
THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 1913. 43 MANY ANSWER TO SAN MATEO ORGANIZES SPLENDID BAND FOR 1915 EXPOSITION. TARIFF FIGHT IS CALL OF VACATION NEAR TO CRISIS Streams of Summer Travel Senate Committee Will Give Bound for Springs, Shore Underwood Bill Severe and Mountain Test Before Caucus j Cuts Sched- Exodus From City to Re- Threatened in sorts and Country Is ules Indicate Struggle in Fairly Under Way Party Conference ' WASHINGTON, June 7.?B***for*» tns With fairly with us, the I'i the.summer tariffbill gets to the. senate streams /of travel to mountain and democratic?: caucus, where it be submitted to seashore may already be fully dis- .will the. most severe test It must meet be- cerned. \u25a0;-'\u25a0;"\u25a0?"''\u25a0 ;/:?.';> ,-; fore passage? it will have a?prelim< A familiar sight at the ticket offices its ; mary tryout .before the _senate finance is. father, with his fishing rod and the grips, medley committee that promises to be almost mother with' her of bun- equally? rigid.' '"."\u25a0, dles and (in many cases) big and little y Although v the subcommittees * have brother or sister tagging along with j been at .work' on -various schedules .'a; are to finish their baby to make up the family group, ; all month? and about work, said tonight that there their to school, it? was with- backs turned of- would \u25a0'". be opposition'\u25a0* byy democrats on f fice and workshop. " Diieclor Alois and his band of 40 pieces, organized under the auspices \u25a0of San Mateo merchants ,for the purpose of giving free 'open air concerts to ; the city's residents. In the finance committee to many changes. divived up, - Winkler ~ {is?a prospect that -some lof the And this .exodus is well - this band, which -already has earned an enviable standing as a musical organization, will, represent the peninsula at the exposition. { The band plays every Sunday: afternoon in an There '. ; 1915 committee recommendations may not bound for Shasta, the Sierra, the south : \u25a0 ; I : ? y open y ~yx y"-?y;v- ';' ??'?\u25a0' \u25a0'-?''*''.'--' ?- -; ?'?-' \u25a0?. :- :y:-y-yyyt-x \u25a0y;y.y..yyy; .--.,..-.?,??..?-.,- '?\u25a0-.. ? ..-,,.?.. ~; be? adopted., and all the alluring resorts the length air stand. X 7, \u25a0\u25a0 ????-?-??? >''-.. ?:?-?\u25a0" I/".//-?".'?'* : : v : ?? %?." \u25a0 *'"'' < Chairman Simmons of the : finance of the state and coast. / ; John"Sinclair,* Thompson. Miss Thompson. Mrs. -J. Black, H. :C. Travers, Mr. ?! and" Mrs. President Bonnlngton of the San Fran- committee tonight called a meeting 'of Robert ; C? ? -J. FETTERS HOT SPRINGS, SONOMA COUNTY R. Kennedy. Miss McCay, James-McCay. .;»' Gill,f Mr. t and > Mrs. -P.:' J. Ltidenbaum. W. cisco Typographical union to assist him the [majority members of his committee Oakland?J.^W.Davies, Dr. 11. M. Pond, A. J. Schniits.; A.'.L Cunningham,? Mr and' Mrs. A." K. in co-operating Typo- J. Feist, Mr. \ Beadle. Mr. with the for. Tuesday morning/? He hopes to call San Francisco?Mr. and'Mrs. L. and Mrs. J. Sheridan.;,; \u25a0\u25a0 Hunforci, Mr. and Mrs. George, S. graphical MATEO t HEAD Samuel.-Mr. Sheridan. securing OF SAN and Mrs. Eugene Levy,-Mr. and Mrs. ;B. Fisher, '"'?\u25a0 i and Mrs. J*H. Sham, Misses Helen and 'Miriam union in instructed the meeting of? the entire committee :.:\u25a0 San Pedro ?tH Martens/.;" '?.?\u25a0*:\u25a0 OPPOSES delegates Merz- "?"i?? Boyes, COUNCIL Mr. : : : Mr. and Mrs. G. Fisher, and, Mrs.. H.: \u25a0 Ckiah?Mr. and Mrs. Page. iMr. :and. Mrs. Max* Sham. Mrs. P. Matthews. Dr.*.E. J. Dr. ,E.I to the Nashville convention of next week, but two of the" subcom- bach, Mr. and Mrs. N. Edwards,' Mr. and Mis. Master Wise.; E.L.Albertsoiw'?;.- ';'~?*; B. Bores, *'. H. Sanborn. Mr. ; and* Mrs. ? Edgar the International ? Typographical not Wilfert, and Wise,. sM. C. -M. union mittees "can complete their work L. Hellman, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mr. Sanborn, Mrs. C. A". Chandler," D.H. Foote, to * support Xthe '-,; reorganization plan the! Mrs. R. A. Stark. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bauer. BARTLETT ; SPRINGS? LAKE COUNTY : Price. '*\u25a0*?' \u25a0 -, '?"'. ? ?; before the middle of the week at * v./-:. "*\u25a0-.' Gaunor, ' *""'-'?" which is to come up 4 body. HOTEL COMPANY DESIGNS *' Mr. and Mrs. H. Lew. Mr/and Mrs; C/ From San Francisco ?J. P. Holland. David BossDuval Moore, Kenneth Moore. :*, before that earliest. *. Senator Johnson's subcom- Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Gillette, Mr. and Mrs. L. Rlngus, F. W. Langdon;; Mrs. F. W. \ Langdon, V Burlingame?P. W. Selby. . ," .'.\u25a0'*\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 will.work tomorrow in an effort Mr. ; J.. Casey.- Father Menlo.Park?Major and Mrs. -Wales.; Miss For. !mittee W. Sanborn, Mr. 'and Mrs. J. A. Whitfield. H. J. yon \u25a0 Father >P. ' meeting?; Rhein. MOVE At the last of the Sailors' day. ' > REFERENDUM ; gain "a* If some are and Mrs. F. Saslaw, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hiller/Mr. J. M. McDonald. Adoiph" Dittmura, Coluiera bis. William" Brothers? " Mr. and Mrs. F.; W. :to schedules? Jr.. - Payne. : Union* of the Pacific acting Secretary as is a Moore, Mrs. A. Crocker, Martin, C. H. McNear Mr.'and; Mrs. G. Taylor. ;H. =y* reduced /as much recommended, and Mrs. C. A. Mr. and Maggiore.j S. Martin, $ Mrs. S. John H. re- Mr. and Mrs. S. Davids, Mr. and Mrs. M. Blum. Van a Orden.* Mrs. C. -H. Vau : Orden, H. K. Palo Alto?S. L. Griffiths.*Mr.- and Mrs. A. M. Tennison read shipping Captain John Barneson Plans fight seems certain* ;before the bill \u25a0 geta Mr. and Mrs. J. Cobert, Mr. and Mrs. A.-.Hel- MeKivitt, Mrs. H." K. McKlvltt, H. 'L. Van -«Cranston.* Norwood "B. \u25a0\u25a0> Smith Jr.. *Ruth Eleanor Unions Are Requested Not ports ;from the various branches of the 7 to caucus. , ? man, Mr. and' Mrs. C. Crosby, Mr. and Mrs/ N. Orden, Mrs. C. Deloche.'L. Lehman. 11. Goodwin, Cranston, Mr. and" Mrs." H. W. .Harold, Mr. and union, which show: XGood ?at*gEureka; * Seibert, Mrs. Bloom. Mrs. jufcu Van Sleklen/ :-7\, ? f Foreign Trip?Will Take ."> Senator Johnson's subcommittee. to- Diebold, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mr. and James H. Meff, Mrs. M. 8.-Forse; H. ?*--.\u25a0 '-?;'.>'\u25a0\u25a0,.?" to Indorse Workmen^ at Victoria and Tacoma; (medium N. Strobel. Mr. and Mrs. C. Heiman, Mr. and Jonas Erlanger, Richard J; Murphy. -J. E. Finn, .- Gllroy?Mrs. Henry: Miller- Jr. * ?\u25a0*, -~ ; ;-i fair? day ? practically -decided to .keep the Mrs. D. Rothblum, Mr. and Mrs. A. Seivert, Mr. O. Danglarke, Mrs. O. Danglarke. Mrs. Sacramento ? and Mrs. John O'Hara. at San Francisco, Seattle, Aberdeen Place on His Return duty on 1 cut diamonds at 10 ] or 15 per, R. Cochran, MacCargar, Mrs. Seattle?Mrs. B. .7 --. -"?-. , Compensation and'PortvTownsend; 1 and Mrs. B. Fogel. Mr. and Mrs. ( F. H. Chandler. Miss Addle * A. X. Petition slack sat Honolulu, ;? The Underwood proposes Simpson. Davidson, F. C. Mrs. Thomas, M. \u25a0\ Philadelphia?F H. Bell. ' s cent. bill' 20« Al Armocost, C. W. McCone. D. McCone, McKellar. Vancouver, Portland and 1 San 1Pedro. Hazel, B. Kraus. F. Livingstone, S. Schauzer, F. John Duncan. .-.; ; - New YorkA. J. Felton.***R. J. Reddy. Diamond merchants" filed 'briefs showings .. : Spokane?^Dr., and Mrs. A.-?M. Johnson. George -\u25a0-.' Ryan, Keyser. (Special Dispatch Call) opinion/of . Kane, S. Greenwalt. H. Hoteuner, Stock- Witter ,Springs?L. -L. -. L.v...D. -: to The it was the custom officials 1 ; .Emery. .-"'-' ' witz, H. W, Masie, D. Dibold. L. laewald. L. Stone, Mrs. L. D. Stone, R. E. Shimmin. Miss ? Pasadena Mr. and" Mrs. F. W. of duty would increase ? The United Garment Workers' SAN, 7.?Captain that an* increase Levy, Uus Radke, A. Davis, F. M. Levy, Robert GUrock Morton, Mrs/ R. B. Wallace, Bradley L. ' Hollister? P.* Brown.";?."??. ? ! Central Body Also Makes ; union ?\u25a0? MATEO. June John i: . ,. .-;" night, smuggling. '"?'\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0 Blair. A. Rothberg. E. Burns, G. Const in, P. Wallace. -'\u25a0\u25a0 :.ry::..-;-\u25a0 ..T ' London?Mrs/and Miss Curtis. \ last Thursday after Indorsing and *- -"\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 -"* . Barneson,;: millionaire shipping oil ss&slbs£s~ Flshman, «R. Gold. 0. Stusser," G. Brachman, Oakland?H. C. Goldrick. Mrs. H. C. Goldrick, FAJARO SPRINGS, SANTA CRUZ COUNTY Collapse the* strike against the- light* and 5 power ? The subcommittee also decided .to* Gold- ELI Ruling to Avert I merchant Francisco, has re- modify prohibiting the * im- Conrad' Abraroson, Ben Frey, P. Y. Gomez. A. Paul M. Goldrick, William Goldrick, Miles \u25a0X San Francisco?Mr. and Mrs. Walter ;W. company,/"donated i* $25 ? to the '<; strikers of San the clause * Molinarl. Herbert Scnam'g; R. Kitz. F. Tausk, rick, Thomas Goldrick,;F. M. Farreli, H. Dolan. Moore, - portation of plumage of wild birds, Smith, daughter, "Mrs. Parker, Mr. and I Mrs/? W. I.? Mr.«\u25a0 and in Building and-a like sum to the*garment workers signed as president* and a member of A. Baron, Mrs. B. J. Dietrich. Mrs. B. 0. Other PlacesF. E. Cook and *? ~'. Sassier, holding it too "rigid ;A. Mrs." H. L.;Dewey, Dr. 'and Mrs. *W. C. on strike in Los Angeles. Sixty dollars that' .was and would5 Mrs. M. Karsky,. Mrs. A. Abrams, Mrs. F." Harri- F. E. Cook, Orosi; A. Brosseau,* Mrs. Bros- ? the board of directors of the E. IF. Easton, Mr. and Mrs. San;"Ma- son, Barrett, Mrs. C. seau, ; William Beckman, Sacra- Dr. and'« Mrs D.* ? was paid to , v shut out feathers of birds not protected Mrs. C. Mrs. M. Constlne. Los Angeles: ? Wadden,< Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Squires/Mr/ sick members. Rotteberg, Mrs. Sonoma; Mrs.*jM. E. R. V. ? teo Hotel company, owner of Tlfe Pen- foreign countries. ':The amendment Bush, Mrs. A. Harold. Mrs. E. mento; Miss *E. Froment,' - and Mrs. P. F. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Hereafter? only so : in A. Honlg. Mrs. J. Ash, Mrs. A. Dolaud. Mrs. Hodie, Berkeley;»C. H. Laske,' San Diego; P. Humphreys, Mr. and Mrs.- B." C. F. Cockton,- '\u25a0' * I The following deaths in labor -organ- insula in this city, and has been suc- .will not, however/admit aigrettes. L. Ferro. Mrs. M. Heiman, Mrs. Kerns, Mrs. C. O. Butler, Cincinnati, 7 O.; ' E. J. Brown, San Corbel, L. Sanford, many persons as may Abrahamson, Park.;-'..\u25a0 Ernest L. Weule./A.< F. C. in this city during the ?* last place by :'William Baughman, Mrs. P. Degen, Mrs. A. Rafael; William P. Glynn. Menlo * H. Roussele, ,M. J. K. Kelley, ;A. Clarke. izations? ? % ? ? ceeded in the former A. Mrs. M. Barose. Mrs. S. '\u25a0'<:.X^JS^^^^^y. "'? be be ad- ; been ?reported:, .;Michael Mrs. C. Schooling,' SPRINGS, LAKE COUNTY y George A. Zimmerman.' TV*. A. Samont.? A. W. seated will week have B. Lawrence,, manager, of the Spring WILL Phillips, B. ' HIGHLAND ;, COURT MARTIAL ! Learner. Mrs. Kaplan, Mrs. C. Mrs. - Van Ness, R. L. Anderson, Rolent * Kendall, C. mitted to meetings In the Labor temple, !Swift off the Sailors', Union of the* Pa- company's Rose. Mrs. C. Sutner, Mrs. M. Conner, Mrs. F. I San Francisco?Fi*Dergane, Mr. and? Mrs. ?B. 5 Miss cific, Valley? Water ? San Mateo TRY NAVY - Agues ?'; Mr. B. Stevens,- Mr. * and Mrs.r W.. S.? Cray/. possible collapse John Gould of the Federation of *;' LIEUTENANT Murphy. Reynolds, Strater, Mrs. A.. and ? son. Miss * Tobin, J county?? proper Pinckney, Mrs. N.'. Mrs. Wilbrand Gould, H. E. Leland, Stella lye- to avert a . of the build- of Brewery ties/ Paul and Elizabeth V. Miners,?* ~ Dean. Mrs. D. Foley, Mrs. N. McGowan, Miss C. and Mrs. L. C. Larson, Paul Brener; Mr.': . *? < Gustav Ecker the secretary ;of San Mateo Board and; S. Kohn. r .*> \u25a0 Miss M. Abrams, Miss E. Bare, Miss Mrs. H. H. Larson and family. Miss Elsie land.* Mr. Mrs. ingt'from overcrowding. ?* ." Workers and George? L Bartels of the the. ?of Marine Corps Officer to Answer Charge* . Cochran. f Oakland?Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Greuner. *\u25a0""-?'-."?. va- Trade/has been chosen to fill the Kerns. Miss Florence Levy, Miss L. Stein, Miss Griffin,' Mrs. T. *Church, C. A. Holman, Mrs. C.. Miss Maryle President Gallagher informed the La-' Lithographers. ? Prien, Alameda?Mr. 7. and'* Mrs. Krusi, , .?*?? cancy on of Intoxication and B. Fisher/Miss Sadie Constine, Miss L. Kuhn, C. O'Donnell. -H. F. * Mr. and Mrs. S. .L. Krusi, Le Roy 'Ar- ?? * the directorate.' Rothberg, Abbott, W. T. Chapman. Mr. and 1 Phillip'Krusi,' Miss Prlcllla ** Krusi. bor council last night that inspection, of *"*'\u25a0\u25a0#* ?;.?..-/ " Neglect \u25a0-* Miss C. Diamond. Miss Estell Miss Mrs. Tibbey. Tibbey. ' ; The;announcement of Mr. Barneson's } thur Nelson. F. M. Mac J. ? -. Davidson. Miss Granfeld, Miss A. Smith, Miss Zimmerman, George A. and \u25a0R. C. i Zimmerman, - \u25a0M. building danger ?: The subject of inviting the}lnterna- made; today following - Forbel, A. Charles Mills, Foster, San Rafael?Miss E. Mr. jand Mrs. the showed the of acci- retirement was| B. Hiller. Miss C. Shuler. Miss Feder. Miss Mr. and Mrs. * Miss ML * ? '; -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' '?'"'??*, Typographical to meeting ? VALLEJO? June 7.?-Under orders re-, Green, King. Miss Lou ; Miss Mintzer. Mrs. L. Forbel. \u25a0??-"*"" " ;-*>"<"'..v tional ) union hold Its a? of the board of directors.? / Eveline Sanford, Miss L. Miss W. Foster. ML : .Salinas?Evai;Porter. J. B. Porter. _ >_.-. dent. 1915 convention in this city'will be ;the" ceived 1, today from Washington, D. C./ Oakland?Ed. Whitehead, Mr. and Mrs." Con- . Mintzer, S .L. Abbott Jr., Mr. and Mrs. George * ? The action was taken )owing -to|the H. Mrs. H. L. Mack," Mr. and Mrs. ?George Ruble, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. The Building Trades council by letter special order of at, monthly Lieutenant «B. L. Lewis, United * States ners, Mr. and Mrs. Barlow, Mr. and Mrs.*Plllou, Roos, Mr. and = \u25a0-??\u25a0 business the simultaneous departures from San Ma- Lilley/ \u25a0.---? '--. .?-:,* \u25a0\u25a0*.". \u25a0'? I Davis, Livingston. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Brandt, J. ;-??\u25a0:?? " ;of the Francisco Typo- corps, on duty at Mare? Island j Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley, Mr. B. Watsonville?-Miss- Helen E. ; Hopkins,' Mr. ;. and has denied any responsibility for the meeting .San? teo of Captain Barneson and John ;H. marine and Mrs. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. D. Rlnner, Mr. C. Allan. Mr. and Mrs. D. Campbell. Mr. and ? ? union Sunday, June navy yard, ;will appear, before a court L.; > Mrs. F. W." WlUett, F. H. Metzler, Mr. and agreement which* was signed by. R. L. praphical 29. Coleman,?vice; president; of? the hotel and Mrs. H. Cnthbert. 7 / rJ Mrs. T. Marriott, Mr. and Mrs. Park,; Mrs. and Mrs. E. H. Phil- : martial June 16;to face ? charges ;of ~ Gillof, ;C. Hammond, Mrs/ A. B. * Miss Mrs. H. C. Peckham.'Mr. Grasser* for the electrical workers."This company?? Captain^ Barneson going San Rafael?Mr. and Mrs/ Mr. and Mrs. L. Hammond.* \u25a0> ? ' is? neglect duty ' lips,« ,E. -7.; * Hannigan. Mr. and Mrs. Noheden. y X; president ,: f of and intoxication. ?,. lark, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ryan.? '.; \u25a0 \u25a0'.?' -..""? ; Miss Ballard, L. C. ? Hammond, Otto Wheeler. v: letter concluded ?with the >.resolution Grant ??Wallace, ? of the abroad" for several months and will -be FresnoMajor Carpenter, Meyer Scbultz,*H. L. Van Orden. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. San Jose?C. H. . ? a- V r Typographical (appren- X .The**.? board which will ". hear the Stutz, W. H. ? San Mateo? and Mrs. R. Smoot and adopted *by the council.; last Thursday Junior ? ? union ?, asked to accept the position upon his .: ." Latimer. ?,:...-- ,-'"\u25a0?? ?:-;,.v.-" -;??-, ?..,.;\u25a0. Van Orden, Mr..and Mrs. H. K. McKevltt, E. J. i ~ having charges iwill be composed of the fol- family, ; Mrs. Hollman. ? asking that the}members of?local* No. tices),; resigned, Vice President return. ?":'"'" "?: * i-- X'X.p-.-.'-y ?.*\u25a0*. *\u25a0 Xy -7 : ? Sausalito? Valentine, C. Bish. ~D. Casper. '?:. Brown. E. B. Beck. * ..v Taylor. X. lowing,officers: ? Palo Alto? and Mrs. T. M. Williams. v >?'Palo iAlto?L. ? 151 of electricians join the McNulty fac- Bert Coleman *was -elected; for the un- :y James H. Doolittle?' who resigned ; as \u25a0?'"? SKAGGS HOT SPRINGS, ;; SONOMA" COUNTY W. T. Hewitt. and; daughter, Stanford * University Asken. -_ \u25a0"-"-;:*"\u25a0:'-;?;-?-"-?.-.--?* expired term *? Colonel C.?;A. Doyen, Lieutenant was -recently, "StocktonMrs. Monterey?Miss Clara S. Parker, W. E. Parker. tion."?"-' \u25a0 J^. :-/'?\u25a0- '.'\u25a0" and Frank Antanosa manager will' remain until a Lane, Tamony, W. YV. Hewitt, S. D. Herbert. ,-:?-..-: x, ;, ; . secretary . president. \u25a0' Colonel Rufus H.; Major William \u25a0 From San *Francisco?John - Mr. , and . Birmingham,. Ala.? , W. :- McGowan. :-.y. \u25a0-~}'?\u25a0 ?: The was instructed to no- chosen "vice successor is, appointed. ? ?" ? \u25a0 Captain ' Lyman San ?Mr. and- E. E. G. Mrs. Shephard,*Herman'. May, Mr: and Mrs. D. - Mrs.' Cummer. : tifyall unions affiliatedwith the council :X'XXzj#7XX '. "*? -';.",-'?;*;' 'Powell, Charles 'H. I. Kenny, William Kenny, .Edward'Kenny,? Miss Boston?Mrs. P. S. Stone, Miss 8/ K. Stone. 1 , NAPA SODA '] SPRINGS, NAPA COUNTY ( *????* and Captain* Frank J. Schwable. Reynolds, W. F. days petitions be presented an ? The \u25a0: trouble ?; between :" the Cooks' ' ' Oakland?Dr. and Mrs/ H. * '? two Rose Hagen, Mr. and Mrs. M. Henderson,' ! D. Oakland lodge "'--. No. 171* spent that will for *? ? Dr. Picard, '?»>?.;:\u25a0,;"' '-\-.'- \u25a0' Elks* : union, 44, END WILL FIGHT Captain? James McHuey .- will?act as and Mrs. T. X. Sullivan. Gerald Sullivan. Thomas F. V. Roos. *- at 7 the Napa ~ Soda - springs ".last *,week. ; Elks Initiative or referendum on « the ! work- local No? and Chllds' .restau- BROTHERS I* I ' judge Berkeley \u25a0 . * SuWivan, ;M. .E. Spiro and son, Mrs. H. Herts, Mr.*and Mrs. T.- E. Wilson. Dr. find were: Chubb and wife, "A.? l. law request rant, which has been nearly a? year. advocate. ?;???.*?-*:./:'"'-??? i**** \u25a0 \u25a0 - daughter. - present Charles < ; men's compensation and to j \ lon ! Miss J Mary R. Kenefick, Mr. and Mrs. F. Mrs. T. Addison and W. H. Codman. 1 and wife,"**W. L. and jj wife. -I. I. sign half, come to an end, OAKLAND, a 7.?-Rev., Ottln- Biddlo the of the unions not 'to and has the , June Franklin ger, i Ryan, Petaluma? Dora 'Fredericks, Roy -Kopf. I *Seller»Jr. ,! Oscar Young, members a? X 7.?Emperor Mr. and Mrs. J. J. " A.; Barker, Ward and- wife, F. G. Wilson f management and brothers, ?:'" BUDAPEST, Fran- : -C.% I Santa Rosa?D. Schilling, C. Sanborne. * Hobbs, Mr. Mrs Ren- such petition. ?y? " y' having decided to employ Rhoda his Albert Rhoda - Jnne* YVhite, Dorothy White, H. \u25a0 ?????? ? Mr. and -Mrs. R. D. Miss ' Mr. and Mrs. *W. H. '? ? Hungary, and. Rhoda, king? re- Dudley-.la/White, Mr/and* Mrs.". Walter H. San Diego?J. W. Ward,; C .H. Ward, Mr. j nil, Mr. and Mrs. B. Sperry, *A.? P. Wilson, X The Laundry union reported that after only union cooks. and William C. have dismissed cis Joseph, of has: ' fJ. I. ..." * ? ' quested**" White,' Miss Marlon "White, Mis* Juanita f White, and "Mrs.?. W. Frazer. '--/"*-- \u25a0'-\u25a0\u25a0.;\u25a0?\u25a0">':--. ?";\u25a0-«.-'-.- t Mr. and Mrs. W. Smallow, Dr. and \ Mrs. F. several conferences it had .decided "to - !theirfcontest to?the/will of their late Count' Stephen?Tlsza,"| speaker Lohmeke,. »E. H. involving f '* Hungarian Mr. and jMrs. George i Nelson,- Mr. and Mrs. BLUE LAKES RESORT,; LAKE-COUNTY Gonzalez. Mr. and Mrs.' G. H. accept the offer the employers, which The action of the Labor council in sister, Mrs. Ellen iStotts, ian of the lower house -. of ?;' the? ? - R. of; - A, « d?.wire, - Aides, H. Waterman, D. Friedlander and F. B. Manger and *- Dr. \u25a0s San*;Francisco?William A. ? Schmidt,? E. J. Dean* and- wife, is agreement run for declaring Pacific Gas and Electric estate worth $120,000. Mrs. . Scoots,- left parliament, to form a*new cabinet to and. wife, that the shall four Ithe i \u25a0 1 wife, F. A Houseworth, Charles Weatherbe, Naylor, *J. A.; McHenry. :C. A. Buck, Mr. and Buzinger and -i wife,; S. -J. Ackeman- . mandatory, but the property to husband, replace ? cabinet " Fran- company unfair I not "/\u25a0 her A. P. the under Dr. Ladis- Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Mos, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. W, C. E. McDonald. Mrs. E. M. Lee; S. J. Horgan, years,* as recommended bythe San '" \is i .' Mrs. * D»fl*ert -E. Stevens/- J Fred Grimm. - her will, > .disposi- yon Lukacs, recently ?in? this ? Wallenstein , and child,'. Frank L. Hart, : Fred Howard 'Harron; Celeste M.'. Verquez. Mr. and Miss Nellie Endriss, Mr. and .Mrs. H. Haufer- cisco Labor council. The agreement, is \ simply advisory?to* the unions whose Stotts ? and* laus which re- Luhring, Harold Hart, Angela. Byrne, and f' schtaldt,' Mr. and Mrs. George Harris. LB. ? company. * was subject of contest. signed. expected Count ? Mr.. Mrs. G. H. Luchlnger,-" A. G. -Lnchlnger,V Miss Bonzagnl," which will be signed "in"a* few days,ywil 1 members work for that ?It tion? ? the ? > :'. the It is* that Tisza Mrs. J. A Buck. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Buck Jr., Tallman, Mr. and 5Mrs- L. >L. Miss they < -Judge again<*" appoint Nell Nadley, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Plant, Mr. * F. R. Con- give a majority of the workers 4an in- now rests with them to say if- The case was set ?f or trial .In will Doctor Lukacs and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Buck, Carl Rauhmuth, and Mrs. George H. Peppy, J. Coogan. , Dean Marlon Mangoruery.VP.'.H. Boedefild. Ogden's Monday. !A/ * ';' per stop on an j, job. court his colleagues. wife, Jennie Vander 50 / Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Lowney,- Colonel- - and Mrs. Witter, O. S. Oruck H. Brayton. Miss Mar- nely ?P.-L. \u25a0? Johnson ?-and I. crease of cents week. '?' -'\u25a0\u25a0'.; will fwork unfair y Jr.. Hulston, . Frank Marston, Dave Bebo, Mr. and Mrs. George tha Foster, J. C. Foster, "Miss Mauricia Wintzer, Nailler, Dorothy Vander Nalller, "D.: C. > ; Announcement was y made?: that the E. Gallagher, Miss' M. ? Kiernan, Mr. and Mrs. j J Abbot Jr., 1 Mr. T and Mrs/ C. H. Van Or-, G."- W. Brawn and wife, !Leo Kennedy and wife, telegraph operators' A. S. L/ Gorman, A. sP. t Currier, wireless strike F. Mahoney, Miss Gertie jMahoney, Bumpsie den; Mr. and Mrs. H. .K. McKewitt,» H. ;L. Van Theodore Gler. W. H. against Mahoney, Dr. and Mrs. *D. T. Mulvihtll,? "\u25a0"?*. Mr. May Mr. and Mrs. E. iR. Patterson, Mr. the Marconi company has 5 been Orden,; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Miller, Mrs. F. H. Hellan, Raniel, v * and Mrs. Roy A. Lee, D. IG. Dolan, Mr. and and Mrs. Wheeler, Miss and Mrs. i Leon- \u25a0- Cavasso, Mr. ? and Mrs. settled. *. ", - -?? '.????\u25a0 Starkpole, Mr. Charles ; - * McAany, -" ? Mrs. John J. Fuller, Frank Steiner, Charles Olive Wheeler, Miss ;Elizabeth Wheeler, Brad- Miss « Francis Wilson, iMr. U and > Mrs. The ;Dredgermen's union was granted Herald, Mr. and Mrs. George Vranezan, Miss way Head, Rouse, G. Dud-" Mr. and Mrs, J. \R. Chollar, Mrs. J. H. Thomp- from A. E. J. Costelio. wife, Martin,* G. permission to withdraw the coun- Rita Vranezan,- Mr. | -and - Mrs. -J. Emmet ley Cross, J. A. "Jenkiotes,' Miss ,R. Licbensteln,' son,* W. H. Haynes? and Clem cil, having headquarters to Hayden, Miss Margaret Hayden, E. * "" wife,;:E. P. Farley, Miss Nlta moved its . -A. - - Mr. and Mrs. M. Adams and E. E. Welhl :B. G. Volkmann. * Crandley, Reiser. ML E. Kelley, Dr. D. H. Burson, C. D. H. Friedrlcks, Mr. and Mrs.* William G. Diamond,-- W. C. Wovan,- Miss Ethel E. Stockton. \u25a0\u25a0':>\u25a0:: ??"??" '\u25a0'- ?? ??;?*".??* -*?,???- ; ____i -? / Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Laib, Mr/and Mrs. William . H. E. and Scharfer and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George The pearl; button )workers of the city -m.f \u25a0All : \u25a0 *:ii* Lowrie, Mr. and Mrs. Leland,*"-Mr." Hopper, y; ' '\u25a0 J. Laib, William Laib Jr., Miss A. C. Meehan, Mrs. G. W. Leu it, Mr. ? and Mrs. S. L. Abbott, Whlffel, ; Mr. and Mrs. IF. A. 7 George of New York appealed for financial ?' as- Miss Madge Glover, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Dono- Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Larsen -, and «family, R. Crane, n Theodore A. Lewis,*: Mr. f and Mrs. MJss a request was to* van. William H. Daly, Manus Kelly, f Miss Victoria Larsen, Mr. and Mrs. Darrow J. Camp-* F. J. Taylor, -E. E.. Laymance: and wife, ?J. B. sistance. The J '.referred ?/ Van der 1; ;~ Lissette M. Schunk, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Britt, bell,. C. Clopton,'' L. 'C. Larsen and family, '. H. Newson and wife, Blanch O. Bonham, A. the executive council. ??? ???*? ? Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Chisholm, Mr. and Mrs. Larsen. Lawrence Larsen, Paul Brune, Mr. and Nalller Jr. and wife,* J. N. Bonham; and wife, ??' Norman W. Pendleton addressed [the William Pickering, John A. Hammersmith, Wil- Mr. and Mrs. W. ,B. Brand, J. E. Cone = and wife, tA. C. Hodges " and wife, Mrs.* B. Llngston.'- * Mrs. :F.*C. Morrill,- council; in relation to s students at 5 the liam Mlckallch, IMr. and Mrs. W. N. McCarthy, Mrs. Charles Wells, Miss Lou Foster, Lueio M. A. Whldden . and »\u25a0 wife. university fa". Fiedler, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stevenson, .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'..*\u25a0;':-.? .*:.;:-/- Mrs; Dorothy Wermar.* Miss Pearl Schluter, J. M. state acting as strike break- Wintzer. ', \u25a0\u25a0.-?..-*\u25a0?.?\u25a0? \u25a0\u25a0 , */f urged Sflr,Maundwll, Mr. and Mrs. Weeks, Robert Berkeley Mattern, Her- Shamir and wife,\u25a0: Charles Lee;: Mai Horwinski ers. He that the regents, ;who - M. and Mrs. G. A. Home life 1 J in wife, You Want Y. Behlow, M. B. McGinnls, Sidney P. Rob- man Mattern, Miss Mabel Mattern,- Miss Lo- and 1wife. 'Ed Horwinski,';: A. Schluter «Ed \u25a0 claim to have no control over the action' .»HHia, Dr. *J. W. Hymsen and daughter. Miss Mrs. T. E. Wilson, Mr. George -; X'-y XL _"\u25a0* raine Mattern. Mr. and Schluter., ' y'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 ?*, jin such matters, be de- £*Uth Tuck, Miss Alice Hudson, Mrs. S. s and Mrs. H. R. Bropel, of vthe students ; :, H. and Mrs. R. A. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Cole, San Francisco?Mr. - and their places filled< by persons ""_\u25a0__?- '\u25a0 _ # Perry, Theodore Dietrich, A. G. Dietrich, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George N. Nash, Mr. ; and Mrs. Miss Grace MeLead. G. Gensler and wife.\ Max posed w "w- *r\ TV- : :'"?_ Al - ? -. Mr. and Mrs. A.' people, and appointed M. Wlndt, Sturroch. Ed R. Jerome, W. F. *H..C. Cantelow, Myrtle Glenn, . Norris ;Nash, T. Baumgarten,' Mrs. Zelda Bodle.i elected by the not . Coney,' i ' '\u25a0' Boyken, Frank Herman, Al Brad Par- Buck. ' ' * ?'.-'? - Bar, 3. 1Baners,; W. A.' Whlteman and wife. E. L. by the governor. XX: ? ''?"-\u25a0?? ;?'*\u25a0 .X. ;?* Sutter Creek? R. Downes, Miss H.- G. Clopek and family, Mr. and Mrs. George r Her- j Public C. ; Xsj.'i Z. White Jaddressed the council on Health? ' ' ' ' ' Oakland?Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Whitehead, Mrs. Jacobs; .G. Ballard.. ' * :;' r ; man, Miss ::Nell Ranch, Gerald: Herman, *. Ray- W. In; C. P. Rowland. and .Mrs. -H. D. Reynard, J. .S. mond Jackson, G. W. Sutro. C. the subject of home- rule ;> taxation. X. ? Oakland? Heller. .Miss v * j family, the San Rafael Mr. and Mrs. Jules Lew, Mrs/ Rodgers and wife. Miss W. E. Rodgers/ Miss Lilian Friedman, P. J. Gartland and Local No. 78 of Honsesmlths' and M. Blumenthal, Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Hewog, * C. B. 'I. M. -7 Green. Pete i C. F. * gave Irene Rodgers. *L..B. Rodgers.- Mrs. W. Mr. and :-. Mrs. Rossi." Architectural Workers' union £ ?a San Mateo County was chosen by the | Lobrie. de Fremery. R. E. Berger and family, Mrs. Rnppel and wife, V. A. ,wife, H. Building Mr. - Rontoniand ball;in? the auditorium of the v IXIOrOVCITICritS.\u25a0'" wife, -"\u25a0'?\u25a0*-?\u25a0- " .. DixonMiss Mary Bloom, Mr. .and Mrs. W. Elsie H. Nusbanmer, Irene Sehweer, H. M. Law- W. Weaver' and. Mrs. C. Wilfert. R. J. night. ?' 1 /' x «" ' \u25a0?? <-' Trades temple last ;* ? ??:*?? '". ?-. S. Reed.' rence, » ;' . W. Nelson. Fred Baxter, Miss Jen- The affair - * \u25a0*«. Dr. P. S. Nusbaumer. Snyden;~ A.; ? was direction:" '"* Comstock,, Lode millionaires as their *, -, * ; Petaluma?Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Gonage. Mr. San Fernando Mr., and Mrs. Fred L. Boruff, nlett MeLead, Al Wright:and ; wife, Captain A. 3 under the of Joseph J. and Mrs. H. Hewld. .** .; Murray, Mrs. Caysllle, Frank ; Shane. and «wife, Edward Landers and wife, Vaughan, William Cassidy, F. H. Ward, Mrs. M. Woodside ! -'\u25a0:'\u25a0*. ? county town has more of Other Places? Mrs. J. S. Webster Jr., Berke- Upper Lake?S. M. Asher, E. A. Sanborn, W. Mrs. A. ? Baudery, s Mrs. G. t Bar, ?; R. F. Tilton Matson and Allan Johnson, gen-' -; \u25a0 ,'; ~?" ' t*. One miles ' G. H. ...-\u25a0 ley; Parker, ; Kepmet for its healthfulness. The even- ? ; - Miss Alice Stockton; Mr. and Mrs. Smithe. W. ; 0. .Ruddick, J. L. Robinson, A. and wife, Mr.and Mrs. Clark Wise,- John ** committee; Ward, homesite J. S. , Brereton, Vallejo; Mrs. Fred 'Sandborn,* Mi- sG. Herman, eral X y?Frank floor asphalt, highway Tatum, Howard. Harold Robinson, Emma: and' wife, Miss :Dorothy Dean, Bliss; manager; ? \u25a0 by 25 per cent than any, Healdsburg; Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Felt Jr., Ferguson. Mildred -\u25a0 Robinson, Lyda -Rud- Herald Casey. Phelep Paschel, William Michel and T. V. ' nerva Mr. and - Mrs. \u25a0" V ? Santa Rosa; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rellly, Grass dick. Gressa Asher, Elna Robinson, Mabel Buck- Mrs. M. W. McKellar and \u25a0 daughter, ~ Mr. 7 and Benson, assistant jfloor, managers;; P. J. ness of temperature, absence of surging - k other of its size the State Every Hall, - t fa Valley; Mrs. T. B. Sacramento; Andrew well/- - \u25a0 '-'"\u25a0"--*\u25a0-? ~ Mrs.; F. Jacobs, ; Miss If. Elsenberg,\u25a0' Mr. and Vaughn, G. A. Graves, W. J. Caasidy, city, ? . . Sevenson, Sausalito. Stockton W. P. IHewitt and daughter, Mrs. Fred Pancoast,, Mr. and Mrs. ?G. H. \u25a0T. Herbert. --\u25a0" Weaver and wife, B. C. Williams, F. ;Rutzen,?R."J.;*Grif- < W. W. Hewitt.'Stanley D. Henry' ' C. L. very SULLY'S, MONTE RIO, SONOMA -''-- Jackson," .Wllfert.i and winds make it the home of the county is straining toward an COUNTY I ;, Israel, Mrs.- G. B. Hall, Mr. ; Charles «W. Sutro, fiths, William Rees and * Harry; Lay, fogs'; Sacramento Sol '? L. F. Weaver and wife, San Francisco?-Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Cooky j? J* and Mrs. W. S. Reed. * '.-._.;\u25a0??, M." S. .Beyers - Andrew> Hansen, R. S.: Cameron. reception committee. O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Skaife. S. L. Dixon? Mary Bloom. , 'From Other Places?J. M. Lucas,' New ? York board of directors of * equal standard. .Light, water and sew- Bernstein, Katten, A. * The the Musi- spot for you and yours. M. Furth. S. Mr. and Mrs/ Seattle?G/M. Ainslie. ~ : - ? Eugene Colby and' ! wife,?*Oakland; >Edna jDun- clans' union, local No.' 6, has received Kalisch, F. R. Southard. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. , Riverside?Mr. and Mrs.; J. A. Ainslie. bell, Vallejo: R. S. Biggies," Chlco: A. Alexander erageJ receive the same and ' transfers from V. C. Escobar of Bakers- m attention.\u25a0-.?.? fMi L. Jensen. Mr. Mrs. J. W. Maltman Lakeport?John , Abe Straus and wife, Napa; . Yates. -x and party. Napa; | P A. W. Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Blake and Petaluma?Dr. and ?- Mrs. IH. H. \u25a0 Flerssuer. Mr.- and Mrs?- Frank "Glass and< nurse -. and". two field?* and Bernle yLovejoy ? and Pearl Miss C. Engelberg, - ' . 7, 1 \u25a0 Berkeley; I child." Mr. and Mrs. G. A. 1 San. Mateo?G. S. Brown. , ..? children. ; Berkeley; Herrlot , Small, j Palmer' of Seattle,? Washington. W. P. Klein and family, H. Block. Mr. and Mrs. J. Arena?Grant Logue? ; - Jackson, Hills- El » Pt. Allien'de Juren, Oakland; J. P. ! Watters was granted a S withdrawal * Bogglld. Mr. and Mrs. D. Caffln, Mr. and Mrs. . Vallejo; Mrs. IK. Elli- - WITTER LAKE COUNTY ?. borough; IAlbert A. Boss, \u25a0 \ j to -*?'," H. Maynard, J. F. Gallagher, Miss SPRINGS;HOTEL, ? Miller, card, to enable* him travel. P. Josie Rob- son.; York; Mr. and Mrs. rA.: C. j em. W. H. Spencer, Mr/and Mrs. J. E. Baugnn, , San Francisco?Mr. and Mrs. .T. S. Barker. Mr. New- was ; r\t3,:;"tvf! Valley; E. 8. Coghill, Napa; It announced that the drummers' Mlcander.jH. Carnaglla, S. Mill Mr. and Mrs. H. C. W. Ruppel. W. and Mrs. J. T. Costelio. Mr. and Mrs. W. 1 Da- M., Alexander, Oakland. "-. j 2in the ; headquarters. Mrs. club will meet :, r Doyal. P. J. Maas, H. J. Cooley. A. W. Mohr, vis. Mr. and- Mrs. I."Fellerboch.* Mr. and IMrs. C. \u25a0 Accessibility? TAVERN, Monday » . ?,:: ffii;B McCue, Miss Jessie D. Pratt, W. L. Hathaway,* Mr. and Mrs. H. Howard,'. Mr. yTAHOE? PLACER COUNTY ? next afternoon. \u25a0 Climate? Miss Etta Miss -* - Marian Cohen. Miss Grace.Brickwedel. Miss Ag- and S Mrs L. E. Hammonde; \u25a0 Mr. and Mrs. £ Mc- San Francisco?L. D. Allen \u25a0 and [wife, Nollln' C The ? next meeting fofithe union will: nes Kellie, Miss Hannah Schwartz, Miss. Ruth Clnre Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. .McE." Weed. Mr. and C. Ayers and wife. C. H. Brockhagen and wife, be held Thursday, June 12, at which Lillian Mrs. C. J.. Mrs. P. Zimmerman; and*, wife,: L. Graff iand * Russell, Miss Jackson A. W. Semsen, Wood/Mr/and *Howard de' Courcy * \u25a0M. time the ; delegates to the recent ses- on the train and you're home, with- Walter W. Relmann, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hau- Mrs. L. Church, Mrs. C. C. O'Donnell; Mrs. A. B. wife, J. Charles; Greene and\u25a0, wife, M. Noriega 1 * Get Full credit is shown by the county^ --';'?'- ?'"-.\u25a0'?\u25a0 .--y-' ? Hammonde.;- Mrs. H. Harram, Miss Ballardy. wife, 'H., E. Root and sion of the American Federation*of Mu- wide f-er Jr. ?*: \u25a0 , ?\u25a0 wife, *W. Parry' - - H. - and and presented. Oakland? Fred Kahn, > AS. Laverson, H. S. Claire : Fellerboch, Miss ;E. Griffin. Miss Hatha- wife, s William iWoodhead and wife Mrs. R. E. j sicians will be way, Hathaway,": Hannigan, > " "* in of the popularity among San Manhelm,"* George Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. ;A. E. Mabel Miss M. M. Fensier-B. D. Adamsons, R. E. Anderson,* W. 1 :y!iThe Federated Trades council [of \u25a0 Sac- out being hung up the-middle Franciscans and Betts. Mr: and Thomas J. Kent: J. S. Mun- Baruh, H. J. Coogan, >; Kenneth Davis, «* Harold J. Boma, A. T. '\u25a0; Beazlty,V J. -. Bldwell, Arthur ramento ; has adopted resolutions pres- roe. Misa M. E. Monroe, Dr. and Mrs. McMath Fray ton. C. D. Holman. ; James" Irvine. McClure Brunner, *J. F. Cullar, A.yT. de v Rome,*'- R. "E. tourists,.both as a summer »d year-r- Kelly Jr., Peterson, ' ented by J. Grabfelder of the ; boiler- accident, Express r and son. Jr., Elmer, 8. Orrth Oscar H. Fenster, Joseph Garrln, C. iHerman. Charles \P. oror-aa jferry-accident.ferry? ?\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0???;.... x ; '' Taylor -y?by?fogffog Berkeley Mr. and L. A. Mr. and F. ?-. Frank Rathborn, Mr. Stewart. Daniel \u25a0- W. \u25a0'.- W. MacGregor, B. C. Miles, F. makers, J. G." the machinists, - Mrs. Rally. Prien. \ Hunt, ~ S. a Mrs. E. \u25a0K. Cole, J. D. Chase.and Miss M. G. Volkman.' Dean ? Witter.wErnest \u25a0E. Weihe, Nelson, D.". B. Norcross,; F. J. O'Brien. William F. L Lindner of the electricians, C. round resort. _, son. Zimmermann,*R." Zimmermann. *** i - % E. L. Millar. Irwin C. Berry, Miss Alberta B. Clark, George A.* . M. Wade, G. L. Wentworth, H. 7H. Potter iand Hughes \u25a0of the ? stationaryj fifty trains a Berkeley P.riggs, - \u25a0\u25a0 ' '\u25a0 firemen and \u25a0vice on Southern Pacific Mrs. D. Pollard and son. Mrs. J. H. Ewen. Mr.' and Mrs. W. R. 'Mr/and wife. \u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0;.:\u25a0; -X- \u25a0/- -y --.>---.-' ? r^X-y '-'\u25a0'\u25a0' « AlamedaMr. and Mrs. Frank Mrs. A. H. and. Mrs. *H. C. Cantelon, S.I"> Burns, and S. L. Holmes ofr the gas workers, "con- -'^M^*-^ Cole. Mr. '.City , Lowenholdt and Kansas Clinton /wife ,E. demning who' so two daughters. - r Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Holmes/ Mr. and Mrs. child. y>yX-y .-,;-.? ~>:.*>:;-??.:»-..y-.. .:\u25a0;?; ;.. those have - far de- Railroads and addition, United Los Angeles? J. W. Denneen, Miss Ethel Richard Hlscon. Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Nash. Miss Oakland-tFred L. Hall and wife. >. ...: based their f"manhood s and prostituted day. In _, '^IV\ 7y y>- Myrtle. Glenn, Miles Cantelon, G. N. Nash ' 'f f Yatea. Jr. * T 4, r : ? J ?"JPittsburg?J.'C'McCormlck^wlfeiand.son..? principles of trade unionism to yv Derby. ? the , fas Napa? Richard Mrs. H. ' V,' - E. Hunt- Redwood City.- Cal.?H. A. Bftmes and wife. , CALIENTESPRINGS, \u25a0 the Building AGTTA SONOMA COUNTY ington, Mclntyre. * . \u25a0? ask Trades Council of San ,"-Mrs.:, E. H. Palmer. .W. ; Ran Diego, Cal.?Leo ! Sahm \u25a0 and ? wife. Ocean Shore -service. ? San FranciscoT. P. Magllltgan and wife "and Other places Mr. and ;Mrs. J. *I. Baruh, Los "*"; Sturgis wife. : "> Francisco ito compel local No. 6 of the oCCnCry child, Shearer, \u25a0 Mary\u25a0: New York?B. B. and. \u25a0 Leo Furst, F. P. M. Teeple. John Angeles; Miss 5 Bloom Dixon/ Mr. and Mrs.- Jose? George 8. Sturgis. "* W. to abrogate agreement * '" San i Mrs." : >". I. B. E. the E. Eberle, E. J. McAnley.-a Hahn, H. Kiefer E. iE. Gummer., San Jose; Dr. and \ Mrs. \H. H. Kansas* City?Miss s. * as ' . N. * ' Victoria->Beatty.: into, under such "1 entered* conditions and -wife, Stanley Book", Anna Johnson, Mamie Fleissner Petaluma; Miss? H. | Hatton,; Monterey; New York?Miss Constance Pulitzer. ? McGilllvr-ay, J. L- Mullaney, Captain Woodrich Mrs. T. B. Hall. Sacramento; Dr. and Mrs. T. York city? B. Allen. > ;: now exist." Spots that vie with the Sierra are Alto;s v ;'"''New/- S. y*Emma' "Syn- within and wife, James J. Pagan and wife, Mr. and McWllllams, Palo Mr. and ? Mrs. W. .S. -:» Newt YorkMerrill Bradford Jr. . / Goldman i-will lecture on Mrs. George Maklna, Mrs. P. G. Sundberg, Miss Reef». Sacramento; Judge and Mrs. M. .' s. Sayre.* Berkeley?E. A. Calter. *^^S dicalism, the X Strongest'Weapon'of -'\u25a0 "i walking distance, covered with giant red- Sundberg, Miss F. 'Manhelm, L. Frifdman. W. Lakeport; -Mr.»and Mrs. Burt G. Sayre; Lakeport.l TallacCal.?H.'O.rComstock.' Labor," at 13 o'clock ? this afternoon in £* _-w _-C"l gr Deyl, A. Petzold and family, -*; O C. F. Christensen, CASA DEL KEY, CRUZ;?-_ Boston, Mass.?W. L. Hall. i Anna. Wall. ! SANTA?' the auditorium =of the Building Trades ;\u25a0 Florence Wall/Mrs. R. J. Scan- r W. Hunt. woods. Hills by - Mrs. San Francisco?R. 'M. Eyre .Miss C? Ford, Vin- '-' Tahoe. Cal.?E. s This be followed a :43vl*lU.Ul.Oro'' cut rushing trout lon, Miss Margaret Scan ton, Mrs. Mulcahy, .-', temple.?? by : IL. Whitney, Downey Harvey, ' Stockton. Cal.?C.vL.;Six.!, " Jiwfll cent F. Mansfield,; Ar- \u25a0. Dorothy Mulcahy,; Miss M. Mulcahy, E.", on ."direct sabotage Miss J. 'F. Roberts. ?D. Ersklne,*, Mr. and ? Santa" Monica?H.' Stone. discussion action, ?? streams and oak-clad plains Mrs. F. Wanger, L. E. Cummings and wife, 3. thur Vincent. ?-BanJose?George Sturgis. '; v rln . surround you. Mrs. E. Hicks," Mr. and Mrs. Earl- Cummings, T.1 1 and ;the general strike." the evening ? Simon/Harry P.-Sayer, S. J. Frey, Philip Kiefer Smith,* W. B. Macgrlgon;?S. Klov,-- Russia vWlthoweia. lecture I wife, Price,* Brunswick, J. Lane, H. B. B. . "she will ton > '?'Woman "-as T&1Sex A county,school system that is complete and Daniel J. Mr. and Cronlse, R. Girvin. E. ,B.lßraden/; Warren Greg- ?* PASO ROBLES HOT-SPRINGS Commodity." This will l;? ".' I be on Mrs. Kenaker. \u25a0 " ory. Mr. and Mrs. A. Eisen.;= Frank*: Langstroth/ based? places?B. H. Richmond, Cal; 3. A. Chanslor;; A. Starts? Mr. and Mrs.- Joseph "The ";* Three* Daughters of . "Du-? Other Brant. J. Malony.Mr/:and W. Banks, Coronado,. Cal.; E. Hermann, F. D Sperrv. R. : Mrs. L. Kirk. Miss Teresa S. Miller,' Mr. and jMrs. .!. Brleux, a detail for the use of '.your kid- ? . a *?V Mrs. W.B. Crist. R. Bentley, N. R. ; Tucker,' C. R. Tobin, I pond," by? social study of the in every w Vallejo; J. Moses and wife and daughter, Fruit- * C, A. Marsh. t Mr. and f. Mrs. 'H. ?. Nathan, Carolyn \/"?. I Mr and Mrs. John 1Martin. ,E. C. Wallen. .; K. Ray Briggs/ Lucille; C. sex tragedy of woman. , vale; Mrs. Wauger/Oakland; M. B. Cornell, wife ; Nathan/ 5 Nathan.? G. Hall. ? Tubbs, Mr. and Mrs. T. Stephens, *F. McMnllin;? and Mrs. ,8. C.iBucklen, Leo Mr. and snn*f*fcr4__sL/vJI A 1 daughter/Oakland; H. Sledenburg and wife, j Mr. Burke? £ high schools, forty-seven Ld ? and A. W. Foster Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. W. *F. Oliver.' dies- Three -\u25a0 Jl" ??** Oakland; H. Siedenburg Jr. and Oakland; Mrs. J. H Duckmann. Mrs. H. W. Lash/j Miss \u25a0< James "W. Mullen, Charles? ? IT irfj **iS wife. Mrs. Julia r Griffiths.* B. F. Gillette. W. Shilling/ M. Weir. Mr. and; Mrs. ?E. H. i Harron, Dudley f? *"* * F.?Wbiter ° Dr. J. O. Moore, wife and son, Oakland. M. H.r Agard, F. Stephens. Mr. and Mrs. E. Mc- and ; Harry Tilley have been? named Stuart.;W. D. Dodge/ Harron, 1Ernest A. Harron. Mr. and 5 Mrs. Edward famous. military and '" *' ,> ' . . SPRINGS, Gill. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. two r^;wa«V.» ALDER GLEN SONOMA COUNTY Pease,- C. M. Walsh. 1 Miss Harriet E. Walsh. *Deflald elementary, ?.i- Elliott. < Mr. and Mrs. R. H.t R. Watson, * i ** "francisco Mrs. P. Robert. Jeannette Rob-' * Hotallng;. Walsh, Mr.i and ". Mrs. - Lambert Levy; Henry L. Polo, golf, tennis, hunting, motoring,*-* San R. ". Walton. *A. H Castle, * G." K. C. Crosby. Sets, crt, Emelfne Riley, Miss Madeline O'Brien, -j Eugene Mass, M 0.: Mr. and' Mrs. Louis" Mrs. Schmlts, .W. B.«Waldron, Mrs. ' Breese, Gets; * well - con- Lang, Mr. and "Mrs. 80l '< H. L. Hoyt. H. Bloom, other private schools, located, (gererln Pon, E. C. Garratt. Leonhardt. P. Miss M. McMahon.; Mrs. R. I. Bentley,> ,Miss Rheem/; Mrs.,' swimming, fishing?all to be had. And Charles H. ? Mr. and Mrs. W. * S." C. A. Dukes? Robert, Vera C. Riley,, Meutz. Mrs. Esther Bentley.* Miss Katherine Bentley.- T. 8. Bull. George' A;*:Batchelder, H. Meutz, Howard Meutz. Ralph Rosen- Wilson, and Mrs. C. Wright.: Mr. Mrs. H. M. - .T. L. Charles Mr. E. * and Adams,! Miss 'A; Wolfskill, Mr/ and Mrs. L. ' miles but at hand. Miss Ethel Rosenthal.; Robert iScott, Miss George M. -Rolph. Miss. /Dorothy A/i structed and taught. not away, near ? ?:?';*:.; thal Mrs. ' : McDermott, Mr.' and Mrs. ; Bemhard and ;-. family. -*| **». obert, F. Jones, M. Tressarteu, J. W. Wat- Rolph, ;; Miss -Elizabeth-.- Rolph. Mr. and * inn and wife, - Mies Evelyn Laliy, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs.. H?: L/" Hornberger. Mr. and* Mrs. S.* M. HOME CO. Price, BAKING Thomas Price, Mrs. Mrs. LCHICAGO, June 7. Criminal ; Indict- Edna Thomason, Lucy Coccack. 9. W. Burgers. Kllpatrick, Mr. and Mrs.' H. Griswold/rMr.iand ments against .14 , secretaries and for- AND Oakland William Lang, James W. Baker and Mrs. VyT. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott,-* Mrs. v C M. Carlos, C. M. Carlo*. Helen Henry Manheira. Mr. and Mr*. H. E. Perkins and mer secretaries of lumber associations wife v Mrs.''Raymond * Brownell, throughout the country Carlos. Cella Carlos. -O'Connell. daughter. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Mr; and \u25a0 i. have been dis- place* H. Johnson,^Windsor;: Frank Mrs. S. H. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hoyt,"'A: missed at the -instance of the depart- Other - May Math- Banie,""R. A Payne, 1 Jose- MrFarland, Petaluma; Joe Mathews. 8/ 4 Banie.i.Genevieve - * ment of Justice. Five civil suits filed San Mateo Bakery Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. Veale, Mr. and phine's Payne. Dr. and Mrs. J. 7: L. '\u25a0; Howard. Mr? County? Spot ews, Dora alleged Mateo Your Home ' the Move San Hagens/ Gram. for the dissolution of "lum- to Ott. and Mrs. J. \u25a0F. V. Frank B. Peter- Mrs! George '*".? J. Keesling. E. Holton, Frank trust" are still ,| ? ? "\u25a0 son M. ' Bell. * * *\u25a0 E. ber pending. SARATOGA SPRINGS. LAKE COUNTY E. Grace. W. A. ' Hoisted. H. T. .: Frank, Joseph" J; Teeple, A. Bern Geary/ George Farland, Douglas Burlingame San Mateo FROM THE SAN MATEO'.; San Francisco?Mr. and Mrs. Dolan:' Ernest G. DBS V MOINES, FREE INFORMATION DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION, A. la-, Jane tish Johnson, Mrs. B. Johnson, -W. Can-i- Alexander," Mr. and Mrs. L. B.". Burk. Mr. and ? 7.?Keokuk A B. ?_. . --ron'F.'Cahn, H. E. Root, E. H. Klenk, J Mrs. Okell, Mrs. Vogelsang. ?:?,; was chosen as the next convention city Phone «02 Phone 33 Bamrik, ThomasRuton£McMurray.**Dr. \u25a0sri. Oakland \u25a0 Berkeley and Alameda?Mr. and ;Mrs. E*mso«.iA. J. W.lLiliard, T. «White,*! of the ? United Commercial Travelers AX--Bothe,* Miss Clarita T. Bothe, Miss 0/- * Mr., and iMrs. j-.W. Mr. of lowa at the final session of grand -Bothe, .7R. and fMrs *-S. \u25a0 Mr. I and Mrs;: Frank ;H. ' the C. Bothe, Miss Dorothea i C. Hawler. >ibert -I - Walker, Martin, J. Leroy;Nickel and ;party, Mr and council here today. Feeny,; T. Proctor/Mrs? --.-,-\u25a0\u25a0-:.'\u25a0?..-. *-*-iS Da-fid .\u25a0 -, Smith. 'P. J. . \u25a0 -*:."*...! -* -?vsaaaia^sUi^itMstiamaamim --- ' .