Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province


EScience Associates Bradley Thorpe P.O. Box 2950 Saxonwold, 2132 Johannesburg, 2192 Tel: +27 (0)11 728 2683


Wetland Consulting Services (Pty) Ltd

Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. PO Box 72295 Lynnwood Ridge Pretoria 0040

Tel: 012 349 2699 Fax: 012 349 2993 Email: [email protected]

Reference: 590/2012 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012


PROJECT: Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province

CLIENT: EScience Associates

CONTACT DETAILS: Bradley Thorpe P.O. Box 2950 Saxonwold, 2132 Tel: +27 (0)11 728 2683 E-mail: [email protected]

CONSULTANT: Wetland Consulting Services, (Pty) Ltd.

CONTACT DETAILS: PO Box 72295 Lynnwood Ridge 0040 Telephone number: (012) 349 2699 Fax number: (012) 349 2993 E-mail: [email protected]

PROJECT TEAM: Shavaughn Davis (Zoologist & Project Management) David Hoare (Botanist) Dieter Kassier (Wetlands & Project Management) Pieter Kotze (Aquatic Ecology - Fish) Norma Sharratt (Aquatic Ecology – SASS5)

Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012






4.1 Location 9 4.2 Catchments 10 4.3 Geology and Soils 11 4.4 Topography 13 4.5 Climate 13


5.1 Vegetation 14 5.1.1 Assessment philosophy 14 5.1.2 Plant species of conservation concern 15 5.1.3 Protected trees 16 5.1.4 Vegetation habitats of concern 16 5.2 Terrestrial Ecology 19 5.3 Wetlands 19 5.3.1 Wetland Delineation and Classification 20 5.3.2 Present Ecological State and Ecological Importance & Sensitivity 21 5.4 Aquatic Ecology 21 5.4.1 Site Habitat Integrity (SHI) 21 5.4.2 Water Quality 22 5.4.3 Sampling Sites 22 5.4.4 Diatoms 25 5.4.5 Aquatic macroinvertebrates 26 5.4.6 Icthyofauna (Fish) 27


6.1 Vegetation 30 6.1.1 Broad vegetation types of the region 30 6.1.2 Central Sandy Bushveld 30 6.1.3 Springbokvlakte Thornveld 31 6.1.4 Subtropical Freshwater Wetlands 31 6.1.5 Habitats on site 32 6.1.6 Protected trees 32 6.1.7 Red List plant species of the study area 33 6.1.8 Sensitivity assessment 34 6.2 Terrestrial Ecology 35 6.2.1 Habitat 35 6.2.2 Potential Faunal Assemblage within the Study Area 37


Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012

6.2.3 Red Data List Species 38 Amphibians 41 Avifauna 41 Mammals 41 42 6.2.4 Habitats of Conservation Importance 42 6.3 Wetlands 43 6.3.1 Background to the Nylsvley Wetland 43 Ramsar Wetland 43 Formation 44 Hydrology & Flooding 45 Freshwater Ecosystem Priority Area 47 6.3.2 Wetland Delineation and Classification 48 6.3.3 Wetland Biodiversity 51 Flora 51 Fauna 53 6.3.4 Functional Importance 54 6.3.5 Present Ecological Status (PES) Assessment 55 6.3.6 Ecological Importance and Sensitivity (EIS) 57 6.4 Aquatic Ecology 59 6.4.1 Habitat Integrity 59 6.4.2 Water Quality 60 6.4.3 Diatoms 61 6.4.4 Aquatic Macroinvertebrates 62 6.4.5 Icthyofauna (Fish) 63 Habitat Type and Availability 63 Fish species composition (pre-disturbance/reference and present) 64 Habitat preference and intolerance to environmental degradation 66 Relative intolerance of fish to environmental change 68 Conservation status 68 Alien fish species 69 Migration 70 Biotic integrity based on fish 70


7.1 Project Description 72 7.2 Impact Assessment Methodology 74 7.3 Vegetation 75 7.3.1 Impact 1: Loss of populations of threatened plants 77 7.3.2 Impact 2: Loss of individuals of protected tree species 78 7.3.3 Impact 3: Loss or fragmentation of indigenous natural vegetation (terrestrial) 79 7.3.4 Impact 4: Damage to wetland vegetation 80 7.3.5 Impact 5: Establishment and spread of declared weeds and alien invader plants 81 7.3.6 Information gaps and required studies 83 7.4 Terrestrial Ecology 83 7.4.1 Construction – Habitat loss and fragmentation 84 7.4.2 Construction - Interruption of Local Migration Routes 84 7.4.3 Construction – Loss of Biodiversity including Red Data List & Protected Species 85 7.4.4 Construction – Habitat degradation through air, water and soil pollution 86 7.4.5 Construction – Habitat degradation through the encroachment of exotic species 86 7.4.6 Construction – Disturbance of biodiversity through noise and vibration 87 7.4.7 Construction – Disturbance of biodiversity through illumination 88


Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012

7.4.8 Construction – Hydrological changes 88 7.4.9 Construction – Increased access to previously inaccessible areas 89 7.4.10 Operation – Interruption of Local Migration Routes 90 7.4.11 Operation – Loss of Biodiversity Including Red Data List and Protected Species 90 7.4.12 Operation – Habitat Degradation through Air, Water and Soil Pollution 91 7.4.13 Operation – Habitat Degradation through the Encroachment of Exotic Species 92 7.4.14 Operation - Disturbance of Biodiversity through Noise and Vibration 92 7.4.15 Operation – Disturbance of biodiversity through illumination 93 7.4.16 Operation – Hydrological changes 93 7.4.17 Operation – Increased access to previously inaccessible areas 94 7.4.18 Decommissioning & Closure – Loss of Biodiversity including Red Data List and Protected Species 95 7.4.19 Decommissioning & Closure – Habitat Degradation through Air, Water and Soil Pollution 96 7.4.20 Decommissioning & Closure – Habitat Degradation through the Encroachment of Exotic Species 97 7.4.21 Decommissioning & Closure – Hydrological Changes 97 7.4.22 Cumulative Impacts 98 7.5 Wetlands 99 7.5.1 Construction – Loss and disturbance of wetland habitat 99 7.5.2 Construction – Increased sedimentation in the wetland 100 7.5.3 Construction – Altered flow and flooding characteristics 101 7.5.4 Construction – Water Quality Deterioration 101 7.5.5 Operation – Decreased extent and duration of flooding 102 7.5.6 Operation – Changes in habitat and loss of biodiversity 103 7.5.7 Operation – Water quality deterioration 104 7.5.8 Decommissioning & Closure – Water quality deterioration 105 7.5.9 Cumulative Impacts 105 7.6 Aquatic Ecology 106 7.6.1 Construction – Increased turbidity and sedimentation 106 7.6.2 Construction – Altered hydrology 107 7.6.3 Construction – Spread of alien fish species 108 7.6.4 Construction – Increased pressure on fish stock 108 7.6.5 Construction – Water quality deterioration 109 7.6.6 Operation – Water quality deterioration: Mining 110 7.6.7 Operation – Disturbance from Blasting 111 7.6.8 Operation – Altered Habitat Suitability and Availability 111 7.6.9 Operation - Alteration of natural hydrological regimes: erosion and sedimentation 112 7.6.10 Operation - Alteration of natural hydrological regimes: groundwater ingress 112 7.6.11 Operation – Loss of Biodiversity 113 7.6.12 Operation – Water quality deterioration related to accidental spills/leaks 113 7.6.13 Decommissioning & Closure – Water quality deterioration 114 7.6.14 Decommissioning & Closure – Biodiversity Loss 115 7.6.15 Decommissioning & Closure – Erosion and Sedimentation 115 7.6.16 Decommissioning & Closure – Water quality deterioration due to spills/leaks. 116 7.6.17 Cumulative Impacts to the Aquatic environment 117


8.1.1 Monitoring of populations of threatened plant populations 118 8.1.2 Monitoring of alien invasive plants 119 8.1.3 Post-rehabilitation landscape functionality monitoring 119 8.1.4 Aquatic Biomonitoring 119



Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012

Vegetation 120 Terrestrial ecology 120 Wetlands 121 Aquatic ecology 121 Impact Assessment 122








TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 1. Map showing the regional location of the study area...... 10 Figure 2. Map showing the study area in relation to the quaternary catchment...... 11 Figure 3. Map of the underlying geology of the study area and surroundings (based on the 1:250 000 geological map series)...... 12 Figure 4. Landtypes of the site of the proposed mine...... 13 Figure 5. Diagram illustrating the position of the various wetland types within the landscape...... 20 Figure 6. Google EarthTM image of Volspruit mine study area (demarcated in white), indicating sampling sites (green place marks) relative to the position of the ore bodies (demarcated in red)...... 23 Figure 7. Photographs of sites sampled (numbered sequentially from 1 to 7)...... 25 Figure 8. Biological Bands and Ecological Categories for the Bushveld Basin, calculated using percentiles (extracted from Dallas 2007)...... 26


Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012

Figure 9. Broad vegetation types of the study area...... 30 Figure 10. Map showing the natural habitats of the study area...... 32 Figure 11. Sensitivity of the natural habitats within the study area...... 34 Figure 12. Photographs of the wetland habitats within the study area...... 36 Figure 13. Photographs of the terrestrial habitats, including (clockwise from top left): plain woodland, plain woodland, cultivated fields, hill woodland)...... 37 Figure 14. Graphs showing the contribution of the potential species richness within QDS 2428BD toward species richness totals recorded for South Africa and the Limpopo Province respectively (Expressed as a percentage of total species richness)...... 38 Figure 15. Location of the Southern African python (Python natalensis) observed during a site visit to the study area and surrounds...... 42 Figure 16. Map of the greater Nylsvley Wetland within its catchment, indicating the location of the Nylsvley Nature Reserve and the study area in relation to the entire floodplain...... 44 Figure 17. Schematic cross section through the Nylsvlei (McCarthy, 2012)...... 45 Figure 18. Extract of the NFEPA database for the Nylsvley wetland...... 47 Figure 19. Map of the delineated wetlands within the study area...... 49 Figure 20. Photographs of the floodplain on site (clockwise from top left) floodplain on the southern boundary of the study area; floodplain upstream of the large dam; open water body associated with the large dam; and the floodplain downstream of the dam (the reeds in the background indicate the channel)...... 50 Figure 21. Vegetation map of the study area (from Mucina and Rutherford, 2006)...... 52 Figure 22. Map showing some of the impacts observed on site...... 57 Figure 23. Photos showing some of the observed impacts on site: one of several shallow berms observed within the floodplain and along the floodplain boundary, and change in vegetation associated with the large dam on site...... 57 Figure 24. Ordination plot of the SRVM sites (marked in red) indicating diatom assemblage patterns relative to other wetland sites...... 62 Figure 25. Map showing the proposed opencast pits and associated infrastructure within the study area and in relation to the Nyl wetland...... 74 Figure 26. Map showing the proposed infrastructure in relation to sensitive natural habitats of the study area...... 76

TABLE OF TABLES Table 1. Table showing the mean annual precipitation, run-off and potential evaporation per quaternary catchment (Middleton, B.J., Midgley, D.C and Pitman, W.V., 1990)...... 10 Table 2: Explanation of sensitivity ratings...... 17 Table 3. Sampling sites selected for the purpose of the baseline study...... 23 Table 4. Descriptive categories used to describe the present ecological status (PES) of biotic components (adapted from Kleynhans, 1999)...... 28 Table 5. Conservation status of different vegetation types occurring in the study area, according to Driver et al. 2005 and Mucina et al. 2005...... 30 Table 6. Explanation of IUCN Ver. 3.1 categories (IUCN, 2001), and Orange List categories (Victor & Keith, 2004)...... 33


Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012

Table 7. Species richness for the four faunal classes assessed within QDS 2428BD, Limpopo Province and South Africa...... 38 Table 8. Red Data List fauna (mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles) expected to occur in QDS 2428BD based on Skinner & Chimimba (2005), Du Preez & Carruthers (2009), Minter et. al. (2004), Alexander & Marais (2007), Branch (1998), IUCN (2010), Demography Unit (1997) and Endangered Wildlife Trust & Conservation Breeding Specialist Group (2004) including their conservation status (national assessments) and habitat requirements...... 39 Table 9. Table showing the rating scale used for the PES assessment...... 56 Table 10. Scoring system used for the EIS assessment...... 58 Table 11. Estimated human impacts on the aquatic habitat integrity of sites along the Nyl River within the Volspruit study area (January 2011). The most important impacts are highlighted...... 60 Table 12. In-situ water quality variables measured at the time of sampling (January 2011 survey)...... 60 Table 13. Generic diatom based ecological classification for the Grass Valley sites...... 61 Table 14. Summary of aquatic macroinvertebrates sampled upstream (1) and downstream (5) of proposed mining at Volspruit Mine...... 62 Table 15. Habitat composition and diversity for fish at different sampling sites ...... 64 Table 16. Fish species (no. of individuals) sampled during January 2011 at the selected sampling sites...... 64 Table 17. Probability of occurrence of fish species and their expected frequency of occurrence under natural and present conditions...... 65 Table 18. Habitat preferences (flow-depth and cover features) of the expected fish species (Kleynhans, 2003)...... 66 Table 19. Human activities that are often responsible for degradation in specific fish habitat features (important habitats for fish within the study area are shaded)...... 67 Table 20. Relative intolerance ratings of expected fish species (Kleynhans, 2003) ...... 68 Table 21. Conservation status of indigenous fish species expected in the Volspruit Mine study area ...... 69 Table 22. Fish Response Assessment Index (FRAI) results for Nyl River Reach...... 70


Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012


The findings, results, observations, conclusions and recommendations given in this report are based on the author’s best scientific and professional knowledge as well as available information. The report is based on survey and assessment techniques which are limited by time and budgetary constraints relevant to the type and level of investigation undertaken and Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. and its staff reserve the right to modify aspects of the report including the recommendations if and when new information may become available from ongoing research or further work in this field, or pertaining to this investigation.

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Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012


Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. (WCS) was appointed by EScience Associates to undertake a biodiversity assessment for the proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine to be located on the Farms Volspruit 326-KP and Zoetveld 294-KR adjacent to the Nyl River in the Limpopo Province.

The main aim of the study was to investigate the biodiversity elements of the study area, the nature of the vegetation, the species and habitats of importance and the extent of wetlands potentially occurring within and surrounding the proposed mining footprint, and to assess the potential impacts associated with the proposed developments and opencast ore pits and provide possible mitigation and/or management measures.

The following aspects of biodiversity have been covered in this study:

. Wetlands . Vegetation . Fauna (focusing on mammals and birds) . Aquatic Ecology (Fish and Aquatic Invertebrates)


In order to meet the project objectives, the following tasks were identified:

. Conduct a biodiversity assessment of the study area, focusing on the following biodiversity aspects:  Vegetation  Wetlands  Aquatic ecology  Terrestrial ecology (primarily birds and mammals) . Assess the potential impacts to the biodiversity associated with the opencast pits and associated infrastructures. . Provide mitigation and/or management recommendations, as well as future monitoring suggestions (where applicable). . Compile a report detailing all of the findings of the biodiversity and impact assessments.


Red List species are, by their nature, usually very rare and difficult to locate. Compiling the list of species that could potentially occur in an area is limited by the paucity of collection records that make it difficult to predict whether a species may occur in an area or not. The methodology used in this assessment is designed to reduce the risks of omitting any species, but it is always possible

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 8 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012 that a species that does not occur on a list may be located in an area where it was not previously known to exist.

While the species lists provided in this report are as exhaustive as possible, it must be noted that rare or cryptic species may have been missed, and certain species may be occurring outside of their normally assumed distribution ranges or preferred habitats. Therefore, it must be assumed that additional species could occur within the study area.

Aquatic ecosystems vary both temporally and spatially. Once-off surveys such as this are therefore likely to miss substantial ecological information, thus limiting accuracy, detail and confidence.

Reference conditions are unknown. This limits the confidence with which the present ecological category is assigned. However, data collected during this study can serve as a point of departure for future surveys.

Due to the scale of the remote imagery used (1:10 000 orthophotos and Google Earth Imagery), as well as the accuracy of the handheld GPS unit used to delineate wetlands and habitat boundaries in the field, the delineated boundaries cannot be guaranteed beyond an accuracy of about 20m on the ground. Should greater mapping accuracy be required, the boundaries would need to be pegged in the field and surveyed using conventional survey techniques.

Three 1-day site visits were undertake for the purpose of this wetland assessment, in late 2010 and again in early 2011.

Field investigations undertaken as part of this study were limited to the study area and immediate surrounds. However, data collected on site was supplemented through literature reviews of extensive research that has been undertaken within the greater Nylsvley floodplain so as to provide a more complete picture of the ecosystems affected by the proposed developments.


4.1 Location

The proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine will be located on the Farms Volspruit 326-KP and Zoetveld 294-KR in the Limpopo Province. The study area, as illustrated in the map below, is located along the eastern bank of the Nyl River, approximately 17 km to the south of the town of Mokopane (as the crow flies). The N1 highway passes through the extreme north of the site, while an un-surfaced public road traverses the study area from north to south. Roughly 35km upstream of the site is the Nylsvley Nature Reserve Ramsar Site, while the abandoned Grass Valley Chrome Mine is just outside the site to the north-east. The study area covers 2 840 ha and falls within quarter degree square (QDS) 2428BD.

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 9 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012

Figure 1. Map showing the regional location of the study area.

4.2 Catchments

The study area is located within the Limpopo River Catchment (Primary Catchment A), and more specifically within quaternary catchment A61 E. The catchment is drained by the Nyl River, which becomes the Mogalakwena River which feeds into the Glen Alpine Dam and eventually drains into the Limpopo River approximately 50km upstream of the Mapungubwe National Park.

Information regarding catchment size, mean annual rainfall and runoff for the quaternary catchment is provided in the table below (Middleton, B.J., Midgley, D.C and Pitman, W.V., 1990). Figure 2 indicates the position of the study area in relation to the affected quarternary catchment.

Table 1. Table showing the mean annual precipitation, run-off and potential evaporation per quaternary catchment (Middleton, B.J., Midgley, D.C and Pitman, W.V., 1990). Catchment Mean Annual Mean Annual Quaternary MAR as a % Surface Area Rainfall (MAP) Run-off (MAR) Catchment of MAP (ha) in mm in mm A61E 48 698 624.58 46.3 7.4 %

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 10 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012

Figure 2. Map showing the study area in relation to the quaternary catchment.

4.3 Geology and Soils

According to the 1:250 000 geological maps of the area, the geology of the study area is dominated by Melanorite of the Bushveld Igneous Complex, which occurs across most of the site and is exposed in the large flat hill in the eastern section of the site. Along the western boundary, the large alluvial deposits associated with the Nyl River form a broad band from south to north, while the extreme south eastern corner is characterised by carbonaceous and calcareous shale.

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 11 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012

Zebediela Fault

Figure 3. Map of the underlying geology of the study area and surroundings (based on the 1:250 000 geological map series).

Detailed soil information is not available for broad areas of the country. As a surrogate, landtype data was used to provide a general description of soils in the study area (landtypes are areas with largely uniform soils, topography and climate). There are three landtypes on the site (Figure 4). The landtype that covers most of the site is the Ae landtype (Land Type Survey Staff, 1987). There are also two other small patches, one of the Ca landtype and one of the Bd landtype.

A land types refer to yellow and red soils without water tables belonging to one or more of the following soil forms: Inanda, Kranskop, Magwa, Hutton, Griffin, Clovelly. The Ae landtype consists of red, high base status, > 300 mm deep soils (MacVicar et al. 1974).

The soils of the floodplain are mostly clayey in nature and in some instances also show cracking on the soil surface due to their expansive nature. The Rensburg soil form dominates the Nyl floodplain.

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 12 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012

Figure 4. Landtypes of the site of the proposed mine.

Of significance is also the Zebediela Fault indicated on the map above which passes roughly from east to west through the south of the study area and crosses the Nyl River just upstream of the site. The Zebediela Fault was in the past proposed as the reason for the formation of the Nyl floodplain, with uplift along the fault leading to the formation of a basin now occupied by the floodplain (Tooth et al, 2001 as cited in Havenga et al., 2007). However, more recent work by McCarthy et al. (2011) questions this hypothesis. The location of the fault upstream of the site indicates that the study area is located at the extreme downstream end of the Nyl floodplain.

4.4 Topography

The study site is on the flats to the east of the Nyl River. It is very gently sloping from the south- east towards the river in the west. There is also a small koppie in the north-eastern corner on the boundary of the site. The elevation on site varies from 1061 to 1113 m above sea level.

The Nyl River is the main drainage line on site. There is one other non-perennial drainage line on site, but the gradient is very shallow and this drainage line appears to peter out before it reaches the Nyl River.

4.5 Climate

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 13 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012

Rainfall falls primarily in summer, with a distinct dry season in the winter. Mean annual rainfall is 520 mm per year. All areas with less than 400 mm rainfall are considered to be arid. The study area can therefore be considered to be dry, but not arid.


5.1 Vegetation

The objective of the study was to assess potential impacts by the proposed project on vegetation. It order to do this, it was necessary to review vegetation and flora patterns within the study area in order to identify any highly sensitive areas that should be avoided during development. It was therefore necessary to provide checklists of sensitive species that could potentially occur in the study area as well as habitats with high conservation value. For potential species, only those of high conservation concern are provided. It was also intended to provide a sensitivity map of the study area based on available maps, database information and a field assessment of the site. The results of the assessment study are provided in this report.

5.1.1 Assessment philosophy

Many parts of South Africa contain high levels of biodiversity at species and ecosystem level. At any single site there may be large numbers of species or high ecological complexity. Sites also vary in their natural character and uniqueness and the level to which they have been previously disturbed. Assessing the potential impacts of a proposed development often requires evaluating the conservation value of a site relative to other natural areas and relative to the national importance of the site in terms of biodiversity conservation. A simple approach to evaluating the relative importance of a site includes assessing the following:

. Is the site unique in terms of natural or biodiversity features? . Is the protection of biodiversity features on the site of national/provincial importance? . Would development of the site lead to contravention of any international, national or provincial legislation, policy, convention or regulation?

Thus, the general approach adopted for this type of study is to identify any critical biodiversity issues that may lead to the decision that the proposed project cannot take place, i.e. to specifically focus on red flags and/or potential fatal flaws. Biodiversity issues are assessed by documenting whether any important biodiversity features occur on site, including species, ecosystems or

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 14 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012 processes that maintain ecosystems and/or species. These can be organised in a hierarchical fashion, as follows:

Species 1. threatened plant species 2. protected trees

Ecosystems 1. threatened ecosystems 2. protected ecosystems 3. critical biodiversity areas 4. areas of high biodiversity 5. centres of endemism

Processes 1. corridors 2. mega-conservancy networks 3. rivers and wetlands 4. important topographical features

It is not the intention to provide comprehensive lists of all species that occur on site, since most of the species on these lists are usually common or widespread species. Rare, threatened, protected and conservation-worthy species and habitats are considered to be the highest priority, the presence of which are most likely to result in significant negative impacts on the ecological environment. The focus on national and provincial priorities and critical biodiversity issues is in line with National legislation protecting environmental and biodiversity resources, including, but not limited to the following which ensure protection of ecological processes, natural systems and natural beauty as well as the preservation of biotic diversity in the natural environment:

1. Environment Conservation Act (Act 73 of 1989) 2. National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (NEMA) (Act 107 of 1998) 3. National Environmental Management Biodiversity Act, 2004. (Act 10 0f 2004)

5.1.2 Plant species of conservation concern

The purpose of listing Red Data plant species was to provide information on the potential occurrence of species of special concern in the study area that may be affected by the proposed infrastructure. Species appearing on these lists could then be assessed in terms of their habitat requirements in order to determine whether any of them have a likelihood of occurring in habitats that may be affected by the proposed infrastructure.

A list of plant species of conservation concern was compiled specifically for the study area for any species of conservation concern previously recorded in the area and any other species with potential conservation value that could occur there. Historical occurrences of threatened plant species were obtained from the South African National Biodiversity Institute for the quarter degree squares within which the study area is situated. In order to ensure that this list was not affected by

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 15 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012 poor collection records for the quarter degree grid/s for the site, the lists for all surrounding grids were also checked to see whether any other species could be considered for the current site.

A published list of the Red List species of South African plants (Raimondo et al. 2009) contains a list of all species that are considered to be at risk of extinction. This list is updated regularly to take new information into account, but these are not published in book/paper format. Updated assessments are provided on the SANBI website ( According to the website of the Red List of Southern African Plants (, the conservation status of plants indicated on the Red List of South African Plants Online represents the status of the species within South Africa's borders. This means that when a species is not endemic to South Africa, only the portion of the species population occurring within South Africa has been assessed. The global conservation status, which is a result of the assessment of the entire global range of a species, can be found on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species: The South African assessment is used in this study.

Habitat and distribution information for each species was obtained from published sources and from the Red List database from the South African National Biodiversity Institute (

For all threatened flora that occurs in the general geographical area of the site, a rating of the likelihood of it occurring on site is given as follows:

. LOW: no suitable habitats occur on site / habitats on site do not match habitat description for species; . MEDIUM: habitats on site match general habitat description for species (e.g. fynbos), but detailed microhabitat requirements (e.g. mountain fynbos on shallow soils overlying Table Mountain sandstone) are absent on the site or are unknown from the descriptions given in the literature or from the authorities; . HIGH: habitats found on site match very strongly the general and microhabitat description for the species (e.g. mountain fynbos on shallow soils overlying Table Mountain sandstone); . DEFINITE: species found in habitats on site.

5.1.3 Protected trees

A list of protected trees is provided in the National Forests Act (Act no 84 of 1998). This list is appended to this report (Appendix 2). Distribution maps for each species were obtained from published sources and from distribution maps form the South African National Biodiversity Institute ( Any species that had a geographical distribution that includes the site were considered for this study. Habitat information for each species was obtained from literature sources. The probability of a species occurring on site was determined from these habitat requirements compared to the availability of suitable habitat on site.

5.1.4 Vegetation habitats of concern

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 16 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012

The purpose of producing a habitat sensitivity map is to provide information on the location of potentially sensitive features in the study area. This was compiled by taking the following into consideration:

1. The general status of the vegetation of the study area was derived by compiling a landcover data layer for the study area (sensu Fairbanks et al. 2000) using available satellite imagery and aerial photography. From this it can be seen which areas are transformed versus those that are still in a natural status. 2. Various provincial, regional or national level conservation planning studies have been undertaken in the area, e.g. the National Spatial Biodiversity Assessment (NSBA). The mapped results from these were taken into consideration in compiling the habitat sensitivity map. 3. Habitats in which various species of plants or occur that may be protected or are considered to have high conservation status are considered to be sensitive.

An explanation of the different sensitivity classes is given in Table 2. Areas containing untransformed natural vegetation of conservation concern, high diversity or habitat complexity, Red List organisms or systems vital to sustaining ecological functions are considered potentially sensitive. In contrast, any transformed area that has no importance for the functioning of ecosystems is considered to potentially have low sensitivity.

Table 2: Explanation of sensitivity ratings. Sensitivity Factors contributing to sensitivity Example of qualifying features VERY HIGH Indigenous natural areas that are highly positive for  CBA areas. any of the following:  Remaining areas of  Presence of threatened species (Critically vegetation type listed Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable) in Draft Ecosystem and/or habitat critical for the survival of List of NEM:BA as populations of threatened species. Critically Endangered,  High conservation status (low proportion Endangered or remaining intact, highly fragmented, habitat Vulnerable. for species that are at risk).  Protected forest  Protected habitats (areas protected patches. according to national / provincial legislation,  Confirmed presence e.g. National Forests Act, Draft Ecosystem of populations of List of NEM:BA, Integrated Coastal Zone threatened species. Management Act, Mountain Catchment Areas Act, Lake Areas Development Act) And may also be positive for the following:  High intrinsic biodiversity value (high species richness and/or turnover, unique ecosystems)  High value ecological goods & services (e.g. water supply, erosion control, soil formation, carbon storage, pollination, refugia, food production, raw materials, genetic resources, cultural value)  Low ability to respond to disturbance (low

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resilience, dominant species very old). HIGH Indigenous natural areas that are positive for any of  Habitat where a the following: threatened species  High intrinsic biodiversity value could potentially occur (moderate/high species richness and/or (habitat is suitable, turnover). but no confirmed  Presence of habitat highly suitable for records). threatened species (Critically Endangered,  Confirmed habitat for Endangered, Vulnerable species). species of lower  Moderate ability to respond to disturbance threat status (near (moderate resilience, dominant species of threatened, rare). intermediate age).  Habitat containing  Moderate conservation status (moderate individuals of extreme proportion remaining intact, moderately age. fragmented, habitat for species that are at  Habitat with low ability risk). to recover from  Moderate to high value ecological goods & disturbance. services (e.g. water supply, erosion control,  Habitat with soil formation, carbon storage, pollination, exceptionally high refugia, food production, raw materials, diversity (richness or genetic resources, cultural value). turnover). And may also be positive for the following:  Habitat with unique  Protected habitats (areas protected species composition according to national / provincial legislation, and narrow e.g. National Forests Act, Draft Ecosystem distribution. List of NEM:BA, Integrated Coastal Zone  Ecosystem providing Management Act, Mountain Catchment high value ecosystem Areas Act, Lake Areas Development Act) goods and services. MEDIUM- Indigenous natural areas that are positive for one or  Corridor areas. HIGH two of the factors listed above, but not a combination  Habitat with high of factors. diversity (richness or turnover).  Habitat where a species of lower threat status (e.g. (near threatened, rare) could potentially occur (habitat is suitable, but no confirmed records). MEDIUM Other indigenous natural areas in which factors listed above are of no particular concern. May also include natural buffers around ecologically sensitive areas and natural links or corridors in which natural habitat is still ecologically functional. MEDIUM- Degraded, secondary or disturbed indigenous natural LOW vegetation. LOW No natural habitat remaining.

Any natural vegetation within which there are features of conservation concern will be classified into one of the high sensitivity classes (MEDIUM-HIGH, HIGH or VERY HIGH). The difference

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 18 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012 between these three high classes is based on a combination of factors and can be summarised as follows:

. Areas classified into the VERY HIGH class are vital for the survival of species or ecosystems. They are either known sites for threatened species or are ecosystems that have been identified as being remaining areas of vegetation of critical conservation importance. . Areas classified into the HIGH class are of high biodiversity value, but do not necessarily contain features that would put them into the VERY HIGH class. For example, a site that is known to contain a population of a threatened species would be in the VERY HIGH class, but a site where a threatened species could potentially occur (habitat is suitable), but it is not known whether it does occur there or not, is classified into the HIGH sensitivity class. The class also includes any areas that are not specifically identified as having high conservation status, but have high local species richness, unique species composition, low resilience or provide very important ecosystem goods and services.

Areas classified into the MEDIUM-HIGH sensitivity class are natural vegetation in which there are one or two features that make them of biodiversity value, but not to the extent that they would be classified into one of the other two higher categories.

5.2 Terrestrial Ecology

A desktop study was conducted to determine the species potentially occurring within QDS 2428BD based upon available information on faunal distribution ranges in southern Africa.

A field survey was then conducted over two days in December 2010 and March 2011 to assess the study area and its surrounds. This assessment included identifying the types of habitat available and opportunistically surveying the site for signs of species presence (tracks, scats, skulls, visual sightings).

Using information on individual mammal species habitat requirements and the data gained during the field survey it was possible to determine the likelihood of each species occurring based on the presence or absence of important habitat features and the levels of human disturbance.

The list of bird species present within the QDS 2428BD was obtained from the South African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP 1) conducted by Animal Demography Unit, University of Cape Town South and the South African National Biodiversity Institute.

Lists of mammal, amphibian and species present in the Nylsvley Nature Reserve were obtained from the “Friends of Nylsvley” website (

5.3 Wetlands

The National Water Act, Act 36 of 1998, defines wetlands as follows:

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“Land which is transitional between terrestrial and aquatic systems where the water table is usually at or near the surface, or the land is periodically covered with shallow water, and which land in normal circumstances supports or would support vegetation typically adapted to life in saturated soil.”

The presence of wetlands in the landscape can be linked to the presence of both surface water and perched groundwater. Wetland types are differentiated based on their hydro-geomorphic (HGM) characteristics; i.e. on the position of the wetland in the landscape, as well as the way in which water moves into, through and out of the wetland systems. A schematic diagram of how these wetland systems are positioned in the landscape is given in the figure below.

Figure 5. Diagram illustrating the position of the various wetland types within the landscape.

5.3.1 Wetland Delineation and Classification

Use was made of 1:50 000 topographical maps, 1:10 000 orthophotos and Google Earth Imagery to create digital base maps of the study area onto which the wetland boundaries could be delineated using ArcMap 9.0. A desktop delineation of suspected wetland areas was undertaken by identifying rivers and wetness signatures on the digital base maps. All identified areas suspected to be wetlands were then further investigated in the field.

Wetlands were identified and delineated according to the delineation procedure as set out by the “A Practical Field Procedure for the Identification and Delineation of Wetlands and Riparian Areas” document, as described by DWAF (2005) and Kotze and Marneweck (1999). Using this procedure, wetlands were identified and delineated using the Terrain Unit Indicator, the Soil Form Indicator, the Soil Wetness Indicator and the Vegetation Indicator.

For the purposes of delineating the actual wetland boundaries use is made of indirect indicators of prolonged saturation, namely wetland plants (hydrophytes) and wetland soils (hydromorphic soils), with particular emphasis on hydromorphic soils. It is important to note that under normal conditions hydromorphic soils must display signs of wetness (mottling and gleying) within 50cm of the soil

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 20 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012 surface for an area to be classified as a wetland (A practical field procedure for identification and delineation of wetlands and riparian areas, DWAF).

The delineated wetlands were then classified using a hydro-geomorphic classification system based on the system proposed by Brinson (1993), and modified for use in South African conditions by Marneweck and Batchelor (2002).

5.3.2 Present Ecological State and Ecological Importance & Sensitivity

A present ecological state (PES) and ecological importance and sensitivity (EIS) assessment was conducted for every hydro-geomorphic wetland unit identified and delineated within the study area. This was done in order to establish a baseline of the current state of the wetlands and to provide an indication of the conservation value and sensitivity of the wetlands in the study area.

For the purpose of this study, the scoring system as described in the document “Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources. Volume 4. Wetland Ecosystems” (DWAF, 1999) was applied for the determination of the EIS, while a Level 1 WET-Health assessment was undertaken for the determination of the PES.

5.4 Aquatic Ecology

The following tools were used to assess the integrity of the aquatic ecosystems in surface water:

5.4.1 Site Habitat Integrity (SHI)

A simplified index of habitat integrity, namely Site Habitat Integrity (SHI) was used to determine the broad habitat integrity or condition, based on the extent of different human activities, at selected sites. This approach is based on the assessment of physical habitat disturbance (Kleynhans, 1997). The following impacts were investigated, namely:

. Water abstraction, . Flow modification, . Bed modification, . Channel modification, . Inundation, . Exotic macrophytes, . Solid waste disposal, . Indigenous vegetation removal, . Exotic vegetation encroachment, and . Bank erosion.

Estimation of the impact of each of these modifications on the aquatic habitat integrity at a site is scored as follows:

. No Impact = 0 . Small impact = 1

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. Moderate Impact = 3 . Large impact = 5

5.4.2 Water Quality

. Water quality: Analysis of major anions and cations, conductivity, TDS, pH and temperature. These were interpreted in terms of ecological responses only. . Diatoms: Diatoms provide a rapid response to specific physico-chemical conditions in aquatic ecosystems and are often the first indication of change. The presence or absence of indicator taxa can be used to detect specific changes in environmental conditions such as eutrophication, organic enrichment, salinisation and changes in pH. Preparation of diatom slides followed the Hot HCl and KMnO4 method as outlined in Taylor et al. (2007a). A Nikon microscope with phase contrast optics (1000x) was used to identify 400 diatom valves per sample. Diatom analysis included measures of abundance so as to infer water quality based on species dominance.

5.4.3 Sampling Sites

Sampling sites were selected to be representative of all surface water ecosystems within the study area, aiming to assess an upstream scenario (upstream of potential impacts associated with the proposed mining activity), directly impacted (area in close proximity to mining), and downstream scenario (area downstream of all potential impacts from mining) (Figure 6; Table 3). Sites 1 and 5 were sampled for aquatic macroinvertebrates and diatoms in addition to fish. An additional site (site 7), 6km downstream of the site, was sampled for fish only. Photographs of the sampling sites are provided in Figure 7.

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Figure 6. Google EarthTM image of Volspruit mine study area (demarcated in white), indicating sampling sites (green place marks) relative to the position of the ore bodies (demarcated in red).


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Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 24 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012

Figure 7. Photographs of sites sampled (numbered sequentially from 1 to 7).

5.4.4 Diatoms

Diatoms are the unicellular algal group most widely used as indicators of wetland quality as they provide a rapid response to specific physico-chemical conditions in the water and are often the first indication of change. The presence or absence of indicator taxa can be used to detect specific changes in environmental conditions such as eutrophication, organic enrichment, salinisation and changes in pH. They are therefore useful for providing an overall picture of trends within an aquatic wetland system.

Preparation of diatom slides followed methods as outlined in Taylor et al. (2007). The aim of the data analysis was to identify and count diatom valves (400 counts) to produce semi-quantitative data from which ecological conclusions can be drawn (Taylor et al. 2007).

Floodplain wetland systems have naturally elevated nutrient levels in comparison to some freshwater systems, and any attempt to use indices of biotic integrity suitable for freshwater ecosystems in South Africa (Specific Pollution Index IPS, Coste in CEMAGREF, 1982, Biological Index for Diatoms BDI, Lenoir and Coste, 1996, Prygiel and Coste, 2000) will likely result in misleading interpretations.

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Analysis of diatoms will therefore be based on measures of abundance so as to infer baseline water quality conditions at each site based.

5.4.5 Aquatic macroinvertebrates

SASS 5 (South African Scoring System) based on the presence or absence of sensitive aquatic macroinvertebrates collected and analysed according to the methods outlined in Dickens and Graham (2002). A high relative abundance and diversity of sensitive taxa present indicates a relatively healthy system with good water quality. Disturbance to water quality and habitat results in the loss of sensitive taxa. As this method was developed specifically for rivers, the methods of collection and analysis were modified for wetlands and pans. This meant sampling vegetation and mud biotopes only, as no stone biotopes were available, and interpreting the results in terms of overall diversity and taxon composition in cases where no flowing water was present. Where appropriate, data were interpreted according to guidelines provided in Dallas (2007) and illustrated below (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Biological Bands and Ecological Categories for the Bushveld Basin, calculated using percentiles (extracted from Dallas 2007).

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5.4.6 Icthyofauna (Fish)

Fish habitat composition: The aquatic habitats form the template of the biological composition of any system. If the habitat components are undisturbed, and in good condition, the biological composition of the system can be expected to be normal and one can expect a high biodiversity within the system. If the habitat components are however degraded, due to human activities, the biota of the system will reflect this by a loss, firstly of the most intolerant species (Davies & Day, 1998). An evaluation of habitat quality and availability to biota is therefore critical to any assessment of ecological integrity and should be conducted at each site at the time of biological sampling. On site habitat assessments were conducted by using existing habitat evaluation indices.

The general characteristics of the site and its immediate surroundings were described. The composition and ability of the habitats to meet the requirements of different fish species was broadly based on the Habitat Cover Rating method (Kleynhans, 1997). This approach was developed to assess habitats according to different attributes that are surmised to satisfy the habitat requirements of various fish species (Kleynhans, 1997). At each site, the following velocity- depth classes were identified, namely:

. Slow (<0.3m/s), Shallow (<0.5m) (SS) - Shallow pools and backwaters. . Slow, Deep (>0.5m) (SD) - Deep pools and backwaters. . Fast (>0.3m/s), Shallow (FS) - Riffles, rapids and runs. . Fast, Deep (FD) - Usually rapids and runs.

The relative contribution of each of the above mentioned classes at a site is estimated and indicated in the table that follows (adapted from Rankin, 1995).


For each depth-flow class, the following cover features, considered to provide fish with the necessary cover to utilise a particular flow and depth class, were investigated and similarly rated as described above:

. Overhanging vegetation . Undercut banks and root wads . Stream substrate . Aquatic macrophytes

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Fish Assessments

The study area was visited in October 2010, and representative sites were selected in the primary aquatic ecosystems in the study area. Fish sampling of representative sites and habitats was performed using a SAMUS battery operated electro-fisher. All fish species were identified to species level and returned to their natural habitats. The latest version of the Fish Response Assessment Index (FRAI) (DWAF, 2008) was used to determine the present ecological status (PES) of the streams in the study area.

Present Ecological Status (PES) for fish

The determination and description of the present ecological status (PES) of the aquatic ecosystems according to fish, were broadly done according to the methodology described for River EcoClassification during Reserve Determinations (Kleynhans & Louw, 2008). The PES in terms of the fish assemblage was determined using the Fish Response Assessment Index (FRAI). The results were then used to classify the present state of the fish assemblage into a specific descriptive category (A to F) (Table 4).

Table 4. Descriptive categories used to describe the present ecological status (PES) of biotic components (adapted from Kleynhans, 1999).


Unmodified, or approximates natural conditions closely. The biotic A Excellent assemblages compares to that expected under natural, unperturbed conditions.

Largely natural with few modifications. A change in community characteristics may have taken place but species richness and B Good presence of intolerant species indicate little modifications. Most aspects of the biotic assemblage as expected under natural unperturbed conditions.

Moderately modified. A lower than expected species richness and presence of most intolerant species. Most of the characteristics of the C Fair biotic assemblages have been moderately modified from its naturally expected condition. Some impairment of health may be evident at the lower end of this class.

Largely modified. A clearly lower than expected species richness and absence or much lowered presence of intolerant and moderately D Poor intolerant species. Most characteristics of the biotic assemblages have been largely modified from its naturally expected condition. Impairment of health may become evident at the lower end of this class.

Seriously modified. A strikingly lower than expected species richness and general absence of intolerant and moderately tolerant species. E Very Poor Most of the characteristics of the biotic assemblages have been seriously modified from its naturally expected condition. Impairment of health may become very evident.

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Critically modified. Extremely lowered species richness and an absence of intolerant and moderately tolerant species. Only intolerant species may be present with complete loss of species at the lower end F Critical of the class. Most of the characteristics of the biotic assemblages have been critically modified from its naturally expected conditions. Impairment of health generally very evident.

It must be emphasised that the A→F scale represents a continuum, and that the boundaries between categories are notional, artificially-defined points along the continuum (as presented below). This situation falls within the concept of a fuzzy boundary, where a particular entity may potentially have membership of both classes (Robertson et al. 2004). These boundary categories are denoted as B/C, C/D, etc.



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6.1 Vegetation

6.1.1 Broad vegetation types of the region

The study area falls within the Savanna Biome (Rutherford & Westfall 1986, Mucina & Rutherford 2006). The most recent and detailed description of the vegetation of this region is part of a national map (Mucina, Rutherford & Powrie, 2005; Mucina et al. 2006). This map shows three vegetation types occurring in the study area, all of which occur within the study site, namely Central Sandy Bushveld, Subtropical Freshwater Wetlands and Springbokvlakte Thornveld (Figure 9). These three vegetation types are described in more detail below.

Table 5. Conservation status of different vegetation types occurring in the study area, according to Driver et al. 2005 and Mucina et al. 2005. Vegetation Type Target Conserved Transformed Conservation status (%) (%) (%) Central Sandy Bushveld 19 2 24 Vulnerable Springbokvlakte Thornveld 19 1 50 Endangered Subtropical Freshwater Wetlands 24 50 3 Least threatened

Figure 9. Broad vegetation types of the study area. 6.1.2 Central Sandy Bushveld

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This vegetation type occurs in low undulating areas, sometimes between mountains, and sandy plains and catenas. The vegetation is a tall, deciduous Terminalia sericea and Burkea africana woodland on deep sandy soils and low, broad-leaved Combretum woodland on shallow rocky or gravelly soils. The understorey is a grass-dominated herbaceous layer with relatively low basal cover. There are two known Central Bushveld endemics in this vegetation (Mucina et al. 2006), the grass Mosdenia leptostachys and the herb Oxygonum dregeanum subsp. canescens var. dissectum.

At a national scale this vegetation type has been transformed approximately 24% and only 2% is conserved of a target of 19%; it is therefore considered to be a Vulnerable vegetation type (Mucina et al. 2006). However, the Draft National List of Threatened Ecosystems (GN1477 of 2009), published under the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (Act No. 10, 2004), does not list this vegetation type.

6.1.3 Springbokvlakte Thornveld

This is an open to dense, low thorn savanna dominated by Acacia species or shrubby grassland with a very low shrub layer low karroid shrubland occurring on flat to slightly undulating plains. Dominant species include the small trees, Acacia karroo, Acacia luederitzii, Acacia nilotica, Acacia mellifera and Ziziphus mucronata, the tall shrubs, Rhus engleri and Euclea undulata, the low shrubs, Acacia tenuispina and Ptycholobium plicatum, and the grasses, Aristida bipartita, Dichanthium annulatum, Ischaemum afrum and Setaria incrassata. There is one known Central Bushveld endemics in this vegetation (Mucina et al. 2006), the grass Mosdenia leptostachys.

At a national scale this vegetation type has been transformed almost 50%, and only 1% is conserved of a target of 19%. This vegetation type is therefore considered to be Endangered (Table 5, Driver et al. 2005, Mucina et al. 2006). The Draft National List of Threatened Ecosystems (GN1477 of 2009), published under the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (Act No. 10, 2004), lists this vegetation type as Vulnerable.

6.1.4 Subtropical Freshwater Wetlands

This vegetation consists of low beds of reeds, sedges and rushes and waterlogged meadows dominated by grasses found in areas of flat topography in waterlogged clay soil. It is found typically along edges of seasonal pools in aeolian depressions as well as fringing alluvial backwater pans or artificial dams.

At a national scale this vegetation type has been transformed only a small amount and is well- conserved. This vegetation type is therefore considered to be Least threatened (Table 5). The Draft National List of Threatened Ecosystems (GN1477 of 2009), published under the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (Act No. 10, 2004), does not list this vegetation type. Wetlands do, however, constitute important habitat for various species of restricted distribution and represent important hydrological processes in the landscape. In general, wetland vegetation is protected under the National Water Act.

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6.1.5 Habitats on site

Using aerial imagery for the study area, it is possible to distinguish broad habitat types on site. This is a composite of the landcover of the site superimposed upon the natural vegetation patterns, shown in Figure 10. The accuracy of this habitat map was verified in the field and represents a more detailed description of habitats on site than the broad vegetation map. It also indicates which areas are transformed (no longer have natural vegetation) and therefore have lower ecological sensitivity.

The terrestrial vegetation conforms to the description for Central Sandy Bushveld (plains woodland and hills woodland - Figure 10) and the wetland vegetation to the description for Subtropical Freshwater Wetlands. Only a small area of Springbokvlakte Thornveld is indicated on the general vegetation map (Figure 9) as occurring on site. Soil conditions suitable for this vegetation type occur in the southern part of the site, but this area is disturbed and it is considered that this vegetation does not occur on site to any significant degree.

Figure 10. Map showing the natural habitats of the study area.

6.1.6 Protected trees

Tree species protected under the National Forest Act are listed in Appendix 2. Those that have a geographical distribution that includes the study area are Acacia erioloba, Boscia albitrunca, Combretum imberbe, Curtisia dentata, Elaedendron transvaalensis, Pittosporum viridiflorum, Prunus africana, Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra and Securidaca longependunculata.

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The tree Acacia erioloba (Camel Thorn) occurs in dry woodland along watercourses in arid areas where underground water is present as well as on deep Kalahari sands. Boscia albitrunca (Shepherds Tree) occurs in semi-desert areas and bushveld, often on termitaria, but is common on sandy to loamy soils and calcrete soils. Combretum imberbe occurs in bushveld, often on alluvial soils along rivers or dry watercourses. Curtisia dentata occurs in coastal and montane forest. Elaedendron transvaalensis occurs in bushveld, occasionally on termitaria. Pittosporum viridiflorum occurs along forest margins, in bush-clumps and in bushveld, often in rocky outcrops. Prunus africana occurs in montane forest, usually in mistbelt areas. Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra occurs in a wide variety of bushveld and woodland. Securidaca longependunculata occurs in bushveld.

Protected tree species recorded in the study area were Acacia erioloba, Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra and Boscia albitrunca. These were found in “hills woodland” and “plains thornveld” (see Figure 10).

6.1.7 Red List plant species of the study area

Lists of plant species previously recorded in the quarter degree grids in which the study area is situated were obtained from the South African National Biodiversity Institute. These are listed in Appendix 1. Additional species that could occur in similar habitats, as determined from database searches and literature sources, but have not been recorded in these grids are also listed.

The species on this list were evaluated to determine the likelihood of any of them occurring on site on the basis of habitat suitability. Of the species that are considered to occur within the geographical area under consideration, there were five species recorded in the quarter degree grids that are listed on the Red List. Three of these could occur in habitats that are available in the study area, Oryza longistaminata, Callilepis leptophylla and Hypoxis hemerocallidea. According to IUCN Ver. 3.1 (IUCN, 2001) one of these, Oryza longistaminata, is listed as Vulnerable and the other two as Declining (see Table 6 for explanation of categories).

The Vulnerable species, Oryza longistaminata, was evaluated as having a high probability of occurring on site - it occurs in wetlands and seasonally flooded areas, and was recorded on site in this habitat. Both species classified as Declining have a high probability of occurring on site. The study area is therefore potential habitat for three species on the list in Appendix 1.

Table 6. Explanation of IUCN Ver. 3.1 categories (IUCN, 2001), and Orange List categories (Victor & Keith, 2004). IUCN / Orange List Definition Class category EX Extinct Extinct CR Critically Endangered Red List EN Endangered Red List VU Vulnerable Red List NT Near Threatened Orange List Declining Declining taxa Orange List Rare Rare Orange List Critically Rare Rare: only one subpopulation Orange List

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Rare-Sparse Rare: widely distributed but rare Orange List DDD Well known but not enough information for assessment Data Deficient DDT Data Deficient: taxonomic problems Data Deficient DDX Data Deficient: unknown species Data Deficient

6.1.8 Sensitivity assessment

The sensitivity assessment identifies those parts of the study area that have high conservation value or that may be sensitive to disturbance. Areas in different sensitivity classes are shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11. Sensitivity of the natural habitats within the study area.

Areas containing untransformed natural vegetation, high diversity or habitat complexity, Red List organisms or systems vital to sustaining ecological functions are considered sensitive. In contrast, any transformed area that has no importance for the functioning of ecosystems is considered to have low sensitivity. The information provided in the preceding sections was used to compile a map of remaining natural habitats and areas important for maintaining ecological processes in the study area. Broad scale mapping, based on aerial imagery, was used to provide information on the location of sensitive features. There are a number of features that need to be taken into account in order to evaluate sensitivity in the study area. These include the following:

1. Perennial and non-perennial rivers and streams: this represents a number of ecological processes including groundwater dynamics, hydrological processes, nutrient cycling and

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wildlife dispersal. The main hydrological system in the study area is the Nyl River. Wetlands are protected according to the National Water Act and the National Environmental Management Act. One Red List plant species was recorded in these areas in the study area. This wetland system is considered to represent key ecological goods and services in this region. All areas associated with the Nyl River system are considered to have HIGH or VERY HIGH sensitivity. 2. Vegetation considered to have high conservation value at a national scale (classified as Critically endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable). Central Sandy Bushveld and Springbokvlakte Thornveld are both listed in a conservation category in the scientific literature, although only Springbokvlakte thornveld is protected according to the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act. Low hills in the study area are considered to contain moderately high intrinsic biodiversity. 3. Occurrence of populations of Red List plants that have been evaluated as having a high chance of occurring within remaining natural habitats within the study area. One Vulnerable plant species was recorded on the floodplain of the Nyl River. The river system is therefore considered to be important habitat for this species in the study area. 4. Occurrence of protected trees that are known to occur on site. Protected tree species recorded in the study area were Acacia erioloba, Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra and Boscia albitrunca. These were found in “hills woodland” and “plains thornveld”.

These factors have been taken into account in evaluating sensitivity within the study area. Any natural area remaining on site could potentially be classified as sensitive. However, the undisturbed terrestrial vegetation is not of high species richness and is relatively uniform within distinct habitats. No species of conservation concern were found within terrestrial plains woodland. It is therefore classified as having medium sensitivity on site. Wetland vegetation is considered to have high sensitivity due to the important ecological processes that these areas support, the fact that wetlands are linear systems in which upstream impacts can severely affect downstream areas and the fact that a Vulnerable plant species, Oryza longistaminata, occurs within this habitat on site.

6.2 Terrestrial Ecology

6.2.1 Habitat

Habitat selection by an animal takes into account a number of biotic and abiotic factors including: plant species present, vegetation structure, topography, pedology, climate, distance to water, presence of rocky outcrops, trees, predators and sufficient food. The level of human disturbance is also an important factor influencing habitat selection.

The study area encompasses a number of different habitat types, and as such, is expected to support a range of faunal species associated with these differing habitats. At a relatively broad scale, the majority of the vegetation is classed as Central Sandy Bushveld, with a small area of Springbokvlakte Thornveld emerging onto the site along the southern boundary (Mucina & Rutherford 2006). Both vegetation types fall within the Savanna biome. The Nyl River makes up

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 35 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012 the western site boundary, and the river and the surrounding wetlands are classed as a Subtropical Freshwater Wetland (Figure 9 above).

At a finer scale within the study area, the vegetation differs based on factors such as topography, land use and extent of wetness. The wetlands along the western boundary provide a spectrum of habitats, from open water within the channel, dense reed beds along and within the channel, and moist tall and short grassland within both the inundated wetlands and floodplain areas (Figure 12).

Figure 12. Photographs of the wetland habitats within the study area.

Outside of the wet areas, the vegetation is comprised of mixed woodland and areas of cultivation (Figure 13). The agricultural activities within the study area include livestock and game farming and intensive cultivation through centre pivot irrigation in the northern extent. The woodland habitat can further be divided into hill and plain woodland (as discussed in the vegetation report by David Hoare) based on topography. Each of these habitats is expected to support a range of different species, as well as a number of species adapted specifically to the ecotones between habitats. The wetlands provide an important forage and water resource which attracts a large variety of species, particularly aquatic and avifaunal species.

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Figure 13. Photographs of the terrestrial habitats, including (clockwise from top left): plain woodland, plain woodland, cultivated fields, hill woodland).

6.2.2 Potential Faunal Assemblage within the Study Area

Based on a literature review of faunal species distribution ranges in southern Africa, it is estimated that approximately 270 bird, 101 mammal, 72 reptile and 28 amphibian species could occur within the study area (Table 7, Appendix 4), which represents roughly half of all species occurring in the Limpopo Province and nearly a third of all species occurring within South Africa (within the classes Amphibia, Aves, Mammalia and Reptilia - Table 7, Figure 14). Not all of these species will occur, as suitable habitats or microhabitats may not be present, or the levels of disturbance may be too high. Conversely, it is equally likely that additional species, not listed here, may be present in the study area. The high species richness expected within the study area can, in part, be directly attributed to the presence of both aquatic and terrestrial habitats which broaden the range of available habitats, thereby accommodating a greater variety of species. It should be noted that a number of bird species not listed in the SABAP1 list for QDS 2428BD, were identified during the site surveys. These species are marked with an * in Appendix 4.

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Table 7. Species richness for the four faunal classes assessed within QDS 2428BD, Limpopo Province and South Africa.

Species Richness Percentage of Total Percentage of Total South Provincial (Limpopo) Species African Species Richness QDS Limpopo South Richness Potentially Potentially Occurring in Class 2428BD Province Africa Occurring on Site (%) QDS 2428BD (%) Mammalia 101 181 256 55.80 39.45 Aves 270 554 841 48.74 32.1 Reptilia 72 161 410 44.72 17.56 Amphibia 28 45 115 62.22 24.35 Total 471 941 1622 50.05 29.04


Aves 17%

Aves 49% 29% Reptilia 4%

Amphibia 2%


Reptilia Amphibia 8% 3% Figure 14. Graphs showing the contribution of the potential species richness within QDS 2428BD toward species richness totals recorded for South Africa and the Limpopo Province respectively (Expressed as a percentage of total species richness).

6.2.3 Red Data List Species

Of the 471 faunal species potentially occurring on site, a number of Red Data List species were identified. In total 33, Red List faunal species have the potential to occur within the study area based on their previously recorded distribution ranges. Of these, 1 Amphibian, 3 Bird, 28 Mammal and 1 Reptile Red Data species potentially occur (Table 8). No Red Data List species (IUCN Red List) were observed during the site surveys, however, Serval have previously been sighted by farm owners in the area. During a visit to the study site in April 2011, a Southern African python was observed along the edge of one of the dams within the Nyl River in the north of the study area.

Those species considered “Data Deficient” were included in Table 8 as there is currently insufficient information about these species to assign them to one of the other categories; therefore, it was decided to include them according to the precautionary principle. Determination of the the “Likelihood of Occurrence” on site was based on each species distribution range, habitat

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 38 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012 requirements, and levels of disturbance and human activity in the study area, as this can be an important factor in a species choice of habitat.

Table 8. Red Data List fauna (mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles) expected to occur in QDS 2428BD based on Skinner & Chimimba (2005), Du Preez & Carruthers (2009), Minter et. al. (2004), Alexander & Marais (2007), Branch (1998), IUCN (2010), Animal Demography Unit (1997) and Endangered Wildlife Trust & Conservation Breeding Specialist Group (2004) including their conservation status (national assessments) and habitat requirements.



Pyxicephalus Giant bullfrog Near threatened seasonal grassy shallow MODERATE adspersus* pans, vleis and other rain- filled depressions in open flat areas of grassland or savanna Aves Buphagus Red-billed Near threatened Savanna, bushveld, HIGH

erythrorhynchus* oxpecker woodland Sagittarius Secretarybird Near threatened Grassland, savanna HIGH

serpentarius* Polemaetus bellicosus* Martial Eagle Vulnerable Open woodland, grassland, MODERATE



Crocidura cyanea* Reddish-grey Data Deficient broad habitat tolerance; HIGH musk shrew savanna

Crocidura Tiny musk shrew Data Deficient broad habitat tolerance; HIGH

fuscomurina* savanna Crocidura hirta* Lesser red musk Data Deficient broad habitat tolerance; HIGH shrew moist savanna and wetlands to kalahari thornveld Crocidura mariquensis Swamp musk Data Deficient savanna; bogs, marshes, HIGH shrew swamps, fens, peatlands; specifically marshy conditions in savanna biome Crocidura silacea Lesser grey- Data Deficient savanna; woodland, coastal MODERATE brown musk forest and grassland, and shrew rocky areas, within the savanna biome Dasymys incomtus* Water rat Near threatened semi-aquatic; wetlands- HIGH bogs, marshes, swamps, fens, peatlands

Graphiurua platyops Rock dormouse Data Deficient temperate grassland; MODERATE

savanna; rocky terrain Lemniscomys rosalia* Single-striped Data Deficient savanna; grassland with HIGH mouse good cover, fallow fields

Poecilogale albinucha Striped weasel Data Deficient grassland, savanna, MODERATE

shrubland Suncus lixus* Greater dwarf Data Deficient broad habitat tolerance; HIGH shrew temperate forest; savanna

Suncus varilla Lesser dwarf Data Deficient broad habitat tolerance; MODERATE shrew temperate shrubland and grassland; savanna; reliant on termite mounds

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 39 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012

Tatera leucogaster* Bushveld gerbil Data Deficient savanna; sandy soils MODERATE Atelerix frontalis* South African Near threatened temperate grassland and HIGH hedgehog shrubland, savanna; 300- 800mm rainfall; dry habitats with ground cover for nesting Eidolon helvum Straw-coloured Near threatened no info MODERATE

fruit bat Leptailurus serval Serval Near threatened savanna, subtropical/tropical HIGH/CONFIRMED grassland, bogs, marshes, swamps, fens, peatlands; moist savanna, tall grass Mellivora capensis* Honey badger Near threatened savanna, subtropical/tropical MODERATE (Ratel) dry shrubland and grassland, desert Miniopterus Schreibers' long- Near threatened cave dwelling; savanna; LOW schreibersii fingered bat temperate shrubland; subtropical/tropical dry grassland; fynbos; succulent and Nama-Karoo; woodland Myotis tricolor Temminck's hairy Near threatened cave dwelling; forest; LOW bat savanna; temperate

shrubland; grassland; mountains Myotis welwitschii Welwitsch's hairy Near threatened savanna; subtropical/tropical MODERATE bat dry grassland; roosts in shrubs and trees Panthera pardus* Leopard Near threatened Nama karoo, succulent MODERATE karoo, drier parts of the grassland and savanna

biome - open woodland savanna. Less than 650 mm maximum annual rainfall. Parahyaena brunnea* Brown hyaena Near threatened Wide habitat tolerance. MODERATE Rocky koppies and hills, mountain ranges and forest Pipistrellus rusticus* Rusty bat Near threatened Subtropical/tropical dry HIGH forest; savanna; riparian

forests; roosts in crevices in trees Rhinolophus clivosus* Geoffrey's Near threatened savanna, temperate MODERATE horseshoe bat shrubland; subtropical/tropical dry grassland; fynbos, succulent and Nama-Karoo; woodland; cave dwelling

Rhinolophus darlingi Darling's Near threatened woodland savanna; cave LOW horseshoe bat dwelling

Cricetomys gambianus Giant rat Vulnerable temperate, LOW subtropical/tropical dry,

evergreen forest and moist woodland Manis temminckii* Pangolin Vulnerable grasssland, temperate dry MODERATE woody shrubland, Subtropical/tropical dry forest, woody savanna; require ants and termites Neamblysomus Juliana's golden Vulnerable savanna; Sour Lowveld MODERATE julianae* mole Bushveld; Clay Thorn

Bushveld; Rocky Highveld Grassland; gardens Rhinolophus blasii Peak-saddle Vulnerable savanna; subtropical/tropical LOW horseshoe bat dry grassland; woodland; cave dwelling


Python natalensis* Southern African Vulnerable Bushveld, savanna and CONFIRMED rock python forest

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* indicates those Red Data mammal species previously recorded in the Nylsvley Nature Reserve. Amphibians

Although 28 amphibian species (all belonging to the order Anura) potentially occur within QDS 2428BD, only one is considered a Red Data species – the “Near-threatened” Giant bullfrog (Pyxicephalus adspersus). This species has a rather specialised habitat, requiring seasonal vleis, pans or other water-filled depressions as well as surrounding grassland to meet its life history requirements. The Giant bullfrog has been recorded from the Nylsvley Nature Reserve, and suitable habitat is present on site within the wetlands and floodplains of the Nyl River. Avifauna

The Red-billed oxpecker (Buphagus erythrorhynchus - “Near-threatened”), Secretarybird (Sagittarius serpentarius - “Near-threatened”) and Martial eagle (Polemaetus bellicosus - “Vulnerable”) have all been recorded within QDS 2428BD during the compilation of the South African Bird Atlas Project 1 (SABAP1), and have all been previously recorded in the Nylsvley Nature Reserve by Warwick Tarboton ( Info/sote/nsoer/resource/wetland/nylsvley_ris.htm).

The Red-billed Oxpecker is primarily a bushveld and savanna species and occurs most commonly in the presence of game, which provides its main food source. As both cattle and game are present on properties within, or adjacent to, the study area, it is highly likely that this species will occur on site.

The Secretarybird is primarily a grassland raptor species, although it also occurs in grassland patches within other vegetation types. Areas of grassland are present in both the floodplain and in disturbed areas of woodland vegetation, and suitable prey species, including insects, reptiles and rodents are available.

The Martial eagle is a widespread, but uncommon, species which occurs in habitats such as open grassland, scrub and woodland, but is dependent on the presence of suitable nesting sites in tall trees, along cliffs and on manmade structures, such as electricity pylons and wind pumps. It is possible that this species utilizes the study area at least for foraging purposes, if not for nesting as well. Martial eagles have been recorded in the nearby Nylsvley Nature Reserve. Mammals

Of the 28 Red List mammals potentially occurring, 15 have been previously recorded in the Nylsvley Nature Reserve 40km south west of the study area. While this does not necessarily mean that all of these species occur within the study area, the habitats available in the Nylsvley Nature Reserve are similar to those present on site (Mucina & Rutherford 2006), with the main differences being the lesser extent of wetlands and higher levels of human disturbance on site. There is also a large level of connectedness between the wetlands on site and the Nylsvlei Nature Reserve, allowing many species to migrate within the wetland areas. Of the Red data List mammal species potentially occurring on site, only the presence of the Near Threatened Serval (Leptailurus serval) can be confirmed (by a landowner within the study area). The levels of disturbance in the area, due

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 41 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012 to agricultural activities and the presence of road traffic, may prevent certain of the larger or more “shy” species from taking up permanent residence in the study area, however, this does not preclude their use of the area for foraging purposes, temporary shelter or as a corridor for migration and local movement within in home ranges or territorial boundaries. Reptiles

The presence of the Southern African python (Python natalensis) in the area was confirmed during a site visit in April 2011. A Southern African Python was observed along the edge of one of the dams within the Nyl River in the north of the study area (Figure 15). Although not listed on the global IUCN Red List, the Southern African python is listed by NEMBA (2004) as a protected species and as vulnerable by the South African red data book (Branch, 1988). Southern African pythons are most likely to be found within areas of rocky terrain within the hill woodland and within the wetland areas.

Figure 15. Location of the Southern African python (Python natalensis) observed during a site visit to the study area and surrounds.

6.2.4 Habitats of Conservation Importance

Animals are usually strongly linked to certain habitat types, based on their life history requirements. The presence or absence of a species will be highly dependent on the presence, absence and quality of habitat available in any specific area. Therefore, it stands to reason that in order to protect rare or endangered species, it is necessary to conserve the habitats which they utilise. Within the study area and surrounds, the following habitats were considered to be sensitive and of conservation importance:

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. Natural vegetation which has not been cultivated recently or heavily grazed; . Wetlands and rivers; . Large waterbodies (natural or artificial); and . Any other areas known to support Red Data List species or which have the potential to do so.

Wetlands and rivers are considered sensitive habitat as they support a different range of species than the surrounding terrestrial landscape, they are an important water and food resource for many species, the transition zone (ecotone) between aquatic and terrestrial habitats is typically species- rich, and rivers form a network of (relatively) natural vegetation along which species can migrate and disperse. Many of the Red Data List species occurring or potentially occurring in the area are linked to water or wetland habitats, e.g. Giant bullfrog, Water rat, Serval. Other species may be indirectly linked through their food or prey sources, or through their use of the river as a corridor for migration or local movement within a mosaic of transformed and natural habitats.

Within the study area, all areas of natural vegetation should be considered important from a biodiversity maintenance standpoint, while wetland and riparian vegetation/habitats are particularly important and sensitive due to their additional role in facilitating faunal movement and migration between areas of suitable habitat and geographically separate populations. The relative faunal habitat sensitivities correspond closely with those provided in the vegetation assessment – Figure 11).

6.3 Wetlands

6.3.1 Background to the Nylsvley Wetland Ramsar Wetland

The greater Nylsvley wetland is approximately 65km long and varies in width from approximately 5km at its widest point to 100m at its narrowest (WRC Report TT441/09). Overall it covers approximately 24 250 ha, which makes it the largest floodplain vlei in South Africa (Higgins and Rogers, 1993). The Nylsvley Nature Reserve, a Ramsar wetland of international importance, is located along the floodplain and conserves approximately 3 000 ha of the floodplain (Higgins and Rogers, 1993). A map of the greater Nylsvley wetland showing the approximate extent of the floodplain as well as the location of the study area and the Nylsvley Nature Reserve is provided below.

To be proposed as a Ramsar site the wetland needed to comply with at least one of 11 listed criteria of the Ramsar Convention. Nylsvley Nature Reserve qualified to be listed because it complies with eight of the criteria. At least six of these criteria are directly related to biodiversity and the importance of the wetland in supporting a diverse array of birds, mammals and plants. More detail on the criteria applicable to the Nylsvley Ramsar Wetland are provided in Appendix 5.

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Figure 16. Map of the greater Nylsvley Wetland within its catchment, indicating the location of the Nylsvley Nature Reserve and the study area in relation to the entire floodplain. Formation

The Nyl River has as its source the Groot Nyl and Klein Nyl Rivers that originate in the Waterberg Mountains in the extreme southwest of the catchment (see Figure 16 above). These two rivers converge just to the east of the town of Modimolle to form the Nyl River, which then flows in a north-easterly direction and supports the large Nylsvley wetland. A number of significant tributaries join the Nyl River from the western side of its catchment, draining out of the Waterberg Mountains (e.g. Olifantspruit, Bad-se-Loop, Tobiasspruit, and Andriesspruit). It is striking that no significant tributaries enter the Nyl River from the Springbok Flats on the eastern side of the catchment. The Springbok Flats are an extensive area of low-relief and low-gradient with no defined drainage systems and, as indicated in Figure 16 above, the watershed/catchment boundary of the Nyl River is very poorly defined in this area.

Further to the north, across the Zebediela Fault which forms the northern limit of the Springbok Flats, the Maribashoek and Buffelshoek Mountains lie to the east of the Nyl River. These mountains are the source of a number of steep tributaries that enter the Nyl River, including the Rooisloot, Dorpspruit and Pholotsi rivers. In contrast, no major tributaries join the Nyl River from the west in this reach, until the confluence with the Sterkspruit further north.

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It has been proposed by McCarthy et al. (2011) that “progradation of coarse-grained tributary fans across the narrow river valley” in these northern reaches of the Nyl River resulted in the partial impoundment of the Nyl River and created the accommodation space for sedimentation in the upper reaches of the Nyl River. The steep eastern tributaries, specifically the Rooisloot, Dorpspruit and Pholotsi, are the source of these alluvial fans. The reduction in upstream gradient resulting from the obstruction of river flow by these alluvial fans across the river valley allowed sediments transported into the upper Nyl from its western tributaries in the south to accumulate in the river valley, over time filling up the floodplain basin to its current level. Sediment accumulation is still active on the floodplain, and sediments have attained a depth of roughly 35m (McCarthy et al., 2011).

Figure 17. Schematic cross section through the Nylsvlei (McCarthy, 2012).

The main source of sediments to the Nylsvley wetland is the tributaries draining from the Waterberg Mountains to the west in the southern and middle reaches of the wetland. Figure 17 above, reproduced with permission of Prof. Terence McCarthy (Presentation: Geohydrology of the Nylsvlei floodplain, presented 12/11/2012, McCarthy), shows a cross section through the sediments in the wetland basin and adjacent areas. As sediment rich flows from the west reach the lower gradients east of the mountains, sediment loads are deposited. Initially the heavier coarse grained material (gravel) is deposited, followed by finer sand and eventually clay particles. Over time, as the basin filled and gradients became lower, the area of clay deposition slowly progressed westwards, closer to the mountains. This has resulted in the wetland under current conditions being characterised by a thick clay layer across the full width of the floodplain. Underlying this clay layer is a series of interleaved clay and sand layers, with greater depths dominated by sandy deposits and eventually coarser gravel overlying the bedrock. Hydrology & Flooding

Flow within the tributaries feeding the Nyl River is strongly seasonal, with peak flows during the wet summer months. Rainfall in the catchment however varies considerably in time, space and

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 45 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012 intensity, with average rainfall ranging from 740mm in the west to 600mm in the east. The 69-year mean annual rainfall at Nylsvley Nature Reserve is 623 mm with an annual coefficient of variation of 24% (Frost, 1987). Given this variability in rainfall and water inputs to the wetland, the seasonality of the system is easy to understand, with flooding of the Nylsvley occurring on average only 3 out of 5 years.

Analysis of satellite imagery (McCarthy et al., 2011) indicates that the Nyl wetland receives most of its surface water from the Groot and Klein Nyl Rivers in the south, as well as from several of its western tributaries, with virtually no water inputs from the east. Work undertaken by McCarthy et al (2012) indicates that up to a 100% of annual flow within the western tributaries of the Nyl River infiltrates into the sandy sediments along the western edge of the Nylsvley wetland prior to reaching the floodplain. This view is based on the decreasing channel sizes and eventual disappearance of the channels, and the loss of water that this represents, of the western tributaries as they approach the floodplain. Thus in order for flooding of the Nylsvley floodplain to occur, 110% or more of the average annual rainfall is required (McCarthy, 2012) so that surface runoff generated within the Waterberg mountains reaches the Nylsvley wetland and is not all lost to groundwater recharge.

Water lost to groundwater recharge by the western tributaries is expected to support a large alluvial aquifer within the sandier sediments underlying the Nylsvley floodplain. The existence of this alluvial aquifer, and its response to rainfall, can be verified through monitoring of water levels within and immediately adjacent to the wetland. In the case of the Volspruit study area, groundwater levels immediately adjacent to the wetland were found to be at around 5m below surface (Giep du Toit, 2012), and while no substantial flooding of the wetland occurred during the period these boreholes were monitored, an increase in water levels following limited, localised flooding was observed (refer to the geo-hydrological report prepared by GeoPollution Technologies for more detail on these piezometer boreholes).

The general consensus of a number of researchers (Kleynhans, 2006) has been that the alluvial aquifer is separated from the surface water within the Nylsvley wetland by clay layers of low permeability. In the same study, Kleynhans found that soil permeability on the floodplain was governed by the soil layer with the lowest permeability, and that several of these layers yielded permeability rates too low to measure with a Guelph Permeameter, and that recorded infiltration rates varied from 0.036 mm/hour to 0.864 mm/hour. It is thus considered unlikely that flood waters within the wetland play a significant role in recharging the alluvial aquifer underlying the wetland, though the response of water levels within the alluvial aquifer to flooding does show that the aquifer is recharged during a flood (Morgan 1996), though this likely takes place on the sandier sediments along the western side of the floodplain, rather than within the floodplain itself. However, no work has been undertaken within the Volspruit study area to confirm this separation of surface flows and the alluvial aquifer during flood conditions.

Once flows enter the wetland and flow past the end of the channel, flow through the wetland typically occurs as “laterally extensive, slow moving, shallow (< 1 m deep) sheetflow” (Tooth et al. 2002). Only approximately 30 % of inflow to the Nylsvley catchment is estimated to leave the wetland as surface flow (Morgan, 1996), with the remainder lost to evapotranspiration. However given that the floodplain does not flood every year, outflow does also not occur every year.

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 46 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012 Freshwater Ecosystem Priority Area

The Atlas of Freshwater Ecosystem Priority Areas in South Africa (Nel et al, 2011) (the Atlas) which represents the culmination of the National Freshwater Ecosystem Priority Areas Project (NFEPA), a partnership between SANBI, CSIR, WRC, DEA, DWA, WWF, SAIAB and SANParks, provides a series of maps detailing strategic spatial priorities for conserving South Africa’s freshwater ecosystems and supporting sustainable use of water resources. Freshwater Ecosystem Priority Areas (FEPA’s) were identified through a systematic biodiversity planning approach that incorporated a range of biodiversity aspects such as ecoregion, current condition of habitat, presence of threatened vegetation, fish, frogs and birds, and importance in terms of maintaining downstream habitat. The Atlas incorporates the National Wetland Inventory (SANBI, 2011) to provide information on the distribution and extent of wetland areas. An extract of the NFEPA database is illustrated in Figure 18 below.

Figure 18. Extract of the NFEPA database for the Nylsvley wetland.

From the map in Figure 18 it is clear that the entire Nylsvley wetland is considered a Freshwater Ecosystem Priority Area (FEPA), including the section of wetland crossing the Volspruit study area. A number of important wetland clusters have also been highlighted. In addition, the middle reaches of the Nylsvley wetland and its western tributaries are classed as river FEPA’s, while most of the remainder of the catchment has been classed as Upstream Management Areas.

The following explanations are taken from the Atlas (Nel et al, 2011):

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Wetland FEPA: Wetland FEPA’s were identified using ranks that were based on a combination of special features and modeled wetland condition. Special features included expert knowledge on features of conservation importance (e.g. Ramsar wetland status, extensive intact peat wetlands, presence of rare plants and animals) as well as available spatial data on the occurrence of threatened frogs and wetland dependent birds. Wetland condition was modeled using the presence of artificial water bodies as well as by quantifying the amount of natural vegetation in and around the wetland (within 50 m, 100 m and 500 m of the wetland). Based on these factors, wetlands were ranked in terms of their biodiversity importance. Biodiversity targets for wetland ecosystems were met first in high-ranked wetlands, proceeding to lower ranked wetlands only if necessary.

Wetland Cluster: Wetland clusters are groups of wetlands embedded in a relatively natural landscape. This allows for important ecological processes such as migration of frogs and insects between wetlands. In many areas of the country, wetland clusters no longer exist because the surrounding land has become too fragmented by human impacts.

River FEPA: River FEPA’s achieve biodiversity targets for river ecosystems and threatened/near threatened fish species, and were identified in rivers that are currently in a good condition (A or B ecological category). The FEPA status indicates that they should remain in a good condition in order to contribute to national biodiversity goals and support sustainable use of water resources. For river FEPA’s the whole sub-quaternary catchment is shown in dark green, although FEPA status applies to the actual river reach within the sub-quarternary catchment. The shading of the whole sub-quarternary catchment indicates that the surrounding land and smaller stream network need to be managed in a way that maintains the good condition (A or B ecological category) of the river reach.

Upstream Management Area: Upstream Management Areas are sub-quarternary catchments in which human activities need to be managed to prevent degradation of downstream river FEPA’s and Fish Support Areas.

6.3.2 Wetland Delineation and Classification

A single large floodplain wetland associated with the Nyl River was delineated on site, traversing the study area from south to north along the western boundary of the site. Five dams were also identified within the floodplain –the largest of the dams is built across the entire floodplain width, with a further 3 dams built across the centre of the floodplain, while a further dam is built within the floodplain but off the main channel where a minor, poorly defined and un-named tributary joins the floodplain. Numerous shallow earthen ponds were observed within this tributary.

The floodplain covers approximately 310 ha of the study area, with the dams covering an additional 20.6 ha. The wetland thus makes up 11.6 % of the study area. Within the context of the greater Nyl River floodplain, the section of floodplain on site represents approximately 1.36 % of the entire Nyl floodplain.

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Within the study area, the southern reaches of the floodplain are characterised by a broad, flat, grassed wetland approximately 380 m across. No defined channel was observed in these areas, as is the case with large portions of the greater Nyl Floodplain to the south of the site. Zonation of the vegetation on site does however indicate that the central region of the floodplain is inundated more frequently and that most surface flows will be confined to this section. This central section of the floodplain is dominated by a variety of sedges and some grass species. As one moves outward from the centre of the floodplain the sedges then make way for a grass dominated community. This area is expected to be inundated only during larger flood events, though the soils would still become saturated for short periods during most years, as indicated by the presence of hyrdophilous grass species. At the time of the site visit in March 2011, no surface water was present in this southern reach of the floodplain on site.

Figure 19. Map of the delineated wetlands within the study area.

The middle reach of the floodplain on site has been markedly influenced by the construction of the large dam across the floodplain. The dam maintains an open water body (with scattered stands of reeds) of approximately 10 ha and significantly increases the depth and duration of inundation of the floodplain for several hundred meters upstream of the dam. Along this section of the floodplain a shallow berm has also been constructed along the eastern bank of the floodplain to prevent large floods spilling into the cultivated fields adjacent to the floodplain. The presence of the dam has altered the vegetation within the floodplain wetland and resulted in the presence of a vegetation community adapted to permanent water and characterised by reeds such as Phragmites australis

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 49 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012 and Typha capensis, as well as tall emergent sedges. Adjacent to this permanent wet area the seasonal sedge dominated community occurs (but much reduced in extent) followed by the extensive grass dominated temporary wet edge of the floodplain. The terrestrial edge of the floodplain coincides roughly with the treeline, where a narrow riparian fringe occurs. At its widest point, the floodplain in this reach is more than 800m across.

Downstream of the large dam a channel becomes readily apparent within the floodplain, roughly along the centreline of the wetland. This section of the floodplain is also still significantly impacted by the large dam as well as by smaller downstream dams that increase the duration and depth of inundation. At the time of the site visit in December 2010 more than 1m of standing water was encountered in this section of the floodplain (in the vicinity of the main channel) despite the southern reaches of the floodplain on site being dry. Further to the north the wetland narrows to less than 100m in width, before widening again to around 350m at the N1 crossing. While it is possible to speculate that the construction of the large dam and/or the N1 road crossing has resulted in the channel formation, it is necessary to remember that the floodplain naturally becomes narrower in this reach and channel formation is thus likely to have happened naturally.

Figure 20. Photographs of the floodplain on site (clockwise from top left) floodplain on the southern boundary of the study area; floodplain upstream of the large dam; open water body associated with the large dam; and the floodplain downstream of the dam (the reeds in the background indicate the channel).

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6.3.3 Wetland Biodiversity

A short literature review has indicated that extensive studies have been undertaken on the Nyl Floodplain with regards to biodiversity, while the floodplain is also recognised as a wetland of international importance (Ramsar wetland) due to its contribution to biodiversity support. The floodplain is also included on the list of Important Bird Areas (IBA) in South Africa. Flora

The study area is located within the Savannah Biome and the Central Bushveld Bioregion of South Africa. The specific vegetation types expected to occur on site have been classified as Subtropical Freshwater Wetlands along the Nyl floodplain and Central Sandy Bushveld across most of the remainder of the site. A small section of Springbokvlakte Thornveld occurs in the extreme south of the site. More information on the various vegetation types encountered on site is provided in the specialist vegetation study undertaken as part of the feasibility study by David Hoare cc.

In the case of the subtropical freshwater wetland, the vegetation type is classified as “Least Threatened” with 40-50% conserved out of a target of 24%, and only 4% of the vegetation type considered transformed, mostly through cultivation.

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Figure 21. Vegetation map of the study area (from Mucina and Rutherford, 2006).

Within the Nylsvley Ramsar site roughly 600 plant species have been recorded, though this includes wetland species as well as adjacent woodland species (WRC Report TT 441/09). Of special significance is the wetland plant Oryza longistaminata (wild rice), with stands of wild rice on the floodplain representing the southernmost extent of this species’ range, and it occurs at no other locality in South Africa. This species was also recorded within the study area, though not in great number.

As already briefly mentioned above, the vegetation of the floodplain shows clear zonation related to the depth and duration of inundation. This zonation is evident in the southern reach of the floodplain on site where the central, most frequently inundated section of the floodplain is dominated by a variety of sedges (Eleocharis and Schoenoplectus spp.) and other mostly obligate wetland species (e.g. Panicum schinzii), while the sides and perimeter of the floodplain are grass dominated and charaterised by various facultative wetland species such as Dichanthium annulatum, Digitaria eriantha, Dinebra retroflexa, Eragrostis superba, Fingerhuthia Africana, Ischaemum fasciculatum, Panicum maximum, Setaria sphacelata, Setaria incrassata, Sorghum bicolor*, and Cenchrus ciliarus.

Vegetation zonation within the greater floodplain occurs not only laterally away from the channel, but also vertically above the channel and downstream along the channel, with the extent and duration of inundation decreasing along all three directions (Higgins et al., 1996). The location of the study area towards the extreme lower end of the floodplain would thus appear to indicate that the floodplain on site, under natural conditions, is characterised by less frequent flooding and flooding of shorter duration than the upper Nyl floodplain around Nylsvley Nature Reserve, with resultant differences in vegetation between these areas. This is reflected in the vegetation, with Oryza longistaminata being observed only in small isolated stands on site. However, the presence of the dams within the floodplain has extended the periods of water retention within this section of the wetland and the vegetation has responded accordingly, with areas affected by dam inundation being characterised by species more commonly associated with permanent saturation.

In terms of the vertical axis, studies undertaken by Coetzee and Rogers (cited in Havenga et al., 2007) indicate that a statistically significant change in vegetation species composition can be detected for a 90mm change in elevation. Activities that alter the flooding regime of the floodplain by as little as 90mm (increase or decrease) could thus be expected to have a significant impact on vegetation composition. In addition, specific species have specific depth and duration of flooding requirements. Oryza longistaminata for example grows best in water depths of 100-500mm and requires a minimum of 25 days of flooding (Marneweck 1988, as cited in Havenga, et al., 2007). Greater flooding depths reduce flowering of the wild rice, while too short or no flooding increases stress on the wild rice and over several years can reduce the viability of the plant due to a loss in reserves. The importance of the hydrological regime that drives the floodplain ecosystem in terms of determining the vegetation of the floodplain is thus clearly illustrated

Higgins et al. (1996) recognise three different flood events based on the frequency, spatial extent and duration of the flood. These flood events coincide with the vegetation zonation observed in the Nylsvley Nature Reserve.

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. Channel zone flood – Occurs in 7 out of 10 years. Only the channel is inundated for a period of about 3-4 months. Provides habitat for the truly aquatic species on the floodplain. . Floodplain zone flood – Occurs in 4 out of 10 years. Such a flood would roughly coincide with the sedge dominated area of the floodplain. Also has a duration of approximately 50 days. . Hydromorphic zone flood – Occurs approximately 3 out of 10 years, with flooding lasting for a period sufficient for the breeding of water birds (more than 50 days). Such a flood would inundate the entire (or at least most of the) delineated wetland area

(Very rare flood events such as the 1:100 year flood events which need to be considered as part of the environmental and mining application processes and which are depicted by the 1:100 year floodlines, flood an area in excess of the delineated floodplain area (hydromorphic area) and extend well into the surrounding terrestrial Bushveld vegetation.) Fauna

The Nyl floodplain is probably best known for its avian biodiversity and abundance, though the floodplain is also of importance in supporting other biodiversity. The following excerpts are taken from the WRC Report number TT 441/09:

The Nyl floodplain is renowned for its avifauna. The site is designated as one of the Important Bird Area’s of Southern Africa (IBA) (Barnes, 1998) and also a Ramsar Wetland of International Importance. Barnes and Tarboton (1998) describe both the huge abundance of birdlife (estimated up to 80 000 individuals during floods) and exceptional diversity (426 species are recorded on the floodplain, approximately 46% of all species found in Southern Africa). Many of the birds utilizing the floodplain’s habitat are threatened species. Over a hundred species of waterfowl alone are recorded on the floodplain, 58 of which are known to breed there and 23 are Red Data listed (eight of which breed on the floodplain) (DEAT, 1998). Nylsvley is the only site in South Africa where the Rufousbellied Heron Butroides rufiventris has been known to breed and is the only place in the country1 with a record of the Striped Crake Aenigmatolimnas marginalis and Streakybreasted Flufftail (DEAT, 1998). (WRC Report TT 441/09)

Sixteen species of fish are known to occur in the Nyl system. The fish in the Nyl system proliferate to an estimated 300-600 tons during floods (DEAT, 1998) while the frogs multiply almost as astoundingly. A total of 75 species of herpetofauna and 62 mammal species have been recorded in the Nylsvley Nature Reserve alone (Jacobson, 1977), but additional species are found outside of the reserve. A number of the mammal and herpetofauna species are also threatened species. (WRC Report TT 441/09)

During the wetland assessment field work a total of 109 bird species were recorded on site, though the low water levels encountered at the time limited the numbers of water birds present. When the floodplain on site is fully inundated, it is believed that the habitat provided by the wetland would be suitable to support most if not all of the water bird species that have been recorded within the Nylsvley Nature Reserve, including the Red Data listed species.

1 Subsequent to the publication of the document referenced (DEAT, 1998), the Striped Crake has also been recorded in the Moretele Floodplain.

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For further details regarding the biodiversity, refer to the specialist faunal study undertaken for the feasibility study by Wetland Consulting Services, as well as the specialist Avifauna study compiled by Albert Froneman (2010).

6.3.4 Functional Importance

Numerous functions are typically attributed to wetlands based on the location, size and type of wetland in question. A floodplain wetland is typically expected to be of importance in terms of:

. Flood attenuation; . Flow regulation; . Sediment trapping; . Water quality enhancement; . Biodiversity support; and . Direct use benefits such as tourism and grazing.

In terms of the functions of the floodplain on site, it is impossible to separate the functionality from the functions performed by the entire Nyl floodplain of which the section on site forms part of the lower end. The discussion below is thus applicable to the entire Nyl floodplain, but also to the section of the floodplain on site.

In terms of the Nyl floodplain, studies undertaken by Kleynhans et al (2007) indicate that despite the size of the Nyl floodplain, the value of the flood attenuation function of the floodplain is small. This is due to the impact of downstream tributaries that negate the flood attenuation impact of upstream wetlands, the shape of the river valley downstream of the floodplain that limits the extent of the flooded area, and the lack of significant infrastructure or high productive land within the area downstream of the floodplain that would be flooded in the absence of the flood attenuation function of the wetland.

The same study by Kleynhans et al. also found that the Nyl floodplain performs a limited function in terms of baseflow maintenance (surface flows) and regulation due to the large losses of water from the wetland through evaporation and potentially groundwater recharge. This was already referred to above where it was indicated that the lower reaches of the floodplain flood less often and less frequently than the upper reaches. For some flood events, no water leaves the floodplain with all water lost on the floodplain. While the study did not consider groundwater recharge effects, previous studies have concluded that the aquifer below the floodplain surface is generally separated from the floodplain by clay lenses and that very little recharge occurs (Porszasz and Bredenkamp, 1973; Scott and Wijers, 1992; Morgan, 1996 cited in Kleynhans et al., 2007)

The Nyl floodplain however definitely plays a significant role in trapping sediments entering the system from upstream reaches and under current conditions still actively accumulates sediments (McCarthy, 2011). Flows entering the floodplain slow down significantly and spread out over large areas, encouraging the deposition of sediments. In addition, the extended retention time and contact with wetland sediments and vegetation will allow the floodplain to play a role in water quality enhancement through the trapping of nutrients and pollutants. The significance of this function is however reduced during low flood years when little or no water is discharged from the floodplain to lower reaches, and also through the concentration of salts due to evaporative losses of water on the floodplain.

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The role of the Nyl floodplain in terms of biodiversity support is well known and has resulted in the wetland being recognised as a wetland of international importance (Ramsar wetland) and an Important Bird Area. The tourism value of the Nylsvley floodplain was estimated to be at least R9-10 million per year (Scovronick et al, 2007), though this is based on only the Nylsvley Nature Reserve currently being utilised for tourism and is certainly a significant underestimation.

The section of the Nyl floodplain on site is used mostly for livestock grazing, as well as grazing of game (game farming). The situation for the rest of the Nyl floodplain, with the exception of the reserve is assumed to be similar. In terms of supplying grazing, the floodplain plays a vitally important role in the area. According to Higgins et al. (1996), farmers are able to graze 10 head of cattle per hectare on the floodplain grassland relative to the 0.1 head of cattle per hectare on the surrounding savanna. This comment is believed to be applicable to the upper floodplain around the Nylsvley Nature Reserve which is flooded more often, but is considered to also be applicable to the section of floodplain on site, even if the carrying capacity of livestock on site is probably somewhat lower than the 10 head of cattle per hectare quoted above.

6.3.5 Present Ecological Status (PES) Assessment

The present ecological status assessment undertaken for this study is specifically applicable to the section of the floodplain located within the study area boundaries. While certain of the impacts that have led to changes within the wetland habitat on site are applicable to the entire floodplain system (e.g. reduced catchment water yield to the floodplain), a number of impacts are site specific in nature and are not necessarily applicable to the entire floodplain (e.g. the large dam on site), thus the focus on only the affected reach of the floodplain.

Increased water usage within the catchment of the Nyl River floodplain catchment has resulted in decreased flows within the Nyl River and has thus also affected the extent, depth and duration of flooding. Given the sensitivity of the vegetation on the floodplain to changes in the depth and duration of inundation, the changes in flows have undoubtedly led to changes in the vegetation composition of the floodplain on site. Further changes to the vegetation have been brought about by livestock grazing, burning, cultivation within the wetland and disturbances due to roads constructed through the wetland. Changes in vegetation typically also affected other aspects of biodiversity associated with the floodplain through changes in the habitat utilised by these species, making the habitat potentially less suitable for occupation by the species.

The dams on site have also markedly altered the vegetation of the floodplain on site through increasing the depth and duration of flooding at a local level immediately upstream and downstream of the dams. This is clearly evident on site through the presence of Typha capensis and Phragmites australis which is only associated with those areas affected by the dams.

Additional impacts include:

. Deterioration in water quality due to changes in landuse within the wetland catchment impacting on the quality of water entering the floodplain; . Flow concentration through the construction of roads with culverts across the floodplain;

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. Construction of berms within the floodplain and also along the edges of the floodplain to restrict flood flows; and . Alien and weedy vegetation that has invaded disturbed areas resulting from dam, berm or road construction.

Table 9. Table showing the rating scale used for the PES assessment. Mean* Category Explanation Within generally acceptable range >4 A Unmodified, or approximates natural condition Largely natural with few modifications, but with some loss of natural >3 and <=4 B habitats >2.5 and <=3 C Moderately modified, but with some loss of natural habitats Largely modified. A large loss of natural habitat and basic ecosystem <=2.5 and >1.5 D function has occurred. Outside generally acceptable range Seriously modified. The losses of natural habitat and ecosystem >0 and <=1.5 E functions are extensive Critically modified. Modification has reached a critical level and the system has been modified completely with almost complete loss of 0 F natural habitat.

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Figure 22. Map showing some of the impacts observed on site.

Figure 23. Photos showing some of the observed impacts on site: one of several shallow berms observed within the floodplain and along the floodplain boundary, and change in vegetation associated with the large dam on site.

6.3.6 Ecological Importance and Sensitivity (EIS)

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Ecological Importance and Sensitivity is a concept introduced in the reserve methodology to evaluate a wetland in terms of:

- Ecological Importance; - Hydrological Functions; and - Direct Human Benefits

The scoring assessments for these three aspects of wetland importance and sensitivity have been based on the requirements of the NWA, the original Ecological Importance and Sensitivity assessments developed for riverine assessments (DWAF, 1999), and the work conducted by Kotze et al (2008) on the assessment of wetland ecological goods and services (the WET- EcoServices tool). Based on this methodology, an EIS assessment was undertaken for all the delineated wetlands on site, with the result discussed and illustrated below.

In terms of ecological importance, given the biodiversity supported by the Nyl floodplain especially in terms of avifauna, the floodplain on site is considered to be of very high ecological importance. The hydrological functions supported by the floodplain have been found to be somewhat more limited than would generally be expected from a floodplain of the size of the Nyl floodplain. However, some sediment trapping and water quality enhancement is likely to occur. In addition, should significant infrastructure be constructed downstream of the Nyl floodplain in close proximity to the Mogalakwena River, the flood attenuation value of the floodplain could increase. Direct human benefits include the provision of grazing and the tourism value of the floodplain as described above.

Given all of this, the Nyl floodplain on site is considered to be of Very High ecological importance and sensitivity and should be placed in an ecological management class of A. This refers to floodplains that are ecologically important and sensitive on a national or international level, which is also recognized by the Ramsar wetland status and Important Bird Area classification that is afforded the Nylsvley Nature Reserve and Nylsvley wetland respectively.

Table 10. Scoring system used for the EIS assessment. Ecological Importance and Sensitivity categories Range of Ecological Median Management Class Very high >3 and <=4 A Wetlands that are considered ecologically important and sensitive on a national or even international level. The biodiversity of these wetlands is usually very sensitive to flow and habitat modifications. They play a major role in moderating the quantity and quality of water of major rivers. High >2 and <=3 B Wetlands that are considered to be ecologically important and sensitive. The biodiversity of these wetlands may be sensitive to flow and habitat modifications. They play a role in moderating the quantity and quality of water of major rivers. Moderate >1 and <=2 C Wetlands that are considered to be ecologically important and sensitive on a provincial or local scale. The biodiversity of these wetlands is not usually sensitive to flow and habitat modifications. They play a small role in moderating the quantity and quality of water of major rivers. Low/marginal >0 and <=1 D

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Wetlands that is not ecologically important and sensitive at any scale. The biodiversity of these wetlands is ubiquitous and not sensitive to flow and habitat modifications. They play an insignificant role in moderating the quantity and quality of water of major rivers.

6.4 Aquatic Ecology

6.4.1 Habitat Integrity

A simplified index of habitat integrity, namely Site Habitat Integrity (SHI), was used to determine the broad habitat integrity or condition, based on the extent of different human activities, at each sampling site. This approach is based on the assessment of physical habitat disturbance (Kleynhans, 1997).

It was evident that the overall habitat integrity of the Nyl River on site was good to excellent with most of the variables assessed only having a small to no impact on habitat integrity (Table 11). However, larger impacts that were evident at individual sites are summarised below.

 Farm dams and road crossings were associated with the following impacts: o Reduced flows, which result in loss of habitat diversity and availability o Migration barriers, which limit natural dispersal of fish and prevent recolonisation after unfavourable conditions (such as droughts) o Inundation of aquatic habitats o sedimentation and bed modification (affecting benthic habitats) o modification of channel and bed characteristics downstream of the dam wall.  Agricultural activities (livestock grazing and cultivated fields) were associated with:: o Slightly reduced water quality (trampling and urination/defecation by cattle; surface runoff from cultivated fields). o Sedimentation of substrates (bed modification) (resulting from erosion of cultivated fields, roads or grazed banks).  Presence of alien fish species (Common carp disturb bottom substrates, compete for food and habitat and create turbid waters).

The greatest impacts on habitat integrity were related to farm dams and road crossings (along the dam walls) (affecting sites 2, 3, 4 and 6), with only minor impacts being associated with agriculture. There was a small possibility of impacts associated with abstraction but these were considered to be negligible.

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Table 11. Estimated human impacts on the aquatic habitat integrity of sites along the Nyl River within the Volspruit study area (January 2011). The most important impacts are highlighted. Sampling site Activity/Impact on habitat NYL 1 NYL 2 NYL 3 NYL 4 NYL 5 NYL 6 NYL 7 Water abstraction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Flow modification 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 Bed modification 0 3 3 3 1 1 1 Channel modification 1 3 3 3 1 1 0 Inundation 0 3 5 1 0 3 0 Exotic macrophytes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Solid waste disposal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Indigenous vegetation removal 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 Exotic vegetation enchroachment0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bank erosion 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Key: 0 = no impact on fish habitat 6.4.2 Water Quality 1 = small impact on fish habitat 3 = moderate impact on fish habitat 5 = large impact on fish habitat The purpose of this section is not to describe the baseline water quality of the Nyl River on site, as this should be detailed in a separate surface water specialist study. The purpose of this section is merely to interpret measured on-site variables in terms of the ecological requirements of the biota.

Electrical conductivity (EC) levels were very low ranging from 15.7 mS/m (Nyl 1) to 38.0 mS/m (Nyl 5) (Table 12, Figure 6). These levels reflect good water quality in terms of dissolved salts, with a slight increase at the downstream sites (4-6), probably as a result of the concentrating effect of evaporation and evapo-transpiration from standing water bodies. The decrease observed in the EC level at the most downstream site (Nyl 7) is thought to be related to dilution from lateral seepage and tributaries. The pH of the study sites ranged between 7.8 and 8.9, and should not be limiting to the aquatic biota. These levels fell within the target for fish health of between 6.5 and 9.0 as it is expected that most species will tolerate and reproduce successfully within this pH range (DWAF, 1996). Oxygen levels were also high at all the sites. The abundance of wetland vegetation present means that oxygen, as well as pH levels, can be expected to vary greatly over a 24 hour period due to photosynthesis. The clarity of the water was mostly clear, with increases in turbidity associated with dams and trampling by livestock. Water temperatures ranged between 21.5°C and 29.1°C at the time of sampling (Table 12, Figure 6).

Table 12. In-situ water quality variables measured at the time of sampling (January 2011 survey). Monitoring Conductivity pH Oxyge Dissol Water Clarity site (mS/m) n ved Temp. (visual) saturat oxygen (ºC) ion (%) (mg/l) Nyl 1 15.7 7.8 80 6.5 21.5 Clear Nyl 2 20.3 7.8 76 5.6 24.0 Clear Nyl 3 28.5 7.8 70 5.5 26.7 Turbid Nyl 4 32.4 7.8 79 6.2 26.3 Turbid Nyl 5 38.0 8.2 80 6.5 28.1 Clear Nyl 6 37.0 8.2 75 5.8 28.0 Slightly turbid Nyl 7 19.7 8.9 102 7.5 29.1 Clear

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6.4.3 Diatoms

Appendix 6 displays a list of species and abundances recorded for each site. Diatom findings are summarised below.

The overall species assemblages display the ecological conditions typical of a floodplain wetland system ranging from acidic, eutrophic (high level of nutrients), fresh waters at Site 1 to circumneutral, mesotrophic (moderate level of nutrients), fresh to brackish conditions at Site 2; both are highly oxygenated. The ecological conditions of the Grass Valley sites are displayed in Table 13.

Table 13. Generic diatom based ecological classification for the Grass Valley sites.

Oxygen Site pH Salinity Organic nitrogen Trophic levels status Site 1 Acidic Fresh Tolerating very High Eutrophic small concentrations of organically bound nitrogen Site 2 Circumneu Fresh to Tolerating very High Mesotrophi tral Brackish small c (around concentrations of pH 7) organically bound nitrogen

The ecological water quality is of good condition at Site 1 and Site 2. Dominant species Achnanthidium minutissimum recorded at both sites has been frequently identified as a ~mesotrophic taxon indicating good water quality (Slàdecek, 1986; Leclercq and Maquet, 1987; Prygiel and Coste, 2000). Site 2 has more organic and inorganic content than Site 1 as reflected by the abundance of Gomphonema and Fragilaria taxa at Site 2.

Furthermore, Site 2 has an increase in Nitzschia taxa and less Achnanthidium minutissimum than at Site 1. In freshwater systems, a shift from the Achnanthidium group (indicative of a well oxygenated environment, i.e. no or little oxygen depletion due to bacterial decomposition of introduced organic material) to the Nitzschia group which is most tolerant to environmental change and degradation), generally indicates impact and disturbance to the system. In the case of Site 2 however, we must be aware that these ‘pollution indicators’ used to determine anthropogenic stress in freshwater systems may be equally tolerant to the natural stressors (i.e. fluctuating salinity, water levels) that accompany floodplain wetland systems.

To further investigate the ecological conditions of Site 1 and Site 2 based on diatom composition, a non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) statistical analysis was conducted. Diatoms assemblages collected from 118 sites, from various localities, were included in the ordination plot

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 61 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012 to provide a more reliable and complete pollution gradient. Ordination was performed using the programme PC-ORD version 5 and results are displayed in Figure 24.

Figure 24. Ordination plot of the SRVM sites (marked in red) indicating diatom assemblage patterns relative to other wetland sites.

The ordination plot shows diatom assemblages clustering along a gradient of nutrients and salts. Ordination revealed Site 1 and Site 2 to be grouped with samples taken from healthy, natural temporarily inundated pan systems which, similar to a floodplain system, are also characterized by fluctuating conditions.

6.4.4 Aquatic Macroinvertebrates

A summary of the SASS5 aquatic macroinvertebrate results are displayed in Table 1. As this is a floodplain wetland system, no stone biotopes were available for sampling. As such, taxa associated specifically with these biotopes (i.e. stones and/or gravel in/out of cu4nt) were absent, which necessitated careful interpretation of results in terms of the SASS5 guidelines (Dallas 2007). The presence of two species of baetid mayflies, together with a number of taxa sensitive to water quality changes, indicate the sites to be Largely Natural (Category B). The macroinvertebrate assemblage is not likely to differ much from that expected under natural wetland conditions.

Table 14. Summary of aquatic macroinvertebrates sampled upstream (1) and downstream (5) of proposed mining at Volspruit Mine.

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SITE 1 5 Temp (°C): 31.1 22.9 pH: 7.46 7.9 Cond (mS/m): 17.6 15.1 Biotopes Sampled (Rated 1-5) Stones Marginal vege 4 4 Sediment 1 1 TOTAL No.TAXA 15 16 SASS Score 74 76 Average Score per Taxon 4.9 4.8 PES (aquatic macroinvertebrates) B B SASS5 Sensitivity SASS5 Taxon Score* ANNELIDA Oligochaeta (Earthworms) 1 Hirudinea (Leeches) 3 A CRUSTACEA Potamonautidae* (Crabs) 3 HYDRACARINA (Mites) 8 B A EPHEMEROPTERA (Mayflies) Baetidae 1sp 4 Baetidae 2 sp 6 A A Baetidae > 2 sp 12 ODONATA (Dragonflies & Damselflies) Coenagrionidae (Sprites and blues) 4 A A Lestidae (Emerald Damselflies/Spreadwings) 8 Aeshnidae (Hawkers & Emperors) 8 A Gomphidae (Clubtails) 6 Libellulidae (Darters/Skimmers) 4 A A HEMIPTERA (Bugs) Belostomatidae* (Giant water bugs) 3 A Corixidae* (Water boatmen) 3 Gerridae* (Pond skaters/Water striders) 5 A A Hydrometridae* (Water measurers) 6 1 Naucoridae* (Creeping water bugs) 7 A Nepidae* (Water scorpions) 3 A A Notonectidae* (Backswimmers) 3 A A Pleidae* (Pygmy backswimmers) 4 Veliidae/M...veliidae* (Ripple bugs) 5 A A TRICHOPTERA (Caddisflies) Hydropsychidae 4 COLEOPTERA (Beetles) Dytiscidae* (Diving beetles) 5 A A Noteridae* 5 A A Gyrinidae* (Whirligig beetles) 5 A Haliplidae* (Crawling water beetles) 5 A Helodidae (Marsh beetles) 12 Hydraenidae* (Minute moss beetles) 8 Hydrophilidae* (Water scavenger beetles) 5 A Limnichidae (Marsh-Loving Beetles) 10 DIPTERA (Flies) Ceratopogonidae (Biting midges) 5 A A Chironomidae (Midges) 2 A Culicidae* (Mosquitoes) 1 Dixidae* (Dixid midge) 10 Muscidae (House flies, Stable flies) 1 Psychodidae (Moth flies) 1 Simuliidae (Blackflies) 5 GASTROPODA (Snails) 6.4.5 Icthyofauna (Fish) Habitat Type and Availability

The habitat diversity or biotopes available for fish at the different sites were typical of those expected in a valley-bottom wetland ecosystem. No fast habitats were present at any of the sites in the study area, and it is expected that this may be the case during all seasons (even wet season). The survey was conducted during the wet season with heavy rains experienced prior to and during the survey, and yet no fast habitats were present at any of the sites. The absence of fast habitats can therefore exclude the presence of fish species with a preference for this habitat type.

The dominant velocity-depth category (habitat) available for fish at most sites was slow (<0.3m/s)- shallow (<0.5m) and slow-deep (Table 15). Fish species with a preference or requirement for slow

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(lentic) habitats can therefore be expected to occur at these sites. The primary cover feature available to fish was provided in the form of macrophytes and overhanging vegetation (also typical valley bottom wetland habitats). The absence of substrates in the form of cobbles and boulders that could serve as cover for fish in the area is expected to be reflective of natural conditions, and the presence of this cover feature at sites Nyl 3 and Nyl 4 is the result of farm dam construction.

Table 15. Habitat composition and diversity for fish at different sampling sites

Sites NYL 1 NYL 2 NYL 3 NYL 4 NYL 5 NYL 6 NYL 7 SLOW-DEEP (>0.5m; <0.3m/s) Abundance 0 4 4 4 2 2 4 Overhanging vegetation 0 2 2 2 2 1 2 Undercut banks and Root-wads 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Substrate 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 Macrophytes 0 3 3 4 3 4 4 SLOW-SHALLOW (<0.5m; <0.3m/s) Abundance 4 2 1 2 3 4 3 Overhanging vegetation 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 Undercut banks and Root-wads 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Substrate 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 Macrophytes 4 3 3 4 3 4 4 FAST-DEEP (>0.3m; >0.3m/s) Abundance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overhanging vegetation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Undercut banks and Root-wads 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Substrate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Macrophytes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FAST-SHALLOW (<0.3m; >0.3m/s) Abundance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overhanging vegetation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Undercut banks and Root-wads 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Substrate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Macrophytes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Abundance of velocity-depth classes and cover are estimated according to: 0 – absent; 1 – rare; 2 – sparse; 3 – common; 4 – very abundant Fish species composition (pre-disturbance/reference and present)

During the January 2011 baseline aquatic fauna study performed in the study area, seven indigenous fish species were sampled (Table 16). These included the Johnston’s topminnow (Aplocheilichthys johnstoni), Hyphen barb (Barbus bifrenatus), Straightfin barb (Barbus paludinosus), Sharptooth catfish (Clarias gariepinus), Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus), Southern mouthbrooder (Pseudocrenilabrus philander) and Banded tilapia (Tilapia sparrmanii) (Table 16). Barbus paludinosus was by far the most abundant and most widespread indigenous fish species in the study area. The relative abundance of Pseudocrenilabrus philander was moderate while the rest of the species had a generally low abundance. One alien fish species, namely the Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) was also sampled within the study area at Site Nyl 6.

Table 16. Fish species (no. of individuals) sampled during January 2011 at the selected sampling sites.

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SPECIES Fish Sampling Sites ENGLISH Nyl Nyl Nyl Nyl Nyl Nyl Nyl ABBREVIATION COMMON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 JOHNSTON'S AJOH 4 2 1 12 7 TOPMINNOW BBIF HYPHEN BARB 1 STRAIGHTFIN BPAU 12 100+ 500+ 500+ 150+ 300+ 200+ BARB SHARPTOOTH CGAR 2 2 CATFISH MOZAMBIQUE OMOS 30 5 2 TILAPIA SOUTHERN PPHI 8 12 20 7 12 30 50 MOUTHBROODER TSPA BANDED TILAPIA 2 3 7 CCAR* COMMON CARP 1 Sampling time (minutes electrofishing) 20 15 30 25 20 20 23

*Alien species

To enable the determination of the biotic integrity (present state in relation to those expected under natural conditions) of the study area in terms of its fish assemblage, it is necessary to determine which species would have occurred here under natural (pre-disturbance) conditions. No historic (pre-disturbance) information is known to exist for the exact study area. Therefore, to determine the expected species, use was made of all available fish information for the region. Two National River Health biomonitoring sites (A6NYL-TOBIA and A6NYL-JAAGB) are present within close proximity of the study area (site Nyl 6 exact site of A6NYL-JAAGB). Reference ‘frequency of occurrence’ (FROC) data were available for these sites and were therefore applied to this study (Kleynhans et al., 2007). The expected species pool was then fine-tuned according to habitat composition expected under natural conditions. Apart from the unnatural habitats created by dams and road crossings over the stream, habitat compositions at most of the sites were expected to be very similar to those likely to occur under natural conditions.

Table 17. Probability of occurrence of fish species and their expected frequency of occurrence under natural and present conditions. Present / Natural / Pre- Abbreviation ENGLISH COMMON NAME Current disturbed condition AJOH JOHNSTON'S TOPMINNOW 5 4 BBIF HYPHEN BARB 3 2 BMAR BARBUS MAREQUENSIS 0 0 BPAU STRAIGHTFIN BARB 5 5 BTRI THREESPOT BARB 2 1 BUNI BARBUS UNITAENIATUS 2 1

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BVIV BOWSTRIPE BARB 3 1 CGAR SHARPTOOTH CATFISH 2 2 LMOL LEADEN LABEO 0 0 MMAC BULLDOG 0 0 OMOS MOZAMBIQUE TILAPIA 3 3 SOUTHERN 5 PPHI 5 MOUTHBROODER TSPA BANDED TILAPIA 3 3 CCAR* COMMON CARP 0 2 Spatial Fish Frequency of Occurrence (FROC): 1=Present at very few sites (<10% of sites); 2=Present at few sites (>10-25%); 3=Present at about >25-50 % of sites; 4=Present at most sites (>50- 75%); 5=Present at almost all sites (>75%) *Alien species

Based on all available information, thirteen indigenous fish species have a known distribution range in the Nyl River system in the vicinity of the Volspruit Study area (Table 17). Due to the absence of fast-flow habitats and rocky bottom substrates, at least two species can be excluded from the study area, namely Labeobarbus marequensis (Largescale yellowfish) and Labeo molybdinus (Leaden labeo). Marcusenius macrolepidotus (Bulldog) can also be excluded as its preferred habitat - deep pools, undercut banks and rootwads - were absent from the sites under investigation. There is a very low probability that these species occurred in the reach under investigation under natural conditions.

Ten indigenous fish species therefore have a high probability of occurrence in the Nyl River in the study area under natural conditions (Table 17). The presence of seven of these species was confirmed during the January 2011 survey. Habitat preference and intolerance to environmental degradation

The fish species of the study area differ in their preferences for different habitats types (Table 18). All the fish species observed in the study area have a preference for slow habitats with overhanging vegetation, aquatic macrophytes and water column as cover (Table 18). It is therefore essential that these habitat features are not altered by any future activities in the area (including mining). Examples of activities often responsible for degradation in different fish habitat features are given in Table 19 and caution should therefore be taken with any of these activities, especially those that may influence the preferred habitats of the fish species within the study area.

Table 18. Habitat preferences (flow-depth and cover features) of the expected fish species (Kleynhans, 2003).

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AJOH JOHNSTON'S TOPMINNOW 3.3 4 0 0 3.5 1 2 3 3 BBIF HYPHEN BARB 3.3 4.7 0.7 0.8 4.4 2.7 2.7 1.6 0 BPAU STRAIGHTFIN BARB 3.9 3.9 2.2 2.6 4.2 2.4 1.9 3.6 3.5 BTRI THREESPOT BARB 3.9 3.2 2.3 2.7 3.9 2.6 2.3 2.8 2.8 BUNI LONGBEARD BARB 5 4.3 0.9 1.3 4.6 2.7 2.9 1.3 2.2 BVIV BOWSTRIPE BARB 2.1 4.8 0.4 0.6 4.9 2.1 1.5 3.2 0.3 CGAR SHARPTOOTH CATFISH 4.3 3.4 1.2 0.8 2.8 2.9 2.8 3 2.6

OMOS MOZAMBIQUE TILAPIA 4.6 3.8 1.4 0.8 3 1.9 2.1 2.8 3.9 PPHI SOUTHERN MOUTHBROODER 2.6 4.3 0.5 0.9 4.5 3.2 1.9 2.9 0.3 TSPA BANDED TILAPIA 3 4.3 0.9 1.5 4.5 1.9 2.5 3.6 1.1 0 = NO PREFERENCE, IRRELEVANT; >0 -0.9 = VERY LOW PREFERENCE -COINCIDENTAL? >1-1.9 = LOW PREFERENCE >2-2.9 =MODERATE PREFERENCE >3-3.9 =HIGH PREFERENCE >4-5 =VERY HIGH PREFERENCE

Table 19. Human activities that are often responsible for degradation in specific fish habitat features (important habitats for fish within the study area are shaded) Velocity depth class or General impacts and activities. Habitat feature Slow deep & slow shallow Increased flows as result of regulation, water transfer schemes, irrigation releases. Sedimentation of pools as a result of catchment and erosion. Fast deep and fast shallow Decreased flows a result of water abstraction (for agriculture, domestic, mining or industry), flow modification as a result of dams, weirs and channelization. Overhanging vegetation Clearing of vegetation on stream banks for the purpose of stream crossings (conveyer belts, roads, haul roads), clearing of riparian zones for construction activities, exotic vegetation encroachment replacing natural vegetation and also causing increased bank erosion, and to a lesser extent water quality deterioration (increased toxins could result in decreased availability of vegetation while increased nutrients could result in excessive growth or domination by single or a few species). Undercut banks Alteration of natural water levels (through water abstraction, flow alterations, etc.). Physical disturbance of banks through construction or agricultural activities. Substrate Increased sedimentation (related to erosion), excessive algal growth (especially associated with irrigation return flows and WWTW effluents), sand mining, trampling by livestock, disturbance by bottom feeding alien species such as Common carp, etc. Aquatic macrophytes Altered flow regimes, use of herbicides, pollution from other sources (salts, pH), presence of alien Grass carp.

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Water column Decreased flows (through abstraction, constructions of dams, etc.) Relative intolerance of fish to environmental change

The fish species within the study area differ in their tolerance of environmental disturbance (Table 20). Overall, the fish assemblage expected or observed within the Volspruit Mine study area was classified as being tolerant to moderately tolerant to environmental change (Table 20). The most sensitive of all species is the Johnston’s topminnow, which is intolerant to habitat alterations and water quality deterioration (Table 20). This species could be considered an important indicator of change. The Threespot barb is also moderately intolerant to changes in trophic structure, but this species was not sampled during the current survey, and it is assumed that it is not abundant in this river reach.



TSPA BANDED TILAPIA 1.6 1.4 0.9 1.4 1.3 0-1.9 = TOLERANT; >2-2.9 = MODERATELY TOLERANT >3-3.9 = MODERATELY INTOLERANT >4-5.0 = INTOLERANT Conservation status

The Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) is considered ‘Near Threatened” (IUCN 2010) (Table 21). Although this species is widespread and common, it is threatened by hybridization with the rapidly spreading alien Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Oreochromis niloticus is being spread by anglers and for aquaculture. Hybridization is already occurring throughout the northern part of the species' range, with most of the evidence coming from the Limpopo River system. Given the rapid spread of O. niloticus it is anticipated that this species will qualify as threatened under Criterion A due to rapid population decline through hybridization (IUCN, 2011).

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Johnston’s topminnow is considered ‘Least Concern’, while the other fish species within the study area are widespread and common (Table 21)

Table 21. Conservation status of indigenous fish species expected in the Volspruit Mine study area CONSERVATION ENGLISH COMMON ABBREVIATION SCIENTIFIC NAME STATUS / GENERAL NAME COMMENTS APLOCHEILICHTHYS JOHNSTON'S Least concern. AJOH JOHNSTONI (GÜNTHER, 1893) TOPMINNOW Widespread Relatively widespread in Limpopo, became BARBUS BIFRENATUS very rare in BBIF FOWLER, 1935 HYPHEN BARB Mpumalanga. BARBUS PALUDINOSUS Widespread and BPAU PETERS, 1852 STRAIGHTFIN BARB common BARBUS TRIMACULATUS Widespread and BTRI PETERS, 1852 THREESPOT BARB common Widespread and BUNI BARBUS UNITAENIATUS LONGBEARD BARB common BARBUS VIVIPARUS WEBER, Widespread and BVIV 1897 BOWSTRIPE BARB common CLARIAS GARIEPINUS SHARPTOOTH Widespread and CGAR (BURCHELL, 1822) CATFISH common Near threatened OREOCHROMIS (IUCN 2010, Ver. 3.1) MOSSAMBICUS (PETERS, MOZAMBIQUE Widespread and OMOS 1852) TILAPIA common PSEUDOCRENILABRUS SOUTHERN Widespread and PPHI PHILANDER (WEBER, 1897) MOUTHBROODER common TILAPIA SPARRMANII SMITH, Widespread and TSPA 1840 BANDED TILAPIA common *Wolhuter & Impson (2007) Alien fish species

One alien fish species, the Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) was sampled in the study area (Site Nyl 6) during the current study. Common carp can be seen as equivocal, having a negative impact on the environment they occur in, but being valued by certain interest groups such as sport fishermen. They are widely regarded as a pest, and are held responsible for the introduction of numerous fish parasites. They compete with other fish for food, they eat the spawn of other fish and disrupt nest-building activities of some fish. Furthermore, they cause habitat degradation by their feeding behaviour of grubbing in the mud for food, which causes the destruction of vegetation, rooting up of marginal vegetation and disturbing of the bottom sediments, which increases turbidity (de Moor & Bruton, 1988).

Another alien fish species, namely the Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) has a low probability of occurrence within this quaternary catchment. The potential presence of this species is always alarming as this aggressive predator can have a large impact on the indigenous fish

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 69 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012 species, especially small species and juveniles of larger species. It should be encouraged to remove specimens of this species whenever caught by anglers to keep their numbers as low as possible. These species should not be allowed to be stocked in the river or within dams that are linked to the Nyl River, either directly, or via tributaries. Migration

Most of the fish species expected or observed in the study area are classified as ‘truly migratory’ or potadromous2. Most of the Barbus species, C. gariepinus and T. sparrmanii all require movement between reaches, while P. philander and A. johnstoni primarily migrate within a single reach. It is therefore essential that flows are maintained to meet the needs of migratory species. For this reason, the geohydrology of the landscape should be carefully considered, abstraction and road crossings should be limited and no new instream dams or should be constructed as part of any proposed developments or mining activities. Biotic integrity based on fish

The present ecological status (PES) or biotic integrity, based on fish, of the different river reaches of the study area was determined through the application of the Fish Response Assessment Index (FRAI) (Kleynhans, 2007). It provides an indication of the present status of the fish assemblage, in relation to what could be expected under natural or unmodified conditions. The FRAI was done for the entire Nyl River reach (Sites Nyl 1 to Nyl 7).

According to the FRAI calculations, the fish assemblage of this reach of the Nyl River is presently still in a good condition, with a FRAI score of 83.1% (Table 22). This classifies the present ecological status (PES), based on fish, as a Category B (Largely Natural). That is, most aspects of the fish assemblage are similar to those expected under natural, undisturbed conditions. Species richness and the presence of intolerant species indicate only minor modifications.

The primary impacts responsible for this observed condition are related to habitat deterioration (as discussed previously) and include agricultural activities (grazing, irrigation), farm dams (altered flows) and the presence of alien fish (Common Carp).

Table 22. Fish Response Assessment Index (FRAI) results for Nyl River Reach. METRIC METRIC *RATING METRIC GROUP (CHANGE) GROUP WEIGHT (%) Response of species with high to very high preference

for FAST-DEEP conditions 0.0 84 -

Response of species with high to very high preference 0.0


2 Potadromous: Truly migratory species whose entire life cycle is completed within freshwater and that undertake migrations within freshwater zones of rivers for a variety of reasons, such as for spawning, feeding, dispersion after spawning, colonisation after droughts, for over-wintering, etc.

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for FAST-SHALLOW conditions Response of species with high to very high preference for SLOW-DEEP conditions -0.5 Response of species with high to very high preference for SLOW-SHALLOW conditions -0.5 Response of species with a very high to high preference for overhanging vegetation -0.5 Response of species with a very high to high

preference for undercut banks and root wads 0.0 Response of species with a high to very high 100 preference for a particular substrate type 0.0 Response of species with a high to very high preference for instream vegetation -0.5 Response of species with a very high to high

preference for the water column 0.0 COVERMETRICS Response of species intolerant of no-flow conditions 0.0 Response of species moderately intolerant of no-flow

conditions 0.0 63 Response of species moderately tolerant of no-flow conditions -1.5

Response of species tolerant of no-flow conditions 0.0

FLOW DEPENDANCE METRICS Response of species intolerant of modified physico- chemical conditions 0.0 Response of species moderately intolerant of modified physico-chemical conditions -1.0



- Response of species moderately tolerant of modified physico-chemical conditions -2.0 Response of species tolerant of modified physico-

chemical conditions -0.5

PHYSICO METRICS Response in terms of distribution/abundance of spp with catchment scale movements Response in terms of distribution/abundance of spp with requirement for movement between reaches or 55

ONMETRICS fish habitat segments 2.0 Response in terms of distribution/abundance of spp with requirement for movement within reach or fish

habitat segment 1.0 MIGRATI The impact/potential impact of introduced competing/predaceous spp? How widespread (frequency of occurrence) are introduced competing/predaceous spp? 37 The impact/potential impact of introduced habitat modifying spp? 1.5 How widespread (frequency of occurrence) are habitat

modifying spp? 0.5

INTRODUCED SPECIES METRICS FRAI SCORE (%) 83.1 FRAI CATEGORY B FRAI CATEGORY DESCRIPTION Good *GUIDELINES FOR RATING/CHANGE (0-->5) -5=Extreme loss from reference (absent); -4=Serious loss from reference; -3=Large loss from reference; -2=Moderate loss from reference, -1= Small loss from reference; 0=No change from reference; 1= Small increase from reference; 2=Moderate increase from

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 71 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012 reference; 3=Large increase from reference; 4=Serious increase from reference; 5=Extreme increase from reference (completely dominant).


7.1 Project Description

The proposed project can be broadly grouped into three constituent components, as described in the sections that follow. These are:

. Opencast mining of two target PGM ore bodies; . Processing and beneficiation of the mined ore; and . Undertaking of activities, and establishment of structures and infrastructure, supportive of 1 and 2 above.

Opencast Mining:

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Volspruit Mine is proposed to include two opencast pits, which are otherwise referred to as the ‘North pit’ and the ‘South pit’, due to their geographical location on the farm Volspruit 326 KR. Mining of these opencast pits will entail initial topsoil stripping and stockpiling thereof, with subsequent rock blasting and ore handling with large front-end loaders and trucks at the rock face thereafter.

Waste rock (i.e. all material with no resource value that needs to be removed in order to access the targeted ore bodies) from the North pit will be hauled to surface and disposed of above ground to a single, dedicated, waste rock dump on the farm Zoetveld 294 KR. Waste rock from the South pit will be used to partially back-fill the North pit; where mining of the South pit will only commence approximately 10 years after mining commences at the North pit.

The target ore will also be transferred to surface by haul trucks, but will be stockpiled separately from any waste rock as a ROM (Run of Mine) stockpile. This stockpiled ROM will then be crushed at a primary crusher and transferred via conveyor and/or truck to a concentrator plant (processing plant).

Ore Processing and Beneficiation: Once at the concentrator plant, ore is washed, crushed, screened and sorted/floated to separate and concentrate the target PGM minerals from the remaining ore. The resultant ore ‘concentrate’ will then be transported to the proposed smelter complex, for smelting via the ‘Conroast’ process.

The concentrator plant essentially acts to further remove non-PGM containing fractions from the mined ore in order to further concentrate (as the name suggests) the targeted PGM mineral fractions thereof into an ore concentrate for further processing. This process results in the generation of waste tailings, which will be deposited as ‘thickened’ paste tailings to a single, dedicated tailings storage facility (TSF) on the farm Zoetveld 294 KR.

The ore concentrate will be smelted onsite to further concentrate the target PGM minerals and remove remaining impurities in the form of a waste slag. The slag will be disposed of to a slag dump at the smelter complex, with the resultant PGM concentrate product being transferred to the proposed chemical vapour metal recovery plant (CVMR), which acts to extract and separate the PGMs individually from the metal concentrate into saleable metallic fractions”.

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Figure 25. Map showing the proposed opencast pits and associated infrastructure within the study area and in relation to the Nyl wetland.

7.2 Impact Assessment Methodology

Impacts were assessed in terms of the following criteria:

The magnitude / severity, quantified on a scale from 0-10, where 0 is small and will have no effect on the environment, 2 is minor and will not result in an impact on processes, 4 is low and will cause a slight impact on processes, 6 is moderate and will result in processes continuing but in a modified way, 8 is high (processes are altered to the extent that they temporarily cease), and 10 is very high and results in complete destruction of patterns and permanent cessation of processes.

The scale / extent, wherein it is indicated whether the impact will be site only (limited to the immediate area or site of development), local, regional, national or international and a value between 1 and 5 was assigned as appropriate (with 1 being localized and 5 being extensive):.

The duration, wherein it was indicated whether:

. the lifetime of the impact will be immediate – assigned a score of 1; . of a very short duration (0–5 years) – assigned a score of 2; . medium-term (5–15 years) – assigned a score of 3;

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 74 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012

. long term (> 15 years), ceases with operational life - assigned a score of 4; or . permanent - assigned a score of 5;

The probability of occurrence, which describes the likelihood of the impact actually occurring. Probability was estimated on a scale of 1–5, where:

. 0 is none, . 1 is very improbable (probably will not happen), . 2 is improbable (some possibility, but low likelihood), . 3 is probable (distinct possibility), . 4 is highly probable (most likely) and . 5 is definite (impact will occur regardless of any prevention measures) or don't know.

The significance was calculated by combining the criteria in the following formula:


S = Significance weighting E = Extent D = Duration M = Magnitude P = Probability

The significance weightings for each potential impact are as follows:

. < 30 points: Low (i.e. where this impact would not have a direct influence on the decision to develop in the area), . 30-60 points: Medium (i.e. where the impact could influence the decision to develop in the area unless it is effectively mitigated), . 60 points: High (i.e. where the impact must have an influence on the decision process to develop in the area).

7.3 Vegetation

The position of infrastructure relative to sensitive natural features within the site is indicated in Figure 26.

The northern ore body is almost entirely within a cultivated or previously disturbed area, although it does affect the edge of the wetland area on site (Figure 26). A small area of terrestrial natural vegetation is affected by this ore body. This vegetation is plains woodland (Figure 10).

The southern ore body is entirely within untransformed terrestrial natural vegetation (Figure 26). On site, this consists of a combination of hills woodland and plains woodland (see Figure 10). The sensitivity of this habitat on site has been classified as medium.

Most other infrastructure is located within plains woodland areas that are classified as having medium sensitivity.

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Figure 26. Map showing the proposed infrastructure in relation to sensitive natural habitats of the study area.

Potential issues relevant to potential impacts on the ecology of the study area include the following:

 Impacts on biodiversity: this includes any impacts on populations of individual species of concern (flora and fauna), including protected species, and on overall species richness. This includes impacts on genetic variability, population dynamics, overall species existence or health and on habitats important for species of concern.  Impacts on sensitive habitats: this includes impacts on any sensitive or protected habitats, including, for example, indigenous forest, thicket and wetland vegetation, that leads to direct or indirect loss of such habitat.  Impacts on ecosystem function: this includes impacts on any processes or factors that maintain ecosystem health and character, including the following: . disruption to nutrient-flow dynamics; . impedance of movement of material or water; . habitat fragmentation; . changes to abiotic environmental conditions; . changes to disturbance regimes, e.g. increased or decreased incidence of fire; . changes to successional processes; . effects on pollinators; . increased invasion by alien plants.

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Changes to factors such as these may lead to a reduction in the resilience of plant communities and ecosystems or loss or change in ecosystem function.

Major potential impacts are described briefly below. These are compiled from a generic list of possible impacts derived from previous projects of this nature and from a literature review of the potential impacts of mining on the ecological environment.

7.3.1 Impact 1: Loss of populations of threatened plants

Plant species are especially vulnerable to infrastructure development due to the fact that they cannot move out of the path of the construction activities, but are also affected by overall loss of habitat.

Threatened species include those classified as critically endangered, endangered or vulnerable. For any other species a loss of individuals or localized populations is unlikely to lead to a change in the conservation status of the species. However, in the case of threatened plant species, loss of a population or individuals could lead to a direct change in the conservation status of the species, possibly extinction. This may arise if the proposed infrastructure is located where it will impact on such individuals or populations. Consequences may include:

1. fragmentation of populations of affected species; 2. reduction in area of occupancy of affected species; and 3. loss of genetic variation within affected species.

These may all lead to a negative change in conservation status of the affected species, which implies a reduction in the chances of the species overall survival chances.

There is one Red List plant species that occurs on site and which has a high chance of being affected by the proposed development. This species, Oryza longistaminata (listed as Vulnerable), has been recorded within the wetlands on site.

Extent: The impact will occur at the site of the proposed mine, but will have an impact at a global level, since it potentially affects the global status of affected species. For plant populations, the location of infrastructure is critical. The affected species, Oryza longistaminata, only occurs within the broader Nylsvley wetland system. This is a longitudinal system in which impacts in one site could entirely fragment the conterminous habitat of this species. The species is therefore vulnerable to any impacts that affect the overall habitat.

Duration: The impact will occur during excavation of the north pit, which is located up to the edge of the Nylsvley system. This is an operational impact.

Magnitude: The impact is potentially moderate and will result in population processes for this species continuing but in a modified way.

Probability: There is one threatened plant species occurring on site. It occurs in wetlands, which may be affected, although these wetlands occur on the edge of the proposed location of the north pit. It is therefore probable that the impact will occur.

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Mitigation measures: 1. Wetland habitat must not be affected by the proposed mine and associated infrastructure. A buffer of a minimum of 50 m should be maintained from the edge of the riparian zone or, where no riparian zone exists, the edge of the temporary wetland zone. 2. Unnecessary impacts on surrounding natural vegetation must be avoided. Impacts must be contained to the footprint of proposed infrastructure. 3. Care must be taken when excavating the ore body at the north pit to avoid spilling over into the sensitive wetland habitat on site. 4. A monitoring programme must be put in place to monitor the potential impact on the species to provide information upon which a response can be implemented in the event of a potential impact occurring.

Nature: Loss of populations of threatened plants Without mitigation With mitigation Extent global (5) local (1) Duration permanent (5) medium-term (3) Magnitude moderate (6) low (2) Probability probable (3) improbable (2) Significance medium (48) low (12) *Significance calculated as (magnitude+duration+extent) x probability. Significance: <30 = low, 30–60 = medium, >60 = high.

7.3.2 Impact 2: Loss of individuals of protected tree species

There are a number of tree species that are protected according to Government Notice no. 1012 under section 12(I)(d) of the National Forests Act, 1998 (Act No. 84 of 1998). In terms of section1 5(1) of the National Forests Act, 1998 “no person may cut, disturb, damage or destroy any protected tree or possess, collect, remove, transport, export, purchase, sell donate or in any other manner acquire or dispose of any protected tree or any forest product derived from a protected tree, except under a license granted by the Minister to an (applicant and subject to such period and conditions as may be stipulated”.

A number of species have a geographic distribution that includes the study area appear on this list, including the following: Acacia erioloba, Boscia albitrunca, Combretum imberbe, Curtisia dentata, Elaedendron transvaalensis, Pittosporum viridiflorum, Prunus africana, Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra and Securidaca longependunculata. Protected tree species recorded in the study area were Acacia erioloba, Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra and Boscia albitrunca.

Extent: The impact will occur at the site of the proposed mine. It is scored as local. It may affect single individuals of protected species.

Duration: The impact will occur during construction, but will be permanent.

Magnitude: Due to the wide distribution of the species, loss of individuals on site is unlikely to affect population processes throughout the range of this species. The impact is scored as minor.

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 78 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012

Probability: According to the position of proposed infrastructure and pits, a small number of protected trees will be directly affected. It is therefore definite that the impact will occur.


Mitigation measures: 1. The position of all individuals of protected trees must be determined within the footprint of proposed infrastructure and pits. 2. A permit must be obtained, according to the National Forests Act, for any individuals that will be affected by the proposed infrastructure. 3. If a large number of individuals are potentially affected (which is not considered to be the case), a planting programme can be implemented to replace lost individuals.

Nature: Loss of populations of protected trees Without mitigation With mitigation Extent site (1) site (1) Duration permanent (5) permanent (5) Magnitude minor (2) minor (1) Probability definite (5) probable (3) Significance medium (40) medium (35) *Significance calculated as (magnitude+duration+extent) x probability. Significance: <30 = low, 30–60 = medium, >60 = high.

7.3.3 Impact 3: Loss or fragmentation of indigenous natural vegetation (terrestrial)

Construction of infrastructure may lead to direct loss of vegetation. This will lead to localised or more extensive reduction in the overall extent of fynbos vegetation. Where this vegetation has already been stressed due to degradation and transformation at a regional level, the loss may lead to increased vulnerability (susceptibility to future damage) of the habitat. Consequences of the impact occurring may include:

1. negative change in conservation status of habitat (Driver et al. 2005); 2. increased vulnerability of remaining portions to future disturbance; 3. general loss of habitat for sensitive species; 4. loss in variation within sensitive habitats due to loss of portions of it; 5. general reduction in biodiversity; 6. increased fragmentation (depending on location of impact); 7. disturbance to processes maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem goods and services; and 8. loss of ecosystem goods and services.

It has been established that most of the site falls within a vegetation type classified as Vulnerable in the scientific literature, although it is not listed in the Draft National List of Threatened Ecosystems (GN1477 of 2009), published under the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (Act No. 10, 2004). Terrestrial vegetation on site has been classified as having medium sensitivity and conservation value.

Extent: The impact will occur at the site of the proposed mine infrastructure and pits.

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Duration: The impact will occur during construction, but will be permanent.

Magnitude: At a local scale, the impact is likely to result in processes continuing but in a modified way, which is scored as moderate.

Probability: According to the position of the proposed infrastructure relative to terrestrial natural vegetation, it is definite that the impact will occur.


Mitigation measures: 1. Unnecessary impacts on surrounding natural vegetation must be avoided. Impacts must be contained to the footprint of proposed infrastructure.

Nature: Loss or fragmentation of indigenous natural vegetation (terrestrial) Without mitigation With mitigation Extent site (1) site (1) Duration permanent (5) permanent (5) Magnitude moderate (6) low (4) Probability definite (5) definite (5) Significance medium (60) medium (50) *Significance calculated as (magnitude+duration+extent) x probability. Significance: <30 = low, 30–60 = medium, >60 = high.

7.3.4 Impact 4: Damage to wetland vegetation

Construction may lead to some direct or indirect loss of or damage to seasonal marsh wetlands or drainage lines or impacts that affect the catchment of these wetlands. This will lead to localised loss of wetland habitat and may lead to downstream impacts that affect a greater extent of wetlands or impact on wetland function. Where these habitats are already stressed due to degradation and transformation, the loss may lead to increased vulnerability (susceptibility to future damage) of the habitat. Physical alteration to wetlands can have an impact on the functioning of those wetlands. Consequences may include:

1. increased loss of soil; 2. loss of or disturbance to indigenous wetland vegetation; 3. loss of sensitive wetland habitats; 4. loss or disturbance to individuals of rare, endangered, endemic and/or protected species that occur in wetlands; 5. fragmentation of sensitive habitats; 6. impairment of wetland function; 7. change in channel morphology in downstream wetlands, potentially leading to further loss of wetland vegetation; and 8. reduction in water quality in wetlands downstream of road.

The site contains a large wetland system that is part of the larger Nylsvlei system. The species richness and variability of habitats within this system is relatively high. A variety of species with restricted distribution occur within this system. The wetland habitat on site is considered to have high sensitivity and conservation value.

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Extent: The impact will occur at the site of the proposed north pit, but is likely to have some downstream impacts. The extent of the potential impact is therefore local and surroundings.

Duration: The impact will occur during excavation of the pit, but will probably result in impacts that have a permanent effect on channel morphology, hydrological regime, water quality and plant species composition.

Magnitude: Impacts could result in processes continuing but in a modified way, which is scored as moderate.

Probability: According to the position of the north pit, it is definite that the impact will occur on parts of the wetland system.


Mitigation measures: 1. For any impact on wetlands, there is a legal obligation to apply for a Water Use Licence for any wetlands that may be affected, since they are classified in the National Water Act as a water resource. 2. Stormwater and runoff water must be controlled for all infrastructure and managed to avoid siltation and surface hydrological impacts on wetlands. 3. Pollution impacts must be controlled by preventing pollutants from entering the wetland system. 4. The proposed boundary of the north pit adjacent to the wetland must not be exceeded.

Nature: Damage to wetland vegetation Without mitigation With mitigation Extent local & surroundings (2) local & surroundings (2) Duration permanent (5) permanent (5) Magnitude moderate (6) low (4) Probability definite (5) highly probable (4) Significance high (65) medium (44) *Significance calculated as (magnitude+duration+extent) x probability. Significance: <30 = low, 30–60 = medium, >60 = high.

7.3.5 Impact 5: Establishment and spread of declared weeds and alien invader plants

Major factors contributing to invasion by alien invader plants includes high disturbance. Exotic species are often more prominent near infrastructural disturbances than further away (Gelbard & Belnap 2003, Watkins et al. 2003). Consequences of this may include:

1. loss of indigenous vegetation; 2. change in vegetation structure leading to change in various habitat characteristics; 3. change in plant species composition; 4. change in soil chemical properties; 5. loss of sensitive habitats; 6. loss or disturbance to individuals of rare, endangered, endemic and/or protected species;

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7. fragmentation of sensitive habitats; 8. change in flammability of vegetation, depending on alien species; 9. hydrological impacts due to increased transpiration and runoff; and 10. impairment of wetland function.

Alien invasive species previously recorded in the area in which the site is located indicates that the following species are likely to invade the site, given the right conditions: Acacia mearnsii, Ricinus communis, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Eucalyptus grandis, Salix babylonica, Nicotiana glauca, Populus canescens, Jacaranda mimosifolia, Melia azeradach, Populus deltoides, Solanum mauritianum, Sesbania punicea, Lantana camara, Opuntia ficus-indica and Morus alba. The potential therefore exists for extensive and diverse invasion of the site. The habitats most likely to be affected are watercourses and wetlands.

Extent: The impact will occur at the site of the proposed mine, but could potentially spread extensively into the surrounding landscape, depending on the habitat and the alien species that could potentially invade the site. The impact will therefore be evaluated at a scale of site and surroundings.

Duration: The impact will occur for the duration of the operation of the mine, which will be 20 years or more. This is long-term.

Magnitude: The impact is likely to be moderate and will result in processes continuing but in a modified way. However, in the absence of control measures, there is a strong possibility that the impact could be high (processes are altered to the extent that they temporarily cease), especially if wetland habitats are affected.

Probability: It is assessed as highly probable that this impact will occur in the absence of control measures.


Mitigation measures: 1. Disturbance of indigenous vegetation must be kept to a minimum. 2. Where disturbance is unavoidable, disturbed areas should be rehabilitated as quickly as possible. 3. Soil stockpiles should not be translocated from areas with alien plants into the site and within the site alien plants on stockpiles must be controlled so as to avoid the development of a soil seed bank of alien plants within the stock-piled soil. 4. Any alien plants must be immediately controlled to avoid establishment of a soil seed bank that would take decades to remove. 5. An ongoing monitoring programme should be implemented to detect and quantify any aliens that may become established and provide information for the management of aliens.

Nature: Establishment and spread of declared weeds and alien invaders Without mitigation With mitigation Extent site & surroundings (2) local (1) Duration Long-term (4) Long-term (5) Magnitude high (8) Minor (2) Probability Highly probable (4) probable (3)

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Significance medium (56) low (24) *Significance calculated as (magnitude+duration+extent) x probability. Significance: <30 = low, 30–60 = medium, >60 = high.

7.3.6 Information gaps and required studies

There are biodiversity patterns in the study area for which additional information would improve an understanding of potential impacts due to the proposed project. These are as follows:

1. A comprehensive search of the floodplain of the Nyl River is required to determine the locality of all individuals of the Red Listed Oryza longistaminata that occurs on site. This survey should take place from mid- to late summer when the plants are most likely to be flowering and are easier to detect. 2. A comprehensive survey of the location of all individuals of protected trees within the footprint of proposed infrastructure is required. Any loss of individuals of protected trees requires a permit. The application for the permit requires information on the identity, location, size, condition and other information for each individual tree that will be affected. 3. A survey of alien plants within the footprint of proposed infrastructure and immediately surrounding areas is required as a baseline for future monitoring of aliens that may become established as a result of disturbance due to the proposed project.

7.4 Terrestrial Ecology

Impacts expected to occur should the proposed mining operation proceed are as follows:

Construction: . Habitat loss and fragmentation . Interruption of local migration routes . Loss of biodiversity including Red Data List and Protected species . Habitat degradation through air, water and soil pollution . Habitat degradation through the encroachment of exotic species . Disturbance of biodiversity through noise and vibration . Disturbance of biodiversity through illumination . Hydrological changes . Increased access to previously inaccessible areas

Operation: . Interruption of local migration routes . Loss of biodiversity including Red Data List and Protected species . Habitat degradation through air, water and soil pollution . Habitat degradation through the encroachment of exotic species . Disturbance of biodiversity through noise and vibration . Disturbance of biodiversity through illumination . Hydrological changes . Increased access to previously inaccessible areas

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Decommissioning & Closure: . Loss of biodiversity including Red Data List and Protected species . Habitat degradation through air, water and soil pollution . Habitat degradation through the encroachment of exotic species . Hydrological changes

7.4.1 Construction – Habitat loss and fragmentation

During the construction phase, the establishment of the ore pits and supporting infrastructure and complexes will require the clearing of large areas of vegetation and (depending on the nature of the activity) topsoil and underlying rock. This will result in a loss of habitat for those species currently utilizing the area. Even small losses in vegetation could have a serious impact on the remaining habitat and could negatively affect the biodiversity of the area, and the continued presence of unique and Red Data List fauna that these habitats support. The northern ore pit lies primarily within disturbed, cultivated fields, and will therefore not lead to a large loss of natural habitat, except where it extends into wetland habitat in the west. The southern ore pit lies completely within natural woodland vegetation and will lead to a large loss of this habitat type, which is currently considered able to support a number of the Red Data List species identified. Habitat fragmentation on a small scale is expected to occur related to the clearing of vegetation and the establishment of infrastructure, particularly linear infrastructure, such as roads and conveyors. Habitat fragmentation may affect the migration patterns of certain species and may reduce the viability of remaining habitat patches to support biodiversity.

This impact is expected to be High (magnitude), Permanent (duration), Local (scale) and High Probability (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of High.


Habitat loss during the construction activities will be unavoidable, therefore, only limited mitigation measures are available and these are aimed at minimizing the loss of vegetation and important habitat outside of designated infrastructure and activity areas.

. The clearing of natural vegetation should be minimised as far as possible. . All construction areas should be fenced to prevent unnecessary disturbance of the surrounding vegetation. . At the conclusion of the mines life, all areas of natural habitat cleared should be revegetated, with the objective of reinstating the previously present natural vegetation types/habitats and reducing habitat fragmentation. With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be High.

7.4.2 Construction - Interruption of Local Migration Routes

Habitat fragmentation and disturbance caused by construction activities and the potential barriers and hazards created by linear infrastructure, such as roads and power-lines, could lead to an

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 84 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012 interruption of daily or seasonal migration routes for mobile faunal species. Attempts by fauna to cross construction roads and other linear infrastructure could lead to accidental fatalities.

This impact is expected to be Moderate (magnitude), Long-Term (duration), Regional (scale) and High Probability (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Medium.

Mitigation . Habitat fragmentation should be minimised wherever possible by limiting vegetation clearing. . All construction areas should be fenced to minimise potential interactions . Care should be taken when driving on roads and a low speed limit enforced to minimise potential animal deaths. . Linear infrastructure should be kept to a minimum and as far as possible existing roads should be used rather than building additional roads.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Medium.

7.4.3 Construction – Loss of Biodiversity including Red Data List & Protected Species

Loss of faunal biodiversity, including Red Data List and protected species is expected to occur indirectly as a result of habitat loss, but in addition, during construction the activities associated with, and the machinery required for, construction are likely to cause the accidental death of fauna on site. The increased number of people present will also increase the likelihood of contact between people and animals, which could lead to accidental or deliberate animal deaths and/or harm to humans should the animal be poisonous or dangerous. The elevated levels of human activity, the loss of habitat, and the potential deterioration of the surrounding habitats could also lead many individuals and populations to migrate out of the immediate area, resulting in reduced biodiversity within the area.

This impact is expected to be Moderate (magnitude), Permanent (duration), Regional (scale) and High Probability (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Medium.


. An environmental officer familiar with the area should be appointed at the outset of the mining project. . Any animals encountered by mine personnel should be carefully and safely removed to an appropriate location after consultation with the environmental officer as to the proper means of handling any animals encountered and the appropriate relocation sites. . Any animals seen trying to leave the construction areas should be allowed to do so without interference or harm.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Medium.

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7.4.4 Construction – Habitat degradation through air, water and soil pollution

Habitat degradation may occur due to various types of potential pollution emanating from construction areas. Air pollution from fumes generated by construction machinery or increased dust generation from cleared areas. Water pollution from accidental spills of toxic or harmful substances into the wetland or a general decrease in water quality through inputs of dirty water from the disposal of waste, water containing waste, stormwater, and any water extracted from the opencast pit during construction. Soil pollution may also occur as a consequence of accidental spills or leaks. Any activity which causes a change in the abiotic features of a habitat will have a negative impact on those faunal species which utilize the habitat, if the change causes the habitat to become unsuitable for use by those species.

This impact is expected to be Moderate (magnitude), Short-Term (duration), Regional (scale) and High Probability (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Medium.


. No development or disturbance should occur within the 1:100 year flood line in accordance with the National Water Act (no. 36 of 1998). However, if permission is given for development within the 1:100 year flood line, any such activities or structures within the 1:100 year floodline or within wetland areas should be strictly regulated and regularly monitored to prevent pollution. . No vehicle or equipment storage or maintenance areas should be located within wetland areas, within the 1:100 year floodline or outside of fenced construction areas within areas of natural vegetation. . All vehicles utilised on site should be properly maintained to ensure no accidental leakages occur and to prevent unnecessary emissions. . Dust should be controlled through regular wetting or other methods to ensure effective dust suppression. . No polluted or dirty water should be discharged into the environment. . Dirty water should either be treated on site to acceptable quality standards or stored and then removed by qualified and licensed waste management contractors to be treated off- site. . Any clean water discharged into the environment should be handled in such a way that its discharge does not cause erosion or alter the natural hydrology within wetlands and rivers. . All clean and dirty water areas must be properly separated and regular monitoring conducted to ensure compliance.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Low.

7.4.5 Construction – Habitat degradation through the encroachment of exotic species

The deterioration of habitat quality can occur due to invasion of exotic plant or declared weed species, which can take advantage of cleared or disturbed areas to become established. Introduced plant species may out-compete indigenous plants leading to changes in species

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 86 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012 composition and vegetation structure, changes in which could negatively affect habitat suitability for local fauna.

This impact is expected to be Low (magnitude), Short-Term (duration), Site Only (scale) and High Probability (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Low.


. Disturbance of indigenous vegetation should be kept to a minimum. . Areas cleared of vegetation should be rehabilitated as soon as possible. . Only species indigenous to the area should be used for rehabilitation. . Any soil imported for rehabilitation purposes should not come from areas with alien vegetation. . All soil stockpiles and areas of exposed soil should be monitored to prevent the establishment of exotic and weed species. . An ongoing monitoring programme should be implemented before the start of construction to identify and manage any encroachment effectively.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Low.

7.4.6 Construction – Disturbance of biodiversity through noise and vibration

Increased activity on site, blasting and the use of heavy machinery will lead to increased noise and vibration which could disturb the local fauna, leading to changes in their behaviour and activity patterns and may cause them to migrate out of the area leading to further biodiversity losses. Blasting within the northern pit, in very close proximity to the floodplain and habitat known to be utilised by the Protected South African Python (P. natalensis) could negatively affect individuals of this species and reduce habitat suitability.

This impact is expected to be Moderate (magnitude), Short-Term (duration), Local (scale) and Definite/Don’t Know (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Medium.


. Unnecessary noise should be kept to a minimum. . Precautions should be put in place to minimise vibrations and noise during construction. . All demolition and blasting areas should be fenced and demolition and blasting activities should be limited to within the fenced areas. . As the majority of fauna are most active at dusk, dawn and at night, it is recommended that any blasting be carried out outside of these times to limit disturbance on fauna when they are most active.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Medium.

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7.4.7 Construction – Disturbance of biodiversity through illumination

Illumination of the mining area at night could affect the activity patterns of nocturnal species and may lead to certain species avoiding use of habitat adjacent to the mine, lead to collisions of birds in flight with infrastructure (such as overhead power-lines) if the lighting causes disorientation, or could alter patterns of predation. As the north pit lies in close proximity to the floodplain, where faunal activity is expected to be high due to its anticipated importance as a forage and water resource, its use as a migration corridor and the association of a large portion of the wildlife likely to occur with aquatic habitats, illumination of this area could lead to significant changes in habitat usage and predator/prey interactions by nocturnal species.

This impact is expected to be Moderate (magnitude), Short-Term (duration), Local (scale) and High Probability (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Medium.


. Illumination of the mine area at night should be limited as far as possible, particularly surrounding the north ore pit which lies along the edges of the floodplain. . To minimise the likelihood of disorientated birds colliding with infrastructure, it is recommended that overhead infrastructures such as power lines not cross the floodplain and wherever possible existing power lines to the east of the floodplain should be used.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Medium.

7.4.8 Construction – Hydrological changes

It is expected that construction of the protective berm surrounding the north pit and excavation of the north pit will commence during the construction phase. At present it is understood based on workshops with the hydrological specialists and the findings of the Baseline Surface Water Report compiled by W. G. Krige of African Environmental Development (Report Number AED0202/2012) that no change in the 1:50 and 1:100 floodlines is anticipated as a consequence of the protective berm. However, smaller scale changes in the wetness regime across the floodplain in the immediate area could lead to changes in habitat extent and the potential loss of habitat on a small scale.

Excavation of the north ore pit may lead to ingress of water into the pit which could have an effect on the hydrology of the floodplain and it is possible that, given the nature of the rock strata at the north ore pit location that lining or grouting of the pit wall may not be completely effective in preventing ingress. The potential for dewatering of the floodplain - both of the surface or subsurface water – cannot be completely ruled out based on the current information available. Uncertainties still exist regarding the interaction between surface, subsurface and groundwater within the Nyl River floodplain and the implications such interactions may have on the severity of impact of mining the ore bodies (particularly the north ore body) on the floodplain hydrology. Changes in the supporting hydrology could lead to a reduction in the extent of the floodplain, changes in flood depths and reduced periods of inundation, all of which would have significant influence on habitat extent and suitability, particularly for aquatic or semi-aquatic fauna. The

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 88 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012 extent of Subtropical Freshwater Wetlands (Mucina & Rutherford 2006) in the Limpopo Province is limited, and changes in the hydrology of this wetland could have impacts on a large scale, influencing wetland habitat extent and quality well beyond the mining area.

This impact is expected to be Very High/Don’t Know (magnitude), Short-Term (duration), Regional (scale) and High Probability (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of High.


. Any mining activity which could lead to an alteration in the natural hydrology of the Nyl River should be strongly reconsidered if the magnitude and nature of potential hydrological changes and any resultant changes to the floodplain characteristics cannot be established with a high level of confidence. Effective management of the floodplain hydrology during the life-of-mine and after cannot be ensured if the dynamics of the system and the full extent of expected and potential impacts are not fully understood. . In addition, any mining activity which could lead to an alteration in the natural hydrology of the Nyl River should be strongly reconsidered if identified potential changes to the natural hydrology cannot be completely mitigated against and/or the natural hydrology within the landscape cannot be successfully and completely reinstated at the end of the mines life.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Medium.

7.4.9 Construction – Increased access to previously inaccessible areas

During construction, human presence within the proposed mine footprint and the surrounding area is expected to increase, which may lead to greater utilisation of the fauna and flora through poaching and/or plant harvesting. This could have a detrimental effect on certain species populations, especially rare and endangered species, or those under threat of over-utilization. Ignorance on the part of those involved in accidental wildlife encounters could also lead to unnecessary animal fatalities.

This impact is expected to be Low (magnitude), Short-Term (duration), Local (scale) and High Probability (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Medium.


. All personnel working at the mine must be educated regarding the local fauna, dangerous animals, and discouraged from poaching and/or harvesting. . Penalties should be established, enforced and communicated to all staff to discourage poaching and/or harvesting. . Regular monitoring by a qualified wildlife ranger or similar should be conducted to identify and manage any poaching activities in the area. . The mine area should be fenced to prevent personnel from accessing the surrounding landscape.

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With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Low.

7.4.10 Operation – Interruption of Local Migration Routes

Disturbances caused by mining activities during the construction phase and the potential barriers and hazards created by linear infrastructure, such as roads and power lines, could lead to an interruption of daily or seasonal migration routes for mobile faunal species. Attempts by fauna to cross roads and other linear infrastructure could lead to accidental fatalities.

This impact is expected to be Moderate (magnitude), Long-Term (duration), Regional (scale) and High Probability (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Medium.


. An environmental officer should be appointed at the outset of this project and should be contacted immediately for further information regarding any injured wildlife or animals found trapped within the mine. . Care should be taken when driving on roads and a low speed limit enforced to minimise potential animal deaths. . Linear infrastructure should be kept to a minimum and as far as possible existing roads should be used rather than building additional roads. . Existing power-lines should be used as far as possible and power-lines should not be erected across the floodplain where greater bird activity could lead to collisions with power- lines.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Medium.

7.4.11 Operation – Loss of Biodiversity Including Red Data List and Protected Species

Loss of faunal biodiversity, including Red Data List and protected species is expected to occur indirectly as a result of habitat loss, but in addition, the activities associated with, and the machinery required for, the mining, transport and processing of the ore are likely to cause the accidental death of fauna on site. The increased number of people present will also increase the likelihood of contact between people and animals, which could lead to accidental or deliberate animal deaths and/or harm to humans should the animal be poisonous or dangerous. The elevated levels of human activity, the loss of habitat, and the potential deterioration of the surrounding habitats could also lead many individuals and populations to migrate out of the immediate area, resulting in reduced biodiversity within the area.

This impact is expected to be Moderate (magnitude), Permanent (duration), Regional (scale) and High Probability (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Medium.


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. An environmental officer familiar with the area should be appointed at the outset of the mining project. . Any animals encountered by mine personnel should be carefully and safely removed to an appropriate location after consultation with the environmental officer as to the proper means of handling any animals encountered and the appropriate relocation sites. . Any animals seen trying to leave the construction areas should be allowed to do so without interference or harm.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Medium.

7.4.12 Operation – Habitat Degradation through Air, Water and Soil Pollution

Habitat degradation may occur due to various types of potential pollution occurring during the operational phase. Air pollution from fumes generated by machinery or increased dust generation from cleared areas, soil stockpiles and roads. Water pollution from accidental spills of toxic or harmful substances into the wetland or a general decrease in water quality through inputs of dirty water from the disposal of waste, water containing waste, stormwater, and any water extracted from the opencast pits. Soil pollution may also occur as a consequence of accidental spills or leaks. Any activity which causes a change in the abiotic features of a habitat will have a negative impact on those faunal species which utilize the habitat, if the change causes the habitat to become unsuitable for use by those species.

This impact is expected to be Moderate (magnitude), Long-Term (duration), Regional (scale) and High Probability (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Medium.


. No development or disturbance should occur within the 1:100 year flood line in accordance with the National Water Act (no. 36 of 1998). However, if permission is given for development within the 1:100 year flood line, any such activities or structures within the 1:100 year floodline or within wetland areas should be strictly regulated and regularly monitored to prevent pollution. . No vehicle or equipment storage or maintenance areas should be located within wetland areas, within the 1:100 year floodline or outside of fenced mine areas within areas of natural vegetation. . All vehicles utilised on site should be properly maintained to ensure no accidental leakages occur and to prevent unnecessary emissions. . Dust should be controlled through regular wetting or other methods to ensure effective dust suppression. . No polluted or dirty water should be discharged into the environment. . Dirty water should either be treated on site to acceptable quality standards or stored and then removed by qualified and licensed waste management contractors to be treated off- site. . Any clean water discharged into the environment should be handled in such a way that its discharge does not cause erosion or alter the natural hydrology within wetlands and rivers.

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. All clean and dirty water areas must be properly separated and regular monitoring conducted to ensure compliance.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Low.

7.4.13 Operation – Habitat Degradation through the Encroachment of Exotic Species

The deterioration of habitat quality can occur due to invasion of exotic plant or declared weed species, which can take advantage of cleared or disturbed areas to become established. Introduced plant species may out-compete indigenous plants leading to changes in species composition and vegetation structure, changes in which could negatively affect habitat suitability for local fauna.

This impact is expected to be Low (magnitude), Long-Term (duration), Local (scale) and High Probability (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Medium.


. Disturbance of indigenous vegetation should be kept to a minimum. . Areas cleared of vegetation should be rehabilitated as soon as possible. . Only species indigenous to the area should be used for rehabilitation. . Any soil imported for rehabilitation purposes should not come from areas with alien vegetation. . All soil stockpiles and areas of exposed soil should be monitored to prevent the establishment of exotic and weed species. . An ongoing monitoring programme should be implemented before the start of construction to identify and manage any encroachment effectively.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Low.

7.4.14 Operation - Disturbance of Biodiversity through Noise and Vibration

Increased activity on site, blasting and the use of heavy machinery will lead to increased noise and vibration which could disturb the local fauna, leading to changes in their behaviour and activity patterns and may cause them to migrate out of the area leading to further biodiversity losses. Blasting within the northern pit, in very close proximity to the floodplain and habitat known to be utilised by the Protected South African Python (P. natalensis) could negatively affect individuals of this species and reduce habitat suitability.

This impact is expected to be Moderate (magnitude), Long-Term (duration), Local (scale) and Definite/Don’t Know (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of High.


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. Unnecessary noise should be kept to a minimum. . Precautions should be put in place to minimise vibrations and noise during general mining activities and specifically during blasting. . All demolition and blasting areas should be fenced and demolition and blasting activities should be limited to within the fenced areas. . As the majority of fauna are most active at dusk, dawn and at night, it is recommended that any blasting be carried out outside of these times to limit disturbance on fauna when they are most active.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Medium.

7.4.15 Operation – Disturbance of biodiversity through illumination

Illumination of the mining area at night could affect the activity patterns of nocturnal species and may lead to certain species avoiding use of habitat adjacent to the mine, lead to collisions of birds in flight with infrastructure (such as overhead power lines) if the lighting causes disorientation, or could alter patterns of predation. As the north pit lies in close proximity to the floodplain, where faunal activity is expected to be high due to its anticipated importance as a forage and water resource, its use as a migration corridor and the association of a large portion of the wildlife likely to occur with aquatic habitats, illumination of this area could lead to significant changes in habitat usage and predator/prey interactions by nocturnal species.

This impact is expected to be Moderate (magnitude), Long-Term (duration), Local (scale) and High Probability (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Medium.


. Illumination of the mine area at night should be limited as far as possible, particularly surrounding the north ore pit which lies along the edges of the floodplain. . To minimise the likelihood of disorientated birds colliding with infrastructure, it is recommended that overhead infrastructures such as power lines not cross the floodplain and wherever possible existing power lines to the east of the floodplain should be used.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Medium.

7.4.16 Operation – Hydrological changes

Continued excavation of the north pit will continue as ore is mined Excavation of the north ore pit may lead to ingress of water into the pit which could have an effect on the hydrology of the floodplain and it is possible that, given the nature of the rock strata at the north ore pit location that lining or grouting of the pit wall may not be completely effective in preventing ingress. The potential for dewatering of the floodplain - both of the surface or subsurface water – cannot be completely ruled out based on the current information available. Uncertainties still exist regarding the interaction between surface, subsurface and groundwater within the Nyl River floodplain and

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 93 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012 the implications such interactions may have on the severity of impact of mining the ore bodies (particularly the north ore body) on the floodplain hydrology. Changes in the supporting hydrology could lead to a reduction in the extent of the floodplain, changes in flood depths and reduced periods of inundation, all of which would have significant influence on habitat extent and suitability, particularly for aquatic or semi-aquatic fauna. The extent of Subtropical Freshwater Wetlands (Mucina & Rutherford 2006) in the Limpopo Province is limited, and changes in the hydrology of this wetland could have impacts on a large scale, influencing wetland habitat extent and quality well beyond the mining area.

This impact is expected to be Very High/Don’t Know (magnitude), Long-Term (duration), Regional (scale) and High Probability (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of High.


. Any mining activity which could lead to an alteration in the natural hydrology of the Nyl River should be strongly reconsidered if the magnitude and nature of potential hydrological changes and any resultant changes to the floodplain characteristics cannot be established with a high level of confidence. Effective management of the floodplain hydrology during the life-of-mine and after cannot be ensured if the dynamics of the system and the full extent of expected and potential impacts are not fully understood. . In addition, any mining activity which could lead to an alteration in the natural hydrology of the Nyl River should be strongly reconsidered if identified potential changes to the natural hydrology cannot be completely mitigated against and/or the natural hydrology within the landscape cannot be successfully and completely reinstated at the end of the mines life.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be High.

7.4.17 Operation – Increased access to previously inaccessible areas

Human presence within the proposed mine footprint and the surrounding area is expected to increase, which may lead to greater utilisation of the fauna and flora through poaching and/or plant harvesting. This could have a detrimental effect on certain species populations, especially rare and endangered species, or those under threat of over-utilization. Ignorance on the part of those involved in accidental wildlife encounters could also lead to unnecessary animal fatalities.

This impact is expected to be Low (magnitude), Long-Term (duration), Local (scale) and High Probability (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Medium.


. All personnel working at the mine must be educated regarding the local fauna, dangerous animals, and discouraged from poaching and/or harvesting. . Penalties should be established, enforced and communicated to all staff to discourage poaching and/or harvesting. . Regular monitoring by a qualified wildlife ranger or similar should be conducted to identify and manage any poaching activities in the area.

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. The mine area should be fenced to prevent personnel from accessing the surrounding landscape.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Low.

7.4.18 Decommissioning & Closure – Loss of Biodiversity including Red Data List and Protected Species

The disturbance created during the removal of infrastructure and rehabilitation of the mine footprint could lead to the movement of species out of the area and may cause accidental wildlife deaths. In the absence of effective rehabilitation, reduced habitat quality within the mining footprint could limit the species richness and biodiversity post-mining.

This impact is expected to be Moderate (magnitude), Permanent (duration), Local (scale) and High Probability (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Medium.


. An environmental officer familiar with the area should be appointed at the outset of the mining project and should be available during the entirety of the project, including the closure and decommissioning phase. . Any animals encountered by mine personnel should be carefully and safely removed to an appropriate location after consultation with the environmental officer as to the proper means of handling any animals encountered and the appropriate relocation sites. . Any animals seen trying to leave the construction areas should be allowed to do so without interference or harm. . All activities should be conducted in a manner that minimises the loss of any additional vegetation. . Areas cleared of vegetation should be rehabilitated as soon as possible. . All infrastructures must be removed, all compacted soil surfaces ripped, and indigenous vegetation associated with the currently existing vegetation types must be planted or encouraged to re-establish. . Only species indigenous to the area should be used for rehabilitation. . The proposed fate of the ore pits needs to be established. . It is recommended that the pits be infilled with materials removed during mining. This will have the dual effect of both minimising the void within the pits and removing any discard material, i.e.: waste rock, topsoil, tailings (assuming the tailings are considered viable for this use), remaining on site. . Assuming insufficient material is available to completely fill the pits, be gently contoured with the minimum side slope possible to limit the potential for erosion and to encourage the successful establishment of vegetation. . It is anticipated that such a void remaining in the north pit may eventually fill with water, either permanently or seasonally, depending on its depth. If this is considered undesirable for hydrological or water quality reasons, the void should be lined to prevent water ingress.

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With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Low.

7.4.19 Decommissioning & Closure – Habitat Degradation through Air, Water and Soil Pollution

Habitat degradation may occur due to various types of potential pollution occurring during and after closure of the mine. Air pollution from fumes generated by machinery or increased dust generation from cleared areas, unsuccessfully rehabilitated areas and old roads. Water pollution from accidental spills of toxic or harmful substances into the wetland or a general decrease in water quality through inputs of dirty water from old water containment areas and potential poor water quality in the abandoned ore pits. Soil pollution may also occur as a consequence of accidental spills or leaks. Any activity which causes a change in the abiotic features of a habitat will have a negative impact on those faunal species which utilize the habitat, if the change causes the habitat to become unsuitable for use by those species.

This impact is expected to be High (magnitude), Long-Term (duration), Local (scale) and Medium Probability (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Medium.


. No development or disturbance should occur within the 1:100 year flood line in accordance with the National Water Act (no. 36 of 1998). However, if permission is given for development within the 1:100 year flood line, any such activities or structures within the 1:100 year floodline or within wetland areas should be strictly regulated and regularly monitored to prevent pollution. . No vehicle or equipment storage or maintenance areas should be located within wetland areas, within the 1:100 year floodline or outside of fenced mine areas within areas of natural vegetation. . All vehicles utilised on site should be properly maintained to ensure no accidental leakages occur and to prevent unnecessary emissions. . Dust should be controlled through regular wetting or other methods to ensure effective dust suppression. . No polluted or dirty water should be discharged into the environment. . Dirty water should either be treated on site to acceptable quality standards or stored and then removed by qualified and licensed waste management contractors to be treated off- site. . Any clean water discharged into the environment should be handled in such a way that its discharge does not cause erosion or alter the natural hydrology within wetlands and rivers. . All clean and dirty water areas must be properly separated and regular monitoring conducted to ensure compliance. . Should either of the ore pits fill with water either permanently or seasonally post closure, the quality of this water resource will need to be monitored at regular intervals to identify and manage any potential water pollution concerns.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Low.

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7.4.20 Decommissioning & Closure – Habitat Degradation through the Encroachment of Exotic Species

The deterioration of habitat quality can occur due to invasion of exotic plant or declared weed species, which can take advantage of cleared or disturbed areas to become established. Introduced plant species may out-compete indigenous plants leading to changes in species composition and vegetation structure, changes in which could negatively affect habitat suitability for local fauna.

This impact is expected to be Low (magnitude), Short-Term (duration), Local (scale) and High Probability (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Medium.


. Disturbance of indigenous vegetation should be kept to a minimum. . Areas cleared of vegetation should be rehabilitated as soon as possible. . All infrastructures must be removed, all compacted soil surfaces ripped, and indigenous vegetation associated with the currently existing vegetation types must be planted or encouraged to re-establish. These measures will help to limit the opportunity for exotic and weed plant species to become established. . Only species indigenous to the area should be used for rehabilitation. . Any soil imported for rehabilitation purposes should not come from areas with alien vegetation. . All soil stockpiles and areas of exposed soil should be monitored to prevent the establishment of exotic and weed species. . An ongoing monitoring programme should be implemented before the start of construction to identify and manage any encroachment effectively.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Low.

7.4.21 Decommissioning & Closure – Hydrological Changes

Changes in the topography and permeability of the mine footprint associated with the opencast ore pits, stockpiles, any drainage ditches and surface infrastructure, such as roads and buildings, will have an effect on the hydrology of the landscape, which can have a knock-on effect on vegetation structure and floral and faunal community composition. Therefore, if these features remain in the post mine landscape, there is expected to be some impact on the hydrology of the area. Of particular significance is the rehabilitation of the opencast ore pits, which if not rehabilitated could have influence on the surrounding hydrology if water ingress into the pits takes place after closure.

This impact is expected to be High (magnitude), Long-Term (duration), Regional (scale) and High (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of High.


Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 97 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012

. Any mining activity which could lead to an alteration in the natural hydrology of the Nyl River should be strongly reconsidered if the magnitude and nature of potential hydrological changes and any resultant changes to the floodplain characteristics cannot be established with a high level of confidence. Effective management of the floodplain hydrology during the life-of-mine and after cannot be ensured if the dynamics of the system and the full extent of expected and potential impacts are not fully understood. . In addition, any mining activity which could lead to an alteration in the natural hydrology of the Nyl River should be strongly reconsidered if identified potential changes to the natural hydrology cannot be completely mitigated against and/or the natural hydrology within the landscape cannot be successfully and completely reinstated at the end of the mines life. . Areas cleared of vegetation should be rehabilitated as soon as possible. . During decommissioning and closure all infrastructures must be removed, all compacted soil surfaces ripped, and indigenous vegetation associated with the currently existing vegetation types must be planted or encouraged to re-establish. . It is recommended that the pits be infilled with materials removed during mining. This will have the dual effect of both minimising the void within the pits and removing any discard material, i.e.: waste rock, topsoil, tailings (assuming the tailings are considered viable for this use), remaining on site. . Assuming insufficient material is available to completely fill the pits, be gently contoured with the minimum side slope possible to limit the potential for erosion and to encourage the successful establishment of vegetation. . It is anticipated that such a void remaining in the north pit may eventually fill with water, either permanently or seasonally, depending on its depth. If this is considered undesirable for hydrological or water quality reasons, the void should be lined to prevent water ingress.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Medium. 7.4.22 Cumulative Impacts

The above listed, discussed and rated potential impacts relate specifically to the proposed mining activities which are the focus of this environmental impact assessment. However, this project cannot, and should not, be assessed in isolation without comment on the possible cumulative impacts to which the proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine would contribute in conjunction with other existing and possible future activities along the Nyl River. Considering mines alone, at present, a number of mining operations are proposed along the Nyl River floodplain, which may individually cause acceptably limited disturbances to the environment, but which when considered together, may be found to have a significantly negative effect on the environment’s ability to support those, including people, that depend on it for food, clean water and shelter. Incremental losses and fragmentation of habitat, changes in the hydrology driving this important wetland system, and deterioration of water quality are all serious impacts expected in association with increased human utilisation of this area. A strategic and holistic assessment of proposed future development (both mining and other developments) needs to be undertaken as a first step to provide a more realistic picture of the anticipated future dynamics of this system as a consequence of development. This would help decision makers in setting limits on acceptable or appropriate development within and adjacent to the Nyl River Floodplain.

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7.5 Wetlands

From Figure 26 it is clear that the only proposed activities taking place within 500m of the delineated wetland area are the establishment and mining of the proposed northern pit (with associated flood protection berm) and the explosives magazine, though the explosives magazine is located on the south-eastern side of the koppie sloping away from the Nyl wetland. All activities taking place within 500m of the delineated wetland area will require a Section 21 (c) and (i) Water Use License Application.

Based on the final received layout plans, the proposed northern pit will be located outside, but in close proximity to, the delineated wetland edge. It is likely that the required flood protection berm will however marginally intrude into the wetland area.

Impacts expected to occur should the proposed mine be developed as currently proposed are as follows:

Construction: . Loss of wetland habitat; . Increased sedimentation within the wetland; . Altered flows and flooding characteristics within the wetland; and . Deterioration in water quality.

Operation: . Decreased extent and duration of flooding; and . Changes in habitat and loss of biodiversity.

Decommissioning & Closure: . Water quality deterioration

7.5.1 Construction – Loss and disturbance of wetland habitat

Based on the final received layout plans, the proposed northern pit will be located outside, but in close proximity to, the delineated wetland edge. It is likely that the required flood protection berm might marginally intrude into the wetland area.

It is further considered likely that construction activities will result in disturbances to the adjacent wetland habitat through injudicious driving, incorrect placement of temporary stockpiles and construction camps, increased human traffic in the area seeking access to the wetland area (e.g. fishing at the dam, resting in the shade of the larger trees within the riparian fringe) etc.

This impact is expected to be Moderate (magnitude), Medium-Term (duration), Limit to site (scale) and Definite (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Moderate.


Both the footprint of the proposed northern pit and the associated flood protection berm should be withdrawn from the delineated wetland footprint. No developments should be allowed to intrude

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 99 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012 into the delineated wetland area. The wetland area should be fenced off and no access granted to any construction vehicles or machinery. No water may be abstracted from the dam for construction purposes and no recreational activities for construction teams should take place within the wetland area, unless recreational facilities are formalized and approved in terms of the relevant legislation (e.g. Water Use License Application).

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Low.

7.5.2 Construction – Increased sedimentation in the wetland

During site clearance prior to the construction of especially the northern opencast pit (but also other infrastructure developments on site), extensive areas of bare soils will be exposed to erosion during rainfall events. Earthworks associated with the excavation of the northern pit and the stockpiling of topsoil and overburden represent further erosion risks and sediment sources, as will the required flood protection berm. Run-off from these areas is likely to be sediment rich and enter the adjacent floodplain wetland, leading to increased sedimentation in the wetland, increased turbidity and suspended sediment loads, as well changes to the floodplain substrate where the sediment is deposited. These changes will impact on the biodiversity of the wetland, potentially with short-term deleterious effects.

This impact is expected to be Moderate (magnitude), Medium-Term (duration), Local (scale) and Definite (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Moderate.


The flood protection berm required for the northern opencast pit should be established as a first step in the construction process of the northern pit. The berm will create a sediment barrier between the opencast pit and the wetland and ensure that all sediments derived from the soil stripping associated with the opencast pit will be trapped. The berm itself will however be a source of sediment to the wetland. The berm should be sloped to enable rapid and successful revegetation of the sidelsopes. Following completion of the berm, the berm should be hydro- seeded to ensure rapid establishment of vegetation. Only indigenous grass species should be used for revegetation. To limit sediment movement into the wetland prior to the establishment of vegetation on the berm, sediment barriers such as bidim fences or straw roles should be installed along the lower edge of the berm parallel to the wetland edge to ensure sediments are trapped outside the wetland area.

Given the distance of all other proposed activities from the wetland area (more than 500m), sediment from these areas is unlikely to enter the wetland. However, soil conservation methods should be employed on all construction sites and bare soil areas that fall outside direct development footprints should be re-vegetated as soon as possible.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Low.

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7.5.3 Construction – Altered flow and flooding characteristics

In order to allow for the safe operation of the northern opencast pit as currently proposed, a berm will need to be constructed alongside the floodplain on site to divert flood flows away from the opencast pit. Such a berm will limit the extent of the flooded area on the floodplain, thus potentially increasing the depth of flooding in the remaining floodplain and extending the flooding further up the southern bank. This is likely to result in changes to the floodplain vegetation and other species reliant on the vegetation, as a difference in elevation (and thus flooding depth and duration) of as little as 90mm was found to lead to a statistically significant change in species composition within the floodplain (Higgins et al. 1996).

It was however indicated in the specialist surface water report (Garfield Krige) for the site that the floodlines of the site in terms of the 1:50 and 1:100 year flood events are controlled by the downstream N1 highway crossing, which acts like a dam and has increased the floodlines from the natural level. The construction of the required flood protection berm will thus have no impact on the depth of the 1:50 and 1:100 year flood on site. No modeling was however undertaken for more regular return flood events such as the 1:10 year event.

Further changes in flooding of the Nyl floodplain could result due to the abstraction of groundwater that will be required for the safe operation of the pit and the resultant drawdown cone. The impact of such abstraction is assessed under the operational phase impacts

7.5.4 Construction – Water Quality Deterioration

Water quality deterioration within the floodplain could take place during the construction phase due to increased turbidity and suspended solids derived from soil erosion on the bare soil surfaces exposed during construction. In addition, use of hazardous substances such as oil, diesel explosives etc. during the construction process could lead to pollution of water resources through spillages and leakages. Stockpiling and use of cement and other polluting products pose further risks.

This impact is expected to be Moderate (magnitude), Short-Term (duration), Regional (scale) and High (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Moderate.


All hazardous substances used on site (including all diesel, oil, explosives, cement etc.) should be stored in designated, bunded areas. No surface run-off from these areas may be allowed to enter any clean water run-off or the wetland on site. Water from the bunded areas must be treated as dirty water and handled accordingly. Spills should be cleaned-up with approved absorbent material such as “Drizit” or “Spillsorb”. These should be kept in sufficient quantities on site to deal with spills. Absorbent material and contaminated soil should be disposed off at a registered hazardous waste site. For cement used on site, the following guidelines apply:

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 Carefully control all on-site operations that involve the use of cement and concrete (this applies to areas other than the batching plant).  Limit cement and concrete mixing to single sites where possible.  Use plastic trays or liners when mixing cement and concrete: Do not mix cement and concrete directly on the ground.  Dispose of all visible remains of excess cement and concrete after the completion of tasks. Dispose of in the approved manner (solid waste concrete may be treated as inert construction rubble, but wet cement and liquid slurry, as well as cement powder must be treated as hazardous waste)

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Low.

7.5.5 Operation – Decreased extent and duration of flooding

To allow for the mining of the northern opencast pit, abstraction of groundwater will be required. This will result in a draw down cone extending around the pit and, given its proximity to the Nyl wetland, likely extend under the wetland. The specialist geo-hydrological study undertaken by GeoPollution Technologies (GPT) indicated that at year 13, when mining at the North Pit has reached final depth, drawdown below the Nyl could be as much as 20 meters.

As part of the geo-hydrological study a number of shallow piezometer boreholes were drilled along the edge of the Nyl wetland to determine groundwater levels and changes in groundwater levels due to flooding in the Nyl. Groundwater was found to be at around 5m below ground level at the edge of the floodplain. During the period these boreholes were monitored no flooding of the Nyl wetland occurred. Nonetheless, during a period of higher rainfall a slight increase in the groundwater levels was observed.

Data made available by GPT of another borehole (apparently a DWA borehole) in the area that had been equipped with a data logger for a number of years showed a very sudden increase in groundwater levels to just below ground level during periods of the wet season, followed by a very gradual drop over several months to two years to the original lower levels. This was interpreted as groundwater levels responding to flooding within the Nyl system (not necessarily to flooding within the direct area of the borehole, but to flooding within the greater Nyl system). What is clear from this data, is that there is some connection between shallow groundwater in the alluvial aquifer and flooding within the Nyl wetland.

However, the general consensus of a number of researchers (Kleynhans, 2006) has been that the alluvial aquifer is separated from the surface water within the Nylsvley wetland by clay layers of low permeability. Little recharge of the alluvial aquifer is thus expected to occur from surface flows within the floodplain.

Given the uncertainty of the interaction between surface flooding and the alluvial aquifer of the Nyl wetland within the Volspruit area, we echo the opinion expressed by the geohydrology study: “Thus, should there be any substantial connection between the surface water of the Nyl and groundwater, significant impact on the surface water flow could be expected. This stresses the

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 102 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012 point that it will be important to mitigate the drawdown, and/or conclusively prove that the surface water at the Nyl is not connected to the groundwater”. As conclusive proof is currently still unavailable, the pre-cautionary approach is adopted in assessing the impact and the worse-case scenario is assumed.

Therefore, given the possibility that surface water flooding on the floodplain contributes to groundwater recharge, and that the drawdown cone associated with the opencast pits could result in increased recharge of groundwater from the floodplain and thus decreased depth and duration of flooding on the floodplain, groundwater abstraction could result in changes to the floodplain vegetation and associated biodiversity, as well as decreased discharge to downstream areas.

This impact is expected to be Very High (magnitude), Long-Term (duration), International (scale) and Definite/Don’t know (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of High.


It is recommended that the interaction between surface water in the floodplain and groundwater be determined in detail in order to assess the contribution of surface flood waters to groundwater recharge, and the likelihood that the drawdown cone associated with the proposed opencast mining areas will impact on the volumes of surface water within the floodplain on site and discharge to downstream areas. In the absence of detailed, high confidence information in this regard, it is recommended that no mining be allowed to take place where the drawdown cone associated with the opencast pits extends under the floodplain.

An exception to this would be where the extent of the drawdown cone could be limited through the application of technological interventions (e.g. grouting) that seal off the proposed opencast pit and thus prevent the ingress of water into the pit. In this way the drawdown cone could be limited, if the technology is practically and financially viable for the proposed opencast pits. However, the geo- hydrological study found that “The effect of the clay and grout curtain is pronounced in the first year, but the difference becomes less pronounced as mining progress. At year 4 there is very little difference in groundwater drawdown between the grouted and ungrouted scenarios.” It therefore appears unlikely that the opencast pit could be isolated.

Should mining proceed, it will further be important that the full extent of the alluvial aquifer be defined within the study area and that no mining be allowed to take place within the alluvial aquifer.

7.5.6 Operation – Changes in habitat and loss of biodiversity

Due to changes in flooding characteristics on the floodplain brought about groundwater abstraction, it is likely that the vegetation on site will undergo changes to adapt to the altered flooding regime. As indicated above, changes in elevation of as little as 90mm (and thus changes in flooding depth and duration) lead to statistically significant changes in vegetation composition. Changes in vegetation will then also affect other biodiversity reliant on the vegetation for food, shelter or breeding sites. In addition, increased noise levels, especially from blasting, could lead to

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 103 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012 the displacement of sensitive species from this section of the floodplain. Disturbances to the edge of the floodplain through mining activities could also lead to an increase in alien vegetation, while the influx of labour to the area could result in increased poaching of small birds and mammals in the area.

This impact is expected to be High (magnitude), Long-Term (duration), International (scale) and Definite/Don’t know (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of High.


Both the footprint of the proposed northern pit and the associated flood protection berm should be withdrawn from the delineated wetland footprint. No developments should be allowed to intrude into the delineated wetland area. The wetland area should be fenced off and no access granted to any construction vehicles or machinery. No water may be abstracted from the dam for construction purposes and no recreational activities for construction teams should take place within the wetland area, unless recreational facilities are formalized and approved in terms of the relevant legislation (e.g. Water Use License Application).

It is recommended that the interaction between surface water in the floodplain and groundwater be determined in detail in order to assess the contribution of surface flood waters to groundwater recharge, and the likelihood that the drawdown cone associated with the proposed opencast mining areas will impact on the volumes of surface water within the floodplain on site and discharge to downstream areas. In the absence of detailed, high confidence information in this regard, it is recommended that no mining be allowed to take place where the drawdown cone associated with the opencast pits extends under the floodplain.

Should mining proceed, it will further be important that the full extent of the alluvial aquifer be defined within the study area and that no mining be allowed to take place within the alluvial aquifer.

7.5.7 Operation – Water quality deterioration

Seepage from the tailings dam, waste rock dump and other stockpiles is likely to be of poor quality (elevated pH, high in sulphates and major ions). This contamination could reach the Nyl wetland via surface runoff or as a pollution plume within shallow groundwater migrating towards the wetland.

This impact is expected to be Moderate (magnitude), Long-Term (duration), Regional (scale) and Highly probable (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Moderate.


The tailings dam and waste rock dump should be classed as dirty water areas and runoff and seepage from these areas should be contained in return water dams and pollution control dams. Water from these dams should not be discharge to the environment. A water quality monitoring

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 104 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012 plan should be drawn up and implemented to ensure that any contamination of water in the Nyl wetland can be rapidly identified and addressed.

7.5.8 Decommissioning & Closure – Water quality deterioration

After mine closure the old opencast pits will fill with water due to the ingress of groundwater and could potentially start to decant into the floodplain. Water within the mine will overtime deteriorate, with elevated concentrations of sulphate and major ions likely, leading to pollution of the floodplain or, in the absence of decant, lead to a pollution plume within groundwater that might then enter the floodplain at groundwater discharge areas further away from the opencast pits. No acid mine drainage is expected, but rather an increase in pH.

It is currently proposed that the opencast pits will be partially backfilled, but that the final level within the pits will be well below natural ground level. As the pits fill with water, a large open water body will thus be created. It has been proposed to create a link between this water body and Nyl wetland to allow flood flows from the Nyl to enter backfilled pits, and presumably also to allow overflow/decant from the pits to enter the Nyl wetland. Should water within the backfilled pits deteriorate, which is expected, these contaminants will thus be directly transported into the Nyl wetland.

This impact is expected to be High (magnitude), Permanent (duration), National (scale) and Definite (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of High.


Unless the water quality within the partially backfilled opencast pits complies with the ecological reserve requirements as set by a comprehensive reserve study of the Nyl River, no water from the pits should be allowed to enter the Nyl River. Where the water quality within the pits does not meet the ecological water requirements for flows in the Nyl, a water quality management plan will need to be compiled and implemented to prevent contamination of flows in the Nyl River.

7.5.9 Cumulative Impacts

It was indicated by Andrew Gubb (Minutes of the Geohydrological workshop at EScience Associates, 12/11/2012) that several mining applications are currently being considered for the Nyl River catchment, consisting of both PGE mines as well as coal mines. In assessing the impact of the proposed Volspruit mine on the Nylsvley wetland system it is thus critical that the impact of the mine is not viewed in isolation, but that the cumulative impacts of proposed mining activities within the catchment are considered. While the impact associated with a single mine might not result in irreversible damage to the wetland system, the precedent set of allowing a mine to impact on the Nylsvley wetland could have significant consequences.

A strategic and holistic assessment of proposed future development (both mining and other developments) within the Nyl catchment is required as a first step to provide a more realistic picture of the anticipated future dynamics of this system as a consequence of development. This

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 105 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012 would help decision makers in setting limits on acceptable or appropriate development within and adjacent to the Nylsvley wetland.

7.6 Aquatic Ecology

Impacts expected to occur should the proposed opencast pits be developed and mined are as follows:

Construction: . Increased turbidity and sedimentation; . Altered hydrology; . Spread of alien fish species; . Erosion . Increased pressure on fish stock; and . Water quality deterioration.

Operation: . Water quality deterioration; . Disturbance from blasting; . Altered habitats; . Alteration of natural hydrological regimes; . Loss of biodiversity.

Decommissioning & Closure: . Water quality deterioration due to decant and AMD. . Further losses to biodiversity . Erosion and sedimentation . Water quality impacts due to spills/leaks

7.6.1 Construction – Increased turbidity and sedimentation

Clearing of vegetation and soil disturbance could lead to increased erosion (especially during wet season) and increased dust that may enter the receiving water bodies. This would lead to increased turbidity (decreased water quality) which may have a negative impact on aquatic fauna. The impact would vary in intensity between different species and different life stages and processes (spawning, feeding, etc.). The intolerant and moderately intolerant biota, as well as those with predatory behaviour, will especially be influenced by increased turbidity. When the suspended solids (soil/dust particles) settle out on the substrates in the aquatic ecosystems, it leads to deterioration in habitat quality (embeddedness/sedimentation). Interstitial spaces between rocks are lost and pool bottom substrates are transformed that may lead to deterioration in biotic integrity and loss of species.

This impact is expected to be Moderate (magnitude), Medium-Term (duration), Local (scale) and Definite (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of High.


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. No unnecessary development or disturbance should occur within the 1:100 year flood line of any drainage line or any wetland, together with its buffer. As far as possible, these areas should be cordoned off and considered no-go zones. . Limit vegetation clearing to the actual footprint of the proposed development. . As far as possible, fence off wetland areas prior to construction activities commencing to prevent access into the wetland areas by heavy machinery and vehicles. . Undertake construction activities in winter to minimise sediment transport due to run-off after rainfall events. . Re-vegetate all bare areas not directly within the footprint of the developments as soon as possible. The extent of the disturbance should be limited to a minimum. . A shallow berm should be constructed between the proposed opencast footprint and the delineated wetland to prevent sediment rich runoff from the construction site entering the wetlands. These berms should thus be constructed prior to the commencement of construction on the opencast pit. . Anti-erosion mitigation to diffuse and attenuate flows should be implemented where stormwater is diverted around construction activities. . Implement a water quality monitoring programme. Where target endpoints are not met, recommendations should translate directly into follow-up action that is recorded and auditable.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Medium.

7.6.2 Construction – Altered hydrology

Construction of pits, dams, trenches, berms and infrastructure, will intercept surface runoff, preventing it from reaching the Nyl River. Groundwater may also be intercepted where it flows into the pit during construction. Groundwater and surface water links are well developed within the Nyl system and any abstraction of groundwater will influence surface flows and vice versa. Surface flows can therefore be impacted, either directly from reduced runoff, or indirectly by groundwater abstraction. This can change both the timing and duration of surface flows, as well as overall volumes of water within the channel. Alien vegetation encroachment due to disturbances can also have a significant impact on water levels in streams and rivers. Reduced flows will have an impact on the habitat availability for aquatic fauna. Because flows within the Nyl River are extremely low during dry periods and fish rely heavily on the availability of pool habitats at these times, a further reduction in volumes could have sever impacts on fish populations within and downstream of this reach.

This impact is expected to be Moderate (magnitude), Medium-Term (duration), Regional (scale) and High (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Moderate.


. It is essential that the groundwater links be precisely determined (i.e. what is the depth of the clay layer and at what depth is the sandy aquifer encountered). Effective means must be found to prevent ingress of water into the pits, especially in the case of the northern pit.

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. Clean water should be allowed to enter natural water bodies, with appropriate stormwater attenuation. . All redundant dams or stream crossings should be removed within the surface rights areas of the mine. . Limit the use and abstraction of water from the surface waters and ensure compliance to ecological water requirements of the Nyl River System (to be addressed by water license). . Implement an alien vegetation control programme and continuously fight alien vegetation encroachment. Implement biomonitoring programme to detect any deterioration in aquatic integrity.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Medium.

7.6.3 Construction – Spread of alien fish species

Alien fish species are often spread through the introduction of people to an area. The introduction of alien species is most often for angling/recreational purposes, but can also be driven by subsistence needs for protein. Alien fish species compete with indigenous fish species for habitat and food, and can have a devastating impact on natural aquatic biota through predation and habitat destruction.

This impact is expected to be Moderate (magnitude), Long-Term (duration), Regional (scale) and Probable (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Moderate.


. Prohibit the stocking of any alien fish species into dams or rivers within the mining area. If alien fish species are present or observed within the study area in future, they should be removed (One alien fish species, namely Common carp, observed during baseline survey).

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Low.

7.6.4 Construction – Increased pressure on fish stock

Increased number of people in an area often results in increased fishing pressure on the aquatic ecosystems, as it is often a free and readily available source of food. Except for the Sharptooth catfish, indigenous fish species observed in the study area have low importance as angling species. Smaller species are however sometimes netted for subsistence. The abundance of catfish is furthermore as a result of existing alteration (creation of dams) related to agriculture in the area.

This impact is expected to be Minor (magnitude), Medium-Term (duration), Regional (scale) and Probable (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Low.


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. Prohibit the illegal harvesting of fish with nets, fish traps etc (especially from rivers). Control angling (if allowed). Remove unnatural habitats (created by dams/roads) from the Nyl River wetland ecosystem.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Low.

7.6.5 Construction – Water quality deterioration

Water quality deterioration resulting from spills/leaks during general construction activities (oil, diesel, cement, etc). Storm water flushing construction areas, as well as dust, can carry additional pollutants into water bodies. Water quality deterioration will especially affect fish species intolerant to water quality alteration (especially Johnston's topminnow) but can have an impact on all aquatic fauna (e.g. fuel spills).

This impact is expected to be Moderate (magnitude), Short-Term (duration), Regional (scale) and High (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Moderate.


. All mitigation for erosion prevention and control should be applied. . Ensure separation of clean and dirty water and allow clean water to enter natural water bodies. . To prevent spillages and leaks: • vehicles should be well maintained • Diesel and oil/grease should be stored in bunded areas that will allow any spillages to be easily and quickly isolated and prevent contamination of any soils or water. • Spills should be cleaned up with approved absorbent material such as “Drizit” or “Spillsorb”. These should be kept in sufficient quantities on site to deal with small spills. Absorbent material and contaminated soil should be disposed of at a registered hazardous waste site. • An emergency preparedness plan should be compiled and all construction staff aware of procedures in event of a spill. • Hazardous waste, should be stored in bunded/impermeable areas and disposed of appropriately at a registered landfill site. Potential spills or seepage of hazardous waste must be anticipated and prevented. . Should cement be used on site, the following guidelines apply: • Carefully control all on-site operations that involve the use of cement and concrete (this applies to areas other than the batching plant). • Limit cement and concrete mixing to single sites where possible. • Use plastic trays or liners when mixing cement and concrete: Do not mix cement and concrete directly on the ground. • Dispose of all visible remains of excess cement and concrete after the completion of tasks. Dispose of in the approved manner (solid waste concrete may be treated as inert construction rubble, but wet cement and

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liquid slurry, as well as cement powder must be treated as hazardous waste). . An aquatic biomonitoring and water quality programme should be implemented. Where target endpoints are not met, recommendations should translate directly into follow-up action that is recorded and auditable. Johnston's topminnow may be important indicator species in terms of water quality deterioration.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Low.

7.6.6 Operation – Water quality deterioration: Mining

Water quality deterioration related to seepage or runoff from mining areas and stockpiles will result in increased salts (particularly sulphates), metals and changes in pH. Acid Base accounting has identified the neutralisation potential as being high so that acidification is likely to be limited. However, water quality impacts in terms of metals and salts remain highly probable and may also arise from a number of sources: contaminated dust/sediments blown or washed into wetland areas, direct runoff and/or seepage from stockpiles, roads and dirty water areas. There is a potential risk of seepage from the northern pit, which extends into the wetland and the 1:100 year floodline, into the surrounding wetland, especially where there are groundwater links. This could have highly significant impacts on water quality and aquatic biota in downstream reaches of the Nyl River. Water quality deterioration will especially affect fish species intolerant to water quality alteration (especially Johnston's topminnow) but will have an impact on all aquatic fauna.

This impact is expected to be High (magnitude), Permanent (duration), National (scale) and Definite (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of High.


. It is essential that groundwater links be precisely identified, particularly in the case of the northern pit. Any probability of ingress or seepage must be effectively mitigated. Failure to do so could have serious consequences in terms of water quality. (Rating of this impact, with mitigation, assumes this is achievable although this cannot be guaranteed at this point.) . Waste dumps and soil stockpiles should be located well outside of wetland areas and their buffers. Runoff from these areas should be treated as dirty water. . Ensure adequate precautions are taken to prevent/limit spills or seepage of polluted water (e.g. lining of dams, trenches, separation of clean and dirty water). . Implement and maintain monitoring programme (biomonitoring, groundwater or surface water monitoring or environmental audits). Recommendations for biomonitoring are given in Box 1 below. Should any signs of pollution be detected, immediate actions should be taken to rectify the problems. Biomonitoring programmes should include toxicity testing (DEEEP protocol) on all pollution control facilities and potential effluents. Officials from DWA and national and provincial conservations agencies (DEAT etc.) should conduct regular site visits to mining area. Johnston’s topminnow may be the most relevant fish to use as indicator of water quality deterioration, although the entire fish assemblage should be monitored to detect changes.

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. Compile an emergency preparedness plan in case of ore spillages, especially in wetland areas. Employees should be made aware of pollution prevention measures as well as procedures to follow in case of emergency spills.

Recommendations for Biomonitoring: . Monthly water quality monitoring (major anions and cations, pH, electrical conductivity, oxygen) . Quarterly biomonitoring: toxicity testing, diatoms, aquatic macroinvertebrates . Annually: fish assessment

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Moderate.

7.6.7 Operation – Disturbance from Blasting

Blasting in close proximity to aquatic ecosystems may also have a direct impact on fish assemblages through disturbance.


Limit blasting in close vicinity to aquatic ecosystems (e.g. where mining takes place within the 1:100 floodline).

7.6.8 Operation – Altered Habitat Suitability and Availability

Soil erosion and dusts (especially from blasting and ore transportation) may lead to the input of sediment into the wetland system. In addition, dust and eroded sediments from mining activities, stockpiles, waste dumps and roads contain metals and salts that contaminate surface water and also cause increases in turbidity. Sedimentation within the wetland may lead to changes in wetland vegetation as sediments are colonised by species such as Typha capensis or Phragmites australis, often in monospecific stands. Disturbance to riparian habitats could also provide opportunity for an increase in alien vegetation within the wetlands. In addition, pool habitats may decline due to deposition of sediments on pool substrates, this affecting certain fish species. Impacts to habitats could potentially also impact on the python population which were recorded within the study area downstream of site 6.

This impact is expected to be Low (magnitude), Long-term (duration), Regional (scale) and Probable (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Moderate.


. Development and disturbance should be minimised within the 1:100 year flood line and wetland (including its buffer). In particular, infrastructure that may release dust or sediments (e.g. roads, stockpiles, waste dumps, tailings dams) should be located well outside of wetland areas (including wetland buffer zones). Blasting should be kept to a minimum within the 1:100 year floodline.

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. Mitigation measures should include the construction of a low berm, approximately 1m high by 2-3m wide between the mining activities and the wetlands. These berms would serve to intercept flows containing suspended sediments and create a depositional environment. They should be located outside the wetland boundaries and should be created prior to construction and vegetation clearing on the stockpile footprint commencing. The top soil stockpiles should also be vegetated. . Limit surface soil disturbance (including vegetation removal) and implement proper erosion control measures (especially in or close to drainage lines). . Trucks should use tarpaulins to prevent spillage/dust from loads. . Dust suppression of roads will assist in keeping dust levels down.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Low.

7.6.9 Operation - Alteration of natural hydrological regimes: erosion and sedimentation

Stormwater runoff will increase in velocity and volume following rainfall events due to a decrease in infiltration (resulting from vegetation clearance and infrastructure) causing erosion at stormwater outlets. Where these occur in wetland areas, vertical incision of the floodplain may alter the flow characteristics, from diffuse, mainly subsurface flows to a more channelised overland flow with decreased lateral connectivity. An additional scenario is that sedimentation (as a result of erosion) within the floodplain, may cause pool habitats to be silted up, with a consequent displacement of water into a more pronounced channel. Water may also 'back up' behind the deposited sediments which may obstruct surface flows. These changes are likely to impact on habitat availability and species composition of wetland plants and aquatic biota.

This impact is expected to be Moderate (magnitude), Long-term (duration), Local (scale) and High (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Moderate.


. Apply all mitigation measures to ensure effective stormwater attenuation as well as all sediment-trapping and erosion control measures.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Moderate.

7.6.10 Operation - Alteration of natural hydrological regimes: groundwater ingress

Groundwater ingress into the pits and abstraction of groundwater will result in a drawdown cone that may cause surface water to be lost to groundwater. Most of the surface water contributes to groundwater recharge so this impact is likely to mainly affect the timing and duration of flooding. This may impact on life histories and breeding success of certain fish and may also result in a loss of pool habitats for aquatic biota, both on site and further downstream.

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This impact is expected to be High/Very high (magnitude), Permanent (duration), International (scale) and Probable (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Moderate.


. It is essential that groundwater links be precisely identified, particularly in the case of the northern pit. Any probability of loss of surface water to groundwater due to ingress must be effectively mitigated. . It must be ensured that the Ecological Water Requirements of the Nyl River be met.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Moderate.

7.6.11 Operation – Loss of Biodiversity

It is likely that there will be a loss of sensitive species from the system, both as a result of altered water quality and a decline in habitat availability (due to erosion, sedimentation and altered hydrology) as well as colonisation of sediments by monospecific stands of reeds, typically Typha, which then outcompete other species. Pool habitats are also likely to support fewer fish due to sedimentation, while water quality deterioration will especially affect fish species intolerant to water quality alteration (especially Johnston's topminnow) but will also have an impact on all aquatic fauna. These impacts are likely to be carried downstream and may impact on other animals higher up in the food chain (e.g. frogs, birds, otter). Impacts to habitats could potentially impact on the python population which were recorded within the study area downstream of site 6.

This impact is expected to be High (magnitude), Permanent (duration), National (scale) and Probable (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Moderate.


 Implement all mitigation relating to water quality, erosion, sedimentation and altered hydrology.  Regular biomonitoring should be conducted according to recommended target end-points. Recommendations should be regarded as incidents, with recorded, auditable follow-up actions taken for each recommendation.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Moderate.

7.6.12 Operation – Water quality deterioration related to accidental spills/leaks

Water quality deterioration related to hazardous waste, accidental spills and leaks during general operational activities (fuels, cement, PVC, tyres etc). Storm water flushing areas that contain contaminated sediments as well as dust can also carry pollutants into water bodies. Water quality deterioration will especially affect aquatic fauna intolerant to water quality alteration but can have an impact on all aquatic fauna (e.g. fuel and sewage spills).

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This impact is expected to be High (magnitude), Very short (duration), National (scale) and Probable (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Moderate.


 Identify potential areas where seepage and spills can occur into the natural environment and take necessary precautions to reduce potential spills and seepage.  Designated waste handling and storage facilities must be put in place at the start of the construction phase. Hazardous waste and products must be located on bunded areas of sufficient capacity to contain spills and that do not allow seepage of pollutants into the ground or the run-off of polluted water. All waste must be disposed of in registered waste disposal facilities. The waste facilities should be located within the dirty water area of the mine.  Compile an emergency preparedness plan in case of spillages, especially in wetland areas. Employees should be made aware of pollution prevention measures as well as procedures to follow in case of emergency spills.  Ensure that silt, lime, cement, paint, chemicals etc. do not wash into drains or nearby watercourses.  Regular biomonitoring should be conducted according to recommended target end-points. Recommendations should be regarded as incidents, with recorded, auditable follow-up actions taken for each recommendation.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Low.

7.6.13 Decommissioning & Closure – Water quality deterioration

After closure, the pits are likely to fill with water (from groundwater ingress, surface runoff or direct inflows where the pit extends into the floodplain and 1:100 year floodline). Water within the pit will become contaminated, notably by salts (especially sulphates and chlorides) and metals (especially iron and aluminium). Contaminated water could potentially contaminate surrounding groundwater and surface water either through seepage (Acid Mine Drainage) or decant. This could continue to contaminate downstream reaches indefinitely. There is also a risk of residual AMD occurring below product stockpiles, the waste rock dump and slimes dam.

This impact is expected to be Very high (magnitude), Permanent (duration), International (scale) and Highly probable (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of High.


 Ensure adequate rehabilitation and removal of all pollution sources (stockpiles, tailings, waste dumps).  At this stage no measures to completely prevent ingress into the northern pit (which falls within the 1:100 year floodline) have been identified. As such, the pit is likely to slowly fill with water and potentially decant, either as surface water or, more likely, as groundwater

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seepage. Unless a means of ensuring zero ingress or seepage into/from the northern pit is found, this impact will remain largely unmitigated.  Ensure continued water quality and biomonitoring programmes post-closure. Should any monitoring (biomonitoring, groundwater or surface water monitoring or environmental audits) detect any signs of deterioration or pollution, rectifying actions should be taken.  Rehabilitated surfaces should be free draining to ensure no pooling of water that could lead to infiltration or AMD.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to remain High.

7.6.14 Decommissioning & Closure – Biodiversity Loss

Decant and AMD could lead to water of poor quality (mainly due to salts and metals) to enter the surface water (either directly through overflowing, decanting or seepage into groundwater that reaches surface water ecosystems), resulting in continued loss of sensitive aquatic biota and overall biodiversity as predators higher up in the food chain (e.g. frogs, birds) may also be affected. Furthermore, the decline in habitats due to ongoing deposition of sediments, may result in continued declines in abundance and species composition. These impacts may be carried downstream, affecting ecosystem downstream of the study site. Acid Base Accounting has revealed that the source material has a high neutralisation potential and low acidity which will dampen the magnitude of the impacts to water quality. However, impacts due to sedimentation may be higher than normally expected considering the proximity of the northern pit, together with associated infrastructure, to the Nyl floodplain.

These impacts are likely to be carried downstream and may impact on other animals higher up in the food chain (e.g. frogs, birds, otter). Impacts to habitats could potentially impact on the python population which was recorded within the study area downstream of site 6.

This impact is expected to be High (magnitude), Permanent (duration), International (scale) and Probable (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Moderate.


 Implement all mitigation measures given for erosion, sedimentation and water quality.  Implement all mitigation measures regarding effective rehabilitation  Ensure continued water quality and biomonitoring programmes post-closure. Should any monitoring (biomonitoring, groundwater or surface water monitoring or environmental audits) detect any signs of deterioration or pollution, rectifying actions should be taken.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Moderate.

7.6.15 Decommissioning & Closure – Erosion and Sedimentation

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Deconstruction of infrastructure and rehabilitation will cause mobilisation of sediments and erosion. This will result in increased sediment loads being carried downstream. The consequences of this include: • Increased turbidity; • Increased settling out of sediments in downstream reaches, causing changes in benthic habitat suitability and colonisation by monospecific reed beds; • Change in instream and marginal habitats from slow-moving dispersive flows to an increasingly incised channel with higher flow velocities and fewer pool habitats

This impact is expected to be Moderate (magnitude), Very short term (duration), Local (scale) and Highly probable (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Moderate.


• Deconstruction activities should be confined to a minimum area, which should be clearly demarcated. Delineated wetlands should be considered no-go areas as far as possible. • Sediment trapping mechanisms should prevent soils from being washed into wetlands. • Movement of machinery and vehicles during the infrastructure removal process must be strictly controlled to prevent disturbance to wetland areas. Rehabilitated areas should be re-vegetated as soon as possible to minimise erosion. • The affected landscape should be rehabilitated in such a way that overland flow is diffuse and free-draining, with no constrictions or risk of preferential flow paths being created. Within rehabilitated areas, steep slopes and concentrated run-off should also be avoided to prevent erosion. The rehabilitated areas should be re-vegetated as soon as possible following completion of the earthworks to minimise erosion. Regular long-term follow up of rehabilitated areas will be required to ensure the successful establishment of vegetation and to survey for any erosion damage on site. Erosion damage should be repaired immediately.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Low.

7.6.16 Decommissioning & Closure – Water quality deterioration due to spills/leaks.

It is likely that residual seepage of pollutants will take place from contaminated soils left on site. Dust and sediments may contain contaminants that can pollute surface water. Storm water flushing old stockpile areas, as well as dust, can also carry pollutants into receiving water bodies. Spills or leaks from vehicles and storage areas during decommissioning also pose a risk to water quality.

This impact is expected to be Moderate (magnitude), Short term (duration), Regional (scale) and Highly probable (probability), resulting in an environmental significance of Moderate.

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Mitigation • Ensure separation of clean and dirty water and allow clean water to enter natural water bodies. • To prevent spillages, vehicles should be well maintained • Diesel and oil/grease should be stored in bunded areas that will allow any spillages to be easily and quickly isolated and prevent contamination of any soils or water. • Spills should be cleaned up with approved absorbent material such as “Drizit” or “Spillsorb”. These should be kept in sufficient quantities on site to deal with small spills. Absorbent material and contaminated soil should be disposed of at a registered hazardous waste site. • An emergency preparedness plan should be compiled and all construction staff aware of procedures in event of a spill. • Hazardous waste should be stored in bunded/impermeable areas and disposed of appropriately at a registered landfill site. Potential spills or seepage of hazardous waste must be anticipated and prevented. • Implement an ongoing aquatic biomonitoring and water quality programme. Where target endpoints are not met, recommendations should translate directly into follow-up action that is recorded and auditable.

With proper implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental significance of this impact is expected to be Low.

7.6.17 Cumulative Impacts to the Aquatic environment

The cumulative impact of the proposed development was assessed in terms of the potential impact of the proposed Volspruit mining project on the remainder of the Nyl River downstream of the study area. Should serious spatial impacts occur as a result of the proposed activities, impacts may reach the Mogalakwena River and even the Limpopo River.

The primary impacts that will have a cumulative impact in terms of aquatic fauna are water quality deterioration and water quantity/hydrological alterations (altered flows). The stability of a system could be described by concepts such as resilience (ability of system to recover from disturbance) and elasticity (speed with which the system returns to its original state after removal of the disturbance). The important issue, however, is not whether an ecosystem can be classified as stable or fragile, but how much the particular ecosystem changes after a specific disturbance (Roux, 1999). Although these ecosystems have a limited ability to recover after pollution incidence or prolonged exposure to impacts, the overall ecological integrity of the system will generally be altered from its natural state and is likely to never return to the pre-disturbance condition. The more severe and widespread (in spatial and temporal terms) an impact occurs, the lower the possibility of recovery (such as the eradication of fish due to a spill in an area). Should there be dams and other migration barriers, physical or chemical, they are unlikely to return or recolonise the area again and may be lost with a radical impact on the aquatic ecosystem].

Water quality: The limited water quality variables measured on-site, together with the good biotic integrity indicated by the fish assemblage, and the presence of the Johnsons topminnow, a

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 117 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012 species moderately intolerant to water quality alteration, indicate that the water quality of this reach of the Nyl River is currently in a good condition. This should be confirmed by the detailed surface water quality specialist assessment. Water quality in these catchments generally deteriorates downstream as more pollutants enter the streams. With an increase in development (mining, agriculture and other land uses) in the catchment, water quality can be expected to deteriorate in future, which will not only impact on the area within direct vicinity of the mine, but also further downstream.

Water quantity: Influx of people into an area, together with socio-economic development activities (such as mining, industry, agriculture) puts pressure on the water resources of an area. Should water resources not be adequate to sustain the present and potential future mining activities in the area, water transfers may be required. This has a highly negative and irreversible impact on the ecological integrity of aquatic ecosystems. The receiving river’s geomorphology is generally not adequate to sustain increased flows and large scale geomorphological changes (erosion, scouring, armouring) takes place. Water quality is also altered from its natural state, and biota (fish, invertebrates, algae, parasites, etc.) can be introduced into systems where they did not occur naturally, creating an imbalance in the ecology and large scale deterioration in ecological integrity. It is therefore important that the availability of water for present and future mining activities in the area be considered. Water use should be limited as far as possible, and it should be ensured that the ecological water requirements of the Nyl River (if available) are met.

On its own, and together with comprehensive and effective mitigation, the proposed Volspruit Mine will not have irreversible impacts on the water quality of the Nyl system, but it may set the stage for future mining. Each new mining development which will have incremental impacts on water quality, ultimately possibly impacting on international neighbours (Mozambique and Zimbabwe) as the Limpopo is an international river. In addition, the hydrology of the system may be irreversibly altered, with a more confined channel, fewer pool habitats for fish and potentially longer no-flow periods during drought years. The impact of this will increase with each new mining development.


8.1.1 Monitoring of populations of threatened plant populations

A regular assessment of the health of populations of threatened plants that occur on site is required in order to ensure that activities associated with the project do not have a long-term negative impact on these populations. The monitoring programme may be two-fold. The first component is to assess the impact on suitable habitats for the species, as determined from the baseline survey recommended in the section above. The second component is to provide an indication of the location and numbers of individual plants occurring on site. The time interval for this monitoring can be every five years. The outcome of the monitoring must be interpreted in relation to stochastic ecological processes that are known to operate within the Nyl River system as a whole and which may affect population dynamics of the affected species independently of potential impacts associated with the proposed project.

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8.1.2 Monitoring of alien invasive plants

According to the Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act and the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, it is a legal requirement to control alien invasive species in the project area. An annual audit of the project area and immediate surroundings is required by a qualified botanist. If no species are detected, then this can be stated. If any alien invasive species are detected then the distribution of these should be mapped (GPS co-ordinates of plants or concentrations of plants), number of individuals (whole site or per unit area), age and/or size classes of plants and aerial cover of plants. The results should be interpreted in terms of the risk posed to natural habitats within and surrounding the project area. An alien management programme should be implemented as part of the mine Environmental Management Plan. This programme would require this information on a regular basis in order to report on the objective of controlling invasive species.

8.1.3 Post-rehabilitation landscape functionality monitoring

If any revegetation or rehabilitation of surfaces is required prior to mine closure, it is recommended that revegetation efforts are monitored for a period of time to ensure that ecological functionality is returned to the landscape. There are a number of potential monitoring techniques that could be used. One method is Landscape Function Analysis, described in detail by the CSIRO in Australia (as described in the manual by Tongway & Hindley 2004). This involves the placement of transects down the main slope gradient and continuous measurement of surface features along this transect that reflect the measured variables of stability, water infiltration and nutrient cycling. The primary measurements are the distance of stable vegetation (patches), distances between patches of vegetation (interpatch areas or fetches) and the width of patches. A soil surface assessment is then conducted for each transect within identified patches/fetches. Each transect is located with a GPS reading and a compass bearing so that future monitoring of the same transects is possible. Data from each transect (including the soil surface assessment) is analysed using indices provided with the description of the method (Tongway & Hindley 2004). The results are interpreted in terms of the degree of ecological functionality at each site, which is expressed as a percentage score. Future or regular data collection permits direct comparison of sites through time.

8.1.4 Aquatic Biomonitoring

The baseline biomonitoring data collected during this study should be utilised as a basis for monitoring and evaluating future changes to the system in terms of aquatic ecology and water quality. The following monitoring is recommended:

. Monthly water quality monitoring (major anions and cations, pH, electrical conductivity, oxygen) . Quarterly biomonitoring: toxicity testing, diatoms, aquatic macroinvertebrates . Annually: fish assessment


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There are three major vegetation types that occur in the study area, namely Central Sandy Bushveld, Subtropical Freshwater Wetlands and Springbokvlakte Thornveld. Springbokvlakte Thornveld is classified as an Endangered vegetation type in the original publication where it is described (Rutherford et al. 2006) and is listed in the Draft National List of Threatened Ecosystems (GN 1477 of 2009, published under the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004)) as Vulnerable. The listing criteria in the Act are more rigorous than in the scientific publication. The natural vegetation on site is therefore considered to potentially have high conservation status. The area of Springbokvlakte Thornveld on site is, however, restricted to a small part of the southern part of the site where there is existing disturbance. This vegetation type is therefore considered to not occur on site in any natrual undisturbed form.

Other factors that may lead to parts of the study area having high ecological sensitivity are the presence of a major wetland system on site and the potential presence of at least one plant species of conservation concern, the Vulnerable Oryza longistaminata. This species was confirmed during detailed field surveys to occur within the wetland area on site.

There are eight protected tree species that occur in the area and it has been evaluated that at least six of them have a possibility of occurring on site. It was confirmed during the field survey that three of these species occur in or around the site, namely Acacia erioloba, Boscia albitrunca and Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra. If any individuals of these trees are affected by proposed infrastructure, a permit will be required.

A large proportion of the study area appears to be in a natural condition, although significant areas are cultivated or were previously cultivated. Degraded areas on site are classified as having low sensitivity and conservation value. Terrestrial vegetation is classified as having medium sensitivity and wetland vegetation as having high sensitivity. The ore bodies are within previously disturbed areas or within untransformed terrestrial vegetation. A small area of wetland is affected by the northern ore body.

Terrestrial ecology

The study area encompasses a number of different habitat types, including wetlands, savanna and woodlands, and transformed, cultivates area, and as such, is expected to support a range of faunal species associated with these differing habitats. The Nyl River makes up the western site boundary, and the river and the surrounding wetlands provide a spectrum of habitats, from open water within the channel, dense reed beds along and within the channel, and moist tall and short grassland within both the inundated wetlands and floodplain areas. The wetlands provide an important forage and water resource which attracts a large variety of species, particularly aquatic and avifaunal species.

Based on a literature review of faunal species distribution ranges in southern Africa, it is estimated that approximately 270 bird, 101 mammal, 72 reptile and 28 amphibian species could occur within the study area, and of these 471 faunal species potentially occurring, a number of Red Data List species were identified. No Red Data List species were observed during the site surveys, however, Serval (L. serval) have previously been sighted by a farm owner in the area, and a

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Southern African python (P. natalensis), which is listed by NEMBA (2004) as a protected species and as vulnerable by the South African red data book (Branch, 1988), was sighted in the north of the study area.

Within the study area, all areas of natural vegetation should be considered important from a biodiversity maintenance standpoint, as they potentially support a large diversity of fauna, including several Red Data List species, while wetland and riparian habitats are particularly important and sensitive due to their additional role in facilitating faunal movement and migration between areas of suitable habitat and geographically separate populations.


A single large floodplain wetland with two associated dams was delineated within the study area, covering approximately 310 ha. The floodplain is associated with the Nyl River and forms part of the lower end of the Nylsvley floodplain.

The upper reaches of the Nylsvley floodplain has been recognized as a wetland of international importance under the Ramsar Convention, as well as an Important Bird Area, highlighting the importance of the wetland system in terms of biodiversity. Many of the important and threatened species found within these upper reaches are also likely to occur on site during periods of high water levels.

Within the study area, the wetland habitat was found to be in a moderately modified condition (PES category C) as a result of a number of site specific impacts such as dam building and road crossings. Despite of these modifications, the wetland system is still considered to be of Very High ecological importance and sensitivity (EIS category A), mostly as a result of the important role the system plays in supporting biodiversity.

Aquatic ecology

The biological integrity of this reach of the Nyl River was considered to be Largely Natural (category B) for fish, habitat integrity and aquatic invertebrates.

Seven of an expected ten indigenous fish species were sampled in the study area during the baseline survey. All ten fish species are expected to still occur in this reach under present conditions. One of the observed species, namely the Mozambique tilapia, is classified as near threatened due to the threat of hybridization with the alien Nile tilapia.

One alien fish species, the Common carp, was also sampled in the study area during the January 2011 survey.

Most of the fish species expected or observed in the study area have a preference for slow flowing habitat with vegetation as cover, and future activities should not be allowed to alter these habitat features for fish.

The indigenous fish species of this reach of the Nyl River are classified as tolerant to moderately tolerant to changes in the environment. The most intolerant of all species are the Johnston’s

Copyright © 2012 Wetland Consulting Services (Pty.) Ltd. 121 Biodiversity Assessment for the Proposed Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province November 2012 topminnow, which are intolerant to habitat alterations and water quality deterioration. This species can be considered an indicator fish species that can be used to detect changes as a result of disturbance.

Impact Assessment

An impact assessment was undertaken to determine potential impacts of the proposed development on the various fields investigated. Mitigation and management measures were recommended, as appropriate, to minimise the expected impacts.

The most significant impacts can be summarized as follows:

. Loss of biodiversity, specifically also Red Data species & protected species . Habitat modification due to changes in extent and duration of flooding cause by dewatering of the alluvial aquifer . Water quality deterioration

In our opinion, mining of especially the northern pit should only be considered if it can be clearly shown that the associated groundwater draw down cone will not result in a decrease in surface flow volumes and flooding extent in the Nyl wetland. A high confidence, informed decision in this regard will only be possible if the interaction between surface flooding and groundwater within the Nyl wetland, and specifically also within the Volspruit study area, is understood with great certainty. Currently this information is not available, and while a lot of assumptions can be made regarding the separation of the alluvial aquifer and surface flooding based on the presence of a clay lens across the center of the floodplain (mostly based on work done higher up the floodplain), conclusive evidence of such a separation will need to be provided on site. This will require accurate determination of the lateral extent of the alluvial aquifer on site as well as the extent and permeability of the clay lens.

In the absence of detailed, high confidence information in this regard, it is recommended that no mining be allowed to take place where the drawdown cone associated with the opencast pits extends under the floodplain and will result in the dewatering of the alluvial aquifer. If the required information to inform decision making cannot be obtained through additional studies, the criteria as contained in the legislation, specifically GN704, should be applied – i.e. no mining within the 1:100 year floodline.

. A survey of protected tree species will be required within the footprints of all proposed infrastructure, and permits must be obtained to remove these prior to any tree being removed. . All activities taking place within 500m of the delineated wetland edge will require a Water Use License Application in terms of Section 21 (c) and (i) water uses. Activities falling within the 500m regulated area include the northern opencast pit, the flood protection berm and the explosives magazine.

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Sources: South African National Biodiversity Institute in Pretoria.

Family Taxon Status Habitat Likelihood of occurrence on site ZAMIACEAE Encephalartos EN Grow on sandstone hills and rocky ridges of the LOW, no eugene- Waterberg region. They grow in open grassland suitable maraisii and savanna. habitat POACEAE Oryza VU Nylsvlei & surrounding farms. Altitude 900- HIGH longistaminata 1000 m; seasonally flooded areas, wetlands. In water in pans, pools & streams, floodpans, and long rivers; sometimes forms pure stands or may be mixed with Vossia. Previously found at Moorddrift and in the grid 2428DA at Naboomspruit. CORNACEAE Curtisia NT Evergreen forest from coast to 1800m. Cape LOW, no dentata Peninsula to Chimanimani suitable habitat ASTERACEAE Callilepis Declinin Widespread in eastern half of SA. Grassland or HIGH leptophylla g open woodland, often on rocky outcrops or rocky hillslopes. Overharvested for medicinal use. HYPOXIDACEAE Hypoxis Declinin Grassland and mixed woodland. Often found in HIGH hemerocallidea g grassland areas overlooking wetlands and drainage lines. * Conservation Status Category assessment according to IUCN Ver. 3.1 (IUCN, 2001), as evaluated by the Threatened Species Programme of the South African National Biodiversity Institute in Pretoria. *IUCN (3.1) Categories: VU = Vulnerable, EN = Endangered, CR = Critically Endangered, NT = Near Threatened.

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Acacia erioloba Acacia haematoxylon Adansonia digitata Afzelia quanzensis Balanites subsp. maughamii Barringtonia racemosa Boscia albitrunca Brachystegia spiciformis Breonadia salicina Bruguiera gymnhorrhiza Cassipourea swaziensis Catha edulis Ceriops tagal Cleistanthus schlectheri var. schlechteri Colubrina nicholsonii Combretum imberbe Curtisia dentata Elaedendron (Cassine) transvaalensis Erythrophysa transvaalensis Euclea pseudebenus Ficus trichopoda Leucadendron argenteum Lumnitzera racemosa var. racemosa Lydenburgia abottii Lydenburgia cassinoides Mimusops caffra Newtonia hildebrandtii var. hildebrandtii Ocotea bullata Ozoroa namaensis Philenoptera violacea (Lonchocarpus capassa) Pittosporum viridiflorum Podocarpus elongatus Podocarpus falcatus Podocarpus henkelii Podocarpus latifolius Protea comptonii Protea curvata Prunus africana Pterocarpus angolensis Rhizophora mucronata Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra Securidaca longependunculata Sideroxylon inerme subsp. inerme Tephrosia pondoensis Warburgia salutaris Widdringtonia cedarbergensis Widdringtonia schwarzii

Acacia erioloba, Boscia albitrunca, Combretum imberbe, Curtisia dentata, Elaedendron (Cassine) transvaalensis, Pittosporum viridiflorum, Prunus africana, Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra and Securidaca longependunculata have a geographical distribution that coincides with the study area.

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FamilyName SpeciesName FABACEAE Acacia burkei FABACEAE Acacia caffra FABACEAE Acacia gerrardii subsp. gerrardii var. gerrardii FABACEAE Acacia hebeclada subsp. hebeclada FABACEAE Acacia karroo FABACEAE Acacia nilotica subsp. kraussiana FABACEAE Acacia tortilis subsp. heteracantha POACEAE Acroceras macrum AMARANTHACEAE Aerva leucura FABACEAE Aeschynomene indica POACEAE Alloteropsis semialata subsp. eckloniana ASPHODELACEAE Aloe aculeata ASPHODELACEAE Aloe dolomitica ASPHODELACEAE Aloe greatheadii var. davyana ASPHODELACEAE Aloe greatheadii var. greatheadii ASPHODELACEAE Aloe marlothii subsp. marlothii ASPHODELACEAE Aloe zebrina AMARANTHACEAE Alternanthera pungens POACEAE Andropogon chinensis POACEAE Andropogon eucomus POACEAE Andropogon huillensis POACEAE Andropogon schirensis POACEAE Anthephora pubescens POACEAE Aristida bipartita POACEAE Aristida canescens subsp. canescens POACEAE Aristida congesta subsp. barbicollis POACEAE Aristida congesta subsp. congesta POACEAE Aristida junciformis subsp. junciformis POACEAE Aristida meridionalis POACEAE Aristida pilgeri POACEAE Aristida scabrivalvis subsp. borumensis POACEAE Aristida sp. POACEAE Aristida spectabilis POACEAE Aristida stipitata subsp. graciliflora POACEAE Aristida stipitata subsp. stipitata ASTERACEAE Artemisia afra var. afra ASPARAGACEAE Asparagus angusticladus ASPARAGACEAE Asparagus buchananii ASPARAGACEAE Asparagus cooperi ASPARAGACEAE Asparagus flavicaulis subsp. setulosus ASPARAGACEAE Asparagus nodulosus ASTERACEAE Athrixia elata POTTIACEAE Barbula eubryum ACANTHACEAE Barleria bremekampii ACANTHACEAE Barleria crossandriformis ACANTHACEAE Barleria macrostegia POACEAE Bewsia biflora CAPPARACEAE Boscia foetida subsp. rehmanniana POACEAE Bothriochloa bladhii

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POACEAE Bothriochloa insculpta POACEAE Brachiaria brizantha POACEAE Brachiaria deflexa POACEAE Brachiaria nigropedata POACEAE Brachiaria serrata POACEAE Brachiaria subulifolia BRYACEAE Bryum capillare CYPERACEAE Bulbostylis burchellii ASTERACEAE Callilepis leptophylla FABACEAE Calpurnia aurea subsp. aurea DICRANACEAE Campylopus savannarum RUBIACEAE Canthium suberosum APOCYNACEAE Carissa bispinosa CHENOPODIACEAE Chenopodium cristatum ANTHERICACEAE Chlorophytum angulicaule ANTHERICACEAE Chlorophytum cooperi ANTHERICACEAE Chlorophytum galpinii var. galpinii ANTHERICACEAE Chlorophytum recurvifolium ANTHERICACEAE Chlorophytum trichophlebium MALVACEAE Cienfuegosia digitata RANUNCULACEAE Clematis oweniae CAPPARACEAE Cleome gynandra CAPPARACEAE Cleome monophylla CAPPARACEAE Cleome sp. CUCURBITACEAE Coccinia sessilifolia COMBRETACEAE Combretum apiculatum subsp. apiculatum COMBRETACEAE Combretum zeyheri COMMELINACEAE Commelina eckloniana ASTERACEAE Conyza aegyptiaca CARYOPHYLLACEAE Corrigiola litoralis subsp. litoralis var. litoralis ASTERACEAE Cotula anthemoides CRASSULACEAE Cotyledon barbeyi CRASSULACEAE Crassula sarcocaulis subsp. sarcocaulis Crassula swaziensis subsp. swaziensis var. swaziensis forma CRASSULACEAE swaziensis AMARYLLIDACEAE Crinum buphanoides AMARYLLIDACEAE Crinum lugardiae AMARYLLIDACEAE Crinum paludosum ACANTHACEAE Crossandra greenstockii EUPHORBIACEAE Croton gratissimus var. subgratissimus CORNACEAE Curtisia dentata ARALIACEAE Cussonia natalensis POACEAE Cymbopogon caesius APOCYNACEAE Cynanchum gerrardii POACEAE Cynodon dactylon CYPERACEAE Cyperus digitatus subsp. auricomus CYPERACEAE Cyperus esculentus var. esculentus CYPERACEAE Cyperus fastigiatus CYPERACEAE Cyperus indecorus var. decurvatus CYPERACEAE Cyperus longus var. tenuiflorus CYPERACEAE Cyperus margaritaceus var. margaritaceus CYPERACEAE Cyperus obtusiflorus var. obtusiflorus CYPERACEAE Cyperus sexangularis CYPERACEAE Cyperus sphaerospermus

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VITACEAE Cyphostemma oleraceum POACEAE Dactyloctenium aegyptium EUPHORBIACEAE Dalechampia capensis POACEAE Diandrochloa namaquensis FABACEAE Dichrostachys cinerea subsp. nyassana ASTERACEAE Dicoma anomala subsp. gerrardii ASTERACEAE Dicoma macrocephala POACEAE Digitaria debilis POACEAE Digitaria diagonalis var. diagonalis POACEAE Digitaria eriantha POACEAE Diheteropogon amplectens var. amplectens EBENACEAE Diospyros lycioides subsp. guerkei EBENACEAE Diospyros lycioides subsp. lycioides EBENACEAE Diospyros lycioides subsp. sericea HYACINTHACEAE Dipcadi marlothii HYACINTHACEAE Dipcadi viride ACANTHACEAE Dyschoriste transvaalensis POACEAE Echinochloa colona POACEAE Echinochloa jubata BORAGINACEAE Ehretia rigida subsp. rigida CYPERACEAE Eleocharis limosa CYPERACEAE Eleocharis variegata FABACEAE Elephantorrhiza elephantina POACEAE Elionurus muticus ZAMIACEAE Encephalartos eugene-maraisii POACEAE Enneapogon pretoriensis POACEAE Enneapogon scoparius ENTODONTACEAE Entodon cymbifolius POACEAE Eragrostis biflora POACEAE Eragrostis capensis POACEAE Eragrostis chloromelas POACEAE Eragrostis curvula POACEAE Eragrostis gummiflua POACEAE Eragrostis heteromera POACEAE Eragrostis inamoena POACEAE Eragrostis lappula POACEAE Eragrostis pallens POACEAE Eragrostis racemosa POACEAE Eragrostis rigidior POACEAE Eragrostis superba POACEAE Eragrostis trichophora POACEAE Eragrostis viscosa POACEAE Eriochloa fatmensis ERIOSPERMACEAE Eriospermum porphyrovalve EBENACEAE Euclea natalensis subsp. angustifolia EBENACEAE Euclea undulata HYACINTHACEAE Eucomis autumnalis subsp. clavata ORCHIDACEAE Eulophia hereroensis ORCHIDACEAE Eulophia ovalis var. bainesii EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia inaequilatera var. inaequilatera EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia ingens POACEAE Eustachys paspaloides CONVOLVULACEAE Falkia oblonga ASTERACEAE Felicia muricata subsp. cinerascens

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POACEAE Fingerhuthia africana FISSIDENTACEAE Fissidens bogosicus PHYLLANTHACEAE Flueggea virosa subsp. virosa APOCYNACEAE Fockea edulis IRIDACEAE Freesia grandiflora SCROPHULARIACEAE Freylinia tropica CYPERACEAE Fuirena stricta var. stricta ASTERACEAE Geigeria elongata IRIDACEAE Gladiolus dalenii subsp. dalenii IRIDACEAE Gladiolus permeabilis subsp. edulis ASTERACEAE Gnaphalium polycaulon MALVACEAE Grewia flavescens var. olukondae MALVACEAE Grewia monticola MALVACEAE Grewia retinervis MALVACEAE Grewia subspathulata ASTERACEAE Helichrysum kraussii AMARANTHACEAE Hermbstaedtia odorata var. aurantiaca POACEAE Heteropogon contortus HETEROPYXIDACEAE Heteropyxis dehniae HETEROPYXIDACEAE Heteropyxis natalensis ANNONACEAE Hexalobus monopetalus var. monopetalus MALVACEAE Hibiscus lunarifolius MALVACEAE Hibiscus praeteritus POACEAE Hyparrhenia anamesa POACEAE Hyparrhenia filipendula var. filipendula POACEAE Hyparrhenia filipendula var. pilosa POACEAE Hyparrhenia hirta POACEAE Hyparrhenia poecilotricha POACEAE Hyperthelia dissoluta HYPOXIDACEAE Hypoxis filiformis HYPOXIDACEAE Hypoxis hemerocallidea FABACEAE Indigofera mollicoma FABACEAE Indigofera sordida CONVOLVULACEAE Ipomoea bathycolpos CONVOLVULACEAE Ipomoea bolusiana CONVOLVULACEAE Ipomoea gracilisepala CONVOLVULACEAE Ipomoea magnusiana CONVOLVULACEAE Ipomoea oenotherae var. oenotherae EUPHORBIACEAE Jatropha hirsuta var. hirsuta CRASSULACEAE Kalanchoe longiflora ASPHODELACEAE Kniphofia sp. RUBIACEAE Kohautia cynanchica CYPERACEAE Kyllinga erecta var. erecta AMARANTHACEAE Kyphocarpa angustifolia ANACARDIACEAE Lannea discolor IRIDACEAE Lapeirousia sandersonii POACEAE Leersia hexandra DICRANACEAE Leptotrichella minuta CYPERACEAE Lipocarpha chinensis LOPHIOCARPACEAE Lophiocarpus dinteri POACEAE Loudetia pedicellata POACEAE Loudetia simplex CAPPARACEAE Maerua cafra MALVACEAE Malvastrum coromandelianum

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CYPERACEAE Mariscus uitenhagensis MARSILEACEAE Marsilea nubica var. gymnocarpa CELASTRACEAE Maytenus heterophylla subsp. heterophylla CELASTRACEAE Maytenus undata MALVACEAE Melhania rehmannii POACEAE Melinis nerviglumis POACEAE Melinis repens subsp. repens POACEAE Microchloa kunthii SAPOTACEAE Mimusops zeyheri MOLLUGINACEAE Mollugo cerviana var. cerviana CUCURBITACEAE Momordica repens CELASTRACEAE Mystroxylon aethiopicum subsp. burkeanum OCHNACEAE Ochna inermis OCHNACEAE Ochna natalitia OCHNACEAE Ochna pulchra LAMIACEAE Ocimum americanum var. americanum LAMIACEAE Ocimum obovatum subsp. obovatum var. obovatum OLEACEAE Olea capensis subsp. enervis FABACEAE Ormocarpum trichocarpum POACEAE Oropetium capense POACEAE Oryza longistaminata SANTALACEAE Osyris compressa POLYGONACEAE Oxygonum dregeanum subsp. canescens var. canescens ANACARDIACEAE Ozoroa paniculosa var. paniculosa RUBIACEAE Pachystigma triflorum POACEAE Panicum deustum POACEAE Panicum maximum POACEAE Panicum natalense POACEAE Panicum sp. POACEAE Panicum subalbidum PARMELIACEAE Paraparmelia perfissa PARMELIACEAE Parmelia saxeti POACEAE Paspalum scrobiculatum PTERIDACEAE Pellaea dura var. dura FABACEAE Peltophorum africanum POACEAE Perotis patens POLYGONACEAE Persicaria senegalensis forma albotomentosa POACEAE Phragmites mauritianus PHYLLANTHACEAE Phyllanthus incurvus PITTOSPORACEAE Pittosporum viridiflorum PODOCARPACEAE Podocarpus latifolius POACEAE Pogonarthria squarrosa POLYGALACEAE Polygala producta POLYGONACEAE Polygonum plebeium RUBIACEAE Psydrax livida CELASTRACEAE Pterocelastrus echinatus CYPERACEAE Pycreus flavescens CYPERACEAE Pycreus macranthus VITACEAE Rhoicissus digitata VITACEAE Rhoicissus revoilii ANACARDIACEAE Rhus gueinzii FABACEAE Rhynchosia confusa FABACEAE Rhynchosia totta var. totta RICCIACEAE Riccia atropurpurea

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RICCIACEAE Riccia microciliata RICCIACEAE Riccia okahandjana RICCIACEAE Riccia stricta LAMIACEAE Rotheca louwalbertsii POACEAE Sacciolepis typhura DRACAENACEAE Sansevieria aethiopica AMARYLLIDACEAE Scadoxus puniceus POACEAE Schizachyrium jeffreysii POACEAE Schizachyrium sanguineum HYACINTHACEAE Schizocarphus nervosus CYPERACEAE Schoenoplectus corymbosus CYPERACEAE Schoenoplectus muricinux ANACARDIACEAE Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra SALICACEAE Scolopia zeyheri ANACARDIACEAE Searsia magalismontana subsp. magalismontana ANACARDIACEAE Searsia pentheri POLYGALACEAE Securidaca longepedunculata var. longepedunculata SELAGINELLACEAE Selaginella dregei ASTERACEAE Senecio apiifolius ASTERACEAE Senecio barbertonicus PEDALIACEAE Sesamum alatum POACEAE Setaria incrassata POACEAE Setaria lindenbergiana POACEAE Setaria nigrirostris POACEAE Setaria pumila POACEAE Setaria sp. POACEAE Setaria sphacelata var. sphacelata POACEAE Setaria sphacelata var. torta MALVACEAE Sida alba MALVACEAE Sida chrysantha MALVACEAE Sida rhombifolia subsp. rhombifolia SOLANACEAE Solanum panduriforme POACEAE Sorghastrum friesii FABACEAE Sphenostylis angustifolia POACEAE Sporobolus conrathii POACEAE Sporobolus fimbriatus POACEAE Sporobolus ioclados POACEAE Sporobolus nitens POACEAE Sporobolus pyramidalis LAMIACEAE Stachys natalensis var. natalensis LAMIACEAE Stachys spathulata POACEAE Stipagrostis uniplumis var. uniplumis ASTERACEAE Stoebe vulgaris STRYCHNACEAE Strychnos sp. ASTERACEAE Tarchonanthus camphoratus FABACEAE Tephrosia acaciifolia FABACEAE Tephrosia linearis FABACEAE Tephrosia longipes subsp. longipes var. longipes FABACEAE Tephrosia radicans COMBRETACEAE Terminalia brachystemma subsp. brachystemma COMBRETACEAE Terminalia sericea POACEAE Themeda triandra ACANTHACEAE Thunbergia atriplicifolia ASPHODELACEAE Trachyandra saltii var. saltii

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POACEAE Trachypogon spicatus BRUCHIACEAE Trematodon intermedius ZYGOPHYLLACEAE Tribulus terrestris POACEAE Tricholaena monachne POACEAE Trichoneura grandiglumis TURNERACEAE Tricliceras longepedunculatum var. longepedunculatum POACEAE Tristachya biseriata CUCURBITACEAE Trochomeria debilis POACEAE Urochloa brachyura POACEAE Urochloa mosambicensis RUBIACEAE Vangueria infausta subsp. infausta ASTERACEAE Vernonia sp. ASTERACEAE Vernonia staehelinoides VISCACEAE Viscum combreticola VISCACEAE Viscum rotundifolium POTTIACEAE Weissia latiuscula PARMELIACEAE Xanthoparmelia infausta PARMELIACEAE Xanthoparmelia mougeotii PARMELIACEAE Xanthoparmelia tinctina CONVOLVULACEAE Xenostegia tridentata subsp. angustifolia VELLOZIACEAE Xerophyta humilis OLACACEAE Ximenia caffra var. caffra RUTACEAE Zanthoxylum capense RHAMNACEAE Ziziphus mucronata subsp. mucronata

APPENDIX 4: APPENDIX VI: LIST OF FAUNA WITH DISTRIBUTION RANGES COVERING QDS 2428BD * - indicates bird species observed on site which were not recorded in the SABAP1 list for QDS 2428BD NYLSVLEY NATURE CONFIRMED CLASS SPECIES COMMON NAME RESERVE ON SITE Amphibia Amietia angolensis Common river frog √ √

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NYLSVLEY NATURE CONFIRMED CLASS SPECIES COMMON NAME RESERVE ON SITE Amietophrynus garmani Eastern olive toad √ Amietophrynus gutturalis Guttural Toad √ Amietophrynus maculatus Flat-backed toad √ Amietophrynus poweri Western olive toad Amietophrynus rangeri Raucous toad Breviceps adspersus Bushveld rain frog √ Cacosternum boettgeri Boettger's Caco √ Chiromantis xerampelina Southern foam nest frog √ Hyperolius marmoratus taeniatus Painted Reed Frog Kassina senegalensis Bubbling kassina √ Phrynobatrachus natalensis Snoring puddle frog √ Phrynomantis bifasciatus Banded rubber frog √ Poyntonophrynus fenoulheti Northern Pygmy toad Ptychadena anchietae Plain grass frog √ Ptychadena mossambica Broad-banded grass frog √ Ptychadena oxyrhynchus Sharp-nosed grass frog Pyxicephalus adspersus Giant bullfrog √ Pyxicephalus edulis African bullfrog Schismaderma carens Red toad √ Strongylopus fasciatus Striped stream frog √ Strongylopus grayii Clicking stream frog Tomopterna cryptotis Tremolo sand frog √ Tomopterna krugerensis Knocking sand frog Tomopterna marmorata Russet-backed sand frog Tomopterna natalensis Natal sand frog √ Tomopterna tandyi Tandy's sand frog Xenopus laevis Common platanna √ Aves Accipiter badius Shikra (Little Banded Goshawk) √ Accipiter ovampensis Ovambo Sparrowhawk √ Acrocephalus arundinaceus* Great Reed-Warbler √ Acrocephalus gracilirostris Lesser Swamp- (Cape Reed) Warbler √ √ Actitis hypoleucos Common Sandpiper √ Actophilornis africanus African Jacana √ √ Alcedo cristata Malachite Kingfisher √ √ Alopochen aegyptiaca Egyptian Goose √ √ Amadina erythrocephala Red-headed Finch √ Amadina fasciata Cut-throat Finch √ Amaurornis flavirostris Black Crake √ √ Anas erythrorhyncha Red-billed Teal (Duck) √ Anas sparsa African Black Duck √ Anas undulata Yellow-billed Duck √ Anhinga rufa African Darter √ √ Anthoscopus caroli Grey (African) Penduline-Tit √ Anthus caffer Bushveld Pipit √ Anthus cinnamomeus African (Grassveld/Grassland) Pipit √ Anthus leucophrys Plain-backed Pipit √ Anthus similis Long-billed Pipit Anthus vaalensis Buffy Pipit √ Apalis thoracica* Barthroated Apalis √

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NYLSVLEY NATURE CONFIRMED CLASS SPECIES COMMON NAME RESERVE ON SITE Apus affinis Little Swift √ Apus barbatus African Black (Black) Swift √ Apus caffer White-rumped Swift √ Apus horus Horus Swift √ Aquila spilogaster African Hawk Eagle √ Aquila verreauxii Verreaux's (Black) Eagle √ Aquila wahlbergi Wahlberg's Eagle √ Ardea cinerea Grey Heron √ Ardea melanocephala Black-headed Heron √ √ Ardea purpurea* Purple Heron √ Asio capensis* Marsh Owl √ Batis molitor Chinspot Batis √ √ Bostrychia hagedash Hadeda Ibis √ Bradornis mariquensis Marico Flycatcher √ Bradornis pallidus Pale (Mouse-coloured/Pallid) Flycatcher √ Bradypterus baboecala Little Rush- (African Sedge) Warbler √ √ Bubo africanus Spotted Eagle-Owl √ Bubulcus ibis Cattle Egret √ √ Buphagus erythrorhynchus Red-billed Oxpecker √ Burhinus capensis Spotted Thick-knee (Dikkop) √ Buteo rufofuscus Jackal Buzzard √ Buteo vulpinus Steppe (Common) Buzzard √ Butorides striata Green-backed (Striated) Heron √ Calamonastes stierlingi Barred Wren-Warbler √ Calendulauda africanoides Fawn-coloured Lark √ Calendulauda sabota Sabota Lark Calidris minuta* Little Stint √ Callandrella cinerea Red-capped Lark √ Camaroptera brachyura Bleating Warbler (pre-split) √ Campethera abingoni Golden-tailed Woodpecker √ √ Caprimulgus europaeus European Nightjar √ Caprimulgus pectoralis Fiery-necked Nightjar √ Caprimulgus rufigena Rufous-cheeked Nightjar √ Caprimulgus tristigma Freckled Nightjar Centropus burchellii Burchell's Coucal (pre-split) √ √ Cercomela familiaris Familiar Chat √ Cercotrichas leucophrys White-browed (Red-backed) Scrub-Robin √ √ Ceryle rudis Pied Kingfisher √ √ Chalcomitra amethystina Amethyst (Black) Sunbird √ Charadrius pecuarius Kittlitz's Plover √ Charadrius tricollaris Three-banded Plover √ √ Chlidonias leucopterus White-winged Tern √ Chrysococcyx caprius Dideric (Diederik) Cuckoo √ √ Chrysococcyx klaas Klaas's Cuckoo √ Ciconia abdimii Abdim's Stork √ Violet-backed (Plum-coloured, Amethyst) Cinnyricinclus leucogaster Starling √ Circaetus cinereus Brown Snake-Eagle √ Circaetus pectoralis Black-chested (Breasted) Snake-Eagle √ √ Cisticola aberrans Lazy Cisticola √ Cisticola aridulus Desert Cisticola √ √

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NYLSVLEY NATURE CONFIRMED CLASS SPECIES COMMON NAME RESERVE ON SITE Cisticola ayresii Wing-snapping (Ayre's) Cisticola Cisticola chiniana Rattling Cisticola √ √ Cisticola fulvicapilla Neddicky (Piping Cisticola) √ Cisticola juncidis Zitting (Fan-tailed) Cisticola √ Cisticola tinniens Le Vaillant's (Tinkling) Cisticola √ Clamator jacobinus Jacobin (Pied) Cuckoo √ Clamator levaillantii* Levaillant's Cuckoo √ Colius striatus Speckled Mousebird √ Columba guinea Speckled (Rock) Pigeon √ Coracias garrulus Lilac-breasted Roller √ Coracias naevius Purple (Rufous-crowned) Roller √ Coracina flava Black Cuckooshrike √ Corvinella melanoleuca Magpie (Long-tailed) Shrike √ √ Corvus albus Pied Crow √ Corythaixoides concolor Grey Go-away-bird (Lourie) √ √ Cossypha caffra Cape Robin-Chat √ Cossypha humeralis White-throated Robin-Chat √ Coturnix coturnix Common Quail √ Creatophora cinerea Wattled Starling √ Crithagra atrogularis Black-throated Canary √ Crithagra gularis Streaky-headed Seedeater (Canary) √ Crithagra mozambicus Yellow-fronted (eyed) Canary √ √ Cuculus clamosus Black Cuckoo √ √ Cuculus gularis African Cuckoo √ Cuculus solitarius Red-chested Cuckoo √ √ Cursorius temminckii Temminck's Courser √ Cynnyris mariquensis Marico Sunbird √ √ Cynnyris talatala White-bellied (breasted) Sunbird √ Cypsiurus parvus African Palm-Swift √ Delichon urbicum Common House-Martin √ Dendrocygna viduata White-faced (Whistling-) Duck √ √ Dendroperdix sephaena Crested Francolin √ √ Dendropspicos namaquus Bearded Woodpecker √ Dendrospicos fuscescens Cardinal Woodpecker √ Dicrurus adsimilis Fork-tailed Drongo √ √ Dryoscopus cubla Black-backed (Southern) Puffback √ Egretta alba Great Egret √ Egretta garzetta Little Egret √ Elanus caeruleus Black-shouldered (Winged) Kite √ √ Emberiza capensis Cape Bunting Emberiza flaviventris Golden-breasted Bunting √ Emberiza tahapisi Cinnamon-breasted (Rock) Bunting √ √ Eremomela scotops Green-capped Eremomela Eremomela usticollis Burnt-necked Eremomela √ Eremopterix leucotis Chestnut-backed Sparrowlark (Finchlark) √ Estrilda astrild Common Waxbill √ √ Estrilda erythronotos* Black-faced Waxbill √ Euplectes afer Yellow-crowned (Golden) Bishop √ √ Euplectes albonotatus White-winged Widowbird √ √ Euplectes ardens Red-collared Widowbird √ Euplectes orix Southern Red (Red) Bishop √ √

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NYLSVLEY NATURE CONFIRMED CLASS SPECIES COMMON NAME RESERVE ON SITE Euplectes progne Long-tailed Widowbird √ Eurocephalus anguitimens Southern White-crowned Shrike √ Falco amurensis* Amur Falcon √ Falco biarmicus* Lanner Falcon √ Falco rupicolus Rock Kestrel √ √ Falco subbuteo Eurasian Hobby √ Fulica cristata Red-knobbed Coot √ √ Gallinago nigripenis* African Snipe √ Gallinula chloropus Common Moorhen √ √ Glaucidium perlatum Pearl-spotted Owlet (Owl) √ Granatina granatina Violet-eared Waxbill √ √ Gyps coprotheres* Cape Vulture √ Halcyon albiventris Brown-hooded Kingfisher √ √ Halcyon chelicuti Striped Kingfisher √ Halcyon senegalensis Woodland Kingfisher √ Haliaeetus vocifer African Fish-Eagle √ Himantopus himantopus Black-winged Stilt √ Hippolais icterina Icterine Warbler √ Hirundo abyssinica Lesser Striped-Swallow √ √ Hirundo albigularis White-throated Swallow √ √ Hirundo cucullata Greater Striped-Swallow √ Hirundo dimidiata Pearl-breasted Swallow √ Hirundo fuligula Rock Martin √ Hirundo rustica Barn (European) Swallow √ √ Hirundo semirufa Red-breasted (Rufous-chested) Swallow √ √ Indicator indicator Greater Honeyguide √ Indicator minor Lesser Honeyguide √ Ixobrychus minutus* Little Bittern √ Kaupifalco monogrammicus Buzzard √ Lagonosticta rhodopareia Jameson's Firefinch √ Lagonosticta rubricata African (Blue-billed) Firefinch √ Lagonosticta senegala Red-billed Firefinch √ Lamprotornis nitens Cape Glossy (Glossy) Starling √ √ Laniarius atrococcineus Crimson-breasted Shrike √ √ Laniarius ferrugineus Southern Boubou √ √ Lanius collaris Common Fiscal √ Lanius collurio Red-backed Shrike √ √ Lanius minor Lesser Grey Shrike √ Larus cirrocephalus Grey-headed Gull √ Lybius torquatus Black-collared Barbet √ √ Macronyx capensis Cape (Orange-throated) Longclaw √ √ Malaconotus blanchoti Grey-headed Bush-Shrike √ Megaceryle maximus Giant Kingfisher √ Melaenornis pammelaina Southern Black-Flycatcher √ Melierax gabar Gabar Goshawk √ Merops apiaster European Bee-eater √ √ Merops bullockoides White-fronted Bee-eater √ Merops pusillus Little Bee-eater √ Milvus migrans parasitus Yellow-billed Kite Mirafra africana Rufous-naped Lark √ Mirafra cinnamomea Flappet Lark √

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NYLSVLEY NATURE CONFIRMED CLASS SPECIES COMMON NAME RESERVE ON SITE Mirafra passerina Monotonous Lark Motacilla aquimp African Pied Wagtail √ √ Motacilla capensis Cape Wagtail √ Motacilla flava Yellow Wagtail √ Muscicapa striata Spotted Flycatcher √ √ Myioparus plumbeus Grey Tit-Flycatcher √ Myrmecocichla formicivora Ant-eating Chat √ Netta erythrophthalma Southern Pochard √ Nilaus afer Brubru √ Numida meleagris Helmeted Guineafowl √ √ Oena capensis Namaqua Dove √ √ Oenanthe monticola Mountain Chat (Wheatear) Oenanthe pileata Capped Wheatear Onychognathus morio Red-winged Starling √ Oriolus larvatus Black-headed (Eastern) Oriole √ √ Ortygospiza atricollis African Quailfinch √ √ Pandion haliaetus Osprey Parisoma subcaeruleum Chestnut-vented Tit-Babbler √ √ Parus niger Southern Black Tit √ Passer diffusus Greyheaded Sparrow (pre-split) √ √ Passer domesticus House Sparrow √ Passer melanurus Cape Sparrow √ Peliperdix coqui Coqui Francolin √ Petronia superciliaris Yellow-throated Petronia (Sparrow) √ Phalacrocorax africanus Reed (Long-tailed) Cormorant √ √ Phalacrocorax lucidus White-breasted (Great) Cormorant √ √ Phoeniculus purpureus Green (Red-billed) Wood-hoopoe √ Phyllastrephus terrestris Terrestrial Brownbul (Bulbul) Phylloscopus trochilus Willow Warbler √ Plectropterus gambensis Spur-winged Goose √ √ Plocepasser mahali White-browed Sparrow-Weaver √ √ Ploceus capensis Cape Weaver Ploceus cucullatus Village (Spotted-backed) Weaver √ Ploceus velatus Southern Masked-Weaver √ √ Podiceps cristatus Great Crested Grebe √ Pogoniulus chrysoconus Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird (Tinker Barbet) √ √ Polemaetus bellicosus Martial Eagle √ Polyboroides typus African Harrier-Hawk (Gymnogene) √ Prinia flavicans Black-chested Prinia √ Prinia subflava Tawny-flanked Prinia √ √ Prionops plumatus White-crested Helmet-Shrike √ √ Pternistis natalensis Natal Spurfowl (Francolin) √ √ Pternistis swainsonii Swainson's Spurfowl (Francolin) √ √ Pycnonotus tricolor Dark-capped (Black-eyed) Bulbul √ √ Pytilia melba Green-winged (Melba) Pytilia (Finch) √ √ Quelea quelea Red-billed Quelea √ √ Rhinopomastus cyanomelas Common Scimitarbill √ Riparia cincta Banded Martin √ √ Riparia paludicola Brown-throated (Plain) Martin √ Riparia riparia Sand Martin (Bank Swallow) √ Sagittarius serpentarius Secretarybird √

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NYLSVLEY NATURE CONFIRMED CLASS SPECIES COMMON NAME RESERVE ON SITE Sarkidiornis melanotos* Comb Duck √ Saxicola torquatus African (Common) Stonechat √ Scleroptila shelleyi Shelley's Francolin √ Scopus umbretta Hamerkop √ Sigelus silens Fiscal Flycatcher √ Spermestes cucullatus Bronze Mannikin √ √ Sphenoeacus afer Cape Grassbird Sporaeginthus subflavus Orange-breasted (Zebra) Waxbill √ Sporopipes squamifrons Scaly-feathered Finch √ √ Streptopelia capicola Cape Turtle (Ring-necked) Dove √ √ Streptopelia semitorquata Red-eyed Dove √ √ Streptopelia senegalensis Laughing (Palm) Dove √ √ Sylvietta rufescens Long-billed (Cape) Crombec √ √ Tachybaptus ruficollis Little Grebe (Dabchick) √ Tachymarptis melba Alpine Swift √ Tadorna cana South African Shelduck √ Tchagra australis Brown-crowned (headed) Tchagra √ √ Tchagra senegalus Black-crowned Tchagra √ Telephorus sulfureopectus Orange-breasted Bush-Shrike √ √ Thamnolaea cinnamomeiventris Mocking Cliff-Chat Threskiornis aethiopicus African Sacred (Sacred) Ibis √ Tockus leucomelas Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill √ Tockus nasutus African Grey Hornbill √ √ Trachyphonus vailantii Crested Barbet √ √ Trepsiphone viridis African Paradise-Flycatcher √ √ Treron calvus African Green-Pigeon √ Tricholaema leucomelas Acacia Pied (Pied) Barbet √ √ Tringa glareola Wood Sandpiper √ Tringa nebularia Common Greenshank √ Tringa stagnatilis Marsh Sandpiper √ Turdoides jardineii Arrow-marked Babbler √ √ Turdus libonyanus Kurrichane Thrush √ Turnix sylvaticus Kurrichane (Small) Buttonquail √ √ Turtur chalcospilos Emerald-spotted Wood-Dove √ √ Tyto alba Barn Owl √ Upupu africana African Hoopoe √ √ Uraeginthus angolensis Blue Waxbill √ √ Urocolius indicus Red-faced Mousebird √ Vanellus armatus Blacksmith Lapwing (Plover) √ √ Vanellus coronatus Crowned Lapwing (Plover) √ √ Vanellus senegallus African Wattled Lapwing (Plover) √ √ Vidua macroura Pin-tailed Whydah √ √ Vidua paradisaea Long-tailed (Paradise) Paradise-Whydah √ √ Vidua regia* Shaft-tailed Whydah √ Zosterops virens Cape White-eye (pre-split) √ Mammalia Acomys spinosissimus Spiny mouse Aepyceros melampus Impala √ Aethomys ineptus Tete veld rat Aonyx capensis Cape clawless otter √ √

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NYLSVLEY NATURE CONFIRMED CLASS SPECIES COMMON NAME RESERVE ON SITE Atelerix frontalis South African hedgehog √ Atilax paludinosus Water/Marsh mongoose √ Canis mesomelas Black-backed jackal √ √ Caracal caracal Caracal √ √ Cercopithecus aethiops Vervet monkey √ Civettictus civetta African civet Cloeotis percivali Short-eared trident bat Cricetomys gambianus Giant rat Crocidura cyanea Reddish-grey musk shrew √ Crocidura fuscomurina Tiny musk shrew √ Crocidura hirta Lesser red musk shrew √ Crocidura mariquensis Swamp musk shrew √ Crocidura silacea Lesser grey-brown musk shrew Cryptomys hottentotus Common mole-rat √ √ Cynictis penicillata Yellow mongoose √ Dasymys incomtus Water rat √ Dendromus melanotis Grey climbing mouse √ Dendromus mystacalis Chestnut climbing mouse √ Eidolon helvum Straw-coloured fruit bat Elephantulus myurus Rock elephant-shrew Epomophorus wahlbergi Wahlberg's epauletted fruit bat √ Equus quagga Plains zebra √ √ Felis silvestris African wild cat √ Galago moholi Lesser bushbaby √ √ Galerella sanguinea Slender mongoose √ Genetta genetta Small-spotted genet √ Genetta tigrina Large-spotted genet √ Gerbillurus paeba Hairy-footed gerbil Giraffa camelopardalis Giraffe √ √ Graphiurua platyops Rock dormouse Graphiurus murinus Woodland dormouse √ Helogale parvula Dwarf mongoose Hipposideros caffer Sundevall's leaf-nosed bat Hystrix africaeaustralis Porcupine √ √ Ichneumia albicauda White-tailed mongoose √ Kobus ellipsiprymnus Waterbuck √ √ Lemniscomys rosalia Single-striped mouse √ Leptailurus serval Serval √ √ Lepus saxatillus Scub hare/Savannah hare √ √ Lutra maculicollis Spotted-necked otter Manis temminckii Pangolin Mastomys coucha Multimammate mouse Mastomys natalensis Natal multimammate mouse √ Mellivora capensis Honey badger (Ratel) √ Micaelamys namaquensis Namaqua rock mouse √ Miniopterus schreibersii Schreibers' long-fingered bat Mungos mungo Banded mongoose √ Mus indutus Desert pygmy mouse √ Myotis tricolor Temminck's hairy bat Myotis welwitschii Welwitsch's hairy bat Neamblysomus julianae Juliana's golden mole √

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NYLSVLEY NATURE CONFIRMED CLASS SPECIES COMMON NAME RESERVE ON SITE Neoromicia capensis Cape serotine bat √ Neoromicia nanus Banana bat Neoromicia zuluensis Aloe bat Nycteris thebaica Egyptian slit-faced bat √ Oreotragus oreotragus Klipspringer Orycteropus afer Aardvark √ √ Otomys angoniensis Angoni vlei rat √ Panthera pardus Leopard √ Papio ursinus Chacma baboon √ Parahyaena brunnea Brown hyaena √ Paraxerus cepapi Tree squirrel √ √ Pedetes capensis Springhare √ Phacochoerusaethiopicus Warthog √ √ Pipistrellus rusticus Rusty bat √ Poecilogale albinucha Striped weasel Potamochoerus porcus Bushpig √ Procavia capensis Rock dassie Pronolagus randensis Jameson's red rock rabbit √ Proteles cristatus Aardwolf Raphicerus campestris Steenbok √ √ Redunca arundinum Southern reedbuck √ Redunca fulvorufula Mountain reedbuck Rhabdomys pumilio Striped mouse √ Rhinolophus blasii Peak-saddle horseshoe bat Rhinolophus clivosus Geoffrey's horseshoe bat √ Rhinolophus darlingi Darling's horseshoe bat √ Rhinolophus simulator Bushveld horseshoe bat Saccostomus campestris Pouched mouse √ Sauromys petrophilus Flat-headed free-tailed bat Scotophilus dinganii Yellow house bat √ Steatomys pratensis Fat mouse √ Suncus lixus Greater dwarf shrew √ Suncus varilla Lesser dwarf shrew Sylvicapra grimmia Common duiker √ √ Tadarida aegyptiaca Egyptian free-tailed bat Taphozous mauritianus Tomb bat √ Tatera bransii Highveld gerbil √ Tatera leucogaster Bushveld gerbil √ Thallomys nigricauda Black-tailed tree mouse Thallomys paedulcus Tree mouse Thryonomys swinderianus Greater cane rat √ Tragelaphus oryx Eland √ Tragelaphus scriptus Bushbuck √ √ Tragelaphus strepsiceros Greater kudu √ √ Vulpes chama Cape fox Xerus inauris South African Ground Squirrel Reptilia Acanthocercus atricollis Southern tree agama √ Acontias percivali Percival's legless skink Agama aculeata Ground agama √

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NYLSVLEY NATURE CONFIRMED CLASS SPECIES COMMON NAME RESERVE ON SITE Amblyodipsas polylepsis Common purple-glossed snake √ Aparallactus capensis Black-headed centipede-eater √ Aspidelaps scutatus Shield cobra Atractaspis bibronii Southern stiletto snake √ Bitis arietans Puff adder √ Causus rhombeatus Rhombic night adder Chamaeleo dilepis Flap-neck chameleon √ Cordylus tropidosternum Tropical girdled lizard Cordylus vittifer Transvaal girdled lizard Crotaphopeltis hotamboeia Herald snake √ Dasypeltis scabra Rhombic egg-eater √ Dendroaspis polylepis Black mamba √ Dispholidus typus Boomslang √ Duberria lutrix Common slug-eater Elapsoidea sundevallii Sundevall's garter snake Geochelone pardalis Leopard tortoise √ flavigularis Yellow-throated plated lizard √ Gerrhosaurus validus Giant plated lizard √ Hemachatus haemachatus Rinkhals Homopholis wahlbergii Wahlberg's velvet gecko Ichnotropis capensis Cape rough-scaled lizard √ Ichnotropis squamulosa Common rough-scaled lizard √ Kinixys belliana Bell's hinged tortoise Lamprophis aurora Aurora house snake Lamprophis fuliginosus Brown house snake √ Lamprophis inornatus Olive house snake Leptotyphlops distanti Distant's worm snake √ Leptotyphlops nigricans Cape worm snake Leptotyphlops scutifrons Peter's worm snake Lycodonomorphus rufulus Common water snake Lycophidion capense Common wolf snake √ Lygodactylus capensis Cape dwarf gecko √ Lygodactylus ocellatus Spotted dwarf gecko Mehelya capensis Southern file snake √ Mehelya nyassae Black file snake √ Monopeltis capensis Cape spade-snouted worm lizard Naja haje Egyptian cobra Naja mossambica Mozambique spitting cobra √ Nucras intertexta Spotted sandveld lizard √ Nucras taeniolata Striped sandveld lizard Pachydactylus bibronii Bibron's gecko Pachydactylus capensis Cape gecko √ Panaspis wahlbergii Wahlberg's snake-eyed skink √ Pedioplanis lineoocellata Spotted sand lizard √ Pelomedusa subrufa Marsh Terrapin √ Pelusios sinuatus Serrated hinged terrapin Philothamnus hoplogaster Green water snake √ Philothamnus natalensis Natal green snake Philothamnus semivariegatus Spotted bush snake √ Prosymna bivittata Two-striped shovel-snout √ Prosymna sundevallii Sundevall's shovel-snout

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NYLSVLEY NATURE CONFIRMED CLASS SPECIES COMMON NAME RESERVE ON SITE Psammophis angolensis Dwarf whip snake Psammophis leightoni Cape whip snake Psammophis phillipsii Olive grass snake Psammophis sibilans Short-snouted grass snake Psammophylax rhombeatus Spotted skaapsteker Psammophylax tritaeniatus Striped skaapsteker √ Pseudaspis cana Mole snake √ Python natalensis Southern African python √ √ Rhinotyphlops lalandei Delalande's beaked blind snake √ Rhinotyphlops schlegelii Schlegel's beaked blind snake Telescopus semiannulatus Common tiger snake √ Thelotornis capensis Southern vine snake √ Trachylepis capensis Cape skink √ Trachylepis striata Eastern striped skink Trachylepis varia Variable skink √ Typhlops bibronii Bibron's blind snake Varanus albigularis Rock monitor √ Varanus niloticus Water monitor √


To be proposed as a Ramsar site the floodplain needed to comply with at least one of 11 listed criteria of the Ramsar Convention. Nylsvley Nature Reserve qualified to be listed because it complies with eight of the criteria, as follows: 1a, 1d, 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 3b, 3c: (The following information is derived from the Nylsvley Nature Reserve Ramsar Site Information Sheet ( nylsvley_ris.htm , accessed 2 June 2010).)

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Criteria 1(a): It is a particularly good representative example of a natural or near-natural wetland, characteristic of the appropriate biogeographical region.

Motivation: Nylsvley Nature Reserve forms part of the largest floodplain vlei in South Africa. It is well known for its exceptional avifaunal diversity. 102 Waterfowl species have been recorded on this floodplain. The endangered Roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus) occur on this reserve.

The floodplain acts as a sink and is not flushed by floods as other hydrological systems are. On the other hand the floodplain (specifically permanently wet areas) is able to absorb and neutralize a certain level of pollution without adverse effects.

Criteria 1(d): It is an example of a specific type of wetland, rare or unusual in the appropriate biogeographical region.

Motivation: Nylsvley Nature Reserve forms part of the largest floodplain vlei in South Africa.

Criteria 2(a): It supports an appreciable assemblage of rare, vulnerable or endangered species or subspecies of plant or animal, or an appreciable number of individuals of any one or more of these species,

Motivation: Within the reserve eight South African Red Data listed waterfowl species have been recorded breeding. They are: Rufousbellied Heron (Butroides rufiventris), Little Bittern (Ixobrychus minutus), Dwarf Bittern (Ixobychus sturmii), Bittern (Botaurus stellaris), Pygmy Goose (Nettapus auritus), Baillon's Crake (Porzana pusilla), Striped Crake (Aenigmatolimnas marginalis) and Black Stork (Ciconia nigra). In addition, this is the only site in South Africa where Rufousbellied Heron has been known to breed. The Striped Crake has not been recorded anywhere in the country besides on Nylsvley Nature Reserve (At the time of compilation of the Information Sheet this was correct – however, the Striped Crake has subsequently also been recorded in the Kgomo-Kgomo floodplain).

Breeding of endangered Roan antelope which use the floodplain extensively is another of the conservation priorities for the reserve.

Criteria 2(b): It is of special value for maintaining the genetic and ecological diversity of a region because of the quality and peculiarities of its fauna and flora,

Motivation: Of particular interest are the stands of wild rice, Oryza longistaminata. The reserve and parts of the floodplain are the only recorded localities for this plant species in South Africa.

Breeding of endangered Roan antelope which use the floodplain extensively is another of the conservation priorities for the reserve.

Criteria 2(c): It is of special value as the habitat of plants or animals at a critical stage of their biological cycles (especially breeding conditions for waterfowl)

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Motivation: During good rain seasons the floodplain becomes a hype of activity, the best estimate for water bird numbers on the floodplain in wet years is approximately 80 000. The floodplain also plays an important role for frogs which breed in their thousand after good rains. An influx of fish after a flood is often seen. It is estimated that 300 to 600 ton fish breeds on the floodplain, depending on the extent of the flood.

Criteria 2(d): It is of special value for its endemic plant or animal species or communities.

Motivation: Within the floodplain as a whole there is at least one rare and endemic (to old Transvaal) plant, Ceropegia stentiae (Asclepiadaceae)

Criteria 3(b): It regularly supports substantial numbers of individuals from particular groups of waterfowl, indicative of wetland values, productivity or diversity,

Motivation: During a good rain seasons the floodplain becomes a hype of activity, the best estimate for water bird numbers on the floodplain in wet years is approximately 80 000. This is the sum for the whole floodplains and was calculated as follows: 43 000 bitterns, crakes and rails, 12 000 egrets and herons (17 species), 19 000 ducks (17 species) plus the numbers of other groups such as cormorants, darters, spoonbills and storks.

Criteria 3(c): It regularly supports 1% of the individuals in a population of one species or subspecies of waterfowl.

Motivation: This is the only site in South Africa where Rufousbellied Heron has been known to breed. The floodplain also supports more than 1% of the populations of Great white egrets, Squacco herons, Blackheaded Heron and Black crowned night heron in South Africa.


Taxa Site 1 Site 2 Achnanthidium minutissimum F.T. Kützing 310 244 ANOMOEONEIS E. Pfitzer 1871 0 2 Brachysira neoexilis Lange-Bertalot 0 12 COCCONEIS C.G. Ehrenberg 0 4 Diadesmis confervacea Kützing var. confervacea 0 6 Eunotia bilunaris (Ehr.) Mills var. bilunaris 3 4 Eunotia didyma Grunow var. claviculata Hustedt 1 2 Eunotia flexuosa(Brebisson)Kützing 0 20

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Encyonema mesianum (Cholnoky) D.G. Mann 0 6 Encyonema minutum (Hilse in Rabh.) D.G. Mann 1 22 Eolimna minima(Grunow) Lange-Bertalot 0 10 Eunotia pectinalis(Kütz.)Rabenhorst var.undulata (Ralfs) Rabenhorst 6 2 Eunotia rhomboidea Hustedt 0 2 Encyonopsis subminuta Krammer & Reichardt 1 6 EUNOTIA C.G. Ehrenberg 15 22 Fragilaria biceps (Kützing) Lange-Bertalot 5 22 Fragilaria capucina Desmazieres var.capucina 0 2 FRAGILARIA H.C. Lyngbye 4 2 Fragilaria tenera (W.Smith) Lange-Bertalot 11 26 Gomphonema acuminatum Ehrenberg 0 6 Gomphonema exilissimum(Grun.) Lange-Bertalot & Reichardt 1 2 Gomphonema gracile Ehrenberg 0 6 GOMPHONEMA C.G. Ehrenberg 3 18 Gomphonema parvulum (Kützing) Kützing var. parvulum f. parvulum 3 26 Gomphonema parvulius Lange-Bertalot & Reichardt 0 12 Lemnicola hungarica (Grunow) Round & Basson 0 18 Mayamaea atomus (Kützing) Lange-Bertalot 0 2 Mayamaea atomus var. permitis (Hustedt) Lange-Bertalot abnormal form 0 2 Nitzschia acidoclinata Lange-Bertalot 8 90 Nitzschia acicularis(Kützing) W.M.Smith 1 2 NAVICULA J.B.M. Bory de St. Vincent 3 10 Nitzschia clausii Hantzsch 0 2 Navicula cryptocephala Kützing 0 14 Navicula cryptotenella Lange-Bertalot 0 2 Nitzschia dissipata(Kützing)Grunow var.dissipata 0 2 Nitzschia archibaldii Lange-Bertalot 1 10 Nitzschia gracilis Hantzsch 0 16 NITZSCHIA A.H. Hassall 18 38 Navicula microcari Lange-Bertalot 0 4 Nitzschia paleacea (Grunow) Grunow in van Heurck 5 2 Nitzschia palea (Kützing) W.Smith 0 18 Navicula zanoni Hustedt 0 46 Pinnularia subcapitata Gregory var. subcapitata 0 16 Sellaphora seminulum (Grunow) D.G. Mann 0 20

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