A PUBLICATION OF THE KANSAS CITY REGION SPORTS CAR CLUB OF AMERICA JANUARY 2009 KC Region 2008 Officers WESTPORT FLEA MARKET Gini Ragan, RE 913-422-5778 WELCOMES Charlie Williams, Asst. RE 913-161-6300 (w) KANSAS CITY REGION, SCCA Donna Hill, Secretary Picture taken by Gini Ragan with Donna Hills’ camera. 816-914-4135 (c) Norma Williams, Treasurer 913-262-6300 (w) Dale Smith, Past RE 913-669-8315 2008 Directors Bill Correll, 816-836-8444 Jake Diehl, 816-405-7972 (c) Mike Hill, 816-779-4562 (h) Scott Peterson, 913-221-4105 (c) Steve Roberts, 913-829-8828 Joe Tasler, 816-584-0038 Race Group Chairman Charlie Clark—816-257-7305 (w) Solo Group Chairman Bill Correll, 816-836-8444 Other KC Region Contacts Webmaster Jeff Kopp, 913-669-5988
[email protected] Checkpoint Editor Gini Ragan, 913-422-5778
[email protected] Business Ads and News Reporter Norma Williams, 913-262-6300 The Westport Flea Market, the new meeting place of the Kansas City Region
[email protected] Club Historian has made us feel welcome with signs and service. We meet in a private dining Sharlene Smith room with waitress service. Some credit cards are accepted for payment as 816-353-8922 (h) or 816-353-5770 (w) well as cash. The sign pictured above has hung in the meeting room at each Asst. Historian meeting and other signs direct you from the main dining room. Tom Rowe 913-645-8230 KCR Representatives to KVRG Alex Clark, 913-558-0176 We hope you will join us for the General Membership meetings held on the first Gini Ragan, 913-909-7097 (c) Tuesday of each month at 8:00 pm.