Härtli, Kasper. Putti with Military Instruments, from the Barberini Codices. St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, cod.542, pp.262-263. manuscript illumination. P. 262: putti play flute (standing, below) and S-shaped trumpet (seated, above). P. 263: putti play frame drum (standing, below) and kettledrums (seated, above). (Ikonographische Zeugnisse zu Musikinstrumenten in Mitteleuropa. Michaelstein 2000. p. 98, as 1561-65)

[BI Frankfurt am Main 1567] Anon. Title engraving for Andreas Alciati, Emblemata. Frankfurt am Main 1567. woodcut. Putti in the four corners of the border sing and play lute, flute and drum. In the roundel, Fame blows two straight trumpets. (A. Beyer et al, eds. Hülle und Fülle. Festschrift für Tilmann Buddensieg. Alfter 1993. p. 174)

[BI Wittenberg 1531] Anon. Title page of Georg Rhaw, Enchiridion utriusque musicae practicae. Wittenberg, Georg Rhaw, 1531. woodcut. Wingless putti play flute and large frame drum. (Fraenkel p. 7) Related to title-page Leipzig 1520 BI Leipzig 1520] Anon. Title page of Johannes Galliculus, Isagoge de cantus Compositione. Leipzig, Valentin Schumann, 1520. woodcut. Includes putti playing a flute (with a flute case 38 hung at its waist) and frame drum. (MGG IV, col. 1294)

[Fr Goldegg] Austrian?, 1536. Bear Dance with Putti. Schloss Goldegg, Rittersaal, window niche. fresco. The putti play two slightly curved trumpets and a frame drum. Another does a handstand. (Salmen Katalog. p. 43)

[Gl Zürich SLM] Swiss, 16th century. Wappenscheibe of Johannes Schnewli, Abbot of Wettingen (1538). Zürich SLM. stained glass. Includes a drum-playing putto in the upper left. (J. Schneider. Glasgemälde. Katalog der Sammlung des Schweizerischen Landesmuseums Zürich. [Stafa 1971]. no. 211)

[Gl Zürich SLM] Swiss (Zürich), 16th century. Belschlin Wappenscheibe with St. Jerome (1540). Zürich SLM. stained glass. Includes a drum-playing putto in the upper left. (J. Schneider. Glasgemälde. Katalog der Sammlung des Schweizerischen Landesmuseums Zürich. [Stafa 1971]. no. 218)

[Po Cologne Kunstgewerbemuseum] German (Cologne), second quarter, 16th century. Putti with Standard, Flute and Frame Drum. Cologne, Kunstgewerbemuseum. pottery pitcher. (Kunstgewerbemuseum der Stadt Köln. Steinzeug. Ed. G. Reineking - von Bock. Cologne 1971. [Catalog no. 4] no. not recorded)

[Amman Dr] Amman, Jost (1539-1591). The Figure and Arms of a Herr Reich von Reichenstein. Munich [SgS?]. drawing (Scheibenriss). A putto at the upper left plays a drum. Putti at the upper right play lute, flute (?) and one more musical instrument. unimp. (P. L. Ganz. Die Basler Glasmaler der Spätrenaissance und der Barockzeit. Basel 1966. Abb. 30)


VI: Literary and Historical Subjects/Figures

[Granello Fr] Granello, Niccolò (doc.1567-m.1593) and Fabrizio Castello (ca.1560- 1617). The Battle of Higueruela (1431) (copied in 1587 from an older picture in the Alcazar, Seville). Escorial, Palacio Real, Sala de las Battallas. fresco. Includes mounted Turks playing large, very shallow frame drums. (El Escorial ... 1967. fig. 330 [the whole length of the painting in color—it is 60 yards long!]; J. de Contreras y Lopez de Ayala, Marqués de Lozoya. The Escorial. New York 1967. p. 71 [view of the whole length of the Sala de las Batallas]; Vis. Coll. 372.G764.40[a]) 39

XII: Decorative Elements

[Ms Cambridge MA Houghton Ms Typ/190H] Spanish (Valladolid), 16th century. Military Trophy, from a patent of nobility to Diego Ximines de Enciso Vezino, Logrono, 10 August, 1563. Cambridge MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, Ms Typ/ 90H. manuscript illumination. Includes a frame drum. (exh Cambridge MA, 1955: Harvard College Library. Illuminated & Calligraphic Manuscripts. no. 133, pl. 49, as illuminated in an Italianate hand)

XV: Miscellaneous Figures

Putti: [Vazquez Pa] Vazquez, Jerónimo (ca.1520-doc. to 1580). Assumption and Coronation of the Virgin. Madrid, Fundación Lázaro Galdeano. Putti at the left play , S-shaped trumpet and small drum. Putti at the right play fiddle, cornett and straight trumpet. (Post XIV, p. 95 [fair reproduction])


I: Old Testament

Miriam/Crossing the Red Sea: [Figino Pa] Figino, Giovanni Ambrogio (1548?-1608). The Crossing of the Red Sea. Milan, Cathedral. painting on the shutter of the south organ of the choir. Twp of the numerous Rejoicing Women play small frame drums, one beaten with the hand, the other beaten with a stick . (CR Milan, 1969: Il Duomo di Milano. ed. M. L. Gatti Perer. p. 223, as 1590-95; Art Bulletin 47 [1965] fig. 1 after p. 36 [small reproduction], as ca. 1590-94)

II: New Testament

Nativity—: [Montelupo Sc] Montelupo, Raffaele da (1505?- 1566). Adoration of the Magi. Loreto, Basilica della Santa Casa, facade. scupture. Includes a monkey with a tiny frame drum. (A. Colasanti. Loreto. Bergamo 1910. [Italia artistica, 54] p. 114; F. da Morrovalle. Loreto nell’arte. Genoa n.d. tav. 33)


IV: Saints

Other: [Muziano Dr] Muziano, Girolamo (1532-1592). Landscape with St. Onofrio. Paris, Institut Néerlandais, Fondation Costodia, coll. F. Lugt. drawing. Includes a military figure with a frame drum on his back. (exh Rome, Villa Medici, 1972-73: Il paesaggio nel disegno del cinquecento europaeo. no. 58, p. 85 [ok reproduction])

[Tintoretto Pa] Tintoretto (Jacopo Robusti) (1518-1594). The Conversion of St. Paul. Washington NGA (Kress). oil sketch. Includes a prominent but poorly depicted frame drum (broken head) on the ground. unimp. (F. R. Shapley. Paintings from the Samuel H. Kress Collection. Italian Schools XVI-XVIII Century. London 1973. K.2064, fig. 91; Berenson Venetian. vol. II, pl. 1316)

V: Mythology

Other: [Daniele da Volterra Fr] Daniele da Volterra (1509-1566). The Death of Pentheus. Rome, Palazzo Farnese. fresco. Includes a nude youth playing a frame drum. (Art Bulletin 65 [1983] 598 [detail], as ca.1547-48)

VI: Literary and Historical Subjects/Figures

See also Scenes of Everyday Life—Outdoor, Battles.

[Abbate Pa] Abbate (Abate), Nicolo dell’ (1509/12?-1571). The Meeting of Charles V and the Bey of Tunis (?). London, Courtauld Institute Galleries. Includes figures playing two shawms (shawm and cornett/), bass pommer and trumpet. There are also soldiers gambling on a frame drum. (exh Fontainebleau, 1972: L’École de Fontainebleau. p. 21, as 1535; exh Ottawa NGC, 1973: Fontaniebleau. L’art en France 1528-1610. p. 156, as by Circle of Nicolo d’Abate; Vis. Coll. 372.Ab2.4ch)

[F Bassano Pa] Bassano, Francesco, the Younger (1549-1592). Pope Alexander III presents the stocco to Doge Ziani. Venice, Palazzo Ducale. Includes a trumpeter in one gondola and a drummer (and an unplayed trumpet) in another. (W. Arslan. I Bassano. Bologna 1931. p. 213 [poor reproduction]; Berenson Venetian. vol. II, pl. 1224 [fair reproduction])

[Montemezzano Pa] Montemezzano, Francesco (ca.1540-1602). The Conquest of Acri. Venice, Palazzo Ducale, Sala dello Scrutinio. Includes a figure with a large frame drum. The drum seems rather shallow, but it may be the perspective. (C. Donzelli and 41

G. M. Pilo. I pittori del seicento Veneto. Florence 1967. pl. 12 [fair reproduction]; Burlington 113 [1971] 273 [poor reproduction])

[Tintoretto Pa] Tintoretto (Jacopo Robusti) (1518-1594). The Capture of Parma. Munich AP. Includes a drummer. (E. von der Berchen. Jacopo Tintoretto. Munich 1942. pl. 186, as 1579/80. (T. Pignatti and F. Valcanover. Tintoretto. transl. R. E. Wolf. New York 1985.. pl. 36 [ok color reproduction], as 1579/80)

[Tintoretto Pa] ______. The Investiture of Giovanni Francesco Gonzaga with the Dukedom of Mantua (1433). Munich AP. Includes a drummer. (H. Tietze. Tintoretto. The Paintings and Drawings. London 1948. fig. 221, as ca.1579)

[Tintoretto Pa] ______. The Assault on Constantinople, 1204. Venice, Palazzo Ducale, Sala del Maggior Consiglio. Includes on the quay, left, a trumpeter; and on the quay, right, a drummer (large drum). (E. Miozzi. Venezia nei secoli. La Città I. Venice 1957. p. 252 [poor reproduction])

[Vasari Fr] Vasari, Giorgio (1511-1574). Emperor Maximilian raising the Siege of Livorno, 1496. Florence, Palazzo Vecchio. fresco. Includes figures playing flute and frame drum. (P. Bargellini. Scoperta di Palazzo Vecchio. Florence 1968. p. 79)

VII: Allegory

Elements (Earth): [Zelotti Fr] Zelotti, Giambattista (1526-1578). Earth. Villa Emo, Fanzolo di Vedelago, Treviso. fresco. Includes an unplayed frame drum (large, with sticks). (M. Muraro and P. Marton. Venetian Villas. Udine 1986. p. 242-43 [ok color reproduction, in sitù])

Fortuna: [Pr Anon.] Anon., 16th century “Arboro di frvtti della fortvna”/The Tree of the Fruits of Fortune. woodcut. There are many objects in the branches of the tree (like presents), a very large proportion of them musical instruments, including a frame drum. A man below brandishes a lute. (Burlington 115 [1973] 212 [fair reproduction])

Political: [Veronese Dr] Veronese, Paolo (Paolo Caliari) (ca.1528-1588) (and School). A Political Allegory, with Empeor, Pope and Doge. private collection. Includes at least six players of frame drums. (loan exh, 1969/70: Old Master Drawings from Chatsworth. no. 73. Perhaps represents the Peace of Cateau-Cambrésis in 1559) 42

Temperaments: [Parmigianino Fr] Parmigianino (Francesco Mazzola) (1503-1540). The Four Temperaments. Parma, S. Giovanni Evangelista. fresco. Includes an unplayed lute and an unplayed frame drum (Choleric Temperament?). (M. Fagiolo dell’Arco. Il Parmigianino ... Rome 1970. fig. 4)

Triumph/Victory: [Veronese Fr] Veronese, Paolo (Paolo Caliari) (ca.1528-1588). The Triumph/Apotheosis of Venice. Venice, Palazzo Ducale, Sala del Maggior Consiglio. fresco. Above, an angel blows a straight trumpet. Below, there is a military group with two players of straight trumpets and an unplayed frame drum. (R. Cocke. Veronese’s Drawings. Ithaca NY 1984. p. 211 [small reproduction]; H. C. R. Landon and J. J. Norwich. Five Centuries of Music in Venice. London 1991. p. 33 [small reproduction]; P. H. Osmond. Paolo Veronese, His Career and Work. London 1927. pl. 56; T. Pignatti. Veronese. Venice 1976. cat. no. 284, fig. 636, as completed 1584; G. Piovene. L’opera completa del Veronese. Milan 1968. pl. LXII [fair color reproduction]; TCI. Venezia e la sua laguna. Milan 1947. p. 65 [fair reproduction], as ca.1585)

XII: Decorative Elements

[BI Rome 1554] Anon. Passe-partout title-page border of the Rome printers Valerio and Luigi Dorico. woodcut. Depicts many musical instruments, including a frame drum. (Fraenkel no. 18. From Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, Missarum liber primis. Rome 1554; Fraenkel no. 19, from Giovanni Animuccia, Canticum B. Mariae Virgines. Rome 1568)

[Po Hartford Wadsworth] Italian (Castel Durante), ca. 1530. Border Decoration. Hartford, Wadsworth Atheneum. majolica plate. Includes many , either from the side or in deep perspective from the base. There are also many drums and “rafts” of flutes or recorders. With the arms of the Marquis de’Abon. (exh Hartford, Wadsworth Atheneum, 1987: J. Pierpont Morgan, Collector. European Decorative Arts from the Wadsworth Atheneum. Ed. L. H. Roth. no. 11, p. 76 [fine color reproduction])

[Po London V&A] Italian (Padua), 1555. Decoration. London V & A. majolica dish. The decoration, a medly of trophies, includes three renaissance fiddles, three lutes, woodwinds and a frame drum. (1940 catalog of Italian majolica, no. 991, pl. 160 [tiny reproduction])

[Po London V&A] Italian (Venetian) (attr. workshop of Domenigo da Venezia), ca. 1550- 60. Decoration. London V & A. majolica dish. The center and rim are a medley of weapons, musical instruments (viol, lutes, flutes, curved woodwind, frame drums, etc.), 43 masks, books and globes. (1940 catalog of Italian majolica, no. 969, pl. 156 [tiny reproduction])

[Po London V&A] ______, ca. 1555-60. Decoration. London V & A. majolica plate. Includes a lute, pairs of flutes and a frame drum. (1940 catalog of Italian majolica, no. 976 [similar to no. 975], pl. 157 [tiny reproduction])

[Po London V&A] ______, 1557. Naked Boy. London V & A. majolica plate. The border includes a lute, several pairs of flutes, a drum and a tambourine. (1940 catalog of Italian majolica, no. 975, pl. 157 [tiny reproduction])

[Po London V&A] Italian (Castel Durante, lustred at Gubbio), 1537. Naked Boy. London V&A. majolica plate. Includes four flutes, four frame drums and two pairs of flutes. (1940 catalog of Italian majolica, no. 717, pl. 113 [tiny reproduction])

[Po London V&A] ______, ca.1535. Decoration. London V&A. majolica plate. The center medallion includes a prominent frame drum and two sets of three flutes. The border has numerous flutes (usually in pairs) and a frame drum. (1940 catalog of Italian majolica, no. 715, pl. 113 [tiny reproduction])

[Po Toronto ROM] Italian (perhaps Venice), ca.1550-70. Decoration. Toronto, Royal Ontario Museum. majolica vase. Includes a lute, a pair of flutes and a deep frame drum. (Apollo 113 [1981] 286)

[Bonasone Pr] Bonasone, Giulio (ca.1500/10-p.1574). Charles V and Four Virtues, from Emblems of Bocchius. engraving. Includes a military trophy with a frame drum. (IB vol. 29, no. 199, p. 53)

[Piccinino Me] Piccinino, Lucio (op. ca. 1550-p.1589). Decoration. Vienna KH? embossed and damascened helmet. includes frame drums. very unimp. (Connoisseur 124 [1949] 98. Notes exh. Tower of London, 1949: Armour and Arms from Austria.)

XIII: Scenes of Everyday Life—Outdoor

Battles, Encampments and other Military Scenes: See also Literary and Historical Subjects/Figures. 44

[Fr] Vasari, Giorgio (1511-1574). The Battle of Port’ Ercole, 1555. Florence, Palazzo Vecchio. fresco. Includes a very prominent drummer in the left foreground, and another in the center. (P. Bargellini. Scoperta di Palazzo Vecchio. Florence 1968. p. 76)

[Vasari Fr] ______. The Battle of Pisa. Florence, Palazzo Vecchio. fresco. Includes two groups of four trumpeters and (elsewhere) a drummer. (P. Bargellini. Scoperta di Palazzo Vecchio. Florence 1968. p. 80 [small reproduction])

Dances and Dancers: [BI Perugia 1579] Anon. Indian Rituals of Sacrifice in Mexico, from Diego Valadés, Rhetorica christiana. Perugia, P. G. Petrucci, 1579. engraving. Includes dancers accompanied by a player of a frame drum. (Mortimer Italian. no. 510, p. 706)

[BI Rome 1555] Anon. “De chorea gladiatoria, vel armifera faltatione,” from Olaus Magnus, Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus. Rome, Apud Ioannem Mariam de Viottis Parmense,1555. woodcut. Includes sword and hoop dancers accompanied by figures playing flute and frame drum. (Early Music 14 [1986] 368 [small reproduction])

Processions: [Vicentino Pa] Vicentino (Andrea Michieli, called) (ca.1542-1614). Procession on the Occasion of the Coronation of the Wife of Doge Marino Grimani as Dogaressa, Venice 1597. private collection. Includes two groups of players of four straight trumpets and two players of frame drums. (H. C. R. Landon and J. J. Norwich. Five Centuries of Music in Venice. London 1991. pp. 51-52)

Views: [CI Rome 1567] Faleti, Bartolomeo. View of St. Peter’s Square, Rome, with Pope Pius V giving the Papal Blessing, 1567. engraving. Includes four trumpeters and (elsewhere) players of flute and frame drum. (J. M. Wiesel. Rom in zeitgenossischen Darstellungen des 15. bis 19. Jahrhunderts. Herrenalb 1962. fig. 10)

Other: [BI Rome 1555] Anon. Musicians in Sweden, from Olaus Magnus, Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus. Rome 1555. woodcut. Includes trumpeters and (elsewhere) players of flute and frame drum. (Naylor Trumpet and Trombone. no. 20; Early Music 9 [1981] 48)

[CI Venice 1574] Zenoi, Domenico (op. ca.1560-1580). The Entry of Henry III of France into Venice, 1574. engraving. Includes two pairs of trumpeters and two pairs of frame drums. (Gazette des Beaux-Arts 80 [1972] 328 [small reproduction]) 45


[Veronese Fr] Veronese, Paolo (Paolo Caliari) (ca.1528-1588). The Arrival of Henry III of France at the Lido in Venice, 1574. Venice, Palazzo Ducale. fresco. Includes musicians in a boat playing two trumpets and frame drum. (R. Levi Pisetzky. Storia del costume in Italia, III. Milan 1966. pp. 246-47; R. Strong. Splendour at Court, Renaissance Spectacle and the Theater of Power. Boston 1973. fig. 5, pp. 14-15 [poor detail]; W. Walters. Plastische Deckendekoration des Cinquecento in Venedig und in Veneto. Berlin 1968. pl. LA [poor, cropped reproduction])

XV: Miscellaneous Figures

Animals: See also New Testament, Nativity—Adoration of the Magi.

Military Musicians: [Veronese Dr] Veronese, Paolo (Paolo Caliari) (ca.1528- 1588). Sheet of Studies. Berlin SM KdZ. drawing. Includes a military figure sitting on a large frame drum (rather vaguely sketched). Related to Veronese’s The Triumph/Apotheosis of Venice. (Venice, Palazzo Ducale, Sala del Maggior Consiglio) (R. Cocke. Veronese’s Drawings. Ithaca NY 1984. cat. no. 89, p. 210 (ok reproduction, actual size)

Putti: [Po London Wallace] Italian (Urbino, Francesco Xanto Avelli), 1533. Triumph of Alcione. London Wallace. majolica plate. Includes a flying putto playing a little drum. unimp. (Arte illustrata IV 37/38 [Jan.-Feb. 1971] 57)

[Antonio da Bologna Pa] Antonio da Bologna (op. ca. 1550). The Assumption of the Virgin. Monte Oliveto Maggiore (near Siena), S. Scholastica. Numerous musical angels and putti, including one putto playing a frame drum. (Vis. Coll. 372.An894f.31As)

[D Campagnola Dr] Campagnola, Domenico (1500-1564). Dancing Putti. London BM. drawing. One of the putti plays a frame drum. unimp. (Arte veneta 33 [1979] 44)

[Farinato Dr] Farinato, Paolo (1524-1606?). Putti. private collecton. drawing. One of the putti has a toy drum. (Vis. Coll. 372d.F224.4Pu)